769 WWAA02 SAWB 170000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 00:00 UTC 17, FEBRUARY 2019. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 GALE WARNING: 36/2019 STRONG BARIC GRADIENT ON 64S 25W 67S 20W MOV SW NOT CHANGE WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR E PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC LOW 975HPA 65S 71W NOT MOV WKN LOW 953HPA 61S 20W MOV SW WKN RIDGE 60S 63W 61S 60W 68S 59W MOV E NC 161400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 7 16S 020-00W 70-17S 035-37W 67-56S 044-08W 66-22S 028-37W 6 07S 020-10W 59-00S 025-53W 60-52S 030-07W 60-31S 034-31W 60-49S 043-02W 58-05S 049-58W 60-29S 05 34W 6 31S 06 25W 65-04S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B15T 53-39S 026-16W 20X5NM B09F 59-40S 05 05W 20X7NM B16 6 30S 044-05W 16X6NM A57A 6 34S 058-54W 11X5NM B15AC 53-49S 027-08W 12X3NM B15AA 64-56S 040-24W 11X6NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-57S 035-58W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 6 18S 035-01W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 02S 03 28W 6X3NM ICEBERG4 6 51S 05 23W 6X2NM ICEBERG5 6 34S 03 26W 6X3NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 56-51S 050-30W 60-18S 040-26W 6 55S 046-03W 63-02S 063-31W B. 5 26S 046-52W 54-03S 03 08W 55-48S 03 21W 55-55S 049-40W C. 49-34S 035-46W 47-07S 026-56W 48-33S 020-00W 55-05S 027-00W D. 55-17S 027-27W 54-50S 020-00W 63-28S 03 16W 60-58S 037-50W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-02-18 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT : SECTOR N 3/4 BACK SECTOR W 4/3 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG PATCHES VIS MODERATE TO POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : SECTOR E 4/3 BACK SECTOR N ISOL SNOW FALL FOG PATCHES VIS GOOD TO POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : SECTOR N 4/5 SNOW FALL FOG PATCHES FROM 17/1500 VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR MARGARITA BAY : SECTOR E 3/5 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO POOR EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : SECTOR E 3 VEER SECTOR S MIST SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA E OF 78W: SECTOR W 4/5 VEER SECTOR N 4/3 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS GOOD TO POOR NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA REST OF THE AREA: VRB 4/3 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS GOOD TO POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA NE DE LA REGION: SECTOR E 4/7 SNOW FALL FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR E 3/4 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA NE DE LA REGION: SECTOR S 3/4 VEER SECTOR E 4/6 SNOW FALL FOG VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA SE DE LA REGION: SECTOR E 8/5 FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR E 6/4 VEER SECTOR S FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA W OF 45W: VRB 3/4 FOG SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR E 6/4 SNOW FALL FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR -----------------------------------------------------------------  236 WWST01 SABM 170000 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 17-02-2019, 00:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 56: FUERTE GRADIENTE BARICO PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 9 DEL SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EN 42S-50S 30W-46W AVISO 55: DEPRESION 969HPA EN 57S 47W SIN CAMBIO PREVISTO EN 53S 29W EL 17/0900 PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EN 49S-57S 45W-55W 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 21:00UTC DEPRESION 969HPA 57S 47W NC EXP 53S 29W EL 17/0900 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 56S 45W 47S 48W 46S 62W CFNT LINEA 50S 10W 40S 20W 34S 34W MOV E ANTICICLON 1017HPA 35S 48W MOV E 161400 UTC LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 7 16S 020-00W 70-17S 035-37W 67-56S 044-08W 66-22S 028-37W 6 07S 020-10W 59-00S 025-53W 60-52S 030-07W 60-31S 034-31W 60-49S 043-02W 58-05S 049-58W 60-29S 05 34W 6 31S 06 25W 65-04S 067-00W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10 MN B15T 53-39S 026-16W 20X5MN B09F 59-40S 05 05W 20X7MN B16 6 30S 044-05W 16X6MN A57A 6 34S 058-54W 11X5MN B15AC 53-49S 027-08W 12X3MN B15AA 64-56S 040-24W 11X6MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 54-57S 035-58W 3X1MN TEMPANO2 6 18S 035-01W 6X3MN TEMPANO3 6 02S 03 28W 6X3MN TEMPANO4 6 51S 05 23W 6X2MN TEMPANO5 6 34S 03 26W 6X3MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 56-51S 050-30W 60-18S 040-26W 6 55S 046-03W 63-02S 063-31W B. 5 26S 046-52W 54-03S 03 08W 55-48S 03 21W 55-55S 049-40W C. 49-34S 035-46W 47-07S 026-56W 48-33S 020-00W 55-05S 027-00W D. 55-17S 027-27W 54-50S 020-00W 63-28S 03 16W 60-58S 037-50W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 00:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 00:00 UTC DEL DIA 18-02-2019 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR N 4 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS INCR 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38º30S - 41ºS): SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS INCR 6 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41ºS - 45ºS): SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS DECR VEER SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS INESTABLE HACIA LA NOCHE VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45ºS - 48ºS): SECTOR N 5 VEER NW 5/7 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48ºS - 54ºS): SECTOR W 4/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SE 5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54ºS - 55ºS): SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS DECR 4 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR W 4/5 BACK SE 5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 40W: SECTOR W 4/5 PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: NW 5 VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 8 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 9 DECR 6/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS VIS MUY MALA A REGULAR AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SECTOR W 8/7 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5/4 VEER NW 5 CON RAFAGAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA W DE 50 - N DE 45S: SECTOR W 5 VEER NW CON RAFAGAS INCR 6/7 CON RAFAGAS VIS REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 4/5 VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) N DE 53S: SECTOR W 8 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 9 DECR 7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MUY MALA A REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: W 5 VEER S 5/6 VEER SECTOR W 5/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS LUEGO SH LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS MALA A REGULAR AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) N DE 56S: SECTOR W 8 CON RAFAGAS DECR PROB DE LLOVIZNAS AISLADAS VIS MALA A REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR S 4 VEER SW 4/5 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): SECTOR W 7/6 CON RAFAGAS DECR PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS SH DE NIEVE HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  340 WWST02 SABM 170000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2019-02-17, 00:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 56: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 9 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST BETWEEN 42S-50S AND 30W-46W WARNING 55: LOW 969HPA AT 57S 47W NOT CHANGE EXPECTED 53S 29W BY 17/0900 PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST BETWEEN 49S-57S AND 45W-55W PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC LOW 969HPA 57S 47W NC EXP 53S 29W BY 17/0900 EXTENDS CFNT AT 56S 45W 47S 48W 46S 62W CFNT AT 50S 10W 40S 20W 34S 34W MOV E HIGH 1017HPA 35S 48W MOV E 161400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 7 16S 020-00W 70-17S 035-37W 67-56S 044-08W 66-22S 028-37W 6 07S 020-10W 59-00S 025-53W 60-52S 030-07W 60-31S 034-31W 60-49S 043-02W 58-05S 049-58W 60-29S 05 34W 6 31S 06 25W 65-04S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B15T 53-39S 026-16W 20X5NM B09F 59-40S 05 05W 20X7NM B16 6 30S 044-05W 16X6NM A57A 6 34S 058-54W 11X5NM B15AC 53-49S 027-08W 12X3NM B15AA 64-56S 040-24W 11X6NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-57S 035-58W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 6 18S 035-01W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 02S 03 28W 6X3NM ICEBERG4 6 51S 05 23W 6X2NM ICEBERG5 6 34S 03 26W 6X3NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 56-51S 050-30W 60-18S 040-26W 6 55S 046-03W 63-02S 063-31W B. 5 26S 046-52W 54-03S 03 08W 55-48S 03 21W 55-55S 049-40W C. 49-34S 035-46W 47-07S 026-56W 48-33S 020-00W 55-05S 027-00W D. 55-17S 027-27W 54-50S 020-00W 63-28S 03 16W 60-58S 037-50W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-02-18 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR N 4 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS INCR 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38º30S - 41ºS): SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR 6 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41ºS - 45ºS): SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS DECR VEER SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS UNSTABLE TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45ºS - 48ºS): SECTOR N 5 VEER NW 5/7 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48ºS - 54ºS): SECTOR W 4/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SE 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54ºS - 55ºS): SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS DECR 4 PROB OF SH RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR W 4/5 BACK SE 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 40W: SECTOR W 4/5 PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: NW 5 VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 8 GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY DECR 6/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SECTOR W 8/7 WITH GUSTS DECR 5/4 VEER NW 5 WITH GUSTS VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR W OF 50 - N OF 45S: SECTOR W 5 VEER NW WITH GUSTS INCR 6/7 WITH GUSTS VIS MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 4/5 VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) N OF 53S: SECTOR W 8 GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY DECR 7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: W 5 VEER S 5/6 VEER SECTOR W 5/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN NXT SH RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS POOR TO MODERATE SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) N OF 56S: SECTOR W 8 WITH GUSTS DECR PROB OF ISOL DRIZZLE VIS POOR TO MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 4 VEER SW 4/5 PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): SECTOR W 7/6 WITH GUSTS DECR PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER SH OF SNOW TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  341 WWST03 SABM 170000 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - FEBRUARY 17, 00:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: HIGH 1017HPA 35S 48W MOV E FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-02-18 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR N 4 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD BAHIA BLANCA: SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR 6 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE. MAR DEL PLATA: SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS INCR 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SECTOR N 5 VEER NW 5/7 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE. RIO GALLEGOS: SECTOR W 4/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SE 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE. USHUAIA: SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS DECR 4 PROB OF SH RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  783 WSLB31 OLBA 170000 OLBA SIGMET 1 VALID 170000/170400 OLBA- OLBA BEIRUT FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST OVER OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL300=  680 WSAU21 AMMC 170000 YMMM SIGMET B02 VALID 170011/170411 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0700 E08300 - S0800 E08700 - S1100 E08700 - S1200 E08300 TOP FL540 MOV NW 05KT NC=  086 WSJD20 OJAM 170000 NIL  922 WWUS74 KMAF 170011 NPWMAF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 611 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FOR THE GUADALUPE AND DELAWARE MOUNTAINS AND DAVIS MOUNTAINS ABOVE 6000 FEET THROUGH THIS EVENING... .The high wind will continue to slowly decrease through the evening. A High Wind Warning remains in effect for the Guadalupe... Delaware... and Davis Mountains. NMZ028-TXZ057-058-170115- /O.EXP.KMAF.HW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T0000Z/ Eddy County Plains-Van Horn and Highway 54 Corridor- Reeves County and Upper Trans Pecos- Including the cities of Artesia, Carlsbad, Carlsbad Caverns NP, Van Horn, and Pecos 611 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /511 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...HIGH WIND WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Wind speeds have decreased and the warning was allowed to expire. $$ NMZ029-033-034-TXZ045-046-050-051-059>062-067-170115- /O.EXP.KMAF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T0000Z/ Northern Lea County-Central Lea County-Southern Lea County-Gaines- Dawson-Andrews-Martin-Loving-Winkler-Ector-Midland-Ward- Including the cities of Tatum, Hobbs, Lovington, Eunice, Jal, Seminole, Lamesa, Andrews, Stanton, Mentone, Kermit, Odessa, Midland, and Monahans 611 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /511 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Wind speeds have decreased and the advisory was allowed to expire. $$ NMZ027-TXZ258-170600- /O.CON.KMAF.HW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T0600Z/ Guadalupe Mountains of Eddy County-Guadalupe Mountains- Including the cities of Queen, Guadalupe Mountains NP, and Pine Springs 511 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST THIS EVENING... * TIMING...Through this evening. * WINDS...West 35 to 55 mph with gusts to 70 mph. * IMPACTS...Aviation interests may experience localized but extreme turbulence. Additionally, high profile vehicles may have difficulty driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 mph or gusts of 58 mph or more can lead to property damage. && $$ TXZ074-170300- /O.CON.KMAF.HW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Davis/Apache Mountains Area- Including the cities of Alpine and Fort Davis 611 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * TIMING...Through mid evening. * WINDS...West winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts to 65 mph. * IMPACTS...Aviation interests may experience localized but extreme turbulence. Additionally, high profile vehicles may have difficulty driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  156 WWUS74 KFWD 170012 NPWFWD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 612 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 TXZ092>095-103>107-118>123-133>135-145>148-159-161-171200- /O.NEW.KFWD.FG.Y.0006.190217T0012Z-190217T1200Z/ Cooke-Grayson-Fannin-Lamar-Denton-Collin-Hunt-Delta-Hopkins- Tarrant-Dallas-Rockwall-Kaufman-Van Zandt-Rains-Johnson-Ellis- Henderson-Hill-Navarro-Freestone-Anderson-McLennan-Limestone- Including the cities of Gainesville, Sherman, Denison, Bonham, Paris, Carrollton, Denton, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Plano, McKinney, Allen, Frisco, Greenville, Commerce, Cooper, Sulphur Springs, Fort Worth, Arlington, Dallas, Rockwall, Heath, Terrell, Kaufman, Forney, Canton, Grand Saline, Wills Point, Van, Edgewood, Emory, East Tawakoni, Point, Cleburne, Burleson, Waxahachie, Ennis, Midlothian, Athens, Gun Barrel City, Hillsboro, Corsicana, Teague, Fairfield, Wortham, Palestine, Waco, Mexia, and Groesbeck 612 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM CST Sunday. * VISIBILITY...Falling to less than 1/4 mile at times this evening through the overnight. * IMPACTS...Reduced visibilities will make it difficult to see while driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your low-beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you. && $$ Dunn  657 WOAU02 AMMC 170012 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0012UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a low 979 hPa near 51S125E. Forecast 978 hPa near 50S129E at 170600UTC, 979 hPa near 49S132E at 171200UTC, 979 hPa near 49S136E at 171800UTC, and 979 hPa near 49S141E at 180000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 54S115E 47S116E 42S126E 44S143E 48S143E 49S132E 54S115E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low in the northwest semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  658 WOAU12 AMMC 170012 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0012UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a low 979 hPa near 51S125E. Forecast 978 hPa near 50S129E at 170600UTC, 979 hPa near 49S132E at 171200UTC, 979 hPa near 49S136E at 171800UTC, and 979 hPa near 49S141E at 180000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 54S115E 47S116E 42S126E 44S143E 48S143E 49S132E 54S115E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low in the northwest semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  659 WOAU42 AMMC 170012 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0012UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a low 979 hPa near 51S125E. Forecast 978 hPa near 50S129E at 170600UTC, 979 hPa near 49S132E at 171200UTC, 979 hPa near 49S136E at 171800UTC, and 979 hPa near 49S141E at 180000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 54S115E 47S116E 42S126E 44S143E 48S143E 49S132E 54S115E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low in the northwest semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  991 WOAU01 AMMC 170013 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0013UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with a developing low forecast 977hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC and 978hPa near 53S134E at 180000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S132E 51S129E 54S132E 50S135E 49S132E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 240nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  992 WOAU41 AMMC 170013 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0013UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with a developing low forecast 977hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC and 978hPa near 53S134E at 180000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S132E 51S129E 54S132E 50S135E 49S132E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 240nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  993 WOAU11 AMMC 170013 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0013UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with a developing low forecast 977hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC and 978hPa near 53S134E at 180000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S132E 51S129E 54S132E 50S135E 49S132E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 240nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  389 WOAU03 AMMC 170013 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0013UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S080E 49S095E 55S097E 59S080E 46S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots. Very rough to high seas, heavy swell.  467 WOAU43 AMMC 170013 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0013UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S080E 49S095E 55S097E 59S080E 46S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots. Very rough to high seas, heavy swell.  463 WWPK31 OPMT 170010 OPMT AD WRNG 01 VALID 170030/170330 POOR VISIBILITY IS LIKELY TO OCCUR OVER MULTAN AND BAHAWALPUR A/F DURING THE PERIOD (.) S/VISIBILITY MAY REDUCE TO 01KM OR LESS IN MIST=  284 WSSN31 ESWI 170010 ESAA SIGMET 1 VALID 170000/170200 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6532 E01844 - N6635 E01944 - N6715 E02336 - N6549 E02405 - N6417 E02110 - N6532 E01844 SFC/5000FT MOV SE 10KT WKN=  573 WSRA31 RUMG 170015 UHMM SIGMET 1 VALID 170100/170500 UHMM- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6700 W16858 - N6403 W17212 - N6131 E18000 - N6220 E17300 - N6730 E17100 - N6700 E17900 - N6700 W16858 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  649 WSRA31 RUMG 170016 UHMM SIGMET 2 VALID 170100/170500 UHMM- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6700 W16858 - N6403 W17212 - N6131 E18000 - N6220 E17300 - N6730 E17100 - N6700 E17900 - N6700 W16858 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  987 WWST01 SBBR 170030 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 072/2019 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 AREA BRAVO STARTING AT 160000 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS FORCE 9. VALID UNTIL 180000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 070/2019. WARNING NR 073/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 AREA BRAVO N OF 28S STARTING AT 161200 UTC. WAVES FM SE/NE 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 171200 UTC. WARNING NR 075/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 AREA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 24S STARTING AT 161500 UTC. WAVES FM SE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 171200 UTC. WARNING NR 076/2019 HIGH SURF WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 HIGH SURF BETWEEN FLORIAN?POLIS (SC) AND PERU?BE (SP) STARTING AT 161800 UTC. WAVES FROM SE 2.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 171200 UTC. AVISO NR 078/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - S?B- 16/FEV/2019 ?REA DELTA AO SUL DE 23S A PARTIR DE 161200 HMG. VENTO E/NE FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS FOR?A 8/9. V?LIDO AT? 180000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 077/2019. AVISO NR 079/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - S?B - 16/FEV/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 171200 HMG. ONDAS DE E/NE 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 181200 HMG. AVISO NR 080/2019 AVISO DE RESSACA EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - S?B - 16/FEV/2019 RESSACA ENTRE LAGUNA (SC) E CANAN?IA (SP) A PARTIR DE 171200 HMG. ONDAS DE S/SE 2.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 181200 HMG. NNNN  369 WWST02 SBBR 170040 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 072/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 ?REA BRAVO A PARTIR DE 160000 HMG. VENTO SE/NE FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS FOR?A 9. V?LIDO AT? 180000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 070/2019. AVISO NR 073/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO NORTE DE 28S A PARTIR DE 161200 HMG. ONDAS DE SE/NE 3.0/4.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 171200 HMG. AVISO NR 075/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 ?REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 24S A PARTIR DE 161500 HMG. ONDAS DE SE 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 171200 HMG. AVISO NR 076/2019 AVISO DE RESSACA EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 RESSACA ENTRE FLORIAN?POLIS (SC) E PERU?BE (SP) A PARTIR DE 161800 HMG. ONDAS DE SE 2.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 171200 HMG. WARNING NR 078/2019 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SAT - 16/FEB/2019 AREA DELTA S OF 23S STARTING AT 161200 UTC. WIND E/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS FORCE 8/9. VALID UNTIL 180000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 077/2019. WARNING NR 079/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SAT - 16/FEB/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 171200 UTC. WAVES FM E/NE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 181200 UTC. WARNING NR 080/2019 HIGH SURF WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SAT - 16/FEB/2019 HIGH SURF BETWEEN LAGUNA (SC) AND CANAN?IA (SP) STARTING AT 171200 UTC. WAVES FROM S/SE 2.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 181200 UTC. NNNN  601 WSCO31 SKBO 170018 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 170017/170317 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2357Z WI N1046 W07245 - N1025 W07435 - N0958 W07510 - N0953 W07502 - N0952 W07403 - N0938 W07349 - N1013 W07256 - N1046 W07245 TOP FL460 MOV NE 10KT INTSF=  570 WSBN31 OBBI 170000 OBBB SIGMET 01 VALID 170015/170330 OBBI- OBBB BAHRAIN FIR EMBD TS OBS SE OF LINE N2640 E05020 - N2710 E05050 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 20KT NC=  215 WSPR31 SPIM 170022 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 160022/160245 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 5 VALID 162345/170245=  769 WSSG31 GOBD 170000 GOOO SIGMET A1 VALID 170000/170400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2350Z WI S0034 W00300 - S0120 W00408 - S0101 W00452 - N0034 W00301 TOP FL450 MOV W 05KT NC WI N0127 W00259 - N0124 W00446 - N0156 W00652 - N0250 W00559 - N0345 W00300 TOP FL450 MOV W 05KT WKN=  365 WSSG31 GOOY 170000 GOOO SIGMET A1 VALID 170000/170400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2350Z WI S0034 W00300 - S0120 W00408 - S0101 W00452 - N0034 W00301 TOP FL450 MOV W 05KT NC WI N0127 W00259 - N0124 W00446 - N0156 W00652 - N0250 W00559 - N0345 W00300 TOP FL450 MOV W 05KT WKN=  595 WSPR31 SPIM 170022 COR SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 170022/170245 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 5 VALID 162345/170245=  565 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 162025/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0933 W06528 - S1100W06829 - S0536 W06701 - S0822 W06254 - S1255 W06229 - S1127 W06523 - S0933 W06528 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  566 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 162025/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1018 W04939 - S0852W05007 - S0627 W04643 - S0829 W04620 - S1010 W04743 - S0939 W04845 - S1018 W04939 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  567 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 26 VALID 162232/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0244 W05705 - S0422W05517 - S0630 W05748 - S0330 W06001 - S0244 W05705 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  568 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 162025/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1310 W06204 - S0911W05903 - S1317 W05333 - S1621 W05312 - S1711 W05433 - S1511 W05924 - S1350 W06029 - S1310 W06204 TOPFL450 MOV NE 08KT NC=  569 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 162025/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0300 W04725 - S0202W04443 - S0322 W04217 - S0456 W04343 - S0300 W04725 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  570 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 162025/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1022 W05609 - S0524W05613 - S0510 W05151 - S1013 W04951 - S1110 W05156 - S1056 W05424 - S1022 W05609 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  571 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 162115/170025 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W06659 - S0754W05843 - S0926 W06006 - S0818 W06256 - S0534 W06701 - S0505 W07005 - N0102 W06659 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  572 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBRE SIGMET 2 VALID 170000/170400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1017 W04740 - S1117 W04337 - S1607 W03754 - S1825 W03859 - S1851 W03741 - S2109 W03922 - S2044 W03947 - S2055 W04013 - S2053 W04034 - S2023 W04059 - S2037 W04200 - S2027 W04236 - S1835 W04231 - S1659 W04142 - S1535 W04406 - S1309 W04542 - S1200 W04655 - S1017 W04740 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  573 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBRE SIGMET 1 VALID 170000/170400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0422 W03742 - S0942 W04320 - S1302 W03845 - S0914 W03421 - S0547 W03324 - S0422 W03742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  972 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170025 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0428 W07031 - N0133 W06709 - N0053 W06602 - S0541 W06828 - S0512 W07003 - S0428 W07031 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  470 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170025 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1253 W06113 - S1039 W05728 - S1319 W05348 - S1602 W05340 - S1632 W05502 - S1446 W05926 - S1253 W06113 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  806 WSPR31 SPIM 170023 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 170023/170300 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2345Z WI S1315 W07151 - S1411 W07255 - S150 W07024 - S1302 W07132 - S1300 W06923 - S1126 W07339 - S1152 W07345 - S1315 W07151 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  419 WWUS43 KFSD 170028 WSWFSD URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 628 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 SDZ038-050-052-053-057>059-063-064-171115- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Beadle-Gregory-Jerauld-Sanborn-Brule-Aurora-Davison-Charles Mix- Douglas- 628 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central and southeast South Dakota. * WHEN...From now until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on wintry travel conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ098-NEZ013-014-SDZ039-040- 054>056-060>062-065>071-171115- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lyon IA-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay IA-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Kingsbury-Brookings- Miner-Lake-Moody-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Hutchinson-Turner- Lincoln SD-Bon Homme-Yankton-Clay SD-Union- 628 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast South Dakota, northeast Nebraska, northwest and west central Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through 6 PM CST Sunday. Very light snow may linger into Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on wintry travel conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-171115- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.190217T0600Z-190218T0600Z/ Lincoln MN-Lyon MN-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- 628 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on wintry travel conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  538 WWUS43 KBIS 170029 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 629 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 NDZ031>033-040>045-170830- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams- Sioux- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, and Solen 629 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /529 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. Storm total snowfall of 8 to 15 inches across most of southwest North Dakota. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Near zero visibility is expected at times in heavy snow. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ017>020-034-046-050-170830- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-Morton-Emmons-McIntosh- Including the cities of Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Mandan, Linton, Strasburg, Wishek, and Ashley 629 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /529 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...From Watford City, through Killdeer, Beulah, Hebron, Almont, Linton, and Ashley. * WHEN...From 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening to 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ EDWARDS  061 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170029 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 170030/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0541 W05541 - S0513 W05058 - S0803 W04927 - S1148 W05324 - S0910 W05548 - S0541 W05541 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  066 WWAK47 PAJK 170031 WSWAJK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ017-171615- /O.NEW.PAJK.WW.Y.0013.190217T1700Z-190218T1400Z/ Cape Fairweather to Cape Suckling Coastal Area- Including the city of Yakutat 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM SUNDAY TO 5 AM AKST MONDAY NEAR YAKUTAT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. * WHERE...Yakutat Area. * WHEN...Greatest snowfall rates expected Sunday morning and again Sunday evening. Snow will begin mixing with rain Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ AKZ025-171615- /O.NEW.PAJK.WS.A.0003.190218T0900Z-190219T1800Z/ Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the city of Juneau 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE SUNDAY NIGHT THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING FOR THE JUNEAU AREA... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 9 inches possible. * WHERE...Juneau Area. * WHEN...Greatest snowfall rates likely early Monday morning and Monday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions may increase travel times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$  359 WWUS55 KLKN 170031 SQWLKN BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Elko NV 428 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 NVC011-015-170100- /O.NEW.KLKN.SQ.W.0001.190217T0028Z-190217T0100Z/ Lander NV-Eureka NV- 428 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Elko Nevada has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Northeastern Lander County in north central Nevada... Northwestern Eureka County in north central Nevada... * Until 500 PM PST. * At 428 PM PST, a dangerous snow squall was located near Argenta, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Poor visibility in heavy snow. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel along Interstate 80 from Battle Mountain into Emigrant Pass. Locations impacted include... Dunphy, Argenta, Beowawe and Mule Canyon Reclamation Project. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Reduce your speed and turn on headlights! During snow squalls, the visibility may suddenly drop to near zero in whiteout conditions. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4058 11681 4070 11682 4073 11633 4057 11632 TIME...MOT...LOC 0028Z 273DEG 36KT 4066 11669 $$ PVC  419 WWAK41 PAFC 170031 WSWAER URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ121-170900- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Western Kenai Peninsula- Including the cities of Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, and Cooper Landing 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT FROM STERLING WEST... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Sterling westward. Heaviest snow amounts toward Kenai and Nikiski, as well as the Homer Bluff. * WHEN...Until midnight AKST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ125-171500- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Western Prince William Sound- Including the cities of Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, and Moose Pass 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST SUNDAY FOR PORTAGE VALLEY AND EASTERN TURNAGAIN ARM... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Portage Valley and eastern Turnagain Arm. * WHEN...Until noon AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. Visibilities will be reduced to one half mile or less at times in falling and blowing snow. Use caution when traveling, especially in open areas. Travel may be difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ145-171500- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 331 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches, with localized amounts up to 16 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Susitna Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on difficult travel conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  799 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170031 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 170035/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0527 W04806 - S0141 W04759 - S0127 W04433 - S0505 W04428 - S0527 W04806 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  574 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170035 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 170037/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1004 W06728 - S0554 W06639 - S0604 W06340 - S0934 W06210 - S1132 W06443 - S0915 W06524 - S1004 W06728 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  634 WWUS75 KABQ 170040 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 540 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 NMZ523-526-529-532>534-539-540-170145- /O.EXP.KABQ.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T0100Z/ Central Highlands-South Central Mountains-Northeast Highlands- Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County-Quay County- Eastern Lincoln County-Southwest Chaves County- 540 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MST THIS EVENING... Winds are beginning to decrease in speed as the sun sets. Occasional gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible through 9 pm, but overall wind speeds will continue to quickly trend down. $$ NMZ507-508-515-519>522-524-525-527-528-530-531-535>538-170145- /O.EXP.KABQ.WI.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T0100Z/ West Central Highlands-Southwest Mountains- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- Lower Rio Grande Valley-Sandia/Manzano Mountains-Estancia Valley- South Central Highlands-Upper Tularosa Valley- Raton Ridge/Johnson Mesa-Far Northeast Highlands-Union County- Harding County-Curry County-Roosevelt County-De Baca County- Chaves County Plains- 540 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MST THIS EVENING... Winds are beginning to decrease in speed as the sun sets. Occasional gusts of 25 to 35 mph will be possible through 9 pm, but overall wind speeds will continue to quickly trend down. $$  899 WSER31 OMAA 170042 OMAE SIGMET 1 VALID 170042/170300 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N2440 E05220 - N2550 E05420 AND SE OF LINE N2430 E05400 - N2540 E05520 TOP FL360 MOV SE 20KT NC=  387 WSPF21 NTAA 170040 NTTT SIGMET A1 VALID 170100/170500 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1930 W14630 - S2100 W13200 - S2500 W13000 - S3000 W14300 - S2700 W14730 - S2500 W14300 FL130/FL230 MOV SE 10KT NC=  851 WSPF22 NTAA 170040 NTTT SIGMET B1 VALID 170100/170500 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1830 W15000 - S1730 W14700 - S2000 W14000 - S2300 W14200 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR NC=  154 WWUS42 KGSP 170043 WSWGSP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 743 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...LIGHT FREEZING RAIN POSSIBLE OVER PARTS OF THE NORTHERN MOUNTAINS AND NORTHERN FOOTHILLS OF NORTH CAROLINA LATE TONIGHT AND SUNDAY MORNING... NCZ033-049-050-501-503-505-171100- /O.CON.KGSP.WW.Y.0006.190217T0600Z-190217T1800Z/ Avery-Yancey-Mitchell-Caldwell Mountains-Burke Mountains- McDowell Mountains- Including the cities of Ingalls, Banner Elk, Newland, Swiss, Burnsville, Celo, Micaville, Ramseytown, Busick, Spruce Pine, Poplar, Jonas Ridge, Ashford, Woodlawn, and Old Fort 743 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Light freezing rain expected. Accumulations will be light and mainly limited to tree branches and power lines, but untreated roads could become slippery around daybreak Sunday. * WHERE...Portions of the northern mountains and northern foothills of North Carolina, mainly along the Blue Ridge escarpment from around Mt. Mitchell and Busick up toward Little Switzerland, Linville, and Newland. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas away from the escarpment are less likely to see any freezing rain accumulation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report ice accumulations by calling the National Weather Service toll free at...1...800...2 6 7...8 1 0 1. Leave a message with your observation and the specific location where it occurred. You can also post your report to National Weather Service Greenville Spartanburg Facebook or tweet your report using hashtag nwsgsp. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite source of weather information for the latest updates. Additional details can be found at www.weather.gov/gsp. && $$ HG  697 WSUS03 KKCI 170044 WS3V CHIV WS 170044 SIGMET VICTOR 1 VALID UNTIL 170444 MO IL IN KY FROM 30W STL TO 50W HNN TO 50W HMV TO 40NNW ARG TO 30W STL OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL240 AND FL300. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY ACFT. CONDS CONTG BYD 0444Z. ....  150 WAUS43 KKCI 170045 AAA WA3T CHIT WA 170045 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 8 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 170300 . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM GFK TO DLH TO 20NNW ORD TO FWA TO LGC TO EIC TO DLF TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 60NNW BFF TO GFK MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...IN KY TN AL FROM FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO FWA MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS OK TX FROM GLD TO CDS TO SJT TO 110S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...NE KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 20ESE MCK-60NE MMB-70WSW TTT-40W SJT-60W LBL-GLD- 20ESE MCK LLWS EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  800 WSCH31 SCIP 170045 SCIZ SIGMET 01 VALID 170100/170500 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3700 W10200 - S2400 W10800 - S2400 W12000 - S2900 W12000 - S2900 W11700 - S3700 W10800 FL350/400 MOV SE NC=  428 WGUS83 KLOT 170045 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 645 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && INC089-111-171445- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ /SLBI3.2.IC.190127T2347Z.190206T1445Z.190219T0000Z.NR/ 645 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby, or from Near I-65 and De Motte downstream to IL/IN state line. * until late Monday night. * At 545 PM Saturday the stage was 9.1 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Lowland agricultural flooding begins. && LAT...LON 4122 8756 4128 8728 4117 8725 4111 8753 $$  877 WSUS31 KKCI 170055 SIGE MKCE WST 170055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170255-170655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  878 WSUS33 KKCI 170055 SIGW MKCW WST 170055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170255-170655 FROM ONP-50SW DSD-40NE ENI-70ENE MOD-30NE EHF-50WNW RZS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-120WSW ONP-ONP WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  879 WSUS32 KKCI 170055 SIGC MKCC WST 170055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170255-170655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  802 WGUS82 KILM 170046 FLSILM Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington NC 746 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... Lumber Near Lumberton affecting Robeson County NC PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People with interests along the river should take the necessary precautions to protect life and property from the flood waters. Additional information is available on our website at weather.gov/ilm under the "Rivers and Lakes" link. && NCC155-171646- /O.EXT.KILM.FL.W.0007.190219T0600Z-190221T0600Z/ /LBRN7.1.ER.190219T0600Z.190219T0600Z.190220T1800Z.UU/ 746 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until late Wednesday night... The Flood Warning continues for The Lumber Near Lumberton. * from late Monday night to late Wednesday night. * At 6:59 PM Saturday the stage was 12.16 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near flood stage early Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Low land flooding will occur along the river. The flood waters may affect some residential property as water backs up into the drainage ditches in the city. && LAT...LON 3467 7916 3468 7904 3457 7891 3452 7899 3461 7907 3458 7915 $$ 19  181 WSPA09 PHFO 170048 SIGPAV KZAK SIGMET VICTOR 4 VALID 170047/170140 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET VICTOR 3 VALID 162140/170140. SEV TURB HAS DECREASED.  714 WSNT06 KKCI 170050 SIGA0F KZWY SIGMET FOXTROT 1 VALID 170050/170450 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0050Z WI N3630 W06315 - N3435 W05855 - N3155 W06235 - N3230 W06430 - N3630 W06315. TOP FL360. MOV ENE 25KT. INTSF.  601 WGUS84 KLCH 170049 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles La 649 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Texas.. Atchafalaya River At Morgan City Sabine River Near Deweyville LAC099-101-171449- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGL1.1.ER.190112T1424Z.190124T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 649 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Atchafalaya River At Morgan City. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:00 PM Saturday the stage was 6.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 6.2 feet by early Tuesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At stages near 6.0 feet...Flood stage. The city dock will be under water. Water will cover the lower end of Belleview Front Street in Berwick. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. && LAT...LON 2997 9124 2980 9110 2939 9113 2951 9154 2986 9139 2995 9147 $$ LAC011-019-TXC351-361-171449- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0087.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DWYT2.2.ER.181104T1107Z.190110T0845Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 649 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sabine River Near Deweyville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 5:45 PM Saturday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 24.1 feet. * Impact...At stages near 24.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding will occur. && LAT...LON 3057 9363 3011 9364 3011 9378 3031 9381 3062 9378 $$  713 WWUS43 KARX 170049 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 649 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Slippery Roads Expected For Sunday Morning... .Snow will spread across the area late tonight into early Sunday morning. The snow will then continue through the day but begin to diminish in intensity during the late afternoon into the evening. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected with the highest totals over northeast Iowa. Roads will become snow covered and slippery by early Sunday morning. If you must travel Sunday, be prepared for the winter driving conditions. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ053>055-061- 170900- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.190217T0600Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 649 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ 04  503 WHUS76 KPQR 170049 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 449 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 PZZ210-171200- /O.CAN.KPQR.RB.Y.0035.000000T0000Z-190217T0100Z/ /O.EXT.KPQR.RB.Y.0036.190217T0049Z-190217T1200Z/ Columbia River Bar- 449 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... * IN THE MAIN CHANNEL... * GENERAL SEAS...10 to 12 ft through Saturday night, decreasing to 7 to 9 feet Sunday. * FIRST EBB...Around 245 AM Sunday. Seas building to 11 ft. * SECOND EBB...Very strong ebb around 3 PM Sunday. Seas building to 12 ft with breakers likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ250-270-172200- /O.CON.KPQR.SI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T0700Z/ /O.CON.KPQR.SW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM- Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM- 449 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR WINDS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PST SUNDAY... * Winds...Northwest 20 to 25 knots with gusts to 30 knots, strongest beyond 20 nm. * Seas...12 to 15 feet through Saturday evening, then gradually decreasing to below 10 ft during the day Sunday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for wind means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swell can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember, breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$ PZZ255-275-172200- /O.CON.KPQR.SW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM- Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 449 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PST SUNDAY... * Seas...Decreasing below 10 ft during the day Sunday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swell can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember, breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/portland  895 WGUS83 KLOT 170051 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 651 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Fox River... Fox River at Montgomery affecting Kane and Kendall Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. Additional information can be found at weather.gov/chicago. && ILC089-093-171251- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.Y.0048.000000T0000Z-190221T0000Z/ /MNGI2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 651 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Fox River at Montgomery, or from Red Gate Road in St. Charles downstream to Millington. * until Wednesday evening. * At 615 PM Saturday the stage was 12.6 feet. * Action stage is 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 12.6 feet through Sunday night. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins near river. && LAT...LON 4195 8838 4194 8827 4169 8826 4154 8860 4163 8860 4173 8838 $$  431 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 170030/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0541 W05541 - S0513 W05058 - S0803 W04927 - S1148 W05324 - S0910 W05548 - S0541 W05541 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  432 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 170037/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1004 W06728 - S0554 W06639 - S0604 W06340 - S0934 W06210 - S1132 W06443 - S0915 W06524 - S1004 W06728 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  433 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 170035/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W04806 - S0141 W04759 - S0127 W04433 - S0505 W04428 - S0527 W04806 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  434 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBCW SIGMET 21 VALID 162220/170120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2757 W05513 - S2846 W04521 - S2646 W04345 - S2522 W04150 - S2247 W04542 - S2312 W04551 - S2323 W04627 - S2314 W04720 - S2240 W04733 - S2350 W05421 - S2527 W05435 - S2537 W05425 - S2536 W05357 - S2612 W05334 - S2657 W05346 - S2734 W05446 - S2757 W05513 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  435 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1253 W06113 - S1039 W05728 - S1319 W05348 - S1602 W05340 - S1632 W05502 - S1446 W05926 - S1253 W06113 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  436 WSBZ01 SBBR 170000 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W07031 - N0133 W06709 - N0053 W06602 - S0541 W06828 - S0512 W07003 - S0428 W07031 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  708 WSBZ31 SBCW 170053 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 170120/170520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2030 W04410 - S2013 W04325 - S2034 W04211 - S2022 W04104 - S2050 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2216 W03814 - S2327 W03933 - S2105 W04434 - S2030 W04410 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  780 WSBZ31 SBCW 170053 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 170120/170520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2540 W05440 - S2419 W05423 - S2232 W05215 - S2237 W04748 - S2303 W04737 - S2331 W04658 - S2318 W04602 - S2243 W04545 - S2515 W04204 - S2641 W04343 - S2844 W04517 - S2830 W05336 - S2722 W05430 - S2701 W0 5350 - S2537 W05358 - S2540 W05440 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  215 WGUS45 KFGZ 170058 FLWFGZ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 558 PM MST SAT FEB 16 2019 AZC005-017-171245- /O.NEW.KFGZ.FA.W.0004.190217T0058Z-190217T1245Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Navajo-Coconino- 558 PM MST SAT FEB 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Flagstaff has issued a * Flood Warning for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Navajo County in north central Arizona... Coconino County in north central Arizona... * Until 545 AM MST Sunday * At 552 PM MST, reporting gauges indicate flooding of the Little Colorado River near and north of Winslow. The flood crest will continue northwest, causing some road flooding near Bird Springs this evening and overnight, including along Route 2 and Route 71. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Homolovi State Park Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3523 11075 3519 11064 3503 11064 3503 11068 3515 11069 3520 11080 $$ KD  150 WSRS31 RUSP 170057 ULLL SIGMET 1 VALID 170200/170600 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N62 FL260/370 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  545 WUUS01 KWNS 170058 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0657 PM CST SAT FEB 16 2019 VALID TIME 170100Z - 171200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 36858445 36158438 35098507 34438678 33679016 34369085 35109072 36039002 36668899 36978715 37048514 36858445 99999999 47372534 46422354 45342304 43472324 42072342 41242325 40302257 39712138 39182029 38401956 37621910 36871887 36151934 35832065 36202203 37082331 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 SW LOZ 30 NW TYS 10 ENE CHA 15 S HSV 10 NNW GWO 60 N GLH 40 W MEM 35 W DYR 30 SSW PAH 30 NE HOP 60 W LOZ 25 SW LOZ ...CONT... 55 SW UIL 25 NE AST 25 SW PDX 45 S EUG 35 SW MFR 50 ENE ACV 20 WNW RBL 55 ESE RBL 25 NW TVL 40 SE TVL 45 WNW BIH 45 SW BIH 50 SSE FAT 10 N PRB 30 SSW MRY 65 SW SFO.  549 ACUS01 KWNS 170058 SWODY1 SPC AC 170057 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0657 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 Valid 170100Z - 171200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Isolated thunderstorms remain possible this evening from central California through the Oregon coast. Showers and a few thunderstorms are also expected later tonight over a portion of the Tennessee Valley. ...Tennessee Valley area... A southwesterly low-level jet will strengthen from the lower MS through TN Valley tonight within the exit region of an intensifying upper jet accompanying a progressive shortwave trough. The resulting theta-e advection will contribute to weak (200-400 J/kg) MUCAPE with the base of the unstable layer near 850 mb. Interaction of the low-level jet with the pre-existing baroclinic zone and deeper ascent accompanying the shortwave trough will promote an increase in elevated convection including a few thunderstorms later tonight. ...Central California through western Oregon... The 00Z RAOB data show 7-7.5 C/km lapse rates in the near surface to 500 mb layer along with very weak (100-300 J/kg) MUCAPE. A series of vorticity maxima moving southeastward through the broad upper trough will continue to promote areas of scattered showers. Though overall thermodynamic environment remains very marginal, isolated lightning strikes cannot be ruled out. ..Dial.. 02/17/2019 $$  883 WVCH31 SCEL 170056 SCEZ SIGMET A1 VALID 170056/170656 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR VA ERUPTION MT NEVADOS DE CHILLAN PSN S3651 W07122 VA CLD OBS AT 2333Z WI S3651 W07121 - S3737 W07127 - S3735 W07143 - S3651 W07121 FL140 MOV S 25KT NC FCST 0530Z VA CLD APRX SFC/FL140 S3650 W07121 - S3753 W07119 - S3751 W07149 - S3650 W07121=  807 WSRS31 RURD 170058 URRV SIGMET 1 VALID 170100/170400 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N4418 AND E OF E04616 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  424 WGUS83 KPAH 170059 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 659 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Paradise and Calhoun .Moderate flooding continues along the Green River at Calhoun and at Paradise. At Calhoun, the river will crest near 29.8 feet Sunday afternoon. At Paradise, the river is currently cresting at 391.7 feet and will soon begin to fall slowly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && KYC177-180459- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRDK2.2.ER.190208T0038Z.190216T1245Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 659 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Paradise * until further notice. * At 6:15 PM Saturday the stage was 391.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 380.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 390.5 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 3746 8716 3742 8703 3726 8689 3720 8697 3729 8707 3731 8719 $$ KYC149-233-180459- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALK2.2.ER.190210T1737Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 659 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Calhoun * until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Saturday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 23.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 29.8 feet by tomorrow early afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 30.0 Feet...Lower Calhoun begins flooding. A large portion of Rumsey is flooded and evacuation of homes becomes necessary. && LAT...LON 3775 8742 3772 8730 3763 8739 3751 8703 3743 8707 3761 8757 $$  174 WSUZ31 UTNN 170058 UTNR SIGMET 1 VALID 170100/170500 UTNN- UTNR NUKUS FIR SEV ICE FCST UTNN FIR TOP FL010/100 MOV NE 18KT NC=  920 WOPF10 NTAA 170059 BMS MARINE A : AVIS DE COUP DE VENT ET GRAND FRAIS. B : NUMERO 06 DU 17/02/2019 A 0000 UTC VALABLE 24 HEURES. C : ZONE DEPRESSIONNAIRE AVEC UN MINIMUM CENTRE PAR 24S ET 141W LE 17/02/2019 A 0000 UTC. PRESSION ESTIMEE AU CENTRE : 998 HPA. DEPLACEMENT VERS LE SUD-EST 15KT EN SE CREUSANT. D : ZONES INTERESSEES : - PRIMO : DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS : 26S 144W - 26S 135W -30S 135W - 30S 144W ET 26S 144W. VENT DE SECTEUR EST A SUD-EST 34/40KT, RAFALES 50/60KT, MER FORTE A TRES FORTE.- SECUNDO : DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS : 22S 147W - 19S 145W - 23S 137W - 26S 135W - 26S 140W ET 22S 147W. VENT DE SECTEUR NORD A NORD-OUEST 28/33KT, RAFALES 45/50KT, MER FORTE. E : DEPLACEMENT ET EXTENSION VERS L'EST 10KT.=  826 WAIY31 LIIB 170104 LIMM AIRMET 1 VALID 170110/170510 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 2500M BR OBS WI N4525 E00808 - N4534 E00915 - N4531 E01112 - N4555 E01205 - N4547 E01315 - N4520 E01209 - N4414 E01208 - N4456 E00917 - N4432 E00813 - N4459 E00745 - N4525 E00808 STNR INTSF=  003 WAIY31 LIIB 170107 LIMM AIRMET 2 VALID 170115/170515 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0800M FG OBS WI N4336 E01018 - N4337 E01044 - N4400 E01026 - N4359 E00959 - N4336 E01018 STNR INTSF=  846 WWUS55 KLKN 170103 SQWLKN BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Elko NV 502 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 NVC015-170130- /O.NEW.KLKN.SQ.W.0002.190217T0102Z-190217T0130Z/ Lander NV- 502 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Elko Nevada has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... South central Lander County in north central Nevada... * Until 530 PM PST. * At 502 PM PST, a dangerous snow squall was located near Austin, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. Locations impacted include... Austin and Bob Scott Summit. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow Down! Rapid changes in visibility and road conditions are expected with this dangerous snow squall. Be alert for sudden whiteout conditions. && LAT...LON 3939 11726 3953 11728 3960 11696 3935 11692 TIME...MOT...LOC 0102Z 265DEG 24KT 3947 11718 $$  424 WWAK42 PAFC 170103 WSWALU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 403 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ155-171500- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.190217T0900Z-190217T1800Z/ Kuskokwim Delta- Including the cities of Bethel, Hooper Bay, and Nunivak Island 403 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM AKST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 3 inches. Visibility reduced to one half mile or less at times. * WHERE...Kuskokwim Delta. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Widespread areas of poor visibility are likely. Winds gusting to 25 mph combined with new snow will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ AKZ161-171500- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Bristol Bay- Including the cities of King Salmon, Dillingham, Naknek, and Pilot Point 403 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM AKST SUNDAY NORTH AND WEST OF KING SALMON... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches, are expected. * WHERE...North and west of King Salmon. * WHEN...From 3 PM Saturday to 9 AM AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas of poor visibility are likely. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph combined with moderate to heavy snowfall rates will cause localized areas of blowing snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  774 WWUS84 KLUB 170105 RFWLUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lubbock TX 705 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 TXZ021>023-027>029-033>035-039-040-170215- /O.EXP.KLUB.FW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190217T0100Z/ Parmer-Castro-Swisher-Bailey-Lamb-Hale-Cochran-Hockley-Lubbock- Yoakum-Terry- 705 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Strong winds earlier today have subsided and relative humidity values also were recovering. Elevated fire danger lingering in the extreme southwestern South Plains will ease as well by 800 pm this evening. $$  893 WHUS74 KHGX 170105 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 705 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... .Periods of dense sea fog are expected to continue overnight across the near shore waters and may spread into the Bays. Visibilities should remain below 1 nautical mile at times into Sunday morning. GMZ335-171500- /O.EXA.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Galveston Bay- 705 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM CST Sunday. * VISIBILITY...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. && $$ GMZ350-355-171500- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 705 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... * VISIBILITY...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. && $$  853 WWUS82 KCHS 170107 SPSCHS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 807 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 GAZ087-088-099>101-SCZ047>049-051-170245- Jenkins-Screven-Candler-Bulloch-Effingham-Inland Jasper-Beaufort- Coastal Colleton-Coastal Jasper- 807 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...STRONG COLD FRONT DROPPING SOUTH ACROSS SOUTHERN SOUTH CAROLINA AND SOUTHEAST GEORGIA... A strong cold front moving quickly south across portions of southern South Carolina and Southeast Georgia early this evening will continue to drop south through 945 PM. As the front passes through, temperatures in the 60s will quickly drop into the 50s with winds turning north and becoming gusty. The front is expected to reach a Fripp Island, Okatie, Stillwell, Egypt, Hopeulikit line by 945 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards or the Internet for the latest information from the National Weather Service. && $$  797 WWCN12 CWNT 170107 WIND WARNING FOR THE MACKENZIE DELTA AND ARCTIC COAST AREAS OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:07 P.M. MST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: PAULATUK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG SOUTH WINDS WITH GUSTS NEAR 90 KM/H WILL DEVELOP TONIGHT AND CONTINUE THROUGH THE DAY ON SUNDAY. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN BLOWING SNOW WILL ALSO OCCUR WITH THESE WINDS. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  786 WWUS74 KAMA 170108 NPWAMA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 708 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 TXZ011-012-016-017-170215- /O.EXP.KAMA.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190217T0100Z/ Oldham-Potter-Deaf Smith-Randall- Including the cities of Vega, Amarillo, Hereford, and Canyon 708 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Winds have fallen below 40 mph. $$ Beat  088 WWUS55 KCYS 170108 SQWCYS BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 608 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 NEC007-105-WYC021-170200- /O.NEW.KCYS.SQ.W.0011.190217T0108Z-190217T0200Z/ Kimball NE-Banner NE-Laramie WY- 608 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Southwestern Kimball County in the Panhandle of Nebraska... Southwestern Banner County in the Panhandle of Nebraska... East central Laramie County in southeastern Wyoming... * Until 700 PM MST. * At 608 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located near Oliver Campground, or 13 miles west of Kimball, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Wyoming between mile markers 401 and 402. Interstate 80 in Nebraska between mile markers 1 and 19. Locations impacted include... Pine Bluffs, Albin, Oliver Campground, Oliver Reservoir, Kimball Airport and Bushnell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4145 10429 4152 10411 4100 10340 4100 10398 TIME...MOT...LOC 0108Z 314DEG 25KT 4118 10391 $$ Hammer  252 WGUS84 KLZK 170110 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 710 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley...Calhoun and Union Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC013-103-171609- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190220T2125Z/ /CAMA4.1.ER.190213T1940Z.190216T1845Z.190219T1525Z.NO/ 710 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Camden. * until Wednesday afternoon...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:30 PM Saturday the stage was 29.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 30.0 feet...State Highway 7 north of Camden floods, with detours nearby. Portions of Sandy Beach Park will flood. Some county roads north and east of Camden begin to flood. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Ouachita River Camden 26 29.6 Sat 06 PM 29.4 28.4 26.4 Falling && LAT...LON 3329 9261 3344 9280 3363 9289 3367 9275 3350 9264 3338 9247 $$ ARC011-013-139-171609- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.190213T0130Z.190218T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 710 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:30 PM Saturday the stage was 82.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 83.0 feet by early Monday morning. * Impacts at 83.0 feet...Access to oil and gas rigs and to timber is flooded. Calhoun County Road 131 is completely under water leading to old Lock 8 river access. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Ouachita River Thatcher L 79 82.6 Sat 06 PM 82.7 83.0 83.0 83.0 12 AM 02/18 && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$  882 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170110 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 170111/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0933 W05101 - S0730 W04902 - S0919 W04746 - S1025 W05003 - S0933 W05101 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  709 WGUS84 KJAN 170114 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 714 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi.. Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC163-180713- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YZOM6.1.ER.190103T1005Z.190119T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 714 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Saturday the stage was 29.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 29.6 feet. * Flood history...This crest compares to a previous crest of 30.0 feet on Mar 25 2015. * Impact...At 29.0 feet...Minor over bank is flooding is occurring along the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Yazoo River Yazoo City 29 29.6 Sat 06 PM 29.6 29.5 29.4 SLOW FALL && LAT...LON 3262 9073 3285 9055 3302 9051 3301 9033 3283 9042 3259 9062 $$  149 WVMX31 MMMX 170114 MMEX SIGMET 1 VALID 170105/170705 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 170105Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL240 8NM BOTH SIDE OF N1901 W09838 - N1937 W09840 LINE. MOV N AT 5KT/10KT. . OUTLK AT 170700 UTC VA CLD BTN SFC/FL240 UTIL 70NM N OF SUMIT. =  473 WCFJ01 NFFN 170000 NFFF SIGMET VALID 01 VALID 170130/170730 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1524 E16412 CB OBS AT 0000Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV W 04KT WKN=  659 WGUS84 KJAN 170116 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 716 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && LAC041-180715- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190222T0000Z/ /NECL1.2.ER.181231T2100Z.190114T2000Z.190221T1200Z.NO/ 716 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Thursday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until Thursday evening. * At 6:00 PM Saturday the stage was 50.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Flood history...This crest compares to a previous crest of 50.0 feet on Mar 14 2012. * Impact...At 50.0 feet...Widespread flooding of farm and agricultural land is occurring along and near the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Boeuf River Fort Necessity 50 50.6 Sat 06 PM 50.6 50.4 50.3 SLOW FALL && LAT...LON 3186 9180 3196 9192 3205 9201 3212 9202 3218 9184 3195 9179 $$  871 WTPS01 NFFN 170000 STORM WARNING 098 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 170117 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.4 SOUTH 164.1 EAST AT 170000 UTC. POSITION FAIR. REPEAT POSITION 15.4S 164.1E AT 170000 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING WEST AT 04 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 60 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 16.1S 164.0E AT 171200 UTC AND NEAR 17.2S 163.7E AT 180000 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 097.  274 WTPS01 NFFN 170000 STORM WARNING 098 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 170117 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.4 SOUTH 164.1 EAST AT 170000 UTC. POSITION FAIR. REPEAT POSITION 15.4S 164.1E at 170000 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING WEST AT 04 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 60 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 16.1S 164.0E AT 171200 UTC AND NEAR 17.2S 163.7E AT 180000 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 097.  765 WHAK42 PAFC 170118 CFWALU URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Anchorage AK 418 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ161-180130- /O.NEW.PAFC.CF.A.0001.190218T1500Z-190219T0300Z/ Bristol Bay- 418 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...COASTAL FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY MORNING THROUGH MONDAY AFTERNOON FROM GOODNEWS BAY THROUGH PORT HEIDEN... The National Weather Service in Anchorage has issued a Coastal Flood Watch, which is in effect from Monday morning through Monday afternoon. * LOCATION...Along the coast from Goodnews Bay to Port Heiden. * COASTAL FLOODING...Water levels to possibly rise 2 to 4 feet above normal high tide (MHHW). * TIMING...Monday morning through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Flooding may cause property damage or loss in the intertidal zone. Minor inundation of low-lying coastal areas and minor coastal erosion possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A coastal flood watch means that conditions favorable for flooding are expected to develop. Coastal residents should be alert for later statements or warnings, and take action to protect property. && $$  247 WSIL31 BICC 170116 BIRD SIGMET B01 VALID 170130/170430 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6300 W01930 - N6400 W01500 - N6500 W01500 - N6500 W01930 - N6300 W01930 SFC/FL100 STNR WKN=  335 WHUS74 KLIX 170119 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 719 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Dense fog is expected to continue for marine areas of southeastern Louisiana tonight through tomorrow morning... GMZ530-532-534-170930- /O.EXA.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne- 719 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM CST Sunday. * VISIBILITY...One mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ536-538-550-552-555-557-170930- /O.CON.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 719 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... * VISIBILITY...One mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  904 WVID21 WAAA 170119 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 170120/170715 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0115Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0143 E12754 - N0132 E12649 - N 0051 E12642 - N0046 E12722 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 0715Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0045 E12721 - N0051 E12640 - N0132 E 12649 - N0143 E12753 - N0141 E12755=  692 WVID21 WAAA 170119 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 170120/170715 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0115Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0143 E12754 - N0132 E12649 - N 0051 E12642 - N0046 E12722 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 0715Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0045 E12721 - N0051 E12640 - N0132 E 12649 - N0143 E12753 - N0141 E12755=  308 WVEQ31 SEGU 170117 SEFG SIGMET 1 VALID 170117/170617 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0015Z FL115/160 S0004 W07740 - S0005 W07739 - S0013 W07746 - S0007 W07750 - S0004 W07740 MOV SW 5-10KT FCST 0630Z FL115/160 S0004 W07740 - S0005 W07740 - S0014 W07747 - S0007 W07752 - S0004 W07740=  452 WWUS74 KLIX 170122 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 722 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Dense fog possible again during the overnight hours... .Light winds and a very moisture rich airmass will likely lead to areas of fog tonight. The thickest fog will be closer to the coast where dense marine fog will slowly work inland after midnight. LAZ040-050-058-060>064-066>070-072-MSZ080>082-170930- /O.NEW.KLIX.FG.Y.0014.190217T0600Z-190217T1500Z/ St. Tammany-Livingston-St. John The Baptist-St. Charles- Upper Jefferson-Orleans-Upper Plaquemines-Upper St. Bernard- Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Lower Jefferson- Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Southern Tangipahoa-Hancock- Harrison-Jackson- Including the cities of Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Lacombe, Denham Springs, Watson, Walker, Laplace, Reserve, Destrehan, Norco, Metairie, Kenner, East New Orleans, New Orleans, Belle Chasse, Chalmette, Violet, Chauvin, Cocodrie, Dulac, Montegut, Galliano, Cut Off, Golden Meadow, Leeville, Buras, Pointe A La Hache, Port Sulphur, Boothville, Venice, Empire, Myrtle Grove, Yscloskey, Hammond, Robert, Ponchatoula, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, Diamondhead, Gulfport, Pascagoula, Ocean Springs, Moss Point, Gautier, and St. Martin 722 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM CST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect from midnight tonight to 9 AM CST Sunday. * VISIBILITY...quarter of a mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  549 WSBZ01 SBBR 170100 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1253 W06113 - S1039 W05728 - S1319 W05348 - S1602 W05340 - S1632 W05502 - S1446 W05926 - S1253 W06113 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  550 WSBZ01 SBBR 170100 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 170030/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0541 W05541 - S0513 W05058 - S0803 W04927 - S1148 W05324 - S0910 W05548 - S0541 W05541 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  551 WSBZ01 SBBR 170100 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 170111/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0933 W05101 - S0730 W04902 - S0919 W04746 - S1025 W05003 - S0933 W05101 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  552 WSBZ01 SBBR 170100 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 170037/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1004 W06728 - S0554 W06639 - S0604 W06340 - S0934 W06210 - S1132 W06443 - S0915 W06524 - S1004 W06728 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  553 WSBZ01 SBBR 170100 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W07031 - N0133 W06709 - N0053 W06602 - S0541 W06828 - S0512 W07003 - S0428 W07031 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  554 WSBZ01 SBBR 170100 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 170035/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W04806 - S0141 W04759 - S0127 W04433 - S0505 W04428 - S0527 W04806 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  741 ACUS11 KWNS 170127 SWOMCD SPC MCD 170126 MOZ000-IAZ000-KSZ000-NEZ000-170630- Mesoscale Discussion 0105 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0726 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 Areas affected...East NE...southwest into Central IA...northern MO Concerning...Heavy snow Valid 170126Z - 170630Z SUMMARY...Heavy snow expected over the next several hours. Up to 1 inch/hr snowfall rates will be possible in some spots. DISCUSSION...A mid-level shortwave trough and associated 850 mb low are currently established in the Central Plains, preceded by deep-layer moisture advection and low-level WAA across the Mid-Missouri Valley. At the moment, the thermodynamic profile of the troposphere across the discussion area can be characterized by near-saturated to saturated conditions in the sfc-700 mb layer (per 00Z TOP observed soundings and recent RAP point-forecast soundings), with relatively strong WAA advection present in the 925-700 mb layer, amidst below-freezing temperatures throughout the column. The -12 to -17C layer, favorable for dendritic growth, is nearly saturated and quite deep across the discussion area (per latest mesoscale analysis) and is expected to remain so for several more hours, as the aforementioned WAA and large scale ascent continues to impinge on the region. As such, conditions support at least occasionally heavy snow throughout the evening hours, with a few spots potentially seeing accumulation rates of up to 1 inch/hr, as supported by the latest high resolution model guidance. ..Squitieri.. 02/17/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...LSX...DVN...DMX...EAX...FSD...OAX...TOP...GID... LAT...LON 41379175 40209199 39589309 39359470 39789599 40169718 40619810 41599783 42209666 42349506 42249410 41759268 41379175  603 WWUS85 KCYS 170128 SPSCYS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 628 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 NEZ019-020-054-WYZ103-106>108-118-119-170330- Scotts Bluff-Banner-Kimball-North Laramie Range- Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- East Platte County-Goshen County-Central Laramie County- East Laramie County- Including the cities of Scottsbluff, Gering, Harrisburg, Kimball, Garrett, Bordeaux, Wheatland, Guernsey, Torrington, Cheyenne, and Pine Bluffs 628 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 A broad area of light snow with embedded bursts of heavier snow is expected to continue impact portions of southeast Wyoming and the southwestern Nebraska Panhandle through 830 PM MST. Periods of low visibility and slick road conditions can be expected. The most likely areas to experience this activity will be southern Platte and Goshen counties, eastern Laramie county, and western Banner and Kimball counties. Use caution if traveling. Be prepared for sudden changes in weather and road conditions. $$ CLH  759 WGUS84 KOHX 170129 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 729 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River... Tennessee River At Clifton affecting Decatur...Hardin...Perry and Wayne Counties . Releases upstream, in addition to recent and forecast rainfall, will continue to cause rises along the Tennessee River at Clifton. The river will remain in action stage over the next few days and possibly go into flood early to mid week next week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to noaa weather radio or other local media for further information from the National Weather Service. && TNC039-071-135-181-171329- /O.CON.KOHX.FL.Y.0052.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLNT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 729 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Tennessee River At Clifton * Until further notice. * Action stage is 364.0 feet. * Flood stage is 370.0 feet. * At 367.0 feet...In Wayne County, water inundates the boat launch areas and portions of access roads in the Beech Lake Campground on Beech Lake Road. * At 366.0 feet...In Hardin County, water inundates low lying agricultural areas and access roads in the Cobb Farm area of Nance Bend, including Senator Cobb Road and Colonel Hardin Road. * At 365.0 feet...In Decatur County, low lying areas of the Riverstone Marina become inundated. * At 364.5 feet...In Decatur County, water begins to inundate portions of Scenic Lane in the Russ Farm area and access may be limited to some houses along the river. * At 364.0 feet...In Wayne County, in the Beech Creek area water begins to inundate low lying areas on the north end of Beechview Drive and the Beech Lake Campground on Beech Lake Road. In Hardin County, water begins to inundate the low lying areas of Cobb Farm in Nance Bend. $$  885 WSID20 WIII 170135 WIIZ SIGMET 01 VALID 170135/170335 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0439 E09951 - S0530 E09916 - S0523 E09736 - S0356 E09701 - S0316 E09756 - S0439 E09951 TOP FL460 MOV W 10KT NC=  073 WWCN02 CYTR 170133 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 7:33 PM CST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 17/0600Z TO 17/1615Z (17/0000 CST TO 17/1015 CST) COMMENTS: COLD TEMPERATURES COMBINED WITH LIGHT TO MODERATE NORTHEASTERLY WINDS WILL GIVE WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR OR BELOW MINUS 35 AFTER MIDNIGHT. THESE WIND CHILL VALUES ARE EXPECTED TO PERSIST UNTIL SUNDAY MORNING WHEN TEMPERATURES BEGIN TO MODERATE. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 17/1330Z (17/0730 CST) END/JMC  447 WAHW31 PHFO 170133 AAA WA0HI HNLS WA 170133 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 170400 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...KAUAI OAHU...UPDATE NW THRU E FACING SLOPES. CANCEL AIRMET. MTN NO LONGER OBSC. =HNLT WA 162200 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 4 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 170400 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND S THRU W OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. =HNLZ WA 162200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 170400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...101 PHLI SLOPING TO 115 PHTO.  174 WGUS84 KLZK 170134 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 734 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Pocahontas affecting Randolph County Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence...Jackson and Lawrence Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC121-171633- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /POCA4.1.ER.190208T1105Z.190215T2115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 734 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Pocahontas. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 21.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.3 feet by Monday morning. * Impacts at 22.0 feet...Moderate flood level, flooding on Fourche River, Pettit Creek, and Mill Creek. North fringe of airport may be flooding. High water on the Fourche River may be affecting State Highways 328 and 166. Houses along State Highway 166 may have water near foundations. Riverfront Park is partially flooded. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Black River Pocahontas 17 21.7 Sat 07 PM 21.7 21.3 21.0 Falling && LAT...LON 3612 9115 3625 9106 3630 9095 3620 9089 3617 9098 3610 9101 $$ ARC063-067-075-171633- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BKRA4.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190213T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 734 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Black Rock. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 23.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 23.2 feet by Monday morning. * Impacts at 24.0 feet...Thousands of acres of cropland and pastures flooded. State Highway 37 in Independence County east of Cord may be flooded. Water rises into low lying streets in Powhatan. Ball Park and Boat Ramp Area in Black Rock floods. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Black River Black Rock 14 23.5 Sat 07 PM 23.4 23.2 22.9 Falling && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$  206 WWUS55 KCYS 170135 SQWCYS BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 634 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC031-170200- /O.NEW.KCYS.SQ.W.0012.190217T0134Z-190217T0200Z/ Platte WY- 634 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Southeastern Platte County in southeastern Wyoming... * Until 700 PM MST. * At 634 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located near Slater, or 12 miles south of Wheatland, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Whiteout conditions. Zero visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 47 and 74. Locations impacted include... Chugwater, Bordeaux and Slater. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. There is no safe place on a highway when a snow squall hits. Visibility and traction are immediately lost in whiteout conditions, making it difficult or impossible to slow down and avoid stopped vehicles. Delay travel or safely exit the highway before the snow squall arrives. && LAT...LON 4193 10506 4203 10488 4188 10465 4165 10465 4165 10488 TIME...MOT...LOC 0134Z 317DEG 16KT 4188 10487 $$ Hammer  749 WSCH31 SCCI 170134 SCCZ SIGMET 01 VALID 170134/170138 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR CNL SIGMET 04 VALID 162138/170138=  750 WSBO31 SLLP 170133 SLLF SIGMET 01 VALID 170130/170530 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0127Z WI S1432 W06919 S1401 W06900 S1328 W06905 S1234 W06843 S1048 W06914 S1048 W06809 S1023 W06725 S0939 W06618 S0942 W06522 S1119 W06520 S1219 W06407 S1318 W06156 S1401 W06027 S1618 W06051 S1654 W06326 S1526 W06919 S1526 W06926 TOP FL400 MOV NW 08KT INTSF=  977 WGUS84 KOHX 170135 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 735 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Stones River... Stones River Near Donelson affecting Davidson County . Recent rainfall and releases from Percy Priest Dam will keep water levels high on the Stones River at Donelson over the next few days. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to noaa weather radio or other local media for further information from the National Weather Service. && TNC037-171335- /O.CON.KOHX.FL.Y.0047.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DONT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 735 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Stones River Near Donelson * Until further notice. * At 7 PM Saturday the stage was 20.9 feet. * Action stage is 20.0 feet. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * At 20 feet...portions of the Stones River Greenway between Percy Priest Dam and Lebanon Road are inundated. $$  412 WGUS81 KILN 170136 FLSILN Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 836 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers... Ohio River at Cincinnati INC029-115-KYC015-037-117-OHC025-061-170206- /O.CAN.KILN.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190217T0800Z/ /CCNO1.2.ER.190212T0500Z.190214T0915Z.190217T0055Z.NO/ 836 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Ohio River at Cincinnati * At 8 PM the stage was 51.9 feet. * The river fell below flood stage this evening. * Flood stage is 52 feet. * The river will continue to fall to 46.1 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 3890 8418 3885 8429 3906 8448 3903 8493 3916 8490 3914 8437 $$  863 WWUS55 KCYS 170141 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 639 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 NEC007-105-WYC021-170200- /O.CON.KCYS.SQ.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T0200Z/ Kimball NE-Banner NE-Laramie WY- 639 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...A SNOW SQUALL WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM MST FOR SOUTHWESTERN KIMBALL...SOUTHWESTERN BANNER AND EAST CENTRAL LARAMIE COUNTIES... At 639 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located 11 miles south of Kimball Airport, or 14 miles south of Kimball, moving southeast at 30 mph. Additional snow squalls were located over east central Laramie county, and were also moving southeast toward Interstate 80. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Wyoming between mile markers 401 and 402. Interstate 80 in Nebraska between mile markers 1 and 19. Locations impacted include... Pine Bluffs, Albin, Oliver Campground, Oliver Reservoir, Kimball Airport and Bushnell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4145 10429 4152 10411 4100 10340 4100 10398 TIME...MOT...LOC 0139Z 314DEG 25KT 4103 10370 $$ Hammer  934 WGUS83 KDVN 170142 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 742 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 .Here is updated information for flooding on the Rock River. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 48 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && ILC073-161-195-171741- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190221T1800Z/ /JOSI2.2.IC.190201T0900Z.190209T0830Z.190221T0000Z.NO/ 742 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until Wednesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Rock River near Joslin. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 6:45 PM Saturday the stage was 13.3 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * Impact, At 13.0 feet, Flooding of unprotected agricultural land occurs. Water also affects Lundeens Landing Campground. && LAT...LON 4152 9032 4169 9002 4163 8999 4148 9027 $$ ILC073-161-171741- /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190220T1800Z/ /MLII2.3.IC.190204T0700Z.190208T0700Z.190220T0000Z.NR/ 742 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Tuesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Rock River at Moline. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 6:30 PM Saturday the stage was 12.8 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage Tuesday evening. * Impact, At 12.5 feet, Water affects some residences in the lower Friendship Farm area. 60th St is under water south of the Green Valley Sports Complex. 56th St along the north side of the river is under water. && LAT...LON 4148 9061 4152 9032 4148 9027 4144 9043 4145 9064 $$  860 WWUS73 KDDC 170142 NPWDDC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 742 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 KSZ044-045-063-064-077-078-080-087>089-170245- /O.CAN.KDDC.ZF.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Lane-Ness-Finney-Hodgeman-Gray-Ford-Kiowa-Meade-Clark-Comanche- Including the cities of Dighton, Ness City, Garden City, Jetmore, Hanston, Cimarron, Montezuma, Dodge City, Greensburg, Haviland, Meade, Plains City, Fowler, Ashland, Minneola, Coldwater, Lake Coldwater, and Protection 742 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...FREEZING FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Dodge City has cancelled the Freezing Fog Advisory. Visibilities have improved to a half mile or greater. $$  435 WWUS43 KICT 170143 WSWICT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wichita KS 743 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 KSZ091-170900- /O.EXA.KICT.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Harper- Including the cities of Anthony, Harper, and Attica 743 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with pockets of sleet mixed-in. * WHERE...Harper County. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions this evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ KSZ032-033-047>053-067>072-082-083-092>096-098>100-170900- /O.CON.KICT.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Russell-Lincoln-Barton-Ellsworth-Saline-Rice-McPherson-Marion- Chase-Reno-Harvey-Butler-Greenwood-Woodson-Allen-Kingman-Sedgwick- Sumner-Cowley-Elk-Wilson-Neosho-Chautauqua-Montgomery-Labette- Including the cities of Russell, Lincoln, Sylvan Grove, Great Bend, Ellsworth, Wilson, Salina, Lyons, Sterling, McPherson, Hillsboro, Marion, Peabody, Cottonwood Falls, Strong City, Hutchinson, Newton, El Dorado, Augusta, Andover, Rose Hill, Eureka, Madison, Yates Center, Iola, Humboldt, Kingman, Derby, Haysville, Bel Aire, Park City, Valley Center, Wichita, Wellington, Winfield, Arkansas City, Howard, Moline, Longton, Grenola, Neodesha, Fredonia, Chanute, Sedan, Cedar Vale, Coffeyville, Independence, and Parsons 743 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle mixed with pockets of sleet and snow. Only trace amounts of snow and sleet expected. * WHERE...Portions of Central, South Central and Southeast Kansas. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions this evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Lawson  859 WTPS11 NFFN 170000 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A22 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 170143 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.4S 164.1E AT 170000 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI-8 EIR/VIS IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING WEST AT ABOUT 04 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 60 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 0120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION HAS WEAKEND AND LIMITED TO THE NORTH WITH DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT FROM THE SOUTHEAST IN THE LAST 6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE AND GOOD EQUATORWARD OUTFLOW. SYSTEM LIES SLOW MOVING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN PERIPHERY OF A MID-LEVEL ANTI-CYCLONE LOCATED TO THE SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELSIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON 1.1 WRAP ON 1OG10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=4.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T4.0/4.0/S0.0/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 171200 UTC 16.1S 164.0E MOV S AT 04 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE  034 WTPS11 NFFN 170000 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A22 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 170143 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.4S 164.1E AT 170000 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI-8 EIR/VIS IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING WEST AT ABOUT 04 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 60 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 0120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION HAS WEAKEND AND LIMITED TO THE NORTH WITH DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT FROM THE SOUTHEAST IN THE LAST 6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE AND GOOD EQUATORWARD OUTFLOW. SYSTEM LIES SLOW MOVING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN PERIPHERY OF A MID-LEVEL ANTI-CYCLONE LOCATED TO THE SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELSIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON 1.1 WRAP ON 1OG10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=4.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T4.0/4.0/S0.0/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 171200 UTC 16.1S 164.0E MOV S AT 04 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 180000 UTC 17.2S 163.7E MOV SSW AT 05 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 181200 UTC 18.4S 163.1E MOV SSW AT 05 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 190000 UTC 19.6S 162.5E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON OMA WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 170800 UTC.  269 WWUS45 KABQ 170143 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 643 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTRY WEATHER SETS ITS SIGHTS ON NEW MEXICO MONDAY AND TUESDAY... .A potent upper level low pressure system will approach New Mexico Monday into Tuesday with much colder air and abundant moisture accompanying. This will lead to widespread areas of moderate to heavy snow over northern parts of the state. Several inches of accumulation are expected for elevations below 7500 feet with upwards of a foot to eighteen inches of new snow forecast for the northern mountains. High temperatures on both Monday and Tuesday will run 15 to 30 degrees below normal, and significant travel concerns are possible over northern New Mexico, including Interstate 25 from Glorieta northward to the Raton Pass near the Colorado border. NMZ502-503-510>516-527>529-171200- /O.NEW.KABQ.WS.A.0003.190218T1200Z-190220T0000Z/ Chuska Mountains-Far Northwest Highlands-San Juan Mountains- Jemez Mountains-West Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Northern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet/Red River- Southern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley- Raton Ridge/Johnson Mesa-Far Northeast Highlands- Northeast Highlands- 643 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE SUNDAY NIGHT THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches will be possible at elevations less than 7500 feet with higher amounts of 12 to 18 inches above 7500 feet. * WHERE...Chuska Mountains, Far Northwest Highlands, Northern Mountains, Upper Rio Grande Valley, Raton Ridge and Johnson Mesa, Far Northeast Highlands and Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...From late Sunday night through Tuesday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible across northern New Mexico. This includes the Interstate 25 corridor from Glorieta northward to the Raton Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ 52  554 WWUS44 KOUN 170145 WSWOUN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 745 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Freezing Drizzle and Freezing Fog Expected Tonight... OKZ004>013-015>020-024>026-171200- /O.NEW.KOUN.WW.Y.0007.190217T0300Z-190217T1200Z/ Harper-Woods-Alfalfa-Grant-Kay-Ellis-Woodward-Major-Garfield- Noble-Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne-Canadian- Oklahoma-Lincoln- Including the cities of Buffalo, Laverne, Alva, Cherokee, Helena, Carmen, Medford, Pond Creek, Lamont, Wakita, Ponca City, Blackwell, Shattuck, Arnett, Gage, Fargo, Woodward, Fairview, Enid, Perry, Seiling, Vici, Taloga, Leedey, Weatherford, Clinton, Watonga, Geary, Okeene, Kingfisher, Hennessey, Okarche, Guthrie, Stillwater, Yukon, Concho, El Reno, Mustang, Oklahoma City, Chandler, Stroud, Prague, Meeker, Davenport, and Wellston 745 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...freezing drizzle and freezing fog expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, northern, northwest and western Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Slick spots on area roadways, especially bridges and overpasses, are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Mahale  815 WWUS43 KDDC 170145 WSWDDC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 745 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 KSZ088>090-171200- /O.EXA.KDDC.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Clark-Comanche-Barber- Including the cities of Ashland, Minneola, Coldwater, Lake Coldwater, Protection, Medicine Lodge, and Kiowa 745 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing fog, freezing drizzle, and light snow are expected. Total snow accumulations less than half of an inch. Visibilities less than a mile possible through early morning. * WHERE...Clark, Comanche and Barber Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The combination of the light icing and light snow could make travel hazardous. Plan on slick sidewalks and slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ KSZ030-031-043>046-062>066-077>081-171200- /O.CON.KDDC.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Trego-Ellis-Scott-Lane-Ness-Rush-Kearny-Finney-Hodgeman-Pawnee- Stafford-Gray-Ford-Edwards-Kiowa-Pratt- Including the cities of Wakeeney, Pheifer, Hays, Scott City, Scott State Lake, Dighton, Ness City, La Crosse, Lakin, Deerfield, Garden City, Jetmore, Hanston, Larned, St. John, Stafford, Macksville, Cimarron, Montezuma, Dodge City, Kinsley, Lewis, Greensburg, Haviland, and Pratt 745 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing fog, freezing drizzle, and light snow are expected. Total snow accumulation less than 1 inch. Visibilities less than a quarter of a mile can be expected from Coldwater to Dodge City to Garden City to Ness City through 9 pm. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Kansas. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The combination of the light icing and light snow could make travel hazardous. Plan on slick sidewalks and slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  578 WGUS83 KDVN 170146 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 746 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 .Here is updated flood information for the Mississippi River. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 48 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && ILC067-MOC045-171745- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GGYM7.2.IC.190205T0656Z.190213T2110Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 746 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was estimated at 17.3 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Recent activity, slowly falling levels continue to take place. * Forecast, Fall to 16.8 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 17.0 feet, Water affects the road north of the grain elevator in Gregory Landing. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$  035 WTNC01 NWBB 170147 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 24 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 23 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 01:47 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC:LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA EST CENTREE PAR 15,6 SUD, 164,0 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE EST ESTIMEE A 980 HPA. ELLE EST QUASI-STATIONNAIRE. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 60 KT (RAFALES A 80 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 60 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 110 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 150 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. D. AU COURS DES PROCHAINES 24 HEURES, OMA DEVRAIT COMMENCER A SE DEPLACER LENTEMENT VERS LE SUD SUD-OUEST. AU DEBUT, SON INTENSITE DEVRAIT PEU EVOLUER, AVANT DE S'INTENSIFIER A LA FIN. ZONE NORD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, VALABLE JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC AU MOINS : ET ZONE SUD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, AU NORD DE 20 S, VALABLE A PARTIR DU DIMANCHE 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC AU MOINS : DANS UN RAYON DE 140 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS SUPERIEURS A 35 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE ET CROISEE. DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS DE 60 A 65 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER ENORME ET CROISEE. E. 17/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC: 15,8 S 164,2 E. 17/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC: 16,4 S 164,2 E. 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC: 16,9 S 164,1 E. 18/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC: 17,4 S 163,9 E. PROCHAIN BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE LE 17/02/2019 A 08:00 UTC.=  036 WTNC02 NWBB 170147 A. SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY NUMBER 24 THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING NUMBER 23 B. STORM WARNING ISSUED THE 2019/02/17 AT 01:47 UTC C. SYNOPTIC CONTEXT THE 2019/02/17 AT 00:00 UTC:TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA: -LOCATED BY 15.6 SOUTH 164.0 EAST. POSITION GOOD. -CENTRAL PRESSURE ESTIMATED TO BE ABOUT 980 HPA. -QUASI-STATIONNARY. -EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 60 KT (GUSTS 80 KT) WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTER, VERY HIGH SEA. -WINDS ABOVE 48 KT (GUSTS 70 KT) AND VERY HIGH SEA WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTER. -WINDS ABOVE 34 KT (GUSTS 50 KT) AND HIGH SEA WITHIN: 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 110 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. D. DURING THE NEXT 24 HOURS, OMA SHOULD START TO SLOWLY TRACK SOUTH SOUTH-WESTWARD. NO FURTHER INTENSIFICATION AT FIRST, THEN SLOW INTENSIFICATION AT THE END. NORTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, VALID UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 00:00 UTC AT LEAST, AND SOUTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, NORTH OF 20 S, VALID FROM SUNDAY 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 00:00 UTC AT LEAST: WITHIN 140 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS GREATER THAN 35 KT. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEA. WITHIN 50 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS 60 TO 65 KT. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND PHENOMENAL SEA. E. 2019/02/17 AT 06:00 UTC: 15.8 S 164.2 E. 2019/02/17 AT 12:00 UTC: 16.4 S 164.2 E. 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC: 16.9 S 164.1 E. 2019/02/18 AT 00:00 UTC: 17.4 S 163.9 E. NEXT SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY THE 2019/02/17 AT 08:00 UTC.=  264 WSSC31 FSIA 170125 FSSS SIGMET 01 VALID 170205/170605 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS WI N0350 E05552 - N0401 E06000 - N0057 E06000 - S0140 E05803 - S0113 E05552 - N0350 E05552 TOP ABV FL390 INTSF=  444 WXNC13 NWBB 170147 PART 1 OF 2 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 24 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 23 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 01:47 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC:LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA EST CENTREE PAR 15,6 SUD, 164,0 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE EST ESTIMEE A 980 HPA. ELLE EST QUASI-STATIONNAIRE. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 60 KT (RAFALES A 80 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 60 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 110 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 150 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. =  526 WSUS33 KKCI 170155 SIGW MKCW WST 170155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1W VALID UNTIL 0355Z CA 20ESE MOD ISOL TS D20 MOV FROM 29010KT. TOPS TO FL200. OUTLOOK VALID 170355-170755 FROM EUG-OAK-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-120WSW ONP-EUG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  527 WSUS31 KKCI 170155 SIGE MKCE WST 170155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170355-170755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  528 WSUS32 KKCI 170155 SIGC MKCC WST 170155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170355-170755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  606 WSCG31 FCBB 170151 FCCC SIGMET H1 VALID 170200/170600 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0130Z E OF LINE N0010 E01054 - S0450 E01132 TOP FL500 MOV W 10KT NC=  592 WSPR31 SPIM 170154 SPIM SIGMET A1 VALID 170155/170455 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0130Z NE OF LINE S0303 W07404 - S0439 W07434 - S0213 W07515 TOP FL420 MOV S INTSF=  539 WWUS76 KHNX 170155 NPWHNX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 555 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ098-099-170300- /O.EXP.KHNX.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T0200Z/ Indian Wells Valley-Southeastern Kern County Desert- Including the cities of Ridgecrest, Rosamond, California City, Edwards AFB, and Mojave 555 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... Winds have diminshed over the area. Gusty winds to 35 mph are still possible overnight. $$ Dudley  660 WWUS55 KCYS 170157 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 656 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 NEC007-105-WYC021-170206- /O.EXP.KCYS.SQ.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T0200Z/ Kimball NE-Banner NE-Laramie WY- 656 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...THE SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN KIMBALL...SOUTHWESTERN BANNER AND EAST CENTRAL LARAMIE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 700 PM MST... The snow squall which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the snow squall warning will be allowed to expire. However, periods of snow and blowing snow may continue to create hazardous driving conditions over the next hour or two. LAT...LON 4145 10429 4152 10411 4100 10340 4100 10398 TIME...MOT...LOC 0156Z 314DEG 25KT 4096 10361 $$ Hammer  642 WGUS83 KLSX 170158 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 758 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois.. at La Grange LD at Meredosia at Valley City at Hardin .This Flood Warning is a result of heavy rainfall over the past week... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC009-180158- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NLGI2.1.ER.190214T0240Z.190219T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 758 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at La Grange LD * until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Saturday the stage was 23.8 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 24.1 feet by Monday evening. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 Illinois River La Grange LD 23.0 23.83 23.9 24.0 24.1 24.0 23.9 && LAT...LON 3999 9058 3999 9046 3988 9051 3988 9063 $$ ILC137-149-180158- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MROI2.1.ER.190214T1700Z.190218T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 758 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Meredosia * until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 17.6 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 17.8 feet by Monday morning. * Impact: At 17.4 feet...Meredosia boat dock floods. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 Illinois River Meredosia 17.0 17.58 17.6 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.7 && LAT...LON 3988 9063 3988 9051 3977 9053 3977 9067 $$ ILC149-171-180158- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VALI2.1.RS.190211T1545Z.190219T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 758 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Valley City * until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 15.6 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 15.8 feet by Monday evening. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 Illinois River Valley City 14.0 15.58 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.8 15.6 && LAT...LON 3977 9067 3977 9053 3952 9052 3952 9064 $$ ILC013-061-083-180158- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HARI2.1.RS.190216T0125Z.190218T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 758 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Hardin * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 25.0 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 25.2 feet by tomorrow evening. * Impact: At 25.0 feet...Flood Stage. Lowland flooding of unprotected agricultural land begins. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 Illinois River Hardin 25.0 25.04 25.1 25.2 25.2 25.1 25.1 && LAT...LON 3952 9064 3952 9052 3898 9048 3891 9054 3903 9062 $$  961 WGUS83 KLOT 170159 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 759 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Illinois River... Illinois River at Ottawa affecting La Salle County The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. Additional information can be found at weather.gov/chicago. && ILC099-171358- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.Y.0052.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ /OTWI2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 759 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Illinois River at Ottawa, or from Heritage Harbor east of Ottawa downstream to Starved Rock Lock and Dam. * until late Sunday night. * At 730 PM Saturday the stage was 461.1 feet. * Action stage is 461.0 feet. * Flood stage is 463.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below action stage Sunday night. && LAT...LON 4137 8898 4137 8879 4130 8879 4128 8899 $$  283 WHHW40 PHFO 170159 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 359 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES OF NIIHAU KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... .The current large northeast swell will peak this afternoon and evening and gradually subside tonight into Sunday. Surf is expected to lower to advisory levels along east facing shores on Sunday. HIZ002-008-009-012-017-020-025-171500- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Kauai Windward-Oahu Koolau-Olomana-Molokai Windward- Maui Windward West-Windward Haleakala-Big Island North and East- 359 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST SUNDAY... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST SUNDAY... * SURF...10 to 16 feet with locally higher sets along exposed north and east facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and Big Island. * TIMING...Through early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across portions of beaches, very strong breaking waves, and strong longshore and rip currents. Breaking waves may occasionally impact harbors making navigating the harbor channel dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Large breaking surf, significant shorebreak, and dangerous currents make entering the water very hazardous. Anyone entering the water could face significant injury or death. Boaters should be aware of an increased number of surfers and body boarders utilizing the harbor channel to access surfing areas. && $$ HIZ001-007-013-019-171500- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Niihau-Oahu North Shore-Molokai Leeward-Maui Central Valley- 359 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST SUNDAY... * SURF...10 to 16 feet along exposed north facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and Big Island. * TIMING...through early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, shore break, and strong longshore and rip currents making swimming difficult and dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Beachgoers, swimmers, and surfers should heed all advice given by ocean safety officials and exercise caution. Boaters should expect recreational surfers and body boarders utilizing harbor channels to access surfing areas. && $$ Kino  181 WGUS83 KLSX 170159 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 759 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Kaskaskia River at Carlyle TW .This Flood Warning is a result releases from Carlyle Dam... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC027-180159- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ /CRLI2.1.ER.190109T0815Z.190207T1445Z.190218T1200Z.UU/ 759 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Kaskaskia River at Carlyle TW * until Tuesday morning. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 424.4 feet. * Flood stage is 423.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 Kaskaskia River Carlyle TW 423.5 424.43 424.3 423.5 422.8 422.7 422.6 && LAT...LON 3862 8936 3861 8933 3851 8937 3849 8942 3854 8942 $$  027 WWUS55 KCYS 170200 SQWCYS BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 659 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC015-021-031-170230- /O.NEW.KCYS.SQ.W.0013.190217T0159Z-190217T0230Z/ Goshen WY-Laramie WY-Platte WY- 659 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Southwestern Goshen County in southeastern Wyoming... Northwestern Laramie County in southeastern Wyoming... Southern Platte County in southeastern Wyoming... * Until 730 PM MST. * At 659 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located near Chugwater, or 27 miles south of Wheatland, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 34 and 72. Locations impacted include... Chugwater, Bordeaux and Slater. This replaces the Snow Squall Warning which was previously in effect for portions of the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4189 10519 4197 10490 4169 10432 4147 10450 4146 10503 TIME...MOT...LOC 0159Z 322DEG 17KT 4166 10481 $$ Hammer  111 WHHW70 PHFO 170200 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 400 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 PHZ124-171500- /O.EXB.PHFO.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Big Island Southeast Waters- 400 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Honolulu has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM HST Monday. * Winds and Seas...Variable winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 6 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or greater are expected to produce conditions hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PHZ110>117-120>122-171500- /O.EXT.PHFO.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Kauai Northwest Waters-Kauai Windward Waters-Kauai Leeward Waters- Kauai Channel-Oahu Windward Waters-Oahu Leeward Waters- Kaiwi Channel-Maui County Windward Waters-Pailolo Channel- Alenuihaha Channel-Big Island Windward Waters- 400 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST MONDAY... * Winds and Seas...North to northwest winds 10 to 20 kt. Seas 10 to 15 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or greater are expected to produce conditions hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  189 WSKZ31 UAII 170200 UAII SIGMET 1 VALID 170210/170600 UAII- UAII SHYMKENT FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N44 AND W OF E065 FL300/360 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  517 WAEG31 HECA 170220 HECC AIRMET 01 VALID 170300/170600 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST N OF 31 46N AND W OF 32 24E TOP ABV FL100 MOV SE INTSF=  681 WHUS72 KTAE 170202 MWWTAE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 902 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ SUNDAY... GMZ730-750-752-755-765-170930- /O.NEW.KTAE.MF.Y.0007.190217T0300Z-190217T1600Z/ Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Okaloosa Walton County Line FL out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL out 20 NM- Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach FL out 20 NM- 902 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 /802 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ Sunday. * VISIBILITY...1 NM or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  498 WVCH31 SCEL 170202 SCEZ SIGMET 01 VALID 170200/170800 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR VA ERUPTION MT PLANCHON PETEROA PSN S3513 W07034 VA CLD OBS AT 0100Z WI S3512 W07031 - S3533 W07036 - S3532 W07046 - S3513 W07040 - S3512 W07031 FL160 MOV SSW 10KT NC FCST 0700Z VA CLD APRX SFC/FL160 S3511 W07034 - S3514 W07030 - S3548 W07028 - S3547 W07044 - S3515 W07041 - S3511 W07034=  114 WGUS83 KLOT 170206 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 806 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Illinois River at La Salle affecting Bureau...La Salle and Putnam Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && ILC011-099-155-171605- /O.CON.KLOT.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190220T0000Z/ /LSLI2.1.SM.190205T0938Z.190209T0030Z.190219T1800Z.NO/ 806 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at La Salle, or from Starved Rock Lock and Dam downstream to confluence with Big Bureau Creek. * until Tuesday evening. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 21.8 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday afternoon. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Lower parking lot at Starved Rock State Park is inundated east of La Salle. && LAT...LON 4131 8940 4135 8933 4137 8898 4128 8899 4128 8929 $$  394 WTPS31 PGTW 170300 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 021// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 021 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 170000Z --- NEAR 15.5S 164.2E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 225 DEGREES AT 03 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 030 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 025 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 075 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 055 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 165 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 145 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 145 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 15.5S 164.2E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 171200Z --- 16.1S 164.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 025 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 065 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 065 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 145 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 155 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 180000Z --- 17.3S 163.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 181200Z --- 18.5S 163.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 06 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 190000Z --- 19.6S 162.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 200000Z --- 21.6S 161.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 05 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 210000Z --- 23.4S 161.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 210 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 170 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 220000Z --- 26.6S 161.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 170300Z POSITION NEAR 15.7S 164.2E. TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 270 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWESTWARD AT 03 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY SHOWS PERSISTENT AND WIDESPREAD CONVECTION LOCATED TO THE NORTH OF THE LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC) WITH LIMITED CONVECTION SOUTH OF THE LLCC. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE AND IS BASED ON A 162204Z METOP-B ASCAT AMBIGUITY IMAGE WHICH SHOWS A WELL DEFINED CIRCULATION CENTER. THE INITIAL INTENSITY OF 65 KNOTS IS BASED ON DVORAK CURRENT INTENSITY (CI) ESTIMATES OF T4.0 (65 KNOTS) FROM PGTW AND KNES. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS SHOWS THAT TC 15P IS EXPERIENCING MODERATE TO UNFAVORABLE VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (20 TO 25 KNOTS). THE EAST TO WEST SHEAR CONTINUES TO INHIBIT CONVECTION SOUTH OF THE LLCC AND ENHANCE CONVECTION NORTH OF THE LLCC. TC 15P CONTINUES TO HAVE GOOD RADIAL OUTFLOW. SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES REMAIN FAVORABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT, BETWEEN 27 AND 28 DEGREES CELSIUS. TC 15P REMAINS QUASI-STATIONARY AND HAS DRIFTED SOUTHWESTWARD AS A RESULT OF A WEAK STEERING ENVIRONMENT. A SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) LOCATED TO THE SOUTHEAST WILL BUILD OVER THE NEXT 6 HOURS AND ALLOW TC 15P TO INCREASE IN FORWARD SPEED AS IT TRACKS SOUTH-SOUTHWESTWARD. THE STR WILL REMAIN THE PRIMARY STEERING FEATURE AS TC 15P TRACKS SOUTH-SOUTHWESTWARD THROUGH TAU 96. AFTER TAU 96, TC 15P WILL ROUND THE STR AXIS AND BEGIN TO TRACK SOUTHEASTWARD. BY TAU 18, VERTICAL WIND SHEAR WILL BECOME SLIGHTLY MORE FAVORABLE, ALLOWING TC 15P TO INCREASE IN INTENSITY, EVENTUALLY REACHING A PEAK INTENSITY OF 85 KNOTS BY TAU 48. DYNAMIC MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN FAIRLY GOOD AGREEMENT THROUGH TAU 48 WITH A SPREAD OF ONLY 58 NM. HOWEVER, DYNAMIC MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN POOR AGREEMENT BY TAU 120 WITH A SPREAD OF NEARLY 510 NM. DUE TO THE WIDE SPREAD IN MODEL GUIDANCE THERE IS LOW CONFIDENCE IN THE JTWC FORECAST TRACK. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 170000Z IS 32 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 170900Z, 171500Z, 172100Z AND 180300Z.// NNNN  148 WTPS51 PGTW 170300 WARNING ATCG MIL 15P SWP 190217012124 2019021700 15P OMA 021 01 225 03 SATL 030 T000 155S 1642E 065 R064 035 NE QD 025 SE QD 020 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 075 SE QD 060 SW QD 055 NW QD R034 165 NE QD 145 SE QD 130 SW QD 145 NW QD T012 161S 1641E 065 R064 040 NE QD 030 SE QD 025 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 070 NE QD 065 SE QD 065 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 190 NE QD 160 SE QD 145 SW QD 155 NW QD T024 173S 1638E 065 R064 040 NE QD 040 SE QD 020 SW QD 040 NW QD R050 070 NE QD 060 SE QD 050 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 170 SE QD 150 SW QD 160 NW QD T036 185S 1633E 075 R064 040 NE QD 040 SE QD 020 SW QD 020 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 060 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 150 SW QD 170 NW QD T048 196S 1627E 085 R064 040 NE QD 040 SE QD 030 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 090 NE QD 080 SE QD 070 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 160 SW QD 160 NW QD T072 216S 1617E 080 R064 040 NE QD 040 SE QD 050 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 090 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 080 NW QD R034 190 NE QD 200 SE QD 180 SW QD 150 NW QD T096 234S 1611E 065 R064 040 NE QD 040 SE QD 050 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 090 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 180 NE QD 210 SE QD 200 SW QD 150 NW QD T120 266S 1618E 055 R050 100 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 190 SW QD 160 NW QD AMP SUBJ: TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 021 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 021 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 170000Z --- NEAR 15.5S 164.2E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 225 DEGREES AT 03 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 030 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 025 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 075 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 055 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 165 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 145 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 145 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 15.5S 164.2E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 171200Z --- 16.1S 164.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 025 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 065 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 065 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 145 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 155 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 180000Z --- 17.3S 163.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 181200Z --- 18.5S 163.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 06 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 190000Z --- 19.6S 162.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 200000Z --- 21.6S 161.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 05 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 210000Z --- 23.4S 161.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 210 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 170 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 220000Z --- 26.6S 161.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 170300Z POSITION NEAR 15.7S 164.2E. TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 270 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWESTWARD AT 03 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 170000Z IS 32 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 170900Z, 171500Z, 172100Z AND 180300Z.// 1519021006 174S1564E 20 1519021012 174S1577E 20 1519021018 174S1590E 25 1519021100 164S1603E 25 1519021106 155S1612E 25 1519021112 151S1625E 25 1519021118 144S1636E 30 1519021200 140S1645E 35 1519021206 137S1649E 35 1519021212 137S1655E 45 1519021218 140S1658E 45 1519021300 143S1654E 45 1519021306 144S1650E 45 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 NNNN  862 WWUS43 KTOP 170207 WSWTOP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 807 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 KSZ008>012-020>024-026-034>040-054>056-058-059-171200- /O.CON.KTOP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Republic-Washington-Marshall-Nemaha-Brown-Cloud-Clay-Riley- Pottawatomie-Jackson-Jefferson-Ottawa-Dickinson-Geary-Morris- Wabaunsee-Shawnee-Douglas-Lyon-Osage-Franklin-Coffey-Anderson- Including the cities of Belleville, Washington, Hanover, Clifton, Linn, Greenleaf, Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Sabetha, Seneca, Hiawatha, Horton, Concordia, Clay Center, Manhattan, Wamego, St. Marys, Holton, Valley Falls, Oskaloosa, Perry, McLouth, Grantville, Meriden, Nortonville, Minneapolis, Bennington, Abilene, Herington, Junction City, Council Grove, Alma, Eskridge, Maple Hill, Alta Vista, McFarland, Harveyville, Paxico, Topeka, Lawrence, Emporia, Osage City, Carbondale, Lyndon, Burlingame, Overbrook, Ottawa, Burlington, Lebo, and Garnett 807 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...A mix of snow, freezing rain, and sleet is expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches expected along and north of U.S. highway 36. Snow accumulations of around 1 inch or less are expected along and south of Interstate 70. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central and northeast Kansas. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Accumulations of snow and ice will cause slick roads, resulting in hazardous travel conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means wintry precipitation will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect slick roads and potentially hazardous driving conditions. Allow extra time to reach your destination and exercise defensive driving. The latest road conditions for Kansas can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting kandrive.org. && $$  022 WGUS83 KPAH 170207 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 807 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Big Muddy River near Plumfield and Murphysboro .Minor flooding continues on the Big Muddy River near Plumfield and moderate flooding continues at Murphysboro. The river will continue falling at both locations and is expected to fall below flood stage Wednesday morning at Plumfield and Friday afternoon at Murphysboro. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC055-199-180607- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190220T1800Z/ /PLMI2.1.ER.190209T0103Z.190214T0830Z.190220T1200Z.NO/ 807 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Plumfield. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 22.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. && LAT...LON 3801 8901 3801 8895 3789 8898 3778 8915 3784 8915 3792 8906 $$ ILC077-180607- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190223T0300Z/ /MURI2.2.ER.190208T2000Z.190213T1215Z.190222T2100Z.NO/ 807 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro. * until Friday evening. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 28.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 22.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday afternoon. && LAT...LON 3777 8946 3784 8915 3778 8915 3773 8935 3760 8941 3760 8947 $$  227 WGUS82 KJAX 170209 FLSJAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 909 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Santa Fe River At Three Rivers Estates affecting Columbia... Gilchrist and Suwannee Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interest along the river should monitor the latest forecasts...And be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. If you see flood waters...Remember to turn around and do not drown. For graphical hydrologic information...Please go to weather.gov and click on your state. Select Rivers and Lakes under current weather. The Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service page provides current and forecast river information...Gage locations...Impacts... and historical crest information for all forecast points by clicking on each point. && FLC023-041-121-180209- /O.CON.KJAX.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TREF1.2.ER.181209T1133Z.181230T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 909 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santa Fe River At Three Rivers Estates. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 AM Saturday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 18.9 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Water begins to enter backyards of residences along the Ichetucknee River. * Impact...At 18.8 feet...Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission expands the no wake zone restriction further upstream on the Santa Fe River from the unnamed island 1.5 miles downstream on the Wilson's Spring Boat Ramp to one-half mile upstream of the State Road 47 bridge. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Water begins to flood River Run Road in Suwannee County. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Water begins to enter backyards of residences on Santa Fe Road in Columbia County and on River Run Road in Suwannee County. * Impact...At 16.2 feet...Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission begins enforcement of a no wake zone on the Santa Fe River from the unnamed island 1.5 miles downstream of the Wilson's Spring Boat Ramp to the confluence with the Suwannee River and on the Ichetucknee River upstream to the US 27 bridge. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Lowland flooding begins on SW Santa Fe Drive south of Santa Fe Road in Columbia County. && FLD OBSERVED 7AM EST / 8AM EDT FORECAST LOCATION STG STG DAY TIME Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu SANTA FE Three River 17 19.7 Sat 07 AM 19.3 18.9 18.4 18.0 17.6 && LAT...LON 2990 8278 2992 8280 2990 8283 2993 8283 2996 8279 2993 8276 $$  453 WGUS84 KLZK 170210 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 810 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Cache River Near Patterson affecting Jackson and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC067-147-171710- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.3.ER.190208T1500Z.190221T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 810 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Cache River Near Patterson. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 11.6 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall briefly to 11.5 feet, then continue rising to near 12.3 feet by Thursday afternoon. * Impacts at 12.5 feet...Major problems in Grubbs, Patterson, Dixie, and Amagon in Jackson and Woodruff counties. Woodruff County Road 775 flooded. State Highways 18, 37, 33, and 38 affected in various locations in Woodruff and Jackson counties. Many homes miles from the main river channel may need to be protected by ring levees. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Cache River Patterson 9 11.6 Sat 07 PM 11.5 11.6 11.9 12.3 12 PM 02/21 && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$  953 WWUS43 KLOT 170213 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 813 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ILZ003-004-008-010-011-019-171100- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.190217T0600Z-190218T0600Z/ Winnebago-Boone-Ogle-Lee-DeKalb-La Salle- Including the cities of Rockford, Belvidere, Oregon, Dixon, DeKalb, and Ottawa 813 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected, with a few locally higher amounts of 5 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central Illinois. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$ ILZ005-006-171100- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.190217T0900Z-190218T1200Z/ McHenry-Lake IL- Including the cities of Woodstock and Waukegan 813 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM SUNDAY TO 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected, with a few locally higher amounts of 5 inches possible. * WHERE...McHenry and Lake IL Counties. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$  550 WGUS83 KILX 170214 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 814 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Illinois River at Henry affecting Marshall and Putnam Counties Illinois River at Peoria affecting Peoria...Tazewell and Woodford Counties Illinois River near Havana affecting Cass...Fulton and Mason Counties Illinois River at Beardstown affecting Brown...Cass...Morgan and Schuyler Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC123-155-171613- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ /HNYI2.2.ER.190208T1030Z.190210T0030Z.190219T0600Z.NO/ 814 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Henry. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 23.8 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 23.0 feet...Water begins to affect the marina in Henry along with minor flooding of land adjacent to the river. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Henry 23 23.8 Sat 8 PM 23.6 23.3 22.9 && LAT...LON 4131 8939 4135 8929 4113 8929 4093 8941 4093 8952 4115 8939 $$ ILC143-179-203-171613- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190223T0000Z/ /PIAI2.1.ER.190210T0237Z.190213T0400Z.190222T1800Z.NO/ 814 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Peoria. * Until Friday evening. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Some flooding begins to bottomland not protected by levees. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Peoria 18 19.7 Sat 8 PM 19.7 19.5 19.2 && LAT...LON 4093 8952 4093 8941 4062 8957 4047 8980 4053 8988 4068 8965 $$ ILC017-057-125-171613- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAVI2.2.ER.190206T1406Z.190218T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 814 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River near Havana. * Until further notice. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 18.9 feet by early Monday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 19.5 feet...Access road to Anderson Lake north campground closed. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Havana 14 18.8 Sat 8 PM 18.8 18.9 18.9 && LAT...LON 4053 8988 4047 8980 4034 9002 4012 9017 4018 9023 4039 9010 $$ ILC009-017-137-169-171613- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BEAI2.2.ER.190205T1657Z.190218T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 814 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Beardstown. * Until further notice. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.6 feet by Monday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Seepage problems begin in the South Beardstown Drainage and Levee District. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Beardstown 14 19.4 Sat 8 PM 19.5 19.6 19.6 && LAT...LON 4018 9023 4012 9017 4008 9037 3999 9046 3999 9058 4015 9043 $$ JRP  363 WSCI35 ZGGG 170211 ZGZU SIGMET 1 VALID 170225/170625 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N24 FL230/400 STNR NC=  456 WGUS84 KLZK 170216 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 816 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Newport affecting Independence and Jackson Counties White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties White River At Georgetown affecting Prairie...White and Woodruff Counties White River At Des Arc affecting Prairie County White River At Clarendon affecting Arkansas and Monroe Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC063-067-171716- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190221T0900Z/ /NPTA4.3.ER.190212T0943Z.190214T1715Z.190220T0300Z.NO/ 816 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Newport. * until late Wednesday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 28.4 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday before midnight. * Impacts at 28.0 feet...Bateman Levee may be threatened with overtopping. State Highway 14 east of Newport at Village Creek could be flooded by backwater. State Highway 14 west of Newport is flooded. State Highway 69 in Independence County may be flooded. Flooding up Village Creek extends to eastern portions of Newport. Extensive flooding of cropland in Jackson and Independence County along the White and the lower Black River. River crested slightly above 28 feet in December 2001 and March 2002. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower White River Newport 26 28.4 Sat 08 PM 28.0 27.2 26.5 Falling && LAT...LON 3537 9150 3550 9141 3570 9140 3564 9128 3548 9127 3534 9136 $$ ARC145-147-171716- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /AUGA4.2.ER.190104T0045Z.190216T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 816 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Augusta. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 34.3 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 33.8 feet by Monday morning. * Impacts at 34.0 feet...Water around or approaching homes and camps along the river in White and Woodruff counties. Farm roads and county roads on both sides of the river are flooded. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower White River Augusta 26 34.3 Sat 07 PM 34.2 33.8 33.5 Falling && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ ARC117-145-147-171716- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GEOA4.2.ER.190211T1540Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 816 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Georgetown. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 25.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 25.8 feet by tomorrow early afternoon. * Impacts at 26.0 feet...Backwater up Little Red River floods bottomland near West Point and Georgetown. Numerous roads and bridges flooded west of the river. Extensive area of cropland in White, Woodruff, and Prairie counties flooded. State Highway 36 is probably flooded and impassable. Georgetown and Nimmo could be isolated by floodwater. Residents should either leave or have provisions for a prolonged stay. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower White River Georgetown 21 25.7 Sat 07 PM 25.7 25.8 25.6 Near Crest && LAT...LON 3500 9155 3508 9151 3514 9152 3515 9137 3506 9139 3498 9142 $$ ARC117-171716- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DSCA4.2.ER.190212T1712Z.190218T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 816 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Des Arc. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 28.4 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 29.0 feet by Monday morning. * Impacts at 30.0 feet...Numerous county roads and bridges inundated. Many dollars in damages in Prairie County. Extensive farmland and timberland flooded. Backwater flooding of Wattensaw Bayou and Bayou Des Arc. Patrolling of Kitty Barnes Levee on East Bank begins. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower White River Des Arc 24 28.4 Sat 07 PM 28.7 29.0 29.0 29.0 06 AM 02/18 && LAT...LON 3466 9139 3477 9150 3500 9155 3498 9142 3482 9138 3472 9129 $$ ARC001-095-171716- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA4.2.ER.190112T1500Z.190220T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 816 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Clarendon. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.5 feet by Wednesday morning. * Impacts at 30.0 feet...Clarendon storm sewer should be closed to keep river from backing up outflow pipe. Extensive flooding in the delta. Most cropland and timber in bottoms are flooded. Much of the National Wildlife Refuge land downstream of Clarendon will be flooded. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower White River Clarendon 26 29.5 Sat 08 PM 29.6 29.9 30.2 30.5 06 AM 02/20 && LAT...LON 3435 9119 3449 9132 3466 9139 3472 9129 3455 9120 3442 9108 $$  859 WSBZ31 SBCW 170216 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 170220/170520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2240 W04550 - S2104 W04439 - S2325 W03939 - S2512 W04207 - S2240 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  539 WWUS55 KCYS 170218 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 718 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC015-021-031-170230- /O.CON.KCYS.SQ.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T0230Z/ Goshen WY-Laramie WY-Platte WY- 718 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...A SNOW SQUALL WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM MST FOR SOUTHWESTERN GOSHEN...NORTHWESTERN LARAMIE AND SOUTHEASTERN PLATTE COUNTIES... At 718 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located 12 miles south of Chugwater, or 29 miles north of Cheyenne, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 34 and 62. Locations impacted include... Chugwater and Slater. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4176 10514 4186 10480 4167 10434 4147 10450 4146 10503 TIME...MOT...LOC 0218Z 323DEG 17KT 4158 10478 $$ Hammer  878 WWUS85 KLKN 170219 SPSLKN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Elko NV 619 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 NVZ036-038-170330- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwestern Elko County- Including the cities of Battle Mountain, Emigrant Pass, Elko, Spring Creek, and Carlin 619 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Snow showers possible along I-80 between Battle Mountain and Elko... Doppler radar is indicating bands of snow showers moving across portions of I-80 and could affect cities along the corridor between Battle Mountain and Elko. This includes Emigrant Summit. The heaviest showers will produce reduced visibility of 1 mile or less along with a quick half-inch to inch of snow. If driving along this evening, please use caution due to quick changing weather and road conditions. Visit www.weather.gov/elko for the latest weather information. $$  196 WWAK42 PAFG 170219 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ213-170330- /O.CAN.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait Coast- Including Gambell, Savoonga, Brevig Mission, Teller, Wales, and Diomede 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Conditions have improved. $$ AKZ209-170900- /O.EXT.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley- Including Kotzebue, Selawik, and Noorvik 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility one quarter mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning means significant amounts of ice are occurring This will make travel very difficult or impossible. $$ AKZ207-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Chukchi Sea Coast- Including Point Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Espenberg 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility will be one quarter mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause widespread blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Chukchi Sea Coast north of Espenberg. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause widespread blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for blowing snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. $$ AKZ208-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Noatak, Kiana, and Red Dog Mine 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility one quarter mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch are expected. * WHERE...Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys north of Noatak. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow and blowing snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. $$ AKZ215-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT AKST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...Midnight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT AKST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Midnight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON SUNDAY TO 9 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Noon Sunday to 9 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ227-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Upper Kuskokwim Valley- Including McGrath, Nikolai, Takotna, and Farewell Lake 519 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT AKST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 9 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Midnight tonight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$  154 WGUS82 KCHS 170219 FLSCHS Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 919 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 SCC015-043-089-180218- /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JAMS1.2.ER.181114T0107Z.181230T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 919 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santee River near Jamestown. * At 8 PM Saturday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will remain steady near 11.3 feet through Sunday morning then begin a slow fall. * At 12.0 feet, several dirt logging roads are impassable. && LAT...LON 3347 8002 3354 7998 3325 7937 3321 7938 3320 7951 3329 7976 $$ SCC049-053-GAC103-251-180218- /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190219T1536Z/ /CLYG1.2.ER.181125T2322Z.190108T2345Z.190219T0336Z.NO/ 919 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Savannah River near Clyo. * At 8 PM Saturday the stage was 12.8 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river is expected to drop below flood stage Monday night. * At 13.3 feet, one foot of water covers Tom Goethe Road just after the pavement ends. && LAT...LON 3273 8145 3276 8137 3264 8136 3249 8117 3246 8125 3261 8144 $$  693 WVMX31 MMMX 170219 MMEX SIGMET 1 VALID 170219/170313 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR CNL SIGMET 4 162113/170313=  828 WCIN31 VIDP 170200 NIL  864 WWCN10 CWUL 170222 WINTER STORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:22 P.M. EST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTER STORM WARNING ENDED FOR: CHEVERY BLANC-SABLON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER STORM CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  338 WTNC18 NWBB 170223 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY Issued by NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE at 2019-02-17 02:23 UTC Name: tropical cyclone category 2 OMA Data at 2019-02-17 00:00 UTC Latitude: 15.6 S Longitude: 164.0 E Location accuracy: within 20 nm Movement toward: 200 degree Speed of movement: 1 kt Maximum 10-minutes wind: 60 kt Maximum wind gust: 80 kt Central pressure: 980 hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: 120 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: 110 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: 120 nm Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: 150 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 64-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of maximum winds: 50 nm FORECAST DATA Date (UTC): Location(degree): Accuracy(nm): Max wind(kt) 17/02/19 00UTC: 15.8 S 164.2 E: 30: 60 17/02/19 06UTC: 16.4 S 164.2 E: 40: 60 17/02/19 12UTC: 16.9 S 164.1 E: 50: 60 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.4 S 163.9 E: 60: 65 18/02/19 00UTC: 18.1 S 163.6 E: 80: 70 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.7 S 163.3 E: 90: 75 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.4 S 163.0 E: 100: 75 18/02/19 18UTC: 20.0 S 162.7 E: 110: 80 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.5 S 162.5 E: 120: 80 19/02/19 06UTC: 21.0 S 162.3 E: 130: 85 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.5 S 162.1 E: 140: 85 19/02/19 18UTC: 22.0 S 161.9 E: 150: 80 Next issue time : The 2019-02-17 at 09:00 UTC.  174 WWUS43 KDVN 170224 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 824 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Accumulating Snow Overnight Through Sunday Evening... .A slow moving winter storm system will spread light to moderate snow across the region tonight through Sunday evening. Snowfall totals of 3 to 7 inches are forecast, with the higher amounts occurring over portions of east central and northeast Iowa where the snowfall duration is likely to be around 24 hours or more. Lower amounts of 1 to 3 inches are expected over portions of northeast Missouri and west Central Illinois where the duration will be shorter. The primary impacts will be snow covered and slick roadways, with drifting snow mostly likely in open or rural areas. IAZ040-041-051>053-063>065-067-076>078-087>089-098-ILZ025-171030- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.190217T0300Z-190218T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine- Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren- Henderson- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Muscatine, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, and Oquawka 824 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches expected, with isolated higher amounts possible west of a line from Independence, to Iowa City and to Washington. The lower range of amounts will occur from Fairfield to Burlington and southward. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ042-054-066-068-ILZ001-002-007-009-015>018-024-026-171030- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.190217T0600Z-190218T0600Z/ Dubuque-Jackson-Clinton-Scott-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Warren- Including the cities of Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Davenport, Bettendorf, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, and Monmouth 824 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Iowa and northwest Illinois. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibilities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ099-ILZ034-035-MOZ009-010-171030- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.190217T0300Z-190217T1800Z/ Lee-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 824 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches expected. Isolated amounts of 3 to 4 inches possible in northeast Missouri. * WHERE...In Missouri, Scotland and Clark Counties. In Illinois, Hancock and McDonough Counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to noon CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibilities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$  221 WTNC18 NWBB 170223 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY ISSUED BY NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE AT 2019-02-17 02:23 UTC NAME: TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA DATA AT 2019-02-17 00:00 UTC LATITUDE: 15.6 S LONGITUDE: 164.0 E LOCATION ACCURACY: WITHIN 20 NM MOVEMENT TOWARD: 200 DEGREE SPEED OF MOVEMENT: 1 KT MAXIMUM 10-MINUTES WIND: 60 KT MAXIMUM WIND GUST: 80 KT CENTRAL PRESSURE: 980 HPA RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 120 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 110 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 120 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 150 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS: 50 NM FORECAST DATA DATE (UTC): LOCATION(DEGREE): ACCURACY(NM): MAX WIND(KT) 17/02/19 00UTC: 15.8 S 164.2 E: 30: 60 17/02/19 06UTC: 16.4 S 164.2 E: 40: 60 17/02/19 12UTC: 16.9 S 164.1 E: 50: 60 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.4 S 163.9 E: 60: 65 18/02/19 00UTC: 18.1 S 163.6 E: 80: 70 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.7 S 163.3 E: 90: 75 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.4 S 163.0 E: 100: 75 18/02/19 18UTC: 20.0 S 162.7 E: 110: 80 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.5 S 162.5 E: 120: 80 19/02/19 06UTC: 21.0 S 162.3 E: 130: 85 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.5 S 162.1 E: 140: 85 19/02/19 18UTC: 22.0 S 161.9 E: 150: 80 NEXT ISSUE TIME : THE 2019-02-17 AT 09:00 UTC.=  222 WSBZ01 SBBR 170200 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W07031 - N0133 W06709 - N0053 W06602 - S0541 W06828 - S0512 W07003 - S0428 W07031 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  223 WSBZ01 SBBR 170200 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 170037/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1004 W06728 - S0554 W06639 - S0604 W06340 - S0934 W06210 - S1132 W06443 - S0915 W06524 - S1004 W06728 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  224 WSBZ01 SBBR 170200 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 170030/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0541 W05541 - S0513 W05058 - S0803 W04927 - S1148 W05324 - S0910 W05548 - S0541 W05541 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  225 WSBZ01 SBBR 170200 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1253 W06113 - S1039 W05728 - S1319 W05348 - S1602 W05340 - S1632 W05502 - S1446 W05926 - S1253 W06113 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  226 WSBZ01 SBBR 170200 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 170111/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0933 W05101 - S0730 W04902 - S0919 W04746 - S1025 W05003 - S0933 W05101 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  227 WSBZ01 SBBR 170200 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 170035/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W04806 - S0141 W04759 - S0127 W04433 - S0505 W04428 - S0527 W04806 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  772 WGUS84 KLIX 170225 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 825 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC033-077-125-180825- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRLL1.2.ER.181215T2215Z.190305T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 825 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 52.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 57.0 feet by Tuesday March 05 then begin falling. * Impact...At 54.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom land will be under water. Water approaches Angola farm land. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom farm land will be under water. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Access roads will be inundated and evacuation of all river islands must be complete. Protection of people and property in the river bottom land on the river side of the levees must be complete. * Impact...At 46.0 feet...River traffic will become dangerous. A levee crevasse would flood adjacent farm land. Significant flooding of Raccourci Island will continue and evacuation of the island is recommended. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Between the 40 and 45 foot stage flooding of Raccourci Island becomes significant. At the 45 foot stage evacuation of the island is recommended. && LAT...LON 3074 9137 3071 9159 3102 9170 3103 9153 $$ LAC033-121-180825- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTRL1.3.ER.190106T1052Z.190305T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 825 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 35.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 40.0 feet by Tuesday March 05 then begin falling. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 36.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...River islands from Red River Landing downstream to Baton Rouge will be inundated. && LAT...LON 3035 9113 3032 9130 3071 9159 3074 9130 $$ LAC005-180825- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.190222T1800Z-000000T0000Z/ /DONL1.1.ER.190222T1800Z.190305T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 825 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 25.1 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Friday February 22 and continue to rise to near 29.5 feet by Tuesday March 05. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$  069 WWCN15 CWUL 170225 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:25 P.M. EST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: QUAQTAQ KANGIRSUK AUPALUK TASIUJAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITIES IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OVER THESE COMMUNITIES BEGINNING THIS EVENING OR OVERNIGHT TONIGHT. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  792 WWCN15 CWUL 170225 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:25 P.M. EST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIQSUALUJJUAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITIES IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OVER THIS COMMUNITY BEGINNING TOMORROW AFTERNOON. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  618 WWUS76 KLOX 170228 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 628 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ059-170330- /O.EXP.KLOX.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T0200Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 628 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The wind advisory for the Antelope Valley will be replaced by a Winter Weather Advisory as there will be the potential for light snow accumulations in the foothills, along with continued gusty west winds on Sunday into Sunday evening. $$ Gomberg  006 WWJP25 RJTD 170000 WARNING AND SUMMARY 170000. WARNING VALID 180000. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 980 HPA AT 44N 168E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING NORTHEAST 30 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 44N 168E TO 40N 175E 38N 176E. COLD FRONT FROM 44N 168E TO 41N 169E 37N 165E 35N 161E 30N 154E 28N 150E 25N 144E. WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 1200 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE. FORECAST POSITION FOR 171200UTC AT 49N 175E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 180000UTC AT 54N 177W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 85 MILES RADIUS. ANOTHER LOW 1000 HPA AT 40N 158E MOVING EAST 25 KNOTS. GALE WARNING. SOUTHERLY TO SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS PREVAILING OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 48N 165E 60N 170E 60N 180E 48N 180E 48N 165E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 30N 153E 40N 165E 45N 165E 53N 180E 35N 180E 30N 163E 30N 153E. SUMMARY. LOW 988 HPA AT 57N 153E ALMOST STATIONARY. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1008 HPA NEAR 03N 169E WEST SLOWLY. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  229 WWUS55 KCYS 170229 SQWCYS BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 728 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC015-021-031-170300- /O.NEW.KCYS.SQ.W.0014.190217T0228Z-190217T0300Z/ Goshen WY-Laramie WY-Platte WY- 728 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Southwestern Goshen County in southeastern Wyoming... Northeastern Laramie County in southeastern Wyoming... Southeastern Platte County in southeastern Wyoming... * Until 800 PM MST. * At 728 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located along a line extending from 11 miles west of Gun Barrel to 11 miles northwest of Whitaker, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility in snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Expect hazardous road conditions. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 21 and 56. Locations impacted include... Chugwater, Whitaker and Gun Barrel. This replaces the Snow Squall Warning which was previously in effect for the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4178 10508 4177 10451 4130 10415 4127 10495 TIME...MOT...LOC 0228Z 324DEG 24KT 4150 10457 4156 10497 $$ Hammer  915 WSPR31 SPIM 170229 SPIM SIGMET B1 VALID 170235/170535 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0200Z WI S0749 W07717 - S1114 W07551 - S1130 W07400 - S1019 W07509 - S0717 W07659 - S0749 W07717 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  300 WSZA21 FAOR 170229 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 170233/170600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2806 E03515 - S3001 E03945 - S3411 E04009 - S3252 E03707 - S2938 E03414 TOP FL400=  204 WAUS46 KKCI 170245 WA6T SFOT WA 170245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET TURB...OR CA NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM SNY TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW ENI TO 30WSW MOD TO 50SSW ILC TO 30WSW DBL TO SNY MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30NW TOU TO 60SSW HQM TO 90SSW ONP TO 90NW FOT TO 120WNW FOT TO 110WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO 30NW TOU MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL270. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSW FMG TO 20SE BTY TO 20E EED TO 20ENE BZA TO 20SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 190SW RZS TO 80SSW RZS TO 40S CZQ TO 40ESE SAC TO 20SSW FMG MOD TURB BLW 150. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NNW TOU-40S EUG-60ESE RBL-50SSW OAL-120SW PYE- 140WSW FOT-110WNW ONP-140W TOU-40NNW TOU MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL300. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  205 WAUS42 KKCI 170245 WA2T MIAT WA 170245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET TURB...NC SC GA MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ERI TO 150E ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 160SSE ILM TO 20SE LGC TO 20NE GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO 40NE FWA TO 40SE DXO TO 20NNE ERI MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NC NY NJ MD DE VA CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSE HTO TO 170S ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 90SE ECG TO 50ESE ORF TO 70SE CYN TO 100SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...TURB NC SC GA NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NNW SYR-140E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG- 160ESE ILM-30WNW ATL-20ESE GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-20NE FWA-40SE DXO-20W BUF-40NNW SYR MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 160SE SIE-190ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-120SSE CHS-70SE SAV- 30SSE CHS-70SSE ECG-160SE SIE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  206 WAUS44 KKCI 170245 WA4T DFWT WA 170245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY FROM DLL TO 40W PMM TO 50SSE ECK TO 40NE FWA TO 30NW ATL TO 20SE LGC TO 50NW AEX TO 60WNW CWK TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO SNY TO 20SE FSD TO DLL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...TN AL MI IN KY FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20NE GQO TO CVG MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK TX SD NE KS FROM 70NW RAP TO 40SW DPR TO 20WSW MCK TO 30E LBL TO 40SW OKC TO 30WSW DLF TO 90S MRF TO 20E ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OK TX KS BOUNDED BY 30WNW HLC-60WSW ICT-20ESE SPS-60WSW TTT-20N JCT-70SW SJT-20NNW MAF-70SE LBB-50W LBL-GLD-30WNW HLC LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL BOUNDED BY 40ENE DYR-30SW BNA-20ESE MHZ-50WSW AEX-20ESE CWK-20SE TTT-20W TXK-40ENE DYR LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  207 WAUS43 KKCI 170245 WA3T CHIT WA 170245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 170900 . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM DLL TO 40W PMM TO 50SSE ECK TO 40NE FWA TO 30NW ATL TO 20SE LGC TO 50NW AEX TO 60WNW CWK TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO SNY TO 20SE FSD TO DLL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE FROM 40WNW DIK TO 50NW LBF TO SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 40WNW DIK MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL240. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...MI IN KY TN AL FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20NE GQO TO CVG MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS OK TX FROM 70NW RAP TO 40SW DPR TO 20WSW MCK TO 30E LBL TO 40SW OKC TO 30WSW DLF TO 90S MRF TO 20E ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 30WNW HLC-60WSW ICT-20ESE SPS-60WSW TTT-20N JCT-70SW SJT-20NNW MAF-70SE LBB-50W LBL-GLD-30WNW HLC LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB ND SD NE BOUNDED BY 60NW ISN-40NNW DPR-40SW OBH-20ESE AKO-20ENE DEN-50SE HVR-60NW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL300. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  208 WAUS45 KKCI 170245 WA5T SLCT WA 170245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET TURB...NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM SNY TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW ENI TO 30WSW MOD TO 50SSW ILC TO 30WSW DBL TO SNY MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...MT WY CO FROM 40WNW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO SNY TO 40SSE CYS TO 20NW CYS TO 60WSW MLS TO 40NW MLS TO 40WNW DIK MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL240. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSW FMG TO 20SE BTY TO 20E EED TO 20ENE BZA TO 20SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 190SW RZS TO 80SSW RZS TO 40S CZQ TO 40ESE SAC TO 20SSW FMG MOD TURB BLW 150. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...MT WY CO NM FROM 70NW RAP TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO 40SSW DMN TO 60SE SJN TO 70WNW FTI TO 30SE CZI TO 70NW RAP MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...CO BOUNDED BY GLD-50W LBL-40N LAA-GLD LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG BY 06Z. ....  209 WAUS41 KKCI 170245 WA1T BOST WA 170245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 170900 . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ERI TO 150E ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 160SSE ILM TO 20SE LGC TO 20NE GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO 40NE FWA TO 40SE DXO TO 20NNE ERI MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NY NJ MD DE VA NC CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSE HTO TO 170S ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 90SE ECG TO 50ESE ORF TO 70SE CYN TO 100SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NNW SYR-140E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG- 160ESE ILM-30WNW ATL-20ESE GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-20NE FWA-40SE DXO-20W BUF-40NNW SYR MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  121 WHUS71 KAKQ 170234 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 934 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ANZ656-170345- /O.CAN.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 934 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Seas have fallen below advisory criteria. $$ ANZ633-170345- /O.EXP.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Currituck Sound- 934 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... Winds have diminished to below advisory criteria. $$ ANZ658-170900- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 934 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST SUNDAY... * Wind: North to northeast 15 to 20 knots. * Seas: 4 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 5 feet or greater over the coastal waters are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$  318 WSZA21 FAOR 170230 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 170233/170600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2827 W00934 - S3129 W00458 - S3555 E00441 - S3936 E00258 - S3252 W00936 TOP FL320=  319 WSZA21 FAOR 170231 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 170233/170600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4251 E02923 - S4311 E03620 - S4632 E03749 - S4642 E03048 TOP FL320=  888 WOCN11 CWTO 170220 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:20 P.M. EST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= ST. CATHARINES - GRIMSBY - NORTHERN NIAGARA REGION =NEW= CITY OF HAMILTON =NEW= BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL POSSIBLE SUNDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT. AREAS OF HEAVY FLURRIES OFF LAKE ONTARIO ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP SUNDAY MORNING AND PERSIST INTO THE AFTERNOON DUE TO INCREASING NORTHEAST WINDS. THIS ACTIVITY SHOULD MAINLY AFFECT THE HAMILTON AREA, BUT MAY AFFECT THE BURLINGTON AND OAKVILLE AREAS AS WELL. MORE WIDESPREAD SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH AN APPROACHING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IS THEN EXPECTED TO MOVE INTO THE REGION EARLY SUNDAY EVENING AND PERSIST INTO EARLY MONDAY MORNING. THE HEAVIEST SNOWFALL DURING THIS TIMEFRAME WILL LIKELY BE FROM HAMILTON TOWARDS NIAGARA FALLS. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS ARE GENERALLY EXPECTED TO BE IN THE 5 TO 10 CM RANGE ALTHOUGH SOME AREAS, PARTICULARLY ON THE ESCARPMENT, MAY APPROACH 15 CM. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  101 WSBO31 SLLP 170233 SLLF SIGMET A1 VALID 170230/170630 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0228Z WI S2129 W06613 S2213 W06728 S2002 W06845 S1915 W06833 S1837 W06907 S1704 W06939 S1608 W06853 S1542 W06919 S1445 W06924 S1412 W06850 S1704 W06340 S2056 W06343 S2155 W06446 S2157 W06436 TOP FL400 MOV NE 09KT NC=  307 WSNT06 KKCI 170240 SIGA0F KZWY SIGMET FOXTROT 2 VALID 170240/170640 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0240Z WI N3740 W06130 - N3610 W05620 - N3130 W06050 - N3420 W06220 - N3740 W06130. TOP FL350. MOV ENE 25KT. NC.  306 WWAK41 PAFG 170239 WSWNSB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 539 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ206-170345- /O.CAN.PAFG.WW.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Northeastern Brooks Range- Including Anaktuvuk Pass, Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, and Franklin Bluffs 539 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Winds have died down across the area. $$ AKZ205-170900- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Northwestern Brooks Range- Including Singiluk and Umiat 539 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with areas of poor visibility. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Total snow accumulations of 4 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Near passes of the Northwestern Brooks Range. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  256 WHUS71 KCAR 170239 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 939 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ANZ050-051-170900- /O.CON.KCAR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 939 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST SUNDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  479 WGUS83 KPAH 170240 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 840 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky...Missouri... Mississippi River at New Madrid .Minor flooding continues along the Mississippi River at New Madrid. Water levels continue to rise, and the river is forecast to crest in moderate flood stage at 40.0 feet Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && KYC075-MOC133-143-180640- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NMDM7.2.ER.190211T1940Z.190219T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 840 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at New Madrid * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 38.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 40.0 feet by Tuesday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...Heavy agricultural damage begins. && LAT...LON 3662 8962 3669 8927 3651 8918 3650 8935 3648 8935 3648 8964 $$  242 WWCN16 CWHX 170240 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:10 P.M. NST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: NORTHERN PENINSULA EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG WESTERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP SUNDAY AFTERNOON, ESPECIALLY IN THE CANADA BAY AREA WHERE WINDS WILL GUST TO 80 KM/H OR MORE SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. THE WIND GUSTS WILL FURTHER INCREASE TO 110 KM/H OVERNIGHT SUNDAY NIGHT AND ARE LIKELY TO PERSIST OR EVEN FURTHER STRENGTHEN ON MONDAY. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  883 WWCN17 CWHX 170240 WINTER STORM WARNING FOR LABRADOR UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:40 P.M. AST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTER STORM WARNING FOR: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HAZARDOUS WINTER CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED. SNOW, AT TIMES HEAVY, WILL COMBINE WITH STRONG SOUTHEASTERLY WINDS TONIGHT TO GIVE REDUCED VISIBILITIES AT TIMES IN BLOWING SNOW. TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS ARE FORECAST TO REACH 25 TO 35 CM BEFORE THE SNOW ENDS OVERNIGHT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. WINTER STORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN MULTIPLE TYPES OF SEVERE WINTER WEATHER ARE EXPECTED TO OCCUR TOGETHER. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  756 WWCN16 CWHX 170240 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:10 P.M. NST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= GROS MORNE BURGEO - RAMEA. RAINFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: CHANNEL-PORT AUX BASQUES AND VICINITY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. RAIN, AT TIMES HEAVY, WILL BRIEFLY MIX WITH OR CHANGE TO SNOW BEFORE ENDING OVERNIGHT. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 30 TO 40 MM ARE EXPECTED BEFORE THE RAIN ENDS. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. WATCH FOR POSSIBLE WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. RAINFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  577 WWCN03 CYZX 170241 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 CDSB GAGETOWN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:41 PM AST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: 5 CDSB GAGETOWN (CYCX) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 17/0700Z (UNTIL 17/0300 AST) COMMENTS: SURFACE WINDS GUSTING TO 25 OR GREATER ARE OCCURING AT THE SURFACE IN REGIONS OF THE GAGETOWN AREA. WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO DIMINISH EARLY OVERNIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 17/0700Z (17/0300 AST) END/JMC  162 WWUS41 KLWX 170243 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 943 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 VAZ025-026-503-504-507-508-WVZ505-506-171045- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1600Z-190218T0200Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Western Highland-Eastern Highland- Northern Virginia Blue Ridge-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- Western Pendleton-Eastern Pendleton- 943 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO 9 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Sleet and freezing rain expected. Sleet accumulation less than one inch. Ice accumulation from freezing rain around one tenth of an inch for elevations above 2000 feet. * WHERE...Elevations above 2000 feet along the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the Potomac Highlands of Highland, Augusta, and Rockingham counties in Virginia as well as Pendleton County in West Virginia. * WHEN...From 11 AM to 9 PM EST Sunday. Sleet and freezing rain will overspread the area most likely between 11 am and 1 pm Sunday morning into Sunday afternoon. Precipitation will change to all freezing rain later Sunday afternoon before eventually ending as rain Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions for elevations above 2000 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ DHOF  167 WGUS81 KCLE 170243 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 943 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Killbuck Creek Near Killbuck PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC075-169-171042- /O.CON.KCLE.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ /KILO1.1.ER.190207T0252Z.190213T1945Z.190217T2100Z.NO/ 943 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The flood warning continues for The Killbuck Creek Near Killbuck. * Until Sunday afternoon. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was...15.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage by Sunday afternoon. * At 15.0 feet...Several low lying roads in Holmes County including Township Roads 91 and 92, and County Roads 621 and 622 are flooded. * At 16.0 feet...Flooded roads in and near Killbuck include Water Street, County Road 621, State Route 60 south, as well as local low lying roads. Holmes county fairgrounds inundated. && LAT...LON 4099 8203 4099 8193 4067 8190 4045 8191 4045 8202 4067 8202 $$  389 WWUS55 KCYS 170245 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 744 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC015-031-170254- /O.CAN.KCYS.SQ.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Goshen WY-Platte WY- 744 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...THE SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN GOSHEN AND SOUTHEASTERN PLATTE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The snow squall which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the snow squall warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4166 10504 4165 10465 4156 10465 4156 10440 4130 10415 4127 10495 TIME...MOT...LOC 0244Z 322DEG 26KT 4137 10439 4139 10480 $$ WYC021-170300- /O.CON.KCYS.SQ.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Laramie WY- 744 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...A SNOW SQUALL WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 800 PM MST FOR NORTHEASTERN LARAMIE COUNTY... At 744 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located along a line extending from near Gun Barrel to near Whitaker, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 21 and 47. Locations impacted include... Whitaker and Gun Barrel. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4166 10504 4165 10465 4156 10465 4156 10440 4130 10415 4127 10495 TIME...MOT...LOC 0244Z 322DEG 26KT 4137 10439 4139 10480 $$ Hammer  426 WHUS72 KMHX 170245 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 945 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GUSTY WINDS AND HAZARDOUS SEAS EXPECTED TONIGHT... .Gusty winds will continue through this evening following a cold frontal passage. Seas will peak at 5 to 7 feet this evening. Seas and winds then will then slowly decrease late tonight into Sunday morning. AMZ130-131-170345- /O.CAN.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T0300Z/ Albemarle Sound-Alligator River- 945 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Winds have diminished to 15 to 20 knots. $$ AMZ150-170900- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ S of Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC out 20 nm- 945 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST SUNDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ152-154-171000- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 945 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST SUNDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ156-158-170900- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 945 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST SUNDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ135-170900- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Pamlico Sound- 945 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST SUNDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WAVES...2 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  033 WWUS46 KLOX 170245 WSWLOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ059-171130- /O.EXB.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1400Z-190218T1100Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Light snow showers are likely in the foothills on Sunday and Sunday evening, with a chance for snow on the valley floor. Snow levels will generally range between 2500 and 3000 feet, lowest in the morning and night. Snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches are likely in the foothills above 3000 feet, with a dusting of snow possible across portions of the valley floor. West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph will occur at times through Sunday evening. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Portions of highways 14 and 138, mainly near the foothill communities, could be impacted by light snow and icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ037-171130- /O.EXA.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1100Z-190218T1100Z/ San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys- Including the cities of Paso Robles and Atascadero 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers and gusty winds expected, with potential for icy roadways. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches, mainly above 3000 feet between early Sunday morning and early Monday morning, with up to an inch for elevations from 2000 to 3000 feet in the Carrizo Plain. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph are forecast during the period. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected by light snow include Highway 58. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ053-054-171130- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, with icy roadways and gusty winds are expected. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with local amounts up to 8 inches above 4000 feet and up to 2 inches down to 2500 feet through early Monday morning. Snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches along with icy road conditions are possible on the Grapevine through Monday morning. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions including during the evening commute. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some mountain roadways that could be affected include Highway 33 in Ventura County as well as Interstate 5 and Highway 14 in Los Angeles County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ052-171130- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Barbara County Mountains- Including the cities of San Marcos Pass, San Rafael Wilderness Area, and Dick Smith Wilderness Area 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, icy roadways, and gusty winds expected. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with local amounts up to 8 inches above 4000 feet and up to 2 inches down to 2500 feet through early Monday morning. An occasional mixing of snow is possible across the San Marcos Pass Sunday and Sunday night. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Santa Barbara County Mountains. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the evening commute. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ051-171130- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1100Z-190218T1100Z/ San Luis Obispo County Mountains- Including the city of Black Mountain 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, icy roadways, and gusty winds expected. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, mainly above 3000 feet between early Sunday morning and early Monday morning with a dusting possible down to 2000 feet. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Mountains. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected include Highways 58 and 166 in southern San Luis Obispo County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ038-171130- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1100Z-190218T1100Z/ Cuyama Valley- Including the city of Cuyama 645 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers and gusty winds expected with potential for icy roadways. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, mainly above 3000 feet between early Sunday morning and early Monday morning with up to an inch on the valley floor possible. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph are forecast during the period. * WHERE...Cuyama Valley. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected include Highway 166 across the Cuyama Valley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ Gomberg/Smith  777 WWUS85 KLKN 170246 SPSLKN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Elko NV 646 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 NVZ037-170500- Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Austin, Austin Summit, Eureka, Diamond Valley, and Pinto Summit 646 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Snow showers possible along US Highway 50 between Austin and Eureka... Doppler radar is indicating bands of snow showers moving across portions of US Highway 50 and could affect cities along the corridor between Austin and Eureka. This includes Hickison Summit. The heaviest showers will produce reduced visibility of 1 mile or less along with a quick half-inch to inch of snow. If driving along this evening, please use caution due to quick changing weather and road conditions. Visit www.weather.gov/elko for the latest weather information. $$  492 WSPF23 NTAA 170247 NTTT SIGMET C1 VALID 170300/170500 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1500 W157000 - S1600 W15000 - S2000 W14900 - S2100 W15500 - S1800 W15700 FL150/250 MOV E 10KT NC=  864 WSCI36 ZUUU 170245 ZPKM SIGMET 1 VALID 170300/170700 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3216 E10542-N3144 E10922-N2806 E10908-N2713 E10620-N2801 E10324-N3015 E10241-N3216 E10542 FL050/150 STNR NC=  291 WWUS41 KRLX 170249 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 949 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 WVZ516-518-520-171100- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1300Z-190217T1800Z/ Southeast Raleigh-Southeast Fayette-Southeast Nicholas- Including the cities of Beckley, Meadow Bridge, and Richwood 949 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 1 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain, possibly beginning as sleet, changing to rain by midday. Total sleet accumulations of up to a tenth of an inch, with ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Fayette, and Southeast Nicholas Counties. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 1 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ522>524-526-171100- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1400Z-190218T0000Z/ Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Snowshoe, Marlinton, and Harman 949 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 7 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain and sleet, changing to rain by evening. Total sleet accumulations of up to two tenths of an inch, with ice accumulations of one to two tenths of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Webster, Northwest Pocahontas, Southeast Pocahontas, and Southeast Randolph Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 7 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  761 WHUS74 KCRP 170249 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 849 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE SEA FOG ALONG THE MIDDLE TEXAS COAST THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... .Warm moist air moving across the cooler sea water along the Middle Texas coast will continue to produce areas of dense sea fog. A weak frontal boundary will move toward the coast around daybreak Sunday. The front should provide improvement in the visibility along the coast for Sunday morning. GMZ230-235-250-255-171200- /O.CON.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Bays and Waterways from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas- Bays and Waterways from Port Aransas to Port O'Connor- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM- 849 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * VISIBILITY...Less than 1 nautical mile. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ TMT/CB  280 WAUS42 KKCI 170245 WA2Z MIAZ WA 170245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE NC SC GA PA OH WV MD DC VA BOUNDED BY EWC-20SW PSB-20ESE DCA-GSO-ODF-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-30SE APE-EWC MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL180. CONDS DVLPG AFT 12Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 100 BOUNDED BY 130E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 30SE ECG-50NNE ILM-20NNW FLO-ODF-30S VXV-HMV-50WSW BKW- 40SSE DCA-130E ACK 040 ALG 40S PSK-20SE GSO-30WNW ECG 080 ALG 30E VXV-30SW CLT-50S RDU-180E ECG 120 ALG 20SE LGC-50S ILM-130SE ILM 160 ALG 120ESE LEV-110SSE CEW-30NE OMN-210ENE TRV ....  469 WAUS44 KKCI 170245 WA4Z DFWZ WA 170245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...AR TN MS AL MO IL IN KY FROM 20N CVG TO 40SW HNN TO 20NNW HMV TO GQO TO 20NW MSL TO 20E MEM TO FAM TO 60S IND TO 20N CVG MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE TX AR LA MS AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30NNE SQS-MHZ-30S LCH-50SSE IAH-CWK-20ESE ACT-20ENE TXK-30NNE SQS MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL200. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-170 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 40WSW ROD-CVG-HNN-50S HNN- 60SSE TTH-50NNW SPS-20SSE AMA-40W GCK-20N GCK-20E MMB-30NW TTH-40WSW ROD MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE TTH-50S HNN-HMV-60W BNA- 40NNW ELD-20SE SPS-50NNW SPS-60SSE TTH SFC ALG 20WNW TXO-20ESE AMA-50NE CDS-40WSW OKC-20ENE TUL-20NW RZC 040 ALG 30WNW AMA-40ENE CDS-40SSE TUL-30NW LIT-50ENE DYR 080 ALG 40SSE ELP-40SSW LBB-30SSW MLC-40SSW LIT-60SW LOZ- 30NNE VXV-30E VXV 120 ALG 50WSW MRF-20SW FST-20WNW GGG-30WSW MLU-20SE LGC 160 ALG 30SSW LRD-110SSE PSX-120SE PSX ....  470 WAUS46 KKCI 170245 WA6Z SFOZ WA 170245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM YDC TO 50SW YXC TO 40NW DNJ TO 40ESE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 40S OAL TO 60E EHF TO 40SE EHF TO 40SSW RZS TO 100S SNS TO 130SW PYE TO 140WSW FOT TO 160W HQM TO 30SE HQM TO YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-090 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 050-080 BOUNDED BY 50SSW RZS-90SSW LAX-200SSW RZS- 150WSW RZS-50SSW RZS SFC ALG 30N TOU-40E TOU-30WNW SEA-60ENE FOT-40NE EHF-70SSW BTY-50SSE BTY 040 ALG 140WSW SNS-90SSW SNS-90W RZS-30S EHF-70SSW BTY ....  471 WAUS45 KKCI 170245 WA5Z SLCZ WA 170245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...MT WY CO FROM 50NNW GGW TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 30WSW PUB TO CYS TO 70SSW BIL TO LWT TO 50NNW GGW MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY FROM 30SSW YQL TO 60SSW LWT TO BPI TO 30WSW MLD TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 30ENE BKE TO 50SW YXC TO 30SSW YQL MOD ICE BLW 140. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET ICE...NV UT CO AZ NM FROM HBU TO 40E ABQ TO 30SW ABQ TO 40NNE TCS TO PHX TO EED TO 80SSE ILC TO 40SSW HVE TO HBU MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-090 ACRS AREA SFC ALG 50SSE BTY-20ENE LAS-60ENE PHX-20NNW SSO-20WSW DMN- 50SE TCS-20WNW TXO ....  472 WAUS41 KKCI 170245 WA1Z BOSZ WA 170245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...ICE PA OH LE WV BOUNDED BY 30SE ECK-ERI-20NW EWC-APE-50SW ROD-FWA-30SE ECK MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS DVLPG AFT 09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...ICE PA OH WV MD DC VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY EWC-20SW PSB-20ESE DCA-GSO-ODF-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-30SE APE-EWC MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL180. CONDS DVLPG AFT 12Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-100 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 100 BOUNDED BY 130E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 30SE ECG-50NNE ILM-20NNW FLO-ODF-30S VXV-HMV-50WSW BKW- 40SSE DCA-130E ACK MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 40WSW ROD-20ESE EKN-50E BKW- 50WSW BKW-HNN-CVG-40WSW ROD SFC ALG 40S HNN-20N LYH-30W SBY-150ENE ACK 040 ALG 30WNW ECG-110SE SBY-180SE ACK ....  473 WAUS43 KKCI 170245 WA3Z CHIZ WA 170245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY FROM 50NNW ISN TO 60NE ISN TO MKG TO 20NNW CVG TO FAM TO 30S SGF TO 40ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...MO IL IN KY AR TN MS AL FROM 20N CVG TO 40SW HNN TO 20NNW HMV TO GQO TO 20NW MSL TO 20E MEM TO FAM TO 60S IND TO 20N CVG MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-40NW MOT-DLH-SSM-30ESE ECK-FWA-40NNW CVG-20SSE TTH-20SSE FAM-20WSW OSW-40E HLC-20SSE LBF-40NNW BFF-70SW RAP-50NNW ISN MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 40WSW ROD-CVG-HNN-50S HNN- 60SSE TTH-50NNW SPS-20SSE AMA-40W GCK-20N GCK-20E MMB-30NW TTH-40WSW ROD MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE TTH-50S HNN-HMV-60W BNA- 40NNW ELD-20SE SPS-50NNW SPS-60SSE TTH SFC ALG 20NW RZC-40W IIU-40S HNN 040 ALG 50ENE DYR-50S IIU-50WSW BKW ....  000 WSUS32 KKCI 170255 SIGC MKCC WST 170255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170455-170855 FROM BWG-50W GQO-30NE SQS-50ENE LIT-50N DYR-BWG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  001 WSUS33 KKCI 170255 SIGW MKCW WST 170255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170455-170855 FROM EUG-OAK-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-120WSW ONP-EUG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  002 WSUS31 KKCI 170255 SIGE MKCE WST 170255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170455-170855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  075 WSFG20 TFFF 170249 SOOO SIGMET 1 VALID 170300/170530 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N1130 W03645 - N0745 W03500 - N0500 W04000 - N0500 W04500 - N0815 W04400 FL140/200 STNR NC=  772 WGUS84 KMEG 170251 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 850 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MOC143-155-TNC095-180250- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190302T1525Z/ /TPTT1.1.ER.190213T0000Z.190219T1800Z.190301T1525Z.NO/ 850 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tiptonville * until Friday March 1. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 39.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Maximum forecast stage of 42.0 feet on Tuesday February 19. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Wednesday February 13 and will continue rising to near 42.0 feet by Tuesday February 19. The river will fall below flood stage Friday March 01. * At 42.0 feet...In Tennessee, Pea Ridge Road is flooding. Lane to homestead northwest of Pea Ridge Road just by the river is flooding. Water begins to go over the Tennemo Levee. && LAT...LON 3650 8957 3650 8938 3623 8948 3623 8977 $$  773 WSPA10 PHFO 170251 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 2 VALID 170250/170650 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0840 E16720 - N0330 E16520 - N0340 E16020 - N0740 E16210 - N0840 E16720. CB TOPS TO FL580. MOV W 5KT. INTSF. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  424 WSPF23 NTAA 170250 NTTT SIGMET C2 VALID 170250/170500 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR CNL SIGMET C1 VALID 170300/170500=  376 WSPF23 NTAA 170251 NTTT SIGMET C3 VALID 170300/170500 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1500 W15700 - S1600 W15000 - S2000 W14900 - S2100 W15500 - S1800 W15700 FL150/250 MOV E 10KT NC=  751 WGUS84 KMEG 170252 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 852 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC093-MOC155-TNC045-095-097-180251- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190303T2320Z/ /CRTM7.1.ER.190211T0248Z.190220T1800Z.190302T2320Z.NO/ 852 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Caruthersville * until Saturday March 02. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 37.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Maximum forecast stage of 39.5 feet on Wednesday February 20. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Sunday February 10 and will continue rising to near 39.5 feet by Wednesday February 20. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday March 02. * At 40.0 feet...In Tennessee, Highway 88 is flooded at many places. Backwater coming up the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers has flooded most unprotected land in Western Dyer County and the north bottom of Lauderdale County. Backwater has reached Miston, Finley, and Four Points. Backwater has mearly reached Lennox, Richmond Road, and Paw Paw Ridge. Parker Road in Lake County is flooded. In Arkansas, road to the grain terminal east Blytheville is flooded. Fields inside the levee are flooded in Pemiscott County, Missouri. && LAT...LON 3623 8977 3623 8948 3606 8950 3595 8948 3582 8956 3582 8985 $$  686 WGUS84 KMEG 170253 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 853 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC093-TNC097-167-180253- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190305T0824Z/ /OSGA4.3.ER.190211T1854Z.190221T1800Z.190304T0824Z.NO/ 853 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Osceola * until Monday March 04. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 33.2 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring AND Major flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 36.0 feet on Thursday February 21. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Monday February 11 and will continue rising to near 36.0 feet by Thursday February 21. The river will fall below flood stage Monday March 04. * At 36.0 feet...In Tennessee, farmstead sites around Keyes Point are flooding. All evacuation roads from Keyes Point and Golddust are flooded. Ashport and many home sites along Route 19 are flooding. Home sites south of Coker Slough are flooding. Home sites on the north side of Corona Lake are being covered. Home site on Brandywine Road is flooded. Coon Valley Road is going under water. In Arkansas, grain terminal sites at Osceola are being covered. All fields between Barfield Point and the Arkansas Levee are inundated. && LAT...LON 3582 8996 3582 8956 3560 8979 3539 8995 3539 9025 $$  265 WWUS43 KUNR 170253 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 753 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL ACROSS PARTS OF THE AREA THROUGH SUNDAY... .A band snow will continue across parts of western and central South Dakota and parts of far northeastern Wyoming tonight. The highest snowfall amounts will be over parts of northwestern South Dakota. Areas of blowing snow will create travel problems overnight. SDZ001-012-171100- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Harding-Butte- Including the cities of Buffalo and Belle Fourche 753 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Harding and Butte. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ002-013-014-032-171100- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Perkins-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach-Haakon- Including the cities of Lemmon, Bison, Faith, Dupree, and Philip 753 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...The Northern Meade County Plains, Perkins, Ziebach and 3 inches. Haakon. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ031-171100- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Pennington Co Plains- Including the city of Wall 753 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...The Pennington County Plains. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ024-025-072-073-WYZ054-056-057-071-171100- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Northern Black Hills-Northern Foot Hills- Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills-Southern Meade Co Plains- Northern Campbell-Western Crook-Wyoming Black Hills- Northeastern Crook- Including the cities of Lead, Deadwood, Spearfish, Sturgis, Union Center, Gillette, Moorcroft, Hulett, Four Corners, Sundance, and Colony 753 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and the Black Hills of Wyoming and northwestern and the Black Hills of South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ043-046-047-049-171100- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 753 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 /853 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Todd, Mellette, Jackson and Tripp. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  034 WSCO31 SKBO 170254 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 170250/170450 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0236Z WI N0601 W07657 - N0644 W07619 - N0605 W07607 - N0552 W07629 - N0601 W07657 TOP FL430 MOV NE 10KT INTSF =  112 WGUS84 KMEG 170254 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 854 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC035-MSC033-TNC157-180254- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0049.190218T2100Z-190302T1800Z/ /MEMT1.1.ER.190218T2100Z.190223T1200Z.190301T1800Z.NO/ 854 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Memphis * from Monday February 18 until Friday March 01. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 32.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 36.0 feet on Saturday February 23. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by Monday February 18 and continue to rise to near 36.0 feet by Saturday February 23.The river will fall below flood stage by Friday March 01. * At 36.0 feet...In Tennessee, water is edging onto Fullen Dock Area. Roads on the north side of the Loosahatchie river near its mouth are beginning to flood. Riverside Park Marina begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3539 9025 3539 8995 3533 9005 3513 9004 3491 9008 3491 9041 $$  377 WAUS45 KKCI 170245 WA5S SLCS WA 170245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY WA OR FROM 60SE YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60ENE JAC TO 20SSE PIH TO DNJ TO 30SSW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 60SE YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 60SSW YYN TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 50ENE DDY TO 60SSW YYN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT WA OR FROM 60E YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 40SW YQL TO SHR TO 20SE BPI TO 20WNW SLC TO 60WSW BKE TO 60E YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV FROM 40NW BVL TO ELY TO ILC TO 30ENE BTY TO 20NE OAL TO 70E FMG TO 60WNW BAM TO 40NW BVL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  599 WWUS46 KEKA 170255 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 655 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ102-105-106-108-171100- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Del Norte Interior-Northern Humboldt Interior- Southern Humboldt Interior-Southern Trinity- 655 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with localized amounts up to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior, Interior Humboldt County and Southern Trinity County above 1500 feet. Highways impacted include 199, 299, and 36. * WHEN...Until 8 AM Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Slow down, allow extra time and be prepared for changing conditions. Check the latest forecasts and call 1-800-427-7623 for current road conditions and chain requirements before traveling. Be alert for rock slides in mountainous terrain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For a detailed view of the hazard area visit: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka && $$ CAZ104-171100- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0006.190217T0300Z-190217T1600Z/ Southwestern Humboldt- 655 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches, with localized amounts up to 4 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Southwestern Humboldt County. Roads impacted include Mattole Road...Shelter Cove Road...Wilder Ridge Road...and other rural high elevation roadways. * WHEN...7 PM today to 8 AM Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Slow down, allow extra time and be prepared for changing conditions. Check the latest forecasts and call 1-800-427-7623 for current road conditions and chain requirements before traveling. Be alert for rock slides in mountainous terrain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For a detailed view of the hazard area visit: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka && $$  061 WBCN07 CWVR 170200 PAM ROCKS WIND 2508 LANGARA; PC 35 N17G23 3FT MDT LO W 0230 CLD EST 18 FEW -01/-07 GREEN; PC 15 NE15E 3FT MDT 0230 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -01/-10 TRIPLE; PC 15 NE25EG 5FT MDT LO NW 0230 CLD EST 24 FEW FEW ABV 25 01/-07 BONILLA; PC 15 N33EG 6FT MDT LO NW SHWRS DSNT S-W 0230 CLD EST 20 FEW SCT ABV 25 00/-06 BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 CLM RPLD 0230 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -01/-08 MCINNES; PC 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 0230 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 02/-05 IVORY; CLDY 15 NE05 1FT CHP LO SW 0230 CLD EST OVC ABV 25 00/-04 DRYAD; PC 15 NE09 1FT CHP 0230 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 01/-01 ADDENBROKE; CLDY 15 N12 2FT CHP 0230 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 01/-02 EGG ISLAND; PC 15 N08 2FT CHP LO W 0240 CLD EST 18 FEW SCT ABV 25 02/-02 PINE ISLAND; CLDY 15 NW15EG 4FT MDT LO W 0240 CLD EST 22 SCT BKN ABV 25 03/-04 CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 N20EG 5FT MDT LO SW 0240 CLD EST 18 BKN BKN ABV 25 02/-05 QUATSINO; PC 15 N15E 2FT CHP LO SW 0240 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 02/-06 NOOTKA; CLDY 12 N08E 1FT CHP LO SW 0240 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 03/-03 ESTEVAN; CLDY 15 N12G17 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1011.5R LENNARD; CLDY 15 N05E 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW SHWRS DSNT SW-W*** AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; CLDY 15 NE07 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW PACHENA; CLDY 15 E15E 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW CARMANAH; PC 15 NE10E 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW SCARLETT; CLDY 15 NW25E 4FT MDT LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; OVC 15 NW25E 3FT MDT LO NW 0240 CLD EST 16 BKN OVC ABV 25 00/-01 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 106/06/04/3001/M/ 3008 86MM= WLP SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 146/03/-03/3223+28/M/ PK WND 3228 0151Z 3010 73MM= WEB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 118/01/00/3512/M/ PK WND 3518 0111Z 3007 3-2MM= WQC SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 121/01/00/1701/M/ SOG 09 1015 14MM= WRU SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 139/02/-04/3530/M/ PK WND 3538 0132Z 3012 14MM= WFG SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 158/02/-05/3420+31/M/ PK WND 3535 0139Z 3011 98MM= WVF SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/04/04/3117/M/M PK WND 3119 0146Z M 09MM= WQS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 210/01/-07/3422/M/ PK WND 3231 0112Z 3019 09MM= WEK SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 205/00/-09/MM16+21/M/ PK WND MM22 0119Z 2018 -49MM= WWL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 186/01/-08/3528+35/M/ PK WND 0035 0143Z 1013 54MM= WME SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/01/-07/0518/M/ PK WND 0522 0115Z M 69MM= WAS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 053/05/04/2508/M/ 3018 05MM= WSB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 105/05/03/2804/M/ 3010 01MM= WGT SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 121/03/01/3118/M/M PK WND 3121 0114Z 3014 20MM= WGB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 118/03/02/2517/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 2722 0128Z 3013 70MM= WEL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 117/04/02/3320/M/ PK WND 3323 0158Z 1010 61MM= WDR SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 103/05/01/2704/M/ 3010 47MM= WKA SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2908/M/M M MMMM=  154 WAUS41 KKCI 170245 WA1S BOSS WA 170245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA FROM 60SSW SYR TO 40ESE JST TO 20E AIR TO JHW TO 60SSW SYR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WV VA NC SC GA FROM 50WSW CSN TO 40S PSK TO SPA TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO 40SSW HNN TO 50WSW CSN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN WV VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY EKN-20WSW CSN-20SSW SPA-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-EKN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  155 WAUS44 KKCI 170245 WA4S DFWS WA 170245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI IL KY FROM 50NNW MOT TO 60SSE ABR TO 20NW ODI TO DBQ TO 30E COU TO 20SW BWG TO RZC TO OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 50NNW MOT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM OSW TO RZC TO HMV TO GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 130ESE LEV TO 120SSW LCH TO 60E BRO TO 80SSE LRD TO 50ESE JCT TO 40WSW OKC TO 50W LBL TO OSW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...TN KY FROM 40SSW HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LOZ TO 40SSW HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  156 WAUS42 KKCI 170245 WA2S MIAS WA 170245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM HMV TO 80S ECG TO 60SSE ILM TO 60SSE SAV TO 40SE CTY TO 130ESE LEV TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO HMV CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NC SC GA WV VA FROM 50WSW CSN TO 40S PSK TO SPA TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO 40SSW HNN TO 50WSW CSN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA WV VA BOUNDED BY EKN-20WSW CSN-20SSW SPA-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-EKN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  157 WAUS46 KKCI 170245 WA6S SFOS WA 170245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR ID MT WY FROM 60SE YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60ENE JAC TO 20SSE PIH TO DNJ TO 30SSW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 60SE YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR ID MT WY NV UT FROM 60E YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 40SW YQL TO SHR TO 20SE BPI TO 20WNW SLC TO 60WSW BKE TO 60E YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM YDC TO DSD TO 40SE LKV TO 30SSW FMG TO 40WSW OAL TO 30N CZQ TO RBL TO FOT TO ONP TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  158 WAUS43 KKCI 170245 WA3S CHIS WA 170245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI IL KY FROM 50NNW MOT TO 60SSE ABR TO 20NW ODI TO DBQ TO 30E COU TO 20SW BWG TO RZC TO OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 50NNW MOT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...KY TN FROM 40SSW HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LOZ TO 40SSW HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SSW RHI-40SE GRB-30E ORD-50SE TTH-60SW HNN-30NNE VXV-30WNW BNA-RZC-OSW-30ENE LBL-80SSE RAP-80NW RAP- 50NNW ISN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  482 WGUS84 KMEG 170255 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 855 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC077-MSC143-180254- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190306T0112Z/ /TRPM6.2.ER.190213T0200Z.190223T1800Z.190305T0112Z.NO/ 855 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tunica Riverpark * until Monday March 04. * At 07 PM Saturday the stage was 44.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 47.5 feet on Saturday February 23. * Flood stage is 41.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Tuesday February 12 and will continue rising to near 47.5 feet by Saturday February 23. The river will fall below flood stage Monday March 04. * At 48.0 feet...Much of Bourbon Street is flooded. Grinner Drive is covered. East end of Nel-Win Camp is going under water. Lots along Tammy road are being covered. Garden Lane is flooding. Carp Drive is being overtoppped. && LAT...LON 3491 9062 3491 9022 3480 9034 3450 9051 3455 9059 3476 9074 $$  198 WGUS84 KMEG 170256 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 856 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC077-107-MSC027-143-180256- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0050.190225T1200Z-190301T0000Z/ /HEEA4.1.ER.190225T1200Z.190225T1200Z.190228T0000Z.NO/ 856 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Helena * from Monday February 25 until Wednesday February 27. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 40.7 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 44.0 feet on Monday February 25. * Flood stage is 44.0 feet. * At 44.0 feet...In Arkansas, road to landing east of downtown Helena is flooded. In Mississippi, cabin areas east of Desoto Lake are flooding. Industries north of Friars Point, Mississippi are inundating. Cabin areas east of Desoto Lake are flooding. && LAT...LON 3455 9070 3455 9059 3450 9051 3412 9066 3413 9107 $$  023 WSCO31 SKBO 170246 SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 170250/170450 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0236Z WI N0601 W07657 - N0644 W07619 - N0605 W07607 - N0552 W07629 - N0601 W07657 TOP FL430 MOV NE 10KT INTSF =  795 WGUS84 KMEG 170257 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 857 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Saint Francis River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC021-055-MOC069-180256- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190221T1200Z/ /SFRA4.1.ER.190207T0746Z.190212T1500Z.190220T1200Z.NO/ 857 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Saint Francis River near Saint Francis * until Wednesday February 20. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 22.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * At 23.0 feet...Most low land inside the levee system is flooded. && LAT...LON 3663 9014 3636 9000 3603 9028 3610 9038 3633 9018 3649 9021 $$  255 WWJP72 RJTD 170000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 170000UTC ISSUED AT 170300UTC NO WARNING IN SEA AREA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 170900UTC =  256 WSFJ01 NFFN 170000 NFFF SIGMET 02 VALID 170300/170700 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0636 E17136 - S0636 E17454 - S1418 E17706 - S1630 E17348 - S0636 E17136 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  257 WWJP75 RJTD 170000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 170000UTC ISSUED AT 170300UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(ICING) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 170900UTC =  258 WWJP71 RJTD 170000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 170000UTC ISSUED AT 170300UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 170900UTC =  259 WWJP73 RJTD 170000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 170000UTC ISSUED AT 170300UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 170900UTC =  260 WWJP74 RJTD 170000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 170000UTC ISSUED AT 170300UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU WARNING(ICING) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 170900UTC =  324 WWUS82 KCHS 170257 SPSCHS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 957 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 GAZ099>101-115-116-118-119-SCZ047-048-051-170500- Candler-Bulloch-Effingham-Evans-Inland Bryan-Inland Chatham- Coastal Chatham-Inland Jasper-Beaufort-Coastal Jasper- 957 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...STRONG COLD FRONT DROPPING SOUTH ACROSS SOUTHERN SOUTH CAROLINA AND SOUTHEAST GEORGIA... A strong cold front moving quickly south across portions of southern South Carolina and Southeast Georgia late this evening will continue to drop south through 11 PM. As the front passes through, temperatures in the 60s will quickly drop into the 50s with winds turning north and becoming gusty. The front is expected to reach a Skidaway Island, Burroughs, Letford, Claxton, Aline line through midnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards or the Internet for the latest information from the National Weather Service. && $$  350 WWUS55 KCYS 170258 SQWCYS BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 757 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC021-170345- /O.NEW.KCYS.SQ.W.0015.190217T0257Z-190217T0345Z/ Laramie WY- 757 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Eastern Laramie County in southeastern Wyoming... * Until 845 PM MST. * At 757 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Whitaker to 7 miles west of Hillsdale to 7 miles east of Burns, moving south at 25 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This Snow Squall Warning replaces the previous warning for the area. This includes the following highways... Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 27 and 37. Interstate 80 in Wyoming between mile markers 368 and 402. Locations impacted include... Pine Bluffs, Burns, Albin, Hillsdale, Whitaker, Gun Barrel, Carpenter and Ranchettes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4154 10500 4142 10406 4100 10406 4101 10461 TIME...MOT...LOC 0257Z 350DEG 22KT 4133 10492 4123 10462 4121 10421 $$ Brothers/Hammer  576 WGUS84 KMEG 170259 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 859 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Saint Francis River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC031-180300- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0036.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LCRA4.2.ER.190211T1721Z.190213T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 859 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Saint Francis River at Lake City * until further notice. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 10.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Maximum forecast stage of 10.7 feet on Sunday February 17. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * At 10.0 feet...Flooding is occurring in the swamps along the river. && LAT...LON 3610 9038 3603 9028 3588 9035 3566 9038 3566 9051 3582 9051 $$  655 WSER31 OMAA 170300 OMAE SIGMET 2 VALID 170300/170600 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR EMBD TS OBS NE OF LINE N2440 E05210 - N2550 E05430 AND SE OF LINE N2540 E05450 - N2450 E05340 TOP FL360 MOV E 20KT NC=  656 WWPK31 OPMT 170257 OPMT AD WRNG 02 VALID 170330/170630 PREVIOUS MET WARNING NO. 01 FOR POOR VISIBILITY OVER MULTAN AND BAHAWALPUR A/F IS EXTENDED=  192 WGUS84 KMEG 170300 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the St Francis River Diversion Ditch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC123-180259- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0042.190218T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MSNA4.1.ER.190218T0000Z.190223T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the St Francis River Diversion Ditch at Madison * from Sunday February 17 until further notice. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 31.3 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by Sunday February 17 and continue to rise to near 33.0 feet by Saturday February 23. Additional rises are possible thereafter. * At 33.0 feet...Flooding is occurring on most farmland bordering the river. && LAT...LON 3529 9071 3527 9060 3491 9062 3476 9074 3479 9081 3499 9075 $$  216 WGUS84 KJAN 170300 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Mississippi... Mississippi River At Vicksburg affecting Madison...Tensas... Claiborne...Jefferson and Warren Counties/Parishes ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas...Mississippi...Louisiana.. Mississippi River Near Arkansas City affecting Chicot...Desha... Bolivar and Washington Counties Mississippi River Near Greenville affecting Chicot...East Carroll...Issaquena and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Natchez affecting Concordia...Adams and Wilkinson Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Mississippi River forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur over the next 48 hours. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && ARC017-041-MSC011-151-180900- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0029.190219T0000Z-190305T1800Z/ /ARSA4.1.ER.190219T0000Z.190227T1800Z.190305T0600Z.NO/ 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Arkansas City * from Monday evening to Tuesday March 05. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 35.9 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage Monday February 18 and will continue to rise to near 39.5 feet Wednesday February 27. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The low silt plain in front of Arkansas City and Huntington Point Mississippi is underwater. Several river access roads are also impassable. * Impact...At 37.0 feet...The low silt plain in front of arkansas city inside the levee system begins to flood along with widespread bottomland flooding at huntington point mississippi. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...The Road to donaldson point is cut off. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Arkansas City 37 35.9 Sat 08 PM 36.2 36.7 37.2 39.5 12 PM 02/27 && LAT...LON 3340 9128 3357 9128 3413 9108 3412 9066 3358 9106 3340 9105 $$ ARC017-LAC035-MSC055-151-180900- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190307T0400Z/ /GEEM6.1.ER.190216T1227Z.190228T1200Z.190306T1600Z.NO/ 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Greenville * until Wednesday March 06. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 47.8 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage Sunday February 17 and will continue to rise to near 51.5 feet Thursday February 28. * Impact...At 51.5 feet...Greenville boat store is inoperable for towboat supplies. * Impact...At 50.0 feet...Upper Lake Ferguson Road and Warfield Point Park are closed. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Water begins to cover the dirt road leading to the Farmers Grain terminal facility which is north of the Greenville bridge. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Greenville 48 47.8 Sat 08 PM 47.9 48.4 48.9 51.5 06 AM 02/28 && LAT...LON 3277 9123 3340 9128 3340 9105 3283 9101 3277 9101 3278 9111 $$ LAC065-107-MSC021-063-149-180900- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0031.190217T0600Z-190310T0000Z/ /VCKM6.2.ER.190217T0600Z.190302T1200Z.190309T1200Z.NO/ 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Vicksburg * from late tonight to Saturday March 09. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 42.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 43.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage Sunday February 17 and will continue to rise to near 47.0 feet Saturday March 02. * Impact...At 44.6 feet...Residence on Williams Street in Vicksburg begins to flood. * Impact...At 44.0 feet...Ford and Kings Subdivision at Pittman Road and Mary's Alley begins to flood. * Impact...At 43.5 feet...Long Lake Subdivision is completely flooded. Vicksburg Floodwall gates at train depot and the lumber yard gate 8 are closed. * Impact...At 43.0 feet...Jackson Lane in North Vicksburg begins to flood. * Impact...At 42.0 feet...Bunge Grain facility near St. Joseph Louisiana ceases loading operations. Chickasaw Road is going under water just west of Chickasaw Community. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Vicksburg 43 42.9 Sat 08 PM 43.1 43.5 43.9 47.0 06 AM 03/02 && LAT...LON 3193 9129 3227 9105 3277 9123 3278 9101 3226 9086 3187 9114 $$ LAC029-MSC001-157-180900- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190314T1700Z/ /NTZM6.2.ER.190104T1524Z.190304T1200Z.190314T0500Z.NO/ 900 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Natchez * until Thursday March 14. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 49.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 53.5 feet Monday March 04. * Impact...At 53.0 feet...Some camps and houses are flooded around Fort Adams. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...Water is covering the roads in old downtown area of Fort Adams. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Carthage Point Road becomes impassable. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Natchez 48 49.6 Sat 08 PM 49.7 50.1 50.5 53.5 06 AM 03/04 && LAT...LON 3101 9170 3130 9167 3193 9129 3187 9114 3130 9147 3100 9154 $$  923 WGUS84 KMEG 170301 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 901 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Right Hand Chute Little River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC093-111-180301- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190220T1500Z/ /RIGA4.1.ER.190213T1130Z.190216T1000Z.190220T0900Z.NO/ 901 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Right Hand Chute Little River at Rivervale * until Wednesday February 20. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 13.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * At 14.0 feet...Widespread flooding is occurring. Some evacuations may be necessary. Several roads between Rivervale and Big Lake Wildlife Refuge are flooded. && LAT...LON 3586 9014 3585 9012 3579 9012 3561 9039 3568 9038 $$  045 WGUS84 KMEG 170302 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 902 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the L'anguille River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC077-123-180301- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ /PLGA4.1.ER.190212T1700Z.190214T0100Z.190218T0000Z.NO/ 902 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the L'anguille River at Palestine * until Sunday February 17. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 25.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * At 25.0 feet...Flooding of large areas of agriculture land along the river is occurring. && LAT...LON 3515 9100 3515 9073 3500 9075 3479 9081 3491 9101 $$  308 WGUS84 KMEG 170302 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 902 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Obion River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC045-053-131-180300- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OBNT1.1.ER.190210T1500Z.190215T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 902 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Obion River near Obion * until further notice. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 37.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * At 38.0 feet...Rives is flooding and most farm land near the the river is flooding. && LAT...LON 3628 8927 3633 8909 3633 8895 3620 8895 3614 8927 $$  084 WGUS83 KPAH 170303 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 902 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Indiana... Wabash River at New Harmony .Moderate flooding continues along the Wabash River at New Harmony. The river will crest near 20.5 Sunday then begin to fall slowly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-185-193-INC051-129-180701- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190226T0000Z/ /NHRI3.2.ER.190208T1203Z.190217T1800Z.190225T1800Z.NO/ 902 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Wabash River at New Harmony * until Monday February 25. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 20.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.5 feet by tomorrow early afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Monday early afternoon February 25. * Impact...At 21.0 Feet...The river is 3 miles wide at I-64. && LAT...LON 3816 8799 3815 8790 3797 8799 3781 8801 3780 8809 3789 8810 $$  916 WGUS84 KMEG 170303 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 903 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Obion River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC045-180303- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190220T0430Z/ /BOGT1.1.ER.190213T1945Z.190217T0600Z.190219T2230Z.NO/ 903 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Obion River near Bogota * until Tuesday February 19. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 24.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Maximum forecast stage of 24.9 feet on Sunday February 17. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Wednesday February 13 and will continue rising to near 24.9 feet by Sunday February 17. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday February 19. * At 25.0 feet...Highway 103 near Miston is covered by flood waters. Water is flooding a few homes in Bogota on the east side of Highway 78. Water is covering some secondary roads near the Obion River. && LAT...LON 3621 8948 3628 8927 3611 8927 3615 8941 3611 8946 3611 8950 $$  976 WOUS45 KTFX 170304 ADRMT MTC001-003-005-007-009-011-013-015-017-019-021-023-025-027-029- 031-033-035-037-039-041-043-045-047-049-051-053-055-057-059-061- 063-065-067-069-071-073-075-077-079-081-083-085-087-089-091-093- 095-097-099-101-103-105-107-109-111-180315- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RELAYED BY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GREAT FALLS MT 804 PM MST SAT FEB 16 2019 THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST OF THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. A MISSING AND ENDANGERED PERSON ADVISORY IS BEING ISSUED FOR ALEXANDER MORSETTE, A 2 YEAR OLD MALE TAKEN BY HIS MOTHER. MOTHER IS KNOWN TO USE DRUGS AND POSSIBLY ABUSED CHILD. SUSPECT VEHICLE IS A BLUE 1989 CHEVY PICKUP, MONTANA LICENSE PLATE A Y M, 2 3 1. UNKNOWN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ON ALEXANDER MORSETTE, PLEASE CALL THE HELENA POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 406, 4 4 2, 8 4 6 1, OR CALL 9 1 1. $$  559 WSBW20 VGHS 170300 VGFR SIGMET 02 VALID 170400/170800 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ESE NC=  973 WGUS84 KMEG 170304 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 904 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the North Fork Forked Deer River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC045-180303- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190219T1800Z/ /DYET1.1.ER.190211T1409Z.190213T1900Z.190219T1200Z.NO/ 904 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the North Fork Forked Deer River at Dyersburg * until Tuesday February 19. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 24.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * At 24.0 feet...Flooding is beginning in south dyersburg. Several homes in southeast dyersburg are surrounded by water and flood waters begin to cause access problems. Residents in this area should take necessary precautions && LAT...LON 3606 8950 3606 8916 3594 8916 3597 8934 3601 8938 3595 8948 $$  519 WWUS82 KGSP 170305 SPSGSP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1005 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 NCZ033-049-050-501-503-505-171000- Avery-Yancey-Mitchell-Caldwell Mountains-Burke Mountains- McDowell Mountains- Including the cities of Ingalls, Banner Elk, Newland, Swiss, Burnsville, Celo, Micaville, Ramseytown, Busick, Mount Mitchell State Park, Spruce Pine, Poplar, Patterson, Jonas Ridge, Ashford, Sugar Hill, Woodlawn, and Old Fort 1005 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...PATCHY DENSE FOG EXPECTED ALONG THE NORTHERN BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA THROUGH THE OVERNIGHT HOURS... A moist easterly flow of air into the southern Appalachians will produce widespread areas of lowering clouds and fog along the northern Blue Ridge mountains from late evening through the overnight hours. The visibility will be reduced to between one- half and one mile in many locations overnight, but patchy dense fog with visibilities less than one-quarter mile are likely from time to time. Use caution if traveling in the northern mountains of western North Carolina overnight. Be prepared for rapid changes in visibility over short distances. Allow extra travel time and stopping distance, and remember to use low-beam headlights and fog lamps when you encounter any fog. $$ HG  735 WGUS84 KMEG 170305 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 905 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC033-045-097-180305- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HLST1.1.ER.190207T2220Z.190212T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 905 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River near Halls * until further notice. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 11.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * At 11.5 feet...Farmland near the river is flooded. && LAT...LON 3595 8948 3600 8940 3589 8932 3584 8940 $$  244 WHUS73 KLOT 170305 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 905 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 LMZ740>743-171115- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0017.190217T0600Z-190218T1000Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- 905 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 4 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS...to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 6 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 8 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  831 WGUS83 KPAH 170306 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 906 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Little Wabash River at Carmi .Moderate flooding continues along the Little Wabash River at Carmi. The river crested at 34.0 feet yesterday, and water levels have begun to fall very slowly. The river is forecast to remain above flood stage through next week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-191-193-180705- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CARI2.2.ER.190207T2218Z.190215T1415Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 906 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Little Wabash River at Carmi * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 33.8 feet. * Flood Stage is 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 33.1 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 35.5 Feet...Businesses just downstream of IL Route 14 and Route 1 in Carmi flood. && LAT...LON 3826 8816 3825 8802 3804 8813 3793 8808 3791 8812 3801 8828 $$  009 WGUS84 KMEG 170306 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 906 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC039-071-180305- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SAVT1.2.ER.190215T1018Z.190223T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 906 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River at Savannah * until further notice. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 372.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 370.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Friday February 15 and will continue rising to near 387.9 feet by Saturday February 23. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 388.0 feet...East end of Main Street in Satillo west of Satillo Landing Cafe is flooded. Water has reached north foundation of the Riverheights Catfish Restaurant. && LAT...LON 3548 8836 3548 8805 3527 8805 3514 8823 3501 8823 3501 8838 $$  730 WSPR31 SPIM 170300 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 170300/170600 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0230Z SE OF LINE S1234 W06948 - S1046 W07426 - S1133 W07441 - S1320 W07009 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  733 WAEG31 HECA 170300 HECC AIRMET 02 VALID 170300/170600 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR SFC VIS 4000M HZ OBS AND FCST OVER HECA AND FCST OVER HEPS, HEAR, HEGR, HEAX, HEBA, HEAL AND HEMM NC=  921 WGUS84 KMEG 170307 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 907 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Sunday or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC039-135-180308- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0052.190221T1515Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRVT1.2.ER.190221T1515Z.190223T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 907 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River at Perryville * from Thursday February 21 until further notice. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 361.5 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 370.0 feet on Saturday February 23. * Flood stage is 365.0 feet. * At 370.0 feet...In Decatur County, first floor the southern most house in the Peevahouse Landing area floods. && LAT...LON 3588 8822 3588 8785 3548 8787 3548 8824 $$  917 WVJP31 RJTD 170310 RJJJ SIGMET C01 VALID 170310/170525 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR CNL SIGMET C02 162325/170525=  918 WVJP31 RJTD 170310 RJJJ SIGMET B01 VALID 170310/170910 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR MT SAKURAJIMA (AIRA CALDERA) PSN N3136 E13039 VA CLD OBS AT 0220Z WI N3049 E13251 - N3121 E13310 - N3113 E13402 - N3043 E13317 - N3049 E13251 SFC/FL120 FCST AT 0820Z WI N2945 E13328 - N3054 E13416 - N3103 E14018 - N3026 E13941 - N2945 E13328=  362 WSMA31 FIMP 170255 FIMM SIGMET A01 VALID 170300/170700 FIMP - FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0215UTC WI S2000 E05700 -S2100 E05800 - S2300 E05800 TOP ABV FL340 STNR NC=  602 WWUS43 KMKX 170308 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 908 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...MORE SNOW SUNDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT... .Snow will overspread the area late tonight through Sunday morning and continue into Sunday evening. Moderate snowfall will occur at times over southwest Wisconsin, but also over far eastern Wisconsin due to lake enhanced snow. Lake effect snow will then continue well into Sunday night and possibly into Monday morning over far eastern Wisconsin. Any lingering snow should end by late Monday morning. Several inches of snow are forecast. WIZ056-062>064-067>070-171115- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Lafayette-Green-Rock-Walworth- Including the cities of Baraboo, Reedsburg, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Barneveld, Madison, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Darlington, Shullsburg, Benton, Belmont, Argyle, Blanchardville, Monroe, Brodhead, Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Delavan, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, and East Troy 908 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches expected. The highest amounts will be over southwest Wisconsin and toward the Illinois border. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 3 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ059-060-065-066-071-072-171115- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.190217T1200Z-190218T1200Z/ Washington-Ozaukee-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, Grafton, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Menomonee Falls, Muskego, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Greenfield, Franklin, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Racine, and Kenosha 908 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM SUNDAY TO 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  669 WABZ22 SBBS 170308 SBBS AIRMET 1 VALID 170310/170610 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR OVC CLD 100/0900FT FCST WI S2042 W05039 - S1610 W04 954 - S1413 W04740 - S1601 W04325 - S1840 W04230 - S2025 W04231 - S2015 W04320 - S2033 W04340 - S2030 W04401 - S2241 W04549 - S2318 W04552 - S2330 W04654 - S2139 W04801 - S2129 W04940 - S2042 W05039 STNR NC=  514 WABZ22 SBBS 170308 SBBS AIRMET 2 VALID 170310/170610 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 1000/4500M RA FCST WI S2042 W05039 - S1610 W04954 - S1413 W04740 - S1601 W04325 - S1840 W04230 - S2025 W04231 - S2015 W04320 - S2033 W04340 - S2030 W04401 - S2241 W04549 - S2318 W04552 - S2330 W04654 - S2139 W04801 - S2129 W04940 - S2042 W05039 STNR NC=  069 WSMA31 FIMP 170255 FIMM SIGMET B01 VALID 170300/170700 FIMP - FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0215UTC WI S1030 E06230 - S1200 E06130 - S1330 E06230 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  328 WSCI45 ZHHH 170310 ZHWH SIGMET 1 VALID 170350/170750 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL230/400 STNR NC=  492 WGUS83 KPAH 170310 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 910 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Patoka River near Princeton .Moderate flooding continues along the Patoka River near Princeton. The river will continue to slowly fall over the next several days and will fall below flood stage Tuesday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC051-180710- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190220T0400Z/ /PNTI3.2.ER.190212T0022Z.190217T0230Z.190219T2200Z.NO/ 910 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Patoka River near Princeton * until Tuesday evening. * At 8:45 PM Saturday the stage was 20.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday afternoon. * Impact...At 22.0 Feet...Flooding affects mainly farmland. Seasonal camping trailers closest to the river become inundated. && LAT...LON 3842 8770 3843 8747 3839 8741 3836 8741 3837 8747 3839 8771 $$  711 WSMA31 FIMP 170300 FIMM SIGMET C01 VALID 170300/170700 FIMP -FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0215UTC WI S0900 E07100 - S1030 E07030 - S1200 E07030 TOP ABV FL340 STNR WKN=  285 WWUS43 KMPX 170311 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 911 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW EXPECTED OVER SOUTHWESTERN AND SOUTHERN MINNESOTA TONIGHT THROUGH SUNDAY EVENING... .Accumulating snow is expected late tonight through Sunday evening for southern Minnesota. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches can be expected along and south of a line from Appleton to Redwood Falls to New Ulm to Owatonna. A Winter Weather Advisory in effect for these areas. MNZ054-064-073>075-082>085-091>093-171115- /O.CON.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.190217T0600Z-190218T0600Z/ Lac Qui Parle-Yellow Medicine-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet-Watonwan- Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of Madison, Granite Falls, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St Peter, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 911 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest and west central Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Minnesota can be found at 511mn.org and for Wisconsin at 511wi.gov, or by calling 5 1 1 in either state. && $$ Borghoff  475 WABZ22 SBBS 170311 SBBS AIRMET 3 VALID 170310/170610 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR BKN CLD 100/0900FT FCST IN ANAPOLIS TMA STNR NC=  965 WWUS81 KRNK 170311 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 1011 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 NCZ001-002-018-VAZ015-016-170715- Ashe-Alleghany NC-Watauga-Grayson-Carroll- Including the cities of West Jefferson, Sparta, Boone, Independence, Whitetop, Troutdale, Volney, and Galax 1011 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Areas of Fog... Light southeast winds and moist air lifting against the east side of the Blue Ridge will result in areas of fog and drizzle overnight. Visibility near the Blue Ridge Parkway may be reduced to under a half mile, making it difficult for travel. This fog is expected to expand northeast along the Blue Ridge, potentially impacting Interstate 77 near Fancy Gap during the overnight. If you plan to travel into these areas, be prepared for poor visibility. Please allow for extra travel time. $$ 11  854 WWUS43 KPAH 170311 WSWPAH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Paducah KY 911 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Light Freezing Rain Likely Overnight Over Parts of Southeast Missouri... MOZ076-086-087-100-107-108-171115- /O.CON.KPAH.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Perry MO-Bollinger-Cape Girardeau-Wayne MO-Carter-Ripley- Including the cities of Perryville, Marble Hill, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Piedmont, Van Buren, and Doniphan 911 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Light freezing rain or drizzle. A light glaze of ice is likely. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Missouri, generally along and west of a line from Doniphan to Jackson and Perryville Missouri. * WHEN...Through 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas of light freezing rain or drizzle will freeze on contact with any untreated road surfaces. Bridges and overpasses are typically the first surfaces to freeze. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$  925 WWST01 SBBR 170050 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 072/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 ?REA BRAVO A PARTIR DE 160000 HMG. VENTO SE/NE FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS FOR?A 9. V?LIDO AT? 180000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 070/2019. AVISO NR 073/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO NORTE DE 28S A PARTIR DE 161200 HMG. ONDAS DE SE/NE 3.0/4.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 171200 HMG. AVISO NR 075/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 ?REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 24S A PARTIR DE 161500 HMG. ONDAS DE SE 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 171200 HMG. AVISO NR 076/2019 AVISO DE RESSACA EMITIDO ?S 1530 HMG - SEX- 15/FEV/2019 RESSACA ENTRE FLORIAN?POLIS (SC) E PERU?BE (SP) A PARTIR DE 161800 HMG. ONDAS DE SE 2.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 171200 HMG. AVISO NR 078/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - S?B- 16/FEV/2019 ?REA DELTA AO SUL DE 23S A PARTIR DE 161200 HMG. VENTO E/NE FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS FOR?A 8/9. V?LIDO AT? 180000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 077/2019. AVISO NR 079/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - S?B - 16/FEV/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 171200 HMG. ONDAS DE E/NE 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 181200 HMG. AVISO NR 080/2019 AVISO DE RESSACA EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - S?B - 16/FEV/2019 RESSACA ENTRE LAGUNA (SC) E CANAN?IA (SP) A PARTIR DE 171200 HMG. ONDAS DE S/SE 2.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 181200 HMG. NNNN  647 WWST02 SBBR 170050 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 072/2019 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 AREA BRAVO STARTING AT 160000 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS FORCE 9. VALID UNTIL 180000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 070/2019. WARNING NR 073/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 AREA BRAVO N OF 28S STARTING AT 161200 UTC. WAVES FM SE/NE 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 171200 UTC. WARNING NR 075/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 AREA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 24S STARTING AT 161500 UTC. WAVES FM SE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 171200 UTC. WARNING NR 076/2019 HIGH SURF WARNING ISSUED AT 1530 UTC - FRI - 15/FEB/2019 HIGH SURF BETWEEN FLORIAN?POLIS (SC) AND PERU?BE (SP) STARTING AT 161800 UTC. WAVES FROM SE 2.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 171200 UTC. WARNING NR 078/2019 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SAT - 16/FEB/2019 AREA DELTA S OF 23S STARTING AT 161200 UTC. WIND E/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS FORCE 8/9. VALID UNTIL 180000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 077/2019. WARNING NR 079/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SAT - 16/FEB/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 171200 UTC. WAVES FM E/NE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 181200 UTC. WARNING NR 080/2019 HIGH SURF WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SAT - 16/FEB/2019 HIGH SURF BETWEEN LAGUNA (SC) AND CANAN?IA (SP) STARTING AT 171200 UTC. WAVES FROM S/SE 2.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 181200 UTC. NNNN  890 WSSP31 LEMM 170314 LECM SIGMET 1 VALID 170311/170630 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0311Z WI N4344 W00607 - N4249 W00607 - N4245 W00322 - N4341 W00322 - N4344 W00607 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  161 WHUS74 KHGX 170317 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 917 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... .Periods of dense sea fog are expected to continue overnight across the near shore waters and may spread into the Bays. Visibilities could be below 1 nautical mile at times into Sunday morning. GMZ335-350-355-171500- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Galveston Bay- Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 917 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... * VISIBILITY...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. && $$  535 WSRA32 RUYK 170330 UELL SIGMET 8 VALID 170400/170800 UELL- UELL CHULMAN FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL100/350 STNR NC=  348 WHUS73 KMKX 170321 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 921 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...BRISK EAST TO NORTHEAST WINDS AND HIGH WAVES IN THE NEARSHORE LATE TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING... LMZ643>646-171130- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0017.190217T0600Z-190218T1500Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 921 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS: East 15 to 20 knots late tonight through Sunday, backing northeast 15 to 20 knots Sunday night, and north 15 to 20 knots for Monday morning. * WAVES: 3 to 6 feet in ice free areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/mkx  635 WWUS45 KVEF 170321 WSWVEF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 721 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 AZZ001-003-CAZ524-NVZ018-019-171500- /O.CON.KVEF.WW.Y.0010.190217T2200Z-190218T1200Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Deserts-Eastern Mojave Desert- Sheep Range-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including Colorado City, Pipe Spring National Monument, Tuweep, Mt Trumbell, Valentine, Mountain Pass, Mitchell Caverns, Hayford Pk, and The Town Of Mt Charleston 721 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 /821 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM PST /3 PM MST/ SUNDAY TO 4 AM PST /5 AM MST/ MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 4000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches at elevations between 4000 and 6000 feet. Total accumulations of 4 to 7 inches above 6000 feet. Winds gusting 20 to 30 mph. * WHERE...In Arizona, Northwest Plateau and Northwest Deserts. In California, Eastern Mojave Desert. In Nevada, Sheep Range and Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon. * WHEN...From 2 PM PST /3 PM MST/ Sunday to 4 AM PST /5 AM MST/ Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Travel could be hazardous on I-15 between Primm, Nevada and Baker, California and on I-40 east of Kingman, Arizona. Roads in the Spring Mountains will be difficult to travel such as Kyle Canyon, Lee Canyon and also Highway 160 near Mountain Springs Summit. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas  932 WWUS41 KRNK 170322 WSWRNK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 1022 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Freezing Rain Expected Sunday... .An area of low pressure will move eastward through the Tennesse and Ohio Valleys on Sunday. A swath of precipitation will overspread the region from southwest to northeast ahead of this system. Freezing rain is likely primarily across the higher elevations from the New River Valley northeast into the Shenandoah Valley and Highlands of Virginia, and the Greenbrier Valley and Highlands of West Virgina. A brief period of sleet is also possible at the onset of the precipitation Sunday morning. As the day progresses, warmer air will allow for a transition to plain rain from southwest to northeast. NCZ001-002-018-VAZ015-171200- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.190217T0600Z-190217T1800Z/ Ashe-Alleghany NC-Watauga-Grayson- Including the cities of West Jefferson, Sparta, Boone, Independence, Whitetop, Troutdale, and Volney 1022 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, up to one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...In Virginia, Grayson County. In North Carolina, Watauga, Ashe and Alleghany NC Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ VAZ010>014-016-017-022-WVZ043-044-507-508-171200- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.190217T1200Z-190217T2000Z/ Bland-Giles-Wythe-Pulaski-Montgomery-Carroll-Floyd-Roanoke- Summers-Monroe-Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of Bland, Pearisburg, Wytheville, Radford, Pulaski, Blacksburg, Galax, Floyd, Roanoke, Salem, Hinton, Hix, Union, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs, Quinwood, Duo, and Rainelle 1022 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 3 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, up to one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. Trace amounts of sleet. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Virginia and southeast West Virginia. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 3 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ VAZ018>020-023-024-034-035-171200- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.190217T1400Z-190218T0000Z/ Craig-Alleghany VA-Bath-Botetourt-Rockbridge-Bedford-Amherst- Including the cities of New Castle, Clifton Forge, Covington, Hot Springs, Fincastle, Lexington, Buena Vista, and Amherst 1022 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 7 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, up to two-tenths of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Virginia. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 7 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  649 WWUS75 KVEF 170322 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 722 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ523-525-171500- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Western Mojave Desert-Morongo Basin- Including Barstow, Daggett, Fort Irwin, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, and Twentynine Palms 722 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST SUNDAY... * WINDS...West to northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * TIMING...Strong winds will persist across the Western Mojave Desert and Morongo basin tonight through Sunday evening. * IMPACTS...A Wind Advisory means strong winds gusting over 40 mph can make driving difficult...especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorcycle riders and drivers of vans...campers...trailers and any other high profile vehicle should be alert to the danger of these strong winds. Take action to secure trash cans...lawn furniture...and other loose or lightweight outdoor objects. && $$  759 WWUS42 KGSP 170323 WSWGSP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1023 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...LIGHT FREEZING RAIN EXPECTED OVER PARTS OF THE NORTHERN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA LATE TONIGHT AND SUNDAY MORNING... NCZ033-049-050-501-503-505-171200- /O.CON.KGSP.WW.Y.0006.190217T0600Z-190217T1800Z/ Avery-Yancey-Mitchell-Caldwell Mountains-Burke Mountains- McDowell Mountains- Including the cities of Ingalls, Banner Elk, Newland, Swiss, Burnsville, Celo, Micaville, Ramseytown, Busick, Spruce Pine, Poplar, Jonas Ridge, Ashford, Woodlawn, and Old Fort 1023 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Light freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch will be limited mainly to tree branches, power lines, and other elevated surfaces. Some untreated roads could become slippery around daybreak Sunday. Patchy freezing fog could contribute to a light glaze of ice on some surfaces as well. * WHERE...Portions of the northern mountains and northern foothills of North Carolina, mainly along the Blue Ridge escarpment from around Mt. Mitchell and Busick up toward Little Switzerland, Linville, and Newland. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Sunday. Temperatures should warm back above freezing by the afternoon in most areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas away from the escarpment are less likely to see any freezing rain accumulation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report ice accumulations by calling the National Weather Service toll free at...1...800...2 6 7...8 1 0 1. Leave a message with your observation and the specific location where it occurred. You can also post your report to National Weather Service Greenville Spartanburg Facebook or tweet your report using hashtag nwsgsp. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite source of weather information for the latest updates. Additional details can be found at www.weather.gov/gsp. && $$ HG  022 WSBZ01 SBBR 170300 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 170035/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W04806 - S0141 W04759 - S0127 W04433 - S0505 W04428 - S0527 W04806 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  023 WSBZ01 SBBR 170300 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 170037/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1004 W06728 - S0554 W06639 - S0604 W06340 - S0934 W06210 - S1132 W06443 - S0915 W06524 - S1004 W06728 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  024 WSBZ01 SBBR 170300 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W07031 - N0133 W06709 - N0053 W06602 - S0541 W06828 - S0512 W07003 - S0428 W07031 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  025 WSBZ01 SBBR 170300 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 170111/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0933 W05101 - S0730 W04902 - S0919 W04746 - S1025 W05003 - S0933 W05101 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  026 WSBZ01 SBBR 170300 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1253 W06113 - S1039 W05728 - S1319 W05348 - S1602 W05340 - S1632 W05502 - S1446 W05926 - S1253 W06113 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  027 WSBZ01 SBBR 170300 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 170030/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0541 W05541 - S0513 W05058 - S0803 W04927 - S1148 W05324 - S0910 W05548 - S0541 W05541 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  210 WGUS81 KPBZ 170325 FLSPBZ Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1025 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Muskingum River At Coshocton affecting Coshocton County. .The Muskingum River at Coshocton will remain above the minor flood stage into Monday as a result of recent rainfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE: Do not drive through flooded areas. The water may be deeper than it appears. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio for later developments. && OHC031-171125- /O.EXT.KPBZ.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ /CSHO1.1.ER.190208T0013Z.190213T0515Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 1025 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The River Flood Warning continues for, The Muskingum River At Coshocton. * Until Monday evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 15.6 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday early afternoon. * Impact...At 16.0 feet, Flood waters begin to affect the Lake Park area along the Walhonding River and begins backwater flooding along Mill Creek north of Lake Park and along Route 83. Flood waters will begin to enter yards in low-lying areas along County Route 1A. && LAT...LON 4024 8189 4030 8197 4029 8183 4023 8184 $$  865 WAHW31 PHFO 170326 WA0HI HNLS WA 170400 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 171000 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 170400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 171000 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND S THRU W OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. =HNLZ WA 170400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 171000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...116 PHLI SLOPING TO 110 PHTO.  361 WSBZ31 SBBS 170326 SBBS SIGMET 1 VALID 170320/170720 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1711 W04148 - S1841 W04233 - S2028 W04230 - S2001 W04315 - S2028 W04339 - S2021 W04413 - S2314 W04601 - S1906 W04805 - S1522 W05327 - S1444 W05335 - S1403 W05327 - S1259 W0 5208 - S1202 W05252 - S1040 W05117 - S1037 W05012 - S1014 W04911 - S0 937 W04850 - S0942 W04805 - S1207 W04648 - S1327 W04535 - S1550 W0435 4 - S1711 W04148 TOP FL440 MOV SE 20KT WKN=  656 WGUS83 KIND 170327 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1027 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning is no longer in effect for a portion of the following waterway in Indiana... White River... .The White River at Newberry has fallen below flood stage in central Indiana. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Be alert to flood debris on previously flooded roads. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC027-055-083-170357- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ /NWBI3.2.ER.190207T0154Z.190211T0715Z.190217T0218Z.NO/ 1027 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The White River at Newberry. * At 9:30 PM Saturday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at Sat 09:18 PM. * Forecast...It will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3900 8694 3892 8700 3885 8712 3887 8715 3894 8708 3900 8696 $$  187 WWUS55 KCYS 170328 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 827 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC021-170345- /O.CON.KCYS.SQ.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0345Z/ Laramie WY- 827 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...A SNOW SQUALL WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 PM MST FOR SOUTHEASTERN LARAMIE COUNTY... At 827 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located along a line extending from 7 miles east of Cheyenne to near Hereford, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. This includes the following highways... Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 27 and 31. Interstate 80 in Wyoming between mile markers 368 and 402. Locations impacted include... Pine Bluffs, Burns, Hillsdale, Whitaker, Carpenter and Ranchettes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider avoiding or delaying travel until the snow squall passes your location. If you must travel, use extra caution and allow extra time. Rapid changes in visibility and slick road conditions may lead to accidents. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4144 10492 4143 10450 4118 10430 4120 10406 4100 10406 4101 10461 TIME...MOT...LOC 0327Z 333DEG 25KT 4112 10466 4096 10421 $$ Brothers/Hammer  213 WWUS43 KABR 170328 AAA WSWABR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 SDZ003-004-009-015-016-033>035-171130- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Corson-Campbell-Walworth-Dewey-Potter-Stanley-Sully-Hughes- Including the cities of McIntosh, Herreid, Mobridge, Isabel, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, Onida, and Pierre 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /828 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 9 inches. * WHERE...Portions of central and north central South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ045-048-171130- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jones-Lyman- Including the cities of Murdo and Kennebec 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Jones and Lyman Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ017-036-037-051-171130- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Faulk-Hyde-Hand-Buffalo- Including the cities of Faulkton, Highmore, Miller, and Fort Thompson 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 7 inches. * WHERE...Hyde, Hand, Buffalo and Faulk Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ010-171130- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Edmunds- Including the city of Ipswich 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Edmunds County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ005-006-018-171130- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McPherson-Brown-Spink- Including the cities of Eureka, Aberdeen, and Redfield 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches. * WHERE...McPherson, Brown and Spink Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ019>023-171130- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Clark-Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel- Including the cities of Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Hayti, and Clear Lake 928 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Clark, Deuel, Hamlin, Grant and Codington Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Mohr  040 WWUS45 KTFX 170329 WSWTFX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 829 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 MTZ010-044-046-172200- /O.CON.KTFX.WC.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Eastern Glacier-Toole-Eastern Pondera- Including Cut Bank, Shelby, Sunburst, Brady, and Conrad 829 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very low wind chills occurring. Wind chills as low as 35 below zero later tonight through Sunday night. * WHERE...Eastern Pondera, Toole and Eastern Glacier. * WHEN...Until 5 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ MTZ009-011>014-045-047>051-054-172200- /O.CON.KTFX.WC.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Northern Rocky Mountain Front-Hill-Cascade-Chouteau- Central and Southern Lewis and Clark-Liberty-Blaine- Southern Rocky Mountain Front-Eastern Teton-Judith Basin-Fergus- Meagher- Including Logan Pass, Marias Pass, Browning, Heart Butte, Havre, Rocky Boy, Rudyard, Great Falls, Cascade, Belt, Kings Hill Pass, Fort Benton, Carter, Big Sandy, Helena, Lincoln, MacDonald Pass, Rogers Pass, Chester, Whitlash, Chinook, Harlem, Hays, Bynum, Choteau, Augusta, Fairfield, Dutton, Raynesford, Stanford, Hobson, Lewistown, Winifred, Lewistown Divide, Grass Range, Martinsdale, and White Sulphur Springs 829 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Wind chills as low as 35 below zero expected later tonight though Sunday night. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and west central Montana. * WHEN... Until 5 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/greatfalls  073 WSUS01 KKCI 170330 WS1U BOSU WS 170330 CANCEL SIGMET UNIFORM 1. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  534 WAUS41 KKCI 170330 AAA WA1T BOST WA 170330 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET TURB...MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ERI TO 150E ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 160SSE ILM TO 20SE LGC TO 20NE GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO 40NE FWA TO 40SE DXO TO 20NNE ERI MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NY NJ MD DE VA NC CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSE HTO TO 170S ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 90SE ECG TO 50ESE ORF TO 70SE CYN TO 100SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NNW SYR-140E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG- 160ESE ILM-30WNW ATL-20ESE GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-20NE FWA-40SE DXO-20W BUF-40NNW SYR MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  505 WVRA31 RUPK 170332 UHPP SIGMET 1 VALID 170333/170900 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KARYMSKY PSN N5403 E15926 VA CLD OBS AT 0300Z WI N5404 E15926 - N5408 E15928 - N5406 E15939 - N5401 E15942 - N5357 E15935 - N5404 E15926 SFC/FL120 FCST AT 0900Z WI N5405 E16147 - N5358 E16149 - N5328 E16100 - N5357 E16041 - N5405 E16147=  658 WWUS83 KPAH 170334 SPSPAH SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE PADUCAH KY 934 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ILZ075>078-080>094-INZ081-085-086-KYZ003>008-010-011-013>018-021- MOZ109>112-114-170900- JEFFERSON-WAYNE IL-EDWARDS-WABASH-PERRY IL-FRANKLIN-HAMILTON- WHITE-JACKSON-WILLIAMSON-SALINE-GALLATIN-UNION-JOHNSON-POPE- HARDIN-ALEXANDER-PULASKI-MASSAC-GIBSON-POSEY-VANDERBURGH-CARLISLE- BALLARD-MCCRACKEN-GRAVES-LIVINGSTON-MARSHALL-CRITTENDEN-LYON- CALDWELL-UNION KY-WEBSTER-HOPKINS-CHRISTIAN-HENDERSON-MUHLENBERG- BUTLER-STODDARD-SCOTT-MISSISSIPPI-NEW MADRID- INCLUDING THE CITIES OF MOUNT VERNON, FAIRFIELD, ALBION, MOUNT CARMEL, PINCKNEYVILLE, WEST FRANKFORT, MCLEANSBORO, CARMI, CARBONDALE, MURPHYSBORO, HERRIN, HARRISBURG, SHAWNEETOWN, JONESBORO, VIENNA, GOLCONDA, ELIZABETHTOWN, CAIRO, MOUND CITY, METROPOLIS, FORT BRANCH, POSEYVILLE, EVANSVILLE, BARDWELL, WICKLIFFE, PADUCAH, MAYFIELD, SMITHLAND, BENTON, MARION, EDDYVILLE, PRINCETON, MORGANFIELD, DIXON, MADISONVILLE, HOPKINSVILLE, HENDERSON, GREENVILLE, POPLAR BLUFF, BLOOMFIELD, SIKESTON, CHARLESTON, AND NEW MADRID 934 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Light Wintry Mix Possible Overnight... A brief period of sleet and freezing rain this evening could produce a few slick spots on area roads. After midnight, patchy light rain, sleet, or snow could develop across the region. Where temperatures are below freezing, the light rain or drizzle will freeze on contact with the surface. The coldest temperatures are expected in parts of southern Illinois, from the Marion Carbondale area north and west. Potential icing of road surfaces appears to be the highest in this area. Although only a few hundredths of an inch of this wintry mix is expected, the precipitation may be enough to make roadways slick at times. Temperatures are expected to rise above freezing from southeast to northwest. This will change any precipitation that falls to plain rain over a majority of the area by early Sunday morning. If you plan travel overnight, drive according to the weather conditions. Allow a little extra time to reach your destination. Be watchful for slick spots on roadways and sidewalks. $$  947 WAIS31 LLBD 170331 LLLL AIRMET 1 VALID 170400/170800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3120 E03420 - N3225 E03340 TOP FL260 MOV ENE 10KT WKN=  898 WAIS31 LLBD 170332 LLLL AIRMET 2 VALID 170400/170800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3303 E03500 - N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3127 E03513 STNR WKN=  375 WSRS31 RUMA 170339 UUWV SIGMET 1 VALID 170350/170630 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST N OF N55 AND E OF E041 SFC/FL070 MOV E 20KMH NC=  968 WSID20 WIII 170340 WIIZ SIGMET 02 VALID 170340/170600 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0201 E09522 - N0049 E09404 - N0221 E09232 - N0303 E09243 - N0318 E09414 - N0201 E09522 TOP FL520 MOV NNW 5KT INTSF=  930 WWUS55 KCYS 170343 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 843 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 WYC021-170353- /O.EXP.KCYS.SQ.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0345Z/ Laramie WY- 843 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...THE SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN LARAMIE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 845 PM MST... The snow squall which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the snow squall warning will be allowed to expire. Roads will remain snow covered. LAT...LON 4144 10492 4143 10450 4118 10430 4120 10406 4100 10406 4101 10461 TIME...MOT...LOC 0343Z 350DEG 22KT 4103 10464 4087 10419 $$ Brothers/Hammer  853 WSVS31 VVGL 170320 VVNB SIGMET 1 VALID 170325/170625 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1935 E10500 - N2110 E10600 - N2235 E10600 - N2110 E10810 - N1955 E10750 - N1935 E10500 TOP FL340 MOV NE 07KT NC=  822 WWUS74 KMAF 170346 NPWMAF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 946 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING FOR GUADALUPE MOUNTAINS IS CANCELLED... .Wind speeds across the area continue to decrease this evening... including in the Guadalupe Mountains which have fallen below warning criteria. Therefore the warning has been cancelled. NMZ027-TXZ258-170500- /O.CAN.KMAF.HW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T0600Z/ Guadalupe Mountains of Eddy County-Guadalupe Mountains- Including the cities of Queen, Guadalupe Mountains NP, and Pine Springs 846 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Midland/Odessa has cancelled the High Wind Warning. Wind speeds have fallen across the Guadalupe Mountains this evening. Therefore the warning has been cancelled. $$  686 WWUS83 KIND 170347 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1047 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 INZ021-028>031-035>039-043>048-051>056-060>065-067>072-171200- Carroll-Warren-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Fountain-Montgomery- Boone-Tipton-Hamilton-Vermillion-Parke-Putnam-Hendricks-Marion- Hancock-Vigo-Clay-Owen-Morgan-Johnson-Shelby-Sullivan-Greene- Monroe-Brown-Bartholomew-Decatur-Knox-Daviess-Martin-Lawrence- Jackson-Jennings- Including the cities of Delphi, Flora, Williamsport, West Lebanon, Lafayette, West Lafayette, Frankfort, Kokomo, Attica, Covington, Veedersburg, Crawfordsville, Lebanon, Zionsville, Tipton, Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Clinton, Newport, Rockville, Greencastle, Plainfield, Brownsburg, Danville, Indianapolis, Greenfield, Terre Haute, Brazil, Clay City, Spencer, Martinsville, Mooresville, Greenwood, Franklin, Shelbyville, Sullivan, Linton, Bloomfield, Bloomington, Nashville, Columbus, Greensburg, Vincennes, Washington, Loogootee, Shoals, Bedford, Mitchell, Seymour, Brownstown, and North Vernon 1047 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...LIGHT WINTRY MIX POSSIBLE SUNDAY MORNING... A mix of light snow and light freezing rain is possible by the pre dawn hours of Sunday. The potential for light snow and light freezing rain will continue into the late morning hours of Sunday. Minor accumulations of snow, along with a light glaze of ice are possible by the midday hours of Sunday. Motorists should be aware for the possibility of slick roads Sunday morning. $$  766 WWUS43 KDMX 170347 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 947 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Period of Moderate to Heavy Snow Tonight Tapers to Lighter Snow Through Much of Sunday... .A slow moving winter storm system will bring accumulating snowfall to all of Iowa over the next 24 to 36 hours. Heavy snowfall rates of 1 to near 2 inches per hour are possible as the snowfall begins this evening, with the heavy snow potential continuing into the early overnight hours. The event with then transition to a long duration light to moderate snowfall through Sunday. A large swath of 5 to 7 inches of snow is forecast, with locally higher amounts possible in central Iowa. Winds will be relatively light and primary impacts will be snow covered and slick roads. IAZ057>059-070>072-083-171200- /O.UPG.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KDMX.WS.W.0007.190217T0347Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, and Osceola 947 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches with storm total accumulations of 6 to 8 inches. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. Most snow accumulations tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult with slick and snow covered roads. Visibility will also be reduced under a mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ081-082-171200- /O.UPG.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KDMX.WS.W.0007.190217T0347Z-190218T0000Z/ Adams-Union- Including the cities of Corning and Creston 947 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches with storm total accumulations of 6 to 8 inches. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. Most snow accumulations tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult with slick and snow covered roads. Visibility will also be reduced under a mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-171200- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 947 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Much of Iowa. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM CST Sunday. Most snow accumulations tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on snow covered roads and slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ092>095-171200- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Including the cities of Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, and Humeston 947 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Mainly snow with a little mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Southwest Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. Most snow accumulations tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on snow covered roads and slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines Ansorge  985 WGUS83 KIND 170349 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...A Flood Warning continues for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... East Fork White River...Muscatatuck River...Wabash River...White River... .Flooding continues along the Wabash, White, East Fork White, and Muscatatuck Rivers. The Wabash and White rivers are in the moderate flood stage level at Mount Carmel, Petersburg, and Hazleton. The rivers are generally falling and this trend is expected to continue. Flooding will last as long as February 24th in southwest Indiana. Flooding is affecting local and state roads, cabins, widespread agricultural land, and possibly a few homes. Upcoming precipitation is expected to be around one tenth of an inch tonight into Sunday, followed by dry weather Monday and much of Tuesday. Heavier precipitation, between a quarter and a half an inch, is predicted for Tuesday evening through Wednesday evening. This could lead to prolonged flooding in southwest Indiana and perhaps even some new rises on area waterways. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Motorists should never drive into flood water. Turn around and go another way. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC027-055-083-172040- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-190217T2040Z/ /ELLI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190210T1300Z.190217T0840Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Elliston. * until Sunday afternoon. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 18.4 feet late tonight and will fall below flood stage by late tonight. * At 18.0 feet...River approaching River Road north of CR 150 W in Greene County. Some low lying agricultural land begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3912 8692 3908 8694 3900 8693 3900 8697 3905 8699 3913 8696 $$ INC027-051-083-125-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190219T1800Z/ /FREI3.2.ER.190207T0326Z.190212T1200Z.190219T0600Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Edwardsport. * until Tuesday afternoon. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Monday night. * At 20.0 feet...Water is at Critical levels for makeshift levees. Most of bottomlands flood. Old Vincennes road and State Road 358 between Plainville and Edwardsport are impassable by several feet. High water surrounds river cabins. This type of flood occurs on average about once a year. && LAT...LON 3885 8712 3877 8723 3855 8723 3855 8726 3879 8729 3887 8715 $$ ILC185-INC027-051-083-125-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0083.000000T0000Z-190224T0400Z/ /PTRI3.2.ER.190207T1846Z.190214T1600Z.190223T1600Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Petersburg. * until Saturday February 23. * At 10:30 PM Saturday the stage was 24.6 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday February 23. * At 25.0 feet...A very significant flood is in progress. Emergency flood fighting may be needed. Evacuations would begin from river cabins in Dodge City. Livestock must be moved. && LAT...LON 3852 8722 3850 8729 3851 8744 3854 8744 3855 8736 3853 8729 3856 8723 $$ ILC185-INC051-083-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0084.000000T0000Z-190225T0130Z/ /HAZI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190215T1000Z.190224T1330Z.NO/ 949 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Hazleton. * until Sunday February 24. * At 7:43 AM Saturday the stage was 26.8 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Sunday February 24. * At 27.0 feet...Water is more than 2 feet deep in west end of Hazleton. && LAT...LON 3851 8744 3844 8760 3841 8773 3843 8773 3852 8755 3854 8744 $$ INC045-121-157-165-171-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ /LAFI3.1.ER.190204T2125Z.190208T1500Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Lafayette. * until late Monday night. * At 10:30 PM Saturday the stage was 12.1 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday afternoon. * At 12.0 feet...High water affects a few low river cabins and county roads. && LAT...LON 4054 8670 4040 8688 4033 8709 4040 8709 4048 8688 4056 8673 $$ INC045-121-165-171-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ /CVGI3.1.ER.190205T0900Z.190207T1545Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Covington. * until late Monday night. * At 9:45 PM Saturday the stage was 17.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 17.3 feet by Sunday morning then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Monday afternoon. * At 17.5 feet...Some low agricultural fields flood. Backyard flood of cottages a short distance north of U.S. Highway 136. High water blocks land access to at least one residence. && LAT...LON 4033 8709 4017 8737 3997 8739 3997 8745 4020 8747 4040 8709 $$ INC121-165-167-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-190220T1200Z/ /MTZI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190208T2115Z.190220T0000Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Montezuma. * until Wednesday morning. * At 9:45 PM Saturday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday evening. * At 18.0 feet...Montezuma agricultural levee is overtopped. Fourteen hundred acres of low bottomlands flood. && LAT...LON 3997 8739 3986 8734 3977 8736 3977 8740 3985 8741 3997 8745 $$ ILC023-033-INC153-167-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-190221T0130Z/ /TERI3.1.ER.190205T0458Z.190210T1145Z.190220T1330Z.UU/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Terre Haute. * until Wednesday evening. * At 10:30 PM Saturday the stage was 18.9 feet. This is 2.0 to 2.5 feet higher than the observations from the old legacy gauge. * Flood stage is 16.5 feet. This is 2.5 feet higher than flood stage from the old legacy gauge. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * At 18.5 feet...Flooding of rural roads is in progress behind Honey Creek Levee as a result of two unrepaired levee breaks. && LAT...LON 3960 8736 3943 8740 3930 8757 3932 8763 3945 8747 3960 8741 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-190222T1648Z/ /HUTI2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190217T0600Z.190222T0448Z.NO/ 949 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Hutsonville Legacy Power Plant Site. * until Friday morning. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 20.3 feet late tonight and will fall below flood stage by Thursday evening. * At 20.0 feet...Leaverton Park in Palestine and park in Hutsonville begin to flood. Agricultural flooding spreads to higher land. Seep water is noticeable behind levees. Some elevated river cottages are surrounded by water. Several county or township roads east of Lincoln Heritage Trail between Palestine and Hutsonville in Crawford County Illinois are impassable. && LAT...LON 3930 8757 3923 8754 3912 8762 3914 8768 3922 8762 3932 8763 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-190223T0000Z/ /RVTI3.1.ER.190206T0211Z.190213T1630Z.190222T1200Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Riverton. * until Friday evening. * At 10:00 PM Saturday the stage was 19.6 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday morning. * At 20.0 feet...Extensive flooding is in progress. Higher rural roads begin to flood. High water isolates many river cabins. Seep water becomes a problem. && LAT...LON 3913 8761 3899 8748 3886 8750 3885 8756 3898 8759 3913 8767 $$ ILC101-185-INC083-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-190220T2000Z/ /VCNI3.1.ER.190207T1752Z.190213T1015Z.190220T0800Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Vincennes. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9:45 PM Saturday the stage was 18.4 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 18.4 feet by late tonight then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage late Tuesday night. * At 18.0 feet...Agricultural lands and some oil fields flood. Several township roads about 1.25 miles south of St. Francesville and River Road between Billett Road and Lincoln Memorial Bridge in Lawrence County are flooded. Extensive flooding of Kimmell Park at Vincennes. && LAT...LON 3887 8750 3874 8746 3846 8764 3847 8778 3871 8756 3886 8756 $$ ILC047-059-185-193-INC051-083-129-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-190225T0200Z/ /MCRI2.2.ER.190208T0246Z.190215T2130Z.190224T1400Z.NO/ 949 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Mount Carmel. * until Sunday February 24. * At 8:45 PM Saturday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Sunday February 24. * At 28.0 feet...Critical Stage of Rochester-Mcleary Bluff Levee. Cattle and farm equipment must be moved. Most roads along river or near river are now impassible. Agricultural losses 100 percent in areas that are not protected by levees. The Wabash River is more than 2 miles wide at I-64. && LAT...LON 3846 8765 3828 8781 3822 8794 3822 8800 3827 8800 3847 8777 $$ INC093-101-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190220T2200Z/ /BEDI3.2.ER.190208T1445Z.190211T1245Z.190220T1000Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Rivervale. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 10:30 PM Saturday the stage was 26.2 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Tuesday night. * At 25.0 feet...All county roads across or located in the East Fork of White River flood plain flood. Flooding of agricultural land becomes extensive. The county road on northside of gage floods and gage may be inaccessible except by boat. Local residents in nearby river cabins must park on higher grounds. && LAT...LON 3878 8613 3872 8631 3877 8646 3882 8643 3878 8631 3880 8618 $$ INC093-101-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-190220T1424Z/ /BFRI3.2.ER.190209T0855Z.190212T2127Z.190220T0224Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Bedford. * until Wednesday morning. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 24.1 feet late tonight and will fall below flood stage by Tuesday evening. * At 24.0 feet...Limited parking at Bedford Boat Club. Flood waters cover much of the parking lot and is too deep for a normal person to drive in. && LAT...LON 3877 8645 3879 8651 3882 8657 3885 8656 3883 8650 3881 8643 $$ INC093-101-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190220T0400Z/ /WLLI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190212T2330Z.190219T1600Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Williams. * until Tuesday evening. * At 7:20 AM Saturday the stage was 10.9 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * At 11.0 feet...During the late March 2008 flood, the Bedford Times reported the following County roads still flooded; River Road, entire road; Bartlettsville Road, by the bridge and in the bottoms; Judah-Logan Road, by the bridge; Logan Bottoms, the gravel part; Donica Church Road, between Logan Bottom and the hill; Peerless Road, by Mica Metals; Little Salt Creek Run; Stumphole Bridge Road, near Indiana 450; Huron-Williams Road; Lawrenceport Road; Rivervale Road and Earl Road. && LAT...LON 3880 8653 3875 8667 3869 8673 3872 8681 3880 8668 3885 8656 $$ INC027-037-101-125-180349- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190219T1500Z/ /SHLI3.2.ER.190210T1309Z.190213T1700Z.190219T0300Z.NO/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Shoals. * until Tuesday morning. * At 10:30 PM Saturday the stage was 23.9 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * At 24.0 feet...Roads that flood include, East and West River Road, Spout Spring Road, State Road 550 in two places, a county road near Beech Creek, Chicken Farm Road and Cemetery Road. High water forms at least one island. Two families must walk or take boats to leave. One county road in Dubois County floods. && LAT...LON 3869 8673 3847 8683 3852 8722 3856 8723 3853 8689 3866 8690 3872 8681 $$ INC071-093-175-180349- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0105.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WHLI3.U.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1049 PM EST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Muscatatuck River at Wheeler Hollow. * until further notice. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. && LAT...LON 3874 8591 3873 8605 3876 8618 3880 8615 3878 8603 3878 8591 $$  569 WSUS31 KKCI 170355 SIGE MKCE WST 170355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170555-170955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  678 WWUS43 KEAX 170350 WSWEAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 950 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Wintry Precipitation Through Sunday Morning... .Freezing drizzle has developed over the Kansas City metro and surrounding area and will continue through the overnight hours. North and northeast of the metro, light snow will also persist through the overnight hours. Slick roads are thus possible throughout the forecast area during overnight and early Sunday morning travel. Precipitation will gradually come to an end early Sunday, though hazardous roadways and slick walking surfaces may persist through the mid-morning Sunday, particularly on untreated surfaces. KSZ025-102-MOZ001>008-011>017-020>025-030>033-039-040-046-171200- /O.CON.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Atchison KS-Doniphan-Atchison MO-Nodaway-Worth-Gentry-Harrison- Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler-Holt-Andrew-De Kalb-Daviess-Grundy- Sullivan-Adair-Buchanan-Clinton-Caldwell-Livingston-Linn MO-Macon- Ray-Carroll-Chariton-Randolph-Saline-Howard-Cooper- Including the cities of Atchison, Wathena, Elwood, Troy, Highland, Tarkio, Rockport, Fairfax, Maryville, Grant City, Albany, Stanberry, King City, Bethany, Princeton, Mercer, Unionville, Lancaster, Queen City, Greentop, Downing, Glenwood, Mound City, Oregon, Maitland, Forest City, Craig, Savannah, Country Club Villa, Maysville, Stewartsville, Osborn, Union Star, Clarksdale, Gallatin, Jamesport, Trenton, Milan, Green City, Kirksville, St. Joseph Airport, St. Joseph, Cameron, Plattsburg, Lathrop, Hamilton, Braymer, Polo, Breckenridge, Chillicothe, Brookfield, Marceline, Macon, La Plata, Richmond, Lawson, Carrollton, Salisbury, Brunswick, Keytesville, Moberly, Marshall, Fayette, Glasgow, New Franklin, and Boonville 950 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Total snowfall accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, with the highest snowfall totals near the Iowa border. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central, north central, northeast, northwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ KSZ057-060-103>105-MOZ028-029-037-038-043>045-053-054-171200- /O.CON.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Miami-Linn KS-Leavenworth-Wyandotte-Johnson KS-Platte-Clay- Jackson-Lafayette-Cass-Johnson MO-Pettis-Bates-Henry- Including the cities of Paola, Osawatomie, Louisburg, Pleasanton, La Cygne, Mound City, Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Lansing, Kansas City Kansas, Overland Park, Stanley, Olathe, Shawnee, Lenexa, Parkville, Platte City, Riverside, Weatherby Lake, Weston, Gladstone, Liberty, Excelsior Springs, Kansas City, Independence, Odessa, Higginsville, Lexington, Concordia, Belton, Raymore, Harrisonville, Pleasant Hill, Warrensburg, Sedalia, Butler, Adrian, Rich Hill, Clinton, and Windsor 950 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Wintry mix. Total snowfall accumulations up to one inch, and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central, north central, northeast, northwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  812 WWUS84 KLZK 170350 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 950 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ARZ003>008-012>017-171200- Boone-Marion-Baxter-Fulton-Sharp-Randolph-Newton-Searcy-Stone- Izard-Independence-Lawrence- Including the cities of Harrison, Omaha, Lead Hill, Bull Shoals, Flippin, Yellville, Summit, Mountain Home, Norfork, Gassville, Mammoth Spring, Viola, Salem, Cave City, Ash Flat, Hardy, Pocahontas, Ravenden Springs, Maynard, Jasper, Western Grove, Deer, Marshall, Leslie, Gilbert, Mountain View, Fox, Timbo, Allison, Horseshoe Bend, Melbourne, Calico Rock, Oxford, Batesville, Oil Trough, Pleasant Plains, Walnut Ridge, Hoxie, Black Rock, and Imboden 950 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Light freezing drizzle and or freezing fog possible overnight... Some drizzle and patchy fog will develop overnight across portions of the state...and with temperatures hovering near or just below freezing...some patchy slick spots may be seen on area roadways overnight across northern Arkansas. Given only very light precipitation is expected...only light icing will be possible. This may result in some isolated hazardous driving conditions...mainly on bridges and overpasses...especially in the higher terrain. Temperatures may rise slightly overnight...especially by around sunrise. If temperatures rise far enough...the threat for hazardous driving conditions due to light icing will then decrease by that time. $$  262 WSUS32 KKCI 170355 SIGC MKCC WST 170355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170555-170955 FROM 40ENE BWG-30NNW GQO-SQS-LIT-50SE FAM-40ENE BWG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  263 WSUS33 KKCI 170355 SIGW MKCW WST 170355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170555-170955 FROM EUG-OAK-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-120WSW ONP-EUG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  429 WWUS46 KPQR 170350 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 750 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ORZ010>013-170700- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190217T0700Z/ Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills-Northern Oregon Cascades- Cascade Foothills in Lane County-Cascades in Lane County- Including the cities of Silver Falls State Park, Government Camp, Santiam Pass, McKenzie Pass, and Willamette Pass 750 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow above 1500 feet. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches expected in the foothills between 1500 and 2500 feet, but 12 to 16 inches above 2500 feet elevation. For elevations between 800 and 1500 feet, expect 1 to 4 inches. Snow showers will be decreasing overnight. * WHERE...Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills, Northern Oregon Cascades, Cascade Foothills in Lane County and Cascades in Lane County. * WHEN...Until 11 PM Saturday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  817 WWUS46 KHNX 170350 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 750 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ096-097-171200- /O.CON.KHNX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon- Tulare County Mountains- Including the cities of Camp Nelson, Giant Forest, Lodgepole, and Johnsondale 750 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. New snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches, with up to two feet in the high country. Winds gusting as high as 65 mph on exposed ridgetops and near the crest. * WHERE...Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon and Tulare County mountains. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be extremely difficult or impossible. Strong winds may damage trees. Wind chill readings as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, plenty of food, and a good deal of water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ093-094-171200- /O.CON.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Mariposa, Madera, and Fresno County Foothills- Tulare County Foothills- Including the cities of Oakhurst, Mariposa, Springville, and Three Rivers 750 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow...heavy at times. Total snow accumulations of four to eight inches. Up to a foot of snow is possible above 3500 feet. * WHERE...Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, and Tulare County foothills above 1500 feet. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. Road closures are possible due to snow cover. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ095-171200- /O.CON.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Kern County Mountains- Including the cities of Tehachapi and Lake Isabella 750 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow...heavy at times. Total snow accumulations of four to eight inches. Up to a foot of snow is possible in higher elevations. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph through the passes and canyons. * WHERE...Kern County mountains above 2500 feet. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult, with significant impacts on the Grapevine and Tehachapi passes. If traveling this weekend, check current road conditions before your departure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  214 WWUS43 KOAX 170351 WSWOAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 IAZ056-171200- /O.UPG.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KOAX.WS.W.0003.190217T0351Z-190217T1800Z/ Shelby- Including the city of Harlan 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow with additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. Storm-total snow amounts of 6 to 8 inches. * WHERE...Shelby County. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ069-080-171200- /O.UPG.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KOAX.WS.W.0003.190217T0351Z-190217T1800Z/ Pottawattamie-Montgomery- Including the cities of Council Bluffs and Red Oak 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow with additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Storm-total snow amounts of 6 to 7 inches. * WHERE...Pottawattamie and Montgomery Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ043-055-NEZ011-012-015>018-031>034-171200- /O.CON.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Monona-Harrison-Knox-Cedar-Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Madison- Stanton-Cuming-Burt- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, and Decatur 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow with total accumulations of 4 to 6 inches expected in the period from tonight through early Sunday afternoon. Locally higher amounts are possible. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Nebraska and southwest and west central Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Hazardous travel conditions are likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities. Use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ079-090-091-NEZ030-042>045-050>053-065>068-078-088>093-171200- /O.CON.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Mills-Fremont-Page-Boone-Platte-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler- Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward-Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline- Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Glenwood, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Albion, St. Edward, Columbus, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, David City, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow with total accumulations of 4 to 6 inches expected in the period from tonight into mid morning Sunday. Locally higher amounts are possible. A light glaze of freezing drizzle is also possible in southeast Nebraska near the Kansas border. * WHERE...East central and southeast Nebraska. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Hazardous travel conditions are likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, or mixed precipitation will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities. Use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  854 WWUS43 KBIS 170351 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 NDZ031>033-040>045-171200- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams- Sioux- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, and Solen 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /851 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Storm total snowfall of 8 to 15 inches across most of southwest North Dakota. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Near zero visibility is expected at times in heavy snow. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ017>020-034-046-050-171200- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-Morton-Emmons-McIntosh- Including the cities of Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Mandan, Linton, Strasburg, Wishek, and Ashley 951 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 /851 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...From Watford City, through Killdeer, Beulah, Hebron, Almont, Linton, and Ashley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ EDWARDS  050 WWUS74 KLCH 170352 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 952 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Patchy dense marine fog will impact coastal areas tonight and Sunday morning... .Warm, moist southerly flow associated with a northward advancing warm front will ride over the relatively cooler shelf waters of the gulf of Mexico resulting in patchy dense marine fog. This fog will be blown inland on the southerly winds potentially causing visibility restrictions along and south of the I-10 corridor. The fog will be swept back offshore by a cold front that will push through the area late Sunday morning into Sunday afternoon. LAZ052>055-073-074-TXZ215-171200- /O.CON.KLCH.FG.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Vermilion-Iberia-St. Mary-Lower St. Martin-West Cameron- East Cameron-Jefferson- Including the cities of Abbeville, Intracoastal City, Meaux, Forked Island, Kaplan, New Iberia, Morgan City, Burns Point, Centerville, Franklin, Patterson, Berwick, Bayou Vista, Stephensville, Hackberry, Johnson Bayou, Grand Lake, Klondike, Cameron, Creole, Grand Chenier, Rutherford Beach, Beaumont, Sabine Pass, and Sea Rim State Park 952 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... * VISIBILITY...one quarter of a mile at times. * IMPACTS...hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  467 WSBZ31 SBRE 170352 SBRE SIGMET 3 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1221 W04621 - S1228 W04308 - S1719 W 03824 - S1824 W03900 - S1851 W03739 - S2111 W03922 - S2044 W03948 - S2052 W04024 - S2027 W04100 - S2031 W04228 - S1834 W04232 - S1658 W04143 - S1535 W04406 - S1221 W04621 TOP FL420 S TNR NC=  064 WSBZ31 SBRE 170352 SBRE SIGMET 4 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0800 W04543 - S0836 W04402 - S1105 W 04412 - S1118 W04542 - S1032 W04644 - S0800 W04543 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  471 WSBZ31 SBRE 170352 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0716 W04043 - S0738 W03758 - S0943 W 03613 - S1341 W03950 - S1218 W04140 - S0716 W04043 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  463 WGUS83 KPAH 170353 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky...Illinois...Missouri... Ohio River at Owensboro...Newburgh Dam...Evansville...Mount Vernon... J.T. Myers Dam...Shawneetown...Golconda...Smithland Dam... Paducah and Cairo .Minor to moderate flooding continues along the Lower Ohio River. Moderate flooding is now ongoing at Mount Vernon and is expected at J.T. Myers Dam. Crests are expected along the river between now and Wednesday. Heavy rainfall forecast next week over the Tennessee River Valley may cause adjustments to the forecasts over the next few days. Check back often for updates. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC147-KYC059-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190222T0645Z/ /OWBK2.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190216T0903Z.190222T0045Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Owensboro * until late Thursday night. * At 3:03 AM Saturday the stage was 44.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday evening. * Impact...At 44.0 Feet...Parts of Smothers Park may flood. && LAT...LON 3790 8721 3789 8712 3806 8681 3794 8682 3771 8710 3780 8728 $$ INC147-163-173-KYC059-101-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190224T1446Z/ /NBGI3.1.ER.190209T0933Z.190216T2145Z.190224T0846Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Newburgh Dam * until Sunday February 24. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 47.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 38.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Sunday morning February 24. * Impact...At 48.0 Feet...Water approaches part of IN 66 about 1 mile downstream from the lock and dam. && LAT...LON 3801 8745 3790 8721 3780 8728 3787 8745 $$ INC129-163-173-KYC059-101-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190223T0712Z/ /EVVI3.1.ER.190213T1245Z.190217T0600Z.190223T0112Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Evansville * until Saturday February 23. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 44.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 42.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 44.4 feet by after midnight tomorrow. The river will fall below flood stage Friday evening. * Impact...At 45.0 Feet...Many county roads are flooded and some are impassable. && LAT...LON 3796 8770 3802 8759 3801 8745 3787 8745 3780 8756 3781 8769 $$ INC129-163-KYC101-225-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190225T1648Z/ /MTVI3.2.ER.190210T0546Z.190218T0000Z.190225T1048Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Mount Vernon * until Monday February 25. * At 6:00 AM Saturday the stage was 45.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 35.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 45.8 feet by tomorrow evening. The river will fall below flood stage Monday morning. * Impact...At 45.0 Feet...Large portions of Point Township in Posey county are flooded. && LAT...LON 3792 8796 3798 8784 3796 8770 3781 8769 3780 8784 $$ INC129-KYC225-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190226T0030Z/ /UNWK2.2.ER.190210T0900Z.190218T1800Z.190225T1830Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam * until Monday February 25. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 48.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.1 feet by Monday early afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Monday early afternoon. * Impact...At 49.0 Feet...The top of the protection is reached at J.T. Myers Lock and Dam. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SHNI2.2.ER.190209T1607Z.190219T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown * until further notice. * At 9:30 PM Saturday the stage was 47.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 48.5 feet by Monday evening then begin falling. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC069-151-KYC055-139-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GOLI2.2.ER.190211T1622Z.190219T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Golconda * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 48.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.2 feet by early Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 49.0 Feet...Several families are evacuated in Hall Town. && LAT...LON 3757 8800 3746 8799 3735 8839 3727 8840 3728 8856 3746 8851 $$ ILC151-KYC139-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SMLI2.1.ER.190212T0015Z.190219T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Smithland Dam * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 46.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 46.5 feet by Tuesday early afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. && LAT...LON 3728 8856 3727 8840 3707 8837 3715 8852 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PAHK2.2.ER.190210T2122Z.190218T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 46.9 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 47.0 feet by Monday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 47.0 Feet...Property damage begins on the the Illinois and Kentucky sides of the river. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-180752- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CIRI2.2.ER.190122T0830Z.190219T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 51.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 52.0 feet by Tuesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$  383 WSRS32 RUAA 170352 UUYY SIGMET 1 VALID 170500/170900 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF N6330 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  384 WSAU21 AMMC 170354 YMMM SIGMET B03 VALID 170354/170411 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET B02 170011/170411=  999 WSBZ31 SBRE 170354 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1627 W03750 - S2436 W02846 - S285 1 W03238 - S2704 W03647 - S2845 W04527 - S2219 W03813 - S2111 W03920 - S1851 W03738 - S1824 W03859 - S1627 W03750 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  884 WSBZ31 SBRE 170354 SBAO SIGMET 3 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2503 W02038 - S3129 W01334 - S333 1 W01532 - S3037 W02518 - S2503 W02038 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  237 WSRS33 RUAA 170354 ULKK SIGMET 1 VALID 170400/170800 ULKK- ULKK KOTLAS FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 MOV SE 40KMH NC=  524 WWUS85 KLKN 170355 SPSLKN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Elko NV 755 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 NVZ037-170500- Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Austin, Austin Summit, Eureka, Diamond Valley, and Pinto Summit 755 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Snow showers possible along I-80 between Dunphy and Elko... Doppler radar is indicating bands of snow showers moving across portions of I-80 and could affect cities along the corridor between Dunphy and Elko. This includes Emigrant Summit. The heaviest showers will produce reduced visibility of 1 mile or less along with a quick half-inch to inch of snow. If driving along I-80 this evening, please use caution due to quick changing weather and road conditions. Visit www.weather.gov/elko for the latest weather information. $$  838 WWUS46 KPDT 170356 WSWPDT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 756 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM TO EFFECT THE EAST SLOPES OF THE OREGON CASCADES AND THE NORTHERN BLUE MOUNTAINS... .A low pressure system will move across Oregon tonight and produce significant accumulating snow across portions of central Oregon, and the northern Blue Mountains. WAZ520-171200- /O.EXA.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ East Slopes of the Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Cle Elum and Cliffdell 756 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches. Total accumulations of 3 to 6 inches...with higher amounts near the crest. * WHERE...East Slopes of the Washington Cascades. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ509-171200- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of La Pine and Sunriver 756 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ502-WAZ030-171200- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon-Northwest Blue Mountains- Including the cities of Meacham, Tollgate, and Ski Bluewood Resort 756 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 4 inches. * WHERE...In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  908 WTNT80 EGRR 170356 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 00UTC 17.02.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 170356  072 WTNT82 EGRR 170357 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 0000UTC 17.02.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 170356  358 WSSG31 GOOY 170400 GOOO SIGMET A2 VALID 170400/170800 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0350Z WI S0051 W00516 - N0156 W00624 - N0303 W00406 - N0207 W00300 TOP FL450 MOV W/SW 05KT INTSF=  455 WSSG31 GOBD 170400 GOOO SIGMET A2 VALID 170400/170800 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0350Z WI S0051 W00516 - N0156 W00624 - N0303 W00406 - N0207 W00300 TOP FL450 MOV W/SW 05KT INTSF=  456 WSSG31 GOOY 170405 GOOO SIGMET B1 VALID 170405/170805 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0355Z WI N0148 W02342 - N0434 W01650 - N0413 W01329 - N0224 W01957 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  457 WSSG31 GOBD 170405 GOOO SIGMET B1 VALID 170405/170805 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0355Z WI N0148 W02342 - N0434 W01650 - N0413 W01329 - N0224 W01957 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  784 WVPR31 SPIM 170405 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 170405/170600 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 1 VALID 170000/170600 SPIM=  332 WWUS43 KSGF 170408 WSWSGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Springfield MO 1008 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Another Round of Wintry Weather Tonight... MOZ056>058-069>071-079>083-090>092-094>098-102>106-171200- /O.CON.KSGF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Morgan-Miller-Maries-Camden-Pulaski-Phelps-Polk-Dallas-Laclede- Texas-Dent-Greene-Webster-Wright-Lawrence-Christian-Douglas- Howell-Shannon-Barry-Stone-Taney-Ozark-Oregon- Including the cities of Versailles, Rocky Mount, Stover, Laurie, Aurora Springs, Eldon, Lake Ozark, Vichy, Osage Beach, Camdenton, Decaturville, Roach, Village of Four Seasons, Fort Leonard Wood, Laquey, Waynesville, Northwye, Rolla, Bolivar, Buffalo, Charity, Foose, March, Plad, Windyville, Olive, Lynchburg, Lebanon, Plato, Roby, Bendavis, Huggins, Lake Spring, Bangert, Darien, Gladden, Howes, Jadwin, Salem, Springfield, Marshfield, Northview, Seymour, Rogersville, Dawson, Graff, Mountain Grove, Duncan, Mansfield, Aurora, Mount Vernon, Marionville, Nixa, Christian Center, Ozark, Selmore, Vanzant, Ava, Goodhope, Rome, Squires, Dogwood, Pomona, Pottersville, Siloam Springs, South Fork, West Plains, White Church, Teresita, Winona, Birch Tree, Montier, Monett, Madry, Cassville, Kimberling City, Crane, Elsey, Indian Point, Silver Dollar City, Branson, Hollister, Kirbyville, Edgewater Beach, Forsyth, Ozark Beach, Powersite, Wasola, Thayer, Alton, Couch, Greer, Thomasville, and Wilderness 1008 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected with light sleet and freezing drizzle. Total sleet less than one inch across central Missouri and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. Highest accumulations will occur north of Interstate 44. Most locations will receive a glazing of ice on elevated surfaces and untreated roadways. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central and southwest Missouri. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions overnight as temperatures remain at or below freezing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ KSZ073-097-101-MOZ055-066>068-077-078-088-089-171200- /O.CON.KSGF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Bourbon-Crawford-Cherokee-Benton-Vernon-St. Clair-Hickory-Barton- Cedar-Jasper-Dade- Including the cities of Fort Scott, Pawnee Station, Chicopee, Lone Oak, Pittsburg, Baxter Springs, Lowell, Riverton, Columbus, Neutral, Sherwin, Stippville, Warsaw, Whitakerville, Cole Camp, Crockerville, Mora, Edmonson, Lincoln, Nevada, Tiffin, Appleton City, Johnson City, Weaubleau, Hermitage, Quincy, Wheatland, Cross Timbers, Kenoma, Lamar, Cedar Springs, El Dorado Springs, Filley, Arnica, Caplinger Mills, Stockton, Joplin, Carthage, Greenfield, Lockwood, and Meinert 1008 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation with some light sleet intermixed with some freezing drizzle and freezing rain. Total sleet accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. Most locations will receive a glaze of ice on elevated surfaces and untreated roadways. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Kansas and central, southwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions overnight as temperatures remain at or below freezing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  475 WGUS45 KPSR 170408 FLWPSR BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 908 PM MST SAT FEB 16 2019 AZC007-171615- /O.EXT.KPSR.FA.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Gila AZ- 908 PM MST SAT FEB 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Phoenix has extended the * Flood Warning for... Gila County in east central Arizona... * Until 915 AM MST Sunday. * At 8:46 PM MST, the stream gage at the Tonto Creek Near Roosevelt site indicated a stage of 4.54 feet, which is still above action stage. Although the stage has been slowly decreasing, continued runoff will likely keep the stage above the 4 foot action stage through early Sunday. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Tonto Basin. Low water crossings along Tonto Creek will be impacted including A Crossing, Bar X Crossing and Store Crossing. * This includes AZ Route 188 between mile markers 254 and 266. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3391 11128 3387 11123 3377 11123 3376 11127 3392 11134 3393 11133 $$ MP  762 WWCN16 CWHX 170408 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:38 A.M. NST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: BURGEO - RAMEA GROS MORNE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  903 WVPR31 SPIM 170408 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 170430/171030 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 0315Z WI S1526 W07215 - S1546 W07149 - S1534 W07222 - S1526 W07215 SFC/FL250 FCST AT 0930Z VA CLD WI S1523 W07236 - S1546 W07149 - S1538 W07241 - S1523 W07236=  529 WWUS45 KPUB 170412 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 912 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 COZ079-080-171215- /O.EXT.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0000Z-190220T0100Z/ Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 912 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations 8 to 18 inches with up to 2 feet above 10000 feet. * WHERE...the Wet Mountains. * WHEN...From Sunday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Expect deteriorating travel conditions Sunday night with slick and snowpacked roads through Tuesday. Travel could be very difficult to impossible at times. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ COZ058-060-061-063>068-072>078-082-171215- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0000Z-190220T0100Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet-Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- 912 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 18 inches with up to 2 feet possible across the higher peaks. * WHERE...The eastern Sawatch and western Mosquito range, the La Garita and Eastern San Juan Mountains, the Upper Rio Grande Valley and northwest Sawatch county, the Sangre De Cristo mountains, the Wet Mountain Valley, Western and central Fremont county, and Pikes Peak above 11000 feet. * WHEN...From Sunday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon with heaviest falling Sunday night through Monday morning, and another round falling Monday night through Tuesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Expect deteriorating travel conditions Sunday night with slick and snowpacked roads expected through Tuesday. Travel could be very difficult to impossible at times...especially for the morning commutes. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snowfall, that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ COZ083-085>088-171215- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet-Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 912 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY EVENING THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 11 inches possible with the heaviest amounts falling to the south of Pueblo. * WHERE...southern El Paso, eastern Fremont, Pueblo, Huerfano and western Las Animas counties. * WHEN...From Sunday evening through Tuesday morning. The snow will fall in two rounds...with the first falling Sunday night through Monday morning and the second from Monday night through Tuesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult as roads become slick, icy and snowpacked. The hazardous conditions will most likely impact the morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$  515 WSAY31 UDYZ 170410 UDDD SIGMET 1 VALID 170410/170800 UDYZ- UDDD YEREVAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF LINE N4008-E04422 N3940-E04550 FL050/320 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  682 WSLB31 OLBA 170415 OLBA SIGMET 2 VALID 170400/170800 OLBA- OLBA BEIRUT FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST OVER OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL300=  546 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170414 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0231 W06710 - S0504 W05944 - S1059 W06103 - S0517 W07004 - S0231 W06710 TOP FL430 STNR NC =  008 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170414 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1543 W05727 - S1346 W05738 - S1338 W05333 - S1614 W05346 - S1543 W05727 TOP FL450 STNR NC =  471 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170414 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0239 W05103 - S0208 W04540 - S0730 W04557 - S0533 W04943 - S0239 W05103 TOP FL430 STNR NC =  472 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170414 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0704 W05249 - S0549 W05018 - S0848 W04716 - S1026 W05009 - S0914 W05144 - S0704 W05249 TO P FL430 STNR NC=  828 WHUS76 KMTR 170416 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 PZZ545-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.RB.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST SUNDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 12 feet. * FIRST EBB...1.8 knots at 02:19 AM Sunday. * SECOND EBB...3.3 knots at 02:07 PM Sunday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ570-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 15 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...7 to 12 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...8 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-171100- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST SUNDAY... * WINDS...West 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-171230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 816 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...6 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  393 WWUS45 KMSO 170416 WSWMSO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 916 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 MTZ002-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ West Glacier Region- 916 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitter wind chill. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. East winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Bad Rock Canyon, Essex, Highway 83 Bigfork to Swan Lake, Marias Pass, and Polebridge. * WHEN...Until noon MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ003-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Flathead/Mission Valleys- 916 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitter wind chill. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Northeast winds 20-30 mph gusting to near 50 mph tonight. * WHERE...Badrock Canyon and the Flathead Valley. * WHEN...Until noon MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 15 below zero could result in hypothermia if precautions are not taken. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ043-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.190217T0700Z-190217T1900Z/ Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 916 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitter wind chill. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches. East winds 20 to 30 mph. * WHERE...Highway 200 Bonner to Greenough and I-90 East Missoula to Bearmouth. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ007-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.190217T0700Z-190217T1900Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region- 916 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow, blow snow, and bitter wind chill. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches. Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph gusting over 40 mph at times. * WHERE...Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Homestake Pass, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  948 WWUS46 KSGX 170417 WSWSGX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service SAN DIEGO CA 817 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ058-171400- /O.CAN.KSGX.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ /O.EXT.KSGX.WS.W.0004.190217T0417Z-190218T1400Z/ San Diego County Mountains- Including the cities of Julian and Pine Valley 817 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Damage to trees and power lines is possible. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches above 3500 feet, 3 to 6 inches above 4500 feet, with isolated amounts up to 12 inches above 5500 feet. Strong west winds of 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 60 mph. * WHERE...The San Diego Mountains. Light accumulations will be possible down to 3000 feet by Sunday evening, including along I-8 east of San Diego. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Scattered snow showers through midday Sunday will then increase in coverage and intensity Sunday afternoon through Sunday night. Be prepared for treacherous roads and possible travel restrictions. Fog and blowing snow will make for poor visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ CAZ055-056-171400- /O.CAN.KSGX.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ /O.EXT.KSGX.WS.W.0004.190217T0417Z-190218T1100Z/ San Bernardino County Mountains-Riverside County Mountains- Including the cities of Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, Big Bear City, Big Bear Lake, Running Springs, Wrightwood, and Idyllwild-Pine Cove 817 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Tree branches could fall as well. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches above 4000 feet, with isolated amounts up to 18 inches above 5000 feet. Strong winds of 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 60 mph. * WHERE...The Riverside and San Bernardino Mountains, heavy accumulations above 4000 feet elevation, with lighter accumulations down to 2500-3000 feet Sunday afternoon and Sunday night. This includes I-15 along Cajon Pass. * WHEN...Until 3 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Scattered snow showers through Sunday morning, then increase in coverage and intensity Sunday afternoon through Sunday night. Be prepared for treacherous roads and possible travel restrictions. Fog and blowing snow will make for poor visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ CAZ057-060-171400- /O.NEW.KSGX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1800Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills-Apple and Lucerne Valleys- Including the cities of Victorville, Hesperia, and Apple Valley 817 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch, with amounts up to 4 inches along the higher slopes and foothills. Gusty west winds of 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Santa Ana Mountains and the High Desert. Snow could affect the Ortega Highway (S.R. 74) and Highway 138 between Cajon Junction and Palmdale. * WHEN...10 AM Sunday to 3 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Scattered rain showers Sunday, then mixing with snow in the afternoon. Snow accumulations mainly up to one inch, except higher amounts up to 4 inches along the higher slopes and foothills. Be prepared for slushy and slippery roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ jmb  991 WSCN25 CWAO 170417 CZUL SIGMET B1 VALID 170415/170815 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF /N6217 W07805/10 SW CYIK SFC/FL040 QS WKNG RMK GFACN36=  992 WSCN05 CWAO 170417 CZUL SIGMET B1 VALID 170415/170815 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF N6217 W07805 SFC/FL040 QS WKNG=  249 WSZA21 FAOR 170418 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 170422/170600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2345 E03147 - S2420 E03200 - S2600 E03205 - S2647 E03209 - S2649 E03236 - S2730 E03223 - S2727 E03137 - S2630 E03129 - S2544 E03123 - S2455 E03102 - S2352 E03050 SFC/FL065=  250 WSZA21 FAOR 170419 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 170422/170600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2710 E02954 - S2725 E03103 - S2759 E03106 - S2814 E02950 - S2804 E02848 - S2725 E02858 FL050/065=  592 WHUS76 KSGX 170420 MWWSGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 820 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GUSTY NORTHWEST WINDS AND LARGE SEAS THIS WEEKEND... .A Pacific storm will generate strong northwest winds and large combined seas through Monday morning. Winds will weaken slightly Sunday morning before strengthening again Sunday afternoon and evening. The strongest winds are expected this evening and Sunday evening when gusts to 35 kt will be possible. PZZ750-775-171400- /O.CON.KSGX.GL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T1800Z/ Coastal Waters from San Mateo Point to the Mexican Border and out to 30 nm- Waters from San Mateo point to the Mexican Border Extending 30 to 60 nm out including San Clemente Island- 820 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 22-28 kt, with gusts 30-35 kt, during the afternoon and evening periods. * Combined Seas...10 to 12 ft, building up to 13 ft Sunday into early Monday with steep waves. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ Gregoria  084 WHUS46 KSGX 170421 CFWSGX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service San Diego CA 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...ELEVATED SURF AND STRONG RIP CURRENTS EXPECTED THIS WEEKEND... .A west-northwest swell from 290 degrees will result in elevated surf and strong rip currents through the weekend. Highest surf is expected tonight in southern San Diego County. CAZ043-552-171400- /O.CON.KSGX.BH.S.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ San Diego County Coastal Areas-Orange County Coastal Areas- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON... * Surf...Orange County beaches surf height 3 to 5 feet with sets to 6 feet. San Diego County beaches surf height 4 to 7 feet. Sets to 8 feet possible through Sunday morning, mainly south of Encinitas. * Timing...Through Sunday afternoon, highest this afternoon into Sunday morning. * Impacts...Strong rip currents and risk of drowning with dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A beach hazards statement is issued when threats such as strong rip currents...elevated surf heights...minor tidal overflow...or lightning are possible at local beaches. Obey posted warning signs and flags and talk to a lifeguard before swimming. Use caution when in or near the water and always swim near a lifeguard. && $$ https://www.weather.gov/sandiego  607 WHUS76 KLOX 170421 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 PZZ670-171230- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.190217T1700Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST SUNDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ650-171230- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 10 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ676-171230- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 12 to 15 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occuring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ673-171230- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ655-171230- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 11 feet with periods around 8 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ645-171230- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 821 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  536 WSPK31 OPLA 170420 OPLR SIGMET 02 VALID 170500/170900 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  510 WSZA21 FAOR 170420 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 170422/170600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3512 E01944 - S3535 E02131 - S3623 E02114 - S3639 E01911 - S3631 E01633 - S3535 E01525 - S3514 E01703 SFC/FL030=  991 WHHW40 PHFO 170423 CCA CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message...CORRECTED National Weather Service Honolulu HI 623 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES OF NIIHAU KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... .The current large northeast swell will remain high through Sunday then gradually subside. HIZ002-008-009-012-017-020-025-171500- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Kauai Windward-Oahu Koolau-Olomana-Molokai Windward- Maui Windward West-Windward Haleakala-Big Island North and East- 623 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING UNTIL 6 AM SUNDAY FOR EAST FACING SHORES... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 AM SUNDAY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...15 to 20 feet with locally higher sets along exposed north and east facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and Big Island. * TIMING...Through early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across shorelines, very strong breaking waves, and strong currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay well away from the shoreline along the affected showers. && $$ HIZ001-007-013-019-171500- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Niihau-Oahu North Shore-Molokai Leeward-Maui Central Valley- 623 PM HST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 AM SUNDAY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...15 to 20 feet along exposed north facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and Big Island. * TIMING...through early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, strong currents making swimming dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials and exercise caution. When in doubt, do not go out. && $$ Donaldson  836 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 170037/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1004 W06728 - S0554 W06639 - S0604 W06340 - S0934 W06210 - S1132 W06443 - S0915 W06524 - S1004 W06728 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  837 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 170111/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0933 W05101 - S0730 W04902 - S0919 W04746 - S1025 W05003 - S0933 W05101 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  838 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0704 W05249 - S0549W05018 - S0848 W04716 - S1026 W05009 - S0914 W05144 - S0704 W05249 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  839 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0231 W06710 - S0504W05944 - S1059 W06103 - S0517 W07004 - S0231 W06710 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  840 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W07031 - N0133 W06709 - N0053 W06602 - S0541 W06828 - S0512 W07003 - S0428 W07031 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  841 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 170025/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1253 W06113 - S1039 W05728 - S1319 W05348 - S1602 W05340 - S1632 W05502 - S1446 W05926 - S1253 W06113 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  842 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W05103 - S0208W04540 - S0730 W04557 - S0533 W04943 - S0239 W05103 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  843 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 170035/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W04806 - S0141 W04759 - S0127 W04433 - S0505 W04428 - S0527 W04806 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  844 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 170030/170425 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0541 W05541 - S0513 W05058 - S0803 W04927 - S1148 W05324 - S0910 W05548 - S0541 W05541 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  845 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1543 W05727 - S1346W05738 - S1338 W05333 - S1614 W05346 - S1543 W05727 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  439 WSUS03 KKCI 170426 WS3V CHIV WS 170426 CANCEL SIGMET VICTOR 1. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  135 WHUS76 KEKA 170429 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 829 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 PZZ450-455-171230- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 829 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST SUNDAY... * WINDS...NW 5 to 15 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 14 to 16 feet at 16 seconds will slowly diminish through the weekend. Steeper waves at 4 to 7 feet at 7 seconds will lower tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ470-475-171230- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 829 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...NW 15 to 25 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 14 to 16 feet at 16 seconds will slowly diminish through the weekend. Steeper waves at 3 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will lower tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  249 WAUS43 KKCI 170429 AAA WA3T CHIT WA 170429 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM DLL TO 40W PMM TO 50SSE ECK TO 40NE FWA TO 30NW ATL TO 20SE LGC TO 50NW AEX TO 60WNW CWK TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO SNY TO 20SE FSD TO DLL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE FROM 40WNW DIK TO 50NW LBF TO SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 40WNW DIK MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL240. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...MI IN KY TN AL FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20NE GQO TO CVG MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL370. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS OK TX FROM 70NW RAP TO 40SW DPR TO 20WSW MCK TO 30E LBL TO 40SW OKC TO 30WSW DLF TO 90S MRF TO 20E ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 30WNW HLC-60WSW ICT-20ESE SPS-60WSW TTT-20N JCT-70SW SJT-20NNW MAF-70SE LBB-50W LBL-GLD-30WNW HLC LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB ND SD NE BOUNDED BY 60NW ISN-40NNW DPR-40SW OBH-20ESE AKO-20ENE DEN-50SE HVR-60NW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL300. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  604 WSRS31 RUSP 170432 ULLL SIGMET 2 VALID 170600/170900 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N58 SFC/FL100 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  508 WWUS45 KGGW 170435 WSWGGW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 935 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 .Current snow storm over the region will stall through the remainder of the weekend. MTZ017-171200- /O.UPG.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ /O.EXA.KGGW.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Central and Southern Valley- Including the cities of Glasgow, Fort Peck, Hinsdale, and Frazer 935 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches on eastern sides of the county, are expected. * WHERE...Central and Southern Valley County. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, some reductions to visibility are likely. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ023-025>027-171200- /O.CON.KGGW.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McCone-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux- Including the cities of Circle, Glendive, Richey, Terry, and Wibaux 935 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Snow accumulations of 7 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...McCone, Dawson, Wibaux, and Prairie Counties. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on difficult travel conditions. Winds ocassionally gusting up to 20 mph will cause patchy blowing and drifting snow overnight. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ018-171200- /O.EXA.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Daniels- Including the city of Scobey 935 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with localized amounts up to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Daniels County. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, some reductions to visibility are likely. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ016-020-022-024-059-061-062-171200- /O.CON.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Western Roosevelt-Garfield- Richland-Northern Phillips-Northern Valley-Eastern Roosevelt- Including the cities of Malta, Saco, Wolf Point, Poplar, Jordan, Sidney, Fairview, Whitewater, Opheim, and Culbertson 935 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with localized amounts up to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Montana. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, some reductions to visibility are likely. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ MTZ021-060-171200- /O.CON.KGGW.WC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Petroleum-Southwest Phillips- Including the cities of Winnett and Zortman 935 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero expected. * WHERE...Petroleum and Southwest Phillips Counties. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 2 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 20 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$  353 WSRS31 RUMU 170436 ULMM SIGMET 2 VALID 170600/171000 ULMM- ULMM MURMANSK FIR SEV MTW FCST S OF N70 FL020/040 MOV E 40KMH WKN=  354 WSRS31 RUMU 170435 ULMM SIGMET 1 VALID 170600/171000 ULMM- ULMM MURMANSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N70 SFC/FL020 MOV E 40KMH WKN=  470 WSCH31 SCIP 170438 SCIZ SIGMET 02 VALID 170500/170900 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2370 W11600 - S2250 W10700 - S2710 W10720 - S2790 W11150 - S2370 W11600 TOP FL400 MOV SE NC=  456 WSOM31 OOMS 170438 OOMM SIGMET A1 VALID 170438/170838 OOMS- OOMM MUSCAT FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2641 E05629 - N2536 E05645 - N2501 E05729 - N2459 E05635 - N2536 E05612 - N2620 E05607 - N2641 E05629 FL380 MOV ENE INTSF=  873 WSBW20 VGHS 170630 VGFR SIGMET 03 VALID 170800/171200 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ESE NC=  600 WSPF21 NTAA 170442 NTTT SIGMET A2 VALID 170500/170900 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1940 W14050 - S2150 W12400 - S3000 W12930 - S3000 W14500 FL130/220 STNR NC=  823 WSPF23 NTAA 170442 NTTT SIGMET C1 VALID 170500/170900 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1320 W15700 - S1600 W14730 - S1940 W14930 - S2040 W15700 FL150/250 STNR NC=  824 WSPF22 NTAA 170442 NTTT SIGMET B2 VALID 170500/170900 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1320 W15700 - S2040 W13300 - S2840 W14030 - S1910 W14500 - S2030 W15700 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR INTSF=  204 WSUS32 KKCI 170455 SIGC MKCC WST 170455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170655-171055 FROM 50S IIU-40N GQO-30NE SQS-30NE LIT-50SE FAM-50S IIU WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  205 WSUS31 KKCI 170455 SIGE MKCE WST 170455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170655-171055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  206 WSUS33 KKCI 170455 SIGW MKCW WST 170455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170655-171055 FROM 150NW FOT-40SSW OED-30ESE OAK-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  862 WWUS45 KGJT 170447 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 947 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 COZ018-019-171300- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.A.0004.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ Northwest San Juan Mountains-Southwest San Juan Mountains- Including the cities of Telluride, Ouray, Lake City, Silverton, Rico, and Hesperus 947 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches possible. * WHERE...San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...From 3pm Sunday afternoon through 6pm Tuesday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Blowing snow could reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ COZ022-023-171300- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.A.0004.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ Animas River Basin-San Juan River Basin- Including the cities of Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, and Pagosa Springs 947 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Animas River Basin and San Juan River Basin. * WHEN...From 3pm Sunday afternoon through 6pm Tuesday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/gjt  894 WWUS85 KVEF 170450 AWWLAS NVZ020-170545- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 845 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... McCarran International Airport /LAS/. The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts 35 knots or higher will impact the terminal area. $$ TB3  719 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 170120/170520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2540 W05440 - S2419 W05423 - S2232 W05215 - S2237 W04748 - S2303 W04737 - S2331 W04658 - S2318 W04602 - S2243 W04545 - S2515 W04204 - S2641 W04343 - S2844 W04517 - S2830 W05336 - S2722 W05430 - S2701 W05350 - S2537 W05358 - S2540 W05440 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  720 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0716 W04043 - S0738 W03758 - S0943 W03613 - S1341 W03950 - S1218 W04140 - S0716 W04043 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  721 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBRE SIGMET 4 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0800 W04543 - S0836 W04402 - S1105 W04412 - S1118 W04542 - S1032 W04644 - S0800 W04543 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  722 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 170220/170520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2240 W04550 - S2104 W04439 - S2325 W03939 - S2512 W04207 - S2240 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  723 WSBZ01 SBBR 170400 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 170120/170520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2030 W04410 - S2013 W04325 - S2034 W04211 - S2022 W04104 - S2050 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2216 W03814 - S2327 W03933 - S2105 W04434 - S2030 W04410 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  652 WSPR31 SPIM 170450 SPIM SIGMET A2 VALID 170450/170455 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A1 VALID 170155/170455=  308 WAIY31 LIIB 170500 LIMM AIRMET 3 VALID 170510/170810 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR OBS WI N4525 E00808 - N4534 E00915 - N4531 E01112 - N4555 E01205 - N4547 E01315 - N4520 E01209 - N4414 E01208 - N4456 E00917 - N4432 E00813 - N4459 E00745 - N4525 E00808 STNR WKN=  803 WOUS45 KTFX 170454 ADRMT MTC001-003-005-007-009-011-013-015-017-019-021-023-025-027-029- 031-033-035-037-039-041-043-045-047-049-051-053-055-057-059-061- 063-065-067-069-071-073-075-077-079-081-083-085-087-089-091-093- 095-097-099-101-103-105-107-109-111-170515- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RELAYED BY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GREAT FALLS MT 950 PM MST SAT FEB 16 2019 THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST OF THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. THE MISSING ENDANGERED PERSON ADVISORY FOR ALEXANDER MORSETTE HAS BEEN CANCELLED. HE HAS BEEN LOCATED SAFE. THE HELENA POLICE DEPARTMENT WANTS TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. $$  172 WSRS31 RUSP 170455 ULLL SIGMET 3 VALID 170600/170900 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N62 FL260/370 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  531 WAUS46 KKCI 170457 AAA WA6S SFOS WA 170457 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR ID MT WY FROM 60SE YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60ENE JAC TO 20SSE PIH TO DNJ TO 30SSW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 60SE YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR ID MT WY NV UT FROM 40SW YQL TO 20SE SHR TO SLC TO 60WSW BKE TO 90ESE YDC TO 40SW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA...UPDT FROM 20E HUH TO 90ESE YDC TO 20SSW PDT TO DSD TO 40SE LKV TO 50S FMG TO 50WSW OAL TO 20NNW CZQ TO 20SE RBL TO 20SSW FOT TO 70S HQM TO 20ESE TOU TO 20E HUH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN WA OR CA...UPDT BOUNDED BY 70WSW YXC-40SW OAL-CZQ-20ENE MOD-20S FOT-50S TOU-20N TOU-20ENE HUH-70WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  796 WAUS42 KKCI 170500 AAA WA2S MIAS WA 170500 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 40SSW PSK TO 50SSE GSO TO 50ENE ILM TO 60S ILM TO CHS TO 30WNW ORL TO 100SSE SJI TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO HMV TO 40SSW PSK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NC SC GA WV VA FROM 50WSW CSN TO 40S PSK TO SPA TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO 40SSW HNN TO 50WSW CSN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA WV VA BOUNDED BY EKN-20WSW CSN-20SSW SPA-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-EKN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  215 WAUS44 KKCI 170500 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 170500 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR TN ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI IL KY FROM 50NNW MOT TO 60SSE ABR TO 20NW ODI TO DBQ TO 30E COU TO 20SW BWG TO RZC TO OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 50NNW MOT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM OSW TO RZC TO HMV TO GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 100SSE SJI TO 80SSW LCH TO 50E BRO TO 60W BRO TO 50S LRD TO 30SW DLF TO 70ESE ABI TO 30NNE SPS TO 30NNE AMA TO 50W LBL TO OSW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...TN KY FROM 40SSW HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LOZ TO 40SSW HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  781 WSAU21 ABRF 170501 YBBB SIGMET C01 VALID 170501/170901 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SQL TS FCST WI YISF - YBCK - YBCV - YEUO - YWHC - APOMA - YTGM - S2630 E14500 TOP FL350 MOV E 15KT INTSF=  891 WSAU21 ABRF 170501 YMMM SIGMET C01 VALID 170501/170901 YBRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SQL TS FCST WI YISF - YBCK - YBCV - YEUO - YWHC - APOMA - YTGM - S2630 E14500 TOP FL350 MOV E 15KT INTSF=  351 WSCI36 ZUUU 170458 ZPKM SIGMET 2 VALID 170500/170700 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2657 E10202-N2611 E10248-N2520 E10241-N2448 E10157-N2455 E10106-N2558 E10125-N2657 E10202 TOP FL350 MOV NE 50KMH NC=  868 WSBZ31 SBCW 170505 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 170520/170920 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2540 W05445 - S2415 W05429 - S2303 W05218 - S2258 W04739 - S2322 W04702 - S2316 W04612 - S2033 W04413 - S2013 W04336 - S2029 W04227 - S2023 W04120 - S2051 W04043 - S2044 W03958 - S2216 W03824 - S2634 W0 4338 - S2750 W04851 - S2619 W05353 - S2533 W05401 - S2540 W05445 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  528 WAAK47 PAWU 170506 WA7O JNUS WA 170515 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 171315 . ERN GLF CST JE W YAKUTAT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 170515 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 171315 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE AFT 12Z SW YAKUTAT SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 170515 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 171315 . NONE . BH FEB 2019 AAWU  907 WAEG31 HECA 170520 HECC AIRMET 03 VALID 170600/170900 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST N OF 31 46N AND W OF 32 24E TOP ABV FL100 MOV SE INTSF=  584 WAEG31 HECA 170521 HECC AIRMET 04 VALID 170600/170900 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR SFC VIS 4000M HZ OBS AND FCST OVER HECA AND FCST OVER HEPS, HEAR, HEGR, HEAX, HEBA, HEAL AND HEMM NC=  350 WHUS46 KMTR 170515 CFWMTR Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 915 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ006-505-509-529-530-170615- /O.EXP.KMTR.SU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190217T0500Z/ San Francisco- Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore- San Francisco Peninsula Coast-Northern Monterey Bay- Southern Monterey Bay and Big Sur Coast- 915 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Buoy data shows swell heights and periods are subsiding. This will continue overnight. $$  380 WWUS44 KTSA 170516 WSWTSA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tulsa OK 1116 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...A FEW SLICK SPOTS POSSIBLE ACROSS PORTIONS OF NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA TONIGHT... OKZ060>062-064-171200- /O.EXA.KTSA.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Tulsa-Rogers-Mayes-Creek- Including the cities of Tulsa, Claremore, Pryor, and Sapulpa 1116 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Tulsa, Rogers, Mayes and Creek Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The ice will result in slippery conditions primarily on elevated surfaces like roads and bridges. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 1-844-465-4997 or go to okRoads.org. && $$ OKZ054>059-171200- /O.CON.KTSA.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Osage-Washington OK-Nowata-Craig-Ottawa-Pawnee- Including the cities of Pawhuska, Bartlesville, Nowata, Vinita, Miami, and Pawnee 1116 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The ice will result in very slippery conditions on sidewalks, roads and bridges. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 1-844-465-4997 or go to okRoads.org. && $$  161 WWCN17 CWHX 170517 WINTER STORM WARNING FOR LABRADOR ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:17 A.M. AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTER STORM WARNING ENDED FOR: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER STORM CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  413 WHUS74 KBRO 170519 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 1119 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Dense Marine Fog Along the Lower Texas Coast... .Satellite imagery and coastal webcams indicate dense fog has developed across nearshore Gulf of Mexico waters and the Laguna Madre. With decreasing winds expected overnight and a front approaching mid Sunday morning, expect fog to persist. GMZ130-132-135-150-155-171500- /O.NEW.KBRO.MF.Y.0011.190217T0519Z-190217T1500Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- Coastal waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- 1119 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in Brownsville has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM CST Sunday. * VISIBILITY...1 nautical mile or less. * IMPACTS...Severely reduced visibility for mariners and hazardous navigating, especially in the vicinity of nearshore structures. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Hallman  500 WAAK48 PAWU 170520 WA8O ANCS WA 170515 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NV. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 08Z VLYS OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF BY 09Z PANI-PASV LN SW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE TO PAMC-PASV LN BY 13Z. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAFS-PASV LN W MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ALL SXNS SW PAMC-PAFK LN BY 13Z. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG BY 09Z PAKI-PABE LN SE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS PAMY E BY 13Z. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG KILBUCK MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS BY 13Z. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALL SXNS N PAPN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA/-SN BR. IMPR FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 170515 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD AFT 11Z VCY PAWR OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . KODIAK IS AE TIL 14Z NW PADQ-PAKH LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 09Z PASL-PASV LN SW AREAS LLWS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 09Z INLAND AREAS OF LLWS. IMPR FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 11Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALG ALUTN RANGE PAIG N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . AK PEN AI PAC SIDE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . AK PEN AI 08Z TO 14Z E PASD OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAKO OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK BY 12Z KISKA E SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 08Z E PASY OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 170515 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB 08Z TO 11Z VCY AK RANGE S MERRILL PASS OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 08Z ALL SXNS S PASL OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. MOVG TO PASL-PASV LN SW BY 11Z. FZLVL SFC. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 08Z SE PAKI-PARS LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. SPRDG TO PAKI-PAEM LN E BY 13Z. FZLVL SFC. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAII N OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC NW TO 040 E AND SE. NC. . AK PEN AI TIL 08Z NE PAOU OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL 015. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL 08Z TO 11Z E PASN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . BH FEB 2019 AAWU  501 WAAK49 PAWU 170520 WA9O FAIS WA 170515 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 171315 . TANANA VLY FC TIL 10Z NRN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . TANANA VLY FC AFT 09Z ALG AK RANGE MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/BR. IMPR. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM S. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW BR. IMPR. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 09Z ALL SXNS PANV S OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS S PAKV BY 13Z. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM S. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MT GAPS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W PAKP MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM E. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PASH-PAOT LN N OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN/BLSN BR. IMPR. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI N PAOT MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ SRN SEWARD PEN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 170515 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 171315 . UPR YKN VLY FB AFT 11Z SRN MTS E PIPELINE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. SPRDG N. INTSF. . TANANA VLY FC AFT 08Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 11Z PAKV-PARY LN SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG SW PPIZ SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH THRU MT GAPS ALG BROOKS RANGE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI CST/OFSHR NW PAVL SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. WKN. . =FAIZ WA 170515 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 171315 . NONE . NS FEB 2019 AAWU  729 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBRE SIGMET 3 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1221 W04621 - S1228 W04308 - S1719 W03824 - S1824 W03900 - S1851 W03739 - S2111 W03922 - S2044 W03948 - S2052 W04024 - S2027 W04100 - S2031 W04228 -S1834 W04232 - S1658 W04143 - S1535 W04406 - S1221 W04621 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  730 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0704 W05249 - S0549W05018 - S0848 W04716 - S1026 W05009 - S0914 W05144 - S0704 W05249 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  731 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W05103 - S0208W04540 - S0730 W04557 - S0533 W04943 - S0239 W05103 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  897 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 170520/170920 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2540 W05445 - S2415 W05429 - S2303 W05218 - S2258 W04739 - S2322 W04702 - S2316 W04612 - S2033 W04413 - S2013 W04336 - S2029 W04227 - S2023 W04120 - S2051 W04043 - S2044 W03958 - S2216 W03824 - S2634 W04338 - S2750 W04851 - S2619 W05353 - S2533 W05401 - S2540 W05445 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  898 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1627 W03750 - S2436 W02846 - S2851 W03238 - S2704 W03647 - S2845 W04527 - S2219 W03813 - S2111 W03920 - S1851 W03738 - S1824 W03859 - S1627 W03750 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  899 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0231 W06710 - S0504W05944 - S1059 W06103 - S0517 W07004 - S0231 W06710 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  900 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1543 W05727 - S1346W05738 - S1338 W05333 - S1614 W05346 - S1543 W05727 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  901 WSBZ01 SBBR 170500 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0716 W04043 - S0738 W03758 - S0943 W03613 - S1341 W03950 - S1218 W04140 - S0716 W04043 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  492 WHPQ40 PGUM 170529 CFWPQ COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 329 PM CHST SUN FEB 17 2019 .OVERVIEW...LARGE TRADE-WIND SWELL AND WIND WAVES WILL MAINTAIN HAZARDOUS SURF ACROSS KOSRAE STATE AND THE MARSHALL ISLANDS OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS. SURF ACROSS POHNPEI STATE WILL ALSO REACH HAZARDOUS LEVELS BY MONDAY MORNING. $$ PMZ173-171700- POHNPEI- 329 PM CHST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY IS NOW IN EFFECT FOR NORTH FACING REEFS... SURF ALONG NORTH FACING SHORES WILL RISE OVERNIGHT AND REACH HAZARDOUS LEVELS OF 8 TO 10 FEET BEFORE NOON MONDAY. SURF SHOULD BUILD FURTHER TO BETWEEN 10 AND 12 FEET AND SPREAD TO EAST FACING SHORES BY TUESDAY. AVOID VENTURING OUT ALONG REEFS AND BEACHES...ESPECIALLY THOSE FACING NORTH. LARGE BREAKING WAVES CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES. RIP CURRENTS WILL BE LIFE THREATENING. $$ PMZ174-171700- KOSRAE- 329 PM CHST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR NORTH AND EAST FACING REEFS... HAZARDOUS SURF OF 11 TO 13 FEET WILL PERSIST ALONG NORTH AND EAST FACING SHORES THROUGH TUESDAY BEFORE GRADUALLY DECREASING DURING MIDWEEK. AVOID VENTURING OUT ALONG REEFS AND BEACHES...ESPECIALLY THOSE FACING NORTH AND EAST. LARGE BREAKING WAVES CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES. RIP CURRENTS WILL BE LIFE THREATENING. $$ PMZ181-171700- MAJURO- 329 PM CHST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR NORTH AND EAST FACING REEFS... HAZARDOUS SURF OF 11 TO 13 FEET WILL CONTINUE ALONG NORTH AND EAST FACING SHORES THROUGH MONDAY BEFORE PEAKING AT 12 TO 14 FEET MONDAY NIGHT AND TUESDAY. THEN SURF SHOULD GRADUALLY SUBSIDE DURING MIDWEEK. AVOID VENTURING OUT ALONG REEFS AND BEACHES...ESPECIALLY THOSE FACING NORTH AND EAST. LARGE BREAKING WAVES CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES. RIP CURRENTS WILL BE LIFE THREATENING. $$ CHAN  227 WSPR31 SPIM 170530 SPIM SIGMET B2 VALID 170530/170535 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B1 VALID 170235/170535=  058 WSFG20 TFFF 170530 SOOO SIGMET 2 VALID 170530/170930 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N1045 W03615 - N0745 W03500 - N0500 W04000 - N0500 W04300 - N0915 W04300 FL140/200 STNR NC=  268 WUUS02 KWNS 170531 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1130 PM CST SAT FEB 16 2019 VALID TIME 181200Z - 191200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... ANY SEVERE ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 27499643 29959737 32219637 33699412 34059074 33688809 33128632 31698599 30088810 29758851 28598963 99999999 38290919 37740647 36170596 35030755 35840932 36771058 38290919 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 70 ESE CRP 30 SE AUS 10 N CRS 20 NNW TXK 40 NNE GLH 20 E CBM 40 SE BHM 10 S TOI 40 SSE MOB 55 SE GPT 55 SSW BVE ...CONT... 45 SE CNY 40 NW ALS 40 N SAF 20 ESE GNT 40 NW GUP 50 ESE PGA 45 SE CNY.  269 ACUS02 KWNS 170531 SWODY2 SPC AC 170530 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1130 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 Valid 181200Z - 191200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... The risk of severe thunderstorms appears negligible across the U.S. Monday through Monday night. ...Discussion... Models continue to indicate that one branch of split westerlies emanating from the mid-latitude Pacific will undergo at least some amplification across the U.S. during this period. Within the base of larger-scale mid-level troughing inland of the Pacific coast, another in a series of digging short wave impulses is forecast to progress across the Southwestern international border area, before gradually turning eastward/northeastward toward the southern U.S. High Plains by late Monday night. Downstream, it appears that short wave ridging within the mid-latitude westerlies will build in phase with the subtropical stream, across the lower Plains into the lower Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. This is on the northwestern periphery of a subtropical ridge centered near/east of the Bahamas, which is forecast to remain prominent through this period. Models indicate that increasing mid-level confluence, between the building ridge and a digging trough within a branch of westerlies to the north, will support the southeastward development of a center of expansive cold surface ridging across the northern Plains through southern portions of the Great Lakes region. Along the quasi-stationary shallow southwestern periphery of this air mass, it appears that a warming and moistening southerly return flow off the western Gulf of Mexico will contribute to a gradual erosion of this air mass near coastal areas. Farther inland, as the return flow strengthens Monday night (including to 30-50 kt around 850 mb), an east-west zone of steepening isentropic ascent, near the leading edge of the more substantive elevated moisture return, is expected to become the focus for increasing thunderstorm development. It appears that this may be associated with CAPE on the order of 250-500 J/kg, though continuing elevated moisture return and steepening mid-level lapse rates may contribute to increasing CAPE in its wake (to its south). However, the higher potential instability may coincide with increasing mid-level inhibition associated with warming aloft. As a result, while some hail may be possible in the stronger storms, the potential for severe hail currently seems negligible. ...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: <2% - None Wind: <5% - None Hail: <5% - None ..Kerr.. 02/17/2019 $$  788 WSBO31 SLLP 170532 SLLF SIGMET 02 VALID 170530/170930 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0527Z WI S1247 W06902 S1206 W06850 S1112 W06917 S1038 W06804 S1010 W06711 S0944 W06527 S1119 W06522 S1219 W06429 S1325 W06154 S1409 W06046 S1511 W06429 S1450 W06706 S1359 W06853 S1323 W06902 S1349 W06853 TOP FL400 MOV NW 07KT NC=  392 WSFG20 TFFF 170532 SOOO SIGMET 3 VALID 170530/170930 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST SW OF LINE N0345 W05145 - N0300 W05415 FL150/210 STNR NC=  988 WHMY40 PGUM 170534 CFWMY COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 334 PM CHST SUN FEB 17 2019 .TRADE-WIND SWELL WILL CONTINUE TO PRODUCE A HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS ALONG EAST FACING REEFS ALL THIS WEEK. GUZ001>004-171945- /O.CON.PGUM.RP.S.0001.000000T0000Z-190222T2000Z/ GUAM-ROTA-TINIAN-SAIPAN- 334 PM CHST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS THROUGH FRIDAY NIGHT... ALONG EAST FACING REEFS...SURF OF 8 TO 10 FEET WILL MAINTAIN A HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS ALL THIS WEEK. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... IF YOU HAVE TO SWIM OUT OF A RIP CURRENT...SWIM PARALLEL TO SHORE AND BACK TOWARD THE BEACH WHEN POSSIBLE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SWIM DIRECTLY AGAINST A RIP CURRENT AS YOU WILL TIRE QUICKLY. HEED THE ADVICE OF LIFEGUARDS...BEACH PATROL FLAGS AND SIGNS. && $$  447 WHUS76 KMTR 170534 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 PZZ531-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ /O.EXB.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.190217T1800Z-190218T0200Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST SUNDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 6 PM PST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 10 AM to 6 PM PST Sunday. * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.RB.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST SUNDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 12 feet. * FIRST EBB...1.8 knots at 02:19 AM Sunday. * SECOND EBB...3.3 knots at 02:07 PM Sunday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ570-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 15 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 12 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...8 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T2300Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-171345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 934 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  799 WWCN02 CYTR 170535 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:35 PM MST SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 17/1700Z (UNTIL 17/1000 MST) COMMENTS: COLD TEMPERATURES AND LIGHT WINDS WILL GIVE WIND CHILL VALUES OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER TO SUFFIELD TONIGHT. THESE COLD WIND CHILL VALUES WILL PERSIST UNTIL SUNDAY MORNING WHEN TEMPERATURES BEGIN TO RISE. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 17/1700Z (17/1000 MST) END/JMC  309 WSCG31 FCBB 170538 FCCC SIGMET H2 VALID 170600/171000 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0515Z W OF LINE S0444 E01447 - S0004 E01649 TOP FL500 MOV W 10KT NC=  659 WSZA21 FAOR 170537 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2818 E03604 - S3000 E04000 - S3000 E04117 - S3001 E04122 - S3342 E04042 - S3245 E03724 - S3109 E03615 TOP FL560=  660 WSZA21 FAOR 170536 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3444 E03324 - S3453 E03625 - S3656 E03719 - S3813 E03653 - S3757 E03328 - S3620 E03059 - S3456 E03141 TOP FL350=  149 WUUS01 KWNS 170541 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1140 PM CST SAT FEB 16 2019 VALID TIME 171200Z - 181200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 29159406 30489381 32739155 34718923 36518538 37228372 37498237 37488182 36827915 35707893 34598122 34158306 33158414 32248491 31478655 30358902 28779190 99999999 41892538 41462459 40442368 38642259 36612077 35932022 35742077 35732291 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 ESE GLS 40 NNE BPT 30 ENE MLU 30 NE UOX 40 NNW CSV 20 ENE LOZ 55 E JKL 35 WNW BLF 20 NNE DAN 15 SW RDU 45 SSW CLT 20 NE AHN 35 SSE ATL 20 S CSG 30 E GZH GPT 70 SSE 7R4 ...CONT... 60 WSW 4BK 30 SW CEC 35 SE EKA 45 SE UKI 50 SSW MER 30 NE PRB 10 WNW PRB 85 SW MRY.  153 ACUS01 KWNS 170541 SWODY1 SPC AC 170540 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1140 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 Valid 171200Z - 181200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... A few thunderstorms are expected over a portion of the Southeast States as well as California. ...Southeast States... A low-amplitude shortwave trough over the central plains will move east northeast today, reaching the OH and TN Valleys later this afternoon and evening, preceded by a minor impulse. A southerly low-level jet will strengthen across the southern Appalachians within exit region of an intense upper jet located within base of the shortwave trough. A few thunderstorms may be ongoing by 12Z over the TN Valley in association with the lead impulse. In wake of this feature, low-level theta-e advection along the warm conveyor belt will promote a corridor of very marginal instability in the presence of weak mid-level lapse rates. Additional showers and a few thunderstorms are expected to develop within cold frontal zone as it advances eastward later today and evening. ...California through Great Basin region... Steep mid-level lapse rates resulting from cold air aloft will persist within the broad circulation of a large upper trough, contributing to very weak instability with 100-300 J/kg MUCAPE. Vorticity maxima moving through this feature will promote areas of showers as well as a few embedded thunderstorms. Isolated thunderstorms will be possible farther east into the Great basin, especially as the boundary layer destabilizes this afternoon. However, coverage will probably remain less than 10%. ..Dial/Squitieri.. 02/17/2019 $$  614 WSZA21 FAOR 170539 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4320 W00551 - S4615 W00242 - S4904 W00156 - S4954 W00341 - S4737 W00529 - S4425 W00649 TOP FL450=  615 WSZA21 FAOR 170538 FAJO SIGMET B02 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2929 W00839 - S3206 W00447 - S3436 W00001 - S3846 E00040 - S3214 W00904 TOP FL420=  616 WSZA21 FAOR 170540 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S5157 W00705 - S5352 W00610 - S5450 W00158 - S5629 W00154 - S5833 W00815 - S5341 W01000 - S5205 W01000 TOP FL450=  158 WWUS43 KARX 170544 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1144 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...Snow Will Move In Overnight... .Snow will spread across the area overnight into early Sunday morning. The visibility is expected to quickly drop to under two miles once the snow starts with roads become snow covered and slippery. Look for the snow to continue through much of Sunday before beginning to diminish in intensity during the late afternoon into the evening. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected with the highest totals over northeast Iowa. If you must travel Sunday, be prepared for the winter driving conditions. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ053>055-061- 171345- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.190217T0600Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 1144 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to midnight CST Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ 04  599 WSCI37 ZLXY 170545 ZLHW SIGMET 1 VALID 170600/171000 ZLXY- ZLHW LANZHOU FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF LINE N35 E102 - N36 E110 FL050/150 MOV E 20KMH NC=  339 WWUS45 KCYS 170548 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 1048 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR SNOWY AND SIERRA MADRE RANGE MOUNTAINS... WYZ112-114-170700- /O.CAN.KCYS.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T0600Z/ Sierra Madre Range-Snowy Range- Including the cities of Centennial and Albany 1048 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow has tapered off over the Snowy and Sierra Madre Range mountains late this evening. An additional inch is possible above 9500 feet overnight tonight. $$  982 WSUS33 KKCI 170555 SIGW MKCW WST 170555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170755-171155 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  983 WSUS31 KKCI 170555 SIGE MKCE WST 170555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170755-171155 FROM LOZ-VXV-30NE SQS-30NE LIT-50SE FAM-LOZ WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  984 WSUS32 KKCI 170555 SIGC MKCC WST 170555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170755-171155 FROM LOZ-VXV-30NE SQS-30NE LIT-50SE FAM-LOZ WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  945 WSAG31 SABE 170559 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 170559/170959 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0559Z WI S5533 W06550 - S5322 W04821 - S5633 W04816 - S5817 W05515 - S5533 W06550 FL220/320 MOV E 05KT NC=  152 WSSC31 FSIA 170545 FSSS SIGMET 02 VALID 170605/171005 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS WI S0457 E05713 - N0337 E05318 - N0428 E06000 - S0449 E06000 - S0457 E05713 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  271 WSAG31 SABE 170559 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 170559/170959 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0559Z WI S5533 W06550 - S5322 W04821 - S5633 W04816 - S5817 W05515 - S5533 W06550 FL220/320 MOV E 05KT NC=  801 WSRS31 RURD 170552 URRV SIGMET 2 VALID 170600/170900 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4400 E04629 - N4400 E04727 - N4145 E04829 - N4126 E04751 - N4336 E04605 - N4400 E04629 FL030/150 STNR WKN=  280 WWUS85 KMSO 170554 SPSMSO Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Missoula MT 1054 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 MTZ005-006-170700- Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains MT-Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys MT- 1054 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MISSOULA...NORTH CENTRAL RAVALLI AND NORTHWESTERN GRANITE COUNTIES UNTIL MIDNIGHT MST... At 1052 PM MST, trained weather spotters reported an intense snow shower near Florence, or 17 miles south of Missoula, moving east at 5 mph. Visibility one-half mile or less will be possible. Motorists should be preapred to encounter slick snow covered roads as well. Locations impacted include... Florence and Quigley. LAT...LON 4654 11419 4666 11418 4666 11351 4650 11350 TIME...MOT...LOC 0552Z 267DEG 6KT 4662 11395 $$  425 WSZA21 FAOR 170551 FAJA SIGMET A02 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2353 E03150 - S2420 E03200 - S2600 E03205 - S2647 E03209 - S2649 E03243 - S2711 E03234 - S2723 E03151 - S2638 E03144 - S2552 E03138 - S2503 E03136 - S2358 E03126 SFC/FL065=  426 WSZA21 FAOR 170552 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2721 E03035 - S2723 E03126 - S2757 E03130 - S2810 E03033 - S2801 E02926 - S2728 E02934 FL050/065=  442 WBCN07 CWVR 170500 PAM ROCKS WIND 3207 LANGARA; CLR 15 N18G28 4FT MDT LO W GREEN; PC 15 NE20EG 4FT MDT TRIPLE; PC 15 NE25E 5FT MDT LO NW BONILLA; PC 15 N23E 5FT MDT LO NW BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 CLM RPLD MCINNES; N/A IVORY; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO SW DRYAD; CLDY 12 NE10 1FT CHP ADDENBROKE; OVC 15 NE15 3FT MDT EGG ISLAND; CLDY 15 N11 2FT CHP LO W PINE ISLAND; PC 15 NW12EG 3FT MOD LO W CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 N20E 4FT MOD LO SW QUATSINO; PC 15 N10E 1FT CHP LO SW NOOTKA; PC 12 N15E 3FT MDT LO SW ESTEVAN; CLDY 15 N07 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW 1012.9R LENNARD; CLDY 15 N03E 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; CLDY 15 NE07 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW PACHENA; PC 15 NE10E 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW CARMANAH; PC 15 CLM 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW SCARLETT; PC 15 NW20E 4FT MOD LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; OVC 15 NW25E 4FT MOD LO NW CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 122/04/03/2502/M/0004 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 2016 80MM= WLP SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 156/03/-04/3215/M/ PK WND 3223 0400Z 2010 60MM= WEB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 131/01/00/3605/M/ 2013 72MM= WQC SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 135/00/00/0000/M/ SOG 09 2014 -25MM= WRU SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 149/02/-05/3531/M/ PK WND 3441 0400Z 1010 63MM= WFG SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 165/02/-06/3125+34/M/ PK WND 2936 0432Z 1007 67MM= WVF SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/04/04/3119/M/M PK WND 3122 0408Z M 16MM= WQS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 231/00/-08/0119+27/M/M PK WND 0027 0405Z 1021 57MM= WEK SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 224/-01/-10/MM11+23/M/ PK WND MM24 0437Z 1019 27MM= WWL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 206/00/-10/0118+24/M/ PK WND 0228 0403Z 3020 07MM= WME SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/00/-08/0528/M/M PK WND 0532 0448Z M 16MM= WAS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 070/05/04/3207/M/ 1017 67MM= WSB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 114/04/03/3104/M/ 1009 36MM= WGT SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 131/04/00/3118/M/M PK WND 3122 0456Z 2010 64MM= WGB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 130/03/01/2616/M/0004 PK WND 2720 0447Z 1012 23MM= WEL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 128/04/02/3220/M/ PK WND 3323 0442Z 1011 06MM= WDR SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 120/04/03/3305/M/ PK WND 3517 0405Z 2017 99MM= WKA SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3008/M/M M MMMM=  004 WHUS74 KMOB 170556 MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 1156 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 GMZ630>632-171400- /O.NEW.KMOB.MF.Y.0011.190217T0556Z-190217T1600Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- 1156 PM CST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 10 AM CST Sunday. * VISIBILITY...1 mile or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  417 WSUZ31 UTNN 170556 UTNR SIGMET 2 VALID 170600/171000 UTNN- UTNR NUKUS FIR SEV ICE FCST UTNN FIR TOP FL010/100 MOV NE 18KT NC=  303 WSCI35 ZGGG 170555 ZGZU SIGMET 2 VALID 170625/171025 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N24 FL230/400 STNR NC=  966 WAUS45 KKCI 170559 AAA WA5Z SLCZ WA 170559 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...MT WY CO FROM 50NNW GGW TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 30WSW PUB TO CYS TO 70SSW BIL TO LWT TO 50NNW GGW MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY FROM 30SSW YQL TO 60SSW LWT TO BPI TO 30WSW MLD TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 30ENE BKE TO 50SW YXC TO 30SSW YQL MOD ICE BLW 140. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET ICE...NV UT CO AZ NM...UPDT FROM HBU TO 40E ABQ TO 50NNE SSO TO 80SW SJN TO PHX TO 30W PGS TO 30S LAS TO 30WNW LAS TO 30SSW ILC TO 40SSW HVE TO HBU MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-090 ACRS AREA SFC ALG 50SSE BTY-20ENE LAS-60ENE PHX-20NNW SSO-20WSW DMN- 50SE TCS-20WNW TXO ....  976 WWPK31 OPMT 170600 OPMT AD WRNG 03 VALID 170630/170930 PREVIOUS MET WARNING NO.02 FOR POOR VISIBILITY OVER MULTAN AND BAHAWALPUR A/F IS EXTENDED=  691 WSZA21 FAOR 170557 FAJO SIGMET G01 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5110 E06629 - S5256 E07259 - S5419 E07500 - S5722 E07500 - S5543 E06832 - S5237 E06604 FL230/250=  692 WSZA21 FAOR 170558 FAJO SIGMET H01 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3412 E03945 - S3600 E04529 - S3739 E04416 - S3700 E04020 - S3539 E03841 FL290/310=  693 WSZA21 FAOR 170559 FAJO SIGMET I01 VALID 170600/171000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3252 W01000 - S3339 W00854 - S3521 W00755 - S3546 W01000 FL440/460=  756 WSPR31 SPIM 170600 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 170600/170800 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0530Z WI S1302 W06908 - S1111 W07304 - S1151 W07356 - S0955 W07518 - S1013 W07553 - S1251 W07409 - S1238 W07248 - S1359 W07029 - S1302 W06908 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  450 WSID20 WIII 170605 WIIZ SIGMET 03 VALID 170605/170900 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0251 E09527 - N0051 E09506 - N0111 E09341 - N0341 E09212 - N0431 E09357 - N0251 E09527 TOP FL520 MOV NW 5KT NC=  142 WSAG31 SABE 170610 SAVF SIGMET A1 VALID 170610/170910 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0610Z WI S5114 W06855 - S5356 W06722 - S5207 W05819 - S5027 W05822 - S5114 W06855 FL050/150 STNR WKN=  935 WSAG31 SABE 170610 SAVF SIGMET A1 VALID 170610/170910 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0610Z WI S5114 W06855 - S5356 W06722 - S5207 W05819 - S5027 W05822 - S5114 W06855 FL050/150 STNR WKN=  719 WSBZ31 SBRE 170604 SBRE SIGMET 6 VALID 170605/170800 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0203 W04133 - S0231 W03938 - S0314 W 04028 - S0255 W04150 - S0203 W04133 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  234 WWUS46 KPDT 170605 WSWPDT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 1005 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM TO EFFECT THE EAST SLOPES OF THE OREGON CASCADES AND THE NORTHERN BLUE MOUNTAINS... .A low pressure system will move across Oregon tonight and produce significant accumulating snow across portions of northeast Oregon and the southern Washington Cascade east slopes. ORZ509-WAZ030-170715- /O.CAN.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades-Northwest Blue Mountains- 1005 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Accumulating snow is no longer expected, therefore the advisory has been canceled. $$ ORZ502-171200- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Including the cities of Meacham and Tollgate 1005 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 3 inches. * WHERE...Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WAZ520-171200- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ East Slopes of the Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Cle Elum and Cliffdell 1005 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...East Slopes of the Washington Cascades. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  701 WVRA31 RUPK 170605 UHPP SIGMET 2 VALID 170606/171120 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KARYMSKY PSN N5403 E15926 VA CLD OBS AT 0520Z WI N5405 E15927 - N5354 E16047 - N5325 E16032 - N5336 E15955 - N5405 E15927 SFC/FL120 FCST AT 1120Z WI N5425 E16327 - N5343 E16313 - N5306 E16158 - N5402 E15926 - N5350 E16115 - N5425 E16327=  630 WSNT06 KKCI 170615 SIGA0F KZWY SIGMET FOXTROT 3 VALID 170615/171015 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0615Z WI N3845 W05600 - N3115 W05630 - N3100 W05915 - N3615 W06000 - N3845 W05600. TOP FL400. MOV ENE 25KT. NC.  075 WHUS46 KLOX 170608 CFWLOX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 1008 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 CAZ034-035-171400- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- 1008 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST SUNDAY... * SURF...12 to 18 feet through this evening subsiding to 10 to 14 feet later tonight and to 9 to 13 feet on Sunday. Surf will subside further Sunday night. Surf will be highest on exposed west and northwest facing beaches. Strong and dangerous rip currents are expected through the weekend. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding will be possible a couple of hours on either side of the 730 AM high tide Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ040-171400- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Ventura County Coast- 1008 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST SUNDAY... * SURF...6 to 9 feet through Sunday, then subside to 4 to 6 feet Sunday evening. Surf will be highest on exposed west-facing beaches where local sets to 12 feet are possible through this evening. Strong and dangerous rip currents are expected through the weekend. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding will be possible a couple of hours on either side of the 700 AM high tide Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ041-171400- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- 1008 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST SUNDAY... * SURF...6 to 9 feet through Sunday, then subside to 4 to 6 feet Sunday evening. Surf will be highest on exposed west-facing beaches. Strong and dangerous rip currents are expected through the weekend. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding will be possible a couple of hours on either side of the 700 AM high tide Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ087-171400- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Catalina and Santa Barbara Islands- 1008 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST SUNDAY... * SURF...6 to 9 feet through Sunday, then subside to 4 to 6 feet Sunday evening. Surf will be highest on exposed west-facing beaches. Strong and dangerous rip currents are expected through the weekend. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding will be possible a couple of hours on either side of the 700 AM high tide Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  712 WVRA31 RUPK 170608 UHPP SIGMET 3 VALID 170608/170900 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 1 170333/170900=  330 WWNZ40 NZKL 170608 GALE WARNING 150 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 170600UTC LOW 996HPA NEAR 26S 141W MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 10KT. IN A BELT 120 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 27S 143W 28S 140W 29S 137W: NORTHWEST 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING SOUTH 5KT.  331 WWNZ40 NZKL 170609 CANCEL WARNING 149  821 WWUS43 KGID 170612 WSWGID URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hastings NE 1212 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A Winter Weather Advisory Remains in effect until 6 AM CST for Portions of South Central Nebraska... .Snowfall will continue to slowly taper off across the region overnight...with less than one inch additional accumulation expected across the advisory area remaining in south central Nebraska. Freezing drizzle has ended across north central Kansas...and only a few flurries are likely across portions of north central Kansas through the remainder of the overnight hours. KSZ005>007-017>019-170715- /O.EXP.KGID.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T0600Z/ Phillips-Smith-Jewell-Rooks-Osborne-Mitchell- Including the cities of Phillipsburg, Bellaire, Smith Center, Kensington, Mankato, Jewell, Ionia, Burr Oak, Codell, Plainville, Stockton, Osborne, Downs, and Beloit 1212 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Freezing drizzle has come to an end across north central Kansas...and only a few additional snow flurries with little to no accumulation are expected across this area overnight. While the freezing drizzle has come to an end...untreated surfaces will likely remain slippery overnight...which could continue to cause some travel difficulties. $$ NEZ040-041-047>049-063-064-077-087-171200- /O.CON.KGID.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Greeley-Nance-Howard-Merrick-Polk-Hamilton-York-Fillmore-Thayer- Including the cities of Greeley, Spalding, Scotia, Wolbach, Fullerton, Genoa, St. Libory, Central City, Stromsburg, Osceola, Shelby, Polk, Aurora, York, Geneva, Exeter, Fairmont, Hebron, and Deshler 1212 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches are expected. Higher amounts are possible in narrow snow bands. * WHERE...Greeley, Howard, Hamilton, Fillmore and Thayer Counties. * WHEN...Through 6 AM CST Sunday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Rossi  940 WABZ22 SBBS 170613 SBBS AIRMET 4 VALID 170610/171010 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR OVC CLD 100/0900FT FCST WI S1514 W04835 - S1648 W05 014 - S2242 W04740 - S2330 W04653 - S2339 W04616 - S2325 W04538 - S2249 W04544 - S2143 W04458 - S1532 W04702 - S1513 W04833 - S1514 W04835 STNR NC=  070 WWCN13 CWWG 170614 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:14 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF DUNDURN INCLUDING DUNDURN AND BLACKSTRAP PROV. PARK THE BATTLEFORDS - UNITY - MAIDSTONE - ST. WALBURG. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: CITY OF SASKATOON MARTENSVILLE - WARMAN - ROSTHERN - DELISLE - WAKAW. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 15 CM IS EXPECTED. 10 CM OF SNOW EXPECTED ALONG THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY. A NEARLY STATIONARY BAND OF SNOW CONTINUES TO SIT NEAR THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY FROM VISCOUNT TO THE BATTLEFORDS. THIS BAND IS EXPECTED TO PRODUCE 10 CM OF SNOW BY THE TIME IT WEAKENS AND MOVES AWAY OVERNIGHT. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  524 WABZ22 SBBS 170614 SBBS AIRMET 5 VALID 170610/171010 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 0200/0700M FG FCST WI S1927 W04450 - S2031 W04400 - S2012 W04318 - S1625 W04259 - S1601 W04419 - S1927 W04450 STNR NC=  063 WSMS31 WMKK 170616 WBFC SIGMET A01 VALID 170620/170920 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0347 E11237 - N0536 E11447 - N0446 E11546 - N0241 E11331 - N0347 E11237 TOP FL510 MOV E STNR=  980 WWCN13 CWWG 170617 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:17 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: THE BATTLEFORDS - UNITY - MAIDSTONE - ST. WALBURG. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF DUNDURN INCLUDING DUNDURN AND BLACKSTRAP PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 15 CM IS EXPECTED. 10 CM OF SNOW EXPECTED ALONG THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY. A NEARLY STATIONARY BAND OF SNOW CONTINUES TO SIT NEAR THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY FROM VISCOUNT TO THE BATTLEFORDS. THIS BAND IS EXPECTED TO PRODUCE 10 CM OF SNOW BY THE TIME IT WEAKENS AND MOVES AWAY OVERNIGHT. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  677 WAUS42 KKCI 170617 AAA WA2Z MIAZ WA 170617 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...NC SC GA...UPDT FROM 20W HMV TO 40ENE MCN TO 50SSE LGC TO GQO TO 20W HMV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 080-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE NC SC GA WV VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT BOUNDED BY 40ENE BKW-20W GSO-50SSW SBY-50SE ECG-40SSW ILM-40W PZD-GQO-HMV-40W BKW-40ENE BKW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 100 BOUNDED BY 130E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 30SE ECG-50NNE ILM-20NNW FLO-ODF-30S VXV-HMV-50WSW BKW- 40SSE DCA-130E ACK 040 ALG 40S PSK-20SE GSO-30WNW ECG 080 ALG 30E VXV-30SW CLT-50S RDU-180E ECG 120 ALG 20SE LGC-50S ILM-130SE ILM 160 ALG 120ESE LEV-110SSE CEW-30NE OMN-210ENE TRV ....  678 WAUS43 KKCI 170617 AAA WA3Z CHIZ WA 170617 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY...UPDT FROM 70NW MOT TO 20NNE MKG TO 20SSW LOZ TO 60SSW PXV TO 40N DYR TO 20SE OSW TO 30W GCK TO 20ENE SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 70NW MOT MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...MO KY AR TN LA MS AL...UPDT FROM 60SSW PXV TO 20SSW LOZ TO 20W HMV TO GQO TO 50SSE LGC TO 60NW CEW TO 20SW ELD TO 40ESE FSM TO 60SSW PXV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 080-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...ICE ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY...UPDT BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-20ENE DLH-20ESE SSM-40NW YVV-30E ECK-FWA-CVG-HNN-40W BKW-40S PXV-30N DYR-20SW FAM-20WSW OSW-40E HLC-20SSE LBF-60SW RAP-50NNW ISN MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...ICE MO KY AR TN MS AL...UPDT BOUNDED BY 40W BKW-HMV-GQO-40W PZD-40NE CEW-60NW CEW-40WNW MHZ-60SSW ARG-40S PXV-40W BKW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 40WSW ROD-CVG-HNN-50S HNN- 60SSE TTH-50NNW SPS-20SSE AMA-40W GCK-20N GCK-20E MMB-30NW TTH-40WSW ROD MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE TTH-50S HNN-HMV-60W BNA- 40NNW ELD-20SE SPS-50NNW SPS-60SSE TTH SFC ALG 20NW RZC-40W IIU-40S HNN 040 ALG 50ENE DYR-50S IIU-50WSW BKW ....  679 WAUS41 KKCI 170617 AAA WA1Z BOSZ WA 170617 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...ICE WV VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT BOUNDED BY 40ENE BKW-20W GSO-50SSW SBY-50SE ECG-40SSW ILM-40W PZD-GQO-HMV-40W BKW-40ENE BKW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...ICE NY PA OH LE WV MD VA...UPDT BOUNDED BY 30E ECK-30NNE ERI-30SW EMI-50N LYH-40ENE BKW-40W BKW-HNN-CVG-FWA-30E ECK MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS DVLPG AFT 09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-100 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 100 BOUNDED BY 130E ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 30SE ECG-50NNE ILM-20NNW FLO-ODF-30S VXV-HMV-50WSW BKW- 40SSE DCA-130E ACK MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 40WSW ROD-20ESE EKN-50E BKW- 50WSW BKW-HNN-CVG-40WSW ROD SFC ALG 40S HNN-20N LYH-30W SBY-150ENE ACK 040 ALG 30WNW ECG-110SE SBY-180SE ACK ....  680 WAUS44 KKCI 170617 AAA WA4Z DFWZ WA 170617 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET ICE...AR TN LA MS AL MO KY...UPDT FROM 60SSW PXV TO 20SSW LOZ TO 20W HMV TO GQO TO 50SSE LGC TO 60NW CEW TO 20SW ELD TO 40ESE FSM TO 60SSW PXV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 080-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...ICE TX AR LA MS AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60SE LIT-40WNW MHZ-20ENE AEX-30S LCH-50SSE IAH-CWK-20ESE ACT-20NE TXK-60SE LIT MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL200. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...ICE AR TN MS AL MO KY...UPDT BOUNDED BY 40W BKW-HMV-GQO-40W PZD-40NE CEW-60NW CEW-40WNW MHZ-60SSW ARG-40S PXV-40W BKW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-170 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 40WSW ROD-CVG-HNN-50S HNN- 60SSE TTH-50NNW SPS-20SSE AMA-40W GCK-20N GCK-20E MMB-30NW TTH-40WSW ROD MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE TTH-50S HNN-HMV-60W BNA- 40NNW ELD-20SE SPS-50NNW SPS-60SSE TTH SFC ALG 20WNW TXO-20ESE AMA-50NE CDS-40WSW OKC-20ENE TUL-20NW RZC 040 ALG 30WNW AMA-40ENE CDS-40SSE TUL-30NW LIT-50ENE DYR 080 ALG 40SSE ELP-40SSW LBB-30SSW MLC-40SSW LIT-60SW LOZ- 30NNE VXV-30E VXV 120 ALG 50WSW MRF-20SW FST-20WNW GGG-30WSW MLU-20SE LGC 160 ALG 30SSW LRD-110SSE PSX-120SE PSX ....  344 WSFJ01 NFFN 170600 NFFF SIGMET 03 VALID 170700/171100 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0500 E17524 - S0954 E17518 - S0918 E17212 - S0548 E17124 - S0500 E17524 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  940 WABZ22 SBBS 170620 SBBS AIRMET 7 VALID 170620/171010 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 1000/4500M RA FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S1503 W04826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W04955 STNR NC=  499 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1543 W05727 - S1346W05738 - S1338 W05333 - S1614 W05346 - S1543 W05727 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  500 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBRE SIGMET 6 VALID 170605/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0203 W04133 - S0231 W03938 - S0314 W04028 - S0255 W04150 - S0203 W04133 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  501 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 170520/170920 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2540 W05445 - S2415 W05429 - S2303 W05218 - S2258 W04739 - S2322 W04702 - S2316 W04612 - S2033 W04413 - S2013 W04336 - S2029 W04227 - S2023 W04120 - S2051 W04043 - S2044 W03958 - S2216 W03824 - S2634 W04338 - S2750 W04851 - S2619 W05353 - S2533 W05401 - S2540 W05445 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  502 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0704 W05249 - S0549W05018 - S0848 W04716 - S1026 W05009 - S0914 W05144 - S0704 W05249 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  503 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1627 W03750 - S2436 W02846 - S2851 W03238 - S2704 W03647 - S2845 W04527 - S2219 W03813 - S2111 W03920 - S1851 W03738 - S1824 W03859 - S1627 W03750 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  504 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0231 W06710 - S0504W05944 - S1059 W06103 - S0517 W07004 - S0231 W06710 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  505 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBRE SIGMET 3 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1221 W04621 - S1228 W04308 - S1719 W03824 - S1824 W03900 - S1851 W03739 - S2111 W03922 - S2044 W03948 - S2052 W04024 - S2027 W04100 - S2031 W04228 -S1834 W04232 - S1658 W04143 - S1535 W04406 - S1221 W04621 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  506 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0716 W04043 - S0738 W03758 - S0943 W03613 - S1341 W03950 - S1218 W04140 - S0716 W04043 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  507 WSBZ01 SBBR 170600 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W05103 - S0208W04540 - S0730 W04557 - S0533 W04943 - S0239 W05103 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  217 WAUS46 KKCI 170626 AAB WA6S SFOS WA 170626 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR ID MT WY FROM 60SE YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60ENE JAC TO 20SSE PIH TO DNJ TO 30SSW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 60SE YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA...UPDT FROM 20E HUH TO 90ESE YDC TO 20SSW PDT TO DSD TO 40SE LKV TO 50S FMG TO 50WSW OAL TO 20NNW CZQ TO 20SE RBL TO 20SSW FOT TO 70S HQM TO 20ESE TOU TO 20E HUH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR ID MT WY NV UT...UPDT FROM 40SSW YQL TO 30ESE SHR TO 20SE SLC TO 30SSW PDT TO 90ESE YDC TO 40SSW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN WA OR CA...UPDT BOUNDED BY 70WSW YXC-40SW OAL-CZQ-20ENE MOD-20S FOT-50S TOU-20N TOU-20ENE HUH-70WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  218 WAUS45 KKCI 170626 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 170626 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY WA OR FROM 60SE YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60ENE JAC TO 20SSE PIH TO DNJ TO 30SSW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 60SE YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MT WY CO FROM 50NNW ISN TO 70NW RAP TO 50NW GGW TO 50NNW ISN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV UT FROM 40NW BVL TO ELY TO ILC TO 30ENE BTY TO 20NE OAL TO 70E FMG TO 60WNW BAM TO 40NW BVL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT WA OR...UPDT FROM 40SSW YQL TO 30ESE SHR TO 20SE SLC TO 30SSW PDT TO 90ESE YDC TO 40SSW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  294 WSVS31 VVGL 170625 VVNB SIGMET 2 VALID 170625/171025 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1830 E10510 - N1920 E10350 - N2225 E10630 - N2115 E10810 - N1955 E10755 - N1830 E10510 TOP FL300 MOV NE 15KT WKN=  631 WAAK48 PAWU 170628 AAA WA8O ANCS WA 170626 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC UPDT ALL SXNS EXCP N WRANGELL MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NV. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 08Z VLYS OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF BY 09Z PANI-PASV LN SW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE TO PAMC-PASV LN BY 13Z. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAFS-PASV LN W MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ALL SXNS SW PAMC-PAFK LN BY 13Z. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG BY 09Z PAKI-PABE LN SE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS PAMY E BY 13Z. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG KILBUCK MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS BY 13Z. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALL SXNS N PAPN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA/-SN BR. IMPR FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 170626 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT ALG SRN COOK INLET SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC UPDT OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD AFT 11Z VCY PAWR OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . KODIAK IS AE TIL 14Z NW PADQ-PAKH LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 09Z PASL-PASV LN SW AREAS LLWS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 09Z INLAND AREAS OF LLWS. IMPR FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 11Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALG ALUTN RANGE PAIG N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . AK PEN AI PAC SIDE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . AK PEN AI 08Z TO 14Z E PASD OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAKO OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK BY 12Z KISKA E SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 08Z E PASY OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 170626 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT 08Z TO 11Z VCY AK RANGE S MERRILL PASS OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 08Z ALL SXNS S PASL OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. MOVG TO PASL-PASV LN SW BY 11Z. FZLVL SFC. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 08Z SE PAKI-PARS LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. SPRDG TO PAKI-PAEM LN E BY 13Z. FZLVL SFC. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAII N OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC NW TO 040 E AND SE. NC. . AK PEN AI TIL 08Z NE PAOU OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL 015. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL 08Z TO 11Z E PASN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . BH FEB 2019 AAWU  177 WWAK42 PAFG 170628 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ208-209-170730- /O.CAN.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley- Including Noatak, Kiana, Red Dog Mine, Kotzebue, Selawik, and Noorvik 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Winds have died down across the area. $$ AKZ207-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Chukchi Sea Coast- Including Point Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Espenberg 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility will be one quarter mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause widespread blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Chukchi Sea Coast north of Espenberg. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause widespread blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning means significant amounts of ice are occurring This will make travel very difficult or impossible. $$ AKZ215-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...Midnight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Midnight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON SUNDAY TO 9 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Noon Sunday to 9 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ227-170900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T0900Z-190218T0900Z/ Upper Kuskokwim Valley- Including McGrath, Nikolai, Takotna, and Farewell Lake 928 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 9 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Midnight tonight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$  748 WSSP31 LEMM 170629 LECM SIGMET 2 VALID 170630/170900 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0629Z WI N4344 W00607 - N4249 W00607 - N4245 W00322 - N4341 W00322 - N4344 W00607 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  866 WABZ22 SBBS 170630 SBBS AIRMET 6 VALID 170620/171010 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR VERT VIS 100/0300FT FCST WI S1927 W04450 - S2031 W0 4400 - S2012 W04318 - S1625 W04259 - S1601 W04419 - S1927 W04450 STNR NC=  033 WSIL31 BICC 170600 BIRD SIGMET A01 VALID 170630/170930 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6630 W01900 - N6430 W01900 - N6430 W02500 - N6630 W02400 - N6630 W01900 SFC/FL070 STNR NC=  960 WSPA10 PHFO 170636 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 3 VALID 170650/171050 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N1020 E16840 - N0500 E16620 - N0440 E15930 - N1000 E16100 - N1020 E16840. CB TOPS TO FL540. MOV W 5KT. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  309 WVCH31 SCEL 170637 SCEZ SIGMET A2 VALID 170637/170656 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR CNL SIGMET A1 170056/170656=  003 WAUS41 KKCI 170638 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 170638 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 170900 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WV VA NC SC GA FROM 50WSW CSN TO 40S PSK TO SPA TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO 40SSW HNN TO 50WSW CSN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT NY...UPDT FROM 70NW PQI TO 20SE MLT TO 20W CON TO 20SSW MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS ENDG BY 09Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA WV MD...UPDT FROM SYR TO 20N HNK TO 50ESE AIR TO AIR TO 20SW JHW TO SYR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS ENDG BY 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN WV VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY EKN-20WSW CSN-20SSW SPA-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-EKN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  752 WGUS85 KTFX 170640 FLSTFX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Great Falls MT 1140 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 MTC013-191845- /O.NEW.KTFX.FA.Y.0004.190217T0640Z-190219T1845Z/ /00000.N.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Cascade MT- 1140 PM MST Sat Feb 16 2019 The National Weather Service in Great Falls has issued a * Flood Advisory for... An Ice Jam in... Southwestern Cascade County in central Montana... * Until 1145 AM MST Tuesday. * Minor flooding continues to affect Sheep Creek Road in southern Cascade County along the Missouri River because of an ice jam. Sheep Creek Road has been closed in this area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4718 11173 4715 11179 4717 11181 4718 11181 4719 11180 4721 11175 $$ Brusda  388 WSCI36 ZUUU 170640 ZPKM SIGMET 3 VALID 170700/171100 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3216 E10542-N3144 E10922-N2806 E10908-N2713 E10620-N2801 E10324-N3015 E10241-N3216 E10542 FL050/150 STNR NC=  243 ACUS11 KWNS 170646 SWOMCD SPC MCD 170646 IAZ000-ILZ000-171045- Mesoscale Discussion 0106 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1246 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Areas affected...Central into eastern IA Concerning...Heavy snow Valid 170646Z - 171045Z SUMMARY...Heavy snow, with up to 1 inch/hr snowfall rates, is expected to continue for a few more hours. DISCUSSION...A mid-level shortwave trough continues to impinge on the discussion area, with strong divergence noted at 300 mb associated with the left-exit region of a pronounced jet streak. As such, adequate upper-level support for ascent remains in place to encourage the lifting of saturated parcels through a deep dendritic growth layer (-12 to -17 C), where heavy snow will remain possible, including at least brief occasions of 1 in/hr snowfall accumulation rates. As sunrise approaches, the intensity of the primary band of snow is expected to wane, with much lower snowfall rates expected per latest high-resolution model guidance. ..Squitieri.. 02/17/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...DVN...ARX...DMX... LAT...LON 40889127 41239317 41709455 42649404 42989286 42679145 42099056 40949059 40889127  782 WWUS74 KFWD 170651 NPWFWD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 1251 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... .Warm air overriding cool soils and ahead of an approaching cold front will continue to result in areas of dense fog and patchy drizzle through daybreak Sunday morning. TXZ091-102-117-130>132-143-144-156>158-160-162-174-175-171200- /O.EXA.KFWD.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Montague-Wise-Parker-Erath-Hood-Somervell-Hamilton-Bosque- Lampasas-Coryell-Bell-Falls-Leon-Milam-Robertson- Including the cities of Bowie, Nocona, Decatur, Bridgeport, Weatherford, Briar, Stephenville, Dublin, Granbury, Oak Trail Shores, Glen Rose, Hamilton, Hico, Clifton, Meridian, Valley Mills, Lampasas, Copperas Cove, Gatesville, Killeen, Temple, Fort Hood, Marlin, Buffalo, Centerville, Jewett, Normangee, Oakwood, Cameron, Rockdale, Hearne, Franklin, and Calvert 1251 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM CST early this morning. * VISIBILITY...Falling to less than 1/2 mile at times through daybreak Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Reduced visibilities will make it difficult to see while driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your low-beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you. && $$ TXZ092>095-103>107-118>123-133>135-145>148-159-161-171200- /O.CON.KFWD.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Cooke-Grayson-Fannin-Lamar-Denton-Collin-Hunt-Delta-Hopkins- Tarrant-Dallas-Rockwall-Kaufman-Van Zandt-Rains-Johnson-Ellis- Henderson-Hill-Navarro-Freestone-Anderson-McLennan-Limestone- Including the cities of Gainesville, Sherman, Denison, Bonham, Paris, Carrollton, Denton, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Plano, McKinney, Allen, Frisco, Greenville, Commerce, Cooper, Sulphur Springs, Fort Worth, Arlington, Dallas, Rockwall, Heath, Terrell, Kaufman, Forney, Canton, Grand Saline, Wills Point, Van, Edgewood, Emory, East Tawakoni, Point, Cleburne, Burleson, Waxahachie, Ennis, Midlothian, Athens, Gun Barrel City, Hillsboro, Corsicana, Teague, Fairfield, Wortham, Palestine, Waco, Mexia, and Groesbeck 1251 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...Falling to less than 1/2 mile at times through daybreak Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Reduced visibilities will make it difficult to see while driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your low-beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you. && $$  966 WSUS32 KKCI 170655 SIGC MKCC WST 170655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1C VALID UNTIL 0855Z TN MS FROM 30E DYR-50W MSL DVLPG LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL290. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2C VALID UNTIL 0855Z MS AR FROM 40ESE LIT-30NE SQS DVLPG LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL250. OUTLOOK VALID 170855-171255 FROM LOZ-VXV-SQS-LIT-50SE FAM-LOZ WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  967 WSUS33 KKCI 170655 SIGW MKCW WST 170655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170855-171255 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  968 WSUS31 KKCI 170655 SIGE MKCE WST 170655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170855-171255 FROM LOZ-VXV-SQS-LIT-50SE FAM-LOZ WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  814 WWCN03 CYZX 170655 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 CDSB GAGETOWN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:55 AM AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: 5 CDSB GAGETOWN (CYCX) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: GUSTS IN EXCESS OF 25 KNOTS NO LONGER EXPECTED. END/JMC  306 WSRS33 RUAA 170659 ULKK SIGMET 2 VALID 170800/171200 ULKK- ULKK KOTLAS FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 MOV E 40KMH NC=  756 WWUS46 KPQR 170704 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 1104 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ORZ012-013-171300- /O.EXP.KPQR.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190217T0700Z/ /O.NEW.KPQR.WW.Y.0017.190217T0704Z-190217T1300Z/ Cascade Foothills in Lane County-Cascades in Lane County- Including the cities of McKenzie Pass and Willamette Pass 1104 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PST SUNDAY ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow above 1500 feet. Snow showers will continue overnight. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches expected in the foothills between 1500 and 2500 feet, but 12 to 16 inches above 2500 feet elevation. For elevations between 800 and 1500 feet, expect 1 to 4 inches. Snow showers will decrease early Sunday morning. * WHERE...Cascade Foothills in Lane County and Cascades in Lane County. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ010-011-170815- /O.EXP.KPQR.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190217T0700Z/ Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills-Northern Oregon Cascades- 1104 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Snow showers are decreasing and the Winter Weather Advisory for the North Oregon Cascades and Foothills has expired. Localized accumulations of 1 to 2 inches are possible overnight tonight. $$  516 WOAU43 AMMC 170706 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0706UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S080E 49S100E 54S105E 59S080E 46S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots, easing below 34 knots west of line 48S087E 54S081E from 180000UTC. Very rough to high seas, heavy swell.  517 WOAU03 AMMC 170706 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0706UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S080E 49S100E 54S105E 59S080E 46S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots, easing below 34 knots west of line 48S087E 54S081E from 180000UTC. Very rough to high seas, heavy swell.  624 WABZ21 SBRE 170706 SBRE AIRMET 1 VALID 170710/170910 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 600/1000FT OBS AT 0700Z WI S0458 W04255 - S04 59 W04244 - S0509 W04244 - S0508 W04255 - S0458 W04255 STNR NC=  276 WSRA31 RUEK 170707 USSS SIGMET 1 VALID 170710/171100 USSS- USSS YEKATERINBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF E05500 SFC/FL100 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  440 WAIY31 LIIB 170713 LIMM AIRMET 4 VALID 170715/170815 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL SFC VIS 0800M FG OBS WI N4536 E00849 - N4533 E01230 - N4516 E01228 - N4514 E00835 - N4536 E00849 STNR WKN=  423 WSBZ31 SBBS 170714 SBBS SIGMET 2 VALID 170720/171120 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2037 W04233 - S2017 W04313 - S2037 W04339 - S2037 W04413 - S2217 W04525 - S2145 W04641 - S2047 W04757 - S1531 W05319 - S1443 W05338 - S1201 W05242 - S1036 W05105 - S1041 W0 5004 - S1012 W04901 - S0946 W04837 - S0946 W04750 - S1036 W04736 - S1 146 W04914 - S1331 W04842 - S1528 W04723 - S1755 W04620 - S1915 W0440 5 - S1642 W04445 - S1554 W04347 - S1700 W04146 - S1840 W04233 - S2037 W04233 TOP FL440 MOV SE 20KT WKN=  607 WSMA31 FIMP 170710 FIMM SIGMET A02 VALID 170700/171100 FIMP -FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0600UTC WI S2000 E05600 - S2300 E07000 - S2300 E06000 S2000 E06000 S2000 E05600 TOP ABV FL390 STNR WKN=  162 WVID21 WAAA 170719 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 170719/171315 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD EST AT 0715Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0143 E12753 - N0132 E12649 - N 0051 E12640 - N0045 E12721 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1315Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0045 E12721 - N0051 E12641 - N0133 E 12649 - N0143 E12753 - N0141 E12755=  756 WVID21 WAAA 170719 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 170719/171315 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD EST AT 0715Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0143 E12753 - N0132 E12649 - N 0051 E12640 - N0045 E12721 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1315Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0045 E12721 - N0051 E12641 - N0133 E 12649 - N0143 E12753 - N0141 E12755=  811 WOAU11 AMMC 170722 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0722UTC 17 February 2019 CANCELLATION OF GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Gale Warning 1 has been replaced with Gale Warning 2. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S132E 51S129E 54S132E 50S135E 49S132E. FORECAST Gale Warning 1 has been replaced with Gale Warning 2.  812 WOAU01 AMMC 170722 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0722UTC 17 February 2019 CANCELLATION OF GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Gale Warning 1 has been replaced with Gale Warning 2. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S132E 51S129E 54S132E 50S135E 49S132E. FORECAST Gale Warning 1 has been replaced with Gale Warning 2.  107 WOAU41 AMMC 170722 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0722UTC 17 February 2019 CANCELLATION OF GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Gale Warning 1 has been replaced with Gale Warning 2. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S132E 51S129E 54S132E 50S135E 49S132E. FORECAST Gale Warning 1 has been replaced with Gale Warning 2.  788 WSMA31 FIMP 170710 FIMM SIGMET B02 VALID 170700/171100 FIMP -FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0630UTC ALONG LINE S1000 E06100- S1200 E06200 - S1500 E06300 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  642 WOAU12 AMMC 170723 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0723UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 979 hPa near 50S129E. Forecast 980 hPa near 49S133E at 171200UTC, 980 hPa near 49S137E at 171800UTC, 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC. Low [2] developing, forecast 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC, 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC and 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S119E 42S126E 44S148E 49S148E 53S131E 49S119E 46S119E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  643 WOAU02 AMMC 170723 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0723UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 979 hPa near 50S129E. Forecast 980 hPa near 49S133E at 171200UTC, 980 hPa near 49S137E at 171800UTC, 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC. Low [2] developing, forecast 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC, 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC and 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S119E 42S126E 44S148E 49S148E 53S131E 49S119E 46S119E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  644 WOAU42 AMMC 170723 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0723UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 979 hPa near 50S129E. Forecast 980 hPa near 49S133E at 171200UTC, 980 hPa near 49S137E at 171800UTC, 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC. Low [2] developing, forecast 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC, 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC and 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S119E 42S126E 44S148E 49S148E 53S131E 49S119E 46S119E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  801 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 170520/170920 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2540 W05445 - S2415 W05429 - S2303 W05218 - S2258 W04739 - S2322 W04702 - S2316 W04612 - S2033 W04413 - S2013 W04336 - S2029 W04227 - S2023 W04120 - S2051 W04043 - S2044 W03958 - S2216 W03824 - S2634 W04338 - S2750 W04851 - S2619 W05353 - S2533 W05401 - S2540 W05445 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  802 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W05103 - S0208W04540 - S0730 W04557 - S0533 W04943 - S0239 W05103 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  803 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0704 W05249 - S0549W05018 - S0848 W04716 - S1026 W05009 - S0914 W05144 - S0704 W05249 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  804 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0716 W04043 - S0738 W03758 - S0943 W03613 - S1341 W03950 - S1218 W04140 - S0716 W04043 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  805 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1627 W03750 - S2436 W02846 - S2851 W03238 - S2704 W03647 - S2845 W04527 - S2219 W03813 - S2111 W03920 - S1851 W03738 - S1824 W03859 - S1627 W03750 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  806 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBRE SIGMET 6 VALID 170605/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0203 W04133 - S0231 W03938 - S0314 W04028 - S0255 W04150 - S0203 W04133 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  807 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBRE SIGMET 3 VALID 170400/170800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1221 W04621 - S1228 W04308 - S1719 W03824 - S1824 W03900 - S1851 W03739 - S2111 W03922 - S2044 W03948 - S2052 W04024 - S2027 W04100 - S2031 W04228 -S1834 W04232 - S1658 W04143 - S1535 W04406 - S1221 W04621 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  808 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0231 W06710 - S0504W05944 - S1059 W06103 - S0517 W07004 - S0231 W06710 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  809 WSBZ01 SBBR 170700 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 170420/170820 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1543 W05727 - S1346W05738 - S1338 W05333 - S1614 W05346 - S1543 W05727 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  016 WWUS74 KCRP 170729 NPWCRP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 129 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ALONG THE COASTAL BEND EARLY THIS MORNING... .Areas of dense fog have pushed inland along the Coastal Bend early this morning. The fog is expected to persist in the advisory area through sunrise and then lift as a cold front approaches the coast this morning. TXZ245-342>347-442-443-447-171200- /O.NEW.KCRP.FG.Y.0017.190217T0729Z-190217T1200Z/ Coastal Aransas-Coastal Kleberg-Coastal Nueces- Coastal San Patricio-Aransas Islands-Coastal Refugio- Coastal Calhoun-Kleberg Islands-Nueces Islands-Calhoun Islands- Including the cities of Rockport, Fulton, Corpus Christi, Flour Bluff, Portland, Ingleside, Bayside, Austwell, Magnolia Beach, and Port Lavaca 129 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Corpus Christi has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM CST early this morning. * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Extremely poor visibilities will result in hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use low-beam headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ KW  440 WWUS83 KLMK 170730 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 230 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ076>079-090>092-KYZ029>043-045>049-055>057-171500- Orange-Washington-Scott-Jefferson-Harrison-Floyd-Clark-Bullitt- Oldham-Trimble-Henry-Shelby-Franklin-Spencer-Anderson-Woodford- Fayette-Bourbon-Nicholas-Nelson-Mercer-Jessamine-Boyle-Garrard- Madison- Including the cities of Paoli, Salem, Scottsburg, Madison, Corydon, New Albany, Jeffersonville, Shepherdsville, Louisville, La Grange, Bedford, Milton, New Castle, Shelbyville, Frankfort, Georgetown, Cynthiana, Taylorsville, Lawrenceburg, Versailles, Lexington, Paris, Carlisle, Bardstown, Springfield, Harrodsburg, Nicholasville, Winchester, Danville, Lancaster, and Richmond 230 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Light Ice Glaze Possible Early This Morning... Temperatures are holding steady in the upper 20s and low 30s this morning across southern Indiana and north central Kentucky. Light precipitation is expected to overspread the region in the pre-dawn hours through mid morning, and could fall as freezing rain. This would result in a light glaze of ice mainly on trees and elevated surfaces. Although road temperatures are mostly expected to be above freezing, a few slick spots will be possible on roadways most likely in sheltered areas and on bridges. Conditions will improve by mid to late morning as temperatures rise. $$ BJS  002 WSMS31 WMKK 170731 WBKS AD WRNG 1 VALID 170735/170935 SFC WSPD 08KT MAX 16 OBS NC=  695 WWPK20 OPKC 170728 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 0700 UTC DATED 17-02-2019 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : NO STROM WARNING. PART –II : NIL PART -III : FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND SW/W'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 24N. SW/NW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF DRIZZLE IN NORTHWESTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN DRIZZLE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/NE'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 24N. SE/SW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 21KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF LIGHT RAIN IN NORTHWESTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12ºN/55ºE, 12ºN/63ºE, 20°N/58°E, 20ºN/67ºE) WIND NW/NE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT NORTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 65E. SW/SE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 65E. NW/NE'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT SOUTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 63E. SW/SE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 21KT SOUTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 63E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND E/NE'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT WEST OF 50E. SE/SW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT EAST OF 50E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF RAIN IN WESTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 5 ARABIAN GULF (PREPARED BY QATAR METEOROLOGY DEPARTMENT ) WARNING : THUNDER RAIN TO THE SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA AND STRONG WIND WITH HIGH SEA IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT WITH MEAN SPEED REACHES 34KT OR MORE, AND SEA HEIGHT WILL RISE TO 12 FT OR MORE= PART 1 : THUNDERY RAIN TO THE SOUTH OF GULF SEA AT/FIRST STRONG WIND AND HIGH SEA LATER. PART II : HIGH PRESSURE OVER THE GULF SEA. PART III : FORECASTS. SUB AREA NO.I NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND NW'LY 18-25KT GUSTING 34KT AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY AT TIMES. VISIBILITY MODERATE.STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD. SUB AREA NO.II SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND MAINLY NW'LY 18-28KT GUSTING 35KT AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY TO CLOUDY WITH SCATTERED RAIN,THUNDERY AT FIRST. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD.  095 WSBZ31 SBRE 170733 SBRE SIGMET 7 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0917 W04139 - S0946 W03914 - S1308 W04003 - S1251 W04118 - S0917 W0 4139 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  634 WWUS84 KCRP 170735 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 135 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 TXZ231>234-240>244-246-247-171200- Live Oak-Bee-Goliad-Victoria-Duval-Jim Wells-Inland Kleberg- Inland Nueces-Inland San Patricio-Inland Refugio-Inland Calhoun- Including the cities of George West, Three Rivers, Beeville, Goliad, Victoria, Freer, Benavides, San Diego, Alice, Orange Grove, Kingsville, Loyola Beach, Ricardo, Riviera, Robstown, Tuloso, Bishop, Sinton, Mathis, Taft, Odem, Refugio, McFaddin, Woodsboro, and Kamay 135 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...AREAS OF FOG THIS MORNING ACROSS PORTIONS OF SOUTH TEXAS... Areas of fog have developed across portions of South Texas this morning. Expect visibilities generally 2 miles or less with a few locations seeing visibilities 1/4 mile or less at times. Visibilities are expected to improve around sunrise as a cold front pushes through the area. Use caution if traveling as visibility may change rapidly in a short amount of time. Use low beam headlights and leave extra distance between your vehicle and others on the road. $$  760 WSBZ31 SBRE 170733 SBRE SIGMET 8 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1602 W04324 - S1429 W04255 - S1335 W04038 - S2110 W03922 - S2045 W0 3948 - S2057 W04015 - S2006 W04120 - S1749 W04203 - S1700 W04143 - S1602 W04324 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  060 WSBZ31 SBRE 170733 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0147 W03900 - S0121 W03721 - S0204 W03708 - S0233 W03837 - S0147 W0 3900 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  734 WWUS83 KJKL 170736 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 236 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ044-050>052-060-104-106-170945- Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Menifee-Elliott-Morgan- Including the cities of Flemingsburg, Camargo, Jeffersonville, Mount Sterling, Owingsville, Morehead, Frenchburg, Sandy Hook, and West Liberty 236 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Freezing Rain Possible This Morning... Light rain will develop and spread into east Kentucky towards dawn. Surface temperatures may hold steady or slowly rise towards freezing as the precipitation moves in. This could lead to a period of freezing rain, impacting the I-64 corridor. A light glaze could develop on area roads, especially bridges and overpasses. Temperatures will eventually warm above freezing by late this morning, ending the threat. Exercise caution is advised if traveling early this morning. Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. $$ KAS  064 WAIS31 LLBD 170732 LLLL AIRMET 3 VALID 170800/171200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3230 E03525 - N3252 E03340 TOP FL260 MOV ENE 10KT WKN=  504 WCFJ01 NFFN 170600 NFFF SIGMET VALID 04 VALID 170735/171335 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1548 E16418 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSE 03KT INTSF=  449 WSBZ31 SBRE 170736 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1852 W03739 - S2156 W03107 - S252 5 W03458 - S2329 W03927 - S2226 W03809 - S2111 W03922 - S1852 W03739 T OP FL420 STNR NC=  678 WHUS71 KGYX 170740 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 240 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ150-152-154-171000- /O.CON.KGYX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190217T1000Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 240 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...3 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  835 WHPS01 NFFN 170600 HURRICANE WARNING 099 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 170741 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.8 SOUTH 164.3 EAST AT 170600 UTC. POSITION FAIR. REPEAT POSITION 15.8S 164.3E at 170600 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH-SOUTHEAST AT 03 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 60 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 75 KNOTS BY 180600 UTC. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 090 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT FORECAST POSITION NEAR 16.8S 164.2E AT 171800 UTC AND NEAR 18.2S 163.7E AT 180600 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 098.  829 WAIS31 LLBD 170741 LLLL AIRMET 4 VALID 170800/171000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3303 E03500 - N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3127 E03513 STNR WKN=  722 WHUS73 KMQT 170745 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 245 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 LSZ244>246-248>251-265>267-171545- /O.NEW.KMQT.UP.W.0009.190218T0300Z-190219T0600Z/ Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Huron Islands to Marquette MI-Marquette to Munising MI- Munising to Grand Marais MI-Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 245 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Heavy Freezing Spray Warning...which is in effect from 10 PM this evening to 1 AM EST Tuesday. * TIMING...Expect heavy freezing spray to occur from 10 PM this evening to 1 AM EST Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heavy Freezing Spray Warning means heavy freezing spray is expected to rapidly accumulate on vessels. These conditions can be extremely hazardous to navigation. It is recommended that mariners not trained to operate in these conditions or vessels not properly equipped to do so, remain in port or avoid the warning area. && $$ 07  089 WWUS43 KMPX 170745 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 145 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW EXPECTED OVER SOUTHWESTERN AND SOUTHERN MINNESOTA TONIGHT THROUGH SUNDAY EVENING... .Accumulating snow is expected through Sunday evening for southwestern and southern Minnesota. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches can be expected along and south of a line from Appleton to Redwood Falls to New Ulm to Owatonna. A Winter Weather Advisory in effect for these areas. MNZ054-064-073>075-082>085-091>093-171500- /O.CON.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lac Qui Parle-Yellow Medicine-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet-Watonwan- Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of Madison, Granite Falls, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St Peter, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 145 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. Isolated higher amounts possible along Interstate 90 corridor. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest and west central Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Minnesota can be found at 511mn.org and for Wisconsin at 511wi.gov, or by calling 5 1 1 in either state. && $$  711 WTNC18 NWBB 170747 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY Issued by NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE at 2019-02-17 07:47 UTC Name: tropical cyclone category 2 OMA Data at 2019-02-17 06:00 UTC Latitude: 15.7 S Longitude: 164.3 E Location accuracy: within 20 nm Movement toward: 108 degree Speed of movement: 3 kt Maximum 10-minutes wind: 60 kt Maximum wind gust: 85 kt Central pressure: 980 hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: 120 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: 120 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: 100 nm Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: 150 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: 50 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 64-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of maximum winds: 40 nm FORECAST DATA Date (UTC): Location(degree): Accuracy(nm): Max wind(kt) 17/02/19 06UTC: 16.0 S 164.3 E: 30: 60 17/02/19 12UTC: 16.5 S 164.2 E: 40: 60 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.0 S 164.1 E: 50: 65 18/02/19 00UTC: 17.7 S 163.8 E: 60: 65 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.6 S 163.5 E: 80: 70 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.3 S 163.1 E: 90: 75 18/02/19 18UTC: 19.9 S 162.7 E: 100: 80 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.6 S 162.4 E: 110: 85 19/02/19 06UTC: 21.2 S 162.0 E: 120: 85 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.6 S 161.8 E: 130: 85 19/02/19 18UTC: 21.8 S 161.6 E: 140: 80 20/02/19 00UTC: 22.1 S 161.4 E: 150: 75 Next issue time : The 2019-02-17 at 15:00 UTC.  010 WTNC18 NWBB 170747 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY ISSUED BY NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE AT 2019-02-17 07:47 UTC NAME: TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA DATA AT 2019-02-17 06:00 UTC LATITUDE: 15.7 S LONGITUDE: 164.3 E LOCATION ACCURACY: WITHIN 20 NM MOVEMENT TOWARD: 108 DEGREE SPEED OF MOVEMENT: 3 KT MAXIMUM 10-MINUTES WIND: 60 KT MAXIMUM WIND GUST: 85 KT CENTRAL PRESSURE: 980 HPA RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 120 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 120 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 100 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 150 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 50 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS: 40 NM FORECAST DATA DATE (UTC): LOCATION(DEGREE): ACCURACY(NM): MAX WIND(KT) 17/02/19 06UTC: 16.0 S 164.3 E: 30: 60 17/02/19 12UTC: 16.5 S 164.2 E: 40: 60 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.0 S 164.1 E: 50: 65 18/02/19 00UTC: 17.7 S 163.8 E: 60: 65 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.6 S 163.5 E: 80: 70 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.3 S 163.1 E: 90: 75 18/02/19 18UTC: 19.9 S 162.7 E: 100: 80 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.6 S 162.4 E: 110: 85 19/02/19 06UTC: 21.2 S 162.0 E: 120: 85 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.6 S 161.8 E: 130: 85 19/02/19 18UTC: 21.8 S 161.6 E: 140: 80 20/02/19 00UTC: 22.1 S 161.4 E: 150: 75 NEXT ISSUE TIME : THE 2019-02-17 AT 15:00 UTC.=  560 WCAU01 ABRF 170748 YBBB SIGMET D01 VALID 170750/171330 YBRF - YBBB BRISBANE FIR TC OMA PSN S1548 E16418 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSE 03KT NC=  965 WSUS31 KKCI 170755 SIGE MKCE WST 170755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170955-171355 FROM LOZ-VXV-SQS-LIT-50SE FAM-LOZ WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  719 WSUS33 KKCI 170755 SIGW MKCW WST 170755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 170955-171355 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  720 WSUS32 KKCI 170755 SIGC MKCC WST 170755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3C VALID UNTIL 0955Z TN AL MS FROM 60WNW BNA-20NE MSL-60W MSL-30E DYR-60WNW BNA AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL270. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4C VALID UNTIL 0955Z TN MS AR FROM 20WNW MEM-60N IGB-40NNE SQS-30E LIT-20WNW MEM AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 170955-171355 FROM LOZ-VXV-SQS-LIT-50SE FAM-LOZ WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  648 WSOM31 OOMS 170745 OOMM SIGMET A1 170438/170838 OOMS - OOMM MUSCAT FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2641 E05629 - N2536 E05645 - N2501 E05729 - N2459 E05635 - N2536 E05612 - N2620 E05607 - N2641 E05629 FL380 MOV ENE INTSF==  688 WTNC01 NWBB 170751 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 25 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 24 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 07:51 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC:LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA EST CENTREE PAR 15,7 SUD, 164,3 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE EST ESTIMEE A 980 HPA. DEPLACEMENT EST-SUD-EST 3 KT. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 60 KT (RAFALES A 85 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 40 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 100 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 150 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. D. AU COURS DES PROCHAINES 24 HEURES, OMA DEVRAIT COMMENCER A SE DEPLACER VERS LE SUD SUD-OUEST. AU DEBUT, SON INTENSITE DEVRAIT PEU EVOLUER, AVANT DE S'INTENSIFIER A LA FIN. ZONE NORD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, VALABLE JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC AU MOINS : ET ZONE SUD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, AU NORD DE 20 S, VALABLE A PARTIR DU DIMANCHE 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC AU MOINS : DANS UN RAYON DE 140 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS SUPERIEURS A 35 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE ET CROISEE. DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS DE 60 A 65 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER ENORME ET CROISEE. E. 17/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC: 16,0 S 164,3 E. 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC: 16,5 S 164,2 E. 18/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC: 17,0 S 164,1 E. 18/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC: 17,7 S 163,8 E. PROCHAIN BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE LE 17/02/2019 A 14:00 UTC.=  689 WTNC02 NWBB 170751 A. SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY NUMBER 25 THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING NUMBER 24 B. STORM WARNING ISSUED THE 2019/02/17 AT 07:51 UTC C. SYNOPTIC CONTEXT THE 2019/02/17 AT 06:00 UTC:TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA: -LOCATED BY 15.7 SOUTH 164.3 EAST. POSITION GOOD. -CENTRAL PRESSURE ESTIMATED TO BE ABOUT 980 HPA. -MOVING EAST-SOUTH-EAST 3 KT. -EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 60 KT (GUSTS 85 KT) WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTER, VERY HIGH SEA. -WINDS ABOVE 48 KT (GUSTS 70 KT) AND VERY HIGH SEA WITHIN: 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. -WINDS ABOVE 34 KT (GUSTS 50 KT) AND HIGH SEA WITHIN: 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 100 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. D. DURING THE NEXT 24 HOURS, OMA SHOULD START TO TRACK SOUTH SOUTH-WESTWARD. NO FURTHER INTENSIFICATION AT FIRST, THEN SLOW INTENSIFICATION AT THE END. NORTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, VALID UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 06:00 UTC AT LEAST, AND SOUTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, NORTH OF 20 S, VALID FROM SUNDAY 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 06:00 UTC AT LEAST: WITHIN 140 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS GREATER THAN 35 KT. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEA. WITHIN 50 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS 60 TO 65 KT. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND PHENOMENAL SEA. E. 2019/02/17 AT 12:00 UTC: 16.0 S 164.3 E. 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC: 16.5 S 164.2 E. 2019/02/18 AT 00:00 UTC: 17.0 S 164.1 E. 2019/02/18 AT 06:00 UTC: 17.7 S 163.8 E. NEXT SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY THE 2019/02/17 AT 14:00 UTC.=  125 WXNC13 NWBB 170751 PART 1 OF 2 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 25 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 24 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 07:51 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC:LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA EST CENTREE PAR 15,7 SUD, 164,3 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE EST ESTIMEE A 980 HPA. DEPLACEMENT EST-SUD-EST 3 KT. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 60 KT (RAFALES A 85 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 40 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. =  455 WWUS72 KTAE 170753 NPWTAE URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 253 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING FOR THE FLORIDA PANHANDLE, BIG BEND AND PORTIONS OF SOUTHWEST GEORGIA... FLZ007>019-026>029-034-108-112-114-115-118-127-128-134-GAZ143>148- 155>161-171500- /O.NEW.KTAE.FG.Y.0007.190217T0753Z-190217T1500Z/ North Walton-Central Walton-Holmes-Washington-Jackson-Inland Bay- Calhoun-Inland Gulf-Inland Franklin-Gadsden-Leon-Inland Jefferson- Madison-Liberty-Inland Wakulla-Inland Taylor-Lafayette- Inland Dixie-South Walton-Coastal Bay-Coastal Gulf- Coastal Franklin-Coastal Jefferson-Coastal Wakulla-Coastal Taylor- Coastal Dixie-Miller-Baker-Mitchell-Colquitt-Cook-Berrien- Seminole-Decatur-Grady-Thomas-Brooks-Lowndes-Lanier- Including the cities of Alpine Heights, Argyle, Center Ridge, Cluster Springs, De Funiak Spring Airport, De Funiak Springs, Glendale, Eucheeanna, Pleasant Ridge, Barker Store, Leonia, New Hope, Bonifay, Holmes County Airport, Cobb Crossroads, Crystal Lake, Poplar Head, Chipley, Chipley Municipal Airport, Orange Hill, Five Points, Marianna, Simsville, Richter Crossroads, Browntown, Graceville, Malone, Sneads, Bennett, Econfina, Nixon, Youngstown, Abe Springs, Blountstown, Clarksville, Durham, Frink, Marysville, Scotts Ferry, Howard Creek, Dalkeith, Honeyville, Wewahitchka, Beverly, Buck Siding, Fort Gadsden, Morgan Place, Littman, Quincy, Quincy Airport, Santa Clara, Wetumpka, Chattahoochee, Hardin Heights, Bradfordville, Capitola, Chaires, Chaires Crossroads, Killearn Estates, Killearn Lakes, Maclay State Gardens, Tallahassee, Alma, Capps, Casa Blanco, Dills, Drifton, Festus, Jarrott, Monticello, Lovett, Cherry Lake, Hanson, Hopewell, Madison, Pinetta, Sweetwater, Bethel, Hilliardville, Wakulla Springs, Athena, Boyd, Bucell Junction, Cabbage Grove, Carbur, Fenholloway, Perry, Midway, Buckville, Cooks Hammock, Day, Mayo, Cross City, Cross City Airport, Hines, Jonesboro, Old Town, Sandestin, Santa Rosa Beach, Turquoise Beach, Bunker, Freeport, Portland, Port Washington, Panama City, Callaway, Cairo, Lynn Haven, Southport, Vicksburg, Magnolia Beach, Oak Grove, Odena, Port St. Joe, White City, Beacon Hill, Overstreet, Saint Joe Beach, Apalachicola, Apalachicola Airport, Bay City, Tilton, Creels, Hays Place, High Bluff, Buckhorn, Medart, Panacea, Sopchoppy, Port Leon, Saint Marks, Spring Creek, Adams Beach, Blue Springs, Cedar Island, Dekle Beach, Fish Creek, Howell Place, Yellow Jacket, Horseshoe Beach, Jena, Shired Island, Suwannee, Enterprise, Mayhaw, Babcock, Bellview, Boykin, Colquitt, Cooktown, Elmodel Wma, Hawkinstown, Hoggard Mill, Newton, Red Store Crossroads, Iveys Mill, Milford, Branchville, Camilla, Mitchell Co A/P, Cotton, Pelham, Moultrie, Moultrie Municipal A/P, Spence Airport, Adel, Cook Co A/P, Greggs, Pine Valley, Barneyville, Laconte, Massee, Berrien Co A/P, Cottle, Nashville, Weber, Bannockburn, Davis Park, Donaldsonville A/P, Donalsonville, Little Hope, Riverturn, Fairchild, Seminole State Park, Ausmac, Bainbridge, Decatur Co A/P, Hanover, Lynn, Steinham Store, West Bainbridge, Beachton, Capel, Elpino, Grady Co A/P, Moncrief, Pine Park, Dillon, Metcalf, Pasco, Thomasville, Brooks Co A/P, Dixie, Empress, Nankin, Quitman, Grooverville, Valdosta, Valdosta Regional Airport, Courthouse, Lakeland, and Teeterville 253 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 /153 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ this morning. * VISIBILITY...Quarter mile. * IMPACTS...Low visibilities can make driving difficult. Make sure to slow down, use your headlights and leave plenty of distance between you and other cars. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  336 WSOM31 OOMS 170745 OOMM SIGMET A1 VALID 170438/170838 OOMS- OOMM MUSCAT FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2641 E05629 - N2536 E05645 - N2501 E05729 - N2459 E05635 - N2536 E05612 - N2620 E05607 - N2641 E05629 FL380 MOV ENE INTSF=  581 WGUS86 KMFR 170757 FLSMFR Flood Statement National Weather Service Medford, OR 1157 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon... Coquille River at Coquille affecting Coos County... .Recent heavy precipitation has caused the Coquille to rise, and tidal action will cause additional rises overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas or roads. The water may be too deep or there may be unseen damage to the roadway. For the latest river stages and forecasts, visit our web page at www.weather.gov/medford or listen to NOAA Weather Radio. && ORC011-171356- /O.EXT.KMFR.FL.W.0003.190217T1029Z-190218T1020Z/ /COQO3.1.ER.190217T1029Z.190217T2000Z.190217T2220Z.NO/ 1157 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Coquille River at Coquille. * until late Sunday night. * At 11:30 PM Saturday the stage was 20.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...The Coquille River is at flood stage. Expect flooding of farmland and low-lying areas throughout the flood plain along the Coquille River. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 21.7 feet on Mar 15 2016. && LAT...LON 4316 12441 4323 12422 4310 12412 4307 12416 4312 12442 $$  121 WSPR31 SPIM 170800 SPIM SIGMET 5 VALID 170800/171130 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0715Z WI S1231 W06914 - S1149 W07031 - S1131 W07317 - S0913 W07528 - S0934 W07548 - S1254 W07326 - S1245 W07157 - S1345 W07054 - S1231 W06914 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  397 WWUS46 KMFR 170759 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 1159 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 .Snow showers will continue overnight, then decrease in coverage. But, they will remain in the area into Sunday morning as snow levels fall down to or near valley floors. ORZ024-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the city of Cave Junction 1159 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow showers and snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches in the warning area and 1 to 3 inches in the advisory area. * WHERE...Areas in the Warning: Mostly areas above 1500 feet around the Illinois Valley including Hayes Hill and Obrien on Highway 199 and the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. Areas in the Advisory: Mostly areas above 1500 feet in Northeast Josephine County to include Sexton Pass on Interstate 5, Wilderville, Galice. Also, elevations below 1500 feet in the Illinois Valley to include Cave Junction. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow-covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. The snow level will fall to around 1000 feet before snow showers end Sunday morning. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Exercise caution when traveling. * If you must travel, keep tire chains, a flashlight, blankets, food, water, medications, and a fully charged phone with you. * A Winter Storm Warning means that severe winter weather is likely and poses a threat to life and property. Take protective action now. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ CAZ080-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Greenview, Scott Bar, and Somes Bar 1159 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches expected at elevations above 1500 feet and up to an inch down to valley floors. * WHERE...Western Siskiyou County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow-covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. The snow level will fall to valley floors overnight. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ ORZ023-025-026-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Central Douglas County-Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Jackson County- Including the cities of Glendale and Toketee Falls 1159 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches at elevations above 1500 feet except 2 to 5 inches expected above 2500 feet. An amount of up to an inch may accumulate at elevations between 1000 and 1500 feet before snow showers taper off Sunday morning. * WHERE...Generally elevations above 1500 feet in Central Douglas County and Eastern Douglas County Foothills to include Camas Mountain on Highway 42 and Canyon Mountain Pass on Interstate 5. Also elevations above 1500 feet in Jackson County to include Jacksonville Hill on Highway 238, Prospect, Toketee Falls, Glendale, and higher elevations surrounding the Rogue Valley. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow-covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. Snowfall could occasionally affect valley floors both in heavier showers and as the air turns colder overnight into Sunday morning. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ ORZ027-028-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades- Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Crater Lake, Crescent Lake, Diamond Lake, Union Creek, Howard Prairie, and Siskiyou Summit 1159 PM PST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 7 inches. * WHERE...Cascades and Siskiyous to include Siskiyou Summit on Interstate 5, Mount Ashland Ski Road, Highway 62 near Crater Lake, Highway 140 at Lake of the Woods, Diamond Lake. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The heavier snow showers will mainly occur through this evening with the highest totals in the Cascades. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  112 WSSG31 GOBD 170800 GOOO SIGMET A3 VALID 170800/171200 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z WI N0126 W00718 - N0148 W00504 - N0111 W00458 - N0005 W00718 TOP FL460 STNR WKN=  432 WAAK48 PAWU 170800 AAB WA8O ANCS WA 170758 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC ALL SXNS EXCP N WRANGELL MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NV. . KODIAK IS AE UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 08Z VLYS OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF BY 09Z PANI-PASV LN SW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE TO PAMC-PASV LN BY 13Z. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAFS-PASV LN W MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ALL SXNS SW PAMC-PAFK LN BY 13Z. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG BY 09Z PAKI-PABE LN SE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS PAMY E BY 13Z. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG KILBUCK MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS BY 13Z. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALL SXNS N PAPN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA/-SN BR. IMPR FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ UPDT MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 170758 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB ALG SRN COOK INLET SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT ALG CST/OFSHR PAMD NE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT ALG CST/OFSHR NW PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT TIL 14Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT AFT 11Z VCY PAWR OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . KODIAK IS AE UPDT N KODIAK ISLAND SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE UPDT TIL 14Z NW PADQ-PAKH LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 09Z PASL-PASV LN SW AREAS LLWS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 11Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 09Z INLAND AREAS OF LLWS. IMPR FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALG ALUTN RANGE PAIG N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . AK PEN AI PAC SIDE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . AK PEN AI 08Z TO 14Z E PASD OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ UPDT W PAKO OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT BY 12Z KISKA E SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT AFT 08Z E PASY OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 170758 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 171315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB 08Z TO 11Z VCY AK RANGE S MERRILL PASS OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 08Z ALL SXNS S PASL OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. MOVG TO PASL-PASV LN SW BY 11Z. FZLVL SFC. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 08Z SE PAKI-PARS LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. SPRDG TO PAKI-PAEM LN E BY 13Z. FZLVL SFC. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAII N OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC NW TO 040 E AND SE. NC. . AK PEN AI TIL 08Z NE PAOU OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL 015. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL UPDT 08Z TO 11Z E PASN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . BH FEB 2019 AAWU  345 WSSG31 GOBD 170800 CCA GOOO SIGMET A3 VALID 170800/171200 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z WI N0126 W00718 - N0148 W00504 - N0111 W00458 - N0005 W00718 TOP FL460 STNR WKN=  752 WSSG31 GOOY 170800 GOOO SIGMET A3 VALID 170800/171200 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z WI N0126 W00718 - N0148 W00504 - N0111 W00458 - N0005 W00718 TOP FL460 STNR WKN=  097 WVCH31 SCEL 170800 SCEZ SIGMET 02 VALID 170800/170800 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR CNL SIGMET 01 170200/170800=  503 WSSG31 GOOY 170800 CCA GOOO SIGMET A3 VALID 170800/171200 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z WI N0126 W00718 - N0148 W00504 - N0111 W00458 - N0005 W00718 TOP FL460 STNR WKN=  066 WSRS32 RUAA 170800 UUYY SIGMET 2 VALID 170900/171200 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF N6330 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  853 WSMS31 WMKK 170731 WBKS AD WRNG 1 VALID 170735/170935 SFC WSPD 08KT MAX 16 OBS NC= THIS HAS BEEN DISCARDED BY THE SADIS GATEWAY OPERATOR BECAUSE IT HAS AN INVALID FORMAT PLEASE ENSURE ALL FUTURE SIGMETS CONFORM TO THE FORMAT SPECIFIED IN ICAO ANNEX 3 CHAPTER 7 AND APPENDIX 6. REGARDS SADIS GATEWAY OPERATOR  181 WSAU21 ABRF 170803 YBBB SIGMET C02 VALID 170803/170901 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET C01 170501/170901=  618 WSAU21 ABRF 170803 YMMM SIGMET C02 VALID 170803/170901 YBRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET C01 170501/170901=  981 WCFJ01 NFFN 170600 NFFF SIGMET 04 VALID 170735/171335 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1548 E16418 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSE 03KT INTSF=  013 WTPS11 NFFN 170600 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A23 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 170806 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.8S 164.3E AT 170600 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI VIS/EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHEAST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 60 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 090 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT WITH PRIMARY BAND TRYING TO WRAP ONTO LLCC. ORGANISATION REMAIN GOOD. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE AND GOOD OUTFLOW. SYSTEM REMAIN SLOW MOVING. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELCIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON CURVED BAND WITH 1.30 WRAP ON LOG 10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=4.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T4.0/4.0/W0.5/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 171800 UTC 16.8S 164.2E MOV S AT 05 KT WITH 65 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 180600 UTC 18.2S 163.7E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 75 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK :  216 WTPS11 NFFN 170600 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A23 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 170806 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.8S 164.3E AT 170600 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI VIS/EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHEAST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 60 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 090 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT WITH PRIMARY BAND TRYING TO WRAP ONTO LLCC. ORGANISATION REMAIN GOOD. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE AND GOOD OUTFLOW. SYSTEM REMAIN SLOW MOVING. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELCIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON CURVED BAND WITH 1.30 WRAP ON LOG 10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=4.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T4.0/4.0/W0.5/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 171800 UTC 16.8S 164.2E MOV S AT 05 KT WITH 65 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 180600 UTC 18.2S 163.7E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 75 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 181800 UTC 19.4S 162.8E MOV SSW AT 07 KT WITH 80 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 190600 UTC 20.6S 162.2E MOV SSW AT 07 KT WITH 80 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON OMA WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 171400 UTC.  659 WSCN05 CWAO 170809 CZUL SIGMET B2 VALID 170805/170815 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL SIGMET B1 170415/170815=  777 WSCN25 CWAO 170809 CZUL SIGMET B2 VALID 170805/170815 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL SIGMET B1 170415/170815 RMK GFACN36=  331 WSIR31 OIII 170808 OIIX SIGMET 1 VALID 170800/171030 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2656 E05628 - N2804 E05734 - N2528 E06149 - N2412 E06107 - N2550 E05622 TOP FL310 MOV E NC=  726 WSOM31 OOMS 170745 OOMM SIGMET A1 VALID 170438/170838 OOMS - OOMM MUSCAT FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2641 E05629 - N2536 E05645 - N2501 E05729 - N2459 E05635 - N2536 E05612 - N2620 E05607 - N2641 E05629 FL380 MOV ENE INTSF==  534 WWUS43 KDDC 170813 WSWDDC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 213 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ030-031-043>046-062>066-077>081-088>090-170915- /O.CAN.KDDC.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Trego-Ellis-Scott-Lane-Ness-Rush-Kearny-Finney-Hodgeman-Pawnee- Stafford-Gray-Ford-Edwards-Kiowa-Pratt-Clark-Comanche-Barber- Including the cities of Wakeeney, Pheifer, Hays, Scott City, Scott State Lake, Dighton, Ness City, La Crosse, Lakin, Deerfield, Garden City, Jetmore, Hanston, Larned, St. John, Stafford, Macksville, Cimarron, Montezuma, Dodge City, Kinsley, Lewis, Greensburg, Haviland, Pratt, Ashland, Minneola, Coldwater, Lake Coldwater, Protection, Medicine Lodge, and Kiowa 213 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$  357 WAIY31 LIIB 170814 LIMM AIRMET 5 VALID 170815/171015 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR OBS WI N4525 E00808 - N4534 E00915 - N4531 E01112 - N4555 E01205 - N4547 E01315 - N4520 E01209 - N4414 E01208 - N4456 E00917 - N4432 E00813 - N4459 E00745 - N4525 E00808 STNR WKN=  682 WWUS43 KLOT 170815 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 215 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ003-004-008-010-011-019-171615- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Winnebago-Boone-Ogle-Lee-DeKalb-La Salle- Including the cities of Rockford, Belvidere, Oregon, Dixon, DeKalb, and Ottawa 215 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected, with a few locally higher amounts of 5 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central Illinois. * WHEN...Through midnight tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$ ILZ005-006-171615- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.190217T0900Z-190218T1200Z/ McHenry-Lake IL- Including the cities of Woodstock and Waukegan 215 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected, with a few locally higher amounts of 5 inches possible. * WHERE...McHenry and Lake IL Counties. * WHEN...From 3 AM CST Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$  118 WSCI45 ZHHH 170816 ZHWH SIGMET 2 VALID 170825/171225 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL230/400 STNR NC=  705 ACUS03 KWNS 170817 SWODY3 SPC AC 170816 Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0216 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Valid 191200Z - 201200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS LATE TUESDAY THROUGH TUESDAY NIGHT IN A CORRIDOR ACROSS SOUTH CENTRAL THROUGH NORTHEAST LOUISIANA...SOUTHWEST AND WEST CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI...AND ADJACENT PORTIONS OF SOUTHEAST ARKANSAS... ...SUMMARY... Strong thunderstorms may impact parts of the lower Mississippi Valley late Tuesday through Tuesday night, accompanied by at least some risk for severe weather. ...Discussion... As another strong short wave impulse digs off the British Columbia coast, toward the U.S. Pacific Northwest, models indicate that a fairly significant downstream impulse will emerge from the persistent larger-scale western U.S. upper troughing during this period. It appears that strongest associated mid-level height falls will spread from the Southwestern international border area, near El Paso, TX early Tuesday, through the middle Missouri Valley by 12Z Wednesday, as the northwestern periphery of subtropical ridging (centered east of the Bahamas) maintains considerable strength. On this track, strongest mid-level forcing for ascent and cooling will remain focused well to the cool side of a quasi-stationary frontal zone near the northwest Gulf coast. However, warming and moistening associated with a strengthening southerly return flow off the western Gulf of Mexico, above the surface front, appears likely to contribute to considerable erosion of the southwestern flank of the initially expansive cold surface ridging centered across the Upper Midwest into lower Great Lakes. Models continue to indicate the gradual development of weak surface troughing along the strengthening low-level jet axis (including 50-70 kt at 850 mb), across the lower Mississippi Valley toward the lower Ohio Valley by late Tuesday night. Across parts of Louisiana and Mississippi, this corridor may become a focus for weak boundary-layer destabilization by Tuesday evening, as surface dew points begin to increase through the lower/mid 60s F. Although this probably will take place in the wake of the strongest 850 mb flow (forecast to shift into the lower Ohio Valley), lower to mid-tropospheric wind fields may remain sufficiently strong and sheared to contribute to an environment at least marginally conducive to organized severe thunderstorm development. The evolution of a narrow squall line appears possible Tuesday night, with isolated supercells perhaps also possible within and just ahead of the line, accompanied by at least some risk for a tornado or two, in addition to potentially damaging wind gusts. ..Kerr.. 02/17/2019 $$  707 WUUS03 KWNS 170817 PTSDY3 DAY 3 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0216 AM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 VALID TIME 191200Z - 201200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 30829363 32059296 33389145 33078990 31819013 30359105 29809290 30829363 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 30849371 32069300 33439151 33088990 31899015 30339104 29819292 30849371 TSTM 27219611 29169782 31089812 32949816 34779655 36789336 39478599 38608227 36538312 35028430 33238613 30928738 28158929 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 WSW POE 25 NNE IER 20 SE LLQ 30 SSE GWO 55 NNE MCB 50 WNW MSY 30 SE LCH 35 WSW POE. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 95 ESE CRP 40 SSE BAZ 40 W TPL 10 NNW MWL 45 NE ADM 30 S SGF 25 SE IND 20 NE HTS 40 W TRI 50 E CHA 30 SW ANB 35 NNW PNS 80 S BVE.  572 WWUS41 KPBZ 170818 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 318 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ039>041-048-049-057-058-171630- /O.NEW.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.190217T1500Z-190217T1900Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Muskingum- Guernsey- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Dover, Carrollton, Malvern, East Liverpool, Salem, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cadiz, Zanesville, and Cambridge 318 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. A light glaze of ice accumulation with a half inch of snow expected. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 2 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ MDZ001-PAZ007>009-015-016-023-074-076-WVZ514-171630- /O.NEW.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.190217T1700Z-190218T0500Z/ Garrett-Mercer-Venango-Forest-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Indiana- Westmoreland Ridges-Fayette Ridges-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Mountain Lake Park, Oakland MD, Grantsville, Sharon, Hermitage, Grove City, Oil City, Franklin, Tionesta, Clarion, Punxsutawney, Brookville, Indiana, Ligonier, Donegal, Champion, Ohiopyle, Davis, Thomas, and Canaan Valley 318 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. A light glaze to a tenth of an inch of ice accumulation expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches along and north of Interstate 80 expected. * WHEN...From noon today to midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$  028 WAEG31 HECA 170815 HECC AIRMET 05 VALID 170900/171200 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST N OF 30 20N AND E OF 24 44E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  372 WAEG31 HECA 170815 HECC AIRMET 06 VALID 170900/171200 HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 32 43 N AND 33 47 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  401 WTPS31 PGTW 170900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 022// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 022 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 170600Z --- NEAR 16.1S 164.3E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 170 DEGREES AT 06 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 020 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 085 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 075 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 195 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 165 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 155 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 16.1S 164.3E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 171800Z --- 17.1S 164.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 180600Z --- 18.4S 163.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 010 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 181800Z --- 19.7S 163.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 06 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 190600Z --- 20.9S 162.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 210 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 200600Z --- 22.9S 161.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 180 DEG/ 06 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 210600Z --- 25.4S 161.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 050 KT, GUSTS 065 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 160 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 220600Z --- 29.6S 163.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 045 KT, GUSTS 055 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 220 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 230 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 290 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 240 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 170900Z POSITION NEAR 16.4S 164.3E. TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 249 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWARD AT 06 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY (MSI) SHOWS AN EXPANSIVE TC WITH THE BULK OF THE DEEP CONVECTION TO THE NORTH OF A RAGGED BUT DISCERNIBLE LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION (LLC). THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE CIRCULATION IN THE MSI LOOP THAT LINED UP WELL WITH A MICROWAVE EYE IN THE 170437Z 37GHZ SSMIS MICROWAVE IMAGE. THE INITIAL INTENSITY IS AVERAGED FROM THE DVORAK ESTIMATES OF T3.5/55KTS AND T4.0/65KTS FROM PGTW AND KNES, RESPECTIVELY. UPPER LEVEL ANALYSIS INDICATES THE CYCLONE IS UNDER MODERATE TO STRONG (20-25 KNOT) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (VWS) THAT IS OFFSET BY GOOD RADIAL OUTFLOW WITH A STRONG EQUATORWARD BIAS. SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES (SSTS) AT 27-28 CELSIUS REMAIN FAVORABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT. TC 15P HAS BEGUN TO DRIFT SOUTHWARD FROM A COL AREA AS THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE TO THE SOUTHEAST ASSUMED STEERING. AFTER TAU 96, TC 15P WILL ROUND THE STR AXIS AND ACCELERATE SOUTHEASTWARD. VWS IS EXPECTED TO RELAX AND ALLOW A SLOW INTENSIFICATION TO A PEAK OF 80 KNOTS BY TAU 48. AFTERWARD, INCREASING VWS AND COOLING SSTS WILL GRADUALLY ERODE THE SYSTEM DOWN TO 45 KNOTS BY TAU 120. AT THAT STAGE, TC OMA WILL ALSO BEGIN EXTRA-TROPICAL TRANSITION. DYNAMIC MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN FAIRLY GOOD AGREEMENT THROUGH TAU 48, AFTERWARD THE CONSENSUS MEMBERS SPREAD OUT SIGNIFICANTLY. IN VIEW OF THIS, THERE IS HIGH CONFIDENCE IN THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST UP TO TAU 48 THEN LOW CONFIDENCE AFTERWARD. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 170600Z IS 29 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 171500Z, 172100Z, 180300Z AND 180900Z.// NNNN  723 WTPS51 PGTW 170900 WARNING ATCG MIL 15P SWP 190217070532 2019021706 15P OMA 022 01 170 06 SATL 020 T000 161S 1643E 060 R050 085 NE QD 080 SE QD 070 SW QD 075 NW QD R034 195 NE QD 165 SE QD 155 SW QD 170 NW QD T012 171S 1641E 060 R050 080 NE QD 070 SE QD 050 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 160 SW QD 170 NW QD T024 184S 1637E 065 R064 030 NE QD 030 SE QD 020 SW QD 010 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 060 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 210 NE QD 190 SE QD 160 SW QD 170 NW QD T036 197S 1630E 075 R064 040 NE QD 050 SE QD 030 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 100 SE QD 070 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 210 NE QD 200 SE QD 180 SW QD 160 NW QD T048 209S 1625E 080 R064 050 NE QD 060 SE QD 050 SW QD 040 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 210 SE QD 190 SW QD 160 NW QD T072 229S 1619E 060 R050 090 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 190 NE QD 220 SE QD 220 SW QD 160 NW QD T096 254S 1619E 050 R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 080 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 200 SW QD 180 NW QD T120 296S 1639E 045 R034 220 NE QD 230 SE QD 290 SW QD 240 NW QD AMP 120HR BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL SUBJ: TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 022 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 022 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 170600Z --- NEAR 16.1S 164.3E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 170 DEGREES AT 06 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 020 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 085 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 075 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 195 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 165 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 155 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 16.1S 164.3E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 171800Z --- 17.1S 164.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 180600Z --- 18.4S 163.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 010 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 181800Z --- 19.7S 163.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 06 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 190600Z --- 20.9S 162.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 210 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 200600Z --- 22.9S 161.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 180 DEG/ 06 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 210600Z --- 25.4S 161.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 050 KT, GUSTS 065 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 160 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 220600Z --- 29.6S 163.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 045 KT, GUSTS 055 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 220 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 230 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 290 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 240 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 170900Z POSITION NEAR 16.4S 164.3E. TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 249 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWARD AT 06 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 170600Z IS 29 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 171500Z, 172100Z, 180300Z AND 180900Z. // 1519021006 174S1564E 20 1519021012 174S1577E 20 1519021018 174S1590E 25 1519021100 164S1603E 25 1519021106 155S1612E 25 1519021112 151S1625E 25 1519021118 144S1636E 30 1519021200 140S1645E 35 1519021206 137S1649E 35 1519021212 137S1655E 45 1519021218 140S1658E 45 1519021300 143S1654E 45 1519021306 144S1650E 45 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021706 161S1643E 60 1519021706 161S1643E 60 NNNN  221 WWUS43 KPAH 170822 WSWPAH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Paducah KY 222 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Light Freezing Rain or Light Freezing Drizzle Likely Early This Morning Over Parts of Southeast Missouri and Southwest Illinois... ILZ075-080-084-171200- /O.EXA.KPAH.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Jefferson-Perry IL-Jackson- Including the cities of Mount Vernon, Pinckneyville, Carbondale, and Murphysboro 222 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Light freezing rain or freezing drizzle. A light glaze of ice is likely. * WHERE...Jefferson, Perry IL and Jackson Counties. * WHEN...Through 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas of light freezing rain or freezing drizzle will freeze on contact with any untreated road surfaces. Bridges and overpasses are typically the first surfaces to freeze. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ MOZ076-086-087-100-107-108-171200- /O.CON.KPAH.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Perry MO-Bollinger-Cape Girardeau-Wayne MO-Carter-Ripley- Including the cities of Perryville, Marble Hill, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Piedmont, Van Buren, and Doniphan 222 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Light freezing rain or freezing drizzle. A light glaze of ice is likely. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Missouri, generally along and west of a line from Doniphan to Jackson and Perryville Missouri. * WHEN...Through 6 AM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas of light freezing rain or freezing drizzle will freeze on contact with any untreated road surfaces. Bridges and overpasses are typically the first surfaces to freeze. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$  292 WHUS72 KTAE 170822 MWWTAE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 322 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... GMZ730-750-752-755-765-171600- /O.CON.KTAE.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Okaloosa Walton County Line FL out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL out 20 NM- Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach FL out 20 NM- 322 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 /222 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...1 NM or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  477 WAEG31 HECA 170815 HECC AIRMET 06 VALID 170900/171200 HECC- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 32 43 N AND 33 47 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  992 WSBZ01 SBBR 170800 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0147 W03900 - S0121 W03721 - S0204 W03708 - S0233 W03837 - S0147 W03900 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  993 WSBZ01 SBBR 170800 SBRE SIGMET 8 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1602 W04324 - S1429 W04255 - S1335 W04038 - S2110 W03922 - S2045 W03948 - S2057 W04015 - S2006 W04120 - S1749 W04203 - S1700 W04143 - S1602 W04324 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  994 WSBZ01 SBBR 170800 SBRE SIGMET 7 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0917 W04139 - S0946 W03914 - S1308 W04003 - S1251 W04118 - S0917 W04139 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  995 WSBZ01 SBBR 170800 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 170520/170920 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2540 W05445 - S2415 W05429 - S2303 W05218 - S2258 W04739 - S2322 W04702 - S2316 W04612 - S2033 W04413 - S2013 W04336 - S2029 W04227 - S2023 W04120 - S2051 W04043 - S2044 W03958 - S2216 W03824 - S2634 W04338 - S2750 W04851 - S2619 W05353 - S2533 W05401 - S2540 W05445 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  941 WWJP25 RJTD 170600 WARNING AND SUMMARY 170600. WARNING VALID 180600. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 976 HPA AT 46N 172E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING NORTHEAST 35 KNOTS. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 46N 172E TO 46N 174E 44N 175E. WARM FRONT FROM 44N 175E TO 42N 178E 40N 180E. COLD FRONT FROM 44N 175E TO 39N 172E 36N 166E 30N 157E 25N 147E. WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 1200 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE. FORECAST POSITION FOR 171800UTC AT 51N 178E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 85 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 180600UTC AT 56N 173W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 130 MILES RADIUS. ANOTHER LOW 1000 HPA AT 40N 163E MOVING EAST 25 KNOTS. GALE WARNING. SOUTHERLY TO SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS PREVAILING OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 51N 168E 60N 171E 60N 180E 50N 180E 51N 168E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 30N 157E 40N 170E 47N 170E 52N 180E 35N 180E 30N 165E 30N 157E. SUMMARY. LOW 990 HPA AT 56N 153E ALMOST STATIONARY. LOW 990 HPA AT 55N 165E NE SLOWLY. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1004 HPA NEAR 04N 167E WEST SLOWLY. HIGH 1030 HPA AT 35N 117E EAST 15 KT. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  327 WSPK31 OPLA 170820 OPLR SIGMET 002 VALID 170900/171300 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  676 WONT50 LFPW 170824 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 76, SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019 AT 0820 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, SUNDAY 17 AT 00 UTC. LOW 972 59N24W, MOVING NORTHEAST AND EXPECTED 983 BETWEEN ICELAND AND SCOTLAND BY 18/12 UTC. ASSOCIATED TROUGH EXTENDING FROM IRELAND TO WEST OF PORTUGAL, MOVING NORTHEAST AND EXPECTED FROM SCANDINAVIA TO THE BAY OF BISCAY AT END. LOW 995 OVER NEWFOUNDLAND, SLOWLY MOVING NORTHEAST AND DEEPENING, EXPECTED 968 BETWEEN GREENLAND AND NEWFOUNDLAND BY 18/12 UTC. ASSOCIATED TROUGH EXTENDING SOUTHWARDS AND MOVING EAST, REACHING FARADAY AND ALTAIR LATER. FARADAY. CONTINUING TO 17/12 UTC. NORTHWEST 8 IN EAST. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH OR VERY HIGH. AGAIN FROM 17/18 UTC TO 18/12 UTC AT LEAST. SOUTH OR SOUTHWEST 8. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH. ROMEO. CONTINUING TO 17/12 UTC. WEST OR NORTHWEST 8 IN WEST. GUSTS. HIGH, LOCALLY VERY HIGH IN FAR WEST. ALTAIR. CONTINUING TO 17/09 UTC. NORTHWEST 8 IN NORTHEAST. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH OR VERY HIGH. AGAIN FROM 17/18 UTC TO 18/12 UTC AT LEAST. SOUTH OR SOUTHWEST 8. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH. ACORES. FROM 18/09 UTC TO 18/15 UTC AT LEAST. SOUTHWEST 8 IN NORTHWEST. GUSTS. BT *  198 WSPK31 OPLA 170820 OPLR SIGMET 02 VALID 170900/171300 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  749 WHUS72 KMHX 170827 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 327 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINDS AND SEAS DECREASING... .Winds and seas will continue to decrease through the early morning hours as high pressure continues extending into the region from the northeast. AMZ135-156-158-170930- /O.CAN.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Pamlico Sound-S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 327 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Seas have subsided below 6 feet so the advisory was cancelled. $$ AMZ152-154-171100- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 327 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WINDS...North around 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ150-170930- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ S of Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC out 20 nm- 327 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WINDS...North around 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  230 WWUS43 KARX 170828 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 228 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow Moving into the Area... .Snow has spread northeast into northeast Iowa and Grant County in southwest Wisconsin. Up to 1 inch of snow was reported by law enforcement in Charles City and Elkader. Roads are snow covered and slippery across much of northeast Iowa and in Grant County in southwest Wisconsin. This snow was reducing the visibility to under a mile at Oelwein Iowa. Look for the snow to continue through much of today before beginning to diminish in intensity late this afternoon and evening. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected with the highest totals over northeast Iowa. Expect snow covered and slippery roads through this evening. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ053>055-061- 171630- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 228 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Boyne  007 WHUS42 KCHS 170829 CFWCHS Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Charleston SC 329 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 SCZ048>050-171300- /O.NEW.KCHS.CF.Y.0003.190217T0900Z-190217T1300Z/ Beaufort-Coastal Colleton-Charleston- 329 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a Coastal Flood Advisory, which is in effect until 8 AM EST this morning. * LOCATIONS...Beaufort, Coastal Colleton and Charleston. * COASTAL FLOOD IMPACTS...Up to one half foot of saltwater inundation above ground level is possible in low-lying areas near shorelines and tidal waterways (6.8 to 7.2 feet Mean Lower Low Water). This could result in some roads becoming impassable. * TIMING...High tide will occur around 5:45 AM today at Charleston. Saltwater inundation will be possible 1 to 2 hours before and after high tide. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may be closed. Do not drive around barricades or through water of unknown depth. Take the necessary actions to protect flood-prone property. && Time of high total tides are approximate to the nearest hour. Charleston Harbor SC MLLW Categories - Minor 7.0 ft, Moderate 7.5 ft, Major 8.0 ft MHHW Categories - Minor 1.2 ft, Moderate 1.7 ft, Major 2.2 ft Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Waves Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- ------- -------- 17/06 AM 7.0 1.2 0.7 NA Minor 17/06 PM 6.0 0.2 0.8 NA None 18/07 AM 6.9 1.1 0.5 NA None 18/07 PM 5.8 0.0 0.2 NA None && $$  252 WWUS41 KILN 170829 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 329 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ026-034-035-042>044-171700- /O.NEW.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1500Z-190218T0000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, and Bellefontaine 329 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of an inch or less. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of West Central Ohio. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ050-058-059-OHZ045-046-051>053-060>062-171700- /O.NEW.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1500Z-190218T0000Z/ Wayne-Fayette IN-Union IN-Union OH-Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark- Preble-Montgomery-Greene- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, Eaton, Camden, Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia 329 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Little snow accumulation expected. Ice accumulations less than a tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of East Central Indiana and Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ054>056-063-171700- /O.NEW.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1500Z-190217T2100Z/ Madison-Franklin OH-Licking-Fayette OH- Including the cities of London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, Newark, and Washington Court House 329 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Freezing rain may mix with a little snow or sleet early on. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths. * WHERE...Madison, Franklin OH, Licking and Fayette OH Counties. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  117 WSCH31 SCIP 170829 SCIZ SIGMET 03 VALID 170900/171300 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2330 W11430 - S2770 W11040 - S2700 W10760 - S2430 W10810 - S2330 W11430 TOP FL400 MOV SE NC=  644 WWUS41 KALY 170830 WSWALY URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albany NY 330 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 CTZ001-013-MAZ001-025-NYZ038>040-047>054-058>061-063>066-082- 172200- /O.NEW.KALY.WW.Y.0016.190218T0200Z-190218T1800Z/ Northern Litchfield-Southern Litchfield-Northern Berkshire- Southern Berkshire-Southern Herkimer-Southern Fulton-Montgomery- Schoharie-Western Schenectady-Eastern Schenectady- Southern Saratoga-Western Albany-Eastern Albany- Western Rensselaer-Eastern Rensselaer-Western Greene- Eastern Greene-Western Columbia-Eastern Columbia-Western Ulster- Eastern Ulster-Western Dutchess-Eastern Dutchess-Northern Fulton- Including the cities of Torrington, Oakville, Gaylordsville, New Milford, Terryville, Thomaston, Dalton, Hancock, Pittsfield, Florida, North Adams, Sandisfield, Great Barrington, South Egremont, Ilion, Herkimer, Little Falls, Mohawk, Frankfort, Dolgeville, Gloversville, Johnstown, Amsterdam, Cobleskill, Breakabeen, Gilboa, Livingstonville, Middleburgh, North Blenheim, Jefferson, Mariaville, Delanson, Duanesburg, Schenectady, Rotterdam, Burnt Hills, Ballston Spa, Mechanicville, Clifton Park, Waterford, Westerlo, Altamont, Berne, Knox, Preston Hollow, Albany, Troy, Berlin, Eagle Bridge, Hoosick Falls, Stephentown, Hunter, Tannersville, Windham, Prattsville, Catskill, Coxsackie, Athens, Cairo, Jefferson Heights, Hudson, New Lebanon, Ellenville, Woodstock, West Hurley, West Shokan, Kerhonkson, Napanoch, Sundown, Kingston, New Paltz, Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Arlington, Pawling, Wingdale, Dover Plains, Millbrook, Stanfordville, Pine Plains, Amenia, and Caroga Lake 330 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches expected. * WHERE...Mohawk and Schoharie Valleys, Greater Capital Region including the Helderbergs, eastern Catskills, mid Hudson Valley, Taconics, Berkshires and northwestern Connecticut. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and low visibility. Travel will be particularly hazardous late tonight into Monday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  499 WSID20 WIII 170835 WIIZ SIGMET 04 VALID 170835/171100 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0028 E11302 - S0252 E11029 - S0234 E10947 - S0020 E11058 - N0044 E11242 - N0028 E11302 TOP FL520 MOV SE 5KT INTSF=  327 WAUS42 KKCI 170845 WA2Z MIAZ WA 170845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET ICE...NC SC GA OH WV VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S AIR TO 30SE EKN TO 30ENE PSK TO 40SSW LYH TO 40WSW ORF TO 60NNE ILM TO 50ENE CHS TO 50WSW PZD TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO 50WNW HNN TO 40S AIR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...ICE NC SC GA MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70S ACK-160SSE ACK-140SE SIE-90SE ECG-50SE ILM-40W SAV-MCN-20W SPA-20ESE VXV-HMV-30N HNN-20SSE CYN-70S ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 020-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...ICE NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 20ESE VXV-20WNW SPA-40SSE ODF-30ESE ATL-30SW ATL-GQO-20ESE VXV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 010-110 BOUNDED BY 220S YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 110E ORF-30S RDU-20ESE CLT-20WNW CSN-30SSW SIE-220S YSJ MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 40SE EWC-30SSW SIE-20WNW CSN- 20ESE CLT-40S GQO-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-40S FWA-40SE EWC 080 ALG 40WSW HMV-SPA-20SSE CLT-180E ECG 120 ALG 20NE LGC-30NNE CHS-160SE ECG 160 ALG 130SSE SJI-90ENE OMN-160E OMN-230ENE TRV ....  328 WAUS43 KKCI 170845 WA3Z CHIZ WA 170845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET ICE...MO IN KY AR TN MS AL FROM 50WNW HNN TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW PZD TO 40WNW MHZ TO 40ENE LIT TO 30NNW DYR TO 50WNW BNA TO 30NNW BWG TO 40NW LOZ TO 50WNW HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI FROM 50NNW ISN TO 50NE MOT TO 70ENE BIS TO 50SW DLH TO 50N RHI TO OSW TO 60SE GCK TO 30ENE HLC TO 30WSW LBF TO 60WNW RAP TO 50NNW ISN MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 50N RHI TO 60NNE ASP TO 40NNE ECK TO 40S ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO 50WNW HNN TO 40NW LOZ TO 30NNW BWG TO 50WNW BNA TO 30NNW DYR TO FAM TO 20NW RZC TO OSW TO 50N RHI MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE MO IL IN KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL BOUNDED BY 30E CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-30SW ATL-20S VUZ-20NNW AEX-20SW LFK-50SE ACT-30SE TTT-ARG-40WNW IIU-30E CVG MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 40S FWA-CVG-HNN-50WSW BKW-70SW PXV-40S TTT-30SW ABI-60SSW CDS-60WSW LBB-30SW TXO-30E TXO- 40N AMA-50SE MMB-50E UIN-40S FWA SFC ALG RZC-30NE RZC-30ENE FAM-30ENE PXV-40S HNN 040 ALG 40WNW ARG-30SW PXV-70SSW HNN-50WSW BKW ....  329 WAUS46 KKCI 170845 WA6Z SFOZ WA 170845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET ICE...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 120W TOU TO 30NE HQM TO 30N FOT TO 30NNE SAC TO 40ESE EHF TO 50SSW LAX TO 120SSW RZS TO 140SSW SNS TO 140WSW FOT TO 110WNW ONP TO 120W TOU MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL 020-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...OR ID NV UT FROM 40WSW PIH TO 40N BVL TO 40NW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 30SE LKV TO 80S BOI TO 40WSW PIH MOD ICE BTN 100 AND 170. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...WA OR CA ID MT NV AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20WNW HUH TO 50SW YQL TO 50N LKT TO 30SSE DNJ TO 40WSW PIH TO 80S BOI TO 30SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 50SW OAL TO 40ESE EHF TO 40N SAC TO 30N FOT TO 50W SEA TO 20NNW TOU TO 20WNW HUH MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-030. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-090 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 050-090 BOUNDED BY 60W MZB-130SW MZB-220SW MZB- 170SW RZS-60W MZB SFC ALG 40NW TOU-60SE TOU-30NW BTG-60SSW OED-20NE EHF-40WNW HEC-50S LAS 040 ALG 140WSW SNS-70S SNS-20WNW LAX-50W TRM-20S EED ....  330 WAUS41 KKCI 170845 WA1Z BOSZ WA 170845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET ICE...OH WV VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S AIR TO 30SE EKN TO 30ENE PSK TO 40SSW LYH TO 40WSW ORF TO 60NNE ILM TO 50ENE CHS TO 50WSW PZD TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO 50WNW HNN TO 40S AIR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...NY PA OH LE WV MD VA FROM 20NE DXO TO 20NW CLE TO 20W JHW TO EMI TO 40SSW LYH TO 30ENE PSK TO 30SE EKN TO 40S AIR TO 60E CVG TO CVG TO FWA TO 20NE DXO MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...ICE MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70S ACK-160SSE ACK-140SE SIE-90SE ECG-50SE ILM-40W SAV-MCN-20W SPA-20ESE VXV-HMV-30N HNN-20SSE CYN-70S ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 020-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...ICE NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SE YOW-20SSE CYN-40NW HNN-40SSE ROD-20NNW CVG-FWA-DXO-20W CLE-20WSW BUF-30E YYZ-50NW SYR-30SE YOW MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 3...ICE NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 20ESE VXV-20WNW SPA-40SSE ODF-30ESE ATL-30SW ATL-GQO-20ESE VXV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 010-110 BOUNDED BY 220S YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 110E ORF-30S RDU-20ESE CLT-20WNW CSN-30SSW SIE-220S YSJ MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 40SE EWC-30SSW SIE-20WNW CSN- 20ESE CLT-40S GQO-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-40S FWA-40SE EWC SFC ALG 40S HNN-20WNW RIC-40ESE HTO-140ENE ACK 040 ALG 50WSW BKW-40SSE PSK-ORF-190SE ACK ....  331 WAUS44 KKCI 170845 WA4Z DFWZ WA 170845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET ICE...OK AR FROM 60SE GCK TO OSW TO 20NW RZC TO 30NW ADM TO MMB TO 60SE GCK MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS ENDG BY 12Z. . AIRMET ICE...AR TN MS AL MO IN KY FROM 50WNW HNN TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW PZD TO 40WNW MHZ TO 40ENE LIT TO 30NNW DYR TO 50WNW BNA TO 30NNW BWG TO 40NW LOZ TO 50WNW HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET ICE...OK TX AR LA MS FROM 50ESE LIT TO 40WNW MHZ TO 20SW AEX TO 20WSW IAH TO 30ENE CWK TO 30NNE ACT TO 40N TXK TO 50ESE LIT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE OK TX AR TN LA MS AL MO IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 30E CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-30SW ATL-20S VUZ-20NNW AEX-20SW LFK-50SE ACT-30SE TTT-ARG-40WNW IIU-30E CVG MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-170 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 40S FWA-CVG-HNN-50WSW BKW-70SW PXV-40S TTT-30SW ABI-60SSW CDS-60WSW LBB-30SW TXO-30E TXO- 40N AMA-50SE MMB-50E UIN-40S FWA SFC ALG 30SSW TXO-20WSW SPS-RZC 040 ALG TXO-40ENE ABI-20W TTT-60NNW LIT-40WNW ARG 080 ALG 70WNW MRF-20E INK-50E MAF-50W ACT-20W DYR-40WSW HMV 120 ALG 60SSW MRF-40W JCT-50WNW CWK-40ESE EIC-40SW SQS-40S IGB-20NE LGC 160 ALG 30SSW LRD-120SSE PSX-130ENE BRO 160 ALG 60SSE LEV-130SSE SJI ....  332 WAUS45 KKCI 170845 WA5Z SLCZ WA 170845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET ICE...MT WY FROM 40N HVR TO 50NNW ISN TO 60WNW RAP TO 30SW BIL TO 40N HVR MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 20SSE DTA TO 70SSE HVE TO 20ENE TBC TO 60NE INW TO 20SE RSK TO ABQ TO 40S SJN TO 30WNW PGS TO 20NNE LAS TO 50WSW DTA TO 20SSE DTA MOD ICE BLW 170. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID NV UT OR FROM 40WSW PIH TO 40N BVL TO 40NW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 30SE LKV TO 80S BOI TO 40WSW PIH MOD ICE BTN 100 AND 170. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20WNW HUH TO 50SW YQL TO 50N LKT TO 30SSE DNJ TO 40WSW PIH TO 80S BOI TO 30SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 50SW OAL TO 40ESE EHF TO 40N SAC TO 30N FOT TO 50W SEA TO 20NNW TOU TO 20WNW HUH MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-030. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-075 ACRS AREA SFC ALG 50S LAS-40NE PHX-50E PHX-50SE TUS-60SSW SSO SFC ALG ELP-30SSW TXO ....  053 WWUS43 KFSD 170839 WSWFSD URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 239 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 SDZ038-050-052-053-057>059-063-064-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Beadle-Gregory-Jerauld-Sanborn-Brule-Aurora-Davison-Charles Mix- Douglas- 239 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central and southeast South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ098-NEZ013-014-SDZ039-040- 054>056-060>062-065>071-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lyon IA-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay IA-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Kingsbury-Brookings- Miner-Lake-Moody-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Hutchinson-Turner- Lincoln SD-Bon Homme-Yankton-Clay SD-Union- 239 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast South Dakota, northeast Nebraska, northwest and west central Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lincoln MN-Lyon MN-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- 239 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  851 WAUS45 KKCI 170845 WA5S SLCS WA 170845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50N GGW TO 50NNW ISN TO 70NW RAP TO 40W MLS TO 50N GGW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG BY 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY NV UT WA OR FROM 40S YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60WSW OCS TO SLC TO 20WSW TWF TO 20WNW BOI TO 40WNW DSD TO 30SW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 40S YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV UT AZ NM FROM 80WSW TWF TO 40S TWF TO 30NE ILC TO 30ENE BCE TO 30SE TBC TO 50W ABQ TO 30SSE SJN TO 30N PHX TO 20NNE EED TO 70S ILC TO 60WSW ILC TO OAL TO 60SE FMG TO 80WSW TWF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV WA OR CA FROM 20ENE HUH TO 60SW YXC TO 50SW BOI TO 40SE LKV TO 40S FMG TO 30SSW OAL TO 30ENE EHF TO 30S CZQ TO 40WSW RZS TO 20SW PYE TO FOT TO 40S HQM TO 20S TOU TO 20ENE HUH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT FROM 30S YQL TO GTF TO 20NE HVR TO 20SE SHR TO 40SE DDY TO 40WSW BOY TO SLC TO 40SW BOI TO 60SW YXC TO 30S YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  852 WAUS42 KKCI 170845 WA2S MIAS WA 170845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM HMV TO 40S PSK TO 50SW ILM TO 20ENE CHS TO 20ENE CRG TO 20N OMN TO 50SE CTY TO 70WSW CTY TO 130ESE LEV TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO HMV CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NC SC GA WV VA FROM HNN TO 20WSW CSN TO 20ESE CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...IFR NC SC GA FL VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20S ORF-70SSE ECG-70E CRG-20SSW CTY-130ESE LEV-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-20S ORF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 40SSW JHW-20ESE PSB-50E EKN-20WSW CSN-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV- HNN-40SSW JHW MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  853 WAUS44 KKCI 170845 WA4S DFWS WA 170845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ENE LBL TO OSW TO RZC TO HMV TO GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 130ESE LEV TO 90SE PSX TO 80E BRO TO 80W BRO TO 20WSW LRD TO 20WNW DLF TO 60WSW ACT TO 30ENE LBL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...TN KY FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  854 WAUS41 KKCI 170845 WA1S BOSS WA 170845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WV VA NC SC GA FROM HNN TO 20WSW CSN TO 20ESE CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA FROM SYR TO HNK TO 40W SAX TO PSB TO 30NNE EWC TO 30SSW BUF TO SYR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT NY FROM 50NW PQI TO MLT TO 30NW ENE TO 40WSW MPV TO 60WSW YSC TO YSC TO 50NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...IFR VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20S ORF-70SSE ECG-70E CRG-20SSW CTY-130ESE LEV-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-20S ORF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...IFR OH WV VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY FWA-30E HNN-20NE ECG-HMV-HNN-CVG-FWA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN PA WV MD VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 40SSW JHW-20ESE PSB-50E EKN-20WSW CSN-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV- HNN-40SSW JHW MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  855 WAUS43 KKCI 170845 WA3S CHIS WA 170845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY FROM 50NNW MOT TO 50SSW FAR TO GRR TO 50SE TTH TO 40SSW HNN TO 40S PSK TO RZC TO OSW TO 40SSE GCK TO 80SSE RAP TO 70NW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 50NNW MOT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...KY TN FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 50NW MOT-30ENE ABR-MKG-40SSE ECK-FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-20SW RZC-40E MCI-40NNW ANW-70NNW RAP-40NNW ISN-50NW MOT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  856 WAUS46 KKCI 170845 WA6S SFOS WA 170845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR ID MT WY NV UT FROM 40S YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60WSW OCS TO SLC TO 20WSW TWF TO 20WNW BOI TO 40WNW DSD TO 30SW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 40S YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA ID NV FROM 20ENE HUH TO 60SW YXC TO 50SW BOI TO 40SE LKV TO 40S FMG TO 30SSW OAL TO 30ENE EHF TO 30S CZQ TO 40WSW RZS TO 20SW PYE TO FOT TO 40S HQM TO 20S TOU TO 20ENE HUH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...MTN OBSCN CA BOUNDED BY 70S SNS-20SSE EHF-50SW HEC-60WSW BZA-20S MZB-30WNW LAX-40WSW RZS-70S SNS MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  819 WWCN02 CYTR 170840 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:40 AM MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 30 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 17/1700Z (UNTIL 17/1000 MST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 30 HAVE DEVELOPED AT CFB EDMONTON. THESE COLD WIND CHILL VALUES CAN BE EXPECTED UNTIL LATER THIS MORNING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 17/1700Z (17/1000 MST) END/JMC  938 WWUS41 KBGM 170840 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 340 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NYZ015>018-022>025-036-044-045-055-056-PAZ038>040-180845- /O.NEW.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190217T2300Z-190218T1900Z/ Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Steuben-Schuyler-Chemung- Tompkins-Madison-Cortland-Chenango-Tioga-Broome-Bradford- Susquehanna-Northern Wayne- Including the cities of Penn Yan, Seneca Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Corning, Hornell, Watkins Glen, Elmira, Ithaca, Hamilton, Oneida, Cortland, Norwich, Owego, Waverly, Binghamton, Sayre, Towanda, Hallstead, Montrose, Damascus, and Equinunk 340 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Bradford, Susquehanna and Northern Wayne counties. In New York, Yates, Seneca, Southern Cayuga, Onondaga, Steuben, Schuyler, Chemung, Tompkins, Madison, Cortland, Chenango, Tioga and Broome counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 2 PM EST Monday.Steady snow develops this evening and continues into the overnight hours. Patchy freezing drizzle could mix with the snow for a time late tonight and early Monday morning, especially along and south of the Interstate 86 corridor. Periods of mainly light snow or snow showers continue into early Monday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NYZ037-046-057-062-180845- /O.NEW.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190218T0200Z-190218T1900Z/ Southern Oneida-Otsego-Delaware-Sullivan- Including the cities of Rome, Utica, Oneonta, Delhi, Walton, and Monticello 340 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. Localized amounts around 6 inches possible in eastern Delaware, Otsego and Sullivan counties. * WHERE...Southern Oneida, Otsego, Delaware and Sullivan counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 2 PM EST Monday. The steadiest snow will fall during the late evening and overnight hours. The snow could be locally heavy at times. Snow rates near 1 inch per hour are possible late this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PAZ043-044-047-048-072-180845- /O.NEW.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190217T2300Z-190218T1500Z/ Wyoming-Lackawanna-Luzerne-Pike-Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Tunkhannock, Scranton, Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre, Milford, and Honesdale 340 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike and Southern Wayne counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. The steadiest snow will fall this evening, then change to a mixture of light snow, sleet and freezing rain overnight. This light wintry mix continues into Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will likely impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  889 WSRS31 RURD 170841 URRV SIGMET 3 VALID 170900/171200 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4400 E04629 - N4400 E04727 - N4145 E04829 - N4126 E04751 - N4336 E04605 - N4400 E04629 FL020/150 STNR NC=  588 WSCI36 ZUUU 170840 ZPKM SIGMET 4 VALID 170850/171050 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2355 E10211-N2409 E10324-N2429 E10420-N2336 E10412-N2309 E10310-N2300 E10123-N2355 E10211 TOP FL350 MOV NE 50KMH NC=  682 WHUS71 KCAR 170843 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 343 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ050-051-170945- /O.CAN.KCAR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 343 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Caribou has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. $$  853 WWUS41 KBUF 170843 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 343 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NYZ019>021-171700- /O.NEW.KBUF.WW.Y.0020.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Chautauqua-Cattaraugus-Allegany- Including the cities of Jamestown, Olean, and Wellsville 343 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and some freezing drizzle are expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The western Southern Tier. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow and freezing drizzle will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ001-002-010>012-085-171700- /O.NEW.KBUF.WW.Y.0020.190217T2300Z-190218T1800Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Northern Erie-Genesee-Wyoming-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Buffalo, Batavia, Warsaw, Orchard Park, and Springville 343 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Some freezing drizzle is also possible later tonight into early Monday morning. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The Niagara Frontier. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow and possible freezing drizzle will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ003>005-013-014-171700- /O.NEW.KBUF.WW.Y.0020.190217T2300Z-190218T2100Z/ Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Livingston-Ontario- Including the cities of Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Geneseo, and Canandaigua 343 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Some freezing drizzle is also possible later tonight into early Monday morning. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The Genesee Valley and northern Finger Lakes. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow and possible freezing drizzle will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ JJR  929 WAUS43 KKCI 170845 WA3T CHIT WA 170845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM 40SE ODI TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 30WSW ATL TO 50SW ACT TO 70SSW MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 30ESE AKO TO 40SE ODI MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE FROM 60WSW DIK TO 20WSW DPR TO 20WNW ANW TO 40ESE LBF TO 30ESE AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 60WSW DIK MOD TURB BTN 170 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...MO KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL BOUNDED BY 30NW LOZ-40N HMV-HMV-GQO-40WNW ATL-60WNW MGM-20W MEI- 30NE AEX-20W LFK-40ENE TTT-50W LIT-30SSW ARG-40SSE PXV-30NW LOZ LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY OK TX AR TN MS BOUNDED BY 20ESE SSM-YVV-30SE ECK-FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-40E VXV-30NNE TXK-20S MAF-60W MRF-ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30SE SNY-70S RWF-20ESE SSM MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  930 WAUS46 KKCI 170845 WA6T SFOT WA 170845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SW BTY TO 60SW DRK TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 20E RZS TO 20NNE EHF TO 50SW BTY MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NNW TOU TO 60NW FMG TO 30SSE OAL TO 40SW MOD TO 70WSW PYE TO 90WSW FOT TO 160WNW FOT TO 160NW FOT TO 120WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO 40NNW TOU MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20E AKO TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW ENI TO 40SW MOD TO 70SW ILC TO 20E AKO MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...CA CSTL WTRS FROM 140WSW FOT TO 80SW FOT TO 40W PYE TO 70SSW PYE TO 140WSW SNS TO 140WSW FOT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB WA OR CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50NNW TOU-40ESE OED-EED-20ESE BZA-20S MZB-60WSW RZS- 80SSW PYE-120W FOT-140W TOU-50NNW TOU MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  931 WAUS45 KKCI 170845 WA5T SLCT WA 170845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET TURB...MT WY CO FROM 70SE GGW TO 60WSW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 30ESE AKO TO 30ESE CYS TO 30SSE DDY TO 40E LWT TO 70SE GGW MOD TURB BTN 170 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20E AKO TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW ENI TO 40SW MOD TO 70SW ILC TO 20E AKO MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB NV AZ WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50NNW TOU-40ESE OED-EED-20ESE BZA-20S MZB-60WSW RZS- 80SSW PYE-120W FOT-140W TOU-50NNW TOU MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  731 WAUS41 KKCI 170845 WA1T BOST WA 170845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET TURB...NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60ENE SYR TO 20S CON TO 160E ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 170ESE ILM TO 20ESE CAE TO 30WSW ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 60ENE SYR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70NE YYZ-50ENE ENE-100SSW YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 20NE ECG-40E VXV-HMV-HNN-CVG-FWA-30SE ECK-70NE YYZ MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  732 WAUS42 KKCI 170845 WA2T MIAT WA 170845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET TURB...NC SC GA NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60ENE SYR TO 20S CON TO 160E ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 170ESE ILM TO 20ESE CAE TO 30WSW ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 60ENE SYR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...NC GA BOUNDED BY 40N HMV-30WSW PSK-50SE HMV-40WNW ATL-GQO-HMV-40N HMV LLWS EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  733 WAUS44 KKCI 170845 WA4T DFWT WA 170845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX FROM 40WNW TUL TO 20SSE TUL TO 30NNW LFK TO 40NNW PSX TO 30NNW CRP TO 60N LRD TO 20SE DLF TO 60SE FST TO 40WSW MMB TO 40WNW TUL MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY FROM 40SE ODI TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 30WSW ATL TO 50SW ACT TO 70SSW MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 30ESE AKO TO 40SE ODI MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL MO KY BOUNDED BY 30NW LOZ-40N HMV-HMV-GQO-40WNW ATL-60WNW MGM-20W MEI- 30NE AEX-20W LFK-40ENE TTT-50W LIT-30SSW ARG-40SSE PXV-30NW LOZ LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB OK TX AR TN MS SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 20ESE SSM-YVV-30SE ECK-FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-40E VXV-30NNE TXK-20S MAF-60W MRF-ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30SE SNY-70S RWF-20ESE SSM MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  831 WSRS31 RUSP 170843 ULLL SIGMET 4 VALID 170900/171300 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL140/370 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  060 WSSP31 LEMM 170845 LECM SIGMET 3 VALID 170900/171200 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0845Z WI N4344 W00607 - N4249 W00607 - N4245 W00322 - N4341 W00322 - N4344 W00607 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  296 WHUS71 KAKQ 170846 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 346 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ658-171000- /O.EXP.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 346 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 4 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... The Small Craft Advisory will expire at 4 AM EST early this morning. $$  202 WSRS31 RUSP 170846 ULLL SIGMET 5 VALID 170900/171200 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N58 SFC/FL100 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  354 WWUS41 KPHI 170846 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 346 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NJZ001-PAZ054-055-172100- /O.NEW.KPHI.WW.Y.0010.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Sussex-Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Newton, Jim Thorpe, and Stroudsburg 346 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...In New Jersey, Sussex county. In Pennsylvania, Carbon and Monroe counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NJZ007>010-PAZ060>062-105-172100- /O.NEW.KPHI.WW.Y.0010.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Somerset-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton- Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Washington, Morristown, Flemington, Somerville, Reading, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Chalfont, and Perkasie 346 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Along and north of the Interstate 78 corridor, Berks County, and Upper Bucks County. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit www.weather.gov/phi/winter  438 WWUS41 KBOX 170848 WSWBOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 348 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 CTZ002>004-MAZ009-011-012-171700- /O.NEW.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190218T1800Z/ Hartford CT-Tolland CT-Windham CT-Western Hampden MA- Eastern Hampden MA-Southern Worcester MA- Including the cities of Hartford, Windsor Locks, Union, Vernon, Putnam, Willimantic, Blandford, Springfield, Milford, and Worcester 348 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern Connecticut and the Mass Pike corridor of western and central Massachusetts. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the snow will fall late tonight through Monday morning, then lighter snow should linger into the afternoon. Plan on slippery road conditions, especially for the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ007-013>016-171700- /O.NEW.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0500Z-190218T1800Z/ Eastern Essex MA-Western Norfolk MA-Southeast Middlesex MA- Suffolk MA-Eastern Norfolk MA- Including the cities of Gloucester, Foxborough, Norwood, Cambridge, Boston, and Quincy 348 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...Greater Boston and the North Shore. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the snow will fall late tonight through Monday morning, then lighter snow should linger into the afternoon. Plan on slippery road conditions, especially for the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ017>022-RIZ001>007-171700- /O.NEW.KBOX.WS.A.0004.190218T0500Z-190218T1800Z/ Northern Bristol MA-Western Plymouth MA-Eastern Plymouth MA- Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Barnstable MA- Northwest Providence RI-Southeast Providence RI-Western Kent RI- Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI-Newport RI- Including the cities of Taunton, Brockton, Plymouth, Fall River, New Bedford, Mattapoisett, Chatham, Falmouth, Provincetown, Foster, Smithfield, Providence, Coventry, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, Bristol, Narragansett, Westerly, and Newport 348 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Rhode Island and southeast Massachusetts. * WHEN...From late tonight through Monday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the snow will fall late tonight through Monday morning, then lighter snow should linger into the afternoon. Travel may be difficult during the morning commute. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$  674 WHUS71 KBOX 170849 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 349 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ254>256-171700- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0025.190218T0800Z-190218T2300Z/ Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 349 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 6 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 3 AM to 6 PM EST Monday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  979 WWUS74 KEWX 170849 NPWEWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 249 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 TXZ173-191>194-207>209-221>225-171300- /O.NEW.KEWX.FG.Y.0015.190217T0849Z-190217T1300Z/ Williamson-Hays-Travis-Bastrop-Lee-Guadalupe-Caldwell-Fayette- Wilson-Karnes-Gonzales-De Witt-Lavaca- Including the cities of Georgetown, San Marcos, Austin, Bastrop, Giddings, Seguin, Lockhart, La Grange, Floresville, Karnes City, Gonzales, Cuero, and Halletsville 249 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Austin/San Antonio has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 7 AM CST this morning. * VISIBILITY...1/4 mile or less. * IMPACTS...Reduced visibilities will result in localized areas of poor driving conditions in the advisory area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to a quarter mile or less. If driving...slow down...use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  587 WWUS41 KCLE 170849 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 349 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A Wintry Mix of Precipitation Expected Today and Tonight Over Portions of Northern Ohio and Northwest Pennsylvania... .A weak low pressure system entering the Ohio Valley today will bring snow to the region today with an areal accumulation of one to three inches of snow expected. For portions of northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania, this snow will changeover to freezing rain as a combination of warm air aloft intrudes northward this afternoon with at-or-below freezing temperatures remaining at the surface. This will allow for up to a tenth of an inch of ice to accrete in the advisory areas, in addition to the snowfall. This wintry mix will prompt slick road conditions, especially on untreated or elevated surfaces. OHZ020>022-027>032-036>038-047-171700- /O.NEW.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T1700Z-190218T0000Z/ Medina-Summit-Portage-Wyandot-Crawford-Richland-Ashland-Wayne- Stark-Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox- Including the cities of Medina, Akron, Ravenna, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, Canton, Marion, Mount Gilead, Millersburg, and Mount Vernon 349 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...From noon today to 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ OHZ023-033-171700- /O.NEW.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T1700Z-190218T0500Z/ Trumbull-Mahoning- Including the cities of Warren and Youngstown 349 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Trumbull and Mahoning counties. * WHEN...From noon today to midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ OHZ014-PAZ002-003-171700- /O.NEW.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T2100Z-190218T0500Z/ Ashtabula Inland-Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Jefferson, Edinboro, and Meadville 349 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to three inches and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Southern Erie and Crawford counties. In Ohio, Ashtabula Inland county. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle Sefcovic  184 WWIN80 VOBL 170846 VOBL 170845 AD WRNG 1 VALID 170900/171300 SFC WSPD 20KT FROM 270 DEG FCST NC= VOBG 170845 AD WRNG 1 VALID 170900/171300 SFC WSPD 20KT FROM 270 DEG FCST NC=  068 WSUS33 KKCI 170855 SIGW MKCW WST 170855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171055-171455 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  069 WSUS32 KKCI 170855 SIGC MKCC WST 170855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5C VALID UNTIL 1055Z TN KY FROM 10E BWG-50SSE BNA-20NNW MSL-50W BNA-10E BWG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL260. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6C VALID UNTIL 1055Z TN AL MS AR FROM 30WSW ARG-50ESE DYR-10SW MSL-30NW LIT-30WSW ARG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 171055-171455 FROM 50SE FAM-BWG-MSL-SQS-LIT-50SE FAM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  070 WSUS31 KKCI 170855 SIGE MKCE WST 170855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171055-171455 FROM HNN-BKW-HMV-VXV-MSL-BWG-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  091 WWUS43 KJKL 170852 WSWJKL URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson KY 352 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ044-050>052-059-060-104-106>109-171500- /O.NEW.KJKL.WW.Y.0006.190217T0852Z-190217T1500Z/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Powell-Menifee-Elliott-Morgan- Johnson-Wolfe-Magoffin- Including the cities of Flemingsburg, Camargo, Jeffersonville, Mount Sterling, Owingsville, Morehead, Clay City, Stanton, Frenchburg, Sandy Hook, West Liberty, Paintsville, Campton, and Salyersville 352 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Kentucky. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses. The freezing rain threat will impact the Mountain Parkway and I-64. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ KAS  855 WSPF21 NTAA 170851 NTTT SIGMET A3 VALID 170900/171300 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1920 W13830 - S2150 W12230 - S3000 W12830 - S3000 W14410 FL130/220 STNR NC=  055 WHUS73 KMKX 170853 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 253 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BRISK EAST TO NORTHEAST WINDS AND HIGH WAVES IN THE NEARSHORE LATE TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING... LMZ643>646-171700- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 253 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS: East 15 to 20 knots through this afternoon, backing northeast tonight, and north Monday morning. A few gusts up to 25 knots. * WAVES: 3 to 6 feet in ice free areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ MRC www.weather.gov/mkx  316 WWUS41 KLWX 170854 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MDZ501-502-VAZ027-029-WVZ050-055-501>504-171700- /O.EXB.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1800Z-190218T0600Z/ Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Shenandoah- Page-Hampshire-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral- Eastern Mineral- 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Potomac Highlands and portions of the Northern Shenandoah Valley. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ003>006-503-505-507-VAZ028-030-031-505-WVZ051>053-171700- /O.EXB.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T2000Z-190218T0800Z/ Washington-Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore- Northwest Montgomery-Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford- Frederick VA-Warren-Clarke-Western Loudoun-Morgan-Berkeley- Jefferson- 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet and snow. Total sleet and snow accumulations of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Northern and central Maryland, the eastern West Virginia panhandle, Northern Shenandoah Valley, and Loudoun County Virginia. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM EST Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ036-171700- /O.EXA.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1600Z-190218T0200Z/ Nelson- 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Nelson County. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 9 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ025-026-503-504-507-508-WVZ505-506-171700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1600Z-190218T0200Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Western Highland-Eastern Highland- Northern Virginia Blue Ridge-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- Western Pendleton-Eastern Pendleton- 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...The Central Shenandoah Valley, northern and central Blue Ridge, Highland County Virginia, and Pendleton County West Virginia. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 9 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ HTS  181 WSPF22 NTAA 170851 NTTT SIGMET B3 VALID 170900/171300 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1210 W15700 - S2050 W13010 - S2940 W13900 - S1920 W14110 - S2010 W15700 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR INTSF=  405 WWUS81 KILN 170854 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ066-073>075-080-KYZ089>100-OHZ064-065-070>074-077>082-088- 171500- Franklin IN-Ripley-Dearborn-Ohio-Switzerland-Carroll-Gallatin- Boone-Kenton-Campbell-Owen-Grant-Pendleton-Bracken-Robertson- Mason-Lewis-Pickaway-Fairfield-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Ross-Hocking- Hamilton-Clermont-Brown-Highland-Adams-Pike-Scioto- Including the cities of Brookville, Batesville, Milan, Versailles, Lawrenceburg, Aurora, Rising Sun, Vevay, Carrollton, Warsaw, Florence, Burlington, Oakbrook, Covington, Erlanger, Independence, Newport, Alexandria, Owenton, Williamstown, Crittenden, Dry Ridge, Falmouth, Butler, Augusta, Brooksville, Mount Olivet, Maysville, Vanceburg, Tollesboro, Circleville, Lancaster, Pickerington, Hamilton, Middletown, Fairfield, Oxford, Mason, Lebanon, Springboro, Wilmington, Blanchester, Chillicothe, Logan, Cincinnati, Milford, Georgetown, Mount Orab, Hillsboro, Greenfield, West Union, Peebles, Waverly, Piketon, Portsmouth, and Wheelersburg 354 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A FEW SLICK SPOTS POSSIBLE THIS MORNING... Precipitation is forecast to develop and spread east across the region today. With temperatures near or below freezing this morning, a brief period of freezing rain may occur. This may result in a light glaze or a few hundredths of ice accumulation, mainly on elevated surfaces. Motorists should monitor the weather and road conditions if traveling this morning. Be prepared for a few slick spots, especially if surfaces are untreated. $$  427 WSPF23 NTAA 170851 NTTT SIGMET C2 VALID 170900/171300 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1210 W15700 - S1610 W14330 - S2010 W14420 - S1900 W15700 FL150/250 STNR NC=  948 WWUS43 KICT 170854 WSWICT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wichita KS 254 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ032-033-047>053-067>072-082-083-091>096-098>100-171000- /O.CAN.KICT.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Russell-Lincoln-Barton-Ellsworth-Saline-Rice-McPherson-Marion- Chase-Reno-Harvey-Butler-Greenwood-Woodson-Allen-Kingman-Sedgwick- Harper-Sumner-Cowley-Elk-Wilson-Neosho-Chautauqua-Montgomery- Labette- Including the cities of Russell, Lincoln, Sylvan Grove, Great Bend, Ellsworth, Wilson, Salina, Lyons, Sterling, McPherson, Hillsboro, Marion, Peabody, Cottonwood Falls, Strong City, Hutchinson, Newton, El Dorado, Augusta, Andover, Rose Hill, Eureka, Madison, Yates Center, Iola, Humboldt, Kingman, Derby, Haysville, Bel Aire, Park City, Valley Center, Wichita, Anthony, Harper, Attica, Wellington, Winfield, Arkansas City, Howard, Moline, Longton, Grenola, Neodesha, Fredonia, Chanute, Sedan, Cedar Vale, Coffeyville, Independence, and Parsons 254 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL BE ALLOWED TO EXPIRE AT 3AM... Some patchy freezing drizzle will still be possible for the next hour or two over the Flint Hills and southeast Kansas, but the impacts to travel will be minimal. Thus the winter weather advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ Ketcham  249 WBCN07 CWVR 170800 PAM ROCKS WIND 3309 LANGARA; N/A GREEN; N/A TRIPLE; N/A BONILLA; N/A BOAT BLUFF; N/A MCINNES; N/A IVORY; N/A DRYAD; N/A ADDENBROKE; N/A EGG ISLAND; N/A PINE ISLAND; N/A CAPE SCOTT; N/A QUATSINO; N/A NOOTKA; N/A ESTEVAN; N/A LENNARD; N/A AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; N/A PACHENA; N/A CARMANAH; N/A SCARLETT; N/A PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; N/A CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 140/04/02/2803/M/ 2018 13MM= WLP SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 174/02/-03/3414/M/ PK WND 3219 0721Z 3018 46MM= WEB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 148/00/00/3403/M/ 1017 2-3MM= WQC SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 155/-01/-01/3204/M/ SOG 08 1020 58MM= WRU SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 163/01/-04/3625+30/M/ PK WND 3530 0711Z 1014 30MM= WFG SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 180/01/-06/3422+30/M/ PK WND 3432 0715Z 1015 41MM= WVF SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/04/03/3119/M/M PK WND 3126 0708Z M 33MM= WQS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 256/00/-09/0308/M/ PK WND 0220 0713Z 2025 -48MM= WEK SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 248/-02/-09/MM10+22/M/ PK WND MM23 0717Z 1024 79MM= WWL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 233/-01/-09/0212+19/M/ PK WND 0221 0730Z 3027 52MM= WME SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/00/-09/0533+47/M/ PK WND 0547 0757Z M -38MM= WAS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 091/05/03/3309/M/ 1021 66MM= WSB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 135/04/03/3301/M/ 1021 26MM= WGT SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 150/03/00/3119/M/M PK WND 3021 0739Z 1019 5-4MM= WGB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 147/04/01/2817/M/ PK WND 2821 0753Z 1017 87MM= WEL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 148/04/01/3220/M/ PK WND 3324 0759Z 1020 96MM= WDR SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 134/04/02/3617/M/ PK WND 0020 0744Z 3014 34MM= WKA SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2909/M/M M MMMM=  256 WWUS84 KBRO 170855 SPSBRO Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Brownsville TX 255 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 TXZ248>251-351-171100- Zapata-Jim Hogg-Brooks-Inland Kenedy-Coastal Kenedy- Including the cities of Zapata, Hebbronville, Falfurrias, and Sarita 255 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Patchy areas of Dense Fog affecting the Northern Ranchlands... At 245 am, surface observations from across Zapata, Jim Hogg, Brooks and Kenedy Counties indicate that some areas of dense fog have formed over the past hour. These patchy areas of dense fog will likely persist through sunrise today reducing visibilities down into the one quarter to one half mile range. The increasing daytime heating and increasing northerly surface winds after sunrise will then help dissipate the dense fog. Early morning motorists near the towns of Hebbronville, Falfurrias and Sarita are urged to slow down and use low beam headlights, as visibilities can change rapidly over short distances. Drive with caution early this morning. $$ Speece  599 WWCN16 CWHX 170855 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:25 A.M. NST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: NORTHERN PENINSULA EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG WESTERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP THIS AFTERNOON, ESPECIALLY IN THE CANADA BAY AREA WHERE WINDS WILL GUST TO 80 KM/H OR MORE THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. THE WIND GUSTS WILL FURTHER INCREASE TO 110 KM/H OVERNIGHT AND WILL PERSIST THROUGH MONDAY. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  393 WWUS74 KCRP 170856 NPWCRP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 256 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...AREAS OF DENSE FOG ACROSS PORTIONS OF SOUTH TEXAS EARLY THIS MORNING... .Areas of dense fog continue to develop across portions of South Texas early this morning, thus have expanded the advisory further inland. The fog is expected to persist for the next several hours, but then lift as a cold front approaches the area around sunrise this morning. TXZ231>234-240>244-246-247-171200- /O.EXA.KCRP.FG.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Live Oak-Bee-Goliad-Victoria-Duval-Jim Wells-Inland Kleberg- Inland Nueces-Inland San Patricio-Inland Refugio-Inland Calhoun- Including the cities of George West, Three Rivers, Beeville, Goliad, Victoria, Freer, Benavides, San Diego, Alice, Orange Grove, Kingsville, Loyola Beach, Ricardo, Riviera, Robstown, Tuloso, Bishop, Sinton, Mathis, Taft, Odem, Refugio, McFaddin, Woodsboro, and Kamay 256 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Corpus Christi has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM CST early this morning. * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Extremely poor visibilities will result in hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use low-beam headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ TXZ245-342>347-442-443-447-171200- /O.CON.KCRP.FG.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Coastal Aransas-Coastal Kleberg-Coastal Nueces- Coastal San Patricio-Aransas Islands-Coastal Refugio- Coastal Calhoun-Kleberg Islands-Nueces Islands-Calhoun Islands- Including the cities of Rockport, Fulton, Corpus Christi, Flour Bluff, Portland, Ingleside, Bayside, Austwell, Magnolia Beach, and Port Lavaca 256 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Extremely poor visibilities will result in hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use low-beam headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ KW  464 WWJP71 RJTD 170600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 170600UTC ISSUED AT 170900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 171500UTC =  465 WWJP73 RJTD 170600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 170600UTC ISSUED AT 170900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 171500UTC =  466 WWJP72 RJTD 170600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 170600UTC ISSUED AT 170900UTC NO WARNING IN SEA AREA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 171500UTC =  467 WWJP75 RJTD 170600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 170600UTC ISSUED AT 170900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(ICING) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 171500UTC =  468 WWJP74 RJTD 170600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 170600UTC ISSUED AT 170900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU WARNING(ICING) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 171500UTC =  858 WSIL31 BICC 170855 BIRD SIGMET A02 VALID 170930/171330 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6630 W02500 - N6500 W02500 - N6500 W02100 - N6630 W02100 - N6630 W02500 SFC/FL070 STNR NC=  386 WVMX31 MMMX 170858 MMEX SIGMET 2 VALID 170843/171443 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 170843Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL250 N2038 W09817 - N2026 W09751 - N2015 W09747 - N1859 W09834 - N1900 W09842 - N2028 W09832 - N2038 W09817 MOV NE 15KT NC. OUTLK AT 171400Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL250 N2105 W09802 - N2051 W09727 - N2032 W09723 - N1859 W09834 - N1901 W09840 - N2055 W09821 - N2105 W09802 =  653 WWAK41 PAFC 170858 WSWAER URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 1158 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 AKZ121-172100- /O.EXT.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0100Z/ Western Kenai Peninsula- Including the cities of Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, and Cooper Landing 1158 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with localized amounts up to 9 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Sterling westward. Heaviest snow amounts toward Kenai and Nikiski. * WHEN...Until 4 PM AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ125-172100- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Western Prince William Sound- Including the cities of Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, and Moose Pass 1158 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Portage Valley and eastern Turnagain Arm. * WHEN...Until noon AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. Visibilities will be reduced to one half mile or less at times in falling and blowing snow. Use caution when traveling, especially in open areas. Travel may be difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ145-172100- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 1158 PM AKST Sat Feb 16 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches, with localized amounts up to 16 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Susitna Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on difficult travel conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  536 WGUS81 KPBZ 170900 FLSPBZ Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 400 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio.. Muskingum River At Coshocton affecting Coshocton County. .The Muskingum River at Coshocton will remain above the minor flood stage into Monday as a result of recent rainfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE: Do not drive through flooded areas. The water may be deeper than it appears. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio for later developments. && OHC031-171659- /O.CON.KPBZ.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ /CSHO1.1.ER.190208T0013Z.190213T0515Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 400 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The River Flood Warning continues for, The Muskingum River At Coshocton. * Until Monday evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:00 AM Sunday the stage was 15.4 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...At 15.0 feet, Low areas are flooded and water reaches a few homes along Route 16 south of Coshocton and along County Route 1A north of Coshocton. && LAT...LON 4024 8189 4030 8197 4029 8183 4023 8184 $$  689 WAEG31 HECA 170900 HECC AIRMET 07 VALID 170900/171100 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR SFC VIS 2000M HZ OBS AND FCST OVER HECA NC=  067 WWUS43 KMKX 170902 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 302 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...MORE SNOW SUNDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT... .Snow will continue to overspread southern Wisconsin this morning and gradually diminish tonight. Moderate snowfall will occur this morning over southwest Wisconsin. Periods of moderate snow are expected over far eastern Wisconsin from late morning through this evening due to lake enhanced snow. Lake effect snow will then continue overnight and possibly into Monday morning over far eastern Wisconsin. Any lingering snow should end by late Monday morning. WIZ052-171715- /O.EXA.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.190217T1200Z-190218T1200Z/ Sheboygan- Including the cities of Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, and Oostburg 302 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...Sheboygan County. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ056-062>064-067>070-171715- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Lafayette-Green-Rock-Walworth- Including the cities of Baraboo, Reedsburg, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Barneveld, Madison, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Darlington, Shullsburg, Benton, Belmont, Argyle, Blanchardville, Monroe, Brodhead, Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Delavan, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, and East Troy 302 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches expected. The highest amounts will be over southwest Wisconsin and toward the Illinois border. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Monday. Periods of moderate snow expected through early afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ059-060-065-066-071-072-171715- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.190217T1200Z-190218T1200Z/ Washington-Ozaukee-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, Grafton, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Menomonee Falls, Muskego, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Greenfield, Franklin, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Racine, and Kenosha 302 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MRC  439 WSID20 WIII 170900 WIIZ SIGMET 05 VALID 170900/171200 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0005 E10108 - S0021 E10012 - N0128 E09832 - N0426 E09636 - N0431 E09744 - N0234 E10009 - N0005 E10108 TOP FL530 MOV NW 5KT INTSF=  620 WHUS71 KBUF 170902 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 402 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 LOZ042-171715- /O.NEW.KBUF.SC.Y.0021.190217T1800Z-190218T2100Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- 402 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 1 PM this afternoon to 4 PM EST Monday. * WINDS...Northeast 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 18 to 33 knots and/or waves averaging 4 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LOZ043-171715- /O.NEW.KBUF.SC.Y.0021.190218T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- 402 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 7 PM this evening to 7 PM EST Monday. * WINDS...Northeast 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 18 to 33 knots and/or waves averaging 4 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LOZ044-171715- /O.NEW.KBUF.SC.Y.0021.190218T0300Z-190219T0000Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- 402 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 10 PM this evening to 7 PM EST Monday. * WINDS...Northeast 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 18 to 33 knots and/or waves averaging 4 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  910 WWIN40 DEMS 170900 IWB (MORNING) DATED 17-02-2019. \U2666 THE REMNANT WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A TROUGH NOW RUNS ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 93OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 26ON AND NOW SEEN BETWEEN 2.1 KM & 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. \U2666 THE FRESH WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A TROUGH IN MIDTROPOSPHERIC WESTERLIES WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 56OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 32ON PERSISTS. \U2666 A FRESH FEEBLE WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL LIES OVER CENTRAL PAKISTAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL AND ADJOINING WEST ASSAM HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDING UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER MARATHAWADA & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. \U2666 THE TROUGH AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM GULF OF MANNAR TO TELANGANA ACROSS INTERIOR TAMILNADU & RAYALASEEMA HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. \U2666 A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL LIES OVER INTERIOR ODISHA & NEIGHBOURHOOD. \U2666 A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL LIES OVER TELANGANA & NEIGHBOURHOOD. \U2666 A TROUGH AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL RUNS FROM CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER TELANGANA & NEIGHBOURHOOD TO COMORIN AREA ACROSS TAMILNADU (.) FORECAST:- RAIN/SNOW VERY LIKELY AT MOST PLACES OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR AND HIMACHAL PRADESH AND AT A FEW PLACES OVER UTTARAKHAND (.) RAIN / THUNDERSHOWERS VERY LIKELY AT MANY PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH; AT A FEW PLACES OVER ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA AND PUNJAB AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, RAJASTHAN, TELANGANA, TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY, KERALA AND ANDAMAN NICOBAR ISLANDS (.) DRY WEATHER OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY (.) WARNING:- 17 FEBRUARY (DAY 1): \U2666 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH HAILSTORM, LIGHTNING AND GUSTY WINDS VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR (.) \U2666 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER EAST ARUNACHAL PRADESH, EAST ASSAM & MEGHALAYA AND NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA (.) 18 FEBRUARY (DAY 2): \U2666 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH HAILSTORM, LIGHTNING AND GUSTY WINDS AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR, HIMACHAL PRADESH, UTTARAKHAND, PUNJAB AND NORTH HARYANA & CHANDIGARH (.)=  885 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170903 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0511 W06504 - S0357 W06156 - S0901 W05912 - S1005 W06225 - S0511 W06504 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  941 WSCI35 ZGGG 170857 ZGZU SIGMET 3 VALID 170910/171310 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2816 E10949 - N2527 E11430 - N2222 E11011 - N2015 E10824 - N2421 E10627 - N2816 E10949 TOP FL390 MOV NE 50KMH INTSF=  942 WSBZ31 SBAZ 170903 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0452 W05014 - S0413 W04648 - S0748 W04631 - S0812 W04921 - S0452 W05014 FL 450 STNR NC=  410 WSID20 WIII 170905 WIIZ SIGMET 06 VALID 170905/171200 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0323 E09420 - N0143 E09316 - N0203 E09217 - N0434 E09204 - N0402 E09352 - N0323 E09420 TOP FL510 MOV NW 5KT NC=  049 WWUS43 KLSX 170904 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Saint Louis MO 304 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ058>060-064-065-069-070-074-079-098>102-MOZ034>036-041-042- 047>052-059>065-072>075-084-085-099-171500- /O.EXT.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Audrain MO-Bond IL-Boone MO-Calhoun IL-Callaway MO-Clinton IL- Cole MO-Crawford MO-Fayette IL-Franklin MO-Gasconade MO-Greene IL- Iron MO-Jefferson MO-Jersey IL-Lincoln MO-Macoupin IL-Madison IL- Madison MO-Marion IL-Moniteau MO-Monroe IL-Monroe MO- Montgomery IL-Montgomery MO-Osage MO-Pike MO-Ralls MO-Randolph IL- Reynolds MO-Saint Charles MO-Saint Clair IL-Saint Francois MO- Saint Louis City MO-Saint Louis MO-Sainte Genevieve MO-Warren MO- Washington IL-Washington MO- Including the cities of Alton, Belleville, Bowling Green, Cahokia, Centralia, Chester, Columbia, Edwardsville, Farmington, Fulton, Jefferson City, Litchfield, Mexico, Saint Charles, Saint Louis, Salem, Sparta, Sullivan, Union, Vandalia, and Washington 304 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, northeast and southeast Missouri and south central and southwest Illinois. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain or freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at traveler.modot.org/map/ or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ ILZ095>097-MOZ018-019-026-027-171800- /O.CON.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Marion MO-Pike IL-Shelby MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Mount Sterling, Pittsfield, and Quincy 304 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to one half of an inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Missouri and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory is issued for a variety of winter weather conditions, such as snow, blowing snow, sleet, or freezing drizzle and rain. It only takes a small amount of wintry precipitation to make roads, bridges, sidewalks, and parking lots icy and dangerous. It is often difficult to tell when ice begins to form, so do not be caught off guard. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at traveler.modot.org/map/ or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ Gosselin  401 WWCN13 CWNT 170904 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KIVALLIQ AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:04 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: BAKER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== TEMPERATURES IN THE MID MINUS 30S COMBINED WITH WINDS IN EXCESS OF 50 KM/H WILL PRODUCE EXTREME WIND CHILLS OF MINUS 55. EXTREME WIND CHILLS WILL MODERATE BY SUNDAY AFTERNOON. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. WATCH FOR COLOUR CHANGES ON FINGERS AND TOES, PAIN, NUMBNESS, A TINGLING SENSATION, OR SWELLING. IF PRESENT, MOVE INDOORS AND BEGIN WARMING. KEEP MOVING TO MAINTAIN YOUR BODY HEAT AND SEEK SHELTER FROM THE WIND. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  357 WAHW31 PHFO 170905 WA0HI HNLS WA 171000 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 171600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU OVR AND N THRU E OF MTN MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 EXP DUE TO CLDS AND SHRA. COND ENDING BY 1600Z. NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 171000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 171600 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND S THRU W OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND ENDING BY 1600Z. =HNLZ WA 171000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 171600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...116 PHLI SLOPING TO 110 PHTO.  996 WWUS41 KCTP 170905 WSWCTP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service State College PA 405 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 PAZ024>026-033>036-171715- /O.NEW.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190217T1800Z-190218T1500Z/ Cambria-Blair-Huntingdon-Somerset-Bedford-Fulton-Franklin- Including the cities of Johnstown, Altoona, Huntingdon, Mount Union, Somerset, Bedford, McConnellsburg, and Chambersburg 405 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of around an inch and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Monday. Mixed precipitation will begin this afternoon and gradually turn to mainly freezing rain. After midnight, the precipitation will be drizzle or freezing drizzle. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The ice will result in difficult travel conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ PAZ027-028-049>053-056>059-063>066-171715- /O.NEW.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190218T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Mifflin-Juniata-Union-Snyder-Montour-Northumberland-Columbia- Perry-Dauphin-Schuylkill-Lebanon-Cumberland-Adams-York-Lancaster- Including the cities of Lewistown, Mifflintown, Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, Danville, Sunbury, Shamokin, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Newport, Harrisburg, Hershey, Pottsville, Lebanon, Carlisle, Gettysburg, York, and Lancaster 405 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. Mixed precipitation will begin early this evening and gradually turn to a light freezing rain. After midnight, the precipitation will be drizzle or freezing drizzle. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ PAZ017>019-045-046-171715- /O.NEW.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190217T2100Z-190218T1500Z/ Clearfield-Northern Centre-Southern Centre-Southern Clinton- Southern Lycoming- Including the cities of DuBois, Clearfield, Philipsburg, State College, Lock Haven, and Williamsport 405 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Clearfield, Northern Centre, Southern Centre, Southern Clinton and Southern Lycoming Counties. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Monday. A wintry mix of snow and sleet will begin late today and turn to freezing drizzle after midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ PAZ004>006-010>012-037-041-042-171715- /O.NEW.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Warren-McKean-Potter-Elk-Cameron-Northern Clinton-Tioga- Northern Lycoming-Sullivan- Including the cities of Warren, Bradford, Coudersport, St. Marys, Ridgway, Emporium, Renovo, Mansfield, Wellsboro, Trout Run, and Laporte 405 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM EST Monday. Snow will begin late today. The heaviest snow will be before midnight. The snow will then mix with sleet and freezing drizzle. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/ctp  757 WWUS43 KTOP 170905 WSWTOP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 305 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ008-009-020>022-034>037-171015- /O.CAN.KTOP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Republic-Washington-Cloud-Clay-Riley-Ottawa-Dickinson-Geary- Morris- Including the cities of Belleville, Washington, Hanover, Clifton, Linn, Greenleaf, Concordia, Clay Center, Manhattan, Minneapolis, Bennington, Abilene, Herington, Junction City, and Council Grove 305 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Light freezing drizzle and snow have come to an end over the area. Untreated roads may remain slick into the morning hours. $$ KSZ010>012-023-024-026-038>040-054>056-058-059-171200- /O.CON.KTOP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Marshall-Nemaha-Brown-Pottawatomie-Jackson-Jefferson-Wabaunsee- Shawnee-Douglas-Lyon-Osage-Franklin-Coffey-Anderson- Including the cities of Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Sabetha, Seneca, Hiawatha, Horton, Wamego, St. Marys, Holton, Valley Falls, Oskaloosa, Perry, McLouth, Grantville, Meriden, Nortonville, Alma, Eskridge, Maple Hill, Alta Vista, McFarland, Harveyville, Paxico, Topeka, Lawrence, Emporia, Osage City, Carbondale, Lyndon, Burlingame, Overbrook, Ottawa, Burlington, Lebo, and Garnett 305 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Light freezing drizzle, occasionally mixed with light snow. A light glaze of ice and dusting of snow is still possible. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means wintry precipitation will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect slick roads and potentially hazardous driving conditions. Allow extra time to reach your destination and exercise defensive driving. The latest road conditions for Kansas can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting kandrive.org. && $$ KDS  876 WSMS31 WMKK 170906 WBFC SIGMET B01 VALID 170915/171315 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N0308 AND W OF E11340 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  542 WHUS73 KGRB 170907 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 307 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 LMZ541>543-171715- /O.NEW.KGRB.SC.Y.0015.190217T1800Z-190218T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 307 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 AM CST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from noon today to 3 AM CST Monday. * WINDS...Northeast winds increasing to 15 to 25 knots, becoming north tonight. * WAVES...2 feet or less this afternoon, increasing to 1 to 3 feet on ice free areas tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds over 20 knots or waves greater than 4 feet are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Kurimski  293 WWUS43 KUNR 170908 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOWFALL CONTINUES THROUGH MUCH OF TODAY... .Snowfall will continue across much of the western and south central South Dakota plains today, gradually tapering off from west to east this afternoon. The highest snowfall totals from this storm system will be across northwest South Dakota, where there will be over a foot of accumulation in some areas. Areas of blowing snow will also cause travel problems this morning. SDZ024-WYZ054-056-057-171015- /O.CAN.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Northern Black Hills-Northern Campbell-Western Crook- Wyoming Black Hills- Including the cities of Lead, Deadwood, Gillette, Moorcroft, Hulett, Four Corners, and Sundance 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Any additional accumulations through late this morning will be less than an inch. Therefore, the winter weather advisory is cancelled. $$ SDZ001-012-171800- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Harding-Butte- Including the cities of Buffalo and Belle Fourche 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Harding and Butte. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility this morning. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ002-013-014-032-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Perkins-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach-Haakon- Including the cities of Lemmon, Bison, Faith, Dupree, and Philip 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...The Northern Meade County Plains, Perkins, Ziebach and 3 inches. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ031-171800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Pennington Co Plains- Including the city of Wall 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 2 inches, especially over far eastern Pennington County. * WHERE...The Pennington County Plains. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ025-072-073-WYZ071-171800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Northern Foot Hills-Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills- Southern Meade Co Plains-Northeastern Crook- Including the cities of Spearfish, Sturgis, Union Center, and Colony 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and the Black Hills of Wyoming and northwestern and the Black Hills of South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility this morning. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ043-046-047-049-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 208 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 /308 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Todd, Mellette, Jackson and Tripp. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  228 WWUS43 KGID 170909 WSWGID URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hastings NE 309 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Winter Weather Advisory is Cancelled... .Snowfall is coming to an end across south central Nebraska early this morning...and little more than flurries with minimal accumulations are expected. NEZ040-041-047>049-063-064-077-087-171015- /O.CAN.KGID.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Greeley-Nance-Howard-Merrick-Polk-Hamilton-York-Fillmore-Thayer- Including the cities of Greeley, Spalding, Scotia, Wolbach, Fullerton, Genoa, St. Libory, Central City, Stromsburg, Osceola, Shelby, Polk, Aurora, York, Geneva, Exeter, Fairmont, Hebron, and Deshler 309 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... While the snowfall is coming to an end across south central Nebraska early this morning...untreated roads and surfaces will likely remain slippery...which could continue to cause some travel difficulties. $$ Rossi  463 WSRS31 RUMA 170907 UUWV SIGMET 2 VALID 170915/171200 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N57 AND W OF E040 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  652 WONT54 EGRR 170909 SECURITE STORM WARNING AT 170000UTC, LOW 59 NORTH 24 WEST 970 EXPECTED 57 NORTH 12 WEST 983 BY 180000UTC. WINDS WILL REACH STORM FORCE 10 AT TIMES IN THE SOUTHWESTERN SEMICIRCLE BETWEEN 50 MILES AND 200 MILES FROM THE CENTRE UNTIL 171700UTC. ALSO NORTHEASTERLY WINDS WILL REACH STORM FORCE 10 IN THE EAST OF DENMARK STRAIT AND THE FAR WEST OF NORTH ICELAND FROM 171400UTC  131 WWAK41 PAFG 170910 WSWNSB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 1210 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ205-171015- /O.EXP.PAFG.WW.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Northwestern Brooks Range- Including Singiluk and Umiat 1210 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Winds are begining to decrease. $$  809 WWAK42 PAFG 170911 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 1211 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ207-171015- /O.EXP.PAFG.WS.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T0900Z/ Chukchi Sea Coast- Including Point Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Espenberg 1211 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Winds are now decreasing and snow and blowing snow are diminishing. $$ AKZ215-171715- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 1211 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...Midnight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-171715- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 1211 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Midnight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-171715- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 1211 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 9 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Noon Sunday to 9 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ227-171715- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Upper Kuskokwim Valley- Including McGrath, Nikolai, Takotna, and Farewell Lake 1211 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 9 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Midnight tonight to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$  631 WSNT06 KKCI 170911 SIGA0F KZWY SIGMET FOXTROT 4 VALID 170911/171015 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET FOXTROT 3 170615/171015.  632 WSBZ31 SBCW 170911 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 170920/171120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  094 WWUS45 KPSR 170915 WSWPSR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 215 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ557-558-563-181200- /O.CON.KPSR.WS.W.0001.190217T2200Z-190218T2100Z/ /O.CON.KPSR.WW.Y.0001.190217T2200Z-190218T2100Z/ Mazatzal Mountains-Pinal/Superstition Mountains- Southeast Gila County- 215 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected above 5000 feet. Snow expected above 4000 feet. Above 5000 feet, total snow accumulations of 5 to 12 inches expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches expected between 4000 and 5000 feet. * WHERE...Mazatzal Mountains, Pinal/Superstition Mountains and Southeast Gila County. * WHEN...From 3 PM Sunday to 2 PM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ545-561-562-181200- /O.CON.KPSR.WW.Y.0001.190217T2200Z-190218T2100Z/ New River Mesa-Dripping Springs-Globe/Miami- 215 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 4000 feet. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches expected between 4000 and 5000 feet. * WHERE...New River Mesa, Dripping Springs and Globe/Miami. * WHEN...From 3 PM Sunday to 2 PM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  890 WWPS21 NFFN 170900 Tropical Disturbance Summary For area Equator to 25S, 160E to 120W ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 170911 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 980HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 15.8S 164.3E AT 170600 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI-8 EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH-SOUTHEAST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 60 KNOTS. FOR MORE INFORMATION REFER TO THE LATEST TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA. ********************************************************************* ************* NO OTHER SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ANALYSED OR FORECAST IN THE AREA.  341 WWCN15 CWUL 170914 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:14 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIRSUK AUPALUK TASIUJAQ. BLIZZARD WARNING ENDED FOR: QUAQTAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITIES IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE AFFECTING OR WILL AFFECT THESE COMMUNITIES THIS MORNING. VISIBILITIES WILL IMPROVE DURING THE DAY. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  967 WSBZ31 SBCW 170918 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 170920/171120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FC ST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 FL120/180 STNR WKN=  978 WWCN15 CWUL 170915 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:15 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIQSUALUJJUAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITIES IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OVER THIS COMMUNITY BEGINNING THIS AFTERNOON. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  414 WWUS43 KSGF 170921 WSWSGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Springfield MO 321 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Freezing Drizzle to continue This Morning... MOZ056>058-069>071-079>083-090>092-094>098-102>106-171600- /O.EXT.KSGF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Morgan-Miller-Maries-Camden-Pulaski-Phelps-Polk-Dallas-Laclede- Texas-Dent-Greene-Webster-Wright-Lawrence-Christian-Douglas- Howell-Shannon-Barry-Stone-Taney-Ozark-Oregon- Including the cities of Versailles, Rocky Mount, Stover, Laurie, Aurora Springs, Eldon, Lake Ozark, Vichy, Osage Beach, Camdenton, Decaturville, Roach, Village of Four Seasons, Fort Leonard Wood, Laquey, Waynesville, Northwye, Rolla, Bolivar, Buffalo, Charity, Foose, March, Plad, Windyville, Olive, Lynchburg, Lebanon, Plato, Roby, Bendavis, Huggins, Lake Spring, Bangert, Darien, Gladden, Howes, Jadwin, Salem, Springfield, Marshfield, Northview, Seymour, Rogersville, Dawson, Graff, Mountain Grove, Duncan, Mansfield, Aurora, Mount Vernon, Marionville, Nixa, Christian Center, Ozark, Selmore, Vanzant, Ava, Goodhope, Rome, Squires, Dogwood, Pomona, Pottersville, Siloam Springs, South Fork, West Plains, White Church, Teresita, Winona, Birch Tree, Montier, Monett, Madry, Cassville, Kimberling City, Crane, Elsey, Indian Point, Silver Dollar City, Branson, Hollister, Kirbyville, Edgewater Beach, Forsyth, Ozark Beach, Powersite, Wasola, Thayer, Alton, Couch, Greer, Thomasville, and Wilderness 321 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Areas of freezing drizzle will continue through the mid morning hours producing a glaze of ice on elevated surfaces and untreated roadways. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central and southwest Missouri. