722 WWST03 SABM 220000 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - APRIL 22, 00:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: HIGH 1018HPA 38S 62W MOV E FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-04-23 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK E PROB OF MIST VIS GOOD TO MODERATE BAHIA BLANCA: SECTOR S 4/3 INCR SECTOR N 5 VIS GOOD. MAR DEL PLATA: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK NE PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR. SECTOR S 4/3 BACK NE PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SW 4/5 VEER SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR 5/6 WITH GUSTS UNSTABLE TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE. RIO GALLEGOS: SECTOR W 4 INCR SW 5/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS EVENING VIS MODERATE. USHUAIA: W 4 INCR 5 AFTERWARDS SECTOR S 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  723 WWST02 SABM 220000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2019-04-22, 00:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 NO WARNINGS PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC LOW 975HPA 57S 23W MOV SE EXTENDS CFNT AT 56S 23W 46S 30W 39S 43W MOV E HIGH 1018HPA 38S 62W MOV E 201400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 69-41S 020-00W 69-53S 027-07W 68-28S 03 20W 66-25S 04 27W 64-23S 036-14W 60-23S 045-15W 60-44S 050-17W 6 01S 055-15W 6 41S 057-05W 6 28S 06 09W 63-41S 063-58W 65-39S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B09F 56-52S 04 32W 17X3NM B16 6 54S 043-59W 16X6NM A57A 60-14S 054-06W 11X5NM B15AA 64-51S 040-31W 11X6NM B09J 57-10S 04 11W 12X1NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 59-44S 034-26W 6X3NM ICEBERG2 6 01S 030-16W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 09S 060-40W 3X1NM ICEBERG4 60-02S 049-24W 5X2NM ICEBERG5 55-06S 025-31W 6X1NM ICEBERG6 54-32S 024-18W 4X2NM ICEBERG7 56-50S 04 27W 4X1NM ICEBERG8 57-34S 04 11W 9X2NM ICEBERG9 59-28S 033-58W 4X1NM ICEBERG10 54-08S 025-42W 4X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 59-47S 058-06W 60-00S 04 35W 6 17S 04 17W 6 27S 06 39W B. 58-00S 054-04W 53-42S 038-53W 55-30S 03 58W 58-10S 035-15W 59-42S 046-10W C. 5 00S 048-34W 46-51S 029-23W 49-02S 025-17W 54-23S 043-26W D. 5 14S 033-07W 5 24S 020-00W 54-05S 020-00W 55-50S 029-34W E. 6 44S 039-44W 58-48S 035-23W 56-37S 02 41W 63-47S 029-30W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-04-23 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK E PROB OF MIST VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK E PROB OF MIST VIS GOOD TO MODERATE URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK SE LOW PROB OF DRIZZLE PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING IMPR DURING THE MORNING VIS GOOD OCNL POOR MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR S 4/3 BACK NE PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38º30S - 41ºS): SECTOR S 4/3 INCR SECTOR N 5 VIS GOOD PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41ºS - 45ºS): SW 4 INCR SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR 5/6 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD TO MODERATE GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45ºS - 48ºS): SW 4/5 VEER SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR 5/6 WITH GUSTS UNSTABLE TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48ºS - 54ºS): SECTOR W 4 INCR SW 5/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS EVENING VIS MODERATE FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54ºS - 55ºS): W 4 INCR 5 AFTERWARDS SECTOR S 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SW 4 VEER W AFTERWARDS NW 4 PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 40W: SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN VIS MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SW 6/5 DECR PROB OF SH RAIN IMPR TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) N OF 45S: NW 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W PROB OF SH RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS DECR 5 PROB OF ISOL RAIN SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 55W: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS DECR 5 PROB OF SH RAIN IMPR TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR REST OF THE AREA: SW 5 DECR SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR PROB OF SH IMPR VIS MODERATE SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 7/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH OF SNOW IMPR VIS MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SW 5 DECR SECTOR W 4/5 PROB OF SH NXT ISOL RAIN VIS MODERATE DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): SECTOR W 4/5 WITH GUSTS INCR 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  856 WWST01 SABM 220000 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 22-04-2019, 00:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE NO HAY AVISOS 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 21:00UTC DEPRESION 975HPA 57S 23W MOV SE EXTIENDE CFNT EN 56S 23W 46S 30W 39S 43W MOV E ANTICICLON 1018HPA 38S 62W MOV E 201400 UTC LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 69-41S 020-00W 69-53S 027-07W 68-28S 03 20W 66-25S 04 27W 64-23S 036-14W 60-23S 045-15W 60-44S 050-17W 6 01S 055-15W 6 41S 057-05W 6 28S 06 09W 63-41S 063-58W 65-39S 067-00W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10 MN B09F 56-52S 04 32W 17X3MN B16 6 54S 043-59W 16X6MN A57A 60-14S 054-06W 11X5MN B15AA 64-51S 040-31W 11X6MN B09J 57-10S 04 11W 12X1MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 59-44S 034-26W 6X3MN TEMPANO2 6 01S 030-16W 6X3MN TEMPANO3 6 09S 060-40W 3X1MN TEMPANO4 60-02S 049-24W 5X2MN TEMPANO5 55-06S 025-31W 6X1MN TEMPANO6 54-32S 024-18W 4X2MN TEMPANO7 56-50S 04 27W 4X1MN TEMPANO8 57-34S 04 11W 9X2MN TEMPANO9 59-28S 033-58W 4X1MN TEMPANO10 54-08S 025-42W 4X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 59-47S 058-06W 60-00S 04 35W 6 17S 04 17W 6 27S 06 39W B. 58-00S 054-04W 53-42S 038-53W 55-30S 03 58W 58-10S 035-15W 59-42S 046-10W C. 5 00S 048-34W 46-51S 029-23W 49-02S 025-17W 54-23S 043-26W D. 5 14S 033-07W 5 24S 020-00W 54-05S 020-00W 55-50S 029-34W E. 6 44S 039-44W 58-48S 035-23W 56-37S 02 41W 63-47S 029-30W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 00:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 00:00 UTC DEL DIA 23-04-2019 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK E PROB DE NEBLINAS VIS BUENA A REGULAR RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK E PROB DE NEBLINAS VIS BUENA A REGULAR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK SE BAJA PROB DE LLOVIZNAS PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA DURANTE LA MAÑANA VIS BUENA OCNL MALA COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR S 4/3 BACK NE PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MALA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38º30S - 41ºS): SECTOR S 4/3 INCR SECTOR N 5 VIS BUENA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41ºS - 45ºS): SW 4 INCR SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS INCR 5/6 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA A REGULAR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45ºS - 48ºS): SW 4/5 VEER SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS INCR 5/6 CON RAFAGAS INESTABLE HACIA LA NOCHE VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48ºS - 54ºS): SECTOR W 4 INCR SW 5/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS HACIA LA TARDE VIS REGULAR COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54ºS - 55ºS): W 4 INCR 5 LUEGO SECTOR S 5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SW 4 VEER W LUEGO NW 4 PROB DE LLUVIAS HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A BUENA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 40W: SECTOR W 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SW 6/5 DECR PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) N DE 45S: NW 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 6 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5 PROB DE LLUVIAS NEVADAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 55W: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 5 DECR SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS INCR PROB DE SH MEJORANDO VIS REGULAR AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 7/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEVADAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH DE NIEVE MEJORANDO VIS REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SW 5 DECR SECTOR W 4/5 PROB DE SH LUEGO LLUVIAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): SECTOR W 4/5 CON RAFAGAS INCR 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  679 WWAA02 SAWB 220000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 00:00 UTC 22, APRIL 2019. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 NO WARNINGS PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC LOW 958HPA 62S 26W MOV NE WKN RIDGE 59S 62W 65S 60W 72S 62W MOV E WKN 211400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 69-41S 020-00W 69-53S 027-07W 68-28S 03 20W 66-25S 04 27W 64-23S 036-14W 60-23S 045-15W 60-44S 050-17W 6 01S 055-15W 6 41S 057-05W 6 28S 06 09W 63-41S 063-58W 65-39S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B09F 56-52S 04 32W 17X3NM B16 6 54S 043-59W 16X6NM A57A 60-14S 054-06W 11X5NM B15AA 64-51S 040-31W 11X6NM B09J 57-10S 04 11W 12X1NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 59-44S 034-26W 6X3NM ICEBERG2 6 07S 030-21W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 09S 060-40W 3X1NM ICEBERG4 60-02S 049-24W 5X2NM ICEBERG5 55-06S 025-31W 6X1NM ICEBERG6 54-32S 024-18W 4X2NM ICEBERG7 56-50S 04 27W 4X1NM ICEBERG8 57-34S 04 11W 9X2NM ICEBERG9 59-28S 033-58W 4X1NM ICEBERG10 54-08S 025-42W 4X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 59-47S 058-06W 60-00S 04 35W 6 17S 04 17W 6 27S 06 39W B. 58-00S 054-04W 53-42S 038-53W 55-30S 03 58W 58-10S 035-15W 59-42S 046-10W C. 5 00S 048-34W 46-51S 029-23W 49-02S 025-17W 54-23S 043-26W D. 5 14S 033-07W 5 24S 020-00W 54-05S 020-00W 55-50S 029-34W E. 6 44S 039-44W 58-48S 035-23W 56-37S 02 41W 63-47S 029-30W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-04-23 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT : SECTOR W 3/4 VEER SECTOR N ISOL FOG SNOW FALL VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : VRB 3 ISOL MIST FOG PATCHES SNOW FALL TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : SECTOR W 3 FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR MARGARITA BAY : SECTOR N 3/4 FOG SNOW FALL FROM 22/0600 VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : VRB 3/4 FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (60-66S 70-90W): SECTOR N 4/6 BACK SECTOR W 6/5 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (66-73S 70-90W): SECTOR N 6/5 VEER SECTOR W FOG MIST SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA NE DE LA REGION: SECTOR N 7/5 VEER SECTOR S 5/6 FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA SE DE LA REGION: SECTOR E 4/5 VEER SECTOR S 5/6 MIST FOG PATCHES SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 6/4 FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA NE DE LA REGION: SECTOR E 6/4 FOG MIST SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA SE DE LA REGION: VRB 3/4 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG MIST VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 5/4 VEER VRB 3 FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO POOR -----------------------------------------------------------------  018 WHUS42 KMFL 220001 CFWMFL URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Miami FL 801 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 FLZ069-220115- /O.EXP.KMFL.RP.S.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T0000Z/ Coastal Collier- 801 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK HAS EXPIRED... The High Risk of Rip Currents for the west coast beaches of South Florida has been allowed to expire. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/miami  595 WWUS53 KDDC 220002 SVSDDC Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 702 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC135-195-220030- /O.CON.KDDC.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T0030Z/ Ness KS-Trego KS- 702 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NESS AND TREGO COUNTIES... At 702 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Ogallah, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Wakeeney, Bazine, Ransom, Ogallah, Collyer, Brownell, Trego Center, Cedar Bluff, Riga and Voda. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3839 9959 3871 10015 3913 10015 3913 9961 TIME...MOT...LOC 0002Z 254DEG 35KT 3901 9979 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  733 WWUS74 KFWD 220002 NPWFWD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 702 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... TXZ091>094-100>104-115>120-129>134-141>145-156>159-220115- /O.EXP.KFWD.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T0000Z/ Montague-Cooke-Grayson-Fannin-Young-Jack-Wise-Denton-Collin- Stephens-Palo Pinto-Parker-Tarrant-Dallas-Rockwall-Eastland-Erath- Hood-Somervell-Johnson-Ellis-Comanche-Mills-Hamilton-Bosque-Hill- Lampasas-Coryell-Bell-McLennan- Including the cities of Bowie, Nocona, Gainesville, Sherman, Denison, Bonham, Graham, Olney, Jacksboro, Decatur, Bridgeport, Carrollton, Denton, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Plano, McKinney, Allen, Frisco, Breckenridge, Mineral Wells, Weatherford, Briar, Fort Worth, Arlington, Dallas, Rockwall, Heath, Cisco, Eastland, Ranger, Gorman, Stephenville, Dublin, Granbury, Oak Trail Shores, Glen Rose, Cleburne, Burleson, Waxahachie, Ennis, Midlothian, Comanche, De Leon, Goldthwaite, Hamilton, Hico, Clifton, Meridian, Valley Mills, Hillsboro, Lampasas, Copperas Cove, Gatesville, Killeen, Temple, Fort Hood, and Waco 702 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Breezy conditions will continue overnight, but wind speeds will remain below advisory criteria. $$  390 WVRA31 RUPK 220002 UHPP SIGMET 1 VALID 220005/220520 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT SHEVELUCH PSN N5638 E16119 VA CLD OBS AT 2320Z WI N5641 E16113 - N5704 E16137 - N5654 E16147 - N5634 E16123 - N5641 E16113 SFC/FL130 FCST AT 0520Z WI N5656 E16335 - N5645 E16251 - N5639 E16122 - N5726 E16218 - N5656 E16335=  251 WUUS53 KGID 220004 SVRGID NEC019-079-093-163-220045- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0023.190422T0004Z-190422T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 704 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Buffalo County in south central Nebraska... Southeastern Sherman County in central Nebraska... Southwestern Howard County in central Nebraska... Northwestern Hall County in south central Nebraska... * Until 745 PM CDT. * At 704 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Ravenna, or 22 miles northeast of Kearney, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Ravenna, Cairo, Dannebrog, Farwell, Boelus and Poole. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4084 9881 4098 9897 4127 9864 4107 9840 TIME...MOT...LOC 0004Z 227DEG 17KT 4097 9882 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Heinlein  593 WSUS32 KKCI 220010 SIGC MKCC WST 220010 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47C VALID UNTIL 0155Z NE FROM 20W OBH-20S OBH-60SSW OBH-60WSW OBH-20W OBH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.25 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. ...SPECIAL... CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45C VALID UNTIL 0155Z CO WY FROM 60SW DDY-40SSE CYS-10WSW DEN-40NE OCS-60SW DDY DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27010KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46C VALID UNTIL 0155Z KS NE CO FROM 10WNW AKO-60WNW SLN-30SE GCK-40SE DEN-10WNW AKO AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.00 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 220155-220555 AREA 1...FROM 30WSW DDY-30SSW ANW-30SSW GCK-DBL-30WSW DDY WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30WSW DLH-30W SAW-50E ICT-30N LBL-ANW-30WSW DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  994 WWUS53 KDDC 220010 SVSDDC Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 710 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC135-220020- /O.CAN.KDDC.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T0030Z/ Ness KS- 710 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN NESS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3871 9961 3889 10015 3913 10015 3913 9961 TIME...MOT...LOC 0010Z 254DEG 45KT 3909 9964 $$ KSC195-220030- /O.CON.KDDC.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T0030Z/ Trego KS- 710 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM CDT FOR TREGO COUNTY... At 710 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northeast of Ogallah, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Wakeeney, Ogallah, Collyer, Trego Center, Cedar Bluff, Riga and Voda. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3871 9961 3889 10015 3913 10015 3913 9961 TIME...MOT...LOC 0010Z 254DEG 45KT 3909 9964 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  716 WSJD20 OJAM 220000 NIL  708 ACUS11 KWNS 220012 SWOMCD SPC MCD 220012 NEZ000-220215- Mesoscale Discussion 0417 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0712 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 Areas affected...Central and Southeastern Nebraska Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 220012Z - 220215Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...Convective initiation is occurring which should to a few strong storms capable of gusty winds and perhaps some large hail. DISCUSSION...Regional satellite and radar shows convection developing near Kearney, Nebraska in proximity to the intersection of a cold front and pre-frontal trough with an attendant weak surface low. The environment is supportive of at least a couple strong storms should this trend continue, with MLCAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg and low-level 0-3 km shear of 22 kt (per the UEX VAD). The latest RAP forecast soundings indicates a relatively dry sub-cloud layer, with surface dewpoints in the low 50s F, suggesting storms that develop will be capable of gusty winds, but given the modest instability, some large hail is also possible. Storms are expected to remain isolated over the next 2-3 hours, thus a watch is not expected at this time. ..Karstens/Hart.. 04/22/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...OAX...GID... LAT...LON 40069823 40069864 40409880 40549919 40639948 40839953 41149896 41639769 41629652 41039623 40569653 40209745 40069823  358 WWUS83 KGLD 220012 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 712 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ016-220115- Graham KS- 712 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR GRAHAM COUNTY UNTIL 815 PM CDT... At 712 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles south of Morland, or 10 miles north of Voda, moving northeast at 25 mph. Pea to dime size hail and wind gusts up to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hill City, Morland, Bogue, Nicodemus, Penokee and Saint Peter. LAT...LON 3913 9970 3913 10012 3918 10016 3933 10016 3945 10003 3957 9982 3957 9961 3914 9961 TIME...MOT...LOC 0012Z 228DEG 23KT 3920 10005 $$ Vincent  364 WVHO31 MHTG 220014 MHTG SIGMET B1 VALID 220014/220614 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA FUEGO PSN N1428 W09052 VA CLD OBS AT 2250Z SFC/FL160 N1430 W09053-N1426 W09052 -N1412 W09059-N1417 W09106 MOV SW 5-10KT FCST VA CLD 0500Z SFC/FL160 N1430 W09052-N1426 W09052 -N1412 W09059-N1417 W09107=  318 WGUS82 KFFC 220014 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 814 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Coosa River near Plant Hammond affecting Floyd County GAC115-221414- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0186.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HMMG1.1.ER.190420T1721Z.190421T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 814 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Coosa River near Plant Hammond. * Until further notice. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 570.5 feet and steady. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 570 feet. * At 570 feet, minor flooding occurs in the woodlands, fields and pastures along the river upstream and downstream from the gage behind Plant Hammond. A boat ramp near the intakes of the plant will be under water and a small portion of an access road near and under the Georgia Highway 100 bridge will flood. && LAT...LON 3425 8531 3420 8536 3421 8539 3427 8542 3428 8537 $$  299 WWUS53 KGLD 220015 SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 715 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC063-065-179-220023- /O.EXP.KGLD.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T0015Z/ Sheridan KS-Gove KS-Graham KS- 715 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN SHERIDAN... NORTHEASTERN GOVE AND GRAHAM COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 715 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits. As a result, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, pea to dime size hail and wind gusts as high as 45 to 55 mph will remain possible with this storm as it tracks northeast across Graham county through 8 PM CDT. LAT...LON 3897 10015 3897 10025 3899 10031 3904 10035 3913 10035 3925 10030 3935 10021 3947 9996 3947 9972 3913 9972 3913 10015 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 227DEG 23KT 3921 10006 $$ Vincent  877 ACUS11 KWNS 220015 SWOMCD SPC MCD 220015 KSZ000-NEZ000-220145- Mesoscale Discussion 0418 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0715 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 Areas affected...Parts of north central Kansas Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 220015Z - 220145Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...Thunderstorm activity capable of producing small hail and a few strong wind gusts may persist, and possibly increase some, for a period this evening. However, overall, the threat still appears marginal enough that a severe weather watch will not be needed. DISCUSSION...Ongoing small, but sustained cluster of thunderstorms has accelerated some while advancing east-northeastward during the past couple of hours, from near 20 to around 30 kt. Activity has been mostly post-cold frontal, aided by mid-level cooling and sufficient boundary layer moisture to contribute to CAPE locally up to around 1000-1500 J/kg. Deep layer wind fields and shear are mostly modest to weak, but initially steep lower/mid tropospheric lapse rates have been sufficient to support mainly small hail and a few strong wind gusts. It remains unclear how much longer this activity will maintain strength as it spreads near/to the south and east of Hill City. It seems possible that it may weaken as the cold front overtakes the dryline and supports the initiation of new thunderstorm activity downstream, around the Hays, Russell, Smith Center and Beloit vicinities. It is possible that shear associated with strengthening southerly 850 mb flow across this region could aid organization of consolidating new development. But any associated severe wind threat probably will be limited by the onset of boundary layer cooling, which likely will result in an increasingly marginal thermodynamic environment for vigorous convection. ..Kerr/Hart.. 04/22/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...TOP...ICT...GID...DDC...GLD... LAT...LON 39949884 40019749 39509668 38279797 38069948 38480001 39429953 39949884  039 WSMS31 WMKK 220019 WMFC SIGMET A01 VALID 220020/220320 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0413 E09924 - N0623 E09743 - N0624 E09924 - N0426 E09956 - N0413 E09924 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  998 WUUS53 KDDC 220016 SVRDDC KSC051-165-195-220115- /O.NEW.KDDC.SV.W.0004.190422T0016Z-190422T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Dodge City KS 716 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Dodge City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Trego County in west central Kansas... Northern Rush County in central Kansas... Ellis County in central Kansas... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 716 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles north of Ellis, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hays, Ellis, Victoria, Walker, Catherine, Otis, Schoenchen, Ogallah, Liebenthal, Emmeram, Yocemento, Munjor, Loretta, Riga, Pfeifer, Toulon and Antonino. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 9905 3871 9962 3892 9982 3913 9982 3913 9904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0016Z 254DEG 45KT 3907 9954 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  349 WWUS83 KGLD 220019 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 719 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ002-014-220115- Rawlins KS-Thomas KS- 719 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR THOMAS AND RAWLINS COUNTIES UNTIL 815 PM CDT... At 717 PM CDT, thunderstorm outflow was located along a line extending from 6 miles southeast of Benkelman to 11 miles northwest of Winona. Movement was east at 40 mph. Wind gusts as high as 45 to 55 mph will be possible. A wind gust of 46 mph was measured at the National Weather Service office in Goodland at 700 PM CDT. Locations impacted include... Colby, Oakley, Atwood, Brewster, Levant, Rexford and McDonald. This includes Interstate 70 in Kansas between mile markers 36 and 74. LAT...LON 4000 10074 3913 10072 3914 10139 4000 10141 TIME...MOT...LOC 0017Z 269DEG 34KT 3999 10144 3914 10143 $$ Vincent  293 WOAU13 AMMC 220019 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0019UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 36S104E 44S114E. Forecast 38S110E 46S119E to low 989hPa near 49S112E at 220000UTC, 37S112E 44S122E 49S123E to low 985hPa near 51S118E at 220600UTC, 42S125E 45S128E 48S128E to low 978hPa near 52S125E at 221200UTC, 44S132E 47S134E 53S130E to low 968hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC and 47S140E 50S141E 53S136E to low 964hPa near 56S134E at 230000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S113E 45S113E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 54S141E 48S144E 47S138E 39S113E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 480nm west of front by 220300UTC. Clockwise winds 35/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle after 222100UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 2.  294 WOAU03 AMMC 220019 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0019UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 36S104E 44S114E. Forecast 38S110E 46S119E to low 989hPa near 49S112E at 220000UTC, 37S112E 44S122E 49S123E to low 985hPa near 51S118E at 220600UTC, 42S125E 45S128E 48S128E to low 978hPa near 52S125E at 221200UTC, 44S132E 47S134E 53S130E to low 968hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC and 47S140E 50S141E 53S136E to low 964hPa near 56S134E at 230000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S113E 45S113E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 54S141E 48S144E 47S138E 39S113E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 480nm west of front by 220300UTC. Clockwise winds 35/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle after 222100UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 2.  295 WOAU43 AMMC 220019 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0019UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 36S104E 44S114E. Forecast 38S110E 46S119E to low 989hPa near 49S112E at 220000UTC, 37S112E 44S122E 49S123E to low 985hPa near 51S118E at 220600UTC, 42S125E 45S128E 48S128E to low 978hPa near 52S125E at 221200UTC, 44S132E 47S134E 53S130E to low 968hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC and 47S140E 50S141E 53S136E to low 964hPa near 56S134E at 230000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S113E 45S113E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 54S141E 48S144E 47S138E 39S113E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 480nm west of front by 220300UTC. Clockwise winds 35/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle after 222100UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 2.  672 WOAU42 AMMC 220020 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0020UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous westerly flow on northern flank of a low pressure system. Trough developing 44S111E 47S112E 48S111E by 221800UTC and 45S114E 50S118E at 230000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S080E 42S100E 45S121E 50S120E 47S114E 53S097E 53S080E 44S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 094E at first, extending to west of 107E by 221200UTC. Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 180nm east of trough from 221800UTC. Winds increasing to 35/45 knots south of 48S from 221200UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 087E by 221800UTC and west of 094E by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high south of 48S from 221200UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 3.  673 WOAU02 AMMC 220020 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0020UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous westerly flow on northern flank of a low pressure system. Trough developing 44S111E 47S112E 48S111E by 221800UTC and 45S114E 50S118E at 230000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S080E 42S100E 45S121E 50S120E 47S114E 53S097E 53S080E 44S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 094E at first, extending to west of 107E by 221200UTC. Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 180nm east of trough from 221800UTC. Winds increasing to 35/45 knots south of 48S from 221200UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 087E by 221800UTC and west of 094E by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high south of 48S from 221200UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 3.  801 WWUS83 KGID 220020 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 720 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ005-017-018-220100- Rooks KS-Phillips KS-Osborne KS- 720 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR ROOKS...WESTERN OSBORNE AND SOUTHEASTERN PHILLIPS COUNTIES UNTIL 800 PM CDT... At 720 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Bogue to 7 miles south of Zurich. Movement was east at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Plainville, Stockton, Natoma, Palco, Kirwin, Woodston, Damar, Alton, Zurich, Codell and Webster State Park. LAT...LON 3913 9958 3916 9961 3954 9960 3972 9917 3961 9906 3957 9907 3957 9902 3922 9868 3913 9908 TIME...MOT...LOC 0020Z 248DEG 35KT 3940 9975 3913 9948 $$ Heinlein  978 WAUS41 KKCI 220022 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 220022 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220300 . AIRMET IFR...ME NH MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70NNW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 160ESE ACK TO 100S HTO TO 50SSW BDL TO 20SW PVD TO 20W ENE TO 60E YSC TO 50NW MLT TO 70NNW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD FROM 40WNW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO HAR TO AIR TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO 20S YSC TO 60E YSC TO 40WNW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...PA WV MD VA FROM HAR TO 40SSE JST TO 20NNE PSK TO HMV TO HNN TO AIR TO HAR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR ME NH VT MA NY LO PA LE WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 60ENE YSC-30WNW CON-30E HNK-20SE SLT-40SE EKN-30E HMV- 20WNW JHW-50NW SYR-20WSW MSS-20SSE YSC-60ENE YSC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-MLT-CON-HAR-30SE PSK-HMV-HNN-JHW-SYR-MSS-YSC- 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  979 WAUS45 KKCI 220022 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 220022 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220300 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY CO...UPDT FROM 90SSW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 30SW SNY TO 40SW LAR TO 50E OCS TO 20SW BOY TO 20NW SHR TO 90SSW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY FROM 40NNE FCA TO GTF TO 50SSE HVR TO CYS TO 20W TWF TO 70E BOI TO 30ENE BKE TO 40NNE FCA MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID WY NV UT CO FROM 20W TWF TO CYS TO 40NNE PUB TO 40WNW PUB TO 20WSW DBL TO 40N HVE TO 40ESE BCE TO 50WSW BCE TO 30NNW OAL TO 80NNE FMG TO 50NNW BAM TO 50ESE REO TO 20W TWF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR ID MT WY UT CO...UPDT BOUNDED BY 70WSW BIL-50SE BIL-60NE CZI-60NW RAP-70SW RAP-BFF- 40ENE AKO-30NNE PUB-60ESE DBL-20NE CHE-30NW MTU-40NNE SLC-50WSW BPI-40ESE JAC-70WSW BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 30SW GTF-60ESE LWT-CYS-TBE-50ESE CIM-CIM-30ESE CHE- 50SSE MTU-40ESE BCE-40SE ILC-30WSW ELY-60SW TWF-30E TWF-20WNW DNJ-80S MLP-30SW GTF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  980 WAUS43 KKCI 220022 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 220022 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 9 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220300 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE...UPDT FROM 90SSW DIK TO 30SSW DPR TO 60W ANW TO 30WSW LBF TO 30SW SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 90SSW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...MN WI LS MI...UPDT FROM 50WSW YQT TO 60NNW RHI TO 50NNE EAU TO 40NE MSP TO 30E BRD TO 30NW DLH TO 50WSW YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...KY FROM HNN TO HMV TO 50ENE LOZ TO HNN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS ENDG BY 00Z. ....  747 WWCN01 CWHF 220023 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 9:23 PM ADT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WIND GUSTS ACROSS THE REGION HAVE GREATLY DIMINISHED THIS EVENING AS FORECASTED. WIND GUSTS IN EXCESS OF 25 KNOTS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TONIGHT. END/METOC-HFX  664 WHUS42 KMHX 220024 CFWMHX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 824 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DANGEROUS SURF CONDITIONS CONTINUE MONDAY... .A LINGERING SOUTHEAST SWELL WILL COMBINE WITH LARGER WAVES TO PRODUCE A HIGH RISK FOR RIP CURRENTS MONDAY. NCZ203>205-221230- /O.EXP.KMHX.BH.S.0002.000000T0000Z-190422T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KMHX.BH.S.0003.190422T1200Z-190423T0000Z/ Northern Outer Banks-Ocracoke Island-Hatteras Island- 824 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM EDT MONDAY THROUGH MONDAY EVENING... ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT HAS EXPIRED... The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City has issued a Beach Hazards Statement, which is in effect from 8 AM EDT Monday through Monday evening. * HAZARDS...A high risk of rip currents and a strong longshore current. * LOCATIONS...From Ocracoke Island north through Hatteras Island and the northern Outer Banks. * TIMING AND TIDES...The most likely time for strong rip currents to occur is a couple hours around low tide, which will occur around 330 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If caught in a rip current remain calm. Don't fight the current. Swim in a direction following the shoreline. When out of the current, swim back to shore. If tired, float or tread water until out of the rip current. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ NCZ195-196-199-220130- /O.EXP.KMHX.BH.S.0002.000000T0000Z-190422T0000Z/ West Carteret-East Carteret-Coastal Onslow- 824 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT HAS EXPIRED... The risk for rip currents is no longer high therefore the beach hazards statement has expired. $$  388 WOAU14 AMMC 220024 IDY21030 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0024UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow around a forecast low 1006hPa near 50S148E at 220000UTC, low 1003hPa near 51S151E at 220600UTC, low 1002hPa near 52S155E at 221200UTC, low 999hPa near 53S158E at 221800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 50S148E 54S155E 53S160E 51S160E 49S150E 50S148E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 150nm around low in northwest semicircle developing by 220300UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 152E by 221200UTC and throughout by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate swell.  450 WWUS83 KGLD 220024 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 724 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ002-003-220130- Rawlins KS-Decatur KS- 724 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN RAWLINS AND DECATUR COUNTIES UNTIL 830 PM CDT... At 724 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 10 miles southeast of Ludell to 3 miles southwest of Jennings. Movement was northeast at 5 mph. Pea to dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Oberlin, Norcatur, Herndon, Jennings, Dresden, Traer and Kanona. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall with these storms may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4000 10018 3957 10019 3957 10091 3964 10092 3999 10092 4000 10074 TIME...MOT...LOC 0024Z 215DEG 5KT 3975 10082 3964 10034 $$ Vincent  031 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0139 W06358 - S0137 W05132- S0723 W05132 - S1208 W05656 - S0643 W06645 - N0132 W06815 - N0139 W06358 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  032 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 212100/220100 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2752 W05336 - S2800 W04640 - S2944 W04615 - S3056 W04721 - S3018 W05733 - S2835 W05604 - S2750 W05507 - S2752 W05336 FL340/380 MOV E 08KT NC=  033 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 212230/220100 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2447 W05122 - S2751 W05032 - S2756 W04730 - S2353 W04324 - S2240 W04530 - S2242 W04548 - S2310 W04550 - S2327 W04650 - S2305 W04737 - S2447 W05122 TOP FL410 MOV E 05KT NC=  034 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBRE SIGMET 24 VALID 212120/220105 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0147 W04140 - S0254 W04103 - S0429 W04141 - S0540 W04402 - S0427 W04311 - S0407 W04233 - S0147 W04140 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  035 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBAZ SIGMET 27 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0900 W06300 - S1342 W05340 -S1646 W05336 - S1726 W05702 - S1325 W06025 - S1129 W06449 - S0943 W06516 - S0900 W06300 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  036 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBAZ SIGMET 26 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0051 W04929 - S0048 W04138- S0407 W04237 - S0427 W04314 - S0606 W04444 - S0136 W05119 - N0051 W04929 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  037 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 212230/220100 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2349 W05427 - S2303 W05036 - S2133 W04941 - S1931 W05133 - S1713 W05353 - S1738 W05434 - S1748 W05742 - S1810 W05729 - S1948 W05811 - S2205 W05805 - S2222 W05551 - S2357 W05520 - S2349 W05427 TOP FL410 MOV E 05KT NC=  038 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBAZ SIGMET 28 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0705 W04857 - S0832 W04646- S0940 W04747 - S0933 W04857 - S1017 W04955 - S1011 W05119 - S0725 W05035 - S0705 W04857 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  039 WSBZ01 SBBR 220000 SBRE SIGMET 23 VALID 212105/220105 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0644 W04232 - S0905 W03928 - S1043 W03516 - S1201 W03600 - S1040 W04032 - S0756 W04315 - S0644 W04232 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  959 WVJP31 RJTD 220027 RJJJ SIGMET O01 VALID 220027/220627 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SAKURAJIMA (AIRA CALDERA) PSN N3136 E13039 VA CLD OBS AT 0008Z FL080 MOV S=  044 WUUS53 KGID 220026 SVRGID KSC141-147-163-220115- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0024.190422T0026Z-190422T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 726 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Rooks County in north central Kansas... Western Osborne County in north central Kansas... Southern Phillips County in north central Kansas... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 725 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles northwest of Bogue to 6 miles southwest of Plainville, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Plainville, Stockton, Natoma, Palco, Woodston, Damar, Alton, Zurich, Glade, Speed, Codell and Webster State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3913 9949 3923 9961 3957 9960 3957 9963 3959 9963 3975 9926 3957 9907 3950 9894 3928 9874 3913 9914 TIME...MOT...LOC 0025Z 241DEG 37KT 3944 9974 3915 9936 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Heinlein  950 WGUS42 KTAE 220025 FLWTAE FLOOD WARNING NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TALLAHASSEE FL 825 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Florida... Apalachicola River near Blountstown affecting Calhoun...Franklin... Gulf and Liberty Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interest along the river should monitor the latest forecasts, and be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. If you see flood waters: Turn around. Don't drown. For graphical hydrologic information, please go to weather.gov and click on your state. Select Rivers and Lakes AHPS under current conditions and click on your river point. && FLC013-037-045-077-230024- /O.NEW.KTAE.FL.W.0018.190422T1200Z-190426T0600Z/ /BLOF1.1.ER.190422T1200Z.190423T1800Z.190425T1800Z.NO/ 725 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Flood Warning for the Apalachicola River near Blountstown. * From Monday morning, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 16.6 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast: The river is expected to rise above flood stage by tomorrow morning and continue to rise to near 17.8 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday early afternoon. * Impact: At 18.0 feet: Forest Road 115 in Liberty County at River Styx Campground will flood, isolating access to the site. && LAT...LON 3061 8490 3009 8508 2980 8490 2972 8505 3007 8520 3061 8498 $$  460 WSMS31 WMKK 220026 WBFC SIGMET A01 VALID 220030/220330 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0247 E10912 - N0356 E11041 - N0253 E11209 - N0134 E10941 - N0247 E10912 TOP FL500 MOV NW NC=  475 WSIR31 OIII 220024 OIIX SIGMET 1 VALID 220030/220230 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3919 E04709 - N3712 E04712 - N3505 E04634 - N3413 E04534 - N3257 E04611 - N3545 E04828 - N3922 E04815 - N3948 E04801 MOV N/NE NC=  204 WSIR31 OIII 220028 OIIX SIGMET 2 VALID 220031/220230 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3125 E05754 - N2918 E06023 - N2747 E05939 - N2958 E05643 MOV E/NE NC=  336 WWUS53 KDDC 220030 SVSDDC Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 730 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC051-165-195-220115- /O.CON.KDDC.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190422T0115Z/ Trego KS-Rush KS-Ellis KS- 730 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM CDT FOR EASTERN TREGO...NORTHERN RUSH AND ELLIS COUNTIES... At 729 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles south of Plainville, or 14 miles northwest of Catherine, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hays, Ellis, Victoria, Walker, Catherine, Otis, Schoenchen, Ogallah, Liebenthal, Emmeram, Yocemento, Munjor, Loretta, Riga, Pfeifer, Toulon and Antonino. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 9905 3871 9962 3892 9982 3913 9982 3913 9904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0029Z 254DEG 45KT 3912 9933 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  506 ACUS01 KWNS 220032 SWODY1 SPC AC 220030 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0730 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 Valid 220100Z - 221200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM KANSAS INTO NEBRASKA AND FAR WESTERN IOWA... ...SUMMARY... Marginally severe hail or wind is possible mainly across northern Kansas into eastern Nebraska and western Iowa through evening. ...Central Plains... Strong heating has led to temperatures in the 80s over much of the region, resulting in steep lapse rates through a deep layer (the 00Z DDC sounding shows weak instability despite dewpoints only near 30 F). Meanwhile, a weak shortwave trough continues to move out of CO into KS/NE where a surface trough also exists. Ongoing activity associated with this shortwave over northwest KS is primarily outflow dominant, but may produce small hail as it continues across northern KS and into NE. Other cellular activity was also forming along the surface trough in south central NE, and these storms may produce locally severe hail. A general east-northeastward motion to these storms may bring a marginal risk of wind or hail toward the MO river later this evening, but trends should be down in terms of intensity with the loss of heating. The area from NE into western IA will have minimal convective inhibition relative to areas to the south (the 00Z TOP sounding shows nearly insurmountable inhibition for boundary layer parcels). ..Jewell.. 04/22/2019 $$  510 WUUS01 KWNS 220032 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0730 PM CDT SUN APR 21 2019 VALID TIME 220100Z - 221200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... 0.05 39610206 39820219 40090186 40500084 41449996 41859955 42809849 43039590 42879527 42459494 41019492 39049592 38519678 38169752 38029928 38019972 38100008 38290013 38599984 38889982 39520194 39610206 && ... WIND ... 0.05 38039999 38320008 38609989 38889986 39530201 39820216 40080189 40500078 41380002 42029934 42809849 43009649 43039595 42869526 42529497 41139490 39149584 38629660 38209755 38129808 38019963 38039999 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 38009965 38100003 38290013 38589988 38849982 38980016 39190080 39500200 39810222 40090189 40510082 41110030 41759967 42779849 43039590 42869529 42639505 42469493 41099490 39149586 38589660 38179759 38009965 TSTM 40311645 41641342 42031211 42341109 42210959 41950922 41860870 42130748 42230614 41680434 41320347 41280248 41510158 41870071 42949988 43919830 44979672 45999446 47089168 46968952 46558855 45838857 45338917 44889114 43869246 42999266 41819190 40269142 39039162 37839225 37409393 37189581 37089709 36969928 37200122 37920284 38350403 38590575 38470683 38930801 38850908 38480982 37521031 36801077 36361132 35771276 35391471 35531507 36091597 36701649 37981706 38971694 40311645 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 NE DDC 25 N DDC 35 NNW DDC 55 S HLC 40 S HLC 35 SSW HLC 50 ESE GLD 20 WNW GLD 40 N ITR 35 SSW IML 25 NNW MCK 20 E LBF 20 N BBW 25 NNE ONL 40 WSW SPW 20 N SLB 10 E SLB 20 ESE SLB 35 NE SDA 15 WNW TOP 30 NW EMP 15 ENE HUT 25 NE DDC. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SE BAM 65 SSE BYI 15 SE MLD 55 WSW BPI 35 SE BPI 25 NNW RKS 25 NE RKS 25 NNW RWL 50 SSE CPR 30 SSW TOR 30 WNW SNY 30 ENE SNY 45 SW MHN 25 SE MHN 25 NNE ANW 15 NW MHE 20 E ATY 30 SSW BRD 15 WSW BFW 40 NE IWD 45 S CMX 20 W IMT 25 SE RHI 15 E EAU RST 35 NNW ALO 10 WSW CID 25 NNW UIN 35 ENE COU 10 NW TBN 30 WNW SGF 30 NNE BVO 25 N PNC 35 WNW AVK 20 NW LBL 15 SW LAA 25 E PUB 60 WSW COS GUC 30 ESE GJT 35 WSW GJT 20 S CNY 20 E U17 40 ESE PGA 40 S PGA 35 WSW GCN 45 N EED 40 S LAS 40 S DRA 25 W DRA TPH 35 SSE U31 30 SE BAM.  842 WGUS81 KBOX 220032 FLSBOX Flood Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 832 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut... Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam into the mid week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. && CTC003-007-230032- /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HFDC3.1.ER.190416T0743Z.190423T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 832 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Hartford. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:16 PM Sunday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.1 feet by Tuesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Flooding of low lying areas below Hartford is expected, especially in areas that are outside of levee protection. Flooding also affects low lying areas upstream of Hartford, including a portion of Windsor where the Farmington River empties into the Connecticut River. Further downstream flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17A, in Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. Flooding continues along the river through Essex. && LAT...LON 4163 7270 4180 7273 4180 7259 4164 7258 4163 7263 4164 7263 $$ CTC007-230032- /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MHDC3.1.ER.190416T1512Z.190424T1000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 832 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Middle Haddam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:55 PM Sunday the stage was 8.9 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 9.4 feet by early tomorrow. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...Flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17A, in the Gildersleeve section of Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. In Rocky Hill, parts of Meadow Road will be impassable for a time. Flooding continues along the river southward through Essex. && LAT...LON 4164 7269 4164 7258 4129 7225 4126 7239 4141 7251 4156 7270 $$  370 WGUS84 KJAN 220035 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 735 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Louisiana... Black River At Jonesville L&D affecting Catahoula and Concordia Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur. Routine 24 hours of forecast rainfall is used for all rivers except for those in the Tombigbee River System which includes Tibbee Creek, Luxapallila Creek, Noxubee River,and the Tombigbee River mainstem where a routine of 48 hours of additional rainfall is used. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && LAC025-029-230635- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JNEL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190428T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 735 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Jonesville L&D * until further notice. * At 5:00 AM Sunday the stage was 50.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 51.5 feet Sunday morning April 28th. * Impact...At 51.4 feet...The Columbia Recreation Area is inaccessible. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Black River Jonesville LD 50 50.9 Sun 05 AM 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.5 07 AM 04/28 && LAT...LON 3139 9199 3191 9195 3186 9180 3160 9170 3144 9168 3141 9168 $$  975 WSCO31 SKBO 220035 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 220012/220312 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2355Z WI N0613 W06735 - N0605 W06920 - N0457 W06952 - N0426 W06750 - N0613 W06735 TOP FL470 MOV SSW 16KT INTSF=  305 WWUS53 KGID 220035 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 735 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC079-220045- /O.CAN.KGID.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0045Z/ Hall NE- 735 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN HALL COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4117 9852 4105 9866 4105 9872 4099 9872 4096 9881 4098 9897 4127 9864 TIME...MOT...LOC 0035Z 198DEG 11KT 4106 9877 $$ NEC019-093-163-220045- /O.CON.KGID.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0045Z/ Buffalo NE-Sherman NE-Howard NE- 735 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN BUFFALO...SOUTHEASTERN SHERMAN AND SOUTHWESTERN HOWARD COUNTIES... At 735 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Boelus, or 23 miles northwest of Grand Island, moving north at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Ravenna, Farwell, Boelus and Poole. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4117 9852 4105 9866 4105 9872 4099 9872 4096 9881 4098 9897 4127 9864 TIME...MOT...LOC 0035Z 198DEG 11KT 4106 9877 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Heinlein  369 WSAG31 SAVC 220040 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 220040/220440 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0040Z WI S4834 W05804 - S4327 W05224 - S4457 W04816 - S4628 W04821 - S4857 W05107 - S4834 W05804 FL050/080 MOV NE 10KT NC=  027 WSAG31 SAVC 220040 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 220040/220440 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0040Z WI S4834 W05804 - S4327 W05224 - S4457 W04816 - S4628 W04821 - S4857 W05107 - S4834 W05804 FL050/080 MOV NE 10KT NC=  554 WGUS84 KJAN 220037 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 737 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Big Black River At West affecting Attala and Holmes Counties Big Black River Near Bentonia affecting Madison and Yazoo Counties Big Black River Near Bovina affecting Hinds and Warren Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC007-051-230635- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WSTM6.2.ER.190407T2200Z.190415T0530Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 737 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Black River At West * until further notice. * At 6:45 PM Sunday the stage was 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Several thousand acres of agricultural and lowland become inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Upper Big Black River West 15 18.0 Sun 07 PM 17.8 17.3 16.6 Falling && LAT...LON 3291 9006 3314 8990 3330 8981 3322 8963 3313 8969 3285 8987 $$ MSC089-163-230635- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0074.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTAM6.3.ER.190409T1505Z.190416T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 737 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Black River Near Bentonia * until further notice. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 27.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 28.0 feet just after midnight tonight. * Impact...At 28.0 feet...Devastating flooding of agricultural land begins to occur. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Big Black River Bentonia 22 27.9 Sun 07 PM 28.0 27.9 27.7 Near Crest && LAT...LON 3256 9064 3281 9012 3291 9006 3285 8987 3272 8996 3245 9052 $$ MSC049-149-230635- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BOVM6.2.ER.190413T2319Z.190418T2345Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 737 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Black River Near Bovina * until further notice. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 38.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue slowly falling. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...Water is across the road near the Old Highway 80 bridge. Extensive flooding of agricultural land is occurring. Several local access roads are also underwater. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Big Black River Bovina 28 38.8 Sun 07 PM 38.8 38.6 38.6 Slow Fall && LAT...LON 3217 9093 3224 9078 3256 9064 3245 9052 3218 9065 3204 9102 $$  752 WWUS71 KGYX 220039 NPWGYX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 839 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DENSE FOG EXPECTED OVERNIGHT... .Areas of dense fog are hanging near the coast once again tonight. This will more or less remain in place through morning, and may expand inland some overnight. MEZ023>028-220900- /O.NEW.KGYX.FG.Y.0006.190422T0039Z-190422T1300Z/ Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox- Coastal Waldo- Including the cities of Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Kittery, Portland, Cape Elizabeth, South Portland, Westbrook, Yarmouth, Brunswick, Arrowsic, Bath, Phippsburg, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Bowdoin, Whitefield, Dresden, Alna, Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Boothbay Harbor, Wiscasset, Waldoboro, Owls Head, Rockland, Appleton, Camden, Hope, Rockport, Thomaston, Belfast, Northport, Searsmont, and Lincolnville 839 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Gray has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EDT Monday. * Visibilities...One quarter mile or less at times. * Timing...Through Monday morning. * Impacts...Dense fog will lead to low visibility or visibility that changes quickly over short distances. This will make it difficult to react to hazards on the road. You should slow down and leave plenty of stopping distance between you and other vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Legro  875 WWUS53 KGID 220041 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 741 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC141-147-163-220115- /O.CON.KGID.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T0115Z/ Rooks KS-Osborne KS-Phillips KS- 741 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM CDT FOR ROOKS...WESTERN OSBORNE AND SOUTHERN PHILLIPS COUNTIES... At 740 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Logan to near Codell, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Plainville, Stockton, Natoma, Palco, Woodston, Damar, Alton, Zurich, Glade, Speed, Codell and Webster State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3913 9949 3923 9961 3957 9960 3957 9963 3959 9963 3975 9926 3957 9907 3950 9894 3928 9874 3913 9914 TIME...MOT...LOC 0040Z 229DEG 38KT 3959 9965 3924 9917 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...70MPH $$ Heinlein  755 WSAU21 AMMC 220041 YMMM SIGMET G08 VALID 220044/220444 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0740 E10020 - S1120 E09810 - S0420 E08640 - S0810 E08000 - S0600 E07500 - S0200 E07800 - S0200 E09200 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  602 WSPY31 SGAS 220040 SGFA SIGMET 01 VALID 220040/220340 SGAS-SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0030Z E OF LINE S1933 W06057 - S2425 W05840 - S2502 W05426 FL240/410 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  851 WSAU21 AMMC 220043 YMMM SIGMET H32 VALID 220045/220445 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E15130 - S5000 E14430 - S4710 E14740 - S4640 E15040 FL180/340 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  470 WWUS53 KGID 220045 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 745 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC019-093-163-220055- /O.EXP.KGID.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0045Z/ Buffalo NE-Sherman NE-Howard NE- 745 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN BUFFALO... SOUTHEASTERN SHERMAN AND SOUTHWESTERN HOWARD COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4117 9852 4105 9866 4105 9872 4099 9872 4096 9881 4098 9897 4127 9864 TIME...MOT...LOC 0045Z 227DEG 17KT 4107 9875 $$ Heinlein  665 WSBZ31 SBCW 220045 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 220100/220500 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1750 W05743 - S1946 W05809 - S2205 W05801 - S2219 W05549 - S2358 W05525 - S2354 W05424 - S2448 W05425 - S2605 W04846 - S2501 W04743 - S2150 W05208 - S1716 W05354 - S1734 W05441 - S1750 W05743 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  666 WSBZ31 SBCW 220045 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 220100/220500 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB F CST WI S2752 W05336 - S2800 W04640 - S2944 W04615 - S3056 W04721 - S3018 W05733 - S2835 W05604 - S2750 W05507 - S2752 W05336 FL320/380 MOV E 05KT WKN=  024 WSCI38 ZYTX 220041 ZYSH SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB OBS AND FCST N OF N41 S OF N45 FL120/180 MOV E 30KMH NC =  074 WGUS84 KJAN 220047 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 747 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Near Carthage affecting Leake County Pearl River Above Philadelphia affecting Neshoba County Pearl River At Edinburg affecting Leake County Yockanookany River Near Ofahoma affecting Leake County Pearl River At Jackson affecting Hinds and Rankin Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC099-230647- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /PLAM6.1.ER.190410T0715Z.190416T0945Z.190424T0000Z.NO/ 747 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Above Philadelphia * until Wednesday morning. * At 6:45 PM Sunday the stage was 13.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage Tuesday evening. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water begins to affect Burnside Lake Water Park. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Upper Pearl River Philadelphia 13 13.6 Sun 07 PM 13.5 13.2 12.8 Falling && LAT...LON 3289 8922 3291 8915 3293 8902 3292 8893 3284 8892 3277 8918 $$ MSC079-230647- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0084.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /ENBM6.1.ER.190414T0748Z.190419T1030Z.190424T0000Z.NO/ 747 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River At Edinburg * until Wednesday morning. * At 6:45 PM Sunday the stage was 20.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage Tuesday evening. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Minor overbank flooding is occurring south of the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Upper Pearl River Edinburg 20 20.5 Sun 07 PM 20.5 20.3 19.7 Falling && LAT...LON 3280 8951 3285 8935 3289 8922 3277 8918 3273 8932 3268 8946 $$ MSC079-230647- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190426T0000Z/ /CARM6.1.ER.190414T0344Z.190416T0945Z.190425T1200Z.NO/ 747 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Carthage * until Thursday evening. * At 6:45 PM Sunday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage Thursday morning. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Upper Pearl River Carthage 17 19.4 Sun 07 PM 19.3 19.1 18.3 Falling && LAT...LON 3271 8964 3277 8956 3280 8951 3268 8946 3266 8952 3263 8960 $$ MSC079-230647- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /OFAM6.1.ER.190414T0518Z.190417T1945Z.190424T0000Z.NO/ 747 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yockanookany River Near Ofahoma * until Wednesday morning. * At 6:45 PM Sunday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Minor overbank flooding of farmland along the river is occurring. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Yockanookany River Ofahoma 19 19.7 Sun 07 PM 19.6 19.4 18.6 Falling && LAT...LON 3267 8975 3280 8976 3295 8972 3293 8958 3280 8964 3271 8964 $$ MSC049-121-230647- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0091.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JACM6.1.ER.190415T0645Z.190419T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 747 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River At Jackson * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 28.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting at 28.9 feet. * Impact...At 28.0 feet...Minor flooding of lowland near the river is occurring. Water begins to back up into several creeks and streams in the Jackson area. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Middle Pearl River Jackson 28 28.9 Sun 07 PM 28.7 28.5 28.4 Cresting && LAT...LON 3193 9025 3212 9034 3243 9013 3237 9002 3213 9020 3198 9012 $$  838 WWNZ40 NZKL 220043 GALE WARNING 407 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 220000UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. LOW 947HPA NEAR 67S 153W MOVING NORTHNORTHEAST 15KT. 1. IN A BELT 120 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 63S 165W 60S 167W 56S 168W: SOUTHERLY 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREA THEN MOVING NORTHNORTHEAST 15KT. 2. OUTSIDE AREA 1 AND WITHIN 360 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM SOUTHWEST THROUGH NORTHWEST TO NORTH: CLOCKWISE 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING NORTHNORTHEAST 15KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 402.  839 WWNZ40 NZKL 220042 GALE WARNING 406 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 220000UTC IN A BELT 180 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 50S 128W 51S 124W 53S 119W: NORTHWEST 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 35KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 401.  840 WWNZ40 NZKL 220044 GALE WARNING 408 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 220000UTC LOW 972HPA NEAR 57S 161W MOVING EAST 50KT. 1. IN A BELT 420 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 55S 179E 54S 169W 53S 155W: CLOCKWISE 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 60KT. 2. OUTSIDE AREA 1 AND WITHIN 300 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM WEST THROUGH NORTH TO NORTHEAST: CLOCKWISE 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 50KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 403.  121 WSAU21 AMMC 220047 YMMM SIGMET I07 VALID 220100/220500 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4300 E14200 - S2500 E13300 - S2900 E14000 - S4400 E14600 - S4600 E14400 FL260/400 MOV E 25KT NC=  776 WSBZ31 SBRE 220049 SBAO SIGMET 1 VALID 220105/220335 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0556 W03244 - S0635 W03142 - S0327 W02756 - S0225 W02919 - S0315 W03205 - S0404 W03149 - S0556 W03244 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  609 WGUS82 KRAH 220049 FLSRAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Raleigh, NC 849 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Neuse River At Smithfield affecting Johnston County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message. If you encounter deep water while driving, do not attempt to drive through. Turn around, dont drown. && NCC101-221249- /O.CON.KRAH.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SMFN7.1.ER.190413T1437Z.190426T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 849 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Neuse River At Smithfield. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 13.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage by tomorrow early afternoon and continue to rise to near 16.3 feet by early Friday morning. Additional rises are possible thereafter. * Impact...At 15.0 feet, Minor flood stage. Flooding begins along the Neuse riverwalk. Water nears the base of the holding tank at the water treatment plant. && The following are the latest observations and 7 AM EST forecast stages for the next several days. FLD OBSERVED FORECAST 7 AM EST LOCATION STG STG DAY TIME Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Neuse River Smithfield 15 13.8 Sun 08 PM 14.6 15.7 15.9 16.1 16.3 && LAT...LON 3554 7829 3548 7834 3544 7829 3541 7833 3547 7842 3556 7835 $$  554 WUUS53 KGID 220050 SVRGID KSC141-147-163-183-NEC083-220130- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0025.190422T0050Z-190422T0130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 750 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Rooks County in north central Kansas... Western Smith County in north central Kansas... Osborne County in north central Kansas... Phillips County in north central Kansas... Southwestern Harlan County in south central Nebraska... * Until 830 PM CDT. * At 749 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles northwest of Logan to 8 miles north of Webster State Park to near Stockton to 6 miles southeast of Natoma, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Phillipsburg, Plainville, Smith Center, Osborne, Stockton, Alma, Downs, Logan, Kensington, Orleans, Natoma, Palco, Agra, Kirwin, Republican City, Woodston, Prairie View, Long Island, Damar and Gaylord. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3913 9929 3922 9945 3926 9961 4002 9963 4032 9949 4008 9918 4001 9919 4000 9919 3999 9913 3998 9896 3950 9850 3913 9880 TIME...MOT...LOC 0049Z 205DEG 34KT 3973 9967 3952 9940 3949 9927 3913 9892 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ Heinlein  570 WGUS84 KJAN 220050 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 750 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Near Rockport affecting Copiah and Simpson Counties Pearl River Near Monticello affecting Lawrence County Pearl River Near Columbia affecting Marion County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC029-127-230649- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0086.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ROCM6.1.ER.190414T0932Z.190420T2215Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 750 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Rockport * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 30.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 30.0 feet...Water begins to back up into higher agricultural and pasture lands, mainly on the Simpson County side of the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Middle Pearl River Rockport 25 30.5 Sun 07 PM 30.2 29.7 29.2 Falling && LAT...LON 3168 9019 3178 9019 3193 9025 3198 9012 3182 9005 3169 9005 $$ MSC077-230649- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0087.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MTCM6.2.ER.190415T0803Z.190421T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 750 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Monticello * until further notice. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 25.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting at 25.9 feet. * Impact...At 25.0 feet...Water begins to flood lower portions of Cooper's Ferry Park in Monticello. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Middle Pearl River Monticello 22 25.9 Sun 07 PM 25.9 25.8 25.6 Cresting && LAT...LON 3140 9008 3155 9017 3168 9019 3169 9005 3155 9002 3140 8992 $$ MSC091-230649- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0092.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLMM6.1.ER.190419T0106Z.190421T1315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 750 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Columbia * until further notice. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 19.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting at 19.5 feet. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Low areas along the river are inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Pearl River Columbia 17 19.5 Sun 07 PM 19.5 19.5 19.3 Cresting && LAT...LON 3100 8979 3121 8992 3140 9008 3140 8992 3124 8981 3100 8969 $$  348 WWCN19 CWVR 220050 WIND WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:50 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: =NEW= SOUTH KLONDIKE HIGHWAY - CARCROSS TO WHITE PASS =NEW= HAINES ROAD - HAINES JUNCTION TO PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE TOWARD THE SOUTHWEST YUKON ON MONDAY. STRONG SOUTHERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP MONDAY AFTERNOON WITH GUSTS NEAR 100 KM/H POSSIBLE FOR HAINES JUNCTION AND THE HAINES ROAD, THEN STRONG SOUTHWEST WINDS WILL DEVELOP ON THE SOUTH KLONDIKE HIGHWAY SHORTLY THEREAFTER. WINDS WILL EASE OVERNIGHT. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  104 WSUS32 KKCI 220055 SIGC MKCC WST 220055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1C VALID UNTIL 0255Z NE FROM 20WNW OBH-20SSE OBH-50SSW OBH-40WSW OBH-20WNW OBH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL420. HAIL TO 1.25 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2C VALID UNTIL 0255Z KS CO FROM 40ESE AKO-60NNW SLN-50ESE GCK-40WSW GLD-40ESE AKO AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 0.75 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3C VALID UNTIL 0255Z MI WI MN LS FROM 70E DLH-40NNE RHI-50N EAU-40SW DLH-70E DLH INTSF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 220255-220655 FROM DLH-SAW-50E ICT-30N LBL-ANW-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  105 WSUS31 KKCI 220055 SIGE MKCE WST 220055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220255-220655 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-140ESE ILM-70E ORF-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  106 WSUS33 KKCI 220055 SIGW MKCW WST 220055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1W VALID UNTIL 0255Z WY UT FROM 40S BPI-50SSW OCS-30ENE SLC-50NE SLC-40S BPI AREA EMBD TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2W VALID UNTIL 0255Z UT FROM 50SSE SLC-30WSW MTU-40NE HVE-40ESE BCE-50SSE SLC DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 220255-220655 FROM 30ESE PIH-50SW DDY-DBL-40SSW SLC-30ESE PIH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  599 WGUS83 KILX 220052 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 752 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Embarras River at Lawrenceville affecting Lawrence County .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC101-221451- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190425T0600Z/ /LAWI2.1.ER.190419T1742Z.190422T0600Z.190425T0000Z.NO/ 752 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Embarras River at Lawrenceville. * Until late Wednesday night. * At 645 PM Sunday the stage was 31.9 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 32.2 feet by tomorrow morning. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 33.0 feet...Kelly's Lake Lane, 1160N, is inundated. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Embarras River Lawrenceville 30 31.9 Sun 7 PM 32.2 31.7 30.7 && LAT...LON 3885 8786 3885 8773 3869 8759 3862 8765 $$ EJL  568 WGUS84 KFWD 220053 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 753 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Navasota River near Easterly affecting Leon and Robertson Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC289-395-221252- /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190423T0508Z/ /EAST2.1.ER.190419T0024Z.190420T0001Z.190422T1708Z.NO/ 753 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for Navasota River near Easterly. * At 700 PM Sunday the stage was 20.45 feet. * Flood stage is 19 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to recede and fall below flood stage by Monday afternoon. && LAT...LON 3132 9626 3105 9619 3102 9631 3132 9638 $$  351 WGUS82 KILM 220053 FLSILM Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington NC 853 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... Lumber Near Lumberton affecting Robeson County NC ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers... Great Pee Dee At Pee Dee affecting Marion and Florence Counties SC PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People with interests along the river should take the necessary precautions to protect life and property from the flood waters. Additional information is available on our website at weather.gov/ilm under the "Rivers and Lakes" link. && NCC155-221654- /O.EXT.KILM.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190426T1800Z/ /LBRN7.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190420T1733Z.190426T0600Z.UU/ 853 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Friday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The Lumber Near Lumberton. * until Friday afternoon. * At 7:50 PM Sunday the stage was 14.19 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall and get below flood stage by early Friday morning. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Flood waters will affect yards in the Pines area, Coxs Pond area, and along River Road. Additional residential property will be affected between the Pepsi plant and the river on the east side of Lumberton. && LAT...LON 3467 7916 3468 7904 3457 7891 3452 7899 3461 7907 3458 7915 $$ SCC041-067-221654- /O.CON.KILM.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PDES1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 853 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Great Pee Dee At Pee Dee. * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 20.92 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 20.5 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Flood waters will affect swamplands and logging interests. Flood waters will affect timberland as far downstream as Yauhannah two weeks after the crest passes Pee Dee. Logging equipment needs to be moved. && LAT...LON 3424 7962 3424 7950 3400 7945 3385 7932 3385 7944 3398 7957 $$ 19  996 WWST02 SBBR 220035 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 292/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - SAT - 20/APR/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 220000 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 231200 UTC.  422 WWCN79 CWVR 220050 AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE EMIS PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 17H50 HAP LE DIMANCHE 21 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR: =NOUVEAU= ROUTE DE KLONDIKE SUD - DE CARCROSS A WHITE PASS =NOUVEAU= ROUTE VERS HAINES - HAINES JUNCTION A PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== DES VENTS FORTS POUVANT CAUSER DES DOMMAGES SOUFFLENT OU SOUFFLERONT. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION SE DEPLACERA VERS LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON LUNDI. DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD SE LEVERONT LUNDI APRES-MIDI ET DES RAFALES A PRES DE 100 KM/H SONT POSSIBLES SUR HAINES JUNCTION ET LA ROUTE DE HAINES, PUIS DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD-OUEST SE LEVERONT SUR LA ROUTE DU KLONDIKE SUD PEU DE TEMPS APRES. CES VENTS FAIBLIRONT AU COURS DE LA NUIT. SOYEZ PRET A ADAPTER VOTRE CONDUITE AUX CONDITIONS ROUTIERES CHANGEANTES EN RAISON DES VENTS FORTS. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  076 WUUS53 KICT 220055 SVRICT KSC009-167-220200- /O.NEW.KICT.SV.W.0023.190422T0055Z-190422T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wichita KS 755 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Russell County in central Kansas... Northern Barton County in central Kansas... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 754 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Natoma to near Bison, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Russell, Hoisington, Lucas, Gorham, Luray, Dorrance, Olmitz, Milberger, Bunker Hill, Paradise, Galatia, Susank, Waldo, Russell Airport, Wilson Lake, Odin and Wilson State Park. This includes Interstate 70 between Mile Markers 175 and 202. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3913 9904 3913 9848 3852 9855 3847 9903 3870 9903 3870 9904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0054Z 243DEG 28KT 3914 9901 3854 9924 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  465 WSAU21 AMMC 220055 YMMM SIGMET M03 VALID 220110/220510 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2900 E14500 - S3200 E14700 - S3600 E14800 - S3700 E14600 - S3600 E14300 - S2900 E14200 FL110/190 MOV E 05KT NC=  972 WHUS74 KBRO 220055 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 755 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Winds Beginning to Diminish along the Coast... GMZ130-132-135-220200- /O.EXP.KBRO.SI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190422T0100Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- 755 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR WINDS WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Southeast winds are diminishing across the Bay waters, but small craft should still use caution. Winds will range from 15 to 20 knots the next few hours. $$ GMZ150-155-220200- /O.EXP.KBRO.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190422T0100Z/ Coastal waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- 755 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Southeast winds are diminishing across the nearshore waters, however, small craft should still exercise caution as winds may still range from 15 to 20 knots the next hour or two. $$ CB  364 WSPF21 NTAA 220055 NTTT SIGMET A1 VALID 220100/220500 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1710 W15240 - S1800 W14720 - S1920 W14740 - S1840 W15250 CB TOP ABV FL450 STNR WKN=  133 WWUS53 KDDC 220056 SVSDDC Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 756 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC195-220106- /O.CAN.KDDC.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190422T0115Z/ Trego KS- 756 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN TREGO COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3860 9936 3913 9927 3913 9904 3847 9905 TIME...MOT...LOC 0056Z 234DEG 39KT 3858 9918 $$ KSC051-165-220115- /O.CON.KDDC.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190422T0115Z/ Rush KS-Ellis KS- 756 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RUSH AND EASTERN ELLIS COUNTIES... At 756 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Loretta, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hays, Victoria, Walker, Catherine, Otis, Schoenchen, Liebenthal, Loretta, Emmeram, Pfeifer, Toulon and Munjor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3860 9936 3913 9927 3913 9904 3847 9905 TIME...MOT...LOC 0056Z 234DEG 39KT 3858 9918 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  831 WSPR31 SPIM 220056 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 220115/220130 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B2 VALID 212330/220130=  812 WGUS73 KGLD 220057 FFSGLD Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 657 PM MDT Sun Apr 21 2019 COC063-220106- /O.EXP.KGLD.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190422T0100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kit Carson CO- 657 PM MDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR WESTERN KIT CARSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 700 PM MDT... The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 3957 10315 3957 10290 3913 10276 3914 10316 $$ Lundquist  844 WSPR31 SPIM 220058 SPIM SIGMET A1 VALID 220115/220200 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 9 VALID 220000/220200=  431 WGUS82 KMHX 220058 FLSMHX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NEWPORT/MOREHEAD CITY, NC 858 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in North Carolina... Contentnea Creek Near Hookerton affecting Greene...Lenoir and Pitt Counties ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Neuse River At Kinston affecting Lenoir County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded areas. Most flood deaths occur in automobiles when people try to drive through flooded areas. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio...local radio...media or cable TV. && NCC079-107-147-230058- /O.EXT.KMHX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ /HOKN7.1.ER.190413T0445Z.190419T1830Z.190426T0600Z.NO/ 858 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning extended for The Contentnea Creek Near Hookerton. * until Friday morning. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 13.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Friday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor flooding of low lying areas adjacent to creek can be expected. Several homes threatened by water in northwest Greene County near HWY 58. && Fld Observed Forecast 8PM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Hookerton 13 13.6 Sun 08 PM 13.4 13.3 13.2 LAT...LON 3550 7766 3544 7746 3539 7750 3545 7774 3559 7782 3558 7781 3561 7777 $$ NCC107-230058- /O.CON.KMHX.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /KINN7.1.ER.190416T1830Z.190421T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 858 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Neuse River At Kinston. * until further notice. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 16.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 16.2 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Flooding of the campground at the Nature Center is expected. Water encroaches onto other properties along the south side of the river. && Fld Observed Forecast 8PM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Kinston 14 16.3 Sun 08 PM 16.2 16.1 16.0 LAT...LON 3528 7763 3536 7748 3533 7743 3522 7750 3521 7761 3520 7784 3526 7783 $$  030 WGUS83 KLMK 220059 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 859 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Rough River near Dundee Green River at Rochester affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Butler...Muhlenberg... Ohio. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are affected by these crests take any necessary actions. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lmk. && KYC183-221558- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /DUNK2.1.ER.190420T0954Z.190421T0945Z.190422T1030Z.NO/ 859 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Rough River near Dundee. * until Monday afternoon. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 26.4 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday morning. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...County roads near Sunnydale flood. && LAT...LON 3755 8649 3743 8694 3743 8710 3752 8713 3751 8696 3766 8653 $$ KYC031-177-183-221558- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /RCHK2.1.ER.190421T1100Z.190422T1800Z.190424T0600Z.NO/ 859 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Rochester. * until Wednesday morning. * At 7:00 AM Sunday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 18.6 feet by Monday early afternoon. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Reeds and Rochester Ferries remain closed. KY 369 floods one mile north of Rochester. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 18.6 feet on Jan 16 2013. && LAT...LON 3728 8680 3718 8690 3727 8697 3739 8678 $$ MRC  845 WHUS71 KBOX 220100 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 900 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ANZ255-256-220900- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 900 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 5 to 15 kt. Seas 6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ250-254-220900- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary- Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- 900 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ233-220500- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190422T0500Z/ Vineyard Sound- 900 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Southwest winds 5 kt or less. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ235-237-220900- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 900 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ251-220900- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0059.190423T0500Z-190423T1000Z/ Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 900 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  891 WGUS84 KLCH 220101 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles La 801 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Texas.. Atchafalaya River At Morgan City Calcasieu River Near Glenmora Mermentau River Near Mermentau Sabine River Near Deweyville LAC099-101-221501- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGL1.2.ER.190112T1424Z.190317T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 801 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Atchafalaya River At Morgan City. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 7.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 7.2 feet by tomorrow evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At stages near 7.0 feet...Buildings at the foot of Ann Street on the river side of the flood wall will flood as water overtops the Rio Oil Company dock. Buildings on the river side of the Berwick floodwall will flood. River traffic restrictions will be strictly enforced. In addition, backwater flooding could potentially impact portions areas around Lake Palourde and Stephensville. * Impact...At stages near 6.0 feet...Flood stage. The city dock will be under water. Water will cover the lower end of Belleview Front Street in Berwick. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. * Impact...At stages near 5.0 feet...Floodwall gates will be closed to protect against higher stages. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. * Impact...At stages near 4.0 feet...Action stage. Water will move up the bank and across access roads below the city dock. Floodwall gates should be closed by the 5 foot stage to protect against higher stages. Vessel traffic will be affected by stronger river current and vessel traffic safety rules will be strictly enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. && LAT...LON 2997 9124 2980 9110 2939 9113 2951 9154 2986 9139 2995 9147 $$ LAC079-221501- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GLML1.1.ER.190408T1437Z.190411T1330Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 801 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Calcasieu River Near Glenmora. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 12.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 12.5 feet. * Impact...At stages near 12.0 feet...When the river is rising and the gauge reading is forecast to reach 12 feet or higher. Roads upstream from Glenmora, including Strothers Crossing Road near the community of Calcasieu and Price Crossing Road near Hineston have water on them and are subject to being closed. Also, flooding of forested areas near the river will occur. && LAT...LON 3115 9275 3105 9265 3090 9262 3090 9269 3113 9279 $$ LAC001-053-113-221501- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /MRML1.1.ER.190419T0345Z.190419T2215Z.190423T0600Z.NO/ 801 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mermentau River Near Mermentau. * until Tuesday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 4.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 4.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday morning. * Impact...At stages near 4.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding near the river will occur. && LAT...LON 3024 9255 3019 9254 3004 9260 3004 9276 3025 9266 $$ LAC011-019-TXC351-361-221501- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DWYT2.1.ER.190407T1422Z.190419T0015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 801 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sabine River Near Deweyville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:45 PM Sunday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 24.1 feet. * Impact...At stages near 24.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding will occur. * Impact...At stages near 23.0 feet...The river is at bankfull stage. && LAT...LON 3057 9363 3011 9364 3011 9378 3031 9381 3062 9378 $$  316 WGUS84 KLZK 220103 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 803 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley...Calhoun and Union Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC011-013-139-221602- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.190406T1400Z.190427T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 803 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 86.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 87.5 feet by Saturday morning. * Impacts at 88.0 feet...River is high enough to stop drainage from Calion Lake. Heavy rainfall in the area could cause the lake to rise towards several homes along the shore. Downstream, water rising into undeveloped areas of the State Park at Moro Bay. Widespread flooding of timber, with access to many oil and gas rigs flooded. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Ouachita River Thatcher L 79 86.3 Sun 07 PM 86.5 86.8 87.0 87.5 07 AM 04/27 && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$  747 WGUS84 KLZK 220103 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 803 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC013-103-221603- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CAMA4.1.ER.190408T0548Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 803 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Camden. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 33.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 34.5 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 34.0 feet...Overbank flooding closes many roads. Harmony Grove community has flood problems at this stage. Many low lying roads are flooding with access to some residential areas by boat only. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Ouachita River Camden 26 33.9 Sun 07 PM 34.1 34.5 34.4 34.5 07 AM 04/23 && LAT...LON 3329 9261 3344 9280 3363 9289 3367 9275 3350 9264 3338 9247 $$  216 WGUS81 KALY 220104 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 904 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NYC113-221303- /O.CON.KALY.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RVRN6.2.RS.190414T1600Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 904 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Schroon River At Riverbank. * Until further notice. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 9.5 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 9.8 feet by 2 PM Monday ...Then begin falling. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Water reaches major flood stage. There is 1 to 2 feet of water in homes and vacation properties near Warrensburg. Route 418 is under water in several locations. Sections of the highway are flooded along the right bank of river mostly upstream of gage. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue Schroon River Riverbank 7.0 9.5 Sun 8 PM 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.7 9.6 && LAT...LON 4366 7385 4369 7366 4347 7372 4347 7377 $$  754 WWUS83 KGLD 220105 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 805 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ003-004-220200- Norton KS-Decatur KS- 805 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTON AND EASTERN DECATUR COUNTIES UNTIL 900 PM CDT... At 804 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 8 miles northwest of Jennings to 6 miles southwest of Prairie View. Movement was north at 15 mph. Pea to dime size hail and wind gusts as high as 45 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Norton, Almena, Lenora, Norcatur, Jennings, Clayton and Edmond. LAT...LON 3957 10040 4000 10040 4000 9962 3958 9963 TIME...MOT...LOC 0104Z 198DEG 15KT 3978 10037 3978 9968 $$ Vincent  098 WSSP31 LEMM 220104 LECM SIGMET 1 VALID 220400/220800 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N3944 W00703 - N3551 W00513 FL240/280 STNR WKN=  172 WGUS83 KARX 220105 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 805 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 .Flooding continues along the Trempealeau River near Dodge. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC011-121-221604- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190426T0000Z/ /DDGW3.1.RS.190419T1152Z.190420T1145Z.190425T0600Z.NO/ 805 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trempealeau River at Dodge. * until Thursday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 9.5 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by Thursday morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...The entrance road to the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge is flooded. && LAT...LON 4404 9158 4420 9163 4423 9158 4422 9158 4402 9149 $$ NMB  967 WOPS01 NFFN 220100 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  198 WGUS84 KLZK 220106 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 806 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Pocahontas affecting Randolph County River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC121-221605- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /POCA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1345Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 806 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Pocahontas. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 17.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will slowly fall to 17.1 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 17.0 feet...Agricultural lands along the river east and south of Pocahontas will be impacted by high water. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Black River Pocahontas 17 17.6 Sun 07 PM 17.4 17.1 17.1 Slowly Falling && LAT...LON 3612 9115 3625 9106 3630 9095 3620 9089 3617 9098 3610 9101 $$  052 WHCA72 TJSJ 220107 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 907 PM AST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...MODERATE TO FRESH EASTERLY TRADE WINDS WILL GENERATE HAZARDOUS SEAS... .Moderate to fresh trade winds with occasionally higher gusts will continue to create hazardous seas across the local outer Atlantic waters overnight through early Monday morning. Choppy seas will also continue over the rest of the regional waters and passages therefore small craft operators should exercise caution. AMZ710-220915- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T1200Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 907 PM AST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM AST MONDAY... * WINDS...15 to 20 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...4 to 7 feet occasionally up to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas of 7 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  035 WGUS83 KARX 220107 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 807 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 .Flooding continues along the Black River near Galesville. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC063-121-221606- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190423T0730Z/ /GALW3.2.RS.190419T0256Z.190420T0115Z.190422T1330Z.NR/ 807 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River Near Galesville. * until late Monday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by Monday morning. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Flooding mainly impacts wildlands and agricultural pasture land. However the approach to the south end of the County Road VV Bridge over the Black River may be flooded. && LAT...LON 4411 9097 4393 9135 4395 9138 4407 9133 4413 9100 $$ NMB  063 WGUS81 KALY 220107 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 907 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NYC043-065-221307- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190422T1600Z/ /HIKN6.2.RS.190420T1230Z.190421T0330Z.190422T1000Z.NO/ 907 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Monday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The West Canada Creek At Hinckley. * Until Monday afternoon. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 1227 feet. * Flood stage is 1227 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 6 AM Monday. * Impact...At 1227 feet...Minor flood stage with two feet of water flowing over the spillway. The river overflows its banks downstream. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue West Canada Cr Hinckley 1227.0 1227.4 Sun 9 PM 1227.2 1226.9 1226.8 1226.6 1226.4 && LAT...LON 4336 7514 4329 7499 4314 7491 4313 7506 4327 7519 $$ NYC043-221307- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190422T1400Z/ /KASN6.1.RS.190420T2000Z.190421T0015Z.190422T0800Z.NO/ 907 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Monday morning... The Flood Warning continues for The West Canada Creek At Kast Bridge. * Until Monday morning. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 6.3 feet. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 4 AM Monday. * Impact...At 6.0 feet...Minor flood stage. The river begins to overflow into low lying RV parks. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue West Canada Cr Kast Bridge 6.0 6.3 Sun 8 PM 6.1 5.8 5.4 5.0 4.9 && LAT...LON 4313 7506 4314 7491 4295 7492 4300 7517 $$  288 WGUS84 KLZK 220107 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 807 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence...Jackson and Lawrence Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC063-067-075-221606- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0049.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BKRA4.1.ER.190414T2310Z.190420T0830Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 807 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Black Rock. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 19.1 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 20.0 feet...Agricultural land is flooding along both banks of the river in Lawrence, Independence, and Jackson counties. Minor flooding in Powhatan Community and Courthouse State Park. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Black River Black Rock 14 20.0 Sun 07 PM 19.7 19.1 18.6 Falling && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$  703 WHZS40 NSTU 220108 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 208 PM SST Sun Apr 21 2019 ASZ001>003-221315- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 208 PM SST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...High Surf Advisory remains in effect... * SURF...Surf heights of 10 to 13 feet with locally higher sets will continue to impact south and east facing shores of all islands. * TIMING...until Wednesday * IMPACTS...Hazardous surfs and rip currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 209 AOAULI ASO SA APERILA 21 2019 ...O loo faaauau Fautuaga mo Galu maualuluga... * GALU...O galu maualuluga e 10 i le 13 futu ma e maualuluga i isi taimi o le a aafia ai pea talafatai i saute ma sasa'e o motu uma o Amerika Samoa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le Aso Lulu * AAFIAGA...E maualuluga galu ma e aave le sami FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga. O le a malolosi foi le aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga. $$ Malala  161 WGUS83 KLOT 220109 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && INC089-111-221508- /O.CON.KLOT.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ /SLBI3.1.ER.190416T0100Z.190419T2130Z.190422T1800Z.NO/ 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby, or from Near I-65 and De Motte downstream to IL/IN state line. * until Monday evening. * At 745 PM Sunday the stage was 9.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday afternoon. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Lowland agricultural flooding begins. && LAT...LON 4122 8756 4128 8728 4117 8725 4111 8753 $$  393 WHCA42 TJSJ 220109 CFWSJU COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 909 PM AST Sun Apr 21 2019 PRZ005-008-221000- /O.CON.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ North Central-Northwest- 909 PM AST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH MONDAY AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Northwest and north central coasts of Puerto Rico. * TIMING...Through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ PRZ001-002-221000- /O.CON.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.190422T1000Z-190422T2200Z/ San Juan and Vicinity-Northeast- 909 PM AST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM AST MONDAY THROUGH MONDAY AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...The coasts of northeast Puerto Rico and the vicinity of the Greater San Juan Metropolitan area. * TIMING...Monday during the day. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  536 WGUS84 KLIX 220109 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Louisiana... Tangipahoa River Near Robert affecting Tangipahoa Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC105-230709- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ /ROBL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1830Z.190423T0800Z.NO/ 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Tangipahoa River Near Robert. * Until Tuesday April 23. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 17.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is now cresting and will fall below flood stage on Tuesday April 23. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Low places along Highway 22 south of Robert will be under water. Water will approach the entrance of Hidden Oaks Campground. Trailers at the camp ground will be unable to be moved out when the river reaches 18 feet. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor flooding near the river with beach areas under water. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Minor flooding near the river. && LAT...LON 3036 9025 3030 9030 3069 9050 3069 9043 $$  962 WGUS83 KARX 220109 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 .Flooding continues along the Wisconsin River near Castle Rock Dam. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC001-057-221609- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190425T2100Z/ /CROW3.3.RS.190418T1310Z.190420T0210Z.190425T0300Z.UU/ 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River at Castle Rock Dam. * At 7:10 PM Sunday the flow was 39116 cfs. * Flood stage is 30000 cfs. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river flow will continue to decrease, dropping below flood stage by Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 40000.0 cfs...Several roads are closed downstream of the dam. && LAT...LON 4392 9007 4402 9002 4402 8996 4377 8984 4377 8990 $$ NMB  411 WUUS53 KDDC 220109 SVRDDC KSC051-145-165-220200- /O.NEW.KDDC.SV.W.0005.190422T0109Z-190422T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Dodge City KS 809 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Dodge City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Pawnee County in south central Kansas... Rush County in central Kansas... Southeastern Ellis County in central Kansas... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 807 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rush Center, moving northeast at 35 mph. This replaces the previous warning for Ellis and Rush counties. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Larned, La Crosse, Victoria, Walker, Otis, Bison, Rush Center, Rozel, Timken, Ash Valley, Sanford, Loretta, Frizell, Pfeifer and Shaffer. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3900 9905 3826 9903 3826 9892 3814 9892 3814 9942 3848 9942 TIME...MOT...LOC 0107Z 241DEG 29KT 3845 9926 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  004 WSPR31 SPIM 220110 SPIM SIGMET B1 VALID 220112/220410 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0040Z WI S1255 W07250 - S1231 W07403 - S1101 W07349 - S1121 W07245 - S1158 W07216 - S1234 W07221 - S1255 W07250 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  535 WWUS53 KGID 220111 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 811 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC141-147-163-183-NEC083-220130- /O.CON.KGID.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190422T0130Z/ Rooks KS-Smith KS-Osborne KS-Phillips KS-Harlan NE- 811 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN ROOKS...WESTERN SMITH...OSBORNE...PHILLIPS AND SOUTHWESTERN HARLAN COUNTIES... At 810 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Long Island to Glade to near Kirwin to 11 miles southwest of Osborne, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Phillipsburg, Smith Center, Osborne, Stockton, Alma, Downs, Logan, Kensington, Orleans, Natoma, Agra, Kirwin, Republican City, Woodston, Prairie View, Long Island, Gaylord, Portis, Alton and Glade. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3915 9910 3943 9932 3956 9960 4002 9963 4032 9949 4008 9918 4001 9919 4000 9919 3999 9913 3998 9896 3950 9850 3913 9880 TIME...MOT...LOC 0110Z 205DEG 34KT 3991 9957 3969 9929 3966 9916 3930 9881 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ Heinlein  838 WHCA72 TJSJ 220111 MWWSPN URGENTE - MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS MARITIMOS Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan PR 907 PM AST domingo 21 de abril de 2019 ...VIENTOS ALISIOS DE MODERADOS A VIGOROSOS GENERARAN OLEAJE PELIGROSO... .Vientos alisios vigorosos con rafagas mas fuertes generaran oleaje peligroso a traves de las aguas mar afuera en el Atlantico el domingo hasta temprano en la manana del lunes. Oleaje picaso continuara sobre el resto de las aguas regionales y pasajes locales, por lo tanto los operadores de pequenas embarcaciones deben ejercer precaucion... AMZ710-220915- Aguas del Atlantico de Puerto Rico e Islas Virgenes americanas desde 10 MN hasta 19.5N- 907 PM AST domingo 21 de abril de 2019 ...ADVERTENCIA PARA LOS OPERADORES DE EMBARCACIONES PEQUENAS PERMANECE EN EFECTO HASTA LAS 8 AM AST DEL LUNES... * VIENTOS...15 a 20 nudos. * OLAS/OLEAJE...4 a 7 pies, ocasionalmente hasta 8 pies. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION/PREPARATIVOS... Una advertencia para lo operadores de embarcaciones pequenas significa que se esperan vientos de 21 a 33 nudos y/o oleaje de 7 pies o mas para producir oleaje peligroso para los operadores de embarcaciones pequenas. Los navegantes inexpertos, especialmente aquellos operando embarcaciones pequenas, deben evitar navegar bajo estas condiciones. && $$  328 WSPA08 PHFO 220111 SIGPAU KZAK SIGMET UNIFORM 4 VALID 220115/220515 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0920 E14400 - N0710 E14830 - N0500 E14430 - N0510 E14100 - N0920 E14400. CB TOPS TO FL500. STNR. NC. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  498 WSPR31 SPIM 220112 SPIM SIGMET C1 VALID 220115/220405 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0040Z WI S1013 W07412 - S0907 W07500 - S0926 W07533 - S0829 W07629 - S0751 W07542 - S0825 W07527 - S0854 W07542 - S0857 W07442 - S0935 W07407 - S1013 W07412 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  183 WHCA42 TJSJ 220112 CFWSPN MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS COSTEROS SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA SAN JUAN PR 909 PM AST domingo 21 de abril de 2019 PRZ005-008-221000- Norte Central-Noroeste- 909 PM AST domingo 21 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS EN EFECTO HASTA EL LUNES EN LA TARDE... * LOCALIZACION...Playas a lo largo de las costas del noroeste y norte central de Puerto Rico. * DURACION...hasta el lunes en la tarde. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$ PRZ001-002-221000- San Juan y vecindad-Noreste- 909 PM AST domingo 21 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS PERMANECE EN EFECTO DESDE LAS 6 AM AST DEL LUNES EN LA MANANA HASTA EL LUNES EN LA TARDE... * LOCALIZACION...Costas de Puerto Rico y vecindad de San Juan y el area metropolitana de Bayamon. * DURACION...durante el dia del lunes. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$  862 WGUS83 KARX 220112 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 812 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 .The flood warning continues for the Wisconsin River near Muscoda. Flooding continues along the Yellow River near Necedah. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC043-049-103-221611- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0047.190423T0600Z-190426T0000Z/ /MUSW3.1.RS.190423T0600Z.190424T0000Z.190425T0600Z.NR/ 812 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River at Muscoda. * from late Monday night to Thursday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:00 PM Sunday the stage was 7.5 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 9.5 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...Flooding may impact some homes in Boscobel. && LAT...LON 4319 9033 4297 9114 4300 9116 4321 9061 4322 9031 $$ WIC057-221611- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190424T0800Z/ /NCAW3.3.RS.190418T2330Z.190420T1930Z.190423T1400Z.UU/ 812 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yellow River at Necedah. * until late Tuesday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:30 PM Sunday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4396 9003 4395 9006 4415 9014 4415 9009 $$ NMB  897 WHUS71 KCAR 220113 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 913 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ANZ050-051-220915- /O.CON.KCAR.SW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 913 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT MONDAY... * SEAS...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swell can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember...breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$  065 WGUS83 KEAX 220113 FLSEAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 813 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kansas... Missouri... Missouri River at St Joseph affecting Doniphan...Andrew and Buchanan Counties. Missouri River at Napoleon affecting Jackson...Lafayette and Ray Counties. Missouri River At Miami affecting Carroll...Chariton and Saline Counties. Missouri River at Waverly affecting Carroll...Lafayette and Saline Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away.This product along with additional weather and stream information is available at www.weather.gov/kc/. && KSC043-MOC003-021-230112- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SJSM7.3.ER.190313T1124Z.190323T0100Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 813 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at St Joseph. * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 19.2 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.3 feet by Wednesday evening then begin falling. * At 19.0 feet...Backwater from the Missouri River floods property along the Nodaway river at Nodaway, Missouri. * At 17.0 feet...Lowland flooding upstream and downstream from St. Joseph occurs. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River St Joseph 17 19.2 Sun 07 PM 19.3 Wednesday evening && LAT...LON 3991 9501 3990 9489 3975 9483 3964 9488 3970 9505 $$ MOC095-107-177-230112- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NAPM7.2.ER.190314T0055Z.190325T1300Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 813 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Napoleon. * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 17.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.9 feet by Thursday evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 17.0 feet...Low-lying areas unprotected by levees begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Napoleon 17 17.8 Sun 08 PM 17.9 Thursday evening && LAT...LON 3916 9415 3922 9417 3925 9386 3918 9384 3911 9405 $$ MOC033-107-195-230112- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WVYM7.3.ER.190314T0639Z.190326T0515Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 813 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Waverly. * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 21.2 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.5 feet by Friday evening then begin falling. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Waverly 20 21.2 Sun 07 PM 21.5 Friday evening && LAT...LON 3925 9386 3933 9331 3928 9327 3922 9330 3918 9384 $$ MOC033-041-195-230112- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MIAM7.3.ER.000000T0000Z.190326T2208Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 813 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Miami. * until further notice. * At 8:23 AM Sunday the stage was 19.0 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain near 18.9 feet * At 18.0 feet...Low-lying rural areas outside of levees begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Miami 18 19.0 Sun 08 AM 18.9 early Thursday afternoon && LAT...LON 3933 9331 3943 9319 3938 9307 3928 9327 $$  689 WGUS84 KLIX 220114 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 814 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Louisiana...Mississippi... Pearl River Near Bogalusa affecting St. Tammany...Washington... Hancock and Pearl River Counties/Parishes Pearl River Near Pearl River affecting St. Tammany...Hancock and Pearl River Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC103-117-MSC045-109-230713- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BXAL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190423T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 814 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Bogalusa. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 21.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.2 feet on Monday April 22 and then remain nearly steady for the next several days. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. At 21 feet, property east of Louisiana Highway 21 along Bogalusa Creek will begin to flood. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. * Impact...At 18.5 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Woodlands along the river and wildlife management property will be flooded && LAT...LON 3067 8976 3067 8990 3100 8979 3100 8969 $$ LAC103-MSC045-109-230713- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PERL1.2.ER.190417T1330Z.190425T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 814 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Pearl River. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.3 feet by Wednesday April 24 then begin to slowly fall. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Improved roads near the river will be covered with low water. Gum Bayou will back up flooding the lower portions of streets in River Garden Subdivision. Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp will remain inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...When the river is falling, water on low lying property and over the lower portions of streets in River Gardens Subdivision will slowly begin to drain. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Lower portions of streets in River Gardens Subdivision will begin to flood. Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp will remain inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. The Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge will be closed to hunting at the 15.5 foot stage. * Impact...At 15.5 feet...Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp are inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. The Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge will be closed to hunting at the 15.5 foot stage. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp are inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...The east and west channels of the river will begin to merge. Honey Island Swamp trails will be under water as inundation of the swamp begins. && LAT...LON 3020 8955 3018 8964 3067 8990 3067 8976 $$  208 WSID20 WIII 220120 WIIZ SIGMET 01 VALID 220120/220500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0323 E10139 - S0436 E10036 - S0443 E10010 - S0326 E09924 - S0212 E09919 - S0114 E10022 - S0323 E10139 TOP FL540 MOV ENE 5KT NC=  573 WGUS83 KIND 220115 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A Flood Warning continues for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... Driftwood River...East Fork White River...Flatrock River... Mississinewa River...Wabash River...White River... .Lowland flooding has developed across many area rivers and streams as a result of approximately 2 to 3 inches of rain that has fallen across portions of central Indiana since Thursday morning. Rain has ended across the area with dry weather expected until Tuesday. Flooding will end on the Driftwood River late Monday and last through the week along the main stem rivers across central Indiana. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Motorists should never drive into flood water. Turn around and go another way. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC005-081-145-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0190.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ /DREI3.1.ER.190421T1215Z.190422T1200Z.190423T0900Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Driftwood River near Edinburgh 2 SW. * until Tuesday afternoon. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 11.6 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 12.0 feet by Monday morning then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage late Monday night. * At 12.0 feet...Lowland flooding reported along Sugar Creek and Big Blue River in southern Johnson County in March 2011. Lowland flooding begins along portions of the Driftwood River in northern Bartholomew County. Water is near CR 950N to Double Y Saddle Club. && LAT...LON 3936 8595 3922 8595 3922 8592 3920 8591 3920 8597 3937 8601 $$ INC071-093-175-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0192.000000T0000Z-190425T1942Z/ /SERI3.2.ER.190420T0352Z.190421T1330Z.190425T0742Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Seymour. * until Thursday afternoon. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 16.9 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Wednesday night. * At 17.0 feet...Flooding becomes more extensive. Although this level is fairly frequent...many local and state roads flood. Seymour gravel pit begins to flood. Livestock and equipment must be relocated to higher ground. High water surrounds river residences near Rockford. CR 760 E south of river gaging station is impassable. && LAT...LON 3905 8583 3886 8599 3877 8613 3879 8620 3893 8604 3906 8587 $$ INC093-101-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0193.000000T0000Z-190429T0645Z/ /BEDI3.1.ER.190422T0113Z.190424T1800Z.190428T1845Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Rivervale. * until Monday April 29. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 19.9 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this evening and continue to rise to near 25.9 feet by Wednesday afternoon. It will fall below flood stage by Sunday April 28. * At 25.0 feet...All county roads across or located in the East Fork of White River flood plain flood. Flooding of agricultural land becomes extensive. The county road on northside of gage floods and gage may be inaccessible except by boat. Local residents in nearby river cabins must park on higher grounds. && LAT...LON 3878 8613 3872 8631 3877 8646 3882 8643 3878 8631 3880 8618 $$ INC093-101-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0217.190423T0400Z-190428T2136Z/ /BFRI3.1.ER.190423T0400Z.190425T1200Z.190428T0936Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Bedford. * from late Monday night to Sunday April 28. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to rise above flood stage late Monday night, crest at 23.2 feet Thursday morning, and then fall below flood stage by Sunday April 28. * At 23.5 feet...Bedford Boat Club Parking Lot covered with water. && LAT...LON 3877 8645 3879 8651 3882 8657 3885 8656 3883 8650 3881 8643 $$ INC093-101-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0218.190423T1200Z-190429T0400Z/ /WLLI3.1.ER.190423T1200Z.190425T1200Z.190428T1600Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Williams. * from Tuesday morning to Monday April 29. * At 5:35 AM Sunday the stage was 6.6 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 10.2 feet by Thursday afternoon. It will fall below flood stage by Sunday April 28. * At 10.0 feet...State Road 450 near Williams and County Road 400 South closed by high water. Lowest campground begins to flood. Additional agricultural flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3880 8653 3875 8667 3869 8673 3872 8681 3880 8668 3885 8656 $$ INC057-095-230100- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0197.000000T0000Z-190423T0100Z/ /ANDI3.1.ER.190421T0325Z.190421T1845Z.190422T1300Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Anderson. * until Monday evening. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 11.2 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday morning. * At 11.0 feet...Flood waters inundate Edgewater Park. Water approaches Grand Avenue east of Broadway Street Bridge. && LAT...LON 4009 8564 4013 8582 4011 8596 4013 8598 4015 8585 4012 8565 $$ INC097-109-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0199.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ /RVNI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1800Z.190423T0900Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Ravenswood. * until Tuesday afternoon. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 6.4 feet Monday afternoon and will fall below flood stage by late Monday night. * At 7.0 feet...Water surrounds homes in River Edge Estates. A few streets flood in Ravenswood. && LAT...LON 3991 8609 3987 8613 3981 8619 3982 8621 3988 8616 3991 8611 $$ INC055-105-119-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0202.000000T0000Z-190426T1840Z/ /SPNI3.1.ER.190420T2224Z.190424T1200Z.190426T0640Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Spencer. * until Friday afternoon. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 14.7 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 15.9 feet by Wednesday morning then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage late Thursday night. * At 15.5 feet...Gosport Road, also known as County Line Road in Owen County, begins to flood on north side of river. Romona Road west of Gosport begins to flood. Flooding of low agricultural land is noticeable. && LAT...LON 3934 8665 3928 8675 3911 8692 3913 8696 3933 8674 3936 8666 $$ INC027-055-083-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190427T1600Z/ /ELLI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1145Z.190427T0400Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Elliston. * until Saturday afternoon. * At 7:45 AM Sunday the stage was 21.3 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Friday night. * At 21.0 feet...Eastern portion of CR 100 S in Greene County floods leading to Plummer. Flooding covers all low bottomlands. && LAT...LON 3912 8692 3908 8694 3900 8693 3900 8697 3905 8699 3913 8696 $$ INC027-055-083-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0181.000000T0000Z-190425T1000Z/ /NWBI3.1.ER.190416T0340Z.190422T0600Z.190424T2200Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Newberry. * until Thursday morning. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 15.3 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 15.4 feet by late tonight then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * At 15.0 feet...Most lowlands flood. A few inches of water on County Road 600 W just north of the river in Mary Long Cutoff Area. && LAT...LON 3900 8694 3892 8700 3885 8712 3887 8715 3894 8708 3900 8696 $$ INC027-051-083-125-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0182.000000T0000Z-190428T1851Z/ /FREI3.1.ER.190415T0712Z.190422T1800Z.190428T0651Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Edwardsport. * until Sunday April 28. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 18.9 feet by Monday afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Sunday April 28. * At 18.6 feet...During June 2010 and March 2011 high water...INDOT closed SR 358 between SR 67 at Edwardsport to SR 57 at Plainville. SR 358 floods on the east side of the river between the levees. && LAT...LON 3885 8712 3877 8723 3855 8723 3855 8726 3879 8729 3887 8715 $$ ILC185-INC027-051-083-125-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0183.000000T0000Z-190501T1245Z/ /PTRI3.1.ER.190416T0745Z.190426T1800Z.190501T0045Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Petersburg. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 21.3 feet by Friday afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Tuesday April 30. * At 21.0 feet...Flooding affects higher bottomlands and may affect a few residents in an area known as Dodge City. Local roads leading to Dodge City area are flooded. State Road 257 south of Washington completely floods at this level if Shoals remains above 16 feet. Ditch Road begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3852 8722 3850 8729 3851 8744 3854 8744 3855 8736 3853 8729 3856 8723 $$ ILC185-INC051-083-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0184.000000T0000Z-190502T0440Z/ /HAZI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190426T1800Z.190501T1640Z.NO/ 815 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Hazleton. * until Thursday May 02. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 21.8 feet Friday afternoon and will fall below flood stage by Wednesday May 01. * At 22.0 feet...In agricultural season, extensive flooding of bottomlands and some of the higher bottomlands is in progress. High water surrounds Residents in river cabins. Oil fields and local roads flood. && LAT...LON 3851 8744 3844 8760 3841 8773 3843 8773 3852 8755 3854 8744 $$ INC045-121-157-165-171-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0175.000000T0000Z-190424T1630Z/ /LAFI3.1.ER.190415T2035Z.190420T1330Z.190424T0430Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Lafayette. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 12.6 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 13.6 feet by Monday afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage late Tuesday night. * At 14.0 feet...Lowland flooding is in progress. High water affects river cabins near North 9th Street. Low county roads are nearly impassable. Tapawingo Park in West Lafayette begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4054 8670 4040 8688 4033 8709 4040 8709 4048 8688 4056 8673 $$ INC045-121-165-171-230114- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0176.000000T0000Z-190425T0936Z/ /CVGI3.1.ER.190416T1030Z.190421T1445Z.190424T2136Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Covington. * until late Wednesday night. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday afternoon. * At 18.0 feet...Five Crossings, a local county river park at old U.S. Highway 136 bridge site, begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4033 8709 4017 8737 3997 8739 3997 8745 4020 8747 4040 8709 $$ INC121-165-167-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0177.000000T0000Z-190426T1424Z/ /MTZI3.1.ER.190415T0510Z.190420T1615Z.190426T0224Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Montezuma. * until Friday morning. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday evening. * At 20.0 feet...Park in southern Montezuma begins to flood. Higher bottomlands begin to flood. Water backs up most local tributaries. River water is at the top of some private levees. Lowest county roads begin to flood. Parke CR 75 W begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3997 8739 3986 8734 3977 8736 3977 8740 3985 8741 3997 8745 $$ INC121-165-167-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0203.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ /CLNI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T0600Z.190423T0900Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Clinton. * until Tuesday afternoon. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 18.8 feet late tonight and will fall below flood stage by late Monday night. * At 20.0 feet...Low bottomlands flood. Water begins to back up local tributaries. River road near Mecca is impassable. Higher county roads and bottomlands begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3977 8735 3967 8736 3960 8736 3960 8741 3966 8742 3977 8740 $$ ILC023-033-INC153-167-230114- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0178.000000T0000Z-190427T0730Z/ /TERI3.1.ER.190415T1700Z.190421T1330Z.190426T1930Z.UU/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Terre Haute. * until late Friday night. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 20.1 feet. This is 2.0 to 2.5 feet higher than the observations from the old legacy gauge. * Flood stage is 16.5 feet. This is 2.5 feet higher than flood stage from the old legacy gauge. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday afternoon. * At 20.5 feet...Residential property of about 50 river cabins begin to flood. North Lake and Izaak Walton Areas near West Terre Haute begin to flood. Flooding closes more county roads. Lowland agricultural flooding is in progress. && LAT...LON 3960 8736 3943 8740 3930 8757 3932 8763 3945 8747 3960 8741 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-230114- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0163.000000T0000Z-190429T0600Z/ /HUTI2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190423T0600Z.190428T1800Z.NO/ 815 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Hutsonville Legacy Power Plant Site. * until Monday April 29. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 20.2 feet late Monday night and will fall below flood stage by Sunday April 28. * At 20.0 feet...Leaverton Park in Palestine and park in Hutsonville begin to flood. Agricultural flooding spreads to higher land. Seep water is noticeable behind levees. Some elevated river cottages are surrounded by water. Several county or township roads east of Lincoln Heritage Trail between Palestine and Hutsonville in Crawford County Illinois are impassable. && LAT...LON 3930 8757 3923 8754 3912 8762 3914 8768 3922 8762 3932 8763 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-230114- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0164.000000T0000Z-190429T0800Z/ /RVTI3.2.ER.190331T0845Z.190421T1315Z.190428T2000Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Riverton. * until Monday April 29. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 18.9 feet by Tuesday afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Sunday April 28. * At 18.5 feet...High water surrounds elevated river cabins. County roads to these cabins are impassable. Agricultural flooding is in progress. Seep water develops behind levees. && LAT...LON 3913 8761 3899 8748 3886 8750 3885 8756 3898 8759 3913 8767 $$ ILC101-185-INC083-230114- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0204.000000T0000Z-190428T0300Z/ /VCNI3.1.ER.190419T1930Z.190424T0000Z.190427T1500Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Vincennes. * until Saturday evening. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 17.4 feet by Tuesday evening then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Saturday morning. * At 18.0 feet...Agricultural lands and some oil fields flood. Several township roads about 1.25 miles south of St. Francesville and River Road between Billett Road and Lincoln Memorial Bridge in Lawrence County are flooded. Extensive flooding of Kimmell Park at Vincennes. && LAT...LON 3887 8750 3874 8746 3846 8764 3847 8778 3871 8756 3886 8756 $$ ILC047-059-185-193-INC051-083-129-230114- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0187.000000T0000Z-190501T1330Z/ /MCRI2.1.ER.190419T1048Z.190425T1200Z.190501T0130Z.NO/ 815 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Mount Carmel. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 21.1 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 22.5 feet by Thursday morning then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Tuesday April 30. * At 22.9 feet...Water begins to flow over River Road just north of Fifth Street in the Mount Carmel area. && LAT...LON 3846 8765 3828 8781 3822 8794 3822 8800 3827 8800 3847 8777 $$ INC005-220145- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0224.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /FLCI3.1.ER.190421T0616Z.190421T1545Z.190422T0021Z.NO/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Flatrock River near Columbus. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 11.0 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at Sun 08:21 PM. * Forecast...It will continue to fall. * At 12.0 feet...On April 6, 2011 after reaching 13 feet...Noblitt Park...CR 400N and Owens Bend Park remained flooded. && LAT...LON 3934 8583 3926 8588 3921 8592 3920 8595 3927 8593 3935 8589 $$ INC035-135-220145- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0219.000000T0000Z-190422T0115Z/ /RIDI3.2.ER.190420T1433Z.190421T0345Z.190421T2020Z.UU/ 915 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Mississinewa River near Ridgeville. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 8.4 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at Sun 04:20 PM. * Forecast...It will continue to fall. * At 10.0 feet...Mississinewa River banks about one mile east of Ridgeville and in other areas begin to overflow at this level. && LAT...LON 4026 8496 4024 8528 4038 8551 4041 8543 4030 8527 4029 8495 $$  554 WGUS82 KCHS 220116 FLSCHS Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 916 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 SCC015-043-089-230115- /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JAMS1.1.ER.190411T0800Z.190419T2030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 916 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santee River near Jamestown. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 12.4 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will very gradually fall. * At 12.0 feet, several dirt logging roads are impassable. && LAT...LON 3347 8002 3354 7998 3325 7937 3321 7938 3320 7951 3329 7976 $$  676 WSID20 WIII 220120 WIIZ SIGMET 02 VALID 220120/220500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0058 E09936 - S0234 E09838 - S0214 E09748 - S0130 E09556 - N0204 E09752 - N0058 E10014 - S0058 E09936 TOP FL540 MOV NNE 5KT NC=  574 WSPS21 NZKL 220117 NZZO SIGMET 1 VALID 220117/220119 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 37 212119/220119=  662 WGUS84 KLIX 220117 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 817 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Louisiana... Bogue Chitto River Near Bush affecting St. Tammany Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC103-230716- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /BSHL1.1.ER.190420T1119Z.190420T1130Z.190424T0600Z.NO/ 817 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Bogue Chitto River Near Bush. * Until Wednesday April 24. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 12.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting now and will fall below flood stage on Wednesday April 24. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...The access road upstream of the bridge will flood. The river will leave the main channel on the left bank below the bridge flooding woodlands on either side of Louisiana Highway 21. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Gravel pits upstream of Louisiana Highway 21 will begin to overflow threatening property at lower elevations on either side of Highway 21 in the vicinity of the bridge. && LAT...LON 3067 8995 3063 8983 3053 8978 3053 8982 3058 8986 3062 8999 3081 9018 3081 9012 $$  768 WUUS53 KGID 220117 SVRGID KSC089-123-141-183-220200- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0026.190422T0117Z-190422T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 817 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Mitchell County in north central Kansas... Jewell County in north central Kansas... Eastern Smith County in north central Kansas... Osborne County in north central Kansas... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 817 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Harlan to near Osborne to near Luray, moving northeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Beloit, Smith Center, Osborne, Downs, Mankato, Cawker City, Glen Elder, Jewell, Lebanon, Tipton, Burr Oak, Gaylord, Portis, Esbon, Ionia, Hunter, Harlan, Montrose and Bellaire. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3931 9893 3981 9883 4000 9849 4000 9813 3985 9807 3945 9813 3932 9823 3922 9836 3922 9849 3913 9849 3913 9901 TIME...MOT...LOC 0117Z 224DEG 44KT 3962 9880 3935 9870 3910 9874 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ Heinlein  210 WSPR31 SPIM 220114 SPIM SIGMET D1 VALID 220114/220115 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A4 VALID 212315/220115=  961 WWUS53 KICT 220118 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC009-167-220200- /O.CON.KICT.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Russell KS-Barton KS- 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR RUSSELL AND NORTHERN BARTON COUNTIES... At 815 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles northwest of Luray to 5 miles north of Otis, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Russell, Hoisington, Lucas, Gorham, Luray, Dorrance, Olmitz, Milberger, Bunker Hill, Paradise, Galatia, Susank, Waldo, Russell Airport, Wilson Lake, Odin and Wilson State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Galatia and northwest Barton county is closest to the strongest parts of this line of thunderstorms. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3913 9904 3913 9848 3852 9855 3847 9903 3870 9903 3870 9904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0115Z 243DEG 28KT 3922 9882 3862 9905 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  041 WGUS83 KOAX 220118 FLSOAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River at Plattsmouth affecting Mills and Cass Counties. Missouri River At Brownville affecting Atchison and Nemaha Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River At Nebraska City affecting Fremont and Otoe Counties. Missouri River At Rulo affecting Holt and Richardson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax && IAC129-NEC025-221617- /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTMN1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190419T2230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Plattsmouth. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 27.7 feet...or 1.7 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.7 feet by late Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4106 9591 4107 9574 4078 9572 4078 9587 4092 9585 $$ IAC071-NEC131-221617- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NEBN1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190416T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Nebraska City. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 20.5 feet...or 2.5 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.6 feet by after midnight tomorrow then begin falling. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 20.4 feet by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4078 9587 4078 9572 4048 9554 4048 9580 4074 9590 $$ MOC005-NEC127-221617- /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190502T0000Z/ /BRON1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T0130Z.190501T1800Z.NO/ 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Brownville. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 36.2 feet...or 2.2 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. && LAT...LON 4048 9580 4048 9554 4026 9544 4026 9563 4044 9574 $$ MOC087-NEC147-221617- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RULN1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 818 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Rulo. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 20.3 feet...or 3.3 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.4 feet by Wednesday evening then begin falling. && LAT...LON 4026 9563 4026 9544 3991 9501 3982 9503 3997 9536 $$  443 WGUS83 KIWX 220118 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers... Blanchard River at Ottawa affecting Putnam County ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Auglaize River near Fort Jennings affecting Allen...Paulding and Putnam Counties Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .River levels still high from previous days rainfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. && INC001-179-230118- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190424T0900Z/ /LYNI3.1.ER.190421T0915Z.190422T0600Z.190423T0900Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Wabash River near Linn Grove * until late Tuesday night. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 12.0 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 12.1 feet around 2 AM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 5 AM Tuesday April 23. * At 12.0 feet...The flooding of county roads begin. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 12.4 feet which occurred on Dec 29 2015. && LAT...LON 4069 8510 4072 8508 4064 8499 4061 8502 $$ INC179-230118- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190424T1912Z/ /BLFI3.1.ER.190421T0233Z.190422T1200Z.190423T1912Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Wabash River near Bluffton * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 10.7 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 11.4 feet around 8 AM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 3 PM Tuesday April 23. * At 11.0 feet...River Road at Bluffton begins to flood. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 11.0 feet which occurred on Dec 2 2011. && LAT...LON 4085 8552 4088 8541 4078 8512 4072 8508 4069 8511 $$ OHC003-125-137-230015- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190423T0015Z/ /FTJO1.1.ER.190421T1220Z.190421T2000Z.190422T0015Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Auglaize River near Fort Jennings * until Monday evening. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 13.0 feet and steady. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 13.0 foot flood stage around 8 PM Sunday April 21. * At 13.0 feet...Minor flooding begins in the northwest Ohio counties of northwest Allen, northeast Van Wert, and southwest Putnam. Farm land nearest the Auglaize river will be affected by flood water. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 13.3 feet which occurred on Jul 24 2017. && LAT...LON 4081 8440 4101 8426 4100 8422 4092 8423 4081 8433 $$ OHC039-069-230118- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190424T0925Z/ /DEFO1.1.ER.190421T0120Z.190422T0600Z.190423T0925Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Maumee River near Defiance * until late Tuesday night. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 12.0 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 12.2 feet around 2 AM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 5 AM Tuesday April 23. * At 12.3 feet...Flooding begins on Auglaize and East Front Streets and in the rear of the building at Leever Glass. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 12.3 feet which occurred on Dec 30 2015. && LAT...LON 4121 8465 4127 8467 4131 8431 4128 8431 $$ INC001-003-OHC161-230118- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190424T2320Z/ /DCRI3.1.ER.190421T0139Z.190422T1200Z.190423T2320Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Saint Marys River near Decatur * until Wednesday evening. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 19.5 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 19.9 feet around 8 AM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 7 PM Tuesday April 23. * At 19.5 feet...Flooding expands into more farm land in the Decatur area. Flood waters approach Piqua Road...US 224...Ohio State Route 49 and Indiana 101 just north of Pleasant Mills. Flood water begins to cross Ohio highway 49 north of Wilshire, Ohio. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.7 feet which occurred on Dec 29 2015. && LAT...LON 4093 8506 4094 8504 4084 8491 4082 8494 $$ OHC039-051-171-230118- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190425T2230Z/ /STRO1.1.ER.190421T0300Z.190423T0000Z.190424T2230Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Tiffin River near Stryker * until Thursday evening. * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 12.1 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 12.7 feet around 8 PM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 6 PM Wednesday April 24. * At 13.0 feet...Flood waters begin to affect some farm buildings near Stryker and flood some secondary roads. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 13.1 feet which occurred on Jul 15 2017. && LAT...LON 4130 8444 4149 8446 4159 8439 4159 8429 4130 8438 $$ OHC137-220148- /O.CAN.KIWX.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190424T0112Z/ /OTTO1.1.ER.190421T1215Z.190421T1530Z.190421T2015Z.NO/ 918 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Blanchard River at Ottawa * At 8 PM Sunday the stage was 22.9 feet * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * The river fell below flood stage Sunday afternoon. * Forecast...The river will fall to near 22.9 feet around 2 AM Monday April 22. * At 23.0 feet...Lowland flooding occurs mainly in south Ottawa. Flood water also gets into low farmlands. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 23.3 feet which occurred on Dec 30 2015. && LAT...LON 4103 8429 4107 8429 4108 8404 4100 8401 4104 8416 $$  179 WWCN16 CWHX 220118 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:48 P.M. NDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: BAY ST. GEORGE CORNER BROOK AND VICINITY GROS MORNE PARSON'S POND - HAWKE'S BAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAINFALL, COMBINED WITH MELTING SNOW, IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. SHOWERS WILL INTENSIFY THIS EVENING WITH RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 15 TO 30 MM EXPECTED BY EARLY MONDAY MORNING. THE POTENTIAL FOR HIGHER AMOUNTS EXISTS, ESPECIALLY OVER HIGHER ELEVATIONS WHERE ACCUMULATIONS COULD REACH AND POTENTIALLY EXCEED 50 MM. FURTHERMORE, THE RAIN WILL COMBINE WITH MILD TEMPERATURES TO CAUSE SIGNIFICANT SNOWMELT AND AN INCREASED POTENTIAL FOR LOCALIZED FLOODING. SHOWERS ARE EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF BY NOON ON MONDAY. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. WATCH FOR POSSIBLE WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. RAINFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  398 WSMO31 ZMUB 220100 ZMUB SIGMET 01 VALID 220200/220800 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4569 E11622 - N4653 E09227 - N4916 E08783 - N5214 E09890 - N5011 E10330 - N4954 E11545 - N4662 E11969 - N4569 E11622 FL300/390 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  489 WSPA09 PHFO 220119 SIGPAV KZAK SIGMET VICTOR 1 VALID 220120/220520 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0420 E16000 - S0010 E16000 - N0010 E15710 - N0330 E15710 - N0420 E16000. CB TOPS TO FL500. STNR. NC. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  943 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220120 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0033 W06034 - S0023 W05705 - S0347 W05609 - S1106 W05845 - S0924 W06157 - S0313 W06151 - S0033 W06034 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  266 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220120 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0145 W05323 - S0103 W04937 - S0345 W04915 - S0436 W05302 - S0145 W05323 TOP FL480 MOV W 0 5KT NC=  869 WSPA07 PHFO 220121 SIGPAT KZAK SIGMET TANGO 5 VALID 220125/220525 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0430 W17730 - N0410 W17030 - N0020 W17050 - N0200 W17750 - N0430 W17730. CB TOPS TO FL550. STNR. NC. BASED ON SATELLITE OBS.  893 WGUS42 KCAE 220122 FLWCAE BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Columbia SC 922 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...River Flood Warning for the Following River in South Carolina... Congaree River at Carolina Eastman Affecting Calhoun...Lexington and Richland Counties Congaree River at Congaree National Park-Gadsden affecting Calhoun and Richland Counties .Heavy rain in the headwaters and reservoir releases have resulted in elevated river stages along the Congaree. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to noaa weather radio... local media or the internet for further statements and updated forecasts. && SCC017-063-079-230122- /O.NEW.KCAE.FL.W.0029.190422T0404Z-190423T1400Z/ /CEAS1.1.ER.190422T0404Z.190422T0600Z.190422T1400Z.UU/ 922 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Columbia has issued a * Flood Warning for the Congaree River at Carolina Eastman. * Through Monday...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 114.7 feet. * Flood stage is 115 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river at Carolina Eastman will crest around 115.1 feet during the early morning hours Monday. * At 115 feet...Flooding occurs in low lying areas of the Carolina Eastman Facility and at the Congaree National Park. && LAT...LON 3396 8100 3387 8092 3379 8097 3394 8106 $$ SCC017-079-230122- /O.NEW.KCAE.FL.W.0030.190422T1200Z-190424T0300Z/ /GADS1.1.ER.190422T1200Z.190422T1800Z.190423T0300Z.UU/ 922 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Columbia has issued a * Flood Warning for the Congaree River at Congaree National Park-Gadsden * Through Tuesday night...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 14.1 feet. * Flood stage is 15 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river at Congaree River at Congaree National Park-Gadsden will crest around 15.1 feet Monday and Monday evening. * At 15 feet...Flooding begins in the Congaree National Park. && LAT...LON 3384 8090 3380 8083 3377 8085 3380 8091 $$  957 WGUS81 KALY 220122 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 922 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NYC091-113-221322- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T1948Z/ /HDYN6.1.RS.190420T2215Z.190421T1730Z.190422T1348Z.NO/ 922 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Monday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The Hudson River At Hadley. * Until Monday afternoon. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 15.2 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 9 AM Monday. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Water reaches minor flood stage and overflows into low lying areas. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue Hudson River Hadley 14.0 15.2 Sun 9 PM 14.8 14.3 13.3 12.6 12.1 && LAT...LON 4342 7392 4341 7380 4341 7380 4320 7375 4318 7386 $$ NYC091-115-221321- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190424T1800Z/ /FTEN6.1.RS.190421T0232Z.190421T1032Z.190424T1200Z.NO/ 922 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Wednesday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The Hudson River At Fort Edward. * From 6 AM Tuesday until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 26.8 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 8 AM Wednesday. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Moderate flood stage. Water floods River Road in Northumberland and reaches camps in Lake Luzerne. It may also result in flooding in Stillwater. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue Hudson River Fort Edward 26.0 26.8 Sun 09 PM 26.5 26.8 26.3 26.0 25.7 && LAT...LON 4327 7365 4333 7351 4313 7350 4310 7364 $$  958 WGUS84 KJAN 220122 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River At Sunflower affecting Sunflower County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC163-230723- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YZOM6.1.ER.190103T1005Z.190419T0800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 34.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting at 34.6 feet. * Impact...At 34.0 feet...Minor flooding of mostly agricultural land is occurring outside levee protection system. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Yazoo River Yazoo City 29 34.6 Sun 07 PM 34.5 34.5 34.4 Cresting && LAT...LON 3262 9073 3285 9055 3302 9051 3301 9033 3283 9042 3259 9062 $$ MSC133-230723- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SUNM6.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190419T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River At Sunflower * until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 24.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 23.0 feet...Farm roads to catfish ponds become inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Big Sunflower River Sunflower 21 24.4 Sun 07 PM 24.1 23.6 23.0 Falling && LAT...LON 3324 9081 3363 9062 3388 9075 3399 9059 3363 9048 3324 9064 $$ MSC125-230723- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ANGM6.1.ER.190221T1500Z.190419T0500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla * until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 47.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 45.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 47.6 feet. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Big Sunflower River Anguilla 45 47.6 Sun 07 PM 47.6 47.6 47.6 Cresting && LAT...LON 3255 9079 3294 9084 3324 9081 3324 9064 3293 9067 3262 9073 $$  404 WUUS53 KGID 220122 SVRGID KSC147-183-NEC061-065-083-220200- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0027.190422T0122Z-190422T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Smith County in north central Kansas... Northern Phillips County in north central Kansas... Franklin County in south central Nebraska... Eastern Furnas County in south central Nebraska... Harlan County in south central Nebraska... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 822 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Prairie View to near Long Island to 10 miles north of Phillipsburg to near Athol, moving north at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Alma, Franklin, Oxford, Beaver City, Orleans, Stamford, Republican City, Long Island, Prairie View, Edison, Naponee, Bloomington, Huntley, Athol, Ragan, Hollinger, Woodruff and Harlan County Dam. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4026 9984 4034 9946 4034 9927 4024 9879 3974 9887 3983 9926 3983 9963 4000 9963 4000 9980 TIME...MOT...LOC 0122Z 179DEG 25KT 3985 9963 3989 9946 3989 9927 3983 9897 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ Heinlein  374 WGUS84 KLZK 220122 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC145-147-221621- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /AUGA4.2.ER.190104T0045Z.190216T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 822 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Augusta. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 31.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 32.0 feet by tomorrow evening. * Impacts at 32.0 feet...Thousands of acres of cropland and farm roads are flooded in White and Woodruff counties. Water is isolating homes and camps along the river in White and Woodruff counties. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Augusta 26 31.5 Sun 08 PM 31.8 32.0 31.8 32.0 07 PM 04/22 && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$  667 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0033 W06034 - S0023W05705 - S0347 W05609 - S1106 W05845 - S0924 W06157 - S0313 W06151 - S0033 W06034 TOP FL480 MOV W05KT NC=  668 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 26 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0051 W04929 - S0048 W04138- S0407 W04237 - S0427 W04314 - S0606 W04444 - S0136 W05119 - N0051 W04929 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  669 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0139 W06358 - S0137 W05132- S0723 W05132 - S1208 W05656 - S0643 W06645 - N0132 W06815 - N0139 W06358 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  670 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 27 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0900 W06300 - S1342 W05340 -S1646 W05336 - S1726 W05702 - S1325 W06025 - S1129 W06449 - S0943 W06516 - S0900 W06300 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  671 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 28 VALID 212130/220130 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0705 W04857 - S0832 W04646- S0940 W04747 - S0933 W04857 - S1017 W04955 - S1011 W05119 - S0725 W05035 - S0705 W04857 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  672 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0145 W05323 - S0103W04937 - S0345 W04915 - S0436 W05302 - S0145 W05323 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  534 WGUS84 KLZK 220125 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 825 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Georgetown affecting Prairie...White and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC117-145-147-221624- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-190430T0600Z/ /GEOA4.1.ER.190422T0600Z.190425T0600Z.190429T0000Z.NO/ 825 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Georgetown. * until Tuesday April 30...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by after midnight tonight and continue to rise to near 21.5 feet by early Thursday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by next Sunday evening. * Impacts at 22.0 feet...Farm fields and farm roads on either side of Highway 36 west of Georgetown inundated. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Georgetown 21 21.0 Sun 08 PM 21.0 21.2 21.4 21.5 01 AM 04/25 && LAT...LON 3500 9155 3508 9151 3514 9152 3515 9137 3506 9139 3498 9142 $$  506 WSID20 WIII 220128 WIIZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220128/220500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0909 E11013 - S1100 E10539 - S0950 E10502 - S0837 E10449 - S0838 E10810 - S0909 E11013 TOP FL520 MOV ESE 10KT NC=  507 WSCI45 ZHHH 220124 ZHWH SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N28 FL250/380 STNR NC=  676 WGUS83 KLSX 220126 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 826 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Kaskaskia River...at Vandalia at Carlyle Tailwater River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC051-230125- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /VNDI2.1.ER.190418T2145Z.190420T1430Z.190422T1200Z.NO/ 826 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Kaskaskia River at Vandalia * until Tuesday morning. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 20.1 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage Monday morning. * Impact: At 19.2 feet...State Highway J just east of County Road 206 begins to flood near this height. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Kaskaskia River Vandalia 18.0 20.12 18.0 14.4 13.9 13.7 13.5 && LAT...LON 3903 8910 3903 8906 3885 8909 3879 8919 3882 8922 $$ ILC027-230125- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0097.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CRLI2.1.ER.190403T0500Z.190406T1345Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 826 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Kaskaskia River at Carlyle Tailwater * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 426.0 feet. * Flood stage is 423.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to near 425.9 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 424.5 feet...Some cabins just below the dam are inundated. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Kaskaskia River Carlyle TW 423.5 425.96 426.0 425.9 425.9 425.9 425.9 && LAT...LON 3862 8936 3861 8933 3851 8937 3849 8942 3854 8942 $$  064 WGUS84 KLZK 220126 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 826 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Des Arc affecting Prairie County River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC117-221625- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-190502T1200Z/ /DSCA4.1.ER.190420T2100Z.190426T1200Z.190501T0600Z.NO/ 826 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Thursday May 02...The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Des Arc. * until Thursday May 02...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 24.5 feet by Friday morning. * Impacts at 24.0 feet...Many acres of farmland flooded within the levees. Water is backing up Bayou Des Arc and Cypress Bayou. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Des Arc 24 24.1 Sun 08 PM 24.2 24.2 24.3 24.5 07 AM 04/26 && LAT...LON 3466 9139 3477 9150 3500 9155 3498 9142 3482 9138 3472 9129 $$  370 WUUS53 KICT 220127 SVRICT KSC009-220230- /O.NEW.KICT.SV.W.0024.190422T0127Z-190422T0230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wichita KS 827 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Barton County in central Kansas... * Until 930 PM CDT. * At 827 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Shaffer, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Great Bend, Hoisington, Ellinwood, Claflin, Pawnee Rock, Albert, Olmitz, Galatia, Susank, Great Bend Airport, Cheyenne Bottoms and Odin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3869 9903 3870 9848 3826 9848 3826 9903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0127Z 249DEG 29KT 3846 9910 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  290 WGUS84 KLZK 220127 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 827 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Clarendon affecting Arkansas and Monroe Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC001-095-221627- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA4.2.ER.190112T1500Z.190225T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 827 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Clarendon. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 28.5 feet by next Sunday morning. * Impacts at 28.0 feet...Flooding of cropland and timber is occurring. Roads to homes and cabins in lower Maddox Bay area off Highway 146 south of Clarendon impassible. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Clarendon 26 28.0 Sun 08 PM 28.1 28.2 28.2 28.5 07 AM 04/28 && LAT...LON 3435 9119 3449 9132 3466 9139 3472 9129 3455 9120 3442 9108 $$  690 WWUS53 KDDC 220128 SVSDDC Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 828 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC051-220138- /O.CAN.KDDC.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Ellis KS- 828 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN ELLIS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3869 9906 3826 9903 3826 9892 3814 9892 3814 9942 3848 9935 TIME...MOT...LOC 0128Z 258DEG 22KT 3844 9912 $$ KSC145-165-220200- /O.CON.KDDC.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Pawnee KS-Rush KS- 828 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN PAWNEE AND EASTERN RUSH COUNTIES... At 828 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Shaffer, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Larned, Otis, Bison, Rush Center, Rozel, Timken, Ash Valley, Sanford, Frizell and Shaffer. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3869 9906 3826 9903 3826 9892 3814 9892 3814 9942 3848 9935 TIME...MOT...LOC 0128Z 258DEG 22KT 3844 9912 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JJOHNSON  363 WWUS53 KICT 220128 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 828 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC167-220138- /O.CAN.KICT.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Russell KS- 828 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR RUSSELL COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3870 9903 3870 9853 3852 9855 3847 9903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0128Z 243DEG 28KT 3927 9870 3867 9893 $$ KSC009-220200- /O.CON.KICT.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Barton KS- 828 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN BARTON COUNTY... At 828 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles north of Luray to near Milberger, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hoisington, Olmitz, Galatia, Susank and Odin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3870 9903 3870 9853 3852 9855 3847 9903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0128Z 243DEG 28KT 3927 9870 3867 9893 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  875 WGUS84 KLZK 220129 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Cache River Near Patterson affecting Jackson and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC067-147-221628- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0047.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T2100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Cache River Near Patterson. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 10.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to remain nearly steady near a stage of 10.4 feet through Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 10.5 feet...Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775 north of HWY 260, and intersection of HWY 37 and HWY 18 east of Grubbs. Water is encroaching on yards of homes on Pine Street in Patterson. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timber flooded in Jackson and Woodruff counties. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Cache River Patterson 9 10.4 Sun 08 PM 10.4 10.4 10.4 Nearly Steady && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$  944 WWUS83 KICT 220129 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ047-220200- Barton KS- 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Northern Barton County in central Kansas... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 828 PM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms with locally heavy rainfall along a line extending from 10 miles south of Osborne to Milberger...and moving northeast at 40 mph. hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Hoisington, Olmitz, Galatia, Susank and Odin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3870 9903 3870 9853 3852 9855 3847 9903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0129Z 243DEG 36KT 3929 9871 3871 9893 $$ METZGER  945 WGUS83 KARX 220129 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 .Flood warnings continue along the Mississippi River. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && MNC049-157-WIC091-221629- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LKCM5.1.RS.190420T1900Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Lake City. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 16.7 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.0 feet by Monday then begin falling. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs and some residential sections near the river are evacuated. Water and Sewer service is turned off along Central Point Road. && LAT...LON 4454 9228 4445 9207 4439 9209 4442 9225 4451 9236 $$ MNC157-WIC011-221629- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WABM5.2.RS.190324T1915Z.190402T0815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Wabasha. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 15.0 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.3 feet by Monday evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 15.3 feet...Grant Boulevard between Maiden Avenue and Bridge Avenue is closed. && LAT...LON 4445 9207 4442 9200 4435 9192 4433 9200 4439 9209 $$ MNC169-WIC011-121-221629- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WNAM5.2.RS.190326T0300Z.190423T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Winona. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 16.1 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.2 feet by Tuesday then begin falling. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Some railroad lines may become inoperative. && LAT...LON 4419 9179 4401 9142 4398 9147 4407 9172 4415 9182 $$ MNC055-WIC063-123-221629- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LACW3.2.RS.190326T1237Z.190424T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at La Crosse. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 14.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.5 feet by Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 14.5 feet...Goose Island Park begins to flood. Water also begins to enter Lueth Park from the La Crosse River Marsh. && LAT...LON 4401 9142 4388 9120 4357 9122 4361 9127 4399 9145 $$ IAC005-MNC055-WIC023-123-221629- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0046.190424T1200Z-000000T0000Z/ /LNSI4.1.RS.190424T1200Z.190427T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Lansing. * from Wednesday morning until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 15.9 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Wednesday morning and continue to rise to near 17.7 feet by Saturday morning. * Impact...At 17.6 feet...Water from the storm sewer system covers the 600 block of South Front Street. && LAT...LON 4361 9127 4357 9122 4328 9101 4321 9109 4331 9126 $$ IAC005-043-WIC023-043-221629- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGI4.3.RS.190318T1530Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at McGregor. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 22.7 feet by Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Water covers the north end of Main Street. && LAT...LON 4321 9109 4300 9111 4298 9119 4316 9121 4324 9115 $$ IAC043-WIC043-221629- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GTTI4.2.RS.190320T1732Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Guttenberg Dam 10. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.0 feet by Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Some basements may begin to experience flooding due to seepage, with most problems occurring on the approaches to town. && LAT...LON 4300 9111 4270 9090 4265 9090 4271 9112 4298 9119 $$ NMB  254 WGUS84 KJAN 220130 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 830 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Tallahala Creek At Laurel affecting Jones County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC067-230730- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0101.190422T0129Z-190423T2100Z/ /LURM6.1.ER.190422T0113Z.190422T1200Z.190423T0900Z.NO/ 830 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Tallahala Creek At Laurel * from this evening to Tuesday afternoon. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 12.9 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage this evening and will continue to rise to near 14.0 feet tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Agricultural and lowland flooding is becoming more widespread along and near the creek. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Tallahala Creek Laurel 13 12.9 Sun 08 PM 14.0 12.8 10.4 14.0 07 AM 04/22 && LAT...LON 3137 8915 3156 8923 3181 8913 3182 8902 3156 8911 3140 8914 $$  830 WHHW70 PHFO 220130 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 330 PM HST Sun Apr 21 2019 PHZ116-117-122-220230- /O.CAN.PHFO.SC.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190422T0400Z/ Kaiwi Channel-Maui County Windward Waters- Big Island Windward Waters- 330 PM HST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Honolulu has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Winds have eased in these zones. The advisory is no longer needed. $$ PHZ119>121-123-124-221430- /O.EXT.PHFO.SC.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190424T0400Z/ Maalaea Bay-Pailolo Channel-Alenuihaha Channel- Big Island Leeward Waters-Big Island Southeast Waters- 330 PM HST Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST TUESDAY... * Winds and Seas...East winds 20 to 25 kt, with higher gusts. Seas 6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or greater are expected to produce conditions hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  677 WGUS84 KMEG 220133 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 832 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Monday morning or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC033-045-097-230000- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0112.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ /HLST1.1.ER.190414T0105Z.190414T0500Z.190422T1800Z.NO/ 832 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River near Halls * until Monday April 22. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 9.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * At 10.5 feet...Flooding on agriculture land near the river. && LAT...LON 3595 8948 3600 8940 3589 8932 3584 8940 $$  985 WWUS83 KICT 220133 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 833 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ032-220215- Russell KS- 833 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Russell County in central Kansas... * Until 915 PM CDT. * At 832 PM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms with locally heavy rainfall along a line extending from 6 miles north of Luray to Milberger...and moving east at 40 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Russell, Wilson, Lucas, Luray, Dorrance, Milberger, Bunker Hill, Waldo, Wilson State Park, Wilson Lake and Russell Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3913 9890 3913 9849 3889 9848 3874 9848 3870 9849 3870 9904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0133Z 249DEG 34KT 3921 9868 3873 9889 $$ METZGER  544 WGUS83 KLSX 220134 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 834 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Cuivre River... at Old Monroe River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC113-230133- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OMNM7.2.ER.190319T1215Z.190401T0400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 834 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Cuivre River at Old Monroe * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 27.0 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 26.7 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 27.0 feet...Right bank overflows. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Cuivre River Old Monroe 24.0 27.03 26.9 26.7 26.5 26.3 26.0 && LAT...LON 3892 9081 3894 9070 3892 9070 3890 9080 $$  561 WGUS84 KLIX 220134 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 834 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Pascagoula River At Graham Ferry affecting Jackson County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && MSC059-230733- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0037.190424T1800Z-190426T1800Z/ /PGFM6.1.ER.190424T1800Z.190424T1800Z.190426T1200Z.NO/ 834 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pascagoula River At Graham Ferry. * Until Friday April 26. * At 7:45 PM Sunday the stage was 15.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near flood stage Wednesday April 24. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...River property at Cumbest Bluff will be cut off by high water and some river roads will be impassable. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Lower elevated homes at Cumbest Bluff are threatened. Some river roads will be impassable. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Access roads to the river will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3039 8856 3039 8861 3074 8869 3074 8858 $$  764 WWNT31 KNGU 221200 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR THE NORTH ATLANTIC RMKS/1. THIS WARNING IS VALID FOR 221200Z APR 2019. 2. WARNINGS ARE FOR OVER WATER AREAS ONLY BUT MAY OVERLAP SOME LAND AND SHELTERED AREAS AND HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED TO EASE PLOTTING. 3. HIGH WIND WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 65.2N3 062.1W9, 65.7N8 061.4W1, 66.1N3 060.9W5, 66.3N5 060.3W9, 66.5N7 059.5W9, 66.3N5 058.5W8, 65.9N0 057.7W9, 65.2N3 057.7W9, 64.8N8 058.0W3, 64.2N2 058.5W8, 63.8N7 058.6W9, 63.4N3 058.6W9, 62.7N5 057.8W0, 62.1N9 058.1W4, 61.8N5 059.1W5, 61.9N6 060.2W8, 62.2N0 061.1W8, 62.7N5 061.9W6, 64.1N1 062.3W1, 64.7N7 062.4W2, 65.2N3 062.1W9, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 64.2N2 060.0W6. 4. HIGH SEAS WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 40.3N7 066.2W4, 40.3N7 067.2W5, 39.8N0 068.4W8, 39.2N4 069.1W6, 38.2N3 069.5W0, 37.0N0 069.3W8, 35.9N7 068.6W0, 35.4N2 067.9W2, 35.2N0 067.0W3, 35.5N3 065.7W8, 36.4N3 064.9W9, 37.6N6 064.5W5, 38.7N8 064.4W4, 39.5N7 064.8W8, 40.0N4 065.7W8, 40.3N7 066.2W4, MAX SEAS 14FT NEAR 38.5N6 067.5W8. B. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 24.4N0 053.4W2, 24.7N3 054.6W5, 25.5N2 056.0W1, 26.2N0 056.8W9, 27.2N1 057.5W7, 28.4N4 057.9W1, 29.8N9 057.9W1, 31.4N8 057.1W3, 32.3N8 056.2W3, 33.0N6 055.2W2, 33.1N7 054.6W5, 33.2N8 053.6W4, 33.2N8 052.7W4, 32.9N4 052.5W2, 32.2N7 052.6W3, 31.6N0 052.7W4, 30.9N2 052.3W0, 30.4N7 051.4W0, 30.0N3 050.7W2, 29.3N4 050.0W5, 28.1N1 049.7W0, 27.0N9 049.8W1, 26.2N0 050.1W6, 25.7N4 050.5W0, 24.9N5 051.4W0, 24.4N0 052.3W0, 24.4N0 053.4W2, MAX SEAS 14FT NEAR 28.1N1 053.7W5. C. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 49.1N4 043.1W8, 49.4N7 044.2W0, 49.7N0 044.8W6, 50.0N5 045.2W1, 50.7N2 045.3W2, 51.1N7 045.3W2, 51.6N2 044.5W3, 52.0N7 043.6W3, 51.9N5 043.0W7, 51.5N1 042.2W8, 51.1N7 041.9W4, 50.4N9 041.6W1, 49.6N9 041.6W1, 49.2N5 042.1W7, 49.1N4 043.1W8, MAX SEAS 13FT NEAR 50.6N1 043.2W9. D. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 39.0N2 022.2W6, 39.2N4 024.0W6, 39.7N9 025.9W6, 40.5N9 027.4W3, 41.4N9 028.7W7, 43.2N9 030.8W1, 45.4N3 032.7W2, 48.0N2 034.1W8, 50.0N5 035.0W8, 51.8N4 035.1W9, 54.1N0 034.0W7, 55.6N6 033.2W8, 56.9N0 031.6W0, 57.9N1 029.4W5, 58.2N5 027.7W6, 58.1N4 025.8W5, 57.8N0 024.1W7, 57.3N5 023.2W7, 56.8N9 022.4W8, 56.1N2 021.7W0, 55.3N3 021.1W4, 54.3N2 020.0W2, 53.0N8 019.1W1, 52.1N8 018.4W3, 51.3N9 017.9W7, 51.0N6 017.5W3, 50.8N3 016.6W3, 50.5N0 015.4W0, 50.0N5 014.3W8, 49.3N6 013.9W3, 48.7N9 013.9W3, 48.2N4 013.9W3, 47.5N6 014.2W7, 46.8N8 014.9W4, 46.3N3 015.3W9, 45.7N6 015.6W2, 45.0N9 015.7W3, 44.1N9 015.9W5, 43.4N1 015.9W5, 42.4N0 016.1W8, 41.6N1 016.1W8, 40.8N2 016.1W8, 40.1N5 016.2W9, 39.6N8 016.6W3, 39.2N4 017.3W1, 39.1N3 018.0W9, 39.0N2 018.9W8, 39.0N2 019.8W8, 39.0N2 021.0W3, 39.0N2 022.2W6, MAX SEAS 19FT NEAR 48.4N6 025.0W7. E. SEAS 18 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 45.0N9 027.2W1, 46.3N3 028.8W8, 47.2N3 029.3W4, 49.1N4 029.6W7, 50.5N0 029.7W8, 51.5N1 029.4W5, 52.7N4 029.1W2, 53.7N5 028.8W8, 54.2N1 028.6W6, 55.0N0 027.9W8, 55.3N3 027.3W2, 55.3N3 026.5W3, 55.2N2 025.4W1, 55.0N0 024.5W1, 54.2N1 022.9W3, 53.1N9 022.0W4, 52.0N7 021.5W8, 50.9N4 021.5W8, 50.1N6 021.6W9, 49.1N4 021.5W8, 48.3N5 020.8W0, 47.2N3 020.3W5, 46.3N3 020.0W2, 44.9N7 019.7W7, 44.0N8 019.7W7, 43.2N9 020.1W3, 42.3N9 020.9W1, 41.9N4 021.4W7, 41.8N3 022.6W0, 42.3N9 023.5W0, 42.7N3 024.3W9, 43.5N2 024.7W3, 44.0N8 025.4W1, 44.3N1 026.2W0, 45.0N9 027.2W1, MAX SEAS 19FT NEAR 48.4N6 025.0W7. F. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 65.3N4 007.9E6, 65.4N5 007.1E8, 65.3N4 005.7E2, 65.2N3 004.7E1, 65.0N1 004.0E4, 64.7N7 003.3E6, 64.3N3 002.9E1, 63.8N7 003.1E4, 63.4N3 003.6E9, 63.3N2 004.1E5, 63.2N1 005.3E8, 63.4N3 006.3E9, 63.6N5 006.9E5, 64.0N0 007.5E2, 64.3N3 008.1E9, 64.6N6 008.4E2, 65.0N1 008.4E2, 65.3N4 007.9E6, MAX SEAS 13FT NEAR 64.4N4 005.7E2. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT30.PNG 12Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT31.PNG B. SIPR: 00Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT30.PNG 12Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT31.PNG 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 230000Z.//  110 WGUS83 KLOT 220136 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 836 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Illinois River... Illinois River at La Salle affecting Bureau...La Salle and Putnam Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. Additional information can be found at weather.gov/chicago. && ILC011-099-155-221335- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /LSLI2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 836 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Illinois River at La Salle, or from Starved Rock Lock and Dam downstream to confluence with Big Bureau Creek. * until Monday afternoon. * At 745 PM Sunday the stage was 19.1 feet. * Action stage is 19.0 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall to below 19.0 feet by Monday afternoon. && LAT...LON 4131 8940 4135 8933 4137 8898 4128 8899 4128 8929 $$  630 WWMM31 KNGU 221200 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA RMKS/1. THIS WARNING IS VALID FOR 221200Z APR 2019. 2. WARNINGS ARE FOR OVER WATER AREAS ONLY BUT MAY OVERLAP SOME LAND AND SHELTERED AREAS AND HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED TO EASE PLOTTING. 3. HIGH WIND WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 43.3N0 007.1E8, 43.1N8 006.9E5, 43.0N7 006.5E1, 42.9N5 006.1E7, 43.0N7 005.8E3, 42.9N5 005.5E0, 42.8N4 005.4E9, 42.6N2 005.4E9, 42.4N0 005.4E9, 42.3N9 005.6E1, 42.2N8 005.8E3, 42.1N7 006.2E8, 42.1N7 006.5E1, 42.1N7 006.9E5, 42.1N7 007.2E9, 42.2N8 007.6E3, 42.4N0 007.8E5, 42.6N2 008.0E8, 42.8N4 008.0E8, 43.0N7 008.0E8, 43.2N9 008.0E8, 43.3N0 007.8E5, 43.3N0 007.5E2, 43.3N0 007.1E8, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 42.6N2 006.8E4. B. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 41.4N9 009.0E9, 41.5N0 008.9E7, 41.5N0 008.6E4, 41.5N0 008.4E2, 41.5N0 008.2E0, 41.5N0 007.9E6, 41.4N9 007.8E5, 41.3N8 007.6E3, 41.3N8 007.6E3, 41.2N7 007.5E2, 41.1N6 007.6E3, 41.0N5 007.6E3, 40.9N3 007.7E4, 40.9N3 007.9E6, 40.9N3 008.1E9, 41.0N5 008.2E0, 41.0N5 008.3E1, 41.0N5 008.5E3, 41.1N6 008.7E5, 41.2N7 008.8E6, 41.2N7 008.9E7, 41.4N9 009.0E9, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 41.3N8 008.3E1. C. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 39.2N4 015.6E2, 39.5N7 015.3E9, 39.6N8 015.2E8, 39.6N8 014.9E4, 39.6N8 014.6E1, 39.5N7 014.1E6, 39.4N6 013.9E3, 39.1N3 013.5E9, 38.9N0 013.5E9, 38.6N7 013.4E8, 38.4N5 013.6E0, 38.3N4 013.8E2, 38.3N4 014.4E9, 38.4N5 014.9E4, 38.5N6 015.4E0, 38.7N8 015.5E1, 38.9N0 015.6E2, 39.0N2 015.7E3, 39.2N4 015.6E2, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 39.0N2 014.7E2. D. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 37.4N4 013.0E4, 37.4N4 012.7E0, 37.5N5 012.5E8, 37.6N6 012.5E8, 37.7N7 012.4E7, 37.9N9 012.3E6, 38.0N1 012.2E5, 38.1N2 011.9E1, 38.1N2 011.7E9, 38.0N1 011.6E8, 37.9N9 011.5E7, 37.7N7 011.4E6, 37.5N5 011.4E6, 37.2N2 011.5E7, 37.1N1 011.9E1, 37.1N1 012.0E3, 37.0N0 012.4E7, 37.0N0 012.5E8, 37.0N0 012.7E0, 36.9N8 012.9E2, 37.0N0 013.0E4, 37.0N0 013.2E6, 37.3N3 013.2E6, 37.4N4 013.0E4, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 37.5N5 011.9E1. E. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 37.7N7 004.2E6, 37.7N7 004.0E4, 37.6N6 003.7E0, 37.4N4 003.7E0, 37.2N2 003.7E0, 37.1N1 003.9E2, 37.0N0 004.3E7, 37.0N0 004.5E9, 37.2N2 004.8E2, 37.3N3 005.1E6, 37.4N4 005.2E7, 37.6N6 005.2E7, 37.7N7 005.1E6, 37.7N7 004.8E2, 37.7N7 004.2E6, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 37.5N5 004.6E0. 4. HIGH SEAS WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 41.0N5 005.4E9, 40.9N3 004.9E3, 40.9N3 004.7E1, 40.9N3 004.6E0, 41.0N5 004.3E7, 41.1N6 004.1E5, 41.4N9 003.9E2, 41.7N2 003.7E0, 42.1N7 003.6E9, 42.4N0 003.6E9, 42.7N3 003.7E0, 43.0N7 004.0E4, 43.0N7 004.6E0, 43.0N7 005.0E5, 42.8N4 005.5E0, 42.8N4 006.0E6, 42.8N4 006.2E8, 42.9N5 006.5E1, 43.1N8 006.9E5, 43.2N9 007.3E0, 43.0N7 007.6E3, 42.9N5 007.6E3, 42.6N2 007.3E0, 42.5N1 007.2E9, 42.3N9 007.1E8, 42.0N6 007.1E8, 41.7N2 007.2E9, 41.5N0 007.1E8, 41.3N8 006.8E4, 41.2N7 006.2E8, 41.1N6 005.8E3, 41.0N5 005.4E9, MAX SEAS 14FT NEAR 41.8N3 005.1E6. B. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 37.3N3 010.7E8, 37.4N4 010.3E4, 37.5N5 009.9E8, 37.7N7 009.6E5, 37.8N8 009.2E1, 38.1N2 008.9E7, 38.5N6 008.9E7, 38.7N8 009.0E9, 38.9N0 009.1E0, 39.0N2 009.3E2, 39.1N3 009.5E4, 39.2N4 009.7E6, 39.3N5 009.8E7, 39.5N7 010.2E3, 39.5N7 010.6E7, 39.5N7 011.0E2, 39.4N6 011.4E6, 39.2N4 011.7E9, 39.0N2 012.0E3, 38.7N8 012.0E3, 38.4N5 011.9E1, 38.3N4 011.9E1, 37.9N9 012.0E3, 37.5N5 012.4E7, 37.4N4 012.8E1, 37.3N3 013.0E4, 37.2N2 013.1E5, 36.9N8 013.3E7, 36.6N5 013.4E8, 36.1N0 013.3E7, 35.9N7 013.1E5, 35.8N6 012.8E1, 35.7N5 012.5E8, 35.8N6 011.9E1, 36.0N9 011.7E9, 36.0N9 011.6E8, 36.1N0 011.5E7, 36.4N3 011.4E6, 36.7N6 011.4E6, 36.9N8 011.3E5, 37.2N2 011.1E3, 37.4N4 011.0E2, 37.3N3 010.7E8, MAX SEAS 19FT NEAR 38.5N6 010.8E9. C. SEAS 18 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 38.9N0 010.0E1, 39.0N2 010.3E4, 39.1N3 010.8E9, 39.1N3 011.2E4, 38.9N0 011.4E6, 38.7N8 011.5E7, 38.4N5 011.5E7, 38.2N3 011.4E6, 37.9N9 011.3E5, 37.8N8 011.0E2, 37.8N8 010.7E8, 37.8N8 010.4E5, 37.9N9 010.0E1, 38.1N2 009.7E6, 38.4N5 009.6E5, 38.6N7 009.7E6, 38.9N0 010.0E1, MAX SEAS 19FT NEAR 38.5N6 010.8E9. D. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 37.0N0 003.8E1, 37.0N0 003.5E8, 36.9N8 003.1E4, 37.0N0 002.7E9, 37.1N1 002.3E5, 37.4N4 002.3E5, 37.7N7 002.6E8, 37.8N8 003.5E8, 37.8N8 004.0E4, 37.8N8 004.2E6, 37.5N5 004.3E7, 37.3N3 004.3E7, 37.2N2 004.2E6, 37.0N0 003.8E1, MAX SEAS 13FT NEAR 37.4N4 003.3E6. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWST30.PNG 12Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWST31.PNG B. SIPR: 00Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWST30.PNG 12Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWST31.PNG 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 230000Z.//  169 WGUS83 KILX 220137 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 837 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Little Wabash River below Clay City affecting Clay and Richland Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC025-159-221536- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ /CLAI2.1.ER.190414T1833Z.190420T1400Z.190423T0800Z.NO/ 837 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Wabash River below Clay City. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 745 PM Sunday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is receding and will fall below flood stage early Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...2600E Road begins to flood 1.5 miles south of Wynoose. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Little Wabash River Clay City 18 18.9 Sun 8 PM 18.9 17.6 14.2 && LAT...LON 3878 8846 3871 8829 3860 8820 3860 8832 3867 8838 3870 8846 $$ EJL  221 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220137 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220140/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0837 W05642 - S0631 W05243 - S0854 W05122 - S1043 W05540 - S0837 W05642 TOP FL460 STNR NC =  705 WGUS84 KMEG 220138 FLSMEG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Memphis TN 838 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River... Tennessee River at Savannah affecting Decatur and Hardin Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The next River Statement will be issued Monday morning or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC039-071-230139- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0032.000000T0000Z-190423T2158Z/ /SAVT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 838 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River at Savannah * until Tuesday April 23. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 367.1 feet. * Flood stage is 370.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 367.4 feet Monday April 22. * At 368.0 feet...House lots on the north end of Emerald Lane at Hooker's Bend are beginning to flood. Water is backing into most sloughs. && LAT...LON 3548 8836 3548 8805 3527 8805 3514 8823 3501 8823 3501 8838 $$  769 WHUS74 KCRP 220138 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 838 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...MODERATE TO STRONG ONSHORE FLOW WILL CONTINUE FOR THE NEXT FEW HOURS... .Moderate to strong onshore flow generated from a strengthening low pressure system across the Plains will remain above advisory criteria for the next few hours before diminishing below criteria. GMZ230-250-220600- /O.EXT.KCRP.SC.Y.0030.000000T0000Z-190422T0600Z/ Bays and Waterways from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- 838 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southeast 20 knots with gusts up to 25 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...Bays choppy to occasionally rough. Seas 4 to 5 feet with occasional seas up to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots and/or seas of 7 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$  365 WHUS71 KAKQ 220139 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ANZ650-652-221000- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190422T1700Z/ Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm- 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EDT MONDAY... * Wind: Southeast 10 kt or less, becoming northwest tonight. * Seas: 4 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 5 feet or greater over the coastal waters are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$  685 WGUS83 KILX 220139 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 839 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Embarras River at Lawrenceville affecting Lawrence County .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC101-221539- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190425T0600Z/ /LAWI2.1.ER.190419T1742Z.190422T1800Z.190425T0000Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Embarras River at Lawrenceville. * Until late Wednesday night. * At 745 PM Sunday the stage was 31.9 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 32.1 feet by tomorrow afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 33.0 feet...Kelly's Lake Lane, 1160N, is inundated. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Embarras River Lawrenceville 30 31.9 Sun 8 PM 32.0 31.7 30.7 && LAT...LON 3885 8786 3885 8773 3869 8759 3862 8765 $$ EJL  296 WGUS82 KFFC 220139 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Ocmulgee River near Macon affecting Bibb...Houston...Jones... Monroe and Twiggs Counties Oconee River near Penfield affecting Clarke...Greene and Oconee Counties Oconee River near Oconee affecting Johnson...Washington and Wilkinson Counties Alcovy River near High Point affecting Newton County Yellow River near Rocky Plains affecting Newton County GAC217-221539- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0188.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HPTG1.2.ER.190421T0719Z.190422T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Alcovy River near High Point. * Until further notice. * At 915 PM Sunday the stage was 15.5 feet and beginning to fall. * Moderate flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11 feet. Moderate Flood stage is 15 feet. * At 15 feet, moderate flooding occurs as flooding continues to expand further into the woodlands and fields near the river upstream and downstream from the gage on Henderson Mill Road. The water level reaches the foundation of the garage and driveway next to the private residence just upstream and on the left bank from the bridge. && LAT...LON 3361 8384 3358 8378 3344 8381 3344 8386 $$ GAC059-133-219-221539- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190423T0114Z/ /PNFG1.2.ER.190420T1657Z.190421T2215Z.190422T1914Z.NO/ 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Monday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Penfield. * Until Monday evening. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 19.5 feet and nearly steady. * Moderate flooding is occurring, and moderate flooding is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 13 feet. Moderate Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will begin falling, dropping below flood stage Monday afternoon. * Between 18 and 22 feet, moderate flooding occurs. Ward Road floods and cuts off access to L.C. Curtis and Son Sand and Gravel Company. Irrigation systems will also be flooded if not already moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3364 8325 3364 8333 3383 8333 3384 8327 $$ GAC167-303-319-221539- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0183.190424T0600Z-190425T2100Z/ /OCNG1.1.ER.190424T0600Z.190425T0000Z.190425T1500Z.NO/ 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Thursday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Oconee. * From early Wednesday morning until Thursday afternoon. * At 845 PM Sunday the stage was 11.8 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is forecast to develop. * Flood stage is 17 feet. * The river is forecast to rise above flood stage by early Wednesday morning and continue rising, reaching near 17.7 feet Wednesday evening. The river is expected to fall below flood stage Thursday morning. * At 14 feet, bankfull conditions are reached along the river. The Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp, just upstream and right bank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge, will begin to flood. At 17 feet, flood stage is reached. The water level reaches the top of the Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp, just upstream and rightbank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge. Minor flooding of woodlands near the river occurs. At 18 feet, the water level begins to flood portions of the dirt parking lot area near the Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp, just upstream and rightbank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge. Minor flooding continues in the woodlands near the river. && LAT...LON 3284 8303 3288 8298 3279 8292 3267 8289 3265 8298 3278 8300 $$ GAC217-221539- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0184.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RKYG1.1.ER.190420T1337Z.190421T0615Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yellow River near Rocky Plains. * Until further notice. * At 915 PM Sunday the stage was 18.6 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * At 18 feet, minor flooding occurs in the woodlands and fields near the river upstream and downstream from the gage on the Rocky Plains Road bridge. && LAT...LON 3356 8393 3359 8387 3341 8385 3341 8390 $$ GAC021-153-169-207-289-221539- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0140.000000T0000Z-190425T0330Z/ /MACG1.1.ER.190420T1524Z.190422T0600Z.190424T2130Z.NO/ 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Wednesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Ocmulgee River near Macon. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 830 PM Sunday the stage was 24.1 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring, and minor flooding is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue rising, reaching near 24.4 feet early Monday morning. The river is expected to fall below flood stage Wednesday afternoon. * Between 23 and 25 feet, minor flooding continues with large portions of the Macon GreenWay Ocmulgee Heritage Trail flooded north of the Martin Luther King Boulevard bridge. The flood waters will be 3 to 5 feet deep on portions of the trail and large portions of the agricultural lands east of Macon and well downstream will be under 1 to 7 feet of water. && LAT...LON 3290 8372 3293 8367 3282 8356 3266 8353 3263 8359 3274 8363 $$  970 WGUS82 KTAE 220139 FLSTAE FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TALLAHASSEE FL 939 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Apalachicola River near Blountstown affecting Calhoun...Franklin... Gulf and Liberty Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interest along the river should monitor the latest forecasts, and be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. If you see flood waters: Turn around. Don't drown. For graphical hydrologic information, please go to weather.gov and click on your state. Select Rivers and Lakes AHPS under current conditions and click on your river point. && FLC013-037-045-077-230138- /O.EXT.KTAE.FL.W.0018.190422T0445Z-190426T0730Z/ /BLOF1.1.ER.190422T0445Z.190423T1800Z.190425T1930Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Thursday night...The Flood Warning continues for the Apalachicola River near Blountstown. * From this evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 16.7 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast: Rise above flood stage by tonight and continue to rise to near 17.9 feet by Tuesday early afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday early afternoon. * Impact: At 18.0 feet: Forest Road 115 in Liberty County at River Styx Campground will flood, isolating access to the site. && LAT...LON 3061 8490 3009 8508 2980 8490 2972 8505 3007 8520 3061 8498 $$  029 WGUS81 KALY 220140 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 940 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NYC113-220210- /O.CAN.KALY.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0730Z/ /NCKN6.1.RS.190420T2300Z.190421T1401Z.190421T2331Z.NO/ 940 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Hudson River At North Creek. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 9.9 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Water reaches minor flood stage and inundates low areas including portions of Old River Road upstream of the Route 28N bridge. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue Hudson River North Creek 10.0 9.9 Sun 9 PM 9.6 9.4 8.6 8.3 8.1 && LAT...LON 4374 7414 4376 7391 4349 7378 4346 7392 $$  223 WGUS84 KMEG 220141 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Monday morning or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MOC143-155-TNC095-230141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0120.000000T0000Z-190503T0130Z/ /TPTT1.1.ER.190420T2316Z.190427T1200Z.190502T0130Z.NO/ 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tiptonville * until Wednesday May 01. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 37.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 39.0 feet on Saturday April 27. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Saturday April 20 and will continue rising to near 39.0 feet by Saturday April 27. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday May 01. * At 39.0 feet...In Tennessee, water begins to go over Tiptonville Ferry Road, Barr Road, and the farm land east of the Tiptonville Ferry Road. && LAT...LON 3650 8957 3650 8938 3623 8948 3623 8977 $$ ARC093-MOC155-TNC045-095-097-230141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190505T0900Z/ /CRTM7.2.ER.190211T0248Z.190303T1800Z.190504T0900Z.NO/ 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Caruthersville * until Saturday May 04. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 35.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 36.5 feet on Sunday April 28. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 36.5 feet by Sunday April 28. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday May 04. * At 37.0 feet...In Missouri, grounds at the casino at Caruthersville are beginning to flood. Farmstead southeast of Cottonwood Point is beginning to flood. In Arkansas, the elevator near Huffman is flooding. Much of Hickman Landing is covered. In Tennessee, Heloise and the east leg of Miss Kelly Loop is flooding. && LAT...LON 3623 8977 3623 8948 3606 8950 3595 8948 3582 8956 3582 8985 $$ ARC093-TNC097-167-230141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190505T1930Z/ /OSGA4.3.ER.190211T1854Z.190305T0200Z.190504T1930Z.NO/ 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Osceola * until Saturday May 04. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 30.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 32.5 feet on Sunday April 28. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 32.5 feet by Sunday April 28. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday May 04. * At 33.0 feet...In Tennessee, settlement on Crawford Road East north of Fort Pillow is beginning to flood. Jack Rabbit Road is flooded. West leg of Crutcher Lake Road is flooding and stopping evacuations. Most homesteads along Cold Creek Road are flooded. In Arkansas, Highway 120 is beginning to flood. && LAT...LON 3582 8996 3582 8956 3560 8979 3539 8995 3539 9025 $$ ARC077-MSC143-230141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190506T1400Z/ /TRPM6.3.ER.190213T0200Z.190305T1600Z.190505T1400Z.NO/ 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tunica Riverpark * until Sunday May 05. * At 07 PM Sunday the stage was 42.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 44.0 feet on Tuesday April 30. * Flood stage is 41.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 44.0 feet by Tuesday April 30. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday May 05. * At 44.0 feet...In Mississippi, boat ramp at Charlie's Camp is flooded. Lots are beginning to go under water at Charlie's Camp and Nel-Win Camp. Riverbend Road to Bordeaux Point from Charlie's Camp is flooding. Northeast evacuation road to house on the riverbank southwest of Mhoon Landing is flooded at the lowest spot. In Arkansas, camp on west side of Midway Lake is totally covered. Farmstead just south of Arkansas County Road 533 is flooding. && LAT...LON 3491 9062 3491 9022 3480 9034 3450 9051 3455 9059 3476 9074 $$  762 WWUS83 KGID 220141 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ047-220230- Howard NE- 841 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL HOWARD COUNTY UNTIL 930 PM CDT... At 841 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Dannebrog, or 18 miles northwest of Grand Island, moving north at 5 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... St. Paul, Dannebrog, Elba, Farwell and Cushing. LAT...LON 4105 9837 4105 9866 4131 9871 4132 9835 TIME...MOT...LOC 0141Z 178DEG 4KT 4117 9852 $$ Heinlein  249 WWUS71 KGYX 220142 NPWGYX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 942 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DENSE FOG EXPANDING OVERNIGHT... MEZ019>022-220945- /O.EXA.KGYX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Interior Cumberland-Androscoggin-Kennebec-Interior Waldo- Including the cities of New Gloucester, Gray, North Windham, Gorham, Bridgton, Greene, Lewiston, Sabattus, Wales, Minot, Turner, Auburn, Livermore Falls, Augusta, Sidney, Windsor, Vassalboro, Waterville, China, Palermo, Brooks, Jackson, Knox, Liberty, Montville, Morrill, Waldo, Winterport, and Unity 942 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Gray has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EDT Monday. * Visibilities...One quarter mile or less at times. * Timing...Through Monday morning. * Impacts...Dense fog will lead to low visibility or visibility that changes quickly over short distances. This will make it difficult to react to hazards on the road. You should slow down and leave plenty of stopping distance between you and other vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ MEZ023>028-220945- /O.CON.KGYX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox- Coastal Waldo- Including the cities of Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Kittery, Portland, Cape Elizabeth, South Portland, Westbrook, Yarmouth, Brunswick, Arrowsic, Bath, Phippsburg, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Bowdoin, Whitefield, Dresden, Alna, Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Boothbay Harbor, Wiscasset, Waldoboro, Owls Head, Rockland, Appleton, Camden, Hope, Rockport, Thomaston, Belfast, Northport, Searsmont, and Lincolnville 942 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EDT MONDAY... * Visibilities...One quarter mile or less at times. * Timing...Through Monday morning. * Impacts...Dense fog will lead to low visibility or visibility that changes quickly over short distances. This will make it difficult to react to hazards on the road. You should slow down and leave plenty of stopping distance between you and other vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Legro  301 WGUS84 KJAN 220142 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 842 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas...Mississippi...Louisiana.. Mississippi River Near Arkansas City affecting Chicot...Desha... Bolivar and Washington Counties Mississippi River Near Greenville affecting Chicot...East Carroll...Issaquena and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Vicksburg affecting Madison...Tensas... Claiborne...Jefferson and Warren Counties/Parishes Mississippi River At Natchez affecting Concordia...Adams and Wilkinson Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Mississippi River forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur over the next 48 hours. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && ARC017-041-MSC011-151-230741- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190510T1800Z/ /ARSA4.1.ER.190416T1530Z.190503T1200Z.190510T0600Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Arkansas City * until Friday May 10. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 37.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 39.0 feet Friday May 03. * Impact...At 37.0 feet...The low silt plain in front of arkansas city inside the levee system begins to flood along with widespread bottomland flooding at huntington point mississippi. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Arkansas City 37 37.9 Sun 08 PM 37.9 37.9 38.0 39.0 07 AM 05/03 && LAT...LON 3340 9128 3357 9128 3413 9108 3412 9066 3358 9106 3340 9105 $$ ARC017-LAC035-MSC055-151-230741- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190518T0600Z/ /GEEM6.2.ER.190216T1227Z.190312T1315Z.190517T1800Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Greenville * until Saturday May 18. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 50.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 51.0 feet Saturday May 04. * Impact...At 51.5 feet...Greenville boat store is inoperable for towboat supplies. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Greenville 48 50.3 Sun 08 PM 50.3 50.4 50.4 51.0 07 AM 05/04 && LAT...LON 3277 9123 3340 9128 3340 9105 3283 9101 3277 9101 3278 9111 $$ LAC065-107-MSC021-063-149-230741- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VCKM6.3.ER.190217T0934Z.190310T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Vicksburg * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 46.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 43.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 48.0 feet Monday May 06. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Culverts in South Vicksburg west of Highway 61 South are full. Low lying businesses near the railroad begin to take on water. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Vicksburg 43 46.7 Sun 08 PM 46.9 47.0 47.1 48.0 07 AM 05/06 && LAT...LON 3193 9129 3227 9105 3277 9123 3278 9101 3226 9086 3187 9114 $$ LAC029-MSC001-157-230741- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NTZM6.3.ER.190104T1524Z.190312T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Natchez * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 54.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 55.0 feet Tuesday May 07. * Impact...At 55.0 feet...Pond Road in Fort Adams is flooded. Eight to eleven homes are under water in the township. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Natchez 48 54.0 Sun 08 PM 54.1 54.1 54.2 55.0 07 AM 05/07 && LAT...LON 3101 9170 3130 9167 3193 9129 3187 9114 3130 9147 3100 9154 $$  134 WWPK31 OPMT 220130 OPBW AD WRNG 01 VALID 220200/220500 POOR VISIBILITY IS LIKELY TO OCCUR OVER BAHAWALPUR A/F DURING PERIOD 220200Z TO 220500Z(.) S/VISIBILITY MAY REDUCE TO 02KM OR LESS IN SMOKE HAZE=  186 WWUS83 KDLH 220143 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 WIZ006-007-220200- Washburn-Burnett- 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN WASHBURN AND SOUTHEASTERN BURNETT COUNTIES... At 842 PM CDT, an area of strong thunderstorms was located between Webster and Spooner, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail, very heavy downpours, and occasional cloud to ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Spooner, Trego, Siren, Webster, Minong, Webb Lake Wisconsin, Hertel, Oakland, Spooner Lake, Mckenzie Lake, Birch Island Lake, Lampson, Earl, Big Sand Lake, Yellow Lake, and Highway 53 between Minong and Shell Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. LAT...LON 4573 9243 4590 9251 4612 9187 4608 9166 4581 9175 TIME...MOT...LOC 0141Z 243DEG 27KT 4583 9236 $$ Miller  392 WGUS84 KMEG 220143 FLSMEG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Memphis TN 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Mississippi River... Mississippi River at Memphis affecting Crittenden...DeSoto and Shelby Counties Mississippi River at Helena affecting Lee...Phillips...Coahoma and Tunica Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The next River Statement will be issued Monday morning or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC035-MSC033-TNC157-230143- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0029.000000T0000Z-190501T0530Z/ /MEMT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Mississippi River at Memphis * until Wednesday May 01. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 30.8 feet. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 33.0 feet Monday April 29. * At 33.0 feet...In Memphis, Rivergate Drive could begin to flood north of the rail yards. In Arkansas, settlement at Blue Lake is flooded. Most all secondary roads east of the Arkansas Levee are covered. && LAT...LON 3539 9025 3539 8995 3533 9005 3513 9004 3491 9008 3491 9041 $$ ARC077-107-MSC027-143-230143- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HEEA4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Mississippi River at Helena * until further notice. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 40.3 feet. * Flood stage is 44.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 42.0 feet Wednesday May 01. * At 42.0 feet...Fields between Jackson Point and Jug Harris Towhead begin to go under water. In Mississippi, water is near or on the toe of the Mississippi Levee south of Highway 49 past mile 658. Road to terminal at Long Lake Bayou is flooding. && LAT...LON 3455 9070 3455 9059 3450 9051 3412 9066 3413 9107 $$  463 WGUS83 KILX 220143 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Illinois River near Havana affecting Cass...Fulton and Mason Counties Illinois River at Beardstown affecting Brown...Cass...Morgan and Schuyler Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC017-057-125-221542- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAVI2.2.ER.190206T1406Z.190405T1445Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River near Havana. * Until further notice. * At 745 PM Sunday the stage was 17.2 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 17.2 feet by Tuesday morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Havana 14 17.2 Sun 8 PM 17.2 17.2 17.2 && LAT...LON 4053 8988 4047 8980 4034 9002 4012 9017 4018 9023 4039 9010 $$ ILC009-017-137-169-221542- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BEAI2.2.ER.190205T1657Z.190405T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 843 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Beardstown. * Until further notice. * At 745 PM Sunday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 18.9 feet by early tomorrow morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Seepage problems begin in the Lost Creek Drainage and Levee District. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Beardstown 14 18.8 Sun 8 PM 18.9 18.9 18.9 && LAT...LON 4018 9023 4012 9017 4008 9037 3999 9046 3999 9058 4015 9043 $$ EJL  876 WGUS82 KGSP 220143 FLSGSP Flood Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 943 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... French Broad River At Blantyre affecting Henderson and Transylvania Counties. French Broad River Near Fletcher affecting Buncombe and Henderson Counties. .Runoff from previous heavy rain will result in the river remaining above flood stage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The latest stages and forecasts for rivers can be found on our web page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=gsp Please report high water...flooding and landslides to the National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg by calling toll free...1...8 0 0...2 6 7...8 1 0 1...or by posting on our Facebook page...or tweet it using hashtag nwsgsp. Your message should describe the event and the specific location where it occurred. && NCC089-175-230032- /O.CON.KGSP.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190423T0032Z/ /BLAN7.2.ER.190419T1609Z.190420T1946Z.190422T1232Z.NO/ 943 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The French Broad River At Blantyre. * until Monday evening. * At 9:16 PM Sunday the stage was 18.1 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * FORECAST: The river will continue to fall to below Minor Flood Stage by Monday morning. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Minor Flooding continues. Widespread farmland flooding between the French Broad River and the railroad tracks is ongoing. The river may be overtopping the railroad tracks near Fodderstack Mountain Rd. and River Ridge Rd. The intersection of River Rd. and Big Willow Rd. is inundated with several inches of water. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor Flooding continues. Floodwaters continue to inundate farmland between the French Broad River and the railroad tracks. Floodwaters may start to inundate the shoulders of River Road near the Big Willow Road intersection. Floodwaters continue to impact boat access areas at Grove Bridge Rd. and Crab Creek Rd. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor Flood Stage. Farmland flooding continues on both sides of the French Broad River. Floodwaters begin to impact boat access areas at Grove Bridge Rd. and Crab Creek Rd. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Action Stage. Most farm fields are flooding between the French Broad River and Brevard Rd. and between the French Broad River and Pleasant Grove Rd. && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3537 8250 3529 8254 3521 8267 3526 8274 3534 8261 $$ NCC021-089-230142- /O.CON.KGSP.FL.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190423T0243Z/ /FLCN7.2.ER.190419T1914Z.190420T0615Z.190422T1443Z.NO/ 943 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The French Broad River Near Fletcher. * until Monday evening. * At 9:15 PM Sunday the stage was 14.9 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * FORECAST: The river will continue to fall to below Minor Flood Stage by late Monday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor Flood Stage. French Broad River floodwaters are now inundating Banner Farm Rd. Floodwaters may be approaching portions of Glenn Bridge Rd. Farmland and other low-lying areas within the French Broad River Valley from Etowah to Avery Creek are experiencing scattered flooding. Glenn Bridge Park and river access is experiencing scattered flooding. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Action Stage continues. Glenn Bridge Park river access is experiencing minor flooding. Westfeldt Park is experiencing scattered flooding. French Broad River floodwaters are causing isolated to widely scattered farmland flooding. * Impact...At 11.5 feet...Action Stage Flooding continues. Butler Bridge Rd. is inundated with up to 6 inches of floodwaters from the French Broad River, forcing road closure. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Action/Advisory Stage. The French Broad River has exceeded bankfull at the gauge site. Isolated farmland flooding is beginning across the French Broad River Valley from Etowah downstream to Avery Creek upstream of the gauge site. && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3541 8257 3550 8262 3550 8254 3540 8250 3537 8250 $$ JPT  456 WGUS84 KJAN 220144 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 844 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Louisiana.. Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && LAC041-230743- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NECL1.2.ER.181231T2100Z.190422T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 844 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 57.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is cresting at 57.0 feet. * Impact...At 55.0 feet...Several thousand acres of farm and agricultural land are inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Boeuf River Fort Necessity 50 57.0 Sun 07 PM 56.9 56.7 56.6 Cresting && LAT...LON 3186 9180 3196 9192 3205 9201 3212 9202 3218 9184 3195 9179 $$  817 WGUS83 KPAH 220144 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 844 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Big Muddy River near Murphysboro .Minor flooding continues along the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro. The river is forecast to fall slowly over the next several days, falling below flood stage Saturday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC077-230543- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-190427T1500Z/ /MURI2.1.ER.190315T1915Z.190420T1330Z.190427T0900Z.NO/ 844 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro. * until Saturday morning. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 25.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 22.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday morning. * Impact...At 24.0 Feet...Some minor flooding in S 3rd & Division / Plum Street area. && LAT...LON 3777 8946 3784 8915 3778 8915 3773 8935 3760 8941 3760 8947 $$  426 WUUS53 KGID 220145 SVRGID NEC093-220230- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0028.190422T0145Z-190422T0230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 845 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Howard County in central Nebraska... * Until 930 PM CDT. * At 844 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Dannebrog, or 18 miles northwest of Grand Island, moving north at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... St. Paul, Dannebrog, Elba, Farwell, Cotesfield and Cushing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4131 9830 4105 9842 4105 9870 4137 9865 TIME...MOT...LOC 0144Z 192DEG 7KT 4116 9854 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Heinlein  732 WGUS83 KGRB 220146 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 846 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Wisconsin River below Wausau affecting Marathon County Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir affecting Portage and Marathon Counties Wisconsin River below Stevens Point affecting Portage County Wisconsin River below Whiting Dam affecting Portage County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC073-221645- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WUUW3.1.ER.190417T0831Z.190418T2010Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 846 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Wausau. * At 8:10 PM Sunday the stage was 1168 feet. * Flood stage is 1167 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and river level is steady. * Impacts at 1167 feet. Waters approaches buildings in DC Everest Park and Oak Island Park.. && LAT...LON 4500 8958 4489 8961 4489 8965 4500 8967 $$ WIC073-097-221645- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DUBW3.1.ER.190418T1057Z.190419T0610Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 846 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir. * At 7:10 PM Sunday the stage was 1100 feet. * Flood stage is 1099 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and river level is steady. * Impacts at 1100 feet. There is widespread flooding of lowland. Water covers portions of River Road and Dam Road.. && LAT...LON 4469 8961 4451 8955 4451 8967 4469 8973 $$ WIC097-221645- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /STPW3.1.ER.190417T2143Z.190419T1210Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 846 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Stevens Point. * At 7:10 PM Sunday the stage was 1076 feet. * Flood stage is 1076 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and river level is steady. * Impacts at 1076 feet. There is widespread flooding of wooded lowland areas.. && LAT...LON 4458 8961 4450 8956 4448 8964 4458 8967 $$ WIC097-221645- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WTGW3.1.ER.190417T1923Z.190421T0310Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 846 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Whiting Dam. * At 7:10 PM Sunday the stage was 1053 feet. * Flood stage is 1053 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and river level is steady. * Impacts at 1053 feet. Widespread flooding in wooded land adjacent to the river. Floodwaters approach homes in low-lying areas on Park Drive west of Plover.. && LAT...LON 4449 8954 4443 8953 4442 8973 4447 8973 $$  446 WSSG31 GOOY 220150 GOOO SIGMET A1 VALID 220150/220400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0145Z WI S0307 W00940 - S0442 W01253 - N0010 W01157 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT NC=  493 WGUS83 KGRB 220148 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Oconto River above Oconto affecting Oconto County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin...Michigan... Menominee River near McAllister affecting Marinette and Menominee Counties Peshtigo River near Porterfield affecting Marinette County Wolf River near Shiocton affecting Outagamie...Shawano and Waupaca Counties Wolf River at New London affecting Outagamie...Waupaca and Winnebago Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC087-115-135-221647- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SHIW3.2.ER.190412T0156Z.190422T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wolf River near Shiocton. * At 7:30 AM Sunday the stage was 13.5 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to near 13.9 feet by tomorrow morning then begin falling. * Impacts at 14.0 feet. Water is about a foot below the bottom of the highway 54 bridge. Floodwaters begin spreading over parts of Shiocton adjacent to the river including River and Mills streets.. && LAT...LON 4468 8852 4433 8848 4434 8867 4440 8867 4450 8863 4468 8867 $$ WIC087-135-139-221647- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NEWW3.1.ER.190419T1400Z.190423T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wolf River at New London. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 10.0 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to near 10.4 feet by tomorrow evening then begin falling. * Impacts at 10.1 feet. Floodwaters begin to cover portions of West Wolf River Avenue downstream of New London. Widespread lowland flooding is occuring from New London to Fremont.. && LAT...LON 4434 8867 4431 8881 4418 8877 4418 8887 4441 8890 4442 8867 $$ WIC075-MIC109-221647- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCAW3.1.ER.190418T1705Z.190424T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Menominee River near McAllister. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to near 17.5 feet by early Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impacts at 18.0 feet. Floodwaters are covering River Drive and Shore Drive west of Wallace in Menominee County Michigan andSouth Park Road east of Porterfield in Marinette County. This stage compares to a flow of 24240 cubic feet per second at White Rapids Dam.. && LAT...LON 4535 8763 4519 8771 4510 8759 4508 8760 4516 8783 4535 8769 $$ WIC075-221647- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PFDW3.1.ER.190418T0806Z.190420T1720Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Peshtigo River near Porterfield. * At 6:00 PM Sunday the stage was 12.7 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and river level is steady. * Impacts at 12.0 feet. Area boat docks begin flooding and there is widespread flooding of wooded lowland.. && LAT...LON 4517 8790 4517 8778 4510 8776 4509 8780 4512 8782 4510 8790 $$ WIC083-221647- /O.EXT.KGRB.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190424T1800Z/ /OCTW3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190420T1500Z.190424T0000Z.UU/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Oconto River above Oconto. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 10.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday evening. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. Up to a foot of water surrounds structures in a campground in the city of Oconto.. && LAT...LON 4493 8815 4490 8783 4486 8785 4483 8815 $$  155 WGUS84 KLIX 220148 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC033-077-125-230747- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRLL1.2.ER.181215T2215Z.190317T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 57.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 59.0 feet by Wednesday May 8 and then begin falling. * Impact...At 59.0 feet...The east bank levee will be topped and the prison farm land between the two levees will be inundated. Angola Landing will be under water closing the ferry there. All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will remain inundated with recreational camps and river bottom farm land under water. * Impact...At 58.0 feet...Angola farmland on the left bank becomes inundated. * Impact...At 54.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom land will be under water. Water approaches Angola farm land. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom farm land will be under water. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Access roads will be inundated and evacuation of all river islands must be complete. Protection of people and property in the river bottom land on the river side of the levees must be complete. * Impact...At 46.0 feet...River traffic will become dangerous. A levee crevasse would flood adjacent farm land. Significant flooding of Raccourci Island will continue and evacuation of the island is recommended. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Between the 40 and 45 foot stage flooding of Raccourci Island becomes significant. At the 45 foot stage evacuation of the island is recommended. && LAT...LON 3074 9137 3071 9159 3102 9170 3103 9153 $$ LAC033-121-230747- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTRL1.3.ER.190106T1052Z.190319T1400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 40.5 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 41.5 feet by Thursday May 9 and then begin falling. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 36.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...River islands from Red River Landing downstream to Baton Rouge will be inundated. && LAT...LON 3035 9113 3032 9130 3071 9159 3074 9130 $$ LAC005-230747- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DONL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190319T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 29.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.0 feet by Friday May 10 and then begin slowly falling. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$ LAC089-093-095-230747- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRVL1.2.ER.190226T1200Z.190319T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 848 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Reserve. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Sunday the stage was 22.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.0 feet by Friday May 10 and then begin slowly falling. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Marine and industrial interests along the river, upstream barge operators, and facilities are impacted. Navigation will become difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3007 9046 2999 9048 3001 9087 3009 9079 $$  110 WHUS73 KMQT 220149 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 949 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 LSZ240-221200- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI- 949 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 /849 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019/ ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ MONDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ Monday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 20 knots from the northeast, with gusts up to 22 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 6 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 8 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 12 PM EDT Monday with the largest waves expected around 2 PM EDT Monday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ242>245-221200- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190422T1200Z-190423T2200Z/ Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- 949 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM MONDAY TO 6 PM EDT TUESDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect from 8 AM Monday to 6 PM EDT Tuesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 25 knots from the north, with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 9 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 12 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 5 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 7 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ248-221200- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190422T1600Z-190424T0000Z/ Huron Islands to Marquette MI- 949 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON MONDAY TO 8 PM EDT TUESDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect from noon Monday to 8 PM EDT Tuesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 22 knots from the north, with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 9 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 13 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 11 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ JAW  600 WGUS82 KFFC 220150 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 950 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Chattahoochee River near Columbus affecting Lee...Russell... Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties Flint River near Griffin Hwy. 16 affecting Fayette and Spalding Counties Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19 affecting Crawford... Talbot...Taylor and Upson Counties Flint River near Thomaston affecting Talbot and Upson Counties ALC081-113-GAC053-215-221550- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /CBUG1.1.ER.190419T1234Z.190419T1415Z.190423T0000Z.NO/ 950 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Monday night... The Flood Warning continues for The Chattahoochee River near Columbus. * Until late Monday night. * At 930 PM Sunday the stage was 27.4 feet and nearly steady. * Minor flooding is occurring, and minor flooding is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 27 feet. * The river will remain nearly steady around 27.2 to 27.5 feet until early Monday, then start falling. The river is expected to fall below flood stage by Monday evening. * Between 27 and 28 feet, minor flooding occurs along the river upstream and downstream from the gage on the 14th Street bridge. Portions of the River Walk in Columbus will be flooded and will be likely be closed to the public. The water level will be near the foundation of the Phenix City Amphitheater in Alabama. && LAT...LON 3259 8511 3262 8505 3251 8496 3238 8495 3238 8502 3250 8503 $$ GAC113-255-221100- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0137.000000T0000Z-190422T1100Z/ /GRFG1.1.ER.190419T1716Z.190420T0800Z.190422T0500Z.NO/ 950 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Monday morning... The Flood Warning continues for The Flint River near Griffin Hwy. 16. * Until Monday morning. * At 915 PM Sunday the stage was 12.4 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 12 feet. * The river will continue to fall, dropping below flood stage by after midnight Monday morning. * At 12 feet, minor flooding occurs in the woodlands, fields and pastures upstream and downstream from the gage on Georgia Highway 16, or Newnan Road. && LAT...LON 3330 8444 3330 8437 3318 8445 3316 8447 3316 8447 3322 8450 $$ GAC263-293-221550- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0181.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TMSG1.1.ER.190420T0248Z.190420T1400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 950 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Flint River near Thomaston. * Until further notice. * At 930 PM Sunday the stage was 11.6 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11 feet. && LAT...LON 3291 8447 3280 8430 3276 8437 3287 8453 $$ GAC079-263-269-293-221550- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0179.000000T0000Z-190423T0830Z/ /CLUG1.1.ER.190420T0831Z.190421T0630Z.190423T0230Z.NO/ 950 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Monday night... The Flood Warning continues for The Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19. * Until late Monday night. * At 915 PM Sunday the stage was 21.3 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring, and minor flooding is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue to fall, dropping below flood stage Monday evening. * Between 20 and 22 feet, minor flooding continues in the woodlands and fields along the river upstream and downstream from the gage on U.S. Highway 19. The flood waters will be up to 4 feet deep over the top of the boat ramp and cover a portion of the access road by the bridge on the Taylor County side of the river. && LAT...LON 3280 8430 3275 8421 3257 8398 3253 8405 3265 8415 3276 8437 $$  388 WSFJ02 NFFN 220000 NFFF SIGMET 02 VALID 220235/220635 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0212 E17136 - N0212 E17600 - S0106 E17918 - S0636 E17918 - N0212 E17136 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  389 WSFJ01 NFFN 220000 NFFF SIGMET 01 VALID 220230/220630 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1600 E17724 - S1312 W17612 - S1842 W17812 - S2054 E17454 - S1600 E17724 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  719 WUUS53 KGID 220151 SVRGID KSC089-123-141-183-NEC129-181-220230- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0029.190422T0151Z-190422T0230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 851 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Mitchell County in north central Kansas... Jewell County in north central Kansas... Eastern Smith County in north central Kansas... Eastern Osborne County in north central Kansas... Western Nuckolls County in south central Nebraska... Webster County in south central Nebraska... * Until 930 PM CDT. * At 851 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Red Cloud to Hunter, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Beloit, Superior, Smith Center, Osborne, Red Cloud, Blue Hill, Downs, Mankato, Nelson, Cawker City, Glen Elder, Jewell, Lawrence, Bladen, Guide Rock, Lebanon, Tipton, Burr Oak, Portis and Esbon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4000 9880 4000 9873 4024 9873 4035 9857 4035 9805 3984 9793 3922 9793 3922 9849 3914 9849 3913 9870 TIME...MOT...LOC 0151Z 208DEG 30KT 4004 9854 3922 9840 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ Heinlein  332 WGUS83 KPAH 220151 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 851 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Paradise and Calhoun .Runoff from recent heavy rain will cause minor flooding to develop along the Green River at Paradise and Calhoun. At Paradise, the river has risen into minor flood stage and will crest near 385.4 feet tonight. At Calhoun, the river will reach flood stage tonight and crest near 24.6 feet on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && KYC177-230551- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190424T2300Z/ /PRDK2.1.ER.190420T1000Z.190422T0600Z.190424T1700Z.NO/ 851 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Paradise. * until Wednesday evening. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 385.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 380.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 385.4 feet by after midnight tonight. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday afternoon. && LAT...LON 3746 8716 3742 8703 3726 8689 3720 8697 3729 8707 3731 8719 $$ KYC149-233-230551- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190425T0142Z/ /CALK2.1.ER.190422T0800Z.190423T1800Z.190424T1942Z.NO/ 851 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Calhoun. * until Wednesday evening. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 22.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage tonight and continue rising to a crest near 24.6 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 26.0 Feet...Moderate flooding occurs with thousands of acreage flooded in the Island, Rumsey, and Jewel City areas. && LAT...LON 3775 8742 3772 8730 3763 8739 3751 8703 3743 8707 3761 8757 $$  003 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220140/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0837 W05642 - S0631W05243 - S0854 W05122 - S1043 W05540 - S0837 W05642 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  090 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 212335/220335 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0152 W03511 - S0330 W03605 - S0537 W03238 - S0405 W03150 - S0317 W03206 - S0152 W03511 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  091 WSBZ01 SBBR 220100 SBRE SIGMET 25 VALID 212230/220230 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0503 W04227 - S0540 W04036 - S0713 W03949 - S0837 W04000 - S0543 W04336 - S0503 W04227 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  931 WGUS83 KLSX 220152 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 852 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Illinois River... at La Grange Lock and Dam at Meredosia at Valley City at Hardin River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC009-230152- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NLGI2.1.ER.190313T0800Z.190404T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 852 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at La Grange Lock and Dam * until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Sunday the stage was 23.8 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain near 23.8 feet through Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 24.0 feet...Extensive wetland acreage south of La Grange begins flooding. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Illinois River La Grange LD 23.0 23.77 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.6 23.4 && LAT...LON 3999 9058 3999 9046 3988 9051 3988 9063 $$ ILC137-149-230152- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MROI2.1.ER.190313T1445Z.190404T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 852 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Meredosia * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.2 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain near 18.2 feet through Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 18.0 feet...City of Meredosia plugs storm sewer outlets. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Illinois River Meredosia 17.0 18.20 18.2 18.2 18.1 18.0 17.8 && LAT...LON 3988 9063 3988 9051 3977 9053 3977 9067 $$ ILC149-171-230152- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VALI2.1.ER.190310T0440Z.190404T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 852 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Valley City * until further notice. * At 7:30 PM Sunday the stage was 16.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain near 16.9 feet through Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 14.0 feet...The road to Norbut Fish and Wildlife area is flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Illinois River Valley City 14.0 16.94 16.9 16.9 16.8 16.6 16.5 && LAT...LON 3977 9067 3977 9053 3952 9052 3952 9064 $$ ILC013-061-083-230152- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HARI2.3.ER.190310T1007Z.190403T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 852 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Hardin * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 31.0 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to near 30.8 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 27.0 feet...The River Road in Bedford becomes flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Illinois River Hardin 25.0 30.97 30.9 30.8 30.7 30.6 30.4 && LAT...LON 3952 9064 3952 9052 3898 9048 3891 9054 3903 9062 $$  402 WSUS31 KKCI 220155 SIGE MKCE WST 220155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220355-220755 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-140ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  760 WSUS33 KKCI 220155 SIGW MKCW WST 220155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3W VALID UNTIL 0355Z UT FROM 60W MTU-30WSW MTU-20ENE HVE-40E BCE-60W MTU DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4W VALID UNTIL 0355Z AZ NV FROM 60N PGS-60W TBC-30NNW EED-40SSE LAS-60N PGS AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27025KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 220355-220755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  761 WSUS32 KKCI 220155 SIGC MKCC WST 220155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4C VALID UNTIL 0355Z NE FROM 30N OBH-30E OBH-30S OBH-30WSW OBH-30N OBH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.25 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5C VALID UNTIL 0355Z KS NE FROM MCK-70N SLN-60W ICT-20SE GLD-MCK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.0 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6C VALID UNTIL 0355Z MI WI MN LS FROM 80SSW YQT-50NE RHI-20NNE MSP-10S BRD-80SSW YQT AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL390. OUTLOOK VALID 220355-220755 FROM 40NNE DLH-50NNE SAW-50E ICT-30N LBL-ANW-40NNE DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  665 WGUS43 KMPX 220154 FLWMPX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 854 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Minor to Moderate Severity for the following rivers in Minnesota... South Fork Crow River at Delano affecting Wright County .This river forecast is based on observed precipitation of 1 to 2 inches over the past 96 hours and forecast precipitation of 1 to 2 inches over the next 36 hours. Heavy rains could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue followup statements as conditions or forecasts change. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local radio or TV station for the latest information concerning this flood event. && MNC171-230754- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190428T0900Z/ /DELM5.2.ER.190421T0335Z.190423T0600Z.190427T1500Z.NO/ 854 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Forecast flooding increased from Minor to Moderate severity... The Flood Warning continues for The South Fork Crow River at Delano. * until Sunday April 28. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.5 feet by early Tuesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage late Saturday morning. * Impact...At 16.9 feet...Storms sewers may need plugging to prevent river water from backing up into city streets. && LAT...LON 4510 9380 4507 9370 4498 9377 4498 9390 $$  666 WWUS53 KDDC 220154 SVSDDC Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 854 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC145-165-220203- /O.EXP.KDDC.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Pawnee KS-Rush KS- 854 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN PAWNEE AND EASTERN RUSH COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 900 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3869 9906 3826 9903 3826 9892 3814 9892 3814 9942 3848 9935 TIME...MOT...LOC 0153Z 241DEG 29KT 3854 9889 $$ JJOHNSON  952 WGUS83 KDLH 220155 FLSDLH FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 855 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota.. Mississippi River At Aitkin affecting Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties Mississippi River at Fort Ripley affecting Crow Wing and Morrison Counties MNC001-035-230154- /O.CON.KDLH.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ATKM5.1.ER.190417T1018Z.190427T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 855 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Aitkin. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.5 feet by Friday evening then begin falling. * At 15.0 feet...A few homes become surrounded by water in the Cedarbrook neighborhood near Eagle Rd. The Aitkin city park becomes flooded.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 14.6 feet on May 14 2014. && LAT...LON 4650 9370 4630 9420 4644 9420 4655 9415 4665 9370 $$ MNC035-097-230154- /O.CON.KDLH.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FTRM5.1.ER.190418T1930Z.190425T1800Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 855 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Fort Ripley. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 10.4 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 10.8 feet by Thursday early afternoon then begin falling. * At 11.0 feet...This will cause minor flooding of rural areas near Fort Ripley.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 11.1 feet on Jul 17 2016. && LAT...LON 4644 9420 4630 9420 4617 9423 4616 9440 4626 9442 $$  158 WWUS83 KICT 220156 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 856 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ033-220245- Lincoln KS- 856 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Lincoln County in central Kansas... * Until 945 PM CDT. * At 853 PM CDT...National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm 6 miles northeast of Lucas, or 16 miles west of Lincoln...moving east at 40 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Lincoln, Sylvan Grove, Beverly, Barnard and Ash Grove. LAT...LON 3922 9793 3900 9793 3896 9848 3922 9849 TIME...MOT...LOC 0155Z 249DEG 33KT 3911 9844 $$ METZGER  800 WGUS83 KMQT 220157 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 957 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Michigamme River near Witch Lake affecting Marquette County .A slow moving frontal boundary will result in moderate to at times heavy rain tonight through early Tuesday morning. At this time, rainfall accumulations will approach one inch by Tuesday morning. Temperatures will stay above freezing through Tuesday, adding melting snow to the watershed. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 12PM EDT. && MIC103-221556- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WLKM4.1.RS.190423T1800Z.190426T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 857 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Michigamme River near Witch Lake. * until further notice. * At 6:10 PM Sunday the stage was 7.9 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by early Tuesday afternoon and continue to rise to near 9.9 feet by early Friday morning. * At 9.0 feet...Water impacts the yards and a few homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic and along Floodwood Drive near the Michigamme River east of M-95. Approximately 6 inches of water is covering portions of County Road LG northwest of M-95. * At 8.5 feet...Water begins to cover County Road LG 2.6 miles northwest of M-95. * At 8.0 feet...Water inundates low lying areas along the river in Republic and South Republic...and will impact the yards of homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic. && LAT...LON 4631 8803 4631 8791 4623 8796 4615 8812 4623 8812 4627 8804 $$ JAW  235 WWUS83 KDDC 220157 SPSDDC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 857 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ065-066-079-220245- Stafford KS-Pawnee KS-Edwards KS- 857 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN PAWNEE...STAFFORD AND EAST CENTRAL EDWARDS COUNTIES UNTIL 945 PM CDT... At 857 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Zook, moving northeast at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Larned, St. John, Stafford, Macksville, Hudson, Belpre, Seward, Radium, Zook, Zenith and Dillwyn. LAT...LON 3794 9847 3794 9911 3832 9919 3832 9903 3826 9903 3826 9848 TIME...MOT...LOC 0157Z 241DEG 33KT 3812 9904 $$ JJOHNSON  472 WUUS53 KICT 220157 SVRICT KSC105-220300- /O.NEW.KICT.SV.W.0025.190422T0157Z-190422T0300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wichita KS 857 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Lincoln County in central Kansas... * Until 1000 PM CDT. * At 857 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lucas, or 16 miles west of Lincoln, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lincoln, Sylvan Grove, Barnard and Ash Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3922 9793 3904 9793 3899 9848 3922 9849 TIME...MOT...LOC 0157Z 237DEG 18KT 3910 9844 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  155 WGUS84 KMEG 220157 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 857 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Buttahatchie River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued Monday morning or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MSC087-095-230157- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0118.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ /ABDM6.1.ER.190415T0541Z.190415T2300Z.190423T1500Z.NO/ 857 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Buttahatchie River near Aberdeen * until Tuesday April 23. * At 08 PM Sunday the stage was 15.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * At 15.0 feet...Water is covering a portion of Airbase Road located on the west bank of the river. Low-lying farm land is flooded. && LAT...LON 3409 8829 3409 8821 3373 8826 3365 8843 3370 8844 3375 8839 $$  331 WGUS44 KSHV 220158 FLWSHV BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Shreveport LA 858 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC159-343-449-230157- /O.NEW.KSHV.FL.W.0088.190422T0158Z-190423T0900Z/ /WOCT2.1.ER.190421T1745Z.190422T0600Z.190422T1500Z.NO/ 858 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a * FLOOD WARNING FOR the White Oak Creek Near Talco. * until late Monday night...or until the warning is cancelled. * AT 8:15 PM Sunday The stage was 16.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. && LAT...LON 3326 9530 3334 9506 3330 9471 3327 9466 3325 9472 $$  954 WGUS83 KPAH 220158 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 858 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Missouri...Kentucky... Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau...Thebes...New Madrid... .Flooding continues along the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau, Thebes, and New Madrid. River levels will slowly fall but remain in moderate flood category over the next several days at Cape Girardeau and Thebes. At New Madrid, the river will continue rising to a crest near 37.0 feet Saturday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC003-077-181-MOC031-157-201-230557- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CPGM7.2.ER.190313T1210Z.190405T0400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 858 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 38.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 32.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 38.3 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...The flood gate at Broadway closes. && LAT...LON 3769 8959 3769 8935 3744 8934 3725 8941 3723 8959 3732 8963 $$ ILC003-MOC201-230557- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /THBI2.2.ER.190313T2207Z.190405T2230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 858 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Thebes * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 37.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 37.5 feet by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 3723 8959 3725 8941 3713 8929 3709 8946 $$ KYC075-MOC133-143-230557- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NMDM7.1.ER.190419T0136Z.190427T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 858 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at New Madrid * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 35.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 37.0 feet by Saturday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...Heavy agricultural damage begins. && LAT...LON 3662 8962 3669 8927 3651 8918 3650 8935 3648 8935 3648 8964 $$  431 WGUS83 KFGF 220159 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 859 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning has been extended for these river locations in Minnesota... * Dilworth...on the Buffalo River...in Clay County * Climax...on the Sandhill River...in Polk County ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in Minnesota... * Hendrum...on the Wild Rice River (MN) ...in Norman County .Minor to moderate flooding continues along Minnesota tributaries of the Red River. No significatn precipitation is expected through Wednesday, and the rivers will continue to fall. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && MNC027-231359- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190427T0000Z/ /DILM5.2.SM.190331T0942Z.190403T1700Z.190425T1800Z.NO/ 859 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Dilworth...on the Buffalo River. * until Friday evening...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 15.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by Thursday afternoon. * Impact Statement(s) - At 15.0 feet, Gage not accessible above 15 feet. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Dilworth 14.9 14.2 13.5 12.8 12.1 11.5 10.9 && LAT...LON 4692 9650 4684 9652 4689 9669 4704 9681 4715 9682 $$ MNC107-231359- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HNDM5.2.SM.190404T0022Z.190411T1300Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 859 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Hendrum...on the Wild Rice River (MN). * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 28.6 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 28.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.5 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 29.0 feet, Banks overflow. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Hendrum 27.9 27.1 26.4 25.7 25.0 24.3 23.6 && LAT...LON 4732 9656 4722 9653 4715 9673 4724 9684 4734 9683 $$ MNC119-231359- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190427T0000Z/ /CLXM5.2.SM.190408T0607Z.190413T1000Z.190425T1800Z.NO/ 859 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Climax...on the Sandhill River. * until Friday evening...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by Thursday afternoon. * Impact Statement(s) - At 25.0 feet, Moderate Flood Stage. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Climax 22.8 21.7 20.7 19.8 18.9 18.0 17.0 && LAT...LON 4764 9676 4753 9664 4754 9683 4764 9686 $$ Speicher  952 WWUS53 KGID 220200 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 900 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC147-183-NEC061-065-083-220210- /O.EXP.KGID.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190422T0200Z/ Smith KS-Phillips KS-Franklin NE-Furnas NE-Harlan NE- 900 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN SMITH...NORTHERN PHILLIPS...FRANKLIN...EASTERN FURNAS AND HARLAN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 900 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4026 9984 4034 9946 4034 9927 4024 9879 3974 9887 3983 9926 3983 9963 4000 9963 4000 9980 TIME...MOT...LOC 0159Z 179DEG 25KT 3994 9972 4014 9947 4014 9928 4008 9897 $$ Heinlein  942 WWUS53 KICT 220200 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 900 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC009-220230- /O.CON.KICT.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T0230Z/ Barton KS- 900 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM CDT FOR BARTON COUNTY... At 900 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hoisington, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Great Bend, Hoisington, Ellinwood, Claflin, Pawnee Rock, Albert, Olmitz, Galatia, Susank, Great Bend Airport, Cheyenne Bottoms and Odin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3869 9903 3870 9848 3826 9848 3826 9903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0200Z 249DEG 29KT 3856 9878 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  095 WGUS83 KPAH 220200 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 900 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Indiana... Wabash River at New Harmony .Minor flooding continues along the Wabash River at New Harmony. Water levels continue to rise, and the river is forecast to crest near 17.5 feet Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-185-193-INC051-129-230559- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NHRI3.1.ER.190418T1815Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 900 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Wabash River at New Harmony * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 16.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.5 feet by Friday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 Feet...Harmonie State Park is closed. Surrounding bottomland is flooded. && LAT...LON 3816 8799 3815 8790 3797 8799 3781 8801 3780 8809 3789 8810 $$  523 WSNT10 KKCI 220200 SIGA0J KZWY SIGMET JULIETT 16 VALID 220200/220600 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0200Z WI N3315 W07030 - N3245 W06845 - N2800 W07100 - N2815 W07215 - N3315 W07030. TOP FL400. MOV NNE 5KT. NC.  165 WWCN12 CWTO 220200 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:00 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN IS EXPECTED TO START OVERNIGHT INTO MONDAY MORNING. PRECIPITATION WILL MOVE INTO THE AREA STARTING OVERNIGHT AND CONTINUING MONDAY. IT WILL START WITH A FEW HOURS OF FREEZING RAIN FOLLOWED BY A MIX OF RAIN AND SNOW. OVER SOUTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING TIMMINS THE PRECIPITATION SHOULD CHANGE TO RAIN MONDAY AFTERNOON WITH AMOUNTS OF 15 TO 25 MM BY TUESDAY MORNING. OVER NORTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING COCHRANE IT WILL CHANGE TO SNOW WITH LOCAL AMOUNTS OF 10 CM BY TUESDAY MORNING. THERE IS SOME UNCERTAINTY ABOUT WHERE THE CHANGEOVER FROM RAIN TO SNOW WILL BE WITH TEMPERATURES BEING VERY CLOSE TO ZERO. SOME AREAS WILL GET A MESSY MIX OF BOTH. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  166 WSRS31 RURD 220200 URRV SIGMET 1 VALID 220200/220600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4640 E03734 - N4405 E04201 - N4325 E04033 - N4459 E03639 - N4640 E03734 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  645 WSZA21 FAOR 220157 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 220200/220600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3046 E02801 - S3217 E03043 - S3331 E03035 - S3427 E02636 - S3107 E02515 - S3057 E02619 TOP FL420=  646 WSZA21 FAOR 220158 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 220200/220600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2418 E02642 - S2500 E02747 - S2554 E02911 - S2736 E02942 - S2906 E02953 - S3033 E03053 - S3217 E03043 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3107 E02515 - S3045 E02506 - S2849 E02230 - S2651 E02307 - S2531 E02312 - S2519 E02334 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 - S2442 E02550 TOP FL420=  330 WGUS84 KJAN 220202 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 902 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Noxubee River At Macon affecting Noxubee County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC103-230300- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ /MCNM6.1.ER.190411T2352Z.190419T1700Z.190422T1500Z.NO/ 902 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Noxubee River At Macon * until Monday evening. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Low land near the river is flooded. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Noxubee River Macon 26 28.0 Sun 08 PM 26.5 22.2 18.7 Falling && LAT...LON 3300 8852 3307 8862 3314 8875 3320 8867 3313 8855 3304 8845 $$  862 WAIY31 LIIB 220204 LIMM AIRMET 1 VALID 220240/220440 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST W OF LINE N4535 E00653 - N4317 E00842 ABV FL050 STNR NC=  501 WGUS84 KOHX 220204 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 904 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood advisory is cancelled for the Buffalo River... Buffalo River Near Lobelville affecting Perry County .The river has gone below action stage...and is expected to continue falling. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to noaa weather radio or other local media for further information from the National Weather Service. && TNC135-220234- /O.CAN.KOHX.FL.Y.0131.000000T0000Z-190422T0204Z/ /LBVT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 904 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Advisory is cancelled for The Buffalo River Near Lobelville * At 08PM Sunday the stage was 9.6 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to near 7.9 feet by Tuesday morning. * At 10.0 feet...Water inundates low lying areas and agricultural land along the river. $$  218 WGUS63 KDLH 220204 FFADLH Flood Watch National Weather Service Duluth MN 904 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...PROLONGED PERIOD OF RAINFALL OVER EASTERN MINNESOTA AND MOST OF NORTHWEST WISCONSIN TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY NIGHT... .A prolonged period of moderate to at times heavy rainfall, along with periods of thunderstorms will affect east central Minnesota and most of northwest Wisconsin tonight into Monday night. Rainfall is expected to result in rises in local rivers, creeks, and streams that are already running high from recent rains and snow melt. In addition, ground conditions are already fairly saturated due to recent rains and snowmelt, so rainfall on top of these conditions will lead to additional runoff into the river system and tributaries. Total rainfall by Monday night of between one to two inches is forecast. Rivers with highest threat of flooding include, but are not limited to, the Bad River and tributaries, the Montreal River, and Whittlesey Creek. WIZ002>004-221100- /O.CON.KDLH.FA.A.0002.190422T0300Z-190423T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bayfield-Ashland-Iron- Including the cities of Washburn, Bayfield, Ashland, and Hurley 904 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE MONDAY NIGHT... The Flood Watch continues for * Ashland, Bayfield, and Iron Counties in northwest Wisconsin. * Through Monday night. * Moderate to heavy rainfall on top of saturated soils due to recent rains and snowmelt . * Widespread minor flooding possible, which could impact county roadways and other low-lying, poorly drained, and flood-prone areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current rainfall forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  414 WAIY31 LIIB 220205 LIMM AIRMET 2 VALID 220240/220440 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST S OF LINE N4358 E00717 - N4329 E01103 ABV 1500FT STNR NC=  750 WWCN12 CWTO 220204 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:04 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK SEARCHMONT - MONTREAL RIVER HARBOUR - BATCHAWANA BAY AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK CHAPLEAU - MISSINAIBI LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY AFTERNOON. RAIN WILL BEGIN THIS EVENING AND BECOME HEAVY AT TIMES OVERNIGHT OR EARLY MONDAY MORNING. PRECIPITATION MAY BEGIN AS A BRIEF PERIOD OF FREEZING RAIN ESPECIALLY FOR AREAS AWAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR. RAIN WILL CONTINUE MONDAY AND TUESDAY BEFORE ENDING TUESDAY AFTERNOON. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  758 WAIY31 LIIB 220206 LIMM AIRMET 3 VALID 220250/220450 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD ICE FCST SW OF LINE N4539 E00639 - N4330 E01107 FL140/200 STNR NC=  706 WSUS32 KKCI 220205 SIGC MKCC WST 220205 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7C VALID UNTIL 0355Z NE FROM 40ENE LBF-50ENE MCK INTSF LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL420. ...SPECIAL... CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4C VALID UNTIL 0355Z NE FROM 30N OBH-30E OBH-30S OBH-30WSW OBH-30N OBH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.25 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5C VALID UNTIL 0355Z KS NE FROM MCK-70N SLN-60W ICT-20SE GLD-MCK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.0 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6C VALID UNTIL 0355Z MI WI MN LS FROM 80SSW YQT-50NE RHI-20NNE MSP-10S BRD-80SSW YQT AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL390. OUTLOOK VALID 220355-220755 FROM 40NNE DLH-50NNE SAW-50E ICT-30N LBL-ANW-40NNE DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  036 WUUS53 KGID 220206 SVRGID NEC121-125-220245- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0030.190422T0206Z-190422T0245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 906 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Nance County in central Nebraska... Northwestern Merrick County in central Nebraska... * Until 945 PM CDT. * At 905 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Palmer, or 28 miles northeast of Grand Island, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Fullerton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4146 9783 4120 9804 4123 9828 4145 9829 TIME...MOT...LOC 0205Z 194DEG 2KT 4130 9814 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Heinlein  682 WWUS83 KGID 220206 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 906 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ005-006-NEZ083-084-220245- Phillips KS-Smith KS-Franklin NE-Harlan NE- 906 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN SMITH...NORTHERN PHILLIPS...FRANKLIN AND HARLAN COUNTIES UNTIL 945 PM CDT... At 906 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Alma, or 22 miles south of Holdrege, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Alma, Franklin, Orleans, Hildreth, Stamford, Republican City, Upland, Long Island, Prairie View, Naponee, Bloomington, Huntley, Ragan, Woodruff and Harlan County Dam. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4006 9963 4035 9954 4035 9877 3995 9886 3974 9963 TIME...MOT...LOC 0206Z 207DEG 26KT 4012 9935 $$ Mangels  623 WGUS84 KBMX 220206 FLSBMX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Birmingham AL 906 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Tombigbee River At Demopolis Lock and Dam... .Heavy rainfall over the past week has led to rises along the Tombigbee River at Demopolis Lock and Dam...and a flood warning remains in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Another statement will be issued by Monday morning...or sooner if conditions warrant. && ALC063-065-091-119-221406- /O.CON.KBMX.FL.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190423T2145Z/ /DLDA1.1.ER.190416T0545Z.190421T1515Z.190423T0945Z.NO/ 906 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Tombigbee River At Demopolis Lock and Dam. * until Tuesday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 71.2 feet. * Flood stage is 68 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 68 feet...Flooding of lowlands in the area occurs and cattle should be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3252 8782 3225 8790 3201 8806 3201 8816 3241 8809 3253 8790 $$  974 WWCN12 CWTO 220206 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:06 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: GOGAMA - FOLEYET KIRKLAND LAKE - NEW LISKEARD - TEMAGAMI ELLIOT LAKE - RANGER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. RAIN WILL BEGIN OVERNIGHT AND BECOME HEAVY AT TIMES ON MONDAY. PRECIPITATION MAY BEGIN AS A BRIEF PERIOD OF FREEZING RAIN ESPECIALLY FOR AREAS AWAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR. RAIN WILL CONTINUE MONDAY AND TUESDAY BEFORE ENDING TUESDAY EVENING. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  143 WGUS43 KMPX 220207 FLWMPX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Chanhassen has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Minnesota...Wisconsin... St Croix River at Stillwater affecting Washington and St. Croix Counties ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Minor to Moderate Severity for the following rivers in Minnesota...Wisconsin... Mississippi River at Red Wing affecting Goodhue and Pierce Counties .This river forecast is based on observed precipitation of 1 to 2 inches over the past 96 hours and forecast precipitation of 1 to 2 inches over the next 36 hours. Heavy rains could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue followup statements as conditions or forecasts change. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local radio or TV station for the latest information concerning this flood event. && MNC049-WIC093-230807- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /REDM5.2.ER.190421T1533Z.190427T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Forecast flooding increased from Minor to Moderate severity... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Red Wing . * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 14.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.4 feet by Saturday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...The city of Frontenac and Bay City begin flooding. && LAT...LON 4462 9250 4458 9229 4454 9228 4451 9236 4454 9259 $$ MNC163-WIC109-230807- /O.NEW.KMPX.FL.W.0044.190425T1200Z-000000T0000Z/ /STLM5.1.ER.190425T1200Z.190427T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Chanhassen has issued a * Flood Warning for The St Croix River at Stillwater. * from Thursday morning until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 86.2 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 87.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Thursday morning and continue to rise to near 87.6 feet by Saturday morning. * Impact...At 86.8 feet...Buckeye Street Garage in Hudson impacted. && LAT...LON 4508 9272 4477 9274 4481 9284 4508 9283 $$  283 WSSC31 FSIA 220200 FSSS SIGMET 01 VALID 220250/220650 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0820 E04955 - S0736 E06000 - S1000 E05842 - S1000 E04949 - S0820 E04955 TOP ABV FL390 WKN=  284 WSZA21 FAOR 220214 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 220210/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2854 E03540 - S3021 E04046 - S3215 E04258 - S3346 E04059 - S3041 E03433 TOP FL280=  367 WGUS83 KPAH 220207 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky...Illinois...Missouri... Ohio River at Newburgh Dam...Mount Vernon...J.T. Myers Dam... Shawneetown...Paducah...Cairo... .Runoff from heavy rainfall will cause portions of the Ohio River from Newburgh Dam to Paduch to rise into minor flood stage over the next few days. At Cairo, moderate flooding continues with a forecast crest near 49.0 feet expected Thursday evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC147-163-173-KYC059-101-230606- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190424T1617Z/ /NBGI3.1.ER.190421T1648Z.190423T0000Z.190424T1017Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Newburgh Dam * until Wednesday morning. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 39.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 38.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 40.1 feet by tomorrow evening. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday morning. && LAT...LON 3801 8745 3790 8721 3780 8728 3787 8745 $$ INC129-163-KYC101-225-230606- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0069.190422T0936Z-190425T1800Z/ /MTVI3.1.ER.190422T0936Z.190424T0000Z.190425T1200Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Mount Vernon * from late tonight to Thursday afternoon. * At 6:00 AM Sunday the stage was 33.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 35.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by early tomorrow and continue to rise to near 36.9 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday morning. && LAT...LON 3792 8796 3798 8784 3796 8770 3781 8769 3780 8784 $$ INC129-KYC225-230606- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0070.190422T0900Z-190427T1800Z/ /UNWK2.1.ER.190422T0900Z.190424T0600Z.190427T1200Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam * from late tonight to Saturday afternoon. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 35.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage Monday morning and creat near 39.4 feet Wednesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday morning. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-230606- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190428T1300Z/ /SHNI2.1.ER.190422T0029Z.190424T0000Z.190428T0700Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown * until Sunday April 28. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 33.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 36.7 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday morning April 28. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-230606- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0072.190424T2100Z-190429T0000Z/ /PAHK2.1.ER.190424T2100Z.190426T1200Z.190428T1800Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah * from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday April 28. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 37.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Wednesday afternoon and continue to rise to near 39.5 feet by Friday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Sunday April 28. * Impact...At 39.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-230606- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CIRI2.3.ER.190122T0830Z.190301T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 907 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 47.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.0 feet by Thursday afternoon and remain nearly steady for several days before falling. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$  521 WGUS81 KAKQ 220208 FLSAKQ Flood Statement National Weather Service Wakefield, Va 1008 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Virginia... James River At Richmond Westham affecting Chesterfield...City of Richmond and Henrico Counties For the Lower James Basin...including Richmond Westham...Minor flooding is occurring and is expected to continue. VAC041-087-760-221407- /O.EXT.KAKQ.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /RMDV2.1.ER.190421T2015Z.190422T0600Z.190422T1400Z.NO/ 1008 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended until Monday afternoon...The Flood Warning continues for... The James River At Richmond Westham * until Monday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 09:30 PM Sunday the stage was 12.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 12.4 feet by after midnight tonight. The river will fall below flood stage late Monday morning. * At 12.0 feet...Flood stage. Minor flooding along both banks, no damage at this level. This river level is comparable to a previous crest of 12.6 feet on Dec 29 2018. && LAT...LON 3770 7780 3756 7744 3747 7749 3753 7770 3760 7785 $$  631 WOCN12 CWTO 220202 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:02 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: KAPUSKASING - HEARST - SMOOTH ROCK FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN POSSIBLE MONDAY AND SNOW LIKELY FOR MONDAY NIGHT. PRECIPITATION WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION EARLY MONDAY MORNING AND MAY BEGIN AS A MIX OF SNOW OR FREEZING RAIN BEFORE CHANGING TO RAIN IN THE AFTERNOON AS TEMPERATURES RISE ABOVE THE FREEZING MARK. TEMPERATURES WILL COOL MONDAY EVENING CHANGING THE PRECIPITATION TO SNOW WITH A RISK OF FREEZING RAIN. THE SNOW MAY BE HEAVY AT TIMES WITH SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 15 CM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY MORNING. THERE IS STILL MUCH UNCERTAINTY WITH REGARD TO THE AXIS OF HEAVIEST SNOW. VARIATIONS IN TEMPERATURES OF ONLY A FEW DEGREES COULD SHIFT THIS AXIS CONSIDERABLY. THIS WINTRY MIX OF PRECIPITATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH A COLORADO LOW TRACKING THROUGH NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO ON TUESDAY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  374 WAIY31 LIIB 220210 LIMM AIRMET 4 VALID 220210/220410 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR BKN CLD 400/1200FT OBS WI N4443 E01044 - N4413 E01154 - N4439 E01148 - N4443 E01044 STNR NC=  944 WGUS84 KBMX 220210 FLSBMX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Birmingham AL 910 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Tallapoosa River At The Tallapoosa Water Plant... .Heavy rainfall over the past week has led to rises along the Tallapoosa River at the Tallapoosa Water Plant...and a flood warning remains in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Another statement will be issued by Monday morning...or sooner if conditions warrant. && ALC051-101-221409- /O.EXT.KBMX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190423T0352Z/ /MGYA1.1.ER.190420T2208Z.190421T2300Z.190422T1552Z.NO/ 910 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Monday evening...The Flood Warning continues for The Tallapoosa River At The Tallapoosa Water Plant. * until Monday evening...or until the Warning is cancelled. * AT 8 PM Sunday the stage was 28.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow afternoon. * Impact...At 25 feet...Lower Wetumpka Road starts to flood. Extensive flooding of low lands occurs and livestock and farm equipment should be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3239 8609 3242 8620 3249 8626 3250 8624 3244 8616 3244 8609 $$  305 WSZA21 FAOR 220215 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 220210/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3558 W00859 - S4337 E00654 - S4931 E00856 - S5501 E01226 - S5920 W00215 - S5054 W00900 - S4905 W01000 - S3657 W01000 TOP FL350=  306 WSZA21 FAOR 220218 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 220210/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4216 E05113 - S4640 E05612 - S5438 E05507 - S6520 E04514 - S6540 E03622 - S6150 E03930 - S5356 E04706 - S4440 E04819 FL240/270=  307 WSZA21 FAOR 220217 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 220210/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3548 E02911 - S3559 E03224 - S3759 E03524 - S3819 E02404 - S3700 E02351 - S3700 E02800 - S3548 E02911 FL240/270=  308 WSZA21 FAOR 220216 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 220210/220600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3527 E02336 - S3548 E02911 - S3700 E02800 - S3700 E02351 FL240/270=  606 WAIY31 LIIB 220212 LIMM AIRMET 5 VALID 220215/220415 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 5000M BR OBS WI N4451 E01025 - N4357 E01243 - N4445 E01210 - N4451 E01025 STNR NC=  455 WGUS83 KMKX 220212 FLSMKX Flood Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 912 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Wisconsin River at Wisconsin Dells Portage Fox River near Berlin && WIC021-221411- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-190422T1648Z/ /WDEW3.1.ER.190420T1132Z.190421T1245Z.190422T1048Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Wisconsin Dells. * At 7:15 PM Sunday the stage was 16.6 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is forecast to fall below flood stage Monday morning. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Sun Mon Tue Wed Wisconsin Dells 16.0 13.0 16.60 07 PM 04/21 14.7 14.2 13.1 12.0 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Wisconsin Dells 16.90 08 AM 04/21 -0.16 16.40 01 AM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Sun Apr 21 0.01 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Sun Apr 21 0.30 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Sun Apr 21 0.30 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Mon Apr 22 0.03 Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.00 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.00 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.00 && LAT...LON 4364 8982 4364 8974 4362 8973 4361 8968 4358 8977 4362 8980 $$ WIC021-221411- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190427T1200Z/ /PORW3.3.ER.190418T2211Z.190421T1830Z.190427T0600Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Portage. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 20.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is currently cresting and is forecast to fall to near 19.0 feet Monday night and then continue falling below flood stage by Saturday. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Sunset Point-Conant St underwater. Floodwaters affect homes in the Blackhawk Park area as well as River Oaks Road in the Town of Dekorra, River Shores Road in the Town of Lewiston, and Levee Road in the Portage area. Water is over Wood Street in Portage as well as parts of Thunderbird Road. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Sun Mon Tue Wed Portage 17.0 12.7 19.99 09 PM 04/21 19.4 18.7 18.2 17.6 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Portage 20.06 03 PM 04/21 0.43 20.00 01 AM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Portage: 6 am-noon Sun Apr 21 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Sun Apr 21 0.22 Portage: 6 pm-midn Sun Apr 21 0.47 Portage: midn-6 am Mon Apr 22 0.04 Portage: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.00 Portage: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.00 Portage: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.00 && LAT...LON 4351 8970 4365 8966 4359 8937 4339 8939 4344 8965 4350 8957 $$ WIC047-221411- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190425T0000Z/ /BERW3.2.RS.190315T0245Z.190327T2000Z.190424T1800Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fox River Near Berlin. * At 7 PM Sunday the stage was 13.1 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. Forecast...The river is forecast to fall below flood stage by Thursday. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Sun Mon Tue Wed Berlin 13.0 12.0 13.06 07 PM 04/21 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.9 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Berlin 13.25 08 AM 04/18 -0.07 13.10 01 AM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Berlin: 6 am-noon Sun Apr 21 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Sun Apr 21 0.13 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Sun Apr 21 0.53 Berlin: midn-6 am Mon Apr 22 0.04 Berlin: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.00 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.00 Berlin: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.00 && LAT...LON 4398 8899 4398 8888 4391 8888 4389 8901 4395 8911 4396 8908 $$  893 WSRS31 RUAA 220211 ULAA SIGMET 1 VALID 220300/220700 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N6318 AND W OF E04823 FL300/400 MOV E 30KMH NC=  950 WSZA21 FAOR 220219 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 220210/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4615 E02646 - S5210 E02917 - S5919 E02754 - S6715 E00133 - S6508 W00825 - S6127 W00641 - S6128 E00729 - S5645 E02110 - S5125 E02135 - S4627 E02233 FL340/390=  123 WCIN31 VIDP 220200 NIL  916 WGUS84 KBMX 220215 FLSBMX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Birmingham AL 915 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the Catoma Creek Near The U.S. 331 Highway Bridge... .Levels have fallen below flood stage along Catoma Creek near the U.S 331 Highway Bridge. Therefore...the flood warning has been cancelled. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. This will be the last statement for this event. && ALC101-220245- /O.CAN.KBMX.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190422T0440Z/ /CATA1.1.ER.190420T1955Z.190421T0500Z.190421T1738Z.NO/ 915 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Catoma Creek Near The U.S. 331 Highway Bridge. * AT 8 PM Sunday the stage was 17.8 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 12:38 PM Sunday. * Flood stage is 20 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to near 7 feet by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 3228 8629 3230 8631 3232 8640 3236 8640 3231 8630 3228 8627 $$  687 WWUS83 KTOP 220215 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 915 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ008-020-034-220245- Republic-Cloud-Ottawa- 915 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN OTTAWA...REPUBLIC AND CLOUD COUNTIES UNTIL 945 PM CDT... At 915 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Nelson to 3 miles northwest of Formoso to 7 miles northwest of Barnard. Movement was northeast at 55 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Concordia, Belleville, Glasco, Scandia, Delphos, Jamestown, Courtland, Norway and Republic. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4000 9755 3928 9755 3926 9793 4000 9793 TIME...MOT...LOC 0215Z 223DEG 46KT 4018 9808 3983 9802 3928 9812 $$  951 WSIR31 OIII 220213 OIIX SIGMET 3 VALID 220210/220530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3343 E04545 - N3420 E04521 - N3542 E04603 - N3627 E04454 - N4000 E04346 - N3849 E04555 - N3946 E04738 - N3609 E04801 - N3437 E04712 MOV N/NE NC=  215 WSIR31 OIII 220214 OIIX SIGMET 4 VALID 220212/220530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2719 E05143 - N2900 E05410 - N2850 E05700 - N2637 E05559 - N2536 E05506 - N2552 E05403 MOV N/NE NC=  922 WWUS83 KGID 220217 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 917 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ060-220300- Dawson NE- 917 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN DAWSON COUNTY UNTIL 1000 PM CDT... At 916 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Lexington, moving northeast at 15 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lexington, Overton, Sumner and Eddyville. LAT...LON 4104 9985 4105 9976 4105 9943 4070 9943 4070 9942 4069 9942 4067 9947 4068 9959 4070 9972 TIME...MOT...LOC 0216Z 241DEG 12KT 4081 9969 $$ Mangels  888 WGUS83 KMQT 220220 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 1020 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Sturgeon River near Alston affecting Baraga and Houghton Counties .A slow moving frontal boundary will result in moderate to at times heavy rain tonight through early Tuesday morning. At this time, rainfall accumulations will approach two inches by Tuesday morning. Temperatures will stay above freezing through Tuesday, adding melting snow to the watershed. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 1215 PM EDT. && MIC013-061-221619- /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190426T0000Z/ /ALSM4.1.RS.190421T1152Z.190423T0600Z.190425T0000Z.NO/ 1020 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sturgeon River near Alston. * until Thursday evening. * At 9:30 PM Sunday the stage was 8.1 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 8.9 feet by early Tuesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * At 8.0 feet...Homes and structures along the low lying areas and numerous roads become impacted by flood water. In Houghton County...Sturgeon River Road...Aho Road...and Rajala Road are impacted. In Baraga County...Sturgeon Road...Halonen Road and Usitalo Road are impacted. Along Froberg Road...Tahtinen Road... Irwin Road...Oliver Road...and Shirley Road are impacted.. && LAT...LON 4672 8872 4683 8866 4692 8861 4692 8848 4687 8850 4672 8860 $$ JAW  238 WANO35 ENMI 220220 ENBD AIRMET D01 VALID 220300/220700 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E01410 - N6500 E01035 - N6720 E01320 - N6645 E01540 - N6500 E01410 4000FT/FL150 MOV NE 20KT INTSF=  263 WGUS83 KMPX 220222 FLSMPX Flood Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota...Wisconsin... Cottonwood River at New Ulm affecting Brown County Cottonwood River Above Springfield affecting Brown County Minnesota River at Mankato affecting Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties South Fork Crow River below Mayer affecting Carver County Chippewa River at Durand affecting Buffalo and Pepin Counties Redwood River near Redwood Falls affecting Redwood County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota...Wisconsin.. Minnesota River at Montevideo affecting Chippewa...Lac qui Parle and Yellow Medicine Counties Minnesota River at Granite Falls HWY 212 affecting Chippewa... Renville and Yellow Medicine Counties Minnesota River At Morton affecting Renville County Minnesota River At New Ulm affecting Brown and Nicollet Counties Minnesota River at Henderson MN19 affecting Le Sueur...Scott and Sibley Counties Minnesota River near Jordan affecting Carver and Scott Counties Minnesota River at Savage affecting Dakota...Hennepin and Scott Counties Crow River at Rockford affecting Hennepin and Wright Counties Mississippi River at St. Paul affecting Dakota...Ramsey and Washington Counties Mississippi River near Hastings L/D 2 affecting Dakota... Washington and Pierce Counties Mississippi River at Red Wing L/D 3 affecting Goodhue and Pierce Counties .Overview...Area rivers have continued to rise due to runoff from heavy rainfall last Wednesday. In addition, showers and thunderstorms are forecast for our region Sunday night into Monday evening. 1 to possibly even 2 inches of rain is expected creating only further complications for a number of already rising area rivers. Precipitation forecasts and observed rainfall will continue to be monitored closely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local radio or TV station for the latest information concerning this flood event. && MNC015-230821- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190425T0300Z/ /NWUM5.2.ER.190407T1222Z.190419T1845Z.190424T0900Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Wednesday evening...The Flood Warning continues for The Cottonwood River at New Ulm. * until Wednesday evening. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 12.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 13.1 feet...Flood waters begin to impact Cottonwood Street west of the river. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Flood waters begin to impact low lying areas...and some roads along the river. && LAT...LON 4433 9448 4427 9441 4422 9470 4430 9470 $$ MNC015-230821- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ /SPFM5.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190419T0645Z.190423T0400Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Tuesday afternoon...The Flood Warning continues for The Cottonwood River Above Springfield . * until Tuesday afternoon. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 23.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late evening. && LAT...LON 4421 9510 4425 9497 4425 9490 4421 9490 4417 9510 $$ MNC023-073-173-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MVOM5.3.SM.190325T0415Z.190331T0630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Montevideo. * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.1 feet by early Tuesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Sanitary sewers begin to be affected at this level. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Storm sewers may need to be plugged to prevent water from backing up into streets. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin flooding, along with some basements of houses along the river. && LAT...LON 4503 9578 4492 9562 4486 9570 4497 9587 $$ MNC023-129-173-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GTEM5.1.ER.190418T1440Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Granite Falls HWY 212. * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 890.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 888.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 890.6 feet by Tuesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 891.5 feet...Flood waters begin to affect Highway 67 southeast of town. * Impact...At 889.5 feet...Flood waters begin to top the controlling bank at Highway 212. * Impact...At 888.5 feet...Flood waters begin to encroach the alley way along the river at the foot bridge. && LAT...LON 4492 9562 4480 9542 4472 9551 4486 9570 $$ MNC129-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MTNM5.3.SM.190321T0137Z.190324T0630Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River At Morton . * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 26.2 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 26.5 feet by Wednesday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Numerous roads flooded and impassable between the Minnesota River and Redwood Falls. * Impact...At 24.0 feet...Fleischer Rd flooded in North Redwood; storm sewers closed off and bypass pumping begins. * Impact...At 23.0 feet...Riverside Rd and Front Street flooded in North Redwood. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Water reaches flood mitigation culverts on Riverside Road && LAT...LON 4460 9519 4465 9514 4455 9487 4442 9487 $$ MNC015-103-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NULM5.3.SM.190320T0822Z.190402T0630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River At New Ulm. * until further notice. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 804.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 800.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 804.8 feet by after midnight tonight. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 796.0 feet...Water impacts park land and boat launch access road is closed. * Impact...At 795.0 feet...Water begins to impact the access roads in the floodplain. && LAT...LON 4435 9459 4440 9455 4427 9431 4421 9431 $$ MNC013-103-230821- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190425T0600Z/ /MNKM5.1.ER.190418T1527Z.190420T1930Z.190424T1200Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end late Wednesday night...The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Mankato. * until late Wednesday night. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 22.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Dike patrolling begins in Mankato. && LAT...LON 4414 9420 4420 9409 4427 9405 4427 9396 4410 9398 $$ MNC079-139-143-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HENM5.2.SM.190320T2004Z.190324T0615Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Henderson MN19. * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 734.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 732.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 734.7 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 733.7 feet...The floodwall gates will be closed when Henderson reaches 733.7 and the river is still rising at Mankato. * Impact...At 733.5 feet...Highway 93 may be closed between Henderson and Hwy 169. * Impact...At 732.5 feet...Water begins encroaching on highway 19 east of Henderson. * Impact...At 732.0 feet...Water begins impacting residences and agricultural buildings north and south of Henderson. && LAT...LON 4461 9393 4466 9382 4460 9379 4446 9388 4446 9399 $$ MNC019-139-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JDNM5.2.SM.190320T0122Z.190325T1815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River near Jordan. * until further notice. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 28.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 29.0 feet by tomorrow evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 29.5 feet...Highway 41 at Chaska may close when the river reaches this stage. * Impact...At 26.7 feet...The bridge at Scott County Road 9 and Carver County Road 11/Jonathan Carver Parkway will be closed. * Impact...At 25.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin to flood and private sanitary sewers may experience problems. && LAT...LON 4473 9368 4482 9359 4475 9354 4460 9378 4466 9382 $$ MNC037-053-139-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SAVM5.2.SM.190321T1833Z.190402T1345Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Savage. * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 709.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 702.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 709.9 feet by Thursday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 710.5 feet...Flood waters begin to back up Eagle Creek and block the Highway 101 Frontage Road. * Impact...At 710.0 feet...Protection of city sanitary sewers may be necessary. * Impact...At 705.0 feet...Flood waters begin to impact the park road at Fort Snelling State Park. * Impact...At 702.0 feet...Barge loading stops at Port Cargill, and other flood prevention measures are begun. Water begins to impact Black Dog Road in Burnsville. * Impact...At 700.0 feet...Flood waters begin to cover trails at Fort Snelling State Park as well as low parts on the Bloomington Ferry Bridge trail just east of US 169. && LAT...LON 4482 9359 4485 9332 4494 9318 4481 9314 4473 9342 4475 9354 $$ MNC019-230821- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190428T0600Z/ /MAYM5.1.ER.190419T0040Z.190421T2215Z.190428T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Sunday April 28...The Flood Warning continues for The South Fork Crow River below Mayer. * until Sunday April 28. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 13.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday evening. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Flooding affects Vega Avenue between Carver County Road 32 and 86th Street; Carver County Road 30 is closed west of Yancy Avenue to McLeod County line. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Flooding affects Mill Avenue from Watertown to the Wright County line; Yancy Avenue between Carver County Road 30 and 78th Street; Vega Avenue between Carver County Road 33 and 94th Street; and the intersection of Union Avenue and 82nd Street. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Carver County Road 123 is closed north of Highway 7 to 42nd Street. && LAT...LON 4498 9390 4498 9377 4483 9390 4486 9399 $$ MNC053-171-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RKFM5.2.SM.000000T0000Z.190426T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Crow River at Rockford. * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 12.8 feet by early Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin to experience flooding. && LAT...LON 4510 9380 4523 9367 4525 9357 4521 9353 4507 9370 $$ MNC037-123-163-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /STPM5.3.SM.190324T0102Z.190401T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at St. Paul. * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 18.1 feet by early Thursday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Warner Road may become impassable due to high water. * Impact...At 17.5 feet...Harriet Island begins to become submerged. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Portions of the Lilydale park area begin to experience flooding. * Impact...At 13.3 feet...Water begins to encroach on Water St. && LAT...LON 4494 9318 4501 9306 4482 9286 4469 9298 $$ MNC037-163-WIC093-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HSTM5.3.SM.190323T2313Z.190331T1945Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River near Hastings L/D 2. * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.9 feet by Thursday evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. && LAT...LON 4482 9286 4473 9266 4463 9279 4469 9298 $$ MNC049-WIC093-230821- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RDWM5.2.ER.190421T0500Z.190428T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Red Wing L/D 3. * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 680.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 680.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 682.3 feet by Saturday evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 683.0 feet...Lock and Dam 3 may end operations. && LAT...LON 4473 9266 4463 9253 4462 9250 4454 9259 4464 9278 $$ WIC011-091-230821- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190424T0800Z/ /DURW3.2.ER.190418T2245Z.190421T0815Z.190423T1400Z.NO/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end late Tuesday night...The Flood Warning continues for The Chippewa River at Durand. * until late Tuesday night. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 14.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...The basements of businesses along the river begin to flood. * Impact...At 12.5 feet...River Street in downtown Durand begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4456 9209 4471 9201 4479 9183 4471 9177 4455 9198 $$ MNC127-230821- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190429T0000Z/ /RWDM5.3.SM.190318T2125Z.190324T1430Z.190428T0600Z.NR/ 922 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Sunday April 28...The Flood Warning continues for The Redwood River near Redwood Falls. * until Sunday April 28. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 8.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Sunday morning. * Impact...At 8.5 feet...Swayback bridge in Redwood Falls overtopped. * Impact...At 6.0 feet...Low lying areas, mainly farmland, and some roads along the river begin to experience flooding; bottom of Swayback bridge && LAT...LON 4458 9514 4453 9505 4444 9539 4451 9546 $$  049 WGUS83 KFGF 220224 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 924 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning has been extended for these river locations in North Dakota... * Kindred...on the Sheyenne River...in Cass and Richland Counties * West Fargo Diversion...on the Sheyenne River...in Cass County ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in North Dakota... * Harwood...on the Sheyenne River ...in Cass County .Minor to moderate flooding continues along the Sheyenne River due to backwater from the Red River. A dry forecast will allow these areas to slowly recede and river levels to drop over the next week. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && NDC017-077-231424- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ /KNDN8.3.SM.190404T2130Z.190409T0045Z.190425T0600Z.NR/ 924 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Kindred...on the Sheyenne River. * until Friday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by early Thursday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 19.0 feet, MODERATE FLOOD. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Kindred 18.1 17.4 16.3 15.3 14.5 13.6 12.8 && LAT...LON 4672 9701 4663 9688 4645 9731 4659 9729 $$ NDC017-231424- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190429T2200Z/ /WFON8.3.SM.190403T1226Z.190411T0230Z.190428T1600Z.NO/ 924 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...West Fargo Diversion...on the Sheyenne River. * until Monday April 29...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 20.6 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will fall below Flood Stage next Sunday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 21.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. Approximate stage where flooding begins in areas along the Sheyenne River north of the diversion channel to Harwood, ND. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 West Fargo Diver 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.1 19.5 18.6 17.7 && LAT...LON 4692 9699 4693 9686 4663 9689 4667 9702 $$ NDC017-231424- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HWDN8.3.ER.190404T0412Z.190411T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 924 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Harwood...on the Sheyenne River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 PM Sunday the stage was 89.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 86.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 89.2 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 91.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Harwood 89.5 89.0 88.6 88.1 87.4 86.5 85.6 && LAT...LON 4709 9683 4697 9683 4693 9686 4692 9699 4701 9698 $$ Speicher  311 WSBZ01 SBBR 220200 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 212335/220335 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0152 W03511 - S0330 W03605 - S0537 W03238 - S0405 W03150 - S0317 W03206 - S0152 W03511 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  312 WSBZ01 SBBR 220200 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0033 W06034 - S0023W05705 - S0347 W05609 - S1106 W05845 - S0924 W06157 - S0313 W06151 - S0033 W06034 TOP FL480 MOV W05KT NC=  313 WSBZ01 SBBR 220200 SBRE SIGMET 25 VALID 212230/220230 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0503 W04227 - S0540 W04036 - S0713 W03949 - S0837 W04000 - S0543 W04336 - S0503 W04227 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  314 WSBZ01 SBBR 220200 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220140/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0837 W05642 - S0631W05243 - S0854 W05122 - S1043 W05540 - S0837 W05642 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  315 WSBZ01 SBBR 220200 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0145 W05323 - S0103W04937 - S0345 W04915 - S0436 W05302 - S0145 W05323 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  038 WGUS83 KLMK 220226 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1026 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Woodbury affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Butler...Warren. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... .This will be the last statement for this event. && KYC031-227-220256- /O.CAN.KLMK.FL.W.0047.000000T0000Z-190422T1430Z/ /WDHK2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for the Green River at Woodbury. * At 10:00 PM Sunday the stage was 25.6 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river crested below flood stage at 25.7 feet. The river will continue to fall to 20.7 feet by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 3713 8641 3716 8665 3728 8680 3739 8678 3728 8659 3724 8641 $$ MRC  780 WWUS83 KICT 220227 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 927 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ032-033-047-048-050-220315- Ellsworth KS-Rice KS-Russell KS-Lincoln KS-Barton KS- 927 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Ellsworth County in central Kansas... Rice County in central Kansas... Southeastern Russell County in central Kansas... Lincoln County in central Kansas... Eastern Barton County in central Kansas... * Until 1015 PM CDT. * At 925 PM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms with locally heavy rainfall along a line extending from 5 miles southeast of Victor to near Seward...and moving east at 40 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Great Bend, Lyons, Ellsworth, Hoisington, Sterling, Ellinwood, Wilson, Claflin, Kanopolis, Lincoln, Little River, Chase, Holyrood, Bushton, Sylvan Grove, Geneseo, Dorrance, Beverly, Alden and Lorraine. LAT...LON 3922 9793 3818 9792 3817 9847 3826 9847 3826 9890 3922 9844 TIME...MOT...LOC 0226Z 260DEG 34KT 3919 9822 3824 9877 $$ METZGER  011 WWUS53 KICT 220227 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 927 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC009-220237- /O.EXP.KICT.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T0230Z/ Barton KS- 927 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR BARTON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 930 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 3869 9903 3870 9848 3826 9848 3826 9903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0227Z 249DEG 29KT 3863 9854 $$ METZGER  056 WWUS81 KCAR 220227 AWWBGR MEZ015-220630- AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR BANGOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CARIBOU ME 1027 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 Expect visibility due to fog to be 1/4 mile or less for the next 4 hours. LAT...LON 4488 6890 4485 6880 4479 6877 4476 6886 $$  674 WUUS53 KGID 220227 SVRGID NEC077-093-125-220315- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0031.190422T0227Z-190422T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 927 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Greeley County in central Nebraska... Western Nance County in central Nebraska... Eastern Howard County in central Nebraska... * Until 1015 PM CDT. * At 927 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near St. Paul, or 22 miles north of Grand Island, moving north at 20 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. * Locations impacted include... St. Paul, Wolbach and Cushing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4153 9829 4148 9829 4148 9812 4126 9825 4126 9827 4139 9827 4139 9829 4120 9829 4111 9834 4116 9855 4157 9845 TIME...MOT...LOC 0227Z 198DEG 16KT 4125 9841 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Heinlein  361 WWUS53 KICT 220228 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 928 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC105-220238- /O.CAN.KICT.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190422T0300Z/ Lincoln KS- 928 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN LINCOLN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3922 9793 3904 9793 3899 9848 3922 9849 TIME...MOT...LOC 0225Z 237DEG 18KT 3918 9827 $$ METZGER  313 WWUS53 KGID 220229 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 929 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC089-123-141-183-NEC129-181-220239- /O.EXP.KGID.SV.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190422T0230Z/ Mitchell KS-Jewell KS-Smith KS-Osborne KS-Nuckolls NE-Webster NE- 929 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR MITCHELL...JEWELL...EASTERN SMITH...EASTERN OSBORNE...WESTERN NUCKOLLS AND WEBSTER COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 930 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4000 9880 4000 9873 4024 9873 4035 9857 4035 9805 3984 9793 3922 9793 3922 9849 3914 9849 3913 9870 TIME...MOT...LOC 0229Z 208DEG 30KT 4031 9835 3949 9822 $$ Heinlein  614 WAUS43 KKCI 220245 WA3Z CHIZ WA 220245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET ICE...SD NE FROM 60SSW BIS TO 40ESE RAP TO 20NNW BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 80SSW DIK TO 60SSW BIS MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-080. CONDS DVLPG AFT 03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE MN WI LM LS MI LH FROM 20E YQT TO SSM TO 50WNW YVV TO 40NNE ECK TO 30ESE MBS TO GRB TO MSP TO 60SE PIR TO 70E BFF TO 40SE SNY TO 20NNW BFF TO 40ESE RAP TO 60SSW BIS TO 70E BIS TO 20E YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 080-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE ND SD NE MN BOUNDED BY 50SSW BJI-70WSW ANW-20SSE BFF-70SW RAP-70NW RAP-DPR-50SSW BJI MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-080. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 060-135 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 30NNW BFF-70W ABR-20SW BJI-60SSE INL-70NE SAW 120 ALG 50S GLD-50ESE MCW-40WSW DBQ-20ESE UIN-20NNE STL-50NW PXV-20NNW BNA ....  615 WAUS46 KKCI 220245 WA6Z SFOZ WA 220245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET ICE...WA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40N TOU TO 40SSW HUH TO HUH TO 30S YDC TO 40ESE SEA TO 30WNW SEA TO HQM TO 120WSW HQM TO 140W TOU TO 40N TOU MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 080-100. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50ESE YDC-50N DSD-80SSW ONP-150SW ONP-110WNW ONP-140W TOU-50NW TOU-20WNW HUH-50ESE YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 080-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-130 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 100W TOU-50SW TOU-70S YDC-90E YDC-80WSW YXC 120 ALG 120WSW PYE-150SSW RZS-120SW MZB ....  616 WAUS45 KKCI 220245 WA5Z SLCZ WA 220245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET ICE...ID WY NV UT CO FROM 50SW DBS TO 50WSW CHE TO 30W BCE TO 20NE BTY TO 20NE OAL TO 40W BAM TO 60SSW BOI TO 30SE BOI TO 50SW DBS MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 080-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY UT CO FROM 50ESE DLN TO 40ENE PIH TO 40ESE BPI TO 60S DDY TO 20NNW BFF TO 40SE SNY TO 20WSW GLD TO 20SE DEN TO 40E CHE TO 50WSW CHE TO 50SW DBS TO 50ESE DLN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 080-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY FROM 40SSE GTF TO 40SSE LWT TO 40SSW MLS TO 80SSW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO 20NNW BFF TO 60S DDY TO 40ESE BPI TO 40ENE PIH TO 50ESE DLN TO 20NE DLN TO 40SSE GTF MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-080. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE ID WY NV UT CO BOUNDED BY 40SSE DBS-20SSW BPI-20E CYS-20SE BFF-40ENE AKO-30SSE SLC-20NW BCE-50E BTY-20NNW BTY-30NW OAL-30NW BAM-40SSE DBS MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 080-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 060-140 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 40SW YQL-60SSW YQL-70NNW LKT-20W LKT-50S LKT-30ESE BPI-30NNW BFF 120 ALG 90SSW PHX-70SSE SJN-50SSW ALS-30ENE ALS-50S GLD ....  617 WAUS44 KKCI 220245 WA4Z DFWZ WA 220245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 220900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 105-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 20NNW BNA-20S GQO ....  618 WAUS41 KKCI 220245 WA1Z BOSZ WA 220245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH MA RI CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 190S ACK TO 30ESE ACK TO 110SSE BGR TO 100SSW YSJ MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL220. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...NJ MD DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NE CYN TO 150ESE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 90ESE ECG TO 60E ORF TO 40ESE EMI TO 20NE CYN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...MD VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE DCA TO 20NNW ORF TO 70ESE ECG TO 90E ILM TO 50ENE ILM TO 40ESE RDU TO 40NE RDU TO 40WNW RIC TO 30SE DCA MOD ICE BTN 060 AND 120. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...ICE MA RI NY NJ MD DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SW HTO-80SSW ACK-180S ACK-160SE SIE-200ESE ECG-80ESE ECG-50S SBY-20SSE EMI-30SW HTO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...ICE ME NH MA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 110SSW YSJ-200SE ACK-180S ACK-60SSE ACK-20WNW ACK-BOS-110SSW YSJ MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL220. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 060-115 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 90WSW YOW-80SW YOW-20SSW MSS-70W YSC 080 ALG 40SE YQB-60NE PQI 080 ALG 120SE SBY-100ESE SBY-30NNW CYN-50SSW HNK-20W SLT- 50ESE AIR-20N GSO ....  047 WWJP25 RJTD 220000 WARNING AND SUMMARY 220000. WARNING VALID 230000. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 1008 HPA AT 41N 163E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 10 KNOTS. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 43N 162E TO 42N 167E 39N 168E. WARM FRONT FROM 39N 168E TO 36N 171E 33N 171E. COLD FRONT FROM 39N 168E TO 33N 165E 31N 162E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW EAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN BOHAI YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 142E 42N 143E 46N 152E 51N 156E 45N 180E 33N 168E 40N 160E 35N 150E 38N 148E 38N 142E. SUMMARY. LOW 1008 HPA AT 27N 139E EAST 15 KT. LOW 1008 HPA AT 55N 141E EAST 10 KT. LOW 1012 HPA AT 38N 145E EAST 20 KT. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 41N 132E ESE 15 KT. HIGH 1030 HPA AT 42N 180E SE 20 KT. WARM FRONT FROM 27N 139E TO 26N 142E 24N 144E. COLD FRONT FROM 27N 139E TO 25N 137E 24N 132E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 24N 132E TO 27N 125E 29N 119E 28N 115E 25N 111E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  139 WAUS42 KKCI 220245 WA2Z MIAZ WA 220245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET ICE...NC NJ MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NE CYN TO 150ESE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 90ESE ECG TO 60E ORF TO 40ESE EMI TO 20NE CYN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...NC MD VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE DCA TO 20NNW ORF TO 70ESE ECG TO 90E ILM TO 50ENE ILM TO 40ESE RDU TO 40NE RDU TO 40WNW RIC TO 30SE DCA MOD ICE BTN 060 AND 120. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE NC MA RI NY NJ MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SW HTO-80SSW ACK-180S ACK-160SE SIE-200ESE ECG-80ESE ECG-50S SBY-20SSE EMI-30SW HTO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 060-145 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 20N GSO-50SSW RDU-80ESE ILM-130SSE ECG-130ESE ECG- 130E ECG-120SE SBY 120 ALG 20S GQO-30WSW CAE-40SE CHS-170SSE ILM ....  987 WGUS81 KBTV 220231 FLSBTV Flood Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1031 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Vermont... Lamoille River At Jeffersonville PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message... If you live or travel near streams and rivers seek higher ground immediately at first signs of rising water. Obey all road closure signs, they are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don't drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to noaa weather radio, or by visiting our web site at: weather.gov. && VTC015-220301- /O.CAN.KBTV.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T0840Z/ /JVLV1.2.ER.190420T1422Z.190421T0400Z.190422T0155Z.NO/ 1031 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Lamoille River At Jeffersonville. * At 10:15 PM Sunday the stage was 449.9 feet. * Flood stage is 450.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 10:00 PM Sunday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 449.0 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 450.0 feet...Water will rise to near the edge of Route 15 in Cambridge Village at the Wrong Way Bridge. There will be widespread field flooding from Jeffersonville downstream through Fairfax. && LAT...LON 4470 7297 4469 7272 4460 7277 4461 7302 $$  492 WWUS83 KGID 220232 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 932 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ007-019-NEZ085>087-220315- Jewell KS-Mitchell KS-Thayer NE-Nuckolls NE-Webster NE- 932 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR MITCHELL...EASTERN JEWELL... NUCKOLLS...EASTERN WEBSTER AND THAYER COUNTIES UNTIL 1015 PM CDT... At 932 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Cowles to near Randall to 6 miles north of Barnard. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Beloit, Superior, Hebron, Blue Hill, Mankato, Deshler, Nelson, Jewell, Lawrence, Davenport, Bruning, Guide Rock, Alexandria, Hardy, Ruskin, Asherville, Formoso, Carleton, Simpson and Byron. LAT...LON 4000 9793 3926 9793 3922 9819 3922 9840 3966 9819 4035 9852 4035 9737 4002 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0232Z 246DEG 32KT 4020 9837 3969 9798 3928 9805 $$ Heinlein  654 WWUS53 KGID 220232 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 932 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC121-220241- /O.CAN.KGID.SV.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190422T0245Z/ Merrick NE- 932 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN MERRICK COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4146 9783 4129 9797 4129 9805 4128 9806 4127 9826 4134 9828 4137 9827 4145 9816 TIME...MOT...LOC 0231Z 252DEG 15KT 4133 9801 $$ NEC125-220245- /O.CON.KGID.SV.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190422T0245Z/ Nance NE- 932 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN NANCE COUNTY... At 931 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fullerton, or 33 miles northeast of Grand Island, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Fullerton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4146 9783 4129 9797 4129 9805 4128 9806 4127 9826 4134 9828 4137 9827 4145 9816 TIME...MOT...LOC 0231Z 252DEG 15KT 4133 9801 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Wesely  382 WUUS53 KOAX 220233 SVROAX NEC011-141-220315- /O.NEW.KOAX.SV.W.0010.190422T0233Z-190422T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 933 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Omaha has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Platte County in northeastern Nebraska... Southeastern Boone County in northeastern Nebraska... * Until 1015 PM CDT. * At 933 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near St. Edward, or 27 miles west of Columbus, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Albion, St. Edward, Lindsay, Cornlea and The Highway 14 And 56 Junction. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4179 9799 4175 9783 4174 9783 4167 9752 4149 9770 4152 9770 4153 9788 4151 9789 4151 9804 4150 9804 4150 9808 TIME...MOT...LOC 0233Z 209DEG 18KT 4149 9788 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  016 WWCN10 CWUL 220228 STORM SURGE WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:28 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STORM SURGE WARNING FOR: QUEBEC AREA COTE-DE-BEAUPRE - L'ILE D'ORLEANS AREA BELLECHASSE AREA LEVIS AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGHER THAN NORMAL WATER LEVELS ARE EXPECTED NEAR THE COAST MONDAY MORNING AND TUESDAY MORNING. COASTAL FLOOD WARNING ISSUED JOINTLY BY FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA (SCIENCE) AND THE METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGION ON 2019-04-21. A DEVELOPING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM TONIGHT WILL SLOWLY TRACK UP THE US EASTERN SEABOARD OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. IT WILL CAUSE MODERATE TO STRONG WINDS OVER THE QUEBEC CITY AREA. THESE WINDS, IN COMBINATION WITH THE HIGH FLOW OF THE ST LAWRENCE RIVER AND THE CURRENT RUN OF HIGH-AMPLITUDE TIDAL RANGES COULD CAUSE MINOR FLOODING ALONG THE COAST NEAR THE FOLLOWING LOCALITIES ON THE DATES AND AT THE TIMES SPECIFIED (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME). QUEBEC CITY: 2019-04-22, FROM 08:00 AM TO 11:00 AM. QUEBEC CITY: 2019-04-23, FROM 09:00 AM TO 12:00 PM. COASTAL EROSION IS POSSIBLE IN VULNERABLE AREAS. PEOPLE CLOSE TO THE SHORELINE SHOULD STAY ON THE LOOKOUT FOR WORSENING CONDITIONS. STORM SURGE WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WATER LEVELS POSE A THREAT TO COASTAL REGIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  844 WWCN15 CWUL 220229 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:29 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: KANGIQSUJUAQ - RAGLAN LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MONDAY MORNING. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  810 WUUS53 KGID 220237 SVRGID NEC125-220315- /O.NEW.KGID.SV.W.0032.190422T0237Z-190422T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Hastings NE 937 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Hastings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Nance County in central Nebraska... * Until 1015 PM CDT. * At 937 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near St. Edward, or 27 miles west of Columbus, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. * Locations impacted include... Fullerton, Genoa and Belgrade. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4148 9770 4130 9790 4129 9796 4129 9805 4128 9805 4126 9825 4148 9812 4148 9810 4149 9810 4150 9804 4151 9804 4151 9789 4153 9788 4153 9771 TIME...MOT...LOC 0237Z 211DEG 17KT 4148 9788 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Heinlein  219 WWCN15 CWUL 220229 WIND WARNING FOR NUNAVIK UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:29 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: KANGIQSUJUAQ - RAGLAN LAKE QUAQTAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== GUSTS OF 90 KM/H WILL AFFECT THESE COMMUNITIES UNTIL MONDAY MORNING. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  816 WAUS43 KKCI 220245 WA3S CHIS WA 220245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE FROM 100SE MLS TO 50SW DPR TO 60ESE RAP TO 50NNW LBF TO 40ENE AKO TO 60NNW BFF TO 100SE MLS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 12Z. . AIRMET IFR...MN WI LS MI FROM 50ESE YQT TO 70WNW SSM TO 20SE SAW TO 50NNE RHI TO 60SSE DLH TO 20ENE BRD TO 40NNW DLH TO 70WSW YQT TO 50ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...KY FROM HNN TO 30N HMV TO 20E LOZ TO 30SE CVG TO HNN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. ....  817 WAUS45 KKCI 220245 WA5S SLCS WA 220245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO FROM 50SE BIL TO 100SE MLS TO 60NNW BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 50NE PUB TO 60WNW PUB TO 50SW LAR TO 30SE OCS TO 30NNW MTU TO 40NNE SLC TO 30SE JAC TO 60NNE JAC TO 50SE BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM 50SE MLP TO 40ENE BIL TO CYS TO 30ENE PUB TO 30ENE HBU TO 20WSW CHE TO 20W JNC TO 60SW MTU TO 40ESE BCE TO 60SSE ILC TO 70NE OAL TO 70WSW TWF TO 20NE TWF TO 30WNW DNJ TO 50SE MLP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 50SSE MLP-60SSE HLN-30ENE BIL-20N CYS-TBE-50ESE CIM- 20WNW CIM-30SE HBU-30SW CHE-20WNW JNC-40SSE DTA-60SSE ILC-70NE OAL-50S BOI-40WNW PIH-30ENE BOI-40NW DNJ-50SSE MLP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  818 WAUS41 KKCI 220245 WA1S BOSS WA 220245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...PA OH WV MD VA FROM 30SW ERI TO 20WSW PSB TO 50WSW CSN TO PSK TO 30NNE HMV TO HNN TO 30ESE CVG TO 40S APE TO 30NNE APE TO 30SW ERI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...VT NY LO PA OH LE FROM YOW TO 60ENE MSS TO 30WNW MPV TO 40NNW ALB TO 20W PSB TO 20SW ERI TO 20W YYZ TO YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60NE PQI TO 200SE ACK TO 110S ACK TO 80S HTO TO 30SE JFK TO 30ENE SAX TO 20W PVD TO 20NNE CON TO 30E MPV TO 20NE YSC TO 50NW PQI TO 60NE PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA FROM MLT TO CON TO HAR TO 20SE PSK TO 20N HMV TO HNN TO EWC TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO MLT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  819 WAUS44 KKCI 220245 WA4S DFWS WA 220245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 40NW CWK TO 20ESE CWK TO 40SE SAT TO 60ESE DLF TO 40NE DLF TO 20ESE JCT TO 40NW CWK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. ....  820 WAUS42 KKCI 220245 WA2S MIAS WA 220245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 220900 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  331 WAUS46 KKCI 220245 WA6S SFOS WA 220245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SSW YDC TO 50WNW EPH TO 30E BTG TO 40WNW BTG TO 30NNW SEA TO HUH TO 30SSW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30S HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40ESE ENI-20SSE OAK-30SSW SNS-70NW RZS-20W RZS-80SSW RZS-90W RZS-70SW SNS-80SW PYE-80W PYE-40ESE ENI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  388 WWUS83 KGID 220239 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 939 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ061>064-073>077-086-220330- Nuckolls NE-Buffalo NE-Adams NE-Hamilton NE-Hall NE-Clay NE- Phelps NE-York NE-Kearney NE-Fillmore NE- 939 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CLAY...NORTHERN NUCKOLLS... NORTHEASTERN PHELPS...ADAMS...KEARNEY...SOUTHWESTERN YORK...SOUTHERN HAMILTON...WESTERN FILLMORE...SOUTHEASTERN BUFFALO AND SOUTHERN HALL COUNTIES UNTIL 1030 PM CDT... At 938 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking outflow from strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Norman to near Juniata to 7 miles south of Sutton. Movement was north at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this outflow. Locations impacted include... Grand Island, Kearney, Hastings, Aurora, Minden, Geneva, Gibbon, Sutton, Wood River, Shelton, Harvard, Henderson, Kenesaw, Doniphan, Clay Center, Juniata, Axtell, Alda, Fairmont and Edgar. LAT...LON 4035 9771 4035 9782 4033 9782 4035 9860 4040 9920 4085 9925 4089 9846 4089 9828 4087 9828 4089 9826 4089 9764 4052 9754 TIME...MOT...LOC 0238Z 180DEG 20KT 4051 9877 4055 9846 4050 9786 $$ Mangels  611 WGUS84 KMOB 220241 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 941 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Alabama... Tombigbee River Near Coffeeville Dam affecting Choctaw...Clarke and Washington Counties. Tombigbee River Near Leroy affecting Choctaw...Clarke and Washington Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && ALC023-025-129-230240- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA1.1.ER.190408T1248Z.190422T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 941 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tombigbee River Near Coffeeville Dam * until further notice. * At 3 AM Friday the stage was 35.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29 feet. * The river has likely crested and will remain near 35.5 feet through Tuesday before beginning to slowly fall on Wednesday. * At 40 feet...Widespread flooding of timber and pastureland. Portions of State Highway 114 east of the river becomes covered by water. Cabins on Old Ferry Road flood. && LAT...LON 3231 8805 3232 8791 3178 8809 3160 8804 3160 8810 3178 8822 $$ ALC023-025-129-230240- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LRYA1.1.ER.190414T0800Z.190422T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 941 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tombigbee River Near Leroy * until further notice. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 28.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24 feet. * The river has crested and will remain near 28 feet through Monday before beginning to slowly fall on Tuesday. * At 30 feet...Roads leading into the Powersouth power plant will begin to flood along with roads along the east side of the river. && LAT...LON 3160 8810 3160 8804 3149 8786 3114 8792 3114 8802 3149 8793 $$  899 WWUS53 KGID 220242 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 942 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC077-220251- /O.CAN.KGID.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Greeley NE- 942 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN GREELEY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has turned more towards the east and is no longer expected to impact Greeley County. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4140 9817 4126 9825 4127 9827 4139 9827 4139 9829 4123 9829 4120 9841 4124 9846 4134 9844 4139 9830 4140 9829 4141 9825 TIME...MOT...LOC 0241Z 223DEG 16KT 4127 9836 $$ NEC093-125-220315- /O.CON.KGID.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Nance NE-Howard NE- 942 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN NANCE AND NORTHEASTERN HOWARD COUNTIES... At 941 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Cushing, or 24 miles north of Grand Island, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Cushing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4140 9817 4126 9825 4127 9827 4139 9827 4139 9829 4123 9829 4120 9841 4124 9846 4134 9844 4139 9830 4140 9829 4141 9825 TIME...MOT...LOC 0241Z 223DEG 16KT 4127 9836 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Wesely  205 WGUS84 KMOB 220242 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 942 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Leaf Near Mclain affecting George...Greene and Perry Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && MSC039-041-111-230242- /O.EXT.KMOB.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190426T0200Z/ /MCLM6.1.ER.190419T0400Z.190422T1200Z.190425T2000Z.NO/ 942 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Thursday evening for the Leaf Near Mclain * until Thursday evening. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 22.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 22.8 feet by tomorrow morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday afternoon. * At 24 feet...Some county roads in the area will become flooded. && LAT...LON 3119 8914 3125 8914 3123 8885 3099 8871 3098 8877 3114 8887 $$  089 WGUS83 KDVN 220243 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 .Updated flood information for the Mississippi River. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && IAC061-ILC085-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLDI4.3.ER.190322T0923Z.190427T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Dubuque LD11. * Until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 17.8 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Begin to rise tonight, rising to 21.6 feet Saturday morning, then begin falling next Sunday. * Impact, At 21.3 feet, Lock and Dam 11 is closed. && LAT...LON 4266 9070 4254 9060 4253 9068 4265 9090 4270 9090 $$ IAC061-097-ILC085-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0074.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DBQI4.3.ER.190320T2015Z.190427T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Dubuque. * Until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 19.4 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Start to rise tonight, rising to 23.2 feet Saturday morning, then begin falling next Sunday. * Impact, At 22.6 feet, Water affects the Midtown Marina facilities and parking lot in East Dubuque. && LAT...LON 4254 9060 4235 9039 4228 9046 4247 9068 4253 9068 $$ IAC097-ILC015-085-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLVI4.3.ER.190329T1420Z.190428T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Bellevue LD12. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 17.5 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Begin to rise Monday, rising to 20.7 feet Sunday morning, then begin falling. * Impact, At 20.1 feet, Basement flooding occurs in homes and businesses with seepage into yards in Savanna. Grain elevators are also affected. Water affects the lower portion of Marquette Parking lot. Water affects Vulcan and South Broad Streets in Sabula. && LAT...LON 4211 9012 4208 9019 4220 9041 4228 9046 4235 9039 $$ IAC045-ILC015-195-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FLTI2.3.ER.190322T2100Z.190429T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Fulton LD13. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.2 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Begin to rise Tuesday evening, rising to 21.2 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 21.0 feet, Basement flooding occurs in homes and businesses in Savanna with seepage into yards. Water also affects grain elevators and affects the lower portion of the Marquette Park parking lot. In Sabula, water affects Vulan and South Broad Streets. && LAT...LON 4211 9012 4193 9008 4188 9012 4189 9020 4208 9019 $$ IAC045-163-ILC161-195-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CMMI4.3.ER.190321T1500Z.190408T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Camanche. * Until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 19.5 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Begin to rise early Wednesday morning, rising to 21.6 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 21.4 feet, Water affects Illinois Highway 84 near Albany. && LAT...LON 4176 9033 4189 9020 4188 9012 4180 9015 4173 9027 $$ IAC163-ILC161-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LECI4.3.ER.190322T0400Z.190408T2310Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Le Claire LD14. * Until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 12.9 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Begin to rise Tuesday evening, rising to 15.1 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 15.0 feet, Water affects U.S. Highway 67 at Byron Street in Le Claire. Water also affects much of Canal Shore Drive. Water is over the Campbell's Island access road and most buildings on the island are in water. Water affects the playground at Hampton River Park in Hampton. Water affects homes on River Drive in Princeton. && LAT...LON 4153 9048 4160 9039 4176 9033 4173 9027 4158 9031 4150 9048 $$ IAC139-163-ILC161-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RCKI2.3.ER.190315T1316Z.190409T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Rock Island LD15. * Until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.4 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 17.8 feet Tuesday evening, then begin rising again Wednesday evening. Forecast to rise to 20.2 feet by next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 20.0 feet, Water affects the River's Edge parking lot. Water is over the top of the jetty at Lindsay Park Yacht Club. Water affects buildings at Sunset Marina in Rock Island and Moline's River Drive from the 2300 to 5500 block. && LAT...LON 4146 9086 4156 9046 4152 9043 4143 9066 4141 9085 $$ IAC139-ILC161-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ILNI2.3.ER.190316T0033Z.190410T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Ill. City LD16. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.4 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Start to rise Wednesday night, rising to 19.7 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 19.5 feet, Water affects Buffalos Franklin Street and into some yards from seepage. At Buffalo Shores, water is at the foundations of several homes. && LAT...LON 4144 9103 4146 9086 4141 9085 4140 9102 $$ IAC115-139-ILC131-161-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MUSI4.3.ER.190315T2020Z.190410T1330Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Muscatine. * Until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 19.7 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Start to rise again Thursday afternoon, rising to 20.9 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 21.0 feet, Riverside Park is entirely under water. && LAT...LON 4141 9108 4144 9103 4140 9102 4124 9108 4124 9114 $$ IAC115-ILC131-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NBOI2.3.ER.190315T1144Z.190410T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at New Boston LD17. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 19.1 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Start to rise again Thursday night, rising to 19.8 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 18.1 feet, Lock and Dam 17 is closed. && LAT...LON 4124 9114 4124 9108 4116 9097 4117 9106 4119 9111 $$ IAC057-115-ILC071-131-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /KHBI2.3.ER.190315T1115Z.190410T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Keithsburg. * Until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 17.6 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Start to rise again Friday morning, rising to 17.8 feet next Sunday evening. * Impact, At 17.5 feet, Water affects most houses on 1st Street in Oquawka. && LAT...LON 4117 9106 4116 9097 4108 9091 4091 9094 4094 9099 $$ IAC057-ILC071-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GLDI2.3.ER.190315T0006Z.190325T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gladstone LD18. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 14.7 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 14.3 feet Tuesday morning. Start to rise again Friday evening. && LAT...LON 4094 9099 4091 9094 4084 9105 4086 9110 $$ IAC057-111-ILC067-071-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRLI4.3.ER.190314T2130Z.190325T0030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Burlington. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 19.1 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 18.0 feet Thursday morning. Start to rise again Friday night. * Impact, At 19.0 feet, Water causes drive and access problems to a restaurant along the river. Water also goes over the new seawall on the riverfront. Water affects streets bordering the river in Pontoosuc. && LAT...LON 4086 9110 4084 9105 4062 9108 4061 9142 4067 9118 $$ IAC111-ILC067-MOC045-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EOKI4.3.ER.190317T0013Z.190330T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Keokuk LD19. * Until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.3 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 17.0 feet Thursday evening. Start to rise again Saturday morning. * Impact, At 16.0 feet, Water affects low lying buildings in rural areas. Water affects the railroad tracks in Alexandria. && LAT...LON 4035 9150 4061 9142 4061 9130 4038 9134 4034 9144 $$ ILC067-MOC045-221843- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GGYM7.2.ER.190311T0045Z.190331T0500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 19.4 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to around 18.0 feet early Friday morning. * Impact, At 17.0 feet, Water affects the road north of the grain elevator in Gregory Landing. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$ 12  649 WWUS83 KDDC 220243 SPSDDC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ066-220330- Stafford KS- 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN STAFFORD COUNTY UNTIL 1030 PM CDT... At 943 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Seward, moving east at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hudson and Seward. LAT...LON 3810 9883 3826 9883 3826 9847 3808 9848 TIME...MOT...LOC 0243Z 266DEG 23KT 3822 9869 $$ JJOHNSON  890 WGUS84 KMOB 220243 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Chickasawhay At Leakesville affecting George...Greene and Wayne Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && MSC039-041-153-230242- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LEKM6.1.ER.190416T1025Z.190422T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Chickasawhay At Leakesville * until further notice. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 25.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 26 feet by tomorrow morning then begin slowly falling. * At 22 feet...Flooding of lowlands continues and some roads in low lying areas become cut off by high water. * At 26 feet...Flooding at the highway bridge begins. && LAT...LON 3144 8857 3144 8846 3108 8854 3098 8873 3100 8875 3110 8858 $$  141 WXFJ02 NFFN 220240 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY ONE FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 2.40PM ON MONDAY THE 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER, LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF DREKETILAILAI STATION OF QAWA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF KOROVOU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAYAVU RIVER; FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR THE INTERIOR AND EASTERN HALF OF VITI LEVU, LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF WAIMANU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF WAINIBUKA RIVER. LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF RAKIRAKI TOWN; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 3.70M AT 2.00PM WHICH IS 0.12M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 5.13M AT 2.00PM WHICH IS 0.3M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT DREKETILAILAI STATION WAS 2.12M AT 2.00PM WHICH IS 0.1M BELOW WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAYAVU STATION WAS 9.05M AT 2.00PM WHICH IS 1.05M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING LEVEL AT RAKIRAKI TOWN WAS 1.46M AT 2.00PM WHICH IS 1.04M BELOW ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT WAIMANU WAS 4.11M AT 2.00PM WHICH IS 0.11M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING. SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCAITED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME HIGH 1.93M 08.46PM LOW 0.68M 02.40AM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 5.40PM OR EARLIER.  251 WSCI34 ZSSS 220243 ZSHA SIGMET 1 VALID 220300/220700 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N30 AND W OF E120 TOP FL330 MOV E 30KMH NC=  171 WSCH31 SCEL 220245 SCEZ SIGMET A1 VALID 220258/220658 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S3319 W07100 - S3343 W07329 - S3627 W07149 FL220/260 MOV NE NC=  567 WGUS84 KMOB 220244 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 944 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Pascagoula At Merrill affecting George...Greene and Jackson Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && MSC039-041-059-230244- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MRRM6.1.ER.190420T2037Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 944 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Pascagoula At Merrill * until further notice. * At 9 PM Sunday the stage was 23 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 23.6 feet by Tuesday morning then begin slowly falling. * At 22 feet...Water approaches homes in west Merrill. * At 23.5 feet...Water is under homes in Plum Bluff Estates. Streets of Merrill flood. && LAT...LON 3098 8877 3098 8872 3082 8871 3074 8864 3074 8868 3082 8879 $$  199 WSBZ31 SBRE 220245 SBRE SIGMET 2 VALID 220250/220650 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0955 W04107 - S1043 W03921 - S1159 W03951 - S1123 W04130 - S0955 W04107 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  307 WGUS83 KGRB 220246 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 946 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Embarrass River near Embarrass affecting Waupaca and Shawano Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC115-135-221745- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EMBW3.1.ER.190418T0632Z.190419T1745Z.190421T2110Z.NR/ 946 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Embarrass River near Embarrass. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 6.8 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * River level is currently just below Minor Flood Stage, but may rise above Flood Stage again overnight or Monday. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. There is widespread flooding of lowland and agricultural land.. && LAT...LON 4439 8874 4459 8874 4472 8900 4480 8894 4476 8870 4446 8860 $$  080 WGUS83 KFGF 220247 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning has been extended for these river locations in North Dakota... * Hickson...on the Red River...in Cass County ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in Minnesota...North Dakota... * Wahpeton...on the Red River ...in Wilkin and Richland Counties * Fargo...on the Red River ...in Clay and Cass Counties * Halstad...on the Red River ...in Norman and Traill Counties * East Grand Forks...on the Red River ...in Polk and Grand Forks Counties * Oslo...on the Red River ...in Marshall...Polk...Grand Forks and Walsh Counties * Drayton...on the Red River ...in Kittson...Marshall...Pembina and Walsh Counties * Pembina...on the Red River ...in Kittson and Pembina Counties * Abercrombie...on the Wild Rice River (ND) ...in Richland County .Moderate to major flooding continues along the Red River. Only minor additional rises are expected from Hickson to Fargo, with Wahpeton beginning to crest. Further north, Halstad and East Grand Forks continue to fall while Oslo and Drayton remain fairly steady. Pembina has yet to reach its initial crest, but should by late this week or into the weekend. No significant precipitation is expected for the first part of the week. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && MNC167-NDC077-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WHNN8.2.SM.190328T0937Z.190401T1115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Wahpeton...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 PM Sunday the stage was 13.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will slowly fall to a stage of 13.7 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 13.5 feet, North Main Street and bridge closed (Breckenridge). && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Wahpeton 13.8 13.6 13.2 12.7 12.2 11.5 11.1 && LAT...LON 4650 9684 4650 9663 4603 9641 4602 9672 $$ NDC017-231447- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0037.190426T1200Z-190427T1800Z/ /HICN8.1.SM.190426T1200Z.190426T1200Z.190426T1200Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Hickson...on the Red River. * from Friday morning to Saturday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 28.8 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 30.0 feet. * Forecast...the river is expected to rise to near Flood Stage Friday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 31.0 feet, North Dakota Hwy 18 bridge approach closed. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Hickson 28.9 29.0 29.5 29.9 29.9 29.2 28.1 && LAT...LON 4676 9689 4677 9671 4650 9663 4650 9684 $$ MNC027-NDC017-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FGON8.3.SM.190331T1722Z.190409T0115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Fargo...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 PM Sunday the stage was 30.9 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 30.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will rise to near 31.2 feet sometime early Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impact Statement(s) - At 31.0 feet, 1st Avenue N underpass is closed (Moorhead). && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Fargo 31.1 31.1 31.2 31.0 30.6 30.0 29.4 && LAT...LON 4677 9671 4676 9689 4724 9694 4724 9683 4715 9673 $$ MNC107-NDC097-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HILN8.3.SM.190404T1737Z.190412T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Halstad...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:30 PM Sunday the stage was 35.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 32.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 35.0 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 36.4 feet, City mobilizes for dike patrols. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Halstad 35.3 34.7 34.0 33.3 32.5 31.7 30.6 && LAT...LON 4767 9698 4767 9673 4715 9673 4724 9695 $$ MNC119-NDC035-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EGFM5.3.SM.190405T0542Z.190411T2330Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...East Grand Forks...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 44.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 43.2 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 44.0 feet, River Rd and 17th St NW closure to be assembled (East Grand Forks). && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 East Grand Forks 43.5 43.0 42.7 42.4 42.1 41.7 41.2 && LAT...LON 4767 9699 4810 9719 4807 9698 4768 9674 $$ MNC089-119-NDC035-099-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OSLM5.3.SM.190405T0622Z.190413T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Oslo...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 PM Sunday the stage was 37.5 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 36.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will slowly fall to a stage of 37.4 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 37.5 feet, State Highway 1 overtops (MN DOT). && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Oslo 37.4 37.3 37.3 37.2 37.1 37.0 37.0 && LAT...LON 4848 9725 4846 9706 4807 9698 4810 9721 $$ MNC069-089-NDC067-099-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DRTN8.3.SM.190409T0649Z.190420T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Drayton...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 PM Sunday the stage was 42.4 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 42.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will slowly fall to a stage of 42.3 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 42.0 feet, Major Flood Stage. General Urban Flood Damage to Drayton and its environs. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Drayton 42.3 42.2 42.2 42.1 42.0 41.8 41.6 && LAT...LON 4874 9702 4846 9705 4848 9725 4881 9734 $$ MNC069-NDC067-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PBNN8.3.SM.190410T1350Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Pembina...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 PM Sunday the stage was 48.6 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 49.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will rise to near 49.8 feet sometime Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact Statement(s) - At 50.0 feet, South end of Airport Road closes. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Pembina 49.0 49.3 49.5 49.7 49.8 49.8 49.8 && LAT...LON 4874 9701 4877 9732 4900 9740 4900 9700 $$ NDC077-231447- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ABRN8.3.SM.190401T2121Z.190406T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Abercrombie...on the Wild Rice River (ND). * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 PM Sunday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 18.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 17.0 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 18.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. Bridge near the gage is inaccessible due to agricultural flooding. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (month/day) 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 Abercrombie 17.6 16.5 15.4 14.4 13.6 12.8 12.0 && LAT...LON 4663 9696 4663 9679 4612 9664 4611 9712 $$ Speicher  649 WGUS43 KGRB 220247 FLWGRB BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Green Bay WI 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 Wisconsin River below Biron Reservoir affecting Wood County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons with interests along this river need to prepare for flooding. Stay tuned for further updates on this flooding situation. && WIC141-221746- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BIRW3.1.ER.190418T0542Z.190420T0310Z.190421T2027Z.UU/ 947 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Biron Reservoir. * At 7:10 PM Sunday the stage was 1017 feet. * Flood stage is 1017 feet. * River is currently right at Minor Flood Stage, but may rise above flood stage again. * Impacts at 1017 feet. Widespread wooded lowland flooding. Water approaches a few homes on Shore Acres Drive in Biron.. && LAT...LON 4442 8973 4438 8980 4442 8986 4447 8973 $$  775 WWCN19 CWVR 220247 WINTER STORM WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:47 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTER STORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= HAINES ROAD - HAINES JUNCTION TO PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HAZARDOUS WINTER CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED. HEAVY SNOW FOLLOWING BY STRONG WINDS AND BLOWING SNOW EXPECTED ON MONDAY. A DEEP PACIFIC LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL CROSS THE COAST MOUNTAINS INTO SOUTHWEST YUKON ON MONDAY. SNOW WILL BECOME HEAVY BY MONDAY MORNING GIVING SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 25 CM NORTH OF PLEASANT CAMP. IN THE WAKE OF THE LOW STRONG SOUTHERLY WINDS GUSTING TO 90 KM/H IN THE AFTERNOON WILL GIVE AREAS OF BLOWING SNOW. THE SNOW IS FORECAST TO EASE MONDAY AFTERNOON WHILE THE WINDS EASE MONDAY EVENING. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  617 WSTA31 UTDD 220248 UTDD SIGMET 1 VALID 220300/220700 UTDD- UTDD DUSHANBE FIR EMBD TSGR FCST TOP FL340 MOV NE 20 KMH NC=  898 WGUS83 KLSX 220248 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Mississippi River... at Canton at LaGrange at Quincy at Lock & Dam 21 at Hannibal at Saverton at Louisiana at Clarksville at Winfield at Grafton at Mel Price Lock and Dam at St. Louis at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC001-MOC111-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CANM7.2.RS.190314T1402Z.190331T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Canton * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 18.5 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 18.7 feet...In La Grange, 2nd Street floods between Green St. and Lewis St. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Canton 14.0 18.76 18.7 18.5 18.2 17.8 17.5 && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4022 9142 4008 9140 4008 9153 $$ ILC001-MOC111-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0077.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LGRM7.1.ER.190317T2252Z.190331T1430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at LaGrange * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 19.0 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 19.5 feet...Water completely covers the BNSF railroad tracks at the Bunge grain elevators. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River LaGrange 18.0 19.43 19.3 19.0 18.7 18.4 18.1 && LAT...LON 4008 9153 4008 9140 3999 9140 3999 9152 $$ ILC001-MOC127-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /UINI2.2.RS.190315T1300Z.190331T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Quincy * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 21.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 21.5 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 21.9 feet...The lower floor of The Pier Restaurant begins flooding near this height. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Quincy 17.0 21.79 21.7 21.5 21.1 20.7 20.4 && LAT...LON 3999 9152 3999 9140 3991 9140 3991 9152 $$ ILC001-MOC127-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /QLDI2.2.RS.190316T1532Z.190331T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Sunday the stage was 21.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will fall to a stage of 20.6 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 17.0 feet...Flood Stage: Minor flooding begins. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Lock & Dam 21 17.0 20.95 20.9 20.6 20.2 19.8 19.4 && LAT...LON 3991 9152 3991 9140 3983 9135 3983 9148 $$ ILC149-MOC127-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HNNM7.3.RS.190314T1237Z.190401T0115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Hannibal * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Sunday the stage was 22.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 21.7 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 22.0 feet...BNSF tracks just south of Hannibal are flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Hannibal 16.0 22.09 22.0 21.7 21.4 21.0 20.6 && LAT...LON 3983 9148 3983 9135 3974 9121 3967 9135 $$ ILC149-MOC173-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SVRM7.3.RS.190315T1316Z.190401T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Saverton * until further notice. * At 6:00 PM Sunday the stage was 21.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river will fall to a stage of 20.9 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 21.4 feet...Near this level, the lock is closed to navigation. This level will vary with circumstance. Also, BNSF railroad tracks just south of Hannibal are flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Saverton 16.0 21.23 21.1 20.9 20.5 20.1 19.7 && LAT...LON 3967 9135 3974 9121 3970 9114 3952 9097 3945 9111 $$ ILC149-MOC163-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUSM7.2.RS.190314T1642Z.190401T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Louisiana * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 20.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 20.5 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 20.8 feet...Near this height, the railroad bridge below the mouth of Noix Creek is closed. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Louisiana 15.0 20.79 20.7 20.5 20.2 19.9 19.5 && LAT...LON 3945 9111 3952 9097 3945 9089 3939 9097 $$ ILC013-MOC163-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLKM7.3.RS.190314T1500Z.190401T1430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Clarksville * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 31.1 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 30.8 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 31.0 feet...The Clarksville Boat Club, south of Lock & Dam 24, begins to flood. First Street begins flooding. A sand-filled barrier at the bottom of Howard Street is considered. In Hamburg, Illinois, Water Street floods. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Clarksville 25.0 31.08 31.0 30.8 30.5 30.2 29.8 && LAT...LON 3939 9097 3945 9089 3938 9077 3923 9071 3922 9081 $$ ILC013-MOC113-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CAGM7.3.RS.190315T1130Z.190402T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Winfield * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 32.1 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 31.8 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 32.5 feet...Near this level, Winfield Lock 25 is closed to navigation. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Winfield 26.0 32.07 32.0 31.8 31.6 31.3 30.9 && LAT...LON 3922 9081 3923 9071 3888 9057 3881 9057 3887 9074 $$ ILC083-MOC183-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRFI2.3.RS.190313T0345Z.190402T2130Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Grafton * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 25.3 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 25.0 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 25.2 feet...The intersection at Main Street and Canal Street begins flooding. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Grafton 18.0 25.32 25.3 25.0 24.8 24.5 24.2 && LAT...LON 3881 9057 3888 9057 3899 9046 3895 9028 3882 9048 $$ ILC119-MOC183-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ALNI2.2.RS.190314T1220Z.190403T0830Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Mel Price Lock and Dam * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 26.2 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 25.6 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 26.5 feet...Yachtview Drive begins flooding along the entrance to Harbor Point Yacht Club within a foot of this height. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Mel Price LD 21.0 26.23 26.1 25.6 25.2 24.9 24.5 && LAT...LON 3891 9033 3895 9028 3883 9003 3881 9017 3886 9017 $$ ILC163-MOC189-510-230248- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190428T1200Z/ /EADM7.2.ER.190317T0007Z.190403T1845Z.190427T1200Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at St. Louis * until Sunday April 28. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 32.8 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by Saturday morning. * Impact: At 33.0 feet...Floodgates at the Rutger Street railroad and at Miller Street are closed. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River St. Louis 30.0 32.83 32.6 31.9 31.3 30.8 30.4 && LAT...LON 3881 9017 3883 9004 3826 9030 3826 9043 3873 9024 $$ ILC077-157-MOC157-186-230248- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CHSI2.2.RS.190313T2045Z.190404T2230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Chester * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Sunday the stage was 35.5 feet. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall to a stage of 35.0 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact: At 35.2 feet...In Perry County, Highway C is closed between County Roads 352 and 354 (the Levee Road) near Menfro. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/22 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 Mississippi River Chester 27.0 35.45 35.5 35.0 34.4 33.8 33.2 && LAT...LON 3826 9043 3826 9030 3769 8935 3769 8959 3787 9003 $$  003 WWUS83 KTOP 220248 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ008-020-220330- Republic-Cloud- 948 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN REPUBLIC AND NORTHEASTERN CLOUD COUNTIES UNTIL 1030 PM CDT... At 948 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 4 miles southeast of Norway, moving east at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Concordia, Cuba and Agenda. LAT...LON 3962 9737 3954 9772 3975 9770 3984 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0248Z 250DEG 21KT 3965 9772 $$  212 WWUS75 KREV 220250 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 750 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NVZ004-220400- /O.EXP.KREV.LW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-190422T0300Z/ Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- 750 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR PYRAMID LAKE... * The Lake Wind Advisory for Pyramid Lake will expire at 8 PM PDT this evening. * Gusty northwest winds and choppy waters will continue overnight, however wind speeds are expected to remain below advisory thresholds. $$ http://weather.gov/reno  175 WWUS83 KGID 220250 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 950 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ005-NEZ073-082>084-220330- Phillips KS-Franklin NE-Phelps NE-Harlan NE-Furnas NE- 950 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN PHILLIPS... NORTHWESTERN FRANKLIN...SOUTHERN PHELPS...NORTHEASTERN FURNAS AND HARLAN COUNTIES UNTIL 1030 PM CDT... At 950 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Stamford, or 20 miles southwest of Holdrege, moving northeast at 20 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Holdrege, Alma, Oxford, Orleans, Loomis, Stamford, Republican City, Long Island, Atlanta, Huntley, Ragan and Woodruff. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4035 9973 4035 9964 4040 9965 4053 9941 4042 9918 4035 9918 4035 9912 4019 9906 3986 9952 TIME...MOT...LOC 0250Z 224DEG 19KT 4019 9957 $$ Mangels  423 WSBO31 SLLP 220251 SLLF SIGMET 1 VALID 220250/220650 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0250Z WI S1900 W05950 S1745 W06029 S1649 W05900 S1659 W05821 S1758 W05725 S1926 W05801 S1936 W05749 S1941 W05809 S1928 W05816 S1931 W05806 TOP FL400 MOV NE 0KT INTSF=  105 WWUS83 KTOP 220253 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 953 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ020-034-220345- Cloud-Ottawa- 953 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN OTTAWA AND SOUTHERN CLOUD COUNTIES UNTIL 1045 PM CDT... At 952 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 4 miles northeast of Ada, moving east at 35 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Minneapolis, Miltonvale, Glasco, Delphos and Wells. LAT...LON 3947 9737 3917 9737 3908 9787 3935 9788 TIME...MOT...LOC 0252Z 250DEG 30KT 3921 9784 $$  786 WWUS53 KGID 220254 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 954 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC093-125-220303- /O.CAN.KGID.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Nance NE-Howard NE- 954 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN NANCE AND NORTHEASTERN HOWARD COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4140 9817 4126 9825 4127 9827 4139 9827 4139 9829 4123 9829 4120 9841 4124 9846 4134 9844 4139 9830 4140 9829 4141 9825 TIME...MOT...LOC 0253Z 198DEG 16KT 4132 9834 $$ Wesely  594 WSUS32 KKCI 220255 SIGC MKCC WST 220255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8C VALID UNTIL 0455Z MI WI MN LS FROM 80N RHI-50SW SAW-50NW MSP-20SW BRD-80N RHI AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9C VALID UNTIL 0455Z NE FROM 30WSW ONL-50E LBF-50ENE MCK LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10C VALID UNTIL 0455Z NE FROM 30ESE ONL-50ENE OBH-30SSE OBH-20NW OBH-30ESE ONL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11C VALID UNTIL 0455Z KS NE FROM 50ENE MCK-40WSW PWE-40W ICT-20N HLC-50ENE MCK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.0 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12C VALID UNTIL 0455Z MN IA NE SD FROM 40SE RWF-60NNW OVR-30WSW FSD-40SE RWF DVLPG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 220455-220855 FROM 40NNE DLH-50NNE SAW-40W BUM-30N LBL-ANW-40NNE DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  595 WSUS31 KKCI 220255 SIGE MKCE WST 220255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1E VALID UNTIL 0455Z NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 90SE SBY-150ESE ECG DVLPG LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 18035KT. TOPS TO FL260. OUTLOOK VALID 220455-220855 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-140ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  625 WWUS53 KOAX 220254 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 954 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC011-141-220315- /O.CON.KOAX.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Platte NE-Boone NE- 954 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN PLATTE AND SOUTHEASTERN BOONE COUNTIES... At 954 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over St. Edward, or 25 miles northwest of Columbus, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Albion, St. Edward, Lindsay, Cornlea and The Highway 14 And 56 Junction. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4179 9799 4175 9783 4174 9783 4167 9752 4149 9770 4152 9770 4153 9788 4151 9789 4151 9804 4150 9804 4150 9808 TIME...MOT...LOC 0254Z 209DEG 18KT 4158 9781 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  911 WSUS33 KKCI 220255 SIGW MKCW WST 220255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5W VALID UNTIL 0455Z UT FROM 40SW MTU-20ENE HVE-30WSW HVE-40SW MTU DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6W VALID UNTIL 0455Z AZ FROM 60SSW BCE-40WNW TBC-20NNE EED-40N EED-60SSW BCE AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24025KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 220455-220855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  346 WWCN79 CWVR 220247 AVERTISSEMENT DE TEMPETE HIVERNALE POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE EMIS PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 19H47 HAP LE DIMANCHE 21 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE TEMPETE HIVERNALE POUR: =NOUVEAU= ROUTE VERS HAINES - HAINES JUNCTION A PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON PREVOIT DES CONDITIONS HIVERNALES DANGEREUSES. NEIGE FORTE, PUIS VENTS FORTS ET POUDRERIE LUNDI. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION DU PACIFIQUE TRAVERSERA LA CHAINE COTIERE POUR ENVAHIR LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON LUNDI. LA NEIGE DEVIENDRA FORTE D'ICI LUNDI MATIN ET GENERERA DE 15 A 25 CM DE NEIGE AU NORD DE PLEASANT CAMP. DANS LE SILLAGE DE LA DEPRESSION, DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD SOUFFLANT EN RAFALES A 90 KM/H EN APRES-MIDI CAUSERONT DES ZONES DE POUDRERIE. LA NEIGE DEVRAIT CESSER LUNDI APRES-MIDI, ALORS QUE LES VENTS FAIBLIRONT LUNDI SOIR. L'ACCUMULATION RAPIDE DE NEIGE POURRAIT RENDRE LES DEPLACEMENTS DIFFICILES DANS CERTAINS ENDROITS. LA VISIBILITE SERA SOUDAINEMENT REDUITE A PRESQUE NULLE PAR MOMENTS DANS LA FORTE NEIGE ET LA POUDRERIE. DES FERMETURES DE ROUTES SONT POSSIBLES. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  152 WBCN07 CWVR 220200 PAM ROCKS WIND 1404 LANGARA; OVC 10R- E05 1FT CHP LO W 0230 CLD EST 8 SCT 15 OVC 08/07 GREEN; OVC 2R-F S25E 5FT MDT 0230 CLD EST 16 OVC 07/07 TRIPLE; OVC 3R-F SE25EG 5FT MDT LO SW 0230 CLD EST 18 BKN OVC ABV 25 08/08 BONILLA; OVC 2R-F SE40EG 8FT RUF LO-MOD S 0230 CLD EST 6 BKN 15 OVC 08/08 BOAT BLUFF; OVC 2R-F SE10G15 2FT CHP 0230 CLD EST 5 SCT 12 BKN 22 OVC 07/07 MCINNES; OVC 4R-F SE30E 6FT MDT LO-MOD SW 0230 CLD EST 15 FEW 22 OVC 08/06 IVORY; OVC 10R- SE15 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW 0230 CLD EST 8 FEW 14 SCT OVC ABV 25 08/06 DRYAD; OVC 6R- SE10 1FT CHP 0230 CLD EST 12 SCT 20 OVC 08/06 ADDENBROKE; OVC 10R- S14E 3FT MDT 0230 CLD EST 24 BKN OVC ABV 25 08/07 EGG ISLAND; OVC 15RW- SE17 3FT MOD LO W 0240 CLD EST 22 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/07 PINE ISLAND; OVC 15RW- SE20EG 3FT MOD LO W 0240 CLD EST 18 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/07 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 8R- SE40EG 8FT RUFF LO-MOD SW 0240 CLD EST 16 BKN OVC ABV 25 07/06 QUATSINO; OVC 12RW- SE30EG 6FT MOD LO SW 0240 CLD EST OVC ABV 25 09/07 NOOTKA; OVC 15R- S12E 2FT CHP 0240 CLD EST 12 FEW OVC ABV 25 08/04 ESTEVAN; OVC 15 SE17 3FT MDT LO SW 1026.2F LENNARD; OVC 12RW- SE11E 2FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 15RW- S05 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; CLDY 15 SE10E 2FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; OVC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 15 SE18E 2FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; OVC 15 SE05E RPLD 0240 CLD EST OVC ABV 25 08/06 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 201/09/06/1424/M/ PK WND 1328 0148Z 6021 29MM= WEB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 251/08/06/1515/M/ PK WND 1419 0141Z 8016 44MM= WQC SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 255/11/04/2103/M/ 6005 16MM= WRU SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 197/07/M/1142+50/M/0006 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1151 0102Z 5021 1MMM= WFG SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 156/07/07/1446+57/M/0022 PCPN 1.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1457 0158Z 6028 43MM= WVF SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/11/08/1413/M/ M 19MM= WQS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 063/08/07/1531+39/M/0032 PCPN 1.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1539 0156Z 8040 32MM= WRO SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 082/08/08/1529+35/M/0016 PCPN 0.9MM PAST HR PK WND 1535 0158Z 6027 49MM= WEK SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 111/08/05/MMMM/M/0026 PCPN 1.6MM PAST HR 8018 53MM= WWL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 109/08/07/1535+42/M/0018 PCPN 1.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1543 0135Z 8024 23MM= WME SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/07/05/2202/M/0026 PCPN 1.4MM PAST HR M 82MM= WAS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 154/13/08/1404/M/ 5001 40MM= WSB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 241/12/08/1108/M/ 5004 92MM= WGT SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 244/11/08/1306/M/M 6006 82MM= WGB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 239/11/08/1311/M/ 6007 02MM= WEL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 241/11/09/1611/M/ 7007 26MM= WDR SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 238/11/06/2405/M/ PK WND 2117 0121Z 6003 61MM= WZO SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2213/M/ PK WND 2318 0116Z M MMMM= WKA SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1105/M/ M MMMM=  257 WAUS41 KKCI 220245 WA1T BOST WA 220245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 220900 . ...SEE SIGMET ROMEO SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...PA OH WV MD DC VA NC SC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20N EWC TO PSB TO 30NW RIC TO ECG TO 190ESE ECG TO 150SE ILM TO FLO TO 50SSW EKN TO AIR TO 20N EWC MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL340. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 40NNE PQI TO 50WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 50E ORF TO 20W ETX TO 40NNW SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 140 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  258 WAUS42 KKCI 220245 WA2T MIAT WA 220245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET TURB...NC SC PA OH WV MD DC VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20N EWC TO PSB TO 30NW RIC TO ECG TO 190ESE ECG TO 150SE ILM TO FLO TO 50SSW EKN TO AIR TO 20N EWC MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL340. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. ....  446 WAUS43 KKCI 220245 WA3T CHIT WA 220245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MO OK TX AR LA FROM 40SE SNY TO 50E BUM TO 40SSW LSU TO 30SSE CWK TO SJT TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40SE SNY MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...NE KS IA MO OK AR FROM 30W MCW TO 40SE MCW TO 20NNW IRK TO 20N COU TO 50SSE SGF TO 40NNW END TO 40W ICT TO SLN TO 40E OBH TO 50N OVR TO 30W MCW MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE FROM 70SE BIS TO 50S FAR TO 70S ABR TO 50SSE PIR TO 50SSE ANW TO 60WSW ANW TO 20S RAP TO 70SE BIS MOD TURB BLW 070. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...NE KS IA MO OK AR BOUNDED BY 60ENE OBH-30SE DSM-40WNW COU-20W SGF-30NE MLC-60S MMB- 30NE MMB-60WSW ICT-60ENE OBH LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB NE KS MO IL OK TX AR TN LA MS AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ESE BFF-40W OBH-40SSE STL-60ESE HRV-40WSW LCH-70WSW TTT-60N INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-20ESE BFF MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  447 WAUS46 KKCI 220245 WA6T SFOT WA 220245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT NV AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S YQL TO 80WSW HLN TO 70NNE BAM TO 50N OAL TO 20WSW LAX TO 180SSW RZS TO 150SW SNS TO 50WSW PYE TO 50SSE EUG TO 30S HQM TO 100WNW TOU TO 40S YQL MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA WY NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSE LAR TO 40SE SNY TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO 30NNW ELP TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO 20S BZA TO 240SW MZB TO 180SSW RZS TO 20WSW LAX TO 30WNW BCE TO 60E DTA TO 40E MTU TO 20SSE LAR MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20E BTY TO 20WSW EED TO 30NNW BZA TO 20NW MZB TO 50SW RZS TO 30SW SNS TO 20E BTY MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S FOT TO 30SW OAK TO 80WSW SNS TO 150WSW SNS TO 140WSW PYE TO 110SW FOT TO 40S FOT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SSW YQL-70S YYN-80E DLN-50W ELY-30SSW BTY-20WSW LAX- 90SW MZB-220SW MZB-130WSW SNS-20NE PYE-60E RBL-50ENE LKV-40WSW BKE-30SSE EPH-20S YDC-30SSW YQL MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  448 WAUS45 KKCI 220245 WA5T SLCT WA 220245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET TURB...ID MT NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S YQL TO 80WSW HLN TO 70NNE BAM TO 50N OAL TO 20WSW LAX TO 180SSW RZS TO 150SW SNS TO 50WSW PYE TO 50SSE EUG TO 30S HQM TO 100WNW TOU TO 40S YQL MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSE LAR TO 40SE SNY TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO 30NNW ELP TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO 20S BZA TO 240SW MZB TO 180SSW RZS TO 20WSW LAX TO 30WNW BCE TO 60E DTA TO 40E MTU TO 20SSE LAR MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB ID MT WY NV UT WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SSW YQL-70S YYN-80E DLN-50W ELY-30SSW BTY-20WSW LAX- 90SW MZB-220SW MZB-130WSW SNS-20NE PYE-60E RBL-50ENE LKV-40WSW BKE-30SSE EPH-20S YDC-30SSW YQL MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  449 WAUS44 KKCI 220245 WA4T DFWT WA 220245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR LA NE KS MO FROM 40SE SNY TO 50E BUM TO 40SSW LSU TO 30SSE CWK TO SJT TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40SE SNY MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR FROM 40NNW END TO 50SSE SGF TO 30ENE ACT TO 40WNW ACT TO 30NNW SPS TO 30SSW END TO 40NNW END MOD TURB BLW 050. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK AR NE KS IA MO FROM 30W MCW TO 40SE MCW TO 20NNW IRK TO 20N COU TO 50SSE SGF TO 40NNW END TO 40W ICT TO SLN TO 40E OBH TO 50N OVR TO 30W MCW MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OK AR NE KS IA MO BOUNDED BY 60ENE OBH-30SE DSM-40WNW COU-20W SGF-30NE MLC-60S MMB- 30NE MMB-60WSW ICT-60ENE OBH LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB OK TX AR TN LA MS NE KS MO IL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ESE BFF-40W OBH-40SSE STL-60ESE HRV-40WSW LCH-70WSW TTT-60N INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-20ESE BFF MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  807 WSFR34 LFPW 220255 LFMM SIGMET 1 VALID 220300/220700 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB OBS AT 0300Z WI N4630 E00615 - N4630 E00700 - N4400 E00700 - N4315 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4100 E00800 - N4230 E00515 - N4630 E00615 SFC/FL080 STNR INTSF=  606 WWUS53 KGID 220257 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 957 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC125-220315- /O.CON.KGID.SV.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Nance NE- 957 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NANCE COUNTY... At 957 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Genoa, or 23 miles west of Columbus, moving northeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Genoa. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4135 9785 4138 9794 4139 9798 4146 9792 4151 9789 4153 9788 4153 9771 4148 9770 TIME...MOT...LOC 0257Z 242DEG 13KT 4145 9782 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Wesely  069 WWJP74 RJTD 220000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 220000UTC ISSUED AT 220300UTC LOW 1012HPA AT 38N 145E MOV EAST 20 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 220900UTC =  070 WWJP72 RJTD 220000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 220000UTC ISSUED AT 220300UTC WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 220900UTC =  602 WWUS83 KGID 220258 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 958 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ060-061-073-220345- Buffalo NE-Phelps NE-Dawson NE- 958 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN PHELPS... SOUTHWESTERN BUFFALO AND SOUTHEASTERN DAWSON COUNTIES UNTIL 1045 PM CDT... At 958 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Overton, or 14 miles southeast of Lexington, moving northeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Elm Creek, Overton, Odessa and Amherst. LAT...LON 4091 9927 4067 9912 4060 9951 4074 9962 TIME...MOT...LOC 0258Z 244DEG 11KT 4069 9948 $$ Mangels  782 WWJP71 RJTD 220000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 220000UTC ISSUED AT 220300UTC C-FRONT FM 27N 139E TO 25N 137E 24N 132E STNR FRONT FM 24N 132E TO 27N 125E 29N 119E 28N 115E 25N 111E WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 220900UTC =  783 WWJP75 RJTD 220000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 220000UTC ISSUED AT 220300UTC DEVELOPED LOW 1008HPA AT 41N 163E MOV ENE 10 KT LOW 1012HPA AT 38N 145E MOV EAST 20 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 220900UTC =  784 WWJP73 RJTD 220000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 220000UTC ISSUED AT 220300UTC LOW 1008HPA AT 27N 139E MOV EAST 15 KT LOW 1012HPA AT 38N 145E MOV EAST 20 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 220900UTC =  504 WHUS73 KDLH 220258 AAA MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Duluth MN 958 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 LSZ140>142-220400- /O.EXP.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T0300Z/ Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN- Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN- Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN- 958 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Winds have diminished to less than 15 knots along the far northern sections of the north shore of Lake Superior late this evening, and the small craft advisory will be allowed to expire as scheduled at 10 PM CDT> $$ LSZ143>145-221100- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN-Two Harbors to Duluth MN- Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 958 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT MONDAY... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 10 to 20 knots. * Waves...5 to 7 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 30 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ121-146>148-221100- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Chequamegon Bay-Bayfield to Oak Point WI- Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- 958 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT MONDAY... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 15 to 20 knots. * Waves...5 to 7 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  699 WSFR34 LFPW 220300 LFMM SIGMET 2 VALID 220300/220400 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 9 220000/220400=  158 WWUS83 KLBF 220300 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 1000 PM CDT SUN APR 21 2019 NEZ038-220400- Custer NE- 1000 PM CDT SUN APR 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN CUSTER COUNTY UNTIL 1100 PM CDT... At 959 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Weissert to near Eddyville. Movement was east at 10 mph. Dime size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Broken Bow, Ansley, Oconto, Berwyn, Weissert, Westerville, Buckeye, Pressey State Wildlife Management Area, Burr Oak and Cumro. This includes the following highways... Highway 183 between mile markers 86 and 107. Highway 2 between mile markers 273 and 296. Highway 92 near mile marker 300. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && LAT...LON 4152 9970 4154 9929 4104 9943 4105 9985 TIME...MOT...LOC 0259Z 261DEG 5KT 4145 9955 4106 9972 $$ Jurgensen  622 WSBW20 VGHS 220300 VGFR SIGMET 02 VALID 220400/220800 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR ISOL EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL390 MOV ESE NC=  354 WGUS63 KGRB 220302 FFAGRB Flood Watch National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1002 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HEAVY RAIN POSSIBLE ACROSS MOST OF NORTHEAST WISCONSIN... .Showers and a few thunderstorms are expected across far north- central Wisconsin tonight into Monday night. These showers are forecast to expand across the rest of northeast Wisconsin Monday afternoon with the precipitation continuing through Monday night. The rain may be locally heavy at times with rainfall amounts averaging around an inch, with locally greater totals possible, by Tuesday morning. WIZ005-010>012-221100- /O.CON.KGRB.FA.A.0002.190422T0600Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence- Including the cities of Eagle River, Lac Du Flambeau, Rhinelander, Crandon, Aurora, Commonwealth, and Spread Eagle 1002 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM CDT MONDAY THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of north-central Wisconsin and northeast Wisconsin, including the following areas, in north central Wisconsin, Oneida and Vilas. In northeast Wisconsin, Florence and Forest. * From 1 AM CDT Monday through Tuesday morning * Locally heavy rain is expected at times tonight into Monday night. Rainfall amounts over an inch are possible by Tuesday morning. * Rivers, which are already running high are expected to rise again through the end of the week. Some rivers may rise above flood stage again. The heavy rain may also cause urban street flooding and ponding of water on area highways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ WIZ013-018>021-030-031-035>039-045-048-049-073-074-221100- /O.CON.KGRB.FA.A.0002.190422T1800Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northern Marinette County-Lincoln-Langlade-Menominee- Northern Oconto County-Marathon-Shawano-Wood-Portage-Waupaca- Outagamie-Brown-Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet- Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Niagara, Wausaukee, Merrill, Tomahawk, Antigo, Keshena, Neopit, Mountain, Lakewood, Townsend, Wausau, Shawano, Marshfield, Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Plover, New London, Waupaca, Clintonville, Appleton, Green Bay, Redgranite, Wautoma, Oshkosh, Neenah, Menasha, Chilton, Brillion, New Holstein, Harmony, Peshtigo, Porterfield, Crivitz, High Falls Reservoir, Loomis, Middle Inlet, Little Suamico, Sobieski, Brookside, Oconto, and Pensaukee 1002 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of central Wisconsin, east central Wisconsin, north central Wisconsin, and northeast Wisconsin, including the following areas, in central Wisconsin, Marathon, Portage, Waushara, and Wood. In east central Wisconsin, Calumet and Winnebago. In north central Wisconsin, Langlade and Lincoln. In northeast Wisconsin, Brown, Menominee, Northern Marinette County, Northern Oconto County, Outagamie, Shawano, Southern Marinette County, Southern Oconto County, and Waupaca. * From Monday afternoon through Tuesday morning * Locally heavy rain is expected at times tonight into Monday night. Rainfall amounts over an inch are possible by Tuesday morning. * Rivers, which are already running high, are expected to rise again through the end of the week. Some rivers may rise above flood stage again. The heavy rain may also cause urban street flooding and ponding of water on area highways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  506 WGUS81 KCLE 220302 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1102 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Portage River At Woodville Scioto River Near Prospect PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC143-173-221102- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /WDVO1.1.ER.190419T2317Z.190421T1530Z.190422T1400Z.NO/ 1102 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Monday afternoon...The flood warning continues for The Portage River At Woodville. * Until Monday afternoon. * At 10:30 PM Sunday the stage was...10.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage by Monday morning. * At 11.0 feet...Water over State Route 105 in Sandusky County. Water near homes on Water, Bierley, and Bridge Streets in Pemberville. The river floods Trail Marker Park up to Erie Street in Woodville. && LAT...LON 4136 8354 4148 8334 4143 8334 4135 8349 $$ OHC101-221102- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190423T0925Z/ /PRGO1.1.ER.190421T1710Z.190422T1200Z.190423T0325Z.NO/ 1102 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until late Monday night...The flood warning continues for The Scioto River Near Prospect. * Until late Monday night. * At 10:00 PM Sunday the stage was...9.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river will rise to near 10.1 feet by Monday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Monday night. * At 10.0 feet...Highway 203 is inaccessible north of Prospect. Flooding occurs near Elm Street in northern parts of Prospect. && LAT...LON 4052 8324 4055 8318 4044 8317 4044 8324 $$  269 WVRA31 RUPK 220302 UHPP SIGMET 2 VALID 220307/220820 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KLYUCHEVSKOY PSN N5603 E16038 VA CLD OBS AT 0220Z WI N5607 E16035 - N5628 E16114 - N5625 E16231 - N5614 E16231 - N5615 E16109 - N5601 E16041 - N5607 E16035 SFC/FL200 FCST AT 0820Z WI N5643 E16359 - N5602 E16441 - N5625 E16229 - N5602 E16038 - N5647 E16141 - N5643 E16359=  999 WAHW31 PHFO 220304 WA0HI HNLS WA 220400 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221000 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 220400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 221000 . AIRMET TURB...HI OVR AND IMT S THRU W OF MTN ALL ISLANDS. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 060. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. =HNLZ WA 220400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 221000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...148-152.  382 WUUS53 KOAX 220305 SVROAX NEC141-220345- /O.NEW.KOAX.SV.W.0011.190422T0305Z-190422T0345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1005 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Omaha has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Platte County in northeastern Nebraska... * Until 1045 PM CDT. * At 1004 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Genoa, or 18 miles west of Columbus, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Columbus, Duncan, Platte Center, Monroe, Lindsay, Creston, Humphrey, Tarnov, Cornlea, College View Trailer Park, Camp Pawnee, Shell Creek Elementary School, Lake North Babcock Campground, Central Community College, Lake Ocaonee and Circle H Trailer Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4174 9774 4170 9725 4138 9727 4140 9737 4137 9745 4137 9750 4133 9759 4139 9760 4140 9770 4152 9770 4153 9774 4153 9782 TIME...MOT...LOC 0304Z 209DEG 18KT 4142 9772 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  651 WVRA31 RUPK 220304 UHPP SIGMET 3 VALID 220307/220500 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 7 212340/220500=  305 WSPA08 PHFO 220308 SIGPAU KZAK SIGMET UNIFORM 5 VALID 220308/220515 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET UNIFORM 4 VALID 220115/220515. TS HAVE WEAKENED.  459 WWUS53 KGID 220309 SVSGID Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 1009 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC125-220318- /O.EXP.KGID.SV.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Nance NE- 1009 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN NANCE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 1015 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4135 9785 4138 9794 4139 9798 4146 9792 4151 9789 4153 9788 4153 9771 4148 9770 TIME...MOT...LOC 0308Z 211DEG 17KT 4149 9779 $$ Heinlein  746 WWUS53 KOAX 220310 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1010 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC011-141-220320- /O.EXP.KOAX.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T0315Z/ Platte NE-Boone NE- 1010 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN PLATTE AND SOUTHEASTERN BOONE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1015 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4179 9799 4175 9783 4174 9783 4167 9752 4149 9770 4152 9770 4153 9788 4151 9789 4151 9804 4150 9804 4150 9808 TIME...MOT...LOC 0310Z 209DEG 18KT 4164 9776 $$ KERN  497 WGUS86 KPDT 220310 FLSPDT Flood Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 810 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon... John Day River at Service Creek affecting Wheeler County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. As little as one foot of water on the road can move most vehicles off the road. Additional information is available at: weather.gov/Pendleton && ORC069-221510- /O.EXT.KPDT.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2354Z/ /SERO3.2.ER.190420T2043Z.190421T1730Z.190422T1754Z.NO/ 810 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The John Day River at Service Creek. * until Monday afternoon. * At 7:30 PM Sunday, the stage was 12.4 feet. * Flood stage is 11.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late morning. && LAT...LON 4506 12035 4492 11996 4466 11990 4446 12055 4505 12063 $$  859 WWUS83 KICT 220316 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1016 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ033-047-048-050-220400- Ellsworth KS-Rice KS-Lincoln KS-Barton KS- 1016 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Ellsworth County in central Kansas... Rice County in central Kansas... Lincoln County in central Kansas... Barton County in central Kansas... * Until 1100 PM CDT. * At 1015 PM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms with locally heavy rainfall along a line extending from near Delphos to near Pawnee Rock...and moving northeast at 5 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Great Bend, Lyons, Ellsworth, Hoisington, Sterling, Ellinwood, Wilson, Claflin, Kanopolis, Lincoln, Little River, Chase, Holyrood, Bushton, Sylvan Grove, Geneseo, Pawnee Rock, Albert, Beverly and Alden. LAT...LON 3922 9793 3818 9792 3817 9847 3826 9847 3826 9903 3848 9903 3870 9848 3922 9848 TIME...MOT...LOC 0316Z 237DEG 5KT 3923 9780 3826 9904 $$ METZGER  903 WSID20 WIII 220320 WIIZ SIGMET 04 VALID 220320/220700 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0248 E09329 - S0257 E09325 - S0200 E09200 - S0021 E09200 - S0021 E09341 - S0248 E09329 TOP FL540 MOV E 5KT NC=  959 WGUS81 KGYX 220317 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Maine Pemigewasset River At Plymouth affecting Grafton County Saco River At Conway affecting Carroll County Androscoggin River At Rumford affecting Oxford County Androscoggin River Near Auburn affecting Androscoggin County Kennebec River At Skowhegan affecting Somerset County Kennebec River At North Sidney affecting Kennebec County Kennebec River At Augusta affecting Kennebec County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Vermont Connecticut River Near Dalton affecting Coos and Essex Counties Connecticut River At Wells River affecting Grafton...Caledonia and Orange Counties Androscoggin River At Gorham affecting Coos County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && NHC007-VTC009-221515- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLTN3.1.ER.190421T0015Z.190423T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River Near Dalton. * Until further notice. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 21.4 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 21.8 feet by tomorrow evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Route 102 in Guildhall Vermont flooded. Route 135 in South Lancaster flooded. Munces Campground in Lancaster flooded. Perras Road and Old Village Road flooded in North Umberland New Hampshire. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...River Road flooded in Lunenburg Vermont between Mt. Orne Bridge and South Lunenburg Village. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4460 7160 4460 7150 4440 7162 4429 7200 4435 7205 4447 7169 $$ NHC009-VTC005-017-221515- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WELV1.1.ER.190421T0252Z.190424T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River At Wells River. * Until further notice. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 11.7 feet by tomorrow early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4429 7200 4410 7200 4399 7205 4399 7216 4427 7211 4435 7205 $$ NHC009-221149- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T1149Z/ /PLMN3.1.ER.190420T2219Z.190421T0801Z.190422T0349Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Monday morning... The flood warning continues for The Pemigewasset River At Plymouth. * Until Monday morning. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 13.7 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage tonight. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4383 7170 4383 7162 4362 7160 4362 7173 $$ NHC003-220921- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T0921Z/ /CNWN3.1.ER.190420T1445Z.190421T0446Z.190422T0321Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until late tonight... The flood warning continues for The Saco River At Conway. * Until late tonight. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 9.1 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage tonight. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Water in Beach and Eastern Slope camping area 1 foot deep.. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...8.0 ft, water starts to enter Transvale Acres in Conway.. * Impact...At 7.5 feet...7.5 ft, water starts to enter Beach and Eastern Slope camping area in Conway.. && LAT...LON 4411 7121 4411 7088 4383 7074 4383 7084 4396 7094 4398 7114 $$ NHC007-221515- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /GRMN3.1.ER.190420T2230Z.190422T0215Z.190423T1200Z.NR/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Gorham. * Until Tuesday afternoon. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 8.8 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Parking lot at Mr. Pizza starts to flood. && LAT...LON 4477 7128 4483 7104 4448 7102 4451 7080 4438 7075 4434 7123 $$ MEC017-221515- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ /RMFM1.1.ER.190421T1050Z.190421T2231Z.190422T1600Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Monday evening... The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Rumford. * Until Monday evening. * At 11PM Sunday the stage was 15.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 15.9 feet after midnight. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...At 15.5 feet...Water up to the intersection of Lincoln Avenue (Route 2) and Falmouth Street. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Low spots along the Swift and Androscoggin Rivers flooded in Mexico and Rumford. * Impact...At 13.7 feet...Ballfield south of Lincoln Avenue (Route 2) in Rumford is completely flooded.. * Impact...At 13.4 feet...Water enters ballfield in Rumford that is south of Lincoln Avenue. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Bethel Outdoor Adenture and Campground begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4451 7080 4458 7054 4455 7017 4444 7013 4442 7026 4438 7075 $$ MEC001-221515- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190423T1100Z/ /AUBM1.1.ER.190421T1615Z.190422T1200Z.190423T0500Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday morning... The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River Near Auburn. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 13.7 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 14.0 feet by tomorrow morning. The river will fall below flood stage early Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Route 136 at Stackpole Road in Durham begins to flood. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4442 7026 4444 7013 4409 7011 4395 6977 4385 6987 4402 7026 $$ MEC025-221515- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190424T0136Z/ /SKOM1.1.ER.190420T2128Z.190421T1700Z.190423T1936Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday evening... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Skowhegan. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 07PM Sunday the flow was 42240 cfs. * Minor Flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood flow is 35000 CFS. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday afternoon. * Impact...At 35000 cfs...Flooding begins at campground in Skowhegan. && LAT...LON 4480 6992 4480 6960 4453 6955 4453 6969 4468 6968 4471 6992 $$ MEC011-220941- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T0941Z/ /SIDM1.1.ER.190421T1242Z.190421T1947Z.190422T0341Z.NO/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until late tonight... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At North Sidney. * Until late tonight. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage tonight. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4453 6969 4453 6955 4439 6969 4439 6979 $$ MEC011-221515- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190423T1930Z/ /ASTM1.1.ER.190421T0629Z.190421T2224Z.190423T1330Z.UU/ 1116 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday afternoon... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Augusta. * from Tuesday morning until Tuesday afternoon. * At 11PM Sunday the stage was 13.5 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 13.6 feet by early tomorrow. The river will fall below flood stage late Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water covering dock at town landing in Hallowell. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Water begins to flood parking lot on Front Street in Augusta. && LAT...LON 4439 6980 4439 6969 4429 6971 4408 6974 4408 6983 4429 6983 $$  785 WGUS81 KGYX 220317 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1117 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Vermont...Maine... Connecticut River At North Stratford affecting Coos and Essex Counties Swift River At Roxbury affecting Oxford County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && NHC007-VTC009-220347- /O.CAN.KGYX.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190422T1700Z/ /NSTN3.1.ER.190421T0322Z.190421T1145Z.190421T1800Z.NO/ 1117 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Connecticut River At North Stratford. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. && LAT...LON 4501 7157 4501 7143 4475 7155 4460 7150 4460 7160 4475 7167 $$ MEC017-220347- /O.CAN.KGYX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190422T0815Z/ /ROXM1.1.ER.190421T2118Z.190421T2130Z.190421T2237Z.NO/ 1117 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Swift River At Roxbury. * At 11PM Sunday the stage was 6.2 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. && LAT...LON 4475 7070 4476 7059 4454 7050 4452 7060 $$  667 WSBZ31 SBRE 220321 SBRE SIGMET 3 VALID 220330/220650 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0206 W03432 - S0340 W03523 - S0513 W03402 - S0551 W03249 - S0406 W03150 - S0313 W03208 - S0206 W03 432 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  636 WGUS84 KHGX 220323 FLSHGX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HOUSTON/GALVESTON, TX 1023 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 A river flood warning remains in effect for the Trinity River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. && TXC373-407-455-471-230322- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RVRT2.3.ER.190420T1935Z.190421T1259Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1023 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Riverside * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 0959 PM Sunday the stage was 133.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 133.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 134.1 feet by Tuesday morning then begin falling. * At 134.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues with the boat ramp in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision in Walker County inundated. Backwater flooding up Thomas Lake in Walker County floods the boat ramp in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision in Walker County. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 PM Location Stage Stage Day Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Trinity River Riverside 133.5 133.9 Sun 10 PM 134.0 134.0 134.0 134.0 && LAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584 $$  870 WSUS01 KKCI 220324 WS1R BOSR WS 220324 SIGMET ROMEO 2 VALID UNTIL 220723 NH VT MA CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE YSC TO 20N HTO TO 20NNW HNK TO 20SW MSS TO 40SE YSC OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL260 AND FL380. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. CONDS ENDG 0723Z. ....  240 WGUS84 KHGX 220324 FLSHGX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HOUSTON/GALVESTON, TX 1024 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 A river flood warning remains in effect for the Navasota River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. && TXC041-185-313-230324- /O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ /NGET2.1.ER.190420T1715Z.190421T1730Z.190422T1600Z.NO/ 1024 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Navasota River near Normangee * until Monday evening or until the warning is canceled. * At 1000 PM Sunday the stage was 15.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late morning. * At 15.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins as water escapes the main channel and inundates the flood plain. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 PM Location Stage Stage Day Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Navasota River Normangee 15.0 15.6 Sun 10 PM 14.5 13.1 12.9 12.7 && LAT...LON 3111 9622 3097 9619 3087 9614 3087 9624 3097 9629 3111 9633 $$  454 WSBZ01 SBBR 220300 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220140/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0837 W05642 - S0631W05243 - S0854 W05122 - S1043 W05540 - S0837 W05642 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  455 WSBZ01 SBBR 220300 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0033 W06034 - S0023W05705 - S0347 W05609 - S1106 W05845 - S0924 W06157 - S0313 W06151 - S0033 W06034 TOP FL480 MOV W05KT NC=  456 WSBZ01 SBBR 220300 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0145 W05323 - S0103W04937 - S0345 W04915 - S0436 W05302 - S0145 W05323 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  457 WSBZ01 SBBR 220300 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 212335/220335 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0152 W03511 - S0330 W03605 - S0537 W03238 - S0405 W03150 - S0317 W03206 - S0152 W03511 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  097 WHUS76 KEKA 220325 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 825 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 PZZ450-221130- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190422T1500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- 825 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...N 15 to 20 kt with gusts to 25 kt. * WAVES...NW to N 6 to 8 ft at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ455-221130- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 825 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...NW 15 to 25 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...NW 7 to 9 ft at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ470-221130- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 825 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...N 20 to 25 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...N 8 to 10 ft at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ475-221130- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190424T0700Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 825 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TUESDAY NIGHT... * WINDS...N 20 to 30 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...N 8 to 11 ft at 9 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$  601 WWUS83 KTOP 220326 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 1026 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ008-009-020-021-220415- Republic-Clay-Cloud-Washington- 1026 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN REPUBLIC... SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON...NORTHWESTERN CLAY AND EASTERN CLOUD COUNTIES UNTIL 1115 PM CDT... At 1026 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Aurora, moving northeast at 30 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Clyde, Clifton, Miltonvale, Aurora and Vining. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3932 9745 3944 9766 3973 9740 3958 9713 TIME...MOT...LOC 0326Z 217DEG 28KT 3941 9757 $$  473 WAUS45 KKCI 220326 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 220326 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO FROM 50SE BIL TO 100SE MLS TO 60NNW BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 50NE PUB TO 60WNW PUB TO 50SW LAR TO 30SE OCS TO 30NNW MTU TO 40NNE SLC TO 30SE JAC TO 60NNE JAC TO 50SE BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO...UPDT FROM 50SE MLP TO 40ENE BIL TO 20N CYS TO 30ESE PUB TO 30ENE HBU TO 20WSW CHE TO 20W JNC TO 60SW MTU TO 40ESE BCE TO 60SSE ILC TO 70NE OAL TO 20ESE BOI TO 30ENE BKE TO 50SE MLP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 40SSE MLP-50ENE DLN-50SSE LWT-40NE BIL-40N SHR-20N CYS-20SE TBE-50ESE CIM-20WNW CIM-30SE HBU-30NW DBL-20ESE JNC- 40SE DTA-60SSE ILC-70NE OAL-70SE REO-20E BOI-20NW DNJ-40SSE MLP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  529 WAUS46 KKCI 220326 AAA WA6S SFOS WA 220326 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SSW YDC TO 50WNW EPH TO 30E BTG TO 40WNW BTG TO 30NNW SEA TO HUH TO 30SSW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30S HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA...UPDT FROM 30ESE OAK TO 60SE SNS TO EHF TO 40SW RZS TO 30S OAK TO 30ESE OAK MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 06Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40ESE ENI-20SSE OAK-30SSW SNS-70NW RZS-20W RZS-80SSW RZS-90W RZS-70SW SNS-80SW PYE-80W PYE-40ESE ENI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  729 WSBZ31 SBRE 220325 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 220335/220650 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0551 W03249 - S0406 W03150 - S0313 W03208 - S0315 W03134 - S0451 W03036 - S0555 W03053 - S0609 W03150 - S0551 W03249 TOP FL420 STNR N C=  750 WWUS83 KDDC 220327 SPSDDC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Dodge City KS 1027 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ065-066-220400- Stafford KS-Pawnee KS- 1027 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN PAWNEE AND NORTHWESTERN STAFFORD COUNTIES UNTIL 1100 PM CDT... At 1026 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Pawnee Rock, or near Larned, moving east at 35 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Larned, Seward, Radium and Frizell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3805 9923 3825 9924 3833 9903 3826 9903 3826 9874 3813 9869 TIME...MOT...LOC 0326Z 252DEG 36KT 3822 9904 $$ TURNER  466 WWUS53 KOAX 220328 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1028 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC141-220345- /O.CON.KOAX.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T0345Z/ Platte NE- 1028 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1045 PM CDT FOR PLATTE COUNTY... At 1028 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Platte Center, or 14 miles northwest of Columbus, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Columbus, Duncan, Platte Center, Monroe, Lindsay, Creston, Humphrey, Tarnov, Cornlea, College View Trailer Park, Camp Pawnee, Shell Creek Elementary School, Lake North Babcock Campground, Central Community College, Lake Ocaonee and Circle H Trailer Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4174 9774 4170 9725 4138 9727 4140 9737 4137 9745 4137 9750 4133 9759 4139 9760 4140 9770 4152 9770 4153 9773 TIME...MOT...LOC 0328Z 237DEG 18KT 4156 9758 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  040 WSMS31 WMKK 220328 WBFC SIGMET A02 VALID 220330/220630 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0109 E11121 - N0303 E10928 - N0455 E11152 - N0322 E11251 - N0109 E11121 TOP FL520 MOV NW NC=  645 WHUS76 KSEW 220331 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 831 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 PZZ131-132-220600- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0068.000000T0000Z-190422T0600Z/ Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 831 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WIND...West wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-153-156-170-173-176-221145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.190422T1200Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 831 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 5 PM PDT MONDAY... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  415 WHUS76 KLOX 220333 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 833 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 PZZ645-220445- /O.EXP.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190422T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 833 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds have diminished below advisory levels. $$ PZZ650-220445- /O.EXP.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190422T0400Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 833 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds have diminished below advisory levels. $$ PZZ670-221200- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 833 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ673-221200- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 833 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-221200- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 833 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  184 WSIR31 OIII 220331 OIIX SIGMET 5 VALID 220330/220530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST W OF LINE N3849 E04634 - N3101 E05048 TOP FL280 MOV N/NE NC=  806 WSKZ31 UAAA 220334 UAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 220340/220600 UAAA- UAAA ALMATY FIR SEV TURB OBS S OF N4800 FL240/300 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  528 WAIS31 LLBD 220333 LLLL AIRMET 1 VALID 220400/220600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03500 - N3320 E03550 - N3253 E03558 - N3245 E03500 STNR WKN=  582 WWUS76 KLOX 220335 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 835 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 CAZ039-220445- /O.EXP.KLOX.WI.Y.0041.000000T0000Z-190422T0400Z/ Santa Barbara County South Coast- Including the cities of Santa Barbara, Montecito, and Carpinteria 835 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds have diminished in intensity and areal coverage. Therefore, advisory will be allowed to expire. $$  039 WSSB31 VCBI 220320 VCCF SIGMET A01 VALID 220320/220720Z VCBI- VCCF COLOMBO FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST WI S0000 E09200-S0200 E09200-S0200 E08220-N0220 E08150-N0500 E07950 N0500 E08220-S0000 E09200 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  951 WWUS71 KCAR 220337 NPWCAR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 1137 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 MEZ002-005-006-010-011-015>017-029>032-221300- /O.NEW.KCAR.FG.Y.0003.190422T0337Z-190422T1300Z/ Northeast Aroostook-Northern Penobscot-Southeast Aroostook- Central Piscataquis-Central Penobscot-Southern Penobscot- Interior Hancock-Central Washington-Coastal Hancock- Coastal Washington-Southern Piscataquis-Northern Washington- Including the cities of Presque Isle, Caribou, Van Buren, Mars Hill, Millinocket, East Millinocket, Patten, Medway, Houlton, Hodgdon, Sherman, Smyrna Mills, Greenville, Monson, Blanchard, Lincoln, Howland, Springfield, Bangor, Brewer, Orono, Old Town, Amherst, Aurora, Dedham, Eastbrook, Great Pond, Orland, Calais, Grand Lake Stream, Wesley, Perry, Princeton, Ellsworth, Bar Harbor, Bucksport, Castine, Eastport, Machias, Cherryfield, Dover-Foxcroft, Milo, Guilford, Danforth, Vanceboro, and Topsfield 1137 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Caribou has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 9 AM EDT Monday. * VISIBILITIES...One quarter mile or less at times. * TIMING...Until mid-morning Monday. * IMPACTS...Limited visibilities will make travel very difficult. The fog will obscure flooded roadways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your low beam headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  347 WWUS83 KGID 220338 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 1038 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ041-048-049-220430- Merrick NE-Nance NE-Polk NE- 1038 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN NANCE...NORTHEASTERN MERRICK AND CENTRAL POLK COUNTIES UNTIL 1130 PM CDT... At 1038 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Silver Creek, or 18 miles west of Columbus, moving north at 40 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Genoa and Silver Creek. LAT...LON 4117 9767 4125 9788 4153 9777 4153 9771 4140 9770 4139 9760 4133 9760 4134 9757 4136 9752 4137 9745 4138 9742 TIME...MOT...LOC 0338Z 198DEG 36KT 4136 9771 $$ Heinlein  000 WSSB31 VCBI 220320 VCCF SIGMET A01 VALID 220320/220720 VCBI- VCCF COLOMBO FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST WI S0000 E09200-S0200 E09200-S0200 E08220-N0220 E08150-N0500 E07950 N0500 E08220-S0000 E09200 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  098 WGUS83 KIWX 220340 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1140 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers... Auglaize River near Fort Jennings affecting Allen...Paulding and Putnam Counties .River level has dropped below minor flood stage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. && OHC003-125-137-220410- /O.CAN.KIWX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190423T0015Z/ /FTJO1.1.ER.190421T1220Z.190421T2000Z.190422T0015Z.NO/ 1140 PM EDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Auglaize River near Fort Jennings * At 11 PM Sunday the stage was 12.9 feet * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river fell below flood stage Sunday evening. * Forecast...The river will fall to near 12.7 feet around 2 AM Monday April 22. * At 13.0 feet...Minor flooding begins in the northwest Ohio counties of northwest Allen, northeast Van Wert, and southwest Putnam. Farm land nearest the Auglaize river will be affected by flood water. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 13.3 feet which occurred on Jul 24 2017. && LAT...LON 4081 8440 4101 8426 4100 8422 4092 8423 4081 8433 $$  563 WSIR31 OIII 220335 OIIX SIGMET 6 VALID 220335/220530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2717 E05148 - N2950 E05243 - N2809 E05728 - N2536 E05355 TOP FL310 MOV E/NE NC=  564 WSIR31 OIII 220339 OIIX SIGMET 7 VALID 220338/220530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR CNL SIGMET 3 VALID 220210/220530=  393 WWUS53 KOAX 220341 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1041 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC141-220351- /O.EXP.KOAX.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T0345Z/ Platte NE- 1041 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR PLATTE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 1045 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4174 9774 4170 9725 4138 9727 4140 9737 4137 9745 4137 9750 4133 9759 4139 9760 4140 9770 4152 9770 4153 9773 TIME...MOT...LOC 0341Z 209DEG 18KT 4161 9754 $$ KERN  079 WSIR31 OIII 220340 OIIX SIGMET 8 VALID 220340/220530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR CNL SIGMET 4 VALID 220212/220530=  330 WSUS31 KKCI 220355 SIGE MKCE WST 220355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220555-220955 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  331 WSUS33 KKCI 220355 SIGW MKCW WST 220355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7W VALID UNTIL 0555Z AZ FROM 50WNW TBC-10WSW PGS LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 220555-220955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  332 WSUS32 KKCI 220355 SIGC MKCC WST 220355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13C VALID UNTIL 0555Z MI WI MN LS FROM 70N RHI-10NE RHI-60N RWF-60WSW BRD-70N RHI AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14C VALID UNTIL 0555Z MN IA SD FROM 80E ABR-40ESE RWF-50NW FOD-30WSW FSD-80E ABR AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15C VALID UNTIL 0555Z KS NE FROM 10SE ONL-70NW SLN-20NE HLC-30SSE ANW-10SE ONL AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16C VALID UNTIL 0555Z NE FROM 50E ONL-50WNW OVR-30SE OBH-20SE ONL-50E ONL AREA TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17C VALID UNTIL 0555Z KS NE FROM 30NNW PWE-20NW ICT-60E GCK-50S OBH-30NNW PWE AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 220555-220955 FROM DLH-30N SAW-BUM-50W ICT-60NNW FSD-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  745 WHUS76 KMTR 220350 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 PZZ570-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-221200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-221000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0068.000000T0000Z-190422T1000Z/ Monterey Bay- 850 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * SEAS...3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  569 WSCN01 CWAO 220352 CZVR SIGMET A1 VALID 220350/220750 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5055 W12852 - N5001 W12749 SFC/FL030 QS NC=  995 WSCN21 CWAO 220352 CZVR SIGMET A1 VALID 220350/220750 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5055 W12852/60 W CYZT - /N5001 W12749/45 SW CYZT SFC/FL030 QS NC RMK GFACN31=  799 WSPY31 SGAS 220355 SGFA SIGMET 02 VALID 220355/220655 SGAS-SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0340Z SE OF LINE S1939 W06144 - S2456 W05746 - S2511 W05429 FL240/410 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  104 WUUS53 KOAX 220356 SVROAX NEC037-039-141-167-220430- /O.NEW.KOAX.SV.W.0012.190422T0356Z-190422T0430Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1056 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Omaha has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Cuming County in northeastern Nebraska... Northern Colfax County in northeastern Nebraska... Northeastern Platte County in northeastern Nebraska... Southern Stanton County in northeastern Nebraska... * Until 1130 PM CDT. * At 1055 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Creston, or 12 miles north of Columbus, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Clarkson, Howells, Leigh, Creston, 9 Miles North Of Schuyler, The Highway 15 And 32 Junction, Maple Creek Recreation Area and 8 Miles South Of Stanton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4175 9740 4174 9737 4177 9737 4179 9735 4187 9723 4188 9702 4157 9692 4157 9741 4171 9745 TIME...MOT...LOC 0355Z 261DEG 24KT 4161 9732 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  843 WWUS83 KOAX 220359 SPSOAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1059 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ042-043-220445- Platte NE-Colfax NE- 1059 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL COLFAX AND CENTRAL PLATTE COUNTIES UNTIL 1145 PM CDT... At 1059 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Columbus, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Columbus, Duncan, Platte Center, Monroe, Richland, Tarnov, College View Trailer Park, Camp Pawnee, Shell Creek Elementary School, Lake North Babcock Campground, Central Community College, Lake Ocaonee, Circle H Trailer Park and Camp Luther. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4163 9758 4157 9702 4138 9731 4139 9732 4140 9738 4137 9745 4136 9752 4134 9758 4134 9760 4139 9760 4140 9770 4152 9770 4153 9772 TIME...MOT...LOC 0359Z 220DEG 24KT 4147 9740 $$ KERN  227 WTNT80 EGRR 220359 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 00UTC 22.04.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 220359  228 WTNT82 EGRR 220359 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 0000UTC 22.04.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 220359  325 WSSG31 GOOY 220400 GOOO SIGMET A2 VALID 220400/220800 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0350Z WI S0336 W01025 - S0447 W01303 - S0128 W01154 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT NC=  240 WAIY32 LIIB 220402 LIRR AIRMET 1 VALID 220405/220805 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SFC WSPD 45KT FCST WI N4055 E00758 - N4118 E00818 - N4122 E00942 - N4033 E00827 - N3925 E00831 - N3945 E01103 - N4142 E01201 - N3938 E01524 - N3820 E01539 - N3627 E01658 - N3630 E01128 - N3730 E01128 - N3900 E00801 - N4055 E00758 STNR NC=  620 WAIY33 LIIB 220402 LIBB AIRMET 1 VALID 220405/220805 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4111 E01516 - N4116 E01521 - N4013 E01643 - N3940 E01637 - N3923 E01709 - N3852 E01705 - N3859 E01633 - N3914 E01611 - N4107 E01509 - N4111 E01516 STNR NC=  419 WSIY32 LIIB 220403 LIRR SIGMET 1 VALID 220405/220805 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4154 E00943 - N4131 E01022 - N4026 E01201 - N3853 E01424 - N3630 E01626 - N3631 E01128 - N3728 E01131 - N3900 E00758 - N4055 E00757 - N4118 E00816 - N4119 E00945 - N4154 E00943 SFC/FL080 STNR NC=  121 WAIY32 LIIB 220403 LIRR AIRMET 2 VALID 220405/220805 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4339 E01025 - N3629 E01900 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  644 WSIY32 LIIB 220404 LIRR SIGMET 2 VALID 220405/220805 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4154 E00943 - N4131 E01022 - N4026 E01201 - N3853 E01424 - N3630 E01626 - N3631 E01128 - N3728 E01131 - N3900 E00758 - N4055 E00757 - N4118 E00816 - N4119 E00945 - N4154 E00943 FL270/370 STNR NC=  645 WSPR31 SPIM 220403 SPIM SIGMET C2 VALID 220405/220705 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0340Z WI S1041 W07513 - S1013 W07551 - S0921 W07550 - S0849 W07618 - S0735 W07602 - S0806 W07511 - S0854 W07510 - S1002 W07458 - S1041 W07513 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  216 WSSG31 GOOY 220405 GOOO SIGMET B1 VALID 220405/220805 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0355Z WI N0137 W00301 - N0147 W00456 - N0324 W00301 TOP FL450 MOV W 08KT NC=  136 WUUS53 KOAX 220404 SVROAX NEC109-159-220445- /O.NEW.KOAX.SV.W.0013.190422T0404Z-190422T0445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1104 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Omaha has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Lancaster County in southeastern Nebraska... Southeastern Seward County in southeastern Nebraska... * Until 1145 PM CDT. * At 1104 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over southwestern Lincoln, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lincoln, Waverly, Hickman, Roca, Denton, Raymond, Davey, Pawnee State Recreation Area, Wagon Train State Recreation Area and Conestoga State Recreation Area. This includes Interstate 80 in Nebraska between mile markers 390 and 412. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4068 9691 4070 9691 4070 9698 4105 9675 4105 9669 4098 9646 4095 9646 4060 9659 TIME...MOT...LOC 0404Z 205DEG 39KT 4078 9671 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  153 WAIY31 LIIB 220405 LIMM AIRMET 6 VALID 220410/220610 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR BKN CLD 400/1200FT OBS WI N4456 E00952 - N4357 E01214 - N4439 E01148 - N4456 E00952 STNR NC=  104 WGUS63 KDLH 220404 AAB FFADLH URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch...UPDATED National Weather Service Duluth MN 1104 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...PROLONGED PERIOD OF RAINFALL OVER EASTERN MINNESOTA AND MOST OF NORTHWEST WISCONSIN TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY NIGHT... .A prolonged period of moderate to at times heavy rainfall, along with periods of thunderstorms will affect east central Minnesota and most of northwest Wisconsin tonight into Monday night. Rainfall is expected to result in rises in local rivers, creeks, and streams that are already running high from recent rains and snow melt. In addition, ground conditions are already fairly saturated due to recent rains and snowmelt, so rainfall on top of these conditions will lead to additional runoff into the river system and tributaries. Total rainfall by Monday night of between one to two inches is forecast. Rivers with highest threat of flooding include, but are not limited to, the Bad River and tributaries, the Montreal River, the St. Croix River and tributaries, and Whittlesey Creek. MNZ038-WIZ001-006>008-221100- /O.EXA.KDLH.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pine-Douglas-Burnett-Washburn-Sawyer- Including the cities of Pine City, Hinckley, Superior, Grantsburg, Spooner, and Hayward 1104 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE MONDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Duluth has expanded the * Flood Watch to include portions of east central Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin, including Pine County in east central Minnesota, and Burnett, Douglas, Sawyer, and Washburn Counties in northwest Wisconsin. * Through 1 AM Tuesday morning. * Moderate to heavy rainfall on top of saturated ground due to recent rains and snowmelt. * Widespread minor flooding is possible, which could impact county roadways and other low-lying, poorly drained, and flood- prone areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current rainfall forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ WIZ002>004-221100- /O.CON.KDLH.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bayfield-Ashland-Iron- Including the cities of Washburn, Bayfield, Ashland, and Hurley 1104 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE MONDAY NIGHT... The Flood Watch continues for * A portion of northwest Wisconsin, including the following areas, Ashland, Bayfield, and Iron. * Through 1 AM Tuesday morning. * Moderate to heavy rainfall on top of saturated ground due to recent rains and snowmelt. * Widespread minor flooding possible, which could impact county roadways and other low-lying, poorly drained, and flood-prone areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current rainfall forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  434 WSPY31 SGAS 220405 SGFA SIGMET 03 VALID 220405/220505 SGAS-SGFA ASUNCION FIR CNL SIGMET 02 220355/220655=  414 WSAU21 AMMC 220405 YMMM SIGMET G09 VALID 220444/220844 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1210 E10700 - S1600 E10000 - S0600 E09010 - S0940 E07710 - S0600 E07500 - S0200 E07800 - S0200 E09200 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  246 WSPR31 SPIM 220406 SPIM SIGMET B2 VALID 220410/220710 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0340Z WI S1345 W07023 - S1251 W07209 - S1259 W07317 - S1047 W07357 - S1106 W07226 - S1225 W07154 - S1239 W07101 - S1306 W07007 - S1335 W06948 - S1411 W06952 - S1345 W07023 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  092 WAIY31 LIIB 220407 LIMM AIRMET 7 VALID 220415/220615 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 5000M BR OBS WI N4458 E01002 - N4400 E01229 - N4455 E01153 - N4458 E01002 STNR NC=  172 WAAK47 PAWU 220406 WA7O JNUS WA 220415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 221215 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 220415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 221215 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 13Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 13Z S PAHN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB VCY ICY STRAIT/CROSS SOUND LLWS COND. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KT OR GTR. INTSF. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 13Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 13Z S PAGN MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 020 AGL. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC FREDERICK SOUND N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC AREAS OF LLWS. NC. . SRN SE AK JD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 13Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 13Z MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 020 AGL. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD AFT 10Z ERNEST SOUND TO PAWG OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. INTSF. . SRN SE AK JD AREAS OF LLWS. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF SUSTAINED SFC WNDS 30KT OR GTR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF LLWS CONDITIONS. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 10Z PASI S OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 13Z PAAP S MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 020 AGL. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 13Z PASI N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 220415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 221215 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-160. FZLVL 025. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-160. FZLVL 040. NC. . SRN SE AK JD OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-160. FZLVL 050. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE ICY BAY E OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-160. FZLVL 020. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-160. FZLVL 040 N TO 060 S. NC. . DH APR 2019 AAWU  173 WAAK48 PAWU 220406 WA8O ANCS WA 220415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 221215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB ALG/VCY AK RNG AND PAHO S OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. IMPR. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC CHUGACH MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TALKEETNA AND WRANGELL MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . CNTRL GLF CST AD VCY CHUGACH MTS TIL 06Z OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF SW PAMC-PAFK LN OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF SW PAMC-PAFK LN MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR/-SN BR. DTRT FM E. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM E. . BRISTOL BAY AH E PAKN-PANW LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/ VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH E PAKN-PANW LN MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 220415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 221215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 07Z N PANC OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL360. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB PAAQ S ALG ERN MTS LLWS COND. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TIL 07Z N PAMX OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL360. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 00Z PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND SE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. NC. . =ANCZ WA 220415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 221215 . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 07Z VCY COPPER RIVER DELTA OCNL MOD ICEIC 050-150. FZLVL 010. WKN. . DH APR 2019 AAWU  257 WUUS53 KICT 220407 SVRICT KSC053-159-220500- /O.NEW.KICT.SV.W.0026.190422T0407Z-190422T0500Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wichita KS 1107 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Rice County in central Kansas... Southeastern Ellsworth County in central Kansas... * Until midnight CDT. * At 1107 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles north of Lyons, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lyons, Little River, Chase, Bushton, Geneseo, Frederick, Kanopolis Lake and Kanopolis State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3871 9793 3870 9793 3861 9792 3842 9793 3828 9839 3851 9841 TIME...MOT...LOC 0407Z 245DEG 36KT 3844 9824 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  034 WSAU21 AMMC 220410 YMMM SIGMET H33 VALID 220445/220845 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E15250 - S5000 E14630 - S4630 E14620 - S4620 E14930 FL220/300 MOV E 15KT NC=  259 WHPQ41 PGUM 220410 CFWPQ1 COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 210 PM CHST MON APR 22 2019 .OVERVIEW...LARGE TRADE-WIND SWELL AND WIND WAVES WILL CAUSE HAZARDOUS SURF FOR KOSRAE. $$ PMZ174-221700- KOSRAE- 210 PM CHST MON APR 22 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT ALONG EAST FACING SHORES... THE SURF ALONG EAST FACING SHORES WILL BUILD UP TO 8 TO 10 FEET OVERNIGHT AND CONTINUE THROUGH THIS WEEK. HAZARDOUS SURF SHOULD SUBSIDE OVER THE COMING WEEKEND. AVOID VENTURING OUT TOO CLOSE ALONG EAST-FACING REEFS AND EXPOSED BEACHES...AS BREAKING WAVES CAN OVERRUN THE SHORELINE IN THESE AREAS. $$ SIMPSON  398 WGUS43 KFSD 220411 FLWFSD BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 1111 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Minnesota... West Fork Des Moines River at Jackson .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && MNC063-230809- /O.NEW.KFSD.FL.W.0154.190422T0411Z-190425T0600Z/ /JCKM5.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T0600Z.190424T0600Z.NO/ 1111 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Flood Warning for The West Fork Des Moines River at Jackson. * until late Wednesday night. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 12.05 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 12.1 feet by Monday April 22. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday April 24. * At stages near 12.0 feet...Some township roads begin flooding and flooding of crop and pasture lands becomes more widespread. && LAT...LON 4375 9512 4375 9499 4362 9495 4350 9485 4350 9496 4365 9507 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Stage Stage Time WEST FORK DES MOINES RIVER JCKM5 12.0 12.05 Sun 10 PM  239 WWUS53 KOAX 220412 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1112 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC037-039-141-167-220430- /O.CON.KOAX.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T0430Z/ Cuming NE-Colfax NE-Platte NE-Stanton NE- 1112 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN CUMING...NORTHERN COLFAX...NORTHEASTERN PLATTE AND SOUTHERN STANTON COUNTIES... At 1112 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Leigh, or 16 miles northeast of Columbus, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Clarkson, Howells, Leigh, Creston, The Highway 15 And 32 Junction, Maple Creek Recreation Area and 8 Miles South Of Stanton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4173 9738 4174 9737 4175 9737 4176 9736 4179 9735 4187 9723 4188 9702 4157 9692 4165 9735 4170 9739 TIME...MOT...LOC 0412Z 261DEG 24KT 4163 9717 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  724 WHUS71 KAKQ 220412 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1212 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ650-652-220515- /O.CAN.KAKQ.SC.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190422T1700Z/ Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm- 1212 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. $$  555 WWUS83 KLBF 220413 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 1113 PM CDT SUN APR 21 2019 NEZ028-220500- Garfield NE- 1113 PM CDT SUN APR 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL GARFIELD COUNTY UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT... At 1112 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Fort Hartsuff State Park, or near Burwell, the storm was nearly stationary. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central Garfield County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4174 9914 4183 9909 4185 9898 4174 9883 TIME...MOT...LOC 0412Z 064DEG 5KT 4174 9903 $$ Taylor  707 WSCO31 SKBO 220252 SKEC SIGMET 2 VALID 220307/220607 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0245Z WI N0949 W07438 - N0932 W07601 - N0809 W07554 - N0743 W07448 - N0802 W07408 - N0949 W07438 TOP FL450 MOV NNW 08KT NC=  325 WSAU21 AMMC 220414 YMMM SIGMET I08 VALID 220500/220900 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3510 E13930 - S3640 E14420 - S4450 E14940 - S4540 E14620 FL260/340 MOV E 20KT WKN=  881 WSPY31 SGAS 220415 SGFA SIGMET 04 VALID 220415/220715 SGAS-SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0410Z NE OF LINE S1937 W06109 - S2316 W05948 - S2425 W05659 - S2447 W05423 FL270/390 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  098 WGUS83 KFSD 220415 FLSFSD Flood Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 1115 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Minnesota... Redwood River At Russell .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && MNC083-220445- /O.CAN.KFSD.FL.W.0150.000000T0000Z-190422T0415Z/ /RUSM5.1.ER.190416T2217Z.190418T0945Z.190421T2115Z.NO/ 1115 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Redwood River At Russell. * At 10PM Sunday the stage was 13.81 feet. * Flood stage is 14.00 feet. * Recent activity...The river fell below flood stage on Sunday April 21. * At stages near 14.0 feet...The right bank overflows flooding some low lying areas. && LAT...LON 4435 9614 4440 9608 4435 9598 4441 9591 4436 9585 4429 9597 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Recent Observed Stage Stage Time Crest Time REDWOOD RIVER RUSM5 14.0 13.81 Sun 10 PM 15.8 Thu Apr 18  823 WAAK49 PAWU 220416 WA9O FAIS WA 220415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 221215 . TANANA VLY FC ALG AK RANGE ISABEL PASS W MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE AFT 07Z PAHL SW MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM SW. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 06Z PAKV-PAMC LN SW OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 06Z PAGA-PAMC LN W MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG AFT 07Z PABR SW OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. CONDS SPRDG E. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OVR NRN PLAINS AND HOWARD PASS W OCNL CIG BLW 010 /VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH HOWARD PASS W MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI OVR NRN SEWARD PEN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM NE. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ BY 06Z E PAGL OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. DTRT FM E. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ BY 06Z E PAGL MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM E. . =FAIT WA 220415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 221215 . UPR YKN VLY FB TIL 07Z PAEG S OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL360. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC TIL 07Z E PAFA OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL360. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE 10Z TO 13Z KOBUK VLY W PAFM OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI AFT 09Z W PAVL-PASH LN SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK E PASA-BIG DIOMEDE ISLAND SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. NC. . =FAIZ WA 220415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 221215 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE FM 07Z TO 10Z PAHL SW OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-120. FZLVL BLW 010 EXC 030 E. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF FM 10Z TO 13Z NW PAGA-PAKV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-120. FZLVL SFC W TO 030 E. WKN. . HOLTZIE APR 19  555 WAIY31 LIIB 220418 LIMM AIRMET 8 VALID 220440/220840 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST W OF LINE N4535 E00653 - N4317 E00842 ABV FL040 STNR NC=  813 WAIY31 LIIB 220419 LIMM AIRMET 9 VALID 220440/220840 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4430 E00642 - N4338 E01102 ABV 1500FT STNR NC=  157 WSBO31 SLLP 220406 SLLF SIGMET A1 VALID 220405/220805 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0400Z WI S1020 W06637 S1119 W06510 S1249 W06237 S1409 W06027 S1608 W06024 S1743 W05728 S1944 W05757 S1954 W05749 S2002 W05814 S1941 W05821 S1903 W05955 S1926 W06419 S1654 W06733 S1458 W06917 S1224 W06833 S1229 W06828 TOP FL400 MOV SE 06KT NC=  123 WGUS83 KTOP 220418 FLSTOP Flood Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 1118 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. && KSC117-221216- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLRK1.1.ER.190312T0755Z.190421T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1118 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Blue Rapids. * until further notice. * At 9:45 PM Sunday the stage was 41.4 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 41.5 feet by early Monday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. The river is forecast to remain above flood stage for several weeks due to backwater from Tuttle Creek Lake. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs from Marysville to Tuttle Creek Lake. && LAT...LON 3971 9666 3968 9658 3957 9655 3957 9659 3968 9669 $$  144 WWUS53 KOAX 220420 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1120 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC159-220429- /O.CAN.KOAX.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T0445Z/ Seward NE- 1120 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN SEWARD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4075 9687 4105 9675 4105 9669 4098 9646 4095 9646 4069 9657 TIME...MOT...LOC 0419Z 203DEG 35KT 4089 9666 $$ NEC109-220445- /O.CON.KOAX.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T0445Z/ Lancaster NE- 1120 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN LANCASTER COUNTY... At 1119 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lincoln, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lincoln, Waverly, Raymond, Davey and Conestoga State Recreation Area. This includes Interstate 80 in Nebraska between mile markers 395 and 412. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4075 9687 4105 9675 4105 9669 4098 9646 4095 9646 4069 9657 TIME...MOT...LOC 0419Z 203DEG 35KT 4089 9666 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KERN  023 WSAU21 AMMC 220420 YMMM SIGMET M04 VALID 220510/220910 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2910 E14620 - S3830 E14900 - S3650 E14540 - S2910 E14350 10000FT/FL180 MOV E 05KT NC=  695 WWUS53 KICT 220422 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1122 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSC053-159-220500- /O.CON.KICT.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190422T0500Z/ Rice KS-Ellsworth KS- 1122 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT FOR NORTHERN RICE AND SOUTHEASTERN ELLSWORTH COUNTIES... At 1122 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Geneseo, or 13 miles northeast of Lyons, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lyons, Little River, Chase, Bushton, Geneseo, Frederick, Kanopolis Lake and Kanopolis State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3871 9793 3870 9793 3861 9792 3842 9793 3828 9839 3851 9841 TIME...MOT...LOC 0422Z 245DEG 36KT 3850 9806 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  214 WAIY31 LIIB 220424 LIMM AIRMET 10 VALID 220450/220850 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD ICE FCST SW OF LINE N4539 E00639 - N4330 E01107 ABV FL070 STNR NC=  826 WSBZ01 SBBR 220400 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0145 W05323 - S0103W04937 - S0345 W04915 - S0436 W05302 - S0145 W05323 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  827 WSBZ01 SBBR 220400 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0033 W06034 - S0023W05705 - S0347 W05609 - S1106 W05845 - S0924 W06157 - S0313 W06151 - S0033 W06034 TOP FL480 MOV W05KT NC=  828 WSBZ01 SBBR 220400 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220140/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0837 W05642 - S0631W05243 - S0854 W05122 - S1043 W05540 - S0837 W05642 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  844 WWUS83 KTOP 220425 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 1125 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ010-022-023-220515- Pottawatomie-Riley-Marshall- 1125 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL RILEY... NORTHWESTERN POTTAWATOMIE AND SOUTHERN MARSHALL COUNTIES UNTIL 1215 AM CDT... At 1125 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Randolph, moving northeast at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Olsburg, Randolph and Lillis. LAT...LON 3958 9627 3936 9674 3957 9690 3957 9681 3964 9681 3983 9645 TIME...MOT...LOC 0425Z 235DEG 33KT 3947 9678 $$  643 WOXX04 KWNP 220426 ALTTP2 Space Weather Message Code: ALTTP2 Serial Number: 1073 Issue Time: 2019 Apr 22 0424 UTC ALERT: Type II Radio Emission Begin Time: 2019 Apr 22 0255 UTC Estimated Velocity: 428 km/s www.swpc.noaa.gov/noaa-scales-explanation Description: Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event. # Issued by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Recent messages, data, and help at http://swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/ # Send questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov  053 WWUS83 KICT 220427 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1127 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ049-051-220500- McPherson KS-Saline KS- 1127 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Northern McPherson County in central Kansas... Saline County in central Kansas... * Until midnight CDT. * At 1125 PM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm with locally heavy rainfall 6 miles west of Marquette, or 14 miles southeast of Kanopolis...moving northeast at 40 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Salina, Lindsborg, Marquette, Assaria, Gypsum, Brookville, Smolan, Windom, New Cambria, Falun, Glendale, Salina Airport, Roxbury, Bridgeport and Kipp. LAT...LON 3896 9738 3842 9737 3838 9792 3896 9793 TIME...MOT...LOC 0426Z 244DEG 36KT 3856 9795 $$ METZGER  370 WWUS53 KOAX 220428 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1128 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC037-039-141-167-220438- /O.EXP.KOAX.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T0430Z/ Cuming NE-Colfax NE-Platte NE-Stanton NE- 1128 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN CUMING...NORTHERN COLFAX...NORTHEASTERN PLATTE AND SOUTHERN STANTON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1130 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4173 9738 4174 9737 4175 9737 4176 9736 4179 9735 4187 9723 4188 9702 4157 9692 4165 9735 4170 9739 TIME...MOT...LOC 0428Z 261DEG 24KT 4164 9705 $$ KERN  104 WWUS53 KOAX 220430 SVSOAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1130 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEC109-220439- /O.CAN.KOAX.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T0445Z/ Lancaster NE- 1130 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN LANCASTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4075 9687 4105 9675 4105 9669 4098 9646 4095 9646 4069 9657 TIME...MOT...LOC 0427Z 205DEG 39KT 4099 9660 $$ KERN  178 WHUS71 KPHI 220432 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1232 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ453>455-220545- /O.CAN.KPHI.SC.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm- 1232 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. $$ ANZ450>452-221500- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- 1232 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots or wave conditions of more than 5 feet will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating a small vessel, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  508 WSPF21 NTAA 220433 NTTT SIGMET A2 VALID 220500/220900 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1730 W15500 - S1750 W14640 - S2000 W14210 - S2210 W14320 CB TOP ABV FL420 STNR=  730 WSPF22 NTAA 220433 NTTT SIGMET B1 VALID 220500/220900 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE WI S1640 W15700 - S2210 W14320 - S3000 W13040 - S3000 W13620 - S1800 W15700 FL130/210 STNR WKN=  443 WSMS31 WMKK 220439 WMFC SIGMET A02 VALID 220440/220740 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0452 E10005 - N0409 E09931 - N0600 E09730 - N0603 E09618 - N0653 E09612 - N0644 E09824 - N0452 E10005 TOP FL500 MOV NE NC=  207 WSZA21 FAOR 220437 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 220441/220600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2932 E02047 - S3010 E02206 - S3049 E02213 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E02009 TOP FL300=  208 WSZA21 FAOR 220436 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 220441/220600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3030 E02009 - S3030 E02116 - S3049 E02213 - S3122 E02218 - S3226 E02119 - S3118 E01937 - S3030 E02009 TOP FL300=  380 WVJP31 RJTD 220440 RJJJ SIGMET O02 VALID 220440/221040 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SAKURAJIMA (AIRA CALDERA) PSN N3136 E13039 VA CLD OBS AT 0415Z FL090 MOV SW=  117 WWUS83 KGID 220440 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 1140 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ064-077-220515- York NE-Fillmore NE- 1140 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN YORK AND FILLMORE COUNTIES UNTIL 1215 AM CDT... At 1138 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong winds with a dieing thunderstorm near Geneva, or 26 miles south of York, moving northeast at 30 mph. Winds of 40 to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... York, Geneva, Henderson, Exeter, Fairmont, McCool Junction, Shickley, Milligan, Grafton, Ohiowa, Lushton and Strang. LAT...LON 4035 9782 4087 9783 4087 9737 4035 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0438Z 205DEG 28KT 4049 9765 $$ Wesely  239 WGUS86 KPDT 220441 FLSPDT Flood Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 941 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon.. John Day River at Service Creek affecting Wheeler County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. As little as one foot of water on the road can move most vehicles off the road. Additional information is available at: weather.gov/Pendleton && ORC069-221641- /O.CON.KPDT.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2354Z/ /SERO3.2.ER.190420T2043Z.190421T1730Z.190422T1754Z.NO/ 941 PM PDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The John Day River at Service Creek. * until Monday afternoon. * At 8:30 PM Sunday, the stage was 12.3 feet. * Flood stage is 11.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4506 12035 4492 11996 4466 11990 4446 12055 4505 12063 $$  320 WUUS01 KWNS 220443 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1141 PM CDT SUN APR 21 2019 VALID TIME 221200Z - 231200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 42138851 41069017 41349143 42619185 43679126 44288967 44358851 44288785 43928762 42138851 0.02 33810238 33540036 33329998 32880004 32270142 32180263 32150397 32560451 33140477 33800471 34120423 34060344 33810238 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 44278843 44208787 43878758 42138846 41079031 41389147 42499177 43679131 44248963 44278843 0.05 33320553 35050547 35220520 34970432 34750340 34560201 34720053 34769962 34719912 34519861 33949831 33379849 32200019 31920119 31510341 31490419 31790479 33320553 0.15 32640086 32340182 32210268 32370309 33760380 33940371 33990179 34140110 33760070 33400043 33060049 32640086 && ... WIND ... 0.05 35019921 35459797 35359751 35089734 34709754 33449846 32779935 32160031 31970088 31520330 31510404 31750486 33160546 34970550 35170502 34840392 34590209 34600139 34650040 35019921 0.05 42098847 41578940 41139020 41169087 41419142 42359183 43689136 44208963 44308842 44128778 43808760 43298771 42098847 0.15 34589866 34149864 33249941 32650062 32240181 32170267 32370309 33710392 33930379 34010203 34020142 34360005 34649916 34589866 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 32290201 32240268 32430314 33720384 33910366 33950244 34050142 34200057 34489969 34679912 34489865 34189860 33249941 32720046 32520104 32290201 MRGL 35239851 35459793 35389755 35049734 34539766 33309865 32200031 31910123 31580299 31500412 31730478 33310540 34460544 35050547 35190511 35030437 34720340 34570184 34650057 35019930 35239851 MRGL 43669116 44218974 44318852 44168778 43878758 42128842 41109021 41249101 41389137 42579176 43669116 TSTM 42048210 40008661 37859029 34819505 32549787 30990000 29190119 99999999 30620564 31810522 32870561 33620640 34330742 34860805 35470880 35660967 35441047 34981100 34741157 34601242 34541510 34951623 35941698 37031701 38571644 39471573 39831492 40401344 40511294 40971237 41421199 41841174 41941122 41591011 41490848 41480749 41210671 40580600 39200545 38000473 37170313 36930258 36710185 36829978 37319854 37859665 38549579 39009559 39679548 41449686 42239798 42849825 43589797 44179695 44489646 45329436 46049162 46188995 46178809 45968621 45808434 45608336 45398136 99999999 40187252 41097254 42297142 43146951 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 NNE MAF 35 NW MAF 20 SSE HOB 50 NE ROW 40 SSW CVS 40 WNW LBB 20 ESE PVW 25 SW CDS 25 WSW LTS 10 E LTS 20 SW FSI 15 NNW SPS 60 NNE ABI 50 WNW ABI 35 NE BGS 25 NNE MAF. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 WNW CHK 20 W OKC OKC 30 SSE OKC 40 WNW ADM 45 S SPS 40 WSW ABI 25 SE BGS 20 SE INK 45 ESE GDP GDP 15 SSE SRR 30 NNE 4CR 45 SSW LVS 30 S LVS 45 WSW TCC 25 N CVS 30 NNW PVW 20 NW CDS 25 SSW CSM 30 WNW CHK. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 SSE LSE 35 NE VOK 20 WSW GRB MTW 20 SSE MTW 35 E RFD 30 SSE MLI 30 WSW MLI 40 SSE CID 35 E ALO 15 SSE LSE. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 NNW CLE 25 NW IND 10 NE FAM 30 WSW RKR 20 SE MWL 35 NNW JCT 20 SW DRT ...CONT... 90 SSE ELP 25 W GDP 30 E ALM 40 SE ONM 35 NW ONM 25 SSW GNT GUP 50 WNW GUP 30 NNE INW 15 W INW 30 SSE FLG PRC 30 WSW EED 30 ENE DAG 45 ENE NID 60 WNW DRA 50 NE TPH 15 ESE P68 35 N ELY 30 WNW DPG 25 N DPG 25 SW OGD 15 N OGD 35 SE MLD 45 NNW EVW 50 ENE EVW 30 ESE RKS 25 SW RWL 50 SSE RWL 50 W FCL 45 NW COS 25 SSW PUB 30 WSW SPD 25 S SPD 20 W GUY 60 W AVK P28 40 SW EMP 25 NE EMP TOP 30 SSE FNB 25 E OLU 35 WNW OFK 35 NE ONL 15 SSE MHE 10 SW BKX 20 NE BKX 20 SW STC 50 SW ASX 25 SSE IWD 25 N IMT 45 ENE ESC 25 NE PLN 40 NNE APN 110 ENE APN ...CONT... 50 SE ISP 30 WSW GON 20 WSW BOS 55 SE PWM.  323 ACUS01 KWNS 220443 SWODY1 SPC AC 220441 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1141 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 Valid 221200Z - 231200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM SOUTHEAST NM ACROSS NORTHWEST TX AND INTO FAR SOUTHWEST OK... ...SUMMARY... Scattered severe thunderstorms capable of mainly hail and damaging winds are possible from southeast New Mexico across the South Plains and into parts of northwest Texas and southwest Oklahoma from late afternoon Monday through evening. Isolated strong to severe storms are also possible across parts of southern Wisconsin, eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois. A weak, brief tornado cannot be ruled out in either area. ...Synopsis... An upper low will drop south from AZ into northwest Mexico with a leading shortwave disturbance moving out of northern Mexico across west TX. At the surface, a stalling front will stretch roughly from southeast NM into central OK by 00Z, with winds veering to easterly across the High Plains. Mid to upper level southwesterly winds will increase to an average of 40-70 kt respectively, enhancing the potential for scattered severe storms. To the north, a shortwave trough will move into the upper MS Valley during the afternoon, with a surface low moving from IA into MI. Southerly winds will increase ahead of this low, enhancing low-level shear, with the low track becoming a favorable corridor for isolated severe storms. ...Southeast NM...South Plains...Southwest OK... Scattered storms are expected to form around 21Z from central and southeast NM into parts of west TX, where heating is strongest south of the front. Hail is possible with the NM cells, as well as into the South Plains. A brief tornado cannot be ruled out near peak heating, near the boundary, and before cells grow upscale into a possible MCS. The greatest potential for damaging winds will likely be along the boundary, extending into northwest TX, as storms move along it, aided by strong east/northeast surface winds just north of the boundary. A few storms may remain strong to severe into far southwest OK, before the air mass overturns with more widespread precipitation. ...Eastern IA...northern IL...southern WI... Upstream heating of a 50s dewpoint air mass and increasing southerly winds ahead of the surface low will result in an axis of around 1000 J/kg MLCAPE by afternoon across IA/IL/WI. Forecast soundings show some capping around 700 mb, but lift near the low track is expected to support thunderstorm development, which will be centered over the tri-state area. While winds in the mid and upper levels will not be particularly strong (short hodographs), low-level veering of the winds with height may support rotating storms with marginal hail, wind, or a brief tornado (especially over WI where LCLs will be lower). ..Jewell/Karstens.. 04/22/2019 $$  513 WVID21 WAAA 220444 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 220430/221030 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0430Z WI N0139 E12753 - N0142 E12756 - N0211 E12745 - N 0210 E12727 - N0155 E12725 - N0139 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1030Z WI N0139 E12755 - N0143 E12723 - N0202 E12721 - N0208 E 12739 - N0142 E12756 - N0139 E12755=  557 WVID21 WAAA 220444 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 220430/221030 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0430Z WI N0139 E12753 - N0142 E12756 - N0211 E12745 - N 0210 E12727 - N0155 E12725 - N0139 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1030Z WI N0139 E12755 - N0143 E12723 - N0202 E12721 - N0208 E 12739 - N0142 E12756 - N0139 E12755=  115 WSID20 WIII 220446 WIIZ SIGMET 5 VALID 220446/220830 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0000 E10025 - S0148 E10006 - S0310 E09848 - S0148 E09519 - N0053 E09548 - N0204 E09940 - N0000 E10025 TOP FL540 MOV NNE 5KT NC=  579 WWUS83 KOAX 220446 SPSOAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1146 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 NEZ032-033-220515- Stanton NE-Cuming NE- 1146 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN CUMING AND EASTERN STANTON COUNTIES UNTIL 1215 AM CDT... At 1146 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles north of Howells, or 24 miles southeast of Norfolk, moving northeast at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wisner, Beemer, Pilger, The Highway 15 And 32 Junction, The Highway 9 And 51 Junction and 10 Miles West Of West Point. LAT...LON 4207 9662 4174 9688 4174 9693 4183 9719 4209 9709 TIME...MOT...LOC 0446Z 209DEG 22KT 4183 9702 $$ KERN  691 WVID21 WAAA 220444 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 220430/221030 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0430Z WI N0139 E12753 - N0142 E12756 - N0211 E12745 - N 0210 E12727 - N0155 E12725 - N0139 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1030Z WI N0139 E12755 - N0143 E12723 - N0202 E12721 - N0208 E 12739 - N0142 E12756 - N0139 E12755=  087 WSNT07 KKCI 220450 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 1 VALID 220450/220850 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0450Z WI N2830 W04645 - N2630 W04445 - N2345 W04730 - N2515 W05000 - N2800 W05030 - N2830 W04645. TOP FL380. MOV W 10KT. NC.  088 WSNT10 KKCI 220450 SIGA0J KZWY SIGMET JULIETT 17 VALID 220450/220850 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0450Z WI N3415 W06915 - N3415 W06715 - N2700 W07000 - N2700 W07215 - N3415 W06915. TOP FL400. MOV NNE 10KT. NC.  917 WSBZ31 SBCW 220449 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1749 W05742 - S1947 W05808 - S2205 W05802 - S2218 W05548 - S2358 W05523 - S2356 W05421 - S1934 W05135 - S1716 W05356 - S1733 W05444 - S1749 W05742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  097 WSBZ31 SBCW 220449 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FC ST WI S1934 W05135 - S2356 W05421 - S2514 W05346 - S2830 W04802 - S2848 W04524 - S2645 W04345 - S2219 W05155 - S1934 W05135 FL130/190 STNR N C=  581 WSCG31 FCBB 220453 FCCC SIGMET B1 VALID 220455/220845 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0430Z W OF LINE N0655 E01044 - N0525 E01044 E OF LINE N0115 E01621 - S0055 E01540 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  199 WWUS83 KTOP 220454 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 1154 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 KSZ035-220545- Dickinson- 1154 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR DICKINSON COUNTY UNTIL 1245 AM CDT... At 1153 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Gypsum, moving east at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Abilene, Herington, Chapman, Enterprise, Hope, Woodbine and Carlton. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 272 and 289. LAT...LON 3890 9737 3904 9696 3896 9696 3898 9695 3897 9694 3867 9693 3861 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0453Z 250DEG 33KT 3874 9743 $$  965 WUUS53 KICT 220454 SVRICT KSC159-220600- /O.NEW.KICT.SV.W.0027.190422T0454Z-190422T0600Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wichita KS 1154 PM CDT Sun Apr 21 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Rice County in central Kansas... * Until 100 AM CDT. * At 1154 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lyons, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lyons, Sterling, Little River, Chase, Geneseo, Alden and Frederick. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3852 9837 3852 9793 3818 9792 3817 9837 TIME...MOT...LOC 0454Z 248DEG 23KT 3834 9823 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  244 WSUS33 KKCI 220455 SIGW MKCW WST 220455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220655-221055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  245 WSUS32 KKCI 220455 SIGC MKCC WST 220455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18C VALID UNTIL 0655Z MI WI MN LS FROM 30NNW SAW-30SSE SAW-60NNW RWF-20ENE BRD-30NNW SAW AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19C VALID UNTIL 0655Z MN IA SD FROM 30NW RWF-40SW MSP-60NNW FOD-50WSW FSD-30NW RWF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20C VALID UNTIL 0655Z MO IA KS NE FROM 10SE ANW-70S FSD-10ESE OVR-50W MCI-60WNW ICT-10SE ANW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 220655-221055 FROM DLH-30N SAW-BUM-50W ICT-60NNW FSD-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  246 WSUS31 KKCI 220455 SIGE MKCE WST 220455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220655-221055 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  505 WAIS31 LLBD 220456 LLLL AIRMET 2 VALID 220500/220900 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE OBS WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3045 E03445 - N3120 E03415 FL050/110 NC=  706 WWUS83 KICT 220503 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1203 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSZ049-051-220530- McPherson KS-Saline KS- 1203 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... McPherson County in central Kansas... Saline County in central Kansas... * Until 1230 AM CDT. * At 1201 AM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm with locally heavy rainfall over Lindsborg...moving east at 25 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Salina, Mcpherson, Lindsborg, Galva, Marquette, Assaria, Gypsum, Brookville, Smolan, Windom, New Cambria, Falun, Salina Airport, Mcpherson Airport, Roxbury, Bridgeport and Kipp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3842 9737 3819 9792 3877 9793 3895 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0503Z 248DEG 23KT 3857 9770 $$ METZGER  592 WGUS82 KFFC 220504 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Georgia... Flint River near Griffin Hwy. 16 affecting Fayette and Spalding Counties GAC113-255-220534- /O.CAN.KFFC.FL.W.0137.000000T0000Z-190422T1100Z/ /GRFG1.1.ER.190419T1716Z.190420T0800Z.190422T0355Z.NO/ 104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Flint River near Griffin Hwy. 16. * This takes effect immediately. * At 1245 AM Monday the stage was 11.9 feet...and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3330 8444 3330 8437 3318 8445 3316 8447 3316 8447 3322 8450 $$  670 WWUS71 KBOX 220506 NPWBOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 106 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MAZ020-021-RIZ002>007-221200- /O.NEW.KBOX.FG.Y.0006.190422T0506Z-190422T1200Z/ Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Southeast Providence RI- Western Kent RI-Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI- Newport RI- Including the cities of Fall River, New Bedford, Mattapoisett, Providence, Coventry, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, Bristol, Narragansett, Westerly, and Newport 106 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EDT THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 8 AM EDT this morning. * VISIBILITIES...One quarter mile or less at times. * TIMING...Through 8 AM. * IMPACTS...Limited visibilities will make travel very difficult. * LOCATION...South Coastal Massachusetts and Most of Rhode Island. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  513 WSCI39 ZWWW 220506 ZWUQ SIGMET 1 VALID 220506/220906 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4508 E08249 - N4454 E08349 - N4417 E08349 - N4427 E08242 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  088 WSRS31 RUAA 220507 ULAA SIGMET 2 VALID 220700/221100 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N6318 AND W OF E04823 FL300/400 MOV E 30KMH NC=  405 WGUS61 KCAR 220509 FFACAR Flood Watch National Weather Service Caribou ME 109 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Minor to moderate flooding remains possible into Monday... .Although the heavy rainfall has ended, rapid snowmelt in areas that still have snowpack will persist, bringing many streams out of their banks into Monday. The larger rivers will continue to see rises into Monday with minor to moderate flooding expected. MEZ001-002-222200- /O.CON.KCAR.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northwest Aroostook-Northeast Aroostook- Including the cities of Allagash, Clayton Lake, Madawaska, Fort Kent, Frenchville, Presque Isle, Caribou, Van Buren, and Mars Hill 109 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING... The Flood Watch continues for * A portion of Far Northern Maine, including the following areas, Northeast Aroostook and Northwest Aroostook. * Through this evening. * The heavy rainfall that occurred this weekend in combination with ongoing significant snowmelt will allow rivers and streams to continue rising today. * High confidence continues that smaller streams and rivers will continue with a risk of flooding, in addition to low lying flooding today. Numerous road closures have already occurred in portions of the County and more closures are possible. Please contact your local law enforcement agency for further information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ MEZ003>006-010-222200- /O.CON.KCAR.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northern Somerset-Northern Piscataquis-Northern Penobscot- Southeast Aroostook-Central Piscataquis- Including the cities of Baker Lake, Billy-Jack Depot, Baxter St Park, Chamberlain Lake, Churchill Dam, Mount Katahdin, Millinocket, East Millinocket, Patten, Medway, Houlton, Hodgdon, Sherman, Smyrna Mills, Greenville, Monson, and Blanchard 109 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of Central Highlands Maine, Far Eastern Maine, and North Woods Maine. * Through this evening. * The combination of rainfall that occurred over the weekend along with any snowmelt in areas that still have snow on the ground will continue to lead to significant rises on streams and rivers today. * There is high confidence that smaller streams and low lying areas could flood into today. There is also high confidence that some area rivers will experience minor to moderate flooding today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  414 WVEQ31 SEGU 220505 SEFG SIGMET 1 VALID 220505/221105 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0430Z SFC/FL170 WI N0020 W07753 - S0004 W07739 - N0011 W07807 - N0020 W07753 MOV NW 10KT FCST VA CLD 1030Z WI N0020 W07754 - S0004 W07740 - N0011 W07807 - N0020 W07754=  470 WWUS53 KICT 220510 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1210 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSC159-220600- /O.CON.KICT.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190422T0600Z/ Rice KS- 1210 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR RICE COUNTY... At 1209 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lindsborg, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters have reported quarter to ping pong sized hail in the city of Lyons. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lyons, Sterling, Little River, Chase, Geneseo, Alden and Frederick. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3852 9837 3852 9793 3818 9792 3817 9837 TIME...MOT...LOC 0509Z 248DEG 23KT 3859 9765 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  039 WGUS81 KCAR 220513 FLSCAR Flood Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Maine... St John River At Fort Kent Big Black River Near Big Black Fish River at Fort Kent ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Maine... Mattawamkeag River Above Mattawamkeag ...Safety Message... Obey all road closure signs. They are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don't drown! MEC003-221712- /O.EXT.KCAR.FL.W.0006.190422T1800Z-190423T1500Z/ /FTKM1.1.ER.190422T1800Z.190423T0000Z.190423T0900Z.NO/ 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the St John River At Fort Kent * from this afternoon to Tuesday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 1:00 AM Monday the stage was 21.3 feet * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.5 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 22.7 feet by this evening.The river will fall below flood stage by early tomorrow. * At 22.7 feet, SW Collins lumber yard and the Blockhouse Park begin to flood. && LAT...LON 4715 6879 4723 6887 4730 6859 4732 6837 4723 6836 4721 6858 $$ MEC003-221133- /O.EXT.KCAR.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T1133Z/ /BBRM1.2.ER.190420T1433Z.190421T2130Z.190422T0533Z.NR/ 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until this morning...The Flood Warning continues for the Big Black River Near Big Black * until this morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 0:30 AM Monday the stage was 12.5 feet * Minor flooding is occurring and Nonflood flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by after midnight this morning. * At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4703 6945 4694 6945 4689 6954 4685 6966 4687 6982 4693 6976 $$ MEC003-221712- /O.EXT.KCAR.FL.W.0007.190423T0600Z-000000T0000Z/ /FIHM1.1.ER.190423T0600Z.190424T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Fish River at Fort Kent * from late tonight until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 0:46 AM Monday the stage was 10.0 feet * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by after midnight tomorrow and continue to rise to near 11.3 feet by tomorrow evening. Additional rises are possible thereafter. * At 12.0 feet, Moderate flooding. Homes in the Soldier Pond area of Wallagrass threatened. West approach of Soldier Pond Bridge inundated with bridge closed. Evacuations possible. && LAT...LON 4726 6865 4726 6854 4714 6854 4711 6854 4711 6862 4717 6863 $$ MEC019-221712- /O.CON.KCAR.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MATM1.1.ER.190417T1250Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mattawamkeag River Above Mattawamkeag * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 0:47 AM Monday the stage was 15.1 feet * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.5 feet. * At 15.0 feet, Bridge Road near Haynesville flooded. * At 16.0 feet, Flooding begins along River Road in Mattawamkeag and Lancaster Road in Kingman. && LAT...LON 4557 6838 4560 6819 4572 6808 4566 6794 4551 6810 4546 6835 $$ VJN  251 WHUS71 KCAR 220513 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ050-051-221315- /O.CON.KCAR.SW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * SEAS...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that waves are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swell can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember...breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$  215 WWCN11 CWVR 220514 WIND WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:14 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: CENTRAL COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS NORTH COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS HAIDA GWAII. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  171 WSZA21 FAOR 220512 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 220517/220600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2822 E02155 - S2845 E02230 - S2923 E02213 - S2905 E02104 - S2851 E02114 TOP FL280=  180 WSTR31 UTAA 220515 UTAA SIGMET N1 VALID 220515/220900 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR EMBD TS FCST AND OBS OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  576 WWCN11 CWVR 220517 WIND WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:17 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 21 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: CENTRAL COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS NORTH COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS HAIDA GWAII. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL INTENSIFY TONIGHT AS IT APPROACHES HAIDA GWAII. SOUTHEAST WINDS WILL INCREASE TO 90 KM/H OVERNIGHT OVER EXPOSED COASTAL SECTIONS OF HAIDA GWAII, THE NORTH COAST AND THE CENTRAL COAST. THESE WINDS WILL SHIFT TO THE SOUTHWEST AND GRADUALLY EASE ON MONDAY MORNING. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  934 WSPA09 PHFO 220518 SIGPAV KZAK SIGMET VICTOR 2 VALID 220515/220520 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CANCEL SIGMET VICTOR 1 VALID 220120/220520. TS HAVE MOVED OUTSIDE OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR.  036 WSAG31 SACO 220523 SACF SIGMET 1 VALID 220523/220923 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0523Z WI S3257 W06558 - S3143 W06531 - S3000 W06457 - S2955 W06255 - S3128 W06139 - S3250 W06153 - S3357 W06319 - S3257 W06557 - S3257 W06558 TOP FL370 MOV ESE 05KT INTSF=  686 WSAG31 SACO 220523 SACF SIGMET 1 VALID 220523/220923 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0523Z WI S3257 W06558 - S3143 W06531 - S3000 W06457 - S2955 W06255 - S3128 W06139 - S3250 W06153 - S3357 W06319 - S3257 W06557 - S3257 W06558 TOP FL370 MOV ESE 05KT INTSF=  646 WWUS83 KOAX 220519 SPSOAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1219 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NEZ015-033-034-220545- Thurston NE-Burt NE-Cuming NE- 1219 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN BURT...EAST CENTRAL CUMING AND SOUTHEASTERN THURSTON COUNTIES UNTIL 1245 AM CDT... At 1219 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near West Point, or 41 miles east of Norfolk, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lyons, Bancroft and Oakland. LAT...LON 4178 9656 4190 9675 4205 9659 4203 9640 4188 9641 TIME...MOT...LOC 0519Z 228DEG 29KT 4188 9664 $$ ZAPOTOCNY  854 WSCI36 ZUUU 220514 ZPKM SIGMET 1 VALID 220520/220920 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N2759 E10727-N2651 E10911-N2527 E10743-N2449 E10545-N2608 E10315-N2823 E10417-N2759 E10727 FL170/380 STNR NC=  179 WSPA07 PHFO 220521 SIGPAT KZAK SIGMET TANGO 6 VALID 220525/220925 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0500 W17400 - N0200 W17300 - N0140 W17640 - N0420 W17720 - N0500 W17400. CB TOPS TO FL550. MOV W 10KT. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  759 WWUS53 KICT 220522 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1222 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSC159-220600- /O.CON.KICT.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190422T0600Z/ Rice KS- 1222 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RICE COUNTY... At 1221 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Little River, or 11 miles east of Lyons, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters have reported quarter to ping pong sized hail in the city of Lyons. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Little River and Geneseo. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3852 9818 3852 9793 3827 9792 3825 9816 TIME...MOT...LOC 0521Z 249DEG 29KT 3840 9799 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ METZGER  367 WSNZ21 NZKL 220456 NZZC SIGMET 1 VALID 220523/220923 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3650 E17430 - S3650 E17510 - S3840 E17600 - S3850 E17510 - S3650 E17430 8000FT/FL210 MOV SE 10KT NC=  481 WVHO31 MHTG 220525 MHTG SIGMET B2 VALID 220520/220720 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET B1 220014/220614=  578 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220523 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 220530/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0036 W06038 - N0051 W05904 - S0705 W05108 - S1132 W05740 - S0900 W05948 - S0457 W06228 - N0036 W06038 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  994 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0033 W06034 - S0023W05705 - S0347 W05609 - S1106 W05845 - S0924 W06157 - S0313 W06151 - S0033 W06034 TOP FL480 MOV W05KT NC=  995 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1934 W05135 - S2356 W05421 - S2514 W05346 - S2830 W04802 - S2848 W04524 - S2645 W04345 - S2219 W05155 - S1934 W05135 FL130/190 STNR NC=  996 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 220140/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0837 W05642 - S0631W05243 - S0854 W05122 - S1043 W05540 - S0837 W05642 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  997 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 220130/220530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0145 W05323 - S0103W04937 - S0345 W04915 - S0436 W05302 - S0145 W05323 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  010 WWUS83 KTOP 220527 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 1227 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSZ022-023-035>038-220600- Wabaunsee-Geary-Pottawatomie-Dickinson-Riley-Morris- 1227 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR DICKINSON...GEARY...SOUTHERN RILEY...NORTHERN MORRIS...WEST CENTRAL WABAUNSEE AND SOUTHWESTERN POTTAWATOMIE COUNTIES UNTIL 100 AM CDT... At 1226 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Milford Lake to near Woodbine to 8 miles northwest of Durham. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Manhattan, Junction City, Abilene, Herington, Ogden, Grandview Plaza, Chapman, Enterprise, St. George, White City, Alta Vista, Hope, Dwight, Woodbine, Parkerville, Carlton, Latimer, Milford Lake, Moonlight and Keats. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 278 and 321. LAT...LON 3889 9723 3913 9698 3913 9696 3914 9696 3938 9642 3881 9640 3859 9691 3859 9693 3861 9693 3861 9737 3862 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0526Z 244DEG 38KT 3910 9691 3882 9692 3857 9733 $$ Gargan  056 WWUS83 KICT 220527 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1227 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSZ049>051-220600- Rice KS-McPherson KS-Saline KS- 1227 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Northeastern Rice County in central Kansas... Northern McPherson County in central Kansas... Southern Saline County in central Kansas... * Until 100 AM CDT. * At 1226 AM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm with locally heavy rainfall over Windom, or 13 miles west of Mcpherson...moving east at 45 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Salina, Mcpherson, Lindsborg, Marquette, Little River, Assaria, Gypsum, Smolan, Windom, Falun, Mcpherson Airport, Roxbury, Bridgeport and Kipp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3845 9737 3827 9792 3826 9805 3852 9808 3852 9792 3870 9792 3887 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0527Z 249DEG 38KT 3843 9790 $$ METZGER  497 WWUS53 KICT 220528 SVSICT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1228 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSC159-220538- /O.CAN.KICT.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190422T0600Z/ Rice KS- 1228 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN RICE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3852 9818 3852 9793 3827 9792 3825 9816 TIME...MOT...LOC 0526Z 248DEG 23KT 3842 9792 $$ METZGER  787 WWMY80 PGUM 220531 RFWGUM URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tiyan GU 331 PM ChST Mon Apr 22 2019 .Dry fuels with low humidities and marginal daytime winds are expected Tuesday through Wednesday night. The KBDI continues to slowly climb in the extreme category and now stands at 713. GUZ001-230600- /O.NEW.PGUM.FW.A.0005.190422T2000Z-190424T1200Z/ Guam- 331 PM ChST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY MORNING THROUGH WEDNESDAY EVENING... The National Weather Service in Tiyan has issued a Fire Weather Watch, which is in effect from Tuesday morning through Wednesday evening. * AFFECTED AREA...Guam. * WIND...Daytime winds are expected to be between 15 and 20 mph Tuesday and Wednesday. Winds are expected to subside to between 10 and 15 mph on Thursday. * HUMIDITY...Daytime humidity as low as 45% * IMPACTS...Multiple fires have already occurred in the past couple of weeks and fuels continue to dry. Stronger daytime winds could enable any fires that develop to spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A fire weather watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible Red Flag Warnings. && $$ Kleeschulte  934 WHUS71 KLWX 220532 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 132 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ535-536-221345- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0074.190422T0600Z-190422T1800Z/ Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- 132 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ530>534-537>543-221345- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0074.190422T0800Z-190422T1800Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 132 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  248 WAIS31 LLBD 220533 LLLL AIRMET 3 VALID 220600/221000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03500 - N3320 E03550 - N3253 E03558 - N3245 E03500 STNR NC=  379 ACUS02 KWNS 220541 SWODY2 SPC AC 220540 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1240 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 231200Z - 241200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS PARTS OF SOUTHWEST AND CENTRAL TEXAS... ...SUMMARY... Thunderstorms associated with an isolated large hail and wind damage threat are expected to develop across parts of Texas on Tuesday afternoon and evening. ...Southern Plains... An upper-level low will move slowly southeastward across northern Mexico on Tuesday as west to southwest mid-level flow remains over the southern Plains. At the surface, a cold front will move southeastward across west-central and north-central Texas. The airmass will moisten south of the front with surface dewpoints reaching the mid to upper 60s F. In response, a pocket of moderate instability is forecast to develop along and just south of the front from Del Rio extending east-northeastward into the Texas Hill Country. Thunderstorms are forecast to initiate and organize along the front during the late afternoon where the models are showing steep low to mid-level lapse rates and moderate deep-layer shear. For this reason, a severe threat is expected to develop across southwest and central Texas from the late afternoon into the evening. Supercells with large hail and wind damage will be possible. Organized multicells with damaging wind gusts and hail appear likely in areas where mesoscale conditions become most favorable. ...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: 2% - Marginal Wind: 15% - Slight Hail: 15% - Slight ..Broyles.. 04/22/2019 $$  380 WUUS02 KWNS 220541 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1240 AM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 231200Z - 241200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 28830340 30060375 30690359 31180302 31700179 32219949 33389661 33479596 33099543 32489520 31469552 30619626 29079873 27830024 0.15 30049892 29859999 29870107 30020162 30240192 30460194 30730184 30980143 31090057 31819847 32399734 32389677 32049645 31559652 30999687 30509763 30049892 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 30049890 29850005 29890106 30020157 30240192 30440193 30740181 30960144 31100052 31789858 32399736 32399673 32039643 31509654 30989686 30529758 30049890 MRGL 28860339 30040374 30670358 31160303 31650189 32219945 33019746 33399658 33509594 33079539 32489520 31499551 30629625 29879741 28999879 28229977 27840019 TSTM 43677891 43427732 43077532 42537377 41947353 40987391 39987553 39427677 37188098 36198336 35758573 34949042 33399347 30699525 29479567 27869568 99999999 31721283 32271245 32781197 33161201 33501310 34501447 35631449 37851367 38751275 38831208 38521140 38121065 38290995 39050912 39980845 40550725 40710629 40470580 39560520 38450497 36960450 36350379 36690105 37879473 38758823 40998429 42268339 43038261 43558196 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 NW SAT 50 SSW JCT 35 NNW DRT 40 E 6R6 20 NE 6R6 30 NNE 6R6 55 NNE 6R6 65 WSW SJT 20 S SJT 20 E BWD 30 S FTW 30 NW CRS CRS 35 SSW CRS 35 ESE TPL 15 NNE AUS 45 NW SAT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 110 SW 6R6 30 SE MRF 35 NE MRF 20 NNW FST 30 SE MAF 20 SE ABI 15 NNW FTW 25 SSE GYI 30 WSW PRX 40 S PRX 15 NE TYR 50 WNW LFK 10 ENE CLL 35 SSE AUS 35 SE HDO 35 WSW COT 50 WNW LRD. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 50 N BUF 25 NE ROC UCA 15 S ALB 30 NE POU 25 NE EWR 15 WNW PHL 15 NNW BWI 15 ESE BLF 35 WNW HSS 40 WSW CSV 25 WSW MEM 30 E TXK 15 E UTS 25 WSW HOU 70 SSE PSX ...CONT... 85 S GBN 50 SSE GBN 45 ESE GBN 20 S PHX 45 NNW GBN 20 SSE EED 40 NW IGM 35 WNW CDC 25 NNE MLF 45 SSE U24 40 W 4HV 20 S 4HV 35 SSW CNY 30 W GJT 60 N GJT 15 ENE CAG 55 SW LAR 40 W FCL 20 SW DEN 30 WNW PUB 15 N RTN 35 W CAO 25 S LBL 45 ENE CNU 40 E SLO 30 W FDY DTW 30 NNE MTC 55 ESE BAX.  042 WSZA21 FAOR 220540 FAJO SIGMET G01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3630 W01000 - S3735 W00410 - S4151 E00107 - S4459 W00325 - S4024 W01000 TOP FL390=  043 WSZA21 FAOR 220541 FAJO SIGMET B02 VALID 220545/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET B01 220210/220600=  044 WSZA21 FAOR 220539 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S5109 E00148 - S5133 E00811 - S5437 E00701 - S5540 E00408 - S5839 E00214 - S5746 W00305 - S5352 W00412 TOP FL300=  398 WSIR31 OIII 220539 OIIX SIGMET 9 VALID 220530/220730 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST W OF LINE N3650 E04833 - N2911 E05400 TOP FL320 MOV E/NE NC=  272 WWUS83 KICT 220544 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1244 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSZ052-220615- Marion KS- 1244 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Northwestern Marion County in central Kansas... * Until 115 AM CDT. * At 1242 AM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm with locally heavy rainfall 8 miles south of Carlton, or 13 miles north of Canton...moving east at 20 mph. * Hail up to the size of nickels...and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Ramona, Durham, Tampa and Lost Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3853 9693 3845 9737 3861 9737 3861 9693 TIME...MOT...LOC 0544Z 247DEG 16KT 3858 9735 $$ METZGER  835 WSPR31 SPIM 220544 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 220545/220910 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0520Z E OF LINE S1244 W06930 - S1332 W06944 - S1404 W06916 TOP FL450 MOV SE NC=  575 WXFJ02 NFFN 220540 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY TWO FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 5.40PM ON MONDAY THE 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER, LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF DREKETILAILAI STATION OF QAWA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF KOROVOU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAYAVU RIVER; FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR THE INTERIOR AND EASTERN HALF OF VITI LEVU, LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF WAIMANU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF WAINIBUKA RIVER. LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF RAKIRAKI TOWN; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 3.26M AT 5.00PM WHICH IS 0.12M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 5.37M AT 5.00PM WHICH IS 0.3M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT DREKETILAILAI STATION WAS 1.94M AT 5.00PM WHICH IS 0.1M BELOW WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAYAVU STATION WAS 8.85M AT 5.00PM WHICH IS 1.05M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING LEVEL AT RAKIRAKI TOWN WAS 1.24M AT 5.00PM WHICH IS 1.04M BELOW ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT WAIMANU WAS 3.81M AT 5.00PM WHICH IS 0.11M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING. SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCAITED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME HIGH 1.93M 08.46PM LOW 0.68M 02.40AM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 8.40PM OR EARLIER.  164 WSZA21 FAOR 220545 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4656 E06519 - S4729 E07500 - S5105 E07500 - S5132 E07135 - S4930 E06226 FL250/290=  165 WSZA21 FAOR 220543 FAJO SIGMET H01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4652 E05207 - S4729 E05734 - S5844 E05533 - S5810 E05007 - S5100 E05027 - S4652 E05207 FL220/260=  166 WSZA21 FAOR 220544 FAJO SIGMET D02 VALID 220548/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET D01 220210/220600=  168 WSZA21 FAOR 220542 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3851 E03208 - S3853 E03739 - S3943 E03742 - S3941 E03207 FL300/340=  640 WSFJ01 NFFN 220300 NFFF SIGMET 03 VALID 220630/221030 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1930 E17212 - S2348 E17512 - S2448 E17036 - S2036 E16912 - S1930 E17212 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  330 WSZA21 FAOR 220548 FAJO SIGMET E02 VALID 220549/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET E01 220210/220600=  331 WSZA21 FAOR 220549 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 220549/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET A01 220210/220600=  332 WSZA21 FAOR 220550 FAJA SIGMET D01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2509 E02539 - S2549 E02813 - S2846 E03102 - S3004 E02840 - S2736 E02615 - S2605 E02222 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 TOP FL400=  333 WSZA21 FAOR 220547 FAJO SIGMET C02 VALID 220549/220600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET C01 220210/220600=  334 WSZA21 FAOR 220546 FACA SIGMET B02 VALID 220549/220600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET B01 220210/220600=  555 WSUS32 KKCI 220555 SIGC MKCC WST 220555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21C VALID UNTIL 0755Z MI WI MN LS FROM 40NE SAW-30SSE SAW-60NNW RWF-20NNE BRD-40NE SAW AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22C VALID UNTIL 0755Z MN SD FROM 40NW RWF-20W MSP-40SSE RWF-20WNW FSD-40NW RWF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23C VALID UNTIL 0755Z MO IA KS NE SD FROM 50NE ONL-70SSE FSD-30WNW MCI-30NNW ICT-50NE LBF-50NE ONL AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 220755-221155 FROM DLH-30N SAW-30NNE IRK-40W SLN-70SE PIR-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  184 WSUS31 KKCI 220555 SIGE MKCE WST 220555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220755-221155 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  185 WSUS33 KKCI 220555 SIGW MKCW WST 220555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220755-221155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  496 WSFJ02 NFFN 220300 NFFF SIGMET 04 VALID 220635/221035 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0206 E17654 - S0036 180000 - S0500 18000 - S0500 W17242 - S0930 W17600 - S0954 E17800 - N0206 E17336 - N0206 E17654 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  023 WANO35 ENMI 220550 ENBD AIRMET D02 VALID 220700/221100 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E01410 - N6500 E01035 - N6810 E01245 - N6850 E01500 - N6810 E01725 - N6500 E01410 4000FT/FL150 MOV NE 25KT NC=  886 WSZA21 FAOR 220557 FAJA SIGMET A02 VALID 220553/220600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET A01 220200/220600=  887 WSZA21 FAOR 220603 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 220554/220600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET B01 220441/220600=  888 WSZA21 FAOR 220552 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3030 E02001 - S3030 E02116 - S3052 E02222 - S3215 E02211 - S3212 E02022 - S3102 E01940 TOP FL320=  068 WSZA21 FAOR 220556 FACA SIGMET A02 VALID 220553/220600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET A01 220200/220600=  069 WSZA21 FAOR 220602 FACA SIGMET C02 VALID 220554/220600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET C01 220441/220600=  070 WSZA21 FAOR 220553 FAJA SIGMET E01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2809 E02255 - S2914 E02349 - S3002 E02229 - S3052 E02222 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E02001 - S2828 E02121 - S2809 E02255 TOP FL320=  071 WSZA21 FAOR 220609 FAJA SIGMET C02 VALID 220554/220600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET C01 220517/220600=  717 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1749 W05742 - S1947 W05808 - S2205 W05802 - S2218 W05548 - S2358 W05523 - S2356 W05421 - S1934 W05135 - S1716 W05356 - S1733 W05444 - S1749 W05742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  718 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 220530/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0036 W06038 - N0051 W05904 - S0705 W05108 - S1132 W05740 - S0900 W05948 - S0457 W06228 - N0036 W06038 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  719 WSBZ01 SBBR 220500 SBRE SIGMET 2 VALID 220250/220650 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0955 W04107 - S1043 W03921 -S1159 W03951 - S1123 W04130 - S0955 W04107 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  302 WHUS74 KCRP 220552 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 1252 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 GMZ230-250-220700- /O.EXP.KCRP.SC.Y.0030.000000T0000Z-190422T0600Z/ Bays and Waterways from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- 1252 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased to below advisory levels, therefore the Small Craft Advisory will be allowed to expire. Winds are expected to remain at caution levels much of the night into early Monday morning. $$ TE  610 WSZA21 FAOR 220613 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2750 E03500 - S2829 E03632 - S3227 E03450 - S3419 E03040 - S3300 E03200 - S3025 E03332 TOP FL380=  611 WSZA21 FAOR 220611 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3046 E02801 - S3300 E03200 - S3419 E03040 - S3515 E02834 - S3448 E02357 - S3248 E02307 - S3114 E02419 - S3057 E02619 TOP FL380=  314 WBCN07 CWVR 220500 PAM ROCKS WIND 2101 LANGARA; OVC 10R- E10G20 2FT CHP LO W PRESFR GREEN; OVC 6R-F SE20EG 4FT MDT TRIPLE; OVC 5R-F SE30EG 6FT MDT LO SW BONILLA; OVC 1R-F SE45EG 9FT RUF LO-MOD S BOAT BLUFF; OVC 3R-F SE06 1FT CHP MCINNES; OVC 2R-F SE25EG 6FT MDT LO-MOD SW IVORY; OVC 8R- SE15G21 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW DRYAD; OVC 4R-F SE05 RPLD ADDENBROKE; OVC 3R-F SE18EG 4FT MDT EGG ISLAND; OVC 10RW- SE22G33 5FT MDT LO W PINE ISLAND; OVC 12RW- SE23EG 5FT MDT LO W CAPE SCOTT; OVC 10R- SE45EG 9FT RUF LO-MOD SW QUATSINO; OVC 12RW- SE35EG 7FT RUF LO SW NOOTKA; OVC 03R-F S12E 2FT CHP LO SW ESTEVAN; OVC 10R- SE18G23 4FT MDT LO MDT SW 1026.0F LENNARD; OVC 12RW- SE15E 3FT MDT LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 15 SE06 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; CLDY 15 SE10E 2FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; OVC 15 NE03E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 12RW- SE25E 4FT MDT LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; OVC 12R- SE15E 2FT CHP CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 188/09/06/1325/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1332 0438Z 6013 98MM= WEB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 252/08/06/1521/M/ PK WND 1523 0454Z 1001 44MM= WQC SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 257/09/05/1104/M/ 3002 00MM= WRU SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 176/07/M/1146+56/M/0050 PCPN 2.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1356 0454Z 8020 2MMM= WFG SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 134/08/08/1451+57/M/0064 PCPN 1.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1360 0412Z 6022 76MM= WVF SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/10/08/1013/M/ M 41MM= WQS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 005/10/08/1535+45/M/0038 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1449 0447Z 6058 66MM= WRO SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 026/08/08/1442+51/M/0061 PCPN 2.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1451 0450Z PRESFR 8056 16MM= WEK SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 070/07/05/MMMM/M/0054 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 8041 59MM= WWL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 066/08/07/1535+47/M/0044 PCPN 1.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1449 0440Z 6043 87MM= WME SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/07/06/0506/M/0088 PCPN 1.6MM PAST HR M 78MM= WAS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 168/12/09/2101/M/ 1014 97MM= WSB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 242/11/07/1012/M/ 3001 34MM= WGT SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 244/11/05/2304/M/M 4000 98MM= WGB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 241/11/08/1207/M/ 0002 73MM= WEL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 242/11/08/1613/M/ 0001 15MM= WDR SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 244/10/06/2405/M/ 3006 62MM= WZO SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2109/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0912/M/ M MMMM=  326 WWUS83 KICT 220555 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 1255 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSZ051-220630- McPherson KS- 1255 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Northeastern McPherson County in central Kansas... * Until 130 AM CDT. * At 1254 AM CDT...National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm 6 miles northwest of Galva...moving east at 25 mph. hail up to the size of nickels will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Mcpherson, Galva, Canton and Roxbury. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The storms are not expected to become severe. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3833 9737 3835 9766 3851 9768 3858 9756 3861 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0555Z 256DEG 22KT 3847 9760 $$ MCGUIRE  541 WSRA32 RUOM 220554 USTR SIGMET 1 VALID 220555/220700 USTR- USTR TYUMEN FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) OBS N6759 E07506 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  085 WSZA21 FAOR 220612 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2350 E02653 - S2439 E02929 - S2725 E03039 - S2734 E03147 - S2648 E03223 - S2650 E03253 - S2750 E03500 - S3300 E03200 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3114 E02419 - S3107 E02425 - S3003 E02231 - S2917 E02347 - S2810 E02256 - S2828 E02119 - S2923 E02042 - S2730 E01924 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 - S2442 E02550 - S2416 E02647 TOP FL380=  546 WAIY31 LIIB 220556 LIMM AIRMET 11 VALID 220610/220810 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR BKN CLD 400/1200FT OBS WI N4456 E00952 - N4357 E01214 - N4439 E01148 - N4456 E00952 STNR NC=  214 WWUS83 KOAX 220557 SPSOAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1257 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NEZ011-012-015-017-018-220630- Thurston NE-Cedar NE-Pierce NE-Knox NE-Wayne NE- 1257 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WAYNE...EASTERN PIERCE...EAST CENTRAL KNOX...NORTHWESTERN THURSTON AND CEDAR COUNTIES UNTIL 130 AM CDT... At 1255 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Carroll to near Walthill. Movement was northeast at 25 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms along with brief heavy rain and frequent lightning. Locations impacted include... Wayne, Hartington, Wakefield, Randolph, Emerson, Coleridge, Winside, Carroll, Wynot, Laurel, Crofton, Pleasant Valley, Fordyce, Thurston, Belden, St. Helena, Magnet, McLean, Obert and Sholes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4285 9722 4281 9721 4277 9713 4276 9702 4227 9702 4228 9655 4211 9651 4215 9748 4285 9754 4287 9731 TIME...MOT...LOC 0555Z 213DEG 23KT 4228 9728 4216 9658 $$ ZAPOTOCNY  777 WAIY31 LIIB 220558 LIMM AIRMET 12 VALID 220615/220815 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR OBS WI N4458 E01002 - N4400 E01229 - N4455 E01153 - N4458 E01002 STNR NC=  463 WWUS83 KTOP 220559 SPSTOP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 1259 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSZ035>038-220630- Wabaunsee-Geary-Dickinson-Morris- 1259 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN DICKINSON...SOUTHERN GEARY...MORRIS AND SOUTHWESTERN WABAUNSEE COUNTIES UNTIL 130 AM CDT... At 1258 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Parkerville to 5 miles northeast of Burdick to near Durham. Movement was east at 30 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts of 40 to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Herington, Council Grove, White City, Alta Vista, Hope, Dwight, Woodbine, Wilsey, Parkerville, Carlton, Latimer, Council Grove Lake, Volland and Burdick. LAT...LON 3899 9677 3897 9623 3863 9641 3852 9651 3852 9693 3861 9693 3861 9737 3868 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0558Z 274DEG 27KT 3879 9664 3864 9680 3851 9721 $$ Gargan  870 WSRS31 RURD 220558 URRV SIGMET 2 VALID 220600/221000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4531 E03658 - N4405 E04201 - N4329 E04037 - N4459 E03639 - N4531 E03658 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  319 WSZA21 FAOR 220636 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3240 E01518 - S3429 E02036 - S3645 E02038 - S3646 E01518 SFC/FL020=  839 WVRA31 RUPK 220559 UHPP SIGMET 4 VALID 220603/221120 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT SHEVELUCH PSN N5638 E16119 VA CLD OBS AT 0520Z WI N5643 E16123 - N5657 E16153 - N5644 E16148 - N5640 E16124 - N5643 E16123 SFC/FL130 FCST AT 1120Z WI N5708 E16324 - N5658 E16321 - N5659 E16240 - N5639 E16122 - N5716 E16205 - N5708 E16324=  017 WSZA21 FAOR 220639 FACA SIGMET E01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3052 E02222 - S3119 E02345 - S3115 E02418 - S3131 E02404 - S3103 E02220 SFC/FL060=  018 WSZA21 FAOR 220640 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3001 E02230 - S3107 E02425 - S3115 E02418 - S3119 E02345 - S3052 E02222 SFC/FL060=  019 WSZA21 FAOR 220638 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2925 E02042 - S3030 E01959 - S3030 E01842 - S2944 E01852 SFC/FL060=  020 WSZA21 FAOR 220637 FACA SIGMET D01 VALID 220600/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01842 - S3030 E01959 - S3100 E01939 - S3211 E02021 - S3215 E02213 - S3103 E02221 - S3132 E02406 - S3247 E02307 - S3354 E02332 - S3353 E02209 - S3433 E01949 - S3349 E01833 - S3244 E01850 - S3048 E01838 SFC/FL060=  559 WVRA31 RUPK 220602 UHPP SIGMET 5 VALID 220605/221120 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KLYUCHEVSKOY PSN N5603 E16038 VA CLD OBS AT 0520Z WI N5607 E16038 - N5631 E16102 - N5642 E16248 - N5629 E16259 - N5623 E16108 - N5603 E16038 - N5607 E16038 SFC/FL200 FCST AT 1120Z WI N5634 E16500 - N5616 E16504 - N5640 E16244 - N5603 E16028 - N5708 E16221 - N5634 E16500=  417 WVRA31 RUPK 220604 UHPP SIGMET 6 VALID 220605/220820 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 2 220307/220820=  698 WAIS31 LLBD 220603 LLLL AIRMET 4 VALID 220603/221000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 3 220600/221000=  416 WUUS53 KFSD 220605 SVRFSD IAC149-193-220630- /O.NEW.KFSD.SV.W.0001.190422T0605Z-190422T0630Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 105 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Woodbury County in west central Iowa... Southeastern Plymouth County in northwestern Iowa... * Until 130 AM CDT. * At 105 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Sioux City, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Hinton around 125 AM CDT. Merrill around 130 AM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4249 9623 4251 9648 4279 9642 4271 9601 TIME...MOT...LOC 0605Z 204DEG 19KT 4254 9633 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Chapman  942 WAIS31 LLBD 220604 LLLL AIRMET 5 VALID 220603/221000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N3303 E03500 - N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3127 E03513 STNR NC=  392 WOMQ50 LFPW 220605 WARNING ON METAREA 3, METEO-FRANCE WARNING NR 159, MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019 AT 0600 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, MONDAY 22 AT 00 UTC. LOW 995 OVER NORTH OF ALGERIA, DEEPENING AND MOVING NORTH, EXPECTED 992 JUST SOUTHEAST OF MAJORCA BY 22/12 UTC, THEN FILLING 998 SOUTH OF PROVENCE AT END. HIGH 1030 EAST OF EUROPE WITH RIDGE OVER FRANCE, WEAKENING AHEAD AN ATLANTIC TROUGH. EAST OF CABRERA. FROM 22/18 UTC TO 23/00 UTC. WEST OR SOUTHWEST 8 IN SOUTH. GUSTS. PROVENCE. CONTINUING TO 23/03 UTC. EAST OR NORTHEAST 8, AT TIMES 9 IN NORTHEAST AT FIRST. SEVERE GUSTS. WEST OF LIGURE. CONTINUING TO 23/00 UTC. NORTHEASTERLY 8, AT TIMES 9 AT FIRST. SEVERE GUSTS. NORTH OF CORSE. CONTINUING TO 22/21 UTC. NORTHEAST 8, AT TIMES 9 AT FIRST. SEVERE GUSTS. SOUTH OF CORSE. CONTINUING TO 22/18 UTC. EAST 8 OR 9, DECREASING 8 AT MIDDAY. SEVERE GUSTS. SARDAIGNE. CONTINUING TO 22/15 UTC. EAST OR SOUTHEAST 8, LOCALLY 9 IN SOUTH AT FIRST. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH IN SOUTH AT FIRST. ALGER. FROM 22/12 UTC TO 22/21 UTC. WEST 8. GUSTS. NORTH OF ANNABA. CONTINUING TO 22/12 UTC. EAST 8 NEAR SARDINIA. SEVERE GUSTS. TUNISIE. CONTINUING TO 23/00 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8 OR 9 IN EAST. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH IN EAST. CARBONARA. CONTINUING TO 22/18 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8 IN SOUTH. GUSTS. HIGH IN FAR SOUTH. LIPARI. CONTINUING TO 23/03 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8, LOCALLY 9. SEVERE GUSTS. CIRCEO. CONTINUING TO 23/00 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8. GUSTS.  400 WSCI35 ZGGG 220603 ZGZU SIGMET 1 VALID 220615/221015 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2310 E11025 - N2454 E11214 - N2548 E11502 - N2412 E11652 - N2250 E11308 - N2310 E11025 TOP FL440 MOV E 50KMH INTSF=  789 WOAU13 AMMC 220607 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0607UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 41S118E 44S122E to low 987hPa near 50S123E. Forecast 42S125E 45S128E 49S130E 51S127E to low 978hPa near 53S128E 221200UTC, 45S134E 50S134E 51S132E to low 969hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC, 47S141E 50S141E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC and 50S150E 55S150E 54S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 41S117E 45S113E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 60S137E 55S151E 50S150E 41S117E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front turning west quarter 30/40 knots within 480nm west of front extending to within 540nm west of front after 230000UTC. Clockwise winds 35/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle after 222100UTC, increasing to 45/55 knots by 230300UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising high to very high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 2.  790 WOAU03 AMMC 220607 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0607UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 41S118E 44S122E to low 987hPa near 50S123E. Forecast 42S125E 45S128E 49S130E 51S127E to low 978hPa near 53S128E 221200UTC, 45S134E 50S134E 51S132E to low 969hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC, 47S141E 50S141E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC and 50S150E 55S150E 54S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 41S117E 45S113E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 60S137E 55S151E 50S150E 41S117E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front turning west quarter 30/40 knots within 480nm west of front extending to within 540nm west of front after 230000UTC. Clockwise winds 35/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle after 222100UTC, increasing to 45/55 knots by 230300UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising high to very high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 2.  791 WOAU43 AMMC 220607 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0607UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 41S118E 44S122E to low 987hPa near 50S123E. Forecast 42S125E 45S128E 49S130E 51S127E to low 978hPa near 53S128E 221200UTC, 45S134E 50S134E 51S132E to low 969hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC, 47S141E 50S141E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC and 50S150E 55S150E 54S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 41S117E 45S113E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 60S137E 55S151E 50S150E 41S117E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front turning west quarter 30/40 knots within 480nm west of front extending to within 540nm west of front after 230000UTC. Clockwise winds 35/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle after 222100UTC, increasing to 45/55 knots by 230300UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising high to very high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 2.  046 WOAU14 AMMC 220610 IDY21030 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0610UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow around a forecast low 1006hPa near 50S148E at 220000UTC, low 1003hPa near 51S151E at 220600UTC, low 1002hPa near 52S155E at 221200UTC, low 999hPa near 54S157E at 221800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 50S148E 55S157E 54S160E 52S160E 49S150E 50S148E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 150nm of low in northern quadrant. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 152E by 221200UTC and throughout by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate swell.  382 WGUS83 KTOP 220611 FLSTOP Flood Advisory National Weather Service Topeka KS 111 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSC041-127-220915- /O.NEW.KTOP.FA.Y.0005.190422T0611Z-190422T0915Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickinson-Morris- 111 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Topeka has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southern Dickinson County in central Kansas... Western Morris County in east central Kansas... * Until 415 AM CDT. * At 108 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Doppler radar has estimated that 1 to 2 inches of rainfall has already fallen in the advisory area with an additional one inch possible through 230 AM. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Herington, White City, Hope, Woodbine, Wilsey, Parkerville, Carlton and Latimer. LAT...LON 3880 9737 3884 9665 3859 9666 3858 9693 3861 9693 3861 9737 $$ Gargan  101 WOAU05 AMMC 220615 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:55S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0615UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR AND WESTERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow with a cold front forecast 39S070E 44S075E to low 991hPa near 47S076E at 230000UTC and 42S079E 44S081E 47S081E to low 980hPa near 48S079E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 48S085E 42S084E 42S080E 49S080E 48S085E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 240nm east of front turning west quarter west of front and clockwise 35/47 knots within 120nm of low in northern semicircle. Very rough seas rising high within 120nm of low in northern semicircle. Moderate swell.  443 WWCN12 CWTO 220615 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:15 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 20 TO 40 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY AFTERNOON WITH THE HIGHEST AMOUNTS FALLING IN THE WAWA AREA AND SOUTH. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE COMING TO AN END NEAR MIDDAY TUESDAY. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  325 WWCN12 CWTO 220619 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:19 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SEARCHMONT - MONTREAL RIVER HARBOUR - BATCHAWANA BAY AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK CHAPLEAU - MISSINAIBI LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY AFTERNOON. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END TUESDAY AFTERNOON. A BRIEF PERIOD OF FREEZING RAIN IS ALSO POSSIBLE EARLY THIS MORNING, ESPECIALLY FOR AREAS AWAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  942 WOAU12 AMMC 220619 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0619UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous westerly flow on northern flank of a low pressure system. Trough developing 44S111E 47S112E 48S111E by 221800UTC, reaching 44S114E 50S118E at 230000UTC and 46S120E 51S121E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S080E 42S100E 47S128E 52S127E 49S117E 53S104E 53S080E 44S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 101E at first, extending to west of 114E by 221800UTC. Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 180nm east of trough from 221800UTC, extending to within 240nm east of trough by 230600UTC. Winds increasing to 35/45 knots south of 48S from 221200UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 088E by 221800UTC and west of 101E by 230600UTC. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high south of 48S from 221200UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warnings 3 and 5.  943 WOAU02 AMMC 220619 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0619UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous westerly flow on northern flank of a low pressure system. Trough developing 44S111E 47S112E 48S111E by 221800UTC, reaching 44S114E 50S118E at 230000UTC and 46S120E 51S121E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S080E 42S100E 47S128E 52S127E 49S117E 53S104E 53S080E 44S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 101E at first, extending to west of 114E by 221800UTC. Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 180nm east of trough from 221800UTC, extending to within 240nm east of trough by 230600UTC. Winds increasing to 35/45 knots south of 48S from 221200UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 088E by 221800UTC and west of 101E by 230600UTC. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high south of 48S from 221200UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warnings 3 and 5.  944 WOAU42 AMMC 220619 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0619UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous westerly flow on northern flank of a low pressure system. Trough developing 44S111E 47S112E 48S111E by 221800UTC, reaching 44S114E 50S118E at 230000UTC and 46S120E 51S121E at 230600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S080E 42S100E 47S128E 52S127E 49S117E 53S104E 53S080E 44S080E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots west of 101E at first, extending to west of 114E by 221800UTC. Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 180nm east of trough from 221800UTC, extending to within 240nm east of trough by 230600UTC. Winds increasing to 35/45 knots south of 48S from 221200UTC. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 088E by 221800UTC and west of 101E by 230600UTC. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high south of 48S from 221200UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warnings 3 and 5.  408 WSPS21 NZKL 220336 NZZO SIGMET 2 VALID 220620/221020 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5430 W14450 - S5710 W14920 - S5620 W15620 - S5540 W15600 - S5520 W15100 - S5010 W14830 - S5430 W14450 2000FT/FL130 MOV ENE 45KT NC=  645 WWUS53 KFSD 220620 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 120 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC193-220629- /O.CAN.KFSD.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190422T0630Z/ Woodbury IA- 120 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN WOODBURY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved into Plymouth county. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4257 9615 4257 9647 4259 9646 4278 9639 4271 9601 TIME...MOT...LOC 0619Z 212DEG 25KT 4264 9622 $$ IAC149-220630- /O.CON.KFSD.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190422T0630Z/ Plymouth IA- 120 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 130 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN PLYMOUTH COUNTY... At 119 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located just east of Hinton, or 10 miles south of Le Mars, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. This severe storm will be near... Merrill around 125 AM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4257 9615 4257 9647 4259 9646 4278 9639 4271 9601 TIME...MOT...LOC 0619Z 212DEG 25KT 4264 9622 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Chapman  159 WSTA31 UTDD 220621 UTDD SIGMET 2 VALID 220700/221100 UTDD- UTDD DUSHANBE FIR EMBD TSGR FCST TOP FL340 MOV NE 20 KMH NC=  602 WWAK77 PAJK 220621 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 AKZ027-028-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T1500Z/ Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Coastal Area- Southern Inner Channels- Including the cities of Craig, Klawock, Ketchikan, and Metlakatla 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...Prince of Wales Island and Southern Inner Channels including Craig, Hydaburg, Edna Bay, Ketchikan and Metlakatla. * WINDS...Southeast to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Winds will increase over SW Prince of Wales late this evening then spread north and east to the Ketchikan area during the overnight hours. Winds should diminish early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ026-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.190422T0900Z-190422T1500Z/ Inner Channels from Kupreanof Island to Etolin Island- Including the cities of Petersburg, Wrangell, and Kake 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...South central Inner Channels including Wrangell, Coffman Cove, Point Baker and Kake. * WINDS...Southeast to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Late tonight through early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ024-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.190422T1200Z-190422T1800Z/ Eastern Baranof Island and Southern Admiralty Island- Including the city of Angoon 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 10 AM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...North central Inner Channels including Angoon. * WINDS...Southeast to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Late tonight through late Monday morning. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ021-025-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.190422T1500Z-190422T2100Z/ Eastern Chichagof Island- Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the cities of Hoonah and Juneau 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 1 PM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...North central Inner Channels including Hoonah, Tenakee Springs and Juneau. * WINDS...Southeast to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. Winds shifting to southwest along eastern Chichagof Island by mid morning. * TIMING...Early Monday morning through early Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ020-022-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1800Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 4 PM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...Northern Inner Channels and northern outer coast including Elfin Cove and Gustavus. * WINDS...Southwest to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Late Monday morning through late Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ023-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1600Z-190422T2200Z/ Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area- Including the cities of Sitka and Port Alexander 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 2 PM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...Central outer coast including Sitka and Port Alexander. * WINDS...Southwest to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Early Monday morning through early Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ018-019-221400- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1900Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 1021 PM AKDT Sun Apr 21 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO 7 PM AKDT MONDAY... * LOCATION...Northern Inner Channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...South to southwest to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Late Monday morning through early Monday evening. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  506 WSMC31 GMMC 220620 GMMM SIGMET W1 VALID 220630/221030 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE N3345 W00424 - N3125 W00 807 - N2944 W00733 FL050/150 STNR WKN=  624 WSCO31 SKBO 220617 SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 220627/220927 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0607Z WI N0617 W07408 - N0734 W07714 - N0830 W07659 - N0739 W07447 - N0804 W07346 - N0617 W07408 TOP FL450 MOV SSW 05KT NC=  889 WSBZ01 SBBR 220600 SBRE SIGMET 2 VALID 220250/220650 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0955 W04107 - S1043 W03921 -S1159 W03951 - S1123 W04130 - S0955 W04107 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  890 WSBZ01 SBBR 220600 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1749 W05742 - S1947 W05808 - S2205 W05802 - S2218 W05548 - S2358 W05523 - S2356 W05421 - S1934 W05135 - S1716 W05356 - S1733 W05444 - S1749 W05742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  891 WSBZ01 SBBR 220600 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 220530/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0036 W06038 - N0051 W05904 - S0705 W05108 - S1132 W05740 - S0900 W05948 - S0457 W06228 - N0036 W06038 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  645 WSMS31 WMKK 220625 WBFC SIGMET A03 VALID 220630/220930 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0124 E11116 - N0306 E10936 - N0442 E11143 - N0224 E11306 - N0124 E11116 TOP FL470 MOV NNE NC=  091 WSCO31 SKBO 220626 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 3 VALID 220620/220920 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0605Z WI N0834 W07416 - N0913 W07555 - N0818 W07625 - N0744 W07446 - N0834 W07416 TOP FL450 MOV SSW 08KT WKN=  464 WSCO31 SKBO 220627 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 220627/220927 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0607Z WI N0617 W07408 - N0734 W07714 - N0830 W07659 - N0739 W07447 - N0804 W07346 - N0617 W07408 TOP FL450 MOV SSW 05KT NC=  832 WSTH31 VTBS 220625 VTBB SIGMET 01 VALID 220625/220925 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1551 E10318 - N1706 E10259 - N1717 E10438 - N1631 E10435 - N1553 E10511-N1551 E10318 TOP FL520 STNR INTSF=  857 WAUS44 KKCI 220627 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 220627 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...TX...UPDT FROM 30WSW ACT TO 50NNW PSX TO 50NNW BRO TO 20ENE LRD TO 40NE DLF TO 20ESE JCT TO 30WSW ACT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG BY 09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. ....  858 WAUS45 KKCI 220627 AAB WA5S SLCS WA 220627 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...NV UT...UPDT FROM 20ESE BVL TO 20WSW MTU TO 20N BCE TO 20W DTA TO 40SSE ELY TO 40NE OAL TO 70SW BAM TO 30ESE BAM TO 20ESE BVL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG BY 09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO...UPDT FROM 50SE BIL TO 100SE MLS TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 40SSE SNY TO 60SE DEN TO 60WNW PUB TO 40SW LAR TO 40ESE OCS TO 20NNE MTU TO 40NNE SLC TO 20E DBS TO 50SE BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM 50SE MLP TO 40ENE BIL TO 20N CYS TO 30ESE PUB TO 30ENE HBU TO 20WSW CHE TO 20W JNC TO 60SW MTU TO 40ESE BCE TO 60SSE ILC TO 70NE OAL TO 20ESE BOI TO 30ENE BKE TO 50SE MLP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 40SSE MLP-50ENE DLN-50SSE LWT-40NE BIL-40N SHR-20N CYS-20SE TBE-50ESE CIM-20WNW CIM-30SE HBU-30NW DBL-20ESE JNC- 40SE DTA-60SSE ILC-70NE OAL-70SE REO-20E BOI-20NW DNJ-40SSE MLP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  859 WAUS41 KKCI 220627 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 220627 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70NW PQI TO 30NE PQI TO 60WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 190SSE HTO TO 40ESE HTO TO 20N BDL TO 40NNE ACK TO 20SW ENE TO 50SW CON TO 30NNE ALB TO 30NW MPV TO 40E YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...VT NY LO PA WV MD VA...UPDT FROM 60ENE MSS TO 40NNE ALB TO 40ESE HNK TO 20SW SLT TO 30S JST TO 50WSW CSN TO HMV TO 40W BKW TO EKN TO 30NNE EWC TO 20S BUF TO 30SSE SYR TO 50N SYR TO 30SE YOW TO 60ENE MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG BY 09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA FROM MLT TO CON TO HAR TO 20SE PSK TO 20N HMV TO HNN TO EWC TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO MLT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR VT NY LO PA OH WV MD VA...UPDT BOUNDED BY 30SE YOW-60E MSS-40NNE ALB-60S ALB-30SSE HNK-20ESE SLT-20SE JST-50WSW CSN-20SSW HMV-40W BKW-20SSW BUF-SYR-70SSW YOW- 30SE YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  860 WAUS46 KKCI 220627 AAB WA6S SFOS WA 220627 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 20WNW SNS TO 20E RZS TO 20N LAX TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 150SW SNS TO 20WNW SNS CIG BLW 010. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SSW YDC TO 50WNW EPH TO 30E BTG TO 40WNW BTG TO 30NNW SEA TO HUH TO 30SSW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30S HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30ESE OAK TO 60SE SNS TO EHF TO 40SW RZS TO 30S OAK TO 30ESE OAK MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 06Z. ....  861 WAUS43 KKCI 220627 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 220627 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...MN WI LS MI...UPDT FROM 40ESE YQT TO 60NW SSM TO 20SE SAW TO 30ESE RHI TO 50NW EAU TO 30ENE BRD TO 40NNW DLH TO 70WSW YQT TO 40ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...SD NE...UPDT FROM 100SE MLS TO 40NE ANW TO 50W LBF TO 40SSE SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 100SE MLS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 15Z. ....  896 WWUS53 KFSD 220629 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC149-220637- /O.EXP.KFSD.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190422T0630Z/ Plymouth IA- 129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN PLYMOUTH COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 130 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning near Merrill has weakened below severe limits. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, frequent lightning, brief heavy rainfall and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm as it moves through areas near Le Mars after 130 am. LAT...LON 4257 9615 4257 9647 4259 9646 4278 9639 4271 9601 TIME...MOT...LOC 0627Z 204DEG 19KT 4268 9620 $$ Chapman  572 WSBW20 VGHS 220630 VGFR SIGMET 03 VALID 220800/221200 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL390 MOV ENE NC=  550 WSCI37 ZLXY 220627 ZLHW SIGMET 1 VALID 220650/221050 ZLXY- ZLHW LANZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N32 E096 - N32 E104 - N40 E109 - N39 E102 TOP FL270 MOV E 25KMH INTSF=  628 WAUS46 KKCI 220634 AAC WA6S SFOS WA 220634 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 220900 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 20WNW SNS TO 20E RZS TO 20N LAX TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 150SW SNS TO 20WNW SNS CIG BLW 010. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SSW YDC TO 50WNW EPH TO 30E BTG TO 40WNW BTG TO 30NNW SEA TO HUH TO 30SSW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30S HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30ESE OAK TO 60SE SNS TO EHF TO 40SW RZS TO 30S OAK TO 30ESE OAK MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 06Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA...UPDT FROM 60WSW OED TO 60SSW OED TO 50E FOT TO 50WSW RBL TO 30SSW FOT TO 60WSW OED MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS DVLPG AFT 06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... ....  366 WAIS31 LLBD 220633 LLLL AIRMET 6 VALID 220635/220900 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB OBS WI N3315 E03540 - N3320 E03550 - N3255 E03550 - N3235 E03535 FL020/160 NC=  325 WSMS31 WMKK 220640 WMFC SIGMET B01 VALID 220640/220940 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0250 E10302 - N0156 E10434 - N0123 E10417 - N0134 E10347 - N0114 E10329 - N0145 E10230 - N0250 E10302 TOP FL510 MOV NE INTSF=  326 WSCI34 ZSSS 220638 ZSHA SIGMET 2 VALID 220700/221100 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N30 AND E OF E115 TOP FL340 MOV E 30KMH NC=  857 WSIR31 OIII 220638 OIIX SIGMET 10 VALID 220635/220730 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2710 E05135 - N2846 E05310 - N2729 E05630 - N2536 E05400 TOP FL320 MOV E/NE NC=  858 WSSP32 LEMM 220638 LECB SIGMET 1 VALID 220637/220800 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0637Z WI N4045 E00149 - N4137 E004 - N4219 E00334 - N4239 E00107 - N4045 E00149 TOP FL360 MOV NW NC=  368 WSFR34 LFPW 220641 LFMM SIGMET 3 VALID 220700/221100 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4600 E00700 - N4400 E00700 - N4315 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4230 E00430 - N4600 E00700 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  142 WSSC31 FSIA 220640 FSSS SIGMET 02 VALID 220650/221050 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0431 E05223 - S0951 E05636 - S0951 E04936 - S0834 E05026 - S0809 E05414 - S0456 E05132 - S0431 E05223 TOP ABV FL390 NC=  027 WGUS82 KFFC 220644 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 244 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Alcovy River near High Point affecting Newton County GAC217-222043- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0188.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HPTG1.2.ER.190421T0719Z.190422T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 244 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Alcovy River near High Point. * Until further notice. * At 230 AM Monday the stage was 14.9 feet...and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * At 15.0 feet...Moderate flooding begins. Flooding continues to expand further into the woodlands and fields near the river upstream and downstream from the gage on Henderson Mill Road. The water level reaches the foundation of the garage and driveway next to the private residence just upstream and on the left bank from the bridge. && LAT...LON 3361 8384 3358 8378 3344 8381 3344 8386 $$  372 WSCR31 LEMM 220647 GCCC SIGMET 1 VALID 220800/221200 GCGC- GCCC CANARIAS UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N2750 W017 - N2650 W01730 - N2850 W02150 - N2930 W02050 - N2750 W017 FL320/360 MOV SE NC=  855 WSCH31 SCEL 220650 SCEZ SIGMET A2 VALID 220658/221058 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S3319 W07100 - S3343 W07329 - S3627 W07149 FL220/260 MOV NE NC=  155 WSBZ31 SBRE 220651 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 220652/220900 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0413 W04233 - S0450 W04158 - S0549 W04239 - S0511 W04342 - S0426 W0 4313 - S0413 W04233 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  374 WTIN20 DEMS 220651 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK DEMS-RSMC TROPICAL CYCLONES NEW DELHI DATED 22.04.2019 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (THE BAY OF BENGAL AND ARABIAN SEA) VALID FOR NEXT 120 HOURS ISSUED AT 0600 UTC OF 22.04.2019 BASED ON 0300 UTC OF 22.04.2019. BAY OF BENGAL: A LOW PRESSURE AREA IS LIKELY TO DEVELOP OVER EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN AND ADJOINING SOUTHWEST BAY OF BENGAL TO THE SOUTHEAST OF SRI LANKA AROUND 26TH APRIL. IT IS LIKELY TO INTENSIFY INTO A DEPRESSION DURING SUBSEQUENT 24 HOURS. AS PER SATELLITE IMAGERY, SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED MODERATE TO INTENSE CONVECTION LIE OVER SOUTHCENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL AND WEAK TO MODERATE CONVECTION LIE OVER NORTH BAY OF BENGAL. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL LOW ARABIAN SEA: ISOLATED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTION LIE OVER EXTREME SOUTHEAST ARABIAN SEA AND WEAK CONVECTION LIE OVER REST OF SOUTH ARABIAN SEA. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL REMARKS: . MANY NUMERICAL MODELS INCLUDING ECMWF, GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST SYSTEM (GEFS), IMD GFS AND NCEP GFS SUGGEST FORMATION OF LOW PRESSURE AREA AROUND 26TH OVER EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN AND ADJOINING SOUTHWEST BOB. THESE MODELS ARE ALSO SUGGESTING FURTHER INTENSIFICATION OF THE SYSTEM. HOWEVER, THERE IS DIVERGENCE W.R.T. DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT. ECMWF & IMD GFS ARE INDICATING MOVEMENT TOWARDS NORTH-TAMILNADU COAST ACROSS NORTHEAST COAST OF SRILANKA. GFS GROUP OF MODELS ARE INDICATING INITIAL NORTHWESTWARDS MOVEMENT FOLLOWED BY SUBSEQUENT RECURVATURE OF THE SYSTEM TOWARDS EASTCENTRAL BOB. THE MADDEN JULIAN OSCILLATION (MJO) INDEX IS CURRENTLY IN PHASE 2 WITH AMPLITUDE MORE THAN 1. IT WILL CONTINUE IN SAME PHASE WITH AMPLITUDE MORE THAN 1 FOR NEXT 2 DAYS. THEREAFTER IT WILL MOVE TO PHASE 3 WITH AMPLITUDE REMAINING MORE THAN 1 FOR SUBSEQUENT 4 DAYS. HENCE, MJO PHASE WILL BE FAVOURABLE FOR ENHANCEMENT OF CONVECTION & CYCLOGENESIS OVER BAY OF BENGAL REGION. CONSIDERING THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, THE SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE (SST) IS ABOUT 30\U02DAC OVER SOUTHWEST BOB AND ADJOINING EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN (EIO) AND COMORIN AREAS. THE TROPICAL CYCLONE HEAT POTENTIAL IS AROUND 80-90 KJ/CM2 OVER THE ABOVE REGION. AN AREA OF POSITIVE VORTICITY AROUND 25 X10-6SEC-1 LIES OVER EIO AND ADJOINING PARTS OF SOUTHWEST BOB. A NORTH-SOUTH ORIENTED ZONE OF POSITIVE DIVERGENCE AROUND 20 X10-5SEC-1 LIES OVER THE REGION. A CIRCULAR ZONE OF POSITIVE CONVERGENCE AROUND 10 X10-5SEC-1 LIES OVER THE REGION. VERTICAL WIND SHEAR IS MODERATE (10-15 KT) OVER EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN & ADJOINING SOUTHWEST BOB & COMORIN. THE UPPER TROPOSPHERIC RIDGE LIES NEAR 90N. CONSIDERING ALL THE ABOVE A LOW PRESSURE AREA IS LIKELY TO DEVELOP OVER EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN AND ADJOINING SOUTHWEST BAY OF BENGAL TO THE SOUTHEAST OF SRI LANKA AROUND 26TH. IT IS LIKELY TO INTENSIFY FURTHER INTO A DEPRESSION DURING SUBSEQUENT 24 HOURS. IT IS LIKELY TO MOVE NORTHWESTWARDS TOWARDS TAMIL NADU COAST ACROSS EAST SRI LANKA COAST.=  603 WSUS32 KKCI 220655 SIGC MKCC WST 220655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24C VALID UNTIL 0855Z MI WI MN LS FROM 70WNW SSM-30SSE SAW-60SW BRD-20NNE BRD-70WNW SSM AREA EMBD TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL340. CELL MOVE FROM 26045KT. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25C VALID UNTIL 0855Z MN SD FROM 60NNW RWF-20W MSP-30S RWF-20WNW FSD-60NNW RWF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26C VALID UNTIL 0855Z MN IA NE SD FROM 30E FSD-30NNW FOD-40NNW OVR-30WSW OBH-30E ANW-30E FSD AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27C VALID UNTIL 0855Z KS FROM 30WSW PWE-40SSE PWE-70W BUM-30SSE SLN-30WSW PWE AREA TS MOV FROM 27040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 220855-221255 FROM 60ESE YDC-50SW YQL-HLN-LKT-60ESE YDC WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  604 WSUS31 KKCI 220655 SIGE MKCE WST 220655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220855-221255 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  605 WSUS33 KKCI 220655 SIGW MKCW WST 220655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220855-221255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  221 WWNZ40 NZKL 220653 GALE WARNING 412 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 220600UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. IN A BELT 540 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 70S 170W 63S 160W 60S 157W: SOUTHWEST 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING NORTHNORTHEAST 25KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 407.  222 WWNZ40 NZKL 220655 CANCEL WARNING 406  223 WWNZ40 NZKL 220652 GALE WARNING 411 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 220600UTC LOW 962HPA NEAR 56S 152W MOVING EAST 45KT. IN A BELT 540 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 53S 168W 52S 154W 51S 142W: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 55KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 408.  224 WWNZ40 NZKL 220656 CANCEL WARNING 410  472 WSID20 WIII 220657 WIIZ SIGMET 6 VALID 220657/221000 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0500 E10729 - S0511 E10454 - S0257 E10523 - S0222 E10745 - S0500 E10729 TOP FL510 MOV NE 5KT NC=  260 WONT50 LFPW 220656 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 188, MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019 AT 0655 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, MONDAY 22 AT 00 UTC. LOW 994 59N24W, SLOWLY FILLING ON PLACE. ASSOCIATED TROUGH EXTENDING SOUTH OVER ROMEO AND NORTH CHARCOT, MOVING EAST WITH DEEPENING LOW EXPECTED 990 50N13W BY 22/12UTC, THEN MERGING WITH THE SECOND ONE. NEW SECONDERY LOW EXPECTED 990 46N09W BY 23/00UTC, THEN 989 47N08W BY 23/12 UTC. ALTAIR. CONTINUING TO 22/09 UTC. NORTHWEST 8 IN NORTHEAST. GUSTS. CHARCOT. CONTINUING TO 22/09 UTC. NORTHWEST 8 IN WEST. GUSTS. BT *  867 WSNP31 VNKT 220655 VNSM SIGMET 01 VALID 220655/221055 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0650Z E OF E08455 MOV E INTSF=  544 WAIY32 LIIB 220700 LIRR AIRMET 3 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SFC WSPD 45KT FCST WI N4118 E00822 - N4021 E00948 - N3857 E00804 - N3725 E01129 - N3628 E01128 - N3629 E01858 - N3851 E01854 - N3857 E01629 - N4012 E01532 - N4322 E01021 - N4120 E00948 - N4118 E00822 STNR NC=  518 WAIY32 LIIB 220701 LIRR AIRMET 4 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  980 WGUS82 KFFC 220701 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 301 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Coosa River near Plant Hammond affecting Floyd County GAC115-222101- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0186.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HMMG1.1.ER.190420T1721Z.190421T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 301 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Coosa River near Plant Hammond. * Until further notice. * At 300 AM Monday the stage was 570.3 feet...and falling slowly. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 570.0 feet. * At 570.0 feet...Flood stage is reached. Minor flooding begins of woodlands...fields and pasture along the river upstream and downstream from the gage behind Plant Hammond. A boat ramp near the intakes of the plant will be under water. A small portion of an access road near and under the Georgia Highway 100 bridge will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3425 8531 3420 8536 3421 8539 3427 8542 3428 8537 $$  511 WWIN80 VOTV 220658 VOTV 220700Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 220730/221130 SFC WSPD MAX 25KT FROM 300 DEG FCST NC=  021 WSPR31 SPIM 220702 SPIM SIGMET C3 VALID 220705/221015 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0640Z WI S1058 W07503 - S1018 W07611 - S0841 W07618 - S0830 W07509 - S1006 W07434 - S1045 W07444 - S1055 W07456 - S1058 W07503 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  811 WSIY32 LIIB 220704 LIRR SIGMET 3 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3900 E00805 - N4250 E01304 - N4122 E01423 - N4107 E01507 - N3859 E01622 - N3626 E01708 - N3628 E01129 - N3728 E01128 - N3900 E00805 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  457 WGUS83 KTOP 220703 FLSTOP Flood Advisory National Weather Service Topeka KS 203 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSC041-127-220915- /O.CON.KTOP.FA.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-190422T0915Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickinson-Morris- 203 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN DICKINSON AND WESTERN MORRIS COUNTIES... At 159 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms have moved east of Dickinson County and now extend west to east across western Morris County. Doppler radar has estimated that 1 to 2 inches of rainfall has fallen across southern Dickinson and western Morris Counties. An additional half inch of rainfall is possible across western Morris County through 3 AM. Runoff and any additional rainfall may cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Herington, White City, Hope, Woodbine, Wilsey, Parkerville, Carlton and Latimer. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3880 9737 3884 9665 3859 9666 3858 9693 3861 9693 3861 9737 $$ Gargan  362 WSIY33 LIIB 220704 LIBB SIGMET 1 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4252 E01529 - N4157 E01357 - N4125 E01427 - N4111 E01507 - N3912 E01621 - N4035 E01859 - N4106 E01850 - N4252 E01529 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  211 WSPR31 SPIM 220705 SPIM SIGMET B3 VALID 220710/221015 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0640Z WI S1310 W07213 - S1301 W07316 - S1149 W07353 - S1045 W07323 - S1055 W07225 - S1145 W07139 - S1238 W07108 - S1301 W07134 - S1310 W07213 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  212 WAIY33 LIIB 220706 LIBB AIRMET 2 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4247 E01537 - N4204 E01444 - N4021 E01716 - N3856 E01630 - N3857 E01856 - N4106 E01854 - N4247 E01537 STNR NC=  754 WHUS71 KOKX 220706 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 306 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ350-353-355-222200- /O.CON.KOKX.SW.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm- Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 306 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * SEAS...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and are hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swells can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember that breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$ 12  807 WAIY33 LIIB 220707 LIBB AIRMET 3 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST S OF LINE N4223 E01327 - N4235 E01623 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  251 WSCN21 CWAO 220709 CZVR SIGMET A2 VALID 220705/221105 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5055 W12852/60 W CYZT - /N5001 W12749/45 SW CYZT SFC/FL030 QS NC RMK GFACN31=  469 WSCN01 CWAO 220709 CZVR SIGMET A2 VALID 220705/221105 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5055 W12852 - N5001 W12749 SFC/FL030 QS NC=  874 WHUS71 KGYX 220711 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 311 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ150-152-154-222115- /O.CAN.KGYX.SW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ /O.NEW.KGYX.SC.Y.0051.190422T0711Z-190423T1600Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 311 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EDT TUESDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Gray has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until noon EDT Tuesday. The Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas has been cancelled. * WINDS...Northeast 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  653 WUUS03 KWNS 220713 PTSDY3 DAY 3 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0212 AM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 241200Z - 251200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 29710234 30670005 31779729 32289599 32389518 31829432 31129385 30269388 29559401 29099423 0.15 29380117 30189937 30559812 30689676 30509598 30079570 29299566 28819594 28429665 28129811 27489966 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 29390118 30199934 30559816 30699676 30509595 30059569 29299564 28839592 28439663 28129812 27509966 MRGL 29660240 31019922 31869705 32299594 32399517 31839432 31149384 30239389 29539402 29139424 TSTM 31091098 32591113 34281095 35311018 37750870 39480757 40430719 41150749 41430808 41890930 43031071 44251157 44851152 45421114 46170946 46510772 46280590 45330437 44700344 43780296 40870459 39070553 37900567 37310513 37080407 37230092 37769702 38469478 38399055 38008886 37248757 36668673 36088604 35338601 34418655 33198840 32638987 32199082 31749159 31079230 30109277 29049274 TSTM 41541643 41431736 41221827 40781890 40281919 39411908 38661921 38541987 38762049 39072122 39022179 39002261 39242324 39882355 40682353 41182319 41732245 42222148 42711979 43001807 42961739 42721679 42301615 41861607 41541643 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 W DRT 35 SE JCT 30 WNW AUS 25 WNW CLL 25 ESE CLL 35 NW HOU 15 NW LBX 20 ENE PSX 30 SW PSX 30 NNW ALI 10 WSW LRD. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSW 6R6 45 NE JCT 20 NNE ACT 30 W TYR 15 E TYR 45 SSE GGG 40 W POE 20 NNE BPT 30 S BPT 35 ESE GLS. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 50 SW FHU 35 NNW TUS 55 SSW INW 35 ENE INW 30 N CEZ 35 WSW EGE 20 ESE CAG 45 N CAG 50 WSW RWL 25 NNW RKS 40 S JAC 35 SW WEY 25 WNW WEY 25 S BZN 25 SE 3HT 60 NE BIL 10 S MLS 45 WSW 2WX 50 NNW RAP 20 SSE RAP 25 SSE CYS 45 WNW COS 35 NNE ALS 40 E ALS 20 SE TAD 15 NNE LBL 25 ENE ICT 25 S OJC 25 SSW STL 20 S MVN 40 SW OWB 30 SW BWG 35 E BNA 50 WNW CHA 20 SE HSV 30 S CBM 60 SSE GWO 50 NE HEZ 20 WNW HEZ 25 S ESF 25 E LCH 65 SW 7R4. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSW OWY 45 NNE WMC 35 NW WMC 50 NNW LOL 35 WNW LOL 20 WSW NFL 45 ESE TVL 25 SSE TVL 30 WSW TVL 40 NNE SAC 40 NNW SAC 35 ESE UKI 10 NNW UKI 55 NNW UKI 30 ESE EKA 45 WSW MHS 30 NNW MHS 15 ENE LMT 50 NE LKV 30 NNW REO 35 NE REO 55 E REO 25 N OWY 10 SE OWY 30 SSW OWY.  655 ACUS03 KWNS 220713 SWODY3 SPC AC 220712 Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0212 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 241200Z - 251200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS PARTS OF SOUTH-CENTRAL AND SOUTHEAST TEXAS... ...SUMMARY... Thunderstorms associated with a wind damage and large hail threat are expected to develop across parts of south-central and southeast Texas on Wednesday. ...Southern Plains... An upper-level low is forecast to move from northern Mexico into west Texas on Wednesday. West-southwesterly mid-level flow will remain across much of the eastern half of Texas. At the surface, a cold front is forecast to advance southeastward across central and southwest Texas. Ahead of the front, a moist airmass should be in place with surface dewpoints in the mid to upper 60s F. In response, moderate instability appears likely to develop by Wednesday afternoon from the lower Rio Grande River east-northeastward across south-central Texas. The NAM and ECMWF are somewhat in agreement, showing convective potential along this corridor along and just ahead of the front. In addition to moderate instability, NAM forecast soundings at 21Z Wednesday for San Antonio show 0-6 km shear in the 50-60 kt range. This combined with steep low to mid-level lapse rates will be favorable for large hail and isolated damaging wind gusts. The severe threat is expected to develop in the early afternoon and persist into early evening. ..Broyles.. 04/22/2019 $$  453 WABZ23 SBRE 220713 SBRE AIRMET 1 VALID 220715/221115 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 500/1 000FT OBS AT 0700Z WI S0709 W03921 - S0717 W03920 - S0716 W03912 - S0709 W 03912 - S0709 W03921 STNR NC=  431 WWUS71 KGYX 220717 NPWGYX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 317 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG WILL IMPACT MORNING COMMUTE... MEZ019>028-221300- /O.CON.KGYX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Interior Cumberland-Androscoggin-Kennebec-Interior Waldo- Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox- Coastal Waldo- Including the cities of New Gloucester, Gray, North Windham, Gorham, Bridgton, Greene, Lewiston, Sabattus, Wales, Minot, Turner, Auburn, Livermore Falls, Augusta, Sidney, Windsor, Vassalboro, Waterville, China, Palermo, Brooks, Jackson, Knox, Liberty, Montville, Morrill, Waldo, Winterport, Unity, Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Kittery, Portland, Cape Elizabeth, South Portland, Westbrook, Yarmouth, Brunswick, Arrowsic, Bath, Phippsburg, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Bowdoin, Whitefield, Dresden, Alna, Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Boothbay Harbor, Wiscasset, Waldoboro, Owls Head, Rockland, Appleton, Camden, Hope, Rockport, Thomaston, Belfast, Northport, Searsmont, and Lincolnville 317 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EDT THIS MORNING... * Visibilities...One quarter mile or less at times. * Timing...Through mid morning. * Impacts...Dense fog will lead to low visibility or visibility that changes quickly over short distances. This will make it difficult to react to hazards on the road. You should slow down and leave plenty of stopping distance between you and other vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  048 WSCN05 CWAO 220719 CZUL SIGMET B1 VALID 220715/221115 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB OBS AT 0704Z WTN 30 NM OF LINE N4502 W07220 - N4805 W07013 - N4939 W06718 FL280/350 MOV E 10KT WKNG=  228 WSCN25 CWAO 220719 CZUL SIGMET B1 VALID 220715/221115 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR SEV TURB OBS AT 0704Z WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N4502 W07220/30 SW CYSC - /N4805 W07013/30 SE CYBG - /N4939 W06718/45 NE CYBC FL280/350 MOV E 10KT WKNG RMK GFACN34 GFACN33=  796 WSUS01 KKCI 220720 WS1R BOSR WS 220720 SIGMET ROMEO 3 VALID UNTIL 221120 ME NH VT NY FROM 60WNW PQI TO PQI TO 30WNW BGR TO ALB TO 40NNW MPV TO 30ESE YSC TO 60WNW PQI OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL260 AND FL380. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. CONDS CONTG BYD 1120Z. ....  953 WAIY32 LIIB 220722 LIRR AIRMET 5 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4338 E01148 - N4331 E01324 - N4258 E01306 - N4125 E01422 - N4108 E01511 - N3856 E01622 - N3755 E01558 - N3734 E01304 - N3802 E01242 - N3814 E01545 - N3900 E01610 - N4003 E01537 - N4338 E01033 - N4338 E01148 STNR NC=  150 WAIY33 LIIB 220723 LIBB AIRMET 4 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4330 E01325 - N4253 E01303 - N4123 E01426 - N4110 E01509 - N3856 E01631 - N3858 E01708 - N4122 E01531 - N4330 E01325 STNR NC=  270 WWUS71 KBOX 220722 NPWBOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 322 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MAZ020-021-RIZ002>007-220830- /O.CAN.KBOX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190422T1200Z/ Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Southeast Providence RI- Western Kent RI-Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI- Newport RI- Including the cities of Fall River, New Bedford, Mattapoisett, Providence, Coventry, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, Bristol, Narragansett, Westerly, and Newport 322 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory for south coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Dense fog has begun to lift and visibilities are expected to improve through the morning commute. $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  440 WAIY32 LIIB 220723 LIRR AIRMET 6 VALID 220805/221205 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4051 E00855 - N3853 E00843 - N3909 E00936 - N4113 E00927 - N4051 E00855 STNR NC=  562 WHUS71 KBOX 220723 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ233-221530- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.190422T0723Z-190423T0500Z/ Vineyard Sound- 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 1 AM EDT Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ230-221530- /O.NEW.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.190422T1800Z-190423T0600Z/ Boston Harbor- 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 AM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 2 PM this afternoon to 2 AM EDT Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Waves Around 2 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ251-221530- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0059.190422T1800Z-190423T1000Z/ Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ255-256-221530- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ250-254-221530- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary- Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ235-237-221530- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 323 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  463 WOPS01 NFFN 220600 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  973 WSBZ01 SBBR 220700 SBRE SIGMET 6 VALID 220700/220900 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0640 W03314 - S0405 W03152 - S0308 W03206 - S0205 W03434 - S0557 W03459 - S0640 W03314 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  974 WSBZ01 SBBR 220700 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 220530/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0036 W06038 - N0051 W05904 - S0705 W05108 - S1132 W05740 - S0900 W05948 - S0457 W06228 - N0036 W06038 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  975 WSBZ01 SBBR 220700 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1749 W05742 - S1947 W05808 - S2205 W05802 - S2218 W05548 - S2358 W05523 - S2356 W05421 - S1934 W05135 - S1716 W05356 - S1733 W05444 - S1749 W05742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  976 WSBZ01 SBBR 220700 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 220720/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  744 WHUS71 KPHI 220727 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 327 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ450>452-222200- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- 327 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots or wave conditions of more than 5 feet will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating a small vessel, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  809 WWPK20 OPKC 220702 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 0700 UTC DATED 22-04-2019 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : NIL. PART –II : NIL PART -III : FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND SW/W'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 24N. SW/W'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND E/SE'LY BECMG SW'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT NORTH OF 24N. SW’LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12ºN/55ºE, 12ºN/63ºE, 20°N/58°E, 20ºN/67ºE) WIND NW'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 65E. NW/SW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 24KT NORTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 65E. NE/E'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT SOUTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 63E. SE/E'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT SOUTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 63E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND SE/E'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT WEST OF 50E. SE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT EAST OF 50E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF DRIZZLE. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN DRIZZLE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT.  810 WSRS31 RUSF 220727 URFV SIGMET 1 VALID 220800/221200 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  623 WHUS73 KGRR 220729 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 329 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ844>849-221530- /O.NEW.KGRR.SC.Y.0016.190423T0600Z-190424T0000Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 329 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 PM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Grand Rapids has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 2 AM to 8 PM EDT Tuesday. * WINDS...South winds 10 to 20 knots veering northwest 15 to 25 knots toward daybreak. * WAVES...Waves 2 to 4 feet building to 4 to 6 feet toward daybreak. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that winds or waves are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  409 WAAK48 PAWU 220730 AAA WA8O ANCS WA 220728 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 221215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT ALG/VCY AK RNG AND PAHO S OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. IMPR. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC UPDT CHUGACH MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC UPDT TALKEETNA AND WRANGELL MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . CNTRL GLF CST AD VCY CHUGACH MTS TIL 06Z OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT SW PAMC-PAFK LN OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT SW PAMC-PAFK LN MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR/-SN BR. DTRT FM E. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM E. . BRISTOL BAY AH E PAKN-PANW LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/ VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH E PAKN-PANW LN MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 220728 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 221215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT NE PANC OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC UPDT OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 00Z PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND SE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF UPDT E PASV-PAMC LN OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. INTSF. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. NC. . =ANCZ WA 220728 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 221215 . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 07Z VCY COPPER RIVER DELTA OCNL MOD ICEIC 050-150. FZLVL 010. WKN. . JAM APR 2019 AAWU  122 WAAK49 PAWU 220732 AAA WA9O FAIS WA 220730 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 221215 . TANANA VLY FC UPDT ALG AK RANGE ISABEL PASS W MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE AFT 07Z PAHL SW MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM SW. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 06Z PAKV-PAMC LN SW OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 06Z PAGA-PAMC LN W MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG AFT 07Z PABR SW OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. CONDS SPRDG E. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OVR NRN PLAINS AND HOWARD PASS W OCNL CIG BLW 010 /VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH HOWARD PASS W MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI OVR NRN SEWARD PEN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM NE. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ BY 06Z E PAGL OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BLSN BR. DTRT FM E. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ BY 06Z E PAGL MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM E. . =FAIT WA 220730 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 221215 . UPR YKN VLY FB TIL 07Z PAEG S OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL360. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC UPDT S PAFA OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE 10Z TO 13Z KOBUK VLY W PAFM OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI AFT 09Z W PAVL-PASH LN SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK E PASA-BIG DIOMEDE ISLAND SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. NC. . =FAIZ WA 220730 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 221215 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE FM 07Z TO 10Z PAHL SW OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-120. FZLVL BLW 010 EXC 030 E. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF FM 10Z TO 13Z NW PAGA-PAKV LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-120. FZLVL SFC W TO 030 E. WKN. . JAM APR 2019 AAWU  210 WSTH31 VTBS 220735 VTBB SIGMET 02 VALID 220735/221035 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1309 E10058 - N1513 E10033 - N1542 E10213 - N1307 E10214 - N1309 E10058 TOP FL510 MOV NNE 05KT NC=  219 WSMO31 ZMUB 220730 ZMUB SIGMET 02 VALID 220800/221400 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4569 E11622 - N4653 E09227 - N4916 E08783 - N5214 E09890 - N5011 E10330 - N4954 E11545 - N4662 E11969 - N4569 E11622 FL300/390 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  786 WWCN12 CWTO 220738 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:38 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= SAULT STE. MARIE - ST. JOSEPH ISLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. PERIODS OF RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END LATE TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 30 TO 50 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  812 WXFJ02 NFFN 220740 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY THREE FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 7.40PM ON MONDAY THE 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAYAVU STATION OF THE WAINIBUKA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER. FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND VITI LEVU; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAVOLAU STATION OF THE UPPER REWA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF KOROVOU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF DREKETILAILAI STATION OF THE QAWA RIVER. LEVEL AT NAYAVU STATION WAS 8.28M AT 7.00PM WHICH IS 0.28M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 4.78M AT 7.00PM WHICH IS 1.28M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 3.04M AT 7.00PM WHICH IS 0.46M BELOW WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAVOLAU STATION WAS 6.81M AT 7.00PM WHICH IS 0.81M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND INCREASING; LEVEL AT DREKETILAILAI STATION WAS 1.69M AT 7.00PM WHICH IS 0.19M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCAITED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME HIGH 1.93M 08.46PM LOW 0.68M 02.40AM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 10.40PM OR EARLIER.  319 WSIR31 OIII 220737 OIIX SIGMET 11 VALID 220735/220930 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3919 E04719 - N2724 E05628 - N2524 E05403 - N3716 E04439 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  964 WSSD20 OEJD 220730 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 220730/221130 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N2750 E OF E44 N OF N22 MOV S INTSF=  849 WSSD20 OEJD 220730 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 220730/221130 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N2750 E OF E44 N OF N22 MOV S INTSF=  701 WSAJ31 UBBB 220743 UBBB SIGMET 1 VALID 220732/221100 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD OBS AT 0732Z N3912 E04524 TOP FL390 MOV NE 30KT INTSF=  058 WWCN11 CWHX 220744 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NOVA SCOTIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:44 A.M. ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= LUNENBURG COUNTY =NEW= QUEENS COUNTY =NEW= SHELBURNE COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== PERIODS OF RAIN WILL PERSIST OVER THE PROVINCE FOR THE NEXT 36 TO 48 HOURS ASSOCIATED WITH A VERY SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM APPROACHING FROM THE SOUTHWEST. THE HIGHEST RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE ALONG THE SOUTH SHORE OF NOVA SCOTIA, WHERE 50 TO 80 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. RAINFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  224 WSUS32 KKCI 220755 SIGC MKCC WST 220755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28C VALID UNTIL 0955Z MI WI MN LS LM FROM 50WNW SSM-50SW SSM-50SW BRD-20NNE BRD-50WNW SSM AREA EMBD TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL340. CELL MOVE FROM 26045KT. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29C VALID UNTIL 0955Z WI MN IA NE SD FROM 70NNW RWF-30NE MSP-30W MCW-30SW OBH-30W ONL-70NNW RWF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 18020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30C VALID UNTIL 0955Z MO IA KS NE FROM 20SSE OVR-20SW BUM-80W BUM-30SW PWE-20SSE OVR AREA TS MOV FROM 27040KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 220955-221355 FROM DLH-30N SAW-30NNE IRK-30WNW BUM-40W SLN-70SE PIR-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  225 WSUS33 KKCI 220755 SIGW MKCW WST 220755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220955-221355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  226 WSUS31 KKCI 220755 SIGE MKCE WST 220755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 220955-221355 FROM 150ESE ACK-190SE ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-60SE SBY-80SSE ACK-150ESE ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  640 WHUS71 KCAR 220745 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 345 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ050-051-222200- /O.CAN.KCAR.SW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KCAR.SC.Y.0040.190422T0745Z-190423T1400Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 345 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EDT TUESDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Caribou has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 10 AM EDT Tuesday. The Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas has been cancelled. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt today increasing to 15 to 25 kt tonight with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  263 WWUS71 KCAR 220748 NPWCAR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 348 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEZ002-005-006-220900- /O.CAN.KCAR.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Northeast Aroostook-Northern Penobscot-Southeast Aroostook- Including the cities of Presque Isle, Caribou, Van Buren, Mars Hill, Millinocket, East Millinocket, Patten, Medway, Houlton, Hodgdon, Sherman, and Smyrna Mills 348 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Caribou has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Fog is beginning to dissipate over Northern Maine. However, be cautious if travelling, as patches of dense fog could still exist early this morning. $$ MEZ010-011-015>017-029>032-221300- /O.CON.KCAR.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Central Piscataquis-Central Penobscot-Southern Penobscot- Interior Hancock-Central Washington-Coastal Hancock- Coastal Washington-Southern Piscataquis-Northern Washington- Including the cities of Greenville, Monson, Blanchard, Lincoln, Howland, Springfield, Bangor, Brewer, Orono, Old Town, Amherst, Aurora, Dedham, Eastbrook, Great Pond, Orland, Calais, Grand Lake Stream, Wesley, Perry, Princeton, Ellsworth, Bar Harbor, Bucksport, Castine, Eastport, Machias, Cherryfield, Dover-Foxcroft, Milo, Guilford, Danforth, Vanceboro, and Topsfield 348 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EDT THIS MORNING... * VISIBILITIES...One quarter mile or less at times. * TIMING...Until mid morning today. * IMPACTS...Limited visibilities will make travel very difficult. The fog will obscure flooded roadways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your low beam headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  289 WOCN12 CWTO 220740 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:40 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: KAPUSKASING - HEARST - SMOOTH ROCK FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW AND POSSIBLE FREEZING RAIN TONIGHT. PRECIPITATION WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS EVENING AND MAY BEGIN AS A MIX OF SNOW OR RAIN BEFORE CHANGING TO SNOW LATER IN THE EVENING. THERE IS ALSO A RISK OF FREEZING RAIN THIS EVENING. THE SNOW MAY BE HEAVY AT TIMES WITH SNOWFALL AMOUNTS UP TO 20 CM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THIS WINTRY MIX OF PRECIPITATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH A COLORADO LOW TRACKING THROUGH NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO ON TUESDAY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  856 WGUS83 KMQT 220752 FLSMQT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Marquette MI 352 AM EDT MON APR 22 2019 MIC003-013-043-053-061-071-103-131-221945- /O.NEW.KMQT.FA.Y.0003.190422T0752Z-190422T1945Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Iron MI-Dickinson MI-Gogebic MI-Marquette MI-Houghton MI-Baraga MI- Ontonagon MI-Alger MI- 352 AM EDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Iron County in south central Upper Michigan... Dickinson County in south central Upper Michigan... Gogebic County in western Upper Michigan... Marquette County in north central Upper Michigan... Houghton County in western Upper Michigan... Baraga County in north central Upper Michigan... Ontonagon County in western Upper Michigan... Alger County in north central Upper Michigan... * Until 345 PM EDT Monday/245 PM CDT Monday/. * Moderate to at times heavy rain and snowmelt will cause minor flooding in the advisory area through this afternoon. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marquette, Ishpeming, Ironwood, Iron River, Munising, Baraga, L'anse, Ontonagon, Crystal Falls, Miners Castle, Presque Isle and Chapel Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe when water is high. Please report any flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. You can also report flooding to the National Weather Service on our website, or through Facebook or Twitter. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4664 9043 4691 8961 4691 8945 4703 8921 4703 8796 4687 8757 4677 8748 4678 8735 4657 8726 4655 8684 4666 8638 4633 8637 4633 8662 4616 8663 4616 8724 4598 8725 4593 8815 4633 9011 4650 9022 4656 9042 $$ JV  174 WSAJ31 UBBB 220753 UBBB SIGMET 2 VALID 220732/221200 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0732Z N3912 E04524 TOP FL390 MOV NE 30KT INTSF=  445 WOCN11 CWHX 220744 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NOVA SCOTIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:44 A.M. ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= HALIFAX METRO AND HALIFAX COUNTY WEST =NEW= HALIFAX COUNTY - EAST OF PORTERS LAKE =NEW= YARMOUTH COUNTY =NEW= DIGBY COUNTY =NEW= ANNAPOLIS COUNTY =NEW= KINGS COUNTY =NEW= HANTS COUNTY =NEW= COLCHESTER COUNTY - TRURO AND SOUTH =NEW= COLCHESTER COUNTY - COBEQUID BAY =NEW= CUMBERLAND COUNTY - MINAS SHORE =NEW= CUMBERLAND COUNTY NORTH AND COBEQUID PASS =NEW= COLCHESTER COUNTY NORTH =NEW= PICTOU COUNTY =NEW= ANTIGONISH COUNTY =NEW= GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM TO SOAK THE PROVINCE OVER THE NEXT TWO DAYS. A SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM APPROACHING FROM THE SOUTHWEST WILL BRING PERIODS OF RAIN TO THE PROVINCE, WHICH IS EXPECTED TO PERSIST TODAY, TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. A RAINFALL WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THE SOUTH SHORE OF THE PROVINCE WHERE BETWEEN 50 TO 80 MM OF RAIN IS POSSIBLE BY LATE TUESDAY. THE REMAINDER OF MAINLAND NOVA SCOTIA WILL SEE BETWEEN 30 AND 60 MM OF RAIN OVER THE NEXT 36 TO 48 HOURS, AND IT IS POSSIBLE THAT AS THIS SYSTEM EVOLVES RAINFALL WARNINGS MAY NEED TO BE EXTENDED TO ADDITIONAL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  737 WSPR31 SPIM 220758 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 220815/220910 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 2 VALID 220545/220910=  700 WSAU21 AMMC 220758 YMMM SIGMET G10 VALID 220844/221244 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1210 E10700 - S1600 E10000 - S1130 E09340 - S1000 E07600 - S0600 E07500 - S0200 E07800 - S0200 E09200 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  961 WWCN16 CWHX 220759 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:29 A.M. NDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: BAY ST. GEORGE CORNER BROOK AND VICINITY GROS MORNE PARSON'S POND - HAWKE'S BAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAINFALL, COMBINED WITH MELTING SNOW, IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. A NARROW BAND OF HEAVIER SHOWERS WILL PASS THROUGH EARLY THIS MORNING. LOCALLY HEAVY DOWNPOURS COULD CAUSE AN ADDITIONAL 10 MM OF RAINFALL BEFORE SHOWERS TAPER OFF BY NOON TODAY. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. WATCH FOR POSSIBLE WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. RAINFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  475 WONT54 EGRR 220800 SECURITE NO STORMS=  537 WSMS31 WMKK 220800 WBFC SIGMET B01 VALID 220805/221105 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0157 E11251 - N0109 E11206 - N0047 E11033 - N0208 E10912 - N0327 E11210 - N0157 E11251 TOP FL530 MOV NW NC=  308 WSMS31 WMKK 220801 WBFC SIGMET A04 VALID 220805/220930 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR CNL SIGMET A03 220630/220930=  554 WSAU21 AMMC 220802 YMMM SIGMET H34 VALID 220845/221245 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E15500 - S5000 E15140 - S4700 E15210 - S4700 E15340 FL220/300 MOV ESE 35KT WKN=  924 WSNP31 VNKT 220802 VNSM SIGMET 02 VALID 220802/221202 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z E OF E08154 MOV E INTSF=  312 WABZ22 SBBS 220805 SBBS AIRMET 1 VALID 220805/221005 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 2000/4000M BR FCST S OF S23 STNR NC=  695 WHUS42 KMHX 220806 CFWMHX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 406 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DANGEROUS SURF CONDITIONS CONTINUE TODAY... .A LINGERING SWELL WILL PRODUCE A HIGH RISK FOR RIP CURRENTS TODAY. NCZ203>205-230000- /O.EXT.KMHX.BH.S.0003.190422T0806Z-190423T0000Z/ Northern Outer Banks-Ocracoke Island-Hatteras Island- 406 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING... * HAZARDS...A high risk of rip currents and a strong longshore current. * LOCATIONS...From Ocracoke Island north through Hatteras Island and the northern Outer Banks. * TIMING AND TIDES...The most likely time for strong rip currents to occur is a couple hours around low tide, which will occur around 330 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If caught in a rip current remain calm. Don't fight the current. Swim in a direction following the shoreline. When out of the current, swim back to shore. If tired, float or tread water until out of the rip current. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ 11  130 WSBO31 SLLP 220807 SLLF SIGMET A2 VALID 220805/221205 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0800Z WI S1015 W06635 S1118 W06513 S1247 W06236 S1407 W06026 S1608 W06024 S1744 W05727 S1945 W05756 S1956 W05747 S2003 W05815 S1941 W05823 S1904 W05956 S1927 W06417 S1655 W06732 S1457 W06917 S1225 W06834 S1227 W06829 TOP FL400 MOV SE 06KT NC=  883 WHCA72 TJSJ 220809 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 409 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Seas are subsiding below 7 feet this morning... .Seas will be subsiding today. Mariners will need to exercise caution in some areas today. AMZ710-221200- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T1200Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 409 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM AST THIS MORNING... * WINDS...10 to 15 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...4 to 7 feet occasionally up to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas of 7 feet or more are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners... especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  798 WAIY31 LIIB 220808 LIMM AIRMET 13 VALID 220810/221010 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR BKN CLD 400/1200FT OBS WI N4456 E00952 - N4357 E01214 - N4439 E01148 - N4456 E00952 STNR WKN=  547 WAIY31 LIIB 220809 LIMM AIRMET 14 VALID 220815/221015 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR OBS WI N4504 E00904 - N4414 E01150 - N4455 E01152 - N4504 E00904 STNR WKN=  023 WHUS73 KIWX 220814 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 414 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ043-046-221615- /O.NEW.KIWX.SC.Y.0014.190422T1700Z-190423T0800Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 414 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 1 PM this afternoon to 4 AM EDT Tuesday. * WINDS...South increasing to 15 to 20 knots this morning and continuing tonight. Gusts to 25 knots this afternoon and tonight. * WAVES...1 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A small craft advisory means that sustained winds or frequent gusts of 22 to 33 knots are likely...and/or waves greater than 4 feet are expected. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  651 WWCN15 CWUL 220817 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:17 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING ENDED FOR: KANGIQSUJUAQ - RAGLAN LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  957 WWCN15 CWUL 220818 WIND WARNING FOR NUNAVIK ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:18 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: KANGIQSUJUAQ - RAGLAN LAKE QUAQTAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  253 WGUS63 KGRB 220819 FFAGRB Flood Watch National Weather Service Green Bay WI 319 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HEAVY RAIN POSSIBLE ACROSS MOST OF NORTHEAST WISCONSIN... .Showers and a few thunderstorms continued across the far north early this morning. Rainfall totals of a half inch to three quarters of an inch were noted across Vilas County with lighter amounts just to the south and east. The showers are forecast to expand across the rest of northeast Wisconsin this afternoon with the precipitation gradually diminishing or ending from west to east later tonight into Tuesday morning. The rain may be locally heavy at times with rainfall amounts averaging around an inch, with locally greater totals possible by Tuesday morning. WIZ005-010>012-221630- /O.CON.KGRB.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence- Including the cities of Eagle River, Lac Du Flambeau, Rhinelander, Crandon, Aurora, Commonwealth, and Spread Eagle 319 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of north central Wisconsin and northeast Wisconsin, including the following areas, in north central Wisconsin, Oneida and Vilas. In northeast Wisconsin, Florence and Forest. * Through Tuesday morning * Locally heavy rain is expected at times today into this evening. Additional rainfall amounts around an inch are possible, with locally higher amounts possible. * Rivers, which are already running high are expected to rise again through the end of the week. Some rivers may rise above flood stage again. The heavy rain may also cause urban street flooding and ponding of water on area highways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ WIZ013-018>021-030-031-035>039-045-048-049-073-074-221630- /O.CON.KGRB.FA.A.0002.190422T1800Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northern Marinette County-Lincoln-Langlade-Menominee- Northern Oconto County-Marathon-Shawano-Wood-Portage-Waupaca- Outagamie-Brown-Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet- Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Niagara, Wausaukee, Merrill, Tomahawk, Antigo, Keshena, Neopit, Mountain, Lakewood, Townsend, Wausau, Shawano, Marshfield, Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Plover, New London, Waupaca, Clintonville, Appleton, Green Bay, Redgranite, Wautoma, Oshkosh, Neenah, Menasha, Chilton, Brillion, New Holstein, Harmony, Peshtigo, Porterfield, Crivitz, High Falls Reservoir, Loomis, Middle Inlet, Little Suamico, Sobieski, Brookside, Oconto, and Pensaukee 319 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of central Wisconsin, east central Wisconsin, north central Wisconsin, and northeast Wisconsin, including the following areas, in central Wisconsin, Marathon, Portage, Waushara, and Wood. In east central Wisconsin, Calumet and Winnebago. In north central Wisconsin, Langlade and Lincoln. In northeast Wisconsin, Brown, Menominee, Northern Marinette County, Northern Oconto County, Outagamie, Shawano, Southern Marinette County, Southern Oconto County, and Waupaca. * From 1 PM CDT this afternoon through Tuesday morning * Locally heavy rain is expected at times this afternoon into tonight. Rainfall amounts over an inch are possible by Tuesday morning. * Rivers, which are already running high, are expected to rise again through the end of the week. Some rivers may rise above flood stage again. The heavy rain may also cause urban street flooding and ponding of water on area highways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ Eckberg  949 WHCA42 TJSJ 220820 CFWSJU COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 420 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 Seas are subsiding, but a high risk of rip currents will linger today. PRZ005-008-221800- /O.CON.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ North Central-Northwest- 420 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Northwest and north central coasts of Puerto Rico. * TIMING...Through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ PRZ001-002-221800- /O.CON.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.190422T1000Z-190422T2200Z/ San Juan and Vicinity-Northeast- 420 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...The coasts of northeast Puerto Rico and the vicinity of the Greater San Juan Metropolitan area. * TIMING...Monday during the day. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Snell  613 WHUS73 KDLH 220821 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 321 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LSZ143>145-222030- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN-Two Harbors to Duluth MN- Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 321 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 15 to 20 knots. * Waves...5 to 7 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 30 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ121-146>148-222030- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Chequamegon Bay-Bayfield to Oak Point WI- Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- 321 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 15 to 20 knots. * Waves...4 to 6 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Melde  984 WSSB31 VCBI 220815 VCCF SIGMET B01 VALID 220815/221215 VCBI- VCCF COLOMBO FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST WI S0200 E08300- N0600 E07830- N0530 E08150- N0200 E08800- N0200 E08730- S0200 E08300 TOP FL470 MOV W 05KT NC=  924 WSBZ01 SBBR 220800 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 220720/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  925 WSBZ01 SBBR 220800 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 220500/220900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1749 W05742 - S1947 W05808 - S2205 W05802 - S2218 W05548 - S2358 W05523 - S2356 W05421 - S1934 W05135 - S1716 W05356 - S1733 W05444 - S1749 W05742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  926 WSBZ01 SBBR 220800 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 220530/220900 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0036 W06038 - N0051 W05904 - S0705 W05108 - S1132 W05740 - S0900 W05948 - S0457 W06228 - N0036 W06038 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  927 WSBZ01 SBBR 220800 SBRE SIGMET 6 VALID 220700/220900 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0640 W03314 - S0405 W03152 - S0308 W03206 - S0205 W03434 - S0557 W03459 - S0640 W03314 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  616 WHUS73 KLOT 220825 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 325 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ740>745-221630- /O.NEW.KLOT.SC.Y.0040.190422T1500Z-190423T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- Gary to Burns Harbor-Burns Harbor to Michigan City- 325 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM CDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 10 AM this morning to 3 AM CDT Tuesday. * WINDS...South to 30 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...4 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ KJB  720 WSAY31 UDYZ 220824 UDDD SIGMET 1 VALID 220830/221230 UDYZ- UDDD YEREVAN FIR SEV TURB FCST LINE OF S N4006 04339-N4023 E04538 FL270/340 MOV NE 20KMH INTSF=  268 WSBZ31 SBRE 220826 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221300 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0028 W03753 - N0019 W03724 - N0239 W03935 - N0235 W04129 - N0143 W04210 - S0028 W03753 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  780 WSBZ31 SBRE 220826 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221300 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0720 W03323 - S0801 W03209 - S0329 W03016 - N0036 W03116 - N0047 W03228 - S0211 W03428 - S0315 W03205 - S0402 W03148 - S0720 W03323 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  784 WSSB31 VCBI 220820 VCCF SIGMET C01 VALID 220820/221220 VCBI- VCCF COLOMBO FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST WI S0200 E08900- N0000 E08900- N0100 E09200- S0200 E09200- S0200 E08900 TOP FL470 MOV W 05KT NC=  267 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220827 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  576 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220827 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1157 W05747 - S0823 W05035 - S0118 W05533 - S0046 W06051 - S0446 W06202 - S1157 W05747 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  577 WSBZ31 SBAZ 220827 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0342 W06808 - S0431 W06547 - S0549 W06624 - S0500 W06847 - S0342 W06808 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  314 WSBZ31 SBRE 220828 SBRE SIGMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0528 W04355 - S0602 W04210 - S0505 W04147 - S0430 W04310 - S0528 W0 4355 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  315 WSBZ31 SBRE 220828 SBRE SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0640 W03314 - S0405 W03152 - S0308 W03206 - S0205 W03434 - S0557 W0 3459 - S0640 W03314 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  284 WSNT10 KKCI 220830 SIGA0J KZWY SIGMET JULIETT 18 VALID 220830/221230 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0830Z WI N3430 W06900 - N3430 W06615 - N2700 W06915 - N2700 W07130 - N3430 W06900. TOP FL400. MOV NNE 10KT. NC.  959 WSNT07 KKCI 220830 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 2 VALID 220830/221230 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0830Z WI N3000 W04730 - N2730 W04345 - N2415 W04700 - N2600 W05000 - N2915 W05015 - N3000 W04730. TOP FL380. MOV WNW 10KT. NC.  506 WAUS44 KKCI 220845 WA4Z DFWZ WA 220845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET ICE...AR TN IA MO IL KY FROM 30WSW BDF TO 50WNW AXC TO 30ESE AXC TO 40NW PXV TO 70SW PXV TO 20SW DYR TO 50SW ARG TO 30S COU TO 40SSE IOW TO 30WSW BDF MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL240. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 105-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 30S BWG-30WNW GQO-20S GQO ....  507 WAUS46 KKCI 220845 WA6Z SFOZ WA 220845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET ICE...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE YDC TO 20NE YKM TO 40ESE BTG TO 50SW ONP TO 130WSW ONP TO 110WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO 30NW TOU TO 40ESE TOU TO HUH TO 40SE YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 070-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 90WSW YXC-30WSW GEG-20W BKE-60NE LKV-70SSW DSD-60SW ONP-130WSW ONP-110WNW ONP-140W TOU-40NW TOU-50ESE TOU-HUH-90WSW YXC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 070-110. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-130 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 30N TOU-50SSW HUH-70SE HUH-90ESE YDC-70SW YXC 120 ALG 150WNW FOT-60WNW ENI-140SSW SNS-140SW RZS-150SW MZB ....  508 WAUS43 KKCI 220845 WA3Z CHIZ WA 220845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET ICE...SD NE FROM 30NNE ABR TO 80ESE PIR TO 30SE SNY TO 70SW RAP TO 100SE MLS TO 30NNE ABR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH FROM YQT TO 60WNW YVV TO 30NNW TVC TO 30SW RHI TO 20SW MSP TO 50ESE MCW TO 30SW FOD TO 40SW OVR TO 60ENE HLC TO 30ESE LBF TO 40E FAR TO YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 070-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...IA MO IL KY AR TN FROM 30WSW BDF TO 50WNW AXC TO 30ESE AXC TO 40NW PXV TO 70SW PXV TO 20SW DYR TO 50SW ARG TO 30S COU TO 40SSE IOW TO 30WSW BDF MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL240. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 060-130 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 40ENE AKO-40N LBF-60SSE PIR-40SSE ABR-30NW BRD-50NNE SAW-70WNW SSM 120 ALG 40ESE LAA-20NNE PWE-30SSW IOW-20NE STL-30SE PXV-30S BWG ....  509 WAUS41 KKCI 220845 WA1Z BOSZ WA 220845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH MA CSTL WTRS FROM 110SE BGR TO 200SE ACK TO 180S ACK TO 40SE ACK TO 110SE BGR MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL220. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...RI NY NJ PA MD DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NW HTO TO 70SE HTO TO 180ESE SIE TO 160SE SIE TO 170E ECG TO 90ESE ECG TO 40ENE RIC TO 40E EMI TO 30S SAX TO 20NW HTO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...ICE ME NH MA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60SSE HUL-190SE ACK-40SE ACK-80ESE ENE-20WSW BGR-60SSE HUL MOD ICE BTN 100 AND FL220. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...ICE NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ESE MPV-20ESE CON-30S BOS-120SSE HTO-120ESE SIE-120E ORF-20E ORF-30NW SBY-20E SAX-20NNE ALB-20ESE MPV MOD ICE BTN 080 AND FL210. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 065-115 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 80WSW YOW-50SSW YOW-40E MSS-40E PQI 080 ALG 120E ORF-20E HAR-20SE JST-60SSE EKN-30NNW RDU ....  510 WAUS45 KKCI 220845 WA5Z SLCZ WA 220845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM 20E LWT TO 40NE MLS TO 100SE MLS TO 70SW RAP TO 30SE SNY TO 30N DEN TO 50E OCS TO 40WSW OCS TO 20NNW HVE TO 40NNE BCE TO 40E ELY TO 60NNE LAS TO 30SSE OAL TO 30SW BAM TO 20ESE TWF TO 20E LWT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE CO NM BOUNDED BY 40E DBL-50SSE DEN-20SE TBE-50ESE CIM-20ENE FTI-40W FTI-30NNE ALS-40E DBL MOD ICE BTN 100 AND FL200. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-135 ACRS AREA SFC BOUNDED BY 40W GTF-40SE GTF-50N JAC-30SSW DLN-50NW DLN- 40W GTF 080 ALG 70SW YXC-70SSW YXC-20WNW MLP-20NE DNJ-60SE DNJ-AKO- 40ENE AKO 120 ALG 60SE TUS-30S SSO-40SSW ABQ-20NW FTI-40ESE LAA ....  511 WAUS42 KKCI 220845 WA2Z MIAZ WA 220845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET ICE...NC RI NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NW HTO TO 70SE HTO TO 180ESE SIE TO 160SE SIE TO 170E ECG TO 90ESE ECG TO 40ENE RIC TO 40E EMI TO 30S SAX TO 20NW HTO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 065-145 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 30NNW RDU-60SE RDU-130SE ECG-150E ECG-120E ORF 120 ALG 20S GQO-30E ATL-40N SAV-130SE ILM ....  816 WAIY31 LIIB 220829 LIMM AIRMET 15 VALID 220840/221040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4601 E00711 - N4337 E01103 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  297 WSAU21 AMMC 220831 YMMM SIGMET M05 VALID 220910/221310 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3020 E14640 - S3150 E14720 - S3520 E14640 - S3930 E15210 - S4000 E15130 - S3710 E14610 - S3450 E14350 - S3020 E14330 FL110/180 MOV E 05KT NC=  583 WSAU21 AMMC 220831 YBBB SIGMET A01 VALID 220910/221310 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3020 E14640 - S3150 E14720 - S3520 E14640 - S3930 E15210 - S4000 E15130 - S3710 E14610 - S3450 E14350 - S3020 E14330 FL110/180 MOV E 05KT NC=  026 WSAU21 AMMC 220832 YMMM SIGMET I09 VALID 220832/220900 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET I08 220500/220900=  947 WSFR34 LFPW 220832 LFMM SIGMET 4 VALID 220830/221000 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4215 E00330 - N4215 E00230 - N4245 E00230 - N4245 E00345 - N4215 E00330 TOP FL340 MOV N 20KT NC=  459 WWJP25 RJTD 220600 WARNING AND SUMMARY 220600. WARNING VALID 230600. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN BOHAI YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 142E 42N 143E 46N 150E 52N 160E 45N 180E 40N 180E 35N 168E 40N 160E 34N 149E 38N 148E 38N 142E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 29N 140E 30N 145E 30N 155E 27N 155E 27N 137E 29N 140E. SUMMARY. LOW 1008 HPA AT 27N 140E EAST 10 KT. LOW 1008 HPA AT 55N 144E EAST 10 KT. LOW 1012 HPA AT 38N 147E EAST 15 KT. LOW 1008 HPA AT 41N 164E EAST 10 KT. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 40N 135E ESE 20 KT. WARM FRONT FROM 38N 147E TO 37N 150E 35N 151E. COLD FRONT FROM 38N 147E TO 35N 145E 34N 140E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 26N 111E TO 28N 115E 30N 120E 27N 126E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 23N 132E TO 24N 135E 25N 140E 28N 142E 27N 145E 26N 146E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  585 WAIY31 LIIB 220830 LIMM AIRMET 16 VALID 220840/221040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4432 E00835 - N4348 E00727 - N4308 E00949 - N4331 E01010 - N4423 E00911 - N4432 E00835 STNR NC=  938 WSPF22 NTAA 220742 NTTT SIGMET B2 VALID 220900/221400 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE WI S1700 W15700 - S1840 W14610 - S3000 W12910 - S3000 W13500 - S1910 W15700 FL130/210 STNR=  795 WAIS31 LLBD 220834 LLLL AIRMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3230 E03555 - N3230 E03455 FL040/160 WKN=  634 WAUS42 KKCI 220845 WA2T MIAT WA 220845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET TURB...NC ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 60S ECG TO ORF TO 20SSW JST TO 50WSW SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  635 WAUS43 KKCI 220845 WA3T CHIT WA 220845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MO IL KY FROM BFF TO 20WNW MCK TO 30NW PWE TO 50W PXV TO 30E DYR TO 30E SGF TO 20W OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL360. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LS MI FROM 70NNE DLH TO 50WNW SAW TO 30NE MSP TO 50SSE RWF TO 30ESE OBH TO 40SSE SLN TO 20NE LBL TO 40SSW GLD TO 20SSE SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 60ENE DPR TO 20WSW FAR TO BJI TO 70NNE DLH MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...KS IA MO IL FROM 40SW DSM TO 50SW IOW TO 20NNW STL TO 30S STL TO RZC TO OSW TO 40SW DSM MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN BOUNDED BY 40SE SAW-40NNE TVC-40ESE GRB-40SE JOT-20NNW AXC-50SE STL-60WNW ARG-RZC-OSW-40NE BUM-20N DSM-60SSE MSP-50WSW RHI-40SE SAW LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...TURB NE KS IA MO IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 40S ANW-40WSW BDF-40SSE TTH-60E BNA-30E DYR-20S SLN- 40E LAA-GLD-20SE BFF-40S ANW MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL360. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...TURB ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LS MI BOUNDED BY 70NNE DLH-50SSW YQT-30WNW SAW-60SSW RWF-20WNW OVR- 30NNE ICT-40SSE GCK-40SSW GLD-20SE BFF-30N PIR-BJI-70NNE DLH MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 3...TURB WI LM LS MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 80NE SAW-20N SSM-40SE SSM-40S TVC-30SE GRR-20NNE IND- 40S JOT-50W SAW-80NE SAW MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 4...TURB KS MO IL KY OK AR BOUNDED BY UIN-40SW AXC-50SW PXV-40W LIT-OSW-60SW IRK-UIN MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  636 WAUS46 KKCI 220845 WA6T SFOT WA 220845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT NV AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80SSW YYN TO 50ESE DLN TO 60W BTY TO 20SSW LAX TO 90SW MZB TO 210SW MZB TO 150WSW RZS TO 60W SNS TO 20E ENI TO 70NE LKV TO 40ESE PDT TO 40SE YDC TO 80SSW YYN MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA WY UT CO AZ NM FROM BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 50NNE SJN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 50S TRM TO 60ESE BCE TO 30N CHE TO BFF MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL360. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA NV AZ FROM 40WNW OAL TO 50SSE ILC TO BZA TO 50ESE MZB TO 40WSW TRM TO 30W RZS TO 80SSE SNS TO 40WNW OAL MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...CA CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW FOT TO 30W ENI TO 60W SNS TO 130WSW SNS TO 130WSW ENI TO 80SW FOT TO 30SSW FOT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...CA NV BOUNDED BY 60N FMG-20W OAL-50E CZQ-50NNE SAC-60N FMG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50SW HUH-40WNW BTG-110WNW ONP-70W TOU-50SW HUH MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  637 WAUS44 KKCI 220845 WA4T DFWT WA 220845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60NE MMB TO 30SSE FSM TO 130ESE LEV TO 120SSW LCH TO 80SE FST TO 60S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 40SE TBE TO 60NE MMB MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OK TX AR BOUNDED BY OSW-RZC-60WNW ARG-20W FSM-40SW TXK-60SE TTT-40SSE ADM- 50ENE ABI-50NE MAF-40NNW CDS-60NW END-OSW LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...TURB OK AR KS MO IL KY BOUNDED BY UIN-40SW AXC-50SW PXV-40W LIT-OSW-60SW IRK-UIN MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...TURB TX AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30N TTT-30SW GGG-60SSE IAH-20SSE CRP-20ESE BRO-70SSE LRD-JCT-30N TTT MOD TURB BLW 060. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  638 WAUS45 KKCI 220845 WA5T SLCT WA 220845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET TURB...ID MT NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80SSW YYN TO 50ESE DLN TO 60W BTY TO 20SSW LAX TO 90SW MZB TO 210SW MZB TO 150WSW RZS TO 60W SNS TO 20E ENI TO 70NE LKV TO 40ESE PDT TO 40SE YDC TO 80SSW YYN MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...WY UT CO AZ NM CA FROM BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 50NNE SJN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 50S TRM TO 60ESE BCE TO 30N CHE TO BFF MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL360. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...AZ NM FROM 40SE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO 30N ABQ TO 30ENE CIM TO 40SE TBE MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV AZ CA FROM 40WNW OAL TO 50SSE ILC TO BZA TO 50ESE MZB TO 40WSW TRM TO 30W RZS TO 80SSE SNS TO 40WNW OAL MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...NV CA BOUNDED BY 60N FMG-20W OAL-50E CZQ-50NNE SAC-60N FMG LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. ....  639 WAUS41 KKCI 220845 WA1T BOST WA 220845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 221500 . ...SEE SIGMET ROMEO SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA WV MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 60S ECG TO ORF TO 20SSW JST TO 50WSW SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20NE ENE-20SSE BOS-130ESE SIE-20E CYN-20E ALB-20NE ENE MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  771 WAUS45 KKCI 220845 WA5S SLCS WA 220845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO NM FROM BIL TO 80ENE CZI TO BFF TO 50E AKO TO 40WSW GLD TO 20NNW PUB TO 20NNE CIM TO 20NNE HBU TO 50NE DBL TO 40NNW CHE TO 60SW CHE TO 50ESE MTU TO 50SSW OCS TO 50SSE MLD TO 40ENE DBS TO BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 30W HLN TO 40ENE BIL TO 20ENE DDY TO 20N CYS TO 60ESE CIM TO 30WNW CIM TO 30SSW CHE TO 40SSE BCE TO 70NE OAL TO 40SSW LKT TO 30W HLN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  772 WAUS46 KKCI 220845 WA6S SFOS WA 220845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WSW OED TO 40NW RBL TO 60SSW FOT TO 80WSW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20N SNS TO RZS TO 20WNW LAX TO 40WNW MZB TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 130WSW SNS TO 20N SNS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SW YDC TO 40ESE SEA TO 50S HQM TO 20W TOU TO 30W HUH TO 30SW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA FROM 30SSE EUG TO 50WSW RBL TO 40SSW FOT TO 70SSW ONP TO 30SSE EUG MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30SW MOD TO 30WNW LAX TO 40SW RZS TO 50SSW OAK TO 30SW MOD MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 50WSW HEC TO 60S TRM TO 30S MZB TO 40NW MZB TO 30WNW LAX TO 50WSW HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30N TOU-40WNW SEA-60NNW ONP-150SW ONP-120WNW ONP- 140WSW TOU-110W TOU-50WNW TOU-30N TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  773 WAUS41 KKCI 220845 WA1S BOSS WA 220845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...PA OH WV FROM 20N EWC TO 50SSW AIR TO 20W HNN TO 20W APE TO 40SE CLE TO 20N EWC VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 30NNE PQI TO 60SW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 200S ACK TO 130SSE HTO TO 120ESE SIE TO 60SSW HTO TO 20E HTO TO ALB TO 20WSW MPV TO 40E YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...VT NY LO PA OH WV MD VA FROM 30SE YOW TO 50E MSS TO 40NNE ALB TO 20NNE ETX TO 40SW HNK TO 20ESE SLT TO 40SSW JST TO 50WSW CSN TO 30SW PSK TO 20SSW HMV TO 50WSW BKW TO 20SSE BUF TO SYR TO 70SSW YOW TO 30SE YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA FROM 50NW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO 20ENE HAR TO 20N CSN TO 50ESE EKN TO 30S PSK TO 40NNW HMV TO HNN TO JHW TO 20NNE SYR TO MSS TO 30SE YSC TO 50NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20E HUL-50SW YSJ-200SE ACK-190SSE HTO-160SE SIE- 120ESE SIE-50ESE CYN-60SSW MPV-30N ENE-40ESE YSC-20E HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  774 WAUS44 KKCI 220845 WA4S DFWS WA 220845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ACT TO 20NNW IAH TO 50S CRP TO 50SE LRD TO 40SE DLF TO 40NE DLF TO 60WSW ACT TO 20NNE ACT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TN KY FROM 40NE LOZ TO 50WSW BKW TO 20SSW HMV TO 40SSW VXV TO GQO TO 40S LOZ TO 40WNW LOZ TO 40NE LOZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  775 WAUS43 KKCI 220845 WA3S CHIS WA 220845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE FROM 70SW RAP TO 70S RAP TO 60WSW ANW TO 50E AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...SD NE MN IA FROM 60SSW BRD TO 40NW FOD TO 80S FSD TO 50WNW FSD TO 60WNW RWF TO 60SSW BRD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...KY TN FROM 40NE LOZ TO 50WSW BKW TO 20SSW HMV TO 40SSW VXV TO GQO TO 40S LOZ TO 40WNW LOZ TO 40NE LOZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MN WI LS MI FROM 60ESE YQT TO 20NW SSM TO 20SSE SAW TO 30WNW RHI TO 50S BRD TO 40WSW BRD TO 50NE DLH TO 60SSW YQT TO 60ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR SD MN IA WI BOUNDED BY 30SSW BRD-30SSE MSP-30SSE ODI-40SW DBQ-30S FOD-20E OVR-70ESE ABR-30SSW BRD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  776 WAUS42 KKCI 220845 WA2S MIAS WA 220845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  525 WSCI39 ZWWW 220836 ZWUQ SIGMET 2 VALID 220836/221236 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4355 E08219 - N4307 E08255 - N4242 E08136 - N4400 E08134 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  644 WAIS31 LLBD 220836 LLLL AIRMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3119 E03526 - N3130 E03420 FL050/110 WKN=  814 WSCI39 ZWWW 220839 ZWUQ SIGMET 3 VALID 220839/221239 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4036 E07644 - N3945 E07640 - N3943 E07549 - N4028 E07534 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  917 WSID20 WIII 220842 WIIZ SIGMET 08 VALID 220842/221142 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0013 E10017 - S0317 E09831 - S0205 E09541 - N0011 E09413 - N0117 E09541 - N0114 E09749 - N0013 E10017 TOP FL540 MOV NNE 5KT NC=  591 WSID20 WIII 220850 WIIZ SIGMET 09 VALID 220850/221150 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0101 E11044 - S0106 E11124 - S0058 E10936 - N0027 E10853 - N0132 E10920 - N0101 E11044 TOP FL540 MOV NE 5KT INTSF=  946 ACUS48 KWNS 220850 SWOD48 SPC AC 220848 Day 4-8 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0348 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 251200Z - 301200Z ...DISCUSSION... ...Thursday/Day 4 to Friday/Day 5... On Thursday, an upper-level trough is forecast to move from the southern Plains into the Arklatex with a cold front moving eastward across the western Gulf Coast States. Thunderstorms are forecast ahead of the front in the lower Mississippi Valley. Moderate instability and deep-layer shear should be sufficient for a severe threat. The timing of the upper-level trough and magnitude of instability suggest that there is some uncertainty for Thursday. On Friday, the upper-level trough is forecast to move eastward to the eastern Seaboard with the cold front advancing to the eastern Gulf Coast States. Moderate instability and deep-layer shear are forecast across the southern half of the Florida Peninsula where an isolated severe threat will be possible. Timing issues with the upper-level trough make uncertainty too great to add a severe threat area at this time. ...Saturday/Day 6 to Monday/Day 8... From Saturday into Sunday, the medium-range models move a shortwave trough eastward into the Mississippi Valley and develop an upper-level ridge across the southern and central Plains. Moisture return is forecast to take place across the Great Plains where thunderstorm development will be possible each day. The greatest chance for a severe threat appears to be on Monday across Kansas and southern Nebraska. Even so, model differences introduce a lot of uncertainty so will maintain predictability too low. On Monday, large model spreads suggest that predictability will be very low late in the day 4 to 8 period. ..Broyles.. 04/22/2019  948 WUUS48 KWNS 220850 PTSD48 DAY 4-8 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0348 AM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 251200Z - 301200Z SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 4 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 5 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 6 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 7 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 8 ... ANY SEVERE ... &&  343 WSUS32 KKCI 220855 SIGC MKCC WST 220855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31C VALID UNTIL 1055Z MI WI MN LS FROM 30ENE DLH-50WNW SSM-20SSE SSM-30SSW DLH-30ENE DLH AREA EMBD TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL410. CELL MOVE FROM 26045KT. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32C VALID UNTIL 1055Z WI MN IA NE SD FROM 20NE BRD-40NNW EAU-30W MCW-OBH-50SSE ANW-20NE BRD AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 18020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33C VALID UNTIL 1055Z MO IA KS NE FROM 40E OBH-50ESE OVR-20SE BUM-50W BUM-40E OBH AREA TS MOV FROM 27040KT. TOPS TO FL410. OUTLOOK VALID 221055-221455 FROM DLH-SSM-ODI-30S COU-70ENE ICT-70SE PIR-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  344 WSUS33 KKCI 220855 SIGW MKCW WST 220855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221055-221455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  345 WSUS31 KKCI 220855 SIGE MKCE WST 220855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221055-221455 FROM ACK-170S ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-140E ILM-60SSE SBY-40E CYN-ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  539 WSNZ21 NZKL 220847 NZZC SIGMET 2 VALID 220850/221250 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3630 E17540 - S3610 E17700 - S3810 E17810 - S3830 E17620 - S3630 E17540 8000FT/FL210 MOV SE 15KT NC=  040 WSNZ21 NZKL 220848 NZZC SIGMET 3 VALID 220850/220923 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 1 220523/220923=  532 WARH31 LDZM 220851 LDZO AIRMET 1 VALID 220900/221300 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MOD MTW FCST WI N4633 E01625 - N4556 E01731 - N4401 E01631 - N4400 E01631 - N4413 E01529 - N4527 E01416 - N4633 E01625 ABV 3000FT STNR NC=  389 WSKY31 UCFM 220852 UCFM SIGMET 1 VALID 220850/221100 UCFM- UCFM BISHKEK FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 0845Z N4224 E07337-N4256 E07400 TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  211 WBCN07 CWVR 220800 PAM ROCKS WIND 2703 LANGARA; N/A GREEN; N/A TRIPLE; N/A BONILLA; N/A BOAT BLUFF; N/A MCINNES; N/A IVORY; N/A DRYAD; N/A ADDENBROKE; N/A EGG ISLAND; N/A PINE ISLAND; N/A CAPE SCOTT; N/A QUATSINO; N/A NOOTKA; N/A ESTEVAN; N/A LENNARD; N/A AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; N/A PACHENA; N/A CARMANAH; N/A SCARLETT; N/A PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; N/A CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 156/09/07/1231+39/M/ PK WND 1239 0758Z 6031 17MM= WEB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 236/08/07/1414+23/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1226 0730Z 6016 98MM= WQC SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 251/08/05/0000/M/ 8005 31MM= WRU SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 135/07/M/1051+59/M/0046 PCPN 2.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1160 0731Z 8041 4MMM= WFG SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 098/08/08/1458+68/M/0046 PCPN 2.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1368 0738Z 6036 76MM= WVF SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/10/08/1114/M/ M 15MM= WQS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 964/09/08/1535+49/M/0006 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1549 0752Z 6041 49MM= WRO SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 983/08/08/1440+53/M/0049 PCPN 2.3MM PAST HR PK WND 1553 0759Z 8043 17MM= WEK SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 026/08/05/MMMM/M/0012 PCPN 0.8MM PAST HR 7044 03MM= WWL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 023/08/07/1432+44/M/0016 PCPN 0.8MM PAST HR PK WND 1555 0714Z 6043 79MM= WME SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/07/06/1003/M/0042 PCPN 2.4MM PAST HR M 13MM= WAS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 168/11/09/2703/M/ 0000 58MM= WSB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 239/11/08/1015/M/0006 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 0818 0730Z 5003 16MM= WGT SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 240/10/05/2411/M/M 5004 09MM= WGB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 239/10/08/1103/M/ 8002 57MM= WEL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 242/11/08/1614/M/ PK WND 1618 0701Z 0000 85MM= WDR SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 242/09/06/2111/M/ 8002 94MM= WZO SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2012/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1310/M/ M MMMM=  536 WWCN12 CWTO 220855 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:55 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING. FREEZING RAIN WILL CONTINUE THIS MORNING FOLLOWED BY A MIX OF RAIN AND SNOW THAT WILL CONTINUE TONIGHT AND MUCH OF TUESDAY. OVER SOUTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING TIMMINS THE PRECIPITATION SHOULD CHANGE TO RAIN EARLY THIS AFTERNOON. OVER NORTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING COCHRANE PRECIPITATION WILL CHANGE TO SNOW WITH LOCAL AMOUNTS POSSIBLY REACHING 20 CM BY TUESDAY EVENING. THERE IS SOME UNCERTAINTY ABOUT WHERE THE CHANGEOVER FROM RAIN TO SNOW WILL BE WITH TEMPERATURES BEING VERY CLOSE TO ZERO. SOME AREAS WILL GET A MESSY MIX OF BOTH RAIN AND SNOW. A RAINFALL WARNING IS ALSO IN EFFECT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  059 WSVS31 VVGL 220850 VVTS SIGMET 1 VALID 220855/221255 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1350 E10730 - N1515 E10745 - N1630 E10650 - N1640 E10755 - N1540 E10830 - N1350 E10815 - N1350 E10730 TOP FL480 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  297 WSBZ31 SBCW 220855 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  601 WSBZ31 SBCW 220855 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2430 W04807 - S2554 W04850 - S2731 W04834 - S2846 W04525 - S2645 W04344 - S2430 W04807 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  473 WSBZ31 SBCW 220855 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FC ST WI S2440 W05423 - S2530 W05436 - S2537 W05351 - S2619 W05339 - S2734 W04835 - S2553 W04850 - S2430 W04808 - S2204 W05134 - S2327 W05230 - S2440 W05423 FL130/190 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  124 WSTR31 UTAA 220856 UTAA SIGMET N2 VALID 220900/221300 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR EMBD TS FCST AND OBS OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  567 WWJP73 RJTD 220600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 220600UTC ISSUED AT 220900UTC LOW 1012HPA AT 38N 147E MOV EAST 15 KT LOW 1008HPA AT 27N 140E MOV EAST 10 KT W-FRONT FM 38N 147E TO 37N 150E 35N 151E C-FRONT FM 38N 147E TO 35N 145E 34N 140E STNR FRONT FM 23N 132E TO 24N 135E 25N 140E 28N 142E 27N 145E 26N 146E WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 221500UTC =  568 WWJP71 RJTD 220600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 220600UTC ISSUED AT 220900UTC STNR FRONT FM 26N 111E TO 28N 115E 30N 120E 27N 126E STNR FRONT FM 23N 132E TO 24N 135E 25N 140E 28N 142E 27N 145E 26N 146E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 221500UTC =  569 WWJP75 RJTD 220600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 220600UTC ISSUED AT 220900UTC LOW 1012HPA AT 38N 147E MOV EAST 15 KT W-FRONT FM 38N 147E TO 37N 150E 35N 151E C-FRONT FM 38N 147E TO 35N 145E 34N 140E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 221500UTC =  570 WWJP72 RJTD 220600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 220600UTC ISSUED AT 220900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 221500UTC =  571 WWJP74 RJTD 220600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 220600UTC ISSUED AT 220900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 221500UTC =  965 WSTH31 VTBS 220900 VTBB SIGMET 03 VALID 220900/221200 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1607 E10304 - N1521 E10033 - N1609 E10030 - N1719 E10242 - N1607 E10304 TOP FL520 MOV NE 05KT NC=  775 WGUS63 KMQT 220859 FFAMQT Flood Watch National Weather Service Marquette MI 459 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Rain and snowmelt may cause flooding early this week... MIZ001>005-009-010-084-222100- /O.CON.KMQT.