644 WWNT30 KNGU 300000 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR THE NORTH ATLANTIC RMKS/1. THIS WARNING IS VALID FOR 300000Z JUN 2019. 2. WARNINGS ARE FOR OVER WATER AREAS ONLY BUT MAY OVERLAP SOME LAND AND SHELTERED AREAS AND HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED TO EASE PLOTTING. 3. HIGH WIND WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 63.0N9 018.7W6, 63.2N1 018.4W3, 63.5N4 017.8W6, 63.5N4 016.8W5, 63.6N5 016.3W0, 63.7N6 015.8W4, 63.9N8 015.4W0, 64.0N0 014.8W3, 64.0N0 014.3W8, 63.9N8 013.9W3, 63.7N6 013.9W3, 63.5N4 014.3W8, 63.4N3 014.8W3, 63.1N0 015.3W9, 62.9N7 015.4W0, 62.7N5 015.7W3, 62.5N3 016.3W0, 62.4N2 016.9W6, 62.4N2 017.6W4, 62.5N3 018.1W0, 62.7N5 018.6W5, 63.0N9 018.7W6, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 63.1N0 016.2W9. 4. HIGH SEAS WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 63.8N7 015.8W4, 63.4N3 016.8W5, 63.2N1 017.7W5, 63.1N0 018.8W7, 63.2N1 019.9W9, 63.2N1 021.4W7, 63.0N9 022.6W0, 62.7N5 023.6W1, 62.1N9 023.9W4, 61.4N1 023.9W4, 60.8N4 022.9W3, 60.5N1 021.4W7, 60.6N2 019.6W6, 61.2N9 017.6W4, 61.7N4 016.1W8, 61.9N6 015.1W7, 62.1N9 014.0W5, 62.4N2 013.3W7, 62.8N6 012.9W2, 63.2N1 012.9W2, 63.5N4 013.0W4, 63.8N7 013.6W0, 63.9N8 014.4W9, 64.0N0 015.1W7, 63.8N7 015.8W4, MAX SEAS 15FT NEAR 61.8N5 020.5W7. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT30.PNG 12Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT31.PNG B. SIPR: 00Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT30.PNG 12Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWNT31.PNG 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 301200Z.//  308 WWMM30 KNGU 300000 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA RMKS/1. THIS WARNING IS VALID FOR 300000Z JUN 2019. 2. WARNINGS ARE FOR OVER WATER AREAS ONLY BUT MAY OVERLAP SOME LAND AND SHELTERED AREAS AND HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED TO EASE PLOTTING. 3. HIGH WIND WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. *** NO HIGH WIND WARNING WITHIN MDBS AREA ***. 4. HIGH SEAS WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. *** NO HIGH SEAS WARNING WITHIN MDBS AREA ***. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWBQ30.PNG 12Z HTTPS://PKI.WEATHER.NAVY.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWBQ31.PNG B. SIPR: 00Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWBQ30.PNG 12Z HTTP://WWW.WEATHER.NAVY.SMIL.MIL/CENTER/WINDS_AND_SEAS/WARNINGS/WWBQ31.PNG 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 301200Z.//  422 WWST01 SABM 300000 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 30-06-2019, 00:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 210: DEPRESION 1006HPA EN 33S 54W MOV SE PROFUNDIZANDOSE PREVISTO EN 41S 41W EL 30/2300 PROVOCARA VIENTO FUERZA 8 ALREDEDOR DE LA MISMA ENTRE 35S-40S 55W-40W A PARTIR DEL 30/2000 AVISO 209: DEPRESION 972HPA EN 61S 25W MOV SE DEBILITANDOSE PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 ALREDEDOR DE LA MISMA EN AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) HASTA EL 30/1500 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 21:00UTC LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 58-45S 020-14W 59-11S 024-31W 58-08S 028-14W 58-19S 033-40W 57-50S 037-57W 58-49S 046-25W 57-07S 050-13W 60-05S 05 34W 6 06S 055-20W 6 39S 059-45W 6 36S 06 32W 65-01S 066-29W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10 MN A57A 49-38S 045-24W 11X4MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 54-31S 050-42W 3X1NM TEMPANO2 56-18S 030-28W 4X1NM TEMPANO3 57-36S 027-20W 4X2NM TEMPANO4 57-37S 026-15W 2X1NM 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 66-00S 067-00W 6 48S 067-07W 54-24S 05 50W 59-40S 049-17W B. 5 11S 053-11W 48-47S 05 08W 48-42S 047-55W 53-04S 047-53W C. 59-47S 049-29W 54-54S 05 40W 50-32S 038-20W 59-51S 037-39W D. 59-51S 037-39W 49-49S 038-23W 49-42S 020-00W 6 28S 020-00W ANTICICLON 1017HPA 45S 55W MOV E WKN EXP 48S 35W EL 30/2300 DEPRESION 972HPA 61S 25W MOV SE WKN EXTIENDE OFNT EN 61S 25W 55S 29W 55S 23W MOV SE DEPRESION 1006HPA 40S 32W MOV E WKN EXTIENDE CFNT EN 42S 30W 37S 35W 35S 43W MOV E CFNT LINEA 44S 67W 48S 62W 55S 60W MOV NE WKN DEPRESION 1006HPA 35S 53W MOV SE DPN EXP 41S 41W EL 30/2300 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 33S 54W 32S 60W MOV SE ASOCIADO CON WFNT LINEA 33S 54W 38S 45W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 00:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 00:00 UTC DEL DIA 1-7-2019 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR S 4 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EL 30/2100 BAJA PROB DE LLOVIZNAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE NEBLINAS DURANTE LA MAŅANA VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SW 4/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE NEBLINAS A PARTIR DE LA MAŅANA VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS BAJA PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36š17S - 38š30S): SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS LUEGO PROB DE SH DE GRANIZO VIS REGULAR A MUY MALA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38š30S - 41šS): SW 4 CON RAFAGAS INCR 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/2300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS LUEGO SH DE GRANIZO VIS REGULAR A MALA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR S 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR S 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR S 5/6 CON RAFAGAS VEER NW 7 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/2100 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA MEJORANDO VIS MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR S 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR N 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 BAJA PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA LUEGO PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MALA A MUY MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR S 4/6 CON RAFAGAS VEER NW EL 30/2300 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MUY MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 30W: SECTOR W 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 VEER SECTOR E EL 30/2100 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MUY MALA W DE 40W: SECTOR E 5/6 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR W 8 EL 30/1200 VEER SECTOR W 8 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/2300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS TORMENTAS VIS MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR E 5/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK NW 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 30/2100 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS VIS MUY MALA AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) S DE 45S: SECTOR W 6/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 DECR 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 BACK SECTOR E 4 EL 30/2300 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA MEJORANDO VIS MUY MALA A REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR S 5/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR E 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 30/1800 DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE SH LLUVIAS DESDE EL 30/1800 VIS REGULAR A MUY MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) W DE 50W: SW 5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH SH DE NIEVE MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA E DE 50 - N DE 45S: SECTOR E 5/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 VEER SECTOR S 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 30/2100 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR A MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: VRB 4 VEER SECTOR N EL 30/2100 DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA DESDE EL 30/1500 PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W): SW 8 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5 EL 30/2300 BAJA PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS MUY MALA A MALA AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W): SECTOR W 5/4 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR S 4 EL 30/2300 LUEGO VRB 4 BAJA PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): SECTOR S 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 30/2100 DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE SH LLUVIAS LUEGO NEVADAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR A MALA ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  423 WWST02 SABM 300000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2019-06-30, 00:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 210: LOW 1006HPA AT 33S 54W MOV SE DEEPENING EXPECTED 41S 41W BY 30/2300 WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 AROUND ITSELF BETWEEN 35S-40S 55W-40W FROM 30/2000 WARNING 209: LOW 972HPA AT 61S 25W MOV SE WEAKENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 AROUND ITSELF IN SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) UNTIL 30/1500 PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 58-45S 020-14W 59-11S 024-31W 58-08S 028-14W 58-19S 033-40W 57-50S 037-57W 58-49S 046-25W 57-07S 050-13W 60-05S 05 34W 6 06S 055-20W 6 39S 059-45W 6 36S 06 32W 65-01S 066-29W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A57A 49-38S 045-24W 11X4NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-31S 050-42W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 56-18S 030-28W 4X1NM ICEBERG3 57-36S 027-20W 4X2NM ICEBERG4 57-37S 026-15W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 66-00S 067-00W 6 48S 067-07W 54-24S 05 50W 59-40S 049-17W B. 5 11S 053-11W 48-47S 05 08W 48-42S 047-55W 53-04S 047-53W C. 59-47S 049-29W 54-54S 05 40W 50-32S 038-20W 59-51S 037-39W D. 59-51S 037-39W 49-49S 038-23W 49-42S 020-00W 6 28S 020-00W HIGH 1017HPA 45S 55W MOV E WKN EXP 48S 35W BY 30/2300 LOW 972HPA 61S 25W MOV SE WKN EXTENDS OFNT AT 61S 25W 55S 29W 55S 23W MOV SE LOW 1006HPA 40S 32W MOV E WKN EXTENDS CFNT AT 42S 30W 37S 35W 35S 43W MOV E CFNT AT 44S 67W 48S 62W 55S 60W MOV NE WKN LOW 1006HPA 35S 53W MOV SE DPN EXP 41S 41W BY 30/2300 EXTENDS CFNT AT 33S 54W 32S 60W MOV SE ASOCIATED WITH WFNT AT 33S 54W 38S 45W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-7-1 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR S 4 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W WITH GUSTS BY 30/2100 LOW PROB OF DRIZZLE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF MIST DURING THE MORNING VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SW 4/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF MIST STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS LOW PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36š17S - 38š30S): SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER NXT PROB OF SH OF HAIL VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38š30S - 41šS): SW 4 WITH GUSTS INCR 6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2300 PROB OF SH RAIN NXT SH OF HAIL VIS MODERATE TO POOR PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR S 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR S 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS VEER NW 7 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2100 PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR VIS POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR S 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 LOW PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE NXT PROB OF SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR S 4/6 WITH GUSTS VEER NW BY 30/2300 PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 30W: SECTOR W 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY VEER SECTOR E BY 30/2100 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR W OF 40W: SECTOR E 5/6 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W 8 BY 30/1200 VEER SECTOR W 8 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2300 PROB OF SH RAIN STORMS VIS VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR E 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK NW 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 30/2100 PROB OF ISOL SH RAIN STORMS VIS VERY POOR CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) S OF 45S: SECTOR W 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY DECR 5 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 BACK SECTOR E 4 BY 30/2300 PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR E 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 30/1800 WORSENING WITH PROB OF SH RAIN FROM 30/1800 VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) W OF 50W: SW 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH SH OF SNOW SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR E OF 50 - N OF 45S: SECTOR E 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY VEER SECTOR S 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 30/2100 PROB OF ISOL SH RAIN STORMS VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: VRB 4 VEER SECTOR N BY 30/2100 WORSENING WITH PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE FROM 30/1500 PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W): SW 8 WITH GUSTS DECR 5 BY 30/2300 LOW PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS VERY POOR TO POOR SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W): SECTOR W 5/4 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR S 4 BY 30/2300 AFTERWARDS VRB 4 LOW PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): SECTOR S 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 30/2100 WORSENING WITH PROB OF SH RAIN NXT ISOL SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE TO POOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  424 WWST03 SABM 300000 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - JUNE 30, 00:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: HIGH 1017HPA 45S 55W MOV E WKN EXP 48S 35W BY 30/2300 CFNT AT 44S 67W 48S 62W 55S 60W MOV NE WKN LOW 1006HPA 35S 53W MOV SE DPN EXP 41S 41W BY 30/2300 EXTENDS CFNT AT 33S 54W 32S 60W MOV SE ASOCIATED WITH WFNT AT 33S 54W 38S 45W FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-7-1 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR S 4 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W WITH GUSTS BY 30/2100 LOW PROB OF DRIZZLE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF MIST DURING THE MORNING VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE BAHIA BLANCA: SW 4 WITH GUSTS INCR 6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2300 PROB OF SH RAIN NXT SH OF HAIL VIS MODERATE TO POOR. MAR DEL PLATA: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER NXT PROB OF SH OF HAIL VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SECTOR S 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR. RIO GALLEGOS: SECTOR S 5/6 WITH GUSTS VEER NW 7 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2100 PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR VIS POOR. USHUAIA: SECTOR S 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 LOW PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE NXT PROB OF SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  296 WWAA02 SAWB 300000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 00:00 UTC 30, JUNE 2019. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 GALE WARNING: 260/2019 LOW 962HPA AT 62S 88W MOV NE NOT CHANGE PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 AROUND ITSELF GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC LOW 962HPA 62S 88W MOV NE NC EXTENDS CFNT AT 63S 85W 61S 81W 56S 80W RIDGE 59S 72W 65S 72W 72S 71W MOV E DPN 291400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 58-45S 020-14W 59-11S 024-31W 58-08S 028-14W 58-19S 033-40W 57-50S 037-57W 58-49S 046-25W 57-07S 050-13W 60-05S 05 34W 6 06S 055-20W 6 39S 059-45W 6 36S 06 32W 65-01S 066-29W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A57A 49-38S 045-24W 11X4NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-31S 050-42W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 56-18S 030-28W 4X1NM ICEBERG3 57-36S 027-20W 4X2NM ICEBERG4 57-37S 026-15W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 66-00S 067-00W 6 48S 067-07W 54-24S 05 50W 59-40S 049-17W B. 5 11S 053-11W 48-47S 05 08W 48-42S 047-55W 53-04S 047-53W C. 59-47S 049-29W 54-54S 05 40W 50-32S 038-20W 59-51S 037-39W D. 59-51S 037-39W 49-49S 038-23W 49-42S 020-00W 6 28S 020-00W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2019-7-1 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT : SECTOR S 5/3 VEER SECTOR N SNOW FALL IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : VRB 3 SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG VIS VERY POOR TO POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : SECTOR S 7/3 VEER SECTOR N 5 SNOW FALL ISOL FOG VIS VERY POOR TO GOOD MARGARITA BAY : VRB 3 FOG IMPR FROM 30/1500 VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : VRB 3 FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (60-66S 70-90W): SECTOR S 5/3 VEER SECTOR N 3/8 VEER VRB 8/9 SNOW FALL FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (66-73S 70-90W): VRB 3 VEER SECTOR E 3/7 SNOW FALL IMPR FROM 30/1800 FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA (60-68S 20-50W): VRB 3/4 ISOL SNOW FALL FOG MIST VIS VERY POOR TO POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA (68-78S 20-60W): VRB 3 FOG MIST VIS VERY POOR TO POOR -----------------------------------------------------------------  139 WWUS81 KGYX 300000 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 800 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ021-025>027-300030- Kennebec-Lincoln-Knox-Sagadahoc- 800 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL LINCOLN COUNTY... At 800 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Wiscasset, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Damariscotta, Wiscasset, Bristol, Bremen, Jefferson, Dresden, Edgecomb, Friendship, Alna, Nobleboro, Newcastle, Waldoboro, Whitefield, South Bristol and Pittston. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4394 6936 4391 6952 4407 6980 4417 6966 4408 6934 TIME...MOT...LOC 0000Z 296DEG 25KT 4406 6962 $$ DS  332 WUUS51 KPBZ 300000 SVRPBZ PAC125-300015- /O.NEW.KPBZ.SV.W.0152.190630T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 800 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Washington County in southwestern Pennsylvania... * Until 815 PM EDT. * At 800 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over McGovern, or over Canonsburg, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. * Locations impacted include... McMurray... Washington... Canonsburg... Monongahela... Wolfdale... McGovern... Bentleyville... East Washington... New Eagle... Wickerham Manor-Fisher... Baidland... Houston... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter indoors and stay away from windows. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4001 8007 4021 8034 4030 8020 4022 7996 4021 7995 4021 7994 4019 7990 TIME...MOT...LOC 0000Z 304DEG 21KT 4023 8020 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  424 WWUS81 KCAR 300000 SPSCAR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 800 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ002-006-300045- Southeast Aroostook-Northeast Aroostook- 800 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL AROOSTOOK COUNTY... At 800 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Mars Hill, or 12 miles south of Presque Isle, moving southeast at 20 mph. Locations impacted include... Mars Hill, Easton, Bridgewater, Littleton, Monticello, Blaine, Westfield and Number Nine Mountain. This includes US Highway 1 between Monticello and Mars Hill. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4626 6794 4653 6809 4662 6779 4626 6778 TIME...MOT...LOC 0000Z 329DEG 19KT 4651 6793 $$ Mignone  422 WWUS85 KFGZ 300001 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 501 PM MST Sat Jun 29 2019 AZZ013-016-300045- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County-Eastern Mogollon Rim- 501 PM MST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM EAST OF HEBER IN NAVAJO COUNTY UNTIL 545 PM MST... At 459 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Aripine, or 22 miles northeast of Forest Lakes, moving north at 15 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of Navajo County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3439 11033 3443 11054 3463 11056 3459 11025 TIME...MOT...LOC 2359Z 193DEG 13KT 3447 11043 $$ TPS  777 WUUS53 KILX 300001 SVRILX ILC183-300030- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0120.190630T0001Z-190630T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 701 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 701 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rossville, or 12 miles southeast of Claytonville, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hoopeston, Rossville, Potomac, Bismarck, Henning, Middle Fork Wildlife Area, Collison, Alvin and Armstrong. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4046 8785 4047 8761 4022 8754 4022 8790 TIME...MOT...LOC 0001Z 356DEG 12KT 4039 8773 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  271 WUUS51 KBTV 300001 SVRBTV NYC089-300100- /O.NEW.KBTV.SV.W.0014.190630T0001Z-190630T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Burlington VT 801 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central St. Lawrence County in northern New York... * Until 900 PM EDT. * At 801 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Ogdensburg to 10 miles west of Cedar Island State Park, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Gouverneur, Canton, Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie, Lisbon, De Kalb, Fowler, Colton, Morley, Degrasse, Carry Falls Reservoir, Richville, Hammond, Rensselaer Falls, Edwardsville, Hermon, Heuvelton, Star Lake, Morristown and Pierrepont. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4441 7579 4442 7579 4442 7581 4443 7577 4444 7579 4444 7577 4445 7576 4445 7578 4447 7577 4447 7579 4451 7575 4475 7540 4476 7540 4476 7542 4477 7541 4444 7459 4406 7509 4440 7584 TIME...MOT...LOC 0001Z 304DEG 31KT 4475 7555 4442 7599 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  479 WWUS81 KOKX 300001 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 801 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 CTZ005-006-010-300030- Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Southern New Haven- 801 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL FAIRFIELD AND SOUTHERN NEW HAVEN COUNTIES... At 801 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Woodbridge to 7 miles east of Milford. Movement was east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... New Haven, Milford, Wallingford, Shelton, Guilford, Hamden, Stratford, Branford, North Haven, Monroe, Seymour, North Branford, Orange, Derby and Woodbridge. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4125 7267 4124 7269 4124 7272 4125 7273 4123 7276 4126 7278 4124 7281 4125 7284 4123 7290 4125 7291 4126 7291 4120 7301 4120 7305 4117 7310 4120 7312 4126 7309 4127 7311 4126 7314 4137 7319 4141 7278 TIME...MOT...LOC 0001Z 268DEG 23KT 4135 7305 4119 7293 $$ JM  419 WWUS51 KPBZ 300001 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 801 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 OHC019-067-081-300015- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0150.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Harrison OH-Jefferson OH-Carroll OH- 801 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN HARRISON...NORTHWESTERN JEFFERSON AND SOUTHEASTERN CARROLL COUNTIES... At 801 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles north of Cadiz, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Amsterdam... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4043 8100 4051 8092 4049 8075 4034 8088 TIME...MOT...LOC 0001Z 301DEG 29KT 4041 8093 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$  063 WWUS84 KFWD 300001 SPSFWD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 701 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ102-103-118-300100- Denton TX-Tarrant TX-Wise TX- 701 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN WISE...SOUTHWESTERN DENTON AND WESTERN TARRANT COUNTIES UNTIL 800 PM CDT... At 701 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Haslet, or near Keller, moving southwest at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Fort Worth, Arlington, Haltom City, Keller, Hurst, Southlake, Watauga, Colleyville, Benbrook, Saginaw, White Settlement, Forest Hill, Azle, Trophy Club, Richland Hills, River Oaks, Kennedale, Everman, Sansom Park and Lake Worth. LAT...LON 3301 9717 3262 9721 3263 9754 3299 9754 3307 9749 3309 9741 3309 9737 TIME...MOT...LOC 0001Z 022DEG 8KT 3295 9732 $$ Bain  214 WHUS51 KLWX 300001 SMWLWX ANZ532-533-541-300200- /O.NEW.KLWX.MA.W.0171.190630T0001Z-190630T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 801 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD... Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD... Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River... * Until 1000 PM EDT. * At 801 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 9 nm east of Fort Washington, moving east at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Boaters in small craft could be thrown overboard by suddenly higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel. * Locations impacted include... Choptank River, Blackwalnut Point, Dares Beach, James Island, Poplar Island, Tilghman Island, Drum Point and Taylors Island. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 3863 7618 3863 7629 3857 7631 3853 7620 3849 7632 3849 7633 3833 7626 3832 7642 3839 7638 3853 7652 3879 7652 3879 7634 3867 7634 3876 7632 3876 7623 3871 7623 3858 7607 3857 7607 TIME...MOT...LOC 0001Z 287DEG 22KT 3870 7680 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ DHOF  024 WWUS73 KBIS 300002 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 702 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDZ035-036-046>048-050-051-300115- /O.EXP.KBIS.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0000Z/ Burleigh-Kidder-Emmons-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Wishek, Ashley, Oakes, and Ellendale 702 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Heat index values never reached the heat advisory criteria today. Outflow from morning thunderstorms created cooler easterly winds and increased cloud cover, and the rising temperatures we expected in the afternoon never developed. The heat advisory has been allowed to expire. $$ JV  026 WUUS53 KBIS 300003 SVRBIS NDC037-059-300100- /O.NEW.KBIS.SV.W.0043.190630T0003Z-190630T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Bismarck ND 703 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Bismarck has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Morton County in south central North Dakota... Northwestern Grant County in south central North Dakota... * Until 800 PM CDT/700 PM MDT/. * At 702 PM CDT/602 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southwest of Glen Ullin, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Glen Ullin around 720 PM CDT. Almont around 745 PM CDT. New Salem around 755 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT/midnight MDT/ for south central and southwestern North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4661 10205 4663 10205 4663 10207 4685 10210 4695 10136 4660 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0002Z 261DEG 28KT 4675 10202 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ MJONES  137 WWUS81 KCTP 300003 SPSCTP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service State College PA 803 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAZ033-300030- Somerset PA- 803 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT PARTS OF SOMERSET COUNTY UNTIL 830 PM EDT... At 803 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Seven Springs to near New Centerville to near Friendsville. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts of up to 55 mph and pea size hail are possible. Locations impacted include... Somerset, Meyersdale, Berlin, Friedens, Ursina, New Centerville, Mount Davis, Rockwood, Confluence, Salisbury, Garrett, Shanksville, Addison, Wellersburg, Casselman, Callimont and Seven Springs. LAT...LON 3972 7938 3973 7941 3977 7938 3978 7939 3979 7938 3978 7935 3980 7937 3982 7937 3985 7942 3990 7940 4009 7926 4012 7921 3997 7876 3983 7875 3972 7881 TIME...MOT...LOC 0003Z 300DEG 43KT 4008 7927 3988 7925 3972 7937 $$ Jung  088 WWUS51 KLWX 300003 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 803 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC009-033-300045- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0292.000000T0000Z-190630T0045Z/ Calvert MD-Prince Georges MD- 803 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CALVERT AND SOUTHEASTERN PRINCE GEORGES COUNTIES... At 803 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Dunkirk, or 7 miles south of Upper Marlboro, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. The strongest winds are likely just north of Brandywine. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Chesapeake Beach, Prince Frederick, Breezy Point, Rosaryville, Marlton, Dunkirk, Accokeek, Brandywine, Huntingtown, Owings, Baden, Aquasco, Lower Marlboro, Sunderland, Cheltenham, Mount Harmony and Dares Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3859 7674 3862 7675 3866 7685 3866 7694 3869 7694 3880 7685 3877 7669 3876 7669 3875 7670 3876 7667 3875 7662 3872 7662 3872 7653 3866 7653 3862 7651 3853 7652 3851 7651 TIME...MOT...LOC 0003Z 287DEG 22KT 3870 7675 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ DHOF  340 WOUS64 KWNS 300003 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 703 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC001-015-021-025-029-031-037-041-043-045-047-051-055-057-059- 065-083-085-089-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BURLEIGH DICKEY DUNN EMMONS FOSTER GRANT HETTINGER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STARK STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  618 WGUS71 KCAR 300004 FFSCAR Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 804 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEC003-300013- /O.CAN.KCAR.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Aroostook ME- 804 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR EASTERN AROOSTOOK COUNTY IS CANCELLED... Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4671 6786 4664 6786 4664 6803 4671 6803 $$ Mignone  216 WUCN11 CWWG 300003 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:03 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER =NEW= R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. OCHRE RIVER AND MAKINAK R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. RORKETON AND TOUTES AIDES R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. MUN. OF STE. ROSE INCL. LAURIER MUN. OF MCCREARY INCL. NORGATE MUN. OF GLENELLA-LANSDOWNE INCL. ARDEN AND TENBY MUN. OF WESTLAKE-GLADSTONE INCL. PLUMAS AND LANGRUTH. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MUN. OF HARRISON PARK INCL. ONANOLE SANDY LAKE AND NEWDALE RIDING MOUNTAIN NAT. PARK R.M. OF YELLOWHEAD INCL. SHOAL LAKE AND ELPHINSTONE R.M. OF MINTO-ODANAH INCL. MINNEDOSA AND MOORE PARK MUN. OF CLANWILLIAM-ERICKSON R.M. OF ROSEDALE INCL. EDEN AND KELWOOD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:22 P.M. CDT. AT 7:03 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING AN AREA OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AN AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS IS MOVING THROUGH WESTERN MANITOBA. THESE SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE PRODUCED NICKEL TO GOLFBALL SIZED HAIL AND LOCALLY HEAVY DOWNPOURS. THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST INTO THE EVENING AND CONTINUE TO TRACK EASTWARD. STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LARGE HAIL ARE LIKELY THIS EVENING. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  860 WUCN13 CWWG 300001 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:01 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF ELCAPO INCLUDING BROADVIEW AND COWESSESS RES. =NEW= R.M. OF CHESTER INCLUDING WINDTHORST GLENAVON AND PEEBLES =NEW= R.M. OF KINGSLEY INCLUDING KIPLING. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:00 P.M. CST. AT 6:01 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  170 WWUS51 KOKX 300005 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 805 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 CTC001-300014- /O.CAN.KOKX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Fairfield CT- 805 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL FAIRFIELD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4110 7344 4116 7334 4112 7325 4111 7326 4112 7329 4111 7330 4111 7332 4110 7333 4110 7334 4109 7335 4108 7335 4106 7338 TIME...MOT...LOC 0003Z 301DEG 22KT 4105 7320 $$ DS  241 WSMS31 WMKK 300006 WMFC SIGMET A01 VALID 300010/300310 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0345 E09957 - N0458 E09835 - N0513 E10025 - N0419 E10031 - N0345 E09957 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  376 WWUS51 KPBZ 300005 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 805 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 OHC081-PAC125-WVC009-029-300015- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0151.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Jefferson OH-Washington PA-Brooke WV-Hancock WV- 805 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN JEFFERSON...WEST CENTRAL WASHINGTON...NORTHEASTERN BROOKE AND SOUTHERN HANCOCK COUNTIES... At 805 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hooverson Heights, or near Steubenville, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Weirton... Steubenville... Avella... Mingo Junction... Follansbee... Hooverson Heights... Franklin... Atlasburg... Rockdale... Colliers... East Steubenville... Langeloth... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4033 8063 4041 8059 4035 8037 4022 8049 TIME...MOT...LOC 0005Z 302DEG 24KT 4034 8054 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  365 WUCN11 CWTO 300004 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:04 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: GANANOQUE - MALLORYTOWN BROCKVILLE - PRESCOTT WESTPORT - CHARLESTON LAKE. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MERRICKVILLE-WOLFORD - KEMPTVILLE OTTAWA SOUTH - RICHMOND - METCALFE PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL MORRISBURG - LONG SAULT CORNWALL - LANCASTER WINCHESTER - NEWINGTON MAXVILLE - ALEXANDRIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:39 P.M. EDT. A CLUSTER OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE MOVING THROUGH THE AREA. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS OF 100 KM/H, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  716 WWUS55 KCYS 300006 SVSCYS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 606 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEC013-165-300016- /O.CAN.KCYS.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Box Butte NE-Sioux NE- 606 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN BOX BUTTE AND EAST CENTRAL SIOUX COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4229 10377 4243 10378 4244 10327 4223 10326 TIME...MOT...LOC 0005Z 267DEG 22KT 4235 10346 $$ Lyons  814 WWUS83 KILX 300006 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 706 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILZ031-037-038-300030- Tazewell-Woodford-McLean- 706 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL WOODFORD... NORTHEASTERN TAZEWELL AND NORTHWESTERN MCLEAN COUNTIES UNTIL 730 PM CDT... At 706 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Eureka, moving south at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Eureka, Washington, Metamora, Roanoke, Goodfield, Deer Creek, Carlock and Congerville. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 105 and 119. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4079 8939 4080 8916 4058 8910 4059 8943 TIME...MOT...LOC 0006Z 359DEG 14KT 4073 8928 $$ 37  147 WWUS51 KPBZ 300006 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 806 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC125-300015- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0152.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Washington PA- 806 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL WASHINGTON COUNTY... At 806 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Canonsburg, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Canonsburg... Monongahela... McGovern... Bentleyville... New Eagle... Wickerham Manor-Fisher... Baidland... Houston... Ellsworth... Eighty Four... Cokeburg... Scenery Hill... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter indoors and stay away from windows. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4006 8006 4022 8028 4028 8019 4019 7990 TIME...MOT...LOC 0006Z 304DEG 21KT 4021 8016 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$  709 WHUS51 KOKX 300006 SMWOKX ANZ330-335-300030- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0045.190630T0006Z-190630T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 806 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Long Island Sound... * Until 830 PM EDT. * At 805 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 12 nm north of Mouth of the Housatonic River to near New Haven Harbor, moving east at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... The Thimbles around 820 PM EDT. Falkner Island around 830 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. Frequent lightning is occurring with these storms. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. && LAT...LON 4131 7287 4129 7289 4126 7287 4127 7287 4128 7284 4131 7280 4131 7278 4128 7278 4127 7270 4119 7263 4117 7303 4123 7307 4124 7305 4122 7302 4127 7295 4129 7297 4131 7297 4130 7293 4132 7292 4132 7290 TIME...MOT...LOC 0005Z 268DEG 24KT 4135 7299 4119 7286 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ JM  547 WWUS84 KMEG 300007 SPSMEG Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 707 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ARZ036-300030- Crittenden AR- 707 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY HAS BEEN ISSUED UNTIL 730 PM CDT FOR... Northwestern Crittenden County in eastern Arkansas... At 706 PM CDT...a strong thunderstorm producing pea size hail and gusty winds of at least 40 mph was located over Crawfordsville, moving northwest at 15 mph. People in northwestern Crittenden County should monitor this storm closely. LAT...LON 3524 9020 3516 9028 3523 9049 3536 9036 TIME...MOT...LOC 0006Z 110DEG 14KT 3523 9031 $$ SGW  051 WUUS51 KBTV 300007 SVRBTV VTC001-007-017-023-027-300100- /O.NEW.KBTV.SV.W.0015.190630T0007Z-190630T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Burlington VT 807 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Orange County in central Vermont... East central Addison County in central Vermont... Southeastern Chittenden County in northwestern Vermont... North central Windsor County in southern Vermont... Southwestern Washington County in central Vermont... * Until 900 PM EDT. * At 806 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Warren, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Braintree Hill, Chelsea, Bethel, Lincoln, Randolph, Waitsfield, Fayston, Granville, Tunbridge, Warren, Northfield, Roxbury, Braintree, Royalton, Brookfield, Buels Gore, Barnard, Rochester, Vershire and Strafford. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4413 7303 4425 7284 4393 7236 4375 7264 TIME...MOT...LOC 0006Z 317DEG 18KT 4414 7287 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  896 WUCN14 CWWG 300008 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:08 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= CUMBERLAND HOUSE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:07 P.M. CST. AT 6:08 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THIS THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 55 NORTHWEST OF CUMBERLAND HOUSE AND IS MOVING NORTHEAST AT 40 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  901 WWUS51 KPBZ 300008 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 808 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 OHC019-067-081-300018- /O.EXP.KPBZ.SV.W.0150.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Harrison OH-Jefferson OH-Carroll OH- 808 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HARRISON... NORTHWESTERN JEFFERSON AND SOUTHEASTERN CARROLL COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 815 PM EDT... The storm that prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4043 8100 4051 8092 4049 8075 4034 8088 TIME...MOT...LOC 0008Z 301DEG 29KT 4039 8088 $$  340 WUCN13 CWWG 300009 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:09 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: R.M. OF PADDOCKWOOD INCLUDING CANDLE LAKE AND PADDOCKWOOD. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF BUCKLAND INCLUDING WAHPETON RES. AND SPRUCE HOME. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:06 P.M. CST. AT 6:09 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A STORM CURRENTLY NORTHWEST OF MEATH PARK, SK IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING LOONIE SIZED HAIL, HEAVY RAIN AND STRONG WIND GUSTS. THIS STORM IS TRACKING TO THE NORTHEAST AT APPROXIMATELY 50 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  480 WWUS54 KFWD 300009 SVSFWD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 709 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXC085-113-121-300019- /O.CAN.KFWD.SV.W.0281.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Denton TX-Collin TX-Dallas TX- 709 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN DENTON... SOUTHWESTERN COLLIN AND NORTHWESTERN DALLAS COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened...therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3317 9671 3282 9687 3286 9703 3302 9703 3323 9687 TIME...MOT...LOC 0005Z 022DEG 27KT 3290 9696 $$ Bain  309 WWUS53 KLMK 300010 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 810 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 KYC093-123-300020- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0150.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Larue KY-Hardin KY- 810 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN LARUE AND SOUTHEASTERN HARDIN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 815 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3744 8581 3744 8589 3754 8592 3758 8578 3744 8566 3743 8581 TIME...MOT...LOC 0010Z 325DEG 13KT 3747 8580 $$ SCHOETTMER  447 WWUS81 KGYX 300011 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 811 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ003-300045- Northern Grafton- 811 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL GRAFTON COUNTY... At 810 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Haverhill, or 20 miles west of Lincoln, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Haverhill, Piermont, Newbury Village, Fairlee, Bradford, Benton, Orford and Wentworth. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4392 7212 4394 7212 4396 7210 4397 7210 4397 7211 4399 7212 4401 7211 4403 7208 4404 7208 4405 7206 4406 7206 4408 7204 4403 7184 4388 7195 4387 7217 4389 7217 TIME...MOT...LOC 0010Z 299DEG 14KT 4400 7207 $$ DS  413 WSJD20 OJAM 300000 NIL  695 WUUS51 KBTV 300011 SVRBTV NYC019-031-033-089-300115- /O.NEW.KBTV.SV.W.0016.190630T0011Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Burlington VT 811 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Clinton County in northern New York... Central Franklin County in northern New York... East central St. Lawrence County in northern New York... Northwestern Essex County in northern New York... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 811 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Bangor, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Adirondack Regional Airport, Plattsburgh International Airport, Saranac Lake, Plattsburgh, Schuyler Falls, Saranac, Bangor, Parishville, Bryants Mill, Lyon Mountain, Clayburg, Debar Mountain, Dannemora, Peasleeville, Lake Ozonia, Madawaska, Harrietstown, Dickinson, Hopkinton and Santa Clara. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4465 7491 4482 7440 4467 7338 4430 7417 TIME...MOT...LOC 0011Z 295DEG 29KT 4473 7436 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Haynes  759 WGAK88 PAFC 300011 FLSAFC Flood Advisory National Weather Service Anchorage AK 408 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 AKZ145-300018- /O.CAN.PAFC.FA.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190701T1745Z/ /00000.N.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Susitna Valley- 408 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR SNOWMELT HAS BEEN CANCELLED for the YENTNA RIVER NEAR FISH CREEK... A FLOOD WARNING WILL BE ISSUED IN ITS PLACE. LAT...LON 6169 15059 6161 15057 6172 15073 6187 15086 6190 15101 6196 15115 6198 15105 6189 15077 6178 15064 $$ BClay  285 WWUS81 KPHI 300012 SPSPHI Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 812 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAZ101-102-300045- Western Chester-Eastern Chester- 812 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN CHESTER COUNTY... At 812 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Gap, or 7 miles southeast of New Holland, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... West Chester, Coatesville, Downingtown, Kennett Square, Parkesburg, West Grove, Honey Brook, Cochranville, Marshallton, Ladenberg, West Goshen, Atglen, South Coatesville, Avondale, Christiana, Modena, Thorndale and Toughkenamon. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4004 7593 4010 7594 3996 7556 3973 7579 3987 7599 3992 7600 3994 7598 3995 7600 TIME...MOT...LOC 0012Z 301DEG 28KT 4002 7599 $$ MPS  689 WOAU01 AMMC 300012 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0012UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow developing associated with a cold front [1], forecast 50S065E 54S075E 59S079E at 300600UTC, 49S070E 54S081E 58S083E at 301200UTC, 49S077E 56S088E 60S087E at 301800UTC then weakening. Cold front [2] forecast 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC, 41S078E 46S088E 54S100E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 41S080E 46S095E 56S100E 56S091E 53S080E 41S080E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 720nm east of front [1]. By 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2], shifting westerly quarter 30/40 knots west of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  690 WOAU41 AMMC 300012 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0012UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow developing associated with a cold front [1], forecast 50S065E 54S075E 59S079E at 300600UTC, 49S070E 54S081E 58S083E at 301200UTC, 49S077E 56S088E 60S087E at 301800UTC then weakening. Cold front [2] forecast 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC, 41S078E 46S088E 54S100E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 41S080E 46S095E 56S100E 56S091E 53S080E 41S080E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 720nm east of front [1]. By 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2], shifting westerly quarter 30/40 knots west of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  852 WWUS81 KGYX 300013 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 813 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ007-008-012-013-300045- Southern Oxford-Northern Oxford-Southern Franklin-Northern Franklin- 813 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL OXFORD AND SOUTHWESTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 813 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles east of Rangeley to near Weld to near Andover. Movement was east at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Bethel, Rumford, Kingfield, Andover, Phillips, Weld, Mexico, Carthage, Avon, Dallas Plantation, Hanover, Byron, Perkins, Roxbury, Mount Abram, Sandy River Plantation, Madrid, Salem, Redington and Town Of Washington. This also includes... Saddleback Mountain, Mount Abraham, Mount Blue, and Spaulding Mountain. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4500 7024 4470 7025 4447 7072 4461 7086 4475 7064 4502 7057 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 269DEG 14KT 4497 7048 4470 7051 4457 7081 $$ DS  496 WWUS51 KBUF 300013 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 813 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC045-300023- /O.EXP.KBUF.SV.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Jefferson NY- 813 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL JEFFERSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 815 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Buffalo. LAT...LON 4413 7606 4419 7595 4403 7562 4389 7583 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 319DEG 27KT 4394 7573 $$ RSH  199 WOUS64 KWNS 300013 WOU2 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 462 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 813 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 462 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS DEC001-005-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0462.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ DE . DELAWARE COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE KENT SUSSEX $$ MDC011-029-035-041-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0462.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ MD . MARYLAND COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CAROLINE KENT QUEEN ANNE'S TALBOT $$ ATTN...WFO...PHI...  434 WWUS84 KFWD 300013 SPSFWD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 713 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ134-135-146-300115- Ellis TX-Henderson TX-Navarro TX- 713 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN HENDERSON...CENTRAL ELLIS AND NAVARRO COUNTIES UNTIL 815 PM CDT... At 713 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Maypearl to near Bardwell to Trinidad. Movement was south at 20 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Waxahachie, Corsicana, Ennis, Gun Barrel City, Mabank, Malakoff, Tool, Italy, Kerens, Seven Points, Maypearl, Trinidad, Blooming Grove, Dawson, Bardwell, Angus, Alma, Enchanted Oaks, Barry and Caney City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so closely monitor for additional information or possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3201 9605 3180 9650 3181 9672 3207 9689 3206 9694 3226 9709 3231 9709 3241 9693 3236 9657 3235 9604 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 011DEG 17KT 3231 9691 3223 9664 3218 9610 $$ Bain  042 WHCN13 CWTO 300013 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE CANADIAN PORTION OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE ONTARIO PORTION OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:13 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: KINGSTON TO PRESCOTT. SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: PRESCOTT TO CORNWALL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:59 P.M. EDT. THUNDERSTORMS WILL CROSS THE ST. LAWRENCE FROM THE NORTHWEST WITHIN THE HOUR. SQUALLS OF 45 KNOTS, AND UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL ARE POSSIBLE. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  174 WWUS82 KMHX 300014 SPSMHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 814 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NCZ045-046-300100- Washington-Tyrrell- 814 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON AND NORTHWESTERN TYRRELL COUNTIES... At 813 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Scuppernong, or 15 miles east of Plymouth, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Columbia, Woodley, Pleasant Grove, Scuppernong, Mackeys and Creswell. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. Seek Shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Strong winds are capable of knocking down small trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. LAT...LON 3593 7616 3585 7622 3579 7640 3594 7665 3597 7653 3600 7637 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 296DEG 12KT 3594 7648 $$ SGK  937 WWUS83 KILX 300014 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 714 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILZ045-300100- Champaign- 714 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY UNTIL 800 PM CDT... At 714 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Rantoul, moving south at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rantoul, Mahomet, Fisher, Thomasboro, Gifford, Lake Of The Woods, Ludlow, Dewey and Flatville. This includes the following highways... Interstate 57 between mile markers 243 and 257. Interstate 74 near mile marker 171. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4020 8843 4040 8836 4040 8799 4020 8797 TIME...MOT...LOC 0014Z 003DEG 13KT 4038 8821 $$ 37  084 WWUS51 KBTV 300015 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 815 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC007-300023- /O.CAN.KBTV.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Chittenden VT- 815 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CHITTENDEN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Although additional thunderstorms may develop and move across eastern Chittenden within the next half hour but should be weaker. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4439 7275 4450 7262 4439 7232 4426 7243 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 308DEG 22KT 4440 7261 $$ VTC015-023-300030- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Lamoille VT-Washington VT- 815 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM EDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LAMOILLE AND NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 813 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Worcester, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Calais, Worcester, Marshfield Village, Waterbury, East Montpelier, Middlesex, Marshfield, Woodbury, Cabot, Plainfield, Elmore, Stowe, Morristown, Waterbury Center, East Calais, Lower Cabot, Mount Worcester, North Montpelier, North Calais and South Woodbury. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4439 7275 4450 7262 4439 7232 4426 7243 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 308DEG 22KT 4440 7261 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  860 WWUS51 KBUF 300015 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 815 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC045-049-300025- /O.EXP.KBUF.SV.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190630T0015Z/ Jefferson NY-Lewis NY- 815 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL JEFFERSON AND NORTHEASTERN LEWIS COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4405 7566 4423 7547 4410 7517 4387 7514 TIME...MOT...LOC 0015Z 320DEG 28KT 4400 7532 $$ RSH  484 WUUS51 KBTV 300015 SVRBTV NYC019-033-VTC007-011-013-300115- /O.NEW.KBTV.SV.W.0017.190630T0015Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Burlington VT 815 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Clinton County in northern New York... Northeastern Franklin County in northern New York... Grand Isle County in northwestern Vermont... Northwestern Chittenden County in northwestern Vermont... Western Franklin County in northwestern Vermont... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 815 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Brainardsville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Essex Junction, Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh International Airport, Burlington, Beekmantown, Schuyler Falls, Chazy, Mooers, Altona, Champlain, Burke, Colchester, Essex Junction Village, Georgia, Grand Isle, St. Albans Town, South Alburgh, Alburgh, Alburgh Dunes State Park and North Hero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4447 7308 4482 7425 4499 7421 4501 7314 TIME...MOT...LOC 0015Z 290DEG 39KT 4489 7403 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Haynes  763 WWUS53 KILX 300015 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 715 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC183-300030- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0120.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Vermilion- 715 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN VERMILION COUNTY... At 715 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rossville, or 14 miles north of Danville, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Rossville, Potomac, Bismarck, Henning, Middle Fork Wildlife Area, Collison, Alvin and Armstrong. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4040 8786 4039 8759 4022 8754 4022 8790 TIME...MOT...LOC 0015Z 356DEG 12KT 4034 8773 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  565 WUUS51 KPBZ 300016 SVRPBZ PAC125-WVC009-300045- /O.NEW.KPBZ.SV.W.0153.190630T0016Z-190630T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 816 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... West central Washington County in southwestern Pennsylvania... East central Brooke County in northern West Virginia... * Until 845 PM EDT. * At 815 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hooverson Heights, or near Avella, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. * Locations impacted include... Weirton... Avella... Wolfdale... Hooverson Heights... Franklin... Hickory... Taylorstown... West Middletown... Rockdale... Atlasburg... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4029 8060 4038 8052 4028 8022 4011 8038 TIME...MOT...LOC 0015Z 307DEG 21KT 4031 8053 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  609 WWCN02 CYTR 300017 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CONNAUGHT RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:17 PM EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CONNAUGHT RANGE (452227N755453W) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: THE LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS HAS PASSED OVER THE RANGE. FURTHER THUNDERSTORM CELLS MAY DEVELOP AND THE WARNING WILL BE REISSUED IF NECESSARY. END/JMC  340 WWCN10 CWUL 300016 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:16 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE GRANBY - WATERLOO AREA BROME-MISSISQUOI AREA RICHMOND AREA WEEDON AREA MONT-ORFORD - LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG AREA SHERBROOKE AREA COATICOOK AREA LAC-MEGANTIC AREA COOKSHIRE AREA. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: LANAUDIERE LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME LAURENTIANS UPPER GATINEAU - LIEVRE - PAPINEAU THETFORD MINES AREA BEAUCE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UNTIL 9 PM EDT THIS EVENING, CONDITIONS WILL REMAIN FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. BOATERS COULD BE SURPRISED BY STRONG GUSTS OVER BODIES OF WATER. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  033 WWUS53 KBIS 300018 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 718 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-059-300100- /O.CON.KBIS.SV.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Morton ND-Grant ND- 718 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 800 PM CDT/700 PM MDT/ FOR NORTHWESTERN MORTON AND NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTIES... At 717 PM CDT/617 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located near Glen Ullin, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Almont around 750 PM CDT. New Salem around 800 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT/midnight MDT/ for south central and southwestern North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4661 10205 4663 10205 4663 10207 4685 10210 4695 10136 4660 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0017Z 259DEG 27KT 4677 10188 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ MJONES  642 WWUS51 KBGM 300018 SVSBGM Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 818 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC015-115-300027- /O.CAN.KBGM.SV.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Susquehanna PA-Bradford PA- 818 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL SUSQUEHANNA AND NORTHEASTERN BRADFORD COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM EDT for northeastern Pennsylvania. LAT...LON 4177 7585 4168 7642 4193 7670 4199 7615 TIME...MOT...LOC 0016Z 312DEG 20KT 4180 7601 4178 7641 $$ BJG  915 WGAK48 PAFC 300019 FLWAFC BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Anchorage AK 412 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 AKZ145-020015- /O.NEW.PAFC.FA.W.0001.190630T0019Z-190702T0015Z/ /00000.0.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Susitna Valley- 412 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Anchorage has issued a * Flood Warning for... Snowmelt in...YENTNA RIVER NEAR FISH CREEK * Until 415 PM AKDT Monday. * At 412 PM AKDT, Snow and glacial melt in the Yentna Basin have caused river levels along the lower Yentna River below Fish Creek to rise above Flood Stage. River levels are expected to rise another 1 to 1.5 feet. At this time, locations adjacent to the river at and downstream of Lake Creek are expected have water high enough to surround some structures. Also, low lying areas adjacent to the river are expected to be flooded. River levels are expected to remain in Flood conditions until July 4. Residents along this part of the river should prepare for river levels to continue rising another one to 1.5 feet. * Structures adjacent to the river are expected to be surrounded by water. Low lying areas along the river will also be inundated. LAT...LON 6169 15059 6161 15057 6172 15073 6187 15086 6190 15101 6196 15115 6198 15105 6189 15077 6178 15064 $$ BClay  347 WWUS83 KUNR 300019 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 619 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 SDZ044-047-300100- Bennett SD-Todd SD- 619 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN TODD AND SOUTHEASTERN BENNETT COUNTIES UNTIL 700 PM MDT/800 PM CDT/... At 618 PM MDT/718 PM CDT/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles south of Harrington, or 24 miles east of Martin, moving east at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Todd and southeastern Bennett Counties between Saint Francis and the Lacreek Wildlife Refuge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4311 10133 4321 10115 4300 10107 4299 10124 4300 10133 4300 10134 TIME...MOT...LOC 0018Z 263DEG 8KT 4306 10126 $$ Helgeson  189 WUUS51 KLWX 300019 SVRLWX MDC001-043-WVC065-300115- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0293.190630T0019Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 819 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Washington County in north central Maryland... Northeastern Allegany County in western Maryland... Morgan County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 819 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Clearville to near Lake Gordon, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Hancock, Paw Paw, Greenwood, Berkeley Springs, Great Cacapon, Flintstone, Pecktonville, Big Pool, Little Orleans, Johnsons Mill, Valley View, Spohrs Crossroads, Fishers Bridge, Pumpkin Center, Oakland, Rock Gap, Smith Crossroads, Unger, New Hope and Shady Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3972 7810 3965 7798 3960 7807 3960 7808 3958 7810 3959 7812 3959 7814 3939 7823 3946 7834 3951 7846 3953 7846 3972 7870 TIME...MOT...LOC 0019Z 313DEG 27KT 3984 7844 3975 7860 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  337 WUUS51 KBUF 300019 SVRBUF NYC045-300100- /O.NEW.KBUF.SV.W.0041.190630T0019Z-190630T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Buffalo NY 819 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Jefferson County in central New York... * Until 900 PM EDT.. * At 819 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Redwood to Cedar Point State Park, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Watertown, Fort Drum, Clayton, Dexter, Glen Park, Herrings, Redwood, Kring Point State Park, Wellesley Island State Park and Cedar Point State Park. This includes Interstate 81 between exits 43 and 52. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4422 7545 4389 7576 4388 7622 4420 7630 4422 7619 4424 7617 4428 7616 4430 7613 4439 7583 TIME...MOT...LOC 0019Z 315DEG 35KT 4429 7583 4422 7619 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ RSH  338 WWUS51 KCTP 300019 SVSCTP Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service State College PA 819 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC071-300029- /O.CAN.KCTP.SV.W.0174.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Lancaster PA- 819 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LANCASTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM EDT for south central Pennsylvania. LAT...LON 4010 7594 4004 7594 3996 7599 3993 7598 3993 7600 3987 7599 4020 7637 4028 7625 4031 7615 4014 7587 TIME...MOT...LOC 0017Z 313DEG 34KT 4004 7596 $$ Jung  736 WUUS51 KBTV 300020 SVRBTV VTC005-011-015-019-300115- /O.NEW.KBTV.SV.W.0018.190630T0020Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Burlington VT 820 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Lamoille County in northwestern Vermont... Northwestern Caledonia County in northeastern Vermont... Southwestern Orleans County in northeastern Vermont... Central Franklin County in northwestern Vermont... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 820 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over East Fairfield, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Waterville, Eden, Bakersfield, Albany, Johnson, Hyde Park, Wolcott, Albany Village, Lowell, Belvidere Center, Craftsbury, Fairfield, Belvidere, Johnson Village, Sheldon, Enosburg, Montgomery, Fletcher, Hardwick and Irasburg. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4480 7303 4490 7296 4477 7227 4452 7241 TIME...MOT...LOC 0020Z 296DEG 22KT 4479 7288 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Haynes  867 WSCO31 SKBO 300021 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 300005/300305 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2330Z WI N0801 W07604 - N0742 W07510 - N0557 W07632 - N0344 W07638 - N0351 W07742 - N0618 W07749 - N0744 W07641 - N0801 W07604 TOP FL460 MOV WNW 8KT NC=  014 WWUS51 KLWX 300021 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 821 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC033-300031- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0292.000000T0000Z-190630T0045Z/ Prince Georges MD- 821 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3857 7668 3862 7667 3864 7669 3866 7668 3867 7670 3868 7669 3871 7670 3876 7668 3876 7667 3875 7662 3872 7662 3872 7653 3866 7653 3862 7651 3853 7652 3851 7651 TIME...MOT...LOC 0021Z 287DEG 22KT 3867 7662 $$ MDC009-300045- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0292.000000T0000Z-190630T0045Z/ Calvert MD- 821 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CALVERT COUNTY... At 821 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Chesapeake Beach, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Chesapeake Beach, Prince Frederick, Breezy Point, Dunkirk, Huntingtown, Owings, Mount Harmony, Sunderland, Lower Marlboro and Dares Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3857 7668 3862 7667 3864 7669 3866 7668 3867 7670 3868 7669 3871 7670 3876 7668 3876 7667 3875 7662 3872 7662 3872 7653 3866 7653 3862 7651 3853 7652 3851 7651 TIME...MOT...LOC 0021Z 287DEG 22KT 3867 7662 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ DHOF  917 WWUS51 KPBZ 300021 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 821 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC125-WVC009-300045- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0153.000000T0000Z-190630T0045Z/ Washington PA-Brooke WV- 821 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 PM EDT FOR WEST CENTRAL WASHINGTON AND EAST CENTRAL BROOKE COUNTIES... At 821 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Avella, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Avella... Wolfdale... Franklin... Hickory... Taylorstown... West Middletown... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4026 8056 4033 8048 4028 8022 4011 8038 TIME...MOT...LOC 0021Z 307DEG 21KT 4029 8049 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  645 WSCO31 SKBO 300000 SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 300005/300305 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2330Z WI N0801 W07604 - N0742 W07510 - N0557 W07632 - N0344 W07638 - N0351 W07742 - N0618 W07749 - N0744 W07641 - N0801 W07604 TOP FL460 MOV WNW 8KT NC=  616 WOUS64 KWNS 300023 WOU1 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 461 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 823 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 461 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS DEC003-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ DE . DELAWARE COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NEW CASTLE $$ MDC015-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ MD . MARYLAND COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CECIL $$ NJC007-011-015-033-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ NJ . NEW JERSEY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CAMDEN CUMBERLAND GLOUCESTER SALEM $$ NYC105-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ NY . NEW YORK COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE SULLIVAN $$ PAC001-009-011-015-029-041-043-045-055-057-069-071-075-079-091- 099-101-103-111-115-127-131-133-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ PA . PENNSYLVANIA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BEDFORD BERKS BRADFORD CHESTER CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN DELAWARE FRANKLIN FULTON LACKAWANNA LANCASTER LEBANON LUZERNE MONTGOMERY PERRY PHILADELPHIA PIKE SOMERSET SUSQUEHANNA WAYNE WYOMING YORK $$ ANZ430-431-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE DELAWARE BAY WATERS NORTH OF EAST POINT NJ TO SLAUGHTER BEACH DE DELAWARE BAY WATERS SOUTH OF EAST POINT NJ TO SLAUGHTER BEACH DE $$ ATTN...WFO...PHI...BGM...CTP...  728 WUCN11 CWWG 300023 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:23 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= JACKHEAD RES. =NEW= R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD =NEW= WATERHEN MEADOW PORTAGE AND SKOWNAN R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. OCHRE RIVER AND MAKINAK R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. RORKETON AND TOUTES AIDES MUN. OF STE. ROSE INCL. LAURIER MUN. OF MCCREARY INCL. NORGATE MUN. OF GLENELLA-LANSDOWNE INCL. ARDEN AND TENBY MUN. OF WESTLAKE-GLADSTONE INCL. PLUMAS AND LANGRUTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:22 P.M. CDT. AT 7:23 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING AN AREA OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AN AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS IS MOVING THROUGH WESTERN MANITOBA. THESE SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE PRODUCED NICKEL TO GOLFBALL SIZED HAIL AND LOCALLY HEAVY DOWNPOURS. THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST INTO THE EVENING AND CONTINUE TO TRACK EASTWARD. STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LARGE HAIL ARE LIKELY THIS EVENING. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  344 WSCN03 CWAO 300023 CZWG SIGMET V1 VALID 300020/300420 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5136 W09915 - N5100 W09813 TOP FL500 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  560 WUUS55 KCYS 300024 SVRCYS NEC165-WYC027-300100- /O.NEW.KCYS.SV.W.0129.190630T0024Z-190630T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 624 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Sioux County in the Panhandle of Nebraska... East central Niobrara County in east central Wyoming... * Until 700 PM MDT. * At 623 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 11 miles northwest of Harrison, or 23 miles east of Lusk, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Sioux and east central Niobrara Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4300 10405 4300 10375 4298 10367 4274 10393 4283 10416 4310 10406 TIME...MOT...LOC 0023Z 209DEG 18KT 4284 10400 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lyons  567 WWUS81 KGYX 300024 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 824 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ019-024-300100- Interior Cumberland-Coastal Cumberland- 824 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL CUMBERLAND COUNTY... At 823 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Gray, or 12 miles north of Westbrook, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cumberland, Falmouth, Freeport, Gray, Yarmouth, Pownal, North Yarmouth, Windham and New Gloucester. This includes the following highways... Interstate 295 between mile markers 12 and 17. Interstate 95 between mile markers 56 and 65. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4382 7042 4392 7036 4388 7010 4373 7022 TIME...MOT...LOC 0023Z 295DEG 16KT 4385 7031 $$ DS  635 WSCN23 CWAO 300023 CZWG SIGMET V1 VALID 300020/300420 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5136 W09915/45 NE CYDN - /N5100 W09813/60 N CYPG TOP FL500 MOV ENE 15KT NC RMK GFACN32=  043 WSCN03 CWAO 300024 CZWG SIGMET C1 VALID 300020/300420 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5320 W09900 - N5139 W10059 TOP FL460 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  578 WSCN23 CWAO 300024 CZWG SIGMET C1 VALID 300020/300420 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5320 W09900/15 NE CJV8 - /N5139 W10059/45 NW CYDN TOP FL460 MOV ENE 15KT NC RMK GFACN32=  522 WOAU16 AMMC 300024 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0024UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 36S156E 43S156E 45S154E 49S144E. Forecast 38S159E 45S159E 48S156E 51S146E at 300600UTC, 38S161E 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E at 301200UTC, and 37S162E 40S164E 46S166E 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 40S144E 38S157E 42S162E 45S160E 55S160E 56S149E 47S142E 40S144E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front, shifting westerly quarter 34/47 west of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell.  523 WOAU46 AMMC 300024 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0024UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 36S156E 43S156E 45S154E 49S144E. Forecast 38S159E 45S159E 48S156E 51S146E at 300600UTC, 38S161E 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E at 301200UTC, and 37S162E 40S164E 46S166E 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 40S144E 38S157E 42S162E 45S160E 55S160E 56S149E 47S142E 40S144E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front, shifting westerly quarter 34/47 west of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell.  057 WWUS51 KBTV 300025 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 825 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC089-300100- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ St. Lawrence NY- 825 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY... At 825 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Rensselaer Falls to 7 miles south of Nelson Corner, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Gouverneur, Canton, Oswegatchie, De Kalb, Fowler, Degrasse, Hermon, Carry Falls Reservoir, Richville, Star Lake, Pierrepont, Russell, Fine, Pitcairn, Stark, Edwards, Talcville, South Edwards, Newton Falls and North Gouverneur. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4431 7564 4465 7519 4442 7461 4406 7509 TIME...MOT...LOC 0025Z 304DEG 37KT 4460 7526 4427 7570 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  358 WUUS53 KILX 300025 SVRILX ILC019-300115- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0121.190630T0025Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 725 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Champaign County in east central Illinois... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 725 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Gifford, or near Rantoul, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Champaign, Rantoul, Urbana, Thomasboro, Gifford, Ludlow, Royal, Penfield and Flatville. This includes Interstate 57 between mile markers 238 and 257. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4014 8795 4015 8828 4040 8819 4040 8794 TIME...MOT...LOC 0025Z 003DEG 12KT 4036 8807 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  441 WUUS51 KPHI 300025 SVRPHI PAC029-300115- /O.NEW.KPHI.SV.W.0186.190630T0025Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 825 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Mount Holly NJ has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Chester County in southeastern Pennsylvania... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 825 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Parkesburg, or 14 miles west of West Chester, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor damage to vehicles is possible. Wind damage to roofs, siding, trees, and power lines is possible. * Locations impacted include... West Chester, Coatesville, Westtown, Downingtown, Kennett Square, Parkesburg, Cochranville, Marshallton, Hockessin, West Goshen, Atglen, South Coatesville, Avondale, Modena, Thorndale, Toughkenamon and Exton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Mount Holly NJ. && LAT...LON 4008 7591 3998 7546 3995 7551 3993 7552 3993 7554 3988 7559 3985 7559 3984 7558 3984 7561 3983 7564 3979 7571 3990 7600 TIME...MOT...LOC 0025Z 290DEG 23KT 3997 7587 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MPS  405 WSBZ01 SBBR 300000 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0029 W05914 - S0110 W06023 - S0329 W06322 - S0019 W06819 - N0200 W06733 - N0030 W06602 - N0220 W06324 - N0339 W06244 - N0453 W06035 - N0450 W06002 - N0430 W06011 - N0406 W05939 - N0245 W05959 - N0029 W05914 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  406 WSBZ01 SBBR 300000 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0325 W05203 - N0210 W04959 - S0006 W05058 - S0239 W05640 - S0108 W06024 - N0030 W05915 - N0027 W05809 - N0211 W05418 - N0209 W05251 - N0325 W05203 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  407 WSBZ01 SBBR 300000 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 292230/300230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2913 W05347 - S2917 W05542 - S3052 W05536 - S3242 W05304 - S3304 W05334 - S3342 W05334 - S3359 W05301 - S3400 W05024 - S2931 W04604 - S2836 W04821 - S3010 W05045 - S2913 W05347 TOP FL380 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  408 WSBZ01 SBBR 300000 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0550 W07308 - S0644 W06829 - S0740 W06804 - S0945 W07001 - S0830 W07314 - S0550 W07308 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  631 WSCN03 CWAO 300025 CZWG SIGMET E1 VALID 300025/300425 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5509 W10254 - N5400 W10246 TOP FL460 MOV NE 15KT NC=  914 WSCN23 CWAO 300025 CZWG SIGMET E1 VALID 300025/300425 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5509 W10254/45 NW CYFO - /N5400 W10246/60 SW CYFO TOP FL460 MOV NE 15KT NC RMK GFACN32=  669 WWCN02 CYTR 300025 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 6:25 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WINDS HAVE DIMINISHED.  890 WUCN11 CWTO 300026 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:26 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: PLEVNA - SHARBOT LAKE - WESTERN LANARK COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  555 WUCN11 CWTO 300026 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:26 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: GANANOQUE - MALLORYTOWN BROCKVILLE - PRESCOTT WESTPORT - CHARLESTON LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  604 WGUS83 KEAX 300026 FLSEAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 726 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Kansas...Missouri... Marais Des Cygnes River near Trading Post affecting Linn and Bates Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away.This product along with additional weather and stream information is available at www.weather.gov/kc/. && KSC107-MOC013-300056- /O.CAN.KEAX.FL.W.0274.000000T0000Z-190630T2338Z/ /TPOK1.2.ER.190624T0048Z.190628T1145Z.190629T2211Z.UU/ 726 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Marais Des Cygnes River near Trading Post. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 26.2 feet. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 5:11 PM Saturday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 16.3 feet by Monday morning. * At 27.0 feet...Flooding of low-lying farmland occurs and water begins to affect Stateline Road north of the gauge. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Marais Des Cygnes River Trading Post 27 26.2 Sat 07 PM 24.1 early Sunday morning && LAT...LON 3826 9476 3826 9465 3824 9446 3817 9447 3821 9470 $$  061 WUCN14 CWWG 300026 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:26 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK =NEW= ILE A LA CROSSE AND BEAUVAL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:14 P.M. CST. AT 6:26 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE ALONG A LINE FROM 40 KM NORTHEAST OF DORINTOSH TO PRINCE ALBERT NATIONAL PARK AND ARE MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  062 WUCN13 CWWG 300026 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:26 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: R.M. OF MEADOW LAKE INCLUDING WATERHEN RES. GREEN LAKE R.M. OF BIG RIVER INCLUDING BIG RIVER AND CHITEK LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:14 P.M. CST. AT 6:26 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE ALONG A LINE FROM 40 KM NORTHEAST OF DORINTOSH TO PRINCE ALBERT NATIONAL PARK AND ARE MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  681 WUCN13 CWWG 300027 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:27 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF TORCH RIVER INCLUDING CHOICELAND AND WHITE FOX R.M. OF PADDOCKWOOD INCLUDING CANDLE LAKE AND PADDOCKWOOD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:15 P.M. CST. AT 6:27 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A STORM CURRENTLY NORTHWEST OF MEATH PARK IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING LOONIE SIZED HAIL, HEAVY RAIN AND STRONG WIND GUSTS. THIS STORM IS TRACKING TO THE EAST AT APPROXIMATELY 50 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  636 WHCN13 CWTO 300027 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE CANADIAN PORTION OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE ONTARIO PORTION OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:27 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: KINGSTON TO PRESCOTT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE AREA. THE STRONGEST THUNDERSTORMS HAVE MOVED OVER NORTHERN NEW YORK STATE. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  749 WWPK31 OPMT 300020 OPMT AD WRNG 01 VALID 300030/300330 DSTS/RA IS LIKELY TO OCCUR OVER MULTAN DURING THE PERIOD (.) S/WIND N-NE MAY GUST UPTO 35KTS (.) S/VIS. MAY REDUCE TO 02KM OR LESS IN RAISED DUST=  916 WWUS51 KLWX 300029 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 829 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC009-300045- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0292.000000T0000Z-190630T0045Z/ Calvert MD- 829 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CALVERT COUNTY... At 829 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Chesapeake Beach, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. The strongest part of the storm is near Mount Harmony, moving toward Chesapeake Beach. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Chesapeake Beach, Prince Frederick, Breezy Point, Huntingtown, Owings, Mount Harmony, Sunderland, Lower Marlboro and Dares Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3857 7668 3862 7667 3864 7669 3866 7668 3868 7669 3872 7662 3872 7653 3866 7653 3862 7651 3853 7652 3851 7651 TIME...MOT...LOC 0029Z 287DEG 22KT 3866 7660 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ DHOF  552 WUCN11 CWWG 300029 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:29 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= GRAND RAPIDS AND EASTERVILLE PELICAN RAPIDS AND SHOAL RIVER FIRST NATIONS MUN. OF MINITONAS-BOWSMAN INCL. RENWER DUCK MOUNTAIN PROV. PARK AND PROV. FOREST R.M. OF MOUNTAIN INCLUDING COWAN AND CAMPERVILLE. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MUN. OF ROBLIN INCL. MAKAROFF SHORTDALE AND BIELD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:33 P.M. CDT. AT 7:29 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  167 WWUS51 KBGM 300030 SVSBGM Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 830 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC007-PAC115-300100- /O.CON.KBGM.SV.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Broome NY-Susquehanna PA- 830 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN BROOME AND NORTHEASTERN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTIES... At 829 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hallstead, or 11 miles northeast of Montrose, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Endicott, Susquehanna, Susquehanna Depot, Montrose, Harford, Hallstead, New Milford, Great Bend, Lanesboro and Little Meadows. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4198 7615 4200 7615 4200 7610 4208 7611 4197 7551 4168 7571 TIME...MOT...LOC 0029Z 279DEG 25KT 4196 7575 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ DJP  382 WUUS53 KILX 300030 SVRILX ILC183-300115- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0122.190630T0030Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 730 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 730 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles north of Danville, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Danville, Georgetown, Westville, Tilton, Belgium, Bismarck, Alvin and Vermilion County Airport. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 210 and 220. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3991 8763 4025 8777 4036 8754 4035 8753 3995 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0030Z 333DEG 16KT 4025 8760 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  462 WWUS81 KGYX 300030 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 830 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ007-008-012-013-020-300100- Southern Oxford-Northern Oxford-Androscoggin-Southern Franklin-Northern Franklin- 830 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL OXFORD AND SOUTHEASTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 830 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Phillips to 7 miles southwest of Rumford to 10 miles southwest of Bethel. Movement was southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Farmington, Bethel, Rumford, Jay, Dixfield, Canton, Waterford, Wilton, Mexico, Phillips, Weld, Livermore, Buckfield, Chesterville, Hartford, Lovell, Greenwood, Carthage, Avon and Hanover. This also includes... Mount Blue, Caribou Mountain, Albany Mountain, Mount Zircon, and Crocker Hill. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4470 7004 4431 7036 4413 7078 4438 7100 4452 7073 4483 7038 TIME...MOT...LOC 0030Z 304DEG 15KT 4474 7037 4448 7066 4433 7097 $$ DS  473 WOAU15 AMMC 300030 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:55S125E35050:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0030UTC 30 June 2019 FINAL GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous easterly flow on southern side of a near stationary low 1008hPa near 23.5S168.5E. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 27S170E 28S168E 29S168E 29S170E 27S170E. FORECAST Easterly quarter winds 30/40 knots. Winds easing below 34 knots by 300300UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  091 WGUS83 KMPX 300030 FLSMPX Flood Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 730 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following river in Minnesota... Middle Fork Zumbro River at Pine Island 1S / Mdl Frk Zumbro R affecting Goodhue County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Turn Around...Don't Drown. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local radio or TV station for the latest information concerning this flood event. && MNC049-300100- /O.CAN.KMPX.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-190701T1121Z/ /PNLM5.3.ER.190628T1356Z.190628T1800Z.190629T2315Z.NR/ 730 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Middle Fork Zumbro River at Pine Island 1S / Mdl Frk Zumbro R. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 6:15 PM Saturday. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 4420 9278 4420 9268 4421 9261 4419 9261 4412 9278 $$ CEO  317 WUUS53 KBIS 300030 SVRBIS NDC037-300130- /O.NEW.KBIS.SV.W.0044.190630T0030Z-190630T0130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Bismarck ND 630 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Bismarck has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in south central North Dakota... * Until 730 PM MDT. * At 630 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Heart Butte Dam, or 10 miles north of Elgin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Grant County, including the following locations... Lark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until midnight MDT for south central and southwestern North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4643 10205 4662 10205 4661 10130 4639 10130 TIME...MOT...LOC 0030Z 261DEG 20KT 4655 10183 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ MJONES  765 WHUS52 KTAE 300031 SMWTAE GMZ730-765-775-300100- /O.NEW.KTAE.MA.W.0139.190630T0031Z-190630T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 831 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River Fl out to 20 Nm... Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach out 20 NM... Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 900 PM EDT. * At 830 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 18 nm east of Buckeye Reef, moving north at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots...suddenly higher waves...frequent lightning...and heavy downpours. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. * Locations impacted include... Buckeye Reef. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. Frequent lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. && LAT...LON 2950 8330 2943 8364 2977 8405 2994 8364 2981 8353 2979 8353 2976 8350 2955 8334 2953 8334 TIME...MOT...LOC 0030Z 161DEG 20KT 2964 8354 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 72-BUNKER  766 WGUS73 KILX 300031 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 731 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC175-300041- /O.EXP.KILX.FF.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Stark- 731 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR CENTRAL STARK COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The heavy rain has ended. Flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4119 8975 4097 8981 4097 8983 4105 8992 4115 8993 4115 8987 4119 8986 $$ 37  135 WUCN13 CWWG 300031 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:31 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF SILVERWOOD SOUTH OF WHITEWOOD =NEW= R.M. OF WILLOWDALE INCLUDING WHITEWOOD AND OCHAPOWACE RES. R.M. OF ELCAPO INCLUDING BROADVIEW AND COWESSESS RES. R.M. OF KINGSLEY INCLUDING KIPLING. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF CHESTER INCLUDING WINDTHORST GLENAVON AND PEEBLES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:00 P.M. CST. AT 6:31 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  566 WWCN02 CYTR 300032 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 6:32 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 5 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0200Z (UNTIL 29/2000 MDT) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0300Z (UNTIL 29/2400 MDT) COMMENTS: A THUNDERSTORM CELL HAS DEVELOPED OVER NAMAO. STRIKES CAN BE EXPECTED WITHIN 5 NM OF THE BASE FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF HOURS BEFORE MOVING OUT AND/OR DISSIPATING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 35 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0200Z (29/2000 MDT) END/JMC  567 WWCN03 CYTR 300031 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BAGOTVILLE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:31 PM EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB BAGOTVILLE (CYBG) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0200Z (29/2200 EDT) COMMENTS: THE DAYTIME THUNDERSTORMS HAVE STARTED TO WEAKEN HOWEVER THERE CONTINUE TO BE ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS JUST BEYOND THE ADVISORY AREA. IN ADDITION TO LIGHTNING, THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0200Z (29/2200 EDT) END/JMC  394 WGUS73 KILX 300032 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 732 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC183-300115- /O.CON.KILX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Vermilion- 732 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTY... At 732 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is expected. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Danville, Bismarck, Henning, Vermilion County Airport and Alvin. Additional rainfall amounts of another inch are possible in the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4015 8772 4032 8773 4035 8753 4013 8753 $$ 37  306 WWUS81 KOKX 300033 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 CTZ006-007-010-011-300115- Southern Middlesex-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex-Southern New Haven- 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN NEW HAVEN AND SOUTH CENTRAL MIDDLESEX COUNTIES... At 832 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from North Haven to near Guilford. Movement was east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 35 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... New Haven, Guilford, Clinton, Old Saybrook, Chester, Hamden, Branford, North Haven, North Branford, Woodbridge, Westbrook, Killingworth, North Madison, West Haven and East Haven. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4126 7233 4125 7239 4127 7241 4127 7245 4125 7247 4126 7249 4124 7255 4126 7258 4126 7267 4124 7269 4124 7272 4125 7273 4123 7276 4126 7278 4124 7281 4125 7284 4123 7290 4137 7301 4139 7246 TIME...MOT...LOC 0032Z 272DEG 24KT 4138 7285 4120 7268 $$ JM  619 WSCN23 CWAO 300032 CZWG SIGMET A1 VALID 300030/300430 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE /N5510 W10849/45 S CYVT - /N5343 W10622/45 NW CYPA TOP FL460 MOV NE 10KT NC RMK GFACN32/CZEG EDMONTON FIR SIGMET K1=  620 WSCN03 CWAO 300032 CZWG SIGMET A1 VALID 300030/300430 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE N5510 W10849 - N5343 W10622 TOP FL460 MOV NE 10KT NC=  621 WSCN22 CWAO 300032 CZEG SIGMET K1 VALID 300030/300430 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE /N5510 W10849/45 S CYVT - /N5343 W10622/45 NW CYPA TOP FL460 MOV NE 10KT NC RMK GFACN32/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SIGMET A1=  905 WUUS53 KIND 300033 SVRIND INC045-165-171-300115- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0125.190630T0033Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Fountain County in west central Indiana... Southwestern Warren County in west central Indiana... Northwestern Vermillion County in west central Indiana... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 832 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Covington, or 8 miles northeast of Danville, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Covington, Veedersburg, Perrysville, State Line City, Foster and Gessie. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 1 and 15. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4036 8753 4010 8721 3994 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0032Z 320DEG 29KT 4019 8748 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  991 WSCN22 CWAO 300033 CZEG SIGMET S1 VALID 300030/300355 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET S6 292355/300355 RMK GFACN32=  992 WSCN02 CWAO 300033 CZEG SIGMET S1 VALID 300030/300355 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET S6 292355/300355=  993 WSCN02 CWAO 300032 CZEG SIGMET K1 VALID 300030/300430 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE N5510 W10849 - N5343 W10622 TOP FL460 MOV NE 10KT NC=  477 WOUS64 KWNS 300033 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 733 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC001-015-021-025-029-031-037-041-043-045-047-051-055-057-059- 065-083-085-089-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BURLEIGH DICKEY DUNN EMMONS FOSTER GRANT HETTINGER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STARK STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  677 WWUS51 KBTV 300033 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC005-011-015-019-300043- /O.CAN.KBTV.SV.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Lamoille VT-Caledonia VT-Orleans VT-Franklin VT- 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LAMOILLE... NORTHWESTERN CALEDONIA...SOUTHWESTERN ORLEANS AND CENTRAL FRANKLIN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4480 7303 4490 7296 4477 7227 4452 7241 TIME...MOT...LOC 0032Z 296DEG 22KT 4475 7277 $$ Haynes  889 WUUS51 KLWX 300033 SVRLWX MDC009-017-033-300115- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0294.190630T0033Z-190630T0115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Calvert County in southern Maryland... Southeastern Prince Georges County in central Maryland... East central Charles County in southern Maryland... * Until 915 PM EDT. * At 833 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hallowing Point, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Chesapeake Ranch Estates, Prince Frederick, Sheridan Point, Flag Harbor, Calvert Cliffs, Lusby, Saint Leonard, Hughesville, Long Beach, Aquasco, Calvert Beach, Benedict, Eagle Harbor, Barstow and Port Republic. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3836 7639 3845 7660 3846 7659 3846 7660 3847 7660 3845 7661 3847 7665 3849 7665 3850 7667 3852 7666 3854 7668 3851 7667 3850 7669 3853 7679 3861 7673 3853 7652 3848 7649 3839 7639 TIME...MOT...LOC 0033Z 286DEG 21KT 3855 7671 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  970 WSCN02 CWAO 300033 CZEG SIGMET L1 VALID 300030/300430 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5951 W10621 - N5728 W10758 TOP FL340 QS NC=  971 WSCN22 CWAO 300033 CZEG SIGMET L1 VALID 300030/300430 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5951 W10621/45 NW CYSF - /N5728 W10758/60 E CAX2 TOP FL340 QS NC RMK GFACN32=  134 WWUS51 KBTV 300033 RRA SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC015-023-300042- /O.EXP.KBTV.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190630T0030Z/ Lamoille VT-Washington VT- 833 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LAMOILLE AND NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm as it moves southeast across Washington county near Montpelier into Orange county near Orange. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Burlington. LAT...LON 4439 7275 4450 7262 4439 7232 4426 7243 TIME...MOT...LOC 0032Z 302DEG 24KT 4436 7252 $$ SLW  471 WWUS53 KBIS 300035 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 735 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-059-300100- /O.CON.KBIS.SV.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Morton ND-Grant ND- 735 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 800 PM CDT/700 PM MDT/ FOR NORTHWESTERN MORTON AND NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTIES... At 735 PM CDT/635 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles northwest of Heart Butte Dam, or 11 miles southwest of Glen Ullin, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Glen Ullin around 750 PM CDT. Almont around 800 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT/midnight MDT/ for south central and southwestern North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4661 10205 4663 10205 4663 10207 4685 10210 4695 10136 4660 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0035Z 257DEG 34KT 4669 10198 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ MJONES  485 WWUS81 KGYX 300036 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 836 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ003-005-300100- Northern Grafton-Southern Grafton- 836 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL GRAFTON COUNTY... At 835 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 9 miles southeast of Piermont, or 15 miles northwest of Plymouth, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Canaan, Groton, Piermont, Lyme, Dorchester, Ellsworth, Wentworth, Rumney, Campton, Orange and Orford. This also includes... Rumney Rocks, Carr Mountain, and Stinson Mountain. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4388 7209 4399 7190 4382 7168 4368 7194 TIME...MOT...LOC 0035Z 324DEG 18KT 4388 7195 $$ DS  641 WSBZ31 SBBS 300035 SBBS SIGMET 1 VALID 300035/300435 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2206 W04802 - S1558 W04955 - S150 6 W04733 - S1949 W04230 - S2029 W04235 - S2031 W04402 - S2250 W04549 - S2314 W04550 - S2326 W04628 - S2330 W04656 - S2305 W04734 - S2241 W0 4734 - S2206 W04802 FL320/370 STNR NC=  979 WWUS81 KPBZ 300037 SPSPBZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 837 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 OHZ050-PAZ029-WVZ002-003-300100- Jefferson-Washington-Brooke-Ohio- 837 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING GUSTY WIND WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN JEFFERSON...WEST CENTRAL WASHINGTON... NORTHEASTERN OHIO AND BROOKE COUNTIES... At 836 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Avella, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wellsburg... Avella... Mingo Junction... Wolfdale... Hooverson Heights... Bethany... Claysville... Franklin... Hickory... Beech Bottom... Brilliant... Taylorstown... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Seek safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4025 8068 4035 8055 4029 8020 4006 8041 TIME...MOT...LOC 0036Z 291DEG 31KT 4026 8050 $$  589 WWUS81 KBTV 300037 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 837 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTZ007-008-010-300145- Caledonia-Washington-Orange- 837 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN CALEDONIA... NORTHEASTERN ORANGE AND EAST CENTRAL WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 837 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Plainfield, moving east at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Barre, Montpelier, Barre Town, Plainfield, Orange, Topsham Four Corners, Wells River Village, Ryegate, Websterville, East Montpelier, Newbury, Topsham, Barre City, Newbury Village, Barnet, Berlin, Groton Village, Ricker State Park, E F Knapp State Airport and Groton. LAT...LON 4432 7203 4430 7204 4428 7207 4424 7205 4419 7207 4413 7203 4412 7205 4410 7205 4410 7204 4405 7207 4404 7208 4417 7263 4434 7256 TIME...MOT...LOC 0037Z 270DEG 18KT 4425 7240 $$ Haynes  717 WUCN14 CWWG 300037 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:37 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= BUFFALO NARROWS AND PETER POND LAKE PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK ILE A LA CROSSE AND BEAUVAL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:21 P.M. CST. AT 6:37 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE ALONG A LINE FROM 50 KM SOUTHWEST OF BEAUVAL TO PRINCE ALBERT NATIONAL PARK AND ARE MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  718 WUCN13 CWWG 300037 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:37 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: R.M. OF MEADOW LAKE INCLUDING WATERHEN RES. GREEN LAKE R.M. OF BIG RIVER INCLUDING BIG RIVER AND CHITEK LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:21 P.M. CST. AT 6:37 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE ALONG A LINE FROM 50 KM SOUTHWEST OF BEAUVAL TO PRINCE ALBERT NATIONAL PARK AND ARE MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  989 WSCI34 ZSSS 300035 ZSHA SIGMET 1 VALID 300100/300500 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N32 AND N OF N29 TOP FL350 MOV E 30KMH NC=  298 WWUS53 KBIS 300038 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 638 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-300130- /O.CON.KBIS.SV.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Grant ND- 638 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM MDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 638 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles south of Heart Butte Dam, or 8 miles north of Elgin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Two inch hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Carson, Heart Butte Dam and Lark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until midnight MDT for south central and southwestern North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4643 10205 4662 10205 4661 10130 4639 10130 TIME...MOT...LOC 0038Z 262DEG 20KT 4652 10178 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...2.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ MJONES  742 WUUS53 KUNR 300039 SVRUNR SDC047-300145- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0086.190630T0039Z-190630T0145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 639 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Fall River County in southwestern South Dakota... * Until 745 PM MDT. * At 638 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles west of Montrose, or 25 miles south of Edgemont, moving north at 25 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Provo and Rumford. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4301 10405 4326 10405 4327 10358 4299 10373 TIME...MOT...LOC 0038Z 192DEG 21KT 4294 10397 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Helgeson  949 ACUS01 KWNS 300039 SWODY1 SPC AC 300037 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0737 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 Valid 300100Z - 301200Z ...THERE IS AN ENHANCED RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FOR PARTS OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN NORTH DAKOTA INTO NORTHWEST MINNESOTA... ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms capable of large hail, damaging winds as well as a few tornadoes are possible this evening over North Dakota. The severe risk will transition to damaging winds overnight from parts of the Dakotas into the Upper Midwest. ...Northern Great Plains and Upper Midwest... The glancing of a Saskatchewan mid-level shortwave trough this evening will favor additional storm development over parts of the Dakotas this evening as a southerly LLJ strengthens before veering overnight. A very moisture-rich/unstable airmass was sampled this evening by the 00z Bismarck and Aberdeen raobs with deep-layer shear considerably less with south extent across the Dakotas. The greatest risk for supercell-related severe hazards (tornado, hail, wind) will likely focus this evening over ND. Additional storms are forecast by late evening into the overnight near and north of earlier-day convective outflow along the effective warm frontal zone. The transition to primarily a damaging wind threat will accompany storms as they grow upscale later tonight. ...Northeast into the Mid-Atlantic states... A vigorous mid-level low southeast of James Bay will move southeast tonight. As the boundary layer cools this evening, the propensity for strong to locally severe gusts will likely diminish across the Mid-Atlantic states and become increasingly confined across parts of the Northeast. A perhaps amplified risk for damaging gusts may continue for the next hour across northern NY into VT but the small spatiotemporal character of the threat will preclude the introduction of higher probabilities. ...Parts of central TX... A few clusters of storms moving south-southwest from near the Metroplex and east-central TX will probably continue for the next few hours. The strongest outflow and cores may be capable of an isolated severe threat into the mid evening hours. ..Smith.. 06/30/2019 $$  952 WUUS01 KWNS 300039 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0737 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 VALID TIME 300100Z - 301200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 49019390 48049334 46599322 45819375 44859441 44749690 44849822 44979927 44940015 45060068 45400127 46000209 46670225 47830183 49290077 0.05 49289715 47659652 46969583 46159558 45779567 45339712 45510066 45960155 46740196 47390164 49100045 0.10 46549854 45979906 45980082 46460108 46950081 46959895 46549854 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 49009320 48139306 46579324 44869442 44379644 44519827 44209890 43269952 42510037 42000125 41610207 41590303 41730359 42280428 42680424 44480182 46670237 48630183 49190206 0.05 31369770 32549760 32539690 30699656 28459674 28499708 30159756 31369770 0.05 40777017 41407257 41567592 41717653 42117654 42467582 43027549 44087711 99999999 45877077 44867071 44057041 43196998 42826965 0.15 49239605 48039530 47009521 45759569 45269718 45399818 45389932 45180028 45210083 45600129 45950208 46670226 48200172 49120130 0.30 47179846 46529852 45929909 45940154 46760195 47410164 47850121 47869941 47179846 SIGN 45970155 46770195 47410165 47830124 47869941 47179846 46559852 45949908 45970155 && ... WIND ... 0.05 29949903 31229900 33389797 33229717 32569690 31809620 30309613 29429633 28469674 28469703 28619754 29099848 29949903 0.05 37807485 37947587 38157721 38437868 38788043 39008143 39408175 40378184 40598115 39887923 40517673 40887549 41737653 42127654 42477580 43037549 43277585 44187724 99999999 45877077 44867071 44057041 43196998 42826965 0.05 48529091 46269026 44668948 43888935 43038951 42479039 42549216 44369641 44529821 44209890 43279953 42540037 42000123 41620204 41590302 41740359 42270428 42670425 44490182 46670237 48640185 49210206 0.15 49009270 48209239 47579239 45719287 45109319 44849405 44849486 45259705 45419807 45389934 45170022 45200079 45600130 45950209 46680226 48300169 49150128 0.30 47229491 46789495 46339530 45969658 45949908 46429963 47029975 47869940 47809520 47229491 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... ENH 47229491 46789495 46339530 45969658 45949907 45929909 45940154 46760195 47410164 47850121 47869941 47859940 47869940 47809520 47229491 SLGT 48519251 48209239 47579239 45719288 45109319 44849405 44849486 45259705 45269718 45399818 45389932 45319964 45170022 45210083 45470113 45600130 45950209 46490221 46680226 48200172 48300169 48760147 48990136 MRGL 45517075 44867071 44057041 43156994 99999999 37827500 37947587 38157721 38437868 38788043 39008143 39408175 40378184 40598115 39887923 40517673 40887549 41737653 42127654 42467582 43027549 43807667 MRGL 48289085 46269026 44668948 43888935 43038951 42479039 42549216 44369641 44449729 44519824 44209889 44089898 43269952 42510037 42080111 42000123 41610207 41610221 41580301 41640323 41730359 42010394 42310428 42680424 43550311 44490182 46670237 48640185 48990198 MRGL 33229717 32569690 31809620 30309613 29429633 28469674 28459674 28469679 28469703 28619754 29099848 29949903 31229900 33389797 33229717 TSTM 29320168 30760163 31660105 33319934 35409789 36649533 36619312 36049049 34778787 33468582 32388452 32308368 33348251 33548111 32647911 99999999 36017499 35377654 34807894 34878181 35848513 36318786 37648838 41189469 42289803 42319903 41340076 40040220 38610323 37370317 35840420 34400634 31300807 99999999 30971178 34871267 37651353 39441307 40651172 40930961 41200813 42060697 43040616 43930703 44370806 44341045 44681285 44931548 44631820 44321970 43782066 42212167 40972260 40812313 41142355 41922377 42982333 44822315 46382290 47762218 48752169 49192169 99999999 49301902 46552060 45862099 45322065 45531922 46241784 46911593 47241464 47561350 47781255 47891131 48060997 48440928 49350857 99999999 48558854 46978872 45018848 41378665 40678634 40408548 40358458 40838358 41198278 41507874 42017816 42767810 43657879 99999999 26738141 27708218 29238265 30638241 31538198 30738181 28738128 27138064 26668074 26738141 && THERE IS A ENH RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 S BJI 45 E DTL 30 N AXN 45 N VVV 45 NW ABR 45 NW ABR 30 E Y22 40 E DIK 20 SSW N60 15 NE N60 30 SW DVL 30 SW DVL 30 SW DVL 25 NNW BJI 20 S BJI. THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 E INL 30 NW ELO 25 ENE HIB 60 E STC 15 N MSP 40 W MSP 25 NNE RWF 25 NNE ATY 25 N ATY 10 ESE ABR 45 W ABR 40 ESE MBG 25 SSE MBG 30 SW MBG 35 W MBG 40 W MBG Y22 35 SE DIK 25 ESE DIK 20 WSW MOT 20 W MOT 35 NNW MOT 50 N MOT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 65 NNE BML 25 ENE BML 30 N PWM 40 SSE PWM ...CONT... 25 ESE WAL 20 W WAL 45 WSW NHK 15 NE SHD 30 WSW EKN 25 S PKB 15 WNW PKB 30 N ZZV 25 SSE CAK 30 SSE LBE 20 NNE CXY 15 N ABE 35 SSE ELM 20 ESE ELM 20 NNE BGM 10 SSW UCA 35 WSW ART. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 NNW GNA 20 SSW IWD 15 SE CWA 40 W OSH 10 SW MSN 20 ENE DBQ 10 E ALO 20 E BKX 25 WNW BKX 10 N HON 35 WSW HON 25 NE 9V9 35 SSW 9V9 20 WSW ANW MHN 10 WSW MHN 50 SE AIA 45 SE AIA 35 N SNY 25 SE BFF 10 S BFF 10 ESE TOR 20 NNW TOR 45 N TOR 35 S RAP 30 NNW PHP 20 ESE DIK 35 NW MOT 60 NNW MOT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NNE FTW 20 S DAL 20 SE CRS 25 SE CLL 50 N PSX 30 SSE VCT 30 SSE VCT 30 SSE VCT 30 SSW VCT 20 NNE NIR 30 S SAT 40 NNE HDO 40 S BWD 40 N MWL 30 NNE FTW. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 W DRT 60 NE 6R6 40 WNW SJT 65 NNE ABI 15 W OKC 30 W GMJ 25 N HRO 15 NNE JBR 15 W MSL 10 SSE ANB 25 ESE CSG 30 S MCN 30 W AGS 15 WNW OGB 55 ESE CHS ...CONT... 65 NNE HSE 35 NE EWN 10 SSW FAY 10 ESE SPA 10 SSW CSV 30 SW CKV 45 NNE PAH 50 NE SDA 35 ESE ONL 20 WSW ONL 15 NNW LBF 45 SW IML 40 NNE LHX 30 WNW SPD 55 ENE LVS 40 NE ONM 70 SSW DMN ...CONT... 90 SSW TUS 20 NW PRC 25 W CDC 30 W U24 15 ESE SLC 35 N VEL 55 ESE RKS 20 NNE RWL 20 ENE CPR 45 E WRL 30 N WRL 40 SE WEY 25 WNW MQM 30 E MYL 25 SW BKE 60 NW BNO 40 SE RDM LMT 30 SSW MHS 50 E EKA 30 ENE ACV 25 ENE CEC 50 NNW MFR 10 SW SLE 40 S OLM 20 NNE SEA 40 E BLI 45 NE BLI ...CONT... 60 NNE OMK YKM 20 NNE DLS 35 SE DLS 20 WSW PDT 25 ENE ALW 55 SSW 3TH 35 NW MSO 50 NNE MSO 60 S CTB 30 N GTF 35 SSW HVR 25 ESE HVR 80 NE HVR ...CONT... 95 N CMX 20 SW CMX 40 NNW GRB 20 ESE VPZ 35 ENE LAF 10 NNW MIE 35 NNW DAY 15 SSE FDY 30 NNW MFD 20 SSW BFD 30 ENE BFD 35 SW ROC 50 N BUF ...CONT... 30 ENE FMY 30 NE SRQ 25 W OCF 45 S AYS 30 NE AYS 20 NNW JAX 15 NNE ORL 40 SSW VRB 40 W PBI 30 ENE FMY.  221 WWUS55 KCYS 300039 SVSCYS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 639 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEC165-WYC027-300100- /O.CON.KCYS.SV.W.0129.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Sioux NE-Niobrara WY- 639 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM MDT FOR NORTHWESTERN SIOUX AND EAST CENTRAL NIOBRARA COUNTIES... At 638 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles west of Montrose, or 23 miles south of Edgemont, moving north at 30 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Sioux and east central Niobrara Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4300 10383 4281 10392 4286 10414 4310 10406 4300 10405 TIME...MOT...LOC 0038Z 200DEG 26KT 4298 10397 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lyons  294 WUUS51 KBUF 300040 SVRBUF NYC045-049-300145- /O.NEW.KBUF.SV.W.0042.190630T0040Z-190630T0145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Buffalo NY 840 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Jefferson County in central New York... Northern Lewis County in central New York... * Until 945 PM EDT.. * At 839 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Fowler to near Fort Drum, moving north at 80 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Carthage, West Carthage, Herrings, Denmark, New Bremen, Copenhagen, Harrisville, Croghan, Castorland and Belfort. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4390 7580 4423 7547 4410 7517 4373 7513 TIME...MOT...LOC 0039Z 182DEG 68KT 4423 7542 4408 7578 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ RSH  644 WSPF21 NTAA 300039 NTTT SIGMET A1 VALID 300050/300450 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2500 W15700 - S2300 W13700 - S2500 W13700 - S2800 W15700 FL180/340 STNR INTSF=  763 WWUS81 KAKQ 300040 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 840 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDZ021-300115- Dorchester- 840 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN DORCHESTER COUNTY... At 840 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered near Breezy Point, moving southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cambridge, Secretary, University Of Maryland Center For Environmental Studies, East New Market, Church Creek, Madison, Taylors Island, Woolford, Hudson, Lloyds and Bucktown. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of this storm. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. LAT...LON 3859 7616 3857 7604 3861 7598 3860 7592 3831 7615 3832 7619 3832 7616 3833 7616 3839 7622 3835 7623 3840 7628 3849 7634 3848 7633 3853 7620 3856 7621 3854 7628 3863 7629 3860 7621 3863 7617 TIME...MOT...LOC 0040Z 295DEG 28KT 3861 7640 $$ 05  247 WWUS51 KLWX 300040 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 840 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC009-300050- /O.EXP.KLWX.SV.W.0292.000000T0000Z-190630T0045Z/ Calvert MD- 840 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CALVERT COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 845 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3857 7668 3862 7667 3864 7669 3866 7668 3868 7669 3872 7662 3872 7653 3866 7653 3862 7651 3853 7652 3851 7651 TIME...MOT...LOC 0040Z 287DEG 22KT 3865 7654 $$ DHOF  056 WWUS73 KABR 300041 NPWABR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 741 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ039-046-SDZ003>011-015>023-033>037-045-048-051-300200- /O.CON.KABR.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Traverse-Big Stone-Corson-Campbell-McPherson-Brown-Marshall- Roberts-Walworth-Edmunds-Day-Dewey-Potter-Faulk-Spink-Clark- Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel-Stanley-Sully-Hughes-Hyde-Hand-Jones- Lyman-Buffalo- Including the cities of Wheaton, Ortonville, McIntosh, Herreid, Eureka, Aberdeen, Britton, Sisseton, Mobridge, Ipswich, Webster, Isabel, Gettysburg, Faulkton, Redfield, Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Hayti, Clear Lake, Mission Ridge, Onida, Pierre, Highmore, Miller, Murdo, Kennebec, and Fort Thompson 741 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 /641 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019/ ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT /8 PM MDT/ THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 107 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the mid 70s. * TIMING...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  152 WWUS86 KPDT 300041 SPSPDT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 541 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ORZ503-508-300115- Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon OR- Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon OR- 541 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN MORROW... NORTHWESTERN WHEELER AND SOUTHERN GILLIAM COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM PDT... At 540 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Condon, moving northeast at 25 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Condon, Lonerock and Mayville. LAT...LON 4536 12050 4542 12009 4533 11990 4502 11978 4501 12022 4504 12049 4510 12050 4510 12046 4514 12045 4515 12048 4517 12047 4520 12050 TIME...MOT...LOC 0040Z 233DEG 21KT 4516 12024 $$ vp  748 WWUS51 KPHI 300041 SVSPHI Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 841 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC029-300051- /O.CAN.KPHI.SV.W.0186.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Chester PA- 841 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL CHESTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A severe thunderstorm watch remains in effect until 900 PM EDT for northern Delaware...and southeastern Pennsylvania. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ. LAT...LON 4008 7591 3998 7546 3995 7551 3993 7552 3993 7554 3988 7559 3985 7559 3984 7558 3984 7561 3983 7564 3979 7571 3990 7600 TIME...MOT...LOC 0038Z 290DEG 23KT 3993 7574 $$ MPS  037 WUUS51 KPBZ 300041 SVRPBZ OHC081-PAC125-WVC009-069-300130- /O.NEW.KPBZ.SV.W.0154.190630T0041Z-190630T0130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 841 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Jefferson County in east central Ohio... Southwestern Washington County in southwestern Pennsylvania... Northeastern Ohio County in northern West Virginia... Brooke County in northern West Virginia... * Until 930 PM EDT. * At 841 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Wellsburg, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. * Locations impacted include... Washington... Canonsburg... Wellsburg... West Liberty... Avella... Valley Grove... Wolfdale... McGovern... Houston... Bethany... Claysville... Franklin... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4020 8070 4036 8051 4027 8015 4001 8044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0041Z 306DEG 18KT 4025 8055 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  699 WWUS51 KBTV 300042 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 842 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC019-031-033-089-300115- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Clinton NY-Franklin NY-St. Lawrence NY-Essex NY- 842 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN CLINTON...CENTRAL FRANKLIN...EAST CENTRAL ST. LAWRENCE AND NORTHWESTERN ESSEX COUNTIES... At 842 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wolf Pond, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Adirondack Regional Airport, Plattsburgh International Airport, Saranac Lake, Plattsburgh, Schuyler Falls, Saranac, Debar Mountain, Bryants Mill, Lyon Mountain, Peasleeville, Clayburg, Lake Ozonia, Madawaska, Dannemora, Harrietstown, Santa Clara, South Plattsburgh, Paul Smiths, Chazy Lake and Union Falls. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4459 7477 4462 7454 4475 7393 4467 7338 4430 7417 TIME...MOT...LOC 0042Z 295DEG 29KT 4462 7404 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Haynes  739 WWUS51 KBUF 300042 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 842 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC045-300100- /O.CON.KBUF.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Jefferson NY- 842 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL JEFFERSON COUNTY... At 841 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles southwest of Fowler to near Fort Drum, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Watertown, Fort Drum, Dexter, Glen Park, Herrings, Sackets Harbor, Black River, Philadelphia, Brownville and Antwerp. This includes Interstate 81 between exits 43 and 48. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4422 7545 4389 7576 4388 7622 4420 7630 4419 7589 4418 7572 TIME...MOT...LOC 0041Z 305DEG 42KT 4415 7550 4405 7587 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ RSH  581 WWUS51 KBTV 300043 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 843 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC033-300052- /O.CAN.KBTV.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Franklin NY- 843 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN FRANKLIN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4473 7396 4500 7382 4501 7314 4447 7308 TIME...MOT...LOC 0042Z 290DEG 39KT 4479 7363 $$ NYC019-VTC007-011-013-300115- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Clinton NY-Grand Isle VT-Chittenden VT-Franklin VT- 843 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 PM EDT FOR NORTHERN CLINTON...GRAND ISLE...NORTHWESTERN CHITTENDEN AND WESTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 842 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Jericho, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Essex Junction, Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh International Airport, Burlington, Beekmantown, Schuyler Falls, Chazy, Mooers, Altona, Champlain, Colchester, Essex Junction Village, Georgia, Grand Isle, St. Albans Town, South Alburgh, Alburgh, Alburgh Dunes State Park, North Hero and Milton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Boaters on Lake Champlain should seek safe harbor now! Strong winds will cause higher waves and sudden wind shifts may overturn boats. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4473 7396 4500 7382 4501 7314 4447 7308 TIME...MOT...LOC 0042Z 290DEG 39KT 4479 7363 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Haynes  324 WUUS51 KBGM 300043 SVRBGM NYC007-025-PAC115-127-300130- /O.NEW.KBGM.SV.W.0073.190630T0043Z-190630T0130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Binghamton NY 843 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Binghamton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Broome County in central New York... Southwestern Delaware County in central New York... Northeastern Susquehanna County in northeastern Pennsylvania... Northern Wayne County in northeastern Pennsylvania... * Until 930 PM EDT. * At 843 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lanesboro, or 10 miles southwest of Deposit, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Susquehanna, Deposit, Susquehanna Depot, Hancock, Lanesboro, Starrucca, Hiawatha, Shehawken, Starlight and Starruca. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4192 7500 4185 7514 4184 7512 4185 7515 4192 7567 4206 7568 4210 7499 TIME...MOT...LOC 0043Z 271DEG 28KT 4197 7558 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ DJP  092 WOUS64 KWNS 300043 WOU2 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 462 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 843 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 462 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS DEC001-005-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0462.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ DE . DELAWARE COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE KENT SUSSEX $$ MDC011-029-035-041-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0462.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ MD . MARYLAND COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CAROLINE KENT QUEEN ANNE'S TALBOT $$ ATTN...WFO...PHI...  805 WUUS51 KLWX 300044 SVRLWX MDC017-300130- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0295.190630T0044Z-190630T0130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 844 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Charles County in southern Maryland... * Until 930 PM EDT. * At 843 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Saint Charles, or near Waldorf, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Waldorf, La Plata, Saint Charles, Accokeek, Bryans Road, Hughesville, Charlotte Hall, Aquasco, Bryantown, Pomfret, Dentsville and White Plains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3851 7676 3851 7677 3843 7682 3842 7684 3858 7711 3862 7705 3864 7703 3858 7674 3857 7674 3856 7673 TIME...MOT...LOC 0043Z 286DEG 22KT 3860 7698 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  833 WSCU31 MUHA 300035 MUFH SIGMET 1 VALID 300035/300435 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0030Z WI N2400 W08600 N2400 W07900 N2100 W07600 N2100 W07800 N2200 W08000 N2200 W08600 TO N2400 W08600 CB TOP FL450 MOV WNW5KT WKN=  427 WWUS51 KLWX 300046 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 846 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC009-017-033-300055- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0294.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Calvert MD-Prince Georges MD-Charles MD- 846 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN CALVERT... SOUTHEASTERN PRINCE GEORGES AND EAST CENTRAL CHARLES COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning near Eagle Harbor has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for thunderstorms near Waldorf. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3836 7639 3845 7660 3846 7659 3846 7660 3847 7660 3845 7661 3847 7665 3849 7665 3850 7667 3852 7666 3854 7668 3851 7667 3850 7669 3853 7679 3861 7673 3853 7652 3848 7649 3839 7639 TIME...MOT...LOC 0041Z 286DEG 21KT 3853 7662 $$ DHOF  180 WWUS73 KICT 300046 NPWICT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wichita KS 746 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 KSZ033-049-300200- /O.EXP.KICT.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Lincoln-Saline- Including the cities of Lincoln, Sylvan Grove, and Salina 746 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Heat indices have dropped below advisory criteria over the warned area. As such, the heat advisory will be allowed to expire at 8PM CDT. $$ Metzger  505 WWUS53 KILX 300047 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 747 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC019-300056- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.W.0121.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Champaign- 747 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4014 8795 4015 8828 4040 8819 4040 8794 TIME...MOT...LOC 0042Z 003DEG 12KT 4029 8807 $$ 37  785 WWUS51 KLWX 300047 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 847 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC001-043-WVC065-300115- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0293.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Washington MD-Allegany MD-Morgan WV- 847 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON...NORTHEASTERN ALLEGANY AND MORGAN COUNTIES... At 847 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Hancock to 6 miles northeast of Paw Paw, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Hancock, Paw Paw, Greenwood, Berkeley Springs, Great Cacapon, Pecktonville, Big Pool, Little Orleans, Johnsons Mill, Valley View, Spohrs Crossroads, Fishers Bridge, Oakland, Rock Gap, Smith Crossroads, Unger, New Hope, Shady Grove, Cherry Run and Omps. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3972 7810 3965 7798 3960 7807 3960 7808 3958 7810 3959 7812 3959 7814 3939 7823 3946 7834 3951 7846 3953 7846 3968 7858 TIME...MOT...LOC 0047Z 313DEG 27KT 3970 7825 3961 7841 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  465 WSUS33 KKCI 300055 SIGW MKCW WST 300055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1W VALID UNTIL 0255Z NE CO NM WY FROM 20E LAR-20WSW SNY-20NE TBE-30NNW FTI-40ENE RSK-20E LAR AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2W VALID UNTIL 0255Z NM AZ FROM 40E RSK-10NE TCS-50SW DMN-50NNE TUS-80WSW RSK-40E RSK AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300255-300655 FROM 50WNW CHE-30NNW AKO-70NNW CME-40ENE ELP-50SSE SSO-50S TUS-60NE PGS-50WNW CHE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  466 WSUS32 KKCI 300055 SIGC MKCC WST 300055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1C VALID UNTIL 0255Z IN IL FROM 20S BDF-10NW BVT-40E IND-20WNW TTH-20S BDF AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 35010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2C VALID UNTIL 0255Z LA TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE ADM-30W AEX-140SE PSX-40NNE CRP-50SE SPS-40SE ADM AREA TS MOV FROM 02025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3C VALID UNTIL 0255Z NE SD CO WY FROM 50NW ANW-40SW ANW-20NE AKO-80E DDY-50NW ANW AREA SEV TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4C VALID UNTIL 0255Z ND FROM 30SW MOT-40SW BIS-10E DIK-30SW MOT AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 27020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 3 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 300255-300655 AREA 1...FROM RZC-30NW ODF-130SSE ILM-200ENE PBI-80NE PBI-120SSE MIA-70WSW EYW-100WSW PIE-30NE CRP-40NE ABI-RZC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60NE ISN-80NNW BJI-50SE FAR-AKO-40WSW LAR-60NE ISN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  467 WSUS31 KKCI 300055 SIGE MKCE WST 300055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1E VALID UNTIL 0255Z ME FROM 60NW PQI-20SE PQI-40NW BGR-60E YSC-60NW PQI AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL300. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2E VALID UNTIL 0255Z ME NH VT NY LO AND ME CSTL WTRS FROM 50WNW BGR-30NE ENE-20NNE CON-50NNW SYR-20W MSS-50WNW BGR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 0255Z NY PA MD WV OH FROM 10WSW HNK-40S ETX-50NE EKN-50WSW CLE-10WSW HNK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 0255Z NJ DE MD VA DC AND DE NJ NY MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 50SSE HTO-130ESE SIE-40SE SBY-CSN-50SSE HTO AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 0255Z SC FL GA AL AND FL CSTL WTRS FROM 30E IRQ-40WNW CHS-50WSW PIE-50W PZD-30E IRQ AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6E VALID UNTIL 0255Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 50NE TRV-100ENE TRV-80NE PBI-20ENE TRV-50NE TRV AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7E VALID UNTIL 0255Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE RSW-20NW MIA-40SSW MIA-60NW EYW-30SE RSW AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8E VALID UNTIL 0255Z GA TN AL MS AR FROM 20ESE ARG-50NNW PZD-20S MGM-20S SQS-20ESE ARG AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9E VALID UNTIL 0255Z RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NNE JFK-30E HTO LINE SEV TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS TO FL430. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 300255-300655 AREA 1...FROM 60NNE PQI-160ENE ACK-200S ACK-ORF-40ESE FLO-30WNW ODF-CLE-YSC-70NW PQI-60NNE PQI REF WW 461 462. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RZC-30NW ODF-130SSE ILM-200ENE PBI-80NE PBI-120SSE MIA-70WSW EYW-100WSW PIE-30NE CRP-40NE ABI-RZC REF WW 463. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  555 ACUS01 KWNS 300048 SWODY1 SPC AC 300046 Day 1 Convective Outlook CORR 1 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0746 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 Valid 300100Z - 301200Z ...THERE IS AN ENHANCED RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FOR PARTS OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN NORTH DAKOTA INTO NORTHWEST MINNESOTA... CORRECTED FOR THE THUNDER BOUNDARY OVER THE FL PENINSULA ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms capable of large hail, damaging winds as well as a few tornadoes are possible this evening over North Dakota. The severe risk will transition to damaging winds overnight from parts of the Dakotas into the Upper Midwest. ...Northern Great Plains and Upper Midwest... The glancing of a Saskatchewan mid-level shortwave trough this evening will favor additional storm development over parts of the Dakotas this evening as a southerly LLJ strengthens before veering overnight. A very moisture-rich/unstable airmass was sampled this evening by the 00z Bismarck and Aberdeen raobs with deep-layer shear considerably less with south extent across the Dakotas. The greatest risk for supercell-related severe hazards (tornado, hail, wind) will likely focus this evening over ND. Additional storms are forecast by late evening into the overnight near and north of earlier-day convective outflow along the effective warm frontal zone. The transition to primarily a damaging wind threat will accompany storms as they grow upscale later tonight. ...Northeast into the Mid-Atlantic states... A vigorous mid-level low southeast of James Bay will move southeast tonight. As the boundary layer cools this evening, the propensity for strong to locally severe gusts will likely diminish across the Mid-Atlantic states and become increasingly confined across parts of the Northeast. A perhaps amplified risk for damaging gusts may continue for the next hour across northern NY into VT but the small spatiotemporal character of the threat will preclude the introduction of higher probabilities. ...Parts of central TX... A few clusters of storms moving south-southwest from near the Metroplex and east-central TX will probably continue for the next few hours. The strongest outflow and cores may be capable of an isolated severe threat into the mid evening hours. ..Smith.. 06/30/2019 $$  773 WUUS01 KWNS 300048 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0746 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 VALID TIME 300100Z - 301200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 49019390 48049334 46599322 45819375 44859441 44749690 44849822 44979927 44940015 45060068 45400127 46000209 46670225 47830183 49290077 0.05 49289715 47659652 46969583 46159558 45779567 45339712 45510066 45960155 46740196 47390164 49100045 0.10 46549854 45979906 45980082 46460108 46950081 46959895 46549854 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 49009320 48139306 46579324 44869442 44379644 44519827 44209890 43269952 42510037 42000125 41610207 41590303 41730359 42280428 42680424 44480182 46670237 48630183 49190206 0.05 31369770 32549760 32539690 30699656 28459674 28499708 30159756 31369770 0.05 40777017 41407257 41567592 41717653 42117654 42467582 43027549 44087711 99999999 45877077 44867071 44057041 43196998 42826965 0.15 49239605 48039530 47009521 45759569 45269718 45399818 45389932 45180028 45210083 45600129 45950208 46670226 48200172 49120130 0.30 47179846 46529852 45929909 45940154 46760195 47410164 47850121 47869941 47179846 SIGN 45970155 46770195 47410165 47830124 47869941 47179846 46559852 45949908 45970155 && ... WIND ... 