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ KSZ073-097-101-MOZ055-066>068-077-078-088-089-171600- /O.EXT.KSGF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Bourbon-Crawford-Cherokee-Benton-Vernon-St. Clair-Hickory-Barton- Cedar-Jasper-Dade- Including the cities of Fort Scott, Pawnee Station, Chicopee, Lone Oak, Pittsburg, Baxter Springs, Lowell, Riverton, Columbus, Neutral, Sherwin, Stippville, Warsaw, Whitakerville, Cole Camp, Crockerville, Mora, Edmonson, Lincoln, Nevada, Tiffin, Appleton City, Johnson City, Weaubleau, Hermitage, Quincy, Wheatland, Cross Timbers, Kenoma, Lamar, Cedar Springs, El Dorado Springs, Filley, Arnica, Caplinger Mills, Stockton, Joplin, Carthage, Greenfield, Lockwood, and Meinert 321 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Areas of freezing drizzle will become more patchy in nature after sunrise. Expect a glaze of ice on elevated surfaces and untreated roadways. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Kansas and central, southwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$  591 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1852 W03739 - S2156 W03107 - S2525 W03458 - S2329 W03927 - S2226 W03809 - S2111 W03922 - S1852 W03739 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  592 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0147 W03900 - S0121 W03721 - S0204 W03708 - S0233 W03837 - S0147 W03900 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  593 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBRE SIGMET 7 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0917 W04139 - S0946 W03914 - S1308 W04003 - S1251 W04118 - S0917 W04139 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  594 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBRE SIGMET 8 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1602 W04324 - S1429 W04255 - S1335 W04038 - S2110 W03922 - S2045 W03948 - S2057 W04015 - S2006 W04120 - S1749 W04203 - S1700 W04143 - S1602 W04324 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  595 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0511 W06504 - S0357 W06156 - S0901 W05912 - S1005 W06225 - S0511 W06504 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  596 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 170920/171120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  597 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 170920/171120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 FL120/180 STNR WKN=  598 WSBZ01 SBBR 170900 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0452 W05014 - S0413 W04648 - S0748 W04631 - S0812 W04921 - S0452 W05014 FL 450 STNR NC=  289 WOCN17 CWHX 170925 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR LABRADOR ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:25 A.M. AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= NAIN AND VICINITY =NEW= HOPEDALE AND VICINITY =NEW= POSTVILLE - MAKKOVIK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. SNOW IS EXPECTED TO BEGIN THIS AFTERNOON OR THIS EVENING AND PERSIST INTO MONDAY. TOTAL ACCUMULATIONS OF 10 TO 15 CM ARE EXPECTED BEFORE THE SNOW TAPERS OFF MONDAY OR MONDAY NIGHT. ADDITIONALLY, STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP TO 80 KM/H WILL COMBINE WITH THE FRESH SNOW TO REDUCE VISIBILITIES TO NEAR ZERO IN BLOWING SNOW TONIGHT AND MONDAY. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. BLOWING SNOW ADVISORIES ARE ISSUED WHEN WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO CREATE BLOWING SNOW GIVING POOR VISIBILITY TO 800 METRES OR LESS FOR AT LEAST 3 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  530 WHUS71 KGYX 170926 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 426 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ150-152-154-171030- /O.CAN.KGYX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190217T1000Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 426 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Gray has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. $$  543 WSCI36 ZUUU 170923 ZPKM SIGMET 5 VALID 170930/171130 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2712 E10608-N2709 E10640-N2649 E10645-N2618 E10601-N2613 E10530-N2655 E10532-N2712 E10608 TOP FL300 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  316 WHUS73 KLOT 170928 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 328 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 LMZ740>743-171730- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T1000Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- 328 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS...to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 6 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 8 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ BMD  751 WVEQ31 SEGU 170924 SEFG SIGMET 2 VALID 170924/171524 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0545Z SFC/FL160 S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07738 - S0014 W07755 - S0005 W07759 - S0004 W07739 MOV SW 10KT FCST 17/1200Z SFC/FL160 S0003 W07801 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07738 - S0014 W07758 - S0003 W07801=  787 WWUS43 KILX 170929 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 329 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Light Icing Today over Central Illinois... ILZ027>031-036>038-171800- /O.CON.KILX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Including the cities of Galesburg, Toulon, Peoria, Lacon, Eureka, Canton, Pekin, Bloomington, and Normal 329 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 3 inches of snow, with locally 3 to 4 inches over parts of Knox and Stark counties especially from Galesburg northwest. A light glaze of ice from freezing drizzle also expected today. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions to develop early this morning. Untreated roads will likely remain slippery through sunset today with temperatures staying below freezing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ040>057-061-171800- /O.CON.KILX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Schuyler-Mason-Logan-De Witt-Piatt-Champaign-Vermilion-Cass- Menard-Scott-Morgan-Sangamon-Christian-Macon-Moultrie-Douglas- Coles-Edgar-Shelby- Including the cities of Rushville, Havana, Lincoln, Clinton, Monticello, Champaign, Urbana, Danville, Beardstown, Petersburg, Winchester, Jacksonville, Springfield, Taylorville, Decatur, Sullivan, Tuscola, Charleston, Mattoon, Paris, and Shelbyville 329 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of a half to 1.5 inches by noon. Light freezing rain and freezing drizzle at times this morning giving ice accumulations of less than a tenth inch this morning. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Through noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions to develop early this morning. Untreated roads will likely be slippery through noon today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ 07  849 WSMS31 WMKK 170930 WMFC SIGMET A01 VALID 170935/171235 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0124 E10318 - N0139 E10249 - N0216 E10235 - N0212 E10332 - N0138 E10353 - N0124 E10318 TOP FL530 STNR WKN=  850 WSBO31 SLLP 170933 SLLF SIGMET 03 VALID 170930/171330 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0928Z WI S1248 W06903 S1207 W06852 S1114 W06918 S1038 W06805 S1013 W06713 S0945 W06528 S1119 W06524 S1219 W06429 S1326 W06155 S1408 W06048 S1514 W06429 S1453 W06706 S1358 W06856 S1324 W06904 S1347 W06854 TOP FL400 MOV NW 07KT NC=  048 WWUS72 KTBW 170931 NPWTBW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Area - Ruskin FL 431 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG DEVELOPING OVER SOUTHWEST FLORIDA... .Areas of dense fog have developed over portions of southwest and west central Florida early this morning. In some locations, visibilities have dropped to less than a quarter mile, creating hazardous driving conditions. This fog is expected to dissipate by around 9 AM. FLZ052-056-057-061-155-160-162-255-260-262-171400- /O.NEW.KTBW.FG.Y.0007.190217T0931Z-190217T1400Z/ Polk-Hardee-Highlands-DeSoto-Coastal Manatee-Coastal Sarasota- Coastal Charlotte-Inland Manatee-Inland Sarasota-Inland Charlotte- Including the cities of Lakeland, Winter Haven, Wauchula, Bowling Green, Zolfo Springs, Sebring, Avon Park, Placid Lakes, Arcadia, Bradenton, Anna Maria Island, Venice, Sarasota, Englewood, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Parrish, Lakewood Ranch, Myakka City, North Port, and Babcock Ranch 431 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Tampa Bay Area - Ruskin FL has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EST this morning. * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Limited visibility will make for dangerous travel conditions PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  349 WWUS43 KDVN 170931 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 331 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Freezing Drizzle Through This Evening... .Periods of Light to moderate snow will continue through much of today before beginning to diminish this evening. Accumulations of 3 to 7 inches are expected, with the higher amounts focusing near the Highway 30 and Highway 20 corridors in eastern Iowa and northwest Illinois. Lower accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected across northeast Missouri, far southeast Iowa and west central Illinois where freezing drizzle and a light glazing of ice is expected. Be prepared for snow covered and slick travel conditions through this evening. IAZ040-041-051>053-063>065-067-076>078-087>089-098-ILZ025-171745- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine- Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren- Henderson- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Muscatine, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, and Oquawka 331 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Freezing drizzle south of Interstate 80. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with isolated higher amounts possible near to north of Highway 30. Ice accumulations of a light glaze south of Interstate 80. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ042-054-066-068-ILZ001-002-007-009-015>018-024-026-171745- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Dubuque-Jackson-Clinton-Scott-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Warren- Including the cities of Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Davenport, Bettendorf, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, and Monmouth 331 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Freezing drizzle south of Interstate 80. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches, with the higher amounts near to north of Highway 30. Ice accumulations of a light glaze expected south of Interstate 80. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Iowa and north central, northwest and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ099-ILZ034-035-MOZ009-010-171745- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Lee-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 331 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow and freezing drizzle. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Illinois, Hancock and McDonough Counties. In Iowa, Lee County. In Missouri, Clark and Scotland Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$  576 WWUS44 KOUN 170931 WSWOUN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 331 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Winter Weather Advisory Cancelled... OKZ004>013-015>020-024>026-171045- /O.CAN.KOUN.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Harper-Woods-Alfalfa-Grant-Kay-Ellis-Woodward-Major-Garfield- Noble-Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne-Canadian- Oklahoma-Lincoln- Including the cities of Buffalo, Laverne, Alva, Cherokee, Helena, Carmen, Medford, Pond Creek, Lamont, Wakita, Ponca City, Blackwell, Shattuck, Arnett, Gage, Fargo, Woodward, Fairview, Enid, Perry, Seiling, Vici, Taloga, Leedey, Weatherford, Clinton, Watonga, Geary, Okeene, Kingfisher, Hennessey, Okarche, Guthrie, Stillwater, Yukon, Concho, El Reno, Mustang, Oklahoma City, Chandler, Stroud, Prague, Meeker, Davenport, and Wellston 331 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The areas of freezing drizzle across northern Oklahoma have dissipated. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory for much of northern and central Oklahoma is cancelled. However, continue to drive cautiously as isolated slick spots may remain. $$  249 WGUS81 KCLE 170935 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 435 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Killbuck Creek Near Killbuck PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC075-169-171735- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190217T2212Z/ /KILO1.1.ER.190207T0252Z.190213T1945Z.190217T1612Z.NO/ 435 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood warning extended until this afternoon...The flood warning continues for The Killbuck Creek Near Killbuck. * Until this afternoon. * At 4:00 AM Sunday the stage was...15.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * At 15.0 feet...Several low lying roads in Holmes County including Township Roads 91 and 92, and County Roads 621 and 622 are flooded. && LAT...LON 4099 8203 4099 8193 4067 8190 4045 8191 4045 8202 4067 8202 $$  022 WSFG20 TFFF 170934 SOOO SIGMET 4 VALID 170930/171230 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N1100 W03630 - N0745 W03500 - N0500 W04000 - N0500 W04800 - N0500 W04815 - N0730 W05000 FL140/200 STNR NC=  912 WSZA21 FAOR 170938 FAJO SIGMET D02 VALID 171000/171400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3405 E03339 - S3516 E03551 - S3447 E03718 - S3650 E03813 - S3808 E03748 - S3709 E03443 - S3535 E03234 TOP FL350=  913 WSZA21 FAOR 170935 FAJO SIGMET A03 VALID 171000/171400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2831 E03635 - S3000 E04000 - S3000 E04145 - S3315 E04111 - S3218 E03754 - S3042 E03644 TOP FL560=  972 WSZA21 FAOR 170939 FAJO SIGMET B03 VALID 171000/171400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2942 W00620 - S3213 W00224 - S3800 E00527 - S4020 E00318 - S3226 W00640 TOP FL420=  327 WWUS83 KILX 170936 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 336 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ062-063-066>068-071>073-171600- Cumberland-Clark-Effingham-Jasper-Crawford-Clay-Richland-Lawrence- Including the cities of Greenup, Marshall, Effingham, Newton, Robinson, Flora, Olney, and Lawrenceville 336 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 A mixture of light snow, sleet and light freezing rain will occur through mid morning, before changing to light rain or drizzle later this morning. Minor snow accumulations less than a half inch, along with a light glaze of ice are possible through mid morning, especially north of highway 50. Motorists should be aware for the possibility of slick roads through mid morning. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. $$ 07  344 WWUS43 KBIS 170936 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 336 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ050-171045- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McIntosh- Including the cities of Wishek and Ashley 336 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow has mostly ended across McIntosh County. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled. $$ NDZ031>033-040>045-171745- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams- Sioux- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, and Solen 336 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /236 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Near zero visibility is expected at times in heavy snow. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ017>020-034-046-171745- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-Morton-Emmons- Including the cities of Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Mandan, Linton, and Strasburg 336 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /236 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of one half to two inches. * WHERE...McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Oliver, Morton, and Emmons counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Hollan  558 WWUS44 KTSA 170937 WSWTSA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tulsa OK 337 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 OKZ054>062-064-171045- /O.CAN.KTSA.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Osage-Washington OK-Nowata-Craig-Ottawa-Pawnee-Tulsa-Rogers-Mayes- Creek- Including the cities of Pawhuska, Bartlesville, Nowata, Vinita, Miami, Pawnee, Tulsa, Claremore, Pryor, and Sapulpa 337 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Tulsa has cancelled the Winter Weather Advisory. The freezing drizzle has begun to shift east of the region, therefore the winter weather advisory has been cancelled. Roads may still be slick in spots, especially northwest of Tulsa, therefore motorists should use caution. $$  938 WWUS83 KGRB 170937 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 337 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 WIZ040-045-048>050-171600- Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet-Manitowoc- 337 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOWFALL EXPECTED TODAY ALONG AND SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 10... Light snow will overspread the area this morning and last into the overnight hours. A general 1 to 2 inches of snow is expected from Wautoma, to Oshkosh, to Chilton and over to Kewaunee. Locally higher amounts of 2 to 4 inches are possible in Manitowoc with lake enhanced snowfall. Motorists traveling on Sunday should prepare for slippery roadways later this morning and through the evening hours, especially on untreated roadways. $$ Kurimski  159 WWUS45 KFGZ 170937 WSWFGZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 237 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ004-007-008-015>018-038-171800- /O.CON.KFGZ.WS.W.0003.190217T1800Z-190219T0600Z/ Kaibab Plateau-Coconino Plateau-Yavapai County Mountains- Western Mogollon Rim-Eastern Mogollon Rim-White Mountains- Northern Gila County-Oak Creek and Sycamore Canyons- Including the cities of Jacob Lake, Fredonia, Valle, Prescott, Flagstaff, Happy Jack, Show Low, Greer, Payson, and Sedona 237 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Travel will be very difficult to impossible. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 9 inches, with localized amounts up to 17 inches over the highest mountain peaks, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Alpine, Doney Park, Flagstaff, Forest Lakes, Fredonia, Heber-Overgaard, Jacob Lake, Payson, Pine- Strawberry, Pinetop-Lakeside, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Sedona, Seligman, Show Low, Valle, Whiteriver and Williams. * WHEN...11 AM today to 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. Snow forecast from 11 AM Today to 11 PM Monday: Alpine 4 to 8 inches Doney Park 7 to 11 inches Flagstaff 9 to 13 inches Forest Lakes 10 to 16 inches Fredonia 1 to 3 inches Heber-Overgaard 5 to 9 inches Jacob Lake 5 to 9 inches Payson 7 to 11 inches Pine-Strawberry 9 to 15 inches Pinetop-Lkside 8 to 12 inches Prescott 5 to 9 inches Prescott Valley 4 to 8 inches Sedona 5 to 9 inches Seligman 4 to 6 inches Show Low 6 to 10 inches Valle 5 to 9 inches Whiteriver 5 to 9 inches Williams 9 to 13 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ006-037-171800- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.190217T1800Z-190219T0600Z/ Grand Canyon Country-Yavapai County Valleys and Basins- Including the cities of Grand Canyon Village and Camp Verde 237 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches over the Grand Canyon North Rim, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Camp Verde, Chino Valley, Congress, Cottonwood, Grand Canyon, North Rim and Paulden. * WHEN...11 AM today to 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow forecast from 11 AM Today to 11 PM Monday: Camp Verde 1 to 3 inches Chino Valley 4 to 6 inches Congress 0 to 1 inches Cottonwood 2 to 4 inches Grand Canyon 7 to 11 inches North Rim 9 to 15 inches Paulden 4 to 6 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ005-009>014-039-040-171800- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.190218T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Marble and Glen Canyons- Northeast Plateaus and Mesas Hwy 264 Northward-Chinle Valley- Chuska Mountains and Defiance Plateau- Little Colorado River Valley in Coconino County- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County- Little Colorado River Valley in Apache County-Black Mesa Area- Northeast Plateaus and Mesas South of Hwy 264- Including the cities of Page, Lees Ferry, Chinle, Kayenta, Window Rock, Ganado, Winslow, Holbrook, Snowflake, St. Johns, Springerville, and Dilkon 237 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches over the highest mountains, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Buffalo Pass, Chinle, Dilkon, Eagar- Springerville, Ganado, Holbrook, Kayenta, Kykotsmovi, Page, Saint Johns, Shonto, Snowflake-Taylor, Tuba City, Window Rock and Winslow. * WHEN...5 PM today to 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow forecast from 5 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Buffalo Pass 6 to 10 inches Chinle 3 to 5 inches Dilkon 4 to 6 inches Eagar-Sprgrvlle 2 to 4 inches Ganado 4 to 8 inches Holbrook 2 to 4 inches Kayenta 3 to 5 inches Kykotsmovi 3 to 5 inches Page 2 to 4 inches Saint Johns 2 to 4 inches Shonto 4 to 6 inches Snowflake-Taylr 3 to 5 inches Tuba City 2 to 4 inches Window Rock 4 to 6 inches Winslow 2 to 4 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit: http://weather.gov/flagstaff For a more detailed table of forecast snow amounts for counties, reservations and roads go to: http://weather.gov/flagstaff/SnowTables  637 WSFG20 TFFF 170937 SOOO SIGMET 5 VALID 170930/171200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N1130 W04315 - N1245 W04000 - N1145 W03930 - N1045 W04200 FL220/260 STNR NC=  193 WSCO31 SKBO 170927 SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 170935/171135 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0917Z WI N0042 W07410 - N0028 W07332 - N0105 W07417 - N0017 W07452 - N0042 W07410 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  400 WSZA21 FAOR 170941 FAJO SIGMET F02 VALID 171000/171400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S5456 W00533 - S5650 W00429 - S5744 E00005 - S5922 E00015 - S6133 W00632 - S5508 W00916 TOP FL450=  401 WSZA21 FAOR 170940 FAJO SIGMET E02 VALID 171000/171400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4231 W00337 - S4522 W00024 - S4809 E00028 - S4901 W00112 - S4647 W00304 - S4336 W00432 TOP FL450=  466 WWUS41 KOKX 170939 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 439 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 CTZ005>012-NJZ002-004-103>105-NYZ067>071-172100- /O.NEW.KOKX.WW.Y.0005.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex- Northern New London-Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven- Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Western Passaic- Eastern Passaic-Western Bergen-Eastern Bergen-Western Essex- Orange-Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester-Southern Westchester- 439 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey, southern Connecticut and southeast New York. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute for those working or going to school on Washington's Birthday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. && $$  163 WWCN14 CWNT 170940 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KITIKMEOT AREA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:40 A.M. MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= GJOA HAVEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS CONTINUES. WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 55 WILL PERSIST THIS MORNING. WINDS WILL WEAKEN DURING THE DAY BUT WIND CHILL VALUES WILL STILL REMAIN NEAR MINUS 50 THROUGH MONDAY. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  213 WOCN11 CWTO 170930 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:30 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= NIAGARA FALLS - WELLAND - SOUTHERN NIAGARA REGION ST. CATHARINES - GRIMSBY - NORTHERN NIAGARA REGION CITY OF HAMILTON BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL POSSIBLE. LOCALIZED POCKETS OF HEAVY FLURRIES MAY AFFECT AREAS NEAR THE WEST END OF LAKE ONTARIO THIS MORNING AND INTO THE AFTERNOON DUE TO INCREASING NORTHEAST WINDS. SEVERAL CENTIMETRES OF SNOW ALONG WITH BRIEF PERIODS OF LOW VISIBILITY ARE LIKELY. MORE WIDESPREAD SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH A PASSING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IS THEN EXPECTED TO MOVE INTO THE REGION EARLY THIS EVENING AND END LATER MONDAY MORNING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS ARE GENERALLY EXPECTED TO BE IN THE 5 TO 10 CM RANGE. HOWEVER, FOR AREAS STRETCHING FROM HAMILTON TOWARDS GRIMBSY, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT AMOUNTS MAY EXCEED 15 CM. THE AREA IS BEING MONITORED FOR A POTENTIAL SNOWFALL WARNING. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS AT TIMES TODAY AND ESPECIALLY TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  817 WWUS74 KHGX 170941 NPWHGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 341 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog advisory in effect... .Areas of fog with embedded patchy dense fog will continue across the inland areas until a cold front pushes through from the northwest clearing out the fog. Close to the coast sea fog will likely become more prevalent until the cold front arrives. TXZ214-236>238-300-313-335>338-436>438-171400- /O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.190217T0941Z-190217T1400Z/ Brazoria Islands-Chambers-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston- Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda- Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-Inland Brazoria- Inland Galveston-Inland Matagorda-Matagorda Islands- Southern Liberty- Including the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, Baytown, Clute, Devers, Dickinson, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, La Marque, Lake Jackson, League City, Mont Belvieu, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pasadena, Pearland, Stowell, Surfside Beach, Texas City, and Winnie 341 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 8 AM CST this morning. * EVENT...Sea fog reducing visibility to less than 1/4 mile. * TIMING...a cold front should push through to the coast by around 8 am improving visibilities from the northwest toward the coast last. * IMPACT...Hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ TXZ199-200-210>213-226-227-235-171200- /O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.190217T0941Z-190217T1200Z/ Austin-Colorado-Fort Bend-Inland Harris-Inland Jackson-Montgomery- Northern Liberty-Waller-Wharton- Including the cities of Bellville, Brookshire, Cleveland, Columbus, Conroe, Dayton, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, First Colony, Ganado, Hempstead, Houston, Liberty, Mission Bend, Missouri City, Pecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Sugar Land, The Woodlands, Waller, Weimar, and Wharton 341 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM CST early this morning. * EVENT...Patchy dense fog with visibility less than 1/4 mile at times. * TIMING...through 6 am with a cold front moving through from the northwest improving visibility. * IMPACT...Hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  375 WSZA21 FAOR 170944 FAJO SIGMET H02 VALID 171000/171400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3539 E04513 - S3710 E05110 - S3853 E05004 - S3824 E04601 - S3709 E04414 FL230/250=  353 WWUS43 KDMX 170947 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 347 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Moderate to Heavy Snow Over Northern Iowa This Morning... .The band of moderate to heavy snow will continue to move north northeast this morning and cause significant travel concerns. Many roads remain snow covered and even not advised to travel on this morning. Snowfall amounts of 4 to 7 inches are forecast with this snow band. Further south, areas of freezing drizzle are possible before the precipitation switches back over to snow across the central and southern parts of the state. An additional 1 to 2 inches is possible along and south of Interstate 80. The snow is expected to gradually taper off from southwest late this morning to the northeast by the mid to late afternoon hours. IAZ057>059-070>072-081>083-171800- /O.CON.KDMX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Adams-Union-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Corning, Creston, and Osceola 347 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light snow with a brief period of freezing drizzle possible this morning. Additional snow accumulations up 1 inch with storm total accumulations of 6 to 8 inches. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. The precipitation is forecast to taper off later this morning into the early afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick and completely snow covered roads. Many roads in the warned area are not advised to travel on this morning. Some visibility restrictions are possible with the light snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-171800- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 347 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Moderate to heavy at times along and north of Highway 20. In this location, additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches with locally higher amounts possible. Further south, an additional inch of new snow is possible. Areas of freezing drizzle can be expected at times as well. * WHERE...Much of Iowa. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST tonight. The precipitation will gradually weaken and taper off late this morning into the afternoon hours from south to north. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick and completely snow covered roads. Many roads in the advisory are not advised to travel on this morning. Some visibility restrictions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ092>095-171800- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Including the cities of Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, and Humeston 347 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Light snow potentially mixed with areas of freezing drizzle. An additional half inch of snow accumulation is possible. * WHERE...Southwest Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. The precipitation is expected to end by the mid morning hours. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick and snow covered roads. Many roads in the area are not advised to travel on this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines Podrazik  716 WWCN13 CWWG 170947 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:47 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: MOOSE JAW - PENSE - CENTRAL BUTTE - CRAIK ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 15 CM IS EXPECTED. AN ADDITIONAL 5 CM EXPECTED TODAY. A SLOW-MOVING SYSTEM IS CAUSING SNOW TO FALL IN PARTS OF SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN. BY THE TIME SNOW TAPERS OFF SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AROUND 15 CM ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE FALLEN. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  817 WWUS83 KIND 170947 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 447 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ021-028>031-035>049-051>057-060>065-067>072-171600- Carroll-Warren-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Fountain-Montgomery- Boone-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison-Delaware-Randolph-Vermillion-Parke- Putnam-Hendricks-Marion-Hancock-Henry-Vigo-Clay-Owen-Morgan- Johnson-Shelby-Rush-Sullivan-Greene-Monroe-Brown-Bartholomew- Decatur-Knox-Daviess-Martin-Lawrence-Jackson-Jennings- Including the cities of Delphi, Flora, Williamsport, West Lebanon, Lafayette, West Lafayette, Frankfort, Kokomo, Attica, Covington, Veedersburg, Crawfordsville, Lebanon, Zionsville, Tipton, Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Anderson, Muncie, Winchester, Clinton, Newport, Rockville, Greencastle, Plainfield, Brownsburg, Danville, Indianapolis, Greenfield, New Castle, Terre Haute, Brazil, Clay City, Spencer, Martinsville, Mooresville, Greenwood, Franklin, Shelbyville, Rushville, Sullivan, Linton, Bloomfield, Bloomington, Nashville, Columbus, Greensburg, Vincennes, Washington, Loogootee, Shoals, Bedford, Mitchell, Seymour, Brownstown, and North Vernon 447 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT WINTRY MIX THIS MORNING... A mix of light snow and light freezing rain is possible this morning across central Indiana. The potential for light snow and light freezing rain will continue into the late morning hours. Minor accumulations of snow, along with a light glaze of ice are possible by midday. Motorists should be aware for the possibility of slick roads this morning. $$  876 ACUS48 KWNS 170949 SWOD48 SPC AC 170948 Day 4-8 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0348 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Valid 201200Z - 251200Z ...DISCUSSION... Blocking appears likely to remain prominent within the mid-latitude westerlies across the northeastern Pacific through this period. Downstream, models currently suggest that flow may transition to a broadly confluent regime across the Pacific coast, Rockies and Plains, and less amplified across the southern tier of the U.S. by late next weekend. As this takes place, it appears that one more vigorous short wave impulse will accelerate east-northeastward out of the Four Corners states. Models suggest that there may be sufficient preceding modification of the low-level environment to the lee of the southern Rockies to allow for significant cyclogenesis to ensue, from the central/southern Plains through the lower Great Lakes region, during the course of next weekend. Current model depictions are suggestive that this could be accompanied by at least some organized severe weather potential. However the spread among the various models, and within their respective ensemble output, concerning this evolving system becomes substantial due to the extended time range, among other potential factors. This contributes to sizable lingering uncertainties that result in the maintenance of severe probabilities at less than 15 percent. ..Kerr.. 02/17/2019  878 WUUS48 KWNS 170949 PTSD48 DAY 4-8 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0348 AM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 VALID TIME 201200Z - 251200Z SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 4 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 5 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 6 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 7 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 8 ... ANY SEVERE ... &&  003 WWUS44 KAMA 170950 WSWAMA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 350 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 OKZ001-TXZ001-171800- /O.NEW.KAMA.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Cimarron-Dallam- Including the cities of Boise City, Keyes, and Dalhart 350 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected. * WHERE...In Oklahoma, Cimarron County. In Texas, Dallam County. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 6 PM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Cold wind chills as low as 5 below zero will cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ Guerrero  628 WSFJ01 NFFN 170900 NFFF SIGMET 05 VALID 170947/171100 NFFN- NADI FIR CNL SIGMET 03 170700/171100=  367 WWUS43 KABR 170951 WSWABR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 SDZ005-006-171100- /O.CAN.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McPherson-Brown- Including the cities of Eureka and Aberdeen 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... No significant snowfall is expected. Therefore, the winter weather advisory has been cancelled. $$ SDZ003-004-009-015-016-033>035-171800- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Corson-Campbell-Walworth-Dewey-Potter-Stanley-Sully-Hughes- Including the cities of McIntosh, Herreid, Mobridge, Isabel, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, Onida, and Pierre 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /251 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Portions of central and north central South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ045-048-171800- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jones-Lyman- Including the cities of Murdo and Kennebec 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Jones and Lyman Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ017-036-037-051-171800- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Faulk-Hyde-Hand-Buffalo- Including the cities of Faulkton, Highmore, Miller, and Fort Thompson 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Hyde, Hand, Buffalo and Faulk Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ010-171800- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Edmunds- Including the city of Ipswich 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches, mainly west of Highway 45. * WHERE...Edmunds County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ018-171800- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Spink- Including the city of Redfield 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. mainly along and south of Highway 212. * WHERE...Spink County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ019>023-171800- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Clark-Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel- Including the cities of Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Hayti, and Clear Lake 351 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, mainly along and south of Highway 212. * WHERE...Clark, Deuel, Hamlin, Grant and Codington Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  657 WSUS31 KKCI 170955 SIGE MKCE WST 170955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1E VALID UNTIL 1155Z KY 50W LOZ ISOL EMBD TS D30 MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL240. OUTLOOK VALID 171155-171555 FROM HNN-BKW-HMV-VXV-MSL-BWG-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  622 WSSC31 FSIA 170945 FSSS SIGMET 03 VALID 171005/171405 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS WI N0012 E05437 - N0525 E05501 - N0458 E06000 - N0205 E06000 - N0014 E05730 - N0012 E05437 TOP ABV FL390 STNR WKN=  839 WSUS32 KKCI 170955 SIGC MKCC WST 170955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7C VALID UNTIL 1155Z TN AL MS MO AR FROM 40NW DYR-50NW GQO-10NNE MSL-30SSW ARG-40NW DYR AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 171155-171555 AREA 1...FROM 50SE FAM-BWG-MSL-MEM-40S ARG-50SE FAM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50NNE IGB-VUZ-50E MEI-LSU-LCH-AEX-SQS-50NNE IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  045 WSUS33 KKCI 170955 SIGW MKCW WST 170955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171155-171555 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  319 WHUS46 KSGX 170952 CFWSGX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service San Diego CA 152 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ELEVATED SURF AND STRONG RIP CURRENTS THIS WEEKEND... .A west-northwest swell from 290 degrees will bring elevated surf and strong rip currents. The highest surf today is expected in southern San Diego County. CAZ043-552-180000- /O.CON.KSGX.BH.S.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ San Diego County Coastal Areas-Orange County Coastal Areas- 152 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... * Surf...3 to 6 feet with sets to 7 feet in San Diego County south of Encinitas. * Timing...Through 4 PM today. * Impacts...Strong rip currents and risk of drowning with dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A beach hazards statement is issued when threats such as strong rip currents...elevated surf heights...minor tidal overflow...or lightning are possible at local beaches. Obey posted warning signs and flags and talk to a lifeguard before swimming. Use caution when in or near the water and always swim near a lifeguard. && $$ Moede https://www.weather.gov/sandiego  502 WABZ22 SBBS 170951 SBBS AIRMET 8 VALID 170940/171110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 02 00/0900M FG FCST WI S1443 W04752 - S1609 W04638 - S1727 W04921 - S1622 W05011 - S1443 W04752 STNR NC=  751 WWPQ80 PGUM 170953 SPSPQ SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 753 PM ChST Sun Feb 17 2019 PMZ172-173-174-180200- CHUUK-POHNPEI-KOSRAE- 753 PM ChST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...TROPICAL DISTURBANCE SOUTHEAST OF KOSRAE... A TROPICAL DISTURBANCE IS LOCATED ABOUT 310 MILES SOUTHEAST OF KOSRAE NEAR 2N166E THIS EVENING. THIS DISTURBANCE HAS BEEN NEARLY STATIONARY AND THIS SHOULD CONTINUE THROUGH TONIGHT. A ROBUST TRADE- WIND SURGE NORTH OF THE DISTURBANCE HAS SUSTAINED FRESH TO STRONG WINDS ACROSS KOSRAE AND NEARBY ISLANDS. HEIGHTENED TRADE-WIND CONVERGENCE HAS ALSO TRIGGERED SPORADIC DEEP CONVECTION OVER THE SAME GENERAL AREA. THIS PATTERN WILL PERSIST NEAR KOSRAE THROUGH MONDAY EVENING. THE DISTURBANCE IS EXPECTED TO SLOWLY DRIFT WEST-NORTHWESTWARD AND GRADUALLY DEVELOP OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS. THIS WILL CAUSE THE FRESH TO STRONG WINDS AND SHOWERY WEATHER NEAR KOSRAE TO SHIFT WESTWARD OVER POHNPEI AND NEARBY ISLANDS ON MONDAY...AND CHUUK AND NEARBY ISLANDS ON TUESDAY. RAINFALL OF 1 TO 3 INCHES IS POSSIBLE ACROSS THE REGION FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS. IF THE DISTURBANCE DEVELOPS FASTER THAN EXPECTED...BOTH WINDS AND RAINFALL AMOUNTS WILL INCREASE NEAR CHUUK AND POHNPEI. LARGE TRADE-WIND SWELL AND WIND WAVES WILL SUSTAIN HAZARDOUS MARINE CONDITIONS FOR SMALL CRAFT OPERATION ACROSS CHUUK...POHNPEI AND KOSRAE STATES MOST OF THIS WEEK. INTER-ISLAND TRAVEL BY SMALL BOATS SHOULD BE POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT WEEK. FOR INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS SURF...PLEASE REFER TO THE HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNDER WMO HEADER WHPQ40 PGUM. RESIDENTS FROM CHUUK EASTWARD TO KOSRAE STATES SHOULD MONITOR THIS DISTURBANCE CLOSELY AND HEED THE INSTRUCTIONS FROM LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND WEATHER SERVICE OFFICES. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE LATEST FORECAST AND ADVISORIES...VISIT THE WFO GUAM WEBSITE AT WWW.WEATHER.GOV/GUM/ $$ CHAN  701 WWUS45 KGGW 170953 WSWGGW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 253 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 .Accumulating snow to continue at times, though intensity will gradually diminish today across the area. MTZ017-023-025>027-180000- /O.CON.KGGW.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Central and Southern Valley-McCone-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux- Including the cities of Glasgow, Fort Peck, Hinsdale, Frazer, Circle, Glendive, Richey, Terry, and Wibaux 253 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected. * WHERE...Dawson, Wibaux, Prairie, McCone and Central and Southern Valley Counties. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on difficult travel conditions. Expect significant reductions in visibility at times. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ016-018-020-022-024-059-061-062-180000- /O.CON.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Daniels-Western Roosevelt-Garfield- Richland-Northern Phillips-Northern Valley-Eastern Roosevelt- Including the cities of Malta, Saco, Scobey, Wolf Point, Poplar, Jordan, Sidney, Fairview, Whitewater, Opheim, and Culbertson 253 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 2 inches are expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Montana. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ MTZ021-060-172100- /O.CON.KGGW.WC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Petroleum-Southwest Phillips- Including the cities of Winnett and Zortman 253 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Expect wind chills as low as 25 below zero. * WHERE...Southwest Phillips and Petroleum Counties. * WHEN...Until 2 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$  662 WWUS43 KLBF 170953 WSWLBF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service North Platte NE 353 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR PORTIONS OF NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA CONTINUES THIS MORNING... NEZ006-007-010-029-171800- /O.CON.KLBF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Keya Paha-Boyd-Holt-Wheeler- Including the cities of Springview, Spencer, Butte, Lynch, Oneill, Atkinson, Bartlett, and Ericson 353 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches are likely with local amounts near 3 inches possible. * WHERE...Wheeler, Boyd, Holt and Keya Paha Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Call Nebraska 511 for the latest road information. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lbf  421 WHUS46 KSGX 170953 CFWSGX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service San Diego CA 153 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ELEVATED SURF AND STRONG RIP CURRENTS TODAY... .A west-northwest swell from 290 degrees will bring elevated surf and strong rip currents. The highest surf today will be in southern San Diego County. CAZ043-552-180000- /O.CON.KSGX.BH.S.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ San Diego County Coastal Areas-Orange County Coastal Areas- 153 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... * Surf...3 to 6 feet with sets to 7 feet in San Diego County south of Del Mar. * Timing...Through 4 PM today. * Impacts...Strong rip currents and risk of drowning with dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A beach hazards statement is issued when threats such as strong rip currents...elevated surf heights...minor tidal overflow...or lightning are possible at local beaches. Obey posted warning signs and flags and talk to a lifeguard before swimming. Use caution when in or near the water and always swim near a lifeguard. && $$ https://www.weather.gov/sandiego  141 WSRS31 RUMU 170953 ULMM SIGMET 3 VALID 171000/171400 ULMM- ULMM MURMANSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N70 SFC/FL020 MOV SE 30KMH WKN =  507 WSMV31 VRMM 170945 VRMF SIGMET 1 VALID 170945/171345 VRMM- VRMF MALE FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N02 N OF S02 E OF E072 W OF E078 CB TOP FL390 MOV W M03KT INTSF=  838 WSRS31 RUMU 170954 ULMM SIGMET 4 VALID 171000/171400 ULMM- ULMM MURMANSK FIR SEV MTW FCST S OF N70 FL020/040 MOV SE 30KMH WKN=  827 WWUS41 KRLX 170956 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 456 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ101>103-105-OHZ087-WVZ005-006-013-014-171400- /O.EXB.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1000Z-190217T1400Z/ Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Lawrence KY-Lawrence OH-Wayne-Cabell-Lincoln- Putnam- Including the cities of Flatwoods, Greenup, Grayson, Olive Hill, Ashland, Louisa, Ironton, South Point, Kenova, Ceredo, Wayne, Huntington, Harts, Alum Creek, Hamlin, Teays Valley, and Hurricane 456 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Brief periods of freezing rain. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio, northeast Kentucky and southern and western West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ516-518-520-171800- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1300Z-190217T1800Z/ Southeast Raleigh-Southeast Fayette-Southeast Nicholas- Including the cities of Beckley, Meadow Bridge, and Richwood 456 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain, possibly beginning as sleet, changing to rain by midday. Total sleet accumulations of up to a tenth of an inch, with ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Fayette, and Southeast Nicholas Counties. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 1 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ522>524-526-171800- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1400Z-190218T0000Z/ Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Snowshoe, Marlinton, and Harman 456 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain and sleet, changing to rain by evening. Total sleet accumulations of up to two tenths of an inch, with ice accumulations of one to two tenths of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Webster, Northwest Pocahontas, Southeast Pocahontas, and Southeast Randolph Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 7 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  503 WWUS74 KBRO 170956 NPWBRO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 356 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense Fog Across the Ranchlands and Lower Texas Coast... .The combination of light surface winds and elevated dewpoints near the frontal boundary has produced persistent dense fog in the northern ranchlands early this morning. Warm and moist air across nearshore waters has allowed dense marine fog to persist, which will continue to impact coastal roadways into mid morning. Daytime heating and gradual increase of winds late morning should help dissipate any fog. TXZ249>251-256-257-351-171500- /O.NEW.KBRO.FG.Y.0014.190217T0956Z-190217T1500Z/ Jim Hogg-Brooks-Inland Kenedy-Coastal Willacy-Coastal Cameron- Coastal Kenedy- Including the cities of Hebbronville, Falfurrias, Sarita, Port Mansfield, Port Isabel, South Padre Island, Laguna Heights, and Laguna Vista 356 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Brownsville has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM CST this morning. * VISIBILITY...One-quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Rapidly reduced visibilities over short distances will create difficult to dangerous driving conditions for motorists. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use low-beam headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Hallman  438 WWIN80 VOTV 170956 AERODROME WARNING 20190217 VOTV 170940Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 170950Z/171350Z SFC WSPD MAX 25KT FROM 360 DEG FCST NC= 20190217/0940Z DUTY OFFICER  744 WWCN02 CYZX 171000 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 WING GOOSE BAY PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:59 AM AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: 5 WING GOOSE BAY (CYYR) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30 KNOTS VALID: 17/1400Z TO 18/1400Z (17/1000 AST TO 18/1000 AST) TYPE: GUST SPREAD WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER VALID: 17/1800Z TO 18/1000Z (17/1400 AST TO 18/0600 AST) COMMENTS: A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM OFF THE COAST OF LABRADOR WILL CAUSE STRONG GUSTY WINDS IN THE GOOSE BAY AREA TODAY AND TONIGHT. STRONG WESTERLY WINDS WITH GUSTS BETWEEN 30 AND 35 KNOTS WILL DEVELOP THIS MORNING. AS WELL, GUST SPREAD VALUES OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER WILL BE POSSIBLE BEGINNING LATER THIS MORNING. STRONG WINDS WILL PERSIST UNTIL MONDAY MORNING, WHEN THE LOW MOVES OUT OF THE AREA AND WINDS DIMINISH. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 17/2200Z (17/1800 AST) END/JMC  109 WABZ22 SBBS 171001 SBBS AIRMET 9 VALID 171010/171410 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 1000/4000M RA BR FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S15 03 W04826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W0 4955 STNR NC=  567 WABZ22 SBBS 171002 SBBS AIRMET 10 VALID 171010/171410 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR OVC CLD 100/0800FT FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S1503 W04 826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W04955 STNR NC=  166 WWCN13 CWWG 171002 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:02 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: THE BATTLEFORDS - UNITY - MAIDSTONE - ST. WALBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 15 CM IS EXPECTED. 10 CM OF SNOW EXPECTED ALONG THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY. A NEARLY STATIONARY BAND OF SNOW CONTINUES TO SIT NEAR THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY FROM VISCOUNT TO THE BATTLEFORDS. THIS BAND IS EXPECTED TO PRODUCE 10 CM OF SNOW BY THE TIME IT WEAKENS AND MOVES AWAY LATER TODAY. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  356 WVPR31 SPIM 171002 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 171030/171630 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD EST AT 0900Z WI S1523 W07236 - S1546 W07149 - S1538 W07241 - S1523 W07236 SFC/FL250 FCST AT 1500Z VA CLD WI S1531 W07242 - S1545 W07150 - S1547 W07243 - S1531 W07242=  388 WSFJ01 NFFN 170900 NFFF SIGMET 05 VALID 170947/171100 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR CNL SIGMET 03 170700/171100=  994 WWUS43 KOAX 171004 WSWOAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 404 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ056-069-080-171800- /O.CAN.KOAX.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ /O.EXA.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Shelby-Pottawattamie-Montgomery- Including the cities of Harlan, Council Bluffs, and Red Oak 404 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Shelby, Pottawattamie and Montgomery Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ043-055-NEZ011-012-015>018-031>034-171800- /O.CON.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Monona-Harrison-Knox-Cedar-Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Madison- Stanton-Cuming-Burt- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, and Decatur 404 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Nebraska and southwest and west central Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ079-090-091-NEZ030-042>045-050>053-065>068-078-088>093-171200- /O.CON.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Mills-Fremont-Page-Boone-Platte-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler- Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward-Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline- Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Glenwood, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Albion, St. Edward, Columbus, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, David City, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 404 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Nebraska and southwest Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  211 WWUS43 KEAX 171005 WSWEAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 405 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Light Wintry Precipitation Continues Through Mid-Morning... KSZ025-102-MOZ001>008-011>017-020>025-030>033-039-040-046-171500- /O.EXT.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Atchison KS-Doniphan-Atchison MO-Nodaway-Worth-Gentry-Harrison- Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler-Holt-Andrew-De Kalb-Daviess-Grundy- Sullivan-Adair-Buchanan-Clinton-Caldwell-Livingston-Linn MO-Macon- Ray-Carroll-Chariton-Randolph-Saline-Howard-Cooper- Including the cities of Atchison, Wathena, Elwood, Troy, Highland, Tarkio, Rockport, Fairfax, Maryville, Grant City, Albany, Stanberry, King City, Bethany, Princeton, Mercer, Unionville, Lancaster, Queen City, Greentop, Downing, Glenwood, Mound City, Oregon, Maitland, Forest City, Craig, Savannah, Country Club Villa, Maysville, Stewartsville, Osborn, Union Star, Clarksdale, Gallatin, Jamesport, Trenton, Milan, Green City, Kirksville, St. Joseph Airport, St. Joseph, Cameron, Plattsburg, Lathrop, Hamilton, Braymer, Polo, Breckenridge, Chillicothe, Brookfield, Marceline, Macon, La Plata, Richmond, Lawson, Carrollton, Salisbury, Brunswick, Keytesville, Moberly, Marshall, Fayette, Glasgow, New Franklin, and Boonville 405 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Total snowfall accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, with the highest snowfall totals near the Iowa border. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central, north central, northeast, northwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ KSZ057-060-103>105-MOZ028-029-037-038-043>045-053-054-171500- /O.EXT.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Miami-Linn KS-Leavenworth-Wyandotte-Johnson KS-Platte-Clay- Jackson-Lafayette-Cass-Johnson MO-Pettis-Bates-Henry- Including the cities of Paola, Osawatomie, Louisburg, Pleasanton, La Cygne, Mound City, Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Lansing, Kansas City Kansas, Overland Park, Stanley, Olathe, Shawnee, Lenexa, Parkville, Platte City, Riverside, Weatherby Lake, Weston, Gladstone, Liberty, Excelsior Springs, Kansas City, Independence, Odessa, Higginsville, Lexington, Concordia, Belton, Raymore, Harrisonville, Pleasant Hill, Warrensburg, Sedalia, Butler, Adrian, Rich Hill, Clinton, and Windsor 405 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Wintry mix. Total snowfall accumulations up to one inch, and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central, north central, northeast, northwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  824 WWUS74 KEWX 171008 NPWEWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 408 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 TXZ173-191-192-171115- /O.CAN.KEWX.FG.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T1300Z/ Williamson-Hays-Travis- Including the cities of Georgetown, San Marcos, and Austin 408 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Austin/San Antonio has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Drier air has moved into the area and the fog has lifted. $$ TXZ193-194-207>209-221>225-171300- /O.CON.KEWX.FG.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T1300Z/ Bastrop-Lee-Guadalupe-Caldwell-Fayette-Wilson-Karnes-Gonzales- De Witt-Lavaca- Including the cities of Bastrop, Giddings, Seguin, Lockhart, La Grange, Floresville, Karnes City, Gonzales, Cuero, and Halletsville 408 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...1/4 mile or less. * IMPACTS...Reduced visibilities will result in localized areas of poor driving conditions in the advisory area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to a quarter mile or less. If driving...slow down...use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  599 WAHU41 LHBM 171000 LHCC AIRMET 01 VALID 171000/171200 LHBP- LHCC BUDAPEST FIR SFC VIS 300-5000M FZFG BR WI N4817 E02153- N4728 E02032-N4737 E02016-N4830 E02057-N4817 E02153 =  855 WWUS43 KJKL 171008 WSWJKL URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson KY 508 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ058-068-069-110>112-114-119-171500- /O.EXA.KJKL.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Estill-Rockcastle-Jackson-Floyd-Lee-Breathitt-Owsley-Martin- Including the cities of Irvine, Ravenna, Brodhead, Mount Vernon, McKee, Annville, Prestonsburg, Wheelwright, Beattyville, Jackson, Booneville, and Inez 508 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, south central and southeast Kentucky. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ KYZ044-050>052-059-060-104-106>109-171500- /O.CON.KJKL.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Powell-Menifee-Elliott-Morgan- Johnson-Wolfe-Magoffin- Including the cities of Flemingsburg, Camargo, Jeffersonville, Mount Sterling, Owingsville, Morehead, Clay City, Stanton, Frenchburg, Sandy Hook, West Liberty, Paintsville, Campton, and Salyersville 508 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Kentucky. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses. The freezing rain threat will impact the Mountain Parkway and I-64. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ KAS  609 WWUS76 KMFR 171009 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 209 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ022-172300- /O.NEW.KMFR.FR.Y.0001.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ Curry County Coast- Including the cities of Brookings, Harbor, and Gold Beach 209 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM PST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued a Frost Advisory...which is in effect from 2 AM to 8 AM PST Monday. * Low temperature...33 to 36 degrees. A few colder inland locations could fall to near or just below freezing. * Locations include...Brookings, Harbor, Gold Beach, Nesika Beach and Ophir. * Impacts...Sensitive vegetation may be killed if left uncovered. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Frost Advisory means that widespread frost is expected. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered. && $$ ORZ021-172300- /O.NEW.KMFR.FZ.A.0002.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast- Including the cities of Coos Bay, North Bend, Reedsport, Bandon, and Port Orford 209 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY MORNING... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued a Freeze Watch...which is in effect from late tonight through Monday morning. * Low temperature...30 to 34 degrees. * Locations include...Coos Bay, North Bend, Charleston, Reedsport, Bandon, Port Orford. * Impacts...Sensitive vegetation may be killed if left uncovered. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Freeze Watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$  230 WSCI36 ZUUU 171007 ZPKM SIGMET 6 VALID 171100/171500 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3233 E10403-N3145 E10923-N2814 E10914-N2732 E10807-N2619 E10600-N2915 E10303-N3233 E10403 FL050/150 STNR NC=  729 WWUS76 KEKA 171012 NPWEKA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 212 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...VERY COLD OVERNIGHT TEMPERATURES EXPECTED SUNDAY NIGHT... .While temperatures along the Humboldt and Del Norte coast this morning will be chilly and may even approach freezing in some locations, even colder low temperatures are expected Sunday night and Monday morning. During this timeframe more widespread freezing temperatures are expected, with lows potentially dropping into the upper 20s in some areas. Very cold temperatures will be possible Monday night as well. CAZ101-103-172315- /O.CON.KEKA.HZ.A.0001.190218T0700Z-190218T1700Z/ Coastal Del Norte-Northern Humboldt Coast- 212 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HARD FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING THROUGH MONDAY MORNING... * LOW TEMPERATURES...27 to 30 * LOCATIONS INCLUDE...Crescent City, Arcata, Eureka, Fortuna, Orick, Klamath, Ferndale, Loleta. * FOR A DETAILED VIEW OF THE HAZARD AREA...visit http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Hard Freeze Watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$  658 WWIN80 VOTV 171009 VOTV 170940Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 170950Z/171350Z SFC WSPD MAX 25KT FROM 360 DEG FCST NC=  913 WWIN80 VOTV 171011 VOTV 170940Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 170950Z/171350Z SFC WSPD MAX 25KT FROM 360 DEG FCST NC=  704 WSIR31 OIII 171014 OIIX SIGMET 2 VALID 171010/171230 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2701 E05622 - N2801 E05755 - N2706 E06054 - N2555 E06155 - N2436 E06118 - N2427 E05903 - N2538 E05641 TOP FL310 MOV E NC=  759 WWIN80 VOTV 171012 VOTV 170940Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 170950/171350 SFC WSPD MAX 25KT FROM 360 DEG FCST NC=  487 WHUS74 KLIX 171016 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 416 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog will remain over nearshore and inland waterways through at least 9 am today... GMZ530-532-534-536-538-550-552-555-557-171500- /O.CON.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 416 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...One mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  155 WWUS41 KRNK 171017 WSWRNK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 517 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Freezing Rain Expected Sunday... .An area of low pressure will move east through the Tennesse and Ohio Valleys today. A swath of precipitation will overspread the region from southwest to northeast ahead of this system. Freezing rain is likely primarily across the higher elevations from the New River Valley northeast into the Shenandoah Valley and Highlands of Virginia, and the Greenbrier Valley and Highlands of West Virgina. NCZ001-002-018-VAZ015-171800- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Ashe-Alleghany NC-Watauga-Grayson- Including the cities of West Jefferson, Sparta, Boone, Independence, Whitetop, Troutdale, and Volney 517 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, and up to one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...In Virginia, Grayson County. In North Carolina, Watauga, Ashe and Alleghany NC Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ VAZ010>014-016-017-022-WVZ043-044-507-508-171900- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.190217T1200Z-190217T2000Z/ Bland-Giles-Wythe-Pulaski-Montgomery-Carroll-Floyd-Roanoke- Summers-Monroe-Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of Bland, Pearisburg, Wytheville, Radford, Pulaski, Blacksburg, Galax, Floyd, Roanoke, Salem, Hinton, Hix, Union, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs, Quinwood, Duo, and Rainelle 517 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, and up to one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Virginia and southeast West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ VAZ018>020-023-024-034-035-171900- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.190217T1400Z-190218T0000Z/ Craig-Alleghany VA-Bath-Botetourt-Rockbridge-Bedford-Amherst- Including the cities of New Castle, Clifton Forge, Covington, Hot Springs, Fincastle, Lexington, Buena Vista, and Amherst 517 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, up to two-tenths of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Virginia. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  780 WABZ23 SBAZ 171017 SBAZ AIRMET 7 VALID 171018/171220 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 80 0/1000FT OBS AT 1000Z WI S0503 W04923 - S0539 W04925 - S0540 W04851 - S0500 W 04849 - S0503 W04923 STNR NC=  620 WWUS45 KBYZ 171018 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 318 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 MTZ032-033-036-037-171800- /O.CON.KBYZ.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Custer-Fallon-Powder River-Carter- Including the locations of Miles City, Ismay, Volborg, Baker, Plevna, Webster, Broadus, Biddle, Powderville, Sonnette, Ekalaka, Alzada, Hammond, and Belltower 318 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Fallon, Powder River, Custer and Carter Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow will add to the hazardous travel. The cold wind chills as low as 20 to 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Young livestock will face dangerous conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings && $$ MTZ030-031-058-171800- /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Treasure-Northern Rosebud-Southern Rosebud- Including the locations of Hysham, Bighorn, Colstrip, Forsyth, Ingomar, Angela, Lame Deer, Ashland, and Birney 318 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of around 1 inch expected. * WHERE...Treasure, Northern Rosebud and Southern Rosebud Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as low as 20 to 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Young livestock will face dangerous conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings && $$ MTZ028-029-042-063-171900- /O.CON.KBYZ.WC.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Southern Wheatland-Musselshell-Golden Valley-Judith Gap- Including the locations of Harlowton, Twodot, Shawmut, Roundup, Melstone, Musselshell, Ryegate, Lavina, and Judith Gap 318 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 30 below zero expected. * WHERE...Southern Wheatland, Musselshell, Golden Valley and Judith Gap. * WHEN...Until noon MST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you dress appropriately for the cold conditions. && $$  745 WSCI37 ZLXY 171019 ZLHW SIGMET 2 VALID 171050/171450 ZLXY- ZLHW LANZHOU FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF LINE N35 E104 - N35 E110 FL050/150 MOV E 20KMH NC=  063 WHUS76 KMFR 171022 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 222 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ350-356-370-376-180000- /O.CON.KMFR.SW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm- Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 222 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST MONDAY... * Seas...West swell 10 to 12 feet at 12 seconds. * Winds...Northwest 15 to 20 KT. * Areas affected...All areas. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves will be steep enough to create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/medford  829 WAIY31 LIIB 171024 LIMM AIRMET 6 VALID 171025/171225 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR OBS WI N4525 E00808 - N4534 E00915 - N4531 E01112 - N4555 E01205 - N4547 E01315 - N4520 E01209 - N4414 E01208 - N4456 E00917 - N4432 E00813 - N4459 E00745 - N4525 E00808 STNR WKN=  383 WWUS46 KMFR 171024 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 224 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ024-171600- /O.CAN.KMFR.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the city of Cave Junction 224 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations mainly up to an inch, but up to 2 inches are possible in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. * WHERE...Eastern Curry County and Josephine County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. The snow level will fall to around 1000 feet this morning. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ CAZ080-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Greenview, Scott Bar, and Somes Bar 224 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional accumulations of up to an inch. * WHERE...Western Siskiyou County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ ORZ023-025-026-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Central Douglas County-Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Jackson County- Including the cities of Glendale and Toketee Falls 224 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations of up to an inch. * WHERE...Generally elevations above 1500 feet, especially the higher passes on Interstate 5 north of Medford, Camas Mountain on Highway 42, Jacksonville Hill on Highway 238, areas mainly north of Shady Cove on Highway 62, Glendale and Toketee Falls. Some snow may occasionally reach valley floors as well early this morning with mainly wet or slushy roadways. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ ORZ027-028-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades- Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Crater Lake, Crescent Lake, Diamond Lake, Union Creek, Howard Prairie, and Siskiyou Summit 224 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Cascades and Siskiyous to include Siskiyou Summit on Interstate 5, Mount Ashland Ski Road, Highway 62 near Crater Lake, Highway 140 at Lake of the Woods, Diamond Lake. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow-covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  725 WWUS43 KTOP 171024 WSWTOP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 424 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ010-023-038-054-171130- /O.CAN.KTOP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Marshall-Pottawatomie-Wabaunsee-Lyon- Including the cities of Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Wamego, St. Marys, Alma, Eskridge, Maple Hill, Alta Vista, McFarland, Harveyville, Paxico, and Emporia 424 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Light freezing drizzle and snow have come to an end over the area. Untreated roads may remain slick into the morning hours. $$ KSZ011-012-024-026-039-040-055-056-058-059-171200- /O.CON.KTOP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Nemaha-Brown-Jackson-Jefferson-Shawnee-Douglas-Osage-Franklin- Coffey-Anderson- Including the cities of Sabetha, Seneca, Hiawatha, Horton, Holton, Valley Falls, Oskaloosa, Perry, McLouth, Grantville, Meriden, Nortonville, Topeka, Lawrence, Osage City, Carbondale, Lyndon, Burlingame, Overbrook, Ottawa, Burlington, Lebo, and Garnett 424 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Light freezing drizzle. Little additional accumulation is expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means wintry precipitation will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect slick roads and potentially hazardous driving conditions. Allow extra time to reach your destination and exercise defensive driving. The latest road conditions for Kansas can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting kandrive.org. && $$ KDS  528 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBRE SIGMET 7 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0917 W04139 - S0946 W03914 - S1308 W04003 - S1251 W04118 - S0917 W04139 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  529 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 170920/171120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 FL120/180 STNR WKN=  530 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBRE SIGMET 8 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1602 W04324 - S1429 W04255 - S1335 W04038 - S2110 W03922 - S2045 W03948 - S2057 W04015 - S2006 W04120 - S1749 W04203 - S1700 W04143 - S1602 W04324 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  531 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0511 W06504 - S0357 W06156 - S0901 W05912 - S1005 W06225 - S0511 W06504 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  532 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0452 W05014 - S0413 W04648 - S0748 W04631 - S0812 W04921 - S0452 W05014 FL 450 STNR NC=  533 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 170920/171120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  534 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1852 W03739 - S2156 W03107 - S2525 W03458 - S2329 W03927 - S2226 W03809 - S2111 W03922 - S1852 W03739 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  535 WSBZ01 SBBR 171000 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0147 W03900 - S0121 W03721 - S0204 W03708 - S0233 W03837 - S0147 W03900 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  393 WSIS31 LLBD 171028 LLLL SIGMET 1 VALID 171100/171500 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3231 E03450 - N3230 E03535 - N3119 E03526 - N3130 E03420 FL050/100 NC=  509 WSBW20 VGHS 171030 VGFR SIGMET 04 VALID 171200/171600 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ESE NC=  510 WHMC31 GMMC 171036 EN-R-05-00-01 BMS NR 24 LE 17/02/2019 A 10H30TU ATTENTION: LA VITESSE MOYENNE DU VENT EST DONNE EN CHELLE BEAUFORT. LES RAFALES PEUVENT DPASSER LE VENT MOYEN DE 40%. L'TAT DE LA MER E ST DONN EN HAUTEUR SUGNIFICATIVE TOTALE, ELLE CORRESPOND LA MOYENNE DU TIERS DES VAGUES LES PLUS HAUTES. LA HAUTEUR MAXIMALE DES VAGUES INDIVIDUELLES PEUT ALLER JUSQU'AU DOUBLE DE LA HAUTEUR SIGNIFICATIV E. NIVEAU DE VIGILANCE : ORANGE ENTRE MEHDIA ET CAP CANTIN: VAGUES DANGEREUSES DE NORD-OUEST, DE 4.0M A 5.0M, AVEC PERIODES DE 1 4 A 17 SECONDES, VALABLE DU 18/02/2019 A 1200TU JUSQU'AU 19/02/2019 A 0900TU. ENTRE CAP CANTIN ET CAP GHIR: VAGUES DANGEREUSES DE NORD-OUEST, DE 4.0M A 5.0M, AVEC PERIODES DE 1 4 A 17 SECONDES, VALABLE DU 18/02/2019 A 1700TU JUSQU'AU 19/02/2019 A 1200TU. ENTRE CAP GHIR ET CAP DARAA: VAGUES DANGEREUSES DE NORD-OUEST, DE 4.0M A 5.0M, AVEC PERIODES DE 1 4 A 17 SECONDES, VALABLE DU 18/02/2019 A 2000TU JUSQU'AU 19/02/2019 A 1200TU.  820 WWUS84 KLZK 171038 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 438 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ARZ003>008-012>017-025-171500- Boone-Marion-Baxter-Fulton-Sharp-Randolph-Newton-Searcy-Stone- Izard-Independence-Lawrence-Jackson- Including the cities of Harrison, Omaha, Lead Hill, Bull Shoals, Flippin, Yellville, Summit, Mountain Home, Norfork, Gassville, Mammoth Spring, Viola, Salem, Cave City, Ash Flat, Hardy, Pocahontas, Ravenden Springs, Maynard, Jasper, Western Grove, Deer, Marshall, Leslie, Gilbert, Mountain View, Fox, Timbo, Allison, Horseshoe Bend, Melbourne, Calico Rock, Oxford, Batesville, Oil Trough, Pleasant Plains, Walnut Ridge, Hoxie, Black Rock, Imboden, Newport, Tuckerman, and Swifton 438 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Light Freezing Drizzle Possible Early This Morning... Some drizzle and patchy fog will continue across portions of the state...and with temperatures hovering near or just below freezing...some patchy slick spots may be seen on area roadways this morning across northern Arkansas. Given only very light precipitation is expected...only light icing will be possible. This may result in some isolated hazardous driving conditions...mainly on bridges and overpasses...especially in the higher terrain. Temperatures will continue to slowly rise through the morning. The warmer temperatures will decrease the threat for hazardous driving conditions due to light freezing drizzle. $$ 51  599 WAUS41 KKCI 171038 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 171038 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WV VA NC SC GA FROM HNN TO 20WSW CSN TO 20ESE CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT NY FROM 50NW PQI TO MLT TO 30NW ENE TO 40WSW MPV TO 60WSW YSC TO YSC TO 50NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA...UPDT FROM 40ENE SYR TO 20SW ALB TO PSB TO 30SSW BUF TO 40ENE SYR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...IFR VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20S ORF-70SSE ECG-70E CRG-20SSW CTY-130ESE LEV-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-20S ORF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...IFR OH WV VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY FWA-30E HNN-20NE ECG-HMV-HNN-CVG-FWA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN PA WV MD VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 40SSW JHW-20ESE PSB-50E EKN-20WSW CSN-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV- HNN-40SSW JHW MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  943 WHUS76 KMTR 171039 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ545-171845- /O.EXP.KMTR.RB.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM PST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-171845- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190217T1100Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.190217T1800Z-190218T0200Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM PST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 25 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...11 to 16 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 15 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...10 to 15 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...9 to 14 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 12 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-171845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-171845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-171845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 239 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  475 WSPA10 PHFO 171040 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 4 VALID 171050/171450 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N1100 E16530 - N0400 E16230 - N0400 E15610 - N1020 E15840 - N1100 E16530. CB TOPS TO FL520. MOV W 10KT. WKN. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  445 WWUS46 KOTX 171042 WSWOTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 242 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOW THROUGH TONIGHT ACROSS THE CAMAS PRAIRIE... .A weather system will move across the region today and tonight, bringing continued periods of snow across the Camas Prairie. IDZ027-180000- /O.NEW.KOTX.WW.Y.0016.190217T1042Z-190218T1200Z/ Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties- Including the following locations Kamiah, Craigmont, Nezperce, Winchester, and Soldiers Meadow Road 242 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Kamiah, Craigmont, Nezperce, Winchester, and Soldiers Meadow Road. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  602 WWUS72 KTBW 171044 NPWTBW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Area - Ruskin FL 544 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG EXPANDING NORTH INTO TAMPA BAY AREA... .Areas of dense fog have developed over portions of southwest and west central Florida early this morning, and is expanding northwards towards the Tampa Bay. In some locations, visibilities have dropped to less than a quarter mile, creating hazardous driving conditions. This fog is expected to dissipate by around 9 AM. FLZ151-251-171400- /O.EXA.KTBW.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ Coastal Hillsborough-Inland Hillsborough- Including the cities of Tampa, Apollo Beach, Westchase, Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City Center 544 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Tampa Bay Area - Ruskin FL has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EST this morning. * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Limited visibility will make for dangerous travel conditions PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ FLZ052-056-057-061-155-160-162-255-260-262-171400- /O.CON.KTBW.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ Polk-Hardee-Highlands-DeSoto-Coastal Manatee-Coastal Sarasota- Coastal Charlotte-Inland Manatee-Inland Sarasota-Inland Charlotte- Including the cities of Lakeland, Winter Haven, Wauchula, Bowling Green, Zolfo Springs, Sebring, Avon Park, Placid Lakes, Arcadia, Bradenton, Anna Maria Island, Venice, Sarasota, Englewood, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Parrish, Lakewood Ranch, Myakka City, North Port, and Babcock Ranch 544 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Limited visibility will make for dangerous travel conditions PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  983 WHUS76 KPQR 171044 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 244 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ210-172345- /O.CON.KPQR.RB.Y.0036.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KPQR.RB.Y.0037.190217T2000Z-190218T0000Z/ Columbia River Bar- 244 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST EARLY THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in Portland has issued a Small Craft Advisory for rough bar, which is in effect from noon today to 4 PM PST this afternoon. * IN THE MAIN CHANNEL... * General seas...6 to 8 ft today, subsiding to 4 to 6 ft tonight and Monday. * FIRST EBB...Around 245 AM this morning. Seas building to 11 ft. * SECOND EBB...Very strong ebb around 3 PM this afternoon. Seas building to 11 ft with breakers likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ250-255-270-275-172345- /O.EXT.KPQR.SW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM-Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM- Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM-Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 244 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... * Seas...10 to 12 feet today. Seas should drop below 10 feet this evening or overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for wind means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swell can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember, breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/portland  607 WHUS76 KSGX 171046 MWWSGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 246 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING THROUGH 10 AM MONDAY... .A Pacific storm will generate strong west winds and large combined seas through Monday morning. Winds of 20 to 30 kts gusting to 35 kt will continue through early Monday morning. PZZ750-775-172200- /O.CON.KSGX.GL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T1800Z/ Coastal Waters from San Mateo Point to the Mexican Border and out to 30 nm- Waters from San Mateo point to the Mexican Border Extending 30 to 60 nm out including San Clemente Island- 246 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt, with gusts to 35 kt. * Combined Seas...10 to 13 ft with a short 8 second period. * Observations...At 2 AM a wind gust of 33 kt was reported at the San Clemente Basin Buoy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ Moede  392 WABZ23 SBAZ 171046 SBAZ AIRMET 8 VALID 171048/171205 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 20 00 DZ OBS AT 1030Z WI S0041 W04748 - S0207 W04751 - S0207 W04908 - S0040 W04909 - S0041 W04748 ST NR NC=  582 WHUS72 KTBW 171049 MWWTBW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL 549 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG MOVING NORTH INTO THE TAMPA BAY... .Areas of dense fog developed over southwest and west central Florida early this morning, and are now expanding north into the Tampa Bay. This fog will create pockets of visibilities less than one mile over parts the Tampa Bay through mid morning. GMZ830-171400- /O.NEW.KTBW.MF.Y.0007.190217T1049Z-190217T1400Z/ Tampa Bay waters- 549 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Tampa Bay Ruskin has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EST this morning. * VISIBILITY...3 miles or less, with some spots dropping to less than a mile. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ https://www.weather.gov/tampa  001 WSUS31 KKCI 171055 SIGE MKCE WST 171055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171255-171655 FROM HNN-BKW-HMV-MSL-BWG-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  002 WSUS33 KKCI 171055 SIGW MKCW WST 171055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171255-171655 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  003 WSUS32 KKCI 171055 SIGC MKCC WST 171055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8C VALID UNTIL 1255Z TN KY MO AR FROM 30N DYR-50N GQO-60ENE MSL-40WSW DYR-30N DYR AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 171255-171655 AREA 1...FROM BWG-MSL-50E MEM-30N MEM-30N DYR-BWG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50NNE IGB-VUZ-50E MEI-LSU-LCH-AEX-SQS-50NNE IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  072 WWUS45 KMSO 171052 WSWMSO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 352 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 IDZ007-008-181100- /O.EXB.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Orofino/Grangeville Region-Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 252 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Persistent light snow with occasional periods of moderate snow will bring additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches by Monday morning. * WHERE...Camas Prairie, Grangeville and vicinity, Greer Grade, Highway 95 Slate Creek to Riggins, and White Bird Grade. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ006-181100- /O.EXB.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.190217T1900Z-190218T1600Z/ Southern Clearwater Mountains- 252 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Persistent light snow will bring additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches by Monday morning. * WHERE...Dixie, Elk City, and Highway 12 Lowell to Lolo Pass. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 8 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ002-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ West Glacier Region- 352 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitterly cold wind chill. Additional snow accumulations of around an inch. East winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Bad Rock Canyon, Essex, Highway 83 Bigfork to Swan Lake, Marias Pass, and Polebridge. * WHEN...Until noon MST. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. && $$ MTZ003-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Flathead/Mission Valleys- 352 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitterly cold wind chill. Additional morning snow accumulation of up to 1 inch in the Flathead Valley and 1 to 3 inches in the Mission Valley. Northeast winds 20-30 mph gusting to near 40 mph this morning. * WHERE...Badrock Canyon and the Flathead Valley. * WHEN...Until noon MST. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as low as 15 below zero could result in hypothermia if precautions are not taken. && $$ MTZ043-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 352 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitterly cold wind chill. Additional snowfall accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. East winds 20 to 30 mph. * WHERE...Highway 200 Bonner to Greenough and I-90 East Missoula to Bearmouth. * WHEN...Until noon MST. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. && $$ MTZ007-171900- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region- 352 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and bitterly cold wind chill. Additional snowfall of up to an inch. Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph gusting over 40 mph at times. * WHERE...Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Homestake Pass, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...Until noon MST. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. && $$  414 WWUS82 KMLB 171053 SPSMLB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 553 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 FLZ047-053-054-058-059-064-171400- Southern Brevard-Osceola-Indian River-Okeechobee-St. Lucie-Martin- 553 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 Patchy fog, which will be locally dense in some areas will reduce visibilities one half mile or less across portions of Okeechobee, Martin, Saint Lucie, Indian River and Osceola counties through 9 AM. Motorists should be prepared to encounter rapid changes in visibility from fog. If dense fog is encountered, reduce your speed, use only your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance between other vehicles. Remember, visibility can deteriorate rapidly at highway speeds. $$ JP  549 WANO34 ENMI 171054 ENBD AIRMET C01 VALID 171100/171500 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6500 E00605 - N6500 E01030 - N6400 E01245 - N6200 E01210 - N6200 E00500 3000FT/FL170 MOV NE 20KT NC=  127 WWUS76 KSGX 171054 NPWSGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 254 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GUSTY WEST WINDS THIS AFTERNOON... .Breezy conditions will develop this afternoon as a cold front moves through Southern CA. The strongest winds will occur along the immediate coast in the late afternoon and evening. Winds will gradually weaken tonight. CAZ043-048-050-552-554-172200- /O.NEW.KSGX.WI.Y.0012.190217T2200Z-190218T0600Z/ San Diego County Coastal Areas- San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys-The Inland Empire- San Diego County Valleys-Orange County Coastal Areas- Orange County Inland Areas- Including the cities of Vista, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Chula Vista, National City, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Escondido, El Cajon, San Marcos, La Mesa, Santee, Poway, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Irvine, Orange, Fullerton, and Mission Viejo 254 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in San Diego has issued a Wind Advisory...which is in effect from 2 PM this afternoon to 10 PM PST this evening. * Winds...West to northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 35 mph. * Timing...This afternoon and evening. * Location...Coastal areas and valleys, strongest along the immediate coast. * Impacts...Wet soil from recent heavy rains may result in weak or shallow rooted trees being uprooted during the time of strongest winds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that winds of 35 mph are expected. Winds this strong can make driving difficult...especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ SS  901 WSID20 WIII 171100 WIIZ SIGMET 07 VALID 171100/171330 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0008 E11246 - S0221 E11053 - S0120 E11050 - N0017 E11131 - N0008 E11246 TOP FL530 MOV SE 5KT NC=  969 WSRS31 RUSP 171055 ULLL SIGMET 6 VALID 171200/171600 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  504 WSPR31 SPIM 171055 SPIM SIGMET A3 VALID 171055/171400 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1030Z WI S0710 W07704 - S0738 W07749 - S0947 W07645 - S0922 W07553 - S0710 W07704 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  278 WWUS46 KEKA 171057 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 257 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ102-105-106-108-171200- /O.CAN.KEKA.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Del Norte Interior-Northern Humboldt Interior- Southern Humboldt Interior-Southern Trinity- 257 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Scattered snow showers will continue through late morning above 1500 feet, however little or no additional accumulation is expected. $$ CAZ104-171200- /O.CAN.KEKA.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Southwestern Humboldt- 257 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow showers will begin to taper off later this morning. Minor additional accumulations of generally less than one inch will be possible through mid morning for locations above 1500 feet. $$  322 WSBZ31 SBCW 171057 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  834 WSBZ31 SBCW 171057 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  411 WWUS74 KLIX 171057 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 457 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog in areas this morning... .Light winds and a very moisture rich airmass will continue to produce areas of fog this morning. The thickest fog will be closer to the coast where dense marine fog has slowly worked inland. LAZ040-050-058-060>064-066>070-072-MSZ080>082-171500- /O.CON.KLIX.FG.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ St. Tammany-Livingston-St. John The Baptist-St. Charles- Upper Jefferson-Orleans-Upper Plaquemines-Upper St. Bernard- Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Lower Jefferson- Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Southern Tangipahoa-Hancock- Harrison-Jackson- Including the cities of Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Lacombe, Denham Springs, Watson, Walker, Laplace, Reserve, Destrehan, Norco, Metairie, Kenner, East New Orleans, New Orleans, Belle Chasse, Chalmette, Violet, Chauvin, Cocodrie, Dulac, Montegut, Galliano, Cut Off, Golden Meadow, Leeville, Buras, Pointe A La Hache, Port Sulphur, Boothville, Venice, Empire, Myrtle Grove, Yscloskey, Hammond, Robert, Ponchatoula, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, Diamondhead, Gulfport, Pascagoula, Ocean Springs, Moss Point, Gautier, and St. Martin 457 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...quarter of a mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  302 WHUS74 KHGX 171059 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 459 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... .Periods of dense sea fog could reduce visibilities to below 1 nautical mile at times this morning. .Fresh to strong winds and building seas are expected tonight resulting in hazardous marine conditions. GMZ350-355-171900- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KHGX.SC.Y.0018.190218T0600Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 459 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from midnight tonight to 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...Northeast at 20-25 knots with gusts up to 35 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...5 to 7 feet with occasional seas up to 8 feet. * Visibility...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots... and/or seas 7 feet or higher...are expected to produce hazardous conditions for small craft. Inexperienced boaters...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ370-375-171900- /O.NEW.KHGX.SC.Y.0018.190218T0400Z-190219T1200Z/ Waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX from 20 to 60 NM-Waters from High Island to Freeport TX from 20 to 60 NM- 459 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 10 PM this evening to 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...Northeast at 20-25 knots with gusts up to 35 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...7 to 9 feet with occasional seas up to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots... and/or seas 7 feet or higher...are expected to produce hazardous conditions for small craft. Inexperienced boaters...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ330-171500- /O.EXA.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Matagorda Bay- 459 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM CST this morning. * VISIBILITY...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. && $$ GMZ335-171500- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Galveston Bay- 459 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. && $$  048 WWUS76 KLOX 171100 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 300 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ034-035-172330- /O.NEW.KLOX.WI.Y.0019.190217T1800Z-190218T0400Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- Including the cities of San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Cambria, San Simeon, Santa Maria, Lompoc, and Vandenberg 300 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 PM PST THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a Wind Advisory, which is in effect from 10 AM this morning to 8 PM PST this evening. * WINDS...20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph will develop early this afternoon and last until mid evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... When driving, use extra caution. Be prepared for sudden gusty cross winds. && $$ Rorke  560 WWUS43 KOAX 171101 WSWOAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 501 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ079-090-091-NEZ043>045-051>053-067-171800- /O.EXT.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Mills-Fremont-Page-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy- Cass- Including the cities of Glenwood, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, and Plattsmouth 501 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Nebraska and southwest Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ043-055-056-069-080-NEZ011-012-015>018-031>034-171800- /O.CON.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Montgomery-Knox-Cedar- Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Madison-Stanton-Cuming-Burt- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Red Oak, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, and Decatur 501 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Nebraska and southwest and west central Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ030-042-050-065-066-068-078-088>093-171215- /O.CON.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Boone-Platte-Butler-Seward-Lancaster-Otoe-Saline-Jefferson-Gage- Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Albion, St. Edward, Columbus, David City, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 501 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations less that one inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Nebraska. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  146 WHUS76 KSEW 171103 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ133-171915- /O.CON.KSEW.GL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0800Z/ Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WIND AND WAVES...Northeast winds 25 to 35 knots. Seas building to 4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ130-131-156-176-171915- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...Easterly wind 15 to 25 knots. * SEAS...Westerly swell 9 or 10 feet at 12 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ132-171915- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0025.190217T1103Z-190218T1400Z/ East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WIND AND WAVES...Northerly winds 15 to 25 knots with wind waves 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ134-171915- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0026.190217T1103Z-190218T1400Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WIND AND WAVES...North to northwest wind 15 to 25 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-171915- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0026.190218T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST MONDAY... * WIND AND WAVES...North wind 15 to 25 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ110-171915- /O.CON.KSEW.RB.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Grays Harbor Bar- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * COMBINED SEAS...9 or 10 feet. * FIRST EBB...245 pm this afternoon. Very strong ebb. * SECOND EBB....330 am Monday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ150-153-170-173-171915- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- 303 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...Southeast wind 10 to 20 knots. * SEAS...Wind waves 2 to 4 feet. West swell 9 or 10 feet at 12 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  274 WSMA31 FIMP 171100 FIMM SIGMET A03 VALID 171100/171500 FIMP -FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1030UTC ALONG LINE S1900 E05700- S2200 E05800 - S2300 E06000 TOP ABV FL390 STNR WKN=  908 WSRS32 RUAA 171100 UUYY SIGMET 3 VALID 171200/171500 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF N6330 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  984 WSMA31 FIMP 171100 FIMM SIGMET B03 VALID 171100/171500 FIMP -FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1030UTC ALONG LINE S1000 E06100- S1300 E06100 - S1600 E06100 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  457 WWUS45 KTWC 171106 WSWTWC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tucson AZ 406 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ513-180045- /O.EXA.KTWC.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0300Z/ Dragoon and Mule and Huachuca and Santa Rita Mountains- 406 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 8 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers are expected starting late tonight. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected above 7000 feet. * WHERE...mainly Santa Rita Mountains. * WHEN...11 PM today to 8 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ AZZ510-180045- /O.CON.KTWC.WW.Y.0005.190217T2000Z-190219T0900Z/ White Mountains of Graham and Greenlee Counties- Including the city of Hannagan Meadow 406 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 AM MST TUESDAY ABOVE 7000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches, with localized amounts up to 13 inches, are expected above 7000 feet. * WHERE...White Mountains of Graham and Greenlee Counties. * WHEN...1 PM today to 2 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ AZZ511-514-180045- /O.CON.KTWC.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0300Z/ Galiuro and Pinaleno Mountains-Catalina and Rincon Mountains- Including the cities of Mount Graham, Mount Lemmon, and Summerhaven 406 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 8 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 7000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected above 7000 feet. * WHERE...Galiuro and Pinaleno Mountains and Catalina and Rincon Mountains. * WHEN...11 PM today to 8 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ Visit us on Facebook...Twitter...YouTube...and at weather.gov/Tucson  403 WABZ23 SBAZ 171109 SBAZ AIRMET 9 VALID 171110/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 08 00M FG OBS AT 1100Z WI S0951 W06759 - S0947 W06752 - S0953 W06748 - S0957 W06755 - S0951 W06759 ST NR NC=  608 WABZ23 SBAZ 171109 SBAZ AIRMET 10 VALID 171110/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR OVC CLD 2 00/1000FT OBS AT 1100Z WI S0951 W06759 - S0947 W06752 - S0953 W06748 - S0957 W06755 - S0951 W06759 ST NR NC=  718 WAEG31 HECA 171110 HECC AIRMET 08 VALID 171200/171500 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST N OF 30 20N AND E OF 24 44E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  090 WAEG31 HECA 171110 HECC AIRMET 09 VALID 171200/171500 HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 32 43 N AND 33 47 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  609 WHUS76 KEKA 171112 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 312 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ470-475-171915- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190219T0500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 312 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...N 15 to 25 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 10 feet at 12 seconds will continue to diminish through Monday. Steeper waves at 3 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will build over the southern waters up to 8 feet on Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ450-455-171915- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 312 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...N 10 to 20 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 10 feet at 12 seconds will continue to diminish through Monday. Steeper waves at 4 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will be found around and south of Cape Mendocino. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  031 WSBZ31 SBRE 171112 SBRE SIGMET 10 VALID 171115/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0206 W04152 - S0201 W04021 - S0144 W 03900 - S0231 W03839 - S0308 W04029 - S0315 W04213 - S0206 W04152 TOP FL420 STNR NC =  032 WSBZ31 SBRE 171112 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W 03923 - S0314 W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR IN TSF=  810 WWUS75 KVEF 171114 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 314 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ523-525-172030- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Western Mojave Desert-Morongo Basin- Including Barstow, Daggett, Fort Irwin, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, and Twentynine Palms 314 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...West to northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * TIMING...Winds will persist through this afternoon and decrease this evening. * IMPACTS...A Wind Advisory means strong winds gusting over 40 mph can make driving difficult...especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorcycle riders and drivers of vans...campers...trailers and any other high profile vehicle should be alert to the danger of these strong winds. Take action to secure trash cans...lawn furniture...and other loose or lightweight outdoor objects. && $$ Morgan  040 WSRA31 RUEK 171113 USSS SIGMET 2 VALID 171115/171515 USSS- USSS YEKATERINBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF E05200 SFC/FL100 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  041 WAEG31 HECA 171115 HECC AIRMET 10 VALID 171115/171515 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR SFC VIS 4000M HZ OBS AND FCST OVER HECA NC=  575 WWUS43 KARX 171115 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 515 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow Continuing to Spread North... .Snow has spread north into the Interstate 90 corridor. The Fayette County Law Enforcement reported that 2 to 3 inches have fallen in Elkader. A snow observer in Charles City reported an inch and a half. Roads are snow covered and slippery across much of northeast Iowa and in parts of southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa. Look for the snow to continue through much of today before beginning to diminish in intensity late this afternoon and evening. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected with the highest totals over northeast Iowa. Expect snow covered and slippery roads through this evening. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ053>055-061- 171915- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 515 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Wisconsin, north central and northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Boyne  832 WWUS45 KVEF 171116 WSWVEF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 316 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ001-003-CAZ524-NVZ018-019-172200- /O.CON.KVEF.WW.Y.0010.190217T2200Z-190218T1200Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Deserts-Eastern Mojave Desert- Sheep Range-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including Colorado City, Pipe Spring National Monument, Tuweep, Mt Trumbell, Valentine, Mountain Pass, Mitchell Caverns, Hayford Pk, and The Town Of Mt Charleston 316 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 /416 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM PST /3 PM MST/ THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST /5 AM MST/ MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 4000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches at elevations between 4000 and 6000 feet. Total accumulations of 4 to 7 inches above 6000 feet. Winds gusting 20 to 30 mph. * WHERE...In Arizona, Northwest Plateau and Northwest Deserts. In California, Eastern Mojave Desert. In Nevada, Sheep Range and Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon. * WHEN...From 2 PM PST /3 PM MST/ Sunday to 4 AM PST /5 AM MST/ Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Travel could be hazardous on I-15 between Primm, Nevada and Baker, California and on I-40 east of Kingman, Arizona. Roads in the Spring Mountains will be difficult to travel such as Kyle Canyon, Lee Canyon, and Highway 160 near Mountain Springs Summit. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Morgan For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas  294 WWUS86 KMFR 171117 AWWMFR ORZ026-171215- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Medford OR 315 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Rogue Valley Medford International Airport /MFR/. The following weather hazards are expected: Snow accumulation of 1/2 inch or greater on the runway in the period specified. Moderate to heavy snow will continue until approximately 4 AM then diminish. $$ WRIGHT  290 WWUS46 KMFR 171120 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 320 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ024-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the city of Cave Junction 320 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations mainly up to an inch, but up to 2 inches are possible in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. * WHERE...Eastern Curry County and Josephine County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. The snow level will fall to around 1000 feet this morning. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ CAZ080-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Greenview, Scott Bar, and Somes Bar 320 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional accumulations of up to an inch. * WHERE...Western Siskiyou County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ ORZ023-025-026-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Central Douglas County-Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Jackson County- Including the cities of Glendale, Toketee Falls, Medford, and Ashland 320 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations of up to an inch. * WHERE...Interstate 5, including from Medford to Ashland, Camas Mountain on Highway 42, Jacksonville Hill on Highway 238, Highway 62, Glendale and Toketee Falls. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ ORZ027-028-171600- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades- Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Crater Lake, Crescent Lake, Diamond Lake, Union Creek, Howard Prairie, and Siskiyou Summit 320 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Cascades and Siskiyous to include Siskiyou Summit on Interstate 5, Mount Ashland Ski Road, Highway 62 near Crater Lake, Highway 140 at Lake of the Woods, Diamond Lake. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult with snow- covered roads causing hazardous driving conditions. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Slow down and allow extra time to reach your destination. * Carry tire chains and be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities. * See https://www.tripcheck.com for latest road conditions. * A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  941 WSPR31 SPIM 171122 SPIM SIGMET 6 VALID 171130/171400 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1100Z WI S1211 W07117 - S1333 W07144 - S1335 W06903 - S1218 W06902 - S1204 W07003 - S1211 W07117 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  653 WWUS42 KGSP 171124 WSWGSP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 624 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT FREEZING RAIN EXPECTED OVER PARTS OF THE NORTHERN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA THIS MORNING MORNING... NCZ033-049-050-501-503-505-171800- /O.CON.KGSP.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Avery-Yancey-Mitchell-Caldwell Mountains-Burke Mountains- McDowell Mountains- Including the cities of Ingalls, Banner Elk, Newland, Swiss, Burnsville, Celo, Micaville, Ramseytown, Busick, Spruce Pine, Poplar, Jonas Ridge, Ashford, Woodlawn, and Old Fort 624 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Light freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch will be limited mainly to tree branches, power lines, and other elevated surfaces. Some untreated roads could become slippery around daybreak. Patchy freezing fog could contribute to a light glaze of ice on some surfaces as well. * WHERE...Portions of the northern mountains and northern foothills of North Carolina, mainly along the Blue Ridge escarpment from around Mt. Mitchell and Busick up toward Little Switzerland, Linville, and Newland. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Sunday. Temperatures should warm back above freezing by the afternoon in most areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas away from the escarpment are less likely to see any freezing rain accumulation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report ice accumulations by calling the National Weather Service toll free at...1...800...2 6 7...8 1 0 1. Leave a message with your observation and the specific location where it occurred. You can also post your report to National Weather Service Greenville Spartanburg Facebook or tweet your report using hashtag nwsgsp. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite source of weather information for the latest updates. Additional details can be found at www.weather.gov/gsp. && $$  001 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBRE SIGMET 10 VALID 171115/171200 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0206 W04152 - S0201 W04021 - S0144 W03900 - S0231W03839 - S0308 W04029 - S0315 W04213 - S0206 W04152 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  002 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0511 W06504 - S0357 W06156 - S0901 W05912 - S1005 W06225 - S0511 W06504 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  003 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  004 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1852 W03739 - S2156 W03107 - S2525 W03458 - S2329 W03927 - S2226 W03809 - S2111 W03922 - S1852 W03739 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  005 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 170800/171200 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0147 W03900 - S0121 W03721 - S0204 W03708 - S0233 W03837 - S0147 W03900 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  006 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0452 W05014 - S0413 W04648 - S0748 W04631 - S0812 W04921 - S0452 W05014 FL 450 STNR NC=  007 WSBZ01 SBBR 171100 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  607 WAEG31 HECA 171110 HECC AIRMET 09 VALID 171200/171500 HECC- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 32 43 N AND 33 47 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  830 WHUS76 KLOX 171126 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ670-171930- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.190217T1700Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 25 to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ650-171930- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...West to Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 11 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ676-171930- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occuring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ673-171930- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ655-171930- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands- 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...West to northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 11 feet with periods of 8 to 10 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ645-171930- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 326 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  741 WWUS46 KLOX 171127 WSWLOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 327 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ053-054-180100- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 327 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, with icy roadways and gusty winds are expected. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with local amounts up to 8 inches above 4000 feet and up to 2 inches down to 2500 feet through early Monday morning. Snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches along with icy road conditions are possible on the Grapevine through Monday morning. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions including during the evening commute. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some mountain roadways that could be affected include Highway 33 in Ventura County as well as Interstate 5 and Highway 14 in Los Angeles County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ052-180100- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Barbara County Mountains- Including the cities of San Marcos Pass, San Rafael Wilderness Area, and Dick Smith Wilderness Area 327 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, icy roadways, and gusty winds will occur today and tonight. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with local amounts up to 8 inches above 4000 feet and up to 2 inches down to 2500 feet through early Monday morning. An occasional mixing of snow is possible across the San Marcos Pass Sunday and Sunday night. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Santa Barbara County Mountains. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the evening commute. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ037-051-180100- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys- San Luis Obispo County Mountains- Including the cities of Paso Robles, Atascadero, and Black Mountain 327 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers and gusty winds are likely. Some roadways may ice over. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches, mainly above 3000 feet between through early Monday morning, with up to an inch for elevations from 2000 to 3000 feet in the Carrizo Plain. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph are forecast during the period. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected by light snow include Highway 58. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ038-180100- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Cuyama Valley- Including the city of Cuyama 327 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers and gusty winds are likely with potential for icy roadways. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, mainly above 3000 feet through early Monday morning with up to an inch on the valley floor possible. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph are forecast during the period. * WHERE...Cuyama Valley. * WHEN...From 3 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected include Highway 166 across the Cuyama Valley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ059-180100- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1400Z-190218T1100Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 327 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Light snow showers are likely in the foothills through this evening. There is a chance that it will snow all the way down to the valley floor. Snow levels will range between 2500 and 3000 feet, lowest in the morning and night. Snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches are likely in the foothills above 3000 feet, with a dusting of snow possible across portions of the valley floor. West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph will occur at times through Sunday evening. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Portions of highways 14 and 138, mainly near the foothill communities, could be impacted by light snow and icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ Rorke  969 WWUS45 KPUB 171127 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 COZ072>075-079-080-171930- /O.UPG.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0000Z-190220T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 18 inches below 10000 feet, with 1 to 2 feet above 10000 feet. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 and 11000 Feet, Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet and Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ068-171930- /O.UPG.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0000Z-190220T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 20 inches, with local accumulations up to 2 feet. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ087-088-171930- /O.UPG.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches. * WHERE...Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet and Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ058-060-061-063>067-171930- /O.UPG.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0000Z-190220T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches expected across the higher terrain, with 3 to 6 inches across Upper Rio Grande Valley. * WHERE...Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet, Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet, Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet, Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet, Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet, La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet and Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ076>078-082-171930- /O.UPG.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0000Z-190220T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches, with locally higher amounts above 8500 feet, with 4 to 8 inches across the Wet Mountain Valley. * WHERE...Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet, Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet, Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet and Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083-085-086-171930- /O.UPG.KPUB.WS.A.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet-Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches expected, with highest amounts closer to the higher terrain. * WHERE...Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County, Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet and Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ069>071-171930- /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches expected. * WHERE...Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet, Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet and Southern San Luis Valley. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ081-171930- /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 9 inches expected. * WHERE...Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 and 11000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ084-089-093>099-171930- /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet-Crowley County-La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- Eastern Las Animas County-Western Kiowa County- Eastern Kiowa County-Las Animas Vicinity/Bent County- Lamar Vicinity/Prowers County-Springfield Vicinity/Baca County- 427 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet, Crowley County, La Junta Vicinity/Otero County, Eastern Las Animas County, Western Kiowa County, Eastern Kiowa County, Las Animas Vicinity/Bent County, Lamar Vicinity/Prowers County and Springfield Vicinity/Baca County. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  763 WWCN12 CWNT 171135 WIND WARNING FOR THE MACKENZIE DELTA AND ARCTIC COAST AREAS OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:35 A.M. MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: PAULATUK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. SOUTH WINDS WILL CONTINUE TO STRENGTHEN THIS MORNING WITH GUSTS OVER 100 KM/H EXPECTED. WINDS WILL REMAIN STRONG DURING THE DAY AND BEGIN TO DIMINISH THIS EVENING. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN BLOWING SNOW WILL ALSO OCCUR WITH THESE STRONG WINDS. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  410 WHUS71 KLWX 171137 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 637 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ530>543-171945- /O.NEW.KLWX.SC.Y.0025.190218T1600Z-190218T2300Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 637 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO 6 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Baltimore MD/Washington has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 11 AM to 6 PM EST Monday. * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  513 WWAA02 SAWB 171200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 12:00 UTC 17, FEBRUARY 2019. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 GALE WARNING: 37/2019 LOW 953HPA AT 61S 20W MOV SW WEAKENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 AROUND ITSELF PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 953HPA 61S 20W MOV SW WKN LOW 979HPA 66S 74W NOT MOV WKN 161400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 7 16S 020-00W 70-17S 035-37W 67-56S 044-08W 66-22S 028-37W 6 07S 020-10W 59-00S 025-53W 60-52S 030-07W 60-31S 034-31W 60-49S 043-02W 58-05S 049-58W 60-29S 05 34W 6 31S 06 25W 65-04S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B15T 53-39S 026-16W 20X5NM B09F 59-40S 05 05W 20X7NM B16 6 30S 044-05W 16X6NM A57A 6 34S 058-54W 11X5NM B15AC 53-49S 027-08W 12X3NM B15AA 64-56S 040-24W 11X6NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-57S 035-58W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 6 18S 035-01W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 02S 03 28W 6X3NM ICEBERG4 6 51S 05 23W 6X2NM ICEBERG5 6 34S 03 26W 6X3NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 56-51S 050-30W 60-18S 040-26W 6 55S 046-03W 63-02S 063-31W B. 5 26S 046-52W 54-03S 03 08W 55-48S 03 21W 55-55S 049-40W C. 49-34S 035-46W 47-07S 026-56W 48-33S 020-00W 55-05S 027-00W D. 55-17S 027-27W 54-50S 020-00W 63-28S 03 16W 60-58S 037-50W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-02-18 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT : VRB 3/4 FOG PATCHES SNOW FALL VIS GOOD TO POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : SECTOR E 4/5 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS GOOD TO POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : SECTOR E 4/5 FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO POOR MARGARITA BAY : SECTOR N 4/5 FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS GOOD TO POOR EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : SECTOR S 4/5 SNOW FALL STARTING THE MIDDLE OF THE PERIOD FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS GOOD TO POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (60-66S 70-90W): VRB 4/6 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS MODERATE TO POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA N OF 70S: VRB 6/4 FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR E 4 MIST FROM 17/2100 VIS GOOD TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA E OF 35W: SECTOR E 8/5 VEER SECTOR S FOG SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 5/7 FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA N OF 74S: SECTOR E 7/4 VEER SECTOR S 5/4 FOG SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: VRB 3/4 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR -----------------------------------------------------------------  228 WWNZ40 NZKL 171140 GALE WARNING 152 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 171200UTC IN A BELT 120 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 61S 154W 61S 150W 61S 146W: NORTHWEST 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREA THEN MOVING SOUTHSOUTHEAST 25KT.  229 WWNZ40 NZKL 171139 GALE WARNING 151 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 171200UTC LOW 993HPA NEAR 26S 142W MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 10KT. IN A BELT 120 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 27S 143W 28S 140W 29S 137W: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING SOUTHSOUTHEAST 10KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 150.  389 WSCN22 CWAO 171142 CZEG SIGMET C1 VALID 171140/171540 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR LLWS FCST WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N6401 W07706/20 SW CYTE - /N6426 W07519/30 NE CYTE SFC/FL015 QS WKNG RMK GFACN36=  593 WSCN02 CWAO 171142 CZEG SIGMET C1 VALID 171140/171540 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR LLWS FCST WTN 20 NM OF LINE N6401 W07706 - N6426 W07519 SFC/FL015 QS WKNG=  594 WWUS46 KPDT 171142 WSWPDT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 342 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ502-WAZ520-171245- /O.CAN.KPDT.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon- East Slopes of the Washington Cascades- 342 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow was decreasing across the area. Although snow showers will persist...the threat for significant accumulating snow had diminished. Thus the winter weather advisory is cancelled. $$  101 WWUS45 KGJT 171143 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 443 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ANOTHER PACIFIC STORM WILL BRING PROLONG WINTRY WEATHER... .A storm from the Pacific Northwest will through western Utah today and tonight with the west to southwest flow ahead of this storm bringing widespread snowfall to portions of southwest and central Colorado and southeast Utah this evening through Tuesday. COZ018-019-172100- /O.UPG.KGJT.WS.A.0004.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KGJT.WS.W.0005.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ Northwest San Juan Mountains-Southwest San Juan Mountains- Including the cities of Telluride, Ouray, Lake City, Silverton, Rico, and Hesperus 443 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 24 inches expected. * WHERE...Northwest San Juan Mountains and Southwest San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ022-023-172100- /O.UPG.KGJT.WS.A.0004.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KGJT.WS.W.0005.190218T0100Z-190220T0100Z/ Animas River Basin-San Juan River Basin- Including the cities of Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, and Pagosa Springs 443 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 13 inches expected. * WHERE...Animas River Basin and San Juan River Basin. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ UTZ028-172100- /O.NEW.KGJT.WS.W.0005.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ La Sal and Abajo Mountains- Including the city of Monticello 443 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches expected. * WHERE...La Sal and Abajo Mountains. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ017-172100- /O.NEW.KGJT.WW.Y.0014.190218T0100Z-190220T0100Z/ Uncompahgre Plateau and Dallas Divide- Including the cities of Ridgway and Glade Park 443 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 12 inches expected. * WHERE...Uncompahgre Plateau and Dallas Divide. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ020-021-172100- /O.NEW.KGJT.WW.Y.0014.190218T0100Z-190220T0100Z/ Paradox Valley/Lower Dolores River- Four Corners/Upper Dolores River- Including the cities of Gateway, Nucla, Cortez, Dove Creek, and Mancos 443 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY ABOVE 5500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 5500 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected with locally higher amounts possible. * WHERE...Paradox Valley/Lower Dolores River and Four Corners/Upper Dolores River. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/gjt  694 WHUS74 KCRP 171147 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 547 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE SEA FOG ALONG THE MIDDLE TEXAS COAST THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... .Areas of dense sea fog will continue this morning across the Middle Texas coast. A cold frontal boundary is approaching the area this morning and should reach the coast with in the next few hours. This cold front will provide improvement in the visibility along the coast for Sunday morning. GMZ230-235-250-255-171400- /O.EXT.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ Bays and Waterways from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas- Bays and Waterways from Port Aransas to Port O'Connor- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM- 547 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...Less than 1 nautical mile. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  850 WWUS45 KABQ 171147 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 447 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM COMING TO NEW MEXICO MONDAY AND TUESDAY... .A potent upper level low pressure system will approach New Mexico Monday into Tuesday with much colder air and abundant moisture accompanying. This will lead to widespread areas of moderate to heavy snow over northern parts of the state. Several inches of accumulation are expected for elevations below 7500 feet with upwards of a foot to eighteen inches of new snow forecast for the northern mountains. High temperatures on both Monday and Tuesday will run 15 to 30 degrees below normal, and significant travel impacts are possible over northern New Mexico, including Interstate 25 from Glorieta northward to Raton Pass. NMZ502-503-510>516-527>529-172300- /O.CON.KABQ.WS.A.0003.190218T1200Z-190220T0000Z/ Chuska Mountains-Far Northwest Highlands-San Juan Mountains- Jemez Mountains-West Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Northern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet/Red River- Southern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley- Raton Ridge/Johnson Mesa-Far Northeast Highlands- Northeast Highlands- 447 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT EARLY MONDAY THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Significant snow accumulation likely, especially above 7500 feet where over one foot is possible. * WHERE...Chuska Mountains, Far Northwest Highlands, Northern Mountains, Upper Rio Grande Valley, Raton Ridge and Johnson Mesa, Far Northeast Highlands and Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...From early Monday through Tuesday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible across northern New Mexico. This includes the Interstate 25 corridor from Glorieta northward to Raton Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$  919 WAIS31 LLBD 171144 LLLL AIRMET 5 VALID 171200/171600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3230 E03555 - N3230 E03455 TOP FL260 MOV ENE 10KT WKN=  318 WWUS46 KPQR 171148 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 348 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ012-013-171300- /O.CAN.KPQR.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T1300Z/ Cascade Foothills in Lane County-Cascades in Lane County- 348 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Decreasing showers this morning is reducing snow accumulations in the Cascades and Cascade Foothills of lane County this morning, and have cancelled the Winter Weather Advisory. $$  649 WSRS31 RURD 171148 URRV SIGMET 4 VALID 171200/171500 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04018 - N4430 E03900 - N4419 E04727 - N4151 E04836 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  901 WWUS46 KHNX 171149 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 349 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ096-097-172000- /O.CON.KHNX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon- Tulare County Mountains- Including the cities of Camp Nelson, Giant Forest, Lodgepole, and Johnsondale 349 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow...heavy at times. Additional snow accumulations of up to 7 inches through this afternoon. Storm total snow of 1 to 3 feet with some areas getting as much as 4 feet. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph this afternoon. * WHERE...Tulare County Mountains and Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon. * WHEN...Snow moving in this morning and continuing until this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Road closures and chain controls likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ093-094-172000- /O.CON.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Mariposa, Madera, and Fresno County Foothills- Tulare County Foothills- Including the cities of Oakhurst, Mariposa, Springville, and Three Rivers 349 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow...heavy at times. Additional snow accumulations of up to 6 inches. * WHERE...Tulare County Foothills and Mariposa, Madera, and Fresno County Foothills. * WHEN...Snow moving in this morning and continuing until this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Road closures and chain controls are likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ095-172000- /O.CON.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Kern County Mountains- Including the cities of Tehachapi and Lake Isabella 349 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Kern County Mountains above 2500 feet. * WHEN...Snow moving in later this morning and continuing this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ JDB  510 WSRS31 RUMA 171148 UUWV SIGMET 3 VALID 171200/171500 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N56 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  179 WSUS32 KKCI 171155 SIGC MKCC WST 171155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9C VALID UNTIL 1355Z TN KY FROM 60WNW BNA-50NNE GQO-50NE MSL-40NE DYR-60WNW BNA AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 171355-171755 AREA 1...FROM BWG-MSL-50E MEM-30N MEM-30N DYR-BWG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50NNE IGB-VUZ-50E MEI-LSU-LCH-AEX-SQS-50NNE IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  180 WSUS31 KKCI 171155 SIGE MKCE WST 171155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171355-171755 FROM HNN-BKW-HMV-MSL-BWG-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  181 WSUS33 KKCI 171155 SIGW MKCW WST 171155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171355-171755 FROM 150NW FOT-40SW OED-SAC-MOD-SNS-130WSW SNS-160W ENI-150NW FOT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  216 WSCI45 ZHHH 171152 ZHWH SIGMET 3 VALID 171225/171625 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL230/400 STNR NC=  637 WSSG31 GOBD 171200 GOOO SIGMET A4 VALID 171200/171600 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1150Z WI N0030 W00717 - N0043 W00632 - N0024 W00616 - S0008 W00653 TOP FL430 STNR WKN=  638 WSSG31 GOOY 171200 GOOO SIGMET A4 VALID 171200/171600 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1150Z WI N0030 W00717 - N0043 W00632 - N0024 W00616 - S0008 W00653 TOP FL430 STNR WKN=  244 WWUS43 KTOP 171154 WSWTOP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 554 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ011-012-024-026-039-040-055-056-058-059-171300- /O.EXP.KTOP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Nemaha-Brown-Jackson-Jefferson-Shawnee-Douglas-Osage-Franklin- Coffey-Anderson- Including the cities of Sabetha, Seneca, Hiawatha, Horton, Holton, Valley Falls, Oskaloosa, Perry, McLouth, Grantville, Meriden, Nortonville, Topeka, Lawrence, Osage City, Carbondale, Lyndon, Burlingame, Overbrook, Ottawa, Burlington, Lebo, and Garnett 554 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... Light freezing drizzle and snow have come to an end over the area. Untreated roads may remain slick into the morning hours. $$ KDS  870 WWUS74 KCRP 171154 NPWCRP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 554 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 TXZ231>234-240>247-342>347-442-443-447-171300- /O.EXP.KCRP.FG.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Live Oak-Bee-Goliad-Victoria-Duval-Jim Wells-Inland Kleberg- Inland Nueces-Inland San Patricio-Coastal Aransas-Inland Refugio- Inland Calhoun-Coastal Kleberg-Coastal Nueces- Coastal San Patricio-Aransas Islands-Coastal Refugio- Coastal Calhoun-Kleberg Islands-Nueces Islands-Calhoun Islands- Including the cities of George West, Three Rivers, Beeville, Goliad, Victoria, Freer, Benavides, San Diego, Alice, Orange Grove, Kingsville, Loyola Beach, Ricardo, Riviera, Robstown, Tuloso, Bishop, Sinton, Mathis, Taft, Odem, Rockport, Fulton, Refugio, McFaddin, Woodsboro, Kamay, Corpus Christi, Flour Bluff, Portland, Ingleside, Bayside, Austwell, Magnolia Beach, and Port Lavaca 554 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... Visibilities are improving across South Texas this morning as a cold front approaches the area. Therefore, will allow for the Dense Fog Advisory to expire. However, a few locations may still experience visibilities of 1/4 mile or less, but expect the lower visibilities to gradually improve over the next hour or two as the cold front pushes through. $$  337 WBCN07 CWVR 171100 PAM ROCKS WIND 32012 LANGARA; PC 35 N12G18 2FT CHP LO W GREEN; PC 15 NE30E 6FT MDT TRIPLE; PC 15 NE20E 4FT MDT LO W BONILLA; PC 15 N12E 2FT CHP LO NW BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 NW08 1FT CHP MCINNES; N/A IVORY; CLR 15 NE04 RPLD LO SW DRYAD; CLR 15 N08 RPLD ADDENBROKE; PC 15 NE03 1FT CHP EGG ISLAND; PC 15 NE12 2FT CHP LO W PINE ISLAND; OVC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO W CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 N05E 1FT CHP LO SW QUATSINO; PC 15 N05E 1FT CHP LO SW NOOTKA; CLR 15 NE20E 3FT MDT LO SW ESTEVAN; CLR 15 N05 1FT CHP LO-MDT SW 1017.0R LENNARD; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 15 NE06 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW PACHENA; CLDY 15 NE05E 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW CARMANAH; CLDY 15 E04E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 15 SE05E 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; PC 15 NW20E 3FT MOD CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 159/04/02/2905+19/M/ PK WND 3319 1052Z 2019 32MM= WLP SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 194/02/-02/3605/M/ 2020 55MM= WEB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 170/00/-01/0505/M/ 1022 -58MM= WQC SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 180/-03/-03/3102/M/ SOG 08 3024 24MM= WRU SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 181/01/-03/3623/M/ PK WND 3529 1010Z 1017 13MM= WFG SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 199/01/-06/3519+24/M/ PK WND 3432 1021Z 1019 85MM= WVF SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/05/04/3120/M/M PK WND 3124 1054Z M 57MM= WQS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 275/-01/-09/0407/M/ PK WND 0120 1010Z 1019 94MM= WEK SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 263/-02/-09/MM12+26/M/ PK WND MM27 1000Z 2015 77MM= WWL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 256/-01/-10/0208/M/ 2023 89MM= WME SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/00/-07/0537+46/M/ PK WND 0446 1033Z M -00MM= WAS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 112/04/01/3212/M/ PK WND 3418 1011Z 1021 08MM= WSB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 156/03/01/3301/M/ 1021 47MM= WGT SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 173/03/00/3118/M/M PK WND 3121 1058Z 1023 3-2MM= WGB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 169/03/01/2618/M/ PK WND 2722 1003Z 1022 37MM= WEL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 170/04/00/3320/M/ PK WND 3324 1055Z 2022 13MM= WDR SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 155/04/02/0120/M/ PK WND 0124 1045Z 1021 32MM= WKA SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2909/M/M M MMMM=  786 WSPA11 PHFO 171155 SIGPAX KZAK SIGMET XRAY 1 VALID 171155/171555 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N2700 W14810 - N2000 W14820 - N1950 W15010 - N2650 W15000 - N2700 W14810. CB TOPS TO FL290. STNR. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  687 WHUS42 KCHS 171156 CFWCHS Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Charleston SC 656 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 SCZ048>050-171300- /O.CAN.KCHS.CF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190217T1300Z/ Beaufort-Coastal Colleton-Charleston- 656 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Charleston has cancelled the Coastal Flood Advisory. && Time of high total tides are approximate to the nearest hour. Charleston Harbor SC MLLW Categories - Minor 7.0 ft, Moderate 7.5 ft, Major 8.0 ft MHHW Categories - Minor 1.2 ft, Moderate 1.7 ft, Major 2.2 ft Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Waves Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- ------- -------- 17/06 AM 7.0 1.2 0.7 NA Minor 17/06 PM 6.0 0.2 0.8 NA None 18/07 AM 6.9 1.1 0.5 NA None 18/07 PM 5.8 0.0 0.2 NA None && $$  754 WWUS74 KEWX 171156 NPWEWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 556 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 TXZ193-194-207>209-221>225-171300- /O.CAN.KEWX.FG.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T1300Z/ Bastrop-Lee-Guadalupe-Caldwell-Fayette-Wilson-Karnes-Gonzales- De Witt-Lavaca- Including the cities of Bastrop, Giddings, Seguin, Lockhart, La Grange, Floresville, Karnes City, Gonzales, Cuero, and Halletsville 556 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Austin/San Antonio has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Drier air has filtered into the area and the advisory is cancelled. $$  643 WWUS43 KBIS 171156 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 556 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ019-020-034-046-171300- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Mercer-Oliver-Morton-Emmons- Including the cities of Beulah, Hazen, Center, Mandan, Linton, and Strasburg 556 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /456 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow has mostly ended across Emmons, Morton, Oliver, and Mercer counties. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled for these locations. $$ NDZ031>033-040>045-172000- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams- Sioux- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, and Solen 556 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /456 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Near zero visibility is expected at times in heavy snow. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ017-018-172000- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McKenzie-Dunn- Including the cities of Watford City, Killdeer, and Halliday 556 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /456 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of one half to two inches. * WHERE...McKenzie and Dunn counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Hollan  733 WSSG31 GOOY 171205 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 171205/121605 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1155Z WI 0049 W00813 - N0110 W00856 - N0140 W00910 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT WKN WI N0417 W01535 - N0452 W01245 - N0401 W01349 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  734 WSSG31 GOBD 171205 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 171205/121605 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1155Z WI 0049 W00813 - N0110 W00856 - N0140 W00910 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT WKN WI N0417 W01535 - N0452 W01245 - N0401 W01349 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  277 WWAK42 PAFC 171158 WSWALU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 258 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ152-180100- /O.EXB.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lower Kuskokwim Valley- Including the cities of Aniak and Sleetmute 258 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Breezy south to southwest winds of 15 to 25 mph this afternoon may cause areas of blowing and drifting snow with reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ AKZ155-172100- /O.EXT.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Kuskokwim Delta- Including the cities of Bethel, Hooper Bay, and Nunivak Island 258 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Total snow accumulations up to 3 inches. Visibility reduced to one half mile or less at times. * WHERE...Kuskokwim Delta. * WHEN...Until noon AKST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Widespread areas of poor visibility are likely. Winds gusting to 25 mph combined with new snow will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ AKZ161-172100- /O.EXT.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Bristol Bay- Including the cities of King Salmon, Dillingham, Naknek, and Pilot Point 258 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST TODAY NORTH AND WEST OF KING SALMON... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches. * WHERE...North and west of King Salmon. * WHEN...Until noon AKST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas of poor visibility are likely. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph combined with moderate to heavy snowfall rates will cause localized areas of blowing snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  020 WSSP31 LEMM 171158 LECM SIGMET 4 VALID 171200/171500 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR SEV MTW OBS AT 1157Z WI N4335 W00729 - N4220 W00652 - N4257 W00344 - N4334 W00334 - N4335 W00729 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  712 WSSG31 GOOY 171205 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 171205/171605 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1155Z WI 0049 W00813 - N0110 W00856 - N0140 W00910 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT WKN WI N0417 W01535 - N0452 W01245 - N0401 W01349 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  106 WSPK31 OPLA 171200 OPLR SIGMET 003 VALID 171300/171700 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  817 WTSR20 WSSS 170600 NO STORM WARNING=  949 WSPK31 OPLA 171200 OPLR SIGMET 03 VALID 171300/171700 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  766 WWUS46 KSTO 171203 WSWSTO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 403 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ069-180000- /O.EXP.KSTO.WS.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KSTO.WW.Y.0006.190217T1203Z-190218T0000Z/ West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- 403 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 4 AM PST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, with localized amounts up to 9 inches, are expected. * WHERE...West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada. * WHEN...4 AM to 4 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ CAZ068-171315- /O.EXP.KSTO.WS.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1200Z/ Western Plumas County/Lassen Park- 403 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 4 AM PST EARLY THIS MORNING... A Winter Weather Advisory takes effect and continues through 4 pm PST this afternoon, with an additional 4 to 7 inches of snow accumulation, locally up to 9 inches. $$  167 WSPA10 PHFO 171208 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 5 VALID 171205/171605 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N1000 E16000 - N0950 E16830 - N0330 E16720 - N0330 E15940 - N1000 E16000. CB TOPS TO FL540. MOV W 5KT. INTSF. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  442 WAIY31 LIIB 171210 LIMM AIRMET 7 VALID 171225/171425 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR OBS WI N4539 E01124 - N4529 E01220 - N4445 E01207 - N4444 E01111 - N4539 E01124 STNR WKN=  975 WAUS45 KKCI 171210 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 171210 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50N GGW TO 50NNW ISN TO 70NW RAP TO 40W MLS TO 50N GGW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG BY 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY NV UT WA OR FROM 40S YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60WSW OCS TO SLC TO 20WSW TWF TO 20WNW BOI TO 40WNW DSD TO 30SW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 40S YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT FROM 30S YQL TO GTF TO 20NE HVR TO 20SE SHR TO 40SE DDY TO 40WSW BOY TO SLC TO 40SW BOI TO 60SW YXC TO 30S YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV WA OR CA FROM 20ENE HUH TO 60SW YXC TO 50SW BOI TO 40SE LKV TO 40S FMG TO 30SSW OAL TO 30ENE EHF TO 30S CZQ TO 40WSW RZS TO 20SW PYE TO FOT TO 40S HQM TO 20S TOU TO 20ENE HUH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV UT AZ NM...UPDT FROM 70S BOI TO 40SSE TWF TO 40NE ILC TO 30ENE BCE TO 60SE BCE TO 50SW RSK TO 50W ABQ TO 60S SJN TO 20NE PHX TO 20NNE EED TO 60NE LAS TO 40S FMG TO 40SE LKV TO 70S BOI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  607 WSID20 WIII 171215 WIIZ SIGMET 08 VALID 171215/171500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0243 E10004 - N0201 E09936 - N0145 E09829 - N0507 E09323 - N0547 E09706 - N0243 E10004 TOP FL520 MOV NW 5KT NC=  812 WVEQ31 SEGU 171210 SEFG SIGMET 3 VALID 171210/171810 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1115Z SFC/FL180 WI N0005 W07804 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07739 - S0009 W07805 - N0005 W07804 MOV W 5-10KT FCST VA CLD 1730Z WI N0012 W07802 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07740 - S0004 W07807 - N0012 W07802=  812 WSID20 WIII 171215 WIIZ SIGMET 09 VALID 171215/171500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0011 E10238 - S0124 E10055 - S0050 E09940 - N0114 E10017 - N0040 E10204 - S0011 E10238 TOP FL520 STNR INTSF=  982 WSID20 WIII 171215 WIIZ SIGMET 10 VALID 171215/171500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0652 E10920 - S0754 E10850 - S0741 E10552 - S0646 E10609 - S0614 E10727 - S0652 E10920 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  983 WSID20 WIII 171215 WIIZ SIGMET 11 VALID 171215/171500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0001 E11035 - S0016 E10904 - N0109 E10902 - N0123 E10944 - N0037 E11052 - N0001 E11035 TOP FL480 MOV SW 5KT NC=  013 WGUS84 KOHX 171217 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 617 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood advisory continues for the Stones River... Stones River Near Donelson affecting Davidson County . Recent rainfall and releases from Percy Priest Dam will keep water levels high on the Stones River at Donelson until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to noaa weather radio or other local media for further information from the National Weather Service. && TNC037-180016- /O.CON.KOHX.FL.Y.0047.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DONT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 617 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Stones River Near Donelson * Until further notice. * At 5 AM Sunday the stage was 20.7 feet. * Action stage is 20.0 feet. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * At 20 feet...portions of the Stones River Greenway between Percy Priest Dam and Lebanon Road are inundated. $$  229 WWST03 SABM 171200 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - FEBRUARY 17, 12:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: LOW 981HPA 57S 69W MOV E NC EXP 57S 55W BY 18/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 53S 65W 50S 66W 48S 74W MOV NE EXP 54S 40W 50S 55W 50S 55W 46S 67W BY 18/1200 ASOCIATED WITH OFNT AT 53S 65W 58S 66W 59S 72W FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-02-18 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR N 3/4 MIST DISSIPATING PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE BAHIA BLANCA: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN STORMS STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO POOR. MAR DEL PLATA: SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS MIST DISSIPATING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 17/2100 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0900 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING EARLY MORNING IMPR VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. RIO GALLEGOS: N OF 50S: SECTOR W 5 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR. REST OF THE AREA: VRB 4 INCR SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR. USHUAIA: SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR S 5 BY 18/0300 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  230 WWST02 SABM 171200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2019-02-17, 12:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 55: LOW 960HPA AT 52S 30W MOV SE NOT CHANGE PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST IN CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 960HPA 52S 30W MOV SE NC EXTENDS CFNT AT 51S 24W 48S 24W 46S 46W MOV NE EXP 42S 20W 43S 30W 43S 30W 46S 40W BY 18/0000 ASOCIATED WITH OFNT AT 51S 24W 54S 32W 52S 36W LOW 981HPA 57S 69W MOV E NC EXP 57S 55W BY 18/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 53S 65W 50S 66W 48S 74W MOV NE EXP 54S 40W 50S 55W 50S 55W 46S 67W BY 18/1200 ASOCIATED WITH OFNT AT 53S 65W 58S 66W 59S 72W 161400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 7 16S 020-00W 70-17S 035-37W 67-56S 044-08W 66-22S 028-37W 6 07S 020-10W 59-00S 025-53W 60-52S 030-07W 60-31S 034-31W 60-49S 043-02W 58-05S 049-58W 60-29S 05 34W 6 31S 06 25W 65-04S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B15T 53-39S 026-16W 20X5NM B09F 59-40S 05 05W 20X7NM B16 6 30S 044-05W 16X6NM A57A 6 34S 058-54W 11X5NM B15AC 53-49S 027-08W 12X3NM B15AA 64-56S 040-24W 11X6NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-57S 035-58W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 6 18S 035-01W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 02S 03 28W 6X3NM ICEBERG4 6 51S 05 23W 6X2NM ICEBERG5 6 34S 03 26W 6X3NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 56-51S 050-30W 60-18S 040-26W 6 55S 046-03W 63-02S 063-31W B. 5 26S 046-52W 54-03S 03 08W 55-48S 03 21W 55-55S 049-40W C. 49-34S 035-46W 47-07S 026-56W 48-33S 020-00W 55-05S 027-00W D. 55-17S 027-27W 54-50S 020-00W 63-28S 03 16W 60-58S 037-50W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-02-18 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR N 3/4 MIST DISSIPATING PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR N 3 INCR 4/5 BY 17/2100 MIST FOG PATCHES DISSIPATING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: VRB 3 INCR SECTOR N 5 BY 17/2100 MIST FOG PATCHES DISSIPATING PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL POOR MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS MIST DISSIPATING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38º30S - 41ºS): SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN STORMS STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO POOR PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41ºS - 45ºS): SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 5/6 BY 18/0600 PROB OF RAIN STORMS STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45ºS - 48ºS): SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 17/2100 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0900 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING EARLY MORNING IMPR VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48ºS - 54ºS) N OF 50S: SECTOR W 5 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48ºS - 54ºS) REST OF THE AREA: VRB 4 INCR SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54ºS - 55ºS): SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR S 5 BY 18/0300 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR W 5 BACK SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0000 PROB OF SH RAIN IMPR VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 50W: SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS DECR 5 BY 18/0300 VIS MODERATE TO GOOD REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 4 VEER NW 4/5 BY 18/0000 VIS GOOD TO MODERATE CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) E OF 30W: SECTOR W 8/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 8 WITH GUSTS DECR 7 VEER NW 5/6 BY 18/0600 PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SECTOR W 5/4 VEER NW 5/6 VIS MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: NW 4 INCR NW 6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0300 WORSENING TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) NE OF THE REGION: SW 7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH VIS POOR SE OF THE REGION: SECTOR W 5 INCR SECTOR W 7 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0000 PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR REST OF THE AREA: SW 7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST FOG PATCHES DISSIPATING PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN VIS POOR SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0300 PROB OF MIST FOG PATCHES DRIZZLE RAIN VIS POOR NW OF THE REGION: NW 4/5 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0600 PROB OF RAIN NXT SH VIS POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 3/4 VEER SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 18/0000 PROB OF SH RAIN MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): VRB 4 PROB OF SH RAIN MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  285 WWST01 SABM 171200 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 17-02-2019, 12:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 55: DEPRESION 960HPA EN 52S 30W MOV SE SIN CAMBIO PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EN AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 09:00UTC DEPRESION 960HPA 52S 30W MOV SE NC EXTIENDE CFNT EN 51S 24W 48S 24W 46S 46W MOV NE EXP 42S 20W 43S 30W 43S 20W 46S 40W EL 18/0000 ASOCIADO CON OFNT LINEA 51S 24W 54S 32W 52S 36W DEPRESION 981HPA 57S 69W MOV E NC EXP 57S 55W EL 18/1200 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 53S 65W 50S 66W 48S 74W MOV NE EXP 54S 40W 50S 55W 50S 40W 46S 67W EL 18/1200 ASOCIADO CON OFNT LINEA 53S 65W 58S 66W 59S 72W 161400 UTC LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 7 16S 020-00W 70-17S 035-37W 67-56S 044-08W 66-22S 028-37W 6 07S 020-10W 59-00S 025-53W 60-52S 030-07W 60-31S 034-31W 60-49S 043-02W 58-05S 049-58W 60-29S 05 34W 6 31S 06 25W 65-04S 067-00W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10 MN B15T 53-39S 026-16W 20X5MN B09F 59-40S 05 05W 20X7MN B16 6 30S 044-05W 16X6MN A57A 6 34S 058-54W 11X5MN B15AC 53-49S 027-08W 12X3MN B15AA 64-56S 040-24W 11X6MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 54-57S 035-58W 3X1MN TEMPANO2 6 18S 035-01W 6X3MN TEMPANO3 6 02S 03 28W 6X3MN TEMPANO4 6 51S 05 23W 6X2MN TEMPANO5 6 34S 03 26W 6X3MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 56-51S 050-30W 60-18S 040-26W 6 55S 046-03W 63-02S 063-31W B. 5 26S 046-52W 54-03S 03 08W 55-48S 03 21W 55-55S 049-40W C. 49-34S 035-46W 47-07S 026-56W 48-33S 020-00W 55-05S 027-00W D. 55-17S 027-27W 54-50S 020-00W 63-28S 03 16W 60-58S 037-50W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 12:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 12:00 UTC DEL DIA 18-02-2019 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR N 3/4 NEBLINAS DISIPANDOSE PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SECTOR N 3 INCR 4/5 EL 17/2100 NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA DISIPANDOSE VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: VRB 3 INCR SECTOR N 5 EL 17/2100 NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA DISIPANDOSE PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA OCNL MALA COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS NEBLINAS DISIPANDOSE VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38º30S - 41ºS): SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR A MALA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41ºS - 45ºS): SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 5/6 EL 18/0600 PROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45ºS - 48ºS): SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 17/2100 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0900 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA MEJORANDO VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48ºS - 54ºS) N DE 50S: SECTOR W 5 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48ºS - 54ºS) RESTO DEL AREA: VRB 4 INCR SECTOR W 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54ºS - 55ºS): SECTOR W 5/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR S 5 EL 18/0300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR W 5 BACK SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0000 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORANDO VIS REGULAR A MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 50W: SECTOR W 6 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5 EL 18/0300 VIS REGULAR A BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 4 VEER NW 4/5 EL 18/0000 VIS BUENA A REGULAR AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) E DE 30W: SECTOR W 8/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 8 CON RAFAGAS DECR 7 VEER NW 5/6 EL 18/0600 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SECTOR W 5/4 VEER NW 5/6 VIS REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: NW 4 INCR NW 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0300 DESMEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) NE DE LA REGION: SW 7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH VIS MALA SE DE LA REGION: SECTOR W 5 INCR SECTOR W 7 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0000 PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA VIS MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA DISIPANDOSE PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS VIS MALA AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SECTOR W 6 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR N 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0300 PROB DE NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS VIS MALA NW DE LA REGION: NW 4/5 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0600 PROB DE LLUVIAS LUEGO SH VIS MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 3/4 VEER SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 18/0000 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA VIS MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): VRB 4 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA VIS MALA ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  524 WSBZ31 SBRE 171218 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W 03255 - S0528 W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  525 WSBZ31 SBRE 171218 SBRE SIGMET 17 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W 03923 - S0314 W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR NC =  526 WSBZ31 SBRE 171218 SBRE SIGMET 13 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1821 W03900 - S1851 W03742 - S2107 W 03923 - S2044 W03951 - S2045 W04039 - S2022 W04100 - S1943 W04229 - S1845 W04226 - S1836 W04231 - S1749 W04203 - S1701 W04143 - S1601 W04325 - S1407 W04407 - S1244 W04344 - S1028 W04156 - S1040 W04107 - S1246 W04006 - S1821 W03900 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  286 WGUS84 KOHX 171222 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 622 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood advisory continues for the Tennessee River... Tennessee River At Clifton affecting Decatur...Hardin...Perry and Wayne Counties . Upstream releases and forecast rainfall will continue to cause rises along the Tennessee River at Clifton. The river will remain in action stage over the next few days and possibly go into flood later this week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to noaa weather radio or other local media for further information from the National Weather Service. && TNC039-071-135-181-180022- /O.CON.KOHX.FL.Y.0052.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLNT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 622 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Tennessee River At Clifton * Until further notice. * Action stage is 364.0 feet. * Levels will rise over 367.0 feet tonight. * Flood stage is 370.0 feet. * At 367.0 feet...In Wayne County, water inundates the boat launch areas and portions of access roads in the Beech Lake Campground on Beech Lake Road. * At 366.0 feet...In Hardin County, water inundates low lying agricultural areas and access roads in the Cobb Farm area of Nance Bend, including Senator Cobb Road and Colonel Hardin Road. * At 365.0 feet...In Decatur County, low lying areas of the Riverstone Marina become inundated. $$  893 WWCN11 CWVR 171223 ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:23 A.M. PST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR: NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING KITIMAT NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING TERRACE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS AND COLD WIND CHILL VALUES OF -20 THIS MORNING. A RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE COMBINED WITH COLD TEMPERATURES WILL RESULT IN STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS AND WIND CHILL VALUES OF -20 THIS MORNING. THE OUTFLOW WINDS WILL EASE THIS AFTERNOON AND WIND CHILL VALUES WILL RISE AS THE RIDGE MOVES INTO ALBERTA. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA CAN OCCUR WITHIN MINUTES IF ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS ARE NOT TAKEN WHEN OUTDOORS. ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN BITTERLY COLD AIR FLOWS FROM THE INTERIOR TO COASTAL COMMUNITIES AND THE OUTFLOW WINDS CREATE WIND CHILL VALUES OF -20 OR LESS FOR 6 HOURS OR MORE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  515 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0452 W05014 - S0413 W04648 - S0748 W04631 - S0812 W04921 - S0452 W05014 FL 450 STNR NC=  516 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 171200/171600 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2813 W04502 - S2635 W04356 - S2216 W03824 - S2100W03930 - S1834 W03752 - S1948 W03225 - S2531 W02248 - S2855 W02454 - S2502 W03339 - S2930W04242 - S2813 W04502 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  517 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  518 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  519 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBRE SIGMET 17 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  520 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBRE SIGMET 13 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1821 W03900 - S1851 W03742 - S2107 W03923 - S2044W03951 - S2045 W04039 - S2022 W04100 - S1943 W04229 - S1845 W04226 - S1836 W04231 - S1749W04203 - S1701 W04143 - S1601 W04325 - S1407 W04407 - S1244 W04344 - S1028 W04156 - S1040W04107 - S1246 W04006 - S1821 W03900 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  651 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  652 WSBZ01 SBBR 171200 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 170910/171310 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0511 W06504 - S0357 W06156 - S0901 W05912 - S1005 W06225 - S0511 W06504 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  264 WAUS45 KKCI 171228 AAB WA5S SLCS WA 171228 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50NNW GGW TO 50NNW ISN TO 70NW RAP TO 40W MLS TO 50NNW GGW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG BY 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY NV UT WA OR FROM 40S YQL TO 20ESE BIL TO 60WSW OCS TO SLC TO 20WSW TWF TO 20WNW BOI TO 40WNW DSD TO 30SW BTG TO 20SSE HUH TO 40S YQL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...NV UT AZ...UPDT FROM 50SW DTA TO 20WNW TBC TO 50NE INW TO 60SW SJN TO 20S DRK TO 60NE LAS TO 50SW DTA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT FROM 30S YQL TO GTF TO 20NE HVR TO 20SE SHR TO 40SE DDY TO 40WSW BOY TO SLC TO 40SW BOI TO 60SW YXC TO 30S YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV WA OR CA FROM 20ENE HUH TO 60SW YXC TO 50SW BOI TO 40SE LKV TO 40S FMG TO 30SSW OAL TO 30ENE EHF TO 30S CZQ TO 40WSW RZS TO 20SW PYE TO FOT TO 40S HQM TO 20S TOU TO 20ENE HUH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV UT AZ NM FROM 70S BOI TO 40SSE TWF TO 40NE ILC TO 30ENE BCE TO 60SE BCE TO 50SW RSK TO 50W ABQ TO 60S SJN TO 20NE PHX TO 20NNE EED TO 60NE LAS TO 40S FMG TO 40SE LKV TO 70S BOI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  265 WAUS42 KKCI 171228 AAA WA2S MIAS WA 171228 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 171500 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM HMV TO 40S PSK TO 50SW ILM TO 20ENE CHS TO 20ENE CRG TO 20N OMN TO 50SE CTY TO 70WSW CTY TO 130ESE LEV TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO HMV CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...FL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 40ESE OMN TO 30ESE PBI TO 50SSE RSW TO 20W SRQ TO 30NNW PIE TO 40ESE OMN VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NC SC GA WV VA FROM HNN TO 20WSW CSN TO 20ESE CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...IFR NC SC GA FL VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20S ORF-70SSE ECG-70E CRG-20SSW CTY-130ESE LEV-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-20S ORF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 40SSW JHW-20ESE PSB-50E EKN-20WSW CSN-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV- HNN-40SSW JHW MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  701 WUUS01 KWNS 171230 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0628 AM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 VALID TIME 171300Z - 181200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 35838691 36318750 36598776 36988767 37398710 37568625 37618564 37478463 36968309 36598170 36388086 36118066 35708084 35268145 35128231 34108359 32628493 31228702 30478884 30308943 30789096 31259179 32069215 32709153 34718923 35838691 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 SSW BNA 20 S CKV 15 WSW HOP 25 NNW HOP 25 S OWB 40 NNE BWG 40 S SDF 40 S LEX 45 SSE JKL 40 ENE TRI 55 SSW PSK 40 W GSO 30 E HKY 30 W CLT 15 NNW GSP 20 NW AHN CSG 15 S GZH 15 ENE GPT 20 WSW GPT 40 SW MCB 30 ESE ESF 30 SSW MLU 30 ENE MLU 30 NE UOX 25 SSW BNA.  702 ACUS01 KWNS 171230 SWODY1 SPC AC 171228 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0628 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Valid 171300Z - 181200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... A few thunderstorms are expected over portions of the Southeast today. ...Synopsis... Broad upper troughing will persist across the CONUS during the period, with strong mid/upper-level (i.e. over 100 kt at 500 mb and over 170 kt at 250 mb) flow extending throughout the southern periphery of the trough. Recent water vapor imagery reveals several shortwaves embedded within this fast flow aloft. The lead shortwave is currently moving through northern MO with a continued east-northeastward motion taking this system into the Great Lakes region by 00Z. Another shortwave is currently moving southeastward along the southern CA coast. Progression of this shortwave will gradually become more eastward as it moves quickly across the Southwest and into the southern High Plains. Lastly, shortwave currently off the coast of British Columbia will continue quickly southward, likely reaching coastal central CA by the end of the period. At the surface, primary feature is the developing low currently near the AR/TN/AL border intersection. This low is expected to deepen as it moves just ahead and to the south of its parent shortwave trough. By 00Z, this low will likely be centered near the KY/WV border with its attendant cold front extending southwestward through middle TN, northern AL, east-central MS, and south-central LA. ...Southeast into the southern Appalachians... Showers and occasional thunderstorms are anticipated along and behind the cold front sweeping through the region. Relatively warm temperatures aloft (resulting from the prevailing southwesterly flow throughout much of the troposphere) and displacement of the stronger lift farther north will result in poor lapse rates and minimal instability. Consequently (and in spite of strong vertical shear), updraft strength/persistence will be tempered and the severe threat minimal. ...Northern/Central CA Coast... A few lightning strikes were observed near the coast earlier this morning where forcing for ascent within the exit region of a mid-level jet streak was able briefly overcome convective inhibition across the region. Expectation is for the environment to become increasingly hostile to deep convection amidst relatively cool and dry low levels. Some shallow convection is likely but updrafts reaching temperatures needed for lightning production will be sparse. As such, lightning coverage is expected to be less than 10% and the general thunder line was removed. ..Mosier.. 02/17/2019 $$  497 WOAU12 AMMC 171230 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1230UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 980 hPa near 49S133E. Forecast 980 hPa near 49S137E at 171800UTC, 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S146E at 181200UTC. Low [2] developing, forecast 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC, 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC, and 980 hPa near 50S143E at 181200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S121E 42S126E 44S148E 48S150E 53S131E 47S121E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  498 WOAU42 AMMC 171230 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1230UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 980 hPa near 49S133E. Forecast 980 hPa near 49S137E at 171800UTC, 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S146E at 181200UTC. Low [2] developing, forecast 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC, 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC, and 980 hPa near 50S143E at 181200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S121E 42S126E 44S148E 48S150E 53S131E 47S121E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  499 WOAU02 AMMC 171230 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1230UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 980 hPa near 49S133E. Forecast 980 hPa near 49S137E at 171800UTC, 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S146E at 181200UTC. Low [2] developing, forecast 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC, 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC, and 980 hPa near 50S143E at 181200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S121E 42S126E 44S148E 48S150E 53S131E 47S121E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  200 WSIR31 OIII 171232 OIIX SIGMET 3 VALID 171210/171430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2654 E05646 - N2748 E05832 - N2722 E06301 - N2628 E06316 - N2448 E05943 - N2533 E05702 TOP FL310 MOV E NC=  648 WWUS43 KMPX 171234 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 634 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW EXPECTED OVER SOUTHWESTERN AND SOUTHERN MINNESOTA THROUGH THIS EVENING... .Accumulating snow is expected through this evening for southwestern and southern Minnesota. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches can be expected along and south of a line from Appleton to Redwood Falls to New Ulm to Owatonna. A Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect for these areas. MNZ054-064-073>075-082>085-091>093-172100- /O.CON.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lac Qui Parle-Yellow Medicine-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet-Watonwan- Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of Madison, Granite Falls, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St Peter, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 634 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. Isolated higher amounts possible along Interstate 90 corridor. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest and west central Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Minnesota can be found at 511mn.org and for Wisconsin at 511wi.gov, or by calling 5 1 1 in either state. && $$  653 WGUS85 KFGZ 171239 FLSFGZ Flood Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 539 AM MST SUN FEB 17 2019 AZC005-017-171246- /O.EXP.KFGZ.FA.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190217T1245Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Navajo-Coconino- 539 AM MST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR RAIN AND SNOWMELT WILL EXPIRE AT 545 AM MST FOR NAVAJO AND COCONINO COUNTIES... Water levels have fallen below action stage at the river gauge on the Little Colorado River near Winslow. Expect water levels to continue to gradually fall through the day. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3523 11075 3519 11064 3503 11064 3503 11068 3515 11069 3520 11080 $$ TPS  728 WSCH31 SCIP 171240 SCIZ SIGMET 04 VALID 171300/171700 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2000 W11210 - S2270 W11450 - S2860 W11010 - S2560 W10750 - S2000 W11210 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  993 WOAU03 AMMC 171243 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1243UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S080E 49S110E 53S109E 60S080E 47S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 094E, extending to 100E by 180000UTC and to 110E by 180600UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of line 47S087E 55S080E by 180000UTC and west of line 48S100E 57S095E by 181200UTC. Very rough seas. Heavy swell.  994 WOAU43 AMMC 171243 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1243UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S080E 49S110E 53S109E 60S080E 47S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 094E, extending to 100E by 180000UTC and to 110E by 180600UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of line 47S087E 55S080E by 180000UTC and west of line 48S100E 57S095E by 181200UTC. Very rough seas. Heavy swell.  441 WSRS31 RUSP 171242 ULLL SIGMET 7 VALID 171300/171700 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL140/370 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  158 WSMS31 WMKK 171241 WMFC SIGMET B01 VALID 171245/171645 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0222 E10310 - N0143 E10224 - N0405 E10038 - N0447 E10155 - N0222 E10310 TOP FL510 STNR INTSF=  559 WSBZ31 SBBS 171244 SBBS SIGMET 4 VALID 171245/171520 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL SIGMET 3 171120/171520=  633 WSCI35 ZGGG 171239 ZGZU SIGMET 4 VALID 171310/171710 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2801 E11459 - N2031 E11105 - N2300 E10529 - N2856 E10940 - N2801 E11459 TOP FL400 MOV NE 50KMH NC=  876 WSBZ31 SBBS 171245 SBBS SIGMET 5 VALID 171245/171645 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1429 W05231 - S1639 W05044 - S1506 W04843 - S1409 W04904 - S1258 W05015 - S1429 W05231 TOP FL400 MOV SE 05KT NC=  523 WWCN02 CYZX 171245 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 WING GOOSE BAY PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:45 AM AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: 5 WING GOOSE BAY (CYYR) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 18/1400Z (UNTIL 18/1000 AST) TYPE: GUST SPREAD WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER VALID: UNTIL 18/1000Z (UNTIL 18/0600 AST) COMMENTS: BOTH WARNINGS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. STRONG WESTERLY WINDS WITH GUSTS OF 30 TO 35 KNOTS, ALONG WITH AN OCCASIONAL GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS, WILL OCCUR IN GOOSE BAY TODAY AND TONIGHT AS A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IN THE LABRADOR SEA INTENSIFIES. BLOWING SNOW CAUSING REDUCED VISIBILITY WILL BE A CONCERN TONIGHT AS THERE IS SNOW IN THE FORECAST. WINDS WILL BEGIN DIMINISHING MONDAY MORNING AS THE LOW BEGINS TO WEAKEN. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/0030Z (17/2030 AST) END/JMC  140 WSCI34 ZSSS 171247 ZSHA SIGMET 1 VALID 171300/171700 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N30 FL150/300 STNR NC=  204 WSUS31 KKCI 171255 SIGE MKCE WST 171255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171455-171855 FROM HNN-BKW-HMV-GQO-40W BNA-60W BWG-BWG-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  205 WSUS33 KKCI 171255 SIGW MKCW WST 171255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171455-171855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  206 WSUS32 KKCI 171255 SIGC MKCC WST 171255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10C VALID UNTIL 1455Z TN KY FROM 20WNW BWG-20WSW VXV-40SSE BNA-60W BWG-20WNW BWG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 171455-171855 FROM 50NNE IGB-VUZ-50E MEI-LSU-LCH-AEX-SQS-50NNE IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  058 WGUS84 KSHV 171252 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 652 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC001-073-225-181252- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190222T1800Z/ /NCST2.1.ER.190217T1800Z.190219T0600Z.190222T0000Z.NO/ 652 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Neches. * until Friday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:30 AM Sunday The stage was 11.9 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 12.4 feet BY early Tuesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday evening. * Impact...at 12.0 feet...Expect minor lowland flooding of the heavily wooded floodplain. Ranchers that may have livestock and equipment in the river bottoms should move them to higher ground. Expect minor flooding of the boat ramp. && LAT...LON 3205 9551 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544 3188 9548 $$ 25  000 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171255 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 171310/171710 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0506 W06302 - S0524 W05916 - S0904 W05844 - S0840 W06252 - S0506 W06302 TOP FL470 MOV N 08KT INTSF=  243 WVRA31 RUPK 171300 UHPP SIGMET 4 VALID 171300/171820 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KARYMSKY PSN N5403 E15926 VA CLD OBS AT 1220Z WI N5406 E15935 - N5406 E15939 - N5401 E15934 - N5402 E15932 - N5406 E15935 SFC/FL120 FCST AT 1820Z WI N5358 E16213 - N5350 E16204 - N5334 E16048 - N5342 E16056 - N5358 E16146 - N5358 E16213=  593 WSPF21 NTAA 171257 NTTT SIGMET A4 VALID 171300/171700 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2040 W13150 - S2420 W12210 - S3000 W12630 - S3000 W14500 FL130/220 STNR NC=  205 WSPF24 NTAA 171258 NTTT SIGMET D1 VALID 171300/171700 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2130 W14040 - S1850 W12940 - S2110 W12900 - S2720 W13430 - S2710 W13840 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR NC=  433 WSPF22 NTAA 171257 NTTT SIGMET B4 VALID 171300/171700 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1030 W15700 - S1450 W15310 - S1420 W14500 - S1740 W14040 - S2000 W15230 - S1640 W15700 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR INTSF=  887 WSBZ31 SBBS 171259 SBBS SIGMET 6 VALID 171300/171645 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1835 W04230 - S2026 W04236 - S2012 W04323 - S2026 W04333 - S2029 W04406 - S2244 W04545 - S2313 W04554 - S2321 W04622 - S2240 W04734 - S2205 W04759 - S1643 W05218 - S1639 W0 5304 - S1437 W05337 - S1256 W05330 - S1207 W05300 - S1030 W05059 - S1 030 W04954 - S1013 W04901 - S0939 W04836 - S0942 W04759 - S1015 W0473 7 - S1734 W04606 - S1835 W04230 FL140/210 STNR NC=  123 WWUS43 KLMK 171300 WSWLMK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Louisville KY 800 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT FREEZING RAIN THIS MORNING... KYZ034>043-047>049-056-057-171600- /O.NEW.KLMK.WW.Y.0009.190217T1300Z-190217T1600Z/ Shelby-Franklin-Scott-Harrison-Spencer-Anderson-Woodford-Fayette- Bourbon-Nicholas-Mercer-Jessamine-Clark-Garrard-Madison- Including the cities of Shelbyville, Frankfort, Georgetown, Cynthiana, Taylorsville, Lawrenceburg, Versailles, Lexington, Paris, Carlisle, Harrodsburg, Nicholasville, Winchester, Lancaster, and Richmond 800 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and north central Kentucky. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slick road conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses. Use caution if traveling this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for the latest updates on this situation. && $$ EBW  444 WHUS46 KLOX 171301 CFWLOX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 501 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ034-035-172115- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- 501 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF...Surf of 9 to 13 feet today will subside to 6 to 9 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west and northwest facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding is possible a couple of hours on either side of the 730 AM high tide this morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ040-172115- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Ventura County Coast- 501 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF....Surf of 6 to 9 feet today will subside to 4 to 6 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding is possible a couple of hours on either side of the 700 AM high tide this morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ041-172115- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- 501 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF...Surf of 6 to 9 feet today will subside to 4 to 6 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding is possible a couple of hours on either side of the 700 AM high tide this morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ087-172115- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Catalina and Santa Barbara Islands- 501 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF...Surf of 6 to 9 feet today will subside to 4 to 6 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding is possible a couple of hours on either side of the 700 AM high tide this morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  794 WAAK49 PAWU 171302 WA9O FAIS WA 171315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 172115 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM S. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN,. DTRT. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG SW PPIZ OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. IMPR. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PASH-PAVL LN NW MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM SE. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ AFT 16Z OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. CONDS MOVG N. DTRT FM S. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ AFT 16Z MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. CONDS MOVG N. DTRT FM S. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 171315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 172115 . UPR YKN VLY FB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . TANANA VLY FC ALG AK RANGE ISABEL PASS W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. NC. . TANANA VLY FC PABI W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . TANANA VLY FC AFT 19Z OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL380. INTSF. . TANANA VLY FC OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAFM SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE 19Z TO 22Z BTN PAFM-PAHL OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF TIL 22Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG ALG CST/OFSHR SW PPIZ SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG TIL 16Z ALG CST SW PPIZ OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH AFT 19Z SURVEY PASS E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. INTSF. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH TIL 16Z W HOWARD PASS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI AFT 16Z VCY PABL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. INTSF. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI TIL 16Z N PAVL OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ 16Z TO 22Z E PAGL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . =FAIZ WA 171315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 172115 . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 16Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ FM 16Z TO 22Z VCY PAGL OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . HOLTZIE FEB 19  266 WSMS31 WMKK 171303 WBFC SIGMET B02 VALID 171315/171615 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N0226 AND E OF E11007 TOP FL530 MOV SW NC=  242 WAAK47 PAWU 171304 WA7O JNUS WA 171315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 172115 . ERN GLF CST JE PAYA W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. MOV E. . ERN GLF CST JE ICY BAY W SPRDG E OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . =JNUT WA 171315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 172115 . ERN GLF CST JE OFSHR W ICY BAY SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . =JNUZ WA 171315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 172115 . ERN GLF CST JE W ICY BAY OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL SFC INLAND TO 030 OFFSHORE. NC. . DH FEB 2019 AAWU  243 WAAK48 PAWU 171304 WA8O ANCS WA 171315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB PANC-PAEN LN NW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 20Z VCY MTS OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RA BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE SWRN EXPOSURES/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 08Z VLYS OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF BY 09Z PANI-PASV LN SW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE TO PAMC-PASV LN BY 13Z. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAFS-PASV LN W MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ALL SXNS SW PAMC-PAFK LN BY 13Z. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG BY 09Z PAKI-PABE LN SE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS PAMY E BY 13Z. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG KILBUCK MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS BY 13Z. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALL SXNS N PAPN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA/-SN BR. IMPR FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SEGUAM IS W SPRDG E MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SPRDG E TO PAKO BY 21Z OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RASN BR. SPRDG E. IMPR FM W. . ADAK TO ATTU AK BULDIR IS E OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM SN/RASN BR. IMPR. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 171315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 22Z COOK INLET S PAEN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 16Z PANC S ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC 16Z TO 19Z AK RANGE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD NE PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN FM SW. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 22Z NE PAWD-PAMD LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE N KODIAK ISLAND SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF AFT 09Z PASL-PASV LN SW AREAS LLWS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 13Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 09Z INLAND AREAS OF LLWS. IMPR FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 13Z VCY LAKE ILLIAMNA OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAAK SPRDG E TO PAKO SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 16Z W PAKO MOD TURB BLW 040. ISOL SEV TURB WI 020 AGL. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 22Z E SEGUAM OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E BULDIR IS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK 16Z TO 19Z TANAGA E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . =ANCZ WA 171315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD SW PAWR-PACV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL SFC INLAND TO 050 SE. NC. . KODIAK IS AE TIL 19Z PADQ NE OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL 010 EXC 030 NE. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF SW PASV-PASL LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 13Z INLAND S PASM-PARS LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAJZ-PADL LN NW OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL 045 EXC BLW 010 NW. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ PAAK W OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL BLW 010. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK TIL 19Z E AMCHITKA OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL AFT 19Z S PAPB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . DH FEB 2019 AAWU  639 WGUS83 KIND 171309 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 808 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning is no longer in effect for a portion of the following waterway in Indiana... White River... .The White River at Elliston in central Indiana fell below flood stage overnight and is expected to continue falling for the foreseeable future. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Be alert to flood debris on previously flooded roads. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC027-055-083-171338- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-190217T2040Z/ /ELLI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190210T1300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 808 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The White River at Elliston. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Forecast...It is forecast to remain below flood stage with a maximum value of 16.8 feet this afternoon. && LAT...LON 3912 8692 3908 8694 3900 8693 3900 8697 3905 8699 3913 8696 $$  641 WCFJ01 NFFN 171200 NFFF SIGMET VALID 06 VALID 171335/171935 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1606 E16412 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 320NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSW 03KT WKN=  963 WSCN05 CWAO 171309 CZUL SIGMET D1 VALID 171305/171705 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE N6433 W06441 - N6140 W06428 - N6008 W06758 SFC/FL040 QS NC=  964 WTPS01 NFFN 171200 STORM WARNING 100 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 171309 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 984HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.1 SOUTH 164.2 EAST AT 171200 UTC. POSITION POOR. REPEAT POSITION 16.1S 164.2E AT 171200 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT 03 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 55 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 60 KNOTS BY 181200 UTC. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 35 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 130 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 17.2S 163.9E AT 180000 UTC AND NEAR 18.5S 163.4E AT 181200 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 099.  092 WSCN25 CWAO 171309 CZUL SIGMET D1 VALID 171305/171705 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N6433 W06441/90 S CYXP - /N6140 W06428/150 E CYHA - /N6008 W06758/60 E CYAS SFC/FL040 QS NC RMK GFACN34 GFACN33 GFACN36=  953 WTPS01 NFFN 171200 STORM WARNING 100 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 171309 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 984HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.1 SOUTH 164.2 EAST AT 171200 UTC. POSITION POOR. REPEAT POSITION 16.1S 164.2E at 171200 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT 03 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 55 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 60 KNOTS BY 181200 UTC. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 35 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 130 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 17.2S 163.9E AT 180000 UTC AND NEAR 18.5S 163.4E AT 181200 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 099.  871 WWAK42 PAFC 171312 WSWALU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 412 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ161-171415- /O.CAN.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Bristol Bay- Including the cities of King Salmon, Dillingham, Naknek, and Pilot Point 412 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Increasing east to southeasterly winds this morning have caused temperatures to increase above freezing in many locations with precipitation either tapering off or changing over to rain or a mix of rain and snow. In more northern and inland locations where colder air lingers, an additional 2 to 4 inches of snow is possible today, however for most populated locations further snow accumulations from this system will be limited to scattered snow showers in the afternoon and evening when cooler air moves back into the area. $$ AKZ152-180300- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lower Kuskokwim Valley- Including the cities of Aniak and Sleetmute 412 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Breezy south to southwest winds of 15 to 25 mph this afternoon may cause areas of blowing and drifting snow with reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ AKZ155-172100- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Kuskokwim Delta- Including the cities of Bethel, Hooper Bay, and Nunivak Island 412 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST TODAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Total snow accumulations up to 3 inches. Visibility reduced to one half mile or less at times. * WHERE...Kuskokwim Delta. * WHEN...Until noon AKST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Widespread areas of poor visibility are likely. Winds gusting to 25 mph combined with new snow will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  898 WCFJ01 NFFN 171200 NFFF SIGMET 06 VALID 171335/171935 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1606 E16412 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 320NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSW 03KT WKN=  177 WVID21 WAAA 171315 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 171315/171915 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD EST AT 1315Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0100 E12657 - N0039 E12740 - N 0142 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1915Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0142 E12755 - N0039 E12740 - N0100 E 12658 - N0143 E12753=  720 WGUS82 KJAX 171316 FLSJAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 816 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Santa Fe River At Three Rivers Estates affecting Columbia... Gilchrist and Suwannee Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interest along the river should monitor the latest forecasts...And be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. If you see flood waters...Remember to turn around and do not drown. For graphical hydrologic information...Please go to weather.gov and click on your state. Select Rivers and Lakes under current weather. The Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service page provides current and forecast river information...Gage locations...Impacts... and historical crest information for all forecast points by clicking on each point. && FLC023-041-121-181316- /O.CON.KJAX.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TREF1.2.ER.181209T1133Z.181230T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 816 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santa Fe River At Three Rivers Estates. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 19.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 19.1 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Water begins to enter backyards of residences along the Ichetucknee River. * Impact...At 18.8 feet...Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission expands the no wake zone restriction further upstream on the Santa Fe River from the unnamed island 1.5 miles downstream on the Wilson's Spring Boat Ramp to one-half mile upstream of the State Road 47 bridge. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Water begins to flood River Run Road in Suwannee County. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Water begins to enter backyards of residences on Santa Fe Road in Columbia County and on River Run Road in Suwannee County. * Impact...At 16.2 feet...Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission begins enforcement of a no wake zone on the Santa Fe River from the unnamed island 1.5 miles downstream of the Wilson's Spring Boat Ramp to the confluence with the Suwannee River and on the Ichetucknee River upstream to the US 27 bridge. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Lowland flooding begins on SW Santa Fe Drive south of Santa Fe Road in Columbia County. && FLD OBSERVED 7AM EST / 8AM EDT FORECAST LOCATION STG STG DAY TIME Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SANTA FE Three River 17 19.5 Sun 07 AM 19.1 18.6 18.2 17.8 17.4 && LAT...LON 2990 8278 2992 8280 2990 8283 2993 8283 2996 8279 2993 8276 $$  153 WVID21 WAAA 171315 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 171315/171915 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD EST AT 1315Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0100 E12657 - N0039 E12740 - N 0142 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1915Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0142 E12755 - N0039 E12740 - N0100 E 12658 - N0143 E12753=  090 WAAK48 PAWU 171320 WA8O ANCS WA 171315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB PANC-PAEN LN NW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 20Z VCY MTS OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RA BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE SWRN EXPOSURES/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/-RASN BR. DTRT. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAII-PATG LN NE MT OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SEGUAM IS W SPRDG E MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SPRDG E TO PAKO BY 21Z OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RASN BR. SPRDG E. IMPR FM W. . ADAK TO ATTU AK BULDIR IS E OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM SN/RASN BR. IMPR. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 171315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 22Z COOK INLET S PAEN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 16Z PANC S ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC 16Z TO 19Z AK RANGE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD NE PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN FM SW. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 22Z NE PAWD-PAMD LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE N KODIAK ISLAND SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF SW PAMC-PAFK LN AREAS LLWS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 13Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 13Z VCY LAKE ILLIAMNA OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAKN-PADL LN NE AREAS OF LLWS. WKN. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAAK SPRDG E TO PAKO SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 16Z W PAKO MOD TURB BLW 040. ISOL SEV TURB WI 020 AGL. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 22Z E SEGUAM OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E BULDIR IS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK 16Z TO 19Z TANAGA E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . =ANCZ WA 171315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD SW PAWR-PACV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL SFC INLAND TO 050 SE. NC. . KODIAK IS AE TIL 19Z PADQ NE OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL 010 EXC 030 NE. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF SW PASV-PASL LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 13Z INLAND S PASM-PARS LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAJZ-PADL LN NW OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL 045 EXC BLW 010 NW. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ PAAK W OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL BLW 010. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK TIL 19Z E AMCHITKA OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL AFT 19Z S PAPB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . DH FEB 2019 AAWU  615 WWCN02 CYTR 171321 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 7:21 AM CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 17/1615Z (UNTIL 17/1015 CST) COMMENTS: COLD TEMPERATURES COMBINED WITH LIGHT TO MODERATE NORTHEASTERLY WINDS WILL GIVE WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR OR BELOW MINUS 35 THIS MORNING. THESE WIND CHILL VALUES ARE EXPECTED TO PERSIST UNTIL LATER THIS MORNING WHEN TEMPERATURES BEGIN TO MODERATE. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 17/1615Z (17/1015 CST) END/JMC  763 WWUS46 KSGX 171322 WSWSGX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service SAN DIEGO CA 522 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOW AND STRONG WINDS IN THE MOUNTAINS AND HIGH DESERT... .A cold low pressure trough will bring periods of snow through early Monday. The snow will be most widespread this afternoon and evening when several inches of snow is likely above 4,000 feet. CAZ058-172200- /O.CON.KSGX.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190218T1400Z/ San Diego County Mountains- Including the cities of Julian and Pine Valley 522 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Damage to trees and power lines is possible. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches, are expected. * WHERE...The San Diego Mountains. Light accumulations will be possible down to 3000 feet by early Monday, including along I-8 east of Alpine. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for significant reductions in visibility at times due to fog and snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ CAZ055-056-172200- /O.CON.KSGX.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Bernardino County Mountains-Riverside County Mountains- Including the cities of Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, Big Bear City, Big Bear Lake, Running Springs, Wrightwood, and Idyllwild-Pine Cove 522 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Damage to trees and power lines is possible. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches, are expected. * WHERE...The Riverside and San Bernardino Mountains, heavy accumulations above 4000 feet elevation, with lighter accumulations down to 2500-3000 feet this evening. This includes I-15 through the Cajon Pass. * WHEN...Until 3 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for significant reductions in visibility at times due to fog and snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ CAZ057-060-172200- /O.CON.KSGX.WW.Y.0008.190217T1800Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills-Apple and Lucerne Valleys- Including the cities of Victorville, Hesperia, and Apple Valley 522 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch, with localized amounts up to 2 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Santa Ana Mountains and the High Desert. Snow could affect Highway 138 between Cajon Junction and Palmdale. * WHEN...10 AM today to 3 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times due to snow and fog. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$  907 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  908 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  909 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBRE SIGMET 17 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  910 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  911 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  912 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 171200/171600 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2813 W04502 - S2635 W04356 - S2216 W03824 - S2100W03930 - S1834 W03752 - S1948 W03225 - S2531 W02248 - S2855 W02454 - S2502 W03339 - S2930W04242 - S2813 W04502 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  913 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  914 WSBZ01 SBBR 171300 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 171310/171710 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0506 W06302 - S0524 W05916 - S0904 W05844 - S0840 W06252 - S0506 W06302 TOP FL470 MOV N 08KT INTSF=  326 WWUS74 KHGX 171326 NPWHGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 726 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense Fog Advisory Cancelled... .Light fog with visibilities of 2 to 4 miles will likely prevail through 9 or 10 am. TXZ214-236>238-300-313-335>338-436>438-171430- /O.CAN.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ Brazoria Islands-Chambers-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston- Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda- Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-Inland Brazoria- Inland Galveston-Inland Matagorda-Matagorda Islands- Southern Liberty- Including the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, Baytown, Clute, Devers, Dickinson, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, La Marque, Lake Jackson, League City, Mont Belvieu, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pasadena, Pearland, Stowell, Surfside Beach, Texas City, and Winnie 726 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Dense fog has dissipated. Light fog with visibilities of 2 to 4 miles is likely to prevail through 9 or 10 am. $$  891 WHUS74 KHGX 171328 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 728 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING FOR THE NEARSHORE GULF WATERS... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... .Periods of dense sea fog could reduce visibilities to below 1 nautical mile at times this morning. .Fresh to strong winds and building seas are expected tonight resulting in hazardous marine conditions. GMZ330-335-171430- /O.CAN.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Matagorda Bay-Galveston Bay- 728 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. The Dense fog has dissipated and visibilities of 2 to 4 miles will likely prevail through 9 or 10 am. $$ GMZ350-355-172130- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ /O.CON.KHGX.SC.Y.0018.190218T0600Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 728 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast at 20-25 knots with gusts up to 35 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...5 to 7 feet with occasional seas up to 8 feet. * Visibility...Below 1 nautical mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots... and/or seas 7 feet or higher...are expected to produce hazardous conditions for small craft. Inexperienced boaters...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ370-375-172130- /O.CON.KHGX.SC.Y.0018.190218T0400Z-190219T1200Z/ Waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX from 20 to 60 NM-Waters from High Island to Freeport TX from 20 to 60 NM- 728 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast at 20-25 knots with gusts up to 35 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...7 to 9 feet with occasional seas up to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots... and/or seas 7 feet or higher...are expected to produce hazardous conditions for small craft. Inexperienced boaters...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  897 WWUS45 KREV 171328 WSWREV URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 528 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ071-180000- /O.EXT.KREV.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties- Including the cities of Portola and Susanville 528 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * CHANGES...Updated to extend Winter Storm Warning until 4pm. * WHAT...Moderate to heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches with 2 to 5 inches west of Highway 89. * WHERE...Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Periods of moderate to heavy snowfall expected this morning and into early afternoon. Travel delays are likely with slick road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid travel if possible, you could be stuck in your vehicle for many hours. If you must travel, prepare for long delays and carry an emergency kit with extra food, water and clothing. If you stay home, have a backup plan in case of power outages. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-180000- /O.EXT.KREV.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of South Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Stateline, and Incline Village 528 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING... * CHANGES...Updated to extend duration of the Winter Storm Warning through this evening. Increase in snow amounts a few inches mainly southern Tahoe Basin and Carson Range. * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches, except 5 to 10 inches above 7000 feet. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph across Sierra ridges, decreasing to 40 mph. * WHERE...Greater Lake Tahoe Area. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Periods of moderate to heavy snowfall expected today. Blowing snow may produce whiteout conditions. Long travel delays are occurring with periodic road closures possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid travel if possible, you could be stuck in your vehicle for many hours. If you must travel, prepare for long delays and carry an emergency kit with extra food, water and clothing. If you stay home, have a backup plan in case of power outages. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ073-180000- /O.EXT.KREV.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Mono County- Including the cities of Bridgeport, Coleville, and Mammoth Lakes 528 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING... * CHANGES...Updated to extend warning through this evening. * WHAT...Moderate to heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 3 inches, except up to 5 inches above 7000 feet west of Highway 395. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph across Sierra ridges and up to 30 mph in valley locations. * WHERE...Mono County. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Periods of moderate to heavy snowfall expected.. Blowing snow may produce whiteout conditions. Long travel delays with periodic road closures possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid travel if possible, you could be stuck in your vehicle for many hours. If you must travel, prepare for long delays and carry an emergency kit with extra food, water and clothing. If you stay home, have a backup plan in case of power outages. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NVZ003-180000- /O.NEW.KREV.WW.Y.0012.190217T1328Z-190218T0300Z/ Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area- Including the cities of Sparks, Gardnerville, and Virginia City 528 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Accumulations of 1 to 2 inches except 2 to 5 inches for foothill areas and through the Carson Valley. * WHERE...Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/reno  763 WWAK41 PAFC 171329 WSWAER URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 429 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ121-180100- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0100Z/ Western Kenai Peninsula- Including the cities of Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, and Cooper Landing 429 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKST THIS AFTERNOON WEST OF STERLING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Western Kenai Peninsula west of Sterling. Highest amounts toward Nikiski. * WHEN...Until 4 PM AKST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. Gusty north winds may cause areas of drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ125-172100- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Western Prince William Sound- Including the cities of Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, and Moose Pass 429 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST TODAY FOR PORTAGE VALLEY AND EASTERN TURNAGAIN ARM... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, with localized amounts up to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Portage Valley and eastern Turnagain Arm. * WHEN...Until noon AKST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are likely. Tree branches could fall. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ145-180300- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 429 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 9 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Susitna Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  766 WWUS72 KTBW 171330 NPWTBW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Area - Ruskin FL 830 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG CONTINUES ACROSS PORTIONS OF I-4 CORRIDOR... .Areas of dense fog will continue for at least the next hour or so across areas along and south of I-4. Please slow down and use your low beam headlights if driving in fog this morning. FLZ061-151-155-160-162-255-260-262-171430- /O.CAN.KTBW.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ DeSoto-Coastal Hillsborough-Coastal Manatee-Coastal Sarasota- Coastal Charlotte-Inland Manatee-Inland Sarasota-Inland Charlotte- Including the cities of Arcadia, Tampa, Apollo Beach, Westchase, Bradenton, Anna Maria Island, Venice, Sarasota, Englewood, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Parrish, Lakewood Ranch, Myakka City, North Port, and Babcock Ranch 830 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Tampa Bay Area - Ruskin FL has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Conditions have improved across Southwest Florida over the last hour. $$ FLZ052-056-057-251-171500- /O.EXT.KTBW.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Polk-Hardee-Highlands-Inland Hillsborough- Including the cities of Lakeland, Winter Haven, Wauchula, Bowling Green, Zolfo Springs, Sebring, Avon Park, Placid Lakes, Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City Center 830 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less. * IMPACTS...Limited visibility will make for dangerous travel conditions PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  548 WHUS74 KMOB 171331 MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 731 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 GMZ630>632-171600- /O.CON.KMOB.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- 731 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...1 mile or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  414 WSBO31 SLLP 171330 SLLF SIGMET 4 VALID 171330/171730 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 1320Z WI S1122 W06907 - S1148 W06704 - S1414 W06625 - S1440 W06625 - S1401 W06900 - S1351 W06853 - S1336 W06905 - S1328 W06900 - S1244 W06857 - S1229 W06838 - S1130 W06907 - TOP FL390 MOV SW 06KT WKN=  497 WHHW40 PHFO 171332 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 332 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES OF NIIHAU KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... .The current large northeast swell will remain high through today then gradually subside. HIZ002-008-009-012-017-020-025-180245- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Kauai Windward-Oahu Koolau-Olomana-Molokai Windward- Maui Windward West-Windward Haleakala-Big Island North and East- 332 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING... * SURF...12 to 18 feet with locally higher sets along north and east facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across shorelines, very strong breaking waves, and strong currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay well away from the shoreline along the affected showers. && $$ HIZ001-007-013-019-180245- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Niihau-Oahu North Shore-Molokai Leeward-Maui Central Valley- 332 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING... * SURF...12 to 18 feet along north facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...through this evening. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, strong currents making swimming dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials and exercise caution. When in doubt, do not go out. && $$ Donaldson  642 WVAG31 SAME 171335 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 171335/171935 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR VA ERUPTION MT PLACHON PETEROA PSN S3513 W07034 VA CLD OBS AT 1330Z WI S3509 W07032 - S3551 W07007 - S3559 W07022 - S3512 W07036 - S3509 W07032 BTN SFC/FL150 MOV SE 15KT VA CLD FCST AT 1830Z WI S3510 W07033 - S3613 W06938 - S3621 W07002 - S3512 W07035 - S3510 W07033 BTN SFC/FL150=  532 WWUS43 KARX 171336 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 736 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Slippery Roads along and South of Interstate 90... .Through 10 AM, the snow will continue to spread north into central Wisconsin. Snow accumulations will be up to a half inch per hour. As of 730 AM, snow totals range from near an inch along the Interstate 90 corridor to 3.5 inches in northeast Iowa and Grant County in southwest Wisconsin. Roads are snow covered and slippery across northeast Iowa, southeast Minnesota, and southwest Wisconsin. Look for the snow to continue through much of today before beginning to diminish in intensity late this afternoon and evening. Accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected with the highest totals over northeast Iowa. Expect snow covered and slippery roads through this evening. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ053>055-061- 172145- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 736 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Total snow accumulations will range from 3 to 6 inches. The highest totals will be in northeast Iowa. * WHERE...Northeast Iowa, much of southeast Minnesota, and south of Interstate 90 in western Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Boyne  198 WHUS72 KTBW 171337 MWWTBW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL 837 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...MARINE DENSE FOG ADVISORY FOR TAMPA BAY HAS BEEN CANCELLED... .Fog condtions have improved around the Bay and no longer poses an immediate threat to mariners for visibility restrictions. GMZ830-171445- /O.CAN.KTBW.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ Tampa Bay waters- 837 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Tampa Bay Ruskin has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. $$ https://www.weather.gov/tampa  448 WHUS74 KLCH 171337 MWWLCH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 737 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVIOSRY HAS BEEN CANCELLED... GMZ430-432-435-450-452-455-171445- /O.CAN.KLCH.MF.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Sabine Lake-Calcasieu Lake-Vermilion Bay- Coastal waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA out 20 NM- 737 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Lake Charles has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. There may be some patches of dense fog remaining, but widespread dense fog is no longer expected. $$  991 WSRS31 RURD 171337 URRV SIGMET 5 VALID 171345/171500 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04015 - N4425 E03848 - N4423 E04129 - N4319 E04053 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  544 WHHW40 PHFO 171338 CCA CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message...CORRECTED National Weather Service Honolulu HI 338 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES OF NIIHAU KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... .The current large northeast swell will remain high through today then gradually subside. HIZ002-008-009-012-017-020-025-180245- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Kauai Windward-Oahu Koolau-Olomana-Molokai Windward- Maui Windward West-Windward Haleakala-Big Island North and East- 338 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING FOR EAST FACING SHORES... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...12 to 18 feet with locally higher sets along north and east facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across shorelines, very strong breaking waves, and strong currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay well away from the shoreline along the affected showers. && $$ HIZ001-007-013-019-180245- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Niihau-Oahu North Shore-Molokai Leeward-Maui Central Valley- 338 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...12 to 18 feet along north facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...through this evening. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, strong currents making swimming dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials and exercise caution. When in doubt, do not go out. && $$ Donaldson  331 WAHW31 PHFO 171338 WA0HI HNLS WA 171338 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 171600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU OVR AND N THRU E OF MTN CANCEL AIRMET. CONDS HAVE IMPROVED. . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 171000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 171600 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND S THRU W OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND ENDING BY 1600Z. =HNLZ WA 171000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 171600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...116 PHLI SLOPING TO 110 PHTO.  407 WWUS74 KLCH 171339 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 739 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense Fog Advisory has been cancelled... LAZ052>055-073-074-TXZ215-171445- /O.CAN.KLCH.FG.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Vermilion-Iberia-St. Mary-Lower St. Martin-West Cameron- East Cameron-Jefferson- Including the cities of Abbeville, Intracoastal City, Meaux, Forked Island, Kaplan, New Iberia, Morgan City, Burns Point, Centerville, Franklin, Patterson, Berwick, Bayou Vista, Stephensville, Hackberry, Johnson Bayou, Grand Lake, Klondike, Cameron, Creole, Grand Chenier, Rutherford Beach, Beaumont, Sabine Pass, and Sea Rim State Park 739 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Lake Charles has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Dense fog is no longer forecast. $$  769 WSRS31 RURD 171339 URRV SIGMET 6 VALID 171345/171500 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR CNL SIGMET 4 171200/171500=  984 WWAK47 PAJK 171340 WSWAJK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 440 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ025-180200- /O.UPG.PAJK.WS.A.0003.190218T0900Z-190219T1800Z/ /O.NEW.PAJK.WS.W.0004.190218T0900Z-190219T1800Z/ Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the city of Juneau 440 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM AKST TUESDAY FOR THE JUNEAU AREA... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches. * WHERE...Juneau area. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM AKST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Greatest snowfall rates expected Monday morning and again late Monday afternoon and evening. Travel could be difficult, especially during these times of heavier snowfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AKZ020-022-180200- /O.EXB.PAJK.WW.Y.0013.190218T0600Z-190218T1800Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 440 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Gustavus and Pelican areas. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 9 AM AKST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Greatest snowfall rates expected early Monday morning. Travel could be difficult, especially overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AKZ017-180200- /O.CON.PAJK.WW.Y.0013.190217T1700Z-190218T1400Z/ Cape Fairweather to Cape Suckling Coastal Area- Including the city of Yakutat 440 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 5 AM AKST MONDAY NEAR YAKUTAT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Yakutat Area. * WHEN...From 8 AM this morning through 5 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Greatest snowfall rates expected Sunday morning and again Sunday evening. Snow will begin mixing with rain Monday morning. Travel could be difficult, especially during these times of heavier snowfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  325 WSAU21 AMHF 171341 YMMM SIGMET D01 VALID 171400/171800 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4210 E14610 - S4140 E14730 - S4100 E14810 - S4140 E14920 - S4300 E14830 - S4240 E14730 - S4240 E14700 - S4340 E14810 - S4420 E14700 - LRP SFC/8000FT STNR INTSF=  741 WTPS11 NFFN 171200 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A24 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 171343 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 984HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.1S 164.2E AT 171200 UTC. POSITION POOR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 55 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 130 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 060 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT WITH PRIMARY BAND TRYING TO WRAP ONTO LLCC. DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT HAS SLIGHTLY WEAKENED OMA IN THE LAST 3-6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE. SYSTEM REMAIN SLOW MOVING. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELCIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON CURVED BAND WITH 0.7 WRAP ON LOG 10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=3.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T3.0/4.0/W0.5/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 180000 UTC 17.2S 163.9E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 55 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 181200 UTC 18.5S 163.4E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE  742 WTPS11 NFFN 171200 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A24 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 171343 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 984HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.1S 164.2E AT 171200 UTC. POSITION POOR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 55 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 90 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 130 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 060 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT WITH PRIMARY BAND TRYING TO WRAP ONTO LLCC. DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT HAS SLIGHTLY WEAKENED OMA IN THE LAST 3-6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE. SYSTEM REMAIN SLOW MOVING. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELCIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON CURVED BAND WITH 0.7 WRAP ON LOG 10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=3.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T3.0/4.0/W0.5/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 180000 UTC 17.2S 163.9E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 55 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 181200 UTC 18.5S 163.4E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 190000 UTC 19.8S 162.8E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 191200 UTC 20.9S 162.4E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 50 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON OMA WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 172000 UTC.  962 WSPR31 SPIM 171342 SPIM SIGMET 7 VALID 171345/171400 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 6 VALID 171130/171400=  250 WSRS31 RURD 171344 URRV SIGMET 7 VALID 171345/171500 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4230 E04549 - N4300 E04720 - N4141 E04825 FL030/150 STNR WKN=  691 WAEG31 HECA 171400 HECC AIRMET 11 VALID 171500/171800 HECC- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 29 51 N AND 32 47 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  783 WOMU40 VMMC 171334 STRONG MONSOON SIGNAL(BLACK BALL) IS ISSUED AT 201902171335 UTC.  029 WAEG31 HECA 171400 HECC AIRMET 12 VALID 171500/171800 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST N OF 30 40 N AND E OF 25 09 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  445 WSUS32 KKCI 171355 SIGC MKCC WST 171355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171555-171955 FROM IGB-MEI-110S LCH-120ESE PSX-100SE PSX-80E BRO-BRO-50SSE CRP-SQS-IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  446 WSUS33 KKCI 171355 SIGW MKCW WST 171355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171555-171955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  447 WSUS31 KKCI 171355 SIGE MKCE WST 171355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2E VALID UNTIL 1555Z KY 20ENE BWG ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 26055KT. TOPS TO FL300. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 1555Z TN 20NW VXV ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 26055KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 171555-171955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  655 WSER31 OMAA 171345 OMAE SIGMET 3 VALID 171345/171500 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR OBSC TS FCST S OF LINE N2400 E05310 - N2550 E05610 TOP FL300 MOV E 40KT NC=  680 WHHW40 PHFO 171348 CCB CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message...CORRECTED National Weather Service Honolulu HI 348 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES OF NIIHAU KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... .The current large northeast swell will remain high through today then gradually subside. HIZ002-008-009-012-017-020-025-180245- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Kauai Windward-Oahu Koolau-Olomana-Molokai Windward- Maui Windward West-Windward Haleakala-Big Island North and East- 348 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING FOR EAST FACING SHORES... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...12 to 18 feet with locally higher sets along north and east facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across shorelines, very strong breaking waves, and strong currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay well away from the shoreline along the affected shores. && $$ HIZ001-007-013-019-180245- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Niihau-Oahu North Shore-Molokai Leeward-Maui Central Valley- 348 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...12 to 18 feet along north facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...through this evening. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, strong currents making swimming dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials and exercise caution. When in doubt, do not go out. && $$ Donaldson  360 WVMX31 MMMX 171349 MMEX SIGMET 3 VALID 171340/171940 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 171330Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL240 IN N2028 W09725 - N2011 W09713 - N1948 W09728 - N1945 W09753 - N1948 W09805 - N1905 W09835 - N2025 W09758 - N2028 W09725 AREA MOV NE 15 -20 KT . OUTLK 171930Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL240 IN N2050 W09751 - N2034 W09702 - N1947 W09710 - N1942 W09802 - N1904 W09835 - N1904 W09838 - N2050 W09751 AREA =  715 WWUS43 KDMX 171351 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 751 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow to Continue for Much of the Day Today... .Snow band setting from portions of southwest Iowa through north central to northeast Iowa will continue to progress east this morning. Within the snow band, moderate to briefly heavy at times snowfall rates can be expected. Additional snowfall amounts of 1 to 4 inches is possible along and north of Interstate 80. The highest additional snow amounts are forecast over northern Iowa by this evening. Roads remains completely snow covered and extremely hazardous. IAZ057>059-070>072-081>083-172200- /O.CON.KDMX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Adams-Union-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Corning, Creston, and Osceola 751 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light to briefly moderate snow is expected through the morning. An additional 1 to near 2 inches of new snow is possible by the afternoon. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. The precipitation is forecast to taper off late this morning into the early afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick and completely snow covered roads. Many roads in the warned area are not advised to travel on this morning. Some visibility restrictions are possible with the light snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-172200- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 751 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Moderate to briefly heavy at times along and north of Interstate 80. An additional 1 to 4 inches of new snow is possible by this afternoon, with the higher amounts anticipated north of Highway 30. * WHERE...Much of Iowa. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST tonight. The snow is expected taper off late this morning into the afternoon hours from south to north. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick and completely snow covered roads. Many roads in the advisory are not advised to travel on this morning. Some visibility restrictions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ092>095-171800- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Including the cities of Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, and Humeston 751 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Light snow. An additional half inch of snow accumulation is possible before ending later this morning. * WHERE...Southwest Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick and snow covered roads. Many roads in the area are not advised to travel on this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines Podrazik  461 WCAU01 ABRF 171352 YBBB SIGMET A01 VALID 171350/171950 YBRF - YBBB BRISBANE FIR TC OMA PSN S1606 E16412 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 320NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSW 03KT WKN=  029 WSCN02 CWAO 171352 CZEG SIGMET C2 VALID 171350/171540 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET C1 171140/171540=  133 WSCN22 CWAO 171352 CZEG SIGMET C2 VALID 171350/171540 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET C1 171140/171540 RMK GFACN36=  982 WHUS74 KCRP 171354 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 754 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE SEA FOG ALONG THE MIDDLE TEXAS COAST THIS MORNING... .Areas of dense sea fog continue this morning across the Middle Texas coast. A cold front is approaching the area this morning and will provide improvement in the visibility. GMZ235-171500- /O.EXP.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1400Z/ Bays and Waterways from Port Aransas to Port O'Connor- 754 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... Visibilities have improved in wake of a cold front across the northern bays generally north of Port Aransas. Visibilities of 2 to 4 miles will still be possible for the next couple of hours. $$ GMZ230-250-255-171500- /O.EXT.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Bays and Waterways from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM- 754 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...Less than 1 nautical mile. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ CB  605 WSPR31 SPIM 171353 SPIM SIGMET A4 VALID 171400/171630 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1330Z WI S0819 W07653 - S0839 W07722 - S1105 W07532 - S1023 W07456 - S0819 W07653 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  693 WSPS21 NZKL 171139 NZZO SIGMET 1 VALID 171355/171755 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6110 W16350 - S5730 W16040 - S5730 W15550 - S6120 W16140 - S6110 W16350 FL120/200 MOV SE 10KT NC=  622 WWUS41 KRLX 171356 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 856 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ101>103-105-OHZ087-WVZ005-006-013-014-171600- /O.EXT.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Lawrence KY-Lawrence OH-Wayne-Cabell-Lincoln- Putnam- Including the cities of Flatwoods, Greenup, Grayson, Olive Hill, Ashland, Louisa, Ironton, South Point, Kenova, Ceredo, Wayne, Huntington, Harts, Alum Creek, Hamlin, Teays Valley, and Hurricane 856 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Brief periods of freezing rain. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio, northeast Kentucky and southern and western West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ516-518-520-171800- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Southeast Raleigh-Southeast Fayette-Southeast Nicholas- Including the cities of Beckley, Meadow Bridge, and Richwood 856 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain, possibly beginning as sleet, changing to rain by midday. Total sleet accumulations of up to a tenth of an inch, with ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Fayette, and Southeast Nicholas Counties. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 1 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ522>524-526-172200- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1400Z-190218T0000Z/ Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Snowshoe, Marlinton, and Harman 856 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain and sleet, changing to rain by evening. Total sleet accumulations of up to two tenths of an inch, with ice accumulations of one to two tenths of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Webster, Northwest Pocahontas, Southeast Pocahontas, and Southeast Randolph Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 7 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  521 WTNC18 NWBB 171356 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY Issued by NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE at 2019-02-17 13:53 UTC Name: tropical cyclone category 2 OMA Data at 2019-02-17 12:00 UTC Latitude: 16.1 S Longitude: 164.3 E Location accuracy: within 20 nm Movement toward: 150 degree Speed of movement: 3 kt Maximum 10-minutes wind: 55 kt Maximum wind gust: 75 kt Central pressure: 984 hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: 80 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: 70 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: 70 nm Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: 80 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: 50 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: 60 nm Radius of 64-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of maximum winds: 40 nm FORECAST DATA Date (UTC): Location(degree): Accuracy(nm): Max wind(kt) 17/02/19 12UTC: 16.7 S 164.1 E: 30: 55 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.3 S 163.9 E: 40: 60 18/02/19 00UTC: 17.9 S 163.6 E: 50: 60 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.6 S 163.3 E: 60: 70 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.3 S 162.9 E: 80: 75 18/02/19 18UTC: 19.7 S 162.5 E: 90: 75 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.3 S 162.3 E: 100: 80 19/02/19 06UTC: 20.9 S 162.1 E: 110: 80 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.4 S 161.8 E: 120: 80 19/02/19 18UTC: 21.7 S 161.6 E: 130: 80 20/02/19 00UTC: 22.1 S 161.3 E: 140: 75 20/02/19 06UTC: 22.4 S 161.1 E: 150: 75 Next issue time : The 2019-02-17 at 21:00 UTC.  362 WTNC18 NWBB 171356 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY ISSUED BY NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE AT 2019-02-17 13:53 UTC NAME: TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA DATA AT 2019-02-17 12:00 UTC LATITUDE: 16.1 S LONGITUDE: 164.3 E LOCATION ACCURACY: WITHIN 20 NM MOVEMENT TOWARD: 150 DEGREE SPEED OF MOVEMENT: 3 KT MAXIMUM 10-MINUTES WIND: 55 KT MAXIMUM WIND GUST: 75 KT CENTRAL PRESSURE: 984 HPA RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 80 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 70 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 70 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 80 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 50 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 60 NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS: 40 NM FORECAST DATA DATE (UTC): LOCATION(DEGREE): ACCURACY(NM): MAX WIND(KT) 17/02/19 12UTC: 16.7 S 164.1 E: 30: 55 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.3 S 163.9 E: 40: 60 18/02/19 00UTC: 17.9 S 163.6 E: 50: 60 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.6 S 163.3 E: 60: 70 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.3 S 162.9 E: 80: 75 18/02/19 18UTC: 19.7 S 162.5 E: 90: 75 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.3 S 162.3 E: 100: 80 19/02/19 06UTC: 20.9 S 162.1 E: 110: 80 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.4 S 161.8 E: 120: 80 19/02/19 18UTC: 21.7 S 161.6 E: 130: 80 20/02/19 00UTC: 22.1 S 161.3 E: 140: 75 20/02/19 06UTC: 22.4 S 161.1 E: 150: 75 NEXT ISSUE TIME : THE 2019-02-17 AT 21:00 UTC.=  053 WSRS31 RUMU 171358 ULMM SIGMET 5 VALID 171400/171800 ULMM- ULMM MURMANSK FIR SEV MTW FCST S OF N70 FL020/040 MOV SE 30KMH WKN=  402 WVCH31 SCEL 171358 SCEZ SIGMET 03 VALID 171400/172000 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR VA ERUPTION MT PLANCHON PETEROA PSN S3513 W07034 VA CLD OBS AT 1230Z WI S3509 W07032 - S3551 W07007 - S3559 W07022 - S3512 W07036 - S3509 W07032 TOP FL150 MOV SE 15KT NC FCST 1830Z VA CLD APRX SFC/FL150 S3510 W07033- S3613 W06938 - S3621 W07002 - S3512 W07035 - S3510 W07033=  451 WSCI36 ZUUU 171356 ZPKM SIGMET 7 VALID 171500/171900 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3233 E10403-N3145 E10923-N2814 E10914-N2732 E10807-N2619 E10600-N2915 E10303-N3233 E10403 FL050/150 STNR NC=  776 WHUS71 KBOX 171400 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 900 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ254>256-172200- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0025.190218T0800Z-190218T2300Z/ Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 900 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 6 PM EST MONDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  491 WSRS31 RUMU 171359 ULMM SIGMET 6 VALID 171400/171800 ULMM- ULMM MURMANSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N70 SFC/FL020 MOV SE 30KMH WKN =  838 WWUS41 KBOX 171401 WSWBOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 901 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 CTZ002>004-MAZ009-011-012-172215- /O.CON.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190218T1800Z/ Hartford CT-Tolland CT-Windham CT-Western Hampden MA- Eastern Hampden MA-Southern Worcester MA- Including the cities of Hartford, Windsor Locks, Union, Vernon, Putnam, Willimantic, Blandford, Springfield, Milford, and Worcester 901 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern Connecticut and the Mass Pike corridor of western and central Massachusetts. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the snow will fall late tonight through Monday morning, then lighter snow should linger into the afternoon. Plan on slippery road conditions, especially for the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ007-013>016-172215- /O.CON.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0500Z-190218T1800Z/ Eastern Essex MA-Western Norfolk MA-Southeast Middlesex MA- Suffolk MA-Eastern Norfolk MA- Including the cities of Gloucester, Foxborough, Norwood, Cambridge, Boston, and Quincy 901 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...Greater Boston and the North Shore. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the snow will fall late tonight through Monday morning, then lighter snow should linger into the afternoon. Plan on slippery road conditions, especially for the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ017>022-RIZ001>007-172215- /O.CON.KBOX.WS.A.0004.190218T0500Z-190218T1800Z/ Northern Bristol MA-Western Plymouth MA-Eastern Plymouth MA- Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Barnstable MA- Northwest Providence RI-Southeast Providence RI-Western Kent RI- Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI-Newport RI- Including the cities of Taunton, Brockton, Plymouth, Fall River, New Bedford, Mattapoisett, Chatham, Falmouth, Provincetown, Foster, Smithfield, Providence, Coventry, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, Bristol, Narragansett, Westerly, and Newport 901 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Rhode Island and southeast Massachusetts. * WHEN...From late tonight through Monday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the snow will fall late tonight through Monday morning, then lighter snow should linger into the afternoon. Travel may be difficult during the morning commute. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$  694 WSPS21 NZKL 171359 NZZO SIGMET 2 VALID 171401/171801 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5800 W15050 - S5940 W15130 - S6120 W15600 - S6100 W15800 - S5750 W15510 - S5800 W15050 5000FT/FL180 MOV SE 10KT NC=  021 WHHW70 PHFO 171401 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 401 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 PHZ110>117-120>122-124-180315- /O.CON.PHFO.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Kauai Northwest Waters-Kauai Windward Waters-Kauai Leeward Waters- Kauai Channel-Oahu Windward Waters-Oahu Leeward Waters- Kaiwi Channel-Maui County Windward Waters-Pailolo Channel- Alenuihaha Channel-Big Island Windward Waters- Big Island Southeast Waters- 401 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY UNTIL 6 AM MONDAY... * Winds and Seas...North winds to 25 kt. Seas to 15 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or greater are expected to produce conditions hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  038 WSRS34 RUAA 171401 ULWW SIGMET 1 VALID 171430/171700 ULWW- ULWW VOLOGDA FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL140/370 MOV E 40KMH NC=  934 WOCN11 CWTO 171352 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:52 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL POSSIBLE. LOCALIZED POCKETS OF HEAVY FLURRIES MAY AFFECT AREAS NEAR THE WEST END OF LAKE ONTARIO THIS MORNING AND INTO THE AFTERNOON DUE TO INCREASING NORTHEAST WINDS. SEVERAL CENTIMETRES OF SNOW ALONG WITH BRIEF PERIODS OF LOW VISIBILITY ARE LIKELY. MORE WIDESPREAD SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH A PASSING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IS THEN EXPECTED TO MOVE INTO THE REGION EARLY THIS EVENING AND END LATER MONDAY MORNING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS ARE GENERALLY EXPECTED TO BE IN THE 5 TO 10 CM RANGE. HOWEVER, FOR AREAS STRETCHING FROM HAMILTON TOWARDS GRIMSBY, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT AMOUNTS MAY EXCEED 15 CM. THE AREA IS BEING MONITORED FOR A POTENTIAL SNOWFALL WARNING. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS AT TIMES TODAY AND ESPECIALLY TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  298 WSBZ31 SBRE 171401 SBRE SIGMET 18 VALID 171405/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W03605 - S0530 W03358 - S0556 W03518 - S0524 W03644 - S0449 W03605 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  551 WSBZ31 SBRE 171401 SBRE SIGMET 19 VALID 171405/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1243 W04343 - S0957 W04359 - S0924 W04201 - S1028 W04157 - S1243 W04343 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  197 WSIL31 BICC 171401 BIRD SIGMET A03 VALID 171402/171800 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6630 W02100 - N6500 W02100 - N6500 W02500 - N6630 W02500 - N6630 W02100 SFC/FL070 STNR NC=  834 WSBZ31 SBBS 171402 SBBS SIGMET 7 VALID 171400/171645 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1320 W04538 - S1518 W04730 - S1754 W04627 - S1853 W04402 - S1702 W04140 - S1626 W04235 - S1539 W04400 - S1320 W04538 FL400 STNR INTSF=  613 WWCN16 CWHX 171404 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:34 A.M. NST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: NORTHERN PENINSULA EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG WESTERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP THIS AFTERNOON, ESPECIALLY IN THE CANADA BAY AREA WHERE WINDS WILL GUST TO 80 KM/H OR MORE THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. THE WIND GUSTS WILL FURTHER INCREASE TO 110 KM/H OVERNIGHT AND WILL PERSIST THROUGH MONDAY. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  614 WSPS21 NZKL 171402 NZZO SIGMET 3 VALID 171404/171804 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3930 W15210 - S3910 W15020 - S4820 W14810 - S5110 W14550 - S5120 W14750 - S4830 W15000 - S3930 W15210 FL100/220 MOV E 15KT NC=  858 WOPF11 NTAA 171404 BMS MARINE A : AVIS DE GRAND FRAIS. B : NUMERO 08 DU 17/02/2019 A 1500 UTC VALABLE 24 HEURES. C : ZONE DE CONVERGENCE. D : ZONE INTERESSEES :DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS :15S 149W - 19S 148W - 17S 151W.NORD-OUEST 28/33KT RAFALES 40/45KT, MER FORTE. E : DEPLACEMENT VERS L'EST 10/15KT AVEC UNE EXTENSION VERS L'EST.=  859 WOPF10 NTAA 171404 BMS MARINE A : AVIS DE GRAND FRAIS ET DE COUP DE VENT. B : NUMERO 07 DU 17/02/2019 A 1500 UTC VALABLE 24 HEURES. C : ZONE DEPRESSIONNAIRE AVEC UN MINIMUM CENTRE PAR 25S ET 141W LE 17/02/2019 A 1200 UTC. PRESSION ESTIMEE AU CENTRE : 993 HPA. DEPLACEMENT VERS LE SUD-EST 10/15KT EN SE CREUSANT. D : ZONES INTERESSEES : - PRIMO : DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS : 25S 143W - 27S 134W - 29S 134W - 27S 143W ET 25S 143W. EST 34/40KT, RAFALES 50/60KT, MER FORTE A TRES FORTE.- SECONDO : DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS : 27S 143W - 29S 134W - 30S 134W - 30S 141W ET 27S 143W. EST 28/33KT, RAFALES 45/50KT, MER FORTE. - TERTIO : DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS : 19S 142W - 19S 138W - 27S 134W - 25S 143W ET 19S 142W. NORD-OUEST 28/33KT, RAFALES 45/50KT, MER FORTE. E : DEPLACEMENT VERS L'EST 10KT.=  843 WWUS83 KLOT 171405 SPSLOT SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 805 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ012>014-171700- Kane-DuPage-Cook- Including the cities of Aurora, Elgin, Wheaton, and Chicago 805 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Period of Moderate to Briefly Heavy Snow this Morning... A period of moderate to briefly heavy snow is expected to continue across areas mainly north of I-88 and across the north half of Cook County through 11 am. Quick snowfall accumulations of one to two inches can be expected. This will result in snow covered roads and hazardous travel through the morning hours. Plan on extra travel times. Snow will continue this afternoon into tonight, but is expected to be lighter than the snow this morning. $$ Kluber  623 WTNC02 NWBB 171405 A. SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY NUMBER 26 THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING NUMBER 25 B. STORM WARNING ISSUED THE 2019/02/17 AT 14:05 UTC C. SYNOPTIC CONTEXT THE 2019/02/17 AT 12:00 UTC:THE 2019/02/17 AT 12:00 UTC, TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA: -LOCATED BY 16.1 SOUTH 164.3 EAST. POSITION GOOD. -CENTRAL PRESSURE ESTIMATED TO BE ABOUT 984 HPA. -MOVING SOUTH-SOUTH-EAST 3 KT. -EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 55 KT (GUSTS 75 KT) WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTER, VERY HIGH SEA. -WINDS ABOVE 48 KT (GUSTS 70 KT) AND VERY HIGH SEA WITHIN: 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 60 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. -WINDS ABOVE 34 KT (GUSTS 50 KT) AND HIGH SEA WITHIN: 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 80 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. AU COURS DES PROCHAINES 24 HEURES, OMA DEVRAIT SE DEPLACER VERS LE SUD SUD-OUEST. AU DEBUT, SON INTENSITE DEVRAIT PEU EVOLUER, AVANT DE S'INTENSIFIER A LA FIN. IL POURRAIT REDEVENIR CYCLONE TROPICAL. ZONE NORD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, VALABLE JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC AU MOINS : ET ZONE SUD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, AU NORD DE 21 S, VALABLE A PARTIR DU DIMANCHE 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC AU MOINS : DANS UN RAYON DE 120 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS SUPERIEURS A 35 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE ET CROISEE. DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS DE 55 KT FRAICHISSANT 65 KT A LA FIN. FORTES RAFALES. MER ENORME ET CROISEE. D. DURING THE NEXT 24 HOURS, OMA SHOULD TRACK SOUTH SOUTH-WESTWARD. NO FURTHER INTENSIFICATION AT FIRST, THEN SLOW INTENSIFICATION AT THE END. OMA SHOULD BE A CATEGORY 3 TROPICAL CYCLONE TO THE END. NORTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, VALID UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 12:00 UTC AT LEAST, AND SOUTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, NORTH OF 21 S, VALID FROM SUNDAY 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 12:00 UTC AT LEAST: WITHIN 120 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS GREATER THAN 35 KT. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEA. WITHIN 50 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS 55 KT FRESHENING 65 KT TO THE END. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND PHENOMENAL SEA. E. 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC: 16.7 S 164.1 E. 2019/02/18 AT 00:00 UTC: 17.3 S 163.9 E. 2019/02/18 AT 06:00 UTC: 17.9 S 163.6 E. 2019/02/18 AT 12:00 UTC: 18.6 S 163.3 E. NEXT SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY THE 2019/02/17 AT 20:00 UTC.=  669 WTNC01 NWBB 171405 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 26 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 25 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 14:05 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC:A 12:00 UTC LE 17/02/2019, LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA ETAIT CENTREE PAR 16,1 SUD, 164,3 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE EST ESTIMEE A 984 HPA AVEC UN DEPLACEMENT VERS LE SUD-SUD-EST A 3 KT. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 55 KT (RAFALES A 75 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 40 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 80 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 80 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. D. AU COURS DES PROCHAINES 24 HEURES, OMA DEVRAIT SE DEPLACER VERS LE SUD SUD-OUEST. AU DEBUT, SON INTENSITE DEVRAIT PEU EVOLUER, AVANT DE S'INTENSIFIER A LA FIN. IL POURRAIT REDEVENIR CYCLONE TROPICAL. ZONE NORD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, VALABLE JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC AU MOINS : ET ZONE SUD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, AU NORD DE 21 S, VALABLE A PARTIR DU DIMANCHE 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC AU MOINS : DANS UN RAYON DE 120 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS SUPERIEURS A 35 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE ET CROISEE. DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS DE 55 KT FRAICHISSANT 65 KT A LA FIN. FORTES RAFALES. MER ENORME ET CROISEE. E. 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC: 16,7 S 164,1 E. 18/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC: 17,3 S 163,9 E. 18/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC: 17,9 S 163,6 E. 18/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC: 18,6 S 163,3 E. PROCHAIN BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE LE 17/02/2019 A 20:00 UTC.=  563 WGUS84 KJAN 171406 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 806 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Louisiana... Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && LAC041-182005- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ /NECL1.2.ER.181231T2100Z.190114T2000Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 806 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until late Monday night. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 50.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage early tomorrow afternoon. * Impact...At 50.0 feet...Widespread flooding of farm and agricultural land is occurring along and near the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Boeuf River Fort Necessity 50 50.4 Sun 07 AM 50.1 49.8 49.4 Falling && LAT...LON 3186 9180 3196 9192 3205 9201 3212 9202 3218 9184 3195 9179 $$  944 WABZ22 SBBS 171406 SBBS AIRMET 12 VALID 171410/171810 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 1000/4000M RA BR FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S15 03 W04826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W0 4955 STNR NC=  615 WXNC13 NWBB 171405 PART 1 OF 2 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 26 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 25 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 14:05 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC:A 12:00 UTC LE 17/02/2019, LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA ETAIT CENTREE PAR 16,1 SUD, 164,3 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE EST ESTIMEE A 984 HPA AVEC UN DEPLACEMENT VERS LE SUD-SUD-EST A 3 KT. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 55 KT (RAFALES A 75 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 40 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 60 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 80 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. =  946 WABZ22 SBBS 171406 SBBS AIRMET 13 VALID 171410/171810 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR OVC CLD 100/0800FT FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S1503 W04 826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W04955 STNR NC=  639 WWUS41 KILN 171408 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 908 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ098>100-171700- /O.EXB.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1408Z-190217T1700Z/ Robertson-Mason-Lewis- Including the cities of Mount Olivet, Maysville, Vanceburg, and Tollesboro 908 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain continuing. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Robertson, Mason and Lewis Counties. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>044-172215- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1500Z-190218T0000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, and Bellefontaine 908 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of an inch or less. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ050-058-059-OHZ045-046-051>053-060>062-172215- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1500Z-190218T0000Z/ Wayne-Fayette IN-Union IN-Union OH-Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark- Preble-Montgomery-Greene- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, Eaton, Camden, Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia 908 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Little snow accumulation expected. Ice accumulations less than a tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of East Central Indiana and Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ054>056-063-172100- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.190217T1500Z-190217T2100Z/ Madison-Franklin OH-Licking-Fayette OH- Including the cities of London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, Newark, and Washington Court House 908 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Freezing rain may mix with a little snow or sleet early on. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths. * WHERE...Madison, Franklin OH, Licking and Fayette OH Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  351 WSRS32 RUAA 171405 UUYY SIGMET 4 VALID 171500/171800 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF N6430 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  414 WGUS84 KJAN 171409 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 809 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Mississippi.. Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC163-182009- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YZOM6.1.ER.190103T1005Z.190119T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 809 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 29.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting at 29.6 feet and will then begin a slow fall. * Impact...At 29.0 feet...Minor over bank is flooding is occurring along the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Yazoo River Yazoo City 29 29.6 Sun 07 AM 29.5 29.5 29.4 Cresting && LAT...LON 3262 9073 3285 9055 3302 9051 3301 9033 3283 9042 3259 9062 $$  582 WWUS72 KTAE 171412 NPWTAE URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 912 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST FOR THE SOUTHEAST FLORIDA BIG BEND... FLZ007>018-026-027-108-112-114-115-118-127-GAZ143>148-155>161- 171515- /O.CAN.KTAE.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ North Walton-Central Walton-Holmes-Washington-Jackson-Inland Bay- Calhoun-Inland Gulf-Inland Franklin-Gadsden-Leon-Inland Jefferson- Liberty-Inland Wakulla-South Walton-Coastal Bay-Coastal Gulf- Coastal Franklin-Coastal Jefferson-Coastal Wakulla-Miller-Baker- Mitchell-Colquitt-Cook-Berrien-Seminole-Decatur-Grady-Thomas- Brooks-Lowndes-Lanier- Including the cities of Alpine Heights, Argyle, Center Ridge, Cluster Springs, De Funiak Spring Airport, De Funiak Springs, Glendale, Eucheeanna, Pleasant Ridge, Barker Store, Leonia, New Hope, Bonifay, Holmes County Airport, Cobb Crossroads, Crystal Lake, Poplar Head, Chipley, Chipley Municipal Airport, Orange Hill, Five Points, Marianna, Simsville, Richter Crossroads, Browntown, Graceville, Malone, Sneads, Bennett, Econfina, Nixon, Youngstown, Abe Springs, Blountstown, Clarksville, Durham, Frink, Marysville, Scotts Ferry, Howard Creek, Dalkeith, Honeyville, Wewahitchka, Beverly, Buck Siding, Fort Gadsden, Morgan Place, Littman, Quincy, Quincy Airport, Santa Clara, Wetumpka, Chattahoochee, Hardin Heights, Bradfordville, Capitola, Chaires, Chaires Crossroads, Killearn Estates, Killearn Lakes, Maclay State Gardens, Tallahassee, Alma, Capps, Casa Blanco, Dills, Drifton, Festus, Jarrott, Monticello, Sweetwater, Bethel, Hilliardville, Wakulla Springs, Sandestin, Santa Rosa Beach, Turquoise Beach, Bunker, Freeport, Portland, Port Washington, Panama City, Callaway, Cairo, Lynn Haven, Southport, Vicksburg, Magnolia Beach, Oak Grove, Odena, Port St. Joe, White City, Beacon Hill, Overstreet, Saint Joe Beach, Apalachicola, Apalachicola Airport, Bay City, Tilton, Creels, Hays Place, High Bluff, Buckhorn, Medart, Panacea, Sopchoppy, Port Leon, Saint Marks, Spring Creek, Enterprise, Mayhaw, Babcock, Bellview, Boykin, Colquitt, Cooktown, Elmodel Wma, Hawkinstown, Hoggard Mill, Newton, Red Store Crossroads, Iveys Mill, Milford, Branchville, Camilla, Mitchell Co A/P, Cotton, Pelham, Moultrie, Moultrie Municipal A/P, Spence Airport, Adel, Cook Co A/P, Greggs, Pine Valley, Barneyville, Laconte, Massee, Berrien Co A/P, Cottle, Nashville, Weber, Bannockburn, Davis Park, Donaldsonville A/P, Donalsonville, Little Hope, Riverturn, Fairchild, Seminole State Park, Ausmac, Bainbridge, Decatur Co A/P, Hanover, Lynn, Steinham Store, West Bainbridge, Beachton, Capel, Elpino, Grady Co A/P, Moncrief, Pine Park, Dillon, Metcalf, Pasco, Thomasville, Blue Springs, Brooks Co A/P, Dixie, Empress, Nankin, Quitman, Grooverville, Valdosta, Valdosta Regional Airport, Courthouse, Lakeland, and Teeterville 912 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 /812 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Fog continues to dissipate across the area, thus the dense fog advisory has been cancelled. $$ FLZ019-028-029-034-128-134-171600- /O.EXT.KTAE.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Madison-Inland Taylor-Lafayette-Inland Dixie-Coastal Taylor- Coastal Dixie- Including the cities of Lovett, Cherry Lake, Hanson, Hopewell, Madison, Pinetta, Athena, Boyd, Bucell Junction, Cabbage Grove, Carbur, Econfina, Fenholloway, Perry, Midway, Buckville, Cooks Hammock, Day, Mayo, Cross City, Cross City Airport, Hines, Jonesboro, Old Town, Adams Beach, Blue Springs, Cedar Island, Dekle Beach, Fish Creek, Howell Place, Yellow Jacket, Horseshoe Beach, Jena, Shired Island, and Suwannee 912 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...Quarter mile. * IMPACTS...Low visibilities can make driving difficult. Make sure to slow down, use your headlights and leave plenty of distance between you and other cars. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  136 WTPS31 PGTW 171500 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 023// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 023 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 171200Z --- NEAR 16.3S 164.3E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 170 DEGREES AT 05 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 025 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 085 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 160 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 135 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 16.3S 164.3E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 180000Z --- 17.2S 164.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 181200Z --- 18.4S 163.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 010 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 190000Z --- 19.8S 162.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 06 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 191200Z --- 20.9S 162.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 210 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 201200Z --- 22.9S 161.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 175 DEG/ 07 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 211200Z --- 25.8S 161.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 050 KT, GUSTS 065 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 150 DEG/ 13 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 221200Z --- 30.3S 164.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 050 KT, GUSTS 065 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 220 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 230 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 290 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 240 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 171500Z POSITION NEAR 16.5S 164.2E. TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 244 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWARD AT 05 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED (EIR) SATELLITE IMAGERY SHOWS TC OMA HAS, FOR THE MOST PART, MAINTAINED ITS EXPANSIVE FEEDER BANDS WITH THE BULK OF THE DEEPER CONVECTION TO THE NORTH OF A LARGE, RAGGED BUT DISCERNIBLE LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION (LLC). THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE CIRCULATION IN THE EIR LOOP THAT LINED UP WELL WITH A MICROWAVE LLC IN THE 171034Z AMSU IMAGE. THE INITIAL INTENSITY IS AVERAGED FROM THE DVORAK ESTIMATES OF T3.5/55KTS AND T4.0/65KTS FROM PGTW AND KNES AND REFLECTS THE SUSTAINED CONVECTIVE SIGNATURE. UPPER LEVEL ANALYSIS INDICATES THE CYCLONE IS UNDER MODERATE TO STRONG (20-25 KNOT) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (VWS) THAT IS OFFSET BY GOOD RADIAL OUTFLOW WITH A STRONG EQUATORWARD BIAS. SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES (SSTS) AT 27-28 CELSIUS REMAIN FAVORABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT. THE CYCLONE IS TRACKING ALONG THE WESTERN PERIPHERY OF THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) TO THE EAST. AFTER TAU 72, TC 15P WILL ROUND THE STR AXIS AND ACCELERATE SOUTH THEN SOUTHEASTWARD. VWS IS EXPECTED TO RELAX AND ALLOW A SLOW INTENSIFICATION TO A PEAK OF 80 KNOTS BY TAU 48. AFTERWARD, INCREASING VWS AND COOLING SSTS WILL GRADUALLY ERODE THE SYSTEM DOWN TO 50 KNOTS BY TAU 96. BY TAU 120, TC OMA WILL BEGIN EXTRA-TROPICAL TRANSITION CHARACTERIZED BY AN EXPANDING WIND FIELD. NUMERIC MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN GOOD AGREEMENT THROUGH TAU 48, AFTERWARD THE CONSENSUS MEMBERS SPREAD OUT SIGNIFICANTLY. ONE NOTABLE OUTLIER IS ECMWF THAT TRACKS THE VORTEX DUE WESTWARD AFTER TAU 72. IN VIEW OF THESE, THERE IS HIGH CONFIDENCE IN THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST UP TO TAU 48 THEN LOW CONFIDENCE AFTERWARD. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 171200Z IS 26 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 172100Z, 180300Z, 180900Z AND 181500Z.// NNNN  664 WTPS51 PGTW 171500 WARNING ATCG MIL 15P SWP 190217132920 2019021712 15P OMA 023 01 170 05 SATL 025 T000 163S 1643E 060 R050 085 NE QD 080 SE QD 070 SW QD 080 NW QD R034 160 NE QD 150 SE QD 135 SW QD 150 NW QD T012 172S 1640E 060 R050 080 NE QD 070 SE QD 050 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 160 SW QD 170 NW QD T024 184S 1635E 065 R064 030 NE QD 030 SE QD 020 SW QD 010 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 060 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 210 NE QD 190 SE QD 160 SW QD 170 NW QD T036 198S 1628E 075 R064 040 NE QD 050 SE QD 030 SW QD 030 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 100 SE QD 070 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 210 NE QD 200 SE QD 180 SW QD 160 NW QD T048 209S 1623E 080 R064 050 NE QD 060 SE QD 050 SW QD 040 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 210 SE QD 190 SW QD 160 NW QD T072 229S 1616E 060 R050 090 NE QD 100 SE QD 100 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 190 NE QD 220 SE QD 220 SW QD 160 NW QD T096 258S 1618E 050 R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 080 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 200 NE QD 190 SE QD 200 SW QD 180 NW QD T120 303S 1646E 050 R034 220 NE QD 230 SE QD 290 SW QD 240 NW QD AMP 120HR BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL SUBJ: TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 023 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 023 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 171200Z --- NEAR 16.3S 164.3E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 170 DEGREES AT 05 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 025 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 085 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 160 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 135 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 16.3S 164.3E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 180000Z --- 17.2S 164.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 06 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 181200Z --- 18.4S 163.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 010 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 190000Z --- 19.8S 162.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 06 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 191200Z --- 20.9S 162.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 210 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 200 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 201200Z --- 22.9S 161.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 220 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 175 DEG/ 07 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 211200Z --- 25.8S 161.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 050 KT, GUSTS 065 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 200 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 150 DEG/ 13 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 221200Z --- 30.3S 164.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 050 KT, GUSTS 065 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 220 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 230 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 290 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 240 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 171500Z POSITION NEAR 16.5S 164.2E. TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 244 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWARD AT 05 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 171200Z IS 26 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 172100Z, 180300Z, 180900Z AND 181500Z. // 1519021006 174S1564E 20 1519021012 174S1577E 20 1519021018 174S1590E 25 1519021100 164S1603E 25 1519021106 155S1612E 25 1519021112 151S1625E 25 1519021118 144S1636E 30 1519021200 140S1645E 35 1519021206 137S1649E 35 1519021212 137S1655E 45 1519021218 140S1658E 45 1519021300 143S1654E 45 1519021306 144S1650E 45 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021706 158S1642E 60 1519021706 158S1642E 60 1519021712 163S1643E 60 1519021712 163S1643E 60 NNNN  727 WGUS84 KSHV 171419 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 819 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && ARC003-139-181419- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0147.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FELA4.1.ER.181214T0537Z.190115T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 819 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Felsenthal Lock and Dam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 AM Sunday The stage was 73.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 70.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 74.0 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 75.0 feet...Flooding in the Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge will continue for at least another ten days. && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3322 9212 3315 9210 3300 9206 3300 9210 3310 9215 $$ 25  230 WWJP25 RJTD 171200 WARNING AND SUMMARY 171200. WARNING VALID 181200. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 972 HPA AT 49N 176E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING NORTHEAST 35 KNOTS. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 49N 176E TO 49N 180E 46N 179W. WARM FRONT FROM 46N 179W TO 43N 176W 40N 175W. COLD FRONT FROM 46N 179W TO 43N 180E 36N 170E 33N 165E 30N 159E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 30N 159E TO 28N 150E 26N 140E. WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 1200 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE. FORECAST POSITION FOR 180000UTC AT 54N 178W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 85 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 181200UTC AT 58N 169W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 130 MILES RADIUS. ANOTHER LOW 988 HPA AT 57N 168E MOVING NORTHEAST 15 KNOTS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 30N 160E 36N 170E 43N 180E 30N 180E 30N 170E 30N 160E. SUMMARY. LOW 992 HPA AT 56N 152E ALMOST STATIONARY. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1008 HPA NEAR 03N 166E WEST SLOWLY. HIGH 1028 HPA AT 34N 120E EAST 15 KT. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  369 WWUS43 KDVN 171423 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 823 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Freezing Drizzle Through This Evening... .Periods of Light to moderate snow will continue through much of today before beginning to diminish this evening. Total accumulations of 3 to 7 inches are expected, with the higher amounts focusing near the Highway 30 and Highway 20 corridors in eastern Iowa and northwest Illinois. Lower accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected across northeast Missouri, far southeast Iowa and west central Illinois where freezing drizzle and a light glazing of ice is expected. Be prepared for snow covered and slick travel conditions through this evening. IAZ040-041-051>053-063>065-067-076>078-087>089-098-ILZ025-172230- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine- Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren- Henderson- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Muscatine, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, and Oquawka 823 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow and patchy freezing drizzle. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ042-054-066-068-ILZ001-002-007-009-015>018-024-026-172230- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Dubuque-Jackson-Clinton-Scott-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Warren- Including the cities of Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Davenport, Bettendorf, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, and Monmouth 823 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow and patchy freezing drizzle. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Iowa and north central, northwest and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ099-ILZ034-035-MOZ009-010-171800- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Lee-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 823 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow. Additional snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Illinois, Hancock and McDonough Counties. In Iowa, Lee County. In Missouri, Clark and Scotland Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ DLS  868 WGUS84 KSHV 171423 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 823 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && ARC027-LAC119-181423- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190220T1800Z/ /SPHL1.1.ER.190215T0330Z.190217T0500Z.190220T0000Z.NO/ 823 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning extended until Wednesday afternoon...The flood warning continues for the Bayou Dorcheat Near Springhill. * until Wednesday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Sunday The stage was 11.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday evening. * Impact...at 11.0 feet...Expect minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 3317 9339 3300 9335 3282 9332 3282 9338 3300 9343 $$ 25  763 WGUS84 KSHV 171424 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 824 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && LAC015-119-181423- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0148.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LBBL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190113T1400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 824 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The flood warning continues for the Bodcau Bayou At Bayou Bodcau Lake. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 AM Sunday The stage was 174.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 172.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 174.4 feet by tomorrow morning. && LAT...LON 3282 9351 3289 9344 3272 9346 3270 9351 3277 9351 $$ 25  406 WGUS83 KPAH 171424 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 824 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Patoka River near Princeton .Moderate flooding continues along the Patoka River near Princeton. The river is cresting this morning near 20.2 feet and will begin to fall slowly later today. The river will fall below flood stage early Wednesday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC051-181823- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190220T1200Z/ /PNTI3.2.ER.190212T0022Z.190217T0745Z.190220T0600Z.NO/ 824 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Patoka River near Princeton. * until Wednesday morning. * At 7:45 AM Sunday the stage was 20.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 22.0 Feet...Flooding affects mainly farmland. Seasonal camping trailers closest to the river become inundated. && LAT...LON 3842 8770 3843 8747 3839 8741 3836 8741 3837 8747 3839 8771 $$  866 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  867 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBRE SIGMET 17 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  868 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBRE SIGMET 19 VALID 171405/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1243 W04343 - S0957 W04359 - S0924 W04201 - S1028 W04157 - S1243 W04343 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  869 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 171310/171710 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0506 W06302 - S0524 W05916 - S0904 W05844 - S0840 W06252 - S0506 W06302 TOP FL470 MOV N 08KT INTSF=  870 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2810 W05221 - S2609 W05252 - S2443 W05116 - S2531 W04657 - S2838 W04715 - S2810 W05221 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  871 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  872 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 171120/171520 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2245 W04550 - S2030 W04407 - S2009 W04325 - S2033 W04223 - S2020 W04106 - S2048 W04036 - S2043 W03952 - S2222 W03812 - S2640 W04350 - S2312 W04556 - S2245 W04550 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  873 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  874 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 171200/171600 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2813 W04502 - S2635 W04356 - S2216 W03824 - S2100W03930 - S1834 W03752 - S1948 W03225 - S2531 W02248 - S2855 W02454 - S2502 W03339 - S2930W04242 - S2813 W04502 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  875 WSBZ01 SBBR 171400 SBRE SIGMET 18 VALID 171405/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W03605 - S0530 W03358 - S0556 W03518 - S0524 W03644 - S0449 W03605 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  877 WHUS73 KMKX 171425 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 825 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BRISK EAST TO NORTHEAST WINDS AND HIGH WAVES IN THE NEARSHORE INTO MONDAY MORNING... LMZ643>646-172230- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 825 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS: East 15 to 20 knots through this afternoon, backing northeast tonight, and north Monday morning. A few gusts up to 25 knots. * WAVES: 3 to 6 feet in ice free areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/mkx  765 WSRS31 RUAA 171400 ULAA SIGMET 1 VALID 171500/171900 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N6108 E04003 - N6609 E04015 FL250/360 MOV SE 50KMH NC=  249 WSID20 WIII 171430 WIIZ SIGMET 12 VALID 171430/171730 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0417 E09355 - N0246 E09323 - N0220 E09200 - N0438 E09200 - N0504 E09246 - N0417 E09355 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 5KT NC=  230 WGUS42 KFFC 171429 FLWFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 929 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Peachtree City has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Georgia... Lookout Creek near New England affecting Dade and Hamilton Counties .Forecast rainfall of 1 to 2 inches over the next 24 hours will cause Lookout Creek to go into flood. The current forecast for flooding is soley contingent on the current rainfall forecast and is subject to change as the upcoming rain event unfolds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interests along the river should monitor the latest forecasts...and be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. The latest stage data was furnished in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. && GAC083-TNC065-180429- /O.NEW.KFFC.FL.W.0064.190218T0548Z-190219T0336Z/ /ENGG1.1.ER.190218T0548Z.190218T1200Z.190218T2136Z.UU/ 929 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The National Weather Service in Peachtree City has issued a * Flood Warning for The Lookout Creek near New England. * From late tonight until Monday evening. * At 09AM Sunday the stage was 8.3 feet...and falling. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by after midnight tonight and continue to rise to near 12.5 feet by tomorrow morning.The river will fall below flood stage by tomorrow afternoon. * At 13.0 feet...Minor flooding expands along Sells Lane in Trenton...Mason Road near Rising Fawn...and Creek Road near New England. All these roads will be closed. Also minor flooding expands much further downstream as the creek crosses the Tennessee border into the Tiftona area. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 12.5 feet on Jul 4 2017. && LAT...LON 3503 8539 3502 8533 3484 8545 3471 8549 3473 8556 3487 8553 $$  449 WAUS45 KKCI 171445 WA5Z SLCZ WA 171445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM HUH TO 60SE YXC TO 60WNW HLN TO 30WNW LKT TO 20WSW MLD TO 50WSW TWF TO 40SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 20NE HEC TO 20W TRM TO 20NNE FOT TO 20SSE ONP TO 50W BTG TO 40NNW BTG TO HUH MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID NV FROM 50WSW TWF TO 60WNW BVL TO 50WNW ELY TO 70NE OAL TO 40W OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 40SE LKV TO 50WSW TWF MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET ICE...NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 20SW DTA TO 50SW HBU TO 50SE RSK TO 30SE TBC TO 20NE EED TO 40SE BTY TO ILC TO 20SW DTA MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-070. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET ICE...MT WY FROM 30NNE HVR TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 40SSW SHR TO BIL TO 40S HVR TO 30NNE HVR MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE ID NV UT BOUNDED BY 50SW PIH-40ESE MLD-40ENE SLC-50SE SLC-20SSW DTA-30NNE ILC-30SW BVL-60SSW TWF-50SW PIH MOD ICE BLW 150. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-070 ACRS AREA SFC ALG 40SSW LAS-30SSE LAS-50NE PHX-SSO-40ESE SSO-40SSE TCS- 20ESE TCC ....  874 WWUS43 KMKX 171430 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 830 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...MORE SNOW SUNDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT... .Light to moderate snow will continue this morning over southern Wisconsin. Periods of moderate snow are expected over far eastern Wisconsin from late morning through this evening due to lake enhanced snow. Lake effect snow will then continue overnight and possibly into Monday morning over far eastern Wisconsin. Any lingering snow should end by late Monday morning. WIZ056-062>064-067>070-172230- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Lafayette-Green-Rock-Walworth- Including the cities of Baraboo, Reedsburg, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Barneveld, Madison, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Darlington, Shullsburg, Benton, Belmont, Argyle, Blanchardville, Monroe, Brodhead, Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Delavan, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, and East Troy 830 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. The highest amounts will be over southwest Wisconsin and toward the Illinois border. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Monday. Periods of moderate snow expected through early afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ052-059-060-065-066-071-072-172230- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Sheboygan-Washington-Ozaukee-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Oostburg, West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, Grafton, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Menomonee Falls, Muskego, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Greenfield, Franklin, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Racine, and Kenosha 830 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  092 WAUS42 KKCI 171445 WA2Z MIAZ WA 171445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET ICE...NC SC MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSW ACK TO 180S ACK TO 140SE SIE TO 110SSE ECG TO 70E ILM TO 20S FLO TO 30NNE IRQ TO 30NNE SPA TO HMV TO HNN TO 40ESE JST TO 70SSW ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL SFC-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET ICE...NC SC GA FROM HMV TO 30NNE SPA TO 30NNE IRQ TO 50W IRQ TO 30NNW LGC TO GQO TO HMV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE NC SC GA NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70SSW ACK-180S ACK-140SE SIE-100ESE ECG-90S ECG-40W IRQ-20N LGC-GQO-HMV-HNN-40NNW CSN-30ESE CYN-70SSW ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 080-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 30NW CLE-50S JHW-30WSW HAR-CSN- 30E CLT-30E ODF-40WSW EKN-CVG-30SSE FWA-30NW CLE 080 ALG 30WSW HMV-SPA-60SSW RDU-ECG-180SE SIE 120 ALG 50S GQO-30S IRQ-50SSW ILM-150SE ECG-170SE ECG 160 ALG 120SSE SJI-220SE CHS ....  093 WAUS41 KKCI 171445 WA1Z BOSZ WA 171445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET ICE...MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSW ACK TO 180S ACK TO 140SE SIE TO 110SSE ECG TO 70E ILM TO 20S FLO TO 30NNE IRQ TO 30NNE SPA TO HMV TO HNN TO 40ESE JST TO 70SSW ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL SFC-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET ICE...NY LO PA OH LE WV MD FROM 50NW SYR TO SYR TO 60SW HNK TO 30SSW ETX TO 40ESE JST TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO TO 30W CLE TO 20NNW BUF TO 50NW SYR MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...ICE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40E YYZ-40NW SYR-30SSE SYR-50WSW HNK-40NNW CSN-HNN-CVG-FWA-DXO-20NW CLE-BUF-40E YYZ MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL180. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...ICE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA LE WV MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60WSW YSC-40E MPV-30ESE ENE-30NNW ACK-60SSE HTO-30ESE CYN-40NNW CSN-50WSW HNK-30SSE SYR-40NW SYR-70SSW YOW-30SE YOW-60WSW YSC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL180. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...ICE NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70SSW ACK-180S ACK-140SE SIE-100ESE ECG-90S ECG-40W IRQ-20N LGC-GQO-HMV-HNN-40NNW CSN-30ESE CYN-70SSW ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 080-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 30NW CLE-50S JHW-30WSW HAR-CSN- 30E CLT-30E ODF-40WSW EKN-CVG-30SSE FWA-30NW CLE MULT FRZLVL 020-110 BOUNDED BY 140ESE ACK-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 20NE ORF-50S RDU-30E CLT-CSN-30WSW HAR-90SSE HTO-140ESE ACK SFC ALG 40W HNN-40SE EKN-140ENE ACK 040 ALG 20S HNN-20NNW BKW-PSK-20NNE GSO-40NNE RDU-40E RIC- 190SSE ACK ....  094 WAUS43 KKCI 171445 WA3Z CHIZ WA 171445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO IL FROM 50NNW ISN TO 40NNW MOT TO 80SW GFK TO 20ESE FAR TO 40SW PXV TO BUM TO 20WSW SLN TO 20NNW MCK TO 80W ANW TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET ICE...IN KY FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20NW LOZ TO CVG MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL SFC-110. CONDS ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET ICE...MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 20N SAW TO SSM TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO 20NW LOZ TO 40SW PXV TO 20ESE FAR TO 40ESE BRD TO 20N SAW MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET ICE...MO IL KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM 20NW LOZ TO HMV TO GQO TO 30NNW LGC TO 40SSE LFK TO 30NW CWK TO 40SSE SPS TO 30NNW TXK TO 30NNW LIT TO 60SSW PXV TO 20NW LOZ MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE MO IL KY TX AR TN LA MS AL BOUNDED BY HNN-HMV-GQO-20N LGC-30S VUZ-50SE MLU-20SW EIC-20SW LIT-70SSW PXV-60SSE CVG-HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 080-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-120 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 30SSE FWA-CVG-HNN-50SE CVG- 40WNW IIU-PXV-30ENE STL-30WNW AXC-30SSE FWA MULT FRZLVL BLW 120 BOUNDED BY 30ENE STL-PXV-50ENE DYR-50SW ACT-30SE MAF-60SSE LBB-50NW ABI-40E AMA-40E MMB-20WNW OKC- 20ESE OSW-30ENE STL SFC ALG RZC-40ESE SGF-60SSE COU-50NNW PXV-40W HNN 040 ALG 20NNW ARG-30ENE PXV-40SW CVG-20S HNN 080 ALG 60ENE DYR-20NNE BWG-40NW LOZ-50E LOZ-30W HMV ....  095 WAUS46 KKCI 171445 WA6Z SFOZ WA 171445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET ICE...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 140W HQM TO 50W BTG TO 20NNE FOT TO 20W TRM TO 60S LAX TO 70SSW RZS TO 100SW SNS TO 140WSW FOT TO 100WNW ONP TO 140W HQM MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 150. FRZLVL 020-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET ICE...WA OR CA ID MT AND CSTL WTRS FROM HUH TO 60SE YXC TO 60WNW HLN TO 30WNW LKT TO 20WSW MLD TO 50WSW TWF TO 40SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 20NE HEC TO 20W TRM TO 20NNE FOT TO 20SSE ONP TO 50W BTG TO 40NNW BTG TO HUH MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-090 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 050-090 BOUNDED BY 110SW LAX-120SW MZB-220SW MZB- 160SW RZS-110SW LAX SFC ALG 30NNW TOU-50W SEA-20WNW BTG-40SW OED-40WNW RBL-60WNW HEC-40SSW LAS 040 ALG 150SW SNS-140SSW SNS-50W RZS-20SSW LAX-30WNW TRM-20NW EED ....  096 WAUS44 KKCI 171445 WA4Z DFWZ WA 171445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET ICE...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL MO IL KY FROM 20NW LOZ TO HMV TO GQO TO 30NNW LGC TO 40SSE LFK TO 30NW CWK TO 40SSE SPS TO 30NNW TXK TO 30NNW LIT TO 60SSW PXV TO 20NW LOZ MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE TX AR TN LA MS AL MO IL KY BOUNDED BY HNN-HMV-GQO-20N LGC-30S VUZ-50SE MLU-20SW EIC-20SW LIT-70SSW PXV-60SSE CVG-HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 080-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-170 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 120 BOUNDED BY 30ENE STL-PXV-50ENE DYR-50SW ACT-30SE MAF-60SSE LBB-50NW ABI-40E AMA-40E MMB-20WNW OKC- 20ESE OSW-30ENE STL SFC ALG 20ESE TCC-30NNW AMA-30SW MMB-20ENE OKC-RZC 040 ALG 50ENE TCC-50SSE AMA-50NNW ABI-40ENE ABI-30W TTT-70W TXK-20NNW ARG 080 ALG 70WNW MRF-30ESE MAF-60W ACT-30NNW GGG-60ENE DYR 120 ALG 90S MRF-JCT-50WNW CWK-30WSW SQS-50ESE MSL-50S GQO 160 ALG 30SSW LRD-70ESE CRP-120SE PSX 160 ALG 50S LEV-100ESE LEV-120SSE SJI ....  390 WWUS83 KIND 171430 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 930 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ021-028>031-035>049-051>057-060>065-067>072-172100- Carroll-Warren-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Fountain-Montgomery- Boone-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison-Delaware-Randolph-Vermillion-Parke- Putnam-Hendricks-Marion-Hancock-Henry-Vigo-Clay-Owen-Morgan- Johnson-Shelby-Rush-Sullivan-Greene-Monroe-Brown-Bartholomew- Decatur-Knox-Daviess-Martin-Lawrence-Jackson-Jennings- Including the cities of Delphi, Flora, Williamsport, West Lebanon, Lafayette, West Lafayette, Frankfort, Kokomo, Attica, Covington, Veedersburg, Crawfordsville, Lebanon, Zionsville, Tipton, Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Anderson, Muncie, Winchester, Clinton, Newport, Rockville, Greencastle, Plainfield, Brownsburg, Danville, Indianapolis, Greenfield, New Castle, Terre Haute, Brazil, Clay City, Spencer, Martinsville, Mooresville, Greenwood, Franklin, Shelbyville, Rushville, Sullivan, Linton, Bloomfield, Bloomington, Nashville, Columbus, Greensburg, Vincennes, Washington, Loogootee, Shoals, Bedford, Mitchell, Seymour, Brownstown, and North Vernon 930 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT WINTRY MIX AT TIMES TODAY... A mix of light snow, sleet, and freezing rain is possible at times today across central Indiana, particularly through the morning hours. The potential for light snow and light freezing rain will continue into the afternoon over areas of central Indiana north of Interstate 70. Minor accumulations of snow and sleet, along with a light glaze of ice are possible today. Motorists should be aware for the possibility of slick roads today. $$  179 WWUS43 KGRR 171431 WSWGRR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 931 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ050>052-056>059-064>067-071>074-172245- /O.NEW.KGRR.WW.Y.0014.190217T1600Z-190218T1300Z/ Muskegon-Montcalm-Gratiot-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry- Eaton-Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- Including the cities of Muskegon, Greenville, Alma, Grand Haven, Jenison, Grand Rapids, Ionia, St. Johns, Holland, Hastings, Charlotte, Lansing, South Haven, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, and Jackson 931 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches expected. Light snow will be overspreading the region later this morning and into the afternoon. The snow will persist through much of the night. There is the potential for bands of moderate snow to occur within the advisory area which is where around 4 inches of snow could accumulate. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Michigan. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ weather.gov/grr  101 WWUS81 KILN 171431 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 931 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ081-082-088-171700- Adams-Pike-Scioto- Including the cities of West Union, Peebles, Waverly, Piketon, Portsmouth, and Wheelersburg 931 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A FEW SLICK SPOTS POSSIBLE THIS MORNING... Precipitation will continue to lift northeast across the area this morning. With temperatures near or below freezing this morning, a brief period of freezing rain may occur. This may result in a light glaze or a few hundredths of ice accumulation, mainly on elevated surfaces. Motorists should monitor the weather and road conditions if traveling this morning. Be prepared for a few slick spots, especially if surfaces are untreated. $$  732 WAUS42 KKCI 171445 WA2T MIAT WA 171445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 172100 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . LLWS POTENTIAL...NC SC GA OH WV VA BOUNDED BY APE-AIR-LYH-30SW FLO-LGC-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-APE LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  733 WAUS44 KKCI 171445 WA4T DFWT WA 171445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR TN MS SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY FROM 20ESE SSM TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 60W MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40ENE AKO TO 50SSW ONL TO 20ESE SSM MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...TN MS AL KY BOUNDED BY CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-LGC-30ESE MHZ-SQS-20E MEM-BWG-CVG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  734 WAUS41 KKCI 171445 WA1T BOST WA 171445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSW YOW TO 110SE BGR TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 30WNW ECG TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 70SSW YOW MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OH WV VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY APE-AIR-LYH-30SW FLO-LGC-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-APE LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  735 WAUS43 KKCI 171445 WA3T CHIT WA 171445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE FROM 100SE MLS TO ANW TO 40WNW OBH TO AKO TO 60SW RAP TO 100SE MLS MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY OK TX AR TN MS FROM 20ESE SSM TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 60W MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40ENE AKO TO 50SSW ONL TO 20ESE SSM MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KY TN MS AL BOUNDED BY CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-LGC-30ESE MHZ-SQS-20E MEM-BWG-CVG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  736 WAUS45 KKCI 171445 WA5T SLCT WA 171445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET TURB...WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40ENE AKO TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 150WSW RZS TO 40SSE LAS TO DEN TO 40ENE AKO MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...MT WY CO FROM 30SSE YQL TO 60NW GGW TO 60S GGW TO 100SE MLS TO 60SW RAP TO AKO TO 40S DDY TO 30SSE YQL MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV AZ WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30NW TOU TO 20E OED TO 50SSW LAS TO 150WSW RZS TO 80SSW PYE TO 120W FOT TO 140W TOU TO 30NW TOU MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...AZ NM FROM 20NW TBC TO 40NW ABQ TO TCS TO 40SSW DMN TO 20SW DRK TO 20NW TBC MOD TURB BLW 150. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB AZ NM BOUNDED BY 40SSW DVC-40ENE RSK-ABQ-40NNW CME-60S CME-DMN-50SSW DMN-20SSE PGS-40SSW DVC MOD TURB BLW 170. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  737 WAUS46 KKCI 171445 WA6T SFOT WA 171445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET TURB...CA WY NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40ENE AKO TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 150WSW RZS TO 40SSE LAS TO DEN TO 40ENE AKO MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30NW TOU TO 20E OED TO 50SSW LAS TO 150WSW RZS TO 80SSW PYE TO 120W FOT TO 140W TOU TO 30NW TOU MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NNE EHF TO 20SW EED TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO LAX TO 30W RZS TO 50NNE EHF MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  933 WSZA21 FAOR 171429 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 171430/171800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2601 W01000 - S3136 E00138 - S3922 E01325 - S4435 E00758 - S3524 W00114 - S3114 W01000 TOP FL300=  934 WSZA21 FAOR 171431 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 171430/171800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2741 E01522 - S2846 E01640 - S2955 E01702 - S3001 E01602 - S2823 E01500 - S2742 E01500 SFC/FL030=  935 WSZA21 FAOR 171430 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 171430/171800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3317 E01700 - S3322 E01804 - S3440 E01906 - S3455 E01800 SFC/FL030=  936 WSZA21 FAOR 171432 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 171430/171800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2742 E01500 - S2823 E01500 - S2744 E01434 - S2742 E01500 SFC/FL030=  231 WWAK41 PAFG 171434 WSWNSB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 534 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ204-180145- /O.NEW.PAFG.WS.A.0012.190219T1500Z-190220T2100Z/ Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast- Including Kaktovik and Flaxman Island 534 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY MORNING THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with blizzard conditions possible. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 2 inches are possible. Visibility could fall near zero. * WHERE...Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast. * WHEN...From Tuesday morning through Wednesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. $$  259 WAUS46 KKCI 171445 WA6S SFOS WA 171445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR ID MT FROM 50WSW YXC TO 40N FCA TO 40E FCA TO 30NE DNJ TO 50WSW BKE TO 50NNE DSD TO 20ENE ONP TO 40S HQM TO 30ENE HQM TO 50SSW HUH TO 20WNW EPH TO 70ESE YDC TO 50WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA FROM 30SW EUG TO 50NW LKV TO 80SSE LKV TO 50N FMG TO 50E EHF TO 40SE MOD TO 60SSE RBL TO 50N RBL TO 60W OED TO 30SW EUG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA NV FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 50SE REO TO 60WSW ELY TO 40SSW OAL TO 50NNE LAX TO 30WNW LAX TO 50W RZS TO 20SSW FOT TO 80WNW OED TO 50SSE HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 50NNE LAX TO 40SSW HEC TO 50S TRM TO 20S MZB TO 50SE LAX TO 30WNW LAX TO 50NNE LAX MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  260 WAUS43 KKCI 171445 WA3S CHIS WA 171445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY FROM 50NNW ISN TO 50NW MOT TO 50WNW ABR TO 50SE RHI TO 30E MKG TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO RZC TO 20WNW PWE TO 70E BFF TO 50W RAP TO 50NNW ISN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...KY TN FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  261 WAUS45 KKCI 171445 WA5S SLCS WA 171445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET IFR...ID NV UT FROM 20SE BOI TO 20N PIH TO 40NE BVL TO 40WSW BVL TO 70S REO TO 20SE BOI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 70S YYN TO 50NNW ISN TO 50W RAP TO 70ESE DDY TO 30WSW DDY TO 40SW BIL TO 20ESE LWT TO 60SW GGW TO 70S YYN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WA OR FROM 50WSW YXC TO 40N FCA TO 40E FCA TO 30NE DNJ TO 50WSW BKE TO 50NNE DSD TO 20ENE ONP TO 40S HQM TO 30ENE HQM TO 50SSW HUH TO 20WNW EPH TO 70ESE YDC TO 50WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 50WSW YXC TO 40NW HVR TO LWT TO BIL TO SHR TO CYS TO 60E HBU TO 50S ABQ TO 20ESE TUS TO 30ENE PHX TO 20NW EED TO 40NE LAS TO 60WSW ELY TO 50SE REO TO 50WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV WA OR CA FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 50SE REO TO 60WSW ELY TO 40SSW OAL TO 50NNE LAX TO 30WNW LAX TO 50W RZS TO 20SSW FOT TO 80WNW OED TO 50SSE HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR AZ NM BOUNDED BY 60NE PGS-20ESE SJN-60W TCS-40NW SSO-30SW DRK-60NE PGS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  262 WAUS44 KKCI 171445 WA4S DFWS WA 171445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM HMV TO GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 90SSE SJI TO 80SE LEV TO 120SSW LCH TO 80E BRO TO 90W BRO TO 50NW LRD TO 50SSE ACT TO 40NNE ABI TO 40SE MLC TO RZC TO HMV CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...TN KY FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  529 WAUS42 KKCI 171445 WA2S MIAS WA 171445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL PA OH LE WV MD VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM DXO TO ERI TO 20NW RIC TO 40E RDU TO 80S ECG TO 130ESE ILM TO 130ENE OMN TO 30NNE OMN TO 20E CTY TO 40WNW PIE TO 100SSE SJI TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NC SC GA PA WV MD VA FROM 40SE ERI TO 20SW PSB TO 40NE EKN TO 30WSW CSN TO 30WNW GSO TO CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO 20SW EWC TO 40SE ERI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...IFR NC SC GA FL NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50NNW SYR-ALB-50SE CYN-50SSW SBY-20SSE ECG-140ESE ILM- 130SSE ILM-130SE CHS-40NNE CRG-30WNW SAV-20ESE MCN-20SW CTY- 80SSW CEW-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-FWA-DXO-50NNW SYR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA NY PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 60SSW MSS-50S ALB-HAR-40SSE PSK-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN- JHW-SYR-60SSW MSS MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  530 WAUS41 KKCI 171445 WA1S BOSS WA 171445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 172100 . AIRMET IFR...PA OH LE WV MD VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM DXO TO ERI TO 20NW RIC TO 40E RDU TO 80S ECG TO 130ESE ILM TO 130ENE OMN TO 30NNE OMN TO 20E CTY TO 40WNW PIE TO 100SSE SJI TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...PA WV MD VA NC SC GA FROM 40SE ERI TO 20SW PSB TO 40NE EKN TO 30WSW CSN TO 30WNW GSO TO CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO 20SW EWC TO 40SE ERI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...IFR NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50NNW SYR-ALB-50SE CYN-50SSW SBY-20SSE ECG-140ESE ILM- 130SSE ILM-130SE CHS-40NNE CRG-30WNW SAV-20ESE MCN-20SW CTY- 80SSW CEW-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-FWA-DXO-50NNW SYR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NY PA WV MD VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 60SSW MSS-50S ALB-HAR-40SSE PSK-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN- JHW-SYR-60SSW MSS MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  595 WABZ23 SBAZ 171435 SBAZ AIRMET 14 VALID 171435/171635 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 0 500M RA OBS AT 1430Z WI S0120 W04834 - S0117 W04827 - S0124 W04823 - S012 7 W04830 - S0120 W04834 STNR NC=  218 WWUS43 KLSX 171439 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Saint Louis MO 839 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ058>060-064-065-069-070-074-079-098>102-MOZ052-061>065-072>075- 084-085-099-171545- /O.EXP.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Bond IL-Calhoun IL-Clinton IL-Crawford MO-Fayette IL-Franklin MO- Greene IL-Iron MO-Jefferson MO-Jersey IL-Lincoln MO-Macoupin IL- Madison IL-Madison MO-Marion IL-Monroe IL-Montgomery IL- Randolph IL-Reynolds MO-Saint Charles MO-Saint Clair IL- Saint Francois MO-Saint Louis City MO-Saint Louis MO- Sainte Genevieve MO-Washington IL-Washington MO- Including the cities of Alton, Belleville, Cahokia, Centralia, Chester, Edwardsville, Farmington, Litchfield, Saint Charles, Saint Louis, Salem, Sparta, Sullivan, Union, Vandalia, and Washington 839 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Temperatures are warming above freezing, and the threat for widespread freezing drizzle is ending across the area. Drivers are still urged to be aware of potential slick spots on untreated surfaces, particularly on bridges and overpasses. $$ MOZ034>036-041-042-047>051-059-060-171800- /O.EXT.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Audrain MO-Boone MO-Callaway MO-Cole MO-Gasconade MO-Moniteau MO- Monroe MO-Montgomery MO-Osage MO-Pike MO-Ralls MO-Warren MO- Including the cities of Bowling Green, Columbia, Fulton, Jefferson City, and Mexico 839 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central and northeast Missouri. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain or freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at traveler.modot.org/map/ or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ ILZ095>097-MOZ018-019-026-027-171800- /O.CON.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Marion MO-Pike IL-Shelby MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Mount Sterling, Pittsfield, and Quincy 839 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Missouri and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory is issued for a variety of winter weather conditions, such as snow, blowing snow, sleet, or freezing drizzle and rain. It only takes a small amount of wintry precipitation to make roads, bridges, sidewalks, and parking lots icy and dangerous. It is often difficult to tell when ice begins to form, so do not be caught off guard. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at traveler.modot.org/map/ or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ Carney  246 WSAG31 SAVC 171446 SAVF SIGMET B1 VALID 171446/171846 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1446Z WI S4633 W07151 - S4948 W07329 - S5037 W06900 - S4829 W06638 - S4633 W07151 TOP FL130 MOV ESE 10KT INTSF=  618 WSAG31 SAVC 171446 SAVF SIGMET B1 VALID 171446/171846 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1446Z WI S4633 W07151 - S4948 W07329 - S5037 W06900 - S4829 W06638 - S4633 W07151 TOP FL130 MOV ESE 10KT INTSF=  363 WGUS83 KPAH 171441 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 841 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Indiana... Wabash River at New Harmony .Moderate flooding continues along the Wabash River at New Harmony. Water levels will hold near 20.3 feet through Monday, then begin to fall slowly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-185-193-INC051-129-181841- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190225T2136Z/ /NHRI3.2.ER.190208T1203Z.190216T2045Z.190225T1536Z.NO/ 841 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Wabash River at New Harmony. * until Monday February 25. * At 7:30 AM Sunday the stage was 20.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday February 25. * Impact...At 20.0 Feet...Parts of northern New Harmony begin to flood and sandbagging becomes necessary in town. && LAT...LON 3816 8799 3815 8790 3797 8799 3781 8801 3780 8809 3789 8810 $$  760 WGUS82 KILM 171441 FLSILM Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington NC 941 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... Lumber Near Lumberton affecting Robeson County NC PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People with interests along the river should take the necessary precautions to protect life and property from the flood waters. Additional information is available on our website at weather.gov/ilm under the "Rivers and Lakes" link. && NCC155-180641- /O.EXT.KILM.FL.W.0007.190220T0600Z-190220T1800Z/ /LBRN7.1.ER.190220T0600Z.190220T0600Z.190220T0600Z.UU/ 941 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Wednesday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The Lumber Near Lumberton. * from late Tuesday night to Wednesday afternoon. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 12.23 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near flood stage early Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Low land flooding will occur along the river. The flood waters may affect some residential property as water backs up into the drainage ditches in the city. && LAT...LON 3467 7916 3468 7904 3457 7891 3452 7899 3461 7907 3458 7915 $$ 43  044 WSZA21 FAOR 171450 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 171438/171800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3343 E03820 - S3716 E04005 - S3848 E03804 - S3613 E03408 - S3345 E03553 TOP FL320=  045 WSZA21 FAOR 171449 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 171438/171800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2814 E03555 - S3000 E04000 - S3000 E05007 - S3503 E04941 - S3535 E04137 TOP FL500=  569 WWAK43 PAFG 171446 WSWAFG URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ222-180115- /O.EXB.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190218T0100Z-190219T0000Z/ Middle Tanana Valley- Including Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, and Sourdough Camp 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected with a slight chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 5 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Middle Tanana Valley. * WHEN...4 PM today to 3 PM Monday. There will be a slight chance of freezing rain late this afternoon and early this evening. Snow will develop this evening and continue through Monday. The heaviest snow is expected from late tonight through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ225-180115- /O.EXA.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Denali- Including Healy, Denali National Park, Carlo Creek, and Kantishna 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected, with areas of freezing rain possible. Areas of poor visibility are expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Denali. * WHEN...3 AM Sunday to 3 PM Monday. Strong winds in passes will continue through this afternoon. Snow and freezing rain will occur south of the Denali Park Entrance today, with freezing rain ending this evening as snow spreads to the remainder of the area. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ219-180115- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190217T2100Z-190219T0000Z/ Upper Koyukuk Valley- Including Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Caribou Mountain, and Gobblers Knob 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Blowing snow will occur over Dalton Highway summits. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Koyukuk Valley. * WHEN...Noon today to 3 PM Monday. Snow and blowing snow will develop this afternoon. The heaviest snow will be this evening through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ221-180115- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190217T1500Z-190218T2100Z/ Central Interior- Including Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, and Livengood 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Central Interior. * WHEN...6 AM today to noon Monday. Snow will develop this morning and continue through Monday. There will be a chance of freezing rain from this afternoon into this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ218-180115- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190217T2100Z-190219T0000Z/ Southeastern Brooks Range- Including Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT Camp, and Iniakuk Lake 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Brooks Range from the Dalton Highway west. * WHEN...Noon today until 3 PM Monday. Snow will develop this afternoon. The heaviest snow is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ226-180115- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Eastern Alaska Range- Including Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 546 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Areas of poor visibility are expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Eastern Alaska Range. Heaviest snow and strongest winds west of the Tok Cutoff. * WHEN...3 AM Sunday to 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  902 WAIS31 LLBD 171445 LLLL AIRMET 6 VALID 171500/171900 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3231 E03450 - N3230 E03535 - N3119 E03526 - N3130 E03420 FL050/110 NC=  574 WGUS82 KCHS 171447 FLSCHS Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 947 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 SCC015-043-089-181447- /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JAMS1.2.ER.181114T0107Z.181230T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santee River near Jamestown. * At 8 AM Sunday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will remain steady until early Tuesday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 12.0 feet, several dirt logging roads are impassable. && LAT...LON 3347 8002 3354 7998 3325 7937 3321 7938 3320 7951 3329 7976 $$ SCC049-053-GAC103-251-181447- /O.EXT.KCHS.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190219T1030Z/ /CLYG1.2.ER.181125T2322Z.190108T2345Z.190218T2230Z.NO/ 947 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Savannah River near Clyo. * At 9 AM Sunday the stage was 12.4 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will reamin steady until this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Monday afternoon. * At 13.3 feet, one foot of water covers Tom Goethe Road just after the pavement ends. && LAT...LON 3273 8145 3276 8137 3264 8136 3249 8117 3246 8125 3261 8144 $$  070 WSUS33 KKCI 171455 SIGW MKCW WST 171455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171655-172055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  071 WSUS32 KKCI 171455 SIGC MKCC WST 171455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171655-172055 FROM IGB-MEI-110S LCH-120ESE PSX-100SE PSX-80E BRO-BRO-50SSE CRP-SQS-IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  072 WSUS31 KKCI 171455 SIGE MKCE WST 171455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171655-172055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  420 WANO34 ENMI 171447 ENBD AIRMET C02 VALID 171500/171900 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6300 E00400 - N6500 E00605 - N6500 E01410 - N6315 E01200 - N6300 E00400 3000FT/FL170 MOV NE 20KT NC=  253 WOCN17 CWHX 171448 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR LABRADOR UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:48 A.M. AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: NAIN AND VICINITY HOPEDALE AND VICINITY POSTVILLE - MAKKOVIK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. SNOW IS EXPECTED TO BEGIN THIS AFTERNOON OR THIS EVENING AND PERSIST INTO MONDAY. TOTAL ACCUMULATIONS OF 10 TO 15 CM ARE EXPECTED BEFORE THE SNOW TAPERS OFF MONDAY OR MONDAY NIGHT. ADDITIONALLY, STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP TO 80 KM/H WILL COMBINE WITH THE FRESH SNOW TO REDUCE VISIBILITIES TO NEAR ZERO IN BLOWING SNOW TONIGHT AND MONDAY. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. BLOWING SNOW ADVISORIES ARE ISSUED WHEN WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO CREATE BLOWING SNOW GIVING POOR VISIBILITY TO 800 METRES OR LESS FOR AT LEAST 3 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  925 WWUS43 KABR 171449 WSWABR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 SDZ004-009-010-171600- /O.CAN.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Campbell-Walworth-Edmunds- Including the cities of Herreid, Mobridge, and Ipswich 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Little to no additional snowfall is expected. Therefore, the winter storm warning has been cancelled. $$ SDZ003-015-016-033>035-172300- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Corson-Dewey-Potter-Stanley-Sully-Hughes- Including the cities of McIntosh, Isabel, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, Onida, and Pierre 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /749 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Portions of central and north central South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ045-048-172300- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jones-Lyman- Including the cities of Murdo and Kennebec 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Jones and Lyman Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ017-036-037-051-172300- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Faulk-Hyde-Hand-Buffalo- Including the cities of Faulkton, Highmore, Miller, and Fort Thompson 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Buffalo, Faulk, Hand and Hyde Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ018-172300- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Spink- Including the city of Redfield 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Spink County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ019>023-172300- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Clark-Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel- Including the cities of Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Hayti, and Clear Lake 849 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Deuel, Clark, Grant, Codington and Hamlin Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ KF  766 WWUS43 KBIS 171450 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 850 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ042-045-171600- /O.CAN.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Grant-Sioux- Including the cities of Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Fort Yates, Selfridge, and Solen 850 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /750 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Accumulating snow has ended across Grant and Sioux counties. Therefore, the Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. $$ NDZ031>033-040-041-043-044-172300- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Slope-Hettinger-Bowman-Adams- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Bowman, and Hettinger 750 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Reduced visibilities are expected. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ017-018-172300- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McKenzie-Dunn- Including the cities of Watford City, Killdeer, and Halliday 850 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /750 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations up to 1 inch. * WHERE...McKenzie and Dunn counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ TJK  327 WHUS74 KLIX 171450 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 850 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog will remain over near coastal waterways of southeast Louisiana and coastal Mississippi through 11AM CST... GMZ530-550-557-171600- /O.EXP.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 850 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Latest satellite and surface observations indicate that dense fog has dissipated across the area. Therefore, the Dense Fog Advisory will be allowed to expire at 9AM CST. $$ GMZ532-534-536-538-552-555-171700- /O.EXT.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ Mississippi Sound-Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- 850 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...One mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  799 WWAK43 PAFG 171451 WSWAFG URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ218-180100- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190218T0300Z-190219T0000Z/ Southeastern Brooks Range- Including Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT Camp, and Iniakuk Lake 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Brooks Range from the Dalton Highway west. * WHEN...6 PM today to 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ219-180100- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190217T2100Z-190219T0000Z/ Upper Koyukuk Valley- Including Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Caribou Mountain, and Gobblers Knob 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Blowing snow with low visibility will occur over Dalton Highway summits. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Koyukuk Valley. * WHEN...Noon today to 3 PM Monday. Snow and blowing snow will develop this afternoon. The heaviest snow will be this evening through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ221-180100- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190217T1500Z-190218T2100Z/ Central Interior- Including Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, and Livengood 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Central Interior. * WHEN...6 AM today to noon Monday. Snow will develop this morning and continue through Monday. There will be a chance of freezing rain from this afternoon into this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ222-180100- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190218T0100Z-190219T0000Z/ Middle Tanana Valley- Including Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, and Sourdough Camp 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected with a slight chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 5 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Middle Tanana Valley. * WHEN...4 PM today to 3 PM Monday. There will be a slight chance of freezing rain late this afternoon and early this evening. Snow will develop this evening and continue through Monday. The heaviest snow is expected from late tonight through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ225-180100- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Denali- Including Healy, Denali National Park, Carlo Creek, and Kantishna 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected, with areas of freezing rain possible. Areas of poor visibility are expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 10 inches are expected. Ice accumulations will be a trace. * WHERE...Denali. * WHEN...3 AM Sunday to 3 PM Monday. Strong winds in passes will continue through this afternoon then diminish tonight. Snow and freezing rain will occur south of the Denali Park Entrance today, with freezing rain ending this evening as snow spreads to the remainder of the area. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ226-180100- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Eastern Alaska Range- Including Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 551 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Areas of poor visibility are expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Eastern Alaska Range. Heaviest snow and strongest winds west of the Tok Cutoff. Strong winds will develop this morning and continue into this evening, then decrease tonight. * WHEN...3 AM Sunday to 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  022 WSRS31 RURD 171451 URRV SIGMET 8 VALID 171500/171800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04015 - N4425 E03848 - N4423 E04129 - N4319 E04053 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  616 WHUS74 KCRP 171452 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 852 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 GMZ230-250-255-171600- /O.EXP.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Bays and Waterways from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM- 852 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Visibilities have improved in wake of a cold front across the bays and nearshore waters. Visibilities of 2 to 4 miles will still be possible for the next couple of hours. $$  720 WGUS83 KLMK 171453 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 953 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Woodbury affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Butler...Warren. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Rochester affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Butler...Muhlenberg... Ohio. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are affected by these crests take any necessary actions. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lmk. && KYC031-227-181652- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190222T0400Z/ /WDHK2.1.ER.190208T0212Z.190214T0945Z.190221T2200Z.NO/ 953 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Woodbury. * until Thursday evening. * At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 27.1 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 28.9 feet by Monday evening. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday afternoon. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...KY 403 at James McKinney Bridge floods. Water overflows lock wall. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 27.1 feet on Oct 12 2002. && LAT...LON 3713 8641 3716 8665 3728 8680 3739 8678 3728 8659 3724 8641 $$ KYC031-177-183-181652- /O.CON.KLMK.FL.W.0009.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RCHK2.1.ER.190209T0000Z.190215T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Rochester. * until further notice. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 21.5 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.9 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 24.0 feet...KY 1117 floods near Mining City. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 22.8 feet on Apr 8 2008. && LAT...LON 3728 8680 3718 8690 3727 8697 3739 8678 $$ SC  938 WWUS43 KEAX 171453 WSWEAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 853 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ025-102-MOZ001-002-004-011>014-020>023-030-031-039-171600- /O.EXP.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Atchison KS-Doniphan-Atchison MO-Nodaway-Gentry-Holt-Andrew- De Kalb-Daviess-Buchanan-Clinton-Caldwell-Livingston-Ray-Carroll- Saline- Including the cities of Atchison, Wathena, Elwood, Troy, Highland, Tarkio, Rockport, Fairfax, Maryville, Albany, Stanberry, King City, Mound City, Oregon, Maitland, Forest City, Craig, Savannah, Country Club Villa, Maysville, Stewartsville, Osborn, Union Star, Clarksdale, Gallatin, Jamesport, St. Joseph Airport, St. Joseph, Cameron, Plattsburg, Lathrop, Hamilton, Braymer, Polo, Breckenridge, Chillicothe, Richmond, Lawson, Carrollton, and Marshall 853 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Light snow and freezing drizzle has shifted east of the region as drier air moves in. While a few flurries are still possible this afternoon, accumulating precipitation is no longer expected. However, caution should still be used on ramps, bridges, and untreated roads. $$ KSZ057-060-103>105-MOZ028-029-037-038-043>045-053-054-171600- /O.EXP.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Miami-Linn KS-Leavenworth-Wyandotte-Johnson KS-Platte-Clay- Jackson-Lafayette-Cass-Johnson MO-Pettis-Bates-Henry- Including the cities of Paola, Osawatomie, Louisburg, Pleasanton, La Cygne, Mound City, Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Lansing, Kansas City Kansas, Overland Park, Stanley, Olathe, Shawnee, Lenexa, Parkville, Platte City, Riverside, Weatherby Lake, Weston, Gladstone, Liberty, Excelsior Springs, Kansas City, Independence, Odessa, Higginsville, Lexington, Concordia, Belton, Raymore, Harrisonville, Pleasant Hill, Warrensburg, Sedalia, Butler, Adrian, Rich Hill, Clinton, and Windsor 853 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Light snow and freezing drizzle has shifted east of the region as drier air moves in. While a few flurries are still possible this afternoon, accumulating precipitation is no longer expected. However, caution should still be used on ramps, bridges, and untreated roads. $$ MOZ003-005>008-015>017-024-025-032-033-040-046-171800- /O.EXT.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Worth-Harrison-Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler-Grundy-Sullivan-Adair- Linn MO-Macon-Chariton-Randolph-Howard-Cooper- Including the cities of Grant City, Bethany, Princeton, Mercer, Unionville, Lancaster, Queen City, Greentop, Downing, Glenwood, Trenton, Milan, Green City, Kirksville, Brookfield, Marceline, Macon, La Plata, Salisbury, Brunswick, Keytesville, Moberly, Fayette, Glasgow, New Franklin, and Boonville 853 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow. Additional snowfall accumulations up to 1 inch, and ice accumulations of a light glaze possible. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central, north central, northeast, northwest and west central Missouri. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  482 WSRS31 RURD 171453 URRV SIGMET 9 VALID 171500/171800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4230 E04549 - N4300 E04720 - N4141 E04825 FL030/150 STNR WKN=  929 WWUS74 KLIX 171454 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 854 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog in areas this morning... .Light winds and a very moisture rich airmass will continue to produce areas of fog this morning. The thickest fog will be closer to the coast. LAZ040-050-058-060>064-066>068-072-171600- /O.CAN.KLIX.FG.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ St. Tammany-Livingston-St. John The Baptist-St. Charles- Upper Jefferson-Orleans-Upper Plaquemines-Upper St. Bernard- Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Lower Jefferson- Southern Tangipahoa- Including the cities of Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Lacombe, Denham Springs, Watson, Walker, Laplace, Reserve, Destrehan, Norco, Metairie, Kenner, East New Orleans, New Orleans, Belle Chasse, Chalmette, Violet, Chauvin, Cocodrie, Dulac, Montegut, Galliano, Cut Off, Golden Meadow, Leeville, Hammond, Robert, and Ponchatoula 854 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in New Orleans has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. The dense fog has dissipated. $$ LAZ069-070-MSZ080>082-171700- /O.EXT.KLIX.FG.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Hancock-Harrison-Jackson- Including the cities of Buras, Pointe A La Hache, Port Sulphur, Boothville, Venice, Empire, Myrtle Grove, Yscloskey, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, Diamondhead, Gulfport, Pascagoula, Ocean Springs, Moss Point, Gautier, and St. Martin 854 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITY...One quarter mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  886 WBCN07 CWVR 171400 PAM ROCKS WIND 32012 LANGARA; CLR 35 N09 2FT CHP LO W 1430 CLD EST CLR -03/-07 GREEN; PC 15 NE35EG 7FT RUF BLWNG SPRY 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -02/-06 TRIPLE; PC 15 NE15E 3FT MDT LO W 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -00/-10 BONILLA; PC 15 N08E 1FT CHP LO NW 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -01/-08 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 1430 CLD EST CLR -01/-08 MCINNES; CLR 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 1430 CLD EST CLR -02/-08 IVORY; CLR 15 E04 RPLD LO SW 1430 CLD EST CLR -01/-09 DRYAD; CLR 15 N04 RPLD 1430 CLD EST CLR -01/-06 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 NE03 1FT CHP 1430 CLD EST CLR -00/-04 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 NE11 2FT CHP LO W 1440 CLD EST CLR 01/-02 PINE ISLAND; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO W 1440 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 03/-03 CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 N15E 4FT MOD LO SW 1440 CLD EST 20 BKN 02/-01 QUATSINO; PC 15 N10E 1FT CHP LO SW 1440 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 01/-03 NOOTKA; CLR 15 NE20E 3FT MDT LO SW 1440 CLR 03/-02 ESTEVAN; CLR 15 E03 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW 1019.9R LENNARD; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NE08 2FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 CLM 2FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; CLDY 15 E04E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; CLR 15 CLM RPLD CHATHAM; CLR 15 NW20E 3FT MOD 1440 CLD EST CLR -02/-06 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 181/04/02/2803/M/ 3022 19MM= WLP SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 216/02/00/0206/M/ 3022 51MM= WEB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 196/00/00/0605/M/ 3026 -1-4MM= WQC SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 205/-03/-04/0000/M/ SOG 08 3025 46MM= WRU SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 201/01/-02/3618/M/ PK WND 3524 1331Z 3020 59MM= WFG SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 222/01/-03/3619+24/M/ PK WND 3531 1301Z 3022 12MM= WVF SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/04/03/3120/M/M PK WND 3126 1303Z M 20MM= WQS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 291/-02/-10/0409+15/M/ 3016 59MM= WEK SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 280/-02/-08/MM12+25/M/ PK WND MM26 1324Z 3017 94MM= WWL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 267/-01/-10/0110/M/ 3011 60MM= WME SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/-01/-08/0536+44/M/ PK WND 0547 1315Z M 60MM= WAS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 138/03/00/3212/M/ PK WND 3218 1305Z 3026 3-3MM= WSB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 180/03/00/0301/M/ 3024 5-4MM= WGT SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 195/03/00/3116/M/M PK WND 3122 1320Z 3022 3-3MM= WGB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 192/03/00/2919/M/ PK WND 2923 1333Z 3023 51MM= WEL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 193/04/01/3320/M/ PK WND 3326 1314Z 3023 06MM= WDR SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 179/04/02/0119/M/ PK WND 0022 1348Z 3024 31MM= WKA SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2909/M/M M MMMM=  106 WGUS81 KCLE 171455 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 955 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Ohio... Killbuck Creek Near Killbuck PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC075-169-171525- /O.CAN.KCLE.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190217T2212Z/ /KILO1.1.ER.190207T0252Z.190213T1945Z.190217T1215Z.NO/ 955 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Killbuck Creek Near Killbuck. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was...14.9 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * At 16.0 feet...Flooded roads in and near Killbuck include Water Street, County Road 621, State Route 60 south, as well as local low lying roads. Holmes county fairgrounds inundated. && LAT...LON 4099 8203 4099 8193 4067 8190 4045 8191 4045 8202 4067 8202 $$  247 WGUS83 KPAH 171455 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 855 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Paradise and Calhoun .Moderate flooding continues along the Green River at Paradise and at Calhoun. At Paradise, the river has crested and begun to fall very slowly. The river will remain in moderate flood stage through most of next week. At Calhoun, the river is cresting near 29.7 feet. It will stay at this level through Monday then begin to fall slowly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && KYC177-181854- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRDK2.2.ER.190208T0038Z.190216T1245Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 855 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Paradise * until further notice. * At 8:15 AM Sunday the stage was 391.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 380.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 390.5 feet by tomorrow morning. && LAT...LON 3746 8716 3742 8703 3726 8689 3720 8697 3729 8707 3731 8719 $$ KYC149-233-181854- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALK2.2.ER.190210T1737Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 855 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Calhoun * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 29.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 23.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will hold near 29.7 feet through Monday, then begin to fall slowly. * Impact...At 30.0 Feet...Lower Calhoun begins flooding. A large portion of Rumsey is flooded and evacuation of homes becomes necessary. && LAT...LON 3775 8742 3772 8730 3763 8739 3751 8703 3743 8707 3761 8757 $$  804 WSRS31 RUMA 171456 UUWV SIGMET 4 VALID 171500/171700 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N54 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  957 WWUS74 KBRO 171458 NPWBRO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 858 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Fog Steadily Lifting... .Current surface observations indicate visibilities improving across the Northern Ranch lands behind a cold front moving through the region. Dense fog has lifted with only some patchy light fog left in wake of the frontal passage. Visibilities will continue to improve through the morning as drier air over spreads Deep South Texas. TXZ249>251-256-257-351-171600- /O.EXP.KBRO.FG.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Jim Hogg-Brooks-Inland Kenedy-Coastal Willacy-Coastal Cameron- Coastal Kenedy- Including the cities of Hebbronville, Falfurrias, Sarita, Port Mansfield, Port Isabel, South Padre Island, Laguna Heights, and Laguna Vista 858 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Visibilities of 2 to 4 miles along with some patchy drizzle to continue through the morning. $$  281 WWUS43 KJKL 171458 WSWJKL URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson KY 958 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ058-068-069-111-112-114-171600- /O.CAN.KJKL.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Estill-Rockcastle-Jackson-Lee-Breathitt-Owsley- Including the cities of Irvine, Ravenna, Brodhead, Mount Vernon, McKee, Annville, Beattyville, Jackson, and Booneville 958 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have warmed above freezing at most locations. Therefore, the winter weather advisory is cancelled. $$ KYZ044-050>052-059-060-104-106>110-119-171600- /O.EXT.KJKL.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Powell-Menifee-Elliott-Morgan- Johnson-Wolfe-Magoffin-Floyd-Martin- Including the cities of Flemingsburg, Camargo, Jeffersonville, Mount Sterling, Owingsville, Morehead, Clay City, Stanton, Frenchburg, Sandy Hook, West Liberty, Paintsville, Campton, Salyersville, Prestonsburg, Wheelwright, and Inez 958 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Kentucky. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses. The freezing rain threat will impact the Mountain Parkway and I-64. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ GEOGERIAN  634 WWJP74 RJTD 171200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 171200UTC ISSUED AT 171500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU WARNING(ICING) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 172100UTC =  635 WWJP72 RJTD 171200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 171200UTC ISSUED AT 171500UTC NO WARNING IN SEA AREA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 172100UTC =  775 WWJP75 RJTD 171200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 171200UTC ISSUED AT 171500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(ICING) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 172100UTC =  776 WWJP71 RJTD 171200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 171200UTC ISSUED AT 171500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA WARNING(DENSE FOG) SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 172100UTC =  777 WWJP73 RJTD 171200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 171200UTC ISSUED AT 171500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 172100UTC =  866 WWAK42 PAFG 171505 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 605 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ214-180000- /O.EXB.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Yukon Delta- Including Mountain Village, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St Marys, Scammon Bay, Marshall, Nunam Iqua, and Pitkas Point 605 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with areas of blowing snow. A chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected. Visibility will be one half mile or less at times. * WHERE...Yukon Delta. * WHEN...Until 3 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-180230- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 605 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. Snow will occur in all areas. The chance of freezing rain will be south of Kaltag. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. Snow will develop this morning and continue through early Monday. Periods of freezing will occur from late this morning through this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-180230- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.190217T2100Z-190219T0000Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 605 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Noon today to 3 PM Monday. Snow is expected to develop this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ215-180230- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 605 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with periods of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected. Ice accumulation will be less than one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...through midnight tonight. Snow will continue through late tonight. Periods of freezing will occur through this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ227-180230- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Upper Kuskokwim Valley- Including McGrath, Nikolai, Takotna, and Farewell Lake 605 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected with periods of freezing rain.Snow expected with a chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. Ice accumulation will be less than one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Upper Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...through midnight tonight. Snow will continue through late tonight. Periods of freezing will occur from late this morning through this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$  106 WSBZ31 SBCW 171505 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 171520/171820 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2839 W04713 - S2732 W05431 - S2653 W05339 - S2628 W05342 - S2615 W05335 - S2535 W05359 - S2534 W05416 - S2542 W05425 - S2528 W05439 - S2405 W05417 - S2349 W05441 - S2357 W05524 - S2235 W05536 - S2247 W0 5013 - S2528 W04654 - S2839 W04713 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  570 WSID20 WIII 171505 WIIZ SIGMET 13 VALID 171505/171805 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0304 E10039 - N0126 E09928 - N0207 E09734 - N0400 E09556 - N0525 E09655 - N0532 E09801 - N0304 E10039 TOP FL520 MOV NNW 5KT NC=  016 WAHW31 PHFO 171507 WA0HI HNLS WA 171600 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 172200 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 171600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 172200 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND S THRU W OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND CONTG BEYOND 2200Z. =HNLZ WA 171600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 172200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...117 PHLI SLOPING TO 125 PHTO.  111 WSID20 WIII 171505 WIIZ SIGMET 14 VALID 171505/171805 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0102 E10312 - S0225 E10153 - S0157 E10030 - S0003 E10017 - N0059 E10116 - N0034 E10209 - S0102 E10312 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  978 WGUS83 KPAH 171507 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 907 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Little Wabash River at Carmi .Moderate flooding continues along the Little Wabash River at Carmi. The river has crested, and water levels have begun to fall slowly. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-191-193-181906- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190224T0400Z/ /CARI2.2.ER.190207T2218Z.190215T1415Z.190223T2200Z.NO/ 907 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Little Wabash River at Carmi. * until Saturday evening. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 33.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday afternoon. * Impact...At 32.0 Feet...Flood waters flow up McHenry slough and areas near Route 1 and 14 in Carmi begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3826 8816 3825 8802 3804 8813 3793 8808 3791 8812 3801 8828 $$  930 WWIN40 DEMS 171500 IWB (EVENING) DATED 17-02-2019. THE REMNANT WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A TROUGH ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 93OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 26ON BETWEEN 2.1 KM & 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS (.) THE FRESH WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A TROUGH IN MID-TROPOSPHERIC WESTERLIES WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL NOW RUNS ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 58OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 32ON (.) THE FEEBLE WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER CENTRAL PAKISTAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS (.) THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER INTERIOR ODISHA & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS (.) THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER TELANGANA & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS (.) THE TROUGH AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER TELANGANA & NEIGHBOURHOOD TO COMORIN AREA ACROSS TAMILNADU PERSISTS (.) FORECAST:- RAIN/SNOW VERY LIKELY AT MOST PLACES OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR AND HIMACHAL PRADESH AND AT A FEW PLACES OVER UTTARAKHAND (.) RAIN / THUNDERSHOWERS VERY LIKELY AT MANY PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH; AT A FEW PLACES OVER ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA AND PUNJAB AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, RAJASTHAN, TELANGANA, TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY, KERALA AND ANDAMAN NICOBAR ISLANDS (.) DRY WEATHER OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY (.) WARNING:- 17 FEBRUARY (DAY 1): THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH HAILSTORM, LIGHTNING AND GUSTY WINDS VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR (.) THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER EAST ARUNACHAL PRADESH, EAST ASSAM & MEGHALAYA AND NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA (.) 18 FEBRUARY (DAY 2): THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH HAILSTORM, LIGHTNING AND GUSTY WINDS AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR, HIMACHAL PRADESH, UTTARAKHAND, PUNJAB AND NORTH HARYANA & CHANDIGARH (.)=  211 WSID20 WIII 171505 WIIZ SIGMET 15 VALID 171505/171805 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0521 E09538 - N0414 E09530 - N0400 E09424 - N0515 E09312 - N0554 E09421 - N0521 E09538 TOP FL500 MOV NNW 5KT NC=  068 WSER31 OMAA 171508 OMAE SIGMET 4 VALID 171500/171630 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N2350 E05250 - N2520 E05620 TOP FL300 MOV ENE 45KT NC=  035 WSPA11 PHFO 171511 SIGPAX KZAK SIGMET XRAY 2 VALID 171515/171915 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N2700 W14740 - N2000 W14750 - N1950 W14940 - N2650 W14940 - N2700 W14740. CB TOPS TO FL310. STNR. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  261 WSCI45 ZHHH 171509 ZHWH SIGMET 4 VALID 171625/172025 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL230/400 STNR NC=  546 WSCI36 ZUUU 171510 ZPKM SIGMET 8 VALID 171515/171915 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N2822 E10733-N2538 E10735-N2420 E10431-N2336 E10211-N2643 E10201-N2822 E10345-N2822 E10733 FL180/380 STNR NC=  105 WGUS83 KLMK 171514 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1014 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky... Ohio River at McAlpine Upper Ohio River at Cannelton Lock Ohio River at Tell City affecting the following counties in Indiana...Clark...Crawford... Floyd...Perry and in Kentucky...Breckinridge...Hancock...Jefferson... Oldham. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky... Ohio River at McAlpine Lower affecting the following counties in Indiana...Clark...Floyd... Harrison and in Kentucky...Hardin...Jefferson...Meade. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are affected by these crests take any necessary actions. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lmk. && INC019-043-KYC111-185-181713- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T2248Z/ /MLUK2.1.ER.190212T0652Z.190214T1235Z.190218T1648Z.NO/ 1014 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at McAlpine Upper. * until Monday afternoon. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 24.9 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday late morning. * Impact...At 24.5 feet...Waldoah Beach and Transylvania Beach areas are cut off. River Road near Indian Hills Trail floods. Adams St. and Witherspoon Rd. closes. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 25.3 feet on Feb 22 2000. && LAT...LON 3858 8539 3836 8556 3824 8568 3831 8580 3844 8564 3863 8551 $$ INC019-043-061-KYC093-111-163-181100- /O.CON.KLMK.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ /MLPK2.1.ER.190212T1415Z.190214T1245Z.190218T0500Z.NO/ 1014 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at McAlpine Lower. * until Monday morning. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 56.2 feet. * Flood stage is 55.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage after midnight Monday. * Impact...At 55.0 feet...Parks and riverfront areas in Clarksville and New Albany flood. Some yards along US 31W (Dixie Highway) from Pleasure Ridge Park to West Point KY flood. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 55.1 feet on Jan 8 2004. && LAT...LON 3824 8568 3791 8602 3809 8636 3822 8636 3806 8605 3831 8580 $$ INC025-123-KYC027-091-181713- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190221T0224Z/ /CNNI3.2.ER.190212T0537Z.190215T1515Z.190220T2024Z.NO/ 1014 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cannelton Lock. * until Wednesday evening. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 45.2 feet. * Flood stage is 42.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday afternoon. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 45.3 feet on Mar 15 2011. && LAT...LON 3809 8636 3787 8652 3783 8675 3794 8670 3796 8659 3822 8636 $$ INC123-KYC091-181713- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190222T0600Z/ /TELI3.2.ER.190210T1057Z.190215T1200Z.190222T0000Z.UU/ 1014 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Tell City. * until late Thursday night. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 44.5 feet. * Flood stage is 38.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday evening. * Impact...At 44.0 feet...Bottomland on both sides floods. Water reaches base of floodwall. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 44.5 feet on Mar 22 2008. && LAT...LON 3783 8675 3794 8682 3806 8681 3794 8670 $$ SC  681 WGUS81 KPBZ 171515 FLSPBZ Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1015 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio.. Muskingum River At Coshocton affecting Coshocton County. .The Muskingum River is currently falling, and will fall below flood stage by Monday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE: Do not drive through flooded areas. The water may be deeper than it appears. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio for later developments. && OHC031-172315- /O.CON.KPBZ.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ /CSHO1.1.ER.190208T0013Z.190213T0515Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 1015 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The River Flood Warning continues for, The Muskingum River At Coshocton. * Until Monday evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 15.2 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast... The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...At 15.0 feet, Low areas are flooded and water reaches a few homes along Route 16 south of Coshocton and along County Route 1A north of Coshocton. && LAT...LON 4024 8189 4030 8197 4029 8183 4023 8184 $$  050 WHUS74 KBRO 171515 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 915 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog lifting... .Buoy platform and web cameras indicate dense fog is lifting as cold front begins to advances south. Marine visibilities will continue to improve as the front tracks through the coastal waters through Noon. GMZ130-132-135-150-155-171615- /O.EXP.KBRO.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1500Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- Coastal waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- 915 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Patchy fog continues in advance of the cold front with visibilities of 1-2 miles improving 2 to 4 miles behind the front. Most of the fog to dissipate by or shortly after Noon. $$  024 WSID20 WIII 171510 WIIZ SIGMET 16 VALID 171510/171810 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF S0043 AND E OF E10919 TOP FL490 MOV SW 5KT INTSF=  356 WWUS45 KMSO 171517 WSWMSO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 817 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 MTZ007-043-181530- /O.CAN.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ /O.NEW.KMSO.WC.Y.0005.190217T1517Z-190218T1900Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region-Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 817 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST MONDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Isolated wind chills as low as 35 below zero with widespread wind chills near 20 below zero. * WHERE...Butte, Georgetown Lake, Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Homestake Pass, MacDonald Pass, Highway 200 Bonner to Greenough, Highway 83 Seeley Lake to Condon, and I-90 East Missoula to Bearmouth. * WHEN...Until noon MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ MTZ002-003-171630- /O.CAN.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ West Glacier Region-Flathead/Mission Valleys- 817 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Cameras show road conditions improving and the snow has stopped in most areas, so the advisory is cancelled. Wind chills remain below zero, but winds are decreasing and wind chills are not expected to worsen. $$ IDZ007-008-181530- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Orofino/Grangeville Region-Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 717 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Persistent light snow with occasional periods of moderate snow will bring additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches by Monday morning. * WHERE...Camas Prairie, Grangeville and vicinity, Greer Grade, Highway 95 Slate Creek to Riggins, and White Bird Grade. * WHEN...Until 8 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ006-181530- /O.CON.KMSO.WW.Y.0023.190217T1900Z-190218T1600Z/ Southern Clearwater Mountains- 717 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Persistent light snow will bring additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches by Monday morning. * WHERE...Dixie, Elk City, and Highway 12 Lowell to Lolo Pass. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 8 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  331 WHUS72 KTAE 171518 MWWTAE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 1018 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON FROM APALACHICOLA TO THE SUWANNEE RIVER ENTRANCE OUT TO 20 NAUTICAL MILES... GMZ750-752-171630- /O.CAN.KTAE.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Okaloosa Walton County Line FL out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL out 20 NM- 918 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. $$ GMZ730-755-765-171900- /O.EXT.KTAE.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm- Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach FL out 20 NM- 1018 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * VISIBILITY...1 nautical mile or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  748 WWUS41 KPBZ 171519 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1019 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ039>041-048-049-057-058-172200- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Muskingum- Guernsey- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Dover, Carrollton, Malvern, East Liverpool, Salem, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cadiz, Zanesville, and Cambridge 1019 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. A light glaze of ice accumulation and up to a half inch of snow accumulation. * WHEN...Until 5 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ MDZ001-PAZ007>009-015-016-023-074-076-WVZ514-172330- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.190217T1700Z-190218T0500Z/ Garrett-Mercer-Venango-Forest-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Indiana- Westmoreland Ridges-Fayette Ridges-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Mountain Lake Park, Oakland MD, Grantsville, Sharon, Hermitage, Grove City, Oil City, Franklin, Tionesta, Clarion, Punxsutawney, Brookville, Indiana, Ligonier, Donegal, Champion, Ohiopyle, Davis, Thomas, and Canaan Valley 1019 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. A light glaze to a tenth of an inch of ice accumulation expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches along and north of Interstate 80 expected. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$  394 WSBW20 VGHS 171500 VGFR SIGMET 05 VALID 171600/172000 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR ISOL EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV ESE NC=  534 WWCN13 CWWG 171523 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:23 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: THE BATTLEFORDS - UNITY - MAIDSTONE - ST. WALBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A NEARLY STATIONARY BAND OF SNOW CONTINUES TO SIT NEAR THE YELLOWHEAD HIGHWAY. ESTIMATED SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 15 TO 20 CM HAVE OCCURRED IN THE WARNING AREA. FURTHER SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS ARE EXPECTED TO DIMINISH THROUGHOUT THE DAY HOWEVER 2 TO 4 CM IS POSSIBLE BEFORE WEAKENING THIS AFTERNOON. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  987 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  988 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 171520/171820 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2839 W04713 - S2732 W05431 - S2653 W05339 - S2628 W05342 - S2615 W05335 - S2535 W05359 - S2534 W05416 - S2542 W05425 - S2528 W05439 - S2405 W05417 - S2349 W05441 - S2357 W05524 - S2235 W05536 - S2247 W05013 - S2528 W04654 - S2839 W04713 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  989 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  990 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBRE SIGMET 19 VALID 171405/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1243 W04343 - S0957 W04359 - S0924 W04201 - S1028 W04157 - S1243 W04343 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  991 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  992 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBRE SIGMET 18 VALID 171405/171620 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W03605 - S0530 W03358 - S0556 W03518 - S0524 W03644 - S0449 W03605 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  993 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 171200/171600 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2813 W04502 - S2635 W04356 - S2216 W03824 - S2100W03930 - S1834 W03752 - S1948 W03225 - S2531 W02248 - S2855 W02454 - S2502 W03339 - S2930W04242 - S2813 W04502 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  994 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 171310/171710 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0506 W06302 - S0524 W05916 - S0904 W05844 - S0840 W06252 - S0506 W06302 TOP FL470 MOV N 08KT INTSF=  995 WSBZ01 SBBR 171500 SBRE SIGMET 17 VALID 171220/171620 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  917 WWUS41 KCLE 171526 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1026 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A Wintry Mix of Precipitation Expected Today and Tonight Over Portions of Northern Ohio and Northwest Pennsylvania... .A weak low pressure system entering the Ohio Valley today will bring snow to the region today with an areal accumulation of one to three inches of snow expected. For portions of northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania, this snow will changeover to freezing rain as a combination of warm air aloft intrudes northward this afternoon with at-or-below freezing temperatures remaining at the surface. This will allow for up to a tenth of an inch of ice to accrete in the advisory areas, in addition to the snowfall. This wintry mix will prompt slick road conditions, especially on untreated or elevated surfaces. OHZ010>013-018-019-089-180330- /O.EXB.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T1700Z-190218T0600Z/ Lorain-Cuyahoga-Lake-Geauga-Seneca-Huron-Ashtabula Lakeshore- Including the cities of Lorain, Cleveland, Mentor, Chardon, Tiffin, Norwalk, and Ashtabula 1026 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Seneca, Huron and Ashtabula Lakeshore counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ PAZ001-180330- /O.EXB.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T2100Z-190218T0600Z/ Northern Erie- Including the city of Erie 1026 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Northern Erie county. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ OHZ014-020>023-027>033-036>038-047-180330- /O.EXT.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T1700Z-190218T0600Z/ Ashtabula Inland-Medina-Summit-Portage-Trumbull-Wyandot-Crawford- Richland-Ashland-Wayne-Stark-Mahoning-Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox- Including the cities of Jefferson, Medina, Akron, Ravenna, Warren, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, Canton, Youngstown, Marion, Mount Gilead, Millersburg, and Mount Vernon 1026 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ PAZ002-003-180330- /O.EXT.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T2100Z-190218T0600Z/ Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Edinboro and Meadville 1026 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Crawford and Southern Erie counties. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  679 WGUS84 KLCH 171525 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles La 925 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Texas.. Atchafalaya River At Morgan City Sabine River Near Deweyville LAC099-101-180524- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGL1.1.ER.190112T1424Z.190124T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 925 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Atchafalaya River At Morgan City. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 6.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 6.2 feet after midnight tomorrow. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At stages near 6.0 feet...Flood stage. The city dock will be under water. Water will cover the lower end of Belleview Front Street in Berwick. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. * Impact...At stages near 5.0 feet...Floodwall gates will be closed to protect against higher stages. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. * Impact...At stages near 4.0 feet...Action stage. Water will move up the bank and across access roads below the city dock. Floodwall gates should be closed by the 5 foot stage to protect against higher stages. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. && LAT...LON 2997 9124 2980 9110 2939 9113 2951 9154 2986 9139 2995 9147 $$ LAC011-019-TXC351-361-180524- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0087.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DWYT2.2.ER.181104T1107Z.190110T0845Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 925 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sabine River Near Deweyville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 AM Sunday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 24.1 feet. * Impact...At stages near 24.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding will occur. * Impact...At stages near 23.0 feet...The river is at bankfull stage. && LAT...LON 3057 9363 3011 9364 3011 9378 3031 9381 3062 9378 $$  632 WGUS82 KCHS 171527 CCA FLSCHS Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 947 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 SCC015-043-089-181447- /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JAMS1.2.ER.181114T0107Z.181230T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santee River near Jamestown. * At 8 AM Sunday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will remain steady until early Tuesday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 12.0 feet, several dirt logging roads are impassable. && LAT...LON 3347 8002 3354 7998 3325 7937 3321 7938 3320 7951 3329 7976 $$ SCC049-053-GAC103-251-181447- /O.COR.KCHS.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190219T1030Z/ /CLYG1.2.ER.181125T2322Z.190108T2345Z.190218T2230Z.NO/ 947 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Savannah River near Clyo. * At 9 AM Sunday the stage was 12.4 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will remain steady until this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Monday afternoon. * At 13.3 feet, one foot of water covers Tom Goethe Road just after the pavement ends. && LAT...LON 3273 8145 3276 8137 3264 8136 3249 8117 3246 8125 3261 8144 $$  732 WWCN13 CWNT 171527 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KIVALLIQ AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:27 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: BAKER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== NORTHWESTERLY WINDS GUSTING AT TIMES TO 60 KM/H COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MID MINUS 30S ARE COMBINING TO CREATE WIND CHILL OF MINUS 55 OR LOWER. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SLIGHTLY DURING THE DAY HOWEVER EXTREME VALUES ARE EXPECTED TO RETURN TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. WATCH FOR COLOUR CHANGES ON FINGERS AND TOES, PAIN, NUMBNESS, A TINGLING SENSATION, OR SWELLING. IF PRESENT, MOVE INDOORS AND BEGIN WARMING. KEEP MOVING TO MAINTAIN YOUR BODY HEAT AND SEEK SHELTER FROM THE WIND. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  516 WWUS43 KLMK 171528 WSWLMK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Louisville KY 1028 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... KYZ034>043-047>049-056-057-171630- /O.CAN.KLMK.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Shelby-Franklin-Scott-Harrison-Spencer-Anderson-Woodford-Fayette- Bourbon-Nicholas-Mercer-Jessamine-Clark-Garrard-Madison- Including the cities of Shelbyville, Frankfort, Georgetown, Cynthiana, Taylorsville, Lawrenceburg, Versailles, Lexington, Paris, Carlisle, Harrodsburg, Nicholasville, Winchester, Lancaster, and Richmond 1028 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Light freezing rain has ended in the advisory area, and temperatures have crept up into the 32 to 34 degree range. The Kentucky Mesonet station in Harrison County is still reading 31 degrees, so continue to use caution out on the roads for the next couple of hours. Bridges and overpasses in particular may remain slick. $$ EBW  742 WSPA10 PHFO 171529 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 6 VALID 171540/171940 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N1020 E16730 - N0320 E16940 - N0330 E16230 - N1020 E15800 - N1020 E16730. CB TOPS TO FL550. STNR. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  436 WGUS84 KLZK 171530 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 930 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Pocahontas affecting Randolph County Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence...Jackson and Lawrence Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC121-180629- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /POCA4.1.ER.190208T1105Z.190215T2115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 930 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Pocahontas. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 21.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.1 feet by Monday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 22.0 feet...Moderate flood level, flooding on Fourche River, Pettit Creek, and Mill Creek. North fringe of airport may be flooding. High water on the Fourche River may be affecting State Highways 328 and 166. Houses along State Highway 166 may have water near foundations. Riverfront Park is partially flooded. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Black River Pocahontas 17 21.5 Sun 09 AM 21.1 20.7 20.2 Falling && LAT...LON 3612 9115 3625 9106 3630 9095 3620 9089 3617 9098 3610 9101 $$ ARC063-067-075-180629- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BKRA4.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190213T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 930 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Black Rock. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 23.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 23.4 feet, before falling to near 22.7 feet by Tuesday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 24.0 feet...Thousands of acres of cropland and pastures flooded. State Highway 37 in Independence County east of Cord may be flooded. Water rises into low lying streets in Powhatan. Ball Park and Boat Ramp Area in Black Rock floods. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Black River Black Rock 14 23.4 Sun 09 AM 23.1 22.7 22.2 Falling && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$ 69  876 WWCN16 CWNT 171532 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR THE QIKIQTAALUK AREA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:32 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: =NEW= CLYDE RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG NORTHWESTERLY WINDS ARE PRODUCING NEAR BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH VISIBILITIES LESS THAN ONE KILOMETER. VISIBILITIES IN BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED TO DIMINISH FURTHER THIS EVENING AS WINDS CONTINUE TO INCREASE, GUSTING AT TIMES TO 80 KM/H, PRODUCING WIDESPREAD GROUND BLIZZARD CONDITIONS. THESE BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WILL CONTINUE ON MONDAY BUT ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE MONDAY EVENING AS WINDS DIMINISH. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  174 WWUS46 KSTO 171533 WSWSTO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 733 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ067-180000- /O.EXA.KSTO.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Motherlode- 733 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches are expected. * WHERE...Motherlode. Including Placerville, Colfax, Fiddletown and Sonora. * WHEN...Until 4 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ CAZ069-180000- /O.CON.KSTO.