403 XOUS53 KWBC 231502 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504059-3062161 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:02:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502223-3060960,2019-04-22T09:51:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:02:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:02:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:02:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:02AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO ..The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Missouri.. Cuivre River at Old Monroe River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Cuivre River at Old Monroe * until further notice. * At 7:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 26.7 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 26.5 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Lincoln, MO 38.92,-90.81 38.94,-90.7 38.92,-90.7 38.9,-90.8 38.92,-90.81 UGC MOC113 SAME 029113  664 XOUS53 KWBC 231502 CAPLOT NWS-IDP-PROD-3504060-3062162 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:02:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502212-3060949,2019-04-22T09:43:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502673-3061292,2019-04-22T14:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501853-3060672,2019-04-22T03:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503363-3061721,2019-04-22T21:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503626-3061866,2019-04-23T02:54:00-05:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T10:02:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:02:00-05:00 2019-04-23T11:15:00-05:00 NWS Chicago IL Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 10:02AM CDT until April 23 at 10:00AM CDT by NWS Chicago IL The small craft advisory is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED VTEC /O.EXP.KLOT.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190423T1500Z/ PIL LOTMWWLOT BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T10:00:00-05:00 Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL; Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN; Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL; Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN; Gary to Burns Harbor IN; Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL UGC LMZ740 UGC LMZ745 UGC LMZ741 UGC LMZ743 UGC LMZ744 UGC LMZ742 SAME 092740 SAME 092745 SAME 092741 SAME 092743 SAME 092744 SAME 092742  544 XOUS53 KWBC 231503 CAPMQT NWS-IDP-PROD-3504061-3062163 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:03:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503213-3061626,2019-04-22T21:51:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:03:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:03:00-04:00 2019-04-24T01:03:00-04:00 NWS Marquette MI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:03AM EDT until April 27 at 2:00PM EDT by NWS Marquette MI Sturgeon River near Alston affecting Baraga and Houghton Counties .Upwards of 1 to 1.25 inches of rain fell in the past 24 hours across the northern Sturgeon River Basin. Ongoing flooding is expected through late this week. With temperatures remaining above freezing, additional snowmelt may contribute to the rivers. The Flood Warning continues for The Sturgeon River near Alston. * until Saturday afternoon. * At 10:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 11.1 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage early Friday afternoon. * At 11.0 feet...Additional homes and structures near the river are impacted and evacuations may be necessary. Water levels may reach the bottom of Froberg bridge in addition to other bridges that cross the river. * At 8.0 feet...Homes and structures along the low lying areas and numerous roads become impacted by flood water. In Houghton County...Sturgeon River Road...Aho Road...and Rajala Road are impacted. In Baraga County...Sturgeon Road...Halonen Road and Usitalo Road are impacted. Along Froberg Road...Tahtinen Road... Irwin Road...Oliver Road...and Shirley Road are impacted.. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 9 PM EDT this evening. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190427T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MQTFLSMQT BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-27T14:00:00-04:00 Baraga, MI; Houghton, MI 46.72,-88.72 46.83,-88.66 46.92,-88.61 46.92,-88.48 46.87,-88.5 46.72,-88.6 46.72,-88.72 UGC MIC013 UGC MIC061 SAME 026013 SAME 026061  203 XOUS53 KWBC 231504 CAPMKX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504062-3062164 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:04:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503705-3061898,2019-04-23T04:11:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:04:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:04:00-05:00 2019-04-23T22:04:00-05:00 NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:04AM CDT until April 28 at 7:00PM CDT by NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI Wisconsin River At Portage affecting Columbia County Fox River Near Berlin affecting Green Lake County The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River At Portage. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 18 feet Thursday evening then below flood stage Sunday afternoon. * Impact...At 19.5 feet...Floodwaters are over Wood Street in Portage and a low spot on Thunderbird Road. Water comes up through ground at Sunset and Franklin. Floodwaters affect River Shores Road in the Town of Lewiston, River Oaks Road in the Town of Dekorra, and Levee Road in the Portage area, and numerous roads in the Blackhawk Park area about 3 miles south of Portage. Some water on Summit St near boat landing. Water over Conant St. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KMKX.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190429T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MKXFLSMKX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-28T19:00:00-05:00 Columbia, WI 43.51,-89.7 43.65,-89.66 43.59,-89.37 43.39,-89.39 43.44,-89.65 43.5,-89.57 43.51,-89.7 UGC WIC021 SAME 055021  204 XOUS53 KWBC 231504 CAPMKX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504063-3062165 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:04:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503704-3061897,2019-04-23T04:11:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:04:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:04:00-05:00 2019-04-23T22:04:00-05:00 NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:04AM CDT by NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI Wisconsin River At Portage affecting Columbia County Fox River Near Berlin affecting Green Lake County The Flood Warning continues for The Fox River Near Berlin. * At 7:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 13.2 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.3 feet by tomorrow morning and remain at that level into next week. * Impact...At 13.3 feet...There is minor flooding in the Berlin area including in Riverside and Webster Street Parks in Berlin. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KMKX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MKXFLSMKX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Green Lake, WI 43.98,-88.99 43.98,-88.88 43.91,-88.88 43.89,-89.01 43.95,-89.11 43.96,-89.08 43.98,-88.99 UGC WIC047 SAME 055047  879 XOUS53 KWBC 231506 CAPGRR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504070-3062166 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:06:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503206-3061625,2019-04-22T21:50:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501802-3060657,2019-04-22T03:29:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502633-3061273,2019-04-22T15:37:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503605-3061853,2019-04-23T03:39:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502424-3061122,2019-04-22T11:56:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:06:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:06:00-04:00 2019-04-23T19:15:00-04:00 NWS Grand Rapids MI Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:06AM EDT until April 23 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS Grand Rapids MI * WINDS...Northwest winds 15 to 25 knots becoming north 5 to 15 knots by mid evening. * WAVES...Waves 4 to 7 feet subsiding to 1 to 3 feet after midnight. A Small Craft Advisory means that winds or waves are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING VTEC /O.CON.KGRR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-190424T0000Z/ PIL GRRMWWGRR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T20:00:00-04:00 St Joseph to South Haven MI; Pentwater to Manistee MI; Grand Haven to Whitehall MI; South Haven to Holland MI; Holland to Grand Haven MI; Whitehall to Pentwater MI UGC LMZ844 UGC LMZ849 UGC LMZ847 UGC LMZ845 UGC LMZ846 UGC LMZ848 SAME 092844 SAME 092849 SAME 092847 SAME 092845 SAME 092846 SAME 092848  112 XOAK53 KWBC 231506 CAPAFG NWS-IDP-PROD-3504071 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T07:06:00-08:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2019-04-23T07:06:00-08:00 2019-04-23T07:06:00-08:00 2019-04-23T09:15:00-08:00 NWS Fairbanks AK Special Weather Statement issued April 23 at 7:06AM AKDT by NWS Fairbanks AK As of 7am, Fairbanks has had between one half inch and one inch of snow since it began at midnight last night. The hills near Fairbanks have had between one and 2 inches of snow. Snow has melted on paved roads in the valley near Fairbanks, while roads in the hills are having snow accumulate. Another 2 to 5 inches of snow is expected across the Fairbanks area today and tonight, with the heaviest snow in the hills. Roads in valleys will start to accumulate snow tonight. Storm total snowfall across the Interior are expected to be between 2 to 4 inches in valleys by Wednesday morning, while hills above 1000 feet will have 4 to 7 inches. The heaviest snow is expected over the Taylor Highway where up to one foot of snow could fall above 2000 feet. Snow should taper off across the Interior on Wednesday morning. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Snow Across the Interior through Wednesday Morning EAS-ORG WXR PIL AFGSPSAFG BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Central Interior; Middle Tanana Valley; Yukon Flats and Surrounding Uplands; Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country; Deltana and Tanana Flats UGC AKZ221 UGC AKZ222 UGC AKZ220 UGC AKZ224 UGC AKZ223 SAME 002290 SAME 002090 SAME 002068 SAME 002261 SAME 002240  369 XOUS55 KWBC 231507 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-35453 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T15:07:09-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-04-23T15:07:09-00:00 2019-04-23T15:17:09-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  440 XOUS54 KWBC 231507 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504072 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:07:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2019-04-23T10:07:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:07:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:45:00-05:00 NWS Norman OK Special Weather Statement issued April 23 at 10:07AM CDT by NWS Norman OK AT 1005 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Iowa Park, moving east at 35 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 40 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Locations impacted include... Wichita Falls, Iowa Park, Holliday, Dean, Jolly, Sheppard AFB, Pleasant Valley and Cashion. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-04-23T10:05:00.000-05:00...storm...259DEG...29KT...33.94,-98.72 NWSheadline SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northwestern Clay and southeastern Wichita Counties Until 1045 AM CDT EAS-ORG WXR PIL OUNSPSOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Clay; Wichita 33.84,-98.78 34.01,-98.82 34.07,-98.49 34.06,-98.48 34.07,-98.47 34.09,-98.35 33.85,-98.32 33.83,-98.62 33.83,-98.74 33.84,-98.78 UGC TXZ090 UGC TXZ086 SAME 048077 SAME 048485  234 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504085-3062179 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503333-3061708,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Chester * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 34.8 feet. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 34.9 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Randolph, IL; Jackson, IL; Ste. Genevieve, MO; Perry, MO 38.26,-90.43 38.26,-90.3 37.69,-89.35 37.69,-89.59 37.87,-90.03 38.26,-90.43 UGC ILC157 UGC ILC077 UGC MOC186 UGC MOC157 SAME 017157 SAME 017077 SAME 029186 SAME 029157  235 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504080-3062174 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503332-3061707,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Winfield * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 31.8 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to rise to near 31.8 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Lincoln, MO; Calhoun, IL 39.22,-90.81 39.23,-90.71 38.88,-90.57 38.81,-90.57 38.87,-90.74 39.22,-90.81 UGC MOC113 UGC ILC013 SAME 029113 SAME 017013  236 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504075-3062169 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503340-3061715,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Canton * until further notice. * At 6:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 18.5 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 18.2 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Lewis, MO; Adams, IL 40.22,-91.54 40.22,-91.42 40.08,-91.4 40.08,-91.53 40.22,-91.54 UGC MOC111 UGC ILC001 SAME 029111 SAME 017001  237 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504083-3062177 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503336-3061711,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 20.6 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 20.3 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marion, MO; Adams, IL 39.91,-91.52 39.91,-91.4 39.83,-91.35 39.83,-91.48 39.91,-91.52 UGC MOC127 UGC ILC001 SAME 029127 SAME 017001  238 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504081-3062175 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503335-3061710,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Clarksville * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 30.8 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 30.6 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Calhoun, IL; Pike, MO 39.39,-90.97 39.45,-90.89 39.38,-90.77 39.23,-90.71 39.22,-90.81 39.39,-90.97 UGC ILC013 UGC MOC163 SAME 017013 SAME 029163  310 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504073-3062167 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503338-3061713,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Grafton * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 25.0 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 24.8 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Jersey, IL; St. Charles, MO 38.81,-90.57 38.88,-90.57 38.99,-90.46 38.95,-90.28 38.82,-90.48 38.81,-90.57 UGC ILC083 UGC MOC183 SAME 017083 SAME 029183  311 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504076-3062170 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503342-3061717,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT until April 29 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at St. Louis * until Monday afternoon. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 32.2 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by Sunday early afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190429T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-29T13:00:00-05:00 St. Clair, IL; St. Louis City, MO; St. Louis, MO 38.81,-90.17 38.83,-90.04 38.26,-90.3 38.26,-90.43 38.73,-90.24 38.81,-90.17 UGC ILC163 UGC MOC510 UGC MOC189 SAME 017163 SAME 029510 SAME 029189  312 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504082-3062176 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503337-3061712,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at LaGrange * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.1 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 18.7 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0077.