0.05 29949903 31229900 33389797 33229717 32569690 31809620 30309613 29429633 28469674 28469703 28619754 29099848 29949903 0.05 37807485 37947587 38157721 38437868 38788043 39008143 39408175 40378184 40598115 39887923 40517673 40887549 41737653 42127654 42477580 43037549 43277585 44187724 99999999 45877077 44867071 44057041 43196998 42826965 0.05 48529091 46269026 44668948 43888935 43038951 42479039 42549216 44369641 44529821 44209890 43279953 42540037 42000123 41620204 41590302 41740359 42270428 42670425 44490182 46670237 48640185 49210206 0.15 49009270 48209239 47579239 45719287 45109319 44849405 44849486 45259705 45419807 45389934 45170022 45200079 45600130 45950209 46680226 48300169 49150128 0.30 47229491 46789495 46339530 45969658 45949908 46429963 47029975 47869940 47809520 47229491 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... ENH 47229491 46789495 46339530 45969658 45949907 45929909 45940154 46760195 47410164 47850121 47869941 47859940 47869940 47809520 47229491 SLGT 48519251 48209239 47579239 45719288 45109319 44849405 44849486 45259705 45269718 45399818 45389932 45319964 45170022 45210083 45470113 45600130 45950209 46490221 46680226 48200172 48300169 48760147 48990136 MRGL 45517075 44867071 44057041 43156994 99999999 37827500 37947587 38157721 38437868 38788043 39008143 39408175 40378184 40598115 39887923 40517673 40887549 41737653 42127654 42467582 43027549 43807667 MRGL 48289085 46269026 44668948 43888935 43038951 42479039 42549216 44369641 44449729 44519824 44209889 44089898 43269952 42510037 42080111 42000123 41610207 41610221 41580301 41640323 41730359 42010394 42310428 42680424 43550311 44490182 46670237 48640185 48990198 MRGL 33229717 32569690 31809620 30309613 29429633 28469674 28459674 28469679 28469703 28619754 29099848 29949903 31229900 33389797 33229717 TSTM 26668074 27138064 28738128 30738181 31538198 30638241 29238265 27708218 26738141 26668074 99999999 36017499 35377654 34807894 34878181 35848513 36318786 37648838 41189469 42289803 42319903 41340076 40040220 38610323 37370317 35840420 34400634 31300807 99999999 30971178 34871267 37651353 39441307 40651172 40930961 41200813 42060697 43040616 43930703 44370806 44341045 44681285 44931548 44631820 44321970 43782066 42212167 40972260 40812313 41142355 41922377 42982333 44822315 46382290 47762218 48752169 49192169 99999999 49301902 46552060 45862099 45322065 45531922 46241784 46911593 47241464 47561350 47781255 47891131 48060997 48440928 49350857 99999999 48558854 46978872 45018848 41378665 40678634 40408548 40358458 40838358 41198278 41507874 42017816 42767810 43657879 99999999 29320168 30760163 31660105 33319934 35409789 36649533 36619312 36049049 34778787 33468582 32388452 32308368 33348251 33548111 32647911 && THERE IS A ENH RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 S BJI 45 E DTL 30 N AXN 45 N VVV 45 NW ABR 45 NW ABR 30 E Y22 40 E DIK 20 SSW N60 15 NE N60 30 SW DVL 30 SW DVL 30 SW DVL 25 NNW BJI 20 S BJI. THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 E INL 30 NW ELO 25 ENE HIB 60 E STC 15 N MSP 40 W MSP 25 NNE RWF 25 NNE ATY 25 N ATY 10 ESE ABR 45 W ABR 40 ESE MBG 25 SSE MBG 30 SW MBG 35 W MBG 40 W MBG Y22 35 SE DIK 25 ESE DIK 20 WSW MOT 20 W MOT 35 NNW MOT 50 N MOT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 65 NNE BML 25 ENE BML 30 N PWM 40 SSE PWM ...CONT... 25 ESE WAL 20 W WAL 45 WSW NHK 15 NE SHD 30 WSW EKN 25 S PKB 15 WNW PKB 30 N ZZV 25 SSE CAK 30 SSE LBE 20 NNE CXY 15 N ABE 35 SSE ELM 20 ESE ELM 20 NNE BGM 10 SSW UCA 35 WSW ART. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 NNW GNA 20 SSW IWD 15 SE CWA 40 W OSH 10 SW MSN 20 ENE DBQ 10 E ALO 20 E BKX 25 WNW BKX 10 N HON 35 WSW HON 25 NE 9V9 35 SSW 9V9 20 WSW ANW MHN 10 WSW MHN 50 SE AIA 45 SE AIA 35 N SNY 25 SE BFF 10 S BFF 10 ESE TOR 20 NNW TOR 45 N TOR 35 S RAP 30 NNW PHP 20 ESE DIK 35 NW MOT 60 NNW MOT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NNE FTW 20 S DAL 20 SE CRS 25 SE CLL 50 N PSX 30 SSE VCT 30 SSE VCT 30 SSE VCT 30 SSW VCT 20 NNE NIR 30 S SAT 40 NNE HDO 40 S BWD 40 N MWL 30 NNE FTW. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 W PBI 40 SSW VRB 15 NNE ORL 20 NNW JAX 30 NE AYS 45 S AYS 25 W OCF 30 NE SRQ 30 ENE FMY 40 W PBI ...CONT... 65 NNE HSE 35 NE EWN 10 SSW FAY 10 ESE SPA 10 SSW CSV 30 SW CKV 45 NNE PAH 50 NE SDA 35 ESE ONL 20 WSW ONL 15 NNW LBF 45 SW IML 40 NNE LHX 30 WNW SPD 55 ENE LVS 40 NE ONM 70 SSW DMN ...CONT... 90 SSW TUS 20 NW PRC 25 W CDC 30 W U24 15 ESE SLC 35 N VEL 55 ESE RKS 20 NNE RWL 20 ENE CPR 45 E WRL 30 N WRL 40 SE WEY 25 WNW MQM 30 E MYL 25 SW BKE 60 NW BNO 40 SE RDM LMT 30 SSW MHS 50 E EKA 30 ENE ACV 25 ENE CEC 50 NNW MFR 10 SW SLE 40 S OLM 20 NNE SEA 40 E BLI 45 NE BLI ...CONT... 60 NNE OMK YKM 20 NNE DLS 35 SE DLS 20 WSW PDT 25 ENE ALW 55 SSW 3TH 35 NW MSO 50 NNE MSO 60 S CTB 30 N GTF 35 SSW HVR 25 ESE HVR 80 NE HVR ...CONT... 95 N CMX 20 SW CMX 40 NNW GRB 20 ESE VPZ 35 ENE LAF 10 NNW MIE 35 NNW DAY 15 SSE FDY 30 NNW MFD 20 SSW BFD 30 ENE BFD 35 SW ROC 50 N BUF ...CONT... 45 W DRT 60 NE 6R6 40 WNW SJT 65 NNE ABI 15 W OKC 30 W GMJ 25 N HRO 15 NNE JBR 15 W MSL 10 SSE ANB 25 ESE CSG 30 S MCN 30 W AGS 15 WNW OGB 55 ESE CHS.  893 WWCN11 CWWG 300048 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:48 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AN AREA OF THUNDERSTORMS HAS PRODUCED SEVERE WEATHER IN CENTRAL SASKATCHEWAN IS MOVING NORTHEASTWARD INTO NORTH-CENTRAL MANITOBA. THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST WELL INTO THE EVENING. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  894 WWCN12 CWWG 300048 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:48 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= FLIN FLON - CRANBERRY PORTAGE - SNOW LAKE =NEW= THOMPSON - NELSON HOUSE - SPLIT LAKE =NEW= NORWAY HOUSE - CROSS LAKE - WABOWDEN =NEW= LYNN LAKE - LEAF RAPIDS - PUKATAWAGAN THE PAS - WANLESS - WESTRAY - CLEARWATER LAKE PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AN AREA OF THUNDERSTORMS HAS PRODUCED SEVERE WEATHER IN CENTRAL SASKATCHEWAN IS MOVING NORTHEASTWARD INTO NORTH-CENTRAL MANITOBA. THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST WELL INTO THE EVENING. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  752 WWST01 SBBR 300040 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 625/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO NORTE DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 626/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 627/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO/MUITO GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A PARTIR DE 301200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 628/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO NORTE DE 26S A PARTIR DE 291800 HMG. VENTO NE/N FOR?A 7 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 301200 HMG. AVISO NR 629/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NE/NW FOR?A 7 RONDANDO PARA W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 630/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 25S A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. VENTO W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 635/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S E 25 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 020000 HMG. AVISO NR 636/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A 50 MIN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. AVISO NR 637/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 27S E LESTE DE 047W A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. AVISO NR 638/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA GOLF AO SUL DO EQUADOR JUNTO ? COSTA. VENTO SE/E FOR?A 7 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 623/2019. AVISO NR 639/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 291500 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 618/2019. AVISO NR 640/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 631/2019. AVISO NR 641/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 633/2019. AVISO NR 642/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 302100 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 031200 HMG. NNNN  026 WWST02 SBBR 300040 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 625/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 626/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 627/2019 ROUGH/VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 301200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 628/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO N OF 26S STARTING 291800 UTC. WIND NE/N FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 301200 UTC. WARNING NR 629/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7 BACK W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 630/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA CHARLIE S OF 25S STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WIND W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 635/2019 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S AND 25 NM OFFSHORE. STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 020000 UTC. WARNING NR 636/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. WARNING NR 637/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 27S AND E OF 047W STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. WARNING NR 638/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA GOLF S OF EQUATOR NEAR THE COAST. WIND SE/E FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 623/2019. WARNING NR 639/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 291500 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 618/2019. WARNING NR 640/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OS 035W STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 631/2019. WARNING NR 641/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 633/2019. WARNING NR 642/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 302100 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 031200 UTC. NNNN  585 WWUS53 KILX 300050 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 750 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC183-300115- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0122.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Vermilion- 750 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY... At 749 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Belgium, or near Danville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Danville, Georgetown, Westville, Tilton, Belgium and Vermilion County Airport. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 210 and 220. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4014 8773 4024 8753 3995 8753 3991 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 0049Z 336DEG 22KT 4008 8757 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  100 WWUS53 KUNR 300050 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 650 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 SDC047-300145- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0086.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Fall River SD- 650 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM MDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN FALL RIVER COUNTY... At 650 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles northwest of Montrose, or 20 miles south of Edgemont, moving north at 25 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Provo and Rumford. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4301 10405 4326 10405 4327 10358 4299 10373 TIME...MOT...LOC 0050Z 192DEG 21KT 4301 10395 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Helgeson  626 WWUS73 KTOP 300050 NPWTOP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 750 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 KSZ008>011-020>023-034>038-301000- /O.EXP.KTOP.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ /O.CON.KTOP.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0100Z/ Republic-Washington-Marshall-Nemaha-Cloud-Clay-Riley-Pottawatomie- Ottawa-Dickinson-Geary-Morris-Wabaunsee- Including the cities of Belleville, Washington, Hanover, Clifton, Linn, Greenleaf, Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Sabetha, Seneca, Concordia, Clay Center, Manhattan, Wamego, St. Marys, Minneapolis, Bennington, Abilene, Herington, Junction City, Council Grove, Alma, Eskridge, Maple Hill, Alta Vista, McFarland, Harveyville, and Paxico 750 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 8 PM CDT SUNDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...High temperatures Sunday will reach the middle to upper 90s with heat index values climbing to 100 to 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat-related illnesses are possible for those spending a prolonged amount of time outdoors or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot weather is expected, during which heat illnesses are possible. Limit your outdoor activities during this time, stay in an air-conditioned building, and check up on relatives and neighbors. While outside, drink plenty of water, wear light and loose fitting clothing, and reduce strenuous activities. && $$ KSZ012-024-026-039-040-054>056-058-059-300200- /O.EXP.KTOP.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Brown-Jackson-Jefferson-Shawnee-Douglas-Lyon-Osage-Franklin- Coffey-Anderson- Including the cities of Hiawatha, Horton, Holton, Valley Falls, Oskaloosa, Perry, McLouth, Grantville, Meriden, Nortonville, Topeka, Lawrence, Emporia, Osage City, Carbondale, Lyndon, Burlingame, Overbrook, Ottawa, Burlington, Lebo, and Garnett 750 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Temperatures have cooled from their afternoon peak levels allowing for some reduction in heat index values. $$  300 WGUS84 KSHV 300051 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 751 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && ARC003-139-010051- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0147.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FELA4.2.ER.181214T0537Z.190521T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 751 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Felsenthal Lock and Dam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 PM Saturday The stage was 72.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 70.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 72.0 feet. * Impact...at 73.0 feet...Expect minor flooding to continue in the Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge for at least another week. && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3322 9212 3315 9210 3300 9206 3300 9210 $$ 25  794 WOAU02 AMMC 300051 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0051UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a low and embedded fronts/troughs. Cold front near 40S109E 43S123E 51S128E. Forecast 38S120E 45S137E 52S141E at 301200UTC and 39S131E 49S150E 56S154E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S090E 38S118E 40S143E 46S153E 54S149E 50S126E 58S107E 51S090E 46S090E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots within 1200nm west of front. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  795 WOAU42 AMMC 300051 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0051UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a low and embedded fronts/troughs. Cold front near 40S109E 43S123E 51S128E. Forecast 38S120E 45S137E 52S141E at 301200UTC and 39S131E 49S150E 56S154E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S090E 38S118E 40S143E 46S153E 54S149E 50S126E 58S107E 51S090E 46S090E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots within 1200nm west of front. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  796 WOAU12 AMMC 300051 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0051UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with a low and embedded fronts/troughs. Cold front near 40S109E 43S123E 51S128E. Forecast 38S120E 45S137E 52S141E at 301200UTC and 39S131E 49S150E 56S154E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S090E 38S118E 40S143E 46S153E 54S149E 50S126E 58S107E 51S090E 46S090E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots within 1200nm west of front. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  173 WWCN16 CWWG 300051 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN ALBERTA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:51 P.M. MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: BONNYVILLE - ST. PAUL - COLD LAKE - LAC LA BICHE FORT MCMURRAY - FORT MACKAY. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: LLOYDMINSTER - WAINWRIGHT - VERMILION - PROVOST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. ISOLATED SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE POSSIBLE THIS EVENING. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ABSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ABSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  174 WWCN14 CWWG 300051 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:51 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= FOND-DU-LAC - STONY RAPIDS LA RONGE - PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK - NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK PELICAN NARROWS - CUMBERLAND HOUSE - CREIGHTON ILE A LA CROSSE - BUFFALO NARROWS - BEAUVAL CREE LAKE - KEY LAKE LA LOCHE - CLEARWATER RIVER PROV. PARK - CLUFF LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. ISOLATED SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE POSSIBLE THIS EVENING. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  192 WWUS51 KLWX 300052 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 852 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC017-300130- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0295.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Charles MD- 852 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN CHARLES COUNTY... At 852 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Waldorf, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Waldorf, La Plata, Saint Charles, Hughesville, Charlotte Hall, Aquasco, Bryantown, Dentsville and White Plains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3851 7676 3851 7677 3843 7682 3842 7684 3853 7703 3862 7694 3858 7674 3857 7674 3856 7673 TIME...MOT...LOC 0052Z 286DEG 22KT 3858 7691 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  691 WGUS84 KSHV 300052 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 752 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC423-499-010051- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0158.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.190619T1930Z.190628T0700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 752 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Mineola. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Saturday The stage was 17.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 16.7 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...at 18.0 feet...Expect severe flooding with some barns facing flooding. Preparations should be completed for moderate flooding. && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ TXC423-459-499-010051- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0162.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAKT2.1.ER.190624T0742Z.190628T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 752 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Hawkins. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 6:45 PM Saturday The stage was 27.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 26.3 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 3263 9535 3257 9509 3253 9508 3254 9521 3257 9535 $$ TXC183-423-459-499-010051- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0163.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GDWT2.1.ER.190625T0825Z.190630T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 752 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Gladewater. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Saturday The stage was 32.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 32.5 feet by tomorrow early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...at 32.0 feet...Lowland flooding will continue to slowly decrease over the next several days. && LAT...LON 3257 9509 3251 9490 3245 9491 3251 9501 3253 9508 $$ TXC183-401-010051- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0166.190630T1800Z-000000T0000Z/ /LONT2.1.ER.190630T1800Z.190704T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 752 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River At Longview. * from Sunday afternoon until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday The stage was 24.3 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by tomorrow early afternoon and continue to rise to near 27.0 feet BY early Thursday morning. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 28.0 feet...Lowland flooding will continue for several days. Oil field operations will be curtailed and timber resources will suffer severe flooding. Fisherman should use caution as currents are swift. && LAT...LON 3251 9490 3246 9471 3241 9458 3238 9458 3244 9490 $$ 25  747 WWUS53 KIND 300052 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 852 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 INC045-165-171-300115- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0125.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Fountain IN-Warren IN-Vermillion IN- 852 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN FOUNTAIN...SOUTHWESTERN WARREN AND NORTHWESTERN VERMILLION COUNTIES... At 852 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Covington, or 8 miles east of Danville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Covington, Veedersburg, Perrysville, State Line City, Foster and Gessie. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 1 and 15. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4024 8753 4029 8744 4010 8721 3994 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0052Z 319DEG 22KT 4017 8746 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  419 WWUS81 KBTV 300053 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 853 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTZ001>003-006-016-300145- Western Franklin-Grand Isle-Eastern Franklin-Orleans-Lamoille- 853 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN LAMOILLE...NORTHWESTERN ORLEANS...NORTHEASTERN GRAND ISLE AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 852 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles north of Franklin to near South Alburgh. Movement was east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Newport City, Enosburg Falls, Franklin, Jay, Newport Town, Jay In Franklin County, Montgomery Center, Montgomery, Troy, Sheldon, Belvidere Center, Enosburg, Swanton, Newport Center, South Alburgh, Enosburg Falls Village, Alburgh Dunes State Park, Swanton Village, Bakersfield and Berkshire. LAT...LON 4500 7212 4470 7244 4486 7334 4502 7318 TIME...MOT...LOC 0052Z 278DEG 25KT 4512 7297 4492 7326 $$ Haynes  667 WWUS53 KBIS 300053 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 653 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-300130- /O.CON.KBIS.SV.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Grant ND- 653 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM MDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 653 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles southeast of Heart Butte Dam, or 12 miles northeast of Elgin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Two inch hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Carson, Heart Butte Dam and Lark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until midnight MDT for south central North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4643 10194 4661 10193 4661 10130 4639 10130 TIME...MOT...LOC 0053Z 261DEG 20KT 4653 10166 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...2.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ MJONES  594 WOUS64 KWNS 300053 WOU1 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 461 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 853 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 461 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS DEC003-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ DE . DELAWARE COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NEW CASTLE $$ MDC015-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ MD . MARYLAND COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CECIL $$ NJC007-011-015-033-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ NJ . NEW JERSEY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CAMDEN CUMBERLAND GLOUCESTER SALEM $$ NYC105-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ NY . NEW YORK COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE SULLIVAN $$ PAC001-009-011-015-029-041-043-045-055-057-069-071-075-079-091- 099-101-103-111-115-127-131-133-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ PA . PENNSYLVANIA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BEDFORD BERKS BRADFORD CHESTER CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN DELAWARE FRANKLIN FULTON LACKAWANNA LANCASTER LEBANON LUZERNE MONTGOMERY PERRY PHILADELPHIA PIKE SOMERSET SUSQUEHANNA WAYNE WYOMING YORK $$ ANZ430-431-300100- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE DELAWARE BAY WATERS NORTH OF EAST POINT NJ TO SLAUGHTER BEACH DE DELAWARE BAY WATERS SOUTH OF EAST POINT NJ TO SLAUGHTER BEACH DE $$ ATTN...WFO...PHI...BGM...CTP...  720 WSCN05 CWAO 300053 CZUL SIGMET G1 VALID 300050/300305 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL SIGMET G4 292305/300305=  721 WSCN24 CWAO 300053 CZYZ SIGMET I1 VALID 300050/300305 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL SIGMET I4 292305/300305 RMK GFACN33/CZUL MONTREAL FIR SIGMET G1=  722 WSCN04 CWAO 300053 CZYZ SIGMET I1 VALID 300050/300305 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL SIGMET I4 292305/300305=  723 WSCN25 CWAO 300053 CZUL SIGMET G1 VALID 300050/300305 CWUL- CZUL MONTREAL FIR CNCL SIGMET G4 292305/300305 RMK GFACN33/CZYZ TORONTO FIR SIGMET I1=  945 WGUS53 KILX 300053 FFWILX ILC183-300315- /O.EXT.KILX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 753 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... East central Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 1015 PM CDT. * At 752 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Three to four inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is already occurring. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Danville, Bismarck, Henning, Vermilion County Airport and Alvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4015 8772 4032 8773 4035 8753 4013 8753 $$ 37  375 WWUS51 KBTV 300054 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 854 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC001-007-023-300103- /O.CAN.KBTV.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Addison VT-Chittenden VT-Washington VT- 854 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL ADDISON... SOUTHEASTERN CHITTENDEN AND SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4393 7264 4405 7253 4393 7236 4384 7250 TIME...MOT...LOC 0053Z 303DEG 24KT 4397 7249 $$ VTC017-027-300100- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Orange VT-Windsor VT- 854 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN ORANGE AND NORTHERN WINDSOR COUNTIES... At 853 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Chelsea, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Tunbridge, Chelsea, Randolph, Brookfield, Vershire, Strafford, Royalton, South Tunbridge, East Randolph, Randolph Center, North Tunbridge, South Randolph and North Randolph. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4393 7264 4405 7253 4393 7236 4384 7250 TIME...MOT...LOC 0053Z 303DEG 24KT 4397 7249 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  910 WSBZ31 SBRE 300053 SBAO SIGMET 1 VALID 300055/300455 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S3000 W04629 - S3353 W05016 - S3441 W04447 - S3000 W04629 TOP FL380 MOV SE 05KT NC=  086 WWUS51 KPBZ 300054 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 854 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 OHC081-300103- /O.CAN.KPBZ.SV.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Jefferson OH- 854 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN JEFFERSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm that prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4019 8064 4033 8050 4027 8015 4001 8044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0053Z 306DEG 18KT 4021 8048 $$ PAC125-WVC009-069-300130- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Washington PA-Ohio WV-Brooke WV- 854 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON...NORTHEASTERN OHIO AND SOUTHEASTERN BROOKE COUNTIES... At 853 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Avella, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Washington... Canonsburg... West Liberty... Avella... Wolfdale... McGovern... Houston... Bethany... Claysville... Franklin... Hickory... West Alexander... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4019 8064 4033 8050 4027 8015 4001 8044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0053Z 306DEG 18KT 4021 8048 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  853 WWUS84 KFWD 300054 SPSFWD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 754 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ145>147-161-300200- Limestone TX-Freestone TX-Hill TX-Navarro TX- 754 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN FREESTONE...SOUTHEASTERN HILL...NORTHWESTERN LIMESTONE AND NAVARRO COUNTIES UNTIL 900 PM CDT... At 754 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles northeast of Bynum to 6 miles west of Angus to 8 miles south of Trinidad. Movement was south at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Corsicana, Mexia, Fairfield, Kerens, Hubbard, Wortham, Coolidge, Blooming Grove, Dawson, Angus, Barry, Navarro, Fairfield Lake State Park, Frost, Retreat, Oak Valley, Mildred, Mount Calm, Eureka and Tehuacana. LAT...LON 3176 9594 3168 9651 3166 9690 3186 9704 3205 9694 3216 9657 3213 9611 3208 9611 3208 9606 3196 9606 3195 9602 3192 9600 3188 9603 3187 9599 3188 9597 3184 9600 3179 9598 TIME...MOT...LOC 0054Z 358DEG 19KT 3204 9693 3199 9653 3203 9613 $$ Picca  396 WUCN11 CWWG 300054 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:54 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA =NEW= MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND =NEW= PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. JACKHEAD RES. R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN WATERHEN MEADOW PORTAGE AND SKOWNAN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:49 P.M. CDT. AT 7:54 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING AN AREA OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AN AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS IS MOVING THROUGH WESTERN MANITOBA. THESE SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE PRODUCED NICKEL TO GOLFBALL SIZED HAIL AND LOCALLY HEAVY DOWNPOURS. THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST INTO THE EVENING AND CONTINUE TO TRACK EASTWARD. STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LARGE HAIL ARE LIKELY THIS EVENING. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  397 WSCN24 CWAO 300054 CZYZ SIGMET J1 VALID 300050/300450 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE /N4527 W07710/30 S CYWA - /N4532 W07846/45 NE CYQA TOP FL370 MOV SE 25KT WKNG RMK GFACN33=  398 WSCN04 CWAO 300054 CZYZ SIGMET J1 VALID 300050/300450 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE N4527 W07710 - N4532 W07846 TOP FL370 MOV SE 25KT WKNG=  485 WSRS31 RURD 300053 URRV SIGMET 1 VALID 300100/300300 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST SW OF LINE N4558 E03700 - N4523 E03832 - N4317 E04100 TOP FL300 MOV ESE 30KMH NC=  192 WWCN11 CWTO 300054 HEAT WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:54 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAT WARNING ENDED FOR: WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO REACH HEAT WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  508 WSUY31 SUMU 300100 SUEO SIGMET 1 VALID 300100/300500 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3319W05827 S3416W05822 S3516 W05637 S3357W05627 S3319W05827 FL100/260 MOV SE 05KT NC=  755 WWCN11 CWTO 300054 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:54 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: TAMWORTH - SYDENHAM - SOUTH FRONTENAC BANCROFT - BON ECHO PARK BROCKVILLE - LEEDS AND GRENVILLE CITY OF OTTAWA GATINEAU PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL CORNWALL - MORRISBURG SMITHS FALLS - LANARK - SHARBOT LAKE RENFREW - PEMBROKE - BARRY'S BAY ALGONQUIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  870 WWUS61 KPHI 300055 WCNPHI WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 461/462 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MOUNT HOLLY NJ 855 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 DEC003-MDC015-NJC007-011-015-033-PAC011-029-045-091-101-300200- /O.EXP.KPHI.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WILL ALLOW SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 461 TO EXPIRE AT 9 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN DELAWARE THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 1 COUNTY IN NORTHERN DELAWARE NEW CASTLE IN MARYLAND THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 1 COUNTY IN NORTHEAST MARYLAND CECIL IN NEW JERSEY THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY CAMDEN CUMBERLAND GLOUCESTER SALEM IN PENNSYLVANIA THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 5 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BERKS IN SOUTHEAST PENNSYLVANIA CHESTER DELAWARE MONTGOMERY PHILADELPHIA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CAMDEN, CHERRY HILL, DEPTFORD, ELKTON, GLASSBORO, MEDIA, MILLVILLE, NORRISTOWN, PENNSVILLE, PHILADELPHIA, READING, WEST CHESTER, AND WILMINGTON. $$ ANZ430-431-300200- /O.EXP.KPHI.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WILL ALLOW SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 461 TO EXPIRE AT 9 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS DELAWARE BAY WATERS NORTH OF EAST POINT NJ TO SLAUGHTER BEACH DE DELAWARE BAY WATERS SOUTH OF EAST POINT NJ TO SLAUGHTER BEACH DE $$ DEC001-005-MDC011-029-035-041-300200- /O.EXP.KPHI.SV.A.0462.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WILL ALLOW SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 462 TO EXPIRE AT 9 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN DELAWARE THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 2 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL DELAWARE KENT IN SOUTHERN DELAWARE SUSSEX IN MARYLAND THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 4 COUNTIES IN NORTHEAST MARYLAND CAROLINE KENT QUEEN ANNE'S TALBOT THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CENTREVILLE, CHESTERTOWN, DENTON, DOVER, EASTON, AND GEORGETOWN. $$ CMS  910 WWUS81 KGYX 300055 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 855 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ012>014-019>021-300130- Southern Oxford-Androscoggin-Interior Cumberland-Southern Franklin-Southern Somerset-Kennebec- 855 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN KENNEBEC...SOUTHEASTERN OXFORD...NORTHERN ANDROSCOGGIN...SOUTH CENTRAL SOMERSET...NORTHERN CUMBERLAND AND SOUTHEASTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 855 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Farmington to Jay to near Waterford. Movement was east at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Farmington, Fairfield, Bridgton, Mechanic Falls, Turner, Oakland, Jay, Belgrade, Livermore Falls, Manchester, Canton, Waterford, Wilton, Norridgewock, Winthrop, Greene, Harrison, Leeds, Livermore and Buckfield. This also includes... Crocker Hill, Streaked Mountain, and Singepole Ridge. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4469 6972 4441 6983 4403 7058 4422 7086 4451 7030 4478 7015 TIME...MOT...LOC 0055Z 288DEG 25KT 4471 7015 4449 7022 4420 7075 $$ DS  911 WHCN13 CWTO 300055 SQUALL WATCH FOR THE CANADIAN PORTION OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE ONTARIO PORTION OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:55 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH ENDED FOR: KINGSTON TO PRESCOTT PRESCOTT TO CORNWALL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OVER THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  379 WGUS84 KSHV 300056 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 756 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC001-073-225-010056- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0154.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NCST2.1.ER.190617T1122Z.190626T1815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 756 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Neches. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 PM Saturday The stage was 13.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 13.6 feet through tomorrow before a slow fall begins. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground away from the river. && LAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544 3188 9548 $$ TXC001-073-225-455-010056- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0165.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ATOT2.1.ER.190624T1205Z.190626T1245Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 756 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Alto. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Saturday The stage was 16.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 16.8 feet overnight before a slow fall begins. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 16.0 feet...Boat ramps and picnic areas near the river will begin to flood. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment near the river to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3167 9524 3152 9504 3138 9492 3133 9500 3166 9537 $$ TXC005-225-373-455-457-010056- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0156.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DIBT2.1.ER.190617T0900Z.190618T1445Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 756 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Diboll. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:15 PM Saturday The stage was 12.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 12.6 feet by Monday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...at 12.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect flooded boat ramps and trails. && LAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485 3136 9500 $$ 25  489 WWUS86 KPDT 300056 SPSPDT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 556 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ORZ509-511-300130- Central Oregon OR-East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades OR- 556 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL CROOK AND SOUTHWESTERN DESCHUTES COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM PDT... At 556 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Sunriver, or 12 miles south of Bend, moving northeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bend, Three Rivers, Tumalo, Alfalfa, Deschutes River Woods and Sunriver. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4370 12180 4422 12145 4420 12088 4418 12088 4415 12091 4413 12091 4399 12103 4400 12113 4394 12112 4390 12115 4387 12114 4370 12129 TIME...MOT...LOC 0056Z 214DEG 19KT 4388 12138 $$ vp  085 WUCN13 CWWG 300056 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:56 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF ROCANVILLE INCLUDING ROCANVILLE =NEW= R.M. OF LANGENBURG INCLUDING LANGENBURG YARBO AND MARCHWELL =NEW= R.M. OF SPY HILL INCLUDING SPY HILL GERALD AND TANTALLON R.M. OF WILLOWDALE INCLUDING WHITEWOOD AND OCHAPOWACE RES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF ELCAPO INCLUDING BROADVIEW AND COWESSESS RES. R.M. OF KINGSLEY INCLUDING KIPLING R.M. OF SILVERWOOD SOUTH OF WHITEWOOD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:34 P.M. CST. AT 6:56 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  180 WWUS55 KCYS 300056 SVSCYS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 656 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEC165-WYC027-300106- /O.EXP.KCYS.SV.W.0129.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Sioux NE-Niobrara WY- 656 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN SIOUX AND EAST CENTRAL NIOBRARA COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 700 PM MDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4300 10383 4281 10392 4286 10414 4310 10406 4300 10405 TIME...MOT...LOC 0056Z 209DEG 18KT 4305 10392 $$ Lyons  877 WWUS51 KLWX 300057 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 857 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC001-300107- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0293.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Allegany MD- 857 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN ALLEGANY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3965 7798 3958 7810 3959 7812 3959 7814 3939 7823 3958 7846 3959 7845 3958 7841 3958 7840 3962 7843 3961 7837 3963 7838 3963 7836 3964 7833 3966 7836 3968 7832 3970 7832 3972 7810 TIME...MOT...LOC 0057Z 313DEG 27KT 3966 7820 3957 7836 $$ MDC043-WVC065-300115- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0293.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Washington MD-Morgan WV- 857 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON AND MORGAN COUNTIES... At 857 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Berkeley Springs to near Paw Paw, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Hancock, Greenwood, Berkeley Springs, Great Cacapon, Pecktonville, Big Pool, Johnsons Mill, Valley View, Spohrs Crossroads, Fishers Bridge, Oakland, Rock Gap, Smith Crossroads, Unger, New Hope, Shady Grove, Cherry Run, Omps, Spruce Pine Hollow and Magnolia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3965 7798 3958 7810 3959 7812 3959 7814 3939 7823 3958 7846 3959 7845 3958 7841 3958 7840 3962 7843 3961 7837 3963 7838 3963 7836 3964 7833 3966 7836 3968 7832 3970 7832 3972 7810 TIME...MOT...LOC 0057Z 313DEG 27KT 3966 7820 3957 7836 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  252 WWUS51 KBTV 300057 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 857 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC089-300106- /O.EXP.KBTV.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ St. Lawrence NY- 857 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 900 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning were moving out of the area as well as weakening. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4431 7564 4465 7519 4442 7461 4406 7509 TIME...MOT...LOC 0056Z 299DEG 39KT 4446 7489 4413 7533 $$ SLW  306 WSRS31 RURD 300057 URRV SIGMET 2 VALID 300100/300300 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4238 E04521 - N4400 E04700 - N4358 E04930 SFC/FL150 STNR WKN=  724 WAKO31 RKSI 300100 RKRR AIRMET F01 VALID 300100/300300 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3709 E12711 - N3658 E12835 - N3402 E12649 - N3449 E12533 - N3709 E12711 STNR WKN=  981 WSUY31 SUMU 300055 SUEO SIGMET 1 VALID 300100/300500 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3319W05827 S3416W05822 S3516 W05637 S3357W05627 S3319W05827 FL100/260 MOV SE 05KT NC=  504 WWUS51 KLWX 300058 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 858 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC017-300108- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0295.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Charles MD- 858 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CHARLES COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3851 7676 3851 7677 3843 7682 3842 7684 3853 7703 3862 7694 3858 7674 3857 7674 3856 7673 TIME...MOT...LOC 0054Z 286DEG 22KT 3857 7686 $$ DHOF  569 WSJP31 RJTD 300100 RJJJ SIGMET I01 VALID 300100/300225 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR CNL SIGMET I01 292225/300225=  037 WHCN13 CWUL 300058 SQUALL WATCH FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:58 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH ENDED FOR: CORNWALL TO MONTREAL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OVER THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  038 WHCN19 CWUL 300058 SQUALL WATCH FOR THE RICHELIEU RIVER AND NORTHERN LAKE CHAMPLAIN LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG - NORTHERN HALF AND LAKE SAINT-JEAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:58 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH ENDED FOR: RICHELIEU RIVER AND NORTHERN LAKE CHAMPLAIN LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG - NORTHERN HALF. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OVER THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  347 WWCN10 CWUL 300058 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:58 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE GRANBY - WATERLOO AREA BROME-MISSISQUOI AREA RICHMOND AREA WEEDON AREA MONT-ORFORD - LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG AREA SHERBROOKE AREA COATICOOK AREA LAC-MEGANTIC AREA COOKSHIRE AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  667 WWUS81 KGYX 300058 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 858 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ003-005-006-300130- Northern Grafton-Southern Carroll-Southern Grafton- 858 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN GRAFTON COUNTY... At 858 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Plymouth, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Holderness, Ashland, Groton, Hebron, Dorchester, Ellsworth, Rumney, Campton, Thornton and Wentworth. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 76 and 88. This also includes... Rumney Rocks, Carr Mountain, and Stinson Mountain. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4375 7195 4391 7184 4384 7155 4373 7157 4366 7172 TIME...MOT...LOC 0058Z 296DEG 22KT 4380 7180 $$ DS  967 WUCN12 CWWG 300058 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:58 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= FLIN FLON CRANBERRY PORTAGE AND GRASS RIVER PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:57 P.M. CDT. AT 7:58 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING AN AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE APPROACHING FROM SASKATCHEWAN AND ARE MOVING EASTWARD AT 55 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  349 WWUS53 KBIS 300059 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 759 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-059-300108- /O.EXP.KBIS.SV.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Morton ND-Grant ND- 759 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN MORTON AND NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 800 PM CDT/700 PM MDT/... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT/midnight MDT/ for south central and southwestern North Dakota. LAT...LON 4661 10205 4663 10205 4663 10207 4685 10210 4695 10136 4660 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0058Z 261DEG 28KT 4672 10174 $$ MJONES  864 WHUS51 KGYX 300059 SMWGYX ANZ152>154-300200- /O.NEW.KGYX.MA.W.0004.190630T0059Z-190630T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 859 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Casco Bay... Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM... Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM... * Until 1000 PM EDT. * At 859 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Portland, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Chebeague Island, Harpswell, Portland, Freeport and Cape Elizabeth. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4386 7008 4359 6969 4337 7006 4372 7028 TIME...MOT...LOC 0059Z 313DEG 14KT 4373 7016 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Legro  865 WSPH31 RPLL 300059 RPHI SIGMET A01 VALID 300100/300500 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1834 E12853 - N1421 E13000 - N0837 E13000 - N0703 E12813 - N1507 E12423 - N1944 E12640 - N1834 E12853 TOP FL530 MOV SSW 5KT NC=  689 WGUS84 KLZK 300100 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 800 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC145-147-301559- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0090.000000T0000Z-190703T1200Z/ /AUGA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190627T1000Z.190702T0600Z.NO/ 800 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Augusta. * until Wednesday morning...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 27.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. * Impacts at 28.0 feet...Roads in Henry Gray Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management area flooded. Thousands of acres of cultivated land flooded in White and Woodruff counties. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower White River Augusta 26 27.5 Sat 07 PM 27.1 26.3 25.9 Falling && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$  075 WWUS51 KBUF 300100 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 900 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC045-300109- /O.EXP.KBUF.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ Jefferson NY- 900 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL JEFFERSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 900 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4422 7545 4389 7576 4388 7622 4420 7630 4419 7589 4418 7572 TIME...MOT...LOC 0059Z 315DEG 35KT 4402 7532 4392 7569 $$ RSH  819 ACUS11 KWNS 300100 SWOMCD SPC MCD 300100 NDZ000-300230- Mesoscale Discussion 1307 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0800 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 Areas affected...South central North Dakota Concerning...Tornado Watch 463... Valid 300100Z - 300230Z The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 463 continues. SUMMARY...Evolving supercellular convection probably will pose increasing risk for severe hail, and potential for tornadoes, through 9-10 PM near/south of Bismarck. DISCUSSION...Considerable inhibition evident in 30/00Z raob from Bismarck probably has contributed to slow intensification of convection. However, attempts at vigorous convective development persist along the zone of stronger differential surface heating, where seasonably high boundary layer moisture content (surface dew points in the lower 70s) is contributing to large mixed-layer CAPE in excess of 4000 J/kg. With only slow boundary-layer cooling likely during the next several hours, the environment will remain favorable for considerable intensification, in the presence of strongly sheared 30+ kt southwesterly deep-layer ambient mean flow. Recent trends evident in observational data suggest that this may already be underway to the southwest of Bismarck. As this activity continues eastward, near and to the south of Bismarck between now and 02-03Z, it will begin to encounter stronger southerly 850 mb flow of 20-30+ kt. As it does, larger clockwise curved low-level hodographs may become supportive of a period of increasing potential for tornadoes, before beginning to grow upscale and transitioning to more of a severe wind threat, in addition to large hail. ..Kerr.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...BIS... LAT...LON 47180065 47059989 46139986 45970145 46440205 47000219 47290150 47180065  674 WGUS84 KSHV 300101 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 801 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && LAC015-119-010101- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LBBL1.1.ER.190413T2308Z.190520T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 801 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The flood warning continues for the Bodcau Bayou At Bayou Bodcau Lake. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * Flood stage is 172.0 feet. * At 7 pm the stage was 175.9 feet. * Forecast...expect the bayou to remain near current stage through the week. && LAT...LON 3282 9351 3289 9344 3272 9346 3270 9351 3277 9351 $$ 25  726 WUCN14 CWWG 300101 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:01 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: HWY 135 INCLUDING PELICAN NARROWS AND SANDY BAY HANSON LAKE ROAD EAST OF HWY 135 INCLUDING CREIGHTON CUMBERLAND HOUSE. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: SEABEE MINE HANSON LAKE ROAD BETWEEN HWYS 165 AND 135. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:00 P.M. CST (9:00 P.M. CDT). AT 7:01 P.M. CST (8:01 P.M. CDT), ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING AN AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE LOCATED NEAR THE MANITOBA BORDER AND ARE MOVING EAST AT 55 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  162 WSRA31 RUYK 300055 UEEE SIGMET 1 VALID 300100/300500 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E140 AND E OF E122 FL270/380 STNR NC=  932 WGUS84 KFWD 300102 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 802 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... South Sulphur River Near Cooper Affecting Delta and Hopkins Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC119-223-301301- /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0168.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /COPT2.2.ER.190621T2050Z.190624T1430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 802 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The South Sulphur River Near Cooper. * At 0715 PM Saturday the stage was 17.74 feet. * Flood stage is 16 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will crest near 18 feet Sunday after midnight then remain above flood for the next few days. && LAT...LON 3337 9567 3341 9556 3341 9549 3330 9548 3329 9557 $$  128 WGUS84 KLZK 300102 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 802 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence...Jackson and Lawrence Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC063-067-075-301601- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190703T0000Z/ /BKRA4.1.ER.190628T1443Z.190629T0600Z.190701T1800Z.NO/ 802 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black River At Black Rock. * until Tuesday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 14.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Monday afternoon. * Impacts at 14.0 feet...Minor flooding begins. Farm ground along east bank begins to flood. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Black River Black Rock 14 14.7 Sat 07 PM 14.5 14.1 13.7 Falling && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$  955 WWUS51 KBGM 300103 SVSBGM Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 903 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC007-025-PAC115-127-300130- /O.CON.KBGM.SV.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Broome NY-Delaware NY-Susquehanna PA-Wayne PA- 903 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN BROOME...SOUTHWESTERN DELAWARE...NORTHEASTERN SUSQUEHANNA AND NORTHERN WAYNE COUNTIES... At 902 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Sherman, or near Deposit, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Susquehanna, Deposit, Susquehanna Depot, Hancock, Lanesboro, Starrucca, Hiawatha, Shehawken, Starlight and Starruca. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4192 7500 4185 7514 4184 7512 4185 7515 4192 7567 4206 7568 4210 7499 TIME...MOT...LOC 0102Z 270DEG 26KT 4197 7541 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ DJP  895 WHUS52 KTAE 300103 SMWTAE GMZ750-300145- /O.NEW.KTAE.MA.W.0140.190630T0103Z-190630T0145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 803 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach out 20 NM... * Until 845 PM CDT. * At 802 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm producing waterspouts was located 9 nm west of Panama City Beach, moving northwest at 15 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Marine weather spotter. IMPACT...Waterspouts can capsize boats...damage vessels...and create suddenly higher waves. Make sure all on board are in a secure location and wearing life jackets. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots...suddenly higher waves...frequent lightning...and heavy downpours. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. * Locations impacted include... Sandestin, Miramar Beach, Panama City Beach and Santa Rosa Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. && LAT...LON 3038 8628 3012 8565 2984 8585 3008 8640 3038 8640 TIME...MOT...LOC 0102Z 156DEG 16KT 3016 8601 WATERSPOUT...OBSERVED HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 72-BUNKER  363 WSNT13 KKCI 300103 SIGA0M KZWY KZMA SIGMET MIKE 4 VALID 300103/300325 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET MIKE 3 292325/300325.  926 WWUS51 KPBZ 300103 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 903 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC125-WVC009-069-300130- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Washington PA-Ohio WV-Brooke WV- 903 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON...NORTHEASTERN OHIO AND SOUTHEASTERN BROOKE COUNTIES... At 903 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Wolfdale, or near Avella, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Washington... Canonsburg... Avella... Wolfdale... McGovern... Houston... Claysville... West Alexander... Taylorstown... West Middletown... Meadow Lands... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 4015 8059 4027 8050 4025 8017 4001 8044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0103Z 306DEG 18KT 4018 8042 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  001 WOUS64 KWNS 300103 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 803 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC001-015-021-025-029-031-037-041-043-045-047-051-055-057-059- 065-083-085-089-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BURLEIGH DICKEY DUNN EMMONS FOSTER GRANT HETTINGER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STARK STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  002 WOUS64 KWNS 300103 WOU1 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 461 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 903 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 461 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. DEZ000-MDZ000-NJZ000-NYZ000-PAZ000-ANZ000-300100- /O.EXP.KWNS.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. NO MARINE ZONES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...PHI...CTP...BGM...  003 WOUS64 KWNS 300103 WOU2 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 462 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 903 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 462 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. DCZ000-DEZ000-MDZ000-VAZ000-WVZ000-ANZ000-300100- /O.EXP.KWNS.SV.A.0462.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. NO MARINE ZONES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...LWX...PHI...  069 WWUS53 KUNR 300103 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 703 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 SDC047-300113- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0086.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Fall River SD- 703 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN FALL RIVER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4301 10405 4326 10405 4327 10358 4299 10373 TIME...MOT...LOC 0102Z 192DEG 21KT 4309 10393 $$ Helgeson  426 WWUS30 KWNS 300104 SAW2 SPC AWW 300103 WW 462 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CANCELLED  427 WWUS30 KWNS 300104 SAW1 SPC AWW 300103 WW 461 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CANCELLED  559 WGUS83 KILX 300104 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 804 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following river in Illinois... Embarras River at Lawrenceville affecting Lawrence County .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. River levels are expected to continue falling. Since flooding has subsided, this will be the last statement for this flooding event. ILC101-300134- /O.CAN.KILX.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-190630T1630Z/ /LAWI2.1.ER.190618T0452Z.190627T2200Z.190629T2310Z.NO/ 804 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Embarras River at Lawrenceville. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 610 PM Saturday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 25.5 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Embarras River Lawrenceville 30 29.5 Sat 8 PM 27.9 25.5 23.8 && LAT...LON 3885 8786 3885 8773 3869 8759 3862 8765 $$ baker  708 WWUS20 KWNS 300104 SEL2 SPC WW 300103 DCZ000-DEZ000-MDZ000-VAZ000-WVZ000-CWZ000-292300- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - NUMBER 462 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 903 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH NUMBER 462 ISSUED AT 205 PM EDT FOR PORTIONS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DELAWARE MARYLAND VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA COASTAL WATERS  709 WWUS20 KWNS 300104 SEL1 SPC WW 300103 DEZ000-MDZ000-NJZ000-NYZ000-PAZ000-CWZ000-292300- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - NUMBER 461 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 903 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH NUMBER 461 ISSUED AT 1205 PM EDT FOR PORTIONS OF DELAWARE MARYLAND NEW JERSEY NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA COASTAL WATERS  643 WWNZ40 NZKL 300103 CANCEL WARNING 505  644 WWNZ40 NZKL 300100 GALE WARNING 508 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 300000UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. LOW 936HPA NEAR 61S 161W MOVING EAST 30KT. 1. WITHIN 840 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN NORTHWEST QUADRANT: CLOCKWISE 40KT AT TIMES. 2. WITHIN 540 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM NORTH THROUGH EAST TO WEST: CLOCKWISE 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREAS MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 503.  645 WWNZ40 NZKL 300101 GALE WARNING 509 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: FORTIES AT 300000UTC OVER WATERS EAST OF WESTERN BOUNDARY. IN A BELT 180 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 45S 166E 48S 165E 52S 161E: NORTHEAST 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6-12 HOURS.  646 WWNZ40 NZKL 300059 GALE WARNING 507 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 300000UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. IN A BELT 300 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 59S 141W 63S 140W 66S 140W: NORTHERLY 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 50KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 504.  262 WUUS51 KLWX 300105 SVRLWX MDC001-WVC057-300145- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0296.190630T0105Z-190630T0145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 905 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Allegany County in western Maryland... Northeastern Mineral County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 945 PM EDT. * At 905 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Cumberland, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Cumberland, Frostburg, Paw Paw, La Vale, Ridgeley, Cresaptown, Potomac Park, Wiley Ford, Eckhart Mines, Ellerslie, Corriganville, Green Spring, Flintstone, Oldtown, Spring Gap, Little Orleans, Pumpkin Center, North Branch, Brady and Wolfe Mill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3972 7833 3961 7839 3962 7843 3959 7840 3958 7841 3959 7846 3957 7846 3956 7843 3954 7844 3955 7846 3954 7845 3952 7847 3952 7857 3954 7859 3953 7866 3955 7876 3965 7893 3972 7882 TIME...MOT...LOC 0105Z 285DEG 22KT 3968 7875 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  131 WGUS84 KLZK 300105 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 805 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... Fourche Lafave River Near Houston affecting Perry County River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 18 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC105-301604- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0092.000000T0000Z-190702T0000Z/ /HUSA4.1.ER.190624T2030Z.190627T2315Z.190630T1800Z.NO/ 805 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fourche Lafave River Near Houston. * until Monday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 26.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early tomorrow afternoon. * Impacts at 25.0 feet...Agricultural lands along the Arkansas River and up into the Fourche LaFave begin to flood. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Fourche Lafave River Houston 25 26.2 Sat 07 PM 25.4 24.4 24.0 Falling && LAT...LON 3494 9262 3495 9270 3492 9284 3501 9288 3503 9274 3505 9259 $$  281 WUCN13 CWWG 300107 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:07 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: GREEN LAKE R.M. OF BIG RIVER INCLUDING BIG RIVER AND CHITEK LAKE. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF MEADOW LAKE INCLUDING WATERHEN RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:36 P.M. CST. AT 7:07 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE ALONG A LINE FROM WEST OF BEAUVAL TO WASKESIU AND ARE MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  282 WUCN14 CWWG 300107 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:07 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= MONTREAL LAKE AND MOLANOSA PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK ILE A LA CROSSE AND BEAUVAL. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: BUFFALO NARROWS AND PETER POND LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 8:36 P.M. CST. AT 7:07 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS ARE ALONG A LINE FROM WEST OF BEAUVAL TO WASKESIU AND ARE MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  681 WWUS51 KBTV 300109 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 909 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC019-VTC007-011-013-300116- /O.EXP.KBTV.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Clinton NY-Grand Isle VT-Chittenden VT-Franklin VT- 909 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN CLINTON...GRAND ISLE...NORTHWESTERN CHITTENDEN AND WESTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 915 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning has exited western Clinton county and has weakened below severe limits as it approves the Champlain Valley. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms as they move into the Champlain Valley and across Lake Champlain. Boaters should seek shelter and be prepared for gusty winds in excess of 30-35 mph. LAT...LON 4473 7396 4500 7382 4501 7314 4447 7308 TIME...MOT...LOC 0106Z 290DEG 39KT 4472 7337 $$ SLW  319 WWCN13 CWWG 300108 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:08 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: MOOSOMIN - GRENFELL - KIPLING - WAWOTA CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE YORKTON - MELVILLE - ESTERHAZY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED AND ARE MOVING SLOWLY TOWARD THE EAST. SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST THROUGH THIS EVENING. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  320 WWCN11 CWWG 300108 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:08 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI =NEW= POPLAR RIVER CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED AND ARE MOVING SLOWLY TOWARD THE EAST. SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST THROUGH THIS EVENING. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  049 WWUS83 KLBF 300109 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 809 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEZ005-094-300200- Eastern Cherry NE-Western Cherry NE- 809 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL CHERRY COUNTY UNTIL 900 PM CDT/800 PM MDT/... At 808 PM CDT/708 PM MDT/, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 14 miles south of Kilgore to near Merritt Reservoir. Movement was northeast at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Merritt Reservoir, Crookston and Anderson Bridge State Wildlife Management Area. This includes the following highways... Highway 20 between mile markers 185 and 193. Highway 97 between mile markers 110 and 132. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If on or near Merritt Reservoir, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. Persons in campgrounds should consider seeking sturdy shelter until these storms pass. && LAT...LON 4295 10075 4290 10060 4257 10088 4257 10100 4277 10096 TIME...MOT...LOC 0108Z 213DEG 16KT 4275 10086 4258 10095 $$ CDC  624 WSBO31 SLLP 300106 SLLF SIGMET 1 VALID 300105/300505 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0105Z WI S2114 W06809 S1946 W06855 S1913 W06838 S1837 W06902 S1808 W06905 S1745 W06647 S2027 W06429 S2155 W06402 S2239 W06414 S2152 W06443 S2139 W06615 S2241 W06725 S2228 W06750 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  613 WWUS51 KBTV 300110 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 910 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC019-031-033-089-300119- /O.EXP.KBTV.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Clinton NY-Franklin NY-St. Lawrence NY-Essex NY- 910 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN CLINTON...CENTRAL FRANKLIN...EAST CENTRAL ST. LAWRENCE AND NORTHWESTERN ESSEX COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 915 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has exited Franklin county and was weakening across Essex county. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4459 7477 4462 7454 4475 7393 4467 7338 4430 7417 TIME...MOT...LOC 0109Z 295DEG 29KT 4456 7386 $$ SLW  725 WSCN02 CWAO 300110 CZEG SIGMET L2 VALID 300110/300510 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N6004 W10613 - N5816 W10720 - N5635 W10834 TOP FL350 QS INTSFYG=  794 WSCN22 CWAO 300110 CZEG SIGMET L2 VALID 300110/300510 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N6004 W10613/45 N CYSF - /N5816 W10720/75 SW CYSF - /N5635 W10834/45 N CYVT TOP FL350 QS INTSFYG RMK GFACN32 GFACN35=  512 WFUS53 KBIS 300111 TORBIS NDC037-300145- /O.NEW.KBIS.TO.W.0004.190630T0111Z-190630T0145Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Bismarck ND 711 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Bismarck has issued a * Tornado Warning for... North central Grant County in south central North Dakota... * Until 745 PM MDT. * At 711 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Carson, or 15 miles east of Elgin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and hail up to two inches in diameter. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of north central Grant County, including the following locations... Lark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4637 10130 4638 10160 4656 10162 4660 10130 4638 10130 4637 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0111Z 266DEG 23KT 4648 10154 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...2.00IN $$ MJONES  371 WWUS84 KMEG 300111 SPSMEG Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 811 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MSZ021-300130- Yalobusha MS- 811 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY HAS BEEN ISSUED UNTIL 830 PM CDT FOR... Southern Yalobusha County in northwestern Mississippi... At 811 PM CDT...a strong thunderstorm producing pea size hail was located near Coffeeville, or 12 miles northeast of Grenada, moving southwest at 10 mph. Very heavy rain is also possible with this thunderstorm. People in southern Yalobusha County should monitor this storm closely. LAT...LON 3387 8977 3390 8977 3390 8984 3393 8985 3400 8959 3387 8957 TIME...MOT...LOC 0111Z 063DEG 9KT 3389 8965 $$ SGW  212 WUUS53 KIND 300111 SVRIND INC045-121-165-300200- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0126.190630T0111Z-190630T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 911 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Fountain County in west central Indiana... Northern Parke County in west central Indiana... Central Vermillion County in west central Indiana... * Until 1000 PM EDT. * At 911 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of Georgetown, or 12 miles southeast of Danville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Newport, Cayuga, Montezuma, Dana, Kingman, Perrysville, Bloomingdale, Marshall, Turkey Run State Park and Lodi. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4004 8753 4010 8745 3988 8710 3987 8709 3987 8708 3985 8705 3973 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0111Z 319DEG 22KT 3999 8748 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  738 WHUS52 KTAE 300112 SMWTAE GMZ730-765-775-300215- /O.NEW.KTAE.MA.W.0141.190630T0112Z-190630T0215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 912 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River Fl out to 20 Nm... Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach out 20 NM... Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 1015 PM EDT. * At 911 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located 13 nm east of Buckeye Reef, moving northwest at 15 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Waterspouts can quickly form and capsize boats...damage vessels...and create suddenly higher waves. Make sure all on board are in a secure location and wearing life jackets. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots...suddenly higher waves...frequent lightning...and heavy downpours. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. * Locations impacted include... Buckeye Reef and Horseshoe Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. Frequent lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. && LAT...LON 2933 8392 2980 8406 2992 8365 2933 8316 TIME...MOT...LOC 0111Z 156DEG 16KT 2959 8366 WATERSPOUT...POSSIBLE HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 72-BUNKER  996 WWUS51 KPBZ 300112 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 912 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC125-WVC009-069-300122- /O.CAN.KPBZ.SV.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Washington PA-Ohio WV-Brooke WV- 912 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON... NORTHEASTERN OHIO AND SOUTHEASTERN BROOKE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm that prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4015 8059 4027 8050 4025 8017 4001 8044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0107Z 306DEG 18KT 4015 8037 $$  495 WSNT03 KKCI 300115 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 1 VALID 300115/300515 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N4235 W06400 - N4140 W06400 - N4115 W06735 - N4205 W06730 - N4235 W06400. TOP FL430. MOV ESE 30KT. INTSF.  942 WWUS53 KILX 300113 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 813 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC183-300122- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0122.000000T0000Z-190630T0115Z/ Vermilion- 813 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 815 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4014 8773 4024 8753 3995 8753 3991 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 0112Z 333DEG 16KT 3999 8751 $$ 37  207 WSCN22 CWAO 300112 CZEG SIGMET F1 VALID 300110/300510 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5549 W11116/45 S CYMM - /N5428 W11321/45 W CYLB TOP FL340 MOV ESE 5KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32=  208 WSCN02 CWAO 300112 CZEG SIGMET F1 VALID 300110/300510 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5549 W11116 - N5428 W11321 TOP FL340 MOV ESE 5KT INTSFYG=  125 WGUS84 KLCH 300113 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles La 813 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Texas.. Atchafalaya River At Morgan City Sabine River Near Deweyville LAC099-101-301513- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGL1.2.ER.190112T1424Z.190617T1900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 813 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Atchafalaya River At Morgan City. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 7.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 7.8 feet. * Impact...At stages near 7.0 feet...Buildings at the foot of Ann Street on the river side of the flood wall will flood as water overtops the Rio Oil Company dock. Buildings on the river side of the Berwick floodwall will flood. River traffic restrictions will be strictly enforced. In addition, backwater flooding could potentially impact portions areas around Lake Palourde and Stephensville. && LAT...LON 2997 9124 2980 9110 2939 9113 2951 9154 2986 9139 2995 9147 $$ LAC011-019-TXC351-361-301513- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0121.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DWYT2.1.ER.190622T2330Z.190628T0015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 813 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sabine River Near Deweyville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Saturday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 24.2 feet by after midnight tomorrow. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At stages near 24.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding will occur. && LAT...LON 3057 9363 3011 9364 3011 9378 3031 9381 3062 9378 $$  041 WUUS51 KBUF 300114 SVRBUF NYC049-300200- /O.NEW.KBUF.SV.W.0043.190630T0114Z-190630T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Buffalo NY 914 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Lewis County in central New York... * Until 1000 PM EDT.. * At 914 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lowville, or 18 miles southeast of Watertown, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lowville, Whetstone Gulf State Park, New Bremen, Watson, Martinsburg, Lyonsdale, Greig, Copenhagen, Port Leyden and Lyons Falls. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4387 7582 4390 7563 4375 7515 4357 7525 4361 7572 TIME...MOT...LOC 0114Z 305DEG 49KT 4380 7563 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ RSH  518 WWUS81 KAKQ 300116 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 916 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDZ021-300200- Dorchester- 916 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT DORCHESTER COUNTY... At 915 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Cambridge, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cambridge, Secretary, Vienna, University Of Maryland Center For Environmental Studies, East New Market, Galestown, Church Creek, Brookview, Eldorado, Madison, Andrews, Crocheron, Wingate, Lloyds, Woolford, Elliott, Bucktown and Linkwood. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of this storm. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. LAT...LON 3857 7607 3861 7598 3858 7570 3848 7582 3826 7598 3827 7599 3827 7598 3831 7602 3835 7596 3836 7600 3837 7601 3836 7601 3831 7606 3822 7604 3849 7631 3851 7621 3856 7621 3854 7628 3863 7618 TIME...MOT...LOC 0115Z 297DEG 24KT 3851 7611 $$ 05  456 WSAU21 AMRF 300115 YMMM SIGMET U03 VALID 300115/300200 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET U02 292200/300200=  655 WUUS51 KPBZ 300117 SVRPBZ PAC051-059-125-300200- /O.NEW.KPBZ.SV.W.0155.190630T0117Z-190630T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 917 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Washington County in southwestern Pennsylvania... Eastern Greene County in southwestern Pennsylvania... West central Fayette County in southwestern Pennsylvania... * Until 1000 PM EDT. * At 917 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northwest of Jefferson Boro, or 8 miles north of Waynesburg, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. * Locations impacted include... Waynesburg... Masontown... Brownsville... Fredericktown-Millsboro... Fairdale... Jefferson Boro... Isabella... West Brownsville... Deemston... Bobtown... Republic... Nemacolin... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3999 8030 4011 8015 3997 7974 3973 7997 TIME...MOT...LOC 0117Z 309DEG 25KT 4002 8017 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  457 WWUS61 KCTP 300117 WCNCTP WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 461 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE STATE COLLEGE PA 917 PM EDT SAT JUN 29 2019 PAC001-009-041-043-055-057-071-075-099-111-133-300230- /O.EXP.KCTP.SV.A.0461.000000T0000Z-190630T0100Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ALLOWED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 461 TO EXPIRE FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN PENNSYLVANIA THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 11 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA ADAMS BEDFORD CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN FRANKLIN FULTON LANCASTER LEBANON PERRY SOMERSET YORK THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BEDFORD, CARLISLE, CHAMBERSBURG, GETTYSBURG, HARRISBURG, HERSHEY, LANCASTER, LEBANON, MCCONNELLSBURG, NEWPORT, SOMERSET, WAYNESBORO, AND YORK. $$ MARTIN  736 WUUS51 KLWX 300118 SVRLWX MDC001-043-WVC003-027-037-065-300215- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0297.190630T0118Z-190630T0215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 918 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Washington County in north central Maryland... Northeastern Allegany County in western Maryland... Jefferson County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... Morgan County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... Berkeley County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... Northeastern Hampshire County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 1015 PM EDT. * At 917 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Williamsport to near Greenwood, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Hagerstown, Martinsburg, Charles Town, Shepherdstown, Hancock, Paw Paw, Municipal Stadium, Greenwood, Robinwood, Fountainhead-Orchard Hills, Ranson, Boonsboro, Smithsburg, Inwood, Paramount-Long Meadow, Wilson-Conococheague, Williamsport, Berkeley Springs, Mount Aetna and Mount Lena. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3972 7747 3969 7751 3967 7749 3964 7752 3961 7758 3940 7764 3933 7768 3931 7774 3914 7783 3946 7834 3944 7835 3950 7870 3972 7849 TIME...MOT...LOC 0117Z 304DEG 20KT 3954 7786 3948 7817 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  555 WSCI35 ZJHK 300117 ZJSA SIGMET 1 VALID 300125/300525 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1923 E11120 - N1827 E11208 - N1656 E11214 - N1607 E11116 - N1822 E11000 - N1923 E11120 TOP FL500 MOV W 25KMH WKN=  124 WWUS51 KBGM 300118 SVSBGM Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 918 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC007-025-PAC115-127-300128- /O.CAN.KBGM.SV.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190630T0130Z/ Broome NY-Delaware NY-Susquehanna PA-Wayne PA- 918 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN BROOME... SOUTHWESTERN DELAWARE...NORTHEASTERN SUSQUEHANNA AND NORTHERN WAYNE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4192 7500 4185 7514 4184 7512 4185 7515 4192 7567 4206 7568 4210 7499 TIME...MOT...LOC 0117Z 271DEG 28KT 4197 7524 $$ DJP  402 WVRA31 RUPK 300119 UHPP SIGMET 1 VALID 300120/300215 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT EBEKO PSN N5041 E15601 VA CLD OBS AT 0110Z SFC/FL090 MOV WNW 20KMH=  284 WWUS51 KBUF 300120 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 920 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC045-300130- /O.CAN.KBUF.SV.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Jefferson NY- 920 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL JEFFERSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4389 7572 4395 7542 4410 7517 4373 7513 TIME...MOT...LOC 0120Z 298DEG 34KT 4404 7514 4388 7552 $$ NYC049-300145- /O.CON.KBUF.SV.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Lewis NY- 920 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 PM EDT FOR NORTHERN LEWIS COUNTY... At 920 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles southwest of Star Lake to 6 miles north of Lowville, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Denmark, New Bremen, Copenhagen, Croghan, Castorland, Belfort, Soft Maple Reservoir, Kirschnerville, Beaver Falls and Indian River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4389 7572 4395 7542 4410 7517 4373 7513 TIME...MOT...LOC 0120Z 298DEG 34KT 4404 7514 4388 7552 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ RSH  834 WWUS81 KBTV 300120 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 920 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYZ028-031-034-035-VTZ001-002-005-006-009-011-016>019-300300- Eastern Clinton-Western Clinton-Western Essex-Eastern Essex- Grand Isle-Western Franklin-Western Chittenden-Lamoille- Western Addison-Western Rutland-Eastern Franklin- Eastern Chittenden-Eastern Addison-Eastern Rutland- Including the cities of Plattsburgh, Dannemora, Lake Placid, Port Henry, Ticonderoga, Alburgh, South Hero, St. Albans, Burlington, Johnson, Stowe, Middlebury, Vergennes, Rutland, Enosburg Falls, Richford, Underhill, Bristol, Ripton, East Wallingford, and Killington 920 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...AN AREA OF SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS WILL CONTINUE TO MOVE ACROSS THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY INTO THE WESTERN SLOPES OF THE GREEN MOUNTAINS THROUGH 11 PM... At 915 PM EDT, radar showed a expanded area of showers and thunderstorms along the Canadian border between Mooers New York and Highate Vermont southwest through Essex county New York moving southeast at 30 mph. This activity should move through the Champlain Valley into the Green Mountains by 11 pm. Some of these storms could see winds in excess of 30-35 mph as well as lightning and brief heavy rainfall. $$  146 WWUS86 KPDT 300120 SPSPDT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 620 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ORZ509-511-300200- Central Oregon OR-East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades OR- 620 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN DESCHUTES COUNTY UNTIL 700 PM PDT... At 620 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles northwest of La Pine, moving north at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bend, La Pine, Three Rivers, Deschutes River Woods and Sunriver. LAT...LON 4362 12186 4389 12185 4417 12157 4406 12100 4402 12099 4400 12103 4400 12113 4394 12112 4390 12115 4384 12114 4379 12108 4362 12117 TIME...MOT...LOC 0120Z 199DEG 19KT 4373 12170 $$ vp  632 WUCN11 CWWG 300121 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:21 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: PELICAN RAPIDS AND SHOAL RIVER FIRST NATIONS MUN. OF MINITONAS-BOWSMAN INCL. RENWER DUCK MOUNTAIN PROV. PARK AND PROV. FOREST R.M. OF MOUNTAIN INCLUDING COWAN AND CAMPERVILLE GRAND RAPIDS AND EASTERVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  824 WWUS53 KBIS 300122 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 722 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-300145- /O.CON.KBIS.TO.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Grant ND- 722 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM MDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY... At 721 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 7 miles northeast of Carson, or 20 miles east of Elgin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and two inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Carson and Lark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Motorists should not take shelter under highway overpasses. If you cannot safely drive away from the tornado, as a last resort, either park your vehicle and stay put, or abandon your vehicle and lie down in a low lying area and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4637 10130 4638 10160 4656 10162 4660 10130 4638 10130 4637 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0121Z 266DEG 23KT 4648 10144 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...2.00IN $$ MJONES  684 WWUS51 KLWX 300122 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 922 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC001-WVC057-300145- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0296.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Allegany MD-Mineral WV- 922 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN ALLEGANY AND NORTHEASTERN MINERAL COUNTIES... At 922 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles east of Cumberland, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Paw Paw, Green Spring, Oldtown, Little Orleans, Bellegrove, Wagoner, Pumpkin Center and Green Ridge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3961 7839 3962 7843 3959 7840 3958 7841 3959 7846 3957 7846 3956 7843 3954 7844 3955 7846 3954 7845 3952 7847 3952 7857 3954 7859 3953 7867 3953 7868 3972 7851 3972 7833 TIME...MOT...LOC 0122Z 285DEG 22KT 3965 7862 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ DHOF  344 WGUS84 KFWD 300123 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 823 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Elm Fork Trinity River Near Carrollton Affecting Dallas County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC113-301322- /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0162.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CART2.1.ER.190621T0015Z.190624T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 823 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Elm Fork Trinity River Near Carrollton. * At 0715 PM Saturday the stage was 8.22 feet. * Flood stage is 8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will crest near 8 feet Thursday afternoon then remain above flood for the next few days. && LAT...LON 3300 9688 3287 9687 3287 9699 3300 9700 $$ TXC213-349-301322- /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0174.000000T0000Z-190701T1800Z/ /TDDT2.1.ER.190625T1818Z.190628T1130Z.190701T0600Z.NO/ 823 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River At Trinidad. * At 0745 PM Saturday the stage was 33.82 feet. * Flood stage is 33 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to recede and fall below flood stage by Monday after midnight. && LAT...LON 3223 9613 3207 9600 3206 9613 3219 9626 $$  206 WSCN04 CWAO 300123 CZYZ SIGMET J2 VALID 300120/300450 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL SIGMET J1 300050/300450=  207 WSCN24 CWAO 300123 CZYZ SIGMET J2 VALID 300120/300450 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNCL SIGMET J1 300050/300450 RMK GFACN33=  024 WUCN14 CWWG 300123 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:23 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: MONTREAL LAKE AND MOLANOSA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:22 P.M. CST. AT 7:23 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THIS THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED NEAR MONTREAL LAKE AND IS MOVING NORTHEAST AT 45 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  846 WWUS84 KEWX 300124 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 824 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ193-194-209-300200- Bastrop TX-Fayette TX-Lee TX- 824 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL BASTROP...SOUTH CENTRAL LEE AND NORTH CENTRAL FAYETTE COUNTIES UNTIL 900 PM CDT... At 824 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles south of Giddings, moving west at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Giddings, Serbin, West Point, Warda, Northrup and Winchester. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3013 9714 3017 9694 2999 9686 2992 9707 TIME...MOT...LOC 0124Z 075DEG 7KT 3007 9697 $$ CP  045 WUCN13 CWWG 300124 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:24 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF TORCH RIVER INCLUDING CHOICELAND AND WHITE FOX R.M. OF PADDOCKWOOD INCLUDING CANDLE LAKE AND PADDOCKWOOD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  952 WWUS81 KBTV 300125 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 925 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTZ010-012-300200- Windsor-Orange- 925 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ORANGE AND NORTHEASTERN WINDSOR COUNTIES... At 925 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from West Fairlee to Thetford to Royalton. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... West Fairlee, Bradford, Sharon, Thetford Hill State Park, Thetford Center, Norwich, Thetford, Royalton, Fairlee, Bethel, Hartford, Strafford, Pomfret, Tunbridge, West Fairlee Center, Ely, West Norwich, Union Village Dam Recreation Area, West Hartford and North Royalton. Persons in campgrounds should consider seeking sturdy shelter until these storms pass. LAT...LON 4395 7212 4392 7212 4389 7217 4387 7217 4386 7219 4381 7218 4379 7220 4377 7220 4370 7231 4365 7232 4385 7267 4385 7229 4402 7219 4400 7211 4397 7211 4397 7210 TIME...MOT...LOC 0125Z 301DEG 22KT 4395 7220 4384 7226 4384 7254 $$ SLW  841 WSTU31 LTAC 300120 LTAA SIGMET 1 VALID 300100/300400 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SQL TS OBS AT 0100Z N41 E038 FCST MOV NE 12KT NC=  877 WSBZ01 SBBR 300100 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 292230/300230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2913 W05347 - S2917 W05542 - S3052 W05536 - S3242 W05304 - S3304 W05334 - S3342 W05334 - S3359 W05301 - S3400 W05024 - S2931 W04604 - S2836 W04821 - S3010 W05045 - S2913 W05347 TOP FL380 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  878 WSBZ01 SBBR 300100 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0029 W05914 - S0110 W06023 - S0329 W06322 - S0019 W06819 - N0200 W06733 - N0030 W06602 - N0220 W06324 - N0339 W06244 - N0453 W06035 - N0450 W06002 - N0430 W06011 - N0406 W05939 - N0245 W05959 - N0029 W05914 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  879 WSBZ01 SBBR 300100 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0550 W07308 - S0644 W06829 - S0740 W06804 - S0945 W07001 - S0830 W07314 - S0550 W07308 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  880 WSBZ01 SBBR 300100 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0325 W05203 - N0210 W04959 - S0006 W05058 - S0239 W05640 - S0108 W06024 - N0030 W05915 - N0027 W05809 - N0211 W05418 - N0209 W05251 - N0325 W05203 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  881 WSBZ01 SBBR 300100 SBAO SIGMET 1 VALID 300055/300455 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3000 W04629 - S3353W05016 - S3441 W04447 - S3000 W04629 TOP FL380 MOV SE 05KT NC=  129 WSFG20 TFFF 300125 SOOO SIGMET 1 VALID 300125/300325 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0615 W05100 - N0545 W05245 - N0645 W05315 - N0700 W05115 TOP FL485 STNR INTSF=  130 WSCH31 SCIP 300126 SCIZ SIGMET 03 VALID 300230/300630 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3000 W13000 - S3000 W12000 - S4500 W12000 - S4500 W13000 - S3000 W13000 FL340/420 MOV E INTSF=  982 WWUS81 KGYX 300126 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 926 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ012>014-019>021-025-026-300200- Southern Oxford-Androscoggin-Interior Cumberland-Southern Franklin-Southern Somerset-Kennebec-Lincoln-Sagadahoc- 926 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT KENNEBEC...SOUTHEASTERN OXFORD...ANDROSCOGGIN...SOUTH CENTRAL SOMERSET AND NORTHWESTERN CUMBERLAND COUNTIES... At 926 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Norridgewock to near Winthrop to near Bridgton. Movement was east at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Lewiston, Augusta, Waterville, Fairfield, Gardiner, Bridgton, Mechanic Falls, Oakland, Turner, Naples, Skowhegan, China, Litchfield, Clinton, Belgrade, Farmingdale, Manchester, Hallowell, Norridgewock and Winthrop. This includes the following highways... Interstate 295 near mile marker 51. Interstate 95 between mile markers 70 and 92, and between mile markers 100 and 141. This also includes... Long Lake. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4457 6941 4430 6959 4393 7041 4406 7075 4435 7011 4473 6990 4467 6944 4466 6945 4466 6946 4465 6946 4464 6940 TIME...MOT...LOC 0126Z 276DEG 38KT 4466 6980 4434 7002 4405 7065 $$ DS  911 WWUS53 KIND 300128 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 928 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 INC045-121-165-300200- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Fountain IN-Parke IN-Vermillion IN- 928 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN FOUNTAIN...NORTHERN PARKE AND CENTRAL VERMILLION COUNTIES... At 927 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Newport, or 20 miles southeast of Danville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Newport, Cayuga, Montezuma, Dana, Kingman, Bloomingdale, Marshall, Turkey Run State Park and Lodi. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3997 8752 4004 8735 3988 8710 3987 8709 3987 8708 3985 8705 3973 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0127Z 321DEG 22KT 3989 8741 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  281 WOUS20 KWNS 300128 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300130 NDZ000-300240- STATUS REPORT ON WW 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 W Y22 TO 30 E DIK TO 35 ENE DIK TO 15 WSW N60. ..KERR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...BIS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS NDC001-015-021-025-029-031-037-041-043-045-047-051-055-057-059- 065-083-085-089-093-103-300240- ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BURLEIGH DICKEY DUNN EMMONS FOSTER GRANT HETTINGER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STARK STUTSMAN WELLS $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  608 WWUS84 KFWD 300128 SPSFWD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 828 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ144-145-147-159>161-300230- Falls TX-Limestone TX-Bosque TX-Freestone TX-Hill TX-McLennan TX- 828 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN FREESTONE... MCLENNAN...SOUTHEASTERN BOSQUE...SOUTHWESTERN HILL...LIMESTONE AND FALLS COUNTIES UNTIL 930 PM CDT... At 828 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from West to near Fairfield. Movement was south at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Waco, Hewitt, Robinson, Bellmead, Woodway, Mexia, Lacy-Lakeview, Marlin, McGregor, Groesbeck, Teague, Fairfield, West, Mart, Beverly Hills, Lorena, Bruceville-Eddy, Valley Mills, Riesel and Crawford. LAT...LON 3147 9612 3116 9673 3128 9729 3174 9754 3192 9740 3196 9698 3186 9704 3166 9690 3168 9650 3174 9608 TIME...MOT...LOC 0128Z 013DEG 32KT 3178 9708 3166 9613 $$ Picca  737 WSFG20 TFFF 300128 SOOO SIGMET 2 VALID 300125/300325 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0500 W04030 - N0500 W04600 - N0530 W04530 - N0545 W04045 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  911 WWUS81 KGYX 300129 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 929 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ003-005-300200- Northern Grafton-Southern Grafton- 929 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN GRAFTON COUNTY... At 929 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Thetford Hill State Park, or 13 miles north of Lebanon, moving east at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hanover, Canaan, Groton, Fairlee, Piermont, Lyme, Dorchester, Wentworth, Orford, Orange and Rumney. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4375 7223 4377 7220 4379 7220 4381 7218 4382 7219 4383 7218 4386 7219 4387 7217 4389 7217 4393 7212 4392 7190 4373 7182 4365 7202 4374 7225 TIME...MOT...LOC 0129Z 288DEG 14KT 4383 7218 $$ DS  115 WSHO31 MHTG 300128 MHTG SIGMET B2 VALID 300120/300320 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET B1 282340/300340=  381 WGUS73 KILX 300130 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 830 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILC183-300315- /O.CON.KILX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Vermilion- 830 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTY... At 828 PM CDT, emergency management reported flash flooding near Alvin. Three to four inches of rain have already fallen in portions of the warned area, particularly near Bismarck. Flash flooding is already occurring. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Danville, Bismarck, Henning, Vermilion County Airport and Alvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4015 8772 4032 8773 4035 8753 4013 8753 $$ 37  244 WWUS51 KPBZ 300130 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 930 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC051-059-125-300200- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0155.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Washington PA-Greene PA-Fayette PA- 930 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON...EASTERN GREENE AND WEST CENTRAL FAYETTE COUNTIES... At 930 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Jefferson Boro, or 7 miles northeast of Waynesburg, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Waynesburg... Masontown... Brownsville... Fredericktown-Millsboro... Fairdale... Jefferson Boro... Isabella... West Brownsville... Deemston... Bobtown... Republic... Nemacolin... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3999 8030 4011 8015 3997 7974 3973 7997 TIME...MOT...LOC 0130Z 309DEG 25KT 3996 8008 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  276 WWUS53 KBIS 300130 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 730 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-300145- /O.CON.KBIS.TO.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Grant ND- 730 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM MDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY... At 730 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 5 miles west of Flasher, or 24 miles east of Elgin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and two inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Lark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Motorists should not take shelter under highway overpasses. If you cannot safely drive away from the tornado, as a last resort, either park your vehicle and stay put, or abandon your vehicle and lie down in a low lying area and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4637 10143 4657 10148 4660 10130 4638 10130 4637 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0130Z 265DEG 23KT 4648 10134 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...2.00IN $$ MJONES  277 WGUS84 KHGX 300130 FLSHGX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HOUSTON/GALVESTON, TX 830 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 A river flood warning remains in effect for the Trinity River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. && TXC373-407-455-471-010129- /O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190704T1200Z/ /RVRT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190626T2345Z.190704T0000Z.NO/ 830 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Riverside * until Thursday morning or until the warning is canceled. * At 0801 PM Saturday the stage was 134.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 133.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday evening. * At 134.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues with the boat ramp in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision in Walker County inundated. Backwater flooding up Thomas Lake in Walker County floods the boat ramp in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision in Walker County. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Trinity River Riverside 133.5 134.2 Sat 08 PM 133.7 133.7 133.6 133.4 && LAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584 $$ TXC291-010129- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0076.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LBYT2.2.ER.190624T1100Z.190630T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 830 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Liberty * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 0715 PM Saturday the stage was 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to remain near 27.1 feet through Tuesday evening. * At 27.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins as roads into several outlying communities above Liberty are closed with residents in 5 or 6 subdivisions cut off if not evacuated. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Trinity River Liberty 26.0 27.0 Sat 07 PM 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 && LAT...LON 3027 9475 2996 9470 2996 9487 3027 9489 $$ TXC071-291-010129- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MBFT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190606T0315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 830 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River near Moss Bluff * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 0730 PM Saturday the stage was 13.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.2 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.6 feet by Wednesday early afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Trinity River Moss Bluff 12.2 13.4 Sat 07 PM 13.4 13.5 13.5 13.6 && LAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487 $$  609 WHHW70 PHFO 300131 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 331 PM HST Sat Jun 29 2019 PHZ121-123-124-301445- /O.CON.PHFO.SC.Y.0029.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ Alenuihaha Channel-Big Island Leeward Waters- Big Island Southeast Waters- 331 PM HST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST SUNDAY... * Winds and Seas...East winds 15 to 25 kt. Seas 6 to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory indicates conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these hazardous conditions. && $$  094 WWUS86 KPDT 300131 SPSPDT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 631 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ORZ509-511-300215- Central Oregon OR-East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades OR- 631 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL DESCHUTES COUNTY UNTIL 715 PM PDT... At 631 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 8 miles northwest of Sunriver to 10 miles southeast of Deschutes River Woods. Movement was north at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Bend, Alfalfa, Deschutes River Woods and Sunriver. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4418 12166 4408 12099 4399 12104 4399 12108 4400 12113 4394 12112 4390 12115 4385 12114 4391 12169 TIME...MOT...LOC 0131Z 178DEG 13KT 4397 12157 4388 12120 $$ vp  859 WHHW40 PHFO 300131 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 331 PM HST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR SOUTH FACING SHORES... .An energetic south swell will boost surf heights above advisory threshold along south facing shores. Forerunners have already arrived, and surf will continue to rise tonight into Sunday before declining late Monday. HIZ001>003-005-006-013-014-016-018>021-023>025-301445- /O.NEW.PHFO.SU.Y.0031.190630T0131Z-190702T0400Z/ Niihau-Kauai Windward-Kauai Leeward-Oahu South Shore- Waianae Coast-Molokai Leeward-Lanai Makai-Kahoolawe- Maui Leeward West-Maui Central Valley-Windward Haleakala- Leeward Haleakala-Kona-South Big Island-Big Island North and East- 331 PM HST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Honolulu has issued a High Surf Advisory, which is in effect until 6 PM HST Monday. * SURF...6 to 9 feet tonight rising to 8 to 12 feet Sunday through Monday afternoon. * TIMING...through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, shore break, and strong longshore and rip currents making swimming difficult and dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Beachgoers, swimmers, and surfers should heed all advice given by ocean safety officials and exercise caution. Boaters should expect recreational surfers and body boarders utilizing harbor channels to access surfing areas. && $$  538 WUCN11 CWWG 300132 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:32 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF RIDING MOUNTAIN WEST INCL. ASESSIPPI PROV. PARK =NEW= MUN. OF RUSSELL-BINSCARTH INCL. GAMBLER RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:31 P.M. CDT. AT 8:32 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  600 WGUS84 KLIX 300132 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 832 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC033-077-125-010732- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRLL1.2.ER.181215T2215Z.190317T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 832 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 59.4 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 59.5 feet by Sunday June 30. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 59.0 feet...The east bank levee will be topped and the prison farm land between the two levees will be inundated. Angola Landing will be under water closing the ferry there. All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will remain inundated with recreational camps and river bottom farm land under water. * Impact...At 58.0 feet...Angola farmland on the left bank becomes inundated. && LAT...LON 3074 9137 3071 9159 3102 9170 3103 9153 $$ LAC033-121-010732- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTRL1.3.ER.190106T1052Z.190617T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 832 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 42.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 41.9 feet by Monday July 01. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. && LAT...LON 3035 9113 3032 9130 3071 9159 3074 9130 $$ LAC005-010732- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190725T0600Z/ /DONL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190617T2000Z.190725T0000Z.NO/ 832 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until Thursday July 25. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$ LAC089-093-095-010732- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190720T0000Z/ /RRVL1.2.ER.190226T1200Z.190319T2000Z.190719T1800Z.NR/ 832 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Reserve. * Until Friday July 19. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 22.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Marine and industrial interests along the river, upstream barge operators, and facilities are impacted. Navigation will become difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3007 9046 2999 9048 3001 9087 3009 9079 $$  910 WUCN13 CWWG 300132 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:32 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF WILLOWDALE INCLUDING WHITEWOOD AND OCHAPOWACE RES. R.M. OF ROCANVILLE INCLUDING ROCANVILLE R.M. OF LANGENBURG INCLUDING LANGENBURG YARBO AND MARCHWELL R.M. OF SPY HILL INCLUDING SPY HILL GERALD AND TANTALLON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  973 WOUS64 KWNS 300133 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 833 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC001-015-021-025-029-031-037-041-043-045-047-051-055-057-059- 065-083-085-089-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BURLEIGH DICKEY DUNN EMMONS FOSTER GRANT HETTINGER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STARK STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  024 WUUS53 KBIS 300133 SVRBIS NDC059-300230- /O.NEW.KBIS.SV.W.0045.190630T0133Z-190630T0230Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Bismarck ND 833 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Bismarck has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Morton County in south central North Dakota... * Until 930 PM CDT. * At 833 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Flasher, or 26 miles east of Elgin, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Two inch hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Flasher around 840 PM CDT. St. Anthony around 915 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT for south central North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4663 10130 4663 10132 4666 10132 4669 10075 4639 10075 4640 10077 4639 10083 4640 10086 4639 10087 4639 10088 4641 10088 4639 10092 4638 10130 TIME...MOT...LOC 0133Z 268DEG 25KT 4650 10130 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...2.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ MJONES  270 WUCN11 CWWG 300133 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:33 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF DAUPHIN INCL. SIFTON AND VALLEY RIVER =NEW= R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. OCHRE RIVER AND MAKINAK =NEW= RIDING MOUNTAIN NAT. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:32 P.M. CDT. AT 8:33 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  128 WSZA21 FAOR 300134 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2939 E02705 - S3006 E02846 - S3119 E02859 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3101 E02251 - S2939 E02705 SFC/FL080=  129 WSZA21 FAOR 300129 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01813 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3130 E02918 - S3323 E02642 - S3418 E01920=  130 WSZA21 FAOR 300130 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2845 E02030 - S3043 E02356 - S2931 E02853 - S3042 E03023 - S3130 E02918 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01813 - S2943 E01759=  131 WSZA21 FAOR 300133 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3046 E02801 - S3119 E02859 - S3345 E02924 - S3451 E02600 - S3342 E02451 - S3335 E02117 - S3119 E02158 - S3101 E02251 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 SFC/FL080=  132 WSZA21 FAOR 300132 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2730 E01557 - S2730 E01834 - S3015 E01937 - S3016 E01801 - S2841 E01646 - S2730 E01557 SFC/FL065=  192 WSCN23 CWAO 300134 CZWG SIGMET Q1 VALID 300130/300530 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5438 W10548/30 SW CYVC - /N5343 W10553/30 N CYPA TOP FL440 MOV ENE 15KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32=  193 WSCN03 CWAO 300134 CZWG SIGMET Q1 VALID 300130/300530 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5438 W10548 - N5343 W10553 TOP FL440 MOV ENE 15KT INTSFYG=  508 WUCN11 CWWG 300134 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:34 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: JACKHEAD RES. MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  971 WUCN14 CWWG 300134 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:34 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= CANDLE LAKE PROV. PARK AND NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK MONTREAL LAKE AND MOLANOSA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 9:29 P.M. CST. AT 7:34 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO GOLF BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THIS THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED NEAR MONTREAL LAKE AND IS MOVING NORTHEAST AT 45 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  966 WWUS51 KLWX 300135 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 935 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC001-WVC057-300145- /O.EXP.KLWX.SV.W.0296.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Allegany MD-Mineral WV- 935 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN ALLEGANY AND NORTHEASTERN MINERAL COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 945 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3961 7839 3962 7843 3959 7840 3958 7841 3959 7846 3957 7846 3956 7843 3954 7844 3955 7846 3954 7845 3952 7847 3952 7857 3954 7859 3953 7867 3953 7868 3972 7851 3972 7833 TIME...MOT...LOC 0135Z 285DEG 22KT 3964 7856 $$ DHOF  142 WGUS84 KHGX 300135 FLSHGX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HOUSTON/GALVESTON, TX 835 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 A river flood warning remains in effect for the Trinity River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. && TXC373-407-455-471-010135- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190704T1200Z/ /RVRT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190626T2345Z.190704T0000Z.NO/ 835 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Riverside * until Thursday morning or until the warning is canceled. * At 0801 PM Saturday the stage was 134.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 133.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Wednesday evening. * At 134.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues with the boat ramp in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision in Walker County inundated. Backwater flooding up Thomas Lake in Walker County floods the boat ramp in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision in Walker County. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 PM Location Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Trinity River Riverside 133.5 134.2 Sat 08 PM 133.8 133.7 133.6 133.5 && LAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584 $$ TXC291-010135- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0076.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LBYT2.2.ER.190624T1100Z.190630T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 835 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Liberty * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 0815 PM Saturday the stage was 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 27.1 feet through Tuesday evening. * At 27.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins as roads into several outlying communities above Liberty are closed with residents in 5 or 6 subdivisions cut off if not evacuated. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 PM Location Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Trinity River Liberty 26.0 27.0 Sat 08 PM 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 && LAT...LON 3027 9475 2996 9470 2996 9487 3027 9489 $$ TXC071-291-010135- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MBFT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190606T0315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 835 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River near Moss Bluff * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 0730 PM Saturday the stage was 13.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.2 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.6 feet by Wednesday early afternoon. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 PM Location Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Trinity River Moss Bluff 12.2 13.4 Sat 07 PM 13.4 13.5 13.5 13.6 && LAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487 $$  736 WSCN03 CWAO 300136 CZWG SIGMET C2 VALID 300135/300535 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5307 W09736 - N5354 W09900 - N5137 W10116 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 20KT NC=  737 WSCN23 CWAO 300136 CZWG SIGMET C2 VALID 300135/300535 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5307 W09736/45 NW CYBV - /N5354 W09900/45 W CYNE - /N5137 W10116/45 NE CYQV TOP FL450 MOV ENE 20KT NC RMK GFACN32=  738 WSAU21 AMMC 300135 YBBB SIGMET F03 VALID 300145/300545 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4050 E15610 - S3710 E15650 - S3350 E15500 - S3430 E15600 - S3700 E15800 - S4050 E15800 TOP FL380 MOV E 35KT NC=  320 WWUS51 KBUF 300136 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 936 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC049-300200- /O.CON.KBUF.SV.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Lewis NY- 936 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN LEWIS COUNTY... At 936 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Whetstone Gulf State Park, or 14 miles north of Boonville, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Whetstone Gulf State Park, Martinsburg, Lyonsdale, Greig, Port Leyden, Lyons Falls, Turin and Brantingham. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4370 7574 4375 7550 4375 7515 4357 7525 4361 7572 TIME...MOT...LOC 0136Z 305DEG 38KT 4368 7539 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ RSH  390 WWUS51 KLWX 300136 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 936 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC001-300146- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0297.000000T0000Z-190630T0215Z/ Allegany MD- 936 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN ALLEGANY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3961 7758 3940 7764 3933 7768 3931 7774 3914 7783 3946 7834 3944 7835 3947 7852 3952 7850 3952 7846 3955 7846 3955 7842 3959 7846 3958 7840 3962 7843 3961 7837 3963 7838 3964 7833 3965 7834 3964 7824 TIME...MOT...LOC 0136Z 304DEG 20KT 3948 7775 3942 7806 $$ MDC043-WVC003-027-037-065-300215- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0297.000000T0000Z-190630T0215Z/ Washington MD-Jefferson WV-Morgan WV-Berkeley WV-Hampshire WV- 936 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN WASHINGTON...JEFFERSON...MORGAN...BERKELEY AND NORTHEASTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTIES... At 936 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Shepherdstown to near Inwood, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Hagerstown, Martinsburg, Charles Town, Shepherdstown, Paw Paw, Greenwood, Robinwood, Ranson, Boonsboro, Inwood, Williamsport, Berkeley Springs, Mount Aetna, Mount Lena, San Mar, Harpers Ferry, Corporation Of Ranson, Kearneysville, Saint James and Berkeley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3961 7758 3940 7764 3933 7768 3931 7774 3914 7783 3946 7834 3944 7835 3947 7852 3952 7850 3952 7846 3955 7846 3955 7842 3959 7846 3958 7840 3962 7843 3961 7837 3963 7838 3964 7833 3965 7834 3964 7824 TIME...MOT...LOC 0136Z 304DEG 20KT 3948 7775 3942 7806 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  256 WSCN22 CWAO 300136 CZEG SIGMET K2 VALID 300135/300430 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET K1 300030/300430 RMK GFACN32/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SIGMET A2=  257 WSCN23 CWAO 300136 CZWG SIGMET A2 VALID 300135/300430 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET A1 300030/300430 RMK GFACN32/CZEG EDMONTON FIR SIGMET K2=  258 WSCN02 CWAO 300136 CZEG SIGMET K2 VALID 300135/300430 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET K1 300030/300430=  259 WSCN03 CWAO 300136 CZWG SIGMET A2 VALID 300135/300430 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET A1 300030/300430=  268 WSZA21 FAOR 300136 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3247 E01500 - S3346 E01523 - S3347 E01801 - S3457 E02005 - S3700 E02001 - S3700 E01500 TOP FL300=  269 WSZA21 FAOR 300137 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2832 E00951 - S2850 E01324 - S3247 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E02001 - S3728 E02000 - S3848 E01845 - S3849 E00952 - S3627 E00533 - S3237 E00532 TOP FL300=  270 WSZA21 FAOR 300138 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3930 E03929 - S4221 E04034 - S4503 E03951 - S4523 E03602 - S4342 E03129 - S3950 E03104 TOP FL340=  271 WSZA21 FAOR 300135 FAJA SIGMET D01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2557 E02228 - S2958 E02606 - S3053 E02317 - S2649 E02128 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2557 E02228 SFC/FL050=  272 WSZA21 FAOR 300139 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3000 E04819 - S3426 E05340 - S3601 E05700 - S4154 E05700 - S4106 E05406 - S3000 E04231 TOP FL340=  526 WSCN23 CWAO 300137 CZWG SIGMET E2 VALID 300135/300535 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5535 W10159/60 N CYFO - /N5400 W10137/20 W CYQD TOP FL460 MOV NE 20KT NC RMK GFACN32=  780 WSCN03 CWAO 300137 CZWG SIGMET E2 VALID 300135/300535 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5535 W10159 - N5400 W10137 TOP FL460 MOV NE 20KT NC=  805 WGUS83 KILX 300139 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 839 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Little Wabash River below Clay City affecting Clay and Richland Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC025-159-301538- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-190702T0945Z/ /CLAI2.1.ER.190617T0803Z.190624T0445Z.190702T0345Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Wabash River below Clay City. * Until late Monday night. * At 745 PM Saturday the stage was 20.1 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * Impact...At 19.7 feet...Mayflower Road...just north of U.S. Route 50...begins to flood. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Little Wabash River Clay City 18 20.1 Sat 8 PM 19.9 19.3 16.9 && LAT...LON 3878 8846 3871 8829 3860 8820 3860 8832 3867 8838 3870 8846 $$ baker  843 WGUS83 KPAH 300139 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 839 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Missouri...Kentucky... Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau...Thebes and New Madrid .Along the Mississippi River, major flooding continues at Cape Girardeau, moderate flooding continues at Thebes, and minor flooding continues at New Madrid. Water levels are slowly falling at all three locations, with Cape Girardeau forecast to fall to moderate flooding Tuesday evening. Flooding will continue at all three locations until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC003-077-181-MOC031-157-201-010538- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CPGM7.3.ER.190313T1210Z.190611T0530Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 42.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 32.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 42.2 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 43.0 Feet...The flood gate on North Main Street closes. && LAT...LON 3769 8959 3769 8935 3744 8934 3725 8941 3723 8959 3732 8963 $$ ILC003-MOC201-010538- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /THBI2.3.ER.190313T2207Z.190611T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Thebes * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 40.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 40.5 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 3723 8959 3725 8941 3713 8929 3709 8946 $$ KYC075-MOC133-143-010538- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0090.000000T0000Z-190707T1300Z/ /NMDM7.1.ER.190603T0815Z.190628T1500Z.190707T0700Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at New Madrid * until Sunday July 07. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 39.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 37.6 feet by Thursday morning. * Impact...At 38.0 Feet...Heavy agricultural damage begins. && LAT...LON 3662 8962 3669 8927 3651 8918 3650 8935 3648 8935 3648 8964 $$  885 WHUS52 KTAE 300140 SMWTAE GMZ750-770-300215- /O.NEW.KTAE.MA.W.0142.190630T0140Z-190630T0215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 840 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach out 20 NM... Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach from 20 to 60 NM... * Until 915 PM CDT. * At 838 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm producing waterspouts was located 9 nm southeast of Highway 331 Bridge, or 10 nm southeast of Santa Rosa Beach, moving northwest at 15 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Public. IMPACT...Waterspouts can capsize boats...damage vessels...and create suddenly higher waves. Make sure all on board are in a secure location and wearing life jackets. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots...suddenly higher waves...frequent lightning...and heavy downpours. Make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. * Locations impacted include... Panama City Beach, Laguna Beach and Santa Rosa Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. && LAT...LON 3038 8634 3031 8601 3025 8590 3031 8588 3030 8572 3007 8546 2977 8581 3009 8638 TIME...MOT...LOC 0138Z 146DEG 13KT 3027 8609 WATERSPOUT...OBSERVED HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 72-BUNKER  026 WSZA21 FAOR 300140 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3843 E01456 - S4132 E02033 - S4316 E02840 - S4542 E02803 - S4309 E01510 - S3852 E00953 FL250/300=  027 WSZA21 FAOR 300141 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 300200/300600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2442 E00611 - S2752 E00831 - S2839 E00617 - S2942 E00309 - S2501 E00139 FL280/360=  025 WGUS83 KPAH 300142 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Little Wabash River at Carmi .Minor flooding continues on the Little Wabash River at Carmi Illinois. Water levels continue to slowly rise and is forecast to crest at 30.5 feet Sunday afternoon. It will go below flood stage on Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-191-193-010541- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0097.000000T0000Z-190705T2230Z/ /CARI2.1.ER.190623T1615Z.190630T1800Z.190705T1630Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Little Wabash River at Carmi * until Friday afternoon. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 30.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 27.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.5 feet by tomorrow early afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage late Friday morning. * Impact...At 32.0 Feet...Flood waters flow up McHenry slough and areas near Route 1 and 14 in Carmi begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3826 8816 3825 8802 3804 8813 3793 8808 3791 8812 3801 8828 $$  554 WWAK71 PAFC 300142 NPWAER URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 542 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 AKZ101-301415- /O.CON.PAFC.SM.Y.0002.190630T1200Z-190701T0600Z/ Anchorage- Including the cities of Anchorage, Eagle River, Indian, and Eklutna 542 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...DENSE SMOKE ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 10 PM AKDT SUNDAY... * SMOKE...Dense smoke from the Swan Lake fire will drift north over the area Saturday. Visibilities will drop to near one quarter mile at times. * TIMING...Smoke will move in over the area Saturday night becoming more dense into Sunday morning. Dense smoke will last through the day on Sunday before beginning to clear out Sunday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel may be difficult due to low visibility. Persons with respiratory problems may have difficulty breathing when outside. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A dense smoke advisory means widespread fires will create smoke, limiting visibilities. If driving, Slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. && $$ AKZ121-301300- /O.CON.PAFC.SM.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T1300Z/ Western Kenai Peninsula- Including the cities of Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, and Cooper Landing 542 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...DENSE SMOKE ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM AKDT SUNDAY FOR THE INTERIOR KENAI PENINSULA... * LOCATION...Interior Kenai Peninsula, including the Sterling Highway corridor east of Soldotna. * SMOKE...Dense smoke from the Swan Lake fire has drifted southward over the Sterling Highway corridor from just east of Soldotna all the way to Cooper Landing. This is producing visibilities of near zero. * TIMING...Through tonight, though there is potential for dense smoke to persist all the way through the weekend. * IMPACTS...Travel may be difficult due to low visibility. Persons with respiratory problems may have difficulty breathing when outside. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A dense smoke advisory means widespread fires will create smoke, limiting visibilities. If driving, Slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$ AKZ125-301300- /O.CON.PAFC.SM.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T1300Z/ Western Prince William Sound- Including the cities of Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, and Moose Pass 542 PM AKDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...DENSE SMOKE ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM AKDT SUNDAY FOR THE INTERIOR KENAI PENINSULA... * LOCATION...Interior Kenai Peninsula including Seward. * SMOKE...Dense smoke from the Swan Lake fire has drifted southeastward across the interior Kenai Peninsula. Visibilities may be reduced to one quarter mile or less at times. * TIMING...Through tonight, though there is potential for dense smoke to persist all the way through the weekend. * IMPACTS...Travel may be difficult due to low visibility. Persons with respiratory problems may have difficulty breathing when outside. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A dense smoke advisory means widespread fires will create smoke, limiting visibilities. If driving, Slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov. && $$  671 WGUS84 KMEG 300142 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued tomorrow morning or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MOC143-155-TNC095-010141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0149.000000T0000Z-190708T0430Z/ /TPTT1.1.ER.190605T1000Z.190628T1000Z.190707T0430Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tiptonville * until Saturday July 06. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 40.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 40.7 feet on Sunday June 30. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * At 40.0 feet...In Tennessee, long sections of Tiptonville Ferry Road are flooded. && LAT...LON 3650 8957 3650 8938 3623 8948 3623 8977 $$ ARC093-MOC155-TNC045-095-097-010141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190710T1536Z/ /CRTM7.1.ER.190211T0248Z.190629T0900Z.190709T1536Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Caruthersville * until Tuesday July 09. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 38.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * At 39.0 feet...Floodwater has reached the foot of the floodwall protecting Caruthersville, Missouri. In Tennessee, grain terminal south of the Interstate 155 bridge is flooding. Highway 88 is flooded at places in the north bottom of Lauderdale County. Roads to and from Chisholm Lake are flooding. && LAT...LON 3623 8977 3623 8948 3606 8950 3595 8948 3582 8956 3582 8985 $$ ARC093-TNC097-167-010141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190712T1400Z/ /OSGA4.3.ER.190602T1315Z.190630T1200Z.190711T1400Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Osceola * until Thursday July 11. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 34.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring AND Major flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 35.2 feet on Sunday June 30. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 35.2 feet by Sunday June 30. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday July 11. * At 35.0 feet...In Tennessee, Highway 19 West is flooded at many places betweem Ashport and Goldust halting evcuations southwest of Ashport. Home sites on Henderson Shop Road are being covered. T. Rossinger Road is beginning to flood. Home sites between Crawford Road and Cold Creek are flooding. In Arkansas, terminal elevator on Sans Souci Road is being flooded. && LAT...LON 3582 8996 3582 8956 3560 8979 3539 8995 3539 9025 $$ ARC035-MSC033-TNC157-010141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0153.000000T0000Z-190708T1400Z/ /MEMT1.1.ER.190626T1830Z.190701T1200Z.190707T1400Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Memphis * until Sunday July 07. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 35.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 35.5 feet on Monday July 01. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage Wednesday June 26 and will continue rising to near 35.5 feet by Monday July 01. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday July 07. * At 36.0 feet...In Tennessee, water is edging onto Fullen Dock Area. Roads on the north side of the Loosahatchie River near its mouth are beginning to flood. Riverside Park Marina begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3539 9025 3539 8995 3533 9005 3513 9004 3491 9008 3491 9041 $$ ARC077-MSC143-010141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0150.000000T0000Z-190713T0400Z/ /TRPM6.2.ER.190605T1640Z.190702T0000Z.190712T0400Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tunica Riverpark * until Thursday July 11. * At 07 PM Saturday the stage was 46.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 47.3 feet on Monday July 01. * Flood stage is 41.0 feet. * The river rose above flood stage and will continue rising to near 47.3 feet by Monday July 01. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday July 11. * At 47.0 feet...In Mississippi, water is going over Charlie Lane. Smokey Lane is being covered. Lots on east end of Deer Crossing are flooding. Water is over north end of Sauger Lane. && LAT...LON 3491 9062 3491 9022 3480 9034 3450 9051 3455 9059 3476 9074 $$ ARC077-107-MSC027-143-010141- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0155.190630T1800Z-190708T0000Z/ /HEEA4.1.ER.190630T1800Z.190702T1200Z.190707T0000Z.NO/ 842 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Helena * from Sunday June 30 until Saturday July 06. * At 08 PM Saturday the stage was 43.6 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 44.3 feet on Tuesday July 02. * Flood stage is 44.0 feet. * Forecast to rise above flood stage by Sunday June 30 and continue to rise to near 44.3 feet by Tuesday July 02.The river will fall below flood stage by Saturday July 06. * At 44.0 feet...In Arkansas, road to landing east of downtown Helena is flooded. In Mississippi, cabin areas east of Desoto Lake are flooding. Industries north of Friars Point, Mississippi are flooding. && LAT...LON 3455 9070 3455 9059 3450 9051 3412 9066 3413 9107 $$  330 WUUS51 KPBZ 300142 SVRPBZ PAC059-WVC051-300230- /O.NEW.KPBZ.SV.W.0156.190630T0142Z-190630T0230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 942 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Greene County in southwestern Pennsylvania... Eastern Marshall County in northern West Virginia... * Until 1030 PM EDT. * At 942 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Triadelphia, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. * Locations impacted include... Moundsville... Glen Dale... Cameron... Rogersville... Aleppo... New Freeport... Glendale... Rocklick... Lone Oak... Glen Easton... Grand Vue Park... Dallas... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3972 8055 3995 8076 4002 8060 4002 8052 3996 8052 3995 8050 3996 8049 3995 8047 3997 8045 3998 8040 3981 8017 3972 8035 TIME...MOT...LOC 0142Z 321DEG 20KT 3997 8061 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  882 WGUS83 KPAH 300143 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 843 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Patoka River near Princeton .Moderate flooding continues on the Patoka River near Princeton Indiana. The river will continue to fall and is forecast to go from moderate into minor flooding on Sunday morning. It will drop below flood stage on Tuesday evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC051-010542- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0091.000000T0000Z-190703T0600Z/ /PNTI3.2.ER.190620T1725Z.190624T2345Z.190703T0000Z.NO/ 843 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Patoka River near Princeton * until late Tuesday night. * At 7:45 PM Saturday the stage was 20.9 feet. * Flood Stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday evening. * Impact...At 22.0 Feet...Flooding affects mainly farmland. Seasonal camping trailers closest to the river become inundated. && LAT...LON 3842 8770 3843 8747 3839 8741 3836 8741 3837 8747 3839 8771 $$  665 WWUS73 KLBF 300143 NPWLBF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service North Platte NE 843 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY FOR MUCH OF WESTERN AND NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA... NEZ007-009-010-026>029-037-038-059-071-300945- /O.CAN.KLBF.