237 XOUS54 KWBC 081303 CAPTSA NWS-IDP-PROD-3622011-3147707 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:03:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621749-3147559,2019-06-08T02:15:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:03:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:03:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:02:00-05:00 NWS Tulsa OK Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:03AM CDT by NWS Tulsa OK Arkansas River near Muskogee affecting Muskogee County. The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River near Muskogee. * until further notice, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 AM Saturday, the stage was 32.09 feet. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring but the river is falling. * Forecast...The Arkansas River near Muskogee will continue falling but will remain above 28.0 feet through Wednesday. * Impact...At 32.0 feet, areas on the grounds of the OG&E power plant are flooded. Moderate agricultural flooding occurs. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KTSA.FL.W.0032.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TSAFLSTSA BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Muskogee, OK 35.83,-95.2 35.52,-95.07 35.47,-95.15 35.59,-95.32 35.83,-95.37 35.83,-95.2 UGC OKC101 SAME 040101  992 XOUS56 KWBC 081303 CAPSTO NWS-IDP-PROD-3622012-3147708 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T06:03:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620219-3146577,2019-06-07T09:56:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620219-3146576,2019-06-07T09:56:00-07:00 Met Red Flag Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FWW 2019-06-08T06:03:00-07:00 2019-06-08T06:03:00-07:00 2019-06-08T18:30:00-07:00 NWS Sacramento CA Red Flag Warning issued June 8 at 6:03AM PDT until June 9 at 5:00PM PDT by NWS Sacramento CA Well above average temperatures and low humidity combined with breezy to strong north winds will bring increased fire weather concerns this weekend. Daytime humidities will be low with poor humidity recoveries expected overnight tonight. The wildland fuels are driest at the lower elevations, where there has been less precipitation over the last month. Therefore, the warning is in effect below the 1000 foot level. * AFFECTED AREA...The Sacramento valley, northern San Joaquin valley and portions of the Delta. * WIND...North wind 15 to 30 mph with gusts to 35 to 40 mph, strongest wind gusts early this afternoon. Winds diminishing Sunday afternoon 10 to 20 mph. * HUMIDITY...Minimum humidity 10 to 20 percent during the day, locally lower in the upper single digits. Poor to moderate humidity recoveries overnight of 30 to 40 percent, locally lower. * HIGHEST THREAT...Western Sacramento and northern San Joaquin valleys, where the highest wind gusts are expected. * IMPACTS...any grass fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT SUNDAY FOR STRONG NORTH WIND AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 215, 216, 217, 218, AND 219, THE CENTRAL VALLEY AND PORTIONS OF THE DELTA VTEC /O.CON.KSTO.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190610T0000Z/ PIL STORFWSTO BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T17:00:00-07:00 Eastern Delta; Northern San Joaquin Valley in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties Below 1000 ft - Excludes the Delta; Southern Sacramento Valley In Yolo/Sacramento/Far Western Placer/Southern Sutter and Solano County Below 1000 Ft - Excludes the Delta; Northern Sacramento Valley to Southern Tehama County Line Below 1000 Ft; Central Sacramento Valley including Glenn/Colusa/Yuba/Northern Sutter/Butte County Below 1000 Ft UGC CAZ218 UGC CAZ219 UGC CAZ217 UGC CAZ215 UGC CAZ216 SAME 006077 SAME 006067 SAME 006095 SAME 006109 SAME 006099 SAME 006009 SAME 006005 SAME 006017 SAME 006061 SAME 006113 SAME 006101 SAME 006103 SAME 006089 SAME 006115 SAME 006021 SAME 006011 SAME 006007 SAME 006057  550 XOUS52 KWBC 081304 CAPILM NWS-IDP-PROD-3622013-3147709 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:04:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FAY 2019-06-08T09:04:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:04:00-04:00 2019-06-08T12:00:00-04:00 NWS Wilmington NC Flood Advisory issued June 8 at 9:04AM EDT until June 8 at 12:00PM EDT by NWS Wilmington NC The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Advisory for Minor Flooding in Poor Drainage Areas for... Eastern Pender County in southeastern North Carolina... * Until noon EDT. * At 903 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding. Overflowing poor drainage areas will result in minor flooding in the advisory area. Up to one inch of rain has already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Maple Hill, White Stocking and Murray Town. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KILM.FA.Y.0004.190608T1304Z-190608T1600Z/ PIL ILMFLSILM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T12:00:00-04:00 Pender, NC 34.53,-77.61 34.38,-77.85 34.55,-77.88 34.63,-77.93 34.72,-77.94 34.72,-77.68 34.71,-77.68 34.7,-77.67 34.55,-77.61 34.53,-77.61 UGC NCC141 SAME 037141  157 XOUS55 KWBC 081306 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-20522 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T13:06:47-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-06-08T13:06:47-00:00 2019-06-08T13:16:47-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  570 XOUS54 KWBC 081307 CAPTSA NWS-IDP-PROD-3622015-3147711 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:07:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621744-3147554,2019-06-08T02:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:07:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:07:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:07:00-05:00 NWS Tulsa OK Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:07AM CDT until June 9 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Tulsa OK Illinois River at Chewey affecting Adair...Cherokee and Delaware Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oklahoma... Illinois River near Tahlequah affecting Cherokee County. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning extended until Sunday morning VTEC /O.EXT.KTSA.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190609T1200Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TSAFLSTSA BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T07:00:00-05:00 Cherokee, OK 36.12,-94.87 36.06,-94.81 35.76,-94.87 35.76,-94.96 36.03,-94.96 36.12,-94.87 UGC OKC021 SAME 040021  571 XOUS54 KWBC 081307 CAPTSA NWS-IDP-PROD-3622014-3147710 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:07:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621746-3147556,2019-06-08T02:12:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:07:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:07:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:22:23-05:00 NWS Tulsa OK The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KTSA.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190608T1851Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TSAFLSTSA BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T13:51:00-05:00 Delaware, OK; Cherokee, OK; Adair, OK 36.19,-94.72 36.11,-94.71 36.06,-94.81 36.12,-94.87 36.19,-94.72 UGC OKC041 UGC OKC021 UGC OKC001 SAME 040041 SAME 040021 SAME 040001  841 XOUS51 KWBC 081309 CAPRNK NWS-IDP-PROD-3622016-3147712 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:09:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flash Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME FFW NationalWeatherService FFW 2019-06-08T09:09:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:09:00-04:00 2019-06-08T15:00:00-04:00 NWS Blacksburg VA Flash Flood Warning issued June 8 at 9:09AM EDT until June 8 at 3:00PM EDT by NWS Blacksburg VA The National Weather Service in BLACKSBURG has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southwestern Roanoke County in west central Virginia... Northeastern Floyd County in southwestern Virginia... Western Franklin County in west central Virginia... East central Montgomery County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 300 PM EDT * At 906 AM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain falling across the warned area. Rainfall amounts of 2 to 5 inches in the past 24 hours have been estimated with up to 2.5 inches falling in the past 6 hours across parts of western Franklin and eastern Floyd counties. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Copper Hill... Bent Mountain... Shawsville... Ferrum... and Endicott. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches in the next few hours are possible in the warned area. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KRNK.FF.W.0012.190608T1309Z-190608T1900Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL RNKFFWRNK BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM CMAMtext Flash Flood Warning this area til 3:00 PM EDT. Avoid flood areas. -NWS eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T15:00:00-04:00 Floyd, VA; Montgomery, VA; Roanoke, VA; Franklin, VA 37.28,-80.09 36.8,-79.82 36.87,-80.17 37.2,-80.32 37.28,-80.09 UGC VAC063 UGC VAC121 UGC VAC161 UGC VAC067 SAME 051063 SAME 051121 SAME 051161 SAME 051067  040 XOUS53 KWBC 081314 CAPTOP NWS-IDP-PROD-3622019-3147715 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621975-3147688,2019-06-08T06:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:14:00-05:00 NWS Topeka KS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:14AM CDT by NWS Topeka KS Big Blue River near Manhattan affecting Riley County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County Black Vermillion River at Frankfort affecting Marshall County Fancy Creek near Randolph affecting Riley County The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Blue Rapids. * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Saturday the stage was 56.0 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 55.2 feet by Sunday morning. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs from Marysville to Tuttle Creek Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TOPFLSTOP BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marshall, KS 39.71,-96.66 39.68,-96.58 39.57,-96.55 39.57,-96.59 39.68,-96.69 39.71,-96.66 UGC KSC117 SAME 020117  041 XOUS53 KWBC 081314 CAPTOP NWS-IDP-PROD-3622020-3147716 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621974-3147687,2019-06-08T06:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:14:00-05:00 NWS Topeka KS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:14AM CDT by NWS Topeka KS Big Blue River near Manhattan affecting Riley County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County Black Vermillion River at Frankfort affecting Marshall County Fancy Creek near Randolph affecting Riley County The Flood Warning continues for The Fancy Creek near Randolph. * until further notice. * At 7:15 AM Saturday the stage was 29.4 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 28.7 feet by Sunday morning. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Low lying areas along the creek flood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TOPFLSTOP BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Riley, KS 39.5,-96.87 39.47,-96.71 39.45,-96.75 39.47,-96.89 39.5,-96.87 UGC KSC161 SAME 020161  042 XOUS53 KWBC 081314 CAPTOP NWS-IDP-PROD-3622017-3147713 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621976-3147689,2019-06-08T06:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:14:00-05:00 NWS Topeka KS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:14AM CDT by NWS Topeka KS Big Blue River near Manhattan affecting Riley County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County Black Vermillion River at Frankfort affecting Marshall County Fancy Creek near Randolph affecting Riley County The Flood Warning continues for The Black Vermillion River at Frankfort. * until further notice. * At 7:30 AM Saturday the stage was 24.2 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 23.5 feet by Sunday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Minor flooding of lowland areas occurs along the river from Vermillion to the mouth of the Black Vermillion River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TOPFLSTOP BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Marshall, KS 39.72,-96.43 39.67,-96.39 39.57,-96.56 39.63,-96.57 39.72,-96.43 UGC KSC117 SAME 020117  043 XOUS53 KWBC 081314 CAPTOP NWS-IDP-PROD-3622018-3147714 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621977-3147690,2019-06-08T06:49:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:14:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:14:00-05:00 NWS Topeka KS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:14AM CDT until June 10 at 1:45PM CDT by NWS Topeka KS Big Blue River near Manhattan affecting Riley County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County Black Vermillion River at Frankfort affecting Marshall County Fancy Creek near Randolph affecting Riley County The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Manhattan. * until Monday afternoon. * At 8:01 AM Saturday the stage was 19.3 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 17.2 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Minor low land flooding begins along the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KTOP.FL.W.0117.000000T0000Z-190610T1845Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TOPFLSTOP BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T13:45:00-05:00 Riley, KS 39.25,-96.61 39.27,-96.57 39.19,-96.5 39.18,-96.55 39.25,-96.61 UGC KSC161 SAME 020161  129 XOUS55 KWBC 081316 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-9923 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T13:16:47-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-06-08T13:16:47-00:00 2019-06-08T13:26:47-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  297 XOUS52 KWBC 081316 CAPTAE NWS-IDP-PROD-3622021-3147717 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:16:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Marine Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME SMW NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T08:16:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:16:00-05:00 2019-06-08T09:15:00-05:00 NWS Tallahassee FL Special Marine Warning issued June 8 at 8:16AM CDT until June 8 at 9:15AM CDT by NWS Tallahassee FL The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach out 20 NM... Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 915 AM CDT. * At 816 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located near Santa Rosa Beach, moving northeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Waterspouts can quickly form and capsize boats...damage vessels...and create suddenly higher waves. Make sure all on board are in a secure location and wearing life jackets. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots...suddenly higher waves...frequent lightning...and heavy downpours. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. * Locations impacted include... Sandestin, Miramar Beach and Santa Rosa Beach. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T08:16:00.000-05:00...storm...237DEG...31KT...30.31,-86.27 hailSize 0.00 waterspoutDetection POSSIBLE VTEC /O.NEW.KTAE.MA.W.0107.190608T1316Z-190608T1415Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TAESMWTAE BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T09:15:00-05:00 Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach out 20 NM; Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach from 20 to 60 NM 30.38,-86.23 30.35,-86.11 30.28,-85.95 29.99,-86.39 30.38,-86.4 30.38,-86.23 UGC GMZ750 UGC GMZ770 SAME 077750 SAME 077770  446 XOUS54 KWBC 081317 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3622022-3147718 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:17:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3622001-3147695,2019-06-08T07:33:00-05:00 Met Special Marine Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T08:17:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:17:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:32:23-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA The Special Marine Warning has been cancelled. The Special Marine Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T08:16:00.000-05:00...storm...230DEG...23KT...29.32,-88.82 NWSheadline THE SPECIAL MARINE WARNING IS CANCELLED VTEC /O.CAN.KLIX.MA.W.0210.000000T0000Z-190608T1330Z/ PIL LIXMWSLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T08:30:00-05:00 Breton Sound 29.07,-89.12 29.27,-88.89 29.53,-88.89 29.66,-89.03 29.9,-88.51 29.39,-88.21 28.92,-89.05 29.07,-89.12 UGC GMZ538 SAME 077538  447 XOUS54 KWBC 081317 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3622023-3147719 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:17:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3622001-3147695,2019-06-08T07:33:00-05:00 Met Special Marine Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T08:17:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:17:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:30:00-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA Special Marine Warning issued June 8 at 8:17AM CDT until June 8 at 8:30AM CDT by NWS New Orleans LA For the following areas... Chandeleur Sound... Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm... Coastal Waters from Stake Island LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River from 20 to 60 nm... Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island Louisiana out 20 to 60 NM... Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM... At 816 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located 22 nm east of Pilottown, moving northeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Waterspouts can quickly form and capsize boats... damage vessels and oil rigs... and create suddenly higher waves. Make sure all on board are in a secure location and wearing life jackets. Waterspouts can become tornadoes if they move onshore. Keep abreast of the situation. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots and suddenly higher waves. Boats could sustain damage or capsize. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. Return to safe harbor if possible. Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T08:16:00.000-05:00...storm...230DEG...23KT...29.32,-88.82 hailSize 0.00 waterspoutDetection POSSIBLE NWSheadline A SPECIAL MARINE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM CDT VTEC /O.CON.KLIX.MA.W.0210.000000T0000Z-190608T1330Z/ PIL LIXMWSLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T08:30:00-05:00 Coastal Waters from Stake Island LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River from 20 to 60 nm; Chandeleur Sound; Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island Louisiana out 20 to 60 NM; Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM 29.07,-89.12 29.27,-88.89 29.53,-88.89 29.66,-89.03 29.9,-88.51 29.39,-88.21 28.92,-89.05 29.07,-89.12 UGC GMZ575 UGC GMZ536 UGC GMZ555 UGC GMZ577 UGC GMZ557 SAME 077575 SAME 077536 SAME 077555 SAME 077577 SAME 077557  244 XOUS52 KWBC 081318 CAPTAE NWS-IDP-PROD-3622024-3147720 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:18:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Marine Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME SMW NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T09:18:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:18:00-04:00 2019-06-08T10:45:00-04:00 NWS Tallahassee FL Special Marine Warning issued June 8 at 9:18AM EDT until June 8 at 10:45AM EDT by NWS Tallahassee FL The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM... Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 1045 AM EDT/945 AM CDT/. * At 918 AM EDT/818 AM CDT/, a strong thunderstorm was located 23 nm south of Empire Mica Wreck, moving northeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots...suddenly higher waves...frequent lightning...and heavy downpours. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. * Locations impacted include... S Tower. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T09:18:00.000-04:00...storm...237DEG...31KT...28.93,-85.25 hailSize 0.00 VTEC /O.NEW.KTAE.MA.W.0108.190608T1318Z-190608T1445Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TAESMWTAE BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T10:45:00-04:00 Waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM; Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM 28.61,-85.34 28.77,-85.8 29.26,-84.96 29.31,-84.8 29.42,-84.55 28.83,-84.28 28.67,-84.56 28.61,-84.78 28.58,-85 28.61,-85.34 UGC GMZ772 UGC GMZ775 SAME 077772 SAME 077775  373 XOUS52 KWBC 081319 CAPFFC NWS-IDP-PROD-3622025 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:19:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2019-06-08T09:19:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:19:00-04:00 2019-06-08T10:00:00-04:00 NWS Peachtree City GA Special Weather Statement issued June 8 at 9:19AM EDT by NWS Peachtree City GA At 917 AM EDT...a cluster of strong thunderstorms was along a line extending from near Rosebud to near Sharpsburg...and moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Heavy rain. IMPACT...Heavy rain may cause temporary street flooding especially in poor drainage areas. Some locations in the path of these storms include Atlanta, Newnan, Griffin, McDonough, Decatur, Fayetteville, Conyers, Jonesboro, Peachtree City, East Point, Stockbridge, Union City, Forest Park, Snellville, Riverdale, College Park, Fairburn, Lilburn, Clarkston and Hampton. Motorists should slow down and be prepared for possible loss of control due to hydroplaning. LAT...LON 3348 8477 3378 8443 3394 8411 3389 8385 3379 8398 3375 8392 3371 8391 3365 8393 3352 8405 3350 8403 3323 8430 3322 8480 TIME...MOT...LOC 1317Z 222DEG 21KT 3384 8396 3334 8471 http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T09:17:00.000-04:00...storm...222DEG...21KT...33.84,-83.96 33.34,-84.71 NWSheadline SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR FAYETTE... SOUTHEAST FULTON... ROCKDALE...CLAYTON...EASTERN COWETA...DEKALB...SOUTHERN GWINNETT... SPALDING...AND HENRY COUNTIES UNTIL 1000 AM EDT EAS-ORG WXR PIL FFCSPSFFC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Fayette; Rockdale; Henry; North Fulton; DeKalb; Coweta; Gwinnett; Spalding; Clayton; South Fulton 33.48,-84.77 33.78,-84.43 