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Lewis, MO; Adams, IL 40.08,-91.53 40.08,-91.4 39.99,-91.4 39.99,-91.52 40.08,-91.53 UGC MOC111 UGC ILC001 SAME 029111 SAME 017001  313 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504079-3062173 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503334-3061709,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Mel Price LD * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 25.7 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 25.3 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Madison, IL; St. Charles, MO 38.91,-90.33 38.95,-90.28 38.83,-90.03 38.81,-90.17 38.86,-90.17 38.91,-90.33 UGC ILC119 UGC MOC183 SAME 017119 SAME 029183  314 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504074-3062168 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503344-3061719,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Louisiana * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 20.5 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 20.3 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Pike, MO; Pike, IL 39.45,-91.11 39.52,-90.97 39.45,-90.89 39.39,-90.97 39.45,-91.11 UGC MOC163 UGC ILC149 SAME 029163 SAME 017149  315 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504077-3062171 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503343-3061718,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Saverton * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 20.9 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 20.6 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Pike, IL; Ralls, MO 39.67,-91.35 39.74,-91.21 39.7,-91.14 39.52,-90.97 39.45,-91.11 39.67,-91.35 UGC ILC149 UGC MOC173 SAME 017149 SAME 029173  316 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504078-3062172 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503339-3061714,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Quincy * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Tuesday the stage was 21.5 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 21.1 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marion, MO; Adams, IL 39.99,-91.52 39.99,-91.4 39.91,-91.4 39.91,-91.52 39.99,-91.52 UGC MOC127 UGC ILC001 SAME 029127 SAME 017001  317 XOUS53 KWBC 231511 CAPLSX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504084-3062178 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503341-3061716,2019-04-22T21:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:11:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:10:00-05:00 NWS St Louis MO Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:11AM CDT by NWS St Louis MO Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at LaGrange Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price LD Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Hannibal * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Tuesday the stage was 21.9 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 21.5 feet by tomorrow morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LSXFLSLSX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marion, MO; Pike, IL 39.83,-91.48 39.83,-91.35 39.74,-91.21 39.67,-91.35 39.83,-91.48 UGC MOC127 UGC ILC149 SAME 029127 SAME 017149  571 XOUS54 KWBC 231513 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504087-3062181 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:12:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502704-3061309,2019-04-22T15:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503698-3061891,2019-04-23T03:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503889-3062036,2019-04-23T09:04:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501882-3060688,2019-04-22T04:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Watch AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FFA NationalWeatherService FAA 2019-04-23T10:12:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:12:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:28:12-05:00 NWS Norman OK The Flood Watch has been cancelled. The Flood Watch has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED VTEC /O.CAN.KOUN.FA.A.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OUNFFAOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T13:00:00-05:00 Caddo; Kiowa; Tillman; Comanche UGC OKZ023 UGC OKZ035 UGC OKZ037 UGC OKZ038 SAME 040015 SAME 040075 SAME 040141 SAME 040031  572 XOUS54 KWBC 231513 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504086-3062180 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:12:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502704-3061309,2019-04-22T15:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503698-3061891,2019-04-23T03:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503889-3062036,2019-04-23T09:04:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501882-3060688,2019-04-22T04:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Watch Prepare Future Severe Possible SAME FFA NationalWeatherService FAA 2019-04-23T10:12:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:12:00-05:00 2019-04-23T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Norman OK Flood Watch issued April 23 at 10:12AM CDT until April 23 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS Norman OK The Flood Watch for flash flooding...flooding of creeks and rivers...and flooding of low lying areas continues for * portions of Oklahoma and northern Texas, including the following areas, in Oklahoma, Canadian, Cleveland, Cotton, Garvin, Grady, Lincoln, McClain, Oklahoma, Pottawatomie, Seminole, and Stephens. In northern Texas, Wichita. * Until 1 PM CDT this afternoon * Rainfall amounts of one to two additional inches remain possible. Isolated heavier amounts are possible. This may result in runoff and flooding of low lying and poorly drained areas. Mainstem river flooding is also possible. * Please do not drive through flooding roadways. A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON VTEC /O.CON.KOUN.FA.A.0001.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OUNFFAOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T13:00:00-05:00 Pottawatomie; McClain; Canadian; Garvin; Oklahoma; Wichita; Cleveland; Seminole; Lincoln; Grady; Stephens; Cotton UGC OKZ030 UGC OKZ028 UGC OKZ024 UGC OKZ040 UGC OKZ025 UGC TXZ086 UGC OKZ029 UGC OKZ031 UGC OKZ026 UGC OKZ027 UGC OKZ039 UGC OKZ044 SAME 040125 SAME 040087 SAME 040017 SAME 040049 SAME 040109 SAME 048485 SAME 040027 SAME 040133 SAME 040081 SAME 040051 SAME 040137 SAME 040033  285 XOUS53 KWBC 231513 CAPGRB NWS-IDP-PROD-3504090-3062182 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:13:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503246-3061652,2019-04-22T20:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502682-3061300,2019-04-22T14:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503656-3061874,2019-04-23T03:27:00-05:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T10:13:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:13:00-05:00 2019-04-23T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Green Bay WI Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 10:13AM CDT until April 23 at 4:00PM CDT by NWS Green Bay WI * WINDS...North to northwest 15 to 25 knots. * WAVES...2 to 4 feet on the Bay, 3 to 5 feet on the lake. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds over 20 knots or waves greater than 4 feet are expected to produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON VTEC /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0032.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ PIL GRBMWWGRB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T16:00:00-05:00 Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI; Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI; Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI; Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI; Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI UGC LMZ543 UGC LMZ522 UGC LMZ541 UGC LMZ521 UGC LMZ542 SAME 092543 SAME 092522 SAME 092541 SAME 092521 SAME 092542  258 XOUS52 KWBC 231516 CAPCHS NWS-IDP-PROD-3504091-3062183 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:15:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503131-3061581,2019-04-22T21:23:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:15:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:15:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:14:00-04:00 NWS Charleston SC Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:15AM EDT by NWS Charleston SC The Flood Warning continues for The Santee River near Jamestown. * At 10 AM Tuesday the stage was 12.7 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, the river will continue rising to near 13.0 feet by early Friday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * At 12.0 feet, several dirt logging roads are impassable. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KCHS.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL CHSFLSCHS BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Williamsburg, SC; Berkeley, SC; Georgetown, SC 33.47,-80.02 33.54,-79.98 33.25,-79.37 33.21,-79.38 33.2,-79.51 33.29,-79.76 33.47,-80.02 UGC SCC089 UGC SCC015 UGC SCC043 SAME 045089 SAME 045015 SAME 045043  610 XOUS55 KWBC 231517 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-38258 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T15:17:09-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-04-23T15:17:09-00:00 2019-04-23T15:27:09-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  770 XOUS53 KWBC 231517 CAPMQT NWS-IDP-PROD-3504092-3062184 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:17:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503244-3061651,2019-04-22T21:58:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:17:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:17:00-04:00 2019-04-24T01:16:00-04:00 NWS Marquette MI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:17AM EDT until April 26 at 8:00AM EDT by NWS Marquette MI Paint River at Crystal Falls affecting Iron County .In the last 24 hours, widespread 0.25 inches of rain fell across the region. With the additional water injecting into the rivers and the ongoing melting of snow, the river will continue to rise into flood stage. The river is forecast to remain above flood stage through the middle of this week. The Flood Warning continues for The Paint River at Crystal Falls. * until Friday morning. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 7.0 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 7.5 feet by early tomorrow afternoon.the river will fall below flood stage by Thursday morning. * At 7.0 feet...5600 - cfs - Waterfront park areas near the M-69 bridge and low lying areas along the river in Crystal Falls become inundated. * At 5.5 feet...3500 - cfs - River exceeds bankfull stage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 9 PM EDT tonight. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MQTFLSMQT BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-26T08:00:00-04:00 Iron, MI 46.01,-88.31 46.1,-88.39 46.12,-88.28 46.04,-88.21 46.01,-88.31 UGC MIC071 SAME 026071  352 XOUS54 KWBC 231517 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3504093-3062185 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:17:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:17:00-05:00 2019-04-24T07:32:00-05:00 2019-04-23T22:16:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:17AM CDT until April 25 at 7:51PM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX South Sulphur River Near Cooper Affecting Delta and Hopkins Counties Cowleech Fork Sabine River At Greenville Affecting Hunt County South Fork Sabine River Near Quinlan Affecting Hunt and Rockwall Counties The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a * Flood Warning for The South Sulphur River Near Cooper. * from Wednesday morning to Thursday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 0915 AM Tuesday the stage was 14.70 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should rise above flood stage by Wednesday morning and continue to rise to a crest near 18 feet by Wednesday evening. The river should fall below flood stage by Thursday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. These forecasts include rainfall through Wednesday morning. Additional moderate to heavy rainfall is likely across portions of these basins later on Wednesday and Wednesday night. Stay tuned for updates regarding these river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KFWD.FL.W.0053.190424T1232Z-190426T0051Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLWFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T19:51:00-05:00 Delta, TX; Hopkins, TX 33.37,-95.67 33.41,-95.56 33.41,-95.49 33.3,-95.48 33.29,-95.57 33.37,-95.67 UGC TXC119 UGC TXC223 SAME 048119 SAME 048223  353 XOUS54 KWBC 231517 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3504095-3062187 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:17:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:17:00-05:00 2019-04-24T04:18:00-05:00 2019-04-23T22:16:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:17AM CDT until April 25 at 11:33PM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX South Sulphur River Near Cooper Affecting Delta and Hopkins Counties Cowleech Fork Sabine River At Greenville Affecting Hunt County South Fork Sabine River Near Quinlan Affecting Hunt and Rockwall Counties The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a * Flood Warning for The Cowleech Fork Sabine River At Greenville. * from late tonight to Thursday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 0945 AM Tuesday the stage was 4.72 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should rise above flood stage by Wednesday after midnight and continue to rise to a crest near 17 feet by Wednesday evening. The river should fall below flood stage by late Thursday morning. * At 17 feet, Moderate out of bank flooding will occur. A few rural roads closures will be needed along the river reach. Moderate flooding will occur along the river through Greenville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. These forecasts include rainfall through Wednesday morning. Additional moderate to heavy rainfall is likely across portions of these basins later on Wednesday and Wednesday night. Stay tuned for updates regarding these river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KFWD.FL.W.0054.190424T0918Z-190426T0433Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLWFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T23:33:00-05:00 Hunt, TX 33.19,-96.05 33.09,-95.95 33.03,-96.07 33.17,-96.19 33.19,-96.05 UGC TXC231 SAME 048231  354 XOUS54 KWBC 231517 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3504094-3062186 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:17:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:17:00-05:00 2019-04-24T07:24:00-05:00 2019-04-23T22:16:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:17AM CDT until April 25 at 11:41AM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX South Sulphur River Near Cooper Affecting Delta and Hopkins Counties Cowleech Fork Sabine River At Greenville Affecting Hunt County South Fork Sabine River Near Quinlan Affecting Hunt and Rockwall Counties The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a * Flood Warning for The South Fork Sabine River Near Quinlan. * from Wednesday morning to Thursday morning...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 0945 AM Tuesday the stage was 4.82 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should rise above flood stage by Wednesday morning and continue to rise to a crest near 17 feet by Wednesday evening. The river should fall below flood stage by Wednesday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. These forecasts include rainfall through Wednesday morning. Additional moderate to heavy rainfall is likely across portions of these basins later on Wednesday and Wednesday night. Stay tuned for updates regarding these river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KFWD.FL.W.0055.190424T1224Z-190425T1641Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLWFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T11:41:00-05:00 Rockwall, TX; Hunt, TX 32.97,-96.27 32.93,-96.15 32.83,-96.2 32.87,-96.34 32.97,-96.27 UGC TXC397 UGC TXC231 SAME 048397 SAME 048231  026 XOUS54 KWBC 231519 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504098-3062188 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503068-3061542,2019-04-22T20:07:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:19AM CDT until April 26 at 1:00AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Big Sunflower River At Sunflower affecting Sunflower County Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River At Sunflower * until late Thursday night. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 23.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage early Thursday afternoon. * Impact...At 23.0 feet...Farm roads to catfish ponds become inundated. * Impact...At 21.0 feet...Field west of river begins to flood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190426T0600Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-26T01:00:00-05:00 Sunflower, MS 33.24,-90.81 33.63,-90.62 33.88,-90.75 33.99,-90.59 33.63,-90.48 33.24,-90.64 33.24,-90.81 UGC MSC133 SAME 028133  027 XOUS54 KWBC 231519 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504099-3062189 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503070-3061544,2019-04-22T20:07:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:19AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Big Sunflower River At Sunflower affecting Sunflower County Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 47.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 45.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 47.0 feet...Minor flooding is occurring along the State Highway 14 bridge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Sharkey, MS 32.55,-90.79 32.94,-90.84 33.24,-90.81 33.24,-90.64 32.93,-90.67 32.62,-90.73 32.55,-90.79 UGC MSC125 SAME 028125  028 XOUS54 KWBC 231519 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504100-3062190 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503069-3061543,2019-04-22T20:07:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:19:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:19AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Big Sunflower River At Sunflower affecting Sunflower County Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 34.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 34.0 feet...Minor flooding of mostly agricultural land is occurring outside levee protection system. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Yazoo, MS 32.62,-90.73 32.85,-90.55 33.02,-90.51 33.01,-90.33 32.83,-90.42 32.59,-90.62 32.62,-90.73 UGC MSC163 SAME 028163  210 XOUS54 KWBC 231520 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504104-3062194 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503135-3061585,2019-04-22T20:23:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:20AM CDT by NWS New Orleans LA Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 40.8 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 41.5 feet by Thursday May 09 then begin falling. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 36.