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.CON.KLBF.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0100Z/ Boyd-Rock-Holt-Blaine-Loup-Garfield-Wheeler-Logan-Custer-Lincoln- Frontier- Including the cities of Spencer, Butte, Lynch, Bassett, Rose, Oneill, Atkinson, Dunning, Purdum, Brewster, Taylor, Burwell, Bartlett, Ericson, Stapleton, Broken Bow, North Platte, Curtis, Eustis, and Maywood 843 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 8 PM CDT SUNDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in North Platte has cancelled the Heat Advisory. The National Weather Service in North Platte has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 1 PM to 8 PM CDT Sunday. * Heat Index Values...100 to 105 Sunday afternoon and evening across portions of southwest through north central Nebraska due to temperatures in the upper 90s...and dewpoints around 70. * Timing...Peak heat index readings are expected between 3 and 6 PM. * Impacts...Prolonged exposure to this heat can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ NEZ005-006-008-025-300245- /O.CAN.KLBF.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Eastern Cherry-Keya Paha-Brown-Thomas- Including the cities of Valentine, Springview, Ainsworth, Thedford, and Halsey 843 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 /743 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019/ ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in North Platte has cancelled the Heat Advisory. The dangerous heat has subsided thus the Advisory has been cancelled. $$  102 WWUS81 KBGM 300144 SPSBGM Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 944 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYZ009-300245- Northern Oneida NY- 944 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT...NORTHEASTERN ONEIDA COUNTY UNTIL 1045 PM EDT... At 944 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles northwest of Big Moose to 7 miles west of McKeever to 9 miles northeast of Redfield. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Strong wind gusts will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Boonville, Forestport, Remsen, Alder Creek, Hawkinsville, Pixley Falls State Park and Woodgate. LAT...LON 4333 7508 4334 7534 4344 7550 4361 7511 TIME...MOT...LOC 0144Z 306DEG 28KT 4390 7496 4363 7525 4365 7573 $$ DJP  886 WGUS83 KPAH 300144 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 844 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Indiana... Wabash River at New Harmony .Minor flooding continues on the Wabash River at New Harmony Indiana. Water levels continue to fall and it is forecast to go below flood stage late Wednesday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-185-193-INC051-129-010543- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0092.000000T0000Z-190703T2217Z/ /NHRI3.1.ER.190619T0630Z.190627T1345Z.190703T1617Z.NO/ 844 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Wabash River at New Harmony * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 7:30 PM Saturday the stage was 19.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 Feet...Harmonie State Park is closed. Surrounding bottomland is flooded. && LAT...LON 3816 8799 3815 8790 3797 8799 3781 8801 3780 8809 3789 8810 $$  101 WWUS51 KBUF 300144 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 944 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC049-300154- /O.EXP.KBUF.SV.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Lewis NY- 944 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN LEWIS COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 945 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and have exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4389 7572 4395 7542 4410 7517 4373 7513 TIME...MOT...LOC 0144Z 182DEG 68KT 4441 7512 4425 7550 $$ RSH  709 WWUS51 KPBZ 300144 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 944 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC051-059-125-300200- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0155.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Washington PA-Greene PA-Fayette PA- 944 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON...EASTERN GREENE AND WEST CENTRAL FAYETTE COUNTIES... At 944 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Fairdale, or 10 miles east of Waynesburg, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Waynesburg... Masontown... Brownsville... Fredericktown-Millsboro... Fairdale... Jefferson Boro... Isabella... Deemston... Bobtown... Republic... Nemacolin... Marianna... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3996 8026 4006 8001 3997 7974 3973 7997 TIME...MOT...LOC 0144Z 309DEG 25KT 3990 7998 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  823 WSUS33 KKCI 300155 SIGW MKCW WST 300155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3W VALID UNTIL 0355Z NE CO WY FROM 40ENE SNY-20NNW TBE-40SE DBL-20E LAR-40ENE SNY AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4W VALID UNTIL 0355Z CO NM AZ FROM 30W ALS-20SW TCS-50SSE SSO-60E PHX-50SSW DVC-30W ALS AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300355-300755 FROM 50WNW CHE-30NNW AKO-70NNW CME-40ENE ELP-50SSE SSO-50S TUS-60NE PGS-50WNW CHE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  824 WSUS32 KKCI 300155 SIGC MKCC WST 300155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5C VALID UNTIL 0355Z IN IL FROM 40SSE JOT-40NW CVG-40ESE AXC-40ESE BDF-40SSE JOT AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 35010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6C VALID UNTIL 0355Z LA TX FROM 20E TTT-40WSW AEX-30SE IAH-30SE CWK-40SW TTT-20E TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 02025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7C VALID UNTIL 0355Z NE SD FROM 60SW RAP-50NW ANW-30WSW ANW-40NE SNY-60SW RAP AREA SEV TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8C VALID UNTIL 0355Z ND FROM 40S MOT-30SSW BIS-20E DIK-40S MOT AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 27020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 3 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9C VALID UNTIL 0355Z MS FROM 50N SQS-50NW IGB-20NE MHZ-30SW SQS-50N SQS AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300355-300755 AREA 1...FROM RZC-30NW ODF-130SSE ILM-200ENE PBI-80NE PBI-120SSE MIA-70WSW EYW-100WSW PIE-30NE CRP-40NE ABI-RZC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60NE ISN-80NNW BJI-50SE FAR-AKO-40WSW LAR-60NE ISN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  825 WSUS31 KKCI 300155 SIGE MKCE WST 300155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10E VALID UNTIL 0355Z ME FROM 20SE PQI-40WSW MLT-70ESE YQB-20SE PQI AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11E VALID UNTIL 0355Z ME NH VT NY LO AND ME CSTL WTRS FROM 20W MSS-20W BGR-40E ENE-30N SYR-20W MSS AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL430. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12E VALID UNTIL 0355Z PA MD VA WV OH FROM 40ENE PSB-40E EMI-60NW CSN-50NE ROD-40ENE PSB AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13E VALID UNTIL 0355Z MD FROM 20WNW SBY-40SSE DCA LINE TS 10 NM WIDE MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14E VALID UNTIL 0355Z SC FL GA AL AND FL CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW CAE-50W SRQ-40NW MGM-30SSW CAE AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 300355-300755 AREA 1...FROM 60NNE PQI-160ENE ACK-200S ACK-ORF-40ESE FLO-30WNW ODF-CLE-YSC-70NW PQI-60NNE PQI REF WW 461 462. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RZC-30NW ODF-130SSE ILM-200ENE PBI-80NE PBI-120SSE MIA-70WSW EYW-100WSW PIE-30NE CRP-40NE ABI-RZC REF WW 463. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  467 WSNO32 ENMI 300145 ENSV SIGMET B02 VALID 300200/300400 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N5815 E00300 - N6000 E00000 - N6100 E00000 - N6100 E00545 - N5815 E00300 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  716 WSPK31 OPLA 300145 OPLA SIGMET 001 VALID 300245/300645 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS OBS BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  736 WSPK31 OPLA 300145 OPLA SIGMET 01 VALID 300245/300645 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS OBS BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  060 WWUS53 KBIS 300146 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 746 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC037-300154- /O.EXP.KBIS.TO.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190630T0145Z/ Grant ND- 746 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 745 PM MDT... The storm which prompted the warning has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for southeastern Morton County. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until midnight MDT for south central North Dakota. LAT...LON 4637 10143 4657 10148 4660 10130 4638 10130 4637 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0144Z 266DEG 23KT 4649 10122 $$ MJONES  842 WUUS51 KLWX 300146 SVRLWX VAC069-840-WVC027-300230- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0298.190630T0146Z-190630T0230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 946 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Frederick County in northwestern Virginia... The City of Winchester in northwestern Virginia... Northeastern Hampshire County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 1030 PM EDT. * At 946 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Greenwood, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Winchester, Millwood Pike, Stephens City, Brucetown, Greenwood, Gainesboro, Cedar Grove, Clear Brook, Armel, Bloomery, Stephenson, Wadesville, Cross Junction, Cedar Hill, Albin, Gore, Whitacre, Timber Ridge and Largent. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3950 7844 3946 7834 3926 7803 3924 7804 3921 7807 3918 7807 3917 7809 3916 7808 3913 7809 3912 7811 3910 7811 3907 7814 3904 7815 3943 7853 TIME...MOT...LOC 0146Z 305DEG 36KT 3940 7829 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  335 WWUS73 KMPX 300146 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 846 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ047-054>058-064-065-073-300300- /O.EXP.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Stevens-Lac Qui Parle-Swift-Chippewa-Kandiyohi-Meeker- Yellow Medicine-Renville-Redwood- Including the cities of Morris, Madison, Benson, Montevideo, Willmar, Litchfield, Granite Falls, Olivia, and Redwood Falls 846 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... $$ MNZ060>063-068>070-301000- /O.CON.KMPX.EH.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington-Carver-Scott-Dakota- Including the cities of Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Chaska, Shakopee, and Hastings 846 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices Sunday afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees, with lows tonight only falling into the mid 70s. * IMPACTS...Hot temperatures during the day, with limited cooling tonight, will lead to increased risk for heat related illness for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. An Excessive Heat Warning means that a prolonged period of dangerously hot temperatures will occur. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a dangerous situation in which heat illnesses are likely. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun... and check up on relatives and neighbors. && $$ MNZ078-085-093-301000- /O.EXB.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.190630T0200Z-190701T0200Z/ Goodhue-Steele-Freeborn- Including the cities of Red Wing, Owatonna, and Albert Lea 846 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... The National Weather Service in Twin Cities/Chanhassen has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect until 9 PM CDT Sunday. * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices Sunday afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees, with lows tonight only falling into the mid 70s. * IMPACTS...Hot temperatures during the day, with limited cooling tonight, will lead to increased risk for heat related illness for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$ MNZ059-066-067-074>077-082>084-091-092-301000- /O.EXT.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Wright-McLeod-Sibley-Brown-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Watonwan- Blue Earth-Waseca-Martin-Faribault- Including the cities of Monticello, Hutchinson, Gaylord, New Ulm, St Peter, Le Sueur, Faribault, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Fairmont, and Blue Earth 846 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices Sunday afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees, with lows tonight only falling into the mid 70s. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$ Borghoff  572 WWUS53 KIND 300147 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 947 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 INC045-121-165-300157- /O.CAN.KIND.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Fountain IN-Parke IN-Vermillion IN- 947 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN FOUNTAIN... NORTHERN PARKE AND CENTRAL VERMILLION COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3997 8752 4004 8735 3988 8710 3987 8709 3987 8708 3985 8705 3973 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0142Z 319DEG 22KT 3980 8731 $$ TDUD  420 WWUS51 KLWX 300148 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 948 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC043-WVC003-027-037-065-300215- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0297.000000T0000Z-190630T0215Z/ Washington MD-Jefferson WV-Morgan WV-Berkeley WV-Hampshire WV- 948 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON...JEFFERSON...SOUTHWESTERN MORGAN... BERKELEY AND NORTHEASTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTIES... At 947 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Boonsboro to near Inwood, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Martinsburg, Charles Town, Shepherdstown, Greenwood, Ranson, Inwood, Harpers Ferry, Kearneysville, Corporation Of Ranson, Bolivar, Sharpsburg, Shenandoah Junction, Middleway, Rohrersville, Gapland, Brownsville, Antietam, Winebrenners Cross, Ridgeway and Bunker Hill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3940 7764 3933 7768 3931 7774 3914 7783 3946 7834 3944 7835 3947 7848 3952 7846 3953 7842 3946 7762 TIME...MOT...LOC 0147Z 304DEG 20KT 3945 7770 3939 7801 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  080 WGUS83 KLSX 300148 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Missouri.. Cuivre River at Old Monroe River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC113-010148- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OMNM7.3.ER.190319T1215Z.190605T0130Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Cuivre River at Old Monroe * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 26.6 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 25.9 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Cuivre River Old Monroe 24.0 26.59 26.4 25.9 25.4 24.9 24.4 && LAT...LON 3892 9081 3894 9070 3892 9070 3890 9080 $$  224 WWUS53 KBIS 300148 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC059-300230- /O.CON.KBIS.SV.W.0045.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Morton ND- 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN MORTON COUNTY... At 848 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Flasher, or 25 miles southwest of Mandan, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. This severe storm will be near... St. Anthony around 915 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT for south central North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4663 10130 4663 10132 4666 10132 4669 10075 4639 10075 4640 10077 4639 10083 4640 10086 4639 10087 4639 10088 4641 10088 4639 10092 4638 10130 TIME...MOT...LOC 0148Z 266DEG 25KT 4650 10117 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.50IN WIND...70MPH $$ MJONES  324 WWCN02 CYTR 300148 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 7:48 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0400Z (UNTIL 29/2200 MDT) COMMENTS: THERE IS STILL THE CHANCE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 5 NM OF NAMAO HOWEVER STRIKES ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED AT THIS TIME. STRIKES CONTINUE WITHIN 30 NM AND CAN BE EXPECTED UNTIL LATE THIS EVENING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0400Z (29/2200 MDT) END/JMC  632 WGUS83 KPAH 300148 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Kentucky... Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam...Shawneetown...Golconda...Paducah and Cairo... .Minor to moderate flooding continues along portions of the lower Ohio River due to recent heavy rain. Flooding is forecast to end within the next couple of days at all locations except for Cairo, which will remain above flood stage until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC129-KYC225-010548- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0095.000000T0000Z-190701T0600Z/ /UNWK2.1.ER.190622T0607Z.190627T1145Z.190701T0000Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam * until late Sunday night. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 39.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow evening. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-010548- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190702T0508Z/ /SHNI2.1.ER.190621T0348Z.190627T1345Z.190701T2308Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown * until late Monday night. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 38.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-010000- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ /PAHK2.1.ER.190624T0830Z.190630T0600Z.190630T1800Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah. * until Sunday evening. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 39.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 39.6 feet by after midnight tonight. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday afternoon. * Impact...At 39.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-010548- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190709T0712Z/ /CIRI2.3.ER.190122T0830Z.190301T2000Z.190709T0112Z.NO/ 848 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo * until Tuesday July 09. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 51.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will slowly fall to a stage around 50.0 feet by Wednesday morning. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$  230 WGUS84 KLIX 300149 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 849 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC005-010748- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190725T0600Z/ /DONL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190617T2000Z.190725T0000Z.NO/ 849 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until Thursday July 25. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 29.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady at 29.5 feet through July 12th. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$ LAC089-093-095-010748- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190720T0000Z/ /RRVL1.2.ER.190226T1200Z.190319T2000Z.190719T1800Z.NR/ 849 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Reserve. * Until Friday July 19. * At 7:00 PM Saturday the stage was 22.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady at 22.5 feet through July 12th. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Marine and industrial interests along the river, upstream barge operators, and facilities are impacted. Navigation will become difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3007 9046 2999 9048 3001 9087 3009 9079 $$  314 WWUS51 KPBZ 300150 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 950 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC059-WVC051-300230- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0156.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Greene PA-Marshall WV- 950 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1030 PM EDT FOR WESTERN GREENE AND EASTERN MARSHALL COUNTIES... At 950 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles north of Cameron, or 8 miles south of Triadelphia, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Moundsville... Cameron... Rogersville... Aleppo... New Freeport... Rocklick... Lone Oak... Glen Easton... Beelers Station... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3972 8055 3993 8074 4001 8060 3999 8053 3996 8052 3995 8050 3996 8049 3995 8047 3997 8045 3998 8040 3981 8017 3972 8035 TIME...MOT...LOC 0150Z 321DEG 20KT 3993 8057 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  011 WSCN22 CWAO 300150 CZEG SIGMET F2 VALID 300150/300510 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET F1 300110/300510 RMK GFACN32=  012 WSAU21 AMMC 300150 YBBB SIGMET D04 VALID 300235/300635 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3700 E15350 - S4010 E15630 - S4530 E15330 - S4950 E13830 - S4400 E14150 FL120/360 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  013 WSCN02 CWAO 300150 CZEG SIGMET F2 VALID 300150/300510 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET F1 300110/300510=  814 WSAU21 AMMC 300150 YMMM SIGMET S04 VALID 300235/300635 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3700 E15350 - S4010 E15630 - S4530 E15330 - S4950 E13830 - S4400 E14150 FL120/360 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  498 WWUS51 KPBZ 300150 RRA SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 950 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC051-059-125-300200- /O.EXP.KPBZ.SV.W.0155.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Washington PA-Greene PA-Fayette PA- 950 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON... EASTERN GREENE AND WEST CENTRAL FAYETTE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1000 PM EDT... The storm that prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and no longer pose an immediate threat to life and property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3996 8026 4006 8001 3997 7974 3973 7997 TIME...MOT...LOC 0150Z 309DEG 25KT 3987 7994 $$  991 WVPR31 SPIM 300149 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 300200/300800 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 0100Z WI S1546 W07151 - S1632 W07058 - S1643 W07108 - S1547 W07152 - S1546 W07151 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 0700Z VA CLD WI S1546 W07151 - S1644 W07046 - S1650 W07056 - S1547 W07151 - S1546 W07151=  893 WUCN11 CWWG 300151 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:51 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF WALLACE-WOODWORTH INCL. VIRDEN ELKHORN AND KENTON =NEW= RIVERDALE MUN. INCL. RIVERS AND WHEATLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:50 P.M. CDT. AT 8:51 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  041 WSBZ31 SBRE 300151 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 300155/300455 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0608 W03635 - N0540 W03409 - N0351 W03453 - N0425 W03710 - N0608 W03635 TOP FL380 MOV W 0 5KT NC=  331 WUCN14 CWWG 300151 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:51 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: HWY 135 INCLUDING PELICAN NARROWS AND SANDY BAY HANSON LAKE ROAD EAST OF HWY 135 INCLUDING CREIGHTON CUMBERLAND HOUSE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  747 WWUS73 KDVN 300152 NPWDVN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 852 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 IAZ040-041-051>053-063>068-076>078-087>089-098-099-ILZ009-015>018- 024>026-034-035-MOZ009-010-300300- /O.EXP.KDVN.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Benton-Linn-Jones-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Clinton- Muscatine-Scott-Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA- Des Moines-Van Buren-Lee-Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau- Putnam-Mercer-Henderson-Warren-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Clinton, Muscatine, Davenport, Bettendorf, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, Fort Madison, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, Oquawka, Monmouth, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 852 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... Heat index readings will continue to decrease below advisory criteria with sunset. Therefore, the heat advisory has been allowed to expire. $$  374 WUCN11 CWWG 300152 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:52 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. RORKETON AND TOUTES AIDES =NEW= MUN. OF STE. ROSE INCL. LAURIER R.M. OF DAUPHIN INCL. SIFTON AND VALLEY RIVER R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. OCHRE RIVER AND MAKINAK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: RIDING MOUNTAIN NAT. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:32 P.M. CDT. AT 8:52 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  352 WGUS83 KARX 300153 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 853 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 .The Flood Warning continues for the Trempealeau River at Dodge. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC011-121-301653- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0062.190701T0600Z-190703T0000Z/ /DDGW3.1.ER.190701T0600Z.190701T1200Z.190702T0600Z.NO/ 853 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trempealeau River at Dodge. * from late Sunday night to Tuesday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 7:45 PM Saturday the stage was 8.8 feet. * Flood stage is 10.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Monday morning and continue to rise to near 10.6 feet Monday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...The entrance road to the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge is flooded. && LAT...LON 4404 9158 4420 9163 4423 9158 4422 9158 4402 9149 $$ CA  320 WWUS81 KGYX 300154 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 954 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ019>021-024>026-300230- Androscoggin-Interior Cumberland-Kennebec-Lincoln-Coastal Cumberland-Sagadahoc- 954 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN KENNEBEC...SOUTHERN ANDROSCOGGIN...NORTHWESTERN LINCOLN...CENTRAL CUMBERLAND AND SAGADAHOC COUNTIES... At 954 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Farmingdale to Litchfield to near Raymond. Movement was east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Lewiston, Brunswick, Augusta, Bath, Gardiner, Topsham, Wiscasset, Naples, Cumberland, Freeport, Gray, Litchfield, Farmingdale, Manchester, Hallowell, Raymond, Woolwich, Lisbon, Durham and Casco. This includes the following highways... Interstate 295 between mile markers 24 and 51. Interstate 95 between mile markers 58 and 110. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4402 6964 4380 7033 4393 7069 4414 7005 4433 6984 4426 6945 4423 6944 4422 6941 TIME...MOT...LOC 0154Z 291DEG 31KT 4425 6982 4412 6997 4394 7052 $$ DS  412 WWUS73 KGID 300154 NPWGID URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hastings NE 854 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9PM THIS EVENING. A HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING... KSZ005>007-017>019-NEZ039>041-046>049-060>064-072>077-082>087- 301100- /O.EXP.KGID.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.CON.KGID.HT.Y.0002.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Phillips-Smith-Jewell-Rooks-Osborne-Mitchell-Valley-Greeley-Nance- Sherman-Howard-Merrick-Polk-Dawson-Buffalo-Hall-Hamilton-York- Gosper-Phelps-Kearney-Adams-Clay-Fillmore-Furnas-Harlan-Franklin- Webster-Nuckolls-Thayer- Including the cities of Phillipsburg, Bellaire, Smith Center, Kensington, Mankato, Jewell, Ionia, Burr Oak, Codell, Plainville, Stockton, Osborne, Downs, Beloit, Ord, Greeley, Spalding, Scotia, Wolbach, Fullerton, Genoa, Loup City, Sherman Reservoir, Litchfield, St. Libory, Central City, Stromsburg, Osceola, Shelby, Polk, Lexington, Cozad, Willow Island, Gothenburg, Kearney, Grand Island, Aurora, York, Elwood, Johnson Lake, Holdrege, Minden, Hastings, Sutton, Harvard, Clay Center, Edgar, Fairfield, Geneva, Exeter, Fairmont, Cambridge, Arapahoe, Oxford, Beaver City, Hollinger, Alma, Orleans, Franklin, Campbell, Hildreth, Inavale, Red Cloud, Blue Hill, Rosemont, Bladen, Bostwick, Superior, Nelson, Hebron, and Deshler 854 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX...100 to 105 degrees Sunday afternoon. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and evening. * Impacts...Heat exhaustion and heat stroke will be more likely for those that do not take appropriate precautions. Pets and livestock will also be impacted by the heat. Measures should be taken for animal safety and comfort. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ Thies  769 WWUS83 KDVN 300155 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 855 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 IAC019-300245- Buchanan- 855 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN BUCHANAN COUNTY UNTIL 945 PM CDT... At 854 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Jesup, or near Independence, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Independence, Jesup, Brandon, Lime Creek County Park, Buchanan County Fairgrounds, Otterville, Wapsipinicon Golf Course, Independence Airport and Littleton. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4255 9188 4230 9187 4231 9207 4247 9206 4247 9208 4257 9208 TIME...MOT...LOC 0154Z 007DEG 16KT 4247 9200 $$ McClure  286 WWUS51 KLWX 300155 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 955 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 WVC027-065-300204- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0297.000000T0000Z-190630T0215Z/ Morgan WV-Hampshire WV- 955 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN MORGAN AND NORTHEASTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3940 7764 3933 7768 3931 7774 3914 7783 3928 7803 3932 7799 3935 7798 3935 7797 3937 7797 3942 7788 3948 7783 3946 7762 TIME...MOT...LOC 0154Z 304DEG 20KT 3944 7769 3938 7800 $$ MDC043-WVC003-037-300215- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0297.000000T0000Z-190630T0215Z/ Washington MD-Jefferson WV-Berkeley WV- 955 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON...JEFFERSON AND SOUTHEASTERN BERKELEY COUNTIES... At 954 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms with a history of producing wind damage were located along a line extending from near Boonsboro to near Inwood, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Charles Town, Shepherdstown, Ranson, Harpers Ferry, Kearneysville, Corporation Of Ranson, Bolivar, Sharpsburg, Shenandoah Junction, Middleway, Rohrersville, Gapland, Brownsville, Antietam, Moler Crossroads, Halltown, Summit Point, Pleasantville, Millville and Bakerton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3940 7764 3933 7768 3931 7774 3914 7783 3928 7803 3932 7799 3935 7798 3935 7797 3937 7797 3942 7788 3948 7783 3946 7762 TIME...MOT...LOC 0154Z 304DEG 20KT 3944 7769 3938 7800 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ DHOF  850 WWCN03 CYTR 300154 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BAGOTVILLE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:54 PM EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB BAGOTVILLE (CYBG) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: DAYTIME CONVECTION IS SETTLING DOWN THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DISSIPATED NEAR THE STATION. END/JMC  853 WUCN14 CWWG 300155 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:55 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK ILE A LA CROSSE AND BEAUVAL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  854 WUCN13 CWWG 300155 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:55 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: GREEN LAKE R.M. OF BIG RIVER INCLUDING BIG RIVER AND CHITEK LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  949 WSAU21 AMHF 300155 YMMM SIGMET Q07 VALID 300200/300600 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4020 E14850 - S4250 E14830 - S4340 E14750 - S4340 E14610 - S4300 E14530 - S4040 E14440 - S4050 E14720 - S4020 E14800 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  915 WWCN02 CYTR 300156 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB PETAWAWA PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:56 PM EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB PETAWAWA (CYWA) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THE THUNDERSTORM CELLS HAVE MOVED SOUTH OF THE AREA. NO FURTHER THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30NM OF THE RANGE. END/JMC  412 WWCN03 CYTR 300156 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR M50 LAC CASTOR PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:56 PM EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: M50 LAC CASTOR (WMB) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: DAYTIME CONVECTION IS SETTLING DOWN THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DISSIPATED NEAR THE SITE. END/JMC  824 WGUS83 KARX 300157 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 857 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 .The Flood Warning continues for the Turkey River at Spillville. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && IAC191-301656- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-190630T2212Z/ /SPLI4.1.ER.190629T1134Z.190629T2115Z.190630T0412Z.NO/ 857 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Turkey River at Spillville. * until Sunday afternoon...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 9.8 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage later this evening. && LAT...LON 4328 9206 4328 9199 4321 9190 4317 9192 4317 9198 $$ CA  201 WUCN11 CWWG 300156 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:56 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= ROSSBURN MUN. INCL. WAYWAYSEECAPPO RES. R.M. OF RIDING MOUNTAIN WEST INCL. ASESSIPPI PROV. PARK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MUN. OF RUSSELL-BINSCARTH INCL. GAMBLER RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:31 P.M. CDT. AT 8:56 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  212 WECA42 PHEB 300156 TIBCAR TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT NUMBER 1 NWS PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER EWA BEACH HI 956 PM AST SAT JUN 29 2019 ...NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM A NEARBY EARTHQUAKE... AUDIENCE -------- * GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS... MEDIA... AND GENERAL PUBLIC OF PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... AND THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. EVALUATION ---------- * AN EARTHQUAKE WITH A PRELIMINARY MAGNITUDE OF 4.1 OCCURRED ABOUT 67 MILES NORTHWEST OF ANEGADA AT 951 PM AST ON SATURDAY JUNE 29 2019. * BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... OR THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE. * PEOPLE MAY HAVE EXPERIENCED SHAKING FROM THE EARTHQUAKE. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS ARE BASED ON A PRELIMINARY RAPID ASSESSMENT OF THE EARTHQUAKE AND CHANGES MAY OCCUR. * MAGNITUDE 4.1 * ORIGIN TIME 951 PM AST JUN 29 2019 * COORDINATES 19.5 NORTH 65.1 WEST * DEPTH 3 MILES / 5 KM * LOCATION ABOUT 67 MILES NORTHWEST OF ANEGADA RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ------------------- * NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. IMPACTS ------- * NO TSUNAMI IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED. NEXT UPDATE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------- * THIS WILL BE THE ONLY STATEMENT ISSUED FOR THIS EVENT UNLESS ADDITIONAL DATA ARE RECEIVED OR THE SITUATION CHANGES. * FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THIS EVENT AND ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS MAY BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMATION REGARDING ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO US GULF OR ATLANTIC COASTS WILL BE ISSUED BY THE US NATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER AND CAN BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CORRESPONDING REGIONAL SEISMIC NETWORK OR THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON THE INTERNET AT EARTHQUAKE.USGS.GOV. $$  279 WECA52 PHEB 300156 TIBSP1 BOLETIN INFORMATIVO DE TSUNAMI NUMERO 1 SMN CENTRO DE ALERTAS DE TSUNAMI DEL PACIFICO EWA BEACH HI 956 PM AST SAT JUN 29 2019 ...NO HAY PELIGRO DE TSUNAMI DEBIDO A ESTE TERREMOTO CERCANO... AUDIENCIA --------- * FUNCIONARIOS GUBERNAMENTALES... MEDIOS DE PRENSA... Y EL PUBLICO EN GENERAL EN PUERTO RICO... LAS ISLAS VIRGENES DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS... Y LAS ISLAS VIRGENES BRITANICAS. EVALUACION ---------- * UN TERREMOTO CON MAGNITUD PRELIMINAR 4.1 HA OCURRIDO UNAS 67 MILLAS AL NOROESTE DE ANEGADA A LAS 951 PM AST EL SABADO 29 DE JUNIO DEL 2019. * BASANDOSE EN EL ANALISIS DE TODOS LOS DATOS DISPONIBLES... NO EXISTE PELIGRO DE TSUNAMI PARA PUERTO RICO... LAS ISLAS VIRGENES DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS... O LAS ISLAS VIRGENES BRITANICAS DEBIDO A ESTE TERREMOTO. * LA POBLACION PUEDE HABER SENTIDO EL TERREMOTO. PARAMETROS PRELIMINARES DEL TERREMOTO -------------------------------------- * LOS SIGUIENTES PARAMETROS ESTAN BASADOS EN UNA EVALUACION PRELIMINAR RAPIDA Y PUEDEN VARIAR. * MAGNITUD 4.1 * TIEMPO DE ORIGEN 951 PM AST JUN 29 2019 * COORDENADAS 19.5 NORTE 65.1 OESTE * PROFUNDIDAD 3 MILLAS / 5 KM * LOCALIZACION UNAS 67 MILLAS AL NOROESTE DE ANEGADA ACCIONES RECOMENDADAS --------------------- * NO SE REQUIERE ACCION. IMPACTOS -------- * NO SE ESPERAN IMPACTOS DE TSUNAMI DEBIDO A ESTE TERREMOTO. PROXIMA ACTUALIZACION E INFORMACION ADICIONAL --------------------------------------------- * ESTE SERA EL UNICO COMUNICADO EMITIDO ACERCA DE ESTE EVENTO A NO SER QUE SE RECIBA INFORMACION ADICIONAL O LA SITUACION CAMBIE. * MAS INFORMACION ACERCA DE ESTE EVENTO PUEDE SER ACCESADA EN INTERNET EN EL SITIO WEB WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMACION ACERCA DEL PELIGRO DE TSUNAMI PARA COSTAS ESTADOUNIDENSES EN EL GOLFO DE MEXICO Y EL ATLANTICO SERA EMITIDA POR EL CENTRO NACIONAL DE ALERTAS DE TSUNAMIS Y PUEDE SER ACCESADA EN INTERNET EN EL SITIO WEB WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMACION OFICIAL AUTORIZADA ACERCA DE ESTE TERREMOTO PUEDE SER PROVEIDA POR LA CORRESPONDIENTE RED SISMICA REGIONAL O EL SERVICIO GEOLOGICO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS EN SU SITIO WEB EARTHQUAKE.USGS.GOV. $$  505 WWUS84 KEWX 300157 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 857 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ193-209-300230- Bastrop TX-Fayette TX- 857 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN BASTROP AND WEST CENTRAL FAYETTE COUNTIES UNTIL 930 PM CDT... At 857 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Smithville, moving southwest at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Smithville, Muldoon, Plum, West Point, Togo and Kirtley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3004 9707 2994 9696 2978 9711 3000 9729 TIME...MOT...LOC 0157Z 041DEG 13KT 2997 9705 $$ CP  578 WECA42 PHEB 300156 ADDITIONAL DATA ARE RECEIVED OR THE SITUATION CHANGES. * FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THIS EVENT AND ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS MAY BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMATION REGARDING ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO US GULF OR ATLANTIC COASTS WILL BE ISSUED BY THE US NATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER AND CAN BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CORRESPONDING REGIONAL SEISMIC NETWORK OR THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON THE INTERNET AT EARTHQUAKE.USGS.GOV. $$  579 WECA42 PHEB 300156 TIBCAR TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT NUMBER 1 NWS PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER EWA BEACH HI 956 PM AST SAT JUN 29 2019 ...NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM A NEARBY EARTHQUAKE... AUDIENCE -------- * GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS... MEDIA... AND GENERAL PUBLIC OF PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... AND THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. EVALUATION ---------- * AN EARTHQUAKE WITH A PRELIMINARY MAGNITUDE OF 4.1 OCCURRED ABOUT 67 MILES NORTHWEST OF ANEGADA AT 951 PM AST ON SATURDAY JUNE 29 2019. * BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... OR THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE. * PEOPLE MAY HAVE EXPERIENCED SHAKING FROM THE EARTHQUAKE. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS ARE BASED ON A PRELIMINARY RAPID ASSESSMENT OF THE EARTHQUAKE AND CHANGES MAY OCCUR. * MAGNITUDE 4.1 * ORIGIN TIME 951 PM AST JUN 29 2019 * COORDINATES 19.5 NORTH 65.1 WEST * DEPTH 3 MILES / 5 KM * LOCATION ABOUT 67 MILES NORTHWEST OF ANEGADA RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ------------------- * NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. IMPACTS ------- * NO TSUNAMI IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED. NEXT UPDATE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------- * THIS WILL BE THE ONLY STATEMENT ISSUED FOR THIS EVENT UNLESS  091 WUUS51 KLWX 300157 SVRLWX MDC021-VAC107-WVC037-300245- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0299.190630T0157Z-190630T0245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 957 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Frederick County in north central Maryland... Northwestern Loudoun County in northern Virginia... Southeastern Jefferson County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... * Until 1045 PM EDT. * At 957 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms with a history of producing wind damage were located along a line extending from near Harpers Ferry to near Corporation Of Ranson, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 to 70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Charles Town, Purcellville, Brunswick, Ranson, Round Hill, Harpers Ferry, Point Of Rocks, Corporation Of Ranson, Bluemont, Lovettsville, Bolivar, Hamilton, Rosemont, Hillsboro, Waterford, Petersville, Philomont, Millville, Lincoln and Rippon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3924 7741 3921 7747 3900 7777 3912 7784 3913 7783 3916 7787 3930 7796 3935 7776 3935 7775 3934 7776 3933 7775 3932 7769 3933 7768 3934 7768 3938 7765 TIME...MOT...LOC 0157Z 319DEG 25KT 3938 7772 3930 7791 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ DHOF  182 WGUS83 KARX 300158 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 857 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 .The Flood Warning continues for the Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && MNC157-301657- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-190701T0631Z/ /ZUMM5.3.ER.190629T0311Z.190629T1530Z.190630T1231Z.NO/ 857 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls. * until late Sunday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 22.8 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by Sunday morning. && LAT...LON 4428 9250 4430 9246 4427 9226 4425 9224 4419 9240 $$ CA  293 WSUS31 KKCI 300158 SIGE MKCE WST 300158 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15E VALID UNTIL 0355Z FL AND FL AL MS CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE CEW-70WSW TLH-160ESE LEV-110ESE LEV-30SE CEW AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL360. ...SPECIAL... CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10E VALID UNTIL 0355Z ME FROM 20SE PQI-40WSW MLT-70ESE YQB-20SE PQI AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11E VALID UNTIL 0355Z ME NH VT NY LO AND ME CSTL WTRS FROM 20W MSS-20W BGR-40E ENE-30N SYR-20W MSS AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL430. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12E VALID UNTIL 0355Z PA MD VA WV OH FROM 40ENE PSB-40E EMI-60NW CSN-50NE ROD-40ENE PSB AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13E VALID UNTIL 0355Z MD FROM 20WNW SBY-40SSE DCA LINE TS 10 NM WIDE MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14E VALID UNTIL 0355Z SC FL GA AL AND FL CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW CAE-50W SRQ-40NW MGM-30SSW CAE AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 300355-300755 AREA 1...FROM 60NNE PQI-160ENE ACK-200S ACK-ORF-40ESE FLO-30WNW ODF-CLE-YSC-70NW PQI-60NNE PQI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RZC-30NW ODF-130SSE ILM-200ENE PBI-80NE PBI-120SSE MIA-70WSW EYW-100WSW PIE-30NE CRP-40NE ABI-RZC REF WW 463. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  478 WWUS73 KABR 300200 NPWABR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 900 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ039-046-SDZ003>011-015>023-033>037-045-048-051-300300- /O.EXP.KABR.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Traverse-Big Stone-Corson-Campbell-McPherson-Brown-Marshall- Roberts-Walworth-Edmunds-Day-Dewey-Potter-Faulk-Spink-Clark- Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel-Stanley-Sully-Hughes-Hyde-Hand-Jones- Lyman-Buffalo- Including the cities of Wheaton, Ortonville, McIntosh, Herreid, Eureka, Aberdeen, Britton, Sisseton, Mobridge, Ipswich, Webster, Isabel, Gettysburg, Faulkton, Redfield, Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Hayti, Clear Lake, Mission Ridge, Onida, Pierre, Highmore, Miller, Murdo, Kennebec, and Fort Thompson 900 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 /800 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019/ ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CDT /8 PM MDT/ THIS EVENING... Temperatures and heat indexes are beginning to fall across the area with most sites below advisory criteria. Cooler conditions are expected on Sunday. $$  188 WWUS81 KGYX 300201 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1001 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ005>009-300230- Merrimack-Belknap-Southern Carroll-Southern Grafton-Sullivan- 1001 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN GRAFTON... NORTHWESTERN BELKNAP...NORTH CENTRAL MERRIMACK AND SOUTHWESTERN CARROLL COUNTIES... At 1001 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Groton, or 7 miles west of Plymouth, moving east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Laconia, Franklin, Plymouth, Meredith, Moultonborough, Grafton, Hanover, Enfield, Canaan, Holderness, Ashland, Danbury, Groton, Sandwich, Belmont, Bristol, Lyme, Center Harber, Hill and Hebron. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 61 and 88. This also includes... Rumney Rocks, Squam Lake, and Stinson Mountain. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4376 7211 4386 7189 4388 7147 4349 7147 4354 7207 TIME...MOT...LOC 0201Z 291DEG 30KT 4375 7184 $$ DS  784 WWCN13 CWWG 300201 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:01 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: MOOSOMIN - GRENFELL - KIPLING - WAWOTA CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE YORKTON - MELVILLE - ESTERHAZY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  785 WWCN11 CWWG 300201 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:01 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED AND ARE MOVING SLOWLY TOWARD THE EAST. SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST THROUGH THIS EVENING. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  649 WWUS53 KBIS 300202 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 902 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC059-300230- /O.CON.KBIS.SV.W.0045.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Morton ND- 902 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN MORTON COUNTY... At 901 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of Flasher, or 24 miles south of Mandan, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Morton County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT for south central North Dakota. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4666 10116 4669 10075 4639 10075 4640 10077 4639 10083 4640 10086 4639 10087 4639 10088 4641 10088 4639 10092 4638 10116 TIME...MOT...LOC 0201Z 267DEG 25KT 4649 10105 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ MJONES  678 WWCN12 CWTO 300202 HEAT WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:02 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAT WARNING ENDED FOR: KENORA - NESTOR FALLS DRYDEN - IGNACE FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE RED LAKE - EAR FALLS SIOUX LOOKOUT - SAVANT LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO REACH HEAT WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  834 WOUS64 KWNS 300203 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 903 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC001-015-021-025-029-031-037-041-043-045-047-051-055-057-059- 065-083-085-089-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAMS BURLEIGH DICKEY DUNN EMMONS FOSTER GRANT HETTINGER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STARK STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  204 WVRA31 RUPK 300203 UHPP SIGMET 2 VALID 300204/300730 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR VA ERUPTION MT EBEKO PSN N5041 E15601 VA CLD OBS AT 0130Z WI N5041 E15600 - N5043 E15555 - N5046 E15557 - N5046 E15601 - N5041 E15601 - N5041 E15600 SFC/FL100 FCST AT 0730Z WI N5125 E15547 - N5116 E15552 - N5111 E15534 - N5046 E15556 - N5108 E15508 - N5125 E15547=  384 WWUS73 KDMX 300203 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 903 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Hot And Humid Conditions into Sunday... .Heat and humidity will continue into Sunday across much of central Iowa. Little recovery from the heat will occur tonight with lows only dropping into the mid 70s before temperatures return to the 90s on Sunday. IAZ004-005-015-016-023>026-033>038-044>050-057>062-070>075- 081>086-092>097-301015- /O.EXP.KDMX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.CON.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright- Franklin-Sac-Calhoun-Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Crawford- Carroll-Greene-Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas- Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion-Mahaska- Adams-Union-Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur- Wayne-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 903 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the lower to mid 90s, with peak heat index values from around 103 to near 110 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ IAZ006-039-300315- /O.EXP.KDMX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Winnebago-Black Hawk- Including the cities of Forest City, Lake Mills, Waterloo, and Cedar Falls 903 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The advisory has expired. Conditions are being monitored for the potential for another Heat Advisory Sunday, pending the evolution of thunderstorms across Minnesota overnight. $$  631 WGUS83 KLSX 300204 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 904 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Missouri.. Missouri River at Jefferson City Missouri River at Hermann Missouri River at St. Charles River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC019-027-051-135-010204- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0138.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JFFM7.3.ER.190520T1907Z.190605T1830Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 904 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at Jefferson City * until further notice. * At 8:45 PM Saturday the stage was 30.7 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Major flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 30.8 feet by midnight tonight. Then begin to fall, falling to 28.3 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Missouri River Jefferson City 23.0 30.74 30.5 28.3 26.1 25.4 24.7 && LAT...LON 3864 9198 3855 9192 3853 9222 3890 9260 3899 9255 $$ MOC073-139-010204- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0104.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HRNM7.3.ER.190501T0742Z.190608T0915Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 904 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at Hermann * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 30.8 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 29.2 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Missouri River Hermann 21.0 30.81 30.7 29.2 27.0 25.3 24.7 && LAT...LON 3875 9136 3866 9119 3861 9123 3869 9150 3872 9150 $$ MOC183-189-010204- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0106.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SCLM7.2.ER.190501T1648Z.190609T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 904 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at St. Charles * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 32.3 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 32.6 feet by early tomorrow afternoon. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Missouri River St. Charles 25.0 32.33 32.6 32.3 30.7 28.8 27.7 && LAT...LON 3891 9033 3886 9018 3881 9017 3859 9072 3865 9078 $$  680 WTPN51 PGTW 300300 WARNING ATCG MIL 04W NWP 190630013940 2019063000 04W FOUR 006 01 305 11 SATL 045 T000 159N 1297E 035 R034 075 NE QD 070 SE QD 065 SW QD 065 NW QD T012 173N 1276E 035 R034 050 NE QD 100 SE QD 070 SW QD 030 NW QD T024 187N 1255E 040 R034 080 NE QD 130 SE QD 110 SW QD 030 NW QD T036 202N 1232E 040 R034 070 NE QD 130 SE QD 060 SW QD 020 NW QD T048 217N 1206E 040 R034 100 NE QD 120 SE QD 060 SW QD 040 NW QD T072 237N 1170E 030 T096 254N 1149E 020 AMP 072HR DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND 096HR DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND SUBJ: TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 006 1. TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 006 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN NORTHWESTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 300000Z --- NEAR 15.9N 129.7E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 305 DEGREES AT 11 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 045 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 035 KT, GUSTS 045 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 075 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 065 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 065 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 15.9N 129.7E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 301200Z --- 17.3N 127.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 035 KT, GUSTS 045 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 010000Z --- 18.7N 125.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 13 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 011200Z --- 20.2N 123.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 300 DEG/ 14 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 020000Z --- 21.7N 120.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 300 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 030000Z --- 23.7N 117.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 310 DEG/ 06 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 040000Z --- 25.4N 114.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND --- REMARKS: 300300Z POSITION NEAR 16.2N 129.2E. TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 510 NM EAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED NORTHWESTWARD AT 11 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 300000Z IS 12 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 300900Z, 301500Z, 302100Z AND 010300Z. // 0419062612 86N1404E 15 0419062618 92N1389E 15 0419062700 98N1374E 15 0419062706 105N1361E 15 0419062712 112N1353E 15 0419062718 117N1347E 15 0419062800 123N1341E 20 0419062806 128N1340E 20 0419062812 135N1333E 20 0419062818 139N1327E 25 0419062900 141N1322E 30 0419062906 145N1317E 35 0419062912 149N1312E 35 0419062918 153N1306E 35 0419063000 159N1297E 35 NNNN  681 WTPN31 PGTW 300300 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 006 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN NORTHWESTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 300000Z --- NEAR 15.9N 129.7E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 305 DEGREES AT 11 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 045 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 035 KT, GUSTS 045 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 075 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 065 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 065 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 15.9N 129.7E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 301200Z --- 17.3N 127.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 035 KT, GUSTS 045 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 010000Z --- 18.7N 125.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 13 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 011200Z --- 20.2N 123.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 300 DEG/ 14 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 020000Z --- 21.7N 120.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 300 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 030000Z --- 23.7N 117.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 310 DEG/ 06 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 040000Z --- 25.4N 114.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND --- REMARKS: 300300Z POSITION NEAR 16.2N 129.2E. TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 510 NM EAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED NORTHWESTWARD AT 11 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 300000Z IS 12 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 300900Z, 301500Z, 302100Z AND 010300Z.// NNNN  159 WUCN11 CWWG 300204 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:04 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. OCHRE RIVER AND MAKINAK R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. RORKETON AND TOUTES AIDES MUN. OF STE. ROSE INCL. LAURIER. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF DAUPHIN INCL. SIFTON AND VALLEY RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:32 P.M. CDT. AT 9:04 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  061 WWUS51 KLWX 300205 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1005 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 WVC027-300215- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0298.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Hampshire WV- 1005 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3926 7803 3921 7807 3918 7807 3917 7809 3916 7808 3913 7809 3912 7811 3910 7811 3907 7814 3904 7815 3929 7839 3935 7834 3936 7837 3939 7834 3941 7836 3943 7835 3946 7835 TIME...MOT...LOC 0205Z 305DEG 36KT 3929 7809 $$ VAC069-840-300230- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0298.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Frederick VA-City of Winchester VA- 1005 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1030 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL FREDERICK IN NORTHWESTERN VIRGINIA AND THE CITY OF WINCHESTER... At 1005 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Inwood, or 9 miles northeast of Winchester, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Winchester, Millwood Pike, Stephens City, Brucetown, Greenwood, Gainesboro, Cedar Grove, Clear Brook, Armel, Stephenson, Cross Junction, Cedar Hill, Albin, Gore and Whitacre. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3926 7803 3921 7807 3918 7807 3917 7809 3916 7808 3913 7809 3912 7811 3910 7811 3907 7814 3904 7815 3929 7839 3935 7834 3936 7837 3939 7834 3941 7836 3943 7835 3946 7835 TIME...MOT...LOC 0205Z 305DEG 36KT 3929 7809 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  232 WWUS73 KOAX 300205 NPWOAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 905 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Hot and Very Humid Conditions Continue on Sunday... IAZ043-055-056-069-079-080-090-091-NEZ011-012-015>018-030>034- 042>045-050>053-065>068-078-088>093-301100- /O.EXP.KOAX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.CON.KOAX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Fremont- Page-Knox-Cedar-Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Boone-Madison- Stanton-Cuming-Burt-Platte-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler- Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward-Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline- Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Albion, St. Edward, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, Decatur, Columbus, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, David City, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 905 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 109 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the lower 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency so call 911. && $$ Pearson  510 WVRA31 RUPK 300205 UHPP SIGMET 3 VALID 300205/300215 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 1 300120/300215=  056 WWUS73 KUNR 300206 NPWUNR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 806 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 SDZ014-032-043-046-047-049-300315- /O.EXP.KUNR.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Ziebach-Haakon-Jackson-Mellette-Todd-Tripp- Including the cities of Dupree, Philip, Kadoka, White River, Mission, and Winner 806 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 /906 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019/ ...HEAT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... $$  238 WWUS81 KAKQ 300206 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1006 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDZ021>024-300245- Dorchester-Wicomico-Somerset-Inland Worcester- 1006 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT SOMERSET...SOUTHWESTERN WICOMICO...WEST CENTRAL WORCESTER AND SOUTHEASTERN DORCHESTER COUNTIES... At 1006 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Princess Anne, moving southeast at 30 mph. Rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Fruitland, Princess Anne, University Of Maryland Eastern Shore, Lawsonia, Westover, Deal Island, Marion Station, West Pocomoke, Whitehaven, Wetipquin, Trinity, Cokesbury, Eden, Kingston, Longridge, Mount Vernon, Whitesburg, Green Hill, Catchpenny and Oriole. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of this storm. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3825 7544 3791 7581 3798 7590 3807 7578 3806 7581 3814 7579 3815 7593 3807 7601 3812 7609 3814 7604 3814 7602 3815 7609 3821 7607 3822 7582 3826 7592 3836 7587 3824 7595 3824 7607 3841 7587 TIME...MOT...LOC 0206Z 300DEG 26KT 3822 7579 $$ 05  233 WWUS51 KPBZ 300206 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1006 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC059-WVC051-300230- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0156.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Greene PA-Marshall WV- 1006 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1030 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN GREENE AND SOUTHEASTERN MARSHALL COUNTIES... At 1006 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Cameron, or 13 miles east of Moundsville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Cameron... Aleppo... New Freeport... Rocklick... Beelers Station... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3974 8057 3989 8059 3991 8056 3991 8046 3988 8038 3979 8020 3972 8035 3974 8051 TIME...MOT...LOC 0206Z 321DEG 20KT 3986 8049 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Brown  368 WGUS83 KOAX 300207 FLSOAX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 907 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following river... Missouri River Near Blair affecting Harrison and Washington Counties. Missouri River At Omaha affecting Pottawattamie...Douglas and Sarpy Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to the latest developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio...or a local media outlet. && IAC085-NEC177-010206- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLAN1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 907 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Missouri River Near Blair. * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 25.2 feet. * Flood stage is 26.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 25.6 feet Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4180 9624 4180 9595 4142 9583 4142 9602 4168 9626 $$ IAC155-NEC055-153-010206- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OMHN1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 907 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Missouri River At Omaha. * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 26.9 feet. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 27.2 feet Tuesday morning. && LAT...LON 4142 9602 4142 9583 4107 9574 4106 9591 4132 9595 $$ Pearson  307 WHUS72 KMHX 300208 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 1008 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...GUSTY SOUTHWEST WINDS AND HAZARDOUS SEAS TO DEVELOP SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND CONTINUE OVERNIGHT INTO MONDAY... .Winds and seas are expected to increase Sunday afternoon ahead of an approaching cold front. Wind gusts of 25-30 knots are expected across the coastal waters south of Oregon Inlet and the Pamlico Sound. Seas will build to 6 feet Sunday evening across the coastal waters, diminishing overnight into Monday. AMZ156-158-301415- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0800Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 1008 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM SUNDAY TO 4 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ135-301415- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0300Z/ Pamlico Sound- 1008 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM TO 11 PM EDT SUNDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WAVES...1 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ152-154-301415- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0600Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 1008 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM SUNDAY TO 2 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  745 WWUS83 KLBF 300208 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 908 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEZ005-300300- Eastern Cherry NE- 908 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN CHERRY COUNTY UNTIL 1000 PM CDT... At 908 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles northwest of Valentine to 6 miles northeast of Merritt Reservoir. Movement was northeast at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Valentine, Highway 97 crossing the Niobrara River and Schlagel Creek State Wildlife Management Area. This includes the following highways... Highway 20 between mile markers 188 and 203. Highway 97 between mile markers 120 and 141. Highway 83 between mile markers 204 and 222. Highway 12 between mile markers 1 and 16. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4262 10071 4269 10087 4300 10066 4299 10023 TIME...MOT...LOC 0208Z 233DEG 15KT 4294 10063 4271 10077 $$ CDC  747 WSBZ31 SBCW 300207 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 300230/300630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2736 W05433 - S3054 W04723 - S3400 W05020 - S3400 W05314 - S3310 W05330 - S3248 W05306 - S3013 W05650 - S3010 W05735 - S2832 W05605 - S2736 W05433 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  540 WCIN31 VIDP 300200 NIL  354 WGUS83 KDVN 300209 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && IAC057-111-ILC067-071-300239- /O.CAN.KDVN.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ /BRLI4.3.ER.190314T2130Z.190602T0145Z.190629T2115Z.NR/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Flood Warning is cancelled... The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Mississippi River at Burlington. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 14.9 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * No flooding is occurring, and no flooding is forecast. * Forecast, Fall to 14.5 feet Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4086 9110 4084 9105 4062 9108 4061 9142 4067 9118 $$ ILC067-MOC045-301808- /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190701T0900Z/ /GGYM7.3.ER.190311T0045Z.190602T1830Z.190630T1500Z.NR/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Sunday morning... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until Sunday morning. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 15.3 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage Sunday morning. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$ IAC111-MOC045-301808- /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190707T1200Z/ /SFLM7.3.ER.190525T2125Z.190529T1515Z.190706T1800Z.NO/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Saturday... The Flood Warning continues for The Des Moines River at St Francisville. * Until Saturday. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 19.9 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall to 18.8 feet Sunday morning. * Impact, At 18.0 feet, Flooding occurs over the lower river banks. && LAT...LON 4061 9172 4069 9172 4040 9139 4035 9147 4061 9185 $$  738 WUUS51 KBTV 300209 SVRBTV VTC001-021-027-300315- /O.NEW.KBTV.SV.W.0019.190630T0209Z-190630T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Burlington VT 1009 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Addison County in central Vermont... Northeastern Rutland County in southern Vermont... Northwestern Windsor County in southern Vermont... * Until 1115 PM EDT. * At 1008 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Goshen, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Woodstock, Barnard, Hancock, Killington, Ripton, Bethel, Stockbridge, Rochester, Chittenden, Bridgewater, Leicester, Pittsfield, Goshen, Royalton, Pomfret, Salisbury, Sharon, Brandon, Plymouth and Mendon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4387 7313 4401 7297 4376 7245 4355 7268 TIME...MOT...LOC 0208Z 308DEG 17KT 4389 7297 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  800 WWUS73 KFSD 300209 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 IAZ001-012-013-020-021-031-032-NEZ013-014-SDZ060>071-301015- /O.EXP.KFSD.EH.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.CON.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Lyon-Sioux-O'Brien-Plymouth-Cherokee-Woodbury-Ida-Dixon-Dakota- Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Charles Mix-Douglas-Hutchinson-Turner- Lincoln-Bon Homme-Yankton-Clay-Union- 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING HAS EXPIRED... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 105 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the lower 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$ SDZ038-039-052>055-057>059-300315- /O.EXP.KFSD.EH.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Beadle-Kingsbury-Jerauld-Sanborn-Miner-Lake-Brule-Aurora-Davison- 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Temperatures continue to cool this evening, allowing heat index values to fall below 100 degrees. Sunday will also be warm, but heat index values will remain in the 90s. $$ IAZ002-003-014-022-MNZ089-090-098-SDZ050-301015- /O.EXP.KFSD.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.CON.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Osceola-Dickinson-Clay-Buena Vista-Nobles-Jackson-Rock-Gregory- 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 103 due to temperatures in the lower 90s, and dewpoints in the lower 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$ MNZ081-301015- /O.EXP.KFSD.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ /O.EXA.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Cottonwood- 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 1 PM to 9 PM CDT Sunday. * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 102 due to temperatures in the lower 90s, and dewpoints in the lower 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$ MNZ071-072-080-097-SDZ040-056-300315- /O.EXP.KFSD.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Lincoln-Lyon-Murray-Pipestone-Brookings-Moody- 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Temperatures continue to cool this evening, allowing heat index values to fall below 100 degrees. Sunday will also be warm, but heat index values will remain in the 90s. $$  111 WWCN03 CYTR 300209 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:09 PM CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: 30/0230Z TO 30/0800Z (29/2130 CDT TO 30/0300 CDT) COMMENTS: SOUTHERLY WINDS HAVE HAVE DIMINISHED ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED EXCEPT IN THUNDERSTORMS. THUNDERSTORM CELLS HAVE DEVELOPED TO THE WEST AND ARE MOVING NORTHEAST. THE THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED TO MOVE WITHIN 30NM OF THE BASE. THE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST IN THE AREA UNTIL AFTER MIDNIGHT. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. THIS MAY NEED TO UPGRADED TO A WARNING. THE SITUATION WILL CONTINUE TO BE MONITORED. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0800Z (30/0300 CDT) END/JMC  431 WGUS83 KOAX 300209 FLSOAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River at Plattsmouth affecting Mills and Cass Counties. Missouri River At Nebraska City affecting Fremont and Otoe Counties. Missouri River At Brownville affecting Atchison and Nemaha Counties. Missouri River At Rulo affecting Holt and Richardson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax && IAC129-NEC025-301709- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190707T0115Z/ /PTMN1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190605T0115Z.190706T1915Z.NO/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Plattsmouth. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 27.4 feet...or 1.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. && LAT...LON 4106 9591 4107 9574 4078 9572 4078 9587 4092 9585 $$ IAC071-NEC131-301709- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NEBN1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190605T0715Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Nebraska City. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 20.6 feet...or 2.6 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall over the coming days. && LAT...LON 4078 9587 4078 9572 4048 9554 4048 9580 4074 9590 $$ MOC005-NEC127-301709- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRON1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190606T0800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Brownville. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 36.5 feet...or 2.5 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 36.4 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4048 9580 4048 9554 4026 9544 4026 9563 4044 9574 $$ MOC087-NEC147-301709- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RULN1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190530T0245Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 909 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Rulo. * At 8:45 PM Saturday the stage was 21.4 feet...or 4.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.3 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 4026 9563 4026 9544 3991 9501 3982 9503 3997 9536 $$ Pearson  864 WWUS51 KBUF 300210 SVSBUF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 1010 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYC049-300219- /O.EXP.KBUF.SV.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T0200Z/ Lewis NY- 1010 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN LEWIS COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4370 7574 4375 7550 4375 7515 4357 7525 4361 7572 TIME...MOT...LOC 0209Z 305DEG 49KT 4344 7492 $$ RSH  812 WWUS83 KLBF 300210 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 810 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEZ004-022-023-094-300315- Sheridan NE-Grant NE-Western Cherry NE-Garden NE- 810 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN CHERRY...GRANT... NORTHEASTERN GARDEN AND EASTERN SHERIDAN COUNTIES UNTIL 915 PM MDT... At 810 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 9 miles northeast of Rushville to Ellsworth to 16 miles east of Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Movement was northeast at 15 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Gordon, Ellsworth, Hyannis, Ashby, Clinton, Big Hill, Dipping Vat Meadow, Billys Lake, Lone Butte, Swede Lake, Irwin, Rock Hill, Hoover Lake, Pratt Lake, Watson Lake, Morgan Lake, Finnegan Lake, Highway 27 crossing the Niobrara River, Kincaid Lake and Kennedy Lake. This includes the following highways... Highway 20 between mile markers 93 and 120. Highway 2 between mile markers 115 and 151. Highway 61 between mile markers 139 and 169. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4299 10196 4235 10182 4177 10155 4174 10216 4202 10234 4285 10245 4300 10206 TIME...MOT...LOC 0210Z 218DEG 12KT 4284 10239 4208 10228 4180 10210 $$ CDC  053 WGUS83 KIWX 300211 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1011 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers... North Branch Elkhart River at Cosperville affecting Noble County .This river continues to recede within the current dryspell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. && INC113-010000- /O.CON.KIWX.FL.W.0085.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ /CPEI3.1.ER.190627T0900Z.190629T1530Z.190630T1800Z.UU/ 1011 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The North Branch Elkhart River at Cosperville * until Sunday evening. * At 9 PM Saturday the stage was 6.1 feet and steady. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 6.0 foot flood stage around 2 PM Sunday June 30. * At 6.0 feet...Water approaches some houses around Skinner Lake, especially along State Road 8. && LAT...LON 4150 8570 4152 8568 4149 8559 4150 8544 4149 8543 4144 8555 $$  229 WGUS83 KTOP 300212 FLSTOP Flood Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas... Republican River at Clay Center affecting Clay County Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County Black Vermillion River at Frankfort affecting Marshall County Fancy Creek near Randolph affecting Riley County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. && KSC117-301711- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLRK1.2.ER.190312T0755Z.190627T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Blue Rapids. * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 57.2 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 57.3 feet by early Sunday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs from Marysville to Tuttle Creek Lake. && LAT...LON 3971 9666 3968 9658 3957 9655 3957 9659 3968 9669 $$ KSC161-301711- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RDPK1.2.ER.190507T0923Z.190531T1945Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fancy Creek near Randolph. * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 30.6 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The creek will continue to fall to a stage of 30.2 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Low lying areas along the creek flood. && LAT...LON 3950 9687 3947 9671 3945 9675 3947 9689 $$ KSC117-301711- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FKFK1.2.ER.190519T0759Z.190531T2145Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black Vermillion River at Frankfort. * until further notice. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 25.5 feet early Sunday morning. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Minor flooding of lowland areas occurs along the river from Vermillion to the mouth of the Black Vermillion River. && LAT...LON 3972 9643 3967 9639 3957 9656 3963 9657 $$ KSC027-301711- /O.EXT.KTOP.FL.W.0122.000000T0000Z-190701T0300Z/ /CYCK1.1.ER.190621T1927Z.190623T2030Z.190630T1500Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Republican River at Clay Center. * until Sunday evening. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 15.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Sunday morning. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Lowland agricultural flooding occurs from U.S. Highway 24 to Milford Lake. && LAT...LON 3957 9741 3957 9726 3929 9700 3926 9706 $$  153 WGUS83 KLSX 300212 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Missouri... Meramec In Fenton Meramec River at Valley Park Meramec River near Arnold River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC099-189-010211- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190703T1800Z/ /VLLM7.2.ER.190523T0735Z.190609T1500Z.190702T1800Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec River at Valley Park * until Wednesday afternoon. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 16.7 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 16.9 feet by early tomorrow afternoon, then fall below flood stage early Tuesday afternoon. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Meramec River Valley Park 16.0 16.72 16.8 16.9 16.3 14.8 12.5 && LAT...LON 3853 9056 3855 9056 3857 9043 3854 9043 $$ MOC099-189-010211- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0149.000000T0000Z-190703T1500Z/ /FNNM7.3.ER.190523T1830Z.190609T2046Z.190702T1500Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec In Fenton * until Wednesday morning. * At 8:45 PM Saturday the stage was 25.2 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 25.5 feet by tomorrow morning, then fall below flood stage late Tuesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Meramec River Fenton 25.0 25.19 25.5 25.5 25.1 24.1 22.5 && LAT...LON 3854 9045 3854 9042 3848 9039 3848 9045 $$ MOC099-189-010211- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ARNM7.3.ER.190314T0703Z.190609T1545Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 912 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec River near Arnold * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 35.0 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to remain steady near 35.0 feet through Monday morning, then begin falling to near 34.7 feet by Tuesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Meramec River Arnold 24.0 34.99 35.0 35.0 34.7 33.6 32.1 && LAT...LON 3848 9043 3848 9039 3846 9032 3841 9034 3845 9043 $$  980 WUUS51 KLWX 300214 SVRLWX MDC001-WVC057-300300- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0300.190630T0214Z-190630T0300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1014 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Allegany County in western Maryland... Mineral County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 1100 PM EDT. * At 1013 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Piedmont, or over Westernport, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Keyser, Westernport, Piedmont, Barton, Franklin, Burlington, Luke, Russelldale, Dogwood Flats, Reynolds, Headsville, New Creek, Antioch, Warnocks, Mccoole, Reeses Mill and Ridgeville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Sterling Virginia. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3944 7878 3938 7881 3933 7886 3933 7888 3928 7893 3926 7896 3942 7915 3942 7913 3943 7913 3943 7911 3944 7912 3945 7910 3946 7911 3946 7910 3948 7910 3948 7907 3954 7903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0213Z 313DEG 21KT 3945 7905 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  225 WSPS21 NZKL 300202 NZZO SIGMET 1 VALID 300214/300614 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0810 W17210 - S1000 W16300 - S1400 W16100 - S1310 W16850 - S1410 W17310 - S0810 W17210 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  719 WSPS21 NZKL 300203 NZZO SIGMET 2 VALID 300214/300236 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 35 292236/300236=  543 WGUS83 KLOT 300215 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 915 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois...Indiana... Illinois River at La Salle affecting Bureau...La Salle and Putnam Counties Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && ILC011-099-155-301615- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190701T1200Z/ /LSLI2.1.ER.190620T1345Z.190622T0630Z.190701T0600Z.NO/ 915 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at La Salle, or from Starved Rock Lock and Dam downstream to confluence with Big Bureau Creek. * until Monday morning. * At 845 PM Saturday the stage was 20.4 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Monday morning. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Agricultural areas in La Salle, Spring Valley, and Peru lowlands are flooded. && LAT...LON 4131 8940 4135 8933 4137 8898 4128 8899 4128 8929 $$ INC089-111-301615- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ /SLBI3.1.ER.190621T0815Z.190628T0230Z.190630T1500Z.NO/ 915 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby, or from Near I-65 and De Motte downstream to IL/IN state line. * until Sunday afternoon. * At 845 PM Saturday the stage was 9.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Sunday morning. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Low-lying agricultural land is inundated. && LAT...LON 4122 8756 4128 8728 4117 8725 4111 8753 $$  713 WUCN14 CWWG 300214 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:14 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: CANDLE LAKE PROV. PARK AND NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MONTREAL LAKE AND MOLANOSA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:12 P.M. CST. AT 8:14 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO GOLF BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THIS THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED 45 KM EAST OF MONTREAL LAKE AND IS MOVING EAST AT 60 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  986 WSCN03 CWAO 300215 CZWG SIGMET V2 VALID 300215/300420 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET V1 300020/300420=  294 WSCN23 CWAO 300215 CZWG SIGMET V2 VALID 300215/300420 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET V1 300020/300420 RMK GFACN32=  052 WSRA31 RUYK 300215 UEEE SIGMET 2 VALID 300220/300600 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N7057 E10941 - N6335 E14536 TOP FL350 STNR NC=  620 WWUS51 KLWX 300216 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1016 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 WVC037-300226- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0299.000000T0000Z-190630T0245Z/ Jefferson WV- 1016 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN JEFFERSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3924 7741 3921 7747 3900 7777 3912 7784 3914 7782 3921 7779 3924 7777 3926 7777 3927 7776 3930 7775 3932 7773 3932 7769 3933 7768 3934 7768 3938 7765 TIME...MOT...LOC 0216Z 319DEG 25KT 3929 7762 3921 7781 $$ MDC021-VAC107-300245- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0299.000000T0000Z-190630T0245Z/ Frederick MD-Loudoun VA- 1016 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1045 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN FREDERICK COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL MARYLAND AND NORTHERN LOUDOUN COUNTIES IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA... At 1016 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Brunswick to near Round Hill, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Purcellville, Brunswick, Round Hill, Point Of Rocks, Bluemont, Lovettsville, Hamilton, Rosemont, Hillsboro, Paeonian Springs, Waterford, Neersville, Lucketts, Knoxville, Petersville, Tuscarora, Philomont, Lincoln, Hughesville and Taylorstown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3924 7741 3921 7747 3900 7777 3912 7784 3914 7782 3921 7779 3924 7777 3926 7777 3927 7776 3930 7775 3932 7773 3932 7769 3933 7768 3934 7768 3938 7765 TIME...MOT...LOC 0216Z 319DEG 25KT 3929 7762 3921 7781 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  393 WWCN13 CWWG 300216 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:16 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: MEADOW LAKE - BIG RIVER - GREEN LAKE - PIERCELAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  531 WGUS83 KLSX 300217 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 917 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois.. Illinois River at La Grange Lock and Dam Illinois River at Meredosia Illinois River at Valley City Illinois River at Hardin River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC009-010217- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0109.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NLGI2.3.ER.190501T1535Z.190604T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 917 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at La Grange Lock and Dam * until further notice. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 28.2 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.5 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Illinois River La Grange LD 23.0 28.23 27.9 27.5 27.1 26.6 26.2 && LAT...LON 3999 9058 3999 9046 3988 9051 3988 9063 $$ ILC137-149-010217- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0110.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MROI2.3.ER.190501T0940Z.190604T2130Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 917 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Meredosia * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 22.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 22.3 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Illinois River Meredosia 17.0 22.75 22.6 22.3 21.9 21.5 21.0 && LAT...LON 3988 9063 3988 9051 3977 9053 3977 9067 $$ ILC149-171-010217- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VALI2.3.ER.190310T0440Z.190604T2130Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 917 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Valley City * until further notice. * At 8:30 PM Saturday the stage was 21.3 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 20.7 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Illinois River Valley City 14.0 21.31 21.1 20.7 20.3 19.9 19.3 && LAT...LON 3977 9067 3977 9053 3952 9052 3952 9064 $$ ILC013-061-083-010217- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HARI2.3.ER.190310T1007Z.190607T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 917 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Hardin * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 33.5 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Major flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 33.1 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Illinois River Hardin 25.0 33.47 33.4 33.1 32.9 32.5 32.1 && LAT...LON 3952 9064 3952 9052 3898 9048 3891 9054 3903 9062 $$  179 WHUS51 KLWX 300217 SMWLWX ANZ530-300300- /O.NEW.KLWX.MA.W.0172.190630T0217Z-190630T0300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1017 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD... * Until 1100 PM EDT. * At 1017 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Spesutie Island, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Boaters in small craft could be thrown overboard by suddenly higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel. * Locations impacted include... Spesutie Island. LAT...LON 3943 7600 3942 7600 3940 7604 3937 7606 3937 7611 3936 7612 3935 7614 3934 7614 3937 7619 3941 7616 3941 7614 3943 7611 3944 7610 3944 7608 3945 7606 TIME...MOT...LOC 0217Z 296DEG 30KT 3941 7608 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ BKF  512 WSNP31 VNKT 300215 VNSM SIGMET 03 VALID 300215/300615 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0200Z W OF E08510 MOV E INTSF=  494 WWCN16 CWWG 300217 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN ALBERTA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:17 P.M. MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: BONNYVILLE - ST. PAUL - COLD LAKE - LAC LA BICHE FORT MCMURRAY - FORT MACKAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  495 WWCN14 CWWG 300217 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:17 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: LA RONGE - PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK - NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK PELICAN NARROWS - CUMBERLAND HOUSE - CREIGHTON ILE A LA CROSSE - BUFFALO NARROWS - BEAUVAL CREE LAKE - KEY LAKE LA LOCHE - CLEARWATER RIVER PROV. PARK - CLUFF LAKE FOND-DU-LAC - STONY RAPIDS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. ISOLATED SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE POSSIBLE THIS EVENING. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  738 WWUS85 KCYS 300218 SPSCYS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 818 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEZ021-054-055-300300- Kimball NE-Cheyenne NE-Morrill NE- 818 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL CHEYENNE...EAST CENTRAL KIMBALL AND SOUTHEASTERN MORRILL COUNTIES UNTIL 900 PM MDT... At 817 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Potter, or 18 miles west of Sidney, moving northeast at 25 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Sidney, Potter, Dalton, Gurley, Brownson and Sidney Airport. This includes Interstate 80 in Nebraska between mile markers 34 and 60. LAT...LON 4107 10328 4118 10345 4149 10325 4149 10264 4109 10296 TIME...MOT...LOC 0217Z 221DEG 22KT 4119 10331 $$ Lyons  318 WUUS51 KPBZ 300218 SVRPBZ MDC023-PAC051-WVC077-300300- /O.NEW.KPBZ.SV.W.0157.190630T0218Z-190630T0300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1018 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Garrett County in western Maryland... South central Fayette County in southwestern Pennsylvania... Northeastern Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 1100 PM EDT. * At 1018 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles south of Farmington, or 14 miles north of Kingwood, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. * Locations impacted include... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Terra Alta... Bittinger... Loch Lynn Heights... Friendsville... Deer Park... Accident... Markleysburg... Brandonville... Bruceton Mills... Valley Point... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7914 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7920 3937 7922 3936 7926 3935 7926 3925 7945 3968 7975 3978 7966 3980 7954 3953 7904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0218Z 313DEG 30KT 3967 7961 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Brown  274 WWUS51 KPBZ 300219 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1019 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC059-WVC051-300229- /O.CAN.KPBZ.SV.W.0156.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Greene PA-Marshall WV- 1019 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN GREENE AND SOUTHEASTERN MARSHALL COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm that prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and no longer pose an immediate threat to life and property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3974 8057 3989 8059 3991 8056 3991 8046 3988 8038 3979 8020 3972 8035 3974 8051 TIME...MOT...LOC 0217Z 321DEG 20KT 3980 8043 $$ Brown  654 WWUS86 KPDT 300220 SPSPDT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 720 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ORZ509-511-300300- Central Oregon OR-East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades OR- 720 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN DESCHUTES COUNTY UNTIL 800 PM PDT... At 719 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Sisters, or 19 miles northwest of Bend, moving north at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Sisters and Black Butte Ranch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4404 12139 4408 12171 4439 12176 4439 12129 TIME...MOT...LOC 0219Z 159DEG 13KT 4427 12159 $$ vp  404 WWUS81 KALY 300220 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1020 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYZ042-043-083-300245- Northern Washington-Southeast Warren-Northern Warren- 1020 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...GUSTY NORTH TO NORTHEAST WINDS WILL DEVELOP ACROSS LAKE GEORGE THROUGH 1115 PM... At 1016 PM EDT, an outflow boundary from thunderstorms across northern New York was approaching the northern end of Lake George, and moving south at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 35 mph are possible as this outflow boundary drops south across Lake George through 1115 PM EDT. If you are on Lake George, seek safe harbor now! A quick increase in wind and waves will be possible as this outflow boundary moves south across Lake George. LAT...LON 4377 7335 4374 7337 4373 7337 4369 7340 4364 7343 4362 7342 4359 7343 4357 7340 4359 7338 4339 7346 4339 7355 4341 7361 4339 7361 4340 7381 4379 7359 4381 7338 TIME...MOT...LOC 0216Z 023DEG 26KT 4381 7345 $$ KSL  632 WSMS31 WMKK 300222 WMFC SIGMET A02 VALID 300225/300310 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR CNL SIGMET A01 300010/300310=  960 WSPS21 NZKL 300214 NZZO SIGMET 3 VALID 300222/300622 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S6650 W14250 - S6240 W13440 - S6240 W13140 - S6610 W13210 - S6820 W13510 - S6850 W14200 - S6640 W14930 - S6650 W14250 1000FT/FL120 MOV SE 40KT NC=  378 WSPS21 NZKL 300215 NZZO SIGMET 4 VALID 300222/300305 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 37 292305/300305=  766 WUCN11 CWWG 300222 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:22 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF ELTON INCL. FORREST =NEW= R.M. OF OAKVIEW INCL. OAK RIVER AND RAPID CITY =NEW= R.M. OF MINTO-ODANAH INCL. MINNEDOSA AND MOORE PARK =NEW= MUN. OF CLANWILLIAM-ERICKSON =NEW= R.M. OF ROSEDALE INCL. EDEN AND KELWOOD RIVERDALE MUN. INCL. RIVERS AND WHEATLAND. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF WALLACE-WOODWORTH INCL. VIRDEN ELKHORN AND KENTON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:50 P.M. CDT. AT 9:22 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  064 WSRS31 RUSM 300222 UWWW SIGMET 1 VALID 300230/300500 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N5622 E05159 - N5115 E05001 FL320/380 MOV NE 50KMH NC=  538 WWUS81 KAKQ 300223 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1023 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDZ022>025-VAZ099-300315- Wicomico-Maryland Beaches-Somerset-Inland Worcester-Accomack- 1023 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT EASTERN SOMERSET... SOUTHEASTERN WICOMICO...WORCESTER AND NORTHERN ACCOMACK COUNTIES... At 1023 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles north of Snow Hill to near Westover to 7 miles northwest of Lawsonia. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Pocomoke City, Snow Hill, Parksley, Lawsonia, Westover, West Pocomoke, Marion Station, Newark, Bloxom, Saxis, Horntown, Mappsville, Cokesbury, Goodwill, Greenbackville, Kingston, Wallops Island, Temperanceville, Nelsonia and Shelltown. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3808 7515 3785 7531 3782 7537 3784 7542 3778 7548 3769 7553 3795 7589 3796 7586 3798 7586 3797 7590 3803 7587 3803 7582 3804 7583 3808 7578 3807 7580 3807 7584 3835 7548 3824 7509 TIME...MOT...LOC 0223Z 304DEG 28KT 3827 7544 3814 7565 3805 7590 $$ 05  277 WUCN11 CWWG 300223 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:23 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= GILBERT PLAINS MUN. INCL. ASHVILLE =NEW= GRANDVIEW MUN. INCL. VALLEY RIVER RES. =NEW= RIDING MOUNTAIN NAT. PARK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF RIDING MOUNTAIN WEST INCL. ASESSIPPI PROV. PARK ROSSBURN MUN. INCL. WAYWAYSEECAPPO RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:04 P.M. CDT. AT 9:23 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  387 WSPR31 SPIM 300218 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 300218/300220 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A3 VALID 292315/300220=  471 WUUS51 KLWX 300223 SVRLWX MDC013-021-300315- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0301.190630T0223Z-190630T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1023 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Carroll County in north central Maryland... Northeastern Frederick County in north central Maryland... * Until 1115 PM EDT. * At 1023 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Emmitsburg, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Westminster, Emmitsburg, Taneytown, New Windsor, Union Bridge, Harney, Linwood, Detour, Uniontown, Wagners Mill, Keysville, Marston and Keymar. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3971 7695 3949 7707 3965 7741 3972 7737 3972 7718 TIME...MOT...LOC 0223Z 291DEG 24KT 3968 7732 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ BKF  472 WWUS53 KBIS 300223 SVSBIS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 923 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDC059-300233- /O.EXP.KBIS.SV.W.0045.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Morton ND- 923 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN MORTON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 930 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT for south central North Dakota. LAT...LON 4666 10116 4669 10075 4639 10075 4640 10077 4639 10083 4640 10086 4639 10087 4639 10088 4641 10088 4639 10092 4638 10116 TIME...MOT...LOC 0223Z 268DEG 25KT 4649 10084 $$ MJONES  972 WUCN11 CWWG 300223 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:23 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= MUN. OF EMERSON-FRANKLIN INCL. ROSEAU RIVER =NEW= R.M. OF MONTCALM INCL. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE =NEW= MUN. OF RHINELAND INCL. ALTONA PLUM COULEE AND GRETNA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:22 P.M. CDT. AT 9:23 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A CLUSTER OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THE THUNDERSTORMS ARE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHERN RED RIVER VALLEY NEAR AND NORTHWEST OF EMERSON AND ARE MOVING EASTWARD. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  973 WUUS51 KLWX 300225 SVRLWX MDC021-031-VAC107-300315- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0302.190630T0225Z-190630T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1025 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Montgomery County in central Maryland... South central Frederick County in north central Maryland... Loudoun County in northern Virginia... * Until 1115 PM EDT. * At 1025 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles north of Boyds to Round Hill, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Germantown, Gaithersburg, Leesburg, South Riding, Damascus, Broadlands, Lansdowne, Lowes Island, Brambleton, Poolesville, Dulles International Airport, Ashburn, Montgomery Village, Sterling, North Potomac, Chantilly, Redland, Countryside, Purcellville and Round Hill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3916 7713 3906 7733 3887 7751 3889 7755 3890 7759 3893 7762 3893 7763 3894 7764 3894 7765 3916 7779 3934 7732 TIME...MOT...LOC 0225Z 319DEG 28KT 3927 7736 3914 7775 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  521 WUUS55 KCYS 300225 SVRCYS NEC033-105-300315- /O.NEW.KCYS.SV.W.0130.190630T0225Z-190630T0315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 825 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Cheyenne County in the Panhandle of Nebraska... East central Kimball County in the Panhandle of Nebraska... * Until 915 PM MDT. * At 825 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Potter, or 17 miles west of Sidney, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Potter, Dalton and Gurley. This includes Interstate 80 in Nebraska between mile markers 33 and 51. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4120 10345 4144 10325 4144 10278 4115 10311 4108 10326 TIME...MOT...LOC 0225Z 218DEG 18KT 4120 10330 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lyons  786 WSSC31 FSIA 300220 FSSS SIGMET 01 VALID 300255/300655 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0157 E05622 - S0431 E05955 - S0939 E06000 - S0927 E05743 - S0634 E05607 - S0446 E05338 - S0157 E05622 TOP ABV FL390 MOV SW NC=  002 WGUS83 KLSX 300225 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following river in Illinois...Missouri... Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois...Missouri... Mississippi River at Canton Mississippi River at Quincy Mississippi River at Hannibal Mississippi River at Saverton Mississippi River at Louisiana Mississippi River at Clarksville Mississippi River at Winfield Mississippi River at Grafton Mississippi River at Mel Price Lock and Dam Mississippi River at St. Louis Mississippi River at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC001-MOC111-010224- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190703T0600Z/ /CANM7.3.RS.190314T1402Z.190602T0100Z.190702T0600Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Canton * until late Tuesday night. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 15.1 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Canton 14.0 15.06 14.9 14.4 13.9 13.6 13.6 && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4022 9142 4008 9140 4008 9153 $$ ILC001-MOC127-010224- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190702T1800Z/ /UINI2.3.RS.190315T1300Z.190602T0145Z.190701T1800Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Quincy * until Tuesday afternoon. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 17.6 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to fall below flood stage early Monday afternoon. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Quincy 17.0 17.58 17.6 17.1 16.7 16.3 16.2 && LAT...LON 3999 9152 3999 9140 3991 9140 3991 9152 $$ ILC001-MOC127-300255- /O.CAN.KLSX.FL.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ /QLDI2.3.RS.190316T1532Z.190601T1700Z.190629T1500Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Mississippi River at Lock & Dam 21. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * The river fell below flood stage at 10:00 AM Saturday. * The river is forecast to continue falling to 16.3 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Lock & Dam 21 17.0 16.84 16.8 16.3 15.9 15.5 15.3 && LAT...LON 3991 9152 3991 9140 3983 9135 3983 9148 $$ ILC149-MOC127-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HNNM7.3.RS.190314T1237Z.190602T0415Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Hannibal * until further notice. * At 8:15 PM Saturday the stage was 18.3 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 17.7 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Hannibal 16.0 18.33 18.2 17.7 17.2 16.8 16.7 && LAT...LON 3983 9148 3983 9135 3974 9121 3967 9135 $$ ILC149-MOC173-010224- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-190703T0600Z/ /SVRM7.3.RS.190315T1316Z.190602T1100Z.190702T0600Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Saverton * until late Tuesday night. * At 8:00 PM Saturday the stage was 17.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Saverton 16.0 17.25 17.0 16.5 15.9 15.4 15.1 && LAT...LON 3967 9135 3974 9121 3970 9114 3952 9097 3945 9111 $$ ILC149-MOC163-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUSM7.3.RS.190314T1642Z.190602T1300Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Louisiana * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 17.8 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 16.7 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Louisiana 15.0 17.78 17.5 16.7 16.1 15.9 15.9 && LAT...LON 3945 9111 3952 9097 3945 9089 3939 9097 $$ ILC013-MOC163-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLKM7.3.RS.190314T1500Z.190602T1350Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Clarksville * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 28.4 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.2 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Clarksville 25.0 28.35 28.0 27.2 26.4 26.0 26.0 && LAT...LON 3939 9097 3945 9089 3938 9077 3923 9071 3922 9081 $$ ILC013-MOC113-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CAGM7.3.RS.190315T1130Z.190602T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Winfield * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 31.1 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 30.1 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Winfield 26.0 31.10 30.8 30.1 29.3 28.6 28.3 && LAT...LON 3922 9081 3923 9071 3888 9057 3881 9057 3887 9074 $$ ILC083-MOC183-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRFI2.3.RS.190313T0345Z.190608T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Grafton * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 27.6 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 26.7 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Grafton 18.0 27.60 27.3 26.7 26.0 25.3 24.6 && LAT...LON 3881 9057 3888 9057 3899 9046 3895 9028 3882 9048 $$ ILC119-MOC183-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ALNI2.3.RS.190314T1220Z.190609T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Mel Price Lock and Dam * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 31.4 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 31.2 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Mel Price LD 21.0 31.38 31.4 31.2 30.6 29.5 27.9 && LAT...LON 3891 9033 3895 9028 3883 9003 3881 9017 3886 9017 $$ ILC163-MOC189-510-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EADM7.3.ER.190317T0007Z.190609T0215Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at St. Louis * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 38.4 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 38.3 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River St. Louis 30.0 38.43 38.5 38.3 37.4 36.0 34.6 && LAT...LON 3881 9017 3883 9004 3826 9030 3826 9043 3873 9024 $$ ILC077-157-MOC157-186-010224- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CHSI2.3.RS.190313T2045Z.190610T2030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 925 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Chester * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 39.9 feet. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 39.7 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 06/30 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 Mississippi River Chester 27.0 39.92 39.9 39.7 39.6 39.1 38.1 && LAT...LON 3826 9043 3826 9030 3769 8935 3769 8959 3787 9003 $$  821 WWUS81 KPHI 300225 SPSPHI Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1025 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 DEZ001-002-MDZ008-012-015-020-300300- Kent-New Castle-Queen Anne's-Cecil-Kent-Caroline- 1025 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN NEW CASTLE... NORTHWESTERN KENT...NORTHEASTERN QUEEN ANNE'S...NORTHEASTERN CAROLINE...NORTHEASTERN KENT AND SOUTH CENTRAL CECIL COUNTIES... At 1025 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Massey, or 13 miles southwest of Middletown, moving southeast at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Dover, Smyrna, Camden, Clayton, Cheswold, Cecilton, Millington, Sudlersville, Woodside, Viola, Hartly, Hazlettville, Delaney Corner, Crumpton, Dover Speedway, Massey, Kennedyville, Rising Sun-Lebanon, Dover Base Housing and Wyoming. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Mount Holly NJ. LAT...LON 3942 7591 3919 7542 3898 7563 3929 7602 TIME...MOT...LOC 0225Z 304DEG 42KT 3931 7590 $$ MPS  685 WSBZ01 SBBR 300200 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 300155/300455 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0608 W03635 - N0540W03409 - N0351 W03453 - N0425 W03710 - N0608 W03635 TOP FL380 MOV W 05KT NC=  686 WSBZ01 SBBR 300200 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0550 W07308 - S0644 W06829 - S0740 W06804 - S0945 W07001 - S0830 W07314 - S0550 W07308 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  687 WSBZ01 SBBR 300200 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0029 W05914 - S0110 W06023 - S0329 W06322 - S0019 W06819 - N0200 W06733 - N0030 W06602 - N0220 W06324 - N0339 W06244 - N0453 W06035 - N0450 W06002 - N0430 W06011 - N0406 W05939 - N0245 W05959 - N0029 W05914 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  688 WSBZ01 SBBR 300200 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 292230/300230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2913 W05347 - S2917 W05542 - S3052 W05536 - S3242 W05304 - S3304 W05334 - S3342 W05334 - S3359 W05301 - S3400 W05024 - S2931 W04604 - S2836 W04821 - S3010 W05045 - S2913 W05347 TOP FL380 MOV ESE 05KT NC=  689 WSBZ01 SBBR 300200 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 300230/300630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2736 W05433 - S3054 W04723 - S3400 W05020 - S3400 W05314 - S3310 W05330 - S3248 W05306 - S3013 W05650 - S3010 W05735 - S2832 W05605 - S2736 W05433 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  690 WSBZ01 SBBR 300200 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 292315/300315 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0325 W05203 - N0210 W04959 - S0006 W05058 - S0239 W05640 - S0108 W06024 - N0030 W05915 - N0027 W05809 - N0211 W05418 - N0209 W05251 - N0325 W05203 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  984 WWUS83 KFGF 300227 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 927 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ004-005-007-008-300330- East Marshall MN-Kittson MN-Roseau MN-West Marshall MN- 927 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN MARSHALL...KITTSON AND SOUTHWESTERN ROSEAU COUNTIES UNTIL 1030 PM CDT... At 926 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles northwest of Noyes to near Lancaster to near Strandquist. Movement was east at 20 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with these storms. Strong thunderstorms will be near... Strandquist and Newfolden around 930 PM CDT. Lake Bronson around 940 PM CDT. Middle River and Lake Bronson State Park around 950 PM CDT. Strathcona around 955 PM CDT. Haug, Gatzke and Leo around 1030 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && LAT...LON 4883 9619 4839 9567 4834 9646 4878 9690 4897 9724 4900 9723 4900 9646 TIME...MOT...LOC 0226Z 263DEG 19KT 4908 9727 4880 9678 4844 9636 $$ AM  839 WUCN12 CWWG 300227 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:27 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: FLIN FLON CRANBERRY PORTAGE AND GRASS RIVER PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  397 WSUK33 EGRR 300228 EGPX SIGMET 01 VALID 300230/300630 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N5823 E00242 - N5600 E00209 - N5632 W00029 - N5953 E00012 - N5823 E00242 TOP FL350 MOV NE 30KT NC=  021 WWUS51 KLWX 300228 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1028 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VAC069-840-300238- /O.EXP.KLWX.SV.W.0298.000000T0000Z-190630T0230Z/ Frederick VA-City of Winchester VA- 1028 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL FREDERICK IN NORTHWESTERN VIRGINIA AND THE CITY OF WINCHESTER WILL EXPIRE AT 1030 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3926 7803 3921 7807 3918 7807 3917 7809 3916 7808 3913 7809 3912 7811 3910 7811 3907 7814 3904 7815 3929 7839 3935 7834 3936 7837 3939 7834 3941 7836 3943 7835 3946 7835 TIME...MOT...LOC 0228Z 305DEG 36KT 3918 7788 $$ DHOF  586 WWUS51 KBTV 300229 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1029 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC001-021-027-300315- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Addison VT-Rutland VT-Windsor VT- 1029 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ADDISON...NORTHEASTERN RUTLAND AND NORTHWESTERN WINDSOR COUNTIES... At 1028 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Pittsfield, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Woodstock, Barnard, Killington, Bethel, Stockbridge, Rochester, Chittenden, Bridgewater, Pittsfield, Pomfret, Royalton, Hancock, Sharon, Goshen, Mendon, West Bethel, Giffords Woods State Forest Park, North Sherburne, Silver Lake State Park and East Barnard. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to isolated flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4380 7302 4394 7287 4376 7245 4356 7267 TIME...MOT...LOC 0228Z 308DEG 17KT 4383 7286 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  144 WWUS84 KFWD 300230 SPSFWD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 930 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ144-145-157>159-300315- Bosque TX-Coryell TX-Hill TX-McLennan TX-Bell TX- 930 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR MCLENNAN...NORTHEASTERN CORYELL...SOUTHEASTERN BOSQUE...NORTH CENTRAL BELL AND SOUTH CENTRAL HILL COUNTIES UNTIL 1015 PM CDT... At 929 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles east of Valley Mills, or 11 miles northwest of Waco, moving south at 35 mph. Dime size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Waco, Hewitt, Robinson, Bellmead, Woodway, Lacy-Lakeview, McGregor, Beverly Hills, Lorena, Bruceville-Eddy, Moody, Valley Mills, Crawford, Golinda, Mother Neff State Park, Northcrest, Gholson, Oglesby, Ross and Aquilla. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3124 9759 3159 9760 3176 9754 3190 9716 3141 9704 3124 9734 TIME...MOT...LOC 0229Z 013DEG 32KT 3165 9734 $$ Picca  186 WWJP25 RJTD 300000 WARNING AND SUMMARY 300000. WARNING VALID 010000. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 994 HPA AT 38N 136E SEA OF JAPAN MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 25 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 200 MILES ELSEWHERE. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 35N 139E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 28N 180E 28N 170E 37N 168E 30N 155E 30N 139E 35N 139E. SUMMARY. LOW 998 HPA AT 44N 129E EAST SLOWLY. LOW 1004 HPA AT 43N 163E NE 10 KT. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 1006 HPA AT 15N 129E NW SLOWLY. HIGH 1014 HPA AT 50N 155E ALMOST STATIONARY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 24N 107E TO 26N 110E 28N 115E 31N 120E 31N 124E 34N 133E 38N 136E 37N 141E 37N 146E 36N 153E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  070 WGUS83 KPAH 300230 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 930 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Big Muddy River near Murphysboro .Water levels have dropped into minor flood on the Big Muddy River at Murphysboro. The river is forecast to slowly fall, but will remain above flood stage until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC077-010629- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MURI2.2.ER.190315T1915Z.190626T0430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 930 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 27.9 feet. * Flood Stage is 22.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The River will continue to fall to a stage of 27.1 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 3777 8946 3784 8915 3778 8915 3773 8935 3760 8941 3760 8947 $$  144 WAUS46 KKCI 300245 WA6T SFOT WA 300245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT NV AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30N HVR TO 20ENE LKT TO 40ENE BOI TO 60SE REO TO 130WSW SNS TO 140WSW FOT TO 120WSW ONP TO 60WNW ONP TO HQM TO 80WSW YXC MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA NV UT AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ILC TO 20ENE BCE TO 30WNW DRK TO 20SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 160WSW RZS TO 20S CZQ TO 20NNE ILC MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. ....  145 WAUS44 KKCI 300245 WA4T DFWT WA 300245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 300900 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  146 WAUS45 KKCI 300245 WA5T SLCT WA 300245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT FROM 70WSW BIL TO 30ENE BOY TO 30ENE OCS TO 60WSW MTU TO 50E ILC TO 60SSE BAM TO 50N BAM TO 50N TWF TO 70WSW BIL MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30N HVR TO 20ENE LKT TO 40ENE BOI TO 60SE REO TO 130WSW SNS TO 140WSW FOT TO 120WSW ONP TO 60WNW ONP TO HQM TO 80WSW YXC MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV UT AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE ILC TO 20ENE BCE TO 30WNW DRK TO 20SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 160WSW RZS TO 20S CZQ TO 20NNE ILC MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB ID MT WY UT BOUNDED BY 30NE GTF-50SW GGW-60SSE MLS-50ESE CZI-30ESE BOY-40SE MLD-DNJ-80SE MLP-30NE GTF MOD TURB BLW 160. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  147 WAUS43 KKCI 300245 WA3T CHIT WA 300245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD MN FROM 70WNW INL TO 20E INL TO 50NW DLH TO 40NE RWF TO 50W RWF TO 40SSW ABR TO 50W FAR TO 90SW YWG TO 70WNW INL MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 70NE SAW TO YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO 50NE FAM TO 20NNW IRK TO 20E MCW TO 20SE ODI TO 40ESE EAU TO 70NE SAW MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE MN IA WI LS MI FROM 70WNW INL TO 30WSW YQT TO 50N RHI TO 20SE ODI TO 20E FOD TO 50NNW OVR TO 20SW LBF TO 30NE DPR TO 80ENE MOT TO 70WNW INL MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL410. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ND SD MN BOUNDED BY 70SE YWG-60E INL-50WNW DLH-60SSW BRD-60SE ABR-20ENE ABR-40SW GFK-70SE YWG LLWS EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...TURB ND SD MN WI LS MI BOUNDED BY 60SE YWG-INL-20SW YQT-90S YQT-50WNW RHI-40SW BRD-70S FAR-50WSW BJI-60SE YWG MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...TURB ND SD NE MN IA WI LS MI IL BOUNDED BY 50WNW INL-20WSW YQT-60NW SAW-20ENE RHI-ORD-40SSE IOW- 40WSW OVR-30SSW ONL-ANW-30SW PIR-40ENE BIS-70SSW YWG-50WNW INL MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  111 WAUS41 KKCI 300245 WA1T BOST WA 300245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET TURB...MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ESE YYZ TO 40SSE ALB TO 30E BOS TO 50SE ACK TO 170SSE HTO TO 120SE SIE TO 50SSE SBY TO 40SSE CSN TO 20WNW EKN TO 40SW ERI TO 30ESE YYZ MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 30NE PQI TO 60WSW YSJ TO 150ESE ACK TO RIC TO 40WSW BKW TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO TO 20WSW BUF TO YYZ TO 20WSW MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...TURB MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30NNE SYR-20SW ALB-20NNE BDL-30E BOS-40E ACK-120SSE ACK-130ESE SIE-50SSE SBY-20WSW EKN-20S AIR-40SE CLE-50WNW ERI- 30ESE YYZ-30NNE SYR MOD TURB BTN 020 AND 100. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60ESE YQB-60SSE HUL-200SE ACK-150SE SIE-20ESE RIC-HNN- CVG-FWA-DXO-20WSW BUF-YYZ-60SSW YOW-30SE YOW-YSC-60ESE YQB MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  112 WAUS42 KKCI 300245 WA2T MIAT WA 300245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 300900 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  243 WSIN31 VOMM 300200 VOMF SIGMET 1 VALID 300230/300630 VOMM- VOMF CHENNAI FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E08400 N OF N1400 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  976 WUCN11 CWWG 300231 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:31 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER =NEW= R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. OCHRE RIVER AND MAKINAK R.M. OF LAKESHORE INCL. RORKETON AND TOUTES AIDES MUN. OF STE. ROSE INCL. LAURIER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:09 P.M. CDT. AT 9:31 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  681 WAUS43 KKCI 300245 WA3S CHIS WA 300245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...ND FROM 50SSE YWG TO 60SSW BIS TO 30ESE ISN TO 50NNE MOT TO 50SSE YWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. ....  682 WAUS45 KKCI 300245 WA5S SLCS WA 300245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 300900 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  683 WAUS44 KKCI 300245 WA4S DFWS WA 300245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...AL FROM 20NNW LGC TO 50SW PZD TO 30NE CEW TO 20NNW LGC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX LA FROM 60NW GGG TO 20WNW EIC TO 50WNW AEX TO 40ENE IAH TO 50SW GGG TO 60NW GGG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR AL BOUNDED BY 40ENE MSL-50S GQO-50SW PZD-30NE CEW-30WNW VUZ-40ENE MSL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  684 WAUS46 KKCI 300245 WA6S SFOS WA 300245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30N ONP TO 40NW ENI TO 20NNE RZS TO LAX TO 100SSW RZS TO 110W ENI TO 80WSW ONP TO 30N ONP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. ....  182 WWUS63 KBIS 300231 WCNBIS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 463 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BISMARCK ND 931 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 NDC001-025-041-089-300345- /O.CAN.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 463 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST NORTH DAKOTA ADAMS DUNN HETTINGER STARK THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF DICKINSON, HALLIDAY, HETTINGER, KILLDEER, MOTT, AND NEW ENGLAND. $$ NDC015-021-029-031-037-043-045-047-051-055-057-059-065-083-085- 093-103-300600- /O.CON.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 AM CDT /MIDNIGHT MDT/ SUNDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 17 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA BURLEIGH EMMONS GRANT KIDDER MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX WELLS IN SOUTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH STUTSMAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ASHLEY, BEULAH, BISMARCK, CARRINGTON, CARSON, CENTER, EDGELEY, ELGIN, ELLENDALE, FESSENDEN, FORT YATES, GACKLE, GARRISON, GOODRICH, HARVEY, HAZEN, JAMESTOWN, KULM, LAMOURE, LINTON, MANDAN, MCCLUSKY, NAPOLEON, NEW LEIPZIG, OAKES, SELFRIDGE, SOLEN, STEELE, STRASBURG, TAPPEN, TURTLE LAKE, UNDERWOOD, WASHBURN, WILTON, AND WISHEK. $$  408 WAUS41 KKCI 300245 WA1S BOSS WA 300245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...WV VA FROM 30NW EKN TO 40NW CSN TO 30NNW LYH TO 20NE HMV TO 30NW EKN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 160ESE ACK TO 130S ACK TO 30WSW ACK TO 40ESE BOS TO 20ENE ENE TO 40NW ENE TO 20E ALB TO 20NNE SYR TO 30SE YOW TO 70W YSC TO YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 20WNW BGR TO 30SE ALB TO 30NNE SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN ME NH VT MA NY PA BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-MLT-40SSE ALB-30WSW ALB-20S HNK-JHW-SYR-MSS- YSC-70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  096 WAUS42 KKCI 300245 WA2S MIAS WA 300245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNW ATL TO 40NE CTY TO 20SW CTY TO 30NE CEW TO 50SW PZD TO 20NNW LGC TO 20NNW ATL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. ....  103 WGUS83 KPAH 300232 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 932 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Illinois...Kentucky... Ohio River at Golconda .River levels have fallen below flood stage on the Ohio River at Golconda. Therefore, the flood warning has been cancelled. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC069-151-KYC055-139-300302- /O.CAN.KPAH.FL.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190630T0730Z/ /GOLI2.1.ER.190625T1118Z.190628T0045Z.190630T0137Z.NO/ 932 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Ohio River at Golconda. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 40.0 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 8:37 PM Saturday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 37.3 feet by Monday morning. && LAT...LON 3757 8800 3746 8799 3735 8839 3727 8840 3728 8856 3746 8851 $$  832 WGUS51 KPBZ 300233 FFWPBZ MDC023-WVC077-300530- /O.NEW.KPBZ.FF.W.0040.190630T0233Z-190630T0530Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1033 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northern Garrett County in western Maryland... East central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 130 AM EDT. * At 1032 PM EDT, radar indicated heavy rain in the warned area. FLASH FLOODING... Expected. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... Up to 2 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 2 inches. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Bittinger... Friendsville... Deer Park... Accident... Deep Creek Lake State Park... Swallow Falls State Park... McHenry... Selbysport... Big Run State Park... Cranesville... McComas Beach... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7915 3942 7915 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7918 3939 7920 3936 7922 3936 7925 3946 7942 3958 7957 3972 7940 3953 7904 $$ Brown  866 WOUS64 KWNS 300233 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 933 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC015-021-029-031-037-043-045-047-051-055-057-059-065-083-085- 093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BURLEIGH DICKEY EMMONS FOSTER GRANT KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER SHERIDAN SIOUX STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  156 WHCN13 CWWG 300233 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:33 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= LAKE MANITOBA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:32 P.M. CDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 50 KNOTS, HAIL UP TO 3 CENTIMETRES AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN THUNDERSTORMS HEAVY AT TIMES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. THE THUNDERSTORMS ARE APPROACHING THE NORTHERN SECTIONS OF LAKE MANITOBA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  390 WAUS42 KKCI 300245 WA2Z MIAZ WA 300245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 300900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 140-155 ACRS AREA ....  391 WAUS41 KKCI 300245 WA1Z BOSZ WA 300245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT NY LO AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 30NE PQI TO 40SSE HUL TO 40ENE ENE TO 30NE ALB TO 50NW SYR TO MSS TO 20SSE YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD ICE BTN 110 AND FL240. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE ME NH VT MA NY LO AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-30NE PQI-50WSW YSJ-110SSW YSJ-80E BOS-20NNE BDL-40NW SYR-MSS-20SSE YSC-70NW PQI MOD ICE BTN 100 AND FL240. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 095-155 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 60NE YYZ-50NNE BUF-40WNW SYR-20SSE SYR-40ESE ALB- 110SE BGR ....  392 WAUS44 KKCI 300245 WA4Z DFWZ WA 300245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 300900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 60W INK-40NW MRF-60W MRF ....  393 WAUS46 KKCI 300245 WA6Z SFOZ WA 300245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET ICE...CA ID WY NV UT CO AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SW JAC TO 30SW BOY TO 20W HBU TO 20WNW INW TO 40SW DRK TO 70ESE BZA TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 200SSW RZS TO 70ESE EHF TO LAS TO SLC TO 40SW JAC MOD ICE BTN 170 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 095-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 130WSW ENI-LKV-50WSW BKE-50NE BKE ....  394 WAUS43 KKCI 300245 WA3Z CHIZ WA 300245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 300900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 70SW RAP-40ENE PIR-40SSE ABR-50W RWF-30ESE FSD-40SE OBH-40E LAA ....  395 WAUS45 KKCI 300245 WA5Z SLCZ WA 300245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET ICE...ID WY NV UT CO AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SW JAC TO 30SW BOY TO 20W HBU TO 20WNW INW TO 40SW DRK TO 70ESE BZA TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 200SSW RZS TO 70ESE EHF TO LAS TO SLC TO 40SW JAC MOD ICE BTN 170 AND FL270. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...CO AZ NM FROM 60ESE DBL TO 30WSW TBE TO 40W FTI TO 30E TCS TO 50SSE SSO TO 50S TUS TO 70WSW TUS TO 20WNW INW TO 20W HBU TO 60ESE DBL MOD ICE BTN FL180 AND FL260. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 100-165 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 50NE BKE-30WNW GTF-70S YYN 160 ALG 40E LAA-40S TBE-30WNW TCC-50WNW INK-60W INK 160 ALG 50SW TUS-50SE PHX-40SE SJN-50NE INW-30NE DVC-30WNW CHE-70SW RAP ....  410 WWUS51 KLWX 300234 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1034 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC013-021-300315- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0301.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Carroll MD-Frederick MD- 1034 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CARROLL AND NORTH CENTRAL FREDERICK COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL MARYLAND... At 1034 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Taneytown, or near Emmitsburg, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Westminster, Taneytown, New Windsor, Union Bridge, Harney, Linwood, Uniontown, Wagners Mill, Keysville, Keymar and Detour. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3962 7731 3972 7726 3972 7709 3971 7695 3952 7705 TIME...MOT...LOC 0234Z 285DEG 26KT 3966 7720 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ BKF  051 WSCN02 CWAO 300234 CZEG SIGMET L3 VALID 300230/300630 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N6127 W10625 - N5848 W10620 - N5803 W10706 TOP FL340 QS INTSFYG=  052 WSCN22 CWAO 300234 CZEG SIGMET L3 VALID 300230/300630 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N6127 W10625/120 NW CKP8 - /N5848 W10620/30 SW CYSF - /N5803 W10706/75 NW CYKJ TOP FL340 QS INTSFYG RMK GFACN32 GFACN35=  552 WGUS83 KILX 300235 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 935 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Illinois River at Peoria affecting Peoria...Tazewell and Woodford Counties Illinois River near Havana affecting Cass...Fulton and Mason Counties Illinois River at Beardstown affecting Brown...Cass...Morgan and Schuyler Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC143-179-203-301635- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190705T1200Z/ /PIAI2.3.ER.190501T1900Z.190507T0745Z.190705T0600Z.NR/ 935 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Peoria. * Until Friday morning. * At 845 PM Saturday the stage was 19.4 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Friday morning. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Some flooding begins to bottomland not protected by levees. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Peoria 18 19.4 Sat 9 PM 19.3 19.2 19.0 && LAT...LON 4093 8952 4093 8941 4062 8957 4047 8980 4053 8988 4068 8965 $$ ILC017-057-125-301635- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAVI2.3.ER.190206T1406Z.190603T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 935 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River near Havana. * Until further notice. * At 845 PM Saturday the stage was 20.6 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 20.1 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 19.5 feet...Access road to Anderson Lake north campground closed. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Havana 14 20.6 Sat 9 PM 20.4 20.1 19.9 && LAT...LON 4053 8988 4047 8980 4034 9002 4012 9017 4018 9023 4039 9010 $$ ILC009-017-137-169-301635- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BEAI2.3.ER.190205T1657Z.190604T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 935 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Beardstown. * Until further notice. * At 845 PM Saturday the stage was 23.3 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 22.7 feet by Monday morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 6AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Illinois River Beardstown 14 23.3 Sat 9 PM 23.1 22.7 22.3 && LAT...LON 4018 9023 4012 9017 4008 9037 3999 9046 3999 9058 4015 9043 $$ baker  919 WWUS51 KPBZ 300236 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1036 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PAC051-300246- /O.CAN.KPBZ.SV.W.0157.000000T0000Z-190630T0300Z/ Fayette PA- 1036 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL FAYETTE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm that prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled for that county. LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7914 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7920 3937 7922 3936 7926 3935 7926 3925 7945 3955 7965 3959 7963 3964 7952 3969 7936 3953 7904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0236Z 313DEG 30KT 3957 7947 $$ MDC023-WVC077-300300- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0157.000000T0000Z-190630T0300Z/ Garrett MD-Preston WV- 1036 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM EDT FOR GARRETT AND NORTHEASTERN PRESTON COUNTIES... At 1036 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles southwest of Friendsville, or 9 miles northeast of Terra Alta, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Terra Alta... Bittinger... Loch Lynn Heights... Friendsville... Deer Park... Accident... Redhouse... Hutton... Cranesville... Deep Creek Lake State Park... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7914 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7920 3937 7922 3936 7926 3935 7926 3925 7945 3955 7965 3959 7963 3964 7952 3969 7936 3953 7904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0236Z 313DEG 30KT 3957 7947 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Brown  850 WWCN02 CYTR 300237 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR M01 PRIMROSE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:37 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: M01 PRIMROSE (CWIQ) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED.  052 WWCN02 CYTR 300238 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COLD LAKE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:38 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB COLD LAKE (CYOD) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED.  020 WUCN11 CWWG 300238 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:38 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: GILBERT PLAINS MUN. INCL. ASHVILLE GRANDVIEW MUN. INCL. VALLEY RIVER RES. RIDING MOUNTAIN NAT. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  584 WHUS51 KLWX 300239 SMWLWX ANZ530>532-538>540-300415- /O.NEW.KLWX.MA.W.0173.190630T0239Z-190630T0415Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1039 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD... Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD... Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD... Chester River to Queenstown MD... Eastern Bay... Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor... * Until 1215 AM EDT. * At 1039 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 14 nm northwest of Havre De Grace to 15 nm northwest of Fort Smallwood State Park, moving southeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Boaters in small craft could be thrown overboard by suddenly higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel. * Locations impacted include... Fort Smallwood State Park, Turkey Point, Hart Miller Island, Chester River, Bodkin Point, Tolchester Beach, Worton Point, Pooles Island, Spesutie Island, Love Point, Baltimore Light, Northeast River, Sevenfoot Knoll, Gibson Island and Pinehurst. LAT...LON 3953 7599 3943 7599 3916 7628 3902 7621 3901 7621 3900 7617 3898 7633 3925 7658 3921 7642 3939 7637 3935 7634 3930 7630 3945 7628 3947 7624 3947 7622 3936 7625 3945 7606 3950 7613 3955 7603 TIME...MOT...LOC 0239Z 307DEG 26KT 3970 7636 3928 7677 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ BKF  585 WTPQ31 PGUM 300239 TCPPQ1 BULLETIN Tropical Storm 04W Advisory Number 6 National Weather Service Tiyan GU WP042019 1239 PM ChST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...TROPICAL STORM 04W MOVING NORTHWEST... CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY -------------------------- None. WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- None. SUMMARY OF 100 PM CHST...0300 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- Location...16.2N 129.2E About 710 miles north-northwest of Koror About 755 miles northwest of Yap About 1055 miles west-northwest of Guam Maximum sustained winds...40 mph Present movement...northwest...305 degrees at 13 mph DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 100 PM CHST...0300 UTC...the center of Tropical Storm 04W was located near Latitude 16.2 degrees North and Longitude 129.2 degrees East. 04W is moving northwest at 13 mph. It is expected to maintain this general course and speed over the next 24 hours. Maximum sustained winds remain at 40 mph. 04W is forecast to maintain this intensity through tonight. Tropical storm force winds extend outward from the center up to 85 miles. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- This will be the last scheduled advisory issued by the National Weather Service on Tropical Storm 04W. $$ Kleeschulte  139 ACUS11 KWNS 300240 SWOMCD SPC MCD 300239 MNZ000-NDZ000-300415- Mesoscale Discussion 1308 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0939 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 Areas affected...Much of northeastern North Dakota into northwestern Minnesota Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 300239Z - 300415Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...Increasing thunderstorm development posing at least a risk for severe hail is possible late this evening, with the gradual evolution of an organized cluster of storms possible by Midnight-1 AM CDT. The issuance of a severe weather watch probably will hinge on the consolidation of storms into an organizing cluster that may pose an increasing risk for strong wind gusts later tonight. DISCUSSION...As a significant short wave trough shifts east-northeastward across the Canadian Prairies this evening, some suppression of downstream mid-level ridging is underway near the North Dakota/Minnesota international border area. In lower-levels, a modest southerly low-level jet (30-35 kt at 850 mb) across eastern portions of the northern Plains will gradually veer to a more southwesterly component late this evening into the overnight hours. Strongest lower/mid tropospheric warm advection associated with this jet is currently focused north of the eastern North/South Dakota border area through much of northeastern North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. Associated sustained lift of moist air characterized by large CAPE in the presence of steep mid-level lapse rates may begin to overcome inhibition associated with warm elevated mixed-layer within the next few hours. Thunderstorm activity is already initiating near the international border area, with additional development most probable within the thermal gradient around 700 mb, across northeastern North Dakota into northwest Minnesota. However, at least some southward suppression of the warmer mid-level air may allow thunderstorm initiation as far south as the Interstate-94 corridor. As storms develop, stronger cells may become capable of producing severe hail in the presence of strong deep layer shear, with a gradual consolidation and upscale growth possible through 05-06Z. ..Kerr/Thompson.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...FGF...BIS... LAT...LON 48979918 48639697 47719616 46679661 46739788 47219919 47200005 48250000 48979918  314 WWUS81 KALY 300240 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1040 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYZ033-038>040-082-300330- Southern Fulton-Hamilton-Southern Herkimer-Northern Fulton-Montgomery- 1040 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN HAMILTON... FULTON AND SOUTHERN HERKIMER COUNTIES... At 1039 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles west of Lake Pleasant to near Ohio to near Trenton Falls. Movement was east southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Ilion, Herkimer, Little Falls, Mohawk, Frankfort, Dolgeville, Ohio, Wells, Newport, Stratford, Middleville, Poland, Cold Brook, Caroga Lake, Caroga Lake Public Campground, Sacandaga Campground, Russia, Oppenheim, Fairfield and Elizabethtown. This includes Interstate 90 between exits 29A and 30. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. If you are on or near Lake Sacandaga, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4322 7507 4324 7507 4323 7510 4326 7516 4329 7515 4334 7501 4334 7487 4339 7483 4348 7460 4345 7417 4325 7414 4305 7439 4293 7521 4304 7522 TIME...MOT...LOC 0239Z 282DEG 37KT 4344 7462 4332 7494 4327 7512 $$ KSL  968 WUCN11 CWWG 300240 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:40 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= MUN. OF GLENELLA-LANSDOWNE INCL. ARDEN AND TENBY R.M. OF OAKVIEW INCL. OAK RIVER AND RAPID CITY R.M. OF MINTO-ODANAH INCL. MINNEDOSA AND MOORE PARK MUN. OF CLANWILLIAM-ERICKSON R.M. OF ROSEDALE INCL. EDEN AND KELWOOD. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF ELTON INCL. FORREST RIVERDALE MUN. INCL. RIVERS AND WHEATLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:24 P.M. CDT. AT 9:40 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  420 WWUS51 KBTV 300241 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1041 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC001-300250- /O.CAN.KBTV.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Addison VT- 1041 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN ADDISON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4376 7295 4391 7280 4390 7279 4375 7246 4356 7267 TIME...MOT...LOC 0240Z 308DEG 17KT 4379 7280 $$ VTC021-027-300315- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Rutland VT-Windsor VT- 1041 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RUTLAND AND NORTHWESTERN WINDSOR COUNTIES... At 1040 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Pittsfield, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect potential damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Woodstock, Barnard, Stockbridge, Rochester, Chittenden, Bridgewater, Pittsfield, Killington, Bethel, Pomfret, Royalton, Sharon, Mendon, Bridgewater Corners, Bridgewater Center, West Bethel, Giffords Woods State Forest Park, North Sherburne, Rood State Park and Gaysville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4376 7295 4391 7280 4390 7279 4375 7246 4356 7267 TIME...MOT...LOC 0240Z 308DEG 17KT 4379 7280 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  198 WSRS31 RURD 300241 URRV SIGMET 3 VALID 300300/300600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST SW OF LINE N4525 E03641 - N4446 E03849 - N4317 E04100 TOP FL300 MOV ESE 30KMH NC=  761 WUCN14 CWWG 300241 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:41 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= CUMBERLAND HOUSE CANDLE LAKE PROV. PARK AND NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 10:12 P.M. CST. AT 8:41 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO GOLF BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THIS THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED NEAR NARROW HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK AND IS MOVING EAST AT 60 KM/H. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  346 WSPH31 RPLL 300243 RPHI SIGMET B02 VALID 300245/300645 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1256 E12104 - N0958 E11916 - N0900 E11545 - N1030 E11400 - N1538 E11400 - N1256 E12104 TOP FL530 MOV SW 10KT NC=  449 WSRA31 RUKR 300241 UNKL SIGMET 1 VALID 300300/300600 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST SW OF LINE N6600 E08310 - N6610 E09800 - N5727 E09732 TOP FL400 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  449 WHUS51 KAKQ 300243 SMWAKQ ANZ650-652-670-672-300400- /O.NEW.KAKQ.MA.W.0127.190630T0243Z-190630T0400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1043 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from Fenwick Island DE to Parramore Island VA out 40 NM... * Until midnight EDT. * At 1043 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Assawoman Bay to 10 nm north of Chincoteague Bay to near Crisfield, moving southeast at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Assawoman Bay, Ocean City Inlet, Chincoteague Bay, Chicken Bone, Assateague Beach, Blackfish Reef, Gulf Rambler Wreck, Ocean City Pier, 10 Nm East Of Ocean City Inlet, Jackspot Reef, Chincoteague, 10 Nm Se Fenwick Island, Bone Wreck and African Queen Wreck. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. Frequent lightning is occurring with these storms. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. && LAT...LON 3825 7440 3792 7476 3748 7513 3775 7561 3818 7528 3844 7505 TIME...MOT...LOC 0243Z 301DEG 16KT 3838 7515 3817 7540 3800 7580 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ 20  940 WWCN02 CYTR 300243 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:43 PM CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED OVER THE RANGE VALID: UNTIL 30/0600Z (UNTIL 30/0100 CDT) COMMENTS: THE POTENTIAL CONTINUES TO EXIST FOR THUNDERSTORMS TO DEVELOP AND GIVE LIGHTNING STRIKES OVER THE RANGE. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 40 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0600Z (30/0100 CDT) END/JMC  161 WOUS20 KWNS 300244 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300245 NDZ000-300340- STATUS REPORT ON WW 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 E Y22 TO 50 E N60. ..KERR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...BIS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS NDC015-021-029-031-043-045-047-051-083-085-093-103-300340- ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BURLEIGH DICKEY EMMONS FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH SHERIDAN SIOUX STUTSMAN WELLS $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  289 WGUS84 KJAN 300245 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 945 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi.. Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC163-010844- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YZOM6.1.ER.190103T1005Z.190612T1900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 945 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 32.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 32.2 feet by early Thursday morning. * Impact...At 32.0 feet...Minor flooding of mostly agricultural land is occurring outside the levee protection system. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Yazoo River Yazoo City 29 32.0 Sat 09 PM 32.0 32.0 32.1 M M && LAT...LON 3262 9073 3285 9055 3302 9051 3301 9033 3283 9042 3259 9062 $$ NF  383 WTPN21 PHNC 300200 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 94E) REISSUED// REF/A/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/290151ZJUN2019// AMPN/REF IS TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT// RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 155 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 9.6N 106.3W TO 11.8N 113.7W WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 20 TO 25 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 300000Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 9.8N 106.7W. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING WEST-NORTHWESTWARD AT 11 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 94E) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 7.9N 102.W IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 9.8N 106.7W, APPROXIMATELY 1477 NM SOUTH-SOUTHEAST OF SAN DIEGO. ANIMATED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS A CONSOLIDATED LLC WITH DEEP CONVECTION BUILDING OVER THE CENTER. UPPER LEVEL ENVIRONMENT IS FAVORABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT WITH LOW VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (10-15 KNOTS) AND GOOD DIVERGENCE ALOFT. GLOBAL MODELS INDICATE STEADY INTENSIFICATION OVER THE NEXT 24 HOURS AS THE SYSTEM TRACKS WESTWARD. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 20 TO 25 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1004 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS REMAINS HIGH. THIS SUPERSEDES REF A (WTPN21 PHNC 290200). 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 010200Z. NNNN  384 WTPN21 PHNC 300200 REF/A/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/290200Z JUN 19// AMPN/REF IS TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (WTPN21 PHNC 290200)// RMKS/ 1. FORMATION OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 155 NM EITHER SIDE OF A LINE FROM 9.6N 106.3W TO 11.8N 113.7W WITHIN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. AVAILABLE DATA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ISSUANCE OF NUMBERED TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNINGS AT THIS TIME. WINDS IN THE AREA ARE ESTIMATED TO BE 20 TO 25 KNOTS. METSAT IMAGERY AT 300000Z INDICATES THAT A CIRCULATION CENTER IS LOCATED NEAR 9.8N 106.7W. THE SYSTEM IS MOVING WEST-NORTHWESTWARD AT 11 KNOTS. 2. REMARKS: MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 20 TO 25 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 1004 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS HIGH. THIS SUPERSEDES REF A. 3. THIS ALERT WILL BE REISSUED, UPGRADED TO WARNING OR CANCELLED BY 010200Z. // 9419062806 79N 993W 20 9419062812 79N1004W 20 9419062818 79N1015W 20 9419062900 80N1025W 20 9419062906 82N1036W 20 9419062912 87N1046W 20 9419062918 93N1057W 25 9419063000 98N1067W 25 NNNN  832 WUCN11 CWWG 300244 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:44 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF STUARTBURN INCL. ZHODA VITA AND SUNDOWN MUN. OF EMERSON-FRANKLIN INCL. ROSEAU RIVER. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF MONTCALM INCL. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE MUN. OF RHINELAND INCL. ALTONA PLUM COULEE AND GRETNA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:22 P.M. CDT. THE THUNDERSTORM IS NOW APPROACHING TOLSTOI FROM THE WEST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  833 WSAU21 ASRF 300245 YMMM SIGMET N11 VALID 300322/300722 YSRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3730 E15030 - S3640 E14800 - KIAN - S3400 E14910 - S3420 E15200 SFC/8000FT STNR WKN=  432 WSAU21 ASRF 300245 YBBB SIGMET C07 VALID 300322/300722 YSRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3730 E15030 - S3640 E14800 - KIAN - S3400 E14910 - S3420 E15200 SFC/8000FT STNR WKN=  594 WWUS51 KLWX 300246 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1046 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC021-VAC107-300256- /O.EXP.KLWX.SV.W.0299.000000T0000Z-190630T0245Z/ Frederick MD-Loudoun VA- 1046 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN FREDERICK COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL MARYLAND AND NORTHERN LOUDOUN COUNTIES IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and have exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3924 7741 3921 7747 3900 7777 3912 7784 3914 7782 3921 7779 3924 7777 3926 7777 3927 7776 3930 7775 3932 7773 3932 7769 3933 7768 3934 7768 3938 7765 TIME...MOT...LOC 0246Z 270DEG 25KT 3914 7745 3906 7764 $$ DHOF  633 WSPM31 MPTO 300230 MPZL SIGMET 01 VALID 300230/300630 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0200Z WI KAKOL-ARORO-DAKMO-MUBAR-KAKOL TOP FL500 MOV W INTSF=  859 WWUS51 KLWX 300246 RRA SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1046 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC021-031-VAC107-300256- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0302.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Montgomery MD-Frederick MD-Loudoun VA- 1046 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN MONTGOMERY COUNTY IN CENTRAL MARYLAND...SOUTH CENTRAL FREDERICK COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL MARYLAND AND LOUDOUN COUNTIES IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3916 7713 3906 7733 3887 7751 3889 7755 3890 7759 3893 7762 3893 7763 3894 7764 3894 7765 3916 7779 3934 7732 TIME...MOT...LOC 0245Z 319DEG 28KT 3915 7723 3902 7762 $$ DHOF  020 WSAJ31 UBBB 300247 UBBB SIGMET 1 VALID 300400/300800 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST TOP FL360 MOV E 30KT NC=  177 WUCN11 CWWG 300246 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:46 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: MUN. OF EMERSON-FRANKLIN INCL. ROSEAU RIVER R.M. OF STUARTBURN INCL. ZHODA VITA AND SUNDOWN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:22 P.M. CDT. THE THUNDERSTORM IS NOW APPROACHING TOLSTOI FROM THE WEST. AREAS TO THE SOUTH TO THE INTERNATIONAL BORDER ARE ALSO AT RISK. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  010 WGUS84 KJAN 300247 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 947 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi.. Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && MSC125-010846- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ANGM6.2.ER.190221T1500Z.190521T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 947 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 47.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 45.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 47.3 feet for the next few days. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Big Sunflower River Anguilla 45 47.3 Sat 09 PM 47.3 47.3 47.3 && LAT...LON 3255 9079 3294 9084 3324 9081 3324 9064 3293 9067 3262 9073 $$  905 WUUS51 KLWX 300247 SVRLWX MDC005-013-300330- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0303.190630T0247Z-190630T0330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1047 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Carroll County in north central Maryland... Northwestern Baltimore County in northern Maryland... * Until 1130 PM EDT. * At 1047 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Westminster, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Pikesville, Cockeysville, Westminster, Towson, Owings Mills, Reisterstown, Mays Chapel, Timonium, Hampstead, Hampton, Manchester, Lutherville-Timonium, Lutherville, New Windsor, Finksburg, Carrollton, Upperco, Riderwood, Brooklandville and Uniontown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3961 7656 3959 7656 3959 7655 3956 7653 3955 7653 3953 7652 3938 7662 3957 7715 3969 7708 TIME...MOT...LOC 0247Z 288DEG 33KT 3961 7703 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ BKF  629 WWUS51 KLWX 300248 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1048 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC001-WVC057-300258- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0300.000000T0000Z-190630T0300Z/ Allegany MD-Mineral WV- 1048 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN ALLEGANY AND SOUTHERN MINERAL COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3944 7878 3938 7881 3933 7886 3933 7888 3928 7893 3926 7896 3942 7915 3942 7913 3943 7913 3943 7911 3944 7912 3945 7910 3946 7911 3946 7910 3948 7910 3948 7907 3954 7903 TIME...MOT...LOC 0245Z 313DEG 21KT 3931 7886 $$ DHOF  503 WWUS51 KPBZ 300248 SVSPBZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1048 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC023-WVC077-300300- /O.CON.KPBZ.SV.W.0157.000000T0000Z-190630T0300Z/ Garrett MD-Preston WV- 1048 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN GARRETT AND EAST CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES... At 1048 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Deer Park, or near Oakland, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 60 mph and quarter-size hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines, resulting in some power outages. Locations impacted include... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Terra Alta... Loch Lynn Heights... Deer Park... Redhouse... Hutton... Cranesville... Deep Creek Lake State Park... Crellin... Swallow Falls State Park... McHenry... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report severe weather by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7914 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7920 3937 7922 3936 7926 3935 7926 3925 7945 3955 7965 3959 7963 3960 7943 3958 7928 3953 7904 TIME...MOT...LOC 0248Z 313DEG 30KT 3950 7937 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Brown  053 WSCN03 CWAO 300249 CZWG SIGMET C3 VALID 300245/300645 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5354 W09900 - N5228 W10034 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 20KT NC=  054 WSCN23 CWAO 300249 CZWG SIGMET C3 VALID 300245/300645 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5354 W09900/45 W CYNE - /N5228 W10034/60 SW CJV8 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 20KT NC RMK GFACN32=  372 WHUS52 KKEY 300249 SMWKEY GMZ044-054-074-300345- /O.NEW.KKEY.MA.W.0177.190630T0249Z-190630T0345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Key West FL 1049 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Key West has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Hawk Channel and Straits of Florida from west end of Seven Mile Bridge to Halfmoon Shoal out 60 nm... * Until 1145 PM EDT. * At 1049 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 27 nm south of Looe Key Light to 6 nm south of Wood's Wall East Crack, moving northwest at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...National Weather Service Meteorologist. IMPACT...Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots, suddenly higher waves, frequent lightning, and heavy downpours. * Locations in the warning include... Western Sambo, Vandenberg, Joe's Tug, Pelican Shoal, Western Dry Rocks, East Sambo and Wood's Wall West Crack. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare for wind gusts in excess of 34 knots, steep and fast-building seas, frequent lightning strikes, and blinding downpours. Stay low or go below, and make sure all on board are wearing life jackets. Frequent lightning is occurring with these storms. If caught on the open water, stay low or go below. && LAT...LON 2450 8145 2451 8221 2385 8151 2403 8115 TIME...MOT...LOC 0249Z 137DEG 25KT 2410 8131 2413 8164 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Jacobson  910 WSCN23 CWAO 300250 CZWG SIGMET N1 VALID 300250/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE /N5150 W09750/45 SW CYBV - /N4959 W10008/10 NW CYBR TOP FL440 MOV NE 20KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32=  911 WSCN03 CWAO 300250 CZWG SIGMET N1 VALID 300250/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE N5150 W09750 - N4959 W10008 TOP FL440 MOV NE 20KT INTSFYG=  309 WWUS83 KLOT 300250 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 950 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILZ033-300315- Iroquois IL- 950 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL IROQUOIS COUNTY UNTIL 1015 PM CDT... At 950 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Rankin, or near Claytonville, moving south at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central Iroquois County. LAT...LON 4053 8800 4057 8775 4049 8770 4049 8799 TIME...MOT...LOC 0250Z 339DEG 19KT 4048 8785 $$ Carlaw  769 WANO32 ENMI 300250 ENSV AIRMET B01 VALID 300300/300600 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6100 E00000 - N6300 E00400 - N6200 E00500 - N6200 E00730 - N6045 E00730 - N6100 E00000 FL120/230 MOV NNE 25KT WKN=  219 WWUS81 KGYX 300251 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1051 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ008-010-012-013-015-300330- Merrimack-Strafford-Western And Central Hillsborough-Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 1051 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT ROCKINGHAM... SOUTHWESTERN STRAFFORD...EASTERN HILLSBOROUGH AND SOUTHEASTERN MERRIMACK COUNTIES... At 1050 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Canterbury to near Litchfield. Movement was east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Manchester, Haverhill, Concord, Derry, Rochester, Durham, Exeter, Merrimack, Salem, Northwood, Dover, Bedford, Hooksett, Amherst, Barrington, Litchfield, Farmington, Epping, Merrimac and Hopkinton. This includes the following highways... Interstate 293 between mile markers 1 and 11. Interstate 89 between mile markers 0 and 12. Interstate 93 between mile markers 1 and 49. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4286 7163 4337 7177 4334 7134 4328 7124 4334 7118 4332 7094 4307 7091 4306 7092 4304 7092 4305 7091 4299 7090 4289 7093 4286 7103 4281 7107 4282 7113 4281 7116 4279 7119 4274 7118 4275 7123 4273 7127 TIME...MOT...LOC 0250Z 291DEG 26KT 4335 7150 4290 7145 $$ Legro  270 WSAY31 UDYZ 300250 UDDD SIGMET 1 VALID 300250/300650 UDYZ- UDDD YEREVAN FIR EMBD TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL340 MOV NE 20KMH INTSF=  513 WWUS85 KBYZ 300251 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 851 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MTZ028-041-068-300330- Southern Wheatland MT-Crazy Mountains MT-Northern Sweet Grass MT- 851 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 847 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 24 miles southwest of Harlowton, moving northeast at 30 mph. This storm will be in Harlowton around 930 pm. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. A second weaker storm will move through Harlowton around 9 pm MDT. Locations impacted include... Harlowton. LAT...LON 4634 10962 4607 11020 4618 11034 4618 11028 4627 11028 4654 10988 4654 10986 TIME...MOT...LOC 0247Z 230DEG 25KT 4619 11020 $$ Arthur  560 WSCN23 CWAO 300251 CZWG SIGMET E3 VALID 300250/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5606 W09949/45 SW CZSN - /N5515 W10055/45 NE CYFO - /N5402 W10037/15 E CYQD TOP FL450 MOV NE 25KT NC RMK GFACN32=  561 WSCN03 CWAO 300251 CZWG SIGMET E3 VALID 300250/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5606 W09949 - N5515 W10055 - N5402 W10037 TOP FL450 MOV NE 25KT NC=  029 WWUS81 KGYX 300251 RRA AWWMHT Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 1050 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHZ012-300345- Eastern Hillsborough- 1050 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AT Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. * Until 1145 PM EDT. * For the following hazards... Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. * A cluster of thunderstorms will pass near the terminal over the next hour. $$ ES  310 WWUS63 KBIS 300252 WCNBIS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 463 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BISMARCK ND 952 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 NDC037-055-057-059-065-300400- /O.CAN.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 463 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 5 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA GRANT MCLEAN MERCER MORTON OLIVER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BEULAH, CARSON, CENTER, ELGIN, GARRISON, HAZEN, MANDAN, NEW LEIPZIG, TURTLE LAKE, UNDERWOOD, WASHBURN, AND WILTON. $$ NDC015-021-029-031-043-045-047-051-083-085-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 AM CDT /MIDNIGHT MDT/ SUNDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 12 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA BURLEIGH EMMONS KIDDER SHERIDAN SIOUX WELLS IN SOUTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH STUTSMAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ASHLEY, BISMARCK, CARRINGTON, EDGELEY, ELLENDALE, FESSENDEN, FORT YATES, GACKLE, GOODRICH, HARVEY, JAMESTOWN, KULM, LAMOURE, LINTON, MCCLUSKY, NAPOLEON, OAKES, SELFRIDGE, SOLEN, STEELE, STRASBURG, TAPPEN, AND WISHEK. $$  446 WSMX31 MMMX 300252 MMEX SIGMET V1 VALID 300249/300649 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0249Z WI N1003 W10456 - N0651 W11419 - N1003 W11556 CB TOP ABV FL520 MOV W 05KT INTSF. =  678 WSCN23 CWAO 300252 CZWG SIGMET Q2 VALID 300250/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5445 W10421/45 SE CYVC - /N5344 W10433/45 NE CYPA TOP FL440 MOV ENE 25KT WKNG RMK GFACN32=  679 WSCN03 CWAO 300252 CZWG SIGMET Q2 VALID 300250/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5445 W10421 - N5344 W10433 TOP FL440 MOV ENE 25KT WKNG=  546 WOUS64 KWNS 300253 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 953 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC015-021-029-031-043-045-047-051-083-085-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BURLEIGH DICKEY EMMONS FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH SHERIDAN SIOUX STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  937 WGUS84 KTSA 300253 FLSTSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Tulsa OK 953 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oklahoma... Arkansas River near Muskogee affecting Muskogee County. OKC101-301053- /O.EXT.KTSA.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190704T0900Z/ /MKGO2.2.ER.190617T0951Z.190625T0300Z.190704T0300Z.NO/ 953 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River near Muskogee. * until late Wednesday night, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 PM Saturday, the stage was 27.88 feet. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The Arkansas River near Muskogee will fluctuate near flood stage thru Thursday of next week. * Impact...At 28.0 feet, minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3583 9520 3552 9507 3547 9515 3559 9532 3583 9537 $$  602 WSUS33 KKCI 300255 SIGW MKCW WST 300255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5W VALID UNTIL 0455Z NM AZ FROM 20SW SJN-40NE SSO-10SSE SSO-30ENE TUS-20SW SJN AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL410. OUTLOOK VALID 300455-300855 FROM 40NE RSK-ELP-50SSE SSO-50SSW TUS-60WNW TBC-40NE RSK WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  604 WSUS31 KKCI 300255 SIGE MKCE WST 300255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16E VALID UNTIL 0455Z ME FROM 20NNE HUL-40NW MLT LINE TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17E VALID UNTIL 0455Z ME NH VT NY AND ME CSTL WTRS FROM 60E MSS-30SSW BGR-20SSW CON-10ENE SYR-60E MSS AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL390. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18E VALID UNTIL 0455Z PA DE MD VA DC WV OH AND VA CSTL WTRS FROM 40SSE CLE-40S ETX-30S SBY-20ESE APE-40SSE CLE AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19E VALID UNTIL 0455Z FL AL CSTL WTRS FROM 50SE CEW-90SW TLH-150S CEW-110E LEV-50SE CEW AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 300455-300855 AREA 1...FROM 60NNE PQI-160ENE ACK-200S ACK-ORF-HNN-30S CLE-YSC-70NW PQI-60NNE PQI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 140ESE ILM-170SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-30ESE TRV-SAV-140ESE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 70WNW TXK-CTY-SRQ-40SW PSX-30NE JCT-70WNW TXK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  605 WSUS32 KKCI 300255 SIGC MKCC WST 300255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10C VALID UNTIL 0455Z TX FROM 30SE TTT-40SW GGG-70ENE CWK-40WNW ACT-30SE TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 02025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11C VALID UNTIL 0455Z NE SD CO WY FROM 60SE RAP-30N ANW-20NNE AKO-40SW CYS-60SE RAP AREA SEV TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12C VALID UNTIL 0455Z MN ND FROM 50S YWG-60NNW BJI-70WSW GFK-50S YWG AREA TS MOV FROM 27025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300455-300855 AREA 1...FROM 60SSW YWG-60E INL-DLH-60ESE SNY-40SSE LAR-60SSW YWG REF WW 463. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 70WNW TXK-CTY-SRQ-40SW PSX-30NE JCT-70WNW TXK WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  202 WAIS31 LLBD 300252 LLLL AIRMET 1 VALID 300300/300600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3010 E03440 - N3043 E03426 STNR WKN=  346 WVID21 WAAA 300254 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 300205/300759 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0159Z WI N0140 E12756 - N0225 E12755 - N0207 E12719 - N 0138 E12751 - N0140 E12756 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT NC=  317 WSFJ01 NFFN 300000 NFFF SIGMET 01 VALID 300310/300710 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TS OBS WI S1824 E17624 - S1942 E17854 - S2106 E17736 - S1942 E17642 - S1824 E17624 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  144 WWCN11 CWWG 300254 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:54 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= BISSETT - VICTORIA BEACH - NOPIMING PROV. PARK - PINE FALLS =NEW= WHITESHELL - LAC DU BONNET - PINAWA =NEW= SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED AND ARE MOVING SLOWLY TOWARD THE EAST. SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST THROUGH THIS EVENING. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  194 WWUS83 KLBF 300255 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 955 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEZ005-094-300345- Eastern Cherry NE-Western Cherry NE- 955 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL CHERRY COUNTY UNTIL 1045 PM CDT/945 PM MDT/... At 955 PM CDT/855 PM MDT/, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Nenzel to 8 miles north of Merritt Reservoir. Movement was northeast at 25 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Kilgore and Crookston. This includes the following highways... Highway 20 between mile markers 169 and 193. Highway 83 between mile markers 216 and 222. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4297 10043 4274 10086 4294 10109 4300 10103 4300 10044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0255Z 227DEG 24KT 4295 10104 4277 10084 $$ CDC  380 WDPN31 PGTW 300300 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 06// RMKS// 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. TROPICAL STORM 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 510 NM EAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED NORTHWESTWARD AT 11 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. THE CURRENT POSITION IS BASED ON RECENT MICROWAVE SATELLITE IMAGERY INCLUDING A 292214Z SSMIS AND A 292127Z CORIOLIS IMAGE. THE INTENSITY OF 35 KNOTS IS CONSISTENT WITH DVORAK CURRENT INTENSITY ESTIMATES OF T2.5 FROM PGTW AND KNES. TD 04W IS TRACKING NORTHWESTWARD ALONG THE PERIPHERY OF A SUBTROPICAL STEERING RIDGE SITUATED TO THE NORTH AND EAST. THE LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC) HAS BECOME LESS DEFINED IN MICROWAVE AND VISIBLE SATELLITE IMAGERY. ALTHOUGH A PATCH OF DEEP CONVECTION PERSISTS OVER THE SOUTHWESTERN PORTION OF THE CIRCULATION, NEARLY ALL CONVECTION HAS DIMINISHED NEAR THE CENTER. THIS STRUCTURAL CHANGE SUGGESTS THAT VERTICAL WIND SHEARS (VWS) IS EFFECTING THE SYSTEM MORE THAN PREVIOUSLY ANTICIPATED. DIFFLUENCE ALOFT REMAINS STRONG, AND SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES ARE VERY SUPPORTIVE AT ABOUT 30 DEGREES CELSIUS. 3. FORECAST REASONING. A. FORECAST INTENSITIES HAVE BEEN REDUCED FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING BASED ON ONGOING AND ANTICIPATED DISRUPTION TO THE STORM STRUCTURE BY PERSISTENT VWS. OTHERWISE, THERE IS NO MAJOR CHANGE TO THE FORECAST PHILOSOPHY FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING. B. TS 04W IS EXPECTED TO TRACK GENERALLY NORTHWESTWARD FOLLOWING THE STEERING FLOW ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUBTROPICAL STEERING TO THE NORTH AND EAST FOR THE NEXT 72 HOURS. VWS WILL DECREASE SLIGHTLY THROUGH TAU 48, WHICH MAY ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO INTENSIFY SLOWLY WITH THE SUPPORT OF VERY WARM SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES AND STRONG DIFFLUENCE ALOFT. HOWEVER, RECENT DISORGANIZATION OF THE STORM STRUCTURE MAY HAMPER FURTHER INTENSIFICATION AND LEAVE THE STORM VULNERABLE TO DISSIPATING EARLIER THAN THE CURRENT FORECAST INDICATES. THIS EARLY DISSIPATION IS CONSIDERED A PLAUSIBLE ALTERNATE SCENARIO TO THE CURRENT FORECAST. NUMERICAL MODELS ARE IN FAIR AGREEMENT REGARDING THE GENERAL NORTHWESTWARD TRACK OF TS 04W THROUGH TAU 72, ALTHOUGH THE LATEST NAVGEM RUN PREDICTS RECURVATURE OF A STRONGER THAN EXPECTED SYSTEM TO THE EAST OF TAIWAN AND SEVERAL MODELS DISSIPATE THE SYSTEM PRIOR TO LANDFALL. THE CURRENT FORECAST TRACK IS CONSERVATIVELY CONSISTENT WITH THE PREVIOUS FORECAST TRACK AND IS SUPPORTED BY SEVERAL MODEL SOLUTIONS. GIVEN NOTED MODEL DIVERGENCE, CONFIDENCE IN THE FORECAST TRACK IS LOW. C. IN THE EXTENDED RANGE, TS 04W IS EXPECTED TO TRACK INLAND AND DISSIPATE OVER SOUTHEASTERN CHINA, IF IT SURVIVES TO THAT POINT. NUMERICAL GUIDANCE DIVERGES SIGNIFICANTLY, ALTHOUGH ALL MODELS SUPPORT DISSIPATION. CONFIDENCE IN THE EXTENDED FORECAST PORTION OF THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST IS ALSO LOW.// NNNN  766 WWUS51 KLWX 300255 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1055 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC021-300305- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0301.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Frederick MD- 1055 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL FREDERICK COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL MARYLAND IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3957 7714 3969 7708 3967 7697 3953 7704 TIME...MOT...LOC 0255Z 291DEG 24KT 3961 7703 $$ MDC013-300315- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0301.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Carroll MD- 1055 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM EDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL CARROLL COUNTY... At 1055 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Westminster, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Westminster, New Windsor, Wagners Mill and Uniontown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3957 7714 3969 7708 3967 7697 3953 7704 TIME...MOT...LOC 0255Z 291DEG 24KT 3961 7703 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  907 WVID21 WAAA 300254 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 300205/300759 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0159Z WI N0140 E12756 - N0225 E12755 - N0207 E12719 - N 0138 E12751 - N0140 E12756 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT NC=  908 WBCN07 CWVR 300200 PAM ROCKS WIND 302 LANGARA; OVC 8 SW11 2FT CHP LO W 0230 CLD EST 06 OVC 12/12 GREEN; OVC 15 CLM RPLD 0230 CLD EST 09 FEW 12 SCT 16 OVC 15/13 TRIPLE; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO W 0230 CLD EST 20 SCT BKN ABV 25 16/12 BONILLA; CLDY 15 SE05E 1FT CHP LO S 0230 CLD EST 12 FEW 22 FEW BKN ABV 25 16/14 BOAT BLUFF; OVC 15 SE05 RPLD 0230 CLD EST 23 OVC 16/13 MCINNES; OVC 15 SW05 RPLD LO SW 0230 CLD EST 18 SCT OVC ABV 25 15/13 IVORY; CLDY 15 SW07 1FT CHP LO SW 0230 CLD EST 18 BKN BKN ABV 25 15/13 DRYAD; OVC 15 CLM RPLD 0230 CLD EST 16 SCT OVC ABV 25 16/15 ADDENBROKE; OVC 15 N05E RPLD 0230 CLD EST 24 BKN OVC ABV 25 16/13 EGG ISLAND; CLDY 15 NW04E 1FT CHP LO W 0240 CLD EST 12 FEW BKN ABV 25 17/15 PINE ISLAND; CLDY 15 W10E 2FT CHP LO W 0240 CLD EST 8 FEW BKN ABV 25 15/14 CAPE SCOTT; PC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW 0240 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 17/14 QUATSINO; PC 15 W08E 1FT CHP LO SW 0240 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 16/12 NOOTKA; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO SW 0240 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 17/14 ESTEVAN; CLDY 15 NW12 2FT CHP LO SW 1022.6F LENNARD; CLDY 15 NW09E 2FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NW08 2FT CHP LO SW F BNK DSNT S-SW PACHENA; PC 15 NW05E 2FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 W05 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; CLDY 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; OVC 15 NW05E RPLD 0240 CLD EST OVC ABV 25 15/13 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 200/17/12/MMMM/M/ 6009 05MM= WLP SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 225/15/12/3008/M/ 8002 81MM= WEB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 219/15/12/3312/M/ 7011 44MM= WQC SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 208/20/10/2901/M/ 6005 28MM= WRU SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 223/13/11/3512/M/ 8006 46MM= WFG SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 227/15/14/21MM/M/ 8002 37MM= WVF SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/18/13/3112/M/ M 47MM= WQS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 228/12/11/3101/M/ 8002 54MM= WRO SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 221/13/12/3205/M/ 8001 04MM= WEK SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 218/15/13/MMMM/M/ 8003 29MM= WWL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 219/15/12/1607/M/ 7005 90MM= WME SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/15/13/2309+15/M/ M 40MM= WAS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 069/18/13/0302/M/ 6007 24MM= WSB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 194/20/09/3007/M/0003 6013 00MM= WGT SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 210/19/12/3402/M/ 7008 57MM= WGB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 207/20/14/3103/M/ 6009 59MM= WEL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 206/19/13/3408/M/ 8010 63MM= WDR SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 183/18/10/2605/M/ 6010 79MM= WZO SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0207/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3004/M/ M MMMM=  919 WWUS51 KBTV 300255 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1055 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC021-027-300315- /O.CON.KBTV.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Rutland VT-Windsor VT- 1055 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM EDT FOR EAST CENTRAL RUTLAND AND CENTRAL WINDSOR COUNTIES... At 1055 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Barnard, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Woodstock, Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Stockbridge, Pomfret, Bethel, Royalton, Bridgewater Corners, Bridgewater Center, Giffords Woods State Forest Park, Rood State Park, Gaysville, Gifford Woods State Park, Silver Lake State Park and East Barnard. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4368 7283 4382 7267 4373 7248 4356 7267 4363 7276 TIME...MOT...LOC 0255Z 309DEG 20KT 4370 7268 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SLW  608 WVID21 WAAA 300254 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 300205/300759 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0159Z WI N0140 E12756 - N0225 E12755 - N0207 E12719 - N 0138 E12751 - N0140 E12756 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT NC=  721 WGUS84 KTSA 300256 FLSTSA Flood Advisory National Weather Service Tulsa OK 956 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam affecting Franklin...Johnson and Logan Counties ARC047-071-083-301055- /O.CON.KTSA.FL.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OZGA4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 956 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam * until further notice, or until the advisory is cancelled. * At 9:00 PM Saturday, the stage was 356.3 feet. * Action stage is 355.5 feet. * Flood stage is 357.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fluctuate near 356.5 feet thru Thursday of next week. * Impact...At 357.0 feet, flooding affects agricultural use lands along the river downstream of the lock and dam in Franklin County. Gas fields are also subject to flooding downstream. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. North 5th Street in Logan County near the Six Mile Levee begins to flood and may cut off access to a nearby residence. * Impact...At 355.5 feet, the river remains in its banks, but access to Okane Island may be cut off. && LAT...LON 3546 9405 3550 9382 3542 9347 3536 9349 3531 9371 3540 9385 $$  234 WWJP82 RJTD 300000 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 300000UTC ISSUED AT 300300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 136E MOV ENE 25 KT STNR FRONT FM 24N 107E TO 26N 110E 28N 115E 31N 120E 31N 124E 34N 133E 38N 136E 37N 141E 37N 146E 36N 153E GALE WARNING SEA OFF NOTO, SETONAIKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, SETONAIKAI, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 300900UTC =  235 WWJP83 RJTD 300000 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 300000UTC ISSUED AT 300300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 136E MOV ENE 25 KT STNR FRONT FM 24N 107E TO 26N 110E 28N 115E 31N 120E 31N 124E 34N 133E 38N 136E 37N 141E 37N 146E 36N 153E GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 300900UTC =  236 WWJP81 RJTD 300000 VITAL WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 300000UTC ISSUED AT 300300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 136E MOV ENE 25 KT STNR FRONT FM 24N 107E TO 26N 110E 28N 115E 31N 120E 31N 124E 34N 133E 38N 136E 37N 141E 37N 146E 36N 153E GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 300900UTC =  237 WWJP75 RJTD 300000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 300000UTC ISSUED AT 300300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 136E MOV ENE 25 KT STNR FRONT FM 24N 107E TO 26N 110E 28N 115E 31N 120E 31N 124E 34N 133E 38N 136E 37N 141E 37N 146E 36N 153E WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 300900UTC =  238 WWJP84 RJTD 300000 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 300000UTC ISSUED AT 300300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 136E MOV ENE 25 KT STNR FRONT FM 24N 107E TO 26N 110E 28N 115E 31N 120E 31N 124E 34N 133E 38N 136E 37N 141E 37N 146E 36N 153E GALE WARNING SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 300900UTC =  219 WWUS55 KCYS 300258 SVSCYS Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 858 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEC033-105-300308- /O.CAN.KCYS.SV.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Cheyenne NE-Kimball NE- 858 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CHEYENNE AND EAST CENTRAL KIMBALL COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4120 10345 4144 10325 4144 10278 4115 10311 4108 10326 TIME...MOT...LOC 0256Z 218DEG 18KT 4133 10316 $$ Lyons  918 WSCH31 SCFA 300315 SCFZ SIGMET 01 VALID 300315/300715 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S2400 W07010 - S2600 W07010 - S2800 W07100 FL200/400 STNR WKN=  242 WHUS76 KLOX 300259 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 759 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PZZ670-673-301130- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 759 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-301000- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 759 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT SUNDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  024 WHZS40 NSTU 300259 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 359 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ASZ001>003-301500- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 359 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A High Surf Warning remains in effect... * SURF...Dangerous surfs of 13 to 16 ft will impact south and east facing shores. Surfs will subside to advisory levels Sunday morning. * TIMING...Until early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Dangerous surfs and strong rip currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 352 AOAULI ASO TOANA'I IUNI 29 2019 ...Ua iai Lapataiga mo Galu maualuluga... * GALU...Galu matua maualuluga e 13 i le 16 ft o le a aafia ai pea talafatai i saute ma sasa'e i le po nanei. O le a faaitiitia galu i tulaga o fautuaga i le taeao o le Aso Sa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le vaveao o le Aso Sa. * AAFIAGA...Galu matua maualuluga ma aave malosi o le sami. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga, ma o le a malolosi aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga ona o le maualuluga o galu ua iai nei. $$  874 WAKO31 RKSI 300257 RKRR AIRMET F02 VALID 300300/300600 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3524 E12437 - N3527 E12625 - N3357 E12623 - N3330 E12358 - N3524 E12437 STNR NC=  619 WSRA31 RUNW 300300 UNNT SIGMET 1 VALID 300300/300700 UNNT- UNNT NOVOSIBIRSK FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N6054 E08301 - N5610 E08532 - N5301 E08422 - N5044 E08207 TOP FL410 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  367 WHUS51 KPHI 300301 SMWPHI ANZ475-300400- /O.NEW.KPHI.MA.W.0095.190630T0301Z-190630T0400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1101 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Mount Holly NJ has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Outer waters from Cape May NJ to Fenwick Island DE out 20 to 40 nm... * Until midnight EDT. * At 1100 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Delaware Lightship Buoy 44009, moving east at 10 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * The severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly open waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3833 7464 3848 7470 3863 7426 3854 7423 3851 7426 3835 7427 3830 7457 TIME...MOT...LOC 0300Z 253DEG 12KT 3842 7458 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ MPS  712 WWZS70 NSTU 300303 NPWPPG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 403 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ASZ001-002-301515- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua- 403 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A Wind Advisory is in effect... * A strong high pressure centered south continues to generate strong and gusty trades across the territory. These winds will persist through early Sunday morning. * TIMING...until early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will cause damages to properties, may down power lines and uproot shallow rooted-trees. These winds could blow any unsecured items outdoor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A wind advisory means that winds of 35 MPH are expected. Winds This strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && FAUTUAGA MO SAVILI MALOLOSI OFISA O LE TAU PAGO PAGO AS 403 AOAULI ASO TOANA'I IUNI 29 2019 ...Ua iai Fautuaga mo Savili Malolosi... * O peau mamafa o le ea o loo i saute ua mafua ai ona malolosi savili o le tuaoloa ma o le a tumau i luga o le atunuu i le po nanei. O nei savili malolosi o le a agi pea seia oo i le vaveao o le Aso Sa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le vaveao o le Aso Sa. * AAFIA...O savili malolosi e mafai ona pau'u ai la'au ma ono afaina ai meatotino o loo i fafo o le fale. $$  154 ACUS11 KWNS 300303 SWOMCD SPC MCD 300303 NDZ000-300430- Mesoscale Discussion 1309 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1003 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 Areas affected...South central North Dakota Concerning...Tornado Watch 463... Valid 300303Z - 300430Z The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 463 continues. SUMMARY...The risk for severe weather has diminished in the near term, but new storm development appears possible near and north of the Interstate 94 corridor east of Bismarck by 11 PM-1 AM CDT. DISCUSSION...After a period of substantive intensification, the influence of substantial mid-level inhibition has resulted in the dissipation of the supercell southwest through south of Bismarck. The potential for additional storm development rooted within the strongly unstable boundary layer in close proximity to the remnant zone of stronger differential surface heating appears low. However, there still appears potential for storm initiation, including supercells, rooted within the low-level warm advection regime across much of eastern North Dakota within the next few hours (as discussed further in MCD 1308). This could include at least northeastern portions of Tornado Watch 463 prior to its scheduled 06Z expiration. ..Kerr.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...FGF...BIS... LAT...LON 47490039 47559905 47229838 46399878 46079911 46039995 46060118 46540104 47490039  532 WGUS84 KJAN 300303 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1003 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana.. Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && LAC041-010901- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NECL1.2.ER.181231T2100Z.190524T1600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1003 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 51.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Boeuf River Fort Necessity 50 51.7 Sat 09 PM 51.6 51.3 51.2 Falling && LAT...LON 3186 9180 3196 9192 3205 9201 3212 9202 3218 9184 3195 9179 $$ NF  427 WSTU31 LTAC 300300 LTAA SIGMET 2 VALID 300300/300600 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SQL TS OBS AT 0300Z N42 E035 FCST MOV NE 12KT NC=  631 WWUS51 KLWX 300305 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1105 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC013-300315- /O.EXP.KLWX.SV.W.0301.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Carroll MD- 1105 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL CARROLL COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 1115 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3957 7714 3969 7708 3967 7697 3953 7704 TIME...MOT...LOC 0305Z 291DEG 24KT 3960 7699 $$ DHOF  484 WWUS51 KLWX 300305 RRA SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1105 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC005-013-300330- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0303.000000T0000Z-190630T0330Z/ Carroll MD-Baltimore MD- 1105 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN CARROLL AND NORTHWESTERN BALTIMORE COUNTIES... At 1105 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hampstead, or 10 miles east of Westminster, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Pikesville, Cockeysville, Towson, Owings Mills, Reisterstown, Mays Chapel, Timonium, Hampstead, Hampton, Manchester, Lutherville-Timonium, Lutherville, Finksburg, Carrollton, Upperco, Riderwood, Brooklandville, Phoenix, Jacksonville and Butler. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3961 7656 3959 7656 3959 7655 3956 7653 3955 7653 3953 7652 3938 7662 3951 7698 3966 7691 TIME...MOT...LOC 0305Z 288DEG 33KT 3956 7682 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  595 WWPK31 OPMT 300020 OPMT AD WRNG 01 VALID 300330/300630 PREVIOUS MET WRG.NO.01 FOR DSTS/RA OVER MULTAN OA/F IS EXTENDED=  639 WXFJ01 NFFN 300240 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER SIXTEEN FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI AT 3.00PM ON SUNDAY 30TH JUNE 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE WHOLE OF FIJI GROUP. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER FIJI. IT IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL MONDAY. OCCASIONAL RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND FEW THUNDERSTORMS OVER MOST PLACES. LOCALISED HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLASH FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 6.00PM TODAY OR EARLIER.  811 WUCN11 CWWG 300307 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:07 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF COLDWELL INCL. LUNDAR AND CLARKLEIGH =NEW= JACKHEAD RES. =NEW= R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD =NEW= PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:49 P.M. CDT. AT 10:07 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  155 WSFR35 LFPW 300308 LFRR SIGMET 1 VALID 300305/300500 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4700 W00430 - N4615 W00300 - N4530 W00330 - N4600 W00515 - N4700 W00430 TOP FL360 MOV NE 20KT NC=  402 WHUS76 KEKA 300308 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 808 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PZZ475-301115- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.190630T1000Z-190702T0400Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 808 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM SUNDAY TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 20 knots, with gusts to 30 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...North 6 feet at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  488 WWUS51 KBTV 300309 SVSBTV Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1109 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTC021-027-300318- /O.EXP.KBTV.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0315Z/ Rutland VT-Windsor VT- 1109 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL RUTLAND AND CENTRAL WINDSOR COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1115 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm as it continues to move through Windsor county. LAT...LON 4368 7283 4382 7267 4373 7248 4356 7267 4363 7276 TIME...MOT...LOC 0308Z 308DEG 17KT 4369 7265 $$ SLW  023 WSCH31 SCFA 300310 SCFZ SIGMET A1 VALID 300310/300710 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2100 W09000 - S2400 W09000 - S2600 W08500 - S2200 W08500 - S2600 W07200 FL190/320 MOV E INTSF=  217 WUUS51 KLWX 300311 SVRLWX WVC023-027-031-057-300400- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0304.190630T0311Z-190630T0400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1111 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... Southwestern Mineral County in eastern West Virginia... Northern Hardy County in eastern West Virginia... Southwestern Hampshire County in eastern West Virginia... * Until midnight EDT. * At 1110 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 11 miles north of Moorefield, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts, quarter size hail and intense cloud to ground lightning . SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Moorefield, Kitzmiller, Russelldale, Bean Settlement, Hartmansville, Lahmansville, Delray, Fisher, Medley, Kirby, Williamsport, Maysville, Old Fields, Sulphur City, Purgitsville, Emoryville, Martin, Scherr, Antioch and Mcneill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3921 7849 3900 7885 3915 7933 3917 7931 3918 7931 3919 7929 3921 7930 3938 7918 TIME...MOT...LOC 0310Z 289DEG 30KT 3924 7896 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  218 WWUS83 KILX 300311 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1011 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILZ046-300345- Vermilion- 1011 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY UNTIL 1045 PM CDT... At 1010 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Rossville, or 14 miles southeast of Claytonville, moving southeast at 20 mph. Pea size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Danville, Hoopeston, Rossville, Bismarck, Henning, Alvin and Vermilion County Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4013 8758 4036 8783 4049 8769 4049 8766 4042 8753 4017 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0310Z 311DEG 16KT 4039 8769 $$ 37  227 WSBW20 VGHS 300300 VGFR SIGMET 02 VALID 300400/300800 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV ENE NC=  267 WWUS51 KLWX 300312 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1112 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC005-013-300322- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0303.000000T0000Z-190630T0330Z/ Carroll MD-Baltimore MD- 1112 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CARROLL AND NORTHWESTERN BALTIMORE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3961 7656 3959 7656 3959 7655 3956 7653 3955 7653 3953 7652 3938 7662 3951 7698 3966 7691 TIME...MOT...LOC 0310Z 288DEG 33KT 3954 7674 $$ BKF  311 WGUS84 KJAN 300314 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1014 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas...Mississippi...Louisiana.. Mississippi River Near Arkansas City affecting Chicot...Desha... Bolivar and Washington Counties Mississippi River Near Greenville affecting Chicot...East Carroll...Issaquena and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Vicksburg affecting Madison...Tensas... Claiborne...Jefferson and Warren Counties/Parishes Mississippi River At Natchez affecting Concordia...Adams and Wilkinson Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Mississippi River forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur over the next 48 hours. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected between 8 and 10 AM. && ARC017-041-MSC011-151-010913- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190715T0800Z/ /ARSA4.2.ER.190416T1530Z.190611T1900Z.190714T2000Z.NO/ 1014 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Arkansas City * until Monday July 15. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 41.5 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 42.0 feet Monday July 1st. * Impact...At 42.0 feet...Water approaches the first structure at the Donaldson Point Hunting Club in Bolivar County. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Arkansas City 37 41.5 Sat 09 PM 41.7 42.0 42.0 42.0 01 PM 07/01 && LAT...LON 3340 9128 3357 9128 3413 9108 3412 9066 3358 9106 3340 9105 $$ ARC017-LAC035-MSC055-151-010913- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190716T2100Z/ /GEEM6.2.ER.190216T1227Z.190312T1315Z.190716T0900Z.NO/ 1014 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Greenville * until Tuesday July 16. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 53.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 53.5 feet by Tuesday July 2nd. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Greenville 48 53.0 Sat 09 PM 53.2 53.3 53.5 53.5 07 AM 07/02 && LAT...LON 3277 9123 3340 9128 3340 9105 3283 9101 3277 9101 3278 9111 $$ LAC065-107-MSC021-063-149-010913- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190720T1500Z/ /VCKM6.3.ER.190217T0934Z.190614T0000Z.190720T0300Z.NO/ 1014 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Vicksburg * until Saturday July 20. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 49.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 43.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain stady for the next week before beginning to fall. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Vicksburg 43 49.0 Sat 09 PM 49.1 49.1 49.1 && LAT...LON 3193 9129 3227 9105 3277 9123 3278 9101 3226 9086 3187 9114 $$ LAC029-MSC001-157-010913- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NTZM6.3.ER.190104T1524Z.190615T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1014 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Natchez * until further notice. * At 9:00 PM Saturday the stage was 56.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 56.3 feet Friday July 5th before beginning to fall. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Natchez 48 56.1 Sat 09 PM 56.1 56.1 56.1 && LAT...LON 3101 9170 3130 9167 3193 9129 3187 9114 3130 9147 3100 9154 $$ NF  397 WUCN11 CWWG 300314 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:14 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: R.M. OF STUARTBURN INCL. ZHODA VITA AND SUNDOWN. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MUN. OF EMERSON-FRANKLIN INCL. ROSEAU RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 12:13 A.M. CDT. THE THUNDERSTORM IS TRACKING EASTWARD ALONG THE INTERNATIONAL BORDER SOUTH OF VITA. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  034 WUCN11 CWWG 300314 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:14 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF ALEXANDER INCL. POWERVIEW-PINE FALLS =NEW= R.M. OF LAC DU BONNET. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 12:13 A.M. CDT. AT 10:14 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  997 WSBZ31 SBAZ 300314 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0043 W06618 - S0241 W06617 - S0046 W06928 - N0032 W06956 - N0036 W06916 - N0146 W06906 - N0043 W06618 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  998 WSBZ31 SBAZ 300314 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0105 W05653 - S0017 W05928 - N0311 W06421 - N0401 W06400 - N0341 W06245 - N0403 W06239 - N0122 W05916 - N0105 W05653 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  550 WSIN31 VECC 300300 VECF SIGMET 1 VALID 300330/300700 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1855 E08245 - N2350 E08840 - N2200 E08910 - N1945 E09150 - N1410 E09145 - N1550 E08550 - N1855 E08245 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  616 WHCN13 CWWG 300315 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:15 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: LAKE MANITOBA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:32 P.M. CDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 50 KNOTS, HAIL UP TO 3 CENTIMETRES AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN THUNDERSTORMS HEAVY AT TIMES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. THE FIRST THUNDERSTORM HAS PASSED OVER LAKE MANITOBA, BUT ADDITIONAL STORMS ARE APPROACHING FROM THE WEST. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  745 WGUS53 KILX 300316 FFWILX ILC183-300915- /O.NEW.KILX.FF.W.0030.190630T0316Z-190630T0915Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1016 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... East central Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 415 AM CDT Sunday. * At 1014 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen this evening. Flash flooding is already occurring. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Danville, Bismarck, Henning, Vermilion County Airport and Alvin. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 inch are possible in the warned area as additional thunderstorms move into the area after 1015 PM CDT, and may worsen flooding in some areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4015 8772 4032 8773 4035 8753 4013 8753 $$ 37  750 WSIN90 VECC 300300 VECF SIGMET 1 VALID 300330/300700 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1855 E08245 - N2350 E08840 - N2200 E08910 - N1945 E09150 - N1410 E09145 - N1550 E08550 - N1855 E08245 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  138 WUCN14 CWWG 300318 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:18 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: CUMBERLAND HOUSE. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: CANDLE LAKE PROV. PARK AND NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 11:04 P.M. CST. AT 9:15 P.M. CST, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING TWO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, NICKEL TO PING PONG BALL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THE FIRST THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED SOUTH OF BIG SANDY LAKE. THE SECOND THUNDERSTORM IS 45 KM WEST OF CUMBERLAND HOUSE. BOTH THUNDERSTORMS ARE MOVING EAST AT 60 KM/H. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  580 WWCN14 CWWG 300320 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:20 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: PELICAN NARROWS - CUMBERLAND HOUSE - CREIGHTON. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: LA RONGE - PRINCE ALBERT NAT. PARK - NARROW HILLS PROV. PARK ILE A LA CROSSE - BUFFALO NARROWS - BEAUVAL CREE LAKE - KEY LAKE LA LOCHE - CLEARWATER RIVER PROV. PARK - CLUFF LAKE FOND-DU-LAC - STONY RAPIDS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. ISOLATED SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE POSSIBLE THIS EVENING. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  132 WWST02 SBBR 300240 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 625/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 626/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 627/2019 ROUGH/VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 301200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 628/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO N OF 26S STARTING 291800 UTC. WIND NE/N FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 301200 UTC. WARNING NR 629/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7 BACK W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 630/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA CHARLIE S OF 25S STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WIND W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 635/2019 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S AND 25 NM OFFSHORE. STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 020000 UTC. WARNING NR 636/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. WARNING NR 637/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 27S AND E OF 047W STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. WARNING NR 638/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA GOLF S OF EQUATOR NEAR THE COAST. WIND SE/E FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 623/2019. WARNING NR 639/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 291500 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 618/2019. WARNING NR 640/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OS 035W STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 631/2019. WARNING NR 641/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 633/2019. WARNING NR 642/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 302100 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 031200 UTC. WARNING NR 644/2019 LOW VISIBILITY WARNING ISSUED AT 0200 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 LOW VISIBILITY BETWEEN ITAJA? (SC) AND PARANAGU? (PR). PATCHES OF FOG NEAR THE COAST. VALID UNTIL 301200 UTC. NNNN  595 WWST01 SBBR 300240 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 625/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ??S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ??REA ALFA AO NORTE DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR??A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 626/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ??S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ??REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR??A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 627/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO/MUITO GROSSO EMITIDO ??S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ??REA ALFA A PARTIR DE 301200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.5 METROS. V??LIDO AT?? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 628/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ??S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ??REA BRAVO AO NORTE DE 26S A PARTIR DE 291800 HMG. VENTO NE/N FOR??A 7 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 301200 HMG. AVISO NR 629/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ??S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ??REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NE/NW FOR??A 7 RONDANDO PARA W/SW FOR??A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 630/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ??S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ??REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 25S A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. VENTO W/SW FOR??A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 635/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S E 25 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR??A 7/9 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 020000 HMG. AVISO NR 636/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA ALFA A 50 MIN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.0 METROS. V??LIDO AT?? 021200 HMG. AVISO NR 637/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 27S E LESTE DE 047W A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/3.5 METROS. V??LIDO AT?? 021200 HMG. AVISO NR 638/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA GOLF AO SUL DO EQUADOR JUNTO ?? COSTA. VENTO SE/E FOR??A 7 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 010000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 623/2019. AVISO NR 639/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA SUL OCE??NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 291500 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR??A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 618/2019. AVISO NR 640/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA SUL OCE??NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR??A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V??LIDO AT?? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 631/2019. AVISO NR 641/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA SUL OCE??NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V??LIDO AT?? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 633/2019. AVISO NR 642/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ??S 1400 HMG - S??B - 29/JUN/2019 ??REA SUL OCE??NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 302100 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V??LIDO AT?? 031200 HMG. AVISO NR 644/2019 AVISO DE BAIXA VISIBILIDADE EMITIDO ??S 0200 HMG ??? DOM - 30/JUN/2019 BAIXA VISIBILIDADE ENTRE ITAJA?? (SC) E PARANAGU?? (PR). NEVOEIROS ESPARSOS JUNTO ?? COSTA. V??LIDO AT?? 301200 HMG. NNNN  542 WWUS81 KGYX 300322 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1122 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MEZ018-023-NHZ006-008>010-013-014-300400- Interior York-Coastal York-Merrimack-Belknap-Strafford-Coastal Rockingham-Southern Carroll-Interior Rockingham- 1122 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT YORK...ROCKINGHAM... STRAFFORD...SOUTHEASTERN BELKNAP...SOUTHEASTERN MERRIMACK AND SOUTHEASTERN CARROLL COUNTIES... At 1122 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles north of Farmington to near Merrimac. Movement was east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Manchester, Haverhill, Concord, Derry, Rochester, Biddeford, Portsmouth, Hampton, Durham, Exeter, Kittery, Alfred, Sanford, Northwood, Salem, Dover, Saco, Newburyport, Hooksett and Somersworth. This includes the following highways... Interstate 293 near mile marker 11. Interstate 93 between mile markers 9 and 17, and between mile markers 25 and 32. Interstate 95 between mile markers 1 and 35. Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 1 and 16. This also includes... Hampton Beach, York Beach, Ogunquit Beach, Wells Beach, and Fortunes Rock Beach. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4280 7085 4281 7087 4282 7081 4287 7082 4289 7092 4286 7103 4281 7107 4282 7113 4280 7118 4288 7144 4293 7145 4294 7138 4301 7139 4305 7149 4325 7150 4366 7117 4350 7032 4310 7042 4281 7065 TIME...MOT...LOC 0322Z 285DEG 30KT 4350 7101 4287 7111 $$ Legro  230 WSHO31 MHTG 300328 MHTG SIGMET D2 VALID 300332/300532 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET D1 292332/300332=  522 WWUS51 KLWX 300322 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1122 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 WVC023-027-031-057-300400- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0304.000000T0000Z-190630T0400Z/ Grant WV-Mineral WV-Hardy WV-Hampshire WV- 1122 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN GRANT...SOUTH CENTRAL MINERAL...NORTHERN HARDY AND SOUTHWESTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTIES... At 1122 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles south of Romney, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Moorefield, Bean Settlement, Maysville, Old Fields, Purgitsville, Martin, Scherr, Lahmansville, Mcneill, Delray, Fisher, Medley, Inkerman, Kirby, Rio, Williamsport, Mount Pisgah, Bismarck and Mount Storm. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3900 7885 3915 7933 3917 7931 3918 7931 3919 7929 3921 7930 3931 7921 3920 7850 TIME...MOT...LOC 0322Z 289DEG 30KT 3920 7883 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  539 WSCA31 MHTG 300328 MHTG SIGMET D2 VALID 300332/300532 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET D1 292332/300332=  778 WOUS64 KWNS 300323 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1023 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC015-021-029-031-043-045-047-051-083-085-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BURLEIGH DICKEY EMMONS FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH SHERIDAN SIOUX STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  514 WSCI35 ZGGG 300321 ZGZU SIGMET 1 VALID 300335/300735 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2215 E11325 - N2109 E11257 - N2140 E11154 - N2218 E11200 - N2215 E11325 TOP FL330 STNR NC=  687 WUUS51 KGYX 300325 SVRGYX NHC015-300430- /O.NEW.KGYX.SV.W.0012.190630T0325Z-190630T0430Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 1125 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Rockingham County in southern New Hampshire... * Until 1230 AM EDT. * At 1125 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Brentwood, or 9 miles east of Derry, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Derry, Portsmouth, Hampton, Exeter, Salem, Epping, Brentwood, Greenland, Raymond, Seabrook, Rye, Stratham, Londonderry, Hampstead, Atkinson, Kingston, Chester, Danville, Fremont and Candia. This includes the following highways... Interstate 93 between mile markers 13 and 17. Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 0 and 11. This also includes... Hampton Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4291 7142 4294 7140 4294 7138 4296 7138 4307 7131 4303 7072 4287 7081 4280 7081 4281 7082 4280 7084 4281 7086 4282 7082 4287 7082 4286 7085 4289 7090 4286 7103 4281 7107 4282 7113 4280 7118 TIME...MOT...LOC 0325Z 281DEG 25KT 4293 7116 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Legro  304 WOUS20 KWNS 300325 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300330 NDZ000-300440- STATUS REPORT ON WW 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 NNE MBG TO 35 E BIS TO 45 SSW DVL. ..KERR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...BIS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS NDC021-031-043-045-047-051-093-103-300440- ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH STUTSMAN WELLS $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  919 WSBZ01 SBBR 300300 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0043 W06618 - S0241W06617 - S0046 W06928 - N0032 W06956 - N0036 W06916 - N0146 W06906 - N0043 W06618 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  920 WSBZ01 SBBR 300300 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0105 W05653 - S0017W05928 - N0311 W06421 - N0401 W06400 - N0341 W06245 - N0403 W06239 - N0122 W05916 - N0105 W05653TOP FL450 STNR NC=  831 WGUS84 KMEG 300327 FLSMEG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Memphis TN 1027 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TNC005-079-021530- /O.NEW.KMEG.FA.Y.0056.190630T0327Z-190702T1530Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Benton TN-Henry TN- 1027 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Memphis has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Eastern Benton County in western Tennessee... East central Henry County in western Tennessee... * Until 1030 AM CDT Tuesday. * At 1022 PM CDT, high water along the Tennessee River has resulted in minor flooding. Several roads are closed in Benton County, including Harmon's Dock Road, Bivins Cypress Creek Road, and Granny's Branch Road. The river is near crest and is expected to gradually recede beginning Monday. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Camden, New Johnsonville, Big Sandy Unit Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge and Nathan Bedford State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 3613 8792 3597 8802 3594 8800 3594 8793 3588 8794 3587 8794 3587 8811 3596 8810 3601 8807 3605 8809 3615 8799 3628 8801 3632 8804 3634 8809 3637 8810 3642 8806 3642 8804 3631 8796 3622 8795 3616 8792 $$ MJ  950 WUUS53 KFGF 300328 SVRFGF MNC069-089-300400- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0066.190630T0328Z-190630T0400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1028 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Marshall County in northwestern Minnesota... Southeastern Kittson County in northwestern Minnesota... * Until 1100 PM CDT. * At 1028 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Stephen, or 23 miles east of Grafton, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Argyle around 1030 PM CDT. Florian, Englund and Old Mill State Park around 1045 PM CDT. Strandquist around 1055 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4856 9639 4855 9639 4854 9637 4833 9618 4828 9687 4844 9709 4871 9652 TIME...MOT...LOC 0328Z 255DEG 42KT 4841 9689 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ AM  396 WSCO31 SKBO 300316 SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 300322/300622 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0250Z WI N0652 W07814 - N0735 W07734 - N0532 W07553 - N0456 W07629 - N0652 W07814 TOP FL460 MOV WNW 8KT NC=  203 WWUS85 KBYZ 300330 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 930 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MTZ028-042-063-300415- Golden Valley MT-Southern Wheatland MT-Judith Gap MT- 930 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 930 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Harlowton, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Shawmut. LAT...LON 4645 10922 4622 10970 4622 10986 4631 10997 4665 10947 TIME...MOT...LOC 0330Z 233DEG 26KT 4630 10980 $$ Arthur  941 WWUS51 KLWX 300330 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1130 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 WVC023-027-031-057-300340- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0304.000000T0000Z-190630T0400Z/ Grant WV-Mineral WV-Hardy WV-Hampshire WV- 1130 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN GRANT...SOUTH CENTRAL MINERAL...NORTHERN HARDY AND SOUTHWESTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Sterling Virginia. LAT...LON 3900 7885 3915 7933 3917 7931 3918 7931 3919 7929 3921 7930 3931 7921 3920 7850 TIME...MOT...LOC 0325Z 289DEG 30KT 3918 7874 $$ DHOF  113 WWUS81 KALY 300330 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1130 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYZ038>040-300415- Southern Fulton-Southern Herkimer-Montgomery- 1130 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN FULTON... SOUTHEASTERN HERKIMER AND WESTERN MONTGOMERY COUNTIES... At 1130 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over St. Johnsville, or 7 miles southeast of Little Falls, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. This storm will be near... Ephratah around 1140 PM EDT. Fort Plain around 1145 PM EDT. Canajoharie around 1150 PM EDT. Ames around 1155 PM EDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Ingham Mills, Cook Corners, Flat Creek, Mindenville, Davys Corners, Ripple Corners, McKinley, Ingham Mills Station, West Saint Johnsville and Sand Hill. This includes Interstate 90 between exits 29 and 29A. LAT...LON 4311 7469 4288 7433 4282 7458 4290 7488 4288 7488 4299 7502 TIME...MOT...LOC 0330Z 321DEG 25KT 4300 7472 $$ JPV  551 WWUS81 KBOX 300331 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1131 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MAZ006-007-300415- Eastern Essex MA-Western Essex MA- 1131 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM APPROACHING NORTHERN ESSEX COUNTY... At 1130 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Raymond, or near Derry, moving east at 30 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Haverhill, Newburyport, Amesbury, Salisbury, Newbury, Merrimac, Rowley, West Newbury, Seabrook, South Hampton, Newton and Plaistow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4286 7085 4287 7082 4283 7081 4281 7087 4280 7083 4282 7082 4280 7081 4279 7078 4274 7077 4281 7116 4282 7113 4281 7107 4286 7103 4289 7090 TIME...MOT...LOC 0330Z 277DEG 27KT 4294 7122 $$ KJC  698 WAUS41 KKCI 300330 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 300330 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...WV VA FROM 30NW EKN TO 40NW CSN TO 30NNW LYH TO 20NE HMV TO 30NW EKN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA NY AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 160ESE ACK TO 130S ACK TO 30SW ACK TO 50N ENE TO 20ESE ALB TO 20NNE SYR TO 30SE YOW TO 70W YSC TO YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG BY 04Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 20WNW BGR TO 30SE ALB TO 30NNE SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN ME NH VT MA NY PA BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-MLT-40SSE ALB-30WSW ALB-20S HNK-JHW-SYR-MSS- YSC-70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  479 WAHW31 PHFO 300334 WA0HI HNLS WA 300400 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301000 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 300400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301000 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 300400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 301000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...150 PHLI SLOPING TO 163 PHTO.  287 WSFG20 TFFF 300334 SOOO SIGMET 3 VALID 300330/300530 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0615 W05400 - N0700 W05345 - N0730 W05030 - N0545 W05115 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  126 WTPH20 RPMM 300000 TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING 03 TROPICAL DEPRESSION ANALYSIS 200000UTC PSTN 15.5N 129.6E MOVE NW 10KT PRES 1006HPA MXWD 030KT 30KT 080NM NE 080NM SE 050NM SW 050NM NW FORECAST 24H 010000UTC PSTN 19.6N 125.3E CATE TROPICAL DEPRESSION FORECAST 48H 020000UTC PSTN 23.0N 121.0E CATE TROPICAL DEPRESSION FORECAST 72H 030000UTC PSTN 25.4N 118.8E CATE LOW PRESSURE AREA NEXT WARNING 300600 UTC PHILIPPINE ATMOSPHERIC GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION=  127 WSSS20 VHHH 300335 VHHK SIGMET 1 VALID 300345/300745 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2100 E11730 - N1658 E11413 - N2031 E11226 - N2056 E11322 - N2120 E11730 - N2100 E11730 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  380 WWUS81 KBGM 300337 SPSBGM Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 1137 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NYZ055-PAZ038-039-300415- Tioga NY-Susquehanna PA-Bradford PA- 1137 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT...SOUTH CENTRAL TIOGA... SOUTHWESTERN SUSQUEHANNA AND NORTHEASTERN BRADFORD COUNTIES UNTIL 1215 AM EDT... At 1136 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Windham, or 9 miles east of Athens, moving southeast at 30 mph. Dime size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rush, Litchfield, Orwell, Windham, Herrick, Rome, Le Raysville, Warren Center, Rushville and Herrickville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4196 7648 4204 7631 4179 7583 4165 7612 TIME...MOT...LOC 0336Z 315DEG 25KT 4197 7633 $$ MJM  438 WSCG31 FCBB 300336 FCCC SIGMET E2 VALID 300400/300800 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0315Z W OF LINE N0621 E00940 - N0352 E00950 W OF LINE N0301 E01355 - N0001 E01319 E OF LINE S0001 E01437 - S0242 E01438 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  583 WSPA02 PHFO 300337 SIGPAO KZAK SIGMET OSCAR 3 VALID 300335/300350 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET OSCAR 2 VALID 292350/300350. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED.  809 WWUS83 KFGF 300338 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1038 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ004-005-300400- Kittson MN-Roseau MN- 1038 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN KITTSON AND NORTHWESTERN ROSEAU COUNTIES UNTIL 1100 PM CDT... At 1037 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Caribou, or 25 miles west of Roseau, moving east at 50 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Pinecreek around 1100 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && LAT...LON 4893 9556 4878 9629 4899 9653 4900 9648 4900 9566 TIME...MOT...LOC 0337Z 255DEG 42KT 4896 9631 $$ AM  757 WUCN11 CWWG 300338 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:38 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF ST. LAURENT INCL. OAK POINT =NEW= R.M. OF ARMSTRONG INCL. CHATFIELD INWOOD AND NARCISSE =NEW= MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA =NEW= MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND R.M. OF COLDWELL INCL. LUNDAR AND CLARKLEIGH R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER JACKHEAD RES. R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 12:24 A.M. CDT. AT 10:38 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  072 WWUS83 KFGF 300339 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1039 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ005-008-009-300415- East Marshall MN-North Beltrami MN-Roseau MN- 1039 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN MARSHALL...SOUTHWESTERN ROSEAU AND NORTHWESTERN BELTRAMI COUNTIES UNTIL 1115 PM CDT... At 1039 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Middle River, or 22 miles north of Thief River Falls, moving east at 50 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Middle River around 1040 PM CDT. Gatzke around 1100 PM CDT. Casperson and Torfin around 1110 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && LAT...LON 4825 9612 4854 9638 4878 9584 4836 9546 TIME...MOT...LOC 0339Z 255DEG 42KT 4843 9619 $$ AM  344 WWUS51 KGYX 300339 SVSGYX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1139 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHC015-300430- /O.CON.KGYX.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190630T0430Z/ Rockingham NH- 1139 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1230 AM EDT FOR CENTRAL ROCKINGHAM COUNTY... At 1139 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Brentwood, or near Exeter, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Derry, Portsmouth, Hampton, Exeter, Salem, Epping, Brentwood, Greenland, Raymond, Seabrook, Rye, Stratham, Hampstead, Atkinson, Kingston, Chester, Danville, Fremont, East Kingston and Hampton Falls. This also includes... Hampton Beach. This includes Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 0 and 11. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Gray Maine. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4285 7129 4307 7124 4303 7072 4287 7081 4280 7081 4281 7082 4280 7084 4281 7086 4282 7082 4287 7082 4286 7085 4289 7090 4286 7103 4281 7107 4282 7113 4280 7118 TIME...MOT...LOC 0339Z 281DEG 25KT 4291 7103 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ Legro  825 WSCG31 FCBB 300339 FCCC SIGMET F1 VALID 300400/300800 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0315Z N OF LINE N0742 E02159 - N0738 E02414 TOP FL400 MOV W 10KT WKN=  826 WUCN11 CWWG 300339 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:39 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF OAKVIEW INCL. OAK RIVER AND RAPID CITY R.M. OF MINTO-ODANAH INCL. MINNEDOSA AND MOORE PARK MUN. OF CLANWILLIAM-ERICKSON R.M. OF ROSEDALE INCL. EDEN AND KELWOOD MUN. OF GLENELLA-LANSDOWNE INCL. ARDEN AND TENBY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  074 WTPH21 RPMM 300000 TTT WARNING 03 TD TIME 0000 UTC 00 15.5N 129.6E 1006HPA 30KT P06HR MOVE NW 10KT P+24 19.6N 125.3E P+48 23.0N 121.0E P+72 25.4N 118.8E PAGASA=  185 WUUS51 KLWX 300340 SVRLWX MDC005-025-300430- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0305.190630T0340Z-190630T0430Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1140 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Harford County in northern Maryland... Southeastern Baltimore County in northern Maryland... * Until 1230 AM EDT. * At 1139 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Fallston to Rosedale, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Middle River, Aberdeen, Havre De Grace, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Back River, Dundalk, Bel Air South, Essex, Bel Air North, Carney, Perry Hall, Rosedale, Rossville, White Marsh, Fallston, Bowleys Quarters, Riverside, Kingsville, Pleasant Hills and Perryman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3941 7614 3947 7623 3945 7628 3944 7625 3943 7625 3930 7628 3938 7630 3939 7631 3938 7637 3932 7633 3923 7639 3924 7653 3925 7653 3955 7650 3963 7615 3955 7608 3949 7613 3945 7606 TIME...MOT...LOC 0339Z 266DEG 30KT 3954 7646 3930 7649 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  795 WHCN19 CWTO 300339 SQUALL WATCH FOR LAKE OF THE WOODS LAKE NIPIGON NORTH CHANNEL LAKE NIPISSING AND LAKE SIMCOE ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:39 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH FOR: =NEW= LAKE OF THE WOODS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 45 KNOTS, FREQUENT LIGHTNING, HAIL AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN THUNDERSTORMS HEAVY AT TIMES. THUNDERSTORMS APPROACHING FROM MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN MINNESOTA MAY REACH THE LAKE OF THE WOODS AFTER MIDNIGHT. SQUALLS OF 45 KNOTS, LARGE HAIL, TORRENTIAL DOWNPOURS AND INTENSE LIGHTNING ARE ALL POSSIBLE. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  082 WHUS52 KKEY 300340 SMWKEY GMZ033-035-044-054-074-300445- /O.NEW.KKEY.MA.W.0178.190630T0340Z-190630T0445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Key West FL 1140 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Key West has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Hawk Channel and Straits of Florida from west end of Seven Mile Bridge to Halfmoon Shoal out 60 nm... Gulf of Mexico from west end of Seven Mile Bridge to Halfmoon Shoal out to 5 fathoms... Gulf Waters from East Cape Sable to Chokoloskee 20 to 60 nm out and beyond 5 fathoms... * Until 1245 AM EDT. * At 1140 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 nm southeast of American Shoal Light to near Pelican Shoal to Sand Key Light, moving northwest at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots, suddenly higher waves, frequent lightning, and heavy downpours. * Locations in the warning include... Vandenberg, East Sambo, Snipe Point, Cottrell Key, Ninefoot Shoal, Eastern Dry Rocks and Sand Key Light. LAT...LON 2483 8149 2476 8235 2429 8190 2428 8154 2429 8131 TIME...MOT...LOC 0340Z 149DEG 26KT 2438 8142 2443 8161 2444 8188 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ LIW  978 WSSS20 VHHH 300340 VHHK SIGMET 2 VALID 300340/300740 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2139 E11152 - N2215 E11319 - N2235 E11620 - N2135 E11628 - N2111 E11217 - N2139 E11152 TOP FL360 STNR NC=  382 WGZS60 NSTU 300341 FFAPPG Flood Watch National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 441 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ASZ001>003-301545- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 441 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT... The National Weather Service in Pago Pago has issued a * Flash Flood Watch for Tutuila, Aunuu, Manua and Swains. * Through Sunday morning. * Active trough over the islands will likely bring heavy rain across the islands. The heavy rain will increase the potential for flash flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A flash flood watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding. Flash flooding is a VERY DANGEROUS situation. You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should flash flood warnings be issued. && Nofo vaavaaia mo tafega ma lologa Ofisa o le Tau Pago Pago AS 441 Aoauli Aso Toonai Iuni 29 2019 * O loo faaauau pea le Nofo Vaavaaia mo Tafega ma Lologa Tutuila Aunuu Manua Swains * Seia oo i le Aso Sa taeao... * Mafuaaga mo lenei nofo vaavaaia...O uiga louloua o le tau o loo i matu o le atunuu o le a mafua ai ona mamafa timuga seia oo i le vaveao. O nei timuga mamafa o le a mafai ai ona faatupulaia lologa ma tafega i le atunuu i lenei aso atoa. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O le uiga o le nofo vaavaaia mo tafega ma lologa pe afai o le a oo mai tulaga louloua o le tau e mafai ai ona faatupulaia ni sologa mai mauga poo eleele...pe mafua ai fo'i tafega ma lologa. E tatau on tapena ma faalogologo i le letio mo tala o le tau ae maise pe a iai se faailo mo lapataiga mo tafega ma lologa. $$  223 WWUS83 KUNR 300341 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1041 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 SDZ046-047-300430- Todd SD-Mellette SD- 1041 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN TODD AND SOUTHEASTERN MELLETTE COUNTIES UNTIL 1130 PM CDT... At 1041 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 6 miles west of Mission, moving east at 35 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mission, Rosebud, Okreek, Hidden Timber and Haystack Butte. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4323 10087 4340 10091 4352 10036 4323 10025 TIME...MOT...LOC 0341Z 260DEG 29KT 4333 10079 $$ Helgeson  444 WWPK31 OPMT 300336 OPBW AD WRNG 01 VALID 300330/300630 POOR VISIBILITY IS LIKELY TO OCCUR OVER BAHAWALPUR A/F DURING THE PERIOD (.) SURFACE VISIBILITY MAY REDUCE TO 02KM OR LESS IN DUST=  330 WWUS83 KILX 300343 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1043 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ILZ046-300430- Vermilion- 1043 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTY UNTIL 1130 PM CDT... At 1042 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles north of Danville, moving southeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Danville, Bismarck, Vermilion County Airport and Alvin. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 218 and 220. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4022 8771 4036 8756 4034 8753 4007 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0342Z 311DEG 16KT 4025 8757 $$ 37  660 WWPK31 OPMT 300338 OPMT AD WRNG 02 VALID 300330/300630 PREVIOUS MET WARNING NO.01 FOR DSTSRA OVER MULTAN A/F IS MODIFIED INTO POOR VISIBILITY AND VALID UPTO 300630=  864 WWUS83 KBIS 300344 SPSBIS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1044 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NDZ037-300430- Stutsman ND- 1044 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN STUTSMAN COUNTY UNTIL 1130 PM CDT... At 1043 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 9 miles west of Ypsilanti, or 10 miles south of Jamestown, moving northeast at 45 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Jamestown, Ypsilanti, Montpelier, Spiritwood, Sydney and Millarton. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 100 AM CDT for southeastern North Dakota. LAT...LON 4663 9890 4678 9899 4703 9847 4698 9847 4698 9844 4663 9844 TIME...MOT...LOC 0343Z 239DEG 39KT 4677 9877 $$ HOLLAN  210 WSNO32 ENMI 300345 ENSV SIGMET B03 VALID 300400/300600 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N5720 E00430 - N5920 E00115 - N6130 E00130 - N6130 E00500 - N5720 E00430 TOP FL380 MOV E 20KT NC=  764 WSCO31 SKBO 300345 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 300335/300635 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0250Z WI N0835 W07658 - N0946 W07540 - N0808 W07423 - N0744 W07459 - N0835 W07658 TOP FL460 MOV WNW 8KT NC=  984 WWUS86 KPDT 300345 SPSPDT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pendleton OR 845 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ORZ505-506-300415- Ochoco-John Day Highlands OR-John Day Basin OR- 845 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN WHEELER...NORTH CENTRAL CROOK AND EAST CENTRAL JEFFERSON COUNTIES UNTIL 915 PM PDT... At 845 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles southwest of Mitchell, moving northeast at 25 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mitchell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4426 12060 4454 12072 4471 12020 4438 12008 TIME...MOT...LOC 0345Z 243DEG 23KT 4450 12037 $$ vp  845 WWCN02 CYTR 300349 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:49 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED.  205 WSUS33 KKCI 300355 SIGW MKCW WST 300355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6W VALID UNTIL 0555Z NM AZ FROM 40WSW SJN-40SSE SJN-20ENE SSO-30ENE TUS-40WSW SJN AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL410. OUTLOOK VALID 300555-300955 FROM 40NE RSK-ELP-50SSE SSO-50SSW TUS-60WNW TBC-40NE RSK WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  206 WSUS31 KKCI 300355 SIGE MKCE WST 300355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20E VALID UNTIL 0555Z ME FROM 20SSW PQI-30WNW BGR LINE TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL290. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21E VALID UNTIL 0555Z ME NH VT NY AND ME NH CSTL WTRS FROM 40NE MPV-50SSE BGR-30NNW BOS-30ESE SYR-40NE MPV AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL440. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22E VALID UNTIL 0555Z NJ PA DE MD VA DC WV OH AND DE NJ MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 40NNW AIR-50SSE ETX-50SSE SIE-30S SBY-30S ROD-40NNW AIR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23E VALID UNTIL 0555Z FL AL CSTL WTRS FROM 50SE CEW-90SW TLH-150S CEW-110E LEV-50SE CEW AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24E VALID UNTIL 0555Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 100WNW EYW-110SSE MIA-50SW EYW-100WNW EYW AREA TS MOV FROM 18025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300555-300955 AREA 1...FROM 60NNE PQI-160ENE ACK-200S ACK-ORF-HNN-30S CLE-YSC-70NW PQI-60NNE PQI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 140ESE ILM-170SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-30ESE TRV-SAV-140ESE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 70WNW TXK-CTY-SRQ-40SW PSX-30NE JCT-70WNW TXK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  207 WSUS32 KKCI 300355 SIGC MKCC WST 300355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13C VALID UNTIL 0555Z TX FROM 30SW TTT-40SW GGG-50E CWK-60NW CWK-30SW TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 02025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14C VALID UNTIL 0555Z NE SD CO WY FROM 60SE RAP-30N ANW-20NNE AKO-40SW CYS-60SE RAP AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15C VALID UNTIL 0555Z MN ND FROM 50S YWG-70N BJI-60E BIS-50S YWG AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 27025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 300555-300955 AREA 1...FROM 60SSW YWG-60E INL-DLH-60ESE SNY-40SSE LAR-60SSW YWG REF WW 463. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 70WNW TXK-CTY-SRQ-40SW PSX-30NE JCT-70WNW TXK WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  332 WUCN11 CWWG 300351 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:51 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF ALEXANDER INCL. POWERVIEW-PINE FALLS R.M. OF LAC DU BONNET. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  179 WWCN12 CWTO 300351 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:51 P.M. EDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= KENORA - NESTOR FALLS =NEW= DRYDEN - VERMILION BAY =NEW= FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE =NEW= RED LAKE - EAR FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS APPROACHING FROM MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN MINNESOTA ARE EXPECTED TO ARRIVE AFTER MIDNIGHT. MAIN THREATS ARE LARGE HAIL AND TORRENTIAL DOWNPOURS GIVING 25 TO 50 MM OF RAIN IN AN HOUR OR LESS. THERE IS A LESSER THREAT OF DAMAGING WINDS. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS POSSIBLE FROM SOME OF THE THUNDERSTORMS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  180 WUCN11 CWWG 300351 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:51 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF STUARTBURN INCL. ZHODA VITA AND SUNDOWN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  181 WVMX31 MMMX 300351 MMEX SIGMET 1 VALID 300351/300356 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR CNL SIGMET 5 292156/300356=  409 WWUS83 KIND 300352 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1152 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 INZ028-035-043-300430- Fountain IN-Warren IN-Vermillion IN- 1152 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL FOUNTAIN... SOUTHWESTERN WARREN AND NORTHWESTERN VERMILLION COUNTIES UNTIL 1230 AM EDT... At 1151 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles northwest of Covington, or 8 miles northeast of Danville, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Covington, State Line City, Foster and Gessie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4028 8753 4031 8741 4007 8736 4005 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 0351Z 343DEG 12KT 4022 8750 $$ 50  101 WSCN02 CWAO 300352 CZEG SIGMET L4 VALID 300350/300630 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET L3 300230/300630=  102 WSCN22 CWAO 300352 CZEG SIGMET L4 VALID 300350/300630 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL SIGMET L3 300230/300630 RMK GFACN32 GFACN35=  489 WOUS64 KWNS 300353 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1053 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC015-021-029-031-043-045-047-051-083-085-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BURLEIGH DICKEY EMMONS FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH SHERIDAN SIOUX STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  847 WWUS63 KBIS 300354 WCNBIS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 463 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BISMARCK ND 1054 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 NDC015-029-083-085-300500- /O.CAN.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 463 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA BURLEIGH EMMONS SHERIDAN SIOUX THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BISMARCK, FORT YATES, GOODRICH, LINTON, MCCLUSKY, SELFRIDGE, SOLEN, AND STRASBURG. $$ NDC021-031-043-045-047-051-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 AM CDT SUNDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 8 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA KIDDER WELLS IN SOUTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH STUTSMAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ASHLEY, CARRINGTON, EDGELEY, ELLENDALE, FESSENDEN, GACKLE, HARVEY, JAMESTOWN, KULM, LAMOURE, NAPOLEON, OAKES, STEELE, TAPPEN, AND WISHEK. $$ PA  888 WSCN03 CWAO 300354 CZWG SIGMET U1 VALID 300350/300750 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N4912 W09652 - N4910 W09515 TOP FL490 MOV ENE 15KT INTSFYG=  889 WSCN23 CWAO 300354 CZWG SIGMET U1 VALID 300350/300750 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N4912 W09652/45 S CYWG - /N4910 W09515/45 SW CYQK TOP FL490 MOV ENE 15KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  923 WWUS51 KGYX 300354 SVSGYX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1154 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NHC015-300430- /O.CON.KGYX.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190630T0430Z/ Rockingham NH- 1154 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1230 AM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY... At 1154 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Seabrook, or over Hampton, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Portsmouth, Hampton, Exeter, Epping, Brentwood, Greenland, Stratham, Seabrook, Rye, Newmarket, Atkinson, Kingston, Danville, East Kingston, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Newfields, North Hampton, Plaistow and Newton. This also includes... Hampton Beach. This includes Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 0 and 11. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Gray Maine. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4284 7113 4306 7105 4303 7072 4287 7081 4287 7083 4286 7085 4289 7090 4286 7103 4285 7105 4281 7107 TIME...MOT...LOC 0354Z 281DEG 25KT 4289 7089 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Legro  249 WWUS81 KALY 300354 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1154 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 VTZ014-015-300445- Eastern Windham-Western Windham- 1154 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN WINDHAM COUNTY... At 1153 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 miles west of Saxtons River, or 7 miles north of Townshend, moving east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. This storm will be near... Saxtons River around 1215 AM EDT. Bellows Falls around 1220 AM EDT. Westminster around 1225 AM EDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Simpsonville, North Westminster, Windham, Winhall Station, Brockways Mills, West Townshend, Grafton, Athens, Rawsonville and Westminster West. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized ponding of water. LAT...LON 4311 7244 4308 7244 4305 7247 4304 7246 4302 7246 4301 7244 4300 7245 4300 7246 4312 7287 4326 7284 4322 7269 4324 7257 4323 7243 4315 7246 4312 7243 TIME...MOT...LOC 0353Z 285DEG 21KT 4316 7267 $$ JPV  957 WSCN03 CWAO 300354 CZWG SIGMET Q3 VALID 300350/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET Q2 300250/300650=  372 WSCN23 CWAO 300354 CZWG SIGMET Q3 VALID 300350/300650 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET Q2 300250/300650 RMK GFACN32=  612 WSCN03 CWAO 300355 CZWG SIGMET N2 VALID 300355/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE N5223 W09631 - N5113 W09740 - N5039 W09932 TOP FL440 MOV NE 20KT NC=  613 WSCN23 CWAO 300355 CZWG SIGMET N2 VALID 300355/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TSGR OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE /N5223 W09631/20 E CYBV - /N5113 W09740/75 S CYBV - /N5039 W09932/30 SE CYDN TOP FL440 MOV NE 20KT NC RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  651 WUUS53 KFGF 300355 SVRFGF MNC007-089-135-300445- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0067.190630T0355Z-190630T0445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1055 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Marshall County in northwestern Minnesota... South central Roseau County in northwestern Minnesota... Northwestern Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... * Until 1145 PM CDT. * At 1055 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Middle River, or 21 miles north of Thief River Falls, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Gatzke around 1120 PM CDT. Torfin around 1125 PM CDT. Casperson around 1130 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4832 9632 4850 9644 4875 9582 4840 9550 TIME...MOT...LOC 0355Z 255DEG 42KT 4842 9623 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AM  282 WAIY32 LIIB 300356 LIRR AIRMET 1 VALID 300400/300800 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3941 E01553 - N3834 E01537 - N3738 E01415 - N3628 E01318 - N3630 E01806 - N3852 E01806 - N3852 E01701 - N3901 E01625 - N3921 E01610 - N3941 E01553 FL010/060 STNR NC=  338 WANO34 ENMI 300355 ENBD AIRMET C01 VALID 300400/300700 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6400 E00500 - N6300 E01220 - N6200 E01215 - N6200 E00500 FL100/230 MOV NNE 25KT INTSF=  494 WSCN23 CWAO 300356 CZWG SIGMET C4 VALID 300355/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5413 W09735/20 NE CYNE - /N5247 W09934/25 S CJV8 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 25KT NC RMK GFACN32=  495 WSCN03 CWAO 300356 CZWG SIGMET C4 VALID 300355/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5413 W09735 - N5247 W09934 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  446 WWUS51 KLWX 300356 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1156 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDC005-300406- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0305.000000T0000Z-190630T0430Z/ Baltimore MD- 1156 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN BALTIMORE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3945 7606 3941 7614 3947 7623 3945 7628 3944 7625 3941 7625 3941 7628 3939 7627 3937 7629 3936 7627 3931 7628 3938 7630 3941 7637 3945 7639 3953 7637 3963 7615 3955 7608 3949 7613 TIME...MOT...LOC 0356Z 266DEG 30KT 3955 7628 3931 7631 $$ MDC025-300430- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0305.000000T0000Z-190630T0430Z/ Harford MD- 1156 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1230 AM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN HARFORD COUNTY... At 1156 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bel Air South to near Bowleys Quarters, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Aberdeen, Havre De Grace, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Bel Air South, Bel Air North, Riverside, Kingsville, Pleasant Hills, Perryman, Edgewood, Joppatowne, Churchville, Carsins, Magnolia, Harford Furnace, Abingdon, Joppa and Belcamp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3945 7606 3941 7614 3947 7623 3945 7628 3944 7625 3941 7625 3941 7628 3939 7627 3937 7629 3936 7627 3931 7628 3938 7630 3941 7637 3945 7639 3953 7637 3963 7615 3955 7608 3949 7613 TIME...MOT...LOC 0356Z 266DEG 30KT 3955 7628 3931 7631 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DHOF  322 WSCN03 CWAO 300356 CZWG SIGMET E4 VALID 300355/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5641 W09854 - N5416 W10016 - N5458 W09814 TOP FL450 MOV NE 25KT NC=  323 WSCN23 CWAO 300356 CZWG SIGMET E4 VALID 300355/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5641 W09854/5 S CZSN - /N5416 W10016/30 NE CYQD - /N5458 W09814/45 S CYTH TOP FL450 MOV NE 25KT NC RMK GFACN32=  695 WSSG31 GOOY 300356 GOOO SIGMET A2 VALID 300400/300800 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0350Z WI N0643 W01657 - N0701 W02337 - N1018 W01827 - N0924 W01729 - N0742 W02026 TOP FL420 MOV W 05KT WKN=  911 WHUS51 KGYX 300357 SMWGYX ANZ154-300500- /O.NEW.KGYX.MA.W.0005.190630T0357Z-190630T0500Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 1157 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM... * Until 100 AM EDT. * At 1157 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wells to Newburyport, moving east at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... York, The Mouth Of The Merrimack River, Hampton and Wells. LAT...LON 4281 7087 4282 7081 4289 7083 4305 7071 4308 7073 4310 7069 4335 7055 4325 6995 4286 7015 4280 7080 TIME...MOT...LOC 0357Z 291DEG 23KT 4330 7069 4281 7092 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...40KTS $$ Legro  125 WWUS81 KPHI 300358 SPSPHI Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1158 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MDZ012-015-019-020-300430- Queen Anne's-Talbot-Kent-Caroline- 1158 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN TALBOT...QUEEN ANNE'S...NORTHERN CAROLINE AND WESTERN KENT COUNTIES... At 1158 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Bowleys Quarters, or near Millers Island, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Centerville, Chestertown, Centreville, Oakland, Ridgely, Rock Hall, Church Hill, Goldsboro, Queen Anne, Old Town, Starr, Langford, Jumptown, Newtown, Starkey Corner, Wye Mills, Morgnec, Cordova, Carville and Hope. LAT...LON 3926 7622 3929 7617 3932 7618 3934 7616 3933 7614 3934 7614 3937 7611 3937 7608 3905 7574 3885 7597 3906 7623 3913 7625 3915 7628 TIME...MOT...LOC 0358Z 311DEG 31KT 3925 7629 $$ NC  659 WTNT80 EGRR 300357 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 00UTC 30.06.2019 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 94E ANALYSED POSITION : 10.2N 107.3W ATCF IDENTIFIER : EP942019 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 30.06.2019 10.2N 107.3W WEAK 12UTC 30.06.2019 10.3N 110.9W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 01.07.2019 11.0N 114.6W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 01.07.2019 11.5N 118.2W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 02.07.2019 11.7N 121.2W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 02.07.2019 12.4N 123.9W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 03.07.2019 13.0N 126.6W STRONG INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 03.07.2019 13.6N 128.9W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 04.07.2019 13.9N 130.6W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 04.07.2019 14.6N 131.8W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 05.07.2019 15.5N 133.2W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 05.07.2019 16.4N 134.6W MODERATE WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 06.07.2019 17.0N 136.7W MODERATE WEAKENING SLIGHTLY NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 114 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+114 : 10.0N 114.9W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 05.07.2019 10.4N 115.4W WEAK WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 05.07.2019 11.3N 117.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 06.07.2019 11.5N 118.8W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 120 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+120 : 11.7N 105.7W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 05.07.2019 11.7N 105.7W WEAK 12UTC 05.07.2019 12.8N 108.4W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 06.07.2019 14.0N 111.1W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 144 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+144 : 8.2N 93.5W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 06.07.2019 8.2N 93.5W WEAK THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 300357  660 WTNT82 EGRR 300358 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 0000UTC 30.06.2019 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 94E ANALYSED POSITION : 10.2N 107.3W ATCF IDENTIFIER : EP942019 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 30.06.2019 0 10.2N 107.3W 1005 29 1200UTC 30.06.2019 12 10.3N 110.9W 1003 31 0000UTC 01.07.2019 24 11.0N 114.6W 1001 39 1200UTC 01.07.2019 36 11.5N 118.2W 999 39 0000UTC 02.07.2019 48 11.7N 121.2W 993 50 1200UTC 02.07.2019 60 12.4N 123.9W 984 52 0000UTC 03.07.2019 72 13.0N 126.6W 978 56 1200UTC 03.07.2019 84 13.6N 128.9W 975 59 0000UTC 04.07.2019 96 13.9N 130.6W 975 59 1200UTC 04.07.2019 108 14.6N 131.8W 973 60 0000UTC 05.07.2019 120 15.5N 133.2W 976 59 1200UTC 05.07.2019 132 16.4N 134.6W 988 50 0000UTC 06.07.2019 144 17.0N 136.7W 997 44 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 114 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+114 : 10.0N 114.9W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 05.07.2019 120 10.4N 115.4W 1003 30 1200UTC 05.07.2019 132 11.3N 117.2W 1004 29 0000UTC 06.07.2019 144 11.5N 118.8W 1004 29 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 120 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+120 : 11.7N 105.7W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 05.07.2019 120 11.7N 105.7W 1005 27 1200UTC 05.07.2019 132 12.8N 108.4W 1003 41 0000UTC 06.07.2019 144 14.0N 111.1W 998 45 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 144 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+144 : 8.2N 93.5W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 06.07.2019 144 8.2N 93.5W 1007 29 THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 300357  075 WWCN11 CWWG 300359 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:59 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS BISSETT - VICTORIA BEACH - NOPIMING PROV. PARK - PINE FALLS WHITESHELL - LAC DU BONNET - PINAWA SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED AND ARE MOVING SLOWLY TOWARD THE EAST. SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST THROUGH THIS EVENING. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  751 WAIY33 LIIB 300359 LIBB AIRMET 1 VALID 300400/300800 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST SE OF LINE N4037 E01529 - N4202 E01705 FL010/040 STNR NC=  261 WWUS81 KGYX 300400 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1200 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ018-023-NHZ010-013-014-300430- Interior York-Coastal York-Strafford-Coastal Rockingham-Interior Rockingham- 1200 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN YORK... EAST CENTRAL ROCKINGHAM AND SOUTHEASTERN STRAFFORD COUNTIES... At 1159 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered near South Berwick, or 11 miles north of Kittery, moving east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Portsmouth, Durham, Kittery, Sanford, Dover, Somersworth, Berwick, Epping, Greenland, South Berwick, York, Newington, Wells, Newmarket, Rye, Stratham, Eliot, Lee, Madbury and Ogunquit. This includes the following highways... Interstate 95 between mile markers 1 and 19. Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 12 and 16. This also includes... York Beach, Ogunquit Beach, and Wells Beach. LAT...LON 4306 7105 4336 7079 4332 7053 4317 7059 4303 7073 TIME...MOT...LOC 0359Z 291DEG 23KT 4325 7070 $$ Legro  803 WSSG31 GOOY 300400 GOOO SIGMET B2 VALID 300405/300805 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0355Z WI N0907 W01656 - N1008 W01753 - N1503 W01517 - N1405 W01159 - N1236 W01248 TOP FL480 MOV W 08KT WKN WI N0530 W00544 - N0516 W00359 - N0425 W00429 - N0500 W00608 TOP FL450 MOV W 08KT WKN=  922 WWCN02 CYTR 300402 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:02 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0600Z (UNTIL 29/2400 MDT) COMMENTS: A THUNDERSTORM CELL HAS DEVELOPED SOUTHEAST OF NAMAO AND IS GIVING LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM UNTIL NEAR MIDNIGHT. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 25 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0600Z (30/0000 MDT) END/JMC  931 WOUS64 KWNS 300403 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1103 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC021-031-043-045-047-051-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  579 WWUS85 KSLC 300403 AWWSLC UTC035-300500- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 1001 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 Airport Weather Warning for outflow winds gusting to greater than 30 mph/26 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 1001 PM MDT to 1100 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  884 WWCN11 CWWG 300403 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:03 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  885 WWCN12 CWWG 300403 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:03 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: THOMPSON - NELSON HOUSE - SPLIT LAKE NORWAY HOUSE - CROSS LAKE - WABOWDEN. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: THE PAS - WANLESS - WESTRAY - CLEARWATER LAKE PROV. PARK FLIN FLON - CRANBERRY PORTAGE - SNOW LAKE LYNN LAKE - LEAF RAPIDS - PUKATAWAGAN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AN AREA OF THUNDERSTORMS HAS PRODUCED SEVERE WEATHER IN CENTRAL SASKATCHEWAN IS MOVING NORTHEASTWARD INTO NORTH-CENTRAL MANITOBA. THUNDERSTORMS WILL PERSIST WELL INTO THE EVENING. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. BE PREPARED FOR SEVERE WEATHER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  329 WHUS51 KBOX 300403 SMWBOX ANZ250-251-270-300445- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0037.190630T0403Z-190630T0445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1203 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary... Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay... Ocean Waters from the Merrimack River to Plymouth from 40 to 60 NM offshore... * Until 1245 AM EDT. * At 1203 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Newburyport, or near The Mouth Of The Merrimack River, moving east at 50 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... The Mouth Of The Merrimack River, Jeffreys Ledge Buoy 44098 and Plum Island. LAT...LON 4269 7005 4276 7089 4277 7084 4281 7082 4279 7081 4287 7010 TIME...MOT...LOC 0403Z 277DEG 49KT 4283 7089 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ KJC  840 WAAK48 PAWU 300404 WA8O ANCS WA 300415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 301215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB NERN KENAI PEN SPRDG NE ALG/VCY MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. DTRT. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB KENAI/CHUGACH/TALKEETNA MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD SE MONDAGUE-PACV LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD KENAI MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . KODIAK IS AE WELL OFSHR OCNL CIGS BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . KODIAK IS AE ALEUTIAN MTS W KODIAK IS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF E PASL MTS OCNL OBSC BY FU. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH ALG CST/OFSHR MOVG INLAND BECMG OCNL CIG BLW 010. NC. . AK PEN AI BERING SIDE AND OFSHR PAC SIDE SE PASD OCNL CIG BLW 010/ ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ OCNL CIG BLW 010 ISOL VIS BLW 3SM -RA/BR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. DTRT. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL CIGS BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -DZ BR. NC. . =ANCT WA 300415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 301215 . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG W PAEM-PAKI LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. MOVG E. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 07Z PAAK SW OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK TIL 07Z PASY E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL PASN W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . =ANCZ WA 300415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 301215 . NONE . DH JUN 2019 AAWU  841 WAAK47 PAWU 300404 WA7O JNUS WA 300415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 301215 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB SPRDG E TO PAGS OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. DTRT. . CNTRL SE AK JC VCY CANALS SW PAFE OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SRN SE AK JD PAKT S OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SRN SE AK JD PAKT S SPRDG N MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE COAST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =JNUT WA 300415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 301215 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 300415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 301215 . NONE . DH JUN 2019 AAWU  918 WWUS51 KLWX 300405 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1205 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC025-300413- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0305.000000T0000Z-190630T0430Z/ Harford MD- 1205 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN HARFORD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3945 7606 3941 7614 3947 7623 3945 7628 3944 7625 3941 7625 3941 7628 3939 7627 3937 7629 3936 7627 3931 7628 3938 7630 3941 7637 3945 7639 3953 7637 3963 7615 3955 7608 3949 7613 TIME...MOT...LOC 0400Z 266DEG 30KT 3955 7623 3931 7626 $$ BKF  516 WHCN13 CWWG 300405 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:05 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 1:04 A.M. CDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 50 KNOTS, FREQUENT LIGHTNING, HAIL UP TO 3 CENTIMETRES AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN THUNDERSTORMS HEAVY AT TIMES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. THE THUNDERSTORM IS APPROACHING WASHOW BAY FROM THE WEST, AND WILL CROSS LAKE WINNIPEG OVER THE NEXT HOUR OR SO. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  345 WSNT03 KKCI 300415 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 2 VALID 300415/300815 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0415Z WI N4215 W06530 - N4200 W06130 - N4015 W06215 - N4115 W06615 - N4215 W06530. TOP FL400. MOV ESE 25KT. NC.  031 WUCN14 CWWG 300406 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:06 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: CUMBERLAND HOUSE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  892 WWUS81 KGYX 300407 AWWMHT Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 1206 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ012-300500- Eastern Hillsborough- 1206 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AT Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. * Until 100 AM EDT. * For the following hazards... Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. * A cluster of thunderstorms will pass near the terminal through 1 AM. $$ ES  100 WWCN14 CWWG 300407 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:07 P.M. CST SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: PELICAN NARROWS - CUMBERLAND HOUSE - CREIGHTON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  340 WHUS76 KMTR 300407 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 PZZ575-301215- /O.CAN.KMTR.SC.Y.0116.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2200Z-190701T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PDT MONDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR THE REMAINDER OF TONIGHT... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has cancelled the Small Craft Advisory. * WINDS TONIGHT...Northwest 10 to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT...Northwest 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...Around 6 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-301215- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM TO 9 PM PDT SUNDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED FOR TONIGHT... * WINDS TONIGHT...Southwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...Southwest 15 to 25 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-301215- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T0400Z/ /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2000Z-190701T0400Z/ Monterey Bay- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM PDT SUNDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED FOR THE REMAINDER OF TONIGHT... * WINDS TONIGHT...West 5 to 15 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...West 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...3 to 5 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-300515- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T0400Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Winds have now diminished to below small craft advisory criteria. $$ PZZ560-301215- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2000Z-190701T0600Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 11 PM PDT SUNDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-301215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT SUNDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM SUNDAY TO 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-301215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-301215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 7 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-301215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 7 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-301215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 7 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-301215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 907 PM PDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  572 WUCN11 CWWG 300409 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:09 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF GIMLI INCL. WINNIPEG BEACH AND ARNES =NEW= MANIGOTAGAN BLACK RIVER RES. AND HOLLOW WATER RES. =NEW= BERENS RIVER =NEW= BLOODVEIN R.M. OF COLDWELL INCL. LUNDAR AND CLARKLEIGH R.M. OF ST. LAURENT INCL. OAK POINT R.M. OF ARMSTRONG INCL. CHATFIELD INWOOD AND NARCISSE R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF ALONSA INCL. EBB AND FLOW RES. AND SANDY BAY RES. R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER JACKHEAD RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 12:52 A.M. CDT. AT 11:09 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING AN AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  889 WOIN20 VEPT 300340 FROM: FORECAST PATNA TO: FLOOD FORECASTING WARNING CENTRE, DHAKA FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 107 M.C.PATNA DATED: 30/06/2019 (MORNING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT SAHIBGANJ ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 21.170 TWENTY ONE POINT ONE SEVEN ZERO 2100 TWENTY ONE 29.06.2019 21.170 TWENTY ONE POINT ONE SEVEN ZERO 2400 TWENTY FOUR 29.06.2019 21.180 TWENTY ONE POINT ONE EIGHT ZERO 0300 THREE 30.06.2019 21.190 TWENTY ONE POINT ONE NINE ZERO 0600 SIX 30.06.2019 FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 108 M.C.PATNA DATED: 30/06/2019 (MORNING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT FARAKKA ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 14.950 FOURTEEN POINT NINE FIVE ZERO 2100 TWENTY ONE 29.06.2019 15.070 FIFTEEN POINT ZERO SEVEN ZERO 2400 TWENTY FOUR 29.06.2019 15.190 FIFTEEN POINT ONE NINE ZERO 0300 THREE 30.06.2019 15.300 FIFTEEN POINT THREE ZERO ZERO 0600 SIX 30.06.2019=  097 WWUS83 KIND 300411 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1211 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ056-057-300445- Rush IN-Shelby IN- 1211 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN SHELBY AND WESTERN RUSH COUNTIES UNTIL 1245 AM EDT... At 1210 AM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles northeast of Shelbyville, moving southeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Morristown, Carthage, Arlington and Manilla. LAT...LON 3946 8566 3965 8579 3970 8569 3970 8563 3973 8563 3975 8558 3954 8541 TIME...MOT...LOC 0410Z 332DEG 16KT 3964 8565 $$ 50  525 WUUS51 KBOX 300411 SVRBOX MAC009-300445- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0020.190630T0411Z-190630T0445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1211 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Essex County in northeastern Massachusetts... * Until 1245 AM EDT. * At 1210 AM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Salisbury, or over Hampton, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Newburyport, Salisbury and Newbury. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4286 7085 4287 7082 4283 7081 4281 7087 4280 7085 4280 7083 4282 7082 4280 7081 4280 7078 4277 7078 4280 7091 4288 7089 TIME...MOT...LOC 0410Z 278DEG 24KT 4284 7085 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ KJC.  492 WWUS84 KEWX 300411 AWWAUS TXC453-300615- Airport Weather Warning for Austin Bergstrom International Airport National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 1111 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Airport Weather Warning for Lightning Within 5 Miles... .Onset/End Times... Now through 1:15 AM CDT .Lightning Rates Expected... OCNL .Other Threats/Remarks... Lightning expected primarily from 1140 PM through 1:15 AM. A gust front will precede the lightning at around 1130 PM with wind gusts expected to briefly be in the 25 to 30 knot range. && FEW....Few=Less than 4 strikes per hour OCNL...Occasional=4-15 strikes per hour FRQ....Frequent=16 to 60 strikes per hour CONS...Continuous=More than 60 strikes per hour $$  610 WWUS85 KBYZ 300411 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 1011 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MTZ028-042-300500- Golden Valley MT-Southern Wheatland MT- 1011 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 1010 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Deadmans Basin Reservoir, or 21 miles east of Harlowton, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Deadmans Basin Reservoir and Franklin. LAT...LON 4662 10901 4662 10898 4658 10899 4658 10890 4649 10891 4649 10888 4645 10888 4645 10886 4642 10886 4627 10942 4643 10953 4665 10901 TIME...MOT...LOC 0410Z 243DEG 26KT 4639 10938 $$ Reimer  139 WSBZ31 SBBS 300412 SBBS SIGMET 2 VALID 300435/300835 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2206 W04802 - S1558 W04955 - S150 6 W04733 - S1949 W04230 - S2029 W04235 - S2031 W04402 - S2250 W04549 - S2314 W04550 - S2326 W04628 - S2330 W04656 - S2305 W04734 - S2241 W0 4734 - S2206 W04802 FL320/370 STNR NC=  119 WWUS84 KEWX 300414 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 1114 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 TXZ171>173-188-190>194-209-300515- Blanco TX-Gillespie TX-Williamson TX-Bastrop TX-Llano TX-Fayette TX- Hays TX-Burnet TX-Lee TX-Travis TX- 1114 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WILLIAMSON...NORTHERN HAYS... TRAVIS...NORTHERN BLANCO...NORTHEASTERN GILLESPIE...LLANO... BASTROP...LEE...CENTRAL FAYETTE AND BURNET COUNTIES UNTIL 1215 AM CDT... At 1111 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 7 miles northeast of Tow to near Dime Box. Movement was southwest at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Some pea size hail will also be possible. Locations impacted include... Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park, Georgetown, Pflugerville, Taylor, Elgin, Bastrop, Burnet, Marble Falls, Kingsland, Giddings, Smithville, Llano, Dripping Springs, Granger, Bertram, Lexington, Round Mountain and Serenada. LAT...LON 3091 9783 3074 9727 3046 9715 3056 9696 3032 9674 3029 9664 3024 9674 3016 9679 3014 9677 3014 9676 3015 9672 2978 9705 2999 9756 3007 9765 3005 9769 3056 9897 3092 9896 3092 9845 3103 9844 3104 9793 TIME...MOT...LOC 0411Z 034DEG 34KT 3098 9842 3039 9687 $$ BMW  567 WAIY31 LIIB 300420 LIMM AIRMET 1 VALID 300430/300630 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST N OF LINE N4618 E01342 - N4457 E00622 STNR NC=  586 WHCN13 CWWG 300415 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:15 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: LAKE MANITOBA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  106 WWUS51 KGYX 300415 SVSGYX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1215 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHC015-300425- /O.CAN.KGYX.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190630T0430Z/ Rockingham NH- 1215 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Gray Maine. LAT...LON 4284 7113 4306 7105 4303 7072 4287 7081 4287 7083 4286 7085 4289 7090 4286 7103 4285 7105 4281 7107 TIME...MOT...LOC 0414Z 281DEG 25KT 4286 7069 $$ Legro  704 WWUS53 KFGF 300417 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1117 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNC007-089-135-300445- /O.CON.KFGF.SV.