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Keweenaw-Ontonagon-Northern Houghton-Baraga-Marquette-Gogebic- Iron-Southern Houghton- Including the cities of Copper Harbor, Ontonagon, Houghton, Hancock, L'Anse, Gwinn, Marquette, Ironwood, Iron River, Kenton, and Sidnaw 459 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 /359 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019/ ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of central Upper Michigan and western Upper Michigan, including the following areas, in central Upper Michigan, Baraga, Iron, and Marquette. In western Upper Michigan, Gogebic, Keweenaw, Northern Houghton, Ontonagon, and Southern Houghton. * Through Tuesday afternoon * Moderate to possibly heavy rainfall through tonight combined with continued snowmelt runoff could cause flooding of area streams and rivers into Tuesday across the northwest half of Upper Michigan. * With rivers already running high and soils saturated, any rainfall and snowmelt will only worsen ongoing flooding, especially in the Lake Superior snowbelts where some areas still have over a foot of snow on the ground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && JLA $$  695 WABZ23 SBRE 220901 SBRE AIRMET 2 VALID 220900/221300 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 400/8 00FT OBS AT 0900Z WI S0458 W04255 - S0459 W04244 - S0509 W04244 - S0508 W 04255 - S0458 W04255 STNR NC=  665 WWPS21 NFFN 220900 Tropical Disturbance Summary For area Equator to 25S, 160E to 120W ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Apr 220903 UTC. NO SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ANALYSED OR FORECAST IN THE AREA.  516 WGUS82 KCAE 220905 FLSCAE Flood Statement National Weather Service Columbia SC 505 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in South Carolina... Congaree River At Carolina Eastman affecting Calhoun...Lexington and Richland Counties SCC017-063-079-220935- /O.CAN.KCAE.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ /CEAS1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 505 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Congaree River At Carolina Eastman. * At 5 AM Monday the stage was 114.7 feet. * Flood stage is 115.0 feet. * Forecast...The river crested below flood stage at 114.9 feet. The river will continue to fall to 113.2 feet by tomorrow morning. $$ This will be the last statement for this high water event.  016 WGUS82 KCAE 220907 FLSCAE Flood Statement National Weather Service Columbia SC 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Carolina.. Congaree River At Congaree National Park-Gadsden affecting Calhoun and Richland Counties .Heavy rain in the headwaters and reservoir releases have resulted in elevated river stages along the Congaree. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to noaa weather radio... local media or the internet for further statements and updated forecasts. && SCC017-079-230906- /O.CON.KCAE.FL.W.0030.190422T1200Z-190424T0300Z/ /GADS1.1.ER.190422T1200Z.190422T1800Z.190423T0300Z.UU/ 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Congaree River At Congaree National Park-Gadsden. * until Tuesday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4 AM Monday the stage was 14.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * forecast...The river will rise above flood stage this morning and Crest around 15.1 feet early this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by tonight. * At 15.0 feet...Flooding begins in the Congaree National Park. && LAT...LON 3384 8090 3380 8083 3377 8085 3380 8091 $$  483 WGUS81 KCAR 220907 FLSCAR Flood Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Maine... Fish River at Fort Kent ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Maine... St John River At Fort Kent Big Black River Near Big Black Mattawamkeag River Above Mattawamkeag ...Safety Message... Obey all road closure signs. They are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don't drown! MEC003-222106- /O.EXT.KCAR.FL.W.0006.190422T1617Z-190423T2100Z/ /FTKM1.1.ER.190422T1617Z.190423T0000Z.190423T1500Z.NO/ 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Tuesday afternoon...The Flood Warning continues for the St John River At Fort Kent * From this afternoon to Tuesday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:45 AM Monday the stage was 21.7 feet * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.5 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 22.9 feet by this evening.The river will fall below flood stage by tomorrow late morning. * At 22.7 feet, SW Collins lumber yard and the Blockhouse Park begin to flood. && LAT...LON 4715 6879 4723 6887 4730 6859 4732 6837 4723 6836 4721 6858 $$ MEC003-221813- /O.EXT.KCAR.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T1813Z/ /BBRM1.2.ER.190420T1433Z.190421T2130Z.190422T1213Z.NR/ 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late this morning...The Flood Warning continues for the Big Black River Near Big Black * Until late this morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:30 AM Monday the stage was 12.4 feet * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this morning. * At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4703 6945 4694 6945 4689 6954 4685 6966 4687 6982 4693 6976 $$ MEC019-222106- /O.CON.KCAR.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MATM1.1.ER.190417T1250Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mattawamkeag River Above Mattawamkeag * Until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:46 AM Monday the stage was 15.3 feet * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.5 feet. * Forecast...Rise to 15.7 feet Tuesday. * At 14.0 feet, Flooding begins along the Bancroft Road between Wytopitlock and Danforth. * At 15.0 feet, Bridge Road near Haynesville flooded. * At 16.0 feet, Flooding begins along River Road in Mattawamkeag and Lancaster Road in Kingman. && LAT...LON 4557 6838 4560 6819 4572 6808 4566 6794 4551 6810 4546 6835 $$ MEC003-220937- /O.CAN.KCAR.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T0907Z/ /FIHM1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 507 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Fish River at Fort Kent * At 4:45 AM Monday the stage was 10.1 feet * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to crest just below flood stage at 10.8 feet late tonight and Tuesday. * At 11.0 feet, Minor flooding. Camps and homes threatened on the Fish River chain of lakes. && LAT...LON 4726 6865 4726 6854 4714 6854 4711 6854 4711 6862 4717 6863 $$  426 WGUS81 KALY 220908 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 508 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC043-220938- /O.CAN.KALY.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190422T1400Z/ /KASN6.1.RS.190420T2000Z.190421T0015Z.190422T0700Z.NO/ 508 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The West Canada Creek At Kast Bridge. * At 4 AM Monday the stage was 5.9 feet. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Impact...At 6.0 feet...Minor flood stage. The river begins to overflow into low lying RV parks. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue West Canada Cr Kast Bridge 6.0 5.9 Mon 04 AM 5.8 5.4 5.0 4.9 4.8 && LAT...LON 4313 7506 4314 7491 4295 7492 4300 7517 $$  476 WSPY31 SGAS 220908 SGFA SIGMET 05 VALID 220908/221208 SGAS-SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0900Z NE OF LINE S1929 W06027 - S2110 W06002 - S2116 W05753 FL270/370 STNR NC=  778 WHUS73 KMQT 220909 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 509 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LSZ247-249-250-221715- /O.EXB.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190422T1600Z-190424T0400Z/ Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Marquette to Munising MI- Munising to Grand Marais MI- 509 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT EDT TUESDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from noon today to midnight EDT Tuesday night. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 25 knots from the north, with gusts up to 31 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 10 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 14 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 6 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 1 PM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ251-221715- /O.EXB.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190423T0600Z-190424T0400Z/ Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- 509 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT EDT TUESDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 2 AM Tuesday to midnight EDT Tuesday night. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 26 knots from the north, with gusts up to 31 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 8 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 12 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ248-221715- /O.EXT.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190422T1600Z-190424T0400Z/ Huron Islands to Marquette MI- 509 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT EDT TUESDAY NIGHT... The Small Craft Advisory is now in effect from noon today to midnight EDT Tuesday night. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 24 knots from the north, with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 9 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 13 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 9 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 12 PM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ240-221715- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI- 509 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 /409 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019/ ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ THIS EVENING... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ this evening. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 19 knots from the northeast, with gusts up to 21 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 5 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 7 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Monday with the largest waves expected around 4 PM EDT Monday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ242>245-221715- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190422T1200Z-190423T2200Z/ Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- 509 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EDT TUESDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until 6 PM EDT Tuesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 24 knots from the north, with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 8 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 11 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 10 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Voss  274 WWCN12 CWTO 220909 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:09 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE COMING TO AN END NEAR MIDDAY TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 20 TO 40 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY MORNING WITH THE HIGHEST AMOUNTS EXPECTED OVER THE WAWA AREA. EVEN HIGHER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE FORECAST FARTHER SOUTH TOWARDS AGAWA. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  697 WWCN12 CWTO 220910 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:10 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SEARCHMONT - MONTREAL RIVER HARBOUR - BATCHAWANA BAY AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK CHAPLEAU - MISSINAIBI LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END TUESDAY AFTERNOON. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY AFTERNOON. A BRIEF PERIOD OF FREEZING RAIN IS ALSO POSSIBLE EARLY THIS MORNING, ESPECIALLY FOR AREAS AWAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  999 WWIN40 DEMS 220300 IWB (MORNING) DATED 22-04-2019 THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER IRAN & ADJOINING AFGHANISTAN PERSISTS. THE TROUGH IN WESTERLIES AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG 90OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT 25ON HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDING UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER CHHATTISGARH & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. HOWEVER, THE TROUGH AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL NOW RUNS FROM SOUTH CHHATTISGARH TO SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA ACROSS TELANGANA AND NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA. THE TROUGH AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM SOUTH MARATHWADA TO SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA ACROSS NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA HAS MERGED WITH THE ABOVE TROUGH. THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER COMORIN AREA & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. A LOW PRESSURE AREA IS LIKELY TO DEVELOP OVER EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN AND ADJOINING SOUTHWEST BAY OF BENGAL TO THE SOUTHEAST OF SRI LANKA AROUND 25TH APRIL. IT IS LIKELY TO INTENSIFY INTO A DEPRESSION DURING SUBSEQUENT 48 HOURS. IT IS VERY LIKELY TO MOVE NORTHWESTWARDS TOWARDS TAMILNADU COAST ACROSS EAST COAST OF SRILANKA. A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDS UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER EAST JHARKHAND & ADJOINING GANGETIC WEST BENGAL. A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL LIES OVER NORTHEAST RAJASTHAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD. A TROUGH RUNS FROM THIS CYCLONIC CIRCULATION TO NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA ACROSS SOUTHWEST MADHYA PRADESH AND MADHYA MAHARASHTRA. FORECAST:- RAIN / THUNDERSHOWERS VERY LIKELY AT MANY PLACES OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM; AT A FEW PLACES OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH, KERALA AND TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER HIMACHAL PRADESH, UTTARAKHAND, VIDHARBHA, , JHARKHAND, BIHAR, CHHATTISGARH, GANGETIC WEST BENGAL, ODISHA, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, TELANGANA, RAYALASEEMA AND KARNATAKA(.) DRY OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY (.) WARNING:- 22 APRIL (DAY 1) THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 50-60 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES LIKELY OVER TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER KERALA, TELANGANA, RAYALSEEMA, CHHATTISGARH, VIDARBHA, SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, BIHAR AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 30-40 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER ODISHA, GANGETIC WEST BENGAL, JHARKHAND AND NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA. HEAVY RAINFALL IN ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH. 23 APRIL (DAY 2): THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH, KERALA AND BIHAR. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 30-40 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR, ODISHA AND GANGETIC WEST BENGAL. HEAT WAVE CONDITIONS LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OVER WEST RAJASTHAN.=  290 WWCN16 CWHX 220910 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:40 A.M. NDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: BAY ST. GEORGE CORNER BROOK AND VICINITY GROS MORNE PARSON'S POND - HAWKE'S BAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  353 WWCN12 CWTO 220910 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:10 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: GOGAMA - FOLEYET KIRKLAND LAKE - NEW LISKEARD - TEMAGAMI ELLIOT LAKE - RANGER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END LATE TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. A BRIEF PERIOD OF FREEZING RAIN IS ALSO POSSIBLE EARLY THIS MORNING, ESPECIALLY FOR AREAS AWAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  118 WGUS81 KALY 220911 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 511 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC091-113-221800- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /HDYN6.1.RS.190420T2215Z.190421T1730Z.190422T1200Z.NO/ 511 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until this afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for The Hudson River At Hadley. * Until this afternoon. * At 5 AM Monday the stage was 14.3 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 8 AM Monday. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Water reaches minor flood stage and overflows into low lying areas. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue Hudson River Hadley 14.0 14.3 Mon 05 AM 14.0 13.3 12.7 12.1 11.6 && LAT...LON 4342 7392 4341 7380 4341 7380 4320 7375 4318 7386 $$ NYC091-115-222110- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ /FTEN6.1.RS.190421T0232Z.190421T1032Z.190423T1600Z.NO/ 511 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Tuesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Hudson River At Fort Edward. * From 5 AM Tuesday until Tuesday evening. * At 4 AM Monday the stage was 26.7 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 12 PM Tuesday. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Moderate flood stage. Water floods River Road in Northumberland and reaches camps in Lake Luzerne. It may also result in flooding in Stillwater. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue Hudson River Fort Edward 26.0 26.7 Mon 05 AM 26.6 26.3 26.0 25.7 26.2 && LAT...LON 4327 7365 4333 7351 4313 7350 4310 7364 $$  273 WGUS64 KOUN 220912 FFAOUN URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Norman OK 412 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Heavy Rains Expected Monday Night... .Widespread showers and thunderstorms are forecast to develop over southwest Oklahoma, and adjacent parts of northern Texas, and move northeast tonight into early Tuesday. Heavy rain will accompany any storms, leading to flooding of low-lying and poorly drained areas. OKZ016>031-033>040-044-TXZ083>088-222000- /O.NEW.KOUN.FA.A.0001.190423T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne-Beckham-Washita-Caddo- Canadian-Oklahoma-Lincoln-Grady-McClain-Cleveland-Pottawatomie- Seminole-Harmon-Greer-Kiowa-Jackson-Tillman-Comanche-Stephens- Garvin-Cotton-Hardeman-Foard-Wilbarger-Wichita-Knox-Baylor- Including the cities of Weatherford, Clinton, Watonga, Geary, Okeene, Kingfisher, Hennessey, Okarche, Guthrie, Stillwater, Elk City, Sayre, Cordell, Burns Flat, Sentinel, Anadarko, Hinton, Yukon, Concho, El Reno, Mustang, Oklahoma City, Chandler, Stroud, Prague, Meeker, Davenport, Wellston, Chickasha, Tuttle, Purcell, Newcastle, Blanchard, Norman, Moore, Shawnee, Seminole, Wewoka, Hollis, Mangum, Granite, Hobart, Snyder, Altus, Frederick, Lawton, Duncan, Pauls Valley, Lindsay, Wynnewood, Walters, Temple, Quanah, Crowell, Vernon, Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, Munday, Knox City, and Seymour 412 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Flood Watch for flash flooding, flooding of creeks and rivers, and flooding of low lying areas. This watch is covers southwest Oklahoma and adjacent parts of northern Texas and also central Oklahoma. Cities in the watch include Altus, Vernon, Wichita Falls, Lawton, and the Oklahoma City Metro area. * From this evening through Tuesday afternoon. * Rainfall amounts between one and three inches will be possible over areas that have recently received heavy rain. This will lead to water runoff and flooding of low lying and poorly drained areas. Mainstem river flooding will also be possible. * Do not drive through flooding roadways. This is especially dangerous at night. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  693 WWCN12 CWTO 220912 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:12 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SAULT STE. MARIE - ST. JOSEPH ISLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. PERIODS OF RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END LATE TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 30 TO 50 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  254 WWCN12 CWTO 220913 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:13 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THE HIGHEST RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE EXPECTED OVER SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF THE REGION, INCLUDING TIMMINS. PRECIPITATION THIS MORNING IS EXPECTED TO CHANGE TO RAIN FOR SOUTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION AND PERSIST INTO TUESDAY. LESSER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE ANTICIPATED FOR NORTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION WHERE MORE SNOW WILL FALL. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  740 WGUS81 KALY 220913 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 513 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC043-065-221445- /O.EXT.KALY.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190422T1445Z/ /HIKN6.2.RS.190420T1230Z.190421T0330Z.190422T0845Z.NO/ 513 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until this morning... The Flood Warning continues for The West Canada Creek At Hinckley. * Until this morning. * At 4 AM Monday the stage was 1227 feet. * Flood stage is 1227 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 6 AM Monday. * Impact...At 1227 feet...Minor flood stage with two feet of water flowing over the spillway. The river overflows its banks downstream. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue West Canada Cr Hinckley 1227 1227 Mon 5 AM 1226.9 1226.8 1226.6 1226.4 1226.2 && LAT...LON 4336 7514 4329 7499 4314 7491 4313 7506 4327 7519 $$  633 WGUS81 KCAR 220913 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 513 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEC019-222045- /O.CON.KCAR.FA.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2045Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Penobscot ME- 513 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR RAIN AND SNOWMELT FOR MINOR FLOODING IN POOR DRAINAGE AREAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM EDT MONDAY FOR NORTH CENTRAL PENOBSCOT COUNTY... * Until 445 PM EDT Monday. * Grand Lake Matagamon is expected to continue to rise this morning due to the earlier heavy rainfall and snowmelt. Flood gates at the Grand Lake Matagamon Dam are wide open allowing for water release. This water release will continue today and could allow for some minor flooding downstream along the East Branch of the Penobscot River and near the Grindstone area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, Grand Lake Matagamon and Grindstone. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4617 6878 4611 6876 4590 6859 4578 6855 4572 6856 4573 6861 4578 6860 4591 6867 4609 6882 4617 6882 $$ Foisy  313 WSMS31 WMKK 220915 WMFC SIGMET C01 VALID 220915/221215 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0220 E10204 - N0257 E10051 - N0438 E10054 - N0419 E10205 - N0220 E10204 TOP FL520 MOV NNE INTSF=  732 WGUS81 KALY 220914 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 514 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC113-222113- /O.CON.KALY.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RVRN6.2.RS.190414T1600Z.190422T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 514 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Schroon River At Riverbank. * Until further notice. * At 5 AM Monday the stage was 9.5 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 9.6 feet by 8 AM Monday...Then begin falling. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Water reaches major flood stage. There is 1 to 2 feet of water in homes and vacation properties near Warrensburg. Route 418 is under water in several locations. Sections of the highway are flooded along the right bank of river mostly upstream of gage. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 am 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue Schroon River Riverbank 7.0 9.5 Mon 05 AM 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.5 9.4 && LAT...LON 4366 7385 4369 7366 4347 7372 4347 7377 $$  015 WAHW31 PHFO 220914 WA0HI HNLS WA 221000 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221600 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 221000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 221600 . AIRMET TURB...HI OVR AND IMT S THRU W OF MTN ALL ISLANDS. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 060. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. =HNLZ WA 221000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 221600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...148-152.  232 WVPR31 SPIM 220910 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 220930/221530 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 0820Z VA NOT IDENTIFIABLE FM STLT DATA=  856 WGUS83 KTOP 220916 FLSTOP Flood Advisory National Weather Service Topeka KS 416 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 KSC041-127-220923- /O.EXP.KTOP.FA.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-190422T0915Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickinson-Morris- 416 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 415 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN DICKINSON AND WESTERN MORRIS COUNTIES... Any flooded areas have probably receded, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to property. LAT...LON 3880 9737 3884 9665 3859 9666 3858 9693 3861 9693 3861 9737 $$ Gargan  686 WSPA07 PHFO 220918 SIGPAT KZAK SIGMET TANGO 7 VALID 220920/220925 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CANCEL SIGMET TANGO 6 VALID 220525/220925. TS HAVE DECREASED.  790 WGUS82 KFFC 220920 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 520 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Chattahoochee River near Columbus affecting Lee...Russell... Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties ALC081-113-GAC053-215-222320- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /CBUG1.1.ER.190419T1234Z.190419T1415Z.190423T0000Z.NO/ 520 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Chattahoochee River near Columbus. * Until late tonight. * At 500 AM Monday the stage was 27.5 feet...and nearly steady. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage this evening. * At 27.0 feet...Flood stage is reached. Minor flooding occurs along the river upstream and downstream from the gage on the 14th Street bridge. Portions of the River Walk in Columbus begin to flood and will be closed to the public. The water level continues to approach the foundation of the Phenix City Amphitheater in Alabama. && LAT...LON 3259 8511 3262 8505 3251 8496 3238 8495 3238 8502 3250 8503 $$  835 WGUS83 KMKX 220920 FLSMKX Flood Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 420 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Wisconsin River At Wisconsin Dells affecting Columbia County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Fox River Near Berlin affecting Green Lake County Wisconsin River At Portage affecting Columbia County && WIC047-222120- /O.CON.KMKX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190425T0000Z/ /BERW3.2.RS.190315T0245Z.190327T2000Z.190424T1800Z.NO/ 420 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fox River Near Berlin. * At 3:00 AM Monday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Impact...At 13.2 feet...There is minor flooding in the Berlin area including in Riverside and Webster Street Parks in Berlin. This level is about a 50 percent chance flood meaning there is a 50 percent chance in any given year of the river reaching this level. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Berlin 13.0 12.0 13.04 03 AM 04/22 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.9 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Berlin 13.25 08 AM 04/18 -0.07 13.10 07 AM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Berlin: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.13 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.53 Berlin: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.04 Berlin: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4398 8899 4398 8888 4391 8888 4389 8901 4395 8911 4396 8908 $$ WIC021-221710- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-190422T1710Z/ /WDEW3.1.ER.190420T1132Z.190421T1245Z.190422T1110Z.NO/ 420 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Wisconsin Dells. * At 3:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.4 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this morning. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...There is widespread flooding to agricultural land and wooded land in the Wisconsin Dells area. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Wisconsin Dells 16.0 13.0 16.35 03 AM 04/22 14.7 14.2 13.1 12.0 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Wisconsin Dells 16.90 08 AM 04/21 -0.49 15.90 07 AM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.01 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.30 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.30 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.03 Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4364 8982 4364 8974 4362 8973 4361 8968 4358 8977 4362 8980 $$ WIC021-222120- /O.CON.KMKX.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190427T1200Z/ /PORW3.3.ER.190418T2211Z.190422T0615Z.190427T0600Z.NO/ 420 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Portage. * At 4:00 AM Monday the stage was 20.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Saturday morning. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Sunset Point-Conant St underwater. Floodwaters affect homes in the Blackhawk Park area as well as River Oaks Road in the Town of Dekorra, River Shores Road in the Town of Lewiston, and Levee Road in the Portage area. Water is over Wood Street in Portage as well as parts of Thunderbird Road. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Portage 17.0 12.7 19.96 04 AM 04/22 19.4 18.7 18.2 17.6 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Portage 20.08 01 AM 04/22 0.12 19.90 07 AM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Portage: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.22 Portage: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.47 Portage: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.04 Portage: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4351 8970 4365 8966 4359 8937 4339 8939 4344 8965 4350 8957 $$  046 WGUS82 KFFC 220922 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 522 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19 affecting Crawford... Talbot...Taylor and Upson Counties GAC079-263-269-293-222321- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0179.000000T0000Z-190423T0830Z/ /CLUG1.1.ER.190420T0831Z.190421T0630Z.190423T0230Z.NO/ 522 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19. * Until late tonight. * At 500 AM Monday the stage was 20.5 feet...and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tonight. * At 20.0 feet...Minor flooding continues along the river in the woodlands and fields upstream and downstream from the gage on U.S. Highway 19. The flood waters will cover the boat ramp up to two feet deep and cover a portion of the access road by the bridge on the Taylor County side of the river. && LAT...LON 3280 8430 3275 8421 3257 8398 3253 8405 3265 8415 3276 8437 $$  460 WOCN12 CWTO 220913 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:13 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: KAPUSKASING - HEARST - SMOOTH ROCK FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW AND POSSIBLE FREEZING RAIN TONIGHT. PRECIPITATION WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS EVENING AND MAY BEGIN AS A MIX OF SNOW OR RAIN BEFORE CHANGING TO SNOW LATER IN THE EVENING. THERE IS ALSO A RISK OF FREEZING RAIN THIS EVENING AND OVERNIGHT. THE SNOW MAY BE HEAVY AT TIMES WITH SNOWFALL AMOUNTS UP TO 20 CM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THIS WINTRY MIX OF PRECIPITATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH A COLORADO LOW TRACKING THROUGH NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO ON TUESDAY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  138 WSAG31 SAME 220927 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 220927/221327 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0927Z WI S3133 W07029 - S3123 W06651 - S3300 W06554 - S3250 W06534 - S3251 W06500 - S3324 W06433 - S3342 W06431 - S3504 W06450 - S3528 W06903 - S3444 W07014 - S3407 W06951 - S3319 W06949 - S3315 W07001 - S3133 W07029 FL200/360 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  469 WSAG31 SAME 220927 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 220927/221327 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0927Z WI S3133 W07029 - S3123 W06651 - S3300 W06554 - S3250 W06534 - S3251 W06500 - S3324 W06433 - S3342 W06431 - S3504 W06450 - S3528 W06903 - S3444 W07014 - S3407 W06951 - S3319 W06949 - S3315 W07001 - S3133 W07029 FL200/360 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  063 WSBZ01 SBBR 220900 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1157 W05747 - S0823 W05035 - S0118 W05533 - S0046 W06051 - S0446 W06202 - S1157 W05747 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  064 WSBZ01 SBBR 220900 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  065 WSBZ01 SBBR 220900 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  066 WSBZ01 SBBR 220900 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0342 W06808 - S0431 W06547 - S0549 W06624 - S0500 W06847 - S0342 W06808 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  621 WGUS82 KFFC 220925 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 525 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Georgia... Flint River near Thomaston affecting Talbot and Upson Counties Yellow River near Rocky Plains affecting Newton County GAC263-293-220955- /O.CAN.KFFC.FL.W.0181.000000T0000Z-190422T0925Z/ /TMSG1.1.ER.190420T0248Z.190420T1400Z.190422T0909Z.NO/ 525 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Flint River near Thomaston. * This takes effect immediately. * At 515 AM Monday the stage was 10.9 feet...and falling. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3291 8447 3280 8430 3276 8437 3287 8453 $$ GAC217-220955- /O.CAN.KFFC.FL.W.0184.000000T0000Z-190422T0925Z/ /RKYG1.1.ER.190420T1337Z.190421T0615Z.190422T0501Z.UU/ 525 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Yellow River near Rocky Plains. * This takes effect immediately. * At 515 AM Monday the stage was 17.1 feet...and falling. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3356 8393 3359 8387 3341 8385 3341 8390 $$  338 WGUS81 KGYX 220929 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in New Hampshire... Pemigewasset River At Plymouth affecting Grafton County ...The flood warning has expired for the following rivers in New Hampshire... Saco River Conway affecting Carroll County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Maine Androscoggin River At Gorham affecting Coos County Androscoggin River At Rumford affecting Oxford County Androscoggin River Near Auburn affecting Androscoggin County Kennebec River At Skowhegan affecting Somerset County Kennebec River At North Sidney affecting Kennebec County Kennebec River At Augusta affecting Kennebec County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Vermont Connecticut River Near Dalton affecting Coos and Essex Counties Connecticut River At Wells River affecting Grafton...Caledonia and Orange Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && NHC007-VTC009-222128- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLTN3.1.ER.190421T0015Z.190422T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River Near Dalton. * Until further notice. * At 05 AM Monday the stage was 21.9 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will remain near 21.9 feet this morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Route 102 in Guildhall Vermont flooded. Route 135 in South Lancaster flooded. Munces Campground in Lancaster flooded. Perras Road and Old Village Road flooded in North Umberland New Hampshire. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...River Road flooded in Lunenburg Vermont between Mt. Orne Bridge and South Lunenburg Village. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4460 7160 4460 7150 4440 7162 4429 7200 4435 7205 4447 7169 $$ NHC009-VTC005-017-222128- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WELV1.1.ER.190421T0252Z.190424T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River At Wells River. * Until further notice. * At 04 AM Monday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * The river will slowly continue rising to near 11.4 feet by this evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4429 7200 4410 7200 4399 7205 4399 7216 4427 7211 4435 7205 $$ NHC007-222128- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRMN3.1.ER.190420T2230Z.190422T0645Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until further notice... The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Gorham. * Until further notice. * At 04 AM Monday the stage was 8.8 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 8.8 feet later this morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Parking lot at Mr. Pizza starts to flood. && LAT...LON 4477 7128 4483 7104 4448 7102 4451 7080 4438 7075 4434 7123 $$ MEC017-222000- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /RMFM1.1.ER.190421T1050Z.190421T2231Z.190422T1400Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until this afternoon... The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Rumford. * Until this afternoon. * At 05 AM Monday the stage was 15.3 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this morning. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Low spots along the Swift and Androscoggin Rivers flooded in Mexico and Rumford. * Impact...At 13.7 feet...Ballfield south of Lincoln Avenue (Route 2) in Rumford is completely flooded.. * Impact...At 13.4 feet...Water enters ballfield in Rumford that is south of Lincoln Avenue. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Bethel Outdoor Adenture and Campground begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4451 7080 4458 7054 4455 7017 4444 7013 4442 7026 4438 7075 $$ MEC001-222128- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190423T0712Z/ /AUBM1.1.ER.190421T1615Z.190422T0901Z.190423T0112Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until late tonight... The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River Near Auburn. * Until late tonight. * At 05 AM Monday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tonight. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Route 136 at Stackpole Road in Durham begins to flood. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4442 7026 4444 7013 4409 7011 4395 6977 4385 6987 4402 7026 $$ MEC025-222128- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190424T1350Z/ /SKOM1.1.ER.190420T2128Z.190422T1800Z.190424T0750Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Wednesday morning... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Skowhegan. * Until Wednesday morning. * At 04 AM Monday the flow was 42358 cfs. * Minor Flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood flow is 35000 CFS. * The river will continue rising to near 46560 cfs by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 35000 cfs...Flooding begins at campground in Skowhegan. && LAT...LON 4480 6992 4480 6960 4453 6955 4453 6969 4468 6968 4471 6992 $$ MEC011-222128- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ /SIDM1.1.ER.190421T1242Z.190421T1947Z.190423T0300Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until late tonight... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At North Sidney. * from late this afternoon until late tonight. * At 05AM Monday the stage was 16.7 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by late this afternoon and continue to rise to near 17.1 feet by this evening. the river will fall below flood stage by tonight. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4453 6969 4453 6955 4439 6969 4439 6979 $$ MEC011-222128- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190424T1830Z/ /ASTM1.1.ER.190421T0629Z.190421T2224Z.190424T1230Z.UU/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Wednesday afternoon... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Augusta. * from Wednesday morning until Wednesday afternoon. * At 05 AM Monday the stage was 13.6 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river will fall a little due to tidal effects today but rise back to 13.6 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water covering dock at town landing in Hallowell. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Water begins to flood parking lot on Front Street in Augusta. && LAT...LON 4439 6980 4439 6969 4429 6971 4408 6974 4408 6983 4429 6983 $$ NHC009-220959- /O.CAN.KGYX.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T1149Z/ /PLMN3.1.ER.190420T2219Z.190421T0801Z.190422T0515Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Pemigewasset River At Plymouth. * Until this morning. * At 05AM Monday the stage was 12.1 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. && LAT...LON 4383 7170 4383 7162 4362 7160 4362 7173 $$ NHC003-220959- /O.EXP.KGYX.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T0921Z/ /CNWN3.1.ER.190420T1445Z.190421T0446Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning has expired for The Saco River At Conway. * Until early this morning. * At 04AM Monday the stage was 8.6 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...8.0 ft, water starts to enter Transvale Acres in Conway.. * Impact...At 7.5 feet...7.5 ft, water starts to enter Beach and Eastern Slope camping area in Conway.. && LAT...LON 4411 7121 4411 7088 4383 7074 4383 7084 4396 7094 4398 7114 $$  840 WGUS81 KBOX 220929 FLSBOX Flood Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut... Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam into the mid week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. && CTC003-007-230929- /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HFDC3.1.ER.190416T0743Z.190423T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Hartford. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:30 AM Monday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.0 feet by tonight then begin falling. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Flooding of low lying areas below Hartford is expected, especially in areas that are outside of levee protection. Flooding also affects low lying areas upstream of Hartford, including a portion of Windsor where the Farmington River empties into the Connecticut River. Further downstream flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17A, in Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. Flooding continues along the river through Essex. && LAT...LON 4163 7270 4180 7273 4180 7259 4164 7258 4163 7263 4164 7263 $$ CTC007-230929- /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MHDC3.1.ER.190416T1512Z.190424T0900Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 529 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Middle Haddam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:55 AM Monday the stage was 9.1 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 9.3 feet by late this afternoon. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...Flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17A, in the Gildersleeve section of Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. In Rocky Hill, parts of Meadow Road will be impassable for a time. Flooding continues along the river southward through Essex. && LAT...LON 4164 7269 4164 7258 4129 7225 4126 7239 4141 7251 4156 7270 $$  296 WHUS76 KPQR 220930 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 230 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ270-222200- /O.CON.KPQR.SI.Y.0044.190422T1300Z-190422T2200Z/ Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM- 230 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR WINDS REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WINDS...South 15 to 20 knots with gusts to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for wind means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/portland  001 WSCN05 CWAO 220931 CZUL SIGMET B2 VALID 220930/221115 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL SIGMET B1 220715/221115=  002 WSCN25 CWAO 220931 CZUL SIGMET B2 VALID 220930/221115 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL SIGMET B1 220715/221115 RMK GFACN34 GFACN33=  426 WGUS82 KFFC 220932 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 532 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Ocmulgee River near Macon affecting Bibb...Houston...Jones... Monroe and Twiggs Counties Oconee River near Penfield affecting Clarke...Greene and Oconee Counties Oconee River near Oconee affecting Johnson...Washington and Wilkinson Counties GAC059-133-219-222331- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190423T0114Z/ /PNFG1.2.ER.190420T1657Z.190421T2215Z.190422T1914Z.NO/ 532 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Penfield. * Until this evening. * At 500 AM Monday the stage was 18.4 feet...and falling. * Moderate flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage late this afternoon. * At 18.0 feet...Moderate flooding begins. Ward Road floods and cuts off access to L.C. Curtis and Son Sand and Gravel Company. Irrigation systems also begin to flood and need to be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3364 8325 3364 8333 3383 8333 3384 8327 $$ GAC167-303-319-222331- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0183.190424T0600Z-190425T2100Z/ /OCNG1.1.ER.190424T0600Z.190425T0000Z.190425T1500Z.NO/ 532 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Oconee. * From early Wednesday morning until Thursday afternoon. * At 500 AM Monday the stage was 12.6 feet...and rising. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage early Wednesday morning and continue to rise to near 17.7 feet by Wednesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by late Thursday morning. * At 18.0 feet...The water level begins to flood portions of the dirt parking lot area near the Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp...just upstream and rightbank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge. Minor flooding continues in the woodlands near the river. && LAT...LON 3284 8303 3288 8298 3279 8292 3267 8289 3265 8298 3278 8300 $$ GAC021-153-169-207-289-222331- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0140.000000T0000Z-190425T0330Z/ /MACG1.1.ER.190420T1524Z.190422T1200Z.190424T2130Z.NO/ 532 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ocmulgee River near Macon. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 430 AM Monday the stage was 24.2 feet...and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday afternoon. && LAT...LON 3290 8372 3293 8367 3282 8356 3266 8353 3263 8359 3274 8363 $$  052 WSIR31 OIII 220930 OIIX SIGMET 12 VALID 220930/221130 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3820 E04825 - N3405 E05300 - N3221 E04852 - N3523 E04608 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  296 WGUS63 KDLH 220934 FFADLH Flood Watch National Weather Service Duluth MN 434 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...PROLONGED PERIOD OF RAINFALL OVER EASTERN MINNESOTA AND MOST OF NORTHWEST WISCONSIN TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY NIGHT... .A prolonged period of light to occasionally moderate rainfall, along with periods of thunderstorms will affect east-central Minnesota and most of northwest Wisconsin through this evening. Area soils are already fairly saturated due to recent rains and snowmelt, so rainfall on top of these conditions will lead to additional runoff into the river system and tributaries. The runoff is expected to result in rises in local rivers, creeks, and streams that are already running high. Total rainfall by late tonight of one to two inches is forecast in the watch area. MNZ038-WIZ001>004-006>008-222200- /O.CON.KDLH.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pine-Douglas-Bayfield-Ashland-Iron-Burnett-Washburn-Sawyer- Including the cities of Pine City, Hinckley, Superior, Washburn, Bayfield, Ashland, Hurley, Grantsburg, Spooner, and Hayward 434 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of east central Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin, including the following areas, in east central Minnesota, Pine. In northwest Wisconsin, Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Sawyer, and Washburn. * Through late tonight. * Light to occasionally moderate rainfall is expected over areas where soils are saturated from recent snowmelt runoff and precipitation last week. The additional rain today will quickly runoff into area rivers and tributaries. * Localized minor flooding is possible, especially for low-water crossings, poorly drained, and flood-prone locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current rainfall forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ Huyck  323 WWIN81 VOBL 220935 VOBL 220930Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 220945/221345 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 110 DEG FCST NC= VOBG 220930Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 220945/221345 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 110 DEG FCST NC=  079 WHCA42 TJSJ 220936 CFWSPN MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS COSTEROS SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA SAN JUAN PR 420 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 PRZ005-008-221800- Norte Central-Noroeste- 420 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS EN EFECTO HASTA ESTA TARDE... * LOCALIZACION...Playas a lo largo de las costas del noroeste y norte central de Puerto Rico. * DURACION...hasta esta tarde. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$ PRZ001-002-221800- San Juan y vecindad-Noreste- 420 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS PERMANECE EN EFECTO HASTA ESTA TARDE... * LOCALIZACION...Costas del noreste de Puerto Rico y vecindad del area metropolitana de San Juan. * DURACION...hasta esta tarde. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$  786 WAIS31 LLBD 220934 LLLL AIRMET 9 VALID 221000/221400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03500 - N3320 E03550 - N3253 E03558 - N3245 E03500 STNR NC=  467 WGUS83 KARX 220938 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse. && MNC049-157-WIC091-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LKCM5.1.RS.190420T1900Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Lake City. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.0 feet by today then begin falling. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs and some residential sections near the river are evacuated. Water and Sewer service is turned off along Central Point Road. && LAT...LON 4454 9228 4445 9207 4439 9209 4442 9225 4451 9236 $$ MNC157-WIC011-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WABM5.2.RS.190324T1915Z.190402T0815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Wabasha. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:15 AM Monday the stage was 15.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.3 feet by this evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 15.3 feet...Grant Boulevard between Maiden Avenue and Bridge Avenue is closed. && LAT...LON 4445 9207 4442 9200 4435 9192 4433 9200 4439 9209 $$ MNC169-WIC011-121-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WNAM5.2.RS.190326T0300Z.190423T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Winona. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:45 AM Monday the stage was 16.4 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.2 feet by Tuesday then begin falling. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Some railroad lines may become inoperative. && LAT...LON 4419 9179 4401 9142 4398 9147 4407 9172 4415 9182 $$ MNC055-WIC063-123-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LACW3.2.RS.190326T1237Z.190424T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at La Crosse. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:15 AM Monday the stage was 14.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.5 feet by Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 14.5 feet...Goose Island Park begins to flood. Water also begins to enter Lueth Park from the La Crosse River Marsh. && LAT...LON 4401 9142 4388 9120 4357 9122 4361 9127 4399 9145 $$ IAC005-MNC055-WIC023-123-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0046.190424T1200Z-000000T0000Z/ /LNSI4.1.RS.190424T1200Z.190427T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Lansing. * from Wednesday morning until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.1 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Wednesday morning and continue to rise to near 17.7 feet by Saturday morning. * Impact...At 17.6 feet...Water from the storm sewer system covers the 600 block of South Front Street. && LAT...LON 4361 9127 4357 9122 4328 9101 4321 9109 4331 9126 $$ IAC005-043-WIC023-043-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGI4.3.RS.190318T1530Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at McGregor. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:45 AM Monday the stage was 19.0 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 22.7 feet by Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Water covers the north end of Main Street. && LAT...LON 4321 9109 4300 9111 4298 9119 4316 9121 4324 9115 $$ IAC043-WIC043-230038- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GTTI4.2.RS.190320T1732Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 438 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Guttenberg Dam 10. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.0 feet by Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Some basements may begin to experience flooding due to seepage, with most problems occurring on the approaches to town. && LAT...LON 4300 9111 4270 9090 4265 9090 4271 9112 4298 9119 $$  381 WHCA72 TJSJ 220938 MWWSPN URGENTE - MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS MARITIMOS Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan PR 409 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...El oleaje disminuira a menos de 7 pies esta manana... .El oleaje disminuira durante el dia de hoy. Los navegantes deben ejercer precaucion en algunas areas... AMZ710-221200- Aguas del Atlantico de Puerto Rico e Islas Virgenes americanas desde 10 MN hasta 19.5N- 409 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...ADVERTENCIA PARA LOS OPERADORES DE EMBARCACIONES PEQUENAS PERMANECE EN EFECTO HASTA LAS 8 AM AST DE LA MANANA... * VIENTOS...10 A 15 nudos. * OLAS/OLEAJE...4 a 7 pies, ocasionalmente hasta 9 pies. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION/PREPARATIVOS... Una advertencia para lo operadores de embarcaciones pequenas significa que se esperan vientos de 21 a 33 nudos y/o oleaje de 7 pies o mas para producir oleaje peligroso para los operadores de embarcaciones pequenas. Los navegantes inexpertos, especialmente aquellos operando embarcaciones pequenas, deben evitar navegar bajo estas condiciones. && $$  266 WSZA21 FAOR 220936 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S5217 E00620 - S5348 E01032 - S5920 E00950 - S6019 E00319 - S5648 W00213 - S5409 E00039 TOP FL300=  267 WSZA21 FAOR 220937 FAJO SIGMET I01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4500 E00807 - S4720 E00849 - S4750 E01144 - S5108 E01211 - S5129 E00904 - S4846 E00256 - S4513 E00431 TOP FL330=  268 WSZA21 FAOR 220935 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3616 W01000 - S3758 W00533 - S4023 W00412 - S4157 W00738 - S4049 W01000 TOP FL390=  735 WSZA21 FAOR 220941 FAJO SIGMET G02 VALID 220945/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET G01 220600/221000=  736 WSZA21 FAOR 220940 FAJO SIGMET L01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4757 E06707 - S4817 E07500 - S5128 E07500 - S5135 E07403 - S5023 E06716 FL250/290=  737 WSZA21 FAOR 220945 FAJO SIGMET D02 VALID 220945/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET D01 220600/221000=  738 WSZA21 FAOR 220944 FAJO SIGMET H02 VALID 220945/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET H01 220600/221000=  739 WSZA21 FAOR 220943 FAJO SIGMET B02 VALID 220945/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET B01 220600/221000=  740 WSZA21 FAOR 220942 FAJO SIGMET F02 VALID 220945/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET F01 220600/221000=  741 WSZA21 FAOR 220939 FAJO SIGMET K01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4516 E05603 - S4631 E05853 - S5737 E05835 - S5716 E05522 - S5514 E05309 - S4930 E05323 - S4543 E05444 - S4516 E05603 FL220/260=  742 WSZA21 FAOR 220938 FAJO SIGMET J01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3857 E03814 - S3946 E03817 - S3945 E03450 - S3859 E03449 FL300/340=  548 WGUS83 KARX 220942 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 442 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .Flooding continues along several rivers in western Wisconsin. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse. && WIC063-121-230042- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190423T0730Z/ /GALW3.2.RS.190419T0256Z.190420T0115Z.190422T1330Z.NR/ 442 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River Near Galesville. * until late tonight...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:45 AM Monday the stage was 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by this morning. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Flooding mainly impacts wildlands and agricultural pasture land. However the approach to the south end of the County Road VV Bridge over the Black River may be flooded. && LAT...LON 4411 9097 4393 9135 4395 9138 4407 9133 4413 9100 $$ WIC011-121-230042- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190426T0000Z/ /DDGW3.1.RS.190419T1152Z.190420T1145Z.190425T0600Z.NO/ 442 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trempealeau River at Dodge. * until Thursday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:45 AM Monday the stage was 9.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage this morning and then potentially rise back above flood stage on Tuesday night. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Agricultural and marsh land is flooded. && LAT...LON 4404 9158 4420 9163 4423 9158 4422 9158 4402 9149 $$ WIC043-049-103-230042- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0047.190423T0600Z-190426T0000Z/ /MUSW3.1.RS.190423T0600Z.190424T0000Z.190425T0600Z.NR/ 442 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River at Muscoda. * from late tonight to Thursday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 2:00 AM Monday the stage was 7.9 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 9.5 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...Flooding may impact some homes in Boscobel. && LAT...LON 4319 9033 4297 9114 4300 9116 4321 9061 4322 9031 $$ WIC057-230042- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190424T0800Z/ /NCAW3.3.RS.190418T2330Z.190420T1930Z.190423T1400Z.UU/ 442 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yellow River at Necedah. * until late Tuesday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:30 AM Monday the stage was 16.6 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4396 9003 4395 9006 4415 9014 4415 9009 $$  975 WSMC31 GMMC 220941 GMMM SIGMET 01 VALID 220940/221330 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS LINE N3530 W00516 - N3445 W00428 - N 3406 W00458 - N3503 W00605 - N3530 W00516 TOP FL220 MOV SE NC=  406 WGUS83 KARX 220944 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 444 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse. && WIC001-057-230043- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190425T2100Z/ /CROW3.3.RS.190418T1310Z.190420T0210Z.190425T0300Z.UU/ 444 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River at Castle Rock Dam. * At 4:10 AM Monday the flow was 39202 cfs. * Flood stage is 30000 cfs. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river flow will continue to decrease, dropping below flood stage by Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 40000.0 cfs...Several roads are closed downstream of the dam. && LAT...LON 4392 9007 4402 9002 4402 8996 4377 8984 4377 8990 $$  275 WSMS31 WMKK 220940 WMFC SIGMET B02 VALID 220940/221240 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0241 E10431 - N0120 E10420 - N0131 E10345 - N0115 E10328 - N0140 E10212 - N0340 E10212 - N0241 E10431 TOP FL520 MOV NE NC=  655 WSZA21 FAOR 220950 FAJA SIGMET D02 VALID 220948/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET D01 220600/221000=  656 WSZA21 FAOR 221004 FAJA SIGMET A02 VALID 220948/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET A01 220600/221000=  657 WSZA21 FAOR 220954 FAJA SIGMET E02 VALID 220948/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET E01 220600/221000=  658 WSZA21 FAOR 220947 FAJA SIGMET F01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2447 E02548 - S2700 E03028 - S2848 E03037 - S2904 E02918 - S2725 E02731 - S2918 E02414 - S3049 E02214 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01911 - S2914 E01942 - S2728 E02131 - S2649 E02111 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 TOP FL360=  840 WSZA21 FAOR 220953 FACA SIGMET B02 VALID 220948/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET B01 220600/221000=  841 WSZA21 FAOR 220946 FACA SIGMET F01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3030 E01911 - S3030 E02116 - S3049 E02214 - S3218 E02016 - S3051 E01902 TOP FL360=  842 WSZA21 FAOR 221003 FACA SIGMET A02 VALID 220948/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET A01 220600/221000=  843 WSZA21 FAOR 221005 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 220948/221000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET A01 220600/221000=  188 WSMG31 FMMI 220945 FMMM SIGMET A1 VALID 220945/221345 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR OCNL EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E05206 - S1257 E05525 - S1353 E05525 - S1432 E05124 - S1000 E04830 - S1000 E05206 TOP FL480 MOV W NC=  211 WHUS76 KMFR 220945 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 245 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ356-376-221800- /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0035.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 245 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * Winds...North 20 to 30 kt. * Seas...Steep wind wave dominated 6 to 8 feet. * Areas affected...Small craft conditions will affect areas mainly south of Gold Beach. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/medford  914 WSFJ01 NFFN 220900 NFFF SIGMET 05 VALID 221030/221430 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1930 E17242 - S2348 E17554 - S2448 E17036 - S2036 E16912 - S1930 E17242 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  847 WSZA21 FAOR 221016 FACA SIGMET E02 VALID 220951/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET E01 220600/221000=  848 WSZA21 FAOR 221011 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2323 E02709 - S2450 E02957 - S2533 E03203 - S2600 E03205 - S2647 E03209 - S2650 E03253 - S2750 E03500 - S3300 E03200 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01851 - S2730 E01847 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 - S2442 E02550 - S2416 E02647 - S2330 E02658 TOP FL360=  849 WSZA21 FAOR 221012 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2750 E03500 - S2807 E03540 - S3224 E03342 - S3347 E03112 - S3300 E03200 - S3025 E03332 TOP FL360=  850 WSZA21 FAOR 221017 FAJA SIGMET C02 VALID 220951/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET C01 220600/221000=  851 WSZA21 FAOR 221010 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3030 E01851 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3300 E03200 - S3347 E03112 - S3446 E02926 - S3343 E02133 - S3109 E01853 TOP FL360=  553 WSFJ02 NFFN 220900 NFFF SIGMET 06 VALID 221035/221435 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0206 E17654 - S0036 E17954 - S0506 E17954 - S0506 W17148 - S0936 W17454 - S0954 W17930 - N0206 E17336 - N0206 E17654 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  673 WGUS81 KCAR 220949 FLSCAR Flood Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 549 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEC003-019-220958- /O.CAN.KCAR.FA.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190422T1000Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Aroostook ME-Penobscot ME- 549 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR RAIN AND SNOWMELT HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR SOUTHEASTERN AROOSTOOK AND NORTHEASTERN PENOBSCOT COUNTIES... The flood warning has been replaced with a flood advisory. LAT...LON 4589 6778 4587 6781 4581 6778 4576 6781 4573 6778 4573 6781 4568 6781 4557 6843 4690 6843 4690 6779 $$ Foisy  244 WSCI35 ZGGG 220945 ZGZU SIGMET 2 VALID 221015/221415 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2518 E11535 - N2446 E11333 - N2230 E11342 - N2327 E11742 - N2518 E11535 TOP FL400 MOV E 50KMH NC=  170 WHUS76 KSEW 220953 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 253 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ134-221800- /O.EXB.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.190422T1500Z-190422T2100Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 253 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 2 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 8 AM this morning to 2 PM PDT this afternoon. * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-221800- /O.EXB.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.190422T1500Z-190423T0900Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 253 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 2 AM PDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 8 AM this morning to 2 AM PDT Tuesday. * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-153-156-170-173-176-221800- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.190422T1200Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 253 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  227 WSZA21 FAOR 221040 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3047 E01852 - S3106 E01850 - S3344 E02134 - S3353 E02238 - S3400 E02148 - S3434 E01951 - S3330 E01838 - S3228 E01832 - S3124 E01818 - S3100 E01751 SFC/FL060=  228 WSZA21 FAOR 221037 FACA SIGMET C02 VALID 220957/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET C01 220600/221000=  229 WSZA21 FAOR 221038 FACA SIGMET D02 VALID 220957/221000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET D01 220600/221000=  230 WSZA21 FAOR 221039 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 220957/221000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET B01 220600/221000=  231 WSZA21 FAOR 221036 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 221000/221400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3237 E01523 - S3434 E02017 - S3642 E02014 - S3645 E01529 SFC/FL020=  402 WSCH31 SCEL 220956 SCEZ SIGMET A3 VALID 220956/221058 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR CNL SIGMET A2 220658/221058=  927 WSCO31 SKBO 220957 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 220948/221248 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0928Z WI N0553 W07333 - N0640 W07459 - N0727 W07446 - N0819 W07308 - N0758 W07235 - N0553 W07333 TOP FL470 MOV NE 05KT INTSF=  623 WSID20 WIII 221000 WIIZ SIGMET 10 VALID 221000/221400 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0336 E10144 - S0111 E10200 - S0159 E10348 - S0124 E10708 - S0246 E10454 - S0505 E10449 - S0336 E10144 TOP FL530 MOV W NC=  724 WWUS45 KPUB 220958 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 358 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 COZ075-221800- /O.NEW.KPUB.WS.W.0012.190422T1800Z-190423T1800Z/ Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- 358 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches expected. * WHERE...Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet. * WHEN...From noon today to noon MDT Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible due to heavy snow and poor visibilities, particularly this evening through tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ073-080-221800- /O.NEW.KPUB.WW.Y.0025.190422T1800Z-190423T1800Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 358 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet and Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...From noon today to noon MDT Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult at times due to heavy snow and poor visibilities at times across the higher mountains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  296 WSBZ31 SBCW 220957 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 221000/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FC ST WI S2159 W05134 - S2040 W05038 - S2619 W04313 - S2645 W04340 - S2428 W04805 - S2159 W05134 FL130/190 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  222 WSUS32 KKCI 220955 SIGC MKCC WST 220955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34C VALID UNTIL 1155Z MI WI MN LS FROM 30ENE DLH-50WNW SSM-20SSE SSM-30SSW DLH-30ENE DLH AREA EMBD TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL410. CELL MOVE FROM 26045KT. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35C VALID UNTIL 1155Z WI MN IA SD FROM 20NE BRD-40NNW EAU-40N MCW-50WNW FOD-50WNW FSD-20NE BRD AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 18020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36C VALID UNTIL 1155Z MO KS FROM 50NNE MCI-30ESE MCI-30N BUM-30WNW MCI-50NNE MCI AREA TS MOV FROM 27040KT. TOPS TO FL410. OUTLOOK VALID 221155-221555 FROM DLH-SSM-ODI-30S COU-70ENE ICT-70SE PIR-DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  223 WSUS31 KKCI 220955 SIGE MKCE WST 220955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221155-221555 FROM ACK-170S ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-140E ILM-60SSE SBY-40E CYN-ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  224 WSUS33 KKCI 220955 SIGW MKCW WST 220955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221155-221555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  891 WSRS31 RURD 220958 URRV SIGMET 3 VALID 221000/221400 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N4555 E03658 - N4433 E04137 - N4330 E04100 - N4423 E03638 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  705 WSCO31 SKBO 220959 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 220948/221248 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0928Z WI N0553 W07333 - N0640 W07459 - N0727 W07446 - N0819 W07308 - N0758 W07235 - N0553 W07333 TOP FL470 MOV NE 05KT INTSF=  296 WGUS65 KABQ 220959 FFAABQ URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 359 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NMZ515-221800- /O.NEW.KABQ.FF.A.0001.190422T1800Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- 359 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FROM NOON MDT TODAY THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has issued a * Flash Flood Watch for a portion of north and central New Mexico, including the following area: East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains. This includes the Ute Park and Morris Creek burn scar areas. * From noon MDT today through late tonight. * Copious showers and even thunderstorms are expected today as a cold front creates persistent upslope flow and an upper level low pressure system approaches from the west. Snow levels will be quite high, generally between 9,000 to 10,000 feet. Areas with snowpack near and just beneath these levels will be especially vulnerable to rainfall and consequently quick melting of any snow. Abrupt runoff and possible flooding could develop as meltwater accumulates and moves downstream. Recent wildfire burn scars will hasten the runoff due to poor absorption of any meltwater. * Sudden rises on creeks and streams feeding into the Cimarron River will be possible today and tonight due to abrupt snow melt and runoff. Areas along and near U.S. highway 64 between Ute Park and Cimarron will be at risk for flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding. Flash flooding is a very dangerous situation. Monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. && $$  549 WSCO31 SKBO 220938 SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 220948/221248 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0928Z WI N0553 W07333 - N0640 W07459 - N0727 W07446 - N0819 W07308 - N0758 W07235 - N0553 W07333 TOP FL470 MOV NE 05KT INTSF=  888 WHUS76 KEKA 221000 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 300 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ475-221800- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 300 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...N 20 to 30 kt, with occasional gusts to around 35 kt. * WAVES...N 6 to 10 ft at 7 to 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ450-221500- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190422T1500Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- 300 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WINDS...N 10 to 20 kt, with gusts to 25 kt. * WAVES...NW to N 6 ft at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ455-221800- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 300 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...NW 15 to 25 kt, with occasional gusts up to 35 kt. * WAVES...NW 6 to 9 ft at 6 to 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ470-221800- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 300 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WINDS...N 15 to 20 kt, with occasional gusts to around 25 kt. * WAVES...N 6 ft at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$  651 WGUS81 KCAR 221001 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 601 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEC003-221600- /O.NEW.KCAR.FA.Y.0008.190422T1001Z-190422T1600Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Aroostook ME- 601 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Caribou Maine has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Eastern Aroostook County in northern Maine... * Until noon EDT Monday. * Emergency Management and law enforcement reported continued minor flooding, with streams and rivers spilling over in places and flooding nearby lowlands and some roads. Some roads remain closed today. * Stream levels are slowly subsiding, while larger rivers are continuing to slowly rise but should begin to level off during the day today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4733 6816 4707 6779 4592 6775 4587 6781 4582 6776 4580 6781 4568 6781 4557 6841 4638 6844 4638 6849 4729 6839 4736 6835 4736 6828 $$ Foisy  677 WSCI39 ZWWW 220959 ZWUQ SIGMET 4 VALID 220959/221359 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4155 E08023 - N4049 E08010 - N4054 E07855 - N4150 E07901 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  008 WSPS21 NZKL 220942 NZZO SIGMET 3 VALID 221001/221401 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5410 W13850 - S5650 W14320 - S5600 W15020 - S5520 W15000 - S5500 W14500 - S4950 W14230 - S5410 W13850 2000FT/FL130 MOV ENE 45KT NC=  186 WSPS21 NZKL 220943 NZZO SIGMET 4 VALID 221001/221020 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 2 220620/221020=  264 WSMS31 WMKK 221000 WBFC SIGMET C01 VALID 221005/221205 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0239 E11314 - N0344 E11234 - N0435 E11346 - N0323 E11434 - N0239 E11314 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  968 WSCI36 ZUUU 221000 ZPKM SIGMET 2 VALID 221010/221410 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3014 E10909-N2801 E10905-N2642 E10859-N2535 E10747-N2411 E10401-N2816 E10340-N3014 E10909 TOP FL320 STNR NC=  839 WWUS45 KABQ 221008 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 408 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HEAVY WET SNOWFALL EXPECTED FOR HIGH PEAKS OF THE SANGRE DE CRISTO MOUNTAINS... .A low pressure system west of New Mexico will spread copious amounts of lift and moisture into the state. Meanwhile, a cold front has dropped into northeastern New Mexico and will create a persistent upslope flow over the Sangre de Cristo mountains. This will lead to numerous showers and perhaps a few thunderstorms. While snow levels will be quite high, a foot or more of heavy, wet snow is expected on the highest peaks above 10,000 feet. NMZ513-514-221830- /O.NEW.KABQ.WS.W.0011.190422T1800Z-190424T0600Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet/Red River- Southern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet- 408 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT MDT TUESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy, wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 20 inches expected above 10,000 feet. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet including Red River and Southern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet. * WHEN...From noon today to midnight MDT Tuesday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Heavy, wet snow will be difficult to shovel and remove, and it could pose structural risks to roofs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or 1-800-432-4269. && $$  097 WSNT08 KKCI 221010 SIGA0H KZWY SIGMET HOTEL 1 VALID 221010/221410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1010Z WI N3245 W04815 - N3215 W04415 - N3100 W04415 - N3045 W04845 - N3245 W04815. TOP FL380. MOV WNW 30KT. NC.  641 WSIR31 OIII 221007 OIIX SIGMET 13 VALID 221005/221130 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3027 E05133 - N3042 E05829 - N2830 E05806 - N2806 E05217 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  983 WSNT07 KKCI 221010 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 3 VALID 221010/221410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1010Z WI N2930 W04700 - N2715 W04530 - N2430 W04615 - N2445 W04915 - N2900 W05015 - N2930 W04700. TOP FL380. MOV WNW 10KT. NC.  412 WSNT09 KKCI 221010 SIGA0I KZWY SIGMET INDIA 1 VALID 221010/221410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1010Z WI N2915 W04200 - N2500 W04115 - N2445 W04300 - N2915 W04445 - N2915 W04200. TOP FL380. MOV NNW 30KT. NC.  419 WSRS31 RUAA 221011 ULAA SIGMET 3 VALID 221100/221500 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N6200 AND S OF N6800 AND W OF E05000 FL260/360 MOV E 30KMH NC=  982 WSCN04 CWAO 221012 CZYZ SIGMET C1 VALID 221010/221410 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICG (FZRA) FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE N4842 W08319 - N4749 W08055 SFC/FL025 QS INTSFYG=  257 WSCN24 CWAO 221012 CZYZ SIGMET C1 VALID 221010/221410 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICG (FZRA) FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N4842 W08319/60 N CYLD - /N4749 W08055/45 W CYXR SFC/FL025 QS INTSFYG RMK GFACN33=  329 WSPR31 SPIM 221010 SPIM SIGMET C4 VALID 221010/221015 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET C3 VALID 220705/221015=  345 WSPR31 SPIM 221010 SPIM SIGMET B4 VALID 221015/221315 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0950Z WI S0916 W07529 - S1012 W07335 - S1116 W07131 - S1323 W06921 - S1407 W07038 - S1245 W07147 - S1233 W07302 - S1021 W07542 - S0916 W07529 TOP FL450 MOV NE NC=  406 WSCN01 CWAO 221016 CZVR SIGMET A3 VALID 221015/221415 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5055 W12852 - N5001 W12749 SFC/FL030 QS NC=  407 WSCN21 CWAO 221016 CZVR SIGMET A3 VALID 221015/221415 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5055 W12852/60 W CYZT - /N5001 W12749/45 SW CYZT SFC/FL030 QS NC RMK GFACN31=  859 WSCI37 ZLXY 221013 ZLHW SIGMET 2 VALID 221050/221450 ZLXY- ZLHW LANZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N38 E100 - N32 E100 - N33 E105 - N38 E106 TOP FL250 MOV E 30KMH WKN=  324 WAUS43 KKCI 221017 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 221017 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE FROM 70SW RAP TO 70S RAP TO 60WSW ANW TO 50E AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...KY TN FROM 40NE LOZ TO 50WSW BKW TO 20SSW HMV TO 40SSW VXV TO GQO TO 40S LOZ TO 40WNW LOZ TO 40NE LOZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...SD NE MN IA...UPDT FROM 70SW BRD TO 30ENE RWF TO 40NW FOD TO OBH TO 20E ANW TO 50WNW FSD TO 60WNW RWF TO 70SW BRD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MN WI LS MI...UPDT FROM 40ESE YQT TO 20NW SSM TO 20SE SAW TO 50WSW SAW TO 20NNW RHI TO 50NE MSP TO 30ENE RWF TO 70SW BRD TO BRD TO 50NE DLH TO 60SSW YQT TO 40ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR SD MN IA WI BOUNDED BY 30SSW BRD-30SSE MSP-30SSE ODI-40SW DBQ-30S FOD-20E OVR-70ESE ABR-30SSW BRD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  325 WAUS46 KKCI 221017 AAA WA6S SFOS WA 221017 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 20SSE PYE TO RZS TO 20WNW LAX TO 30S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 130WSW SNS TO 20SSE PYE CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 40W OED TO 50E FOT TO 50S FOT TO 30WNW FOT TO 80W OED TO 40W OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SW YDC TO 40ESE SEA TO 50S HQM TO 20W TOU TO 30W HUH TO 30SW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA FROM 30SSE EUG TO 50WSW RBL TO 40SSW FOT TO 70SSW ONP TO 30SSE EUG MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30SW MOD TO 30WNW LAX TO 40SW RZS TO 50SSW OAK TO 30SW MOD MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 50WSW HEC TO 60S TRM TO 30S MZB TO 40NW MZB TO 30WNW LAX TO 50WSW HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30N TOU-40WNW SEA-60NNW ONP-150SW ONP-120WNW ONP- 140WSW TOU-110W TOU-50WNW TOU-30N TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  577 WSMC31 GMMC 221017 GMMM SIGMET W2 VALID 221030/221430 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE N3336 W00348 - N3122 W007 36 - N2946 W00735 FL050/140 STNR WKN=  856 WSAG31 SACO 221023 SACF SIGMET 2 VALID 221023/221423 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1023Z WI S2825 W06116 - S2753 W06525 - S2709 W06815 - S2825 W06937 - S3300 W06603 - S3353 W06420 - S3404 W06322 - S3259 W06218 - S3153 W06133 - S3104 W06128 - S3001 W06012 - S2821 W06122 - S2825 W06116 FL050/230 MOV NE 05KT INTSF=  719 WSAG31 SACO 221023 SACF SIGMET 2 VALID 221023/221423 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1023Z WI S2825 W06116 - S2753 W06525 - S2709 W06815 - S2825 W06937 - S3300 W06603 - S3353 W06420 - S3404 W06322 - S3259 W06218 - S3153 W06133 - S3104 W06128 - S3001 W06012 - S2821 W06122 - S2825 W06116 FL050/230 MOV NE 05KT INTSF=  827 WHUS76 KMTR 221021 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ535-221130- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0068.000000T0000Z-190422T1000Z/ Monterey Bay- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Winds have fallen below advisory criteria. $$ PZZ570-221830- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-221830- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-221830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 12 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-221830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-221830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-221830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-221830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-221830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 321 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  718 WWUS75 KLKN 221022 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 322 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NVZ040-230200- /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0011.190422T1800Z-190423T0200Z/ Northwestern Nye County- 322 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...North to northeast winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts to 50 mph * TIMING...The strongest winds will be late this afternoon and early this evening. * IMPACTS...The strong winds will blow away loose and unanchored property as well as make travel difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A wind advisory means that sustained winds of 30 mph with gusts in excess of 45 mph are expected. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ JR  100 WSZA21 FAOR 221047 FACA SIGMET D01 VALID 221023/221400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01656 - S3030 E01852 - S3108 E01854 - S3346 E02136 - S3208 E01758 FL250/360=  101 WSZA21 FAOR 221048 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 221023/221400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2730 E01601 - S2730 E01846 - S3030 E01852 - S3030 E01656 - S2926 E01615 FL250/360=  827 WWCN10 CWUL 221018 STORM SURGE WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:18 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STORM SURGE WARNING FOR: QUEBEC AREA COTE-DE-BEAUPRE - L'ILE D'ORLEANS AREA BELLECHASSE AREA LEVIS AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGHER THAN NORMAL WATER LEVELS ARE EXPECTED NEAR THE COAST MONDAY MORNING AND TUESDAY MORNING. WARNING OF POTENTIAL COASTAL FLOOD CONDITIONS ISSUED JOINTLY BY FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA (SCIENCE) AND THE METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGION ON 2019-04-21. A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM DEVELOPING TONIGHT WILL SLOWLY TRACK UP THE US EASTERN SEABOARD OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. IT WILL CAUSE MODERATE TO STRONG WINDS TO BLOW OVER THE CITY QUEBEC'S REGION. THESE WINDS COMBINED WITH THE HIGH FLOWS OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND THE FACT THAT WE ARE CURRENTLY IN A PERIOD OF HIGH TIDAL RANGE MIGHT CAUSE MINOR FLOODING ALONG THE COAST NEAR THE FOLLOWING LOCALITIES AT THE DATES AND TIMES SPECIFIED (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME). CITY OF QUEBEC: 2019-04-22, FROM 08:00 AM TO 11:00 AM. CITY OF QUEBEC: 2019-04-23, FROM 09:00 AM TO 12:00 PM. COASTAL EROSION IS POSSIBLE IN VULNERABLE AREAS. PEOPLE CLOSE TO THE SHORELINE SHOULD STAY ON THE LOOKOUT FOR WORSENING CONDITIONS. STORM SURGE WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WATER LEVELS POSE A THREAT TO COASTAL REGIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  966 WVID21 WAAA 221022 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 221030/221630 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1030Z WI N0139 E12753 - N0141 E12755 - N0219 E12723 - N 0224 E12659 - N0209 E12657 - N0143 E12721 - N0139 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1630Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0143 E12755 - N0205 E12729 - N0149 E 12716 - N0128 E12727 - N0139 E12754=  716 WSBZ01 SBBR 221000 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  717 WSBZ01 SBBR 221000 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  718 WSBZ01 SBBR 221000 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0342 W06808 - S0431 W06547 - S0549 W06624 - S0500 W06847 - S0342 W06808 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  719 WSBZ01 SBBR 221000 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1157 W05747 - S0823 W05035 - S0118 W05533 - S0046 W06051 - S0446 W06202 - S1157 W05747 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  213 WVID21 WAAA 221022 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 221030/221630 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1030Z WI N0139 E12753 - N0141 E12755 - N0219 E12723 - N 0224 E12659 - N0209 E12657 - N0143 E12721 - N0139 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1630Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0143 E12755 - N0205 E12729 - N0149 E 12716 - N0128 E12727 - N0139 E12754=  132 WVID21 WAAA 221022 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 221030/221630 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1030Z WI N0139 E12753 - N0141 E12755 - N0219 E12723 - N 0224 E12659 - N0209 E12657 - N0143 E12721 - N0139 E12753 SFC/FL070 FCST AT 1630Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0143 E12755 - N0205 E12729 - N0149 E 12716 - N0128 E12727 - N0139 E12754=  618 WGUS81 KBTV 221025 FLSBTV Flood Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 625 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Vermont... Passumpsic River at Passumpsic ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Vermont... Barton River Near Coventry ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in New York...Vermont... Lake Champlain At Rouses Point PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message... If you live or travel near streams and rivers seek higher ground immediately at first signs of rising water. Obey all road closure signs, they are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don't drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to noaa weather radio, or by visiting our web site at: weather.gov. && NYC019-031-115-VTC001-007-011-013-021-231124- /O.CON.KBTV.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ROUN6.1.ER.190421T1115Z.190425T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 625 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Lake Champlain At Rouses Point. * At 6:00 AM Monday the stage was 100.2 feet. * Flood stage is 100.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 100.5 feet by early Thursday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 101.0 feet...Flooding affects low lying roads and properties, and wind and wave action can compound flooding on exposed shorelines. Portions of the Burlington waterfront will flood, including the King Street ferry dock and Perkins Pier. && LAT...LON 4501 7347 4501 7306 4361 7328 4360 7348 $$ VTC019-231124- /O.EXT.KBTV.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /COVV1.1.ER.190420T0900Z.190420T2215Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 625 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Barton River Near Coventry. * At 5:30 AM Monday the stage was 8.7 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain nearly steady around 8.7 feet through Monday evening. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Maple Street and River Road between Orleans and Coventry Station will flood. There will be extensive field and lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4490 7226 4490 7217 4483 7216 4478 7207 4476 7224 $$ VTC005-221055- /O.CAN.KBTV.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ /PASV1.2.ER.190420T2125Z.190421T0515Z.190422T0950Z.NO/ 625 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Passumpsic River at Passumpsic. * At 6:15 AM Monday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 5:50 AM Monday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 12.6 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Low lying trailer homes near the river will see some minor flooding. && LAT...LON 4460 7207 4460 7196 4433 7199 4428 7208 $$  651 WVEQ31 SEGU 221025 SEFG SIGMET 2 VALID 221025/221625 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0940Z SFC/FL170 WI N0010 W07753 - S0004 W07739 - N0003 W07759 - N0010 W07753 MOV NW 10KT FCST VA CLD 1530Z WI N0011 W07752 - S0004 W07739 - N0003 W07759 - N0011 W07752=  028 WANO35 ENMI 221030 ENBD AIRMET D03 VALID 221100/221500 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6520 E01430 - N6540 E01200 - N6810 E01245 - N7000 E01750 - N6920 E02115 - N6520 E01430 3000FT/FL150 MOV NE 25KT NC=  029 WSRS31 RUSF 221029 URFV SIGMET 2 VALID 221200/221600 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  000 WXFJ02 NFFN 221030 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY FOUR FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 10.30PM ON MONDAY THE 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER. FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND VITI LEVU; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAVOLAU STATION OF THE UPPER REWA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF KOROVOU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAYAVU STATION OF THE WAINIBUKA RIVER. LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 4.18M AT 10.00PM WHICH IS 0.68M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAYAVU STATION WAS 7.1M AT 10.00PM WHICH IS 1.1M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAVOLAU STATION WAS 6.92M AT 10.00PM WHICH IS 0.92M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND INCREASING; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 2.84M AT 10.00PM WHICH IS 0.34M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME LOW 0.68M 02.40AM HIGH 2.05M 08.54AM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 1.30AM OR EARLIER.  953 WVHO31 MHTG 221030 MHTG SIGMET B3 VALID 221030/221630 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA FUEGO PSN N1428 W09052 VA CLD OBS AT 0950Z SFC/FL140 N1431 W09052 - N1358 W09121 N1414 W09138 MOV SW 10KT FCST CLD VA 1600Z SFC/FL140 N1431 W09052 N1357 W09121 - N1414 W09137=  233 WSCI34 ZSSS 221032 ZSHA SIGMET 3 VALID 221100/221500 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N30 AND E OF E117 TOP FL340 MOV E 30KMH NC=  520 WSTA31 UTDD 221033 UTDD SIGMET 3 VALID 221100/221500 UTDD- UTDD DUSHANBE FIR EMBD TSGR FCST TOP FL340 MOV NE 20 KMH NC=  331 WSFR34 LFPW 221034 LFMM SIGMET 5 VALID 221100/221500 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4515 E00700 - N4400 E00700 - N4315 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4230 E00430 - N4515 E00700 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  332 WSAG31 SABE 221038 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 221038/221438 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1038Z WI S3302 W06237 - S3420 W05914 - S3549 W05949 - S3556 W06448 - S3357 W06433 - S3406 W06316 - S3302 W06237 FL280/320 STNR NC=  935 WSAG31 SABE 221038 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 221038/221438 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1038Z WI S3302 W06237 - S3420 W05914 - S3549 W05949 - S3556 W06448 - S3357 W06433 - S3406 W06316 - S3302 W06237 FL280/320 STNR NC=  922 WAIY31 LIIB 221035 LIMM AIRMET 17 VALID 221040/221240 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4601 E00710 - N4329 E01220 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  433 WAIY31 LIIB 221037 LIMM AIRMET 18 VALID 221040/221240 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4432 E00835 - N4348 E00727 - N4308 E00949 - N4331 E01010 - N4423 E00911 - N4432 E00835 STNR NC=  228 WSBW20 VGHS 221030 VGFR SIGMET 04 VALID 221200/221600 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL340 MOV ESE NC=  019 WHUS76 KLOX 221038 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 338 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ670-221845- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 338 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ673-221845- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 338 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-221845- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 338 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  573 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221038 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 221040/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0102 W04811 - N0041 W04958 - S0011 W05021 - S0027 W04916 - N0102 W04811 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  445 WAIY31 LIIB 221039 LIMM AIRMET 19 VALID 221040/221240 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4632 E00928 - N4630 E00821 - N4552 E00642 - N4508 E00633 - N4420 E00641 - N4341 E00739 - N4422 E00834 - N4441 E00721 - N4523 E00750 - N4534 E00911 - N4632 E00928 STNR NC=  838 WABZ23 SBAZ 221041 SBAZ AIRMET 1 VALID 221043/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 90 0M FG OBS AT 1000Z WI S0345 W04948 - S0343 W04941 - S0350 W04938 - S035 2 W04945 - S0345 W04948 STNR NC=  547 WGUS81 KCLE 221045 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 645 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Ohio... Portage River At Woodville ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Scioto River Near Prospect PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC143-173-221115- /O.CAN.KCLE.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /WDVO1.1.ER.190419T2317Z.190421T1530Z.190422T0839Z.NO/ 645 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Portage River At Woodville. * At 6:30 AM Monday the stage was...8.5 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * At 9.0 feet...The river inundates lower portions of Trail Marker Park and is out of banks in Pemberville. && LAT...LON 4136 8354 4148 8334 4143 8334 4135 8349 $$ OHC101-221844- /O.CON.KCLE.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190423T0925Z/ /PRGO1.1.ER.190421T1710Z.190422T1200Z.190423T0325Z.NO/ 645 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Scioto River Near Prospect. * Until late tonight. * At 6:00 AM Monday the stage was...10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river will rise to near 10.1 feet this morning. The river will fall below flood stage tonight. * At 10.0 feet...Highway 203 is inaccessible north of Prospect. Flooding occurs near Elm Street in northern parts of Prospect. && LAT...LON 4052 8324 4055 8318 4044 8317 4044 8324 $$  988 WSCN22 CWAO 221048 CZEG SIGMET D1 VALID 221045/221445 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF /N6650 W13608/45 SW CZFM SFC/FL040 QS NC RMK GFACN35=  989 WSCN02 CWAO 221048 CZEG SIGMET D1 VALID 221045/221445 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF N6650 W13608 SFC/FL040 QS NC=  793 WSRA31 RUKR 221050 UNKL SIGMET 1 VALID 221200/221600 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6833 E08320 - N6806 E08600 - N6720 E09200 - N6728 E09432 - N6252 E09337 - N6327 E08448 - N6633 E08247 - N6801 E08052 - N6833 E08320 SFC/FL100 MOV E 30KMH NC=  749 WSCR31 LEMM 221048 GCCC SIGMET 2 VALID 221200/221600 GCGC- GCCC CANARIAS UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N2820 W01810 - N2620 W01320 - N2540 W01340 - N2730 W01850 - N2820 W01810 FL300/360 MOV SE WKN=  173 WSBZ31 SBBS 221050 SBBS SIGMET 1 VALID 221050/221450 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1500 W04823 - S1428 W04634 - S1615 W04521 - S1631 W04615 - S1607 W04814 - S1500 W04823 TOP FL450 STNR I NTSF=  826 WSBZ01 SBBR 221000 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 221040/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04811 - N0041 W04958 - S0011 W05021 - S0027 W04916 - N0102 W04811 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  621 WSBZ31 SBBS 221051 SBBS SIGMET 2 VALID 221050/221450 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1333 W05239 - S1337 W05136 - S1449 W05144 - S1443 W05242 - S1333 W05239 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  175 WSUS32 KKCI 221055 SIGC MKCC WST 221055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37C VALID UNTIL 1255Z MI WI LS LM FROM 20ENE DLH-20WNW SSM-50SSE SAW-50NNW EAU-20ENE DLH AREA EMBD TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL240. CELL MOVE FROM 26045KT. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38C VALID UNTIL 1255Z WI MN IA NE SD FROM 40W DLH-40NNW EAU-10NW FOD-40SSW ONL-60N ONL-40W DLH AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL390. OUTLOOK VALID 221255-221655 FROM 30NNE DLH-SSM-60SSE SAW-IOW-40NW PWE-60NNW ONL-30NNE DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  176 WSUS31 KKCI 221055 SIGE MKCE WST 221055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221255-221655 FROM ACK-170S ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-140E ILM-60SSE SBY-40E CYN-ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  314 WSUS33 KKCI 221055 SIGW MKCW WST 221055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221255-221655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  667 WSAJ31 UBBB 221056 UBBB SIGMET 3 VALID 221100/221500 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST TOP FL390 MOV NE 40KT NC=  275 WHUS71 KAKQ 221058 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 658 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ630>632-634>638-221600- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0045.190422T1058Z-190422T1600Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA- Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA- Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA- Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel- Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point-York River- James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge- James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge- Tunnel- 658 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EDT TODAY... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until noon EDT today. * Wind: NW 15 to 20 kt, diminishing to 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. * Waves: 2 to 3 ft on the Chesapeake Bay and around 2 ft on the Virginia Rivers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots over the chesapeake bay and the rivers of eastern virginia are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$  934 WGUS43 KMQT 221100 FLWMQT BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Marquette MI 700 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Black River near Bessemer affecting Gogebic County .Rainfall of 1.25 to 1.5 inches has occurred in the Black River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will push the river past flood stage. Rain will diminish tonight, but the river is not expected to fall back below flood stage until later tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 11 AM CDT. && MIC053-230059- /O.NEW.KMQT.FL.W.0009.190422T1525Z-190423T2136Z/ /BESM4.1.RS.190422T1525Z.190422T1800Z.190422T2136Z.NO/ 600 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a * Flood Warning for The Black River near Bessemer. * from this morning to Tuesday afternoon. * At 5:00 AM Monday the stage was 9.2 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by late this morning and continue to rise to near 10.3 feet by this afternoon.the river will fall below flood stage by late this afternoon. * At 10.0 feet...Which is flood stage...water impacts low lying areas of properties along Black River Road and Hedberg Road. && LAT...LON 4649 9000 4649 9014 4665 9010 4667 9005 4669 9000 4657 8998 $$  299 WHUS72 KMHX 221100 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 700 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AMZ152-154-221200- /O.CAN.KMHX.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190422T1200Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 700 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Seas have subsided below 6 feet. $$  856 WSMS31 WMKK 221102 WBFC SIGMET B02 VALID 221105/221335 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N0237 AND W OF E11137 TOP FL520 MOV N NC=  931 WSTH31 VTBS 221105 VTBB SIGMET 04 VALID 221105/221405 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1422 E10307 - N1327 E10218 - N1421 E10151 - N1503 E10241 - N1422 E10307 TOP FL510 MOV NNE 05KT NC=  417 WSIY32 LIIB 221107 LIRR SIGMET 4 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3900 E00805 - N4250 E01304 - N4122 E01423 - N4107 E01507 - N3859 E01622 - N3626 E01708 - N3628 E01129 - N3728 E01128 - N3900 E00805 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  418 WSIY33 LIIB 221107 LIBB SIGMET 2 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4252 E01529 - N4157 E01357 - N4125 E01427 - N4111 E01507 - N3912 E01621 - N4035 E01859 - N4106 E01850 - N4252 E01529 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  805 WAIY32 LIIB 221107 LIRR AIRMET 7 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SFC WSPD 45KT FCST WI N4118 E00822 - N4021 E00948 - N3857 E00804 - N3725 E01129 - N3628 E01128 - N3629 E01858 - N3851 E01854 - N3857 E01629 - N4012 E01532 - N4322 E01021 - N4120 E00948 - N4118 E00822 STNR NC=  095 WAIY33 LIIB 221107 LIBB AIRMET 5 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4247 E01537 - N4204 E01444 - N4021 E01716 - N3856 E01630 - N3857 E01856 - N4106 E01854 - N4247 E01537 STNR NC=  595 WAIY32 LIIB 221108 LIRR AIRMET 8 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  596 WAIY33 LIIB 221108 LIBB AIRMET 6 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST S OF LINE N4223 E01327 - N4235 E01623 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  551 WAIY32 LIIB 221109 LIRR AIRMET 9 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4338 E01148 - N4331 E01324 - N4258 E01306 - N4125 E01422 - N4108 E01511 - N3856 E01622 - N3755 E01558 - N3734 E01304 - N3802 E01242 - N3814 E01545 - N3900 E01610 - N4003 E01537 - N4338 E01033 - N4338 E01148 STNR NC=  756 WWAK73 PAFG 221104 NPWAFG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 304 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ221-221215- /O.CAN.PAFG.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190422T1400Z/ Central Interior- Including Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, and Livengood 304 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Fairbanks has cancelled the Wind Advisory. Winds have died down.. $$ AKZ218-222000- /O.EXT.PAFG.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Southeastern Brooks Range- Including Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT Camp, and Iniakuk Lake 304 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. * TIMING...Gusty winds will continue through Tuesday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that strong winds are occurring or expected. Travel may be difficult. Secure loose objects which may be blown about by the wind. && $$ AKZ219-222000- /O.CON.PAFG.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ Upper Koyukuk Valley- Including Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Caribou Mountain, and Gobblers Knob 304 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKDT TODAY... * WINDS...East winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. * TIMING...Gusty winds will continue through noon on today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that strong winds are occurring or expected. Travel may be difficult. Secure loose objects which may be blown about by the wind. && $$ AKZ220-222000- /O.CON.PAFG.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ Yukon Flats and Surrounding Uplands- Including Fort Yukon, Venetie, Central, Circle, Stevens Village, Beaver, Chalkyitsik, Birch Creek, Circle Hot Springs, Eagle Summit, and Twelvemile Summit 304 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKDT TODAY... * LOCATION...Higher terrain and Dalton Highway Summits * WINDS...East winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. * TIMING...Winds will increase this evening and continue through noon Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that strong winds are occurring or expected. Travel may be difficult. Secure loose objects which may be blown about by the wind. && $$  987 WAIY33 LIIB 221109 LIBB AIRMET 7 VALID 221205/221605 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4330 E01325 - N4253 E01303 - N4123 E01426 - N4110 E01509 - N3856 E01631 - N3858 E01708 - N4122 E01531 - N4330 E01325 STNR NC=  272 WWIN81 VOTR 221102 VOTR 221045Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 221100/221500 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 120 DEG FCST NC=  397 WSSC31 FSIA 221100 FSSS SIGMET 03 VALID 221050/221450 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 E05106 - S1000 E04806 - S0837 E04824 - S0845 E05130 - S1000 E05106 TOP ABV FL390 NC=  571 WSSD20 OEJD 221112 OEJD SIGMET 02 VALID 221130/221530 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N2750 E OF E45 N OF N19 MOV S INTSF=  228 WSSD20 OEJD 221112 OEJD SIGMET 02 VALID 221130/221530 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N2750 E OF E45 N OF N19 MOV S INTSF=  375 WSLB31 OLBA 221120 OLBA SIGMET 1 VALID 221120/221520 OLBA- OLBA BEIRUT FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST W OF OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL240 MOV NE NC=  753 WSUS01 KKCI 221120 WS1R BOSR WS 221120 SIGMET ROMEO 4 VALID UNTIL 221520 ME NH VT NY FROM 60WNW PQI TO PQI TO 30WNW BGR TO ALB TO 40E MSS TO 30ESE YSC TO 60WNW PQI OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL260 AND FL360. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. CONDS ENDG 1520Z. ....  673 WWCN01 CYQQ 221122 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COMOX PREPARED BY MSC METOC ESQUIMALT AT 4.22 AM PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. LOCATION: CFB COMOX (CYQQ) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WINDS SOUTHEAST 20 GUSTING 30 TO 35 KNOTS DEVELOPING LATER THIS MORNING. VALID: 22/1600Z TO 23/0100Z (22/0900 TO 22/1800 PDT) COMMENTS: A FRONTAL SYSTEM WILL APPROACH AND MOVE ACROSS VANCOUVER ISLAND TODAY GENERATING STRONG SOUTHEAST WINDS OVER COMOX. OCCASIONAL GUSTS OF 30 TO 35 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED TO BEGIN LATER THIS MORNING AND CONTINUE UNTIL EARLY THIS EVENING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 22/2330Z (22/1630 PDT) END/METOC-ESQUIMALT  268 WSUK33 EGRR 221122 EGPX SIGMET 01 VALID 221125/221525 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR SEV MTW OBS WI N5634 W00114 - N5617 W00808 - N5823 W00736 - N6100 W00644 - N6100 W00028 - N5634 W00114 FL040/100 STNR NC=  121 WSTH31 VTBS 221125 VTBB SIGMET 05 VALID 221125/221425 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1445 E10035 - N1415 E09936 - N1443 E09841 - N1633 E09908 - N1641 E10006 - N1445 E10035 TOP FL520 MOV NE 05KT NC=  719 WAUS44 KKCI 221123 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 221123 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ACT TO 20NNW IAH TO 50S CRP TO 50SE LRD TO 40SE DLF TO 40NE DLF TO 60WSW ACT TO 20NNE ACT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TN KY FROM 40NE LOZ TO 50WSW BKW TO 20SSW HMV TO 40SSW VXV TO GQO TO 40S LOZ TO 40WNW LOZ TO 40NE LOZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...AL...UPDT FROM 30SSE VUZ TO 40SE LGC TO 40W PZD TO 30WNW MGM TO 30SSE VUZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... ....  720 WAUS42 KKCI 221123 AAA WA2S MIAS WA 221123 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...SC GA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 30ESE IRQ TO 20S SAV TO 30NE CRG TO 30NW CRG TO 40WSW SAV TO 30SW IRQ TO 30ESE IRQ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... ....  721 WAUS46 KKCI 221123 AAB WA6S SFOS WA 221123 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSE PYE TO RZS TO 20WNW LAX TO 30S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 130WSW SNS TO 20SSE PYE CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 60SSE HQM TO 30SSW BTG TO 40NE FOT TO 40NW RBL TO 60SSW FOT TO 50NNW FOT TO 80W OED TO 20NNW ONP TO 60SSE HQM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 30SW YDC TO 40ESE SEA TO 50S HQM TO 20W TOU TO 30W HUH TO 30SW YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA FROM 30SSE EUG TO 50WSW RBL TO 40SSW FOT TO 70SSW ONP TO 30SSE EUG MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 30SW MOD TO 30WNW LAX TO 40SW RZS TO 50SSW OAK TO 30SW MOD MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 50WSW HEC TO 60S TRM TO 30S MZB TO 40NW MZB TO 30WNW LAX TO 50WSW HEC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...IFR WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30N TOU-40WNW SEA-60NNW ONP-150SW ONP-120WNW ONP- 140WSW TOU-110W TOU-50WNW TOU-30N TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  722 WAUS45 KKCI 221123 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 221123 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO NM FROM BIL TO 80ENE CZI TO BFF TO 50E AKO TO 40WSW GLD TO 20NNW PUB TO 20NNE CIM TO 20NNE HBU TO 50NE DBL TO 40NNW CHE TO 60SW CHE TO 50ESE MTU TO 50SSW OCS TO 50SSE MLD TO 40ENE DBS TO BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET IFR...NV UT...UPDT FROM 20SW SLC TO 40NE DTA TO 50ENE ELY TO 40SE ELY TO 60W ELY TO 70E BAM TO 20SW SLC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 30W HLN TO 40ENE BIL TO 20ENE DDY TO 20N CYS TO 60ESE CIM TO 30WNW CIM TO 30SSW CHE TO 40SSE BCE TO 70NE OAL TO 40SSW LKT TO 30W HLN MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  916 WSBZ01 SBBR 221100 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1157 W05747 - S0823 W05035 - S0118 W05533 - S0046 W06051 - S0446 W06202 - S1157 W05747 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  917 WSBZ01 SBBR 221100 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  918 WSBZ01 SBBR 221100 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0342 W06808 - S0431 W06547 - S0549 W06624 - S0500 W06847 - S0342 W06808 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  919 WSBZ01 SBBR 221100 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  920 WSBZ01 SBBR 221100 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 221040/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04811 - N0041 W04958 - S0011 W05021 - S0027 W04916 - N0102 W04811 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  145 WWAK43 PAFG 221125 WSWAFG URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 325 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ220-230300- /O.EXT.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190423T0200Z-190424T1200Z/ Yukon Flats and Surrounding Uplands- Including Fort Yukon, Venetie, Central, Circle, Stevens Village, Beaver, Chalkyitsik, Birch Creek, Circle Hot Springs, Eagle Summit, and Twelvemile Summit 325 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Higher terrain south of Beaver including the Dalton and Steese Highway Summits. * WHEN...6 PM today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ221-230300- /O.EXT.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190423T0200Z-190424T1200Z/ Central Interior- Including Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, and Livengood 325 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 9 inches are expected. * WHERE...Central Interior with the heaviest snow accumulations along the Elliott Highway * WHEN...6 PM today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ222-230300- /O.EXT.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190423T0600Z-190424T1200Z/ Middle Tanana Valley- Including Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, and Sourdough Camp 325 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 9 inches are expected. * WHERE...Middle Tanana Valley with the heaviest snow accumulations in the hills north of Fairbanks. * WHEN...10 PM today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. Rain and snow is expected to develop late this afternoon and then change to snow Monday evening at valley level. Expect 3 to 6 inches of wet heavy snow to accumulate a valley level and 6 to 9 inches of wet heavy snow to accumulate in the hills and over the highway summits north of Fairbanks through noon on morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ224-230300- /O.EXT.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190422T2000Z-190424T1200Z/ Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country- Including Tok, Tanacross, Eagle, Tetlin, Northway, Alcan, Chicken, and Boundary 325 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country with the heaviest snow accumulations expected along the Taylor Highway. * WHEN...Noon today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...1 to 3 inches of snow are expected to accumulation in the Upper Tanana Valley and along the Alaska Highway however winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause areas of blowing snow especially west of Tok. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ226-230300- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0086.190423T0200Z-190423T1400Z/ Eastern Alaska Range- Including Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 325 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches, with localized amounts up to 4 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Eastern Alaska Range. * WHEN...6 PM Monday to 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  810 WSNT08 KKCI 221126 SIGA0H KZWY SIGMET HOTEL 2 VALID 221126/221410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET HOTEL 1 221010/221410.  440 WSCN24 CWAO 221127 CZYZ SIGMET C2 VALID 221125/221525 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICG (FZRA) FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N4839 W08318/45 N CYLD - /N4808 W07937/30 N CYXR SFC/FL025 QS WKNG RMK GFACN33=  441 WSCN04 CWAO 221127 CZYZ SIGMET C2 VALID 221125/221525 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICG (FZRA) FCST WTN 30 NM OF LINE N4839 W08318 - N4808 W07937 SFC/FL025 QS WKNG=  780 WSKY31 UCFM 221129 UCFM SIGMET 2 VALID 221130/221330 UCFM- UCFM BISHKEK FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 1125Z WI-10KM N4206 E07329 TOP FL220 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  112 WOAU03 AMMC 221130 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1130UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 42S125E 45S128E 49S130E 51S127E to low 978hPa near 53S128E. Forecast 45S134E 50S134E 51S132E to low 969hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC, 47S141E 50S141E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC, 50S150E 55S150E 54S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC, 46S153E 56S157E 59S154E to low 962hPa near 58S147E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S125E 45S119E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 61S140E 58S159E 52S157E 43S125E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front turning westerly quarter 30/40 knots within 540nm west of front. Clockwise winds 34/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle by 222100UTC, and increasing to 45/55 knots by 230300UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high to very high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell.  113 WOAU43 AMMC 221130 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1130UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 42S125E 45S128E 49S130E 51S127E to low 978hPa near 53S128E. Forecast 45S134E 50S134E 51S132E to low 969hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC, 47S141E 50S141E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC, 50S150E 55S150E 54S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC, 46S153E 56S157E 59S154E to low 962hPa near 58S147E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S125E 45S119E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 61S140E 58S159E 52S157E 43S125E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front turning westerly quarter 30/40 knots within 540nm west of front. Clockwise winds 34/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle by 222100UTC, and increasing to 45/55 knots by 230300UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high to very high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell.  114 WOAU13 AMMC 221130 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1130UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 42S125E 45S128E 49S130E 51S127E to low 978hPa near 53S128E. Forecast 45S134E 50S134E 51S132E to low 969hPa near 55S131E at 221800UTC, 47S141E 50S141E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC, 50S150E 55S150E 54S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC, 46S153E 56S157E 59S154E to low 962hPa near 58S147E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S125E 45S119E 52S122E 55S129E 58S130E 61S140E 58S159E 52S157E 43S125E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front turning westerly quarter 30/40 knots within 540nm west of front. Clockwise winds 34/47 knots developing within 180nm of low in northwest semicircle by 222100UTC, and increasing to 45/55 knots by 230300UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high to very high within 180nm of low from 222100UTC. Moderate to heavy swell.  604 WSNT09 KKCI 221130 SIGA0I KZWY SIGMET INDIA 2 VALID 221130/221410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET INDIA 1 221010/221410.  088 WSNT11 KKCI 221130 SIGA0K KZWY SIGMET KILO 1 VALID 221130/221530 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1130Z WI N3845 W07230 - N3730 W07030 - N3545 W07100 - N3545 W07345 - N3715 W07400 - N3845 W07230. TOP FL260. STNR. INTSF.  575 WSNT07 KKCI 221130 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 4 VALID 221130/221530 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1130Z WI N3200 W04700 - N3115 W04400 - N2800 W04115 - N2430 W04145 - N2415 W04900 - N2845 W05030 - N3200 W04700. TOP FL400. STNR. NC.  987 WSNT10 KKCI 221130 SIGA0J KZWY KZMA SIGMET JULIETT 19 VALID 221130/221530 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1130Z WI N3630 W06815 - N3530 W06600 - N2630 W06845 - N2415 W06700 - N2345 W06930 - N2700 W07145 - N3630 W06815. TOP FL420. MOV NNE 10KT. NC.  735 WWAK41 PAFG 221133 WSWNSB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ201-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.190422T2000Z-190424T0200Z/ Western Arctic Coast- Including Wainwright, Atqasuk, Point Lay, and Cape Lisburne 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Western Arctic Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind gusts to 55 mph expected west of Point Lay to Cape Lisburne. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ202-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.190422T2000Z-190424T0200Z/ Northern Arctic Coast- Including Utqiagvik, Alaktak, Pitt Point, and Nulavik 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Northern Arctic Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ203-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.190422T2000Z-190424T0200Z/ Central Beaufort Sea Coast- Including Nuiqsut, Prudhoe Bay, Alpine, Deadhorse, and Kuparuk 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Central Beaufort Sea Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ204-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.190422T2000Z-190424T0200Z/ Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast- Including Kaktovik and Flaxman Island 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ205-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.190422T2000Z-190424T0200Z/ Northwestern Brooks Range- Including Singiluk and Umiat 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Northwestern Brooks Range. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 35 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ206-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.190422T2000Z-190424T0200Z/ Northeastern Brooks Range- Including Anaktuvuk Pass, Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, and Franklin Bluffs 333 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Northeastern Brooks Range including Dalton Highway. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  813 WAUR32 UKLW 221133 UKLV AIRMET 1 VALID 221133/221220 UKLW- UKLV LVIV FIR ISOL TS OBS AT 1125Z N4854 E02228 TOP ABV 3050M MOV NW 30KMH NC=  497 WSIR31 OIII 221135 OIIX SIGMET 14 VALID 221130/221330 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3523 E04738 - N3745 E04947 - N3633 E05347 - N3413 E05217 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  045 WABZ23 SBAZ 221138 SBAZ AIRMET 2 VALID 221140/221340 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 60 0M FG FCST Z WI S0448 W06524 - S0448 W06518 - S0455 W06518 - S0455 W06525 - S0448 W06524 STNR NC=  046 WABZ23 SBAZ 221138 SBAZ AIRMET 3 VALID 221140/221340 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 10 00M VCFG FCST Z WI S1224 W05544 - S1223 W05537 - S1230 W05537 - S1230 W05543 - S1224 W05544 STNR NC=  840 WSIR31 OIII 221136 OIIX SIGMET 15 VALID 221135/221430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3038 E05103 - N3051 E05906 - N2738 E05930 - N2757 E05215 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  595 WHUS71 KLWX 221140 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 740 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ530>534-537>543-221800- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0074.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 740 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ535-536-221800- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0074.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- 740 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  428 WWIN81 VOMD 221139 VOMD 221115Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 221130/221530 TS WITH SFC WSPD 20KT FROM 150 DEG FCST NC=  284 WSUS32 KKCI 221155 SIGC MKCC WST 221155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39C VALID UNTIL 1355Z MI WI MN IA LS FROM 40W DLH-60NNW RHI-40E MCW-60ESE FSD-30NW RWF-40W DLH AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40C VALID UNTIL 1355Z MO IA FROM 30NNW DSM-40ENE OVR-40E PWE LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 221355-221755 FROM 30NNE DLH-SSM-60SSE SAW-IOW-40NW PWE-60NNW ONL-30NNE DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  285 WSUS33 KKCI 221155 SIGW MKCW WST 221155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221355-221755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  286 WSUS31 KKCI 221155 SIGE MKCE WST 221155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221355-221755 FROM ACK-170S ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-140E ILM-60SSE SBY-40E CYN-ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  974 WSID20 WIII 221148 WIIZ SIGMET 11 VALID 221148/221400 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0155 E09650 - S0219 E09553 - S0045 E09312 - N0050 E09225 - N0053 E09412 - N0058 E09617 - S0155 E09650 TOP FL520 MOV NNE 10KT NC=  438 WGUS83 KMQT 221149 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 749 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette is continuing the Flood Advisory for the Sturgeon River near Nahma Junction in Delta County... .Around a half inch of rain has occurred in the Sturgeon River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain is possible tonight combined with the snowmelt of the lingering snowpack in the far northern portion of the river basin. Rain will diminish Tuesday morning, but the river is expected to remain above bankfull through the week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Residents along these rivers should remain alert and exercise caution when walking near riverbanks. A Flood Advisory means minor flooding is possible and rivers are forecast to exceed bankfull. If you are in the advisory area remain alert to possible flooding...or the possibility of the advisory being upgraded to a warning. Report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information on to the National Weather Service. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite media outlet for further developments and information from the National Weather Service. && MIC041-232349- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NJNM4.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 749 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Sturgeon River near Nahma Junction * until further notice. * At 6 AM Monday the stage was 9.2 feet. * Bankfull stage is 8.0 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * At 10.0 feet...Water floods low lying areas along the river. This may include...parts of the Flowing Well Campground downstream of gauge site and the Ten Mile Rapids canoe launch upstream of the gauge site.. * At 8.0 feet...Water overflows the banks along the river. && LAT...LON 4602 8663 4587 8663 4584 8667 4585 8672 4600 8677 $$ JSS  077 WWCN19 CWVR 221149 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:49 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: DEMPSTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH GUSTY WINDS AND VISIBILITY FREQUENTLY NEAR ZERO IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS AFTERNOON. A STRONG PRESSURE GRADIENT AHEAD OF THIS APPROACHING LOW WILL CAUSE VERY STRONG WINDS, UP TO 80 KM/H WITH GUSTS TO 110 KM/H NEAR THE RICHARDSON MOUNTAINS. COMBINED WITH LIGHT SNOW, THESE WINDS WILL CAUSE EXTENSIVE BLOWING SNOW AND REDUCE VISIBILITY TO NEAR ZERO. THESE BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WILL PERSIST THROUGH TODAY, TONIGHT AND INTO TUESDAY. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. CONSIDER POSTPONING NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL UNTIL CONDITIONS IMPROVE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  337 WWAK42 PAFG 221150 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ214-230200- /O.UPG.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ /O.NEW.PAFG.BZ.W.0022.190422T1200Z-190423T0200Z/ Yukon Delta- Including Mountain Village, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St Marys, Scammon Bay, Marshall, Nunam Iqua, and Pitkas Point 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Travel will be very difficult to impossible. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Yukon Delta. * WHEN...4 AM to 6 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause whiteout conditions in blowing snow. Significant drifting of the snow is likely. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Blizzard Warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Falling and blowing snow with strong winds and poor visibilities are likely. This will lead to whiteout conditions, making travel extremely difficult. $$ AKZ207-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Chukchi Sea Coast- Including Point Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Espenberg 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Plan on areas of poor visibilities to create difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Chukchi Sea Coast. * WHEN...Until 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow reducing the visibility to one half mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ208-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Noatak, Kiana, and Red Dog Mine 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Plan on areas of poor visibilities to create difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow reducing the visibility to one half mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ212-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ Eastern Norton Sound and Nulato Hills- Including Unalakleet, Stebbins, St Michael, Elim, Koyuk, and Shaktoolik 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occurring. Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Eastern Norton Sound and Nulato Hills. * WHEN...Until 6 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ213-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait Coast- Including Gambell, Savoonga, Brevig Mission, Teller, Wales, and Diomede 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches, with localized amounts up to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait Coast. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ215-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ Lower Yukon Valley- Including Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow occuring. Plan on areas of poor visibilities to create difficult travel conditions at times. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are expected. * WHERE...Lower Yukon Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T2000Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, with localized amounts up to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Until noon Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will taper off this morning and develop again this evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-230200- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 350 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Plan on areas of poor visibilities and slick roadways to create difficult travel conditions at times. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$  191 WWAA02 SAWB 221200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 12:00 UTC 22, APRIL 2019. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 NO WARNINGS PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 958HPA 60S 25W MOV NE WKN RIDGE 59S 54W 64S 53W 71S 56W MOV E WKN 211400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 69-41S 020-00W 69-53S 027-07W 68-28S 03 20W 66-25S 04 27W 64-23S 036-14W 60-23S 045-15W 60-44S 050-17W 6 01S 055-15W 6 41S 057-05W 6 28S 06 09W 63-41S 063-58W 65-39S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B09F 56-52S 04 32W 17X3NM B16 6 54S 043-59W 16X6NM A57A 60-14S 054-06W 11X5NM B15AA 64-51S 040-31W 11X6NM B09J 57-10S 04 11W 12X1NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 59-44S 034-26W 6X3NM ICEBERG2 6 07S 030-21W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 09S 060-40W 3X1NM ICEBERG4 60-02S 049-24W 5X2NM ICEBERG5 55-06S 025-31W 6X1NM ICEBERG6 54-32S 024-18W 4X2NM ICEBERG7 56-50S 04 27W 4X1NM ICEBERG8 57-34S 04 11W 9X2NM ICEBERG9 59-28S 033-58W 4X1NM ICEBERG10 54-08S 025-42W 4X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 59-47S 058-06W 60-00S 04 35W 6 17S 04 17W 6 27S 06 39W B. 58-00S 054-04W 53-42S 038-53W 55-30S 03 58W 58-10S 035-15W 59-42S 046-10W C. 5 00S 048-34W 46-51S 029-23W 49-02S 025-17W 54-23S 043-26W D. 5 14S 033-07W 5 24S 020-00W 54-05S 020-00W 55-50S 029-34W E. 6 44S 039-44W 58-48S 035-23W 56-37S 02 41W 63-47S 029-30W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-04-23 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT : SECTOR W 4/5 FOG VIS VERY POOR TO POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : SECTOR W 4/5 ISOL FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : SECTOR W 3/4 ISOL FOG SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR TO POOR MARGARITA BAY : SECTOR N 3/4 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : VRB 3 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG MIST VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (60-66S 70-90W): SECTOR W 4/7 ISOL SNOW FALL IMPR STARTING THE MIDDLE OF THE PERIOD FOG VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (66-73S 70-90W): SECTOR N 5/7 TEMPO BACK SECTOR W 5/4 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA E OF 42W: SECTOR S 5/7 MIST FOG PATCHES SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 6/4 VEER VRB 3 ISOL FOG MIST SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA E OF 45W: SECTOR S 5/4 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG MIST VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 4 BACK SECTOR N 3/4 SNOW FALL FOG SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE -----------------------------------------------------------------  520 WWCN79 CWVR 221149 AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 04H49 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR: DEMPSTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== IL Y A OU IL Y AURA DU BLIZZARD AVEC DES VENTS SOUFFLANT EN RAFALES ET UNE VISIBILITE SOUVENT PRESQUE NULLE SOUS LA NEIGE ET DANS LA POUDRERIE. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION ENVAHIRA LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI. UN FORT GRADIENT DE PRESSION A L'AVANT DE LA DEPRESSION QUI APPROCHE OCCASIONNERA DES VENTS TRES FORTS, JUSQU'A 80 KM/H AVEC DES RAFALES A 110 KM/H PRES DES MONTS RICHARDSON. L'EFFET CONJOINT DE LA FAIBLE NEIGE ET DE CES VENTS PRODUIRA DE LA POUDRERIE GENERALISEE ET REDUIRA LA VISIBILITE A PRES DE ZERO. LE BLIZZARD PERSISTERA TOUTE LA JOURNEE AUJOURD'HUI, CE SOIR, CETTE NUIT ET MARDI. ON PEUT S'ATTENDRE A DES CONDITIONS ROUTIERES EXTREMEMENT DANGEREUSES EN RAISON DE LA VISIBILITE REDUITE. DES FERMETURES DE ROUTES SONT POSSIBLES. EVALUEZ LA POSSIBILITE DE RETARDER TOUT DEPLACEMENT NON ESSENTIEL JUSQU'A CE QUE LES CONDITIONS S'AMELIORENT. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  009 WWCN19 CWVR 221153 WIND WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:53 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: WHITEHORSE TESLIN ATLIN HAINES JUNCTION KLUANE LAKE CASSIAR MOUNTAINS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS AFTERNOON. STRONG SOUTHERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP LATE IN THE AFTERNOON WITH GUSTS UP TO 110 KM/H POSSIBLE FOR HAINES JUNCTION AND UP TO 90 KM/H ELSEWHERE IN SOUTHWEST YUKON. WINDS WILL DIMINISH LATER THIS EVENING AS THE SYSTEM MOVES NORTH. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  129 WSID20 WIII 221154 WIIZ SIGMET 12 VALID 221154/221400 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0405 E10459 - S0241 E10536 - S0209 E10629 - S0212 E10722 - S0413 E10703 - S0405 E10459 TOP FL510 MOV NE NC=  803 WBCN07 CWVR 221100 PAM ROCKS WIND 802 LANGARA; OVC 10R- S13G30 3FT MDT LO W OCNL RW- SWT 7.7 GREEN; OVC 3R-F S30EG 6FT MDT TRIPLE; OVC 4R-F SE30EG 6FT MDT LO SW BONILLA; OVC 1R-F SE45EG 9FT RUF MOD S BOAT BLUFF; OVC 2RF SE26G34 5FT MDT MCINNES; OVC 3R-F SE40EG 8FT RUF MOD SW IVORY; OVC 4R-F SE25G33 6FT MDT MOD SW OCNL RW DRYAD; OVC 1R-F S20G33 3FT MDT ADDENBROKE; OVC 2RF SE24EG 5FT MDT EGG ISLAND; OVC 06RW- SE32G38 6FT MDT LO W PINE ISLAND; OVC 06RW- SE20EG 4FT MDT LO W CAPE SCOTT; OVC 06R SE60EG 12FT RUF MDT-HVY SW QUATSINO; OVC 6RW- SE45EG 9FT RUF LO SW BLOWING SPRAY NOOTKA; OVC 04R- S10E 2FT CHP LO SW ESTEVAN; OVC 08R- SE18G30 3FT MDT LO MDT SW 1021.9F LENNARD; OVC 06R- E20E 4FT MDT LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 04R- SE15 3FT MDT LO MDT SW PACHENA; OVC 10R- SE20E 4FT MDT LO SW CARMANAH; OVC 15R- E10E 2FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 10RW- SE30EG 6FT MDT LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; OVC 10R SE30EG 5FT MDT CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 129/08/06/1335+43/M/0006 PCPN 0.6MM PAST HR PK WND 1244 1020Z 6027 23MM= WEB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 211/07/07/1216+26/M/0046 PCPN 2.3MM PAST HR PK WND 1126 1043Z 6025 40MM= WQC SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 236/08/05/1101/M/ 5015 62MM= WRU SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 115/07/M/1054+62/M/0164 PCPN 4.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1063 1033Z 8020 1MMM= WFG SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 063/08/08/1463+72/M/0148 PCPN 4.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1475 1045Z 6034 65MM= WVF SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/10/09/1312/M/ M 86MM= WQS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 950/09/08/1725/M/0032 PCPN 1.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1541 1016Z 5014 04MM= WRO SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 944/09/08/1535+42/M/0117 PCPN 2.3MM PAST HR PK WND 1647 1043Z 6039 73MM= WEK SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 964/09/05/MMMM/M/0014 6061 23MM= WWL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 985/09/08/1543+51/M/0026 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1554 1042Z 6038 58MM= WME SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/08/07/0704/M/0130 PCPN 4.6MM PAST HR M 57MM= WAS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 155/11/09/0802/M/ 5013 38MM= WSB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 229/11/07/1014/M/0012 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1119 1011Z 5010 74MM= WGT SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 226/09/06/1804/M/M 6014 32MM= WGB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 222/10/08/1217/M/ PK WND 1221 1044Z 8017 93MM= WEL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 228/10/08/1612/M/ PK WND 1519 1027Z 6014 59MM= WDR SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 234/09/06/2208/M/ 5008 01MM= WZO SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2212/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1115/M/ PK WND 1019 1058Z M MMMM=  070 WWCN79 CWVR 221153 AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 04H53 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR: WHITEHORSE TESLIN ATLIN HAINES JUNCTION LAC KLOUANE CHAINE DES CASSIARS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== DES VENTS FORTS POUVANT CAUSER DES DOMMAGES SOUFFLENT OU SOUFFLERONT. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION ENVAHIRA LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI. DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD SE LEVERONT TARD EN APRES-MIDI ET POURRAIENT SOUFFLER EN RAFALES JUSQU'A 110 KM/H SUR HAINES JUNCTION ET JUSQU'A 90 KM/H AILLEURS DANS LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON. LES VENTS DIMINUERONT D'INTENSITE PLUS TARD CE SOIR A MESURE QUE LE SYSTEME SE DEPLACERA VERS LE NORD. LES BATIMENTS POURRAIENT ETRE ENDOMMAGES (BARDEAUX DE TOITURE, FENETRES BRISEES). LES VENTS VIOLENTS POURRAIENT EMPORTER LES OBJETS NON FIXES A UNE SURFACE ET BRISER DES BRANCHES D'ARBRES. SOYEZ PRET A ADAPTER VOTRE CONDUITE AUX CONDITIONS ROUTIERES CHANGEANTES EN RAISON DES VENTS FORTS. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  776 WGUS83 KLOT 221157 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 657 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Advisory is cancelled for the Illinois River... Illinois River at La Salle affecting Bureau...La Salle and Putnam Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. Additional information can be found at weather.gov/chicago. && ILC011-099-155-221227- /O.CAN.KLOT.FL.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /LSLI2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 657 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory is cancelled for The Illinois River at La Salle, or from Starved Rock Lock and Dam downstream to confluence with Big Bureau Creek * At 645 AM Monday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Action stage is 19.0 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...The river crested below flood stage. The river will continue to fall to 18.5 feet by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4131 8940 4135 8933 4137 8898 4128 8899 4128 8929 $$  665 WOAU12 AMMC 221159 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1159UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Cold front 43S083E 48S098E to low 971hPa near 53S089E. Forecast 42S098E 48S116E to low 972hPa near 53S103E at 230000UTC and 42S113E 51S127E to low 976hPa near 53S116E at 231200UTC. Warm front 45S108E to low 971hPa near 53S089E. Forecast 48S121E to low 972hPa near 53S103E at 230000UTC and 52S134E 53S127E to low 976hPa near 53S116E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S082E 42S100E 46S128E 51S133E 52S131E 50S117E 53S110E 52S082E 43S082E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of cold front, north of warm front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm west of cold front, becoming clockwise 34/45 knots within 300nm of low. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of cold front. Moderate to heavy swell.  724 WOAU42 AMMC 221159 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1159UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Cold front 43S083E 48S098E to low 971hPa near 53S089E. Forecast 42S098E 48S116E to low 972hPa near 53S103E at 230000UTC and 42S113E 51S127E to low 976hPa near 53S116E at 231200UTC. Warm front 45S108E to low 971hPa near 53S089E. Forecast 48S121E to low 972hPa near 53S103E at 230000UTC and 52S134E 53S127E to low 976hPa near 53S116E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S082E 42S100E 46S128E 51S133E 52S131E 50S117E 53S110E 52S082E 43S082E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of cold front, north of warm front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm west of cold front, becoming clockwise 34/45 knots within 300nm of low. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of cold front. Moderate to heavy swell.  725 WOAU02 AMMC 221159 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1159UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Cold front 43S083E 48S098E to low 971hPa near 53S089E. Forecast 42S098E 48S116E to low 972hPa near 53S103E at 230000UTC and 42S113E 51S127E to low 976hPa near 53S116E at 231200UTC. Warm front 45S108E to low 971hPa near 53S089E. Forecast 48S121E to low 972hPa near 53S103E at 230000UTC and 52S134E 53S127E to low 976hPa near 53S116E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S082E 42S100E 46S128E 51S133E 52S131E 50S117E 53S110E 52S082E 43S082E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of cold front, north of warm front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm west of cold front, becoming clockwise 34/45 knots within 300nm of low. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of cold front. Moderate to heavy swell.  921 WSID20 WIII 221203 WIIZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221203/221400 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0145 E10915 - S0021 E11017 - N0053 E10904 - N0113 E10906 - N0013 E11204 - S0143 E11052 - S0145 E10915 TOP FL540 MOV NE NC=  073 WWST01 SABM 221200 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 22-04-2019, 12:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 130: DEPRESION 957HPA EN 61S 25W MOV E DEBILITANDOSE PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 ALREDEDOR DE LA MISMA CON RAFAGAS ENTRE 50S-60S 20W-30W 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 09:00UTC DEPRESION 957HPA 61S 25W MOV E WKN EXTIENDE CFNT EN 63S 22W 55S 30W 54S 40W MOV E CFNT LINEA 50S 20W 40S 30W 33S 50W MOV E NC ANTICICLON 1020HPA 36S 60W MOV SE EXTIENDE EJE DE CUÑA EN 44S 61W 52S 59W 60S 58W MOV E 201400 UTC LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 69-41S 020-00W 69-53S 027-07W 68-28S 03 20W 66-25S 04 27W 64-23S 036-14W 60-23S 045-15W 60-44S 050-17W 6 01S 055-15W 6 41S 057-05W 6 28S 06 09W 63-41S 063-58W 65-39S 067-00W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10 MN B09F 56-52S 04 32W 17X3MN B16 6 54S 043-59W 16X6MN A57A 60-14S 054-06W 11X5MN B15AA 64-51S 040-31W 11X6MN B09J 57-10S 04 11W 12X1MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 59-44S 034-26W 6X3MN TEMPANO2 6 01S 030-16W 6X3MN TEMPANO3 6 09S 060-40W 3X1MN TEMPANO4 60-02S 049-24W 5X2MN TEMPANO5 55-06S 025-31W 6X1MN TEMPANO6 54-32S 024-18W 4X2MN TEMPANO7 56-50S 04 27W 4X1MN TEMPANO8 57-34S 04 11W 9X2MN TEMPANO9 59-28S 033-58W 4X1MN TEMPANO10 54-08S 025-42W 4X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 59-47S 058-06W 60-00S 04 35W 6 17S 04 17W 6 27S 06 39W B. 58-00S 054-04W 53-42S 038-53W 55-30S 03 58W 58-10S 035-15W 59-42S 046-10W C. 5 00S 048-34W 46-51S 029-23W 49-02S 025-17W 54-23S 043-26W D. 5 14S 033-07W 5 24S 020-00W 54-05S 020-00W 55-50S 029-34W E. 6 44S 039-44W 58-48S 035-23W 56-37S 02 41W 63-47S 029-30W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 12:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 12:00 UTC DEL DIA 23-04-2019 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SE 3/4 BACK E EL 23/0300 NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA DISIPANDOSE TEMPORARIAMENTE PROB DE LLOVIZNAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A BUENA OCNL MALA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: S 4 BACK E EL 23/0300 PROB DE NEBLINAS DURANTE LA MAÑANA PROB DE LLOVIZNAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: S 4/3 BACK SE NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA DISIPANDOSE TEMPORARIAMENTE PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR S 4/3 BACK SECTOR N 4 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0000 PROB DE NEBLINAS LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORANDO VIS REGULAR A BUENA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38º30S - 41ºS): VRB 3 BACK SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0000 BACK SECTOR W 4 EL 23/1200 VIS BUENA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41ºS - 45ºS): SW 4 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 22/1500 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 23/1200 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A REGULAR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45ºS - 48ºS): SW 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 22/1500 BACK SW 6/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 23/0300 PROB DE LLUVIAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A REGULAR COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48ºS - 54ºS) N DE 50S: W 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 22/1500 BACK SW 5/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 23/0300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48ºS - 54ºS) RESTO DEL AREA: PREVALECIENDO NW 3/4 BACK SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 22/2100 DECR 4 EL 23/1200 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA TARDE MEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54ºS - 55ºS): W 4/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER NW CON RAFAGAS EL 22/1800 BACK SW CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES VIS MALA OCNL BUENA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: W 4 VEER NW EL 23/0000 VEER SECTOR S 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0900 PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES LUEGO PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 30W: NW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS BACK W 5/4 EL 22/2100 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA E DE 45W: W 4/5 BACK SW CON RAFAGAS EL 22/2100 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES VIS REGULAR OCNL MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR S 5/4 DECR 3 EL 23/0300 BACK SECTOR E EL 23/1200 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS INTERMITENTES PROB DE NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) E DE 30 - N DE 45S: NW 6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 BACK W 6/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 22/1800 INCR 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR W DE 30 - N DE 45S: W 5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 23/0600 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR E DE 30 - S DE 45S: SECTOR W 6/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SW 5 INCR 6/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 23/0900 PROB DE SH LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS MALA A MUY MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50 - N DE 45S: SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS DECR 4 EL 23/0900 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA PROB DE NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR E DE 50 - S DE 45S: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER W 4 EL 23/1200 PROB DE SH LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA MEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS MUY MALA A BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 5/4 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 23/0000 PROB DE LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA TARDE MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS MALA OCNL BUENA AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) E DE 30 - N DE 55S: NW 7/8 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0000 PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR E DE 30 - S DE 55S: NW 8 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 7/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 22/1800 DECR SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0600 PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SW 7/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SW 6/5 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 VEER W 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 23/0900 PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS MUY MALA OCNL REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SW 5 CON RAFAGAS VEER W EL 22/2100 PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): NW 4/5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 22/2100 PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS INTERMITENTES A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  223 WWST02 SABM 221200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2019-04-22, 12:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 130: LOW 957HPA AT 61S 25W MOV E WEAKENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 AROUND ITSELF WITH GUST BETWEEN 50S-60S 20W-30W PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 957HPA 61S 25W MOV E WKN EXTENDS CFNT AT 63S 22W 55S 30W 54S 40W MOV E CFNT AT 50S 20W 40S 30W 33S 50W MOV E NC HIGH 1020HPA 36S 60W MOV SE EXTENDS RIDGE AT 44S 61W 52S 59W 60S 58W MOV E 201400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 69-41S 020-00W 69-53S 027-07W 68-28S 03 20W 66-25S 04 27W 64-23S 036-14W 60-23S 045-15W 60-44S 050-17W 6 01S 055-15W 6 41S 057-05W 6 28S 06 09W 63-41S 063-58W 65-39S 067-00W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM B09F 56-52S 04 32W 17X3NM B16 6 54S 043-59W 16X6NM A57A 60-14S 054-06W 11X5NM B15AA 64-51S 040-31W 11X6NM B09J 57-10S 04 11W 12X1NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 59-44S 034-26W 6X3NM ICEBERG2 6 01S 030-16W 6X3NM ICEBERG3 6 09S 060-40W 3X1NM ICEBERG4 60-02S 049-24W 5X2NM ICEBERG5 55-06S 025-31W 6X1NM ICEBERG6 54-32S 024-18W 4X2NM ICEBERG7 56-50S 04 27W 4X1NM ICEBERG8 57-34S 04 11W 9X2NM ICEBERG9 59-28S 033-58W 4X1NM ICEBERG10 54-08S 025-42W 4X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 59-47S 058-06W 60-00S 04 35W 6 17S 04 17W 6 27S 06 39W B. 58-00S 054-04W 53-42S 038-53W 55-30S 03 58W 58-10S 035-15W 59-42S 046-10W C. 5 00S 048-34W 46-51S 029-23W 49-02S 025-17W 54-23S 043-26W D. 5 14S 033-07W 5 24S 020-00W 54-05S 020-00W 55-50S 029-34W E. 6 44S 039-44W 58-48S 035-23W 56-37S 02 41W 63-47S 029-30W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-04-23 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SE 3/4 BACK E BY 23/0300 MIST FOG PATCHES TEMPORARILY DISSIPATING PROB OFISOL DRIZZLE TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD OCNL POOR OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: S 4 BACK E BY 23/0300 PROB OF MIST DURING THE MORNING PROB OFISOL DRIZZLE TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: S 4/3 BACK SE MIST FOG PATCHES TEMPORARILY DISSIPATING PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36º17S - 38º30S): SECTOR S 4/3 BACK SECTOR N 4 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0000 PROB OF ISOL MIST RAIN IMPR VIS MODERATE TO GOOD RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38º30S - 41ºS): VRB 3 BACK SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0000 BACK SECTOR W 4 BY 23/1200 VIS GOOD PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41ºS - 45ºS): SW 4 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 22/1500 BACK SECTOR S 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/1200 PROB OF ISOL RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45ºS - 48ºS): SW 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 22/1500 BACK SW 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0300 PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48ºS - 54ºS) N OF 50S: W 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 22/1500 BACK SW 5/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0300 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48ºS - 54ºS) REST OF THE AREA: PREVAIL NW 3/4 BACK SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 22/2100 DECR 4 BY 23/1200 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING EVENING IMPR DURING THE NIGTH VIS GOOD TO POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54ºS - 55ºS): W 4/5 WITH GUSTS VEER NW WITH GUSTS BY 22/1800 BACK SW WITH GUSTS BY 23/0300 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SH RAIN VIS POOR OCNL GOOD ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: W 4 VEER NW BY 23/0000 VEER SECTOR S 5 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0900 PROB OF INTERMITTENT DRIZZLE RAIN NXT PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS GOOD TO POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 30W: NW 6/5 WITH GUSTS BACK W 5/4 BY 22/2100 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SH RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR E OF 45W: W 4/5 BACK SW WITH GUSTS BY 22/2100 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SH RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 5/4 DECR 3 BY 23/0300 BACK SECTOR E BY 23/1200 PROB OF ISOL INTERMITTENT RAIN PROB OF MIST FOG PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) E OF 30 - N OF 45S: NW 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BACK W 6/5 WITH GUSTS BY 22/1800 INCR 6 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0300 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE W OF 30 - N OF 45S: W 5 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0600 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE E OF 30 - S OF 45S: SECTOR W 6/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SW 5 INCR 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0900 PROB OF SH RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS VERY POOR TO POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50 - N OF 45S: SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS DECR 4 BY 23/0900 PROB OF SH RAIN IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING PROB OF MIST FOG PATCHES TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE E OF 50 - S OF 45S: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER W 4 BY 23/1200 PROB OF SH RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR TOWARDS NIGTH VIS VERY POOR TO GOOD REST OF THE AREA: SW 5/4 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0000 PROB OF RAIN STARTING EVENING SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS POOR OCNL GOOD SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) E OF 30 - N OF 55S: NW 7/8 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0000 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE E OF 30 - S OF 55S: NW 8 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 7/8 WITH GUSTS BY 22/1800 DECR SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0600 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SW 7/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF INTERMITTENT SNOW FALL VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SW 6/5 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY VEER W 5 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0900 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS VERY POOR OCNL MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SW 5 WITH GUSTS VEER W BY 22/2100 PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): NW 4/5 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 5 WITH GUSTS BY 22/2100 PROB OF INTERMITTENT DRIZZLE RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  224 WWST03 SABM 221200 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - APRIL 22, 12:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: NO SIGNIFICATIVE WEATHERFORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-04-23 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SE 3/4 BACK E BY 23/0300 MIST FOG PATCHES TEMPORARILY DISSIPATING PROB OFISOL DRIZZLE TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD OCNL POOR BAHIA BLANCA: VRB 3 BACK SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0000 BACK SECTOR W 4 BY 23/1200 VIS GOOD. MAR DEL PLATA: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK SECTOR N 4 WITH GUSTS BY 23/0000 PROB OF ISOL MIST RAIN IMPR VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SW 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 22/1500 BACK SW 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0300 PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE. RIO GALLEGOS: N OF 50S: W 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 22/1500 BACK SW 5/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 23/0300 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR. REST OF THE AREA: PREVAIL NW 3/4 BACK SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 22/2100 DECR 4 BY 23/1200 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING EVENING IMPR DURING THE NIGTH VIS GOOD TO POOR. USHUAIA: W 4/5 WITH GUSTS VEER NW WITH GUSTS BY 22/1800 BACK SW WITH GUSTS BY 23/0300 PROB OF INTERMITTENT SH RAIN VIS POOR OCNL GOOD. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  477 WGUS83 KMQT 221203 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 803 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette is continuing the Flood Advisory for the Manistique River near Manistique in Schoolcraft County... .Around a half inch of rain has occurred in the Manistique River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain is possible tonight combined with the snowmelt of the lingering snowpack in the far northern portion of the river basin. Rain will diminish Tuesday morning, but the river is expected to remain above bankfull through the week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Residents along these rivers should remain alert and exercise caution when walking near riverbanks. A Flood Advisory means minor flooding is possible and rivers are forecast to exceed bankfull. If you are in the advisory area remain alert to possible flooding...or the possibility of the advisory being upgraded to a warning. Report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information on to the National Weather Service. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite media outlet for further developments and information from the National Weather Service. && MIC153-240003- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MSQM4.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 803 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Manistique River near Manistique * until further notice. * At 7 AM Monday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Bankfull stage is 11.0 feet. * At 10.5 feet...Considerable overflow of riverbanks and flooding of low lying wooded areas in the vicinity of the gauge is occurring. && LAT...LON 4599 8614 4597 8618 4595 8626 4594 8629 4603 8626 4607 8616 $$ JSS  704 WVRA31 RUPK 221202 UHPP SIGMET 7 VALID 221204/221720 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT SHEVELUCH PSN N5638 E16119 VA CLD OBS AT 1120Z WI N5640 E16119 - N5647 E16118 - N5656 E16123 - N5655 E16130 - N5645 E16124 - N5639 E16123 - N5640 E16119 SFC/FL130 FCST AT 1720Z WI N5732 E16237 - N5718 E16233 - N5639 E16122 - N5735 E16201 - N5732 E16237=  055 WAAK48 PAWU 221204 WA8O ANCS WA 221215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 222015 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB AFT 18Z NE RAINY PASS-PORTAGE PASS LN OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN. DTRT. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 16Z VCY MTS SE-SW PAGK OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN. DTRT. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD NE PAWR-PAMD LN OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN. IMPR. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE WHALE PASSAGE-PAKH LN NW MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF SW PAMC OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/-SN BLSN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/-SN BLSN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ PAKO E MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 221215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 222015 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 21Z N PAWR-PAVD LN OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. WKN. . KODIAK IS AE VCY CHANNELED TRRN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OVR ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WINDS 30 KTS OR GTR. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 19Z ALG CST/OFSHR SW PATG SUSTAINED SFC WINDS 30 KTS OR GTR. WKN. . =ANCZ WA 221215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 222015 . NONE . RDE/JAM APR 2019 AAWU  300 WSBO31 SLLP 221206 SLLF SIGMET A3 VALID 221205/221505 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 1203Z WI S1506 W06912 S1422 W06910 S1247 W06848 S1458 W06510 S1704 W05912 S1753 W05816 S1915 W05838 S1918 W06137 S1921 W06400 S1732 W06701 S1605 W06850 S1608 W06855 TOP FL400 MOV SE 06KT NC=  085 WHCA72 TJSJ 221205 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 805 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 AMZ710-221315- /O.EXP.TJSJ.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T1200Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 805 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... However, small craft operators should exercise caution due to seas up to 6 feet. $$  599 WGUS81 KAKQ 221205 FLSAKQ Flood Statement National Weather Service Wakefield, Va 805 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Virginia.. James River At Richmond Westham affecting Chesterfield...City of Richmond and Henrico Counties For the Lower James Basin...including Richmond Westham...Minor flooding is occurring and is expected to continue. VAC041-087-760-222000- /O.CON.KAKQ.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /RMDV2.1.ER.190421T2015Z.190422T0430Z.190422T1400Z.NO/ 805 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... The James River At Richmond Westham * until this afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 07:30 AM Monday the stage was 12.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this morning. * At 12.0 feet...Flood stage. Minor flooding along both banks, no damage at this level. && LAT...LON 3770 7780 3756 7744 3747 7749 3753 7770 3760 7785 $$  663 WVRA31 RUPK 221205 UHPP SIGMET 8 VALID 221206/221720 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KLYUCHEVSKOY PSN N5603 E16038 VA CLD OBS AT 1120Z WI N5711 E16155 - N5722 E16225 - N5702 E16326 - N5651 E16320 - N5706 E16229 - N5701 E16209 - N5711 E16155 SFC/FL200 FCST AT 1720Z WI N5743 E16321 - N5741 E16430 - N5658 E16544 - N5703 E16405 - N5730 E16246 - N5743 E16321=  880 WXFJ01 NFFN 221020 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY TWO FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 10.30PM ON MONDAY 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. FORECAST: FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: OCCASIONAL RAIN AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN BECOMING MORE FREQUENT AND HEAVY FROM LATER TONIGHT. HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (ABOVE 100MM) IN THE PAST 24HOURS: UDU POINT 137MM QAWA 153MM DELAIKORO 133MM WAINIKORO 128MM NAYARABALE 172MM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 01.30AM TONIGHT OR EARLIER.  785 WTSR20 WSSS 220600 NO STORM WARNING=  567 WWCN11 CWVR 221206 WIND WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:06 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: NORTH COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS. WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: CENTRAL COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS HAIDA GWAII. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PACIFIC FRONT IS CROSSING THE NORTH AND CENTRAL COASTS EARLY THIS MORNING. SOUTHEAST WINDS UP TO 90 KM/H WILL SHIFT TO THE SOUTHWEST FOLLOWING THE FRONT AND WEAKEN. HOWEVER, GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H MAY STILL OCCUR ON THE NORTH COAST THROUGH THE MORNING. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  144 WWST02 SBBR 221200 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 292/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - SAT - 20/APR/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 220000 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 231200 UTC WARNING NR 293/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - MON - 22/APR/2019 AREA BRAVO BETWEEN 25S AND 28S STARTING AT 231200 UTC. WIND SE/E FORCE 7. VALID UNTIL 241200 UTC.  521 WWST02 SBBR 221200 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 292/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - SAT - 20/APR/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 220000 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 231200 UTC. WARNING NR 293/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - MON - 22/APR/2019 AREA BRAVO BETWEEN 25S AND 28S STARTING AT 231200 UTC. WIND SE/E FORCE 7. VALID UNTIL 241200 UTC.  323 WSSD20 OEJD 221206 OEJD SIGMET 03 VALID 221210/221600 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N21 W OF E45 TOP ABV FL380 MOV E NC=  704 WSSD20 OEJD 221206 OEJD SIGMET 03 VALID 221210/221600 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N21 W OF E45 TOP ABV FL380 MOV E NC=  387 WSCI39 ZWWW 221207 ZWUQ SIGMET 5 VALID 221207/221607 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR SEV TURB OBS AND FCST WI N4039 E07813 - N4027 E07942 - N3935 E07940 - N3943 E07810 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  752 WABZ23 SBAZ 221208 SBAZ AIRMET 4 VALID 221215/221415 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 10 00M BR FCST Z WI S0734 W07251 - S0731 W07245 - S0738 W07241 - S0740 W07248 - S0734 W07251 STNR NC=  578 WSAU21 AMMC 221208 YMMM SIGMET G11 VALID 221244/221644 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1210 E10700 - S1600 E10000 - S1130 E09340 - S1000 E07500 - S0600 E07500 - S0200 E07800 - S0200 E09200 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  237 WSNP31 VNKT 221208 VNSM SIGMET 03 VALID 221208/221608 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1200Z MOV E INTSF=  595 WXFJ01 NFFN 220720 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY ONE FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 07.30PM ON MONDAY 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. FORECAST: FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: OCCASIONAL RAIN AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN BECOMING MORE FREQUENT AND HEAVY FROM LATER TONIGHT. HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (ABOVE 100MM) IN THE PAST 24HOURS: UDU POINT 137MM QAWA 153MM DELAIKORO 133MM WAINIKORO 128MM NAYARABALE 172MM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 10.30PM TONIGHT OR EARLIER.  012 WWCN11 CWVR 221210 WIND WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:10 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: =NEW= CENTRAL COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS NORTH COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PACIFIC FRONT IS CROSSING THE NORTH AND CENTRAL COASTS EARLY THIS MORNING. SOUTHEAST WINDS UP TO 90 KM/H WILL SHIFT TO THE SOUTHWEST FOLLOWING THE FRONT AND WEAKEN. HOWEVER, GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H MAY STILL OCCUR ON THE NORTH COAST THROUGH THE MORNING. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  829 WHCA72 TJSJ 221211 MWWSPN URGENTE - MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS MARITIMOS Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan PR 805 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 AMZ710-221315- Aguas del Atlantico de Puerto Rico e Islas Virgenes americanas desde 10 MN hasta 19.5N- 805 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...LA ADVERTENCIA PARA LOS OPERADORES DE EMBARCACIONES PEQUENAS HA EXPIRADO... Sin embargo, los operadores de embarcaciones pequenas deben ejercer precaucion debido a oleaje de hasta 6 pies. && $$  538 WSAU21 AMMC 221211 YMMM SIGMET H35 VALID 221245/221645 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E15740 - S5000 E15430 - S4710 E15450 - S4710 E15610 FL220/300 MOV ESE 35KT WKN=  903 WSNZ21 NZKL 221211 NZZC SIGMET 4 VALID 221211/221250 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 2 220850/221250=  755 WACN22 CWAO 221212 CZEG AIRMET E1 VALID 221210/221610 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR OVC CLD 400-1000/2500FT OBS WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N6321 W09339/60 NW CYRT - /N6320 W09054/5 W CYCS MOV SE 15KT WKNG RMK GFACN36=  756 WACN02 CWAO 221212 CZEG AIRMET E1 VALID 221210/221610 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR OVC CLD 400-1000/2500FT OBS WTN 30 NM OF LINE N6321 W09339 - N6320 W09054 MOV SE 15KT WKNG=  192 WSMP31 LMMM 221213 LMMM SIGMET 1 VALID 221210/221610 LMML- LMMM MALTA FIR TS OBS W OF E014 FL080 MOV E WKN=  193 WSCI36 ZUUU 221209 ZPKM SIGMET 3 VALID 221214/221614 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3057 E10416-N2919 E10330-N2826 E10242-N2758 E10118-N2859 E09944-N3056 E10130-N3057 E10416 TOP FL320 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  193 WSBZ31 SBCW 221213 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 221230/221530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE F CST WI S2437 W05422 - S2916 W04554 - S2619 W04308 - S2042 W05035 - S2332 W05230 - S2437 W05422 FL130/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  194 WSBZ31 SBCW 221213 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 221230/221530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  390 WGUS83 KMQT 221215 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 815 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Sturgeon River near Chassell affecting Houghton County .Rainfall of around one inch has occurred over the southern portion of the Sturgeon River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Runoff from the melting snowpack over the higher terrain continues. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will enable the river to remain above flood stage. Rain will diminish later tonight, but the river is expected to remain above flood stage through the middle of the week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 10 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC061-230214- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLLM4.1.RS.190419T1127Z.190422T1130Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 815 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sturgeon River near Chassell. * until further notice. * At 7:30 AM Monday the stage was 10.9 feet. * Flood stage is 10.5 feet. * At 10.5 feet...The river begins to overflow onto Sturgeon River Road...Rajala Road...and Aho Road. && LAT...LON 4692 8861 4704 8856 4703 8850 4700 8845 4692 8848 $$ JSS  740 WSUR32 UKLW 221214 UKLV SIGMET 4 VALID 221245/221500 UKLW- UKLV LVIV FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N50 SFC/3050M MOV NW 30KMH NC=  742 WAAK47 PAWU 221218 WA7O JNUS WA 221215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 222015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z OCNL VIS BLW 3SM +RA. IMPR. . SRN SE AK JD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE SPRDG NE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR/-RASN. DTRT. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 221215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 222015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB AFT 19Z SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 18Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 18Z S PAHN MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB OTRW AFT 18Z ALL SXNS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB S PAHN LLWS COND. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 18Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 18Z MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 060 AGL. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC AFT 18Z OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC LLWS COND. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 060 AGL. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD AFT 18Z W CLARENCE STRAIT OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD LLWS COND. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE AFT 18Z OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 18Z PAYA SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 18Z ALG CST OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 15Z MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF AFT 15Z PASI N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF LLWS COND. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 221215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 222015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 21Z S PAHN OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 025. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC FREDERICK SOUND N OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 030. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 18Z S PAGN OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-140. FZLVL 030. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-140. FZLVL 035. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE 15Z TO 18Z ALG CST E PAYA OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 020. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 18Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 030. WKN. . JAM APR 2019 AAWU  357 WOAU05 AMMC 221218 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:55S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1218UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Cold front forecast 39S069E 46S078E to low 991hPa near 47S076E at 230000UTC, 41S077E 45S082E 48S083E to low 979hPa near 48S079E at 230600UTC, 41S082E 48S092E 50S088E to low 975hPa near 49S084E at 231200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S093E 43S088E 42S080E 50S080E 50S091E 46S093E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 240nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of front turning clockwise 34/47 knots within 120nm of low. Rough to very rough seas rising to very rough to high west of front. Moderate to heavy swell.  358 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221215 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 221220/221620 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S1000 W06122 - S1152 W05953 - S1257 W06130 - S1147 W06308 - S1000 W06122 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  359 WSAU21 AMMC 221216 YMMM SIGMET M06 VALID 221310/221710 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2800 E14650 - S3010 E14820 - S3500 E14600 - S3740 E14700 - S3440 E14320 - S3020 E14230 FL110/180 MOV E 05KT NC=  361 WSAU21 AMMC 221216 YBBB SIGMET A02 VALID 221310/221710 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2800 E14650 - S3010 E14820 - S3500 E14600 - S3740 E14700 - S3440 E14320 - S3020 E14230 FL110/180 MOV E 05KT NC=  613 WSIY32 LIIB 221220 LIRR SIGMET 5 VALID 221225/221605 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4213 E01039 - N3844 E00833 - N3727 E01132 - N3625 E01131 - N3804 E01304 - N3845 E01638 - N4112 E01511 - N4123 E01425 - N4251 E01306 - N4327 E01321 - N4338 E01025 - N4213 E01039 TOP ABV FL350 STNR NC=  006 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1157 W05747 - S0823 W05035 - S0118 W05533 - S0046 W06051 - S0446 W06202 - S1157 W05747 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  007 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0342 W06808 - S0431 W06547 - S0549 W06624 - S0500 W06847 - S0342 W06808 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  008 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 221220/221620 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 W06122 - S1152 W05953- S1257 W06130 - S1147 W06308 - S1000 W06122 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  009 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  010 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 221040/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04811 - N0041 W04958 - S0011 W05021 - S0027 W04916 - N0102 W04811 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  011 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 220900/221300 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0102 W04803 - S0032 W04916 - S0218 W04524 - S0045 W04429 - N0102 W04803 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  550 WABZ23 SBAZ 221225 SBAZ AIRMET 5 VALID 221230/221430 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 30 0/1300FT FCST Z WI S0448 W06524 - S0448 W06518 - S0455 W06518 - S0455 W06525 - S0448 W06524 STNR NC=  728 WAAK49 PAWU 221228 WA9O FAIS WA 221215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 222015 . TANANA VLY FC AFT 20Z AK RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE BROOKS RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF W PARY MTS OCNL OBSC BY SN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . =FAIT WA 221215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 222015 . TANANA VLY FC W PFTO AND PANN S OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. MOVG W. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE NW PAFM MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG S PPIZ OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W HOWARD PASS MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAVL-PATC LN W SUSTAINED SFC WIND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI N PAOT OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ AFT 18Z PAOM NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK NE PASA SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 18Z VCY TRRN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . =FAIZ WA 221215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 222015 . NONE . RDE APR 2019 AAWU  692 WWAK77 PAJK 221230 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ026>028-221500- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T1500Z/ Inner Channels from Kupreanof Island to Etolin Island- Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Coastal Area- Southern Inner Channels- Including the cities of Petersburg, Wrangell, Kake, Craig, Klawock, Ketchikan, and Metlakatla 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM AKDT THIS MORNING... * LOCATION...South central inner channels including Wrangell, Coffman Cove, Point Baker and Kake. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds early Monday morning out of the SE shifting to the SW. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ024-221800- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Eastern Baranof Island and Southern Admiralty Island- Including the city of Angoon 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM AKDT THIS MORNING... * LOCATION...Central inner channels including Angoon, greatest winds near Peril Strait and the southern tip of Admiralty Island. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds Monday morning out of the SE shifting to the SW. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ021-025-222100- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.190422T1500Z-190422T2100Z/ Eastern Chichagof Island- Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the cities of Hoonah and Juneau 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Hoonah, Tenakee Springs and Juneau. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds Monday morning out of the E to SE, shifting to the SW by early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ020-022-230000- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1800Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Elfin Cove and Gustavus. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...E to SE winds Monday morning, shifting to the SW with peak gusts by early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ023-222200- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1600Z-190422T2200Z/ Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area- Including the cities of Sitka and Port Alexander 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 2 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Central outer coast including Sitka and Port Alexander. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...SE winds Monday morning, shifting to the SW with peak gusts in the late morning and early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ018-019-230000- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1900Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 430 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...Northern inner channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...North winds shifting to the south in the late morning then increasing quickly with peak gusts in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  455 WGUS83 KIND 221231 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 831 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is no longer in effect for a portion of the following waterway in central Indiana... White River... .The White River at Anderson has fallen below flood stage in central Indiana. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Be alert to flood debris on previously flooded roads. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC057-095-221301- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0197.000000T0000Z-190423T0100Z/ /ANDI3.1.ER.190421T0325Z.190421T1845Z.190422T1015Z.NO/ 831 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The White River at Anderson. * At 7:30 AM Monday the stage was 9.7 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at Mon 06:15 AM. * Forecast...It will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 4009 8564 4013 8582 4011 8596 4013 8598 4015 8585 4012 8565 $$  561 WSMS31 WMKK 221231 WBFC SIGMET D01 VALID 221240/221540 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0433 E11633 - N0606 E11558 - N0623 E11634 - N0547 E11737 - N0431 E11719 - N0433 E11633 TOP FL470 MOV WNW NC=  560 WWAK81 PAFC 221233 SPSAER SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service ANCHORAGE AK 433 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ101-111-141-145-230300- Anchorage-Matanuska Valley-Copper River Basin-Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Anchorage, Eagle River, Indian, Eklutna, Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton, Chickaloon, Glennallen, Eureka, McCarthy, Paxson, Slana, Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 433 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Another Round of Winter Weather across much of Southcentral... A potent cold front will lift from south to north across the area today. Snow is expected from the Matanuska Valley up through the northern Susitna Valley and into the Copper River Basin. Temperatures should climb back into the mid 30s to low 40s which will somewhat limit accumulations. The heaviest snow will be over the Northern Parks Highway (near Broad Pass) later this afternoon and evening. The Glen Highway from Chickaloon through Eureka could also see some brief periods of moderate snow and blowing snow as more cold air pours in from the southwest. The Anchorage area will be right on the edge of this system. Light snow accumulations look more likely for Eagle River and the Hillside than West Anchorage late this morning through the afternoon. However, a slight shift in the track in the storm's axis could bring a couple of inches to the entire Anchorage Bowl. For current road conditions dial 5-1-1 or visit www.511.alaska.gov. $$  611 WAIY31 LIIB 221234 LIMM AIRMET 20 VALID 221240/221440 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4601 E00710 - N4409 E01354 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  841 WWCN19 CWVR 221235 WINTER STORM WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:35 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTER STORM WARNING FOR: HAINES ROAD - HAINES JUNCTION TO PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HAZARDOUS WINTER CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED. A DEEP PACIFIC LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVING INTO SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS AFTERNOON WILL GIVE SNOW HEAVY AT TIMES TODAY. TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 25 CM ARE EXPECTED NORTH OF PLEASANT CAMP. IN THE WAKE OF THE LOW STRONG SOUTHERLY WINDS GUSTING TO 90 KM/H WILL DEVELOP THIS AFTERNOON AND GIVE AREAS OF BLOWING SNOW. THE SNOW IS FORECAST TO EASE LATER THIS AFTERNOON WHILE THE WINDS EASE THIS EVENING. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  931 WAIY31 LIIB 221235 LIMM AIRMET 21 VALID 221240/221440 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4432 E00835 - N4348 E00727 - N4308 E00949 - N4331 E01010 - N4423 E00911 - N4432 E00835 STNR NC=  801 WWCN19 CWVR 221235 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:35 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: =NEW= SOUTH KLONDIKE HIGHWAY - CARCROSS TO WHITE PASS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH GUSTY WINDS AND VISIBILITY FREQUENTLY NEAR ZERO IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP PACIFIC LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM IS FORECAST TO MOVE INTO SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS AFTERNOON. CONSEQUENTLY, PERIODS OF SNOW WILL BECOME HEAVY AT TIMES AND SOUTHWEST WINDS WILL INCREASE ABRUPTLY TO 60 KM/H GUSTING TO 100 AS THE LOW MOVES INLAND. SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 10 TO 20 CM ARE EXPECTED THROUGH TONIGHT WITH FREQUENT VISIBILITIES NEAR ZERO IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. CONSIDER POSTPONING NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL UNTIL CONDITIONS IMPROVE. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTP://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  585 WAIY31 LIIB 221237 LIMM AIRMET 22 VALID 221240/221440 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4652 E01037 - N4630 E00819 - N4548 E00639 - N4505 E00634 - N4423 E00647 - N4342 E00733 - N4420 E00830 - N4431 E00924 - N4405 E01018 - N4339 E01056 - N4337 E01251 - N4422 E01115 - N4454 E00929 - N4436 E00817 - N4428 E00733 - N4459 E00727 - N4534 E00831 - N4538 E00945 - N4604 E01048 - N4652 E01037 STNR NC=  497 WGUS83 KTOP 221238 FLSTOP Flood Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 738 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. && KSC117-222037- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLRK1.1.ER.190312T0755Z.190422T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 738 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Blue Rapids. * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Monday the stage was 41.5 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 41.5 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. The river is forecast to remain above flood stage for several weeks due to backwater from Tuttle Creek Lake. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs from Marysville to Tuttle Creek Lake. && LAT...LON 3971 9666 3968 9658 3957 9655 3957 9659 3968 9669 $$  979 WWCN79 CWVR 221235 AVERTISSEMENT DE TEMPETE HIVERNALE POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 05H35 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE TEMPETE HIVERNALE POUR: ROUTE VERS HAINES - HAINES JUNCTION A PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON PREVOIT DES CONDITIONS HIVERNALES DANGEREUSES. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION DU PACIFIQUE QUI ENVAHIT LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI DEVERSERA DE LA NEIGE PARFOIS FORTE AUJOURD'HUI. ON PREVOIT UNE ACCUMULATION TOTALE DE NEIGE DE 15 A 25 CM AU NORD DE PLEASANT CAMP. DANS LE SILLAGE DE LA DEPRESSION, DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD SOUFFLANT EN RAFALES A 90 KM/H SE LEVERONT CET APRES-MIDI ET PRODUIRONT DES ZONES DE POUDRERIE. LA NEIGE DEVRAIT DIMINUER D'INTENSITE PLUS TARD CET APRES-MIDI TANDIS QUE LES VENTS FAIBLIRONT CE SOIR. L'ACCUMULATION RAPIDE DE NEIGE POURRAIT RENDRE LES DEPLACEMENTS DIFFICILES DANS CERTAINS ENDROITS. LA VISIBILITE SERA SOUDAINEMENT REDUITE A PRESQUE NULLE PAR MOMENTS DANS LA FORTE NEIGE ET LA POUDRERIE. DES FERMETURES DE ROUTES SONT POSSIBLES. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  980 WSCN21 CWAO 221238 CZVR SIGMET A4 VALID 221235/221635 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5055 W12852/60 W CYZT - /N5001 W12749/45 SW CYZT SFC/FL030 QS NC RMK GFACN31=  170 WSCN01 CWAO 221238 CZVR SIGMET A4 VALID 221235/221635 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5055 W12852 - N5001 W12749 SFC/FL030 QS NC=  726 WARH31 LDZM 221237 LDZO AIRMET 2 VALID 221300/221700 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MOD MTW FCST WI N4527 E01416 - N4413 E01529 - N4400 E01631 - N4401 E01631 - N4556 E01731 - N4633 E01625 - N4527 E01416 ABV 3000FT STNR NC=  508 WSBZ31 SBRE 221238 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 221300/221700 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0242 W04343 - N0408 W04302 - N0225 W03750 - N0006 W03848 - N0242 W04343 TOP FL440 STNR NC =  095 WWCN79 CWVR 221235 AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE EMIS PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 05H35 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR: =NOUVEAU= ROUTE DE KLONDIKE SUD - DE CARCROSS A WHITE PASS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== IL Y A OU IL Y AURA DU BLIZZARD AVEC DES VENTS SOUFFLANT EN RAFALES ET UNE VISIBILITE SOUVENT PRESQUE NULLE SOUS LA NEIGE ET DANS LA POUDRERIE. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION DU PACIFIQUE DEVRAIT ENVAHIR LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI. PAR CONSEQUENT, LA NEIGE PASSAGERE DEVIENDRA PARFOIS FORTE ET LES VENTS DU SUD-OUEST SE RENFORCERONT RAPIDEMENT A 60 KM/H AVEC DES RAFALES A 100 KM/H A MESURE QUE LA DEPRESSION GAGNERA L'INTERIEUR. ON PREVOIT UNE ACCUMULATION DE NEIGE DE 10 A 20 CM AU COURS DE LA NUIT AINSI QUE DE FREQUENTS EPISODES DE VISIBILITE PRESQUE NULLE SOUS LA NEIGE ET DANS LA POUDRERIE. ON PEUT S'ATTENDRE A DES CONDITIONS ROUTIERES EXTREMEMENT DANGEREUSES EN RAISON DE LA VISIBILITE REDUITE. EVALUEZ LA POSSIBILITE DE RETARDER TOUT DEPLACEMENT NON ESSENTIEL JUSQU'A CE QUE LES CONDITIONS S'AMELIORENT. SECURITE PUBLIQUE CANADA ENCOURAGE LES GENS A PREPARER DES PLANS D'URGENCE ET A SE MUNIR DE TROUSSES D'URGENCE CONTENANT DE L'EAU POTABLE, DE LA NOURRITURE, DES MEDICAMENTS, UNE TROUSSE DE PREMIERS SOINS ET UNE LAMPE DE POCHE. POUR OBTENIR DE L'INFORMATION SUR LES PLANS ET LES TROUSSES D'URGENCE, VISITEZ LE SITE HTTP://WWW.PREPAREZ-VOUS.GC.CA. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  426 WSMO31 ZMUB 221300 ZMUB SIGMET 03 VALID 221400/222000 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4955 E09203 - N5021 E09817 - N5137 E10055 - N4850 E10828 - N4954 E11545 - N4734 E11835 - N4530 E11111 - N4621 E09617 - N4725 E09027 - N4955 E09203 FL240/400 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  974 WSVS31 VVGL 221250 VVTS SIGMET 2 VALID 221255/221555 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1340 E10835 - N1400 E10725 - N1515 E10740 - N1610 E10715 - N1625 E10805 - N1525 E10855 - N1340 E10835 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  975 WWNZ40 NZKL 221242 GALE WARNING 414 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 221200UTC LOW 954HPA NEAR 56S 144W MOVING EAST 45KT. IN A BELT 540 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 53S 159W 52S 145W 51S 133W: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 55KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 411.  976 WWNZ40 NZKL 221243 GALE WARNING 415 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 221200UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. IN A BELT 540 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 68S 167W 62S 162W 58S 158W: SOUTHWEST 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING NORTHNORTHEAST 25KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 412.  734 WGUS81 KALY 221247 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 847 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC091-113-221317- /O.CAN.KALY.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /HDYN6.1.RS.190420T2215Z.190421T1730Z.190422T1108Z.NO/ 847 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Hudson River At Hadley. * At 8 AM Monday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Water reaches minor flood stage and overflows into low lying areas. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 pm 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Hudson River Hadley 14.0 13.9 Mon 08 AM 12.7 12.1 11.6 11.0 10.0 && LAT...LON 4342 7392 4341 7380 4341 7380 4320 7375 4318 7386 $$ MSE  869 WSTR31 UTAA 221245 UTAA SIGMET N3 VALID 221300/221700 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR YEUOTS FCST AND OBS OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  883 WWUS71 KGYX 221249 NPWGYX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 849 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEZ019>028-221400- /O.CAN.KGYX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Interior Cumberland-Androscoggin-Kennebec-Interior Waldo- Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox- Coastal Waldo- Including the cities of New Gloucester, Gray, North Windham, Gorham, Bridgton, Greene, Lewiston, Sabattus, Wales, Minot, Turner, Auburn, Livermore Falls, Augusta, Sidney, Windsor, Vassalboro, Waterville, China, Palermo, Brooks, Jackson, Knox, Liberty, Montville, Morrill, Waldo, Winterport, Unity, Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Kittery, Portland, Cape Elizabeth, South Portland, Westbrook, Yarmouth, Brunswick, Arrowsic, Bath, Phippsburg, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Bowdoin, Whitefield, Dresden, Alna, Bremen, Bristol, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Boothbay Harbor, Wiscasset, Waldoboro, Owls Head, Rockland, Appleton, Camden, Hope, Rockport, Thomaston, Belfast, Northport, Searsmont, and Lincolnville 849 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Gray has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. $$ Pohl  393 WWCN79 CWVR 221249 AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE TERMINE PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 05H49 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT TERMINE POUR: ROUTE DE KLONDIKE SUD - DE CARCROSS A WHITE PASS ROUTE VERS HAINES - HAINES JUNCTION A PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== LA VITESSE DES VENTS NE DEVRAIT PLUS ATTEINDRE LE SEUIL D'AVERTISSEMENT. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  394 WWCN19 CWVR 221249 WIND WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:49 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: SOUTH KLONDIKE HIGHWAY - CARCROSS TO WHITE PASS HAINES ROAD - HAINES JUNCTION TO PLEASANT CAMP. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  411 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221250 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0130 W05018 - N0019 W04549 - S0117 W04631 - S0048 W05026 - N0130 W05018 TOP FL440 STNR NC =  412 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221250 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0112 W05900 - S0133 W05603 - S0411 W05630 - S0440 W05852 - S0112 W05900 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  048 WSTR31 UTAA 221245 UTAA SIGMET N3 VALID 221300/221700 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR OBSC FCST AND OBS OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  656 WSBZ01 SBBR 221200 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 220900/221300 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0028 W03753 - N0019 W03724 - N0239 W03935 - N0235 W04129 - N0143 W04210 - S0028 W03753 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  982 WGUS84 KBMX 221252 FLSBMX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Birmingham AL 752 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Tallapoosa River At The Tallapoosa Water Plant... .Levels are falling on the Tallapoosa River at the Tallapoosa Water Plant...but a Flood Warning remains in effect there. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Another statement will be issued by Tuesday morning...or sooner if conditions warrant. && ALC051-101-230051- /O.EXT.KBMX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190423T0718Z/ /MGYA1.1.ER.190420T2208Z.190421T2300Z.190422T1918Z.NO/ 752 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late tonight... The Flood Warning continues for The Tallapoosa River At The Tallapoosa Water Plant. * until late tonight...or until the Warning is cancelled. * AT 7:00 AM Monday the stage was 26.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall to below flood stage by this afternoon and then continue to fall the next few days. * Impact...At 25 feet...Lower Wetumpka Road starts to flood. Extensive flooding of low lands occurs and livestock and farm equipment should be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3239 8609 3242 8620 3249 8626 3250 8624 3244 8616 3244 8609 $$  063 WSUS31 KKCI 221255 SIGE MKCE WST 221255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2E VALID UNTIL 1455Z NY PA FROM 30ESE BUF-60E SLT DMSHG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21015KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 221455-221855 FROM ACK-170S ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-140E ILM-60SSE SBY-40E CYN-ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  064 WSUS32 KKCI 221255 SIGC MKCC WST 221255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41C VALID UNTIL 1455Z WI MN LS FROM 60E DLH-40WSW ODI-50E FSD-20S BRD-60E DLH AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42C VALID UNTIL 1455Z MO IA FROM 40SSE MCW-20NNW IOW-30W UIN LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 43C VALID UNTIL 1455Z IA FROM 40S FOD-30SW DSM-40SE OVR-30NE OVR-40S FOD AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 221455-221855 FROM 30NNE DLH-SSM-60SSE SAW-STL-PWE-60NNW ONL-30NNE DLH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  065 WSUS33 KKCI 221255 SIGW MKCW WST 221255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221455-221855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  594 WWIN81 VOTV 221251 VOTV 221240Z AD WRNG 2 VALID 221240/221640 TS OBSD=  396 WAIS31 LLBD 221253 LLLL AIRMET 10 VALID 221300/221500 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE OBS WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3119 E03526 - N3130 E03420 FL060/120 WKN=  614 WWUS71 KCAR 221257 NPWCAR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 857 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEZ010-011-015>017-029>032-221400- /O.CAN.KCAR.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T1300Z/ Central Piscataquis-Central Penobscot-Southern Penobscot- Interior Hancock-Central Washington-Coastal Hancock- Coastal Washington-Southern Piscataquis-Northern Washington- Including the cities of Greenville, Monson, Blanchard, Lincoln, Howland, Springfield, Bangor, Brewer, Orono, Old Town, Amherst, Aurora, Dedham, Eastbrook, Great Pond, Orland, Calais, Grand Lake Stream, Wesley, Perry, Princeton, Ellsworth, Bar Harbor, Bucksport, Castine, Eastport, Machias, Cherryfield, Dover-Foxcroft, Milo, Guilford, Danforth, Vanceboro, and Topsfield 857 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Caribou has cancelled the Dense Fog Advisory. Fog has lifted over most of the advisory area. Along the coast, fog will decrease in the next hour or two. $$  089 ACUS01 KWNS 221258 SWODY1 SPC AC 221257 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0757 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 221300Z - 231200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM SOUTHEAST NM ACROSS WEST TX INTO FAR SOUTHWEST OK... ...SUMMARY... Scattered severe thunderstorms capable of mainly hail and damaging winds are possible from southeast New Mexico into parts of west Texas and southwest Oklahoma late this afternoon and evening. Isolated severe storms will also be possible across parts of southern Wisconsin, eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois. ...Southeast NM and TX South Plains to Southwest OK... A cold front will initially settle southward and subsequently stall across the region in an arcing west-to-east fashion. While an upper trough digs southward over the Southwest Deserts and northwest Mexico, a lead shortwave trough will spread northeastward and reach west/southwest Texas by mid/late afternoon. This will contribute to scattered thunderstorm development by mid-afternoon (~21Z) from central and southeast New Mexico into parts of west Texas, where heating will be strongest south of the front. Hail will be possible with the eastern New Mexico storms, as well as into the Texas South Plains. Although low-level winds will be weak, a brief tornado could occur near the boundary before cells grow upscale into a possible MCS. The greatest potential for damaging winds will likely be along the boundary across the Texas South Plains/Low Rolling Plains, aided by strong east/northeast surface winds just north of the boundary. A few storms may remain strong to severe into far southwest OK, before the air mass overturns with more widespread precipitation. ...Eastern IA to northern IL and southern WI... A convectively augmented shortwave trough will move northeastward over the Upper Mississippi River Valley this afternoon. A surface low will advance from Iowa into southern Wisconsin as a cold front otherwise spreads eastward across the region. Southerly winds will increase ahead of the low with a gradual moistening within the pre-cold frontal warm sector. Warm sector dewpoints will generally be in the 50s F, with guidance likely running a bit optimistic in terms of late-day moistening. As lingering early-day clouds thin, forcing for ascent near the low track is expected to support increasing surface-based thunderstorm development this afternoon. While winds in the mid and upper levels will not be strong, a low-level veering of relatively strong lower tropospheric winds may result in a few supercells late this afternoon and early evening. At least a few instances of severe hail/wind are expected and a tornado cannot be ruled out, mainly across far northeast Iowa and far northern Illinois into southern Wisconsin. ..Guyer/Goss.. 04/22/2019 $$  101 WUUS01 KWNS 221258 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0757 AM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 221300Z - 231200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 42448824 41538871 41029023 41349143 42619185 43569120 44258958 44358851 44288785 43928762 42448824 0.02 33640215 33590048 33329998 32749997 32270142 32180263 32150397 32560451 33180489 33700492 34000426 33780335 33640215 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 44278843 44208787 43878758 41528883 41079031 41389147 42499177 43679131 44248963 44278843 0.05 33320553 35050547 35220520 34970432 34750340 34590205 34680040 34919942 34719912 34519861 33949831 33379849 32200019 31890118 31510341 31490419 31810490 33320553 0.15 32560062 32280163 32120276 32450314 32910378 33490406 33950376 34190176 34230091 33950060 33460035 32750033 32560062 && ... WIND ... 0.05 42258820 41578848 41118916 41059019 41179090 41399143 42469179 42889177 43669141 44208963 44308842 44128778 43808760 43298771 42258820 0.05 35019921 35459797 35359751 35089734 34709754 33449846 32779935 32160031 31970088 31520330 31510404 31750486 33160546 34970550 35170502 34840392 34590209 34600139 34650040 35019921 0.15 34589866 34149864 33249941 32610054 32240181 32170267 32370309 33710392 33930379 34010203 34020142 34360005 34649916 34589866 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 34589866 34149864 33249941 32850003 32530062 32280163 32220203 32120276 32450314 32910378 33490406 33710392 33930379 33930378 33950376 34070312 34100232 34180160 34220099 34360005 34649916 34589866 MRGL 35359751 35089734 34709754 33379849 32969910 32609963 32200019 32160031 31970088 31520330 31490419 31750486 33160546 33190546 33320553 34510549 34970550 34980547 35050547 35220520 35170502 35170502 34970432 34800359 34590209 34590169 34740014 35019921 35459797 35359751 MRGL 43948764 43808760 43298771 42258820 41578848 41158912 41029023 41169087 41259106 41349143 41379144 41389147 41769157 42359183 42619185 42979174 43689136 43889071 44248963 44248961 44258958 44358851 44288785 43948764 TSTM 32341671 34191779 35941698 37031701 39471573 40511294 41841174 41941122 41591011 41480749 40580600 38000473 36710185 36829978 37859665 38549579 40219519 41319595 42239798 42849825 43589797 44489646 45329436 46049162 46178809 45398136 99999999 42048210 39448651 37859029 34819505 32549787 31020127 29250253 99999999 40187252 41097254 42297142 43146951 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 WSW FSI 15 NW SPS 60 NNE ABI 35 NW ABI 55 ENE BGS 10 WNW BGS 20 NNE MAF 35 NE INK 15 SSE HOB 35 WNW HOB 30 ENE ROW 45 NE ROW 40 SW CVS 40 SW CVS 40 SW CVS 25 SSE CVS 35 W PVW PVW 40 E PVW 15 ESE CDS LTS 15 WSW FSI. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM OKC 25 SE OKC 35 SE CHK 40 S SPS 50 NE ABI 15 NNE ABI 35 WSW ABI 40 WSW ABI 40 ESE BGS 20 SSW INK 45 ESE GDP GDP 20 S SRR 20 SSE SRR 10 S SRR 30 NNE 4CR 50 SSW LVS 50 SSW LVS 45 SSW LVS 30 S LVS 35 SSE LVS 35 SSE LVS 45 WSW TCC 25 S TCC 35 NW PVW 30 N PVW 25 NNE CDS 20 S CSM 20 W OKC OKC. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 S MTW 25 S MTW 25 NNE MKE 40 SSW RAC 15 NE MMO 30 SW MMO 35 SSE MLI 30 SW MLI 30 WSW MLI 40 SSE CID 40 SSE CID 35 SSE CID 10 SE CID 30 ESE ALO 30 E ALO 45 NE ALO 15 SSW LSE 20 W VOK 35 S CWA 35 S CWA 35 S CWA 20 WSW GRB 15 NW MTW 15 S MTW. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 SW CZZ 25 NW RAL 45 ENE NID 60 WNW DRA 15 ESE P68 25 N DPG 35 SE MLD 45 NNW EVW 50 ENE EVW 25 SW RWL 50 W FCL 25 SSW PUB 20 W GUY 60 W AVK 40 SW EMP 25 NE EMP 25 ENE FNB OMA 35 WNW OFK 35 NE ONL 15 SSE MHE 20 NE BKX 20 SW STC 50 SW ASX 25 N IMT 110 ENE APN ...CONT... 45 NNW CLE 20 NNE BMG 10 NE FAM 30 WSW RKR 20 SE MWL 50 WSW SJT 60 SSW 6R6 ...CONT... 50 SE ISP 30 WSW GON 20 WSW BOS 55 SE PWM.  277 WAIS31 LLBD 221259 LLLL AIRMET 11 VALID 221300/221500 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB OBS WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3230 E03555 - N3230 E03455 FL040/160 WKN=  807 WAUS44 KKCI 221303 AAB WA4S DFWS WA 221303 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 221500 . AIRMET IFR...TN KY FROM 40NE LOZ TO 50WSW BKW TO 20SSW HMV TO 40SSW VXV TO GQO TO 40S LOZ TO 40WNW LOZ TO 40NE LOZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...AL FROM 30SSE VUZ TO 40SE LGC TO 40W PZD TO 30WNW MGM TO 30SSE VUZ VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX...UPDT FROM 40W TXK TO 30W EIC TO 40W LFK TO 20NW IAH TO 40S SAT TO 20NW SAT TO 60WSW TTT TO 50SSW ADM TO 40W TXK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. ....  800 WTIO30 FMEE 221257 RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 1/14/20182019 1.A TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 14 2.A POSITION 2019/04/22 AT 1200 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 9.4 S / 50.5 E (NINE DECIMAL FOUR DEGREES SOUTH AND FIFTY DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 6 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 1.5/1.5/D 0.5/24 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 1006 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 20 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): NIL 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): NIL 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1007 HPA / 900 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS: 12H: 2019/04/23 00 UTC: 9.5 S / 49.2 E, VENT MAX= 020 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 24H: 2019/04/23 12 UTC: 9.8 S / 48.1 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 36H: 2019/04/24 00 UTC: 10.2 S / 46.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 48H: 2019/04/24 12 UTC: 10.5 S / 45.0 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, TROPICAL DEPRESSION 60H: 2019/04/25 00 UTC: 10.9 S / 42.7 E, VENT MAX= 035 KT, MODERATE TROPICAL STORM 72H: 2019/04/25 12 UTC: 11.2 S / 41.0 E, VENT MAX= 040 KT, MODERATE TROPICAL STORM 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2019/04/26 12 UTC: 11.8 S / 40.1 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, OVERLAND DEPRESSION 120H: 2019/04/27 12 UTC: 13.0 S / 40.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: THE CIRCULATION IS PARTIALLY EXPOSED WITH DEEP CONVECTION WITHIN THE SOUTHWESTERN AREA. DEEP CONVECTION REMAINS FLUCTUATING BUT WITH SIGN OF CURVATURE SHOWING ORGANIZATION GAIN. MINIMAL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED AT 1006 HPA. MAXIMAL WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 15 KT AND LOCALLY 20/25 KT WITHIN 20/250KT OVER THE SOUTHERN QUADRANT. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ARE MARGINALLY FAVOURABLE FOR SIGNIFICANTLY DEEPENING. LOW LEVEL CONVERGENCE IS GOOD POLEWARD BUT WEAK EQUATORWARD. IN UPPER LEVEL, EASTERLIES DUE TO THE KELVIN WAVE SHOULD MAINTAIN A MODERATE EASTERN VERTICAL WINDSHEARTHE VERTICAL WINDSHEAR IS FORESCASTED TO WEAKEN FROM TO THE SECOND PART OF THE WEEK. THE LLCC IS FORESCASTED TO MOVE WESTWARD OVER THE NORTHERN EDGE OF A A LOW/MID LEVEL RIDGE THAT SHOULD STRENGHEN FROM TUESDAY. NEXT ADVISORY TOMORROW AT 0600Z.=  801 WTIO31 FMEE 221257 CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 1/14/20182019 1.A PERTURBATION TROPICALE 14 2.A POSITION A 1200 UTC LE 22/04/2019 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 9.4 S / 50.5 E (NEUF DEGRES QUATRE SUD ET CINQUANTE DEGRES CINQ EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 6 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 1.5/1.5/D 0.5/24 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 1006 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 20 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): NON RENSEIGNE 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): NON RENSEIGNE 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1007 HPA / 900 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS: 12H: 23/04/2019 00 UTC: 9.5 S / 49.2 E, VENT MAX= 020 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 24H: 23/04/2019 12 UTC: 9.8 S / 48.1 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 36H: 24/04/2019 00 UTC: 10.2 S / 46.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 48H: 24/04/2019 12 UTC: 10.5 S / 45.0 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, DEPRESSION TROPICALE 60H: 25/04/2019 00 UTC: 10.9 S / 42.7 E, VENT MAX= 035 KT, TEMPETE TROPICALE MODEREE 72H: 25/04/2019 12 UTC: 11.2 S / 41.0 E, VENT MAX= 040 KT, TEMPETE TROPICALE MODEREE 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 26/04/2019 12 UTC: 11.8 S / 40.1 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, DEPRESSION SUR TERRE 120H: 27/04/2019 12 UTC: 13.0 S / 40.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 2.C COMMENTAIRES: LA CIRCULATION EST PARTIELLEMENT EXPOSA E AVEC LA CONVECTION PROFONDE PRA SENTE DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. LA CONVECTION RESTE FLUCTUANTE MAIS DES SIGNES DE COURBURE MONTRENT UN GAIN D'ORGANISATION. LA PRESSION CENTRALE EST ESTIMA E A 1006 HPA. LES VENTS MAXIMAUX SONT ESTIMA S A 15 KT ET LOCALEMENT 20/25 KT DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE SUD PAR EFFET DE GRADIENT. LES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES SONT MARGINALES POUR UN CREUSEMENT. LA CONVERGENCE DE BASSES COUCHES EST BONNE CA TA POLAIRE MAIS PLUS FAIBLE CA TA A QUATORIALE. EN ALTITUDE, LE FLUX D'EST LIA AU PASSAGE DE L'ONDE DE KELVIN DEVRAIT MAINTENIR UN CISAILLEMENT MODA RA DE SECTEUR EST SUR LA CIRCULATION. LE CISAILLEMENT EST PRA VU FAIBLIR A PARTIR EN SECONDE PARTIE DE SEMAINE. LE MINIMUM EST PRA VU SE DA PLACER EN DIRECTION GA NA RALE DE L'OUEST SUR LA FACE NORD D'UNE DORSALE DE BASSE A MOYENNE TROPOSPHA RE PRA VU SE CONSOLIDER AU SUD A PARTIR DE MARDI. PROCHAIN BULLETIN DEMAIN A 0600Z.=  903 WGUS82 KFFC 221306 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 906 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Oconee River near Penfield affecting Clarke...Greene and Oconee Counties GAC059-133-219-230251- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190423T0251Z/ /PNFG1.2.ER.190420T1657Z.190421T2215Z.190422T2051Z.NO/ 906 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until this evening...The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Penfield. * Until this evening. * At 8 AM Monday the stage was 17.8 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 13 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this afternoon. * At 18 feet...Moderate flooding begins. Ward Road floods and cuts off access to L.C. Curtis and Son Sand and Gravel Company. Irrigation systems also begin to flood and need to be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3364 8325 3364 8333 3383 8333 3384 8327 $$  537 WGUS84 KJAN 221306 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 806 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Big Black River At West affecting Attala and Holmes Counties Big Black River Near Bentonia affecting Madison and Yazoo Counties Big Black River Near Bovina affecting Hinds and Warren Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC007-051-231905- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190427T2200Z/ /WSTM6.2.ER.190407T2200Z.190415T0530Z.190427T1000Z.NO/ 806 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Black River At West * until Saturday afternoon. * At 7:45 AM Monday the stage was 18.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Several thousand acres of agricultural and lowland become inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Upper Big Black River West 15 18.4 Mon 08 AM 18.4 18.0 17.6 NEAR CREST && LAT...LON 3291 9006 3314 8990 3330 8981 3322 8963 3313 8969 3285 8987 $$ MSC089-163-231905- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0074.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTAM6.3.ER.190409T1505Z.190416T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 806 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Black River Near Bentonia * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Monday the stage was 27.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Flooding of agricultural land has more than doubled in the last 1.5 feet rise. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Big Black River Bentonia 22 27.8 Mon 07 AM 27.5 26.9 26.2 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3256 9064 3281 9012 3291 9006 3285 8987 3272 8996 3245 9052 $$ MSC049-149-231905- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BOVM6.2.ER.190413T2319Z.190418T2345Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 806 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Black River Near Bovina * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Monday the stage was 38.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...Water is across the road near the Old Highway 80 bridge. Extensive flooding of agricultural land is occurring. Several local access roads are also underwater. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Big Black River Bovina 28 38.7 Mon 07 AM 38.6 38.5 38.3 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3217 9093 3224 9078 3256 9064 3245 9052 3218 9065 3204 9102 $$  414 WGUS84 KJAN 221309 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 809 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Noxubee River At Macon affecting Noxubee County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC103-230824- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190423T0824Z/ /MCNM6.1.ER.190411T2352Z.190419T1700Z.190422T2024Z.NO/ 809 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late tonight... The Flood Warning continues for The Noxubee River At Macon * until late tonight. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 27.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage late this afternoon. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Low land near the river is flooded. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Noxubee River Macon 26 27.0 Mon 08 AM 23.1 19.4 16.8 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3300 8852 3307 8862 3314 8875 3320 8867 3313 8855 3304 8845 $$  838 WSIR31 OIII 221307 OIIX SIGMET 16 VALID 221306/221530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3657 E05037 - N3705 E05657 - N3450 E05601 - N3505 E05027 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  462 WTIO30 FMEE 221257 RRB DISTURBANCE 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: THE CIRCULATION IS PARTIALLY EXPOSED WITH DEEP CONVECTION WITHIN THE SOUTHWESTERN AREA. DEEP CONVECTION REMAINS FLUCTUATING BUT WITH SIGN OF CURVATURE SHOWING ORGANIZATION GAIN. MINIMAL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED AT 1006 HPA. MAXIMAL WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 15 KT AND LOCALLY 20/25 KT WITHIN 20/250KT OVER THE SOUTHERN QUADRANT. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ARE MARGINALLY FAVOURABLE FOR SIGNIFICANTLY DEEPENING. LOW LEVEL CONVERGENCE IS GOOD POLEWARD BUT WEAK EQUATORWARD. IN UPPER LEVEL, EASTERLIES DUE TO THE KELVIN WAVE SHOULD MAINTAIN A MODERATE EASTERN VERTICAL WINDSHEARTHE VERTICAL WINDSHEAR IS FORESCASTED TO WEAKEN FROM TO THE SECOND PART OF THE WEEK. THE LLCC IS FORESCASTED TO MOVE WESTWARD OVER THE NORTHERN EDGE OF A A LOW/MID LEVEL RIDGE THAT SHOULD STRENGHEN FROM TUESDAY. NEXT ADVISORY TOMORROW AT 0600Z.=  463 WTIO31 FMEE 221257 RRB PERTURBATION TROPICALE 2.C COMMENTAIRES: LA CIRCULATION EST PARTIELLEMENT EXPOSA E AVEC LA CONVECTION PROFONDE PRA SENTE DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. LA CONVECTION RESTE FLUCTUANTE MAIS DES SIGNES DE COURBURE MONTRENT UN GAIN D'ORGANISATION. LA PRESSION CENTRALE EST ESTIMA E A 1006 HPA. LES VENTS MAXIMAUX SONT ESTIMA S A 15 KT ET LOCALEMENT 20/25 KT DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE SUD PAR EFFET DE GRADIENT. LES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES SONT MARGINALES POUR UN CREUSEMENT. LA CONVERGENCE DE BASSES COUCHES EST BONNE CA TA POLAIRE MAIS PLUS FAIBLE CA TA A QUATORIALE. EN ALTITUDE, LE FLUX D'EST LIA AU PASSAGE DE L'ONDE DE KELVIN DEVRAIT MAINTENIR UN CISAILLEMENT MODA RA DE SECTEUR EST SUR LA CIRCULATION. LE CISAILLEMENT EST PRA VU FAIBLIR A PARTIR EN SECONDE PARTIE DE SEMAINE. LE MINIMUM EST PRA VU SE DA PLACER EN DIRECTION GA NA RALE DE L'OUEST SUR LA FACE NORD D'UNE DORSALE DE BASSE A MOYENNE TROPOSPHA RE PRA VU SE CONSOLIDER AU SUD A PARTIR DE MARDI. PROCHAIN BULLETIN DEMAIN A 0600Z.=  464 WTIO31 FMEE 221257 RRA CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 1/14/20182019 1.A PERTURBATION TROPICALE 14 2.A POSITION A 1200 UTC LE 22/04/2019 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 9.4 S / 50.5 E (NEUF DEGRES QUATRE SUD ET CINQUANTE DEGRES CINQ EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 6 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 1.5/1.5/D 0.5/24 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 1006 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 20 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): NON RENSEIGNE 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): NON RENSEIGNE 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1007 HPA / 900 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS: 12H: 23/04/2019 00 UTC: 9.5 S / 49.2 E, VENT MAX= 020 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 24H: 23/04/2019 12 UTC: 9.8 S / 48.1 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 36H: 24/04/2019 00 UTC: 10.2 S / 46.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, PERTURBATION TROPICALE 48H: 24/04/2019 12 UTC: 10.5 S / 45.0 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, DEPRESSION TROPICALE 60H: 25/04/2019 00 UTC: 10.9 S / 42.7 E, VENT MAX= 035 KT, TEMPETE TROPICALE MODEREE 72H: 25/04/2019 12 UTC: 11.2 S / 41.0 E, VENT MAX= 040 KT, TEMPETE TROPICALE MODEREE 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 26/04/2019 12 UTC: 11.8 S / 40.1 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, DEPRESSION SUR TERRE 120H: 27/04/2019 12 UTC: 13.0 S / 40.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT,  465 WTIO30 FMEE 221257 RRA RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 1/14/20182019 1.A TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 14 2.A POSITION 2019/04/22 AT 1200 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 9.4 S / 50.5 E (NINE DECIMAL FOUR DEGREES SOUTH AND FIFTY DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 6 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 1.5/1.5/D 0.5/24 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 1006 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 20 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): NIL 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): NIL 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1007 HPA / 900 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS: 12H: 2019/04/23 00 UTC: 9.5 S / 49.2 E, VENT MAX= 020 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 24H: 2019/04/23 12 UTC: 9.8 S / 48.1 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 36H: 2019/04/24 00 UTC: 10.2 S / 46.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, TROPICAL DISTURBANCE 48H: 2019/04/24 12 UTC: 10.5 S / 45.0 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, TROPICAL DEPRESSION 60H: 2019/04/25 00 UTC: 10.9 S / 42.7 E, VENT MAX= 035 KT, MODERATE TROPICAL STORM 72H: 2019/04/25 12 UTC: 11.2 S / 41.0 E, VENT MAX= 040 KT, MODERATE TROPICAL STORM 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2019/04/26 12 UTC: 11.8 S / 40.1 E, VENT MAX= 030 KT, OVERLAND DEPRESSION 120H: 2019/04/27 12 UTC: 13.0 S / 40.7 E, VENT MAX= 025 KT, TROPICAL  722 WGUS84 KMEG 221310 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 810 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Buttahatchie River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued later today. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MSC087-095-231309- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0118.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ /ABDM6.1.ER.190415T0541Z.190415T2300Z.190423T1500Z.NO/ 810 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Buttahatchie River near Aberdeen * until Tuesday April 23. * At 7 AM Monday the stage was 14.9 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * At 15.0 feet...Water is covering a portion of Airbase Road located on the west bank of the river. Low-lying farm land is flooded. && LAT...LON 3409 8829 3409 8821 3373 8826 3365 8843 3370 8844 3375 8839 $$  422 WWIN80 VOHY 221309 VOHY 221300 AD WRNG 1 VALID 221330/221730 TS WITH SFC WSPD 20 KT FROM 320 DEG FCST  783 WSUZ31 UTTT 221310 UTTR SIGMET 1 VALID 221315/221700 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF E069 TOP FL300 MOV NE 14KT NC=  577 WSUZ31 UTTT 221310 UTTR SIGMET 2 VALID 221315/221700 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E069 TOP FL320 MOV NE 14KT NC=  595 WHHW70 PHFO 221312 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 312 AM HST Mon Apr 22 2019 PHZ119>121-123-124-230215- /O.EXT.PHFO.SC.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190425T0400Z/ Maalaea Bay-Pailolo Channel-Alenuihaha Channel- Big Island Leeward Waters-Big Island Southeast Waters- 312 AM HST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST WEDNESDAY... * Winds and Seas...East winds to 25 kt. Seas 6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or greater are expected to produce conditions hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Kino  645 WSZA21 FAOR 221309 FACA SIGMET A02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3030 E01804 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3300 E03200 - S3347 E03112 - S3446 E02926 - S3440 E02220 - S3108 E01814 TOP FL360=  646 WSZA21 FAOR 221311 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2750 E03500 - S2807 E03540 - S3224 E03342 - S3347 E03112 - S3300 E03200 - S3025 E03332 TOP FL360=  647 WSZA21 FAOR 221314 FAJA SIGMET F02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2447 E02548 - S2700 E03028 - S2901 E03103 - S3001 E03020 - S2724 E02730 - S2914 E02448 - S3050 E02352 - S3107 E02307 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01908 - S2730 E01959 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 TOP FL360=  648 WSZA21 FAOR 221313 FACA SIGMET F02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3030 E01908 - S3030 E02116 - S3107 E02307 - S3213 E02010 - S3051 E01902 TOP FL360=  649 WSZA21 FAOR 221310 FAJA SIGMET A02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2323 E02709 - S2450 E02957 - S2533 E03203 - S2600 E03205 - S2647 E03209 - S2650 E03253 - S2750 E03500 - S3300 E03200 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01804 - S2730 E01715 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 - S2442 E02550 - S2416 E02647 - S2330 E02658 TOP FL360=  126 WGUS83 KMQT 221314 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 914 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Black River near Bessemer affecting Gogebic County .Rainfall of 1.25 to 1.5 inches has occurred in the Black River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will push the river past flood stage. Rain will diminish tonight, but the river is not expected to fall back below flood stage until Tuesday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by **enter time***. && MIC053-230314- /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0009.190422T1703Z-190424T1030Z/ /BESM4.1.RS.190422T1703Z.190423T0000Z.190423T1030Z.NO/ 814 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River near Bessemer. * from this afternoon to Wednesday morning. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 9.6 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 10.4 feet by this evening. The river is expected to fall below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. * At 10.0 feet...Which is flood stage...water impacts low lying areas of properties along Black River Road and Hedberg Road. && LAT...LON 4649 9000 4649 9014 4665 9010 4667 9005 4669 9000 4657 8998 $$ JSS  641 WSCH31 SCIP 221315 SCIZ SIGMET 01 VALID 221430/221830 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3300 W12000 - S3300 W12000 - S4200 W12000 - S4200 W13000 - S3300 W13000 FL390/420 MOV E NC=  891 WOPS01 NFFN 221200 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  540 WSUS31 KKCI 221319 SIGE MKCE WST 221319 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2E VALID UNTIL 1455Z DE NJ NY MD NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 110ESE CYN-160E ECG DMSHG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21015KT. TOPS TO FL270. ...COR PTS... OUTLOOK VALID 221455-221855 FROM ACK-170S ACK-150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-140E ILM-60SSE SBY-40E CYN-ACK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  791 WSIR31 OIII 221318 OIIX SIGMET 17 VALID 221315/221530 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3409 E05625 - N3355 E06036 - N3215 E06012 - N3233 E05620 TOP FL300 MOV E/NE NC=  413 WSPR31 SPIM 221315 SPIM SIGMET B5 VALID 221315/221615 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1300Z WI S0906 W07614 - S1040 W07608 - S1042 W07501 - S1234 W07313 - S1232 W07140 - S1407 W07001 - S1222 W06909 - S1152 W07056 - S0944 W07304 - S1019 W07432 - S0815 W07518 - S0906 W07614 TOP FL470 STNR WKN=  838 WSMS31 WMKK 221320 WBFC SIGMET B03 VALID 221335/221635 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N0212 AND W OF E11037 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  890 WWAK47 PAJK 221320 WSWAJK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 520 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ018-230000- /O.NEW.PAJK.BZ.W.0001.190423T0000Z-190423T0800Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway- Including the cities of Skagway and White Pass 520 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...BLIZZARD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO MIDNIGHT AKDT TONIGHT NEAR WHITE PASS... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches. Wind gusts to 55 mph decreasing to 40 mph late. Visibility reduced to one quarter mile due to blowing snow. * WHERE...Klondike Highway near White Pass. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to midnight AKDT tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Blizzard Warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Falling and blowing snow with strong winds and poor visibilities are likely. This will lead to whiteout conditions, making travel extremely dangerous. Do not travel. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  982 WGUS84 KFWD 221320 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 820 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Navasota River Near Easterly Affecting Leon and Robertson Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC289-395-230119- /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /EAST2.1.ER.190419T0024Z.190420T0001Z.190422T1800Z.NO/ 820 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Navasota River Near Easterly. * At 0800 AM Monday the stage was 19.45 feet. * Flood stage is 19 feet. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to recede and fall below flood stage by this afternoon. * At 19 feet, minor lowland flooding will occur from below Easterly to below areas near Highway 21. Cattle in the flood plain could be affected. && LAT...LON 3132 9626 3105 9619 3102 9631 3132 9638 $$  319 WXFJ02 NFFN 221320 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY FIVE FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 1.20AM ON MONDAY THE 22ND OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER. FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND VITI LEVU; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAVOLAU STATION OF THE UPPER REWA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF KOROVOU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAYAVU STATION OF THE WAINIBUKA RIVER. LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 3.96M AT 1.00AM WHICH IS 0.46M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAYAVU STATION WAS 5.92M AT 1.00AM WHICH IS 0.92M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAVOLAU STATION WAS 6.74M AT 1.00AM WHICH IS 0.74M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 2.60M AT 1.00AM WHICH IS 0.10M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME LOW 0.68M 02.40AM HIGH 2.05M 08.54AM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 4.20AM OR EARLIER.  708 WSMS31 WMKK 221321 WBFC SIGMET E01 VALID 221335/221635 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0124 E11302 - N0204 E11307 - N0208 E11353 - N0128 E11406 - N0111 E11346 - N0124 E11302 TOP FL510 MOV WNW INTSF=  577 WWAK42 PAFC 221321 WSWALU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 521 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ155-230300- /O.CON.PAFC.BZ.W.0004.190422T1500Z-190423T0300Z/ Kuskokwim Delta- Including the cities of Bethel, Hooper Bay, and Nunivak Island 521 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING ALONG THE COAST AND NUNIVAK ISLAND... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Winds gusting 35 to 50 mph will cause whiteout conditions in blowing snow. Total snow accumulations of up to 4 inches are expected. * WHERE...Kuskokwim Delta coast, including Hooper Bay, Chevak, Toksook Bay, and Mekoryuk. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 7 PM AKDT Monday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult. While the worst conditions are expected along the immediate coast, expect periods of snow and blowing snow inland as well with visibilities reduced to one half mile at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Blizzard Warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Falling and blowing snow with strong winds and poor visibilities are likely. This will lead to whiteout conditions, making travel very hazardous. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you.If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. && $$ http://www.weather.gov/afc  767 WSZA21 FAOR 221328 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2730 E01601 - S2730 E01714 - S3030 E01803 - S3030 E01656 - S2926 E01615 FL250/360=  912 WSZA21 FAOR 221331 FACA SIGMET C02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3045 E01805 - S3110 E01815 - S3252 E02013 - S3418 E02157 - S3434 E01951 - S3330 E01838 - S3228 E01832 - S3132 E01808 - S3100 E01751 SFC/FL060=  913 WSZA21 FAOR 221327 FACA SIGMET D02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01656 - S3030 E01803 - S3111 E01815 - S3351 E02124 - S3208 E01758 FL250/360=  326 WSAG31 SAME 221325 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 221325/221725 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1325Z WI S3546 W06452 - S3331 W06431 - S3301 W06446 - S3250 W06527 - S3300 W06554 - S3237 W06607 - S3202 W06842 - S3105 W07002 - S3159 W07022 - S3309 W07001 - S3301 W06955 - S3407 W06951 - S3427 W07009 - S3546 W06721 - S3546 W06452 FL200/370 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  837 WSAG31 SAME 221325 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 221325/221725 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1325Z WI S3546 W06452 - S3331 W06431 - S3301 W06446 - S3250 W06527 - S3300 W06554 - S3237 W06607 - S3202 W06842 - S3105 W07002 - S3159 W07022 - S3309 W07001 - S3301 W06955 - S3407 W06951 - S3427 W07009 - S3546 W06721 - S3546 W06452 FL200/370 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  833 WSBZ01 SBBR 221300 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0130 W05018 - N0019W04549 - S0117 W04631 - S0048 W05026 - N0130 W05018 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  834 WSBZ01 SBBR 221300 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 221230/221530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  938 WSBZ01 SBBR 221300 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 221300/221700 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0242 W04343 - N0408W04302 - N0225 W03750 - N0006 W03848 - N0242 W04343 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  939 WSBZ01 SBBR 221300 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 221220/221620 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 W06122 - S1152 W05953- S1257 W06130 - S1147 W06308 - S1000 W06122 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  940 WSBZ01 SBBR 221300 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0112 W05900 - S0133 W05603- S0411 W05630 - S0440 W05852 - S0112 W05900 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  883 WSZA21 FAOR 221344 FACA SIGMET B02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3237 E01523 - S3423 E01901 - S3502 E01959 - S3642 E02014 - S3645 E01529 - S3237 E01523 SFC/FL020=  884 WSZA21 FAOR 221346 FAJO SIGMET C02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3557 W01000 - S3709 W00502 - S4032 W00132 - S4338 W00525 - S4153 W01000 TOP FL390=  012 WGUS84 KLIX 221327 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 827 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Tangipahoa River Near Robert affecting Tangipahoa Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC105-230834- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190423T0834Z/ /ROBL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1830Z.190423T0234Z.NO/ 827 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Tangipahoa River Near Robert. * Until Tuesday April 23. * At 7:30 AM Monday the stage was 16.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday April 22. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor flooding near the river with beach areas under water. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Minor flooding near the river. && LAT...LON 3036 9025 3030 9030 3069 9050 3069 9043 $$  337 WGUS83 KMQT 221327 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 927 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Sturgeon River near Alston affecting Baraga and Houghton Counties .Rainfall of around 1.0 to 1.50 inches has occurred over the southern portion of the Sturgeon River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Runoff from the melting snowpack over the higher terrain continues. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will enable the river to remain above flood stage. Rain will diminish later tonight, but the river is expected to remain above flood stage through the middle of the week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 10 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC013-061-230327- /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190427T1800Z/ /ALSM4.1.RS.190421T1152Z.190423T1800Z.190426T1800Z.NO/ 927 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sturgeon River near Alston. * until Saturday afternoon. * At 8:30 AM Monday the stage was 9.0 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to a stage near 10.8 feet by early Tuesday afternoon. The river is expected to fall below flood stage on early Friday afternoon. * At 11.0 feet...Additional homes and structures near the river are impacted and evacuations may be necessary. Water levels may reach the bottom of Froberg bridge in addition to other bridges that cross the river. * At 8.0 feet...Homes and structures along the low lying areas and numerous roads become impacted by flood water. In Houghton County...Sturgeon River Road...Aho Road...and Rajala Road are impacted. In Baraga County...Sturgeon Road...Halonen Road and Usitalo Road are impacted. Along Froberg Road...Tahtinen Road... Irwin Road...Oliver Road...and Shirley Road are impacted.. && LAT...LON 4672 8872 4683 8866 4692 8861 4692 8848 4687 8850 4672 8860 $$ JSS  629 WSZA21 FAOR 221350 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5053 E03703 - S5455 E03657 - S6258 E03018 - S6849 E01508 - S6516 E01457 - S6226 E02254 - S5827 E02946 - S5053 E03703 FL250/290=  630 WSZA21 FAOR 221349 FAJO SIGMET L02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4826 E06648 - S4847 E07500 - S5156 E07500 - S5204 E07347 - S5052 E06656 FL250/290=  631 WSZA21 FAOR 221348 FAJO SIGMET K02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4512 E06029 - S4558 E06520 - S5725 E06421 - S5713 E06106 - S5517 E05837 - S4933 E05812 - S4543 E05912 - S4512 E06029 FL220/260=  705 WSZA21 FAOR 221347 FAJO SIGMET E02 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S5215 E01120 - S5309 E01701 - S5953 E01526 - S6132 E00406 - S5708 E00322 - S5422 E00553 TOP FL320=  449 WHUS71 KCAR 221328 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 928 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ050-051-222130- /O.CON.KCAR.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 928 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  567 WGUS84 KBMX 221328 FLSBMX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Birmingham AL 828 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Tombigbee River At Demopolis Lock and Dam... .Levels are continuing to fall along the Tombigbee River...and this trend will continue the next few days. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Another statement will be issued by Tuesday morning...or sooner if conditions warrant. && ALC063-065-091-119-230126- /O.EXT.KBMX.FL.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190424T0142Z/ /DLDA1.1.ER.190416T0545Z.190421T1515Z.190423T1342Z.NO/ 828 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Tuesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Tombigbee River At Demopolis Lock and Dam. * until Tuesday evening...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:15 AM Monday the stage was 70.5 feet. * Flood stage is 68 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning and then continue to fall the next few days. * Impact...At 68 feet...Flooding of lowlands in the area occurs and cattle should be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3252 8782 3225 8790 3201 8806 3201 8816 3241 8809 3253 8790 $$  663 WGUS83 KLSX 221329 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 829 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Missouri.. Meramec River near Arnold River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC099-189-231329- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ARNM7.2.ER.190314T0703Z.190402T2115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 829 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec River near Arnold * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 28.8 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Meramec River Arnold 24.0 29.51 28.8 28.0 27.4 26.9 26.5 && LAT...LON 3848 9043 3848 9039 3846 9032 3841 9034 3845 9043 $$  638 WSZA21 FAOR 221352 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4038 E02549 - S4305 E03205 - S4610 E03802 - S4755 E03246 - S4256 E02337 - S4148 E02007 - S4043 E02006 FL370/400=  639 WSZA21 FAOR 221351 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4500 E06641 - S4500 E06837 - S4623 E07243 - S4742 E07500 - S4847 E07500 - S4825 E06651 - S4500 E06641 FL340/390=  640 WSZA21 FAOR 221353 FAJO SIGMET G01 VALID 221400/221800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4030 W00130 - S4236 E00220 - S4510 E00533 - S4513 E00430 - S4655 E00347 - S4243 W00413 FL370/400=  448 WGUS82 KFFC 221331 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Georgia... Chattahoochee River near Columbus affecting Lee...Russell... Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19 affecting Crawford... Talbot...Taylor and Upson Counties Ocmulgee River near Macon affecting Bibb...Houston...Jones... Monroe and Twiggs Counties Oconee River near Oconee affecting Johnson...Washington and Wilkinson Counties ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Coosa River near Plant Hammond affecting Floyd County Alcovy River near High Point affecting Newton County Oconee River near Penfield affecting Clarke...Greene and Oconee Counties GAC115-230331- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0186.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HMMG1.1.ER.190420T1721Z.190421T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Coosa River near Plant Hammond. * Until further notice. * At 7 AM Monday the stage was 570.3 feet and steady. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 570 feet. * At 570 feet...Flood stage is reached. Minor flooding begins of woodlands...fields and pasture along the river upstream and downstream from the gage behind Plant Hammond. A boat ramp near the intakes of the plant will be under water. A small portion of an access road near and under the Georgia Highway 100 bridge will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3425 8531 3420 8536 3421 8539 3427 8542 3428 8537 $$ GAC079-263-269-293-230331- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0179.000000T0000Z-190423T0916Z/ /CLUG1.1.ER.190420T0831Z.190421T0630Z.190423T0316Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late tonight...The Flood Warning continues for The Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19. * Until late tonight. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 20 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tonight. * At 20 feet...Minor flooding continues along the river in the woodlands and fields upstream and downstream from the gage on U.S. Highway 19. The flood waters will cover the boat ramp up to two feet deep and cover a portion of the access road by the bridge on the Taylor County side of the river. && LAT...LON 3280 8430 3275 8421 3257 8398 3253 8405 3265 8415 3276 8437 $$ GAC217-230331- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0188.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HPTG1.2.ER.190421T0719Z.190422T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Alcovy River near High Point. * Until further notice. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 13.4 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11 feet. * At 13 feet...Minor flooding continues to expand further into the woodlands and fields near the river upstream and downstream from the gage on Henderson Mill Road. The water level reaches the fourth wooden step behind an elevated private residence just upstream and on the left bank from the bridge. && LAT...LON 3361 8384 3358 8378 3344 8381 3344 8386 $$ GAC021-153-169-207-289-230331- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0140.000000T0000Z-190425T0105Z/ /MACG1.1.ER.190420T1524Z.190422T0500Z.190424T1905Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Wednesday evening...The Flood Warning continues for The Ocmulgee River near Macon. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 8 AM Monday the stage was 23.8 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and will continue. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday afternoon. * At 23 feet...Minor flooding continues to expand. Large portions of the Macon GreenWay Ocmulgee Heritage Trail floods north of the Martin Luther King Boulevard bridge. The flood waters will be up to 3 feet deep on portions of the trail. Large portions of agricultural lands east of Macon and well downstream will be under 1 to 5 feet of water. && LAT...LON 3290 8372 3293 8367 3282 8356 3266 8353 3263 8359 3274 8363 $$ GAC059-133-219-230251- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190423T0251Z/ /PNFG1.2.ER.190420T1657Z.190421T2215Z.190422T2051Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Penfield. * Until this evening. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 17.5 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 13 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this afternoon. * At 17 feet...Minor flooding continues to expand into fields... woodlands and pastures near the river. The water level is very close to Ward Road on the right bank. Flood waters will be approaching irrigation systems and they may need to be moved to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3364 8325 3364 8333 3383 8333 3384 8327 $$ GAC167-303-319-230331- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0183.190423T2248Z-190426T0600Z/ /OCNG1.1.ER.190423T2248Z.190425T0600Z.190426T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Thursday night...The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Oconee. * From tomorrow evening until late Thursday night. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 13.1 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17 feet. * The river is forecast to rise above flood stage by tomorrow evening and continue to rise to near 18.4 feet by early Thursday morning. The river is then forecast to fall below flood stage by Thursday evening. * At 18 feet...The water level begins to flood portions of the dirt parking lot area near the Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp...just upstream and rightbank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge. Minor flooding continues in the woodlands near the river. && LAT...LON 3284 8303 3288 8298 3279 8292 3267 8289 3265 8298 3278 8300 $$ ALC081-113-GAC053-215-221401- /O.CAN.KFFC.FL.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /CBUG1.1.ER.190419T1234Z.190419T1415Z.190422T1147Z.NO/ 931 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Chattahoochee River near Columbus. * This takes effect immediately. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 26.5 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 27 feet. * The river is expected to remain steady under Minor flood elevations. && LAT...LON 3259 8511 3262 8505 3251 8496 3238 8495 3238 8502 3250 8503 $$  098 WSRS31 RUAA 221333 ULAA SIGMET 4 VALID 221500/221900 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N6810 AND W OF E05230 FL300/400 MOV E 30KMH NC=  574 WXFJ01 NFFN 221328 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY THREE FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 01.30AM ON TUESDAY 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. FORECAST: FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: OCCASIONAL RAIN AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN BECOMING MORE FREQUENT AND HEAVY FROM LATER TONIGHT. HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (ABOVE 50MM) IN THE PAST 24HOURS: UDU POINT 135MM NAIRUKURUKU 76MM NAVOLAU 56MM SAGANI 54MM WAINIKORO 71MM NAYARABALE 79MM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 04.30AM TODAY OR EARLIER  163 WSMC31 GMMC 221335 GMMM SIGMET 02 VALID 221330/221630 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS LINE N3400 W00334 - N3332 W00425 - N 3500 W00537 - N3516 W00509 - N3400 W00334 TOP FL240 MOV SE WKN=  721 WHZS40 NSTU 221338 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 238 AM SST Mon Apr 22 2019 ASZ001>003-230145- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 238 AM SST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...High Surf Advisory remains in effect... * SURF...Surf heights of 10 to 13 feet with locally higher sets will continue to impact south and east facing shores of all islands. * TIMING...until Wednesday * IMPACTS...Hazardous surfs and rip currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 235 VAVEAO ASO GAFUA APERILA 22 2019 ...O lo'o fa'aauau Fautuaga mo Galu maualuluga... * GALU...O galu maualuluga e 10 i le 13 futu ma e maualuluga i isi taimi o le a aafia ai pea talafatai i saute ma sasa'e o motu uma o Amerika Samoa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le Aso Lulu * AAFIAGA...E maualuluga galu ma e aave le sami FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga. O le a malolosi foi le aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga. $$  203 WWIN80 VOHS 221339 VOHS 221330 AD WRNG 1 VALID 221400/221800 TS WITH SFC WSPD 20 KT FROM 360 DEG FCST  575 WACN24 CWAO 221344 CZYZ AIRMET G1 VALID 221340/221740 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR MDT ICG OBS WTN /N4155 W08313/25 SW CYQG - /N4756 W07841/15 S CYUY - /N4734 W07313/60 E CYPP - /N4251 W07905/20 S CYSN - /N4143 W08212/45 SE CYQG - /N4155 W08313/25 SW CYQG FL100/180 QS WKNG RMK GFACN33/CZUL MONTREAL FIR AIRMET F1=  576 WACN05 CWAO 221344 CZUL AIRMET F1 VALID 221340/221740 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR MDT ICG OBS WTN N4155 W08313 - N4756 W07841 - N4734 W07313 - N4251 W07905 - N4143 W08212 - N4155 W08313 FL100/180 QS WKNG=  834 WACN04 CWAO 221344 CZYZ AIRMET G1 VALID 221340/221740 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR MDT ICG OBS WTN N4155 W08313 - N4756 W07841 - N4734 W07313 - N4251 W07905 - N4143 W08212 - N4155 W08313 FL100/180 QS WKNG=  835 WACN25 CWAO 221344 CZUL AIRMET F1 VALID 221340/221740 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR MDT ICG OBS WTN /N4155 W08313/25 SW CYQG - /N4756 W07841/15 S CYUY - /N4734 W07313/60 E CYPP - /N4251 W07905/20 S CYSN - /N4143 W08212/45 SE CYQG - /N4155 W08313/25 SW CYQG FL100/180 QS WKNG RMK GFACN33/CZYZ TORONTO FIR AIRMET G1=  232 WSCR31 LEMM 221343 GCCC SIGMET 3 VALID 221400/221800 GCGC- GCCC CANARIAS UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N2620 W014 - N2810 W018 - N2720 W01830 - N2530 W01450 - N2540 W01310 - N2620 W014 FL300/360 MOV SE WKN=  314 WSNT10 KKCI 221350 SIGA0J KZWY KZMA SIGMET JULIETT 20 VALID 221350/221750 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1350Z WI N3015 W06830 - N2400 W06830 - N2400 W07015 - N2715 W07215 - N3015 W06830. TOP FL390. STNR. WKN.  738 WSPF21 NTAA 221345 NTTT SIGMET A3 VALID 221400/221800 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1720 W14730 - S2020 W14300 - S2220 W14330 - S1840 W15000 CB TOP ABV FL420 STNR=  946 WSPF22 NTAA 221345 NTTT SIGMET B3 VALID 221400/221800 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE WI S2000 W14740 - S3000 W13000 - S3000 W13720 - S2000 W15230 FL130/210 STNR WKN=  957 WSNT11 KKCI 221350 SIGA0K KZWY SIGMET KILO 2 VALID 221350/221530 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET KILO 1 221130/221530.  058 WSPS21 NZKL 221336 NZZO SIGMET 5 VALID 221347/221747 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5100 W13530 - S5530 W13320 - S5710 W13740 - S5640 W14120 - S5540 W14020 - S5430 W13710 - S5030 W13940 - S5100 W13530 2000FT/FL130 MOV ESE 35KT NC=  190 WSPS21 NZKL 221337 NZZO SIGMET 6 VALID 221347/221401 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 3 221001/221401=  184 WSBZ31 SBBS 221349 SBBS SIGMET 3 VALID 221350/221450 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1426 W04633 - S1313 W04720 - S1330 W04950 - S1501 W04822 - S1426 W04633 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  544 WHUS71 KAKQ 221350 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 950 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ630>632-634>638-221600- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0045.000000T0000Z-190422T1600Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA- Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA- Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA- Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel- Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point-York River- James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge- James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge- Tunnel- 950 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EDT TODAY... * Wind: NW 15 to 20 kt, diminishing to 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. * Waves: 2 to 3 ft on the Chesapeake Bay and around 2 ft on the Virginia Rivers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots over the chesapeake bay and the rivers of eastern virginia are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$  635 WGUS84 KMEG 221350 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 850 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued later today. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC033-045-097-231350- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0112.000000T0000Z-190424T0600Z/ /HLST1.1.ER.190414T0105Z.190414T0500Z.190424T0000Z.NO/ 850 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the S.F. of the Forked Deer River near Halls * until Tuesday April 23. * At 8 AM Monday the stage was 9.6 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * At 9.0 feet...Farm land near the river is flooded. && LAT...LON 3595 8948 3600 8940 3589 8932 3584 8940 $$  903 WSBZ31 SBBS 221350 SBBS SIGMET 4 VALID 221350/221750 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1717 W05354 - S1641 W05304 - S1716 W05150 - S1909 W05018 - S2039 W05037 - S1918 W05141 - S1717 W05354 T OP FL450 STNR INTSF=  915 WVPR31 SPIM 221353 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 221420/222020 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1320Z WI S1546 W07143 - S1601 W07110 - S1614 W07119 - S1559 W07149 - S1549 W07150 - S1548 W07150 - S1548 W07150 - S1546 W07143 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 1930Z VA CLD WI S1547 W07149 - S1553 W07131 - S1605 W07120 - S1616 W07133 - S1556 W07152 - S1547 W07149=  574 WSAL31 DAAA 221354 DAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 221330/221600 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3515 E00702 - N3739 E00703 TOP FL320 MOV E NC=  762 WGUS82 KRAH 221354 FLSRAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Raleigh, NC 954 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Neuse River At Smithfield affecting Johnston County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message. If you encounter deep water while driving, do not attempt to drive through. Turn around, dont drown. && NCC101-230153- /O.CON.KRAH.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SMFN7.1.ER.190413T1437Z.190425T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 954 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Neuse River At Smithfield. * At 9:16 AM Monday the stage was 14.5 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage by late this afternoon and continue to rise to near 16.2 feet by Thursday early afternoon. * Impact...At 18.0 feet, Moderate flood stage. The Smithfield town park and the Neuse riverwalk at the US70 bridge are flooded. * Impact...At 15.0 feet, Minor flood stage. Flooding begins along the Neuse riverwalk. Water nears the base of the holding tank at the water treatment plant. && The following are the latest observations and 7 AM EST forecast stages for the next several days. FLD OBSERVED FORECAST 7 AM EST LOCATION STG STG DAY TIME Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Neuse River Smithfield 15 14.5 Mon 09 AM 15.6 16.1 16.2 16.2 16.1 && LAT...LON 3554 7829 3548 7834 3544 7829 3541 7833 3547 7842 3556 7835 $$  536 WSUS31 KKCI 221355 SIGE MKCE WST 221355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221555-221955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  537 WSUS33 KKCI 221355 SIGW MKCW WST 221355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221555-221955 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-HEC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  538 WSUS32 KKCI 221355 SIGC MKCC WST 221355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 44C VALID UNTIL 1555Z WI MN IA FROM 40NW EAU-40WSW ODI-20NNW MCW-30WSW MSP-40NW EAU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45C VALID UNTIL 1555Z IL MO IA FROM 40E MCW-20E IOW-30NNE UIN-40WSW UIN LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46C VALID UNTIL 1555Z IA FROM 30S FOD-10ENE DSM-30WSW DSM-40SSW FOD-30S FOD DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS TO FL280. OUTLOOK VALID 221555-221955 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-STL-SGF-30SSW OSW-RWF-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-TBE-CDS-MAF-INK-ABQ-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  359 WSRS31 RURD 221354 URRV SIGMET 4 VALID 221400/221800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N4600 E03701 - N4415 E04125 - N4330 E04100 - N4425 E03638 SFC/FL150 STNR WKN=  762 WSCI36 ZUUU 221351 ZPKM SIGMET 4 VALID 221410/221810 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3014 E10909-N2801 E10905-N2642 E10859-N2535 E10747-N2411 E10401-N2816 E10340-N3014 E10909 TOP FL320 STNR NC=  725 WGUS81 KALY 221356 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 956 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC043-065-221426- /O.CAN.KALY.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190422T1445Z/ /HIKN6.2.RS.190420T1230Z.190421T0330Z.190422T0900Z.NO/ 956 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The West Canada Creek At Hinckley. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 1226.8 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 1227 feet. * Impact...At 1227 feet...Minor flood stage with two feet of water flowing over the spillway. The river overflows its banks downstream. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am 2 pm Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue West Canada Cr Hinckley 1227.0 1226.8 Mon 09 AM 1226.8 1226.6 1226.4 1226.2 1226.0 && LAT...LON 4336 7514 4329 7499 4314 7491 4313 7506 4327 7519 $$  714 WGUS82 KTAE 221357 FLSTAE FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TALLAHASSEE FL 957 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Apalachicola River near Blountstown affecting Calhoun... Franklin...Gulf and Liberty Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interest along the river should monitor the latest forecasts, and be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. If you see flood waters: Turn around. Don't drown. For graphical hydrologic information, please go to weather.gov and click on your state. Select Rivers and Lakes AHPS under current conditions and click on your river point. && FLC013-037-045-077-231356- /O.CON.KTAE.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190426T0730Z/ /BLOF1.1.ER.190422T0515Z.190423T1800Z.190425T1930Z.NO/ 857 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Apalachicola River near Blountstown. * Until late Thursday night. * At 8:15 AM Monday the stage was 17.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast: The river will continue rising to near 18.3 feet by early Wednesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday early afternoon. * Impact: At 18.0 feet: Forest Road 115 in Liberty County at River Styx Campground will flood, isolating access to the site. && LAT...LON 3061 8490 3009 8508 2980 8490 2972 8505 3007 8520 3061 8498 $$  833 WWUS83 KGRR 221358 RFWGRR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 958 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MIZ037>040-043>046-050>052-056>059-064>067-071>074-222200- /O.NEW.KGRR.FW.W.0001.190422T1358Z-190423T0000Z/ Mason-Lake-Osceola-Clare-Oceana-Newaygo-Mecosta-Isabella-Muskegon- Montcalm-Gratiot-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry-Eaton- Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- 958 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Grand Rapids has issued a Red Flag Warning, which is in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening. * Winds...South 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 25 percent. * Temperatures...In the 70s, possibly near 80. * Impacts...Burn restrictions are in effect for some areas. For more information on burn restrictions...visit the Michigan DNR website at www.michigan.gov/burnpermit or call 866-922-2876. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now or will shortly. The combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Be careful with any activities that could potentially lead to a wildfire. Camping...outdoor grills...smoking materials...chain saws...and all terrain vehicles all have the potential to throw a spark and ignite a dangerous and destructive fire. && $$ Meade  997 WSKY31 UCFM 221359 UCFM SIGMET 3 VALID 221400/221700 UCFM- UCFM BISHKEK FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1353Z LINE N4256 E07400-N4223 E07337 TOP FL350 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  387 WWUS85 KCYS 221400 SPSCYS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 800 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WYZ110-221600- North Snowy Range Foothills- Including the cities of Arlington and Elk Mountain 800 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Patchy dense fog will persist over much of the North Snowy Range Foothills for the next few hours. Visibilities will be reduced to a half mile or less at times. Motorists traveling along Interstate 80 from Walcott Junction to Arlington should exercise caution when encountering fog. Reduce speeds and allow extra travel time. $$  538 WGUS43 KMQT 221400 FLWMQT BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Marquette MI 1000 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Middle Branch Escanaba River at Humboldt affecting Marquette County .Rainfall of 1.25 to just over 1.5 inches has occurred in the northern portions of the Middle Branch of the Escanaba River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will push the river just above flood stage on Tuesday morning. Rain will diminish tonight, but the river is not expected to fall back below flood stage until later Tuesday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 11 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC103-230400- /O.NEW.KMQT.FL.W.0001.190423T1200Z-190426T0530Z/ /HUMM4.1.ER.190423T1200Z.190423T1800Z.190424T0000Z.NO/ 1000 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a * Flood Warning for The Middle Branch Escanaba River at Humboldt. * from Tuesday morning to late Thursday night. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 5.7 feet. * Flood stage is 6.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage on Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 6.6 feet on by early Tuesday afternoon. The river stage is then expected to fall below flood stage on Tuesday night. * At 6.5 feet...County Road FX begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4652 8795 4656 8790 4650 8780 4645 8790 $$ JSS  705 WWUS83 KAPX 221401 RFWAPX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1001 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MIZ017-018-020>036-041-042-099-230000- /O.NEW.KAPX.FW.W.0001.190422T1401Z-190423T0000Z/ Cheboygan-Presque Isle-Leelanau-Antrim-Otsego-Montmorency-Alpena- Benzie-Grand Traverse-Kalkaska-Crawford-Oscoda-Alcona-Manistee- Wexford-Missaukee-Roscommon-Ogemaw-Iosco-Gladwin-Arenac- Charlevoix- 1001 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR WARM TEMPERATURES, LOW HUMIDITY, AND INCREASINGLY GUSTY SOUTH WINDS FOR MUCH OF NORTHERN LOWER MICHIGAN... The National Weather Service in Gaylord has issued a RED FLAG WARNING, which is in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening. * AFFECTED AREA...Much of northern lower Michigan * TEMPERATURES...Highs in the middle to upper 70s. * WIND...Increasingly gusty south winds, at times gusting over 20 mph this afternoon. * HUMIDITY...20 to 30 percent most areas. Lowest humidity inland, away from the coastlines. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  494 WSFJ01 NFFN 221200 NFFF SIGMET 07 VALID 221430/221830 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1524 E17454 - S1524 E17918 - S2306 E17706 - S2200 E17136 - S1524 E17454 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  670 WSUZ31 UTTT 221400 UTTR SIGMET 3 VALID 221405/221800 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E067 W OF 070 TOP FL320 MOV NE 14KT NC=  822 WSFJ02 NFFN 221200 NFFF SIGMET 08 VALID 221435/221835 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0206 E17654 - S0036 E17954 - S0506 E17954 - S0506 W17148 - S0936 W17454 - S0954 W17930 - N0206 E17336 - N0206 E17654 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  072 WSUZ31 UTTT 221400 UTTR SIGMET 4 VALID 221405/221800 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF E067 W OF E069 TOP FL300 MOV NE 14KT NC=  480 WSUZ31 UTTT 221400 UTTR SIGMET 5 VALID 221405/221800 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E067 W OF E070 TOP FL320 MOV NE 14KT NC=  725 WSID20 WIII 221400 WIIZ SIGMET 15 VALID 221400/221700 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0046 E11205 - S0203 E11107 - S0259 E10940 - S0135 E10837 - N0009 E11046 - S0046 E11205 TOP FL540 MOV NE 5KT INTSF=  240 WSID20 WIII 221400 WIIZ SIGMET 14 VALID 221400/221700 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0205 E09712 - S0258 E09622 - S0204 E09454 - S0034 E09348 - N0038 E09508 - S0205 E09712 TOP FL520 MOV N 10KT NC=  241 WSAJ31 UBBB 221406 UBBB SIGMET 3 VALID 221500/221900 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST TOP FL390 MOV NE 40KT NC=  474 WAAK47 PAWU 221408 RRA WA7O JNUS WA 221406 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 222015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z OCNL VIS BLW 3SM +RA. IMPR. . SRN SE AK JD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE SPRDG NE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR/-RASN. DTRT. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 221215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 222015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB AFT 19Z SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 18Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 18Z S PAHN MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB OTRW AFT 18Z ALL SXNS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB S PAHN LLWS COND. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 18Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 18Z MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 060 AGL. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC AFT 18Z OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC LLWS COND. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z MOD TURB BLW 060. ISOL SEV TURB WI 060 AGL. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD AFT 18Z W CLARENCE STRAIT OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD LLWS COND. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE AFT 18Z OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 18Z PAYA SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 18Z ALG CST OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL370. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 15Z MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF AFT 15Z PASI N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF LLWS COND. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 221215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 222015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 21Z S PAHN OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 025. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC FREDERICK SOUND N OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 030. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 18Z S PAGN OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-140. FZLVL 030. WKN. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 18Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-140. FZLVL 035. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE 15Z TO 18Z ALG CST E PAYA OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 020. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 18Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 070-130. FZLVL 030. WKN. . JAM APR 2019 AAWU  503 WHUS71 KLWX 221411 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1011 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ530>543-222200- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0074.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 1011 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  984 WTXS21 PGTW 221430 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 91S)// RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 160 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 9.7S 52.2E TO 10.6S 45.9E WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 25 TO 30 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 221400Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 51.3E. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING WESTWARD AT 06 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 91S) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 53.0E, IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 51.3E, APPROXIMATELY 735 NM NORTH-NORTHWEST OF LA REUNION. ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY AND A 221241Z SSMIS 91GHZ MICROWAVE IMAGE SHOW A CONSOLIDATING LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION WITH DEEP, CONVECTIVE BANDING TO THE WEST. A 220531Z ASCAT-C IMAGE SHOWS A SYMMETRIC CIRCULATION WITH 25 KNOT WINDS OVER THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE. UPPER-LEVEL ANALYSIS DEPICTS LOW (10-15 KNOTS) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (5-10 KNOTS) WITH ENHANCED POLEWARD OUTFLOW INTO THE UPPER LEVEL WESTERLIES TO THE SOUTH. SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES (29-30 CELSIUS) REMAIN SUPPORTIVE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. GLOBAL MODELS INDICATE A WESTWARD TO WEST- SOUTHWESTWARD TRACK WITH STEADY INTENSIFICATION. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 25 TO 30 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1000 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS HIGH. 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 231430Z.// NNNN  352 WTXS21 PGTW 221430 RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 160 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 9.7S 52.2E TO 10.6S 45.9E WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 25 TO 30 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 221400Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 51.3E. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING WESTWARD AT 06 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 25 TO 30 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1000 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS HIGH. 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 231430Z. // 9119042118 97S 530E 20 9119042200 97S 524E 25 9119042206 97S 519E 25 9119042212 97S 513E 30 NNNN  390 WWUS83 KDTX 221417 RFWDTX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MIZ047-048-053-060-222230- /O.NEW.KDTX.FW.W.0001.190422T1417Z-190423T0000Z/ Midland-Bay-Saginaw-Shiawassee- 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM THIS EVENING FOR HIGH FIRE DANGER... The National Weather Service in Detroit/Pontiac has issued a Red Flag Warning for high fire danger, which is in effect until 8 PM this evening. * Affected Area...Fire Weather Zones 047...048...053 and 060. * Timing...Today through this evening. * Winds...South 10 to 20 mph with frequent gusts up to 30 mph. * Temperatures...Highs mid 70s to near 80. * Humidity...As low as 25-30 percent. * Impacts...The Saginaw valley received much less rainfall over the weekend compared to the rest of SE Michigan increasing the likelihood for dry fuel. Burn restrictions are in effect for some areas. For more information on burn restrictions...visit the Michigan DNR website at www.michigan.gov/burnpermit or call 866-922-2876. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit... http://www.weather.gov/dtx/fire  566 WHUS73 KMQT 221417 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LSZ240-222230- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI- 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 /917 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019/ ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ THIS EVENING... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ this evening. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 18 knots from the northeast, with gusts up to 20 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 5 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 7 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 1 PM EDT Monday with the largest waves expected around 4 PM EDT Monday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ242>245-222230- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EDT TUESDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until 6 PM EDT Tuesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 24 knots from the north, with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 8 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 11 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 10 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ247>250-222230- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190422T1600Z-190424T0400Z/ Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Huron Islands to Marquette MI- Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT TUESDAY NIGHT... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until midnight EDT Tuesday night. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 25 knots from the north, with gusts up to 31 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 10 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 14 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 6 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 1 PM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ251-222230- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190423T0600Z-190424T0400Z/ Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- 1017 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT EDT TUESDAY NIGHT... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect from 2 AM Tuesday to midnight EDT Tuesday night. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 26 knots from the north, with gusts up to 31 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 8 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 12 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ JSS  346 WGUS83 KABR 221417 FLSABR Flood Statement National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 917 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota... Big Sioux River At Watertown - Broadway Avenue ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota... Big Sioux River AT Watertown Big Sioux River Near Castlewood .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr...then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued Tuesday. && SDC029-231818- /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WBSS2.1.RS.190323T2258Z.190421T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 917 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River AT Watertown. * until further notice. * At 8:15 AM Monday the stage was 9.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 9.6 feet by Tuesday morning. * At 10.5 feet...Sioux Conifer Road begins flooding. && LAT...LON 4498 9713 4492 9712 4492 9715 4497 9717 $$ SDC029-231818- /O.EXT.KABR.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ /WBWS2.1.SM.190419T1730Z.190421T0915Z.190425T0600Z.NO/ 917 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River At Watertown - Broadway Avenue. * until Thursday morning. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will hold steady at 11.1 feet through Monday afternoon. * At 11.0 feet...The right bank downstream of the gauge is overtopped. && LAT...LON 4492 9712 4487 9703 4485 9711 4492 9715 $$ SDC057-231818- /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CSWS2.2.RS.000000T0000Z.190325T1130Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 917 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River Near Castlewood. * until further notice. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 10.8 feet by Tuesday morning. * At 11.0 feet...Significant amounts of pasture and other agricultural lands will be flooded. && LAT...LON 4480 9703 4464 9695 4460 9700 4469 9706 4480 9709 $$  998 WGUS83 KFSD 221418 FLSFSD Flood Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota...Nebraska...Iowa...Minnesota... Big Sioux River below Dell Rapids Big Sioux River At Sioux Falls North Cliff Big Sioux River above Hawarden Big Sioux River At Akron Little Sioux River near Milford Little Sioux River at Spencer Little Sioux River At Linn Grove Lake Francis Case At Chamberlain Missouri River At Niobrara Missouri River At Springfield Big Sioux River near Estelline Big Sioux River Near Bruce Big Sioux River Near Brookings Big Sioux River near Flandreau Big Sioux River near Egan Big Sioux River near Trent Big Sioux River near Dell Rapids Big Sioux River At Sioux Falls I-90 Big Sioux River at Brandon Big Sioux River near Canton Big Sioux River at Fairview Big Sioux River near Richland Split Rock Creek Below Jasper .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && SDC011-057-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0101.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BSES2.3.RS.190322T1556Z.190328T1715Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Estelline. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 1646.02 feet. * Flood stage is 1644.00 feet. && LAT...LON 4460 9700 4464 9695 4451 9683 4451 9690 $$ SDC011-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRCS2.2.RS.190321T1037Z.190329T1215Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River Near Bruce. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 10.24 feet. * Flood stage is 8.00 feet. * At stages near 10.5 feet...198th Street and 199th Street between 466th and 467th avenues are flooded, as is 202nd Street between 465th and 467th avenues, and 465th Avenue between 203rd and 204th streets. && LAT...LON 4451 9690 4451 9683 4441 9688 4433 9686 4433 9692 4443 9696 4448 9690 $$ SDC011-101-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRKS2.3.RS.190319T1448Z.190420T1415Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River Near Brookings. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 12.20 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 11.9 feet by 7 AM Tuesday. * At stages near 12.0 feet...475th Avenue and 222nd Street being to flood. && LAT...LON 4417 9678 4420 9675 4414 9659 4410 9658 4410 9666 4411 9666 $$ SDC101-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0100.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BSFS2.1.RS.190414T0622Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Flandreau. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 1541.70 feet. * Flood stage is 1540.00 feet. * At stages near 1541 feet...479th Avenue between 224th and 225th Streets begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4410 9666 4410 9658 4407 9652 4404 9653 4402 9659 4405 9664 4407 9661 $$ SDC101-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0095.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EGAS2.3.RS.190320T1645Z.190323T1815Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Egan. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 1519.97 feet. * Flood stage is 1516.50 feet. * At stages near 1519 feet...Water is across the road on both sides of the bridge by the Egan Park. && LAT...LON 4405 9664 4402 9659 4397 9662 4396 9667 4396 9672 4400 9668 4401 9665 $$ SDC099-101-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0073.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TRES2.3.RS.190317T2051Z.190324T0615Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Trent. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 1497.98 feet. * Flood stage is 1495.00 feet. * At stages near 1498 feet...Flood waters reach into the backyards of several houses in Trent. && LAT...LON 4396 9672 4396 9667 4392 9665 4391 9663 4385 9663 4385 9669 4387 9668 $$ SDC099-101-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DRBS2.3.RS.190317T0015Z.190324T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Dell Rapids. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 1484.35 feet. * Flood stage is 1481.00 feet. * At stages near 1485 feet...The City Park and the ball fields on the left bank in Dell Rapids begin to flood, and some farm houses could be surrounded by water. && LAT...LON 4385 9669 4385 9663 4381 9666 4381 9672 4382 9674 4384 9669 $$ SDC099-101-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190502T0000Z/ /DERS2.2.RS.190316T2045Z.190421T0930Z.190501T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River below Dell Rapids. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 14.38 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday April 30. * At stages near 14.5 feet...250th Street west of Baltic is flooded, Park Road in Dell Rapids is flooded, and some homes and businesses along 1st Avenue in Dell Rapids are flooded. && LAT...LON 4382 9674 4381 9672 4369 9671 4369 9676 4373 9678 4379 9676 $$ SDC099-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SFLS2.2.RS.190314T1310Z.190326T2345Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River At Sioux Falls I-90. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 15.75 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 15.6 feet by 7 AM Tuesday. * At stages near 15.0 feet...Some farm buildings between Renner and Sioux Falls are threatened by high water. && LAT...LON 4369 9676 4369 9671 4362 9672 4358 9672 4356 9672 4357 9674 4359 9673 4360 9675 4363 9676 $$ IAC119-SDC083-099-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190428T2100Z/ /SXFS2.2.RS.190319T1200Z.190421T0345Z.190427T2100Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River At Sioux Falls North Cliff. * until Sunday afternoon. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 19.50 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday April 27. * At stages near 18.0 feet...Significant amounts of rural land downstream of Sioux Falls, and the salvage yard in extreme eastern Sioux Falls, will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 4356 9672 4358 9672 4358 9668 4359 9668 4362 9664 4359 9665 4356 9667 $$ IAC119-SDC099-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BBSS2.3.RS.190313T2246Z.190315T0745Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River at Brandon. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 1308.31 feet. * Flood stage is 1304.00 feet. && LAT...LON 4359 9665 4362 9664 4360 9657 4345 9656 4338 9646 4339 9658 4343 9662 4358 9662 $$ IAC119-167-SDC083-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CBSS2.3.RS.000000T0000Z.190315T2045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Canton. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 1238.66 feet. * Flood stage is 1235.00 feet. * At stages near 1238 feet...Nearly all crop and pasture land in the 1/2 mile wide flood plain will be inundated. && LAT...LON 4339 9658 4338 9648 4327 9648 4327 9652 4324 9652 4320 9652 4321 9661 4332 9660 4331 9656 $$ IAC167-SDC083-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0041.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FVWS2.3.RS.190313T2340Z.190315T1600Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River at Fairview. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 1205.50 feet. * Flood stage is 1202.00 feet. && LAT...LON 4324 9652 4323 9643 4313 9639 4307 9640 4308 9654 4313 9650 4320 9652 $$ IAC149-167-SDC127-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190502T0900Z/ /HWDI4.2.RS.190313T2330Z.190420T0345Z.190501T0900Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River above Hawarden. * until Thursday May 02. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 25.44 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20.50 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 26.0 feet by Thursday April 25. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday May 01. && LAT...LON 4308 9654 4308 9641 4302 9646 4291 9649 4291 9658 $$ IAC149-SDC127-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190430T1200Z/ /AKRI4.2.RS.190313T2132Z.190421T0345Z.190429T1200Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River At Akron. * until Tuesday April 30. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 19.17 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday April 29. * At stages near 19.5 feet...Several farm houses are flooded. && LAT...LON 4291 9658 4291 9649 4281 9654 4277 9659 4278 9665 $$ IAC149-SDC127-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BSRS2.3.RS.190314T0600Z.190316T0845Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Richland. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 1120.22 feet. * Flood stage is 1117.00 feet. * At stages near 1121 feet...Some farm levees will be overtopped and some farm buildings will be flooded. && LAT...LON 4278 9665 4277 9659 4273 9660 4268 9655 4264 9661 4270 9666 $$ SDC015-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0108.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CBLS2.1.RS.190328T1200Z.190403T1330Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Lake Francis Case At Chamberlain. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 65.28 feet. * Flood stage is 65.00 feet. * At stages near 65.0 feet...American Creek marina just upstream of the gauge will begin flooding, and water reaches the top of the boat ramp near Buryanek camp ground. && LAT...LON 4393 9939 4393 9932 4387 9927 4377 9938 4370 9938 4370 9947 $$ NEC107-SDC009-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0109.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MRNN1.2.RS.190329T0300Z.190418T0215Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Niobrara. * until further notice. * At 12AM Monday the stage was 23.65 feet. * Flood stage is 21.00 feet. * At stages near 24.0 feet...Highway 12 east and west of Niobrara will be flooded, and the sewage lagoons in Niobrara will be flooded. Homes and cabins in Running Water will also be threatened by high water. && LAT...LON 4279 9811 4284 9810 4279 9801 4282 9795 4278 9790 4274 9801 $$ NEC107-SDC009-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0141.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SPGS2.1.ER.190411T1410Z.190418T1315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Springfield. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 10.63 feet. * Flood stage is 10.00 feet. * At stages near 11.0 feet...The boat landing near Santee is flooded, and the access road to some of the recreational homes east of the boat landing is flooded. && LAT...LON 4278 9790 4282 9795 4287 9791 4288 9784 4283 9783 4281 9788 $$ MNC133-SDC099-231817- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0115.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JSPM5.3.ER.190406T1348Z.190407T1245Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Split Rock Creek Below Jasper. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 91.31 feet. * Flood stage is 91.00 feet. * At stages near 91.0 feet...The lower banks on this stretch of the creek are overtopped. The low water crossing on 250th Street at the MN/SD state line is flooded. && LAT...LON 4390 9639 4384 9637 4377 9642 4372 9648 4372 9654 4381 9649 $$ IAC041-059-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0119.000000T0000Z-190427T1800Z/ /MIFI4.1.ER.190407T1345Z.190417T0715Z.190426T1800Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Sioux River near Milford. * until Saturday afternoon. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 12.28 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 12.5 feet by Tuesday April 23. The river will fall below flood stage Friday April 26. * At stages near 12.0 feet...Minor flooding of low lying agricultural lands begins, and water reaches the road on 190th Avenue near 240th Street. && LAT...LON 4341 9527 4341 9521 4334 9520 4331 9515 4321 9517 4321 9528 4330 9525 $$ IAC041-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0120.000000T0000Z-190501T1800Z/ /SPWI4.1.ER.190406T1625Z.190413T2115Z.190430T1800Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Sioux River at Spencer. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 10.60 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 11.4 feet by Wednesday April 24. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday April 30. * At stages near 10.0 feet...The right bank overflows, and minor flooding of the Spencer city park and some rural agricultural areas begins. && LAT...LON 4321 9528 4321 9517 4314 9503 4299 9503 4302 9510 4310 9511 4314 9523 $$ IAC021-041-231817- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0121.000000T0000Z-190429T1200Z/ /LNNI4.1.ER.190407T2105Z.190415T0415Z.190428T1200Z.NO/ 918 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Sioux River At Linn Grove. * until Monday April 29. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 18.04 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 18.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 18.4 feet by Friday April 26. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday April 28. * At stages near 18.5 feet...The city park in Sioux Rapids is flooded. && LAT...LON 4302 9510 4299 9503 4287 9512 4288 9536 4296 9543 4293 9520 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Maximum Forecast Recent Observed Stage Stage Time Stage Time Crest Time BIG SIOUX RIVER BSES2 1644.0 1646.02 Mon 9 AM 1646.2 Fri Apr 19 BRCS2 8.0 10.24 Mon 9 AM 10.4 Sun Apr 21 BRKS2 9.0 12.20 Mon 9 AM 12.5 Fri Apr 19 BSFS2 1540.0 1541.70 Mon 9 AM 1542.2 Sat Apr 20 EGAS2 1516.5 1519.97 Mon 9 AM 1520.5 Sat Apr 20 TRES2 1495.0 1497.98 Mon 8 AM 1498.3 Sat Apr 20 DRBS2 1481.0 1484.35 Mon 8 AM 1484.7 Sat Apr 20 DERS2 12.0 14.38 Mon 8 AM 14.5 Sat Apr 20 SFLS2 12.0 15.75 Mon 9 AM 15.8 Sun Apr 21 SXFS2 16.0 19.50 Mon 8 AM 19.5 Sat Apr 20 BBSS2 1304.0 1308.31 Mon 9 AM 1308.4 Sun Apr 21 CBSS2 1235.0 1238.66 Mon 9 AM 1239.1 Thu Apr 18 FVWS2 1202.0 1205.50 Mon 8 AM 1206.2 Thu Apr 18 HWDI4 20.5 25.44 Mon 8 AM 26.0 Thu 1 AM 26.9 Fri Apr 19 AKRI4 16.0 19.17 Mon 9 AM 19.6 Sat Apr 20 BSRS2 1117.0 1120.22 Mon 9 AM 1120.5 Sat Apr 20 MISSOURI RIVER CBLS2 65.0 65.28 Mon 8 AM 66.3 Fri Apr 12 MRNN1 21.0 23.65 Mon 1 AM 23.9 Wed Apr 17 SPGS2 10.0 10.63 Mon 8 AM 11.0 Fri Apr 19 SPLIT ROCK CREEK JSPM5 91.0 91.31 Mon 8 AM 94.8 Wed Apr 17 LITTLE SIOUX RIVER MIFI4 12.0 12.28 Mon 8 AM 12.5 Tue 1 AM 13.4 Fri Apr 12 SPWI4 10.0 10.60 Mon 8 AM 11.4 Wed 1 AM 12.1 Sat Apr 13 LNNI4 18.0 18.04 Mon 9 AM 18.4 Thu 1 PM 18.8 Sun Apr 14 MG  392 WGUS81 KCLE 221418 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1018 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Scioto River Near Prospect PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC101-222217- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190424T0336Z/ /PRGO1.1.ER.190421T1710Z.190422T1400Z.190423T2136Z.NO/ 1018 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday evening...The flood warning continues for The Scioto River Near Prospect. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was...10.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage by Tuesday afternoon. * At 10.0 feet...Highway 203 is inaccessible north of Prospect. Flooding occurs near Elm Street in northern parts of Prospect. && LAT...LON 4052 8324 4055 8318 4044 8317 4044 8324 $$ BM  717 WGUS83 KPAH 221420 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 920 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Indiana... Wabash River at New Harmony .Minor flooding continues along the Wabash River at New Harmony. Water levels continue to rise, and the river is forecast to crest near 17.4 feet Sunday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-185-193-INC051-129-231819- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-190502T1048Z/ /NHRI3.1.ER.190418T1815Z.190426T1800Z.190502T0448Z.NO/ 920 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Wabash River at New Harmony. * until Thursday May 02. * At 8:30 AM Monday the stage was 16.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.4 feet by early Sunday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday, May 1 before midnight. * Impact...At 19.0 Feet...Harmonie State Park is closed. Surrounding bottomland is flooded. && LAT...LON 3816 8799 3815 8790 3797 8799 3781 8801 3780 8809 3789 8810 $$  088 WVHO31 MHTG 221421 MHTG SIGMET 1 VALID 221415/222015 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA SANTA MARIA PSN N1445 W09133 VA CLD OBS AT 1356Z SFC/FL150 N1445 W09133 - N1434 W09128 N1435 W09134 - N1445 W09135 MOV SE 10-15KT FCST CLD VA 2000Z SFC/FL150 N1438 W09134 - N1438 W09130 N1419 W09123 - N1423 W09131=  020 WSAL31 DAAA 221422 DAAA SIGMET 2 VALID 221430/221730 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR HYV SS FCST WI N2826 E00953 - N2600 E00932 - N2508 E00808 - N2534 E00651 - N2826 E00953 MOV NE INTSF=  387 WGUS83 KILX 221422 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 922 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Illinois River near Havana affecting Cass...Fulton and Mason Counties Illinois River at Beardstown affecting Brown...Cass...Morgan and Schuyler Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC017-057-125-230422- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAVI2.2.ER.190206T1406Z.190405T1445Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River near Havana. * Until further notice. * At 845 AM Monday the stage was 17.2 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 17.1 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Illinois River Havana 14 17.2 Mon 9 AM 17.1 17.1 17.0 && LAT...LON 4053 8988 4047 8980 4034 9002 4012 9017 4018 9023 4039 9010 $$ ILC009-017-137-169-230422- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BEAI2.2.ER.190205T1657Z.190405T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 922 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Beardstown. * Until further notice. * At 845 AM Monday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 18.9 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Seepage problems begin in the Lost Creek Drainage and Levee District. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Illinois River Beardstown 14 18.9 Mon 9 AM 18.9 18.8 18.7 && LAT...LON 4018 9023 4012 9017 4008 9037 3999 9046 3999 9058 4015 9043 $$ Ousley  450 WSMG31 FMMI 221422 FMMM SIGMET A2 VALID 221422/221822 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR OCNL EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E05625 - S1645 E05625 - S1643 E05128 - S1000 E04702 - S1000 E05625 TOP FL520 MOV W INTSF=  382 WSMC31 GMMC 221421 GMMM SIGMET W3 VALID 221430/221830 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE N3506 W00251 - N3155 W005 32 - N3137 W00339 FL050/140 STNR WKN=  582 WGUS84 KLZK 221424 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 924 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Pocahontas affecting Randolph County Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence...Jackson and Lawrence Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC121-230525- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /POCA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1345Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 924 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Pocahontas. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will briefly drop a couple tenths of a foot, before returning to near 17.5 feet Thursday afternoon. * Impacts at 17.0 feet...Agricultural lands along the river east and south of Pocahontas will be impacted by high water. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Black River Pocahontas 17 17.5 Mon 09 AM 17.3 17.1 17.4 Cresting && LAT...LON 3612 9115 3625 9106 3630 9095 3620 9089 3617 9098 3610 9101 $$ ARC063-067-075-230525- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0049.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BKRA4.1.ER.190414T2310Z.190420T0830Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 924 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Black Rock. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 18.9 feet by Wednesday morning. * Impacts at 17.0 feet...Low lying cultivated land and pastures in Lawrence, Jackson, and Independence counties flood. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Black River Black Rock 14 19.7 Mon 09 AM 19.3 18.9 18.5 Crested && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$ 67  252 WSBZ01 SBBR 221400 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 221300/221700 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0242 W04343 - N0408W04302 - N0225 W03750 - N0006 W03848 - N0242 W04343 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  253 WSBZ01 SBBR 221400 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 221220/221620 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 W06122 - S1152 W05953- S1257 W06130 - S1147 W06308 - S1000 W06122 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  254 WSBZ01 SBBR 221400 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 221230/221530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  255 WSBZ01 SBBR 221400 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0130 W05018 - N0019W04549 - S0117 W04631 - S0048 W05026 - N0130 W05018 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  256 WSBZ01 SBBR 221400 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0112 W05900 - S0133 W05603- S0411 W05630 - S0440 W05852 - S0112 W05900 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  481 WSAG31 SACO 221429 SACF SIGMET 3 VALID 221429/221829 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1429Z WI S2923 W06518 - S3051 W06547 - S3301 W06218 - S3155 W06131 - S3104 W06119 - S2923 W06518 - S2923 W06518 TOP FL380 MOV ESE 03KT NC=  704 WSMG31 FMMI 221425 CCA FMMM SIGMET A3 VALID 221425/221825 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR OCNL EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E05525 - S1645 E05625 - S1643 E05128 - S1000 E04702 - S1000 E05525 TOP FL520 MOV W INTSF=  023 WSAG31 SACO 221429 SACF SIGMET 3 VALID 221429/221829 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1429Z WI S2923 W06518 - S3051 W06547 - S3301 W06218 - S3155 W06131 - S3104 W06119 - S2923 W06518 - S2923 W06518 TOP FL380 MOV ESE 03KT NC=  176 WWST02 SBBR 221200 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 292/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - SAT - 20/APR/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 220000 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 231200 UTC. WARNING NR 293/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200 UTC - MON - 22/APR/2019 AREA BRAVO BETWEEN 25S AND 28S STARTING AT 231200 UTC. WIND SE/E FORCE 7. VALID UNTIL 241200 UTC. NNNN  939 WWST01 SBBR 221200 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 292/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1200 HMG - S?B - 20/ABR/2019 ?REA ALFA A 50 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 220000 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 231200 HMG. AVISO NR 293/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1200 HMG - SEG - 22/ABR/2019 ?REA BRAVO ENTRE 25S E 28S A PARTIR DE 231200 HMG. VENTO SE/E FOR?A 7. V?LIDO AT? 241200 HMG. NNNN  547 WAIY31 LIIB 221426 LIMM AIRMET 23 VALID 221440/221640 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4601 E00710 - N4409 E01354 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  663 WGUS83 KILX 221427 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 927 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Embarras River at Lawrenceville affecting Lawrence County .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC101-230427- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190425T0600Z/ /LAWI2.1.ER.190419T1742Z.190422T1345Z.190425T0000Z.NO/ 927 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Embarras River at Lawrenceville. * Until late Wednesday night. * At 845 AM Monday the stage was 32.2 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 33.0 feet...Kelly's Lake Lane, 1160N, is inundated. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Embarras River Lawrenceville 30 32.2 Mon 9 AM 31.7 30.7 29.1 && LAT...LON 3885 8786 3885 8773 3869 8759 3862 8765 $$ Ousley  553 WAIY31 LIIB 221427 LIMM AIRMET 24 VALID 221440/221640 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4432 E00835 - N4348 E00727 - N4308 E00949 - N4331 E01010 - N4423 E00911 - N4432 E00835 STNR NC=  671 WSIR31 OIII 221425 OIIX SIGMET 18 VALID 221425/221630 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3553 E05919 - N3042 E06203 - N2727 E05236 - N2857 E05146 TOP FL340 MOV E/NE NC=  672 WGUS83 KPAH 221427 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 927 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Big Muddy River near Murphysboro .Minor flooding continues along the Big Muddy River at Murphysboro. Water levels continue to fall slowly, and the river is forecast to fall below flood stage Saturday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC077-231827- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-190427T1800Z/ /MURI2.1.ER.190315T1915Z.190420T1330Z.190427T1200Z.NO/ 927 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro. * until Saturday afternoon. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 25.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 22.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday morning. * Impact...At 24.0 Feet...Some minor flooding in S 3rd & Division / Plum Street area. && LAT...LON 3777 8946 3784 8915 3778 8915 3773 8935 3760 8941 3760 8947 $$  043 WAIY31 LIIB 221428 LIMM AIRMET 25 VALID 221440/221640 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4652 E01037 - N4630 E00819 - N4548 E00639 - N4505 E00634 - N4423 E00647 - N4342 E00733 - N4420 E00830 - N4431 E00924 - N4405 E01018 - N4339 E01056 - N4337 E01251 - N4422 E01115 - N4454 E00929 - N4436 E00817 - N4428 E00733 - N4459 E00727 - N4534 E00831 - N4538 E00945 - N4604 E01048 - N4652 E01037 STNR NC=  612 WSMG31 FMMI 221428 CCB FMMM SIGMET A4 VALID 221428/221828 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR OCNL EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E05525 - S1645 E05525 - S1643 E05128 - S1000 E04702 - S1000 E05525 TOP FL520 MOV W INTSF=  624 WGUS83 KILX 221428 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 928 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Little Wabash River below Clay City affecting Clay and Richland Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC025-159-230429- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190423T1600Z/ /CLAI2.1.ER.190414T1833Z.190420T1400Z.190423T1000Z.NO/ 928 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Wabash River below Clay City. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 845 AM Monday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.0 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage early tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...2600E Road begins to flood 1.5 miles south of Wynoose. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Little Wabash River Clay City 18 18.9 Mon 9 AM 17.8 14.4 10.5 && LAT...LON 3878 8846 3871 8829 3860 8820 3860 8832 3867 8838 3870 8846 $$ Ousley  266 WSSC31 FSIA 221420 FSSS SIGMET 04 VALID 221450/221850 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 EE05122 - S1000 E04952 - S0709 E04842 - S0632 E04540 - S0543 E04550 - S0500 E05304 - S0831 E05723 - S0737 E05143 - S1000 E05122 TOP ABV FL390 NC=  267 WWJP25 RJTD 221200 WARNING AND SUMMARY 221200. WARNING VALID 231200. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN BOHAI YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 42N 141E 44N 146E 51N 157E 53N 160E 48N 180E 40N 180E 33N 173E 34N 150E 37N 148E 37N 144E 42N 141E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 29N 140E 30N 145E 30N 152E 27N 152E 27N 145E 27N 135E 29N 140E. SUMMARY. LOW 996 HPA AT 46N 122E EAST 20 KT. LOW 1010 HPA AT 27N 141E ESE SLOWLY. LOW 1012 HPA AT 39N 150E EAST 15 KT. LOW 1012 HPA AT 42N 166E EAST 15 KT. HIGH 1020 HPA AT 39N 137E EAST 20 KT. WARM FRONT FROM 46N 122E TO 45N 125E 43N 127E. COLD FRONT FROM 46N 122E TO 44N 116E 43N 107E. WARM FRONT FROM 39N 150E TO 38N 152E 36N 153E. COLD FRONT FROM 39N 150E TO 36N 147E 34N 142E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 25N 113E TO 30N 120E 27N 126E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 23N 133E TO 25N 141E 28N 145E 26N 151E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  666 WHCA42 TJSJ 221430 CFWSJU COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 1030 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 PRZ001-002-005-008-222200- /O.CON.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ San Juan and Vicinity-Northeast-North Central-Northwest- 1030 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AST THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...The coasts of northeast Puerto Rico and the vicinity of the Greater San Juan Metropolitan area. * TIMING...through this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  517 WAUS46 KKCI 221445 WA6Z SFOZ WA 221445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET ICE...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YXC TO 40SSW GEG TO 20WSW BKE TO 60NE LKV TO 50E OED TO 60W OED TO 160NW FOT TO 110WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO 50WSW YXC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 070-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE WA OR CA ID MT AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50WSW YXC-60SW YQL-20ENE MLP-40ENE PDT-20WSW BKE-60NE LKV-50E OED-60W OED-160SW ONP-120WNW ONP-140W TOU-20NNW TOU-40E TOU-HUH-50WSW YXC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 080-110. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-130 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 50W HUH-70SSW YDC-90ESE YDC-60SW YXC 120 ALG 160WNW FOT-100NW FOT-20SSW SNS-110SW LAX-130SW MZB ....  518 WAUS41 KKCI 221445 WA1Z BOSZ WA 221445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20ESE MPV TO 20S ENE TO 40S ACK TO 150SSE HTO TO 130SE SIE TO 100E ECG TO 50SSW SBY TO 30SW SAX TO ALB TO 20ESE MPV MOD ICE BTN 080 AND FL210. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET ICE...ME NH MA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 190SSE ACK TO 40SE ACK TO 90ESE ENE TO 50WSW BGR TO 60WSW YSJ MOD ICE BTN 100 AND FL220. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40WNW BGR-60SSW BGR-40SW ACK-70SSE HTO-60SE CYN-CYN-30S SAX-ALB-50S YSC-40WNW BGR MOD ICE BTN 090 AND FL210. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 065-115 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 30NE YSC-PQI-40E PQI 080 ALG 120SE SBY-30ESE EMI-30WNW EMI-20SW CSN-40NNE RDU ....  519 WAUS44 KKCI 221445 WA4Z DFWZ WA 221445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 222100 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE OK TX BOUNDED BY 40ESE LAA-50ENE MMB-30SSE SPS-60ESE LBB-30SE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-40ESE LAA MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 090-110. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 110-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 20NW TXO-20NE TXO-20ENE AMA-40SSE LBL-20ENE LBL 120 ALG 30ENE BNA-GQO ....  520 WAUS43 KKCI 221445 WA3Z CHIZ WA 221445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE FROM 80SW DIK TO 20NW RAP TO 50S DPR TO 30N PIR TO 20SW ABR TO 60W FSD TO 30SSE ONL TO 50WSW OBH TO 20W LBF TO 20SE SNY TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-090. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET ICE...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH FROM YQT TO SSM TO 60WNW YVV TO 30S TVC TO 50SSW SAW TO 30SE RHI TO 50SSW GRB TO 30WNW DBQ TO 20N IOW TO 20ENE OVR TO 60WNW OVR TO 60WNW FSD TO 60SSE FAR TO 50NW DLH TO YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 050-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE SD MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL BOUNDED BY 30ESE YQT-SSM-20NE TVC-40E BAE-40E DBQ-30S MCW-60SE FSD-FSD-50NW RWF-60NNE DLH-30ESE YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 050-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 055-130 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 20SE SNY-50NNE ANW-60SE ABR-50SW BRD-50NNW RHI-70NNE SAW 120 ALG 20ENE LBL-30SE HLC-60SE OVR-30ENE IRK-30E PXV-30ENE BNA ....  522 WAUS42 KKCI 221445 WA2Z MIAZ WA 221445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 222100 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-145 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 40NNE RDU-60NNE ILM-90SSE ECG-120E ECG-120SE SBY 120 ALG GQO-40SW IRQ-30N SAV-130SSE ILM ....  523 WAUS45 KKCI 221445 WA5Z SLCZ WA 221445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM 60WSW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO 20SE SNY TO 50SE CYS TO 20W LAR TO 20NNE MTU TO 30W HVE TO 50SSW DTA TO 60S BVL TO 70SW ILC TO 30SE OAL TO 50SE BAM TO 30W BVL TO 30N BIL TO 60WSW DIK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 060-090. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET ICE...CO NM FROM 40ESE DBL TO 50S DEN TO 20SE TBE TO 50ESE CIM TO 50SSW FTI TO 40W FTI TO 30NE ALS TO 40ESE DBL MOD ICE BTN 100 AND FL200. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...ICE ID MT WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50WSW YXC-60SW YQL-20ENE MLP-40ENE PDT-20WSW BKE-60NE LKV-50E OED-60W OED-160SW ONP-120WNW ONP-140W TOU-20NNW TOU-40E TOU-HUH-50WSW YXC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 080-110. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...ICE CO NM BOUNDED BY 50S LAR-20ESE DEN-30W LAA-40ESE LAA-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-30SE TCC-20W TCC-50NNW CME-40NE TCS-40N ABQ-20N RSK-30SSW DBL-50S LAR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 090-110. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 060-130 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 080-100 BOUNDED BY 40SSE SNY-20NNW GLD-20ENE LAA- 40NE PUB-30SSE DEN-40SSE SNY 080 ALG 60SW YXC-60SSW YXC-40S LKT-50WSW DBS-20ENE JAC-30WNW AKO-20SE SNY 120 ALG 50SE SSO-50SSW FTI-20NW TXO ....  887 WGUS83 KFSD 221431 FLSFSD Flood Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 931 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota... West Fork Des Moines River near Avoca West Fork Des Moines River Near Windom West Fork Des Moines River at Jackson .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && MNC101-231830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0089.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /AVOM5.3.RS.190316T1830Z.190325T1130Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 931 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The West Fork Des Moines River near Avoca. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 1426.64 feet. * Flood stage is 1425.00 feet. * At stages near 1426 feet...Significant amounts of crop and pasture land are flooded. && LAT...LON 4406 9571 4411 9564 4389 9537 4382 9533 4386 9546 4396 9557 $$ MNC033-063-231830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0091.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WDOM5.2.RS.190319T2322Z.190323T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The West Fork Des Moines River Near Windom. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 20.15 feet. * Flood stage is 19.00 feet. * At stages near 21.0 feet...Island Park in Windom begins to flood, along with some agricultural lands outside of Windom. && LAT...LON 4382 9533 4389 9537 4398 9521 4375 9499 4375 9512 4388 9520 $$ MNC063-231830- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190425T0000Z/ /JCKM5.1.ER.190421T0900Z.190422T1330Z.190424T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The West Fork Des Moines River at Jackson. * until Wednesday evening. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 12.06 feet. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday April 23. * At stages near 12.0 feet...Some township roads begin flooding and flooding of crop and pasture lands becomes more widespread. && LAT...LON 4375 9512 4375 9499 4362 9495 4350 9485 4350 9496 4365 9507 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Recent Observed Stage Stage Time Crest Time WEST FORK DES MOINES RIVER AVOM5 1425.0 1426.64 Mon 8 AM 1427.5 Fri Apr 19 WDOM5 19.0 20.15 Mon 9 AM 20.5 Sun Apr 21 JCKM5 12.0 12.06 Mon 8 AM 12.1 Sun Apr 21 MG  528 WSCG31 FCBB 221431 FCCC SIGMET K1 VALID 221445/221845 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1400Z N OF LINE N0648 E01138 - N0611 E01425 W OF LINE N0624 E01123 - N0338 E01103 TOP FL150 MOV W 10KT=  505 WGUS84 KLZK 221432 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 932 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties White River At Georgetown affecting Prairie...White and Woodruff Counties White River At Des Arc affecting Prairie County White River At Clarendon affecting Arkansas and Monroe Counties Cache River Near Patterson affecting Jackson and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC145-147-230532- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /AUGA4.2.ER.190104T0045Z.190216T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 932 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Augusta. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 31.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 31.8 feet by early Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 32.0 feet...Thousands of acres of cropland and farm roads are flooded in White and Woodruff counties. Water is isolating homes and camps along the river in White and Woodruff counties. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower White River Augusta 26 31.7 Mon 09 AM 31.8 31.7 31.5 31.8 01 AM 04/23 && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ ARC117-145-147-230532- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-190430T0000Z/ /GEOA4.1.ER.190422T1000Z.190425T1200Z.190428T1800Z.NO/ 932 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Georgetown. * until Monday April 29...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.5 feet by Thursday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday early afternoon. * Impacts at 22.0 feet...Farm fields and farm roads on either side of Highway 36 west of Georgetown inundated. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower White River Georgetown 21 21.0 Mon 09 AM 21.2 21.3 21.5 21.5 07 AM 04/25 && LAT...LON 3500 9155 3508 9151 3514 9152 3515 9137 3506 9139 3498 9142 $$ ARC117-230532- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-190502T1200Z/ /DSCA4.1.ER.190420T2100Z.190426T1200Z.190501T0600Z.NO/ 932 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Des Arc. * until Thursday May 02...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 24.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 24.5 feet by Friday morning. * Impacts at 24.0 feet...Many acres of farmland flooded within the levees. Water is backing up Bayou Des Arc and Cypress Bayou. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower White River Des Arc 24 24.2 Mon 09 AM 24.2 24.2 24.3 24.5 07 AM 04/26 && LAT...LON 3466 9139 3477 9150 3500 9155 3498 9142 3482 9138 3472 9129 $$ ARC001-095-230532- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA4.2.ER.190112T1500Z.190225T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 932 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Clarendon. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 28.5 feet by Sunday morning. * Impacts at 28.0 feet...Flooding of cropland and timber is occurring. Roads to homes and cabins in lower Maddox Bay area off Highway 146 south of Clarendon impassible. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower White River Clarendon 26 28.0 Mon 09 AM 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.5 07 AM 04/28 && LAT...LON 3435 9119 3449 9132 3466 9139 3472 9129 3455 9120 3442 9108 $$ ARC067-147-230532- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0047.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T2100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 932 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Cache River Near Patterson. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 10.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain between 10.3 to 10.4 feet over much of the next week. * Impacts at 10.5 feet...Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775 north of HWY 260, and intersection of HWY 37 and HWY 18 east of Grubbs. Water is encroaching on yards of homes on Pine Street in Patterson. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timber flooded in Jackson and Woodruff counties. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Cache River Patterson 9 10.4 Mon 09 AM 10.4 10.3 10.3 Crested && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$ 67  094 WGUS82 KCHS 221433 FLSCHS Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 1033 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 SCC015-043-089-231432- /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JAMS1.1.ER.190411T0800Z.190419T2030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1033 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Santee River near Jamestown. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will continue rising to near 12.9 feet by Wednesday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 12.0 feet, several dirt logging roads are impassable. && LAT...LON 3347 8002 3354 7998 3325 7937 3321 7938 3320 7951 3329 7976 $$  041 WHUS73 KIWX 221433 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1033 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ043-046-222245- /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0014.190422T1700Z-190423T0800Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 1033 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...South 15 to 20 knots. Gusts to 25 knots this afternoon and tonight. * WAVES...1 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A small craft advisory means that sustained winds or frequent gusts of 22 to 33 knots are likely...and/or waves greater than 4 feet are expected. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  955 WHCA42 TJSJ 221434 CCA CFWSJU COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE...CORRECTED National Weather Service San Juan PR 1034 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 PRZ001-002-005-008-222200- /O.COR.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ San Juan and Vicinity-Northeast-North Central-Northwest- 1034 AM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AST THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...from the northwest to northeast beaches along the Atlantic coastline. * TIMING...through this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  860 WSCN02 CWAO 221434 CZEG SIGMET D2 VALID 221430/221830 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF N6650 W13608 SFC/FL030 QS NC=  004 WSCN22 CWAO 221434 CZEG SIGMET D2 VALID 221430/221830 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF /N6650 W13608/45 SW CZFM SFC/FL030 QS NC RMK GFACN35=  245 WHCA42 TJSJ 221434 CFWSPN MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS COSTEROS SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA SAN JUAN PR 1030 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 PRZ001-002-005-008-222200- San Juan y Vecindad-Noreste-Norte Central-Noroeste 1030 AM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS EN EFECTO HASTA LAS 6 PM AST DE ESTA NOCHE... * LOCALIZACION...Playas desde la costa noroeste al noreste de Puerto Rico. * DURACION...hasta el anochecer. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$  493 WWAK77 PAJK 221435 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ026>028-221545- /O.EXP.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T1500Z/ Inner Channels from Kupreanof Island to Etolin Island- Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Coastal Area- Southern Inner Channels- Including the cities of Petersburg, Wrangell, Kake, Craig, Klawock, Ketchikan, and Metlakatla 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 7 AM AKDT THIS MORNING... High winds gusts have diminished to 40 mph this morning as weather front moves northward. Winds will shift from the southeast to southwest through the late morning and continue to diminish. This will be the final statement on this event. $$ AKZ024-221800- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Eastern Baranof Island and Southern Admiralty Island- Including the city of Angoon 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM AKDT THIS MORNING... * LOCATION...Central inner channels including Angoon, greatest winds near Peril Strait and the southern tip of Admiralty Island. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds Monday morning out of the SE shifting to the SW. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ021-025-221800- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.190422T1500Z-190422T2100Z/ Eastern Chichagof Island- Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the cities of Hoonah and Juneau 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Hoonah, Tenakee Springs and Juneau. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds Monday morning out of the E to SE, shifting to the SW by early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ020-022-221800- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1800Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Elfin Cove and Gustavus. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...E to SE winds Monday morning, shifting to the SW with peak gusts by early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ023-221800- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1600Z-190422T2200Z/ Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area- Including the cities of Sitka and Port Alexander 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Central outer coast including Sitka and Port Alexander. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...SE winds Monday morning, shifting to the SW with peak gusts in the late morning and early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ018-019-221800- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1900Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 635 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...Northern inner channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...North winds shifting to the south in the late morning then increasing quickly with peak gusts in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  988 WGUS83 KMQT 221436 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 1036 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Flood Advisory for the East Branch Escanaba River... East Branch Escanaba River at Gwinn affecting Marquette County .Rainfall of around one inch has occurred across the northern portion of the East Branch of the Escanaba River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. The lingering snowpack in the northern portion of the basin will diminish through tonight. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will push the river to near the flood stage on Tuesday afternoon. Rain will diminish tonight, but the river is not expected to fall back below bankfull until Wednesday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Residents along these rivers should remain alert and exercise caution when walking near riverbanks. A Flood Advisory means minor flooding is possible and rivers are forecast to exceed bankfull. If you are in the advisory area remain alert to possible flooding...or the possibility of the advisory being upgraded to a warning. Report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information on to the National Weather Service. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite media outlet for further developments and information from the National Weather Service. && MIC103-240235- /O.NEW.KMQT.FL.Y.0012.190423T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ /GNNM4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1036 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a * Flood Advisory for The East Branch Escanaba River at Gwinn. * from this evening to Thursday morning. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 4.8 feet. * Bankfull stage is 6.0 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near the flood stage of 7.0 feet on late Tuesday morning then remain above bankfull through early Wednesday afternoon. * At 7.9 feet...Water reaches the bottom girder of the M-35 bridge. * At 7.0 feet...Low lying areas of Peter Nordeen Park begin to flood. && LAT...LON 4633 8743 4627 8737 4624 8745 4629 8751 $$ JSS  400 WGUS84 KLIX 221438 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 938 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Mississippi... Pearl River Near Bogalusa affecting St. Tammany...Washington... Hancock and Pearl River Counties/Parishes Pearl River Near Pearl River affecting St. Tammany...Hancock and Pearl River Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC103-117-MSC045-109-232037- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BXAL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 938 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Bogalusa. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 21.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.1 feet by Monday April 22. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. At 21 feet, property east of Louisiana Highway 21 along Bogalusa Creek will begin to flood. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. * Impact...At 18.5 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Woodlands along the river and wildlife management property will be flooded && LAT...LON 3067 8976 3067 8990 3100 8979 3100 8969 $$ LAC103-MSC045-109-232037- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PERL1.2.ER.190417T1330Z.190423T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 938 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Pearl River. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 16.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.3 feet by Tuesday April 23 then begin falling. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Improved roads near the river will be covered with low water. Gum Bayou will back up flooding the lower portions of streets in River Garden Subdivision. Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp will remain inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...When the river is falling, water on low lying property and over the lower portions of streets in River Gardens Subdivision will slowly begin to drain. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Lower portions of streets in River Gardens Subdivision will begin to flood. Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp will remain inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. The Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge will be closed to hunting at the 15.5 foot stage. * Impact...At 15.5 feet...Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp are inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. The Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge will be closed to hunting at the 15.5 foot stage. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Secondary roads to the river and throughout Honey Island Swamp are inundated. Property in the vicinity of the gage is flooded threatening about 20 homes along the left bank. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...The east and west channels of the river will begin to merge. Honey Island Swamp trails will be under water as inundation of the swamp begins. && LAT...LON 3020 8955 3018 8964 3067 8990 3067 8976 $$  534 WGUS84 KLIX 221439 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 938 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Bogue Chitto River Near Bush affecting St. Tammany Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC103-232038- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190424T0000Z/ /BSHL1.1.ER.190420T1119Z.190420T1130Z.190423T1800Z.NO/ 938 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Bogue Chitto River Near Bush. * Until Tuesday April 23. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 11.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday April 23. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...The access road upstream of the bridge will flood. The river will leave the main channel on the left bank below the bridge flooding woodlands on either side of Louisiana Highway 21. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Gravel pits upstream of Louisiana Highway 21 will begin to overflow threatening property at lower elevations on either side of Highway 21 in the vicinity of the bridge. && LAT...LON 3067 8995 3063 8983 3053 8978 3053 8982 3058 8986 3062 8999 3081 9018 3081 9012 $$  209 WGUS84 KLIX 221439 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 939 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pascagoula River At Graham Ferry affecting Jackson County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && MSC059-232038- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0037.190424T1800Z-190426T1800Z/ /PGFM6.1.ER.190424T1800Z.190424T1800Z.190426T1200Z.NO/ 939 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pascagoula River At Graham Ferry. * Until Friday April 26. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 15.5 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near flood stage Wednesday April 24. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...River property at Cumbest Bluff will be cut off by high water and some river roads will be impassable. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Lower elevated homes at Cumbest Bluff are threatened. Some river roads will be impassable. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Access roads to the river will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3039 8856 3039 8861 3074 8869 3074 8858 $$  211 WGUS84 KHGX 221439 FLSHGX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HOUSTON/GALVESTON, TX 939 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 A river flood warning remains in effect for the Navasota River...Trinity River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. && TXC373-407-455-471-231438- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RVRT2.3.ER.190420T1935Z.190421T1259Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 939 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Riverside * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 0859 AM Monday the stage was 133.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 133.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 133.9 feet. * At 134.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues with the boat ramp in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision in Walker County inundated. Backwater flooding up Thomas Lake in Walker County floods the boat ramp in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision in Walker County. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Tue Wed Thu Fri Trinity River Riverside 133.5 133.9 Mon 09 AM 133.8 133.8 133.7 133.7 && LAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584 $$ TXC041-185-313-230900- /O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ /NGET2.1.ER.190420T1715Z.190421T1730Z.190422T2100Z.NO/ 939 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late tonight... The Flood Warning continues for The Navasota River near Normangee * until late tonight or until the warning is canceled. * At 0900 AM Monday the stage was 15.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this afternoon. * At 15.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins as water escapes the main channel and inundates the flood plain. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Tue Wed Thu Fri Navasota River Normangee 15.0 15.3 Mon 09 AM 14.5 13.5 12.8 12.5 && LAT...LON 3111 9622 3097 9619 3087 9614 3087 9624 3097 9629 3111 9633 $$  497 WGUS83 KIWX 221441 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1041 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .River levels remain high from previous rainfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. && INC001-179-231440- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190424T0730Z/ /LYNI3.1.ER.190421T0915Z.190422T0715Z.190423T0730Z.NO/ 1041 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Wabash River near Linn Grove * until late Tuesday night. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 12.0 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 11.0 foot flood stage around 3 AM Tuesday April 23. * At 12.0 feet...The flooding of county roads begin. && LAT...LON 4069 8510 4072 8508 4064 8499 4061 8502 $$ INC179-231440- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190425T0430Z/ /BLFI3.1.ER.190421T0233Z.190422T1800Z.190424T0430Z.NO/ 1041 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Wabash River near Bluffton * until late Wednesday night. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 11.4 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 11.6 feet around 2 PM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 12 AM Wednesday April 24. * At 11.0 feet...River Road at Bluffton begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4085 8552 4088 8541 4078 8512 4072 8508 4069 8511 $$ OHC039-069-231440- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190424T0520Z/ /DEFO1.1.ER.190421T0120Z.190422T0530Z.190423T0520Z.NO/ 1041 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Maumee River near Defiance * until late Tuesday night. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 11.8 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 10.0 foot flood stage around 1 AM Tuesday April 23. * At 12.3 feet...Flooding begins on Auglaize and East Front Streets and in the rear of the building at Leever Glass. && LAT...LON 4121 8465 4127 8467 4131 8431 4128 8431 $$ INC001-003-OHC161-231440- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190424T2240Z/ /DCRI3.1.ER.190421T0139Z.190422T1300Z.190423T2240Z.NO/ 1041 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Saint Marys River near Decatur * until Wednesday evening. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 19.8 feet and steady. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 17.0 foot flood stage around 6 PM Tuesday April 23. * At 19.5 feet...Flooding expands into more farm land in the Decatur area. Flood waters approach Piqua Road...US 224...Ohio State Route 49 and Indiana 101 just north of Pleasant Mills. Flood water begins to cross Ohio highway 49 north of Wilshire, Ohio. && LAT...LON 4093 8506 4094 8504 4084 8491 4082 8494 $$ OHC039-051-171-231440- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190425T1400Z/ /STRO1.1.ER.190421T0300Z.190423T0000Z.190424T1400Z.NO/ 1041 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The Tiffin River near Stryker * until Thursday morning. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 12.3 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 12.5 feet around 8 PM Monday April 22 and fall below flood stage around 10 AM Wednesday April 24. * At 13.0 feet...Flood waters begin to affect some farm buildings near Stryker and flood some secondary roads. && LAT...LON 4130 8444 4149 8446 4159 8439 4159 8429 4130 8438 $$  597 WGUS83 KLOT 221441 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 941 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && INC089-111-230441- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /SLBI3.1.ER.190416T0100Z.190419T2130Z.190423T0000Z.NO/ 941 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby, or from Near I-65 and De Motte downstream to IL/IN state line. * until late tonight. * At 845 AM Monday the stage was 9.0 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this evening. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Lowland agricultural flooding begins. && LAT...LON 4122 8756 4128 8728 4117 8725 4111 8753 $$ ACS  140 WAUS41 KKCI 221445 WA1S BOSS WA 221445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET IFR...ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ MD DE AND CSTL WTRS FROM HUL TO 60SSE HUL TO 200SE ACK TO 210SSE HTO TO 100ESE SIE TO 50SE CYN TO BDL TO 70SSE YSC TO HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA WV MD VA FROM 40ESE BUF TO HAR TO 30SSW JST TO 60S EKN TO 40W EKN TO 20SW EWC TO JHW TO 40ESE BUF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 40WSW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO HAR TO 40ESE BUF TO 20NE SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 40WSW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50WSW YSJ-200SE ACK-180ESE SIE-80ESE SIE-30S ALB-50E MPV-50WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  141 WAUS45 KKCI 221445 WA5S SLCS WA 221445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET IFR...NV UT FROM 50W BVL TO 20NW DTA TO 40ESE ILC TO 50SW ELY TO 50SE BAM TO 50W BVL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO FROM 40SW BIL TO 20WNW BFF TO GLD TO LAA TO 50NE PUB TO 40NNE ALS TO 40SE DBL TO 60N CHE TO 30N MTU TO 30ESE MLD TO 30E JAC TO 90SW BIL TO 40SW BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV UT FROM 60SSE TWF TO 20SSW SLC TO 40ESE DTA TO 50SE ILC TO 60W ELY TO 70ENE BAM TO 60SSE TWF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY UT CO NM FROM 40SW LWT TO 40NNE BIL TO SHR TO CYS TO TBE TO 30SSW CIM TO 20SSW ALS TO 40N CHE TO 50ESE SLC TO 50SE MLD TO 60SSW JAC TO 40S DBS TO 30E DLN TO 40SW LWT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR CO NM BOUNDED BY 30SW CYS-20SSE DEN-30WNW TBE-20NE FTI-30SW FTI-60WNW FTI-20SSE DBL-30SW CYS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  142 WAUS43 KKCI 221445 WA3S CHIS WA 221445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI FROM 30E YQT TO 30WNW SSM TO 30ENE EAU TO 40NNW DLL TO 40WNW DBQ TO OVR TO 50ESE OBH TO 30E ONL TO 40ESE ABR TO 30SW BRD TO 30E YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR MN IA WI LM LS MI IL BOUNDED BY 20E YQT-20NNW SSM-50SSE DLL-40NW IOW-30SSW FOD-30ENE FSD-20WSW DLH-20E YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  143 WAUS44 KKCI 221445 WA4S DFWS WA 221445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 222100 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  144 WAUS42 KKCI 221445 WA2S MIAS WA 221445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 222100 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  145 WAUS46 KKCI 221445 WA6S SFOS WA 221445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 7 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SW PYE TO 40SSE OAK TO 50SW CZQ TO RZS TO 60S RZS TO 50S LAX TO 40SSW MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW SNS TO 70SW PYE CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50S ONP TO 30N ENI TO 70SW ENI TO 80SW FOT TO 100SSW ONP TO 50S ONP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30NNW TOU TO 40WSW SEA TO 140NW FOT TO 120WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO 30NNW TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 40ESE YDC TO 20W YKM TO 30N ONP TO TOU TO HUH TO 40ESE YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50W HUH-30WSW SEA-20W ONP-60WSW FOT-110W FOT-130WSW HQM-150W TOU-50W HUH CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  254 WAUS42 KKCI 221445 WA2T MIAT WA 221445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET TURB...FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SW PZD TO 90WSW PIE TO 170SE LEV TO 130ESE LEV TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS DVLPG AFT 15Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...NC SC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 130SSE ILM TO 90S ILM TO 20SW ILM TO 40NNE FLO TO 50S LYH TO 20NE ECG TO 160SE SIE MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40E VXV-40E CTY-20WNW RSW-80ESE EYW-80WSW EYW-90WSW PIE-170SE LEV-130ESE LEV-40W CEW-50SW PZD-GQO-40E VXV MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  255 WAUS46 KKCI 221445 WA6T SFOT WA 221445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30S HUH TO 20NW BTG TO 50W ONP TO 140WNW ONP TO 80W TOU TO 30S HUH MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA NV UT AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50ENE RBL TO 40WNW OAL TO 20N ILC TO 70SSE ILC TO 20ESE BZA TO 40ESE MZB TO 20SSE RZS TO 20SSE EHF TO 30E CZQ TO 30N SAC TO 50ENE RBL MOD TURB BLW 140. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YXC TO 30N HVR TO 50NNW ISN TO 40NNE SHR TO 20SSW BPI TO 20NW TRM TO 20SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 160WSW RZS TO ENI TO 90SW BKE TO 50NE PDT TO 50WSW YXC MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...CA CSTL WTRS FROM 90SW FOT TO 60WNW ENI TO 50SW PYE TO 140WSW SNS TO 130WSW ENI TO 90SW FOT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20SW YXC-40NW HVR-50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-50NW BCE-70SW BCE-30WSW BZA-20S MZB-220SW MZB-130SW SNS-20E CZQ-20SW YXC MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  256 WAUS43 KKCI 221445 WA3T CHIT WA 221445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS IA MO WI LM IL IN KY TN FROM 30NE MCW TO 50SW BAE TO 20W FWA TO 50E LOZ TO GQO TO 20SSW BNA TO 20NE DYR TO SLN TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 60SE RAP TO 30NE MCW MOD TURB BTN FL220 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LS MI FROM 70NNE DLH TO 50S YQT TO 40WNW SAW TO 40NNW MCW TO 40SE SLN TO 20NE LBL TO 40E LAA TO 20SE BFF TO 30N PIR TO BJI TO 70NNE DLH MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN FROM 30WNW SSM TO 70NW YVV TO 40S TVC TO 50WSW PXV TO 20N FAM TO 50ESE RHI TO 30WNW SSM MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...KS MO OK AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM GLD TO SLN TO 20N DYR TO 20SSW BNA TO 30SW LGC TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 130ESE LEV TO 120SSE LCH TO 80SSW LCH TO 40ESE EIC TO 20NE FSM TO 50NW END TO 50W LBL TO GLD MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...SD MN WI LS MI BOUNDED BY 30WNW DLH-60N RHI-30NE EAU-40ESE RWF-40WNW FSD-50S ABR-50S BJI-30WNW DLH LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB ND SD MN BOUNDED BY 50SSE YWG-70ESE BIS-70SW RAP-50NNW ISN-50SSE YWG MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL380. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...TURB SD NE MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 20WSW MSP-40S GRB-40S DXO-FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-20SSE VXV- 30S IND-30NNW IRK-50E AKO-BFF-70SW RAP-20WSW MSP MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...TURB NE KS IA MO IL IN KY AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30NNW IRK-30S IND-20SSE VXV-GQO-50SW PZD-40W CEW- 130ESE LEV-60E LEV-50WSW SQS-40E BUM-GLD-50E AKO-30NNW IRK MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 4...TURB KS MO OK TX AR LA MS AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY GLD-40E BUM-50WSW SQS-90WSW LEV-130ESE PSX-20SE CRP- 30SSW LRD-DLF-90S MRF-ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 5...TURB SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LS MI BOUNDED BY YQT-30ENE SAW-20SSE ODI-20ESE DSM-50ESE OVR-20SE SLN- 30SSE GCK-40SSW GLD-50NW ANW-60ESE BJI-YQT MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 6...TURB MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 60WNW SSM-70NW YVV-50E ECK-FWA-20SW ROD-30W DYR-40NNW ARG-30WSW BAE-40N GRB-30ENE SAW-60WNW SSM MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  257 WAUS45 KKCI 221445 WA5T SLCT WA 221445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET TURB...CO AZ NM FROM GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 50S SSO TO 50SSE SJN TO 50ESE RSK TO 40SW PUB TO GLD MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET TURB...WY UT CO AZ NM FROM 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 40NW LAA TO 50S HBU TO 70E TBC TO 30SW HVE TO 30S MTU TO 20NE OCS TO 70SW RAP MOD TURB BTN FL220 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV UT AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50ENE RBL TO 40WNW OAL TO 20N ILC TO 70SSE ILC TO 20ESE BZA TO 40ESE MZB TO 20SSE RZS TO 20SSE EHF TO 30E CZQ TO 30N SAC TO 50ENE RBL MOD TURB BLW 140. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YXC TO 30N HVR TO 50NNW ISN TO 40NNE SHR TO 20SSW BPI TO 20NW TRM TO 20SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 160WSW RZS TO ENI TO 90SW BKE TO 50NE PDT TO 50WSW YXC MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB NM BOUNDED BY 50SE TBE-30NNE INK-50SSW CME-40ESE ABQ-20WNW FTI-50SE TBE MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...TURB ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20SW YXC-40NW HVR-50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-50NW BCE-70SW BCE-30WSW BZA-20S MZB-220SW MZB-130SW SNS-20E CZQ-20SW YXC MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...TURB WY UT CO AZ BOUNDED BY 70SW RAP-BFF-50E AKO-60SSW DVC-70SW BCE-50NW BCE-70SW RAP MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 4...TURB UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 50E AKO-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-INK-ELP-50S TUS-50ESE PHX-60SSW DVC-50E AKO MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 5...TURB MT BOUNDED BY 40SE YXC-40NW HVR-30NW HLN-40SE YXC MOD TURB BLW 140. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  258 WAUS41 KKCI 221445 WA1T BOST WA 221445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 222100 . ...SEE SIGMET ROMEO SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 50NNE PQI TO 40ESE HUL TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 20NE ECG TO 50S LYH TO 20ENE RIC TO 40W SIE TO 60ESE BUF TO 30SSW YOW TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30NNE ENE TO 20E ACK TO 30SSE JFK TO 20E ALB TO 30NNE ENE MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS DVLPG 18-21Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB OH LE BOUNDED BY 50E ECK-20SW ROD-FWA-50E ECK MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20S MLT-30NE ACK-80ESE CYN-20NNE SAX-40S MPV-20S MLT MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...TURB OH WV VA BOUNDED BY 40S DXO-40SSE AIR-50SSW PSK-40S HMV-40E VXV-HMV-HNN- CVG-FWA-40S DXO MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  259 WAUS44 KKCI 221445 WA4T DFWT WA 221445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 222100 . AIRMET TURB...TN SD NE KS IA MO WI LM IL IN KY FROM 30NE MCW TO 50SW BAE TO 20W FWA TO 50E LOZ TO GQO TO 20SSW BNA TO 20NE DYR TO SLN TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 60SE RAP TO 30NE MCW MOD TURB BTN FL220 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50W LBL TO 50NW END TO 20NE FSM TO 40ESE EIC TO 80SSW LCH TO 30ENE CRP TO 50WNW CRP TO 20WNW LRD TO DLF TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30S FSM TO 50SSE IAH TO 20SSE CRP TO 30E BRO TO 90W BRO TO 40ENE SJT TO 30S FSM MOD TURB BLW 060. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK AR TN LA MS AL KS MO AND CSTL WTRS FROM GLD TO SLN TO 20N DYR TO 20SSW BNA TO 30SW LGC TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 130ESE LEV TO 120SSE LCH TO 80SSW LCH TO 40ESE EIC TO 20NE FSM TO 50NW END TO 50W LBL TO GLD MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB AR TN LA MS AL NE KS IA MO IL IN KY AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30NNW IRK-30S IND-20SSE VXV-GQO-50SW PZD-40W CEW- 130ESE LEV-60E LEV-50WSW SQS-40E BUM-GLD-50E AKO-30NNW IRK MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...TURB OK TX AR LA MS KS MO AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY GLD-40E BUM-50WSW SQS-90WSW LEV-130ESE PSX-20SE CRP- 30SSW LRD-DLF-90S MRF-ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...TURB OK TX BOUNDED BY 50SE TBE-40NNE LBB-30NNE INK-50SE TBE MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  309 WGUS83 KLSX 221442 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 942 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Illinois River in Illinois... at La Grange Lock and Dam at Meredosia at Valley City at Hardin River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC009-231441- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-190429T0600Z/ /NLGI2.1.ER.190313T0800Z.190404T1500Z.190428T0600Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at La Grange LD * until Monday April 29. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 23.8 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall, and fall below flood stage next Sunday morning. * Impact: At 24.0 feet...Extensive wetland acreage south of La Grange begins flooding. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Illinois River La Grange LD 23.0 23.78 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.4 23.2 && LAT...LON 3999 9058 3999 9046 3988 9051 3988 9063 $$ ILC137-149-231441- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MROI2.1.ER.190313T1445Z.190404T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Meredosia * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Monday the stage was 18.2 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain around 18.1 feet through Tuesday, then slowly fall. * Impact: At 18.0 feet...City of Meredosia plugs storm sewer outlets. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Illinois River Meredosia 17.0 18.16 18.1 18.0 17.9 17.8 17.6 && LAT...LON 3988 9063 3988 9051 3977 9053 3977 9067 $$ ILC149-171-231441- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VALI2.1.ER.190310T0440Z.190404T1500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Valley City * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Monday the stage was 16.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall. * Impact: At 14.0 feet...The road to Norbut Fish and Wildlife area is flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Illinois River Valley City 14.0 16.89 16.8 16.7 16.5 16.4 16.2 && LAT...LON 3977 9067 3977 9053 3952 9052 3952 9064 $$ ILC013-061-083-231441- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HARI2.3.ER.190310T1007Z.190403T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Hardin * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 30.9 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue slowly fall, reaching 30.7 feet tomorrow morning. * Impact: At 27.0 feet...The River Road in Bedford becomes flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Illinois River Hardin 25.0 30.85 30.7 30.6 30.5 30.4 30.2 && LAT...LON 3952 9064 3952 9052 3898 9048 3891 9054 3903 9062 $$  432 WHUS73 KLOT 221443 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 943 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ740>745-222245- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0040.190422T1500Z-190423T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- Gary to Burns Harbor-Burns Harbor to Michigan City- 943 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...South to 30 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 4 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  552 WSBZ31 SBBS 221442 SBBS SIGMET 5 VALID 221350/221750 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1717 W05354 - S1641 W05304 - S1716 W05150 - S1909 W05018 - S2039 W05037 - S1918 W05141 - S1717 W05354 T OP FL450 STNR INTSF=  649 WGUS84 KJAN 221444 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 944 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Above Philadelphia affecting Neshoba County Pearl River At Edinburg affecting Leake County Yockanookany River Near Ofahoma affecting Leake County Pearl River At Jackson affecting Hinds and Rankin Counties Pearl River Near Carthage affecting Leake County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC099-232044- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190425T0600Z/ /PLAM6.1.ER.190410T0715Z.190416T0945Z.190424T1800Z.NO/ 944 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Wednesday night... The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Above Philadelphia * until late Wednesday night. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 13.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage early Wednesday afternoon. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water begins to affect Burnside Lake Water Park. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Upper Pearl River Philadelphia 13 13.4 Mon 09 AM 13.3 13.0 12.8 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3289 8922 3291 8915 3293 8902 3292 8893 3284 8892 3277 8918 $$ MSC079-232044- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0084.000000T0000Z-190424T0400Z/ /ENBM6.1.ER.190414T0748Z.190419T1030Z.190423T1600Z.NO/ 944 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River At Edinburg * until Tuesday evening. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 20.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Minor overbank flooding is occurring south of the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Upper Pearl River Edinburg 20 20.4 Mon 09 AM 20.2 19.2 18.1 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3280 8951 3285 8935 3289 8922 3277 8918 3273 8932 3268 8946 $$ MSC079-232044- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190426T0000Z/ /CARM6.1.ER.190414T0344Z.190416T0945Z.190425T1200Z.NO/ 944 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Carthage * until Thursday evening. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage Thursday morning. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor overbank flooding of low areas along and near the river is occurring. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Upper Pearl River Carthage 17 19.0 Mon 09 AM 18.7 18.0 17.0 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3271 8964 3277 8956 3280 8951 3268 8946 3266 8952 3263 8960 $$ MSC079-232044- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190424T0600Z/ /OFAM6.1.ER.190414T0518Z.190417T1945Z.190423T1800Z.NO/ 944 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yockanookany River Near Ofahoma * until late Tuesday night. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage early tomorrow afternoon. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Minor overbank flooding of farmland along the river is occurring. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Yockanookany River Ofahoma 19 19.7 Mon 09 AM 19.2 18.0 16.6 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3267 8975 3280 8976 3295 8972 3293 8958 3280 8964 3271 8964 $$ MSC049-121-230600- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0091.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /JACM6.1.ER.190415T0645Z.190419T1030Z.190422T1800Z.NO/ 944 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River At Jackson * until late tonight. * At 8:30 AM Monday the stage was 28.2 feet. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage this afternoon. * Impact...At 28.0 feet...Minor flooding of lowland near the river is occurring. Water begins to back up into several creeks and streams in the Jackson area. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Roads near the river in Lefleurs Bluff State Park begin to flood. * Impact...At 24.0 feet...The Jackson waste water treatment plant loses its natural outflow and must initiate pumping. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Middle Pearl River Jackson 28 28.2 Mon 08 AM 26.6 24.7 22.8 FALLING && LAT...LON 3193 9025 3212 9034 3243 9013 3237 9002 3213 9020 3198 9012 $$  879 WSFR34 LFPW 221445 LFMM SIGMET 6 VALID 221500/221900 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4400 E00700 - N4315 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4245 E00400 - N4400 E00700 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  880 WANO35 ENMI 221445 ENBD AIRMET D04 VALID 221500/221900 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6715 E01615 - N6805 E01235 - N7000 E01730 - N7100 E02240 - N6920 E02115 - N6715 E01615 3000FT/FL210 MOV ENE 20KT NC=  287 WGUS43 KDMX 221446 FLWDMX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Des Moines IA 946 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a Flood Warning for all or portions of the following rivers in Iowa...West Fork Des Moines River... Affecting the following counties in Iowa...Palo Alto...Pocahontas River forecasts include observed precipitation, as well as expected precipitation over the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded area, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, do not drown. More information--including impact statements and crest histories--is available on the Web at... www.weather.gov/desmoines. Click on the Rivers and Lakes link. && IAC147-151-231445- /O.NEW.KDMX.FL.W.0038.190423T0600Z-190428T0600Z/ /EMTI4.1.ER.190423T0600Z.190424T0600Z.190427T0600Z.NO/ 946 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning in effect until early Saturday morning... The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a * Flood Warning for The West Fork Des Moines River at Emmetsburg, or From near Graettinger...to Cylinder Creek near West Bend. * Until early Saturday morning. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 10.8 feet, or 0.2 feet below Flood Stage. * Flood Stage is 11.0 feet. * No flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...rise to Flood Stage after midnight tonight. Continue rising to 11.3 feet, or 0.3 feet above Flood Stage, early Wednesday morning. Then begin falling and go below Flood Stage early Saturday morning. * Impact...At 11.0 feet, Iowa 4 is threatened in areas near the river overpass. The road to the rendering plant is threatened and the road to the sanitary landfill area is closed. && LAT...LON 4309 9475 4326 9483 4326 9471 4294 9444 4279 9444 4309 9475 $$  713 WGUS82 KILM 221446 FLSILM Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington NC 1046 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... Great Pee Dee At Pee Dee affecting Marion and Florence Counties SC ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers... Lumber Near Lumberton affecting Robeson County NC PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People with interests along the river should take the necessary precautions to protect life and property from the flood waters. Additional information is available on our website at weather.gov/ilm under the "Rivers and Lakes" link. && NCC155-230644- /O.CON.KILM.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190426T1800Z/ /LBRN7.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190420T1733Z.190426T0600Z.UU/ 1046 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Lumber Near Lumberton. * until Friday afternoon. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 14.0 feet this afternoon. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Flood waters will affect yards in the Pines area, Coxs Pond area, and along River Road. Additional residential property will be affected between the Pepsi plant and the river on the east side of Lumberton. && LAT...LON 3467 7916 3468 7904 3457 7891 3452 7899 3461 7907 3458 7915 $$ SCC041-067-230644- /O.EXT.KILM.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190426T0300Z/ /PDES1.U.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.190425T1500Z.UU/ 1046 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Thursday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Great Pee Dee At Pee Dee. * until Thursday evening. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 20.63 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall and get below flood stage by late Thursday morning. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Flood waters will affect swamplands and logging interests. Flood waters will affect timberland as far downstream as Yauhannah two weeks after the crest passes Pee Dee. Logging equipment needs to be moved. && LAT...LON 3424 7962 3424 7950 3400 7945 3385 7932 3385 7944 3398 7957 $$ 43  777 WGUS83 KPAH 221446 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 946 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Paradise and Calhoun .Minor flooding is now occurring on the Green River at Paradise and at Calhoun. At Paradise, the river is cresting now. At Calhoun, the river will crest near 23.7 feet tomorrow afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage at both locations Wednesday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && KYC177-231845- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190424T1845Z/ /PRDK2.1.ER.190420T1000Z.190422T0715Z.190424T1245Z.NO/ 946 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Paradise. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 385.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 380.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. && LAT...LON 3746 8716 3742 8703 3726 8689 3720 8697 3729 8707 3731 8719 $$ KYC149-233-231845- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T2024Z/ /CALK2.1.ER.190422T1145Z.190423T1200Z.190424T1424Z.NO/ 946 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Calhoun. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 23.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 23.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.7 feet by tomorrow morning. The river will fall below flood stage late Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 26.0 Feet...Moderate flooding occurs with thousands of acreage flooded in the Island, Rumsey, and Jewel City areas. && LAT...LON 3775 8742 3772 8730 3763 8739 3751 8703 3743 8707 3761 8757 $$  585 WSAG31 SABE 221452 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 221452/221852 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1452Z WI S3543 W06448 - S3533 W06155 - S3358 W06133 - S3351 W06259 - S3401 W06314 - S3355 W06428 - S3543 W06448 FL290/380 STNR NC=  002 WSAG31 SABE 221452 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 221452/221852 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1452Z WI S3543 W06448 - S3533 W06155 - S3358 W06133 - S3351 W06259 - S3401 W06314 - S3355 W06428 - S3543 W06448 FL290/380 STNR NC=  854 WSUS31 KKCI 221455 SIGE MKCE WST 221455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 1655Z RI NY CSTL WTRS 80SSE HTO ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 21015KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 221655-222055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  855 WSUS32 KKCI 221455 SIGC MKCC WST 221455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47C VALID UNTIL 1655Z WI MN IA FROM 30NE MSP-40S MSP-40ENE MCW LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21025KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 48C VALID UNTIL 1655Z WI IL MO IA FROM 50SSW ODI-10NW DBQ-50SW BDF-30WSW UIN LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 221655-222055 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-STL-SGF-30SSW OSW-RWF-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-TBE-CDS-MAF-INK-ABQ-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  856 WSUS33 KKCI 221455 SIGW MKCW WST 221455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221655-222055 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-HEC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  086 WGUS83 KLSX 221451 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 951 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Missouri.. Cuivre River at Old Monroe River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC113-231450- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OMNM7.2.ER.190319T1215Z.190401T0400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 951 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Cuivre River at Old Monroe * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 26.9 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue slowly falling, reaching 26.7 feet tomorrow morning. * Impact: At 27.0 feet...Right bank overflows. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Cuivre River Old Monroe 24.0 26.88 26.7 26.5 26.3 26.1 25.9 && LAT...LON 3892 9081 3894 9070 3892 9070 3890 9080 $$  713 WGUS84 KJAN 221453 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 953 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Pearl River Near Rockport affecting Copiah and Simpson Counties Pearl River Near Monticello affecting Lawrence County Pearl River Near Columbia affecting Marion County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC029-127-232053- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0086.000000T0000Z-190427T1630Z/ /ROCM6.1.ER.190414T0932Z.190420T2215Z.190427T0430Z.NO/ 953 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Rockport * until Saturday morning. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage Friday before midnight. * Impact...At 30.0 feet...Water begins to back up into higher agricultural and pasture lands, mainly on the Simpson County side of the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Middle Pearl River Rockport 25 30.0 Mon 09 AM 29.2 28.2 27.3 FALLING && LAT...LON 3168 9019 3178 9019 3193 9025 3198 9012 3182 9005 3169 9005 $$ MSC077-232053- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0087.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MTCM6.2.ER.190415T0803Z.190421T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Monticello * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 25.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 25.9 feet this afternoon. * Impact...At 25.0 feet...Water begins to flood lower portions of Cooper's Ferry Park in Monticello. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Middle Pearl River Monticello 22 25.9 Mon 09 AM 25.8 25.3 24.7 FALLING && LAT...LON 3140 9008 3155 9017 3168 9019 3169 9005 3155 9002 3140 8992 $$ MSC091-232053- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0092.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLMM6.1.ER.190419T0106Z.190421T1315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 953 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Pearl River Near Columbia * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 19.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Low areas along the river are inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Pearl River Columbia 17 19.5 Mon 09 AM 19.4 19.3 19.1 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3100 8979 3121 8992 3140 9008 3140 8992 3124 8981 3100 8969 $$  638 WBCN07 CWVR 221400 PAM ROCKS WIND 2308 LANGARA; OVC 3R-F S18G34 3FT MDT LO W 1430 CLD EST 6 OVC 08/08 GREEN; OVC 8 S30EG 6FT MDT SHWRS DSNT ALQDS 1430 CLD EST 20 OVC 08/08 TRIPLE; OVC 8R- SE30EG 6FT MDT LO SW 1430 CLD EST 8 SCT 12 OVC 10/10 BONILLA; OVC 12 SE30EG 7FT RUF MOD S 1430 CLD EST 6 SCT 20 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/09 BOAT BLUFF; OVC 2RF SE19G31 5FT MDT 1430 CLD EST 10 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/08 MCINNES; OVC 3R-F SE40EG 8FT RUF MOD SW 1430 CLD EST 18 OVC 09/08 IVORY; OVC 06 S35G48 8FT RUF MOD SW OCNL RW- 1430 CLD EST 20 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/07 DRYAD; OVC 8 RW- S25G32 4FT MDT 1430 CLD EST 6 FEW 16 OVC 10/07 ADDENBROKE; OVC 8RW- SE30EG 6FT MDT 1430 CLD EST 17 OVC 09/08 EGG ISLAND; OVC 6R- SE30 6FT MOD LO W 1440 CLD EST 8 FEW 14 OVC 08/07 PINE ISLAND; OVC 6RW- SE22G 5FT MOD LO W 1440 CLD EST 8 BKN 10 OVC 08/07 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 2R+ SE50G 12FT RUF MOD HVY SW 1440 CLD EST 8 SCT 18 OVC 08/07 QUATSINO; OVC 6RW- SE35G 8FT RUF LO SW 1440 CLD EST 20 OVC 09/09 NOOTKA; OVC 06R-F S25E 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1440 CLD EST 15 FEW OVC ABV 25 09/07 ESTEVAN; OVC 5R SE17G33 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1020.0R LENNARD; OVC 21/2RF SE23EG 5FT MDT LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 2R-F SE17 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW PACHENA; OVC 10R- SE25EG 5FT MDT LO-MOD SW CARMANAH; OVC 8R- E10E 2FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 6RW-F SE25G 6FT MOD LO NW PULTENEY; OVC 15 E20G 2FT CHP CHATHAM; OVC 10R- SE435G 5FT MOD LO SE 1440 CLD EST 2 FEW 16 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/08 CHROME; OVC 15R- SE10 1FT CHP MERRY; OVC 09R- E23E 4FT MOD 1440 CLD EST OVC ABV 25 09/08 ENTRANCE; OVC 8R- SE18 3FT MOD LO SE FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; CLDY 10R S10 1FT CHP TRIAL IS.; OVC 12RW- SE12 2FT CHP Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 119/08/06/1238+46/M/0010 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1151 1314Z 5010 21MM= WEB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 188/08/07/1218+29/M/0089 PCPN 5.3MM PAST HR PK WND 1429 1353Z 8023 63MM= WQC SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 221/07/06/1102/M/0006 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR 8015 88MM= WRU SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 112/08/M/1148+59/M/0062 PCPN 2.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1159 1358Z 5003 7MMM= WFG SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 090/08/08/1541+52/M/0042 PCPN 1.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1462 1306Z 1027 31MM= WVF SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/09/08/1116/M/ PK WND 1119 1339Z M 08MM= WQS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 959/09/08/1825/M/0012 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1834 1328Z 3009 51MM= WRO SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 946/09/08/1626+32/M/0011 PCPN 0.3MM PAST HR PK WND 1533 1307Z 3002 95MM= WEK SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 963/09/07/MMMM/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 5001 18MM= WWL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 981/09/08/1631/M/0002 PK WND 1639 1304Z 5004 02MM= WME SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/08/07/0902/M/0104 PCPN 4.8MM PAST HR M 60MM= WAS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 165/10/07/2308/M/0020 PCPN 1.2MM PAST HR 0010 10MM= WSB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 231/10/07/1015/M/0014 PCPN 1.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1018 1337Z 0002 52MM= WGT SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 210/10/07/1227/M/M PK WND 1231 1352Z 8016 54MM= WGB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 219/09/08/1225/M/0014 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1229 1348Z 8003 26MM= WEL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 228/10/08/1619/M/0010 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 1623 1358Z 0000 95MM= WDR SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 236/09/07/1409/M/ 0002 50MM= WZO SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1511/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1023+32/M/ PK WND 1232 1354Z M MMMM=  834 WGUS83 KLSX 221455 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 955 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Kaskaskia River in Illinois... at Vandalia at Carlyle Tail Water River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC051-231455- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190423T1644Z/ /VNDI2.1.ER.190418T2145Z.190420T1430Z.190422T1644Z.NO/ 955 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Kaskaskia River at Vandalia * until Tuesday morning. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * The river is forecast to fall below flood stage late this morning. * Impact: At 18.0 feet...Flood Stage. Minor flooding begins. Unprotected farmland begins to flood. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Kaskaskia River Vandalia 18.0 18.53 14.3 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.3 && LAT...LON 3903 8910 3903 8906 3885 8909 3879 8919 3882 8922 $$ ILC027-231455- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0097.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CRLI2.1.ER.190403T0500Z.190406T1345Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 955 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Kaskaskia River at Carlyle TW * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 426.0 feet. * Flood stage is 423.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will remain nearly steady through this week. * Impact: At 424.5 feet...Some cabins just below the dam are inundated. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Kaskaskia River Carlyle TW 423.5 425.97 425.9 425.9 425.9 425.9 425.9 && LAT...LON 3862 8936 3861 8933 3851 8937 3849 8942 3854 8942 $$  656 WWJP74 RJTD 221200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 221200UTC ISSUED AT 221500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 222100UTC =  657 WWJP72 RJTD 221200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 221200UTC ISSUED AT 221500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 222100UTC =  658 WWJP71 RJTD 221200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 221200UTC ISSUED AT 221500UTC STNR FRONT FM 25N 113E TO 30N 120E 27N 126E STNR FRONT FM 23N 133E TO 25N 141E 28N 145E 26N 151E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA, SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 222100UTC =  858 WWJP73 RJTD 221200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 221200UTC ISSUED AT 221500UTC LOW 1012HPA AT 39N 150E MOV EAST 15 KT LOW 1010HPA AT 27N 141E MOV ESE SLWY C-FRONT FM 39N 150E TO 36N 147E 34N 142E STNR FRONT FM 23N 133E TO 25N 141E 28N 145E 26N 151E WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 222100UTC =  859 WWJP75 RJTD 221200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 221200UTC ISSUED AT 221500UTC LOW 1012HPA AT 39N 150E MOV EAST 15 KT W-FRONT FM 39N 150E TO 38N 152E 36N 153E C-FRONT FM 39N 150E TO 36N 147E 34N 142E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 222100UTC =  760 WGUS84 KJAN 221458 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 958 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Tallahala Creek At Laurel affecting Jones County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC067-232058- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0101.000000T0000Z-190424T0600Z/ /LURM6.1.ER.190422T0103Z.190422T1145Z.190423T1800Z.NO/ 958 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Tuesday night... The Flood Warning continues for The Tallahala Creek At Laurel * until late Tuesday night. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Agricultural and lowland flooding is becoming more widespread along and near the creek. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Water begins to overflow banks. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Tallahala Creek Laurel 13 14.0 Mon 10 AM 13.3 12.1 10.1 CRESTING && LAT...LON 3137 8915 3156 8923 3181 8913 3182 8902 3156 8911 3140 8914 $$  023 WGUS43 KDLH 221500 FLWDLH BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED FLOOD WARNING NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 1000 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Duluth has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Bad River at Odanah affecting Ashland County .Recent continuous rainfall has led to the chance of the Bad River rising into minor flood stage tonight into tomorrow. Rainfall should end overnight. River levels should dip back below action stage by mid-week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio for further updates... For the most recent river information go to our web page at www.weather.gov/dlh and visit the AHPS/River information section for complete details. Turn around, don't drown. Don't drive through flooded areas. && WIC003-231500- /O.NEW.KDLH.FL.W.0006.190423T0120Z-190424T0508Z/ /ODAW3.1.ER.190423T0120Z.190423T1200Z.190423T2308Z.NO/ 1000 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth has issued a * Flood Warning for The Bad River at Odanah. * from this evening to late Tuesday night. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 10.0 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this evening and continue to rise to near 16.9 feet by tomorrow morning.the river will fall below flood stage by tomorrow evening. * At 18.0 feet...Water approaches the level of Highway 2 near Odanah . This crest compares to a previous crest of 18.4 feet on Jul 3 1992. && LAT...LON 4662 9068 4656 9067 4657 9070 4661 9070 $$  393 WGUS82 KGSP 221500 FLSGSP Flood Advisory National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1100 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg SC has issued a Flood Advisory for the French Broad River... French Broad River At Asheville affecting Buncombe County. Last Friday's heavy rain across the area has saturated the ground and caused river levels to be high. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory for a river forecast point means that nuisance flooding is expected to occur along the river when the river level is forecast to be just below or at the official flood stage. Caution is urged when walking near river banks...keep children away from drainage areas and culverts. && NCC021-230254- /O.NEW.KGSP.FL.Y.0028.190422T1500Z-190423T0254Z/ /AVLN7.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1100 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg has issued a * Flood Advisory for The French Broad River At Asheville. * until this evening. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 7.2 feet. * Action Stage is 6.5 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 9.5 feet. * FORECAST: The river will continue to fall going below action stage by this evening. && LAT...LON 3550 8262 3560 8261 3569 8265 3570 8257 3558 8255 3550 8254 $$ OUTLAW  131 WGUS83 KLMK 221500 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1100 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Rochester affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Butler...Muhlenberg... Ohio. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are affected by these crests take any necessary actions. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lmk. && KYC031-177-183-221700- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190422T1700Z/ /RCHK2.1.ER.190421T1100Z.190422T1100Z.190422T1100Z.NO/ 1100 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Rochester. * until this afternoon. * At 7:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Reeds and Rochester Ferries remain closed. KY 369 floods one mile north of Rochester. && LAT...LON 3728 8680 3718 8690 3727 8697 3739 8678 $$ JMB  184 WSUK33 EGRR 221459 EGPX SIGMET 02 VALID 221525/221925 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N5634 W00114 - N5617 W00808 - N5823 W00736 - N6100 W00644 - N6100 W00028 - N5634 W00114 FL040/100 STNR WKN=  764 WGUS83 KABR 221502 FLSABR Flood Statement National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota... James River At Columbia James River Near Stratford James River At Ashton James River Near Redfield .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr...then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && SDC013-231902- /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CMBS2.3.RS.190402T0551Z.190422T0346Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River At Columbia. * until further notice. * At 9:31 AM Monday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 18.8 feet by Tuesday morning. * At 18.5 feet...The water reaches the bottom of the bridge at the gauging location on Brown County 16.. && LAT...LON 4586 9817 4563 9827 4552 9818 4552 9830 4563 9837 4586 9824 $$ SDC013-115-231902- /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SFDS2.3.RS.190403T0833Z.190419T1515Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River Near Stratford. * until further notice. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.6 feet by Wednesday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 19.5 feet...The bridge on 148th Street is under water. && LAT...LON 4552 9818 4515 9835 4515 9845 4552 9830 $$ SDC115-231902- /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ATNS2.3.RS.000000T0000Z.190423T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River At Ashton. * until further notice. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 23.1 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.3 feet by early Tuesday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 22.5 feet...The water reaches the bottom of the bridge at the gauging location. && LAT...LON 4515 9835 4496 9845 4492 9852 4497 9854 4515 9845 $$ SDC115-231902- /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RFDS2.3.RS.190331T2114Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River Near Redfield. * until further notice. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 26.9 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 27.0 feet by Monday afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 26.0 feet...The water reaches the bottom of the bridge on County Road 15 one mile northwest of the gauge, and SD Highway 28 at the Spink/Beadle county line floods.. && LAT...LON 4496 9845 4487 9824 4463 9821 4463 9833 4480 9836 4492 9852 $$  547 WWCN12 CWTO 221502 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:02 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SEARCHMONT - MONTREAL RIVER HARBOUR - BATCHAWANA BAY AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK CHAPLEAU - GOGAMA KIRKLAND LAKE - NEW LISKEARD - TEMAGAMI ELLIOT LAKE - RANGER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. A BRIEF PERIOD OF FREEZING RAIN IS ALSO POSSIBLE EARLY THIS AFTERNOON, ESPECIALLY FOR AREAS AWAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  358 WGUS83 KDLH 221502 FLSDLH FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota.. Mississippi River At Aitkin affecting Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties Mississippi River at Fort Ripley affecting Crow Wing and Morrison Counties MNC001-035-231502- /O.CON.KDLH.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ATKM5.1.ER.190417T1018Z.190424T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Aitkin. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.2 feet by Wednesday early afternoon then begin falling. * At 15.0 feet...A few homes become surrounded by water in the Cedarbrook neighborhood near Eagle Rd. The Aitkin city park becomes flooded.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 14.2 feet on Jul 15 2016. && LAT...LON 4650 9370 4630 9420 4644 9420 4655 9415 4665 9370 $$ MNC035-097-231502- /O.CON.KDLH.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FTRM5.1.ER.190418T1930Z.190422T1800Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1002 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Fort Ripley. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 10.5 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 10.5 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 11.0 feet...This will cause minor flooding of rural areas near Fort Ripley.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.3 feet on May 22 2015. && LAT...LON 4644 9420 4630 9420 4617 9423 4616 9440 4626 9442 $$  668 WAHW31 PHFO 221504 WA0HI HNLS WA 221600 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 222200 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 221600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 222200 . AIRMET TURB...HI OVR AND IMT S THRU W OF MTN ALL ISLANDS. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 060. COND CONT BEYOND 2200Z. =HNLZ WA 221600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 222200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...149-153.  081 WGUS84 KJAN 221504 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Big Sunflower River At Sunflower affecting Sunflower County Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC163-232104- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YZOM6.1.ER.190103T1005Z.190419T0800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 34.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 34.0 feet...Minor flooding of mostly agricultural land is occurring outside levee protection system. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Yazoo River Yazoo City 29 34.5 Mon 09 AM 34.4 34.3 34.1 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3262 9073 3285 9055 3302 9051 3301 9033 3283 9042 3259 9062 $$ MSC133-232104- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190426T2100Z/ /SUNM6.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190419T1800Z.190426T0900Z.NO/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River At Sunflower * until Friday afternoon. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage Friday morning. * Impact...At 24.0 feet...Farm roads to catfish ponds become inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Big Sunflower River Sunflower 21 24.0 Mon 09 AM 23.3 22.5 21.7 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3324 9081 3363 9062 3388 9075 3399 9059 3363 9048 3324 9064 $$ MSC125-232104- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ANGM6.1.ER.190221T1500Z.190419T0500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 47.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 45.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 47.0 feet...Minor flooding is occurring along the State Highway 14 bridge. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Big Sunflower River Anguilla 45 47.5 Mon 09 AM 47.4 47.3 47.2 SLOWLY FALLING && LAT...LON 3255 9079 3294 9084 3324 9081 3324 9064 3293 9067 3262 9073 $$  560 WGUS83 KEAX 221504 FLSEAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kansas... Missouri... Missouri River at St Joseph affecting Doniphan...Andrew and Buchanan Counties. Missouri River at Napoleon affecting Jackson...Lafayette and Ray Counties. Missouri River At Miami affecting Carroll...Chariton and Saline Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Missouri... Missouri River at Waverly affecting Carroll...Lafayette and Saline Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away.This product along with additional weather and stream information is available at www.weather.gov/kc/. && KSC043-MOC003-021-231502- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190505T0000Z/ /SJSM7.3.ER.190313T1124Z.190323T0100Z.190504T0000Z.UU/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at St Joseph. * until Saturday May 04. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 19.2 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.4 feet by Tuesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage on the evening of Friday May 3rd. * At 19.0 feet...Backwater from the Missouri River floods property along the Nodaway river at Nodaway, Missouri. * At 17.0 feet...Lowland flooding upstream and downstream from St. Joseph occurs. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River St Joseph 17 19.2 Mon 09 AM 19.4 Tuesday evening && LAT...LON 3991 9501 3990 9489 3975 9483 3964 9488 3970 9505 $$ MOC095-107-177-231502- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-190504T0600Z/ /NAPM7.2.ER.190314T0055Z.190325T1300Z.190503T0600Z.UU/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Napoleon. * until Saturday May 04. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.8 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by the morning of Friday May 3rd. * At 17.0 feet...Low-lying areas unprotected by levees begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Napoleon 17 17.8 Mon 09 AM 17.8 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3916 9415 3922 9417 3925 9386 3918 9384 3911 9405 $$ MOC033-107-195-231502- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WVYM7.3.ER.190314T0639Z.190326T0515Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Waverly. * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 21.3 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.2 feet by Tuesday morning. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Waverly 20 21.3 Mon 09 AM 21.2 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3925 9386 3933 9331 3928 9327 3922 9330 3918 9384 $$ MOC033-041-195-231502- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-190502T0000Z/ /MIAM7.3.ER.000000T0000Z.190326T2208Z.190501T0000Z.NO/ 1004 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Miami. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 8:12 AM Monday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.0 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage on the evening of Tuesday April 30th. * At 18.0 feet...Low-lying rural areas outside of levees begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Miami 18 18.9 Mon 08 AM 19.0 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3933 9331 3943 9319 3938 9307 3928 9327 $$  569 WGUS81 KGYX 221504 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Maine... Androscoggin River At Rumford affecting Oxford County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Vermont...Maine Connecticut River Near Dalton affecting Coos and Essex Counties Connecticut River At Wells River affecting Grafton...Caledonia and Orange Counties Androscoggin River At Gorham affecting Coos County Androscoggin River Near Auburn affecting Androscoggin County Kennebec River At Skowhegan affecting Somerset County Kennebec River At North Sidney affecting Kennebec County Kennebec River At Augusta affecting Kennebec County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && NHC007-VTC009-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLTN3.2.ER.190421T0015Z.190422T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River Near Dalton. * Until further notice. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 22.1 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.5 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Route 102 in Guildhall Vermont flooded. Route 135 in South Lancaster flooded. Munces Campground in Lancaster flooded. Perras Road and Old Village Road flooded in North Umberland New Hampshire. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...River Road flooded in Lunenburg Vermont between Mt. Orne Bridge and South Lunenburg Village. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4460 7160 4460 7150 4440 7162 4429 7200 4435 7205 4447 7169 $$ NHC009-VTC005-017-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WELV1.1.ER.190421T0252Z.190424T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River At Wells River. * Until further notice. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 11.4 feet by this evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4429 7200 4410 7200 4399 7205 4399 7216 4427 7211 4435 7205 $$ NHC007-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRMN3.1.ER.190420T2230Z.190422T0645Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Gorham. * Until further notice. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 8.7 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 8.3 feet by tomorrow afternoon. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Parking lot at Mr. Pizza starts to flood. && LAT...LON 4477 7128 4483 7104 4448 7102 4451 7080 4438 7075 4434 7123 $$ MEC017-221534- /O.CAN.KGYX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /RMFM1.1.ER.190421T1050Z.190421T2231Z.190422T1153Z.NO/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Androscoggin River At Rumford. * Until this afternoon. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 14.7 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Impact...At 13.7 feet...Ballfield south of Lincoln Avenue (Route 2) in Rumford is completely flooded.. * Impact...At 13.4 feet...Water enters ballfield in Rumford that is south of Lincoln Avenue. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Bethel Outdoor Adenture and Campground begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4451 7080 4458 7054 4455 7017 4444 7013 4442 7026 4438 7075 $$ MEC001-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190423T0712Z/ /AUBM1.1.ER.190421T1615Z.190422T1331Z.190423T0112Z.NO/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River Near Auburn. * Until late tonight. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 14.0 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tonight. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Route 136 at Stackpole Road in Durham begins to flood. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4442 7026 4444 7013 4409 7011 4395 6977 4385 6987 4402 7026 $$ MEC025-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190424T1350Z/ /SKOM1.1.ER.190420T2128Z.190422T1800Z.190424T0750Z.NO/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Skowhegan. * Until Wednesday morning. * At 10AM Monday the flow was 43250 cfs. * Minor Flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood flow is 35000 CFS. * The river will continue rising to near 46560 cfs by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 35000 cfs...Flooding begins at campground in Skowhegan. && LAT...LON 4480 6992 4480 6960 4453 6955 4453 6969 4468 6968 4471 6992 $$ MEC011-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ /SIDM1.1.ER.190421T1242Z.190421T1947Z.190423T0300Z.NO/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At North Sidney. * from late this afternoon until late tonight. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by late this afternoon and continue to rise to near 17.1 feet by this evening. the river will fall below flood stage by tonight. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4453 6969 4453 6955 4439 6969 4439 6979 $$ MEC011-230304- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190424T1830Z/ /ASTM1.1.ER.190421T0629Z.190421T2224Z.190424T1230Z.UU/ 1104 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Augusta. * from Wednesday morning until Wednesday afternoon. * At 10AM Monday the stage was 13.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 13.6 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water covering dock at town landing in Hallowell. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Water begins to flood parking lot on Front Street in Augusta. && LAT...LON 4439 6980 4439 6969 4429 6971 4408 6974 4408 6983 4429 6983 $$ Pohl  243 WGUS83 KABR 221505 FLSABR Flood Statement National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota... Turtle Creek At Redfield .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr...then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued Tuesday. && SDC115-231905- /O.EXT.KABR.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190501T0000Z/ /ID8S2.2.RS.190330T0107Z.190421T2130Z.190430T0000Z.NO/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Turtle Creek At Redfield. * until Tuesday April 30. * At 7:00 AM Monday the stage was 11.6 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by next Monday evening, April 29th. * At 12.0 feet...The water reaches the bottom of the bridge at Bula Park. && LAT...LON 4488 9846 4481 9854 4464 9861 4464 9871 4480 9871 4492 9852 $$  581 WGUS83 KLMK 221505 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1105 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Kentucky... Rough River near Dundee affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Ohio. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are affected by these crests take any necessary actions. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lmk. && KYC183-221535- /O.CAN.KLMK.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ /DUNK2.1.ER.190420T0954Z.190421T0945Z.190422T1157Z.NO/ 1105 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for the Rough River near Dundee. * At 10:45 AM Monday the stage was 24.6 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 7:57 AM Monday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 20.8 feet by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 3755 8649 3743 8694 3743 8710 3752 8713 3751 8696 3766 8653 $$ JMB  934 WSBW20 VGHS 221500 VGFR SIGMET 05 VALID 221600/222000 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ESE NC=  711 WGUS83 KFSD 221505 FLSFSD Flood Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota... Vermillion River Near Davis Vermillion River Near Wakonda James River At Huron James River Near Forestburg James River At Mitchell James River Near Scotland James River Above Yankton .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && SDC005-231905- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HURS2.3.RS.190321T0837Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River At Huron. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 17.11 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 17.5 feet by Friday April 26 then begin falling. * At stages near 18.0 feet...The road leading to the packing plant in Huron will begin flooding. && LAT...LON 4463 9833 4463 9821 4449 9810 4420 9810 4420 9822 4447 9824 $$ SDC111-231905- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FORS2.3.RS.190320T0550Z.190423T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River Near Forestburg. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 17.28 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 17.4 feet by Wednesday April 24 then begin falling. * At stages near 18.0 feet...County Road 21 in northern Davison County will be flooded. && LAT...LON 4420 9822 4420 9810 4402 9802 4393 9798 4393 9812 4409 9816 $$ SDC035-061-231905- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JRMS2.3.RS.190314T0905Z.190424T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River At Mitchell. * until further notice. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 23.19 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 23.6 feet by Thursday April 25 then begin falling. * At stages near 23.5 feet...1st Avenue by the golf course is flooded. && LAT...LON 4393 9812 4393 9798 4370 9789 4340 9763 4338 9777 4351 9797 $$ SDC067-135-231905- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SCOS2.3.RS.190313T2055Z.190418T0930Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River Near Scotland. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 17.86 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 18.1 feet by Sunday April 28 then begin falling. * At stages near 18.0 feet...Highway 44 south of Milltown and Keiber Road in Milltown will be flooded. && LAT...LON 4338 9777 4340 9763 4321 9755 4308 9736 4308 9750 4317 9769 $$ SDC135-231905- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YNNS2.3.RS.190314T0300Z.190314T0316Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River Above Yankton. * until further notice. * At 09AM Monday the stage was 19.23 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 18.9 feet by 7 AM Tuesday. * At stages near 18.5 feet...SW Jim River Road near 305th Street begins flooding. && LAT...LON 4308 9750 4308 9736 4298 9731 4287 9722 4287 9737 4298 9741 $$ SDC125-231905- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190424T0712Z/ /DVSS2.2.ER.190406T2002Z.190418T1300Z.190423T0712Z.NO/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Vermillion River Near Davis. * until late Tuesday night. * At 08AM Monday the stage was 11.60 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 11.7 feet this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday April 23. * At stages near 12.0 feet...Highway 18 west of Davis will begin flooding, and several houses in the western parts of Davis are in danger of flooding. && LAT...LON 4340 9710 4340 9704 4327 9696 4318 9689 4310 9694 4310 9703 $$ SDC027-231905- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0125.000000T0000Z-190425T1536Z/ /WKAS2.3.ER.190416T2100Z.190419T1200Z.190424T1536Z.NR/ 1005 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Vermillion River Near Wakonda. * until Thursday morning. * At 07AM Monday the stage was estimated at 17.00 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday April 24. * At stages near 17.0 feet...Highway 19 south of Centerville is flooded. Water reaches the bottom of the bridge on 302nd Street east of Colfax Corner, and many of the levees will start to be overtopped with approximately 25000 acres flooded between Davis and Vermillion. && LAT...LON 4310 9703 4310 9694 4291 9690 4291 9701 4295 9700 4300 9704 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Maximum Forecast Recent Observed Stage Stage Time Stage Time Crest Time JAMES RIVER HURS2 11.0 17.11 Mon 9 AM 17.5 Fri 7 AM FORS2 12.0 17.28 Mon 10 AM 17.4 Tue 1 AM JRMS2 17.0 23.19 Mon 9 AM 23.6 Wed 7 AM SCOS2 13.0 17.86 Mon 9 AM 18.1 Sat 1 AM 18.8 Thu Apr 18 YNNS2 12.0 19.23 Mon 9 AM 20.4 Thu Apr 18 VERMILLION RIVER DVSS2 11.0 11.60 Mon 8 AM 11.7 Mon 1 PM 14.2 Thu Apr 18 WKAS2 14.0 E17.00 Mon 7 AM 17.1 Sun Apr 21 MG  160 WGUS86 KPDT 221506 FLSPDT Flood Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 806 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Oregon... John Day River at Service Creek affecting Wheeler County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. As little as one foot of water on the road can move most vehicles off the road. Additional information is available at: weather.gov/Pendleton && ORC069-230306- /O.EXT.KPDT.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190423T0430Z/ /SERO3.2.ER.190420T2043Z.190421T1730Z.190422T2230Z.NO/ 806 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The John Day River at Service Creek. * until this evening. * At 7:30 AM Monday, the stage was 11.9 feet. * Flood stage is 11.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this afternoon. && LAT...LON 4506 12035 4492 11996 4466 11990 4446 12055 4505 12063 $$  125 WWCN12 CWTO 221506 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:06 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. RAIN WILL MOVE INTO THE AREA THIS AFTERNOON. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 20 TO 40 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY MORNING WITH THE HIGHEST AMOUNTS EXPECTED OVER THE WAWA AREA. EVEN HIGHER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE FORECAST FARTHER SOUTH TOWARDS AGAWA. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  139 WWCN12 CWTO 221507 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:07 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SAULT STE. MARIE - ST. JOSEPH ISLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. PERIODS OF RAIN WILL CONTINUE TODAY AND TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END LATE TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 30 TO 50 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  425 WHUS71 KBOX 221508 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ255-256-222315- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 5 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ250-254-222315- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary- Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ233-222315- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0500Z/ Vineyard Sound- 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds around 10 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 1 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ251-222315- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0059.190422T1800Z-190423T1000Z/ Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ235-237-222315- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ230-222315- /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.190422T1800Z-190423T0600Z/ Boston Harbor- 1108 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Waves Around 2 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  979 WGUS84 KLZK 221508 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley...Calhoun and Union Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC013-103-230608- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CAMA4.1.ER.190408T0548Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Camden. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 34.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 34.5 feet by Tuesday evening. * Impacts at 34.0 feet...Overbank flooding closes many roads. Harmony Grove community has flood problems at this stage. Many low lying roads are flooding with access to some residential areas by boat only. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Ouachita River Camden 26 34.2 Mon 09 AM 34.5 34.4 34.2 34.5 07 PM 04/23 && LAT...LON 3329 9261 3344 9280 3363 9289 3367 9275 3350 9264 3338 9247 $$ ARC011-013-139-230608- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.190406T1400Z.190426T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 86.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 87.5 feet by early Friday morning. * Impacts at 88.0 feet...River is high enough to stop drainage from Calion Lake. Heavy rainfall in the area could cause the lake to rise towards several homes along the shore. Downstream, water rising into undeveloped areas of the State Park at Moro Bay. Widespread flooding of timber, with access to many oil and gas rigs flooded. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Ouachita River Thatcher L 79 86.4 Mon 09 AM 86.7 87.0 87.3 87.5 07 AM 04/26 && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$ 67  086 WGUS83 KFGF 221508 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning has been extended for these river locations in Minnesota...North Dakota... * Dilworth...on the Buffalo River...in Clay County * Climax...on the Sandhill River...in Polk County * Kindred...on the Sheyenne River...in Cass and Richland Counties ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in Minnesota...North Dakota... * Hendrum...on the Wild Rice River (MN) ...in Norman County * West Fargo Diversion...on the Sheyenne River ...in Cass County * Harwood...on the Sheyenne River ...in Cass County .Water levels continue to decline in regional tributaries as snowmelt runoff has largely ended and no heavy precipitation events are expected in the near future. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && MNC027-231507- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190426T1800Z/ /DILM5.2.SM.190331T0942Z.190403T1700Z.190425T1200Z.NO/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Dilworth...on the Buffalo River. * until Friday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 15.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by Thursday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 15.0 feet, Gage not accessible above 15 feet. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Buffalo River Dilworth 14.5 13.8 13.0 12.4 11.7 11.2 10.7 && LAT...LON 4692 9650 4684 9652 4689 9669 4704 9681 4715 9682 $$ MNC107-231507- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HNDM5.2.SM.190404T0022Z.190411T1300Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Hendrum...on the Wild Rice River (MN). * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 28.3 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 28.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.7 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 28.0 feet, Moderate Flood Warning Stage. Agricultural damage starts. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Wild Rice River (MN) Hendrum 27.7 27.1 26.4 25.7 24.8 23.9 22.9 && LAT...LON 4732 9656 4722 9653 4715 9673 4724 9684 4734 9683 $$ MNC119-231507- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190426T1400Z/ /CLXM5.2.SM.190408T0607Z.190413T1000Z.190425T0800Z.NO/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Climax...on the Sandhill River. * until Friday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 23.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by Thursday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 25.0 feet, Moderate Flood Stage. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Sandhill River Climax 22.2 21.0 19.8 18.7 17.7 16.6 15.4 && LAT...LON 4764 9676 4753 9664 4754 9683 4764 9686 $$ NDC017-077-231507- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190426T1400Z/ /KNDN8.3.SM.190404T2130Z.190409T0045Z.190425T0800Z.NR/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Kindred...on the Sheyenne River. * until Friday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will fall below Flood Stage Thursday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 19.0 feet, MODERATE FLOOD. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Sheyenne River Kindred 17.9 16.9 15.8 14.9 14.1 13.2 12.0 && LAT...LON 4672 9701 4663 9688 4645 9731 4659 9729 $$ NDC017-231507- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190429T2200Z/ /WFON8.3.SM.190403T1226Z.190411T0230Z.190428T1600Z.NO/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...West Fargo Diversion...on the Sheyenne River. * until Monday April 29...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 20.5 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will fall below Flood Stage late Sunday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 21.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. Approximate stage where flooding begins in areas along the Sheyenne River north of the diversion channel to Harwood, ND. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Sheyenne River West Fargo Diver 20.5 20.4 20.2 19.8 19.0 18.2 17.1 && LAT...LON 4692 9699 4693 9686 4663 9689 4667 9702 $$ NDC017-231507- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HWDN8.3.ER.190404T0412Z.190411T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1008 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Harwood...on the Sheyenne River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 89.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 86.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 89.3 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 91.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Sheyenne River Harwood 89.3 89.0 88.5 87.9 87.1 85.9 84.8 && LAT...LON 4709 9683 4697 9683 4693 9686 4692 9699 4701 9698 $$  401 WSBZ31 SBBS 221506 SBBS SIGMET 6 VALID 221510/221750 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1714 W05150 - S1522 W04719 - S1650 W04537 - S1537 W04338 - S1301 W04640 - S1321 W04933 - S1436 W05338 - S1640 W05304 - S1714 W05150 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  644 WWCN12 CWTO 221508 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:08 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING AND AFTERNOON. FREEZING RAIN WILL CONTINUE THIS AFTERNOON FOLLOWED BY A MIX OF RAIN AND SNOW THAT WILL CONTINUE TONIGHT AND MUCH OF TUESDAY. OVER SOUTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING TIMMINS THE PRECIPITATION SHOULD CHANGE TO RAIN THIS AFTERNOON. OVER NORTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING COCHRANE PRECIPITATION WILL CHANGE TO SNOW WITH LOCAL AMOUNTS POSSIBLY REACHING 20 CM BY TUESDAY EVENING. THERE IS SOME UNCERTAINTY ABOUT WHERE THE CHANGEOVER FROM RAIN TO SNOW WILL BE WITH TEMPERATURES BEING VERY CLOSE TO ZERO. SOME AREAS WILL GET A MESSY MIX OF BOTH RAIN AND SNOW. A RAINFALL WARNING IS ALSO IN EFFECT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  240 WGUS43 KABR 221509 FLWABR BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 1009 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Moderate to Major Severity for the following rivers in South Dakota... Snake Creek Near Ashton .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr...then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued Tuesday. && SDC115-231908- /O.EXT.KABR.