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...River islands from Red River Landing downstream to Baton Rouge will be inundated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LIXFLSLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM East Baton Rouge, LA; West Baton Rouge, LA 30.35,-91.13 30.32,-91.3 30.71,-91.59 30.74,-91.3 30.35,-91.13 UGC LAC033 UGC LAC121 SAME 022033 SAME 022121  211 XOUS54 KWBC 231520 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504103-3062193 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503134-3061584,2019-04-22T20:23:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:20AM CDT by NWS New Orleans LA Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 58.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 59.0 feet by Wednesday May 08 then begin falling. * Impact...At 59.0 feet...The east bank levee will be topped and the prison farm land between the two levees will be inundated. Angola Landing will be under water closing the ferry there. All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will remain inundated with recreational camps and river bottom farm land under water. * Impact...At 58.0 feet...Angola farmland on the left bank becomes inundated. * Impact...At 54.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom land will be under water. Water approaches Angola farm land. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom farm land will be under water. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Access roads will be inundated and evacuation of all river islands must be complete. Protection of people and property in the river bottom land on the river side of the levees must be complete. * Impact...At 46.0 feet...River traffic will become dangerous. A levee crevasse would flood adjacent farm land. Significant flooding of Raccourci Island will continue and evacuation of the island is recommended. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Between the 40 and 45 foot stage flooding of Raccourci Island becomes significant. At the 45 foot stage evacuation of the island is recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LIXFLSLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Pointe Coupee, LA; East Baton Rouge, LA; West Feliciana, LA 30.74,-91.37 30.71,-91.59 31.02,-91.7 31.03,-91.53 30.74,-91.37 UGC LAC077 UGC LAC033 UGC LAC125 SAME 022077 SAME 022033 SAME 022125  212 XOUS54 KWBC 231520 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504101-3062191 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503133-3061583,2019-04-22T20:23:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:20AM CDT by NWS New Orleans LA Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Reserve. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 22.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.0 feet by Friday May 10 then begin falling. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Marine and industrial interests along the river, upstream barge operators, and facilities are impacted. Navigation will become difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LIXFLSLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM St. John The Baptist, LA; St. Charles, LA; St. James, LA 30.07,-90.46 29.99,-90.48 30.01,-90.87 30.09,-90.79 30.07,-90.46 UGC LAC095 UGC LAC089 UGC LAC093 SAME 022095 SAME 022089 SAME 022093  213 XOUS54 KWBC 231520 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504102-3062192 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503132-3061582,2019-04-22T20:23:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:20:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:19:00-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:20AM CDT by NWS New Orleans LA Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 29.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.0 feet by Friday May 10 then begin falling. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LIXFLSLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Ascension, LA 30.09,-90.79 30.01,-90.87 30.32,-91.3 30.35,-91.13 30.09,-90.79 UGC LAC005 SAME 022005  790 XOUS54 KWBC 231521 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504105-3062195 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:21:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503071-3061545,2019-04-22T20:09:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:21:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:21:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:36:20-05:00 NWS Jackson MS The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KJAN.FL.W.0101.000000T0000Z-190423T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T13:00:00-05:00 Jones, MS 31.37,-89.15 31.56,-89.23 31.81,-89.13 31.82,-89.02 31.56,-89.11 31.4,-89.14 31.37,-89.15 UGC MSC067 SAME 028067  396 XOUS54 KWBC 231523 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504106-3062196 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:23:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503016-3061498,2019-04-22T19:29:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:23:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:23:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:22:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:23AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS ..The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana.. Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 57.3 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 57.5 feet tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 57.0 feet...Several thousand acres of farm and agricultural land are inundated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Franklin, LA 31.86,-91.8 31.96,-91.92 32.05,-92.01 32.12,-92.02 32.18,-91.84 31.95,-91.79 31.86,-91.8 UGC LAC041 SAME 022041  703 XOUS54 KWBC 231525 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504107-3062197 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503020-3061502,2019-04-22T19:32:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T16:25:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS ..The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana.. Black River At Jonesville L&D affecting Catahoula and Concordia Parishes The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Jonesville L&D * until further notice. * At 7:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 51.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 51.4 feet Thursday evening, then begin falling. * Flood history...This crest compares to a previous crest of 51.3 feet on Mar 15 2001. * Impact...At 51.4 feet...The Columbia Recreation Area is inaccessible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur. Routine 24 hours of forecast rainfall is used for all rivers except for those in the Tombigbee River System which includes Tibbee Creek, Luxapallila Creek, Noxubee River,and the Tombigbee River mainstem where a routine of 48 hours of additional rainfall is used. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Catahoula, LA; Concordia, LA 31.39,-91.99 31.91,-91.95 31.86,-91.8 31.6,-91.7 31.44,-91.68 31.41,-91.68 31.39,-91.99 UGC LAC025 UGC LAC029 SAME 022025 SAME 022029  532 XOUS54 KWBC 231525 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504108-3062198 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FAY 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T12:30:00-05:00 NWS Norman OK Flood Advisory issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT until April 23 at 12:30PM CDT by NWS Norman OK The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Southeastern Wichita County in northern Texas... * Until 1230 PM CDT. * At 1024 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Northern Wichita Falls, Iowa Park, Sheppard AFB and Pleasant Valley. Additional rainfall of one inch is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. Turn around, don't drown. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KOUN.FA.Y.0014.190423T1525Z-190423T1730Z/ PIL OUNFLSOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T12:30:00-05:00 Wichita, TX 33.91,-98.67 33.99,-98.68 34.02,-98.51 33.93,-98.42 33.91,-98.67 UGC TXC485 SAME 048485  154 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504119-3062209 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503405-3061743,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at New Boston LD17. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 18.6 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 20.5 feet Tuesday morning April 30th. * Impact, At 20.6 feet, The Lake Odessa levee overtops. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Mercer, IL; Louisa, IA 41.24,-91.14 41.24,-91.08 41.16,-90.97 41.17,-91.06 41.19,-91.11 41.24,-91.14 UGC ILC131 UGC IAC115 SAME 017131 SAME 019115  155 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504117-3062207 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503412-3061750,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Fulton LD13. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 18.0 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 21.1 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 21.0 feet, Basement flooding occurs in homes and businesses in Savanna with seepage into yards. Water also affects grain elevators and affects the lower portion of the Marquette Park parking lot. In Sabula, water affects Vulan and South Broad Streets. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Clinton, IA; Whiteside, IL; Carroll, IL 42.11,-90.12 41.93,-90.08 41.88,-90.12 41.89,-90.2 42.08,-90.19 42.11,-90.12 UGC IAC045 UGC ILC195 UGC ILC015 SAME 019045 SAME 017195 SAME 017015  156 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504121-3062211 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503415-3061753,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Muscatine. * Until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.2 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Fall to 19.1 Wednesday then hold. Rise again Thursday and continue rising to 21.6 feet Tuesday April 30th. * Impact, At 21.5 feet, Water affects Mississippi Drive at Cedar Street. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Rock Island, IL; Mercer, IL; Louisa, IA; Muscatine, IA 41.41,-91.08 41.44,-91.03 41.4,-91.02 41.24,-91.08 41.24,-91.14 41.41,-91.08 UGC ILC161 UGC ILC131 UGC IAC115 UGC IAC139 SAME 017161 SAME 017131 SAME 019115 SAME 019139  157 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504115-3062205 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503414-3061752,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Ill. City LD16. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 17.9 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 20.4 feet Tuesday morning April 30th. * Impact, At 20.5 feet, Water affects Front Street and several homes in Buffalo. Water also affects the fish hatchery at Fairport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Rock Island, IL; Muscatine, IA 41.44,-91.03 41.46,-90.86 41.41,-90.85 41.4,-91.02 41.44,-91.03 UGC ILC161 UGC IAC139 SAME 017161 SAME 019139  158 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504122-3062212 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503407-3061745,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Dubuque. * Until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 20.4 feet and rising. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 23.2 feet Saturday, then begin slowly falling. * Impact, At 22.6 feet, Water affects the Midtown Marina facilities and parking lot in East Dubuque. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0074.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Dubuque, IA; Jo Daviess, IL; Jackson, IA 42.54,-90.6 42.35,-90.39 42.28,-90.46 42.47,-90.68 42.53,-90.68 42.54,-90.6 UGC IAC061 UGC ILC085 UGC IAC097 SAME 019061 SAME 017085 SAME 019097  159 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504120-3062210 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503418-3061756,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Dubuque LD11. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 18.9 feet and rising. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 21.8 feet Saturday morning, then begin slowly falling. * Impact, At 21.3 feet, Lock and Dam 11 is closed. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Dubuque, IA; Jo Daviess, IL 42.66,-90.7 42.54,-90.6 42.53,-90.68 42.65,-90.9 42.7,-90.9 42.66,-90.7 UGC IAC061 UGC ILC085 SAME 019061 SAME 017085  160 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504116-3062206 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503410-3061748,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Burlington. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 18.7 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 18.2 feet Thursday then hold. Rise again Friday night and continue rising to 19.5 feet Tuesday April 30th. * Impact, At 19.5 feet, Water affects the Port of Burlington. Water affects residences on First Street in Dallas City. Water also affects Illinois Highway 96 between Niota and Dallas City. Water also affects several homes in Pontoosuc. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Des Moines, IA; Henderson, IL; Lee, IA; Hancock, IL 40.86,-91.1 40.84,-91.05 40.62,-91.08 40.61,-91.42 40.67,-91.18 40.86,-91.1 UGC IAC057 UGC ILC071 UGC IAC111 UGC ILC067 SAME 019057 SAME 017071 SAME 019111 SAME 017067  161 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504111-3062201 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503413-3061751,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Rock Island LD15. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 18.1 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Rise to 20.6 feet Monday evening. * Impact, At 20.7 feet, Flood waters encroach onto the intersection of Beck Avenue, 24th Street, and Rodman Avenue on the west end of Rock Island Arsenal under the railroad bridge and may impact access to the Arsenal. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Scott, IA; Rock Island, IL; Muscatine, IA 41.46,-90.86 41.56,-90.46 41.52,-90.43 41.43,-90.66 41.41,-90.85 41.46,-90.86 UGC IAC163 UGC ILC161 UGC IAC139 SAME 019163 SAME 017161 SAME 019139  162 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504112-3062202 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503408-3061746,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gladstone LD18. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 14.2 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 13.7 feet Thursday then hold. Rise again Friday and continue rising to 15.2 feet Tuesday April 30th. * Impact, At 15.0 feet, Lock and Dam 18 is closed. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Des Moines, IA; Henderson, IL 40.94,-90.99 40.91,-90.94 40.84,-91.05 40.86,-91.1 40.94,-90.99 UGC IAC057 UGC ILC071 SAME 019057 SAME 017071  163 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504110-3062200 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503419-3061757,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Camanche. * Until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.3 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 21.8 feet Monday morning. * Impact, At 21.4 feet, Water affects Illinois Highway 84 near Albany. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Scott, IA; Rock Island, IL; Clinton, IA; Whiteside, IL 41.76,-90.33 41.89,-90.2 41.88,-90.12 41.8,-90.15 41.73,-90.27 41.76,-90.33 UGC IAC163 UGC ILC161 UGC IAC045 UGC ILC195 SAME 019163 SAME 017161 SAME 019045 SAME 017195  164 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504114-3062204 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503411-3061749,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.0 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 18.1 feet Friday then hold. Rise again Saturday and continue rising 19.3 feet Tuesday April 30th. * Impact, At 17.0 feet, Water affects the road north of the grain elevator in Gregory Landing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Hancock, IL; Clark, MO 40.22,-91.54 40.39,-91.49 40.38,-91.34 40.29,-91.43 40.22,-91.42 40.22,-91.54 UGC ILC067 UGC MOC045 SAME 017067 SAME 029045  165 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504123-3062213 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503416-3061754,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Le Claire LD14. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 12.7 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 15.2 feet Tuesday morning April 30th. * Impact, At 15.0 feet, Water affects U.S. Highway 67 at Byron Street in Le Claire. Water also affects much of Canal Shore Drive. Water is over the Campbell's Island access road and most buildings on the island are in water. Water affects the playground at Hampton River Park in Hampton. Water affects homes on River Drive in Princeton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Scott, IA; Rock Island, IL 41.53,-90.48 41.6,-90.39 41.76,-90.33 41.73,-90.27 41.58,-90.31 41.5,-90.48 41.53,-90.48 UGC IAC163 UGC ILC161 SAME 019163 SAME 017161  166 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504113-3062203 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503406-3061744,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Bellevue LD12. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 17.9 feet and rising. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Rise to 20.6 feet Sunday morning, then begin slowly falling. * Impact, At 20.1 feet, Basement flooding occurs in homes and businesses with seepage into yards in Savanna. Grain elevators are also affected. Water affects the lower portion of Marquette Parking lot. Water affects Vulcan and South Broad Streets in Sabula. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Jo Daviess, IL; Jackson, IA; Carroll, IL 42.11,-90.12 42.08,-90.19 42.2,-90.41 42.28,-90.46 42.35,-90.39 42.11,-90.12 UGC ILC085 UGC IAC097 UGC ILC015 SAME 017085 SAME 019097 SAME 017015  167 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504118-3062208 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503409-3061747,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Keokuk LD19. * Until further notice. * At 6:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 17.9 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 16.9 feet Friday then hold. Rise again Saturday and continue rising to 18.3 feet Tuesday April 30th. * Impact, At 16.0 feet, Water affects low lying buildings in rural areas. Water affects the railroad tracks in Alexandria. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Lee, IA; Hancock, IL; Clark, MO 40.35,-91.5 40.61,-91.42 40.61,-91.3 40.38,-91.34 40.34,-91.44 40.35,-91.5 UGC IAC111 UGC ILC067 UGC MOC045 SAME 019111 SAME 017067 SAME 029045  168 XOUS53 KWBC 231525 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504109-3062199 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503417-3061755,2019-04-22T22:16:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:25:00-05:00 2019-04-24T02:25:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:25AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Updated information for the Mississippi river. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Keithsburg. * Until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 17.1 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast, Fall to 16.9 feet Wednesday then hold. Rise again Friday and continue rising to 18.5 feet Tuesday April 30th. * Impact, At 18.5 feet, Water affects Marina Drive just south of Oquawka. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until further notice VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Mercer, IL; Louisa, IA; Des Moines, IA; Henderson, IL 41.17,-91.06 41.16,-90.97 41.08,-90.91 40.91,-90.94 40.94,-90.99 41.17,-91.06 UGC ILC131 UGC IAC115 UGC IAC057 UGC ILC071 SAME 017131 SAME 019115 SAME 019057 SAME 017071  597 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPDTX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504124-3062214 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:25:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:25:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:25:00-04:00 2019-04-23T20:00:00-04:00 NWS Detroit/Pontiac MI Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:25AM EDT until April 23 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS Detroit/Pontiac MI Wind gusts reaching 25 knots or greater at times this afternoon has lead to the issuance of small craft headlines for the nearshore waters. Winds diminish tonight as high pressure builds into the region. This high will maintain lighter winds on Wednesday. Modest southwest winds will develop Thursday as weak frontal boundary lifts into the great lakes. The National Weather Service in Detroit/Pontiac has issued a Small Craft Advisory which is in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening. * WIND AND WAVES: During the Small Craft Advisory, expect sustained winds up to 23 knots from the west with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 3 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 4 feet. * TIMING: The maximum winds are expected around 11 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 7 PM EDT Tuesday. Refer to the latest marine forecasts for greater detail. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING VTEC /O.NEW.KDTX.SC.Y.0019.190423T1525Z-190424T0000Z/ PIL DTXMWWDTX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T20:00:00-04:00 Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI; Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay; Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI; Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI; Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI UGC LHZ442 UGC LHZ421 UGC LHZ443 UGC LHZ441 UGC LHZ422 SAME 093442 SAME 093421 SAME 093443 SAME 093441 SAME 093422  598 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPDTX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504125-3062215 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:25:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:25:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:25:00-04:00 2019-04-23T20:00:00-04:00 NWS Detroit/Pontiac MI Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:25AM EDT until April 23 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS Detroit/Pontiac MI Wind gusts reaching 25 knots or greater at times this afternoon has lead to the issuance of small craft headlines for the nearshore waters. Winds diminish tonight as high pressure builds into the region. This high will maintain lighter winds on Wednesday. Modest southwest winds will develop Thursday as weak frontal boundary lifts into the great lakes. The National Weather Service in Detroit/Pontiac has issued a Small Craft Advisory which is in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening. * WIND AND WAVES: During the Small Craft Advisory, expect sustained winds up to 20 knots from the southwest with gusts up to 30 knots. The largest expected significant waves will be 2 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 2 feet. * TIMING: The maximum winds are expected around 11 AM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 2 PM EDT Tuesday. Refer to the latest marine forecasts for greater detail. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING VTEC /O.NEW.KDTX.SC.Y.0019.190423T1525Z-190424T0000Z/ PIL DTXMWWDTX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T20:00:00-04:00 Lake St. Clair Open Lake (U.S. Portion); Michigan Waters of Lake Erie from Detroit River to North Cape MI UGC LCZ460 UGC LEZ444 SAME 094460 SAME 096444  348 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPIWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504128-3062218 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503792-3061958,2019-04-23T07:44:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:26:00-04:00 NWS Northern Indiana Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:26AM EDT until April 26 at 8:00AM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .Rivers have crested and continue to slowly fall. The Flood Warning has been extended for The Tiffin River near Stryker * until Friday morning. * At 11 AM Tuesday the stage was 12.6 feet and nearly steady. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 11.0 foot flood stage around 8 AM Thursday April 25. * At 13.0 feet...Flood waters begin to affect some farm buildings near Stryker and flood some secondary roads. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 13.1 feet which occurred on Jul 15 2017. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190426T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL IWXFLSIWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-26T08:00:00-04:00 Williams, OH; Defiance, OH; Fulton, OH 41.3,-84.44 41.49,-84.46 41.59,-84.39 41.59,-84.29 41.3,-84.38 41.3,-84.44 UGC OHC171 UGC OHC039 UGC OHC051 SAME 039171 SAME 039039 SAME 039051  349 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPIWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504127-3062217 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503793-3061959,2019-04-23T07:44:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:26:00-04:00 NWS Northern Indiana Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:26AM EDT until April 25 at 1:00AM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .Rivers have crested and continue to slowly fall. The Flood Warning has been extended for The Wabash River near Bluffton * until late Wednesday night. * At 11 AM Tuesday the stage was 11.1 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 10.0 foot flood stage around 1 AM Wednesday April 24. * At 11.0 feet...River Road at Bluffton begins to flood. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.8 feet which occurred on Jan 1 2016. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190425T0500Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL IWXFLSIWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T01:00:00-04:00 Wells, IN 40.85,-85.52 40.88,-85.41 40.78,-85.12 40.72,-85.08 40.69,-85.11 40.85,-85.52 UGC INC179 SAME 018179  350 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPIWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504126-3062216 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503791-3061957,2019-04-23T07:44:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-24T10:52:00-04:00 NWS Northern Indiana Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:26AM EDT until April 24 at 10:52AM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .Rivers have crested and continue to slowly fall. The Flood Warning has been extended for The Maumee River near Defiance * until Wednesday morning. * At 10 AM Tuesday the stage was 10.1 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 10.0 foot flood stage today. * At 10.0 feet...Flooding occurs in Kingsbury and Pontiac Parks. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.2 feet which occurred on Jul 12 2017. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190424T1452Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL IWXFLSIWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T10:52:00-04:00 Defiance, OH; Henry, OH 41.21,-84.65 41.27,-84.67 41.31,-84.31 41.28,-84.31 41.21,-84.65 UGC OHC039 UGC OHC069 SAME 039039 SAME 039069  351 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPIWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504130-3062220 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503794-3061960,2019-04-23T07:44:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:26:00-04:00 NWS Northern Indiana Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:26AM EDT until April 25 at 3:30AM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .Rivers have crested and continue to slowly fall. The Flood Warning has been extended for The Saint Marys River near Decatur * until late Wednesday night. * At 11 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.1 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 17.0 foot flood stage around 3 AM Wednesday April 24. * At 19.5 feet...Flooding expands into more farm land in the Decatur area. Flood waters approach Piqua Road...US 224...Ohio State Route 49 and Indiana 101 just north of Pleasant Mills. Flood water begins to cross Ohio highway 49 north of Wilshire, Ohio. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.5 feet which occurred on Feb 19 2011. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190425T0730Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL IWXFLSIWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T03:30:00-04:00 Van Wert, OH; Adams, IN; Allen, IN 40.93,-85.06 40.94,-85.04 40.84,-84.91 40.82,-84.94 40.93,-85.06 UGC OHC161 UGC INC001 UGC INC003 SAME 039161 SAME 018001 SAME 018003  352 XOUS53 KWBC 231526 CAPIWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504129-3062219 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503795-3061961,2019-04-23T07:44:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:26:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:26:00-04:00 NWS Northern Indiana Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:26AM EDT until April 24 at 12:05PM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana Wabash River near Linn Grove affecting Adams and Wells Counties Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Wells County Maumee River near Defiance affecting Defiance and Henry Counties Saint Marys River near Decatur affecting Adams...Allen and Van Wert Counties Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance...Fulton and Williams Counties .Rivers have crested and continue to slowly fall. The Flood Warning has been extended for The Wabash River near Linn Grove * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 11 AM Tuesday the stage was 11.1 feet and falling. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 11.0 foot flood stage today. * At 11.0 feet...Agricultural flooding begins. Low lands east of Geneva begin to flood. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 11.6 feet which occurred on Dec 7 2011. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190424T1605Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL IWXFLSIWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T12:05:00-04:00 Wells, IN; Adams, IN 40.69,-85.1 40.72,-85.08 40.64,-84.99 40.61,-85.02 40.69,-85.1 UGC INC179 UGC INC001 SAME 018179 SAME 018001  136 XOUS55 KWBC 231527 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-47490 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T15:27:09-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-04-23T15:27:09-00:00 2019-04-23T15:37:09-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  767 XOUS54 KWBC 231527 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504137-3062221 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:27:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503189-3061619,2019-04-22T20:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:27:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:27:00-05:00 2019-04-23T22:46:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:27AM CDT until April 23 at 10:46PM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Noxubee River At Macon affecting Noxubee County The Flood Warning continues for The Noxubee River At Macon * until this evening. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 26.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling and will fall below flood stage late this morning. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Low land near the river is flooded. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning extended until this evening VTEC /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190424T0346Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T22:46:00-05:00 Noxubee, MS 33,-88.52 33.07,-88.62 33.14,-88.75 33.2,-88.67 33.13,-88.55 33.04,-88.45 33,-88.52 UGC MSC103 SAME 028103  395 XOUS54 KWBC 231528 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504138-3062222 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:28:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502544-3061222,2019-04-22T12:33:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:28:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:28:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:28:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:28AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Felsenthal Lock and Dam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday The stage was 80.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 70.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 81.0 feet by tomorrow morning. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 81.0 feet...Moderate flooding of county roadways and bridges will continue for several days. Detours are necessary and travel in and around the area will be difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0147.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Union, AR; Ashley, AR 33.11,-92.23 33.22,-92.12 33.15,-92.1 33,-92.06 33,-92.1 33.11,-92.23 UGC ARC139 UGC ARC003 SAME 005139 SAME 005003  523 XOUS54 KWBC 231529 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504141-3062225 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502561-3061233,2019-04-22T12:38:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:28:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:29AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Diboll. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:15 AM Tuesday The stage was 12.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 12.7 feet by tomorrow early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...at 12.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect flooded boat ramps and trails. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0083.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Tyler, TX; Houston, TX; Polk, TX; Trinity, TX; Angelina, TX 31.38,-94.92 31.07,-94.55 31.03,-94.59 31.11,-94.85 31.36,-95 31.38,-94.92 UGC TXC457 UGC TXC225 UGC TXC373 UGC TXC455 UGC TXC005 SAME 048457 SAME 048225 SAME 048373 SAME 048455 SAME 048005  524 XOUS54 KWBC 231529 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504140-3062224 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502559-3061231,2019-04-22T12:38:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:28:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:29AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Neches. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday The stage was 14.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.6 feet by early Friday morning then begin falling. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground away from the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Cherokee, TX; Houston, TX; Anderson, TX 32.05,-95.44 31.67,-95.24 31.66,-95.37 31.8,-95.44 31.88,-95.48 32.05,-95.44 UGC TXC073 UGC TXC225 UGC TXC001 SAME 048073 SAME 048225 SAME 048001  525 XOUS54 KWBC 231529 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504139-3062223 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502560-3061232,2019-04-22T12:38:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:29:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:28:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:29AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Alto. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:15 AM Tuesday The stage was 16.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 16.7 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...at 16.0 feet...Boat ramps and picnic areas near the river will begin to flood. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment near the river to higher ground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0082.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Cherokee, TX; Houston, TX; Anderson, TX; Trinity, TX 31.67,-95.24 31.52,-95.04 31.38,-94.92 31.33,-95 31.66,-95.37 31.67,-95.24 UGC TXC073 UGC TXC225 UGC TXC001 UGC TXC455 SAME 048073 SAME 048225 SAME 048001 SAME 048455  123 XOUS51 KWBC 231530 CAPBTV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504142-3062226 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:30:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502425-3061123,2019-04-22T11:58:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:30:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:30:00-04:00 2019-04-24T12:30:00-04:00 NWS Burlington VT Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:30AM EDT by NWS Burlington VT Chittenden...Franklin...GrandIsle...Rutland The Flood Warning continues for The Lake Champlain At Rouses Point. * At 11:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 100.4 feet. * Flood stage is 100.