33.94,-84.11 33.89,-83.85 33.79,-83.98 33.75,-83.92 33.71,-83.91 33.65,-83.93 33.52,-84.05 33.5,-84.03 33.23,-84.3 33.22,-84.8 33.48,-84.77 UGC GAZ054 UGC GAZ046 UGC GAZ057 UGC GAZ033 UGC GAZ045 UGC GAZ053 UGC GAZ034 UGC GAZ056 UGC GAZ055 UGC GAZ044 SAME 013113 SAME 013247 SAME 013151 SAME 013121 SAME 013089 SAME 013077 SAME 013135 SAME 013255 SAME 013063  586 XOUS54 KWBC 081320 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3622026-3147721 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:20:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621233-3147203,2019-06-07T20:05:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:20:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:20:00-05:00 2019-06-08T20:20:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:20AM CDT until June 10 at 9:15AM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX Brazos River Near South Bend Affecting Young County The Flood Warning continues for The Brazos River Near South Bend. * At 0730 AM Saturday the stage was 24.04 feet. * Flood stage is 21 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to recede and fall below flood stage by Sunday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0142.000000T0000Z-190610T1415Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLSFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T09:15:00-05:00 Young, TX 33.08,-98.68 33.04,-98.51 32.96,-98.6 33.03,-98.8 33.08,-98.68 UGC TXC503 SAME 048503  063 XOUS54 KWBC 081320 CAPCRP NWS-IDP-PROD-3622027-3147722 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:20:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621238-3147207,2019-06-07T20:07:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:20:00-05:00 2019-06-10T07:00:00-05:00 2019-06-09T02:20:00-05:00 NWS Corpus Christi TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:20AM CDT until June 12 at 6:12PM CDT by NWS Corpus Christi TX Nueces River At Cotulla affecting La Salle County .Recent or anticipated rainfall over the area will keep the aforementioned rivers above flood stage for the next few days. These river forecasts are based on forecast rainfall over the area, and are subject to change with rainfall forecasts. The Flood Warning continues for the Nueces River At Cotulla. * From Monday morning to Wednesday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Saturday the stage was 8.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Forecast: Rise above flood stage by Monday morning and continue to rise to near 15.7 feet by Tuesday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Wednesday morning. * At 15.0 feet Moderate lowland flooding occurs. The peripheral channels between Cotulla and Tilden cut off areas of the flood plain, and isolate or drown cattle. Irrigation pumps, oil field tanks, and hunting cabins are flooded near the river. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local TV and radio stations, or cable TV outlets, for the latest weather information, as additional rainfall could affect crest forecasts. For the latest river stages and forecasts visit our AHPS page at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=crp http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KCRP.FL.W.0011.190610T1200Z-190612T2312Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL CRPFLSCRP BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-12T18:12:00-05:00 La Salle, TX 28.59,-99.4 28.18,-98.94 28.17,-98.8 28.07,-98.8 28.08,-99.06 28.41,-99.39 28.59,-99.4 UGC TXC283 SAME 048283  125 XOUS54 KWBC 081324 CAPTSA NWS-IDP-PROD-3622031-3147723 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:24:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:24:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:24:00-05:00 2019-06-08T13:23:00-05:00 NWS Tulsa OK Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:24AM CDT until June 8 at 1:23PM CDT by NWS Tulsa OK Lee Creek near Van Buren affecting Crawford and Sequoyah Counties. The National Weather Service in Tulsa has issued a * Flood Warning for The Lee Creek near Van Buren * until this afternoon, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:23 AM Saturday, the stage was 401.0 feet. * Flood stage is 401.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is near crest and will fall below flood stage by around noon and continue to fall below the action stage of 399.0 feet Sunday morning. * Impact...At 401.0 feet, water may begin to cover an access road into Tailwater Park. The recreational vehicle campground near Rena Road begins to be affected by high water. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KTSA.FL.W.0069.190608T1324Z-190608T1823Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TSAFLWTSA BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T13:23:00-05:00 Crawford, AR; Sequoyah, OK 35.54,-94.37 35.42,-94.37 35.42,-94.42 35.54,-94.52 35.54,-94.37 UGC ARC033 UGC OKC135 SAME 005033 SAME 040135  407 XOUS54 KWBC 081325 CAPEWX NWS-IDP-PROD-3622032-3147724 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:25:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621180-3147158,2019-06-07T19:47:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:25:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:25:00-05:00 2019-06-09T02:24:00-05:00 NWS Austin/San Antonio TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:25AM CDT until June 9 at 4:47PM CDT by NWS Austin/San Antonio TX Nueces River Near Asherton Affecting Dimmit County The flood warning continues for the Nueces River Near Asherton. * At 7:30 AM Saturday the stage was 25.1 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Sunday. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Widespread moderate lowland flooding threatens livestock and equipment in low areas of the flood plain. Secondary roads and bridges flood and Farm to Market 190 is threatened. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... All persons with interests along the river should monitor the latest forecasts, and be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property. River stage forecasts are based on observed rainfall along with predicted rain. If actual rainfall varies from forecast values, the forecast river stages will change. Do not drive automobiles through flooded areas. Remember, 18 inches of water or less can carry away most vehicles, including trucks. If you see flood waters or come upon a flooded roadway, remember to turn around and do not drown. For the latest river stages and forecasts visit our web page at www.weather.gov/ewx. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KEWX.FL.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190609T2147Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL EWXFLSEWX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T16:47:00-05:00 Dimmit, TX 28.48,-99.75 28.53,-99.67 28.47,-99.39 28.39,-99.39 28.48,-99.75 UGC TXC127 SAME 048127  677 XOUS54 KWBC 081325 CAPHGX NWS-IDP-PROD-3622033-3147725 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:25:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621329-3147287,2019-06-07T20:39:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:25:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:25:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:40:43-05:00 NWS Houston/Galveston TX The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KHGX.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190608T1513Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL HGXFLSHGX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T10:13:00-05:00 Fort Bend, TX; Austin, TX; Wharton, TX; Colorado, TX 29.7,-96.25 29.7,-96.05 29.4,-95.92 29.4,-96.05 29.52,-96.11 29.7,-96.25 29.7,-96.25 UGC TXC157 UGC TXC015 UGC TXC481 UGC TXC089 SAME 048157 SAME 048015 SAME 048481 SAME 048089  921 XOUS54 KWBC 081326 CAPLZK NWS-IDP-PROD-3622034-3147726 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:26:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3614431-3142641,2019-06-05T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3617443-3144711,2019-06-06T08:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619820-3146273,2019-06-07T08:45:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FAW 2019-06-08T08:26:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:26:00-05:00 2019-06-09T09:00:00-05:00 NWS Little Rock AR Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:26AM CDT until June 9 at 9:00AM CDT by NWS Little Rock AR The National Weather Service in Little Rock has extended the * Flood Warning for... South central Faulkner County in central Arkansas... * Until 900 AM CDT Sunday. * At 822 AM CDT, The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission reports that Lake Conway is at 267.70 feet as of 7:45 AM CDT which is about 4.7 feet above normal pool. The Arkansas River at Toad Suck has fallen to 280.8 feet as of 7 AM CDT and is expected to continue falling. Lake Conway crested on Friday and is expected to continue a slow fall. Residential flooding around Lake Conway will continue to occur for the next several days. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Conway... Mayflower... Saltillo... Always heed the advice of local officials...your life may depend on it! http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KLZK.FA.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190609T1400Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LZKFLWLZK BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T09:00:00-05:00 Faulkner, AR 35.08,-92.39 35.04,-92.37 35.07,-92.33 35.07,-92.31 35.04,-92.31 35.02,-92.34 34.97,-92.35 34.96,-92.33 34.95,-92.38 34.96,-92.42 34.97,-92.43 35.01,-92.41 35.03,-92.43 35.04,-92.42 35.06,-92.45 35.08,-92.39 UGC ARC045 SAME 005045  995 XOUS55 KWBC 081326 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-40633 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T13:26:47-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-06-08T13:26:47-00:00 2019-06-08T13:36:47-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  881 XOUS53 KWBC 081328 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622035-3147727 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:28:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621159-3147141,2019-06-07T19:40:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:28:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:27:00-05:00 2019-06-09T00:26:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:27AM CDT until June 10 at 1:00AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Latest river forecast for the lower Wapsipinicon River. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Wapsipinicon River near De Witt 4S. * Until Sunday morning. * At 7:30 AM Saturday the stage was 11.2 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Recent activity, the recession of the river slowed over the past 24 hours and is now fairly steady. * Forecast, Rise to 11.3 feet today. Stay nearly steady through today, then begin falling and fall below flood stage Sunday morning. * Impact, At 11.0 feet, Flood Stage. Water affects County Road E63 north of the river near Toronto and affects the lowest roads in Buena Vista. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until Sunday morning VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0126.000000T0000Z-190610T0600Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T01:00:00-05:00 Scott, IA; Clinton, IA 42,-90.9 41.84,-90.71 41.77,-90.33 41.69,-90.35 41.71,-90.8 41.85,-90.9 42,-90.9 UGC IAC163 UGC IAC045 SAME 019163 SAME 019045  727 XOUS51 KWBC 081329 CAPRNK NWS-IDP-PROD-3622036-3147728 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:29:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621876-3147612,2019-06-08T05:00:00-04:00 Met Flood Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FAY 2019-06-08T09:29:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:29:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:38:00-04:00 NWS Blacksburg VA Flood Advisory issued June 8 at 9:29AM EDT until June 8 at 9:30AM EDT by NWS Blacksburg VA The heavy rain has ended, and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline THE FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 930 AM EDT FOR EAST CENTRAL ALLEGHANY AND SURRY COUNTIES IN NORTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA...STOKES COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL NORTH CAROLINA...YADKIN COUNTY IN NORTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA...SOUTH CENTRAL FLOYD... SOUTHEASTERN CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN GRAYSON AND PATRICK COUNTIES IN SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA VTEC /O.EXP.KRNK.FA.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-190608T1330Z/ PIL RNKFLSRNK BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T09:30:00-04:00 Stokes, NC; Patrick, VA; Yadkin, NC; Alleghany, NC; Floyd, VA; Surry, NC; Carroll, VA; Grayson, VA 36.06,-80.88 36.33,-80.87 36.4,-80.97 36.44,-80.98 36.63,-80.89 36.87,-80.22 36.87,-80.19 36.57,-80.06 36.27,-80.04 36.26,-80.06 36.26,-80.45 36.22,-80.43 36.21,-80.45 36.14,-80.44 36.1,-80.51 36.05,-80.5 36.06,-80.88 UGC NCC169 UGC VAC141 UGC NCC197 UGC NCC005 UGC VAC063 UGC NCC171 UGC VAC035 UGC VAC077 SAME 037169 SAME 051141 SAME 037197 SAME 037005 SAME 051063 SAME 037171 SAME 051035 SAME 051077  405 XOUS54 KWBC 081331 CAPLIX NWS-IDP-PROD-3622037-3147729 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:31:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Marine Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME SMW NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T08:31:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:31:00-05:00 2019-06-08T09:15:00-05:00 NWS New Orleans LA Special Marine Warning issued June 8 at 8:31AM CDT until June 8 at 9:15AM CDT by NWS New Orleans LA The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm... Coastal Waters from Stake Island LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River from 20 to 60 nm... Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island Louisiana out 20 to 60 NM... Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM... * Until 915 AM CDT. * At 830 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located 23 nm east of Pilottown, moving northeast at 20 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Waterspouts can quickly form and capsize boats...damage vessels and oil rigs...and create suddenly higher waves. Make sure all on board are in a secure location and wearing life jackets. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots and suddenly higher waves. Boats could sustain damage or capsize. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. Return to safe harbor if possible. * The severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly open waters. Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T08:30:00.000-05:00...storm...233DEG...19KT...29.07,-88.8 hailSize 0.00 windGust 40 knots waterspoutDetection POSSIBLE VTEC /O.NEW.KLIX.MA.W.0211.190608T1331Z-190608T1415Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL LIXSMWLIX BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T09:15:00-05:00 Coastal Waters from Stake Island LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River from 20 to 60 nm; Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island Louisiana out 20 to 60 NM; Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM 28.77,-88.89 28.95,-89.24 29.65,-88.56 29.44,-88.08 29.42,-88.07 29.4,-88.07 28.77,-88.89 UGC GMZ575 UGC GMZ555 UGC GMZ577 UGC GMZ557 SAME 077575 SAME 077555 SAME 077577 SAME 077557  463 XOUS54 KWBC 081331 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3622038-3147730 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:31:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621272-3147239,2019-06-07T20:19:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:31:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:31:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:46:44-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KFWD.FL.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190608T2000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLSFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T15:00:00-05:00 Jack, TX UGC TXC237 SAME 048237  120 XOUS54 KWBC 081335 CAPMOB NWS-IDP-PROD-3622039-3147731 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:34:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Marine Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME SMW NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T08:34:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:34:00-05:00 2019-06-08T10:00:00-05:00 NWS Mobile AL Special Marine Warning issued June 8 at 8:34AM CDT until June 8 at 10:00AM CDT by NWS Mobile AL The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Pensacola FL out 20 NM... Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM... Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Pensacola FL from 20 to 60 NM... Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 1000 AM CDT. * At 832 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located over Oriskany Reef, or 22 nm southeast of Pensacola Pass, moving east at 30 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... East Pass At Destin, Okaloosa Deep Water Reef, Oriskany Reef, Okaloosa Pier and Fort Walton Liberty Ship Reef. Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. Frequent lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T08:32:00.000-05:00...storm...263DEG...29KT...30.03,-87.03 hailSize 0.00 waterspoutDetection POSSIBLE VTEC /O.NEW.KMOB.MA.W.0132.190608T1334Z-190608T1500Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MOBSMWMOB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T10:00:00-05:00 Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Pensacola FL out 20 NM; Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Pensacola FL from 20 to 60 NM; Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM; Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM 29.81,-86.4 29.82,-87.21 30.03,-87.42 30.4,-86.66 30.38,-86.39 29.81,-86.4 UGC GMZ655 UGC GMZ675 UGC GMZ650 UGC GMZ670 SAME 077655 SAME 077675 SAME 077650 SAME 077670  207 XOUS51 KWBC 081335 CAPCLE NWS-IDP-PROD-3622040-3147732 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:35:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621832-3147590,2019-06-08T04:13:00-04:00 Met Beach Hazards Statement Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService BHS 2019-06-08T09:35:00-04:00 2019-06-08T10:00:00-04:00 2019-06-08T17:45:00-04:00 NWS Cleveland OH Beach Hazards Statement issued June 8 at 9:35AM EDT until June 9 at 1:00AM EDT by NWS Cleveland OH East-northeast winds of 15 to 25 knots will be present over the lake this afternoon into tonight. High pressure will be over the eastern Great Lakes as low pressure moves north into the Ohio Valley. This will likely result in lakeshore flooding on the Lake Erie Islands and along the Lake Erie shoreline from Toledo to Vermilion. Water levels are expected to peak this afternoon and evening. Additionally, high wave action over the central basin will present a high swimming risk. * LOCATIONS...Lake, Cuyahoga and Lorain. * TIMING...Through late tonight. * BEACH HAZARDS...High swimming risk from waves and dangerous currents. A Beach Hazards Statement is issued when swimming risks exist from a combination of wind and large waves including rip currents and longshore currents. These swimming risks can create life- threatening conditions even for good swimmers. Follow the instruction of local authorities or stay out of the water. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.BH.S.0003.190608T1400Z-190609T0500Z/ PIL CLECFWCLE BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T01:00:00-04:00 Cuyahoga; Lake; Lorain UGC OHZ011 UGC OHZ012 UGC OHZ010 SAME 039035 SAME 039085 SAME 039093  208 XOUS51 KWBC 081335 CAPCLE NWS-IDP-PROD-3622041-3147733 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:35:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621833-3147591,2019-06-08T04:13:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621678-3147529,2019-06-08T01:37:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621678-3147528,2019-06-08T01:37:00-04:00 Met Lakeshore Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME CFW NationalWeatherService LSW 2019-06-08T09:35:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:35:00-04:00 2019-06-08T17:45:00-04:00 NWS Cleveland OH Lakeshore Flood Warning issued June 8 at 9:35AM EDT until June 9 at 4:00AM EDT by NWS Cleveland OH East-northeast winds of 15 to 25 knots will be present over the lake this afternoon into tonight. High pressure will be over the eastern Great Lakes as low pressure moves north into the Ohio Valley. This will likely result in lakeshore flooding on the Lake Erie Islands and along the Lake Erie shoreline from Toledo to Vermilion. Water levels are expected to peak this afternoon and evening. Additionally, high wave action over the central basin will present a high swimming risk. * LOCATIONS...Lucas, Ottawa, Erie and Sandusky. * TIMING...Until 4 AM EDT Sunday. * LAKESHORE FLOODING...As of 930 AM EDT, the water level at Toledo was 75 inches above low water datum. The water level is expected to continue to rise another foot by this evening. The water level is then expected to fall during the night reducing the threat for flooding. * SHORELINE IMPACTS...Flooding is expected along the immediate lakeshore. Beach and shoreline erosion is also possible. Rising water levels in marinas and waterways into the lake may also submerge docks and shoreline structures. A Lakeshore Flood Warning is issued when flooding is occurring or imminent along the lake. Residents on or near the shore in the warned area should take immediate action to protect life and property. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline LAKESHORE FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EDT SUNDAY VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.LS.