341 XOMY50 KWBC 170600 CAPGUM NWS-IDP-PROD-3432001-3008061 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T16:00:00+10:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3428817-3005276,2019-03-15T16:26:00+10:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3426584-3003258,2019-03-15T04:00:00+10:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3429695-3006057,2019-03-16T04:15:00+10:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431393-3007513,2019-03-17T06:09:00+10:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430577-3006805,2019-03-16T17:03:00+10:00 Met Rip Current Statement Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService RPS 2019-03-17T16:00:00+10:00 2019-03-17T16:00:00+10:00 2019-03-18T07:00:00+10:00 NWS Tiyan GU Rip Current Statement issued March 17 at 4:00PM ChST expiring March 22 at 6:00PM ChST by NWS Tiyan GU SURF OF 7 TO 9 FEET WILL MAINTAIN A HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS ALONG EAST FACING REEFS THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS. IF YOU BECOME CAUGHT IN A RIP CURRENT...REMAIN CALM. IF YOU HAVE TO SWIM OUT OF A RIP CURRENT...SWIM PARALLEL TO SHORE AND BACK TOWARD THE BEACH WHEN POSSIBLE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SWIM DIRECTLY AGAINST A RIP CURRENT AS YOU WILL TIRE QUICKLY. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline HIGH RISK OF RIP CURRENTS THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON VTEC /O.EXT.PGUM.RP.S.0002.000000T0000Z-190322T0800Z/ PIL GUMCFWGUM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-22T18:00:00+10:00 Guam; Rota; Saipan; Tinian UGC GUZ001 UGC GUZ002 UGC GUZ004 UGC GUZ003 SAME 066010 SAME 069100 SAME 069110 SAME 069120  795 XOUS55 KWBC 170605 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-44893 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T06:05:38-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T06:05:38-00:00 2019-03-17T06:15:38-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  843 XOUS55 KWBC 170615 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-9087 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T06:15:38-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T06:15:38-00:00 2019-03-17T06:25:38-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  610 XOUS53 KWBC 170617 CAPOAX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432007-3008063 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T01:17:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431191-3007340,2019-03-16T11:33:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS 2019-03-17T01:17:00-05:00 2019-03-17T01:17:00-05:00 2019-03-17T16:16:00-05:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 1:17AM CDT expiring March 18 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Omaha/Valley NE Platte River Near Duncan affecting Polk and Platte Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for... Platte River At North Bend affecting Colfax and Dodge Counties. The Flood Warning continues for The Platte River At North Bend. * At 12:15 AM Sunday the stage was 7.5 feet...or 0.5 feet below flood stage. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Impact...at 8.0 feet...Rural overflows begin within reach of the gage, mainly pasture lands. * After daylight returns we will make an assessment about potential ongoing flood impacts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190318T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OAXFLSOAX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T07:00:00-05:00 Dodge, NE; Colfax, NE 41.44,-97.13 41.55,-96.73 41.5,-96.49 41.38,-96.5 41.35,-97.12 41.44,-97.13 UGC NEC053 UGC NEC037 SAME 031053 SAME 031037  611 XOUS53 KWBC 170617 CAPOAX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432006-3008062 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T01:17:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431193-3007342,2019-03-16T11:33:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS 2019-03-17T01:17:00-05:00 2019-03-17T01:17:00-05:00 2019-03-17T10:00:00-05:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 1:17AM CDT expiring March 17 at 10:00AM CDT by NWS Omaha/Valley NE Platte River Near Duncan affecting Polk and Platte Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for... Platte River At North Bend affecting Colfax and Dodge Counties. The Flood Warning continues for The Platte River Near Duncan. * At 12:30 AM Sunday the stage was 7.5 feet...or 0.5 feet below flood stage. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Impact...at 8.0 feet...Some rural lowlands begin to flood. * With no new information, this flood warning has been extended until 10 am this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-190317T1500Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OAXFLSOAX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-17T10:00:00-05:00 Platte, NE; Polk, NE 41.22,-97.83 41.39,-97.54 41.44,-97.13 41.35,-97.12 41.16,-97.83 41.22,-97.83 UGC NEC141 UGC NEC143 SAME 031141 SAME 031143  934 XOUS55 KWBC 170625 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-50833 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T06:25:38-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T06:25:38-00:00 2019-03-17T06:35:38-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  297 XOUS55 KWBC 170635 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-15689 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T06:35:39-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T06:35:39-00:00 2019-03-17T06:45:39-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  595 XOUS55 KWBC 170645 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-23744 