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The lake level will continue rising to near 100.6 feet by Thursday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 101.0 feet...Flooding affects low lying roads and properties, and wind and wave action can compound flooding on exposed shorelines. Portions of the Burlington waterfront will flood, including the King Street ferry dock and Perkins Pier. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons with interests in flood prone areas along Lake Champlain should take action to protect their property. The combination of wind and wave action will enhance flood effects on windward facing shores, and may cause additional damage to shoreline roads and low lying areas. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KBTV.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL BTVFLSBTV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Essex, NY; Rutland, VT; Franklin, VT; Addison, VT; Clinton, NY; Chittenden, VT; Washington, NY; Grand Isle, VT 45.01,-73.47 45.01,-73.06 43.61,-73.28 43.6,-73.48 45.01,-73.47 UGC NYC031 UGC VTC021 UGC VTC011 UGC VTC001 UGC NYC019 UGC VTC007 UGC NYC115 UGC VTC013 SAME 036031 SAME 050021 SAME 050011 SAME 050001 SAME 036019 SAME 050007 SAME 036115 SAME 050013  198 XOUS54 KWBC 231531 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504143-3062227 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502545-3061223,2019-04-22T12:34:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:31:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:31AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Angelina River Near Lufkin. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 AM Tuesday The stage was 11.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 11.2 feet then fall very slowly over the week. Additional rises possible with rainfall. * Impact...at 11.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0076.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Cherokee, TX; Nacogdoches, TX; Angelina, TX 31.44,-94.62 31.45,-94.74 31.48,-94.82 31.5,-94.82 31.46,-94.66 31.44,-94.62 UGC TXC073 UGC TXC347 UGC TXC005 SAME 048073 SAME 048347 SAME 048005  342 XOUS54 KWBC 231531 CAPLZK NWS-IDP-PROD-3504144-3062228 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503027-3061508,2019-04-22T19:43:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 2019-04-24T01:30:00-05:00 NWS Little Rock AR Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:31AM CDT by NWS Little Rock AR Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley...Calhoun and Union Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Camden. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 33.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 33.0 feet by Wednesday morning. * Impacts at 30.0 feet...State Highway 7 north of Camden floods, with detours nearby. Portions of Sandy Beach Park will flood. Some county roads north and east of Camden begin to flood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LZKFLSLZK BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Calhoun, AR; Ouachita, AR 33.29,-92.61 33.44,-92.8 33.63,-92.89 33.67,-92.75 33.5,-92.64 33.38,-92.47 33.29,-92.61 UGC ARC013 UGC ARC103 SAME 005013 SAME 005103  343 XOUS54 KWBC 231531 CAPLZK NWS-IDP-PROD-3504145-3062229 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503028-3061509,2019-04-22T19:43:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:31:00-05:00 2019-04-24T01:30:00-05:00 NWS Little Rock AR Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:31AM CDT by NWS Little Rock AR Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley...Calhoun and Union Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The Flood Warning continues for The Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * until further notice...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 86.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 87.5 feet by Friday morning. * Impacts at 85.0 feet...There may be some County roads along the river flooded, requiring lengthy detours. River is high and swift, boaters should be very cautious. Access to many oil and gas rigs will be by boat only. Levee gates should be closed. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0043.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LZKFLSLZK BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Union, AR; Bradley, AR; Calhoun, AR 33.11,-92.23 33.23,-92.36 33.29,-92.61 33.38,-92.47 33.33,-92.26 33.22,-92.12 33.11,-92.23 UGC ARC139 UGC ARC011 UGC ARC013 SAME 005139 SAME 005011 SAME 005013  729 XOUS53 KWBC 231532 CAPMQT NWS-IDP-PROD-3504146-3062230 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:31:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503751-3061928,2019-04-23T06:06:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:31:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:31:00-04:00 2019-04-24T01:31:00-04:00 NWS Marquette MI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:31AM EDT by NWS Marquette MI Michigamme River near Republic affecting Marquette County .Widespread 0.25 to 0.5 inches of rain fell in the past 24 hours across the region. This additional water in combination with on going snow melt across the region has pushed the Michigamme River near Republic into flood stage. The river is forecast to rise from minor flood to moderate flood stage in the next day or two. The Flood Warning continues for The Michigamme River near Republic. * until further notice. * At 11:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 9.7 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 10.6 feet by Thursday evening then begin falling. * At 7.7 feet...Water begins to impact the yards of homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 9 PM EDT. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MQTFLSMQT BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marquette, MI 46.31,-88.03 46.38,-88.05 46.4,-87.93 46.31,-87.91 46.31,-88.03 UGC MIC103 SAME 026103  513 XOUS54 KWBC 231532 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504147-3062231 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:32:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502546-3061224,2019-04-22T12:34:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:32:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:32:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:32:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:32AM CDT until April 25 at 4:00PM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Attoyac Bayou Near Chireno. * until Thursday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday The stage was 15.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late evening. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Expect lowland flooding for the next several days of the heavily wooded floodplain. Ranchers that have cattle and equipment near the river should move them to higher ground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190425T2100Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T16:00:00-05:00 Rusk, TX; Shelby, TX; Nacogdoches, TX; San Augustine, TX 31.42,-94.32 31.91,-94.51 31.92,-94.47 31.57,-94.29 31.5,-94.3 31.42,-94.32 UGC TXC401 UGC TXC419 UGC TXC347 UGC TXC405 SAME 048401 SAME 048419 SAME 048347 SAME 048405  652 XOUS51 KWBC 231532 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504151-3062235 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497766-3057660,2019-04-20T02:35:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497766-3057659,2019-04-20T02:35:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496989-3057001,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494475-3054901,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502654-3061286,2019-04-22T15:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3489579-3051037,2019-04-17T15:37:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503520-3061829,2019-04-23T02:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494154-3054620,2019-04-19T04:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500401-3059713,2019-04-21T10:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501213-3060262,2019-04-21T21:00:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499632-3059184,2019-04-20T22:06:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493691-3054261,2019-04-18T23:01:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496982-3056990,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496982-3056989,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502286-3061006,2019-04-22T11:08:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494476-3054903,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494476-3054902,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494073-3054567,2019-04-19T04:03:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499903-3059365,2019-04-21T03:16:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501798-3060653,2019-04-22T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492554-3053345,2019-04-18T15:49:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3491211-3052248,2019-04-18T03:19:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496131-3056282,2019-04-19T16:14:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503621-3061863,2019-04-23T03:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498989-3058720,2019-04-20T15:57:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498989-3058719,2019-04-20T15:57:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503446-3061769,2019-04-22T23:36:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500927-3060073,2019-04-21T16:31:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:32AM EDT until April 23 at 5:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 3 to 5 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ PIL BOXMWWBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T17:00:00-04:00 Block Island Sound; Rhode Island Sound UGC ANZ237 UGC ANZ235 SAME 073237 SAME 073235  653 XOUS51 KWBC 231532 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504152-3062236 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500925-3060071,2019-04-21T16:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496986-3056996,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499635-3059187,2019-04-20T22:06:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498368-3058176,2019-04-20T10:41:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497765-3057658,2019-04-20T02:35:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496129-3056280,2019-04-19T16:14:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3491209-3052246,2019-04-18T03:19:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500398-3059710,2019-04-21T10:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498987-3058717,2019-04-20T15:57:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502649-3061281,2019-04-22T15:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3489575-3051033,2019-04-17T15:37:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501217-3060266,2019-04-21T21:00:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494070-3054564,2019-04-19T04:03:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493688-3054258,2019-04-18T23:01:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499897-3059359,2019-04-21T03:16:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494482-3054911,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501796-3060651,2019-04-22T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494149-3054613,2019-04-19T04:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492553-3053344,2019-04-18T15:49:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503622-3061864,2019-04-23T03:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503452-3061775,2019-04-22T23:36:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503524-3061833,2019-04-23T02:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502284-3061004,2019-04-22T11:08:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3489578-3051036,2019-04-17T15:37:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496984-3056993,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498366-3058174,2019-04-20T10:41:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499898-3059360,2019-04-21T03:16:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496130-3056281,2019-04-19T16:14:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501215-3060264,2019-04-21T21:00:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503451-3061774,2019-04-22T23:36:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494478-3054905,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494148-3054612,2019-04-19T04:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499633-3059185,2019-04-20T22:06:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497769-3057664,2019-04-20T02:35:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494071-3054565,2019-04-19T04:03:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502652-3061284,2019-04-22T15:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500924-3060070,2019-04-21T16:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500400-3059712,2019-04-21T10:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492555-3053346,2019-04-18T15:49:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501800-3060655,2019-04-22T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502283-3061003,2019-04-22T11:08:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498991-3058723,2019-04-20T15:57:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493684-3054254,2019-04-18T23:01:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3491208-3052245,2019-04-18T03:19:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T19:45:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:32AM EDT until April 24 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA * WINDS AND SEAS...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190425T0000Z/ PIL BOXMWWBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T20:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm; Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket UGC ANZ254 UGC ANZ255 SAME 073254 SAME 073255  654 XOUS51 KWBC 231532 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504149-3062233 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496984-3056993,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498366-3058174,2019-04-20T10:41:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503523-3061832,2019-04-23T02:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499898-3059360,2019-04-21T03:16:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496130-3056281,2019-04-19T16:14:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501215-3060264,2019-04-21T21:00:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503451-3061774,2019-04-22T23:36:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494478-3054905,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494148-3054612,2019-04-19T04:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499633-3059185,2019-04-20T22:06:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3489577-3051035,2019-04-17T15:37:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497769-3057664,2019-04-20T02:35:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494071-3054565,2019-04-19T04:03:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503623-3061865,2019-04-23T03:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502652-3061284,2019-04-22T15:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500924-3060070,2019-04-21T16:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500400-3059712,2019-04-21T10:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492555-3053346,2019-04-18T15:49:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501800-3060655,2019-04-22T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502283-3061003,2019-04-22T11:08:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498991-3058723,2019-04-20T15:57:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493684-3054254,2019-04-18T23:01:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3491208-3052245,2019-04-18T03:19:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:32AM EDT until April 23 at 5:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds around 10 kt. Seas 4 to 6 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ PIL BOXMWWBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T17:00:00-04:00 Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island UGC ANZ256 SAME 073256  655 XOUS51 KWBC 231532 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504150-3062234 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503619-3061861,2019-04-23T03:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503521-3061830,2019-04-23T02:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500925-3060071,2019-04-21T16:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496986-3056996,2019-04-19T20:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499635-3059187,2019-04-20T22:06:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498368-3058176,2019-04-20T10:41:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497765-3057658,2019-04-20T02:35:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496129-3056280,2019-04-19T16:14:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3491209-3052246,2019-04-18T03:19:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500398-3059710,2019-04-21T10:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498987-3058717,2019-04-20T15:57:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502649-3061281,2019-04-22T15:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501217-3060266,2019-04-21T21:00:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494070-3054564,2019-04-19T04:03:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493688-3054258,2019-04-18T23:01:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499897-3059359,2019-04-21T03:16:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494482-3054911,2019-04-19T09:17:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501796-3060651,2019-04-22T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494149-3054613,2019-04-19T04:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492553-3053344,2019-04-18T15:49:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503452-3061775,2019-04-22T23:36:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502284-3061004,2019-04-22T11:08:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3489578-3051036,2019-04-17T15:37:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T19:45:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:32AM