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190609T0800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL CLECFWCLE BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T04:00:00-04:00 Sandusky; Lucas; Ottawa; Erie UGC OHZ008 UGC OHZ003 UGC OHZ007 UGC OHZ009 SAME 039143 SAME 039095 SAME 039123 SAME 039043  958 XOUS54 KWBC 081335 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3622042-3147734 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621271-3147238,2019-06-07T20:19:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T20:34:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:35AM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX Trinity River At Dallas Affecting Dallas County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... West Fork Trinity River Near Boyd Affecting Wise County Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties Trinity River Near Long Lake (Oakwood) Affecting Anderson... Freestone and Leon Counties The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River At Trinidad. * At 0800 AM Saturday the stage was 40.45 feet. * Flood stage is 33 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to a crest near 41 feet by Saturday evening then begin falling but remain above flood stage. * At 40 feet, moderate flooding will occur along the right bank to agricultural fields and the cattle industry. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0138.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLSFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Navarro, TX; Henderson, TX 32.23,-96.13 32.07,-96 32.06,-96.13 32.19,-96.26 32.23,-96.13 UGC TXC349 UGC TXC213 SAME 048349 SAME 048213  959 XOUS54 KWBC 081335 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3622044-3147736 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621268-3147235,2019-06-07T20:19:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T20:34:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:35AM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX Trinity River At Dallas Affecting Dallas County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... West Fork Trinity River Near Boyd Affecting Wise County Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties Trinity River Near Long Lake (Oakwood) Affecting Anderson... Freestone and Leon Counties The Flood Warning continues for The West Fork Trinity River Near Boyd. * At 0815 AM Saturday the stage was 17.34 feet. * Flood stage is 16 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will crest near 17 feet Saturday afternoon then remain above flood for the next few days. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0144.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLSFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Wise, TX 33.16,-97.56 33.05,-97.46 33,-97.58 33.19,-97.74 33.16,-97.56 UGC TXC497 SAME 048497  960 XOUS54 KWBC 081335 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3622045-3147737 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621269-3147236,2019-06-07T20:19:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T20:34:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:35AM CDT until June 9 at 2:00AM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX Trinity River At Dallas Affecting Dallas County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... West Fork Trinity River Near Boyd Affecting Wise County Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties Trinity River Near Long Lake (Oakwood) Affecting Anderson... Freestone and Leon Counties The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River At Dallas. * At 0800 AM Saturday the stage was 30.46 feet. * Flood stage is 30 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to recede and fall below flood stage by Saturday afternoon. * At 30 feet, minor lowland flooding will begin. The pasture lands near the river will flood. Trails along the river begin to flood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0132.000000T0000Z-190609T0700Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLSFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T02:00:00-05:00 Dallas, TX 32.75,-96.93 32.81,-96.93 32.83,-96.83 32.75,-96.71 32.69,-96.76 32.78,-96.87 32.75,-96.93 UGC TXC113 SAME 048113  961 XOUS54 KWBC 081335 CAPFWD NWS-IDP-PROD-3622043-3147735 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621270-3147237,2019-06-07T20:19:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:35:00-05:00 2019-06-08T20:34:00-05:00 NWS Fort Worth TX Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:35AM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX Trinity River At Dallas Affecting Dallas County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... West Fork Trinity River Near Boyd Affecting Wise County Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties Trinity River Near Long Lake (Oakwood) Affecting Anderson... Freestone and Leon Counties The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River Near Long Lake (Oakwood). * At 0730 AM Saturday the stage was 36.27 feet. * Flood stage is 35 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will crest near 38 feet Thursday morning then remain above flood for the next few days. * At 37 feet, minor flooding of the Coffield Prison agricultural land, and ranch and farm lands along the river, is expected. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0146.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL FWDFLSFWD BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Freestone, TX; Leon, TX; Anderson, TX 31.73,-95.8 31.49,-95.62 31.5,-95.8 31.7,-95.93 31.73,-95.8 UGC TXC161 UGC TXC289 UGC TXC001 SAME 048161 SAME 048289 SAME 048001  614 XOUS53 KWBC 081336 CAPSGF NWS-IDP-PROD-3622046-3147738 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619527-3146111,2019-06-07T02:51:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:36:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:36:00-05:00 2019-06-08T20:36:00-05:00 NWS Springfield MO Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:36AM CDT by NWS Springfield MO Sac River near Caplinger Mills affecting Cedar County * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 19.0 feet by tomorrow morning then begin falling. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Moderate Flood Stage. Flood waters reach approximately three feet in depth at the Caplinger Mills Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Those with property and livestock along the river should continue to monitor river conditions.Additional river information can be found on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/ index.php?wfo=sgf http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline For the Sac River near Caplinger Mills VTEC /O.CON.KSGF.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SGFFLWSGF BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Cedar, MO 37.83,-93.84 37.83,-93.81 37.7,-93.72 37.69,-93.77 37.83,-93.84 UGC MOC039 SAME 029039  283 XOUS55 KWBC 081336 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-37903 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T13:36:48-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-06-08T13:36:48-00:00 2019-06-08T13:46:48-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  224 XOUS51 KWBC 081337 CAPCLE NWS-IDP-PROD-3622047-3147739 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:36:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621829-3147589,2019-06-08T04:09:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T09:36:00-04:00 2019-06-08T10:00:00-04:00 2019-06-08T17:45:00-04:00 NWS Cleveland OH Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 9:36AM EDT until June 9 at 1:00AM EDT by NWS Cleveland OH * WINDS...East 10 to 20 knots with gusts up to 30 knots. * WAVES...3 to 5 feet. A Small Craft Advisory is issued when waves of 4 feet or more are expected or wind speeds reach 21 to 33 knots which may produce hazardous conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should stay in port during these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EDT SUNDAY VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.SC.Y.0040.190608T1400Z-190609T0500Z/ PIL CLEMWWCLE BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T01:00:00-04:00 Vermilion to Avon Point OH; Willowick to Geneva-on-the Lake OH; Reno Beach to The Islands OH; Maumee Bay to Reno Beach OH; Avon Point to Willowick OH; The Islands to Vermilion OH UGC LEZ145 UGC LEZ147 UGC LEZ143 UGC LEZ142 UGC LEZ146 UGC LEZ144 SAME 096145 SAME 096147 SAME 096143 SAME 096142 SAME 096146 SAME 096144  707 XOUS54 KWBC 081342 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622048-3147740 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:42:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621149-3147132,2019-06-07T19:35:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:42:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:42:00-05:00 2019-06-09T14:42:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:42AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until further notice. * At 7:00 AM Saturday the stage was 57.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will begin falling. * Impact...At 55.0 feet...Several thousand acres of farm and agricultural land are inundated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Franklin, LA 31.86,-91.8 31.96,-91.92 32.05,-92.01 32.12,-92.02 32.18,-91.84 31.95,-91.79 31.86,-91.8 UGC LAC041 SAME 022041  037 XOUS54 KWBC 081343 CAPTSA NWS-IDP-PROD-3622049-3147741 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621827-3147587,2019-06-08T03:09:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:42:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:42:00-05:00 NWS Tulsa OK Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:42AM CDT by NWS Tulsa OK Arkansas River at Van Buren affecting Crawford and Sebastian Counties. Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam affecting Franklin...Johnson and Logan Counties. The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam. * until further notice, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Saturday, the stage was 362.6 feet and the pool elevation was 371.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 357.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 362.9 feet by early Sunday afternoon. The river will then fall but remain above 359 feet through Wednesday. The pool elevation is expected to remain nearly steady between 371 and 372 feet through Today. The flow along the river will decrease through early this afternoon then increase to around 273,000 cubic feet per second by Sunday evening. * Impact...At 363.0 feet, patrolling of McLean Bottom Levee in Logan County and Lower Hartman Levee in Johnson County begins. Flooding spreads over more than 4,000 acres in Franklin and Logan Counties. Numerous gas fields are flooded. Some agricultural lands in Johnson County also are flooded. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KTSA.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TSAFLSTSA BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Logan, AR; Franklin, AR; Johnson, AR 35.46,-94.05 35.5,-93.82 35.42,-93.47 35.36,-93.49 35.31,-93.71 35.4,-93.85 35.46,-94.05 UGC ARC083 UGC ARC047 UGC ARC071 SAME 005083 SAME 005047 SAME 005071  038 XOUS54 KWBC 081343 CAPTSA NWS-IDP-PROD-3622050-3147742 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621828-3147588,2019-06-08T03:09:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:42:00-05:00 2019-06-08T16:42:00-05:00 NWS Tulsa OK Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:42AM CDT by NWS Tulsa OK Arkansas River at Van Buren affecting Crawford and Sebastian Counties. Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam affecting Franklin...Johnson and Logan Counties. The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River at Van Buren. * until further notice, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Saturday, the stage was 26.30 feet. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The Arkansas River at Van Buren will continue rising to near 26.7 feet Sunday before dawn then begin falling but remaining above 22.0 feet through Wednesday. * Impact...At 27.0 feet, extensive lowland flooding occurs east of the I-540 bridge to Vache Grasse Creek. Sand and gravel companies, marine terminals, and similar businesses in the floodplain begin to flood. The lowest seating rows in the Kelley Park amphitheater are covered by high water. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KTSA.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL TSAFLSTSA BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Sebastian, AR; Crawford, AR 35.49,-94.39 35.39,-94.22 35.31,-94.22 35.31,-94.54 35.4,-94.54 35.49,-94.39 UGC ARC131 UGC ARC033 SAME 005131 SAME 005033  285 XOUS54 KWBC 081343 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622051-3147743 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621154-3147137,2019-06-07T19:38:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:43:00-05:00 2019-06-09T14:41:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:43AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Black River At Jonesville L&D affecting Catahoula and Concordia Parishes The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Jonesville L&D * until further notice. * At 6:00 AM Saturday the stage was 51.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 51.8 feet. * Impact...At 52.0 feet...Backwater flooding on right bank threatens residences. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Catahoula, LA; Concordia, LA 31.39,-91.99 31.91,-91.95 31.86,-91.8 31.6,-91.7 31.44,-91.68 31.41,-91.68 31.39,-91.99 UGC LAC025 UGC LAC029 SAME 022025 SAME 022029  354 XOUS54 KWBC 081345 CAPMOB NWS-IDP-PROD-3622052-3147744 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:44:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Special Marine Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Likely SAME SMW NationalWeatherService MAW 2019-06-08T08:44:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:44:00-05:00 2019-06-08T10:15:00-05:00 NWS Mobile AL Special Marine Warning issued June 8 at 8:44AM CDT until June 8 at 10:15AM CDT by NWS Mobile AL The National Weather Service in Mobile has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 1015 AM CDT. * At 844 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located 45 nm east of Pilottown, moving east at 30 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will remain over mainly open waters. Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. Frequent lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. http://www.weather.gov eventMotionDescription 2019-06-08T08:44:00.000-05:00...storm...263DEG...29KT...29.38,-88.38 hailSize 0.00 waterspoutDetection POSSIBLE VTEC /O.NEW.KMOB.MA.W.0133.190608T1344Z-190608T1515Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL MOBSMWMOB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T10:15:00-05:00 Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM 29.62,-88.18 29.85,-87.59 29.29,-87.4 29.27,-87.5 29.27,-87.55 29.25,-87.59 29.25,-87.64 29.23,-87.76 29.23,-87.83 29.2,-87.97 29.62,-88.18 UGC GMZ670 SAME 077670  930 XOUS55 KWBC 081346 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-49370 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T13:46:48-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-06-08T13:46:48-00:00 2019-06-08T13:56:48-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  176 XOUS53 KWBC 081346 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622062-3147746 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:46:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621205-3147177,2019-06-07T19:55:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:46:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:46:00-05:00 2019-06-09T00:46:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:46AM CDT until June 14 at 1:00AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Receding levels on the Rock River through the weekend. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Rock River near Joslin. * Until Thursday morning. * At 7:45 AM Saturday the stage was 15.0 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring. * Recent activity, the river crested on Friday and began falling Friday night. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage next Thursday. * Impact, At 15.0 feet, Water affects residences in the Thompson addition. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning remains in effect until Thursday morning VTEC /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0124.000000T0000Z-190614T0600Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-14T01:00:00-05:00 Rock Island, IL; Henry, IL; Whiteside, IL 41.52,-90.32 41.69,-90.02 41.63,-89.99 41.48,-90.27 41.52,-90.32 UGC ILC161 UGC ILC073 UGC ILC195 SAME 017161 SAME 017073 SAME 017195  177 XOUS53 KWBC 081346 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622061-3147745 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:46:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621204-3147176,2019-06-07T19:55:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:46:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:46:00-05:00 2019-06-09T00:46:00-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:46AM CDT until June 14 at 1:00AM CDT by NWS Quad Cities IA IL Receding levels on the Rock River through the weekend. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. The Flood Warning continues for The Rock River at Moline. * Until Thursday morning. * At 8:30 AM Saturday the stage was 14.4 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring. * Recent activity, the river crested again early this morning and has begun to fall. * Forecast, continue receding and fall below flood stage next Thursday. * Impact, At 14.0 feet, Major Flood Stage. Water affects South Shore Drive and North Shore Drive in Moline west of the 27th Street bridge. Water limits access to homes on South Shore Drive east of the I-74 bridge. Water also affects portions of 60th Street south of John Deere Road. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning now in effect until Thursday morning VTEC /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0125.000000T0000Z-190614T0600Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-14T01:00:00-05:00 Rock Island, IL; Henry, IL 41.48,-90.61 41.52,-90.32 41.48,-90.27 41.44,-90.43 41.45,-90.64 41.48,-90.61 UGC ILC161 UGC ILC073 SAME 017161 SAME 017073  536 XOUS55 KWBC 081349 CAPPUB NWS-IDP-PROD-3622063-3147747 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T07:49:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Watch Prepare Future Severe Possible SAME FFA NationalWeatherService FAA 2019-06-08T07:49:00-06:00 2019-06-08T07:49:00-06:00 2019-06-08T16:00:00-06:00 NWS Pueblo CO Flood Watch issued June 8 at 7:49AM MDT until June 12 at 12:00PM MDT by NWS Pueblo CO Warm temperatures have been causing rapid snowmelt in the high country, and many creeks, streams and rivers in the southwest mountains and portions of the San Luis Valley are running high and fast, with some areas reporting minor flooding. With warm temperatures expected to continue, the snowmelt will continue and could cause flooding concerns through the next several days. The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Watch for portions of central Colorado and south central Colorado, including the following areas, the La Garita Mountains. the Central and Southern San Luis Valley, the Eastern San Juan Mountains, and the Upper Rio Grande Valley. * Through Wednesday morning * Rapid snowmelt due to warm temperatures is causing high and fast flows in area creeks, stream and rivers. Snowmelt over the next several days will add more water, and the potential for flooding. * Minor to moderate flooding will be possible. A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING VTEC /O.NEW.KPUB.FA.A.0001.190608T1349Z-190612T1800Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL PUBFFAPUB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-12T12:00:00-06:00 Southern San Luis Valley; Saguache County East of Continental Divide below 10000 Ft; Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Ft; Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Ft; Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Ft; La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Ft UGC COZ071 UGC COZ065 UGC COZ070 UGC COZ068 UGC COZ067 UGC COZ066 SAME 008023 SAME 008021 SAME 008109 SAME 008105 SAME 008003 SAME 008079  414 XOUS51 KWBC 081350 CAPPHI NWS-IDP-PROD-3622066-3147752 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621764-3147567,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621764-3147566,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-09T02:00:00-04:00 2019-06-08T23:00:00-04:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 9:50AM EDT until June 10 at 6:00AM EDT by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WINDS AND SEAS...East winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM SUNDAY TO 6 AM EDT MONDAY... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EDT THIS MORNING VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0059.190609T0600Z-190610T1000Z/ PIL PHIMWWPHI BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T06:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm UGC ANZ451 UGC ANZ450 SAME 073451 SAME 073450  415 XOUS51 KWBC 081350 CAPPHI NWS-IDP-PROD-3622066-3147751 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621764-3147567,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621764-3147566,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-08T23:00:00-04:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued June 8 at 9:50AM EDT until June 8 at 10:00AM EDT by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WINDS AND SEAS...East winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 3 to 6 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM SUNDAY TO 6 AM EDT MONDAY... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EDT THIS MORNING VTEC /O.EXP.KPHI.MF.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190608T1400Z/ PIL PHIMWWPHI BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T10:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm UGC ANZ451 UGC ANZ450 SAME 073451 SAME 073450  416 XOUS51 KWBC 081350 CAPPHI NWS-IDP-PROD-3622065-3147750 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621765-3147568,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620423-3146697,2019-06-07T15:16:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-08T15:00:00-04:00 2019-06-08T23:00:00-04:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 9:50AM EDT until June 10 at 6:00AM EDT by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WINDS AND SEAS...