044 XOUS55 KWBC 170905 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-3290 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T09:05:40-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T09:05:40-00:00 2019-03-17T09:15:40-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  819 XOUS55 KWBC 170915 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-16424 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T09:15:40-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T09:15:40-00:00 2019-03-17T09:25:40-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  404 XOUS53 KWBC 170923 CAPOAX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432074-3008109 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T04:23:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431687-3007785,2019-03-16T20:43:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS 2019-03-17T04:23:00-05:00 2019-03-17T04:23:00-05:00 2019-03-17T19:23:00-05:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 4:23AM CDT expiring March 19 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Omaha/Valley NE Little Sioux River Near Turin affecting Monona County. The Flood Warning continues for The Little Sioux River Near Turin. * At 4:00 AM Sunday the stage was 25.1 feet...or 0.1 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 26.1 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...at 25.0 feet...Flooding may begin near the mouth of the river downstream of Interstate 29. Upstream of the Interstate the river is contained within the levee system. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190319T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OAXFLSOAX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-19T07:00:00-05:00 Monona, IA 42.21,-95.98 42.21,-95.9 41.77,-95.99 41.82,-96.1 42.21,-95.98 UGC IAC133 SAME 019133  657 XOUS53 KWBC 170924 CAPOAX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432075-3008110 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T04:24:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW 2019-03-17T04:24:00-05:00 2019-03-17T04:24:00-05:00 2019-03-17T16:24:00-05:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 4:24AM CDT expiring March 18 at 1:00AM CDT by NWS Omaha/Valley NE Ponca Creek At Verdel affecting Knox County. The National Weather Service in Omaha has issued a * Flood Warning for The Ponca Creek At Verdel. * until late tonight...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:15 AM Sunday the stage was 13.7 feet...or 0.2 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 13.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this morning. * Impact...at 13.5 feet...At this level Rayder Swanson Road floods. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KOAX.FL.W.0056.190317T0924Z-190318T0600Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OAXFLWOAX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T01:00:00-05:00 Knox, NE 42.83,-98.31 42.82,-98.13 42.8,-98.1 42.8,-98.19 42.81,-98.31 42.83,-98.31 UGC NEC107 SAME 031107  874 XOUS53 KWBC 170924 CAPOAX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432076-3008111 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T04:24:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431618-3007718,2019-03-16T20:17:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS 2019-03-17T04:24:00-05:00 2019-03-17T04:24:00-05:00 2019-03-17T19:23:00-05:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 4:24AM CDT expiring March 18 at 3:18PM CDT by NWS Omaha/Valley NE North Fork Elkhorn River Near Pierce affecting Pierce County. The Flood Warning continues for The North Fork Elkhorn River Near Pierce. * At 3:45 AM Sunday the stage was 14.4 feet...or 2.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tonight. * Impact...at 14.5 feet...Water nears the toe of the levee in Norfolk. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190318T2018Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OAXFLSOAX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-18T15:18:00-05:00 Pierce, NE 42.36,-97.7 42.37,-97.56 41.99,-97.36 42,-97.4 42.36,-97.7 UGC NEC139 SAME 031139  514 XOUS55 KWBC 170925 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-12464 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T09:25:40-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-03-17T09:25:40-00:00 2019-03-17T09:35:40-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  070 XOUS53 KWBC 170926 CAPOAX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432077-3008112 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T04:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431817-3007897,2019-03-16T21:37:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS 2019-03-17T04:25:00-05:00 2019-03-17T04:25:00-05:00 2019-03-17T19:25:00-05:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Flood Warning issued March 17 at 4:25AM CDT expiring March 19 at 3:34PM CDT by NWS Omaha/Valley NE Missouri River At Decatur affecting Monona...Thurston and Burt Counties. The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Decatur. * At 4:15 AM Sunday the stage was 36.0 feet...or 1.0 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 36.3 feet by tomorrow morning. The river will fall below flood stage late Tuesday morning. * Impact...at 36.3 feet...This level represents a flood that has a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. For more information click <a href="inundation/faq_google.php"> here</a>. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190319T2034Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OAXFLSOAX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-19T15:34:00-05:00 Thurston, NE; Monona, IA; Burt, NE 42.28,-96.43 42.28,-96.26 42.03,-95.94 41.8,-95.95 41.8,-96.24 42.28,-96.43 UGC NEC173 UGC IAC133 UGC NEC021 SAME 031173 SAME 019133 SAME 031021  278 XOUS53 KWBC 170927 CAPARX NWS-IDP-PROD-3432078-3008113 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-03-17T04:27:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431536-3007638,2019-03-16T18:49:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430648-3006857,2019-03-16T03:35:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3430029-3006334,2019-03-15T18:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3431299-3007447,2019-03-16T12:25:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW 2019-03-17T04:27:00-05:00 2019-03-17T04:27:00-05:00 2019-03-17T12:15:00-05:00 NWS La Crosse WI Flood Warning issued March 17 at 4:27AM CDT expiring March 17 at 12:15PM CDT by NWS La Crosse WI The National Weather Service in La Crosse has extended the * Flood Warning for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Central La Crosse County in west central Wisconsin... * Until 1215 PM CDT Sunday. * At 418 AM CDT, flooding continues along the lower reaches of the La Crosse River from West Salem to its confluence with the Mississippi. The marsh area through La Crosse is experiencing flooding with high water levels. The river stage at 315 am was 9.6 feet, with the stage holding rather steady since early Saturday evening. Flood stage is 7.5 feet. Flood waters continues to move down the La Crosse River from West Salem through La Crosse to the Mississippi River at Riverside Park. Stay away from flood waters. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Stay away from flood waters. The water this time of year is very cold and if you fall in, hypothermia could occur in 15 minutes or less. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KARX.FA.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190317T1715Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL ARXFLWARX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-03-17T12:15:00-05:00 La Crosse, WI 43.89,-91.1 43.86,-91.14 43.85,-91.19 43.83,-91.21 43.8,-91.27 43.83,-91.28 43.84,-91.24 43.88,-91.19 43.88,-91.15 43.91,-91.13 43.92,-91.07 43.89,-91.07 43.89,-91.1 UGC WIC063 SAME 055063