EDT until April 24 at 12:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA * WINDS AND SEAS...Southeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-190424T1600Z/ PIL BOXMWWBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T12:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary UGC ANZ250 SAME 073250  656 XOUS51 KWBC 231532 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504148-3062232 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500922-3060068,2019-04-21T16:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503522-3061831,2019-04-23T02:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501795-3060650,2019-04-22T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503620-3061862,2019-04-23T03:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501214-3060263,2019-04-21T21:00:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503448-3061771,2019-04-22T23:36:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502650-3061282,2019-04-22T15:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502281-3061001,2019-04-22T11:08:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:32:00-04:00 2019-04-23T19:45:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:32AM EDT until April 23 at 11:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA * WINDS AND SEAS...Northeast winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots, or seas 5 feet or greater, are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT THIS EVENING VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.SC.Y.0059.000000T0000Z-190424T0300Z/ PIL BOXMWWBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T23:00:00-04:00 Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay UGC ANZ251 SAME 073251  906 XOUS54 KWBC 231534 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504159-3062237 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:34:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502564-3061235,2019-04-22T12:39:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:34:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:34:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:33:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:34AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0080.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Wood, TX; Smith, TX 32.78,-95.74 32.63,-95.35 32.57,-95.35 32.59,-95.5 32.73,-95.74 32.78,-95.74 UGC TXC499 UGC TXC423 SAME 048499 SAME 048423  908 XOUS54 KWBC 231534 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504160-3062238 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:34:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502563-3061234,2019-04-22T12:39:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:34:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:34:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:33:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:34AM CDT until April 26 at 7:00PM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0085.000000T0000Z-190427T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-26T19:00:00-05:00 Wood, TX; Smith, TX; Upshur, TX; Gregg, TX 32.57,-95.09 32.51,-94.9 32.45,-94.91 32.51,-95.01 32.53,-95.08 32.57,-95.09 UGC TXC499 UGC TXC423 UGC TXC459 UGC TXC183 SAME 048499 SAME 048423 SAME 048459 SAME 048183  182 XOUS54 KWBC 231535 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504162-3062240 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502556-3061228,2019-04-22T12:36:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:34:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:35AM CDT until April 27 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-190427T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-27T13:00:00-05:00 Columbia, AR; Webster, LA 33.17,-93.39 33,-93.35 32.82,-93.32 32.82,-93.38 33,-93.43 33.17,-93.39 UGC ARC027 UGC LAC119 SAME 005027 SAME 022119  183 XOUS54 KWBC 231535 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504163-3062241 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502557-3061229,2019-04-22T12:36:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:34:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:35AM CDT until April 25 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T07:00:00-05:00 Bossier, LA; Webster, LA; Bienville, LA 32.82,-93.32 32.53,-93.31 32.53,-93.36 32.59,-93.35 32.82,-93.38 32.82,-93.32 UGC LAC015 UGC LAC119 UGC LAC013 SAME 022015 SAME 022119 SAME 022013  184 XOUS54 KWBC 231535 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504161-3062239 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502555-3061227,2019-04-22T12:36:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:35:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:50:37-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KSHV.FL.W.0062.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T07:00:00-05:00 Bossier, LA; Red River, LA; Webster, LA; Bienville, LA 32.53,-93.31 32.4,-93.34 32.39,-93.43 32.41,-93.45 32.53,-93.35 32.53,-93.31 UGC LAC015 UGC LAC081 UGC LAC119 UGC LAC013 SAME 022015 SAME 022081 SAME 022119 SAME 022013  813 XOUS53 KWBC 231536 CAPDLH NWS-IDP-PROD-3504166-3062244 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503785-3061954,2019-04-23T06:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:35:00-05:00 NWS Duluth MN Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:36AM CDT by NWS Duluth MN Mississippi River At Aitkin affecting Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties Mississippi River at Fort Ripley affecting Crow Wing and Morrison Counties ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Bad River at Odanah affecting Ashland County The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Aitkin. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 13.9 feet. * Flood stage is 13.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.0 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. * At 15.0 feet...A few homes become surrounded by water in the Cedarbrook neighborhood near Eagle Rd. The Aitkin city park becomes flooded.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 14.2 feet on Jul 15 2016. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KDLH.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DLHFLSDLH BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Crow Wing, MN; Aitkin, MN 46.5,-93.7 46.3,-94.2 46.44,-94.2 46.55,-94.15 46.65,-93.7 46.5,-93.7 UGC MNC035 UGC MNC001 SAME 027035 SAME 027001  814 XOUS53 KWBC 231536 CAPDLH NWS-IDP-PROD-3504165-3062243 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503784-3061953,2019-04-23T06:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:35:00-05:00 NWS Duluth MN Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:36AM CDT until April 29 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS Duluth MN Mississippi River At Aitkin affecting Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties Mississippi River at Fort Ripley affecting Crow Wing and Morrison Counties ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Bad River at Odanah affecting Ashland County The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Fort Ripley. * At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 10.5 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * At 11.0 feet...This will cause minor flooding of rural areas near Fort Ripley.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.3 feet on May 22 2015. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KDLH.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190429T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DLHFLSDLH BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-29T13:00:00-05:00 Crow Wing, MN; Morrison, MN 46.44,-94.2 46.3,-94.2 46.17,-94.23 46.16,-94.4 46.26,-94.42 46.44,-94.2 UGC MNC035 UGC MNC097 SAME 027035 SAME 027097  815 XOUS53 KWBC 231536 CAPDLH NWS-IDP-PROD-3504164-3062242 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503783-3061952,2019-04-23T06:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-24T07:00:00-05:00 NWS Duluth MN Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:36AM CDT until April 24 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Duluth MN Mississippi River At Aitkin affecting Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties Mississippi River at Fort Ripley affecting Crow Wing and Morrison Counties ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Wisconsin... Bad River at Odanah affecting Ashland County The Flood Warning continues for The Bad River at Odanah. * At 9:45 AM Tuesday the stage was 15.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near flood stage this evening. * At 15.0 feet...Several Roads including Miller Road, Government Road and State Road may be flooded at this stage. Flooding of these areas is also dependant on the volume of water flowing from the White River which comes in below this gauge. See BDOW3 for additional impacts.. This crest compares to a previous crest of 15.3 feet on Jun 18 2018. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KDLH.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DLHFLSDLH BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T07:00:00-05:00 Ashland, WI 46.62,-90.68 46.56,-90.67 46.57,-90.7 46.61,-90.7 46.62,-90.68 UGC WIC003 SAME 055003  248 XOUS54 KWBC 231536 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504167-3062245 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502553-3061225,2019-04-22T12:35:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:36:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:36:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:36AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The flood warning continues for the Bodcau Bayou At Bayou Bodcau Lake. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday The stage was 176.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 172.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 176.6 feet by Thursday morning and hold near that level for several days. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Bossier, LA; Webster, LA 32.82,-93.51 32.89,-93.44 32.72,-93.46 32.7,-93.51 32.77,-93.51 32.82,-93.51 UGC LAC015 UGC LAC119 SAME 022015 SAME 022119  944 XOUS55 KWBC 231537 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-55038 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T15:37:09-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-04-23T15:37:09-00:00 2019-04-23T15:47:09-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  614 XOUS56 KWBC 231537 CAPMTR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504168-3062246 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500712-3059980,2019-04-21T09:38:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499829-3059316,2019-04-20T21:08:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500132-3059496,2019-04-21T03:20:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502417-3061115,2019-04-22T08:56:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498554-3058317,2019-04-20T08:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497601-3057518,2019-04-19T20:44:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3495074-3055409,2019-04-19T08:33:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494264-3054716,2019-04-19T03:08:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498094-3057935,2019-04-20T03:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501680-3060593,2019-04-21T20:50:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500994-3060116,2019-04-21T14:31:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503476-3061797,2019-04-22T21:03:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502879-3061420,2019-04-22T14:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503769-3061939,2019-04-23T03:28:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496459-3056559,2019-04-19T14:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501977-3060751,2019-04-22T03:21:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493810-3054370,2019-04-18T20:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492850-3053585,2019-04-18T14:25:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 2019-04-23T16:45:00-07:00 NWS San Francisco CA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 8:37AM PDT until April 24 at 3:00AM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 11 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ PIL MTRMWWMTR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T03:00:00-07:00 Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM UGC PZZ571 SAME 057571  615 XOUS56 KWBC 231537 CAPMTR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504170-3062248 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501975-3060749,2019-04-22T03:21:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493809-3054369,2019-04-18T20:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503768-3061938,2019-04-23T03:28:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501675-3060588,2019-04-21T20:50:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498549-3058312,2019-04-20T08:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3495069-3055404,2019-04-19T08:33:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502878-3061419,2019-04-22T14:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503472-3061793,2019-04-22T21:03:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502421-3061119,2019-04-22T08:56:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499832-3059319,2019-04-20T21:08:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500713-3059981,2019-04-21T09:38:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500996-3060118,2019-04-21T14:31:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496458-3056558,2019-04-19T14:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497600-3057517,2019-04-19T20:44:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492848-3053583,2019-04-18T14:25:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494265-3054717,2019-04-19T03:08:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498100-3057941,2019-04-20T03:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500134-3059498,2019-04-21T03:20:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 2019-04-23T16:45:00-07:00 NWS San Francisco CA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 8:37AM PDT until April 24 at 3:00AM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...8 to 11 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ PIL MTRMWWMTR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T03:00:00-07:00 Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM UGC PZZ570 SAME 057570  616 XOUS56 KWBC 231537 CAPMTR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504169-3062247 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502419-3061117,2019-04-22T08:56:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3494261-3054713,2019-04-19T03:08:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500711-3059979,2019-04-21T09:38:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503473-3061794,2019-04-22T21:03:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3496462-3056562,2019-04-19T14:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3497602-3057519,2019-04-19T20:44:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500139-3059503,2019-04-21T03:20:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3492849-3053584,2019-04-18T14:25:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3500997-3060119,2019-04-21T14:31:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3499833-3059320,2019-04-20T21:08:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3495072-3055407,2019-04-19T08:33:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501974-3060748,2019-04-22T03:21:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502882-3061423,2019-04-22T14:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498548-3058311,2019-04-20T08:37:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503770-3061940,2019-04-23T03:28:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501679-3060592,2019-04-21T20:50:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3493811-3054371,2019-04-18T20:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3498098-3057939,2019-04-20T03:37:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 2019-04-23T08:37:00-07:00 2019-04-23T16:45:00-07:00 NWS San Francisco CA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 8:37AM PDT until April 24 at 3:00AM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0067.000000T0000Z-190424T1000Z/ PIL MTRMWWMTR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T03:00:00-07:00 Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 nm UGC PZZ540 SAME 057540  243 XOUS51 KWBC 231538 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504173-3062251 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503753-3061930,2019-04-23T06:06:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:38:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:38AM EDT until April 24 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA Connecticut River At Northampton affecting Hampden and Hampshire Counties Sudbury River At Saxonville affecting Middlesex County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut...Massachusetts... Connecticut River At Thompsonville affecting Hartford and Hampden Counties Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent heavy rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam will likely continue through the week. The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Northampton. * until Wednesday evening...