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190428T2100Z/ /SNKS2.3.RS.000000T0000Z.190422T1200Z.190428T1500Z.NO/ 1009 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Observed flooding increased from Moderate to Major severity... ...Forecast flooding increased from Moderate to Major severity... The Flood Warning continues for The Snake Creek Near Ashton. * until Sunday afternoon. * At 7:00 AM Monday the stage was 16.1 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.5 feet. * Forecast...Major flooding will continue into Tuesday morning. The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late next Sunday morning, April 28th. * At 15.5 feet...The bridges 1 mile east and 1 mile northwest of the gauge are both overtopped. && LAT...LON 4497 9850 4494 9852 4501 9859 4506 9856 4503 9849 $$  169 WGUS83 KIND 221513 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A Flood Warning continues for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... Driftwood River...East Fork White River...Wabash River...White River... .Lowland flooding has developed across many area rivers and streams as a result of approximately 2 to 3 inches of rain that has fallen across portions of central Indiana since Thursday morning. Low chances for rain return tonight into Tuesday. Periodic low rain chances then linger across the area through Thursday. Rain amounts associated with much of these rain chances look to be light. Not expecting any additional renewed rises based on the current rainfall forecast through mid-week. Flooding on lower portions of the White and Wabash Rivers look to end by the beginning of next month. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Motorists should never drive into flood water. Turn around and go another way. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC005-081-145-230412- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0190.000000T0000Z-190423T0412Z/ /DREI3.1.ER.190421T1215Z.190422T0300Z.190422T1612Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Driftwood River near Edinburgh 2 SW. * until late tonight. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * At 12.0 feet...Lowland flooding reported along Sugar Creek and Big Blue River in southern Johnson County in March 2011. Lowland flooding begins along portions of the Driftwood River in northern Bartholomew County. Water is near CR 950N to Double Y Saddle Club. && LAT...LON 3936 8595 3922 8595 3922 8592 3920 8591 3920 8597 3937 8601 $$ INC071-093-175-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0192.000000T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ /SERI3.2.ER.190420T0352Z.190421T1330Z.190425T0000Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Seymour. * until Thursday morning. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 16.4 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday evening. * At 16.4 feet...State Road 258 remained open after the river rebounded quickly to this level in June 2010. State Road 258 had been flooded a few days earlier after river crested at 17.9 feet. && LAT...LON 3905 8583 3886 8599 3877 8613 3879 8620 3893 8604 3906 8587 $$ INC093-101-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0193.000000T0000Z-190429T0300Z/ /BEDI3.1.ER.190422T0145Z.190424T1200Z.190428T1500Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Rivervale. * until Sunday evening. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 21.1 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 26.0 feet by Wednesday morning then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Sunday morning. * At 25.0 feet...All county roads across or located in the East Fork of White River flood plain flood. Flooding of agricultural land becomes extensive. The county road on northside of gage floods and gage may be inaccessible except by boat. Local residents in nearby river cabins must park on higher grounds. && LAT...LON 3878 8613 3872 8631 3877 8646 3882 8643 3878 8631 3880 8618 $$ INC093-101-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0217.190423T0600Z-190428T1900Z/ /BFRI3.1.ER.190423T0600Z.190425T0600Z.190428T0700Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River near Bedford. * from late tonight to Sunday afternoon. * At 8:30 AM Monday the stage was 17.8 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by late tonight and continue to rise to near 23.3 feet by late Wednesday night. It will fall below flood stage by late Saturday night. * At 23.5 feet...Bedford Boat Club Parking Lot covered with water. && LAT...LON 3877 8645 3879 8651 3882 8657 3885 8656 3883 8650 3881 8643 $$ INC093-101-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0218.190423T1312Z-190429T0000Z/ /WLLI3.1.ER.190423T1312Z.190425T0600Z.190428T1200Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The East Fork White River at Williams. * from Tuesday morning to Sunday evening. * At 7:13 AM Monday the stage was 6.9 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 10.3 feet by Thursday morning. It will fall below flood stage by Sunday morning. * At 10.0 feet...State Road 450 near Williams and County Road 400 South closed by high water. Lowest campground begins to flood. Additional agricultural flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3880 8653 3875 8667 3869 8673 3872 8681 3880 8668 3885 8656 $$ INC097-109-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0199.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /RVNI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1800Z.190423T0600Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Ravenswood. * until Tuesday afternoon. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 6.3 feet this afternoon and will fall below flood stage by late tonight. * At 6.0 feet...Lowest portion of Ravenswood begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3991 8609 3987 8613 3981 8619 3982 8621 3988 8616 3991 8611 $$ INC055-105-119-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0202.000000T0000Z-190426T0815Z/ /SPNI3.1.ER.190420T2224Z.190424T0600Z.190425T2015Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Spencer. * until late Thursday night. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 15.0 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 15.2 feet by late Tuesday night then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Thursday afternoon. * At 15.5 feet...Gosport Road, also known as County Line Road in Owen County, begins to flood on north side of river. Romona Road west of Gosport begins to flood. Flooding of low agricultural land is noticeable. && LAT...LON 3934 8665 3928 8675 3911 8692 3913 8696 3933 8674 3936 8666 $$ INC027-055-083-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190427T0800Z/ /ELLI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1200Z.190426T2000Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Elliston. * until late Friday night. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 21.5 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday afternoon. * At 21.0 feet...Eastern portion of CR 100 S in Greene County floods leading to Plummer. Flooding covers all low bottomlands. && LAT...LON 3912 8692 3908 8694 3900 8693 3900 8697 3905 8699 3913 8696 $$ INC027-055-083-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0181.000000T0000Z-190427T0000Z/ /NWBI3.1.ER.190416T0340Z.190422T1330Z.190426T1200Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Newberry. * until Friday evening. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 15.4 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday morning. * At 15.0 feet...Most lowlands flood. A few inches of water on County Road 600 W just north of the river in Mary Long Cutoff Area. && LAT...LON 3900 8694 3892 8700 3885 8712 3887 8715 3894 8708 3900 8696 $$ INC027-051-083-125-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0182.000000T0000Z-190429T0000Z/ /FREI3.1.ER.190415T0712Z.190422T1800Z.190428T1200Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Edwardsport. * until Sunday evening. * At 7:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.0 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 19.1 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Sunday morning. * At 18.6 feet...During June 2010 and March 2011 high water...INDOT closed SR 358 between SR 67 at Edwardsport to SR 57 at Plainville. SR 358 floods on the east side of the river between the levees. && LAT...LON 3885 8712 3877 8723 3855 8723 3855 8726 3879 8729 3887 8715 $$ ILC185-INC027-051-083-125-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0183.000000T0000Z-190502T0200Z/ /PTRI3.1.ER.190416T0745Z.190427T0000Z.190501T1400Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Petersburg. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 20.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 21.4 feet by Friday evening then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Wednesday May 01. * At 21.3 feet...State Road 257 south of Washington began to flood during May 2008 after local rains of more than an inch on very wet soils with Petersburg at 21.3 feet and rising and Shoals at 15.5 feet and rising. && LAT...LON 3852 8722 3850 8729 3851 8744 3854 8744 3855 8736 3853 8729 3856 8723 $$ ILC185-INC051-083-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0184.000000T0000Z-190502T1900Z/ /HAZI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190427T1800Z.190502T0700Z.NO/ 1013 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Hazleton. * until Thursday May 02. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 22.0 feet Saturday afternoon and will fall below flood stage by Thursday May 02. * At 22.0 feet...In agricultural season, extensive flooding of bottomlands and some of the higher bottomlands is in progress. High water surrounds Residents in river cabins. Oil fields and local roads flood. && LAT...LON 3851 8744 3844 8760 3841 8773 3843 8773 3852 8755 3854 8744 $$ INC045-121-157-165-171-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0175.000000T0000Z-190424T2230Z/ /LAFI3.1.ER.190415T2035Z.190420T1330Z.190424T1030Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Lafayette. * until Wednesday evening. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 13.2 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 13.3 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Wednesday morning. * At 14.0 feet...Lowland flooding is in progress. High water affects river cabins near North 9th Street. Low county roads are nearly impassable. Tapawingo Park in West Lafayette begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4054 8670 4040 8688 4033 8709 4040 8709 4048 8688 4056 8673 $$ INC045-121-165-171-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0176.000000T0000Z-190425T1048Z/ /CVGI3.1.ER.190416T1030Z.190421T1730Z.190424T2248Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Covington. * until Thursday morning. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 18.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 18.3 feet by this evening then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. * At 18.0 feet...Five Crossings, a local county river park at old U.S. Highway 136 bridge site, begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4033 8709 4017 8737 3997 8739 3997 8745 4020 8747 4040 8709 $$ INC121-165-167-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0177.000000T0000Z-190426T1700Z/ /MTZI3.1.ER.190415T0510Z.190420T1615Z.190426T0500Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Montezuma. * until Friday afternoon. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Thursday night. * At 18.0 feet...Montezuma agricultural levee is overtopped. Fourteen hundred acres of low bottomlands flood. && LAT...LON 3997 8739 3986 8734 3977 8736 3977 8740 3985 8741 3997 8745 $$ INC121-165-167-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0203.000000T0000Z-190424T0000Z/ /CLNI3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1800Z.190423T1200Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Clinton. * until Tuesday evening. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 18.5 feet this afternoon and will fall below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * At 18.0 feet...River road near Mecca and lowest areas of river park at Clinton begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3977 8735 3967 8736 3960 8736 3960 8741 3966 8742 3977 8740 $$ ILC023-033-INC153-167-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0178.000000T0000Z-190427T0600Z/ /TERI3.1.ER.190415T1700Z.190421T1330Z.190426T1800Z.UU/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Terre Haute. * until late Friday night. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 20.0 feet. This is 2.0 to 2.5 feet higher than the observations from the old legacy gauge. * Flood stage is 16.5 feet. This is 2.5 feet higher than flood stage from the old legacy gauge. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday afternoon. * At 19.5 feet...Water begins to rise in the Izaak Walton Lake. Sheet flowing water begins in the wetland project between U.S. 40 and I-70, and during a prolonged flood event project fills about 75 percent. && LAT...LON 3960 8736 3943 8740 3930 8757 3932 8763 3945 8747 3960 8741 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0163.000000T0000Z-190429T0112Z/ /HUTI2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190423T1200Z.190428T1312Z.NO/ 1013 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Hutsonville Legacy Power Plant Site. * until Sunday evening. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 20.2 feet Tuesday morning and will fall below flood stage by Sunday morning. * At 20.0 feet...Leaverton Park in Palestine and park in Hutsonville begin to flood. Agricultural flooding spreads to higher land. Seep water is noticeable behind levees. Some elevated river cottages are surrounded by water. Several county or township roads east of Lincoln Heritage Trail between Palestine and Hutsonville in Crawford County Illinois are impassable. && LAT...LON 3930 8757 3923 8754 3912 8762 3914 8768 3922 8762 3932 8763 $$ ILC033-101-INC083-153-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0164.000000T0000Z-190429T0325Z/ /RVTI3.2.ER.190331T0845Z.190421T1315Z.190428T1525Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Riverton. * until Sunday evening. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 18.9 feet by Tuesday morning then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Sunday morning. * At 18.5 feet...High water surrounds elevated river cabins. County roads to these cabins are impassable. Agricultural flooding is in progress. Seep water develops behind levees. && LAT...LON 3913 8761 3899 8748 3886 8750 3885 8756 3898 8759 3913 8767 $$ ILC101-185-INC083-231512- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0204.000000T0000Z-190428T0600Z/ /VCNI3.1.ER.190419T1930Z.190424T0600Z.190427T1800Z.NO/ 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Vincennes. * until late Saturday night. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 17.3 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 17.5 feet by late Tuesday night then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Saturday afternoon. * At 18.0 feet...Agricultural lands and some oil fields flood. Several township roads about 1.25 miles south of St. Francesville and River Road between Billett Road and Lincoln Memorial Bridge in Lawrence County are flooded. Extensive flooding of Kimmell Park at Vincennes. && LAT...LON 3887 8750 3874 8746 3846 8764 3847 8778 3871 8756 3886 8756 $$ ILC047-059-185-193-INC051-083-129-231512- /O.CON.KIND.FL.W.0187.000000T0000Z-190501T1330Z/ /MCRI2.1.ER.190419T1048Z.190426T1800Z.190501T0130Z.NO/ 1013 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Mount Carmel. * until Wednesday May 01. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 21.4 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will rise to near 22.4 feet by Friday afternoon then begin falling. It will fall below flood stage Tuesday April 30. * At 22.0 feet...Flood waters begin to affect residents of East Mt. Carmel, Indiana. Fifth Street that parallels river closes. Twin restaurant along the river also closes. Several local river roads flood. && LAT...LON 3846 8765 3828 8781 3822 8794 3822 8800 3827 8800 3847 8777 $$  314 WSPA08 PHFO 221514 SIGPAU KZAK SIGMET UNIFORM 1 VALID 221520/221920 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0520 W16810 - N0320 W16440 - N0040 W16720 - N0310 W17040 - N0520 W16810. CB TOPS TO FL550. MOV W 5KT. INTSF. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  315 WHUS73 KAPX 221513 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LHZ345-LMZ323-341-342-344>346-LSZ321-322-222315- /O.NEW.KAPX.SC.Y.0028.190423T0400Z-190424T0300Z/ Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island- Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI-Seul Choix Point to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- Whitefish Bay (U.S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI- St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay- 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 11 PM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Gaylord has issued A Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from midnight tonight to 11 PM EDT Tuesday. * Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ LHZ346>349-222315- /O.NEW.KAPX.SC.Y.0028.190423T0400Z-190424T0900Z/ St Ignace to False Detour Channel- 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary-Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 1113 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... The National Weather Service in Gaylord has issued A Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from midnight tonight to 5 AM EDT Wednesday. * Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$  576 WGUS84 KMOB 221515 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 1015 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Alabama... Tombigbee River Near Coffeeville Dam affecting Choctaw...Clarke and Washington Counties. Tombigbee River Near Leroy affecting Choctaw...Clarke and Washington Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && ALC023-025-129-231514- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA1.1.ER.190408T1248Z.190422T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1015 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tombigbee River Near Coffeeville Dam * until further notice. * At 5 AM Monday the stage was 37 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 35.5 feet by Tuesday evening. * At 40 feet...Widespread flooding of timber and pastureland. Portions of State Highway 114 east of the river becomes covered by water. Cabins on Old Ferry Road flood. && LAT...LON 3231 8805 3232 8791 3178 8809 3160 8804 3160 8810 3178 8822 $$ ALC023-025-129-231514- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LRYA1.1.ER.190414T0800Z.190422T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1015 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Tombigbee River Near Leroy * until further notice. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 28.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 28 feet by Wednesday morning. * At 30 feet...Roads leading into the Powersouth power plant will begin to flood, along with roads along the east side of the river. && LAT...LON 3160 8810 3160 8804 3149 8786 3114 8792 3114 8802 3149 8793 $$  918 WWCN12 CWTO 221515 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:15 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THE HIGHEST RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE EXPECTED OVER SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF THE REGION, INCLUDING TIMMINS. PRECIPITATION THIS MORNING IS EXPECTED TO CHANGE TO RAIN FOR SOUTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION THIS AFTERNOON AND PERSIST INTO TUESDAY. LESSER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE ANTICIPATED FOR NORTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION WHERE MORE SNOW WILL FALL. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  625 WWCN11 CWVR 221516 WIND WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:16 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: CENTRAL COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS. WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: NORTH COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PACIFIC FRONT WHICH BROUGHT STRONG SOUTHEAST WINDS UP TO 90 KM/H TO HAIDA GWAII, THE NORTH COAST AND CENTRAL COAST IS CROSSING THE CENTRAL COAST THIS MORNING. WINDS HAVE EASED IN MANY AREAS, AND WILL CONTINUE TO DIMINISH THIS MORNING. WINDS WILL SHIFT TO THE SOUTHWEST FOLLOWING THE FRONT AND WEAKEN. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  012 WWIN40 DEMS 221500 IWB (EVENING) DATED 22-04-2019. ? THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER IRAN & ADJOINING AFGHANISTAN PERSISTS. ? THE TROUGH AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM SOUTH CHHATTISGARH TO SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA ACROSS TELANGANA AND NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA PERSISTS. ? A LOW PRESSURE AREA IS LIKELY TO DEVELOP OVER EQUATORIAL INDIAN OCEAN AND ADJOINING SOUTHWEST BAY OF BENGAL TO THE SOUTHEAST OF SRI LANKA AROUND 25TH APRIL. IT IS LIKELY TO INTENSIFY INTO A DEPRESSION DURING SUBSEQUENT 48 HOURS. IT IS VERY LIKELY TO MOVE NORTHWESTWARDS TOWARDS TAMILNADU COAST ACROSS EAST COAST OF SRILANKA. ? THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDING UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER EAST JHARKHAND & ADJOINING GANGETIC WEST BENGAL PERSISTS. ? THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER NORTHEAST RAJASTHAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS. THE TROUGH FROM THIS CYCLONIC CIRCULATION TO NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA ACROSS SOUTHWEST MADHYA PRADESH AND MADHYA MAHARASHTRA ALSO PERSISTS. FORECAST:- RAIN / THUNDERSHOWERS VERY LIKELY AT MANY PLACES OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM; AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH, TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND KERALA AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, GANGETIC WEST BENGAL, ODISHA,HIMACHAL PRADESH, UTTARAKHAND, VIDHARBHA, EAST UTTAR PRADESH , JHARKHAND, BIHAR, CHHATTISGARH, TELANGANA, RAYALASEEMA AND KARNATAKA(.) DRY OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY (.) WARNING:- 22 APRIL (DAY 1): ? THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 50-60 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES LIKELY OVER TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH. ? THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER KERALA, TELANGANA, RAYALSEEMA, CHHATTISGARH, VIDARBHA, SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, BIHAR AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. ? THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 30-40 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER SOUTHEAST UTTAR PRADESH, ODISHA, GANGETIC WEST BENGAL, JHARKHAND AND NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA. ? HEAVY RAINFALL IN ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH. 23 APRIL (DAY 2): ? THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING ATISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH, KERALA AND BIHAR. ? THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH GUSTY WINDS (WIND SPEED REACHING 30-40 KMPH) AND LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER JAMMU & KASHMIR, ODISHA AND GANGETIC WEST BENGAL. ? HEAT WAVE CONDITIONS LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OVER WEST RAJASTHAN.  687 WSNT07 KKCI 221520 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 5 VALID 221520/221920 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1520Z WI N3230 W04600 - N2900 W04130 - N2430 W04230 - N2430 W04515 - N3045 W04815 - N3230 W04600. TOP FL390. STNR. NC.  278 WAIY32 LIIB 221518 LIRR AIRMET 10 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SFC WSPD 45KT FCST WI N4118 E00822 - N4021 E00948 - N3857 E00804 - N3725 E01129 - N3628 E01128 - N3629 E01858 - N3851 E01854 - N3857 E01629 - N4012 E01532 - N4322 E01021 - N4120 E00948 - N4118 E00822 STNR NC=  092 WAIY33 LIIB 221519 LIBB AIRMET 8 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4247 E01537 - N4204 E01444 - N4021 E01716 - N3856 E01630 - N3857 E01856 - N4106 E01854 - N4247 E01537 STNR NC=  688 WSIY32 LIIB 221519 LIRR SIGMET 6 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3900 E00805 - N4250 E01304 - N4122 E01423 - N4107 E01507 - N3859 E01622 - N3626 E01708 - N3628 E01129 - N3728 E01128 - N3900 E00805 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  150 WSIY33 LIIB 221519 LIBB SIGMET 3 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4252 E01529 - N4157 E01357 - N4125 E01427 - N4111 E01507 - N3912 E01621 - N4035 E01859 - N4106 E01850 - N4252 E01529 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  275 WGUS84 KMOB 221518 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 1018 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi... Leaf Near Mclain affecting George...Greene and Perry Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && MSC039-041-111-231518- /O.EXT.KMOB.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190426T0936Z/ /MCLM6.1.ER.190419T0400Z.190423T0000Z.190426T0336Z.NO/ 1018 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late Thursday night for the Leaf Near Mclain * until late Thursday night. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 22.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 23 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday before midnight. * At 24 feet...Some county roads in the area will become flooded. && LAT...LON 3119 8914 3125 8914 3123 8885 3099 8871 3098 8877 3114 8887 $$  588 WAIY32 LIIB 221519 LIRR AIRMET 11 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  304 WHUS73 KDLH 221518 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 1018 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LSZ143>145-230000- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN-Two Harbors to Duluth MN- Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 1018 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 10 to 20 knots. * Waves...4 to 6 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ121-146>148-230000- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Chequamegon Bay-Bayfield to Oak Point WI- Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- 1018 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 10 to 20 knots. * Waves...4 to 6 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  267 WAIY33 LIIB 221520 LIBB AIRMET 9 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST S OF LINE N4223 E01327 - N4235 E01623 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  405 WSIY32 LIIB 221520 LIRR SIGMET 7 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3948 E00937 - N3755 E01304 - N3636 E01353 - N3909 E01553 - N4113 E01329 - N4255 E01025 - N3948 E00937 TOP ABV FL350 STNR WKN=  868 WAIY32 LIIB 221521 LIRR AIRMET 12 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4338 E01148 - N4331 E01324 - N4258 E01306 - N4125 E01422 - N4108 E01511 - N3856 E01622 - N3755 E01558 - N3734 E01304 - N3802 E01242 - N3814 E01545 - N3900 E01610 - N4003 E01537 - N4338 E01033 - N4338 E01148 STNR NC=  188 WAIY33 LIIB 221521 LIBB AIRMET 10 VALID 221605/222005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4330 E01325 - N4253 E01303 - N4123 E01426 - N4110 E01509 - N3856 E01631 - N3858 E01708 - N4122 E01531 - N4330 E01325 STNR NC=  724 WSBZ31 SBCW 221520 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 221530/221830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  725 WSBZ31 SBCW 221520 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 221530/221830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE F CST WI S2437 W05422 - S2916 W04554 - S2619 W04308 - S2042 W05035 - S2332 W05230 - S2437 W05422 FL130/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  790 WSCN24 CWAO 221520 CZYZ SIGMET C3 VALID 221520/221525 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL SIGMET C2 221125/221525 RMK GFACN33=  222 WSCN04 CWAO 221520 CZYZ SIGMET C3 VALID 221520/221525 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL SIGMET C2 221125/221525=  952 WGUS83 KMKX 221521 FLSMKX Flood Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1021 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Fox River Near Berlin affecting Green Lake County Wisconsin River At Wisconsin Dells affecting Columbia County Wisconsin River At Portage affecting Columbia County && WIC047-230320- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BERW3.2.RS.190315T0245Z.190327T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1021 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fox River Near Berlin. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.1 feet by Friday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 13.2 feet...There is minor flooding in the Berlin area including in Riverside and Webster Street Parks in Berlin. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Berlin 13.0 12.0 13.03 08 AM 04/22 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Berlin 13.25 08 AM 04/18 -0.06 13.10 07 AM 04/26 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Berlin: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.38 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.46 Berlin: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.09 Berlin: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4398 8899 4398 8888 4391 8888 4389 8901 4395 8911 4396 8908 $$ WIC021-230200- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ /WDEW3.1.ER.190420T1132Z.190421T1245Z.190422T2000Z.NO/ 1021 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Wisconsin Dells. * At 8:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this afternoon. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...There is widespread flooding to agricultural land and wooded land in the Wisconsin Dells area. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Wisconsin Dells 16.0 13.0 16.23 08 AM 04/22 15.8 14.9 13.4 12.9 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Wisconsin Dells 16.90 08 AM 04/21 -0.60 16.10 01 PM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.47 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.64 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.03 Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4364 8982 4364 8974 4362 8973 4361 8968 4358 8977 4362 8980 $$ WIC021-230320- /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190428T1500Z/ /PORW3.3.ER.190418T2211Z.190422T0615Z.190428T0900Z.NO/ 1021 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Portage. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Sunday morning. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Sunset Point-Conant St underwater. Floodwaters affect homes in the Blackhawk Park area as well as River Oaks Road in the Town of Dekorra, River Shores Road in the Town of Lewiston, and Levee Road in the Portage area. Water is over Wood Street in Portage as well as parts of Thunderbird Road. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Portage 17.0 12.7 19.81 10 AM 04/22 19.7 19.2 18.4 18.0 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Portage 20.08 01 AM 04/22 -0.15 19.80 01 PM 04/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Portage: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.27 Portage: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.44 Portage: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.03 Portage: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4351 8970 4365 8966 4359 8937 4339 8939 4344 8965 4350 8957 $$  071 WSCI36 ZUUU 221516 ZPKM SIGMET 5 VALID 221810/222210 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2908 E10521-N2957 E10924-N2644 E10910-N2527 E10751-N2442 E10547-N2725 E10438-N2908 E10521 TOP FL330 MOV NE 10KMH NC=  848 WGUS84 KMOB 221521 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 1021 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Chickasawhay At Leakesville affecting George...Greene and Wayne Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && MSC039-041-153-231521- /O.CON.KMOB.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LEKM6.1.ER.190416T1025Z.190422T1400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1021 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Chickasawhay At Leakesville * until further notice. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 25.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 25.0 feet by Wednesday morning. * At 26 feet...Flooding at the highway bridge begins. && LAT...LON 3144 8857 3144 8846 3108 8854 3098 8873 3100 8875 3110 8858 $$  174 WSBO31 SLLP 221522 SLLF SIGMET A4 VALID 221522/221922 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 1521Z WI S1537 W06331 - S1602 W06455 - S1704 W06520 - S1750 W06429 - S1845 W06343 - S1915 W06257 - S1918 W06159 - S1918 W06029 - S1857 W05953 - S1821 W05933 - S1732 W05936 - S1636 W06002 - S1600 W06046 - S1524 W06201 - S1532 W06333 - TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  992 WGUS84 KJAN 221522 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1022 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana.. Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && LAC041-232121- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NECL1.2.ER.181231T2100Z.190423T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1022 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 57.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 57.2 feet just after midnight tonight. * Impact...At 55.0 feet...Several thousand acres of farm and agricultural land are inundated. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Boeuf River Fort Necessity 50 57.1 Mon 09 AM 57.2 56.8 56.4 57.2 01 AM 04/23 && LAT...LON 3186 9180 3196 9192 3205 9201 3212 9202 3218 9184 3195 9179 $$  323 WACN02 CWAO 221522 CZEG AIRMET E2 VALID 221520/221610 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET E1 221210/221610=  324 WACN22 CWAO 221522 CZEG AIRMET E2 VALID 221520/221610 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET E1 221210/221610 RMK GFACN36=  565 WGUS82 KMHX 221522 FLSMHX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NEWPORT/MOREHEAD CITY, NC 1122 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Contentnea Creek Near Hookerton affecting Greene...Lenoir and Pitt Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded areas. Most flood deaths occur in automobiles when people try to drive through flooded areas. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio...local radio...media or cable TV. && NCC079-107-147-231520- /O.CON.KMHX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ /HOKN7.1.ER.190413T0445Z.190419T1830Z.190426T0600Z.NO/ 1122 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Contentnea Creek Near Hookerton. * until Friday morning. * At 11 AM Monday the stage was 13.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor flooding of low lying areas adjacent to creek can be expected. Several homes threatened by water in northwest Greene County near HWY 58. && Fld Observed Forecast 8AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Hookerton 13 13.4 Mon 11 AM 13.3 13.2 13.1 LAT...LON 3550 7766 3544 7746 3539 7750 3545 7774 3559 7782 3558 7781 3561 7777 $$  742 WGUS84 KMOB 221522 FLSMOB Flood Statement National Weather Service Mobile, AL 1022 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Mississippi... Pascagoula At Merrill affecting George...Greene and Jackson Counties. .Recent heavy rains have caused significant rises along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio. && MSC039-041-059-231521- /O.EXT.KMOB.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190427T0000Z/ /MRRM6.1.ER.190420T2037Z.190423T0600Z.190426T1800Z.NO/ 1022 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Friday evening for the Pascagoula At Merrill * until Friday evening. * At 9 AM Monday the stage was 23.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 23.5 feet by after midnight tomorrow. The river will fall below flood stage by Friday early afternoon. * At 23.5 feet...Water is under homes in Plum Bluff Estates. Streets of Merrill flood. && LAT...LON 3098 8877 3098 8872 3082 8871 3074 8864 3074 8868 3082 8879 $$  228 WSRA31 RUKR 221522 UNKL SIGMET 2 VALID 221600/222000 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6833 E08320 - N6806 E08600 - N6720 E09200 - N6728 E09432 - N6252 E09337 - N6327 E08448 - N6633 E08247 - N6801 E08052 - N6833 E08320 SFC/FL100 MOV E 30KMH NC=  813 WGUS83 KARX 221522 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1022 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .Flooding continues along the Black River near Galesville. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC063-121-230621- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190423T0950Z/ /GALW3.2.RS.190419T0256Z.190420T0115Z.190422T1550Z.NR/ 1022 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River Near Galesville. * until late tonight...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 12.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by later this morning. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Flooding mainly impacts wildlands and agricultural pasture land. However the approach to the south end of the County Road VV Bridge over the Black River may be flooded. && LAT...LON 4411 9097 4393 9135 4395 9138 4407 9133 4413 9100 $$ LL  921 WGUS82 KMHX 221522 FLSMHX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NEWPORT/MOREHEAD CITY, NC 1122 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Neuse River At Kinston affecting Lenoir County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded areas. Most flood deaths occur in automobiles when people try to drive through flooded areas. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio...local radio...media or cable TV. && NCC107-231521- /O.CON.KMHX.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /KINN7.1.ER.190416T1830Z.190421T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1122 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Neuse River At Kinston. * until further notice. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 16.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 16.2 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Flooding of the campground at the Nature Center is expected. Water encroaches onto other properties along the south side of the river. && Fld Observed Forecast 8AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Kinston 14 16.2 Mon 11 AM 16.0 15.8 15.7 LAT...LON 3528 7763 3536 7748 3533 7743 3522 7750 3521 7761 3520 7784 3526 7783 $$  757 WSCI34 ZSSS 221522 ZSHA SIGMET 4 VALID 221530/221930 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N29 AND E OF E118 TOP FL340 MOV E 30KMH NC=  813 WGUS83 KFGF 221523 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning is now cancelled for these river locations in North Dakota... * Hickson...on the Red River...in Cass County ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in Minnesota...North Dakota... * Wahpeton...on the Red River ...in Wilkin and Richland Counties * Fargo...on the Red River ...in Clay and Cass Counties * Halstad...on the Red River ...in Norman and Traill Counties * East Grand Forks...on the Red River ...in Polk and Grand Forks Counties * Oslo...on the Red River ...in Marshall...Polk...Grand Forks and Walsh Counties * Drayton...on the Red River ...in Kittson...Marshall...Pembina and Walsh Counties * Pembina...on the Red River ...in Kittson and Pembina Counties .Water levels continue to decline slowly for all river point locations south of the Grand Forks area as snowmelt runoff has largely ended and no heavy precipitation is expected over the next several days. The Red River at Oslo is expected to remain in major flood stage through much of the week before slowly declining towards the weekend. Water levels are no longer expected to reach flood stage at Hickson. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && MNC167-NDC077-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WHNN8.2.SM.190328T0937Z.190401T1115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Wahpeton...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 13.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 13.5 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 13.5 feet, North Main Street and bridge closed (Breckenridge). && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Wahpeton 13.5 13.2 12.8 12.4 11.9 11.4 11.0 && LAT...LON 4650 9684 4650 9663 4603 9641 4602 9672 $$ NDC017-221553- /O.CAN.KFGF.FL.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190427T1800Z/ /HICN8.N.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for... * ...Hickson...on the Red River. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 28.9 feet. * Forecast...the river will crest below Flood Stage at 29.0 feet early Wednesday morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 30.0 feet, MINOR FLOOD. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Hickson 28.9 29.0 29.0 29.0 28.6 28.0 27.1 && LAT...LON 4676 9689 4677 9671 4650 9663 4650 9684 $$ MNC027-NDC017-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FGON8.3.SM.190331T1722Z.190409T0115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Fargo...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 30.9 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 30.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 30.9 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 31.0 feet, 1st Avenue N underpass is closed (Moorhead). && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Fargo 30.9 30.6 30.1 29.5 28.9 28.2 27.6 && LAT...LON 4677 9671 4676 9689 4724 9694 4724 9683 4715 9673 $$ MNC107-NDC097-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HILN8.3.SM.190404T1737Z.190412T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Halstad...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 35.4 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 32.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 34.5 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 36.4 feet, City mobilizes for dike patrols. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Halstad 34.5 33.7 32.9 32.1 31.3 30.4 29.6 && LAT...LON 4767 9698 4767 9673 4715 9673 4724 9695 $$ MNC119-NDC035-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EGFM5.3.SM.190405T0542Z.190411T2330Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...East Grand Forks...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:45 AM Monday the stage was 43.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 43.2 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 44.0 feet, River Rd and 17th St NW closure to be assembled (East Grand Forks). && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River East Grand Forks 43.2 42.5 41.9 41.2 40.6 39.9 39.2 && LAT...LON 4767 9699 4810 9719 4807 9698 4768 9674 $$ MNC089-119-NDC035-099-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OSLM5.3.SM.190405T0622Z.190413T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Oslo...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 37.4 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 36.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 37.2 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 37.5 feet, State Highway 1 overtops (MN DOT). && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Oslo 37.2 37.0 36.8 36.6 36.4 36.2 35.9 && LAT...LON 4848 9725 4846 9706 4807 9698 4810 9721 $$ MNC069-089-NDC067-099-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0026.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DRTN8.3.SM.190409T0649Z.190420T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Drayton...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 42.4 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 42.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 42.4 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 42.0 feet, Major Flood Stage. General Urban Flood Damage to Drayton and its environs. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Drayton 42.4 42.3 42.2 42.1 41.9 41.7 41.4 && LAT...LON 4874 9702 4846 9705 4848 9725 4881 9734 $$ MNC069-NDC067-231522- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PBNN8.3.SM.190410T1350Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1023 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Pembina...on the Red River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 48.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Major flooding is forecast. * Major Flood Stage is 49.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will rise to a crest near 49.8 feet sometime Friday mid-morning then begin falling. * Impact Statement(s) - At 50.0 feet, South end of Airport Road closes. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Red River Pembina 49.0 49.3 49.6 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 && LAT...LON 4874 9701 4877 9732 4900 9740 4900 9700 $$  110 WSBZ01 SBBR 221500 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 221220/221620 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 W06122 - S1152 W05953- S1257 W06130 - S1147 W06308 - S1000 W06122 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  111 WSBZ01 SBBR 221500 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 221230/221530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  151 WSBZ01 SBBR 221500 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 221300/221700 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0242 W04343 - N0408W04302 - N0225 W03750 - N0006 W03848 - N0242 W04343 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  152 WSBZ01 SBBR 221500 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0130 W05018 - N0019W04549 - S0117 W04631 - S0048 W05026 - N0130 W05018 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  153 WSBZ01 SBBR 221500 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0112 W05900 - S0133 W05603- S0411 W05630 - S0440 W05852 - S0112 W05900 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  536 WWAK81 PAFC 221526 CCA SPSAER SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT...CORRECTED National Weather Service ANCHORAGE AK 726 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ101-111-141-145-230300- Anchorage-Matanuska Valley-Copper River Basin-Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Anchorage, Eagle River, Indian, Eklutna, Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton, Chickaloon, Glennallen, Eureka, McCarthy, Paxson, Slana, Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 726 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Another Round of Winter Weather across much of Southcentral... A potent cold front will lift from south to north across the area today. Snow is expected from the Matanuska Valley up through the northern Susitna Valley and into the Copper River Basin. Temperatures should climb back into the mid 30s to low 40s which will somewhat limit accumulations. The heaviest snow will be over the Northern Parks Highway (near Broad Pass) later this afternoon and evening. The Glen Highway from Chickaloon through Eureka could also see some brief periods of moderate snow and blowing snow as more cold air pours in from the southwest. The Anchorage area will be right on the edge of this system. Light snow accumulations look more likely for Eagle River and the Hillside than West Anchorage late this morning through the afternoon. However, a slight shift in the track of the storm's axis could bring a couple of inches to the entire Anchorage Bowl. For current road conditions dial 5-1-1 or visit www.511.alaska.gov. $$  128 WGUS83 KOAX 221526 FLSOAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1026 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River At Brownville affecting Atchison and Nemaha Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River at Plattsmouth affecting Mills and Cass Counties. Missouri River At Nebraska City affecting Fremont and Otoe Counties. Missouri River At Rulo affecting Holt and Richardson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax && IAC129-NEC025-230625- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTMN1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190419T2230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Plattsmouth. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 27.7 feet...or 1.7 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.6 feet by late tomorrow morning. && LAT...LON 4106 9591 4107 9574 4078 9572 4078 9587 4092 9585 $$ IAC071-NEC131-230625- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NEBN1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190416T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Nebraska City. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 20.5 feet...or 2.5 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.5 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. && LAT...LON 4078 9587 4078 9572 4048 9554 4048 9580 4074 9590 $$ MOC005-NEC127-230625- /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRON1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190423T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Brownville. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 36.4 feet...or 2.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 36.5 feet by early Wednesday afternoon then begin falling. && LAT...LON 4048 9580 4048 9554 4026 9544 4026 9563 4044 9574 $$ MOC087-NEC147-230625- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RULN1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190423T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1026 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Rulo. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 20.4 feet...or 3.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.5 feet by early tomorrow afternoon then begin falling. && LAT...LON 4026 9563 4026 9544 3991 9501 3982 9503 3997 9536 $$  773 WSID20 WIII 221520 WIIZ SIGMET 16 VALID 221520/221800 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0512 E10004 - S0807 E10111 - S0424 E09535 - S0349 E09657 - S0512 E10004 TOP FL550 MOV ESE 10KT NC=  032 WWCN10 CWUL 221521 STORM SURGE WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:21 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STORM SURGE WARNING FOR: QUEBEC AREA COTE-DE-BEAUPRE - L'ILE D'ORLEANS AREA BELLECHASSE AREA LEVIS AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGHER THAN NORMAL WATER LEVELS ARE EXPECTED NEAR THE COAST TUESDAY MORNING. COASTAL FLOOD WARNING ISSUED JOINTLY BY FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA (SCIENCE) AND THE METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGION ON 2019-04-22. A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM DEVELOPING TONIGHT WILL SLOWLY TRACK UP THE US EASTERN SEABOARD OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. IT WILL CAUSE MODERATE TO STRONG WINDS OVER THE QUEBEC CITY'S REGION. THESE WINDS COMBINED WITH THE HIGH FLOWS OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND THE FACT THAT WE ARE CURRENTLY IN A PERIOD OF HIGH TIDAL RANGE MIGHT CAUSE MINOR FLOODING ALONG THE COAST NEAR THE FOLLOWING LOCALITIES ON THE DATES AND AT THE TIMES SPECIFIED (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME). QUEBEC CITY: 2019-04-23, FROM 09:00 AM TO 12:00 PM. COASTAL EROSION IS POSSIBLE IN VULNERABLE AREAS. PEOPLE CLOSE TO THE SHORELINE SHOULD STAY ON THE LOOKOUT FOR WORSENING CONDITIONS. STORM SURGE WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WATER LEVELS POSE A THREAT TO COASTAL REGIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  474 WGUS84 KJAN 221529 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana.. Black River At Jonesville L&D affecting Catahoula and Concordia Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur. Routine 24 hours of forecast rainfall is used for all rivers except for those in the Tombigbee River System which includes Tibbee Creek, Luxapallila Creek, Noxubee River,and the Tombigbee River mainstem where a routine of 48 hours of additional rainfall is used. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && LAC025-029-232128- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JNEL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190426T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Jonesville L&D * until further notice. * At 5:00 AM Monday the stage was 51.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 51.3 feet Thursday April 25, then begin slowly falling. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...Highway 124 south near the town of Larto starts to flood. Backwater flooding begins in unprotected areas on right bank. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Black River Jonesville LD 50 51.1 Mon 05 AM 51.2 51.2 51.2 51.3 07 PM 04/25 && LAT...LON 3139 9199 3191 9195 3186 9180 3160 9170 3144 9168 3141 9168 $$  648 WGUS83 KARX 221528 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1028 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .The flood warning continues for the Trempealeau River near Dodge. Minor flooding is expected. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC011-121-230628- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190427T0300Z/ /DDGW3.1.RS.190419T1152Z.190420T1145Z.190426T0900Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trempealeau River at Dodge. * until Friday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 8.9 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday evening and continue to rise to near 9.3 feet by Thursday. The river will fall below flood stage by Friday morning. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Agricultural and marsh land is flooded. && LAT...LON 4404 9158 4420 9163 4423 9158 4422 9158 4402 9149 $$ LL  506 WSTR31 UTAA 221528 UTAA SIGMET N4 VALID 221530/221930 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR OBSC TS FCST OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  848 WGUS83 KMPX 221529 FLSMPX Flood Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota... Cottonwood River at New Ulm affecting Brown County Cottonwood River Above Springfield affecting Brown County Minnesota River at Mankato affecting Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties South Fork Crow River below Mayer affecting Carver County South Fork Crow River at Delano affecting Wright County Redwood River near Redwood Falls affecting Redwood County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Minnesota...Wisconsin.. Minnesota River at Montevideo affecting Chippewa...Lac qui Parle and Yellow Medicine Counties Minnesota River at Granite Falls HWY 212 affecting Chippewa... Renville and Yellow Medicine Counties Minnesota River At Morton affecting Renville County Minnesota River At New Ulm affecting Brown and Nicollet Counties Minnesota River at Henderson MN19 affecting Le Sueur...Scott and Sibley Counties Minnesota River near Jordan affecting Carver and Scott Counties Minnesota River at Savage affecting Dakota...Hennepin and Scott Counties Crow River at Rockford affecting Hennepin and Wright Counties Mississippi River at St. Paul affecting Dakota...Ramsey and Washington Counties Mississippi River near Hastings L/D 2 affecting Dakota... Washington and Pierce Counties Mississippi River at Red Wing L/D 3 affecting Goodhue and Pierce Counties Mississippi River at Red Wing affecting Goodhue and Pierce Counties St Croix River at Stillwater affecting Washington and St. Croix Counties Chippewa River at Durand affecting Buffalo and Pepin Counties .Overview... Most rivers will stall or climb up once again with fairly widespread rainfall over the next 24 hours. Looking ahead the next few days will dry out as a high pressure takes control before another chance at rainfall this weekend. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local radio or TV station for the latest information concerning this flood event. && MNC015-232128- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190427T0000Z/ /NWUM5.2.ER.190407T1222Z.190419T1845Z.190426T0600Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Friday evening...The Flood Warning continues for The Cottonwood River at New Ulm. * until Friday evening. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Friday morning. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Flood waters begin to impact low lying areas...and some roads along the river. && LAT...LON 4433 9448 4427 9441 4422 9470 4430 9470 $$ MNC015-232128- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ /SPFM5.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190419T0645Z.190425T1800Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Friday morning...The Flood Warning continues for The Cottonwood River Above Springfield . * until Friday morning. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 22.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday early afternoon. && LAT...LON 4421 9510 4425 9497 4425 9490 4421 9490 4417 9510 $$ MNC023-073-173-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MVOM5.3.SM.190325T0415Z.190331T0630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Montevideo. * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.1 feet by this evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Sanitary sewers begin to be affected at this level. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Storm sewers may need to be plugged to prevent water from backing up into streets. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin flooding, along with some basements of houses along the river. && LAT...LON 4503 9578 4492 9562 4486 9570 4497 9587 $$ MNC023-129-173-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GTEM5.1.ER.190418T1440Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Granite Falls HWY 212. * until further notice. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 890.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 888.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 890.7 feet by tomorrow morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 891.6 feet...Flood waters begin to flow into the natural diversion that starts upstream of Granite Falls...and flows around the western and southern sections of the city. * Impact...At 891.5 feet...Flood waters begin to affect Highway 67 southeast of town. * Impact...At 889.5 feet...Flood waters begin to top the controlling bank at Highway 212. * Impact...At 888.5 feet...Flood waters begin to encroach the alley way along the river at the foot bridge. && LAT...LON 4492 9562 4480 9542 4472 9551 4486 9570 $$ MNC129-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MTNM5.3.SM.190321T0137Z.190324T0630Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River At Morton . * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 26.3 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 26.6 feet by Wednesday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Numerous roads flooded and impassable between the Minnesota River and Redwood Falls. * Impact...At 24.0 feet...Fleischer Rd flooded in North Redwood; storm sewers closed off and bypass pumping begins. * Impact...At 23.0 feet...Riverside Rd and Front Street flooded in North Redwood. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Water reaches flood mitigation culverts on Riverside Road && LAT...LON 4460 9519 4465 9514 4455 9487 4442 9487 $$ MNC015-103-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NULM5.3.SM.190320T0822Z.190402T0630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River At New Ulm. * until further notice. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 804.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 800.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 805.0 feet by Thursday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 796.0 feet...Water impacts park land and boat launch access road is closed. * Impact...At 795.0 feet...Water begins to impact the access roads in the floodplain. && LAT...LON 4435 9459 4440 9455 4427 9431 4421 9431 $$ MNC013-103-232128- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190428T1200Z/ /MNKM5.1.ER.190418T1527Z.190420T1930Z.190427T1800Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Sunday morning...The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Mankato. * until Sunday morning. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 22.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday early afternoon. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Dike patrolling begins in Mankato. && LAT...LON 4414 9420 4420 9409 4427 9405 4427 9396 4410 9398 $$ MNC079-139-143-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HENM5.2.SM.190320T2004Z.190324T0615Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Henderson MN19. * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 734.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 732.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 734.7 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 733.7 feet...The floodwall gates will be closed when Henderson reaches 733.7 and the river is still rising at Mankato. * Impact...At 733.5 feet...Highway 93 may be closed between Henderson and Hwy 169. * Impact...At 732.5 feet...Water begins encroaching on highway 19 east of Henderson. * Impact...At 732.0 feet...Water begins impacting residences and agricultural buildings north and south of Henderson. && LAT...LON 4461 9393 4466 9382 4460 9379 4446 9388 4446 9399 $$ MNC019-139-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JDNM5.2.SM.190320T0122Z.190325T1815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River near Jordan. * until further notice. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 28.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 29.0 feet by tomorrow morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 29.5 feet...Highway 41 at Chaska may close when the river reaches this stage. * Impact...At 26.7 feet...The bridge at Scott County Road 9 and Carver County Road 11/Jonathan Carver Parkway will be closed. * Impact...At 25.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin to flood and private sanitary sewers may experience problems. && LAT...LON 4473 9368 4482 9359 4475 9354 4460 9378 4466 9382 $$ MNC037-053-139-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SAVM5.2.SM.190321T1833Z.190402T1345Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Minnesota River at Savage. * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 709.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 702.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 709.9 feet by Thursday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 710.5 feet...Flood waters begin to back up Eagle Creek and block the Highway 101 Frontage Road. * Impact...At 710.0 feet...Protection of city sanitary sewers may be necessary. * Impact...At 705.0 feet...Flood waters begin to impact the park road at Fort Snelling State Park. * Impact...At 702.0 feet...Barge loading stops at Port Cargill, and other flood prevention measures are begun. Water begins to impact Black Dog Road in Burnsville. * Impact...At 700.0 feet...Flood waters begin to cover trails at Fort Snelling State Park as well as low parts on the Bloomington Ferry Bridge trail just east of US 169. && LAT...LON 4482 9359 4485 9332 4494 9318 4481 9314 4473 9342 4475 9354 $$ MNC019-232128- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190429T0600Z/ /MAYM5.1.ER.190419T0040Z.190421T2215Z.190429T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Monday April 29...The Flood Warning continues for The South Fork Crow River below Mayer. * until Monday April 29. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 13.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Sunday evening. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Flooding affects Vega Avenue between Carver County Road 32 and 86th Street; Carver County Road 30 is closed west of Yancy Avenue to McLeod County line. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Flooding affects Mill Avenue from Watertown to the Wright County line; Yancy Avenue between Carver County Road 30 and 78th Street; Vega Avenue between Carver County Road 33 and 94th Street; and the intersection of Union Avenue and 82nd Street. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Carver County Road 123 is closed north of Highway 7 to 42nd Street. && LAT...LON 4498 9390 4498 9377 4483 9390 4486 9399 $$ MNC171-232128- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190428T1200Z/ /DELM5.2.ER.190421T0335Z.190423T1800Z.190427T1800Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Sunday morning...The Flood Warning continues for The South Fork Crow River at Delano. * until Sunday morning. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 17.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.5 feet by tomorrow early afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Saturday early afternoon. * Impact...At 18.5 feet...When river reaches 18.5 ft and is rising, flood walls may be installed on both sides of Bridge Ave in Delano. * Impact...At 18.4 feet...The southwest part of Delano begins to experience flooding. * Impact...At 16.9 feet...Storms sewers may need plugging to prevent river water from backing up into city streets. * Impact...At 15.4 feet...Water begins encroaching on Mill Avenue north of Watertown. * Impact...At 14.9 feet...Basement flooding may begin at homes close to the river. && LAT...LON 4510 9380 4507 9370 4498 9377 4498 9390 $$ MNC053-171-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RKFM5.2.SM.000000T0000Z.190426T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Crow River at Rockford. * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 11.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.0 feet by early Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin to experience flooding. && LAT...LON 4510 9380 4523 9367 4525 9357 4521 9353 4507 9370 $$ MNC037-123-163-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /STPM5.3.SM.190324T0102Z.190401T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at St. Paul. * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 18.0 feet by early Thursday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Warner Road may become impassable due to high water. * Impact...At 17.5 feet...Harriet Island begins to become submerged. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Portions of the Lilydale park area begin to experience flooding. * Impact...At 13.3 feet...Water begins to encroach on Water St. && LAT...LON 4494 9318 4501 9306 4482 9286 4469 9298 $$ MNC037-163-WIC093-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HSTM5.3.SM.190323T2313Z.190331T1945Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River near Hastings L/D 2. * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.9 feet by Thursday evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. && LAT...LON 4482 9286 4473 9266 4463 9279 4469 9298 $$ MNC049-WIC093-221629- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0039.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RDWM5.2.ER.190421T0500Z.190428T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Red Wing L/D 3. * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 681.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 680.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 682.3 feet by early Sunday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 683.0 feet...Lock and Dam 3 may end operations.NAVD88 && LAT...LON 4473 9266 4463 9253 4462 9250 4454 9259 4464 9278 NAVD88 $$ MNC049-WIC093-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /REDM5.2.ER.190421T1533Z.190428T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Red Wing . * until further notice. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 14.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.5 feet by early Sunday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Red Wing Milling Company may experience basement flooding and begin pumping. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...The city of Frontenac and Bay City begin flooding. * Impact...At 14.3 feet...Lock and dam 3 may end operations. * Impact...At 14.0 feet...Low lying areas and some roads along the river begin to experience flooding. && LAT...LON 4462 9250 4458 9229 4454 9228 4451 9236 4454 9259 $$ MNC163-WIC109-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0044.190425T1200Z-000000T0000Z/ /STLM5.1.ER.190425T1200Z.190427T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The St Croix River at Stillwater. * from Thursday morning until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Monday the stage was 86.4 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 87.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Thursday morning and continue to rise to near 87.6 feet by Saturday morning. * Impact...At 86.8 feet...Buckeye Street Garage in Hudson impacted. * Impact...At 86.0 feet...Due to safety issues...the Stillwater lift bridge will be closed near this stage. * Impact...At 85.8 feet...First Street between Buckeye and Commercial Streets floods * Impact...At 85.0 feet...Several residences along the river may experience flooding in their basements. Front Street in Hudson WI closes. * Impact...At 84.0 feet...Second tier at Lakefront Park in Hudson floods. * Impact...At 83.0 feet...Minnesota and Wisconsin DNRs invoke a no wake zone on the river. * Impact...At 80.0 feet...Seawall at Lakefront Park in Hudson floods. * Impact...At 77.0 feet...The Stillwater Riverwalk becomes inundated. && LAT...LON 4508 9272 4477 9274 4481 9284 4508 9283 $$ WIC011-091-232128- /O.CON.KMPX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190424T0800Z/ /DURW3.2.ER.190418T2245Z.190421T0815Z.190423T1400Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Chippewa River at Durand. * until late Tuesday night. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 14.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...The basements of businesses along the river begin to flood. * Impact...At 12.5 feet...River Street in downtown Durand begins to flood. && LAT...LON 4456 9209 4471 9201 4479 9183 4471 9177 4455 9198 $$ MNC127-232128- /O.EXT.KMPX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190428T1800Z/ /RWDM5.3.SM.190318T2125Z.190324T1430Z.190428T0000Z.NR/ 1029 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning now expected to end Sunday afternoon...The Flood Warning continues for The Redwood River near Redwood Falls. * until Sunday afternoon. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 8.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday evening. * Impact...At 8.5 feet...Swayback bridge in Redwood Falls overtopped. * Impact...At 6.0 feet...Low lying areas, mainly farmland, and some roads along the river begin to experience flooding; bottom of Swayback bridge && LAT...LON 4458 9514 4453 9505 4444 9539 4451 9546 $$ BPH  946 WOCN12 CWTO 221526 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:26 A.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: KAPUSKASING - HEARST - SMOOTH ROCK FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW AND POSSIBLE FREEZING RAIN TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. PRECIPITATION WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS EVENING AND MAY BEGIN AS A MIX OF SNOW OR RAIN BEFORE CHANGING TO SNOW LATER IN THE EVENING. THERE IS ALSO A RISK OF FREEZING RAIN THIS EVENING AND OVERNIGHT. THE SNOW MAY BE HEAVY AT TIMES WITH SNOWFALL AMOUNTS UP TO 20 CM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THIS WINTRY MIX OF PRECIPITATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH A COLORADO LOW TRACKING THROUGH NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO ON TUESDAY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  349 WSRS31 RUAA 221528 ULAA SIGMET 5 VALID 221900/222300 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N6810 AND W OF E05230 FL300/400 MOV E 30KMH NC=  080 WSSD20 OEJD 221528 OEJD SIGMET 04 VALID 231530/231900 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS N OF N18 S OF N26 E OF E45 MOV S NC=  308 WGUS83 KFGF 221532 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 1032 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in North Dakota... * Abercrombie...on the Wild Rice River (ND) ...in Richland County .Water levels continue to decline slowly for the Wild Rice River at Abercrombie as snowmelt runoff has largely ended and no heavy precipitation is expected over the next several days. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && NDC077-231531- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ABRN8.3.SM.190401T2121Z.190406T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1032 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Abercrombie...on the Wild Rice River (ND). * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 18.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 16.9 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 18.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. Bridge near the gage is inaccessible due to agricultural flooding. && Daily 7am CDT/6am CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Wild Rice River (ND) Abercrombie 16.9 15.9 14.8 13.9 13.0 12.2 11.5 && LAT...LON 4663 9696 4663 9679 4612 9664 4611 9712 $$  430 WSRS31 RUSF 221531 URFV SIGMET 3 VALID 221600/221800 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  438 WSSD20 OEJD 221530 OEJD SIGMET 05 VALID 231600/231900 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N22 W OF E46 TOP ABV FL380 MOV E NC=  681 WSIR31 OIII 221527 OIIX SIGMET 19 VALID 221520/221730 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2719 E05535 - N2713 E05241 - N2936 E05140 - N3540 E05707 - N3531 E06118 - N3130 E06102 - N3054 E06208 MOV E/NE NC=  118 WSIR31 OIII 221530 OIIX SIGMET 20 VALID 221520/221630 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR CNL SIGMET 18 VALID 221425/221630=  552 WGUS82 KGSP 221533 FLSGSP Flood Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1133 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... French Broad River At Blantyre affecting Henderson and Transylvania Counties. .Runoff from previous heavy rain will result in the river remaining above flood stage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The latest stages and forecasts for rivers can be found on our web page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=gsp Please report high water...flooding and landslides to the National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg by calling toll free...1...8 0 0...2 6 7...8 1 0 1...or by posting on our Facebook page...or tweet it using hashtag nwsgsp. Your message should describe the event and the specific location where it occurred. && NCC089-175-231236- /O.EXT.KGSP.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190423T1236Z/ /BLAN7.2.ER.190419T1609Z.190420T1946Z.190423T0036Z.NO/ 1133 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The French Broad River At Blantyre. * until late this evening. * At 11:16 AM Monday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Action Stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * FORECAST: The river will continue to fall to below Minor Flood Stage by this evening. The river will fall below action stage of 15 feet late tonight. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor Flooding continues. Floodwaters continue to inundate farmland between the French Broad River and the railroad tracks. Floodwaters may start to inundate the shoulders of River Road near the Big Willow Road intersection. Floodwaters continue to impact boat access areas at Grove Bridge Rd. and Crab Creek Rd. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor Flood Stage. Farmland flooding continues on both sides of the French Broad River. Floodwaters begin to impact boat access areas at Grove Bridge Rd. and Crab Creek Rd. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Action Stage. Most farm fields are flooding between the French Broad River and Brevard Rd. and between the French Broad River and Pleasant Grove Rd. && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3537 8250 3529 8254 3521 8267 3526 8274 3534 8261 && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3537 8250 3529 8254 3521 8267 3526 8274 3534 8261 $$ OUTLAW  140 WSUS01 KKCI 221533 WS1R BOSR WS 221533 CANCEL SIGMET ROMEO 4. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  303 WWUS83 KDVN 221536 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1036 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC015-085-IAC045-097-221600- Jo Daviess-Carroll-Jackson-Clinton- 1036 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN JO DAVIESS... WESTERN CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 1100 AM CDT... At 1036 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Andover, or 12 miles north of Clinton, moving northeast at 50 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Mount Carroll, Savanna, Preston, Hanover, Elizabeth, Woodbine, Sabula, Miles, Andover, Schapville, Massbach, Green Island, Van Buren, Thomson, Wacker, Elizabeth Fairgrounds, Teeds Grove, Reeceville and Elmoville. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4229 8992 4220 8992 4220 8986 4218 8983 4193 9012 4193 9015 4190 9016 4189 9017 4201 9044 4241 9020 TIME...MOT...LOC 1536Z 211DEG 42KT 4202 9024 $$ Gibbs  350 WGUS83 KARX 221536 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1036 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .The flood warning continues for the Wisconsin River near Muscoda. Flooding continues along the Yellow River near Necedah. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC043-049-103-230635- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0047.190423T0600Z-190427T0000Z/ /MUSW3.1.RS.190423T0600Z.190424T0600Z.190426T0600Z.NR/ 1036 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River at Muscoda. * from late tonight to Friday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 8.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 9.6 feet by Wednesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Friday morning. * Impact...At 9.6 feet...Homes on W Lakeshore Drive and E Lakeshore Drive along Avoca Lake (inlet of Wisconsin River) begin sandbagging. && LAT...LON 4319 9033 4297 9114 4300 9116 4321 9061 4322 9031 $$ WIC057-230635- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190424T0600Z/ /NCAW3.3.RS.190418T2330Z.190420T1930Z.190423T1200Z.UU/ 1036 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yellow River at Necedah. * until late Tuesday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Monday the stage was 15.9 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4396 9003 4395 9006 4415 9014 4415 9009 $$ LL  350 WSNT10 KKCI 221540 SIGA0J KZWY KZMA SIGMET JULIETT 21 VALID 221540/221940 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1540Z WI N2930 W06815 - N2345 W07045 - N2515 W07230 - N2900 W07030 - N2930 W06815. TOP FL390. MOV SW 5KT. NC.  840 WSSD20 OEJD 221528 OEJD SIGMET 04 VALID 231530/231900 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS N OF N18 S OF N26 E OF E45 MOV S NC=  841 WSSD20 OEJD 221530 OEJD SIGMET 05 VALID 221600/221900 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N22 W OF E46 TOP ABV FL380 MOV E NC=  040 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221538 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221540/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0952 W06325 - S0727 W05255 - S1654 W05307 - S1759 W05749 - S1615 W05822 - S1604 W06005 - S1347 W 06037 - S1155 W06414 - S0952 W06325 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  285 WGUS81 KBOX 221539 FLSBOX Flood Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1139 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut... Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. && CTC003-007-231538- /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HFDC3.1.ER.190416T0743Z.190423T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1139 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Hartford. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:31 AM Monday the stage was 18.9 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.2 feet by tomorrow early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Flooding of low lying areas below Hartford is expected, especially in areas that are outside of levee protection. Flooding also affects low lying areas upstream of Hartford, including a portion of Windsor where the Farmington River empties into the Connecticut River. Further downstream flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17 A, in Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. Flooding continues along the river through Essex. && LAT...LON 4163 7270 4180 7273 4180 7259 4164 7258 4163 7263 4164 7263 $$ CTC007-231538- /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MHDC3.1.ER.190416T1512Z.190424T0900Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1139 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Middle Haddam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:55 AM Monday the stage was 8.9 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 9.3 feet by late this afternoon. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...Flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17 A, in the Gildersleeve section of Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. In Rocky Hill, parts of Meadow Road will be impassable for a time. Flooding continues along the river southward through Essex. && LAT...LON 4164 7269 4164 7258 4129 7225 4126 7239 4141 7251 4156 7270 $$ KAB  623 WGUS82 KGSP 221540 FLSGSP Flood Advisory National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1140 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg SC has issued a Flood Advisory for the French Broad River... French Broad River Near Fletcher affecting Buncombe and Henderson Counties. Last Friday's Heavy rain across the area has saturated the ground and caused river levels to be quite high. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory for a river forecast point means that nuisance flooding is expected to occur along the river when the river level is forecast to be just below or at the official flood stage. Caution is urged when walking near river banks...keep children away from drainage areas and culverts. && NCC021-089-230335- /O.NEW.KGSP.FL.Y.0029.190422T1540Z-190423T0335Z/ /FLCN7.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1140 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Greenville-Spartanburg has issued a * Flood Advisory for The French Broad River Near Fletcher. * until late tonight. * At 11 AM Monday the stage was 12.8 feet. * Action Stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * FORECAST: The river will continue to fall and so below action stage of 10 feet late tonight. * IMPACTS: At 13.0 feet: Minor Flood Stage. French Broad River floodwaters are now inundating Banner Farm Rd. Floodwaters may be approaching portions of Glenn Bridge Rd. Farmland and other low-lying areas within the French Broad River Valley from Etowah to Avery Creek are experiencing scattered flooding. Glenn Bridge Park and river access is experiencing scattered flooding.. * IMPACTS: At 12.0 feet: Action Stage continues. Glenn Bridge Park river access is experiencing minor flooding. Westfeldt Park is experiencing scattered flooding. French Broad River floodwaters are causing isolated to widely scattered farmland flooding.. * IMPACTS: At 11.5 feet: Action Stage Flooding continues. Butler Bridge Rd. is inundated with up to 6 inches of floodwaters from the French Broad River, forcing road closure.. * IMPACTS: At 10.0 feet: Action/Advisory Stage. The French Broad River has exceeded bankfull at the gauge site. Isolated farmland flooding is beginning across the French Broad River Valley from Etowah downstream to Avery Creek upstream of the gauge site.. && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3541 8257 3550 8262 3550 8254 3540 8250 3537 8250 $$ OUTLAW  252 WGUS82 KGSP 221543 FLSGSP Flood Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 1143 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in North Carolina... French Broad River Near Fletcher affecting Buncombe and Henderson Counties. .Runoff from previous heavy rain has worked its way further downstream thus...the river will continue to fall slowly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The latest stages and forecasts for rivers can be found on our web page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=gsp Please report high water...flooding and landslides to the National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg by calling toll free...1...8 0 0...2 6 7...8 1 0 1...or by posting on our Facebook page...or tweet it using hashtag nwsgsp. Your message should describe the event and the specific location where it occurred. && NCC021-089-221613- /O.CAN.KGSP.FL.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190423T0243Z/ /FLCN7.2.ER.190419T1914Z.190420T0615Z.190422T1421Z.NO/ 1143 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The French Broad River Near Fletcher. * At 11:15 AM Monday the stage was 12.8 feet. * Action Stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Fell below Minor Flood Stage at 10:21 AM Monday. * FORECAST: The river will continue to fall to 9.6 feet by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Action Stage continues. Glenn Bridge Park river access is experiencing minor flooding. Westfeldt Park is experiencing scattered flooding. French Broad River floodwaters are causing isolated to widely scattered farmland flooding. * Impact...At 11.5 feet...Action Stage Flooding continues. Butler Bridge Rd. is inundated with up to 6 inches of floodwaters from the French Broad River, forcing road closure. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Action/Advisory Stage. The French Broad River has exceeded bankfull at the gauge site. Isolated farmland flooding is beginning across the French Broad River Valley from Etowah downstream to Avery Creek upstream of the gauge site. && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3541 8257 3550 8262 3550 8254 3540 8250 3537 8250 && LAT...LON 3538 8257 3541 8257 3550 8262 3550 8254 3540 8250 3537 8250 $$ OUTLAW  373 WSPK31 OPLA 221540 OPLA SIGMET 001 VALID 221600/222200 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  013 WSPK31 OPLA 221540 OPLA SIGMET 01 VALID 221600/222200 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  723 WHUS71 KAKQ 221545 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1145 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ631-632-634>638-221645- /O.CAN.KAKQ.SC.Y.0045.000000T0000Z-190422T1600Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA- Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA- Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel- Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point-York River- James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge- James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge- Tunnel- 1145 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Wakefield has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Winds have diminished to below advisory criteria. $$ ANZ630-221800- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0045.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA- 1145 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... * Wind: Northwest 15 to 20 kt. * Waves: 2 to 3 ft on the Chesapeake Bay and around 2 ft on the Virginia Rivers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots over the chesapeake bay and the rivers of eastern virginia are expected to produce hazardous boating conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels...should avoid navigating in these conditions. Mariners should pay close attention to the marine forecast...and consider wind and sea conditions in planning. && $$  718 WGUS81 KALY 221546 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1146 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC113-230345- /O.CON.KALY.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RVRN6.2.RS.190414T1600Z.190423T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1146 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Schroon River At Riverbank. * Until further notice. * At 11 AM Monday the stage was 9.5 feet. * Flood stage is 7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to rise to near 9.6 feet by 8 PM Monday...then begin to gradually fall. * Impact...At 9 feet...Water is over Tannery Road. At 10.0 feet...Water reaches major flood stage. There is 1 to 2 feet of water in homes and vacation properties near Warrensburg. Route 418 is under water in several locations. Sections of the highway are flooded along the right bank of river mostly upstream of gage. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am 2 pm Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Schroon River Riverbank 7.0 9.5 Mon 11 AM 9.5 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 && LAT...LON 4366 7385 4369 7366 4347 7372 4347 7377 $$  580 WOMQ50 LFPW 221548 WARNING ON METAREA 3, METEO-FRANCE WARNING NR 160, MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019 AT 1545 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, MONDAY 22 AT 12 UTC. THUNDERY LOW 994 JUST SOUTHEAST OF MAJORCA, SLOWLY MOVING TO NORTH-NORTHEAST, FILLING 1000 OVER PROVENCE TOMORROW IN DAY TIME. HIGH 1030 EAST OF EUROPE WITH RIDGE OVER FRANCE, WEAKENING AHEAD AN ATLANTIC TROUGH. EAST OF CABRERA. FROM 22/18 UTC TO 23/00 UTC. WEST OR SOUTHWEST 8 IN SOUTH. GUSTS. PROVENCE. CONTINUING TO 23/03 UTC. EAST OR NORTHEAST 8, AT TIMES 9 IN NORTHEAST. SEVERE GUSTS. WEST OF LIGURE. CONTINUING TO 23/03 UTC. NORTHEAST 8. SEVERE GUSTS. NORTH OF CORSE. CONTINUING TO 22/21 UTC. NORTHEAST 8. SEVERE GUSTS. SOUTH OF CORSE. CONTINUING TO 22/18 UTC. EAST 8. SEVERE GUSTS. SARDAIGNE. CONTINUING TO 22/18 UTC. EAST 8 IN FAR NORTHEAST. SEVERE GUSTS. ALGER. CONTINUING TO 22/21 UTC. WEST 8. GUSTS. TUNISIE. CONTINUING TO 23/00 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8 OR 9 IN EAST. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH IN EAST. CARBONARA. CONTINUING TO 22/18 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8 IN SOUTH. GUSTS. HIGH IN FAR SOUTH. LIPARI. CONTINUING TO 23/03 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8, LOCALLY 9 AT FIRST. SEVERE GUSTS. CIRCEO. CONTINUING TO 23/00 UTC. SOUTHEAST 8. GUSTS.  855 WGUS83 KARX 221549 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1049 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .Flooding continues along the Wisconsin River near Castle Rock Dam. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC001-057-230648- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190427T0325Z/ /CROW3.3.RS.190418T1310Z.190420T0210Z.190426T0925Z.UU/ 1049 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River at Castle Rock Dam. * At 10:10 AM Monday the flow was 38019 cfs. * Flood stage is 30000 cfs. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river flow will continue to decrease, falling below flood stage Friday morning. * Impact...At 40000.0 cfs...Several roads are closed downstream of the dam. && LAT...LON 4392 9007 4402 9002 4402 8996 4377 8984 4377 8990 $$ LL  199 WHUS76 KSEW 221549 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 849 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ150-153-156-170-173-176-230000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 849 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ134-222100- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 849 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-230000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 849 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  154 WSUS32 KKCI 221555 SIGC MKCC WST 221555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 49C VALID UNTIL 1755Z WI IL MN IA FROM 30E MSP-40N BDF LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21025KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 50C VALID UNTIL 1755Z IL MO FROM 30ENE UIN-30NE COU LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 221755-222155 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-STL-SGF-30SSW OSW-RWF-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-TBE-CDS-MAF-INK-ABQ-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  155 WSUS31 KKCI 221555 SIGE MKCE WST 221555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 1755Z NY CSTL WTRS 50SSE HTO ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 15020KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 221755-222155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  647 WSUS33 KKCI 221555 SIGW MKCW WST 221555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221755-222155 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-HEC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  109 WGUS81 KBTV 221551 FLSBTV Flood Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1151 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Vermont... Barton River Near Coventry PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message... If you live or travel near streams and rivers seek higher ground immediately at first signs of rising water. Obey all road closure signs, they are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don't drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to noaa weather radio, or by visiting our web site at: weather.gov. && VTC019-231650- /O.CON.KBTV.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /COVV1.1.ER.190420T0900Z.190420T2215Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1151 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Barton River Near Coventry. * At 11:30 AM Monday the stage was 8.6 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will slowly fall to around 8.3 feet by 8:00 AM Tuesday. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Maple Street and River Road between Orleans and Coventry Station will flood. There will be extensive field and lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4490 7226 4490 7217 4483 7216 4478 7207 4476 7224 $$ JMG  802 WSSG31 GOOY 221600 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 221600/222000 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1550Z WI N00530 W00730 - N0620 W00510 - N0540 W00400 - N0440 W00730 TOP FL450 MOV W 08KT INTSF=  146 WSBZ01 SBBR 221500 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221540/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0952 W06325 - S0727 W05255- S1654 W05307 - S1759 W05749 - S1615 W05822 - S1604 W06005 - S1347 W06037 - S1155 W06414 - S0952 W06325 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  446 WGUS81 KGYX 221552 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Maine Androscoggin River Near Auburn affecting Androscoggin County Kennebec River At Skowhegan affecting Somerset County Kennebec River At Augusta affecting Kennebec County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Vermont...Maine Connecticut River Near Dalton affecting Coos and Essex Counties Connecticut River At Wells River affecting Grafton...Caledonia and Orange Counties Androscoggin River At Gorham affecting Coos County Kennebec River At North Sidney affecting Kennebec County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && NHC007-VTC009-230351- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLTN3.2.ER.190421T0015Z.190422T1515Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River Near Dalton. * Until further notice. * At 11AM Monday the stage was 22.4 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.3 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Route 102 in Guildhall Vermont flooded. Route 135 in South Lancaster flooded. Munces Campground in Lancaster flooded. Perras Road and Old Village Road flooded in North Umberland New Hampshire. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...River Road flooded in Lunenburg Vermont between Mt. Orne Bridge and South Lunenburg Village. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4460 7160 4460 7150 4440 7162 4429 7200 4435 7205 4447 7169 $$ NHC009-VTC005-017-230351- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WELV1.1.ER.190421T0252Z.190425T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River At Wells River. * Until further notice. * At 11AM Monday the stage was 11.2 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 11.6 feet by Wednesday evening then begin falling. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4429 7200 4410 7200 4399 7205 4399 7216 4427 7211 4435 7205 $$ NHC007-230351- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRMN3.1.ER.190420T2230Z.190422T0645Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Gorham. * Until further notice. * At 11AM Monday the stage was 8.7 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 8.4 feet by late tonight. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Parking lot at Mr. Pizza starts to flood. && LAT...LON 4477 7128 4483 7104 4448 7102 4451 7080 4438 7075 4434 7123 $$ MEC001-230351- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190423T1048Z/ /AUBM1.1.ER.190421T1615Z.190422T1331Z.190423T0448Z.NO/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday morning... The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River Near Auburn. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 11AM Monday the stage was 14.0 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 14.0 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage after midnight tomorrow. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Route 136 at Stackpole Road in Durham begins to flood. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4442 7026 4444 7013 4409 7011 4395 6977 4385 6987 4402 7026 $$ MEC025-230351- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190423T1100Z/ /SKOM1.1.ER.190420T2128Z.190421T1700Z.190423T0500Z.NO/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday morning... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Skowhegan. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 11AM Monday the flow was 43146 cfs. * Minor Flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood flow is 35000 CFS. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by after midnight tomorrow. * Impact...At 35000 cfs...Flooding begins at campground in Skowhegan. && LAT...LON 4480 6992 4480 6960 4453 6955 4453 6969 4468 6968 4471 6992 $$ MEC011-230351- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ /SIDM1.1.ER.190421T1242Z.190421T1947Z.190422T0337Z.NO/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At North Sidney. * Until late tonight. * At 11AM Monday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. && LAT...LON 4453 6969 4453 6955 4439 6969 4439 6979 $$ MEC011-230351- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190423T1830Z/ /ASTM1.1.ER.190421T0629Z.190421T2224Z.190423T1230Z.UU/ 1152 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until Tuesday afternoon... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Augusta. * from early tomorrow until Tuesday afternoon. * At 11AM Monday the stage was 13.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 13.1 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water covering dock at town landing in Hallowell. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Water begins to flood parking lot on Front Street in Augusta. && LAT...LON 4439 6980 4439 6969 4429 6971 4408 6974 4408 6983 4429 6983 $$ Pohl  221 WSPK31 OPLA 221540 OPLR SIGMET 001 VALID 221600/222000 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  850 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221552 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 221553/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGME T 13 221540/221940=  344 WGUS84 KLCH 221554 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles La 1054 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Calcasieu River Near Glenmora Mermentau River Near Mermentau ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Texas.. Atchafalaya River At Morgan City Sabine River Near Deweyville LAC099-101-230554- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGL1.2.ER.190112T1424Z.190317T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1054 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Atchafalaya River At Morgan City. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 7.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 7.1 feet by this evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At stages near 7.0 feet...Buildings at the foot of Ann Street on the river side of the flood wall will flood as water overtops the Rio Oil Company dock. Buildings on the river side of the Berwick floodwall will flood. River traffic restrictions will be strictly enforced. In addition, backwater flooding could potentially impact portions areas around Lake Palourde and Stephensville. && LAT...LON 2997 9124 2980 9110 2939 9113 2951 9154 2986 9139 2995 9147 $$ LAC079-230554- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190424T1800Z/ /GLML1.1.ER.190408T1437Z.190411T1330Z.190424T1200Z.NO/ 1054 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Calcasieu River Near Glenmora. * until Wednesday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:45 AM Monday the stage was 12.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * Impact...At stages near 12.0 feet...When the river is falling and the gauge reading is forecast to be near 12 feet, flooding of forested areas near the river will occur. && LAT...LON 3115 9275 3105 9265 3090 9262 3090 9269 3113 9279 $$ LAC001-053-113-230554- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /MRML1.1.ER.190419T0345Z.190419T2215Z.190422T1800Z.NO/ 1054 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mermentau River Near Mermentau. * until late tonight...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 4.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 4.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * Impact...At stages near 4.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding near the river will occur. && LAT...LON 3024 9255 3019 9254 3004 9260 3004 9276 3025 9266 $$ LAC011-019-TXC351-361-230554- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DWYT2.1.ER.190407T1422Z.190419T0015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1054 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sabine River Near Deweyville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:45 AM Monday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 24.1 feet. * Impact...At stages near 24.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding will occur. && LAT...LON 3057 9363 3011 9364 3011 9378 3031 9381 3062 9378 $$  524 WSAU21 AMMC 221554 YMMM SIGMET H36 VALID 221554/221645 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET H35 221245/221645=  077 WHUS76 KMTR 221556 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ570-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...8 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...7 to 11 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-230000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 856 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  715 WSSG31 GOOY 221605 GOOO SIGMET D1 VALID 221605/222005 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1555Z WI N0920 W00810 - N0900 W00240 - N0800 W00240 - N0730 W00820 TOP FL450 MOV W/SW 10KT INTSF=  014 WHUS73 KGRR 221556 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 1156 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ844>849-230000- /O.CON.KGRR.SC.Y.0016.190423T0600Z-190424T0000Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 1156 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...South winds 10 to 20 knots veering northwest 15 to 25 knots toward daybreak. * WAVES...Waves 2 to 4 feet building to 4 to 6 feet overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that winds or waves are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  419 WTNT82 EGRR 221557 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 1200UTC 22.04.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 221557  420 WTNT80 EGRR 221557 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 12UTC 22.04.2019 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 144 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 221557  689 WGUS81 KBTV 221558 FLSBTV Flood Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1158 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for Lake Champlain... Affecting the Lake Champlain shoreline counties in New York... Clinton...Essex...Washington and in Vermont...Addison... Chittenden...Franklin...GrandIsle...Rutland PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons with interests in flood prone areas along Lake Champlain should take action to protect their property. The combination of wind and wave action will enhance flood effects on windward facing shores, and may cause additional damage to shoreline roads and low lying areas. && NYC019-031-115-VTC001-007-011-013-021-231657- /O.CON.KBTV.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ROUN6.1.ER.190421T1115Z.190425T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1158 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Lake Champlain At Rouses Point. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 100.3 feet. * Flood stage is 100.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The lake level will continue rising to near 100.6 feet by Wednesday evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 101.0 feet...Flooding affects low lying roads and properties, and wind and wave action can compound flooding on exposed shorelines. Portions of the Burlington waterfront will flood, including the King Street ferry dock and Perkins Pier. && LAT...LON 4501 7347 4501 7306 4361 7328 4360 7348 $$ JMG  377 WWCN01 CWHF 221559 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 12:59 PM ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. LOCATION: CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES (CWHF) LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) TYPE: RAINFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: RAINFALL OF 25 MM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 23/0900Z TO 23/2100Z (23/0600 ADT TO 23/1800 ADT) COMMENTS: A SLOW MOVING AREA OF LOW PRESSURE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE RAIN TO THE REGION TODAY AND TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 40 TO 60MM ARE POSSIBLE. THE 12 HOUR PERIOD WITH THE MOST PRECIPITATION IS FORECAST TO BE EARLY TUESDAY MORNING UNTIL TUESDAY EVENING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 23/0830Z (23/0530 ADT) END/METOC-HFX  401 WGUS81 KCAR 221559 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 1159 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEC003-222200- /O.NEW.KCAR.FA.Y.0009.190422T1559Z-190422T2200Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Aroostook ME- 1159 AM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Caribou Maine has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Eastern Aroostook County in northern Maine... * Until 600 PM EDT Monday. * Emergency Management and law enforcement reported continued minor flooding, with streams and rivers spilling over in places and flooding nearby lowlands and some roads. Some roads remain closed today. * Stream levels are slowly subsiding, while larger rivers are continuing to slowly rise but should begin to level off this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4733 6816 4707 6779 4592 6775 4587 6781 4582 6776 4580 6781 4568 6781 4557 6841 4638 6844 4638 6849 4729 6839 4736 6834 4736 6828 $$ Maloit  029 WGUS83 KLSX 221600 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Mississippi River.. at Canton at LaGrange at Quincy at Lock & Dam 21 at Hannibal at Saverton at Louisiana at Clarksville at Winfield at Grafton at Mel Price Lock and Dam at St. Louis at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC001-MOC111-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CANM7.2.RS.190314T1402Z.190331T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Canton * until further notice. * At 6:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.8 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to slowly fall, reaching 18.5 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 18.7 feet...In La Grange, 2nd Street floods between Green St. and Lewis St. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Canton 14.0 18.76 18.5 18.2 17.8 17.5 17.3 && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4022 9142 4008 9140 4008 9153 $$ ILC001-MOC111-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0077.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LGRM7.1.ER.190317T2252Z.190331T1430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at LaGrange * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.3 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall, reaching 19.0 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 19.5 feet...Water completely covers the BNSF railroad tracks at the Bunge grain elevators. * Impact: At 19.3 feet...Water begins covering the lower utility road between the Bunge elevators and the river channel. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River LaGrange 18.0 19.34 19.0 18.8 18.4 18.0 18.0 && LAT...LON 4008 9153 4008 9140 3999 9140 3999 9152 $$ ILC001-MOC127-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /UINI2.2.RS.190315T1300Z.190331T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Quincy * until further notice. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 21.7 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to slowly fall to 21.5 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 22.1 feet...Bonansinga Drive at Bob Bangert Park begins to flood. Also, the basement of the South Side Boat Club begins flooding near this height. * Impact: At 22.0 feet...Also at this height, several homes along Main Street in northern LaGrange become flooded. * Impact: At 21.9 feet...The lower floor of The Pier Restaurant begins flooding near this height. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Quincy 17.0 21.68 21.5 21.2 20.7 20.4 20.3 && LAT...LON 3999 9152 3999 9140 3991 9140 3991 9152 $$ ILC001-MOC127-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /QLDI2.2.RS.190316T1532Z.190331T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 20.9 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to slowly fall to 20.6 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Lock & Dam 21 17.0 20.88 20.6 20.2 19.8 19.4 19.3 && LAT...LON 3991 9152 3991 9140 3983 9135 3983 9148 $$ ILC149-MOC127-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HNNM7.3.RS.190314T1237Z.190401T0115Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Hannibal * until further notice. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 22.0 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall reaching 21.8 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 22.0 feet...BNSF tracks just south of Hannibal are flooded. * Impact: At 21.5 feet...At this height, water will reach the base of the remaining three flood gates on Broadway Avenue and Main Street, so these gates should already be installed and locked down. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Hannibal 16.0 22.03 21.8 21.4 21.0 20.6 20.4 && LAT...LON 3983 9148 3983 9135 3974 9121 3967 9135 $$ ILC149-MOC173-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SVRM7.3.RS.190315T1316Z.190401T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Saverton * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 21.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall reaching 20.9 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 21.4 feet...Near this level, the lock is closed to navigation. This level will vary with circumstance. Also, BNSF railroad tracks just south of Hannibal are flooded. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Saverton 16.0 21.06 20.9 20.6 20.1 19.7 19.4 && LAT...LON 3967 9135 3974 9121 3970 9114 3952 9097 3945 9111 $$ ILC149-MOC163-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUSM7.2.RS.190314T1642Z.190401T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Louisiana * until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 20.7 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall reaching 20.5 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 21.0 feet...Highway 79 begins flooding near 3rd Street on the south side of Louisiana. * Impact: At 20.8 feet...Near this height, the railroad bridge below the mouth of Noix Creek is closed. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Louisiana 15.0 20.67 20.5 20.2 19.8 19.5 19.2 && LAT...LON 3945 9111 3952 9097 3945 9089 3939 9097 $$ ILC013-MOC163-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLKM7.3.RS.190314T1500Z.190401T1430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Clarksville * until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 31.0 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to slowly fall reaching 30.8 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 31.0 feet...The Clarksville Boat Club, south of Lock & Dam 24, begins to flood. First Street begins flooding. A sand-filled barrier at the bottom of Howard Street is considered. In Hamburg, Illinois, Water Street floods. * Impact: At 30.8 feet...Near this height, Highway 79 is closed from Route N to about a mile northwest of that intersection. * Impact: At 30.0 feet...East bank (Illinois side) begins to flood. * Impact: At 29.0 feet...Water enters the parking lot entrance at the Clarksville Riverfront Park. * Impact: At 27.2 feet...Silo Park just northwest of Clarksville off Highway 79 begins flooding. * Impact: At 25.5 feet...State Route P east of Elsberry begins flooding just east of the levee. * Impact: At 25.3 feet...The road to Port Marmac, about 15 homes just south of Clarksville, begins flooding. * Impact: At 23.5 feet...Flooding begins in unprotected areas. * Impact: At 23.0 feet...At this approximate stage, the Corps will take gates out of the river, creating "open river" conditions. This corresponds to an approximate stage of 155,000 cfs. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Clarksville 25.0 30.95 30.8 30.5 30.1 29.8 29.5 && LAT...LON 3939 9097 3945 9089 3938 9077 3923 9071 3922 9081 $$ ILC013-MOC113-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CAGM7.3.RS.190315T1130Z.190402T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Winfield * until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 32.0 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall reaching 31.8 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 32.5 feet...Near this level, Winfield Lock 25 is closed to navigation. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Winfield 26.0 31.95 31.8 31.6 31.3 30.9 30.5 && LAT...LON 3922 9081 3923 9071 3888 9057 3881 9057 3887 9074 $$ ILC083-MOC183-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRFI2.3.RS.190313T0345Z.190402T2130Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Grafton * until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 25.2 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall reaching 25.0 feet tomorrow morning, then rise next week. * Impact: At 25.6 feet...Water surrounds base of Aerie's Resort at Main Street (Hwy 100) near Market. * Impact: At 25.5 feet...Brussels Ferry closes near this height. O'Jan's Fish Stand in Grafton closes near this height. * Impact: At 25.2 feet...The intersection at Main Street and Canal Street begins flooding. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Grafton 18.0 25.21 25.0 24.7 24.4 24.1 23.9 && LAT...LON 3881 9057 3888 9057 3899 9046 3895 9028 3882 9048 $$ ILC119-MOC183-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ALNI2.2.RS.190314T1220Z.190403T0830Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Mel Price LD * until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 26.0 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to slowly fall reaching 25.6 feet tomorrow morning. * Impact: At 25.0 feet...Highway 94 and the east end of Harbor Point Road off of Highway 94 north of West Alton begin flooding within a foot or so of this height. Also, the access road to the Lincoln Shields area off Highway 67 just west of the Clark bridge begins flooding. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Mel Price LD 21.0 25.98 25.6 25.2 24.8 24.5 24.1 && LAT...LON 3891 9033 3895 9028 3883 9003 3881 9017 3886 9017 $$ ILC163-MOC189-510-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190428T1200Z/ /EADM7.2.ER.190317T0007Z.190403T1845Z.190427T1200Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at St. Louis * until Sunday morning. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 32.5 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall, falling below flood stage Saturday, then rise next week, but remaining below flood stage. * Impact: At 33.0 feet...Floodgates at the Rutger Street railroad and at Miller Street are closed. * Impact: At 32.0 feet...Flood panels at Carr Street and Poplar Street are installed. Water will reach the base of the floodgates at Carr Street at 35 feet, and at Poplar Street at 36.5 feet. * Impact: At 31.9 feet...The entrance to the parking garage just north of Eads bridge begins flooding. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River St. Louis 30.0 32.50 32.0 31.3 30.8 30.4 30.0 && LAT...LON 3881 9017 3883 9004 3826 9030 3826 9043 3873 9024 $$ ILC077-157-MOC157-186-231559- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CHSI2.2.RS.190313T2045Z.190404T2230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Chester * until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 35.2 feet. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to slowly fall reaching 35.1 feet tomorrow morning. * Impact: At 35.2 feet...In Perry County, Highway C is closed between County Roads 352 and 354 (the Levee Road) near Menfro. * Impact: At 35.0 feet...Ste. Genevieve flood gates are closed at this level. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 Mississippi River Chester 27.0 35.16 35.1 34.4 33.8 33.2 32.7 && LAT...LON 3826 9043 3826 9030 3769 8935 3769 8959 3787 9003 $$  290 WHUS74 KBRO 221602 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 1102 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Breezy across the Laguna Madre today... .Interaction between high pressure across the northeast Gulf and low pressure across West Texas has helped to bring winds up to around 20 knots across the Laguna this morning. Breezy conditions will last through around sunset, when winds diminish to around 10 knots. GMZ130-132-135-230000- /O.NEW.KBRO.SI.Y.0019.190422T1602Z-190423T0000Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- 1102 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR WINDS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Brownsville has issued a Small Craft Advisory for winds, which is in effect until 7 PM CDT this evening for the Laguna Madre. * WINDS...Southeast winds around 20 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for wind means that wind speeds of 20 to 33 knots are expected. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  821 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221602 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 221605/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0953 W06349 - S0720 W05259 - S1654 W05314 - S1751 W05759 - S1608 W05832 - S1555 W06004 - S1323 W 06039 - S1154 W06419 - S0953 W06349 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  886 WGUS84 KLIX 221603 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 1103 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC033-077-125-232202- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRLL1.2.ER.181215T2215Z.190317T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1103 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 57.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 59.0 feet by Wednesday May 08 then begin falling. * Impact...At 59.0 feet...The east bank levee will be topped and the prison farm land between the two levees will be inundated. Angola Landing will be under water closing the ferry there. All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will remain inundated with recreational camps and river bottom farm land under water. * Impact...At 58.0 feet...Angola farmland on the left bank becomes inundated. * Impact...At 54.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom land will be under water. Water approaches Angola farm land. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom farm land will be under water. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Access roads will be inundated and evacuation of all river islands must be complete. Protection of people and property in the river bottom land on the river side of the levees must be complete. * Impact...At 46.0 feet...River traffic will become dangerous. A levee crevasse would flood adjacent farm land. Significant flooding of Raccourci Island will continue and evacuation of the island is recommended. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Between the 40 and 45 foot stage flooding of Raccourci Island becomes significant. At the 45 foot stage evacuation of the island is recommended. && LAT...LON 3074 9137 3071 9159 3102 9170 3103 9153 $$ LAC033-121-232202- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTRL1.3.ER.190106T1052Z.190319T1400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1103 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 40.7 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 41.5 feet by Thursday May 09 then begin falling. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 36.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...River islands from Red River Landing downstream to Baton Rouge will be inundated. && LAT...LON 3035 9113 3032 9130 3071 9159 3074 9130 $$ LAC005-232202- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DONL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190319T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1103 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.0 feet by Friday May 10 then begin falling. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$ LAC089-093-095-232202- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRVL1.2.ER.190226T1200Z.190319T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1103 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Reserve. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 22.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.0 feet by Friday May 10 then begin falling. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Marine and industrial interests along the river, upstream barge operators, and facilities are impacted. Navigation will become difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3007 9046 2999 9048 3001 9087 3009 9079 $$  654 WHUS76 KLOX 221604 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 904 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ670-230015- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 904 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ673-230015- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 904 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-230015- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 904 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  034 WGUS81 KALY 221604 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1204 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC091-115-230403- /O.CON.KALY.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ /FTEN6.1.RS.190421T0232Z.190421T1032Z.190423T1600Z.NO/ 1204 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Hudson River At Fort Edward. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 12 PM Monday the stage was 26.6 feet. * Flood stage is 26 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage after 12 PM Tuesday. * Impact...At 27 feet...Moderate flood stage. Water floods River Road in Northumberland and reaches camps in Lake Luzerne. It may also result in flooding in Stillwater. && Fld Observed Forecast 2 pm 8 pm 2 am 8 am 2 pm Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Hudson River Fort Edward 26.0 26.6 Mon 12 PM 26.3 26.0 25.8 26.2 25.9 && LAT...LON 4327 7365 4333 7351 4313 7350 4310 7364 $$  297 WGUS84 KMEG 221605 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1105 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for parts of the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued later today. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MOC143-155-TNC095-231604- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0120.000000T0000Z-190502T2230Z/ /TPTT1.1.ER.190420T2316Z.190427T1200Z.190501T2230Z.NO/ 1105 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tiptonville * until Wednesday May 1. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 37.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 39.0 feet on Saturday April 27. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Saturday April 20 and will continue rising to near 39.0 feet by Saturday April 27. The river may fall below flood stage Wednesday May 01. * At 39.0 feet...In Tennessee, water begins to go over Tiptonville Ferry Road, Barr Road, and the farm land east of the Tiptonville Ferry Road. && LAT...LON 3650 8957 3650 8938 3623 8948 3623 8977 $$ ARC093-MOC155-TNC045-095-097-231604- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190506T0600Z/ /CRTM7.2.ER.190211T0248Z.190303T1800Z.190505T0600Z.NO/ 1105 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Caruthersville * until Sunday May 5. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 35.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 36.5 feet on Sunday April 28. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 36.5 feet by Sunday April 28. The river may fall below flood stage Sunday May 05. * At 37.0 feet...In Missouri, grounds at the casino at Caruthersville are beginning to flood. Farmstead southeast of Cottonwood Point is beginning to flood. In Arkansas, the elevator near Huffman is flooding. Much of Hickman Landing is covered. In Tennessee, Heloise and the east leg of Miss Kelly Loop is flooding. && LAT...LON 3623 8977 3623 8948 3606 8950 3595 8948 3582 8956 3582 8985 $$ ARC093-TNC097-167-231604- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190506T2000Z/ /OSGA4.3.ER.190211T1854Z.190305T0200Z.190505T2000Z.NO/ 1105 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Osceola * until Sunday May 05. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 30.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 32.5 feet on Sunday April 28. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 32.5 feet by Sunday April 28. The river may fall below flood stage Sunday May 5. * At 33.0 feet...In Tennessee, settlement on Crawford Road East north of Fort Pillow is beginning to flood. Jack Rabbit Road is flooded. West leg of Crutcher Lake Road is flooding and stopping evacuations. Most homesteads along Cold Creek Road are flooded. In Arkansas, Highway 120 is beginning to flood. && LAT...LON 3582 8996 3582 8956 3560 8979 3539 8995 3539 9025 $$ ARC077-MSC143-231604- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190507T1200Z/ /TRPM6.3.ER.190213T0200Z.190305T1600Z.190506T1200Z.NO/ 1105 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tunica Riverpark * until Monday May 6. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 42.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 44.5 feet on Tuesday April 30. * Flood stage is 41.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 44.5 feet by Tuesday April 30. The river may fall below flood stage Monday May 06. * At 45.0 feet...In Mississippi, boat launch parking lot at Charlie's Camp is covered. Campbell Road in is partly flooded. Northeast end of Betty Lane is going under. Part of Bourbon Street is flooded. Spoonbill Lane is going under water. Valley Lane is flooded in Lakeview Camp. Road to houses south of Ship Island is being covered. && LAT...LON 3491 9062 3491 9022 3480 9034 3450 9051 3455 9059 3476 9074 $$  998 WGUS81 KAKQ 221606 FLSAKQ Flood Statement National Weather Service Wakefield, Va 1206 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Virginia... James River At Richmond Westham affecting Chesterfield...City of Richmond and Henrico Counties For the Lower James Basin...including Richmond Westham...no flooding is observed or forecast. VAC041-087-760-221636- /O.CAN.KAKQ.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /RMDV2.1.ER.190421T2015Z.190422T0430Z.190422T1210Z.NO/ 1206 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for... The James River At Richmond Westham * At 11:30 AM Monday the stage was 11.7 feet. * Fell below flood stage at this morning. * No flooding is currently forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 10.2 feet by tomorrow morning. * At 12.0 feet...Flood stage. Minor flooding along both banks, no damage at this level. && LAT...LON 3770 7780 3756 7744 3747 7749 3753 7770 3760 7785 $$  621 WWIN80 VOBL 221604 VOBL 221550 AD WRNG 2 VALID 221600/222000 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25 KT FROM 110 DEG FCST NC= VOBG 221550 AD WRNG 2 VALID 221600/222000 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25 KT FROM 110 DEG FCST NC=  564 WHUS76 KEKA 221608 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 908 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ455-230015- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 908 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM TUESDAY... * WINDS...NW 15 to 25 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...NW 6 to 9 ft at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ470-221800- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 908 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM THIS MORNING... * WINDS...NW to N 15 kt with occasional gusts to 25 kt. * WAVES...N 5 to 7 ft at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wave conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ475-230015- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 908 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...NW to N 20 to 30 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...N 8 to 10 ft at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$  180 WSBZ31 SBRE 221607 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 221608/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0303 W04209 - N0055 W04047 - S0016 W03824 - S0211 W03855 - S0356 W04057 - S0303 W04209 TOP FL440 S TNR NC=  318 WSBZ31 SBBS 221609 SBBS SIGMET 7 VALID 221610/221750 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1716 W05145 - S1523 W04717 - S1650 W04540 - S1550 W04352 - S1636 W04215 - S1845 W04255 - S1913 W04512 - S2052 W04602 - S1911 W05017 - S1719 W05150 - S1716 W05145 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  508 WGUS83 KDVN 221610 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .Updated flood information for the Mississippi River. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && IAC061-ILC085-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLDI4.3.ER.190322T0923Z.190428T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Dubuque LD11. * Until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 18.1 feet and rising. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 22.2 feet Saturday evening, then begin falling. * Impact, At 22.0 feet, Water affects Volunteer Drive leading to Lock and Dam 11. && LAT...LON 4266 9070 4254 9060 4253 9068 4265 9090 4270 9090 $$ IAC061-097-ILC085-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0074.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DBQI4.3.ER.190320T2015Z.190428T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Dubuque. * Until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 19.6 feet and rising. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 23.6 feet Saturday evening, then begin falling. * Impact, At 22.6 feet, Water affects the Midtown Marina facilities and parking lot in East Dubuque. && LAT...LON 4254 9060 4235 9039 4228 9046 4247 9068 4253 9068 $$ IAC097-ILC015-085-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLVI4.3.ER.190329T1420Z.190428T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Bellevue LD12. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.5 feet and rising. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 21.0 feet Sunday, then begin falling. * Impact, At 21.0 feet, Water encroaches onto Driscolls Island at Sabula. && LAT...LON 4211 9012 4208 9019 4220 9041 4228 9046 4235 9039 $$ IAC045-ILC015-195-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FLTI2.3.ER.190322T2100Z.190429T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Fulton LD13. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.0 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 21.5 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 21.0 feet, Basement flooding occurs in homes and businesses in Savanna with seepage into yards. Water also affects grain elevators and affects the lower portion of the Marquette Park parking lot. In Sabula, water affects Vulan and South Broad Streets. && LAT...LON 4211 9012 4193 9008 4188 9012 4189 9020 4208 9019 $$ IAC045-163-ILC161-195-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CMMI4.3.ER.190321T1500Z.190429T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Camanche. * Until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 19.3 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 22.2 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 22.0 feet, Water affects houses and commercial businesses on the Clinton riverfront between 27th Avenue and 36th Avenue North. In Fulton, water affects houses north of the levee north of 3rd Avenue. && LAT...LON 4176 9033 4189 9020 4188 9012 4180 9015 4173 9027 $$ IAC163-ILC161-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LECI4.3.ER.190322T0400Z.190429T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Le Claire LD14. * Until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 12.7 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 15.4 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 15.5 feet, Water affects commercial buildings along the Le Claire riverfront. && LAT...LON 4153 9048 4160 9039 4176 9033 4173 9027 4158 9031 4150 9048 $$ IAC139-163-ILC161-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RCKI2.3.ER.190315T1316Z.190409T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Rock Island LD15. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.2 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 20.6 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 20.7 feet, Flood waters encroach onto the intersection of Beck Avenue, 24th Street, and Rodman Avenue on the west end of Rock Island Arsenal under the railroad bridge and may impact access to the Arsenal. && LAT...LON 4146 9086 4156 9046 4152 9043 4143 9066 4141 9085 $$ IAC139-ILC161-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ILNI2.3.ER.190316T0033Z.190410T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Ill. City LD16. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.2 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 20.2 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 20.0 feet, Water affects Buffalos Front Street at Franklin and on Iowa Highway 22 west of town. Water affects Illinois Highway 92 west of Andalusia. && LAT...LON 4144 9103 4146 9086 4141 9085 4140 9102 $$ IAC115-139-ILC131-161-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MUSI4.3.ER.190315T2020Z.190410T1330Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Muscatine. * Until further notice. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 19.5 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 21.4 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 21.5 feet, Water affects Mississippi Drive at Cedar Street. && LAT...LON 4141 9108 4144 9103 4140 9102 4124 9108 4124 9114 $$ IAC115-ILC131-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NBOI2.3.ER.190315T1144Z.190410T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at New Boston LD17. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.0 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 20.3 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 18.1 feet, Lock and Dam 17 is closed. && LAT...LON 4124 9114 4124 9108 4116 9097 4117 9106 4119 9111 $$ IAC057-115-ILC071-131-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /KHBI2.3.ER.190315T1115Z.190410T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Keithsburg. * Until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 17.4 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 18.2 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 18.0 feet, Water is over Pope street north of Keithsburg. && LAT...LON 4117 9106 4116 9097 4108 9091 4091 9094 4094 9099 $$ IAC057-ILC071-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GLDI2.3.ER.190315T0006Z.190325T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gladstone LD18. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 14.6 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 14.7 feet Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4094 9099 4091 9094 4084 9105 4086 9110 $$ IAC057-111-ILC067-071-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRLI4.3.ER.190314T2130Z.190325T0030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Burlington. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 19.0 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 19.0 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 19.0 feet, Water causes drive and access problems to a restaurant along the river. Water also goes over the new seawall on the riverfront. Water affects streets bordering the river in Pontoosuc. && LAT...LON 4086 9110 4084 9105 4062 9108 4061 9142 4067 9118 $$ IAC111-ILC067-MOC045-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EOKI4.3.ER.190317T0013Z.190330T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Keokuk LD19. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 18.1 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 16.9 feet Friday, then rise back up to 17.9 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 16.0 feet, Water affects low lying buildings in rural areas. Water affects the railroad tracks in Alexandria. && LAT...LON 4035 9150 4061 9142 4061 9130 4038 9134 4034 9144 $$ ILC067-MOC045-230809- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GGYM7.2.ER.190311T0045Z.190331T0500Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1110 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until further notice. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 19.2 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 18.0 feet Friday night, then begin rising again Saturday. * Impact, At 17.0 feet, Water affects the road north of the grain elevator in Gregory Landing. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$ 14  237 WSBZ31 SBBS 221610 SBBS SIGMET 8 VALID 221610/222010 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1026 W04937 - S1013 W04902 - S0959 W04900 - S0950 W04852 - S0939 W04839 - S0936 W04820 - S0937 W04809 - S0941 W04802 - S0950 W04752 - S1009 W04742 - S1019 W04739 - S1048 W0 4726 - S1026 W04937 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  569 WSNP31 VNKT 221610 VNSM SIGMET 04 VALID 221610/222010 VNKT- VNSM KATHAMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1610Z E OF E08310 AND W OF E08515 M E INTSF=  652 WSAU21 AMMC 221612 YBBB SIGMET A03 VALID 221612/221710 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET A02 221310/221710=  012 WSAU21 AMMC 221612 YMMM SIGMET M07 VALID 221612/221710 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET M06 221310/221710=  366 WGUS84 KJAN 221614 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1114 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas...Louisiana...Mississippi... Mississippi River Near Greenville affecting Chicot...East Carroll... Issaquena and Washington Counties Mississippi River Near Arkansas City affecting Chicot...Desha... Bolivar and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Vicksburg affecting Madison...Tensas... Claiborne...Jefferson and Warren Counties/Parishes Mississippi River At Natchez affecting Concordia...Adams and Wilkinson Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Mississippi River forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur over the next 48 hours. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && ARC017-041-MSC011-151-232213- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190510T1800Z/ /ARSA4.1.ER.190416T1530Z.190503T1200Z.190510T0600Z.NO/ 1114 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Arkansas City * until Friday May 10. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 37.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 39.0 feet Friday May 3. * Impact...At 37.0 feet...The low silt plain in front of arkansas city inside the levee system begins to flood along with widespread bottomland flooding at huntington point mississippi. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Arkansas City 37 37.9 Mon 10 AM 37.9 37.9 38.0 39.0 01 PM 05/03 && LAT...LON 3340 9128 3357 9128 3413 9108 3412 9066 3358 9106 3340 9105 $$ ARC017-LAC035-MSC055-151-232213- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GEEM6.2.ER.190216T1227Z.190312T1315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1114 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until further notice... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Greenville * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 50.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 51.0 feet Saturday May 4. * Impact...At 51.5 feet...Greenville boat store is inoperable for towboat supplies. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Greenville 48 50.3 Mon 10 AM 50.3 50.3 50.3 51.0 07 AM 05/04 && LAT...LON 3277 9123 3340 9128 3340 9105 3283 9101 3277 9101 3278 9111 $$ LAC065-107-MSC021-063-149-232213- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VCKM6.3.ER.190217T0934Z.190310T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1114 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Vicksburg * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 46.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 43.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 48.0 feet Monday May 6. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Culverts in South Vicksburg west of Highway 61 South are full. Low lying businesses near the railroad begin to take on water. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Vicksburg 43 46.7 Mon 10 AM 46.9 46.9 46.9 48.0 07 AM 05/06 && LAT...LON 3193 9129 3227 9105 3277 9123 3278 9101 3226 9086 3187 9114 $$ LAC029-MSC001-157-232213- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NTZM6.3.ER.190104T1524Z.190312T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1114 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Natchez * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 54.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 55.0 feet Tuesday May 7. * Impact...At 55.0 feet...Pond Road in Fort Adams is flooded. Eight to eleven homes are under water in the township. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Natchez 48 54.1 Mon 10 AM 54.1 54.1 54.2 55.0 07 AM 05/07 && LAT...LON 3101 9170 3130 9167 3193 9129 3187 9114 3130 9147 3100 9154 $$  190 WHUS76 KMFR 221614 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 914 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ356-376-221715- /O.CAN.KMFR.SC.Y.0035.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 914 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Medford has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Observations indicate winds and seas have fallen below advisory thresholds. $$ BTL http://www.weather.gov/medford  686 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221613 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 221616/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0750 W05052 - S0720 W04929 - S0937 W04758 - S0944 W04856 - S1005 W04858 - S0750 W05052 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  297 WSER31 OMAA 221613 OMAE SIGMET 1 VALID 221614/221730 OMAA- OMAE EMIRATES FIR SEV TURB OBS WI N2455 E05630 - N2420 E05555 - N2420 E05540 - N2540 E05540 - N2540 E05612 - N2536 E05613 - N2508 E05630 - N2455 E05630 FL090/150 STNR NC=  643 WSAU21 AMMC 221615 YMMM SIGMET G12 VALID 221644/222044 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0450 E09610 - S0820 E10130 - S1040 E09700 - S0920 E07500 - S0600 E07500 - S0200 E07800 - S0200 E08510 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  358 WSMP31 LMMM 221616 LMMM SIGMET 2 VALID 221615/222015 LMML- LMMM MALTA FIR TS OBS BTN W OF E013 AND E OF E016 FL080 MOV E WKN=  540 WSBZ31 SBRE 221615 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 221617/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0101 W03117 - S0308 W03048 - S0247 W02553 - S0000 W02622 - S0101 W03117 TOP FL440 STNR NC =  045 WUUS01 KWNS 221617 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1116 AM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 221630Z - 231200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 42448824 41538871 41029023 41349143 42409232 42749234 43199219 43589174 43989098 44258962 44358851 44288785 43928762 42448824 0.02 33640215 33590048 33329998 32749997 32270142 32180263 32150397 32560451 33180489 33700492 34000426 33780335 33640215 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 44238962 44348845 44298792 43878758 41528883 41089039 41239200 41709276 42259283 42909272 43369236 43949099 44238962 0.05 33320553 35050547 35220520 34970432 34750340 34590205 34680040 34939938 35199871 35349825 35449799 35389765 35289744 35059739 34369779 33859816 33379849 32200019 31890118 31510341 31490419 31810490 33320553 0.15 33649992 33160024 32780111 32550214 32510339 32520401 32680458 33090472 33620467 33840461 34070438 34110407 34150371 34090284 34190176 34230091 34200026 33649992 && ... WIND ... 0.05 42258820 41578848 41108917 41019021 41259201 41689274 42239283 42849277 43329239 43949091 44268960 44378848 44298784 44038763 43808760 43298771 42258820 0.05 35019921 35459797 35359751 35089734 34709754 33449846 32779935 32160031 31970088 31520330 31510404 31750486 33160546 34970550 35170502 34840392 34590209 34600139 34650040 35019921 0.15 34589866 34129872 33419965 32900062 32490223 32450316 32500409 32710459 33080472 33780464 34070443 34190376 34100233 34160151 34360005 34649916 34589866 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 34589866 34109876 33429962 32860069 32500221 32430321 32490406 32690461 33040475 33800467 34070442 34160382 34120278 34100232 34180160 34220099 34360005 34649916 34589866 MRGL 35359751 35089734 34709754 33379849 32969910 32609963 32200019 32160031 31970088 31520330 31490419 31750486 33160546 33190546 33320553 34510549 34970550 34980547 35050547 35220520 35170502 35170502 34970432 34800359 34590209 34590169 34740014 35019921 35459797 35359751 MRGL 43948764 43808760 43298771 42258820 41578848 41158912 40999023 41249202 41689274 42209284 42859277 43349237 43729151 43949097 44248963 44248961 44258958 44358851 44288785 43948764 TSTM 42748112 41578182 40178557 38948815 38618872 37859029 34819505 32549787 31020127 29250253 99999999 31211149 32701093 33791084 35201027 36080948 37260842 37740918 37091093 35201243 33581375 31981425 99999999 32341671 34191779 35941698 37031701 39471573 40511294 41841174 41941122 41591011 41480749 40580600 37980486 36980328 36250142 36539998 37109831 37579744 38059442 39949403 41899540 43479610 45189485 46049162 46178809 45398136 99999999 40187252 41097265 42117240 42847194 43237097 43286924 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 WSW FSI 20 WNW SPS 70 N ABI 65 NE BGS 40 N MAF 15 S HOB 15 NE CNM 30 NW CNM 20 SW ROW 35 NNW ROW 55 N ROW 30 WSW CVS 35 ESE CVS 35 W PVW PVW 40 E PVW 15 ESE CDS LTS 15 WSW FSI. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM OKC 25 SE OKC 35 SE CHK 40 S SPS 50 NE ABI 15 NNE ABI 35 WSW ABI 40 WSW ABI 40 ESE BGS 20 SSW INK 45 ESE GDP GDP 20 S SRR 20 SSE SRR 10 S SRR 30 NNE 4CR 50 SSW LVS 50 SSW LVS 45 SSW LVS 30 S LVS 35 SSE LVS 35 SSE LVS 45 WSW TCC 25 S TCC 35 NW PVW 30 N PVW 25 NNE CDS 20 S CSM 20 W OKC OKC. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 S MTW 25 S MTW 25 NNE MKE 40 SSW RAC 15 NE MMO 30 SW MMO 35 SSE MLI 25 ENE OTM 35 NE OXV 35 SW ALO 30 NW ALO 40 S RST 15 SW LSE 15 ENE LSE 35 S CWA 35 S CWA 35 S CWA 20 WSW GRB 15 NW MTW 15 S MTW. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 65 NW ERI 10 N CLE 10 WSW MIE 35 S MTO 15 E SLO 10 NE FAM 30 WSW RKR 20 SE MWL 50 WSW SJT 60 SSW 6R6 ...CONT... 70 SSW TUS 40 N TUS 60 SW SOW 30 ENE INW 55 NW GUP 10 E CEZ 20 ENE 4BL 30 ENE PGA 40 N PRC 55 E BLH 50 SSE YUM ...CONT... 25 SW CZZ 25 NW RAL 45 ENE NID 60 WNW DRA 15 ESE P68 25 N DPG 35 SE MLD 45 NNW EVW 50 ENE EVW 25 SW RWL 50 W FCL 30 SW PUB 35 NNW CAO 30 S GUY 65 ESE LBL 20 SE P28 ICT 60 SSE OJC 25 WNW CDJ DNS 30 WSW OTG 45 NNE RWF 50 SW ASX 25 N IMT 110 ENE APN ...CONT... 50 SE ISP 25 ESE BDR 15 E BAF 15 ESE EEN 15 NW PSM 60 ESE PWM.  046 ACUS01 KWNS 221617 SWODY1 SPC AC 221616 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1116 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 221630Z - 231200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS SOUTHEASTERN NEW MEXICO...PORTIONS OF WEST TEXAS...AND FAR SOUTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA... ...SUMMARY... Scattered severe thunderstorms capable of mainly hail and damaging winds are possible from southeast New Mexico into parts of west Texas and southwest Oklahoma late this afternoon and evening. Isolated severe storms will also be possible across parts of southern Wisconsin, eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois. ...Synopsis... A couple of mid-level waves will provide impetus for potential severe weather later today - one currently centered over western Iowa that will migrate northeastward toward Lower Michigan and another centered over the Lower Colorado River Valley that will migrate southeastward into northwestern Mexico. At the surface, a low over northeastern Iowa will migrate eastward across southern Wisconsin and into northern Lower Michigan today - generally along a WSW-ENE oriented surface warm front. A cold front will extend south-southwest from this low across Missouri and Oklahoma, ultimately transitioning into a stationary boundary across the Texas South Plains and vicinity. Lee surface troughing will extend from south-central New Mexico into far west Texas throughout the forecast period. ...Eastern New Mexico eastward through central Oklahoma... Morning satellite/observations indicate limited solar insolation beneath a widespread cirrus shield. However, gradual low-level moistening was occurring across portions of southeastern NM and far west Texas near the surface trough axis. Surface flow was beginning to take on a more easterly component north of the front across the Texas South Plains, and these trends should continue throughout the day. Later today, a shortwave trough currently over northern Mexico will eject northeastward toward west Texas. Ascent associated with that feature, lift along the stationary front, and low-level upslope will result in scattered to numerous thunderstorm development. Though low-level wind fields should be weak, steep mid-level lapse rates and strong deep shear will result in organized storms capable of hail and damaging wind gusts. Storms should grow upscale into one or two linear complexes and forward-propagate eastward along/near the surface boundary especially within the Slight Risk area. A few storms will also develop into portions of southwestern Oklahoma and pose a hail risk. The threat should mostly be diurnally driven, although some hail/wind risk may persist overnight given forecast strengthening of a low-level jet across west Texas. ...Wisconsin, Illinois, and far eastern Iowa... Continued surface heating along and ahead of the surface low and mid-level wave will result in a few thunderstorms this afternoon that will spread eastward across the Marginal Risk area. Modest mid-level lapse rates and mid-50s F dewpoints will tend to limit buoyancy. However, the deepening low will foster slightly backed low-level flow later today, which may result in a few supercellular structures. Damaging winds and perhaps a tornado or two are possible with this activity - especially with any updrafts that can favorably interact with the warm front over central Wisconsin. Later tonight, forcing associated with the amplifying mid-level wave may result in a very isolated damaging wind threat in northern Lower Michigan, although it is unclear if surface-based convective updrafts will persist across cold waters of Lake Michigan. ..Cook/Squitieri.. 04/22/2019 $$  746 WGUS83 KPAH 221621 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky...Illinois...Missouri... Ohio River at Newburgh Dam...Mount Vernon...J.T. Myers Dam... Shawneetown...Paducah and Cairo... .Minor to moderate flooding continues along portions of the Ohio River. At Newburgh Dam, Mount Vernon, and J.T. Myers Dam, the river is approaching crest. The Shawneetown, Paducah, and Cairo, the river is forecast to crest later this week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC147-163-173-KYC059-101-232020- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190424T0417Z/ /NBGI3.1.ER.190421T1648Z.190422T1800Z.190423T2217Z.NO/ 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Newburgh Dam. * until Tuesday evening. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 40.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 38.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 40.0 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow afternoon. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs. The river is 2500 feet wide and begins covering agricultural land on the Kentucky side. && LAT...LON 3801 8745 3790 8721 3780 8728 3787 8745 $$ INC129-163-KYC101-225-232020- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190425T2230Z/ /MTVI3.1.ER.190422T0446Z.190424T0000Z.190425T1630Z.NO/ 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Mount Vernon. * until Thursday afternoon. * At 6:00 AM Monday the stage was 35.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 35.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 37.2 feet by tomorrow evening. The river will fall below flood stage late Thursday morning. && LAT...LON 3792 8796 3798 8784 3796 8770 3781 8769 3780 8784 $$ INC129-KYC225-232020- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-190425T2230Z/ /UNWK2.1.ER.190422T1800Z.190424T0000Z.190425T1630Z.NO/ 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam. * until Thursday afternoon. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 36.9 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to rising to near 38.6 feet tomorrow evening. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday afternoon. * Impact...At 37.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-232020- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190427T0800Z/ /SHNI2.1.ER.190422T0029Z.190424T0000Z.190427T0200Z.NO/ 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown. * until late Friday night. * At 10:30 AM Monday the stage was 34.8 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 36.9 feet by tomorrow evening. The river will fall below flood stage Friday before midnight. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-232020- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0072.190424T0600Z-190427T2100Z/ /PAHK2.1.ER.190424T0600Z.190425T1200Z.190427T1500Z.NO/ 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah. * from late Tuesday night to Saturday afternoon. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 37.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by early Wednesday morning and continue to rise to near 39.5 feet by Thursday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by late Saturday morning. * Impact...At 39.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-232020- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CIRI2.3.ER.190122T0830Z.190301T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1121 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo * until further notice. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 48.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.0 feet by Thursday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$  626 WGUS43 KMQT 221623 FLWMQT BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Marquette MI 1223 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Paint River at Crystal Falls affecting Iron County .Rainfall of 1.00 to 1.25 inches has occurred in Paint River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through today which will push the river past flood stage and enable ongoing runoff from the lingering snowpack. Rain will then diminish tonight, but the river is not expected to fall back below flood stage until Thursday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 11 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC071-230623- /O.NEW.KMQT.FL.W.0010.190423T0800Z-190427T0000Z/ /CRYM4.2.RS.190423T0800Z.190424T1200Z.190426T0000Z.NR/ 1123 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a * Flood Warning for The Paint River at Crystal Falls. * from late tonight to Friday evening. * At 6:00 AM Monday the stage was 6.4 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage on early Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 8.0 feet by Wednesday morning. The river is then expected to fall below flood stage on Thursday night. * At 7.0 feet...5600 - cfs - Waterfront park areas near the M-69 bridge and low lying areas along the river in Crystal Falls become inundated. * At 5.5 feet...3500 - cfs - River exceeds bankfull stage. && LAT...LON 4601 8831 4610 8839 4612 8828 4604 8821 $$ JSS  916 WAIY31 LIIB 221623 LIMM AIRMET 26 VALID 221640/221840 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4616 E00846 - N4433 E01329 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  789 WAIY31 LIIB 221624 LIMM AIRMET 27 VALID 221640/221840 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4432 E00835 - N4348 E00727 - N4308 E00949 - N4331 E01010 - N4423 E00911 - N4432 E00835 STNR NC=  608 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221540/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0952 W06325 - S0727 W05255- S1654 W05307 - S1759 W05749 - S1615 W05822 - S1604 W06005 - S1347 W06037 - S1155 W06414 - S0952 W06325 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  609 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 221605/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0953 W06349 - S0720 W05259- S1654 W05314 - S1751 W05759 - S1608 W05832 - S1555 W06004 - S1323 W06039 - S1154 W06419 - S0953 W06349 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  610 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0130 W05018 - N0019W04549 - S0117 W04631 - S0048 W05026 - N0130 W05018 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  611 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 221616/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0750 W05052 - S0720 W04929- S0937 W04758 - S0944 W04856 - S1005 W04858 - S0750 W05052 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  612 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 221300/221700 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0112 W05900 - S0133 W05603- S0411 W05630 - S0440 W05852 - S0112 W05900 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  613 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 221300/221700 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0242 W04343 - N0408W04302 - N0225 W03750 - N0006 W03848 - N0242 W04343 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  614 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 221617/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0101 W03117 - S0308W03048 - S0247 W02553 - S0000 W02622 - S0101 W03117 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  615 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 221608/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0303 W04209 - N0055 W04047 -S0016 W03824 - S0211 W03855 - S0356 W04057 - S0303 W04209 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  616 WSBZ01 SBBR 221600 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 221553/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 13 221540/221940=  285 WAIY31 LIIB 221626 LIMM AIRMET 28 VALID 221640/221840 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4652 E01037 - N4630 E00819 - N4548 E00639 - N4505 E00634 - N4423 E00647 - N4342 E00733 - N4420 E00830 - N4431 E00924 - N4405 E01018 - N4339 E01056 - N4337 E01251 - N4422 E01115 - N4454 E00929 - N4436 E00817 - N4428 E00733 - N4459 E00727 - N4534 E00831 - N4538 E00945 - N4604 E01048 - N4652 E01037 STNR NC=  840 WVID21 WAAA 221622 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 221630/222230 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1630Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0119 E12729 - N0132 E12718 - N 0150 E12722 - N0143 E12754 - N0140 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  341 WGUS83 KPAH 221628 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1128 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky...Missouri...Illinois... Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau...Thebes...New Madrid... .Flooding continues along the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau, Thebes, and New Madrid. Moderate flooding is occurring at Cape Girardeau and Thebes, but water levels continue to fall very slowly. At New Madird, minor flooding continues, with a forecast crest expected near 37.0 feet Saturday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC003-077-181-MOC031-157-201-232028- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CPGM7.2.ER.190313T1210Z.190405T0400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1128 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau * until further notice. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 38.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 32.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 38.4 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...The flood gate at Broadway closes. && LAT...LON 3769 8959 3769 8935 3744 8934 3725 8941 3723 8959 3732 8963 $$ ILC003-MOC201-232028- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /THBI2.2.ER.190313T2207Z.190405T2230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1128 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Thebes * until further notice. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 37.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 37.4 feet by tomorrow morning. && LAT...LON 3723 8959 3725 8941 3713 8929 3709 8946 $$ KYC075-MOC133-143-232028- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-190502T1030Z/ /NMDM7.1.ER.190419T0136Z.190427T1200Z.190502T0430Z.NO/ 1128 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at New Madrid. * until Thursday May 02. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 35.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 37.0 feet by Saturday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday, May 1 before midnight. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...Heavy agricultural damage begins. && LAT...LON 3662 8962 3669 8927 3651 8918 3650 8935 3648 8935 3648 8964 $$  739 WGUS83 KGRB 221629 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Wisconsin River below Wausau affecting Marathon County Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir affecting Portage and Marathon Counties Wisconsin River below Stevens Point affecting Portage County Wisconsin River below Whiting Dam affecting Portage County Wisconsin River below Biron Reservoir affecting Wood County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC073-230728- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WUUW3.1.ER.190417T0831Z.190418T2010Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Wausau. * At 11:10 AM Monday the stage was 1168 feet. * Flood stage is 1167 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Impacts at 1167 feet. Waters approaches buildings in DC Everest Park and Oak Island Park.. && LAT...LON 4500 8958 4489 8961 4489 8965 4500 8967 $$ WIC073-097-230728- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DUBW3.1.ER.190418T1057Z.190419T0610Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir. * At 10:10 AM Monday the stage was 1100 feet. * Flood stage is 1099 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Impacts at 1100 feet. There is widespread flooding of lowland. Water covers portions of River Road and Dam Road.. && LAT...LON 4469 8961 4451 8955 4451 8967 4469 8973 $$ WIC097-230728- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /STPW3.1.ER.190417T2143Z.190419T1210Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Stevens Point. * At 10:10 AM Monday the stage was 1076 feet. * Flood stage is 1076 feet. * Incoming rainfall is expected to cause levels to rise. * Impacts at 1076 feet. There is widespread flooding of wooded lowland areas.. && LAT...LON 4458 8961 4450 8956 4448 8964 4458 8967 $$ WIC097-230728- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WTGW3.1.ER.190417T1923Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Whiting Dam. * At 10:10 AM Monday the stage was 1053 feet. * Flood stage is 1053 feet. * Incoming rainfall is expected to cause levels to rise. * Impacts at 1053 feet. Widespread flooding in wooded land adjacent to the river. Floodwaters approach homes in low-lying areas on Park Drive west of Plover.. && LAT...LON 4449 8954 4443 8953 4442 8973 4447 8973 $$ WIC141-230728- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BIRW3.1.ER.190418T0542Z.190420T0310Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1129 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Biron Reservoir. * At 10:10 AM Monday the stage was 1017 feet. * Flood stage is 1017 feet. * Incoming rainfall is expected to cause levels to rise. * Impacts at 1017 feet. Widespread wooded lowland flooding. Water approaches a few homes on Shore Acres Drive in Biron.. && LAT...LON 4442 8973 4438 8980 4442 8986 4447 8973 $$  161 WVID21 WAAA 221622 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 221630/222230 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1630Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0119 E12729 - N0132 E12718 - N 0150 E12722 - N0143 E12754 - N0140 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  985 WVID21 WAAA 221622 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 221630/222230 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1630Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0119 E12729 - N0132 E12718 - N 0150 E12722 - N0143 E12754 - N0140 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  301 WVEQ31 SEGU 221624 SEFG SIGMET 3 VALID 221624/222224 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1550Z FL115/150 WI N0002 W07747 - S0004 W07739 - S0006 W07740 - S0002 W07752 - N0002 W07747 MOV NW 10-15KT FCST VA CLD 2200Z FL115/150 WI N0002 W07747 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07740 - S0002 W07752 - N0002 W07747=  163 WSCI31 RCTP 221629 RCAA SIGMET 1 VALID 221700/222100 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2710 E12400 - N2600 E12400 - N2500 E12230 - N2620 E12200 TOP FL420 MOV NE 15KT NC=  164 WGUS83 KMQT 221630 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 1230 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Advisory is cancelled and upgraded to a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Paint River at Crystal Falls affecting Iron County .Rainfall amounts of 1.00 to 1.25 inches has occurred in Paint River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through today which will push the river past flood stage and enable ongoing runoff from the lingering snowpack. Rain will then diminish tonight, but the river is not expected to fall back below flood stage until Thursday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Residents along these rivers should remain alert and exercise caution when walking near riverbanks. A Flood Advisory means minor flooding is possible and rivers are forecast to exceed bankfull. If you are in the advisory area remain alert to possible flooding...or the possibility of the advisory being upgraded to a warning. Report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information on to the National Weather Service. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite media outlet for further developments and information from the National Weather Service. && MIC071-221700- /O.CAN.KMQT.FL.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190426T1830Z/ /CRYM4.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1130 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory is cancelled for The Paint River at Crystal Falls And has been upgraded to a Flood Warning. * At 6 AM Monday the stage was 6.4 feet. * Bankfull stage is 5.5 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage on early Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 8.0 feet by Wednesday morning. The river is then expected to fall below flood stage on Thursday night. * At 7.0 feet...5600 - cfs - Waterfront park areas near the M-69 bridge and low lying areas along the river in Crystal Falls become inundated. * At 5.5 feet...3500 - cfs - River exceeds bankfull stage. && LAT...LON 4601 8831 4610 8839 4612 8828 4604 8821 $$ JSS  961 WSCN21 CWAO 221631 CZVR SIGMET A5 VALID 221630/221635 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR CNCL SIGMET A4 221235/221635 RMK GFACN31=  338 WSCN01 CWAO 221631 CZVR SIGMET A5 VALID 221630/221635 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR CNCL SIGMET A4 221235/221635=  001 WGUS83 KGRB 221633 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1133 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Embarrass River near Embarrass AFFECTING Waupaca and Shawano Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC115-135-221703- /O.CAN.KGRB.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190422T1633Z/ /EMBW3.1.ER.190418T0632Z.190419T1745Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1133 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Embarrass River near Embarrass. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 6.6 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Incoming rainfall may cause the river to rise again. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. There is widespread flooding of lowland and agricultural land.. && LAT...LON 4439 8874 4459 8874 4472 8900 4480 8894 4476 8870 4446 8860 $$  246 WSCI39 ZWWW 221634 ZWUQ SIGMET 6 VALID 221634/222034 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4428 E08913 - N4417 E09022 - N4335 E09015 - N4339 E08902 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  678 WGUS84 KMEG 221635 FLSMEG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Memphis TN 1135 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Mississippi River... Mississippi River at Memphis affecting Crittenden...DeSoto and Shelby Counties Mississippi River at Helena affecting Lee...Phillips...Coahoma and Tunica Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The next River Statement will be issued later today. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && ARC035-MSC033-TNC157-231634- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0029.000000T0000Z-190501T0530Z/ /MEMT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1135 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Mississippi River at Memphis * until Wednesday May 1. * At 11 AM Monday the stage was 31.1 feet. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 33.0 feet Monday April 29. * At 33.0 feet...In Memphis, Rivergate Drive could begin to flood north of the rail yards. In Arkansas, settlement at Blue Lake is flooded. Most all secondary roads east of the Arkansas Levee are covered. && LAT...LON 3539 9025 3539 8995 3533 9005 3513 9004 3491 9008 3491 9041 $$ ARC077-107-MSC027-143-231634- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HEEA4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1135 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Mississippi River at Helena * until further notice. * At 11 AM Monday the stage was 40.5 feet. * Flood stage is 44.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 42.5 feet Wednesday May 1. * At 43.0 feet...In Arkansas, road to landing east of downtown Helena, Arkansas begins to flood. In Mississippi, places along the bank of southwest side of Desoto Lake are flooding. Facilities along the river north of Friars Point, Mississippi are flooding. && LAT...LON 3455 9070 3455 9059 3450 9051 3412 9066 3413 9107 $$  054 WVHO31 MHTG 221637 MHTG SIGMET B4 VALID 221630/222230 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA FUEGO PSN N1428 W09052 VA CLD OBS AT 1600Z SFC/FL140 N1428 W09052 -N1426 W09052 N1420 W09110 -N1426 W09111 MOV SW 10-15KT FCST CLD VA 2200Z FC/FL140 N1428 W09053 -N1426 W09051 N1417 W09119 -N1425 W09119=  228 WOCN11 CWHX 221632 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NOVA SCOTIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:32 P.M. ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= HALIFAX METRO AND HALIFAX COUNTY WEST =NEW= HALIFAX COUNTY - EAST OF PORTERS LAKE =NEW= YARMOUTH COUNTY =NEW= DIGBY COUNTY =NEW= ANNAPOLIS COUNTY =NEW= KINGS COUNTY =NEW= HANTS COUNTY =NEW= COLCHESTER COUNTY - TRURO AND SOUTH =NEW= COLCHESTER COUNTY - COBEQUID BAY =NEW= CUMBERLAND COUNTY - MINAS SHORE =NEW= CUMBERLAND COUNTY NORTH AND COBEQUID PASS =NEW= COLCHESTER COUNTY NORTH =NEW= PICTOU COUNTY =NEW= ANTIGONISH COUNTY =NEW= GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM TO SOAK THE PROVINCE OVER THE NEXT TWO DAYS. A SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM APPROACHING FROM THE SOUTHWEST WILL BRING PERIODS OF RAIN TO THE PROVINCE, WHICH IS EXPECTED TO PERSIST TODAY, TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. A RAINFALL WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THE SOUTH SHORE OF THE PROVINCE WHERE BETWEEN 50 TO 80 MM OF RAIN IS POSSIBLE BY LATE TUESDAY. THE REMAINDER OF MAINLAND NOVA SCOTIA WILL SEE BETWEEN 30 AND 60 MM OF RAIN OVER THE NEXT 36 TO 48 HOURS, AND IT IS POSSIBLE THAT AS THIS SYSTEM EVOLVES RAINFALL WARNINGS MAY NEED TO BE EXTENDED TO ADDITIONAL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  522 WWUS81 KBOX 221636 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1236 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MAZ004>007-012>016-026-230000- Northern Worcester MA-Central Middlesex MA-Western Essex MA- Eastern Essex MA-Southern Worcester MA-Western Norfolk MA- Southeast Middlesex MA-Suffolk MA-Eastern Norfolk MA- Northern Middlesex MA- Including the cities of Barre, Fitchburg, Framingham, Lowell, Lawrence, Gloucester, Milford, Worcester, Foxborough, Norwood, Cambridge, Boston, Quincy, and Ayer 1236 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HEAVY RAIN MAY IMPACT THE EVENING COMMUTE... Heavy rain will enter the region this afternoon and evening, potentially impacting the evening commute for Metrowest Boston, especially central and northeast Massachusetts. Ponding water on roadways due to poor drainage is possible, especially in urban areas. Heavy rain may also lower visibility when driving. Take it slow and do not drive through flooded roads or underpasses. $$ LEC  525 WGUS83 KGRB 221636 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1136 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Wolf River near Shiocton affecting Outagamie...Shawano and Waupaca Counties Wolf River at New London affecting Outagamie...Waupaca and Winnebago Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC087-115-135-230736- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SHIW3.2.ER.190412T0156Z.190423T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1136 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wolf River near Shiocton. * At 7:30 AM Monday the stage was 13.6 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to near 13.8 feet by tomorrow morning then begin falling. * Impacts at 14.0 feet. Water is about a foot below the bottom of the highway 54 bridge. Floodwaters begin spreading over parts of Shiocton adjacent to the river including River and Mills streets.. && LAT...LON 4468 8852 4433 8848 4434 8867 4440 8867 4450 8863 4468 8867 $$ WIC087-135-139-230736- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NEWW3.1.ER.190419T1400Z.190423T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1136 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wolf River at New London. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 10.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to near 10.3 feet by after midnight tomorrow then begin falling. * Impacts at 10.1 feet. Floodwaters begin to cover portions of West Wolf River Avenue downstream of New London. Widespread lowland flooding is occuring from New London to Fremont.. && LAT...LON 4434 8867 4431 8881 4418 8877 4418 8887 4441 8890 4442 8867 $$  887 WXFJ01 NFFN 221628 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY FOUR FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 04.30AM ON TUESDAY 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. FORECAST: FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: PERIODS OF RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND FEW THUNDERSTORMS. HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (ABOVE 50MM) IN THE PAST 24HOURS: UDU POINT 164MM NAIRUKURUKU 74MM SAGANI 64MM WAINIKORO 79MM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 07.30AM TODAY OR EARLIER.  259 WSID21 WAAA 221636 WAAZ SIGMET 04 VALID 221640/221940 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0048 E13348 - S0224 E13343 - S 0243 E13314 - S0205 E13143 - S0135 E13124 - S0041 E13310 - S0048 E13348 TOP FL530 MOV SSE 5KT INTSF=  248 WAIS31 LLBD 221639 LLLL AIRMET 12 VALID 221700/222100 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03500 - N3320 E03550 - N3253 E03558 - N3245 E03500 STNR NC=  838 WGUS83 KLMK 221641 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1241 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Rochester affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Butler...Muhlenberg... Ohio. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are affected by these crests take any necessary actions. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lmk. && KYC031-177-183-231341- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ /RCHK2.1.ER.190421T1100Z.190422T1100Z.190422T1100Z.NO/ 1241 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Green River at Rochester. * until Tuesday morning. * At 7:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Reeds and Rochester Ferries remain closed. KY 369 floods one mile north of Rochester. && LAT...LON 3728 8680 3718 8690 3727 8697 3739 8678 $$ JMB  525 WSBZ31 SBRE 221643 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 221645/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0248 W04348 - N0408 W04258 - N0216 W03724 - N0008 W03850 - N0248 W04348 TOP FL440 STNR NC =  089 WXFJ02 NFFN 221645 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY SIX FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 4.45AM ON TUESDAY THE 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER. FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND VITI LEVU; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAVOLAU STATION OF THE UPPER REWA RIVER. LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 3.91M AT 4.00AM WHICH IS 0.41M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAVOLAU STATION WAS 6.38M AT 4.00AM WHICH IS 0.38M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAYAVU STATION WAS 4.88M AT 4.00AM WHICH IS 0.02M BELOW ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 2.39M AT 4.00AM WHICH IS 0.11M BELOW ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING. SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME HIGH 2.05M 08.54AM LOW 0.51M 03.17PM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 7.45AM OR EARLIER.  417 WGUS83 KGRB 221647 FLSGRB Flood Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1147 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Oconto River above Oconto affecting Oconto County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin...Michigan... Menominee River near McAllister affecting Marinette and Menominee Counties Peshtigo River near Porterfield affecting Marinette County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && WIC075-MIC109-230745- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCAW3.1.ER.190418T1705Z.190425T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1147 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Menominee River near McAllister. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to 17.5 feet by Thursday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impacts at 18.0 feet. Floodwaters are covering River Drive and Shore Drive west of Wallace in Menominee County Michigan andSouth Park Road east of Porterfield in Marinette County. This stage compares to a flow of 24240 cubic feet per second at White Rapids Dam.. && LAT...LON 4535 8763 4519 8771 4510 8759 4508 8760 4516 8783 4535 8769 $$ WIC075-230745- /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PFDW3.1.ER.190418T0806Z.190420T1720Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 1147 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Peshtigo River near Porterfield. * At 9:00 AM Monday the stage was 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Impacts at 12.0 feet. Area boat docks begin flooding and there is widespread flooding of wooded lowland.. && LAT...LON 4517 8790 4517 8778 4510 8776 4509 8780 4512 8782 4510 8790 $$ WIC083-230745- /O.EXT.KGRB.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190426T1800Z/ /OCTW3.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190420T1500Z.190426T0000Z.UU/ 1147 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Oconto River above Oconto. * At 10:15 AM Monday the stage was 9.7 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday evening. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. Up to a foot of water surrounds structures in a campground in the city of Oconto.. && LAT...LON 4493 8815 4490 8783 4486 8785 4483 8815 $$  607 WGUS83 KARX 221648 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 .Flood warnings continue along the Mississippi River. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && MNC049-157-WIC091-230749- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LKCM5.1.RS.190420T1900Z.190429T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Lake City. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs and some residential sections near the river are evacuated. Water and Sewer service is turned off along Central Point Road. && LAT...LON 4454 9228 4445 9207 4439 9209 4442 9225 4451 9236 $$ MNC157-WIC011-230749- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WABM5.2.RS.190324T1915Z.190402T0815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Wabasha. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:15 AM Monday the stage was 15.2 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.2 feet by today then begin falling. * Impact...At 15.3 feet...Grant Boulevard between Maiden Avenue and Bridge Avenue is closed. && LAT...LON 4445 9207 4442 9200 4435 9192 4433 9200 4439 9209 $$ MNC169-WIC011-121-230749- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0034.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WNAM5.2.RS.190326T0300Z.190423T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Winona. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:45 AM Monday the stage was 16.6 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 17.2 feet by Tuesday then begin falling. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Some railroad lines may become inoperative. && LAT...LON 4419 9179 4401 9142 4398 9147 4407 9172 4415 9182 $$ MNC055-WIC063-123-230749- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LACW3.2.RS.190326T1237Z.190424T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at La Crosse. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:15 AM Monday the stage was 14.2 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.6 feet by Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 14.5 feet...Goose Island Park begins to flood. Water also begins to enter Lueth Park from the La Crosse River Marsh. && LAT...LON 4401 9142 4388 9120 4357 9122 4361 9127 4399 9145 $$ IAC005-MNC055-WIC023-123-230749- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0046.190423T1800Z-000000T0000Z/ /LNSI4.1.RS.190423T1800Z.190426T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Lansing. * from Tuesday afternoon until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:15 AM Monday the stage was 16.3 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Tuesday and continue to rise to near 18.2 feet by Friday morning. * Impact...At 18.2 feet...Lock and Dam 9 goes out of operation. && LAT...LON 4361 9127 4357 9122 4328 9101 4321 9109 4331 9126 $$ IAC005-043-WIC023-043-230749- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0027.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGI4.3.RS.190318T1530Z.190426T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at McGregor. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:45 AM Monday the stage was 19.3 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 22.9 feet by Friday then begin falling. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Water covers the north end of Main Street. && LAT...LON 4321 9109 4300 9111 4298 9119 4316 9121 4324 9115 $$ IAC043-WIC043-230749- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0029.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GTTI4.2.RS.190320T1732Z.190426T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1148 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Guttenberg Dam 10. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 17.3 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.3 feet by Friday then begin falling. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Some basements may begin to experience flooding due to seepage, with most problems occurring on the approaches to town. && LAT...LON 4300 9111 4270 9090 4265 9090 4271 9112 4298 9119 $$  740 WGUS43 KMQT 221649 FLWMQT BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Marquette MI 1249 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Minor to Moderate Severity for the following rivers in Michigan... Michigamme River near Witch Lake affecting Marquette County .Rainfall amounts of 1.25 to 1.5 inches has occurred in the northern portions of the Michigamme River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will push the river past flood stage this evening. Rain will diminish tonight, but ongoing snowmelt over he higher terrain areas will enable the river to rise to a stage around 11.0 feet by Thursday evening. The river may stay above the moderate flood stage into the weekend as the lingerng snowpack in the higher terrain diminshes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 11:00 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC103-230648- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WLKM4.2.RS.190423T0000Z.190426T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1149 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast flooding increased from Minor to Moderate severity... The Flood Warning continues for The Michigamme River near Witch Lake. * At 11:10 AM Monday the stage was 8.3 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage this evening and continue to rise to near 11.0 feet by Thursday evening. * At 11.0 feet...Flood waters cover significant portions of County Road LG between M-95 and Michigamme Dam. Houses near Bengtson Bridge in South Republic are further impacted by flood waters. * At 9.0 feet...Water impacts the yards and a few homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic and along Floodwood Drive near the Michigamme River east of M-95. Approximately 6 inches of water is covering portions of County Road LG northwest of M-95. * At 8.5 feet...Water begins to cover County Road LG 2.6 miles northwest of M-95. * At 8.0 feet...Water inundates low lying areas along the river in Republic and South Republic...and will impact the yards of homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic. && LAT...LON 4631 8803 4631 8791 4623 8796 4615 8812 4623 8812 4627 8804 $$ JSS  178 WSUS32 KKCI 221655 SIGC MKCC WST 221655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 51C VALID UNTIL 1855Z WI IL MN FROM 30WNW EAU-40WNW JOT LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21025KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 52C VALID UNTIL 1855Z IL FROM 20S BDF-20SE UIN LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL410. OUTLOOK VALID 221855-222255 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-AXC-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-TCS-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  179 WSUS33 KKCI 221655 SIGW MKCW WST 221655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221855-222255 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  180 WSUS31 KKCI 221655 SIGE MKCE WST 221655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 1855Z RI NY CSTL WTRS 40SSE HTO ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 14020KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 221855-222255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  362 WSPR31 SPIM 221614 SPIM SIGMET B6 VALID 221614/221615 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B5 VALID 221315/221615=  800 WAKO31 RKSI 221655 RKRR AIRMET T01 VALID 221705/222105 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3757 E12747 - N3817 E12832 - N3732 E12915 - N3649 E12925 - N3635 E12828 - N3730 E12804 - N3757 E12747 STNR NC=  241 WARH31 LDZM 221616 LDZO AIRMET 3 VALID 221700/222100 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MOD MTW FCST WI N4633 E01625 - N4556 E01731 - N4401 E01631 - N4400 E01631 - N4413 E01529 - N4527 E01416 - N4633 E01625 ABV 3000FT STNR NC=  460 WGUS83 KOAX 221701 FLSOAX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 1201 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following river... Missouri River Near Blair affecting Harrison and Washington Counties. Missouri River At Omaha affecting Pottawattamie...Douglas and Sarpy Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to the latest developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio...or a local media outlet. && IAC085-NEC177-231700- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190430T0000Z/ /BLAN1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1201 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Missouri River Near Blair. * until Monday April 29. * At 11:00 AM Monday the stage was 25.7 feet. * Flood stage is 26.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 25.8 feet tomorrow morning. && LAT...LON 4180 9624 4180 9595 4142 9583 4142 9602 4168 9626 $$ IAC155-NEC055-153-231700- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190430T0000Z/ /OMHN1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1201 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Missouri River At Omaha. * until Monday April 29. * At 11:30 AM Monday the stage was 27.2 feet. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 27.2 feet this afternoon. && LAT...LON 4142 9602 4142 9583 4107 9574 4106 9591 4132 9595 $$  910 WAKO31 RKSI 221700 RKRR AIRMET U02 VALID 221710/222110 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3739 E12621 - N3753 E12654 - N3710 E12737 - N3546 E12748 - N3534 E12632 - N3650 E12631 - N3739 E12621 STNR INTSF=  775 WSBZ31 SBRE 221701 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 221703/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE F CST WI S2502 W04126 - S2940 W03355 - S3211 W03751 - S2842 W04521 - S2645 W04345 - S2502 W04126 FL 130/220 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  720 WAAK49 PAWU 221704 AAA WA9O FAIS WA 221702 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 222015 . TANANA VLY FC AFT 20Z AK RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE BROOKS RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF W PARY MTS OCNL OBSC BY SN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . =FAIT WA 221702 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 222015 . TANANA VLY FC W PFTO AND PANN S OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. MOVG W. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE NW PAFM MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG UPDT S PPIZ OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W HOWARD PASS MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAVL-PATC LN W SUSTAINED SFC WIND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI N PAOT OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ AFT 18Z PAOM NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK NE PASA SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 18Z VCY TRRN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . =FAIZ WA 221702 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 222015 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG UPDT AFT 15Z ALG CST PAQT E OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-070. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . CML APR 2019 AAWU  214 WGUS43 KMQT 221706 FLWMQT BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Marquette MI 106 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Minor to Moderate Severity for the following rivers in Michigan... Michigamme River near Republic affecting Marquette County .Rainfall amounts of 1.25 to 1.5 inches has occurred in the northern portions of the Michigamme River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through the day today which will push the river past flood stage this evening. Rain will diminish tonight, but ongoing snowmelt over he higher terrain areas will enable the river to rise to a stage around 11.0 feet by Thursday evening. The river may stay above the moderate flood stage into the weekend as the lingerng snowpack in the higher terrain diminshes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 11 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC103-230706- /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BNGM4.2.RS.190423T0800Z.190426T0000Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 106 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast flooding increased from Minor to Moderate severity... The Flood Warning continues for The Michigamme River near Republic. * At 9:50 AM Monday the stage was 8.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage early Tuesday morning and continue to rise to near 10.5 feet by Thursday evening. The river is expected to remain above flood stage into the weekend. * At 7.7 feet...Water begins to impact the yards of homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic. && LAT...LON 4631 8803 4638 8805 4640 8793 4631 8791 $$ JSS  132 WWCN02 CYTR 221706 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 11:06 AM MDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 23/1200Z (UNTIL 23/0600 MDT) COMMENTS: STRONG SOUTHERLY WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED TO AFFECT SUFFIELD THIS AFTERNOON. WIND DIRECTION WILL BECOME MORE SOUTHWESTERLY THIS EVENING, WITH GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS CONTINUING, THEN BECOME WESTERLY OVERNIGHT TONIGHT. GUST ACTIVITY TO 30 KNOTS IS EXPECTED TO END EARLY TUESDAY MORNING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 23/0500Z (22/2300 MDT) END/JMC  031 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221707 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0034 W05245 - N0221 W04927 - S0346 W04213 - S0542 W04421 - N0031 W05237 - N0034 W05245 TO P FL440 STNR NC=  032 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221707 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0626 W04736 - S0551 W04556 - S0627 W04501 - S0825 W04605 - S0626 W04736 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  880 WSID20 WIII 221520 WIIZ SIGMET 17 VALID 221705/222105 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0238 E11036 - S0324 E10937 - S0304 E10813 - S0110 E10812 - S0030 E11000 - S0124 E11111 - S0238 E11036 TOP FL540 STNR NC=  220 WSAG31 SAME 221712 SAMF SIGMET 3 VALID 221712/222112 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1712Z WI S3200 W07022 - S3229 W06617 - S3300 W06554 - S3251 W06528 - S3258 W06452 - S3333 W06430 - S3546 W06454 - S3504 W06745 - S3427 W07010 - S3408 W06954 - S3319 W06949 - S3313 W06959 - S3200 W07022 FL200/360 STNR INTSF=  831 WSAG31 SAME 221712 SAMF SIGMET 3 VALID 221712/222112 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1712Z WI S3200 W07022 - S3229 W06617 - S3300 W06554 - S3251 W06528 - S3258 W06452 - S3333 W06430 - S3546 W06454 - S3504 W06745 - S3427 W07010 - S3408 W06954 - S3319 W06949 - S3313 W06959 - S3200 W07022 FL200/360 STNR INTSF=  144 WSZA21 FAOR 221707 FAJO SIGMET A03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2857 E03422 - S3026 E03733 - S3604 E03312 - S3453 E03006 - S3300 E03200 - S3025 E03332 TOP FL360=  145 WSZA21 FAOR 221708 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2538 E02503 - S2636 E02557 - S2749 E02721 - S2855 E02740 - S2923 E02644 - S2706 E02442 - S2613 E02245 - S2540 E02241 TOP FL400=  146 WSZA21 FAOR 221705 FACA SIGMET A03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3030 E01845 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3300 E03200 - S3453 E03006 - S3354 E02729 - S3143 E02224 - S3111 E01900 TOP FL360=  147 WSZA21 FAOR 221706 FAJA SIGMET A03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2422 E02634 - S2556 E02751 - S2857 E03421 - S3300 E03200 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01845 - S2730 E01739 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 - S2442 E02550 TOP FL360=  716 WHPQ41 PGUM 221710 CFWPQ1 COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 310 AM CHST TUE APR 23 2019 .OVERVIEW...PERSISTENT TRADE-WIND SWELL AND WIND WAVES WILL MAINTAIN HAZARDOUS SURF FOR KOSRAE. $$ PMZ174-230515- KOSRAE- 310 AM CHST TUE APR 23 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT ALONG EAST FACING SHORES... HAZARDOUS SURF OF 8 TO 10 FEET ALONG EAST FACING SHORES WILL PEAK NEAR 11 FEET TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY MORNING...THEN FALL BACK TO 9 TO 10 FEET ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT THROUGH THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS. HAZARDOUS SURF SHOULD SUBSIDE OVER THE WEEKEND. AVOID VENTURING OUT TOO CLOSE ALONG EAST-FACING REEFS AND EXPOSED BEACHES...AS BREAKING WAVES CAN OVERRUN THE SHORELINE IN THESE AREAS. $$ BAQUI  584 WSZA21 FAOR 221709 FACA SIGMET E01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01730 - S3030 E01843 - S3113 E01859 - S3132 E02112 - S3310 E02011 - S3234 E01851 - S3034 E01731 SFC/FL065=  585 WSZA21 FAOR 221711 FACA SIGMET G01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3235 E02424 - S3445 E02942 - S3605 E02752 - S3519 E02444 - S3255 E02317 FL240/300=  586 WSZA21 FAOR 221710 FAJA SIGMET D01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2824 E01758 - S3030 E01843 - S3030 E01730 - S2851 E01706 SFC/FL065=  639 WSIR31 OIII 221713 OIIX SIGMET 21 VALID 221710/222030 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2701 E05559 - N2658 E05233 - N2932 E05138 - N3620 E05633 - N3623 E06126 - N3119 E06110 - N3056 E06224 - N2642 E05850 MOV E/NE NC=  505 WSUZ31 UTTT 221705 UTTR SIGMET 6 VALID 221710/222100 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF E068 W OF E070 TOP FL300 MOV NE 14KT NC=  671 WSUZ31 UTTT 221705 UTTR SIGMET 7 VALID 221710/222100 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E068 W OF E070 TOP FL320 MOV NE 14KT NC=  877 WSZA21 FAOR 221713 FAJO SIGMET K03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4500 E06553 - S4503 E06617 - S5631 E06534 - S5620 E06223 - S5425 E05955 - S4842 E05921 - S4500 E06012 - S4500 E06553 FL220/260=  878 WSZA21 FAOR 221717 FAJO SIGMET F02 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3924 E02843 - S4152 E03808 - S4520 E04458 - S4559 E03712 - S4203 E02601 - S4131 E02155 - S3954 E02227 FL370/400=  879 WSZA21 FAOR 221712 FAJO SIGMET C03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3551 W01000 - S3558 W00437 - S4251 E00108 - S4620 W00034 - S4151 W01000 TOP FL390=  880 WSZA21 FAOR 221714 FAJO SIGMET B02 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4902 E04100 - S5157 E04414 - S6240 E03924 - S6950 E01654 - S6418 E02202 - S6107 E02900 - S5713 E03513 - S4902 E04100 FL250/290=  068 WSZA21 FAOR 221716 FAJO SIGMET B03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET B02 221800/222200=  069 WSZA21 FAOR 221715 FAJO SIGMET H01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4902 E04100 - S5157 E04414 - S6240 E03924 - S6950 E01654 - S6412 E01535 - S6043 E01922 - S6009 E02942 - S4902 E04100 FL270/340=  217 WSMS31 WMKK 221716 WBFC SIGMET E02 VALID 221725/222025 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0134 E11234 - N0212 E11237 - N0213 E11325 - N0124 E11332 - N0134 E11234 TOP FL520 MOV WNW INTSF=  960 WSMP31 LMMM 221717 LMMM SIGMET 2 VALID 221615/222015 LMML- LMMM MALTA FIR FRQ TS OBS W OF E013 AND E OF E016 TOP FL330 MOV E WKN =  047 WSZA21 FAOR 221718 FACA SIGMET H01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3437 E01500 - S3700 E01927 - S3700 E01500 FL370/400=  048 WSZA21 FAOR 221721 FACA SIGMET B03 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3237 E01523 - S3330 E01836 - S3435 E01950 - S3642 E02014 - S3645 E01529 - S3237 E01523 SFC/FL020=  049 WSZA21 FAOR 221720 FAJO SIGMET I01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2859 W00446 - S3405 W00131 - S3957 W00120 - S3556 W00439 - S3034 W00505 - S2859 W00446 FL370/400=  050 WSZA21 FAOR 221719 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 221800/222200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3404 E01357 - S3437 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E01927 - S3745 E02052 - S3959 E02047 - S3648 E01414 - S3404 E01357 FL370/400=  356 WGUS81 KCAR 221721 FLSCAR Flood Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 121 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Maine... St John River At Fort Kent Big Black River Near Big Black Mattawamkeag River Above Mattawamkeag ...Safety Message... Obey all road closure signs. They are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don't drown! MEC003-230521- /O.CON.KCAR.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ /FTKM1.1.ER.190422T2024Z.190423T0600Z.190423T1500Z.NO/ 121 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the St John River At Fort Kent * Until Tuesday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:45 PM Monday the stage was 22.3 feet * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.5 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by late this afternoon and continue to rise to near 23.0 feet by around midnight tomorrow. The river will fall below flood stage by late tomorrow morning. * At 22.7 feet, SW Collins lumber yard and the Blockhouse Park begin to flood. && LAT...LON 4715 6879 4723 6887 4730 6859 4732 6837 4723 6836 4721 6858 $$ MEC003-230521- /O.EXT.KCAR.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190423T0941Z/ /BBRM1.2.ER.190420T1433Z.190421T2130Z.190423T0341Z.NR/ 121 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until late tonight...The Flood Warning continues for the Big Black River Near Big Black * Until late tonight...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:45 PM Monday the stage was 12.2 feet * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late tonight. * At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4703 6945 4694 6945 4689 6954 4685 6966 4687 6982 4693 6976 $$ MEC019-230521- /O.CON.KCAR.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MATM1.1.ER.190417T1250Z.190423T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 121 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mattawamkeag River Above Mattawamkeag * Until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:47 PM Monday the stage was 15.3 feet * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.5 feet. * Forecast...Rise to 15.5 feet this evening. * At 14.0 feet, Flooding begins along the Bancroft Road between Wytopitlock and Danforth. * At 15.0 feet, Bridge Road near Haynesville flooded. * At 16.0 feet, Flooding begins along River Road in Mattawamkeag and Lancaster Road in Kingman. && LAT...LON 4557 6838 4560 6819 4572 6808 4566 6794 4551 6810 4546 6835 $$  304 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 221530/221830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  305 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221540/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0952 W06325 - S0727 W05255- S1654 W05307 - S1759 W05749 - S1615 W05822 - S1604 W06005 - S1347 W06037 - S1155 W06414 - S0952 W06325 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  306 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 221530/221830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2437 W05422 - S2916 W04554 - S2619 W04308 - S2042 W05035 - S2332 W05230 - S2437 W05422 FL130/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  307 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 221703/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2502 W04126 - S2940W03355 - S3211 W03751 - S2842 W04521 - S2645 W04345 - S2502 W04126 FL130/220 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  308 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 221553/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 13 221540/221940=  335 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0626 W04736 - S0551 W04556- S0627 W04501 - S0825 W04605 - S0626 W04736 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  418 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 221617/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0101 W03117 - S0308W03048 - S0247 W02553 - S0000 W02622 - S0101 W03117 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  419 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0034 W05245 - N0221W04927 - S0346 W04213 - S0542 W04421 - N0031 W05237 - N0034 W05245 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  420 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 221605/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0953 W06349 - S0720 W05259- S1654 W05314 - S1751 W05759 - S1608 W05832 - S1555 W06004 - S1323 W06039 - S1154 W06419 - S0953 W06349 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  421 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 221616/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0750 W05052 - S0720 W04929- S0937 W04758 - S0944 W04856 - S1005 W04858 - S0750 W05052 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  422 WSBZ01 SBBR 221700 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 221608/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0303 W04209 - N0055 W04047 -S0016 W03824 - S0211 W03855 - S0356 W04057 - S0303 W04209 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  949 WSTH31 VTBS 221725 VTBB SIGMET 06 VALID 221730/222130 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1441 E10146 - N1350 E10130 - N1421 E09911 - N1455 E09922 - N1523 E10028 - N1441 E10146 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  214 WWCN19 CWVR 221726 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:26 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: DEMPSTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH GUSTY WINDS AND VISIBILITY FREQUENTLY NEAR ZERO IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS AFTERNOON. A STRONG PRESSURE GRADIENT AHEAD OF THIS APPROACHING LOW WILL CAUSE VERY STRONG WINDS, UP TO 80 KM/H WITH GUSTS TO 110 KM/H NEAR THE RICHARDSON MOUNTAINS. COMBINED WITH LIGHT SNOW, THESE WINDS WILL CAUSE EXTENSIVE BLOWING SNOW AND REDUCE VISIBILITY TO NEAR ZERO. THESE BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WILL PERSIST THROUGH TODAY, TONIGHT AND INTO TUESDAY. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. CONSIDER POSTPONING NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL UNTIL CONDITIONS IMPROVE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  274 WWCN19 CWVR 221727 WIND WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:27 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: WHITEHORSE TESLIN ATLIN HAINES JUNCTION KLUANE LAKE CASSIAR MOUNTAINS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS AFTERNOON. STRONG SOUTHERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP LATE IN THE AFTERNOON WITH GUSTS UP TO 110 KM/H POSSIBLE FOR HAINES JUNCTION AND UP TO 90 KM/H ELSEWHERE IN THE SOUTHERN YUKON. WINDS WILL DIMINISH LATER THIS EVENING AS THE SYSTEM MOVES NORTH. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  911 ACUS02 KWNS 221728 SWODY2 SPC AC 221727 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1227 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 231200Z - 241200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM FAR SOUTHEAST NEW MEXICO INTO PORTIONS OF WESTERN...CENTRAL AND NORTH TEXAS... ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms capable of producing isolated large hail and wind damage are expected across parts of southeast New Mexico and Texas on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Additional strong storms may produce isolated gusty winds and small hail from northern Kentucky into southwest Pennsylvania Tuesday afternoon and evening. ...Southern High Plains and Vicinity... A cutoff low centered over northwest Mexico/southern Arizona will migrate east/southeast toward the Rio Grande Valley/southern Rockies by Wednesday morning. A weak surface low/frontal wave will extend east/northeast from southeast NM into southern MO during the morning, and the front will only slowly sag southward through the evening before advancing southward more quickly overnight. Ahead of the front, southeasterly low level flow will advect Gulf moisture north/northeast across much of TX into southern OK. Low to mid 60s dewpoints beneath 7-8 C/km lapse rates and 40+ kt effective bulk shear will support supercells along/ahead of the front. Storms are expected to develop during the afternoon and increase in coverage during the evening as ascent increases across the southern Plains. Initial storm development is expected near higher terrain of western TX and southeast NM. Isolated convection will likely be ongoing on the cool side of the front across the TX South Plains/Panhandle into western OK at the beginning of the period. As the cold front becomes reinforced by this activity and the warm sector destabilizes during the afternoon, additional storms are expected to develop across the Permian Basin northeastward into north Texas. This convection may remain discrete initially but should transition into bowing line segments during the evening. As the cold front surges southward during the nighttime hours, convection may become undercut and severe threat should diminish after 06z. Any cells that remain discrete Tuesday afternoon/evening will pose a threat for large hail and damaging winds. As convection takes on more linear modes, the hail threat should diminish. ...Northern KY into southwest PA... A northern stream shortwave trough will move across the Great Lakes and toward the Mid-Atlantic and southern Ontario/Quebec on Tuesday. This will bring a band of enhanced mid-to-upper level flow across portions of the mid/upper Ohio Valley vicinity. Modest low level moisture (mid/upper 50s F dewpoints) beneath 6.5-7.5 C/km midlevel lapse rates will be adequate for weak destabilization (500-1000 J/kg MLCAPE) by afternoon ahead of an eastward progressing cold front. A few strong storms will be possible along the front and a few strong/locally damaging wind gusts and small hail could accompany these stronger cells into early evening. ...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: 5% - Slight Wind: 15% - Slight Hail: 15% - Slight ..Leitman.. 04/22/2019 $$  912 WUUS02 KWNS 221728 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1227 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 231200Z - 241200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 29560493 30490485 31320487 32270582 32730594 33050532 33390116 33979847 34199717 34199655 33959578 33609555 33209556 32519609 31619747 30379894 29929967 29210022 28310079 0.05 38878535 39358391 39678310 40278203 41108069 41077986 40877949 40387935 39997961 39348064 38888157 38098318 37668458 37758510 37988563 38578575 38878535 0.15 28660298 29680284 30490298 31110344 31890390 32480374 32680265 32890060 33229905 33559765 33699708 33529664 33189652 32719672 32349728 31809813 31149947 30450023 29630092 28860123 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 28770288 29780282 30610307 31550369 31960387 32440374 32610308 32720170 32999984 33229885 33699717 33559676 33159656 32749669 31949794 31359905 30590009 29700086 29060121 MRGL 29580489 31240483 32260579 32770588 33040536 33250304 33430104 33869908 34169754 34239672 34059604 33809561 33189554 32519605 31719731 30649860 29799974 28470076 MRGL 38998481 39608331 40118233 40678145 41088075 41098015 40967956 40467937 39987956 39108102 38118313 37758441 37708509 38018562 38568571 38878536 38998481 TSTM 42622176 42452058 41972046 41462142 40782222 40262257 40072297 40122358 41022417 41822440 42252393 42362307 42622176 99999999 31861380 32251291 32471229 32751180 33131180 33681277 34451381 35181404 35741394 36531289 36841147 37401048 37990997 39350860 40100742 40610630 40540566 40300528 39810514 38860533 38050519 36970442 36550340 36860113 37779568 38348854 39328640 39678565 40468511 42478382 45698212 99999999 44427708 43537421 42677216 40397157 99999999 38647370 39047506 39777607 39427752 37388117 36738252 36258448 35668714 35059081 33899264 31759412 30779521 29479567 27869568 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 95 SSW 6R6 40 WSW 6R6 25 SSW FST 35 WSW INK 35 SE CNM 30 ENE CNM 10 ESE HOB 35 NNW BGS 40 NNW ABI 55 NW MWL 30 W GYI 15 SSW GYI 25 NE DAL 10 SE DAL 25 SE SEP 30 S BWD 20 WNW JCT 25 N DRT 30 SW DRT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 75 SW MRF 40 S GDP 45 SSE ALM 15 ESE ALM 30 SSE SRR 40 NNE HOB 50 ESE LBB 35 WSW SPS 30 WSW ADM 20 ESE ADM 20 ENE DUA 15 NW PRX 30 S PRX 40 NNE CRS 10 NW ACT 60 WNW AUS 45 NW HDO 65 S DRT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 WSW LUK 35 SW CMH 25 WNW ZZV 15 S CAK 10 SSW YNG 25 SW FKL 35 SSE FKL 15 N LBE 20 SSW LBE 30 SE PKB 35 WSW HTS 20 SSE LEX 35 SW LEX 15 SSE SDF 25 N SDF 50 NNE SDF 20 WSW LUK. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 N LMT 20 NNW LKV 15 SSW LKV 45 W AAT 35 S MHS 20 WNW RBL 40 W RBL 55 SSE EKA ACV 10 WNW CEC 20 NE 4BK 10 W MFR 30 N LMT ...CONT... 70 SE YUM 50 SSW GBN 40 SE GBN 50 SSE PHX 25 SSE PHX 45 WNW PHX 50 ESE EED 10 SW IGM 35 N IGM 55 SE SGU PGA 15 SE U17 40 NW 4BL 15 NNW GJT 30 S CAG 60 SW LAR 35 W FCL 15 SW FCL 15 W DEN 35 W COS 40 WSW PUB 20 NNE RTN 15 WNW CAO 15 SW LBL 15 WNW CNU 20 E MVN 15 NE BMG 35 E IND 20 NE MIE 15 NNW ARB 80 ENE APN ...CONT... 60 WNW ART 35 WNW GFL 15 SSE EEN 55 S BID ...CONT... 75 SE ACY 25 ESE DOV 25 WNW ILG 20 SSE HGR BLF 20 NNW TRI 40 ENE CSV 40 SW BNA 45 W MEM 45 WSW PBF 50 SSW SHV 15 E UTS 25 WSW HOU 70 SSE PSX.  686 WWCN79 CWVR 221726 AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 10H26 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR: DEMPSTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== IL Y A OU IL Y AURA DU BLIZZARD AVEC DES VENTS SOUFFLANT EN RAFALES ET UNE VISIBILITE SOUVENT PRESQUE NULLE SOUS LA NEIGE ET DANS LA POUDRERIE. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION ENVAHIRA LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI. UN FORT GRADIENT DE PRESSION A L'AVANT DE LA DEPRESSION QUI S'APPROCHE CAUSERA DES VENTS TRES FORTS, JUSQU'A 80 KM/H AVEC RAFALES A 110 KM/H PRES DES MONTS RICHARDSON. L'EFFET CONJOINT DE LA FAIBLE NEIGE ET DE CES VENTS CAUSERA DE LA POUDRERIE GENERALISEE ET REDUIRA LA VISIBILITE A PRES DE ZERO. LE BLIZZARD PERSISTERA TOUTE LA JOURNEE AUJOURD'HUI, CE SOIR, CETTE NUIT ET MARDI. ON PEUT S'ATTENDRE A DES CONDITIONS ROUTIERES EXTREMEMENT DANGEREUSES EN RAISON DE LA VISIBILITE REDUITE. DES FERMETURES DE ROUTES SONT POSSIBLES. EVALUEZ LA POSSIBILITE DE RETARDER TOUT DEPLACEMENT NON ESSENTIEL JUSQU'A CE QUE LES CONDITIONS S'AMELIORENT. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIPA  157 WWUS45 KPUB 221728 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 1128 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 COZ075-230130- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0012.190422T1800Z-190423T1800Z/ Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- 1128 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches expected. * WHERE...Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet. * WHEN...through noon MDT Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible due to heavy snow and poor visibilities, particularly this evening through tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ073-080-230130- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0025.190422T1800Z-190423T1800Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 1128 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches expected. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet and Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult due to heavy snow and poor visibilities across the higher mountains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  022 WHUS76 KSEW 221729 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 1029 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ132-133-222100- /O.EXA.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands- 1029 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect until 2 PM PDT this afternoon. * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-153-156-170-173-176-230000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 1029 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ134-222100- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 1029 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-230130- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 1029 AM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  603 WWUS85 KCYS 221729 SPSCYS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 1129 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WYZ116-117-221930- South Laramie Range-South Laramie Range Foothills- Including the cities of Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, and Horse Creek 1129 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Patchy dense fog will linger over portions of the South Laramie Range and Foothills into early afternoon. Visibilities will be reduced to a half mile or less at times. Motorists traveling along Interstate 80 from the Summit to Harriman exit should exercise caution when encountering fog. Reduce speeds and allow extra travel time. $$  586 WGUS84 KSHV 221733 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1233 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && ARC003-139-231733- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0147.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FELA4.2.ER.181214T0537Z.190424T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1233 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Felsenthal Lock and Dam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:30 AM Monday The stage was 80.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 70.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 81.0 feet by the end of the month. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 81.0 feet...Moderate flooding of county roadways and bridges will continue for several days. Detours are necessary and travel in and around the area will be difficult. && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3322 9212 3315 9210 3300 9206 3300 9210 $$ LAC021-073-111-231733- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MLUL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1745Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1233 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Monroe. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Monday The stage was 44.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 40.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 44.7 feet through the end of the month. * Impact...at 45.0 feet...The Prairon Bayou recreational area floods and closes. Lowland flooding becomes extensive at this stage between levees. && LAT...LON 3255 9213 3227 9204 3227 9218 3239 9214 3244 9217 3250 9215 $$ LAC021-073-231733- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0077.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /COLL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190422T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1233 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Columbia. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:00 AM Monday The stage was 67.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 65.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 67.0 feet through the end of the month. * Impact...at 67.0 feet...The Columbia Lock and Dam recreational area floods and must be closed. In addition, expect moderate to severe flooding of lowland river bottoms between and near levee systems. && LAT...LON 3227 9218 3216 9214 3193 9197 3193 9190 3212 9204 3227 9204 $$ 20  144 WSAL31 DAAA 221734 DAAA SIGMET 3 VALID 221730/222000 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3725 E00627 - N3526 E00722 TOP FL320 MOV NE NC=  192 WSBW20 VGHS 221730 VGFR SIGMET 06 VALID 222000/222400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ESE NC=  416 WGUS84 KSHV 221734 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1234 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC005-073-347-231734- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0076.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUFT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190421T1230Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1234 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Angelina River Near Lufkin. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:30 PM Sunday The stage was 11.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 11.0 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...at 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 3144 9462 3145 9474 3148 9482 3150 9482 3146 9466 $$  814 WWCN79 CWVR 221727 AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 10H27 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR: WHITEHORSE TESLIN ATLIN HAINES JUNCTION LAC KLOUANE CHAINE DES CASSIARS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== DES VENTS FORTS POUVANT CAUSER DES DOMMAGES SOUFFLENT OU SOUFFLERONT. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION ENVAHIRA LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI. DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD SE LEVERONT TARD EN APRES-MIDI ET DES RAFALES JUSQU'A 110 KM/H SONT POSSIBLES SUR HAINES JUNCTION ET JUSQU'A 90 KM/H AILLEURS DANS LE SUD DU YUKON. LES VENTS DIMINUERONT D'INTENSITE PLUS TARD CE SOIR A MESURE QUE LE SYSTEME SE DEPLACERA VERS LE NORD. LES BATIMENTS POURRAIENT ETRE ENDOMMAGES (BARDEAUX DE TOITURE, FENETRES BRISEES). LES VENTS VIOLENTS POURRAIENT EMPORTER LES OBJETS NON FIXES A UNE SURFACE ET BRISER DES BRANCHES D'ARBRES. SOYEZ PRET A ADAPTER VOTRE CONDUITE AUX CONDITIONS ROUTIERES CHANGEANTES EN RAISON DES VENTS FORTS. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIPA  476 WGUS84 KSHV 221734 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1234 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC347-401-405-419-231733- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190425T2100Z/ /ATBT2.1.ER.190413T0230Z.190420T0000Z.190425T0300Z.NO/ 1234 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning extended until Thursday afternoon...The flood warning continues for the Attoyac Bayou Near Chireno. * until Thursday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:30 AM Monday The stage was 15.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 15.4 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday before midnight. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Expect lowland flooding for the next several days of the heavily wooded floodplain. Ranchers that have cattle and equipment near the river should move them to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3142 9432 3191 9451 3192 9447 3157 9429 3150 9430 $$  847 WGUS84 KSHV 221735 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1235 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && LAC015-119-231735- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LBBL1.1.ER.190413T2308Z.190425T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1235 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Bodcau Bayou At Bayou Bodcau Lake. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Monday The stage was 176.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 172.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 176.6 feet by Thursday morning. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. && LAT...LON 3282 9351 3289 9344 3272 9346 3270 9351 3277 9351 $$  927 WHUS71 KAKQ 221735 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 135 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ630-221845- /O.EXP.KAKQ.SC.Y.0045.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA- 135 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 2 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... Winds have diminished to below advisory criteria. $$  209 WGUS84 KSHV 221736 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1236 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && ARC027-LAC119-231736- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190427T0800Z/ /SPHL1.2.ER.190407T1619Z.190409T0500Z.190426T1400Z.NO/ 1236 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Bayou Dorcheat Near Springhill. * until late Friday night...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Monday The stage was 13.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Friday morning. * Impact...at 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding of private boat ramps. Move livestock to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3317 9339 3300 9335 3282 9332 3282 9338 3300 9343 $$ LAC013-015-119-231736- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190425T0600Z/ /MNEL1.2.ER.190410T0516Z.190411T1800Z.190424T1200Z.NO/ 1236 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Bayou Dorcheat At Dixie Inn. * until late Wednesday night...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Monday The stage was 14.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Expect minor lowland flooding with the boat ramp suffering overflow. && LAT...LON 3282 9332 3253 9331 3253 9336 3259 9335 3282 9338 $$ LAC013-015-081-119-231736- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /LBUL1.2.ER.190411T1026Z.190415T1530Z.190423T1800Z.NO/ 1236 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Bayou Dorcheat At Lake Bistineau. * until Wednesday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Monday The stage was 142.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 142.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...at 142.5 feet...Expect some minor flooding of low area camps, however, all access roadways will remain open. && LAT...LON 3253 9331 3240 9334 3239 9343 3241 9345 3253 9335 $$  850 WACN04 CWAO 221736 CZYZ AIRMET G2 VALID 221735/221740 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL AIRMET G1 221340/221740=  007 WACN05 CWAO 221736 CZUL AIRMET F2 VALID 221735/221740 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL AIRMET F1 221340/221740=  008 WACN24 CWAO 221736 CZYZ AIRMET G2 VALID 221735/221740 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL AIRMET G1 221340/221740 RMK GFACN33/CZUL MONTREAL FIR AIRMET F2=  009 WACN25 CWAO 221736 CZUL AIRMET F2 VALID 221735/221740 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL AIRMET F1 221340/221740 RMK GFACN33/CZYZ TORONTO FIR AIRMET G2=  200 WGUS84 KSHV 221737 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1237 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && LAC021-043-059-127-231736- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-190428T0300Z/ /RHLL1.1.ER.190410T0950Z.190418T2000Z.190427T0900Z.NO/ 1237 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Little River Of Louisiana Near Rochelle. * until Saturday evening...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:30 AM Monday The stage was 34.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Saturday morning. * Impact...at 35.0 feet...Expect considerable lowland flooding of hunting camps. && LAT...LON 3180 9237 3160 9239 3147 9224 3149 9218 3169 9233 $$ 20  263 WWCN11 CWVR 221737 WIND WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:37 A.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: CENTRAL COAST - COASTAL SECTIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  486 WGUS84 KSHV 221738 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC001-073-225-231738- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NCST2.1.ER.190409T0130Z.190421T1945Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Neches. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:30 AM Monday The stage was 14.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.3 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground away from the river. && LAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544 3188 9548 $$ TXC001-073-225-455-231738- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ATOT2.1.ER.190418T1345Z.190420T1530Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Alto. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Monday The stage was 16.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 16.9 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 16.0 feet...Boat ramps and picnic areas near the river will begin to flood. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment near the river to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3167 9524 3152 9504 3138 9492 3133 9500 3166 9537 $$ TXC005-225-373-455-457-231738- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0083.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DIBT2.1.ER.190418T1922Z.190420T0045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Diboll. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Monday The stage was 12.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 12.8 feet. * Impact...at 12.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect flooded boat ramps and trails. && LAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485 3136 9500 $$  240 WGUS84 KSHV 221739 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1239 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC423-499-231738- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.190418T1230Z.190421T1145Z.190425T1800Z.NO/ 1239 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning extended until Friday morning...The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Mineola. * until Friday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Monday The stage was 15.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Impact...at 16.0 feet...Expect flooding of low river bottoms with secondary roadways along with picnic and recreational areas becoming inundated as well. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ TXC183-423-459-499-231738- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ /GDWT2.1.ER.190422T0830Z.190422T1715Z.190423T1800Z.NO/ 1239 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning extended until Wednesday morning...The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Gladewater. * until Wednesday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Monday The stage was 26.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...at 26.0 feet...Expect minor lowland flooding with camps and picnic areas near the river suffering some flooding. && LAT...LON 3257 9509 3251 9490 3245 9491 3251 9501 3253 9508 $$  547 WGUS84 KSHV 221740 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1239 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC067-315-231739- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ /JEFT2.1.ER.190411T1815Z.190422T1700Z.190424T1800Z.NO/ 1239 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for the Black Cypress Bayou At Jefferson. * until Thursday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Monday The stage was 13.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday early afternoon. * Impact...at 13.0 feet...Lowland flooding will affect mainly timber resources. && LAT...LON 3297 9448 3275 9425 3275 9433 3278 9440 3289 9450 $$  692 WGUS84 KSHV 221740 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1240 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC159-343-449-231200- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0088.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /WOCT2.1.ER.190421T1745Z.190422T0845Z.190422T1800Z.NO/ 1240 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning extended until Tuesday morning...The flood warning continues for the White Oak Creek Near Talco. * until Tuesday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Monday The stage was 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * Impact...at 16.0 feet...Expect minor lowland flooding of creek bottoms. Ranchers that may have cattle and equipment in the creek bottoms should move them to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3326 9530 3334 9506 3330 9471 3327 9466 3325 9472 $$  788 WWIN80 VOTV 221738 VOTV 221740 AD WRNG 03 VALID 221810/222210 TSRA FCST NC=  437 WGUS85 KPIH 221742 FLSPIH FLOOD STATEMENT National Weather Service Pocatello ID 1142 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following Rivers in Idaho.. Portneuf River at Pocatello affecting Bannock County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Persons near the River should be aware of the expected high water and take action to protect property. && IDC005-232041- /O.CON.KPIH.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PIHI1.1.RS.190420T1045Z.190428T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1142 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Portneuf River at Pocatello. * At 11:15 AM Monday the stage was 8.9 feet. * Flood Stage is 8.5 feet. * Minor Flooding is occurring and Minor Flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue rising to near 9.1 feet by Saturday evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 9.1 feet...or 929 cfs...Flooding of low lying agricultural land and pasture will occur in the Inkom and Blackrock area. Lowland flooding is likely along sections of the river between the Portneuf Gap and the Cheyenne Avenue Bridge in Pocatello. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Portneuf River Portneuf River at Po 8.5 8.9 Mon 11 AM 8.9 9.0 8.9 && LAT...LON 4294 11262 4298 11250 4283 11236 4281 11223 4275 11232 4277 11241 $$  282 WSPS21 NZKL 221745 NZZO SIGMET 7 VALID 221745/221747 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 5 221347/221747=  725 WGUS85 KPIH 221745 FLSPIH BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pocatello ID 1145 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Big Wood River... Big Wood River at Hailey affecting Blaine County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Persons near the River should be aware of the expected high water and take action to protect property. && IDC013-232045- /O.CON.KPIH.FL.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HALI1.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1145 AM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Big Wood River at Hailey * until further notice. * At 10 AM Monday the stage was 4.0 feet. * Bankfull Stage is 3.7 feet. * Flood Stage is 5.0 feet. * Forecast...The River will rise to near 4.7 feet by early Saturday afternoon. * Impact...At 5.0 feet...or 2181 cfs...Street flooding will occur along Cedar, War Eagle, and Della Vista Drives in the lower subdivisions in Hailey and Riverview drive in Bellevue. Draper Preserve in Hailey is inaccessible. Water may be over some secondary roads in West Ketchum (Wood River Drive). Gimlet subdivision will have flooding issues. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Big Wood River Big Wood River at Ha 5.0 4.0 Mon 11 AM 4.0 4.4 4.4 && LAT...LON 4366 11442 4368 11430 4340 11421 4340 11429 $$  714 WSUS33 KKCI 221755 SIGW MKCW WST 221755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 221955-222355 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  715 WSUS31 KKCI 221755 SIGE MKCE WST 221755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6E VALID UNTIL 1955Z NY AND NY CT CSTL WTRS 10SSW HTO ISOL EMBD TS D25 MOV FROM 14020KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 221955-222355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  716 WSUS32 KKCI 221755 SIGC MKCC WST 221755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 53C VALID UNTIL 1955Z WI FROM 20SSE EAU-40S DLL DMSHG LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21025KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 221955-222355 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-AXC-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-TCS-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  517 WWAK77 PAJK 221750 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 950 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ024-221900- /O.EXP.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T1800Z/ Eastern Baranof Island and Southern Admiralty Island- Including the city of Angoon 950 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM AKDT THIS MORNING... Locally high winds are diminishing this morning. This diminishing trend will continue in the afternoon. This will be the final statement on this event. $$ AKZ021-025-222100- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Eastern Chichagof Island- Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the cities of Hoonah and Juneau 950 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Hoonah, Tenakee Springs and Juneau. * WINDS...30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds late this morning out of the E to SE, shifting to the SW by early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ020-022-230000- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1800Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 950 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Elfin Cove and Gustavus. * WINDS...Southwest 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the SW during late morning with peak gusts during early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ023-222200- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area- Including the cities of Sitka and Port Alexander 950 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Central outer coast including Sitka and Port Alexander. * WINDS...Southwest 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds will be during the late morning to early afternoon hours. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ018-019-230300- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.190422T1900Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 950 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...Northern inner channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...South 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the south during the late morning then increasing quickly with peak gusts in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  804 WGUS84 KMEG 221752 FLSMEG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Memphis TN 1251 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River... Tennessee River at Savannah affecting Decatur and Hardin Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The next River Statement will be issued later today or Tuesday. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC039-071-231751- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0032.000000T0000Z-190423T2158Z/ /SAVT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1251 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River at Savannah * until Tuesday April 23. * At 12 PM Monday the stage was 367.0 feet. * Flood stage is 370.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 367.4 feet today or early Tuesday April 23 then fall. * At 368.0 feet...House lots on the north end of Emerald Lane at Hooker's Bend are beginning to flood. Water is backing into most sloughs. && LAT...LON 3548 8836 3548 8805 3527 8805 3514 8823 3501 8823 3501 8838 $$  400 WSBZ31 SBBS 221752 SBBS SIGMET 9 VALID 221750/222110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1307 W05334 - S1258 W04635 - S1544 W04359 - S2045 W05042 - S1724 W05403 - S1643 W05307 - S1307 W05334 T OP FL450 STNR INTSF=  680 WSPO31 LPMG 221754 LPPC SIGMET 1 VALID 221800/222100 LPPT- LPPC LISBON FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N3900 AND E OF W01000 FL070/190 MOV E 20KT INTSF=  835 WAAK49 PAWU 221754 AAB WA9O FAIS WA 221751 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 222015 . TANANA VLY FC AFT 20Z AK RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE BROOKS RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF W PARY MTS OCNL OBSC BY SN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . =FAIT WA 221751 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 222015 . TANANA VLY FC W PFTO AND PANN S OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. MOVG W. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE NW PAFM MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG UPDT S PPIZ OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W HOWARD PASS MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAVL-PATC LN W SUSTAINED SFC WIND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI N PAOT OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ AFT 18Z PAOM NW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK NE PASA SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 18Z VCY TRRN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . =FAIZ WA 221751 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 222015 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG UPDT AFT 15Z ALG CST PAQT E OCNL MOD ICEIC BLW 040. FZLVL SFC. INTSF. . CML APR 2019 AAWU  583 WBCN07 CWVR 221700 PAM ROCKS WIND 27010 LANGARA; OVC 6F SW35G46 5FT MDT LO W PRESRR SHWRS ALQDS 1730 CLD EST 8 BKN 10 OVC 07/05 GREEN; OVC 21/2R-F S25EG 5FT MDT 1730 CLD EST 20 OVC 09/08 TRIPLE; OVC 8R- SE30EG 6FT MDT LO SW 1730 CLD EST 8 SCT 12 OVC 09/09 BONILLA; CLDY 15 SW24EG 5FT MDT LO-MOD S 1730 CLD EST 12 SCT 22 SCT BKN ABV 25 09/07 BOAT BLUFF; OVC 1R-F SE12 3FT MDT 1730 CLD EST 22 SCT OVC ABV 25 09/08 MCINNES; CLDY 06F SW20E 5FT MDT MOD SW VIS SW 12 R- PST HR 1730 CLD EST 22 BKN BKN ABV 25 09/08 IVORY; OVC 04RW-F S30Q 7FT RUF MOD SW 1730 CLD EST 10 BKN 20 OVC 09/08 DRYAD; OVC 8RW- S16G28 2FT CHP 1730 CLD EST 6 SCT 18 OVC 10/08 ADDENBROKE; OVC 2R-F S28EG 6FT MDT 1730 CLD EST 16 OVC 10/08 EGG ISLAND; OVC 02R-F SE27 6FT MOD LO W 1740 CLD EST 8 OVC 09/08 PINE ISLAND; OVC 07RW- SE25EG 5FT MOD LO W 1740 CLD EST 10 FEW 18 OVC 09/06 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 3L-F SE30EG 8FT RUF MDT-HVY SW 1740 CLD EST 6 BKN 20 OVC 09/09 QUATSINO; OVC 4RW-L- S25EG 5FT MOD LO SW 1740 CLD EST 14 SCT 20 OVC 09/09 NOOTKA; OVC 6RW- S15EG 4FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1740 CLD EST 18 FEW OVC ABV 25 10/08 ESTEVAN; OVC 5R- SE14G30 3FT MDT LO SW 1020.0S LENNARD; OVC 3/4RF SE25EG 5FT MDT LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 3R-F SE27G33 6FT MDT LO-MOD SW R+ PST HR PACHENA; OVC 6R-F SE25EG 5FT MDT LO-MOD SW CARMANAH; OVC 8R-F E15E 3FT MDT LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 10R- SE20E 4FT MOD LO NW PULTENEY; CLDY 15 E20EG 2FT CHP CHATHAM; OVC 8R SE30EG 4FT MOD LO SE 1740 CLD EST 2 SCT 18 BKN 22 OVC 11/10 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 133/09/06/1233+38/M/0010 PK WND 1340 1639Z 1014 02MM= WEB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 196/09/09/1320+33/M/0241 PCPN 2.1MM PAST HR PK WND 1233 1655Z 1008 86MM= WQC SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 224/07/07/0906/M/0033 PCPN 1.3MM PAST HR 0002 56MM= WRU SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 151/09/M/1320+28/M/0110 PCPN 1.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1138 1630Z 1039 8MMM= WFG SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 123/08/08/2325/M/0048 PK WND 2234 1643Z 3032 21MM= WVF SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/08/08/0807/M/ M 54MM= WQS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 064/08/05/2727+32/M/0014 PK WND 2936 1600Z PRESRR 1105 79MM= WRO SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 004/08/07/2725+33/M/0025 PCPN 0.1MM PAST HR PK WND 2536 1642Z PRESRR 3058 51MM= WEK SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 988/09/08/MMMM/M/0022 PCPN 1.0MM PAST HR 3024 05MM= WWL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 027/09/07/1928/M/0002 PK WND 1936 1632Z PRESRR 3046 00MM= WME SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/08/07/0601/M/0182 PCPN 3.0MM PAST HR M 93MM= WAS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 167/08/06/2710/M/0064 PCPN 2.2MM PAST HR PK WND 2918 1630Z 3002 55MM= WSB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 235/09/07/0904/M/0061 PCPN 2.1MM PAST HR PK WND 0922 1615Z 3004 23MM= WGT SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 212/09/07/1228/M/M PK WND 1233 1617Z 3002 91MM= WGB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 219/09/07/1224/M/0028 PCPN 0.6MM PAST HR PK WND 1229 1602Z 5000 82MM= WEL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 231/09/07/1613/M/0018 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR PK WND 1622 1602Z 3003 04MM= WDR SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 218/09/06/1309/M/ 6018 61MM= WZO SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1711/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1019+24/M/ PK WND 1024 1656Z M MMMM=  316 WGUS83 KMQT 221800 FLSMQT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Marquette MI 200 PM EDT MON APR 22 2019 MIC003-013-043-053-061-071-103-131-221804- /O.CAN.KMQT.FA.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T1945Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Iron MI-Dickinson MI-Gogebic MI-Marquette MI-Houghton MI-Baraga MI- Ontonagon MI-Alger MI- 200 PM EDT MON APR 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR RAIN AND SNOWMELT HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR IRON...DICKINSON...GOGEBIC...MARQUETTE...HOUGHTON...BARAGA... ONTONAGON AND ALGER COUNTIES... The moderate to heavy rain that occurred earlier today prompting the advisory has ended, and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. However, many ditches are full and creeks near bankfull. Exercise caution near rivers, streams and creeks. A Flood Watch remains in effect as additional rain is on the way this evening that may cause streams and rivers to climb again. LAT...LON 4664 9043 4691 8961 4691 8945 4703 8921 4703 8796 4687 8757 4677 8748 4678 8735 4657 8726 4655 8684 4666 8638 4633 8637 4633 8662 4616 8663 4616 8724 4598 8725 4593 8815 4633 9011 4650 9022 4656 9042 $$ JLB  822 WSMC31 GMMC 221759 GMMM SIGMET W4 VALID 221830/222230 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE N3520 W00502 - N3129 W005 51 - N3036 W00449 FL050/160 STNR NC=  639 WSID20 WIII 221800 WIIZ SIGMET 18 VALID 221800/222200 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0607 E10136 - S0827 E10141 - S0415 E09522 - S0251 E09839 - S0607 E10136 TOP FL550 MOV SE 5KT NC=  010 WVRA31 RUPK 221803 UHPP SIGMET 9 VALID 221804/222320 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KLYUCHEVSKOY PSN N5603 E16038 VA CLD OBS AT 1720Z WI N5751 E16350 - N5753 E16422 - N5731 E16450 - N5731 E16410 - N5751 E16350 SFC/FL200 FCST AT 2320Z WI N5744 E16707 - N5717 E16731 - N5746 E16450 - N5804 E16449 - N5744 E16707=  646 WWUS75 KCYS 221804 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 1204 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT THROUGH 6 PM FOR THE SOUTH LARAMIE RANGE AND FOOTHILLS... WYZ116-117-230000- /O.NEW.KCYS.FG.Y.0007.190422T1804Z-190423T0000Z/ South Laramie Range-South Laramie Range Foothills- Including the cities of Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, and Horse Creek 1204 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 6 PM MDT this evening. * TIMING...Areas of dense fog will persist through the afternoon. * VISIBILITY...Less than a quarter mile at times. * IMPACTS...Very low visibilities will make driving difficult this afternoon. Use caution, slow down and give ample space to other vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down...use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  780 WVRA31 RUPK 221803 UHPP SIGMET 9 VALID 221804/222320 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT KLYUCHEVSKOY PSN N5603 E16038 VA CLD OBS AT 1720Z WI N5751 E16350 - N5753 E16422 - N5731 E16450 - N5731 E16410 - N5751 E16350 SFC/FL200 FCST AT 2320Z WI N5744 E16707 - N5717 E16731 - N5746 E16450 - N5804 E16449 - N5744 E16707=  974 WGUS65 KABQ 221807 FFAABQ URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 1207 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NMZ529-532>534-537>540-230000- /O.EXA.KABQ.FF.A.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northeast Highlands-Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County- Quay County-De Baca County-Chaves County Plains- Eastern Lincoln County-Southwest Chaves County- 1207 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has expanded the * Flash Flood Watch to include portions of norther and central New Mexico, including the following areas: In central New Mexico, Eastern Lincoln County. In east central New Mexico, De Baca County, Guadalupe County, and Quay County. In northeast New Mexico, Eastern San Miguel County and Northeast Highlands. In southeast New Mexico, Chaves County Plains and Southwest Chaves County. * through late tonight * Numerous strong to severe thunderstorms are likely this afternoon and tonight a backdoor cold front creates persistent upslope flow and an upper-level low pressure system approaches from the west. * Sudden rises in dry arroyos, creeks and streams will be likely this afternoon and tonight due to very heavy rainfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding. Flash flooding is a very dangerous situation. Monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. && $$ NMZ515-230000- /O.CON.KABQ.FF.A.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- 1207 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... The Flash Flood Watch continues for * a portion of north and central New Mexico, including the following area: East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains. * through late tonight * Copious showers and thunderstorms are expected this afternoon through tonight as a cold front creates persistent upslope flow and an upper level low pressure system approaches from the west. Snow levels will be quite high, generally between 9,000 to 10,000 feet. Areas with snowpack near and just beneath these levels will be especially vulnerable to rainfall and consequently quick melting of any snow. Abrupt runoff and possible flooding could develop as meltwater accumulates and moves downstream. Recent wildfire burn scars will hasten the runoff due to poor absorption of any meltwater. * Sudden rises on creeks and streams feeding into the Cimarron River will be possible today and tonight due to heavy rainfall and abrupt snow melt. Areas along and near U.S. highway 64 between Ute Park and Cimarron will be at risk for flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding. Flash flooding is a very dangerous situation. Monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. && $$  840 WGUS81 KGYX 221807 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Maine Kennebec River At North Sidney affecting Kennebec County ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in New Hampshire...Vermont...Maine Connecticut River Near Dalton affecting Coos and Essex Counties Connecticut River At Wells River affecting Grafton...Caledonia and Orange Counties Androscoggin River At Gorham affecting Coos County Androscoggin River Near Auburn affecting Androscoggin County Kennebec River At Skowhegan affecting Somerset County Kennebec River At Augusta affecting Kennebec County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && NHC007-VTC009-230606- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DLTN3.2.ER.190421T0015Z.190422T1515Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River Near Dalton. * Until further notice. * At 01PM Monday the stage was 22.1 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.3 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Route 102 in Guildhall Vermont flooded. Route 135 in South Lancaster flooded. Munces Campground in Lancaster flooded. Perras Road and Old Village Road flooded in North Umberland New Hampshire. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...River Road flooded in Lunenburg Vermont between Mt. Orne Bridge and South Lunenburg Village. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4460 7160 4460 7150 4440 7162 4429 7200 4435 7205 4447 7169 $$ NHC009-VTC005-017-230606- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WELV1.1.ER.190421T0252Z.190425T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Connecticut River At Wells River. * Until further notice. * At 01PM Monday the stage was 11.3 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 4429 7200 4410 7200 4399 7205 4399 7216 4427 7211 4435 7205 $$ NHC007-230606- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRMN3.1.ER.190420T2230Z.190422T0645Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River At Gorham. * Until further notice. * At 01PM Monday the stage was 8.8 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 8.4 feet by late tonight. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Parking lot at Mr. Pizza starts to flood. && LAT...LON 4477 7128 4483 7104 4448 7102 4451 7080 4438 7075 4434 7123 $$ MEC001-230606- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190423T1048Z/ /AUBM1.1.ER.190421T1615Z.190422T1331Z.190423T0448Z.NO/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Androscoggin River Near Auburn. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 01PM Monday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by after midnight tomorrow. * Impact...At 13.5 feet...Route 136 at Stackpole Road in Durham begins to flood. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4442 7026 4444 7013 4409 7011 4395 6977 4385 6987 4402 7026 $$ MEC025-230606- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190423T1100Z/ /SKOM1.1.ER.190420T2128Z.190421T1700Z.190423T0500Z.NO/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Skowhegan. * Until Tuesday morning. * At 01PM Monday the flow was 42857 cfs. * Minor Flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood flow is 35000 CFS. * The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by after midnight tomorrow. * Impact...At 35000 cfs...Flooding begins at campground in Skowhegan. && LAT...LON 4480 6992 4480 6960 4453 6955 4453 6969 4468 6968 4471 6992 $$ MEC011-222346- /O.EXT.KGYX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2346Z/ /SIDM1.1.ER.190421T1242Z.190421T1947Z.190422T1746Z.NO/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood warning extended until this evening... The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At North Sidney. * Until this evening. * At 01PM Monday the stage was 17.0 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage by this evening. * Impact...At 17.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. && LAT...LON 4453 6969 4453 6955 4439 6969 4439 6979 $$ MEC011-230606- /O.CON.KGYX.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190423T1830Z/ /ASTM1.1.ER.190421T0629Z.190421T2224Z.190423T1230Z.UU/ 207 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Kennebec River At Augusta. * from early tomorrow until Tuesday afternoon. * At 02PM Monday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 13.1 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 13.0 feet...Water covering dock at town landing in Hallowell. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Water begins to flood parking lot on Front Street in Augusta. && LAT...LON 4439 6980 4439 6969 4429 6971 4408 6974 4408 6983 4429 6983 $$ Pohl  332 WSFR34 LFPW 221809 LFMM SIGMET 7 VALID 221800/222200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4300 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4215 E00615 - N4315 E00715 - N4300 E00945 FL330/390 MOV NW 60KT NC=  697 WSCH31 SCIP 221810 SCIZ SIGMET 02 VALID 221830/222230 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3300 W12000 - S3300 W12000 - S4200 W12000 - S4200 W13000 - S3300 W13000 FL390/420 MOV E NC=  478 WSFJ02 NFFN 221800 NFFF SIGMET 10 VALID 221835/222235 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0206 E17654 - S0036 E17954 - S0506 E17954 - S0506 W17148 - S0936 W17454 - S0954 W17930 - N0206 E17336 - N0206 E17654 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  479 WSFJ01 NFFN 221800 NFFF SIGMET 09 VALID 221830/222230 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1524 E17454 - S1524 E17918 - S2306 E17706 - S2200 E17136 - S1524 E17454 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  648 WSAG31 SACO 221816 SACF SIGMET 4 VALID 221816/222216 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1816Z WI S2937 W06319 - S3127 W06352 - S3228 W06158 - S3051 W06106 - S2937 W06319 - S2937 W06319 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 04KT NC=  192 WSAG31 SACO 221816 SACF SIGMET 4 VALID 221816/222216 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1816Z WI S2937 W06319 - S3127 W06352 - S3228 W06158 - S3051 W06106 - S2937 W06319 - S2937 W06319 TOP FL400 MOV ESE 04KT NC=  647 WSCG31 FCBB 221812 FCCC SIGMET K2 VALID 221845/222245 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1745Z N OF LINE N0613 E01115 - N0613 E01431 W OF LINE N0631 E01037 - N0349 E01046 E OF LINE N0758 E01900 - N0701 E01911 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  845 WWUS45 KABQ 221812 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 1212 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HEAVY WET SNOWFALL EXPECTED FOR HIGH ELEVATIONS OF THE SANGRE DE CRISTO AND TUSAS MOUNTAINS TODAY THROUGH TUESDAY EVENING... .A low pressure system west of New Mexico will spread copious amounts of lift and moisture into the state. Meanwhile, a cold front has dropped into northeastern New Mexico and will create a persistent upslope flow over the Sangre de Cristo and Tusas Mountains. This will lead to numerous showers and perhaps a few thunderstorms. While snow levels will be quite high, a foot or more of heavy, wet snow is expected above 10,000 feet. NMZ513-514-230100- /O.CON.KABQ.WS.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190424T0600Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet/Red River- Southern Sangre de Cristos above 9500 feet- 1212 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TUESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy, wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 20 inches expected above 10,000 feet. * WHERE...Sangre de Cristos and Tusas Mountains above 9500 feet. * WHEN...From noon today to midnight MDT Tuesday night. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Heavy, wet snow will be difficult to shovel and remove, and it could pose structural risks to roofs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or 1-800-432-4269. && $$  302 WOAU13 AMMC 221814 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1814UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 43S127E 50S136E 57S136E to low 969hPa near 55S131E. Forecast 44S135E 52S142E 56S140E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC, 47S145E 54S150E 58S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC, 47S151E 56S158E 59S154E to low 963hPa near 58S148E at 231200UTC, 48S160E 57S167E 61S163E to low 963hPa near 59S155E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S126E 52S122E 60S138E 62S147E 59S160E 52S160E 43S126E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 660nm west of front. Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 240nm of low in sectors from south through north to east. Clockwise winds increasing to 45/55 knots within 150nm of low in northwest semicircle by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high to very high with storm force winds. Moderate to heavy swell.  303 WOAU03 AMMC 221814 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1814UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 43S127E 50S136E 57S136E to low 969hPa near 55S131E. Forecast 44S135E 52S142E 56S140E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC, 47S145E 54S150E 58S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC, 47S151E 56S158E 59S154E to low 963hPa near 58S148E at 231200UTC, 48S160E 57S167E 61S163E to low 963hPa near 59S155E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S126E 52S122E 60S138E 62S147E 59S160E 52S160E 43S126E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 660nm west of front. Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 240nm of low in sectors from south through north to east. Clockwise winds increasing to 45/55 knots within 150nm of low in northwest semicircle by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high to very high with storm force winds. Moderate to heavy swell.  304 WOAU43 AMMC 221814 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1814UTC 22 April 2019 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 43S127E 50S136E 57S136E to low 969hPa near 55S131E. Forecast 44S135E 52S142E 56S140E to low 964hPa near 56S135E at 230000UTC, 47S145E 54S150E 58S147E to low 962hPa near 57S140E at 230600UTC, 47S151E 56S158E 59S154E to low 963hPa near 58S148E at 231200UTC, 48S160E 57S167E 61S163E to low 963hPa near 59S155E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 43S126E 52S122E 60S138E 62S147E 59S160E 52S160E 43S126E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 660nm west of front. Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 240nm of low in sectors from south through north to east. Clockwise winds increasing to 45/55 knots within 150nm of low in northwest semicircle by 230000UTC. Rough to very rough seas rising to high to very high with storm force winds. Moderate to heavy swell.  518 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221815 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 221815/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0221 W06649 - N0123 W06238 - S0133 W05807 - S0625 W06207 - S0221 W06649 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  875 WSCN22 CWAO 221816 CZEG SIGMET D3 VALID 221815/222215 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF /N6650 W13608/45 SW CZFM SFC/FL030 QS NC RMK GFACN35=  042 WSCN02 CWAO 221816 CZEG SIGMET D3 VALID 221815/222215 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SEV TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF N6650 W13608 SFC/FL030 QS NC=  509 WWUS81 KOKX 221817 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 217 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYZ078>081-177-179-221900- Southwest Suffolk-Northwest Suffolk-Southeast Suffolk-Northern Nassau-Northeast Suffolk-Southern Nassau- 217 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SUFFOLK AND CENTRAL NASSAU COUNTIES... At 216 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bridgehampton to Manorville to near Captree State Park. Movement was northwest at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Islip, Brentwood, Levittown, Commack, Riverhead, Huntington Station, Centereach, Shirley, Deer Park, Lindenhurst, Plainview, Medford, Hauppauge, Ronkonkoma and Syosset. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this line of storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4065 7336 4067 7309 4075 7290 4066 7337 4078 7375 4092 7356 4090 7349 4095 7349 4091 7342 4096 7339 4091 7322 4098 7312 4099 7264 4107 7247 4101 7236 4103 7234 4096 7213 4087 7235 4062 7323 TIME...MOT...LOC 1816Z 114DEG 29KT 4095 7225 4084 7278 4067 7321 $$ DS  929 WWCN16 CWHX 221819 WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:49 P.M. NDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR: =NEW= CHANNEL-PORT AUX BASQUES AND VICINITY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING STRONG EASTERLY WIND GUSTS WILL QUICKLY INCREASE IN THE WRECKHOUSE AREA TUESDAY EVENING TO GUSTS TO 130 KM/H. WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO DIMINISH BELOW WARNING CRITERIA ON WEDNESDAY. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. DRIVERS MAY LOSE CONTROL OF THEIR VEHICLES(SEMICOLON) TALL VEHICLES ARE AT RISK OF BEING OVERTURNED. WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  055 WSBZ31 SBCW 221819 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S2202 W05802 - S1951 W05825 - S1745 W05749 - S1714 W05402 - S2126 W04944 - S2150 W04838 - S2232 W04741 - S2257 W04744 - S2324 W04711 - S2314 W04607 - S2340 W04531 - S2459 W04644 - S2219 W05219 - S2202 W0 5802 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  373 WSBZ31 SBCW 221819 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE F CST WI S2310 W05035 - S2739 W05104 - S2955 W04755 - S2608 W04432 - S2456 W04650 - S2310 W05035 FL140/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  459 WSFR34 LFPW 221821 LFMM SIGMET 8 VALID 221815/222000 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4115 E00815 - N4115 E00800 - N4145 E00600 - N4215 E00615 - N4145 E00815 - N4115 E00815 TOP FL320 MOV NW 30KT NC=  058 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 221815/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0221 W06649 - N0123 W06238- S0133 W05807 - S0625 W06207 - S0221 W06649 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  059 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 221530/221830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1748 W05743 - S1943 W05808 - S2202 W05800 - S2216 W05550 - S2402 W05521 - S2353 W05428 - S2439 W05421 - S2330 W05232 - S2040 W05038 - S1932 W05135 - S1719 W05357 - S1733 W05440 - S1748 W05743 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  060 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 221553/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 13 221540/221940=  108 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 221703/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2502 W04126 - S2940W03355 - S3211 W03751 - S2842 W04521 - S2645 W04345 - S2502 W04126 FL130/220 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  109 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 221530/221830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2437 W05422 - S2916 W04554 - S2619 W04308 - S2042 W05035 - S2332 W05230 - S2437 W05422 FL130/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  110 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0626 W04736 - S0551 W04556- S0627 W04501 - S0825 W04605 - S0626 W04736 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  111 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 221608/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0303 W04209 - N0055 W04047 -S0016 W03824 - S0211 W03855 - S0356 W04057 - S0303 W04209 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  112 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 221605/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0953 W06349 - S0720 W05259- S1654 W05314 - S1751 W05759 - S1608 W05832 - S1555 W06004 - S1323 W06039 - S1154 W06419 - S0953 W06349 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  113 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 221616/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0750 W05052 - S0720 W04929- S0937 W04758 - S0944 W04856 - S1005 W04858 - S0750 W05052 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  114 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 221617/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0101 W03117 - S0308W03048 - S0247 W02553 - S0000 W02622 - S0101 W03117 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  115 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0034 W05245 - N0221W04927 - S0346 W04213 - S0542 W04421 - N0031 W05237 - N0034 W05245 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  116 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221540/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0952 W06325 - S0727 W05255- S1654 W05307 - S1759 W05749 - S1615 W05822 - S1604 W06005 - S1347 W06037 - S1155 W06414 - S0952 W06325 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  241 WGUS85 KTFX 221825 FLSTFX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Great Falls MT 1225 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MTC059-242045- /O.EXT.KTFX.FA.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-190424T2045Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Meagher MT- 1225 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Great Falls has extended the * Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Central Meagher County in central Montana... * Until 245 PM MDT Wednesday. * A small stream flood advisory remains in effect for the central and northern portions of Meagher County. Recent rainfall and snowmelt continue to allow for the North Fork of the Smith River to exceed bankful on the north side of the city of White Sulphur Springs. Additional minor flooding from small streams is possible over the northern portions of the county. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. && LAT...LON 4661 11041 4646 11078 4644 11125 4662 11132 4665 11141 4682 11152 4684 11164 4689 11161 4691 11165 4692 11154 4700 11153 4701 11117 4708 11116 4709 11109 4701 11108 4698 11092 $$ Brusda  122 WXFJ02 NFFN 221825 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY SEVEN FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 6.25AM ON TUESDAY THE 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD WARNING A FLOOD WARNING IS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF RAKIRAKI TOWN. FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND VITI LEVU; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAVOLAU STATION OF THE UPPER REWA RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER. LEVEL AT RAKIRAKI STATION WAS 2.89M AT 6.00AM WHICH IS 0.39M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND INCREASING. LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 3.98M AT 6.00AM WHICH IS 0.48M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT NAVOLAU STATION WAS 6.04M AT 6.00AM WHICH IS 0.04M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND DECREASING; SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECTS THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. TIDE HEIGHT TIME HIGH 2.05M 08.54AM LOW 0.51M 03.17PM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 9.25AM OR EARLIER.  349 WSMG31 FMMI 221828 FMMM SIGMET A5 VALID 221828/230028 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR OCNL EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E04618 - S1338 E04819 - S1420 E05524 - S1000 E05526 - S1000 E04618 TOP FL520 MOV W INTSF=  816 WWUS83 KDVN 221828 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 128 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC131-IAC115-221900- Mercer-Louisa- 128 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHERN MERCER AND CENTRAL LOUISA COUNTIES UNTIL 200 PM CDT... At 128 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Columbus City to Aledo. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and penny size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Aledo, Wapello, Viola, Millersburg, Matherville, New Boston, Sherrard, Grandview, Reynolds, Eliza, Joy, Hamlet, Cable, Shale City, Boden, Mannon, Preemption, Aledo Mercer County Airport, Gingle Corners and Petersville. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4133 9121 4133 9043 4131 9044 4115 9066 4118 9136 TIME...MOT...LOC 1828Z 237DEG 31KT 4120 9134 4121 9072 $$ Gibbs  339 WSSC31 FSIA 221825 FSSS SIGMET 05 VALID 221850/222250 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0710 E05418 - S0917 E04843 - S0949 E05722 - S0723 E05703 - S0710 E05418 TOP ABV FL390 NC=  912 WOAU02 AMMC 221832 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1832UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Cold front 42S099E 47S110E to low 971hPa near 53S096E. Forecast 42S110E 50S122E to low 974hPa near 53S109E at 230600UTC and 43S123E 53S135E to low 978hPa near 55S124E at 231800UTC. Warm front 47S114E to low 971hPa near 53S096E. Forecast 50S127E 52S119E to low 974hPa near 53S109E at 230600UTC and 54S139E to low 978hPa near 55S124E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 45S088E 42S100E 44S126E 53S139E 54S136E 54S119E 52S088E 45S088E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 300nm east of cold front, north of warm front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm west of cold front, becoming clockwise 34/47 knots within 300nm of low. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of cold front. Moderate to heavy swell.  913 WOAU12 AMMC 221832 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1832UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Cold front 42S099E 47S110E to low 971hPa near 53S096E. Forecast 42S110E 50S122E to low 974hPa near 53S109E at 230600UTC and 43S123E 53S135E to low 978hPa near 55S124E at 231800UTC. Warm front 47S114E to low 971hPa near 53S096E. Forecast 50S127E 52S119E to low 974hPa near 53S109E at 230600UTC and 54S139E to low 978hPa near 55S124E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 45S088E 42S100E 44S126E 53S139E 54S136E 54S119E 52S088E 45S088E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 300nm east of cold front, north of warm front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm west of cold front, becoming clockwise 34/47 knots within 300nm of low. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of cold front. Moderate to heavy swell.  914 WOAU42 AMMC 221832 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1832UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Cold front 42S099E 47S110E to low 971hPa near 53S096E. Forecast 42S110E 50S122E to low 974hPa near 53S109E at 230600UTC and 43S123E 53S135E to low 978hPa near 55S124E at 231800UTC. Warm front 47S114E to low 971hPa near 53S096E. Forecast 50S127E 52S119E to low 974hPa near 53S109E at 230600UTC and 54S139E to low 978hPa near 55S124E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 45S088E 42S100E 44S126E 53S139E 54S136E 54S119E 52S088E 45S088E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 300nm east of cold front, north of warm front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm west of cold front, becoming clockwise 34/47 knots within 300nm of low. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of cold front. Moderate to heavy swell.  975 WGUS82 KFFC 221832 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 232 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Georgia... Coosa River near Plant Hammond affecting Floyd County GAC115-221902- /O.CAN.KFFC.FL.W.0186.000000T0000Z-190422T1832Z/ /HMMG1.1.ER.190420T1721Z.190421T1800Z.190422T1400Z.NO/ 232 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Coosa River near Plant Hammond. * This takes effect immediately. * Until Wednesday December 31. * At 2 PM Monday the stage was 569.6 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 570 feet. * The river will continue to fall. * Between 568 and 570 feet, bankfull conditions occur upstream and downstream along the river from the gage behind Plant Hammond. && LAT...LON 3425 8531 3420 8536 3421 8539 3427 8542 3428 8537 $$  564 WSFR34 LFPW 221832 LFMM SIGMET 9 VALID 221900/222300 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4430 E00700 - N4400 E00700 - N4315 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4300 E00345 - N4430 E00700 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  523 WSCR31 LEMM 221833 GCCC SIGMET 4 VALID 221832/222232 GCGC- GCCC CANARIAS UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N28 W01750 - N2620 W012 - N2450 W01250 - N2710 W01820 - N28 W01750 FL300/360 MOV SE WKN=  087 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221835 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 221840/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0449 W07145 - S0419 W06938 - S0705 W06625 - S0822 W06753 - S0449 W07145 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  795 WSMS31 WMKK 221839 WMFC SIGMET D01 VALID 221840/222240 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0525 E09902 - N0642 E09903 - N0623 E10046 - N0456 E10030 - N0525 E09902 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  979 WSUY31 SUMU 221845 SUEO SIGMET 1 VALID 221845/222245 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3217 W05817- S3235 W05558- S3341 W05602- S3340 W05830- S3217 W05817- FL 130/170 MOV E 05KT NC=  203 WSPF22 NTAA 221839 NTTT SIGMET B4 VALID 221800/222200 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE WI S2000 W14740 - S3000 W13000 - S3000 W13720 - S2000 W15230 FL130/210 STNR NC=  236 WANO35 ENMI 221840 ENBD AIRMET D05 VALID 221900/222300 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6815 E01735 - N6820 E01335 - N7000 E01730 - N7100 E02240 - N6920 E02115 - N6815 E01735 3000FT/FL210 STNR NC=  177 WSAJ31 UBBB 221841 UBBB SIGMET 4 VALID 221900/222300 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST TOP FL340 MOV NE 40KT NC=  595 WSMS31 WMKK 221840 WMFC SIGMET E01 VALID 221840/222240 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0815 E09541 - N0957 E09519 - N0956 E09626 - N0845 E09712 - N0815 E09541 TOP FL530 MOV SW NC=  736 WGUS81 KOKX 221842 FLSOKX Flood Advisory National Weather Service New York NY 242 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC103-222015- /O.NEW.KOKX.FA.Y.0021.190422T1842Z-190422T2015Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Suffolk NY- 242 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Suffolk County in southeastern New York... * Until 415 PM EDT. * At 241 PM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Up to one inch of rain has already fallen with an additional half to one inch of rain expected. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Islip, Brentwood, Commack, Riverhead, Huntington Station, Centereach, Shirley, Deer Park, Lindenhurst, Medford, Southold, Hauppauge, Ronkonkoma, Manorville and Stony Brook. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4083 7247 4061 7341 4086 7345 4093 7316 4097 7314 4099 7264 4120 7219 4120 7216 4112 7233 4105 7226 4107 7216 4103 7211 4108 7211 4109 7215 4119 7213 4120 7213 4105 7200 4109 7191 4108 7186 $$ DS  592 WWUS83 KDVN 221842 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 142 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC073-161-IAC139-163-221930- Rock Island-Henry-Scott-Muscatine- 142 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT ROCK ISLAND... NORTHWESTERN HENRY...SOUTHERN SCOTT AND MUSCATINE COUNTIES UNTIL 230 PM CDT... At 142 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Columbus Junction to near Matherville. Movement was northeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Silvis, Geneseo, Colona, Milan, Coal Valley, West Liberty, Hampton, Orion, Walcott, Blue Grass, Buffalo, Andalusia, Rapids City and Reynolds. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 2 and 5. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 19. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 20. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 2 and 18. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4129 9043 4133 9043 4134 9137 4140 9133 4158 9129 4158 9070 4157 9046 4157 9040 4158 9037 4157 8988 TIME...MOT...LOC 1842Z 241DEG 38KT 4131 9134 4131 9060 $$ Gibbs  411 WOAU45 AMMC 221843 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1843UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Cold front forecast 39S069E 46S078E to low 991hPa near 47S076E at 230000UTC, 41S077E 45S082E 48S083E to low 982hPa near 48S080E at 230600UTC, 41S082E 48S092E 50S088E to low 974hPa near 50S085E at 231200UTC, 41S086E 46S095E 50S098E to low 980hPa near 50S091E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S101E 43S088E 42S080E 50S080E 51S098E 46S101E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 240nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 480nm west of front, becoming clockwise 34/47 knots within 150nm of low. Rough to very rough seas rising to very rough to high west of front. Moderate to heavy swell.  412 WOAU05 AMMC 221843 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1843UTC 22 April 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Cold front forecast 39S069E 46S078E to low 991hPa near 47S076E at 230000UTC, 41S077E 45S082E 48S083E to low 982hPa near 48S080E at 230600UTC, 41S082E 48S092E 50S088E to low 974hPa near 50S085E at 231200UTC, 41S086E 46S095E 50S098E to low 980hPa near 50S091E at 231800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S101E 43S088E 42S080E 50S080E 51S098E 46S101E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 240nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 480nm west of front, becoming clockwise 34/47 knots within 150nm of low. Rough to very rough seas rising to very rough to high west of front. Moderate to heavy swell.  144 WSBZ31 SBRE 221843 SBRE SIGMET 10 VALID 221840/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0619 W04448 - S0652 W04430 - S0840 W04439 - S0850 W04538 - S0824 W04605 - S0807 W04546 - S0619 W04 448 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  145 WWNZ40 NZKL 221841 GALE WARNING 418 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 221800UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. IN A BELT 420 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 67S 162W 60S 157W 57S 155W: SOUTHWEST 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA SLOW MOVING. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 415.  146 WWNZ40 NZKL 221842 GALE WARNING 419 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 221800UTC IN A BELT 240 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 58S 168W 56S 164W 54S 160W: SOUTHWEST 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING NORTHEAST 40KT.  179 WWNZ40 NZKL 221840 GALE WARNING 417 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 221800UTC LOW 952HPA NEAR 56S 137W MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 40KT. WITHIN 600 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN NORTHERN SEMICIRCLE: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 414.  446 WWCN12 CWTO 221845 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:45 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THE HIGHEST RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE EXPECTED OVER SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF THE REGION, INCLUDING TIMMINS. PRECIPITATION HAS CHANGED TO RAIN FOR SOUTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION AND WILL PERSIST INTO TUESDAY. LESSER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE ANTICIPATED FOR NORTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION WHERE MORE SNOW WILL FALL. NORTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING COCHRANE PRECIPITATION WILL CHANGE TO SNOW WITH LOCAL AMOUNTS POSSIBLY REACHING 15 CM BY TUESDAY EVENING. THERE IS SOME UNCERTAINTY ABOUT WHERE THE CHANGEOVER FROM RAIN TO SNOW WILL BE WITH TEMPERATURES BEING VERY CLOSE TO ZERO. SOME AREAS WILL GET A MESSY MIX OF BOTH RAIN AND SNOW. THERE IS ALSO A RISK OR FREEZING RAIN OVERNIGHT INTO TUESDAY MORNING. PRECIPITATION WILL TAPER OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES TUESDAY NIGHT. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  180 WWCN12 CWTO 221846 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:46 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING ENDED FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  449 WSUS33 KKCI 221855 SIGW MKCW WST 221855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 222055-230055 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  450 WSUS31 KKCI 221855 SIGE MKCE WST 221855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7E VALID UNTIL 2055Z RI CT NY AND MA RI NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 10NW HTO-30SSW PVD-40SW ACK LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 14020KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 222055-230055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  451 WSUS32 KKCI 221855 SIGC MKCC WST 221855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 222055-230055 AREA 1...FROM RHI-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-TCS-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  373 WSSD20 OEJD 221846 COR OEJD SIGMET 04 VALID 221530/221900 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS N OF N18 S OF N26 E OF E45 MOV S NC=  936 WSSD20 OEJD 221846 COR OEJD SIGMET 04 VALID 221530/221900 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS N OF N18 S OF N26 E OF E45 MOV S NC=  937 WWIN81 VOCL 221845 VOCL 221815Z AD WRNG1 VALID 221845/222245 TSRA FCST NC=  364 WWCN11 CWHX 221848 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NOVA SCOTIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:48 P.M. ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: LUNENBURG COUNTY QUEENS COUNTY SHELBURNE COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== PERIODS OF RAIN ASSOCIATED WITH A VERY SLOW MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM WILL PERSIST OVER THE PROVINCE FOR THE NEXT 36 TO 48 HOURS. THE HIGHEST RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE ALONG THE SOUTH SHORE OF NOVA SCOTIA, WHERE AN ADDITIONAL 40 TO 60 MM OF RAINFALL IS POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY NIGHT. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. RAINFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  642 WSPA08 PHFO 221849 SIGPAU KZAK SIGMET UNIFORM 2 VALID 221850/222250 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0520 W16400 - N0150 W16340 - N0040 W17350 - N0420 W17330 - N0520 W16400. CB TOPS TO FL560. MOV W 5KT. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  314 WWIN81 VOCL 221848 VOCL 221815Z AD WRNG1 VALID 221845/222245 TSRA FCST NC=  643 WSSD20 OEJD 221851 OEJD SIGMET 06 VALID 221900/222300 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS N OF N17 S OF N23 W OF E50 E OF E43 MOV S NC=  812 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBRE SIGMET 10 VALID 221840/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0619 W04448 - S0652 W04430 -S0840 W04439 - S0850 W04538 - S0824 W04605 - S0807 W04546 - S0619 W04448 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  813 WSBZ01 SBBR 221800 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 221840/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W07145 - S0419 W06938- S0705 W06625 - S0822 W06753 - S0449 W07145 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  134 WSSD20 OEJD 221851 OEJD SIGMET 06 VALID 221900/222300 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS N OF N17 S OF N23 W OF E50 E OF E43 MOV S NC=  635 WOCN11 CWHX 221847 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NOVA SCOTIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:47 P.M. ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: HALIFAX METRO AND HALIFAX COUNTY WEST HALIFAX COUNTY - EAST OF PORTERS LAKE YARMOUTH COUNTY DIGBY COUNTY ANNAPOLIS COUNTY KINGS COUNTY HANTS COUNTY COLCHESTER COUNTY - TRURO AND SOUTH COLCHESTER COUNTY - COBEQUID BAY CUMBERLAND COUNTY - MINAS SHORE CUMBERLAND COUNTY NORTH AND COBEQUID PASS COLCHESTER COUNTY NORTH PICTOU COUNTY ANTIGONISH COUNTY GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM TO SOAK THE PROVINCE OVER THE NEXT TWO DAYS. A SLOW-MOVING WEATHER SYSTEM APPROACHING FROM THE SOUTHWEST IS BRINGING RAIN TO THE PROVINCE, WHICH IS EXPECTED TO PERSIST TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. A RAINFALL WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THE SOUTH SHORE OF THE PROVINCE WHERE BETWEEN 40 TO 60 MM OF ADDITIONAL RAIN IS POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY NIGHT. THE REMAINDER OF MAINLAND NOVA SCOTIA WILL SEE BETWEEN 25 AND 50 MM OF ADDITIONAL RAIN OVER THE NEXT 36 TO 48 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  097 WSSD20 OEJD 221854 OEJD SIGMET 07 VALID 221900/222300 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N20 W OF E45 TOP ABV FL380 MOV E NC=  080 WSSD20 OEJD 221854 OEJD SIGMET 07 VALID 221900/222300 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N20 W OF E45 TOP ABV FL380 MOV E NC=  423 WGUS83 KIND 221857 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 257 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is no longer in effect for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... Driftwood River... .The Driftwood River near Edinburgh has fallen below flood stage in central Indiana. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Be alert to flood debris on previously flooded roads. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. INC005-081-145-221927- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0190.000000T0000Z-190423T0412Z/ /DREI3.1.ER.190421T1215Z.190422T0300Z.190422T1707Z.NO/ 257 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Driftwood River near Edinburgh 2 SW. * At 2:30 PM Monday the stage was 10.9 feet. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at Mon 01:07 PM. * Forecast...It will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3936 8595 3922 8595 3922 8592 3920 8591 3920 8597 3937 8601 $$  311 WSBZ31 SBRE 221858 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 221859/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0355 W04057 - S0548 W04133 - S0527 W04353 - S0442 W04323 - S0428 W04309 - S0410 W04231 - S0302 W04 209 - S0355 W04057 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  507 WSPR31 SPIM 221859 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 221859/222200 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1830Z N OF LINE S0249 W07210 - S0331 W07231 - S0325 W07024 - S0246 W07005 TOP FL440 MOV NW INTSF=  719 WOPS01 NFFN 221800 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  320 WWIN81 VOCI 221900 VOCI 221845Z AD WRNG 2 VALID 221845/222245 TS OBS NC=  742 WSMO31 ZMUB 221900 ZMUB SIGMET 04 VALID 222000/230200 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4606 E09201 - N4940 E09422 - N5026 E10008 - N5018 E10628 - N4934 E11255 - N4657 E11616 - N4716 E10515 - N4606 E09201 FL260/400 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  945 WGUS43 KMQT 221904 FLWMQT BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Marquette MI 304 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Minor to Moderate Severity for the following rivers in Michigan... Sturgeon River near Alston affecting Baraga and Houghton Counties .Rainfall amounts of around 1.25 to 1.75 inches has occurred over the Sturgeon River basin since Sunday morning with the majority of that rain occurring since last evening. Runoff from the melting snowpack over the higher terrain continues. Additional moderate to heavy rain will occur through tonight which will enable the river to rise above the moderate flood stage and then remain above the minor flood stage through the end of the week. Rain will diminish later tonight, but the river is expected to remain above bankfull into the weekend. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 11 P.M. EDT, Monday. && MIC013-061-230902- /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190427T1200Z/ /ALSM4.2.RS.190421T1152Z.190423T0600Z.190426T1200Z.NO/ 304 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Forecast flooding increased from Minor to Moderate severity... The Flood Warning continues for The Sturgeon River near Alston. * At 2:30 PM Monday the stage was 10.9 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 11.7 feet by late tonight. The river will fall below flood stage Friday morning. * At 11.0 feet...Additional homes and structures near the river are impacted and evacuations may be necessary. Water levels may reach the bottom of Froberg bridge in addition to other bridges that cross the river. * At 8.0 feet...Homes and structures along the low lying areas and numerous roads become impacted by flood water. In Houghton County...Sturgeon River Road...Aho Road...and Rajala Road are impacted. In Baraga County...Sturgeon Road...Halonen Road and Usitalo Road are impacted. Along Froberg Road...Tahtinen Road... Irwin Road...Oliver Road...and Shirley Road are impacted.. && LAT...LON 4672 8872 4683 8866 4692 8861 4692 8848 4687 8850 4672 8860 $$ JSS  184 WSRA31 RUKR 221905 UNKL SIGMET 3 VALID 222000/230000 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6833 E08320 - N6806 E08600 - N6720 E09200 - N6728 E09432 - N6252 E09337 - N6327 E08448 - N6633 E08247 - N6801 E08052 - N6833 E08320 SFC/FL100 MOV E 30KMH NC=  444 WAIY31 LIIB 221826 LIMM AIRMET 29 VALID 221840/222040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4652 E01037 - N4630 E00819 - N4548 E00639 - N4505 E00634 - N4423 E00647 - N4342 E00733 - N4420 E00830 - N4431 E00924 - N4405 E01018 - N4339 E01056 - N4337 E01251 - N4422 E01115 - N4454 E00929 - N4436 E00817 - N4428 E00733 - N4459 E00727 - N4534 E00831 - N4538 E00945 - N4604 E01048 - N4652 E01037 STNR NC=  460 WAIY31 LIIB 221828 LIMM AIRMET 30 VALID 221840/222040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4631 E00948 - N4510 E01315 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  655 WAIY31 LIIB 221830 LIMM AIRMET 31 VALID 221840/222040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4431 E00835 - N4349 E00733 - N4307 E00944 - N4344 E00950 - N4431 E00835 STNR NC=  187 WUUS53 KDVN 221910 SVRDVN ILC161-IAC139-163-222015- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0007.190422T1910Z-190422T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 210 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Rock Island County in northwestern Illinois... Scott County in east central Iowa... Eastern Muscatine County in east central Iowa... * Until 315 PM CDT. * At 210 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Muscatine, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Silvis, Eldridge, Milan, Le Claire, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott, Blue Grass, Buffalo, Andalusia, Rapids City, Princeton, Long Grove and Riverdale. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 282 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 4. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4153 9023 4152 9030 4151 9031 4151 9034 4149 9037 4133 9103 4145 9115 4176 9062 4177 9060 4177 9059 4176 9058 4177 9056 4177 9048 4155 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 1910Z 240DEG 34KT 4143 9103 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  568 WSNT07 KKCI 221920 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 6 VALID 221920/222320 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1920Z WI N3300 W04745 - N2915 W04245 - N2545 W04315 - N2515 W04545 - N3115 W04915 - N3300 W04745. TOP FL390. MOV NW 20KT. WKN.  727 WSPK31 OPLA 221910 OPLA SIGMET 002 VALID 222000/222359 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 32N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  301 WSPK31 OPLA 221910 OPLA SIGMET 02 VALID 222000/222359 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 32N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  107 WSPR31 SPIM 221914 SPIM SIGMET A2 VALID 221915/222230 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1850Z WI S1301 W07417 - S1402 W07444 - S1502 W07410 - S1503 W07324 - S1405 W07415 - S1319 W07401 - S1302 W07405 - S1301 W07417 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  693 WHUS71 KPHI 221916 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 316 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ450>452-222030- /O.CAN.KPHI.SC.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- 316 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. Seas have subsided to less than 5 feet. Therefore, the Small Craft Advisory has been cancelled. $$ MPS  682 WHUS71 KGYX 221918 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 318 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ150-152-154-230930- /O.EXT.KGYX.SC.Y.0051.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 318 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  388 WWUS53 KDVN 221918 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 218 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC161-IAC139-163-222015- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Rock Island IL-Scott IA-Muscatine IA- 218 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL ROCK ISLAND...SCOTT AND NORTHEASTERN MUSCATINE COUNTIES... At 218 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Fairport, or 7 miles northeast of Muscatine, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Silvis, Eldridge, Milan, Le Claire, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott, Blue Grass, Buffalo, Andalusia, Rapids City, Princeton, Long Grove and Riverdale. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 282 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 3. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 13. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4153 9023 4152 9030 4151 9031 4151 9034 4149 9037 4139 9093 4142 9101 4151 9105 4176 9062 4177 9060 4177 9059 4176 9058 4177 9056 4177 9048 4155 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 1918Z 240DEG 34KT 4147 9094 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  634 WSPR31 SPIM 221922 SPIM SIGMET B7 VALID 221923/222230 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1850Z WI S0630 W07912 - S0601 W07829 - S0742 W07756 - S0742 W07811 - S0710 W07843 - S0630 W07912 TOP FL380 MOV NW STNR NC=  001 WWPK20 OPKC 221922 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 1900 UTC DATED 22-04-2019 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I: NIL. PART –II: NIL PART -III: FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND SW/W'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 24KT NORTH OF 24N. SW/NW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH IN NORTHEASTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO.2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SW/NW'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 24KT NORTH OF 24N. SW’LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH NORTHWESTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO.3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12ºN/55ºE, 12ºN/63ºE, 20°N/58°E, 20ºN/67ºE) WIND NW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 24KT NORTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 65E. NW/SW'LY 10-15KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 65E. NE/NW'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT SOUTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 63E. SE/NE'LY 05-10KT GUSTING 15KT SOUTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 63E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH IN NORTHEASTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO.4 GULF OF ADEN WIND SE/E'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT WEST OF 50E. SE'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 17KT EAST OF 50E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF DRIZZLE. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN DRIZZLE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT.  355 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0626 W04736 - S0551 W04556- S0627 W04501 - S0825 W04605 - S0626 W04736 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  356 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 221710/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0034 W05245 - N0221W04927 - S0346 W04213 - S0542 W04421 - N0031 W05237 - N0034 W05245 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  420 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 221540/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0952 W06325 - S0727 W05255- S1654 W05307 - S1759 W05749 - S1615 W05822 - S1604 W06005 - S1347 W06037 - S1155 W06414 - S0952 W06325 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  421 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 221815/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0221 W06649 - N0123 W06238- S0133 W05807 - S0625 W06207 - S0221 W06649 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  422 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBRE SIGMET 10 VALID 221840/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0619 W04448 - S0652 W04430 -S0840 W04439 - S0850 W04538 - S0824 W04605 - S0807 W04546 - S0619 W04448 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  423 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 221617/222008 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0101 W03117 - S0308W03048 - S0247 W02553 - S0000 W02622 - S0101 W03117 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  424 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 221859/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0355 W04057 - S0548 W04133 -S0527 W04353 - S0442 W04323 - S0428 W04309 - S0410 W04231 - S0302 W04209 - S0355 W04057 TOP FL440 STNRNC=  425 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 221605/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0953 W06349 - S0720 W05259- S1654 W05314 - S1751 W05759 - S1608 W05832 - S1555 W06004 - S1323 W06039 - S1154 W06419 - S0953 W06349 TOPFL440 STNR NC=  426 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 221840/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W07145 - S0419 W06938- S0705 W06625 - S0822 W06753 - S0449 W07145 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  427 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 221608/222008 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0303 W04209 - N0055 W04047 -S0016 W03824 - S0211 W03855 - S0356 W04057 - S0303 W04209 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  428 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 221553/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 13 221540/221940=  429 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 221616/221940 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0750 W05052 - S0720 W04929- S0937 W04758 - S0944 W04856 - S1005 W04858 - S0750 W05052 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  742 WSIY33 LIIB 221926 LIBB SIGMET 4 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4252 E01529 - N4157 E01357 - N4125 E01427 - N4111 E01507 - N3912 E01621 - N4035 E01859 - N4106 E01850 - N4252 E01529 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  743 WSIY32 LIIB 221926 LIRR SIGMET 8 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3900 E00805 - N4250 E01304 - N4122 E01423 - N4107 E01507 - N3859 E01622 - N3626 E01708 - N3628 E01129 - N3728 E01128 - N3900 E00805 SFC/FL120 STNR NC=  506 WHUS71 KOKX 221926 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 326 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ350-353-230900- /O.EXT.KOKX.SW.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm- Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- 326 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT TUESDAY... * SEAS...5 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and are hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swells can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember that breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$ ANZ355-230900- /O.CON.KOKX.SW.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 326 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY FOR HAZARDOUS SEAS REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... * SEAS...4 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory for hazardous seas means that seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and are hazardous to small craft. Mariners should avoid shoaling areas. Long period swells can sharpen into large breaking waves in shoaling areas. It is not unusual for waves to break much farther from shoaling areas than is normally experienced. Remember that breaking waves can easily capsize even larger vessels. && $$  469 WSNT10 KKCI 221930 SIGA0J KZWY KZMA SIGMET JULIETT 22 VALID 221930/222330 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1930Z WI N3000 W07100 - N2800 W06800 - N2445 W06930 - N2415 W07215 - N2615 W07300 - N3000 W07100. TOP FL380. STNR. NC.  809 WWCN12 CWTO 221927 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:27 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SEARCHMONT - MONTREAL RIVER HARBOUR - BATCHAWANA BAY AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK CHAPLEAU - GOGAMA KIRKLAND LAKE - NEW LISKEARD - TEMAGAMI ELLIOT LAKE - RANGER LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. RAIN WILL CONTINUE TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. PRECIPITATION WILL TAPER OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES TUESDAY NIGHT. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  366 WHUS73 KAPX 221927 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 327 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LHZ345-LMZ323-341-342-344>346-LSZ321-322-230330- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0028.190423T0400Z-190424T0300Z/ Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island- Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI-Seul Choix Point to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- Whitefish Bay (U.S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI- St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay- 327 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 11 PM EDT TUESDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect from midnight tonight to 11 PM EDT Tuesday. * Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ LHZ346>349-230330- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0028.190423T0400Z-190424T0900Z/ St Ignace to False Detour Channel- 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary-Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 327 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect from midnight tonight to 5 AM EDT Wednesday. * Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$  485 WSNT07 KKCI 221930 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 7 VALID 221930/222330 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1930Z WI N3215 W04700 - N2915 W04315 - N2345 W04430 - N2245 W04845 - N2730 W05115 - N3215 W04700. TOP FL400. STNR. INTSF.  029 WSUS32 KKCI 221928 SIGC MKCC WST 221928 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 54C VALID UNTIL 2155Z IL IA 40E IOW ISOL SEV TS D20 MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL410. HAIL TO 1 IN POSS. ...SPECIAL... OUTLOOK VALID 222055-230055 AREA 1...FROM RHI-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-TCS-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  268 WGUS81 KCLE 221930 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 330 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Scioto River Near Prospect PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive your car through flooded roadways. The water may be deeper than it appears. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and other local media for further details and updates. && OHC101-230331- /O.CON.KCLE.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190424T0336Z/ /PRGO1.1.ER.190421T1710Z.190422T1700Z.190423T2136Z.NO/ 330 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning continues for The Scioto River Near Prospect. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 3:00 PM Monday the stage was...10.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The river will fall to below flood stage by Tuesday afternoon. * At 10.0 feet...Highway 203 is inaccessible north of Prospect. Flooding occurs near Elm Street in northern parts of Prospect. && LAT...LON 4052 8324 4055 8318 4044 8317 4044 8324 $$ BM  975 WWUS53 KDVN 221931 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 231 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC161-IAC139-163-222015- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Rock Island IL-Scott IA-Muscatine IA- 231 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ROCK ISLAND...SCOTT AND NORTHEASTERN MUSCATINE COUNTIES... At 231 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Blue Grass, or 8 miles west of Davenport, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, East Moline, Silvis, Eldridge, Milan, Le Claire, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott, Blue Grass, Buffalo, Andalusia, Rapids City, Princeton, Long Grove, Riverdale and McCausland. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 285 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 3. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 13. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4153 9023 4152 9030 4151 9031 4151 9034 4149 9037 4141 9079 4148 9086 4156 9087 4175 9055 4177 9048 4155 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 1931Z 244DEG 36KT 4152 9077 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  055 WOCN12 CWTO 221927 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:27 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= FRASERDALE - PLEDGER LAKE =NEW= LITTLE ABITIBI - KESAGAMI LAKE KAPUSKASING - HEARST - SMOOTH ROCK FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW AND POSSIBLE FREEZING RAIN TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. PRECIPITATION WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS EVENING AND MAY BEGIN AS A MIX OF SNOW OR RAIN BEFORE CHANGING TO SNOW LATER IN THE EVENING. THERE IS ALSO A RISK OF FREEZING RAIN OVERNIGHT AND EARLY TUESDAY MORNING. THE SNOW MAY BE HEAVY AT TIMES WITH SNOWFALL AMOUNTS UP TO 20 CM POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THIS WINTRY MIX OF PRECIPITATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH A COLORADO LOW TRACKING THROUGH NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO ON TUESDAY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  053 WSBO31 SLLP 221936 SLLF SIGMET A5 VALID 221936/222336 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 1935Z WI S1450 W06529 - S1602 W06601 - S1709 W06541 - S1753 W06455 - S1803 W06405 - S1824 W06245 - S1824 W06130 - S1756 W06029 - S1704 W06012 - S1620 W05953 - S1550 W06110 - S1511 W06235 - S1435 W06424 - S1453 W06536 - TOP FL390 STNR INTSF=  702 WWIN80 VOBL 221935 VOBL 221930 AD WRNG 3 VALID 222000/222400 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25 KT FROM 110 DEG FCST NC= VOBG 221930 AD WRNG 3 VALID 222000/222400 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25 KT FROM 110 DEG FCST NC=  285 WSIY32 LIIB 221937 LIRR SIGMET 9 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3833 E00918 - N3847 E01307 - N3843 E01439 - N3909 E01552 - N4113 E01328 - N4255 E01025 - N3833 E00918 TOP ABV FL350 STNR WKN=  945 WHUS73 KGRR 221937 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 337 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ844>849-230345- /O.CON.KGRR.SC.Y.0016.190423T0600Z-190424T0000Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 337 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...South winds 10 to 20 knots veering northwest 15 to 25 knots toward daybreak and continuing Tuesday. * WAVES...Waves 2 to 4 feet building to 4 to 6 feet overnight and to 5 to 8 feet on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that winds or waves are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  500 WWUS83 KAPX 221937 RFWAPX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 337 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MIZ017-018-020>036-041-042-099-230000- /O.CON.KAPX.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Cheboygan-Presque Isle-Leelanau-Antrim-Otsego-Montmorency-Alpena- Benzie-Grand Traverse-Kalkaska-Crawford-Oscoda-Alcona-Manistee- Wexford-Missaukee-Roscommon-Ogemaw-Iosco-Gladwin-Arenac- Charlevoix- 337 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR WARM TEMPERATURES, LOW HUMIDITY AND GUSTY SOUTH WINDS FOR MUCH OF NORTHERN LOWER MICHIGAN... * AFFECTED AREA...Much of northern lower Michigan * TEMPERATURES...Highs in the middle to upper 70s. * WIND...Gusty south winds, at times gusting to over 20 mph. * HUMIDITY...20 to 30 percent most areas. Lowest humidity inland, away from the shorelines. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  633 WWUS53 KDVN 221938 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC139-221947- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Muscatine IA- 238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN MUSCATINE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4153 9023 4152 9030 4151 9031 4151 9034 4149 9037 4144 9065 4152 9072 4161 9078 4175 9055 4177 9048 4155 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 1937Z 240DEG 34KT 4155 9070 $$ ILC161-IAC163-222015- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Rock Island IL-Scott IA- 238 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL ROCK ISLAND AND CENTRAL SCOTT COUNTIES... At 237 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Blue Grass, or near Davenport, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, East Moline, Silvis, Eldridge, Milan, Le Claire, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott, Buffalo, Rapids City, Princeton, Long Grove, Riverdale, McCausland, Cleveland and Carbon Cliff. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 285 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 3. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 13. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4153 9023 4152 9030 4151 9031 4151 9034 4149 9037 4144 9065 4152 9072 4161 9078 4175 9055 4177 9048 4155 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 1937Z 240DEG 34KT 4155 9070 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  835 WAIY32 LIIB 221938 LIRR AIRMET 13 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SFC WSPD 35KT FCST WI N4234 E01043 - N3745 E01208 - N3811 E01524 - N3632 E01539 - N3630 E01852 - N3858 E01851 - N3856 E01634 - N4234 E01043 STNR NC=  794 WAIY33 LIIB 221939 LIBB AIRMET 11 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4246 E01537 - N4326 E01432 - N4323 E01343 - N4210 E01452 - N4021 E01716 - N3855 E01630 - N3857 E01855 - N4106 E01854 - N4246 E01537 STNR NC=  850 WAIY32 LIIB 221939 LIRR AIRMET 14 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL150 STNR WKN=  345 WAIY33 LIIB 221940 LIBB AIRMET 12 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST S OF LINE N4223 E01327 - N4235 E01623 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  541 WWCN12 CWTO 221939 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:39 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 20 TO 40 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY MORNING WITH THE HIGHEST AMOUNTS EXPECTED OVER THE WAWA AREA. HIGHER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE FORECAST FARTHER SOUTH TOWARDS AGAWA. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  113 WAIY32 LIIB 221940 LIRR AIRMET 15 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4326 E01022 - N4242 E01100 - N4034 E01458 - N3901 E01605 - N3755 E01444 - N3732 E01450 - N3750 E01554 - N3845 E01638 - N4107 E01503 - N4129 E01417 - N4256 E01304 - N4329 E01315 - N4342 E01108 - N4326 E01022 STNR NC=  388 WAIY33 LIIB 221941 LIBB AIRMET 13 VALID 222005/230005 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4330 E01325 - N4253 E01303 - N4123 E01426 - N4110 E01509 - N3856 E01631 - N3858 E01708 - N4122 E01531 - N4330 E01325 STNR NC=  328 WSID21 WAAA 221937 WAAZ SIGMET 05 VALID 221940/222240 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0059 E12705 - N0005 E12619 - S 0005 E12502 - N0043 E12500 - N0109 E12511 - N0139 E12618 - N0059 E12705 TOP FL520 STNR NC =  575 WWCN12 CWTO 221940 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:40 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: SAULT STE. MARIE - ST. JOSEPH ISLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES CONTINUES. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. PERIODS OF RAIN WILL CONTINUE TONIGHT BEFORE GRADUALLY COMING TO AN END LATE TUESDAY. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 30 TO 50 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. DON'T APPROACH WASHOUTS NEAR RIVERS, CREEKS AND CULVERTS. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  887 WWAK73 PAFG 221941 NPWAFG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 1141 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ219-220-222045- /O.CAN.PAFG.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ Upper Koyukuk Valley-Yukon Flats and Surrounding Uplands- Including Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Caribou Mountain, Gobblers Knob, Fort Yukon, Venetie, Central, Circle, Stevens Village, Beaver, Chalkyitsik, Birch Creek, Circle Hot Springs, Eagle Summit, and Twelvemile Summit 1141 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Fairbanks has cancelled the Wind Advisory. $$ AKZ218-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Southeastern Brooks Range- Including Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT Camp, and Iniakuk Lake 1141 AM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. * TIMING...Gusty winds will continue through Tuesday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that strong winds are occurring or expected. Travel may be difficult. Secure loose objects which may be blown about by the wind. && $$  739 WSID21 WAAA 221937 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 221940/222240 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0148 E13348 - S0241 E13334 - S 0300 E13300 - S0205 E13013 - S0118 E13125 - S0131 E13322 - S0148 E13348 TOP FL530 MOV SSW 5KT NC=  077 ACUS11 KWNS 221942 SWOMCD SPC MCD 221942 ILZ000-WIZ000-IAZ000-MNZ000-222145- Mesoscale Discussion 0419 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0242 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Areas affected...Portions of eastern IA...northwest Illinois...southwest Wisconsin Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 221942Z - 222145Z Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent SUMMARY...Isolated severe storms, capable of producing damaging wind gusts and marginally severe hail, will be possible over the next several hours. A WW is not anticipated at this time. DISCUSSION...A 1012 mb surface low is slowly translating across Iowa, in tandem with a 500-mb shortwave trough and associated differential CVA, providing modest deep-layer ascent to portions of the Upper-Mississippi Valley. Marginal destabilization has transpired over the past few hours, with limited solar radiation penetrating the upper-level cirrus deck and warming the boundary layer. Modest heating is expected to continue, and with the continued deep-layer ascent slowly increasing across the area, a gradual increase in convection may be expected throughout the afternoon hours. The vertical thermodynamic profile across the area is relatively modest, with steep sfc-3km lapse rates at nearly 8 C/km, and 7 C/km lapse rates above 3 km (based on the DVN 18Z observed sounding), but with mediocre low-level moisture (dewpoints mainly below 60F, with a near 20F T/Td spread). As a result, MLCAPE is expected to remain around/below 1000 J/kg through the afternoon, amidst 30-45 knots of effective bulk shear and weak low-level shear, supporting a marginal severe threat. The relatively steep low-level lapse rates may promote damaging wind gusts with the stronger downdrafts. Given the modest lapse rates above 3 km, a few instances of marginally severe hail may also occur. Still, the combination of marginal deep-layer ascent, buoyancy, and vertical wind shear, suggests that the severe threat will be isolated, with a severe WW issuance not expected. ..Squitieri.. 04/22/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...LOT...MKX...DVN...ARX...DMX... LAT...LON 41308989 41709275 42299280 42869248 43479204 43649129 43399056 43068988 42358944 41608924 41308989  402 WHUS73 KIWX 221942 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 342 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ043-046-230345- /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190423T0800Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 342 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...South 15 to 20 knots. Gusts to 25 knots this afternoon and tonight. * WAVES...1 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A small craft advisory means that sustained winds or frequent gusts of 22 to 33 knots are likely...and/or waves greater than 4 feet are expected. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  212 WSPK31 OPLA 221910 OPLR SIGMET 002 VALID 222000/222359 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 32N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  789 WWCN10 CWUL 221939 STORM SURGE WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:39 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STORM SURGE WARNING FOR: QUEBEC AREA COTE-DE-BEAUPRE - L'ILE D'ORLEANS AREA BELLECHASSE AREA LEVIS AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGHER THAN NORMAL WATER LEVELS ARE EXPECTED NEAR THE COAST TUESDAY MORNING. COASTAL FLOOD WARNING ISSUED JOINTLY BY FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA (SCIENCE) AND THE METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGION ON 2019-04-22. A DEVELOPING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM TONIGHT WILL SLOWLY TRACK UP THE US EASTERN SEABOARD OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. IT WILL CAUSE MODERATE TO STRONG WINDS OVER THE QUEBEC CITY AREA. THESE WINDS, IN COMBINATION WITH THE HIGH FLOW OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND THE CURRENT RUN OF HIGH-AMPLITUDE TIDAL RANGES COULD CAUSE MINOR FLOODING ALONG THE COAST IN AND AROUND THE FOLLOWING LOCALITIES, ON THE DATES AND AT THE TIMES SPECIFIED (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME). QUEBEC CITY: 2019-04-23, FROM 09:00 AM TO 12:00 PM. COASTAL EROSION IS POSSIBLE IN VULNERABLE AREAS. PEOPLE CLOSE TO THE SHORELINE SHOULD STAY ON THE LOOKOUT FOR WORSENING CONDITIONS. STORM SURGE WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN WATER LEVELS POSE A THREAT TO COASTAL REGIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  562 WSUS33 KKCI 221955 SIGW MKCW WST 221955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8W VALID UNTIL 2155Z AZ FROM 30N PGS-30S PGS DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 222155-230155 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  563 WSUS31 KKCI 221955 SIGE MKCE WST 221955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8E VALID UNTIL 2155Z MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30W ACK-30NE HTO-30W HTO LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 14020KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 222155-230155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  564 WSUS32 KKCI 221955 SIGC MKCC WST 221955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 55C VALID UNTIL 2155Z IL IA 40SSE DBQ ISOL TS D20 MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 56C VALID UNTIL 2155Z IA FROM 40NW DBQ-50ENE DSM DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL280. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 57C VALID UNTIL 2155Z CO NM FROM 40N CIM-40WSW CIM DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 222155-230155 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-TCS-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  446 WHUS71 KBOX 221945 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ236-230345- /O.EXA.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ Narragansett Bay- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 2 AM EDT Tuesday. * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 5 to 10 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Waves 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ255-256-230345- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ250-254-230345- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary- Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ233-230345- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ Vineyard Sound- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 5 to 10 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 1 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ251-230345- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0059.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ235-237-230345- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ230-230345- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ Boston Harbor- 345 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Waves 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For the latest updates...please visit our webpage at www.weather.gov/boston You can follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NWSBoston You can follow us on Twitter at @NWSBoston  838 WHUS71 KCAR 221946 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 346 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ050-051-230400- /O.CON.KCAR.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 346 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  575 WWCN10 CWUL 221939 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:39 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: =NEW= ABITIBI. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== ICE BUILD-UP DUE TO FREEZING RAIN IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. FREEZING PRECIPITATION AMOUNTS OF 2 TO 4 MILLIMETRES ARE EXPECTED OVER THESE AREAS. FREEZING RAIN WILL BEGIN OVERNIGHT TONIGHT AND END TUESDAY MORNING. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS WILL BECOME ICY, SLIPPERY AND HAZARDOUS. FREEZING RAIN WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN RAIN FALLING IN SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES CREATES ICE BUILD-UP AND ICY SURFACES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  346 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221947 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0545 W05616 - S0355 W05407 - S0848 W04708 - S1017 W04925 - S0545 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  347 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221947 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0821 W04632 - N0132 W05429 - N0251 W05103 - S0343 W04223 - S0542 W04433 - S0749 W04601 - S0821 W 04632 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  348 WSBZ31 SBAZ 221947 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0934 W06512 - S0751 W05926 - S1251 W05315 - S1641 W05327 - S1729 W05740 - S1351 W06015 - S1203 W 06437 - S0934 W06512 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  476 WGUS83 KDMX 221948 FLSDMX Flood Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 247 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for all or portions of the following rivers in Iowa...West Fork Des Moines River... Affecting the following counties in Iowa...Palo Alto...Pocahontas River forecasts include observed precipitation, as well as expected precipitation over the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded area, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, do not drown. More information--including impact statements and crest histories--is available on the Web at... www.weather.gov/desmoines. Click on the Rivers and Lakes link. && IAC147-151-231948- /O.CON.KDMX.FL.W.0038.190423T0600Z-190428T0600Z/ /EMTI4.1.ER.190423T0600Z.190424T0600Z.190427T0600Z.NO/ 247 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until early Saturday morning... The Flood Warning continues for The West Fork Des Moines River at Emmetsburg, or From near Graettinger...to Cylinder Creek near West Bend. * Until early Saturday morning. * At 2:15 PM Monday the stage was 10.9 feet, or 0.1 feet below Flood Stage. * Flood Stage is 11.0 feet. * No flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...rise to Flood Stage after midnight tonight. Continue rising to 11.3 feet, or 0.3 feet above Flood Stage, early Wednesday morning. Then begin falling and go below Flood Stage early Saturday morning. * Impact...At 11.0 feet, Iowa 4 is threatened in areas near the river overpass. The road to the rendering plant is threatened and the road to the sanitary landfill area is closed. && LAT...LON 4309 9475 4326 9483 4326 9471 4294 9444 4279 9444 4309 9475 $$ Zogg  694 WWUS53 KDVN 221948 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 248 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC161-221957- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Rock Island IL- 248 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL ROCK ISLAND COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4157 9041 4152 9046 4152 9051 4153 9055 4150 9061 4154 9068 4165 9068 4175 9055 4177 9048 4166 9034 4159 9034 TIME...MOT...LOC 1947Z 243DEG 41KT 4161 9052 $$ IAC163-222015- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Scott IA- 248 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR EASTERN SCOTT COUNTY... At 247 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Bettendorf, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Eldridge, Le Claire, Princeton, Long Grove, Riverdale, McCausland, Panorama Park, Pleasant Valley, Park View, Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, Davenport Municipal Airport and Scott County Park. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 290 and 306. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 4. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4157 9041 4152 9046 4152 9051 4153 9055 4150 9061 4154 9068 4165 9068 4175 9055 4177 9048 4166 9034 4159 9034 TIME...MOT...LOC 1947Z 243DEG 41KT 4161 9052 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  934 ACUS01 KWNS 221948 SWODY1 SPC AC 221947 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0247 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Valid 222000Z - 231200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM SOUTHEAST NM INTO THE TX SOUTH PLAINS AND FAR SOUTHWEST OK... ...SUMMARY... Scattered severe thunderstorms capable of mainly hail and damaging winds are possible from southeast New Mexico into parts of west Texas and southwest Oklahoma late this afternoon and evening. Isolated severe storms will also be possible across parts of southern Wisconsin, eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois through the evening hours. ...IA/WI/IL... Convection has begun to increase in intensity across eastern IA where strong heating and modest increases in boundary layer moisture has resulted in weak destabilization. An 18z RAOB from DVN indicated some weak capping around 850mb but this should be overcome by increased ascent spreading over the tri-state region currently. Steep midlevel lapse rates and deep boundary layer mixing will support a few strong to severe storms capable of marginal hail and some locally damaging wind gusts. No changes have been made to the previous outlook. For more info, see recently issued MCD 419. ...NM/TX/OK... Stronger ascent associated with southeastward progressing upper low over the lower CO Valley will continue to spread northeast into the southern Rockies/High Plains vicinity late this afternoon into this evening. Towering CU over higher terrain in NM and northern Mexico indicate environment is becoming more favorable for thunderstorm development in the next few hours. A corridor of storms from southeast NM into southwest OK ahead of a surface front still appears favorable for isolated to scattered severe storms through this evening. Large hail and damaging wind will be the main concerns with this threat. Ongoing forecast remains on track and no changes have been made. ..Leitman.. 04/22/2019 .PREV DISCUSSION... /ISSUED 1116 AM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019/ ...Synopsis... A couple of mid-level waves will provide impetus for potential severe weather later today - one currently centered over western Iowa that will migrate northeastward toward Lower Michigan and another centered over the Lower Colorado River Valley that will migrate southeastward into northwestern Mexico. At the surface, a low over northeastern Iowa will migrate eastward across southern Wisconsin and into northern Lower Michigan today - generally along a WSW-ENE oriented surface warm front. A cold front will extend south-southwest from this low across Missouri and Oklahoma, ultimately transitioning into a stationary boundary across the Texas South Plains and vicinity. Lee surface troughing will extend from south-central New Mexico into far west Texas throughout the forecast period. ...Eastern New Mexico eastward through central Oklahoma... Morning satellite/observations indicate limited solar insolation beneath a widespread cirrus shield. However, gradual low-level moistening was occurring across portions of southeastern NM and far west Texas near the surface trough axis. Surface flow was beginning to take on a more easterly component north of the front across the Texas South Plains, and these trends should continue throughout the day. Later today, a shortwave trough currently over northern Mexico will eject northeastward toward west Texas. Ascent associated with that feature, lift along the stationary front, and low-level upslope will result in scattered to numerous thunderstorm development. Though low-level wind fields should be weak, steep mid-level lapse rates and strong deep shear will result in organized storms capable of hail and damaging wind gusts. Storms should grow upscale into one or two linear complexes and forward-propagate eastward along/near the surface boundary especially within the Slight Risk area. A few storms will also develop into portions of southwestern Oklahoma and pose a hail risk. The threat should mostly be diurnally driven, although some hail/wind risk may persist overnight given forecast strengthening of a low-level jet across west Texas. ...Wisconsin, Illinois, and far eastern Iowa... Continued surface heating along and ahead of the surface low and mid-level wave will result in a few thunderstorms this afternoon that will spread eastward across the Marginal Risk area. Modest mid-level lapse rates and mid-50s F dewpoints will tend to limit buoyancy. However, the deepening low will foster slightly backed low-level flow later today, which may result in a few supercellular structures. Damaging winds and perhaps a tornado or two are possible with this activity - especially with any updrafts that can favorably interact with the warm front over central Wisconsin. Later tonight, forcing associated with the amplifying mid-level wave may result in a very isolated damaging wind threat in northern Lower Michigan, although it is unclear if surface-based convective updrafts will persist across cold waters of Lake Michigan. $$  935 WUUS01 KWNS 221948 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0247 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 VALID TIME 222000Z - 231200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 42448824 41538871 41029023 41349143 42409232 42749234 43199219 43589174 43989098 44258962 44358851 44288785 43928762 42448824 0.02 33640215 33590048 33329998 32749997 32270142 32180263 32150397 32560451 33180489 33700492 34000426 33780335 33640215 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 44238962 44348845 44298792 43878758 41528883 41089039 41239200 41709276 42259283 42909272 43369236 43949099 44238962 0.05 33320553 35050547 35220520 34970432 34750340 34590205 34680040 34939938 35199871 35349825 35449799 35389765 35289744 35059739 34369779 33859816 33379849 32200019 31890118 31510341 31490419 31810490 33320553 0.15 33649992 33160024 32780111 32550214 32510339 32520401 32680458 33090472 33620467 33840461 34070438 34110407 34150371 34090284 34190176 34230091 34200026 33649992 && ... WIND ... 0.05 42258820 41578848 41108917 41019021 41259201 41689274 42239283 42849277 43329239 43949091 44268960 44378848 44298784 44038763 43808760 43298771 42258820 0.05 35019921 35459797 35359751 35089734 34709754 33449846 32779935 32160031 31970088 31520330 31510404 31750486 33160546 34970550 35170502 34840392 34590209 34600139 34650040 35019921 0.15 34589866 34129872 33419965 32900062 32490223 32450316 32500409 32710459 33080472 33780464 34070443 34190376 34100233 34160151 34360005 34649916 34589866 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 34589866 34109876 33429962 32860069 32500221 32430321 32490406 32690461 33040475 33800467 34070442 34160382 34120278 34100232 34180160 34220099 34360005 34649916 34589866 MRGL 35359751 35089734 34709754 33379849 32969910 32609963 32200019 32160031 31970088 31520330 31490419 31750486 33160546 33190546 33320553 34510549 34970550 34980547 35050547 35220520 35170502 35170502 34970432 34800359 34590209 34590169 34740014 35019921 35459797 35359751 MRGL 43948764 43808760 43298771 42258820 41578848 41158912 40999023 41249202 41689274 42209284 42859277 43349237 43729151 43949097 44248963 44248961 44258958 44358851 44288785 43948764 TSTM 31211149 32701093 33791084 35201027 36080948 37260842 37740918 37091093 35201243 33581375 31981425 99999999 32341671 34191779 35941698 37031701 39471573 40511294 41841174 41941122 41591011 41480749 40580600 37980486 36980328 36250142 36539998 36749908 37989634 38999405 40439371 41519450 42929446 44459416 45329357 45969157 46178809 45398136 99999999 42748112 41578182 40178557 38948815 38618872 37859029 34819505 32549787 31020127 29250253 99999999 40097345 40367365 40747360 41617303 42667221 42957164 43237097 43286924 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 WSW FSI 20 WNW SPS 70 N ABI 65 NE BGS 40 N MAF 15 S HOB 15 NE CNM 30 NW CNM 20 SW ROW 35 NNW ROW 55 N ROW 30 WSW CVS 35 ESE CVS 35 W PVW PVW 40 E PVW 15 ESE CDS LTS 15 WSW FSI. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM OKC 25 SE OKC 35 SE CHK 40 S SPS 50 NE ABI 15 NNE ABI 35 WSW ABI 40 WSW ABI 40 ESE BGS 20 SSW INK 45 ESE GDP GDP 20 S SRR 20 SSE SRR 10 S SRR 30 NNE 4CR 50 SSW LVS 50 SSW LVS 45 SSW LVS 30 S LVS 35 SSE LVS 35 SSE LVS 45 WSW TCC 25 S TCC 35 NW PVW 30 N PVW 25 NNE CDS 20 S CSM 20 W OKC OKC. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 S MTW 25 S MTW 25 NNE MKE 40 SSW RAC 15 NE MMO 30 SW MMO 35 SSE MLI 25 ENE OTM 35 NE OXV 35 SW ALO 30 NW ALO 40 S RST 15 SW LSE 15 ENE LSE 35 S CWA 35 S CWA 35 S CWA 20 WSW GRB 15 NW MTW 15 S MTW. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 70 SSW TUS 40 N TUS 60 SW SOW 30 ENE INW 55 NW GUP 10 E CEZ 20 ENE 4BL 30 ENE PGA 40 N PRC 55 E BLH 50 SSE YUM ...CONT... 25 SW CZZ 25 NW RAL 45 ENE NID 60 WNW DRA 15 ESE P68 25 N DPG 35 SE MLD 45 NNW EVW 50 ENE EVW 25 SW RWL 50 W FCL 30 SW PUB 35 NNW CAO 30 S GUY 65 ESE LBL 25 W AVK 25 SSW EMP 30 ESE MKC 15 SE LWD 45 W DSM 30 NNW FOD 20 NW MKT 30 SE STC 50 SW ASX 25 N IMT 110 ENE APN ...CONT... 65 NW ERI 10 N CLE 10 WSW MIE 35 S MTO 15 E SLO 10 NE FAM 30 WSW RKR 20 SE MWL 50 WSW SJT 60 SSW 6R6 ...CONT... 40 SSE JFK 20 SSE JFK 10 NE JFK 30 SW BDL 15 S EEN 20 SSW CON 15 NW PSM 60 ESE PWM.  723 WWCN10 CWUL 221941 RAINFALL WARNING FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:41 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= LA VERENDRYE WILDLIFE RESERVE =NEW= ABITIBI =NEW= TEMISCAMINGUE =NEW= PARENT - GOUIN RESERVOIR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 20 TO 35 MILLIMETRES ARE EXPECTED OVER THESE REGIONS BY TUESDAY EVENING. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. RAINFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  717 WWUS83 KGRR 221949 RFWGRR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 349 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MIZ037>040-043>046-050>052-056>059-064>067-071>074-230000- /O.CON.KGRR.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Mason-Lake-Osceola-Clare-Oceana-Newaygo-Mecosta-Isabella-Muskegon- Montcalm-Gratiot-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry-Eaton- Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- 349 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * Winds...South around 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 25 percent. * Temperatures...In the mid 70s to near 80. * Impacts...Burn restrictions are in effect for some areas. For more information on burn restrictions...visit the Michigan DNR website at www.michigan.gov/burnpermit or call 866-922-2876. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now or will shortly. The combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Be careful with any activities that could potentially lead to a wildfire. Camping...outdoor grills...smoking materials...chain saws...and all terrain vehicles all have the potential to throw a spark and ignite a dangerous and destructive fire. && $$  936 WSTR31 UTAA 221949 UTAA SIGMET N5 VALID 221945/222300 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR OBSC TS FCST AND OBS OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  110 WHUS73 KLOT 221950 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 250 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ740>745-230400- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190423T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor-Calumet Harbor to Gary- Gary to Burns Harbor-Burns Harbor to Michigan City- 250 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...South to 30 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 5 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  410 WSKN31 HKJK 221900 HKNA SIGMET 01 VALID 221900/222100 HKJK HKNA NAIROBI FIR CNL SIGMET 01 VALID 221700/222100=  092 WSBZ31 SBBS 221950 SBBS SIGMET 10 VALID 221950/222110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1705 W04141 - S2029 W04235 - S1539 W04353 - S1705 W04141 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  147 WGUS61 KCAR 221950 FFACAR Flood Watch National Weather Service Caribou ME 350 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEZ001>006-010-222100- /O.CAN.KCAR.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northwest Aroostook-Northeast Aroostook-Northern Somerset- Northern Piscataquis-Northern Penobscot-Southeast Aroostook- Central Piscataquis- Including the cities of Allagash, Clayton Lake, Madawaska, Fort Kent, Frenchville, Presque Isle, Caribou, Van Buren, Mars Hill, Baker Lake, Billy-Jack Depot, Baxter St Park, Chamberlain Lake, Churchill Dam, Mount Katahdin, Millinocket, East Millinocket, Patten, Medway, Houlton, Hodgdon, Sherman, Smyrna Mills, Greenville, Monson, and Blanchard 350 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED... The Flood Watch for portions of Central Highlands Maine, Far Eastern Maine, Far Northern Maine, and North Woods Maine has been cancelled. Numerous localized flood warnings and advisories remain in place for locations where flooding has occurred or will occur. $$  811 WSFR34 LFPW 221951 LFMM SIGMET 10 VALID 222000/222200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4215 E00730 - N4145 E00730 - N4145 E00530 - N4215 E00515 - N4215 E00730 TOP FL340 MOV NW 25KT NC=  547 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2202 W05802 - S1951 W05825 - S1745 W05749 - S1714 W05402 - S2126 W04944 - S2150 W04838 - S2232 W04741 - S2257 W04744 - S2324 W04711 - S2314 W04607 - S2340 W04531 - S2459 W04644 - S2219 W05219 - S2202 W05802 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  548 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2310 W05035 - S2739 W05104 - S2955 W04755 - S2608 W04432 - S2456 W04650 - S2310 W05035 FL140/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  549 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0821 W04632 - N0132 W05429- N0251 W05103 - S0343 W04223 - S0542 W04433 - S0749 W04601 - S0821 W04632 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  634 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0934 W06512 - S0751 W05926- S1251 W05315 - S1641 W05327 - S1729 W05740 - S1351 W06015 - S1203 W06437 - S0934 W06512 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  635 WSBZ01 SBBR 221900 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0545 W05616 - S0355 W05407- S0848 W04708 - S1017 W04925 - S0545 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  055 WWUS53 KDVN 221952 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 252 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC163-222002- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190422T2015Z/ Scott IA- 252 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN SCOTT COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service the Quad Cities. LAT...LON 4157 9041 4152 9046 4152 9051 4153 9055 4150 9061 4154 9068 4165 9068 4175 9055 4177 9048 4166 9034 4159 9034 TIME...MOT...LOC 1950Z 240DEG 34KT 4164 9046 $$ Gibbs  924 WWUS84 KSJT 221953 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 253 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 TXZ049-054-064>066-071>073-076>078-098-099-113-114-127-128-139- 140-154-155-168>170-231100- Fisher-Nolan-Sterling-Coke-Runnels-Irion-Tom Green-Concho- Crockett-Schleicher-Sutton-Haskell-Throckmorton-Jones-Shackelford- Taylor-Callahan-Coleman-Brown-McCulloch-San Saba-Menard-Kimble- Mason- Including the cities of ROTAN, ROBY, SWEETWATER, STERLING CITY, ROBERT LEE, BRONTE, BALLINGER, WINTERS, MERTZON, SAN ANGELO, EDEN, OZONA, ELDORADO, SONORA, HASKELL, THROCKMORTON, WOODSON, STAMFORD, ANSON, HAMLIN, ALBANY, ABILENE, CLYDE, BAIRD, CROSS PLAINS, COLEMAN, BROWNWOOD, BRADY, SAN SABA, MENARD, JUNCTION, and MASON 253 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Heavy Rainfall and Severe Thunderstorm Potential through Wednesday... An approaching upper level storm system will combine with a cold front moving across the area to bring the potential for heavy rainfall and severe thunderstorms to West Central Texas through Wednesday, Heavy Rainfall: Much of West Central Texas will see 1 to 3 inches of rain through mid week, mainly from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon. Some areas will see even more, and isolated totals in excess of 5 inches will be possible. Should this heavier rain fall over city areas such as Abilene, San Angelo, Brownwood, Sweetwater, and Brady, flooding of city streets, low water crossings, and other low lying areas near small creeks and streams will be possible. Severe Storms: Strong storms will also be possible, and a few may well reach severe levels. These stronger storms may develop as early as tonight across the northern Big Country north of I-20, and sag south with the cold front across the remainder of West Central Texas by Wednesday morning. Along with the heavy rainfall, damaging winds and larger hail will also be possible. However, an isolated tornado can not be ruled out. Residents are encouraged to stay tuned to the latest forecasts as well as any watch or warning information through the event. $$  279 WSSG31 GOOY 222000 GOOO SIGMET C2 VALID 222000/222400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1950Z WI N0540 W00730 - N0510 W00600 - N0420 W00730 TOP FL450 MOV W 08KT WKN=  243 WSSG31 GOOY 222005 GOOO SIGMET D2 VALID 222005/222400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1955Z WI N0800 W00600 - N0850 W00520 - N0850 W00230 - N0800 W00240 TOP FL450 MOV W/SW 10KT WKN=  707 WGUS83 KFGF 221955 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern ND/Grand Forks ND 255 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 NDC017-222003- /O.EXP.KFGF.FA.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /00000.0.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Cass ND- 255 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR SNOWMELT WILL EXPIRE AT 300 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN CASS COUNTY... Flood waters due to snowmelt have receded, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 4678 9709 4724 9709 4724 9684 4704 9682 4704 9681 4701 9684 4700 9682 4697 9682 4696 9679 4695 9680 4693 9679 4693 9676 4691 9676 4690 9678 4683 9678 4681 9680 4678 9678 4676 9679 $$ Lee  409 WSBZ31 SBBS 221955 SBBS SIGMET 11 VALID 221955/222110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2233 W04742 - S2240 W04536 - S2323 W04548 - S2328 W04702 - S2256 W04743 - S2233 W04742 TOP FL420 MOV EN E 05KT NC=  843 WVHO31 MHTG 221957 MHTG SIGMET 2 VALID 221955/222155 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET 1 221415/222015=  400 WGUS83 KFGF 221957 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern ND/Grand Forks ND 257 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 MNC107-119-222006- /O.EXP.KFGF.FA.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /00000.0.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Norman MN-Polk MN- 257 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR SNOWMELT WILL EXPIRE AT 300 PM CDT FOR WESTERN NORMAN AND WESTERN POLK COUNTIES... Flood waters due to snowmelt have receded, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 4778 9658 4715 9652 4715 9683 4730 9685 4734 9683 4736 9685 4740 9684 4741 9686 4746 9686 4751 9684 4752 9687 4755 9685 4756 9686 4757 9685 4761 9685 4762 9688 4768 9689 4817 9714 4817 9680 $$ Lee  934 WGUS83 KFGF 221957 RRA FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern ND/Grand Forks ND 257 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 MNC069-089-NDC035-067-099-222007- /O.EXP.KFGF.FA.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2000Z/ /00000.0.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marshall MN-Kittson MN-Grand Forks ND-Walsh ND-Pembina ND- 257 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR URBAN AREAS AND SMALL STREAMS FOR SNOWMELT WILL EXPIRE AT 300 PM CDT FOR WESTERN MARSHALL...WESTERN KITTSON... NORTHEASTERN GRAND FORKS...EASTERN WALSH AND EASTERN PEMBINA COUNTIES... Flood waters due to snowmelt have receded, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 4817 9681 4817 9714 4816 9714 4816 9713 4814 9715 4814 9713 4811 9712 4811 9711 4800 9707 4799 9720 4900 9737 4900 9702 $$ Lee  962 WGUS63 KGRB 221958 FFAGRB Flood Watch National Weather Service Green Bay WI 258 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HEAVY RAIN EXPECTED ACROSS MOST OF NORTHEAST WISCONSIN... .Showers and scattered thunderstorms are forecast to become more widespread late this afternoon and continue through most of tonight. The rain may become locally heavy at times with most areas receiving an additional one-half to one inch of rain. Area soils remain fairly saturated due to recent rains and snowmelt, thus any additional rains could lead to localized urban flooding or rises in area rivers and streams. WIZ005-010>012-230400- /O.CON.KGRB.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence- Including the cities of Eagle River, Lac Du Flambeau, Rhinelander, Crandon, Aurora, Commonwealth, and Spread Eagle 258 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of north central Wisconsin and northeast Wisconsin, including the following areas, in north central Wisconsin, Oneida and Vilas. In northeast Wisconsin, Florence and Forest. * Through late tonight * Locally heavy rain is expected at times tonight. Additional rainfall amounts of one-half to three-quarters inch are expected, with locally higher amounts possible. * Rivers, which are already running high, are expected to rise again through the end of the week. Some rivers may rise above flood stage again. The heavy rain may also cause urban street flooding and ponding of water on area highways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ WIZ013-018>021-030-031-035>039-045-048-049-073-074-230400- /O.CON.KGRB.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Northern Marinette County-Lincoln-Langlade-Menominee- Northern Oconto County-Marathon-Shawano-Wood-Portage-Waupaca- Outagamie-Brown-Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet- Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Niagara, Wausaukee, Merrill, Tomahawk, Antigo, Keshena, Neopit, Mountain, Lakewood, Townsend, Wausau, Shawano, Marshfield, Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Plover, New London, Waupaca, Clintonville, Appleton, Green Bay, Redgranite, Wautoma, Oshkosh, Neenah, Menasha, Chilton, Brillion, New Holstein, Harmony, Peshtigo, Porterfield, Crivitz, High Falls Reservoir, Loomis, Middle Inlet, Little Suamico, Sobieski, Brookside, Oconto, and Pensaukee 258 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of central Wisconsin, east central Wisconsin, north central Wisconsin, and northeast Wisconsin, including the following areas, in central Wisconsin, Marathon, Portage, Waushara, and Wood. In east central Wisconsin, Calumet and Winnebago. In north central Wisconsin, Langlade and Lincoln. In northeast Wisconsin, Brown, Menominee, Northern Marinette County, Northern Oconto County, Outagamie, Shawano, Southern Marinette County, Southern Oconto County, and Waupaca. * Through late tonight * Locally heavy rain is expected at times tonight. Rainfall amounts of one-half to one inch are expected by Tuesday morning with locally higher amounts possible. * Rivers, which are already running high, are expected to rise again through the end of the week. Some rivers may rise above flood stage again. The heavy rain may also cause urban street flooding and ponding of water on area highways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ AK  624 WHUS73 KGRB 221958 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 258 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ521-522-541>543-230400- /O.NEW.KGRB.SC.Y.0032.190423T0900Z-190423T2100Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 258 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 4 PM CDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 4 AM to 4 PM CDT Tuesday. * WINDS...Backing north and increasing to 15 to 25 knots late tonight. * WAVES...2 to 4 feet on the lake and central Bay, 1 to 3 feet on the southern Bay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds over 20 knots or waves greater than 4 feet are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  955 WGUS63 KMQT 221959 FFAMQT Flood Watch National Weather Service Marquette MI 359 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Rain and snowmelt may cause flooding into Tuesday... MIZ001>005-009-010-084-230400- /O.CON.KMQT.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /00000.0.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Keweenaw-Ontonagon-Northern Houghton-Baraga-Marquette-Gogebic- Iron-Southern Houghton- Including the cities of Copper Harbor, Ontonagon, Houghton, Hancock, L'Anse, Gwinn, Marquette, Ironwood, Iron River, Kenton, and Sidnaw 359 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 /259 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019/ ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... The Flood Watch continues for * Portions of central Upper Michigan and western Upper Michigan, including the following areas, in central Upper Michigan, Baraga, Iron, and Marquette. In western Upper Michigan, Gogebic, Keweenaw, Northern Houghton, Ontonagon, and Southern Houghton. * Through Tuesday afternoon * Moderate to possibly heavy rainfall through tonight combined with continued snowmelt runoff could cause flooding of area streams and rivers into Tuesday across the northwest half of Upper Michigan. * With rivers already running high and soils saturated, any rainfall and snowmelt will only worsen ongoing flooding, especially in the Lake Superior snowbelts where some areas still have over a foot of snow on the ground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  047 WVPR31 SPIM 221950 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 222020/230220 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1920Z WI S1547 W07150 - S1548 W07150 - S1548 W07150 - S1553 W07131 - S1605 W07121 - S1616 W07133 - S1556 W07151 - S1547 W07150 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 0130Z VA CLD WI S1547 W07150 - S1555 W07130 - S1608 W07120 - S1615 W07132 - S1554 W07153 - S1547 W07150=  131 WHUS73 KMQT 222000 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 400 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LMZ221-248-250-230400- /O.EXB.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190423T0900Z-190423T2000Z/ Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage-Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI- 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage- 400 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 4 PM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Marquette has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 5 AM to 4 PM EDT Tuesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 23 knots from the north, with gusts up to 26 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 5 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 7 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 8 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 9 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ242>245-230400- /O.EXT.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190424T0000Z/ Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- 400 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT TUESDAY... The Small Craft Advisory is now in effect until 8 PM EDT Tuesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 22 knots from the north, with gusts up to 24 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 7 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 10 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 7 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 10 AM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ251-230400- /O.EXT.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.190423T0000Z-190424T0600Z/ Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- 400 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... The Small Craft Advisory is now in effect from 8 PM this evening to 2 AM EDT Wednesday. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 25 knots from the north, with gusts up to 28 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 7 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 10 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 11 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 1 PM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ240-230300- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI- 400 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 /300 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019/ ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ THIS EVENING... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ this evening. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 17 knots from the northeast, with gusts up to 18 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 5 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 7 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 3 PM EDT Monday with the largest waves expected around 3 PM EDT Monday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ247>250-230400- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-190424T0400Z/ Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Huron Islands to Marquette MI- Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- 400 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT TUESDAY NIGHT... A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect until midnight EDT Tuesday night. * WIND AND WAVES DURING THE SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY...Expect sustained winds of up to 23 knots from the north, with gusts up to 26 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 9 feet with a maximum wave height of up to 13 feet possible. * TIMING...The maximum winds are expected around 9 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 1 PM EDT Tuesday. Please see the latest marine forecasts for more detailed information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ JAW  134 WONT54 EGRR 222000 SECURITE NO STORMS=  135 WONT50 LFPW 221959 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 189, MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019 AT 1955 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, MONDAY 22 AT 12 UTC. NEW LOW EXPECTED 995 53N34W BY 23/00 UTC, MOVING SOUTHEAST AND EXPECTED 985 51N23W BY 23/12 UTC, THEN 976 51N20W BY 24/00 UTC. ASSOCIATED TROUGH CROSSING FARADAY SOON, THEN ROMEO AND CHARCOT LATER, THEN EXPECTED TOWARDS WEST PORTUGAL AT END. FARADAY. FROM 23/21 UTC TO 24/06 UTC AT LEAST. NORTHWEST 8. BECOMING HIGH. ALTAIR. FROM 24/00 UTC TO 24/06 UTC AT LEAST. NORTHWEST LOCALLY 8 IN EAST. BT *  384 WSAG31 SABE 222009 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 222009/230009 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2009Z WI S3559 W06448 - S3609 W06033 - S3414 W06018 - S3355 W06423 - S3559 W06448 FL270/360 STNR NC=  551 WSAG31 SABE 222009 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 222009/230009 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2009Z WI S3559 W06448 - S3609 W06033 - S3414 W06018 - S3355 W06423 - S3559 W06448 FL270/360 STNR NC=  396 WWUS83 KDVN 222007 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 307 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC015-161-195-IAC045-163-222030- Rock Island-Whiteside-Carroll-Scott-Clinton- 307 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN ROCK ISLAND...WHITESIDE...SOUTHEASTERN CARROLL...NORTHEASTERN SCOTT AND CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 330 PM CDT... At 307 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Calamus to near Albany to near Osborn. Movement was northeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and nickel size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Clinton, East Moline, Sterling, Rock Falls, Morrison, DeWitt, Camanche, Le Claire, Fulton, Prophetstown, Port Byron, Erie, Garden Plain, Milledgeville, Rapids City, Fairhaven, Albany, Princeton, Tampico and Cordova. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa near mile marker 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 41. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4158 8981 4158 9018 4154 9020 4151 9035 4148 9038 4170 9038 4180 9087 4203 9041 4203 9017 4197 8969 4161 8969 TIME...MOT...LOC 2007Z 241DEG 37KT 4182 9072 4176 9023 4154 9023 $$ Gibbs  708 WGUS84 KFWD 222008 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 308 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following areas in Texas... Navasota River near Easterly affecting Leon and Robertson Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC289-395-222038- /O.CAN.KFWD.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /EAST2.1.ER.190419T0024Z.190420T0001Z.190422T1606Z.NO/ 308 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for Navasota River near Easterly. * At 200 PM Monday the stage was 18.48 feet. * Flood stage is 19 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 11 AM Monday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to near 17 feet by Tuesday morning. $$  537 WUUS53 KDVN 222010 SVRDVN ILC161-195-222100- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0008.190422T2010Z-190422T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 310 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Rock Island County in northwestern Illinois... Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... * Until 400 PM CDT. * At 309 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Port Byron, or 12 miles east of Bettendorf, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Morrison, Prophetstown, Port Byron, Erie, Garden Plain, Rapids City, Tampico, Cordova, Lyndon, Emerson, Union Grove, Ustick, Fenton, Hillsdale, Round Grove, Portland Corners, Spring Hill, Malvern, Como and White Pigeon. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 2 and 39. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4166 8964 4158 8992 4158 9018 4157 9018 4154 9020 4152 9026 4152 9031 4158 9036 4159 9034 4165 9034 4168 9033 4169 9031 4171 9031 4193 8997 4193 8988 TIME...MOT...LOC 2009Z 241DEG 37KT 4162 9025 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  846 WSBO31 SLLP 222011 SLLF SIGMET B1 VALID 222011/222311 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 2010Z WI S1020 W06647 - S1117 W06625 - S1158 W06539 - S1255 W06512 - S1333 W06421 - S1359 W06323 - S1443 W06235 - S1511 W06156 - S1521 W06117 - S1514 W06036 - S1437 W06024 - S1346 W06039 - S1323 W06117 - S1325 W06149 - S1257 W06223 - S1242 W06247 - S1229 W06326 - S1221 W06414 - S1153 W06455 - S1122 W06510 - S1051 W06515 - S1030 W06524 - S0957 W06527 - S0944 W06534 - S0947 W06630 - S1020 W06644 - TOP FL390 STNR INTSF=  668 WABZ22 SBBS 222010 SBBS AIRMET 2 VALID 222010/222210 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 2000/4000M RA FCST WI S1639 W05002 - S1459 W04742 - S1545 W04647 - S1712 W04906 - S1639 W05002 STNR NC=  610 WAAK47 PAWU 222010 WA7O JNUS WA 222015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 230415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 00Z ALG CST/INLAND OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA/-RASN BR. IMPR. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 222015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 230415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 03Z OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 02Z AREAS LLWS. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 00Z SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 02Z N FREDERICK SOUND OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . CNTRL SE AK JC TIL 02Z N PAFE AREAS LLWS. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 00Z OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 00Z PAAP N SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF TIL 23Z PASI N OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 222015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 230415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-120. FZLVL 015. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC CHATHAM STRAIT E OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-120. FZLVL 020. NC. . SRN SE AK JD TIL 02Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-120. FZLVL 020. WKN. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF PASI N OCNL MOD ICEIC 030-120. FZLVL 015. NC. . DB APR 2019 AAWU  088 WAAK48 PAWU 222010 WA8O ANCS WA 222015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 230415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB RAINY PASS-PORTAGE PASS LN NE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN. IMPR. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC VCY MTS OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN. IMPR. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 00Z PAWR-PACV LN N OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RASN. IMPR FM S. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 222015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 230415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB AFT 02Z PAEN N OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. INTSF. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 02Z OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. INTSF. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 02Z WRANGELL MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 080. INTSF. . CNTRL GLF CST AD AFT 02Z OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. INTSF. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/OFSHR SUSTAINED SFC WINDS 30 KTS OR GTR. WKN. . =ANCZ WA 222015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 230415 . NONE . CL/DB APR 2019 AAWU  511 WSAU21 AMMC 222014 YMMM SIGMET G13 VALID 222044/230044 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0450 E09610 - S0820 E10130 - S1110 E09630 - S1110 E07500 - S0600 E07500 - S0200 E07800 - S0200 E08350 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  422 WAAK49 PAWU 222014 WA9O FAIS WA 222015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 230415 . UPR YKN VLY FB AFT 02Z S PFYU OCNL MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . TANANA VLY FC AK RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE BROOKS RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE AFT 02Z S PAGH-PABT LN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. DTRT. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/BLSN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI S PAOT MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ ISOL CIG BLW 010/OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/SN. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/BLSN BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 222015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 230415 . TANANA VLY FC AFT 02Z VCY AK RANGE S TOK OCNL MOD TURB FL250-FL350. INTSF. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE AFT 02Z VCY PABT OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG CST/OFSHR SW PAWI SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG ALG CST SW PPIZ OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH TIL 05Z HOWARD PASS W OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAVL-PATC LN NW SUSTAINED SFC WIND 30 KTS OR GTR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI TIL 05Z N PAVL OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK BERING STRAIT NW SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. NC. . =FAIZ WA 222015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 230415 . TANANA VLY FC AFT 02Z VCY AK RANGE ISABEL PASS W OCNL MOD ICEIC 060-120. FZLVL 030. INTSF. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG ALG CST PAQT E OCNL MOD ICEIC BLW 040. FZLVL SFC. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH NRN PLAINS AND PASSES OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-070. FZLVL SFC. NC. . CML APR 2019 AAWU  134 WSEQ31 SEGU 222020 SEFG SIGMET 01 VALID 222020/222220 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1950Z WI N0017 W07815 - S0004 W07854 - S0023 W07840 - S0016 W07825 - N0007 W07805 - N0018 W07814 TOP FL430 STNR WKN=  636 WAIY31 LIIB 222017 LIMM AIRMET 32 VALID 222040/230040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4652 E01037 - N4630 E00819 - N4548 E00639 - N4505 E00634 - N4423 E00647 - N4342 E00733 - N4420 E00830 - N4431 E00924 - N4405 E01018 - N4339 E01056 - N4337 E01251 - N4422 E01115 - N4454 E00929 - N4436 E00817 - N4428 E00733 - N4459 E00727 - N4534 E00831 - N4538 E00945 - N4604 E01048 - N4652 E01037 STNR NC=  388 WAIY31 LIIB 222018 LIMM AIRMET 33 VALID 222040/230040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4631 E00948 - N4510 E01315 BLW FL150 STNR NC=  144 WGUS64 KOUN 222018 FFAOUN Flood Watch National Weather Service Norman OK 318 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 OKZ016>031-033>040-044-TXZ083>088-231045- /O.CON.KOUN.FA.A.0001.190423T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne-Beckham-Washita-Caddo- Canadian-Oklahoma-Lincoln-Grady-McClain-Cleveland-Pottawatomie- Seminole-Harmon-Greer-Kiowa-Jackson-Tillman-Comanche-Stephens- Garvin-Cotton-Hardeman-Foard-Wilbarger-Wichita-Knox-Baylor- Including the cities of Weatherford, Clinton, Watonga, Geary, Okeene, Kingfisher, Hennessey, Okarche, Guthrie, Stillwater, Elk City, Sayre, Cordell, Burns Flat, Sentinel, Anadarko, Hinton, Yukon, Concho, El Reno, Mustang, Oklahoma City, Chandler, Stroud, Prague, Meeker, Davenport, Wellston, Chickasha, Tuttle, Purcell, Newcastle, Blanchard, Norman, Moore, Shawnee, Seminole, Wewoka, Hollis, Mangum, Granite, Hobart, Snyder, Altus, Frederick, Lawton, Duncan, Pauls Valley, Lindsay, Wynnewood, Walters, Temple, Quanah, Crowell, Vernon, Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, Munday, Knox City, and Seymour 318 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING THROUGH TUESDAY AFTERNOON... The Flood Watch for flash flooding...flooding of creeks and rivers...and flooding of low lying areas continues for * portions of Oklahoma and northern Texas, including the following areas, in Oklahoma, Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Cleveland, Comanche, Cotton, Custer, Garvin, Grady, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Lincoln, Logan, McClain, Oklahoma, Payne, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Stephens, Tillman, and Washita. In northern Texas, Baylor, Foard, Hardeman, Knox, Wichita, and Wilbarger. * From 7 PM CDT this evening through Tuesday afternoon * Rainfall amounts of one and three inches will be possible. This may result in runoff and flooding of low lying and poorly drained areas. Mainstem river flooding is also possible. * Please do not drive through flooding roadways. This is especially dangerous at night. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$  546 WSBZ31 SBRE 222018 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W04125 - S0339 W04003 - S0637 W04142 - S0523 W04355 - S0426 W04310 - S0407 W04231 - S0052 W04 125 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  682 WSBZ31 SBRE 222018 SBRE SIGMET 13 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST 063140S0445804W 074917S0441129W 091151S0445009W 085009S0463908W 080826S0454903W TOP F L440 STNR NC=  683 WAIY31 LIIB 222020 LIMM AIRMET 34 VALID 222040/230040 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4431 E00835 - N4349 E00733 - N4307 E00944 - N4344 E00950 - N4431 E00835 STNR NC=  557 WSBZ31 SBRE 222019 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 222020/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0331 W04103 - N0239 W03824 - N0015 W03926 - N0149 W04220 - N0331 W04103 TOP FL440 STNR NC =  667 WWUS83 KDVN 222020 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 320 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-019-055-095-113-222045- Buchanan-Benton-Delaware-Linn-Iowa- 320 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT BUCHANAN...BENTON...WESTERN DELAWARE...WESTERN LINN AND NORTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTIES UNTIL 345 PM CDT... At 318 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms wer located over Keystone, near Rowley, and near Norway. The storms were moving northeast at near 40 mph. Hail up to nickel size is possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Independence, Vinton, Manchester, Hiawatha, Robins, Jesup, Center Point, Fairfax, Atkins, Walford, Urbana, Palo, Shellsburg, Newhall, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Walker and Blairstown. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 25 and 55. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4264 9129 4186 9179 4186 9183 4184 9183 4194 9230 4198 9230 4230 9214 4230 9206 4244 9207 4264 9196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2018Z 180DEG 0KT 4199 9218 $$ McClure  939 WSBZ31 SBRE 222019 SBAO SIGMET 12 VALID 222020/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0300 W03205 - N0330 W02913 - S0241 W02104 - S0300 W03205 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  936 WUUS53 KDVN 222022 SVRDVN ILC011-073-195-222100- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0009.190422T2022Z-190422T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 322 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... Northeastern Henry County in northwestern Illinois... Northwestern Bureau County in north central Illinois... * Until 400 PM CDT. * At 322 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Osborn, or 15 miles east of East Moline, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Geneseo, Tampico, Hooppole, Deer Grove, Osborn, Yorktown, Thomas, Leon Corners and Shady Beach. This includes Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 16 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4149 8982 4143 9022 4152 9029 4152 9025 4154 9020 4156 9018 4158 9018 4171 8964 4158 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2022Z 241DEG 37KT 4154 9015 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  227 WGUS82 KFFC 222022 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 422 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Oconee River near Penfield affecting Clarke...Greene and Oconee Counties ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Georgia... Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19 affecting Crawford... Talbot...Taylor and Upson Counties Alcovy River near High Point affecting Newton County Ocmulgee River near Macon affecting Bibb...Houston...Jones... Monroe and Twiggs Counties Oconee River near Oconee affecting Johnson...Washington and Wilkinson Counties GAC079-263-269-293-230916- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0179.000000T0000Z-190423T0916Z/ /CLUG1.1.ER.190420T0831Z.190421T0630Z.190423T0316Z.NO/ 422 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Flint River near Carsonville Hwy. 19. * Until late tonight. * At 345 PM Monday the stage was 19 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring, and minor flooding is forecast to continue until this evening. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue to fall, dropping below flood stage this evening. * At 18 feet, minor flooding occurs along the river in the woodlands and low lying areas of fields upstream and downstream from the gage on U.S. Highway 19. The water level will reach the top of a boat ramp by the bridge on the Taylor County side of the river. && LAT...LON 3280 8430 3275 8421 3257 8398 3253 8405 3265 8415 3276 8437 $$ GAC217-231021- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0188.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HPTG1.2.ER.190421T0719Z.190422T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 422 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Alcovy River near High Point. * Until further notice. * At 345 PM Monday the stage was 11.6 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11 feet. * At 11 feet, minor flooding begins in the woodlands and fields near the river upstream and downstream from the gage on Henderson Mill Road. The water level will be around the first wooden step behind an elevated private residence just upstream and on the left bank from the bridge. && LAT...LON 3361 8384 3358 8378 3344 8381 3344 8386 $$ GAC021-153-169-207-289-231021- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0140.000000T0000Z-190425T0105Z/ /MACG1.1.ER.190420T1524Z.190422T0500Z.190424T1905Z.NO/ 422 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Ocmulgee River near Macon. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 330 PM Monday the stage was 22.7 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast to continue. * Flood stage is 18 feet. * The river will continue to fall, dropping below flood stage Wednesday. * At 23 feet, minor flooding continues with large portions of the Macon GreenWay Ocmulgee Heritage Trail flooded north of the Martin Luther King Boulevard bridge. The flood waters will be up to 3 feet deep on portions of the trail and large portions of the agricultural lands east of Macon, and well downstream, will be under 1 to 5 feet of water. && LAT...LON 3290 8372 3293 8367 3282 8356 3266 8353 3263 8359 3274 8363 $$ GAC059-133-219-230346- /O.EXT.KFFC.FL.W.0180.000000T0000Z-190423T0346Z/ /PNFG1.2.ER.190420T1657Z.190421T2215Z.190422T2146Z.NO/ 422 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until this evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Penfield. * Until this evening. * At 4 PM Monday the stage was 15.5 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring, however the river is forecast to drop below flood stage tonight. * Flood stage is 13 feet. * The river will continue to fall, dropping below flood stage this evening. * At 15 feet, minor flooding continues in the fields, woodlands and pastures upstream and downstream from the gage on the Georgia Highway 15 bridge, mainly on the right bank of the river. && LAT...LON 3364 8325 3364 8333 3383 8333 3384 8327 $$ GAC167-303-319-231021- /O.CON.KFFC.FL.W.0183.190423T2248Z-190426T0600Z/ /OCNG1.1.ER.190423T2248Z.190425T0600Z.190426T0000Z.NO/ 422 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Oconee River near Oconee. * From tomorrow evening until late Thursday night. * At 4 PM Monday the stage was 13.9 feet and rising. * Minor flooding is forecast to develop. * Flood stage is 17 feet. * The river is forecast to rise above flood stage by Tuesday evening and continue rising, reaching near 18.4 feet by Thursday morning. The river is expected to fall below flood stage Thursday evening. * At 14 feet, bankfull conditions are reached along the river. The Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp, just upstream and right bank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge, will begin to flood. At 17 feet, flood stage is reached. The water level reaches the top of the Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp, just upstream and rightbank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge. Minor flooding of woodlands near the river occurs. At 18 feet, the water level begins to flood portions of the dirt parking lot near the Old Balls Ferry Road boat ramp, just upstream and rightbank from the Georgia Highway 57 bridge. Minor flooding continues in the woodlands near the river. && LAT...LON 3284 8303 3288 8298 3279 8292 3267 8289 3265 8298 3278 8300 $$  477 WAAB31 LATI 222017 LAAA AIRMET 1 VALID 222100/230100 LATI- LAAA TIRANA FIR MOD ICE FCST ENTIRE FIR ABV FL080 MOV ENE WKN=  735 WSFR34 LFPW 222024 LFMM SIGMET 11 VALID 222020/222200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4300 E00945 - N4145 E00945 - N4145 E00900 - N4300 E00845 - N4300 E00945 TOP FL320 STNR NC=  875 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0934 W06512 - S0751 W05926- S1251 W05315 - S1641 W05327 - S1729 W05740 - S1351 W06015 - S1203 W06437 - S0934 W06512 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  876 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2310 W05035 - S2739 W05104 - S2955 W04755 - S2608 W04432 - S2456 W04650 - S2310 W05035 FL140/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  877 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0545 W05616 - S0355 W05407- S0848 W04708 - S1017 W04925 - S0545 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  878 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 222020/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0331 W04103 - N0239W03824 - N0015 W03926 - N0149 W04220 - N0331 W04103 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  879 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0821 W04632 - N0132 W05429- N0251 W05103 - S0343 W04223 - S0542 W04433 - S0749 W04601 - S0821 W04632 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  880 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W04125 - S0339 W04003 -S0637 W04142 - S0523 W04355 - S0426 W04310 - S0407 W04231 - S0052 W04125 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  881 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 221815/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0221 W06649 - N0123 W06238- S0133 W05807 - S0625 W06207 - S0221 W06649 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  882 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2202 W05802 - S1951 W05825 - S1745 W05749 - S1714 W05402 - S2126 W04944 - S2150 W04838 - S2232 W04741 - S2257 W04744 - S2324 W04711 - S2314 W04607 - S2340 W04531 - S2459 W04644 - S2219 W05219 - S2202 W05802 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  883 WSBZ01 SBBR 222000 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 221840/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W07145 - S0419 W06938- S0705 W06625 - S0822 W06753 - S0449 W07145 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  791 WWUS83 KDVN 222025 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 325 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAZ040-041-051-052-063-222230- Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Iowa- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, and Marengo 325 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT BUCHANAN...BENTON...WESTERN DELAWARE...WESTERN LINN AND NORTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTIES UNTIL 345 PM CDT... At 320 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were located over Keystone, near Rowley, and near Norway. The storms were moving northeast at near 40 mph. Hail up to nickel size is possible with these storms. These storms may also grow stronger over the next few hours. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Independence, Vinton, Manchester, Hiawatha, Robins, Jesup, Center Point, Fairfax, Atkins, Walford, Urbana, Palo, Shellsburg, Newhall, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Walker and Blairstown. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 25 and 55. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4264 9129 4186 9179 4186 9183 4184 9183 4194 9230 4198 9230 4230 9214 4230 9206 4244 9207 4264 9196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2018Z 180DEG 0KT 4199 9218 $$  114 WUUS53 KDVN 222026 SVRDVN IAC011-019-055-113-222130- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0010.190422T2026Z-190422T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 326 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Buchanan County in northeastern Iowa... Northeastern Benton County in east central Iowa... Northwestern Delaware County in northeastern Iowa... Northwestern Linn County in east central Iowa... * Until 430 PM CDT. * At 325 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Van Horne, or near Vinton, moving northeast at 40 mph. A second severe thunderstorm was located southwest of Monti moving northeast. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Vinton, Manchester, Center Point, Urbana, Edgewood, Winthrop, Walker, Van Horne, Quasqueton, Lamont, Colesburg, Garrison, Rowley, Greeley, Dundee, Masonville, Troy Mills, Oneida, Vinton Memorial Airport and Manchester Airport. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 38 and 50. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4264 9116 4198 9208 4209 9219 4264 9169 4265 9123 TIME...MOT...LOC 2025Z 226DEG 35KT 4208 9208 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  750 WSRA31 RUMG 222026 UHMM SIGMET 1 VALID 222100/230100 UHMM- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6700 W16858 - N6500 W16858 - N6120 W17745 - N6150 E17445 - N6700 E17900 - N6900 W17900 - N6700 W16858 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  869 WSIR31 OIII 222027 OIIX SIGMET 22 VALID 222030/222330 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2701 E05559 - N2658 E05233 - N2932 E05138 - N3620 E05633 - N3623 E06126 - N3119 E06110 - N3056 E06224 - N2642 E05850 MOV E/NE NC=  644 WSBZ31 SBRE 222029 SBRE SIGMET 14 VALID 222030/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 1 3 222020/230120=  142 WUUS53 KDVN 222030 SVRDVN IAC011-095-103-113-222130- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0011.190422T2030Z-190422T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 330 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Johnson County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Benton County in east central Iowa... Southern Linn County in east central Iowa... Northeastern Iowa County in east central Iowa... * Until 430 PM CDT. * At 330 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Amana, or 9 miles east of Marengo, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Robins, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Walford, Springville, Swisher, Shueyville, Norway, Bertram, Amana, Viola, Whittier, Middle Amana, Squaw Creek Park and East Amana. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 8 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4176 9196 4188 9206 4220 9137 4185 9137 TIME...MOT...LOC 2030Z 242DEG 36KT 4183 9189 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  722 WWUS53 KDVN 222031 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 331 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC161-222040- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Rock Island IL- 331 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN ROCK ISLAND COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4158 8992 4158 9017 4159 9016 4163 9015 4164 9016 4166 9008 4172 9011 4179 9012 4193 8996 4193 8988 4166 8964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2030Z 249DEG 39KT 4170 8994 $$ ILC195-222100- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL- 331 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL WHITESIDE COUNTY... At 330 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lyndon, or 7 miles south of Morrison, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Morrison, Prophetstown, Erie, Tampico, Lyndon, Emerson, Union Grove, Ustick, Fenton, Round Grove, Portland Corners, Spring Hill, Malvern, Como, White Pigeon, Morrison-Rockwood State Park, Denrock, Unionville, Agnew and Galt. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 19 and 39. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4158 8992 4158 9017 4159 9016 4163 9015 4164 9016 4166 9008 4172 9011 4179 9012 4193 8996 4193 8988 4166 8964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2030Z 249DEG 39KT 4170 8994 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  417 WAUS41 KKCI 222045 WA1Z BOSZ WA 222045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20WNW BGR TO 70E BOS TO 30E HTO TO 80SSE HTO TO 70SE CYN TO 50SSW ETX TO ALB TO 40E MPV TO 20WNW BGR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL190. FRZLVL 070-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...OH LE FROM 20NE DXO TO 30WNW CLE TO 50WNW ERI TO 20N ERI TO 30SW ERI TO APE TO 30WSW DXO TO 20NE DXO MOD ICE BTN 140 AND FL210. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...NY LO FROM 30ESE YOW TO 30E MSS TO 60SSW SYR TO 30SSE MSS TO 60SSW SYR TO 60NE BUF TO 70SSW YOW TO 30ESE YOW MOD ICE BTN 100 AND FL180. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...ICE VT NY LO PA BOUNDED BY 30ESE YOW-30SW YSC-40SE HNK-60SW HNK-50NNE BUF-50NNW SYR-30ESE YOW MOD ICE BTN 090 AND FL200. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...ICE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70ESE YQB-30SSE MLT-70ENE ACK-30ESE BOS-20N HTO-50SSW HTO-40S JFK-40SSE ALB-20SSE MPV-YSC-70ESE YQB MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL190. FRZLVL 060-090. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 3...ICE NY LO PA OH LE BOUNDED BY 50NNE BUF-40ESE JHW-40SSE ERI-20WSW EWC-20ESE APE-30WSW DXO-20NE DXO-30WNW CLE-40NNE CLE-20WSW BUF-20ESE YYZ-50NNE BUF MOD ICE BTN 130 AND FL210. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-120 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 50SSE YQB-PQI-40E PQI ....  418 WAUS46 KKCI 222045 WA6Z SFOZ WA 222045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET ICE...WA OR CA ID MT AND CSTL WTRS FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 70SSW YXH TO 70SE DSD TO 20NW LKV TO 40SSW EUG TO 130WNW FOT TO 110WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE WA OR CA ID MT AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY YDC-50WSW YXC-50SE YQL-70NE GGW-40E LWT-80SSW BKE-70SE DSD-40E BTG-20SW BTG-20SSW EUG-130WNW FOT-130WSW ONP-30SSW ONP-50W BTG-120WNW ONP-130WSW TOU-20W HUH-50S YDC-YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 075-135 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 140W TOU-20SSW YDC-30E YDC 120 ALG 160NW FOT-60W OED-50NNE RBL-60W FMG-80S RZS-120SW MZB ....  419 WAUS44 KKCI 222045 WA4Z DFWZ WA 222045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET ICE...OK TX KS FROM 30WSW ICT TO 30NNE END TO 40SSW OKC TO 20S SPS TO 60SE TTT TO 60SE CWK TO 30WNW SAT TO 30N DLF TO 60NW DLF TO 60N INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO 60SE GCK TO 30WSW ICT MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...ICE OK TX AR LA KS MO BOUNDED BY 60NW OSW-30WNW LIT-50SE EIC-40E CWK-60SE CWK-30W SAT-20W LBB-50SSW CDS-30N CDS-20E ICT-60NW OSW MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...ICE OK TX KS BOUNDED BY 30SSE SLN-20E ICT-30N CDS-50SSW CDS-50SSW TXO-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-20NE LBL-60SSE HLC-30SSE SLN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 110-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 30SE TCC-40S MMB-30E MMB-60NE MMB ....  420 WAUS45 KKCI 222045 WA5Z SLCZ WA 222045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET ICE...ID WY UT CO FROM 70NNE JAC TO 50SW CZI TO 60W LAR TO 50W CHE TO 30NW MTU TO 40SSE HVE TO 50E ILC TO 50SSE SLC TO 30ESE PIH TO 70NNE JAC MOD ICE BTN 090 AND 170. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET ICE...UT CO AZ NM FROM 30ENE CHE TO 40WNW AKO TO 40SW GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 30NE TCC TO 50SW TCC TO 20SE CME TO 30E TCS TO 50WNW ABQ TO 30NE INW TO 30WNW RSK TO 30W DBL TO 30ENE CHE MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...CO NM FROM 30NE TCC TO 60N INK TO 40SW TCC TO 30NE TCC MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS ENDG BY 03Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 70SSW YXH TO 70SE DSD TO 20NW LKV TO 40SSW EUG TO 130WNW FOT TO 110WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-130. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE ID MT WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY YDC-50WSW YXC-50SE YQL-70NE GGW-40E LWT-80SSW BKE-70SE DSD-40E BTG-20SW BTG-20SSW EUG-130WNW FOT-130WSW ONP-30SSW ONP-50W BTG-120WNW ONP-130WSW TOU-20W HUH-50S YDC-YDC MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-130 ACRS AREA 080 ALG 60ENE HVR-70SSE MLS-40NW BFF-BFF 120 ALG 40S DMN-20SE DMN-30SE TCC ....  421 WAUS42 KKCI 222045 WA2Z MIAZ WA 222045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 085-145 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 20SE VXV-ODF-20E IRQ-30SSE RDU-90E ILM-160SE ECG ....  422 WAUS43 KKCI 222045 WA3Z CHIZ WA 222045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET ICE...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL FROM 70ESE YQT TO SSM TO 50WNW YVV TO 30SE ECK TO 30WNW MKG TO 50SW BAE TO 30N IOW TO 50NE DSM TO 60SSW FOD TO 50WNW OVR TO 50WSW FSD TO 70SW BRD TO 70ESE YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 060-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...KS OK TX FROM 30WSW ICT TO 30NNE END TO 40SSW OKC TO 20S SPS TO 60SE TTT TO 60SE CWK TO 30WNW SAT TO 30N DLF TO 60NW DLF TO 60N INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO 60SE GCK TO 30WSW ICT MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...ICE KS MO OK TX AR LA BOUNDED BY 60NW OSW-30WNW LIT-50SE EIC-40E CWK-60SE CWK-30W SAT-20W LBB-50SSW CDS-30N CDS-20E ICT-60NW OSW MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...ICE KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 30SSE SLN-20E ICT-30N CDS-50SSW CDS-50SSW TXO-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-20NE LBL-60SSE HLC-30SSE SLN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 055-135 ACRS AREA 080 ALG BFF-40E BFF-50S DLH-70NE SAW 120 ALG 60NE MMB-50WSW SLN-30NW SLN-40WSW PWE-20W JOT-40SSE ORD-40S LOZ ....  583 WWUS53 KDVN 222032 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 332 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC011-073-195-222100- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL- 332 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE...NORTHEASTERN HENRY AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES... At 332 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Erie, or 15 miles south of Morrison, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Tampico, Hooppole, Deer Grove, Yorktown, Thomas and Leon Corners. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4149 8982 4150 9018 4158 9018 4171 8964 4158 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2032Z 243DEG 38KT 4158 9001 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  891 WEAK53 PAAQ 222032 TIBAK1 Tsunami Information Statement Number 1 NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 132 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THIS IS A TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT... EVALUATION ---------- * There is NO tsunami danger from this earthquake. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * The following parameters are based on a rapid preliminary assessment of the earthquake and changes may occur. * Magnitude 4.6 * Origin Time 1227 AKDT Apr 22 2019 1327 PDT Apr 22 2019 2027 UTC Apr 22 2019 * Coordinates 50.4 North 129.8 West * Depth 2 miles * Location 115 miles W of Port Alice, British Columbia 275 miles S of Prince Rupert, British Columbia ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NEXT UPDATE -------------------------------------- * Further information will be issued by the United States Geological Survey (earthquake.usgs.gov) or the appropriate regional seismic network. * This will be the only U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center message issued for this event unless additional information becomes available. $$  104 WEAK63 PAAQ 222032 TIBSPN Boletin Informativo de Tsunami Numero 1 NWS Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunami Palmer AK 132 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...ESTE ES UN MENSAJE INFORMATIVO DE TSUNAMI... EVALUACION ---------- * Ha ocurrido un terremoto; no hay peligro de tsunami. PARAMETROS PRELIMINARES DEL TERREMOTO ------------------------------------- * LOS SIGUIENTES PARAMETROS ESTAN BASADOS EN UNA EVALUACION PRELIMINAR RAPIDA Y PUEDEN VARIAR. * Magnitud 4.6 * Tiempo de Origen 1227 AKDT Apr 22 2019 1327 PDT Apr 22 2019 2027 UTC Apr 22 2019 * Coordenadas 50.4 Norte 129.8 Oeste * Profundidad 2 millas * Localizacion 115 millas W de Port Alice, British Columbia 275 millas S de Prince Rupert, British Columbia INFORMACION ADICIONAL Y PROXIMA ACTUALIZACION --------------------------------------------- * Los parametros del terremoto estan basados en informacion preliminar. * Informacion adicional sera emitida por el Servicio Geologico de Los Estados Unidos (earthquake.usgs.gov) o la correspondiente red sismica regional. * Este sera el unico mensaje proveniente del Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunami de Los Estados Unidos para este evento a menos que se disponga de informacion adicional. $$  393 WWJP25 RJTD 221800 WARNING AND SUMMARY 221800. WARNING VALID 231800. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN BOHAI YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 42N 141E 44N 146E 53N 160E 50N 180E 38N 180E 33N 174E 33N 166E 37N 167E 35N 150E 37N 148E 37N 143E 42N 141E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 29N 140E 30N 143E 30N 153E 27N 150E 26N 140E 27N 135E 29N 140E. SUMMARY. LOW 996 HPA AT 47N 126E EAST 20 KT. LOW 1010 HPA AT 27N 143E ESE SLOWLY. LOW 1012 HPA AT 59N 144E NORTH SLOWLY. LOW 1010 HPA AT 39N 152E EAST 15 KT. LOW 1014 HPA AT 42N 168E EAST 15 KT. HIGH 1022 HPA AT 39N 141E EAST 20 KT. WARM FRONT FROM 47N 126E TO 46N 129E 44N 131E. COLD FRONT FROM 47N 126E TO 44N 120E 43N 110E. WARM FRONT FROM 39N 152E TO 37N 154E 36N 155E. COLD FRONT FROM 39N 152E TO 36N 150E 34N 147E 34N 143E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 25N 111E TO 27N 115E 30N 121E 28N 127E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 23N 139E TO 24N 143E 28N 146E 27N 149E 28N 155E 27N 157E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  579 WWUS83 KARX 222033 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 333 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAZ030-222115- Clayton- 333 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CLAYTON COUNTY... At 331 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was near Manchester Iowa, moving northeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm as it moves into the area. Lightning is also a risk. Locations impacted include... Guttenberg, Strawberry Point, Garnavillo, Garber, Osterdock, Clayton Center, and Elkport. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4303 9121 4266 9101 4265 9104 4264 9160 TIME...MOT...LOC 2031Z 223DEG 39KT 4251 9159 $$ Shea  141 WWUS53 KDVN 222034 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 334 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-019-055-113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Buchanan IA-Benton IA-Delaware IA-Linn IA- 334 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR EASTERN BUCHANAN...NORTHEASTERN BENTON...NORTHWESTERN DELAWARE AND NORTHWESTERN LINN COUNTIES... At 333 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Vinton, moving northeast at 40 mph. A second severe thunderstorm was located east of Quasqueton also moving northeast. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Vinton, Manchester, Center Point, Urbana, Edgewood, Winthrop, Walker, Quasqueton, Lamont, Colesburg, Rowley, Greeley, Dundee, Masonville, Troy Mills, Oneida, Vinton Memorial Airport, Manchester Airport, Monti and Twin Bridges Park. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 38 and 49. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4264 9116 4205 9200 4213 9213 4264 9169 4265 9123 TIME...MOT...LOC 2033Z 226DEG 35KT 4214 9200 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  142 WWUS53 KDVN 222034 RRA SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 334 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC195-222100- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL- 334 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL WHITESIDE COUNTY... At 334 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lyndon, or 8 miles southeast of Morrison, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Morrison, Prophetstown, Erie, Tampico, Lyndon, Emerson, Union Grove, Ustick, Fenton, Round Grove, Portland Corners, Spring Hill, Malvern, Como, White Pigeon, Morrison-Rockwood State Park, Denrock, Unionville, Agnew and Galt. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 19 and 39. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4158 8992 4158 9017 4159 9016 4163 9015 4164 9016 4166 9008 4172 9011 4179 9012 4193 8996 4193 8988 4166 8964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2034Z 245DEG 36KT 4170 8988 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  138 WWUS53 KDVN 222035 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 335 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC011-073-195-222100- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL- 335 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE...NORTHEASTERN HENRY AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES... At 335 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Prophetstown, or 14 miles south of Morrison, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Tampico, Hooppole, Deer Grove, Yorktown, Thomas and Leon Corners. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4149 8982 4150 9018 4158 9018 4171 8964 4158 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 241DEG 37KT 4159 8997 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  330 WXFJ01 NFFN 221858 UTC SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY FIVE FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 07.30AM ON TUESDAY 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN BANDS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL WEDNESDAY. FORECAST: FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: PERIODS OF RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND FEW THUNDERSTORMS. HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (ABOVE 50MM) IN THE PAST 24HOURS: UDU POINT 181MM SAGANI 144MM WAINIKORO 96MM NAIRUKURUKU 62MM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 10.30AM TODAY OR EARLIER  829 WSEQ31 SEGU 222035 SEFG SIGMET 02 VALID 222035/222335 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2010Z WI S0331 W07928 - S0359 W07949 - S0409 W07938 - S0347 W07903 - S0331 W07927 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  087 WWUS53 KDVN 222036 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 336 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-095-103-113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Johnson IA-Benton IA-Linn IA-Iowa IA- 336 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN JOHNSON...SOUTHEASTERN BENTON...SOUTHERN LINN AND NORTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTIES... At 336 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Walford, or 10 miles southwest of Cedar Rapids, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Walford, Springville, Swisher, Shueyville, Norway, Bertram, Amana, Viola, Whittier, Middle Amana, Squaw Creek Park, East Amana and Marion Airport. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 9 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4178 9191 4193 9193 4220 9137 4185 9137 TIME...MOT...LOC 2036Z 242DEG 36KT 4186 9181 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  533 WGUS83 KTOP 222036 FLSTOP Flood Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 336 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following stream in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. && KSC117-230435- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLRK1.1.ER.190312T0755Z.190422T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 336 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Blue Rapids. * until further notice. * At 3:15 PM Monday the stage was 41.4 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 41.5 feet by this evening. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. The river is forecast to remain above flood stage for the next few weeks due to backwater from Tuttle Creek Lake. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs from Marysville to Tuttle Creek Lake. && LAT...LON 3971 9666 3968 9658 3957 9655 3957 9659 3968 9669 $$  605 WGUS81 KCAR 222037 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 437 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEC019-232030- /O.NEW.KCAR.FA.Y.0010.190422T2037Z-190423T2030Z/ /00000.N.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Penobscot ME- 437 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Caribou Maine has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Snowmelt in... North central Penobscot County in east central Maine... * Until 430 PM EDT Tuesday. * At 432 PM EDT, local law enforcement reported snowmelt causing minor flooding along the East Branch of the Penobscot River and near the Grindstone area downstream from the Grand Lake Matagamon Dam. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, Grand Lake Matagamon and Grindstone. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4617 6878 4611 6876 4590 6859 4578 6855 4572 6856 4573 6861 4578 6860 4591 6867 4609 6882 4617 6882 $$ Mignone  489 WAIS31 LLBD 222035 LLLL AIRMET 13 VALID 222100/230000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3303 E03500 - N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3127 E03513 STNR NC=  141 WAUS43 KKCI 222045 WA3S CHIS WA 222045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET IFR...SD MN IA WI LM LS MI FROM 30ESE YQT TO 30NW SSM TO 50ESE SAW TO 20NE BAE TO 20SE DLL TO 40NW IOW TO 30SSW FOD TO 20SW FSD TO 20WSW DLH TO 30ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 30ESE YQT-50ESE SSM-40NE TVC-30W GIJ-20ENE BDF-30E DSM-30SSW FOD-40S RWF-20ESE DLH-30ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  142 WAUS42 KKCI 222045 WA2S MIAS WA 222045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 230300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  143 WAUS45 KKCI 222045 WA5S SLCS WA 222045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET IFR...WY CO NM FROM 20ENE CYS TO 40W TBE TO 20N FTI TO 60SSW ALS TO 20SSE DBL TO 60ESE CHE TO LAR TO 20ENE CYS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY UT CO NM FROM 30SSW BIL TO 50NNW BOY TO 20S SHR TO 20SE CYS TO TBE TO 40SE FTI TO 50SE ABQ TO 40WNW ABQ TO 40N CHE TO 40N MTU TO 50E MLD TO 20WNW JAC TO 70WSW BIL TO 30SSW BIL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR CO NM BOUNDED BY 30SW CYS-30NNE PUB-50SE CIM-20SE TCC-40NNW INK-40S CME-70SSE ABQ-30NW ABQ-30ENE RSK-20N HBU-30SW CYS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN WY CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY CYS-TBE-60S TBE-CME-60W INK-20NNW TCS-60WSW RSK-20SSW LAR-CYS MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN ID MT BOUNDED BY 40SSW YQL-80SSE YQL-50W GTF-40S FCA-70SSW MLP-40SSE GEG-60SW YXC-40SSW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  144 WAUS44 KKCI 222045 WA4S DFWS WA 222045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 230300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR OK TX BOUNDED BY 60W OKC-20NNE SPS-50SSE LBB-40NNW INK-20ESE TCC-20E AMA-60W OKC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  145 WAUS41 KKCI 222045 WA1S BOSS WA 222045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE HUL TO 200SE ACK TO 190SSE ACK TO 120ESE ACK TO 70SSE ACK TO 180S ACK TO 180ESE SIE TO 80ESE SIE TO 30ESE SAX TO 20SSW BDL TO 40ESE ALB TO 40SE HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM MLT TO 20ESE CON TO 40S ALB TO 20NE HNK TO 20NNE MPV TO MLT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ DE AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50SE HUL-200SE ACK-210SSE HTO-60SSE JFK-40ESE ALB- 60SSE YSC-50SE HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NY PA BOUNDED BY 50NNW ALB-50ESE HNK-30W ETX-20S SLT-JHW-SYR-50NNW ALB MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  146 WAUS46 KKCI 222045 WA6S SFOS WA 222045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 8 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NE TOU TO 30WSW SEA TO 40NNW ONP TO 150SW FOT TO 140WSW FOT TO 110WNW ONP TO 140W TOU TO 40NE TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM 50ESE YDC TO 70SSW YKM TO 60SSE BTG TO ONP TO 70S HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 50ESE YDC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30NE HUH-50SSW YDC-40WNW EPH-30W YKM-40W BTG-40NNE FOT-40SSW FOT-100SW FOT-140WSW FOT-120WNW ONP-140W TOU-30NE HUH CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...IFR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY SNS-40W RZS-30S RZS-40ESE LAX-20SE MZB-220SW MZB- 140SW SNS-50WSW SNS-SNS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  166 WWUS53 KDVN 222040 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 340 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-095-103-113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Johnson IA-Benton IA-Linn IA-Iowa IA- 340 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN JOHNSON...SOUTHEASTERN BENTON...SOUTHERN LINN AND NORTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTIES... At 340 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fairfax, or 7 miles southwest of Cedar Rapids, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Walford, Springville, Swisher, Shueyville, Bertram, Whittier, Viola, Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Cou Falls, Squaw Creek Park, East Amana, Marion Airport and Paralta. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 9 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4179 9186 4195 9187 4220 9137 4185 9137 TIME...MOT...LOC 2040Z 242DEG 36KT 4188 9176 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  052 WSBZ31 SBRE 222044 SBAO SIGMET 13 VALID 222045/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE F CST WI S2642 W04346 - S2944 W03216 - S3141 W03448 - S2833 W04514 - S2642 W04346 FL130/220 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  247 WSPO31 LPMG 222045 LPPC SIGMET 2 VALID 222100/222345 LPPT- LPPC LISBON FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N3900 AND E OF W00830 FL070/190 MOV E 20KT WKN=  810 WWUS53 KDVN 222045 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 345 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-095-103-222055- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Johnson IA-Benton IA-Iowa IA- 345 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN JOHNSON... SOUTHEASTERN BENTON AND NORTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4197 9183 4220 9137 4186 9137 4186 9182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 242DEG 36KT 4191 9169 $$ IAC113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Linn IA- 345 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN LINN COUNTY... At 345 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Swisher, or near Cedar Rapids, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Springville, Shueyville, Bertram, Whittier, Viola, Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Squaw Creek Park, Marion Airport, Paralta, Palisades-Kepler State Park, Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport and Morgan Creek Park. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 12 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4197 9183 4220 9137 4186 9137 4186 9182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 242DEG 36KT 4191 9169 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  674 WWUS53 KDVN 222046 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 346 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC011-073-195-222100- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL- 346 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE...NORTHEASTERN HENRY AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES... At 346 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Tampico, or 11 miles southwest of Rock Falls, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Tampico, Deer Grove, Yorktown and Leon Corners. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4156 8979 4154 8998 4162 9000 4171 8964 4160 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 241DEG 37KT 4165 8984 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  126 WWUS75 KGGW 222046 NPWGGW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 246 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MTZ016-017-021>023-231100- /O.NEW.KGGW.LW.Y.0004.190423T2100Z-190424T0200Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Central and Southern Valley- Petroleum-Garfield-McCone- Including the city of Fort Peck 246 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM TO 8 PM MDT TUESDAY FOR FORT PECK LAKE... The National Weather Service in Glasgow has issued a Lake Wind Advisory for Fort Peck Lake, which is in effect from 3 PM to 8 PM MDT Tuesday. * WINDS...West 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * TIMING...3 PM to 8 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and rough waves on area lakes will create hazardous conditions for small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Boaters should use extreme caution if venturing onto Fort Peck Lake. For your personal safety, avoid the open waters. Stay close to shore or around protected areas. && $$  212 WWUS53 KDVN 222047 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 347 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC195-222100- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL- 347 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE COUNTY... At 346 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Rock Falls, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Prophetstown, Tampico, Emerson, Galt, Portland Corners, Leon Corners, Prophetstown State Recreation Area, Agnew and Como. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 34 and 39. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4158 8992 4168 9001 4171 8990 4178 8981 4185 8981 4166 8964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 241DEG 37KT 4176 8972 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  380 WWAK77 PAJK 222047 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 1247 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ021-025-222200- /O.EXP.PAJK.HW.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Eastern Chichagof Island- Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island- Including the cities of Hoonah and Juneau 1247 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... Winds are shifting to southwest early this afternoon and will diminish overnight. There will be a few gusts to 40 mph this afternoon. $$ AKZ020-022-230000- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 1247 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Elfin Cove and Gustavus. * WINDS...Southwest 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the SW during late morning with peak gusts during early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ023-222200- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area- Including the cities of Sitka and Port Alexander 1247 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Central outer coast including Sitka and Port Alexander. * WINDS...Southwest 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Peak winds will be during the late morning to early afternoon hours. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ018-019-230300- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 1247 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...Northern inner channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...South 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the south during the late morning then increasing quickly with peak gusts in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  733 WWUS53 KDVN 222047 RRA SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 347 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-019-055-113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Buchanan IA-Benton IA-Delaware IA-Linn IA- 347 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR EASTERN BUCHANAN...NORTHEASTERN BENTON...NORTHWESTERN DELAWARE AND NORTHWESTERN LINN COUNTIES... At 346 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Urbana, or 9 miles east of Vinton, moving northeast at 40 mph. A second severe thunderstorm was located near Manchester moving northeast. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Manchester, Urbana, Edgewood, Winthrop, Walker, Quasqueton, Lamont, Colesburg, Rowley, Greeley, Dundee, Masonville, Troy Mills, Oneida, Manchester Airport, Monti, Twin Bridges Park, Wildcat Bluff Park, Cheney and Winthrop Golf Course. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 39 and 48. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4264 9116 4214 9189 4223 9200 4264 9169 4265 9123 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 227DEG 35KT 4222 9185 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  289 WUUS53 KDVN 222051 SVRDVN ILC195-222115- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0012.190422T2051Z-190422T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 351 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... * Until 415 PM CDT. * At 351 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Sterling to near Deer Grove to near Tampico, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Sterling, Rock Falls, Tampico, Deer Grove, Emerson, Yeoward Addition, Whiteside County Airport, Galt, Penrose, Como, Leon Corners, Grimes Addition, Douglas Park and Agnew. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 34 and 44. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4158 8994 4166 8987 4184 8981 4190 8963 4159 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2051Z 245DEG 33KT 4186 8971 4169 8970 4160 8986 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  751 WSBZ31 SBRE 222051 SBRE SIGMET 15 VALID 222052/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0419 W03716 - S0449 W03612 - S0606 W03645 - S0505 W03744 - S0419 W03716 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  199 WUUS53 KLOT 222052 SVRLOT ILC103-222145- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0010.190422T2052Z-190422T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 352 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Lee County in north central Illinois... * Until 445 PM CDT * At 352 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Tampico, or 7 miles southwest of Rock Falls, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Dixon, Walton, Amboy, Franklin Grove, Nelson and Harmon. Including the following interstate... I-88 between mile markers 45 and 62. This includes...Lee County Fairgrounds and Sauk Valley College. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4190 8963 4190 8948 4191 8946 4191 8943 4190 8942 4189 8943 4189 8942 4190 8940 4190 8936 4189 8936 4189 8932 4159 8922 4159 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2052Z 263DEG 31KT 4168 8975 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Kluber  498 WSUS31 KKCI 222055 SIGE MKCE WST 222055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 222255-230255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  499 WSUS33 KKCI 222055 SIGW MKCW WST 222055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9W VALID UNTIL 2255Z AZ FROM 40N PGS-40W DRK DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10W VALID UNTIL 2255Z UT FROM 50NW MTU-30N MTU-60N HVE-40ENE DTA-50NW MTU AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11W VALID UNTIL 2255Z NM FROM 40NW DMN-60SSW DMN DVLPG LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21045KT. TOPS TO FL270. OUTLOOK VALID 222255-230255 FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  500 WSUS32 KKCI 222055 SIGC MKCC WST 222055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 58C VALID UNTIL 2255Z IL IA 40NNW BDF ISOL SEV TS D20 MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 59C VALID UNTIL 2255Z WI IA FROM 60S ODI-20NNW DBQ-10SW IOW-50WNW IOW-60S ODI AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22035KT. TOPS TO FL380. HAIL TO 1 IN POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 222255-230255 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-TCS-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  767 WGZS80 NSTU 222053 FLSPPG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 953 AM SST Mon Apr 22 2019 ASZ001>003-222300- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 953 AM SST Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Pago Pago has issued a * Small stream flood advisory for... Tutuila Aunuu Manua Swains * Until 12 PM SST * Latest satellite imagery show a band of showers associated with an active trough streaming across the territory. Expect rainfall, heavy at times, over the next few hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall and runoffs may cause small streams to overflow, resulting in flooding of low lying areas and roadways. Mud and landslides are also possible along steep slopes and mountainous areas as grounds become saturated. The public is advised to take necessary precautions when driving due to hazardous driving conditions and flooded roadways. && FAUTUAGA MO TAFEGA MA LOLOGA MO ALA-VAI OFISA O LE TAU PAGO PAGO AS 10 TAEAO ASO GAFUA APERILA 22 2019 UA IAI NEI SE * FAUTUAGO MO TAFEGA MA LOLOGA MO ALA-VAI MO Tutuila Aunuu Manua Swains * SE'IA OO I LE 12 i le aoauli nei... * MAFUAAGA MO LE LAPATAIGA...O uiga louloua o le tau o loo lata i saute o le atusamoa o le a mafua ai timuga, e mamafa i nisi o taimi, mo nai isi itula. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O TIMUGA MAMAFA MA TAFEGA MALOLOSI E MAFAI ONA FAATUPULAIA AI LOLOGA I ALA-VAI MA NOFOAGA MAUALALO. IA FAAETEETE I TAIMI E FEMALAGA'I AI I LUGA O ALA-TELE. E ONO TULA'I MAI SOLOGA O PALAPALA MA MAUGA ONA O LE SUSU O LE ELEELE UA IAI NEI. FAMOLEMOLE FAAUTAGIA MAI LENEI FAUTUAGA. $$  623 WWUS53 KDVN 222054 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 354 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC011-019-113-222103- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Buchanan IA-Benton IA-Linn IA- 354 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN BUCHANAN... NORTHEASTERN BENTON AND NORTHWESTERN LINN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened and moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4244 9146 4251 9157 4264 9145 4265 9123 4264 9116 TIME...MOT...LOC 2053Z 226DEG 25KT 4253 9143 $$ IAC055-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Delaware IA- 354 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN DELAWARE COUNTY... At 353 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Manchester, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Manchester, Edgewood, Colesburg, Greeley, Oneida, Coffins Grove Park, Twin Bridges Park, Delaware County Fairgrounds and Manchester Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4244 9146 4251 9157 4264 9145 4265 9123 4264 9116 TIME...MOT...LOC 2053Z 226DEG 25KT 4253 9143 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  725 WGUS86 KPDT 222054 FLSPDT Flood Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 154 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Oregon... John Day River at Service Creek affecting Wheeler County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. As little as one foot of water on the road can move most vehicles off the road. Additional information is available at: weather.gov/Pendleton && ORC069-230813- /O.EXT.KPDT.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190423T0813Z/ /SERO3.2.ER.190420T2043Z.190421T1730Z.190423T0213Z.NO/ 154 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The John Day River at Service Creek. * until late tonight. * At 1:30 PM Monday, the stage was 11.7 feet. * Flood stage is 11.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this evening. && LAT...LON 4506 12035 4492 11996 4466 11990 4446 12055 4505 12063 $$  695 WAUS41 KKCI 222045 WA1T BOST WA 222045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET TURB...OH WV VA FROM 30SW DXO TO 40SSE AIR TO 50SSW PSK TO HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SW DXO MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 150ENE ACK TO 200SSE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 90E ECG TO 30WSW CYN TO 30WNW ETX TO 20SSW SYR TO YOW TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NNW ENE-80SE ENE-30WSW ACK-30SSE SAX-30SE ALB-40NNW ENE LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB NY PA OH LE WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 30ESE ECK-20ENE ERI-50SE JST-40SSW RIC-20W GSO-HMV- HNN-CVG-FWA-30ESE ECK MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  696 WAUS44 KKCI 222045 WA4T DFWT WA 222045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR TN SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY FROM 20WSW MSP TO 40S GRB TO 30SW DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 40E VXV TO 40W BVT TO 60ENE OBH TO 40ENE AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 20WSW MSP MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...AR TN LA MS AL KS IA MO IL IN KY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40W BVT TO 40E VXV TO GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 130ESE LEV TO 50WSW SQS TO 40ESE PWE TO 40W BVT MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET TURB...OK TX AR LA MS NE KS MO AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60ENE OBH TO 40ESE PWE TO 50WSW SQS TO 90WSW LEV TO 120SSW LCH TO 30SSW LRD TO DLF TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40ENE AKO TO 60ENE OBH MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB OK TX AR TN LA MS NE KS IA MO IL IN KY AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40ESE IOW-50WSW BVT-50ENE DYR-90WSW LEV-120SSW LCH- 60S LRD-DLF-90S MRF-ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-40ESE IOW MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...TURB TN AL IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 50WSW BVT-20SE IND-30E VXV-GQO-50SW PZD-30ENE CEW- 50ENE DYR-50WSW BVT MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . AREA 3...TURB TX BOUNDED BY 40E MAF-20WSW SJT-30WNW DLF-70SSE FST-20SW FST-20ESE INK-40E MAF MOD TURB BLW 070. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  697 WAUS42 KKCI 222045 WA2T MIAT WA 222045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET TURB...NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40E VXV TO 40E CTY TO 20N RSW TO 80ESE EYW TO 80WSW EYW TO 90WSW PIE TO 170SE LEV TO 130ESE LEV TO 40W CEW TO 50SW PZD TO GQO TO 40E VXV MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET TURB...NC SC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 160ESE ILM TO 70E ILM TO 80E ECG TO 160SE SIE MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY HMV-30ESE OMN-150SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90WSW PIE-30ENE CEW- 50SW PZD-GQO-HMV MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. ....  698 WAUS43 KKCI 222045 WA3T CHIT WA 222045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD MN FROM 30N INL TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL380. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI IL IN KY OK TX AR TN FROM 20WSW MSP TO 40S GRB TO 30SW DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 40E VXV TO 40W BVT TO 60ENE OBH TO 40ENE AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 20WSW MSP MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...KS IA MO IL IN KY AR TN LA MS AL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40W BVT TO 40E VXV TO GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 40W CEW TO 130ESE LEV TO 50WSW SQS TO 40ESE PWE TO 40W BVT MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MO OK TX AR LA MS AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60ENE OBH TO 40ESE PWE TO 50WSW SQS TO 90WSW LEV TO 120SSW LCH TO 30SSW LRD TO DLF TO 90S MRF TO ELP TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 40ENE AKO TO 60ENE OBH MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN FROM 30WNW SSM TO 50ENE TVC TO 40SSE ASP TO DXO TO 20NNE IND TO 60S AXC TO 20N AXC TO 30SE DBQ TO 30SSE GRB TO 40SSW SAW TO 30ENE SAW TO 30WNW SSM MOD TURB BLW 090. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WI LM MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 40WSW SSM-50NNE ASP-50SE ASP-40W DXO-40S FWA-40SE TTH- 20SE AXC-20N ORD-30S GRB-40WSW SSM LLWS EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB ND SD MN BOUNDED BY 30N INL-20WNW YQT-30ENE RWF-70SW RAP-50NNW ISN-30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL220 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...TURB SD NE KS MN IA WI LM MI LH IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 20WSW MSP-40SW TVC-30ESE ECK-FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-30E VXV- 20SE IND-50WSW BVT-40ESE IOW-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-20WSW MSP MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 3...TURB NE KS IA MO IL IN KY OK TX AR TN LA MS AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40ESE IOW-50WSW BVT-50ENE DYR-90WSW LEV-120SSW LCH- 60S LRD-DLF-90S MRF-ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-40ESE IOW MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 4...TURB IL IN KY TN AL BOUNDED BY 50WSW BVT-20SE IND-30E VXV-GQO-50SW PZD-30ENE CEW- 50ENE DYR-50WSW BVT MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL390. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. ....  699 WAUS45 KKCI 222045 WA5T SLCT WA 222045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET TURB...UT CO AZ NM FROM 40ENE AKO TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO ELP TO 70SSW DMN TO 80SW TUS TO 60NE TBC TO 40ENE AKO MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...WY UT CO AZ NM FROM 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 60NE TBC TO 70SW BCE TO 50NW BCE TO 70SW RAP MOD TURB BTN FL210 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE YQL TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 50NW BCE TO 30E BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 130SW SNS TO 50SW CZQ TO 60S FMG TO BAM TO 50N TWF TO 40WSW GTF TO 30SSE YQL MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60SSW YXH-50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-BFF-30NNW GLD-40SE DBL- 60SSW DVC-50ESE PHX-50S TUS-BZA-20S MZB-220SW MZB-130SW SNS- 50ENE CZQ-20NE OAL-40SSE TWF-30SW DBS-20N GTF-60SSW YXH MOD TURB BTN FL220 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  891 WAUS46 KKCI 222045 WA6T SFOT WA 222045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET TURB...CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE YQL TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 50NW BCE TO 30E BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 130SW SNS TO 50SW CZQ TO 60S FMG TO BAM TO 50N TWF TO 40WSW GTF TO 30SSE YQL MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SW YDC TO 40W YKM TO 40S HQM TO 20NW TOU TO 20W HUH TO 30SW YDC MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE CZQ TO 50S BTY TO 20NE HEC TO 50ESE TRM TO 40SE LAX TO 20WNW LAX TO 40SE CZQ MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60SSW YXH-50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-BFF-30NNW GLD-40SE DBL- 60SSW DVC-50ESE PHX-50S TUS-BZA-20S MZB-220SW MZB-130SW SNS- 50ENE CZQ-20NE OAL-40SSE TWF-30SW DBS-20N GTF-60SSW YXH MOD TURB BTN FL220 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...TURB WA BOUNDED BY 30SW YDC-60ESE YDC-40WNW EPH-40W YKM-30SW YDC MOD TURB BLW 140. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  253 WBCN07 CWVR 222000 PAM ROCKS WIND 2905 LANGARA; CLDY 12 SW30G37 6FT MDT LO W PRESRR AND SHWRS DSNT N 2030 CLD EST 10 BKN 07/01 GREEN; CLDY 12 SW30EG 6FT MDT SHWRS DSNT NE-S 2030 CLD EST 20 FEW BKN ABV 25 08/05 TRIPLE; CLDY 12 W25EG 5FT MDT LO-MOD W PRESRR AND SHWRS DSNT W 2030 CLD EST 18 SCT BKN ABV 25 09/05 BONILLA; CLDY 15 SW24EG 5FT MDT LO-MOD S SHWRS DSNT S AND NW 2030 CLD EST 22 SCT BKN ABV 25 09/05 BOAT BLUFF; OVC 3RW- S06 1FT CHP 2030 CLD EST 18 OVC 10/06 MCINNES; PC 12 SW15E 4FT MDT LO-MOD SW SHWRS DSNT N-NE AND PRESRR 2030 CLD EST 22 FEW FEW ABV 25 09/06 IVORY; OVC 15 SW18 4FT MDT LO-MOD SW SHWRS DSNT N AND E AND VIS E 7 2030 CLD EST 10 FEW 14 SCT OVC ABV 25 10/07 DRYAD; OVC 3L-F SW11 1FT CHP 2030 CLD EST 4 SCT 16 OVC 09/08 ADDENBROKE; X 11/2R- SE07E 2FT CHP 2030 CLD EST X 09/08 EGG ISLAND; OVC 5R-F SW12 4FT MOD LO W 2040 CLD EST 8 BKN 20 OVC 09/09 PINE ISLAND; OVC 2RW- W2E RPLD LO W 2040 CLD EST 10 OVC 09/09 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 15 S15EG 4FT MOD MOD SW 2040 CLD EST 16 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/08 QUATSINO; OVC 15 W15E 4FT MOD LO SW 2040 CLD EST 10 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/09 NOOTKA; OVC 5RW- S25E 4FT MDT MOD SW 2040 CLD EST 20 SCT OVC ABV 25 11/09 ESTEVAN; OVC 3R- SE22G29 4FT MDT LO-MOD SW 1020.7R LENNARD; OVC 1R-F SE24EG 5FT MDT LO-MOD SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 1/2R-F SE30G35 6FT MDT MOD SW PACHENA; OVC 3RF SE25E 5FT MDT LO-MOD SW CARMANAH; OVC 10R-F E18E 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW SCARLETT; OVC 2R-F SE15E 2FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; OVC 12RW- E20EG 2FT CHP CHATHAM; OVC 6R SE30E 4FT MOD LO SE 2040 CLD EST 02 FEW 10 BKN 20 OVC 11/11 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 177/09/07/1318/M/0010 PCPN 1.0MM PAST HR PK WND 1227 1935Z 1043 63MM= WEB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 201/09/09/1318+28/M/0011 PCPN 0.3MM PAST HR PK WND 1230 1912Z 3005 16MM= WQC SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 220/10/07/1106/M/ 8003 54MM= WRU SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 187/09/M/2609/M/ 1036 7MMM= WFG SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 175/08/07/2716/M/ PK WND 2625 1938Z 1051 88MM= WVF SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/09/09/0710/M/ M 28MM= WQS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 138/08/03/2823/M/ PK WND 2829 1910Z PRESRR 2074 62MM= WRO SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 109/07/05/2727+35/M/0006 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR PK WND 2735 1901Z PRESRR 1105 90MM= WEK SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 098/08/04/MMMM/M/ PRESRR 1110 81MM= WWL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 130/08/04/2619/M/ PK WND 2523 1901Z PRESRR 1103 54MM= WME SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/09/08/2422+32/M/0048 PCPN 1.6MM PAST HR PK WND 2432 1952Z M 21MM= WAS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 173/08/07/2905/M/0018 PCPN 0.6MM PAST HR 1006 44MM= WSB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 238/09/07/0804/M/0022 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR 3003 96MM= WGT SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 211/09/07/1131/M/M PK WND 1135 1947Z 6001 44MM= WGB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 224/09/07/1225/M/0002 PK WND 1132 1907Z 3005 24MM= WEL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 229/10/08/1519/M/ PK WND 1522 1920Z 6002 68MM= WDR SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 229/09/08/0107/M/ 1011 65MM= WZO SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0306/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0916+23/M/ PK WND 0927 1939Z M MMMM=  400 WWUS53 KDVN 222056 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 356 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC195-222104- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL- 356 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 400 PM CDT... This warning has been extended and a new severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 415 PM CDT. LAT...LON 4158 8992 4168 9001 4171 8990 4178 8981 4185 8981 4166 8964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2053Z 241DEG 37KT 4179 8964 $$ Gibbs  315 WWUS53 KDVN 222057 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 357 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Linn IA- 357 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN LINN COUNTY... At 356 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Cedar Rapids, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Springville, Shueyville, Bertram, Whittier, Viola, Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Squaw Creek Park, Marion Airport, Paralta, Palisades-Kepler State Park, Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport and Morgan Creek Park. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 12 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4197 9183 4220 9137 4186 9137 4186 9182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2056Z 240DEG 32KT 4194 9164 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  682 WWJP73 RJTD 221800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 221800UTC ISSUED AT 222100UTC LOW 1010HPA AT 27N 143E MOV ESE SLWY C-FRONT FM 39N 152E TO 36N 150E 34N 147E 34N 143E STNR FRONT FM 23N 139E TO 24N 143E 28N 146E 27N 149E 28N 155E 27N 157E WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 230300UTC =  683 WWJP75 RJTD 221800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 221800UTC ISSUED AT 222100UTC LOW 1010HPA AT 39N 152E MOV EAST 15 KT W-FRONT FM 39N 152E TO 37N 154E 36N 155E C-FRONT FM 39N 152E TO 36N 150E 34N 147E 34N 143E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 230300UTC =  684 WWJP74 RJTD 221800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 221800UTC ISSUED AT 222100UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 230300UTC =  685 WWJP71 RJTD 221800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 221800UTC ISSUED AT 222100UTC STNR FRONT FM 25N 111E TO 27N 115E 30N 121E 28N 127E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA, SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 230300UTC =  686 WWJP72 RJTD 221800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 221800UTC ISSUED AT 222100UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP WARNING(NEAR GALE) TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 230300UTC =  916 WWUS53 KDVN 222058 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 358 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC011-073-195-222106- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190422T2100Z/ Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL- 358 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE... NORTHEASTERN HENRY AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 400 PM CDT... This warning has been cancelled for Henry and Bureau Counties and extended for Whiteside County. A new severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 415 PM CDT for Whiteside County. LAT...LON 4156 8979 4154 8998 4162 9000 4171 8964 4160 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2056Z 241DEG 37KT 4170 8973 $$ Gibbs  442 WWUS45 KPUB 222059 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 259 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 COZ075-230500- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- 259 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches. * WHERE...Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible due to heavy snow and poor visibilities, particularly through tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ073-080-230500- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 259 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet and Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be difficult due to heavy snow and poor visibilities across the higher mountains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  197 WAKO31 RKSI 222058 RKRR AIRMET T03 VALID 222105/230030 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3741 E12640 - N3815 E12704 - N3821 E12827 - N3712 E12915 - N3527 E12913 - N3521 E12633 - N3641 E12633 - N3741 E12640 STNR WKN=  665 WSPH31 RPLL 222100 RPHI SIGMET A01 VALID 222100/230100 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0603 E12214 - N0737 E12232 - N0752 E12409 - N0557 E12429 - N0603 E12214 TOP FL520 STNR INTSF=  385 WSFG20 TFFF 222059 SOOO SIGMET 1 VALID 222100/222300 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0345 W05145 - N0215 W05245 - N0215 W05400 - N0415 W05300 TOP FL430 MOV W 10KT NC=  574 WWUS53 KDVN 222101 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 401 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Linn IA- 401 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN LINN COUNTY... At 400 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bertram, or near Cedar Rapids, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Springville, Shueyville, Bertram, Whittier, Viola, Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Squaw Creek Park, Marion Airport, Paralta, Palisades-Kepler State Park, Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport and Morgan Creek Park. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 12 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4197 9183 4220 9137 4186 9137 4186 9182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2100Z 242DEG 36KT 4196 9159 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  710 WHUS76 KMFR 222101 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 201 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...North winds and steep seas returning Tuesday... .The thermal trough pattern will strengthen across the coastal waters area Tuesday afternoon and then persist and strengthen, at times, through this next weekend. PZZ356-376-231500- /O.NEW.KMFR.SC.Y.0036.190423T2100Z-190425T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.SE.A.0008.190424T1200Z-190425T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 201 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT 2 PM TUESDAY TO 5 AM PDT THURSDAY... ...HAZARDOUS SEAS WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 2 PM Tuesday to 5 AM PDT Thursday. A Hazardous Seas Watch has also been issued. This Hazardous Seas Watch is in effect from late Tuesday night through late Wednesday night. * Winds...North winds will increase in the 20 to 30 knot range with gusts 25 to 35 knots. * Seas...7 to 8 foot, 12 second period west-northwest swell will combine with building wind waves from the north to result in northwest combined seas in the 9 to 11 foot range Tuesday afternoon and night. Wednesday morning through Thursday morning seas are expected to become very steep at 10 to 12 feet in the Hazardous Seas Watch area. * Areas affected...The advisory is for areas between 2 and 50 nautical miles of the coast south of Humbug Mountain. The Hazardous Seas Watch is mainly for areas between 8 and 60 nautical miles of the coast south of Port Orford. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. A Hazardous Seas Watch is issued when the risk of very steep and hazardous seas has significantly increased, but the specific timing and/or location is still uncertain. It is intended to provide additional lead time for mariners who may wish to consider altering their plans. && $$ BTL http://www.weather.gov/medford  113 WWUS53 KDVN 222104 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 404 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC113-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Linn IA- 404 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN LINN COUNTY... At 404 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bertram, or near Cedar Rapids, moving east northeast at 40 mph. A second severe thunderstorm was located south of Fairfax moving northeast. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Springville, Shueyville, Bertram, Whittier, Viola, Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Squaw Creek Park, Marion Airport, Paralta, Palisades-Kepler State Park, Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport and Morgan Creek Park. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 12 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4197 9183 4220 9137 4186 9137 4186 9182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2104Z 242DEG 35KT 4196 9156 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  294 WSYG31 LYBM 222105 LYBA SIGMET 1 VALID 222110/230010 LYBE- LYBA BEOGRAD FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E02035 AND N OF N4440 SFC/FL033 STNR NC=  611 WWUS53 KDVN 222106 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 406 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC055-222130- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Delaware IA- 406 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL DELAWARE COUNTY... At 406 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Greeley, or 12 miles northeast of Manchester, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Edgewood, Colesburg, Greeley, Oneida and Twin Bridges Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4253 9133 4258 9148 4264 9145 4265 9123 4264 9116 TIME...MOT...LOC 2106Z 226DEG 35KT 4262 9130 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  099 WHUS73 KDLH 222108 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 408 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LSZ143>145-230000- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN-Two Harbors to Duluth MN- Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 408 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 10 to 15 knots. * Waves...3 to 5 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 20 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LSZ121-146>148-230000- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Chequamegon Bay-Bayfield to Oak Point WI- Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- 408 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Sustained Winds...Northeast 10 to 15 knots. * Waves...4 to 6 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 20 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  880 WGUS81 KCAR 222108 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 508 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MEC003-232200- /O.EXT.KCAR.FA.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Aroostook ME- 508 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Caribou Maine has extended the * Flood Advisory for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Eastern Aroostook County in northern Maine... * Until 600 PM EDT Tuesday. * Emergency Management and law enforcement reported continued minor flooding, with streams and rivers spilling over in places and flooding nearby lowlands and some roads. Some roads remain closed today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4733 6816 4707 6779 4592 6775 4587 6781 4582 6776 4580 6781 4568 6781 4557 6841 4638 6844 4638 6849 4729 6839 4736 6834 4736 6828 $$ Mignone  880 WWUS75 KLKN 222109 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 209 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NVZ040-230200- /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ Northwestern Nye County- 209 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...North to northeast winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph * TIMING...The strongest winds will be late this afternoon and early this evening. * IMPACTS...The strong winds will blow away loose and unanchored property as well as make travel difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A wind advisory means that sustained winds of 30 mph with gusts in excess of 45 mph are expected. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$  489 WGUS81 KBOX 222110 FLSBOX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 510 PM EDT MON APR 22 2019 MAC005-017-021-023-025-222315- /O.NEW.KBOX.FA.Y.0007.190422T2110Z-190422T2315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Middlesex MA-Bristol MA-Plymouth MA- 510 PM EDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Norfolk County in eastern Massachusetts... Suffolk County in eastern Massachusetts... Southeastern Middlesex County in northeastern Massachusetts... Northwestern Bristol County in southeastern Massachusetts... Northwestern Plymouth County in southeastern Massachusetts... * Until 715 PM EDT. * At 509 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated bands of heavy rain that will cause some poor drainage street flooding in the advisory area. Up to one inch of rain has already fallen. * Some locations that will experience minor flooding include... Boston, Cambridge, Brockton, Quincy, Newton, Somerville, Framingham, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Taunton, Weymouth, Revere, Arlington, Everett, Braintree, Chelsea, Natick and Randolph. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory is issued for minor flooding of roads or underpasses that usually flood in heavy rain. Do not drive through flooded roads. && LAT...LON 4244 7107 4217 7069 4211 7066 4191 7126 4216 7148 4217 7148 4218 7150 4219 7150 4219 7151 4223 7155 $$ Frank  734 WWUS53 KLOT 222110 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 410 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILC103-222145- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2145Z/ Lee IL- 410 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM CDT FOR WESTERN LEE COUNTY... At 409 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Harmon, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Dixon, Walton, Amboy, Franklin Grove, Nelson and Harmon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4190 8963 4190 8948 4191 8946 4191 8943 4190 8942 4189 8943 4189 8942 4190 8940 4190 8936 4189 8936 4189 8932 4159 8922 4159 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2109Z 262DEG 31KT 4172 8957 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Kluber  019 WWAK42 PAFG 222110 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ214-222215- /O.CAN.PAFG.BZ.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ Yukon Delta- Including Mountain Village, Emmonak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St Marys, Scammon Bay, Marshall, Nunam Iqua, and Pitkas Point 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...BLIZZARD WARNING IS CANCELLED... $$ AKZ212-215-222215- /O.CAN.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ Eastern Norton Sound and Nulato Hills-Lower Yukon Valley- Including Unalakleet, Stebbins, St Michael, Elim, Koyuk, Shaktoolik, Russian Mission, Grayling, Holy Cross, Shageluk, Anvik, and Flat 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ AKZ207-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Chukchi Sea Coast- Including Point Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Espenberg 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Plan on areas of poor visibilities to create difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Chukchi Sea Coast. * WHEN...Until 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow reducing the visibility to one half mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ208-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Noatak, Kiana, and Red Dog Mine 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Plan on areas of poor visibilities to create difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Lower Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow reducing the visibility to one half mile or less at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ213-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait Coast- Including Gambell, Savoonga, Brevig Mission, Teller, Wales, and Diomede 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches, with localized amounts up to 6 inches, are expected. * WHERE...St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait Coast. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ216-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T2000Z/ Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys- Including Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, and Koyukuk 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Plan on slippery road conditions. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches, with localized amounts up to 7 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Lower Koyukuk and Middle Yukon Valleys. * WHEN...Until noon Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will taper off this morning and develop again this evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. $$ AKZ217-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys- Including Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk 110 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Plan on areas of poor visibilities and slick roadways to create difficult travel conditions at times. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Upper Kobuk and Noatak Valleys. * WHEN...Until 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. $$  772 WWUS53 KDVN 222110 CCA SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 410 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC113-222130- /O.COR.KDVN.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Linn IA- 410 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN LINN COUNTY... At 410 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bertram, or 9 miles east of Cedar Rapids, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, Springville, Shueyville, Bertram, Whittier, Viola, Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Squaw Creek Park, Marion Airport, Paralta, Palisades-Kepler State Park, Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport and Morgan Creek Park. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 12 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4197 9183 4220 9137 4186 9137 4186 9182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2104Z 252DEG 32KT 4196 9156 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  698 WHUS76 KLOX 222111 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 211 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ670-230400- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 211 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ673-230400- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 211 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-230400- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0060.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 211 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  347 WWUS53 KDVN 222112 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 412 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC195-222122- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190422T2115Z/ Whiteside IL- 412 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN WHITESIDE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 415 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service the Quad Cities. LAT...LON 4158 8994 4166 8987 4184 8981 4190 8963 4159 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2112Z 245DEG 33KT 4194 8948 4177 8947 4168 8963 $$ Gibbs  357 WACN02 CWAO 222112 CZEG AIRMET A1 VALID 222110/230110 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE N5339 W12050 - N5713 W12625 TOP FL220 MOV E 15KT NC=  358 WACN22 CWAO 222112 CZEG AIRMET A1 VALID 222110/230110 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE /N5339 W12050/30 NW CAV4 - /N5713 W12625/20 NE CBQ7 TOP FL220 MOV E 15KT NC RMK GFACN31/CZVR VANCOUVER FIR AIRMET B1=  359 WACN21 CWAO 222112 CZVR AIRMET B1 VALID 222110/230110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE /N5339 W12050/30 NW CAV4 - /N5713 W12625/20 NE CBQ7 TOP FL220 MOV E 15KT NC RMK GFACN31/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET A1=  615 WACN01 CWAO 222112 CZVR AIRMET B1 VALID 222110/230110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE N5339 W12050 - N5713 W12625 TOP FL220 MOV E 15KT NC=  632 WSBZ31 SBBS 222114 SBBS SIGMET 12 VALID 222110/230110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1301 W05335 - S1256 W04559 - S1429 W04502 - S1903 W04837 - S1704 W05331 - S1301 W05335 TOP FL440 STNR N C=  808 WWAK41 PAFG 222115 WSWNSB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ201-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Western Arctic Coast- Including Wainwright, Atqasuk, Point Lay, and Cape Lisburne 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Western Arctic Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind gusts to 55 mph expected west of Point Lay to Cape Lisburne. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ202-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Northern Arctic Coast- Including Utqiagvik, Alaktak, Pitt Point, and Nulavik 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Northern Arctic Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ203-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Central Beaufort Sea Coast- Including Nuiqsut, Prudhoe Bay, Alpine, Deadhorse, and Kuparuk 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. * WHERE...Central Beaufort Sea Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow means periods of blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ204-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast- Including Kaktovik and Flaxman Island 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ205-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Northwestern Brooks Range- Including Singiluk and Umiat 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Northwestern Brooks Range. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 35 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ206-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0085.000000T0000Z-190424T0200Z/ Northeastern Brooks Range- Including Anaktuvuk Pass, Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, and Franklin Bluffs 115 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Visibility one half mile or less at times. Plan on difficult travel conditions at times. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches are expected. * WHERE...Northeastern Brooks Range including Dalton Highway. * WHEN...Noon Monday to 6 PM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 40 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  021 WGUS43 KGRB 222116 FLWGRB BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Green Bay WI 416 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Michigan...Wisconsin... Menominee River near Florence affecting Dickinson...Iron and Florence Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons with interests along this river need to prepare for flooding. Stay tuned for further updates on this flooding situation. && MIC043-071-WIC037-231216- /O.NEW.KGRB.FL.W.0037.190422T2116Z-000000T0000Z/ /FLOW3.1.ER.190422T1824Z.190424T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 416 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a * Flood Warning For the Menominee River near Florence. * At 4:00 PM Monday the stage was 9.3 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...the river will continue rising to near 10.5 feet by Wednesday morning then begin falling. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. Floodwaters reach a few homes and cottages along Runbers Road.. && LAT...LON 4596 8820 4592 8806 4576 8806 4584 8821 $$  446 WSBZ31 SBBS 222116 SBBS SIGMET 13 VALID 222110/230110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1017 W04927 - S0929 W04814 - S1012 W04711 - S1113 W04810 - S1017 W04927 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  712 WGUS63 KDLH 222118 FFADLH Flood Watch National Weather Service Duluth MN 418 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RAINFALL ENDING ACROSS NORTHWEST WISCONSIN THIS EVENING... .Rain showers will taper off across northwest Wisconsin this evening. Area soils are already fairly saturated due to recent rains and snowmelt, so rainfall on top of these conditions will lead to additional runoff into the river system and tributaries. The runoff is expected to result in rises in local rivers, creeks, and streams that are already running high. Additional rainfall amounts up to one half inch will be possible in the watch area, especially in Bayfield, Ashland and Iron Counties. MNZ038-222230- /O.CAN.KDLH.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pine- Including the cities of Pine City and Hinckley 418 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED... The Flood Watch for a Pine County has been cancelled. Rainfall has ended and the threat for flooding is low. $$ WIZ001>004-006>008-230530- /O.CON.KDLH.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-190423T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Douglas-Bayfield-Ashland-Iron-Burnett-Washburn-Sawyer- Including the cities of Superior, Washburn, Bayfield, Ashland, Hurley, Grantsburg, Spooner, and Hayward 418 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT TUESDAY... The Flood Watch continues for * A portion of northwest Wisconsin, including the following areas, Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Sawyer, and Washburn. * Until 1 AM CDT Tuesday * Light to occasionally moderate rainfall is expected over areas where soils are saturated from recent snowmelt runoff and precipitation last week. The additional rain this evening will quickly runoff into area rivers and tributaries. * Localized minor flooding is possible, especially for low-water crossings, poorly drained, and flood-prone locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current rainfall forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ BJH  740 WARH31 LDZM 222110 LDZO AIRMET 4 VALID 222110/230010 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR SFC WIND 130/30KT FCST SE OF LINE N4456 E01454 - N4414 E01342 STNR INTSF=  042 WUUS53 KDVN 222119 SVRDVN IAC031-045-097-105-113-222215- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0013.190422T2119Z-190422T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 419 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Jackson County in east central Iowa... Northern Cedar County in east central Iowa... Jones County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Linn County in east central Iowa... Northwestern Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 515 PM CDT. * At 419 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Martelle, or 9 miles northwest of Mechanicsville, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Mechanicsville, Marion, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Springville, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Bertram, Martelle, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Stone City, Viola, Whittier and Nashville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4191 9075 4189 9153 4210 9155 TIME...MOT...LOC 2119Z 252DEG 32KT 4200 9140 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  446 WGUS85 KPUB 222119 FLSPUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pueblo CO 319 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 COC055-230015- /O.NEW.KPUB.FA.Y.0001.190422T2119Z-190423T0015Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Huerfano CO- 319 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Rain and Snowmelt in... Southwestern Huerfano County in southeastern Colorado... * Until 615 PM MDT. * At 316 PM MDT, Rain and snowmelt will cause minor flooding across the Spring Fire Burn Scar. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Huerfano county, La Veta and Cuchara. This includes the following area Sulpher Springs on Indian Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move away from recently burned areas. Flooding of creeks, roads and normally dry arroyos is possible. Rain may trigger rockslides, mudslides and debris flows in steep terrain, especially in and around the Spring Fire Burn Scar. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3754 10497 3741 10502 3737 10510 3743 10513 3755 10512 3754 10508 $$ kam  186 WSMS31 WMKK 222117 WBFC SIGMET F01 VALID 222125/222330 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0130 E11340 - N0120 E11200 - N0330 E11115 - N0400 E11300 - N0130 E11340 TOP FL520 MOV W NC=  420 WWUS53 KDVN 222120 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 420 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC055-222130- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2130Z/ Delaware IA- 420 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL DELAWARE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 430 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service the Quad Cities. LAT...LON 4253 9133 4258 9148 4264 9145 4265 9123 4264 9116 TIME...MOT...LOC 2120Z 226DEG 35KT 4271 9117 $$ Gibbs  940 WSKO31 RKSI 222120 RKRR SIGMET B01 VALID 222125/230100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3503 E12359 - N3501 E12658 - N3414 E12848 - N3229 E12731 - N3229 E12646 - N2959 E12523 - N3003 E12359 - N3503 E12359 TOP FL330 MOV NE 15KT NC=  920 WWCN01 CYQQ 222120 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COMOX PREPARED BY MSC METOC ESQUIMALT AT 2.20 PM PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. LOCATION: CFB COMOX (CYQQ) TYPE: WIND WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: WINDS HAVE DROPPED BELOW WARNING CRITERIA. END/METOC-ESQUIMALT  120 WGUS83 KMKX 222122 FLSMKX Flood Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 422 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following river in Wisconsin... Wisconsin River at Wisconsin Dells && WIC021-222152- /O.CAN.KMKX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ /WDEW3.1.ER.190420T1132Z.190421T1245Z.190422T2002Z.NO/ 422 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Wisconsin River At Wisconsin Dells. * At 3:15 PM Monday the stage was 15.9 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * The river fell below flood stage at 3 PM tonday. * Forecast...The river is forecast to fall to near 13 feet by Thursday afternoon. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Wisconsin Dells 16.0 13.0 15.91 3 PM 4/22 15.8 14.9 13.4 12.9 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Wisconsin Dells 16.90 8 AM 4/21 -0.86 15.80 7 PM 4/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.34 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.80 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.03 Wis. Dells: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Wis. Dells: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4364 8982 4364 8974 4362 8973 4361 8968 4358 8977 4362 8980 $$  722 WWUS53 KLOT 222124 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 424 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILC103-222145- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2145Z/ Lee IL- 424 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM CDT FOR WESTERN LEE COUNTY... At 422 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Walton, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Walton, Amboy and Franklin Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4175 8954 4184 8946 4187 8941 4188 8938 4189 8932 4164 8924 4167 8952 TIME...MOT...LOC 2122Z 253DEG 33KT 4174 8946 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Kluber  892 WWCN11 CWNT 222123 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE GREAT SLAVE AND UPPER MACKENZIE AREAS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:23 P.M. MDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= NORMAN WELLS - TULITA REGION =NEW= DELINE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 15 CM IS EXPECTED. A WEATHER SYSTEM IS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP NORTH OF GREAT SLAVE LAKE TONIGHT. THIS SYSTEM WILL SPREAD A BAND OF HEAVY SNOW ACROSS THE DELINE AREA ON TUESDAY MORNING AND INTO NORMAN WELLS IN THE LATE AFTERNOON. TOTAL SNOWFALL AMOUNTS WILL BE AROUND 10 TO 15 CM BEFORE THE SNOW ENDS EARLY WEDNESDAY. NORTH OF GREAT SLAVE LAKE PATCHY FREEZING RAIN IS ALSO EXPECTED TUESDAY MORNING. AT THIS TIME THE FREEZING RAIN IS NOT EXPECTED TO BE SEVERE BUT WARNINGS MAY BE ISSUED IF CONDITIONS BECOME HAZARDOUS. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  104 WWAK43 PAFG 222124 WSWAFG URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 124 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ220-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190423T0200Z-190424T1200Z/ Yukon Flats and Surrounding Uplands- Including Fort Yukon, Venetie, Central, Circle, Stevens Village, Beaver, Chalkyitsik, Birch Creek, Circle Hot Springs, Eagle Summit, and Twelvemile Summit 124 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches are expected. * WHERE...Higher terrain south of Beaver including the Dalton and Steese Highway Summits. * WHEN...6 PM today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ221-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190423T0200Z-190424T1200Z/ Central Interior- Including Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, and Livengood 124 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 9 inches are expected. * WHERE...Central Interior with the heaviest snow accumulations along the Elliott Highway * WHEN...6 PM today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ222-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0026.190423T0600Z-190424T1200Z/ Middle Tanana Valley- Including Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, and Sourdough Camp 124 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 9 inches are expected. * WHERE...Middle Tanana Valley with the heaviest snow accumulations in the hills north of Fairbanks. * WHEN...10 PM today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Look for significant reductions in visibility at times. Rain and snow is expected to develop early this evening and then change to snow late this evening at valley level. Expect 3 to 6 inches of wet heavy snow to accumulate a valley level and 6 to 9 inches of wet heavy snow to accumulate in the hills and over the highway summits north of Fairbanks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ224-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WS.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country- Including Tok, Tanacross, Eagle, Tetlin, Northway, Alcan, Chicken, and Boundary 124 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM AKDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches are expected. * WHERE...Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country with the heaviest snow accumulations expected along the Taylor Highway. * WHEN...Noon today to 4 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...1 to 3 inches of snow are expected to accumulation in the Upper Tanana Valley and along the Alaska Highway however winds gusting as high as 30 mph will cause areas of blowing snow especially west of Tok. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow and blowing snow means severe winter weather conditions are occurring. This will make travel very difficult or impossible. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$ AKZ226-231400- /O.CON.PAFG.WW.Y.0086.190423T0200Z-190423T1400Z/ Eastern Alaska Range- Including Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 124 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Plan on difficult travel conditions. In addition, areas of poor visibility are expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches, with localized amounts up to 4 inches, are expected. * WHERE...Eastern Alaska Range. * WHEN...6 PM Monday to 6 AM Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds gusting as high as 45 mph will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means periods of snow and blowing snow will cause travel difficulties. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. $$  127 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2310 W05035 - S2739 W05104 - S2955 W04755 - S2608 W04432 - S2456 W04650 - S2310 W05035 FL140/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  128 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBRE SIGMET 15 VALID 222052/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0419 W03716 - S0449 W03612 -S0606 W03645 - S0505 W03744 - S0419 W03716 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  129 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 222020/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0331 W04103 - N0239W03824 - N0015 W03926 - N0149 W04220 - N0331 W04103 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  130 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0821 W04632 - N0132 W05429- N0251 W05103 - S0343 W04223 - S0542 W04433 - S0749 W04601 - S0821 W04632 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  131 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W04125 - S0339 W04003 -S0637 W04142 - S0523 W04355 - S0426 W04310 - S0407 W04231 - S0052 W04125 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  132 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0545 W05616 - S0355 W05407- S0848 W04708 - S1017 W04925 - S0545 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  133 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 221840/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W07145 - S0419 W06938- S0705 W06625 - S0822 W06753 - S0449 W07145 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  134 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0934 W06512 - S0751 W05926- S1251 W05315 - S1641 W05327 - S1729 W05740 - S1351 W06015 - S1203 W06437 - S0934 W06512 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  135 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2202 W05802 - S1951 W05825 - S1745 W05749 - S1714 W05402 - S2126 W04944 - S2150 W04838 - S2232 W04741 - S2257 W04744 - S2324 W04711 - S2314 W04607 - S2340 W04531 - S2459 W04644 - S2219 W05219 - S2202 W05802 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  136 WSBZ01 SBBR 222100 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 221815/222215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0221 W06649 - N0123 W06238- S0133 W05807 - S0625 W06207 - S0221 W06649 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  404 WUUS53 KDVN 222125 SVRDVN ILC011-073-195-222215- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0014.190422T2125Z-190422T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 425 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... Northeastern Henry County in northwestern Illinois... Northern Bureau County in north central Illinois... * Until 515 PM CDT. * At 425 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Atkinson, or 15 miles north of Kewanee, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Princeton, Walnut, Wyanet, Atkinson, Sheffield, Annawan, Tampico, Hooppole, Deer Grove, Ohio, Yorktown, Malden, Manlius, Mineral, Dover, New Bedford, Thomas, Kasbeer, Leon Corners and Normandy. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 26 and 64. Interstate 180 between mile markers 11 and 13. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4134 9001 4155 9009 4168 8963 4159 8963 4158 8940 4137 8931 TIME...MOT...LOC 2125Z 250DEG 33KT 4146 8996 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  196 WSVS31 VVGL 222125 VVNB SIGMET 1 VALID 222125/230025 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2050 E10350 - N2050 E10305 - N2140 E10300 - N2225 E10210 - N2245 E10440 - N2050 E10350 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 10KT NC=  967 WARH31 LDZM 222125 LDZO AIRMET 5 VALID 222200/230010 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4527 E01358 - N4528 E01554 - N4318 E01718 - N4414 E01511 - N4527 E01358 ABV 1000FT STNR NC=  388 WGUS83 KMKX 222130 FLSMKX Flood Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 430 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Wisconsin River at Portage Fox River near Berlin && WIC021-230930- /O.CON.KMKX.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190428T1500Z/ /PORW3.3.ER.190418T2211Z.190422T0615Z.190428T0900Z.NO/ 430 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Portage. * At 4 PM Monday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is forecast to fall to near 19 feet Tuesday night and then below flood stage Sunday morning. * Impact...At 19.5 feet...Floodwaters are over Wood Street in Portage and a low spot on Thunderbird Road. Water comes up through ground at Sunset and Franklin. Floodwaters affect River Shores Road in the Town of Lewiston, River Oaks Road in the Town of Dekorra, and Levee Road in the Portage area, and numerous roads in the Blackhawk Park area about 3 miles south of Portage. Some water on Summit St near boat landing. Water over Conant St. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Portage 17.0 12.7 19.73 4 PM 4/22 19.7 19.2 18.4 18.0 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Portage 20.06 3 PM 4/21 -0.29 19.70 7 PM 4/22 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Portage: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.25 Portage: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.68 Portage: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.02 Portage: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Portage: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4351 8970 4365 8966 4359 8937 4339 8939 4344 8965 4350 8957 $$ WIC047-230930- /O.CON.KMKX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BERW3.2.RS.190315T0245Z.190327T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 430 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fox River Near Berlin. * At 3 PM Monday the stage was 13.0 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is foreacst to remain near flood stage through next weekend. && River forecasts are available for some but not all river gaging locations. The 7 day river forecast takes into account past precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and predicted precipitation for the basin. Precipitation is for the next 24 hours in the future from April through September and for 48 hours in the future from October through March. (stages in ft.) Bank- Latest Forecast stages - Flood full observed ...for 6 pm... Location stage stage stage/time Mon Tue Wed Thu Berlin 13.0 12.0 13.01 3 PM 4/22 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 - Highest 24 hour change - observed in river stage - stage in (ft.) up to Highest stage - the last latest observed forecast in - 7 days stage next 7 days Berlin 13.25 8 AM 4/18 -0.06 13.10 7 AM 4/26 Below is the latest predicted precipitation information in 6 hour increments for the listed sites. This information is updated twice daily - in the morning and evening. Precipitation prediction is for 48 hours into the future from October through March and for 24 hours into the future from April through September. Berlin: 6 am-noon Mon Apr 22 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Mon Apr 22 0.19 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Mon Apr 22 0.82 Berlin: midn-6 am Tue Apr 23 0.06 Berlin: 6 am-noon Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: noon-6 pm Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: 6 pm-midn Tue Apr 23 0.00 Berlin: midn-6 am Wed Apr 24 0.00 && LAT...LON 4398 8899 4398 8888 4391 8888 4389 8901 4395 8911 4396 8908 $$  508 WWUS53 KDVN 222132 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 432 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC031-045-097-105-113-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Jones IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 432 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON...NORTHERN CEDAR...JONES...SOUTHEASTERN LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 431 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Morley, or near Anamosa, moving east at 35 mph. A second severe thunderstorm was located north of Mount Vernon moving northeast. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Mechanicsville, Marion, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Springville, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Bertram, Martelle, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Stone City, Viola, Whittier and Nashville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4191 9075 4189 9153 4210 9155 TIME...MOT...LOC 2131Z 252DEG 32KT 4203 9126 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  371 WSCN02 CWAO 222133 CZEG SIGMET D4 VALID 222130/222215 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET D3 221815/222215=  372 WSCN22 CWAO 222133 CZEG SIGMET D4 VALID 222130/222215 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET D3 221815/222215 RMK GFACN35=  899 WSPR31 SPIM 222134 SPIM SIGMET A3 VALID 222134/222230 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A2 VALID 221915/222230=  402 WWUS53 KDVN 222135 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 435 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC031-045-097-105-113-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Jones IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 435 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON...NORTHERN CEDAR...JONES...SOUTHEASTERN LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 434 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Morley, or near Anamosa, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Mechanicsville, Marion, Mount Vernon, Lisbon, Springville, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Bertram, Martelle, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Stone City, Viola, Whittier and Nashville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4191 9075 4189 9153 4210 9155 TIME...MOT...LOC 2134Z 252DEG 32KT 4204 9122 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  121 WWAK77 PAJK 222135 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 135 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ023-222245- /O.EXP.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area- Including the cities of Sitka and Port Alexander 135 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 2 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... The weather front has passed Baranof Island and moved inland. Wind had decreased and become weaterly. Areas may still have some weaterly gusts to 40 to 50 mph this afternoon. $$ AKZ018-019-230300- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 135 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...Northern inner channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...South 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the south during the late morning then increasing quickly with peak gusts in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$ AKZ020-022-230000- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 135 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... * LOCATION...Elfin Cove and Gustavus. * WINDS...Southwest 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the SW during late morning with peak gusts during early afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  852 WWUS83 KLOT 222135 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 435 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILZ008-010-222215- Ogle IL-Lee IL- 435 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN OGLE AND NORTHEASTERN LEE COUNTIES UNTIL 515 PM CDT... At 435 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Amboy, or 7 miles northeast of Walton, moving northeast at 40 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rochelle, Hillcrest, Franklin Grove, Ashton, Paw Paw, Creston, Lee, Compton, Steward and West Brooklyn. Including the following interstates... I-39 between mile markers 81 and 105. I-88 between mile markers 62 and 82. This includes...Lee County Fairgrounds. LAT...LON 4188 8935 4205 8894 4168 8894 4168 8929 TIME...MOT...LOC 2135Z 246DEG 33KT 4178 8932 $$ Kluber  445 WWUS53 KLOT 222136 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 436 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILC103-222146- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190422T2145Z/ Lee IL- 436 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WESTERN LEE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 445 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4175 8954 4184 8946 4187 8941 4188 8938 4189 8932 4164 8924 4167 8952 TIME...MOT...LOC 2136Z 263DEG 31KT 4175 8931 $$ Kluber  070 WWUS53 KDVN 222137 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 437 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC011-073-195-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL- 437 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE...NORTHEASTERN HENRY AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES... At 437 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles east of Hooppole, or 18 miles south of Rock Falls, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Princeton, Walnut, Tampico, Hooppole, Deer Grove, Ohio, Yorktown, Malden, Manlius, Dover, New Bedford, Thomas, Kasbeer, Leon Corners and Normandy. This includes Interstate 80 in Illinois near mile marker 32. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4141 8994 4160 8992 4168 8963 4159 8963 4158 8940 4141 8933 TIME...MOT...LOC 2137Z 248DEG 36KT 4152 8977 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  734 WGUS81 KBOX 222137 FLSBOX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 537 PM EDT MON APR 22 2019 MAC011-013-015-027-222330- /O.NEW.KBOX.FA.Y.0008.190422T2137Z-190422T2330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Worcester MA-Hampshire MA-Franklin MA-Hampden MA- 537 PM EDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Western Worcester County in central Massachusetts... Southeastern Hampshire County in western Massachusetts... Southeastern Franklin County in western Massachusetts... Eastern Hampden County in western Massachusetts... * Until 730 PM EDT. * At 536 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain that will cause some street flooding in the advisory area. Up to one inch of rain has already fallen. * Some locations that will experience minor flooding include... Springfield, Chicopee, Westfield, Holyoke, Amherst, Northampton, Agawam, West Springfield, Ludlow, Gardner, South Hadley, Southbridge, Easthampton, Longmeadow, East Longmeadow, Belchertown, Wilbraham, Charlton, Palmer and Spencer. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory is issued for minor flooding of roads or underpasses that usually flood in heavy rain. Do not drive through flooded roads. && LAT...LON 4203 7263 4231 7276 4261 7197 4207 7194 $$ Frank  684 WWUS53 KDVN 222139 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 439 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC031-045-097-105-113-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Jones IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 439 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON...NORTHWESTERN CEDAR...JONES...EAST CENTRAL LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 438 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Olin, or 7 miles southeast of Anamosa, moving east northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Lisbon, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Martelle, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Stone City, Nashville, Canton, Viola, Baldwin, Emeline, South Gary Owen, Maquoketa Caves State Park and Buckhorn. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4195 9075 4193 9140 4214 9138 TIME...MOT...LOC 2138Z 252DEG 32KT 4205 9116 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  957 WAHW31 PHFO 222139 WA0HI HNLS WA 222200 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 230400 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 222200 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 230400 . AIRMET TURB...HI OVR AND IMT S THRU W OF MTN ALL ISLANDS. TEMPO MOD TURB BLW 070. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. =HNLZ WA 222200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 230400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...149-153.  191 WHUS76 KSEW 222139 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 239 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ150-153-156-170-173-176-230000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm- Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 239 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-230545- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0069.000000T0000Z-190423T0900Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 239 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WIND...South wind 15 to 25 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  268 WWUS83 KARX 222141 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 441 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAZ030-WIZ054-055-061-230000- Clayton-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Elkader, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 441 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...Scattered Thunderstorms For Late Afternoon...A Few Strong... Scattered storms will rumble east northeast across parts of northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin through 7 pm. The stronger storms will be capable of 1/2 inch hail and wind gusts to 35 mph. Heavy downpours can also be expected. $$ Rieck  117 WSFR34 LFPW 222142 LFMM SIGMET 12 VALID 222200/230200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4400 E00700 - N4315 E00945 - N4200 E00945 - N4145 E00745 - N4300 E00230 - N4545 E00300 - N4400 E00700 FL330/390 STNR WKN=  309 WSFJ01 NFFN 222100 NFFF SIGMET 11 VALID 222230/220230 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1524 E17454 - S1524 E17918 - S2306 E17706 - S2200 E17136 - S1524 E17454 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  503 WSFJ02 NFFN 222100 NFFF SIGMET 12 VALID 222235/230235 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0206 E17654 - S0036 E17954 - S0506 E17954 - S0506 W17148 - S0936 W17454 - S0954 W17930 - N0206 E17336 - N0206 E17654 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  155 WWUS83 KLOT 222144 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 444 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILZ010-222230- Lee IL- 444 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN LEE COUNTY UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 444 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Deer Grove, or 15 miles south of Rock Falls, moving east at 40 mph. Dime size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Walton and Amboy. This includes...Lee County Fairgrounds. LAT...LON 4167 8963 4179 8931 4159 8924 4159 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2144Z 250DEG 34KT 4156 8970 $$ Kluber  270 WWUS53 KDVN 222144 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 444 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC073-222154- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Henry IL- 444 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HENRY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4144 8982 4163 8981 4168 8963 4159 8963 4158 8940 4147 8936 TIME...MOT...LOC 2144Z 250DEG 33KT 4154 8968 $$ ILC011-195-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Whiteside IL-Bureau IL- 444 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES... At 444 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Deer Grove, or 15 miles south of Rock Falls, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Walnut, Tampico, Deer Grove, Ohio, Manlius, New Bedford, Kasbeer, Normandy and Thomas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4144 8982 4163 8981 4168 8963 4159 8963 4158 8940 4147 8936 TIME...MOT...LOC 2144Z 250DEG 33KT 4154 8968 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  674 WAUS43 KKCI 222144 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 222144 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET IFR...SD MN IA WI LM LS MI...UPDT FROM 30ESE YQT TO 30NW SSM TO 20NE BAE TO 20SE DLL TO 40NW IOW TO 30WSW DSM TO 40SW FOD TO 60SE FSD TO 20SW FSD TO 40W RWF TO 50WNW MSP TO 20WSW DLH TO 30ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 30ESE YQT-SSM-60ESE SSM-60S SSM-20E TVC-MKG-30W GIJ- 20ENE BDF-40S DBQ-20E DSM-30SSW FOD-40S RWF-30N MSP-20ESE DLH- 30ESE YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  194 WWUS83 KILX 222145 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 445 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILZ031-038-222230- Woodford-McLean- 445 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL WOODFORD AND NORTHEASTERN MCLEAN COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 445 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Hudson, or 13 miles north of Bloomington, moving east at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... El Paso, Lexington, Hudson, Chenoa, Gridley, Towanda, Pleasant Hill, Kappa, Weston and Lake Bloomington. This includes the following highways... Interstate 39 between mile markers 6 and 13. Interstate 55 between mile markers 171 and 187. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Lincoln. && LAT...LON 4065 8858 4055 8896 4070 8907 4076 8893 4076 8859 TIME...MOT...LOC 2145Z 248DEG 31KT 4067 8894 $$ Shimon  442 WSCO31 SKBO 222147 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 222146/222344 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2124Z WI N1121 W07419 - N1113 W07522 N1029 W07607 - N0953 W07517 - N1029 W07413 - N1121 W07419 TOP FL240 MOV NNE05KT NC=  247 WWUS53 KDVN 222147 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 447 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC011-195-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Whiteside IL-Bureau IL- 447 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE AND NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTIES... At 447 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Walnut, or 14 miles northwest of Princeton, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Walnut, Tampico, Deer Grove, Ohio, Manlius, New Bedford, Kasbeer, Normandy and Thomas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4144 8982 4163 8981 4168 8963 4159 8963 4158 8940 4147 8936 TIME...MOT...LOC 2147Z 250DEG 33KT 4155 8964 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  835 WWUS53 KDVN 222147 RRA SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 447 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC113-222157- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Linn IA- 447 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL LINN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4228 9074 4195 9075 4194 9130 4216 9129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2147Z 252DEG 32KT 4208 9105 $$ IAC031-045-097-105-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Jones IA-Clinton IA- 447 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON...NORTH CENTRAL CEDAR...JONES AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 447 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wyoming, or 11 miles east of Anamosa, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Nashville, Canton, Baldwin, Emeline, South Gary Owen, Oxford Mills, Wapsipinicon State Park, Eden Valley Refuge, Maquoketa Caves State Park, Hale and Crab Town. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4195 9075 4194 9130 4216 9129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2147Z 252DEG 32KT 4208 9105 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  426 WWUS83 KMKX 222148 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 448 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIZ062-222230- Iowa- 448 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN IOWA COUNTY... At 447 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 miles south of Muscoda, or 16 miles northwest of Dodgeville, moving northeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Highland and Avoca. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4318 9043 4321 9037 4321 9029 4319 9028 4319 9025 4317 9022 4316 9018 4317 9016 4316 9015 4312 9017 4302 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2147Z 237DEG 21KT 4308 9041 $$ GAGAN  607 WSFJ01 NFFN 222100 NFFF SIGMET 11 VALID 222230/230230 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1524 E17454 - S1524 E17918 - S2306 E17706 - S2200 E17136 - S1524 E17454 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  456 WSZA21 FAOR 222148 FAJO SIGMET A04 VALID 222200/230000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2854 E03423 - S2951 E03654 - S3504 E03341 - S3336 E03123 - S3300 E03200 - S3025 E03332 TOP FL400=  457 WSZA21 FAOR 222146 FACA SIGMET A04 VALID 222200/230000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3046 E02801 - S3300 E03200 - S3336 E03123 - S3208 E02904 - S3049 E02737 TOP FL400=  557 WSZA21 FAOR 222149 FAJO SIGMET F03 VALID 222200/230200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3746 E01936 - S3828 E03009 - S4207 E04712 - S4414 E04615 - S4457 E03839 - S4109 E02733 - S3950 E01942 - S3746 E01936 FL370/400=  558 WSZA21 FAOR 222147 FAJA SIGMET A04 VALID 222200/230000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2429 E02618 - S2625 E02752 - S2853 E03422 - S3300 E03200 - S3046 E02801 - S3049 E02737 - S2925 E02606 - S2934 E02302 - S2818 E02147 - S2634 E02201 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2540 E02527 - S2442 E02550 TOP FL400=  610 WEAK53 PAAQ 222150 TIBAK1 Tsunami Information Statement Number 1 NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 250 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THIS IS A TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT... EVALUATION ---------- * There is NO tsunami danger from this earthquake. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * The following parameters are based on a rapid preliminary assessment of the earthquake and changes may occur. * Magnitude 5.4 * Origin Time 1345 AKDT Apr 22 2019 1445 PDT Apr 22 2019 2145 UTC Apr 22 2019 * Coordinates 50.2 North 130.1 West * Depth 7 miles * Location 130 miles W of Port Alice, British Columbia 285 miles S of Prince Rupert, British Columbia ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NEXT UPDATE -------------------------------------- * Further information will be issued by the United States Geological Survey (earthquake.usgs.gov) or the appropriate regional seismic network. * This will be the only U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center message issued for this event unless additional information becomes available. $$  012 WEAK63 PAAQ 222150 TIBSPN Boletin Informativo de Tsunami Numero 1 NWS Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunami Palmer AK 250 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...ESTE ES UN MENSAJE INFORMATIVO DE TSUNAMI... EVALUACION ---------- * Ha ocurrido un terremoto; no hay peligro de tsunami. PARAMETROS PRELIMINARES DEL TERREMOTO ------------------------------------- * LOS SIGUIENTES PARAMETROS ESTAN BASADOS EN UNA EVALUACION PRELIMINAR RAPIDA Y PUEDEN VARIAR. * Magnitud 5.4 * Tiempo de Origen 1345 AKDT Apr 22 2019 1445 PDT Apr 22 2019 2145 UTC Apr 22 2019 * Coordenadas 50.2 Norte 130.1 Oeste * Profundidad 7 millas * Localizacion 130 millas W de Port Alice, British Columbia 285 millas S de Prince Rupert, British Columbia INFORMACION ADICIONAL Y PROXIMA ACTUALIZACION --------------------------------------------- * Los parametros del terremoto estan basados en informacion preliminar. * Informacion adicional sera emitida por el Servicio Geologico de Los Estados Unidos (earthquake.usgs.gov) o la correspondiente red sismica regional. * Este sera el unico mensaje proveniente del Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunami de Los Estados Unidos para este evento a menos que se disponga de informacion adicional. $$  086 WSZA21 FAOR 222150 FAJO SIGMET I02 VALID 222200/230200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3028 W00110 - S3437 E00244 - S4437 E00124 - S3841 W01000 - S3821 W01000 - S3648 W00104 FL370/400=  087 WSZA21 FAOR 222151 FAJO SIGMET H02 VALID 222200/230200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4815 E04549 - S5434 E04639 - S6355 E03915 - S6950 E01654 - S6412 E01535 - S6043 E01922 - S5302 E02802 FL270/340=  876 WWUS53 KDVN 222153 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 453 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC195-222202- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Whiteside IL- 453 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WHITESIDE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4147 8936 4146 8974 4158 8973 4159 8972 4159 8952 4158 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2152Z 250DEG 33KT 4157 8957 $$ ILC011-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Bureau IL- 453 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN BUREAU COUNTY... At 452 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Walnut, or 12 miles southwest of Walton, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Walnut, Ohio, New Bedford, Kasbeer and Normandy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4147 8936 4146 8974 4158 8973 4159 8972 4159 8952 4158 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2152Z 250DEG 33KT 4157 8957 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Gibbs  020 WSUS33 KKCI 222155 SIGW MKCW WST 222155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12W VALID UNTIL 2355Z AZ FROM 20NW PGS-40E EED LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13W VALID UNTIL 2355Z UT FROM 30W MTU-30ENE DTA-40S DTA-10WNW BCE LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14W VALID UNTIL 2355Z AZ FROM 50N SJN-40S SSO-50WSW SSO-40E INW-50N SJN AREA TS MOV FROM 22025KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 222355-230355 AREA 1...FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-50S EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50ENE RSK-40W ELP-40SW DMN-60SSW DMN-50S TUS-70NE INW-50ENE RSK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  021 WSUS32 KKCI 222155 SIGC MKCC WST 222155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 60C VALID UNTIL 2355Z IL FROM 50SW BAE-40SSE JOT-40NNW AXC-30NW BDF-50SW BAE AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 61C VALID UNTIL 2355Z WI IL IA FROM 20SW DLL-20ENE IOW-30WSW IOW-50WNW DBQ-20SW DLL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22035KT. TOPS TO FL380. HAIL TO 1 IN POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 222355-230355 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-30S MRF-ELP-40W ELP-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  022 WSUS31 KKCI 222155 SIGE MKCE WST 222155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 222355-230355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  142 WSFR34 LFPW 222154 LFMM SIGMET 13 VALID 222300/230300 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4330 E00815 - N4315 E00945 - N4245 E00945 - N4215 E00545 - N4245 E00400 - N4345 E00500 - N4330 E00815 SFC/FL060 STNR NC=  385 WAAB31 LATI 222151 LAAA AIRMET 2 VALID 222200/230200 LATI- LAAA TIRANA FIR MOD TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL030/120 STNR NC=  973 WWUS53 KDVN 222157 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 457 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC031-045-097-105-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Jones IA-Clinton IA- 457 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON...NORTH CENTRAL CEDAR...JONES AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 457 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Canton to Monmouth, moving east northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Nashville, Canton, Baldwin, Emeline, South Gary Owen, Oxford Mills, Wapsipinicon State Park, Eden Valley Refuge, Maquoketa Caves State Park, Hale and Crab Town. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4195 9075 4194 9130 4216 9129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2157Z 248DEG 34KT 4222 9096 4207 9090 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  645 WSCO31 SKBO 222134 SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 222144/222344 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2124Z WI N1121 W07419 - N1113 W07522 N1029 W07607 - N0953 W07517 - N1029 W07413 - N1121 W07419 TOP FL240 MOV NNE05KT NC=  273 WSCI36 ZUUU 222153 ZPKM SIGMET 6 VALID 222210/230210 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2939 E10748-N2957 E10924-N2641 E10910-N2526 E10751-N2456 E10629-N2735 E10600-N2939 E10748 TOP FL330 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  249 WSPR31 SPIM 222159 SPIM SIGMET 5 VALID 222200/230100 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2130Z E OF LINE S0122 W07414 - S0215 W07407 - S0307 W07301 - S0435 W07218 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  938 WHUS76 KEKA 222159 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ470-230600- /O.NEW.KEKA.SC.Y.0050.190423T1600Z-190425T0700Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WINDS...N increasing to 20 to 25 kt on Tuesday. * WAVES...N building to 8 to 10 ft at 8 seconds on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ475-230600- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190425T0700Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WINDS...N 20 to 30 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...N 8 to 10 ft at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$ PZZ455-230600- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0049.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM TUESDAY... * WINDS...NW to N 15 to 25 kt with occasional gusts to 35 kt. * WAVES...NW 6 to 8 ft at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. $$  389 WHUS76 KMTR 222159 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 PZZ535-230400- /O.NEW.KMTR.SC.Y.0069.190422T2200Z-190423T0400Z/ Monterey Bay- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 9 PM PDT this evening. * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...3 to 5 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-230600- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-230600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-230600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-230600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-230600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-230600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ560-230400- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T0400Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-230600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190423T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 259 PM PDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  975 WUUS53 KDVN 222200 SVRDVN IAC095-103-222245- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0015.190422T2200Z-190422T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 500 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Johnson County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Iowa County in east central Iowa... * Until 545 PM CDT. * At 500 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of Parnell, or 16 miles west of Iowa City, moving east northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty, Williamsburg, Solon, Tiffin, University Heights, North English, Oxford, Hills, Parnell, Oakdale, Lake Macbride State Park, Newport, Frytown, Windham, Sugar Bottom Camp Ground, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Sutliff and F.W. Kent Park. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 223 and 253. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 5. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4163 9214 4186 9137 4157 9137 4151 9206 4151 9215 TIME...MOT...LOC 2200Z 247DEG 34KT 4160 9185 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  086 WSBZ31 SBAZ 222201 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 222215/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0455 W07155 - S0410 W06906 - S0922 W06351 - S1005 W06724 - S0455 W07155 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  077 WWUS53 KDVN 222202 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 502 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC031-045-097-105-222215- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190422T2215Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Jones IA-Clinton IA- 502 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON...NORTH CENTRAL CEDAR...JONES AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 501 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Canton to Monmouth, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Anamosa, Olin, Wyoming, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Onslow, Monmouth, Morley, Center Junction, Nashville, Canton, Baldwin, Emeline, South Gary Owen, Oxford Mills, Wapsipinicon State Park, Eden Valley Refuge, Maquoketa Caves State Park, Hale and Crab Town. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 9074 4195 9075 4194 9130 4216 9129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2201Z 252DEG 32KT 4223 9091 4208 9085 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  499 WSCI35 ZGGG 222203 ZGZU SIGMET 3 VALID 222215/230215 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2622 E11215 - N2624 E10920 - N2635 E10920 - N2635 E10921 - N2856 E10924 - N2852 E11212 - N2622 E11215 TOP FL370 MOV E 45KMH NC=  963 WWUS85 KSLC 222206 SPSSLC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 406 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 UTZ518-222230- Southern Utah Mountains UT- 406 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL GARFIELD AND EASTERN IRON COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM MDT... At 405 PM MDT, National Weather Service Doppler radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Panguitch, or 26 miles southwest of Junction...moving south at 10 mph. Penny to nickel size hail will be possible. Locations impacted include... Panguitch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If threatening weather approaches, take shelter in a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 3780 11240 3795 11246 3788 11260 3772 11250 TIME...MOT...LOC 2205Z 013DEG 9KT 3788 11243 $$ MS  311 WWUS83 KLOT 222209 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 509 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILZ011-222300- De Kalb IL- 509 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN DE KALB COUNTY UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 508 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 5 miles north of Paw Paw, moving east at 35 mph. Dime size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Shabbona, Cortland, Hinckley, Waterman, and Lee. Including the following interstate... I-88 between mile markers 93 and 101. LAT...LON 4185 8894 4194 8860 4168 8860 4168 8894 TIME...MOT...LOC 2208Z 259DEG 29KT 4176 8898 $$ Kluber  365 WUUS53 KDVN 222209 SVRDVN ILC085-IAC061-097-222315- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0016.190422T2209Z-190422T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 509 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Jo Daviess County in northwestern Illinois... Northwestern Jackson County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Dubuque County in northeastern Iowa... * Until 615 PM CDT. * At 508 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bernard to near Hurstville, moving northeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Galena, Bellevue, Stockton, Warren, Hanover, Elizabeth, Woodbine, Andrew, Scales Mound, Apple River, La Motte, Council Hill, St. Donatus, Nora, Bernard, Zwingle, Fulton, Schapville, Guilford and Rice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4230 8992 4209 9084 4232 9090 4251 9035 4251 8993 TIME...MOT...LOC 2208Z 246DEG 44KT 4228 9081 4213 9075 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  273 WSFR34 LFPW 222209 LFMM SIGMET 14 VALID 222200/230200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4145 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4215 E00330 - N4330 E00400 - N4330 E00900 - N4315 E00945 - N4115 E00945 - N4115 E00800 - N4030 E00800 - N4145 E00430 TOP FL340 STNR INTSF=  353 WSMC31 GMMC 222208 GMMM SIGMET W5 VALID 222230/230230 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE N3458 W00328 - N3200 W006 48 - N3143 W0422 FL040/120 STNR NC=  388 WHCA42 TJSJ 222210 CFWSJU COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 610 PM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 A northeasterly swell is expected to arrive and spread across the local waters by Tuesday evening and last through Wednesday. This will cause a high risk of rip currents, mainly across the northern beaches of Puerto Rico and Saint Croix. PRZ001-002-005-008-230900- /O.EXP.TJSJ.RP.S.0023.000000T0000Z-190422T2200Z/ /O.NEW.TJSJ.RP.S.0024.190423T2200Z-190425T1000Z/ San Juan and Vicinity-Northeast-North Central-Northwest- 610 PM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY EVENING THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in SAN JUAN has issued a High Rip Current Risk, which is in effect from Tuesday evening through late Wednesday night. * LOCATION...Northern beaches of Puerto Rico. * TIMING...Tuesday evening through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ VIZ002-230900- /O.NEW.TJSJ.RP.S.0024.190423T2200Z-190424T2200Z/ St Croix- 610 PM AST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY EVENING THROUGH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in SAN JUAN has issued a High Rip Current Risk, which is in effect from Tuesday evening through Wednesday afternoon. * LOCATION...Northern beaches of Saint Croix. * TIMING...Tuesday evening through Wednesday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong currents that can carry even the strongest of swimmers out to sea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... There is a high risk of rip currents. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  522 WWUS53 KDVN 222211 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 511 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC095-103-222245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2245Z/ Johnson IA-Iowa IA- 511 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR JOHNSON AND SOUTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTIES... At 510 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Tiffin, or 8 miles west of Iowa City, moving northeast at 40 mph. A second severe thunderstorm was located near Holbrook also moving northeast. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty, Williamsburg, Solon, Tiffin, University Heights, North English, Oxford, Hills, Parnell, Oakdale, Lake Macbride State Park, Newport, Frytown, Windham, Sugar Bottom Camp Ground, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Sutliff and F.W. Kent Park. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 223 and 253. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 5. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4163 9214 4186 9137 4157 9137 4151 9206 4151 9215 TIME...MOT...LOC 2210Z 247DEG 35KT 4164 9171 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  309 WSPR31 SPIM 222211 SPIM SIGMET B8 VALID 222211/222230 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B7 VALID 221923/222230=  528 WUUS53 KLOT 222211 SVRLOT ILC103-222245- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0011.190422T2211Z-190422T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 511 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Lee County in north central Illinois... * Until 545 PM CDT * At 510 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles south of Walton, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Sublette. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4166 8944 4173 8917 4158 8917 4159 8947 TIME...MOT...LOC 2210Z 260DEG 30KT 4160 8942 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Kluber  743 WSID20 WIII 222210 WIIZ SIGMET 20 VALID 222210/230110 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0343 E09712 - N0218 E09632 - N0232 E09330 - N0408 E09221 - N0542 E09515 - N0343 E09712 TOP FL540 MOV N 10KT NC=  744 WSID20 WIII 222210 WIIZ SIGMET 21 VALID 222210/230110 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0502 E10239 - S0625 E10259 - S0845 E10208 - S0341 E09431 - S0243 E09847 - S0502 E10239 TOP FL540 STNR NC=  570 WSID20 WIII 222210 WIIZ SIGMET 19 VALID 222210/230110 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0251 E11021 - S0328 E10921 - S0136 E10745 - S0050 E10741 - S0016 E10849 - S0030 E11048 - S0251 E11021 TOP FL540 MOV N 5KT NC=  861 WWUS53 KDVN 222215 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 515 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC085-IAC061-097-222315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Dubuque IA- 515 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR JO DAVIESS...NORTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN DUBUQUE COUNTIES... At 515 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Zwingle to Fulton, moving northeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Galena, Bellevue, Stockton, Warren, Hanover, Elizabeth, Woodbine, Andrew, Scales Mound, Apple River, La Motte, Council Hill, St. Donatus, Nora, Bernard, Zwingle, Fulton, Schapville, Guilford and Rice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4230 8992 4209 9084 4232 9090 4251 9035 4251 8993 TIME...MOT...LOC 2215Z 246DEG 44KT 4231 9073 4216 9067 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  121 WHCA42 TJSJ 222215 CFWSPN MENSAJE SOBRE PELIGROS COSTEROS SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA SAN JUAN PR 610 PM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 PRZ001-002-005-008-222200- San Juan y Vecindad-Noreste-Norte Central-Noroeste 610 PM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS EN EFECTO DESDE EL MARTES AL ANOCHECER HASTA TARDE MIERCOLES EN LA NOCHE... El Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia en SAN JUAN ha emitido un riesgo alto de corrientes marinas, el cual entra en efecto desde martes al anocheche hasta tarde miercoles en la noche. * LOCALIZACION...Playas desde la costa norte de Puerto Rico. * DURACION...Desde el martes al anochecer hasta tarde miercoles en la noche. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$ VIZ002-230900- Santa Cruz- 610 PM AST lunes 22 de abril de 2019 ...RIESGO ALTO DE CORRIENTES MARINAS EN EFECTO DESDE EL MARTES AL ANOCHECER HASTA MIERCOLES EN LA TARDE... El Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia en SAN JUAN ha emitido un riesgo alto de corrientes marinas, el cual entra en efecto desde martes al anocheche hasta miercoles en la tarde. * LOCALIZACION...Playas desde la costa norte de Santa Cruz. * DURACION...Desde el martes al anochecer hasta miercoles en la tarde. * IMPACTOS...Corrientes fuertes que pudieran arrastrar hasta los nadadores mas expertos mar adentro. MEDIDAS DE PRECAUCION Y PREPARATIVOS... Existe riesgo alto de corrientes marinas. Nade cerca de un salvavidas. Si es atrapado o atrapada en una corriente marina, relajese y flote. No nade en contra de la corriente. Si puede, nade en direccion siguiendo la costa. Si no puede escapar, mire hacia la costa y llame o mueva las manos para pedir ayuda. && $$  039 WSCH31 SCIP 222215 SCIZ SIGMET 03 VALID 222230/230230 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3500 W11500 - S4000 W10000 - S4500 W11000 - S3500 W12000 - S3500 W11500 FL350/450 MOV E NC=  796 WSBZ31 SBCW 222217 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 222230/230230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S1740 W05748 - S1716 W05403 - S2039 W05353 - S2220 W05548 - S2205 W05813 - S1957 W05822 - S1740 W05748 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  151 WSBZ31 SBBS 222220 SBBS SIGMET 14 VALID 222220/230110 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1557 W04606 - S1823 W04217 - S2027 W04234 - S2029 W04405 - S1755 W04745 - S1557 W04606 TOP FL440 STNR N C=  448 WUUS53 KMKX 222221 SVRMKX WIC111-222300- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.W.0003.190422T2221Z-190422T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 521 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Sauk County in south central Wisconsin... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 521 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles west of Spring Green, or 14 miles southeast of Richland Center, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Spring Green and Plain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4331 9019 4343 9004 4321 8984 4319 8986 4319 8989 4320 8999 4319 9002 4315 9005 4315 9007 4316 9009 4317 9016 4316 9018 4317 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 2221Z 237DEG 20KT 4317 9022 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ GAGAN  305 WVHO31 MHTG 222222 MHTG SIGMET B5 VALID 222220/230020 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET B4 221630/222230=  798 WWUS53 KLOT 222224 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 524 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILC103-222245- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2245Z/ Lee IL- 524 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LEE COUNTY... At 523 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles west of Sublette, or 9 miles northwest of Mendota, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Sublette. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4168 8934 4173 8917 4158 8917 4159 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2223Z 260DEG 30KT 4162 8927 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Kluber  203 WSPA08 PHFO 222225 SIGPAU KZAK SIGMET UNIFORM 3 VALID 222225/230225 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS WI N0530 W16340 - N0240 W16300 - N0050 W17500 - N0420 W17410 - N0530 W16340. CB TOPS TO FL530. MOV W 5KT. NC. BASED ON SAT AND LTG OBS.  351 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W04125 - S0339 W04003 -S0637 W04142 - S0523 W04355 - S0426 W04310 - S0407 W04231 - S0052 W04125 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  352 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2310 W05035 - S2739 W05104 - S2955 W04755 - S2608 W04432 - S2456 W04650 - S2310 W05035 FL140/200 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  353 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 222230/230230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1740 W05748 - S1716 W05403 - S2039 W05353 - S2220 W05548 - S2205 W05813 - S1957 W05822 - S1740 W05748 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  354 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 222215/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0455 W07155 - S0410 W06906- S0922 W06351 - S1005 W06724 - S0455 W07155 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  355 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0821 W04632 - N0132 W05429- N0251 W05103 - S0343 W04223 - S0542 W04433 - S0749 W04601 - S0821 W04632 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  356 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0545 W05616 - S0355 W05407- S0848 W04708 - S1017 W04925 - S0545 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  357 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 221830/222230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2202 W05802 - S1951 W05825 - S1745 W05749 - S1714 W05402 - S2126 W04944 - S2150 W04838 - S2232 W04741 - S2257 W04744 - S2324 W04711 - S2314 W04607 - S2340 W04531 - S2459 W04644 - S2219 W05219 - S2202 W05802 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  358 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0934 W06512 - S0751 W05926- S1251 W05315 - S1641 W05327 - S1729 W05740 - S1351 W06015 - S1203 W06437 - S0934 W06512 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  359 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 222020/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0331 W04103 - N0239W03824 - N0015 W03926 - N0149 W04220 - N0331 W04103 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  897 WWUS53 KDVN 222225 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 525 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC095-222235- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2245Z/ Iowa IA- 525 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN IOWA COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. Small hail and gusty winds remain possible across the area. LAT...LON 4171 9183 4186 9137 4157 9137 4153 9183 4154 9180 4167 9183 TIME...MOT...LOC 2225Z 251DEG 34KT 4173 9158 4157 9149 $$ IAC103-222245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2245Z/ Johnson IA- 525 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR JOHNSON COUNTY... At 525 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from North Liberty to near Hills, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty, Solon, Tiffin, University Heights, Oxford, Hills, Oakdale, Lake Macbride State Park, Newport, Frytown, Windham, Sugar Bottom Camp Ground, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Sutliff, F.W. Kent Park, West Overlook, Coralville Lake Dam Complex and Iowa City Municipal Airport. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 230 and 253. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 5. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4171 9183 4186 9137 4157 9137 4153 9183 4154 9180 4167 9183 TIME...MOT...LOC 2225Z 251DEG 34KT 4173 9158 4157 9149 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  883 WWUS53 KDVN 222229 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 529 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC085-IAC061-097-222315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Dubuque IA- 529 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR JO DAVIESS...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN DUBUQUE COUNTIES... At 529 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near St. Donatus to near Springbrook, moving northeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Galena, Bellevue, Stockton, Warren, Hanover, Elizabeth, Woodbine, Andrew, Scales Mound, Apple River, La Motte, Springbrook, Council Hill, St. Donatus, Nora, Zwingle, Fulton, Schapville, Guilford and Rice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4212 9070 4238 9072 4251 9035 4251 8993 4230 8992 TIME...MOT...LOC 2229Z 243DEG 44KT 4240 9057 4222 9048 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  096 WWUS83 KMKX 222231 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 531 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIZ062-067-222300- Lafayette-Iowa- 531 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN LAFAYETTE AND WESTERN IOWA COUNTIES... At 530 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 miles southeast of Muscoda to near Belmont. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Belmont, Linden, Cobb, Blackhawk Lake Rec Area, London, Leslie, Governor Dodge St Park and Edmund. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4315 9013 4292 9002 4265 9040 4317 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2230Z 219DEG 28KT 4304 9033 4277 9035 $$ MBK  423 WSMG31 FMMI 222228 FMMM SIGMET A6 VALID 222228/230228 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR OCNL EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E04536 - S1000 E05526 - S1453 E05526 - S1453 E04536 - S1000 E04536 TOP FL520 MOV W INTSF=  057 WGUS82 KFFC 222232 FLSFFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 632 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Georgia... Alcovy River near High Point affecting Newton County GAC217-222302- /O.CAN.KFFC.FL.W.0188.000000T0000Z-190422T2232Z/ /HPTG1.2.ER.190421T0719Z.190422T0000Z.190422T2155Z.NO/ 632 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Alcovy River near High Point. * This takes effect immediately. * Until Wednesday December 31. * At 615 PM Monday the stage was 10.9 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 11 feet. * The river will continue to fall. * Between 9 and 11 feet, bankfull conditions occur along the river upstream and downstream from the gage on Henderson Mill Road. && LAT...LON 3361 8384 3358 8378 3344 8381 3344 8386 $$  677 WWUS83 KLOT 222232 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 532 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILZ010-222300- Lee IL- 532 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN LEE COUNTY UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 532 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles north of Mendota, moving east at 35 mph. Dime size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Paw Paw, Lee, Compton and West Brooklyn. Including the following interstate... I-39 between mile markers 78 and 89. LAT...LON 4172 8920 4182 8894 4163 8894 4163 8917 4162 8917 4162 8920 TIME...MOT...LOC 2232Z 258DEG 32KT 4167 8916 $$ Kluber  130 WWUS53 KLOT 222233 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville Il 533 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ILC103-222243- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190422T2245Z/ Lee IL- 533 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LEE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4168 8934 4173 8917 4158 8917 4159 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2232Z 260DEG 30KT 4163 8916 $$ Kluber  374 WWUS53 KMKX 222234 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 534 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIC111-222300- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T2300Z/ Sauk WI- 534 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN SAUK COUNTY... At 534 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Spring Green, or 15 miles southeast of Richland Center, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Spring Green and Plain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4331 9019 4343 9004 4321 8984 4319 8986 4319 8989 4320 8999 4319 9002 4315 9005 4315 9007 4316 9009 4317 9016 4316 9018 4317 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 2234Z 235DEG 21KT 4322 9012 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ GAGAN  191 WSTR31 UTAA 222234 UTAA SIGMET N6 VALID 222300/230300 UTAA- UTAA ASHGABAT FIR OBSC TS FCST OVER UTAA FIR TOP FL300 MOV NE 25KT NC=  205 WVID21 WAAA 222230 WAAZ SIGMET 07 VALID 222230/230430 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 2230Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0148 E12704 - N0113 E12713 - N 0140 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 MOV SW 10KT INTSF=  596 WVEQ31 SEGU 222230 SEFG SIGMET 4 VALID 222230/230430 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 2130Z SFC/FL150 WI S0002 W07747 - S0004 W07739 - S0006 W07739 - S0006 W07748 - S0002 W07747 MOV W 5KT FCST VA CLD 23/0330Z SFC/FL150 WI S0001 W07749 - S0004 W07739 - S0006 W07739 - S0007 W07749 - S0001 W07749=  533 WWCN19 CWVR 222235 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:35 P.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: DEMPSTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WITH GUSTY WINDS AND VISIBILITY FREQUENTLY NEAR ZERO IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVING INTO SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS EVENING IS STRENGTHENING THE PRESSURE GRADIENT AHEAD OF IT AND WILL CAUSE VERY STRONG WINDS, UP TO 80 KM/H WITH GUSTS TO 110 KM/H NEAR THE RICHARDSON MOUNTAINS. COMBINED WITH LIGHT SNOW, THESE WINDS WILL CAUSE EXTENSIVE BLOWING SNOW AND REDUCE VISIBILITY TO NEAR ZERO. THESE BLIZZARD CONDITIONS WILL PERSIST THROUGH TONIGHT, TUESDAY, AND INTO TUESDAY NIGHT. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. CONSIDER POSTPONING NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL UNTIL CONDITIONS IMPROVE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  851 WWCN19 CWVR 222236 WIND WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:36 P.M. PDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: WHITEHORSE TESLIN ATLIN HAINES JUNCTION KLUANE LAKE CASSIAR MOUNTAINS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. A DEEP LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVING INTO THE SOUTHWEST YUKON THIS EVENING WILL CAUSE STRONG SOUTHERLY WINDS TO DEVELOP EARLY THIS EVENING WITH GUSTS UP TO 110 KM/H POSSIBLE FOR HAINES JUNCTION AND UP TO 90 KM/H ELSEWHERE IN THE SOUTHERN YUKON. WINDS WILL DIMINISH LATER THIS EVENING AS THE SYSTEM MOVES NORTH. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  681 WVID21 WAAA 222230 WAAZ SIGMET 07 VALID 222230/230430 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 2230Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0148 E12704 - N0113 E12713 - N 0140 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 MOV SW 10KT INTSF=  731 WVID21 WAAA 222230 WAAZ SIGMET 07 VALID 222230/230430 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 2230Z WI N0143 E12753 - N0148 E12704 - N0113 E12713 - N 0140 E12755 - N0143 E12753 SFC/FL070 MOV SW 10KT INTSF=  550 WWUS83 KMKX 222237 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 537 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIZ069-222300- Rock- 537 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL ROCK COUNTY... At 537 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Lake Summerset, or near Brodhead, moving northeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Janesville, Beloit, Brodhead, Orfordville, Footville, Newark, Tiffany, Hanover, Avalon, Shopiere, Afton and Emerald Grove. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4250 8916 4250 8936 4263 8937 4284 8903 4261 8883 4249 8913 TIME...MOT...LOC 2237Z 236DEG 33KT 4253 8934 $$ MBK  281 WWUS85 KPSR 222238 SPSPSR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 338 PM MST Mon Apr 22 2019 AZZ531-532-536-222330- Gila River Valley AZ-Kofa AZ-Yuma AZ- 338 PM MST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN LA PAZ...WEST CENTRAL YUMA AND EASTERN IMPERIAL COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM MST... At 337 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles southeast of Yuma Proving Ground, or 9 miles east of Martinez Lake, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern La Paz, west central Yuma and eastern Imperial Counties. This includes AZ Route 95 between mile markers 39 and 62. LAT...LON 3277 11450 3283 11448 3284 11446 3287 11447 3307 11440 3306 11418 3274 11417 TIME...MOT...LOC 2237Z 006DEG 11KT 3300 11431 $$ AD  329 WWUS53 KDVN 222239 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 539 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC103-222248- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2245Z/ Johnson IA- 539 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR JOHNSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 545 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and were beginning to exit the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4171 9183 4186 9137 4157 9137 4153 9183 4154 9180 4167 9183 TIME...MOT...LOC 2238Z 247DEG 34KT 4177 9145 4161 9136 $$ McClure  113 WWUS83 KDVN 222239 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 539 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC031-045-097-222345- Jackson-Cedar-Clinton- 539 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN JACKSON...NORTHEASTERN CEDAR AND NORTHERN CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 645 PM CDT... At 539 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Lost Nation, or 10 miles southwest of Maquoketa, moving east at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Maquoketa, Preston, Delmar, Lost Nation, Miles, Charlotte, Welton, Monmouth, Toronto, Andover, Spragueville, Hurstville, Green Island, Nashville, Van Buren, Goose Lake, Baldwin, Teeds Grove and Reeceville. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in the Quad Cities. LAT...LON 4190 9017 4188 9092 4195 9092 4195 9090 4208 9090 4219 9030 TIME...MOT...LOC 2239Z 257DEG 28KT 4197 9083 $$ Gibbs  960 WANO35 ENMI 222240 ENBD AIRMET D06 VALID 222300/230300 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6900 E01905 - N6850 E01450 - N7035 E02005 - N7055 E03005 - N6945 E03050 - N6900 E01905 3000FT/FL180 STNR NC=  048 WHUS71 KCAR 222241 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 641 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ANZ050-051-230645- /O.CON.KCAR.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190423T1400Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 641 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. Seas 5 to 8 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  676 WSPF22 NTAA 222241 NTTT SIGMET B5 VALID 222230/230230 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV ICE WI S3000 W13930 - S2130 W15000 - S2015 W14540 - S3000 W13340 FL130/210 STNR NC=  204 WWUS53 KDVN 222243 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 543 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC061-222252- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2315Z/ Dubuque IA- 543 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN DUBUQUE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4212 9070 4227 9062 4235 9033 4246 8993 4230 8992 TIME...MOT...LOC 2242Z 255DEG 34KT 4222 9047 $$ ILC085-IAC097-222315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA- 543 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN JO DAVIESS AND CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTIES... At 542 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Springbrook, or 14 miles south of Galena, moving east northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bellevue, Stockton, Hanover, Elizabeth, Woodbine, Andrew, Springbrook, Nora, Fulton, Spruce Creek Park, Blanding Landing, Whitton, North Hanover, Blanding, Elizabeth Fairgrounds, Canyon Camp, Cottonville, Bellevue State Park, Stockton Airport and Rodden. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4212 9070 4227 9062 4235 9033 4246 8993 4230 8992 TIME...MOT...LOC 2242Z 255DEG 34KT 4222 9047 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  081 WWCN79 CWVR 222235 AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 15H35 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE BLIZZARD POUR: DEMPSTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== IL Y A OU IL Y AURA DU BLIZZARD AVEC DES VENTS SOUFFLANT EN RAFALES ET UNE VISIBILITE SOUVENT PRESQUE NULLE SOUS LA NEIGE ET DANS LA POUDRERIE. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION QUI ENVAHIT LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CE SOIR FAIT AUGMENTER LE GRADIENT DE PRESSION DEVANT ELLE ET OCCASIONNERA DES VENTS TRES FORTS, SOIT JUSQU'A 80 KM/H AVEC DES RAFALES A 110 KM/H PRES DES MONTS RICHARDSON. ENSEMBLE, CES VENTS ET DE LA FAIBLE NEIGE CAUSERONT DE LA POUDRERIE GENERALISEE ET REDUIRONT LA VISIBILITE A PRES DE ZERO. LE BLIZZARD PERSISTERA DE CE SOIR JUSQUE DANS LA NUIT DE MARDI A MERCREDI. ON PEUT S'ATTENDRE A DES CONDITIONS ROUTIERES EXTREMEMENT DANGEREUSES EN RAISON DE LA VISIBILITE REDUITE. DES FERMETURES DE ROUTES SONT POSSIBLES. EVALUEZ LA POSSIBILITE DE RETARDER TOUT DEPLACEMENT NON ESSENTIEL JUSQU'A CE QUE LES CONDITIONS S'AMELIORENT. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIPA  820 WWUS83 KDTX 222244 RFWDTX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 644 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 MIZ047-048-053-060-222345- /O.CAN.KDTX.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Midland-Bay-Saginaw-Shiawassee- 644 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...RED FLAG WARNING IS CANCELLED FOR HIGH FIRE DANGER... The National Weather Service in Detroit/Pontiac has cancelled the Red Flag Warning. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit... http://www.weather.gov/dtx/fire  832 WSEQ31 SEGU 222249 SEFG SIGMET 03 VALID 222249/230149 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2220Z WI S0022 W07956 - S0052 W07946 - S0110 W07927 - S0056 W07905 - S0043 W07923 - S0030 W07858 - S0009 W07908 - S0021 W07957 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  191 WSMS31 WMKK 222244 WMFC SIGMET E02 VALID 222245/230245 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0854 E09428 - N0958 E09428 - N0956 E09630 - N0852 E09705 - N0854 E09428 TOP FL540 MOV SW NC=  599 WWCN79 CWVR 222236 AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 15H36 HAP LE LUNDI 22 AVRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE VENT POUR: WHITEHORSE TESLIN ATLIN HAINES JUNCTION LAC KLOUANE CHAINE DES CASSIARS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== DES VENTS FORTS POUVANT CAUSER DES DOMMAGES SOUFFLENT OU SOUFFLERONT. UNE PROFONDE DEPRESSION QUI ENVAHIT LE SUD-OUEST DU YUKON CE SOIR FERA LEVER DES VENTS FORTS DU SUD TOT CE SOIR(POINT-VIRGULE) LES RAFALES POURRAIENT ATTEINDRE 110 KM/H SUR HAINES JUNCTION ET 90 KM/H AILLEURS SUR LE SUD DU YUKON. LES VENTS FAIBLIRONT PLUS TARD CE SOIR A MESURE QUE LE SYSTEME SE DEPLACERA VERS LE NORD. LES BATIMENTS POURRAIENT ETRE ENDOMMAGES (BARDEAUX DE TOITURE, FENETRES BRISEES). LES VENTS VIOLENTS POURRAIENT EMPORTER LES OBJETS NON FIXES A UNE SURFACE ET BRISER DES BRANCHES D'ARBRES. SOYEZ PRET A ADAPTER VOTRE CONDUITE AUX CONDITIONS ROUTIERES CHANGEANTES EN RAISON DES VENTS FORTS. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIPA  802 WWUS84 KEPZ 222247 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 447 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 NMZ408>413-TXZ418>420-423-222330- Central Tularosa Basin NM-Eastern Black Range Foothills NM- Southern Tularosa Basin NM-Northern Dona Ana County NM- Sierra County Lakes NM-Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley NM- Eastern/Central El Paso County TX- Rio Grande Valley of Eastern El Paso/Western Hudspeth Counties TX- Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains TX- Western El Paso County TX- 447 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN OTERO...EASTERN SIERRA...DONA ANA...WESTERN HUDSPETH AND EL PASO COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM MDT... At 444 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms moving across the region. Movement was northeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 55 mph with Blowing Dust will be possible with these storms. Dangerous driving conditions may occur including along portions of Interstates 10 and 25. Locations impacted include... West El Paso, East El Paso, Central El Paso, Northeast El Paso, Hatch, Far East El Paso, Mission Valley, Tornillo, Chaparral, Upham, Clint, Horizon City, Fabens, Leasburg, Northrup Landing, Santa Teresa, Vado, Rincon, Las Cruces and Anthony. LAT...LON 3343 10644 3137 10597 3146 10620 3169 10635 3175 10642 3175 10649 3178 10653 3179 10725 3345 10723 TIME...MOT...LOC 2244Z 234DEG 48KT 3271 10721 3179 10644 $$ ROGASH  722 WSRA31 RUKR 222246 UNKL SIGMET 4 VALID 230000/230400 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6700 E10655 - N6200 E10700 - N6213 E09910 - N5952 E09755 - N6101 E09325 - N6252 E09337 - N6327 E08448 - N6801 E08052 - N6833 E08320 - N6720 E09200 - N6850 E10230 - N6700 E10655 SFC/FL100 MOV E 30KMH NC=  723 WSID21 WAAA 222240 WAAZ SIGMET 08 VALID 222250/230150 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0222 E13338 - S0251 E13309 - S 0302 E13112 - S0253 E13050 - S0140 E12957 - S0050 E13203 - S0222 E13338 TOP FL500 MOV W 5 KT NC=  580 WSMC31 GMMC 222246 GMMM SIGMET W6 VALID 230230/230630 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE N3501 W00440 - N3213 W006 17 - N3156 W0357 FL040/120 STNR NC=  975 WSID21 WAAA 222240 WAAZ SIGMET 09 VALID 222250/230150 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0532 E13953 - S0619 E13908 - S 0614 E13717 - S0526 E13553 - S0442 E13648 - S0426 E13754 - S0532 E13953 TOP FL520 MOV SSE 5KT NC=  329 WWUS53 KDVN 222249 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 549 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC097-ILC085-222258- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190422T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA- 549 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN JO DAVIESS AND CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4212 9070 4227 9062 4235 9033 4246 8993 4230 8992 TIME...MOT...LOC 2247Z 246DEG 44KT 4225 9037 $$ McClure  600 WWUS85 KSLC 222250 SPSSLC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 450 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 UTZ014-015-517-222330- Sanpete/Sevier Valleys UT-Central and Southwest Mountains UT- West Central Utah UT- 450 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN MILLARD AND SOUTH CENTRAL JUAB COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM MDT... At 449 PM MDT, National Weather Service Doppler radar indicated a strong thunderstorm 19 miles northeast of Delta...moving southwest at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible. Locations impacted include... Oak City, Leamington and Lynndyl. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If threatening weather approaches, take shelter in a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 3969 11240 3961 11214 3929 11222 3944 11265 TIME...MOT...LOC 2249Z 028DEG 11KT 3959 11235 $$ Church  404 WSUS31 KKCI 222255 SIGE MKCE WST 222255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 230055-230455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  405 WSUS33 KKCI 222255 SIGW MKCW WST 222255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15W VALID UNTIL 0055Z AZ FROM 10WNW PGS-20E EED LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16W VALID UNTIL 0055Z UT FROM 20NW MTU-20NE BCE-50NNW DTA-20NW MTU AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17W VALID UNTIL 0055Z NM AZ FROM 60SSE SJN-40E SSO-50SW SSO-50WNW SSO-60SSE SJN AREA TS MOV FROM 22025KT. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18W VALID UNTIL 0055Z CO FROM 20NE CHE-30SSE CHE-20NNW JNC-50N JNC-20NE CHE AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19W VALID UNTIL 0055Z AZ FROM 20N SJN-SJN-50SW SJN-70SSE INW-40SE INW-20N SJN AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 230055-230455 AREA 1...FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-50S EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50ENE RSK-40W ELP-40SW DMN-60SSW DMN-50S TUS-70NE INW-50ENE RSK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  406 WSUS32 KKCI 222255 SIGC MKCC WST 222255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 62C VALID UNTIL 0055Z IL FROM 30NW ORD-20ESE JOT-60W BVT-30N BDF-30NW ORD AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 63C VALID UNTIL 0055Z WI IL IA FROM DLL-40S DBQ-20SW IOW-40WNW DBQ-DLL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 22035KT. TOPS TO FL380. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 230055-230455 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-30S MRF-ELP-40W ELP-HBU-LAR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  471 WSBZ31 SBAZ 222251 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 222252/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0214 W06814 - N0040 W06610 - N0222 W06319 - S0258 W05911 - S0520 W06602 - N0214 W06814 TO P FL440 STNR NC=  386 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBRE SIGMET 14 VALID 222030/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 13 222020/230120=  387 WSBZ01 SBBR 222200 SBRE SIGMET 13 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST 063140S0445804W074917S0441129W 091151S0445009W 085009S0463908W 080826S0454903W TOP FL440 STNR NC=  530 WSMC31 GMMC 222251 GMMM SIGMET A1 VALID 230230/230630 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N3536 W00457 - N3237 W009 04 - N3305 W00922 - N3522 W00706 TOP FL300 MOV E NC=  324 WWUS83 KMKX 222253 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 553 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIZ056-057-230000- Columbia-Sauk- 553 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WESTERN COLUMBIA AND EASTERN SAUK COUNTIES... At 553 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles northeast of Spring Green to 6 miles west of Mazomanie. Movement was northeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Baraboo, Portage, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Wisconsin Dells, Lake Wisconsin, Lake Delton, West Baraboo, Plain, North Freedom, Merrimac, Rock Springs, Harmony Grove, Leland, Interstate 90/94 Interchange, Okee and Devils Lake St Park. LAT...LON 4364 8977 4364 8974 4358 8950 4343 8943 4329 8969 4329 8971 4328 8972 4324 8979 4324 8980 4322 8982 4319 8987 4319 8996 4334 9012 TIME...MOT...LOC 2253Z 227DEG 24KT 4330 8999 4321 8992 $$ GAGAN  033 WWUS53 KMKX 222254 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 554 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIC111-222303- /O.EXP.KMKX.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190422T2300Z/ Sauk WI- 554 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN SAUK COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning is moving out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4331 9019 4343 9004 4321 8984 4319 8986 4319 8989 4320 8999 4319 9002 4315 9005 4315 9007 4316 9009 4317 9016 4316 9018 4317 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 2253Z 237DEG 20KT 4327 9001 $$ GAGAN  230 WSCG31 FCBB 222255 FCCC SIGMET Q1 VALID 222255/230255 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2230Z N OF LINE N0448 E01034 - N0533 E01555 TOP FL400 MOV W 08KT WKN=  418 WGZS80 NSTU 222258 FLSPPG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 1158 AM SST Mon Apr 22 2019 ASZ001>003-230100- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 1158 AM SST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM SST FOR TUTUILA AUNUU MANUA SWAINS ... Latest satellite imagery show a broad band of showers across the territory this afternoon. Continuous rainfall are observed along mountains, especially over central and eastern portions of Tutuila island. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall and runoffs may cause elevated stream and drainage ditch levels. Ponding may occur on roads and low lying areas. Please take extra caution due to hazardous driving conditions. Do not cross fast flowing water in streams and on roads. Mud and landslides are also possible along steep and mountainous areas as grounds become saturated. && O LOO FAAAUAU PEA FAUTUAGA MO TAFEGA MA LOLOGA MO ALA-VAI OFISA O LE TAU PAGO PAGO AS 12 AOAULI ASO GAFUA APERILA 22 2019 O LOO FAAAUAU PEA FAUTUAGA MO TAFEGA MA LOLOGA MO ALA-VAI MO TUTUILA AUNUU MANUA SWAINS O loo vaavaaia pea timuga i luga o le atunu'u i lenei itula, ae maise nofoaga tulaga i mauga fa'apea Fagaloa e oo atu i le itu Sasa'e o Tutuila. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O LE A MAFAI ONA FAATUPULAIA LE MALOLOSI O TAFEGA I ALA VAI MO O LE A SIISII FO'I TULAGA O TAFEGA I VAITAFE MA ALA VAI ONA O LE MAMAFA O TIMUGA. OLE A TO'A LE VAI LUGA O AUALA FAAPEA NOFOAGA MAUALALO. FAAMOLEMOLE IA TAGA'I TOTO'A I TULAGA O AUALA AUA FEMALAGAIGA A LE ATUNUU MO LE SAOGALEMU LAUTELE. $$  208 WSSD20 OEJD 222259 OEJD SIGMET 08 VALID 222300/222400 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N23 W OF E50 E OF E42 W OF E52 MOV S NC=  632 WWCN03 CYZX 222258 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 CDSB GAGETOWN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 7:58 PM ADT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. LOCATION: 5 CDSB GAGETOWN (CYCX) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: 23/0900Z TO 23/2300Z (23/0600 ADT TO 23/2000 ADT) COMMENTS: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN A DEPARTING HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM TO THE NORTHWEST AND AN ADVANCING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM LOCATED TO THE SOUTHWEST IS BRINGING A STRONG PRESSURE GRADIENT TO THE REGION TUESDAY MORNING. THIS PRESSURE GRADIENT IS FORECAST TO CAUSE STRONG GUSTY WINDS, WITH GUSTS UP TO 30 KNOTS, FROM THE NORTHEAST BEGINNING TUESDAY MORNING AND CONTINUING UNTIL TUESDAY EVENING WHEN THE ATMOSPHERE BEGINS TO STABILIZE. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 23/1100Z (23/0800 ADT) END/JMC  048 WUUS53 KDVN 222259 SVRDVN ILC015-IAC045-097-222345- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0017.190422T2259Z-190422T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 559 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Carroll County in northwestern Illinois... Southeastern Jackson County in east central Iowa... Northern Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 558 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Delmar, or near Maquoketa, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Maquoketa, Mount Carroll, Savanna, Preston, Fairhaven, Sabula, Chadwick, Delmar, Miles, Charlotte, Springbrook, Andover, Spragueville, Hurstville, Green Island, Argo Fay, Van Buren, Thomson, Goose Lake and Wacker. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4219 9032 4220 8995 4193 8986 4193 9013 4192 9015 4195 9075 4208 9076 4221 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 255DEG 42KT 4202 9058 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Gibbs  926 WUUS54 KEPZ 222259 SVREPZ NMC013-035-TXC141-229-230000- /O.NEW.KEPZ.SV.W.0008.190422T2259Z-190423T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service El Paso TX 459 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in El Paso has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Otero County in south central New Mexico... Southeastern Dona Ana County in south central New Mexico... Northwestern Hudspeth County in southwestern Texas... El Paso County in southwestern Texas... * Until 600 PM MDT. * At 456 PM MDT, severe thunderstorms with strong possibly damaging winds were moving into the vicinity of El Paso Texas and surrounding locations. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... West El Paso... East El Paso... Central El Paso... Northeast El Paso... Far East El Paso... Mission Valley... Tornillo... Chaparral... Clint... Horizon City... Anthony... Vado... Santa Teresa... White Sands Missile Range Headquarters... and Sunland Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3141 10609 3142 10613 3148 10622 3174 10639 3176 10645 3175 10649 3178 10653 3179 10664 3238 10666 3240 10595 3140 10585 TIME...MOT...LOC 2256Z 239DEG 48KT 3192 10644 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ ROGASH  610 WSSD20 OEJD 222259 OEJD SIGMET 08 VALID 222300/222400 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N23 W OF E50 E OF E42 W OF E52 MOV S NC=  219 ACUS11 KWNS 222301 SWOMCD SPC MCD 222301 TXZ000-230100- Mesoscale Discussion 0420 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0601 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 Areas affected...Parts of the Texas South Plain and northwest Texas into southwestern Oklahoma Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 222301Z - 230100Z Probability of Watch Issuance...60 percent SUMMARY...Strong to severe thunderstorm development is possible across parts of the Texas South Plains into northwest Texas through 9-11 PM CDT. Mostly marginally severe hail appears the primary hazard, but potential for gusty winds could increase by late evening. DISCUSSION...Models suggest that upper flow is becoming increasingly divergent across the Texas Panhandle and South Plains region, within the left exit region of a fairly strong cyclonic mid/upper jet nosing northeastward into/through the Texas Big Bend region. Recent thunderstorm initiation across the South Plains, west/northwest of Snyder, appears to be associated with a zone of lower/mid tropospheric warm advection. This is on the northwestern periphery of a broad plume of elevated mixed-layer air advecting northwest of the Rio Grande Valley, where mid-level inhibition is relatively weak and forecast to continue weakening in response to increasing large-scale ascent. Initial convection also appears to be occurring above/to the cool northwest side of a surface frontal zone which has surged southward through much of the Texas South Plains. However, sustained convergence along the frontal may support additional thunderstorm development, in the presence of modest mixed-layer CAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg. Lower/mid tropospheric wind fields are expected to remain rather weak across this region, with only gradual strengthening of south-southwesterly deep layer mean flow from 20-30 kt through the evening associated with the northeastward progression of the upper jet. However, deep layer shear is becoming strong, and could gradually support an organizing cluster of thunderstorms near the front, south through southeast of Lubbock into the vicinity of Childress through 02-04Z. Mostly marginally severe hail may be the primary severe hazard into isolated stronger storms, but a consolidating, strengthening surface cold pool could gradually be accompanied by gusty surface winds by late evening. ..Kerr/Edwards.. 04/22/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...OUN...SJT...LUB...MAF... LAT...LON 32940239 33320140 34140076 34449993 34089917 32740017 32060188 32430235 32940239  059 WWUS53 KDVN 222303 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 603 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC015-IAC045-097-222345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T2345Z/ Carroll IL-Jackson IA-Clinton IA- 603 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 603 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Delmar, or 7 miles southeast of Maquoketa, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Maquoketa, Mount Carroll, Savanna, Preston, Fairhaven, Sabula, Chadwick, Delmar, Miles, Charlotte, Springbrook, Andover, Spragueville, Hurstville, Green Island, Argo Fay, Van Buren, Thomson, Goose Lake and Wacker. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4219 9032 4220 8995 4193 8986 4193 9013 4192 9015 4195 9075 4208 9076 4221 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2303Z 255DEG 40KT 4201 9055 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Gibbs  719 WGUS83 KMQT 222304 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 704 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Upper Michigan... Sturgeon River near Chassell affecting Houghton County .Additional rainfall and runoff from the melting snowpack over the higher terrain continues. Rain will diminish later tonight, but the river is expected to remain above flood stage through the middle of the week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 12 PM EDT. && MIC061-231304- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.W.0005.190422T2304Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLLM4.1.RS.190419T1127Z.190422T2240Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 704 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sturgeon River near Chassell. * until further notice. * At 6:40 PM Monday the stage was 11.0 feet. * Flood stage is 10.5 feet. * At 12.0 feet...Flooding is occurring along the river with water levels similar to April of 2002. Lower portions of Sturgeon River Road...Aho Road...and Rajala Road are impassable. * At 10.5 feet...The river begins to overflow onto Sturgeon River Road...Rajala Road...and Aho Road. && LAT...LON 4692 8861 4704 8856 4703 8850 4700 8845 4692 8848 $$ JAW  900 WWCN12 CWTO 222304 RAINFALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:04 P.M. EDT MONDAY 22 APRIL 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING FOR: TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES IS EXPECTED. THE FROZEN GROUND HAS A REDUCED ABILITY TO ABSORB THIS RAINFALL. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS OF 50 TO 75 MM ARE POSSIBLE BY TUESDAY EVENING. THE HIGHEST RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE EXPECTED OVER SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF THE REGION, INCLUDING TIMMINS. PRECIPITATION HAS CHANGED TO RAIN FOR SOUTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION AND WILL PERSIST INTO TUESDAY. LESSER RAINFALL AMOUNTS ARE ANTICIPATED FOR NORTHERN SECTIONS OF THE REGION WHERE MORE SNOW WILL FALL. NORTHERN SECTIONS INCLUDING COCHRANE PRECIPITATION WILL CHANGE TO SNOW WITH LOCAL AMOUNTS POSSIBLY REACHING 15 CM BY TUESDAY EVENING. THERE IS SOME UNCERTAINTY ABOUT WHERE THE CHANGEOVER FROM RAIN TO SNOW WILL BE WITH TEMPERATURES BEING VERY CLOSE TO ZERO. SOME AREAS WILL GET A MESSY MIX OF BOTH RAIN AND SNOW. THERE IS ALSO A RISK OF FREEZING RAIN THIS EVENING INTO TUESDAY MORNING. PRECIPITATION WILL TAPER OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES TUESDAY NIGHT. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FLOODING, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY OR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY DISTRICT OFFICE. LOCALIZED FLOODING IN LOW-LYING AREAS IS POSSIBLE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. AVOID DRIVING THROUGH WATER ON ROADS. EVEN SHALLOW, FAST-MOVING WATER ACROSS A ROAD CAN SWEEP A VEHICLE OR A PERSON AWAY. KEEP CHILDREN AND PETS AWAY FROM CREEKS AND RIVER BANKS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  608 WSBW20 VGHS 222300 VGFR SIGMET 01 VALID 230000/230400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ESE NC=  203 WSYG31 LYBM 222307 LYBA SIGMET 2 VALID 230010/230410 LYBE- LYBA BEOGRAD FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E02035 AND N OF N4440 SFC/FL033 STNR NC=  376 WSBZ31 SBRE 222308 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 222310/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0530 W04344 - S0625 W04420 - S0726 W04258 - S0637 W04143 - S0530 W04344 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  886 WWUS53 KDVN 222311 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 611 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC015-IAC045-097-222345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T2345Z/ Carroll IL-Jackson IA-Clinton IA- 611 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 610 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Preston, or 11 miles east of Maquoketa, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Maquoketa, Mount Carroll, Savanna, Preston, Fairhaven, Sabula, Chadwick, Delmar, Miles, Charlotte, Springbrook, Andover, Spragueville, Hurstville, Green Island, Argo Fay, Van Buren, Thomson, Goose Lake and Wacker. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4219 9032 4220 8995 4193 8986 4193 9013 4192 9015 4195 9075 4208 9076 4221 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2310Z 258DEG 41KT 4202 9046 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Gibbs  354 WAUS43 KKCI 222312 AAA WA3Z CHIZ WA 222312 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 230300 . AIRMET ICE...KS OK TX FROM 30WSW ICT TO 30NNE END TO 40SSW OKC TO 20S SPS TO 60SE TTT TO 60SE CWK TO 30WNW SAT TO 30N DLF TO 60NW DLF TO 60N INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO 60SE GCK TO 30WSW ICT MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN...UPDT FROM 50ESE YQT TO SSM TO 40NW YVV TO 40SSE ECK TO 40WSW MBS TO 20S GRR TO 30W GIJ TO 20SSE JOT TO 40SSW BAE TO 30N IOW TO 30WNW DSM TO 50NNW OVR TO 60WSW FSD TO 70SW BRD TO 50ESE YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL 060-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...ICE KS MO OK TX AR LA BOUNDED BY 60NW OSW-30WNW LIT-50SE EIC-40E CWK-60SE CWK-30W SAT-20W LBB-50SSW CDS-30N CDS-20E ICT-60NW OSW MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL230. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...ICE KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 30SSE SLN-20E ICT-30N CDS-50SSW CDS-50SSW TXO-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-20NE LBL-60SSE HLC-30SSE SLN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 055-135 ACRS AREA 080 ALG BFF-40E BFF-50S DLH-70NE SAW 120 ALG 60NE MMB-50WSW SLN-30NW SLN-40WSW PWE-20W JOT-40SSE ORD-40S LOZ ....  031 WWUS84 KMAF 222316 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 616 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 TXZ045-222345- Gaines TX- 616 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL GAINES COUNTY UNTIL 645 PM CDT... At 615 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Gaines County Airport, or near Seminole, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Seminole, Seagraves, Gaines County Airport, Loop, Gaines County Park and McKenzie Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3253 10270 3267 10280 3294 10277 3294 10241 3277 10234 3258 10228 TIME...MOT...LOC 2315Z 240DEG 49KT 3264 10266 $$ 12  681 WSNT10 KKCI 222317 SIGA0J KZWY KZMA SIGMET JULIETT 23 VALID 222317/230317 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2317Z WI N2900 W06915 - N2800 W06745 - N2330 W07000 - N2345 W07245 - N2900 W06915. TOP FL400. STNR. WKN.  800 WSMS31 WMKK 222318 WBFC SIGMET F02 VALID 222330/230130 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0140 E11300 - N0130 E11200 - N0315 E11020 - N0415 E11300 - N0140 E11300 TOP FL510 MOV W NC=  189 WWUS83 KDVN 222319 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 619 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC161-IAC031-045-103-115-139-163-183-230015- Rock Island-Louisa-Cedar-Scott-Johnson-Washington-Muscatine-Clinton- 619 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WESTERN ROCK ISLAND... NORTHWESTERN LOUISA...CEDAR...NORTHWESTERN SCOTT...SOUTHEASTERN JOHNSON...EASTERN WASHINGTON...MUSCATINE AND SOUTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 715 PM CDT... At 618 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Lowden to Crawfordsville. Movement was east at 40 mph. Gusty winds and hail are possible with this line of storms, with winds in excess of 40 mph and hail to nickel size in the strongest storms. Locations impacted include... Muscatine, Tipton, West Branch, Columbus Junction, Durant, Stanwood, West Liberty, Wilton, Walcott, Lone Tree, Fruitland, Lowden, Wheatland, Grand Mound, Ainsworth, Grandview, Calamus, Conesville, Bennett and Columbus City. This includes Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 253 and 284. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4195 9119 4193 9048 4118 9121 4119 9174 TIME...MOT...LOC 2318Z 268DEG 34KT 4185 9093 4120 9153 $$ McClure  134 WWUS75 KCYS 222319 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 519 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY EXTENDED THROUGH 8 PM FOR THE SOUTH LARAMIE RANGE AND FOOTHILLS... WYZ116-117-230200- /O.EXT.KCYS.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190423T0200Z/ South Laramie Range-South Laramie Range Foothills- Including the cities of Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, and Horse Creek 519 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * TIMING...Areas of dense fog will persist through the early evening. * VISIBILITY...Less than a quarter mile at times. * IMPACTS...Very low visibilities will make driving difficult this evening. Use caution, slow down and give ample space to other vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to less than one quarter mile. If driving...slow down... use your headlights...and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  516 WSNT07 KKCI 222320 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 8 VALID 222320/230320 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2320Z WI N3100 W04630 - N2500 W04215 - N2245 W04715 - N3015 W04800 - N3100 W04630. TOP FL420. STNR. NC.  833 WWUS53 KDVN 222320 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 620 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC015-IAC045-097-222345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T2345Z/ Carroll IL-Jackson IA-Clinton IA- 620 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 620 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Miles, or 15 miles north of Clinton, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Mount Carroll, Savanna, Preston, Sabula, Chadwick, Miles, Springbrook, Andover, Spragueville, Green Island, Argo Fay, Van Buren, Thomson, Mississippi Palisades State Park, Wacker, Teeds Grove, Center Hill, Reeceville, South Sabula Lake Park and Camp Miss-Elk-Ton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4219 9032 4220 8995 4198 8988 4197 9013 4200 9051 4215 9054 4221 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 253DEG 42KT 4206 9031 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Gibbs  107 WWUS83 KMKX 222321 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 621 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 WIZ051-052-222345- Sheboygan-Fond Du Lac- 621 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN FOND DU LAC AND NORTHERN SHEBOYGAN COUNTIES... At 620 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Campbellsport, or 9 miles north of Kewaskum, moving northeast at 40 mph. Half inch hail is possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Campbellsport, Elkhart Lake, Greenbush, Eden, Cascade, St. Cloud, Glenbeulah, Dundee, Johnsonville and Waucousta. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4378 8775 4356 8824 4367 8842 4389 8812 4389 8788 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 230DEG 33KT 4366 8826 $$ MBK  994 WWUS85 KSLC 222322 SPSSLC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 522 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 UTZ518-222345- Southern Utah Mountains UT- 522 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN GARFIELD AND SOUTHEASTERN PIUTE COUNTIES UNTIL 545 PM MDT... At 520 PM MDT, National Weather Service Doppler radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Antimony, or 12 miles east of Junction. This storm was drifting northward at 5 mph. This includes Otter Creek State Park and Otter Creek Reservoir. Penny to nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible. Locations impacted include... Junction, Antimony, Kingston and Angle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If threatening weather approaches, take shelter in a sturdy building. Heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3818 11185 3810 11205 3824 11222 3838 11192 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 150DEG 3KT 3820 11200 $$ Church  291 WUUS54 KEPZ 222322 SVREPZ NMC013-035-051-230015- /O.NEW.KEPZ.SV.W.0009.190422T2322Z-190423T0015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service El Paso TX 522 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 The National Weather Service in El Paso has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Otero County in south central New Mexico... Northeastern Sierra County in north central New Mexico... Northeastern Dona Ana County in south central New Mexico... * Until 615 PM MDT. * At 520 PM MDT, severe thunderstorms with strong possibly damaging winds were moving into the area from the west at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Timberon... Mescalero... Tularosa... Three Rivers... Alamogordo... Northrup Landing... Lake Mescalero... White Sands National Monument... Cloudcroft... Sunspot... Bent... Burro Flats... High Rolls... La Luz... Holloman Air Force Base... Mountain Park... and Boles Acres. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3348 10637 3339 10637 3339 10573 3331 10572 3330 10564 3242 10563 3240 10649 3348 10661 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 239DEG 48KT 3248 10619 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ ROGASH  172 WSSC31 FSIA 222315 FSSS SIGMET 01 VALID 230000/230400 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1000 E05606 - S0955 E04604 - S0607 E04552 - S0528 E05554 - S1000 E05606 TOP ABV FL390 INTSF=  630 WWUS53 KDVN 222324 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 624 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC015-IAC045-097-222345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T2345Z/ Carroll IL-Jackson IA-Clinton IA- 624 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 624 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Preston, or 14 miles east of Maquoketa, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Mount Carroll, Savanna, Preston, Sabula, Chadwick, Miles, Springbrook, Andover, Spragueville, Green Island, Argo Fay, Van Buren, Thomson, Mississippi Palisades State Park, Wacker, Teeds Grove, Center Hill, Reeceville, South Sabula Lake Park and Camp Miss-Elk-Ton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4219 9032 4220 8995 4198 8988 4197 9013 4200 9051 4215 9054 4221 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2324Z 255DEG 28KT 4204 9039 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Gibbs  660 WGUS83 KMQT 222324 FLSMQT Flood Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 724 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Marquette is continuing the Flood Advisory for the Manistique River near Manistique in Schoolcraft County... .Although the Manistique has been going down throughout the day, additional rainfall amounts around a half of an inch are expected tonight. With that, the river is likely to remain above action stage likely through tomorrow afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Residents along these rivers should remain alert and exercise caution when walking near riverbanks. A Flood Advisory means minor flooding is possible and rivers are forecast to exceed bankfull. If you are in the advisory area remain alert to possible flooding...or the possibility of the advisory being upgraded to a warning. Report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information on to the National Weather Service. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite media outlet for further developments and information from the National Weather Service. && MIC153-232300- /O.CON.KMQT.FL.Y.0011.190422T2324Z-190423T2300Z/ /MSQM4.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 724 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Manistique River near Manistique * until Tuesday evening. * At 6 PM Monday the stage was 11.0 feet. * Bankfull stage is 11.0 feet. * At 10.5 feet...Considerable overflow of riverbanks and flooding of low lying wooded areas in the vicinity of the gauge is occurring. && LAT...LON 4599 8614 4597 8618 4595 8626 4594 8629 4603 8626 4607 8616 $$ JAW  034 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 222215/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0455 W07155 - S0410 W06906- S0922 W06351 - S1005 W06724 - S0455 W07155 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  035 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBRE SIGMET 13 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST 063140S0445804W074917S0441129W 091151S0445009W 085009S0463908W 080826S0454903W TOP FL440 STNR NC=  036 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0934 W06512 - S0751 W05926- S1251 W05315 - S1641 W05327 - S1729 W05740 - S1351 W06015 - S1203 W06437 - S0934 W06512 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  037 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 222310/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0530 W04344 - S0625 W04420 -S0726 W04258 - S0637 W04143 - S0530 W04344 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  038 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 222230/230230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1740 W05748 - S1716 W05403 - S2039 W05353 - S2220 W05548 - S2205 W05813 - S1957 W05822 - S1740 W05748 TOP FL420 MOV ENE 05KT NC=  039 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 222252/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0214 W06814 - N0040W06610 - N0222 W06319 - S0258 W05911 - S0520 W06602 - N0214 W06814 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  040 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0821 W04632 - N0132 W05429- N0251 W05103 - S0343 W04223 - S0542 W04433 - S0749 W04601 - S0821 W04632 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  041 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 222020/230120 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0331 W04103 - N0239W03824 - N0015 W03926 - N0149 W04220 - N0331 W04103 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  042 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBRE SIGMET 14 VALID 222030/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 13 222020/230120=  043 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 222020/230120 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0052 W04125 - S0339 W04003 -S0637 W04142 - S0523 W04355 - S0426 W04310 - S0407 W04231 - S0052 W04125 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  044 WSBZ01 SBBR 222300 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 221948/222350 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0545 W05616 - S0355 W05407- S0848 W04708 - S1017 W04925 - S0545 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  143 WTXS22 PGTW 222300 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT// REF/A/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/221421Z APR 19// AMPN/REF IS TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (WTXS21 PGTW 221430)// RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 160 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 5.0S 80.7E TO 9.3S 84.5E WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 25 TO 30 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 221800Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 5.5S 81.1E. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING SOUTHEASTWARD AT 07 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 90S) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 4.2S 79.5E, IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 5.5S 81.1E, APPROXIMATELY 525 NM EAST- NORTHEAST OF DIEGO GARCIA. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS A CONSOLIDATING LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER WITH STRONG CONVECTION SHEARED TO THE SOUTH, AND TWO FRAGMENTED FORMATIVE BANDS WRAPPING IN FROM THE SOUTH AND NORTH. THE ENVIRONMENT IS OVERALL FAVORABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT, WITH WARM (27-29C) SSTS AND STRONG UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE SLIGHTLY OFFSET BY MODERATE TO HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (20-30 KTS) THAT DECREASES TO THE SOUTH. GLOBAL MODELS GENERALLY AGREE ON A SOUTHEASTWARD TRACK OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS, WITH SOME SPREAD DUE TO VARYING DEGREES OF INTERACTION WITH A SMALLER CIRCULATION TO THE EAST. GLOBAL MODEL TIMING FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 35KT WINDS RANGES FROM APPROXIMATELY 12 TO 36 HOURS. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 25 TO 30 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1000 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS HIGH. 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 232300Z. 4. SEE REF A FOR DETAILS ON A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 51.3E (WTXS21 PGTW 221430).// NNNN  458 WTXS22 PGTW 222300 REF/A/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/221421Z APR 19// AMPN/REF IS TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (WTXS21 PGTW 221430)// RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 160 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 5.0S 80.7E TO 9.3S 84.5E WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 25 TO 30 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 221800Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 5.5S 81.1E. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING SOUTHEASTWARD AT 07 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 25 TO 30 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1000 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS HIGH. 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 232300Z. 4. SEE REF A FOR DETAILS ON A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 51.3E // 9019042118 40S 790E 25 9019042200 43S 794E 25 9019042206 47S 799E 25 9019042212 51S 805E 25 9019042218 55S 811E 25 NNNN  008 WXFJ01 NFFN 222230 UTC SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY SIX FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 10.30AM ON TUESDAY 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP AND IS NOW IN FORCE FOR KADAVU AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL TOMORROW. FORECAST: FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS, VITI LEVU, YASAWA AND MAMANUCA GROUP, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP, KADAVU AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS: PERIODS OF RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND FEW THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN EASING TO SHOWERS OVER MOST PLACES LATER TONIGHT. HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (ABOVE 50MM) IN THE PAST 24HOURS: UDU POINT 274MM SAGANI 213MM SAVUSAVU 131MM MATEI AIRPORT 111MM WAINIKORO 91MM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 01.30PM TODAY OR EARLIER.  693 WGUS65 KABQ 222333 FFAABQ Flood Watch National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 533 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NMZ515-529-532>534-537>540-231200- /O.CON.KABQ.FF.A.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains-Northeast Highlands- Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County-Quay County- De Baca County-Chaves County Plains-Eastern Lincoln County- Southwest Chaves County- 533 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY MORNING... The Flash Flood Watch continues for * portions of north and central New Mexico, including the following areas: In central New Mexico, Eastern Lincoln County. In east central New Mexico, De Baca County, Guadalupe County, and Quay County. In northeast New Mexico, East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Eastern San Miguel County, and Northeast Highlands. In southeast New Mexico, Chaves County Plains and Southwest Chaves County. * through Tuesday morning * Numerous strong to severe thunderstorms are likely this evening and tonight a backdoor cold front creates persistent upslope flow and an upper-level low pressure system approaches from the west. * Sudden rises in dry arroyos, creeks and streams will be likely this afternoon and tonight due to very heavy rainfall. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding. Flash flooding is a very dangerous situation. Monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. && $$  340 WGUS84 KMAF 222333 FLSMAF Flood Advisory National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 633 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 TXC165-230230- /O.NEW.KMAF.FA.Y.0022.190422T2333Z-190423T0230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Gaines TX- 633 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Central Gaines County in western Texas... * Until 930 PM CDT. * At 633 PM CDT, local law enforcement reported heavy rain in Seminole due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Seminole, Gaines County Airport, Loop, Paynes Corner and Gaines County Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3293 10238 3257 10243 3257 10283 3293 10277 $$ 12  953 WACN02 CWAO 222333 CZEG AIRMET A2 VALID 222330/230110 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET A1 222110/230110=  118 WACN22 CWAO 222333 CZEG AIRMET A2 VALID 222330/230110 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET A1 222110/230110 RMK GFACN31/CZVR VANCOUVER FIR AIRMET B2=  119 WACN21 CWAO 222333 CZVR AIRMET B2 VALID 222330/230110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR CNCL AIRMET B1 222110/230110 RMK GFACN31/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET A2=  120 WACN01 CWAO 222333 CZVR AIRMET B2 VALID 222330/230110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR CNCL AIRMET B1 222110/230110=  448 WGUS43 KGRB 222334 FLWGRB BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Green Bay WI 634 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Wisconsin...Michigan... Pine River near Florence affecting Florence County Menominee River near Niagara affecting Dickinson...Menominee... Florence and Marinette Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons with interests along this river need to prepare for flooding. Stay tuned for further updates on this flooding situation. && MIC043-109-WIC037-075-231434- /O.NEW.KGRB.FL.W.0038.190423T0900Z-000000T0000Z/ /NIAW3.1.ER.190423T0900Z.190425T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 634 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a * Flood Warning For the Menominee River near Niagara. * At 5:15 PM Monday the stage was 12.5 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...rise above flood stage by early tomorrow and continue to rise to near 14.5 feet by early Thursday morning. * Impacts at 14.5 feet. In the city of Niagara, water begins to cover the Niagara boat landing on Tyler Road...and water approaches homes along Sherman Street. This stage compares to a flow of 16500 cubic feet per second.. && LAT...LON 4588 8803 4582 8803 4579 8785 4569 8790 4575 8820 4587 8817 $$ WIC037-231434- /O.NEW.KGRB.FL.W.0039.190422T2334Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRKW3.1.ER.190422T2045Z.190422T2215Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 634 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Green Bay has issued a * Flood Warning For the Pine River near Florence. * At 5:15 PM Monday the stage was 7.0 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occuring. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. A recreational area and parking lot near the gage begins to flood.. && LAT...LON 4588 8840 4585 8810 4582 8813 4579 8841 $$  246 WTXS22 PGTW 222300 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 90S)// REF/A/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/221421Z APR 19// AMPN/REF IS TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (WTXS21 PGTW 221430)// RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 160 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 5.0S 80.7E TO 9.3S 84.5E WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 25 TO 30 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 221800Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 5.5S 81.1E. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING SOUTHEASTWARD AT 07 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 90S) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 4.2S 79.5E, IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 5.5S 81.1E, APPROXIMATELY 525 NM EAST- NORTHEAST OF DIEGO GARCIA. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS A CONSOLIDATING LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER WITH STRONG CONVECTION SHEARED TO THE SOUTH, AND TWO FRAGMENTED FORMATIVE BANDS WRAPPING IN FROM THE SOUTH AND NORTH. THE ENVIRONMENT IS OVERALL FAVORABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT, WITH WARM (27-29C) SSTS AND STRONG UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE SLIGHTLY OFFSET BY MODERATE TO HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (20-30 KTS) THAT DECREASES TO THE SOUTH. GLOBAL MODELS GENERALLY AGREE ON A SOUTHEASTWARD TRACK OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS, WITH SOME SPREAD DUE TO VARYING DEGREES OF INTERACTION WITH A SMALLER CIRCULATION TO THE EAST. GLOBAL MODEL TIMING FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 35KT WINDS RANGES FROM APPROXIMATELY 12 TO 36 HOURS. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 25 TO 30 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1000 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS HIGH. 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 232300Z. 4. SEE REF A FOR DETAILS ON A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT LOCATED NEAR 9.7S 51.3E (WTXS21 PGTW 221430).// NNNN  902 WWUS60 KWNS 222335 SEVSPC FILE CREATED 22-APR-19 AT 23:35:01 UTC SEVR 190422 2335 WS0094 0700 03301.10257 03454.09931 03356.09845 03203.10211;  990 WGUS81 KGYX 222336 FLSGYX River Flood Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 736 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Maine... Kennebec River At North Sidney affecting Kennebec County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded areas, it is impossible to know if the road is safe for travel. Turn around, dont drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA weather radio...or your favorite local media outlet. && MEC011-230006- /O.CAN.KGYX.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190422T2346Z/ /SIDM1.1.ER.190421T1242Z.190421T1947Z.190422T1953Z.NO/ 736 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for The Kennebec River At North Sidney. * At 07PM Monday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. && LAT...LON 4453 6969 4453 6955 4439 6969 4439 6979 $$  192 WWUS30 KWNS 222335 SAW4 SPC AWW 222335 WW 94 SEVERE TSTM OK TX 222335Z - 230700Z AXIS..40 STATUTE MILES EITHER SIDE OF LINE.. 185SW CDS/CHILDRESS TX/ - 65E CDS/CHILDRESS TX/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 35NM EITHER SIDE /35NNW MAF - 38NW SPS/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..2 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 450. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 24030. LAT...LON 33020284 34939947 33909880 32000219 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU4.  288 WSBO31 SLLP 222337 SLLF SIGMET A6 VALID 222337/230237 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR FRQ TS OBS AND FCST AT 2336Z WI S1041 W06738 - S1211 W06659 - S1305 W06610 - S1356 W06539 - S1419 W06625 - S1430 W06742 - S1506 W06802 - S1633 W06723 - S1712 W06620 - S1712 W06515 - S1745 W06407 - S1808 W06242 - S1745 W06147 - S1738 W06113 - S1824 W06002 - S1850 W05916 - S1905 W05830 - S1839 W05749 - S1745 W05759 - S1641 W05855 - S1620 W05933 - S1610 W06019 - S1516 W06022 - S1453 W06044 - S1404 W06046 - S1338 W06147 - S1257 W06306 - S1231 W06340 - S1224 W06412 - S1203 W06453 - S1127 W06512 - S1043 W06520 - S0949 W06532 - S0924 W06527 - S0939 W06620 - S1002 W06654 - S1033 W06738 - TOP FL390 STNR INTSF=  434 WOUS64 KWNS 222335 WOU4 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 94 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 635 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 94 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 200 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS OKC057-065-141-230700- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0094.190422T2335Z-190423T0700Z/ OK . OKLAHOMA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE HARMON JACKSON TILLMAN $$ TXC003-033-075-101-107-115-125-155-165-169-197-263-269-275-303- 305-317-345-415-433-445-487-230700- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0094.190422T2335Z-190423T0700Z/ TX . TEXAS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANDREWS BORDEN CHILDRESS COTTLE CROSBY DAWSON DICKENS FOARD GAINES GARZA HARDEMAN KENT KING KNOX LUBBOCK LYNN MARTIN MOTLEY SCURRY STONEWALL TERRY WILBARGER $$ ATTN...WFO...OUN...LUB...MAF...  435 WWUS40 KWNS 222335 WWP4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0094 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0633 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 WS 0094 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : <05% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : <02% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 30% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 10% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 30% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 70% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 2.0 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 450 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 24030 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU4. $$  481 WWUS20 KWNS 222335 SEL4 SPC WW 222335 OKZ000-TXZ000-230700- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 94 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 635 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Extreme southwestern Oklahoma West and northwest Texas * Effective this Monday night and Tuesday morning from 635 PM until 200 AM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered large hail and isolated very large hail events to 2 inches in diameter possible Isolated damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible SUMMARY...Clusters of thunderstorms are expected to form/grow through the remainder of the evening and move northeastward across the watch area, between the northern Permian Basin and southwestern OK, offering sporadic large hail and isolated damaging gusts. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 40 statute miles either side of a line from 185 miles southwest of Childress TX to 65 miles east of Childress TX. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU4). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 2 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 450. Mean storm motion vector 24030. ...Edwards  677 WWUS64 KOUN 222338 WCNOUN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 94 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NORMAN OK 638 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 OKC057-065-141-TXC155-197-275-487-230700- /O.NEW.KOUN.SV.A.0094.190422T2338Z-190423T0700Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 94 IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM CDT TUESDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN OKLAHOMA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA HARMON JACKSON TILLMAN IN TEXAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN NORTHERN TEXAS FOARD HARDEMAN KNOX WILBARGER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALTUS, CROWELL, FREDERICK, HOLLIS, KNOX CITY, MUNDAY, QUANAH, AND VERNON. $$  584 WUUS54 KMAF 222338 SVRMAF TXC165-230030- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0024.190422T2338Z-190423T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 638 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Gaines County in western Texas... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 638 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Seminole, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Seminole, Seagraves, Seagraves Airport, Gaines County Airport, Loop, McKenzie Lake and Gaines County Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3258 10262 3274 10277 3295 10266 3295 10228 3255 10224 TIME...MOT...LOC 2338Z 240DEG 49KT 3271 10259 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 12  052 WWUS64 KMAF 222338 WCNMAF WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 94 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MIDLAND/ODESSA TX 638 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 TXC003-033-115-165-317-415-230700- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.A.0094.190422T2338Z-190423T0700Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 94 IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM CDT TUESDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN TEXAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN WESTERN TEXAS ANDREWS BORDEN DAWSON GAINES MARTIN SCURRY THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANDREWS, GAIL, LAMESA, SEMINOLE, SNYDER, AND STANTON. $$  608 WWUS64 KLUB 222338 WCNLUB WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 94 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LUBBOCK TX 638 PM CDT MON APR 22 2019 TXC075-101-107-125-169-263-269-303-305-345-433-445-230700- /O.NEW.KLUB.SV.A.0094.190422T2338Z-190423T0700Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 94 IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM CDT TUESDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN TEXAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 12 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST TEXAS COTTLE CROSBY DICKENS GARZA KENT KING LUBBOCK LYNN MOTLEY STONEWALL TERRY IN THE PANHANDLE OF TEXAS CHILDRESS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ASPERMONT, BROWNFIELD, CEE VEE, CHILDRESS, CROSBYTON, DICKENS, DUMONT, GUTHRIE, JAYTON, KIRKLAND, LAKE ALAN HENRY, LUBBOCK, MATADOR, MEADOW, NEW HOME, ODONNELL, OLD GLORY, PADUCAH, POST, RALLS, ROARING SPRINGS, SLATON, SPUR, TAHOKA, WELLMAN, AND WOLFFORTH. $$  541 WWAK77 PAJK 222340 NPWAJK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 340 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ020-022-230045- /O.EXP.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Glacier Bay-Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area- Including the cities of Gustavus, Elfin Cove, and Pelican 340 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 4 PM AKDT THIS AFTERNOON... Winds will diminish through the evening and overnight. There will be a few gusts up to 40 mph through early evening. $$ AKZ018-019-230300- /O.CON.PAJK.HW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190423T0300Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 340 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * LOCATION...Northern inner channels including Haines and Skagway. * WINDS...South 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph or more expected. * TIMING...Winds shifting to the south during the late morning then increasing quickly with peak gusts in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Trees could be blown down by the wind. Power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. && $$  063 WWUS53 KDVN 222340 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 640 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 IAC045-097-ILC015-222350- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190422T2345Z/ Carroll IL-Jackson IA-Clinton IA- 640 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service the Quad Cities. LAT...LON 4219 9032 4220 8995 4198 8988 4197 9013 4200 9051 4215 9054 4221 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 2340Z 255DEG 42KT 4208 9017 $$ Gibbs  413 WWAK47 PAJK 222340 WSWAJK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Juneau AK 340 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 AKZ018-230800- /O.CON.PAJK.BZ.W.0001.190423T0000Z-190423T0800Z/ Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway- Including the cities of Skagway and White Pass 340 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AKDT TONIGHT NEAR WHITE PASS... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches. Wind gusts to 55 mph decreasing to 40 mph late. Visibility reduced to one quarter mile due to blowing snow. * WHERE...Klondike Highway near White Pass. * WHEN...Until midnight AKDT tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Blizzard Warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Falling and blowing snow with strong winds and poor visibilities are likely. This will lead to whiteout conditions, making travel extremely dangerous. Do not travel. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ AKZ017-230815- /O.NEW.PAJK.WW.Y.0018.190423T0600Z-190423T1300Z/ Cape Fairweather to Cape Suckling Coastal Area- Including the city of Yakutat 340 PM AKDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches expected. * WHERE...Cape Fairweather to Cape Suckling Coastal Area. * WHEN...From late this evening to late tonight. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  765 WAIS31 LLBD 222339 LLLL AIRMET 14 VALID 230000/230400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3303 E03500 - N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3127 E03513 STNR NC=  512 WGUS81 KALY 222346 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 746 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC091-115-231145- /O.CON.KALY.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190423T2200Z/ /FTEN6.1.RS.190421T0232Z.190421T1032Z.190423T1600Z.NO/ 746 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Hudson River At Fort Edward. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 7 PM Monday the stage was 26.0 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to hold steady near 26.0 feet this evening and then rise to near 26.2 feet by 8 AM Tuesday. The river is forecast to fall below flood stage after 12 PM Tuesday. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor flood stage. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 pm 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Hudson River Fort Edward 26.0 26.0 Mon 7 PM 26.0 25.7 26.2 25.9 25.4 && LAT...LON 4327 7365 4333 7351 4313 7350 4310 7364 $$  513 WUUS53 KDVN 222346 SVRDVN ILC161-IAC031-045-139-163-230045- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0018.190422T2346Z-190423T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 646 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Rock Island County in northwestern Illinois... Southeastern Cedar County in east central Iowa... Scott County in east central Iowa... Northeastern Muscatine County in east central Iowa... Southern Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 745 PM CDT. * At 646 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Calamus to 6 miles north of Walcott to near Muscatine, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Clinton, Muscatine, East Moline, Durant, Silvis, Eldridge, DeWitt, Milan, Camanche, Le Claire, Coal Valley, Wilton, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott and Blue Grass. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 271 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois near mile marker 1. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4184 9018 4178 9024 4176 9024 4163 9031 4146 9042 4146 9043 4142 9044 4142 9123 4167 9103 4190 9088 4189 9016 TIME...MOT...LOC 2346Z 260DEG 31KT 4183 9076 4169 9082 4148 9105 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  040 WGUS81 KALY 222347 FLSALY Flood Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 747 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NYC113-231146- /O.CON.KALY.FL.W.0012.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RVRN6.2.RS.190414T1600Z.190422T1030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 747 PM EDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Schroon River At Riverbank. * Until further notice. * At 7 PM Monday the stage was 9.4 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue remain near 9.4 feet by 8 PM Monday ...Then begin falling. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Water is over Tannery Road. && Fld Observed Forecast 8 pm 2 am 8 am 2 pm 8 pm Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Schroon River Riverbank 7.0 9.4 Mon 7 PM 9.4 9.4 9.3 9.2 8.9 && LAT...LON 4366 7385 4369 7366 4347 7372 4347 7377 $$  304 WSZA21 FAOR 222346 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 230000/230200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2808 E03449 - S2835 E03628 - S3347 E03315 - S3258 E03200 - S3025 E03332 TOP FL400=  299 WSZA21 FAOR 222345 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 230000/230200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2417 E02644 - S2620 E02816 - S2808 E03449 - S3258 E03200 - S3050 E02842 - S2536 E02528 - S2442 E02550 TOP FL400=  300 WSZA21 FAOR 222347 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 230000/230200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2535 E02416 - S2751 E02527 - S3104 E02456 - S3103 E02308 - S2839 E02002 - S2814 E02256 - S2625 E02208 - S2515 E02259 TOP FL400=  091 WHUS73 KDLH 222348 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 648 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 LSZ143>145-230100- /O.EXP.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN-Two Harbors to Duluth MN- Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 648 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Waves have diminished, so the small craft advisory will expire. $$ LSZ121-146>148-230100- /O.EXP.KDLH.SC.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-190423T0000Z/ Chequamegon Bay-Bayfield to Oak Point WI- Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- 648 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Waves have diminish, so the small craft advisory will expire. $$ JJM  238 WARH31 LDZM 222347 LDZO AIRMET 6 VALID 230010/230400 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR SFC WIND 130/30KT FCST SE OF LINE N4456 E01454 - N4414 E01342 STNR INTSF=  692 WAIY32 LIIB 222351 LIRR AIRMET 19 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST N OF LINE N3854 E00808 - N4134 E01421 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  076 WARH31 LDZM 222348 LDZO AIRMET 7 VALID 230010/230400 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4414 E01511 - N4250 E01746 - N4547 E01514 - N4533 E01353 - N4414 E01511 ABV 3000FT STNR NC=  370 WWUS85 KFGZ 222351 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 451 PM MST Mon Apr 22 2019 AZZ006-007-230015- Coconino Plateau-Grand Canyon Country- 451 PM MST Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT COCONINO COUNTY SOUTH OF SUPAI... At 448 PM MST, a strong thunderstorm was located 16 miles south of Hualapai Hilltop, or 45 miles west of Desert View at Grand Canyon, moving northwest at 10 mph. The primary impact will be strong winds. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of north central Coconino Plateau and southwestern Grand Canyon Country Counties. LAT...LON 3594 11250 3581 11261 3589 11280 3605 11265 TIME...MOT...LOC 2348Z 121DEG 10KT 3592 11263 $$ BAK  693 WGUS83 KFGF 222351 FLSFGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks ND 651 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...The flood warning has been extended for these river locations in North Dakota... * Kindred...on the Sheyenne River...in Cass and Richland Counties * West Fargo Diversion...on the Sheyenne River...in Cass County ...The flood warning continues for these river locations in North Dakota... * Harwood...on the Sheyenne River ...in Cass County .River levels continue to slowly recede as dry weather continues across the basin. This forecast is for a 7-day period...the highest stage indicated may not reflect the crest for this event. Forecasts are updated daily and stage values will change as new weather and river information is used. River forecasts use 24 hours of forecast precipitation between April 1st and October 1st, and 48 hours otherwise. However, depending on the situation, they may include precipitation expected through the next 72 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...turn around, don't drown... - Don't travel through flooded areas! - Persons in the warned area need to take steps to protect life and property. If necessary, move to a higher and safer location. - Persons living in the Red River Basin should monitor river levels while the river is in, or near, flood. For more information...go to the AHPS/River section on our web page at: www.weather.gov/grandforks && NDC017-077-241151- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190426T1000Z/ /KNDN8.3.SM.190404T2130Z.190409T0045Z.190425T0400Z.NR/ 651 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Kindred...on the Sheyenne River. * until late Thursday night...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:00 PM Monday the stage was 18.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days...Minor flooding is forecast. * Minor Flood Stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by Wednesday night. * Impact Statement(s) - At 18.0 feet, Portions of 55th St SE are underwater. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Kindred 18.3 17.2 16.2 15.1 14.3 13.5 12.5 && LAT...LON 4672 9701 4663 9688 4645 9731 4659 9729 $$ NDC017-241151- /O.EXT.KFGF.FL.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190429T0600Z/ /WFON8.3.SM.190403T1226Z.190411T0230Z.190428T0000Z.NO/ 651 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...West Fargo Diversion...on the Sheyenne River. * until Monday April 29...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:15 PM Monday the stage was 20.4 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to below Flood Stage by Saturday. * Impact Statement(s) - At 20.0 feet, MODERATE FLOOD. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 West Fargo Diver 20.4 20.2 20.0 19.7 18.9 18.0 17.3 && LAT...LON 4692 9699 4693 9686 4663 9689 4667 9702 $$ NDC017-241151- /O.CON.KFGF.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HWDN8.3.ER.190404T0412Z.190411T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 651 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The Flood Warning continues for... * ...Harwood...on the Sheyenne River. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:15 PM Monday the stage was 89.3 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and during the next 7 days... Moderate flooding is forecast. * Moderate Flood Stage is 86.0 feet. * Forecast...the river will continue to fall to a stage of 89.0 feet by Tuesday mid-morning. * Impact Statement(s) - At 91.0 feet, MAJOR FLOOD. && Daily 7pm CDT/6pm CST forecast stage in feet: Date Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon (month/day) 04/23 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 Harwood 89.6 88.7 88.2 87.7 86.9 85.8 84.7 && LAT...LON 4709 9683 4697 9683 4693 9686 4692 9699 4701 9698 $$  444 WSRA31 RUIR 222350 UIII SIGMET 1 VALID 230000/230400 UIII- UIII IRKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5719 E11932 - N5330 E12220 - N4940 E11720 - N4955 E10758 - N5549 E11106 - N5719 E11932 SFC/FL100 MOV SE 80KMH NC=  683 WWUS85 KABQ 222352 SPSABQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 552 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 NMZ507-519-230015- West Central Highlands-Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- 552 PM MDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL VALENCIA...SOUTHERN SANDOVAL AND BERNALILLO COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM MDT... At 552 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 16 miles west of Isleta Pueblo, or 16 miles northwest of Los Lunas, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Frequent and dangerous cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Albuquerque, southwestern Rio Rancho, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, Paradise Hills, North Valley and South Valley. This includes the following highways... Interstate 40 between Mile Markers 133 and 159. Interstate 25 between Mile Markers 228 and 229. Accumulations of small hail on roads can create very slick and hazardous driving conditions. && LAT...LON 3484 10695 3494 10711 3531 10685 3514 10659 TIME...MOT...LOC 2352Z 217DEG 30KT 3496 10697 $$ 33  272 WWUS84 KEPZ 222353 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 553 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 NMZ410-411-413-414-416-417-TXZ418>423-230045- Southern Tularosa Basin NM-Northern Dona Ana County NM-Otero Mesa NM- West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley NM- Eastern/Central El Paso County TX-Southern Hudspeth Highlands TX- Rio Grande Valley of Eastern El Paso/Western Hudspeth Counties TX- Salt Basin TX-Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains TX- Western El Paso County TX- 553 PM MDT MON APR 22 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN OTERO...SOUTHEASTERN DONA ANA...NORTHWESTERN HUDSPETH AND EL PASO COUNTIES UNTIL 645 PM MDT... At 549 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms across portions of southern New Mexico and west Texas including around the El Paso Texas vicinity. The storms are moving to the east at 40 mph and are producing strong winds. Winds in excess of 50 mph with Blowing Dust will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... El Paso, Mission Valley, Tornillo, Chaparral, Clint, Horizon City, Dell City, Loma Linda, Fabens, Timberon, Orogrande, Anthony, and Hueco Tanks. LAT...LON 3140 10608 3148 10622 3174 10639 3176 10645 3175 10649 3178 10653 3179 10666 3265 10672 3261 10535 3252 10535 3252 10520 3137 10518 TIME...MOT...LOC 2349Z 239DEG 48KT 3245 10577 $$ ROGASH  371 WFUS54 KMAF 222353 TORMAF TXC165-230045- /O.NEW.KMAF.TO.W.0008.190422T2353Z-190423T0045Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 653 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Central Gaines County in western Texas... * Until 745 PM CDT. * At 652 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 5 miles southeast of Seminole, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of central Gaines County including Fairview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 3260 10261 3277 10270 3287 10248 3260 10233 TIME...MOT...LOC 2352Z 239DEG 49KT 3271 10255 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.25IN $$ 12  918 WAIY32 LIIB 222356 LIRR AIRMET 17 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL150 STNR WKN=  919 WSIY33 LIIB 222355 LIBB SIGMET 5 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4111 E01443 - N4140 E01817 SFC/FL120 STNR WKN=  920 WAIY33 LIIB 222356 LIBB AIRMET 15 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST SE OF LINE N4232 E01609 - N4040 E01513 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  921 WAIY32 LIIB 222355 LIRR AIRMET 16 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4214 E01128 - N4133 E01133 - N3818 E01617 - N3630 E01623 - N3631 E01858 - N3852 E01851 - N3857 E01637 - N4214 E01128 STNR WKN=  922 WAIY33 LIIB 222355 LIBB AIRMET 14 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SFC WSPD 30KT FCST WI N4322 E01418 - N4227 E01422 - N4110 E01702 - N3900 E01640 - N3856 E01859 - N4105 E01852 - N4322 E01418 STNR NC=  618 WSUS32 KKCI 222355 SIGC MKCC WST 222355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 64C VALID UNTIL 0155Z IN IL LM FROM 20NNW ORD-20SE ORD-20NNW BVT-30W BVT-20NNW JOT-20NNW ORD AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 65C VALID UNTIL 0155Z WI IL IA FROM 40ENE DLL-50SE DBQ-40S IOW-40WNW DLL-40ENE DLL AREA TS MOV FROM 22035KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 66C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX NM FROM 60W CME-30SE ELP-ELP-10W ELP-50E TCS-60W CME AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 18010KT. TOPS TO FL350. WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 67C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX 50NNW MAF ISOL SEV TS D20 MOV FROM 21025KT. TOPS TO FL430. HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 68C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX FROM 20N LBB-40SSW CDS DVLPG LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 230155-230555 AREA 1...FROM RHI-TVC-MKG-FAM-RZC-ICT-MCI-EAU-RHI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM LAR-AMA-ICT-RZC-50WNW DLF-30S MRF-ELP-40W ELP-HBU-LAR REF WW 94. WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  619 WSUS33 KKCI 222355 SIGW MKCW WST 222355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20W VALID UNTIL 0155Z AZ UT FROM 40NNE DTA-40NE BCE-70N PGS-50ENE ILC-40NNE DTA AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21W VALID UNTIL 0155Z NM AZ FROM 40SW SJN-30WSW TCS-70SE SSO-60SE TUS-80SW SJN-40SW SJN AREA TS MOV FROM 22025KT. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22W VALID UNTIL 0155Z NM FROM 50ESE RSK-20SW ABQ-60NE TCS LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21020KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 230155-230555 AREA 1...FROM OCS-LAR-HBU-JNC-50S EED-BZA-MZB-BTY-ILC-SLC-OCS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50ENE RSK-40W ELP-40SW DMN-60SSW DMN-50S TUS-70NE INW-50ENE RSK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  620 WSUS31 KKCI 222355 SIGE MKCE WST 222355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 230155-230555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  707 WWUS53 KDVN 222354 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 654 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ILC161-IAC031-045-139-163-230045- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190423T0045Z/ Rock Island IL-Cedar IA-Scott IA-Muscatine IA-Clinton IA- 654 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL ROCK ISLAND...SOUTHEASTERN CEDAR...SCOTT...NORTHEASTERN MUSCATINE AND SOUTHERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 654 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Grand Mound to Donahue to near Fairport, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Clinton, Muscatine, East Moline, Durant, Silvis, Eldridge, DeWitt, Milan, Camanche, Le Claire, Coal Valley, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott, Blue Grass and Buffalo. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 277 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois near mile marker 1. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 7. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4184 9018 4178 9024 4176 9024 4163 9031 4146 9042 4146 9043 4142 9044 4142 9114 4164 9092 4190 9077 4189 9016 TIME...MOT...LOC 2354Z 260DEG 33KT 4184 9065 4170 9070 4147 9095 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  083 WGUS54 KMAF 222354 FFWMAF TXC165-230200- /O.NEW.KMAF.FF.W.0002.190422T2354Z-190423T0200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 654 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Gaines County in western Texas... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 653 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to one inch of rain has already fallen. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Seminole, Gaines County Airport, and Gaines County Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3296 10235 3253 10253 3253 10281 3296 10275 $$ 49  195 WSIY33 LIIB 222355 LIBB SIGMET 5 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4111 E01443 - N4140 E01817 SFC/FL120 STNR WKN=  583 WBCN07 CWVR 222300 PAM ROCKS WIND 3304 LANGARA; PC 15 SW18G25 4FT MDT LO-MOD W 2330 CLD EST 15 SCT 07/01 GREEN; PC 12 SW25EG 5FT MDT 2330 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 08/01 TRIPLE; CLDY 12 W20EG 4FT MDT LO-MOD W 2330 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 08/03 BONILLA; CLDY 15 NW15E 3FT MDT LO-MOD S SWT 9.3 2330 CLD EST 22 SCT BKN ABV 25 09/07 BOAT BLUFF; OVC 2L-F SE10 2FT CHP 2330 CLD EST 8 SCT 22 OVC 08/07 MCINNES; CLDY 12 SW10E 2FT CHP LO SW SWT 9.2 2330 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 10/06 IVORY; CLDY 15 SW14 3FT MDT LO-MOD SW SHWRS DSNT N AND E 2330 CLD EST 10 FEW 14 SCT BKN ABV 25 11/07 DRYAD; OVC 12 S11 1FT CHP 2330 CLD EST 12 FEW 20 BKN OVC ABV 25 10/06 ADDENBROKE; OVC 10R- CLM RPLD 2330 CLD EST 14 BKN OVC ABV 25 10/08 EGG ISLAND; OVC 12 W05 2FT CHP LO W WIND SHIFT AT 2040Z 2340 CLD EST 8 BKN 20 OVC 09/09 PINE ISLAND; OVC 08L- W05E 1FT CHP LO W 2340 CLD EST 8 BKN 18 OVC 09/09 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 12RW- NW15E 3FT MOD MOD SW 2340 CLD EST 16 BKN OVC ABV 25 09/07 QUATSINO; CLDY 15 NW15E 3FT MDT LO SW 2340 CLD EST 11 FEW BKN ABV 25 11/10 NOOTKA; OVC 6L- S10E 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW 2340 CLD EST 10 BKN OVC ABV 25 11/11 ESTEVAN; OVC 5R- SE08 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW 1021.3R LENNARD; OVC 12 S08E 2FT CHP LO-MOD SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; OVC 11/2R-F SE18G26 5FT MDT MOD SW PACHENA; OVC 4R-F SE25EG 6FT MDT MOD SW CARMANAH; OVC 12R-F E20E 4FT MDT MOD SW VIS SE 11/2R-F SCARLETT; OVC 5RW- NW12E 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; OVC 10RW- E10E 1FT CHP CHATHAM; OVC 6R SE25E 4FT MDT LO SE 2340 CLD EST 02 FEW 08 BKN 16 OVC 09/09 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 201/08/07/3007/M/0042 PCPN 0.4MM PAST HR 1024 00MM= WEB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 208/10/09/1408/M/0041 PCPN 0.6MM PAST HR PK WND 1317 2215Z 0007 84MM= WQC SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 225/12/08/1206/M/0001 0005 62MM= WRU SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 208/09/M/3010/M/ 1020 6MMM= WFG SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 205/10/06/2807/M/ 1030 71MM= WVF SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/10/09/1115/M/ PK WND 1117 2259Z M 10MM= WQS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 187/08/01/3013/M/ PK WND 2920 2207Z 1048 11MM= WRO SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 168/09/04/2713/M/0009 PCPN 0.1MM PAST HR PK WND 2724 2201Z 1059 61MM= WEK SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 161/08/01/MMMM/M/ 1063 10MM= WWL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 176/08/03/2809/M/ 1046 17MM= WME SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/09/07/2422/M/0052 PK WND 2324 2246Z M 00MM= WAS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 168/08/08/3304/M/0022 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 8005 41MM= WSB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 232/10/07/0912/M/0025 PCPN 0.1MM PAST HR PK WND 0918 2247Z 8006 89MM= WGT SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 217/10/07/1127/M/M PK WND 1133 2223Z 0006 12MM= WGB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 226/10/08/1223/M/0002 PK WND 1227 2255Z 0002 97MM= WEL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 235/10/08/1514/M/ PK WND 1419 2237Z 0006 13MM= WDR SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 233/09/09/2502/M/ 0004 37MM= WZO SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1906/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0919+25/M/ PK WND 0827 2220Z M MMMM=  512 WSSD20 OEJD 222356 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 230000/230400 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N23 W OF E52 E OF E42 W OF E52 MOV S NC=  254 WAIY33 LIIB 222357 LIBB AIRMET 16 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4330 E01325 - N4253 E01303 - N4123 E01426 - N4110 E01509 - N3856 E01631 - N3858 E01708 - N4122 E01531 - N4330 E01325 STNR NC=  255 WAIY32 LIIB 222357 LIRR AIRMET 18 VALID 230005/230405 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4326 E01022 - N4242 E01100 - N4034 E01458 - N3901 E01605 - N3755 E01444 - N3732 E01450 - N3750 E01554 - N3845 E01638 - N4107 E01503 - N4129 E01417 - N4256 E01304 - N4329 E01315 - N4342 E01108 - N4326 E01022 STNR NC=  671 WSSD20 OEJD 222356 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 230000/230400 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N23 W OF E52 E OF E42 W OF E52 MOV S NC=  588 WSBZ31 SBAZ 222358 SBAZ SIGMET 26 VALID 222359/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0640 W07116 - S0429 W06747 - S0859 W06435 - S1036 W06839 - S0640 W07116 TOP FL440 MOV SE 08KT NC=  147 WSBZ31 SBAZ 222358 SBAZ SIGMET 29 VALID 222359/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0104 W05521 - S0825 W04629 - S0556 W04452 - S0439 W04315 - S0128 W04151 - N0337 W04956 - N0104 W05521 TOP FL390 MOV NW 05KT NC=  148 WSBZ31 SBAZ 222358 SBAZ SIGMET 27 VALID 222359/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0924 W06353 - S1606 W05815 - S1715 W05808 - S1732 W05726 - S1534 W05329 - S0532 W06025 - S0924 W06353 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  149 WSBZ31 SBAZ 222358 SBAZ SIGMET 28 VALID 222359/230215 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0710 W05857 - S1206 W05521 - S0729 W04909 - S0252 W05245 - S0710 W05857 TOP FL440 MOV W 0 5KT NC=  325 WTSR20 WSSS 221800 NO STORM WARNING=  382 WSCO31 SKBO 222351 SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 230000/230300 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2341Z WI N0400 W07636 - N0453 W07744 - N0534 W07647 - N0514 W07559 - N0400 W07636 TOP FL460 MOV NNE 16KT INTSF=  338 WSUY31 SUMU 220145 SUEO SIGMET 1 VALID 230200/230600 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3343 W05822- S3427 W05820-S3531 W05626- S3452 W05605- S3343 W05822- FL280/360 STNR NC=  271 WXFJ02 NFFN 221820 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER THIRTY FOR FLOOD ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 6.20PM ON TUESDAY THE 23RD OF APRIL, 2019. FLOOD ALERT A FLOOD ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LOW LYING AREAS, SMALL STREAMS AND AREAS ADJACENT TO MAJOR RIVERS FOR VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND VITI LEVU; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF KOROVOU RIVER; LOW LYING AREAS AND DOWNSTREAM OF NAQALI BRIDGE OF THE WAIDINA RIVER. LEVEL AT NAQALI STATION WAS 4.09M AT 6.00PM WHICH IS 0.59M ABOVE WARNING LEVEL AND DECREASING; LEVEL AT KOROVOU STATION WAS 2.68M AT 6.00PM WHICH IS 0.18M ABOVE ALERT LEVEL AND INCREASING; SITUATION A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE GROUP. ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL TOMORROW. TIDE HEIGHT TIME HIGH 1.81M 9.42PM LOW 0.51M 3.30AM THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR FLOOD WILL BE ISSUED AT 9:20PM OR EARLIER.