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- 733 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada. * WHEN...Until 4 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  702 WSRS31 RUAA 171534 ULAA SIGMET 2 VALID 171900/172300 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E041 FL250/360 MOV SE 50KMH NC=  129 WWUS84 KMRX 171535 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NCZ060-061-TNZ012>018-035>047-067>074-081>087-098>102-181200- Cherokee-Clay-Scott TN-Campbell-Claiborne-Hancock-Hawkins- Sullivan-Johnson-Morgan-Anderson-Union-Grainger-Hamblen- Northwest Cocke-Cocke Smoky Mountains-Northwest Greene- Southeast Greene-Washington TN-Unicoi-Northwest Carter- Southeast Carter-Roane-Loudon-Knox-Jefferson-NW Blount- Blount Smoky Mountains-North Sevier-Sevier Smoky Mountains- Sequatchie-Bledsoe-Rhea-Meigs-McMinn-Northwest Monroe- Southeast Monroe-Marion-Hamilton-Bradley-West Polk-East Polk- Including the cities of Murphy, Hayesville, Oneida, La Follette, Tazewell, Sneedville, Rogersville, Kingsport, Bristol, Mountain City, Wartburg, Clinton, Oak Ridge, Maynardville, Rutledge, Morristown, Newport, Cosby, Greeneville, Cedar Creek, Johnson City, Erwin, Elizabethton, Roan Mountain, Kingston, Lenoir City, Knoxville, Dandridge, Maryville, Cades Cove, Sevierville, Gatlinburg, Dunlap, Pikeville, Dayton, Decatur, Athens, Madisonville, Coker Creek, Jasper, Chattanooga, Cleveland, Benton, and Ducktown 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 /935 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...Heavy rain forecast for today and tonight... Showers leading to heavy rain across eastern Tennessee and SW North Carolina for Sunday and Sunday night. Up to an inch and a half is possible especially across the southern Tennessee valley and the Smokey Mountains with possibly heavier local amounts. Due to the saturation of the ground from previous rain events, most of the rainfall is expected to result in excessive runoff with some areas of localized flooding possible. Stream flooding, roadway flooding, ponding of low level areas and potential mud slides are all possible. Lesser amounts are expected for the central valley region and more northern areas of the forecast area, including the Cumberland plateau. Due to saturated soils and rainfall from the last 24 hours, some local flooding could occur in the northern areas of the forecast area as well. $$  500 WGUS83 KIND 171536 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A Flood Warning continues for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... East Fork White River...Muscatatuck River...Wabash River...White River... .Flooding continues along the Wabash, White, East Fork White, and Muscatatuck Rivers. The Wabash and White rivers are in the moderate flood stage level at Mount Carmel, Petersburg, and Hazleton. All the rivers are falling and this trend will largely continue for the foreseeable future. Rises of up to 2 feet are expected toward mid-week, mainly on the Wabash River. Flooding will last as long as February 24th in southwest Indiana. Flooding is affecting local and state roads, a small number of cabins, widespread agricultural land, and possibly a few homes...all mainly in southwest Indiana. Sunday's light precipitation should have no effect on area waterways, but precipitation Tuesday evening through Wednesday evening of between a quarter and a half an inch will produce brief minor rises at some locations on the major rivers, mostly the Wabash. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Motorists should never drive into flood water. Turn around and go another way. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC027-051-083-125-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190220T0000Z/ /FREI3.2.ER.190207T0326Z.190212T1200Z.190219T1200Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Edwardsport. * until Tuesday evening. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * At 18.6 feet...During June 2010 and March 2011 high water...INDOT closed SR 358 between SR 67 at Edwardsport to SR 57 at Plainville. SR 358 floods on the east side of the river between the levees. && LAT...LON 3885 8712 3877 8723 3855 8723 3855 8726 3879 8729 3887 8715 $$ ILC185-INC027-051-083-125-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0083.000000T0000Z-190224T0142Z/ /PTRI3.2.ER.190207T1846Z.190214T1600Z.190223T1342Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Petersburg. * until Saturday evening. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 24.3 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday morning. * At 24.2 feet...During April 2013 when Petersburg reached this level, the water only reached the white line of SR 257 south of Washington, but never closed the road. Shoals only went to 11.67 feet during April 2013. This is the first that locals can remember such a high stage for Petersburg and SR 257 remaining open. && LAT...LON 3852 8722 3850 8729 3851 8744 3854 8744 3855 8736 3853 8729 3856 8723 $$ ILC185-INC051-083-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0084.000000T0000Z-190224T2240Z/ /HAZI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190215T1000Z.190224T1040Z.NO/ 935 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Hazleton. * until Sunday February 24. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 25.1 feet this afternoon and will fall below flood stage by Sunday February 24. * At 25.0 feet...Extensive river flooding continues in northern Gibson County. Numerous county roads were flooded in March 2011. && LAT...LON 3851 8744 3844 8760 3841 8773 3843 8773 3852 8755 3854 8744 $$ INC045-121-157-165-171-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ /LAFI3.1.ER.190204T2125Z.190208T1500Z.190218T0400Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Lafayette. * until Monday morning. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 11.6 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by this evening. * At 12.0 feet...High water affects a few low river cabins and county roads. && LAT...LON 4054 8670 4040 8688 4033 8709 4040 8709 4048 8688 4056 8673 $$ INC045-121-165-171-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ /CVGI3.1.ER.190205T0900Z.190207T1545Z.190218T1200Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Covington. * until Monday evening. * At 9:45 AM Sunday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday morning. * At 17.5 feet...Some low agricultural fields flood. Backyard flood of cottages a short distance north of U.S. Highway 136. High water blocks land access to at least one residence. && LAT...LON 4033 8709 4017 8737 3997 8739 3997 8745 4020 8747 4040 8709 $$ INC121-165-167-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-190220T0000Z/ /MTZI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190208T2115Z.190219T1200Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Montezuma. * until Tuesday evening. * At 9:45 AM Sunday the stage was 16.4 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * At 18.0 feet...Montezuma agricultural levee is overtopped. Fourteen hundred acres of low bottomlands flood. && LAT...LON 3997 8739 3986 8734 3977 8736 3977 8740 3985 8741 3997 8745 $$ ILC023-033-INC153-167-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-190220T1251Z/ /TERI3.1.ER.190205T0458Z.190210T1145Z.190220T0051Z.UU/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Terre Haute. * until Wednesday morning. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 18.6 feet. This is 2.0 to 2.5 feet higher than the observations from the old legacy gauge. * Flood stage is 16.5 feet. This is 2.5 feet higher than flood stage from the old legacy gauge. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday evening. * At 18.5 feet...Flooding of rural roads is in progress behind Honey Creek Levee as a result of two unrepaired levee breaks. && LAT...LON 3960 8736 3943 8740 3930 8757 3932 8763 3945 8747 3960 8741 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-190222T0000Z/ /HUTI2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190217T1800Z.190221T1200Z.NO/ 935 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Hutsonville Legacy Power Plant Site. * until Thursday evening. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 20.0 feet this afternoon and will fall below flood stage by Thursday morning. * At 20.0 feet...Leaverton Park in Palestine and park in Hutsonville begin to flood. Agricultural flooding spreads to higher land. Seep water is noticeable behind levees. Some elevated river cottages are surrounded by water. Several county or township roads east of Lincoln Heritage Trail between Palestine and Hutsonville in Crawford County Illinois are impassable. && LAT...LON 3930 8757 3923 8754 3912 8762 3914 8768 3922 8762 3932 8763 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-190223T0900Z/ /RVTI3.1.ER.190206T0211Z.190213T1630Z.190222T2100Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Riverton. * until late Friday night. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday afternoon. * At 20.0 feet...Extensive flooding is in progress. Higher rural roads begin to flood. High water isolates many river cabins. Seep water becomes a problem. && LAT...LON 3913 8761 3899 8748 3886 8750 3885 8756 3898 8759 3913 8767 $$ ILC101-185-INC083-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-190221T0200Z/ /VCNI3.1.ER.190207T1752Z.190213T1015Z.190220T1400Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Vincennes. * until Wednesday evening. * At 9:45 AM Sunday the stage was 18.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * At 18.0 feet...Agricultural lands and some oil fields flood. Several township roads about 1.25 miles south of St. Francesville and River Road between Billett Road and Lincoln Memorial Bridge in Lawrence County are flooded. Extensive flooding of Kimmell Park at Vincennes. && LAT...LON 3887 8750 3874 8746 3846 8764 3847 8778 3871 8756 3886 8756 $$ ILC047-059-185-193-INC051-083-129-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-190224T2308Z/ /MCRI2.2.ER.190208T0246Z.190215T2130Z.190224T1108Z.NO/ 935 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Mount Carmel. * until Sunday February 24. * At 7:45 AM Sunday the stage was 27.8 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Sunday February 24. * At 28.0 feet...Critical Stage of Rochester-Mcleary Bluff Levee. Cattle and farm equipment must be moved. Most roads along river or near river are now impassible. Agricultural losses 100 percent in areas that are not protected by levees. The Wabash River is more than 2 miles wide at I-64. && LAT...LON 3846 8765 3828 8781 3822 8794 3822 8800 3827 8800 3847 8777 $$ INC093-101-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190220T1845Z/ /BEDI3.2.ER.190208T1445Z.190211T1245Z.190220T0645Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Rivervale. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 25.5 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Tuesday night. * At 25.0 feet...All county roads across or located in the East Fork of White River flood plain flood. Flooding of agricultural land becomes extensive. The county road on northside of gage floods and gage may be inaccessible except by boat. Local residents in nearby river cabins must park on higher grounds. && LAT...LON 3878 8613 3872 8631 3877 8646 3882 8643 3878 8631 3880 8618 $$ INC093-101-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-190220T1048Z/ /BFRI3.2.ER.190209T0855Z.190212T2127Z.190219T2248Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Bedford. * until late Tuesday night. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 23.5 feet this afternoon and will fall below flood stage by Tuesday afternoon. * At 23.5 feet...Bedford Boat Club Parking Lot covered with water. && LAT...LON 3877 8645 3879 8651 3882 8657 3885 8656 3883 8650 3881 8643 $$ INC093-101-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190219T1600Z/ /WLLI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190212T2330Z.190219T0400Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Williams. * until Tuesday morning. * At 6:00 AM Sunday the stage was 9.9 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * At 10.0 feet...State Road 450 near Williams and County Road 400 South closed by high water. Lowest campground begins to flood. Additional agricultural flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3880 8653 3875 8667 3869 8673 3872 8681 3880 8668 3885 8656 $$ INC027-037-101-125-181535- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ /SHLI3.2.ER.190210T1309Z.190213T1700Z.190219T0000Z.NO/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Shoals. * until Tuesday morning. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 23.2 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * At 23.7 feet...During prolonged high water of late March and early April 2008, Windom Road had one lane open. On March 11 2011 SR 550 just south of Loogootee was closed by high water on the south side of the river. At least one nearby county road was flooded. Considerable lowland flooding in progress. && LAT...LON 3869 8673 3847 8683 3852 8722 3856 8723 3853 8689 3866 8690 3872 8681 $$ INC071-093-175-181535- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0105.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WHLI3.U.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1035 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Muscatatuck River at Wheeler Hollow. * until further notice. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall and go below flood stage by Thursday, February 21. && LAT...LON 3874 8591 3873 8605 3876 8618 3880 8615 3878 8603 3878 8591 $$  953 WSBZ31 SBBS 171535 SBBS SIGMET 8 VALID 171645/172045 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2132 W04930 - S2032 W04747 - S2101 W04427 - S2246 W04544 - S2313 W04551 - S2324 W04616 - S2315 W04724 - S2302 W04735 - S2244 W04734 - S2208 W04759 - S2132 W04930 FL400 STNR INTSF=  467 WAIS31 LLBD 171533 LLLL AIRMET 7 VALID 171600/172000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3230 E03525 - N3252 E03340 TOP FL260 MOV NE 10KT NC=  799 WVPR31 SPIM 171536 SPIM SIGMET 5 VALID 171555/171630 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 4 VALID 171030/171630 SPIM=  873 WVPR31 SPIM 171538 SPIM SIGMET 6 VALID 171555/172155 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1445Z WI S1543 W07150 - S1547 W07149 - S1558 W07212 - S1549 W07216 - S1543 W07150 SFC/FL250 FCST AT 2100Z VA CLD WI S1540 W07226 - S1544 W07150 - S1547 W07149 - S1555 W07226 - S1540 W07226=  586 WHUS74 KMOB 171539 AAA MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Mobile AL 939 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 GMZ630>632-172100- /O.EXT.KMOB.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- 939 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THIS AFTERNOON... * VISIBILITY...1 mile or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  056 WOCN11 CWTO 171532 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:32 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL POSSIBLE. LOCALIZED POCKETS OF HEAVY FLURRIES MAY AFFECT AREAS NEAR THE WEST END OF LAKE ONTARIO THIS MORNING AND INTO THE AFTERNOON DUE TO INCREASING NORTHEAST WINDS. SEVERAL CENTIMETRES OF SNOW ALONG WITH BRIEF PERIODS OF LOW VISIBILITY ARE LIKELY. MORE WIDESPREAD SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH A PASSING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IS THEN EXPECTED TO MOVE INTO THE REGION EARLY THIS EVENING AND END LATER MONDAY MORNING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS ARE GENERALLY EXPECTED TO BE IN THE 5 TO 10 CM RANGE. HOWEVER, FOR AREAS STRETCHING FROM BURLINGTON TOWARDS GRIMSBY, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT AMOUNTS MAY APPROACH 15 CM. THE AREA IS BEING MONITORED FOR A POTENTIAL SNOWFALL WARNING. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS AT TIMES TODAY AND ESPECIALLY TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  491 WWUS43 KLOT 171540 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 940 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ003-004-008-010-011-019-172345- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Winnebago-Boone-Ogle-Lee-DeKalb-La Salle- Including the cities of Rockford, Belvidere, Oregon, Dixon, DeKalb, and Ottawa 940 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected, with a few locally higher amounts of 5 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$ ILZ005-006-172345- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ McHenry-Lake IL- Including the cities of Woodstock and Waukegan 940 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected, with a few locally higher amounts of 5 inches possible. * WHERE...McHenry and Lake IL Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$  628 WWUS46 KMFR 171541 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 741 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ027-028-171645- /O.EXP.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades- Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Crater Lake, Crescent Lake, Diamond Lake, Union Creek, Howard Prairie, and Siskiyou Summit 741 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... The snow showers have largely ended. Roads will remain slippery until treated or the sun melts the snow today. Any wet roads this evening will have a chance of refreezing again tonight. $$ ORZ023-025-026-171645- /O.EXP.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Central Douglas County-Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Jackson County- Including the cities of Glendale, Toketee Falls, Medford, and Ashland 741 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... The snow showers have largely ended. Roads will remain slippery until treated or the sun melts the snow today. Any wet roads this evening will have a chance of refreezing again tonight. $$ ORZ024-171645- /O.EXP.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the city of Cave Junction 741 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PST THIS MORNING... The snow showers have largely ended. Roads will remain slippery until treated or the sun melts the snow today. Any wet roads this evening will have a chance of refreezing again tonight. $$ CAZ080-171645- /O.EXP.KMFR.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Greenview, Scott Bar, and Somes Bar 741 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PST THIS MORNING ABOVE 1500 FEET... The snow showers have largely ended. Roads will remain slippery until treated or the sun melts the snow today. Any wet roads this evening will have a chance of refreezing again tonight. $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  363 WWCN14 CWNT 171541 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KITIKMEOT AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:41 A.M. MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: GJOA HAVEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS CONTINUES. WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 55 WILL PERSIST THIS MORNING. WINDS WILL WEAKEN DURING THE DAY BUT WIND CHILL VALUES WILL STILL REMAIN NEAR MINUS 50 THROUGH MONDAY. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  794 WHUS73 KLOT 171542 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 942 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 LMZ740>743-172345- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T1000Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- 942 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS...to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 6 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 8 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Rodriguez  088 WHUS42 KTAE 171542 CFWTAE Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 1042 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS ALONG PANHANDLE BEACHES TODAY... FLZ112-180300- /O.NEW.KTAE.RP.S.0009.190217T1542Z-190218T0300Z/ Coastal Bay- 1042 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a High Rip Current Risk, which is in effect until 10 PM EST this evening. * SURF HEIGHT...2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Rip currents are powerful channels of water flowing quickly away from shore, which occur most often at low spots or breaks in the sandbar and in the vicinity of structures such as groins, jetties and piers. Heed the advice of lifeguards, beach patrol flags and signs. If you become caught in a rip current, yell for help. Remain calm, do not exhaust yourself and stay afloat while waiting for help. If you have to swim out of a rip current, swim parallel to shore and back toward the beach when possible. Do not attempt to swim directly against a rip current as you will tire quickly. && $$  531 WSMA31 FIMP 171530 FIMM SIGMET A04 VALID 171530/171930 FIMP - FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1500UTC WI 20NM OF LINE S1630 E05830 - S2000 E06000 - S2100 E06000 TOP ABV FL390 MOV E 10KT WKN=  955 WGUS86 KMFR 171543 FLSMFR Flood Statement National Weather Service Medford, OR 743 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon... Coquille River at Coquille affecting Coos County... .The Coquille River at Coquille is nearing flood stage and is expected to rise just above flood stage this afternoon before falling back below flood stage this evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas or roads. The water may be too deep or there may be unseen damage to the roadway. For the latest river stages and forecasts, visit our web page at www.weather.gov/medford or listen to NOAA Weather Radio. && ORC011-172142- /O.CON.KMFR.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T1020Z/ /COQO3.1.ER.190217T1705Z.190217T2000Z.190217T2220Z.NO/ 743 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Coquille River at Coquille. * At 7:30 AM Sunday the stage was 20.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...The Coquille River is at flood stage. Expect flooding of farmland and low-lying areas throughout the flood plain along the Coquille River. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 21.7 feet on Mar 15 2016. && LAT...LON 4316 12441 4323 12422 4310 12412 4307 12416 4312 12442 $$  261 WWUS41 KBGM 171547 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 1047 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NYZ015>018-022>025-036-044-045-055-056-PAZ038>040-181600- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190217T2300Z-190218T1900Z/ Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Steuben-Schuyler-Chemung- Tompkins-Madison-Cortland-Chenango-Tioga-Broome-Bradford- Susquehanna-Northern Wayne- Including the cities of Penn Yan, Seneca Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Corning, Hornell, Watkins Glen, Elmira, Ithaca, Hamilton, Oneida, Cortland, Norwich, Owego, Waverly, Binghamton, Sayre, Towanda, Hallstead, Montrose, Damascus, and Equinunk 1047 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Bradford, Susquehanna and Northern Wayne counties. In New York, Yates, Seneca, Southern Cayuga, Onondaga, Steuben, Schuyler, Chemung, Tompkins, Madison, Cortland, Chenango, Tioga and Broome counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 2 PM EST Monday.Steady snow develops this evening and continues into the overnight hours. Patchy freezing drizzle could mix with the snow for a time late tonight and early Monday morning, especially along and south of the Interstate 86 corridor. Periods of mainly light snow or snow showers continue into early Monday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NYZ037-046-057-062-181600- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190218T0200Z-190218T1900Z/ Southern Oneida-Otsego-Delaware-Sullivan- Including the cities of Rome, Utica, Oneonta, Delhi, Walton, and Monticello 1047 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. Localized amounts around 6 inches possible in eastern Delaware, Otsego and Sullivan counties. * WHERE...Southern Oneida, Otsego, Delaware and Sullivan counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 2 PM EST Monday. The steadiest snow will fall during the late evening and overnight hours. The snow could be locally heavy at times. Snow rates near 1 inch per hour are possible late this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PAZ043-044-047-048-072-181500- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190217T2300Z-190218T1500Z/ Wyoming-Lackawanna-Luzerne-Pike-Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Tunkhannock, Scranton, Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre, Milford, and Honesdale 1047 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike and Southern Wayne counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. The steadiest snow will fall this evening, then change to a mixture of light snow, sleet and freezing rain overnight. This light wintry mix continues into Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will likely impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  447 WSUS32 KKCI 171555 SIGC MKCC WST 171555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171755-172155 FROM IGB-MEI-110S LCH-120ESE PSX-100SE PSX-80E BRO-BRO-50SSE CRP-SQS-IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  448 WSUS31 KKCI 171555 SIGE MKCE WST 171555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171755-172155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  449 WSUS33 KKCI 171555 SIGW MKCW WST 171555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171755-172155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  685 WWCN13 CWNT 171549 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KIVALLIQ AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:49 A.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: BAKER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== NORTHWESTERLY WINDS GUSTING AT TIMES TO 60 KM/H COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MID MINUS 30S ARE COMBINING TO CREATE WIND CHILL OF MINUS 55 OR LOWER. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SLIGHTLY DURING THE DAY HOWEVER EXTREME VALUES ARE EXPECTED TO RETURN TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. WATCH FOR COLOUR CHANGES ON FINGERS AND TOES, PAIN, NUMBNESS, A TINGLING SENSATION, OR SWELLING. IF PRESENT, MOVE INDOORS AND BEGIN WARMING. KEEP MOVING TO MAINTAIN YOUR BODY HEAT AND SEEK SHELTER FROM THE WIND. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  195 WSKZ31 UAAA 171549 UAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 171600/172000 UAAA- UAAA ALMATY FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E078 FL310/380 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  671 WWUS43 KSGF 171551 WSWSGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Springfield MO 951 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 MOZ056>058-069>071-079>083-090>092-094>098-102>106-171700- /O.EXP.KSGF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Morgan-Miller-Maries-Camden-Pulaski-Phelps-Polk-Dallas-Laclede- Texas-Dent-Greene-Webster-Wright-Lawrence-Christian-Douglas- Howell-Shannon-Barry-Stone-Taney-Ozark-Oregon- Including the cities of Versailles, Rocky Mount, Stover, Laurie, Aurora Springs, Eldon, Lake Ozark, Vichy, Osage Beach, Camdenton, Decaturville, Roach, Village of Four Seasons, Fort Leonard Wood, Laquey, Waynesville, Northwye, Rolla, Bolivar, Buffalo, Charity, Foose, March, Plad, Windyville, Olive, Lynchburg, Lebanon, Plato, Roby, Bendavis, Huggins, Lake Spring, Bangert, Darien, Gladden, Howes, Jadwin, Salem, Springfield, Marshfield, Northview, Seymour, Rogersville, Dawson, Graff, Mountain Grove, Duncan, Mansfield, Aurora, Mount Vernon, Marionville, Nixa, Christian Center, Ozark, Selmore, Vanzant, Ava, Goodhope, Rome, Squires, Dogwood, Pomona, Pottersville, Siloam Springs, South Fork, West Plains, White Church, Teresita, Winona, Birch Tree, Montier, Monett, Madry, Cassville, Kimberling City, Crane, Elsey, Indian Point, Silver Dollar City, Branson, Hollister, Kirbyville, Edgewater Beach, Forsyth, Ozark Beach, Powersite, Wasola, Thayer, Alton, Couch, Greer, Thomasville, and Wilderness 951 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... Impactful wintry precipitation is moving out of the area. However, remain aware of road conditions throughout the rest of the morning, especially on secondary or less traveled roads. $$ KSZ073-097-101-MOZ055-066>068-077-078-088-089-171700- /O.EXP.KSGF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Bourbon-Crawford-Cherokee-Benton-Vernon-St. Clair-Hickory-Barton- Cedar-Jasper-Dade- Including the cities of Fort Scott, Pawnee Station, Chicopee, Lone Oak, Pittsburg, Baxter Springs, Lowell, Riverton, Columbus, Neutral, Sherwin, Stippville, Warsaw, Whitakerville, Cole Camp, Crockerville, Mora, Edmonson, Lincoln, Nevada, Tiffin, Appleton City, Johnson City, Weaubleau, Hermitage, Quincy, Wheatland, Cross Timbers, Kenoma, Lamar, Cedar Springs, El Dorado Springs, Filley, Arnica, Caplinger Mills, Stockton, Joplin, Carthage, Greenfield, Lockwood, and Meinert 951 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... Impactful wintry precipitation is moving out of the area. However, remain aware of road conditions throughout the rest of the morning, especially on secondary or less traveled roads. $$  338 WSSG31 GOOY 171600 GOOO SIGMET A5 VALID 171600/172000 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1550Z WI N0142 W00400 - S0027 W00557 - N0006 W00712 - N0236 W00719 TOP FL370 MOV SW 05KT WKN=  352 WHUS73 KMQT 171552 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 1052 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 LSZ244>246-248>251-265>267-180000- /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.190218T0300Z-190219T0600Z/ Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Huron Islands to Marquette MI-Marquette to Munising MI- Munising to Grand Marais MI-Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 1052 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 AM EST TUESDAY... A Heavy Freezing Spray Warning remains in effect from 10 PM this evening to 1 AM EST Tuesday. * TIMING...Expect heavy freezing spray to occur from 10 PM this evening to 1 AM EST Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heavy Freezing Spray Warning means heavy freezing spray is expected to rapidly accumulate on vessels. These conditions can be extremely hazardous to navigation. It is recommended that mariners not trained to operate in these conditions or vessels not properly equipped to do so, remain in port or avoid the warning area. && $$ JAW  868 WWUS42 KGSP 171553 WSWGSP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1053 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT FREEZING RAIN EXPECTED OVER PARTS OF THE NORTHERN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA THIS MORNING... NCZ033-049-050-501-503-505-171800- /O.CON.KGSP.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Avery-Yancey-Mitchell-Caldwell Mountains-Burke Mountains- McDowell Mountains- Including the cities of Ingalls, Banner Elk, Newland, Swiss, Burnsville, Celo, Micaville, Ramseytown, Busick, Spruce Pine, Poplar, Jonas Ridge, Ashford, Woodlawn, and Old Fort 1053 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Light freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch will be limited mainly to tree branches, power lines, and other elevated surfaces. Some untreated roads could remain slippery. Patchy freezing fog could contribute to a light glaze of ice on some surfaces as well. * WHERE...Portions of the northern mountains and northern foothills of North Carolina, mainly along the Blue Ridge escarpment from around Mt. Mitchell and Busick up toward Little Switzerland, Linville, and Newland. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Sunday. Temperatures should warm back above freezing by the afternoon in most areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas away from the escarpment are less likely to see any freezing rain accumulation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report ice accumulations by calling the National Weather Service toll free at...1...800...2 6 7...8 1 0 1. Leave a message with your observation and the specific location where it occurred. You can also post your report to National Weather Service Greenville Spartanburg Facebook or tweet your report using hashtag nwsgsp. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite source of weather information for the latest updates. Additional details can be found at www.weather.gov/gsp. && $$  552 WGUS83 KLOT 171553 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 953 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && INC089-111-180552- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ /SLBI3.2.IC.190127T2347Z.190206T1445Z.190218T0000Z.NR/ 953 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby, or from Near I-65 and De Motte downstream to IL/IN state line. * until late tonight. * At 845 AM Sunday the stage was 9.1 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this evening. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Lowland agricultural flooding begins. && LAT...LON 4122 8756 4128 8728 4117 8725 4111 8753 $$ ACS  175 WSBZ31 SBBS 171553 SBBS SIGMET 9 VALID 171555/171645 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2132 W04930 - S2032 W04747 - S2101 W04427 - S2246 W04544 - S2313 W04551 - S2324 W04616 - S2315 W04724 - S2302 W04735 - S2244 W04734 - S2208 W04759 - S2135 W04930 FL400 STNR INTSF=  651 WSRS31 RUSP 171554 ULLL SIGMET 8 VALID 171600/171800 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL370 MOV ESE 40KMH NC=  660 WSSG31 GOOY 171605 GOOO SIGMET C2 VALID 171605/172000 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1555Z WI S0056 W00504 - S0254 W00740 - N0137 W01104 - N0225 W00952 TOP FL470 MOV SW 08KT INTSF=  834 WWUS43 KJKL 171557 WSWJKL URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson KY 1057 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ044-050>052-059-060-104-106>110-119-171700- /O.EXP.KJKL.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Powell-Menifee-Elliott-Morgan- Johnson-Wolfe-Magoffin-Floyd-Martin- Including the cities of Flemingsburg, Camargo, Jeffersonville, Mount Sterling, Owingsville, Morehead, Clay City, Stanton, Frenchburg, Sandy Hook, West Liberty, Paintsville, Campton, Salyersville, Prestonsburg, Wheelwright, and Inez 1057 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... Temperatures at most locations have warmed above freezing. Therefore, the winter weather advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ GEOGERIAN  395 WGUS84 KLZK 171557 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 957 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Newport affecting Independence and Jackson Counties White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties White River At Georgetown affecting Prairie...White and Woodruff Counties White River At Des Arc affecting Prairie County White River At Clarendon affecting Arkansas and Monroe Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC063-067-180657- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190222T1200Z/ /NPTA4.3.ER.190212T0943Z.190214T1715Z.190221T0600Z.NO/ 957 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Friday morning...The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Newport. * until Friday morning...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 27.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to near 27.2 feet by Tuesday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 28.0 feet...Bateman Levee may be threatened with overtopping. State Highway 14 east of Newport at Village Creek could be flooded by backwater. State Highway 14 west of Newport is flooded. State Highway 69 in Independence County may be flooded. Flooding up Village Creek extends to eastern portions of Newport. Extensive flooding of cropland in Jackson and Independence County along the White and the lower Black River. River crested slightly above 28 feet in December 2001 and March 2002. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Newport 26 27.9 Sun 09 AM 27.5 27.0 26.5 Falling && LAT...LON 3537 9150 3550 9141 3570 9140 3564 9128 3548 9127 3534 9136 $$ ARC145-147-180657- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /AUGA4.2.ER.190104T0045Z.190216T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 957 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Augusta. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 34.2 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 33.8 feet by Monday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 34.0 feet...Water around or approaching homes and camps along the river in White and Woodruff counties. Farm roads and county roads on both sides of the river are flooded. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Augusta 26 34.2 Sun 09 AM 33.8 33.5 33.2 Falling && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ ARC117-145-147-180657- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GEOA4.2.ER.190211T1540Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 957 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Georgetown. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 25.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 25.8 feet by this afternoon. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 26.0 feet...Backwater up Little Red River floods bottomland near West Point and Georgetown. Numerous roads and bridges flooded west of the river. Extensive area of cropland in White, Woodruff, and Prairie counties flooded. State Highway 36 is probably flooded and impassable. Georgetown and Nimmo could be isolated by floodwater. Residents should either leave or have provisions for a prolonged stay. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Georgetown 21 25.8 Sun 09 AM 25.8 25.6 25.4 25.8 12 PM 02/17 && LAT...LON 3500 9155 3508 9151 3514 9152 3515 9137 3506 9139 3498 9142 $$ ARC117-180657- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DSCA4.2.ER.190212T1712Z.190218T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 957 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Des Arc. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 28.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 29.0 feet by Monday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 30.0 feet...Numerous county roads and bridges inundated. Many dollars in damages in Prairie County. Extensive farmland and timberland flooded. Backwater flooding of Wattensaw Bayou and Bayou Des Arc. Patrolling of Kitty Barnes Levee on East Bank begins. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Des Arc 24 28.7 Sun 09 AM 29.0 29.0 28.8 29.0 06 AM 02/18 && LAT...LON 3466 9139 3477 9150 3500 9155 3498 9142 3482 9138 3472 9129 $$ ARC001-095-180657- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA4.2.ER.190112T1500Z.190221T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 957 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Clarendon. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 29.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.5 feet by Thursday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 30.0 feet...Clarendon storm sewer should be closed to keep river from backing up outflow pipe. Extensive flooding in the delta. Most cropland and timber in bottoms are flooded. Much of the National Wildlife Refuge land downstream of Clarendon will be flooded. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Clarendon 26 29.7 Sun 09 AM 29.9 30.2 30.4 30.5 06 AM 02/21 && LAT...LON 3435 9119 3449 9132 3466 9139 3472 9129 3455 9120 3442 9108 $$ 69  900 WTNT80 EGRR 171557 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 12UTC 17.02.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 171557  951 WTNT82 EGRR 171557 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 1200UTC 17.02.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 171557  474 WHUS73 KGRB 171559 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 959 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 LMZ541>543-180000- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0015.190217T1800Z-190218T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 959 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northeast winds increasing to 15 to 25 knots, becoming north tonight. Winds decrease to 15 to 20 knots after midnight tonight. * WAVES...2 feet or less, increasing to 1 to 3 feet tonight. Wave heights are for ice free areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds over 20 knots or waves greater than 4 feet are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  712 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171559 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 171600/172000 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE F CST WI S0529 W05920 - S0349 W05554 - S0948 W04857 - S1030 W05057 - S1210 W05312 - S0907 W05844 - S0529 W05920 FL140/210 STNR INTSF=  713 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171559 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 171600/171800 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0006 W04953 - S0210 W04219 - S0329 W04219 - S0138 W05032 - S0006 W04953 TOP FL450 STNR IN TSF=  320 WWUS43 KARX 171600 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1000 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow Continues...Slippery Travel Along, South Of I-90... .Snow continues to fall across the region, with the bulk of the accumulations from around Interstate 90 southward. The light fluffy snow accumulates quickly, with another 1 to 3 inches expected into tonight. Roads are snow covered and slippery, and will remain so into tonight. Exercise caution on your travels. WIZ041-042-180000- /O.EXA.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ La Crosse-Monroe- Including the cities of La Crosse, Sparta, and Tomah 1000 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...La Crosse and Monroe Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ053>055-061- 180000- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 1000 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$  840 WWUS41 KRLX 171601 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 1101 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ101>103-105-OHZ087-WVZ005-006-013-014-171715- /O.EXP.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Lawrence KY-Lawrence OH-Wayne-Cabell-Lincoln- Putnam- Including the cities of Flatwoods, Greenup, Grayson, Olive Hill, Ashland, Louisa, Ironton, South Point, Kenova, Ceredo, Wayne, Huntington, Harts, Alum Creek, Hamlin, Teays Valley, and Hurricane 1101 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Temperatures across the region are above freezing. $$ WVZ522>524-526-180000- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Snowshoe, Marlinton, and Harman 1101 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain and sleet, changing to rain by evening. Total sleet accumulations of up to two tenths of an inch, with ice accumulations of one to two tenths of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Webster, Northwest Pocahontas, Southeast Pocahontas, and Southeast Randolph Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 7 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ516-518-520-171800- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Southeast Raleigh-Southeast Fayette-Southeast Nicholas- Including the cities of Beckley, Meadow Bridge, and Richwood 1101 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain, possibly beginning as sleet, changing to rain by midday. Total sleet accumulations of up to a tenth of an inch, with ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Fayette, and Southeast Nicholas Counties. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 1 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  734 WGUS83 KPAH 171601 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1001 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky...Missouri... Mississippi River at New Madrid .Minor flooding continues along the Mississippi River at New Madrid. Water levels continue to rise, and the river is forecast to crest in moderate flood stage of 40.0 feet Tuesday. Heavy rain is expected week, and this could result in adjustments to the forecast. Check back often for updates. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && KYC075-MOC133-143-182001- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NMDM7.2.ER.190211T1940Z.190219T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1001 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at New Madrid * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 38.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 40.0 feet by Tuesday early afternoon. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...Heavy agricultural damage begins. && LAT...LON 3662 8962 3669 8927 3651 8918 3650 8935 3648 8935 3648 8964 $$  294 WWUS72 KTAE 171602 NPWTAE URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 1102 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED FOR THE SOUTHEAST FLORIDA BIG BEND... FLZ019-028-029-034-128-134-171715- /O.EXP.KTAE.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1600Z/ Madison-Inland Taylor-Lafayette-Inland Dixie-Coastal Taylor- Coastal Dixie- Including the cities of Lovett, Cherry Lake, Hanson, Hopewell, Madison, Pinetta, Athena, Boyd, Bucell Junction, Cabbage Grove, Carbur, Econfina, Fenholloway, Perry, Midway, Buckville, Cooks Hammock, Day, Mayo, Cross City, Cross City Airport, Hines, Jonesboro, Old Town, Adams Beach, Blue Springs, Cedar Island, Dekle Beach, Fish Creek, Howell Place, Yellow Jacket, Horseshoe Beach, Jena, Shired Island, and Suwannee 1102 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Visibilities across the Southeast Florida Big Bend have continued to improve, thus the dense fog advisory has been allowed to expire. $$  696 WWCN02 CYTR 171604 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:04 AM CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: COLD WIND CHILL OF MINUS 35 IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. END/JMC  717 WGUS84 KJAN 171604 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1004 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas...Mississippi...Louisiana... Mississippi River Near Arkansas City affecting Chicot...Desha... Bolivar and Washington Counties Mississippi River Near Greenville affecting Chicot...East Carroll... Issaquena and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Vicksburg affecting Madison...Tensas... Claiborne...Jefferson and Warren Counties/Parishes Mississippi River At Natchez affecting Concordia...Adams and Wilkinson Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Mississippi River forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur over the next 48 hours. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && ARC017-041-MSC011-151-182204- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0029.190219T1800Z-190307T0800Z/ /ARSA4.1.ER.190219T1800Z.190227T1800Z.190306T2000Z.NO/ 1004 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Thursday March 07... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Arkansas City * from Tuesday afternoon to Thursday March 07. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 36.1 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage Tuesday February 19 and will continue to rise to near 39.5 feet Wednesday February 27. * Impact...At 37.0 feet...The low silt plain in front of arkansas city inside the levee system begins to flood along with widespread bottomland flooding at huntington point mississippi. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Arkansas City 37 36.1 Sun 09 AM 36.5 36.9 37.3 39.5 12 PM 02/27 && LAT...LON 3340 9128 3357 9128 3413 9108 3412 9066 3358 9106 3340 9105 $$ ARC017-LAC035-MSC055-151-182204- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190309T0200Z/ /GEEM6.1.ER.190216T1227Z.190228T1200Z.190308T1400Z.NO/ 1004 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Friday March 08... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Greenville * until Friday March 08. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 48.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 51.5 feet Thursday February 28. * Impact...At 51.5 feet...Greenville boat store is inoperable for towboat supplies. * Impact...At 50.0 feet...Upper Lake Ferguson Road and Warfield Point Park are closed. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Greenville 48 48.8 Sun 09 AM 48.2 48.7 49.2 51.5 06 AM 02/28 && LAT...LON 3277 9123 3340 9128 3340 9105 3283 9101 3277 9101 3278 9111 $$ LAC065-107-MSC021-063-149-182204- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190311T2300Z/ /VCKM6.2.ER.190217T0934Z.190302T1800Z.190311T1100Z.NO/ 1004 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Monday March 11... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Vicksburg * until Monday March 11. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 43.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 43.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 47.0 feet Saturday March 02. * Impact...At 44.0 feet...Ford and Kings Subdivision at Pittman Road and Mary's Alley begins to flood. * Impact...At 43.5 feet...Long Lake Subdivision is completely flooded. Vicksburg Floodwall gates at train depot and the lumber yard gate 8 are closed. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Vicksburg 43 43.1 Sun 09 AM 43.4 43.8 44.2 47.0 12 PM 03/02 && LAT...LON 3193 9129 3227 9105 3277 9123 3278 9101 3226 9086 3187 9114 $$ LAC029-MSC001-157-182204- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190316T0300Z/ /NTZM6.2.ER.190104T1524Z.190304T1200Z.190315T1500Z.NO/ 1004 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Friday March 15... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Natchez * until Friday March 15. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 49.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 53.5 feet Monday March 04. * Impact...At 53.0 feet...Some camps and houses are flooded around Fort Adams. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...Water is covering the roads in old downtown area of Fort Adams. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Natchez 48 49.8 Sun 09 AM 49.9 50.2 50.6 53.5 06 AM 03/04 && LAT...LON 3101 9170 3130 9167 3193 9129 3187 9114 3130 9147 3100 9154 $$  248 WSMS31 WMKK 171604 WBFC SIGMET B03 VALID 171615/171815 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0141 E11237 - N0101 E11146 - N0053 E11025 - N0210 E11031 - N0226 E11204 - N0141 E11237 TOP FL470 MOV SW WKN=  364 WGUS85 KPSR 171605 FLSPSR Flood Statement National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 905 AM MST SUN FEB 17 2019 AZC007-171615- /O.EXP.KPSR.FA.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190217T1615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Gila AZ- 905 AM MST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 915 AM MST FOR GILA COUNTY... The persistent flood waters have receded, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3391 11128 3387 11123 3377 11123 3376 11127 3392 11134 3393 11133 $$ AD  288 WSVS31 VVGL 171610 VVNB SIGMET 3 VALID 171610/171910 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2025 E10550 - N2100 E10455 - N2315 E10515 - N2245 E10650 - N2025 E10550 TOP FL340 MOV E 10KT NC=  864 WSCI36 ZUUU 171601 ZPKM SIGMET 9 VALID 171900/172300 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3233 E10403-N3145 E10923-N2814 E10914-N2732 E10807-N2619 E10600-N2915 E10303-N3233 E10403 FL050/150 STNR NC=  064 WGUS84 KLZK 171607 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 1007 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley...Calhoun and Union Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC013-103-180707- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190219T2308Z/ /CAMA4.1.ER.190213T1940Z.190216T1845Z.190218T1708Z.NO/ 1007 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Camden. * until Tuesday afternoon...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 28.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday late morning. However, additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 28.0 feet...Sandy Beach Park and portions of the Riverwalk area off of Washington Street are inundated. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Ouachita River Camden 26 28.8 Sun 09 AM 26.6 23.4 20.3 Falling && LAT...LON 3329 9261 3344 9280 3363 9289 3367 9275 3350 9264 3338 9247 $$ ARC011-013-139-180707- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.190213T0130Z.190218T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1007 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 82.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 83.0 feet by early Monday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 83.0 feet...Access to oil and gas rigs and to timber is flooded. Calhoun County Road 131 is completely under water leading to old Lock 8 river access. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Ouachita River Thatcher L 79 82.8 Sun 09 AM 83.0 83.0 82.8 83.0 12 AM 02/18 && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$ 69  150 WGUS83 KPAH 171607 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1007 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Big Muddy River near Plumfield and near Murphysboro .Flooding continues along the Big Muddy River near Plumfield and near Murphysboro. Water levels continue to fall slowly, and the river is forecast to fall below flood stage by the middle to end of next week at both locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC055-199-182006- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190220T2100Z/ /PLMI2.1.ER.190209T0103Z.190214T0830Z.190220T1500Z.NO/ 1007 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Plumfield. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 22.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Wednesday morning. && LAT...LON 3801 8901 3801 8895 3789 8898 3778 8915 3784 8915 3792 8906 $$ ILC077-182006- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190223T0000Z/ /MURI2.2.ER.190208T2000Z.190213T1215Z.190222T1800Z.NO/ 1007 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro. * until Friday evening. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 22.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday early afternoon. && LAT...LON 3777 8946 3784 8915 3778 8915 3773 8935 3760 8941 3760 8947 $$  214 WWUS41 KILN 171607 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1107 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 KYZ098>100-171715- /O.CAN.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ Robertson-Mason-Lewis- Including the cities of Mount Olivet, Maysville, Vanceburg, and Tollesboro 1107 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The mixed precipitation that affected the area earlier this morning has ended so the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled. Temperatures will continue to rise above freezing through early afternoon. Rain will be possible this afternoon. $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>044-180000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, and Bellefontaine 1107 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of an inch or less. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ050-058-059-OHZ045-046-051>053-060>062-180000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Wayne-Fayette IN-Union IN-Union OH-Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark- Preble-Montgomery-Greene- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, Eaton, Camden, Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia 1107 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Little snow accumulation expected. Ice accumulations less than a tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of East Central Indiana and Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ054>056-063-172100- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Madison-Franklin OH-Licking-Fayette OH- Including the cities of London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, Newark, and Washington Court House 1107 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Freezing rain may mix with a little snow or sleet early on. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths. * WHERE...Madison, Franklin OH, Licking and Fayette OH Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  608 WSCH31 SCCI 171608 SCCZ SIGMET 02 VALID 171608/172008 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S5600 W07900 - S6000 W07800 FL180/300 MOV E 20KT NC=  042 WGUS84 KLZK 171610 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 1010 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Cache River Near Patterson affecting Jackson and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC067-147-180710- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.3.ER.190208T1500Z.190222T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1010 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Cache River Near Patterson. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 11.5 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 12.3 feet by Friday morning. Additional rain is expected through the coming week, which could impact ongoing river flooding. Please stay updated with the latest forecast information. * Impacts at 12.5 feet...Major problems in Grubbs, Patterson, Dixie, and Amagon in Jackson and Woodruff counties. Woodruff County Road 775 flooded. State Highways 18, 37, 33, and 38 affected in various locations in Woodruff and Jackson counties. Many homes miles from the main river channel may need to be protected by ring levees. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Cache River Patterson 9 11.5 Sun 09 AM 11.4 11.6 11.8 12.3 06 AM 02/22 && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$ 69  081 WSRS34 RUAA 171609 ULWW SIGMET 2 VALID 171700/172100 ULWW- ULWW VOLOGDA FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL370 MOV SE 40KMH WKN=  832 WSBZ31 SBRE 171613 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2858 W04540 - S2633 W04335 - S222 2 W03811 - S2107 W03923 - S1849 W03742 - S1735 W03328 - S2455 W02213 - S2712 W02518 - S2535 W03125 - S3110 W03906 - S2858 W04540 TOP FL420 MOV NE 03KT NC=  809 WGUS83 KGRR 171613 FLSGRR Flood Statement National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 1113 AM EST SUN FEB 17 2019 MIC067-191830- /O.CON.KGRR.FA.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190219T1830Z/ /00000.0.IC.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Ionia MI- 1113 AM EST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 130 PM EST TUESDAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN IONIA COUNTY... At 1112 AM EST, flooding continues in downtown Portland as the ice jam remains in place. Rapid changes in the water level remain possible with little or no notice. Ice jams are notoriously unpredictable, and can cause water to rise and fall much faster than normal. Anyone along the Grand River in Portland should remain alert to changing conditions, and be prepared to evacuate to higher ground if necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 4291 8490 4284 8489 4282 8489 4280 8496 4282 8496 4285 8494 4290 8495 $$ MJS  134 WSBZ31 SBRE 171614 SBRE SIGMET 20 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04214 - S0018 W04115 - N0032 W 04001 - S0203 W03446 - S0654 W03409 - S1005 W03526 - S0948 W03721 - S0701 W03707 - S0413 W03936 - S0312 W04214 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  135 WSBZ31 SBRE 171614 SBRE SIGMET 21 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0808 W04549 - S0815 W04145 - S1138 W 04119 - S1526 W03744 - S1644 W03807 - S1820 W03901 - S1850 W03744 - S2102 W03923 - S2040 W03952 - S2043 W04039 - S2017 W04102 - S1940 W04230 - S1831 W04231 - S1659 W04147 - S1537 W04401 - S1317 W04540 - S1014 W04740 - S0847 W04644 - S0808 W04549 TOP FL420 STNR NC =  064 WABZ22 SBBS 171613 SBBS AIRMET 14 VALID 171610/171810 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 0100/0900M RA FCST WI S1837 W04329 - S2023 W04230 - S2037 W04500 - S1916 W04532 - S1837 W04329 STNR NC=  331 WGUS83 KLOT 171617 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 1017 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Advisory is cancelled for the Fox River... Fox River at Montgomery affecting Kane and Kendall Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. Additional information can be found at weather.gov/chicago. && ILC089-093-171647- /O.CAN.KLOT.FL.Y.0048.000000T0000Z-190221T0000Z/ /MNGI2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1017 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Advisory is cancelled for The Fox River at Montgomery, or from Red Gate Road in St. Charles downstream to Millington * At 915 AM Sunday the stage was 12.4 feet. * Action stage is 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river crested below flood stage. The river will remain nearly steady at 12.4 feet through Monday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins near river. && LAT...LON 4195 8838 4194 8827 4169 8826 4154 8860 4163 8860 4173 8838 $$ ACS  124 WGUS83 KLOT 171619 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 1019 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Illinois River at La Salle affecting Bureau...La Salle and Putnam Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && ILC011-099-155-180619- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190219T1800Z/ /LSLI2.1.SM.190205T0938Z.190209T0030Z.190219T1200Z.NO/ 1019 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at La Salle, or from Starved Rock Lock and Dam downstream to confluence with Big Bureau Creek. * until Tuesday afternoon. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 21.5 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Lower parking lot at Starved Rock State Park is inundated east of La Salle. && LAT...LON 4131 8940 4135 8933 4137 8898 4128 8899 4128 8929 $$ ACS  309 WWUS45 KRIW 171619 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 919 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Bitterly cold wind chills in Johnson County will continue today and this evening... .A reinforcing shot of arctic air driven by an arctic cold front will result in a combination of very cold air and enough wind to produce bitterly cold wind chills of 20 to 25 below zero through this evening. WYZ010-011-180700- /O.NEW.KRIW.WC.Y.0002.190217T1619Z-190218T0700Z/ Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County- Including the cities of Buffalo and Kaycee 919 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 20 to 25 below zero. At 9 am, the wind chill at both Indian Creek and Piney Creek was 26 below zero where the temperature was one below zero combined with wind speeds of 27 mph and 26 mph respectively. * WHERE...Northeast Johnson County and Southeast Johnson County. * WHEN...Until midnight MST tonight. However, there will be a break from the coldest wind chills between 11 am this morning and 6 pm this evening when the wind chills will range from 10 to 20 below in Northeast Johnson County to 5 to 10 below in Southeast Johnson County. Then wind chills will drop back to 20 to 25 below after 6 pm this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  566 WGUS83 KLSX 171620 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Kaskaskia River at Carlyle TW ...This Flood Warning is a result releases from Carlyle Dam... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC027-181619- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ /CRLI2.1.ER.190109T0815Z.190207T1445Z.190218T0600Z.UU/ 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Kaskaskia River at Carlyle TW * until late Monday night. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 424.1 feet. * Flood stage is 423.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 424.2 feet by this afternoon, then fall below flood stage after midnight tonight. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 Kaskaskia River Carlyle TW 423.5 424.15 423.4 422.6 422.5 422.4 422.4 && LAT...LON 3862 8936 3861 8933 3851 8937 3849 8942 3854 8942 $$  756 WGUS84 KLIX 171620 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC033-077-125-182219- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRLL1.2.ER.181215T2215Z.190305T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 52.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 57.0 feet by Tuesday March 05. The crest will last several days and then the river will begin falling. * Impact...At 54.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom land will be under water. Water approaches Angola farm land. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom farm land will be under water. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Access roads will be inundated and evacuation of all river islands must be complete. Protection of people and property in the river bottom land on the river side of the levees must be complete. * Impact...At 46.0 feet...River traffic will become dangerous. A levee crevasse would flood adjacent farm land. Significant flooding of Raccourci Island will continue and evacuation of the island is recommended. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Between the 40 and 45 foot stage flooding of Raccourci Island becomes significant. At the 45 foot stage evacuation of the island is recommended. && LAT...LON 3074 9137 3071 9159 3102 9170 3103 9153 $$ LAC033-121-182219- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTRL1.3.ER.190106T1052Z.190305T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 35.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 40.0 feet by Tuesday March 05. The crest will last several days and then the river will begin falling. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 36.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...River islands from Red River Landing downstream to Baton Rouge will be inundated. && LAT...LON 3035 9113 3032 9130 3071 9159 3074 9130 $$ LAC005-182219- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0018.190224T0000Z-190316T1700Z/ /DONL1.1.ER.190224T0000Z.190305T1800Z.190316T1100Z.NO/ 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until Saturday March 16. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 25.3 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Saturday February 23 and continue to rise to near 29.5 feet by Tuesday March 05. The crest will last a few days and then the river will begin falling. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$  560 WSPS21 NZKL 171619 NZZO SIGMET 4 VALID 171620/172020 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6340 W16650 - S5850 W16140 - S5840 W15640 - S6310 W16330 - S6340 W16650 FL120/240 MOV SE 10KT NC=  698 WGUS83 KLOT 171620 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Advisory is cancelled for the Illinois River... Illinois River at Ottawa affecting La Salle County The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. Additional information can be found at weather.gov/chicago. && ILC099-171650- /O.CAN.KLOT.FL.Y.0052.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ /OTWI2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1020 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Advisory is cancelled for The Illinois River at Ottawa, or from Heritage Harbor east of Ottawa downstream to Starved Rock Lock and Dam * At 930 AM Sunday the stage was 460.5 feet. * Action stage is 461.0 feet. * Flood stage is 463.0 feet. * Forecast...The river crested below flood stage. The river will continue to fall to 459.9 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4137 8898 4137 8879 4130 8879 4128 8899 $$ ACS  227 WSPS21 NZKL 171620 NZZO SIGMET 5 VALID 171621/171755 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 1 171355/171755=  657 WWUS43 KUNR 171622 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 922 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOWFALL CONTINUES THROUGH MUCH OF TODAY... .Snowfall will continue across much of the western and south central South Dakota plains today, gradually tapering off from west to east this afternoon. The highest snowfall totals from this storm system will be across northwest South Dakota, where there will be over a foot of accumulation in some areas. Areas of blowing snow will also cause travel problems this morning. SDZ001-012-171800- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Harding-Butte- Including the cities of Buffalo and Belle Fourche 922 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Harding and Butte. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ002-013-014-032-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Perkins-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach-Haakon- Including the cities of Lemmon, Bison, Faith, Dupree, and Philip 922 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The Northern Meade County Plains, Perkins, Ziebach and Haakon. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ031-171800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Pennington Co Plains- Including the city of Wall 922 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The Pennington County Plains. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ025-072-073-WYZ071-171800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Northern Foot Hills-Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills- Southern Meade Co Plains-Northeastern Crook- Including the cities of Spearfish, Sturgis, Union Center, and Colony 922 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and areas of blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Wyoming, Northeastern Crook County. In South Dakota, the Northern Foot Hills, the Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills and the Southern Meade County Plains. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ043-046-047-049-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 922 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 /1022 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Todd, Mellette, Jackson and Tripp. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  148 WGUS83 KILX 171624 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Illinois River at Henry affecting Marshall and Putnam Counties Illinois River at Peoria affecting Peoria...Tazewell and Woodford Counties Illinois River near Havana affecting Cass...Fulton and Mason Counties Illinois River at Beardstown affecting Brown...Cass...Morgan and Schuyler Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC123-155-180623- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ /HNYI2.2.ER.190208T1030Z.190210T0030Z.190219T0000Z.NO/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Henry. * Until late Monday night. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 23.6 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow evening. * Impact...At 23.0 feet...Water begins to affect the marina in Henry along with minor flooding of land adjacent to the river. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Henry 23 23.6 Sun 10 AM 23.2 22.8 22.4 && LAT...LON 4131 8939 4135 8929 4113 8929 4093 8941 4093 8952 4115 8939 $$ ILC143-179-203-180623- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190222T0600Z/ /PIAI2.1.ER.190210T0237Z.190213T0400Z.190222T0000Z.NO/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Peoria. * Until late Thursday night. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 19.6 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday evening. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Some flooding begins to bottomland not protected by levees. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Peoria 18 19.6 Sun 10 AM 19.5 19.1 18.7 && LAT...LON 4093 8952 4093 8941 4062 8957 4047 8980 4053 8988 4068 8965 $$ ILC017-057-125-180623- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAVI2.2.ER.190206T1406Z.190217T1545Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River near Havana. * Until further notice. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 18.7 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 19.5 feet...Access road to Anderson Lake north campground closed. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Havana 14 18.9 Sun 10 AM 18.7 18.7 18.6 && LAT...LON 4053 8988 4047 8980 4034 9002 4012 9017 4018 9023 4039 9010 $$ ILC009-017-137-169-180623- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BEAI2.2.ER.190205T1657Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Beardstown. * Until further notice. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 19.5 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.5 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Seepage problems begin in the South Beardstown Drainage and Levee District. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Beardstown 14 19.5 Sun 10 AM 19.5 19.4 19.3 && LAT...LON 4018 9023 4012 9017 4008 9037 3999 9046 3999 9058 4015 9043 $$ EJL  021 WGUS83 KDVN 171624 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 .Updated flood information for the Mississippi and Rock Rivers. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 48 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && ILC067-MOC045-180823- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GGYM7.2.IC.190205T0656Z.190213T2110Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was estimated to be around 17.1 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Recent activity, Ongoing ice action is producing river gauge malfunctions at that site. * Impact, At 17.0 feet, Water affects the road north of the grain elevator in Gregory Landing. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$ ILC073-161-195-180823- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190221T1800Z/ /JOSI2.2.IC.190201T0900Z.190209T0830Z.190221T0000Z.NO/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until Wednesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Rock River near Joslin. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 9:45 AM Sunday the stage was 13.1 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * Impact, At 13.0 feet, Flooding of unprotected agricultural land occurs. Water also affects Lundeens Landing Campground. && LAT...LON 4152 9032 4169 9002 4163 8999 4148 9027 $$ ILC073-161-180823- /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190220T0600Z/ /MLII2.3.IC.190204T0700Z.190208T0700Z.190219T1200Z.NR/ 1024 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Tuesday morning... The Flood Warning continues for The Rock River at Moline. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 12.5 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage Tuesday morning. * Impact, At 12.5 feet, Water affects some residences in the lower Friendship Farm area. 60th St is under water south of the Green Valley Sports Complex. 56th St along the north side of the river is under water. && LAT...LON 4148 9061 4152 9032 4148 9027 4144 9043 4145 9064 $$ 12  621 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 171310/171710 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0506 W06302 - S0524 W05916 - S0904 W05844 - S0840 W06252 - S0506 W06302 TOP FL470 MOV N 08KT INTSF=  622 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  623 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  624 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBRE SIGMET 21 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0808 W04549 - S0815 W04145 - S1138 W04119 - S1526W03744 - S1644 W03807 - S1820 W03901 - S1850 W03744 - S2102 W03923 - S2040 W03952 - S2043W04039 - S2017 W04102 - S1940 W04230 - S1831 W04231 - S1659 W04147 - S1537 W04401 - S1317W04540 - S1014 W04740 - S0847 W04644 - S0808 W04549 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  625 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBRE SIGMET 20 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04214 - S0018 W04115 - N0032 W04001 - S0203W03446 - S0654 W03409 - S1005 W03526 - S0948 W03721 - S0701 W03707 - S0413 W03936 - S0312W04214 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  626 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 171600/171800 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0006 W04953 - S0210W04219 - S0329 W04219 - S0138 W05032 - S0006 W04953 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  627 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 171520/171820 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2839 W04713 - S2732 W05431 - S2653 W05339 - S2628 W05342 - S2615 W05335 - S2535 W05359 - S2534 W05416 - S2542 W05425 - S2528 W05439 - S2405 W05417 - S2349 W05441 - S2357 W05524 - S2235 W05536 - S2247 W05013 - S2528 W04654 - S2839 W04713 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  628 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2858 W04540 - S2633 W04335 - S2222 W03811 - S2107W03923 - S1849 W03742 - S1735 W03328 - S2455 W02213 - S2712 W02518 - S2535 W03125 - S3110W03906 - S2858 W04540 TOP FL420 MOV NE 03KT NC=  629 WSBZ01 SBBR 171600 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 171600/172000 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S0529 W05920 - S0349W05554 - S0948 W04857 - S1030 W05057 - S1210 W05312 - S0907 W05844 - S0529 W05920 FL140/210 STNR INTSF=  789 WWUS43 KFSD 171626 WSWFSD URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 SDZ038-050-052-053-057>059-063-064-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Beadle-Gregory-Jerauld-Sanborn-Brule-Aurora-Davison-Charles Mix- Douglas- 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 1 inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central and southeast South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ098-NEZ013-014-SDZ039-040- 054>056-060>062-065>071-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lyon IA-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay IA-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Kingsbury-Brookings- Miner-Lake-Moody-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Hutchinson-Turner- Lincoln SD-Bon Homme-Yankton-Clay SD-Union- 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 1 inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast South Dakota, northeast Nebraska, northwest and west central Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-180030- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lincoln MN-Lyon MN-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  767 WGUS83 KPAH 171626 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Kentucky and Missouri... Ohio River at Owensboro...Newburgh Dam...Evansville...Mount Vernon ...J.T. Myers Dam...Golconda...Shawneetown...Smithland Dam... Paducah and Cairo .Minor to moderate flooding continues along the Lower Ohio River. The river is cresting at Owensboro, Newburgh Dam, and Evansville, while crests are expected early next week further downstream. At Smithland Dam, Paducah, and Cairo, the river will hold at the crest level for several days, perhaps close to a week. Additional heavy rain is forecast across much of the Tennessee River Valley next week. Depending on how much rain falls, adjustments to the forecast may be necessary, especially at Paducah and Cairo. Check back often for updates to the forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC147-KYC059-182026- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190222T0900Z/ /OWBK2.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190217T0948Z.190222T0300Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Owensboro. * until late Thursday night. * At 3:48 AM Sunday the stage was 44.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday before midnight. * Impact...At 44.0 Feet...Parts of Smothers Park may flood. && LAT...LON 3790 8721 3789 8712 3806 8681 3794 8682 3771 8710 3780 8728 $$ INC147-163-173-KYC059-101-182026- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190225T0630Z/ /NBGI3.1.ER.190209T0933Z.190216T2145Z.190225T0030Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Newburgh Dam. * until Monday February 25. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 47.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 38.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will hold near 47.3 feet through this afternoon then begin to fall slowly. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday February 24. * Impact...At 48.0 Feet...Water approaches part of IN 66 about 1 mile downstream from the lock and dam. && LAT...LON 3801 8745 3790 8721 3780 8728 3787 8745 $$ INC129-163-173-KYC059-101-182026- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190223T0600Z/ /EVVI3.1.ER.190213T1245Z.190217T1800Z.190223T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Evansville. * until late Friday night. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 44.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 42.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will hold near 44.4 feet through this evening then begin to fall slowly. The river will fall below flood stage Friday evening. * Impact...At 45.0 Feet...Many county roads are flooded and some are impassable. && LAT...LON 3796 8770 3802 8759 3801 8745 3787 8745 3780 8756 3781 8769 $$ INC129-163-KYC101-225-182026- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190226T1617Z/ /MTVI3.2.ER.190210T0546Z.190218T0000Z.190226T1017Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Mount Vernon. * until Tuesday February 26. * At 6:00 AM Sunday the stage was 46.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 35.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 46.1 feet by tomorrow morning. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday February 26. * Impact...At 45.0 Feet...Large portions of Point Township in Posey county are flooded. && LAT...LON 3792 8796 3798 8784 3796 8770 3781 8769 3780 8784 $$ INC129-KYC225-182026- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190227T0200Z/ /UNWK2.2.ER.190210T0900Z.190218T0600Z.190226T2000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam. * until Tuesday February 26. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 49.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.3 feet by after midnight tomorrow. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday February 26. * Impact...At 49.0 Feet...The top of the protection is reached at J.T. Myers Lock and Dam. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-182026- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SHNI2.2.ER.190209T1607Z.190219T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 47.8 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 48.5 feet by Tuesday morning then begin falling. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC069-151-KYC055-139-182026- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190227T0700Z/ /GOLI2.2.ER.190211T1622Z.190219T1200Z.190227T0100Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Golconda. * until Wednesday February 27. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 48.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.3 feet by early Wednesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday February 26. * Impact...At 49.0 Feet...Several families are evacuated in Hall Town. && LAT...LON 3757 8800 3746 8799 3735 8839 3727 8840 3728 8856 3746 8851 $$ ILC151-KYC139-182026- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SMLI2.1.ER.190212T0015Z.190218T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Smithland Dam * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 46.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 46.5 feet by tomorrow early afternoon then hold near that level for several day. && LAT...LON 3728 8856 3727 8840 3707 8837 3715 8852 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-182026- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PAHK2.2.ER.190210T2122Z.190219T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 47.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 47.5 feet by Tuesday early afternoon then hold near that level for several days. * Impact...At 47.0 Feet...Property damage begins on the the Illinois and Kentucky sides of the river. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-182026- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CIRI2.2.ER.190122T0830Z.190219T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 51.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 52.0 feet by Tuesday morning then hold near that level for several days. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$  011 WSPR31 SPIM 171624 SPIM SIGMET A5 VALID 171628/171630 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A4 VALID 171400/171630=  854 WSAN31 FNLU 171630 RRA FNAN SIGMET A1 VALID 171630/172030 FNLU - FNAN LUANDA FIR/UIR OCNL TS FCST AT 1600Z WI - S1244 E02321 - S0603 E02216 - S0603 E01354 - S1038 E01425 TOP FL480 MOV W NC=  648 WWUS45 KTFX 171628 WSWTFX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 928 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 MTZ009>014-044>051-054-172200- /O.CON.KTFX.WC.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Northern Rocky Mountain Front-Eastern Glacier-Hill-Cascade- Chouteau-Central and Southern Lewis and Clark-Toole-Liberty- Eastern Pondera-Blaine-Southern Rocky Mountain Front- Eastern Teton-Judith Basin-Fergus-Meagher- Including Logan Pass, Marias Pass, Browning, Heart Butte, Cut Bank, Havre, Rocky Boy, Rudyard, Great Falls, Cascade, Belt, Kings Hill Pass, Fort Benton, Carter, Big Sandy, Helena, Lincoln, MacDonald Pass, Rogers Pass, Shelby, Sunburst, Chester, Whitlash, Brady, Conrad, Chinook, Harlem, Hays, Bynum, Choteau, Augusta, Fairfield, Dutton, Raynesford, Stanford, Hobson, Lewistown, Winifred, Lewistown Divide, Grass Range, Martinsdale, and White Sulphur Springs 928 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills occurring. Wind chills as low as 35 below zero occurring. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and west central Montana. * WHEN...Until 5 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/greatfalls  501 WWCN13 CWTO 171629 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:29 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= FORT SEVERN =NEW= PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PROLONGED PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 45 ARE EXPECTED TONIGHT. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SOMEWHAT DURING THE DAY ON MONDAY BUT WILL LOWER AGAIN TO NEAR MINUS 45 MONDAY NIGHT. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. RISKS ARE GREATER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, OLDER ADULTS, PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES, PEOPLE WORKING OR EXERCISING OUTDOORS, AND THOSE WITHOUT PROPER SHELTER. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  916 WSPK31 OPLA 171630 OPLR SIGMET 004 VALID 171700/172100 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  680 ACUS01 KWNS 171632 SWODY1 SPC AC 171630 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1030 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Valid 171630Z - 181200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Isolated thunderstorms are expected over portions of the Southeast today. ...Tennessee Valley/Southeast States... Showers and occasional thunderstorms are expected today along an advancing cold front. Relatively warm mid-level temperatures and a displacement of the stronger lift to the north will result in poor lapse rates and minimal instability overall. While deep-layer/low-level shear will be strong, and semi-organized convection may evolve particularly across AL, severe potential is still expected to be considerably limited by the marginal thermodynamic environment. ...Northern/central California Coast... In relation to a south/southeastward-digging shortwave trough, some shallow convection is likely but updrafts reaching temperatures needed for lightning production will be sparse. Thus, lightning coverage is expected to be less than 10 percent. ..Guyer/Wendt.. 02/17/2019 $$  682 WUUS01 KWNS 171632 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1030 AM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 VALID TIME 171630Z - 181200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 34718920 35838685 36608615 36888546 37168459 36988321 36668194 36598170 36388086 36118066 35708084 35268145 35128231 34108359 32628493 31228702 30478884 30308943 30789096 31259179 32069215 32709153 34718920 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NE UOX 25 SSW BNA 30 SSE BWG 55 E BWG 30 WNW LOZ 40 SSE JKL 30 ENE TRI 40 ENE TRI 55 SSW PSK 40 W GSO 30 E HKY 30 W CLT 15 NNW GSP 20 NW AHN CSG 15 S GZH 15 ENE GPT 20 WSW GPT 40 SW MCB 30 ESE ESF 30 SSW MLU 30 ENE MLU 30 NE UOX.  338 WSPK31 OPLA 171630 OPLR SIGMET 04 VALID 171700/172100 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  181 WSTR31 UTAA 171632 UTAA SIGMET N1 VALID 171630/172030 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR MOD TURB AND ICE OBS AND FCST OVER UTAA FIR BTN FL030/FL200=  616 WGUS83 KLSX 171634 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 1034 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Illinois River at... Hardin La Grange LD Meredosia Valley City .This Flood Warning is a result of heavy rainfall over the past week... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC009-181634- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NLGI2.1.ER.190214T0240Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1034 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at La Grange LD * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 23.9 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 24.0 feet by this afternoon. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 Illinois River La Grange LD 23.0 23.90 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.7 23.5 && LAT...LON 3999 9058 3999 9046 3988 9051 3988 9063 $$ ILC137-149-181634- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MROI2.1.ER.190214T1700Z.190219T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1034 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Meredosia * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 17.6 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 17.8 feet by Tuesday early afternoon. * Impact: At 17.4 feet...Meredosia boat dock floods. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 Illinois River Meredosia 17.0 17.61 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.6 17.4 && LAT...LON 3988 9063 3988 9051 3977 9053 3977 9067 $$ ILC149-171-181634- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VALI2.1.RS.190211T1545Z.190217T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1034 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Valley City * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 15.7 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain near 15.7 feet through this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 Illinois River Valley City 14.0 15.67 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.6 15.5 && LAT...LON 3977 9067 3977 9053 3952 9052 3952 9064 $$ ILC013-061-083-181634- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190223T1200Z/ /HARI2.1.RS.190216T0125Z.190217T1530Z.190222T1200Z.NO/ 1034 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Hardin * until Saturday morning. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 25.1 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain steady near 25.1 feet for much of the week, then fall below flood stage Friday morning. && Fld Latest 6 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 Illinois River Hardin 25.0 25.08 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.0 25.0 && LAT...LON 3952 9064 3952 9052 3898 9048 3891 9054 3903 9062 $$  797 WACN25 CWAO 171634 CZUL AIRMET B1 VALID 171630/172030 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR MDT MTW FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N6009 W06515/90 N CYLU - /N5745 W06427/75 SE CYLU FL060/310 QS NC RMK GFACN34 GFACN36=  876 WACN05 CWAO 171634 CZUL AIRMET B1 VALID 171630/172030 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR MDT MTW FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE N6009 W06515 - N5745 W06427 FL060/310 QS NC=  048 WWUS81 KILN 171635 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1135 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ081-082-088-171900- Adams-Pike-Scioto- Including the cities of West Union, Peebles, Waverly, Piketon, Portsmouth, and Wheelersburg 1135 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A FEW SLICK SPOTS POSSIBLE EARLY THIS AFTERNOON... Light rain will be possible across the area this afternoon. With surface temperatures near freezing, a brief period of freezing rain may occur. This may result in a light glaze or a few hundredths of ice accumulation through early afternoon, mainly on elevated surfaces. Motorists should monitor the weather and road conditions if traveling early this afternoon. Be prepared for a few slick spots, especially if surfaces are untreated. $$  760 WWUS45 KGGW 171637 AAA WSWGGW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Glasgow MT 937 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 .Light accumulating snow to continue at times, mainly east of Phillips and Petroleum Counties. Intensity will gradually diminish later today. MTZ016-059-171745- /O.CAN.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Northern Phillips- 937 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Wind chill values are improving this morning and any additional snow accumulation will be light. $$ MTZ021-060-171745- /O.CAN.KGGW.WC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Petroleum-Southwest Phillips- 937 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Wind chill values are improving this morning. $$ MTZ017-023-025>027-180000- /O.CON.KGGW.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Central and Southern Valley-McCone-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux- Including the cities of Glasgow, Fort Peck, Hinsdale, Frazer, Circle, Glendive, Richey, Terry, and Wibaux 937 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Dawson, Wibaux, Prairie, McCone and Central and Southern Valley Counties. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on difficult travel conditions. Expect significant reductions in visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ018-020-022-024-061-062-180000- /O.CON.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Daniels-Western Roosevelt-Garfield-Richland-Northern Valley- Eastern Roosevelt- Including the cities of Scobey, Wolf Point, Poplar, Jordan, Sidney, Fairview, Opheim, and Culbertson 937 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Montana. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  394 WWCN15 CWUL 171636 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:36 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIRSUK AUPALUK TASIUJAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WILL CONTINUE INTO THE AFTERNOON. VISIBILITIES WILL THEN IMPROVE. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  853 WSER31 OMAA 171638 OMAE SIGMET 5 VALID 171637/171830 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF LINE N2350 E05220 - N2440 E05610 TOP FL300 MOV ENE 40KT NC=  481 WSMS31 WMKK 171638 WMFC SIGMET B02 VALID 171645/172045 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0141 E10212 - N0434 E10043 - N0517 E10230 - N0233 E10339 - N0141 E10212 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  332 WWCN10 CWUL 171636 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:36 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= MATAGAMI =NEW= WASKAGANISH =NEW= CHIBOUGAMAU =NEW= MANICOUAGAN RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. LOW TEMPERATURES COMBINED WITH WINDS WILL CAUSE EXTREME WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR -38 IN THESE AREAS OVERNIGHT TONIGHT. TEMPERATURES MAY BE EVEN LOWER ON MONDAY NIGHT. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  423 WSAN31 FNLU 171635 RRA FNAN SIGMET B1 VALID 171635/172035 FNLU - FNAN LUANDA FIR/UIR OCNL EMED TS FCST AT 1600Z WI - S1770 E02005 - S1619 E01987 - S1653 E02198 - S1720 E02268 TOP FL460 MOV W NC=  468 WWUS45 KFGZ 171639 WSWFGZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 939 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ004-007-008-015>018-038-180600- /O.CON.KFGZ.WS.W.0003.190217T1800Z-190219T0600Z/ Kaibab Plateau-Coconino Plateau-Yavapai County Mountains- Western Mogollon Rim-Eastern Mogollon Rim-White Mountains- Northern Gila County-Oak Creek and Sycamore Canyons- Including the cities of Jacob Lake, Fredonia, Valle, Prescott, Flagstaff, Happy Jack, Show Low, Greer, Payson, and Sedona 939 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Travel will be very difficult to impossible at times. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 8 inches, with localized amounts up to 17 inches over the highest mountain peaks, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Alpine, Doney Park, Flagstaff, Forest Lakes, Fredonia, Heber-Overgaard, Jacob Lake, Payson, Pine-Strawberry, Pinetop-Lakeside, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Sedona, Seligman, Show Low, Valle, Whiteriver and Williams. * WHEN...11 AM today to 11 PM Monday. Period of heaviest snow expected late this evening through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. Snow forecast from 11 AM Today to 11 PM Monday: Alpine 4 to 8 inches Doney Park 7 to 11 inches Flagstaff 9 to 13 inches Forest Lakes 10 to 16 inches Fredonia 1 to 3 inches Heber-Overgaard 4 to 8 inches Jacob Lake 6 to 10 inches Payson 7 to 11 inches Pine-Strawberry 9 to 15 inches Pinetop-Lkside 7 to 11 inches Prescott 5 to 9 inches Prescott Valley 4 to 8 inches Sedona 5 to 9 inches Seligman 4 to 6 inches Show Low 6 to 10 inches Valle 4 to 8 inches Whiteriver 5 to 9 inches Williams 9 to 13 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ005-009>011-039-180600- /O.EXT.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.190217T1800Z-190219T0600Z/ Marble and Glen Canyons- Northeast Plateaus and Mesas Hwy 264 Northward-Chinle Valley- Chuska Mountains and Defiance Plateau-Black Mesa Area- Including the cities of Page, Lees Ferry, Chinle, Kayenta, Window Rock, and Ganado 939 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches over the highest mountains, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Buffalo Pass, Chinle, Ganado, Kayenta, Page, Shonto and Window Rock. * WHEN...11 AM today to 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow forecast from 11 AM Today to 11 PM Monday: Buffalo Pass 7 to 11 inches Chinle 3 to 5 inches Ganado 4 to 6 inches Kayenta 4 to 6 inches Page 2 to 4 inches Shonto 5 to 9 inches Window Rock 4 to 8 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ006-037-180600- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.190217T1800Z-190219T0600Z/ Grand Canyon Country-Yavapai County Valleys and Basins- Including the cities of Grand Canyon Village and Camp Verde 939 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches, with localized amounts up to 13 inches near the Grand Canyon North Rim, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Camp Verde, Chino Valley, Congress, Cottonwood, Grand Canyon, North Rim and Paulden. * WHEN...11 AM today to 11 PM Monday. The period of heaviest snow is expected from late this evening through early Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow forecast from 11 AM Today to 11 PM Monday: Camp Verde 1 to 3 inches Chino Valley 4 to 6 inches Congress 0 to 1 inches Cottonwood 2 to 4 inches Grand Canyon 6 to 10 inches North Rim 9 to 13 inches Paulden 4 to 6 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ012>014-040-180600- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.190218T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Little Colorado River Valley in Coconino County- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County- Little Colorado River Valley in Apache County- Northeast Plateaus and Mesas South of Hwy 264- Including the cities of Winslow, Holbrook, Snowflake, St. Johns, Springerville, and Dilkon 939 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Areas near Dilkon, Eagar-Springerville, Holbrook, Kykotsmovi, Saint Johns, Snowflake-Taylor, Tuba City and Winslow. * WHEN...5 PM today to 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow forecast from 5 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Dilkon 3 to 5 inches Eagar-Sprgrvlle 2 to 4 inches Holbrook 2 to 4 inches Kykotsmovi 3 to 5 inches Saint Johns 2 to 4 inches Snowflake-Taylr 3 to 5 inches Tuba City 2 to 4 inches Winslow 2 to 4 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit: http://weather.gov/flagstaff For a more detailed table of forecast snow amounts for counties, reservations and roads go to: http://weather.gov/flagstaff/SnowTables  942 WWCN15 CWUL 171637 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:37 A.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIQSUALUJJUAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITIES IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OVER THIS COMMUNITY INTO TOMORROW MORNING. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  651 WSCH31 SCIP 171640 SCIZ SIGMET 05 VALID 171700/172100 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2100 W11200 - S2600 W10700 - S2400 W11300 - S2100 W11200 TOP FL400 MOV E NC=  410 WWCN02 CYTR 171640 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:40 AM MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WIND CHILL OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER IS NO LONGER EXPECTED TODAY AS THE TEMPERATURE HAS STARTED TO RISE. HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE ANOTHER WIND CHILL ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT AS SIMILAR CONDITIONS ARE FORECAST. END/JMC  942 WVIY32 LIIB 171642 LIRR SIGMET 1 VALID 171642/171842 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT ETNA PSN N3744 E01500 VA CLD OBS AT 1610Z MOV SSE 15KT INTSF FL080/150=  306 WWUS41 KBUF 171642 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NYZ019>021-180045- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0020.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Chautauqua-Cattaraugus-Allegany- Including the cities of Jamestown, Olean, and Wellsville 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and some freezing drizzle are expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The western Southern Tier. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow and freezing drizzle will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ001-002-010>012-085-180045- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0020.190217T2300Z-190218T1800Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Northern Erie-Genesee-Wyoming-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Buffalo, Batavia, Warsaw, Orchard Park, and Springville 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Some freezing drizzle is also possible later tonight into early Monday morning. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The Niagara Frontier. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 1 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow and possible freezing drizzle will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ003>005-013-014-180045- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0020.190217T2300Z-190218T2100Z/ Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Livingston-Ontario- Including the cities of Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Geneseo, and Canandaigua 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Some freezing drizzle is also possible later tonight into early Monday morning. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The Genesee Valley and northern Finger Lakes. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow and possible freezing drizzle will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$  786 WHUS71 KBUF 171642 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 LOZ042-180045- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0021.190217T1800Z-190218T2100Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northeast 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 18 to 33 knots and/or waves averaging 4 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LOZ043-180045- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0021.190218T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM EST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northeast 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 18 to 33 knots and/or waves averaging 4 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LOZ044-180045- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0021.190218T0300Z-190219T0000Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- 1142 AM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM EST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northeast 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 18 to 33 knots and/or waves averaging 4 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  974 WSBZ31 SBBS 171641 SBBS SIGMET 10 VALID 171645/172045 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1215 W05304 - S1256 W04559 - S1538 W04358 - S1659 W04141 - S2029 W04233 - S2035 W04406 - S2029 W04827 - S1523 W05134 - S1515 W05326 - S1437 W05338 - S1257 W05330 - S1215 W0 5304 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  345 WSPS21 NZKL 171621 NZZO SIGMET 6 VALID 171645/172045 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5950 W14940 - S6210 W15240 - S6330 W15950 - S5910 W15440 - S5950 W14940 5000FT/FL180 MOV SE 10KT NC=  491 WSPS21 NZKL 171622 NZZO SIGMET 7 VALID 171645/171801 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 2 171401/171801=  203 WSCI35 ZGGG 171639 ZGZU SIGMET 5 VALID 171710/172110 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2707 E11405 - N2701 E11403 - N2053 E11034 - N2254 E10618 - N2613 E10943 - N2903 E11036 - N2707 E11405 TOP FL400 MOV NE 50KMH NC=  791 WWUS43 KBIS 171646 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1046 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ033-041-044-171800- /O.CAN.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Stark-Hettinger-Adams- Including the cities of Dickinson, Mott, New England, and Hettinger 946 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Accumulating snowfall has ended across Stark, Hettinger, and Adams counties. Therefore, the Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled for these counties. $$ NDZ017-018-171800- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McKenzie-Dunn- Including the cities of Watford City, Killdeer, and Halliday 1046 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /946 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Accumulating snowfall has ended across McKenzie and Dunn counties. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled for these counties. $$ NDZ031-032-040-043-180000- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Slope-Bowman- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Marmarth, and Bowman 946 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Reduced visibilities are expected. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ TJK  113 WSAG31 SABE 171654 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 171654/171854 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1800Z WI S3737 W06818 - S3810 W06818 - S3837 W06928 - S3813 W07002 - S3737 W06818 TOP FL250 MOV SE 15KT INTSF=  893 WSAG31 SABE 171654 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 171654/171854 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1800Z WI S3737 W06818 - S3810 W06818 - S3837 W06928 - S3813 W07002 - S3737 W06818 TOP FL250 MOV SE 15KT INTSF=  654 WSPN01 KKCI 171650 SIGP0A KZAK PAZA SIGMET ALFA 1 VALID 171650/172050 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR ANCHORAGE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5815 W15100 - N5000 W14615 - N4215 W14745 - N4230 W15915 - N5345 W16400 - N5815 W15100. FL310/360. MOV ENE 25KT. INTSF.  297 WSUS32 KKCI 171655 SIGC MKCC WST 171655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171855-172255 FROM IGB-MEI-110S LCH-120ESE PSX-100SE PSX-80E BRO-BRO-CRP-30SSW ELD-IGB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  298 WSUS31 KKCI 171655 SIGE MKCE WST 171655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 1855Z KY 40E IIU ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL260. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 1855Z TN KY FROM 20SE LOZ-60SW LOZ LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 171855-172255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  299 WSUS33 KKCI 171655 SIGW MKCW WST 171655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171855-172255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  236 WSCN25 CWAO 171650 CZUL SIGMET D2 VALID 171650/172050 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N6433 W06441/90 S CYXP - /N6140 W06428/150 E CYHA - /N6008 W06758/60 E CYAS SFC/FL040 QS NC RMK GFACN34 GFACN33 GFACN36=  237 WSCN05 CWAO 171650 CZUL SIGMET D2 VALID 171650/172050 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE N6433 W06441 - N6140 W06428 - N6008 W06758 SFC/FL040 QS NC=  762 WHUS76 KEKA 171652 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 852 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ450-455-180100- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 852 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...N 10 to 20 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 10 feet at 12 seconds will continue to diminish through Monday. Steeper waves at 4 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will be found around and south of Cape Mendocino. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ470-475-180100- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190219T0500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 852 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...N 15 to 25 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 10 feet at 12 seconds will continue to diminish through Monday. Steeper waves at 3 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will build over the southern waters up to 8 feet on Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  987 WSPF22 NTAA 171652 NTTT SIGMET B5 VALID 171700/172100 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 W15700 - S1640 W14000 - S2000 W14000 - S2000 W14800 - S1610 W15700 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR INTSF=  503 WSPF24 NTAA 171655 NTTT SIGMET D2 VALID 171700/172100 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1700 W13500 - S2000 W12600 - S2900 W13700 - S2140 W13900 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR NC=  636 WSRS31 RUMA 171656 UUWV SIGMET 5 VALID 171700/172000 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N53 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  117 WSAU21 AMHF 171659 YMMM SIGMET D02 VALID 171800/172200 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4210 E14610 - S4140 E14730 - S4100 E14810 - S4140 E14920 - S4300 E14830 - S4240 E14730 - S4240 E14700 - S4340 E14810 - S4420 E14700 - S4300 E14530 SFC/8000FT STNR INTSF=  559 WSPF21 NTAA 171700 NTTT SIGMET A5 VALID 171700/172100 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2000 W12600 - S2230 W12100 - S3000 W12800 - S2900 W13700 FL130/220 STNR NC=  321 WSOM31 OOMS 171701 OOMM SIGMET A1 VALID 171700/172100 OOMS- OOMM MUSCAT FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2534 E05645 - N2501 E05730 - N2457 E05820 - N2320 E05713 - N2330 E05525 - N2538 E05613 - N2534 E05645 TOP FL380 MOV ENE NC=  800 WVIY32 LIIB 171704 LIRR SIGMET 2 VALID 171705/171905 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT ETNA PSN N3744 E01500=  576 WVIY32 LIIB 171706 LIRR SIGMET 3 VALID 171706/171842 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR CNL SIGMET 1 171642/171842 NC=  583 WHPQ40 PGUM 171704 CFWPQ COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 304 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 .OVERVIEW...LARGE TRADE-WIND SWELL...WIND WAVES AND A TROPICAL DISTURBANCE SOUTHEAST OF KOSRAE WILL MAINTAIN HAZARDOUS SURF ACROSS POHNPEI...KOSRAE AND THE MARSHALL ISLANDS THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS. $$ PMZ173-180500- POHNPEI- 304 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY IS NOW IN EFFECT FOR EAST FACING REEFS... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR NORTH FACING REEFS... HAZARDOUS SURF OF 8 TO 10 FEET ALONG NORTH FACING REEFS WILL BUILD TO BETWEEN 10 AND 12 FEET TODAY...ALSO BECOMING HAZARDOUS ALONG EAST FACING REEFS. SURF WILL CONTINUE TO BUILD...LIKELY REACHING ITS PEAK ON TUESDAY BETWEEN 12 AND 16 FEET. SURF WILL BEGIN TO SUBSIDE WEDNESDAY AND COULD FALL BELOW HAZARDOUS LEVELS BY FRIDAY. AVOID VENTURING OUT ALONG REEFS AND BEACHES...ESPECIALLY THOSE FACING NORTH AND EAST. LARGE BREAKING WAVES CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES. RIP CURRENTS WILL BE LIFE THREATENING. $$ PMZ174-180500- KOSRAE- 304 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR NORTH AND EAST FACING REEFS... HAZARDOUS SURF OF 11 TO 14 FEET WILL PERSIST ALONG NORTH AND EAST FACING REEFS THROUGH TUESDAY BEFORE GRADUALLY DECREASING DURING MIDWEEK. SURF COULD FALL BELOW HAZARDOUS LEVELS BY FRIDAY. AVOID VENTURING OUT ALONG REEFS AND BEACHES...ESPECIALLY THOSE FACING NORTH AND EAST. LARGE BREAKING WAVES CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES. RIP CURRENTS WILL BE LIFE THREATENING. $$ PMZ181-180500- MAJURO- 304 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR NORTH AND EAST FACING REEFS... HAZARDOUS SURF OF 11 TO 13 FEET ALONG NORTH AND EAST FACING REEFS WILL PEAK ON TUESDAY BETWEEN 12 AND 14 FEET. SURF WILL SUBSIDE AROUND MIDWEEK AND COULD FALL BELOW HAZARDOUS LEVELS FRIDAY. AVOID VENTURING OUT ALONG REEFS AND BEACHES...ESPECIALLY THOSE FACING NORTH AND EAST. LARGE BREAKING WAVES CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES. RIP CURRENTS WILL BE LIFE THREATENING. $$ AYDLETT  828 WWUS41 KCTP 171706 WSWCTP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service State College PA 1206 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 PAZ024>026-033>036-180515- /O.CON.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190217T1800Z-190218T1500Z/ Cambria-Blair-Huntingdon-Somerset-Bedford-Fulton-Franklin- Including the cities of Johnstown, Altoona, Huntingdon, Mount Union, Somerset, Bedford, McConnellsburg, and Chambersburg 1206 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of around an inch and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Monday. Mixed precipitation will begin this afternoon and gradually turn to mainly freezing rain. After midnight, the precipitation will be drizzle or freezing drizzle. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The ice will result in difficult travel conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ PAZ027-028-049>053-056>059-063>066-180515- /O.CON.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190218T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Mifflin-Juniata-Union-Snyder-Montour-Northumberland-Columbia- Perry-Dauphin-Schuylkill-Lebanon-Cumberland-Adams-York-Lancaster- Including the cities of Lewistown, Mifflintown, Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, Danville, Sunbury, Shamokin, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Newport, Harrisburg, Hershey, Pottsville, Lebanon, Carlisle, Gettysburg, York, and Lancaster 1206 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. Mixed precipitation will begin early this evening and gradually turn to a light freezing rain. After midnight, the precipitation will be drizzle or freezing drizzle. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ PAZ017>019-045-046-180515- /O.CON.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190217T2100Z-190218T1500Z/ Clearfield-Northern Centre-Southern Centre-Southern Clinton- Southern Lycoming- Including the cities of DuBois, Clearfield, Philipsburg, State College, Lock Haven, and Williamsport 1206 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Clearfield, Northern Centre, Southern Centre, Southern Clinton and Southern Lycoming Counties. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Monday. A wintry mix of snow and sleet will begin late today and turn to freezing drizzle after midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ PAZ004>006-010>012-037-041-042-180515- /O.CON.KCTP.WW.Y.0014.190217T2100Z-190218T1800Z/ Warren-McKean-Potter-Elk-Cameron-Northern Clinton-Tioga- Northern Lycoming-Sullivan- Including the cities of Warren, Bradford, Coudersport, St. Marys, Ridgway, Emporium, Renovo, Mansfield, Wellsboro, Trout Run, and Laporte 1206 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM EST Monday. Snow will begin late today. The heaviest snow will be before midnight. The snow will then mix with sleet and freezing drizzle. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorists to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway and traffic conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/ctp  520 WHUS76 KMTR 171706 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ570-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...North 25 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...11 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...9 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 14 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 12 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.190217T1800Z-190218T0200Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-180115- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 906 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  520 WWUS43 KDMX 171707 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 1107 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow to Continue for Much of the Day Today... .Snow band setting from portions of west central Iowa through north central to northeast Iowa will continue to progress east this afternoon. Within the snow band, moderate to briefly heavy at times snowfall rates can be expected. Additional snowfall amounts of 1 to 3 inches is possible along and north of Interstate 80. The highest additional snow amounts are forecast over northern Iowa by this evening. Several roads remain completely snow covered and extremely hazardous. IAZ057>059-070>072-081>083-180000- /O.CON.KDMX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Adams-Union-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Corning, Creston, and Osceola 1107 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light to briefly moderate snow is expected through the afternoon. An additional inch of new snow is possible by the evening. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. The precipitation is forecast to taper off this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick roads. There has been modest improvement, but many roads in the warned area are still reporting complete snow/ice cover. Some visibility restrictions are possible with the light snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-180000- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 1107 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Moderate to briefly heavy at times along and north of Interstate 80. An additional 1 to 3 inches of new snow is possible by this afternoon, with the higher amounts anticipated north of Highway 30. * WHERE...Much of Iowa. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST tonight. The snow is expected taper off this afternoon from south to north. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel is extremely difficult with very slick roads. Many roads in the advisory are completely covered with snow/ice. Some visibility restrictions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ092>095-171815- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Including the cities of Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, and Humeston 1107 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Light snow. An additional half inch of snow accumulation is possible before ending later this afternoon. * WHERE...Southwest Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Road conditions have improved late this morning but there are still several slick spots on the roads. The bulk of the activity has moved north and east from the area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines  052 WWUS74 KLIX 171710 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 1110 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense Fog Advisory has expired... LAZ069-070-MSZ080>082-171815- /O.EXP.KLIX.FG.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Hancock-Harrison-Jackson- Including the cities of Buras, Pointe A La Hache, Port Sulphur, Boothville, Venice, Empire, Myrtle Grove, Yscloskey, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, Diamondhead, Gulfport, Pascagoula, Ocean Springs, Moss Point, Gautier, and St. Martin 1110 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The areas of dense fog have dissipated. $$  230 WHUS74 KLIX 171712 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 1112 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Dense fog has dissipated across the advisory area, therefore the Dense Fog Advisory has been allowed to expire... GMZ532-534-536-538-552-555-171815- /O.EXP.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ Mississippi Sound-Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- 1112 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Latest satellite and surface observations indicate that dense fog has dissipated across the area. Therefore, the Dense Fog Advisory has been allowed to expire. $$  088 WSCG31 FCBB 171712 FCCC SIGMET A1 VALID 171715/172115 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1645Z W OF LINE S0048 E01437 - S0322 E01402 W OF LINE S0305 E01502 - S0357 E01448 TOP FL400 MOV W 10KT NC=  089 WWUS81 KILN 171712 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1212 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ066-073>075-080-KYZ089>100-OHZ064-065-070>074-077>082-088- 171930- Franklin IN-Ripley-Dearborn-Ohio-Switzerland-Carroll-Gallatin- Boone-Kenton-Campbell-Owen-Grant-Pendleton-Bracken-Robertson- Mason-Lewis-Pickaway-Fairfield-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Ross-Hocking- Hamilton-Clermont-Brown-Highland-Adams-Pike-Scioto- Including the cities of Brookville, Batesville, Milan, Versailles, Lawrenceburg, Aurora, Rising Sun, Vevay, Carrollton, Warsaw, Florence, Burlington, Oakbrook, Covington, Erlanger, Independence, Newport, Alexandria, Owenton, Williamstown, Crittenden, Dry Ridge, Falmouth, Butler, Augusta, Brooksville, Mount Olivet, Maysville, Vanceburg, Tollesboro, Circleville, Lancaster, Pickerington, Hamilton, Middletown, Fairfield, Oxford, Mason, Lebanon, Springboro, Wilmington, Blanchester, Chillicothe, Logan, Cincinnati, Milford, Georgetown, Mount Orab, Hillsboro, Greenfield, West Union, Peebles, Waverly, Piketon, Portsmouth, and Wheelersburg 1212 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A FEW SLICK SPOTS POSSIBLE EARLY THIS AFTERNOON... Light rain can be expected across the area this afternoon. With surface temperatures near freezing, a brief period of freezing rain may occur. This may result in a light glaze or a few hundredths of ice accumulation through early afternoon, mainly on elevated surfaces. Motorists should monitor the weather and road conditions if traveling early this afternoon. Be prepared for a few slick spots, especially if surfaces are untreated. $$  027 WAEG31 HECA 171700 HECC AIRMET 13 VALID 171800/172100 HECC- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 29 51 N AND 32 47 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  028 WAEG31 HECA 171700 HECC AIRMET 14 VALID 171800/172100 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST N OF 30 42 N AND E OF 25 11 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  352 WSRS32 RUAA 171712 UUYY SIGMET 5 VALID 171800/172100 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF N6400 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  819 WSGL31 BGSF 171712 BGGL SIGMET 1 VALID 171715/172115 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1715Z WI N6017 W04348 - N5927 W04420 - N6035 W04853 - N6115 W04803 - N6017 W04348 SFC/FL110 INTSF FCST AT 2115Z WI N6028 W04319 - N5939 W04355 - N6045 W04830 - N6151 W04933 - N6028 W04319=  683 WHUS76 KLOX 171715 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ670-180115- /O.EXP.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190217T1700Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... * Winds...Northwest winds 25 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 12 to 15 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occuring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ650-180115- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 10 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ676-180115- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 25 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 12 to 15 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occuring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ673-180115- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 25 to 30 kt with gusts to 40 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ655-180115- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands- 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 11 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ645-180115- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 915 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  936 WWUS41 KLWX 171716 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1216 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 VAZ025-026-036-503-504-507-508-WVZ505-506-180130- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0200Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Nelson-Western Highland-Eastern Highland- Northern Virginia Blue Ridge-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- Western Pendleton-Eastern Pendleton- 1216 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...The Central Shenandoah Valley, northern and central Blue Ridge, Highland County Virginia, and Pendleton County West Virginia. * WHEN...Through 9 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ501-502-VAZ027-029-WVZ050-055-501>504-180130- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T1800Z-190218T0600Z/ Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Shenandoah- Page-Hampshire-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral- Eastern Mineral- 1216 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Potomac Highlands and portions of the Northern Shenandoah Valley. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Monday morning. The steadiest wintry precipitation will be this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ003>006-503-505-507-VAZ028-030-031-505-WVZ051>053-180130- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.190217T2000Z-190218T0800Z/ Washington-Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore- Northwest Montgomery-Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford- Frederick VA-Warren-Clarke-Western Loudoun-Morgan-Berkeley- Jefferson- 1216 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet and snow. Total sleet and snow accumulations of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Northern and central Maryland, the eastern West Virginia panhandle, Northern Shenandoah Valley, and Loudoun County Virginia. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM EST Monday morning. The steadiest wintry precipitation will be this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$  050 WHUS76 KSEW 171718 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ133-180130- /O.CON.KSEW.GL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0800Z/ Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands- 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WIND AND WAVES...Northeast winds 25 to 35 knots. Seas building to 4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ110-180000- /O.CON.KSEW.RB.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Grays Harbor Bar- 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * COMBINED SEAS...9 or 10 feet. * FIRST EBB...245 pm this afternoon. Very strong ebb. * SECOND EBB....330 am Monday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ130-131-150-153-156-170-173-176-180000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...Southeast wind 10 to 20 knots. * SEAS...Wind waves 2 to 4 feet. West swell 9 or 10 feet at 12 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ132-180130- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190218T1400Z/ East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WIND AND WAVES...Northerly winds 15 to 25 knots with wind waves 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ134-180130- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190218T1400Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WIND AND WAVES...North to northwest wind 15 to 25 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-180130- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0026.190218T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 918 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST MONDAY... * WIND AND WAVES...North wind 15 to 25 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  251 WAEG31 HECA 171712 HECC AIRMET 15 VALID 171715/171915 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR ISOL TS OBS AND FCST OVER HEAX TOP ABV FL100 MOV E 30KMH NC=  999 WHUS72 KMHX 171722 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 1222 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GUSTY WINDS AND ROUGH SEAS TO DEVELOP EARLY MONDAY MORNING... .Gusty winds and increased seas will develop late tonight as a cold front nears the coast. The winds and elevated seas will persist into Tuesday afternoon. AMZ152-154-156-158-180930- /O.NEW.KMHX.SC.Y.0020.190218T1000Z-190219T1800Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 1222 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM MONDAY TO 1 PM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 5 AM Monday to 1 PM EST Tuesday. * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt becoming Northwest. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  580 WWUS46 KLOX 171723 WSWLOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 923 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ053-054-180200- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 923 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, with icy roadways and gusty winds are expected. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with local amounts up to 8 inches above 4000 feet and up to 2 inches down to 2500 feet through early Monday morning. Snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches along with icy road conditions are possible on the Grapevine through Monday morning. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions including during the evening commute. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some mountain roadways that could be affected include Highway 33 in Ventura County as well as Interstate 5 and Highway 14 in Los Angeles County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ052-180200- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Barbara County Mountains- Including the cities of San Marcos Pass, San Rafael Wilderness Area, and Dick Smith Wilderness Area 923 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers, icy roadways, and gusty winds will occur today and tonight. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with local amounts up to 8 inches above 4000 feet and up to 2 inches down to 2500 feet through early Monday morning. An occasional mixing of snow is possible across the San Marcos Pass today and tonight. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Santa Barbara County Mountains. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the evening commute. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ037-051-180200- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys- San Luis Obispo County Mountains- Including the cities of Paso Robles, Atascadero, and Black Mountain 923 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers and gusty winds are likely. Some roadways may ice over. Snow levels 2000 to 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches, mainly above 3000 feet through early Monday morning, with up to an inch for elevations from 2000 to 3000 feet in the Carrizo Plain. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph are forecast during the period. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected by light snow include Highway 58. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ038-180200- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Cuyama Valley- Including the city of Cuyama 923 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers and gusty winds are likely with potential for icy roadways. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, mainly above 3000 feet through early Monday morning with up to an inch on the valley floor possible. Northwest winds 15 to 30 mph are forecast during the period. * WHERE...Cuyama Valley. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Some roadways that could be affected include Highway 166 across the Cuyama Valley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ CAZ059-180200- /O.CON.KLOX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 923 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Light snow showers are likely in the foothills through this evening. There is a chance that it will snow all the way down to the valley floor. Snow levels will range between 2500 and 3000 feet, lowest in the morning and night. Snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches are likely in the foothills above 3000 feet, with a dusting of snow possible across portions of the valley floor. West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph will occur at times through this evening. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Portions of highways 14 and 138, mainly near the foothill communities, could be impacted by light snow and icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions from CalTrans are available by calling 1 800 4 2 7 7 6 2 3. && $$ Rorke/Sirard  985 WHUS71 KLWX 171723 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1223 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ530>543-180130- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0025.190218T1600Z-190218T2300Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 1223 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO 6 PM EST MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  312 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 171600/171800 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0006 W04953 - S0210W04219 - S0329 W04219 - S0138 W05032 - S0006 W04953 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  313 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 171520/171820 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2839 W04713 - S2732 W05431 - S2653 W05339 - S2628 W05342 - S2615 W05335 - S2535 W05359 - S2534 W05416 - S2542 W05425 - S2528 W05439 - S2405 W05417 - S2349 W05441 - S2357 W05524 - S2235 W05536 - S2247 W05013 - S2528 W04654 - S2839 W04713 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  314 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 171600/172000 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S0529 W05920 - S0349W05554 - S0948 W04857 - S1030 W05057 - S1210 W05312 - S0907 W05844 - S0529 W05920 FL140/210 STNR INTSF=  315 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBRE SIGMET 21 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0808 W04549 - S0815 W04145 - S1138 W04119 - S1526W03744 - S1644 W03807 - S1820 W03901 - S1850 W03744 - S2102 W03923 - S2040 W03952 - S2043W04039 - S2017 W04102 - S1940 W04230 - S1831 W04231 - S1659 W04147 - S1537 W04401 - S1317W04540 - S1014 W04740 - S0847 W04644 - S0808 W04549 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  316 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0404 W03536 - S0420 W03311 - S0512 W03255 - S0528W03404 - S0457 W03548 - S0404 W03536 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  317 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 171200/171800 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W03738 - S0150 W03608 - S0306 W03923 - S0314W04215 - S0156 W04148 - S0135 W03945 - S0052 W03738 TOP FL420 STNR INTSF=  318 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2858 W04540 - S2633 W04335 - S2222 W03811 - S2107W03923 - S1849 W03742 - S1735 W03328 - S2455 W02213 - S2712 W02518 - S2535 W03125 - S3110W03906 - S2858 W04540 TOP FL420 MOV NE 03KT NC=  319 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBRE SIGMET 20 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04214 - S0018 W04115 - N0032 W04001 - S0203W03446 - S0654 W03409 - S1005 W03526 - S0948 W03721 - S0701 W03707 - S0413 W03936 - S0312W04214 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  217 WWUS43 KMKX 171726 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1126 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOW CONTINUES... .Light to moderate snow will persist through much of the afternoon. Occasional bursts of moderate to heavy snow will be possible, which will briefly reduce visibilities to less than a half mile at times. Snow will become more focused across the lakeshore counties by late this evening, as one or more bands of lake effect snow take shape. These bands should eventually form into a single band, which will transition south along the lakeshore as winds become more northerly overnight. WIZ056-062>064-067>070-180130- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Lafayette-Green-Rock-Walworth- Including the cities of Baraboo, Reedsburg, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Barneveld, Madison, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Darlington, Shullsburg, Benton, Belmont, Argyle, Blanchardville, Monroe, Brodhead, Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Delavan, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, and East Troy 1126 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. The highest amounts will be over southwest Wisconsin and toward the Illinois border. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Monday. Periods of moderate snow expected through early afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, especially this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ052-059-060-065-066-071-072-180130- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Sheboygan-Washington-Ozaukee-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Oostburg, West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, Grafton, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Menomonee Falls, Muskego, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Greenfield, Franklin, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Racine, and Kenosha 1126 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 6 AM Sunday to 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  013 WWUS41 KILN 171728 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1228 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ066-073-074-OHZ064-065-070>072-074-172100- /O.EXA.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Franklin IN-Ripley-Dearborn-Pickaway-Fairfield-Butler-Warren- Clinton-Hocking- Including the cities of Brookville, Batesville, Milan, Versailles, Lawrenceburg, Aurora, Circleville, Lancaster, Pickerington, Hamilton, Middletown, Fairfield, Oxford, Mason, Lebanon, Springboro, Wilmington, Blanchester, and Logan 1228 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain continuing. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of Southeast Indiana and Central and Southwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>044-180000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, and Bellefontaine 1228 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of an inch or less. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ050-058-059-OHZ045-046-051>053-060>062-180000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Wayne-Fayette IN-Union IN-Union OH-Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark- Preble-Montgomery-Greene- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, Eaton, Camden, Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia 1228 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Little snow accumulation expected. Ice accumulations less than a tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of East Central Indiana and Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ054>056-063-172100- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Madison-Franklin OH-Licking-Fayette OH- Including the cities of London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, Newark, and Washington Court House 1228 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Freezing rain may mix with a little snow or sleet early on. Ice accumulations of a few hundredths. * WHERE...Madison, Franklin OH, Licking and Fayette OH Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  523 WVIY32 LIIB 171728 LIRR SIGMET 4 VALID 171729/171929 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT ETNA PSN N3744 E01500 VA CLD OBS AT 1721Z MOV SSW 20KT INTSF FL080/150=  539 WVIY32 LIIB 171730 LIRR SIGMET 5 VALID 171730/171905 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR CNL SIGMET 2 171705/171905 NC=  049 WUUS02 KWNS 171729 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1128 AM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 VALID TIME 181200Z - 191200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... ANY SEVERE ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 27199669 28009735 28599754 29439777 30669766 31169737 32219649 33699412 34059074 33688809 33138640 32368625 31768674 31028787 30098964 28879189 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 65 SE CRP 20 NNE CRP 15 NNE NIR 25 SE BAZ 25 N AUS TPL 15 NNW CRS 20 NNW TXK 40 NNE GLH 20 E CBM 35 SE BHM 10 ENE MGM 30 NE GZH 35 NE MOB 20 SSE ASD 65 SSE 7R4.  050 ACUS02 KWNS 171729 SWODY2 SPC AC 171728 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1128 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Valid 181200Z - 191200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms appear unlikely across the contiguous United States on Monday. ...Synopsis and Discussion... An upper trough/low will remain over the Great Basin on Monday as several shortwave troughs rotate around its center. One of these troughs should amplify while moving slowly eastward from the lower CO River Valley across northern Mexico and AZ/NM through the period. Downstream shortwave ridging should also build across parts of the Plains into the TN and OH Valleys. A surface cold front will move quickly off the East Coast early in the period, while stalling over the northern/central FL Peninsula later in the day. A strong mid-level inversion and only weak low-level forcing associated with the front will likely limit convective potential across FL through the period. Low-level moisture return above a shallow near-surface stable layer will likely occur across parts of central/east TX into the lower MS Valley late Monday ahead of the previously mentioned shortwave trough over the Southwest. Isentropic ascent associated with a 30-40 kt south-southeasterly low-level jet should encourage some convective development across this region late in the period (mainly after 19/06Z). A few thunderstorms may occur on the leading edge of the moisture return where low-level ascent is forecast to be strongest. Enhanced mid and upper-level southwesterly flow will support strong shear within the cloud-bearing layer. However, the elevated instability that will develop is forecast to remain generally weak, with MUCAPE less than 1000 J/kg. The potential for elevated thunderstorms capable of producing large hail currently appears too limited to include any severe probabilities. ...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: <2% - None Wind: <5% - None Hail: <5% - None ..Gleason.. 02/17/2019 $$  964 WSBZ31 SBRE 171726 SBRE SIGMET 22 VALID 171730/172020 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04212 - S0410 W04231 - S0810 W 04251 - S0812 W04144 - S0942 W04133 - S0837 W04025 - S0712 W04114 - S0342 W04056 - S0312 W04212 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  692 WSBO31 SLLP 171330 SLLF SIGMET 5 VALID 171730/171730 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR CNL SIGMET 4 VALID 171330/171730 SLLP=  985 WACN05 CWAO 171733 CZUL AIRMET B2 VALID 171730/172030 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL AIRMET B1 171630/172030=  986 WACN25 CWAO 171733 CZUL AIRMET B2 VALID 171730/172030 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL AIRMET B1 171630/172030 RMK GFACN34 GFACN36=  527 WSBW20 VGHS 171730 VGFR SIGMET 06 VALID 172000/172400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR ISOL EMBD TS FCBT N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV ESE NC=  410 WSPY31 SGFA 171730 SGFA SIGMET 01 VALID 171740/172040 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1700Z E OF LINE S2158 WO5758 - S2458 WO5759 - S2659 WO5523 FL240/340 STNR INTSF=  794 WSPY31 SGFA 171740 SGFA SIGMET 01 VALID 171740/172040 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1700Z E OF LINE S2158 WO5758 - S2458 WO5759 - S2659 WO5523 FL240/340 STNR INTSF=  280 WSGG31 UGTB 171737 UGGG SIGMET 1 VALID 171740/172140 UGTB- UGGG TBILISI FIR SEV TURB OBS WI N4155 E04355 - N4215 E04400 - N4145 E04520 - N4130 E04520 - N4155 E04355 FL030/100 STNR NC=  746 WSIR31 OIII 171737 OIIX SIGMET 4 VALID 171710/172030 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2519 E05834 - N2600 E05951 - N2604 E06113 - N2604 E06200 - N2536 E06314 - N2455 E06309 - N2451 E06221 - N2446 E06049 - N2458 E05946 - N2503 E05911 TOP FL290 MOV E NC=  380 WWUS76 KHNX 171740 NPWHNX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 940 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ098-099-180200- /O.NEW.KHNX.WI.Y.0014.190218T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Indian Wells Valley-Southeastern Kern County Desert- Including the cities of Ridgecrest, Rosamond, California City, Edwards AFB, and Mojave 940 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WIND ADVISORY IS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON UNTIL 3 AM PST TONIGHT... The National Weather Service in Hanford has issued a Wind Advisory, which is in effect from 4 PM PST this afternoon until 3 AM PST tonight. * WINDS...West to northwest 20 to 30 mph, with gusts up to 55 mph. * TIMING...From 4 PM PST this afternoon until 3 AM PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs may be blown down and a few power outages are possible. Highways affected include, but are not limited to Highway 14, U.S. 395, Highway 58 below Tehachapi Pass, including the city of Mojave, and Highway 178 below Walker Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that wind gusts of 35 to 57 mph are expected. Wind gusts this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ BS  098 WSIL31 BICC 171739 BIRD SIGMET A04 VALID 171800/172100 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6630 W02500 - N6500 W02500 - N6500 W02100 - N6630 W02100 - N6630 W02500 SFC/FL070 STNR WKN=  754 WWUS45 KBYZ 171741 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 1041 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 MTZ032-033-036-037-171845- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Custer-Fallon-Powder River-Carter- 1041 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Light snow showers will continue into the afternoon. Accumulations up to an inch will be possible with these showers. $$ MTZ030-031-058-171845- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Treasure-Northern Rosebud-Southern Rosebud- 1041 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Light snow showers will continue into the afternoon. Only minor accumulations are expected today. $$ MTZ028-029-042-171845- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WC.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190217T1900Z/ Southern Wheatland-Musselshell-Golden Valley- 1041 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures and wind chill values are gradually rising this morning. Therefore, the Wind Chill Advisory has been cancelled. $$ MTZ063-181745- /O.EXT.KBYZ.WC.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T1900Z/ Judith Gap- Including the locations of Judith Gap 1041 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 30 below zero expected. * WHERE...Judith Gap. * WHEN...Until noon MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you dress appropriately for the cold conditions. && $$  030 WSZA21 FAOR 171739 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 171800/172200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3538 E05342 - S3649 E05700 - S4210 E05700 - S4045 E05100 FL400/450=  031 WSZA21 FAOR 171740 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 171800/172200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2601 W01000 - S3136 E00138 - S3922 E01325 - S4435 E00758 - S3524 W00114 - S3114 W01000 TOP FL300=  032 WSZA21 FAOR 171741 FAJO SIGMET C02 VALID 171800/172200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2814 E03555 - S3000 E04000 - S3000 E05007 - S3503 E04941 - S3535 E04137 TOP FL450=  033 WSZA21 FAOR 171738 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 171800/172200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6319 W00146 - S6802 E01105 - S7124 E00203 - S7027 W01000 - S6536 W01000 FL330/350=  205 WSRS31 RURD 171743 URRV SIGMET 9 VALID 171800/172100 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04017 - N4430 E03858 - N4338 E04707 - N4126 E04808 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  206 WSBZ31 SBRE 171743 SBRE SIGMET 23 VALID 171745/172020 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0927 W04001 - S1317 W03842 - S1251 W 03756 - S0919 W03909 - S0927 W04001 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  553 WWUS43 KDVN 171744 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 1144 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Freezing Drizzle Through This Evening... .Periods of light to moderate snow will continue through much of today, then diminish this evening. Total accumulations of 3 to 7 inches are expected, with the higher amounts focusing near the Highway 30 and Highway 20 corridors in eastern Iowa and northwest Illinois. Lower accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected across northeast Missouri, far southeast Iowa and west central Illinois where freezing drizzle and a light glazing of ice is expected. Be prepared for snow covered and slick travel conditions through this evening. IAZ099-ILZ034-035-MOZ009-010-180000- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lee-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 1144 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow. Additional snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Illinois, Hancock and McDonough Counties. In Iowa, Lee County. In Missouri, Clark and Scotland Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ040-041-051>053-063>065-067-076>078-087>089-098-ILZ025-180145- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine- Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren- Henderson- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Muscatine, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, and Oquawka 1144 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ042-054-066-068-ILZ001-002-007-009-015>018-024-026-180145- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Dubuque-Jackson-Clinton-Scott-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Warren- Including the cities of Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Davenport, Bettendorf, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, and Monmouth 1144 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...light snow and patchy freezing drizzle. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Iowa and north central, northwest and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$  501 WSUS33 KKCI 171755 SIGW MKCW WST 171755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 171955-172355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  502 WSUS31 KKCI 171755 SIGE MKCE WST 171755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6E VALID UNTIL 1955Z OH KY FROM 30S CVG-50WSW HNN LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL260. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7E VALID UNTIL 1955Z VA TN KY FROM 50NW HMV-40SW LOZ LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 171955-172355 FROM HNN-PSK-30N SPA-40NW MGM-40SSW BNA-30N IIU-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  503 WSUS32 KKCI 171755 SIGC MKCC WST 171755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11C VALID UNTIL 1955Z LA 30ESE EIC ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 24055KT. TOPS TO FL280. OUTLOOK VALID 171955-172355 FROM 50SSW BNA-40WNW MGM-50WSW LSU-50ENE LFK-50SSW BNA WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  149 WWUS43 KOAX 171748 WSWOAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 1148 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ090-091-171900- /O.CAN.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Fremont-Page- Including the cities of Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, and Shenandoah 1148 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The bulk of the accumulating snow has pushed out of the area although there may still be some flurries or light snow this afternoon and evening. Caution if traveling with the winds 10 to 25 mph this afternoon creating some areas of blowing snow. The winter weather advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ IAZ043-055-056-069-079-080-NEZ011-012-015>018-031>034-043>045- 051>053-067-180000- /O.EXT.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Knox-Cedar- Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Madison-Stanton-Cuming-Burt-Colfax- Dodge-Washington-Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Cass- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, Decatur, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, and Plattsmouth 1148 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Some light snow and blowing snow in open areas. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch combined with northwest winds 10 to 25 mph. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Nebraska and southwest and west central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Zapotocny  813 WWUS43 KLBF 171749 WSWLBF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service North Platte NE 1149 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR PORTIONS OF NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA CONTINUES THIS AFTERNOON... NEZ006-007-010-029-180000- /O.EXT.KLBF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Keya Paha-Boyd-Holt-Wheeler- Including the cities of Springview, Spencer, Butte, Lynch, Oneill, Atkinson, Bartlett, and Ericson 1149 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Wheeler, Boyd, Holt and Keya Paha Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Call Nebraska 511 for the latest road information. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lbf  479 WWUS41 KCLE 171751 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1251 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A Wintry Mix of Precipitation Expected Today and Tonight Over Portions of Northern Ohio and Northwest Pennsylvania... .A weak low pressure system entering the Ohio Valley today will bring snow to the region today with an areal accumulation of one to three inches of snow expected. For portions of northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania, this snow will changeover to light freezing rain and sleet as a combination of warm air aloft intrudes northward this afternoon with at-or-below freezing temperatures remaining at the surface. This will allow for up to a tenth of an inch of ice to accrete in the advisory areas and light accumulation of sleet, in addition to the snowfall. This wintry mix will prompt slick road conditions, especially on untreated or elevated surfaces. OHZ010>014-018>023-027>033-036>038-047-089-180300- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lorain-Cuyahoga-Lake-Geauga-Ashtabula Inland-Seneca-Huron-Medina- Summit-Portage-Trumbull-Wyandot-Crawford-Richland-Ashland-Wayne- Stark-Mahoning-Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox-Ashtabula Lakeshore- Including the cities of Lorain, Cleveland, Mentor, Chardon, Jefferson, Tiffin, Norwalk, Medina, Akron, Ravenna, Warren, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, Canton, Youngstown, Marion, Mount Gilead, Millersburg, Mount Vernon, and Ashtabula 1251 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Snow accumulations of up to two inches, light sleet accumulation, and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ PAZ001>003-180300- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T2100Z-190218T0600Z/ Northern Erie-Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Erie, Edinboro, and Meadville 1251 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Snow accumulations of up to two inches, light sleet accumulation, and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Northern Erie, Crawford and Southern Erie counties. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  157 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBRE SIGMET 23 VALID 171745/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0927 W04001 - S1317 W03842 - S1251 W03756 - S0919 W03909 - S0927 W04001 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  158 WSBZ01 SBBR 171700 SBRE SIGMET 22 VALID 171730/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04212 - S0410 W04231 - S0810 W04251 - S0812 W04144 - S0942 W04133 - S0837 W04025 - S0712 W04114 - S0342 W04056 - S0312 W04212 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  426 WWUS43 KEAX 171754 WSWEAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 1154 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 MOZ003-005-006-015-016-024-025-032-033-040-046-171900- /O.CAN.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Worth-Harrison-Mercer-Grundy-Sullivan-Linn MO-Macon-Chariton- Randolph-Howard-Cooper- Including the cities of Grant City, Bethany, Princeton, Mercer, Trenton, Milan, Green City, Brookfield, Marceline, Macon, La Plata, Salisbury, Brunswick, Keytesville, Moberly, Fayette, Glasgow, New Franklin, and Boonville 1154 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Light snow and freezing drizzle has shifted east of the region as drier air moves in. While a few flurries are still possible this afternoon, accumulating precipitation is no longer expected. However, caution should still be used on ramps, bridges, and untreated roads. $$ MOZ007-008-017-180000- /O.EXT.KEAX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Putnam-Schuyler-Adair- Including the cities of Unionville, Lancaster, Queen City, Greentop, Downing, Glenwood, and Kirksville 1154 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow. Additional snow accumulations up to a few tenths of an inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Missouri. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  769 WWUS43 KBIS 171754 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1154 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ031-032-040-043-180000- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Slope-Bowman- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Marmarth, and Bowman 1054 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Light snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations between 1 to 2 inches expected. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Reduced visibilities are expected. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ TJK  338 WBCN07 CWVR 171700 PAM ROCKS WIND 35014 LANGARA; CLR 35 N07 1FT CHP LO W 1730 CLR -02/-09 GREEN; PC 15 NE35EG 7FT RUF BLWNG SPRY 1730 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -01/-07 TRIPLE; PC 15 NE20E 4FT MDT LO W 1730 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 00/-09 BONILLA; PC 15 N16E 3FT MDT LO NW 1730 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 -01/-07 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 1730 CLR -00/-08 MCINNES; CLR 15 NW10E 1FT CHP LO SW 1730 CLR -01/-05 IVORY; CLR 15 E03 RPLD LO SW 1730 CLR 01/-07 DRYAD; CLR 15 NE02 RPLD 1730 CLR 02/-07 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 NW06 2FT CHP 1730 CLR -00/-02 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 NE14 3FT MOD LO W 1740 CLD EST CLR 1/-2 PINE ISLAND; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO W 1740 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 2/-1 CAPE SCOTT; PC 15 NE15E 4FT MOD LO SW 1740 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 3/-2 QUATSINO; PC 15 NE13E 2FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST 18 FEW FEW ABV 25 3/0 NOOTKA; CLR 15 NE15E 2FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLR 03/-02 ESTEVAN; CLR 15 N07 1FT CHP LO SW 1023.0R LENNARD; PC 15 N03E 1FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 E05E 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW SCARLETT; PC 15 NW4E 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; PC 15 E2E RPLD CHATHAM; PC 15 NW20E 3FT MOD 1740 CLD EST 12 FEW FEW ABV 25 3/0 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 209/04/01/3003/M/ 3028 24MM= WLP SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 239/03/00/3003/M/ 3023 92MM= WEB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 224/00/00/3404/M/ 3028 -2-4MM= WQC SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 229/-01/-02/0000/M/ SOG 08 3024 48MM= WRU SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 227/02/-04/0212/M/ PK WND 0218 1645Z 3026 27MM= WFG SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 242/02/-03/3621+26/M/ PK WND 3527 1643Z 3020 41MM= WVF SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/04/03/3117/M/M PK WND 3121 1604Z M 27MM= WQS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 301/-01/-09/0407/M/ 1010 42MM= WEK SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 288/-01/-07/MM10/M/ PK WND MM27 1620Z 1008 38MM= WWL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 281/-01/-08/0503/M/ 1014 06MM= WME SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/-01/-10/0536+43/M/ PK WND 0449 1632Z M 35MM= WAS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 162/04/-02/3514/M/ PK WND 3519 1658Z 1024 89MM= WSB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 207/03/00/0801/M/ 2027 3-2MM= WGT SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 219/04/-01/3116/M/M PK WND 3118 1650Z 3024 80MM= WGB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 216/04/00/2517/M/ PK WND 2521 1602Z 3024 5-1MM= WEL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 219/04/00/3319/M/ PK WND 3322 1606Z 3026 0-1MM= WDR SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 209/04/01/3512+19/M/ PK WND 0021 1613Z 3030 23MM= WKA SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2907/M/M M MMMM=  491 WWUS43 KILX 171756 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1156 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Light Icing Today over Central Illinois... ILZ040>057-061-180000- /O.EXT.KILX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Schuyler-Mason-Logan-De Witt-Piatt-Champaign-Vermilion-Cass- Menard-Scott-Morgan-Sangamon-Christian-Macon-Moultrie-Douglas- Coles-Edgar-Shelby- Including the cities of Rushville, Havana, Lincoln, Clinton, Monticello, Champaign, Urbana, Danville, Beardstown, Petersburg, Winchester, Jacksonville, Springfield, Taylorville, Decatur, Sullivan, Tuscola, Charleston, Mattoon, Paris, and Shelbyville 1156 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Snow and light freezing rain and freezing drizzle at times giving ice accumulations of less than a tenth inch through this evening. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions to develop early this morning. Untreated roads will likely be slippery through noon today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ027>031-036>038-180000- /O.CON.KILX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Including the cities of Galesburg, Toulon, Peoria, Lacon, Eureka, Canton, Pekin, Bloomington, and Normal 1156 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 3 inches of snow possible north of Interstate 74. A light glaze of ice from freezing drizzle also expected today. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions to develop early this morning. Untreated roads will likely remain slippery through sunset today with temperatures staying below freezing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$  815 WWUS43 KLSX 171756 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Saint Louis MO 1156 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 MOZ034>036-041-042-047>051-059-060-171900- /O.EXP.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Audrain MO-Boone MO-Callaway MO-Cole MO-Gasconade MO-Moniteau MO- Monroe MO-Montgomery MO-Osage MO-Pike MO-Ralls MO-Warren MO- Including the cities of Bowling Green, Columbia, Fulton, Jefferson City, and Mexico 1156 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON CST TODAY... Wintry precipitation has tapered off to patchy drizzle or flurries...or ended entirely. Therefore the Winter Weather Advisory will expire as scheduled at Noon. $$ ILZ095>097-MOZ018-019-026-027-180000- /O.EXT.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Marion MO-Pike IL-Shelby MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Mount Sterling, Pittsfield, and Quincy 1156 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of less inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Missouri and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory is issued for a variety of winter weather conditions, such as snow, blowing snow, sleet, or freezing drizzle and rain. It only takes a small amount of wintry precipitation to make roads, bridges, sidewalks, and parking lots icy and dangerous. It is often difficult to tell when ice begins to form, so do not be caught off guard. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at traveler.modot.org/map/ or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ Carney  846 WWUS41 KRLX 171756 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 1256 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 WVZ516-518-520-171900- /O.EXP.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Southeast Raleigh-Southeast Fayette-Southeast Nicholas- Including the cities of Beckley, Meadow Bridge, and Richwood 1256 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... Temperatures have climbed above freezing across the area. $$ WVZ522>524-526-180000- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Snowshoe, Marlinton, and Harman 1256 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Periods of freezing rain and sleet, changing to rain by evening. Total sleet accumulations of up to two tenths of an inch, with ice accumulations of one to two tenths of an inch expected. * WHERE...Southeast Webster, Northwest Pocahontas, Southeast Pocahontas, and Southeast Randolph Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 7 PM EST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  740 WVIY32 LIIB 171758 LIRR SIGMET 6 VALID 171759/180000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT ETNA PSN N3744 E01500 VA CLD OBS AT 1800Z WI N3704 E01425 - N3730 E01404 - N3745 E01500 - N3704 E01425 MOV SW 15KT SFC/FL120 NC FCST AT 0000Z WI N3634 E01325 - N3700 E01300 - N3740 E01349 - N3719 E01415 - N3634 E01325=  685 WVIY32 LIIB 171800 LIRR SIGMET 7 VALID 171800/171929 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR CNL SIGMET 4 171729/171929 NC=  686 WAIY31 LIIB 171759 LIMM AIRMET 8 VALID 171800/172000 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 3500M BR OBS WI N4430 E01003 - N4451 E00828 - N4530 E00824 - N4558 E01030 - N4559 E01234 - N4537 E01300 - N4456 E01231 - N4418 E01242 - N4332 E01347 - N4340 E01120 - N4430 E01003 STNR INTSF=  727 WWUS43 KARX 171758 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1158 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow Continues...Slippery Travel Along, South Of I-90... .Snow will continue through the afternoon, diminishing and ending this evening. The light, fluffy snow accumulates quickly, with an additional 1 to 3 inches anticipated. The higher amounts are expected to fall over far northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin. State DOTs are reporting that roads are snow covered and slippery. Accidents have been reported. Travelers should be prepared for these slippery road conditions. Visibilities will also be reduced at times. Exercise caution and allow for plenty of time to reach your destination. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ041-042-053>055- 061-180200- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-La Crosse- Monroe-Vernon-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, La Crosse, Sparta, Tomah, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 1158 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Roads are snow covered and slippery. Exercise caution while traveling. Allow for extra time to reach your destinations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$  379 WSMS31 WMKK 171801 WBFC SIGMET B04 VALID 171815/171915 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0208 E11001 - N0251 E11102 - N0221 E11237 - N0128 E11153 - N0208 E11001 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  299 WWUS41 KRNK 171801 WSWRNK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 101 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Freezing Rain Still Expected For Some Locations Today... .An area of low pressure will move east through the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys today. A swath of precipitation will continue to progress across the area this afternoon with freezing rain still a possibility across the higher elevations for portions of the New River Valley, north into the Interstate 64 Corridor of West Virginia and Virginia. NCZ001-002-018-VAZ015-171915- /O.EXP.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Ashe-Alleghany NC-Watauga-Grayson- Including the cities of West Jefferson, Sparta, Boone, Independence, Whitetop, Troutdale, and Volney 101 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... With temperatures rising above freezing, any additional freezing rain will be minimal. The area immediately along the crest of the Blue Ridge may still see some light glazing through the mid- afternoon. $$ VAZ010>014-016-017-022-WVZ043-044-507-508-172000- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2000Z/ Bland-Giles-Wythe-Pulaski-Montgomery-Carroll-Floyd-Roanoke- Summers-Monroe-Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of Bland, Pearisburg, Wytheville, Radford, Pulaski, Blacksburg, Galax, Floyd, Roanoke, Salem, Hinton, Hix, Union, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs, Quinwood, Duo, and Rainelle 101 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of a light glaze expected, and up to one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Virginia and southeast West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ VAZ018>020-023-024-034-035-180000- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Craig-Alleghany VA-Bath-Botetourt-Rockbridge-Bedford-Amherst- Including the cities of New Castle, Clifton Forge, Covington, Hot Springs, Fincastle, Lexington, Buena Vista, and Amherst 101 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze, and an additional one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Virginia. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  118 WSPS21 NZKL 171802 NZZO SIGMET 8 VALID 171802/171804 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 3 171404/171804=  193 WAIS31 LLBD 171802 LLLL AIRMET 8 VALID 171802/172000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 7 171600/172000=  954 WWNZ40 NZKL 171803 GALE WARNING 153 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 171800UTC LOW 993HPA NEAR 27S 140W MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 15KT. IN A BELT 120 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 29S 142W 30S 139W 31S 136W: CLOCKWISE 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE AREA THEN MOVING SOUTHEAST 10KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 151.  955 WWNZ40 NZKL 171804 GALE WARNING 154 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 171800UTC IN A BELT 120 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 68S 174W 67S 179W 66S 179E: SOUTHEAST 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE AREA THEN MOVING NORTHWEST 5KT.  956 WWNZ40 NZKL 171805 CANCEL WARNING 152  819 WWUS46 KHNX 171806 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 1006 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ096-097-180000- /O.CON.KHNX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon- Tulare County Mountains- Including the cities of Camp Nelson, Giant Forest, Lodgepole, and Johnsondale 1006 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow...heavy at times. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 9 inches, bringing the storm total to 1 to 3 feet, with some areas getting as much as 4 feet. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon and Tulare County mountains. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on hazardous road conditions. Road closures and chain controls are likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, plenty of food, and a good deal of water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ095-180000- /O.EXT.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Kern County Mountains- Including the cities of Tehachapi and Lake Isabella 1006 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. * WHERE...Kern County mountains above 2000 feet. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on hazardous road conditions. Gusty winds may bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ093-094-180000- /O.CON.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Mariposa, Madera, and Fresno County Foothills- Tulare County Foothills- Including the cities of Oakhurst, Mariposa, Springville, and Three Rivers 1006 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow...heavy at times. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches above 1500 feet, with an inch or two of snow between 1000 and 1500 feet. * WHERE...Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, and Tulare County foothills. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on hazardous road conditions. Road closures and chain controls are likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ BS  251 WWUS43 KUNR 171807 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1107 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT SNOWFALL CONTINUES THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... .Light snow will continue across much of the western and south central South Dakota plains this afternoon, gradually tapering off from west to east late this afternoon into early this evening. The highest snowfall totals from this storm system will be across northwest South Dakota, where there will be over a foot of accumulation in some areas. Areas of blowing snow will also cause travel problems this afternoon. SDZ001-012-171915- /O.EXP.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Harding-Butte- Including the cities of Buffalo and Belle Fourche 1107 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Light snow will continue across far northwestern South Dakota this afternoon with little additional snow accumulation expected. Breezy winds will produce some areas of drifting snow this afternoon. $$ SDZ025-031-072-073-WYZ071-171915- /O.EXP.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190217T1800Z/ Northern Foot Hills-Pennington Co Plains- Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills-Southern Meade Co Plains- Northeastern Crook- Including the cities of Spearfish, Wall, Sturgis, Union Center, and Colony 1107 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Light snow will continue across northern and western South Dakota this afternoon with little additional snow accumulation expected. Breezy winds will produce some areas of drifting snow this afternoon. $$ SDZ002-013-014-032-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Perkins-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach-Haakon- Including the cities of Lemmon, Bison, Faith, Dupree, and Philip 1107 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Light snow and some blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...The Northern Meade County Plains, Perkins, Ziebach and Haakon. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ043-046-047-049-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 1107 AM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 /1207 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Light snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Todd, Mellette, Jackson and Tripp. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  958 WWPK20 OPKC 171813 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 1900 UTC DATED 17-02-2019 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : NO STROM WARNING. PART –II : NIL PART -III : FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND W/NW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 24N. SW/W'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF DRIZZLE IN NORTHERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN DRIZZLE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/NE'LY BECMG SW/NW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 24KT NORTH OF 24N. SE/SW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 24KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF LIGHT RAIN IN NORTHWESTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12ºN/55ºE, 12ºN/63ºE, 20°N/58°E, 20ºN/67ºE) WIND NW/NE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT NORTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 65E. SW/SE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 65E. NW/NE'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT SOUTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 63E. SW/SE'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT SOUTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 63E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND SE/S'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT WEST OF 50E. SE/SW'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT EAST OF 50E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 5 ARABIAN GULF (PREPARED BY QATAR METEOROLOGY DEPARTMENT ) WARNING : THUNDER RAIN TO THE SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA AND STRONG WIND WITH HIGH SEA IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT WITH MEAN SPEED REACHES 34KT OR MORE, AND SEA HEIGHT WILL RISE TO 12 FT OR MORE= PART 1 : THUNDERY RAIN TO THE SOUTH OF GULF SEA AT/FIRST STRONG WIND AND HIGH SEA LATER. PART II : HIGH PRESSURE OVER THE GULF SEA. PART III : FORECASTS. SUB AREA NO.I NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND NW'LY 18-25KT GUSTING 34KT AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY AT TIMES. VISIBILITY MODERATE. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD. SUB AREA NO.II SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND MAINLY NW'LY 18-28KT GUSTING 35KT AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY TO CLOUDY WITH SCATTERED RAIN,THUNDERY AT FIRST. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH AT SOME PLACES BY THE END OF PERIOD.  580 WSCH31 SCFA 171820 SCFZ SIGMET 01 VALID 171820/172220 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF LINE S1739 W06949 - S1938 W06909 - S2051 W06848 TOP FL330 STNR INTSF=  469 WGUS86 KMFR 171817 FLSMFR Flood Statement National Weather Service Medford, OR 1017 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The Flood Warning is canceled for the following rivers in Oregon... Coquille River at Coquille affecting Coos County... .The Coquille River at Coquille is no longer expected to reach flood stage. The river is expected to crest just below flood stage this afternoon and then gradually lower from there. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas or roads. The water may be too deep or there may be unseen damage to the roadway. For the latest river stages and forecasts, visit our web page at www.weather.gov/medford or listen to NOAA Weather Radio. && ORC011-171847- /O.CAN.KMFR.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T1020Z/ /COQO3.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1017 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning is canceled for the Coquille River at Coquille. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 20.8 feet. * Flood Stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest below Flood Stage at 20.8 feet late this afternoon. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...The Coquille River is at flood stage. Expect flooding of farmland and low-lying areas throughout the flood plain along the Coquille River. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 21.7 feet on Mar 15 2016. && LAT...LON 4316 12441 4323 12422 4310 12412 4307 12416 4312 12442 $$  221 WVRA31 RUPK 171821 UHPP SIGMET 5 VALID 171821/172320 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KARYMSKY PSN N5403 E15926 VA CLD OBS AT 1720Z WI N5403 E15928 - N5403 E16218 - N5328 E16035 - N5403 E15928 SFC/FL120 FCST AT 2320Z WI N5447 E16525 - N5430 E16520 - N5335 E16239 - N5335 E16031 - N5406 E15934 - N5401 E16146 - N5447 E16525=  379 WWCN15 CWUL 171820 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:20 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING ENDED FOR: KANGIRSUK AUPALUK TASIUJAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  468 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171748 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0444 W05556 - S0222 W05316 - S0805 W04544 - S1013 W04738 - S0941 W04758 - S1016 W05039 - S0444 W05556 TOP FL450 MOV NW 08KT INTSF=  469 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171748 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0115 W05127 - N0014 W05009 - S0110 W04133 - S0405 W04234 - S0525 W04524 - S0115 W05127 TO P FL450 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  063 WWPK31 OPMT 171800 OPBW AD WRNG 04 VALID 170930/171830 POOR VISIBILITY IS LIKELY TO OCCUR OVER BAHAWALPUR A/F DURING THE PERIOD (.) S/VISIBILITY MAY REDUCE TO 03KM OR LESS IN SMOKE HZ=  338 WABZ22 SBBS 171805 SBBS AIRMET 15 VALID 171810/172210 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR OVC CLD 1 00/0800FT FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S1503 W04826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W04955 STNR NC=  339 WABZ22 SBBS 171806 SBBS AIRMET 16 VALID 171810/172210 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 1 000/4000M RA BR FCST WI S1645 W04955 - S1503 W04826 - S1623 W04254 - S2010 W04 317 - S2030 W04405 - S2244 W04542 - S2324 W04537 - S2338 W04620 - S2306 W04731 - S2238 W04733 - S1645 W04955 STNR NC=  416 WSBZ31 SBCW 171810 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS O BS AT 1810Z WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W0501 0 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  996 WSBZ31 SBCW 171810 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS O BS AT 1810Z WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W0462 4 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  296 WSBZ31 SBCW 171810 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS O BS AT 1810Z WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W0394 8 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  520 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBRE SIGMET 20 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04214 - S0018 W04115 - N0032 W04001 - S0203W03446 - S0654 W03409 - S1005 W03526 - S0948 W03721 - S0701 W03707 - S0413 W03936 - S0312W04214 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  521 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0115 W05127 - N0014W05009 - S0110 W04133 - S0405 W04234 - S0525 W04524 - S0115 W05127 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  522 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0444 W05556 - S0222W05316 - S0805 W04544 - S1013 W04738 - S0941 W04758 - S1016 W05039 - S0444 W05556 TOP FL450 MOV NW08KT INTSF=  523 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 171600/172000 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S0529 W05920 - S0349W05554 - S0948 W04857 - S1030 W05057 - S1210 W05312 - S0907 W05844 - S0529 W05920 FL140/210 STNR INTSF=  708 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2858 W04540 - S2633 W04335 - S2222 W03811 - S2107W03923 - S1849 W03742 - S1735 W03328 - S2455 W02213 - S2712 W02518 - S2535 W03125 - S3110W03906 - S2858 W04540 TOP FL420 MOV NE 03KT NC=  709 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBRE SIGMET 23 VALID 171745/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0927 W04001 - S1317 W03842 - S1251 W03756 - S0919 W03909 - S0927 W04001 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  710 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBRE SIGMET 22 VALID 171730/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04212 - S0410 W04231 - S0810 W04251 - S0812 W04144 - S0942 W04133 - S0837 W04025 - S0712 W04114 - S0342 W04056 - S0312 W04212 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  711 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBRE SIGMET 21 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0808 W04549 - S0815 W04145 - S1138 W04119 - S1526W03744 - S1644 W03807 - S1820 W03901 - S1850 W03744 - S2102 W03923 - S2040 W03952 - S2043W04039 - S2017 W04102 - S1940 W04230 - S1831 W04231 - S1659 W04147 - S1537 W04401 - S1317W04540 - S1014 W04740 - S0847 W04644 - S0808 W04549 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  487 WSUS03 KKCI 171826 WS3W CHIW WS 171826 SIGMET WHISKEY 1 VALID UNTIL 172226 WI LM MI IL IN FROM 30NW MKG TO 30SW MBS TO 30NNW FWA TO 20SSE JOT TO 20NW BAE TO 30NW MKG OCNL SEV MXD/CLR ICGICIP BTN 030 AND 110. RPTD BY B739. CONDS CONTG BYD 2226Z. ....  246 WAUS43 KKCI 171826 AAA WA3Z CHIZ WA 171826 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 172100 . ...SEE SIGMET WHISKEY SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO IL FROM 50NNW ISN TO 40NNW MOT TO 80SW GFK TO 20ESE FAR TO 40SW PXV TO BUM TO 20WSW SLN TO 20NNW MCK TO 80W ANW TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET ICE...IN KY FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20NW LOZ TO CVG MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL SFC-110. CONDS ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET ICE...MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 20N SAW TO SSM TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO 20NW LOZ TO 40SW PXV TO 20ESE FAR TO 40ESE BRD TO 20N SAW MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET ICE...MO IL KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM 20NW LOZ TO HMV TO GQO TO 30NNW LGC TO 40SSE LFK TO 30NW CWK TO 40SSE SPS TO 30NNW TXK TO 30NNW LIT TO 60SSW PXV TO 20NW LOZ MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE MO IL KY TX AR TN LA MS AL BOUNDED BY HNN-HMV-GQO-20N LGC-30S VUZ-50SE MLU-20SW EIC-20SW LIT-70SSW PXV-60SSE CVG-HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 080-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-120 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 110 BOUNDED BY 30SSE FWA-CVG-HNN-50SE CVG- 40WNW IIU-PXV-30ENE STL-30WNW AXC-30SSE FWA MULT FRZLVL BLW 120 BOUNDED BY 30ENE STL-PXV-50ENE DYR-50SW ACT-30SE MAF-60SSE LBB-50NW ABI-40E AMA-40E MMB-20WNW OKC- 20ESE OSW-30ENE STL SFC ALG RZC-40ESE SGF-60SSE COU-50NNW PXV-40W HNN 040 ALG 20NNW ARG-30ENE PXV-40SW CVG-20S HNN 080 ALG 60ENE DYR-20NNE BWG-40NW LOZ-50E LOZ-30W HMV ....  020 WWUS81 KRNK 171826 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 126 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NCZ001-002-018-VAZ015-172000- Ashe-Alleghany NC-Watauga-Grayson- Including the cities of West Jefferson, Sparta, Boone, Independence, Whitetop, Troutdale, and Volney 126 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Very Light Accretion of Freezing Rain Possible Along the Crest of the Blue Ridge... Through the middle afternoon, there will still be some spots along the crest of the Blue Ridge where very light and patchy precipitation will fall as freezing rain. As earlier today, any ice accretion will be mostly on elevated surfaces. $$  701 WSRS31 RUSM 171828 UWWW SIGMET 1 VALID 171830/172200 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST E OF E04900 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  233 WSID20 WIII 171830 WIIZ SIGMET 17 VALID 171830/172130 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0126 E09305 - N0012 E09241 - N0025 E09200 - N0200 E09200 - N0126 E09305 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  356 WANO34 ENMI 171830 ENBD AIRMET C03 VALID 171900/172300 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E00605 - N6500 E01410 - N6340 E01215 - N6425 E00525 - N6500 E00605 3000FT/FL170 MOV NE 20KT WKN=  380 WSID20 WIII 171830 WIIZ SIGMET 18 VALID 171830/172130 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0245 E09822 - N0106 E09813 - N0149 E09531 - N0350 E09601 - N0245 E09822 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  018 WWUS84 KJAN 171832 SPSJAN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS 1232 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 MSZ038-039-045-046-171900- Kemper MS-Neshoba MS-Winston MS-Noxubee MS- 1232 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN NOXUBEE...NORTHERN KEMPER...SOUTHEASTERN WINSTON AND EASTERN NESHOBA COUNTIES UNTIL 100 PM CST... At 1232 PM CST, Meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm near Forestdale, or near Philadelphia, moving northeast at 55 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Forestdale around 1235 PM CST. Nanih Waiya around 1240 PM CST. Preston and Bluff Springs around 1245 PM CST. Gholson around 1255 PM CST. Other locations impacted by this storm include Shuqualak and Tucker. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... High winds can bring down trees and large limbs resulting in serious injury or property damage. Exercise extreme caution when outdoors during such strong winds...and be especially aware of older trees. && LAT...LON 3289 8835 3263 8906 3285 8914 3325 8834 3304 8833 TIME...MOT...LOC 1832Z 243DEG 47KT 3281 8902 $$ JM  682 WSER31 OMAA 171835 OMAE SIGMET 6 VALID 171834/172000 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF LINE N2400 E05320 - N2440 E05610 TOP FL300 MOV ENE 35KT WKN=  358 WOAU12 AMMC 171835 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1835UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 980 hPa near 49S137E. Forecast 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S146E at 181200UTC. Low [2] 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC. Forecast 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC, 980 hPa near 50S143E at 181200UTC, and 980 hPa near 50S148E at 181800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S131E 44S151E 50S153E 53S129E 43S131E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle until 181200UTC. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  359 WOAU02 AMMC 171835 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1835UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 980 hPa near 49S137E. Forecast 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S146E at 181200UTC. Low [2] 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC. Forecast 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC, 980 hPa near 50S143E at 181200UTC, and 980 hPa near 50S148E at 181800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S131E 44S151E 50S153E 53S129E 43S131E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle until 181200UTC. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  360 WOAU42 AMMC 171835 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1835UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with two low pressure systems. Low [1] 980 hPa near 49S137E. Forecast 979 hPa near 51S141E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 52S144E at 180600UTC, and 978 hPa near 52S146E at 181200UTC. Low [2] 975 hPa near 54S133E at 171800UTC. Forecast 976 hPa near 53S135E at 180000UTC, 978 hPa near 51S138E at 180600UTC, 980 hPa near 50S143E at 181200UTC, and 980 hPa near 50S148E at 181800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S131E 44S151E 50S153E 53S129E 43S131E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 420nm of low [1] in the northern semicircle until 181200UTC. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 300nm of low [2] in the northern semicircle. Very rough to high seas. Heavy swell.  