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 112.1 feet. * Flood stage is 112.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow early afternoon. * Impact...At 112.0 feet...Lowland flooding is expected in and around Northampton including low lying sections of the Oxbow. Minor flooding affects Hadley along Aqua Vitae Road. In Hatfield, flooding is expected in the lowest lying sections, primarily farming interests outside flood dike protection. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KBOX.FL.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190425T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL BOXFLSBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T20:00:00-04:00 Hampden, MA; Hampshire, MA 42.28,-72.7 42.42,-72.7 42.43,-72.46 42.27,-72.52 42.28,-72.7 UGC MAC013 UGC MAC015 SAME 025013 SAME 025015  244 XOUS51 KWBC 231538 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504174-3062252 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503754-3061931,2019-04-23T06:06:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:38:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:38AM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA Connecticut River At Northampton affecting Hampden and Hampshire Counties Sudbury River At Saxonville affecting Middlesex County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut...Massachusetts... Connecticut River At Thompsonville affecting Hartford and Hampden Counties Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent heavy rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam will likely continue through the week. The Flood Warning continues for The Sudbury River At Saxonville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:15 AM Tuesday the stage was 10.6 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 10.2 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 11.0 feet...Flooding will affect portions of Shore and Pelham Island Roads as well as River Road in wayland. Flooding will also begin to impact Route 20 at Route 27. Other low lying areas along the river will experience flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KBOX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL BOXFLSBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Middlesex, MA 42.27,-71.4 42.3,-71.45 42.48,-71.39 42.45,-71.29 42.27,-71.4 UGC MAC017 SAME 025017  245 XOUS51 KWBC 231538 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504172-3062250 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503755-3061932,2019-04-23T06:06:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:38:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:38AM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA Connecticut River At Northampton affecting Hampden and Hampshire Counties Sudbury River At Saxonville affecting Middlesex County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut...Massachusetts... Connecticut River At Thompsonville affecting Hartford and Hampden Counties Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent heavy rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam will likely continue through the week. The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Hartford. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:01 AM Tuesday the stage was 19.3 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.0 feet by tomorrow late morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Flooding is expected along the river in portions of Wethersfield, Glastonbury, Rocky Hill and Cromwell. The high waters and swift flows will disrupt some cross river ferry services. Upstream of Hartford, flooding will continue to affect portions of Windsor. Immediate river roads may become impassable in all of these communities. Further downstream flooding will continue to overspread sections of Portland, Middletown as well as Chester. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL BOXFLSBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Middlesex, CT; Hartford, CT 41.63,-72.7 41.8,-72.73 41.8,-72.59 41.64,-72.58 41.63,-72.63 41.64,-72.63 41.63,-72.7 UGC CTC007 UGC CTC003 SAME 009007 SAME 009003  246 XOUS51 KWBC 231538 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504175-3062253 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503756-3061933,2019-04-23T06:06:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:38:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:38AM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA Connecticut River At Northampton affecting Hampden and Hampshire Counties Sudbury River At Saxonville affecting Middlesex County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut...Massachusetts... Connecticut River At Thompsonville affecting Hartford and Hampden Counties Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent heavy rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam will likely continue through the week. The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Middle Haddam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:55 AM Tuesday the stage was 9.2 feet. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 9.5 feet by late this afternoon. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...Flooding closes most of Meadow Road, Route 17A, in the Gildersleeve section of Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown Marina and Meadow Farms. In Cromwell, portions of River Road will be closed. In Rocky Hill, parts of Meadow Road will be impassable for a time. Flooding continues along the river southward through Essex. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL BOXFLSBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Middlesex, CT 41.64,-72.69 41.64,-72.58 41.29,-72.25 41.26,-72.39 41.41,-72.51 41.56,-72.7 41.64,-72.69 UGC CTC007 SAME 009007  247 XOUS51 KWBC 231538 CAPBOX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504171-3062249 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503752-3061929,2019-04-23T06:06:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:38:00-04:00 2019-04-24T11:38:00-04:00 NWS Boston/Norton MA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:38AM EDT until April 25 at 8:00AM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA Connecticut River At Northampton affecting Hampden and Hampshire Counties Sudbury River At Saxonville affecting Middlesex County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Connecticut...Massachusetts... Connecticut River At Thompsonville affecting Hartford and Hampden Counties Connecticut River At Hartford affecting Hartford and Middlesex Counties Connecticut River At Middle Haddam affecting Middlesex County Recent heavy rainfall along with snow melt across the upper reaches of the Connecticut River basin will kept the lower portions of the Connecticut River in minor flood. The lower Connecticut River from Hartford to Middle Haddam will likely continue through the week. The Flood Warning continues for The Connecticut River At Thompsonville. * until Thursday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:32 AM Tuesday the stage was 15.2 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Thursday morning. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Lowland flooding will begin along the Connecticut River near Thompsonville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...A Flood Statement providing the latest information in this flood event will be issued within the next 8 hours, or earlier if needed. Safety Message...Do not allow children to play near swollen rivers, streams or culverts. Swiftly moving water can pose an imminent threat to life. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KBOX.FL.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL BOXFLSBOX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T08:00:00-04:00 Hampden, MA; Hartford, CT 41.8,-72.73 42.04,-72.7 42.03,-72.61 42.04,-72.51 41.8,-72.59 41.8,-72.73 UGC MAC013 UGC CTC003 SAME 025013 SAME 009003  116 XOUS54 KWBC 231539 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504176-3062254 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:39:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:39:00-05:00 2019-04-25T00:34:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:39:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:39AM CDT until April 28 at 10:16AM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a * FLOOD WARNING FOR the Sulphur River Near Talco. * from late Wednesday night to Sunday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * AT 9:45 AM Tuesday The stage was 15.2 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by early Thursday morning and continue to rise to near 23.5 feet by Thursday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by Saturday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KSHV.FL.W.0089.190425T0534Z-190428T1516Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLWSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-28T10:16:00-05:00 Morris, TX; Red River, TX; Franklin, TX; Titus, TX 33.38,-95.3 33.41,-94.88 33.31,-94.66 33.26,-94.66 33.31,-94.78 33.38,-95.3 UGC TXC343 UGC TXC387 UGC TXC159 UGC TXC449 SAME 048343 SAME 048387 SAME 048159 SAME 048449  272 XOUS54 KWBC 231540 CAPSHV NWS-IDP-PROD-3504177-3062255 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:40:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502565-3061236,2019-04-22T12:40:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:40:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:40:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:40:00-05:00 NWS Shreveport LA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:40AM CDT until April 28 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS Shreveport LA PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-190428T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SHVFLSSHV BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-28T13:00:00-05:00 Cass, TX; Marion, TX 32.97,-94.48 32.75,-94.25 32.75,-94.33 32.78,-94.4 32.89,-94.5 32.97,-94.48 UGC TXC067 UGC TXC315 SAME 048067 SAME 048315  242 XOUS54 KWBC 231541 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504178-3062256 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:41:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503853-3062003,2019-04-23T08:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:41:00-05:00 2019-04-23T11:55:00-05:00 2019-04-23T18:40:00-05:00 NWS Norman OK Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:41AM CDT until April 25 at 5:48AM CDT by NWS Norman OK The Flood Warning continues for The North Fork Red River near Headrick. * until late Wednesday night...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 13.3 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The North Fork Red River will rise above flood stage late Tuesday morning and crest near 18.8 feet Tuesday evening. The North Fork Red River will fall below flood stage late Wednesday evening. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Flooding or isolation of agricultural lands and rural roads occurs in Kiowa...Jackson...and Tillman counties. Upstream points in Kiowa County may see flooding several hours before the crest reaches the Headrick area. The flood crest reaches downstream points near Tipton much later. Flood depths approach 5 feet over some areas along the river. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KOUN.FL.W.0016.190423T1655Z-190425T1048Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL OUNFLSOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T05:48:00-05:00 Jackson, OK; Kiowa, OK; Tillman, OK 34.71,-99.21 34.81,-99.17 34.86,-99.12 34.68,-99.02 34.54,-99.11 34.58,-99.24 34.71,-99.21 UGC OKC065 UGC OKC075 UGC OKC141 SAME 040065 SAME 040075 SAME 040141  251 XOUS53 KWBC 231542 CAPIWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504179-3062257 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:42:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502184-3060924,2019-04-22T10:33:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503627-3061867,2019-04-23T03:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502645-3061279,2019-04-22T15:42:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3501836-3060665,2019-04-22T04:14:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503294-3061686,2019-04-22T22:17:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T11:42:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:42:00-04:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-04:00 NWS Northern Indiana Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 11:42AM EDT until April 23 at 5:00PM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana * WINDS...Northwest wind 10 to 20 knots. * WAVES...3 to 5 feet. A small craft advisory means that sustained winds or frequent gusts of 22 to 33 knots are likely...and/or waves greater than 4 feet are expected. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON VTEC /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190423T2100Z/ PIL IWXMWWIWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T17:00:00-04:00 New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI UGC LMZ043 SAME 092043  685 XOUS54 KWBC 231543 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504180 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:43:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2019-04-23T10:43:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:43:00-05:00 2019-04-23T11:15:00-05:00 NWS Norman OK Special Weather Statement issued April 23 at 10:43AM CDT by NWS Norman OK AT 1043 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 5 miles northwest of Dean, moving east at 35 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 40 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Locations impacted include... Petrolia, Byers, Dean and Charlie. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-04-23T10:43:00.000-05:00...storm...254DEG...30KT...34.02,-98.39 NWSheadline SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southeastern Cotton... northwestern Clay and east central Wichita Counties Until 1115 AM CDT EAS-ORG WXR PIL OUNSPSOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Clay; Wichita; Cotton 33.95,-98.44 34.09,-98.48 34.16,-98.17 33.98,-98.1 33.95,-98.44 UGC TXZ090 UGC TXZ086 UGC OKZ044 SAME 048077 SAME 048485 SAME 040033  716 XOUS53 KWBC 231544 CAPMQT NWS-IDP-PROD-3504181-3062258 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:44:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503234-3061647,2019-04-22T21:54:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:44:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:44:00-04:00 2019-04-24T01:44:00-04:00 NWS Marquette MI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:44AM EDT by NWS Marquette MI Michigamme River near Witch Lake affecting Marquette County ..Widespread 0.25 to 0.5 inches of rain fell in the past 24 hours across the region. This additional water in combination with ongoing snow melt across the region has pushed the Michigamme River at Witch Lake into Flood Stage. The river is forecast to rise from Minor Flood to Moderate Flood stage tomorrow. The Flood Warning continues for The Michigamme River near Witch Lake. * until further notice. * At 10:25 AM Tuesday the stage was 9.4 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 10.7 feet by Thursday evening then begin falling. * At 11.0 feet...Flood waters cover significant portions of County Road LG between M-95 and Michigamme Dam. Houses near Bengtson Bridge in South Republic are further impacted by flood waters. * At 9.0 feet...Water impacts the yards and a few homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic and along Floodwood Drive near the Michigamme River east of M-95. Approximately 6 inches of water is covering portions of County Road LG northwest of M-95. * At 8.5 feet...Water begins to cover County Road LG 2.6 miles northwest of M-95. * At 8.0 feet...Water inundates low lying areas along the river in Republic and South Republic...and will impact the yards of homes near Bengtson bridge on County Road LI in South Republic. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 9 PM EDT tonight. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KMQT.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MQTFLSMQT BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marquette, MI 46.31,-88.03 46.31,-87.91 46.23,-87.96 46.15,-88.12 46.23,-88.12 46.27,-88.04 46.31,-88.03 UGC MIC103 SAME 026103  062 XOUS53 KWBC 231546 CAPGRB NWS-IDP-PROD-3504183-3062260 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503202-3061621,2019-04-22T20:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-24T01:46:00-05:00 NWS Green Bay WI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:46AM CDT by NWS Green Bay WI Wisconsin River below Wausau affecting Marathon County Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir affecting Portage and Marathon Counties The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Wausau. * At 10:25 AM Tuesday the stage was 1168 feet. * Flood stage is 1167 feet. * Impacts at 1167 feet. Waters approaches buildings in DC Everest Park and Oak Island Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL GRBFLSGRB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marathon, WI 45,-89.58 44.89,-89.61 44.89,-89.65 45,-89.67 45,-89.58 UGC WIC073 SAME 055073  063 XOUS53 KWBC 231546 CAPGRB NWS-IDP-PROD-3504182-3062259 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503201-3061620,2019-04-22T20:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-24T01:46:00-05:00 NWS Green Bay WI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:46AM CDT by NWS Green Bay WI Wisconsin River below Wausau affecting Marathon County Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir affecting Portage and Marathon Counties The Flood Warning continues for The Wisconsin River below Dubay Reservoir. * At 10:10 AM Tuesday the stage was 1100 feet. * Flood stage is 1099 feet. * Impacts at 1100 feet. There is widespread flooding of lowland. Water covers portions of River Road and Dam Road. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KGRB.FL.W.0035.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL GRBFLSGRB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marathon, WI; Portage, WI 44.69,-89.61 44.51,-89.55 44.51,-89.67 44.69,-89.73 44.69,-89.61 UGC WIC073 UGC WIC097 SAME 055073 SAME 055097  250 XOUS54 KWBC 231546 CAPMAF NWS-IDP-PROD-3504184 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-23T11:15:00-05:00 NWS Midland/Odessa TX Special Weather Statement issued April 23 at 10:46AM CDT by NWS Midland/Odessa TX At 1046 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Colorado City, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Colorado City, Loraine, Colorado City Airport, Lake Colorado City, Champion Creek Reservoir, Lake Colorado City State Park and Buford. This includes Interstate 20 between mile markers 209 and 228. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-04-23T10:46:00.000-05:00...storm...245DEG...48KT...32.39,-100.89 NWSheadline SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN MITCHELL COUNTY UNTIL 1115 AM CDT EAS-ORG WXR PIL MAFSPSMAF BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Mitchell 32.24,-100.95 32.5,-101.03 32.52,-100.78 32.52,-100.67 32.32,-100.66 32.29,-100.66 32.24,-100.95 UGC TXZ053 SAME 048335  877 XOUS54 KWBC 231546 CAPOUN NWS-IDP-PROD-3504185-3062261 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FAY 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:46:00-05:00 2019-04-23T13:45:00-05:00 NWS Norman OK Flood Advisory issued April 23 at 10:46AM CDT until April 23 at 1:45PM CDT by NWS Norman OK The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Oklahoma County in central Oklahoma... Northeastern Cleveland County in central Oklahoma... South central Logan County in central Oklahoma... * Until 145 PM CDT. * At 1045 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain that will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Oklahoma City, northern Norman, Edmond, Moore, Midwest City, Del City, Choctaw, Harrah, Spencer, Jones, Nicoma Park, Luther, Valley Brook, Arcadia, Stella, Tinker Air Force Base, Stanley Draper Lake, Forest Park, Lake Aluma and Smith Village. Additional rainfall of a half inch is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. Turn around, don't drown. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KOUN.FA.Y.0015.190423T1546Z-190423T1845Z/ PIL OUNFLSOUN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T13:45:00-05:00 Logan, OK; Oklahoma, OK; Cleveland, OK 35.73,-97.2 35.31,-97.16 35.29,-97.49 35.75,-97.54 35.73,-97.2 UGC OKC083 UGC OKC109 UGC OKC027 SAME 040083 SAME 040109 SAME 040027  849 XOUS55 KWBC 231547 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-55587 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T15:47:09-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-04-23T15:47:09-00:00 2019-04-23T15:57:09-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  510 XOUS53 KWBC 231548 CAPDMX NWS-IDP-PROD-3504196-3062262 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:48:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503665-3061880,2019-04-23T03:39:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:48:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:48:00-05:00 2019-04-24T10:47:00-05:00 NWS Des Moines IA Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:48AM CDT until April 26 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS Des Moines IA Affecting the following counties in Iowa...Palo Alto...Pocahontas River forecasts include observed precipitation, as well as expected precipitation over the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The West Fork Des Moines River at Emmetsburg, or From near Graettinger...to Cylinder Creek near West Bend. * Until Thursday afternoon. * At 10:15 AM Tuesday the stage was 11.0 feet, or 0.0 feet above Flood Stage. * Flood Stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. * Forecast...rise to 11.1 feet, or 0.1 feet above Flood Stage, this afternoon. Then begin falling and go below Flood Stage Thursday afternoon. * Impact...At 11.0 feet, Iowa 4 is threatened in areas near the river overpass. The road to the rendering plant is threatened and the road to the sanitary landfill area is closed. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded area, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, do not drown. More information--including impact statements and crest histories--is available on the Web at... www.weather.gov/desmoines. Click on the Rivers and Lakes link. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning now in effect until Thursday afternoon VTEC /O.EXT.KDMX.FL.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190426T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DMXFLSDMX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-26T13:00:00-05:00 Pocahontas, IA; Palo Alto, IA 43.09,-94.75 43.26,-94.83 43.26,-94.71 42.94,-94.44 42.79,-94.44 43.09,-94.75 43.09,-94.75 UGC IAC151 UGC IAC147 SAME 019151 SAME 019147  982 XOUS53 KWBC 231551 CAPABR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504198-3062264 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502133-3060881,2019-04-22T09:17:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 2019-04-24T14:49:00-05:00 NWS Aberdeen SD Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:50AM CDT by NWS Aberdeen SD Big Sioux River AT Watertown Big Sioux River At Watertown - Broadway Avenue Big Sioux River Near Castlewood .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River AT Watertown. * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Tuesday the stage was 9.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to remain steady around 9.6 feet through Wednesday morning. * At 10.5 feet...Sioux Conifer Road begins flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr, then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued on Wednesday. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL ABRFLSABR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Codington, SD 44.98,-97.13 44.92,-97.12 44.92,-97.15 44.97,-97.17 44.98,-97.13 UGC SDC029 SAME 046029  040 XOUS53 KWBC 231551 CAPABR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504197-3062263 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502131-3060879,2019-04-22T09:17:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 2019-04-24T14:49:00-05:00 NWS Aberdeen SD Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:50AM CDT by NWS Aberdeen SD Big Sioux River AT Watertown Big Sioux River At Watertown - Broadway Avenue Big Sioux River Near Castlewood .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River Near Castlewood. * until further notice. * At 9:45 AM Tuesday the stage was 10.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady around 10.8 feet through Wednesday afternoon. * At 11.0 feet...Significant amounts of pasture and other agricultural lands will be flooded. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr, then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued on Wednesday. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL ABRFLSABR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Hamlin, SD 44.8,-97.03 44.64,-96.95 44.6,-97 44.69,-97.06 44.8,-97.09 44.8,-97.03 UGC SDC057 SAME 046057  041 XOUS53 KWBC 231551 CAPABR NWS-IDP-PROD-3504199-3062265 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3502132-3060880,2019-04-22T09:17:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 2019-04-23T10:50:00-05:00 2019-04-24T14:49:00-05:00 NWS Aberdeen SD Flood Warning issued April 23 at 10:50AM CDT until April 25 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Aberdeen SD Big Sioux River AT Watertown Big Sioux River At Watertown - Broadway Avenue Big Sioux River Near Castlewood .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through the next 24 hours. Any additional future precipitation could affect the forecasts. The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River At Watertown - Broadway Avenue. * until Thursday morning. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady around 11 feet through Wednesday night before falling to below flood stage early Thursday morning. * At 11.0 feet...The right bank downstream of the gauge is overtopped. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Flood waters can be very dangerous. Never drive across a flooded road. Turn around don't drown! Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your favorite local media. For additional information...check out our web site at www.weather.gov/abr, then left click on the Rivers and Lakes link. The next scheduled statement will be issued on Wednesday. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KABR.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-190425T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL ABRFLSABR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-25T07:00:00-05:00 Codington, SD 44.92,-97.12 44.87,-97.03 44.85,-97.11 44.92,-97.15 44.92,-97.12 UGC SDC029 SAME 046029  265 XOUS56 KWBC 231551 CAPSEW NWS-IDP-PROD-3504202-3062268 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503735-3061916,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503735-3061918,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503735-3061917,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Monitor Past Minor Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 2019-04-23T11:00:00-07:00 2019-04-23T09:06:16-07:00 NWS Seattle WA The Small Craft Advisory has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Seattle WA on this developing situation. The Small Craft Advisory has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Seattle WA on this developing situation. A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline GALE WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.UPG.KSEW.SC.Y.0071.190423T1800Z-190424T0000Z/ PIL SEWMWWSEW BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T17:00:00-07:00 Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca; East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca UGC PZZ131 UGC PZZ132 SAME 057131 SAME 057132  266 XOUS56 KWBC 231551 CAPSEW NWS-IDP-PROD-3504200-3062266 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 2019-04-23T15:00:00-07:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-07:00 NWS Seattle WA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 8:51AM PDT until April 24 at 3:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PDT Wednesday. * WIND...West to northwest wind 15 to 25 knots. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.EXB.KSEW.SC.Y.0070.190423T2200Z-190424T1000Z/ PIL SEWMWWSEW BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T03:00:00-07:00 Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands UGC PZZ133 SAME 057133  267 XOUS56 KWBC 231551 CAPSEW NWS-IDP-PROD-3504201-3062267 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503424-3061762,2019-04-22T20:23:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503734-3061915,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 2019-04-23T11:00:00-07:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-07:00 NWS Seattle WA Small Craft Advisory issued April 23 at 8:51AM PDT until April 24 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA * WIND...West to northwest wind 15 to 25 knots. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0070.190423T1800Z-190424T1200Z/ PIL SEWMWWSEW BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T05:00:00-07:00 Admiralty Inlet UGC PZZ134 SAME 057134  268 XOUS56 KWBC 231551 CAPSEW NWS-IDP-PROD-3504202-3062270 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503735-3061916,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503735-3061918,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503735-3061917,2019-04-23T02:41:00-07:00 Met Gale Watch Monitor Past Moderate Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService GLA 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-07:00 2019-04-23T09:06:16-07:00 NWS Seattle WA The Gale Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Seattle WA on this developing situation. The Gale Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Seattle WA on this developing situation. A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline GALE WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.UPG.KSEW.GL.A.0020.190424T0000Z-190424T1200Z/ PIL SEWMWWSEW BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T05:00:00-07:00 Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca; East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca UGC PZZ131 UGC PZZ132 SAME 057131 SAME 057132  269 XOUS56 KWBC 231551 CAPSEW NWS-IDP-PROD-3504202-3062269 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Gale Warning Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService GLW 2019-04-23T08:51:00-07:00 2019-04-23T11:00:00-07:00 2019-04-23T17:00:00-07:00 NWS Seattle WA Gale Warning issued April 23 at 8:51AM PDT until April 24 at 3:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Gale Warning...which is in effect until 3 AM PDT Wednesday. The Small Craft Advisory is no longer in effect. The Gale Watch is no longer in effect. * WIND...West wind 15 to 25 knots this afteroon, increasing to 25 to 35 knots this evening. A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline GALE WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY VTEC /O.NEW.KSEW.GL.W.0027.190423T1800Z-190424T1000Z/ PIL SEWMWWSEW BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T03:00:00-07:00 Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca; East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca UGC PZZ131 UGC PZZ132 SAME 057131 SAME 057132  532 XOUS51 KWBC 231551 CAPPBZ NWS-IDP-PROD-3504203 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:51:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2019-04-23T11:51:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:51:00-04:00 2019-04-23T12:15:00-04:00 NWS Pittsburgh PA Special Weather Statement issued April 23 at 11:51AM EDT by NWS Pittsburgh PA At 1151 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Sharon, moving east at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph and hail up to the size of nickels are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hermitage... Sharon... Sharpsville... Farrell... Mercer... Stoneboro... West Middlesex... Sandy Lake... Clark... Wheatland... Fredonia... Jackson Center... This includes the following highways... Interstate 79 in Pennsylvania between mile markers 116 and 129. Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania between mile markers 0 and 19. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-04-23T11:51:00.000-04:00...storm...255DEG...46KT...41.23,-80.57 NWSheadline A STRONG THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING HAIL AND GUSTY WIND WILL AFFECT CENTRAL MERCER COUNTY EAS-ORG WXR PIL PBZSPSPBZ BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Mercer 41.35,-80.06 41.14,-80.19 41.13,-80.52 41.34,-80.52 41.41,-80.29 41.35,-80.06 UGC PAZ007 SAME 042085  346 XOUS53 KWBC 231554 CAPMQT NWS-IDP-PROD-3504204-3062271 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:54:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503174-3061605,2019-04-22T21:42:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:54:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:54:00-04:00 2019-04-24T01:54:00-04:00 NWS Marquette MI Flood Warning issued April 23 at 11:54AM EDT until April 24 at 3:42PM EDT by NWS Marquette MI Black River near Bessemer affecting Gogebic County .Upwards of 0.5 to 1.25 inches of rain fell in the past 24 hours across the region. Ongoing flooding will continue over the course of the next few days. With temperatures remaining above freezing, additional snowmelt may contribute to the rivers. The Flood Warning continues for The Black River near Bessemer. * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 10:00 AM Tuesday the stage was 10.6 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by this afternoon. * At 10.0 feet...Which is flood stage...water impacts low lying areas of properties along Black River Road and Hedberg Road. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Even 6 inches of fast moving flood water can knock you off your feet...and a depth of 2 feet will float your car. Never try to walk...swim...or drive through such swift water. If you come upon flood waters...stop...turn around and go another way. additional weather and river information is available at www.weather.gov/mqt The next statement will be issued by 9 PM EDT tonight. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KMQT.FL.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190424T1942Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MQTFLSMQT BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-24T15:42:00-04:00 Gogebic, MI 46.49,-90 46.49,-90.14 46.65,-90.1 46.67,-90.05 46.69,-90 46.57,-89.98 46.49,-90 UGC MIC053 SAME 026053  503 XOUS51 KWBC 231555 CAPALY NWS-IDP-PROD-3504205-3062272 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T11:55:00-04:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3503779-3061950,2019-04-23T06:41:00-04:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-04-23T11:55:00-04:00 2019-04-23T11:55:00-04:00 2019-04-23T12:10:08-04:00 NWS Albany NY The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KALY.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190424T0100Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL ALYFLSALY BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-04-23T21:00:00-04:00 Washington, NY; Saratoga, NY 43.27,-73.65 43.33,-73.51 43.13,-73.5 43.1,-73.64 43.27,-73.65 UGC NYC115 UGC NYC091 SAME 036115 SAME 036091  754 XOUS55 KWBC 231557 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-23163 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-04-23T15:57:09-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-04-23T15:57:09-00:00 2019-04-23T16:07:09-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031