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 AM EDT MONDAY VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0059.190608T1900Z-190610T1000Z/ PIL PHIMWWPHI BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T06:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm UGC ANZ455 UGC ANZ454 SAME 073455 SAME 073454  417 XOUS51 KWBC 081350 CAPPHI NWS-IDP-PROD-3622064-3147748 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621763-3147564,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621763-3147565,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-08T20:00:00-04:00 2019-06-08T23:00:00-04:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 9:50AM EDT until June 10 at 6:00AM EDT by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WINDS AND SEAS...East winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EDT MONDAY... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EDT THIS MORNING VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0059.190609T0000Z-190610T1000Z/ PIL PHIMWWPHI BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T06:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm UGC ANZ453 UGC ANZ452 SAME 073453 SAME 073452  418 XOUS51 KWBC 081350 CAPPHI NWS-IDP-PROD-3622064-3147749 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621763-3147564,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621763-3147565,2019-06-08T03:23:00-04:00 Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:50:00-04:00 2019-06-08T23:00:00-04:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued June 8 at 9:50AM EDT until June 8 at 10:00AM EDT by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WINDS AND SEAS...East winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 4 to 7 feet. A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EDT MONDAY... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EDT THIS MORNING VTEC /O.EXP.KPHI.MF.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190608T1400Z/ PIL PHIMWWPHI BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T10:00:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm UGC ANZ453 UGC ANZ452 SAME 073453 SAME 073452  735 XOUS56 KWBC 081351 CAPMFR NWS-IDP-PROD-3622068-3147754 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619681-3146199,2019-06-07T03:14:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619327-3146019,2019-06-06T20:45:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620740-3146868,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620740-3146869,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620740-3146867,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621939-3147666,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621939-3147667,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621939-3147665,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T20:00:00-07:00 NWS Medford OR Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 6:51AM PDT until June 11 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Medford OR * Winds...North winds 25 to 33 kt with occasional gusts to 40 kt this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. * Seas...Steep to very steep seas of 7 to 10 feet by this afternoon and continuing through Sunday afternoon. Additional very steep seas will occur into Monday. * Areas affected...Small craft advisory level conditions will impact the waters south of Cape Blanco by this afternoon. Very steep seas will develop across the waters from Cape Sebastian south, beyond 5 nm from shore beginning late this afternoon through Sunday afternoon with steep seas and gusty north winds elsewhere. These conditions may linger into Monday. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard A Hazardous Seas Warning means very steep and hazardous sea conditions are imminent or occurring. Recreational boaters should remain in port, or take shelter until waves subside. Commercial vessels should prepare for rough seas and consider remaining in port or taking shelter in port until hazardous seas subside. A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...HAZARDOUS SEAS WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM PDT TUESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-190611T1200Z/ PIL MFRMWWMFR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-11T05:00:00-07:00 Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm UGC PZZ356 SAME 057356  736 XOUS56 KWBC 081351 CAPMFR NWS-IDP-PROD-3622067-3147753 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621940-3147668,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620742-3146874,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T17:00:00-07:00 2019-06-08T20:00:00-07:00 NWS Medford OR Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 6:51AM PDT until June 11 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Medford OR * Winds...North winds 20 to 25 kt with occasional gusts to 30 kt. * Seas...Steep, choppy 6 to 8 ft seas will develop late this afternoon into Sunday. Steep 8 to 10 feet Monday and Tuesday. * Areas affected...Small craft advisory level winds and seas will move into the northern waters Saturday night. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM PDT TUESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0046.190609T0000Z-190611T1200Z/ PIL MFRMWWMFR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-11T05:00:00-07:00 Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm; Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm UGC PZZ370 UGC PZZ350 SAME 057370 SAME 057350  737 XOUS56 KWBC 081351 CAPMFR NWS-IDP-PROD-3622068-3147755 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619681-3146199,2019-06-07T03:14:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619327-3146019,2019-06-06T20:45:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620740-3146868,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620740-3146869,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620740-3146867,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621939-3147666,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621939-3147667,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621939-3147665,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 Met Hazardous Seas Warning Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SEW 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T17:00:00-07:00 2019-06-08T20:00:00-07:00 NWS Medford OR Hazardous Seas Warning issued June 8 at 6:51AM PDT until June 11 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Medford OR * Winds...North winds 25 to 33 kt with occasional gusts to 40 kt this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. * Seas...Steep to very steep seas of 7 to 10 feet by this afternoon and continuing through Sunday afternoon. Additional very steep seas will occur into Monday. * Areas affected...Small craft advisory level conditions will impact the waters south of Cape Blanco by this afternoon. Very steep seas will develop across the waters from Cape Sebastian south, beyond 5 nm from shore beginning late this afternoon through Sunday afternoon with steep seas and gusty north winds elsewhere. These conditions may linger into Monday. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard A Hazardous Seas Warning means very steep and hazardous sea conditions are imminent or occurring. Recreational boaters should remain in port, or take shelter until waves subside. Commercial vessels should prepare for rough seas and consider remaining in port or taking shelter in port until hazardous seas subside. A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...HAZARDOUS SEAS WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM PDT TUESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMFR.SE.W.0033.190609T0000Z-190611T1200Z/ PIL MFRMWWMFR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-11T05:00:00-07:00 Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm UGC PZZ356 SAME 057356  857 XOUS56 KWBC 081351 CAPMFR NWS-IDP-PROD-3622069-3147757 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619682-3146201,2019-06-07T03:14:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619682-3146200,2019-06-07T03:14:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146871,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146873,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146872,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146870,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619326-3146018,2019-06-06T20:45:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619326-3146017,2019-06-06T20:45:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621941-3147670,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621941-3147671,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621941-3147669,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T20:00:00-07:00 NWS Medford OR Small Craft Advisory issued June 8 at 6:51AM PDT until June 9 at 5:00PM PDT by NWS Medford OR * Winds...North winds 25 to 30 kt and occasional gusts to 35 kt this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. * Seas...Steep 8 to 11 feet by late this afternoon and continuing through Sunday afternoon. Additional very steep seas will occur into Monday. * Areas affected...Small craft advisory level winds will expand to include most the waters south of Cape Blanco this afternoon. Very steep seas will develop across the waters from Cape Sebastian south, beyond 5 nm from shore beginning late this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard A Hazardous Seas Warning means very steep and hazardous sea conditions are imminent or occurring. Recreational boaters should remain in port, or take shelter until waves subside. Commercial vessels should prepare for rough seas and consider remaining in port or taking shelter in port until hazardous seas subside. A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT SUNDAY... ...HAZARDOUS SEAS WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM PDT TUESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-190610T0000Z/ PIL MFRMWWMFR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-09T17:00:00-07:00 Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm UGC PZZ376 SAME 057376  858 XOUS56 KWBC 081351 CAPMFR NWS-IDP-PROD-3622069-3147756 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619682-3146201,2019-06-07T03:14:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619682-3146200,2019-06-07T03:14:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146871,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146873,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146872,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3620741-3146870,2019-06-07T14:10:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619326-3146018,2019-06-06T20:45:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619326-3146017,2019-06-06T20:45:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621941-3147670,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621941-3147671,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621941-3147669,2019-06-08T03:32:00-07:00 Met Hazardous Seas Warning Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SEW 2019-06-08T06:51:00-07:00 2019-06-08T17:00:00-07:00 2019-06-08T20:00:00-07:00 NWS Medford OR Hazardous Seas Warning issued June 8 at 6:51AM PDT until June 11 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Medford OR * Winds...North winds 25 to 30 kt and occasional gusts to 35 kt this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. * Seas...Steep 8 to 11 feet by late this afternoon and continuing through Sunday afternoon. Additional very steep seas will occur into Monday. * Areas affected...Small craft advisory level winds will expand to include most the waters south of Cape Blanco this afternoon. Very steep seas will develop across the waters from Cape Sebastian south, beyond 5 nm from shore beginning late this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/hazard A Hazardous Seas Warning means very steep and hazardous sea conditions are imminent or occurring. Recreational boaters should remain in port, or take shelter until waves subside. Commercial vessels should prepare for rough seas and consider remaining in port or taking shelter in port until hazardous seas subside. A Small Craft Advisory means that winds and seas will create a potential hazard to smaller vessels and inexperienced mariners. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT SUNDAY... ...HAZARDOUS SEAS WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM PDT TUESDAY VTEC /O.CON.KMFR.SE.W.0033.190609T0000Z-190611T1200Z/ PIL MFRMWWMFR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-11T05:00:00-07:00 Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm UGC PZZ376 SAME 057376  685 XOUS53 KWBC 081353 CAPSGF NWS-IDP-PROD-3622070-3147758 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:53:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619528-3146112,2019-06-07T02:51:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:53:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:53:00-05:00 2019-06-08T23:52:00-05:00 NWS Springfield MO Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:53AM CDT by NWS Springfield MO Osage River near Schell City affecting Bates and Vernon Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio for updates or local media for updates. Additional river information can be found on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/ index.php?wfo=sgf http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline For the Osage River near Schell City VTEC /O.CON.KSGF.FL.W.0047.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SGFFLSSGF BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Bates, MO; Vernon, MO 38.07,-94.15 38.06,-94.06 37.99,-94.06 38.03,-94.16 38.07,-94.15 UGC MOC013 UGC MOC217 SAME 029013 SAME 029217  527 XOUS55 KWBC 081353 CAPPUB NWS-IDP-PROD-3622071-3147759 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T07:53:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T07:53:00-06:00 2019-06-08T12:00:00-06:00 2019-06-08T19:53:00-06:00 NWS Pueblo CO Flood Warning issued June 8 at 7:53AM MDT by NWS Pueblo CO Rio Grande River Near Del Norte affecting Rio Grande County. .Warm temperatures at the end of the week have helped accelerate spring snowmelt. Area reservoirs are in storage storage capacities... and diversions are being maximized. Rivers are expected to continue to run high through the weekend. The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Warning for The Rio Grande River Near Del Norte. * from this afternoon until further notice. * At 7:01 AM Saturday the stage was 5.4 feet. * Flood stage is 5.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by early this afternoon and continue to rise to near 5.7 feet by after midnight Monday morning. additional rises are possible thereafter. * Impact...At 5.5 feet...Minor Flood. The Del Norte Riverwalk Trail floods.. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message... Stay away from the banks of rivers and streams. During a flood... saturated banks can easily break off and fall into potentially deadly...fast flowing flood water. Stay tuned to your National Weather Service in Pueblo for the latest information. For the latest hydrologic forecasts and warnings...visit the National Weather Service in Pueblo at weather.gov/pueblo. You can link directly to the hydrology page by clicking on Rivers and Lakes above the map. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KPUB.FL.W.0001.190608T1800Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL PUBFLWPUB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Rio Grande, CO 37.72,-106.46 37.72,-106.36 37.67,-106.21 37.62,-106.27 37.65,-106.36 37.65,-106.46 37.72,-106.46 UGC COC105 SAME 008105  373 XOUS53 KWBC 081355 CAPSGF NWS-IDP-PROD-3622078-3147760 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:55:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3619526-3146110,2019-06-07T02:51:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:55:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:55:00-05:00 2019-06-08T09:10:24-05:00 NWS Springfield MO The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio for updates or local media for updates. Additional river information can be found on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/ index.php?wfo=sgf http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CAN.KSGF.FL.W.0045.000000T0000Z-190608T2330Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL SGFFLSSGF BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T18:30:00-05:00 Vernon, MO 38,-94.54 38.01,-94.37 37.95,-94.37 37.94,-94.55 38,-94.54 UGC MOC217 SAME 029217  992 XOUS55 KWBC 081355 CAPPUB NWS-IDP-PROD-3622079-3147761 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T07:55:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 Met Flood Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME FLW NationalWeatherService FAW 2019-06-08T07:55:00-06:00 2019-06-08T07:55:00-06:00 2019-06-10T19:45:00-06:00 NWS Pueblo CO Flood Warning issued June 8 at 7:55AM MDT until June 10 at 7:45PM MDT by NWS Pueblo CO The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Warning for... Snowmelt in... Southeastern Conejos County in south central Colorado... * Until 745 PM MDT Monday. * Flooding of the Conejos and San Antonio Rivers will continue over the next several days as warm temperatures across the mountains accelerates snowmelt. In addition to minor flooding along the rivers, many ditches in the area are also running high and fast and could overflow as additional water comes down over the next 24 hours and beyond. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Manassa, Sanford, Antonito, Conejos and Ortiz. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.NEW.KPUB.FA.W.0003.190608T1355Z-190611T0145Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL PUBFLWPUB BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-10T19:45:00-06:00 Conejos, CO 37.26,-105.85 37.13,-105.89 37.1,-105.87 37.06,-105.9 37.06,-105.96 37.05,-106.01 37.02,-106.01 37.02,-106.03 37.06,-106.03 37.07,-106.05 37.05,-106.08 37.04,-106.19 37.06,-106.19 37.06,-106.14 37.07,-106.1 37.13,-105.99 37.17,-105.95 37.2,-105.91 37.26,-105.91 37.26,-105.85 UGC COC021 SAME 008021  976 XOUS51 KWBC 081355 CAPRNK NWS-IDP-PROD-3622080-3147762 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T09:55:00-04:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621973-3147686,2019-06-08T07:48:00-04:00 Met Flood Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FAY 2019-06-08T09:55:00-04:00 2019-06-08T09:55:00-04:00 2019-06-08T11:45:00-04:00 NWS Blacksburg VA Flood Advisory issued June 8 at 9:55AM EDT until June 8 at 11:45AM EDT by NWS Blacksburg VA Parts of this area...western Franklin...northeastern Floyd... southwestern Roanoke and east central Montgomery are now under a Flash Flood Warning...number 12. At 944 AM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated moderate to heavy rain across parts of the area. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Rainfall over the past 24 hours has ranged from 2 to 5 inches with up to 2 inches in the past 6 hours. Additional rainfall of 1 to 1.5 inches is possible over the area in the next few hours. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM EDT FOR ROANOKE...NORTHEASTERN FLOYD...FRANKLIN AND EASTERN MONTGOMERY COUNTIES...THE CITY OF SALEM AND THE CITY OF ROANOKE VTEC /O.CON.KRNK.FA.Y.0071.000000T0000Z-190608T1545Z/ PIL RNKFLSRNK BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T11:45:00-04:00 Floyd, VA; Montgomery, VA; City of Roanoke, VA; Roanoke, VA; City of Salem, VA; Franklin, VA 36.86,-80.17 37.28,-80.49 37.35,-80.28 37.34,-80.26 37.41,-80.08 37.3,-79.84 37.29,-79.85 37.22,-79.85 37.21,-79.8 37.23,-79.78 37.21,-79.78 37.19,-79.75 37.05,-79.63 36.87,-79.66 36.79,-79.77 36.86,-80.17 UGC VAC063 UGC VAC121 UGC VAC770 UGC VAC161 UGC VAC775 UGC VAC067 SAME 051063 SAME 051121 SAME 051770 SAME 051161 SAME 051775 SAME 051067  932 XOUS54 KWBC 081356 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622081-3147763 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621244-3147213,2019-06-07T20:11:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:55:00-05:00 2019-06-09T14:55:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:55AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Saturday the stage was 33.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 34.0 feet Thursday morning. * Impact...At 34.0 feet...Minor flooding of mostly agricultural land is occurring outside levee protection system. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Yazoo, MS 32.62,-90.73 32.85,-90.55 33.02,-90.51 33.01,-90.33 32.83,-90.42 32.59,-90.62 32.62,-90.73 UGC MSC163 SAME 028163  065 XOUS54 KWBC 081356 CAPJAN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622082-3147764 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621243-3147212,2019-06-07T20:11:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:55:00-05:00 2019-06-09T14:55:00-05:00 NWS Jackson MS Flood Warning issued June 8 at 8:55AM CDT by NWS Jackson MS Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Saturday the stage was 47.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 45.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 47.1 feet. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Minor flooding is occurring along the State Highway 14 bridge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. http://www.weather.gov VTEC /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL JANFLSJAN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Sharkey, MS 32.55,-90.79 32.94,-90.84 33.24,-90.81 33.24,-90.64 32.93,-90.67 32.62,-90.73 32.55,-90.79 UGC MSC125 SAME 028125  414 XOUS55 KWBC 081356 CAPWBC NWS-IDP-PROD-KEEPALIVE-35051 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T13:56:48-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2019-06-08T13:56:48-00:00 2019-06-08T14:06:48-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov PIL NWSKEPWBC BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery UGC MDC031 SAME 024031  246 XOUS53 KWBC 081357 CAPDVN NWS-IDP-PROD-3622083-3147765 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,NWS-IDP-PROD-3621179-3147157,2019-06-07T19:47:00-05:00 Met Flood Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 2019-06-08T08:56:00-05:00 2019-06-08T09:12:04-05:00 NWS Quad Cities IA IL The Flood Warning has been cancelled. The Flood Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. http://www.weather.gov NWSheadline Flood Warning is cancelled VTEC /O.CAN.KDVN.FL.W.0113.000000T0000Z-190609T0000Z/ EAS-ORG WXR PIL DVNFLSDVN BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM eventEndingTime 2019-06-08T19:00:00-05:00 Louisa, IA 41.23,-91.29 41.26,-91.26 41.24,-91.21 41.19,-91.14 41.16,-91.13 41.12,-91.16 41.16,-91.19 41.21,-91.25 41.23,-91.29 UGC IAC115 SAME 019115