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T06:45:39-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T06:45:39-00:00 2019-03-17T06:55:39-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  238 XOUS53 KWBC 170646 CAPGID NWS-IDP-PROD-3432008-3008064 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T01:46:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431615-3007715,2019-03-16T20:15:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS 2019-03-17T01:46:00-05:00 2019-03-17T01:46:00-05:00 2019-03-17T16:45:00-05:00 NWS Hastings NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 1:46AM CDT expiring March 20 at 8:30AM CDT by NWS Hastings NE Wood River Near Alda Affecting Hall County The Flood Warning continues for The Wood River Near Alda. * At 12:45 AM Sunday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will was currently cresting and is expected to begin falling Sunday. The river will continue to fall and is forecast to fall below flood stage Tuesday early afternoon. * Water was flowing across Alda Road about one quarter mile south of the gauge...and Alda Road was closed. Highway 30 was also closed from Alda west due to flooding. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KGID.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190320T1330Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL GIDFLSGID BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-20T08:30:00-05:00 Hall, NE 40.82,-98.72 40.88,-98.39 40.95,-98.28 40.88,-98.28 40.76,-98.72 40.82,-98.72 UGC NEC079 SAME 031079  986 XOAK52 KWBC 170648 CAPWCZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3432012-3008068 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431519-3007627,2019-03-16T15:15:00-08:00 Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-17T12:00:00-08:00 2019-03-17T07:00:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks, AK Winter Weather Advisory issued March 16 at 10:47PM AKDT expiring March 18 at 12:00AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks, AK * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with low visibility expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, are expected. Visibility will be one half mile or less at times. Winds will gust to 30 mph. * WHERE...Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Noon Sunday to midnight Sunday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...South winds gusting to 30 mph will cause reduced visibilities at times. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON SUNDAY TO MIDNIGHT AKDT SUNDAY NIGHT VTEC /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0067.190317T2000Z-190318T0800Z/ PIL WCZWSWWCZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T00:00:00-08:00 Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys UGC AKZ208 SAME 002188 SAME 002185  987 XOAK52 KWBC 170648 CAPWCZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3432010-3008066 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430792-3006988,2019-03-16T03:34:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430088-3006377,2019-03-15T16:09:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431521-3007629,2019-03-16T15:15:00-08:00 Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-17T07:00:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks, AK Winter Weather Advisory issued March 16 at 10:47PM AKDT expiring March 18 at 6:00AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks, AK * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Monday. Along the Nulato Hills, snow will occur tonight, then taper off Sunday morning. East of the Nulato Hills, snow, rain and areas of freezing rain will occur tonight through Sunday morning, then change to all snow Sunday afternoon and become heavy Sunday night. The snow east of the Nulato Hills will continue through Monday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT MONDAY HazardType Snow VTEC /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190318T1400Z/ PIL WCZWSWWCZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T06:00:00-08:00 Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys UGC AKZ216 SAME 002290 SAME 002188  988 XOAK52 KWBC 170648 CAPWCZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3432014-3008070 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430794-3006990,2019-03-16T03:34:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430087-3006376,2019-03-15T16:09:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431517-3007625,2019-03-16T15:15:00-08:00 Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-17T07:00:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks, AK Winter Weather Advisory issued March 16 at 10:47PM AKDT expiring March 17 at 12:00PM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks, AK * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with low visibility. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 2 inches are expected. Visibility will be one half mile or less at times. Winds will gust to 40 mph. * WHERE...In the Bering Strait Coast. * WHEN...Until noon Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting to 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow reducing the visibility to one half mile or less at times. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKDT SUNDAY VTEC /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190317T2000Z/ PIL WCZWSWWCZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-17T12:00:00-08:00 St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait Coast UGC AKZ213 SAME 002180  989 XOAK52 KWBC 170648 CAPWCZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3432013-3008069 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431516-3007624,2019-03-16T15:15:00-08:00 Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-17T12:00:00-08:00 2019-03-17T07:00:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks, AK Winter Weather Advisory issued March 16 at 10:47PM AKDT expiring March 18 at 12:00AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks, AK * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow with low visibility expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, are expected. Visibility will be one half mile or less at times. Winds will gust to 30 mph. * WHERE...Chukchi Sea Coast from Kivalina North. * WHEN...Noon Sunday to midnight Sunday night. Snow is expected through Sunday evening. Winds increasing on Sunday afternoon will cause low visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...South winds gusting to 30 mph will cause reduced visibilities at times. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON SUNDAY TO MIDNIGHT AKDT SUNDAY NIGHT VTEC /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0067.190317T2000Z-190318T0800Z/ PIL WCZWSWWCZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T00:00:00-08:00 Chukchi Sea Coast UGC AKZ207 SAME 002188 SAME 002185 SAME 002180  990 XOAK52 KWBC 170648 CAPWCZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3432009-3008065 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431518-3007626,2019-03-16T15:15:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430089-3006378,2019-03-15T16:09:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430795-3006991,2019-03-16T03:34:00-08:00 Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-17T06:00:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks, AK Winter Weather Advisory issued March 16 at 10:47PM AKDT expiring March 17 at 6:00AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks, AK * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Along the Nulato Hills of Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...until 6 AM Sunday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for reduced visibilities at times. Snow amount will be much less from Anvik east A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT SUNDAY HazardType Snow VTEC /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190317T1400Z/ PIL WCZWSWWCZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-17T06:00:00-08:00 Lower Yukon Valley UGC AKZ215 SAME 002290 SAME 002180 SAME 002158 SAME 002050  991 XOAK52 KWBC 170648 CAPWCZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3432011-3008067 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431520-3007628,2019-03-16T15:15:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430086-3006375,2019-03-15T16:09:00-08:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430793-3006989,2019-03-16T03:34:00-08:00 Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-16T22:47:00-08:00 2019-03-17T07:00:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks, AK Winter Weather Advisory issued March 16 at 10:47PM AKDT expiring March 18 at 6:00AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks, AK * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Areas of freezing rain south of Ambler. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...10 PM tonight to 6 AM Monday. Snow will become heavy late tonight and continue through Monday morning. There will be areas of freezing rain south of Ambler tonight and Sunday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT MONDAY HazardType Blowing Snow VTEC /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190318T1400Z/ PIL WCZWSWWCZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T06:00:00-08:00 Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys UGC AKZ217 SAME 002290 SAME 002188 SAME 002185  054 XOUS51 KWBC 170648 CAPGYX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432015-3008071 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T02:47:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431594-3007694,2019-03-16T21:08:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430580-3006808,2019-03-16T03:03:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3425070-3001830,2019-03-14T03:05:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3429732-3006094,2019-03-15T14:59:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3428827-3005286,2019-03-15T02:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3428629-3005138,2019-03-14T23:07:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431340-3007473,2019-03-16T14:50:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3426767-3003427,2019-03-14T14:50:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-03-17T02:47:00-04:00 2019-03-17T02:47:00-04:00 2019-03-17T11:00:00-04:00 NWS Gray ME Small Craft Advisory issued March 17 at 2:47AM EDT expiring March 17 at 11:00AM EDT by NWS Gray ME * WINDS...West 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * SEAS...2 to 4 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EDT THIS MORNING VTEC /O.CON.KGYX.SC.Y.0035.000000T0000Z-190317T1500Z/ PIL GYXMWWGYX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-17T11:00:00-04:00 Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM; Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM; Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM UGC ANZ150 UGC ANZ152 UGC ANZ154 SAME 073150 SAME 073152 SAME 073154  229 XOUS55 KWBC 170655 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-30824 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T06:55:39-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T06:55:39-00:00 2019-03-17T07:05:39-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031