560 WAIS31 LLBD 171832 LLLL AIRMET 9 VALID 171900/172300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3231 E03450 - N3230 E03535 - N2935 E03455 - N3120 E03415 FL060/120 NC=  915 WGUS84 KMEG 171835 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the L'anguille River...Mississippi River...North Fork Forked Deer River...Obion River...Right Hand Chute Little River...S.F. of the Forked Deer River...Saint Francis River... St Francis River Diversion Ditch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued this evening or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MOC143-155-TNC095-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190303T1200Z/ /TPTT1.1.ER.190213T0000Z.190219T1800Z.190302T1200Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tiptonville * until Saturday March 02. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 39.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 42.0 feet on Tuesday February 19. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Wednesday February 13 and will continue rising to near 42.0 feet by Tuesday February 19. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday March 02. * At 42.0 feet...In Tennessee, Pea Ridge Road is flooding. Lane to homestead northwest of Pea Ridge Road just by the river is flooding. Water begins to go over the Tennemo Levee. && LAT...LON 3650 8957 3650 8938 3623 8948 3623 8977 $$ ARC093-MOC155-TNC045-095-097-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190305T0712Z/ /CRTM7.1.ER.190211T0248Z.190220T1800Z.190304T0712Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Caruthersville * until Monday March 04. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 37.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 39.5 feet on Wednesday February 20. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Sunday February 10 and will continue rising to near 39.5 feet by Wednesday February 20. The river will fall below flood stage Monday March 04. * At 40.0 feet...In Tennessee, Highway 88 is flooded at many places. Backwater coming up the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers has flooded most unprotected land in Western Dyer County and the north bottom of Lauderdale County. Backwater has reached Miston, Finley, and Four Points. Backwater has mearly reached Lennox, Richmond Road, and Paw Paw Ridge. Parker Road in Lake County is flooded. In Arkansas, road to the grain terminal east Blytheville is flooded. Fields inside the levee are flooded in Pemiscott County, Missouri. && LAT...LON 3623 8977 3623 8948 3606 8950 3595 8948 3582 8956 3582 8985 $$ ARC093-TNC097-167-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190306T1800Z/ /OSGA4.3.ER.190211T1854Z.190221T1800Z.190305T1800Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Osceola * until Tuesday March 05. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 33.6 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring AND Major flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 36.0 feet on Thursday February 21. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Monday February 11 and will continue rising to near 36.0 feet by Thursday February 21. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday March 05. * At 36.0 feet...In Tennessee, farmstead sites around Keyes Point are flooding. All evacuation roads from Keyes Point and Golddust are flooded. Ashport and many home sites along Route 19 are flooding. Home sites south of Coker Slough are flooding. Home sites on the north side of Corona Lake are being covered. Home site on Brandywine Road is flooded. Coon Valley Road is going under water. In Arkansas, grain terminal sites at Osceola are being covered. All fields between Barfield Point and the Arkansas Levee are inundated. && LAT...LON 3582 8996 3582 8956 3560 8979 3539 8995 3539 9025 $$ ARC035-MSC033-TNC157-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0049.190219T0300Z-190304T0600Z/ /MEMT1.1.ER.190219T0300Z.190223T1200Z.190303T0600Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Memphis * from Monday February 18 until Sunday March 03. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 33.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 36.0 feet on Saturday February 23. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by Monday February 18 and continue to rise to near 36.0 feet by Saturday February 23.The river will fall below flood stage by Sunday March 03. * At 36.0 feet...In Tennessee, water is edging onto Fullen Dock Area. Roads on the north side of the Loosahatchie river near its mouth are beginning to flood. Riverside Park Marina begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3539 9025 3539 8995 3533 9005 3513 9004 3491 9008 3491 9041 $$ ARC077-MSC143-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190307T1030Z/ /TRPM6.2.ER.190213T0200Z.190223T1800Z.190306T1030Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tunica Riverpark * until Wednesday March 06. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 44.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 47.5 feet on Saturday February 23. * Flood stage is 41.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Tuesday February 12 and will continue rising to near 47.5 feet by Saturday February 23. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday March 06. * At 48.0 feet...Much of Bourbon Street is flooded. Grinner Drive is covered. East end of Nel-Win Camp is going under water. Lots along Tammy road are being covered. Garden Lane is flooding. Carp Drive is being overtoppped. && LAT...LON 3491 9062 3491 9022 3480 9034 3450 9051 3455 9059 3476 9074 $$ ARC077-107-MSC027-143-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0050.190225T1200Z-190302T0600Z/ /HEEA4.1.ER.190225T1200Z.190225T1200Z.190301T0600Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Helena * from Monday February 25 until Friday March 01. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 41.1 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 44.0 feet on Monday February 25. * Flood stage is 44.0 feet. * At 44.0 feet...In Arkansas, road to landing east of downtown Helena is flooded. In Mississippi, cabin areas east of Desoto Lake are flooding. Industries north of Friars Point, Mississippi are inundating. Cabin areas east of Desoto Lake are flooding. && LAT...LON 3455 9070 3455 9059 3450 9051 3412 9066 3413 9107 $$ ARC021-055-MOC069-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SFRA4.1.ER.190207T0746Z.190212T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Saint Francis River near Saint Francis * until further notice. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 22.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * At 23.0 feet...Most low land inside the levee system is flooded. && LAT...LON 3663 9014 3636 9000 3603 9028 3610 9038 3633 9018 3649 9021 $$ ARC031-181834- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0036.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LCRA4.2.ER.190211T1721Z.190213T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Saint Francis River at Lake City * until further notice. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 10.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * At 10.0 feet...Flooding is occurring in the swamps along the river. && LAT...LON 3610 9038 3603 9028 3588 9035 3566 9038 3566 9051 3582 9051 $$ ARC123-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0042.190217T1834Z-000000T0000Z/ /MSNA4.1.ER.190217T1600Z.190222T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the St Francis River Diversion Ditch at Madison * until further notice. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 32.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Sunday February 17 and will continue rising to near 33.5 feet by Friday February 22. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 33.0 feet...Flooding is occurring on most farmland bordering the river. && LAT...LON 3529 9071 3527 9060 3491 9062 3476 9074 3479 9081 3499 9075 $$ ARC093-111-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190220T2100Z/ /RIGA4.1.ER.190213T1130Z.190216T1000Z.190220T1500Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Right Hand Chute Little River at Rivervale * until Wednesday February 20. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 13.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * At 13.0 feet...Several thousand acres of unprotected crop land is flooded, and several roads inside the levee system are covered by flood water. && LAT...LON 3586 9014 3585 9012 3579 9012 3561 9039 3568 9038 $$ ARC077-123-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ /PLGA4.1.ER.190212T1700Z.190214T0100Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the L'anguille River at Palestine * until Monday February 18. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 25.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * At 25.0 feet...Flooding of large areas of agriculture land along the river is occurring. && LAT...LON 3515 9100 3515 9073 3500 9075 3479 9081 3491 9101 $$ TNC045-053-131-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190222T1400Z/ /OBNT1.1.ER.190210T1500Z.190215T1700Z.190222T0800Z.NR/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Obion River near Obion * until Friday February 22. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 37.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * At 37.0 feet...Flooding is occurring in Obion. Widespread flooding is occurring in Rives. Numerous secondary roads near the river are flooded. && LAT...LON 3628 8927 3633 8909 3633 8895 3620 8895 3614 8927 $$ TNC045-181834- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190220T0430Z/ /BOGT1.1.ER.190213T1945Z.190216T2300Z.190219T2230Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Obion River near Bogota * until Tuesday February 19. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 24.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * At 25.0 feet...Highway 103 near Miston is covered by flood waters. Water is flooding a few homes in Bogota on the east side of Highway 78. Water is covering some secondary roads near the Obion River. && LAT...LON 3621 8948 3628 8927 3611 8927 3615 8941 3611 8946 3611 8950 $$ TNC045-181834- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190220T0000Z/ /DYET1.1.ER.190211T1409Z.190213T1900Z.190219T1800Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the North Fork Forked Deer River at Dyersburg * until Tuesday February 19. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 23.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * At 24.0 feet...Flooding is beginning in south dyersburg. Several homes in southeast dyersburg are surrounded by water and flood waters begin to cause access problems. Residents in this area should take necessary precautions && LAT...LON 3606 8950 3606 8916 3594 8916 3597 8934 3601 8938 3595 8948 $$ TNC033-045-097-181834- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HLST1.1.ER.190207T2220Z.190212T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1235 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River near Halls * until further notice. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 11.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 11.6 feet on Sunday February 17. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 11.5 feet by Sunday February 17 then begin falling. * At 11.5 feet...Farmland near the river is flooded. && LAT...LON 3595 8948 3600 8940 3589 8932 3584 8940 $$  690 WGUS84 KMEG 171836 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1236 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued this evening or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC039-071-181835- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SAVT1.3.ER.190215T1018Z.190224T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1236 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River at Savannah * until further notice. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 372.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 370.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Friday February 15 and will continue rising to near 390.4 feet by Sunday February 24. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 390.0 feet...West end of Emerald Lane is flooding. && LAT...LON 3548 8836 3548 8805 3527 8805 3514 8823 3501 8823 3501 8838 $$ TNC039-135-181835- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0052.190221T0254Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRVT1.2.ER.190221T0254Z.190224T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1236 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tennessee River at Perryville * from Wednesday February 20 until further notice. * At 12 PM Sunday the stage was 361.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 365.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by Wednesday February 20 and continue to rise to near 373.8 feet by Sunday February 24. Additional rises are possible thereafter. * At 374.0 feet...In Decatur County, houses are flooding at Yarbro's Landing. && LAT...LON 3588 8822 3588 8785 3548 8787 3548 8824 $$  430 WOAU43 AMMC 171837 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1837UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 48S080E 49S117E 53S112E 60S080E 48S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 094E, extending east to 100E by 180000UTC and to 116E by 180600UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of line 47S087E 55S080E by 180000UTC and west of line 48S100E 57S095E by 181200UTC. Very rough seas. Heavy swell.  431 WOAU03 AMMC 171837 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1837UTC 17 February 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous westerly flow. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 48S080E 49S117E 53S112E 60S080E 48S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 094E, extending east to 100E by 180000UTC and to 116E by 180600UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of line 47S087E 55S080E by 180000UTC and west of line 48S100E 57S095E by 181200UTC. Very rough seas. Heavy swell.  871 WWUS43 KGRR 171840 WSWGRR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 140 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ050>052-056>059-064>067-071>074-180245- /O.CON.KGRR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T1300Z/ Muskegon-Montcalm-Gratiot-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry- Eaton-Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- Including the cities of Muskegon, Greenville, Alma, Grand Haven, Jenison, Grand Rapids, Ionia, St. Johns, Holland, Hastings, Charlotte, Lansing, South Haven, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, and Jackson 140 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Occasional snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches are forecasted. Bands of snow will continue to push through the region into this evening. The snow will taper off after midnight. Some of the snow has been heavy at times and that threat will continue. Local snowfall rates of an inch per hour are possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Michigan. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Whiteout conditions are possible in any heavier snow band into this evening. The slippery conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ weather.gov/grr  351 WSEG31 HECA 171839 HECC SIGMET 01 VALID 171800/172000 HECA- HECC CAIRO ACC FRQ TS OBS AT FCST OVER HEAX TOP ABV FL100 STNR NC=  803 WWUS83 KMQT 171840 SPSMQT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 140 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ005-172000- Marquette- Including the cities of Gwinn and Marquette 140 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BRIEF BURST OF HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW MOVING INTO MARQUETTE... A band of heavy lake effect snow on Lake Superior just offshore of Marquette will move into Marquette and Harvey around 2 PM. Expect a quick inch or two of fluffy snow and visibility lower than one- quarter mile as this heavy snow band moves through. Use caution by driving at appropriate speeds for conditions and by turning your headlights on so other drivers can see you. This initial band of heavy snow will move through by 3 PM, but light to moderate lake effect snow will continue the rest of the afternoon. $$ JLA  047 WAHW31 PHFO 171841 WA0HI HNLS WA 171845 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 172200 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU OVR AND NW THRU SLOPES. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 EXP DUE TO CLDS AND SHRA. COND CONT BYD 2200Z. =HNLT WA 171600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 172200 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND S THRU W OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND CONTG BEYOND 2200Z. =HNLZ WA 171600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 172200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...117 PHLI SLOPING TO 125 PHTO.  356 WWUS84 KJAN 171842 SPSJAN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS 1242 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 MSZ035-036-042-171915- Humphreys MS-Yazoo MS-Holmes MS- 1242 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN HOLMES...NORTH CENTRAL YAZOO AND SOUTHEASTERN HUMPHREYS COUNTIES UNTIL 115 PM CST... At 1242 PM CST, Meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles southeast of Midnight, or 9 miles southwest of Thornton, moving northeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Thornton around 1255 PM CST. Tolarville and Coxburg around 100 PM CST. Tchula, Howard and Brozville around 110 PM CST. Lexington around 115 PM CST. Other locations impacted by this storm include Eden and Silver City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... High winds can bring down trees and large limbs resulting in serious injury or property damage. Exercise extreme caution when outdoors during such strong winds...and be especially aware of older trees. && LAT...LON 3286 9048 3309 9057 3329 9010 3305 8996 TIME...MOT...LOC 1842Z 243DEG 36KT 3300 9045 $$ JM  169 WWCN11 CWVR 171846 ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:46 A.M. PST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING ENDED FOR: NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING KITIMAT NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING TERRACE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== ARCTIC OUTFLOW CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  530 WSUS32 KKCI 171855 SIGC MKCC WST 171855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12C VALID UNTIL 2055Z MS 30SSW SQS ISOL EMBD TS D30 MOV FROM 24065KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 172055-180055 FROM 50SSW BNA-40WNW MGM-50WSW LSU-50ENE LFK-50SSW BNA WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  531 WSUS31 KKCI 171855 SIGE MKCE WST 171855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8E VALID UNTIL 2055Z VA WV OH TN KY FROM 20SW HNN-20W PSK-40SSE BNA-30WSW BWG-20SW HNN AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25060KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 172055-180055 FROM HNN-PSK-30N SPA-40NW MGM-40SSW BNA-30N IIU-HNN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  532 WSUS33 KKCI 171855 SIGW MKCW WST 171855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 172055-180055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  577 WSAG31 SAVC 171855 SAVF SIGMET B2 VALID 171855/172255 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1855Z WI S4915 W07245 - S4629 W07134 - S4904 W06721 - S5057 W06937 - S4915 W07245 TOP FL130 STNR INTSF=  187 WSAG31 SAVC 171855 SAVF SIGMET B2 VALID 171855/172255 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1855Z WI S4915 W07245 - S4629 W07134 - S4904 W06721 - S5057 W06937 - S4915 W07245 TOP FL130 STNR INTSF=  848 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  849 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  927 WSBZ01 SBBR 171800 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  928 WSCG31 FCBB 171851 FCCC SIGMET B1 VALID 171900/172300 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1830Z E OF LINE N0143 E01655 - S0017 E01610 E OF LINE N0116 E01410 - S0020 E01400 TOP FL400 MOV W 10KT NC=  076 WSSR20 WSSS 171854 WSJC SIGMET 1 VALID 171905/172205 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS W OF LINE N00 E10457 - N0125 E10355 TOP FL520 MOV E 08KT NC=  311 WSSR20 WSSS 171854 WSJC SIGMET 1 VALID 171905/172205 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS W OF LINE N00 E10457 - N0125 E10355 TOP FL520 MOV E 08KT NC=  459 WAAK48 PAWU 171856 CCA WA8O ANCS WA 171854 COR AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB PANC-PAEN LN NW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 20Z VCY MTS OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RA BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE SWRN EXPOSURES/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG UPDT MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM S. . BRISTOL BAY AH UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/-RASN BR. DTRT. . BRISTOL BAY AH UPDT PAII-PATG LN NE MT OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SEGUAM IS W SPRDG E MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SPRDG E TO PAKO BY 21Z OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RASN BR. SPRDG E. IMPR FM W. . ADAK TO ATTU AK BULDIR IS E OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM SN/RASN BR. IMPR. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 171854 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 22Z COOK INLET S PAEN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 16Z PANC S ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC 16Z TO 19Z AK RANGE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD NE PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN FM SW. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 22Z NE PAWD-PAMD LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE N KODIAK ISLAND SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT SW PAMC-PAFK LN AREAS LLWS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG UPDT ALG CTS OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH UPDT OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH UPDT PAKN-PADL LN NE AREAS OF LLWS. WKN. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAAK SPRDG E TO PAKO SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 16Z W PAKO MOD TURB BLW 040. ISOL SEV TURB WI 020 AGL. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 22Z E SEGUAM OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E BULDIR IS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK 16Z TO 19Z TANAGA E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . =ANCZ WA 171854 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 172115 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD SW PAWR-PACV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL SFC INLAND TO 050 SE. NC. . KODIAK IS AE TIL 19Z PADQ NE OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-170. FZLVL 010 EXC 030 NE. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT SW PASV-PASL LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG UPDT TIL 00Z NE PABE-PASM LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH UPDT PAJZ-PADL LN NW OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL 045 EXC BLW 010 NW. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ PAAK W OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL BLW 010. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK TIL 19Z E AMCHITKA OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL AFT 19Z S PAPB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-170. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . FEB 2019 AAWU  801 WOCN11 CWTO 171850 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:50 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= CITY OF TORONTO =NEW= SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK =NEW= DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND =NEW= BRANTFORD - COUNTY OF BRANT =NEW= MISSISSAUGA - BRAMPTON =NEW= HALTON HILLS - MILTON NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL POSSIBLE. LOCALIZED POCKETS OF FLURRIES MAY AFFECT AREAS NEAR THE WEST END OF LAKE ONTARIO THIS AFTERNOON DUE TO INCREASING NORTHEAST WINDS. MORE WIDESPREAD SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH A PASSING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IS THEN EXPECTED TO MOVE INTO THE REGION EARLY THIS EVENING AND END LATER MONDAY MORNING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS ARE GENERALLY EXPECTED TO BE IN THE 5 TO 10 CM RANGE. HOWEVER, FOR AREAS STRETCHING FROM NEAR OAKVILLE TOWARDS HAMILTON AND GRIMSBY, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT AMOUNTS MAY APPROACH 15 CM. IN ADDITION TO THE SNOW, GUSTY NORTHEASTERLY WINDS WILL GENERATE LOCAL BLOWING SNOW ESPECIALLY CLOSER TO LAKE ONTARIO. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS AT TIMES TODAY AND ESPECIALLY TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  281 WARH31 LDZM 171855 LDZO AIRMET 1 VALID 171855/172200 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR FCST WI N4532 E01324 - N4325 E01614 - N4158 E01823 - N4126 E01817 - N4220 E01615 - N4405 E01337 - N4508 E01301 - N4532 E01324 STNR NC=  156 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171857 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S1503 W05339 - S1209 W05314 - S1041 W05601 - S1336 W05654 - S1503 W05339 TOP FL500 MOV E 15KT INTSF=  696 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171857 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S1335 W05704 - S0614 W05444 - S0359 W05727 - S0500 W06258 - S0823 W06156 - S1124 W06322 - S1335 W05704 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  084 WHUS72 KJAX 171900 MWWJAX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 200 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 AMZ450-181000- /O.NEW.KJAX.MF.Y.0005.190217T1900Z-190218T1400Z/ Coastal waters from Altamaha Sound to Fernandina Beach FL out 20 NM- 200 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EST Monday. * VISIBILITY...Less than one mile. * IMPACTS...The fog will create very dangerous conditions for navigating into and around nearshore waters and in the intracoastal waterway. Boaters and ships should be on the alert and plan their trip accordingly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to one mile or less. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  287 WHUS41 KOKX 171900 CFWOKX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service New York NY 200 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LOCALIZED MINOR COASTAL FLOODING POSSIBLE MONDAY MORNING... NJZ006-106-108-NYZ074-075-178-179-181500- /O.NEW.KOKX.CF.S.0004.190218T1000Z-190218T1500Z/ Hudson-Eastern Essex-Eastern Union-Richmond (Staten Island)- Kings (Brooklyn)-Southern Queens-Southern Nassau- 200 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 * LOCATIONS...Vulnerable coastal locales along Jamaica Bay, Great South Bay, and New York Harbor, including the Arthur Kill, Newark Bay, Kill Van Kull and tidally affected portions of the Hackensack and Passaic Rivers. * TIDAL DEPARTURE...1 1/2 to 2 ft above normal with localized values up to 2 1/2 ft. * COASTAL FLOOD IMPACTS...Brief minor flooding of the most vulnerable locations near the waterfront and shoreline during the times of high tide Monday morning. * TIMING...Morning high tide cycle. && $$ CTZ009-010-NYZ071-078-177-181700- /O.NEW.KOKX.CF.S.0004.190218T1300Z-190218T1700Z/ Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven-Southern Westchester- Northwestern Suffolk-Northern Nassau- 200 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 * LOCATIONS...Vulnerable coastal locales along Western Long Island Sound. * TIDAL DEPARTURE...1 to 1 1/2 ft above normal with localized values up to 2 ft. * COASTAL FLOOD IMPACTS...Brief minor flooding of the most vulnerable locations near the waterfront and shoreline during the times of high tide Monday morning. * TIMING...Morning high tide cycle. && $$  127 WSPA11 PHFO 171901 SIGPAX KZAK SIGMET XRAY 3 VALID 171905/172305 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N2730 W14950 - N2640 W14440 - N2240 W14440 - N1910 W14830 - N2730 W14950. CB TOPS TO FL340. STNR. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  212 WSNZ21 NZKL 171853 NZZC SIGMET 1 VALID 171901/172301 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4440 E16730 - S4520 E16840 - S4720 E16810 - S4720 E16720 - S4600 E16620 - S4440 E16730 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  255 WSMS31 WMKK 171900 WMFC SIGMET B03 VALID 171900/172300 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0258 E10320 - N0119 E10306 - N0141 E10212 - N0438 E09906 - N0532 E10037 - N0258 E10320 TOP FL520 MOV NNE INTSF=  743 WSMS31 WMKK 171904 WMFC SIGMET B04 VALID 171904/172045 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR CNL SIGMET 2 171645/172045=  419 WWUS86 KSGX 171905 AWWSAN CAC073-180700- Airport Weather Warning for San Diego International Airport National Weather Service San Diego CA 1105 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...An Airport Weather Warning has been issued for San Diego International Airport for wind gusts of 30 knots or greater from 2 PM to 11 PM PST. West winds with gusts around 30 knots, possibly as high as 35 knots, are expected between 2 PM and 11 PM PST, with the strongest winds likely late this afternoon and evening. $$ Rodriguez  210 WSCI35 ZJHK 171905 ZJSA SIGMET 1 VALID 171910/172310 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2000 E10923 - N1926 E11019 - N1804 E10844 - N1904 E10807 - N2000 E10923 TOP FL360 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  632 WSPA10 PHFO 171908 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 7 VALID 171910/172310 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N1030 E16720 - N0140 E17130 - N0050 E16910 - N0520 E16110 - N0940 E15910 - N1030 E16720. CB TOPS TO FL570. STNR. NC. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  790 WCFJ01 NFFN 171800 NFFF SIGMET VALID 07 VALID 171935/180135 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1648 E16400 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSW 03KT WKN=  064 WSMS31 WMKK 171904 CCA WMFC SIGMET B04 VALID 171904/172045 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR CNL SIGMET B02 171645/172045=  143 WSAG31 SABE 171918 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 171918/172118 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1918Z WI S3741 W06831 - S3807 W06823 - S3917 W07006 - S3836 W07039 - S3741 W06831 TOP FL300 MOV SE 15KT INTSF=  827 WSAG31 SABE 171918 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 171918/172118 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1918Z WI S3741 W06831 - S3807 W06823 - S3917 W07006 - S3836 W07039 - S3741 W06831 TOP FL300 MOV SE 15KT INTSF=  273 WCAU01 ABRF 171912 YBBB SIGMET A02 VALID 171935/180135 YBRF - YBBB BRISBANE FIR TC OMA PSN S1648 E16400 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSW 03KT WKN=  602 WSAG31 SAVC 171905 SAVF SIGMET C1 VALID 171905/172305 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1905Z WI S5700 W06700 - S5500 W04800 - S5700 W04600 - S6000 W05500 - S6000 W06700 - S5700 W06700 FL210/280 MOV E 15KT NC=  086 WCFJ01 NFFN 171800 NFFF SIGMET 07 VALID 171935/180135 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TC OMA PSN S1648 E16400 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL550 MOV SSW 03KT WKN=  326 WTPS01 NFFN 171800 STORM WARNING 101 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 171916 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 988HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.8 SOUTH 164.0 EAST AT 171800 UTC. POSITION FAIR. REPEAT POSITION 16.8S 164.0E AT 171800 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT 03 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 50 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 60 KNOTS BY 181800 UTC. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 17.9S 163.6E AT 180600 UTC AND NEAR 19.1S 163.0E AT 181800 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 100.  916 WSCI45 ZHHH 171916 ZHWH SIGMET 5 VALID 172025/180025 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL230/400 STNR NC=  198 WTPS01 NFFN 171800 STORM WARNING 101 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 171916 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 988HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.8 SOUTH 164.0 EAST AT 171800 UTC. POSITION FAIR. REPEAT POSITION 16.8S 164.0E at 171800 UTC. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT 03 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 50 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 60 KNOTS BY 181800 UTC. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 17.9S 163.6E AT 180600 UTC AND NEAR 19.1S 163.0E AT 181800 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 100.  283 WWUS84 KMRX 171917 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 217 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NCZ060-061-TNZ012>018-035>047-067>074-081>087-098>102-VAZ001-002- 005-006-008-181200- Cherokee-Clay-Scott TN-Campbell-Claiborne-Hancock-Hawkins- Sullivan-Johnson-Morgan-Anderson-Union-Grainger-Hamblen- Northwest Cocke-Cocke Smoky Mountains-Northwest Greene- Southeast Greene-Washington TN-Unicoi-Northwest Carter- Southeast Carter-Roane-Loudon-Knox-Jefferson-NW Blount- Blount Smoky Mountains-North Sevier-Sevier Smoky Mountains- Sequatchie-Bledsoe-Rhea-Meigs-McMinn-Northwest Monroe- Southeast Monroe-Marion-Hamilton-Bradley-West Polk-East Polk-Lee- Wise-Scott-Russell-Washington- Including the cities of Murphy, Hayesville, Oneida, La Follette, Tazewell, Sneedville, Rogersville, Kingsport, Bristol, Mountain City, Wartburg, Clinton, Oak Ridge, Maynardville, Rutledge, Morristown, Newport, Cosby, Greeneville, Cedar Creek, Johnson City, Erwin, Elizabethton, Roan Mountain, Kingston, Lenoir City, Knoxville, Dandridge, Maryville, Cades Cove, Sevierville, Gatlinburg, Dunlap, Pikeville, Dayton, Decatur, Athens, Madisonville, Coker Creek, Jasper, Chattanooga, Cleveland, Benton, Ducktown, Jonesville, Wise, Norton, Gate City, Lebanon, and Abingdon 217 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 /117 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...Heavy rains possible this evening through tonight... * What...Localized flash flooding a possibility. Forecast rainfall amounts are not excessive, however the ground is completely saturated from recent rains. Any further precipitation will go almost exclusively to runoff, and as such could produce localized flooding. This would include small stream flooding, flooded roadways, and low lying areas. * When...The heaviest rain will develop in southeast Tennessee and southwest North Carolina this evening. Further north across the northern Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee Valley, and into southwest Virginia, persistent light to moderate rainfall is expected mainly tonight. Rain comes to an end by daybreak Monday. * Where...The heaviest rains are expected to develop this evening into the overnight hours in far southeast Tennessee and southwest North Carolina. Further north and west, persistent light to moderate rainfall is expected to affect the northern Cumberland Plateau, northern Tennessee Valley, and into southwest Virginia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts and be prepared to take quick action if flooding is observed. Additionally, if you come to a closed or flooded road...turn around! Don't drown! $$  807 WWUS45 KPUB 171918 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 COZ072>075-079-080-180330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 18 inches below 10000 feet, with 1 to 2 feet above 10000 feet. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 and 11000 Feet, Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet and Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ068-180330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 20 inches, with local accumulations up to 2 feet. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ087-088-180330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches. * WHERE...Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet and Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ058-060-061-063>067-069>071-180330- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet- Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches expected across the higher terrain, with 3 to 6 inches across Upper Rio Grande Valley. * WHERE...Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet, Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet, Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet, Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet, Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet, La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet and Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ076>078-081-082-180330- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet- Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches, with locally higher amounts above 8500 feet, with 4 to 8 inches across the Wet Mountain Valley. * WHERE...Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet, Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet, Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet and Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083>086-089-093>099-180330- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet-Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- Crowley County-La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- Eastern Las Animas County-Western Kiowa County- Eastern Kiowa County-Las Animas Vicinity/Bent County- Lamar Vicinity/Prowers County-Springfield Vicinity/Baca County- 1218 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet, Crowley County, La Junta Vicinity/Otero County, Eastern Las Animas County, Western Kiowa County, Eastern Kiowa County, Las Animas Vicinity/Bent County, Lamar Vicinity/Prowers County and Springfield Vicinity/Baca County. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  596 WWUS41 KPBZ 171919 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 219 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 PAZ013-014-022-180330- /O.EXA.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Lawrence-Butler-Armstrong- Including the cities of New Castle, Ellwood City, Butler, Kittanning, and Ford City 219 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Ice accumulations of a light glaze and snow accumulation of up to one inch. * WHERE...Lawrence, Butler and Armstrong Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ OHZ039>041-048-049-057-058-172200- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Muskingum- Guernsey- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Dover, Carrollton, Malvern, East Liverpool, Salem, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cadiz, Zanesville, and Cambridge 219 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHEN...Until 5 PM EST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ MDZ001-PAZ007>009-015-016-023-074-076-WVZ514-180330- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Garrett-Mercer-Venango-Forest-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Indiana- Westmoreland Ridges-Fayette Ridges-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Mountain Lake Park, Oakland MD, Grantsville, Sharon, Hermitage, Grove City, Oil City, Franklin, Tionesta, Clarion, Punxsutawney, Brookville, Indiana, Ligonier, Donegal, Champion, Ohiopyle, Davis, Thomas, and Canaan Valley 219 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulation of a light glaze to a tenth of an inch. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches along and north of Interstate 80 expected. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$  086 WWUS43 KBIS 171921 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 121 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ031-032-040-043-180000- /O.CON.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Slope-Bowman- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Marmarth, and Bowman 1221 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Light snow ongoing. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Billings, Stark, Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. Reduced visibilities are expected. Do not use cruise control on snow covered or icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ TJK  969 WWUS43 KMPX 171923 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 123 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW SLOWLY TAPERING OFF THROUGH THIS EVENING ACROSS SOUTHWESTERN AND SOUTHERN MINNESOTA EVENING... .Snow across southern Minnesota will slowly taper off through this evening for southwestern and southern Minnesota. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches can be expected along and south of a line from Appleton to Redwood Falls to New Ulm to Owatonna. A Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until 9pm for counties along the Minnesota River and midnight for the I-90 corridor. MNZ054-064-073>075-180300- /O.EXT.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lac Qui Parle-Yellow Medicine-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet- Including the cities of Madison, Granite Falls, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, and St Peter 123 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch with total accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Lac Qui Parle, Brown, Nicollet, Redwood and Yellow Medicine Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Minnesota can be found at 511mn.org and for Wisconsin at 511wi.gov, or by calling 5 1 1 in either state. && $$ MNZ082>085-091>093-180330- /O.CON.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 123 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches with storm total accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of south central Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Minnesota can be found at 511mn.org and for Wisconsin at 511wi.gov, or by calling 5 1 1 in either state. && $$  154 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1335 W05704 - S0614 W05444 - S0359 W05727 - S0500 W06258 - S0823 W06156 - S1124 W06322 - S1335 W05704 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  155 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBRE SIGMET 20 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04214 - S0018 W04115 - N0032 W04001 - S0203W03446 - S0654 W03409 - S1005 W03526 - S0948 W03721 - S0701 W03707 - S0413 W03936 - S0312W04214 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  156 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  157 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBRE SIGMET 23 VALID 171745/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0927 W04001 - S1317 W03842 - S1251 W03756 - S0919 W03909 - S0927 W04001 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  158 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBRE SIGMET 21 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0808 W04549 - S0815 W04145 - S1138 W04119 - S1526W03744 - S1644 W03807 - S1820 W03901 - S1850 W03744 - S2102 W03923 - S2040 W03952 - S2043W04039 - S2017 W04102 - S1940 W04230 - S1831 W04231 - S1659 W04147 - S1537 W04401 - S1317W04540 - S1014 W04740 - S0847 W04644 - S0808 W04549 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  159 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  160 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1503 W05339 - S1209 W05314 - S1041 W05601 - S1336 W05654 - S1503 W05339 TOP FL500 MOV E 15KT INTSF=  161 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0444 W05556 - S0222W05316 - S0805 W04544 - S1013 W04738 - S0941 W04758 - S1016 W05039 - S0444 W05556 TOP FL450 MOV NW08KT INTSF=  162 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 171600/172000 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S0529 W05920 - S0349W05554 - S0948 W04857 - S1030 W05057 - S1210 W05312 - S0907 W05844 - S0529 W05920 FL140/210 STNR INTSF=  163 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 171620/172020 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2858 W04540 - S2633 W04335 - S2222 W03811 - S2107W03923 - S1849 W03742 - S1735 W03328 - S2455 W02213 - S2712 W02518 - S2535 W03125 - S3110W03906 - S2858 W04540 TOP FL420 MOV NE 03KT NC=  164 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBRE SIGMET 22 VALID 171730/172020 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0312 W04212 - S0410 W04231 - S0810 W04251 - S0812 W04144 - S0942 W04133 - S0837 W04025 - S0712 W04114 - S0342 W04056 - S0312 W04212 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  165 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0115 W05127 - N0014W05009 - S0110 W04133 - S0405 W04234 - S0525 W04524 - S0115 W05127 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  166 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  337 WSBZ31 SBAZ 171924 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 171925/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S1008 W05052 - S0612 W05438 - S1033 W05559 - S1200 W05316 - S1008 W05052 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  338 WSCO31 SKBO 171840 SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 171850/172150 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1826Z WI N0334 W07208 - N0250 W07205 - N0155 W07216 - N0213 W07038 - N0238 W07011 - N0250 W06931 - N0324 W06837 - N0409 W06859 - N0414 W06955 - N0417 W07044 - N0345 W07135 - N0334 W07208 TOP FL440 MOV NE 06KT INTSF=  324 WWCN16 CWHX 171929 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:59 P.M. NST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: NORTHERN PENINSULA EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG WESTERLY WINDS GUSTING TO 110 KM/H WILL DEVELOP IN THE CANADA BAY AREA OVERNIGHT. WINDS WILL DIMINISH MONDAY EVENING. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  423 WWUS43 KDDC 171931 WSWDDC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 131 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ043-061>063-074-075-084-085-180600- /O.NEW.KDDC.WW.Y.0009.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Scott-Hamilton-Kearny-Finney-Stanton-Grant-Morton-Stevens- Including the cities of Scott City, Scott State Lake, Syracuse, Lakin, Deerfield, Garden City, Johnson City, Ulysses, Elkhart, and Hugoton 131 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /1231 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT CST /11 PM MST/ TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Kansas. * WHEN...From midnight CST /11 PM MST/ tonight to 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  283 WVAG31 SAME 171935 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 171935/180135 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR VA ERUPTION MT PLACHON PETEROA PSN S3513 W07034 VA CLD OBS AT 1830Z BTN SFC/FL140 WI S3511 W07033 - S3550 W07014 - S3546 W07037 - S3512 W07035 - S3511 W07033 MOV SE 15KT VA CLD FCST AT 0030Z BTN SFC/140 WI S3512 W07035 - S3512 W07032 - S3604 W06946 - S3612 W07009 - S3512 W07035=  586 WWUS76 KSGX 171936 NPWSGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 1136 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY FOR THE LOWER DESERTS...COAST AND VALLEYS... .Breezy conditions will develop this afternoon as colder air overspreads Southern CA. The strongest winds will occur along the immediate coast in the late afternoon and evening and across the lower deserts. Winds will gradually weaken tonight. CAZ061-062-065-180600- /O.EXB.KSGX.WI.Y.0012.190218T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Coachella Valley-San Diego County Deserts- San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning- Including the cities of Indio, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Palm Desert Country, La Quinta, Coachella, Borrego Springs, Banning, and Desert Hot Springs 1136 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in San Diego has issued a Wind Advisory...which is in effect from 4 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PST Monday. * Winds...West to northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 to 45 mph. Winds may be gusty and erratic near the foothills. * Timing...Late this afternoon through tonight. * Location...Coastal areas, valleys, and lower deserts. * Impacts...Difficult driving conditions due to gusty, shifting winds, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that winds of at least 35 mph are expected. Winds this strong can make driving difficult...especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ043-048-050-552-554-180600- /O.CON.KSGX.WI.Y.0012.190217T2200Z-190218T0600Z/ San Diego County Coastal Areas- San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys-The Inland Empire- San Diego County Valleys-Orange County Coastal Areas- Orange County Inland Areas- Including the cities of Vista, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Chula Vista, National City, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Escondido, El Cajon, San Marcos, La Mesa, Santee, Poway, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Irvine, Orange, Fullerton, and Mission Viejo 1136 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... * Winds...West to northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 35 mph. * Timing...This afternoon and evening. * Location...Coastal areas and valleys, strongest along the immediate coast. * Impacts...Wet soil from recent heavy rains may result in weak or shallow rooted trees being uprooted during the time of strongest winds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that winds of 35 mph are expected. Winds this strong can make driving difficult...especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$  263 WSVS31 VVGL 171935 VVNB SIGMET 4 VALID 171935/172235 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2035 E10605 - N2055 E10440 - N2230 E10445 - N2215 E10610 - N2035 E10605 TOP FL300 MOV E 10KT NC=  719 WGUS65 KTFX 171939 FFATFX URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Great Falls MT 1239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 MTZ015-182200- /O.NEW.KTFX.FA.A.0002.190217T1939Z-190219T2200Z/ /00000.0.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison- 1239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in Great Falls has issued a * Flood Watch for a portion of southwest Montana, including the following area, the Jefferson River from Twin Bridges to north of Silver Star in Madison County. * Until further notice. * An ice jam has developed near Twin Bridges. This has the potential to back up water and cause minor flooding in low-lying areas along the river. Minor flood stage is 10 feet in this area. * Water levels on this portion of the Jefferson River remain near flood stage. Since ice jams are unpredictable, the Flood Watch will remain in place until the threat for flooding has decreased. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible flood warnings. Reminder...For those living in areas prone to flooding, please prepare for flooding should it develop and never drive through flooded roadways.. && $$  033 WSKZ31 UAAA 171938 UAAA SIGMET 2 VALID 172000/172400 UAAA- UAAA ALMATY FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E078 FL280/350 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  224 WUUS01 KWNS 171940 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0138 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 VALID TIME 172000Z - 181200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 33029178 33889114 34469034 36638697 37618489 38608178 38788113 38888054 38778009 38207966 37487972 36817988 36148039 35708084 35268145 35128231 34108359 32628493 31228702 30478884 30308943 30789096 31069144 33029178 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 NNE MLU 30 NNW GLH 45 SSW MEM 25 E CKV 35 SSW LEX 20 NNW CRW 40 NE CRW 40 W EKN 15 WSW EKN 40 W SHD 20 NE ROA 35 WNW DAN 25 W GSO 30 E HKY 30 W CLT 15 NNW GSP 20 NW AHN CSG 15 S GZH 15 ENE GPT 20 WSW GPT 40 SW MCB 40 SSW HEZ 35 NNE MLU.  227 ACUS01 KWNS 171940 SWODY1 SPC AC 171938 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0138 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 Valid 172000Z - 181200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Isolated thunderstorms will continue over portions of the Southeast, Tennessee Valley, and Appalachians today. ...20Z Update... Some adjustments have been made to the northern extent of the general thunderstorm area across MS/TN/KY into the central Appalachians to account for current convective trends. Across the Southeast, thunderstorms will likely remain confined to the cool side of surface front. With only weak elevated instability expected, severe potential continues to appear too low to include any probabilities across this region. ..Gleason.. 02/17/2019 .PREV DISCUSSION... /ISSUED 1030 AM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...Tennessee Valley/Southeast States... Showers and occasional thunderstorms are expected today along an advancing cold front. Relatively warm mid-level temperatures and a displacement of the stronger lift to the north will result in poor lapse rates and minimal instability overall. While deep-layer/low-level shear will be strong, and semi-organized convection may evolve particularly across AL, severe potential is still expected to be considerably limited by the marginal thermodynamic environment. ...Northern/central California Coast... In relation to a south/southeastward-digging shortwave trough, some shallow convection is likely but updrafts reaching temperatures needed for lightning production will be sparse. Thus, lightning coverage is expected to be less than 10 percent. $$  926 WOCN17 CWHX 171940 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR LABRADOR UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:40 P.M. AST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: NAIN AND VICINITY HOPEDALE AND VICINITY POSTVILLE - MAKKOVIK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. SNOW WILL DEVELOP THIS EVENING AND PERSIST INTO MONDAY. TOTAL ACCUMULATIONS OF 10 TO 15 CM ARE EXPECTED BEFORE THE SNOW TAPERS OFF MONDAY OR MONDAY NIGHT. ADDITIONALLY, STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP TO 80 KM/H WILL COMBINE WITH THE FRESH SNOW TO REDUCE VISIBILITIES TO NEAR ZERO IN BLOWING SNOW TONIGHT AND MONDAY. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. BLOWING SNOW ADVISORIES ARE ISSUED WHEN WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO CREATE BLOWING SNOW GIVING POOR VISIBILITY TO 800 METRES OR LESS FOR AT LEAST 3 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  473 WWUS84 KJAN 171941 SPSJAN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS 141 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 MSZ030>033-038-039-172015- Lowndes MS-Oktibbeha MS-Winston MS-Noxubee MS-Clay MS-Choctaw MS- 141 PM CST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL CHOCTAW... NORTHWESTERN NOXUBEE...OKTIBBEHA...NORTHEASTERN WINSTON... SOUTHEASTERN CLAY AND LOWNDES COUNTIES UNTIL 215 PM CST... At 141 PM CST, Meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm near Ackerman, or 9 miles north of Louisville, moving northeast at 55 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Betheden around 145 PM CST. Craig Springs around 150 PM CST. Longview around 155 PM CST. Starkville and Oktoc around 200 PM CST. Sessums around 205 PM CST. Muldrow around 210 PM CST. Bent Oak and Tibbee around 215 PM CST. Other locations impacted by this storm include Sturgis and Artesia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... High winds can bring down trees and large limbs resulting in serious injury or property damage. Exercise extreme caution when outdoors during such strong winds...and be especially aware of older trees. && LAT...LON 3338 8829 3309 8907 3340 8926 3368 8856 3368 8850 3367 8849 3367 8850 3366 8852 3365 8851 3366 8850 3366 8846 3368 8843 3367 8842 3367 8841 3347 8828 TIME...MOT...LOC 1941Z 243DEG 49KT 3326 8908 $$ JM  654 WWUS83 KMQT 171941 SPSMQT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 241 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ005-172100- Marquette- Including the cities of Gwinn and Marquette 241 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BRIEF HEAVY SNOW OVER MARQUETTE COUNTY... A band of heavy lake effect snow has moved onshore over Marquette county. The primary focus of the heavy snow has set up between Marquette and Ishpeming, especially over the higher terrain to the north of M-28, including county road 510. Expect the heavy snow and patchy blowing snow to continue through 4 PM, before the snow diminishes to light to moderate snow into early evening. Before the snow diminishes though, snowfall rates could exceed two inches per hour. Visibility will be as low as one-quarter mile during the heavier snow. Use caution by driving at appropriate speeds for conditions and by turning your headlights on so other drivers can see you. $$ JLA  759 WSAG31 SAVC 171945 SAVF SIGMET C2 VALID 171945/172305 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR CNL SIGMET C1 VALID 171905/172305=  942 WAEG31 HECA 172000 HECC AIRMET 16 VALID 172100/172400 HECC- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 28 32 N AND 32 48 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  376 WWUS46 KSTO 171945 WSWSTO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 1145 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 .A disturbance moving over the Sierra foothills will generate snow showers into the early evening. Cold air has moved over the area with this system, causing low elevation snow down to many foothill locations. CAZ067-069-180400- /O.EXT.KSTO.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ Motherlode-West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- 1145 AM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches at pass level, with 1 to 3 inches over the foothills between 1500-3000 feet. * WHERE...Motherlode...including Placerville, Colfax, Fiddletown and Sonora and West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada. * WHEN...Until 8 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  527 WHUS74 KBRO 171946 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 146 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Marine conditions deteriorate this evening through Monday... .A cold front moved across the Gulf Waters Sunday afternoon with the pressure gradient strengthening this evening. In response, strong northeast winds develop over the Gulf waters while seas steadily build through Monday. GMZ150-155-170-175-180430- /O.NEW.KBRO.SC.Y.0012.190218T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Coastal waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- Waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande extending from 20 to 60 nm- Waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield extending from 20 to 60 nm- 146 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM CST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Brownsville has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 6 PM this evening to 6 PM CST Monday. * WINDS...Northeast around 20 knots with occasional higher gusts. * WAVES/SEAS...Seas building 5 to 7 feet tonight and 6 to 8 feet Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  427 WAEG31 HECA 172000 HECC AIRMET 17 VALID 172100/172400 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST BTN 30 55 N AND 33 04 N E OF 26 00 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  772 WAEG31 HECA 172000 HECC AIRMET 17 VALID 172100/172400 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST BTN 30 55 N AND 33 04 N AND E OF 26 00 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  775 WVMX31 MMMX 171947 MMEX SIGMET 4 VALID 171943/180143 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 171930Z 171900Z VA BTN SFC/FL210 N2014 W09739 - N2011 W09733 - N1944 W09746 - N1947 W09752 - N2014 W09739 OTHER VA SFC/FL240 N2105 W09751 - N2016 W09657 - N1959 W09710 - N2037 W09816 - N2105 W09751 MOV NE 10-15 KT BOTH EMISSIONS . OUTLK 18/0100Z VA BTN SFC/FL210 N2025 W09714 - N2022 W09708 - N1953 W09719 - N1956 W09723 - N2025 W09714 VA BTN SFC/FL240 N2113 W09720 - N2031 W09649 - N2019 W09703 - N2103 W09747 - N2113 W09720 =  057 WWUS41 KBGM 171947 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 247 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NYZ015>018-022>025-036-044-045-055-056-PAZ038>040-181900- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190217T2300Z-190218T1900Z/ Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Steuben-Schuyler-Chemung- Tompkins-Madison-Cortland-Chenango-Tioga-Broome-Bradford- Susquehanna-Northern Wayne- Including the cities of Penn Yan, Seneca Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Corning, Hornell, Watkins Glen, Elmira, Ithaca, Hamilton, Oneida, Cortland, Norwich, Owego, Waverly, Binghamton, Sayre, Towanda, Hallstead, Montrose, Damascus, and Equinunk 247 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze possible. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Bradford, Susquehanna and Northern Wayne counties. In New York, Yates, Seneca, Southern Cayuga, Onondaga, Steuben, Schuyler, Chemung, Tompkins, Madison, Cortland, Chenango, Tioga and Broome counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 2 PM EST Monday.Steady snow develops this evening and continues into the overnight hours. Patchy freezing drizzle could mix with the snow for a time late tonight and early Monday morning, especially along and south of the Interstate 86 corridor. Periods of mainly light snow or snow showers continue into early Monday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NYZ037-046-057-062-181900- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190218T0200Z-190218T1900Z/ Southern Oneida-Otsego-Delaware-Sullivan- Including the cities of Rome, Utica, Oneonta, Delhi, Walton, and Monticello 247 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches expected. Localized amounts around 6 inches possible in eastern Delaware, Otsego and Sullivan counties. * WHERE...Southern Oneida, Otsego, Delaware and Sullivan counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 2 PM EST Monday. The steadiest snow will fall during the late evening and overnight hours. The snow could be locally heavy at times. Snow rates near 1 inch per hour are possible late this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PAZ043-044-047-048-072-181500- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0014.190217T2300Z-190218T1500Z/ Wyoming-Lackawanna-Luzerne-Pike-Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Tunkhannock, Scranton, Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre, Milford, and Honesdale 247 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike and Southern Wayne counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. The steadiest snow will fall this evening, then change to a mixture of light snow, sleet and freezing rain overnight. This light wintry mix continues into Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will likely impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  262 WHMY40 PGUM 171949 CFWMY COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 549 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 .TRADE-WIND SWELL WILL CONTINUE TO PRODUCE A HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS ALONG EAST FACING REEFS ALL THIS WEEK. GUZ001>004-180900- /O.CON.PGUM.RP.S.0001.000000T0000Z-190222T2000Z/ GUAM-ROTA-TINIAN-SAIPAN- 549 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 ...HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... ALONG EAST FACING REEFS...SURF OF 7 TO 9 FEET WILL MAINTAIN A HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS ALL THIS WEEK. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... IF YOU HAVE TO SWIM OUT OF A RIP CURRENT...SWIM PARALLEL TO SHORE AND BACK TOWARD THE BEACH WHEN POSSIBLE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SWIM DIRECTLY AGAINST A RIP CURRENT AS YOU WILL TIRE QUICKLY. HEED THE ADVICE OF LIFEGUARDS...BEACH PATROL FLAGS AND SIGNS. && $$  576 WHGM70 PGUM 171950 MWWGUM URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 550 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 ...WINDS ARE HAZARDOUS TO SMALL CRAFT ACROSS THE MARIANAS... .FRESH TO STRONG NORTHEAST WINDS WINDS WILL BE HAZARDOUS TO SMALL CRAFT THROUGH THE WEEK. SEAS WILL INCREASE TO HAZARDOUS LEVEL TUESDAY. PMZ151>154-180900- /O.NEW.PGUM.SC.Y.0004.190217T2000Z-190220T2000Z/ GUAM COASTAL WATERS-ROTA COASTAL WATERS-TINIAN COASTAL WATERS- SAIPAN COASTAL WATERS- 550 AM CHST MON FEB 18 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT THROUGH FRIDAY... THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN TIYAN HAS ISSUED A SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY, WHICH IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CHST THURSDAY. * WINDS...NORTHEAST 15 TO 25 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED THROUGH THE WEEK. * WAVES/SEAS...WHILE SEAS ARE BELOW SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY CRITERIA TODAY THEY WILL INCREASE TO 8 TO 10 FEET TUESDAY. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY MEANS THAT WIND SPEEDS OF 21 TO 33 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE WAVE CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO SMALL CRAFT. INEXPERIENCED MARINERS...ESPECIALLY THOSE OPERATING SMALLER VESSELS...SHOULD AVOID SAILING IN THESE CONDITIONS. && $$ ZIOBRO  890 WTNC02 NWBB 171949 A. SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY NUMBER 27 THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING NUMBER 26 B. STORM WARNING ISSUED THE 2019/02/17 AT 19:49 UTC C. SYNOPTIC CONTEXT THE 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC:THE 2019/02/17 AT 18:00 UTC, TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA: -LOCATED BY 16.6 SOUTH 164.1 EAST. POSITION GOOD. -CENTRAL PRESSURE ESTIMATED TO BE ABOUT 984 HPA. -MOVING SOUTH 5 KT. -EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 50 KT (GUSTS 70 KT) WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTER, VERY HIGH SEA. -WINDS ABOVE 48 KT (GUSTS 70 KT) AND VERY HIGH SEA WITHIN: 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. -WINDS ABOVE 34 KT (GUSTS 50 KT) AND HIGH SEA WITHIN: 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NE SECTOR. 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SE SECTOR. 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE SW SECTOR. 120 NAUTICAL MILES IN THE NW SECTOR. D. DURING THE NEXT 24 HOURS, OMA SHOULD TRACK SOUTH SOUTH-WESTWARD. NO FURTHER INTENSIFICATION AT FIRST, THEN SLOW INTENSIFICATION AT THE END. NORTH AREA BETWEEN 160 E AND 167 E, VALID UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 18:00 UTC AT LEAST, AND SOUTH AREA BETWEEN 161 E AND 167 E, NORTH OF 22 S, VALID UNTIL MONDAY 2019/02/18 AT 18:00 UTC AT LEAST: WITHIN 120 NM WEST OF THE CENTER AND 150 NM EAST OF THE CENTER, WINDS GREATER THAN 35 KT. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEA. WITHIN 50 NM OF THE CENTER, WINDS 50 KT FRESHENING 60 KT TO THE END. STRONG GUSTS. CROSS AND PHENOMENAL SEA. E. 2019/02/18 AT 00:00 UTC: 17.3 S 163.9 E. 2019/02/18 AT 06:00 UTC: 17.9 S 163.6 E. 2019/02/18 AT 12:00 UTC: 18.6 S 163.3 E. 2019/02/18 AT 18:00 UTC: 19.2 S 162.9 E. NEXT SPECIAL MARINE WEATHER ADVISORY THE 2019/02/18 AT 02:00 UTC.=  891 WTNC01 NWBB 171949 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 27 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 26 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 19:49 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC:A 18:00 UTC LE 17/02/2019, LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA ETAIT CENTREE PAR 16,6 SUD, 164,1 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE ESTIMEE A 984 HPA AVEC UN DEPLACEMENT SUD A 5 KT. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 50 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 40 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 180 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 180 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 150 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 120 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. D. AU COURS DES PROCHAINES 24 HEURES, OMA DEVRAIT SE DEPLACER VERS LE SUD SUD-OUEST. AU DEBUT, SON INTENSITE DEVRAIT PEU EVOLUER, AVANT DE S'INTENSIFIER A LA FIN. ZONE NORD ENTRE 160 E ET 167 E, VALABLE JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC AU MOINS : ET ZONE SUD ENTRE 161 E ET 167 E, AU NORD DE 22 S, VALABLE JUSQU'AU LUNDI 18/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC AU MOINS : DANS UN RAYON DE 120 NAUTIQUES A L'OUEST DU CENTRE ET 150 NAUTIQUES A L'EST DU CENTRE : VENTS SUPERIEURS A 35 KT. FORTES RAFALES. MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE ET CROISEE. DANS UN RAYON DE 50 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE : VENTS DE 50 KT FRAICHISSANT 60 KT A LA FIN. FORTES RAFALES. MER ENORME ET CROISEE. E. 18/02/2019 A 00:00 UTC: 17,3 S 163,9 E. 18/02/2019 A 06:00 UTC: 17,9 S 163,6 E. 18/02/2019 A 12:00 UTC: 18,6 S 163,3 E. 18/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC: 19,2 S 162,9 E. PROCHAIN BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE LE 18/02/2019 A 02:00 UTC.=  713 WXNC13 NWBB 171949 PART 1 OF 2 A. BULLETIN METEOROLOGIQUE SPECIAL LARGE NUMERO 27 CE BULLETIN ANNULE ET REMPLACE LE BULLETIN NUMERO 26 B. AVIS DE TEMPETE REDIGE LE 17/02/2019 A 19:49 UTC C. SITUATION GENERALE LE 17/02/2019 A 18:00 UTC:A 18:00 UTC LE 17/02/2019, LA DEPRESSION TROPICALE FORTE OMA ETAIT CENTREE PAR 16,6 SUD, 164,1 EST. POSITION BONNE. SA PRESSION AU CENTRE ESTIMEE A 984 HPA AVEC UN DEPLACEMENT SUD A 5 KT. -VENTS MOYENS MAXIMUMS ESTIMES A 50 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) DANS UN RAYON DE 40 NAUTIQUES AUTOUR DU CENTRE, MER TRES GROSSE. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 48 KT (RAFALES A 70 KT) ET MER TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 70 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SO. 50 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NO. -VENTS SUPERIEURS A 34 KT (RAFALES A 50 KT) ET MER GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE: 180 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT NE. 180 NAUTIQUES DANS LE QUADRANT SE. =  714 WTPS11 NFFN 171800 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A25 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI FEB 171950 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 988HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.8S 164.0E AT 171800 UTC. POSITION POOR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 50 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT WITH PRIMARY BAND TRYING TO WRAP ONTO LLCC. DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT HAS SLIGHTLY WEAKENED OMA IN THE LAST 3-6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE. SYSTEM REMAIN SLOW MOVING. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELCIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON CURVED BAND WITH 0.7 WRAP ON LOG 10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=3.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T3.0/3.5/W0.5/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 180600 UTC 17.9S 163.6E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 55 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 181800 UTC 19.1S 163.0E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE  778 WSUS32 KKCI 171955 SIGC MKCC WST 171955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13C VALID UNTIL 2155Z MS 20WSW IGB ISOL EMBD TS D30 MOV FROM 25060KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14C VALID UNTIL 2155Z MS AR 40W SQS ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 25060KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 172155-180155 FROM 30NE MSL-40WNW MGM-50WSW LSU-40NNE LCH-60NW IGB-30NE MSL WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  779 WSUS31 KKCI 171955 SIGE MKCE WST 171955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9E VALID UNTIL 2155Z VA WV KY FROM 50N LOZ-40WNW LYH-20S LOZ-BWG-50N LOZ AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10E VALID UNTIL 2155Z OH 20ESE APE ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 26060KT. TOPS TO FL250. OUTLOOK VALID 172155-180155 FROM 30SSW AIR-30NNW LYH-40S ODF-40NW MGM-40SSW BNA-30N IIU-30SSW AIR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  780 WSUS33 KKCI 171955 SIGW MKCW WST 171955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 172155-180155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  312 WTPS11 NFFN 171800 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER A25 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 171950 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 988HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.8S 164.0E AT 171800 UTC. POSITION POOR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH SOUTHWEST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 50 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 70 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT EXPECT WINDS ABOVE 33 KNOTS WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN NE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES IN SE QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN SW QUADRANT AND WITHIN 150 NAUTICAL MILES IN NW QUADRANT. CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT WITH PRIMARY BAND TRYING TO WRAP ONTO LLCC. DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT HAS SLIGHTLY WEAKENED OMA IN THE LAST 3-6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A MODERATE SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH STRONG UPPER DIVERGENCE. SYSTEM REMAIN SLOW MOVING. SST AROUND 28 DEGREES CELCIUS. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON CURVED BAND WITH 0.7 WRAP ON LOG 10 SPIRAL YIELDS DT=3.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT. THUS, YIELDING T3.0/3.5/W0.5/24HRS. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 180600 UTC 17.9S 163.6E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 55 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 181800 UTC 19.1S 163.0E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 190600 UTC 20.2S 162.5E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 191800 UTC 21.2S 162.0E MOV SSW AT 06 KT WITH 70 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON OMA WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 180200 UTC.  195 WSBZ01 SBBR 171900 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 171925/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1008 W05052 - S0612 W05438 - S1033 W05559 - S1200 W05316 - S1008 W05052 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  989 WSBZ31 SBRE 171952 SBRE SIGMET 24 VALID 171953/172020 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0951 W03702 - S1120 W03751 - S1015 W 03835 - S0758 W03838 - S0442 W04104 - S0341 W04050 - S0655 W03716 - S0940 W03728 - S0951 W03702 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  262 WSAG31 SAVC 171947 SAVF SIGMET C3 VALID 171947/172347 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1947Z WI S5700 W06700 - S5500 W04800 - S5700 W04600 - S5800 W05500 - S5800 W06700 - S5700 W06700 FL210/280 MOV E 15KT NC=  384 WSAG31 SAVC 171955 SAVF SIGMET 2 VALID 171955/172155 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR ISOL TS FCST AT 1955Z WI S4106 W06909 - S4027 W06700 - S4106 W06628 - S4127 W06713 - S4102 W06845 - S4106 W06909 TOP FL300 MOV SE 10KT INTSF=  222 WSAG31 SAVC 171955 SAVF SIGMET 2 VALID 171955/172155 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR ISOL TS FCST AT 1955Z WI S4106 W06909 - S4027 W06700 - S4106 W06628 - S4127 W06713 - S4102 W06845 - S4106 W06909 TOP FL300 MOV SE 10KT INTSF=  748 WSSG31 GOOY 172000 GOOO SIGMET C3 VALID 172000/172400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1955Z WI S0034 W00602 - S0319 W00514 - S0056 W01223 - N0242 W01015 TOP FL410 MOV SW 05KT WKN=  749 WVCH31 SCEL 171955 SCEZ SIGMET 04 VALID 172000/180200 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR VA ERUPTION MT PLANCHON PETEROA PSN S3513 W07034 VA CLD OBS AT 1830Z WI S3511 W07033 - S3550 W07014 - S3546 W07037 - S3512 W07035 - S3511 W07033 TOP FL140 MOV SE 15KT NC FCST 0030Z VA CLD APRX SFC/FL140 S3512 W07035- S3512 W07032 - S3604 W06946 - S3612 W07009 -S3512 W07035=  729 WWUS41 KCLE 171959 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 259 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A Wintry Mix of Precipitation Expected Today and Tonight Over Portions of Northern Ohio and Northwest Pennsylvania... .A weak low pressure system entering the Ohio Valley today will bring snow to the region today with an areal accumulation of one to three inches of snow expected. For portions of northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania, this snow will changeover to light freezing rain and sleet as a combination of warm air aloft intrudes northward this afternoon with at-or-below freezing temperatures remaining at the surface. This will allow for up to a tenth of an inch of ice to accrete in the advisory areas and light accumulation of sleet, in addition to the snowfall. This wintry mix will prompt slick road conditions, especially on untreated or elevated surfaces. OHZ010>014-018>023-027>033-036>038-047-089-180600- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lorain-Cuyahoga-Lake-Geauga-Ashtabula Inland-Seneca-Huron-Medina- Summit-Portage-Trumbull-Wyandot-Crawford-Richland-Ashland-Wayne- Stark-Mahoning-Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox-Ashtabula Lakeshore- Including the cities of Lorain, Cleveland, Mentor, Chardon, Jefferson, Tiffin, Norwalk, Medina, Akron, Ravenna, Warren, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, Canton, Youngstown, Marion, Mount Gilead, Millersburg, Mount Vernon, and Ashtabula 259 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Snow accumulations of up to two inches, light sleet accumulation, and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Visibilities may drop below a mile at times under heavier snow and freezing drizzle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ PAZ001>003-180600- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.190217T2100Z-190218T0600Z/ Northern Erie-Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Erie, Edinboro, and Meadville 259 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Snow accumulations of up to two inches, light sleet accumulation, and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Northern Erie, Crawford and Southern Erie counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Visibilities may drop below a mile at times under heavier snow and freezing drizzle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  658 WONT54 EGRR 171959 SECURITE STORM WARNING AT 171200UTC, HIGH 78 NORTH 12 WEST 1034 EXPECTED 76 NORTH 18 WEST 1025 BY 181200UTC. NORTHERLY WINDS WILL CONTINUE TO REACH STORM FORCE 10 IN THE NORTH OF DENMARK STRAIT AND THE FAR WEST OF NORTH ICELAND, BETWEEN 67 NORTH AND 70 NORTH UNTIL 180900UTC. NEW LOW EXPECTED 67 NORTH 04 WEST 978 BY SAME TIME. NORTHERLY OR NORTHEASTERLY WINDS WILL REACH STORM FORCE 10 IN THE FAR EAST OF NORTH ICELAND BETWEEN 64 NORTH AND 70 NORTH AFTER 181500UTC  540 WSPS21 NZKL 172000 NZZO SIGMET 9 VALID 172001/172020 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 4 171620/172020=  931 WWUS41 KRNK 172002 WSWRNK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 302 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Freezing Rain Still Expected For Some Locations Today... .An area of low pressure will move east through the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys today into tonight. A swath of precipitation will continue to progress across the area late this afternoon and early evening with freezing rain still a possibility across the higher elevations for portions of the Alleghany Highlands, and along and just east of the Interstate 81 corridor, north of Roanoke. VAZ010>014-016-017-022-WVZ043-044-507-508-172115- /O.EXP.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190217T2000Z/ Bland-Giles-Wythe-Pulaski-Montgomery-Carroll-Floyd-Roanoke- Summers-Monroe-Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of Bland, Pearisburg, Wytheville, Radford, Pulaski, Blacksburg, Galax, Floyd, Roanoke, Salem, Hinton, Hix, Union, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs, Quinwood, Duo, and Rainelle 302 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... With temperatures rising above freezing, any additional freezing rain will be minimal. The area immediately along the crest of the Blue Ridge may still see some light glazing through the remainder of the afternoon. $$ VAZ018>020-023-024-034-035-180000- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Craig-Alleghany VA-Bath-Botetourt-Rockbridge-Bedford-Amherst- Including the cities of New Castle, Clifton Forge, Covington, Hot Springs, Fincastle, Lexington, Buena Vista, and Amherst 302 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze, and a little under one-tenth of an inch on the highest ridges. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Virginia. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most of the ice accretion will be on elevated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  488 WWUS43 KMKX 172003 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 203 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOW CONTINUES ACROSS THE AREA... .Light to moderate snow will persist through much of the afternoon. Occasional bursts of moderate to heavy snow will be possible, which will briefly reduce visibilities to less than a half mile at times. Snow will become more focused across the lakeshore counties by late this evening, as one or more bands of lake effect snow take shape. These bands should eventually form into a single band, which will transition south along the lakeshore as winds become more northerly overnight. WIZ056-062>064-067>070-180600- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Lafayette-Green-Rock-Walworth- Including the cities of Baraboo, Reedsburg, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Barneveld, Madison, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Darlington, Shullsburg, Benton, Belmont, Argyle, Blanchardville, Monroe, Brodhead, Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Delavan, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, and East Troy 203 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Storm total snow of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ052-059-060-065-066-071-072-180600- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Sheboygan-Washington-Ozaukee-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Oostburg, West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, Grafton, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Menomonee Falls, Muskego, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Greenfield, Franklin, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Racine, and Kenosha 203 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Storm total snow of 4 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  377 WSRS32 RUAA 172002 UUYY SIGMET 6 VALID 172100/172400 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF N6400 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  210 WWUS43 KDMX 172004 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 204 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow to Continue Through The Evening... .Snow band continues to move east across east central Iowa this afternoon and into the evening. The bulk of the activity late this afternoon through evening will primarily impact east central and northeast Iowa. Another half an inch can be expected between Interstate and Highway 30, with 1 to 3 inches north of the Highway 30 corridor. Several roads are still slick with partial to total snow/ice coverage. Travel is still difficult in several locations throughout Iowa. IAZ057>059-070>072-081>083-180000- /O.CON.KDMX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Adams-Union-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Corning, Creston, and Osceola 204 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...A few lingering light snow showers or flurries are likely. Additional accumulations if any will be less than half of an inch. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Road conditions have improved in west central Iowa this afternoon. However, there are still several reported slick spots on the roads. There may be slightly reduced visibility in the area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-180000- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 204 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Light to moderate at times along and north of Interstate 80. An additional 1 to 3 inches of new snow is possible, with the higher amounts anticipated north of Highway 30. * WHERE...Much of Iowa. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be difficult to hazardous this afternoon through evening across much of Iowa. Visibility will be reduced during times of moderate snowfall rates. Roads will remain slick with partial to complete snow/ice coverage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Krull For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines  671 WWUS41 KALY 172005 WSWALY URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albany NY 305 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 CTZ001-MAZ001-025-NYZ038>040-047>054-058>061-063-082-180400- /O.EXT.KALY.WW.Y.0016.190218T0200Z-190218T2100Z/ Northern Litchfield-Northern Berkshire-Southern Berkshire- Southern Herkimer-Southern Fulton-Montgomery-Schoharie- Western Schenectady-Eastern Schenectady-Southern Saratoga- Western Albany-Eastern Albany-Western Rensselaer- Eastern Rensselaer-Western Greene-Eastern Greene-Western Columbia- Eastern Columbia-Western Ulster-Northern Fulton- Including the cities of Torrington, Dalton, Hancock, Pittsfield, Florida, North Adams, Sandisfield, Great Barrington, South Egremont, Ilion, Herkimer, Little Falls, Mohawk, Frankfort, Dolgeville, Gloversville, Johnstown, Amsterdam, Cobleskill, Breakabeen, Gilboa, Livingstonville, Middleburgh, North Blenheim, Jefferson, Mariaville, Delanson, Duanesburg, Schenectady, Rotterdam, Burnt Hills, Ballston Spa, Mechanicville, Clifton Park, Waterford, Westerlo, Altamont, Berne, Knox, Preston Hollow, Albany, Troy, Berlin, Eagle Bridge, Hoosick Falls, Stephentown, Hunter, Tannersville, Windham, Prattsville, Catskill, Coxsackie, Athens, Cairo, Jefferson Heights, Hudson, New Lebanon, Ellenville, Woodstock, West Hurley, West Shokan, Kerhonkson, Napanoch, Sundown, and Caroga Lake 305 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Capital District, Mohawk and Schoharie Valleys, Helderbergs, eastern Catskills, northern and central Taconics, Berkshires, and the Litchfield Hills. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and poor visibility. Travel will be particularly hazardous overnight into Monday morning impacting the commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ CTZ013-NYZ064>066-180400- /O.EXT.KALY.WW.Y.0016.190218T0200Z-190218T2100Z/ Southern Litchfield-Eastern Ulster-Western Dutchess- Eastern Dutchess- Including the cities of Oakville, Gaylordsville, New Milford, Terryville, Thomaston, Kingston, New Paltz, Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Arlington, Pawling, Wingdale, Dover Plains, Millbrook, Stanfordville, Pine Plains, and Amenia 305 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. There are chances for some light freezing rain Monday morning with a glaze of ice accumulation possible. * WHERE...Mid Hudson Valley, southern Taconics and southern Litchfield County. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions and poor visibility. Travel will be particularly hazardous overnight into Monday morning impacting the commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$  116 WSPK31 OPLA 172000 OPLR SIGMET 005 VALID 172100/180100 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  467 WWUS45 KLKN 172005 WSWLKN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 1205 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 NVZ031-034-038-039-181200- /O.NEW.KLKN.WW.Y.0013.190217T2005Z-190218T1200Z/ Northern Elko County-Ruby Mountains/East Humboldt Range- Southwestern Elko County-South Central Elko County- 1205 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches in most valley locations, with an additional 3 to 7 inches of snow in the mountains. * WHERE...Northern Elko County, Ruby Mountains/East Humboldt Range, Southwestern Elko County and South Central Elko County. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/elko JR  715 WSPK31 OPLA 172000 OPLR SIGMET 05 VALID 172100/180100 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  510 WAUR31 UKBW 172006 UKBV AIRMET 1 VALID 172007/172130 UKBW- UKBV KYIV FIR SFC WIND 320/07G15MPS OBS AT 1959Z N5042 E02935 STNR NC=  196 WWUS43 KGRR 172008 WSWGRR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 308 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ050>052-056>059-064>067-071>074-180415- /O.CON.KGRR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T1300Z/ Muskegon-Montcalm-Gratiot-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry- Eaton-Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- Including the cities of Muskegon, Greenville, Alma, Grand Haven, Jenison, Grand Rapids, Ionia, St. Johns, Holland, Hastings, Charlotte, Lansing, South Haven, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, and Jackson 308 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Occasional snow expected. Patchy freezing drizzle could also occur. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches are forecasted. Bands of snow will continue to push through the region into this evening. The snow will taper off after midnight. Some of the snow has been heavy at times and that threat will continue into the evening. Local snowfall rates of an inch per hour are possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Michigan. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Whiteout conditions are possible in any heavier snow band into this evening. The slippery conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ weather.gov/grr  050 WSCH31 SCCI 172008 SCCZ SIGMET 03 VALID 172008/180008 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S5500 W07500 - S6000 W07400 FL180/300 MOV E 20KT NC=  051 WAIY31 LIIB 172010 LIMM AIRMET 9 VALID 172010/172210 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR OBS S OF LINE N4519 E00621 - N4626 E01352 STNR INTSF=  744 WWUS43 KDDC 172009 WSWDDC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 209 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 KSZ044-076-180415- /O.EXA.KDDC.WW.Y.0009.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Lane-Haskell- Including the cities of Dighton, Sublette, and Satanta 209 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches expected. * WHERE...Lane and Haskell Counties. * WHEN...From midnight CST /11 PM MST/ tonight to 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ KSZ043-061>063-074-075-084-085-180415- /O.CON.KDDC.WW.Y.0009.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Scott-Hamilton-Kearny-Finney-Stanton-Grant-Morton-Stevens- Including the cities of Scott City, Scott State Lake, Syracuse, Lakin, Deerfield, Garden City, Johnson City, Ulysses, Elkhart, and Hugoton 209 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /109 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT CST /11 PM MST/ TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Kansas. * WHEN...From midnight CST /11 PM MST/ tonight to 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  786 WWUS76 KHNX 172009 NPWHNX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 1209 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ098-099-180400- /O.CON.KHNX.WI.Y.0014.190218T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Indian Wells Valley-Southeastern Kern County Desert- Including the cities of Ridgecrest, Rosamond, California City, Edwards AFB, and Mojave 1209 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON UNTIL 3 AM PST TONIGHT... * WINDS...Sustained west to northwest at 20 to 30 mph, with gusts up to 55 mph. * TIMING...From 4 PM PST this afternoon until 3 AM PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs may be blown down and a few power outages are possible. Highways affected include, but are not limited to Highway 14, U.S. 395, Highway 58 below Tehachapi Pass, including the city of Mojave, and Highway 178 below Walker Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that wind gusts of 35 to 57 mph are expected. Wind gusts this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ089>092-180400- /O.NEW.KHNX.FZ.A.0005.190219T0800Z-190219T1700Z/ West Central San Joaquin Valley-East Central San Joaquin Valley- Southwestern San Joaquin Valley-Southeastern San Joaquin Valley- Including the cities of Los Banos, Coalinga, Mendota, Fresno, Hanford, Lemoore, Avenal, Corcoran, Bakersfield, and Visalia 1209 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A FREEZE WATCH IS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT MONDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 AM PST TUESDAY MORNING... The National Weather Service in Hanford has issued a Freeze Watch, which is in effect for the San Joaquin Valley from late Monday night through early Tuesday morning. * TEMPERATURES...Minimum temperatures in rural locations generally between 28 and 32 degrees. Outside of major urban areas, sub-freezing temperatures are possible for a period of three to five hours. * TIMING...The coldest temperatures are expected from 3 AM PST Monday night until 8 AM PST Tuesday morning. * IMPACTS...Sub-freezing temperatures could kill sensitive, exposed vegetation and damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Freeze Watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions may kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$ BS  342 WABZ23 SBAZ 172009 SBAZ AIRMET 15 VALID 172010/172205 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 1 800M RA OBS AT 2000Z WI S0949 W05611 - S0946 W05605 - S0953 W05601 - S095 7 W05607 - S0949 W05611 STNR NC=  739 WOPF11 NTAA 172009 BMS MARINE A : AVIS DE GRAND FRAIS (CORRECTIF). B : NUMERO 09 DU 17/02/2019 A 2015 UTC VALABLE 24 HEURES. C : - AXE DE CONVERGENCE ENTRE L'ARCHIPEL DE LA SOCIETE ET L'OUEST DES TUAMOTU.- MINIMUM DEPRESSIONNAIRE CENTRE PAR 19SUD 150.5OUEST LE 17/02/2019 A 1900UTC. PRESSION AU CENTRE ESTIMEE 1000HPA. DEPLACEMENT EST 15KT. D : ZONE INTERESSEES :- PRIMO: DANS LA ZONE DELIMITEE PAR LES POINTS : 15S 150W - 19S 143W - 20S 145W - 16S 151W. VENT DE SECTEUR NORD-OUEST 28/33KT, RAFALES 50KT, MER FORTE.- SECUNDO: DANS UN RAYON DE 30NM AUTOUR DU CENTRE: VENT 28/33KT, RAFALES 40/45KT, MER FORTE. E : DEPLACEMENT VERS L'EST 15KT.=  301 WWUS81 KRNK 172010 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 310 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NCZ001-002-018-VAZ015>017-022-172200- Ashe-Alleghany NC-Watauga-Grayson-Carroll-Floyd-Roanoke- Including the cities of West Jefferson, Sparta, Boone, Independence, Whitetop, Troutdale, Volney, Galax, Floyd, Roanoke, and Salem 310 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Very Light Accretion of Freezing Rain or Drizzle Possible Along the Crest of the Blue Ridge... Through the early evening, there will still be some spots along the crest of the Blue Ridge where very light and patchy precipitation will fall as freezing rain or freezing drizzle. As earlier today, any ice accretion will be mostly on elevated surfaces. $$  347 WSAK01 PAWU 172010 SIGAK1 ANCI WS 172011 PAZA SIGMET INDIA 1 VALID 172011/180011 PANC- ANCHORAGE FIR OCNL SEV TURB OBS AT 2011Z WI N5830 W16552 - N5914 W16033 - N5716 W15946 - N5607 W16702 - N5830 W16552. FL310/FL380. MOV NE 30KT. INTSF. FEB 2019 AAWU  063 WHUS71 KPHI 172011 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 311 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ450>455-181000- /O.NEW.KPHI.SC.Y.0023.190218T1700Z-190219T1100Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm- 311 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON MONDAY TO 6 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from noon Monday to 6 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ430-431-181000- /O.NEW.KPHI.SC.Y.0023.190218T1700Z-190219T1100Z/ Delaware Bay waters north of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- Delaware Bay waters south of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- 311 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON MONDAY TO 6 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from noon Monday to 6 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  143 WWCN16 CWNT 172012 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR THE QIKIQTAALUK AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:12 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: CLYDE RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG NORTHWESTERLY WINDS ARE PRODUCING BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS IN THE CLYDE RIVER REGION. THESE CONDITIONS WILL PREVAIL THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT AND CONTINUE ON MONDAY BUT GRADUALLY IMPROVE MONDAY EVENING AS WINDS DIMINISH. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. ENSURE THAT SHELTER IS PROVIDED FOR PETS AND OUTDOOR ANIMALS. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTP://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/ PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  552 WWUS45 KGJT 172013 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 113 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...ANOTHER PACIFIC STORM WILL BRING PROLONG WINTRY WEATHER... .A storm from the Pacific Northwest will through western Utah today and tonight with the west to southwest flow ahead of this storm bringing widespread snowfall to portions of southwest and central Colorado and southeast Utah this evening through Tuesday. COZ018-019-UTZ028-180600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0005.190217T2200Z-190220T0100Z/ Northwest San Juan Mountains-Southwest San Juan Mountains- La Sal and Abajo Mountains- Including the cities of Telluride, Ouray, Lake City, Silverton, Rico, Hesperus, and Monticello 113 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 24 inches expected. * WHERE...Northwest San Juan Mountains and Southwest San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ022-023-180600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0005.190218T0100Z-190220T0100Z/ Animas River Basin-San Juan River Basin- Including the cities of Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, and Pagosa Springs 113 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches expected. * WHERE...Animas River Basin and San Juan River Basin. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ017-180600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0014.190218T0100Z-190220T0100Z/ Uncompahgre Plateau and Dallas Divide- Including the cities of Ridgway and Glade Park 113 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 12 inches expected. * WHERE...Uncompahgre Plateau and Dallas Divide. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ020-021-180600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0014.190218T0100Z-190220T0100Z/ Paradox Valley/Lower Dolores River- Four Corners/Upper Dolores River- Including the cities of Gateway, Nucla, Cortez, Dove Creek, and Mancos 113 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY ABOVE 5500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 5500 feet. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected with locally higher amounts possible. * WHERE...Paradox Valley/Lower Dolores River and Four Corners/Upper Dolores River. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. Heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/gjt  427 WWCN15 CWUL 172011 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:11 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIQSUALUJJUAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH POOR VISIBILITIES IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OVER THIS COMMUNITY UNTIL EARLY TOMORROW MORNING. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. BLIZZARD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WIDESPREAD REDUCED VISIBILITIES OF 400 METRES OR LESS ARE EXPECTED FOR AT LEAST 4 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  569 WSAG31 SABE 172024 SAEF SIGMET A1 VALID 172024/172224 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2024Z WI S4052 W06907 - S4022 W06707 - S3954 W06756 - S4012 W06922 - S4052 W06907 TOP FL320 MOV ESE 15KT INTSF=  121 WSKZ31 UAAA 172017 UAAA SIGMET 3 VALID 172030/172200 UAAA- UAAA ALMATY FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF N46 FL030/140 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  627 WWCN12 CWWG 172018 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:18 P.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= BROCHET =NEW= TADOULE LAKE =NEW= GILLAM =NEW= SHAMATTAWA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. LIGHT NORTHERLY WINDS COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MINUS 30S WILL RESULT IN WIND CHILL VALUES OF MINUS 45 OR LOWER OVERNIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE THROUGHOUT THE DAY ON MONDAY. RISKS ARE GREATER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, OLDER ADULTS, PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES, PEOPLE WORKING OR EXERCISING OUTDOORS, AND THOSE WITHOUT PROPER SHELTER. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  029 WWUS43 KBIS 172019 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 219 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NDZ031-032-040-043-172130- /O.CAN.KBIS.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Golden Valley-Billings-Slope-Bowman- Including the cities of Beach, Medora, Marmarth, and Bowman 119 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Visibilities are improving across Golden Valley, Billings, Slope, and Bowman counties as snow continues to diminish. Although light snow will still be possible into this evening, very little to no additional snowfall accumulations are expected. Therefore, the Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. $$ TJK  213 WSBZ31 SBAZ 172018 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 172020/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0558 W07210 - S0537 W06434 - S0916 W06315 - S1003 W07024 - S0838 W07236 - S0558 W07210 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  305 WSBZ31 SBRE 172019 SBRE SIGMET 25 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0621 W04446 - S0810 W04546 - S0852 W 04638 - S1015 W04737 - S1159 W04651 - S1322 W04531 - S1413 W04459 - S1448 W04432 - S1538 W04403 - S1621 W04249 - S1701 W04141 - S1836 W04229 - S1928 W04227 - S2027 W04235 - S2032 W04220 - S2036 W04159 - S2029 W04142 - S1654 W04044 - S1713 W03905 - S1303 W03850 - S1208 W04143 - S0756 W04040 - S0625 W04318 - S0621 W04446 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  540 WSPS21 NZKL 172015 NZZO SIGMET 10 VALID 172020/180020 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S6220 W14700 - S6430 W15320 - S6350 W16010 - S6110 W15540 - S6220 W14700 2000FT/FL170 MOV SSE 20KT NC=  720 WVEQ31 SEGU 172018 SEFG SIGMET 4 VALID 172018/180218 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 2008Z FL115/160 MOV NW=  117 WSBZ31 SBRE 172019 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0055 W04046 - S0410 W04231 - S0451 W 04329 - S0645 W03810 - S1028 W03746 - S1041 W03712 - S0719 W03453 - S0501 W03525 - S0252 W03942 - S0156 W03757 - N0021 W03939 - N0055 W04046 TOP FL42 0 STNR NC=  338 WSPS21 NZKL 172016 NZZO SIGMET 11 VALID 172021/172045 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 6 171645/172045=  319 WWJP25 RJTD 171800 WARNING AND SUMMARY 171800. WARNING VALID 181800. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 972 HPA AT 51N 180E SEA AROUND ALEUTIANS MOVING NORTHEAST 30 KNOTS. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 51N 180E TO 52N 176W 50N 173W. WARM FRONT FROM 50N 173W TO 47N 170W 44N 169W. COLD FRONT FROM 50N 173W TO 41N 180E 34N 169E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 34N 169E TO 32N 163E 31N 155E 27N 149E 26N 143E. WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 1100 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE. FORECAST POSITION FOR 180600UTC AT 56N 173W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 181800UTC AT 59N 165W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 85 MILES RADIUS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 998 HPA AT 48N 157E SEA EAST OF KURILS MOVING NORTHEAST 40 KNOTS. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 31N 160E 35N 170E 41N 180E 30N 180E 26N 165E 31N 160E. SUMMARY. LOW 992 HPA AT 56N 152E ALMOST STATIONARY. LOW 1014 HPA AT 31N 155E ENE 30 KT. LOW 988 HPA AT 59N 169E NNE 15 KT. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1006 HPA NEAR 04N 166E WEST SLOWLY. HIGH 1028 HPA AT 34N 122E EAST 15 KT. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  696 WTPS51 PGTW 172100 WARNING ATCG MIL 15P SWP 190217194428 2019021718 15P OMA 024 01 215 04 SATL 040 T000 166S 1641E 055 R050 085 NE QD 075 SE QD 075 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 155 NE QD 150 SE QD 130 SW QD 145 NW QD T012 173S 1636E 055 R050 070 NE QD 070 SE QD 040 SW QD 030 NW QD R034 190 NE QD 170 SE QD 160 SW QD 170 NW QD T024 185S 1629E 065 R064 030 NE QD 050 SE QD 030 SW QD 010 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 050 SW QD 040 NW QD R034 180 NE QD 170 SE QD 160 SW QD 150 NW QD T036 200S 1622E 075 R064 060 NE QD 060 SE QD 050 SW QD 040 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 080 SE QD 070 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 180 NE QD 180 SE QD 160 SW QD 150 NW QD T048 212S 1616E 080 R064 040 NE QD 040 SE QD 040 SW QD 040 NW QD R050 080 NE QD 090 SE QD 090 SW QD 070 NW QD R034 180 NE QD 190 SE QD 180 SW QD 150 NW QD T072 229S 1611E 065 R064 030 NE QD 030 SE QD 030 SW QD 000 NW QD R050 070 NE QD 070 SE QD 070 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 180 NE QD 180 SE QD 190 SW QD 160 NW QD T096 257S 1618E 060 R050 060 NE QD 050 SE QD 080 SW QD 060 NW QD R034 180 NE QD 180 SE QD 200 SW QD 180 NW QD T120 303S 1655E 055 R050 090 NE QD 100 SE QD 110 SW QD 110 NW QD R034 210 NE QD 230 SE QD 280 SW QD 230 NW QD AMP 120HR BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL SUBJ: TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 024 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 024 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 171800Z --- NEAR 16.6S 164.1E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 215 DEGREES AT 04 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 085 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 075 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 075 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 155 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 145 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 16.6S 164.1E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 180600Z --- 17.3S 163.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 210 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 181800Z --- 18.5S 162.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 010 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 190600Z --- 20.0S 162.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 07 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 191800Z --- 21.2S 161.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 04 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 201800Z --- 22.9S 161.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 165 DEG/ 07 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 211800Z --- 25.7S 161.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 145 DEG/ 14 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 221800Z --- 30.3S 165.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 230 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 280 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 230 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 172100Z POSITION NEAR 16.8S 164.0E. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 250 NM WEST-NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWESTWARD AT 04 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS A RAGGED AND SOMEWHAT DISORGANIZED SYSTEM, WITH AN EXPOSED LLCC AND POCKETS OF FLARING BUT WEAK CONVECTION WRAPPING INTO THE WELL DEFINED CENTER. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE EXPOSED LLCC, AND SUPPORTED BY A 171727Z AMSU-B 89 GHZ MICROWAVE IMAGE, WHICH ALSO SHOWED THE GENERALLY WEAK NATURE OF THE LOW LEVEL BANDING FEATURES. THE INITIAL INTENSITY HAS BEEN LOWERED TO 55 KNOTS BASED ON SUBJECTIVE DVORAK CURRENT INTENSITY ESTIMATES FROM KNES AND PGTW OF T3.5 (55 KNOTS), AND A SATELLITE CONSENSUS ESTIMATE OF 59 KNOTS. TC 15P LIES IN AN OVERALL FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT, WITH LOW TO MODERATE (15-20 KNOTS) VWS AND ROBUST RADIAL OUTFLOW PROVIDED BY AN UPPER-LEVEL POINT SOURCE NEARBY. HOWEVER, A DAY AND A HALF OF QUASISTATIONARY MOVEMENT HAS LED TO SIGNIFICANT UPWELLING AND THE DEVLOPMENT A LARGE COOL POCKET OF SSTS (AS LOW AS 24 CELSIUS) AROUND THE SYSTEM, LEADING TO THE DOWNTREND IN INTENSITY. TC 15P IS TRACKING SLOWLY SOUTHWESTWARD ALONG THE EASTERN PERIPHERY OF A DEEP-LAYER STR TO THE EAST. TC 15P IS FORECAST TO CONTINUE TO ACCELERATE ON THE SOUTHWESTWARD TRACK THROUGH TAU 72, UNDER THE STEERING INFLUENCE OF PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED STR. DURING THIS PERIOD, AS THE SYSTEM MOVES AWAY FROM THE COLD POOL AND INTO SIGNIFICANTLY WARMER WATERS AND BEINGS TO TAP INTO THE DIVERGENT UPPER-LEVEL OUTFLOW AHEAD OF AN APPROACHING TROUGH, EXPECT IT TO INTENSIFY STEADILY, REACHING A PEAK OF 80 KNOTS AT TAU 48. AFTER TAU 72, THE SYSTEM IS EXPECTED TO RECURVE AROUND THE STR AXIS AND AHEAD OF THE APPROACHING TROUGH. THE SYSTEM WILL BEGIN A STEADY WEAKENING TREND AFTER TAU 72 DUE TO COMBINED INFLUENCE OF INCREASING VWS AND DECREASING SSTS. BY TAU 120, THE SYSTEM BEGINS EXTRA-TROPICAL TRANSITION AS IT INTERACTS WITH THE MID-LATITUDE WESTERLIES. NUMERICAL MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN STRONG AGREEMENT THROUGHOUT THE FORECAST PERIOD WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE ECMWF, WHICH REMAINS THE SINGLE OUTLIER TAKING THE TRACK WEST TOWARDS THE AUSTRALIAN COAST BEYOND TAU 72, LEADING TO A 700 NM SPREAD BETWEEN OUTLIERS AT TAU 120. DUE TO THE HIGH UNCERATINTY BETWEEN THE HISTORICALLY WELL-PERFORMING ECMWF AND THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSENSUS MEMBERS, THERE IS HIGH CONFIDENCE IN THE FORECAST TRACK THROUGH TAU 72, WITH LOW CONFIDENCE THROUGH TAU 120. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 171800Z IS 26 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 180300Z, 180900Z, 181500Z AND 182100Z.// 1519021006 174S1564E 20 1519021012 174S1577E 20 1519021018 174S1590E 25 1519021100 164S1603E 25 1519021106 155S1612E 25 1519021112 151S1625E 25 1519021118 144S1636E 30 1519021200 140S1645E 35 1519021206 137S1649E 35 1519021212 137S1655E 45 1519021218 140S1658E 45 1519021300 143S1654E 45 1519021306 144S1650E 45 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021312 141S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021318 144S1654E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021400 147S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021406 149S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021412 151S1655E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021418 152S1654E 55 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021500 151S1650E 60 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021506 151S1651E 65 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021512 152S1648E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021518 153S1645E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021600 154S1643E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021606 154S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021612 153S1642E 70 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021618 153S1644E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021700 155S1642E 65 1519021706 160S1643E 60 1519021706 160S1643E 60 1519021712 163S1643E 60 1519021712 163S1643E 60 1519021718 166S1641E 55 1519021718 166S1641E 55 NNNN  697 WTPS31 PGTW 172100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 024// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA) WARNING NR 024 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN SOUTHPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 171800Z --- NEAR 16.6S 164.1E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 215 DEGREES AT 04 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 085 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 075 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 075 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 155 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 145 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 16.6S 164.1E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 180600Z --- 17.3S 163.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 190 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 170 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 210 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 181800Z --- 18.5S 162.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 010 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 190600Z --- 20.0S 162.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 07 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 191800Z --- 21.2S 161.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 04 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 201800Z --- 22.9S 161.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 190 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 160 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 165 DEG/ 07 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 211800Z --- 25.7S 161.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 180 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 200 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 145 DEG/ 14 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 221800Z --- 30.3S 165.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING EXTRATROPICAL RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 210 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 230 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 280 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 230 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 172100Z POSITION NEAR 16.8S 164.0E. TROPICAL CYCLONE 15P (OMA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 250 NM WEST- NORTHWEST OF PORT VILA, VANUATU, HAS TRACKED SOUTHWESTWARD AT 04 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS A RAGGED AND SOMEWHAT DISORGANIZED SYSTEM, WITH AN EXPOSED LLCC AND POCKETS OF FLARING BUT WEAK CONVECTION WRAPPING INTO THE WELL DEFINED CENTER. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE EXPOSED LLCC, AND SUPPORTED BY A 171727Z AMSU-B 89 GHZ MICROWAVE IMAGE, WHICH ALSO SHOWED THE GENERALLY WEAK NATURE OF THE LOW LEVEL BANDING FEATURES. THE INITIAL INTENSITY HAS BEEN LOWERED TO 55 KNOTS BASED ON SUBJECTIVE DVORAK CURRENT INTENSITY ESTIMATES FROM KNES AND PGTW OF T3.5 (55 KNOTS), AND A SATELLITE CONSENSUS ESTIMATE OF 59 KNOTS. TC 15P LIES IN AN OVERALL FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT, WITH LOW TO MODERATE (15-20 KNOTS) VWS AND ROBUST RADIAL OUTFLOW PROVIDED BY AN UPPER-LEVEL POINT SOURCE NEARBY. HOWEVER, A DAY AND A HALF OF QUASISTATIONARY MOVEMENT HAS LED TO SIGNIFICANT UPWELLING AND THE DEVELOPMENT A LARGE COOL POCKET OF SSTS (AS LOW AS 24 CELSIUS) AROUND THE SYSTEM, LEADING TO THE DOWNTREND IN INTENSITY. TC 15P IS TRACKING SLOWLY SOUTHWESTWARD ALONG THE EASTERN PERIPHERY OF A DEEP-LAYER STR TO THE EAST. TC 15P IS FORECAST TO CONTINUE TO ACCELERATE ON THE SOUTHWESTWARD TRACK THROUGH TAU 72, UNDER THE STEERING INFLUENCE OF PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED STR. DURING THIS PERIOD, AS THE SYSTEM MOVES AWAY FROM THE COLD POOL INTO SIGNIFICANTLY WARMER WATERS AND BEGINS TO TAP INTO THE DIVERGENT UPPER-LEVEL OUTFLOW AHEAD OF AN APPROACHING TROUGH, EXPECT IT TO INTENSIFY STEADILY, REACHING A PEAK OF 80 KNOTS AT TAU 48. AFTER TAU 72, THE SYSTEM IS EXPECTED TO RECURVE AROUND THE STR AXIS AND AHEAD OF THE APPROACHING TROUGH. THE SYSTEM WILL BEGIN A STEADY WEAKENING TREND AFTER TAU 72 DUE TO COMBINED INFLUENCE OF INCREASING VWS AND DECREASING SSTS. BY TAU 120, THE SYSTEM BEGINS EXTRA-TROPICAL TRANSITION AS IT INTERACTS WITH THE MID-LATITUDE WESTERLIES. NUMERICAL MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN STRONG AGREEMENT THROUGHOUT THE FORECAST PERIOD WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE ECMWF, WHICH REMAINS THE SINGLE OUTLIER TAKING THE TRACK WEST TOWARDS THE AUSTRALIAN COAST BEYOND TAU 72, LEADING TO A 700 NM SPREAD BETWEEN OUTLIERS AT TAU 120. DUE TO THE HIGH UNCERTAINTY BETWEEN THE HISTORICALLY WELL-PERFORMING ECMWF AND THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSENSUS MEMBERS, THERE IS HIGH CONFIDENCE IN THE FORECAST TRACK THROUGH TAU 72, WITH LOW CONFIDENCE THROUGH TAU 120. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 171800Z IS 26 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 180300Z, 180900Z, 181500Z AND 182100Z.// NNNN  169 WWUS41 KPHI 172023 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 323 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 PAZ101>103-180400- /O.EXA.KPHI.WW.Y.0010.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Western Chester-Eastern Chester-Western Montgomery- Including the cities of Honey Brook, Oxford, West Chester, Kennett Square, Collegeville, and Pottstown 323 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to an inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Chester and western Montgomery counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NJZ001-PAZ054-055-180400- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0010.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Sussex-Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Newton, Jim Thorpe, and Stroudsburg 323 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...In New Jersey, Sussex county. In Pennsylvania, Carbon and Monroe counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NJZ007>010-PAZ060>062-105-180400- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0010.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Somerset-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton- Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Washington, Morristown, Flemington, Somerville, Reading, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Chalfont, and Perkasie 323 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Along and north of the Interstate 78 corridor, Berks County, and Upper Bucks County. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Monday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PO  312 WSBZ31 SBRE 172023 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 172024/172400 SBRE- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2808 W04451 - S2217 W03804 - S210 4 W03920 - S1929 W03741 - S2013 W03049 - S2346 W02318 - S2543 W02521 - S2311 W03032 - S3049 W04051 - S2808 W04451 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  920 WHUS41 KPHI 172024 CFWPHI Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 324 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 NJZ012>014-020-026-027-181100- /O.NEW.KPHI.CF.Y.0002.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ Middlesex-Western Monmouth-Eastern Monmouth-Ocean-Coastal Ocean- Southeastern Burlington- 324 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 11 AM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Coastal Flood Advisory, which is in effect from 5:00 AM until 11:00 AM Monday. * LOCATIONS...Coastal areas of the New Jersey counties of Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean and southeastern Burlington. * TIMING...High tide on the New Jersey oceanfront occurs between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM on Monday. High tide on the back bays and on Raritan Bay occurs later than the high tide on the oceanfront. * COASTAL FLOOD IMPACTS...Up to one foot of saltwater inundation above ground level is possible in low-lying areas near shorelines and tidal waterways. Minor roadway flooding is possible. * WAVES...Wave heights on the ocean waters off the coast are forecast to be 3 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Coastal Flood Advisory means that minor tidal flooding is expected. Minor tidal flooding often results in some road closures. Usually, the most vulnerable roadways will flood. Do not leave your vehicle at a location that is prone to tidal flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think it is. You will be putting yourself in danger and your vehicle may be damaged, leading to costly repairs. Visit the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service at water.weather.gov/ahps for additional water level and flood impact information for your local tide gauge. && Time of high total tides are approximate to the nearest hour. Perth Amboy NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 7.1 FT, Moderate 8.1 FT, Major 9.1 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.5 FT, Moderate 2.5 FT, Major 3.5 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 6.2 0.5 1.0 None 18/06 AM 7.4 1.8 1.1 Minor 18/07 PM 5.6 -0.0 0.0 None 19/07 AM 6.6 1.0 0.0 None 19/08 PM 6.2 0.5 0.3 None 20/08 AM 7.2 1.5 0.6 Minor Sandy Hook NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 6.7 FT, Moderate 7.7 FT, Major 8.7 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.5 FT, Moderate 2.5 FT, Major 3.5 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 5.7 0.5 0.9 None 18/06 AM 7.0 1.8 1.2 Minor 18/07 PM 5.3 0.1 0.1 None 19/07 AM 6.1 0.9 0.1 None 19/08 PM 5.7 0.5 0.3 None 20/08 AM 6.6 1.4 0.5 None Manasquan NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 5.7 FT, Moderate 6.7 FT, Major 7.7 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.2 FT, Moderate 2.2 FT, Major 3.2 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 4.7 0.2 0.4 None 18/06 AM 6.1 1.6 0.8 Minor 18/07 PM 4.5 -0.0 -0.2 None 19/07 AM 5.2 0.7 -0.3 None 19/08 PM 4.8 0.3 -0.1 None 20/08 AM 5.5 1.0 0.0 None Barnegat Light NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 3.5 FT, Moderate 4.5 FT, Major 5.5 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.0 FT, Moderate 2.0 FT, Major 3.0 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 2.6 0.1 0.6 None 18/06 AM 3.9 1.4 1.2 Minor 18/07 PM 2.5 0.0 0.3 None 19/07 AM 2.9 0.4 0.1 None 19/08 PM 2.5 0.0 0.1 None 20/08 AM 3.1 0.6 0.3 None Atlantic City - Oceanfront NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 6.0 FT, Moderate 7.0 FT, Major 8.0 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.4 FT, Moderate 2.4 FT, Major 3.4 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 4.7 0.1 0.9 None 18/06 AM 6.5 1.9 1.4 Minor 18/07 PM 4.3 -0.3 0.2 None 19/07 AM 5.6 1.0 0.3 None 19/07 PM 4.8 0.2 0.5 None 20/08 AM 5.9 1.3 0.6 None && $$ DEZ002>004-NJZ022>025-181100- /O.NEW.KPHI.CF.Y.0002.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ Kent-Inland Sussex-Delaware Beaches-Atlantic-Cape May- Atlantic Coastal Cape May-Coastal Atlantic- 324 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 11 AM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Coastal Flood Advisory, which is in effect from 5:00 AM until 11:00 AM Monday. * LOCATIONS...Coastal areas of the New Jersey counties of Atlantic and Cape May, and the Delaware counties of Sussex and Kent. * TIMING...High tide on the New Jersey and Delaware oceanfront occurs between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM on Monday. High tide on the back bays and on Delaware Bay occurs later than the high tide on the oceanfront. * COASTAL FLOOD IMPACTS...Up to one foot of saltwater inundation above ground level is possible in low-lying areas near shorelines and tidal waterways. Minor roadway flooding is possible. * WAVES...Wave heights on the ocean waters off the coast are forecast to be 3 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Coastal Flood Advisory means that minor tidal flooding is expected. Minor tidal flooding often results in some road closures. Usually, the most vulnerable roadways will flood. Do not leave your vehicle at a location that is prone to tidal flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think it is. You will be putting yourself in danger and your vehicle may be damaged, leading to costly repairs. Visit the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service at water.weather.gov/ahps for additional water level and flood impact information for your local tide gauge. && Time of high total tides are approximate to the nearest hour. Bowers Beach DE MLLW Categories - Minor 6.6 FT, Moderate 7.6 FT, Major 8.6 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 0.9 FT, Moderate 1.9 FT, Major 2.9 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/08 PM 5.4 -0.3 0.8 None 18/08 AM 7.1 1.4 0.9 Minor 18/08 PM 4.8 -0.9 -0.2 None 19/09 AM 6.4 0.7 0.0 None 19/09 PM 5.6 -0.1 0.3 None 20/10 AM 7.0 1.3 0.6 Minor Lewes DE MLLW Categories - Minor 6.0 FT, Moderate 7.0 FT, Major 8.0 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.4 FT, Moderate 2.4 FT, Major 3.4 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/07 PM 4.9 0.2 1.0 None 18/07 AM 6.3 1.7 1.0 Minor 18/08 PM 4.2 -0.5 0.0 None 19/08 AM 5.7 1.0 0.3 None 19/09 PM 4.9 0.2 0.4 None 20/09 AM 6.1 1.5 0.7 Minor Atlantic City - Oceanfront NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 6.0 FT, Moderate 7.0 FT, Major 8.0 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.4 FT, Moderate 2.4 FT, Major 3.4 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 4.7 0.1 0.9 None 18/06 AM 6.5 1.9 1.4 Minor 18/07 PM 4.3 -0.3 0.2 None 19/07 AM 5.6 1.0 0.3 None 19/07 PM 4.8 0.2 0.5 None 20/08 AM 5.9 1.3 0.6 None Ocean City NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 5.3 FT, Moderate 6.3 FT, Major 7.3 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.3 FT, Moderate 2.3 FT, Major 3.3 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 4.1 0.1 0.6 None 18/07 AM 5.9 1.9 1.1 Minor 18/07 PM 3.7 -0.3 -0.1 None 19/07 AM 4.9 0.9 0.0 None 19/08 PM 4.2 0.2 0.2 None 20/08 AM 5.2 1.2 0.3 None Cape May Harbor NJ MLLW Categories - Minor 6.2 FT, Moderate 7.2 FT, Major 8.2 FT MHHW Categories - Minor 1.1 FT, Moderate 2.1 FT, Major 3.1 FT Total Total Departure Day/Time Tide Tide from Norm Flood ft MLLW ft MHHW ft Impact -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 17/06 PM 5.1 0.0 0.9 None 18/07 AM 6.7 1.6 1.0 Minor 18/07 PM 4.5 -0.6 0.0 None 19/07 AM 6.1 1.0 0.2 None 19/08 PM 5.2 0.1 0.4 None 20/08 AM 6.6 1.5 0.7 Minor && $$ Davis/Iovino  229 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0055 W04046 - S0410 W04231 - S0451 W04329 - S0645 W03810 - S1028 W03746 - S1041 W03712 - S0719 W03453 - S0501 W03525 - S0252 W03942 - S0156 W03757 - N0021 W03939 - N0055 W04046 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  230 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1503 W05339 - S1209 W05314 - S1041 W05601 - S1336 W05654 - S1503 W05339 TOP FL500 MOV E 15KT INTSF=  231 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0115 W05127 - N0014W05009 - S0110 W04133 - S0405 W04234 - S0525 W04524 - S0115 W05127 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  232 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 171925/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1008 W05052 - S0612 W05438 - S1033 W05559 - S1200 W05316 - S1008 W05052 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  233 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 172020/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0558 W07210 - S0537 W06434 - S0916 W06315 - S1003 W07024 - S0838 W07236 - S0558 W07210 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  234 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  235 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1335 W05704 - S0614 W05444 - S0359 W05727 - S0500 W06258 - S0823 W06156 - S1124 W06322 - S1335 W05704 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  236 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  237 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0444 W05556 - S0222W05316 - S0805 W04544 - S1013 W04738 - S0941 W04758 - S1016 W05039 - S0444 W05556 TOP FL450 MOV NW08KT INTSF=  238 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBRE SIGMET 25 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0621 W04446 - S0810 W04546 - S0852 W04638 - S1015 W04737 - S1159 W04651 - S1322 W04531 - S1413 W04459 - S1448 W04432 - S1538 W04403 - S1621 W04249 - S1701 W04141 - S1836 W04229 - S1928 W04227 - S2027 W04235 - S2032 W04220 - S2036 W04159 - S2029 W04142 - S1654 W04044 - S1713 W03905 - S1303 W03850 - S1208 W04143 - S0756 W04040 - S0625 W04318 - S0621 W04446 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  239 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  946 WSPY31 SGFA 172040 SGFA SIGMET 02 VALID 172040/172340 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1945Z E OF LINE S2200 WO5757 - S2447 WO5843 - S2732 WO5617 FL240/340 STNR NC=  277 WWCN14 CWNT 172027 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KITIKMEOT AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:27 P.M. MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: GJOA HAVEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PROLONGED PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS CONTINUES. WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 55 WILL CONTINUE TONIGHT AND ARE EXPECTED TO PERSIST UNTIL A WARNING TREND COMES IN ON WEDNESDAY. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  061 WWUS43 KABR 172028 WSWABR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 228 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 SDZ003-172130- /O.CAN.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Corson- Including the city of McIntosh 128 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Little to no additional snowfall is expected. Therefore, the winter storm warning has been cancelled. $$ SDZ015-016-033>035-180000- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Dewey-Potter-Stanley-Sully-Hughes- Including the cities of Isabel, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, Onida, and Pierre 228 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /128 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Potter, Dewey, Sully, Hughes and Stanley Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /5 PM MST/ this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ045-048-180000- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jones-Lyman- Including the cities of Murdo and Kennebec 228 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Jones and Lyman Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ017-036-037-051-180000- /O.CON.KABR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Faulk-Hyde-Hand-Buffalo- Including the cities of Faulkton, Highmore, Miller, and Fort Thompson 228 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Buffalo, Faulk, Hand and Hyde Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ018-180000- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Spink- Including the city of Redfield 228 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Spink County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ019>023-180000- /O.CON.KABR.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Clark-Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel- Including the cities of Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Hayti, and Clear Lake 228 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Deuel, Clark, Grant, Codington and Hamlin Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ KF  234 WWUS75 KVEF 172028 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1228 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ523-525-180600- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Western Mojave Desert-Morongo Basin- Including Barstow, Daggett, Fort Irwin, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, and Twentynine Palms 1228 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...West to northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * TIMING...Wind speeds will peak again late afternoon through early evening then gradually decrease toward 10 PM PST. * IMPACTS...A Wind Advisory means strong winds gusting over 40 mph can make driving difficult...especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorcycle riders and drivers of vans...campers...trailers and any other high profile vehicle should be alert to the danger of these strong winds. Take action to secure trash cans...lawn furniture...and other loose or lightweight outdoor objects. && $$  894 WAIY31 LIIB 172030 LIMM AIRMET 10 VALID 172035/172235 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0400M FG OBS WI N4427 E00848 - N4448 E01005 - N4341 E01143 - N4328 E01023 - N4407 E00936 - N4427 E00848 STNR INTSF=  240 WHUS74 KCRP 172030 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 230 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...STRONG OFFSHORE FLOW ACROSS THE GULF WATERS TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY NIGHT... .Offshore flow will strengthen tonight across the Gulf waters as high pressure continues to build into the region. Seas will steadily build through Monday. GMZ250-255-270-275-180600- /O.NEW.KCRP.SC.Y.0014.190218T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM-Waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas from 20 to 60 NM- Waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel from 20 to 60 NM- 230 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Corpus Christi has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 6 PM this evening to 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...Northeast wind 20 to 25 knots with occasionally higher gusts. * WAVES/SEAS...Seas building to 5 to 7 feet across the nearshore waters. Seas building to 7 to 9 feet across the offshore waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots and/or seas of 7 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$ CB  608 WWUS41 KBOX 172030 WSWBOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MAZ017>021-RIZ001>005-180430- /O.UPG.KBOX.WS.A.0004.190218T0500Z-190218T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KBOX.WS.W.0004.190218T0400Z-190218T2100Z/ Northern Bristol MA-Western Plymouth MA-Eastern Plymouth MA- Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Northwest Providence RI- Southeast Providence RI-Western Kent RI-Eastern Kent RI- Bristol RI- Including the cities of Taunton, Brockton, Plymouth, Fall River, New Bedford, Mattapoisett, Foster, Smithfield, Providence, Coventry, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, and Bristol 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern Rhode Island. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snow occurs overnight into mid morning Monday. The result will be hazardous travel for the morning commute with snow covered roads and poor visibility. Generally lighter snow will linger later in the morning and afternoon, but pockets of moderate snow will still be possible especially across the southeast Massachusetts coast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. && $$ MAZ022-RIZ006-007-180430- /O.UPG.KBOX.WS.A.0004.190218T0500Z-190218T1800Z/ /O.EXB.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0400Z-190218T2100Z/ Barnstable MA-Washington RI-Newport RI- Including the cities of Chatham, Falmouth, Provincetown, Narragansett, Westerly, and Newport 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected which may change to a period of sleet or rain for a time Monday morning. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...In Massachusetts, Barnstable MA County. In Rhode Island, Washington RI and Newport RI Counties. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snow occurs overnight into mid morning Monday. The result will be hazardous travel for the morning commute with snow covered roads and poor visibility. Light snows will linger later in the morning and afternoon, which may change to a period of sleet or rain for a time. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ023-024-RIZ008-180430- /O.EXB.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0400Z-190218T2100Z/ Dukes MA-Nantucket MA-Block Island RI- Including the cities of Vineyard Haven, Nantucket, and New Shoreham 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected which will change to rain or sleet by early to mid morning Monday. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...In Massachusetts, Dukes MA and Nantucket MA Counties. In Rhode Island, Block Island RI County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The bulk of the snow will occur overnight into early Monday morning. The snow will then change to mainly rain and sleet by mid morning Monday. Precipitation should then change back to lighter snow during the afternoon, but any additional accumulations should be an inch or less. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ002>006-008-010-026-180430- /O.EXB.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0500Z-190218T2100Z/ Western Franklin MA-Eastern Franklin MA-Northern Worcester MA- Central Middlesex MA-Western Essex MA-Western Hampshire MA- Eastern Hampshire MA-Northern Middlesex MA- Including the cities of Charlemont, Greenfield, Orange, Barre, Fitchburg, Framingham, Lowell, Lawrence, Chesterfield, Amherst, Northampton, and Ayer 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Most of Massachusetts that is located north of the Massachusetts turnpike. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Periods of snow expected overnight into Monday afternoon. This will result in hazardous travel with snow covered roads and poor visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ CTZ002>004-MAZ009-011-012-180430- /O.EXT.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190218T2100Z/ Hartford CT-Tolland CT-Windham CT-Western Hampden MA- Eastern Hampden MA-Southern Worcester MA- Including the cities of Hartford, Windsor Locks, Union, Vernon, Putnam, Willimantic, Blandford, Springfield, Milford, and Worcester 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern Connecticut as well as southwest and south central Massachusetts. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snow occurs overnight into early morning Monday. The result will be hazardous travel for the morning commute with snow covered roads and poor visibility. Generally lighter snow will linger later in the morning and afternoon, but pockets of moderate snow will still be possible especially across the Worcester Hills. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ MAZ007-013>016-180430- /O.EXT.KBOX.WW.Y.0011.190218T0500Z-190218T2100Z/ Eastern Essex MA-Western Norfolk MA-Southeast Middlesex MA- Suffolk MA-Eastern Norfolk MA- Including the cities of Gloucester, Foxborough, Norwood, Cambridge, Boston, and Quincy 330 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 4 PM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches expected. * WHERE...Greater Boston and the North Shore. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 4 PM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Periods of snow expected overnight into Monday afternoon. This will result in hazardous travel with snow covered roads and poor visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ Frank  219 WSBZ31 SBBS 172030 SBBS SIGMET 11 VALID 172045/180045 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1916 W04911 - S2202 W04807 - S2304 W04739 - S2326 W04658 - S2318 W04552 - S2031 W04409 - S2024 W04240 - S1703 W04146 - S1538 W04404 - S0938 W04807 - S1501 W04732 - S1155 W0 5237 - S1252 W05330 - S1916 W04911 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  626 WWCN13 CWNT 172030 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE KIVALLIQ AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:30 P.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= RANKIN REGION INCLUDING WHALE COVE =NEW= CHESTERFIELD INLET BAKER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== NORTHWESTERLY WINDS GUSTING AT TIMES TO 60 KM/H COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MID MINUS 30S WILL COMBINE TO CREATE EXTREME WIND CHILL OF MINUS 55 OR LOWER TONIGHT ALONG WITH INTERMITTENT REDUCED VISIBILITIES IN BLOWING SNOW. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SLIGHTLY ON MONDAY. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. WATCH FOR COLOUR CHANGES ON FINGERS AND TOES, PAIN, NUMBNESS, A TINGLING SENSATION, OR SWELLING. IF PRESENT, MOVE INDOORS AND BEGIN WARMING. KEEP MOVING TO MAINTAIN YOUR BODY HEAT AND SEEK SHELTER FROM THE WIND. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  274 WWUS75 KPSR 172031 NPWPSR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 131 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ533-536>540-542>544-546>551-553>556-559-561-181430- /O.NEW.KPSR.FZ.A.0002.190220T0200Z-190220T1600Z/ Central La Paz-Gila River Valley-Northwest Valley-Tonopah Desert- Gila Bend-Buckeye/Avondale-Deer Valley-Central Phoenix- North Phoenix/Glendale-Scottsdale/Paradise Valley- Rio Verde/Salt River-East Valley-Fountain Hills/East Mesa- South Mountain/Ahwatukee-Southeast Valley/Queen Creek- Northwest Pinal County-West Pinal County- Apache Junction/Gold Canyon-Tonto Basin- Sonoran Desert Natl Monument-Dripping Springs- Including the cities of Brenda, Harcuvar, Quartzsite, Vicksburg, Vicksburg Junction, Salome, Ligurta, Circle City, Surprise, Wittmann, Beardsley, Sun City West, Arlington, Hassayampa, Tonopah, Wintersburg, Gila Bend, Sentinel, Avondale, Cashion, Goodyear, Liberty, Peoria, Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Mesa, Chandler, Tempe, Gilbert, Fountain Hills, Sun Lakes, Queen Creek, Casa Grande, Florence, Coolidge, Apache Junction, Punkin Center, Kaka, Hayden, and Winkelman 131 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY EVENING THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... The National Weather Service in Phoenix has issued a Freeze Watch, which is in effect from Tuesday evening through Wednesday morning. * TEMPERATURES...As low as 30 degrees. Some localized spots may be even colder. * TIMING...Tuesday evening through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Freeze Watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could destroy or damage crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$  631 WHUS71 KAKQ 172031 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 331 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ630>632-634-180445- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0018.190218T2100Z-190219T1200Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA- Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA- Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA- Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel- 331 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM MONDAY TO 7 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 4 PM Monday to 7 AM EST Tuesday. * Wind: Northwest 15 to 20 knots with gusts to 25 knots. * Waves: 2 to 3 feet. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots and/or waves of 4 feet or greater over the Chesapeake Bay are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$ ANZ633-180445- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0018.190219T0300Z-190219T1500Z/ Currituck Sound- 331 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM MONDAY TO 10 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 10 PM Monday to 10 AM EST Tuesday. * Wind: Northwest 15 to 20 knots with gusts to 25 knots. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots over the Currituck Sound are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$ ANZ650-652-654-180445- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0018.190218T2100Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm- 331 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM MONDAY TO 7 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 4 PM Monday to 7 AM EST Tuesday. * Wind: Northwest 15 to 25 knots with gusts up to 30 knots. * Seas: 4 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 5 feet or greater over the coastal waters are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$ ANZ656-658-180445- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0018.190219T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 331 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM MONDAY TO 7 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 7 PM Monday to 7 AM EST Tuesday. * Wind: Northwest 15 to 25 knots with gusts up to 30 knots. * Seas: 4 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 5 feet or greater over the coastal waters are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$ Butner  735 WAUS43 KKCI 172045 WA3Z CHIZ WA 172045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 5 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . ...SEE SIGMET WHISKEY SERIES... . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO FROM 60NW MOT TO 70NE BIS TO 20ENE BRD TO 60ESE MCI TO 40NW SLN TO 40SW LBF TO 20NW BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 60NW MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...MO IL KY TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 40WNW ATL TO 20E MHZ TO 30NE LFK TO 20N TXK TO 60SW PXV TO HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 050-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 20ENE BRD TO SSM TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO 60ESE MCI TO 20ENE BRD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 40SSW GLD-60SE GCK-30SE MMB-40NNW CDS-40NE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-40SSW GLD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 30S FWA-CVG-HNN-50S HNN-30ESE BWG-40SSE PXV-60SSE AXC-30S FWA MULT FRZLVL 020-110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE AXC-40SSE PXV-30ESE BWG- 60SSW HNN-50E LOZ-40NNE MSL-20WNW EIC-70ENE TTT-20NNW ADM- 20E OKC-40S SGF-60SSE AXC SFC ALG 20E RZC-60SW FAM-50NW PXV-20N CVG 040 ALG 60ENE DYR-40NW LOZ-40W HNN ....  736 WAUS45 KKCI 172045 WA5Z SLCZ WA 172045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET ICE...NV UT CO AZ NM FROM JNC TO 20SE HBU TO 20ESE ALS TO 20NE ABQ TO 20E INW TO 20E PGS TO 30N EED TO 40WSW LAS TO 20WSW BTY TO 50SW ILC TO 30NW HVE TO JNC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL180. FRZLVL SFC-080. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...MT WY FROM 30NNE HVR TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 20NW BFF TO 30SE CZI TO 40ESE BIL TO 30ENE LWT TO 30NNE HVR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS ENDG BY 03Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT NV UT WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30NNE FCA TO 20SSW HLN TO 20SE DBS TO 20NE MLD TO 20SW MLD TO 80WSW TWF TO 40E LKV TO 50WSW OED TO 40SSW EUG TO 20SW SEA TO 40ESE HUH TO 80WSW YXC MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...ICE ID NV UT BOUNDED BY MLD-40ENE SLC-50WSW MTU-20WSW DTA-40NE ELY-40S TWF-MLD MOD ICE BLW 150. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...ICE CO NM BOUNDED BY 50NE PUB-40SSW GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-40NE TCC-40ESE CIM-40W TBE-50NE PUB MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-080 ACRS AREA SFC ALG 30SSE BTY-40NNW LAS-50ENE LAS-60NNE SSO-30W TCS-50SSE TBE 040 ALG 50SSE BTY-40ESE BTY-60NE LAS ....  737 WAUS46 KKCI 172045 WA6Z SFOZ WA 172045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET ICE...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 130WSW ONP TO 40SSW EUG TO 70SW OED TO 20WNW RBL TO 70NNW FMG TO 40SSW FMG TO 30WSW LAS TO 30SSW HEC TO TRM TO MZB TO 140SSW SNS TO 120SW PYE TO 140WSW FOT TO 130WSW ONP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 150. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...WA OR ID MT NV UT AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30NNE FCA TO 20SSW HLN TO 20SE DBS TO 20NE MLD TO 20SW MLD TO 80WSW TWF TO 40E LKV TO 50WSW OED TO 40SSW EUG TO 20SW SEA TO 40ESE HUH TO 80WSW YXC MOD ICE BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-080 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 050-080 BOUNDED BY 150SW SNS-110SW LAX-70SW MZB- 210SW MZB-150SW SNS SFC ALG 40NNE TOU-50SW HUH-20WSW SEA-70S OED-30SE CZQ-40NE EHF-30SSE BTY 040 ALG 160WSW RZS-120WSW RZS-30WNW LAX-40W HEC-50SSE BTY ....  738 WAUS44 KKCI 172045 WA4Z DFWZ WA 172045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET ICE...TX AR TN LA MS AL MO IL KY FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 40WNW ATL TO 20E MHZ TO 30NE LFK TO 20N TXK TO 60SW PXV TO HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 050-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE OK TX KS BOUNDED BY 40SSW GLD-60SE GCK-30SE MMB-40NNW CDS-40NE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-40SSW GLD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-165 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 020-110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE AXC-40SSE PXV-30ESE BWG- 60SSW HNN-50E LOZ-40NNE MSL-20WNW EIC-70ENE TTT-20NNW ADM- 20E OKC-40S SGF-60SSE AXC SFC ALG 50SSE TBE-70WSW LBL-20NW OKC-20E RZC 040 ALG 60ESE TBE-50N CDS-40N SPS-30NE ADM-20SW DYR-60ENE DYR 080 ALG 30SSE ELP-60E ABI-40SSW LOZ 120 ALG 90SSE MRF-20NNE MLU-30S GQO 160 ALG 60S LRD-70ESE CRP-120ENE BRO 160 ALG 50SSW LEV-100SSE SJI ....  145 WWUS45 KPSR 172032 WSWPSR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 132 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ557-558-563-182100- /O.CON.KPSR.WS.W.0001.190217T2200Z-190218T2100Z/ /O.CON.KPSR.WW.Y.0001.190217T2200Z-190218T2100Z/ Mazatzal Mountains-Pinal/Superstition Mountains- Southeast Gila County- 132 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected above 5000 feet. Snow expected above 4000 feet. Above 5000 feet, total snow accumulations of 5 to 12 inches expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches expected between 4000 and 5000 feet. * WHERE...Mazatzal Mountains, Pinal/Superstition Mountains and Southeast Gila County. * WHEN...From 3 PM Sunday to 2 PM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ545-561-562-182100- /O.CON.KPSR.WW.Y.0001.190217T2200Z-190218T2100Z/ New River Mesa-Dripping Springs-Globe/Miami- 132 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 4000 feet. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches expected between 4000 and 5000 feet. * WHERE...New River Mesa, Dripping Springs and Globe/Miami. * WHEN...From 3 PM Sunday to 2 PM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  312 WAUS42 KKCI 172045 WA2Z MIAZ WA 172045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET ICE...NC SC GA MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50S HTO TO 90SE HTO TO 180S ACK TO 150SE SIE TO 90E ILM TO 30WNW ILM TO 40WNW ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO 50SW JST TO EMI TO 30ESE CYN TO 50S HTO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 030-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE NC SC GA MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-140SE ECG-30SE CLT-40SE ODF-30W ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-50SSW AIR-50ESE AIR-EMI-30ESE CYN-60S HTO-150ESE ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 020-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 020-100 BOUNDED BY 20N JFK-150ESE ACK-200SE ACK- 150SE SIE-70ESE SBY-30SW RIC-30SW RDU-20ENE ODF-50SW EKN- 40WSW HAR-20N JFK 080 ALG HMV-40NW CLT-20NE CLT-30SE GSO-60SSW RIC 120 ALG 30S GQO-30NW CAE-40ENE ILM-170SE ECG 160 ALG 100SSE SJI-90S CEW-20S TLH-220SE CHS ....  313 WAUS41 KKCI 172045 WA1Z BOSZ WA 172045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE YOW TO 40E MPV TO 30ESE ENE TO 30NW ACK TO 50S HTO TO 30ESE CYN TO EMI TO 50SW JST TO 20WNW JHW TO 40N ERI TO 30E YYZ TO 60SSW YOW TO 30SE YOW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL180. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...NY PA OH LE WV FROM 20WNW JHW TO 50SW JST TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO TO 50N CLE TO 20WNW JHW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50S HTO TO 90SE HTO TO 180S ACK TO 150SE SIE TO 90E ILM TO 30WNW ILM TO 40WNW ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO 50SW JST TO EMI TO 30ESE CYN TO 50S HTO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 030-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...ICE NY LO PA OH LE WV MD BOUNDED BY 20NE ERI-50ESE AIR-50SSW AIR-HNN-CVG-FWA-20E DXO-30NNW CLE-20NE ERI MOD ICE BLW 140. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...ICE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA LE WV MD DE AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SE YSC-20W BGR-90SSW YSJ-150ESE ACK-60SSE HTO-30ESE CYN-EMI-50ESE AIR-30NNE ERI-20E YYZ-30SE YOW-30SE YSC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 3...ICE MA RI NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-140SE ECG-30SE CLT-40SE ODF-30W ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-50SSW AIR-50ESE AIR-EMI-30ESE CYN-60S HTO-150ESE ACK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 040-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-100 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 020-100 BOUNDED BY 20N JFK-150ESE ACK-200SE ACK- 150SE SIE-70ESE SBY-30SW RIC-30SW RDU-20ENE ODF-50SW EKN- 40WSW HAR-20N JFK MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 30NNE SLT-20N JFK-40WSW HAR- 40SW EKN-50S HNN-HNN-CVG-30S FWA-60S DXO-30NNE SLT SFC ALG 20N CVG-20WSW AIR-50SSE JST-20WNW EMI-20NW HTO-140ENE ACK 040 ALG 40W HNN-50SW AIR-40S AIR-20SSE EKN-20NNW LYH-130SSE HTO-190SE ACK 080 ALG 60SSW RIC-180ESE SIE ....  777 WAUS45 KKCI 172045 WA5T SLCT WA 172045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...UT CO AZ NM FROM 40SSE SNY TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 40SSE SSO TO DVC TO 30S DEN TO 40SSE SNY MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID NV UT AZ NM WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SW YDC TO 60WSW BTG TO OAL TO DVC TO 50SSE SSO TO 50SW TUS TO BZA TO 30S MZB TO 40SW RZS TO 100SW PYE TO 130W FOT TO 130WNW FOT TO 140W TOU TO TOU TO 20SW YDC MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...AZ NM FROM 80SW DVC TO 40ESE RSK TO 30SSE ABQ TO 20NW CME TO 70E ELP TO ELP TO 40SSW DMN TO SSO TO 40SSW PGS TO 80SW DVC MOD TURB BLW 170. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. ....  778 WAUS43 KKCI 172045 WA3T CHIT WA 172045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY OK TX AR TN MS AL FROM 50WNW SSM TO 20E YVV TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20SE VXV TO 20SE ARG TO 60SSW MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40SSE SNY TO 50WNW SSM MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...IN KY TN MS AL FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LGC TO VUZ TO 30NW MSL TO CVG MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...IN KY TN AL BOUNDED BY CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-60S LGC-MGM-40SE IGB-50W LOZ-CVG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  779 WAUS42 KKCI 172045 WA2T MIAT WA 172045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...NC ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 50NNE PQI TO 50SW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO GSO TO 20SE VXV TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 20ESE MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...NC SC GA PA OH WV MD DC VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM ERI TO HAR TO 20WSW ORF TO 70SSE ECG TO AMG TO PZD TO LGC TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO ERI MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...NC SC GA PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY SLT-30SW ETX-40E ORF-50SSE ILM-20NW AMG-60S LGC-GQO- HMV-HNN-CVG-CLE-SLT LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...STG SFC WNDS NC MA RI NY NJ MD DE VA CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 90SSE HTO-180SSE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG-120SE ECG- 50ESE ECG-60SE SBY-90SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  780 WAUS41 KKCI 172045 WA1T BOST WA 172045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 50NNE PQI TO 50SW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO GSO TO 20SE VXV TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 20ESE MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...PA OH WV MD DC VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM ERI TO HAR TO 20WSW ORF TO 70SSE ECG TO AMG TO PZD TO LGC TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO ERI MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY SLT-30SW ETX-40E ORF-50SSE ILM-20NW AMG-60S LGC-GQO- HMV-HNN-CVG-CLE-SLT LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...STG SFC WNDS MA RI NY NJ MD DE VA NC CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 90SSE HTO-180SSE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG-120SE ECG- 50ESE ECG-60SE SBY-90SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  781 WAUS44 KKCI 172045 WA4T DFWT WA 172045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR TN MS AL NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY FROM 50WNW SSM TO 20E YVV TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20SE VXV TO 20SE ARG TO 60SSW MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40SSE SNY TO 50WNW SSM MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...TN MS AL IN KY FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LGC TO VUZ TO 30NW MSL TO CVG MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...TN AL IN KY BOUNDED BY CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-60S LGC-MGM-40SE IGB-50W LOZ-CVG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  782 WAUS46 KKCI 172045 WA6T SFOT WA 172045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID NV UT AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SW YDC TO 60WSW BTG TO OAL TO DVC TO 50SSE SSO TO 50SW TUS TO BZA TO 30S MZB TO 40SW RZS TO 100SW PYE TO 130W FOT TO 130WNW FOT TO 140W TOU TO TOU TO 20SW YDC MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70ESE CZQ TO EED TO BZA TO MZB TO LAX TO 30WSW RZS TO 70ESE CZQ MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...CA FROM 70WSW BTY TO 60WSW LAS TO HEC TO LAX TO RZS TO 70WSW BTY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. ....  512 WHUS73 KMKX 172034 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 234 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...BRISK EAST TO NORTHEAST WINDS AND HIGH WAVES IN THE NEARSHORE INTO MONDAY MORNING... LMZ643>646-180445- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 234 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS: East 15 to 20 knots, backing northeast tonight, and north Monday morning. A few gusts up to 25 knots. * WAVES: 3 to 6 feet in ice free areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/mkx  903 WAUS44 KKCI 172045 WA4S DFWS WA 172045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET IFR...TX AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70WNW BNA TO HMV TO GQO TO LGC TO 40W CEW TO 90SE LEV TO 120SSW LCH TO 80E BRO TO 30W BRO TO 30SE IAH TO 50ENE LFK TO 50WNW SQS TO 60ESE DYR TO 70WNW BNA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...TN KY FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SE BWG-HMV-GQO-50SW PZD-40W CEW-130ESE LEV-110S LCH- 50ENE AEX-40E SQS-50WNW MSL-30SE BWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  904 WAUS45 KKCI 172045 WA5S SLCS WA 172045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET IFR...NV CA FROM 60NNE RBL TO 40NE FMG TO 20WNW OAL TO 60SSW OAL TO 60WSW BTY TO 40SE EHF TO 40ESE CZQ TO 20E SAC TO 60NNE RBL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID NV UT FROM 20WNW PIH TO 50SW MLD TO 20NNW SLC TO 40WNW JNC TO 20NNW HVE TO 40NE ELY TO 20SSW BAM TO 40SSE BOI TO 20WNW PIH CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WA OR FROM 40WNW FCA TO 50SSE FCA TO 30SE LKT TO 50ENE BOI TO 20NNW DNJ TO 40WSW BKE TO 60WSW PDT TO 30WNW GEG TO 40WNW FCA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 20S CZI TO 60W BIL TO 60NW GGW TO 50NNW ISN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...UT CO NM FROM 20SSW LAR TO 20S CYS TO 50SE DEN TO 40NNE ABQ TO 40S HVE TO 40ENE HVE TO 20SSW LAR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...UT AZ NM FROM 80SSE ILC TO 30WSW RSK TO 20N INW TO 40W SJN TO 50ENE PHX TO 40SSE DRK TO 30ENE EED TO 80SSE ILC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID NV AZ WA OR CA FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 50SE REO TO EED TO 20SE HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO 20S MZB TO 30SE LAX TO 40WSW RZS TO 30WSW ENI TO 20WSW FOT TO 50SSE HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40SW YQL TO 40NW HVR TO 20NE GTF TO SHR TO 20SE CYS TO 20ESE TBE TO 30SSE ALS TO 40WNW DMN TO 20NNE TUS TO 20ESE PHX TO EED TO 50SE REO TO 70SW YXC TO 40SSE FCA TO 40SW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 20SSE CYS-50NW LAA-40E LAA-50W LBL-50NNE TCC-50NNE ABQ-70ENE TBC-HVE-50S SLC-40NW MTU-20W DBL-30SSW LAR-20SSE CYS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  906 WAUS42 KKCI 172045 WA2S MIAS WA 172045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NE ECG TO 90S ECG TO 90ESE CHS TO 20NE CRG TO 30N AMG TO 20NNW PZD TO LGC TO GQO TO HMV TO 20NE ECG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NC SC GA NY PA WV MD VA FROM 50NW ALB TO 50S ALB TO HAR TO 40SSE PSK TO CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO JHW TO SYR TO 50NW ALB MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 160SE SIE-100SE ECG-50E ILM-90SSE CHS-30N OMN-20SW ORL-20S TRV-20S RSW-50W SRQ-120SSE CEW-130ESE LEV-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-HMV-20NE ECG-160SE SIE CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 60WSW YSC-CON-HAR-40SSE PSK-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-JHW- SYR-MSS-60WSW YSC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  907 WAUS46 KKCI 172045 WA6S SFOS WA 172045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET IFR...CA NV FROM 60NNE RBL TO 40NE FMG TO 20WNW OAL TO 60SSW OAL TO 60WSW BTY TO 40SE EHF TO 40ESE CZQ TO 20E SAC TO 60NNE RBL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA OR ID MT FROM 40WNW FCA TO 50SSE FCA TO 30SE LKT TO 50ENE BOI TO 20NNW DNJ TO 40WSW BKE TO 60WSW PDT TO 30WNW GEG TO 40WNW FCA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA ID NV AZ FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 50SE REO TO EED TO 20SE HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO 20S MZB TO 30SE LAX TO 40WSW RZS TO 30WSW ENI TO 20WSW FOT TO 50SSE HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR WA OR BOUNDED BY 20NE SEA-40WSW DSD-30SW EUG-50W SEA-20NE SEA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  908 WAUS41 KKCI 172045 WA1S BOSS WA 172045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET IFR...NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW SYR TO 30SSE ALB TO 20SSW JFK TO 20NE ECG TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO TO 40NW SYR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA WV MD VA NC SC GA FROM 50NW ALB TO 50S ALB TO HAR TO 40SSE PSK TO CLT TO ATL TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO JHW TO SYR TO 50NW ALB MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY MSS-150ENE ACK-180SE ACK-160SE SIE-20NE ECG-HMV-HNN- CVG-FWA-DXO-MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 60WSW YSC-CON-HAR-40SSE PSK-CLT-ATL-GQO-HMV-HNN-JHW- SYR-MSS-60WSW YSC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  909 WAUS43 KKCI 172045 WA3S CHIS WA 172045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY FROM 50SSW ISN TO 50E DPR TO 30NW EAU TO 40ENE GRB TO 40NNE ECK TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 70WNW BNA TO 30W PXV TO 60S DSM TO OBH TO 70SW RAP TO 50SSW ISN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...KY TN FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 50WSW LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR ND SD NE MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 80SW YWG-30SSW ABR-30W MSP-40NE GRB-60SW YVV-30SE ECK- FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-30SE BWG-50SSE TTH-40WSW AXC-30SSW IRK-60SW DSM- OBH-80SSE RAP-50WNW RAP-50NNW ISN-80SW YWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  208 WTNC18 NWBB 172035 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY Issued by NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE at 2019-02-17 20:27 UTC Name: tropical cyclone category 2 OMA Data at 2019-02-17 18:00 UTC Latitude: 16.6 S Longitude: 164.1 E Location accuracy: within 30 nm Movement toward: 190 degree Speed of movement: 5 kt Maximum 10-minutes wind: 50 kt Maximum wind gust: 70 kt Central pressure: 984 hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: 180 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: 180 nm Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: 150 nm Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: 120 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: 70 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: 70 nm Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: 50 nm Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: 50 nm Radius of 64-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of maximum winds: 40 nm FORECAST DATA Date (UTC): Location(degree): Accuracy(nm): Max wind(kt) 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.3 S 163.9 E: 40: 55 18/02/19 00UTC: 17.9 S 163.6 E: 40: 55 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.6 S 163.3 E: 50: 60 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.2 S 162.9 E: 60: 60 18/02/19 18UTC: 19.7 S 162.4 E: 80: 60 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.3 S 162.1 E: 90: 70 19/02/19 06UTC: 20.8 S 162.0 E: 100: 75 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.3 S 161.7 E: 110: 75 19/02/19 18UTC: 21.8 S 161.4 E: 120: 75 20/02/19 00UTC: 22.4 S 161.2 E: 130: 70 20/02/19 06UTC: 23.0 S 161.0 E: 140: 60 20/02/19 12UTC: 23.6 S 160.7 E: 150: 60 Next issue time : The 2019-02-18 at 03:00 UTC.  749 WSPN02 KKCI 172035 SIGP0B KZAK PAZA SIGMET BRAVO 1 VALID 172045/180045 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR ANCHORAGE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5600 W15745 - N5145 W15445 - N4630 W15615 - N4515 W16315 - N5330 W16700 - N5600 W15745. FL330/400. MOV ENE 25KT. INTSF.  648 WTNC18 NWBB 172035 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY ISSUED BY NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE AT 2019-02-17 20:27 UTC NAME: TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY 2 OMA DATA AT 2019-02-17 18:00 UTC LATITUDE: 16.6 S LONGITUDE: 164.1 E LOCATION ACCURACY: WITHIN 30 NM MOVEMENT TOWARD: 190 DEGREE SPEED OF MOVEMENT: 5 KT MAXIMUM 10-MINUTES WIND: 50 KT MAXIMUM WIND GUST: 70 KT CENTRAL PRESSURE: 984 HPA RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 180 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 180 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 150 NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 120 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: 70 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: 70 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: 50 NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: 50 NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS: 40 NM FORECAST DATA DATE (UTC): LOCATION(DEGREE): ACCURACY(NM): MAX WIND(KT) 17/02/19 18UTC: 17.3 S 163.9 E: 40: 55 18/02/19 00UTC: 17.9 S 163.6 E: 40: 55 18/02/19 06UTC: 18.6 S 163.3 E: 50: 60 18/02/19 12UTC: 19.2 S 162.9 E: 60: 60 18/02/19 18UTC: 19.7 S 162.4 E: 80: 60 19/02/19 00UTC: 20.3 S 162.1 E: 90: 70 19/02/19 06UTC: 20.8 S 162.0 E: 100: 75 19/02/19 12UTC: 21.3 S 161.7 E: 110: 75 19/02/19 18UTC: 21.8 S 161.4 E: 120: 75 20/02/19 00UTC: 22.4 S 161.2 E: 130: 70 20/02/19 06UTC: 23.0 S 161.0 E: 140: 60 20/02/19 12UTC: 23.6 S 160.7 E: 150: 60 NEXT ISSUE TIME : THE 2019-02-18 AT 03:00 UTC.=  983 WHUS74 KHGX 172037 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 237 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT... .Increasing north and northeast winds and building seas can be expected in the wake of the cold front that passed through Sunday. Winds and seas will continue to climb in the Gulf waters Monday and Monday night. GMZ330-335-181200- /O.EXB.KHGX.SC.Y.0018.190217T2100Z-190218T1500Z/ Matagorda Bay-Galveston Bay- 237 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM CST Monday. * WINDS...North northeast at 20-25 knots with higher gusts. * BAY WATERS...Rough. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots... and/or seas 7 feet or higher...are expected to produce hazardous conditions for small craft. Inexperienced boaters...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ350-355-370-375-181200- /O.EXT.KHGX.SC.Y.0018.190217T2100Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- Waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX from 20 to 60 NM-Waters from High Island to Freeport TX from 20 to 60 NM- 237 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST TUESDAY... * WINDS...North northeast increasing to 20-25 knots with gusts up to 30 knots. * SEAS...Building to 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility over short distances. Reduce your speed and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller craft or not equipped with radar...should consider seeking safe harbor. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots... and/or seas 7 feet or higher...are expected to produce hazardous conditions for small craft. Inexperienced boaters...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  775 WSPN01 KKCI 172037 SIGP0A KZAK PAZA SIGMET ALFA 2 VALID 172045/172050 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR ANCHORAGE FIR CNL SIGMET ALFA 1 171650/172050. SEE BRAVO SERIES.  923 WWCN13 CWTO 172037 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:37 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: FORT SEVERN PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PROLONGED PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 45 ARE EXPECTED TONIGHT. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SOMEWHAT DURING THE DAY ON MONDAY BUT WILL LOWER AGAIN TO NEAR MINUS 45 MONDAY NIGHT. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. RISKS ARE GREATER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, OLDER ADULTS, PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES, PEOPLE WORKING OR EXERCISING OUTDOORS, AND THOSE WITHOUT PROPER SHELTER. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  606 WHUS73 KMQT 172038 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 338 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 LSZ244-172145- /O.CAN.KMQT.UP.W.0009.190218T0300Z-190219T0600Z/ Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- 338 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Marquette has cancelled the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning. $$ LSZ247-180445- /O.EXB.KMQT.UP.W.0009.190218T0300Z-190219T0300Z/ Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays- 338 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Heavy Freezing Spray Warning...which is in effect from 10 PM this evening to 10 PM EST Monday. * TIMING...Expect heavy freezing spray to occur from 10 PM this evening to 10 PM EST Monday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heavy Freezing Spray Warning means heavy freezing spray is expected to rapidly accumulate on vessels. These conditions can be extremely hazardous to navigation. It is recommended that mariners not trained to operate in these conditions or vessels not properly equipped to do so, remain in port or avoid the warning area. && $$ LSZ245-246-248>251-265>267-180445- /O.EXT.KMQT.UP.W.0009.190218T0300Z-190219T0300Z/ Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Huron Islands to Marquette MI-Marquette to Munising MI- Munising to Grand Marais MI-Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 338 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 PM EST MONDAY... The Heavy Freezing Spray Warning is now in effect from 10 PM this evening to 10 PM EST Monday. * TIMING...Expect heavy freezing spray to occur from 10 PM this evening to 10 PM EST Monday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heavy Freezing Spray Warning means heavy freezing spray is expected to rapidly accumulate on vessels. These conditions can be extremely hazardous to navigation. It is recommended that mariners not trained to operate in these conditions or vessels not properly equipped to do so, remain in port or avoid the warning area. && $$ JP  748 WSPF22 NTAA 172037 NTTT SIGMET B6 VALID 172100/180100 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1600 W15700 - S1100 W15320 - S1900 W14000 - S2000 W12700 - S2900 W13400 - S2830 W13700 - S2300 W13600 - S2000 W14200 - S2000 W14840 - S1700 W15000 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR INTSF=  318 WSMS31 WMKK 172038 WBFC SIGMET A02 VALID 172045/172245 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0113 E11043 - N0239 E11056 - N0312 E11242 - N0242 E11242 - N0110 E11141 - N0113 E11043 STNR NC=  186 WSPF21 NTAA 172040 NTTT SIGMET A6 VALID 172100/180100 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2900 W13400 - S2000 W12700 - S2500 W12120 - S3000 W13000 FL130/220 STNR NC=  040 WWUS41 KILN 172040 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 340 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ066-073-074-OHZ054>056-063>065-070>072-074-180000- /O.EXT.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Franklin IN-Ripley-Dearborn-Madison-Franklin OH-Licking- Fayette OH-Pickaway-Fairfield-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Hocking- Including the cities of Brookville, Batesville, Milan, Versailles, Lawrenceburg, Aurora, London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, Newark, Washington Court House, Circleville, Lancaster, Pickerington, Hamilton, Middletown, Fairfield, Oxford, Mason, Lebanon, Springboro, Wilmington, Blanchester, and Logan 340 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation continuing. Little additional sleet accumulation and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of Southeast Indiana and Central and Southwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on the possibility of slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>044-180000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, and Bellefontaine 340 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation continuing. Little additional snow and sleet accumulation and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ050-058-059-OHZ045-046-051>053-060>062-180000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Wayne-Fayette IN-Union IN-Union OH-Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark- Preble-Montgomery-Greene- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, Eaton, Camden, Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia 340 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation continuing. Little additional sleet accumulation and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of East Central Indiana and Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on the possibility of slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$  575 WGCA82 TJSJ 172041 FLSSJU Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Juan PR 441 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 PRC023-067-079-081-083-093-097-125-131-172245- /O.NEW.TJSJ.FA.Y.0011.190217T2041Z-190217T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Las Marias PR-Lares PR-Lajas PR-Cabo Rojo PR-Maricao PR-Mayaguez PR- San Sebastian PR-San German PR-Hormigueros PR- 441 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 The National Weather Service in San Juan has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Las Marias Municipality in Puerto Rico... Lares Municipality in Puerto Rico... Lajas Municipality in Puerto Rico... Cabo Rojo Municipality in Puerto Rico... Maricao Municipality in Puerto Rico... Mayaguez Municipality in Puerto Rico... San Sebastian Municipality in Puerto Rico... San German Municipality in Puerto Rico... Hormigueros Municipality in Puerto Rico... * Until 645 PM AST * At 439 PM AST, Doppler radar indicated persistent heavy rains. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Additional rainfall of one more inch is expected over the area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. && LAT...LON 1824 6684 1821 6694 1815 6699 1807 6700 1805 6713 1802 6717 1803 6718 1798 6721 1802 6719 1803 6721 1807 6720 1807 6718 1808 6720 1813 6718 1812 6718 1813 6717 1818 6717 1820 6715 1822 6716 1827 6703 $$ Snell  784 WSRS31 RURD 172040 URRV SIGMET 10 VALID 172100/172330 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04018 - N4430 E03910 - N4257 E04722 - N4132 E04814 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  586 WWUS43 KLOT 172041 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 241 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ005-180445- /O.EXT.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ McHenry- Including the city of Woodstock 241 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations this afternoon and evening of up to two inches. * WHERE...McHenry County. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ003-004-008-010-011-019-180445- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Winnebago-Boone-Ogle-Lee-DeKalb-La Salle- Including the cities of Rockford, Belvidere, Oregon, Dixon, DeKalb, and Ottawa 241 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations this afternoon and evening of up to two inches. * WHERE...Portions of north central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ006-180445- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Lake IL- Including the city of Waukegan 241 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations this afternoon and tonight of 2 to 3 inches with local amounts up to 4 inches. * WHERE...Lake IL County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ Kluber  333 WAIS31 LLBD 172039 LLLL AIRMET 10 VALID 172100/172300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03500 - N3320 E03550 - N3253 E03558 - N3245 E03500 STNR INTSF=  814 WWUS43 KUNR 172043 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 143 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...LIGHT SNOWFALL CONTINUES THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... .Light snow will continue across much of the western and south central South Dakota plains through late this afternoon, gradually tapering off from west to east this evening. Areas of blowing snow will also cause travel problems through late this afternoon. SDZ002-013-014-032-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Perkins-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach-Haakon- Including the cities of Lemmon, Bison, Faith, Dupree, and Philip 143 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one half inch. * WHERE...The Northern Meade County Plains, Perkins, Ziebach and Haakon counties. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ024-028-WYZ054>058-181200- /O.NEW.KUNR.WC.Y.0007.190218T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Northern Black Hills-Central Black Hills-Northern Campbell- Southern Campbell-Western Crook-Wyoming Black Hills-Weston- Including the cities of Lead, Deadwood, Hill City, Mt Rushmore, Gillette, Wright, Moorcroft, Hulett, Four Corners, Sundance, Newcastle, and Upton 143 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Wind chills from 25 below zero to 35 below zero expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Wyoming, the Black Hills of Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 9 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A wind chill advisory means the combination of wind and cold temperatures will create dangerously low wind chill values. If you go outside, cover all parts of your body, especially your head, face, and hands. && $$ SDZ043-046-047-049-180000- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 143 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 /243 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Todd, Mellette, Jackson and Tripp counties. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  056 WSCI35 ZGGG 172040 ZGZU SIGMET 6 VALID 172110/180110 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR N2922 E11218 - N2915 E11437 - N2500 E11146 - N2142 E11039 - N21583 TOPS FL390 MOV E 50KMH NC=  881 WSUS33 KKCI 172055 SIGW MKCW WST 172055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 172255-180255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  882 WSUS31 KKCI 172055 SIGE MKCE WST 172055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11E VALID UNTIL 2255Z VA WV KY FROM 20SSE HNN-50NNW HMV-60NE LOZ-20SSE HNN AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25060KT. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 172255-180255 FROM 30SSW AIR-30NNW LYH-40S ODF-40NW MGM-40SSW BNA-30N IIU-30SSW AIR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  883 WSUS32 KKCI 172055 SIGC MKCC WST 172055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 172255-180255 FROM 30NE MSL-40WNW MGM-50WSW LSU-40NNE LCH-60NW IGB-30NE MSL WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  929 WGCA82 TJSJ 172044 FLSSJU Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Juan PR 444 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 PRC043-075-172245- /O.NEW.TJSJ.FA.Y.0012.190217T2044Z-190217T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Coamo PR-Juana Diaz PR- 444 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 The National Weather Service in San Juan has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Coamo Municipality in Puerto Rico... Juana Diaz Municipality in Puerto Rico... * Until 645 PM AST * At 442 PM AST, Doppler radar indicated persistent heavy rains. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Two to three inches of rain have already fallen. An additional inch of rainfall is expected over the area. This additional rain will cause minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 1808 6642 1803 6645 1805 6649 1807 6646 $$ Snell  443 WWUS83 KDTX 172045 SPSDTX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 345 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ047>049-053>055-060>063-068>070-075-076-082-083-172245- Midland-Bay-Huron-Saginaw-Tuscola-Sanilac-Shiawassee-Genesee- Lapeer-St. Clair-Livingston-Oakland-Macomb-Washtenaw-Wayne- Lenawee-Monroe- Including the cities of Midland, Bay City, Bad Axe, Saginaw, Caro, Sandusky, Owosso, Flint, Lapeer, Port Huron, Howell, Pontiac, Warren, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Adrian, and Monroe 345 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 Snow will expand across most of southeast Michigan late this afternoon. Between 4 PM and 8 PM, expect widespread light snow to affect the area. There will be a few brief intervals of moderate to heavy snow, mainly south of a Saginaw to Sandusky line. This includes the Flint area, metro Detroit and Ann Arbor. Expect between one and two inches of snow over most of the area south of the Saginaw to Sandusky line between 4 PM and 8 PM. Drivers should expect roads to become snow covered and slippery. Temperatures through the early evening will hold in the mid 20s, with northeast winds of 10 to 20 MPH. $$ SC  529 WWCN10 CWUL 172042 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:42 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: MATAGAMI WASKAGANISH CHIBOUGAMAU MANICOUAGAN RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. LOW TEMPERATURES COMBINED WITH WINDS WILL CAUSE WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR -38 IN THESE AREAS OVERNIGHT TONIGHT. TEMPERATURES MAY BE EVEN LOWER ON MONDAY NIGHT. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  892 WSCN27 CWAO 172045 CZQX SIGMET A1 VALID 172045/180045 CWEG- CZQX GANDER DOMESTIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN /N6434 W06315/120 SE CYXP - /N6435 W06554/90 NE CYFB - /N6011 W06752/60 E CYAS - /N5706 W06209/30 NW CYDP - /N5745 W06003/90 NE CYDP - /N6050 W06315/150 NE CYLU - /N6434 W06315/120 SE CYXP SFC/FL040 QS NC RMK GFACN34 GFACN33 GFACN36/CZUL MONTREAL FIR SIGMET D3=  893 WSCN07 CWAO 172045 CZQX SIGMET A1 VALID 172045/180045 CWEG- CZQX GANDER DOMESTIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN N6434 W06315 - N6435 W06554 - N6011 W06752 - N5706 W06209 - N5745 W06003 - N6050 W06315 - N6434 W06315 SFC/FL040 QS NC=  894 WSCN05 CWAO 172045 CZUL SIGMET D3 VALID 172045/180045 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN N6434 W06315 - N6435 W06554 - N6011 W06752 - N5706 W06209 - N5745 W06003 - N6050 W06315 - N6434 W06315 SFC/FL040 QS NC=  136 WSCN25 CWAO 172045 CZUL SIGMET D3 VALID 172045/180045 CWEG- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN /N6434 W06315/120 SE CYXP - /N6435 W06554/90 NE CYFB - /N6011 W06752/60 E CYAS - /N5706 W06209/30 NW CYDP - /N5745 W06003/90 NE CYDP - /N6050 W06315/150 NE CYLU - /N6434 W06315/120 SE CYXP SFC/FL040 QS NC RMK GFACN34 GFACN33 GFACN36/CZQX GANDER DOMESTIC FIR SIGMET A1=  686 WONT50 LFPW 172045 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 77, SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019 AT 2040 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, SUNDAY 17 AT 12 UTC. LOW 976 57N19W MOVING NORTHEAST. ASSOCIATED TROUGH FROM WEST BRITISH ISLES TO WEST PORTUGAL MOVING TOWARDS NORTH SEA. IN THIS TROUGH, NEW LOW DEEPENING 1015 JUST SOUTHWEST PORTUGAL BY 18/00 UTC AND MOVING SOUTH, EXPECTED 1013 35N09W BY 18/12 UTC, THEN 1014 33N09W BY 19/00 UTC. LOW DEEPENING 997 45N40W BY 18/00 UTC, MOVING NORTHEAST, EXPECTED 982 55N25W BY 19/00 UTC WITH ASSOCIATED TROUGH EXTENDING SOUTH, TOWARDS WEST AZORES ISLANDS. HIGH 1033 OVER AZORES ISLANDS DRIFTING SOUTHEAST, EXPECTED 1027 33N23W BY 19/00 UTC. ASSOCIATED RIDGE IN NORTH MOVING TOWARDS SOUTH BRITISH ISLES. FARADAY. CONTINUING TO 19/00 UTC AT LEAST. SOUTH OR SOUTHWEST 8 FROM WEST, TEMPORARILY 9 IN DAYTIME, THEN DECREASING IN WEST LATER. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH. ROMEO. FROM 18/15 UTC TO 19/00 UTC AT LEAST. SOUTH OR SOUTHWEST 8 IN WEST. GUSTS. HIGH. ALTAIR. CONTINUING TO 19/00 UTC AT LEAST. SOUTH OR SOUTHWEST 8 FROM WEST, TEMPORARILY 9 IN NORTHWEST SOON. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH. ACORES. FROM 18/09 UTC TO 19/00 UTC. SOUTHWEST 8 IN NORTHWEST. GUSTS. SAO VICENTE. FROM 18/15 UTC TO 18/21 UTC. NORTH 8 IN SOUTHWEST. GUSTS. HIGH IN SOUTHWEST. CASABLANCA. FROM 18/15 UTC TO 19/00 UTC. NORTH OR NORTHWEST 8 IN WEST. GUSTS. HIGH IN WEST. BT *  288 WGCA82 TJSJ 172049 FLSSPN Comunicado sobre Inundaciones Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan 441 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 PRC023-067-079-081-083-093-097-125-131-172245- Las Marias PR-Lares PR-Lajas PR-Cabo Rojo PR-Maricao PR-Mayaguez PR- San Sebastian PR-San German PR-Hormigueros PR- 441 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 El Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia en San Juan ha emitido... * Una Advertencia de Inundaciones urbanas y de riachuelos para los siguientes municipios...Las Marias, Lares, Lajas, Cabo Rojo, Maricao, Mayaguez, San Sebastian, San German y Hormigueros... * Hasta las 6:45 PM AST. * A las 4:39 PM AST, el radar Doppler indicaba lluvias fuertes persistentes. Esto causara inundaciones urbanas y de riachuelos en el area bajo advertencia. Se espera lluvia adicional de una pulgada sobre el area. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION/PREPARATIVOS... Escorrentias excesivas por lluvia fuerte causaran inundaciones de quebradas y riachuelos, areas urbanas, autopistas, carreteras y areas debajo de los puentes asi como otras areas de pobre drenaje y sectores de poca elevacion. && $$ WS/ERG  555 WGCA82 TJSJ 172051 FLSSPN Comunicado sobre Inundaciones Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan 444 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 PRC043-075-172245- Las Marias PR-Lares PR-Lajas PR-Cabo Rojo PR-Maricao PR-Mayaguez PR- San Sebastian PR-San German PR-Hormigueros PR- 444 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 El Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia en San Juan ha emitido... * Una Advertencia de Inundaciones urbanas y de riachuelos para los siguientes municipios...Coamo y Juana Diaz... * Hasta las 6:45 PM AST. * A las 4:42 PM AST, el radar Doppler indicaba lluvias fuertes persistentes. Esto causara inundaciones urbanas y de riachuelos en el area bajo advertencia. De dos a tres pulgadas de lluvia ya han caido. Se espera lluvia adicional de una pulgada sobre el area. Esta lluvia pudiera causar inundaciones menores. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION/PREPARATIVOS... Escorrentias excesivas por lluvia fuerte causaran inundaciones de quebradas y riachuelos, carreteras rurales, fincas y sectores de pobre drenaje. && $$ WS/ERG  407 WWCN13 CWWG 172051 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:51 P.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: THE BATTLEFORDS - UNITY - MAIDSTONE - ST. WALBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  408 WANO35 ENMI 172051 ENBD AIRMET D01 VALID 172100/180100 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E01100 - N6700 E01330 - N6630 E01530 - N6500 E01400 - N6500 E01100 SFC/FL150 MOV NE 20KT NC=  702 WWUS76 KMFR 172051 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 1251 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ORZ022-181600- /O.UPG.KMFR.FR.Y.0001.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FZ.W.0003.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ Curry County Coast- Including the cities of Brookings, Harbor, and Gold Beach 1251 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM PST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued a Freeze Warning...which is in effect from 2 AM to 8 AM PST Monday. The Frost Advisory is no longer in effect. * Low temperature...30 to 34 degrees. * Locations include...Brookings, Harbor, Gold Beach, Nesika Beach and Ophir. * Impacts...Sensitive vegetation may be damaged or killed if no protective actions are taken. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Freeze Warning means sub-freezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$ ORZ021-181600- /O.UPG.KMFR.FZ.A.0002.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FZ.W.0003.190218T1000Z-190218T1600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast- Including the cities of Coos Bay, North Bend, Reedsport, Bandon, and Port Orford 1251 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM PST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Medford has upgraded the Freeze Watch to a Freeze Warning...which is in effect from 2 AM to 8 AM PST Monday. * Low temperature...29 to 32 degrees. * Locations include...Coos Bay, North Bend, Charleston, Reedsport, Bandon, Port Orford. * Impacts...Sensitive vegetation may be damaged or killed if no protective actions are taken. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Freeze Warning means sub-freezing temperatures are highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$  925 WGCA82 TJSJ 172051 RRA FLSSPN Comunicado sobre Inundaciones Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan 441 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 PRC023-067-079-081-083-093-097-125-131-172245- Las Marias PR-Lares PR-Lajas PR-Cabo Rojo PR-Maricao PR-Mayaguez PR- San Sebastian PR-San German PR-Hormigueros PR- 441 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 El Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia en San Juan ha emitido... * Una Advertencia de Inundaciones urbanas y de riachuelos para los siguientes municipios...Las Marias, Lares, Lajas, Cabo Rojo, Maricao, Mayaguez, San Sebastian, San German y Hormigueros... * Hasta las 6:45 PM AST. * A las 4:39 PM AST, el radar Doppler indicaba lluvias fuertes persistentes. Esto causara inundaciones urbanas y de riachuelos en el area bajo advertencia. Se espera lluvia adicional de una pulgada sobre el area. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION/PREPARATIVOS... Escorrentias excesivas por lluvia fuerte causaran inundaciones de quebradas y riachuelos, areas urbanas, autopistas, carreteras y areas debajo de los puentes asi como otras areas de pobre drenaje y sectores de poca elevacion. && $$ WS/ERG  492 WSBZ01 SBBR 172000 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 172024/172400 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2808 W04451 - S2217 W03804 - S2104 W03920 - S1929 W03741 - S2013 W03049 - S2346 W02318 - S2543 W02521 - S2311 W03032 - S3049 W04051 - S2808 W04451 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  811 WHUS74 KLIX 172053 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Gusty winds and hazardous seas are expected to follow a cold front passing through the area late tonight through Monday and into early Tuesday morning... GMZ536-538-550-552-555-557-570-572-575-577-180500- /O.NEW.KLIX.SC.Y.0010.190218T0900Z-190219T1200Z/ Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Port Fourchon Louisiana to Lower Atchafalaya River LA from 20 to 60 NM- Coastal waters from Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana from 20 to 60 NM- Coastal Waters from Stake Island LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River from 20 to 60 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island Louisiana out 20 to 60 NM- 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 3 AM Monday to 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...Northeast winds ranging 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...3 to 5 feet in protected waters...as high as 5 to 7 feet in open gulf waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ530-532-534-180500- /O.NEW.KLIX.SC.Y.0010.190218T0900Z-190218T1800Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne- 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO NOON CST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 3 AM to noon CST Monday. * WINDS...Northeast winds ranging 20 to 25 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  964 WWUS44 KAMA 172053 WSWAMA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...THE FIRST OF TWO ROUNDS OF WINTER WEATHER WILL BE TONIGHT... OKZ001-TXZ001-180600- /O.NEW.KAMA.WC.Y.0003.190218T0900Z-190218T1500Z/ /O.CON.KAMA.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Cimarron-Dallam- Including the cities of Boise City, Keyes, and Dalhart 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST MONDAY... ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Very cold wind chills expected. Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. In addition, some reductions to visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected. Expect wind chills to range from 2 below zero to 8 below zero. * WHERE...In Oklahoma, Cimarron County. In Texas, Dallam County. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, from midnight tonight to 6 PM CST Monday. For the Wind Chill Advisory, from 3 AM to 9 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause patchy blowing and drifting snow. The cold wind chills will cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frost bite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. $$ OKZ002-TXZ002-180600- /O.NEW.KAMA.WC.Y.0003.190218T0900Z-190218T1500Z/ /O.EXA.KAMA.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Texas-Sherman- Including the cities of Guymon and Stratford 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST MONDAY... ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Very cold wind chills expected. Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. In addition, some reductions to visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. Expect wind chills to range from zero to 10 below zero. * WHERE...In Oklahoma, Texas County. In Texas, Sherman County. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, from midnight tonight to 6 PM CST Monday. For the Wind Chill Advisory, from 3 AM to 9 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 25 mph will cause patchy blowing and drifting snow. The cold wind chills will cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frost bite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. $$ OKZ003-180600- /O.NEW.KAMA.WC.Y.0003.190218T0900Z-190218T1500Z/ Beaver- Including the cities of Beaver and Forgan 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. The cold wind chills will cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin. Expect wind chills to range from 2 below zero to 8 below zero. * WHERE...Beaver County. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills will cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin.. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frost bite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. $$ TXZ006-180600- /O.EXA.KAMA.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0000Z/ Hartley- Including the cities of Hartley and Channing 253 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions, including during the morning commute on Monday. In addition, some reductions to visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Hartley County. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 6 PM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 35 mph will cause patchy blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ DGW  919 WBCN07 CWVR 172000 PAM ROCKS WIND 3406 LANGARA; CLR 35 NE04 1FT CHP LO W SWT 6.3 2030 CLD EST 01/-05 GREEN; CLR 15 NE35E 7FT RUF BLWNG SPRY 2030 CLR -01-14 TRIPLE; CLR 15 NE20E 4FT MDT LO W 2030 CLR 01/-07 BONILLA; PC 15 N07E 2FT CHP LO NW 2030 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 01/-04 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 W04 1FT CHP 2030 CLR 03/-09 MCINNES; CLR 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW SWT 6.7 2030 CLR 03/-02 IVORY; CLR 15 NE03 RPLD LO SW 2030 CLR 05/-07 DRYAD; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 2030 CLR 05/-07 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 NE04 1FT CHP 2030 CLR 04/-05 EGG ISLAND; PC 15 NE05 1FT CHP LO W SWT 6.8 2040 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 04/-01 PINE ISLAND; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO W 2040 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 05/02 CAPE SCOTT; CLR 15 N15E 4FT MDT LO SW 2040 CLR 05/00 QUATSINO; PC 15 NE18E 2FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 08/01 NOOTKA; CLR 15 N05E 1FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLD EST CLR 05/00 ESTEVAN; CLR 15 NW12 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1024.8R LENNARD; PC 15 NW06E 1FT CHP LO-MOD W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NW05 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 SW05E 1FT CHP LO-MOD SW SCARLETT; PC 15 NW04E 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; PC 15 W02 RPLD CHATHAM; PC 15 NW20E 3FT MDT 2040 CLD EST 20 SCT 04/00 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 230/06/00/2904/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 1021 3-1MM= WLP SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 253/05/00/3601/M/ 1014 33MM= WEB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 241/05/02/3208/M/ 1017 58MM= WQC SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 246/03/-02/3203/M/ SOG 08 1017 95MM= WRU SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 241/04/-04/3613/M/ PK WND 3518 1920Z 1014 99MM= WFG SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 258/04/-02/3615+20/M/ PK WND 3522 1912Z 1016 94MM= WVF SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/04/01/3118/M/M PK WND 3020 1933Z M 23MM= WQS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 308/00/-07/0109/M/ 2007 53MM= WEK SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 299/00/-07/MM13+26/M/ PK WND MM26 1958Z 1011 -44MM= WWL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 291/01/-07/3607/M/ 1010 81MM= WME SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/00/-09/0535+45/M/ PK WND 0546 1948Z M 31MM= WAS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 164/05/-02/3406/M/ 0002 42MM= WSB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 222/05/-01/3009/M/ 1015 93MM= WGT SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 238/05/-02/3213/M/M PK WND 3119 1902Z 1019 69MM= WGB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 235/04/00/2915/M/ PK WND 2920 1909Z 1019 2-3MM= WEL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 238/05/00/3419/M/ PK WND 3421 1943Z 1019 62MM= WDR SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 225/05/00/3614/M/ PK WND 0020 1919Z 1016 04MM= WKA SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3105/M/M M MMMM= XFA SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/03/-01/3011/M/ M 30MM=  026 WWUS41 KOKX 172056 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 356 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 CTZ005>012-NJZ002-004-103>105-NYZ067>071-181200- /O.CON.KOKX.WW.Y.0005.190218T0200Z-190218T1500Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex- Northern New London-Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven- Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Western Passaic- Eastern Passaic-Western Bergen-Eastern Bergen-Western Essex- Orange-Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester-Southern Westchester- 356 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey, southern Connecticut and southeast New York. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snowfall rates of 1/2 to 1 inch per hour possible overnight. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning commute for those working or going to school on Washington's Birthday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. && $$  405 WWJP73 RJTD 171800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 171800UTC ISSUED AT 172100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 48N 157E MOV NE 40 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 180300UTC =  406 WWJP74 RJTD 171800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 171800UTC ISSUED AT 172100UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU WARNING(ICING) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 180300UTC =  407 WWJP72 RJTD 171800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 171800UTC ISSUED AT 172100UTC WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 180300UTC =  408 WWJP75 RJTD 171800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 171800UTC ISSUED AT 172100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 48N 157E MOV NE 40 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(ICING) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 180300UTC =  409 WWJP71 RJTD 171800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 171800UTC ISSUED AT 172100UTC WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 180300UTC =  327 WWAK41 PAFC 172058 WSWAER URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 1158 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ125-180100- /O.EXT.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0100Z/ Western Prince William Sound- Including the cities of Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, and Moose Pass 1158 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKST THIS AFTERNOON FOR PORTAGE VALLEY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations 4 to 8 inches. * WHERE...Portage Valley. * WHEN...Snow should transition to a mix of rain and snow by 4pm. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are likely. Tree branches could fall. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ121-180100- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0100Z/ Western Kenai Peninsula- Including the cities of Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, and Cooper Landing 1158 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKST THIS AFTERNOON WEST OF STERLING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 10 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Western Kenai Peninsula west of Sterling. Highest amounts toward Nikiski. * WHEN...Until 4 PM AKST this afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. Gusty north winds may cause areas of drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ145-180300- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 1158 AM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 9 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Susitna Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Expect reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  448 WWUS43 KARX 172058 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 258 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow Persists Into The Evening...So Does Slippery Travel... .Snow will continue through the rest of the afternoon, gradually diminishing in areal extent and intensity this evening, The light, fluffy snow could drop another 1 to 2 inches - moreso across parts of northeast Iowa into southwest and central Wisconsin. Some localized drifting in wind prone locations could also occur. State DOTs are reporting that roads are snow covered and slippery. Accidents have been reported. Travelers should be prepared for these slippery road conditions. Visibilities will also be reduced at times. Exercise caution and allow for plenty of time to reach your destination. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ041-042-053>055- 061-180500- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-La Crosse- Monroe-Vernon-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, La Crosse, Sparta, Tomah, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 258 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional accumulations of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Roads are snow covered and slippery. Exercise caution while traveling. Allow for extra time to reach your destinations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Iowa can be found on-line at 511ia.org, in Minnesota at 511mn.org, and in Wisconsin at 511wi.gov or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Rieck  140 WAUS42 KKCI 172058 CCA WA2T MIAT WA 172058 COR AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...NC ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 50NNE PQI TO 50SW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO GSO TO 20SE VXV TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 20ESE MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...NC SC GA PA OH WV MD DC VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM ERI TO HAR TO 20ESE RIC TO 60SSE ECG TO AMG TO PZD TO LGC TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO ERI MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ...CORRECTED AIRMET... . LLWS POTENTIAL...NC SC GA PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY SLT-30SW ETX-40E ORF-50SSE ILM-20NW AMG-60S LGC-GQO- HMV-HNN-CVG-CLE-SLT LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB NC SC GA FL PA OH WV MD DC VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT BOUNDED BY ERI-30SSW JHW-20ENE HAR-ORF-50E ECG-70SE ECG-30ESE SAV-40ESE AMG-20S TLH-50SSE LGC-30N LGC-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-50SW ROD- ERI MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ...CORRECTED OUTLOOK... . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS NC MA RI NY NJ MD DE VA CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 90SSE HTO-180SSE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG-120SE ECG- 50ESE ECG-60SE SBY-90SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  141 WAUS44 KKCI 172058 CCA WA4T DFWT WA 172058 COR AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR TN MS AL NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY FROM 50WNW SSM TO 20E YVV TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20SE VXV TO 20SE ARG TO 60SSW MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40SSE SNY TO 50WNW SSM MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...TN AL KY...UPDT FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LGC TO VUZ TO 30WNW MSL TO CVG MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ...CORRECTED AIRMET... . LLWS POTENTIAL...TN AL IN KY BOUNDED BY CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-60S LGC-MGM-40SE IGB-50W LOZ-CVG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  142 WAUS43 KKCI 172058 CCA WA3T CHIT WA 172058 COR AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN KY OK TX AR TN MS AL FROM 50WNW SSM TO 20E YVV TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 20SE VXV TO 20SE ARG TO 60SSW MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40SSE SNY TO 50WNW SSM MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...KY TN AL...UPDT FROM CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO LGC TO VUZ TO 30WNW MSL TO CVG MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ...CORRECTED AIRMET... . LLWS POTENTIAL...IN KY TN AL BOUNDED BY CVG-HNN-HMV-GQO-60S LGC-MGM-40SE IGB-50W LOZ-CVG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  143 WAUS41 KKCI 172058 CCA WA1T BOST WA 172058 COR AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 50NNE PQI TO 50SW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO GSO TO 20SE VXV TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK TO 20ESE MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...PA OH WV MD DC VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM ERI TO HAR TO 20ESE RIC TO 60SSE ECG TO AMG TO PZD TO LGC TO GQO TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO ERI MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ...CORRECTED AIRMET... . LLWS POTENTIAL...PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY SLT-30SW ETX-40E ORF-50SSE ILM-20NW AMG-60S LGC-GQO- HMV-HNN-CVG-CLE-SLT LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB PA OH WV MD DC VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT BOUNDED BY ERI-30SSW JHW-20ENE HAR-ORF-50E ECG-70SE ECG-30ESE SAV-40ESE AMG-20S TLH-50SSE LGC-30N LGC-GQO-HMV-HNN-CVG-50SW ROD- ERI MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ...CORRECTED OUTLOOK... . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS MA RI NY NJ MD DE VA NC CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 90SSE HTO-180SSE ACK-160SE SIE-190ESE ECG-120SE ECG- 50ESE ECG-60SE SBY-90SSE HTO SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  996 WWCN02 CYTR 172059 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:59 PM EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 3 CM OR MORE IN 6 HOURS VALID: 18/0400Z TO 18/1400Z (17/2300 EST TO 18/0900 EST) COMMENTS: A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM SOUTH OF THE GREAT LAKES WILL BRING SNOW TO THE TRENTON AREA TONIGHT. AS THE SYSTEM MOVES EAST ACROSS PA AND NY, CFB TRENTON WILL BE CAUGHT ALONG THE NORTHERN EDGE OF THE PRECIPITATION SHIELD WHERE NEAR 5 CM OF SNOW IS EXPECTED TO FALL OVER THE AREA BEGINNING LATER TONIGHT AND ENDING MONDAY MORNING. THE BULK OF THE SNOWFALL, WHICH WILL SATISFY THE ADVISORY CRITERIA, IS EXPECTED IN THE OVERNIGHT HOURS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/0900Z (18/0400 EST) END/JMC  202 WWPK31 OPMT 172100 OPBW AD WRNG 05 VALID 171830/180030 PREVIOUS MET WARNING NO 04 FOR POOR VISIBILITY OVER BAHAWALPUR A/F IS EXTENTED=  806 WSCH31 SCIP 172058 SCIZ SIGMET 06 VALID 172100/180100 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI S2700 W10400 - S2800 W10700 - S2400 W11300 - S2200 W11000 FL350/400 MOV E WKN=  953 WSBO31 SLLP 172057 SLLF SIGMET B1 VALID 172057/172357 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT B1 WI S1702 W06154 - S1808 W06144 - S1842 W06220 - S1931 W06220 - S2009 W06316 - S1855 W06419 - S1850 W06556 - S1806 W06556 - S1707 W06618 - S1633 W06627 - S1552 W06618 - S1511 W06553 - S1636 W06453 - S1641 W06409 - S1618 W06328 - S1702 W06151 - TOP FL390 STNR INTSF=  051 WWUS43 KGLD 172101 WSWGLD URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Goodland KS 201 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTRY WEATHER AND COLD WIND CHILL READINGS EXPECTED FOR THE ENTIRE TRI STATE REGION... .Cold air in place over the region as low pressure moves eastward from the east-central Rockies...will give accumulating snows to the area especially Monday night into Tuesday evening. Overnight lows mainly in the single numbers will give wind chill readings below zero. COZ090>092-KSZ001>004-013>016-027>029-041-042-NEZ079>081-181315- /O.NEW.KGLD.WW.Y.0006.190218T0600Z-190220T0600Z/ Yuma County-Kit Carson County-Cheyenne County-Cheyenne-Rawlins- Decatur-Norton-Sherman-Thomas-Sheridan-Graham-Wallace-Logan-Gove- Greeley-Wichita-Dundy-Hitchcock-Red Willow- Including the cities of Yuma, Wray, Burlington, Arapahoe, Cheyenne Wells, St. Francis, Bird City, Atwood, Oberlin, Norton, Goodland, Colby, Hoxie, Hill City, Sharon Springs, Oakley, Quinter, Grinnell, Grainfield, Tribune, Leoti, Benkelman, Culbertson, Trenton, Stratton Ne, Palisade, and McCook 201 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 /301 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM MST /MIDNIGHT CST/ THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST /MIDNIGHT CST/ TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 8 inches expected. Highest totals at this time...west of Highway 25 and south of Interstate 70. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Kansas, east central and northeast Colorado and southwest Nebraska. * WHEN...From 11 PM MST /midnight CST/ this evening to 11 PM MST /midnight CST/ Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Cold wind chill readings as low as minus 10 to minus 14 are possible as well...especially for areas along and west of Highway 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  251 WSMS31 WMKK 172100 WMFC SIGMET C01 VALID 172100/180100 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0340 E10340 - N0232 E10442 - N0143 E10318 - N0301 E10326 - N0349 E10235 - N0437 E10341 - N0340 E10340 TOP FL520 MOV NNE INTSF=  756 WHUS71 KBOX 172102 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ235-237-180515- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0026.190219T0400Z-190219T1100Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM MONDAY TO 6 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 11 PM Monday to 6 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ231-251-180515- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0026.190219T0300Z-190219T1100Z/ Cape Cod Bay-Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM MONDAY TO 6 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 10 PM Monday to 6 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ233-234-180515- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0026.190219T0500Z-190219T1000Z/ Vineyard Sound-Buzzards Bay- 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT MONDAY NIGHT TO 5 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from midnight Monday night to 5 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas Around 2 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ232-180515- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0026.190219T0600Z-190219T1000Z/ Nantucket Sound- 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 5 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 1 AM to 5 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ250-180515- /O.EXB.KBOX.SC.Y.0025.190218T2000Z-190219T1100Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary- 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM MONDAY TO 6 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 3 PM Monday to 6 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ254>256-180515- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0025.190218T1100Z-190219T1100Z/ Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 402 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM EST TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  355 WHHW40 PHFO 172103 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 1103 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES OF NIIHAU KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND BIG ISLAND... .The combination of a mid-period northeast swell and short-period east swell will produce large surf through tonight across exposed east and north facing shores. Surf is expected to lower on Monday. HIZ024-181015- /O.EXB.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ South Big Island- 1103 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST MONDAY FOR EAST FACING SHORES... The National Weather Service in Honolulu has issued a High Surf Warning, which is in effect until 6 AM HST Monday. * SURF...12 to 18 feet with locally higher sets today, lowering to 10 to 15 feet tonight along east facing shores of the Big Island. * TIMING...Through early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across shorelines, very strong breaking waves, and strong currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay well away from the shoreline along the affected shores. && $$ HIZ002-008-009-012-017-020-025-181015- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Kauai Windward-Oahu Koolau-Olomana-Molokai Windward- Maui Windward West-Windward Haleakala-Big Island North and East- 1103 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF WARNING UNTIL 6 AM MONDAY FOR EAST FACING SHORES... ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY UNTIL 6 AM MONDAY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...12 to 18 feet with locally higher sets today, lowering to 10 to 15 feet tonight along north and east facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...Through early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...High...Expect ocean water occasionally sweeping across shorelines, very strong breaking waves, and strong currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay well away from the shoreline along the affected shores. && $$ HIZ001-007-013-019-181015- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Niihau-Oahu North Shore-Molokai Leeward-Maui Central Valley- 1103 AM HST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM HST MONDAY FOR NORTH FACING SHORES... * SURF...12 to 18 feet today, lowering to 10 to 15 feet tonight along north facing shores of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and the Big Island. * TIMING...through early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, strong currents making swimming dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials and exercise caution. When in doubt, do not go out. && $$ Kino  277 WWAK42 PAFC 172103 WSWALU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 1203 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ155-172215- /O.EXP.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Kuskokwim Delta- Including the cities of Bethel, Hooper Bay, and Nunivak Island 1203 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Snow is rapidly lifting north across the Delta. Some areas of blowing snow however will continue into the evening hours as gusty westerly winds sweep across the areas. $$ AKZ152-180300- /O.CON.PAFC.WW.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lower Kuskokwim Valley- Including the cities of Aniak and Sleetmute 1203 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AKST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Breezy south to southwest winds of 15 to 25 mph this afternoon may cause areas of blowing and drifting snow with reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  924 WABZ23 SBAZ 172104 SBAZ AIRMET 16 VALID 172105/172305 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 2 000M RA OBS AT 2100Z WI N0005 W05109 - N0008 W05103 - N0001 W05059 - S000 1 W05106 - N0005 W05109 STNR NC=  091 WSOM31 OOMS 172105 OOMM SIGMET A3 VALID 172105/180105 OOMS- OOMM MUSCAT FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2534 E05645 - N2501 E05730 - N2457 E05820 - N2320 E05713 - N2330 E05525 - N2538 E05613 - N2534 E05645 TOP FL380 MOV ENE NC=  228 WWUS81 KILN 172106 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 406 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ075-080-KYZ089>100-OHZ073-077>082-088-180000- Ohio-Switzerland-Carroll-Gallatin-Boone-Kenton-Campbell-Owen- Grant-Pendleton-Bracken-Robertson-Mason-Lewis-Ross-Hamilton- Clermont-Brown-Highland-Adams-Pike-Scioto- Including the cities of Rising Sun, Vevay, Carrollton, Warsaw, Florence, Burlington, Oakbrook, Covington, Erlanger, Independence, Newport, Alexandria, Owenton, Williamstown, Crittenden, Dry Ridge, Falmouth, Butler, Augusta, Brooksville, Mount Olivet, Maysville, Vanceburg, Tollesboro, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Milford, Georgetown, Mount Orab, Hillsboro, Greenfield, West Union, Peebles, Waverly, Piketon, Portsmouth, and Wheelersburg 406 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A FEW SLICK SPOTS POSSIBLE THROUGH EARLY EVENING... Areas of fog and light drizzle will persist into early evening. With temperatures near freezing, some patchy freezing drizzle will be possible at times. This could lead to some light icing on elevated and untreated surfaces. Motorists should monitor the weather and road conditions if traveling through early evening. Be prepared for a few slick spots, especially if surfaces are untreated. $$  785 WHUS71 KOKX 172106 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 406 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ350-353-355-181200- /O.NEW.KOKX.SC.Y.0030.190218T2000Z-190219T1200Z/ Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm- Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 406 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM MONDAY TO 7 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Upton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 3 PM Monday to 7 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained wind speeds or frequent gusts of 25 to 33 kt and/or seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ330-340-181200- /O.NEW.KOKX.SC.Y.0030.190219T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY- Peconic and Gardiners Bays- 406 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM MONDAY TO 7 AM EST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Upton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 7 PM Monday to 7 AM EST Tuesday. * WINDS...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained wind speeds or frequent gusts of 25 to 33 kt and/or seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  584 WSGL31 BGSF 172108 BGGL SIGMET 2 VALID 172115/180115 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2115Z WI N6036 W04319 - N5935 W04346 - N6036 W04811 - N6143 W04937 - N6036 W04319 SFC/FL110 STNR INTSF=  700 WWUS43 KFSD 172110 WSWFSD URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 310 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-180300- /O.EXT.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lincoln MN-Lyon MN-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- 310 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 1 inch. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SDZ038-050-052-053-057>059-063-064-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Beadle-Gregory-Jerauld-Sanborn-Brule-Aurora-Davison-Charles Mix- Douglas- 310 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations generally less than 1 inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central and southeast South Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ098-NEZ013-014-SDZ039-040- 054>056-060>062-065>071-180000- /O.CON.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lyon IA-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay IA-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Kingsbury-Brookings- Miner-Lake-Moody-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Hutchinson-Turner- Lincoln SD-Bon Homme-Yankton-Clay SD-Union- 310 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations generally less than 1 inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast South Dakota, northeast Nebraska, northwest and west central Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  947 WAAK47 PAWU 172110 WA7O JNUS WA 172115 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 180515 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB AFT 23Z SPRDG FM W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. DTRT. . ERN GLF CST JE OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 172115 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 180515 . ERN GLF CST JE OFSHR PACY W SPRDG ALL OFSHR SXNS BY 05Z SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE AFT 03Z W PAYA OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 06Z ALG CST W ICY BAY OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 172115 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 180515 . ERN GLF CST JE OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL 035 EXC SFC INLAND. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF AFT 03Z N PASI OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL 010. INTSF. . FEB 2019 AAWU  993 WSPR31 SPIM 172109 SPIM SIGMET 8 VALID 172110/180010 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1945Z WI S1115 W07504 - S1147 W07629 - S1447 W07451 - S1635 W07056 - S1740 W07008 - S1637 W06901 - S1516 W07041 - S1503 W06922 - S1414 W06919 - S1300 W07123 - S1430 W07159 - S1408 W07330 - S1115 W07504 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  083 WSRA31 RUMG 172110 UHMM SIGMET 3 VALID 172110/180100 UHMM- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6700 W16858 - N6403 W17212 - N6150 E17445 - N6400 E17300 - N6700 E17900 - N6800 W17600 - N6700 W16858 SFC/FL070 STNR NC=  360 WSAU21 AMMC 172112 YMMM SIGMET E01 VALID 172112/172312 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR FRQ TS OBS WI S0800 E08000 - S0600 E07800 - S0400 E07900 - S0500 E08200 TOP FL540 MOV NW 10KT NC=  611 WHUS46 KLOX 172114 CFWLOX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 114 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ034-035-180515- /O.EXT.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- 114 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST MONDAY... * SURF...Surf of 9 to 13 feet today will continue into Monday. Surf will be highest on west and northwest facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * COASTAL FLOODING...Minor coastal flooding is possible a couple of hours on either side of the 820 AM high tide Monday morning. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ040-180500- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Ventura County Coast- 114 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF....Surf of 6 to 9 feet today will subside to 4 to 6 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ041-180500- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- 114 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF...Surf of 6 to 9 feet today will subside to 4 to 6 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ087-180500- /O.CON.KLOX.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Catalina and Santa Barbara Islands- 114 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * SURF...Surf of 6 to 9 feet today will subside to 4 to 6 feet this evening. Surf will be highest on west facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected through Monday. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can cause injury...wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area...producing localized beach erosion and dangerous swimming conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Sweet  880 WAAK49 PAWU 172114 WA9O FAIS WA 172115 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 180515 . UPR YKN VLY FB SW PFYU OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . UPR YKN VLY FB SW PFYU MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. SPRD NE. DTRT. . TANANA VLY FC MENTASTA PASS-PAML LN SW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . TANANA VLY FC MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAFM-PABT LN S OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAFM-PABT LN S MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. SPRD NE. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG SW PAWI ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010. SPRD NE. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH AFT 03Z ALG BROOKS RANGE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH AFT 03Z MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. SPRD NE. DTRT. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 172115 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 180515 . UPR YKN VLY FB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . TANANA VLY FC PABI W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . TANANA VLY FC AFT 19Z OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL380. INTSF. . TANANA VLY FC OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAFM SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE 19Z TO 22Z BTN PAFM-PAHL OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF TIL 22Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG AFT 22Z INLAND PAQT E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. INTSF. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH HOWARD PASS E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI E PAOT OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI TIL 03Z PAOT SE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ TIL 22Z NULATO HILLS OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 22Z SE PASA OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. INTSF. . =FAIZ WA 172115 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 180515 . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 16Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . CML FEB 2019 AAWU  311 WSPR31 SPIM 172113 SPIM SIGMET A6 VALID 172115/180015 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2030Z WI S1146 W07648 - S0931 W07747 - S0815 W07848 - S0719 W07806 - S0805 W07714 - S0915 W07706 - S1031 W07553 - S1134 W07605 - S1146 W07648 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  778 WSPR31 SPIM 172117 SPIM SIGMET B3 VALID 172120/180020 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2045Z WI S0915 W07507 - S0901 W07626 - S0715 W07643 - S0637 W07750 - S0313 W07557 - S0314 W07413 - S0222 W07313 - S0305 W07015 - S0346 W07048 - S0406 W07302 - S0434 W07507 - S0633 W07604 - S0915 W07507 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  196 WWUS43 KDVN 172120 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 320 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Freezing Drizzle Continue Through This Evening... .Periods of light to moderate snow will continue through sunset, then diminish this evening. Total accumulations of 3 to 7 inches are expected, with the higher amounts focusing near the Highway 30 and Highway 20 corridors in eastern Iowa and northwest Illinois. Lower accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected across northeast Missouri, far southeast Iowa and west central Illinois where freezing drizzle and a light glazing of ice is expected. Be prepared for snow covered and slick travel conditions through this evening. IAZ040-041-051>053-063>065-067-076>078-087>089-098-ILZ025-180530- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine- Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren- Henderson- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Muscatine, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, and Oquawka 320 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. Storm totals of 3 to 7 inches with the higher amounts north of Interstate 80 and west of the Mississippi River. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ042-054-066-068-ILZ001-002-007-009-015>018-024-026-180530- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Dubuque-Jackson-Clinton-Scott-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Warren- Including the cities of Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Davenport, Bettendorf, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, and Monmouth 320 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Light snow and patchy freezing drizzle. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Storm total snow amounts of 3 to 6 inches with the higher amounts north of Interstate 80. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Iowa and north central, northwest and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ099-ILZ034-035-MOZ009-010-180000- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lee-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 320 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow. Additional snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Illinois, Hancock and McDonough Counties. In Iowa, Lee County. In Missouri, Clark and Scotland Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$  474 WAAK48 PAWU 172120 WA8O ANCS WA 172115 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 180515 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB AK RANGE AND SU VLY OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC CHUGACH MTS OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RA BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. IMPR FM SW. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. IMPR FM SW. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 03Z ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN BR. IMPR FM SW. . BRISTOL BAY AH AFT 03Z ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z PAC SIDE OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. DTRT. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SEGUAM IS W SPRDG E MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RASN BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL AFT 01Z OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN BR. DTRT. . =ANCT WA 172115 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 180515 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 06Z PAAQ S ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 03Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC S PAGK OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD NE PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN FM SW. . CNTRL GLF CST AD AFT 00Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 06Z NE PAWD-PAMD LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KODIAK IS AE AFT 03Z PADQ-PAKH LN NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. INTSF. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PASL-PASV LN NE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 03Z PAMC-PAER LN SW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG PASM-PARS LN S OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG 00Z TO 03Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 06Z PAJZ-PADL LN NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z W PACD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z W PACD MOD TURB BLW 030. ISOL SEV TURB WI 030 AGL. INTSF. . AK PEN AI TIL 06Z PASD W OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 06Z E PAAK OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MOD TURB BLW 030. ISOL SEV TURB WI 030 AGL. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E BULDIR IS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL TIL 06Z PASN E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . =ANCZ WA 172115 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 180515 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 03Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TIL 03Z W PAGK OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 06Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL 030 EXC SFC INLAND. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 00Z NE PASL-PASV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF 00Z TO 03Z PAMC NE OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 00Z NE PABE-PASM LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 00Z NE PAJZ OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . AK PEN AI AFT 00Z PASD W OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-140. FZLVL 010. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 06Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-140. FZLVL 015. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL TIL 06Z S PAPB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-140. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . TRENZ FEB 2019 AAWU  817 WVPR31 SPIM 172122 SPIM SIGMET 7 VALID 172155/180355 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD EST AT 2045Z WI S1540 W07226 - S1544 W07150 - S1547 W07149 - S1555 W07226 - S1540 W07226 SFC/FL250 FCST AT 0300Z VA CLD WI S1534 W07229 - S1542 W07149 - S1547 W07150 - S1547 W07230 - S1534 W07229=  620 WWUS45 KFGZ 172123 WSWFGZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 223 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ004-007-008-015>018-038-180700- /O.CON.KFGZ.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Kaibab Plateau-Coconino Plateau-Yavapai County Mountains- Western Mogollon Rim-Eastern Mogollon Rim-White Mountains- Northern Gila County-Oak Creek and Sycamore Canyons- Including the cities of Jacob Lake, Fredonia, Valle, Prescott, Flagstaff, Happy Jack, Show Low, Greer, Payson, and Sedona 223 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Travel will be very difficult to impossible at times. Additional snow accumulations of 5 to 8 inches, with localized amounts up to 16 inches over the highest mountain peaks, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Alpine, Doney Park, Flagstaff, Forest Lakes, Fredonia, Heber-Overgaard, Jacob Lake, Payson, Pine- Strawberry, Pinetop-Lakeside, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Sedona, Seligman, Show Low, Valle, Whiteriver and Williams. * WHEN...Until 11 PM Monday. The period of heaviest snow is expected late tonight through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. Additional snow forecast from 2 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Alpine 4 to 8 inches Doney Park 4 to 6 inches Flagstaff 7 to 11 inches Forest Lakes 9 to 15 inches Fredonia 1 to 3 inches Heber-Overgaard 4 to 6 inches Jacob Lake 5 to 9 inches Payson 7 to 11 inches Pine-Strawberry 9 to 13 inches Pinetop-Lkside 8 to 12 inches Prescott 4 to 6 inches Prescott Valley 3 to 5 inches Sedona 4 to 8 inches Seligman 3 to 5 inches Show Low 6 to 10 inches Valle 4 to 6 inches Whiteriver 5 to 9 inches Williams 7 to 11 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ037-180700- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Yavapai County Valleys and Basins- Including the city of Camp Verde 223 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Camp Verde, Chino Valley, Congress, Cottonwood and Paulden. * WHEN...Until 11 PM Monday. The period of heaviest snow is expected late tonight through early Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Additional snow forecast from 2 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Camp Verde 1 to 2 inches Chino Valley 2 to 4 inches Congress 0 to 1 inches Cottonwood 2 to 4 inches Paulden 2 to 4 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ012>014-040-180700- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.190218T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Little Colorado River Valley in Coconino County- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County- Little Colorado River Valley in Apache County- Northeast Plateaus and Mesas South of Hwy 264- Including the cities of Winslow, Holbrook, Snowflake, St. Johns, Springerville, and Dilkon 223 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Areas near Dilkon, Eagar-Springerville, Holbrook, Kykotsmovi, Saint Johns, Snowflake-Taylor, Tuba City and Winslow. * WHEN...5 PM today to 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow forecast from 5 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Dilkon 2 to 4 inches Eagar-Sprgrvlle 2 to 4 inches Holbrook 1 to 3 inches Kykotsmovi 3 to 5 inches Saint Johns 1 to 3 inches Snowflake-Taylr 2 to 4 inches Tuba City 2 to 4 inches Winslow 1 to 2 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ005-009>011-039-180700- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Marble and Glen Canyons- Northeast Plateaus and Mesas Hwy 264 Northward-Chinle Valley- Chuska Mountains and Defiance Plateau-Black Mesa Area- Including the cities of Page, Lees Ferry, Chinle, Kayenta, Window Rock, and Ganado 223 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 8 inches over Buffalo Pass, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Buffalo Pass, Chinle, Ganado, Kayenta, Page, Shonto and Window Rock. * WHEN...Until 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Additional snow forecast from 2 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Buffalo Pass 4 to 8 inches Chinle 1 to 3 inches Ganado 3 to 5 inches Kayenta 2 to 4 inches Page 1 to 3 inches Shonto 4 to 8 inches Window Rock 4 to 6 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AZZ006-180700- /O.CON.KFGZ.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Grand Canyon Country- Including the city of Grand Canyon Village 223 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches over the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, are expected. * WHERE...Areas near Grand Canyon and North Rim. * WHEN...Until 11 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Additional snow forecast from 2 PM Today to 11 PM Monday: Grand Canyon 5 to 9 inches North Rim 8 to 12 inches PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit: http://weather.gov/flagstaff For a more detailed table of forecast snow amounts for counties, reservations and roads go to: http://weather.gov/flagstaff/SnowTables  583 WSAG31 SABE 172130 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 172130/180030 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2130Z WI S3715 W06736 - S3819 W06707 - S3919 W07101 - S3832 W07052 - S3715 W06736 TOP FL340 MOV ESE 10KT NC=  530 WSAG31 SABE 172130 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 172130/180030 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2130Z WI S3715 W06736 - S3819 W06707 - S3919 W07101 - S3832 W07052 - S3715 W06736 TOP FL340 MOV ESE 10KT NC=  820 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0444 W05556 - S0222W05316 - S0805 W04544 - S1013 W04738 - S0941 W04758 - S1016 W05039 - S0444 W05556 TOP FL450 MOV NW08KT INTSF=  821 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  822 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1503 W05339 - S1209 W05314 - S1041 W05601 - S1336 W05654 - S1503 W05339 TOP FL500 MOV E 15KT INTSF=  823 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  824 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 171800/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0115 W05127 - N0014W05009 - S0110 W04133 - S0405 W04234 - S0525 W04524 - S0115 W05127 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  825 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBRE SIGMET 25 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0621 W04446 - S0810 W04546 - S0852 W04638 - S1015 W04737 - S1159 W04651 - S1322 W04531 - S1413 W04459 - S1448 W04432 - S1538 W04403 - S1621 W04249 - S1701 W04141 - S1836 W04229 - S1928 W04227 - S2027 W04235 - S2032 W04220 - S2036 W04159 - S2029 W04142 - S1654 W04044 - S1713 W03905 - S1303 W03850 - S1208 W04143 - S0756 W04040 - S0625 W04318 - S0621 W04446 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  826 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 171820/172220 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1810Z WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  827 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0055 W04046 - S0410 W04231 - S0451 W04329 - S0645 W03810 - S1028 W03746 - S1041 W03712 - S0719 W03453 - S0501 W03525 - S0252 W03942 - S0156 W03757 - N0021 W03939 - N0055 W04046 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  828 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 172024/172400 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2808 W04451 - S2217 W03804 - S2104 W03920 - S1929 W03741 - S2013 W03049 - S2346 W02318 - S2543 W02521 - S2311 W03032 - S3049 W04051 - S2808 W04451 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  829 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 171925/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1008 W05052 - S0612 W05438 - S1033 W05559 - S1200 W05316 - S1008 W05052 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  830 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 171900/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1335 W05704 - S0614 W05444 - S0359 W05727 - S0500 W06258 - S0823 W06156 - S1124 W06322 - S1335 W05704 TOP FL480 MOV NW 10KT INTSF=  831 WSBZ01 SBBR 172100 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 172020/172200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0558 W07210 - S0537 W06434 - S0916 W06315 - S1003 W07024 - S0838 W07236 - S0558 W07210 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  942 WWCN02 CYTR 172125 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COLD LAKE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:25 PM MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB COLD LAKE (CYOD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 18/0800Z TO 18/1800Z (18/0100 MST TO 18/1100 MST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 35 IS FORECAST FOR COLD LAKE TONIGHT. ANOTHER COLD RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE IS DESCENDING INTO ALBERTA FROM THE NORTH TODAY. THIS WILL EVENTUALLY CLEAR SKIES AND CAUSE TEMPERATURES TO PLUMMET WELL INTO THE MINUS 20S TONIGHT. DESPITE LIGHT WINDS, THIS WILL BE COLD ENOUGH TO GIVE WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 35 OVERNIGHT AND INTO MONDAY MORNING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/0930Z (18/0230 MST) END/JMC  386 WHUS74 KMOB 172125 AAA MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Mobile AL 325 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 GMZ630>632-172230- /O.EXP.KMOB.MF.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T2100Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- 325 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Dense fog may redevelop this evening and overnight ahead of a cold front that moves across the region before sunrise Mon morning. $$  547 WWCN14 CWWG 172125 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:25 P.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= CREE LAKE - KEY LAKE =NEW= FOND-DU-LAC - STONY RAPIDS =NEW= WOLLASTON LAKE - COLLINS BAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. WIND CHILL VALUES APPROACHING MINUS 45 ARE EXPECTED OVER PARTS OF NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN SUNDAY NIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. DRESS WARMLY. DRESS IN LAYERS THAT YOU CAN REMOVE IF YOU GET TOO WARM. THE OUTER LAYER SHOULD BE WIND RESISTANT. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  354 WWCN02 CYTR 172126 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB WAINWRIGHT RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:26 PM MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB WAINWRIGHT AND RANGE (CZWN) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 18/0700Z TO 18/1900Z (18/0000 MST TO 18/1200 MST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 35 IS FORECAST FOR CFB WAINWRIGHT AND THE RANGE TONIGHT. ANOTHER COLD RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE IS DESCENDING INTO ALBERTA FROM THE NORTH TODAY. THIS WILL EVENTUALLY CLEAR SKIES AND CAUSE TEMPERATURES TO PLUMMET WELL INTO THE MINUS 20S TONIGHT. DESPITE LIGHT WINDS, THIS WILL BE COLD ENOUGH TO GIVE WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 35 OVERNIGHT AND THROUGH MONDAY MORNING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/0930Z (18/0230 MST) END/JMC  805 WWUS45 KTFX 172127 WSWTFX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 227 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 MTZ009>014-044>051-054-181200- /O.CON.KTFX.WC.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Northern Rocky Mountain Front-Eastern Glacier-Hill-Cascade- Chouteau-Central and Southern Lewis and Clark-Toole-Liberty- Eastern Pondera-Blaine-Southern Rocky Mountain Front- Eastern Teton-Judith Basin-Fergus-Meagher- Including Logan Pass, Marias Pass, Browning, Heart Butte, Cut Bank, Havre, Rocky Boy, Rudyard, Great Falls, Cascade, Belt, Kings Hill Pass, Fort Benton, Carter, Big Sandy, Helena, Lincoln, MacDonald Pass, Rogers Pass, Shelby, Sunburst, Chester, Whitlash, Brady, Conrad, Chinook, Harlem, Hays, Bynum, Choteau, Augusta, Fairfield, Dutton, Raynesford, Stanford, Hobson, Lewistown, Winifred, Lewistown Divide, Grass Range, Martinsdale, and White Sulphur Springs 227 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills occurring. Wind chills as low as 25 below zero occurring and expected to fall to 30 below to 35 below zero this evening. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and west central Montana. * WHEN...Until 5 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/greatfalls  426 WWUS83 KLOT 172128 SPSLOT SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 328 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ012>014-020>023-032-033-039-INZ001-002-010-011-019-172330- Kane-DuPage-Cook-Kendall-Grundy-Will-Kankakee-Livingston-Iroquois- Ford-Lake IN-Porter-Newton-Jasper-Benton- Including the cities of Aurora, Elgin, Wheaton, Chicago, Oswego, Morris, Joliet, Kankakee, Pontiac, Watseka, Paxton, Gary, Valparaiso, Morocco, Rensselaer, and Fowler 328 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /428 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...Patchy Icy Conditions the Rest of this Afternoon... Freezing drizzle, at times light freezing rain mixed with snow, will continue through 400 to 500 pm for parts of northeast Illinois including the Chicago metro area, as well as northwest Indiana. This is expected to then turn over to mainly occasional light snow tonight, although some freezing drizzle may persist on and off into the night. Expect patchy slick conditions on untreated roads, parking lots, and sidewalks, that may linger into tonight. Allow extra travel time and use greater following distance behind the vehicle in front of yours. $$ MTF  177 WWUS45 KTWC 172128 WSWTWC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tucson AZ 228 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ510-181200- /O.CAN.KTWC.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-190219T0900Z/ /O.NEW.KTWC.WW.Y.0006.190218T0600Z-190219T1000Z/ White Mountains of Graham and Greenlee Counties- Including the city of Hannagan Meadow 228 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 AM MST TUESDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches between 5000 and 7000 feet, with 5 to 9 inches and localized amounts up to 13 inches, are expected above 7000 feet. * WHERE...White Mountains of Graham and Greenlee Counties. * WHEN...11 PM this evening to 3 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ AZZ507>509-181200- /O.NEW.KTWC.WW.Y.0006.190219T0800Z-190219T1500Z/ Upper San Pedro River Valley- Eastern Cochise County below 5000 feet-Upper Gila River Valley- Including the cities of Sierra Vista, Benson, Willcox, Clifton, and Safford 228 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 8 AM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper San Pedro River Valley, Eastern Cochise County below 5000 feet and Upper Gila River Valley. * WHEN...1 AM to 8 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ AZZ503-181200- /O.EXB.KTWC.WW.Y.0005.190219T0300Z-190219T1000Z/ Upper Santa Cruz River Valley/Altar Valley- Including the city of Nogales 228 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM MONDAY TO 3 AM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow showers expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper Santa Cruz River Valley including Nogales. * WHEN...8 PM Monday to 3 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ AZZ511-513-514-181200- /O.CON.KTWC.WW.Y.0005.190218T0600Z-190219T0300Z/ Galiuro and Pinaleno Mountains- Dragoon and Mule and Huachuca and Santa Rita Mountains- Catalina and Rincon Mountains- Including the cities of Mount Graham, Mount Lemmon, and Summerhaven 228 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 8 PM MST MONDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow showers are expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches between 5000 and 7000 feet, with 5 to 9 inches expected above 7000 feet. The exception will be the Santa Rita Mountains, where total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected above 5000 feet. * WHERE...Galiuro, Pinaleno, Santa Rita, Catalina and Rincon Mountains. * WHEN...11 PM today to 8 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow are likely which will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibilities...and use caution while driving. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial television or radio stations...or your cable television service provider for updates on this Winter Storm. && $$ Visit us on Facebook...Twitter...YouTube...and at weather.gov/Tucson  102 WWCN13 CWWG 172128 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:28 P.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: MOOSE JAW - PENSE - CENTRAL BUTTE - CRAIK ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  398 WWCN02 CYTR 172129 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:29 PM MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 18/0700Z TO 18/1800Z (18/0000 MST TO 18/1100 MST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 35 IS FORECAST FOR CFB SUFFIELD AND THE RANGE AGAIN TONIGHT. ANOTHER COLD RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE IS DESCENDING INTO ALBERTA FROM THE NORTH TODAY. THIS WILL GIVE SIMILAR CONDITIONS AS OBSERVED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, WITH WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 35 OVERNIGHT INTO THE MORNING DESPITE LIGHT WINDS. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/0930Z (18/0230 MST) END/JMC  528 WWUS82 KJAX 172131 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 431 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 GAZ153-154-165-166-180045- Inland Glynn-Coastal Glynn-Inland Camden-Coastal Camden- Including the cities of Thalmann, Jekyll Island, Glynn Haven, Sea Island, St. Simons, Country Club Estate, Dock Junction, Colesburg, Tarboro, Waverly, Woodbine, Dover Bluff, Kingsland, and Dungeness 431 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Caution driving due to fog... Patchy to areas of dense fog expected late this afternoon into this evening. Visibilities will be reduced to a quarter mile or less at times. $$  122 WHUS73 KGRB 172131 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 331 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 LMZ541>543-180545- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 331 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northeast winds increasing to 15 to 25 knots, becoming north tonight. Winds decrease to 15 to 20 knots after midnight tonight. * WAVES...2 feet or less, increasing to 1 to 3 feet tonight. Wave heights are for ice free areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds over 20 knots or waves greater than 4 feet are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  837 WSAU21 AMHF 172133 YMMM SIGMET D03 VALID 172200/180200 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI DWB - S4140 E14720 - STTE - S4110 E14840 - S4200 E14910 - S4320 E14810 - S4400 E14700 - PDV SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  057 WWCN12 CWWG 172133 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:33 P.M. CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= CHURCHILL =NEW= YORK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. MODERATE NORTHWESTERLY WINDS OF 30 KM/H COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MID MINUS THIRTIES WILL CREATE WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 50 OVERNIGHT INTO EARLY MONDAY MORNING. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SLIGHTLY BY LATE MONDAY MORNING. DRESS WARMLY. DRESS IN LAYERS THAT YOU CAN REMOVE IF YOU GET TOO WARM. THE OUTER LAYER SHOULD BE WIND RESISTANT. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  165 WWUS46 KSGX 172134 WSWSGX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service SAN DIEGO CA 134 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SNOW AND STRONG WINDS IN THE MOUNTAINS... .A cold low pressure trough will bring periods of snow through early Monday. The snow will be most widespread this evening when heavy snow accumulations are possible above 4000 feet. CAZ058-180600- /O.CON.KSGX.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190218T1400Z/ San Diego County Mountains- Including the cities of Julian and Pine Valley 134 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Plan on hazardous travel conditions. Damage to trees and power lines is possible due to strong westerly winds with gusts 55 to 65 mph. Snow accumulations of 4 to 10 inches, with localized amounts up to 12 inches, are expected. * WHERE...The San Diego Mountains. Light accumulations will be possible down to 3500 feet by early Monday, including along I- 8 east of Alpine. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for treacherous travel conditions with significant reductions in visibility at times in fog and blowing snow. Portions of Interstate 8 will be impacted with snow and ice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ CAZ055-056-180600- /O.CON.KSGX.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ San Bernardino County Mountains-Riverside County Mountains- Including the cities of Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, Big Bear City, Big Bear Lake, Running Springs, Wrightwood, and Idyllwild-Pine Cove 134 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Damage to trees and power lines is possible due to west winds with gusts 55 to 60 mph. Snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches, with localized amounts up to 15 inches, are expected. * WHERE...The Riverside and San Bernardino County Mountains. * WHEN...Until 3 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heavy accumulations above 4000 feet elevation, with 3 to 6 inches down to 3000 feet. This includes I-15 through the Cajon Pass. Be prepared for significant reductions in visibility at times due to fog and blowing snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ CAZ057-060-180600- /O.CON.KSGX.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills-Apple and Lucerne Valleys- Including the cities of Victorville, Hesperia, and Apple Valley 134 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow occurring. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch, with localized amounts up to 3 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Santa Ana Mountains and the High Desert. Snow could affect Highway 138 between Cajon Junction and Palmdale. * WHEN...Until 3 AM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Watch for icy patches on roadways, even if no snow is falling as these showers could move through quickly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for icy roads and use caution while driving. For road condition information in California...enter 8 0 0 4 2 7 7 6 2 3 if inside california or 9 1 6 4 5 5 7 6 2 3 if outside California. $$ 10  158 WARH31 LDZM 172133 LDZO AIRMET 2 VALID 172200/180200 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR FCST WI N4532 E01324 - N4325 E01614 - N4158 E01823 - N4126 E01817 - N4220 E01615 - N4405 E01337 - N4508 E01301 - N4532 E01324 STNR NC=  823 WWUS45 KGGW 172139 WSWGGW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM SLOWLY DIMINISHING... .A stalled weather pattern will keep any lingering snowfall over our area through tonight. MTZ017-181145- /O.CAN.KGGW.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KGGW.WC.Y.0011.190218T0600Z-190218T1800Z/ Central and Southern Valley- Including the cities of Glasgow, Fort Peck, Hinsdale, and Frazer 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 AM MST MONDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero expected. * WHERE...Central and Southern Valley County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Any additional snow accumulation will be light. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ MTZ023-025>027-172245- /O.CAN.KGGW.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ McCone-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux- 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Snowfall intensity has diminished and any additional snow accumulations will be light. $$ MTZ022-061-181145- /O.CAN.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KGGW.WC.Y.0011.190218T0600Z-190218T1800Z/ Garfield-Northern Valley- Including the cities of Jordan and Opheim 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 AM MST MONDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero expected. * WHERE...Garfield and Northern Valley Counties. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Any additional snow accumulation will be light. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ MTZ018-020-024-062-172245- /O.CAN.KGGW.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Daniels-Western Roosevelt-Richland-Eastern Roosevelt- 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snowfall intensity has diminished and any additional snow accumulations will be light. $$ MTZ016-021-059-060-181145- /O.NEW.KGGW.WC.Y.0011.190218T0100Z-190218T1800Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Petroleum-Northern Phillips- Southwest Phillips- Including the cities of Malta, Saco, Winnett, Whitewater, and Zortman 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero expected. * WHERE...Petroleum and Phillips Counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 11 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$  002 WWUS45 KBOI 172139 WSWBOI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 .Additional snow is expected overnight as a band of heavy snow develops along the Nevada and Idaho border region. This band should be moving off to the south and east by sunrise leaving lingering snow showers Monday. IDZ015-030-181400- /O.NEW.KBOI.WW.Y.0012.190218T0000Z-190218T1800Z/ Southwest Highlands-Southern Twin Falls County- 239 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches across the lower elevations, with localized amounts up to 7 inches over the higher terrain. * WHERE...Southwest Highlands and Southern Twin Falls County zones. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for reduced visibilities at times. Highway 93 and the Three Creek Highway will be impacted overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  317 WWUS45 KABQ 172141 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 241 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WINTER STORM WILL BRING HEAVY SNOWFALL TO NORTHERN NEW MEXICO MONDAY NIGHT THROUGH TUESDAY... .A potent winter storm system is expected to bring heavy snowfall of one to two feet across the northern mountains with near a foot along the east slopes of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the I-25 corridor. Snow showers will enter over western and northern New Mexico tonight through Monday while a backdoor cold front will bring snow showers to Union County over to Raton Pass. Snow showers will fill in over the northern half of the state late Monday afternoon with the heaviest snowfall occurring Monday night through Tuesday morning across the northern mountains and northeast plains. The backdoor front will push south and west enhancing snowfall down the I-25 corridor from Raton to the Central Highlands and into the middle Rio Grande Valley Tuesday morning. Travel impacts are expected across most of northern and western New Mexico along the continental divide. NMZ502-503-510>516-527>529-180500- /O.UPG.KABQ.WS.A.0003.190218T1200Z-190220T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.WS.W.0006.190218T0300Z-190220T0000Z/ Chuska Mountains-Far Northwest Highlands-San Juan Mountains- Jemez Mountains-West Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Northern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet/Red River- Southern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley- Raton Ridge/Johnson Mesa-Far Northeast Highlands- Northeast Highlands- 241 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 15 inches expected with up to two feet atop the Tusas and southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Chuska Mountains, Far Northwest Highlands, Northern Mountains, Upper Rio Grande Valley, Raton Ridge and Johnson Mesa, Far Northeast Highlands and Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 5 PM MST Tuesday with the heaviest snowfall expected to occur early Tuesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible from snowpacked and icy roads, in particular along the I-25 corridor from Glorieta Pass to Raton Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or 1-800-432-4269. && $$ NMZ501-504>506-517-530>532-180500- /O.NEW.KABQ.WS.W.0006.190218T0300Z-190220T0000Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Highlands-West Central Plateau- West Central Mountains-Lower Chama River Valley-Union County- Harding County-Eastern San Miguel County- 241 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 10 inches expected. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Northwest Plateau, Northwest Highlands, West Central Plateau, West Central Mountains and Lower Chama River Valley, and Union, Harding and Eastern San Miguel Counties. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 5 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible from snowpacked and icy roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or 1-800-432-4269. && $$ NMZ518-521>523-180500- /O.NEW.KABQ.WS.W.0006.190218T1800Z-190220T0000Z/ Santa Fe Metro Area-Sandia/Manzano Mountains-Estancia Valley- Central Highlands- 241 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM MONDAY TO 5 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches expected with up to a foot atop the Sandia Crest. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Santa Fe Metro Area, Sandia and Manzano Mountains, Estancia Valley and Central Highlands. * WHEN...From 11 AM Monday to 5 PM MST Tuesday, with the heaviest snowfall expected early Tuesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult due to snowpacked and icy roads and reduced visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or 1-800-432-4269. && $$ NMZ507-508-519-524-533-534-537-539-180500- /O.NEW.KABQ.WW.Y.0010.190218T1800Z-190220T0000Z/ West Central Highlands-Southwest Mountains- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- South Central Highlands-Guadalupe County-Quay County- De Baca County-Eastern Lincoln County- 241 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM MONDAY TO 5 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...West Central Highlands, Southwest Mountains, Middle Rio Grande Valley including the Albuquerque Metro Area and South Central Highlands, and Guadalupe, Quay, De Baca and Eastern Lincoln Counties. * WHEN...From 11 AM Monday to 5 PM MST Tuesday, with the heaviest snowfall expected early Tuesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery and icy road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or 1-800-432-4269. && $$  210 WWUS43 KDMX 172142 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 342 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow to Continue Through The Evening... .Snow band continues to move east across east central Iowa this afternoon and into the evening. The bulk of the activity late this afternoon through evening will primarily impact east central and northeast Iowa. Another half an inch can be expected between Interstate and Highway 30, with 1 to 3 inches north of the Highway 30 corridor. Several roads are still slick with partial to total snow/ice coverage. Travel is still difficult in several locations throughout Iowa. IAZ057>059-070>072-081>083-180000- /O.CON.KDMX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Adams-Union-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Corning, Creston, and Osceola 342 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...A few lingering light snow showers or flurries are likely. Additional accumulations if any will be less than half of an inch. * WHERE...Parts of Southwest and South Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Road conditions have improved in west central Iowa this afternoon. However, there are still several reported slick spots on the roads. There may be slightly reduced visibility in the area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-180000- /O.CON.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 342 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Light to moderate at times along and north of Interstate 80. An additional 1 to 3 inches of new snow is possible, with the higher amounts anticipated north of Highway 30. * WHERE...Much of Iowa. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be difficult to hazardous this afternoon through evening across much of Iowa. Visibility will be reduced during times of moderate snowfall rates. Roads will remain slick with partial to complete snow/ice coverage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Krull For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines  586 WSZA21 FAOR 172144 FAJO SIGMET C03 VALID 172200/180000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3000 E04933 - S3450 E05052 - S3854 E04712 - S3509 E04210 - S3000 E04042 TOP FL450=  251 WWUS43 KLSX 172146 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Saint Louis MO 346 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ095>097-MOZ018-019-026-027-180000- /O.CON.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Marion MO-Pike IL-Shelby MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Mount Sterling, Pittsfield, and Quincy 346 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light freezing drizzle and light snow is expected. Additional snow accumulations of less than one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Missouri and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory is issued for a variety of winter weather conditions, such as snow, blowing snow, sleet, or freezing drizzle and rain. It only takes a small amount of wintry precipitation to make roads, bridges, sidewalks, and parking lots icy and dangerous. It is often difficult to tell when ice begins to form, so do not be caught off guard. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained on the Internet at traveler.modot.org/map/ or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ Carney  453 WSBZ31 SBAZ 172144 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0527 W06500 - S0859 W06428 - S1045 W06952 - S0725 W07342 - S0544 W07239 - S0527 W06500 TOP FL470 MOV W 10KT NC=  454 WSBZ31 SBAZ 172144 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0124 W05211 - N0034 W05004 - S0126 W04511 - S0428 W04320 - S0807 W04549 - S0124 W05211 TOP FL470 MOV W 05KT NC=  455 WSBZ31 SBAZ 172144 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0428 W06009 - S0404 W05353 - S0951 W04849 - S1024 W05100 - S1148 W05255 - S0428 W06009 TOP FL500 MOV NW 05KT NC=  456 WSBZ31 SBAZ 172144 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0647 W06026 - S1201 W05303 - S1452 W05350 - S1121 W06346 - S0647 W06026 TOP FL500 MOV SW 08KT NC=  234 WHUS73 KLOT 172147 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 347 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 LMZ740>743-180600- /O.EXT.KLOT.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T1800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- 347 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST MONDAY... * WINDS...to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 6 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 8 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Rodriguez  533 WAIS31 LLBD 172144 LLLL AIRMET 11 VALID 172200/180100 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR OCNL TS FCST WI N3233 E03415 - N3212 E03450 - N3110 E03416 - N3159 E03340 TOP FL260 MOV NNE 10KT INTSF=  723 WWCN02 CYTR 172148 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:48 PM MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 30 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 18/1800Z (UNTIL 18/1100 MST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILL NEAR MINUS 30 WILL OCCUR AGAIN TONIGHT AT CFB EDMONTON. ANOTHER COLD RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE IS DESCENDING INTO ALBERTA FROM THE NORTH TODAY. THIS WILL CLEAR SKIES AND CAUSE TEMPERATURES TO PLUMMET INTO THE MINUS 20S AGAIN TONIGHT. DESPITE LIGHT WINDS, THIS WILL BE COLD ENOUGH TO GIVE WIND CHILL BETWEEN MINUS 30 AND MINUS 35 OVERNIGHT AND INTO MONDAY MORNING. CONDITIONS WILL IMPROVE LATE MONDAY MORNING, WITH FURTHER WARMING EXPECTED MONDAY NIGHT. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/0930Z (18/0230 MST) END/JMC  924 WABZ22 SBBS 172148 SBBS AIRMET 17 VALID 172145/180110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 0 300/0900M FG FCST IN ANAPOLIS TMA STNR NC=  223 WSZA21 FAOR 172146 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 172200/180000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4445 W00145 - S4738 W00121 - S5248 W00125 - S5328 W00913 - S5154 W00955 - S4446 W00946 TOP FL300=  763 WSUS31 KKCI 172155 SIGE MKCE WST 172155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12E VALID UNTIL 2355Z VA WV KY FROM 30WSW EKN-40E LYH-30E PSK-60SSW HNN-30WSW EKN AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 172355-180355 FROM EKN-30NNW RIC-30SSE SPA-40NW MGM-40SSW BNA-EKN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  764 WSUS32 KKCI 172155 SIGC MKCC WST 172155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 172355-180355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  765 WSUS33 KKCI 172155 SIGW MKCW WST 172155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2W VALID UNTIL 2355Z AZ NV CA FROM 50ENE BTY-20NE LAS-40NNW EED LINE EMBD TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25020KT. TOPS TO FL260. OUTLOOK VALID 172355-180355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  142 WSZA21 FAOR 172145 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 172200/180000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4032 E01356 - S4431 E01407 - S5000 E01436 - S5206 E01122 - S5101 E00945 - S4900 E00923 - S4457 E01124 - S4050 E01032 TOP FL300=  785 WHUS74 KMOB 172152 AAA MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Mobile AL 352 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 GMZ631-632-180600- /O.NEW.KMOB.MF.Y.0012.190218T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KMOB.SC.Y.0012.190218T1000Z-190219T1200Z/ Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- 352 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until midnight CST tonight. A Small Craft Advisory has also been issued. This Small Craft Advisory is in effect from 4 AM Monday to 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...North at 18 to 23 knots. * WAVES/SEAS... Waves 1 to 2 feet over Mobile Bay and the Mississippi Sound east of Pascagoula. * VISIBILITY...Lowering to less then one nautical mile. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds or frequent gusts of 20 to 33 knots and/or seas of 7 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ630-180600- /O.NEW.KMOB.MF.Y.0012.190218T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Northern Mobile Bay- 352 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until midnight CST tonight. * VISIBILITY...Lowering to less than one nautical mile. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one mile. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ GMZ650-655-670-675-180600- /O.NEW.KMOB.SC.Y.0012.190218T1000Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL out 20 NM- Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM- Waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL from 20 to 60 NM- 352 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 4 AM Monday to 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...North at 18 to 23 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...Building to 4 to 7 feet well offshore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds or frequent gusts of 20 to 33 knots and/or seas of 7 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  080 WSAG31 SAVC 172158 SAVF SIGMET 3 VALID 172158/172358 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR ISOL TS FCST AT 2158Z WI S4051 W06800 - S4020 W06636 - S4101 W06535 - S4158 W06700 - S4051 W06800 TOP FL300 MOV SE 10KT INTSF=  327 WSAG31 SAVC 172158 SAVF SIGMET 3 VALID 172158/172358 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR ISOL TS FCST AT 2158Z WI S4051 W06800 - S4020 W06636 - S4101 W06535 - S4158 W06700 - S4051 W06800 TOP FL300 MOV SE 10KT INTSF=  253 WAHW31 PHFO 172155 WA0HI HNLS WA 172200 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 180400 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU OVR AND NW THRU SLOPES. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 020 EXP DUE TO CLDS AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. =HNLT WA 172200 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 180400 . AIRMET TURB...KAUAI OVER AND SE THRU SW OF MTN. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 090. COND END AFT 0400Z. =HNLZ WA 172200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 180400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE. . FZLVL...117 PHLI SLOPING TO 125 PHTO.  857 WSBZ31 SBRE 172155 SBRE SIGMET 27 VALID 172156/172400 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0745 W03822 - S1235 W04026 - S1253 W 03912 - S1039 W03717 - S1030 W03747 - S0808 W03806 - S0745 W03822 TOP FL42 0 STNR NC=  807 WWUS41 KPBZ 172157 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 457 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ057-058-172300- /O.CAN.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190217T2200Z/ Muskingum-Guernsey- Including the cities of Zanesville and Cambridge 457 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 PM... Precipitation is exiting the area and temperatures will rise a degree or two this evening. $$ OHZ050-PAZ020-WVZ001-180000- /O.EXB.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jefferson OH-Beaver-Hancock- Including the cities of Steubenville, Aliquippa, Beaver Falls, Ambridge, Monaca, and Weirton 457 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulations of a light glaze.. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Beaver County. In Ohio, Jefferson OH County. In West Virginia, Hancock County. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ OHZ039>041-048-049-180000- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Dover, Carrollton, Malvern, East Liverpool, Salem, Columbiana, Coshocton, and Cadiz 457 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ MDZ001-PAZ007>009-015-016-023-074-076-WVZ514-180500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Garrett-Mercer-Venango-Forest-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Indiana- Westmoreland Ridges-Fayette Ridges-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Mountain Lake Park, Oakland MD, Grantsville, Sharon, Hermitage, Grove City, Oil City, Franklin, Tionesta, Clarion, Punxsutawney, Brookville, Indiana, Ligonier, Donegal, Champion, Ohiopyle, Davis, Thomas, and Canaan Valley 457 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulation of a light glaze to a tenth of an inch. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches along and north of Interstate 80 expected. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ PAZ013-014-022-180500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Lawrence-Butler-Armstrong- Including the cities of New Castle, Ellwood City, Butler, Kittanning, and Ford City 457 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Ice accumulations of a light glaze and snow accumulation of up to one inch. * WHERE...Lawrence, Butler and Armstrong Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$  433 WVID21 WAAA 172145 WAAZ SIGMET 07 VALID 172145/180115 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD EST AT 1915Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0100 E12658 - N0039 E12740 - N 0142 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 0115Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0142 E12755 - N0038 E12740 - N0100 E 12658 - N0143 E12753=  564 WVID21 WAAA 172145 WAAZ SIGMET 07 VALID 172145/180115 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD EST AT 1915Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0100 E12658 - N0039 E12740 - N 0142 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 0115Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0142 E12755 - N0038 E12740 - N0100 E 12658 - N0143 E12753=  150 WWUS45 KVEF 172158 WSWVEF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 158 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 AZZ001-003-CAZ524-NVZ018-019-181200- /O.CON.KVEF.WW.Y.0010.190217T2200Z-190218T1200Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Deserts-Eastern Mojave Desert- Sheep Range-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including Colorado City, Pipe Spring National Monument, Tuweep, Mt Trumbell, Valentine, Mountain Pass, Mitchell Caverns, Hayford Pk, and The Town Of Mt Charleston 158 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 /258 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST /5 AM MST/ MONDAY ABOVE 4000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 4000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches at elevations between 4000 and 6000 feet. Total accumulations of 4 to 7 inches above 6000 feet. Winds gusting 20 to 30 mph. * WHERE...In Arizona, Northwest Plateau and Northwest Deserts. In California, Eastern Mojave Desert. In Nevada, Sheep Range and Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST /5 AM MST/ Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Travel could be hazardous on I-15 between Primm, Nevada and Baker, California and on I-40 east of Kingman, Arizona. Roads in the Spring Mountains will be difficult to travel such as Kyle Canyon, Lee Canyon, and Highway 160 near Mountain Springs Summit. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas  497 WWUS83 KIWX 172158 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 458 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 INZ015>018-022>027-032>034-180030- Fulton IN-Kosciusko-Whitley-Allen IN-Cass IN-Miami-Wabash- Huntington-Wells-Adams-Grant-Blackford-Jay- Including the cities of Rochester, Akron, Warsaw, Winona Lake, Syracuse, Mentone, Columbia City, Tri-Lakes, South Whitley, Fort Wayne, New Haven, Logansport, Royal Center, Peru, Grissom AFB, Mexico, Wabash, North Manchester, Huntington, Roanoke, Bluffton, Ossian, Decatur, Berne, Marion, Gas City, Upland, Hartford City, Montpelier, Portland, and Dunkirk 458 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Slick Roads This Evening... Areas of persistent light freezing drizzle, mixed at times with light snow, will lead to slick conditions on untreated roads and especially on bridges this evening. Motorists should watch out for ice on roads, especially on bridges and when approaching intersections. Slow down and give yourself extra time to get to your destination. $$  615 WSID20 WIII 172155 WIIZ SIGMET 19 VALID 172155/172355 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0009 E09849 - S0022 E09719 - N0118 E09621 - N0220 E09723 - N0155 E09822 - S0009 E09849 TOP FL510 MOV SW 5KT NC=  065 WWUS45 KPUB 172159 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 COZ072>075-079-080-180600- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate and heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 18 inches below 10000 feet, with 1 to 2 feet above 10000 feet. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 and 11000 Feet, Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet and Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ068-180600- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate and heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 20 inches, with local accumulations up to 2 feet. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ087-088-180600- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0004.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of moderate and heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches. * WHERE...Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet and Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ058-060-061-063>067-069>071-180600- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet- Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches expected across the higher terrain, with 3 to 6 inches across Upper Rio Grande Valley. * WHERE...Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet, Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet, Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet, Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet, Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet, Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet, La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet and Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ076>078-081-082-180600- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet- Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches, with locally higher amounts above 8500 feet, with 4 to 8 inches across the Wet Mountain Valley. * WHERE...Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet, Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet, Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet and Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083>086-089-093>099-180600- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0011.190218T0300Z-190220T0100Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet-Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- Crowley County-La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- Eastern Las Animas County-Western Kiowa County- Eastern Kiowa County-Las Animas Vicinity/Bent County- Lamar Vicinity/Prowers County-Springfield Vicinity/Baca County- 259 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 9 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet, Crowley County, La Junta Vicinity/Otero County, Eastern Las Animas County, Western Kiowa County, Eastern Kiowa County, Las Animas Vicinity/Bent County, Lamar Vicinity/Prowers County and Springfield Vicinity/Baca County. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 6 PM MST Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  214 WWUS45 KSLC 172201 WSWSLC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 301 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 UTZ005-181200- /O.NEW.KSLC.WW.Y.0014.190218T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains- Including the cities of Wendover and Snowville 301 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Locally higher amounts possible near Ibapah and Dugway. * WHERE...Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains, along and south of I-80. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions after sunset. Roads may be snow covered at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. For winter road conditions from the Utah Department of Transportation, visit http://www.udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx or dial 511. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  009 WWAK41 PAFG 172202 WSWNSB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 102 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ204-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.A.0012.190219T1500Z-190220T2100Z/ Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast- Including Kaktovik and Flaxman Island 102 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY MORNING THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with blizzard conditions possible. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are possible. Visibility could fall near zero. * WHERE...Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast. * WHEN...From Tuesday morning through Wednesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Watch means there is potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. $$  432 WWUS45 KCYS 172203 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 303 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Frostbite and Frostnip Danger Tonight as Wind Chills fall Negative Ten to Negative Twenty many across portions of the Area... NEZ002-003-095-WYZ101-102-180615- /O.NEW.KCYS.WC.Y.0004.190218T0200Z-190218T1600Z/ Dawes-Box Butte-North Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations- Niobrara County- Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance, Harrison, Bill, Douglas, Deer Creek, Glenrock, Lusk, and Redbird 303 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Wind chills as low as 25 below zero expected. * WHERE...Northern Nebraska Panhandle and portions of Southeast Wyoming * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 9 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. && $$ Allen  581 WAIY31 LIIB 172204 LIMM AIRMET 11 VALID 172210/180210 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR FCST S OF LINE N4519 E00621 - N4626 E01352 STNR INTSF=  380 WWCN03 CYTR 172205 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 4:05 PM CST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND CHILL WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 18/0700Z TO 18/1615Z (18/0100 CST TO 18/1015 CST) COMMENTS: MODERATE NORTHERLY WINDS AND A COLD AIRMASS WILL BRING COLD WIND CHILL VALUES OF MINUS 35 AND LOWER FOR TONIGHT. WIND CHILL VALUES REACHING MINUS 35 WILL BEGIN SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT AND WILL CONTINUE THROUGH INTO MONDAY MORNING BEFORE ENDING NEAR NOON. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 18/1000Z (18/0400 CST) END/JMC  780 WWUS41 KPBZ 172206 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 506 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 PAZ021-029-073-WVZ002-003-180000- /O.EXA.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Allegheny-Washington-Westmoreland-Brooke-Ohio- Including the cities of Pittsburgh Metro Area, Washington, Canonsburg, Murrysville, Greensburg, New Kensington, Follansbee, Wellsburg, and Wheeling 506 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Washington and Westmoreland Counties. In West Virginia, Brooke and Ohio Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-PAZ020-WVZ001-180000- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Beaver-Hancock- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Dover, Carrollton, Malvern, East Liverpool, Salem, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cadiz, Steubenville, Aliquippa, Beaver Falls, Ambridge, Monaca, and Weirton 506 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ MDZ001-PAZ007>009-015-016-023-074-076-WVZ514-180500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Garrett-Mercer-Venango-Forest-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Indiana- Westmoreland Ridges-Fayette Ridges-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Mountain Lake Park, Oakland MD, Grantsville, Sharon, Hermitage, Grove City, Oil City, Franklin, Tionesta, Clarion, Punxsutawney, Brookville, Indiana, Ligonier, Donegal, Champion, Ohiopyle, Davis, Thomas, and Canaan Valley 506 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulation of a light glaze to a tenth of an inch. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches along and north of Interstate 80 expected. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ PAZ013-014-022-180500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Lawrence-Butler-Armstrong- Including the cities of New Castle, Ellwood City, Butler, Kittanning, and Ford City 506 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Ice accumulations of a light glaze and snow accumulation of up to one inch. * WHERE...Lawrence, Butler and Armstrong Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$  890 WSCI36 ZUUU 172204 ZPKM SIGMET 10 VALID 172300/180300 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3233 E10403-N3145 E10923-N2814 E10914-N2732 E10807-N2619 E10600-N2915 E10303-N3233 E10403 FL050/150 STNR NC=  203 WAIY31 LIIB 172206 LIMM AIRMET 12 VALID 172235/180235 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL SFC VIS 0200M FG FCST WI N4551 E01242 - N4527 E01056 - N4427 E00906 - N4329 E01019 - N4339 E01145 - N4436 E01008 - N4513 E01128 - N4457 E01214 - N4537 E01259 - N4551 E01242 STNR INTSF=  582 WHUS76 KLOX 172212 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ650-180615- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 10 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ670-180615- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 12 to 15 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occuring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ676-180615- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 12 to 15 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occuring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ673-180615- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...Northwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 13 to 16 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ655-180615- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... * Winds...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts to 35 kt are expected when winds are strongest. * Seas...Combined seas of 8 to 11 feet with periods around 9 seconds are expected when waves are largest. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ PZZ645-180615- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  899 WHUS76 KSEW 172212 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ133-180615- /O.CAN.KSEW.GL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0800Z/ /O.NEW.KSEW.SC.Y.0027.190217T2212Z-190218T1800Z/ Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST MONDAY... ...GALE WARNING IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect until 10 AM PST Monday. * WIND AND WAVES...North to northeast winds 15 to 25 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ130-131-150-153-156-170-173-176-172315- /O.CAN.KSEW.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ PZZ132-172315- /O.CAN.KSEW.SC.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190218T1400Z/ East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ PZZ134-172315- /O.CAN.KSEW.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190218T1400Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ PZZ135-172315- /O.CAN.KSEW.SC.Y.0026.190218T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ PZZ110-180000- /O.CON.KSEW.RB.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Grays Harbor Bar- 212 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * COMBINED SEAS...9 or 10 feet. * FIRST EBB...245 pm this afternoon. Very strong ebb. * SECOND EBB....330 am Monday morning. * THIRD EBB...330 pm Monday afternoon. Very strong ebb. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  452 WHUS74 KBRO 172213 AAA MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Brownsville TX 413 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Adverse Marine Conditions Likely The Next 24 Hours... .Increasing winds and building seas are expected tonight through Monday night due to the recent passage of a cold front. A Small Craft Advisory is in effect for the Gulf of Mexico waters from 0 to 60 nautical miles offshore. GMZ150-155-170-175-181100- /O.EXT.KBRO.SC.Y.0012.190218T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- Waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande extending from 20 to 60 nm- Waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield extending from 20 to 60 nm- 413 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast at 15 to 25 knots. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet nearshore and 6 to 9 feet offshore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ TOMASELLI  235 WABZ22 SBBS 172213 SBBS AIRMET 18 VALID 172215/180110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 0 300/0900M FG FCST IN ANAPOLIS TMA STNR NC=  561 WHUS76 KPQR 172214 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 214 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ210-180000- /O.CON.KPQR.RB.Y.0037.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Columbia River Bar- 214 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR ROUGH COLUMBIA RIVER BAR REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * IN THE MAIN CHANNEL... * GENERAL SEAS...5 to 7 feet through Monday. * FIRST EBB...Very strong ebb around 3 PM Sunday. Seas building to 12 feet with breakers likely. * SECOND EBB...Around 330 AM Monday. Seas building to 9 feet with breakers possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for rough bar means that wave conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft in or near harbor entrances. && $$ PZZ250-255-270-275-180600- /O.CON.KPQR.SW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM-Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM- Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM-Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 214 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... * Seas...10 feet through the afternoon, dropping below 10 feet late tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Seas will be especially steep and hazardous. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/portland  284 WWAK42 PAFG 172214 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ209-180600- /O.EXB.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley- Including Kotzebue, Selawik, and Noorvik 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley. * WHEN...Until 9 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ214-180000- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Yukon Delta- Including Mountain Village, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St Marys, Scammon Bay, Marshall, Nunam Iqua, and Pitkas Point 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and freezing rain occurring. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch are expected. * WHERE...Yukon Delta. * WHEN...Until 3 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ215-180900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches, and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. Periods of freezing rain through this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Until 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 35 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ227-180900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Upper Kuskokwim Valley- Including McGrath, Nikolai, Takotna, and Farewell Lake 114 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$  565 WABZ22 SBBS 172214 SBBS AIRMET 19 VALID 172215/180110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 0 300/0900M FG FCST IN BELO HORIZONTE TMA STNR NC=  586 WWCN16 CWWG 172215 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR NORTHERN ALBERTA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:15 P.M. MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= FORT CHIPEWYAN - WOOD BUFFALO NATIONAL PARK =NEW= HIGH LEVEL - RAINBOW LAKE - FORT VERMILION - MACKENZIE HWY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. WIND CHILL VALUES APPROACHING MINUS 40 ARE EXPECTED OVER PARTS OF NORTHERN ALBERTA SUNDAY NIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ABSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ABSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  366 WHUS76 KMFR 172216 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 216 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ356-376-181130- /O.EXT.KMFR.SW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190219T0600Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 216 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST MONDAY... * Seas...Northwest swell-dominated seas 10 to 12 feet at 10 seconds. * Winds...North 15 to 20 KT. * Areas affected...All areas. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves will be steep enough to create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. && $$ PZZ350-370-181130- /O.CON.KMFR.SW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm- Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm- 216 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST MONDAY... * Seas...Northwest swell-dominated seas 10 to 12 feet at 10 seconds. * Winds...North 15 to 20 KT. * Areas affected...All areas. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves will be steep enough to create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/medford  201 WSCO31 SKBO 172200 SKED SIGMET 4 VALID 172210/180110 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2149Z WI N0144 W07103 - N0056 W07134 - N0023 W07234 - S0030 W07237 - S0138 W07156 - S0043 W06953 - N0042 W07013 - N0144 W06954 - N0210 W06807 - N0342 W06749 - N0337 W07030 - N0229 W07138 - N0144 W07103 TOP FL510 MOV ENE 9KT INTSF=  669 WWUS76 KLOX 172219 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 219 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ039-180630- /O.EXB.KLOX.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Santa Barbara County South Coast- Including the cities of Santa Barbara, Montecito, and Carpinteria 219 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a Wind Advisory, which is in effect until 3 AM PST Monday. * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph, strongest below passes and canyons. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. This includes Highways 101 and 154. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... When driving, use extra caution. Be prepared for sudden gusty cross winds. && $$ CAZ034-035-180400- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190218T0400Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- Including the cities of San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Cambria, San Simeon, Santa Maria, Lompoc, and Vandenberg 219 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph will continue through early this evening, then diminish. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. This includes Highways 1 and 101. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... When driving, use extra caution. Be prepared for sudden gusty cross winds. && $$ Sirard  022 WSCH31 SCFA 172220 SCFZ SIGMET 02 VALID 172220/180220 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF LINE S1739 W06949 - S1938 W06909 - S1949 W06848 TOP FL330 STNR WKN=  415 WHUS76 KMTR 172220 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ545-180630- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T0500Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-180630- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T0500Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-180200- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0200Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...North 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-180200- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0200Z/ Monterey Bay- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-180630- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...North 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...11 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-180630- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...9 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-180630- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 14 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-180630- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...10 to 13 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-180630- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...7 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-180630- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190219T1100Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-180200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190218T0200Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 220 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  088 WGUS81 KPBZ 172220 FLSPBZ Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 520 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio.. Muskingum River At Coshocton affecting Coshocton County. .The Muskingum River is currently falling, and will fall below flood stage by Monday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE: Do not drive through flooded areas. The water may be deeper than it appears. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio for later developments. && OHC031-180620- /O.CON.KPBZ.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ /CSHO1.1.ER.190208T0013Z.190213T0515Z.190218T1800Z.NO/ 520 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 The River Flood Warning continues for, The Muskingum River At Coshocton. * Until Monday evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 5:00 PM Sunday the stage was 15.3 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.3 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...At 15.0 feet, Low areas are flooded and water reaches a few homes along Route 16 south of Coshocton and along County Route 1A north of Coshocton. && LAT...LON 4024 8189 4030 8197 4029 8183 4023 8184 $$  920 WWUS83 KDTX 172221 SPSDTX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 521 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ063-068>070-075-076-082-083-180030- St. Clair-Livingston-Oakland-Macomb-Washtenaw-Wayne-Lenawee- Monroe- Including the cities of Port Huron, Howell, Pontiac, Warren, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Adrian, and Monroe 521 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Brief Intervals of Heavy Snow... Widespread snow will continue its expansion across Southeast Michigan this evening. Brief yet intense periods of heavy snow can be expected this evening, capable of causing rapid visibility reductions and a quick coating of snow on the roads. Between 6 PM and 9 PM around an inch of total accumulation is possible across the area. Drivers this evening should be on the look out for rapidly fluctuating visibilities and road conditions as a result of the snow. $$ SC  723 WSUS03 KKCI 172223 WS3W CHIW WS 172223 CANCEL SIGMET WHISKEY 1. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  739 WAUS43 KKCI 172223 AAA WA3Z CHIZ WA 172223 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 6 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 180300 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO FROM 60NW MOT TO 70NE BIS TO 20ENE BRD TO 60ESE MCI TO 40NW SLN TO 40SW LBF TO 20NW BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 60NW MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...MO IL KY TX AR TN LA MS AL FROM HNN TO HMV TO GQO TO 40WNW ATL TO 20E MHZ TO 30NE LFK TO 20N TXK TO 60SW PXV TO HNN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 050-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 20ENE BRD TO SSM TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO 60ESE MCI TO 20ENE BRD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 160. FRZLVL SFC-040. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 40SSW GLD-60SE GCK-30SE MMB-40NNW CDS-40NE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-40SSW GLD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND 170. FRZLVL SFC-060. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-110 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL BLW 070 BOUNDED BY 30S FWA-CVG-HNN-50S HNN-30ESE BWG-40SSE PXV-60SSE AXC-30S FWA MULT FRZLVL 020-110 BOUNDED BY 60SSE AXC-40SSE PXV-30ESE BWG- 60SSW HNN-50E LOZ-40NNE MSL-20WNW EIC-70ENE TTT-20NNW ADM- 20E OKC-40S SGF-60SSE AXC SFC ALG 20E RZC-60SW FAM-50NW PXV-20N CVG 040 ALG 60ENE DYR-40NW LOZ-40W HNN ....  941 WSEQ31 SEGU 172227 SEFG SIGMET 01 VALID 172227/180127 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2200Z WI N0011 W07715 - S0014 W07613 - S0112 W07653 - S0056 W07726 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  294 WSBZ31 SBCW 172224 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  295 WSBZ31 SBCW 172224 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W0 4552 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  296 WSBZ31 SBCW 172224 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  457 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 172024/172400 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2808 W04451 - S2217 W03804 - S2104 W03920 - S1929 W03741 - S2013 W03049 - S2346 W02318 - S2543 W02521 - S2311 W03032 - S3049 W04051 - S2808 W04451 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  458 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W06009 - S0404 W05353 - S0951 W04849 - S1024 W05100 - S1148 W05255 - S0428 W06009 TOP FL500 MOV NW 05KT NC=  459 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W06500 - S0859 W06428 - S1045 W06952 - S0725 W07342 - S0544 W07239 - S0527 W06500 TOP FL470 MOV W 10KT NC=  460 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0055 W04046 - S0410 W04231 - S0451 W04329 - S0645 W03810 - S1028 W03746 - S1041 W03712 - S0719 W03453 - S0501 W03525 - S0252 W03942 - S0156 W03757 - N0021 W03939 - N0055 W04046 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  461 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0124 W05211 - N0034 W05004 - S0126 W04511 - S0428 W04320 - S0807 W04549 - S0124 W05211 TOP FL470 MOV W 05KT NC=  462 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBRE SIGMET 27 VALID 172156/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0745 W03822 - S1235 W04026 - S1253 W03912 - S1039 W03717 - S1030 W03747 - S0808 W03806 - S0745 W03822 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  463 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0647 W06026 - S1201 W05303 - S1452 W05350 - S1121 W06346 - S0647 W06026 TOP FL500 MOV SW 08KT NC=  035 WSPA11 PHFO 172226 SIGPAX KZAK SIGMET XRAY 4 VALID 172230/180230 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N2550 W14440 - N2240 W14450 - N2050 W14700 - N2530 W14910 - N2550 W14440. CB TOPS TO FL340. STNR. WKN. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  313 WWUS76 KEKA 172227 NPWEKA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 227 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...VERY COLD OVERNIGHT TEMPERATURES EXPECTED SUNDAY NIGHT... .Cold temperatures can be expected throughout the region tonight, and while the coldest temperatures can be expected across interior areas, near and below freezing temperatures are expected to reach the coast as well. In these near coastal areas, the coldest temperatures are likely to occur in wind-protected valleys and depressions that are slightly away from the beach. In these areas, low temperatures are expected to fall into the upper 20s and locally lower, with temperatures slightly warmer but still near freezing closer to the water. Similar temperatures can be expected Tuesday morning, albeit likely a degree or two warmer. CAZ101-172330- /O.CAN.KEKA.HZ.A.0001.190218T0700Z-190218T1700Z/ Coastal Del Norte- 227 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HARD FREEZE WATCH IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Eureka has cancelled the Hard Freeze Watch. While overnight low temperatures are not expected to reach Hard Freeze category in most areas along the Del Norte Coast, temperatures may drop slightly below freezing in some areas. $$ CAZ103-181130- /O.UPG.KEKA.HZ.A.0001.190218T0700Z-190218T1700Z/ /O.NEW.KEKA.HZ.W.0002.190218T0800Z-190218T1700Z/ Northern Humboldt Coast- 227 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM PST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Eureka has issued a Hard Freeze Warning...which is in effect from midnight tonight to 9 AM PST Monday. The Hard Freeze Watch is no longer in effect. * LOW TEMPERATURES...26 to 31. * LOCATIONS INCLUDE...McKinleyville, Arcata, Blue Lake, Glendale, Fieldbrook, Westhaven, Orick, Hydesville, Carlotta. * FOR A DETAILED VIEW OF THE HAZARD AREA...visit http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Hard Freeze Warning means sub-freezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. && $$  381 WWCN12 CWNT 172227 WIND WARNING FOR THE MACKENZIE DELTA AND ARCTIC COAST AREAS OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:27 P.M. MST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: PAULATUK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  393 WSPA10 PHFO 172228 SIGPAW KZAK SIGMET WHISKEY 8 VALID 172230/180230 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N1000 E15730 - N0920 E17010 - N0340 E17240 - N0040 E16920 - N0550 E16020 - N1000 E15730. CB TOPS TO FL570. STNR. NC. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  213 WGCA82 TJSJ 172228 FLSSJU Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Juan PR 628 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 PRC043-075-172238- /O.CAN.TJSJ.FA.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190217T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Coamo PR-Juana Diaz PR- 628 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR COAMO AND JUANA DIAZ MUNICIPALITIES... The heavy rain has ended, and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. LAT...LON 1808 6642 1803 6645 1805 6649 1807 6646 $$ Snell  150 WHUS72 KCHS 172229 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 529 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 AMZ352-354-180600- /O.NEW.KCHS.MF.Y.0005.190217T2229Z-190218T0600Z/ Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM, including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary- 529 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 1 AM EST Monday. * VISIBILITY...1 NM or less in areas of dense fog. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  717 WSPA12 PHFO 172230 SIGPAY KZAK SIGMET YANKEE 1 VALID 172230/180230 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI S0100 W16840 - S0330 W16700 - S0450 W17430 - S0200 W17600 - S0100 W16840. CB TOPS TO FL530. STNR. INTSF. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  581 WSVS31 VVGL 172230 VVNB SIGMET 5 VALID 172235/180135 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1920 E10545 - N2000 E10445 - N2205 E10630 - N2125 E10735 - N1920 E10545 TOP FL300 MOV E 10KT NC=  612 WHUS74 KLCH 172230 MWWLCH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 430 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST TUESDAY... .A cold front is moving into the coastal waters this evening northerly winds will increase with seas building as high pressure builds down from the north. Winds to remain brisk into Tuesday morning before relaxing. GMZ430-432-435-450-452-455-470-472-475-180630- /O.NEW.KLCH.SC.Y.0011.190217T2230Z-190219T1200Z/ Sabine Lake-Calcasieu Lake-Vermilion Bay- Coastal waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA out 20 NM- Waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX from 20 to 60 NM- Waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA from 20 to 60 NM- Waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA from 20 to 60 NM- 430 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Lake Charles has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 6 AM CST Tuesday. * WINDS...20 to 25 knots with gusts higher. * WAVES/SEAS...seas three to five feet nearshore and 5 to 8 feet offshore. Very rough in the bays. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ K. Kuyper  403 WHUS76 KEKA 172231 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 231 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 PZZ470-475-180645- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190220T0000Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 231 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST TUESDAY... * WINDS...N 15 to 25 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 8 to 10 feet at 11 seconds will continue to diminish through Monday. Steeper waves at 4 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will build over the southern waters up to 8 feet on Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ450-455-180500- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 231 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WINDS...N 10 to 20 kt. * WAVES...W to NW swell of 9 feet at 11 seconds will continue to diminish through Monday. Steeper waves at 4 to 6 feet at 7 seconds will be found around and south of Cape Mendocino. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  039 WHUS74 KLCH 172231 MWWLCH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 431 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST TUESDAY... .A cold front is moving into the coastal waters this evening northerly winds will increase with seas building as high pressure builds down from the north. Winds to remain brisk into Tuesday morning before relaxing. GMZ430-432-435-450-452-455-470-472-475-181200- /O.CON.KLCH.SC.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190219T1200Z/ Sabine Lake-Calcasieu Lake-Vermilion Bay- Coastal waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA out 20 NM- Waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX from 20 to 60 NM- Waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA from 20 to 60 NM- Waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA from 20 to 60 NM- 431 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST TUESDAY... * WINDS...20 to 25 knots with gusts higher. * WAVES/SEAS...seas three to five feet nearshore and 5 to 8 feet offshore. Very rough in the bays. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  814 WSNZ21 NZKL 172229 NZZC SIGMET 2 VALID 172232/180232 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4440 E16730 - S4520 E16840 - S4720 E16810 - S4720 E16720 - S4600 E16620 - S4440 E16730 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  571 WSNZ21 NZKL 172230 NZZC SIGMET 3 VALID 172233/172301 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 1 171901/172301=  186 WWAK43 PAFG 172233 WSWAFG URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ218-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190218T0300Z-190219T0000Z/ Southeastern Brooks Range- Including Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT Camp, and Iniakuk Lake 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches are expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Brooks Range from the Dalton Highway west. * WHEN...6 PM today to 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ219-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Upper Koyukuk Valley- Including Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Caribou Mountain, and Gobblers Knob 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Blowing snow will reduce visibility over Dalton Highway summits. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper Koyukuk Valley. * WHEN...Until 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ221-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190218T2100Z/ Central Interior- Including Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, and Livengood 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Central Interior. * WHEN...Until noon Monday. Periods of freezing rain into early this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ222-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.190218T0100Z-190219T0000Z/ Middle Tanana Valley- Including Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, and Sourdough Camp 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected with a slight chance of freezing rain. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches are expected. * WHERE...Middle Tanana Valley. * WHEN...4 PM today to 3 PM Monday. Slight chance of freezing rain late this afternoon and early this evening. The heaviest snow is expected from late tonight through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ225-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Denali- Including Healy, Denali National Park, Carlo Creek, and Kantishna 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, and ice accumulations of a light glaze, are expected. * WHERE...Denali. * WHEN...Until 3 PM Monday. Strong winds in passes will continue through this evening and diminish overnight. Freezing rain will occur south of the Denali Park Entrance ending this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 65 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ226-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Eastern Alaska Range- Including Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 133 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility will be reduced to one half mile or less at times. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Eastern Alaska Range. Heaviest snow and strongest winds west of the Tok Cutoff. Strong winds will continue into this evening and decrease tonight. * WHEN...Until 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  327 WSMC31 GMMC 172235 GMMM SIGMET 01 VALID 180230/180630 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS FCST W OF LINE N3532 W00830 - N3300 W010 34 TOP FL260 MOV SE NC=  510 WGCA82 TJSJ 172236 FLSSPN Comunicado sobre Inundaciones Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan 628 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 PRC043-075-172238- Coamo PR-Juana Diaz PR- 628 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 ...LA ADVERTENCIA DE INUNDACIONES URBANAS Y DE RIACHUELOS HA SIDO CANCELADA PARA COAMO Y JUANA DIAZ... La lluvia fuerte ha culminado y no se espera que las inundaciones representen peligro. && $$ WS/ERG  006 WSCI34 ZSSS 172237 ZSHA SIGMET 2 VALID 172300/180300 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N33 FL040/140 MOV E 20KMH NC=  232 WSCI35 ZJHK 172239 ZJSA SIGMET 2 VALID 172245/180245 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2002 E10909 - N2013 E11104 - N1904 E11110 - N1810 E10831 - N1914 E10808 - N2002 E10909 TOP FL360 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  009 WWCN16 CWNT 172241 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE QIKIQTAALUK AREA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:41 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= IQALUIT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. MODERATE NORTHWESTERLY WINDS COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MINUS THIRTIES ARE CREATING WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 50. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SLIGHTLY LATE MONDAY MORNING. RISKS ARE GREATER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, OLDER ADULTS, PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES, PEOPLE WORKING OR EXERCISING OUTDOORS, AND THOSE WITHOUT PROPER SHELTER. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  025 WWUS82 KCHS 172241 SPSCHS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 541 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 GAZ117>119-139-141-SCZ047>052-180200- Coastal Bryan-Inland Chatham-Coastal Chatham-Coastal Liberty- Coastal McIntosh-Inland Jasper-Beaufort-Coastal Colleton- Charleston-Coastal Jasper-Tidal Berkeley- 541 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...DENSE FOG POSSIBLE THIS EVENING INTO EARLY MONDAY MORNING... Sea fog developing off the coast will gradually move inland across portions of north coastal Georgia and south coastal South Carolina this evening into the early morning hours Monday as a warm front lifts north. The fog could become locally dense at times with visibilities dropping to 1/4 mile or less. The fog will be most dense in bodies of water such as marshes, rivers, inlets, sounds, bays, harbors and the Intracoastal Waterway. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down and leave extra distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. && $$  409 WGCA82 TJSJ 172243 FLSSJU Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Juan PR 643 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 PRC023-067-079-081-083-093-097-125-131-172250- /O.EXP.TJSJ.FA.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190217T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Las Marias PR-Lares PR-Lajas PR-Cabo Rojo PR-Maricao PR-Mayaguez PR- San Sebastian PR-San German PR-Hormigueros PR- 643 PM AST SUN FEB 17 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM AST FOR LAS MARIAS...LARES...LAJAS...CABO ROJO...MARICAO... MAYAGUEZ...SAN SEBASTIAN...SAN GERMAN AND HORMIGUEROS MUNICIPALITIES... The heavy rain has ended, and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. LAT...LON 1824 6684 1821 6694 1815 6699 1807 6700 1805 6713 1802 6717 1803 6718 1798 6721 1802 6719 1803 6721 1807 6720 1807 6718 1808 6720 1813 6718 1812 6718 1813 6717 1818 6717 1820 6715 1822 6716 1827 6703 $$ Snell  277 WWUS46 KOTX 172244 WSWOTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 IDZ027-181200- /O.CON.KOTX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties- Including the following locations Kamiah, Craigmont, Nezperce, Winchester, and Soldiers Meadow Road 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Kamiah, Craigmont, Nezperce, Winchester, and Soldiers Meadow Road. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  181 WWUS45 KREV 172244 WSWREV URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ071-172345- /O.CAN.KREV.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties- 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... The storm is beginning to wind down and any additional accumulations will be minimal. $$ CAZ073-172345- /O.CAN.KREV.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Mono County- 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... The storm is beginning to wind down and while it will snow some tonight, additional accumulations will be a few inches or less. $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-180300- /O.CON.KREV.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of South Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Stateline, and Incline Village 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING... * CHANGES...Update remaining additional snow totals. * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, with locally higher amounts up to 6 inches. * WHERE...Greater Lake Tahoe Area. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on difficult travel conditions and long delays due to the increased holiday weekend traffic and snow and ice covered roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid travel if possible, you could be stuck in your vehicle for many hours. If you must travel, prepare for long delays and carry an emergency kit with extra food, water and clothing. If you stay home, have a backup plan in case of power outages. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NVZ003-180300- /O.CON.KREV.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area- Including the cities of Sparks, Gardnerville, and Virginia City 244 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING... * CHANGES...Update remaining additional snow totals. * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery roads, reduced visibility, and possible travel difficulties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/reno  186 WGCA82 TJSJ 172245 FLSSPN Comunicado sobre Inundaciones Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan 643 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 PRC023-067-079-081-083-093-097-125-131-172250- Las Marias PR-Lares PR-Lajas PR-Cabo Rojo PR-Maricao PR-Mayaguez PR- San Sebastian PR-San German PR-Hormigueros PR- 643 PM AST domingo 17 de febrero de 2019 ...LA ADVERTENCIA DE INUNDACIONES URBANAS Y DE RIACHUELOS EXPIRARA A LAS 645 PM AST PARA LAS MARIAS, LARES, LAJAS, CABO ROJO, MARICAO, MAYAGUEZ, SAN SEBASTIAN, SAN GERMAN Y HORMIGUEROS... La lluvia fuerte ha culminado y no se espera que las inundaciones representen peligro. && $$ WS/ERG  308 WSBZ31 SBRE 172246 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 172250/172400 SBRE- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2558 W02934 - S2734 W03028 - S283 9 W02815 - S2630 W02727 - S2558 W02934 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  595 WSRS31 RURD 172246 URRV SIGMET 11 VALID 172250/180250 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04016 - N4427 E03904 - N4420 E04458 - N4124 E04806 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  798 WAIS31 LLBD 172245 LLLL AIRMET 12 VALID 172300/180300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03500 - N3320 E03550 - N3253 E03558 - N3245 E03500 STNR NC=  424 WSRS31 RURD 172248 URRV SIGMET 12 VALID 172250/172330 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR CNL SIGMET 10 172100/172330=  750 WSUS33 KKCI 172255 SIGW MKCW WST 172255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3W VALID UNTIL 0055Z CA FROM 60NE EHF-40SE EHF-20S EHF-40NNE EHF-60NE EHF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 32020KT. TOPS TO FL210. OUTLOOK VALID 180055-180455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  751 WSUS31 KKCI 172255 SIGE MKCE WST 172255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13E VALID UNTIL 0055Z VA WV FROM 40SSE EKN-30NE RIC-20SW RIC-30NNE PSK-40SSE EKN DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL300. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14E VALID UNTIL 0055Z AL FROM 60NE VUZ-50E VUZ-40ESE IGB-40NE IGB-60NE VUZ AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 180055-180455 FROM DCA-CLT-40NW MGM-30ENE MSL-EKN-DCA WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  752 WSUS32 KKCI 172255 SIGC MKCC WST 172255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 180055-180455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  488 WAIS31 LLBD 172246 LLLL AIRMET 13 VALID 172300/180100 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3231 E03450 - N3230 E03535 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03415 FL050/120 NC=  895 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 18 VALID 180000/180300 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST BTN 30 55 N AND E 33 04 N AND E OF 26 00 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  306 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 19 VALID 180000/180300 HECC- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 28 32 N AND 32 48 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  625 WWPS21 NFFN 172200 Tropical Disturbance Summary For area Equator to 25S, 160E to 120W ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 172247 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA CENTRE 988HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.8S 164.0E AT 171800 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR HIMAWARI-8 EIR IMAGERY AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE REPORTS. CYCLONE MOVING SOUTH-SOUTHWEST AT ABOUT 3 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 50 KNOTS. FOR MORE INFORMATION REFER TO THE LATEST TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON TROPICAL CYCLONE OMA. ********************************************************************* ************* NO OTHER SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ANALYSED OR FORECAST IN THE AREA.  626 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  627 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  628 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 172250/172400 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2558 W02934 - S2734 W03028 - S2839 W02815 - S2630 W02727 - S2558 W02934 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  629 WSBZ01 SBBR 172200 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  808 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 20 VALID 180000/180300 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR CNL AIRMET 19 VALID 180000/180300=  758 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 19 VALID 180000/180300 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 28 32 N AND 32 48 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  270 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 21 VALID 180000/180300 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST BTN 28 32 N AND 32 48 N TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  247 WSAG31 SAVC 172300 SAVF SIGMET B3 VALID 172300/180100 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 2300Z WI S4626 W07136 - S4811 W06808 - S5033 W06909 - S4904 W07239 - S4626 W07136 TOP FL130 STNR NC=  521 WSAG31 SAVC 172300 SAVF SIGMET B3 VALID 172300/180100 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 2300Z WI S4626 W07136 - S4811 W06808 - S5033 W06909 - S4904 W07239 - S4626 W07136 TOP FL130 STNR NC=  523 WWUS41 KILN 172257 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 557 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ026-034-035-042>044-180600- /O.EXT.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, and Bellefontaine 557 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle continuing. Ice accumulation of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ050-058-059-OHZ045-046-051>053-060>062-180600- /O.EXT.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Wayne-Fayette IN-Union IN-Union OH-Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark- Preble-Montgomery-Greene- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, Eaton, Camden, Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, and Xenia 557 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle continuing. Ice accumulation of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of East Central Indiana and Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on the possibility of slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ INZ066-073-074-OHZ054>056-063>065-070>072-074-180600- /O.EXT.KILN.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Franklin IN-Ripley-Dearborn-Madison-Franklin OH-Licking- Fayette OH-Pickaway-Fairfield-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Hocking- Including the cities of Brookville, Batesville, Milan, Versailles, Lawrenceburg, Aurora, London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, Newark, Washington Court House, Circleville, Lancaster, Pickerington, Hamilton, Middletown, Fairfield, Oxford, Mason, Lebanon, Springboro, Wilmington, Blanchester, and Logan 557 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle continuing. Ice accumulation of a light glaze. Mixed precipitation continuing. Little additional sleet accumulation and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of Southeast Indiana and Central and Southwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on the possibility of slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ AR  397 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 22 VALID 180000/180300 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR CNL AIRMET 18 VALID 180000/180300=  597 WWCN16 CWNT 172300 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR THE QIKIQTAALUK AREA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:00 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: IQALUIT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. MODERATE NORTHWESTERLY WINDS COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES IN THE MINUS THIRTIES ARE CREATING WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 50. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE SLIGHTLY LATE MONDAY MORNING. RISKS ARE GREATER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, OLDER ADULTS, PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES, PEOPLE WORKING OR EXERCISING OUTDOORS, AND THOSE WITHOUT PROPER SHELTER. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  275 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 23 VALID 180000/180300 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST BTN 30 55 N AND 33 04 N AND E OF 26 00 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=  002 WSBW20 VGHS 172300 VGFR SIGMET 01 VALID 180000/180400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR ISOL EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV ESE NC=  991 WSBO31 SLLP 172258 SLLF SIGMET C1 VALID 172258/180158 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 2258Z WI S1537 W06725 - S1641 W06733 - S1712 W06733 - S1748 W06725 - S1808 W06706 - S1931 W06652 - S1957 W06603 - S2035 W06529 - S2134 W06556 - S2150 W06721 - S2103 W06809 - S1959 W06836 - S1808 W06905 - S1720 W06939 - S1529 W06922 - S1458 W06902 - S1544 W06725 - TOP FL390 MOV NW 05KT INTSF=  219 WOCN11 CWTO 172255 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:55 P.M. EST SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: CITY OF TORONTO SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND BRANTFORD - COUNTY OF BRANT NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON MISSISSAUGA - BRAMPTON HALTON HILLS - MILTON BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL POSSIBLE. WIDESPREAD SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH A PASSING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS EVENING AND END LATER MONDAY MORNING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS ARE GENERALLY EXPECTED TO BE IN THE 5 TO 10 CM RANGE. HOWEVER, FOR AREAS STRETCHING FROM NEAR OAKVILLE TOWARDS HAMILTON AND GRIMSBY, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT AMOUNTS MAY APPROACH 15 CM. IN ADDITION TO THE SNOW, GUSTY NORTHEASTERLY WINDS WILL GENERATE LOCAL BLOWING SNOW ESPECIALLY CLOSER TO LAKE ONTARIO. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS AT TIMES TODAY AND ESPECIALLY TONIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  312 WSAU21 AMMC 172306 YMMM SIGMET E02 VALID 172312/180312 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0200 E07800 - S0450 E08150 - S0800 E08300 - S1100 E08000 - S0450 E07550 TOP FL540 STNR NC=  995 WAAK48 PAWU 172310 AAA WA8O ANCS WA 172308 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 180515 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT AK RANGE AND SU VLY OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC CHUGACH MTS OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RA BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. IMPR FM SW. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. IMPR FM SW. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 03Z ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN BR. IMPR FM SW. . BRISTOL BAY AH AFT 03Z ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN BR. SPRD NE. DTRT. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z PAC SIDE OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. DTRT. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SEGUAM IS W SPRDG E MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN/RASN BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL AFT 01Z OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN BR. DTRT. . =ANCT WA 172308 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 180515 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT TURNAGAIN ARM SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT ANC BOWL LLWS CONDITIONS. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT TIL 06Z PAAQ S ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 03Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC S PAGK OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD NE PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN FM SW. . CNTRL GLF CST AD AFT 00Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 06Z NE PAWD-PAMD LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KODIAK IS AE AFT 03Z PADQ-PAKH LN NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. INTSF. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PASL-PASV LN NE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 03Z PAMC-PAER LN SW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG PASM-PARS LN S OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG 00Z TO 03Z KILBUCK MTS SE PABE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL400. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 06Z PAJZ-PADL LN NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z W PACD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z W PACD MOD TURB BLW 030. ISOL SEV TURB WI 030 AGL. INTSF. . AK PEN AI TIL 06Z PASD W OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 06Z E PAAK OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MOD TURB BLW 030. ISOL SEV TURB WI 030 AGL. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E BULDIR IS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL TIL 06Z PASN E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . =ANCZ WA 172308 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 180515 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT TIL 03Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TIL 03Z W PAGK OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 06Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL 030 EXC SFC INLAND. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 00Z NE PASL-PASV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF 00Z TO 03Z PAMC NE OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-130. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 00Z NE PABE-PASM LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 00Z NE PAJZ OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-150. FZLVL SFC. WKN. . AK PEN AI AFT 00Z PASD W OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-140. FZLVL 010. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 06Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-140. FZLVL 015. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL TIL 06Z S PAPB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-140. FZLVL BLW 010. WKN. . TRENZ FEB 2019 AAWU  007 WWUS41 KCLE 172318 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 618 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ003-006>009-017-180600- /O.EXA.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lucas-Wood-Ottawa-Sandusky-Erie-Hancock- Including the cities of Toledo, Bowling Green, Port Clinton, Fremont, Sandusky, and Findlay 618 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky, Erie and Hancock counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions where untreated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ OHZ010>014-018>023-027>033-036>038-047-089-180600- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lorain-Cuyahoga-Lake-Geauga-Ashtabula Inland-Seneca-Huron-Medina- Summit-Portage-Trumbull-Wyandot-Crawford-Richland-Ashland-Wayne- Stark-Mahoning-Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox-Ashtabula Lakeshore- Including the cities of Lorain, Cleveland, Mentor, Chardon, Jefferson, Tiffin, Norwalk, Medina, Akron, Ravenna, Warren, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, Canton, Youngstown, Marion, Mount Gilead, Millersburg, Mount Vernon, and Ashtabula 618 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions where untreated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ PAZ001>003-180600- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Northern Erie-Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Erie, Edinboro, and Meadville 618 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Northern Erie, Crawford and Southern Erie counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions where untreated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained from the Department of Transportation web site. && $$ Lombardy For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  966 WWUS43 KILX 172319 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 519 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Light Icing Today over Central Illinois... ILZ027>031-036>038-180600- /O.EXT.KILX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Including the cities of Galesburg, Toulon, Peoria, Lacon, Eureka, Canton, Pekin, Bloomington, and Normal 519 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations around 2 inches. Areas of freezing drizzle mixed in as well especially early this evening. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery conditions especially on untreated roads, bridges, and overpasses. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing drizzle will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ040>057-061-180600- /O.EXT.KILX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Schuyler-Mason-Logan-De Witt-Piatt-Champaign-Vermilion-Cass- Menard-Scott-Morgan-Sangamon-Christian-Macon-Moultrie-Douglas- Coles-Edgar-Shelby- Including the cities of Rushville, Havana, Lincoln, Clinton, Monticello, Champaign, Urbana, Danville, Beardstown, Petersburg, Winchester, Jacksonville, Springfield, Taylorville, Decatur, Sullivan, Tuscola, Charleston, Mattoon, Paris, and Shelbyville 519 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Freezing drizzle will be prevalent this evening, possibly mixing with or changing to snow at times, especially later this evening. Total ice accumulations will be less than an tenth of an inch and total snow accumulations will generally be under an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery conditions especially on untreated roads, bridges, and overpasses. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the Internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$  492 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 172024/172400 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2808 W04451 - S2217 W03804 - S2104 W03920 - S1929 W03741 - S2013 W03049 - S2346 W02318 - S2543 W02521 - S2311 W03032 - S3049 W04051 - S2808 W04451 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  493 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 172250/172400 SBRE-SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2558 W02934 - S2734 W03028 - S2839 W02815 - S2630 W02727 - S2558 W02934 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  494 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2313 W04552 - S2550 W04235 - S2225 W03808 - S2043 W03948 - S2057 W04012 - S2044 W04050 - S2037 W04050 - S2023 W04058 - S2037 W04200 - S2013 W04322 - S2028 W04338 - S2030 W04403 - S2247 W04547 - S2313 W04552 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  495 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0527 W06500 - S0859 W06428 - S1045 W06952 - S0725 W07342 - S0544 W07239 - S0527 W06500 TOP FL470 MOV W 10KT NC=  496 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0124 W05211 - N0034 W05004 - S0126 W04511 - S0428 W04320 - S0807 W04549 - S0124 W05211 TOP FL470 MOV W 05KT NC=  497 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0647 W06026 - S1201 W05303 - S1452 W05350 - S1121 W06346 - S0647 W06026 TOP FL500 MOV SW 08KT NC=  498 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBRE SIGMET 27 VALID 172156/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0745 W03822 - S1235 W04026 - S1253 W03912 - S1039 W03717 - S1030 W03747 - S0808 W03806 - S0745 W03822 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  499 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2212 W05720 - S2122 W05605 - S2037 W05257 - S2302 W05010 - S2453 W05042 - S2605 W05205 - S2558 W05348 - S2534 W05440 - S2414 W05413 - S2355 W05523 - S2230 W05543 - S2212 W05720 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  500 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 172020/172400 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0055 W04046 - S0410 W04231 - S0451 W04329 - S0645 W03810 - S1028 W03746 - S1041 W03712 - S0719 W03453 - S0501 W03525 - S0252 W03942 - S0156 W03757 - N0021 W03939 - N0055 W04046 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  501 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 172200/180200 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0428 W06009 - S0404 W05353 - S0951 W04849 - S1024 W05100 - S1148 W05255 - S0428 W06009 TOP FL500 MOV NW 05KT NC=  502 WSBZ01 SBBR 172300 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 172220/180120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2547 W04842 - S2720 W05008 - S2920 W05010 - S2957 W04624 - S2734 W04425 - S2530 W04728 - S2547 W04842 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  714 WWUS55 KCYS 172326 SQWCYS BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 424 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 WYC021-180000- /O.NEW.KCYS.SQ.W.0016.190217T2324Z-190218T0000Z/ Laramie WY- 424 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Snow Squall Warning for... Southwestern Laramie County in southeastern Wyoming... * Until 500 PM MST. * At 424 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located 9 miles west of Warren AFB, or 12 miles west of Cheyenne, moving east at 15 mph. HAZARD...Extremely poor visibility in heavy snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel. * This includes the following highways... Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 1 and 10. Interstate 80 in Wyoming between mile markers 342 and 361. Locations impacted include... Cheyenne, South Greeley, Warren AFB, South Greeley High and Fox Farm-College. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Reduce your speed and turn on headlights! During snow squalls, the visibility may suddenly drop to near zero in whiteout conditions. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4107 10519 4116 10520 4117 10501 4113 10484 4107 10477 4100 10476 4100 10494 TIME...MOT...LOC 2324Z 263DEG 11KT 4111 10503 $$ Brothers/Mokry  148 WSCI45 ZHHH 172327 ZHWH SIGMET 6 VALID 180025/180425 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL230/400 STNR NC=  174 WSPR31 SPIM 172326 SPIM SIGMET 9 VALID 172326/180010 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 8 VALID 172110/180010=  068 WSPR31 SPIM 172327 SPIM SIGMET A7 VALID 172327/180015 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A6 VALID 172115/180015=  600 WSPR31 SPIM 172328 SPIM SIGMET 10 VALID 172330/180230 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2245Z WI S0524 W07723 - S0711 W07850 - S1331 W07552 - S1528 W07404 - S1514 W07310 - S1744 W06954 - S1606 W06912 - S1310 W07029 - S1232 W0720 - S1347 W07325 - S0743 W07710 - S0956 W07352 - S0524 W07723 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  677 WSZA21 FAOR 172332 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 180000/180200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4443 W00907 - S4458 E00151 - S5027 E00118 - S5242 W00041 - S5325 W00827 - S4855 W00609 TOP FL300=  199 WWUS83 KDTX 172335 SPSDTX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 635 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MIZ063-068>070-075-076-180145- St. Clair-Livingston-Oakland-Macomb-Washtenaw-Wayne- Including the cities of Port Huron, Howell, Pontiac, Warren, Ann Arbor, and Detroit 635 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Brief Heavy Snow and Poor Visibilities A region of very heavy snow will continue to advance from Ann Arbor across the northern Detroit suburbs, and northern Wayne County and into southern St Clair County early this evening. The heavy snow will then come to an end from west to east between 730 and 9 PM. Snowfall rates in excess of an inch per hour at times has led to near zero visibility and snow covered roads. Anyone on the roads should drive with extreme caution. $$ SC  263 WWUS83 KLOT 172335 SPSLOT SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 535 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ012>014-020>022-180300- Kane-DuPage-Cook-Kendall-Grundy-Will- Including the cities of Aurora, Elgin, Wheaton, Chicago, Oswego, Morris, and Joliet 535 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Snow This Evening and Patchy Slick Roads... Across the Chicago metro and surrounding areas to the west and south, snow will be steady through mid-evening before diminishing to more of a light snow for the remainder of the night. Additional accumulation for tonight of one to possibly two inches will be seen. With earlier freezing drizzle and now this snow, expect patchy slick conditions. This is especially true on untreated roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Allow extra travel time and use greater following distance behind the vehicle in front of yours. $$ INZ001-002-180300- Lake IN-Porter- Including the cities of Gary and Valparaiso 535 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Patchy Icy Conditions This Evening... Freezing drizzle, at times light freezing rain mixed with snow, will transition to more of an occasional snow across far northwest Indiana by 700 pm. Additional snow accumulation for tonight of around one inch is expected. Expect patchy slick conditions on untreated roads, parking lots, and sidewalks, that may linger into tonight with the additional light snow accumulation. Allow extra travel time and use greater following distance behind the vehicle in front of yours. $$ MTF  931 WSZA21 FAOR 172333 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 180000/180200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3000 E04158 - S3002 E04847 - S3819 E05659 - S4343 E05639 - S3856 E04715 - S3509 E04210 TOP FL450=  708 WHUS71 KLWX 172341 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 641 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ANZ530>532-535-538>540-180745- /O.UPG.KLWX.SC.Y.0025.190218T1600Z-190218T2300Z/ /O.NEW.KLWX.GL.W.0008.190218T1500Z-190218T2300Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- 641 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 6 PM EST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Baltimore MD/Washington has issued a Gale Warning, which is in effect from 10 AM to 6 PM EST Monday. The Small Craft Advisory is no longer in effect. * WINDS...34 to 47 knots within the Gale Warning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and a properly equipped vessel. Recreational boaters should seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. && $$ ANZ533-534-536-537-541>543-180745- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0025.190218T1500Z-190218T2300Z/ Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 641 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 6 PM EST MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  711 WWAK42 PAFG 172343 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 AKZ214-180300- /O.EXT.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Yukon Delta- Including Mountain Village, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St Marys, Scammon Bay, Marshall, Nunam Iqua, and Pitkas Point 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow, blowing snow, and freezing rain occurring. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch are expected. * WHERE...Yukon Delta. * WHEN...Until 6 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ209-180600- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley- Including Kotzebue, Selawik, and Noorvik 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Baldwin Peninsula and Selawik Valley. * WHEN...Until 9 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ215-180900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T1500Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches, and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. Periods of freezing rain through this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-181500- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190219T0000Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Until 3 PM Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 35 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ227-180900- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190218T0900Z/ Upper Kuskokwim Valley- Including McGrath, Nikolai, Takotna, and Farewell Lake 243 PM AKST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation occurring. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kuskokwim Valley. * WHEN...Until midnight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. $$  268 WVMX31 MMMX 172344 MMEX SIGMET 5 VALID 172344/180143 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR CNL SIGMET 4 171943/180143=  588 WWUS43 KDVN 172344 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 544 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Accumulating Snow and Freezing Drizzle Continue Through This Evening... .Periods of light to moderate snow will gradually diminish this evening. Total accumulations of 3 to 7 inches are expected, with the higher amounts focusing near the Highway 30 and Highway 20 corridors in eastern Iowa and northwest Illinois. Lower accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected across northeast Missouri, far southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. Be prepared for snow covered and slick travel conditions through this evening. IAZ099-ILZ034-035-MOZ009-010-180045- /O.EXP.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lee-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 544 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Freezing drizzle has transitioned to light snow over the area. Snow accumulation this evening will be less than 1 inch. $$ IAZ040-041-051>053-063>065-067-076>078-087>089-098-ILZ025-180600- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine- Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren- Henderson- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Muscatine, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, and Oquawka 544 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. Storm totals of 3 to 7 inches with the higher amounts north of Interstate 80 and west of the Mississippi River. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Iowa and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$ IAZ042-054-066-068-ILZ001-002-007-009-015>018-024-026-180600- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Dubuque-Jackson-Clinton-Scott-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Warren- Including the cities of Dubuque, Maquoketa, Clinton, Davenport, Bettendorf, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, and Monmouth 544 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Light snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. Storm total snow amounts of 3 to 6 inches with the higher amounts north of Interstate 80. * WHERE...Portions of east central and northeast Iowa and north central, northwest and west central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/quadcities && $$  667 WSAK01 PAWU 172346 SIGAK1 ANCI WS 172350 PAZA SIGMET INDIA 2 VALID 172350/180350 PANC- ANCHORAGE FIR OCNL SEV TURB OBS AT 2350Z WI N5958 W16221 - N5835 W15554 - N5547 W16018 - N5651 W16609 - N5958 W16221. FL320/FL360. MOV E 30KT. NC. ALSO SEE NEARBY SIGMET WSPN01 ISSUED BY AWC WHICH DESCRIBES CONDITIONS S OF THIS AREA. FEB 2019 AAWU  786 WWUS55 KCYS 172347 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 445 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 WYC021-180000- /O.CON.KCYS.SQ.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Laramie WY- 445 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A SNOW SQUALL WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM MST FOR SOUTHWESTERN LARAMIE COUNTY... At 445 PM MST, a dangerous snow squall was located near Warren AFB, or 8 miles west of Cheyenne, moving east at 15 mph. HAZARD...Poor visibility in snow and blowing snow. Wind gusts up to 20 mph. SOURCE...Radar and webcams. IMPACT...Expect hazardous road conditions. This includes the following highways... Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 1 and 10. Interstate 80 in Wyoming between mile markers 342 and 361. Locations impacted include... Cheyenne, South Greeley, Warren AFB, South Greeley High and Fox Farm-College. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Reduce your speed and turn on headlights! During snow squalls, the visibility may suddenly drop to near zero in whiteout conditions. If traveling on a highway, find the nearest exit or rest area and park safely away from traffic. Allow snow squalls to pass before attempting to resume travel. && LAT...LON 4107 10519 4116 10520 4117 10501 4113 10484 4107 10477 4100 10476 4100 10494 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 263DEG 11KT 4112 10494 $$ Brothers/Mokry  937 WWUS46 KHNX 172347 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 347 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 CAZ096-097-180100- /O.EXP.KHNX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Kings Canyon- Tulare County Mountains- Including the cities of Camp Nelson, Giant Forest, Lodgepole, and Johnsondale 347 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... Only an inch or less of snow is expected late this afternoon into this evening. Therefore, the Winter Storm Warning will be allowed to expire at 4 PM PST this afternoon. $$ CAZ093-094-180100- /O.EXP.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Mariposa, Madera, and Fresno County Foothills- Tulare County Foothills- Including the cities of Oakhurst, Mariposa, Springville, and Three Rivers 347 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 4 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... Only an inch or less of snow is expected late this afternoon into this evening. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory will be allowed to expire at 4 PM PST this afternoon. $$ CAZ095-181100- /O.CON.KHNX.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-190218T1100Z/ Kern County Mountains- Including the cities of Tehachapi and Lake Isabella 347 PM PST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...A WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional accumulations of two to four inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Kern County mountains above 2000 feet. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on hazardous road conditions. Travel could be very difficult, with significant impacts on the Grapevine and Tehachapi passes. If traveling this afternoon or tonight, check current road conditions before your departure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ BS  455 WSAG31 SAVC 172350 SAVF SIGMET C4 VALID 172350/180350 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA SEV TURB FCST AT 2350Z WI S5700 W06700 - S5600 W05000 - S5400 W04000 - S5500 W04000 - S5800 W04500 - S5800 W06700 - S5700 W06700 FL210/280 MOV E 15KT NC=  867 WWUS83 KDMX 172350 SPSDMX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 550 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-057>062-070>075- 081>086-092>097-180800- Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Polk-Jasper- Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion-Mahaska-Adams-Union- Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 550 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Use Typical Winter Driving Precautions Tonight... While the more persistent and steadier snowfall has generally ended across central Iowa, there are still areas of patchy light snow or in some cases patchy freezing drizzle that could create slicks spots, especially on untreated roadways and sidewalks. In addition, melted snow water on roadways and sidewalks may refreeze creating additional slick spots. So, typical winter time driving precautions should be taken tonight. $$ Ansorge  801 WWUS43 KOAX 172350 WSWOAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 550 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ043-055-056-069-079-080-NEZ011-012-015>018-031>034-043>045- 051>053-067-180100- /O.EXP.KOAX.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Knox-Cedar- Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Madison-Stanton-Cuming-Burt-Colfax- Dodge-Washington-Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Cass- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, Decatur, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, and Plattsmouth 550 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Some light snow or snow may linger through the evening but any additional accumulations should be less than half an inch. Roads may still be slick in some areas, so use caution if driving. $$  013 WWUS55 KCYS 172352 SQWCYS Snow Squall Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 451 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 WYC021-180001- /O.EXP.KCYS.SQ.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Laramie WY- 451 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...THE SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN LARAMIE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 500 PM MST... The snow squall which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the snow squall warning will be allowed to expire. Areas of blowing snow and snow-covered roads will continue to make travel difficult. LAT...LON 4107 10519 4116 10520 4117 10501 4113 10484 4107 10477 4100 10476 4100 10494 TIME...MOT...LOC 2351Z 263DEG 11KT 4112 10495 $$ Brothers/Mokry  085 WAIS31 LLBD 172349 LLLL AIRMET 14 VALID 172349/180100 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 11 172200/180100=  200 WAIS31 LLBD 172350 LLLL AIRMET 15 VALID 180000/180400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3310 E03427 - N3310 E03515 - N3110 E03416 - N3225 E03340 TOP FL260 MOV NNE 10KT NC=  312 WSUS33 KKCI 172355 SIGW MKCW WST 172355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4W VALID UNTIL 0155Z AZ NV FROM 60NNE LAS-40N PGS-40ESE LAS-30N LAS-60NNE LAS AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL280. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5W VALID UNTIL 0155Z CA FROM 20ESE RBL-50ENE SAC LINE EMBD TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 35020KT. TOPS TO FL240. OUTLOOK VALID 180155-180555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  313 WSUS31 KKCI 172355 SIGE MKCE WST 172355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15E VALID UNTIL 0155Z MD VA FROM 40WSW CSN-20SSW SBY-10SE RIC-10NNE LYH-40WSW CSN DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16E VALID UNTIL 0155Z AL FROM 40SW GQO-50NNW LGC-20WSW VUZ-20SW MSL-40SW GQO AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 180155-180555 FROM DCA-CLT-40NW MGM-30ESE MSL-EKN-DCA WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  314 WSUS32 KKCI 172355 SIGC MKCC WST 172355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 180155-180555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  942 WWUS43 KFSD 172354 WSWFSD URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 554 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ098-NEZ013-014-SDZ038>040- 050-052>071-180100- /O.CAN.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Lyon IA-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay IA-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Beadle-Kingsbury- Brookings-Gregory-Jerauld-Sanborn-Miner-Lake-Moody-Brule-Aurora- Davison-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Charles Mix-Douglas-Hutchinson- Turner-Lincoln SD-Bon Homme-Yankton-Clay SD-Union- 554 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... While very light snow may linger into the overnight hours, widespread impactful snow accumulations are ending. Any additional snow accumulations will be a few tenths of an inch through daybreak Monday. $$ MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-180100- /O.CAN.KFSD.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lincoln MN-Lyon MN-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- 554 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... While very light snow may linger into the overnight hours, widespread impactful snow accumulations are ending. Any additional snow accumulations will be a few tenths of an inch through daybreak Monday. $$  103 WSBO31 SLLP 172358 SLLF SIGMET B2 VALID 172357/010057 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR CNL SIGMET B1 VALID 172057/172357 SLLP=  655 WBCN07 CWVR 172300 PAM ROCKS WIND 1203 LANGARA; PC 35 N03 1FT CHP LO W 2330 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 01/-06 GREEN; CLR 15 NE20EG 4FT MDT 2330 CLR 01/-12 TRIPLE; PC 15 NE25EG 5FT MDT LO W 2330 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 02/-09 BONILLA; CLR 15 N13E 3FT MDT LO NW SWT 6.6 2330 CLR 03/-07 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 NW03 RPLD 2330 CLR 05/-09 MCINNES; CLR 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 2330 CLR 05/-07 IVORY; CLR 15 NE05 RPLD LO SW 2330 CLR 05/-08 DRYAD; CLR 15 SE08 1FT CHP 2330 CLR 04/-08 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 NW15 3FT MDT 2330 CLR 05/-04 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 NW05 1FT CHP LO W 2340 CLD EST CLR 04/00 PINE ISLAND; CLR 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO W 2340 CLD EST CLR 05/-02 CAPE SCOTT; CLR 15 N15E 4FT MOD LO SW 2340 CLD EST CLR 04/-02 QUATSINO; PC 15 NW20E 3FT MOD LO SW 2340 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 09/-03 NOOTKA; CLR 15 SW05E 1FT CHP LO SW 2340 CLR 06/00 ESTEVAN; PC 15 NW12 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1025.0S LENNARD; PC 15 NW13E 3FT MDT LO-MOD W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NW08 2FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; CLR 15 W15E 3FT MDT LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 W10E 2FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; PC 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; CLR 15 NW02E RPLD CHATHAM; PC 15 NW20E 3FT MOD 2340 CLD EST 22 FEW 03/-01 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 234/06/00/3205/M/0002 2004 8-2MM= WLP SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 256/04/-01/3206/M/ 3003 17MM= WEB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 243/07/00/3109/M/ 1002 90MM= WQC SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 240/06/-03/3101/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR SOG 08 6006 22MM= WRU SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 246/05/-03/3117/M/ PK WND 3120 2221Z 1005 27MM= WFG SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 266/03/-03/3414+21/M/ PK WND 3524 2222Z 3008 78MM= WVF SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/05/02/3114/M/M PK WND 3118 2208Z M 79MM= WQS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 309/02/-06/3413/M/M 2001 77MM= WEK SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 305/01/-09/MM12+20/M/M PK WND MM24 2246Z 1006 26MM= WWL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 297/02/-08/3512/M/ 1006 69MM= WME SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/02/-07/0534+43/M/M PK WND 0544 2246Z M 62MM= WAS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 160/07/01/1203/M/ 6004 76MM= WSB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 224/05/02/2709/M/ PK WND 2817 2206Z 3002 37MM= WGT SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 238/05/-02/3111/M/M 0000 23MM= WGB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 236/05/00/2912/M/ PK WND 3017 2218Z 2001 23MM= WEL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 237/05/00/3416/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 3520 2207Z 5001 45MM= WDR SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 226/06/00/0109/M/ PK WND 0117 2203Z 3001 71MM= WKA SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2602/M/M M MMMM= XFA SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/05/00/2912/M/ 7002 0-1MM=  841 WAIS31 LLBD 172351 LLLL AIRMET 16 VALID 172351/180100 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 13 172300/180100=  678 WAIS31 LLBD 172352 LLLL AIRMET 17 VALID 180000/180400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE OBS WI N3233 E03521 - N3228 E03537 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03415 FL050/120 NC=  688 WWUS43 KUNR 172355 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 455 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 SDZ002-013-014-032-180100- /O.EXP.KUNR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Perkins-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach-Haakon- Including the cities of Lemmon, Bison, Faith, Dupree, and Philip 455 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... Conditions will continue to improve this evening, so the Winter Storm Warning that was in effect will be allowed to expire as scheduled. $$ SDZ043-046-047-049-180100- /O.EXP.KUNR.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 455 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 /555 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 PM MST /6 PM CST/ THIS AFTERNOON... Conditions will continue to improve this evening, so the Winter Weather Advisory that was in effect will be allowed to expire as scheduled. $$ SDZ024-028-WYZ054>058-180100- /O.CON.KUNR.WC.Y.0007.190218T0000Z-190218T1600Z/ Northern Black Hills-Central Black Hills-Northern Campbell- Southern Campbell-Western Crook-Wyoming Black Hills-Weston- Including the cities of Lead, Deadwood, Hill City, Mt Rushmore, Gillette, Wright, Moorcroft, Hulett, Four Corners, Sundance, Newcastle, and Upton 455 PM MST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MST MONDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Wind chills from 25 below zero to 35 below zero expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeastern Wyoming, the Black Hills of Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota. * WHEN...Tonight through 9 AM MST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A wind chill advisory means the combination of wind and cold temperatures will create dangerously low wind chill values. If you go outside, cover all parts of your body, especially your head, face, and hands. && $$  163 WWUS41 KLWX 172355 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 655 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 MDZ504-506-180500- /O.EXB.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0500Z/ Central and Southeast Montgomery-Central and Southeast Howard- 655 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...A light glaze of ice from freezing rain and sleet. * WHERE...Central and Southeast Montgomery and Central and Southeast Howard Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery conditions, especially on elevated and untreated surfaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ025-026-036-503-504-507-508-WVZ505-506-180200- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0200Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Nelson-Western Highland-Eastern Highland- Northern Virginia Blue Ridge-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- Western Pendleton-Eastern Pendleton- 655 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...The Central Shenandoah Valley, northern and central Blue Ridge, Highland County Virginia, and Pendleton County West Virginia. * WHEN...Through 9 PM EST this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ501-502-VAZ027-029-WVZ050-055-501>504-180600- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Shenandoah- Page-Hampshire-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral- Eastern Mineral- 655 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet. Total sleet accumulation of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Potomac Highlands and portions of the Northern Shenandoah Valley. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday morning. The steadiest wintry precipitation will be this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ003>006-503-505-507-VAZ028-030-031-505-WVZ051>053-180800- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0800Z/ Washington-Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore- Northwest Montgomery-Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford- Frederick VA-Warren-Clarke-Western Loudoun-Morgan-Berkeley- Jefferson- 655 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain mixed with sleet and snow. Total sleet and snow accumulations of less than an inch. Ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Northern and central Maryland, the eastern West Virginia panhandle, Northern Shenandoah Valley, and Loudoun County Virginia. * WHEN...Until 3 AM EST Monday morning. The steadiest wintry precipitation will be this evening. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ DHOF  779 WWUS43 KDMX 172356 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 IAZ057>059-070>072-081>083-180100- /O.EXP.KDMX.WS.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Cass-Adair-Madison-Adams-Union-Clarke- Including the cities of Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Corning, Creston, and Osceola 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... The more persistent and steadier snowfall has generally ended across central Iowa. There are still areas of patchy light snow or in some cases patchy freezing drizzle along with the potential for melted snow water on roadways to refreeze tonight creating slick spots. So typical winter time driving precautions should be taken tonight. $$ IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-060>062-073>075- 084>086-096-097-180100- /O.EXP.KDMX.WW.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Centerville, and Bloomfield 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... The more persistent and steadier snowfall has generally ended across central Iowa. There are still areas of patchy light snow or in some cases patchy freezing drizzle along with the potential for melted snow water on roadways to refreeze tonight creating slick spots. So typical winter time driving precautions should be taken tonight. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://www.weather.gov/desmoines Ansorge  495 WWUS43 KLOT 172356 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...Wintry Weather Tonight... ILZ023-032-033-039-INZ010-011-019-180600- /O.EXA.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Kankakee-Livingston-Iroquois-Ford-Newton-Jasper-Benton- Including the cities of Kankakee, Pontiac, Watseka, Paxton, Morocco, Rensselaer, and Fowler 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 /656 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST /1 AM EST/ TONIGHT... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional ice accumulations of a light glaze to possibly one tenth of an inch. Additional snow accumulations under one inch. * WHERE...Portions of and northwest Indiana and central and east central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, parking lots, and sidewalks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com in Illinois or by calling 1 8 0 0 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 in Indiana. && $$ ILZ003-004-008-010-011-019-180600- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Winnebago-Boone-Ogle-Lee-DeKalb-La Salle- Including the cities of Rockford, Belvidere, Oregon, Dixon, DeKalb, and Ottawa 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations this evening of one to two inches. * WHERE...Portions of north central Illinois. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, parking lots, and sidewalks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ006-180800- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T1200Z/ Lake IL- Including the city of Waukegan 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations tonight of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Lake IL County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, parking lots, and sidewalks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ ILZ005-180600- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ McHenry- Including the city of Woodstock 556 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations this evening of 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...McHenry County. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions, parking lots, and sidewalks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to www.gettingaroundillinois.com. && $$ MTF  685 WSAG31 SAVC 170002 SAVF SIGMET 4 VALID 170002/180402 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR ISOL TS FCST AT 0002Z WI S4032 W06721 - S4001 W06512 - S4149 W06437 - S4146 W06636 - S4032 W06721 TOP FL320 MOV ESE 08KT INTSF=  057 WWUS41 KRLX 172357 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 657 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 WVZ522>524-526-180100- /O.EXP.KRLX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Snowshoe, Marlinton, and Harman 657 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... Temperatures have risen to just above freezing in the advised area, ending the threat for freezing rain. Therefore, the advisory is allowed to expire. $$ TRM  334 WWUS43 KLBF 172357 WSWLBF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service North Platte NE 557 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 NEZ006-007-010-029-180100- /O.EXP.KLBF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Keya Paha-Boyd-Holt-Wheeler- Including the cities of Springview, Spencer, Butte, Lynch, Oneill, Atkinson, Bartlett, and Ericson 557 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... The threat for measureable snow has ended, however, very light snow or flurries will be possible through the evening. Motorists should use caution as roads may still be slick in some areas. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lbf  500 WSAG31 SAVC 170002 SAVF SIGMET 4 VALID 170002/180402 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR ISOL TS FCST AT 0002Z WI S4032 W06721 - S4001 W06512 - S4149 W06437 - S4146 W06636 - S4032 W06721 TOP FL320 MOV ESE 08KT INTSF=  100 WWUS43 KMPX 172357 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 557 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 MNZ082>085-091>093-180100- /O.CAN.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 557 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ MNZ054-064-073>075-180100- /O.CAN.KMPX.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190218T0300Z/ Lac Qui Parle-Yellow Medicine-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet- Including the cities of Madison, Granite Falls, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, and St Peter 557 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ Borghoff  886 WWUS41 KPBZ 172358 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 658 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 OHZ057>059-180600- /O.EXB.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Muskingum-Guernsey-Belmont- Including the cities of Zanesville, Cambridge, Martins Ferry, and St. Clairsville 658 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Light glaze of ice possible. * WHERE...Muskingum, Guernsey and Belmont Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-PAZ020-021-029-073-WVZ001>003-180600- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Beaver-Allegheny-Washington-Westmoreland-Hancock-Brooke-Ohio- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Dover, Carrollton, Malvern, East Liverpool, Salem, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cadiz, Steubenville, Aliquippa, Beaver Falls, Ambridge, Monaca, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Washington, Canonsburg, Murrysville, Greensburg, New Kensington, Weirton, Follansbee, Wellsburg, and Wheeling 658 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain and freezing drizzle. Light glaze of ice possible. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ MDZ001-PAZ007>009-015-016-023-074-076-WVZ514-180600- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Garrett-Mercer-Venango-Forest-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Indiana- Westmoreland Ridges-Fayette Ridges-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Mountain Lake Park, Oakland MD, Grantsville, Sharon, Hermitage, Grove City, Oil City, Franklin, Tionesta, Clarion, Punxsutawney, Brookville, Indiana, Ligonier, Donegal, Champion, Ohiopyle, Davis, Thomas, and Canaan Valley 658 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulation of a light glaze to a tenth of an inch. Total snow accumulations around an inch. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$ PAZ013-014-022-180600- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0600Z/ Lawrence-Butler-Armstrong- Including the cities of New Castle, Ellwood City, Butler, Kittanning, and Ford City 658 PM EST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Ice accumulations of a light glaze and snow accumulation of less than one inch. * WHERE...Lawrence, Butler and Armstrong Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. Please report snow or ice by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh && $$  389 WWUS43 KLSX 172359 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Saint Louis MO 559 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ILZ095>097-MOZ018-019-026-027-180100- /O.EXP.KLSX.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-190218T0000Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Marion MO-Pike IL-Shelby MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Mount Sterling, Pittsfield, and Quincy 559 PM CST Sun Feb 17 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Light snow and patchy freezing drizzle is expected to end early this evening across northeast Missouri and west central Illinois. Little if any additional accumulation is expected. $$ Britt  474 WSPS21 NZKL 172355 NZZO SIGMET 12 VALID 172359/180359 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S6400 W15220 - S6410 W14440 - S6550 W15650 - S6410 W16010 - S6240 W15450 - S6400 W15220 2000FT/FL170 MOV SSE 20KT WKN=  755 WSPS21 NZKL 172356 NZZO SIGMET 13 VALID 172359/180020 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 10 172020/180020=  934 WTSR20 WSSS 171800 NO STORM WARNING=  797 WSMA31 FIMP 172355 FIMM SIGMET A01 VALID 180000/180400 FIMP - FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS WI 10NM OF FIMP MOV SW 10KT STNR NC=  970 WAEG31 HECA 172300 HECC AIRMET 02 VALID 180300/180600 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR OCNL CB OBS AND FCST BTN 30 23 N AND 32 18 N AND E OF 29 01 E TOP ABV FL100 MOV NE NC=