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190630T0445Z/ Marshall MN-Roseau MN-Beltrami MN- 1117 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN MARSHALL...SOUTH CENTRAL ROSEAU AND NORTHWESTERN BELTRAMI COUNTIES... At 1117 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Gatzke, or 23 miles northeast of Thief River Falls, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Gatzke around 1125 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4842 9639 4863 9571 4840 9550 4832 9632 TIME...MOT...LOC 0417Z 269DEG 32KT 4840 9589 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AM  656 WSCI31 RCTP 300418 RCAA SIGMET 1 VALID 300420/300800 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2230 E11730 - N2530 E12200 - N2500 E12200 - N2100 E12030 TOP FL430 MOV NE 10KT NC=  781 WWUS83 KFGF 300420 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1120 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNZ008-009-013-300500- East Marshall MN-North Beltrami MN-Pennington MN- 1120 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MARSHALL... NORTHWESTERN BELTRAMI AND NORTHEASTERN PENNINGTON COUNTIES UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT... At 1120 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Espelie, or 21 miles northeast of Thief River Falls, moving east at 45 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Espelie around 1125 PM CDT. Grygla around 1130 PM CDT. Jelle and Carmel around 1140 PM CDT. Fourtown and Malcolm around 1145 PM CDT. Thorhult around 1150 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Thief River Falls Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && LAT...LON 4804 9628 4832 9632 4843 9532 4808 9518 4802 9579 TIME...MOT...LOC 0420Z 275DEG 41KT 4827 9577 $$ AM  055 WAAK49 PAWU 300420 WA9O FAIS WA 300415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 301215 . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH E SURVEY PASS MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. MOVG E. IMPR. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI W PAVL-PASH LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI W PAOT MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAOM W MTS OBSC BY CLDS. DTRT. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 300415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 301215 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG TIL 10Z OFSHR NW PPIZ OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI AFT 07Z PAOT W MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI TIL 10Z PASH SW OCNL MOD TURB BLW 080. WKN. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ AFT 10Z PAOM W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ TIL 10Z N PAOM OCNL MOD TURB BLW 080. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. MOVG E. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK TIL 07Z VCY PATE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 080. WKN. . =FAIZ WA 300415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 301215 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG TIL 10Z NE PAAD OCNL MOD ICEIC 110-170. FZLVL 090 E TO 070 W. WKN. . RDE JUN 2019 AAWU  865 WOUS20 KWNS 300420 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300425 NDZ000-300540- STATUS REPORT ON WW 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 NW ABR TO 20 SW JMS TO 10 NW JMS. ..KERR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...BIS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 463 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS NDC021-031-045-093-300540- ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE STUTSMAN $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  183 WWUS81 KBOX 300421 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1221 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ004-005-012-013-300500- Southern Worcester MA-Western Norfolk MA-Central Middlesex County MA- Northern Worcester MA- 1221 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS DEVELOPING... At 1220 AM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Oxford, or 10 miles southwest of Worcester, moving east at 30 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Worcester, Franklin, Milford, Grafton, Webster, Southbridge, Bellingham, Auburn, Northbridge, Hopkinton, Oxford, Holliston, Uxbridge, Millbury, Charlton, Medway, Spencer, Dudley, Leicester and Wrentham. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4204 7202 4223 7199 4221 7146 4202 7142 TIME...MOT...LOC 0420Z 278DEG 24KT 4213 7191 $$ KJC  749 WWCN19 CWVR 300421 HEAT WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF YUKON AT 9:21 P.M. PDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAT WARNING FOR: PELLY - CARMACKS BEAVER CREEK MAYO DAWSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SUNDAY WILL BE UNSEASONABLY HOT. TEMPERATURES HAD REACHED 30 C OVER THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN YUKON THIS AFTERNOON. CONDITIONS LOOK TO BE ON TRACK FOR TONIGHT AND SUNDAY TO MEET THE CRITERIA FOR A HEAT WARNING. DAYTIME HIGHS ARE EXPECTED TO REACH NEAR 29 C WITH THE OVERNIGHT LOW FALLING TO NEAR 13 C. THIS PUTS TEMPERATURES ABOUT 5 TO 7 DEGREES ABOVE SEASONAL NORMS. COOLER WEATHER RETURNS ON MONDAY. HOWEVER, THERE ARE SOME COMPETING FACTORS SUCH AS, AFTERNOON CLOUD COVER, POSSIBLE SHOWERS, AND FOREST FIRE SMOKE, THAT MAY THROW A WRENCH INTO THE FORECAST. HEAT WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN DAYTIME HIGHS ARE FORECAST TO REACH AT LEAST 28 C FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS AND THE OVERNIGHT LOW DOESN'T FALL BELOW 13 C. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER EVEN BEFORE YOU FEEL THIRSTY AND STAY IN A COOL PLACE. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. MAKE SURE THEY ARE COOL AND DRINKING WATER REDUCE YOUR HEAT RISK. SCHEDULE OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DURING THE COOLEST PARTS OF THE DAY. SEEK A COOL PLACE SUCH AS A TREE-SHADED AREA, SWIMMING POOL, SHOWER OR BATH, OR AIR-CONDITIONED SPOT LIKE A PUBLIC BUILDING. NEVER LEAVE PEOPLE OR PETS INSIDE A PARKED VEHICLE. ASK A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL HOW MEDICATIONS OR HEALTH CONDITIONS CAN AFFECT YOUR RISK IN THE HEAT. WATCH FOR THE SYMPTOMS OF HEAT ILLNESS: DIZZINESS/FAINTING(SEMICOLON) NAUSEA/VOMITING(SEMICOLON) RAPID BREATHING AND HEARTBEAT(SEMICOLON) EXTREME THIRST(SEMICOLON) DECREASED URINATION WITH UNUSUALLY DARK URINE. WHEN IT'S HOT EAT COOL, LIGHT MEALS. KEEP YOUR HOUSE COOL. BLOCK THE SUN BY CLOSING CURTAINS OR BLINDS. OUTDOOR WORKERS SHOULD TAKE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BREAKS IN A COOL PLACE. TO GET MORE INFORMATION: - CHECK THE LOCAL NEWS FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY UPDATES. - CHECK HEALTHLINKBC ONLINE RESOURCES ABOUT HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS AND HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF AT WWW.HEALTHLINKBC.CA/HEALTHLINKBC-FILES/HEAT-RELATED-ILLNESS. - CALL HEALTHLINKBC AT 8-1-1 TO ASK ABOUT HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS. ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND LOCAL MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICERS EXPECT AN INCREASE IN HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS FROM HEAT AND ARE ADVISING THE PUBLIC TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  144 WWUS51 KBOX 300422 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1222 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-300432- /O.CAN.KBOX.SV.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190630T0445Z/ Essex MA- 1222 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL ESSEX COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved east over the coastal waters. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4286 7085 4287 7082 4283 7081 4281 7087 4280 7085 4280 7083 4282 7082 4280 7081 4280 7078 4277 7078 4280 7091 4288 7089 TIME...MOT...LOC 0420Z 278DEG 24KT 4283 7074 $$ KJC  248 WWUS83 KLBF 300423 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 1023 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 NEZ004-022-300515- Sheridan NE-Garden NE- 1023 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN GARDEN AND SOUTHWESTERN SHERIDAN COUNTIES UNTIL 1115 PM MDT... At 1022 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Antioch, or 14 miles east of Alliance, moving east at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Ellsworth, Antioch, Snow Lake, Miles Lake, Patterson Lake, Lakeside, Herman Lake and Kennedy Lake. This includes the following highways... Highway 250 between mile markers 1 and 12. Highway 2 between mile markers 96 and 125. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4211 10272 4227 10225 4201 10214 4194 10264 TIME...MOT...LOC 0422Z 252DEG 17KT 4205 10259 $$ CDC  273 WSRA31 RUIR 300420 UIII SIGMET 1 VALID 300420/300800 UIII- UIII IRKUTSK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N5510 E11640 - N5130 E11800 - N4916 E11108 - N5148 E10726 - N5510 E11640 TOP FL400 MOV SW 30KMH NC=  762 WSCU31 MUHA 300422 MUFH SIGMET 2 VALID 300422/300435 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR CNL SIGMET 1 VALID 300035/300435 MUHA- =  869 WSRS31 RUSM 300423 UWWW SIGMET 2 VALID 300500/300800 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E051 FL300/360 MOV N 50KMH NC=  013 WWUS30 KWNS 300424 SAW4 SPC AWW 300424 WW 464 SEVERE TSTM MN 300425Z - 301000Z AXIS..65 STATUTE MILES NORTH AND SOUTH OF LINE.. 35WSW TVF/THIEF RIVER FALLS MN/ - 65S INL/INTERNATIONAL FALLS MN/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 55NM N/S /13ESE GFK - 56S INL/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1.5 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 600. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 31030. LAT...LON 48819687 48569340 46689340 46939687 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU4.  499 WWUS40 KWNS 300424 WWP4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1121 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 WS 0464 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : 05% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 50% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 20% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 20% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 80% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.5 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 600 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 31030 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU4. $$  500 WOUS64 KWNS 300424 WOU4 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1125 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107-113- 119-125-135-159-301000- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0464.190630T0425Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  518 WWUS20 KWNS 300424 SEL4 SPC WW 300424 MNZ000-301000- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 464 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1125 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Northwestern and north central Minnesota * Effective this Saturday night and Sunday morning from 1125 PM until 500 AM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible Scattered large hail events to 1.5 inches in diameter possible SUMMARY...An initial cluster of elevated storms in northwestern Minnesota may continue to expand and begin to develop more organized structure while moving southeastward through the early morning hours. Given the possibility of a more organized convective system, damaging winds will become more of a concern. Otherwise, the stronger embedded storms will pose a threat for large hail. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 65 statute miles north and south of a line from 35 miles west southwest of Thief River Falls MN to 65 miles south of International Falls MN. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU4). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 463... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 600. Mean storm motion vector 31030. ...Thompson  503 WSBZ01 SBBR 300400 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0043 W06618 - S0241W06617 - S0046 W06928 - N0032 W06956 - N0036 W06916 - N0146 W06906 - N0043 W06618 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  504 WSBZ01 SBBR 300400 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0105 W05653 - S0017W05928 - N0311 W06421 - N0401 W06400 - N0341 W06245 - N0403 W06239 - N0122 W05916 - N0105 W05653TOP FL450 STNR NC=  466 WGUS51 KPBZ 300426 FFWPBZ MDC023-WVC077-093-300730- /O.NEW.KPBZ.FF.W.0041.190630T0426Z-190630T0730Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1226 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southwestern Garrett County in western Maryland... Northeastern Tucker County in northeastern West Virginia... Central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 330 AM EDT. * At 1226 AM EDT, radar indicated heavy rain in the warned area. FLASH FLOODING... Expected. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... Up to 2 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 2 inches. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Albright... Tunnelton... Elgon... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3914 7953 3928 7974 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3919 7949 3918 7947 3920 7937 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3904 7931 $$ Brown  107 WWCN79 CWVR 300421 AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA ET LE GOUVERNEMENT DU YUKON A 21H21 HAP LE SAMEDI 29 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR: PELLY - CARMACKS BEAVER CREEK MAYO DAWSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== DIMANCHE SERA ANORMALEMENT CHAUD POUR LA SAISON. LES TEMPERATURES ONT ATTEINT 30 DEGRES CELSIUS SUR LES REGIONS DU CENTRE ET DE L'OUEST DU YUKON CET APRES-MIDI. LES CONDITIONS SEMBLENT REUNIR LES CRITERES JUSTIFIANT L'EMISSION D'UN AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR CE SOIR ET CETTE NUIT AINSI QUE DIMANCHE. LES TEMPERATURES MAXIMALES DIURNES DEVRAIENT ATTEINDRE PRES DE 29 DEGRES CELSIUS ET LE MINIMUM NOCTURNE DEVRAIT DIMINUER A PRES DE 13 DEGRES CELSIUS. CES TEMPERATURES SONT ENVIRON 5 A 7 DEGRES AU-DESSUS DES NORMALES SAISONNIERES. ON PREVOIT DU TEMPS PLUS FRAIS LUNDI. TOUTEFOIS, D'AUTRES FACTEURS, COMME LA COUVERTURE NUAGEUSE EN APRES-MIDI, LA POSSIBILITE D'AVERSES DE PLUIE ET LA FUMEE PROVENANT DES FEUX DE FORET, POURRAIENT INFLUENCER GRANDEMENT LES PREVISIONS. DES AVERTISSEMENTS DE CHALEUR SONT EMIS LORSQUE L'ON PREVOIT QUE LES TEMPERATURES MAXIMALES DIURNES ATTEINDRONT AU MOINS 28 DEGRES CELSIUS PENDANT DEUX JOURS CONSECUTIFS ET QUE LE MINIMUM NOCTURNE NE DIMINUERA PAS AU-DESSOUS DE 13 DEGRES CELSIUS. BUVEZ BEAUCOUP D'EAU, MEME AVANT DE RESSENTIR LA SOIF, ET RESTEZ AU FRAIS. VERIFIEZ L'ETAT DES PERSONNES AGEES DE VOTRE FAMILLE, VOS AMIS ET VOISINS. ASSUREZ-VOUS QU'ILS SONT AU FRAIS ET BOIVENT DE L'EAU. REDUISEZ VOS RISQUES LIES A LA CHALEUR. ORGANISEZ VOS ACTIVITES EXTERIEURES PENDANT LES HEURES LES PLUS FRAICHES DE LA JOURNEE. CHERCHEZ UN ENDROIT FRAIS, PAR EXEMPLE L'OMBRE DES ARBRES, LA PISCINE, LA DOUCHE OU LE BAIN ET UN ENDROIT CLIMATISE COMME UN EDIFICE PUBLIC. NE LAISSEZ JAMAIS DES PERSONNES OU DES ANIMAUX DANS UN VEHICULE STATIONNE. RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS AUPRES D'UN PROFESSIONNEL DE LA SANTE DE L'EFFET DE VOS MEDICAMENTS OU DE VOS PROBLEMES DE SANTE SUR LES RISQUES AUXQUELS LA CHALEUR VOUS EXPOSE. SURVEILLEZ LES SYMPTOMES DES MALADIES CAUSEES PAR LA CHALEUR : ETOURDISSEMENTS/EVANOUISSEMENTS(POINT-VIRGULE) NAUSEES/VOMISSEMENTS(POINT-VIRGULE) RESPIRATION ET POULS RAPIDES(POINT-VIRGULE) SOIF EXTREME(POINT-VIRGULE) DIMINUTION DE LA MICTION ET URINE ANORMALEMENT FONCEE. MANGEZ DES REPAS FROIDS ET LEGERS LORSQU'IL FAIT CHAUD. RESTEZ AU FRAIS. BLOQUEZ L'ENTREE DES RAYONS DU SOLEIL EN FERMANT LES RIDEAUX OU LES STORES. SI VOUS TRAVAILLEZ A L'EXTERIEUR, PRENEZ REGULIEREMENT DES PAUSES DANS UN ENDROIT FRAIS. POUR PLUS DE RENSEIGNEMENTS : - PRENEZ CONNAISSANCE DES NOUVELLES LOCALES POUR OBTENIR LES MISES A JOUR RELATIVES A LA SANTE ET A LA SECURITE. - CONSULTEZ LES RESSOURCES DU SITE WEB DE HEALTHLINKBC POUR CONNAITRE LES MALAISES LIES A LA CHALEUR ET LES MESURES A PRENDRE POUR SE PROTEGER A WWW.HEALTHLINKBC.CA/HEALTHLINKBC-FILES/HEAT-RELATED-ILLNESS (ANGLAIS SEULEMENT). - COMMUNIQUEZ AVEC HEALTHLINKBC (8-1-1) POUR POSER DES QUESTIONS SUR LES MALAISES LIES A LA CHALEUR. ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA ET LES AGENTS DE SOINS DE SANTE LOCAUX PREVOIENT UNE AUGMENTATION DES RISQUES POUR LA SANTE ET LA SECURITE EN RAISON DE LA CHALEUR. LE PUBLIC DEVRAIT PRENDRE LES PRECAUTIONS QUI S'IMPOSENT. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  157 WWUS73 KEAX 300426 NPWEAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 1126 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...Hot and Very Humid Conditions Continue Today and Sunday... MOZ001>003-010200- /O.CON.KEAX.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Atchison MO-Nodaway-Worth- Including the cities of Tarkio, Rockport, Fairfax, Maryville, and Grant City 1126 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 9 PM CDT SUNDAY... * TEMPERATURE...Afternoon temperatures will climb into the low to middle 90s with humidity leading to heat index values of 100 and 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illness is possible for those spending prolonged time outside or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ Kurtz  964 WWUS63 KFGF 300429 WCNFGF WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GRAND FORKS ND 1129 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 MNC005-007-027-029-057-077-087-089-107-113-119-125-135-159-301000- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.A.0464.190630T0429Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM CDT SUNDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA WADENA IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA BELTRAMI HUBBARD LAKE OF THE WOODS IN NORTHWEST MINNESOTA BECKER CLEARWATER MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU IN WEST CENTRAL MINNESOTA CLAY THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADA, ARGYLE, BAGLEY, BAUDETTE, BEMIDJI, CLEARBROOK, CROOKSTON, DETROIT LAKES, EAST GRAND FORKS, GREENBUSH, HALSTAD, MAHNOMEN, MENAHGA, MOORHEAD, NAYTAHWAUSH, PARK RAPIDS, RED LAKE FALLS, ROSEAU, STEPHEN, THIEF RIVER FALLS, TWIN VALLEY, WADENA, WARREN, WARROAD, AND WAUBUN. $$  412 WWUS81 KPHI 300429 SPSPHI Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1229 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 DEZ003-004-300500- Inland Sussex-Delaware Beaches- 1229 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN SUSSEX COUNTY... At 1229 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Gumboro, or 14 miles northwest of Ocean City, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Millsboro, Selbyville, Dagsboro, Millville, Gumboro, Ocean View, Frankford and South Bethany. LAT...LON 3846 7539 3861 7535 3858 7518 3857 7518 3858 7515 3857 7510 3856 7509 3857 7508 3856 7506 3845 7505 3845 7538 TIME...MOT...LOC 0429Z 284DEG 32KT 3849 7529 $$ NC  340 WWUS63 KDLH 300430 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 1130 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 MNC001-021-035-061-071-301000- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.A.0464.190630T0430Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM CDT SUNDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA AITKIN CROW WING IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA CASS ITASCA KOOCHICHING THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AITKIN, BRAINERD, CASS LAKE, EAST GULL LAKE, ESTERDY, GRAND RAPIDS, INTERNATIONAL FALLS, LAKE SHORE, PINE RIVER, SCHLEY, AND WALKER. $$  662 WUUS53 KFGF 300431 SVRFGF MNC007-029-077-089-113-119-125-300530- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0068.190630T0431Z-190630T0530Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1131 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Marshall County in northwestern Minnesota... Northeastern Red Lake County in northwestern Minnesota... East central Polk County in northwestern Minnesota... Northwestern Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... Southern Lake of the Woods County in north central Minnesota... Pennington County in northwestern Minnesota... Northern Clearwater County in northwestern Minnesota... * Until 1230 AM CDT. * At 1131 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Thorhult to 8 miles south of Espelie to near Dakota Junction, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Thorhult, Fourtown and Malcolm around 1135 PM CDT. Goodridge, Upper Red Lake and High Landing around 1150 PM CDT. Espelie around 1155 PM CDT. Ponemah around 1220 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Thief River Falls Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4778 9474 4777 9519 4779 9557 4790 9605 4805 9628 4832 9631 4845 9517 4821 9476 TIME...MOT...LOC 0431Z 281DEG 36KT 4826 9528 4812 9561 4819 9609 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AM  272 WSCI34 ZSSS 300432 ZSHA SIGMET 2 VALID 300500/300900 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N32 AND N OF N29 TOP FL350 MOV E 30KMH NC=  524 WVCI31 RCTP 300432 RCAA SIGMET 2 VALID 300432/300800 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR CNL SIGMET 1 300420/300800=  309 WOUS64 KWNS 300433 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1133 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC021-031-043-045-047-051-093-103-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER KIDDER LAMOURE LOGAN MCINTOSH STUTSMAN WELLS $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  879 WSCH31 SCIP 300434 SCIZ SIGMET 04 VALID 300630/301030 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3700 W12600 - S4500 W12800 - S5500 W12000 - S5500 W09500 - S4800 W12000 FL420 MOV E NC=  822 WGUS43 KTOP 300436 FLWTOP BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Topeka KS 1136 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 KSC087-301645- /O.EXT.KTOP.FA.W.0086.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jefferson- 1136 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 The National Weather Service in Topeka has extended the * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Jefferson County in northeastern Kansas... * Until 1145 AM CDT Sunday. * Emergency Management indicates flooding along the Delaware river due to backwater from Lake Perry continues to inundate parts of the city of Valley Falls. Specifically, areas around Sycamore and Maple Road including the park and ball fields are inundated. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Valley Falls. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3932 9540 3932 9551 3942 9555 3942 9544 $$  850 WUCN11 CWWG 300435 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:35 P.M. CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER MANIGOTAGAN BLACK RIVER RES. AND HOLLOW WATER RES. R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. BERENS RIVER BLOODVEIN. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF COLDWELL INCL. LUNDAR AND CLARKLEIGH R.M. OF GIMLI INCL. WINNIPEG BEACH AND ARNES R.M. OF ST. LAURENT INCL. OAK POINT R.M. OF ARMSTRONG INCL. CHATFIELD INWOOD AND NARCISSE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 1:34 A.M. CDT. AT 11:35 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A CLUSTER OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO TOONIE SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THE THUNDERSTORMS ARE LOCATED IN THE INTERLAKE FROM ROUGHLY ERIKSDALE THROUGH TO THE EAST SIDE OF LAKE WINNIPEG AND ARE MOVING EASTWARD. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  057 WWUS53 KFGF 300436 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1136 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MNC007-089-135-300445- /O.EXP.KFGF.SV.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190630T0445Z/ Marshall MN-Roseau MN-Beltrami MN- 1136 PM CDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN MARSHALL...SOUTH CENTRAL ROSEAU AND NORTHWESTERN BELTRAMI COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1145 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and heavy rain are still possible with remaining thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for southeastern Marshall County and northwest Beltrami County. LAT...LON 4842 9639 4863 9571 4840 9550 4832 9632 TIME...MOT...LOC 0435Z 255DEG 42KT 4845 9559 $$ AM  775 WSCI31 RCTP 300437 RCAA SIGMET 3 VALID 300440/300800 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2230 E11730 - N2530 E12100 - N2530 E12200 - N2500 E12200 - N2100 E12030 - N2100 E11730 TOP FL430 MOV NE 10KT NC=  306 WSCN23 CWAO 300437 CZWG SIGMET E5 VALID 300435/300835 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5705 W09824/25 NE CZSN - /N5452 W09920/75 SW CYTH - /N5534 W09740/15 SE CYTH TOP FL450 MOV NE 30KT NC RMK GFACN32=  307 WSCN03 CWAO 300437 CZWG SIGMET E5 VALID 300435/300835 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5705 W09824 - N5452 W09920 - N5534 W09740 TOP FL450 MOV NE 30KT NC=  107 WWCN02 CYTR 300440 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 11:39 PM CDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: FURTHER THUNDERSTORMS OVER THE RANGE ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. END/JMC  899 WANO36 ENMI 300440 ENOB AIRMET E02 VALID 300500/300900 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7615 E01725 - N7730 E02610 - N8035 E02810 - N7935 E01625 - N7615 E01725 1000FT/FL120 STNR NC=  340 WSUY31 SUMU 300445 SUEO SIGMET 2 VALID 300500/300900 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3257W05812 S3418W05817 S3555 W05602 S3410W05621 S3257W05812 FL100/260 MOV SE 05KT NC=  547 WSAU21 ASRF 300444 YMMM SIGMET N12 VALID 300444/300722 YSRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET N11 300322/300722=  044 WSRA31 RUKR 300443 UNKL SIGMET 2 VALID 300600/301000 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N5721 E08810 - N5727 E09732 TOP FL400 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  299 WHUS51 KBOX 300444 SMWBOX ANZ250-251-270-300530- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0038.190630T0444Z-190630T0530Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1244 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary... Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay... Ocean Waters from the Merrimack River to Plymouth from 40 to 60 NM offshore... * Until 130 AM EDT. * At 1244 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 nm northeast of Rockport, or 8 nm northeast of Sandy Bay, moving east at 35 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Jeffreys Ledge Buoy 44098. LAT...LON 4291 6971 4287 6973 4278 6969 4273 7061 4282 7058 TIME...MOT...LOC 0444Z 280DEG 33KT 4277 7048 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ KJC  579 WSAU21 ASRF 300444 YBBB SIGMET C08 VALID 300444/300722 YSRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET C07 300322/300722=  082 WSRA31 RUKR 300444 UNKL SIGMET 3 VALID 300600/301000 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N6600 E08310 - N6610 E09800 - N5727 E09732 - N5721 E08810 - N5845 E08756 - N6055 E08300 - N6327 E08448 - N6000 E08310 TOP FL380 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  823 WWUS85 KBYZ 300446 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 1046 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 MTZ029-300545- Musselshell MT- 1046 PM MDT Sat Jun 29 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 1045 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 19 miles northeast of Ryegate, or 20 miles west of Roundup, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Musselshell County. LAT...LON 4666 10820 4644 10886 4645 10886 4645 10888 4649 10888 4649 10891 4658 10890 4658 10899 4661 10899 4675 10863 4675 10828 TIME...MOT...LOC 0445Z 244DEG 30KT 4651 10897 $$ Reimer  925 WGUS41 KLWX 300447 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1247 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301045- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0043.190630T0447Z-190630T1045Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 1247 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 645 AM EDT. * At 1245 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain which will cause flooding. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen, with additional rainfall of one to two inches possible. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3922 7944 3927 7939 3930 7932 3930 7930 3919 7924 3903 7925 3903 7931 3907 7930 3907 7932 3909 7936 3913 7933 3915 7933 3919 7929 3921 7931 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ BKF  437 WSRA31 RUHB 300447 UHHH SIGMET 1 VALID 300450/300800 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N5200 AND W OF E13830 TOP FL350 MOV SW 10KMH INTSF=  420 WSSG31 GOOY 300447 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 300455/300805 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0445Z WI N1118 W00800 - N1220 W00648 - N1149 W00527 - N1033 W00726 TOP FL470 MOV W 08KT WKN=  062 WWUS63 KBIS 300451 WCNBIS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 463 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BISMARCK ND 1151 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 NDC043-047-051-103-300600- /O.CAN.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 463 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA KIDDER WELLS IN SOUTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA LOGAN MCINTOSH THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ASHLEY, FESSENDEN, GACKLE, HARVEY, NAPOLEON, STEELE, TAPPEN, AND WISHEK. $$ NDC021-031-045-093-300600- /O.CON.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 AM CDT SUNDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE STUTSMAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CARRINGTON, EDGELEY, ELLENDALE, JAMESTOWN, KULM, LAMOURE, AND OAKES. $$  744 WSPH31 RPLL 300453 RPHI SIGMET A03 VALID 300453/300853 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1248 E13000 - N1116 E12613 - N1401 E12332 - N1751 E12538 - N1838 E13000 - N1248 E13000 TOP FL530 MOV SW 10KT NC=  102 WOUS64 KWNS 300453 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1153 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107-113- 119-125-135-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  706 WOUS64 KWNS 300453 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1153 PM CDT SAT JUN 29 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC021-031-045-093-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE STUTSMAN $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  944 WSUS32 KKCI 300455 SIGC MKCC WST 300455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16C VALID UNTIL 0655Z TX FROM 50W TTT-50ESE ACT-50SE CWK-40ENE JCT-50W TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17C VALID UNTIL 0655Z NE SD CO WY FROM 70SW PIR-40NNE ANW-30NNE AKO-30SSE CYS-70SW PIR AREA TS MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18C VALID UNTIL 0655Z MN ND FROM 60SSE YWG-20WNW INL-20NE BJI-GFK-60SSE YWG AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 26030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 300655-301055 AREA 1...FROM 60SSE YWG-80WSW YQT-60SE DLH-40NNE LBF-80SE RAP-60SSE YWG REF WW 464. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50NW ACT-IAH-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-40E CRP-30E DLF-50NW ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  945 WSUS31 KKCI 300455 SIGE MKCE WST 300455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25E VALID UNTIL 0655Z ME MA NH AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40ENE ENE-90SSE BGR-30ENE BOS-30NNW BOS-40ENE ENE AREA TS MOV FROM 26025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26E VALID UNTIL 0655Z MA RI CT FROM 20W BOS-10SW BOS-10NNW PVD-20E BDL-20W BOS AREA TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27E VALID UNTIL 0655Z PA MD VA WV OH FROM 20WNW AIR-10ENE EMI-10SSW CSN-40SSE ROD-20WNW AIR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28E VALID UNTIL 0655Z FL AND FL AL CSTL WTRS FROM 60ESE CEW-70SW TLH-120S CEW-100SSE SJI-60ESE CEW AREA TS MOV FROM 18005KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29E VALID UNTIL 0655Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70WSW RSW-140SE MIA-40SW EYW-130WNW EYW-70WSW RSW AREA TS MOV FROM 16015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30E VALID UNTIL 0655Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 50NW PIE-20W PIE-40WSW PIE-50W PIE-50NW PIE AREA TS MOV FROM 18010KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 300655-301055 AREA 1...FROM 30WSW MLT-160ENE ACK-180S ACK-ORF-30NNE HNN-40W AIR-EMI-40SSE PVD-MSS-30WSW MLT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-MIA-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  946 WSUS33 KKCI 300455 SIGW MKCW WST 300455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7W VALID UNTIL 0655Z NM AZ FROM 60SSE INW-60NNE SSO-20SE SSO-40E PHX-60SSE INW AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8W VALID UNTIL 0655Z MT FROM 50ENE LWT-60NNE BIL-40NW BIL-LWT-50ENE LWT AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9W VALID UNTIL 0655Z OR FROM 60WSW PDT-50SSW PDT-50ENE DSD-40NE DSD-60WSW PDT AREA TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 300655-301055 FROM 40NE SJN-30SSW DMN-50SSE SSO-40SW TUS-50SE DRK-40NE SJN WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  250 WSBZ31 SBRE 300455 SBAO SIGMET 3 VALID 300456/300856 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0459 W04648 - N0457 W04000 - N0724 W03526 - N0331 W03322 - N0343 W04216 - N0459 W04648 TO P FL380 MOV SE 05KT NC=  508 WSFR35 LFPW 300455 LFRR SIGMET 2 VALID 300500/300700 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4815 W00315 - N4730 W00230 - N4600 W00415 - N4630 W00515 - N4815 W00315 TOP FL360 MOV NE 20KT NC=  116 WSRA31 RUYK 300457 UEEE SIGMET 3 VALID 300500/300900 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N73 AND W OF E139 AND E OF E121 FL240/340 STNR NC=  196 WSPF21 NTAA 300457 NTTT SIGMET A2 VALID 300500/300900 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2730 W15510 - S2350 W14500 - S2410 W13730 - S2510 W13800 - S2520 W14200 - S2820 W15430 FL180/340 STNR NC=  363 WWUS81 KBOX 300459 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1259 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ012-013-017-018-RIZ001-300545- Southern Worcester MA-Northern Bristol MA-Western Norfolk MA- Western Plymouth MA-Northwest Providence RI- 1259 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 1259 AM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Woonsocket, moving east at 35 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Brockton, Taunton, Woonsocket, Cumberland, Franklin, North Attleborough, Stoughton, Bridgewater, Attleboro, Mansfield, Middleborough, Easton, Lincoln, Norton, Sharon, Foxborough, Bellingham, Whitman, East Bridgewater and Raynham. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4198 7157 4208 7152 4208 7093 4192 7095 TIME...MOT...LOC 0459Z 275DEG 32KT 4201 7148 $$ KJC  556 WUCN11 CWWG 300505 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:05 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS AND ATIKAKI PROV. PARK MANIGOTAGAN BLACK RIVER RES. AND HOLLOW WATER RES. MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND BERENS RIVER BLOODVEIN. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: R.M. OF GRAHAMDALE INCL. GYPSUMVILLE MOOSEHORN AND CAMPER R.M. OF WEST INTERLAKE INCL. ERIKSDALE AND ASHERN R.M. OF FISHER INCL. POPLARFIELD PEGUIS RES. AND FISHER RIVER RES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 2:02 A.M. CDT. AT 12:05 A.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A CLUSTER OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THE STRONGEST THUNDERSTORMS ARE NOW LOCATED OVER AND IN THE VICINITY OF THE SOUTH BASIN OF LAKE WINNIPEG AND ARE MOVING EASTWARD. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  015 WAUS44 KKCI 300508 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 300508 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...AL FROM 20NNW LGC TO 50SW PZD TO 30NE CEW TO 20NNW LGC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX LA...UPDT FROM 30N TTT TO 20S TXK TO 30ENE AEX TO 20SE LCH TO 40WNW CWK TO 30N TTT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR AL BOUNDED BY 40ENE MSL-50S GQO-50SW PZD-30NE CEW-30WNW VUZ-40ENE MSL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  016 WAUS41 KKCI 300508 AAB WA1S BOSS WA 300508 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 300900 . AIRMET IFR...WV VA FROM 30NW EKN TO 40NW CSN TO 30NNW LYH TO 20NE HMV TO 30NW EKN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 200SE ACK TO 120S ACK TO 30SSE ACK TO BOS TO 30SSW CON TO 20E ALB TO 70W YSC TO YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 20WNW BGR TO 30SE ALB TO 30NNE SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-60NE PQI-220SE ACK-140SSE ACK-150S ACK-70SSE HTO-40SE PVD-30SE ALB-20ENE SYR-20NNE MSS-70W YSC-YSC-70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN ME NH VT MA NY PA BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-MLT-40SSE ALB-30WSW ALB-20S HNK-JHW-SYR-MSS- YSC-70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  335 WSBO31 SLLP 300507 SLLF SIGMET 2 VALID 300505/300905 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0504Z WI S2114 W06808 S1947 W06856 S1914 W06837 S1837 W06903 S1807 W06905 S1745 W06648 S2027 W06428 S2156 W06404 S2238 W06415 S2152 W06444 S2138 W06615 S2241 W06726 S2228 W06751 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  624 WWCN02 CYTR 300509 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 11:09 PM MDT SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED.  837 WWCN11 CWWG 300509 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:09 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH BISSETT - VICTORIA BEACH - NOPIMING PROV. PARK - PINE FALLS WHITESHELL - LAC DU BONNET - PINAWA SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. AS OF MIDNIGHT THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM THREAT IS NOW CONFINED TO THE INTERLAKE, THE EASTERN RED RIVER VALLEY AND EASTERN MANITOBA. THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT SHOULD CONTINUE TO DIMINISH THROUGH THE OVERNIGHT HOURS. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  177 WWUS84 KEWX 300510 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 1210 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ171-172-188-190-300615- Blanco TX-Gillespie TX-Llano TX-Burnet TX- 1210 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN BLANCO... NORTHEASTERN GILLESPIE...LLANO AND SOUTHWESTERN BURNET COUNTIES UNTIL 115 AM CDT... At 1209 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorms over Kingsland west toward Llano, moving southwest at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Burnet, Marble Falls, Kingsland, Llano, Round Mountain, Buchanan Dam, Gainesville, Granite Shoals, Horseshoe Bay, Meadowlakes, Buchanan Lake Village, Highland Haven, Castell, Inks Lake State Park, Blowout, Bluffton, Stolz, Crabapple, Oxford and Lone Grove. LAT...LON 3086 9844 3069 9823 3029 9839 3033 9896 3086 9896 TIME...MOT...LOC 0509Z 022DEG 22KT 3066 9845 $$ BMW  312 WSCI39 ZWWW 300508 ZWUQ SIGMET 1 VALID 300508/300908 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4709 E08604 - N4717 E08754 - N4601 E08721 - N4603 E08534 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  113 WHCN13 CWWG 300510 SQUALL WATCH FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:10 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH ENDED FOR: LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OVER THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  207 WWUS53 KFGF 300517 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1217 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC077-300526- /O.CAN.KFGF.SV.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190630T0530Z/ Lake of the Woods MN- 1217 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4778 9474 4777 9519 4779 9557 4790 9605 4805 9628 4822 9629 4833 9497 4821 9476 TIME...MOT...LOC 0516Z 281DEG 36KT 4817 9462 4803 9495 4810 9543 $$ MNC007-029-089-113-119-125-300530- /O.CON.KFGF.SV.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190630T0530Z/ Marshall MN-Red Lake MN-Polk MN-Beltrami MN-Pennington MN- Clearwater MN- 1217 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1230 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN MARSHALL...NORTHEASTERN RED LAKE...EAST CENTRAL POLK...CENTRAL BELTRAMI...PENNINGTON AND NORTHERN CLEARWATER COUNTIES... At 1216 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Upper Red Lake to Ponemah to 9 miles south of Jelle, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Ponemah around 1220 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Thief River Falls Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4778 9474 4777 9519 4779 9557 4790 9605 4805 9628 4822 9629 4833 9497 4821 9476 TIME...MOT...LOC 0516Z 281DEG 36KT 4817 9462 4803 9495 4810 9543 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AM  836 WSNT03 KKCI 300530 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 3 VALID 300530/300930 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0530Z WI N4215 W06530 - N4145 W06045 - N3700 W06615 - N3800 W06830 - N4030 W06500 - N4215 W06530. TOP FL420. MOV ESE 25KT. INTSF.  999 WGUS51 KPBZ 300518 FFWPBZ MDC023-WVC077-300830- /O.EXT.KPBZ.FF.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 118 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Northern Garrett County in western Maryland... East central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 430 AM EDT. * At 118 AM EDT, radar indicated heavy rain in the warned area. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... Up to 3 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 1 inch. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Bittinger... Friendsville... Deer Park... Accident... Deep Creek Lake State Park... Swallow Falls State Park... McHenry... Selbysport... Big Run State Park... Cranesville... McComas Beach... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7915 3942 7915 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7918 3939 7920 3936 7922 3936 7925 3946 7942 3958 7957 3972 7940 3953 7904 $$ Brown  285 WSJP31 RJTD 300520 RJJJ SIGMET J01 VALID 300520/300920 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4030 E15750 - N4500 E15750 - N4500 E16327 - N4300 E16500 - N4030 E16500 - N4030 E15750 FL390/450 MOV E 30KT INTSF=  461 WSCI38 ZYTX 300520 ZYSH SIGMET 1 VALID 300530/300930 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST W OF E127 TOP FL360 MOV E 30KMH NC =  357 WOUS64 KWNS 300523 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1223 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107-113- 119-125-135-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  505 WOUS64 KWNS 300523 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1223 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC021-031-045-093-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE STUTSMAN $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  265 WWUS83 KFGF 300524 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1224 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ006-009-016-017-300600- North Beltrami MN-North Clearwater MN-Lake Of The Woods MN- South Beltrami MN- 1224 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN BELTRAMI...SOUTH CENTRAL LAKE OF THE WOODS AND NORTHEASTERN CLEARWATER COUNTIES UNTIL 100 AM CDT... At 1224 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles south of Oaks Corner to Upper Red Lake to Lower Red Lake. Movement was east at 45 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Strong thunderstorms will be near... Lower Red Lake and Upper Red Lake around 1225 AM CDT. Red Lake and Island Lake in Beltrami County around 1235 AM CDT. Otto, Redby and Shotley around 1245 AM CDT. Waskish and Nebish around 1250 AM CDT. Big Bog State Recreation Area, Blackduck and Kelliher around 100 AM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4765 9451 4787 9533 4815 9503 4842 9510 4835 9442 4774 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0524Z 284DEG 37KT 4833 9499 4814 9494 4791 9518 $$ Lynch  826 WUCN11 CWWG 300524 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:24 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= BUFFALO POINT RES. AND NORTHWEST ANGLE PROV. FOREST =NEW= R.M. OF PINEY INCL. SANDILANDS AND SPRAGUE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 2:23 A.M. CDT. AT 12:24 A.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THE THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED NEAR WHITEMOUTH LAKE AND IS MOVING TO THE NORTHEAST. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  910 WSBZ01 SBBR 300500 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0043 W06618 - S0241W06617 - S0046 W06928 - N0032 W06956 - N0036 W06916 - N0146 W06906 - N0043 W06618 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  911 WSBZ01 SBBR 300500 SBAO SIGMET 3 VALID 300456/300856 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0459 W04648 - N0457W04000 - N0724 W03526 - N0331 W03322 - N0343 W04216 - N0459 W04648 TOP FL380 MOV SE 05KT NC=  912 WSBZ01 SBBR 300500 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0105 W05653 - S0017W05928 - N0311 W06421 - N0401 W06400 - N0341 W06245 - N0403 W06239 - N0122 W05916 - N0105 W05653TOP FL450 STNR NC=  705 WWUS83 KFGF 300527 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1227 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ006-008-009-013-016-300600- East Marshall MN-North Beltrami MN-Pennington MN-North Clearwater MN- Lake Of The Woods MN- 1227 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MARSHALL... NORTHWESTERN BELTRAMI...SOUTHWESTERN LAKE OF THE WOODS...EASTERN PENNINGTON AND NORTHWESTERN CLEARWATER COUNTIES UNTIL 100 AM CDT... At 1227 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles east of High Landing, or 26 miles east of Thief River Falls, moving east at 65 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Grygla, Goodridge, Thorhult, Carmel, Malcolm, High Landing and Espelie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4787 9530 4792 9558 4793 9558 4794 9568 4794 9571 4796 9571 4797 9583 4826 9579 4843 9509 4816 9501 TIME...MOT...LOC 0527Z 270DEG 56KT 4802 9561 $$ Lynch  867 WSFG20 TFFF 300528 SOOO SIGMET 4 VALID 300530/300830 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0930 W05215 - N0945 W05030 - N0630 W05030 - N0515 W05415 - N0530 W05400 - N0915 W05400 TOP FL485 STNR NC=  883 WSAU21 AMMC 300529 YBBB SIGMET F04 VALID 300529/300545 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET F03 300145/300545=  978 WSFG20 TFFF 300530 SOOO SIGMET 5 VALID 300530/300830 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0500 W04030 - N0500 W04715 - N0530 W04715 - N0545 W04030 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  979 WSRA31 RUYK 300530 UEEE SIGMET 4 VALID 300600/301000 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N7232 E11244 - N7200 E13232 - N6335 E14534 TOP FL320 STNR NC=  023 WUCN11 CWWG 300531 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:31 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: MANIGOTAGAN BLACK RIVER RES. AND HOLLOW WATER RES. MUN. OF BIFROST-RIVERTON INCL. ARBORG HNAUSA AND HECLA MOOSE CREEK PROV. FOREST PINE DOCK AND MATHESON ISLAND BERENS RIVER LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS AND ATIKAKI PROV. PARK BLOODVEIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  415 WHCN13 CWWG 300531 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:31 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  096 ACPN50 PHFO 300533 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 800 PM HST Sat Jun 29 2019 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster Jelsema  660 WWUS83 KDLH 300534 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1234 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ010-018-300600- Koochiching-North Itasca- 1234 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN ITASCA AND WESTERN KOOCHICHING COUNTIES... At 1234 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 17 miles north of Waskish, to Lower Red Lake, and moving east at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud to ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Birchdale, Big Falls, Northome, Squaw Lake, Mizpah, Alvwood, Manitou, Oslund, Inger, Gemmell, Loman, Margie, Lake Winnibigoshish, Sand Lake, Max, Wirt, Decker Lake, Orth, Rosy, and Indus. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. These storms may intensify, please monitor local media outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central Minnesota. LAT...LON 4871 9429 4865 9423 4863 9384 4857 9380 4853 9382 4851 9369 4749 9393 4752 9442 4871 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0534Z 266DEG 34KT 4839 9465 4789 9483 $$ Moore  058 WSCI35 ZGGG 300530 ZGZU SIGMET 2 VALID 300545/300945 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2258 E11644 - N2222 E11354 - N2033 E11132 - N2112 E10852 - N2318 E11126 - N2400 E11630 - N2258 E11644 TOP FL430 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  059 WGUS51 KLWX 300535 FFWLWX WVC023-300830- /O.NEW.KLWX.FF.W.0002.190630T0535Z-190630T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 135 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 430 AM EDT. * At 134 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen, with an additional one to two inches of rainfall possible. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Flash flooding will remain over mainly rural areas of central Grant County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3911 7935 3912 7933 3914 7933 3913 7925 3905 7925 3905 7930 3908 7930 3907 7932 3908 7933 3909 7936 $$ BKF  961 WSMO31 ZMUB 300530 ZMUB SIGMET 01 VALID 300600/301200 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR OCNL CB FCST WI N5026 E10008 - N4954 E11545 - N4734 E11835 - N4447 E11315 - N4335 E10425 - N4954 E11545 TOP FL350 MOV SE 30KMH WKN=  570 WSCI35 ZJHK 300537 ZJSA SIGMET 2 VALID 300545/300945 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1854 E10840 - N1959 E11043 - N1804 E11217 - N1729 E11158 - N1749 E11034 - N1755 E10907 - N1854 E10840 TOP FL430 MOV SW 20KMH NC=  019 WSCI35 ZGGG 300535 ZGZU SIGMET 3 VALID 300550/300735 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR CNL SIGMET 1 300335/300735=  309 WSCN23 CWAO 300538 CZWG SIGMET E6 VALID 300535/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5701 W09722/45 E CZSN - /N5515 W09841/45 SW CYTH TOP FL430 MOV NE 30KT WKNG RMK GFACN32=  310 WSCN03 CWAO 300538 CZWG SIGMET E6 VALID 300535/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5701 W09722 - N5515 W09841 TOP FL430 MOV NE 30KT WKNG=  383 WABZ23 SBRE 300539 SBRE AIRMET 1 VALID 300540/300740 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 600/1 000FT OBS AT 0520Z WI S0924 W03555 - S0924 W03540 - S0937 W03541 - S0937 W03554 - S0924 W03555 STNR NC=  384 WSCN03 CWAO 300539 CZWG SIGMET C5 VALID 300535/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5445 W09641 - N5312 W09828 TOP FL430 MOV ENE 25KT WKNG=  685 WSCN23 CWAO 300539 CZWG SIGMET C5 VALID 300535/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5445 W09641/60 NE CYNE - /N5312 W09828/30 E CJV8 TOP FL430 MOV ENE 25KT WKNG RMK GFACN32=  546 WUUS53 KFGF 300541 SVRFGF MNC007-300615- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0069.190630T0541Z-190630T0615Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1241 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... * Until 115 AM CDT. * At 1240 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over northeastern Lower Red Lake, or 36 miles north of Bemidji, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Redby, eastern Lower Red Lake, Ponemah, Kelliher, Funkley, Shooks and Saum. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4773 9442 4790 9504 4813 9490 4805 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0540Z 284DEG 35KT 4800 9489 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  947 WWCN03 CYTR 300540 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 12:40 AM CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: NO MORE THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30NM OF THE BASE. END/JMC  274 WSRS31 RURD 300541 URRV SIGMET 4 VALID 300600/300800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST SW OF LINE N4525 E03641 - N4446 E03849 - N4317 E04100 TOP FL330 MOV ESE 20KMH NC=  183 WSNO32 ENMI 300545 ENSV SIGMET B04 VALID 300600/300900 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N5700 E00730 - N5700 E00500 - N6100 E00240 - N6110 E00730 - N5700 E00730 TOP FL380 MOV E 30KT NC=  085 WSRS31 RURD 300546 URRV SIGMET 5 VALID 300600/300800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4803 E04139 - N4540 E04128 - N4541 E03949 - N4809 E04009 - N4803 E04139 TOP FL300 MOV ESE 20KMH INTSF=  652 ACUS01 KWNS 300548 SWODY1 SPC AC 300546 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1246 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 301200Z - 011200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM PARTS OF ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN WESTWARD INTO EASTERN WYOMING... ...SUMMARY... Strong to severe storms are possible today from the upper Mississippi Valley and western Great Lakes into eastern Wyoming, with damaging wind and hail the main threats. ...Upper Mississippi Valley region into the northern Plains... A mid-level shortwave trough will move east across Manitoba into western Ontario during the period while a cold front pushes southeast across the north-central states and becomes stationary in western NE. A warm front will become aligned from MN into the OH Valley. There is considerable uncertainty for the forecast over the Midwest portion of the Slight Risk with storm-scale/outflow influences largely dictating the potential severe coverage/timing due primarily to a possible MCS. Current thinking is an MCS will be ongoing over parts of the Upper Midwest with a risk for damaging winds. Downstream of this thunderstorm cluster over southern WI into IL, the warm sector will become very unstable during peak heating with a plume of steep (7-7.5 C/km) 700-500mb lapse rates overspreading low-mid 70s F dewpoints and contributing to 3000-5000 J/kg MLCAPE. The latest HREF guidance strongly suggests storms will reintensify on the leading edge of outflow during the midday to afternoon in an environment with weak deep-layer shear. Other storms may develop along cold front across southern MN into southeast SD during the afternoon. Wind profiles with weak vertical shear will favor multicells, but the thermodynamic environment will promote a threat for damaging wind and large hail. ...Northern High Plains... Easterly post-frontal upslope flow will develop from southeast MT into northeast WY with dewpoints generally in the 50s to around 60F. A plume of steeper lapse rates will persist over this region and the atmosphere should become moderately unstable as low clouds mix out from the west. Storms should develop during the afternoon over the higher terrain and spread east into the High Plains where wind profiles with 30-40 kt effective shear will support some supercell structures. Large hail and isolated damaging wind will be possible from late afternoon into mid evening. ...Southern New England... Cold temperatures aloft associated with an amplifying upper trough will overspread this region generally along and north of a cold front that should move through southern New England the first half of the day. Diabatic warming will further destabilize the atmosphere with 500-1000 J/kg MLCAPE possible. Gusty winds are possible with the strongest storms from late morning into mid afternoon. ..Smith/Nauslar.. 06/30/2019 $$  655 WUUS01 KWNS 300548 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1247 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 301200Z - 011200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 41430485 43380534 43870583 44360572 44270496 43450424 42600360 42020320 41500351 41220421 41430485 0.02 45541039 45871067 46431030 46200908 45800882 45260889 45541039 0.02 42849179 43349324 43609686 43929814 44769821 45349724 45889199 45048940 42118804 41498892 41629052 42849179 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 42049998 40860203 40420353 40420471 40860574 43070654 44200757 44950964 45041133 45711224 46681190 47170996 45140160 45389951 46449553 47119253 47098997 45988812 39238573 37908654 37508855 37899039 38989173 41539265 42269369 42899662 42049998 0.15 42200510 43280532 44360643 45000697 45660652 45590550 44290351 43940258 44080085 43810012 43340005 42920006 42120238 41550344 41190421 41380478 42200510 && ... WIND ... 0.05 45429943 47179223 47118999 46148822 39238573 37908654 37508851 37909047 38259092 39109181 41489269 42359376 42899675 42049999 40920188 40400362 40450471 40890572 43080655 44220758 44910971 45041133 45641226 46611196 47181010 45160185 45429943 0.05 40277225 41067346 41667375 42897338 43097192 42626918 0.15 39419028 40979127 42929259 43809447 43129780 42110233 41220416 41430480 42400519 43350496 43820373 44739834 45959338 45408972 43988793 40408693 39348732 38748812 38778938 39419028 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 43988793 40408693 39348732 38748812 38778938 39419028 40979127 42929259 43809447 43129780 42380141 42090243 41190409 41400473 42300520 43330532 44360643 45000697 45660652 45590550 44290351 44010277 44739834 45959338 45408972 43988793 MRGL 40477256 41067346 41667375 42897338 43097192 42777004 MRGL 46148822 46008816 45988812 39238573 37908654 37908654 37508851 37508854 37508855 37648916 37909047 38259092 38759144 38989173 39059176 39109181 41489269 42079341 42269369 42779603 42889667 42049998 41860030 40920188 40890199 40860203 40420353 40420358 40400362 40420398 40420471 40860574 42540634 43080655 43660707 44200757 44330790 44910971 45041132 45641226 45711224 45711224 45741223 46611196 46621192 46681190 46941090 47181010 47161000 47170996 45180173 45429943 47069278 47119253 47119252 47179223 47118999 46148822 TSTM 48118663 45868607 43458578 41548564 40278483 39678386 39138152 38967859 38577598 38287458 38197395 99999999 38877382 39997466 40867521 42507591 43157600 44867668 99999999 33457660 34237816 34707963 34758099 34608203 34078250 33158245 32328095 31697957 99999999 28860297 29720345 30460362 31580299 32670138 33939892 35409708 36629448 36919383 37089308 37329195 37379164 37679147 37999148 38419197 38859278 39239325 39899361 40419400 41239480 41539522 41989622 42169705 41779904 40590084 39240207 36820282 35250428 34080625 31140825 99999999 31151207 36091230 39311217 41781091 42541040 43571104 43841153 43611434 44011543 44601587 44831637 44681715 43891994 42702119 41792149 40872221 40602311 41002364 41902390 43902299 46042216 47052177 49252168 99999999 49521627 48211721 47571799 47001874 46121998 45952017 45462045 45162049 44922023 45241957 47141546 47691403 48180891 48730633 49590374 99999999 49349976 48790036 48420101 47780078 47639997 47599829 47989661 48399569 49349554 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 SW MTW LAF 10 S HUF 45 E SLO 25 WNW SLO 35 NNW ALN 15 NNW BRL 25 NNW ALO 10 NNW FRM 25 NW YKN 30 NW MHN 20 E AIA 40 E CYS 20 NNE CYS 30 SSE DGW 40 N DGW 40 SE SHR 15 N SHR 55 WNW 4BQ 10 NNW 4BQ 30 NW RAP 15 E RAP 25 NNW HON 45 NE STC 20 SW RHI 15 SW MTW. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SE ISP 20 WSW BDR POU 25 ENE ALB 20 NE EEN 45 ESE PSM. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 NNW IMT 15 N IMT 10 N IMT 45 SE IND 35 ENE OWB 35 ENE OWB 35 NNE PAH 30 NNE PAH 30 NNE PAH 10 SSE MDH 10 NNW FAM 45 NW FAM 40 ENE JEF 30 ENE COU 30 ENE COU 30 NE COU 25 ENE OXV 40 NNE DSM 35 SE FOD 30 NE SUX 35 E YKN 35 S ANW 40 ESE MHN 30 NNW IML 30 NW IML 30 NW IML 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 45 WNW AKO 15 E FCL 30 S LAR 25 SSE CPR 15 NNW CPR 50 ESE WRL 25 NE WRL 25 N WRL 45 NW COD 25 NNW WEY 25 SSE BTM 20 SE BTM 20 SE BTM 20 SE BTM HLN HLN 10 NE HLN 45 SSE GTF 30 WNW LWT 25 WNW LWT 25 WNW LWT 55 SSE Y22 50 E MBG 20 S HIB 25 SE HIB 25 SE HIB 25 N DLH 40 N IWD 25 NNW IMT. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 110 NE CMX 50 ENE ESC 30 NE MKG 35 ESE SBN 30 E MIE 25 SE DAY 15 SSW PKB 45 SW MRB 30 WNW SBY 50 E SBY 85 ENE WAL ...CONT... 55 SE ACY 20 W NEL 20 NE ABE 20 N BGM SYR 70 NNW ART ...CONT... 95 SE ILM 15 W ILM 35 N FLO 30 S CLT 20 S SPA 30 SSE AND 30 WSW AGS 20 NE SAV 85 SSE CHS ...CONT... 95 SSW 6R6 55 SE MRF 25 ENE MRF 20 SE INK 30 NNE BGS 25 W SPS 25 SSW CQB 15 E GMJ UMN 20 ESE SGF 30 SSE TBN 40 SE TBN 35 SSE VIH 20 ESE VIH 15 SE JEF 30 W COU 40 NNE SZL CDJ 15 SSW LWD 45 NE SDA 30 SSE DNS 15 N TQE 25 ENE OFK BUB 30 NNW MCK 10 E ITR 30 NE CAO 40 W TCC 35 W 4CR 85 ESE DUG ...CONT... 95 SW TUS 15 NW GCN 20 ESE U24 35 N EVW 15 W BPI 15 W JAC 35 NE IDA 10 NNW SUN 50 NE BOI 20 SSE MYL 15 WSW MYL 35 ESE BKE 55 WNW BNO 45 NE LMT 30 SSE LMT 30 S MHS 55 ESE EKA 25 E ACV 20 ENE CEC 20 SE EUG 40 NNE PDX 35 SE SEA 50 NE BLI ...CONT... 125 NW GPI 45 NNE GEG 20 W GEG 40 ESE EPH 40 SE YKM 45 SSE YKM 35 ESE DLS 45 SE DLS 65 NE RDM 50 SW PDT 30 S 3TH 45 SSE GPI 45 ESE HVR 40 NNE GGW 95 N ISN ...CONT... 95 NNW DVL 55 NE MOT 15 NE MOT 30 ENE N60 60 SW DVL 45 SE DVL 20 WSW TVF 30 NE TVF 30 NNW RRT.  309 WSMP31 LMMM 300549 LMMM SIGMET 1 VALID 300548/300948 LMML- LMMM MALTA FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E019 FL330/400 STNR NC=  595 WSZA21 FAOR 300550 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2755 E00944 - S2850 E01324 - S3105 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E02205 - S3839 E02444 - S4125 E01949 - S3635 E00754 - S2902 E00607 TOP FL300=  596 WSZA21 FAOR 300549 FACA SIGMET C02 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3105 E01500 - S3345 E01653 - S3700 E02205 - S3700 E01500 TOP FL300=  787 WSTA31 UTDD 300550 UTDD SIGMET 1 VALID 300550/300950 UTDD- UTDD DUSHANBE FIR EMBD TSGR FCST TOP FL340 MOV NE 20 KMH NC=  832 WHCN19 CWTO 300551 SQUALL WARNING FOR LAKE OF THE WOODS LAKE NIPIGON NORTH CHANNEL LAKE NIPISSING AND LAKE SIMCOE ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:51 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= LAKE OF THE WOODS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 1:59 A.M. CDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 35 KNOTS, FREQUENT LIGHTNING, HAIL OF 1 TO 2 CENTIMETRES AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN THUNDERSTORMS HEAVY AT TIMES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. A THUNDERSTORM MOVING ACROSS THE SOUTHERN HALF OF THE LAKE MAY PRODUCE SQUALLS OF 35 KNOTS, 1 CM HAIL, AND TORRENTIAL DOWNPOURS SUDDENLY REDUCING VISIBILITY TO NEAR ZERO. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  600 WUCN11 CWWG 300551 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:51 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: BUFFALO POINT RES. AND NORTHWEST ANGLE PROV. FOREST R.M. OF PINEY INCL. SANDILANDS AND SPRAGUE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  956 WSUS31 KKCI 300555 SIGE MKCE WST 300555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31E VALID UNTIL 0755Z ME MA NH CSTL WTRS FROM 60E ENE-90E ENE-60E BOS-30NE BOS-60E ENE AREA TS MOV FROM 26030KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32E VALID UNTIL 0755Z PA MD VA WV OH FROM 20SSW AIR-40W EMI-50SE EKN-40SSW AIR-20SSW AIR AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33E VALID UNTIL 0755Z DE MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 20S SIE-130ESE SIE-100E ORF-20ESE SBY-20S SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 29030KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34E VALID UNTIL 0755Z FL AL MS CSTL WTRS FROM 50SSW SJI-90SSW CEW-110SSE SJI-70ESE HRV-50SSW SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 16015KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35E VALID UNTIL 0755Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW EYW-40S MIA-150SE MIA-40SSW EYW-70NW EYW AREA TS MOV FROM 17010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300755-301155 AREA 1...FROM 30WSW MLT-160ENE ACK-180S ACK-80E ORF-30SW EKN-30N EKN-50NNW SBY-40SSE PVD-MSS-30WSW MLT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-MIA-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 40SE CEW-40SSW TLH-CTY-40W RSW-160S CEW-60ESE LEV-30SSW SJI-40SE CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  957 WSUS32 KKCI 300555 SIGC MKCC WST 300555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19C VALID UNTIL 0755Z TX FROM 60ENE JCT-60E CWK-60NW PSX-30ESE JCT-60ENE JCT AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20C VALID UNTIL 0755Z NE SD FROM 60NNW ANW-40NNE ANW-50NNW LBF-70ENE BFF-60NNW ANW AREA TS MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21C VALID UNTIL 0755Z MN ND FROM 80SE YWG-10ESE INL-40SE BJI-10SE GFK-80SE YWG AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 26030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22C VALID UNTIL 0755Z TX 60WNW ACT ISOL TS D25 MOV FROM 04015KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 300755-301155 AREA 1...FROM 50NE GFK-80WSW YQT-60WNW RHI-40SW ANW-60WNW ANW-50E ABR-50NE GFK REF WW 464. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50WNW ACT-IAH-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-40E CRP-30E DLF-50WNW ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  958 WSUS33 KKCI 300555 SIGW MKCW WST 300555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10W VALID UNTIL 0755Z CO UT FROM 30WNW JNC-10E JNC-30N DVC-50E HVE-30WNW JNC AREA TS MOV FROM 24010KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11W VALID UNTIL 0755Z MT FROM 60WSW GGW-70WNW MLS-40N BIL-40NE LWT-60WSW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12W VALID UNTIL 0755Z OR FROM 20WSW PDT-20S PDT-60SW PDT-60WSW PDT-20WSW PDT AREA TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 300755-301155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  613 WOUS64 KWNS 300553 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1253 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107-113- 119-125-135-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  521 WOUS64 KWNS 300553 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1253 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NDC021-031-045-093-300600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ ND . NORTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE STUTSMAN $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  685 WSZA21 FAOR 300552 FAJO SIGMET C02 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3426 E05340 - S3601 E05700 - S4154 E05700 - S4106 E05406 - S3443 E05035 - S3426 E05340 TOP FL340=  686 WSZA21 FAOR 300551 FAJO SIGMET B02 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3927 E04226 - S4133 E04509 - S4521 E04356 - S4454 E03954 - S4322 E03517 - S3931 E03439 TOP FL340=  687 WSZA21 FAOR 300553 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4011 W00954 - S4333 W00413 - S4715 W00453 - S4555 W00947 TOP FL300=  457 WVRA31 RUPK 300554 UHPP SIGMET 4 VALID 300555/300730 UHPP- UHPP PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 2 300204/300730=  107 WUUS53 KDLH 300555 SVRDLH MNC021-061-071-300645- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0019.190630T0555Z-190630T0645Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 1255 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northeastern Cass County in north central Minnesota... Southwestern Koochiching County in north central Minnesota... * Until 145 AM CDT. * At 1254 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Kelliher, to 12 miles southeast of Tenstrike, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Mizpah around 110 AM CDT. Northome and Gemmell around 115 AM CDT. Bena and Lake Winnibigoshish around 120 AM CDT. Ball Club around 130 AM CDT. Deer River and Zemple around 140 AM CDT. Bigfork, Effie and Days High Landing around 145 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Rosy, Max, Ball Club Lake, Portage Lake, Decker Lake, Mud Lake, Dixon Lake, Sand Lake, Six Mile Lake and Jessie Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail, damaging winds, and continuous cloud-to-ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4741 9442 4835 9442 4808 9365 4713 9365 4741 9453 TIME...MOT...LOC 0554Z 292DEG 41KT 4802 9447 4753 9451 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Moore  048 WBCN07 CWVR 300500 PAM ROCKS WIND 2301 LANGARA; OVC 1F SW09 2FT CHP LO W GREEN; OVC 15 SW05E 1FT CHP TRIPLE; OVC 15 CLM RPLD LO W BONILLA; CLDY 15 SE06E 1FT CHP LO S BOAT BLUFF; OVC 15 CLM RPLD MCINNES; OVC 15 SW05E RPLD LO SW SHWRS DSNT SW IVORY; OVC 15 SW05 1FT CHP LO SW DRYAD; OVC 15 CLM RPLD ADDENBROKE; OVC 15 CLM RPLD EGG ISLAND; CLDY 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO W PINE ISLAND; CLDY 15 W05E 1FT CHP LO W CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW F BNK DSNT E QUATSINO; PC 15 NE03E RPLD LO SW NOOTKA; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO SW ESTEVAN; CLDY 15 NW15 3FT MDT LO SW 1022.6S LENNARD; PC 15 NW06E 1FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NW05 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; CLDY 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO SW SCARLETT; CLDY 15 NW03E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; CLDY 15 NW10E 1FT CHP CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 202/16/11/MMMM/M/ 3002 72MM= WLP SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 227/13/12/2910/M/ 1002 32MM= WEB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 215/14/12/3314/M/ 8004 73MM= WQC SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 214/14/12/0000/M/ 3006 60MM= WRU SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 226/13/12/3613+18/M/ PK WND 3518 0453Z 1002 06MM= WFG SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 230/13/12/26MM/M/ 1003 51MM= WVF SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/18/14/2912/M/ M 46MM= WQS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 233/12/11/3104/M/ 3005 69MM= WRO SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 229/12/12/3105/M/ 3008 96MM= WEK SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 225/14/12/MMMM/M/ 2007 02MM= WWL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 229/13/12/1608/M/ 3010 57MM= WME SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/15/13/2003/M/ M 28MM= WAS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 083/17/14/2301/M/ 3013 65MM= WSB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 198/18/08/3203/M/0004 3004 85MM= WGT SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 211/17/12/3302/M/ 3001 05MM= WGB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 208/18/12/2809/M/ 3001 89MM= WEL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 208/18/15/3208/M/ 3002 97MM= WDR SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 194/18/10/2703/M/ 3011 09MM= WZO SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3302/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3601/M/ M MMMM=  542 WSAU21 AMMC 300555 YMMM SIGMET S05 VALID 300635/301035 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3900 E15810 - S4130 E16040 - S5000 E15140 - S5000 E14030 - S4800 E14850 FL120/360 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  531 WSAU21 AMMC 300555 YBBB SIGMET D05 VALID 300635/301035 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3900 E15810 - S4130 E16040 - S5000 E15140 - S5000 E14030 - S4800 E14850 FL120/360 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  716 WSFR35 LFPW 300556 LFRR SIGMET 3 VALID 300600/300800 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 W00330 - N4645 W00445 - N4900 W00300 - N4830 W00145 - N4630 W00330 TOP FL360 MOV NE 40KT NC=  737 WUUS02 KWNS 300557 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1256 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 011200Z - 021200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 40989022 42039265 42569466 42479583 41839772 40080012 39250175 39160262 39360324 40840502 42340665 43080743 44070781 44900774 45490752 45910702 46420575 46440512 46120423 45610384 45130380 44570359 43980333 43560249 43560166 44390036 45279915 45839779 45959664 45749524 45319350 44769189 43918959 42378574 42028375 41738257 41228209 40728211 40078262 39718368 39748531 40028711 40328825 40989022 0.15 43129623 42899760 42949849 43179892 43659921 44129895 44659838 45119771 45349710 45429623 45169490 44729410 44299408 43959439 43389532 43129623 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 43129627 42889756 42929851 43189894 43689923 44109897 44669836 45089775 45369708 45419623 45159486 44709408 44299408 43849453 43419528 43129627 MRGL 40989024 41989256 42569462 42459591 41849768 40080011 39280169 39160256 39390327 40710485 42560688 43140752 44120783 44920774 45470753 45850708 46160644 46400575 46470516 46130424 45650390 45150381 43950331 43560251 43560166 44380040 45289915 45819781 45969668 45769537 45339352 44689172 43858941 42378579 42028389 41758258 41218210 40708210 40078260 39728361 39748539 40038712 40338829 40989024 TSTM 46126740 44976878 44547032 44397269 44067494 42737680 40407846 37798065 35498199 34258229 33658166 33448051 33387905 33387837 99999999 41639553 41199696 39389952 37940087 35740206 34170241 33410219 32930132 32920058 34159966 35639908 37209799 38649628 39129494 39089300 39229225 39769155 40179169 40609214 41159309 41649423 41639553 99999999 49249905 48609878 48239825 47769712 47499462 47609263 47459009 46538534 46248367 99999999 31401159 32721101 36501026 38201047 40291080 42331143 43771299 44221530 44101698 43571865 42352049 41572137 41282209 41312271 41812326 43062340 44872308 47742228 49192172 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 SE FSD 10 WSW YKN 30 NNE ONL 45 SSE 9V9 10 SE 9V9 30 NE 9V9 20 NNW HON 30 WNW ATY 30 N ATY 10 NE VVV 45 NNE RWF 35 NNW MKT 10 WNW MKT 15 NNW FRM 20 NNW SPW 40 SE FSD. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SSE MLI 40 SSW ALO 20 W FOD 25 E SUX 15 SW OFK 25 ESE MCK GLD 15 WSW ITR 25 ENE LIC 20 NNE FCL 30 SW CPR 45 E RIW 10 NE WRL 40 WNW SHR 55 ESE BIL 70 SW MLS 35 SW MLS MLS 35 E MLS 15 S BHK 20 WNW 2WX 30 SSW 2WX 15 WSW RAP 45 SE RAP 35 S PHP PIR 35 WSW ABR 40 NE ABR 45 NNW VVV 10 S AXN 30 ESE STC 15 SW EAU 45 E VOK 15 NW AZO 15 SSW ARB 45 WNW CLE 20 SW CLE 25 ESE MFD 15 ENE CMH 35 ESE DAY 35 S MIE 30 ESE DNV 20 N CMI 35 SSE MLI. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 E HUL 10 N BGR 30 WNW AUG 15 NNW MPV 40 WSW SLK 25 NW ITH 10 NW AOO 15 W SSU 30 E AVL 30 SE AND 25 NE AGS 20 E OGB 20 SSW CRE 40 ESE CRE ...CONT... 25 SSW DNS 25 NNW LNK 15 E HLC 10 W GCK 35 SE DHT 40 W PVW 30 SW LBB 50 NNE BGS 65 NW ABI 40 ESE CDS 20 NNE CSM 35 E P28 20 NNW EMP 15 S FLV 40 NE SZL 30 N COU 25 SW UIN 30 WNW UIN 40 SSE OTM 10 S OXV 30 WNW DSM 25 SSW DNS ...CONT... 80 N DVL 35 N DVL 30 ENE DVL 15 SSE GFK 15 E BJI 20 NNE HIB 25 SSE GNA 45 W ANJ 35 ESE ANJ ...CONT... 60 SW TUS 40 N TUS 70 ESE PGA 20 SE 4HV 45 N PUC 45 ENE MLD 50 WNW IDA 60 SE MYL 55 NW BOI 15 E BNO 15 NNW LKV 40 W AAT 10 ESE MHS 20 W MHS 45 SSW MFR 50 ESE OTH SLE 20 N SEA 45 NE BLI.  738 ACUS02 KWNS 300557 SWODY2 SPC AC 300556 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1256 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 011200Z - 021200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS PARTS OF THE NORTHERN PLAINS... ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms with large hail and wind damage will be possible on Monday from parts of the northern Plains into the upper Mississippi Valley. Marginally severe storms will be possible in parts of the central and northern High Plains and across parts of the southern Great Lakes region. ...Northern Plains/Upper Mississippi Valley... An upper-level ridge will move eastward into the western Great Lakes region on Monday as west-southwest mid-level flow remains over the central and northern Plains. At the surface, a cold front should advance southward into the central Plains. The front is forecast to be located from northern Nebraska and eastern South Dakota by mid afternoon. Thunderstorm development should take place along the front during the late afternoon with storms moving eastward eastern South Dakota and southern Minnesota. NAM and GFS forecast soundings along this corridor in the late afternoon show MLCAPE values in the 2000 to 3000 J/kg range with 35 to 40 kt of 0-6 km shear. This environment would support severe storms with wind damage and hail as the primary threats. Supercells will be possible in areas where convection develops coincident with the stronger deep-layer shear. ...Central and Northern High Plains... West-southwesterly mid-level flow will be in place across the central and northern High Plains on Monday. A corridor of instability is forecast to develop from western Nebraska northwestward into southeastern Montana by afternoon. Although large-scale ascent is forecast to be limited, isolated convection should develop in the higher terrain and move eastward into the central and northern High Plains. Moderate deep-layer shear and steep mid-level lapse rates should be enough for a marginal severe threat. Due to limited large-scale ascent, any severe threat is expected to be isolated. ...Upper Mississippi Valley/Southern Great Lakes... An upper-level ridge will move eastward into the western Great Lakes on Monday. At the surface, an axis of maximized low-level moisture is forecast to be located from northern Illinois southeastward into the Upper Ohio Valley. Although strong instability is forecast to develop along the moist axis by afternoon, thunderstorm development should remain very isolated due to the upper-level ridge. If convection can initiate and persist in spite of the limited large-scale ascent, then the instability would support a marginal wind-damage threat. ...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: 5% - Slight Wind: 15% - Slight Hail: 15% - Slight ..Broyles.. 06/30/2019 $$  821 WSZA21 FAOR 300554 FACA SIGMET A02 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01743 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3130 E02918 - S3323 E02642 - S3412 E01934 - S3030 E01743=  822 WSZA21 FAOR 300555 FAJA SIGMET A02 VALID 300600/301000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2731 E02012 - S3043 E02356 - S2931 E02853 - S3042 E03023 - S3130 E02918 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01743 - S2732 E01615=  506 WWUS53 KFGF 300558 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1258 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC007-300615- /O.CON.KFGF.SV.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190630T0615Z/ Beltrami MN- 1258 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 AM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL BELTRAMI COUNTY... At 1258 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Saum, or 34 miles north of Bemidji, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Redby, Kelliher, Funkley, Shooks, Saum, Shotley and southeastern Lower Red Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4788 9497 4801 9490 4809 9468 4805 9442 4773 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0558Z 284DEG 35KT 4796 9463 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  928 WSPS21 NZKL 300550 NZZO SIGMET 5 VALID 300558/300958 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0800 W17130 - S0800 W16150 - S1450 W16030 - S1450 W17140 - S0800 W17130 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  890 WSPS21 NZKL 300551 NZZO SIGMET 6 VALID 300559/300614 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 1 300214/300614=  888 WWUS63 KBIS 300559 WCNBIS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 463 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BISMARCK ND 1259 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 NDC021-031-045-093-300700- /O.EXP.KBIS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WILL ALLOW TORNADO WATCH 463 TO EXPIRE AT 1 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NORTH DAKOTA THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEAST NORTH DAKOTA DICKEY FOSTER LAMOURE STUTSMAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CARRINGTON, EDGELEY, ELLENDALE, JAMESTOWN, KULM, LAMOURE, AND OAKES. $$  458 WSFR35 LFPW 300600 LFRR SIGMET 4 VALID 300600/300700 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 2 300500/300700=  708 WWUS83 KFGF 300600 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 100 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ008-009-013>017-300700- East Marshall MN-Red Lake MN-North Beltrami MN-Pennington MN- East Polk MN-North Clearwater MN-South Beltrami MN- 100 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MARSHALL... NORTHEASTERN RED LAKE...EAST CENTRAL POLK...BELTRAMI...EASTERN PENNINGTON AND NORTHERN CLEARWATER COUNTIES UNTIL 200 AM CDT... At 100 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles east of High Landing, or 26 miles east of Thief River Falls, moving east at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Redby, Blackduck, Red Lake, Lower Red Lake, Ponemah, Kelliher and Upper Red Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4797 9592 4818 9581 4830 9549 4835 9443 4750 9442 4778 9563 TIME...MOT...LOC 0600Z 283DEG 35KT 4803 9561 $$ Lynch  966 WUCN11 CWWG 300602 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:02 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= FALCON LAKE AND WEST HAWK LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 3:01 A.M. CDT. AT 1:02 A.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THE THUNDERSTORM IS LOCATED NEAR CADDY LAKE AND IS MOVING EASTWARD TO THE ONTARIO BORDER. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  716 WOUS64 KWNS 300603 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 103 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 TORNADO WATCH 463 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. NDZ000-300600- /O.EXP.KWNS.TO.A.0463.000000T0000Z-190630T0600Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...BIS...  452 WWUS20 KWNS 300603 SEL3 SPC WW 300603 NDZ000-300600- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED TORNADO WATCH - NUMBER 463 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 103 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH NUMBER 463 ISSUED AT 605 PM CDT FOR PORTIONS OF NORTH DAKOTA  453 WWUS30 KWNS 300603 SAW3 SPC AWW 300603 WW 463 TORNADO CANCELLED  619 WSIN31 VOMM 300600 VOMF SIGMET 2 VALID 300630/301030 VOMM- VOMF CHENNAI FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E08300 N OF N1300 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  492 WWCN11 CWWG 300605 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:05 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: BISSETT - VICTORIA BEACH - NOPIMING PROV. PARK - PINE FALLS WHITESHELL - LAC DU BONNET - PINAWA SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DANGEROUS THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING DAMAGING WIND GUSTS, DAMAGING HAIL AND TORRENTIAL RAIN. AS OF 1 AM THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM THREAT IS NOW CONFINED TO SOUTHEASTERN MANITOBA AND THE WHITESHELL AREA. THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT SHOULD CONTINUE TO DIMINISH THROUGH THE OVERNIGHT HOURS. VERY LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY, BREAK WINDOWS, DENT VEHICLES AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN DAMAGE BUILDINGS, DOWN TREES AND BLOW LARGE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  877 WWUS53 KDLH 300606 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 106 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-071-300645- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0645Z/ Itasca MN-Cass MN-Koochiching MN- 106 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 AM CDT FOR WESTERN ITASCA...NORTHEASTERN CASS AND SOUTHWESTERN KOOCHICHING COUNTIES... At 106 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles southeast of Waskish, to 10 miles southwest of Alvwood, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Lake Winnibigoshish, Gemmell and Oslund around 125 AM CDT. Inger and Margie around 130 AM CDT. Marcell around 145 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Rosy, Max, Ball Club Lake, Portage Lake, Decker Lake, Mud Lake, Dixon Lake, Sand Lake, Six Mile Lake and Jessie Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4741 9442 4835 9442 4808 9365 4713 9365 4741 9453 TIME...MOT...LOC 0606Z 284DEG 39KT 4809 9434 4760 9438 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Moore  437 WSRA31 RUHB 300609 UHHH SIGMET 2 VALID 300620/301020 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N4230 AND W OF E13700 AND S OF N5100 TOP FL360 STNR INTSF=  004 WWUS84 KEWX 300609 AWWAUS TXC453-300815- Airport Weather Warning for Austin Bergstrom International Airport National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 109 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Airport Weather Warning for Lightning Within 5 Miles... .Onset/End Times... Now through 3:15 AM CDT .Lightning Rates Expected... FEW .Other Threats/Remarks... A few lightning strikes are possible primarily from now through 2 AM. && FEW....Few=Less than 4 strikes per hour OCNL...Occasional=4-15 strikes per hour FRQ....Frequent=16 to 60 strikes per hour CONS...Continuous=More than 60 strikes per hour $$  638 WSBZ31 SBCW 300609 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 300630/300930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2736 W05433 - S3054 W04723 - S3400 W05020 - S3400 W05314 - S3310 W05330 - S3248 W05306 - S3013 W05650 - S3010 W05735 - S2832 W05605 - S2736 W05433 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  319 WSIN31 VECC 300630 VECF SIGMET 2 VALID 300700/301100 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2120 E08155 - N2350 E08840 - N2200 E08910 - N1945 E09150 - N1410 E09145 - N1550 E08550 - N2120 E08155 TOP FL450 MOV WNW 05KT NC=  773 WSCI36 ZUUU 300611 ZPKM SIGMET 1 VALID 300615/301015 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2234 E09922-N2424 E09850-N2543 E09932-N2416 E10124-N2240 E10149-N2143 E10055-N2234 E09922 TOP FL330 STNR NC=  426 WOAU01 AMMC 300612 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0612UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front [1] near 50S065E 52S071E 56S079E. Forecast 49S070E 52S077E 56S084E at 301200UTC, 48S077E 54S087E 57S089E at 301800UTC then weakening. Cold front [2] forecast 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC, 41S078E 44S085E 54S100E at 010000UTC, 39S078E 44S090E 52S102E at 010600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S080E 47S102E 56S096E 56S091E 54S080E 39S080E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 720nm east of front [1]. From 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  427 WOAU41 AMMC 300612 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0612UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front [1] near 50S065E 52S071E 56S079E. Forecast 49S070E 52S077E 56S084E at 301200UTC, 48S077E 54S087E 57S089E at 301800UTC then weakening. Cold front [2] forecast 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC, 41S078E 44S085E 54S100E at 010000UTC, 39S078E 44S090E 52S102E at 010600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S080E 47S102E 56S096E 56S091E 54S080E 39S080E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 720nm east of front [1]. From 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  790 WSIN90 VECC 300630 VECF SIGMET 2 VALID 300700/301100 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2120 E08155 - N2350 E08840 - N2200 E08910 - N1945 E09150 - N1410 E09145 - N1550 E08550 - N2120 E08155 TOP FL450 MOV WNW 05KT NC=  451 WSMO31 ZMUB 300530 CCA ZMUB COR SIGMET 01 VALID 300600/301200 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR OCNL CB FCST WI N5026 E10008 - N4954 E11545 - N4734 E11835 - N4447 E11315 - N4335 E10425 - N5026 E10008 TOP FL350 MOV SE 30KMH WKN=  032 WUUS53 KFGF 300615 SVRFGF MNC007-300700- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0070.190630T0615Z-190630T0700Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 115 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... * Until 200 AM CDT. * At 115 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Nebish, or 17 miles north of Bemidji, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Hines and Tenstrike around 125 AM CDT. Blackduck around 130 AM CDT. Funkley around 140 AM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4754 9492 4788 9480 4790 9471 4786 9442 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0615Z 282DEG 31KT 4773 9476 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  022 WOUS20 KWNS 300617 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300620 MNZ000-300740- STATUS REPORT ON WW 464 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 5 NW GFK TO 10 ESE TVF TO 35 E TVF TO 35 N BJI TO 55 WSW INL TO 35 WNW INL. ..JEWELL..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 464 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-087-107-113-119-125- 159-300740- MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING MAHNOMEN NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE WADENA $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  289 WUCN12 CWTO 300617 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:17 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= KENORA - GRASSY NARROWS - WHITEDOG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 3:02 A.M. CDT. AT 1:17 A.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A THUNDERSTORM IS CROSSING THE BORDER FROM MANITOBA AND MAY REACH THE KENORA AREA NEAR 2:00 AM CDT. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. INTENSE LIGHTNING IS LIKELY WITH ANY THUNDERSTORM THAT DEVELOPS. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  859 WSCN03 CWAO 300618 CZWG SIGMET N3 VALID 300615/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET N2 300355/300755=  860 WSCN23 CWAO 300618 CZWG SIGMET N3 VALID 300615/300755 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET N2 300355/300755 RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  201 WSCN03 CWAO 300618 CZWG SIGMET C6 VALID 300615/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET C5 300535/300935=  202 WSCN23 CWAO 300618 CZWG SIGMET C6 VALID 300615/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET C5 300535/300935 RMK GFACN32=  948 WSNP31 VNKT 300615 VNSM SIGMET 04 VALID 300615/301015 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0615Z W OF E87720 MOV TO E INTSF=  590 WSPS21 NZKL 300620 NZZO SIGMET 7 VALID 300620/300622 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 3 300222/300622=  329 WSCN23 CWAO 300620 CZWG SIGMET U2 VALID 300620/300750 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET U1 300350/300750 RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  330 WSCN03 CWAO 300620 CZWG SIGMET U2 VALID 300620/300750 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET U1 300350/300750=  597 WHCN19 CWTO 300619 SQUALL WARNING FOR LAKE OF THE WOODS LAKE NIPIGON NORTH CHANNEL LAKE NIPISSING AND LAKE SIMCOE UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:19 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: LAKE OF THE WOODS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 1:59 A.M. CDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 45 KNOTS, FREQUENT LIGHTNING, HAIL OF 1 TO 2 CENTIMETRES AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN THUNDERSTORMS HEAVY AT TIMES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. ANOTHER THUNDERSTORM MOVING IN FROM SOUTHERN MANITOBA MAY CROSS THE NORTHERN HALF OF LAKE OF THE WOODS BY 2:00 AM CDT. THIS THUNDERSTORM MAY PRODUCE SQUALLS OF 45 KNOTS, 1 CM HAIL, AND TORRENTIAL DOWNPOURS SUDDENLY REDUCING VISIBILITY TO NEAR ZERO. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  921 WSMO31 ZMUB 300530 CCA ZMUB SIGMET 01 VALID 300600/301200 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR OCNL CB FCST WI N5026 E10008 - N4954 E11545 - N4734 E11835 - N4447 E11315 - N4335 E10425 - N5026 E10008 TOP FL350 MOV SE 30KMH WKN=  116 WWCN12 CWWG 300620 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:20 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: THOMPSON - NELSON HOUSE - SPLIT LAKE NORWAY HOUSE - CROSS LAKE - WABOWDEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  486 WANO34 ENMI 300620 ENBD AIRMET C02 VALID 300609/300700 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR CNL AIRMET C01 300400/300700=  487 WOPS01 NFFN 300600 DCU PASS NAVY NIL.  853 WUCN11 CWWG 300620 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:20 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: FALCON LAKE AND WEST HAWK LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  058 WSMA31 FIMP 300615 FIMM SIGMET A01 VALID 300600/301000 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS WI S0600 E06000 - S0600 E06700 - S1000 E06700 - S1000 E06000 - S0600 E06000 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  460 WUCN11 CWWG 300621 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:21 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= NOPIMING PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 3:20 A.M. CDT. AT 1:21 A.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY, IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  806 WOMU40 VMMC 300613 THUNDERSTORM WARNING IS ISSUED AT 201906300615 UTC  022 WSPM31 MPTO 300630 MPZL SIGMET 02 VALID 300630/301030 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0615Z WI PONPO-ESEDA-ARORO-TOKUT-RODAX-IRUKA-MUBAR-PONPO TOP FL500 MOV W NC=  096 WOUS64 KWNS 300623 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 123 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107-113- 119-125-135-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  675 WOAU16 AMMC 300625 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0625UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 38S159E 45S159E 48S156E 51S146E. Forecast 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E at 301200UTC, 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC, 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 40S146E 42S162E 45S160E 59S160E 56S149E 49S144E 40S146E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front, shifting northwest quarter 34/47 knots west of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell.  676 WOAU46 AMMC 300625 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0625UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 38S159E 45S159E 48S156E 51S146E. Forecast 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E at 301200UTC, 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC, 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 40S146E 42S162E 45S160E 59S160E 56S149E 49S144E 40S146E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front, shifting northwest quarter 34/47 knots west of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell.  918 WWUS53 KDLH 300625 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 125 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-071-300645- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0645Z/ Itasca MN-Cass MN-Koochiching MN- 125 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 AM CDT FOR WESTERN ITASCA...NORTHEASTERN CASS AND SOUTHWESTERN KOOCHICHING COUNTIES... At 125 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Gemmell, to near Lake Winnibigoshish, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Lake Winnibigoshish around 135 AM CDT. Inger around 140 AM CDT. Ball Club around 145 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Rosy, Max, Ball Club Lake, Portage Lake, Decker Lake, Mud Lake, Dixon Lake, Sand Lake, Six Mile Lake and Jessie Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4741 9442 4835 9442 4808 9365 4713 9365 4741 9453 TIME...MOT...LOC 0625Z 292DEG 39KT 4802 9407 4750 9424 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Moore  591 WSBZ01 SBBR 300600 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0105 W05653 - S0017W05928 - N0311 W06421 - N0401 W06400 - N0341 W06245 - N0403 W06239 - N0122 W05916 - N0105 W05653TOP FL450 STNR NC=  592 WSBZ01 SBBR 300600 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 300315/300715 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0043 W06618 - S0241W06617 - S0046 W06928 - N0032 W06956 - N0036 W06916 - N0146 W06906 - N0043 W06618 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  593 WSBZ01 SBBR 300600 SBAO SIGMET 3 VALID 300456/300856 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0459 W04648 - N0457W04000 - N0724 W03526 - N0331 W03322 - N0343 W04216 - N0459 W04648 TOP FL380 MOV SE 05KT NC=  456 WSFJ01 NFFN 300600 NFFF SIGMET 02 VALID 300710/301110 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TS OBS WI S1824 E17806 - S1942 w17924 - S2118 E17948 - S1954 E17730 - S1824 E17806 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  561 WSFJ01 NFFN 300600 NFFF SIGMET 02 VALID 300710/301110 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR TS OBS WI S1824 E17806 - S1942 W17924 - S2118 E17948 - S1954 E17730 - S1824 E17806 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  350 WWPK20 OPKC 300605 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 0700 UTC DATED 30-06-2019 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : HIGH SEA & STRONG WIND WARNING. PART –II : NIL. PART -III : FORECAST: SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND SW/W'LY 12-18KT GUSTING 33KT NORTH OF 24N. SW'LY 15-20KT GUSTING 30KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF DRIZZLE IN EASTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN DRIZZLE. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH OCCASIONALLY VERY ROUGH IN NORTHEASTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/S'LY BECMG SW/W'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 24N. SW'LY 15-20KT GUSTING 30KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH IN SOUTHERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12šN/55šE, 12šN/63šE, 20°N/58°E, 20šN/67šE) WIND SW/W'LY 15-20KT GUSTING 25KT NORTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 65E. SW'LY 20-25KT GUSTING 30KT NORTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 65E. SW/W'LY 17-21KT GUSTING 27KT SOUTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 63E. SW'LY 22-27KT GUSTING 38KT SOUTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 63E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF THUNDERSTORM/RAIN IN EASTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH OCCASIONALLY HIGH IN SOUTHWESTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND SW'LY 12-17KT GUSTING 35KT WEST OF 50E. SW/S'LY 22-27KT GUSTING 40KT EAST OF 50E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA MODERATE TO ROUGH OCCASIONALLY VERY ROUGH TO HIGH. SUB AREA NO. 5 ARABIAN GULF (PREPARED BY QATAR METEOROLOGY DEPARTMENT ) PART 1 : NIL. PART II : LOW PRESSURE OVER THE GULF SEA. PART III : FORECASTS. SUB AREA NO. I NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND NW/SW'LY 05-22 KT. WEATHER SLIGHT DUST. VISIBILITY GOOD/MODERATE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO.II SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND MAINLY NW/SW'LY 03-20 KT. WEATHER SLIGHT DUST. VISIBILITY GOOD-MODERATE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT-MODERATE=  208 WAIY31 LIIB 300632 LIMM AIRMET 2 VALID 300635/300835 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4409 E00741 - N4410 E00659 - N4454 E00637 - N4539 E00700 - N4622 E00822 - N4606 E00900 - N4627 E00920 - N4633 E01010 - N4604 E01027 - N4537 E00842 - N4531 E00807 - N4456 E00743 - N4418 E00808 - N4409 E00741 STNR WKN=  175 WWUS53 KDLH 300633 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 133 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-071-300645- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190630T0645Z/ Itasca MN-Cass MN-Koochiching MN- 133 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 AM CDT FOR WESTERN ITASCA...NORTHEASTERN CASS AND SOUTHWESTERN KOOCHICHING COUNTIES... At 133 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Gemmell, to near Lake Winnibigoshish, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Ball Club around 145 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Rosy, Max, Ball Club Lake, Portage Lake, Decker Lake, Mud Lake, Dixon Lake, Sand Lake, Six Mile Lake and Jessie Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud-to-ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4806 9442 4827 9420 4808 9365 4713 9365 4741 9453 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0633Z 292DEG 41KT 4800 9401 4748 9418 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Moore  337 WSAU21 AMHF 300633 YMMM SIGMET V01 VALID 300633/301000 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4040 E14900 - S4300 E14840 - S4340 E14750 - YMSY - LRP - S4030 E14440 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  174 WSCI45 ZHHH 300632 ZHWH SIGMET 1 VALID 300645/301045 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N32 TOP FL350 MOV E 30KMH NC=  175 WSPH31 RPLL 300635 RPHI SIGMET B04 VALID 300635/301035 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1305 E12125 - N0927 E11952 - N0827 E11623 - N1030 E11400 - N1456 E11400 - N1305 E12125 TOP FL520 MOV SSW 10KT NC=  195 WOAU16 AMMC 300639 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0639UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 38S159E 45S159E 48S156E 51S146E. Forecast 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E at 301200UTC, 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC, 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S145E 42S162E 45S160E 59S160E 56S149E 49S144E 44S145E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front, shifting northwest quarter 34/47 knots west of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell.  492 WOAU46 AMMC 300639 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0639UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 38S159E 45S159E 48S156E 51S146E. Forecast 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E at 301200UTC, 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC, 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 44S145E 42S162E 45S160E 59S160E 56S149E 49S144E 44S145E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm east of front, shifting northwest quarter 34/47 knots west of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell.  494 WUUS53 KDLH 300641 SVRDLH MNC061-071-137-300730- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0020.190630T0641Z-190630T0730Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 141 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Southeastern Koochiching County in north central Minnesota... West central St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota... * Until 230 AM CDT. * At 140 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles southeast of Margie, to 10 miles northeast of Oslund, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Bigfork, Effie, Togo, Pelican Lake, Stony Brook, Celina, Greaney, Craigville, Deer Creek Reservation, Bear Lake, Coon Lake, Scenic State Park, and Bois Forte Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4807 9285 4759 9318 4779 9401 4812 9383 TIME...MOT...LOC 0640Z 279DEG 33KT 4805 9378 4779 9393 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  045 WSSC31 FSIA 300640 FSSS SIGMET 02 VALID 300655/301055 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0243 E05653 - S0701 E05604 - S0604 E05258 - S0209 E05346 - S0243 E05653 TOP ABV FL390 NC=  168 WECA42 PHEB 300642 TIBCAR TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT NUMBER 1 NWS PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER EWA BEACH HI 242 AM AST SUN JUN 30 2019 ...NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM A NEARBY EARTHQUAKE... AUDIENCE -------- * GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS... MEDIA... AND GENERAL PUBLIC OF PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... AND THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. EVALUATION ---------- * AN EARTHQUAKE WITH A PRELIMINARY MAGNITUDE OF 4.7 OCCURRED ABOUT 69 MILES NORTHWEST OF ISLA MONA AT 238 AM AST ON SUNDAY JUNE 30 2019. * BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... OR THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE. * PEOPLE MAY HAVE EXPERIENCED SHAKING FROM THE EARTHQUAKE. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS ARE BASED ON A PRELIMINARY RAPID ASSESSMENT OF THE EARTHQUAKE AND CHANGES MAY OCCUR. * MAGNITUDE 4.7 * ORIGIN TIME 238 AM AST JUN 30 2019 * COORDINATES 18.7 NORTH 68.8 WEST * DEPTH 3 MILES / 5 KM * LOCATION ABOUT 69 MILES NORTHWEST OF ISLA MONA RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ------------------- * NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. IMPACTS ------- * NO TSUNAMI IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED. NEXT UPDATE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------- * THIS WILL BE THE ONLY STATEMENT ISSUED FOR THIS EVENT UNLESS ADDITIONAL DATA ARE RECEIVED OR THE SITUATION CHANGES. * FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THIS EVENT AND ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS MAY BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMATION REGARDING ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO US GULF OR ATLANTIC COASTS WILL BE ISSUED BY THE US NATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER AND CAN BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CORRESPONDING REGIONAL SEISMIC NETWORK OR THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON THE INTERNET AT EARTHQUAKE.USGS.GOV. $$  222 WECA42 PHEB 300642 ADDITIONAL DATA ARE RECEIVED OR THE SITUATION CHANGES. * FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THIS EVENT AND ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS MAY BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMATION REGARDING ANY TSUNAMI THREAT TO US GULF OR ATLANTIC COASTS WILL BE ISSUED BY THE US NATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER AND CAN BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CORRESPONDING REGIONAL SEISMIC NETWORK OR THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON THE INTERNET AT EARTHQUAKE.USGS.GOV. $$  223 WECA42 PHEB 300642 TIBCAR TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT NUMBER 1 NWS PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER EWA BEACH HI 242 AM AST SUN JUN 30 2019 ...NO TSUNAMI THREAT FROM A NEARBY EARTHQUAKE... AUDIENCE -------- * GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS... MEDIA... AND GENERAL PUBLIC OF PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... AND THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. EVALUATION ---------- * AN EARTHQUAKE WITH A PRELIMINARY MAGNITUDE OF 4.7 OCCURRED ABOUT 69 MILES NORTHWEST OF ISLA MONA AT 238 AM AST ON SUNDAY JUNE 30 2019. * BASED ON ALL AVAILABLE DATA... THERE IS NO TSUNAMI THREAT TO PUERTO RICO... THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... OR THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS FROM THIS EARTHQUAKE. * PEOPLE MAY HAVE EXPERIENCED SHAKING FROM THE EARTHQUAKE. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS ARE BASED ON A PRELIMINARY RAPID ASSESSMENT OF THE EARTHQUAKE AND CHANGES MAY OCCUR. * MAGNITUDE 4.7 * ORIGIN TIME 238 AM AST JUN 30 2019 * COORDINATES 18.7 NORTH 68.8 WEST * DEPTH 3 MILES / 5 KM * LOCATION ABOUT 69 MILES NORTHWEST OF ISLA MONA RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ------------------- * NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. IMPACTS ------- * NO TSUNAMI IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED. NEXT UPDATE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------- * THIS WILL BE THE ONLY STATEMENT ISSUED FOR THIS EVENT UNLESS  717 WECA52 PHEB 300642 TIBSP1 BOLETIN INFORMATIVO DE TSUNAMI NUMERO 1 SMN CENTRO DE ALERTAS DE TSUNAMI DEL PACIFICO EWA BEACH HI 242 AM AST SUN JUN 30 2019 ...NO HAY PELIGRO DE TSUNAMI DEBIDO A ESTE TERREMOTO CERCANO... AUDIENCIA --------- * FUNCIONARIOS GUBERNAMENTALES... MEDIOS DE PRENSA... Y EL PUBLICO EN GENERAL EN PUERTO RICO... LAS ISLAS VIRGENES DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS... Y LAS ISLAS VIRGENES BRITANICAS. EVALUACION ---------- * UN TERREMOTO CON MAGNITUD PRELIMINAR 4.7 HA OCURRIDO UNAS 69 MILLAS AL NOROESTE DE ISLA MONA A LAS 238 AM AST EL DOMINGO 30 DE JUNIO DEL 2019. * BASANDOSE EN EL ANALISIS DE TODOS LOS DATOS DISPONIBLES... NO EXISTE PELIGRO DE TSUNAMI PARA PUERTO RICO... LAS ISLAS VIRGENES DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS... O LAS ISLAS VIRGENES BRITANICAS DEBIDO A ESTE TERREMOTO. * LA POBLACION PUEDE HABER SENTIDO EL TERREMOTO. PARAMETROS PRELIMINARES DEL TERREMOTO -------------------------------------- * LOS SIGUIENTES PARAMETROS ESTAN BASADOS EN UNA EVALUACION PRELIMINAR RAPIDA Y PUEDEN VARIAR. * MAGNITUD 4.7 * TIEMPO DE ORIGEN 238 AM AST JUN 30 2019 * COORDENADAS 18.7 NORTE 68.8 OESTE * PROFUNDIDAD 3 MILLAS / 5 KM * LOCALIZACION UNAS 69 MILLAS AL NOROESTE DE ISLA MONA ACCIONES RECOMENDADAS --------------------- * NO SE REQUIERE ACCION. IMPACTOS -------- * NO SE ESPERAN IMPACTOS DE TSUNAMI DEBIDO A ESTE TERREMOTO. PROXIMA ACTUALIZACION E INFORMACION ADICIONAL --------------------------------------------- * ESTE SERA EL UNICO COMUNICADO EMITIDO ACERCA DE ESTE EVENTO A NO SER QUE SE RECIBA INFORMACION ADICIONAL O LA SITUACION CAMBIE. * MAS INFORMACION ACERCA DE ESTE EVENTO PUEDE SER ACCESADA EN INTERNET EN EL SITIO WEB WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMACION ACERCA DEL PELIGRO DE TSUNAMI PARA COSTAS ESTADOUNIDENSES EN EL GOLFO DE MEXICO Y EL ATLANTICO SERA EMITIDA POR EL CENTRO NACIONAL DE ALERTAS DE TSUNAMIS Y PUEDE SER ACCESADA EN INTERNET EN EL SITIO WEB WWW.TSUNAMI.GOV. * INFORMACION OFICIAL AUTORIZADA ACERCA DE ESTE TERREMOTO PUEDE SER PROVEIDA POR LA CORRESPONDIENTE RED SISMICA REGIONAL O EL SERVICIO GEOLOGICO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS EN SU SITIO WEB EARTHQUAKE.USGS.GOV. $$  086 WUUS53 KFGF 300644 SVRFGF MNC007-029-113-119-125-300730- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0071.190630T0644Z-190630T0730Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 144 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Red Lake County in northwestern Minnesota... East central Polk County in northwestern Minnesota... Central Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... Southeastern Pennington County in northwestern Minnesota... Northern Clearwater County in northwestern Minnesota... * Until 230 AM CDT. * At 143 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Roland, or 25 miles southeast of Thief River Falls, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Oklee, Gully, Trail, Berner, Roland and southwestern Lower Red Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4783 9591 4793 9582 4802 9573 4802 9518 4774 9519 4778 9584 TIME...MOT...LOC 0643Z 274DEG 32KT 4792 9571 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  359 WUCN12 CWTO 300643 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:43 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: KENORA - GRASSY NARROWS - WHITEDOG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== THE THUNDERSTORM APPROACHING KENORA FROM THE WEST IS WEAKENING. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  922 WSBW20 VGHS 300630 VGFR SIGMET 03 VALID 300800/301200 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV ENE NC=  333 WUUS53 KDLH 300644 SVRDLH MNC021-061-300745- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0021.190630T0644Z-190630T0745Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 144 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northeastern Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 245 AM CDT. * At 144 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles northeast of Oslund, to near Inger, to near Lake Winnibigoshish, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Grand Rapids, Cohasset, Coleraine, Deer River, Marcell, Bigfork, Taconite, Squaw Lake, Zemple, Oslund, Inger, Days High Landing, Pokegama Dam, Gunn, Ball Club, Lake Winnibigoshish, Spring Lake, Blackberry, Bovey, and Marble. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4760 9312 4708 9341 4740 9424 4762 9413 4783 9403 TIME...MOT...LOC 0644Z 294DEG 29KT 4775 9398 4759 9404 4743 9412 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  458 WOAU42 AMMC 300645 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0645UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 38S119E 44S130E 52S134E. Forecast 38S127E 47S143E 56S150E at 301800UTC and 38S138E 48S150E 54S156E at 010600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 44S149E 47S160E 56S150E 51S130E 58S106E 44S098E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots within 1200nm west of front. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  459 WOAU12 AMMC 300645 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0645UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 38S119E 44S130E 52S134E. Forecast 38S127E 47S143E 56S150E at 301800UTC and 38S138E 48S150E 54S156E at 010600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 44S149E 47S160E 56S150E 51S130E 58S106E 44S098E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots within 1200nm west of front. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  460 WOAU02 AMMC 300645 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0645UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 38S119E 44S130E 52S134E. Forecast 38S127E 47S143E 56S150E at 301800UTC and 38S138E 48S150E 54S156E at 010600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 44S149E 47S160E 56S150E 51S130E 58S106E 44S098E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots within 600nm east of front. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots within 1200nm west of front. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  784 WGUS51 KLWX 300649 FFWLWX WVC023-300945- /O.NEW.KLWX.FF.W.0003.190630T0649Z-190630T0945Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 249 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 545 AM EDT. * At 245 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported rapidly rising water along the North Branch Potomac River, and evacuation of houses along the river in Bayard is underway. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen, with an additional one to two inches of rainfall possible. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia, Gormania and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flash Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. If you are in the warned area move to higher ground immediately. Residents living along streams and creeks should take immediate precautions to protect life and property. && LAT...LON 3922 7943 3927 7939 3927 7936 3930 7934 3930 7929 3933 7928 3932 7922 3927 7925 3913 7925 3914 7933 3918 7931 3919 7929 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ BKF  461 WUCN11 CWWG 300650 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:50 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: NOPIMING PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  734 WSUS32 KKCI 300655 SIGC MKCC WST 300655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23C VALID UNTIL 0855Z MN ND FROM 50WNW INL-40ESE INL-30NNE BRD-20SSE GFK-50WNW INL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 26030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24C VALID UNTIL 0855Z IL 30N AXC ISOL TS D25 MOV FROM 04015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25C VALID UNTIL 0855Z TX FROM 50ENE JCT-60WSW IAH-50SE SAT-30SSE JCT-50ENE JCT AREA TS MOV FROM 35010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300855-301255 AREA 1...FROM 70WNW INL-80W YQT-30WNW RHI-30E RWF-50N ABR-70WNW INL REF WW 464. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 70W ACT-IAH-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-80SSE PSX-60WSW SAT-70W ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  735 WSUS33 KKCI 300655 SIGW MKCW WST 300655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13W VALID UNTIL 0855Z AZ FROM 30ENE PHX-10SW SSO-50SW SSO-50NW TUS-30ENE PHX AREA TS MOV FROM 17005KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14W VALID UNTIL 0855Z MT FROM 30WSW GGW-50NW MLS-60NNE BIL-70WSW GGW-30WSW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15W VALID UNTIL 0855Z OR FROM 20WNW PDT-PDT-30SSW PDT-40SW PDT-20WNW PDT AREA TS MOV FROM 24020KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 300855-301255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  736 WSUS31 KKCI 300655 SIGE MKCE WST 300655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36E VALID UNTIL 0855Z ME MA NH CSTL WTRS FROM 80E ENE-110SSE BGR-80NE ACK-60E BOS-80E ENE AREA TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37E VALID UNTIL 0855Z MA CSTL WTRS FROM 110ENE ACK-130E ACK-70ESE ACK-50E ACK-110ENE ACK AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38E VALID UNTIL 0855Z MD VA WV FROM 20SSE AIR-10N CSN-40SW CSN-40S AIR-20SSE AIR AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39E VALID UNTIL 0855Z DE MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 50SE SIE-150ESE SIE-150E ORF-50ESE SBY-50SE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 29030KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40E VALID UNTIL 0855Z FL AL MS CSTL WTRS FROM 60SSE SJI-70S CEW-100SSE SJI-70SSW SJI-60SSE SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 18010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41E VALID UNTIL 0855Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60N EYW-40SSE MIA-120SSE MIA-70ESE EYW-60N EYW AREA TS MOV FROM 17010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300855-301255 AREA 1...FROM 30NNW BGR-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-ENE-ALB-50N SYR-MSS-30NNW BGR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-MIA-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 40SE CEW-40SSW TLH-CTY-40W RSW-160S CEW-60ESE LEV-30SSW SJI-40SE CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  229 WOUS64 KWNS 300653 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 153 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107-113- 119-125-135-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  836 WWUS63 KDLH 300653 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 153 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC017-137-301000- /O.EXA.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS EXTENDED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AREAS UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 2 COUNTIES IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA CARLTON ST. LOUIS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CLOQUET AND DULUTH. $$ MNC001-021-035-061-071-301000- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA AITKIN CROW WING IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA CASS ITASCA KOOCHICHING THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AITKIN, BRAINERD, CASS LAKE, EAST GULL LAKE, ESTERDY, GRAND RAPIDS, INTERNATIONAL FALLS, LAKE SHORE, PINE RIVER, SCHLEY, AND WALKER. $$ HUYCK  168 WGUS71 KLWX 300653 FFSLWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 253 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-300830- /O.CON.KLWX.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 253 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 AM EDT FOR CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY... At 251 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated showers thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. Additional heavy rain with localized amounts around 1 to 2 inches are expected overnight. This will cause creeks and streams to rapidly rise out of their banks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3911 7935 3912 7933 3914 7933 3913 7925 3905 7925 3905 7930 3908 7930 3907 7932 3908 7933 3909 7936 $$ BJL  253 WWUS83 KFGF 300654 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 154 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ009-017-300745- North Beltrami MN-South Beltrami MN- 154 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN BELTRAMI COUNTY UNTIL 245 AM CDT... At 154 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Puposky, or 13 miles north of Bemidji, moving east at 30 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bemidji, Blackduck, Tenstrike, Lavinia, Turtle River, Hines and Nebish. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central Minnesota. LAT...LON 4741 9470 4755 9508 4772 9509 4792 9480 4787 9442 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0654Z 290DEG 27KT 4767 9486 $$ Lynch  595 WOUS64 KWNS 300657 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 157 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-017-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-077-087-089-107- 113-119-125-135-137-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CARLTON CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING LAKE OF THE WOODS MAHNOMEN MARSHALL NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ROSEAU ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  858 WACN02 CWAO 300657 CZEG AIRMET C1 VALID 300655/301055 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1-3SM BR OBS WTN 30 NM OF N6906 W10508 QS NC=  859 WACN22 CWAO 300657 CZEG AIRMET C1 VALID 300655/301055 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1-3SM BR OBS WTN 30 NM OF /N6906 W10508/CYCB QS NC RMK GFACN35=  860 WWCN02 CYTR 300657 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:57 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0800Z (UNTIL 30/0400 EDT) COMMENTS: A THUNDERSTORM CELL HAS DEVELOPED WITHIN 30NM OF THE BASE. IT IS EXPECTED TO MOVE OUT OF THE AREA TO THE NORTHEAST WITHIN AN HOUR. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 25 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0800Z (30/0400 EDT) END/JMC  356 WWNZ40 NZKL 300657 GALE WARNING 512 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: FORTIES AT 300600UTC OVER WATERS EAST OF WESTERN BOUNDARY. IN A BELT 300 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 45S 164E 50S 164E 53S 162E: NORTHWEST 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE AREA THEN MOVING SOUTHEAST 20KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 509.  357 WWNZ40 NZKL 300659 CANCEL WARNING 507  358 WWNZ40 NZKL 300656 GALE WARNING 511 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 300600UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. LOW 937HPA NEAR 65S 149W MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 30KT. 1. IN A BELT 420 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 59S 173W 53S 164W 49S 157W: SOUTHWEST 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 30KT. 2. OUTSIDE AREA 1 AND WITHIN 660 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW: CLOCKWISE 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 30KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 508.  198 WSRA31 RUNW 300700 UNNT SIGMET 2 VALID 300700/301100 UNNT- UNNT NOVOSIBIRSK FIR EMBD TSGR OBS E OF LINE N6054 E08301 - N5610 E08532 - N5301 E08422 - N5044 E08207 TOP FL410 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  705 WOAU43 AMMC 300701 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0700UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous southeasterly flow developing. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 61S135E 64S142E 64S148E 63S149E 60S139E 61S135E. FORECAST Southeast quarter winds 30/40 knots developing by 010300UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  530 WGUS51 KRLX 300702 FFWRLX WVC083-301100- /O.NEW.KRLX.FF.W.0029.190630T0702Z-190630T1100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 302 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Randolph County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 700 AM EDT. * At 300 AM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. 1.5 to 2 inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman and Dryfork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report Severe Weather to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. You may also report severe weather by posting your report to the Charleston West Virginia National Weather Service Facebook Page, or by using the Twitter Hashtag, NWSRLX. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3882 7953 3903 7978 3903 7976 3897 7951 3898 7948 3897 7939 3896 7935 $$ 25  211 WUUS53 KFGF 300704 SVRFGF MNC007-057-300745- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0072.190630T0704Z-190630T0745Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 204 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Hubbard County in north central Minnesota... Southeastern Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... * Until 245 AM CDT. * At 203 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lake Bemidji State Park, or near Bemidji, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Bemidji, Wilton, Tenstrike, Lavinia, Turtle River, Hines and Rosby. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4741 9467 4725 9467 4752 9505 4771 9477 4771 9452 4768 9442 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0703Z 309DEG 34KT 4755 9477 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  473 WHCN19 CWTO 300703 SQUALL WARNING FOR LAKE OF THE WOODS LAKE NIPIGON NORTH CHANNEL LAKE NIPISSING AND LAKE SIMCOE ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:03 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: LAKE OF THE WOODS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  352 WWUS53 KDLH 300704 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 204 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC061-071-137-300730- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190630T0730Z/ Itasca MN-Koochiching MN-St. Louis MN- 204 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 230 AM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN ITASCA...SOUTHEASTERN KOOCHICHING AND WEST CENTRAL ST. LOUIS COUNTIES... At 204 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 17 miles southeast of Big Falls, to 17 miles west of Togo, to near Effie, to Bigfork, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bigfork, Effie, Togo, Pelican Lake, Stony Brook, Celina, Greaney, Craigville, Deer Creek Reservation, Bear Lake, Coon Lake, Scenic State Park, and Bois Forte Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4807 9285 4759 9318 4778 9390 4811 9363 TIME...MOT...LOC 0704Z 291DEG 39KT 4804 9350 4791 9352 4783 9359 4774 9369 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  755 WGUS71 KPBZ 300705 FFSPBZ Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 305 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-093-300730- /O.CON.KPBZ.FF.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T0730Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Tucker WV-Preston WV- 305 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 AM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN GARRETT...NORTHEASTERN TUCKER AND CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES... At 301 AM EDT, 2 to 5 inches of rainfall have fallen across the area. Several roads are inundated and have been closed to traffic. Water will remain high for several hours after the rain has ended. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 5 inches across the warned area. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 1 inch. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Albright... Tunnelton... Elgon... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3919 7949 3918 7947 3920 7937 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3904 7931 3914 7953 3928 7974 $$ Brown  193 WAIY33 LIIB 300707 LIBB AIRMET 2 VALID 300800/301200 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST SE OF LINE N4037 E01529 - N4202 E01705 SFC/FL030 STNR NC=  923 WGUS71 KPBZ 300707 FFSPBZ Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 307 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-300830- /O.CON.KPBZ.FF.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Preston WV- 307 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 AM EDT FOR NORTHERN GARRETT AND EAST CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES... At 306 AM EDT, 2 to 4 inches of rainfall have fallen across the area. Several roads are inundated and have been closed to traffic. Water will remain high for several hours after the rain has ended. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 4 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 1/2 inch. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Bittinger... Friendsville... Deer Park... Accident... Deep Creek Lake State Park... Swallow Falls State Park... McHenry... Selbysport... Big Run State Park... Cranesville... McComas Beach... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7915 3942 7915 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7918 3939 7920 3936 7922 3936 7925 3946 7942 3958 7957 3972 7940 3953 7904 $$ Brown  955 WAIY32 LIIB 300708 LIRR AIRMET 2 VALID 300800/301200 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST E OF LINE N3950 E01615 - N3612 E01301 SFC/FL030 STNR NC=  250 WSCH31 SCFA 300710 SCFZ SIGMET A2 VALID 300710/301110 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2100 W09000 - S2400 W09000 - S2600 W08500 - S2200 W08500 - S2700 W07400 FL190/320 MOV E NC=  013 WWUS53 KDLH 300709 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 209 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-300745- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190630T0745Z/ Itasca MN-Cass MN- 209 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 AM CDT FOR CENTRAL ITASCA AND NORTHEASTERN CASS COUNTIES... At 209 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bigfork, to 6 miles southwest of Marcell, to 6 miles east of Lake Winnibigoshish, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Grand Rapids, Cohasset, Coleraine, Nashwauk, Deer River, Marcell, Bigfork, Taconite, Squaw Lake, Zemple, Oslund, Inger, Days High Landing, Pokegama Dam, Gunn, Ball Club, Lake Winnibigoshish, Spring Lake, Blackberry, and Bovey. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4714 9337 4710 9347 4716 9361 4741 9423 4762 9413 4766 9411 4780 9390 4760 9312 TIME...MOT...LOC 0709Z 293DEG 41KT 4769 9361 4754 9380 4743 9406 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  167 WHUS71 KOKX 300709 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 309 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ335-338-345-010000- /O.NEW.KOKX.SC.Y.0070.190630T1600Z-190701T0300Z/ Long Island Sound West of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY- New York Harbor- South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay- 309 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 11 PM EDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Upton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from noon today to 11 PM EDT this evening. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas around 1 to 2 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained wind speeds or frequent gusts of 25 to 33 kt and/or seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ353-355-010000- /O.NEW.KOKX.SC.Y.0070.190630T1600Z-190701T0900Z/ Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 309 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 5 AM EDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Upton has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from noon today to 5 AM EDT Monday. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained wind speeds or frequent gusts of 25 to 33 kt and/or seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  278 WHUS72 KMHX 300710 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 310 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...GUSTY SOUTHWEST WINDS AND HAZARDOUS SEAS THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH EVENING... .Winds and seas are expected to increase this afternoon ahead of an approaching cold front. Wind gusts of 25-30 knots are expected across the coastal waters south of Oregon Inlet and the Pamlico Sound. Seas will build to 6 feet this evening across the coastal waters, subsiding overnight. AMZ156-158-302145- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0600Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 310 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ152-154-302145- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0600Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 310 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 2 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ135-302145- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0300Z/ Pamlico Sound- 310 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 11 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WAVES...1 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  685 WWUS63 KDLH 300710 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 210 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC001-017-021-035-061-071-137-301000- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA AITKIN CROW WING IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA CASS ITASCA KOOCHICHING IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA CARLTON ST. LOUIS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AITKIN, BRAINERD, CASS LAKE, CLOQUET, DULUTH, EAST GULL LAKE, ESTERDY, GRAND RAPIDS, INTERNATIONAL FALLS, LAKE SHORE, PINE RIVER, SCHLEY, AND WALKER. $$ HUYCK  908 WACN01 CWAO 300710 CZVR AIRMET E1 VALID 300710/301110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 45 NM OF N5443 W12700 TOP FL280 QS WKNG=  909 WACN21 CWAO 300710 CZVR AIRMET E1 VALID 300710/301110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 45 NM OF /N5443 W12700/10 SE CYYD TOP FL280 QS WKNG RMK GFACN31=  648 WSAY31 UDYZ 300710 UDDD SIGMET 2 VALID 300710/301110 UDYZ- UDDD YEREVAN FIR EMBD TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL340 STNR NC=  996 WSBZ31 SBAZ 300712 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0239 W06937 - S0348 W06550 - S0049 W06516 - N0202 W06722 - N0142 W06811 - N0143 W06910 - S0239 W06937 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  572 WSBZ31 SBAZ 300712 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0154 W05946 - N0151 W06213 - S0121 W06225 - S0131 W06048 - N0121 W05912 - N0154 W05946 TO P FL450 STNR NC=  098 ACUS11 KWNS 300713 SWOMCD SPC MCD 300712 MNZ000-WIZ000-300915- Mesoscale Discussion 1310 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0212 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...much of northeast Minnesota Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 464... Valid 300712Z - 300915Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 464 continues. SUMMARY...The threat for marginally severe wind or hail continues across the watch area. A few strong elevated storms may persist into northwest Wisconsin, but additional watches are not anticipated. DISCUSSION...An MCS continues to move generally southeastward across northern MN, on the nose of a low-level theta-e plume and with isentropic lift aided by a 30 kt low-level jet. The primary cold-pool surge is moving across Itasca County, and will continue into St. Louis County. Surface observations show a relatively cool air mass east of the warm front, and as such several sub-severe wind gusts have been measured. Since it is unlikely that the instability gradient moves much eastward, additional downstream watches are unlikely in the near term. Along the southwestern flank of this MCS, storm cores may periodically become capable of marginal hail with better access to unstable air. Otherwise, storms may eventually drop south/southeast along the instability gradient, with marginally severe wind also possible. ..Jewell.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...DLH...MPX...FGF... LAT...LON 47359547 47909606 48049574 48009521 47759484 47709441 47879395 48279368 47109185 46569160 45929187 45729259 45969338 46459419 47359547  485 WGUS51 KPBZ 300714 FFWPBZ MDC023-WVC077-093-301215- /O.NEW.KPBZ.FF.W.0042.190630T0714Z-190630T1215Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 314 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southwestern Garrett County in western Maryland... Tucker County in northeastern West Virginia... Central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 815 AM EDT. * At 313 AM EDT, 2 to 5 inches of rainfall have fallen across the area. Several roads are inundated and have been closed to traffic. Water will remain high for several hours after the rain has ended. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 5 inches across the warned area. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 1 inch. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Parsons... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Hendricks... Hambleton... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3897 7950 3904 7978 3928 7974 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3899 7933 3896 7935 $$ Brown  097 WSCH31 SCFA 300715 SCFZ SIGMET 02 VALID 300715/301115 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S2300 W06900 - S2700 W06900 FL130/200 STNR WKN=  533 WSBZ31 SBRE 300714 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 300720/301115 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S3354 W03604 - S3123 W03634 - S3034 W04705 - S3210 W04842 - S3359 W04821 - S3354 W03604 TO P FL450 STNR NC=  328 WWUS84 KEWX 300717 AWWSAT TXC029-300930- Airport Weather Warning for San Antonio International Airport National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 217 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Airport Weather Warning for Lightning Within 5 Miles... .Onset/End Times... Now through 4:30 AM CDT .Lightning Rates Expected... OCNL .Other Threats/Remarks... Lightning will likely impact SAT in two distinct rounds, the first between 2:30 am and 3:15 am and another probably closer to 4 am. && FEW....Few=Less than 4 strikes per hour OCNL...Occasional=4-15 strikes per hour FRQ....Frequent=16 to 60 strikes per hour CONS...Continuous=More than 60 strikes per hour $$  507 WWUS63 KFGF 300718 WCNFGF WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GRAND FORKS ND 218 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC077-089-135-300830- /O.CAN.KFGF.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA LAKE OF THE WOODS IN NORTHWEST MINNESOTA MARSHALL ROSEAU THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ARGYLE, BAUDETTE, GREENBUSH, ROSEAU, STEPHEN, WARREN, AND WARROAD. $$ MNC005-007-027-029-057-087-107-113-119-125-159-301000- /O.CON.KFGF.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 11 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA WADENA IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA BELTRAMI HUBBARD IN NORTHWEST MINNESOTA BECKER CLEARWATER MAHNOMEN NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE IN WEST CENTRAL MINNESOTA CLAY THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADA, BAGLEY, BEMIDJI, CLEARBROOK, CROOKSTON, DETROIT LAKES, EAST GRAND FORKS, HALSTAD, MAHNOMEN, MENAHGA, MOORHEAD, NAYTAHWAUSH, PARK RAPIDS, RED LAKE FALLS, THIEF RIVER FALLS, TWIN VALLEY, WADENA, AND WAUBUN. $$  299 WGUS41 KLWX 300720 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 320 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-301315- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0044.190630T0720Z-190630T1315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 320 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Pendleton County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 915 AM EDT. * At 319 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain which will cause flooding. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen, with an additional one to two inches of rainfall possible. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Riverton, Seneca Rocks and Onego. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3892 7946 3893 7945 3892 7938 3895 7935 3890 7927 3870 7940 3876 7953 3880 7951 3882 7953 3883 7952 3884 7954 $$ BKF  442 ACUS03 KWNS 300721 SWODY3 SPC AC 300720 Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0220 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 021200Z - 031200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM PARTS OF THE MID MISSOURI VALLEY EASTWARD INTO THE SOUTHERN GREAT LAKES AND ACROSS THE NORTHERN HIGH PLAINS... ...SUMMARY... Marginally severe thunderstorms with strong wind gusts and hail will be possible on Tuesday from the Mid Missouri Valley into the Southern Great Lakes and across parts of the northern High Plains. ...Mid Missouri Valley to Southern Great Lakes... Westerly mid-level flow will be in place across the northern U.S. on Tuesday. At the surface, a cold front is forecast to advance southeastward into the mid Missouri Valley and western Great Lakes region. Thunderstorm development should take place along the front during the afternoon with storms moving east-southeastward across an unstable airmass during the mid to late afternoon. Model consensus places the strongest instability across northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin where the GFS and NAM solutions show MLCAPE values in the 2000 to 3000 J/kg range. In addition, model solutions show steep low-level lapse rates and strong enough deep-layer shear for a marginal wind-damage threat. This potential could extend eastward across lower Michigan where deep-layer shear is forecast to be a bit stronger. Once certainty decreases concerning the position of the front and convective coverage, a slight risk could be added in later outlooks. ...Northern High Plains... An upper-level ridge is forecast to move across the central and northern Rockies on Tuesday. At the surface, a cold front is forecast to move southward into the northern High Plains. Along and south of the front, model forecasts show an east-to-west corridor of maximized low-level moisture. A pocket of instability should develop along this corridor by mid to late afternoon. Thunderstorms that form along the front could obtain a marginal severe threat mainly due to moderate deep-layer shear and steep mid-level lapse rates. However, the influence of the upper-level ridge is expected to keep any severe threat isolated. ..Broyles.. 06/30/2019 $$  443 WUUS03 KWNS 300721 PTSDY3 DAY 3 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0220 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 021200Z - 031200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 43840265 43660729 43910855 44881029 45421073 45951084 46341070 46641016 46790675 47110457 47140301 46450147 45490086 44560111 43840265 0.05 41928209 42088465 42078764 41829101 40709615 40729801 40919868 41279914 41979920 42689864 43409751 44129492 44599278 44908880 44828491 44668213 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 42018272 42078500 42098783 41829102 41229398 40689620 40729799 40929869 41259912 42019918 42669867 43379758 43949574 44599275 44908886 44878522 44598221 MRGL 43850263 43770504 43650731 43910853 44861023 45411071 45931081 46321072 46611018 46690925 46820666 47120442 47150300 46440142 45540087 44540112 43850263 TSTM 28440044 31359988 34429924 36059923 37019980 37110088 36770157 36160209 34360260 32610292 30060334 28850352 99999999 31131089 34520955 36810920 38730942 40271006 42781115 43701174 44031280 44421493 44381735 43701953 43582091 44452160 45232060 46311785 47111706 47631717 48101848 47941967 48432125 49202200 99999999 49141279 48251205 47791133 47521053 47640907 47820784 48070722 48590677 49200642 99999999 43506885 43917152 43467322 42387440 40787491 39727561 38777704 37817828 35897964 35057985 34267927 33367773 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 ESE DTW 30 ESE AZO 45 S RAC 35 E CID 25 SW DSM 30 ESE LNK 25 SE GRI 20 W GRI 30 ESE BBW 15 N BUB 15 N ONL 35 NNW YKN 20 NNW OTG 30 SE MSP 40 E AUW 20 ENE TVC 60 E OSC. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 SE RAP 45 SSE GCC 40 ESE WRL 30 W WRL 45 ENE WEY 25 SSW LVM 20 ENE BZN 45 NNE BZN 20 NW 3HT 25 SSE LWT 45 NW MLS 20 E GDV 25 NNW DIK 40 SW BIS 20 W MBG 40 NE PHP 25 SE RAP. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 70 SSE DRT 35 E SJT 15 S LTS 50 N CSM 55 S DDC LBL GUY 30 ENE DHT 40 E CVS 20 ESE HOB 45 ESE MRF 110 SSE MRF ...CONT... 45 SW FHU 30 ENE SOW 45 SW CEZ 20 E CNY 30 WSW VEL 55 WNW BPI 20 NE IDA 45 SSW MQM 65 ESE MYL 40 SE BKE 30 WNW BNO 50 SSE RDM 25 WNW RDM 40 SE DLS 25 NE ALW 25 N PUW 15 E GEG 55 ESE OMK 35 S OMK 65 ESE BLI 35 NE BLI ...CONT... 40 NNW CTB 30 SSE CTB 20 N GTF 40 E GTF 45 NNE LWT 65 WSW GGW 30 WSW GGW 25 NNW GGW 70 N GGW ...CONT... 70 SSW BHB 25 NNW LCI 15 WSW RUT 40 SW ALB 30 ENE ABE ILG DCA 25 SSE CHO 20 SE GSO 30 WSW SOP 25 ENE FLO 65 S ILM.  952 WWUS53 KDLH 300721 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 221 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC061-071-137-300730- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190630T0730Z/ Itasca MN-Koochiching MN-St. Louis MN- 221 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 230 AM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN ITASCA...SOUTHEASTERN KOOCHICHING AND WEST CENTRAL ST. LOUIS COUNTIES... At 221 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles southwest of Nett Lake, to near Togo, to 16 miles east of Effie, to 12 miles east of Bigfork, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bigfork, Effie, Togo, Pelican Lake, Stony Brook, Deer Creek Reservation, Celina, Greaney, Bear Lake, Coon Lake, Scenic State Park, and Bois Forte Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4775 9377 4777 9383 4791 9352 4808 9346 4804 9287 4759 9318 TIME...MOT...LOC 0721Z 286DEG 39KT 4798 9320 4785 9322 4777 9330 4768 9340 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  070 WOUS64 KWNS 300723 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 223 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-017-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-087-107-113-119- 125-137-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CARLTON CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING MAHNOMEN NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  175 WUUS53 KDLH 300724 SVRDLH MNC061-071-137-300815- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0022.190630T0724Z-190630T0815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 224 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Southeastern Koochiching County in north central Minnesota... West central St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota... * Until 315 AM CDT. * At 223 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles southwest of Nett Lake, to near Togo, to 13 miles southwest of Meadow Brook, to 15 miles southeast of Bigfork, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Lake Vermilion, Virginia, Chisholm, Mountain Iron, Buhl, Cook, Meadow Brook, Gheen, Togo, Pelican Lake, Perch Lake, Franklin, Angora, Kinney, Linden Grove, Stony Brook, Shermans Corner, Side Lake, and Greaney. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4800 9240 4768 9234 4742 9267 4766 9347 4784 9332 4807 9329 TIME...MOT...LOC 0723Z 284DEG 39KT 4799 9319 4788 9317 4777 9321 4765 9336 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  866 WUUS53 KFGF 300725 SVRFGF MNC007-029-300815- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0073.190630T0725Z-190630T0815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 225 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... Central Clearwater County in northwestern Minnesota... * Until 315 AM CDT. * At 224 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Debs, or 28 miles northwest of Bemidji, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Redby, Clearbrook, Red Lake, Tenstrike, Little Rock, Turtle River and Hines. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4754 9461 4756 9555 4758 9555 4780 9549 4791 9525 4790 9458 TIME...MOT...LOC 0724Z 276DEG 38KT 4780 9526 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  114 WSBZ01 SBBR 300700 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0154 W05946 - N0151W06213 - S0121 W06225 - S0131 W06048 - N0121 W05912 - N0154 W05946 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  115 WSBZ01 SBBR 300700 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W06937 - S0348W06550 - S0049 W06516 - N0202 W06722 - N0142 W06811 - N0143 W06910 - S0239 W06937 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  116 WSBZ01 SBBR 300700 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 300630/300930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2736 W05433 - S3054 W04723 - S3400 W05020 - S3400 W05314 - S3310 W05330 - S3248 W05306 - S3013 W05650 - S3010 W05735 - S2832 W05605 - S2736 W05433 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  998 WHUS71 KPHI 300729 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 329 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ450>453-302030- /O.NEW.KPHI.SC.Y.0064.190630T1600Z-190701T0900Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- 329 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 5 AM EDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from noon today to 5 AM EDT Monday. * WINDS AND SEAS...West 10 to 15 knots with gusts up to 20 knots, becoming northwest 15 to 20 knots with gusts to around 25 knots later this afternoon and tonight. The highest wind gusts should be along the coast this afternoon, then spread across more of the waters tonight before diminishing toward Monday morning. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  791 WSBM31 VYYY 300730 VYYF SIGMET 01 VALID 300730/301130 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0630Z WI N1636 E09717 - N1541 E09602 - N1502 E09319 - N1517 E09129 - N1541 E09131 - N1646 E09643 - N1636 E09717 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  532 WWUS53 KDLH 300730 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 230 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-300745- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190630T0745Z/ Itasca MN-Cass MN- 230 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 AM CDT FOR CENTRAL ITASCA AND NORTHEASTERN CASS COUNTIES... At 230 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 15 miles northwest of Nashwauk, to 9 miles northwest of Coleraine, to Zemple, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Grand Rapids, Cohasset, Coleraine, Deer River, Marcell, Bigfork, Taconite, Zemple, Days High Landing, Pokegama Dam, Gunn, Ball Club, Lake Winnibigoshish, Blackberry, Bovey, Marble, La Prairie, Calumet, Bowstring, and Buck Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4720 9334 4712 9352 4716 9361 4739 9417 4760 9381 4775 9371 4760 9312 TIME...MOT...LOC 0730Z 293DEG 36KT 4757 9333 4742 9352 4731 9378 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  803 WGUS83 KFSD 300731 FLSFSD Flood Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 231 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in South Dakota... Brule Creek near Richland .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && SDC127-300801- /O.CAN.KFSD.FL.W.0228.000000T0000Z-190630T0731Z/ /BCKS2.1.ER.190629T1136Z.190629T1930Z.190630T0518Z.NO/ 231 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Brule Creek near Richland. * At 02AM Sunday the stage was 1124.75 feet. * Flood stage is 1125.00 feet. * At stages near 1125 feet...Significant flooding of crop and pasture land begins. && LAT...LON 4283 9674 4285 9670 4280 9665 4277 9666 4275 9663 4272 9664 4274 9668 4280 9670 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Recent Observed Stage Stage Time Crest Time BIG SIOUX RIVER BCKS2 1125.0 1124.75 Sun 2 AM 1126.2 Sat Jun 29  310 WSAG31 SABE 300736 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 300736/301136 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0736Z WI S4350 W07138 - S5256 W06609 - S5308 W06749 - S4701 W07149 - S4350 W07138 FL200/270 STNR WKN=  123 WSAG31 SABE 300736 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 300736/301136 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0736Z WI S4350 W07138 - S5256 W06609 - S5308 W06749 - S4701 W07149 - S4350 W07138 FL200/270 STNR WKN=  359 WSCI34 ZSSS 300733 ZSHA SIGMET 3 VALID 300800/301200 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N29 TOP FL350 MOV E 30KMH NC=  656 WGUS51 KLWX 300735 FFWLWX WVC023-301030- /O.NEW.KLWX.FF.W.0004.190630T0735Z-190630T1030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 335 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR THE TOWN OF BAYARD... The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 630 AM EDT. * At 332 AM EDT, emergency management reported flash flooding occurring along the North Branch Potomac River in Bayard, resulting in evacuations. Total rainfall between 4 to 5 inches has been observed, with additional rainfall up to 1 inch possible. * THIS IS A FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR THE TOWN OF BAYARD! This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson and Gormania. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3925 7941 3927 7939 3927 7936 3928 7935 3929 7935 3930 7934 3930 7930 3929 7929 3922 7938 3924 7941 $$ BKF  287 WSSS20 VHHH 300735 VHHK SIGMET 3 VALID 300740/301140 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2032 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2239 E11415 - N2260 E11638 - N2137 E11439 - N2032 E11130 TOP FL430 MOV NW 07KT NC=  299 WGUS71 KRLX 300737 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 337 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301100- /O.CON.KRLX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 337 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 AM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RANDOLPH COUNTY... At 333 AM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain over the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. This is a serious situation. If you live along the Dry Fork or a stream draining into the Dry Fork, you should evacuate to higher ground immediately! This includes the communities of Harman and Dryfork. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman and Dryfork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report Severe Weather to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. You may also report severe weather by posting your report to the Charleston West Virginia National Weather Service Facebook Page, or by using the Twitter Hashtag, NWSRLX. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3882 7953 3903 7978 3903 7976 3897 7951 3898 7948 3897 7939 3896 7935 $$ 25  805 WWCN11 CWWG 300737 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:37 A.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: BISSETT - VICTORIA BEACH - NOPIMING PROV. PARK - PINE FALLS WHITESHELL - LAC DU BONNET - PINAWA SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  779 WSRA31 RUIR 300800 UIII SIGMET 2 VALID 300800/301200 UIII- UIII IRKUTSK FIR EMBD TS OBS NW OF LINE N5432 E12207 - N4953 E11528 AND SE OF LINE N5719 E11932 - N5205 E09900 TOP FL400 MOV SW 30KMH NC=  009 WVPR31 SPIM 300738 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 300800/301400 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 0700Z WI S1545 W07150 - S1644 W07101 - S1650 W07114 - S1617 W07138 - S1546 W07152 - S1545 W07150 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 1300Z VA CLD WI S1546 W07149 - S1656 W07049 - S1705 W07104 - S1634 W07125 - S1547 W07153 - S1546 W07149=  438 WUUS53 KDLH 300739 SVRDLH MNC001-021-061-137-300830- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0023.190630T0739Z-190630T0830Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 239 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northeastern Aitkin County in east central Minnesota... Northeastern Cass County in north central Minnesota... Southwestern St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota... * Until 330 AM CDT. * At 238 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 13 miles northwest of Keewatin, to 9 miles northwest of Nashwauk, to 6 miles northwest of Coleraine, to near Zemple, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Grand Rapids, Chisholm, Eveleth, Mountain Iron, Cohasset, Coleraine, Keewatin, Buhl, Nashwauk, Deer River, Cherry, Swan River, Marcell, Cotton, Taconite, Warba, Toivola, Meadowlands, and Zemple. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4735 9222 4711 9247 4701 9268 4692 9317 4737 9402 4760 9369 4774 9357 TIME...MOT...LOC 0738Z 299DEG 42KT 4758 9321 4746 9334 4736 9355 4730 9383 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  520 WSAJ31 UBBB 300742 UBBB SIGMET 2 VALID 300800/301200 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0730Z N4044 E04624 TOP FL360 MOV E 30KT NC=  293 WSSS20 VHHH 300740 VHHK SIGMET 4 VALID 300745/301145 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2100 E11730 - N1646 E11403 - N2025 E11146 - N2102 E11339 - N2134 E11730 - N2100 E11730 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  535 WWUS84 KEWX 300741 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 241 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ186-187-204-300845- Kerr TX-Medina TX-Bandera TX- 241 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN MEDINA...CENTRAL BANDERA AND SOUTHEASTERN KERR COUNTIES UNTIL 345 AM CDT... At 241 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Camp Verde, or 9 miles north of Bandera, moving south at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Medina, Kerrville, Bandera, Tarpley, Lakehills, Camp Verde, Pipe Creek, Bandera Falls, Center Point, Hill Country State Natural Area, Mico and Lake Medina Shores. LAT...LON 2995 9892 2951 9891 2949 9933 3000 9928 TIME...MOT...LOC 0741Z 010DEG 23KT 2985 9903 $$ BMW  815 WUUS53 KFGF 300741 SVRFGF MNC007-057-300845- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0074.190630T0741Z-190630T0845Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 241 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Hubbard County in north central Minnesota... Southeastern Beltrami County in north central Minnesota... * Until 345 AM CDT. * At 240 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bemidji, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Bemidji, Plantagenet Lake, Lavinia, Kabekona, Guthrie, Rosby and Lake Bemidji State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4741 9467 4726 9466 4721 9467 4725 9505 4741 9505 4755 9491 4754 9442 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0740Z 282DEG 31KT 4747 9484 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  800 WSRS31 RUSM 300742 UWWW SIGMET 3 VALID 300800/301200 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E051 FL300/380 MOV N 30KMH NC=  419 WSCN23 CWAO 300743 CZWG SIGMET E7 VALID 300740/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET E6 300535/300935 RMK GFACN32=  420 WSCN03 CWAO 300743 CZWG SIGMET E7 VALID 300740/300935 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET E6 300535/300935=  098 WSRA31 RUHB 300742 UHHH SIGMET 3 VALID 300800/301200 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N5330 AND W OF E14000 TOP FL380 MOV SW 10KMH NC=  762 WGUS51 KLWX 300744 FFWLWX WVC071-301045- /O.NEW.KLWX.FF.W.0005.190630T0744Z-190630T1045Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 344 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northwestern Pendleton County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 645 AM EDT. * At 343 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Three to four inches of rain have already fallen, with an additional one to two inches of rain possible. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Seneca Rocks, Onego and Riverton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3892 7946 3893 7945 3889 7932 3874 7944 3877 7952 3880 7951 3882 7953 3883 7952 3884 7954 $$ BKF  337 WACN23 CWAO 300745 CZWG AIRMET G1 VALID 300745/301145 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE /N5810 W10150/45 E CZWL - /N5652 W10037/15 E CYYL - /N5502 W10146/25 N CYFO MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET F1=  338 WACN03 CWAO 300745 CZWG AIRMET G1 VALID 300745/301145 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE N5810 W10150 - N5652 W10037 - N5502 W10146 MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG=  339 WACN02 CWAO 300745 CZEG AIRMET F1 VALID 300745/301145 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE N5810 W10150 - N5652 W10037 - N5502 W10146 MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG=  424 WACN22 CWAO 300745 CZEG AIRMET F1 VALID 300745/301145 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE /N5810 W10150/45 E CZWL - /N5652 W10037/15 E CYYL - /N5502 W10146/25 N CYFO MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR AIRMET G1=  532 WWUS73 KTOP 300746 NPWTOP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 246 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KSZ022-023-034>038-300900- /O.CAN.KTOP.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0100Z/ Riley-Pottawatomie-Ottawa-Dickinson-Geary-Morris-Wabaunsee- Including the cities of Manhattan, Wamego, St. Marys, Minneapolis, Bennington, Abilene, Herington, Junction City, Council Grove, Alma, Eskridge, Maple Hill, Alta Vista, McFarland, Harveyville, and Paxico 246 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Topeka has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Heat indices will only increase into the upper 90s to around 100 degrees this afternoon. $$ KSZ008>011-020-021-301600- /O.CON.KTOP.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0100Z/ Republic-Washington-Marshall-Nemaha-Cloud-Clay- Including the cities of Belleville, Washington, Hanover, Clifton, Linn, Greenleaf, Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Sabetha, Seneca, Concordia, and Clay Center 246 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...High temperatures Sunday will reach the middle 90s with heat index values climbing to 100 to 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat-related illnesses are possible for those spending a prolonged amount of time outdoors or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot weather is expected, during which heat illnesses are possible. Limit your outdoor activities during this time, stay in an air-conditioned building, and check up on relatives and neighbors. While outside, drink plenty of water, wear light and loose fitting clothing, and reduce strenuous activities. && $$  764 WWCN12 CWTO 300747 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:47 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: KENORA - NESTOR FALLS DRYDEN - VERMILION BAY FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE RED LAKE - EAR FALLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  331 WTIN20 DEMS 300744 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK DEMS-RSMC TROPICAL CYCLONES NEW DELHI DATED 30.06.2019 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (THE BAY OF BENGAL AND ARABIAN SEA) VALID FOR NEXT 120 HOURS ISSUED AT 0600 UTC OF 30.06.2019 BASED ON 0300 UTC OF 30.06.2019. BAY OF BENGAL: UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH BAY OF BENGAL (BOB) OFF WEST BENGAL COAST, A LOW PRESSURE AREA FORMED OVER NORTHEAST BOB & NEIGHBOURHOOD AT 0000 UTC AND IT PERSISTED OVER THE SAME REGION AT 0300 UTC OF TODAY, THE 30TH JUNE, 2019. IT IS LIKELY TO BECOME MORE MARKED AND CONCENTRATE INTO A DEPRESSION DURING NEXT 48 HOURS. AS PER SATELLITE IMAGERY BASED ON 0300 OF TODAY, THE 30TH JUNE, BROKEN LOW & MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER BOB BETWEEN LATITUDE 16.0N TO 21.0N AND LONGITUDE 85.0E TO 93.0E IN ASSOCIATION WITH LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION OVER THE AREA. BROKEN LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTIVE CLOUDS CLUSTER LAY OVER BOB TO THE NORTH OF LATITUDE 12.5N & WEST OF LONG 94.5E AND CENTRAL PARTS OF ANDAMAN SEA . SCATERRED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBDDED MODERATE TO INTENSE CONVECTION OVER SOUTH BOB, REST ANDAMAN SEA AND TENSSERIM COAST. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS LOW MODERATE MODERATE NIL NIL ARABIAN SEA: SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED MODERATE TO INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER EASTCENTRAL ARABIAN SEA (AS), GULF OF CAMBAY OFF KONKAN COAST AND EXTREME SOUTH AS. ISOLATED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED WEAK CONVECTION LAY OVER WESTCENTRAL AS. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL REMARKS- MOST OF THE MODELS ARE INDICATING DEVELOPMENT OF DEPRESSION OVER NORTHWEST BOB & NEIGHBOURHOOD DURING NEXT 48 HOURS WITH WEST-NORTHWESTWARDS MOVEMENT TOWARDS WEST BENGAL COAST AND NO FURTHER INTENSIFICATION.=  864 WGUS84 KEWX 300748 FLSEWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 248 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC019-029-091-177-187-259-265-325-493-301045- /O.NEW.KEWX.FA.Y.0094.190630T0748Z-190630T1045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Medina TX-Bandera TX-Kerr TX-Guadalupe TX-Gonzales TX-Kendall TX- Wilson TX-Bexar TX-Comal TX- 248 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Austin San Antonio has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Central Medina County in south central Texas... Central Bandera County in south central Texas... Southeastern Kerr County in south central Texas... Guadalupe County in south central Texas... West central Gonzales County in south central Texas... Southern Kendall County in south central Texas... Wilson County in south central Texas... Bexar County in south central Texas... Southern Comal County in south central Texas... * Until 545 AM CDT. * At 245 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms along a line from just south of Kerrville extending southeast to far western Gonzales County. Up to 2 inches of rain has fallen within the past hour. This line of storms will continue to move south. Urban and small stream flooding will be possible across the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Antonio, New Braunfels, Medina, Schertz, Seguin, Cibolo, Kerrville, Universal City, Live Oak, Boerne, Selma, Hondo, Floresville, Castroville, Comfort, Poth, Stockdale, Bandera, Kosciusko and Tarpley. LAT...LON 2941 9929 2992 9930 3009 9915 2952 9765 2915 9782 2899 9805 $$ BMW  244 WHCN19 CWTO 300748 SQUALL WATCH FOR LAKE OF THE WOODS LAKE NIPIGON NORTH CHANNEL LAKE NIPISSING AND LAKE SIMCOE ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:48 A.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH ENDED FOR: LAKE OF THE WOODS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OVER THE AREA. THE STRONGEST THUNDERSTORMS ARE WELL SOUTHEAST OF THE LAKE. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  681 WSRS31 RURD 300748 URRV SIGMET 6 VALID 300800/301000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4712 E04026 - N4803 E04235 - N4504 E04155 - N4503 E04015 - N4712 E04026 TOP FL330 MOV ESE 20KMH INTSF=  085 WSUS33 KKCI 300755 SIGW MKCW WST 300755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16W VALID UNTIL 0955Z MT FROM 10SSW GGW-50N MLS-60WNW MLS-40WSW GGW-10SSW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 300955-301355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  086 WSUS32 KKCI 300755 SIGC MKCC WST 300755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26C VALID UNTIL 0955Z MN FROM 20WNW INL-70ESE INL-40ENE BRD-30SE GFK-20WNW INL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27C VALID UNTIL 0955Z TX FROM 30ESE JCT-50SE CWK-50SE SAT-50S JCT-30ESE JCT AREA TS MOV FROM 35010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 300955-301355 AREA 1...FROM 50WNW INL-80W YQT-RHI-40NE RWF-30NW FAR-50WNW INL REF WW 464. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 70W ACT-IAH-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-80SSE PSX-50E DLF-70W ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  087 WSUS31 KKCI 300755 SIGE MKCE WST 300755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42E VALID UNTIL 0955Z ME MA NH CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSE BGR-140SSE BGR-100ENE ACK-70NE ACK-100SSE BGR AREA TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 43E VALID UNTIL 0955Z MA CSTL WTRS FROM 140ENE ACK-140E ACK-80ESE ACK-60ENE ACK-140ENE ACK AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 44E VALID UNTIL 0955Z MD VA WV FROM 30NE EKN-20WSW CSN-50NNE LYH-10SSE EKN-30NE EKN DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45E VALID UNTIL 0955Z DE MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 70SE SIE-170ESE SIE-160E ORF-70ESE SBY-70SE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 29030KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46E VALID UNTIL 0955Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 50NW PIE-40NW PIE-60SW SRQ-70SW SRQ-50NW PIE AREA TS MOV FROM 18010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47E VALID UNTIL 0955Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S RSW-50SSE MIA-120SSE MIA-80ESE EYW-40S RSW AREA TS MOV FROM 17010KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 300955-301355 AREA 1...FROM 30NNW BGR-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-ENE-ALB-40NNW SYR-MSS-30NNW BGR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-MIA-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 40SE CEW-40SSW TLH-CTY-40W RSW-160S CEW-60ESE LEV-30SSW SJI-40SE CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  878 WVMX31 MMMX 300750 MMEX SIGMET 6 VALID 300748/301348 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 300748Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL200 OVR N1908 W09837 - N1859 W09824 - N1849 W09833 - N1901 W09845 - N1908 W09837 MOV SE 5 KTS WKN. OUTLK AT 301348UTC NO ASH EXP =  884 WUUS53 KDLH 300751 SVRDLH MNC021-300815- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0024.190630T0751Z-190630T0815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 251 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 315 AM CDT. * At 250 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 14 miles northeast of Laporte, or 16 miles southeast of Bemidji, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Bena, Federal Dam, Lake Winnibigoshish, Leech Lake, Cass Lake, Six Mile Lake, Portage Lake, and Schley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4741 9467 4741 9442 4744 9442 4744 9441 4743 9439 4743 9438 4741 9433 4743 9427 4742 9408 4717 9421 4729 9467 4732 9466 4732 9467 TIME...MOT...LOC 0750Z 286DEG 29KT 4737 9456 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  720 WWCN02 CYTR 300751 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:51 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0900Z (UNTIL 30/0500 EDT) COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORM CELLS CONTINUE TO DEVELOP WITHIN 30NM OF THE BASE. THEY ARE EXPECTED TO MOVE OUT OF THE AREA TO THE EAST WITHIN AN HOUR. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 25 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0900Z (30/0500 EDT) END/JMC  746 WSRS31 RURD 300751 URRV SIGMET 7 VALID 300800/301000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST SW OF LINE N4523 E03641 - N4328 E04009 TOP FL330 MOV ESE 20KMH INTSF=  114 WOUS64 KWNS 300753 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 253 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-017-021-027-029-035-057-061-071-087-107-113-119- 125-137-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CARLTON CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA KOOCHICHING MAHNOMEN NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  113 WSCG31 FCBB 300753 FCCC SIGMET E3 VALID 300800/301200 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0745Z W OF LINE S0005 E01733 - N0655 E01008 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  600 WWUS53 KDLH 300755 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 255 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC071-300804- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190630T0815Z/ Koochiching MN- 255 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN KOOCHICHING COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northeastern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4762 9334 4772 9322 4787 9308 4775 9235 4768 9234 4742 9267 TIME...MOT...LOC 0754Z 288DEG 36KT 4779 9297 4765 9289 4752 9298 $$ MNC061-137-300815- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190630T0815Z/ Itasca MN-St. Louis MN- 255 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 AM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL ITASCA AND WEST CENTRAL ST. LOUIS COUNTIES... At 254 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Meadow Brook, to 12 miles northwest of Buhl, to near Chisholm, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Virginia, Chisholm, Mountain Iron, Buhl, Perch Lake, Franklin, Angora, Kinney, Stony Brook, Shermans Corner, Side Lake, Snake Trail, Celina, Big Rice Lake, Stingy Lake, West Two Rivers Reservoir, Idington, Bear Lake, and Mcarthy Beach State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4762 9334 4772 9322 4787 9308 4775 9235 4768 9234 4742 9267 TIME...MOT...LOC 0754Z 288DEG 36KT 4779 9297 4765 9289 4752 9298 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  296 WWUS53 KDLH 300757 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 257 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-021-061-137-300830- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ Itasca MN-Aitkin MN-Cass MN-St. Louis MN- 257 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ITASCA...NORTHEASTERN AITKIN...NORTHEASTERN CASS AND SOUTHWESTERN ST. LOUIS COUNTIES... At 257 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Chisholm, to near Keewatin, to near Taconite, to near Grand Rapids, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Grand Rapids, Chisholm, Eveleth, Mountain Iron, Cohasset, Coleraine, Keewatin, Buhl, Nashwauk, Deer River, Cherry, Swan River, Cotton, Taconite, Warba, Toivola, Meadowlands, Zemple, and Pengilly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4736 9399 4736 9400 4751 9354 4767 9333 4735 9222 4711 9247 4701 9268 4692 9317 TIME...MOT...LOC 0757Z 299DEG 36KT 4748 9296 4736 9309 4726 9330 4720 9358 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  901 WGUS41 KLWX 300757 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 357 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Sterling Va has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Maryland...West Virginia... North Branch Potomac River at Kitzmiller affecting Garrett and Mineral Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never attempt to drive through a flooded roadway...this is how most flood deaths result. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio... television or radio stations...or visit our website at weather.gov. You can also find us on Facebook by searching U.S. National Weather Service Baltimore Washington. && MDC023-WVC057-301556- /O.NEW.KLWX.FL.W.0025.190630T1148Z-190630T2154Z/ /KITM2.1.ER.190630T1148Z.190630T1200Z.190630T1554Z.NO/ 357 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Va has issued a * Flood Warning for The North Branch Potomac River at Kitzmiller. * From this morning until this afternoon. * At 3 AM Sunday the stage was 2.7 feet and steady. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this morning and crest near 9.3 feet later this morning. The river will fall below flood stage this afternoon. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Low lying areas near the river around Kitzmiller are flooded. * Flood history...This crest compares to a previous crest of 9.4 feet on Jul 29 2017. && River Flood Observed 2PM 8PM 2AM 8AM Crest Location Stage Stg Day Time Sun Sun Mon Mon Stg Day Time North Branch Potomac River Kitzmiller 9.0 2.7 Sun 3 AM 8.9 7.3 2.5 2.4 && LAT...LON 3933 7930 3937 7928 3941 7922 3941 7916 3938 7914 3933 7921 3932 7924 $$  184 WSSG31 GOOY 300800 GOOO SIGMET A3 VALID 300800/301200 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z WI N0800 W02240 - N1040 W01850 - N0850 W01640 - N0700 W01850 TOP FL400 MOV W 05KT WKN=  349 WSSG31 GOOY 300805 GOOO SIGMET B3 VALID 300805/301205 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0755Z WI N1120 W00820 - N1220 W00740 - N1210 W00510 - N1030 W00800 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT WKN=  779 WONT54 EGRR 300759 SECURITE NO STORMS=  563 WVID21 WAAA 300801 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 300800/301259 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0759Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0224 E12755 - N0206 E12716 - N 0138 E12752 - N0140 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  326 WWUS73 KOAX 300802 NPWOAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 302 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ043-055-056-069-079-080-090-091-NEZ011-012-015>018-030>034- 042>045-050>053-065>068-078-088>093-302130- /O.CON.KOAX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Fremont- Page-Knox-Cedar-Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Boone-Madison- Stanton-Cuming-Burt-Platte-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler- Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward-Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline- Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Albion, St. Edward, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, Decatur, Columbus, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, David City, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 302 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 106 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the lower 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency so call 911. && $$  650 WVID21 WAAA 300801 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 300800/301259 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0759Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0224 E12755 - N0206 E12716 - N 0138 E12752 - N0140 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  489 WVID21 WAAA 300801 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 300800/301259 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0759Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0224 E12755 - N0206 E12716 - N 0138 E12752 - N0140 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  997 WGUS73 KILX 300803 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 303 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC183-300812- /O.CAN.KILX.FF.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190630T0915Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Vermilion- 303 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The heavy rain has ended, and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4015 8772 4032 8773 4035 8753 4013 8753 $$ Geelhart  527 WHUS43 KDTX 300803 CFWDTX URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 403 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MIZ048-302000- /O.NEW.KDTX.LS.Y.0018.190630T0803Z-190630T2000Z/ Bay- 403 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EDT THIS AFTERNOON... The National Weather Service in Detroit/Pontiac has issued a Lakeshore Flood Advisory, which is in effect until 4 PM EDT this afternoon. * Lake Shore Flooding...North wind 10-20 mph has increased water level at Essexville to 57 inches above chart datum early this morning. Winds of 10-15 mph turn to the northeast during the morning hours into the early afternoon, which will hold Saginaw Bay water levels greater than 55 inches above chart datum. Minor fluctuations in water levels throughout the day will be possible. * Impacts...Lakeshore flooding consistent with the water level rising to near 60 inches above low water datum can be expected during this time. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Lakeshore Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds will generate flooding of low areas along the lakeshore. * Prepare, plan and stay informed. Visit www.weather.gov/safety To learn more about dangerous waves and currents please visit dangerouscurrents.org && $$  563 WOMU40 VMMC 300756 THUNDERSTORM WARNING IS CANCELLED AT 201906300755 UTC  654 WUUS53 KDLH 300806 SVRDLH MNC021-300830- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0025.190630T0806Z-190630T0830Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 306 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 330 AM CDT. * At 306 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Boy River, or 24 miles west of Grand Rapids, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Remer, Boy River, Thunder Lake, Tobique, Laura Lake, Mud Lake, and Goose Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4722 9414 4727 9395 4701 9377 4699 9378 4692 9403 TIME...MOT...LOC 0806Z 337DEG 28KT 4717 9403 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  410 WWUS73 KMPX 300806 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 306 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060>063-068>070-301600- /O.CON.KMPX.EH.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington-Carver-Scott-Dakota- Including the cities of Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Chaska, Shakopee, and Hastings 306 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...Hot temperatures during the day, with limited cooling tonight, will lead to increased risk for heat related illness for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. An Excessive Heat Warning means that a prolonged period of dangerously hot temperatures will occur. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a dangerous situation in which heat illnesses are likely. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun... and check up on relatives and neighbors. && $$ MNZ051>053-073-301600- /O.EXA.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Sherburne-Isanti-Chisago-Redwood- Including the cities of Elk River, Cambridge, Center City, and Redwood Falls 306 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Twin Cities/Chanhassen has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect until 9 PM CDT this evening. * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$ MNZ059-066-067-074>078-082>085-091>093-301600- /O.CON.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Wright-McLeod-Sibley-Brown-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue- Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of Monticello, Hutchinson, Gaylord, New Ulm, St Peter, Le Sueur, Faribault, Red Wing, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 306 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$  285 WUUS51 KLWX 300807 SVRLWX WVC071-300845- /O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0306.190630T0807Z-190630T0845Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 407 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Pendleton County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 445 AM EDT. * At 407 AM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Franklin, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Franklin, Brandywine, Circleville, Moyers, Cherry Grove, Riverton, Sugar Grove and Harper. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3869 7960 3871 7957 3876 7942 3859 7916 3853 7921 3850 7921 3847 7924 3846 7924 3846 7925 3843 7928 3842 7928 3841 7930 3842 7933 3844 7941 3866 7960 TIME...MOT...LOC 0807Z 320DEG 16KT 3866 7944 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ BJL  764 WWUS53 KDLH 300807 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 307 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-300817- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T0815Z/ Cass MN- 307 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CASS COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 315 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central Minnesota. LAT...LON 4741 9467 4741 9442 4744 9442 4744 9441 4743 9439 4743 9438 4741 9433 4743 9427 4742 9408 4717 9421 4729 9467 4732 9466 4732 9467 TIME...MOT...LOC 0807Z 286DEG 29KT 4734 9438 $$ Huyck  035 WWUS83 KFGF 300807 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 307 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ015>017-023-024-300915- South Clearwater MN-Hubbard MN-East Polk MN-North Clearwater MN- South Beltrami MN- 307 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR HUBBARD...EASTERN POLK... SOUTHEASTERN BELTRAMI AND CLEARWATER COUNTIES UNTIL 415 AM CDT... At 307 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Wilton, or 7 miles west of Bemidji, moving southeast at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bemidji, Bagley, Blackduck, Plantagenet Lake, Clearbrook, Akeley and Lake George. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4741 9467 4693 9466 4723 9539 4746 9555 4750 9555 4750 9558 4761 9566 4784 9533 4785 9442 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0807Z 300DEG 30KT 4744 9503 $$ Lynch  426 WSRS31 RUMA 300807 UUWV SIGMET 1 VALID 300815/301000 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB OBS W OF E045 AND E OF E034 FL270/360 STNR NC=  319 WSUZ31 UTTT 300810 UTTR SIGMET 1 VALID 300815/301200 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF E068 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  973 WWUS53 KFGF 300808 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 308 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC007-029-300818- /O.EXP.KFGF.SV.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190630T0815Z/ Beltrami MN-Clearwater MN- 308 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN BELTRAMI AND CENTRAL CLEARWATER COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 315 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central and northwestern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4754 9461 4756 9555 4758 9555 4780 9549 4791 9525 4790 9458 TIME...MOT...LOC 0808Z 276DEG 38KT 4775 9458 $$ Lynch  974 WOUS20 KWNS 300809 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300810 MNZ000-300940- STATUS REPORT ON WW 464 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 S GFK TO 40 S TVF TO 20 NNW BJI TO 15 NE BJI TO 30 E BJI TO 40 W HIB TO 25 NW HIB TO 40 N HIB TO 15 E ELO. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1310 ..JEWELL..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 464 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS MNC001-005-017-021-027-029-035-057-061-087-107-137-159-300940- MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER CARLTON CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA MAHNOMEN NORMAN ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  196 WSCI31 RCTP 300809 RCAA SIGMET 4 VALID 300810/301200 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2100 E11900 - N2430 E12000 - N2530 E12200 - N2100 E12030 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  283 WSUZ31 UTTT 300810 UTTR SIGMET 2 VALID 300815/301200 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E068 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  483 WWCN03 CYTR 300809 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB VALCARTIER PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 4:09 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB VALCARTIER (CYOY) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED OVER THE RANGE AND/OR WITHIN 5 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/0930Z (UNTIL 30/0530 EDT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED CLOSE TO THE STATION. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 25 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/0930Z (30/0530 EDT) END/JMC  126 WGUS71 KRLX 300811 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 411 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301100- /O.CON.KRLX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 411 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 AM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RANDOLPH COUNTY... At 406 AM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain over the warned area. Up to four inches of rain have already fallen. Expect flash flooding. This is a serious situation. If you live along the Dry Fork or a stream draining into the Dry Fork around or north of Job, you should evacuate to higher ground immediately! This includes the communities of Harman and Dryfork. Serious flooding is also expected on Laurel Fork and Glady Fork around and north of highway 33. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman and Dryfork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report Severe Weather to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. You may also report severe weather by posting your report to the Charleston West Virginia National Weather Service Facebook Page, or by using the Twitter Hashtag, NWSRLX. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3882 7953 3903 7978 3903 7976 3897 7951 3898 7948 3897 7939 3896 7935 $$ 25  376 WUUS53 KDLH 300812 SVRDLH MNC137-300900- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0026.190630T0812Z-190630T0900Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 312 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota... * Until 400 AM CDT. * At 311 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles northwest of Mountain Iron, to near Buhl, to near Cherry, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Virginia, Chisholm, Eveleth, Mountain Iron, Hoyt Lakes, Gilbert, Aurora, Buhl, Biwabik, Cherry, Whiteface Reservoir, Makinen, Franklin, Kinney, Mckinley, Iron Junction, Leonidas, Comstock Lake, and Murphy Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4759 9205 4731 9201 4709 9222 4738 9298 4753 9283 4774 9286 TIME...MOT...LOC 0811Z 295DEG 34KT 4764 9274 4750 9272 4740 9281 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  861 WWUS63 KDLH 300814 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 314 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC071-300915- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA KOOCHICHING THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF INTERNATIONAL FALLS. $$ MNC001-017-021-035-061-137-301000- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA AITKIN CROW WING IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA CASS ITASCA IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA CARLTON ST. LOUIS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AITKIN, BRAINERD, CASS LAKE, CLOQUET, DULUTH, EAST GULL LAKE, ESTERDY, GRAND RAPIDS, LAKE SHORE, PINE RIVER, SCHLEY, AND WALKER. $$  039 WABZ23 SBRE 300814 SBRE AIRMET 2 VALID 300815/301215 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 500/1 000FT OBS AT 0800Z WI S0924 W03555 - S0924 W03540 - S0937 W03541 - S0937 W 03554 - S0924 W03555 STNR NC=  534 WGUS51 KLWX 300815 FFWLWX WVC023-301115- /O.NEW.KLWX.FF.W.0006.190630T0815Z-190630T1115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 415 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 715 AM EDT. * At 413 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported flash flooding with ongoing thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between four and six inches of rain have fallen, with additional rainfall up to an inch possible. * Flash flooding will remain over mainly rural areas of central Grant County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3911 7935 3912 7933 3914 7933 3913 7925 3905 7925 3905 7930 3908 7930 3907 7932 3909 7935 $$ BKF  512 WWUS53 KDLH 300817 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 317 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-300830- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ Cass MN- 317 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 AM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL CASS COUNTY... At 316 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Remer, or 23 miles southwest of Grand Rapids, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Remer, Thunder Lake, Laura Lake, and Tobique. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4715 9411 4722 9391 4701 9377 4699 9378 4692 9403 TIME...MOT...LOC 0816Z 339DEG 32KT 4709 9398 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  022 WWUS73 KFSD 300817 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 317 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ072-080-097-SDZ056-301630- /O.EXA.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Lyon-Murray-Pipestone-Moody- 317 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 1 PM this afternoon to 9 PM CDT this evening. * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 103 due to temperatures in the lower 90s, and dewpoints in the mid 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$ IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ081-089-090-098-NEZ013-014- SDZ050-060>071-301630- /O.CON.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Lyon-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Rock-Dixon- Dakota-Gregory-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Charles Mix-Douglas- Hutchinson-Turner-Lincoln-Bon Homme-Yankton-Union- 317 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 106 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the mid 70s. * TIMING...Sunday afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$  593 WWUS73 KDVN 300818 NPWDVN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid Today... .Hot and humid conditions will again be seen across the area today as a very warm and moist atmosphere remains in place over the Midwest. Thunderstorms are possible this afternoon east of the Mississippi which would help cool temperatures. IAZ040>042-051>054-063>068-076>078-087>089-098-099-ILZ001-002-007- 009-015>018-024>026-034-035-MOZ009-010-301630- /O.NEW.KDVN.HT.Y.0002.190630T1500Z-190701T0200Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Benton-Linn-Jones-Jackson-Iowa-Johnson- Cedar-Clinton-Muscatine-Scott-Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson- Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren-Lee-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Henderson- Warren-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Dubuque, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Maquoketa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Clinton, Muscatine, Davenport, Bettendorf, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, Fort Madison, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, Oquawka, Monmouth, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Quad Cities has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 10 AM this morning to 9 PM CDT this evening. * Heat Index Values...Up to 105 due to temperatures in the upper 80s...and dewpoints in the mid 70s. * Timing...From 10 AM through sunset. * Impacts...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures and high humidity is expected. This combination will lead to possible heat illnesses. Limit time outdoors and in the sun, drink plenty of fluids, take breaks in an air-conditioned room, and check on relatives and neighbors, especially the elderly. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  841 WWUS85 KBYZ 300818 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 218 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ033-037-300915- Fallon MT-Carter MT- 218 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 217 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking an area of strong thunderstorms 8 miles west of Ekalaka, moving northeast at 45 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Baker, Ekalaka, Webster, Medicine Rocks State Park and Willard. LAT...LON 4561 10488 4568 10498 4578 10498 4579 10494 4592 10494 4658 10405 4613 10404 TIME...MOT...LOC 0817Z 225DEG 37KT 4591 10473 $$ Reimer  207 WWUS73 KEAX 300818 NPWEAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Very Humid Conditions Continue Today and Sunday... MOZ004>008-010200- /O.EXA.KEAX.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Gentry-Harrison-Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler- Including the cities of Albany, Stanberry, King City, Bethany, Princeton, Mercer, Unionville, Lancaster, Queen City, Greentop, Downing, and Glenwood 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Kansas City/Pleasant Hill has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 1 PM this afternoon to 9 PM CDT this evening. * TEMPERATURE...Afternoon temperatures will climb into the low to middle 90s with humidity leading to heat index values of 100 and 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illness is possible for those spending prolonged time outside or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ MOZ001>003-010200- /O.CON.KEAX.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Atchison MO-Nodaway-Worth- Including the cities of Tarkio, Rockport, Fairfax, Maryville, and Grant City 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Afternoon temperatures will climb into the low to middle 90s with humidity leading to heat index values of 100 and 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illness is possible for those spending prolonged time outside or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  227 WWUS53 KDLH 300818 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-300828- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ Cass MN- 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CASS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central, northeastern and east central Minnesota. LAT...LON 4725 9379 4740 9335 4759 9305 4735 9222 4711 9247 4701 9268 4692 9317 TIME...MOT...LOC 0818Z 297DEG 42KT 4738 9269 4726 9282 4715 9303 4705 9327 $$ MNC001-061-137-300830- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T0830Z/ Itasca MN-Aitkin MN-St. Louis MN- 318 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ITASCA...NORTHEASTERN AITKIN AND SOUTHWESTERN ST. LOUIS COUNTIES... At 318 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Cherry, to 6 miles north of Toivola, to 8 miles northeast of Swan River, to near Jacobson, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Grand Rapids, Chisholm, Eveleth, Mountain Iron, Cohasset, Coleraine, Keewatin, Buhl, Nashwauk, Cherry, Swan River, Cotton, Taconite, Warba, Toivola, Meadowlands, Pokegama Dam, Gunn, and Pengilly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4725 9379 4740 9335 4759 9305 4735 9222 4711 9247 4701 9268 4692 9317 TIME...MOT...LOC 0818Z 297DEG 42KT 4738 9269 4726 9282 4715 9303 4705 9327 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  066 WSRS31 RUMA 300821 UUWV SIGMET 2 VALID 300830/301000 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB OBS E OF E04316 FL270/360 STNR NC=  732 WWUS51 KLWX 300822 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 422 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-300845- /O.CON.KLWX.SV.W.0306.000000T0000Z-190630T0845Z/ Pendleton WV- 422 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 AM EDT FOR SOUTHERN PENDLETON COUNTY... At 422 AM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Franklin, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. Locations impacted include... Franklin, Brandywine, Sugar Grove, Harper and Moyers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3860 7953 3865 7950 3872 7936 3869 7931 3858 7917 3853 7921 3850 7921 3847 7924 3846 7924 3846 7925 3843 7928 3842 7928 3841 7930 3842 7933 3844 7941 3846 7943 TIME...MOT...LOC 0822Z 320DEG 16KT 3861 7938 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ BJL  587 WWJP25 RJTD 300600 WARNING AND SUMMARY 300600. WARNING VALID 010600. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 994 HPA AT 39N 138E SEA OF JAPAN MOVING NORTHEAST 20 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 200 MILES ELSEWHERE. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 998 HPA AT 37N 144E SEA EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 30 KNOTS. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 42N 140E 46N 150E 56N 163E 60N 163E 60N 180E 30N 180E 30N 170E 38N 170E 31N 160E 29N 139E 35N 140E 42N 140E. SUMMARY. LOW 998 HPA AT 44N 130E EAST SLOWLY. LOW 1004 HPA AT 44N 164E ENE 10 KT. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 1004 HPA AT 16N 127E NW SLOWLY. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1002 HPA NEAR 18N 114E ALMOST STATIONARY. HIGH 1014 HPA AT 51N 152E ALMOST STATIONARY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 25N 108E TO 27N 110E 28N 115E 31N 121E 31N 125E 35N 135E 36N 138E 36N 141E 37N 144E 37N 154E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  234 WSRS31 RUMA 300823 UUWV SIGMET 3 VALID 300830/301000 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR CNL SIGMET 1 300815/301000=  881 WOUS64 KWNS 300823 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 323 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-017-021-027-029-035-057-061-087-107-113-119-125- 137-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CARLTON CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA MAHNOMEN NORMAN PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  164 WGUS51 KPBZ 300823 FFWPBZ MDC023-WVC077-301230- /O.EXT.KPBZ.FF.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 423 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Northern Garrett County in western Maryland... East central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 830 AM EDT. * At 423 AM EDT, 2 to 4 inches of rainfall have fallen across the area. Several roads are inundated and have been closed to traffic. Water will remain high for several hours after the rain has ended. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 4 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 1/2 inch. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Bittinger... Friendsville... Deer Park... Accident... Deep Creek Lake State Park... Swallow Falls State Park... McHenry... Selbysport... Big Run State Park... Cranesville... McComas Beach... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7915 3942 7915 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7918 3939 7920 3936 7922 3936 7925 3946 7942 3958 7957 3972 7940 3953 7904 $$ Brown  754 WGUS71 KLWX 300824 FFSLWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 424 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301030- /O.CON.KLWX.FF.W.0004.000000T0000Z-190630T1030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 424 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THIS IS A FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR THE TOWN OF BAYARD AND SURROUNDING AREAS... ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 AM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 418 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported ongoing flash flooding with a water rescue underway for a house surrounded by water in Gormania. Between four and six inches of rain have fallen, with additional rainfall amounts less than one inch expected. This is a FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY for the town of Bayard and surrounding areas. This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson and Gormania. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3925 7941 3927 7939 3927 7936 3928 7935 3929 7935 3930 7934 3930 7930 3929 7929 3922 7938 3924 7941 $$ BKF  605 WSJP31 RJTD 300830 RJJJ SIGMET J02 VALID 300830/301130 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4030 E16000 - N4500 E16000 - N4500 E16327 - N4300 E16500 - N4030 E16500 - N4030 E16000 FL400/450 MOV E 30KT WKN=  769 WSBZ01 SBBR 300800 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0154 W05946 - N0151W06213 - S0121 W06225 - S0131 W06048 - N0121 W05912 - N0154 W05946 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  770 WSBZ01 SBBR 300800 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W06937 - S0348W06550 - S0049 W06516 - N0202 W06722 - N0142 W06811 - N0143 W06910 - S0239 W06937 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  771 WSBZ01 SBBR 300800 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 300630/300930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2736 W05433 - S3054 W04723 - S3400 W05020 - S3400 W05314 - S3310 W05330 - S3248 W05306 - S3013 W05650 - S3010 W05735 - S2832 W05605 - S2736 W05433 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  894 WWUS63 KFGF 300825 WCNFGF WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GRAND FORKS ND 325 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC113-119-125-300930- /O.CAN.KFGF.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST MINNESOTA PENNINGTON POLK RED LAKE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CROOKSTON, EAST GRAND FORKS, RED LAKE FALLS, AND THIEF RIVER FALLS. $$ MNC005-007-027-029-057-087-107-159-301000- /O.CON.KFGF.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 8 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA WADENA IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA BELTRAMI HUBBARD IN NORTHWEST MINNESOTA BECKER CLEARWATER MAHNOMEN NORMAN IN WEST CENTRAL MINNESOTA CLAY THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADA, BAGLEY, BEMIDJI, CLEARBROOK, DETROIT LAKES, HALSTAD, MAHNOMEN, MENAHGA, MOORHEAD, NAYTAHWAUSH, PARK RAPIDS, TWIN VALLEY, WADENA, AND WAUBUN. $$  015 WSAG31 SACO 300831 SACF SIGMET 1 VALID 300831/301231 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0831Z WI S3004 W06810 - S3056 W06715 - S3300 W06555 - S2849 W06454 - S2213 W06639 - S2247 W06712 - S2307 W06702 - S2400 W06725 - S2444 W06833 - S2506 W06820 - S2513 W06833 - S2611 W06825 - S2626 W06836 - S2659 W06819 - S2710 W06845 - S2754 W06906 - S2826 W06943 - S3004 W06810 FL300/450 STNR NC=  263 WSAG31 SACO 300831 SACF SIGMET 1 VALID 300831/301231 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0831Z WI S3004 W06810 - S3056 W06715 - S3300 W06555 - S2849 W06454 - S2213 W06639 - S2247 W06712 - S2307 W06702 - S2400 W06725 - S2444 W06833 - S2506 W06820 - S2513 W06833 - S2611 W06825 - S2626 W06836 - S2659 W06819 - S2710 W06845 - S2754 W06906 - S2826 W06943 - S3004 W06810 FL300/450 STNR NC=  409 WHUS71 KLWX 300828 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 428 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ532-539-540-301630- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.190630T0828Z-190701T1000Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- 428 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ530-531-538-301630- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.190630T0828Z-190701T0400Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- 428 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT TONIGHT... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ533-534-537-541>543-301630- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.190630T1300Z-190701T1000Z/ Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 428 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ535-536-301630- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.190630T1300Z-190701T0400Z/ Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- 428 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO MIDNIGHT EDT TONIGHT... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  184 WWUS73 KDMX 300828 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 328 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot And Humid Conditions Persist Today... .Heat and humidity will continue and expand across across all of Iowa today. Little recovery from the heat has occurred overnight, with temperatures only falling into the 75 to 80 degree range early this morning before rising back into the 90s today. IAZ006-007-017-027-028-039-301630- /O.EXB.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1600Z-190701T0200Z/ Winnebago-Worth-Cerro Gordo-Butler-Bremer-Black Hawk- Including the cities of Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Mason City, Clear Lake, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Waterloo, and Cedar Falls 328 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 11 AM this morning to 9 PM CDT this evening. * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the low to mid 90s, with peak heat index values around 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ IAZ004-005-015-016-023>026-033>038-044>050-057>062-070>075- 081>086-092>097-301630- /O.EXT.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1600Z-190701T0200Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright- Franklin-Sac-Calhoun-Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Crawford- Carroll-Greene-Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas- Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion-Mahaska- Adams-Union-Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur- Wayne-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 328 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the low to mid 90s, with peak heat index values around 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ Lee  010 WWUS83 KDLH 300830 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 330 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ019-026-035-037-300900- Central St. Louis-Northern Aitkin-Carlton/South St. Louis-South Itasca- 330 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ITASCA... NORTHEASTERN AITKIN...SOUTHWESTERN ST. LOUIS AND NORTHWESTERN CARLTON COUNTIES... At 329 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 7 miles northwest of Cotton, to near Toivola, to 7 miles north of Floodwood, to 7 miles southeast of Jacobson, and moving southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph, nickel size hail, torrential rainfall, and nearly continuous cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Grand Rapids, Coleraine, Swan River, Floodwood, Cotton, Warba, Toivola, Brookston, Meadowlands, Boulder Lake, Gunn, Canyon, Jacobson, Island Lake, Fond Du Lac Reservation, Blackberry, La Prairie, Hart Lake, and Goodland. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. These storms may intensify, please monitor local media outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4708 9213 4691 9236 4669 9290 4716 9365 4730 9324 4738 9298 TIME...MOT...LOC 0829Z 297DEG 40KT 4725 9258 4715 9271 4703 9292 4694 9314 $$ Huyck  082 WGUS83 KARX 300831 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 331 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 .Flood warning continues for the Trempealeau River at Dodge. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC011-121-302331- /O.CON.KARX.FL.W.0062.190701T0600Z-190703T0000Z/ /DDGW3.1.ER.190701T0600Z.190701T1200Z.190702T0600Z.NO/ 331 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trempealeau River at Dodge. * Until Tuesday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 2:45 AM Sunday the stage was 9.0 feet. * Flood stage is 10.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Monday morning and continue to rise to near 10.6 feet by Monday morning. The river will fall below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...The entrance road to the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge is flooded. && LAT...LON 4404 9158 4420 9163 4423 9158 4422 9158 4402 9149 $$  128 WSRA31 RUYK 300830 UEEE SIGMET 5 VALID 300900/301300 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N71 AND W OF E137 AND E OF E120 FL240/340 STNR NC=  420 WWUS51 KLWX 300832 SVSLWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 432 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-300842- /O.CAN.KLWX.SV.W.0306.000000T0000Z-190630T0845Z/ Pendleton WV- 432 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN PENDLETON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3860 7953 3865 7950 3872 7936 3869 7931 3858 7917 3853 7921 3850 7921 3847 7924 3846 7924 3846 7925 3843 7928 3842 7928 3841 7930 3842 7933 3844 7941 3846 7943 TIME...MOT...LOC 0830Z 320DEG 16KT 3857 7934 $$ BJL  367 WOUS64 KWNS 300833 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 333 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-017-021-027-029-035-057-061-087-107-137-159- 301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CARLTON CASS CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA MAHNOMEN NORMAN ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  878 WWCN02 CYTR 300833 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 4:33 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THE THUNDERSTORM CELLS HAVE MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. NO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT IS EXPECTED. END/JMC  427 WGUS83 KARX 300834 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 334 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 .Water levels continue to fall on the Turkey River at Spillville. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && IAC191-300904- /O.CAN.KARX.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-190630T2212Z/ /SPLI4.1.ER.190629T1134Z.190629T2115Z.190630T0253Z.NO/ 334 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Turkey River at Spillville. * At 2:30 AM Sunday the stage was 6.6 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 9:53 PM Saturday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 4.1 feet by Monday morning. $$  142 WSRS31 RUSP 300834 ULLL SIGMET 1 VALID 300900/301200 ULLI- ULLL SAINT-PETERSBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL270/360 STNR NC=  506 WAUS46 KKCI 300845 WA6Z SFOZ WA 300845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET ICE...CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60E MLS TO 60NW RAP TO 60SSW LAR TO 50ENE TBC TO 50W PHX TO 20SSE BZA TO 40S MZB TO 210SW MZB TO 60SSW LAX TO 30SSW BTY TO 40W ILC TO 40S SLC TO 50SW JAC TO 20E BIL TO 60E MLS MOD ICE BTN 160 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 095-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 140WSW ENI-40SSW FOT-90ESE DSD-70NNW DNJ ....  507 WAUS43 KKCI 300845 WA3Z CHIZ WA 300845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 301500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE ND SD NE BOUNDED BY 30ESE MOT-70ESE BIS-30NW PIR-50SW DPR-70SW RAP-70SSW ISN-30ESE MOT MOD ICE BTN 140 AND FL280. CONDS DVLPG AFT 15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 130-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 70SW RAP-50SE RAP-50WNW ANW-20ESE LBF-MCK-GLD ....  508 WAUS41 KKCI 300845 WA1Z BOSZ WA 300845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT MA NY LO AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 40NNE PQI TO 50WSW YSJ TO 100SSW YSJ TO 90SSE BGR TO 20SE BOS TO 30SE ALB TO 30NNW ALB TO 60NNW SYR TO 30SE YOW TO 20S YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL210. FRZLVL 100-130. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE ME NH VT MA NY AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-40NNE PQI-50WSW YSJ-150ENE ACK-30E ACK-30ESE BOS-30SE ALB-40SSE MSS-20ENE MSS-20S YSC-70NW PQI MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL200. FRZLVL 100-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 090-155 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 40NE YYZ-40ENE BUF-30SSE HNK-30ENE JFK-40WSW ACK- 150ENE ACK ....  509 WAUS45 KKCI 300845 WA5Z SLCZ WA 300845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET ICE...UT CO AZ NM FROM 60SSW LAR TO 50ESE HBU TO 70ESE RSK TO 50WSW ABQ TO 50ESE SJN TO 50NNE SSO TO 60S SSO TO 60SSW TUS TO 30E PHX TO 20E INW TO 50ENE TBC TO 60SSW LAR MOD ICE BTN 160 AND FL260. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60E MLS TO 60NW RAP TO 60SSW LAR TO 50ENE TBC TO 50W PHX TO 20SSE BZA TO 40S MZB TO 210SW MZB TO 60SSW LAX TO 30SSW BTY TO 40W ILC TO 40S SLC TO 50SW JAC TO 20E BIL TO 60E MLS MOD ICE BTN 160 AND FL280. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 105-170 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 70NNW DNJ-70SSW MLP-50SSE FCA-70S YYN 160 ALG GLD-LAA-30NE CIM-30WSW FTI-30NW CME-60E ELP 160 ALG 50SW TUS-40N TUS-20SE INW-CHE-60ESE DDY-70SW RAP ....  510 WAUS44 KKCI 300845 WA4Z DFWZ WA 300845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 301500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-165 ACRS AREA ....  511 WAUS42 KKCI 300845 WA2Z MIAZ WA 300845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 301500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-155 ACRS AREA ....  497 WWUS83 KDLH 300835 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 335 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ025-026-034-035-037-300900- Northern Aitkin-Crow Wing-North Cass-Carlton/South St. Louis-South Itasca- 335 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA... NORTHERN AITKIN...EAST CENTRAL CASS...NORTHWESTERN CARLTON AND NORTHEASTERN CROW WING COUNTIES... At 335 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 7 miles east of Hill City, to 7 miles northeast of Outing, to near Wabedo, and moving southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph, penny size hail, torrential rainfall, and nearly continuous cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Big Sandy Lake, Breezy Point, Crosslake, Emily, Hill City, Fifty Lakes, Remer, Wabedo, Palisade, Longville, Libby, Outing, Woman Lake, Swatara, Leech Lake, Waukenabo, Thunder Lake, Inguadona, Little Pine, and Manhattan Beach. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4671 9291 4663 9359 4661 9415 4707 9435 4711 9394 4718 9364 TIME...MOT...LOC 0835Z 327DEG 33KT 4696 9345 4692 9387 4690 9423 $$ Huyck  851 WSBZ31 SBRE 300835 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 300856/301115 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  852 WSPK31 OPLA 300830 OPLA SIGMET 002 VALID 300930/301330 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 3N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  356 WSPK31 OPLA 300830 COR OPLA SIGMET 002 VALID 300930/301330 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  572 WSPK31 OPLA 300830 COR OPLA SIGMET 02 VALID 300930/301330 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  573 WSPK31 OPLA 300830 OPLA SIGMET 02 VALID 300930/301330 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 3N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E INTSF=  338 WWUS53 KFGF 300836 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 336 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC007-057-300846- /O.EXP.KFGF.SV.W.0074.000000T0000Z-190630T0845Z/ Hubbard MN-Beltrami MN- 336 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HUBBARD AND SOUTHEASTERN BELTRAMI COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 345 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for north central Minnesota. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Grand Forks. LAT...LON 4741 9467 4726 9466 4721 9467 4725 9505 4741 9505 4755 9491 4754 9442 4741 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 0836Z 282DEG 31KT 4737 9416 $$ Lynch  901 WWUS81 KGYX 300836 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 436 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ022-028-301000- Interior Waldo-Coastal Waldo- 436 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF SLOW MOVING THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN WALDO COUNTY... At 435 AM EDT, an area of slow moving thunderstorms were clustered near Winterport, or 9 miles west of Bucksport, moving southeast at 5 mph. Locations impacted include... Searsport, Verona Island, Prospect, Stockton Springs, Winterport, Newburgh, Dixmont, Frankfort, Jackson, Monroe and Swanville. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding and ponding of water. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4445 6883 4466 6911 4469 6891 4469 6889 4456 6880 4453 6880 4451 6878 TIME...MOT...LOC 0835Z 307DEG 5KT 4462 6897 $$ ES  893 WGUS83 KARX 300837 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 337 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 .Flood warning continues for the Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && MNC157-302336- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-190701T0456Z/ /ZUMM5.3.ER.190629T0311Z.190629T1530Z.190630T1056Z.NO/ 337 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls. * until this evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 2:30 AM Sunday the stage was 19.3 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall...Dropping below flood stage by this morning. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Minor flooding begins. Water may go over County Road 68 between Zumbro Falls and Hammond. && LAT...LON 4428 9250 4430 9246 4427 9226 4425 9224 4419 9240 $$  765 WWUS53 KDLH 300838 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 338 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC137-300900- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T0900Z/ St. Louis MN- 338 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN ST. LOUIS COUNTY... At 338 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Gilbert, to 11 miles west of Whiteface Reservoir, to near Cotton, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hibbing, Virginia, Eveleth, Mountain Iron, Hoyt Lakes, Gilbert, Aurora, Biwabik, Cherry, Whiteface Reservoir, Makinen, Franklin, Kinney, Mckinley, Iron Junction, Leonidas, Comstock Lake, Esquagama Lake, Murphy Lake, and Melrude. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4744 9203 4727 9205 4709 9222 4736 9292 4748 9272 4764 9268 4752 9204 TIME...MOT...LOC 0838Z 301DEG 37KT 4746 9246 4729 9242 4721 9252 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  432 WGUS81 KCAR 300839 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 439 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEC003-029-301230- /O.NEW.KCAR.FA.Y.0015.190630T0839Z-190630T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Washington ME-Aroostook ME- 439 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Caribou Maine has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Northwestern Washington County in southeastern Maine... Southeastern Aroostook County in northern Maine... * Until 830 AM EDT. * At 434 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated locally heavy rainfall between 1.5 and 2.5 inches has fallen within the last three hours. This may result in urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Danforth, Vanceboro, Sherman, Island Falls, Amity, Topsfield, Haynesville, Wytopitlock, Reed Plantation, Cary Plantation, Codyville Plantation, Crystal, Weston, Reed, Orient, Macwahoc, Bancroft, Glenwood, Brookton and North Amity. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4548 6750 4547 6793 4553 6801 4564 6805 4562 6815 4566 6820 4601 6838 4597 6778 4592 6775 4587 6781 4582 6776 4580 6781 4573 6778 4569 6782 4566 6772 4569 6773 4561 6765 4560 6748 4551 6742 $$ Duda  078 WAUS46 KKCI 300845 WA6S SFOS WA 300845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20S TOU TO 30NNW SEA TO 30SE FOT TO OAK TO 60W EHF TO 50ESE LAX TO 30ESE MZB TO 170SW MZB TO 90WSW FOT TO 70SW ONP TO 20S TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. ....  079 WAUS42 KKCI 300845 WA2S MIAS WA 300845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20N GQO TO 40S CAE TO 30SSE CRG TO 50SE CTY TO 50SSW CEW TO 30ENE SJI TO 50SW PZD TO 20N GQO CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  080 WAUS44 KKCI 300845 WA4S DFWS WA 300845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...TX AR LA MS FROM 50SE LIT TO 40WSW MHZ TO 30SSW LSU TO 20ESE IAH TO 20WSW PSX TO 50NNW BRO TO 30NNW LRD TO 20WNW JCT TO 30WNW TXK TO 50SE LIT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TN MS AL FROM 30W BNA TO 20N GQO TO 50SW PZD TO 30ENE SJI TO 50SE MEM TO 30W BNA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  081 WAUS45 KKCI 300845 WA5S SLCS WA 300845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301500 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  082 WAUS41 KKCI 300845 WA1S BOSS WA 300845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...NY NJ PA OH LE WV MD VA FROM 30SSW SYR TO 30NE HNK TO 20E SAX TO 30SE PSB TO 40WSW CSN TO 20NW HNN TO 40NNE ROD TO 20WNW JHW TO 30SSW SYR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 170ESE ACK TO 110SSE ACK TO 50E BOS TO 20W ENE TO 50ESE SYR TO 20SSE YOW TO 20S YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18- 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA WV MD VA FROM 50WSW SYR TO 30NW ETX TO 60SW CSN TO 50WSW BKW TO HNN TO JHW TO 50WSW SYR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO 40NNE SAX TO 20SSE HNK TO 50WSW SYR TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  083 WAUS43 KKCI 300845 WA3S CHIS WA 300845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...ND MN FROM 100WSW YWG TO 50SSE YWG TO FAR TO 70E BIS TO 100WSW YWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MN IA WI FROM 40NE MSP TO 50SSW RHI TO 50SW BAE TO 30WNW DBQ TO 40NE MSP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  106 WWUS84 KEWX 300840 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 340 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ204-205-220-300945- Bexar TX-Atascosa TX-Medina TX- 340 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN MEDINA...NORTHWESTERN ATASCOSA AND SOUTHWESTERN BEXAR COUNTIES UNTIL 445 AM CDT... At 340 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Rio Medina, or near Castroville, moving south at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hondo, Devine, Castroville, Helotes, Lytle, Somerset, Natalia, Lacoste, Noonan, Quihi, Dunlay, Mico, Government Canyon State Natural Area, Pearson, Sea World, Bader, Cliff, New Fountain, Biry and Rio Medina. LAT...LON 2956 9915 2956 9899 2955 9897 2956 9896 2956 9894 2957 9893 2957 9870 2909 9864 2909 9910 TIME...MOT...LOC 0840Z 350DEG 16KT 2942 9890 $$ BMW  228 WSRA31 RUEK 300840 USSS SIGMET 1 VALID 300845/301030 USSS- USSS YEKATERINBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E051 FL260/370 MOV 25KMH N NC=  497 WSNT03 KKCI 300845 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 4 VALID 300845/301245 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0845Z WI N4215 W06115 - N4145 W05800 - N3715 W06345 - N3845 W06915 - N3915 W06630 - N4215 W06115. TOP FL450. MOV SE 25KT. NC.  342 WSFG20 TFFF 300843 SOOO SIGMET 6 VALID 300845/301100 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0900 W05400 - N0900 W05015 - N0400 W05200 - N0430 W05315 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  449 WAUS42 KKCI 300845 WA2T MIAT WA 300845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301500 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  450 WAUS46 KKCI 300845 WA6T SFOT WA 300845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR ID MT WY FROM 30NW ISN TO 30NNE MLS TO 60SW BIL TO 70S BOI TO 40NW REO TO 40SW MLP TO 30NW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NE MLS TO 50SSW DIK TO 70WSW RAP TO 30NNE CHE TO 30WSW BZA TO 20S MZB TO 30SSE RZS TO 50W EHF TO 70SSW BAM TO 50NE MLS MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SW ILC TO 20WNW PGS TO 20WSW BZA TO 20S MZB TO 60S BTY TO 50SW ILC MOD TURB BTN 050 AND 100. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. ....  451 WAUS41 KKCI 300845 WA1T BOST WA 300845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 50NE PQI TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 20ESE RIC TO HNN TO 20SE DXO TO YOW TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL420. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 90SW YOW TO 50ENE ACK TO 120SSE ACK TO 140ESE SIE TO 20NW LYH TO 40SSW EKN TO 70SE ECK TO 90SW YOW MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40S YSC-20NE BOS-60E ACK-120SSE ACK-140ESE SIE-50S SBY-40SW CSN-EKN-50SW CLE-30N CLE-30ESE YYZ-20SW MSS-40S YSC MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  452 WAUS45 KKCI 300845 WA5T SLCT WA 300845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY WA OR FROM 30NW ISN TO 30NNE MLS TO 60SW BIL TO 70S BOI TO 40NW REO TO 40SW MLP TO 30NW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NE MLS TO 50SSW DIK TO 70WSW RAP TO 30NNE CHE TO 30WSW BZA TO 20S MZB TO 30SSE RZS TO 50W EHF TO 70SSW BAM TO 50NE MLS MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...NV AZ CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SW ILC TO 20WNW PGS TO 20WSW BZA TO 20S MZB TO 60S BTY TO 50SW ILC MOD TURB BTN 050 AND 100. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-30NNW BFF-20NNE DVC-40N DRK-30NE TRM-50WSW ILC-40S DBS-30WNW LKT-50WSW GTF-50NW GGW-50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  453 WAUS43 KKCI 300845 WA3T CHIT WA 300845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS MN IA MO FROM 50SSE ABR TO 20ENE RWF TO 40SSE FOD TO 30S SLN TO 30NNW MMB TO 30WNW LBL TO GLD TO 30NW ANW TO 50SSE ABR MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL400. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB ND SD NE MN BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-40WNW INL-30W BRD-40SW PIR-70SW RAP-50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL400. CONDS DVLPG AFT 15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  454 WAUS44 KKCI 300845 WA4T DFWT WA 300845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301500 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  994 WSNO31 ENMI 300845 ENOS SIGMET A01 VALID 300900/301100 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS OBS WI N5700 E00730 - N6200 E00730 - N6200 E00930 - N5800 E00930 - N5700 E00730 TOP FL380 MOV E 25KT NC=  995 WSNO32 ENMI 300845 ENSV SIGMET B05 VALID 300900/301100 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS OBS WI N5805 E00730 - N5905 E00525 - N6100 E00510 - N6110 E00730 - N5805 E00730 TOP FL380 MOV E 30KT NC=  088 WTPN31 PGTW 300900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 007// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 007 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN NORTHWESTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 300600Z --- NEAR 16.4N 128.3E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 300 DEGREES AT 14 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 060 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY REPEAT POSIT: 16.4N 128.3E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 301800Z --- 18.2N 126.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 16 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 010600Z --- 19.9N 123.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 290 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 011800Z --- 20.6N 121.4E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 025 KT, GUSTS 035 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 12 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 020600Z --- 21.9N 119.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 025 KT, GUSTS 035 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 09 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 030600Z --- 23.8N 115.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND --- REMARKS: 300900Z POSITION NEAR 16.9N 127.8E. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 436 NM EAST-NORTHEAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED WEST- NORTHWESTWARD AT 14 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 300600Z IS 11 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 301500Z, 302100Z, 010300Z AND 010900Z. // NNNN  684 WSPH31 RPLL 300846 RPHI SIGMET A05 VALID 300850/301250 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1612 E12851 - N1509 E12406 - N1742 E12317 - N1956 E12709 - N1612 E12851 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  526 WDPN31 PGTW 300900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 07// RMKS// 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 436 NM EAST-NORTHEAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED WEST-NORTHWESTWARD AT 14 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. THE CURRENT POSITION IS BASED ON ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL IMAGERY AND A 300133Z ASCAT METOP-C PASS. THE INTENSITY OF 30 KNOTS IS CONSISTENT WITH DVORAK CURRENT INTENSITY ESTIMATES OF T2.0-T2.5 FROM KNES AND PGTW, RESPECTIVELY. TD 04W IS TRACKING WEST-NORTHWESTWARD ALONG THE PERIPHERY OF A SUBTROPICAL STEERING RIDGE SITUATED TO THE NORTH AND EAST. THE LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC) HAS BECOME BROAD AND ELONGATED IN THE AFOREMENTIONED ASCAT PASS AND VISIBLE SATELLITE IMAGERY. ALTHOUGH A PATCH OF DEEP CONVECTION PERSISTS OVER THE SOUTHWESTERN PORTION OF THE CIRCULATION, NEARLY ALL CONVECTION HAS DIMINISHED NEAR THE CENTER. THIS STRUCTURAL CHANGE SUGGESTS THAT VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (VWS) IS AFFECTING THE SYSTEM MORE THAN PREVIOUSLY ANTICIPATED. DIFFLUENCE ALOFT REMAINS STRONG, AND SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES ARE VERY SUPPORTIVE AT ABOUT 30 DEGREES CELSIUS. 3. FORECAST REASONING. A. FORECAST INTENSITIES HAVE BEEN REDUCED FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING BASED ON ONGOING AND ANTICIPATED DISRUPTION TO THE STORM STRUCTURE BY PERSISTENT VWS. OTHERWISE, THERE IS NO MAJOR CHANGE TO THE FORECAST PHILOSOPHY FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING. B. TD 04W IS EXPECTED TO TRACK GENERALLY NORTHWESTWARD FOLLOWING THE STEERING FLOW ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUBTROPICAL STEERING TO THE NORTH AND EAST FOR THE NEXT 72 HOURS. VWS WILL DECREASE SLIGHTLY THROUGH TAU 48, WHICH MAY ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO MAINTAIN ITS STRENGTH WITH THE SUPPORT OF VERY WARM SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES AND STRONG DIFFLUENCE ALOFT. HOWEVER, RECENT DISORGANIZATION OF THE STORM STRUCTURE MAY HAMPER FURTHER INTENSIFICATION AND LEAVE THE STORM VULNERABLE TO DISSIPATING EARLIER THAN THE CURRENT FORECAST INDICATES. THIS EARLY DISSIPATION IS CONSIDERED A PLAUSIBLE ALTERNATE SCENARIO TO THE CURRENT FORECAST. NUMERICAL MODELS ARE IN FAIR AGREEMENT REGARDING THE GENERAL NORTHWESTWARD TRACK OF TD 04W THROUGH TAU 72, ALTHOUGH THE LATEST NAVGEM RUN PREDICTS RECURVATURE OF A STRONGER THAN EXPECTED SYSTEM TO THE EAST OF TAIWAN AND SEVERAL MODELS DISSIPATE THE SYSTEM PRIOR TO LANDFALL. THE CURRENT FORECAST TRACK IS CONSERVATIVELY CONSISTENT WITH THE PREVIOUS FORECAST TRACK AND IS SUPPORTED BY SEVERAL MODEL SOLUTIONS. GIVEN NOTED MODEL DIVERGENCE, CONFIDENCE IN THE FORECAST TRACK IS LOW. NNNN  834 ACUS48 KWNS 300847 SWOD48 SPC AC 300845 Day 4-8 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0345 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 031200Z - 081200Z ...DISCUSSION... ...Wednesday/Day 4 to Thursday/Day 5... The medium-range models including the ECMWF, GFS, Canadian and UKMET maintain a west-southwest mid-level flow pattern across the northern U.S. on Wednesday. Model spread increases on Thursday but some solutions move an upper-level trough into the Great Lakes region. At the surface, a front is forecast to be located from the northern Plains into the Great Lakes region. Thunderstorms may develop near the front on both days with a severe threat possible during the late afternoon and evening. Uncertainty is substantial concerning the front position and convective coverage. ...Friday/Day 6 to Sunday/Day 8... A large spread of model solutions continues from Friday to Sunday. The ECMWF maintains west to west-southwest mid-level flow over the northern states and shows a front from the northern Plains into the southern Great Lakes. The GFS has the front further south and develops west-northwest mid-level flow across the northern U.S. The two models do suggest that convection will be possible in parts of the central and northern Plains and across parts of the Ohio Valley and Northeast. In areas that sufficiently destabilize near the front, a severe threat would be possible during the late afternoon and early evening from Friday to Sunday. However, uncertainty is substantial at this range. ..Broyles.. 06/30/2019  838 WUUS48 KWNS 300847 PTSD48 DAY 4-8 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0345 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 031200Z - 081200Z SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 4 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 5 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 6 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 7 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 8 ... ANY SEVERE ... &&  742 WSFG20 TFFF 300846 SOOO SIGMET 7 VALID 300845/301100 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0500 W04130 - N0500 W04800 - N0445 W04900 - N0600 W04930 - N0630 W04215 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  680 WWUS73 KLBF 300852 NPWLBF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service North Platte NE 352 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY FOR MUCH OF WESTERN AND NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA... NEZ007-009-010-026>029-037-038-059-071-302100- /O.CON.KLBF.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0100Z/ Boyd-Rock-Holt-Blaine-Loup-Garfield-Wheeler-Logan-Custer-Lincoln- Frontier- Including the cities of Spencer, Butte, Lynch, Bassett, Rose, Oneill, Atkinson, Dunning, Purdum, Brewster, Taylor, Burwell, Bartlett, Ericson, Stapleton, Broken Bow, North Platte, Curtis, Eustis, and Maywood 352 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Heat Index Values...Up to 100 due to temperatures in the lower 90s...and dewpoints in the mid 60s. * Timing...Peak heat index readings are expected between 3 and 6 PM. * Impacts...Prolonged exposure to this heat can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  280 WWUS81 KCAR 300852 AWWBGR MEZ015-301100- AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR BANGOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CARIBOU ME 452 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING... Thunderstorms containing cloud to ground lightning will impact Bangor International Airport through 7 AM. LAT...LON 4488 6890 4485 6880 4479 6877 4476 6886 $$  946 WSBZ01 SBBR 300800 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 300856/301115 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  621 WGUS84 KTSA 300853 FLSTSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Tulsa OK 353 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oklahoma... Arkansas River near Muskogee affecting Muskogee County. OKC101-301653- /O.CON.KTSA.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190704T0900Z/ /MKGO2.2.ER.190617T0951Z.190625T0300Z.190704T0300Z.NO/ 353 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River near Muskogee. * until late Wednesday night, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 3:00 AM Sunday, the stage was 27.94 feet. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The Arkansas River near Muskogee will fluctuate near flood stage through Thursday. * Impact...At 28.0 feet, minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3583 9520 3552 9507 3547 9515 3559 9532 3583 9537 $$  819 WWUS53 KDLH 300854 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 354 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC137-300903- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T0900Z/ St. Louis MN- 354 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ST. LOUIS COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 400 AM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds to 45 mph are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 500 AM CDT for northeastern Minnesota. LAT...LON 4744 9203 4727 9205 4709 9222 4736 9292 4748 9272 4764 9268 4752 9204 TIME...MOT...LOC 0853Z 281DEG 36KT 4729 9220 4719 9228 4713 9236 $$ Huyck  909 WSUS32 KKCI 300855 SIGC MKCC WST 300855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28C VALID UNTIL 1055Z MN FROM 30SSW INL-70NE DLH-40ESE BRD-40WSW BJI-30SSW INL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29C VALID UNTIL 1055Z TX FROM 40SE JCT-60WNW PSX-60NNW CRP-60E DLF-40SE JCT AREA TS MOV FROM 35010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30C VALID UNTIL 1055Z TX FROM 40SW TTT-20SSW ACT-40WSW ACT-70WNW ACT-40SW TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 03015KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31C VALID UNTIL 1055Z SD FROM 40NE PIR-40SSW ABR-30SE PIR-10S PIR-40NE PIR AREA TS MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32C VALID UNTIL 1055Z SD ND MT FROM 30WSW DIK-40SSW DIK-70SE MLS-50ESE MLS-30WSW DIK AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 301055-301455 AREA 1...FROM INL-80W YQT-30NE RHI-40NE RWF-30NW FAR-INL REF WW 464. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 70W ACT-IAH-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-80SSE PSX-50E DLF-70W ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  910 WSUS31 KKCI 300855 SIGE MKCE WST 300855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 48E VALID UNTIL 1055Z ME MA NH CSTL WTRS FROM 150SSE BGR-140E ACK-70SE ACK-40S ACK-150SSE BGR AREA TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 49E VALID UNTIL 1055Z VA WV FROM 30ENE EKN-40WSW CSN-50NNE LYH-30SSE EKN-30ENE EKN DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 31025KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 50E VALID UNTIL 1055Z DE MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 110ESE SIE-160SE SIE-140ESE SBY-90SE SIE-110ESE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 51E VALID UNTIL 1055Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 20S CTY-40SSW SRQ-60WSW SRQ-50SW CTY-20S CTY AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 52E VALID UNTIL 1055Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 50NE OMN-140E OMN-130ENE TRV-70ENE TRV-50NE OMN AREA TS MOV FROM 26010KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 53E VALID UNTIL 1055Z NY FROM 60N SYR-60ENE SYR-40ENE SYR-30N SYR-60N SYR AREA TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 301055-301455 AREA 1...FROM 40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-ENE-BDL-40NNW SYR-MSS-40SSE HUL WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-MIA-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 40SE CEW-40SSW TLH-CTY-40W RSW-160S CEW-60ESE LEV-30SSW SJI-40SE CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  911 WSUS33 KKCI 300855 SIGW MKCW WST 300855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 301055-301455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  990 WGUS84 KTSA 300855 FLSTSA Flood Advisory National Weather Service Tulsa OK 355 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam affecting Franklin...Johnson and Logan Counties ARC047-071-083-301654- /O.CON.KTSA.FL.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OZGA4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 355 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam * until further notice. * At 3:00 AM Sunday, the stage was 356.4 feet. * Action stage is 355.5 feet. * Flood stage is 357.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fluctuate near 356.5 feet through Thursday. * Impact...At 357.0 feet, flooding affects agricultural use lands along the river downstream of the lock and dam in Franklin County. Gas fields are also subject to flooding downstream. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. North 5th Street in Logan County near the Six Mile Levee begins to flood and may cut off access to a nearby residence. * Impact...At 355.5 feet, the river remains in its banks, but access to Okane Island may be cut off. && LAT...LON 3546 9405 3550 9382 3542 9347 3536 9349 3531 9371 3540 9385 $$  476 WTPN51 PGTW 300900 WARNING ATCG MIL 04W NWP 190630072504 2019063006 04W FOUR 007 01 300 14 SATL 060 T000 164N 1283E 030 T012 182N 1263E 030 T024 199N 1235E 030 T036 206N 1214E 025 T048 219N 1192E 025 T072 238N 1159E 020 AMP 048HR DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER 072HR DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND SUBJ: TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 007 1. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 007 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN NORTHWESTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 300600Z --- NEAR 16.4N 128.3E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 300 DEGREES AT 14 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 060 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY REPEAT POSIT: 16.4N 128.3E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 301800Z --- 18.2N 126.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 16 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 010600Z --- 19.9N 123.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 030 KT, GUSTS 040 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 290 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 011800Z --- 20.6N 121.4E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 025 KT, GUSTS 035 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 12 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 020600Z --- 21.9N 119.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 025 KT, GUSTS 035 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 305 DEG/ 09 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 030600Z --- 23.8N 115.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER LAND --- REMARKS: 300900Z POSITION NEAR 16.9N 127.8E. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 436 NM EAST-NORTHEAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED WEST- NORTHWESTWARD AT 14 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 300600Z IS 11 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 301500Z, 302100Z, 010300Z AND 010900Z. // 0419062612 86N1404E 15 0419062618 92N1389E 15 0419062700 98N1374E 15 0419062706 105N1361E 15 0419062712 112N1353E 15 0419062718 117N1347E 15 0419062800 123N1341E 20 0419062806 128N1340E 20 0419062812 135N1333E 20 0419062818 139N1327E 25 0419062900 141N1322E 30 0419062906 145N1317E 35 0419062912 149N1312E 35 0419062918 153N1306E 35 0419063000 157N1296E 30 0419063006 164N1283E 30 NNNN  477 WBCN07 CWVR 300800 PAM ROCKS WIND 3208 LANGARA; N/A GREEN; N/A TRIPLE; N/A BONILLA; N/A BOAT BLUFF; N/A MCINNES; N/A IVORY; N/A DRYAD; N/A ADDENBROKE; N/A EGG ISLAND; N/A PINE ISLAND; N/A CAPE SCOTT; N/A QUATSINO; N/A NOOTKA; N/A ESTEVAN; N/A LENNARD; N/A AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; N/A PACHENA; N/A CARMANAH; N/A SCARLETT; N/A PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; N/A CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 203/16/10/MMMM/M/ 0001 15MM= WLP SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 227/12/12/2610/M/ 0000 57MM= WEB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 216/13/12/3311/M/ 0001 15MM= WQC SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 218/10/10/3202/M/ 2004 37MM= WRU SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 221/12/12/3613/M/ 8004 38MM= WFG SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 231/13/11/24MM/M/ 3001 91MM= WVF SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/18/15/3112/M/ M 90MM= WQS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 235/12/11/0102/M/ 2002 62MM= WRO SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 231/12/12/3503/M/ 3002 97MM= WEK SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 232/14/12/MMMM/M/ 1007 03MM= WWL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 230/13/11/1604/M/ 0001 93MM= WME SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/15/13/2005/M/ M 97MM= WAS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 090/17/12/3208/M/ 1007 06MM= WSB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 201/16/10/0000/M/ 2003 36MM= WGT SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 210/17/11/2704/M/ 8001 02MM= WGB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 209/16/12/2408/M/ 0001 91MM= WEL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 209/17/11/3007/M/ 1001 44MM= WDR SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 197/17/11/2905/M/ 1003 53MM= WZO SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0000/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0601/M/ M MMMM=  477 WACN21 CWAO 300856 CZVR AIRMET E2 VALID 300855/301110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR CNCL AIRMET E1 300710/301110 RMK GFACN31=  668 WACN01 CWAO 300856 CZVR AIRMET E2 VALID 300855/301110 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR CNCL AIRMET E1 300710/301110=  770 WSMX31 MMMX 300857 MMEX SIGMET V2 VALID 300855/301255 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0855Z WI N1011 W10402 - N0742 W11141 - N10343 - N11449 CB TOP ABV FL520 MOV W 05KT INTSF. =  656 WWJP75 RJTD 300600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 300600UTC ISSUED AT 300900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 39N 138E MOV NE 20 KT DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 37N 144E MOV ENE 30 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 27N 110E 28N 115E 31N 121E 31N 125E 35N 135E 36N 138E 36N 141E 37N 144E 37N 154E WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 301500UTC =  657 WWJP83 RJTD 300600 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 300600UTC ISSUED AT 300900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 39N 138E MOV NE 20 KT DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 37N 144E MOV ENE 30 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 27N 110E 28N 115E 31N 121E 31N 125E 35N 135E 36N 138E 36N 141E 37N 144E 37N 154E GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 301500UTC =  658 WWJP82 RJTD 300600 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 300600UTC ISSUED AT 300900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 39N 138E MOV NE 20 KT DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 37N 144E MOV ENE 30 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 27N 110E 28N 115E 31N 121E 31N 125E 35N 135E 36N 138E 36N 141E 37N 144E 37N 154E GALE WARNING SEA OFF NOTO WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 301500UTC =  659 WWJP71 RJTD 300600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 300600UTC ISSUED AT 300900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 39N 138E MOV NE 20 KT DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 37N 144E MOV ENE 30 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 27N 110E 28N 115E 31N 121E 31N 125E 35N 135E 36N 138E 36N 141E 37N 144E 37N 154E WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 301500UTC =  660 WWJP84 RJTD 300600 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 300600UTC ISSUED AT 300900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 39N 138E MOV NE 20 KT DEVELOPING LOW 998HPA AT 37N 144E MOV ENE 30 KT GALE WARNING SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 301500UTC =  793 WOUS20 KWNS 300858 WWASPC SPC WW-A 300900 MNZ000-301040- STATUS REPORT ON WW 464 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 SW DTL TO 30 NW DTL TO 15 WSW BJI TO 15 ESE BJI TO 35 ESE BJI TO 45 NNE BRD TO 25 SW HIB TO 10 SSE HIB TO 20 ENE HIB TO 20 N BFW. ..JEWELL..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 464 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS MNC001-005-017-021-029-035-057-061-087-137-159-301040- MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER CARLTON CASS CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD ITASCA MAHNOMEN ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  409 WSPF21 NTAA 300858 NTTT SIGMET A3 VALID 300900/301300 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2630 W15220 - S2410 W14420 - S2410 W13900 - S2500 W13910 - S2530 W14400 - S2730 W15200 FL180/330 STNR NC=  246 WSCH31 SCCI 300859 SCCZ SIGMET 01 VALID 300859/301259 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S4700 W07400 - S5000 W07400 TOP ABV FL330 MOV E 10KT NC=  125 WWIN40 DEMS 300300 IWB (MORNING) DATED 30.06.2019 METEOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS NORTHERN LIMIT OF MONSOON (NLM) CONTINUES TO PASS THROUGH LAT. 22ON/LONG. 60OE, LAT. 22ON/LONG. 65OE, DWARKA, AHMEDABAD, BHOPAL, JABALPUR, PENDRA, SULTANPUR, LAKHIMPUR KHERI, MUKTESHWAR AND LAT. 31ON/LONG. 80OE. \U2666 THE LOW PRESSURE AREA OVER NORTHEAST BAY OF BENGAL & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS. ASSOCIATED CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDING UPTO 7.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL TILTING SOUTHWESTWARDS WITH HEIGHT ALSO PERSISTS. IT IS LIKELY TO BECOME MORE MARKED AND CONCENTRATE INTO A DEPRESSION DURING NEXT 48 HOURS. \U2666 IN ASSOCIATION WITH THIS, CONDITIONS ARE VERY LIKELY TO BECOME FAVOURABLE FOR FURTHER ADVANCE OF SOUTHWEST MONSOON INTO REMAINING PARTS OF CENTRAL INDIA, SOME MORE PARTS OF WEST INDIA AND SOME PARTS OF EAST RAJASTHAN DURING 1ST-3RD JULY. CONDITIONS ARE ALSO VERY LIKELY TO BECOME FAVOURABLE FOR ADVANCE OF SOUTHWEST MONSOON INTO REMAINING PARTS OF EAST UTTAR PRADESH & UTTRAKHAND, MANY PARTS OF WEST UTTAR PRADESH AND SOME PARTS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH DURING 2ND TO 4TH JULY. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER CENTRAL PAKISTAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS AND NOW EXTENDS UPTO 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. \U2666 THE TROUGH AT MEAN SEA LEVEL NOW RUNS FROM NORTHERN PARTS OF PUNJAB TO CENTRE OF THE LOW PRESSURE AREA OVER NORTHEAST BAY OF BENGAL & NEIGHBOURHOOD ACROSS HARYANA, UTTAR PRADESH, BIHAR, JHARKHAND AND GANGETIC WEST BENGAL. \U2666 A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION LIES OVER CENTRAL PARTS OF UTTAR PRADESH AND EXTENDS UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER SOUTH CHHATTISGARH & ADJOINING EAST VIDARBHA, NOW LIES OVER SOUTH CHHATTISGARH & NEIGHBOURHOOD BETWEEN 3.1 & 7.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL TILTING SOUTHWESTWARDS WITH HEIGHT. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDING UPTO 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER EAST ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER SOUTH GUJARAT & NEIGHBOURHOOD PERSISTS AND NOW SEEN BETWEEN 3.1 & 3.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. \U2666 THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE NOW SEEN AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION BETWEEN 3.1 & 3.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER NORTH PAKISTAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD. \U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER SOUTHWEST RAJASTHAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. FORECAST:- RAIN/THUNDERSHOWERS VERY LIKELY AT MOST PLACES OVER GANGETIC WEST BENGAL, ODISHA, JHARKHAND, KONKAN & GOA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHAWADA, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, TELANGANA, COASTAL KARNATAKA AND KERALA & MAHE; AT MANY PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, MADHYA PRADESH, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM AND NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA; AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH, SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, JAMMU & KASHMIR, GUJARAT REGION AND SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA; AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER BIHAR, UTTARAKHAND, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, PUNJAB, HIMACHAL PRADESH, RAJASTHAN,SAURASHTRA & KUTCH, RAJASTHAN, RAYALASEEMA, TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL AND LAKSHADWEEP (.) WARNING:- 30 JUN (DAY 1): \U2666 HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL WITH EXTREMELY HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER ODISHA; HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL AT A FEW PLACES OVER KONKAN & GOA AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER WEST MADHYA PRADESH AND VIDARBHA; HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, COASTAL KARNATAKA, NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, TELANGANA, GUJARAT REGION, CHHATTISGARH, EAST RAJASTHAN, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR AND GANGETIC WEST BENGAL. \U2666 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER BIHAR. \U2666 HEAT WAVE CONDITIONS IN SOME PARTS VERY LIKELY OVER EAST UTTAR PRADESH AND IN ISOLATED POCKETS OVER PUNJAB, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, BIHAR AND WEST UTTAR PRADESH. \U2666 ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEA CONDITIONS (WITH WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) ARE LIKELY TO PREVAIL OVER WESTCENTRAL & ADJOINING SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, SOUTH & ADJOINING CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL; NORTH BAY OF BENGAL AND ALONG & OFF SOUTH GUJARAT-MAHARASHTRA-GOA COASTS. FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS. 01 JUL (DAY 2): \U2666 HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL AT A FEW PLACES WITH EXTREMELY HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER ODISHA, VIDARBHA AND CHHATTISGARH; HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER KONKAN & GOA AND TELANGANA; HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER KERALA & MAHE, COASTAL KARNATAKA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, GUJARAT REGION, EAST RAJASTHAN AND JHARKHAND. \U2666 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER BIHAR. \U2666 HEAT WAVE CONDITIONS IN SOME PARTS VERY LIKELY OVER EAST UTTAR PRADESH AND IN ISOLATED POCKETS OVER PUNJAB, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI AND WEST UTTAR PRADESH. \U2666 ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEA CONDITIONS (WITH WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) ARE LIKELY TO PREVAIL OVER WESTCENTRAL & ADJOINING SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, SOUTH & ADJOINING CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL AND NORTH BAY OF BENGAL. FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS.=  289 WGUS54 KEWX 300900 FFWEWX TXC019-029-187-325-493-301100- /O.NEW.KEWX.FF.W.0036.190630T0900Z-190630T1100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 400 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Austin San Antonio has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Medina County in south central Texas... Southeastern Bandera County in south central Texas... Southwestern Guadalupe County in south central Texas... Wilson County in south central Texas... Bexar County in south central Texas... * Until 600 AM CDT. * At 359 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated a complex of thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to 3 inches of rain has fallen over the past two hours. Numerous low water crossings are closed across the warned area. Flash flooding is expected to continue over the next couple of hours. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Antonio, Schertz, Cibolo, Universal City, Live Oak, Selma, Floresville, Castroville, Poth, Stockdale, Bandera, Kosciusko, Stinson Municipal Airport, San Antonio Int Airport, Randolph AFB, Leon Valley, Helotes, Fair Oaks Ranch, Kirby and Alamo Heights. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 2888 9819 2912 9841 2925 9880 2931 9911 2980 9912 2980 9896 2972 9874 2976 9855 2971 9843 2975 9841 2972 9838 2973 9835 2970 9838 2966 9838 2959 9831 2954 9820 2952 9793 2942 9786 2912 9787 $$ BMW  180 WSMX31 MMMX 300900 CCA MMEX SIGMET V2 VALID 300855/301255 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0855Z WI N1011 W10402 - N0742 W11141 - N1034 - N11449 CB TOP ABV FL520 MOV W 05KT INTSF. =  189 WWUS83 KDLH 300900 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 400 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ012-019-020-035-037-WIZ001-300930- Northern Cook/Northern Lake-Central St. Louis-Northern Aitkin-Southern Lake/North Shore-Carlton/South St. Louis-Douglas- 400 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN ST. LOUIS... EASTERN CARLTON...SOUTHWESTERN LAKE AND NORTHWESTERN DOUGLAS COUNTIES... At 400 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Whiteface Reservoir, to near Boulder Lake, to near Saginaw, to near Fond Du Lac Reservation, and moving southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud to ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Duluth, Superior, Cloquet, Hermantown, Proctor, Gilbert, Scanlon, Carlton, Floodwood, Cotton, Wrenshall, Oliver, Thomson, Brookston, Meadowlands, Wolf Lake, Boulder Lake, Brimson, Pike Lake Near Duluth, and City of Rice Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4647 9243 4702 9315 4703 9306 4707 9306 4716 9279 4731 9257 4751 9241 4723 9154 4688 9185 4678 9203 4675 9201 TIME...MOT...LOC 0900Z 302DEG 37KT 4733 9205 4713 9223 4692 9246 4679 9273 $$ Huyck  936 WWUS63 KDLH 300900 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 400 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC021-061-301000- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 2 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA CASS ITASCA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CASS LAKE, EAST GULL LAKE, ESTERDY, GRAND RAPIDS, LAKE SHORE, PINE RIVER, SCHLEY, AND WALKER. $$ MNC001-017-035-137-301000- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 5 AM CDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA AITKIN CROW WING IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA CARLTON ST. LOUIS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AITKIN, BRAINERD, CLOQUET, AND DULUTH. $$  455 WSNT04 KKCI 300915 SIGA0D KZWY SIGMET DELTA 1 VALID 300915/301315 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0915Z WI N3345 W07115 - N3115 W06645 - N3030 W05945 - N2800 W05900 - N3000 W06800 - N3245 W07200 - N3345 W07115. TOP FL420. MOV ESE 20KT. INTSF.  738 WSMX31 MMMX 300902 CCB MMEX SIGMET V2 VALID 300855/301255 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0855Z WI N1011 W10402 - N0742 W11141 - N1034 - W11449 CB TOP ABV FL520 MOV W 05KT INTSF. =  012 WSRS34 RUAA 300902 ULWW SIGMET 1 VALID 300930/301300 ULWW- ULWW VOLOGDA FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL270/360 STNR NC=  605 WGUS71 KRLX 300903 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 503 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301100- /O.CON.KRLX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 503 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 AM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RANDOLPH COUNTY... At 500 AM EDT, Although most of the heavy rain has moved out of the area, doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated that 2 to 4 inches of rain has fallen. This is a serious situation. If you live along the Dry Fork or a stream draining into the Dry Fork around or north of Job, you should evacuate to higher ground immediately! This includes the communities of Harman and Dryfork. Serious flooding is also expected on Laurel Fork and Glady Fork around and north of highway 33. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman and Dryfork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report Severe Weather to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. You may also report severe weather by posting your report to the Charleston West Virginia National Weather Service Facebook Page, or by using the Twitter Hashtag, NWSRLX. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3882 7953 3903 7978 3903 7976 3897 7951 3898 7948 3897 7939 3896 7935 $$ 25  632 WWUS83 KDLH 300903 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 403 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ025-034>038-300930- Northern Aitkin-Crow Wing-North Cass-Pine-Carlton/South St. Louis-South Aitkin- 403 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT AITKIN...EAST CENTRAL CASS...NORTH CENTRAL PINE...SOUTHWESTERN ST. LOUIS...CARLTON AND NORTHEASTERN CROW WING COUNTIES... At 403 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 8 miles west of Fond Du Lac Reservation, to near Cromwell, to Palisade, to near Emily, and moving southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Cloquet, Big Sandy Lake, Aitkin, Emily, Mahtowa, Barnum, Floodwood, Wrenshall, McGregor, Fifty Lakes, Cromwell, Kettle River, Palisade, Tamarack, Libby, Outing, Nemadji, Swatara, Fond Du Lac Reservation, and Cedar Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4690 9346 4703 9314 4703 9305 4655 9229 4634 9279 4644 9373 4692 9426 TIME...MOT...LOC 0903Z 313DEG 35KT 4677 9278 4670 9299 4669 9349 4671 9394 $$ Huyck  633 WOUS64 KWNS 300903 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 403 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-005-007-017-027-029-035-057-087-107-137-159-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN BECKER BELTRAMI CARLTON CLAY CLEARWATER CROW WING HUBBARD MAHNOMEN NORMAN ST. LOUIS WADENA $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  812 WWUS73 KTOP 300904 NPWTOP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 404 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KSZ008>011-020-021-302200- /O.CON.KTOP.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0100Z/ Republic-Washington-Marshall-Nemaha-Cloud-Clay- Including the cities of Belleville, Washington, Hanover, Clifton, Linn, Greenleaf, Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Sabetha, Seneca, Concordia, and Clay Center 404 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...High temperatures this afternoon will reach the middle 90s with heat index values climbing to 100 to 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat-related illnesses are possible for those spending a prolonged amount of time outdoors or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot weather is expected, during which heat illnesses are possible. Limit your outdoor activities during this time, stay in an air-conditioned building, and check up on relatives and neighbors. While outside, drink plenty of water, wear light and loose fitting clothing, and reduce strenuous activities. && $$  374 WSMX31 MMMX 300905 MMEX SIGMET P1 VALID 300904/301304 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0904Z WI N0709 W11340 - N0519 W11904 - N0901 W11821 CB TOP ABV FL520 MOV W 05KT INTSF. =  862 WSBO31 SLLP 300906 SLLF SIGMET 3 VALID 300905/301305 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0903Z WI S2114 W06808 S1947 W06856 S1914 W06837 S1837 W06903 S1807 W06905 S1745 W06648 S2027 W06428 S2156 W06404 S2238 W06415 S2152 W06444 S2138 W06615 S2241 W06726 S2228 W06751 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  635 WWPK31 OPMT 300900 OPMT AD WRNG 05 VALID 300930/301230 PREVIOUS MET WARNING NO.04 FOR POOR VISIBILITY OVER MULTAN A/F FURTHER EXTENDED=  636 WSBZ31 SBAZ 300906 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 300906/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0100 W06216 - N0030 W06353 - S0125 W06331 - S0120 W06226 - N0100 W06216 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  105 WHUS53 KDLH 300908 SMWDLH LSZ143>147-162-301015- /O.NEW.KDLH.MA.W.0006.190630T0908Z-190630T1015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 408 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Duluth MN to Port Wing WI... Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM... Port Wing to Sand Island WI... Sand Island to Bayfield WI... Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN... Two Harbors to Duluth MN... * Until 515 AM CDT. * At 408 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 18 nm northwest of Larsmont, to 16 nm northwest of French River, to 13 nm northwest of Duluth Lift Bridge Channel, to 19 nm northwest of Barkers Island, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * strong thunderstorms will be near... Duluth Lift Bridge Channel around 435 AM CDT. French River around 440 AM CDT. Larsmont and Barkers Island around 445 AM CDT. Superior Harbor around 450 AM CDT. Brule Point around 510 AM CDT. Herbster around 515 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by strong thunderstorms include Brule Point. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 4669 9229 4668 9224 4672 9224 4679 9214 4713 9152 4703 9095 4691 9096 4684 9110 4682 9118 4683 9121 4674 9150 4666 9191 4666 9203 4671 9210 4666 9211 4662 9221 4664 9229 TIME...MOT...LOC 0908Z 303DEG 31KT 4716 9212 4706 9221 4692 9234 4684 9248 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Huyck  154 WWUS63 KFGF 300909 WCNFGF WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 464 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GRAND FORKS ND 409 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC005-007-027-029-057-087-107-159-301015- /O.CAN.KFGF.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 8 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA WADENA IN NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA BELTRAMI HUBBARD IN NORTHWEST MINNESOTA BECKER CLEARWATER MAHNOMEN NORMAN IN WEST CENTRAL MINNESOTA CLAY THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADA, BAGLEY, BEMIDJI, CLEARBROOK, DETROIT LAKES, HALSTAD, MAHNOMEN, MENAHGA, MOORHEAD, NAYTAHWAUSH, PARK RAPIDS, TWIN VALLEY, WADENA, AND WAUBUN. $$  163 WSBZ31 SBCW 300909 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 300930/301330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2457 W05427 - S2532 W05301 - S2825 W05142 - S3034 W04659 - S3233 W04855 - S2957 W05721 - S2805 W05532 - S2701 W05344 - S2540 W05346 - S2538 W05440 - S2457 W05427 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  237 WOUS64 KWNS 300913 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 413 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-017-035-137-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN CARLTON CROW WING ST. LOUIS $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...  040 WGUS71 KLWX 300918 FFSLWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 518 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-300945- /O.CON.KLWX.FF.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190630T0945Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 518 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 AM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 512 AM EDT, the stream gauge at Steyer along the North Branch Potomac River indicates rapidly rising water, exceeding flood stage of 9 feet and approaching major flood stage of 13 feet. At 13 feet, several homes will be flooded near the river. Numerous roads remain flooded throughout the warned area, especially in the town of Bayard and surrounding areas. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia, Gormania and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3922 7943 3927 7939 3927 7936 3930 7934 3930 7929 3933 7928 3932 7922 3927 7925 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ BKF  055 WHUS76 KMTR 300919 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ560-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.NEW.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM MONDAY TO 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 9 AM Monday to 3 AM PDT Tuesday. * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-301730- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.NEW.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 9 AM to 9 PM PDT Monday. * WINDS...Southwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WINDS TONIGHT...Southwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...Southwest 15 to 25 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.NEW.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ Monterey Bay- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 9 AM to 9 PM PDT Monday. * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WINDS TONIGHT...West 5 to 15 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...West 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...3 to 5 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-301730- /O.NEW.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 9 AM to 9 PM PDT Monday. * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-301730- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2200Z-190702T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS TONIGHT...Northwest 10 to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT...Northwest 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-301730- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 219 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  099 WSCI35 ZGGG 300917 ZGZU SIGMET 4 VALID 300945/301345 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2355 E11358 - N2222 E11345 - N2031 E11112 - N2127 E10903 - N2306 E11109 - N2355 E11358 TOP FL430 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  537 WWUS73 KARX 300920 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 420 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid Today Into This Evening... .Temperatures in the 90s, combined with high humidity levels, will produce dangerous heat indices in the 100 to 105 range late this morning into this evening. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ061-301730- /O.NEW.KARX.HT.Y.0001.190630T1500Z-190701T0200Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Wabasha, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, and Platteville 420 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect from 10 AM this morning to 9 PM CDT this evening. * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the 90 to 95 degree range with peak heat indices of 100 to 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible, especially for those involved in outdoor activities, in homes without air conditioning, or individuals that are susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. && $$ DAS  310 WWUS74 KBMX 300920 NPWBMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Birmingham AL 420 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Dense Fog Across Portions of Southeastern Central Alabama... ALZ035>038-041>050-301300- /O.NEW.KBMX.FG.Y.0009.190630T0920Z-190630T1300Z/ Chilton-Coosa-Tallapoosa-Chambers-Autauga-Lowndes-Elmore- Montgomery-Macon-Bullock-Lee-Russell-Pike-Barbour- Including the cities of Clanton, Rockford, Alexander City, Dadeville, Valley, Lanett, Lafayette, Prattville, Fort Deposit, Hayneville, Wetumpka, Tallassee, Montgomery, Tuskegee, Union Springs, Auburn, Opelika, Phenix City, Troy, and Eufaula 420 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CDT THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Birmingham has issued a Dense Fog Advisory, which is in effect until 8 AM CDT this morning. * VISIBILITY...will drop to one quarter of mile or less. * IMPACTS...of the dense fog will make travel hazardous at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to a quarter mile or less. If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  344 WSCI35 ZGGG 300918 ZGZU SIGMET 5 VALID 300930/301330 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2601 E11443 - N2529 E11327 - N2440 E11255 - N2449 E11220 - N2549 E11225 - N2643 E11357 - N2601 E11443 TOP FL430 MOV E 30KMH NC=  073 WSCI35 ZJHK 300922 ZJSA SIGMET 3 VALID 300930/301330 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2030 E11033 - N1822 E11028 - N1818 E10841 - N1927 E10839 - N2029 E10927 - N2030 E10936 - N2030 E11033 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  580 WGUS71 KLWX 300924 FFSLWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 524 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-301045- /O.CON.KLWX.FF.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190630T1045Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 524 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 AM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN PENDLETON COUNTY... At 519 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported flash flooding between Onego and Seneca Rocks with low lying houses along Seneca Creek being evacuated. Route 33 between Onego and Seneca Rocks is also experiencing flooding. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Seneca Rocks, Onego and Riverton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3892 7946 3893 7945 3889 7932 3874 7944 3877 7952 3880 7951 3882 7953 3883 7952 3884 7954 $$ BKF  507 WSAU21 AMHF 300924 YMMM SIGMET V02 VALID 301000/301400 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4040 E14900 - S4300 E14840 - S4350 E14750 - S4339 E14616 - S4300 E14530 - YSAC - S4030 E14440 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  125 WSCI38 ZYTX 300924 ZYSH SIGMET 2 VALID 300930/301330 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST N OF N44 TOP FL360 MOV E 30KMH NC =  878 WSBZ01 SBBR 300900 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 300906/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0100 W06216 - N0030 W06353 - S0125 W06331 - S0120 W06226 - N0100 W06216 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  879 WSBZ01 SBBR 300900 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 300630/300930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2736 W05433 - S3054 W04723 - S3400 W05020 - S3400 W05314 - S3310 W05330 - S3248 W05306 - S3013 W05650 - S3010 W05735 - S2832 W05605 - S2736 W05433 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  880 WSBZ01 SBBR 300900 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0154 W05946 - N0151W06213 - S0121 W06225 - S0131 W06048 - N0121 W05912 - N0154 W05946 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  881 WSBZ01 SBBR 300900 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W06937 - S0348W06550 - S0049 W06516 - N0202 W06722 - N0142 W06811 - N0143 W06910 - S0239 W06937 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  929 WSRA31 RUKR 300924 UNKL SIGMET 4 VALID 301000/301200 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N5721 E08810 - N5727 E09732 TOP FL400 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  477 WWCN03 CYTR 300925 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB VALCARTIER PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:25 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB VALCARTIER (CYOY) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: THE ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS NEAR THE STATION HAVE DISSIPATED. END/JMC  448 WSRA31 RUKR 300924 UNKL SIGMET 5 VALID 301000/301200 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N6600 E08310 - N6610 E09800 - N5727 E09732 - N5721 E08810 - N5845 E08756 - N6055 E08300 - N6327 E08448 - N6600 E08310 TOP FL380 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  779 WWUS82 KJAX 300927 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 527 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 GAZ132>136-149-151>153-162-163-165-250-264-350-364-301300- Coffee-Jeff Davis-Bacon-Appling-Wayne-Atkinson-Pierce-Brantley- Inland Glynn-Echols-Clinch-Inland Camden-Northern Ware- Northeastern Charlton-Southern Ware-Western Charlton- Including the cities of Douglas, Hazlehurst, Alma, New Lacy, Baxley, Pine Grove, Plant Hatch, Doctortown, Gardi, Jesup, Axson, Pearson, Willacoochee, Blackshear, Atkinson, Hickox, Hortense, Nahunta, Raybon, Waynesville, Hoboken, Thalmann, Needmore, Statenville, Homerville, Colesburg, Tarboro, Waverly, Woodbine, Needham, Waycross, Winokur, Folkston, St. George, Homeland, Race Pond, and Stephen Foster State Park 527 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AREAS OF MORNING FOG INLAND SOUTHEAST GEORGIA... Visibility below 1 mile at times will occur across inland southeast Georgia through sunrise. The most persistent visibility restrictions are expected north of a Homerville to Waycross to Brunswick. Motorists should slow down and allow extra space between vehicles where visibility is reduced. $$ abe  294 WGUS51 KLWX 300927 FFWLWX WVC023-301245- /O.EXT.KLWX.FF.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190630T1245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 527 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 845 AM EDT. * At 526 AM EDT, the stream gauge at Steyer along the North Branch Potomac River indicates rapidly rising water, exceeding flood stage of 9 feet and approaching major flood stage of 13 feet. At 13 feet, several homes will be flooded near the river. Numerous roads remain flooded throughout the warned area, especially in the town of Bayard and surrounding areas. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia, Gormania and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3922 7943 3927 7939 3927 7936 3930 7934 3930 7929 3933 7928 3932 7922 3927 7925 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ BKF  135 WSCI39 ZWWW 300927 ZWUQ SIGMET 2 VALID 300927/301327 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4658 E08447 - N4652 E08720 - N4509 E08707 - N4504 E08358 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  319 WHZS40 NSTU 300929 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 1029 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ASZ001>003-302130- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 1029 PM SST Sat Jun 29 2019 ...A High Surf Warning remains in effect... * SURF...Dangerous surfs of 13 to 16 ft will impact south and east facing shores. Surfs will subside to advisory levels Sunday morning. * TIMING...Until early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Dangerous surfs and strong rip currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf warning indicates dangerous large breaking waves will pound the shoreline in the warning area, producing deadly rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Lapataiga mo galu matua maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 1029 PO ASO TOANA'I IUNI 29 2019 ...O loo faaauau Lapataiga mo Galu maualuluga... * GALU...Galu matua maualuluga e 13 i le 16 ft o le a aafia ai pea talafatai i saute ma sasa'e i le po nanei. O le a faaitiitia galu i tulaga o fautuaga i le taeao o le Aso Sa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le vaveao o le Aso Sa. * AAFIAGA...Galu matua maualuluga ma aave malosi o le sami. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O lapataiga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gatafale ma matafaga, ma o le a malolosi aava o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Faiva po o le ona o le siisii o tulaga o sami ma galu, e le tatau i le au fai mamalu lautele ona fagogota pe maimoa i galu. O i latou i le matafaga, e mafai ona maua faafuaseia e galu. $$  313 WSTA31 UTDD 300929 UTDD SIGMET 2 VALID 300950/301350 UTDD- UTDD DUSHANBE FIR EMBD TSGR FCST TOP FL340 MOV NE 20 KMH NC=  479 WAKO31 RKSI 300930 RKRR AIRMET I03 VALID 300930/301300 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3758 E12356 - N3756 E12648 - N3709 E12705 - N3624 E12633 - N3612 E12403 - N3758 E12356 STNR INTSF=  437 WAHW31 PHFO 300931 WA0HI HNLS WA 301000 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301600 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 301000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 301600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 301000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 301600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...145 PHLI SLOPING TO 156 PHTO.  276 WHUS76 KEKA 300931 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 231 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ455-301745- /O.EXB.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.190701T1200Z-190702T2200Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 231 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM MONDAY TO 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Eureka has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect from 5 AM Monday to 3 PM PDT Tuesday. * WINDS...North 15 to 20 knots, with gusts to 30 knots. Strongest near Cape Mendocino. * WAVES/SEAS...North 6 to 7 feet at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ475-301745- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.190630T1000Z-190702T2200Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 231 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 25 knots, with gusts to 30 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...North 6 to 7 feet at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  631 WWUS81 KALY 300934 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 534 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ038-301015- Southern Herkimer- 534 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN HERKIMER COUNTY... At 534 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Remsen, or 13 miles southeast of Boonville, moving southeast at 50 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. This storm will be near... Poland and Cold Brook around 545 AM EDT. Newport around 550 AM EDT. Middleville around 555 AM EDT. Herkimer and Mohawk around 600 AM EDT. Little Falls and Dolgeville around 605 AM EDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Corrado Corners, Curtis, Farrel Corner, Countryman, North Ilion, Burrell Corners, South Ilion, Kelhi Corners, Shedd Corners and Old City. This includes Interstate 90 near exit 30. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4322 7507 4324 7507 4323 7510 4325 7513 4325 7515 4326 7516 4330 7515 4330 7512 4332 7510 4333 7508 4334 7492 4327 7471 4290 7487 4290 7488 4297 7503 4310 7517 TIME...MOT...LOC 0934Z 313DEG 42KT 4331 7522 $$ JPV  438 WWUS83 KDLH 300934 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 434 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ037-038-WIZ001-002-006-007-301000- Pine-Carlton/South St. Louis-Douglas-Bayfield-Washburn-Burnett- 434 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN PINE... SOUTHEASTERN CARLTON...WEST CENTRAL BAYFIELD...DOUGLAS...NORTHWESTERN WASHBURN AND NORTHEASTERN BURNETT COUNTIES... At 434 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Knife River, to near South Range, to near Nemadji, and moving southeast at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Duluth, Superior, Hawthorne, Lake Nebagamon, Maple, Brule, Poplar, Solon Springs, Oulu, Oliver, Gordon, Dairyland, Holyoke, Bruno, Cloverton, Danbury, Wisconsin Point, Nemadji, South Range, and Duxbury. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4591 9247 4643 9275 4668 9213 4691 9182 4690 9179 4686 9188 4675 9174 4679 9159 4680 9150 4674 9131 4619 9176 TIME...MOT...LOC 0934Z 331DEG 42KT 4698 9183 4662 9209 4641 9262 $$ Huyck  514 WWUS83 KDLH 300937 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 437 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ034>038-301000- Northern Aitkin-Crow Wing-Pine-Carlton/South St. Louis-South Aitkin- 437 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN AITKIN... NORTHWESTERN PINE...WESTERN CARLTON AND CROW WING COUNTIES... At 437 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Breezy Point, to 9 miles north of McGrath, to near Barnum, and moving south at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud to ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Brainerd, Mille Lacs Lake, Baxter, Sandstone, Crosby, Breezy Point, Aitkin, Pequot Lakes, Crosslake, Nisswa, Emily, Ironton, Deerwood, Willow River, McGregor, Fifty Lakes, Askov, Malmo, Cuyuna, and Cromwell. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4676 9428 4666 9333 4672 9283 4611 9255 4604 9305 4616 9306 4615 9343 4625 9344 4624 9381 4616 9381 4625 9426 TIME...MOT...LOC 0937Z 349DEG 28KT 4657 9417 4638 9328 4646 9273 $$ Huyck  497 WWUS73 KMPX 300940 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 440 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060>063-068>070-301800- /O.CON.KMPX.EH.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington-Carver-Scott-Dakota- Including the cities of Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Chaska, Shakopee, and Hastings 440 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. An Excessive Heat Warning means that a prolonged period of dangerously hot temperatures will occur. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a dangerous situation in which heat illnesses are likely. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun... and check up on relatives and neighbors. && $$ MNZ051>053-059-066-067-073>078-082>085-091>093-301800- /O.CON.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Sherburne-Isanti-Chisago-Wright-McLeod-Sibley-Redwood-Brown- Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue-Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele- Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of Elk River, Cambridge, Center City, Monticello, Hutchinson, Gaylord, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St Peter, Le Sueur, Faribault, Red Wing, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 440 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 98 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$  086 WWUS83 KDLH 300941 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 441 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ019-037-WIZ001-301000- Central St. Louis-Carlton/South St. Louis-Douglas- 441 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ST. LOUIS...EASTERN CARLTON AND NORTHWESTERN DOUGLAS COUNTIES... At 441 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near City of Rice Lake, to Superior, to Mahtowa, and moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud to ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Duluth, Superior, Cloquet, Hermantown, Proctor, Scanlon, Carlton, Mahtowa, Barnum, Wrenshall, Oliver, Thomson, Boulder Lake, Pike Lake Near Duluth, City of Rice Lake, Nemadji, French River, Island Lake, Fond Du Lac Reservation, and Fredenberg. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4645 9265 4660 9286 4688 9239 4711 9215 4702 9197 4700 9199 4697 9190 4691 9177 4687 9186 4678 9203 4673 9199 4669 9204 TIME...MOT...LOC 0941Z 310DEG 32KT 4696 9207 4671 9209 4654 9266 $$ Huyck  404 WSCI36 ZUUU 300940 ZPKM SIGMET 2 VALID 301015/301415 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2234 E09922-N2424 E09850-N2543 E09932-N2416 E10124-N2240 E10149-N2143 E10055-N2234 E09922 TOP FL360 STNR NC=  982 ACUS11 KWNS 300942 SWOMCD SPC MCD 300941 WIZ000-MNZ000-301145- Mesoscale Discussion 1311 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0441 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...central Minnesota and far western Wisconsin Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 300941Z - 301145Z Probability of Watch Issuance...60 percent SUMMARY...A line of storms will continue to move south/southeast into central Minnesota and western Wisconsin, with at least isolated severe wind gusts possible. DISCUSSION...A line of storms currently extends from Duluth westward to Cass County and has begun to bow southward. This trajectory will keep western parts of the line close to the instability gradient which is oriented north-south, with the warm/moist influx coming from the west. Recently, a severe wind gust was measured at KAIT, suggesting this MCS is gaining access to the better instability. As such, a watch may be needed if trends persist. ..Jewell/Edwards.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...DLH...ARX...MPX... LAT...LON 46509266 45879216 45229189 44699177 44309204 44079295 44089348 44349417 44619443 45319445 46049435 46309436 46589428 46539401 46489348 46509266  351 WSZA21 FAOR 300941 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01839 - S3030 E02101 - S3205 E02142 - S3242 E02034 - S3158 E01927 FL060/080=  352 WSZA21 FAOR 300940 FAJA SIGMET A03 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2731 E02012 - S3043 E02356 - S2931 E02853 - S3042 E03023 - S3130 E02918 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01743 - S2732 E01615=  353 WSZA21 FAOR 300939 FACA SIGMET A03 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01743 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3130 E02918 - S3323 E02642 - S3412 E01934 - S3030 E01743=  354 WSZA21 FAOR 300942 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2859 E01943 - S2951 E02045 - S3030 E02101 - S3030 E01839 - S2955 E01821 - S2903 E01828 FL060/080=  171 WSPS21 NZKL 300932 NZZO SIGMET 8 VALID 300943/301343 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0710 W17150 - S0800 W16030 - S1450 W16020 - S1400 W17120 - S0710 W17150 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  235 WOUS64 KWNS 300943 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 443 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC001-017-035-137-301000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AITKIN CARLTON CROW WING ST. LOUIS $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...  265 WWUS73 KGID 300943 NPWGID URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hastings NE 443 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 A HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH 9 PM THIS EVENING... KSZ005>007-017>019-NEZ039>041-046>049-060>064-072>077-082>087- 301745- /O.CON.KGID.HT.Y.0002.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Phillips-Smith-Jewell-Rooks-Osborne-Mitchell-Valley-Greeley-Nance- Sherman-Howard-Merrick-Polk-Dawson-Buffalo-Hall-Hamilton-York- Gosper-Phelps-Kearney-Adams-Clay-Fillmore-Furnas-Harlan-Franklin- Webster-Nuckolls-Thayer- Including the cities of Phillipsburg, Bellaire, Smith Center, Kensington, Mankato, Jewell, Ionia, Burr Oak, Codell, Plainville, Stockton, Osborne, Downs, Beloit, Ord, Greeley, Spalding, Scotia, Wolbach, Fullerton, Genoa, Loup City, Sherman Reservoir, Litchfield, St. Libory, Central City, Stromsburg, Osceola, Shelby, Polk, Lexington, Cozad, Willow Island, Gothenburg, Kearney, Grand Island, Aurora, York, Elwood, Johnson Lake, Holdrege, Minden, Hastings, Sutton, Harvard, Clay Center, Edgar, Fairfield, Geneva, Exeter, Fairmont, Cambridge, Arapahoe, Oxford, Beaver City, Hollinger, Alma, Orleans, Franklin, Campbell, Hildreth, Inavale, Red Cloud, Blue Hill, Rosemont, Bladen, Bostwick, Superior, Nelson, Hebron, and Deshler 443 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX...100 to 105 degrees. * TIMING...This afternoon and evening with the highest heat index values between 2 pm and 7 pm. * Impacts...Heat exhaustion and heat stroke will be more likely for those that do not take appropriate precautions. Pets and livestock will also be impacted by the heat. Measures should be taken for animal safety and comfort. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ Wesely  645 WSPS21 NZKL 300933 NZZO SIGMET 9 VALID 300943/300958 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 5 300558/300958=  475 WSZA21 FAOR 300950 FAJO SIGMET C03 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3414 E05419 - S3530 E05700 - S4130 E05700 - S4054 E05448 - S3432 E05114 - S3414 E05419 TOP FL300=  476 WSZA21 FAOR 300948 FAJO SIGMET A03 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2755 E00944 - S2811 E01355 - S3013 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E02205 - S3839 E02444 - S4125 E01949 - S3635 E00754 - S2921 E00706 TOP FL300=  477 WSZA21 FAOR 300947 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3013 E01500 - S3030 E01508 - S3030 E01500 TOP FL300=  478 WSZA21 FAOR 300946 FACA SIGMET C03 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3030 E01500 - S3030 E01508 - S3345 E01653 - S3700 E02205 - S3700 E01500 TOP FL300=  123 WSZA21 FAOR 300949 FAJO SIGMET B03 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3927 E04226 - S4133 E04509 - S4521 E04356 - S4454 E03954 - S4322 E03517 - S3931 E03439 TOP FL300=  321 WSRS31 RURD 300946 URRV SIGMET 8 VALID 301000/301200 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4855 E04120 - N4900 E04404 - N4618 E04438 - N4501 E04245 - N4459 E04100 - N4855 E04120 TOP FL330 MOV ESE 20KMH INTSF=  833 WSCO31 SKBO 300948 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 3 VALID 300940/301240 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0742Z WI N0359 W07844 - N0348 W07659 - N0618 W07656 - N0609 W07837 - N0359 W07844 TOP FL470 MOV NW 12KT NC=  758 WSZA21 FAOR 300951 FAJO SIGMET F02 VALID 301000/301400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4011 W00954 - S4333 W00413 - S4715 W00453 - S4555 W00947 TOP FL300=  759 WSRA31 RUYK 300947 UEEE SIGMET 6 VALID 301000/301400 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N7228 E11239 - N7201 E13021 - N6637 E13325 - N6050 E13954 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  438 WSCO31 SKBO 300940 SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 300940/301240 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0742Z WI N0359 W07844 - N0348 W07659 - N0618 W07656 - N0609 W07837 - N0359 W07844 TOP FL470 MOV NW 12KT NC=  222 WSMP31 LMMM 300949 LMMM SIGMET 2 VALID 300949/301349 LMML- LMMM MALTA FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E019 FL330/400 MOV E NC=  201 WUUS53 KMPX 300951 SVRMPX MNC065-095-301045- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.W.0064.190630T0951Z-190630T1045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 451 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Kanabec County in east central Minnesota... Northern Mille Lacs County in east central Minnesota... * Until 545 AM CDT. * At 451 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Willow River to near Malmo to near Garrison, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Isle around 505 AM CDT. Vineland around 515 AM CDT. Onamia and Wahkon around 530 AM CDT. Quamba around 540 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Knife Lake, Warman, Lake Mille Lacs and Bayview. This includes U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 206 and 229. This includes Grand Casino Mille Lacs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4615 9343 4616 9306 4598 9306 4598 9314 4587 9315 4599 9381 4624 9382 4625 9344 TIME...MOT...LOC 0951Z 327DEG 31KT 4632 9283 4627 9346 4635 9387 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SPD  866 WSRS31 RURD 300952 URRV SIGMET 9 VALID 301000/301200 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4417 E03636 - N4410 E03957 - N4324 E04029 TOP FL330 MOV ESE 20KMH INTSF=  077 WSUS32 KKCI 300955 SIGC MKCC WST 300955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33C VALID UNTIL 1155Z WI MN LS FROM 40SW INL-70ENE DLH-50NNE MSP-40SSW BJI-40SW INL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34C VALID UNTIL 1155Z TX FROM 40SE JCT-20WSW PSX-50NW CRP-50ESE DLF-40SE JCT AREA TS MOV FROM 02010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35C VALID UNTIL 1155Z TX FROM 70NW CWK-30W CWK-50E JCT-40ENE JCT-70NW CWK AREA TS MOV FROM 03015KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36C VALID UNTIL 1155Z SD FROM 40NE PIR-50ENE PIR-30SE PIR-10ESE PIR-40NE PIR AREA TS MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37C VALID UNTIL 1155Z SD ND MT FROM 10W DIK-30S DIK-80SW DIK-60E MLS-10W DIK AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 301155-301555 AREA 1...FROM INL-80W YQT-30NE RHI-40NE RWF-30NW FAR-INL REF WW 464. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 70W ACT-IAH-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-80SSE PSX-50E DLF-70W ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  078 WSUS33 KKCI 300955 SIGW MKCW WST 300955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17W VALID UNTIL 1155Z MT FROM 30SW GGW-30SSW GGW-70SSW GGW-70SW GGW-30SW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL370. OUTLOOK VALID 301155-301555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  079 WSUS31 KKCI 300955 SIGE MKCE WST 300955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 54E VALID UNTIL 1155Z MA CSTL WTRS FROM 150E ACK-140E ACK-70E ACK-80ENE ACK-150E ACK AREA TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 55E VALID UNTIL 1155Z VA WV FROM 50ESE EKN-40WSW CSN-40N LYH-40SSE EKN-50ESE EKN DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 33020KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 56E VALID UNTIL 1155Z DE MD VA CSTL WTRS FROM 130ESE SIE-160SE SIE-140ESE SBY-110SE SIE-130ESE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 57E VALID UNTIL 1155Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE TLH-10SW CTY-50SSW RSW-70SW RSW-60SSW TLH-30SSE TLH AREA TS MOV FROM 27005KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 58E VALID UNTIL 1155Z NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 110SSE ILM-160SSE ILM-120SE CHS-90ESE CHS-110SSE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 59E VALID UNTIL 1155Z NY FROM 60ENE SYR-40NW ALB-50WNW ALB-40E SYR-60ENE SYR AREA TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 60E VALID UNTIL 1155Z NY FROM 10W MSS-20S MSS-50SSW MSS-50SW MSS-10W MSS AREA TS MOV FROM 30025KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 61E VALID UNTIL 1155Z ME AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20E BGR-40SE BGR-60SSE BGR-40S BGR-20E BGR AREA TS MOV FROM 30015KT. TOPS TO FL370. OUTLOOK VALID 301155-301555 AREA 1...FROM 40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-ENE-BDL-40NNW SYR-MSS-40SSE HUL WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-PBI-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 40SE CEW-40SSW TLH-CTY-40W RSW-160S CEW-60ESE LEV-30SSW SJI-40SE CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  459 WHUS76 KLOX 300955 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 255 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ670-673-301800- /O.EXT.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 255 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-301800- /O.EXT.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 255 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  951 WSKY31 UCFO 300959 UCFO SIGMET 1 VALID 301000/301359 UCFO- UCFO OSH FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N4036 W OF E07247 TOP FL390 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  769 WGUS71 KRLX 301002 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 602 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301100- /O.CON.KRLX.FF.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 602 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 AM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RANDOLPH COUNTY... At 559 AM EDT, Although rain has moved out of the area, doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated that 2 to 4 inches of rain has fallen. Serious flooding is expected on the Dry Fork and streams draining into the Dry Fork around or north of Job, and on Laurel Fork and Glady Fork around and north of highway 33. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman and Dryfork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. You may also report flooding by posting your report to the Charleston West Virginia National Weather Service Facebook Page, or by using the Twitter Hashtag, NWSRLX. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3882 7953 3903 7978 3903 7976 3897 7951 3898 7948 3897 7939 3896 7935 $$ 25  377 WOUS64 KWNS 301003 WOU4 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 503 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. MNZ000-301000- /O.EXP.KWNS.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...FGF...  418 WWUS30 KWNS 301003 SAW4 SPC AWW 301003 WW 464 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CANCELLED  462 WWUS20 KWNS 301003 SEL4 SPC WW 301003 MNZ000-301000- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - NUMBER 464 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 503 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH NUMBER 464 ISSUED AT 1125 PM CDT FOR PORTIONS OF MINNESOTA  792 WUUS53 KDLH 301005 SVRDLH MNC001-035-301030- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0027.190630T1005Z-190630T1030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 505 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Aitkin County in east central Minnesota... Southeastern Crow Wing County in east central Minnesota... * Until 530 AM CDT. * At 504 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Cuyuna, or 16 miles northeast of Brainerd, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mille Lacs Lake, Crosby, Ironton, Deerwood, Cuyuna, Garrison, Cedar Lake, Bay Lake, Wolford, Wealthwood, Riverton, Trommald, Cuyuna Country State Park, Farm Island Lake, and Ripple Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4651 9408 4662 9387 4635 9353 4623 9385 TIME...MOT...LOC 1004Z 324DEG 26KT 4651 9392 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  288 WSMA31 FIMP 301004 FIMM SIGMET A02 VALID 301000/301400 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0915Z WI S0600 E06200 - S0700 E06100 - S0800 E06200 TOP ABV FL390 STNR WKN=  733 WSAU21 AMMC 301005 YMMM SIGMET S06 VALID 301035/301435 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4200 E15540 - S3920 E16100 - S4440 E16240 - S5000 E15640 - S5000 E14320 - S4840 E15050 FL120/360 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  796 WSAU21 AMMC 301005 YBBB SIGMET D06 VALID 301035/301435 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4200 E15540 - S3920 E16100 - S4440 E16240 - S5000 E15640 - S5000 E14320 - S4840 E15050 FL120/360 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  146 WWUS40 KWNS 301009 WWP5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0505 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0465 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : <02% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 50% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 30% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 10% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 80% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.5 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 65 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 550 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 33035 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU5. $$  147 WOUS64 KWNS 301009 WOU5 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 510 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-009-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-065-079-095- 097-099-109-115-123-131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171- 301800- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0465.190630T1010Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA BENTON CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI KANABEC LE SUEUR MILLE LACS MORRISON MOWER OLMSTED PINE RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-007-011-013-017-019-031-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095- 099-107-109-113-119-121-123-129-301800- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0465.190630T1010Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BAYFIELD BUFFALO BURNETT CHIPPEWA CLARK DOUGLAS DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK SAWYER ST. CROIX TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON WASHBURN $$ LSZ121-145-146-147-301800- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0465.190630T1010Z-190630T1800Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI DULUTH MN TO PORT WING WI PORT WING TO SAND ISLAND WI SAND ISLAND TO BAYFIELD WI $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...DLH...ARX...  168 WWUS30 KWNS 301009 SAW5 SPC AWW 301009 WW 465 SEVERE TSTM MN WI LS 301010Z - 301800Z AXIS..70 STATUTE MILES EAST AND WEST OF LINE.. 70NE STC/SAINT CLOUD MN/ - 30SW LSE/LA CROSSE WI/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 60NM E/W /42E BRD - 22SSW ODI/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1.5 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..65 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 550. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 33035. LAT...LON 46259155 43569027 43569306 46259448 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU5.  169 WWUS20 KWNS 301009 SEL5 SPC WW 301009 MNZ000-WIZ000-LSZ000-301800- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 465 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 510 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Eastern Minnesota Western Wisconsin Lake Superior * Effective this Sunday morning and afternoon from 510 AM until 100 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging winds and isolated significant gusts to 75 mph possible Isolated large hail events to 1.5 inches in diameter possible SUMMARY...A complex of strong/isolated severe thunderstorms has turned south-southeastward along an eastward-moving instability gradient in northeastern Minnesota. This poses an increased threat for damaging wind as these storms (and possible later development on their west side) encounter moist and unstable air through midday over the watch area. See SPC mesoscale discussion 1311 for initial meteorological reasoning. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 70 statute miles east and west of a line from 70 miles northeast of Saint Cloud MN to 30 miles southwest of La Crosse WI. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU5). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 65 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 550. Mean storm motion vector 33035. ...Edwards  865 WWUS63 KMPX 301011 WCNMPX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 511 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC003-009-019-025-037-047-049-053-059-065-079-095-097-123-131- 139-141-147-161-163-171-WIC005-017-033-035-091-093-095-107-109- 301800- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.A.0465.190630T1011Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 21 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA BENTON MORRISON SHERBURNE WRIGHT IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA ANOKA CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA HENNEPIN ISANTI KANABEC MILLE LACS RAMSEY SCOTT WASHINGTON IN SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA FREEBORN LE SUEUR RICE STEELE WASECA IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA GOODHUE IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN BARRON POLK RUSK IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN CHIPPEWA DUNN EAU CLAIRE PEPIN PIERCE ST. CROIX THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBERT LEA, BLAINE, CAMBRIDGE, CENTER CITY, CHASKA, CHIPPEWA FALLS, DURAND, EAU CLAIRE, ELK RIVER, FARIBAULT, HASTINGS, HUDSON, LADYSMITH, LE SUEUR, LITTLE FALLS, MENOMONIE, MINNEAPOLIS, MONTICELLO, MORA, OSCEOLA, OWATONNA, PRINCETON, RED WING, RICE LAKE, RIVER FALLS, SAUK RAPIDS, SHAKOPEE, ST PAUL, STILLWATER, AND WASECA. $$  167 WWUS63 KDLH 301011 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 464/465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 511 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC001-017-035-137-301115- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.A.0464.000000T0000Z-190630T1000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ALLOWED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 464 TO EXPIRE FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 4 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA AITKIN CROW WING IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA CARLTON ST. LOUIS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AITKIN, BRAINERD, CLOQUET, AND DULUTH. $$ MNC115-WIC007-013-031-099-113-129-301800- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.A.0465.190630T1011Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 1 COUNTY IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA PINE IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN PRICE IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN BAYFIELD BURNETT DOUGLAS SAWYER WASHBURN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BAYFIELD, GRANTSBURG, HAYWARD, HINCKLEY, PHILLIPS, PINE CITY, SHELL LAKE, SPOONER, SUPERIOR, AND WASHBURN. $$ LSZ121-145>147-301800- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.A.0465.190630T1011Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI DULUTH MN TO PORT WING WI PORT WING TO SAND ISLAND WI SAND ISLAND TO BAYFIELD WI $$  184 WSKY31 UCFO 301009 UCFO SIGMET 2 VALID 301010/301400 UCFO- UCFO OSH FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4036 E07247 - N4152 E07210 - N4143 E07152 - N4056 E07258 - N4036 E07247 TOP FL390 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  185 WSRS31 RUMA 301011 UUWV SIGMET 4 VALID 301020/301200 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E040 FL270/360 STNR NC=  661 WWUS63 KARX 301013 WCNARX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LA CROSSE WI 513 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC039-045-055-099-109-157-169-WIC011-019-053-063-081-119-121-123- 301800- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.A.0465.190630T1013Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA DODGE FILLMORE HOUSTON MOWER OLMSTED WABASHA WINONA IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 8 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL WISCONSIN CLARK IN NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN TAYLOR IN SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN VERNON IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN BUFFALO JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE TREMPEALEAU THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALMA, ARCADIA, AUSTIN, BLACK RIVER FALLS, CALEDONIA, DODGE CENTER, LA CROSSE, MEDFORD, NEILLSVILLE, PRESTON, ROCHESTER, SPARTA, TOMAH, VIROQUA, WABASHA, WHITEHALL, AND WINONA. $$ DB  182 WSCH31 SCIP 301015 SCIZ SIGMET 05 VALID 301030/301430 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3900 W12700 - S5500 W12000 - S5500 W10800 - S3900 W12300 FL420 MOV E NC=  811 WHUS53 KDLH 301015 SMWDLH LSZ143>147-162-301115- /O.NEW.KDLH.MA.W.0007.190630T1015Z-190630T1115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 515 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Duluth MN to Port Wing WI... Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM... Port Wing to Sand Island WI... Sand Island to Bayfield WI... Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN... Two Harbors to Duluth MN... * Until 615 AM CDT. * At 515 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Larsmont, to 13 nm southeast of French River, to 16 nm southeast of Superior Harbor, moving east at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Larsmont, Bayfield Peninsula Sea Caves, Brule Point, and Herbster. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 4679 9170 4695 9185 4704 9168 4702 9103 4691 9094 4691 9096 4684 9110 4682 9118 4683 9121 4674 9150 4670 9172 TIME...MOT...LOC 1015Z 279DEG 27KT 4698 9179 4678 9161 4659 9165 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ Huyck  477 WSRA31 RUEK 301016 USSS SIGMET 2 VALID 301030/301300 USSS- USSS YEKATERINBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E051 FL260/370 MOV N 25KMH NC=  841 WWUS83 KDLH 301017 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 517 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ036-038-WIZ001-006-007-301045- Pine-South Aitkin-Douglas-Washburn-Burnett- 517 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN AITKIN... PINE...SOUTHWESTERN DOUGLAS...NORTHWESTERN WASHBURN AND BURNETT COUNTIES... At 517 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Dairyland, to near Cloverton, to near Hinckley, and moving southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud to ground lightning can be expected with these storms. Locations impacted include... Pine City, Hinckley, Sandstone, Grantsburg, Trego, Siren, Webster, Willow River, Askov, Webb Lake Wisconsin, Rutledge, Dairyland, Bruno, Cloverton, Duxbury, Danbury, Hertel, Branstad, Oakland, and Finlayson. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4573 9285 4573 9291 4603 9306 4616 9306 4616 9312 4635 9321 4636 9255 4642 9238 4642 9230 4645 9229 4647 9224 4596 9175 4578 9206 4570 9287 TIME...MOT...LOC 1017Z 327DEG 33KT 4624 9206 4611 9233 4605 9296 $$ Huyck  273 WWUS53 KDLH 301019 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 519 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-035-301030- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T1030Z/ Aitkin MN-Crow Wing MN- 519 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 AM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN AITKIN AND SOUTHEASTERN CROW WING COUNTIES... At 519 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Deerwood, or 10 miles northwest of Mille Lacs Lake, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Mille Lacs Lake, Crosby, Ironton, Deerwood, Cuyuna, Garrison, Cedar Lake, Bay Lake, Wealthwood, Trommald, Farm Island Lake, and Ripple Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4650 9400 4658 9382 4657 9381 4636 9354 4627 9373 4623 9385 4628 9389 TIME...MOT...LOC 1019Z 328DEG 22KT 4644 9383 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  655 WGUS41 KLWX 301022 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 622 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301645- /O.EXT.KLWX.FA.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 622 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has extended the * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 1245 PM EDT Sunday. * At 614 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported ongoing flooding throughout the warned area as four to seven inches of rainfall fell overnight. Numerous roads remain flooded across the area, especially in and around the town of Bayard where a Flash Flood Warning remains in effect. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3922 7944 3927 7939 3930 7932 3930 7930 3919 7924 3903 7925 3903 7931 3907 7930 3907 7932 3909 7936 3913 7933 3915 7933 3919 7929 3921 7931 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ BKF  313 WWUS83 KDLH 301022 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 522 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ001-002-007-008-301045- Douglas-Bayfield-Sawyer-Washburn- 522 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN BAYFIELD...DOUGLAS...NORTHEASTERN WASHBURN AND NORTHWESTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 522 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 11 miles north of Maple, to near Lake Nebagamon, to 6 miles east of Solon Springs, to 8 miles west of Gordon, and moving east at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Brule around 525 AM CDT. Barnes around 530 AM CDT. Minong around 535 AM CDT. Oulu around 540 AM CDT. Cable, Drummond and Port Wing around 545 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Wentworth, Cloverland, Minong Flowage, Totagatic Lake, Middle Eau Claire Lake, Mouth Of Brule, Amnicon Lake, Nelson Lake, Chaffey and Amnicon Falls State Park. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4594 9176 4646 9222 4673 9192 4673 9180 4680 9155 4673 9118 4626 9109 TIME...MOT...LOC 1022Z 292DEG 33KT 4675 9169 4646 9161 4636 9169 4621 9197 $$ Huyck  716 WWUS84 KSJT 301022 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 522 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ139-140-301100- Coleman TX-Brown TX- 522 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL BROWN AND COLEMAN COUNTIES UNTIL 600 AM CDT... At 522 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles west of Grosvenor, or 8 miles northeast of Coleman, moving southwest at 25 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Coleman around 540 AM CDT. Santa Anna around 545 AM CDT. Valera around 600 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Echo, Mozelle, Whon, Fisk, Thrifty, Shields and Hords Creek Reservoir. LAT...LON 3144 9930 3168 9972 3172 9972 3206 9939 3183 9906 TIME...MOT...LOC 1022Z 035DEG 20KT 3188 9929 $$ Daniels  040 WSKY31 UCFM 301023 UCFM SIGMET 1 VALID 301025/301330 UCFM- UCFM BISHKEK FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1021Z WI N4224 E07337-N4206 E07329 TOP-FL380 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  329 WGUS83 KDLH 301024 FLSDLH Flood Advisory National Weather Service Duluth MN 524 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-301330- /O.NEW.KDLH.FA.Y.0009.190630T1024Z-190630T1330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Itasca MN-Cass MN- 524 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Central Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northern Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 830 AM CDT. * At 524 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Grand Rapids, Cohasset, Deer River, Marcell, Bena, Federal Dam, Squaw Lake, Zemple, Boy River, Oslund, Inger, Days High Landing, Pokegama Dam, Ball Club, Lake Winnibigoshish, Leech Lake, Spring Lake, Cass Lake, Wilkinson, and Bowstring. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4741 9467 4741 9442 4767 9441 4764 9348 4714 9359 4719 9466 $$ Huyck  528 WSNO31 ENMI 301025 ENOS SIGMET A02 VALID 301100/301300 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS OBS WI N5830 E00730 - N6200 E00730 - N6200 E01115 - N5915 E01150 - N5830 E00730 TOP FL380 MOV E 25KT NC=  884 WSBZ01 SBBR 301000 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W06937 - S0348W06550 - S0049 W06516 - N0202 W06722 - N0142 W06811 - N0143 W06910 - S0239 W06937 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  885 WSBZ01 SBBR 301000 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 300715/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0154 W05946 - N0151W06213 - S0121 W06225 - S0131 W06048 - N0121 W05912 - N0154 W05946 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  886 WSBZ01 SBBR 301000 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 300906/301115 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0100 W06216 - N0030 W06353 - S0125 W06331 - S0120 W06226 - N0100 W06216 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  895 WGUS71 KPBZ 301026 FFSPBZ Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 626 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-093-301215- /O.CON.KPBZ.FF.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T1215Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Tucker WV-Preston WV- 626 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 AM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN GARRETT...TUCKER AND CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES... At 622 AM EDT, radar indicated indicated a few rain showers over extreme southern Tucker County, which will end by 7 AM. Heavy rainfall has ended, however ongoing runoff will continue to cause flooding across the warning area, with many roads remaining closed. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 5 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Little to none. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Parsons... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Hendricks... Hambleton... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3897 7950 3904 7978 3928 7974 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3899 7933 3896 7935 $$ CL  883 WSSC31 FSIA 301025 FSSS SIGMET 03 VALID 301055/301455 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0128 E05527 - S0633 E05851 - S0849 E05555 - S0507 E05230 - S0132 E05405 - S0128 E05527 TOP ABV FL390 NC=  909 WGUS71 KLWX 301030 FFSLWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 630 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301034- /O.CAN.KLWX.FF.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190630T1115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 630 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The heavy rain has ended. Flash flooding is no longer expected. Be alert for remaining standing water and continue to follow road closures. A Flood Warning remains in effect until 1245 PM EDT for portions of central and northwestern Grant County, and a Flash Flood Warning remains in effect for portions of northwestern Grant County until 845 AM EDT. LAT...LON 3911 7935 3912 7933 3914 7933 3913 7925 3905 7925 3905 7930 3908 7930 3907 7932 3909 7935 $$ BKF  968 WSPH31 RPLL 301032 RPHI SIGMET B06 VALID 301035/301435 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1045 E12141 - N0843 E12022 - N0750 E11706 - N1030 E11400 - N1417 E11400 - N1421 E11558 - N1045 E12141 TOP FL530 MOV SSW 10KT NC=  134 WWUS83 KDLH 301033 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 533 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ034-036-038-301100- Crow Wing-Pine-South Aitkin- 533 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN AITKIN... SOUTHWESTERN PINE AND SOUTHEASTERN CROW WING COUNTIES... At 533 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Upper South Long Lake, to Garrison, to near Isle, to 10 miles northwest of Hinckley, and moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, half inch hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... McGrath around 540 AM CDT. Brook Park around 555 AM CDT. Pine City around 600 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Camp Lake, Riverton, Dads Corner, Cuyuna Country State Park, Glory, Trommald, Glen, Wealthwood, Pine Center and Edward Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4634 9314 4580 9292 4585 9314 4598 9314 4598 9305 4616 9308 4615 9343 4625 9344 4624 9381 4616 9381 4616 9415 4658 9420 TIME...MOT...LOC 1033Z 334DEG 24KT 4639 9406 4633 9384 4621 9341 4612 9309 $$ Huyck  326 WOUS64 KWNS 301033 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 533 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-009-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-065-079-095- 097-099-109-115-123-131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171- 301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA BENTON CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI KANABEC LE SUEUR MILLE LACS MORRISON MOWER OLMSTED PINE RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-007-011-013-017-019-031-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095- 099-107-109-113-119-121-123-129-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BAYFIELD BUFFALO BURNETT CHIPPEWA CLARK DOUGLAS DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON WASHBURN $$ LSZ121-145-146-147-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI DULUTH MN TO PORT WING WI PORT WING TO SAND ISLAND WI SAND ISLAND TO BAYFIELD WI $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  363 WSGY31 SYCJ 301032 SYGC SIGMET A1 VALID 301030/301430 SYCJ- SYCJ GEORGETOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1028Z WI N0820 W05946 - N0830 W05712 - N0602 W05710 - N0707 W06007 - N0820 W05946 TOP FL300 MOV NW INCR=  289 WSBW20 VGHS 301030 VGFR SIGMET 04 VALID 301200/301600 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL390 MOV ENE NC=  754 WSPM31 MPTO 301030 MPZL SIGMET 03 VALID 301030/301430 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1015Z WI IRUKA-IRATA-BUSMO-BUXOS-PAPIN-IRUKA TOP FL500 MOV W NC=  837 WSGY31 SYCJ 301032 SYGC SIGMET B1 VALID 301030/301430 SYCJ- SYCJ GEORGETOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1028Z WI N0324 W05804 - N0158 W05723 - N0112 W05850 - N0154 W05945 - N0255 W06000 - N0324 W05804 TOP FL400 MOV W NC=  421 WGUS81 KLWX 301039 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 639 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-301315- /O.CON.KLWX.FA.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T1315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 639 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 AM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN PENDLETON COUNTY... At 638 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported flooding between Onego and Seneca Rocks with low lying houses along Seneca Creek being evacuated. Route 33 between Onego and Seneca Rocks is also experiencing flooding. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Riverton, Seneca Rocks and Onego. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3892 7946 3893 7945 3892 7938 3895 7935 3890 7927 3870 7940 3876 7953 3880 7951 3882 7953 3883 7952 3884 7954 $$ BJL  970 WSRA31 RUKR 301037 UNKL SIGMET 6 VALID 301200/301500 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N6600 E08310 - N6700 E10655 TOP FL380 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  971 WSKY31 UCFO 301037 UCFO SIGMET 3 VALID 301040/301435 UCFO- UCFO OSH FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4036 E07247 - N4112 E07210 - N4209 E07318 - N4206 E07329 - N4203 E07346 - N4036 E07247 TOP FL390 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  469 WABZ23 SBAZ 301039 SBAZ AIRMET 1 VALID 301045/301245 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 06 00/1000FT FCST Z WI N0005 W05109 - N0008 W05103 - N0001 W05059 - S0001 W05106 - N0005 W05109 STNR NC=  449 WSHO31 MHTG 301043 MHTG SIGMET E1 VALID 301041/301441 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0945Z WI N1830 W08737 - N2019 W08438 - N1649 W08255 - N1614 W08552 - N1700 W08651 TOP FL500 MOV N 10KT INTSF=  242 WWUS83 KMPX 301044 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 544 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ045-052-053-WIZ014-301115- Isanti-Kanabec-Chisago-Polk- 544 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN KANABEC...CHISAGO...ISANTI AND NORTHERN POLK COUNTIES... At 543 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Webster to 6 miles southeast of Rush City to near Princeton. Movement was south at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. These storms will be near... North Branch around 550 AM CDT. St. Francis around 605 AM CDT. Chisago City around 610 AM CDT. Lindstrom, Taylors Falls and Center City around 615 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Mora Airport, Spencer Brook, Wild River State Park, Harris, Athens, Stanchfield, Cambridge Airport, Lewis Lake, Grandy and Spring Lake. This includes Interstate 35 between mile markers 141 and 163. LAT...LON 4588 9314 4574 9314 4573 9285 4564 9288 4565 9253 4573 9252 4572 9216 4560 9216 4539 9279 4540 9302 4541 9302 4541 9348 4594 9352 TIME...MOT...LOC 1043Z 341DEG 29KT 4583 9228 4562 9289 4560 9350 $$ SPD  530 WGUS41 KRLX 301045 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 645 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301345- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0034.190630T1045Z-190630T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 645 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northeastern Randolph County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 945 AM EDT. * At 640 AM EDT, doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated that 2 to 4 inches of rain has fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman, Dryfork, the Dry Fork and streams draining into the Dry Fork around or north of Job, and the Laurel Fork and Glady Fork around and north of highway 33. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. You may also report flooding by posting your report to the Charleston West Virginia National Weather Service Facebook Page, or by using the Twitter Hashtag, NWSRLX. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3881 7953 3879 7950 3876 7953 3879 7957 3903 7978 3897 7951 3898 7948 3896 7935 $$ 25  356 WSRS31 RUMA 301046 UUWV SIGMET 5 VALID 301050/301230 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N5835 E03549 - N5400 E03400 - N5400 E03800 - N5847 E04300 TOP FL300 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  488 WAUS43 KKCI 301046 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 301046 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...MN IA WI FROM 40NE MSP TO 50SSW RHI TO 50SW BAE TO 30WNW DBQ TO 40NE MSP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MN WI LS...UPDT FROM 80ESE YWG TO 80ESE INL TO 60ESE DLH TO 60SE BRD TO 50W BRD TO 80ESE YWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET IFR...ND MN...UPDT FROM 90WSW YWG TO 60SSE YWG TO FAR TO 70ESE BIS TO 90WSW YWG CANCEL AIRMET. CONDS HV ENDED. ....  489 WAUS41 KKCI 301046 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 301046 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 301500 . AIRMET IFR...NY NJ PA OH LE WV MD VA FROM 30SSW SYR TO 30NE HNK TO 20E SAX TO 30SE PSB TO 40WSW CSN TO 20NW HNN TO 40NNE ROD TO 20WNW JHW TO 30SSW SYR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA NY AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 180ESE ACK TO 100SSE ACK TO 30NE ACK TO 20S ENE TO 50SSW CON TO 40SSE ALB TO 50WNW ALB TO 20SSE YOW TO YSC TO 70NW PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18- 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NY PA WV MD VA FROM 50WSW SYR TO 30NW ETX TO 60SW CSN TO 50WSW BKW TO HNN TO JHW TO 50WSW SYR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO 40NNE SAX TO 20SSE HNK TO 50WSW SYR TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  774 WWUS83 KDLH 301047 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 547 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ001-002-008-301100- Douglas-Bayfield-Sawyer- 547 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN BAYFIELD...SOUTHEASTERN DOUGLAS AND NORTHWESTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 547 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Iron River, to 8 miles south of Barnes, to 7 miles southeast of Minong, to 7 miles southeast of Webb Lake Wisconsin, and moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Douglas, southwestern Bayfield and northwestern Sawyer Counties, including the following locations... Middle Eau Claire Lake, Upper Eau Claire Lake and Totagatic Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4613 9155 4616 9155 4616 9161 4619 9169 4662 9157 4665 9126 4608 9142 TIME...MOT...LOC 1047Z 320DEG 32KT 4658 9148 4629 9146 4605 9169 4594 9201 $$ Huyck  162 WSFJ01 NFFN 300900 NFFF SIGMET 03 VALID 301110/301510 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1706 W17624 - S2500 E17954 - S2500 E17136 - S2248 E17412 - S2200 E17818 - S1706 E17948 - S1706 W17624 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  979 WGUS54 KEWX 301049 FFWEWX TXC019-029-187-325-493-301200- /O.EXT.KEWX.FF.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190630T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 549 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Austin San Antonio has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Medina County in south central Texas... Southeastern Bandera County in south central Texas... Southwestern Guadalupe County in south central Texas... Wilson County in south central Texas... Bexar County in south central Texas... * Until 700 AM CDT. * While only generally light rain is currently falling across the warned area, flash flood issues are continuing. Numerous low water crossings remained closed across the area as of 545 am. Thus, the flash flood warning has been extended through 7 am. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Antonio, Schertz, Cibolo, Universal City, Live Oak, Selma, Floresville, Castroville, Poth, Stockdale, Bandera, Kosciusko, Stinson Municipal Airport, San Antonio Int Airport, Randolph AFB, Leon Valley, Helotes, Fair Oaks Ranch, Kirby and Alamo Heights. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 2888 9819 2912 9841 2925 9880 2931 9911 2980 9912 2980 9896 2972 9874 2976 9855 2971 9843 2975 9841 2972 9838 2973 9835 2970 9838 2966 9838 2959 9831 2954 9820 2952 9793 2942 9786 2912 9787 $$ BMW  007 WWUS83 KDLH 301049 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 549 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ038-WIZ001-006>008-301115- Pine-Douglas-Sawyer-Washburn-Burnett- 549 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN PINE... SOUTH CENTRAL DOUGLAS...WASHBURN...BURNETT AND WESTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 549 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 8 miles west of Seeley, to Trego, to near Siren, to near Grantsburg, and moving southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Spooner and Trego around 555 AM CDT. Hayward around 600 AM CDT. Round Lake around 605 AM CDT. Stone Lake and Little Round Lake around 610 AM CDT. Chippewa Flowage West, Birchwood, Chief Lake on Chippewa Flowage and New Post around 615 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Reserve, Spooner Lake, Northwoods Beach, Falun, Mckenzie Lake, Edgewater, Little Sissabagama Lake, Springbrook, Oakland and Birch Island Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4573 9216 4573 9253 4565 9253 4564 9256 4598 9281 4603 9220 4622 9177 4592 9094 4564 9143 4564 9215 TIME...MOT...LOC 1049Z 319DEG 33KT 4613 9154 4593 9182 4580 9233 4581 9265 $$ Huyck  707 WSCI36 ZUUU 301051 ZPKM SIGMET 3 VALID 301055/301455 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3251 E09151-N3158 E09705-N2951 E09523-N2851 E09257-N2905 E09007-N3130 E08902-N3251 E09151 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  985 WSPM31 MPTO 301048 MPZL SIGMET A1 VALID 301048/301448 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1020Z WI KUBEX-SIROT-BOGAL-KUBEX TOP FL500 MOV W INTSF=  639 WACN02 CWAO 301051 CZEG AIRMET C2 VALID 301050/301450 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1-3SM BR OBS WTN 30 NM OF N6906 W10508 QS NC=  640 WACN22 CWAO 301051 CZEG AIRMET C2 VALID 301050/301450 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1-3SM BR OBS WTN 30 NM OF /N6906 W10508/CYCB QS NC RMK GFACN35=  644 WSRS34 RUAA 301050 ULWW SIGMET 2 VALID 301300/301700 ULWW- ULWW VOLOGDA FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL270/360 STNR NC=  471 WSUS31 KKCI 301055 SIGE MKCE WST 301055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 62E VALID UNTIL 1255Z MA CSTL WTRS FROM 140E ACK-150ESE ACK-110ESE ACK-110E ACK-140E ACK AREA TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 63E VALID UNTIL 1255Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 60E OMN-160E OMN-130ENE TRV-80ENE TRV-60E OMN DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 29005KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 64E VALID UNTIL 1255Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE TLH-10SW CTY-40SW RSW-70WSW RSW-60SSW TLH-30SSE TLH AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 65E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 80E CHS-110SSE ILM-160SSE ILM-120SE CHS-80E CHS AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 66E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NY FROM 50ENE SYR-10NNE ALB-30WSW ALB-20NE SYR-50ENE SYR AREA TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 67E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NY FROM 10SW MSS-40SSE MSS-60S MSS-40SW MSS-10SW MSS AREA TS MOV FROM 30025KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 301255-301655 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-BOS-30NNE SAX-50N SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 60SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-150SE MIA-40S EYW-PBI-30NE CRG-60SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 40SE CEW-40SSW TLH-CTY-40SSW RSW-170S CEW-60ESE LEV-30SSW SJI-40SE CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  472 WSUS32 KKCI 301055 SIGC MKCC WST 301055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38C VALID UNTIL 1255Z WI MN LS FROM 20S INL-80SSW YQT-30NE MSP-40W BRD-20S INL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39C VALID UNTIL 1255Z TX FROM 30ESE ABI-30NW CWK-30NW SAT-30NE SJT-30ESE ABI AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40C VALID UNTIL 1255Z TX FROM 30WNW SAT-40WNW PSX-40NW CRP-60ESE DLF-30WNW SAT AREA TS MOV FROM 30010KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41C VALID UNTIL 1255Z TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNE PSX-30E PSX-30ENE CRP-30NNE CRP-20NNE PSX AREA TS MOV FROM 27005KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42C VALID UNTIL 1255Z ND FROM 40NE DIK-40W BIS-30SSE DIK-20SW DIK-40NE DIK AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL300. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 43C VALID UNTIL 1255Z TX CSTL WTRS 70SE IAH ISOL TS D10 MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 301255-301655 AREA 1...FROM 60ESE INL-30SSW YQT-30NE RHI-40NE RWF-30ESE FAR-60ESE INL WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40NE ACT-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-90SSE PSX-40SE DLF-30NE SJT-40NE ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  333 WSUS33 KKCI 301055 SIGW MKCW WST 301055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18W VALID UNTIL 1255Z MT FROM 20SSW GGW-30S GGW-70SSW GGW-60SW GGW-20SSW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL370. OUTLOOK VALID 301255-301655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  599 WWUS83 KDLH 301054 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 554 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ001-002-008-301130- Douglas-Bayfield-Sawyer- 554 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT BAYFIELD...EASTERN DOUGLAS AND NORTHWESTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 554 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from Iron River, to 6 miles west of Drummond, to 6 miles west of Seeley, and moving east at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Drummond and Seeley around 610 AM CDT. Cable around 615 AM CDT. Round Lake around 620 AM CDT. Ino around 625 AM CDT. Benoit and Namekagon Lake around 630 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Totagatic Lake, Lost Land Lake, Middle Eau Claire Lake, Teal Lake, Nelson Lake, Ghost Lake, Totagatic Flowage, Mason, Blueberry and Waino. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4612 9155 4616 9155 4616 9164 4621 9178 4667 9170 4664 9103 4631 9092 4594 9107 TIME...MOT...LOC 1054Z 282DEG 21KT 4658 9144 4638 9137 4613 9150 $$ Huyck  610 WSIN31 VECC 301030 VECF SIGMET 3 VALID 301100/301500 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1800 E09200 - N1400 E09200 - N1541 E08554 - N1945 E08200 - N2700 E08430 - N2140 E08900 - N1800 E09200 TOP FL390 MOV WNW 05KT NC=  103 WSCI35 ZJHK 301053 ZJSA SIGMET 4 VALID 301100/301500 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1812 E11227 - N1640 E11356 - N1508 E11349 - N1504 E11247 - N1639 E11054 - N1812 E11227 TOP FL350 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  409 WHUS52 KCHS 301055 SMWCHS AMZ350-352-354-370-372-374-301245- /O.NEW.KCHS.MA.W.0067.190630T1055Z-190630T1245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Charleston SC 655 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 nm... Coastal waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 nm ... including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary... Coastal waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 nm... Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA extending from 20 nm to 40 nm... Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA extending from 20 nm to 60 nm... Waters from South Santee River SC to Edisto Beach SC extending from 20 nm to 40 nm... * Until 845 AM EDT. * At 652 AM EDT, showers along a line of towering clouds were located from 6 nm north of Edisto Buoy to near Edisto Offshore Reef to near Buoy L, moving east at 5 knots. Waterspouts will be possible in this area. HAZARD...Waterspouts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. * Locations impacted include... Sayler Barge... Buoy K C... Y-73 Reef... Betsy Ross Reef... R7 Tower... Edisto Offshore Reef... Tug Senasqua... Capers Mid Shelf... Latex Barge... Buoy L... Sailboat Jupiter... Comanche Reef... Dredge Henry... Motherlode Barge... Tug Delta Diamond... 110 Degree Olympic Buoy... Edisto Buoy... Doug Mellichamp Reef... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. && LAT...LON 3244 7900 3231 7928 3204 7966 3195 7987 3180 8001 3160 8038 3185 8081 3277 7928 3264 7878 TIME...MOT...LOC 1052Z 270DEG 7KT 3260 7906 3219 7976 3182 8057 WATERSPOUT...POSSIBLE HAIL...0.00IN WIND...<34KTS $$  966 WGUS84 KEWX 301055 FLSEWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 555 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC123-255-301400- /O.NEW.KEWX.FA.Y.0095.190630T1055Z-190630T1400Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ DeWitt TX-Karnes TX- 555 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Austin San Antonio has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southwestern DeWitt County in south central Texas... Karnes County in south central Texas... * Until 900 AM CDT. * At 555 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Kenedy, Karnes City, Yorktown, Runge, Falls City, Nordheim, Gillett, Cestohowa, Coy City, Cotton Patch, Gruenau, New Davy, Zunkerville, Paweleville, Choate, Hobson, El Oso, Ecleto, Helena and Deweesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 2872 9792 2869 9801 2888 9819 2922 9773 2892 9740 2892 9743 2867 9778 2868 9779 2867 9782 $$ BMW  050 WGUS83 KEAX 301056 FLSEAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 556 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Kansas...Missouri... Missouri River at Leavenworth affecting Leavenworth and Platte Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away.This product along with additional weather and stream information is available at www.weather.gov/kc/. && KSC103-MOC165-301126- /O.CAN.KEAX.FL.W.0172.000000T0000Z-190701T0300Z/ /LEVK1.2.ER.190521T1539Z.190601T1015Z.190630T0339Z.NO/ 556 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Missouri River at Leavenworth. * At 5:00 AM Sunday the stage was 19.8 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 10:39 PM Saturday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 19.3 feet by Monday morning. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Leavenworth 20 19.8 Sun 05 AM 19.8 this morning && LAT...LON 3942 9508 3942 9492 3918 9460 3913 9460 3918 9484 $$  319 WWUS81 KALY 301058 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 658 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ038-301145- Southern Herkimer- 658 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN HERKIMER COUNTY... At 657 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Utica, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Ilion, Herkimer, Mohawk, Frankfort, West Winfield, Jordanville, Cedarville, Elizabethtown, Warren, Jersalem Hill, West Frankfort, Spinnerville, Corrado Corners, Cedar Lake, North Ilion, Gulph, South Columbia, South Ilion, Chepachet and Columbia Center. This includes Interstate 90 near exit 30. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4315 7513 4289 7485 4290 7488 4284 7489 4282 7491 4291 7510 4286 7514 4286 7521 4288 7521 4288 7520 4305 7522 TIME...MOT...LOC 1057Z 328DEG 28KT 4309 7523 $$ KSL  258 WWUS83 KDLH 301059 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 559 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ038-WIZ006-301130- Pine-Burnett- 559 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN PINE AND SOUTHWESTERN BURNETT COUNTIES... At 558 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was 8 miles northwest of Grantsburg, or 10 miles northeast of Pine City, moving southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with this storm. This storm will be near... Grantsburg around 610 AM CDT. Branstad around 615 AM CDT. Trade Lake around 620 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Four Corners, Alpha, Trade River, Phantom Lake, Chengwatana State Forest, Beroun, Randall and Saint Croix State Park. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4572 9287 4573 9285 4573 9294 4594 9302 4601 9278 4571 9252 4564 9253 4564 9289 TIME...MOT...LOC 1058Z 324DEG 37KT 4589 9278 $$ Huyck  547 WSRS31 RUAA 301058 ULAA SIGMET 1 VALID 301100/301500 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N6915 AND E OF E04706 AND W OF E05807 TOP FL330 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  548 WVMX31 MMMX 301059 CCA MMEX SIGMET 6 VALID 300748/301348 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 300748Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL200 OVR N1905 W09825 - N1858 W09823 - N1859 W09838 - N1904 W09839 - N1905 W09825 MOV E 5 KTS WKN. OUTLK AT 301348UTC NO ASH EXP =  643 WSNO34 ENMI 301100 ENBD SIGMET C01 VALID 301100/301300 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N6200 E00730 - N6305 E01020 - N6200 E01115 - N6200 E00730 TOP FL380 MOV NE 25KT NC=  202 WSRA31 RUNW 301100 UNNT SIGMET 3 VALID 301100/301500 UNNT- UNNT NOVOSIBIRSK FIR EMBD TS OBS NE OF LINE N6051 E07703 - N5736 E07658 - N5645 E08528 - N5057 E08307 TOP FL380 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  254 WSIN90 VECC 301030 VECF SIGMET 3 VALID 301100/301500 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1800 E09200 - N1400 E09200 - N1541 E08554 - N1945 E08200 - N2700 E08430 - N2140 E08900 - N1800 E09200 TOP FL390 MOV WNW 05KT NC=  307 WOUS64 KWNS 301103 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 603 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-009-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-065-079-095- 097-099-109-115-123-131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171- 301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA BENTON CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI KANABEC LE SUEUR MILLE LACS MORRISON MOWER OLMSTED PINE RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-007-011-013-017-019-031-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095- 099-107-109-113-119-121-123-129-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BAYFIELD BUFFALO BURNETT CHIPPEWA CLARK DOUGLAS DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON WASHBURN $$ LSZ121-145-146-147-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI DULUTH MN TO PORT WING WI PORT WING TO SAND ISLAND WI SAND ISLAND TO BAYFIELD WI $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  052 WGUS81 KLWX 301104 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 704 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Maryland...West Virginia... North Branch Potomac River at Kitzmiller affecting Garrett and Mineral Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never attempt to drive through a flooded roadway...this is how most flood deaths result. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio... television or radio stations...or visit our website at weather.gov. You can also find us on Facebook by searching U.S. National Weather Service Baltimore Washington. && MDC023-WVC057-302300- /O.EXT.KLWX.FL.W.0025.190630T1103Z-190630T2300Z/ /KITM2.1.ER.190630T0853Z.190630T1200Z.190630T1700Z.NO/ 704 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until this evening... The Flood Warning continues for The North Branch Potomac River at Kitzmiller. * Until this evening. * At 6 AM Sunday the stage was 10.6 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 11.7 feet by this morning. The river will fall below flood stage early this afternoon. * Impact...At 12.0 feet...Portions of Shallmar Road near Shallmar are flooded. * Flood history...This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.7 feet on Jul 29 2017. && River Flood Observed 2PM 8PM 2AM 8AM Crest Location Stage Stg Day Time Sun Sun Mon Mon Stg Day Time North Branch Potomac River Kitzmiller 9.0 10.6 Sun 6 AM 8.9 8.3 8.2 7.9 11.7 Sun 8 AM && LAT...LON 3933 7930 3937 7928 3941 7922 3941 7916 3938 7914 3933 7921 3932 7924 $$  053 WSFG20 TFFF 301103 SOOO SIGMET 8 VALID 301100/301200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0500 W04030 - N0500 W04800 - N0445 W04900 - N0615 W04800 TOP FL450 STNR WKN=  535 WACN03 CWAO 301105 CZWG AIRMET G2 VALID 301105/301505 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE N5832 W10140 - N5708 W09956 - N5521 W10106 MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG=  956 WACN22 CWAO 301105 CZEG AIRMET F2 VALID 301105/301505 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE /N5832 W10140/60 NE CZWL - /N5708 W09956/45 NW CZSN - /N5521 W10106/45 NE CYFO MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR AIRMET G2=  957 WACN02 CWAO 301105 CZEG AIRMET F2 VALID 301105/301505 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE N5832 W10140 - N5708 W09956 - N5521 W10106 MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG=  958 WACN23 CWAO 301105 CZWG AIRMET G2 VALID 301105/301505 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 1/8-23/4SM FG/BR - BKN CLD 200-600/1000FT OBS WTN 45 NM OF LINE /N5832 W10140/60 NE CZWL - /N5708 W09956/45 NW CZSN - /N5521 W10106/45 NE CYFO MOV ENE 10KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET F2=  598 WWUS83 KMPX 301106 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 606 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ053-WIZ014>016-023-025-301200- Chisago-Polk-Barron-St. Croix-Dunn-Rusk- 606 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STORMS WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL CHISAGO...NORTHWESTERN RUSK...NORTHWESTERN DUNN...NORTHEASTERN ST. CROIX...BARRON AND SOUTHEASTERN POLK COUNTIES... At 605 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Stone Lake to near Centuria. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. These storms will be near... Amery around 630 AM CDT. Clear Lake around 640 AM CDT. Clayton around 645 AM CDT. Prairie Farm around 700 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Cumberland Airport, Hillsdale, Range, Wanderoos, Brill, Shafer, Joel, Barronett, Mckinley and Reeve. This includes the following highways... U.S. Highway 53 between mile markers 127 and 152. U.S. Highway 8 in Minnesota between mile markers 17 and 22. U.S. Highway 61 near mile marker 165. LAT...LON 4561 9082 4510 9214 4541 9280 4566 9216 4564 9215 4564 9087 TIME...MOT...LOC 1105Z 308DEG 34KT 4586 9150 4548 9263 $$ SPD  016 WWUS81 KBTV 301108 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 708 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ026-027-029-030-087-301145- Northern St. Lawrence-Northern Franklin-Southeastern St. Lawrence-Southern Franklin-Southwestern St. Lawrence- 708 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN FRANKLIN AND EAST CENTRAL ST. LAWRENCE COUNTIES... At 708 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Brasher Falls, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Moira, Bangor, Lake Ozonia, Madawaska, Brushton, Lawrenceville, Dickinson, Hopkinton, Santa Clara, West Bangor, Whippleville, Dickinson Center, Duane Center, St. Regis Falls, Azure Mountain, North Bangor, Nicholville and Chasm Falls. LAT...LON 4466 7476 4489 7459 4479 7415 4445 7440 TIME...MOT...LOC 1108Z 298DEG 20KT 4483 7478 $$ RSD  468 WSSD20 OEJD 301107 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 301130/301600 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N24 W OF E45 MOV S INTSF=  049 WSNT03 KKCI 301115 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 5 VALID 301115/301515 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1115Z WI N4215 W06430 - N4115 W05715 - N3630 W06400 - N3730 W07015 - N3945 W06615 - N4215 W06430. TOP FL450. MOV ESE 25KT. INTSF.  291 WWUS84 KSJT 301110 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 610 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ128-139-301145- Callahan TX-Coleman TX- 610 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN CALLAHAN AND NORTHEASTERN COLEMAN COUNTIES UNTIL 645 AM CDT... At 610 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Rowden, or 17 miles south of Baird, moving southwest at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Oplin around 640 AM CDT. Silver Valley around 645 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Us- 283 Near The Coleman-Callahan County Line, Echo and Lake Coleman. LAT...LON 3208 9919 3208 9920 3206 9920 3180 9935 3207 9969 3209 9966 3208 9964 3210 9963 3225 9939 3209 9918 TIME...MOT...LOC 1110Z 044DEG 13KT 3214 9938 $$ Daniels  476 WSCH31 SCFA 301110 SCFZ SIGMET A3 VALID 301110/301510 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2100 W09000 - S2400 W09000 - S2600 W08500 - S2200 W08500 - S2700 W07400 FL190/320 MOV E NC=  992 WSNT04 KKCI 301130 SIGA0D KZWY SIGMET DELTA 2 VALID 301130/301530 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1130Z WI N3215 W07245 - N2930 W05000 - N2600 W05530 - N3030 W07115 - N2715 W07345 - N2815 W07530 - N3215 W07245. TOP FL450. MOV ESE 25KT. INTSF.  082 WSSD20 OEJD 301110 OEJD SIGMET 02 VALID 301200/301600 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N21 W OF E44 TOP ABV FL380 MOV W INTSF=  775 WSSD20 OEJD 301107 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 301130/301600 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N24 W OF E45 MOV S INTSF=  865 WSSD20 OEJD 301110 OEJD SIGMET 02 VALID 301200/301600 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N21 W OF E44 TOP ABV FL380 MOV W INTSF=  537 WSBZ31 SBRE 301113 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 301115/301515 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  974 WSCH31 SCFA 301115 SCFZ SIGMET 03 VALID 301115/301515 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S2300 W06900 - S2700 W06900 FL130/200 STNR WKN=  968 WWUS84 KCRP 301118 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 618 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ232-233-301145- Bee-Goliad- 618 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN GOLIAD AND CENTRAL BEE COUNTIES... At 617 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Beeville, moving east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Beeville, Berclair, Tulsita, Normanna, Pettus, Tuleta and Charco. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 2835 9746 2837 9790 2870 9789 2867 9782 2868 9779 2867 9778 2882 9756 TIME...MOT...LOC 1117Z 266DEG 23KT 2847 9775 $$ TC  510 WSMS31 WMKK 301118 WBFC SIGMET A01 VALID 301120/301300 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0746 E11712 - N0659 E11547 - N0723 E11509 - N0825 E11630 - N0746 E11712 TOP FL480 MOV SSW NC=  789 WWUS83 KDLH 301118 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 618 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ006>008-301145- Sawyer-Washburn-Burnett- 618 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN WASHBURN... SOUTHEASTERN BURNETT AND WESTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 618 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from Round Lake, to near Chief Lake on Chippewa Flowage, to 9 miles northwest of Birchwood, to 8 miles east of Luck, and moving southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Round Lake, Chief Lake on Chippewa Flowage and Little Round Lake around 625 AM CDT. Chippewa Flowage West, Birchwood and Couderay around 630 AM CDT. Chippewa Flowage East, Radisson and New Post around 635 AM CDT. Winter around 645 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Reserve, Spooner Lake, Northwoods Beach, Chief Lake, Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation, Edgewater, Deer Lake, Little Sissabagama Lake, Springbrook and Grindstone Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4573 9215 4573 9222 4589 9176 4612 9149 4588 9090 4570 9097 4564 9109 4564 9215 TIME...MOT...LOC 1118Z 300DEG 37KT 4603 9134 4588 9140 4574 9170 4560 9229 $$ Huyck  077 ACCA62 TJSJ 301121 TWOSPN Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo Tropical Emitido por El Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami, FL Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 800 AM EDT domingo 30 de junio de 2019 Para el Atlantico Norte...Mar Caribe y Golfo de Mexico: No se espera formacion de ciclon tropical durante los proximos 5 dias. $$ Pronosticadores Latto/Beven Traduccion RVazquez  052 WVID21 WAAA 301120 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 301120/301630 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1030Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0225 E12756 - N0210 E12718 - N 0139 E12751 - N0140 E1275 SFC/FL070 MOV NE 5KT NC=  144 WGUS41 KLWX 301121 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 721 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-071-301715- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0045.190630T1121Z-190630T1715Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV-Grant WV- 721 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northern Pendleton County in eastern West Virginia... South central Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 115 PM EDT. * At 720 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported flooding in Smoke Hole along the NOrth Fork South Branch Potomac River. Water is rising rapidly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Cabins and Hopeville. Flood waters are moving down the North Fork South Branch Potomac River from Hopeville to Cabins. The flood crest is expected to reach Cabins by noon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3896 7935 3897 7935 3899 7933 3900 7933 3900 7932 3903 7931 3903 7917 3898 7917 3890 7927 3895 7936 $$ RCM  096 WVID21 WAAA 301030 WAAZ SIGMET 04 VALID 301030/301259 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR CNL SIGMET 02 300800/301259=  097 WVID21 WAAA 301120 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 301120/301630 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1030Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0225 E12756 - N0210 E12718 - N 0139 E12751 - N0140 E1275 SFC/FL070 MOV NE 5KT NC=  932 WVID21 WAAA 301120 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 301120/301630 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1030Z WI N0140 E12755 - N0225 E12756 - N0210 E12718 - N 0139 E12751 - N0140 E1275 SFC/FL070 MOV NE 5KT NC=  902 WVID21 WAAA 301030 WAAZ SIGMET 04 VALID 301030/301259 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR CNL SIGMET 02 300800/301259=  903 WVID21 WAAA 301030 WAAZ SIGMET 04 VALID 301030/301259 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR CNL SIGMET 02 300800/301259=  783 WSBZ31 SBAZ 301122 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0056 W06211 - N0238 W06055 - N0112 W05852 - N0041 W06005 - N0056 W06211 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  784 WSRS31 RUSM 301123 UWWW SIGMET 4 VALID 301200/301600 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E051 FL300/380 MOV N 50KMH NC=  785 WSBZ31 SBAZ 301122 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0038 W06355 - S0016 W05952 -S0144 W06036 - S0116 W06409 - N0038 W06355 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  189 WSBZ01 SBBR 301100 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0038 W06355 - S0016 W05952 -S0144 W06036 - S0116 W06409 - N0038 W06355 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  190 WSBZ01 SBBR 301100 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0056 W06211 - N0238 W06055 - N0112 W05852 - N0041 W06005 - N0056 W06211 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  191 WSBZ01 SBBR 301100 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 300930/301330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2457 W05427 - S2532 W05301 - S2825 W05142 - S3034 W04659 - S3233 W04855 - S2957 W05721 - S2805 W05532 - S2701 W05344 - S2540 W05346 - S2538 W05440 - S2457 W05427 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  507 WWUS81 KALY 301127 AWWALB NYZ052-301200- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Albany NY 727 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Albany has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... The Albany International Airport...ALB. The following weather hazards are expected: Lightning LAT...LON 4277 7369 4270 7373 4270 7386 4277 7383 $$ IAA  796 WWCN19 CWVR 301127 HEAT WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF YUKON AT 4:27 A.M. PDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAT WARNING FOR: PELLY - CARMACKS BEAVER CREEK MAYO DAWSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== ANOTHER HOT DAY IS IN STORE TODAY OVER THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN YUKON, AFTER DAYTIME HIGHS REACHING 30 C YESTERDAY AND OVERNIGHT LOWS OF NEAR 13 C. TODAY'S DAYTIME HIGHS ARE EXPECTED TO REACH 28 TO 30 DEGREES. THIS PUTS TEMPERATURES ABOUT 5 TO 7 DEGREES ABOVE SEASONAL NORMS. COOLER WEATHER RETURNS ON MONDAY WITH HIGHS IN THE MID-TWENTIES. HEAT WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN DAYTIME HIGHS ARE FORECAST TO REACH AT LEAST 28 C FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS AND THE OVERNIGHT LOW DOESN'T FALL BELOW 13 C. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER EVEN BEFORE YOU FEEL THIRSTY AND STAY IN A COOL PLACE. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. MAKE SURE THEY ARE COOL AND DRINKING WATER REDUCE YOUR HEAT RISK. SCHEDULE OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DURING THE COOLEST PARTS OF THE DAY. SEEK A COOL PLACE SUCH AS A TREE-SHADED AREA, SWIMMING POOL, SHOWER OR BATH, OR AIR-CONDITIONED SPOT LIKE A PUBLIC BUILDING. NEVER LEAVE PEOPLE OR PETS INSIDE A PARKED VEHICLE. ASK A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL HOW MEDICATIONS OR HEALTH CONDITIONS CAN AFFECT YOUR RISK IN THE HEAT. WATCH FOR THE SYMPTOMS OF HEAT ILLNESS: DIZZINESS/FAINTING(SEMICOLON) NAUSEA/VOMITING(SEMICOLON) RAPID BREATHING AND HEARTBEAT(SEMICOLON) EXTREME THIRST(SEMICOLON) DECREASED URINATION WITH UNUSUALLY DARK URINE. WHEN IT'S HOT EAT COOL, LIGHT MEALS. KEEP YOUR HOUSE COOL. BLOCK THE SUN BY CLOSING CURTAINS OR BLINDS. OUTDOOR WORKERS SHOULD TAKE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BREAKS IN A COOL PLACE. TO GET MORE INFORMATION: - CHECK THE LOCAL NEWS FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY UPDATES. - CHECK HEALTHLINKBC ONLINE RESOURCES ABOUT HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS AND HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF AT WWW.HEALTHLINKBC.CA/HEALTHLINKBC-FILES/HEAT-RELATED-ILLNESS. - CALL HEALTHLINKBC AT 8-1-1 TO ASK ABOUT HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS. ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND LOCAL MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICERS EXPECT AN INCREASE IN HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS FROM HEAT AND ARE ADVISING THE PUBLIC TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  318 WOBZ23 SBRF 301127 SBFN AD WRNG 1 VALID 301130/301330 SFC WSPD 13KT MAX 24 OBS FCST NC=  878 WWUS83 KARX 301129 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 629 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ017-029-301330- Taylor-Clark- 629 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CLARK AND TAYLOR COUNTIES THIS MORNING... At 618 AM CDT, radar indicated a strong line of thunderstorms near the Spooner and Minong area in northwest Wisconsin. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Frequent lightning is a threat with these storms to anyone outdoors, including campers. Winds of 30 to 45 mph are also accompanying these storms, which could down weak or rotten trees. Locations impacted between 7 and 830 am include... Medford, Colby, Thorp, Greenwood, Owen, Rib Lake, Chelsea, Westboro, Jump River, Longwood, Willard, Withee, Gilman, Lublin. Persons in campgrounds should consider seeking sturdy shelter until these storms pass. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4512 9004 4512 9020 4503 9020 4503 9031 4484 9032 4459 9090 4461 9092 4538 9092 4538 9005 TIME...MOT...LOC 1128Z 312DEG 36KT 4590 9096 4543 9187 $$ Baumgardt  575 WSIN31 VECC 301100 VECF SIGMET A1 VALID 301145/301500 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2515 E09230 - N2640 E09000 - N2650 E09515 - N2345 E09245 - N2320 E09140 - N2340 E09120 TOP FL360 MOV NW 05KT NC=  339 WSPK31 OPKC 301132 OPKR SIGMET 01 VALID 301125/301525 OPKC- OPKR KARACHI FIR ISOL EMBD TS FCST N OF N26 TO N28 E OF E66 TO E68 MOV NE INTSF=  338 WSRS32 RUAA 301125 UUYY SIGMET 1 VALID 301125/301500 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N6400 FL250/380 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  049 WSIN90 VECC 301100 VECF SIGMET A1 VALID 301145/301500 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2515 E09230 - N2640 E09000 - N2650 E09515 - N2345 E09245 - N2320 E09140 - N2340 E09120 TOP FL360 MOV NW 05KT NC=  275 WOUS64 KWNS 301133 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 633 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-009-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-065-079-095- 097-099-109-115-123-131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171- 301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA BENTON CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI KANABEC LE SUEUR MILLE LACS MORRISON MOWER OLMSTED PINE RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-007-011-013-017-019-031-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095- 099-107-109-113-119-121-123-129-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BAYFIELD BUFFALO BURNETT CHIPPEWA CLARK DOUGLAS DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON WASHBURN $$ LSZ121-145-146-147-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI DULUTH MN TO PORT WING WI PORT WING TO SAND ISLAND WI SAND ISLAND TO BAYFIELD WI $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  438 WWCN79 CWVR 301127 AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA ET LE GOUVERNEMENT DU YUKON A 04H27 HAP LE DIMANCHE 30 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR: PELLY - CARMACKS BEAVER CREEK MAYO DAWSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON PREVOIT UNE AUTRE JOURNEE CHAUDE AUJOURD'HUI SUR LE CENTRE ET L'OUEST DU YUKON, APRES QUE LES MAXIMUMS DIURNES ONT ATTEINT 30 DEGRES CELSIUS HIER ET QUE LES MINIMUMS NOCTURNES ONT ETE DE PRES DE 13 DEGRES CELSIUS. AUJOURD'HUI, LES TEMPERATURES MAXIMALES DIURNES DEVRAIENT ATTEINDRE DE 28 A 30 DEGRES. CES TEMPERATURES SONT ENVIRON 5 A 7 DEGRES AU-DESSUS DES NORMALES SAISONNIERES. ON PREVOIT DU TEMPS PLUS FRAIS A PARTIR DE LUNDI(POINT-VIRGULE) LES MAXIMUMS DEVRAIENT ALORS ETRE ENTRE 24 ET 26 DEGRES. DES AVERTISSEMENTS DE CHALEUR SONT EMIS LORSQUE L'ON PREVOIT QUE LES TEMPERATURES MAXIMALES DIURNES ATTEINDRONT AU MOINS 28 DEGRES CELSIUS PENDANT DEUX JOURS CONSECUTIFS ET QUE LE MINIMUM NOCTURNE NE DIMINUERA PAS AU-DESSOUS DE 13 DEGRES CELSIUS. BUVEZ BEAUCOUP D'EAU, MEME AVANT DE RESSENTIR LA SOIF, ET RESTEZ AU FRAIS. VERIFIEZ L'ETAT DES PERSONNES AGEES DE VOTRE FAMILLE, VOS AMIS ET VOISINS. ASSUREZ-VOUS QU'ILS SONT AU FRAIS ET BOIVENT DE L'EAU. REDUISEZ VOS RISQUES LIES A LA CHALEUR. ORGANISEZ VOS ACTIVITES EXTERIEURES PENDANT LES HEURES LES PLUS FRAICHES DE LA JOURNEE. CHERCHEZ UN ENDROIT FRAIS, PAR EXEMPLE L'OMBRE DES ARBRES, LA PISCINE, LA DOUCHE OU LE BAIN ET UN ENDROIT CLIMATISE COMME UN EDIFICE PUBLIC. NE LAISSEZ JAMAIS DES PERSONNES OU DES ANIMAUX DANS UN VEHICULE STATIONNE. RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS AUPRES D'UN PROFESSIONNEL DE LA SANTE DE L'EFFET DE VOS MEDICAMENTS OU DE VOS PROBLEMES DE SANTE SUR LES RISQUES AUXQUELS LA CHALEUR VOUS EXPOSE. SURVEILLEZ LES SYMPTOMES DES MALADIES CAUSEES PAR LA CHALEUR : ETOURDISSEMENTS/EVANOUISSEMENTS(POINT-VIRGULE) NAUSEES/VOMISSEMENTS(POINT-VIRGULE) RESPIRATION ET POULS RAPIDES(POINT-VIRGULE) SOIF EXTREME(POINT-VIRGULE) DIMINUTION DE LA MICTION ET URINE ANORMALEMENT FONCEE. MANGEZ DES REPAS FROIDS ET LEGERS LORSQU'IL FAIT CHAUD. RESTEZ AU FRAIS. BLOQUEZ L'ENTREE DES RAYONS DU SOLEIL EN FERMANT LES RIDEAUX OU LES STORES. SI VOUS TRAVAILLEZ A L'EXTERIEUR, PRENEZ REGULIEREMENT DES PAUSES DANS UN ENDROIT FRAIS. POUR PLUS DE RENSEIGNEMENTS : - PRENEZ CONNAISSANCE DES NOUVELLES LOCALES POUR OBTENIR LES MISES A JOUR RELATIVES A LA SANTE ET A LA SECURITE. - CONSULTEZ LES RESSOURCES DU SITE WEB DE HEALTHLINKBC POUR CONNAITRE LES MALAISES LIES A LA CHALEUR ET LES MESURES A PRENDRE POUR SE PROTEGER A WWW.HEALTHLINKBC.CA/HEALTHLINKBC-FILES/HEAT-RELATED-ILLNESS (ANGLAIS SEULEMENT). - COMMUNIQUEZ AVEC HEALTHLINKBC (8-1-1) POUR POSER DES QUESTIONS SUR LES MALAISES LIES A LA CHALEUR. ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA ET LES AGENTS DE SOINS DE SANTE LOCAUX PREVOIENT UNE AUGMENTATION DES RISQUES POUR LA SANTE ET LA SECURITE EN RAISON DE LA CHALEUR. LE PUBLIC DEVRAIT PRENDRE LES PRECAUTIONS QUI S'IMPOSENT. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  744 WSBM31 VYYY 301133 VYYF SIGMET 2 VALID 301131/301531 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1538 E09443 - N1436 E09348 - N1443 E09300 - N1546 E09200 - N1624 E09312 - N1626 E09412 - N1538 E09443 TOP FL510 MOV SW 15KT INTSF=  577 WSIN31 VECC 301100 CCA VECF SIGMET A1 VALID 301115/301500 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2515 E09230 - N2640 E09000 - N2650 E09515 - N2345 E09245 - N2320 E09140 - N2340 E09120 TOP FL360 MOV NW 05KT NC=  406 ACPN50 PHFO 301136 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 200 AM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster Jelsema  443 WSIN90 VECC 301100 CCA VECF SIGMET A1 VALID 301115/301500 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2515 E09230 - N2640 E09000 - N2650 E09515 - N2345 E09245 - N2320 E09140 - N2340 E09120 TOP FL360 MOV NW 05KT NC=  646 WWAA02 SAWB 301200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 12:00 UTC 30, JUNE 2019. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 GALE WARNING: 261/2019 STRONG BARIC GRADIENT ON NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA MOV E DEEPENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM NE WITH GUST IN 60S-66S 88W-78W PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC RIDGE 60S 65W 63S 66W 65S 66W MOV E WKN LOW 995HPA 64S 46W MOV E WKN PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-7-1 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT : SW 4/5 VEER SECTOR W AFTERWARDS NW PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES WORSENING SLOWLY DURING THE EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : NE 3/4 VEER SECTOR E 5 PROB OF MIST LOW PROB OFISOL SNOW FALL WORSENING SLOWLY DURING THE EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE GERLACHE STRAIT : NE 3/4 TEMPO BACK NW PROB OF MIST WORSENING SLOWLY DURING THE NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE MARGARITA BAY : SE 3/4 BACK SECTOR E VIS GOOD EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : SW 4/5 TEMPO BACK SECTOR S LOW PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES WORSENING SLOWLY TOWARDS EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (60-66S 70-90W): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS VEER NE 8 WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES PROB OFINTERMITTENT SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER STARTING THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (66-73S 70-90W): NE 7 VEER SE 5 PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES IMPR GRADUALLY DURING THE EVENING VIS POOR TO MODERATE OCNL GOOD NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA (60-68S 20-50W): NW 4/5 BACK SE PROB OF MIST LOW PROB OFISOL SNOW FALL WORSENING SLOWLY TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA (68-78S 20-60W): SE 3/4 BACK SECTOR E VIS GOOD -----------------------------------------------------------------  410 WSSS20 VHHH 301138 VHHK SIGMET 5 VALID 301140/301540 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1823 E11522 - N1642 E11400 - N1930 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2156 E11234 - N1823 E11522 TOP FL390 STNR NC=  590 WSAJ31 UBBB 301138 UBBB SIGMET 3 VALID 301200/301600 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL360 MOV NE 40KT NC=  262 WSCI34 ZSSS 301136 ZSHA SIGMET 4 VALID 301200/301600 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N29 TOP FL350 MOV E 30KMH WKN=  482 WWUS81 KBGM 301140 SPSBGM Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Binghamton NY 740 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ046-301215- Otsego NY- 740 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT...NORTHEASTERN OTSEGO COUNTY UNTIL 815 AM EDT... At 740 AM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Fort Plain to near Cherry Valley to near Springfield. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Strong wind gusts will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Middlefield, Springfield, Westford, Cherry Valley, Salt Springville, Betty And Wilbur Davis State Park, Glimmerglass State Park, East Springfield and Van Deusenville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. If on or near a lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 4254 7469 4280 7500 4286 7478 4287 7477 4283 7465 4276 7467 4263 7463 TIME...MOT...LOC 1140Z 310DEG 34KT 4291 7465 4282 7472 4279 7484 $$ TAC  498 WWUS83 KDLH 301142 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 642 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ025-026-301200- North Cass-South Itasca- 642 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL ITASCA AND NORTHEASTERN CASS COUNTIES... At 641 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was near Ball Club, or 25 miles west of Grand Rapids, moving east at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, penny size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with this storm. This storm will be near... Ball Club around 650 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Mud Lake, Six Mile Lake and Ball Club Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. This storm may intensify, please monitor local media outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4725 9414 4736 9417 4741 9387 4726 9378 4723 9393 TIME...MOT...LOC 1141Z 262DEG 28KT 4732 9405 $$ Huyck  613 WWUS83 KMPX 301143 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 643 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ015-016-025-027-028-301245- Chippewa-Barron-Dunn-Eau Claire-Rusk- 643 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STORMS WILL AFFECT RUSK...DUNN...CHIPPEWA...NORTHWESTERN EAU CLAIRE AND SOUTHEASTERN BARRON COUNTIES... At 642 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles east of Exeland to near Weyerhaeuser to near Clear Lake. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. These storms will be near... Boyceville around 705 AM CDT. Wheeler around 710 AM CDT. Cornell around 715 AM CDT. Menomonie and Colfax around 720 AM CDT. Elk Mound and Boyd around 730 AM CDT. Stanley around 735 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Cedar Falls, Tony, Island Lake, Holcombe, Tainter Lake, Tilden, Otter Lake, Jim Falls, Conrath and Ingram. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Wisconsin between mile markers 41 and 62. U.S. Highway 53 between mile markers 90 and 128. LAT...LON 4537 9092 4491 9093 4476 9183 4511 9214 4512 9213 4513 9216 4516 9215 4539 9147 4565 9086 4563 9067 4538 9068 TIME...MOT...LOC 1142Z 321DEG 38KT 4566 9111 4538 9145 4524 9219 $$ SPD  679 WSUZ31 UTTT 301142 UTTR SIGMET 3 VALID 301200/301600 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF E068 TOP FL350 MOV NE 10KT NC=  436 WSUZ31 UTTT 301143 UTTR SIGMET 4 VALID 301200/301600 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E067 TOP FL400 MOV NE 10KT NC=  312 WWUS81 KCAR 301143 AWWBGR MEZ015-301345- AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR BANGOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CARIBOU ME 743 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING... Thunderstorms containing cloud to ground lightning will impact Bangor International Airport from 0745 AM until 0945 AM LAT...LON 4488 6890 4485 6880 4479 6877 4476 6886 $$  906 WWUS83 KGRB 301144 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 644 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ018-030-035-036-301215- Wood WI-Marathon WI-Portage WI-Lincoln WI- 644 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THUNDERSTORMS MOVING INTO CENTRAL WISCONSIN... At 640 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking thunderstorms in northwest Wisconsin. The storms were along a line extending from Clam Lake to Bruce to Clear Lake. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. If the storms hold together, they will move into far western Lincoln and Marathon counties after 8:30 AM. Winds over 30 mph could accompany the strongest storms. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep an eye on the forecast. If you are outdoors and the storms approach, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 4503 9031 4504 9020 4512 9020 4512 9005 4534 9005 4513 8983 4446 8979 4425 8994 4425 9032 TIME...MOT...LOC 1137Z 331DEG 40KT 4616 9100 4564 9118 4529 9210 $$ JKL  784 WGUS41 KPBZ 301148 FLWPBZ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 748 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Cheat River At Rowlesburg affecting Preston County. .Insert basis/synopsis section here...Two to five inches of rain has fallen across the region in the past 24 hours and caused the Cheat River to rise rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE: Do not drive through flooded areas. The water may be deeper than it appears. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio for later developments. && WVC077-302347- /O.NEW.KPBZ.FL.W.0014.190630T1751Z-190701T0051Z/ /ROWW2.1.ER.190630T1751Z.190630T1800Z.190630T1851Z.NO/ 748 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Flood Warning for, The Cheat River At Rowlesburg. * From this afternoon until this evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 16.2 feet this afternoon. * Impact...At 16.0 feet, Flooding begins in the Rowlesburg town park. && LAT...LON 3937 7967 3932 7963 3931 7969 3935 7971 $$  344 WSRS31 RUMA 301147 UUWV SIGMET 6 VALID 301200/301400 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E038 FL270/380 STNR NC=  345 WSRS31 RURD 301147 URRV SIGMET 10 VALID 301200/301400 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4655 E04021 - N4650 E04233 - N4312 E04230 - N4333 E03926 - N4655 E04021 TOP FL350 MOV ESE 20KMH NC=  000 WOUS20 KWNS 301149 WWASPC SPC WW-A 301150 MNZ000-WIZ000-LSZ000-301240- STATUS REPORT ON WW 465 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 ESE BRD TO 35 NE STC TO 45 ENE STC TO 50 NNE MSP TO 50 NW EAU TO 45 N EAU TO 60 NNE EAU TO 40 S ASX TO 20 SSE ASX. ..JEWELL..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 465 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS MNC003-009-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-079-095-097- 099-109-123-131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171-301240- MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA BENTON CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI LE SUEUR MILLE LACS MORRISON MOWER OLMSTED RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-011-017-019-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095-099-107-109- 113-119-121-123-301240- WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BUFFALO CHIPPEWA CLARK DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ LSZ121-301240- CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  562 WWUS83 KDLH 301150 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 650 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ008-009-301215- Price-Sawyer- 650 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL PRICE AND SOUTHERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 649 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from Winter, to 7 miles southeast of Radisson, to near Exeland, and moving east at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Price and southern Sawyer Counties, including the following locations... Connors Lake, Loretta, Ojibwa and Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4564 9068 4564 9134 4568 9144 4595 9118 4583 9054 4560 9066 4559 9068 TIME...MOT...LOC 1149Z 286DEG 33KT 4584 9102 4570 9110 4565 9118 $$ Huyck  277 WACN02 CWAO 301150 CZEG AIRMET C3 VALID 301150/301450 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET C2 301050/301450=  278 WACN22 CWAO 301150 CZEG AIRMET C3 VALID 301150/301450 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET C2 301050/301450 RMK GFACN35=  522 WACN22 CWAO 301150 CZEG AIRMET F3 VALID 301150/301505 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET F2 301105/301505 RMK GFACN32/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR AIRMET G3=  734 WACN03 CWAO 301150 CZWG AIRMET G3 VALID 301150/301505 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL AIRMET G2 301105/301505=  735 WACN02 CWAO 301150 CZEG AIRMET F3 VALID 301150/301505 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET F2 301105/301505=  736 WACN23 CWAO 301150 CZWG AIRMET G3 VALID 301150/301505 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL AIRMET G2 301105/301505 RMK GFACN32/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET F3=  670 WSSG31 GOOY 301200 GOOO SIGMET A4 VALID 301200/301600 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1150Z WI N0710 W01500 - N0540 W02100 - N0710 W02520 - N0950 W02010 TOP FL350 MOV W 05KT WKN=  968 WWUS83 KDLH 301151 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 651 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ002-003-008-009-301215- Bayfield-Price-Ashland-Sawyer- 651 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL BAYFIELD...SOUTHWESTERN ASHLAND...NORTHWESTERN PRICE AND NORTHEASTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 651 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Namekagon, to 10 miles south of Clam Lake, to 6 miles northeast of Winter, and moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Glidden around 715 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Loretta, Ghost Lake, Butternut Lake, Blaisdell Lake, Moose Lake Sawyer County, Teal Lake and Day Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4595 9118 4628 9109 4622 9062 4592 9048 4579 9055 TIME...MOT...LOC 1151Z 287DEG 29KT 4620 9100 4600 9090 4590 9094 $$ Huyck  141 WWUS81 KALY 301152 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 752 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ047-301215- Schoharie- 752 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL SCHOHARIE COUNTY... At 751 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Sharon Springs, or 9 miles southwest of Canajoharie, moving southeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cobleskill, Middleburgh, Schoharie, Richmondville, Sharon Springs, Breakabeen, Central Bridge, Carlisle, Sharon, Seward, Zeh Corners, Beekman Corners, West Richmondville, Huntersland, Warnerville, Engleville, Gardnersville, Broome Center, Becker Corners and West Fulton. This includes Interstate 88 between exits 20 and 23. LAT...LON 4283 7465 4281 7456 4277 7446 4278 7442 4266 7417 4265 7417 4259 7422 4244 7437 4263 7463 4274 7467 4279 7467 TIME...MOT...LOC 1151Z 307DEG 33KT 4278 7466 $$ IAA  751 WAIY32 LIIB 301153 LIRR AIRMET 3 VALID 301200/301500 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST E OF LINE N3950 E01615 - N3612 E01301 SFC/FL030 STNR NC=  086 WSCG31 FCBB 301152 FCCC SIGMET E4 VALID 301200/301500 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1145Z W OF LINE N0518 E00949 - N0220 E00920 N OF LINE N0546 E01119 - N0545 E01212 E OF LINE N0218 E01443 - N0522 E01508 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  258 WAIY33 LIIB 301153 LIBB AIRMET 3 VALID 301200/301500 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MOD TURB FCST SE OF LINE N4037 E01529 - N4202 E01705 SFC/FL030 STNR WKN=  640 WAIY32 LIIB 301154 LIRR AIRMET 4 VALID 301154/301500 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR CNL AIRMET 3 301200/301500=  427 WSUS31 KKCI 301155 SIGE MKCE WST 301155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 68E VALID UNTIL 1355Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 60E OMN-160E OMN-130ENE TRV-90ENE TRV-60E OMN DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 29005KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 69E VALID UNTIL 1355Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE TLH-10S CTY-30WSW RSW-60WSW RSW-40S TLH-30SSE TLH AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 70E VALID UNTIL 1355Z NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 120SSE ILM-160SSE ILM-90SSE CHS-70SE CHS-120SSE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 71E VALID UNTIL 1355Z MA NY FROM 50NW ALB-20ESE ALB-30SW ALB-40ESE SYR-50NW ALB AREA TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 72E VALID UNTIL 1355Z NY FROM 20E MSS-50SE MSS-40SSE MSS-10SW MSS-20E MSS AREA TS MOV FROM 30025KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 301355-301755 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 110SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-30WNW LCH-50WSW AMG-110SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  428 WSUS33 KKCI 301155 SIGW MKCW WST 301155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19W VALID UNTIL 1355Z MT FROM 60SW GGW-60SSW GGW-40SE LWT-30E LWT-60SW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 301355-301755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  429 WSUS32 KKCI 301155 SIGC MKCC WST 301155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 44C VALID UNTIL 1355Z MI WI MN LS FROM 30E BJI-50N RHI-20SSE EAU-40SSW BRD-30E BJI AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45C VALID UNTIL 1355Z TX FROM 30ESE ABI-30WNW CWK-30WNW SAT-20ESE SJT-30ESE ABI AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46C VALID UNTIL 1355Z TX FROM 30ESE SAT-40WNW PSX-30NW CRP-60S SAT-30ESE SAT AREA TS MOV FROM 30010KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47C VALID UNTIL 1355Z TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ENE PSX-50ESE PSX-30E CRP-40NE CRP-30ENE PSX AREA TS MOV FROM 27005KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 48C VALID UNTIL 1355Z TX CSTL WTRS 70SE IAH ISOL TS D10 MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 49C VALID UNTIL 1355Z MN FROM 50ESE FAR-60W BRD-50SSE FAR-30SE FAR-50ESE FAR AREA TS MOV FROM 24025KT. TOPS TO FL390. OUTLOOK VALID 301355-301755 AREA 1...FROM 30SSW YQT-40WNW ORD-MCW-70S FAR-70NNE DLH-30SSW YQT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40NE ACT-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-90SSE PSX-40SE DLF-30NE SJT-40NE ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  539 WUUS53 KDLH 301153 SVRDLH MNC021-061-301230- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0028.190630T1153Z-190630T1230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 653 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northeastern Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 730 AM CDT. * At 653 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Ball Club, or 18 miles west of Grand Rapids, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Deer River and Days High Landing around 700 AM CDT. Zemple around 705 AM CDT. Pokegama Dam around 720 AM CDT. Grand Rapids around 725 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Ball Club Lake, Bass Lake and La Prairie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4727 9398 4739 9397 4742 9350 4720 9350 4720 9369 TIME...MOT...LOC 1153Z 270DEG 31KT 4732 9390 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  409 WAIY32 LIIB 301155 LIRR AIRMET 5 VALID 301200/301500 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MOD TURB FCST E OF LINE N3950 E01615 - N3612 E01301 SFC/FL030 STNR WKN=  410 WGUS74 KEWX 301154 FFSEWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 654 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC019-029-187-325-493-301200- /O.EXP.KEWX.FF.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190630T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Medina TX-Bandera TX-Guadalupe TX-Wilson TX-Bexar TX- 654 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN MEDINA...SOUTHEASTERN BANDERA...SOUTHWESTERN GUADALUPE...WILSON AND BEXAR COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 700 AM CDT... Rainfall across the warned area continues to be generally light. The number of closed low water crossings have decreased across the area as high water begins to recede. The flash flood warning will be allowed to expire at 7 am. However, be cautious as a number of low water crossings remain closed, and there is likely ponding water still on roadways. Additional rainfall is also possible later this morning. LAT...LON 2888 9819 2912 9841 2925 9880 2931 9911 2980 9912 2980 9896 2972 9874 2976 9855 2971 9843 2975 9841 2972 9838 2973 9835 2970 9838 2966 9838 2959 9831 2954 9820 2952 9793 2942 9786 2912 9787 $$ BMW  810 WWPK31 OPMT 301150 OPMT AD WRNG 06 VALID 301230/301530 POOR VISIBILITY IS LIKELY TO OCCUR OVER MULTAN A/F (.) S/VIS MAY REDUCE TO 02 KM OR LESS IN DUST=  030 WBCN07 CWVR 301100 PAM ROCKS WIND 33018 LANGARA; N/A GREEN; N/A TRIPLE; N/A BONILLA; N/A BOAT BLUFF; N/A MCINNES; N/A IVORY; N/A DRYAD; N/A ADDENBROKE; N/A EGG ISLAND; N/A PINE ISLAND; N/A CAPE SCOTT; N/A QUATSINO; N/A NOOTKA; N/A ESTEVAN; N/A LENNARD; N/A AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; N/A PACHENA; N/A CARMANAH; N/A SCARLETT; N/A PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; N/A CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 201/16/11/MMMM/M/ 8001 63MM= WLP SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 222/12/11/2608/M/ 6005 13MM= WEB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 207/12/12/3304/M/ 8009 18MM= WQC SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 218/08/08/3501/M/ 8001 38MM= WRU SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 216/12/12/3513/M/ 8005 39MM= WFG SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 224/13/11/22MM/M/ 6007 64MM= WVF SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/17/14/3506/M/ M 00MM= WQS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 233/12/11/3402/M/ 6002 63MM= WRO SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 229/12/12/3305/M/ 8002 09MM= WEK SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 228/14/13/MMMM/M/ 8004 56MM= WWL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 227/13/11/0000/M/ 8003 73MM= WME SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/14/13/1803/M/ M 36MM= WAS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 086/16/12/3318/M/ PK WND 3424 1039Z 8003 77MM= WSB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 200/15/11/0000/M/ 6001 92MM= WGT SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 208/16/13/3113/M/ 8002 21MM= WGB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 207/16/12/2410/M/ 8002 62MM= WEL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 207/17/12/3005/M/ 8002 55MM= WDR SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 198/15/12/0302/M/ 0001 85MM= WZO SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1201/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0202/M/ M MMMM=  874 WWUS63 KDLH 301156 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 656 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC115-WIC007-013-031-129-301300- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA PINE IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN BAYFIELD BURNETT DOUGLAS WASHBURN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BAYFIELD, GRANTSBURG, HINCKLEY, PINE CITY, SHELL LAKE, SPOONER, SUPERIOR, AND WASHBURN. $$ LSZ121-145>147-301300- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS CANCELS THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS CHEQUAMEGON BAY-BAYFIELD TO OAK POINT WI DULUTH MN TO PORT WING WI PORT WING TO SAND ISLAND WI SAND ISLAND TO BAYFIELD WI $$ WIC099-113-301800- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 2 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN PRICE IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN SAWYER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF HAYWARD AND PHILLIPS. $$  628 WHUS73 KDLH 301157 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 657 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG WINDS THIS MORNING... .A period of strong easterly winds, from 15 to 30 knots, will occur this morning partially due to a complex of thunderstorms that moved through overnight. We expect the wind will diminish later this morning. LSZ144-145-301500- /O.NEW.KDLH.SC.Y.0040.190630T1200Z-190630T1500Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 657 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT THIS MORNING... The National Weather Service in Duluth has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 10 AM CDT this morning. * Sustained Winds...East 15 to 20 knots. * Waves...2 to 5 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 30 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Melde  378 WSRA31 RUIR 301200 UIII SIGMET 3 VALID 301200/301500 UIII- UIII IRKUTSK FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF LINE N5119 E10210 - N5512 E11552 AND W OF LINE N5512 E11552 - N4953 E11528 TOP FL380 STNR WKN=  286 WTPH20 RPMM 300600 TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING 04 TROPICAL DEPRESSION ANALYSIS 300600 UTC PSTN 16.2N 127.4E MOVE WNW 15KT PRESS 1004HPA MXWD 030KT 30KT 080NM NE 080NM SE 050NM SW 050NM NW FORECAST 24H 010600UTC PSTN 20.4N 122.5E CATE TROPICAL DEORESSION FORECAST 48H 020600UTC PSTN 23.3N 118.9E CATE LOW PRESSURE AREA NEXT WARNING 301200 UTC PHILIPPINE ATMOSPHERIC GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION=  055 WOAU41 AMMC 301202 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1202UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front [1] near 50S065E 52S071E 56S079E. Forecast 49S070E 52S077E 56S084E at 301200UTC, 48S077E 54S087E 57S089E at 301800UTC then weakening. Cold front [2] forecast 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC, 41S078E 44S085E 54S100E at 010000UTC, 39S078E 44S090E 52S102E at 010600UTC and 38S081E 48S102E 52S107E at 011200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S080E 45S104E 52S109E 48S100E 56S096E 56S091E 54S080E 37S080E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 540nm east of front [1]. From 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  056 WOAU01 AMMC 301202 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1202UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front [1] near 50S065E 52S071E 56S079E. Forecast 49S070E 52S077E 56S084E at 301200UTC, 48S077E 54S087E 57S089E at 301800UTC then weakening. Cold front [2] forecast 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC, 41S078E 44S085E 54S100E at 010000UTC, 39S078E 44S090E 52S102E at 010600UTC and 38S081E 48S102E 52S107E at 011200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S080E 45S104E 52S109E 48S100E 56S096E 56S091E 54S080E 37S080E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 540nm east of front [1]. From 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  172 WWUS63 KMPX 301203 WCNMPX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 703 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC009-065-095-097-301315- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA BENTON MORRISON IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA KANABEC MILLE LACS THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF LITTLE FALLS, MORA, PRINCETON, AND SAUK RAPIDS. $$ MNC003-019-025-037-047-049-053-059-079-123-131-139-141-147-161- 163-171-WIC005-017-033-035-091-093-095-107-109-301800- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 17 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA SHERBURNE WRIGHT IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA ANOKA CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA HENNEPIN ISANTI RAMSEY SCOTT WASHINGTON IN SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA FREEBORN LE SUEUR RICE STEELE WASECA IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA GOODHUE IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN BARRON POLK RUSK IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN CHIPPEWA DUNN EAU CLAIRE PEPIN PIERCE ST. CROIX THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBERT LEA, BLAINE, CAMBRIDGE, CENTER CITY, CHASKA, CHIPPEWA FALLS, DURAND, EAU CLAIRE, ELK RIVER, FARIBAULT, HASTINGS, HUDSON, LADYSMITH, LE SUEUR, MENOMONIE, MINNEAPOLIS, MONTICELLO, OSCEOLA, OWATONNA, RED WING, RICE LAKE, RIVER FALLS, SHAKOPEE, ST PAUL, STILLWATER, AND WASECA. $$  963 WOAU02 AMMC 301203 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1203UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 40S128E 42S133E 46S138E 49S139E 52S136E. Forecast near 38S127E 47S143E 50S146E 54S140E at 301800UTC, 40S134E 48S146E 53S151E 56S148E at 010000UTC, 40S140E 50S151E 52S152E 56S148E at 010600UTC and 40S141E 54S160E at 011200UTC. Trough forecast developing near 40S125E 50S142E 54S141E at 010000UTC, 40S134E 47S140E 57S142E at 010600UTC and 46S147E 50S147E 55S143E at 011200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 47S160E 60S160E 56S136E 51S134E 58S106E 42S105E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots east of front and trough. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots west of front and trough. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell, mainly heavy west of trough and front. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 116E by 010000UTC, west of 120E by 010600UTC and west of 126E by 011200UTC.  137 WOAU12 AMMC 301203 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1203UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 40S128E 42S133E 46S138E 49S139E 52S136E. Forecast near 38S127E 47S143E 50S146E 54S140E at 301800UTC, 40S134E 48S146E 53S151E 56S148E at 010000UTC, 40S140E 50S151E 52S152E 56S148E at 010600UTC and 40S141E 54S160E at 011200UTC. Trough forecast developing near 40S125E 50S142E 54S141E at 010000UTC, 40S134E 47S140E 57S142E at 010600UTC and 46S147E 50S147E 55S143E at 011200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 47S160E 60S160E 56S136E 51S134E 58S106E 42S105E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots east of front and trough. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots west of front and trough. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell, mainly heavy west of trough and front. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 116E by 010000UTC, west of 120E by 010600UTC and west of 126E by 011200UTC.  138 WOAU42 AMMC 301203 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1203UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 40S128E 42S133E 46S138E 49S139E 52S136E. Forecast near 38S127E 47S143E 50S146E 54S140E at 301800UTC, 40S134E 48S146E 53S151E 56S148E at 010000UTC, 40S140E 50S151E 52S152E 56S148E at 010600UTC and 40S141E 54S160E at 011200UTC. Trough forecast developing near 40S125E 50S142E 54S141E at 010000UTC, 40S134E 47S140E 57S142E at 010600UTC and 46S147E 50S147E 55S143E at 011200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 47S160E 60S160E 56S136E 51S134E 58S106E 42S105E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots east of front and trough. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots west of front and trough. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell, mainly heavy west of trough and front. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 116E by 010000UTC, west of 120E by 010600UTC and west of 126E by 011200UTC.  664 WOUS64 KWNS 301203 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 703 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-009-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-065-079-095- 097-099-109-123-131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA BENTON CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI KANABEC LE SUEUR MILLE LACS MORRISON MOWER OLMSTED RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-011-017-019-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095-099-107-109- 113-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BUFFALO CHIPPEWA CLARK DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  681 WOAU43 AMMC 301203 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1203UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous southeasterly flow developing. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 61S135E 64S142E 64S148E 63S149E 61S143E 60S139E 61S135E. FORECAST Southeast quarter winds 30/40 knots developing by 010300UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  638 WOAU16 AMMC 301204 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1204UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E. Forecast 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC, 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 45S160E 59S160E 56S149E 51S145E 45S160E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm south of front, shifting northwest quarter 34/47 knots north of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 02.  920 WOAU46 AMMC 301204 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1204UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 45S163E 50S161E 54S147E. Forecast 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E at 301800UTC, 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 45S160E 59S160E 56S149E 51S145E 45S160E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 180nm south of front, shifting northwest quarter 34/47 knots north of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high west of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 02.  047 WTSR20 WSSS 300600 NO STORM WARNING=  126 WWUS53 KDLH 301205 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 705 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-301214- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ Cass MN- 705 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CASS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4739 9350 4721 9350 4730 9379 4731 9378 4731 9380 4737 9380 TIME...MOT...LOC 1204Z 268DEG 34KT 4733 9373 $$ MNC061-301230- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ Itasca MN- 705 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 AM CDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA COUNTY... At 704 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Zemple, or 11 miles northwest of Grand Rapids, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Pokegama Dam around 715 AM CDT. Grand Rapids around 720 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Bass Lake and La Prairie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4739 9350 4721 9350 4730 9379 4731 9378 4731 9380 4737 9380 TIME...MOT...LOC 1204Z 268DEG 34KT 4733 9373 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  954 WGUS51 KPBZ 301205 FFWPBZ MDC023-WVC077-093-301615- /O.EXT.KPBZ.FF.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T1615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 805 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Southwestern Garrett County in western Maryland... Tucker County in northeastern West Virginia... Central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 1215 PM EDT. * At 801 AM EDT, radar indicated scattered rain showers ongoing in Tucker County. Although the heaviest rain has ended, runoff will continue to cause flooding issues. Water rescues are continuing in Jenningston at this time. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 5 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...Up to 0.25 inch. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Parsons... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Hendricks... Hambleton... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3897 7950 3904 7978 3928 7974 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3899 7933 3896 7935 $$ CL  937 WSIR31 OIII 301205 OIIX SIGMET 1 VALID 301203/301430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBED TS OBS/FCST WI N2551 E06118 - N2555 E05942 - N2646 E05958 - N2657 E06156 TOP FL290 MOV E NC=  762 WSCI31 RCTP 301208 RCAA SIGMET 5 VALID 301210/301600 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2100 E12100 - N2430 E12000 - N2530 E12100 - N2430 E12200 - N2130 E12200 TOP FL370 MOV NE 10KT NC=  701 WAAK47 PAWU 301210 WA7O JNUS WA 301215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 302015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB PAGS W CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB PAGS W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC CHATHAM STRAIT W OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . CNTRL SE AK JC CHATHAM STRAIT W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . SRN SE AK JD PAKT S-W OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SRN SE AK JD MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE COAST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =JNUT WA 301215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 302015 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 301215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 302015 . NONE . JUN 2019 AAWU  970 WWUS83 KDLH 301210 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 710 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ002-003-008-009-301245- Bayfield-Price-Ashland-Sawyer- 710 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL BAYFIELD...SOUTHWESTERN ASHLAND...NORTHWESTERN PRICE AND NORTHEASTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 710 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Clam Lake, to 15 miles west of Butternut, to 12 miles east of Winter, and moving east at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, pea size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Park Falls, Phillips, Fifield, Butternut and Glidden around 745 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Blaisdell Lake, Loretta, Butternut Lake, Day Lake and Moose Lake Sawyer County. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4586 9097 4621 9108 4615 9050 4562 9024 TIME...MOT...LOC 1210Z 289DEG 22KT 4613 9089 4598 9081 4587 9076 $$ Huyck  148 WSPH31 RPLL 301211 RPHI SIGMET C07 VALID 301211/301611 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1729 E12242 - N1600 E12035 - N1754 E11940 - N1906 E12218 - N1729 E12242 TOP FL520 MOV WSW 5KT INTSF=  594 WWUS83 KDLH 301213 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 713 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ008-009-301245- Price-Sawyer- 713 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN PRICE AND SOUTHEASTERN SAWYER COUNTIES... At 713 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 14 miles east of Winter, to 12 miles north of Hawkins, to 8 miles east of Ladysmith, and moving east at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Phillips around 735 AM CDT. Catawba around 740 AM CDT. Prentice around 745 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Connors Lake, Kennan, Wilson Lake Near Phillips and Cranberry Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4564 9068 4564 9097 4583 9083 4563 9022 4544 9033 4537 9045 4538 9068 TIME...MOT...LOC 1213Z 289DEG 33KT 4579 9071 4568 9077 4549 9093 $$ Huyck  297 WOUS64 KWNS 301213 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 713 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-079-099-109-123- 131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-011-017-019-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095-099-107-109- 113-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BUFFALO CHIPPEWA CLARK DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  112 WWST03 SABM 301200 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - JUNE 30, 12:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. GALE WARNING: WARNING 210: LOW 999HPA AT 37S 49W MOV SE DEEPENING EXPECTED 43S 32W BY 01/1200 WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 9 AROUND ITSELF WITH GUST FROM 30/1500 GENERAL SINOPSIS: LOW 963HPA 63S 89W MOV NE WKN EXP 56S 78W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 52S 89W 58S 83W 63S 86W MOV NE EXP 45S 70W 53S 65W 53S 65W 58S 70W BY 01/1200 LOW 1004HPA 52S 58W MOV NE DPN EXP 49S 50W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 39S 63W 45S 57W 53S 54W MOV NE EXP 37S 50W 43S 45W 43S 45W 50S 48W BY 01/1200 RIDGE 47S 78W 53S 69W 63S 65W MOV E EXP 42S 58W 50S 58W 55S 57W BY 01/1200 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-7-1 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SW 4 VEER NW BY 1/0900 PROB OF DRIZZLE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER NEXT IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD ISOL MIST DURING THE MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD BAHIA BLANCA: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER NW 6/7 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0600 PROB OF ISOL SH RAIN IMPR STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. MAR DEL PLATA: SW 5 TEMPO BACK 6 WITH GUSTS DRIZZLE RAIN PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO GOOD. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SW 6/5 VEER SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0000 INCR 7 GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY BY 1/0900 PROB OF ISOL SH OF RAIN SH OF SNOW RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE NXT PROB OFISOL RAIN VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE. RIO GALLEGOS: SW 5/4 TEMPO VEER NW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 BACK SW BY 1/0900 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. USHUAIA: SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 BACK SW 5/4 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0600 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  113 WWST01 SABM 301200 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 30-06-2019, 12:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 210: DEPRESION 999HPA EN 37S 49W MOV SE PROFUNDIZANDOSE PREVISTO EN 43S 32W EL 01/1200 PROVOCARÁ VIENTO FUERZA 9 ALREDEDOR DE LA MISMA CON RAFAGAS A PARTIR DEL 30/1500 AVISO 209: DEPRESION 972HPA EN 55S 23W MOV E SIN CAMBIO PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SW CON RAFAGAS EN 45S-55S 20W-30W 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 09:00UTC DEPRESION 972HPA 55S 23W MOV E NC EXTIENDE OFNT EN 53S 22W 54S 29W 58S 21W MOV E DEPRESION 999HPA 37S 49W MOV SE DPN EXP 43S 32W EL 01/1200 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 27S 59W 30S 52W 37S 49W MOV E EXP 27S 45W 32S 35W 32S 45W 42S 25W EL 01/1200 WFNT LINEA 38S 48W 39S 43W 38S 38W MOV E EXP 42S 22W 37S 15W EL 01/1200 DEPRESION 963HPA 63S 89W MOV NE WKN EXP 56S 78W EL 01/1200 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 52S 89W 58S 83W 63S 86W MOV NE EXP 45S 70W 53S 65W 53S 70W 58S 70W EL 01/1200 DEPRESION 1004HPA 52S 58W MOV NE DPN EXP 49S 50W EL 01/1200 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 39S 63W 45S 57W 53S 54W MOV NE EXP 37S 50W 43S 45W 43S 50W 50S 48W EL 01/1200 ANTICICLON 1014HPA 46S 40W MOV SE WKN EXP 52S 35W EL 01/1200 EXTIENDE EJE DE CUŅA EN 46S 40W 56S 41W 63S 38W MOV E EXP 52S 35W 55S 25W 55S 35W 60S 20W EL 01/1200 DEPRESION 999HPA 63S 48W MOV NE NC EXP 57S 32W EL 01/1200 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 59S 44W 63S 45W MOV NE EXP 55S 40W 58S 29W 58S 40W EL 01/1200 EJE DE CUŅA 47S 78W 53S 69W 63S 65W MOV E EXP 42S 58W 50S 58W 55S 57W EL 01/1200 291400 UTC LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 58-45S 020-14W 59-11S 024-31W 58-08S 028-14W 58-19S 033-40W 57-50S 037-57W 58-49S 046-25W 57-07S 050-13W 60-05S 05 34W 6 06S 055-20W 6 39S 059-45W 6 36S 06 32W 65-01S 066-29W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10 MN A57A 49-38S 045-24W 11X4MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 54-31S 050-42W 3X1NM TEMPANO2 56-18S 030-28W 4X1NM TEMPANO3 57-36S 027-20W 4X2NM TEMPANO4 57-37S 026-15W 2X1NM 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 66-00S 067-00W 6 48S 067-07W 54-24S 05 50W 59-40S 049-17W B. 5 11S 053-11W 48-47S 05 08W 48-42S 047-55W 53-04S 047-53W C. 59-47S 049-29W 54-54S 05 40W 50-32S 038-20W 59-51S 037-39W D. 59-51S 037-39W 49-49S 038-23W 49-42S 020-00W 6 28S 020-00W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 12:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 12:00 UTC DEL DIA 1-7-2019 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SW 4 VEER NW EL 1/0900 PROB DE LLOVIZNAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS LUEGO MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO NEBLINAS AISLADAS DURANTE LA MAŅANA VIS REGULAR OCNL BUENA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SW 5/4 CON RAFAGAS BACK W EL 1/0900 PROB DE LLOVIZNAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS LUEGO MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA A BUENA COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36š17S - 38š30S): SW 5 TEMPO BACK 6 CON RAFAGAS LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS PROB DE SH MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA A BUENA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38š30S - 41šS): SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER NW 6/7 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0600 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41šS - 45šS): SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR W 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0600 INCR 7 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0900 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS PROB DE SH DE LLUVIA SH DE NIEVE MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45šS - 48šS): SW 6/5 VEER SECTOR W 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0000 INCR 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 9 EL 1/0900 PROB DE SH DE LLUVIA SH DE NIEVE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS LUEGOPROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS): SW 5/4 TEMPO VEER NW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 BACK SW EL 1/0900 PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 BACK SW 5/4 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0600 PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR S 5/4 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0000 SH DE NIEVE NEVADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE LLUVIAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 35W: SECTOR E 5 CON RAFAGAS BACK NW 6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 INCR 7/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/2100 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MUY MALA OCNL MALA E DE 45W: SECTOR W 7/8 CON RAFAGAS INCR 9 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 DECR 7/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0300 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: NW 8/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 6/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) SE DE LA REGION: SW 8/7 CON RAFAGAS DECR 7/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 BACK SECTOR E 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0600 PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA A REGULAR N DE 45S: SECTOR S 5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR E 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK VRB 8 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS LUEGOPROB DE SH DE LLUVIA SH DE NIEVE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS MALA A MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR S 4 BACK SECTOR E 4/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/1800 VEER SE 6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 1/0300 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS LUEGOPROB DE NEVADAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) NE DE LA REGION: SECTOR S 7/8 CON RAFAGAS VEER SW 7/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 1/0300 VEER VRB 5/4 EL 1/0900 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA A REGULAR SE DE LA REGION: SECTOR N 4 TEMPO VEER SECTOR E PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR OCNL BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 5/6 CON RAFAGAS TEMPO BACK SW PROB DE SH LLUVIAS AISLADAS LUEGOPROB DE SH DE LLUVIA SH DE NIEVE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) NE DE LA REGION: SW 8/7 CON RAFAGAS DECR 6/5 EL 1/0000 BACK SECTOR S 4 PROB DE NEVADAS MEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA A BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR W PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) W DE 50W: SECTOR S 5/4 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 30/2100 PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR OCNL BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: NW 5/4 BACK SECTOR S PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR OCNL BUENA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N 5/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 30/1800 VEER SECTOR E EL 1/0600 PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  114 WSRS31 RUMA 301213 UUWV SIGMET 7 VALID 301230/301500 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST NE OF LINE N5820 E03458 - N5400 E03500 - N5400 E03900 - N5846 E04110 TOP FL270 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  115 WWST02 SABM 301200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2019-06-30, 12:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 210: LOW 999HPA AT 37S 49W MOV SE DEEPENING EXPECTED 43S 32W BY 01/1200 WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 9 AROUND ITSELF WITH GUST FROM 30/1500 WARNING 209: LOW 972HPA AT 55S 23W MOV E NOT CHANGE PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SW WITH GUST BETWEEN 45S-55S AND 20W-30W PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 972HPA 55S 23W MOV E NC EXTENDS OFNT AT 53S 22W 54S 29W 58S 21W MOV E LOW 999HPA 37S 49W MOV SE DPN EXP 43S 32W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 27S 59W 30S 52W 37S 49W MOV E EXP 27S 45W 32S 35W 32S 35W 42S 25W BY 01/1200 WFNT AT 38S 48W 39S 43W 38S 38W MOV E EXP 42S 22W 37S 15W BY 01/1200 LOW 963HPA 63S 89W MOV NE WKN EXP 56S 78W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 52S 89W 58S 83W 63S 86W MOV NE EXP 45S 70W 53S 65W 53S 65W 58S 70W BY 01/1200 LOW 1004HPA 52S 58W MOV NE DPN EXP 49S 50W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 39S 63W 45S 57W 53S 54W MOV NE EXP 37S 50W 43S 45W 43S 45W 50S 48W BY 01/1200 HIGH 1014HPA 46S 40W MOV SE WKN EXP 52S 35W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS RIDGE AT 46S 40W 56S 41W 63S 38W MOV E EXP 52S 35W 55S 25W 55S 25W 60S 20W BY 01/1200 LOW 999HPA 63S 48W MOV NE NC EXP 57S 32W BY 01/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 59S 44W 63S 45W MOV NE EXP 55S 40W 58S 29W 58S 29W BY 01/1200 RIDGE 47S 78W 53S 69W 63S 65W MOV E EXP 42S 58W 50S 58W 55S 57W BY 01/1200 291400 UTC SEA ICE LIMIT 58-45S 020-14W 59-11S 024-31W 58-08S 028-14W 58-19S 033-40W 57-50S 037-57W 58-49S 046-25W 57-07S 050-13W 60-05S 05 34W 6 06S 055-20W 6 39S 059-45W 6 36S 06 32W 65-01S 066-29W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A57A 49-38S 045-24W 11X4NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 54-31S 050-42W 3X1NM ICEBERG2 56-18S 030-28W 4X1NM ICEBERG3 57-36S 027-20W 4X2NM ICEBERG4 57-37S 026-15W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 66-00S 067-00W 6 48S 067-07W 54-24S 05 50W 59-40S 049-17W B. 5 11S 053-11W 48-47S 05 08W 48-42S 047-55W 53-04S 047-53W C. 59-47S 049-29W 54-54S 05 40W 50-32S 038-20W 59-51S 037-39W D. 59-51S 037-39W 49-49S 038-23W 49-42S 020-00W 6 28S 020-00W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2019-7-1 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SW 4 VEER NW BY 1/0900 PROB OF DRIZZLE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER NEXT IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD ISOL MIST DURING THE MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SW 5/4 WITH GUSTS BACK W BY 1/0900 PROB OF DRIZZLE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER NEXT IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO GOOD MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36š17S - 38š30S): SW 5 TEMPO BACK 6 WITH GUSTS DRIZZLE RAIN PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO GOOD RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38š30S - 41šS): SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER NW 6/7 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0600 PROB OF ISOL SH RAIN IMPR STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41šS - 45šS): SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0600 INCR 7 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0900 PROB OF ISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE PROB OF SH OF RAIN SH OF SNOW IMPR STARTING NIGTH VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45šS - 48šS): SW 6/5 VEER SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0000 INCR 7 GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY BY 1/0900 PROB OF ISOL SH OF RAIN SH OF SNOW RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE NXT PROB OFISOL RAIN VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS): SW 5/4 TEMPO VEER NW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 BACK SW BY 1/0900 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 BACK SW 5/4 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0600 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR S 5/4 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0000 SH OF SNOW SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 35W: SECTOR E 5 WITH GUSTS BACK NW 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY INCR 7/8 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2100 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR OCNL POOR E OF 45W: SECTOR W 7/8 WITH GUSTS INCR 9 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 DECR 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0300 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: NW 8/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 6/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) SE OF THE REGION: SW 8/7 WITH GUSTS DECR 7/5 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 BACK SECTOR E 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0600 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR TO MODERATE N OF 45S: SECTOR S 5 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR E 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK VRB 8 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 PROB OF SH RAIN NXT PROB OF SH OF RAIN SH OF SNOW RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS VERY POOR TO POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 4 BACK SECTOR E 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 30/1800 VEER SE 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 1/0300 PROB OF ISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE NXT PROB OF SNOW FALL VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) NE OF THE REGION: SECTOR S 7/8 WITH GUSTS VEER SW 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 1/0300 VEER VRB 5/4 BY 1/0900 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR TO MODERATE SE OF THE REGION: SECTOR N 4 TEMPO VEER SECTOR E PROB OF ISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 5/6 WITH GUSTS TEMPO BACK SW PROB OF ISOL SH RAIN NXT PROB OF SH OF RAIN SH OF SNOW RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) NE OF THE REGION: SW 8/7 WITH GUSTS DECR 6/5 BY 1/0000 BACK SECTOR S 4 PROB OF SNOW FALL IMPR TOWARDS NIGTH VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR TO GOOD REST OF THE AREA: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) W OF 50W: SECTOR S 5/4 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 30/2100 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD REST OF THE AREA: NW 5/4 BACK SECTOR S PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 30/1800 VEER SECTOR E BY 1/0600 PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  796 WSMS31 WMKK 301214 WBFC SIGMET B01 VALID 301220/301500 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0545 E11830 - N0430 E11700 - N0530 E11545 - N0645 E11745 - N0545 E11830 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  875 WABZ23 SBAZ 301214 SBAZ AIRMET 2 VALID 301215/301415 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 20 0 FG FCST WI S0126 W05629 - S0123 W05622 - S0130 W05619 - S0133 W05626 - S0126 W05629 STNR NC=  932 WWUS53 KDLH 301216 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 716 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC061-301230- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ Itasca MN- 716 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 AM CDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA COUNTY... At 716 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Cohasset, or near Grand Rapids, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Grand Rapids around 720 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Bass Lake and La Prairie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4721 9350 4729 9374 4735 9372 4736 9350 TIME...MOT...LOC 1216Z 275DEG 33KT 4731 9358 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Huyck  553 WGUS81 KLWX 301216 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 816 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301645- /O.CON.KLWX.FA.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 816 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1245 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 815 AM EDT, local law enforcement officials reported flooding across the area. Five to seven inches of rain have fallen. Flooding has been reported along the North Branch Potomac River and many tributaries, with evacuations around Bayard and adjacent locations. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3922 7944 3927 7939 3930 7932 3930 7930 3919 7924 3903 7925 3903 7931 3907 7930 3907 7932 3909 7936 3913 7933 3915 7933 3919 7929 3921 7931 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ RCM  529 WAIY31 LIIB 301219 LIMM AIRMET 3 VALID 301220/301520 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR OCNL TS FCST WI N4536 E00655 - N4550 E00809 - N4504 E00745 - N4417 E00824 - N4344 E00728 - N4423 E00637 - N4502 E00631 - N4536 E00655 TOP FL360 STNR NC=  364 WWUS85 KBYZ 301219 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 619 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ037-301315- Carter MT- 619 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 618 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 12 miles west of Alzada, or 45 miles north of Sundance, moving northeast at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Alzada, Capitol and Albion. LAT...LON 4499 10443 4500 10478 4513 10491 4554 10405 4513 10404 TIME...MOT...LOC 1218Z 240DEG 31KT 4503 10467 $$ Reimer  460 WABZ23 SBAZ 301218 SBAZ AIRMET 3 VALID 301215/301415 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 01 00/0900FT FCST WI S0126 W05629 - S0123 W05622 - S0130 W05619 - S0133 W05626 - S0126 W05629 STNR NC=  702 WSIR31 OIII 301219 OIIX SIGMET 2 VALID 301218/301430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBED TS OBS/FCST WI N2642 E6307 TOP FL290 MOV E NC=  410 WAAK48 PAWU 301220 WA8O ANCS WA 301215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 302015 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB VCY CHUGACH/ AND KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. DTRT. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB KENAI/CHUGACH/TALKEETNA MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD SE MONTAGUE-PACV LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD KENAI MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . KODIAK IS AE WELL OFSHR OCNL CIGS BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . KODIAK IS AE ALEUTIAN MTS SW KODIAK IS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF E PASL MTS OCNL OBSC BY FU. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 18Z OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 18Z MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. IMPR. . AK PEN AI BERING SIDE OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. DTRT. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL CIGS BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -DZ BR. NC. . =ANCT WA 301215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 302015 . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG CST/OFSHR PAKI N OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL TIL 15Z N PASN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . =ANCZ WA 301215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 302015 . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 15Z INLAND PASM-PABE OCNL MOD ICEIC 110-FL180. FZLVL 060 NW TO 100 SE. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK TIL 18Z AMCHITKA TO PASY OCNL MOD ICEIC 150-FL210. FZLVL 090 W AND NW TO 110 E AND SE. WKN. . JUN 2019 AAWU  267 WGUS83 KDLH 301221 FLSDLH Flood Advisory National Weather Service Duluth MN 721 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-061-301330- /O.CON.KDLH.FA.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-190630T1330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Itasca MN-Cass MN- 721 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM CDT FOR CENTRAL ITASCA AND NORTHERN CASS COUNTIES... At 719 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated between 1 and 4.5 inches of rain fell across portions of Itasca and northern Cass Counties. Automated gauges reported around 2 inches of rain fell. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Grand Rapids, Cohasset, Deer River, Marcell, Bena, Federal Dam, Squaw Lake, Zemple, Boy River, Oslund, Inger, Days High Landing, Pokegama Dam, Ball Club, Lake Winnibigoshish, Leech Lake, Spring Lake, Cass Lake, Wilkinson, and Bowstring. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4741 9467 4741 9442 4767 9441 4764 9348 4714 9359 4719 9466 $$ Huyck  699 WGUS71 KPBZ 301221 FFSPBZ Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 821 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-301230- /O.EXP.KPBZ.FF.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Preston WV- 821 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHERN GARRETT AND EAST CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 830 AM EDT... Rain has ended over the area and flood water is receding. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat to life and property. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 3948 7907 3947 7911 3946 7910 3946 7911 3943 7911 3943 7913 3941 7915 3942 7915 3942 7916 3939 7916 3940 7918 3939 7918 3939 7920 3936 7922 3936 7925 3946 7942 3958 7957 3972 7940 3953 7904 $$ CL  893 WGUS83 KDLH 301222 FLSDLH Flood Advisory National Weather Service Duluth MN 722 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-017-021-061-137-301615- /O.NEW.KDLH.FA.Y.0010.190630T1222Z-190630T1615Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Itasca MN-Aitkin MN-Cass MN-St. Louis MN-Carlton MN- 722 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Southeastern Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northern Aitkin County in east central Minnesota... East central Cass County in north central Minnesota... Southwestern St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota... Northwestern Carlton County in northeastern Minnesota... * Until 1115 AM CDT. * At 720 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Radar estimates as much as 1 to 3 inches has already fallen in the advisory areas with another 1 to 2 inches possible this morning. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Big Sandy Lake, Swan River, Hill City, Floodwood, Remer, Wabedo, Warba, Longville, Boy River, Libby, Leech Lake, Woman Lake, Swatara, Jacobson, Ball Bluff, Thunder Lake, Boy Lake, Inguadona, Wawina, and Balsam. LAT...LON 4713 9279 4674 9284 4688 9447 4717 9446 $$ Melde  966 WWUS53 KDLH 301222 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 722 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC061-301232- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ Itasca MN- 722 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 730 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4721 9350 4729 9374 4735 9372 4736 9350 TIME...MOT...LOC 1222Z 270DEG 31KT 4731 9356 $$ Huyck  547 WAAK49 PAWU 301224 WA9O FAIS WA 301215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 302015 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI W PAVL-PASH LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM W. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 301215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 302015 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG W PAWI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAOT W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAGL-PAMK LN SW OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK TIL 18Z VCY PATE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . =FAIZ WA 301215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 302015 . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG AFT 15Z OFSHR W PABR OCNL MOD ICEIC 110-FL180. FZLVL 090 EXC 070 W. INTSF. . GW JUN 2019 AAWU  263 WABZ23 SBAZ 301224 SBAZ AIRMET 4 VALID 301220/301420 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 08 00 FG OBS AT 1215Z WI S0734 W07251 - S0731 W07245 - S0738 W07241 - S074 0 W07248 - S0734 W07251 STNR NC=  743 WSBZ01 SBBR 301200 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0038 W06355 - S0016 W05952 -S0144 W06036 - S0116 W06409 - N0038 W06355 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  744 WSBZ01 SBBR 301200 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0056 W06211 - N0238 W06055 - N0112 W05852 - N0041 W06005 - N0056 W06211 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  745 WSBZ01 SBBR 301200 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 300930/301330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2457 W05427 - S2532 W05301 - S2825 W05142 - S3034 W04659 - S3233 W04855 - S2957 W05721 - S2805 W05532 - S2701 W05344 - S2540 W05346 - S2538 W05440 - S2457 W05427 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  756 WWUS83 KDLH 301226 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 726 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ026-301245- South Itasca- 726 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA COUNTY... At 726 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was 7 miles northeast of Remer, or 14 miles southwest of Grand Rapids, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, dime size hail, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central South Itasca County, including the following locations... Siseebakwet Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. This storm may intensify, please monitor local media outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4717 9355 4705 9355 4707 9377 4715 9378 4715 9377 TIME...MOT...LOC 1226Z 268DEG 31KT 4711 9378 $$ Huyck  608 WGUS81 KCAR 301228 FLSCAR Flood Advisory National Weather Service Caribou ME 828 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEC003-029-301234- /O.EXP.KCAR.FA.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-190630T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Washington ME-Aroostook ME- 828 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 830 AM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON AND SOUTHEASTERN AROOSTOOK COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended, and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Although rainfall intensities are decreasing, small streams and brooks could still be at elevated levels. LAT...LON 4548 6750 4547 6793 4553 6801 4564 6805 4562 6815 4566 6820 4601 6838 4597 6778 4592 6775 4587 6781 4582 6776 4580 6781 4573 6778 4569 6782 4566 6772 4569 6773 4561 6765 4560 6748 4551 6742 $$ Norcross  696 WGUS41 KLWX 301229 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 829 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301830- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0046.190630T1229Z-190630T1830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 829 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Grant County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 230 PM EDT Sunday. * At 828 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported flooding in the vicinity of Bayard. Waters are starting to decline. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bayard, Gorman, Wilson, Wilsonia, Gormania and Beechwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3920 7947 3922 7943 3927 7939 3927 7936 3930 7934 3930 7929 3932 7928 3933 7927 3932 7922 3927 7925 3922 7933 3921 7938 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ RCM  289 WUUS53 KFGF 301230 SVRFGF MNC111-301315- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0075.190630T1230Z-190630T1315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 730 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Otter Tail County in west central Minnesota... * Until 815 AM CDT. * At 729 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over northeastern Ottertail Lake, or 21 miles northeast of Fergus Falls, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Ottertail Lake, New York Mills, Ottertail, Deer Creek, Bluffton, Richville and Amor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4631 9575 4650 9575 4664 9516 4637 9516 TIME...MOT...LOC 1229Z 254DEG 25KT 4640 9566 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  796 WGUS71 KLWX 301230 FFSLWX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 830 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301239- /O.CAN.KLWX.FF.W.0003.000000T0000Z-190630T1245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 830 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY IS CANCELLED... Flood waters have started to recede, so the flash flood warning has been replaced with a flood warning. LAT...LON 3922 7943 3927 7939 3927 7936 3930 7934 3930 7929 3933 7928 3932 7922 3927 7925 3922 7933 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ RCM  843 WSBZ31 SBAZ 301230 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 301230/301630 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S0104 W06924 - S0150 W06718 - S0454 W06804 - S0408 W07003 - S0104 W06924 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  408 WABZ23 SBRE 301228 SBRE AIRMET 3 VALID 301235/301635 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 500/1 000FT OBS AT 0800Z WI S0924 W03555 - S0924 W03540 - S0937 W03541 - S0937 W 03554 - S0924 W03555 STNR NC=  697 WGUS81 KRLX 301232 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 832 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301345- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190630T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 832 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 AM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RANDOLPH COUNTY... At 830 AM EDT, flooding was ongoing across the warned area due to several inches of rain having fallen overnight. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Harman, Dryfork, the Dry Fork and streams draining into the Dry Fork around or north of Job, and the Laurel Fork and Glady Fork around and north of Highway 33. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. Please report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3881 7953 3879 7950 3876 7953 3879 7957 3903 7978 3897 7951 3898 7948 3896 7935 $$ HART  817 WGUS81 KLWX 301232 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 832 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301645- /O.CON.KLWX.FA.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 832 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1245 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY... At 831 AM EDT, local law enforcement officials reported flooding across the area. This flooding will remain over mainly rural areas of central Grant County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3919 7924 3903 7925 3903 7931 3907 7930 3907 7932 3909 7936 3913 7933 3915 7933 3919 7929 3921 7931 3922 7933 3925 7927 $$ RCM  889 WWUS83 KARX 301236 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 736 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ017-029-301300- Taylor-Clark- 736 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CLARK AND TAYLOR COUNTIES... At 734 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles south of Catawba to near Cadott. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Winds of 30 to 40 mph are possible with these storms. These storms will be near... Westboro around 750 AM CDT. Chelsea around 755 AM CDT. Rib Lake around 800 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Highway 73 And 98, Polley, Atwood, Tioga, Perkinstown, Esadore Lake, Lynn, Eidsvold, Longwood and County Roads D And N. LAT...LON 4538 9005 4512 9004 4512 9020 4503 9020 4503 9031 4453 9032 4442 9043 4442 9080 4451 9080 4451 9092 4512 9092 4538 9057 TIME...MOT...LOC 1234Z 307DEG 34KT 4541 9049 4490 9119 $$ JSB  282 WSPH31 RPLL 301239 RPHI SIGMET D08 VALID 301240/301640 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1512 E12721 - N1312 E12552 - N1358 E12303 - N1701 E12258 - N1846 E12414 - N1512 E12721 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 5KT NC=  614 WGUS84 KSJT 301239 FLSSJT Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Angelo TX 739 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC267-319-301430- /O.NEW.KSJT.FA.Y.0099.190630T1239Z-190630T1430Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kimble TX-Mason TX- 739 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southeastern Kimble County in west central Texas... Southwestern Mason County in west central Texas... * Until 930 AM CDT. * At 734 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Rainfall amounts have been 1 to 1.5 inches across southwest Mason County during the past hour. Expect additional rainfall of 1 to 1.5 inches through 9:30 AM CDT. This will cause flooding of small streams, creeks and low water crossings in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... I-10 Near The Kimble-Kerr County Line and The Intersection Of I-10 And Us 290. This includes the following low water crossings ... RM 385 crossing Perdenales River... RM 385 crossing Falls Prong... Old Segovia Rd. crossing Johnson Fork... County Road 430 crossing Johnson Fork... County Road 430 crossing Joy Creek... KC 451 crossing Johnson Fork... Jeffers Lane crossing and James River crossing Little Devils River. Do not drive through these low water crossings or any other low water crossing with water flowing across the roadway. LAT...LON 3057 9961 3061 9928 3050 9928 3050 9930 3029 9930 3028 9952 3029 9970 $$  866 WSPK31 OPLA 301230 COR OPLA SIGMET 003 VALID 301330/301730 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 31N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  067 WSPK31 OPLA 301230 COR OPLA SIGMET 03 VALID 301330/301730 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 31N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  408 WSRA31 RUEK 301240 USSS SIGMET 3 VALID 301300/301600 USSS- USSS YEKATERINBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E051 FL260/370 MOV N 25KMH NC=  387 WWUS53 KFGF 301242 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 742 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC111-301315- /O.CON.KFGF.SV.W.0075.000000T0000Z-190630T1315Z/ Otter Tail MN- 742 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 AM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL OTTER TAIL COUNTY... At 742 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Ottertail, or 29 miles east of Fergus Falls, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... New York Mills, Ottertail, Deer Creek, Bluffton and northeastern Ottertail Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4633 9557 4653 9561 4664 9516 4637 9516 TIME...MOT...LOC 1242Z 253DEG 31KT 4644 9549 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  964 WWUS63 KMPX 301242 WCNMPX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 742 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC025-059-141-WIC005-095-107-301345- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA SHERBURNE IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA CHISAGO ISANTI IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN BARRON POLK RUSK THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CAMBRIDGE, CENTER CITY, ELK RIVER, LADYSMITH, OSCEOLA, AND RICE LAKE. $$ MNC003-019-037-047-049-053-079-123-131-139-147-161-163-171-WIC017- 033-035-091-093-109-301800- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA WRIGHT IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA ANOKA CARVER DAKOTA HENNEPIN RAMSEY SCOTT WASHINGTON IN SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA FREEBORN LE SUEUR RICE STEELE WASECA IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA GOODHUE IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN CHIPPEWA DUNN EAU CLAIRE PEPIN PIERCE ST. CROIX THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBERT LEA, BLAINE, CHASKA, CHIPPEWA FALLS, DURAND, EAU CLAIRE, FARIBAULT, HASTINGS, HUDSON, LE SUEUR, MENOMONIE, MINNEAPOLIS, MONTICELLO, OWATONNA, RED WING, RIVER FALLS, SHAKOPEE, ST PAUL, STILLWATER, AND WASECA. $$  965 WWUS83 KMPX 301242 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 742 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ025>028-301315- Chippewa-Dunn-Eau Claire-Pepin- 742 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN PEPIN... SOUTHERN DUNN...SOUTHEASTERN CHIPPEWA AND EAU CLAIRE COUNTIES... At 742 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Lake Wissota, or near Eau Claire, moving south at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Eau Claire, Menomonie, Altoona, Durand, Augusta, Fall Creek, Eau Galle, Fairchild, Ludington, Weston, Rock Falls and Foster. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Wisconsin between mile markers 63 and 87. U.S. Highway 53 between mile markers 86 and 89. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4459 9132 4460 9200 4458 9204 4482 9213 4487 9192 4476 9184 4490 9093 4460 9092 TIME...MOT...LOC 1242Z 346DEG 34KT 4490 9132 $$ CTG  064 WWUS83 KDLH 301243 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 743 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ009-301315- Price- 743 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT PRICE COUNTY... At 742 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Fifield, to near Phillips, to near Prentice, to 11 miles west of Chelsea, and moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, pea size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Ogema and Prentice around 755 AM CDT. Spirit around 805 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Kennan, Brantwood, Wilson Lake Near Phillips, Cranberry Lake, Musser Lake and Butternut Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4551 9068 4561 9060 4598 9058 4579 9004 4538 9005 4538 9068 TIME...MOT...LOC 1242Z 303DEG 32KT 4583 9041 4565 9035 4550 9038 4528 9056 $$ Huyck  086 WOUS64 KWNS 301243 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 743 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-019-025-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-059-079-099-109-123- 131-139-141-147-157-161-163-169-171-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA CARVER CHISAGO DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON ISANTI LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RAMSEY RICE SCOTT SHERBURNE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC005-011-017-019-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-095-099-107-109- 113-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARRON BUFFALO CHIPPEWA CLARK DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE POLK PRICE RUSK ST. CROIX SAWYER TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  327 WSNO31 ENMI 301245 ENOS SIGMET A03 VALID 301300/301430 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS OBS WI N6045 E01120 - N6200 E01045 - N6200 E01215 - N6120 E01255 - N6030 E01240 - N6045 E01120 TOP FL380 MOV E 25KT WKN=  248 WSMS31 WMKK 301246 WBFC SIGMET A02 VALID 301300/301500 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF N0715 TOP FL490 MOV WSW NC=  325 WSMS31 WMKK 301247 WBFC SIGMET C01 VALID 301300/301500 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0100 E11020 - N0200 E10930 - N0145 E11300 - N0100 E11020 TOP FL460 MOV WSW INTSF=  884 WWNZ40 NZKL 301245 GALE WARNING 515 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 301200UTC IN A BELT 420 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 55S 160W 50S 157W 48S 153W: SOUTHWEST 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 25KT.  885 WWNZ40 NZKL 301244 GALE WARNING 514 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 301200UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. FRONT 54S 152W 58S 149W 65S 145W 69S 141W MOVING SOUTHEAST 50KT. 1. WITHIN 420 NAUTICAL MILES WEST OF FRONT: SOUTHWEST 40KT EASING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. 2. WITHIN 720 NAUTICAL MILES EAST OF FRONT FROM 58S 149W TO 69S 141W: NORTHWEST 40KT. GALE AREAS MOVING WITH FRONT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 511.  886 WWNZ40 NZKL 301246 GALE WARNING 516 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES AND SOUTHERN AT 301200UTC OVER WATERS EAST OF WESTERN BOUNDARY. IN A BELT 300 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 45S 164E 48S 164E 53S 163E: NORTHERLY 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING SOUTHSOUTHEAST 25KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 512.  207 WWUS63 KDLH 301249 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 749 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WIC113-301400- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN NORTHWEST WISCONSIN SAWYER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF HAYWARD. $$ WIC099-301800- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 1 COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN PRICE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF PHILLIPS. $$  191 ACUS11 KWNS 301249 SWOMCD SPC MCD 301249 WIZ000-IAZ000-MNZ000-301445- Mesoscale Discussion 1312 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0749 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...southern Minnesota...much of western Wisconsin Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 465... Valid 301249Z - 301445Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 465 continues. SUMMARY...Strong to locally severe wind gusts remain possible, mainly east of the Mississippi river in the near term. DISCUSSION...An MCS continues to surge southward across northwest WI and east-central MN, riding along the instability gradient and in a zone of modest low-level warm air advection. The strongest outflow push is over western WI, just on the eastern edge of the stronger instability. The 12Z MPX sounding shows impressively steep lapse rates, effectively no cap, and modest westerly winds through a deep layer. Therefore, little heating will be needed to erode CIN over southern WI, IA, and northern IL today, and this should support a continued wind threat with the MCS. Additional watch area may be needed south or east of WW 465 later this morning. ..Jewell.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...GRB...MKX...DLH...ARX...MPX... LAT...LON 45529306 45219255 45119203 45149147 45369101 45749079 44688970 44008943 43518949 43158983 43089055 43409133 44219219 44519278 44789320 45249342 45469340 45529306  151 WWUS81 KALY 301251 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 851 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ051-058>061-301330- Eastern Columbia-Eastern Greene-Western Columbia-Western Greene-Western Albany- 851 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN COLUMBIA...SOUTH CENTRAL ALBANY AND EASTERN GREENE COUNTIES... At 851 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Preston Hollow, or 13 miles north of Hunter, moving southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hudson, Catskill, Claverack, Livingston, Copake, Clermont, Athens, Ancram, Philmont, Lorenz Park, Claverack-Red Mills, Preston-Potter Hollow, Cairo, Durham, Germantown, Taghkanic, Burden, Kiskatom, Sunside and Brick Tavern. This includes Interstate 87 near exit 21. LAT...LON 4200 7371 4207 7388 4210 7392 4213 7391 4218 7400 4216 7400 4237 7427 4238 7425 4240 7425 4250 7412 4245 7403 4243 7403 4244 7400 4215 7348 4200 7366 TIME...MOT...LOC 1251Z 310DEG 33KT 4239 7412 $$ DBT  041 WSBZ01 SBBR 301200 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 301230/301630 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0104 W06924 - S0150 W06718 - S0454 W06804 - S0408 W07003 - S0104 W06924 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  503 WOUS64 KWNS 301253 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 753 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC003-019-037-039-045-047-049-053-055-079-099-109-123-131-139- 147-157-161-163-169-171-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ANOKA CARVER DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HENNEPIN HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RAMSEY RICE SCOTT STEELE WABASHA WASECA WASHINGTON WINONA WRIGHT $$ WIC011-017-019-033-035-053-063-081-091-093-099-109-119-121-123- 301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUFFALO CHIPPEWA CLARK DUNN EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE PRICE ST. CROIX TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  831 WWUS83 KFGF 301253 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 753 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ024-028-031-032-301330- Wadena MN-East Otter Tail MN-East Becker MN-Hubbard MN- 753 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN HUBBARD...NORTHERN WADENA...NORTHEASTERN OTTER TAIL AND SOUTHEASTERN BECKER COUNTIES UNTIL 830 AM CDT... At 753 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near New York Mills, or 31 miles southeast of Detroit Lakes, moving northeast at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Menahga, New York Mills, Sebeka, Bluffton, Nimrod, Blue Grass and Oylen. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks. && LAT...LON 4643 9535 4653 9550 4667 9550 4685 9496 4658 9478 4657 9478 TIME...MOT...LOC 1253Z 246DEG 30KT 4656 9529 $$ Lynch  909 WSMX31 MMMX 301255 MMID SIGMET Q1 VALID 301252/301652 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1252Z WI N1732 W08817-N2003 W08604-N2011 W08518-N2042 W08600-N2117 W08641-N1832 W08825 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV WNW 05KT . =  195 WSRA31 RUYK 301255 UEEE SIGMET 7 VALID 301300/301700 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N71 AND W OF E137 AND E OF E120 FL240/340 STNR NC=  103 WSUS32 KKCI 301255 SIGC MKCC WST 301255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 50C VALID UNTIL 1455Z WI MN LS FROM 20E BJI-10NNE RHI-30NE ODI-40W MSP-20E BJI AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 51C VALID UNTIL 1455Z TX FROM 30ESE ABI-40W CWK-40W SAT-10SE SJT-30ESE ABI AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 52C VALID UNTIL 1455Z TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40E PSX-80ESE PSX-30E CRP-40NE CRP-40E PSX AREA TS MOV FROM 32010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 53C VALID UNTIL 1455Z LA TX CSTL WTRS 70SW LCH ISOL TS D10 MOV FROM 27005KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 54C VALID UNTIL 1455Z MN SD ND FROM 50S BJI-30W BRD-30ESE ABR-50NE ABR-50S BJI AREA TS MOV FROM 24025KT. TOPS TO FL390. OUTLOOK VALID 301455-301855 AREA 1...FROM 30SSW YQT-40WNW ORD-MCW-70S FAR-70NNE DLH-30SSW YQT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40NE ACT-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-90SSE PSX-40SE DLF-30NE SJT-40NE ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  104 WSUS33 KKCI 301255 SIGW MKCW WST 301255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20W VALID UNTIL 1455Z MT FROM 30SSW GGW-60NW MLS-40ESE LWT-40E LWT-30SSW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 301455-301855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  105 WSUS31 KKCI 301255 SIGE MKCE WST 301255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 73E VALID UNTIL 1455Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 170E OMN-150ENE TRV-90ENE TRV-80E OMN-170E OMN DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 29005KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 74E VALID UNTIL 1455Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE TLH-20SE CTY-10N PIE-40WSW PIE-40S TLH-40SE TLH AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 75E VALID UNTIL 1455Z NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 110SSE ILM-160SSE ILM-90ESE SAV-60ESE SAV-110SSE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 76E VALID UNTIL 1455Z MA NY FROM 30NW ALB-40E ALB-40WNW BDL-30NNE HNK-30NW ALB AREA TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 77E VALID UNTIL 1455Z VA WV FROM 30WSW EKN-30SE EKN-50SSE EKN-20WSW BKW-30SW HNN-30WSW EKN AREA TS MOV FROM 30020KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 78E VALID UNTIL 1455Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE CEW-90SW TLH-110S CEW-100SSW CEW-40SW CEW-40SE CEW DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 23010KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 301455-301855 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 110SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-30WNW LCH-50WSW AMG-110SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  657 WWUS83 KDLH 301258 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 758 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ033-301330- South Cass- 758 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN CASS COUNTY... At 757 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was near Sebeka, or 39 miles southeast of Detroit Lakes, moving east at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, half inch hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with this storm. Locations impacted include... Poplar. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4675 9479 4680 9456 4680 9454 4655 9443 4651 9478 4673 9479 TIME...MOT...LOC 1257Z 253DEG 40KT 4657 9510 $$ Melde  696 WUUS53 KFGF 301258 SVRFGF MNC111-159-301345- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0076.190630T1258Z-190630T1345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 758 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Wadena County in central Minnesota... Northeastern Otter Tail County in west central Minnesota... * Until 845 AM CDT. * At 758 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Blue Grass, or 40 miles southeast of Detroit Lakes, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Wadena, Sebeka, Bluffton, Huntersville, Nimrod, Blue Grass and Oylen. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4640 9520 4660 9533 4669 9522 4681 9483 4680 9479 4664 9479 4663 9478 4651 9478 TIME...MOT...LOC 1258Z 248DEG 43KT 4657 9508 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Lynch  673 WWUS83 KDLH 301259 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 759 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ025-301315- North Cass- 759 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL CASS COUNTY... At 759 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was over Remer, or 23 miles southwest of Grand Rapids, moving east at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph, dime size hail, torrential rainfall, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of east central North Cass County, including the following locations... Tobique. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4712 9404 4714 9378 4702 9377 4696 9378 4699 9405 TIME...MOT...LOC 1259Z 267DEG 34KT 4706 9395 $$ Huyck  230 WSMX31 MMMX 301300 MMEX SIGMET W1 VALID 301257/301657 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1257Z WI N1442 W09831-N1424 W10226-N1533 W10321-N1746 W10159-N1806 W09926 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  519 WWUS83 KGRB 301301 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 801 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ018-030-035-036-301430- Wood WI-Marathon WI-Portage WI-Lincoln WI- 801 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS TO AFFECT WOOD...WESTERN PORTAGE... SOUTHWESTERN LINCOLN AND MARATHON COUNTIES THROUGH 930 AM CDT... At 759 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Westboro to Owen to near Augusta. Movement was southeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Brief torrential rainfall is also expected. Locations impacted include... Wausau, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Marshfield, Weston, Rib Mountain, Mosinee, Abbotsford, Spencer and Whiting. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4503 9031 4504 9020 4512 9020 4512 9005 4536 9004 4482 8928 4426 8969 4425 8973 4425 9032 TIME...MOT...LOC 1259Z 318DEG 32KT 4539 9024 4496 9055 4476 9110 $$ Kieckbusch  498 WWUS83 KARX 301303 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 803 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ079-WIZ017-029-032>034-301400- Wabasha-Buffalo-Jackson-Taylor-Trempealeau-Clark- 803 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CLARK AND TAYLOR COUNTIES AND THE NORTHERN PORTIONS OF WABASHA...BUFFALO... TREMPEALEAU...AND JACKSON COUNTIES... At 759 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Spirit to near Thorp to near Farmington. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts OF 35 to 50 mph are possible with these storms. These storms will be near... Owen and Rib Lake around 805 AM CDT. Greenwood around 815 AM CDT. Loyal around 825 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Highway 73 And 98, Atwood, Tioga, I 94 Exit 98, Chimney Rock, Mondovi Airfield, Esadore Lake, Lynn, North Branch and Longwood. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4512 9004 4512 9020 4503 9020 4503 9031 4449 9032 4430 9255 4437 9255 4437 9243 4445 9243 4445 9224 4441 9208 4460 9200 4460 9092 4492 9092 4493 9079 4538 9024 4538 9004 TIME...MOT...LOC 1259Z 299DEG 35KT 4539 9015 4491 9073 4469 9317 $$ JSB  195 WSIR31 OIII 301303 OIIX SIGMET 3 VALID 301300/301430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR CNL SIGMET 2 301218/301430=  705 WWUS83 KMPX 301304 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 804 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ066>070-076>078-301330- Le Sueur-Dakota-Rice-Goodhue-McLeod-Carver-Sibley-Scott- 804 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG GUST FRONT WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN DAKOTA...NORTHERN LE SUEUR...NORTHEASTERN SIBLEY...SCOTT...SOUTHWESTERN GOODHUE... CENTRAL MCLEOD...RICE AND SOUTHERN CARVER COUNTIES... At 802 AM CDT, a gust front associated with a strong line of thunderstorms was located near New Prague, or 19 miles northwest of Northfield, moving south at 40 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this gust front. Locations impacted include... Faribault, Northfield, Lakeville, Shakopee, Prior Lake, Farmington, Waconia, New Prague, Belle Plaine, Glencoe, Jordan and Cannon Falls. This includes the following highways... Interstate 35 between mile markers 52 and 80. U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 76 and 84. U.S. Highway 212 between mile markers 106 and 126. LAT...LON 4444 9393 4446 9394 4445 9399 4463 9454 4494 9414 4451 9281 4419 9304 4419 9320 TIME...MOT...LOC 1302Z 346DEG 34KT 4458 9351 $$ CTG  015 WOPS01 NFFN 301200 GALE WARNING 001 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Jun 301305 UTC. IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY 23S 176E 23S 179E 25S 180 25S 176E 23S 176E, EXPECT EASTERLY WINDS UPTO 35 KNOTS OVER WATERS ONLY. AREA OF GALES SLOW MOVING. THIS IS THE FIRST WARNING FOR THIS AREA.  029 WGUS41 KLWX 301307 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 907 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-301915- /O.EXT.KLWX.FA.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 907 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has extended the * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Pendleton County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 315 PM EDT Sunday. * At 904 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported flooding in Seneca Rocks. Several roads remain closed. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Riverton, Seneca Rocks and Onego. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. && LAT...LON 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3892 7946 3893 7945 3892 7938 3895 7935 3890 7927 3870 7940 3876 7953 3880 7951 3882 7953 3883 7952 3884 7954 $$ RCM  739 WGUS41 KPBZ 301307 FLWPBZ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 907 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Forecast Flooding Changed from Minor to Moderate Severity for the following rivers in West Virginia... Cheat River At Rowlesburg affecting Preston County. .Insert basis/synopsis section here...Two to five inches of rain in the last 24 hours has caused the Cheat River to rise rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE: Do not drive through flooded areas. The water may be deeper than it appears. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio for later developments. && WVC077-010106- /O.EXT.KPBZ.FL.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190701T0820Z/ /ROWW2.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190630T1800Z.190701T0220Z.NO/ 907 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Forecast flooding increased from Minor to Moderate severity... The Flood Warning continues for, The Cheat River At Rowlesburg.* Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 19.6 feet this afternoon. * Impact...At 19.8 feet, Water levels reach the flood levels of the flood of July 29, 2017. && LAT...LON 3937 7967 3932 7963 3931 7969 3935 7971 $$  788 WUUS53 KDLH 301309 SVRDLH MNC001-021-061-301400- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0029.190630T1309Z-190630T1400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 809 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Itasca County in north central Minnesota... Northwestern Aitkin County in east central Minnesota... Northeastern Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 900 AM CDT. * At 809 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Remer, or 20 miles southwest of Grand Rapids, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hill City, Remer, Swatara, Haypoint, and Split Hand Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4697 9396 4713 9396 4717 9346 4683 9351 TIME...MOT...LOC 1309Z 271DEG 24KT 4706 9388 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Melde  496 WAKO31 RKSI 301310 RKRR AIRMET J04 VALID 301310/301430 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3739 E12619 - N3643 E12537 - N3350 E12617 - N3726 E12900 - N3739 E12619 STNR NC=  631 WSPF21 NTAA 301310 NTTT SIGMET A4 VALID 301310/301610 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2620 W15030 - S2430 W14450 - S2420 W13830 - S2500 W13800 - S2550 W14410 - S2720 W15010 FL180/330 STNR NC=  537 ACUS01 KWNS 301311 SWODY1 SPC AC 301309 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0809 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 301300Z - 011200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY AND WESTERN GREAT LAKES INTO EASTERN WYOMING AND SOUTHERN MONTANA... ...SUMMARY... Strong to severe storms are possible today from the upper Mississippi Valley and western Great Lakes into eastern Wyoming and southern Montana, with damaging wind and hail the main threats. ...Synopsis... The synoptic upper-air pattern will remain characterized by troughing near the Northeast and Northwest coasts, over northern Canada, and weakly over parts of the western Gulf Coast region. Positively tilted ridging will prevail in between, from the southern Rockies across the central Plains. The northern part of that ridging will shift eastward over the upper Mississippi Valley and upper Great Lakes, as a mid/upper-level low digs southward over northern Canada and a series of perturbations move through the associated cyclone's southern semicircle. The height weakness across parts of south and east TX should drift erratically today, while remaining distantly cut off from the prevailing westerlies. In the Northeast, a sharply defined, nearly zonally oriented mid/upper trough -- initially over southern QC -- will dig southeastward across eastern NY and New England through the afternoon. At the surface, 11Z analysis showed a cold front from NJ across northern WV to southern OH, becoming a warm front over central IN, northern IL, southwestern WI, and south-central to northwestern MN. A reinforcing cold front was drawn across central New England and New York behind the initial boundary, and likewise should move southeastward through the day. The warm front is expected to move slowly northeastward before being overtaken by ongoing or subsequent MCS activity discussed below. Another cold front was analyzed from a triple point near FAR southwestward across the NE Sandhills to southeastern WY. This boundary will slow and reorient today across eastern WY, northwestern NE and southeastern SD. ...Upper Mississippi Valley/western Great Lakes region... Ongoing areas of strong-severe thunderstorms may continue to pose a threat mainly for damaging wind, while moving along a low-level baroclinic/instability gradient associated with the warm-frontal zone. See SPC watch 465 and related mesoscale discussions for near-term details. This complex should track generally south-southeastward through the morning and perhaps into the afternoon, depending on the size and depth of cold-pool that it can generate in the meantime, and on related strength of forced ascent along its leading edge. Another potential scenario involves weakening of the MCS but regeneration of convection along its trailing residue and/or outflow boundary, across parts of MN and perhaps WI. In either scenario, the main concern would be damaging wind, though severe hail could occur with any relatively sustained/discrete cells. On the warm side of the frontal zone, rich low-level moisture (e.g., surface dew points 70s F) and moderately steep low/middle-level lapse rates will contribute to peak preconvective MLCAPE in the 4000-5500 J/kg range. Such strong to extreme instability would contribute to a conditionally well-organized damaging-wind threat corridor over parts of this region. However, at this time, uncertainties regarding sustained cold-pool organization of the initial complex, and timing/maintenance of subsequent development, preclude assigning a specific 30%/enhanced corridor of wind risk. ...North-central Rockies/Plains... Scattered to widely scattered thunderstorms are expected to develop this afternoon, both over well-heated and weakly capped higher-elevation boundary layers from southern MT to eastern WY, and near the frontal zone on either side of the SD/NE border. Large hail is expected, along with sporadic damaging gusts. The higher-elevation convection, in particular, will have supercell potential with large hail as well as at least isolated severe gusts possible. Multicells and transient supercell structures may occur with the frontal convection before either dissipation or upscale organization occurs. A couple of sustained clusters of convection may persist into the evening in the corridor from eastern WY to southeastern SD, offering damaging-gust potential. Easterly flow component in low levels, poleward of the boundary, will aid in storm-relative winds and enhancement of deep shear, with 35-45-kt effective-shear magnitudes over the southern part of the outlook area and 40-50 kt across southern MT, amidst peak MLCAPE of 1500-2500 J/kg. ...Southern New England... Widely scattered thunderstorms may develop through early/mid afternoon across this region, offering the risk of damaging wind, with isolated gusts near severe limits. Despite being largely post-frontal with regard to the initial boundary, the low-level air mass across this region will contain enough residual low-level moisture (surface dew points 50s to mid 60s F) to support surface-based convection, beneath relatively steep midlevel lapse rates. The latter will be related to strong DCVA/cooling immediately preceding the mid/upper-level trough. Time series of forecast soundings reasonably suggest that essentially uninhibited MLCAPE of 500-1500 J/kg will develop in areas experiencing at least a few hours of diabatic surface heating away from thick cloud cover. Modest/nearly unidirectional wind profile in low/middle levels, along with a lack of more-robust theta-e, will limit organization of convection, though well-mixed subcloud layers can support locally strong gusts. ..Edwards/Jewell.. 06/30/2019 $$  539 WUUS01 KWNS 301311 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0809 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 301300Z - 011200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 41430485 43380534 43870583 44360572 44270496 43450424 42600360 42020320 41500351 41220421 41430485 0.02 45541039 45871067 46431030 46200908 45800882 45260889 45541039 0.02 42849179 43789450 43609686 43929814 44769821 44959718 45539408 44999333 44709230 44749108 44999028 45378971 44758890 42118804 41498892 41629052 42849179 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 42049998 40860203 40420353 40420471 40860574 43070654 44200757 44940972 45041133 45631227 46681190 47170996 45170169 45439939 46969394 46169191 45599227 45099192 45559050 45879003 45598930 45018811 44448754 39238573 37908654 37508855 37889045 38989173 41459264 42269369 42899662 42049998 0.15 42200510 43280532 44750701 45060842 45820860 46030712 45380459 44020276 44410023 44399909 43919839 43089814 42160225 41550344 41190421 41380478 42200510 && ... WIND ... 0.05 45429943 45939579 45929388 44769223 44829112 45079029 45738957 45298861 44988804 44508756 39238573 37908654 37508851 37909047 38259092 39109181 41489269 42359376 42899675 42049999 40920188 40400362 40450471 40890572 43080655 44220758 44910971 45041133 45641226 46671195 47181010 45180172 45429943 0.05 40277225 41067346 41667375 42257384 42387222 42826995 0.15 39419028 40979127 42929259 43809447 43129780 42779963 42370143 42090238 41220416 41430480 42400519 43350496 43820373 44739834 45539410 45009329 44679217 44729108 44979030 45208999 45408972 43988793 40408693 39348732 38748812 38778938 39419028 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 43988793 40408693 39348732 38748812 38778938 39419028 40979127 42929259 43809447 43129780 42380141 42090243 41190409 41400473 42300520 43330532 44750703 45060842 45820857 46030710 45400459 44010277 44739834 45549405 45029333 44679219 44749108 44999026 45408972 43988793 MRGL 40357240 41067346 41667375 42257384 42397219 42806987 MRGL 44978807 44508758 43688725 39238573 37908654 37908654 37508851 37508854 37508855 37648916 37909047 38259092 38759144 38989173 39059176 39109181 41489269 42079341 42269369 42779603 42889667 42049998 41860030 40920188 40890199 40860203 40420353 40420358 40400362 40420398 40420471 40860574 42540634 43080655 43660707 44200757 44330790 44910971 45041132 45641226 45711224 45711224 45741223 46611196 46621192 46681190 46941090 47181010 47161000 47170996 45180173 45429943 46989391 46159188 45619227 45119191 45549054 45899005 45678946 45308863 44978807 TSTM 39787306 41047506 41957630 42727659 43937585 45457575 99999999 48118663 45868607 43458578 41548564 40278483 39678386 39138152 38967859 38577598 38287458 38197395 99999999 27189658 27670013 99999999 29410218 29440222 30150233 30920253 31910182 33509955 34369717 35519570 37009361 37089308 37309218 37989184 38549222 38979304 40089388 41039424 42299548 42569676 41859900 40590084 39240207 36820282 35250428 34080625 31140825 99999999 31151207 36091230 39311217 41141150 42291114 43201114 43841153 43611434 44011543 44601587 44831637 44681715 43891994 42702119 41792149 40872221 40602311 41002364 41902390 43902299 46042216 47052177 49252168 99999999 49521627 48531721 48201805 47601952 46272019 45172061 44922023 45241957 47141546 47691403 48150913 48170694 47720540 47040414 46700138 47069866 47909633 49509430 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 SW MTW LAF 10 S HUF 45 E SLO 25 WNW SLO 35 NNW ALN 15 NNW BRL 25 NNW ALO 10 NNW FRM 25 NW YKN 30 NW MHN 20 E AIA 40 E CYS 20 NNE CYS 30 SSE DGW 40 N DGW SHR 50 NE COD BIL 65 WSW MLS 40 E 4BQ 15 E RAP 25 NNW HON STC 10 NNW MSP 35 WSW EAU 20 ESE EAU 30 W AUW 20 SW RHI 15 SW MTW. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 SE ISP 20 WSW BDR POU 30 WSW PSF 20 WNW ORH 50 ESE PSM. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 N GRB 25 N MTW 40 SE MTW 45 SE IND 35 ENE OWB 35 ENE OWB 35 NNE PAH 30 NNE PAH 30 NNE PAH 10 SSE MDH 10 NNW FAM 45 NW FAM 40 ENE JEF 30 ENE COU 30 ENE COU 30 NE COU 25 ENE OXV 40 NNE DSM 35 SE FOD 30 NE SUX 35 E YKN 35 S ANW 40 ESE MHN 30 NNW IML 30 NW IML 30 NW IML 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 45 WNW AKO 15 E FCL 30 S LAR 25 SSE CPR 15 NNW CPR 50 ESE WRL 25 NE WRL 25 N WRL 45 NW COD 25 NNW WEY 25 SSE BTM 20 SE BTM 20 SE BTM 20 SE BTM HLN HLN 10 NE HLN 45 SSE GTF 30 WNW LWT 25 WNW LWT 25 WNW LWT 55 SSE Y22 50 E MBG 40 NNE BRD 50 SSE DLH 65 NW EAU 25 NW EAU 50 W RHI 35 WNW RHI RHI 45 SW IMT 35 N GRB. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 70 ESE NEL 35 NE ABE 25 SW BGM 20 NNW ITH 10 ESE ART 55 NW MSS ...CONT... 110 NE CMX 50 ENE ESC 30 NE MKG 35 ESE SBN 30 E MIE 25 SE DAY 15 SSW PKB 45 SW MRB 30 WNW SBY 50 E SBY 85 ENE WAL ...CONT... 70 SE CRP 40 WNW LRD ...CONT... 45 S 6R6 40 S 6R6 10 NW 6R6 25 E FST 25 E MAF 70 WSW SPS 10 WNW ADM 20 WSW MKO 20 ENE UMN 20 ESE SGF 30 S TBN 10 SSW VIH JEF 30 ENE SZL 25 NW CDJ 35 NNW LWD 20 NNW DNS 20 WNW SUX 10 ENE BUB 30 NNW MCK 10 E ITR 30 NE CAO 40 W TCC 35 W 4CR 85 ESE DUG ...CONT... 95 SW TUS 15 NW GCN 20 ESE U24 25 WSW EVW 55 WSW BPI 35 SW JAC 35 NE IDA 10 NNW SUN 50 NE BOI 20 SSE MYL 15 WSW MYL 35 ESE BKE 55 WNW BNO 45 NE LMT 30 SSE LMT 30 S MHS 55 ESE EKA 25 E ACV 20 ENE CEC 20 SE EUG 40 NNE PDX 35 SE SEA 50 NE BLI ...CONT... 125 NW GPI 65 NNE GEG 45 NNW GEG 20 N EPH 25 SE YKM 40 SE DLS 65 NE RDM 50 SW PDT 30 S 3TH 45 SSE GPI 40 SE HVR 15 WSW GGW 30 SSE OLF 30 ESE GDV 30 W BIS 10 N JMS 15 SSW TVF 60 NE RRT.  633 WSZA21 FAOR 301312 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2850 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E02144 - S3858 E02411 - S3952 E02216 - S3656 E01202 - S3453 E01023 - S3352 E01026 - S3315 E01235 - S2852 E01331 TOP FL320=  634 WSZA21 FAOR 301311 FAJA SIGMET D01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2850 E01502 - S3030 E01640 - S3030 E01500 - S2850 E01500 TOP FL320=  635 WSZA21 FAOR 301310 FACA SIGMET D01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3030 E01500 - S3030 E01640 - S3113 E01723 - S3446 E01858 - S3700 E02144 - S3700 E01500 TOP FL320=  352 WSIN90 VABB 301130 VABF SIGMET 01 VALID 301200/301600 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 301130Z WI AREA N2500 E07400 - N2200 E07450 - N2250 E07600 - N2500 E07550 - N2500 E07400 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  809 WSZA21 FAOR 301314 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2747 E01251 - S2852 E01332 - S3314 E01234 - S3352 E01027 - S2752 E00818 - S2747 E01251 TOP FL280=  810 WSZA21 FAOR 301316 FAJO SIGMET H01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4124 W01000 - S4239 W00408 - S4508 W00328 - S4402 W01000 TOP FL300=  811 WSZA21 FAOR 301317 FAJO SIGMET I01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3858 E02410 - S4127 E02407 - S4610 E01914 - S4420 E01736 - S3952 E02219 FL220/260=  812 WSZA21 FAOR 301315 FAJO SIGMET G01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4004 E04854 - S4405 E05407 - S4559 E04810 - S4053 E04406 TOP FL300=  329 WSCH31 SCIP 301315 SCIZ SIGMET 06 VALID 301430/301830 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3900 W12700 - S5500 W12000 - S5500 W10800 - S3900 W12300 FL420 MOV E NC=  330 WSMX31 MMMX 301315 MMEX SIGMET E1 VALID 301313/301713 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1313Z WI N1016 W10350-N0635 W11516-N1028 W11606-N1238 W11117-N1213 W10640 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  613 WANO34 ENMI 301315 ENBD AIRMET C03 VALID 301315/301715 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6500 E00605 - N6500 E01415 - N6400 E01410 - N6200 E01215 - N6200 E00500 FL070/210 MOV NE 25KT NC=  860 WSCI39 ZWWW 301313 ZWUQ SIGMET 3 VALID 301313/301713 ZWWW- ZWUQ URUMQI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3946 E07544 - N3949 E07751 - N3835 E07814 - N3739 E07634 TOP FL330 MOV E 25KMH NC=  652 WWUS83 KMPX 301316 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 816 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060>063-070-WIZ014-023-024-301430- Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington-Dakota-Polk-St. Croix-Pierce- Including the cities of Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Hastings, Osceola, Hudson, River Falls, and Prescott 816 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Strong gusty winds will affect the Twin Cities metro area and extreme west central Wisconsin for the next hour. Strong gusty winds of up to 50 miles per hour are being observed within the Twin Cities metro area. These winds are associated with an area of thunderstorms. Be careful of flying debris and falling tree branches. $$ CTG  764 WWUS63 KMPX 301317 WCNMPX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 817 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC003-019-053-123-163-171-WIC017-033-109-301430- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 6 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA WRIGHT IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA ANOKA CARVER HENNEPIN RAMSEY WASHINGTON IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN CHIPPEWA DUNN ST. CROIX THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLAINE, CHASKA, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HUDSON, MENOMONIE, MINNEAPOLIS, MONTICELLO, ST PAUL, AND STILLWATER. $$ MNC037-047-049-079-131-139-147-161-WIC035-091-093-301800- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 8 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA DAKOTA SCOTT IN SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA FREEBORN LE SUEUR RICE STEELE WASECA IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA GOODHUE IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN EAU CLAIRE PEPIN PIERCE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBERT LEA, DURAND, EAU CLAIRE, FARIBAULT, HASTINGS, LE SUEUR, OWATONNA, RED WING, RIVER FALLS, SHAKOPEE, AND WASECA. $$  204 WWUS84 KSJT 301317 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 817 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ168-169-301400- Menard TX-Kimble TX- 817 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR KIMBLE AND SOUTHERN MENARD COUNTIES UNTIL 900 AM CDT... At 815 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Menard, moving southwest at 25 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Roosevelt around 900 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include The Intersection Of Us-83 And Ranch Road 1773, Cleo, Us-83 Near The Kimble- Menard County Line, Camp Sol Mayer, The Intersection Of Us- 83 And Highway 29, I-10 Near The Kimble- Kerr County Line, The Intersection Of I-10 And Us 290, Us- 377 Near The Kimble-Edwards County Line and Us-83 Near The Kerr- Kimble County Line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3050 10012 3095 10007 3093 9961 3058 9948 3050 9948 3050 9945 3029 9937 3029 10011 TIME...MOT...LOC 1315Z 035DEG 20KT 3078 9984 $$  746 WGUS84 KTSA 301317 FLSTSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Tulsa OK 817 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oklahoma... Arkansas River near Muskogee affecting Muskogee County. OKC101-302116- /O.EXT.KTSA.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190703T0600Z/ /MKGO2.2.ER.190617T0951Z.190625T0300Z.190703T0000Z.NO/ 817 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River near Muskogee. * until late Tuesday night, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Sunday, the stage was 27.98 feet. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The Arkansas River near Muskogee is expected to fluctuate near flood stage thru Tuesday, then begin to slowly fall below flood stage by Tuesday night or Wednesday. * Impact...At 28.0 feet, minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3583 9520 3552 9507 3547 9515 3559 9532 3583 9537 $$ Lacy  871 WSCI35 ZJHK 301317 ZJSA SIGMET 5 VALID 301325/301725 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF E10824 AND N OF N1903 AND W OF E11027 TOP FL300 STNR WKN=  703 WSMX31 MMMX 301318 MMEX SIGMET R1 VALID 301317/301717 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1317Z WI N2115 W09630-N2234 W09445-N2253 W09531-N2141 W09713 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  704 WSZA21 FAOR 301318 FAJO SIGMET J01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4256 E04539 - S4503 E04725 - S4803 E03646 - S4850 E02817 - S4609 E02505 - S4543 E03413 FL220/300=  705 WSZA21 FAOR 301320 FAJO SIGMET L01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3352 E01025 - S3455 E01024 - S3659 E01202 - S3728 E01347 - S4207 E01407 - S4339 E01206 - S3556 E00815 FL250/320=  706 WSZA21 FAOR 301319 FAJO SIGMET K01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4815 E03435 - S4929 E03709 - S5050 E04231 - S5230 E04411 - S5045 E03436 - S4833 E03115 FL220/260=  707 WSZA21 FAOR 301321 FAJO SIGMET M01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4320 E03905 - S4401 E04116 - S4543 E03415 - S4427 E03127 - S4320 E03905 FL250/320=  798 WWUS83 KFGF 301319 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 819 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ031-032-301415- Wadena-East Otter Tail- 819 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN WADENA AND SOUTHEASTERN OTTER TAIL COUNTIES... At 819 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Deer Creek, or 35 miles east of Fergus Falls, moving east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wadena, Verndale, Staples Airport, Deer Creek, Almora, Aldrich and Wrightstown. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4638 9473 4637 9473 4637 9515 4623 9515 4621 9540 4639 9545 4651 9478 4639 9478 4640 9476 4638 9475 TIME...MOT...LOC 1319Z 260DEG 22KT 4632 9532 $$ Hopkins  108 WWUS53 KDLH 301319 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 819 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-021-061-301400- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1400Z/ Itasca MN-Aitkin MN-Cass MN- 819 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 AM CDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA...NORTHWESTERN AITKIN AND EASTERN CASS COUNTIES... At 819 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles east of Remer, or 16 miles southwest of Grand Rapids, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hill City, Remer, Swatara, Haypoint, and Split Hand Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flood waters. && LAT...LON 4698 9392 4712 9387 4717 9346 4683 9351 TIME...MOT...LOC 1319Z 272DEG 26KT 4706 9376 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Melde  759 WWAK71 PAFC 301321 NPWAER URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 521 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 AKZ121-125-301430- /O.EXP.PAFC.SM.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190630T1300Z/ Western Kenai Peninsula-Western Prince William Sound- Including the cities of Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, Cooper Landing, Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, and Moose Pass 521 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...DENSE SMOKE ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED FOR THE INTERIOR KENAI PENINSULA... The bulk of smoke from the Swan Lake Fire is now heading northward toward Anchorage. Visibility has improved across the interior and southern Kenai Peninsula. Winds are expected to shift again overnight tonight into Monday morning, with smoke once again heading south across the Sterling Highway corridor. Thus, conditions will likely deteriorate once again. $$ AKZ101-010230- /O.CON.PAFC.SM.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0600Z/ Anchorage- Including the cities of Anchorage, Eagle River, Indian, and Eklutna 521 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...DENSE SMOKE ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM AKDT THIS EVENING... * SMOKE...Dense smoke from the Swan Lake fire will drift north over the area today. Visibilities will drop to one mile or less at times. * TIMING...Expect conditions to deteriorate during the morning hours, then gradually improve late this afternoon through this evening. * IMPACTS...Travel may be difficult due to low visibility. Persons with respiratory problems may have difficulty breathing when outside. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A dense smoke advisory means widespread fires will create smoke, limiting visibilities. If driving, Slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. && $$  770 WSZA21 FAOR 301323 FACA SIGMET E01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01739 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3127 E02913 - S3320 E02637 - S3419 E01932=  672 WSZA21 FAOR 301324 FAJA SIGMET E01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2730 E01611 - S2730 E01859 - S3021 E02117 - S3110 E02355 - S2928 E02848 - S3040 E03018 - S3127 E02913 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01739=  673 WSZA21 FAOR 301322 FAJO SIGMET N01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3730 E01345 - S3835 E01738 - S4206 E02000 - S4327 E01830 - S4023 E01358 FL290/310=  234 WSBZ31 SBCW 301321 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 301330/301630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2500 W05435 - S2935 W04612 - S3355 W05027 - S3238 W05307 - S2913 W05643 - S2714 W05406 - S2539 W05358 - S2541 W05441 - S2500 W05435 T OP FL410 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  492 WSIN31 VABB 301130 VABF SIGMET 01 VALID 301200/301600 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 301130Z WI AREA N2500 E07400 - N2200 E07450 - N2250 E07600 - N2500 E07550 - N2500 E07400 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  302 WSAL31 DAAA 301317 DAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 301400/301800 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3407 E00008 - N3445 E00420 - N3305 E00312 - N3305 W00010 - N3407 E00008 TOP FL350 STNR NC=  352 WOUS64 KWNS 301323 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 823 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC037-039-045-047-049-055-079-099-109-131-139-147-157-161-169- 301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE SCOTT STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA $$ WIC011-019-035-053-063-081-091-093-099-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUFFALO CLARK EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE PRICE TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  906 WSZA21 FAOR 301325 FACA SIGMET E02 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET E01 301400/301800=  907 WSZA21 FAOR 301326 FAJA SIGMET E02 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET E01 301400/301800=  420 WSBZ01 SBBR 301300 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 300930/301330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2457 W05427 - S2532 W05301 - S2825 W05142 - S3034 W04659 - S3233 W04855 - S2957 W05721 - S2805 W05532 - S2701 W05344 - S2540 W05346 - S2538 W05440 - S2457 W05427 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 08KT INTSF=  421 WSBZ01 SBBR 301300 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0038 W06355 - S0016 W05952 -S0144 W06036 - S0116 W06409 - N0038 W06355 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  422 WSBZ01 SBBR 301300 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 301330/301630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2500 W05435 - S2935 W04612 - S3355 W05027 - S3238 W05307 - S2913 W05643 - S2714 W05406 - S2539 W05358 - S2541 W05441 - S2500 W05435 TOP FL410 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  423 WSBZ01 SBBR 301300 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0056 W06211 - N0238 W06055 - N0112 W05852 - N0041 W06005 - N0056 W06211 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  424 WSBZ01 SBBR 301300 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 301230/301630 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0104 W06924 - S0150 W06718 - S0454 W06804 - S0408 W07003 - S0104 W06924 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  968 WWUS53 KDLH 301326 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 826 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-301334- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1400Z/ Cass MN- 826 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN CASS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4711 9378 4717 9346 4683 9351 4697 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1324Z 266DEG 33KT 4707 9365 $$ MNC001-061-301400- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1400Z/ Itasca MN-Aitkin MN- 826 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 AM CDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA AND NORTHWESTERN AITKIN COUNTIES... At 824 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hill City, or 12 miles southwest of Grand Rapids, moving east at 40 mph. A trained spotter reported ping pong ball sized hail with this storm in Remer. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hill City, Haypoint, and Split Hand Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flood waters. && LAT...LON 4711 9378 4717 9346 4683 9351 4697 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1324Z 266DEG 33KT 4707 9365 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Melde  220 WSCI35 ZGGG 301317 ZGZU SIGMET 6 VALID 301330/301730 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2536 E11515 - N2128 E11342 - N2052 E11222 - N2157 E10910 - N2703 E11036 - N2619 E11425 - N2536 E11515 TOP FL490 MOV W 25KMH NC=  346 WSRA31 RUYK 301326 UEEE SIGMET 8 VALID 301400/301700 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N7228 E11239 - N7201 E13021 - N6637 E13325 - N6050 E13954 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  111 WABZ23 SBAZ 301327 SBAZ AIRMET 5 VALID 301320/301520 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 10 00 RA FCST Z WI N0253 W06046 - N0256 W06039 - N0249 W06035 - N0245 W060 43 - N0253 W06046 STNR NC=  145 WSAU21 AMHF 301328 YMMM SIGMET V03 VALID 301400/301800 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4030 E14900 - S4300 E14830 - S4400 E14800 - YMSY - LRP - YSAC - S4030 E14430 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  534 WSPS21 NZKL 301323 NZZO SIGMET 10 VALID 301329/301729 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0710 W17150 - S0800 W16030 - S1500 W15920 - S1400 W17120 - S0710 W17150 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  846 WSPS21 NZKL 301324 NZZO SIGMET 11 VALID 301329/301343 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 8 300943/301343=  051 WHHW70 PHFO 301330 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 330 AM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 PHZ121-123-124-010400- /O.CON.PHFO.SC.Y.0029.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ Alenuihaha Channel-Big Island Leeward Waters- Big Island Southeast Waters- 330 AM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING... * Winds and Seas...East winds 20 kt. Seas 7 to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory indicates conditions are expected to be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these hazardous conditions. && $$  219 WGUS84 KTSA 301330 FLSTSA Flood Advisory National Weather Service Tulsa OK 830 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam affecting Franklin...Johnson and Logan Counties ARC047-071-083-302131- /O.CON.KTSA.FL.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OZGA4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 830 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam * until further notice, or until the advisory is cancelled. * At 8:00 AM Sunday, the stage was 356.4 feet. * Action stage is 355.5 feet. * Flood stage is 357.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fluctuate near 356.5 feet thru Wednesday, then begin to slowly fall to near 356 feet by Thursday night or Friday. * Impact...At 357.0 feet, flooding affects agricultural use lands along the river downstream of the lock and dam in Franklin County. Gas fields are also subject to flooding downstream. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. North 5th Street in Logan County near the Six Mile Levee begins to flood and may cut off access to a nearby residence. * Impact...At 355.5 feet, the river remains in its banks, but access to Okane Island may be cut off. && LAT...LON 3546 9405 3550 9382 3542 9347 3536 9349 3531 9371 3540 9385 $$ Lacy  442 WHHW40 PHFO 301330 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 330 AM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR SOUTH FACING SHORES... .An energetic south-southwest swell will bring advisory level surf to south facing shores of all islands through Monday. The surf will peak today into tonight, then gradually lower through Monday. HIZ001>003-005-006-013-014-016-018>021-023>025-010400- /O.CON.PHFO.SU.Y.0031.000000T0000Z-190702T0400Z/ Niihau-Kauai Windward-Kauai Leeward-Oahu South Shore- Waianae Coast-Molokai Leeward-Lanai Makai-Kahoolawe- Maui Leeward West-Maui Central Valley-Windward Haleakala- Leeward Haleakala-Kona-South Big Island-Big Island North and East- 330 AM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST MONDAY... * SURF...7 to 10 feet with occasionally higher sets today, lowering to 5 to 8 feet Monday, along south facing shores of all islands. * TIMING...Through 6 PM HST Monday. * IMPACTS...Moderate...Expect strong breaking waves, shore break, and strong longshore and rip currents making swimming difficult and dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Beachgoers, swimmers, and surfers should heed all advice given by ocean safety officials and exercise caution. Boaters should expect recreational surfers and body boarders utilizing harbor channels to access surfing areas. && $$  928 WWUS83 KGRB 301332 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 832 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ018-030-035-036-301430- Wood WI-Marathon WI-Portage WI-Lincoln WI- 832 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS TO AFFECT WOOD...PORTAGE... SOUTHWESTERN LINCOLN AND MARATHON COUNTIES THROUGH 930 AM CDT... At 830 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 11 miles west of Council Grounds State Park to near Spencer to near Humbird. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Half inch hail, torrential rainfall and wind gusts to 40 to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Wausau, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Marshfield, Weston, Rib Mountain, Mosinee, Spencer, Whiting and Bevent. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized urban flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Green Bay. && LAT...LON 4477 9032 4512 9006 4512 9005 4526 8996 4467 8925 4424 8956 4425 9032 TIME...MOT...LOC 1330Z 324DEG 36KT 4514 8995 4472 9027 4452 9081 $$ Kieckbusch  085 WABZ23 SBAZ 301332 SBAZ AIRMET 6 VALID 301330/301530 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 04 00/1000FT FCST WI S0006 W06704 - S0004 W06656 - S0012 W06654 - S0014 W06702 - S0006 W06704 STNR NC=  387 WWUS83 KDLH 301333 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 833 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ025-033-034-301400- Crow Wing-North Cass-South Cass- 833 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN CASS AND NORTHERN CROW WING COUNTIES... At 832 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was near Poplar, or 29 miles northwest of Brainerd, moving east at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and nickel size hail can be expected with this storm. This storm will be near... Pine River around 850 AM CDT. Breezy Point and Pequot Lakes around 855 AM CDT. Crosslake and Fifty Lakes around 900 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Jenkins, Swanburg, Lake Roosevelt, Lower Whitefish Lake, Lower Hay Lake, Chickamaw Beach, Mission, Big Trout Lake, Manhattan Beach and Upper Mission Lake. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4653 9474 4671 9478 4691 9404 4675 9390 4656 9393 TIME...MOT...LOC 1332Z 258DEG 44KT 4665 9463 $$ Wolfe  979 WGUS84 KFWD 301334 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 834 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Elm Fork Trinity River Near Carrollton Affecting Dallas County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC113-010133- /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0162.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CART2.1.ER.190621T0015Z.190624T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 834 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Elm Fork Trinity River Near Carrollton. * At 815 AM Sunday the stage was 8.23 feet. * Flood stage is 8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue near 8 feet for the next few days. * At 8 feet, Minor flooding will occur upstream from the gage, near the city golf course. && LAT...LON 3300 9688 3287 9687 3287 9699 3300 9700 $$ TXC213-349-010133- /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0174.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TDDT2.1.ER.190625T1818Z.190628T1130Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 834 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River At Trinidad. * At 0800 AM Sunday the stage was 33.78 feet. * Flood stage is 33 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain near 34 feet for the next few days. * At 33 feet, Minor flooding will occur along the right bank of river. Low woodlands for one mile along right bank will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3223 9613 3207 9600 3206 9613 3219 9626 $$  068 WWUS83 KARX 301335 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 835 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ079-086>088-WIZ029-032>034-041>044-301430- Wabasha-Olmsted-Dodge-Winona-Buffalo-Juneau-Jackson-Trempealeau-La Crosse-Adams-Clark-Monroe- 835 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT AREAS NORTH OF INTERSTATE 90... At 831 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Council Grounds State Park to near Spencer to 6 miles south of Strum to near Stanton. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Wind gusts 35 to 50 mph are possible 30 to 60 minutes ahead of the line of storms. These storms will be near... Whitehall around 840 AM CDT. Blair around 850 AM CDT. Mazeppa around 905 AM CDT. Oronoco around 910 AM CDT. Cataract around 915 AM CDT. Millston around 920 AM CDT. Plainview and Elgin around 925 AM CDT. Eyota and Dover around 930 AM CDT. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4391 9304 4420 9305 4419 9255 4437 9255 4437 9243 4445 9243 4441 9208 4460 9200 4460 9092 4477 9092 4480 9049 4494 9032 4425 9032 4425 8960 4409 8960 TIME...MOT...LOC 1331Z 308DEG 43KT 4517 8973 4469 9030 4447 9136 4449 9296 $$ JSB  166 WWUS53 KFGF 301335 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 835 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC111-159-301344- /O.CAN.KFGF.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T1345Z/ Wadena MN-Otter Tail MN- 835 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WADENA AND NORTHEASTERN OTTER TAIL COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4640 9520 4660 9533 4669 9522 4681 9483 4680 9479 4664 9479 4663 9478 4651 9478 TIME...MOT...LOC 1333Z 248DEG 43KT 4673 9449 $$ Hopkins  537 WWUS83 KMPX 301336 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 836 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ066>069-075>077-301445- McLeod-Sibley-Carver-Scott-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice- Including the cities of Hutchinson, Gaylord, Chaska, Shakopee, St Peter, Le Sueur, and Faribault 836 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Strong gusty winds will affect the Twin Cities metro area and extreme west central Wisconsin for the next hour. Strong gusty winds of up to 50 miles per hour are being observed within the Twin Cities metro area. These winds are associated with an area of thunderstorms. Be careful of flying debris and falling tree branches. $$ CTG  139 WGUS83 KSGF 301336 FLSSGF Flood Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 836 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Missouri... Sac River near Caplinger Mills affecting Cedar County Osage River near Schell City affecting Bates and Vernon Counties Osage River AT Taberville affecting St. Clair County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio for updates or local media for updates. Additional river information can be found on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service page at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/ index.php?wfo=sgf && MOC013-217-010435- /O.CON.KSGF.FL.W.0047.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SCZM7.2.ER.190521T0634Z.190529T1945Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 836 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...For the Osage River near Schell City... * At 7:45 AM Sunday The stage was 36.3 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to fall to a stage of 35.6 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...Moderate flooding occurs around the Schell-Osage Conservation area. && FLOOD OBSERVED FORECAST 7 AM LOCATION STAGE STAGE DAY TIME Mon Tue Wed Osage River Basin Schell City 30 36.3 Sun 08 AM 35.6 34.3 33.6 && LAT...LON 3807 9415 3806 9406 3799 9406 3803 9416 $$ MOC185-010435- /O.CON.KSGF.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TBVM7.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190616T1330Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 836 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...For the Osage River AT Taberville... * At 7:45 AM Sunday The stage was 38.3 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river has crested and will continue to fall to a stage of 37.7 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 37.0 feet...Highway BB east of Taberville between Routes NW 771 and SW 701 floods. && FLOOD OBSERVED FORECAST 7 AM LOCATION STAGE STAGE DAY TIME Mon Tue Wed Osage River Basin Taberville 23 38.3 Sun 08 AM 37.7 36.8 36.3 && LAT...LON 3805 9406 3802 9379 3796 9379 3799 9406 $$ MOC039-010435- /O.EXT.KSGF.FL.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190706T0600Z/ /CMZM7.1.ER.190627T0950Z.190627T1345Z.190705T0600Z.NO/ 836 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...For the Sac River near Caplinger Mills... * At 7:45 AM Sunday The stage was 15.4 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to near flood stage around midnight. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Minor Flooding occurs at the gage site. The campground at Caplinger Mills floods. && FLOOD OBSERVED FORECAST 7 AM LOCATION STAGE STAGE DAY TIME Mon Tue Wed Sac River Basin Caplinger Mills 16 15.4 Sun 08 AM 15.8 15.8 15.8 && LAT...LON 3783 9384 3783 9381 3770 9372 3769 9377 $$  774 WOIN20 VEPT 301330 FROM: FORECAST PATNA TO: FLOOD FORECASTING WARNING CENTRE, DHAKA (E-MAIL ID:FFWC05@YAHOO.COM & FFWCBWDB@GMAIL.COM) MEMBER, JRC (E-MAIL ID: JRCB@QUBEEMAIL.COM.BD) COMMISSIONER (GANGA) MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, NEW DELHI (E-MAIL ID: MOWR@NIC.IN) SENIOR JOINT COMMISSIONER-I(GANGA) MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, NEW DELHI (E-MAIL ID: MOWR@NIC.IN) DIRECTOR, METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, PATNA (E-MAIL ID: PATNAMC@GMAIL.COM)=  134 WABZ23 SBAZ 301338 SBAZ AIRMET 7 VALID 301335/301535 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 06 00/1000FT FCST WI S0414 W07000 - S0411 W06954 - S0416 W06951 - S0418 W06957 - S0414 W07000 STNR NC=  943 WSAG31 SACO 301344 SACF SIGMET 2 VALID 301344/301744 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1344Z WI S2827 W06945 - S2707 W06846 - S2700 W06820 - S2633 W06840 - S2517 W06834 - S2506 W06823 - S2451 W06840 - S2407 W06724 - S2307 W06702 - S2244 W06712 - S2149 W06612 - S2212 W06549 - S2443 W06628 - S2949 W06827 - S2827 W06945 FL100/230 STNR NC=  679 WSAG31 SACO 301344 SACF SIGMET 2 VALID 301344/301744 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1344Z WI S2827 W06945 - S2707 W06846 - S2700 W06820 - S2633 W06840 - S2517 W06834 - S2506 W06823 - S2451 W06840 - S2407 W06724 - S2307 W06702 - S2244 W06712 - S2149 W06612 - S2212 W06549 - S2443 W06628 - S2949 W06827 - S2827 W06945 FL100/230 STNR NC=  721 WHZS40 NSTU 301340 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 240 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ASZ001>003-010145- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 240 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A High Surf Advisory has replaced a High Surf Warning... * SURF...Surfs have diminished to below warning levels to 10 to 13 feet. However, these large surfs will continue to impact south and east facing shores for all islands of American Samoa. * TIMING...until Tuesday. * IMPACTS...High Surfs and Strong Rip Currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 225 VAVEAO ASO SA IUNI 30 2019 ...Ua suia nei le lapataiga mo Galu Maualuluga i Fautuaga mo Galu Maualuluga... * GALU...O galu maualuluga ua faaitiitia i le 10 i le 13 futu ma o le a aafia ai pea talafatai i saute ma sasa'e o Amerika Samoa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le Aso Lua. * AAFIAGA...O Galu Maualuluga ma aave o le sami. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga, ma o le a malolosi aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga ona o le maualuluga o galu ua iai nei. $$  235 WAEG31 HECA 301400 HECC AIRMET 01 VALID 301500/301800 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3400 E02409 - N3345 E02416 - N3351 E02435 - N3400 E02451 FL280/380 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  740 WGUS81 KRLX 301341 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 941 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC083-301349- /O.EXP.KRLX.FA.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190630T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 941 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 945 AM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN RANDOLPH COUNTY... County officials report that flood waters are receding, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. However, please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3892 7937 3893 7945 3890 7945 3889 7948 3889 7952 3887 7951 3884 7954 3883 7952 3881 7953 3879 7950 3876 7953 3879 7957 3903 7978 3897 7951 3898 7948 3896 7935 $$ HART  317 WSZA21 FAOR 301344 FACA SIGMET A04 VALID 301346/301400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET A03 301000/301400=  318 WSZA21 FAOR 301345 FAJA SIGMET A04 VALID 301346/301400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET A03 301000/301400=  319 WSZA21 FAOR 301340 FACA SIGMET E01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01737 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3051 E02719 - S3212 E02823 - S3344 E02528 - S3358 E02223 - S3434 E01951 - S3356 E01829 - S3155 E01824=  320 WSZA21 FAOR 301347 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 301346/301400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET B01 301000/301400=  321 WSZA21 FAOR 301341 FAJA SIGMET E01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2730 E01543 - S2730 E02006 - S2959 E02318 - S3003 E02641 - S3051 E02719 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01737 - S2854 E01645=  322 WSZA21 FAOR 301346 FACA SIGMET B02 VALID 301346/301400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET B01 301000/301400=  048 WUUS53 KDLH 301342 SVRDLH MNC021-035-301415- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0030.190630T1342Z-190630T1415Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 842 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Cass County in north central Minnesota... Northern Crow Wing County in east central Minnesota... * Until 915 AM CDT. * At 842 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Pine River, or 25 miles northwest of Brainerd, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Breezy Point, Pequot Lakes, Crosslake, Pine River, Emily, Fifty Lakes, Outing, Mission, Jenkins, Chickamaw Beach, Little Pine, Manhattan Beach, Lake Roosevelt, Lower Hay Lake, Washburn Lake, Swanburg, Lower Whitefish Lake, and Big Trout Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4657 9456 4673 9459 4691 9391 4677 9378 4659 9380 TIME...MOT...LOC 1342Z 257DEG 40KT 4667 9447 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  811 WVPR31 SPIM 301341 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 301400/302000 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1300Z WI S1546 W07149 - S1656 W07049 - S1705 W07104 - S1634 W07125 - S1547 W07153 - S1546 W07149 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 1900Z VA CLD WI S1546 W07150 - S1709 W07116 - S1713 W07126 - S1646 W07143 - S1547 W07152 - S1546 W07150=  253 WWUS83 KMPX 301344 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 844 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ015-016-025>028-301445- Barron-Rusk-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa-Eau Claire- Including the cities of Rice Lake, Ladysmith, Menomonie, Durand, Chippewa Falls, and Eau Claire 844 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Strong gusty winds will affect west central Wisconsin for the next hour. Strong gusty winds of up to 50 miles per hour are being observed within west central Wisconsin. These winds are associated with an area of thunderstorms. Be careful of flying debris and falling tree branches. $$ CTG  384 WGUS44 KBRO 301344 FLWBRO BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Brownsville TX 844 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC061-215-489-010130- /O.NEW.KBRO.FA.W.0009.190630T1344Z-190701T0130Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Hidalgo TX-Cameron TX-Willacy TX- 844 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Brownsville has issued a * Flood Warning for... East central Hidalgo County in Deep South Texas... Northwestern Cameron County in Deep South Texas... Southwestern Willacy County in Deep South Texas... * Until 830 PM CDT Sunday. * At 832 AM CDT, emergency management has reported high water near Santa Rosa, with locations along FM 5O6 still inundated with 3 to 4 feet of water. Near Sebastian, inundation of 1 to 2 feet is still occurring. Other locations, especially near the northern floodway are slowly improving, with inundation of around 1 foot of water or less. Texas Department of Transportation continues to report multiple closed roadways within the warned area. * Some locations that are still experiencing flooding include... Santa Rosa, Sebastian, La Villa, Combes, and Santa Monica. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 2623 9788 2629 9794 2649 9792 2649 9779 2639 9780 2639 9755 2635 9755 2623 9771 $$ Hallman  906 WGZS60 NSTU 301345 FFAPPG Flood Watch National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 245 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ASZ001>003-010145- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 245 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flash Flood Watch is Cancelled... The conditions for Flash Flooding have diminished across the region. && Ua faamutaina le Nofo Vaavaaia mo Tafega ma Lologa Ofisa o le Tau Pago Pago AS 244 Vaveao Aso Sa Iuni 30 2019 ...Ua faamutaina le Nofo Vaavaaia mo Tafega ma Lologa... Ua faaitiitia timuga e ono mafua ai lologa ma tafega i luga o le atunu'u. $$  004 WSZA21 FAOR 301358 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01736 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3051 E02719 - S3212 E02823 - S3344 E02528 - S3358 E02223 - S3434 E01951 - S3358 E01837 - S3309 E01814 - S3205 E01826 SFC/FL065=  005 WSZA21 FAOR 301351 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01736 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3051 E02719 - S3212 E02823 - S3344 E02528 - S3358 E02223 - S3434 E01951 - S3358 E01837 - S3309 E01814 - S3205 E01826=  006 WSZA21 FAOR 301359 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2534 E02409 - S3001 E02514 - S3003 E02641 - S3051 E02719 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01736 - S2854 E01645 - S2730 E01543 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 SFC/FL065=  007 WSZA21 FAOR 301357 FAJO SIGMET A04 VALID 301347/301400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET A03 301000/301400=  008 WSZA21 FAOR 301352 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2730 E01543 - S2730 E02006 - S2959 E02318 - S3003 E02641 - S3051 E02719 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01736 - S2854 E01645=  009 WSZA21 FAOR 301355 FACA SIGMET C04 VALID 301347/301400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET C03 301000/301400=  010 WSZA21 FAOR 301356 FAJA SIGMET C02 VALID 301347/301400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET C01 301000/301400=  011 WSZA21 FAOR 301354 FAJA SIGMET E02 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET E01 301400/301800=  012 WSZA21 FAOR 301353 FACA SIGMET E02 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET E01 301400/301800=  905 WWUS83 KDLH 301346 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 846 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ026-035-301415- Northern Aitkin-South Itasca- 846 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ITASCA AND NORTHEASTERN AITKIN COUNTIES... At 846 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was 7 miles west of Jacobson, or 14 miles south of Grand Rapids, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, half inch hail, heavy downpours, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with this storm. Locations impacted include... Swan River, Jacobson, Ball Bluff, Wawina, Split Hand Lake, and Savanna Portage State Park. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until this storm passes. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4712 9351 4712 9307 4711 9306 4685 9310 4696 9353 TIME...MOT...LOC 1346Z 275DEG 30KT 4703 9342 $$ Melde  410 WSRS31 RURD 301346 URRV SIGMET 11 VALID 301400/301600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4336 E03918 - N4655 E04021 - N4717 E04310 - N4321 E04214 - N4336 E03918 TOP FL330 STNR INTSF=  216 WSZA21 FAOR 301400 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01746 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3109 E02455 - S3130 E02523 - S3343 E02526 - S3357 E02223 - S3434 E01954 - S3356 E01835 - S3308 E01813 - S3206 E01826 - S3051 E01747 SFC/FL100=  217 WSZA21 FAOR 301401 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 301400/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2730 E01739 - S2730 E02008 - S3109 E02455 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01746 SFC/FL100=  743 WGUS83 KILX 301349 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 849 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Little Wabash River below Clay City affecting Clay and Richland Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC025-159-010349- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-190701T2200Z/ /CLAI2.1.ER.190617T0803Z.190624T0445Z.190701T1600Z.NO/ 849 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Little Wabash River below Clay City. * Until Monday afternoon. * At 745 AM Sunday the stage was 19.7 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 19.7 feet...Mayflower Road...just north of U.S. Route 50...begins to flood. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Little Wabash River Clay City 18 19.7 Sun 8 AM 18.4 15.7 13.2 && LAT...LON 3878 8846 3871 8829 3860 8820 3860 8832 3867 8838 3870 8846 $$ EJL  491 WOIN20 VEPT 301330 FROM: FORECAST PATNA TO: FLOOD FORECASTING WARNING CENTRE, DHAKA (E-MAIL ID:FFWC05@YAHOO.COM & FFWCBWDB@GMAIL.COM) MEMBER, JRC (E-MAIL ID: JRCB@QUBEEMAIL.COM.BD) COMMISSIONER (GANGA) MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, NEW DELHI (E-MAIL ID: MOWR@NIC.IN) SENIOR JOINT COMMISSIONER-I(GANGA) MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, NEW DELHI (E-MAIL ID: MOWR@NIC.IN) DIRECTOR, METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, PATNA (E-MAIL ID: PATNAMC@GMAIL.COM) FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 109 M.C.PATNA DATED: 30/06/2019 (EVENING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT SAHIBGANJ ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 21.20 TWENTY ONE POINT TWO ZERO 0900 NINE 30.06.2019 21.20 TWENTY ONE POINT TWO ZERO 1200 TWELVE 30.06.2019 21.21 TWENTY ONE POINT TWO ONE 1500 FIFTEEN 30.06.2019 21.22 TWENTY ONE POINT TWO TWO 1800 EIGHTEEN 30.06.2019 TREND-RISING FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 110 M.C.PATNA DATED: 30/06/2019 (EVENING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT FARAKKA ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 15.34 FIFTEEN POINT THREE FOUR 0900 NINE 30.06.2019 15.34 FIFTEEN POINT THREE FOUR 1200 TWELVE 30.06.2019 15.40 FIFTEEN POINT FOUR ZERO 1500 FIFTEEN 30.06.2019 14.52 FIFTEEN POINT FIVE TWO 1800 EIGHTEEN 30.06.2019 TREND -RISING FORECAST LEVEL DISCHARGE ABOVE 50 MM RAINFALL WATER LEVEL DATE HOUR CUMMECS DATE HOUR 0.0 30.06.2019 03:00=  629 WWUS84 KSJT 301351 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 851 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ078-168-169-301430- Menard TX-Kimble TX-Sutton TX- 851 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN KIMBLE... SOUTHWESTERN MENARD AND NORTHEASTERN SUTTON COUNTIES UNTIL 930 AM CDT... At 849 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 12 miles southeast of Fort Mckavett, or 18 miles northwest of Junction, moving southwest at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Roosevelt around 930 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include I-10 Near The Sutton-Kimble County Line and Cleo. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3063 10035 3071 10016 3071 10012 3073 10011 3080 9996 3067 9981 3037 10009 TIME...MOT...LOC 1349Z 046DEG 18KT 3069 9997 $$  596 WWUS53 KDLH 301351 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 851 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-061-301401- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0029.000000T0000Z-190630T1400Z/ Itasca MN-Aitkin MN- 851 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ITASCA AND NORTHWESTERN AITKIN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 900 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, additional storms were forming and warnings may be needed. LAT...LON 4711 9378 4717 9346 4683 9351 4697 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1351Z 271DEG 24KT 4707 9341 $$ Melde  449 WWZS70 NSTU 301352 NPWPPG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 252 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ASZ001>003-010200- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 252 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Wind Advisory Cancelled... THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN PAGO PAGO HAS CANCELLED THE WIND ADVISORY. Wind speeds have dropped below advisory levels. && UA FAAMUTAINA FAUTUAGA MO SAVILI MALOLOSI OFISA O LE TAU PAGO PAGO AS 252 VAVEAO ASO SA IUNI 30 2019 ...UA FAAMUTAINA FAUTUAGA MO SAVILI MALOLOSI... Ua faaitiitia savili malolosi i lalo ifo o fautuaga. $$  498 WWUS83 KFGF 301353 SPSFGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 853 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ040-301415- Grant- 853 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 852 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Barrett, or 31 miles south of Fergus Falls, moving east at 35 mph. Penny size hail is possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hoffman and Barrett. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4591 9610 4595 9577 4593 9577 4593 9576 4576 9576 4576 9608 TIME...MOT...LOC 1352Z 263DEG 32KT 4583 9598 $$ Hopkins  316 WOUS64 KWNS 301353 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 853 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC037-039-045-047-049-055-079-099-109-131-139-147-157-161-169- 301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DAKOTA DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE SCOTT STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA $$ WIC011-019-035-053-063-081-091-093-099-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUFFALO CLARK EAU CLAIRE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PEPIN PIERCE PRICE TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH...  993 WSUS31 KKCI 301355 SIGE MKCE WST 301355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 79E VALID UNTIL 1555Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NW CTY-20SE CTY-10N PIE-40W PIE-60WSW CTY-20NW CTY AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 80E VALID UNTIL 1555Z VA WV OH KY FROM 30W EKN-20ESE EKN-50NW LYH-50ENE LOZ-60SE CVG-30W EKN AREA TS MOV FROM 30020KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 81E VALID UNTIL 1555Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE CEW-90SW TLH-110S CEW-100SSW CEW-40SW CEW-40SE CEW AREA TS MOV FROM 22010KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 301555-301955 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 110SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-30WNW LCH-50WSW AMG-110SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  994 WSUS33 KKCI 301355 SIGW MKCW WST 301355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21W VALID UNTIL 1555Z MT FROM 10SSW GGW-40SSE GGW-40ESE LWT-30ENE LWT-10SSW GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 301555-301955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  995 WSUS32 KKCI 301355 SIGC MKCC WST 301355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 55C VALID UNTIL 1555Z WI MN FROM 50NE MSP-40SE RHI-40W DLL-30SW MSP-50NE MSP AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 56C VALID UNTIL 1555Z TX FROM 40ESE ABI-30NNE SAT-60W SAT-10SSW SJT-40ESE ABI AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 57C VALID UNTIL 1555Z TX CSTL WTRS FROM 60E PSX-100ESE PSX-60ESE CRP-40SSW PSX-60E PSX AREA TS MOV FROM 28015KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 58C VALID UNTIL 1555Z TX AND LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW LCH-30SSW LCH-100SSW LCH-70SE IAH-50WSW LCH AREA TS MOV FROM 23010KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 59C VALID UNTIL 1555Z WI MN SD ND FROM 50NW DLH-30S DLH-70E ABR-40S FAR-50NW DLH AREA TS MOV FROM 26025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 301555-301955 AREA 1...FROM 30SSW YQT-40WNW ORD-MCW-70S FAR-70NNE DLH-30SSW YQT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40NE ACT-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-90SSE PSX-40SE DLF-30NE SJT-40NE ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  367 WUUS53 KDLH 301357 SVRDLH MNC001-021-301445- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0031.190630T1357Z-190630T1445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 857 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Aitkin County in east central Minnesota... East central Cass County in north central Minnesota... * Until 945 AM CDT. * At 856 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Swatara, or 23 miles northwest of Big Sandy Lake, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Big Sandy Lake, Hill City, Libby, Swatara, Jacobson, Ball Bluff, Haypoint, White Elk Lake, and Savanna Portage State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. This storm is producing large hail. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! && LAT...LON 4698 9390 4703 9319 4688 9314 4674 9320 4683 9384 TIME...MOT...LOC 1356Z 271DEG 33KT 4689 9374 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  598 WSAG SAVC 301400 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 301400/301800 SAVC COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5200 W06200-S5200 W06800-S4500 W07130-S4200 W07200-S4100 W07000-S4600 W06300-S5200 W06200 STNR NC=  571 WSAU21 AMMC 301358 YMMM SIGMET S07 VALID 301435/301835 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E16300 - S5000 E15940 - S4240 E15920 - S4500 E16300 FL120/360 MOV E 30KT NC=  957 WUUS53 KFGF 301358 SVRFGF MNC051-301430- /O.NEW.KFGF.SV.W.0077.190630T1358Z-190630T1430Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 858 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Grand Forks has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Grant County in west central Minnesota... * Until 930 AM CDT. * At 858 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Barrett, or 32 miles south of Fergus Falls, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Barrett around 905 AM CDT. Hoffman around 910 AM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4590 9606 4594 9577 4593 9576 4576 9576 4576 9603 TIME...MOT...LOC 1358Z 264DEG 28KT 4582 9594 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Hopkins  995 WSAU21 AMMC 301358 YBBB SIGMET D07 VALID 301435/301835 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E16300 - S5000 E15940 - S4240 E15920 - S4500 E16300 FL120/360 MOV E 30KT NC=  004 WWUS53 KDLH 301359 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 859 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-035-301415- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190630T1415Z/ Cass MN-Crow Wing MN- 859 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 AM CDT FOR CENTRAL CASS AND NORTHERN CROW WING COUNTIES... At 859 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Crosslake, or 24 miles north of Brainerd, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Breezy Point, Pequot Lakes, Crosslake, Pine River, Emily, Fifty Lakes, Outing, Mission, Jenkins, Chickamaw Beach, Little Pine, Manhattan Beach, Lake Roosevelt, Lower Hay Lake, Washburn Lake, Swanburg, Lower Whitefish Lake, and Big Trout Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4657 9439 4676 9446 4691 9391 4677 9378 4659 9380 TIME...MOT...LOC 1359Z 257DEG 40KT 4671 9420 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  695 WWUS81 KRNK 301401 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 1001 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVZ043-044-507-508-301445- Western Greenbrier-Summers-Eastern Greenbrier-Monroe- 1001 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT Northern Summers County... Until 1045 AM EDT. At 1000 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Elton, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lewisburg... Hinton... Ronceverte... Alderson... and Sandstone. This includes The following Location The West Virginia State Fairgrounds. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3778 8038 3749 8065 3767 8090 3769 8088 3770 8090 3768 8090 3771 8095 3771 8090 3772 8089 3775 8092 3777 8089 3782 8094 3787 8081 3787 8075 3792 8079 TIME...MOT...LOC 1400Z 299DEG 18KT 3782 8079 $$ AS  412 WSRS32 RUAA 301400 UUYY SIGMET 2 VALID 301500/301800 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N6400 FL250/380 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  054 WWUS63 KMPX 301402 WCNMPX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 902 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC037-139-WIC035-091-093-301515- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 2 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL MINNESOTA DAKOTA SCOTT IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN EAU CLAIRE PEPIN PIERCE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF DURAND, EAU CLAIRE, HASTINGS, RIVER FALLS, AND SHAKOPEE. $$ MNC047-049-079-131-147-161-301800- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA FREEBORN LE SUEUR RICE STEELE WASECA IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA GOODHUE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBERT LEA, FARIBAULT, LE SUEUR, OWATONNA, RED WING, AND WASECA. $$  899 WOUS64 KWNS 301403 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 903 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC039-045-047-049-055-079-099-109-131-147-157-161-169-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA $$ WIC011-019-053-063-081-099-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUFFALO CLARK JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PRICE TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...MPX...DLH...  160 WSRS31 RUAA 301402 ULAA SIGMET 2 VALID 301500/301900 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N6915 AND E OF E04706 AND W OF E05807 TOP FL330 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  448 WWUS83 KGRB 301403 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 903 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ030-035>037-045-301500- Waupaca WI-Wood WI-Waushara WI-Marathon WI-Portage WI- 903 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS AFFECTING WOOD...PORTAGE... SOUTHWESTERN MARATHON...WAUSHARA AND WESTERN WAUPACA COUNTIES UNTIL 1000 AM CDT... At 901 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Rib Mountain to 6 miles southeast of Pittsville to near Millston. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph, torrential rainfall and pea size will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Wausau, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Waupaca, Wautoma, Marshfield, Weston, Rib Mountain, Mosinee and Redgranite. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized urban flooding and ponding of water on roads. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Green Bay. && LAT...LON 4467 9032 4509 8992 4444 8881 4398 8910 4398 8960 4425 8960 4425 9032 TIME...MOT...LOC 1401Z 315DEG 41KT 4490 8971 4438 9004 4428 9064 $$ Kieckbusch  503 WGUS71 KPBZ 301403 FFSPBZ Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1003 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-093-301615- /O.CON.KPBZ.FF.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T1615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Tucker WV-Preston WV- 1003 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN GARRETT...TUCKER AND CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES... At 959 AM EDT, radar indicated that rain had ended across the area. However, runoff will continue to cause flooding issues through midday. Road closures remain in effect. The Cheat River at Parsons has crested below flood stage, although Rowlesburg is still expected to exceed flood stage later today. FLASH FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 5 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL... None. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Parsons... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Hendricks... Hambleton... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Stay away or be swept away. River banks and culverts can become unstable and unsafe. Flooding is occurring or imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. && LAT...LON 3898 7947 3897 7950 3904 7978 3925 7973 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3897 7935 $$ CL  999 WWUS83 KMPX 301404 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 904 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ042-043-301430- Morrison-Todd- 904 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL TODD AND NORTHWESTERN MORRISON COUNTIES... At 903 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered 7 miles northeast of Browerville, or 23 miles northwest of Little Falls, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Long Prairie, Browerville, Clarissa, Motley, Randall, Eagle Bend, Cushing and Philbrook. This includes the following highways... U.S. Highway 10 in Minnesota between mile markers 114 and 136. U.S. Highway 71 between mile markers 183 and 206. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4617 9437 4616 9437 4616 9435 4615 9434 4588 9481 4609 9515 4615 9514 4627 9490 4635 9465 TIME...MOT...LOC 1403Z 296DEG 32KT 4617 9478 $$ CTG  624 WWUS83 KARX 301405 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 905 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ079-086>088-WIZ032>034-041>044-301500- Wabasha-Olmsted-Dodge-Winona-Buffalo-Juneau-Jackson-Trempealeau-La Crosse-Adams-Monroe- 905 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT AREAS ALONG AND NORTH OF INTERSTATE 90... At 903 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles northeast of Weston to near Wisconsin Rapids to 6 miles southwest of Black River Falls to Kenyon. Movement was southeast at 50 mph. Wind gusts of 35 to 50 mph are possible with these storms. These winds may be found 30 to 60 minutes ahead of the actual line of storms. These storms will be near... Cataract around 915 AM CDT. Dodge Center and Millston around 920 AM CDT. Mantorville, Kasson and Fort Mc Coy around 925 AM CDT. Byron around 930 AM CDT. Tomah around 935 AM CDT. Rochester around 940 AM CDT. Stewartville around 945 AM CDT. Mauston, Chatfield, New Lisbon and Elroy around 1000 AM CDT. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4372 9003 4374 9125 4385 9129 4383 9269 4385 9277 4420 9305 4419 9255 4430 9255 4429 9103 4442 9032 4425 9032 4425 8960 4381 8960 TIME...MOT...LOC 1403Z 307DEG 43KT 4498 8942 4445 8988 4423 9094 4425 9300 $$ JSB  827 WSCG31 FCBB 301404 FCCC SIGMET H1 VALID 301405/301800 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1345Z N OF LINE S0027 E01741 - N0207 E00636 E OF LINE N0426 E01839 - N0757 E01827 TOP FL470 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  828 WTPN31 PGTW 301500 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 008// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 008 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN NORTHWESTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 301200Z --- NEAR 18.4N 126.6E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 315 DEGREES AT 23 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 060 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER REPEAT POSIT: 18.4N 126.6E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 010000Z --- 19.9N 124.4E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 295 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 011200Z --- 20.9N 122.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER --- REMARKS: 301500Z POSITION NEAR 18.8N 126.1E. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 395 NM NORTHEAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED NORTHWESTWARD AT 23 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY SHOWS A DISORGANIZED SYSTEM WITH A SMALL AREA OF FRAGMENTED CONVECTION SHEARED SOUTHWESTWARD OF A RAGGED, EXPOSED, AND ILL-DEFINED CIRCULATION. A 301201Z DIRECT METOP-A ASCAT PASS INDICATES THE LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION HAS UNRAVELED INTO A BROAD, WEAK CIRCULATION. THE SAME ASCAT IMAGERY AND AGENCY DVORAK ESTIMATES FROM PGTW AND RJTD INDICATE THE TD HAS WEAKENED TO BELOW JTWC WARNING CRITERIA AND IS NOT EXPECTED TO RECOVER AS IT TRACKS NORTHWESTWARD IN THE PHILIPPINE SEA UNDER SUSTAINED HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR. THIS IS THE FINAL WARNING ON THIS SYSTEM BY THE JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI. THE SYSTEM WILL BE CLOSELY MONITORED FOR SIGNS OF REGENERATION. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 301200Z IS 9 FEET.// NNNN  122 WSCG31 FCBB 301405 FCCC SIGMET E5 VALID 301405/301500 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET E4 301200/301500=  123 WWUS53 KDLH 301406 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 906 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-301415- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T1445Z/ Cass MN- 906 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CASS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4703 9321 4703 9319 4688 9314 4674 9320 4684 9376 4688 9378 4696 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1405Z 271DEG 33KT 4689 9361 $$ MNC001-301445- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T1445Z/ Aitkin MN- 906 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 AM CDT FOR NORTHERN AITKIN COUNTY... At 905 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Swatara, or 17 miles northwest of Big Sandy Lake, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Big Sandy Lake, Hill City, Libby, Swatara, Jacobson, Ball Bluff, Haypoint, and Savanna Portage State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. This storm is producing large hail. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4703 9321 4703 9319 4688 9314 4674 9320 4684 9376 4688 9378 4696 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1405Z 271DEG 33KT 4689 9361 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Wolfe  881 WTPN51 PGTW 301500 WARNING ATCG MIL 04W NWP 190630134537 2019063012 04W FOUR 008 01 315 23 SATL 060 T000 184N 1266E 020 T012 199N 1244E 020 T024 209N 1222E 020 AMP 000HR DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER 012HR DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER 024HR DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER SUBJ: TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 008 1. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR) WARNING NR 008 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONE IN NORTHWESTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 301200Z --- NEAR 18.4N 126.6E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 315 DEGREES AT 23 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 060 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER REPEAT POSIT: 18.4N 126.6E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 010000Z --- 19.9N 124.4E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATING AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 295 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 011200Z --- 20.9N 122.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 020 KT, GUSTS 030 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY DISSIPATED AS A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE OVER WATER --- REMARKS: 301500Z POSITION NEAR 18.8N 126.1E. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 04W (FOUR), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 395 NM NORTHEAST OF MANILA, PHILIPPINES, HAS TRACKED NORTHWESTWARD AT 23 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. THIS IS THE FINAL WARNING ON THIS SYSTEM BY THE JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI. THE SYSTEM WILL BE CLOSELY MONITORED FOR SIGNS OF REGENERATION. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 301200Z IS 9 FEET. // 0419062612 86N1404E 15 0419062618 92N1389E 15 0419062700 98N1374E 15 0419062706 105N1361E 15 0419062712 112N1353E 15 0419062718 117N1347E 15 0419062800 123N1341E 20 0419062806 128N1340E 20 0419062812 135N1333E 20 0419062818 139N1327E 25 0419062900 141N1322E 30 0419062906 145N1317E 35 0419062912 149N1312E 35 0419062918 153N1306E 35 0419063000 157N1296E 30 0419063006 168N1283E 30 0419063012 184N1266E 20 NNNN  888 WSTU31 LTAC 301407 LTAA SIGMET 3 VALID 301400/301800 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SQL TS OBS AT 1400Z N41 E040 FCST MOV NE 12KT NC=  479 WSAG31 SABE 301412 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 301412/301812 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1412Z WI S3842 W07049 - S4051 W06833 - S4149 W07104 - S4103 W07155 - S3859 W07128 - S3842 W07049 FL200/360 STNR NC=  431 WSAG31 SABE 301412 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 301412/301812 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1412Z WI S3842 W07049 - S4051 W06833 - S4149 W07104 - S4103 W07155 - S3859 W07128 - S3842 W07049 FL200/360 STNR NC=  727 WWUS83 KMPX 301413 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 913 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ041-047-048-301445- Stevens-Pope-Douglas- 913 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN DOUGLAS... NORTHWESTERN POPE AND NORTHEASTERN STEVENS COUNTIES... At 911 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Hoffman, or 15 miles north of Morris, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Morris, Kensington, Cyrus, Donnelly, Holmes City and Farwell. This includes U.S. Highway 59 between mile markers 165 and 177. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4577 9604 4576 9577 4591 9576 4593 9573 4583 9539 4551 9580 4572 9613 TIME...MOT...LOC 1411Z 284DEG 30KT 4580 9581 $$ CTG  726 WABZ23 SBAZ 301412 SBAZ AIRMET 8 VALID 301415/301615 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 05 00/1000FT OBS AT 1400Z WI N0253 W06046 - N0256 W06039 - N0249 W06035 - N0245 W 06043 - N0253 W06046 STNR NC=  333 WWUS53 KDLH 301414 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 914 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC021-035-301423- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190630T1415Z/ Cass MN-Crow Wing MN- 914 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL CASS AND NORTHERN CROW WING COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 915 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4657 9439 4676 9446 4691 9391 4677 9378 4659 9380 TIME...MOT...LOC 1413Z 257DEG 40KT 4674 9398 $$ Wolfe  014 WGUS83 KLOT 301414 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 914 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && INC089-111-301800- /O.EXT.KLOT.FL.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ /SLBI3.1.ER.190621T0815Z.190628T0230Z.190630T1408Z.NO/ 914 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby, or from Near I-65 and De Motte downstream to IL/IN state line. * until this afternoon. * At 845 AM Sunday the stage was 9.0 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late this morning. * Impact...At 9.0 feet...Low-lying agricultural land is inundated. && LAT...LON 4122 8756 4128 8728 4117 8725 4111 8753 $$  414 WGUS83 KOAX 301415 FLSOAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 915 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River at Plattsmouth affecting Mills and Cass Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for... Missouri River At Nebraska City affecting Fremont and Otoe Counties. Missouri River At Brownville affecting Atchison and Nemaha Counties. Missouri River At Rulo affecting Holt and Richardson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Additional information is available at: http://www.water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=oax && IAC129-NEC025-010515- /O.EXT.KOAX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-190707T0805Z/ /PTMN1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190605T0115Z.190707T0205Z.NO/ 915 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Plattsmouth. * At 8:15 AM Sunday the stage was 27.4 feet...or 1.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should slowly fall the next few days. && LAT...LON 4106 9591 4107 9574 4078 9572 4078 9587 4092 9585 $$ IAC071-NEC131-010515- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NEBN1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190605T0715Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 915 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Nebraska City. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 20.4 feet...or 2.4 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should slowly fall the next few days. && LAT...LON 4078 9587 4078 9572 4048 9554 4048 9580 4074 9590 $$ MOC005-NEC127-010515- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRON1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190606T0800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 915 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Brownville. * At 8:15 AM Sunday the stage was 36.5 feet...or 2.5 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should slowly fall the next few days. && LAT...LON 4048 9580 4048 9554 4026 9544 4026 9563 4044 9574 $$ MOC087-NEC147-010515- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RULN1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190530T0245Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 915 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Rulo. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 21.3 feet...or 4.3 feet above flood stage. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river should be nearly steady today, then slowly fall the next few days. && LAT...LON 4026 9563 4026 9544 3991 9501 3982 9503 3997 9536 $$ BCM  715 WSRS31 RUAA 301415 ULAA SIGMET 3 VALID 301500/301900 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E03507 AND W OF E04124 FL240/350 MOV E 40KMH NC=  498 WGUS83 KOAX 301417 FLSOAX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska 917 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following river... Missouri River Near Blair affecting Harrison and Washington Counties. Missouri River At Omaha affecting Pottawattamie...Douglas and Sarpy Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through areas where water covers the road. The water depth may be too great to allow your vehicle to pass safely. Turn around...don't drown! Stay tuned to the latest developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio...or a local media outlet. && IAC085-NEC177-011415- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLAN1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 917 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Missouri River Near Blair. * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 25.3 feet. * Flood stage is 26.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 25.7 feet early tomorrow afternoon, then start to slowly fall. && LAT...LON 4180 9624 4180 9595 4142 9583 4142 9602 4168 9626 $$ IAC155-NEC055-153-011415- /O.CON.KOAX.FL.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OMHN1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 917 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Missouri River At Omaha. * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 26.8 feet. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 27.2 feet Tuesday morning, then start to slowly fall. && LAT...LON 4142 9602 4142 9583 4107 9574 4106 9591 4132 9595 $$ BCM  095 WSMC31 GMMC 301411 GMMM SIGMET 01 VALID 301420/301600 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3422 W00212 - N3258 W00206 - N 3158 W00603 - N3422 W00212 TOP FL300 MOV E NC=  079 WWJP25 RJTD 301200 WARNING AND SUMMARY 301200. WARNING VALID 011200. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1000 HPA AT 38N 148E SEA EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 30 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 29N 180E 29N 170E 35N 170E 30N 150E 30N 139E 35N 139E 42N 141E. SUMMARY. LOW 1000 HPA AT 39N 129E EAST SLOWLY. LOW 1000 HPA AT 44N 130E ALMOST STATIONARY. LOW 998 HPA AT 40N 138E NNE 10 KT. LOW 1004 HPA AT 45N 166E ENE 15 KT. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 1006 HPA AT 16N 126E NW SLOWLY. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1002 HPA NEAR 19N 114E ALMOST STATIONARY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 25N 108E TO 29N 122E 32N 128E 32N 131E 34N 135E 35N 140E 36N 142E 37N 146E 38N 148E 39N 154E 39N 159E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  298 WWUS81 KBTV 301421 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1021 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VTZ003-004-007-301515- Essex-Caledonia-Orleans- 1021 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN CALEDONIA...NORTHEASTERN ORLEANS AND ESSEX COUNTIES... At 1020 AM EDT, thunderstorms were clustered near Newark, moving southeast at 10 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Newport City, Island Pond, Lyndon, St. Johnsbury, Derby Center, Charleston, Westmore, Brownington, Brunswick, Burke, Sutton, Coventry, Lunenburg, Newark, Newark Hollow, Brownington Village, West Burke Village, Guildhall, Derby Line Village and East Haven. Heavy rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4477 7162 4473 7162 4466 7159 4464 7156 4460 7156 4458 7154 4456 7156 4456 7160 4454 7157 4452 7159 4450 7158 4447 7165 4446 7164 4442 7170 4440 7179 4435 7182 4434 7186 4500 7232 4501 7182 TIME...MOT...LOC 1420Z 326DEG 10KT 4473 7186 $$ Neiles  648 WAIY31 LIIB 301422 LIMM AIRMET 4 VALID 301425/301725 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N4536 E00651 - N4550 E00703 - N4626 E00817 - N4708 E01226 - N4631 E01323 - N4611 E01328 - N4553 E01016 - N4531 E00656 - N4536 E00651 TOP FL360 STNR NC=  623 WWUS53 KFGF 301422 SVSFGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 922 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC051-301431- /O.EXP.KFGF.SV.W.0077.000000T0000Z-190630T1430Z/ Grant MN- 922 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN GRANT COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 930 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4590 9606 4594 9577 4593 9576 4576 9576 4576 9603 TIME...MOT...LOC 1421Z 264DEG 28KT 4584 9569 $$ Hopkins  289 WGUS83 KTOP 301423 FLSTOP Flood Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 923 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas... Republican River at Clay Center affecting Clay County ...The Flood Warning continues for the following streams in Kansas.. Big Blue River near Blue Rapids affecting Marshall County Black Vermillion River at Frankfort affecting Marshall County Fancy Creek near Randolph affecting Riley County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Do not drive into flooded areas. Shallow flowing water can wash a car from the roadway. Also, the roadbed may be washed out under the water. Stay tuned to later developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio and local media. && KSC117-010522- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BLRK1.2.ER.190312T0755Z.190627T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 923 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Blue River near Blue Rapids. * until further notice. * At 8:15 AM Sunday the stage was 57.0 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 57.1 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...At 26.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs from Marysville to Tuttle Creek Lake. && LAT...LON 3971 9666 3968 9658 3957 9655 3957 9659 3968 9669 $$ KSC161-010522- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0028.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RDPK1.2.ER.190507T0923Z.190531T1945Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 923 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Fancy Creek near Randolph. * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Sunday the stage was 30.4 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 30.2 feet by Monday morning. * Impact...At 16.0 feet...Low lying areas along the creek flood. && LAT...LON 3950 9687 3947 9671 3945 9675 3947 9689 $$ KSC117-010522- /O.CON.KTOP.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FKFK1.2.ER.190519T0759Z.190531T2145Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 923 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Black Vermillion River at Frankfort. * until further notice. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 25.3 feet this afternoon. * Impact...At 19.0 feet...Minor flooding of lowland areas occurs along the river from Vermillion to the mouth of the Black Vermillion River. && LAT...LON 3972 9643 3967 9639 3957 9656 3963 9657 $$ KSC027-010522- /O.EXT.KTOP.FL.W.0122.000000T0000Z-190702T1200Z/ /CYCK1.1.ER.190621T1927Z.190623T2030Z.190702T0000Z.NO/ 923 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Republican River at Clay Center. * until Tuesday morning. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 15.4 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Impact...At 15.0 feet...Lowland agricultural flooding occurs from U.S. Highway 24 to Milford Lake. && LAT...LON 3957 9741 3957 9726 3929 9700 3926 9706 $$  548 WAKO31 RKSI 301425 RKRR AIRMET J05 VALID 301430/301730 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3739 E12636 - N3704 E12824 - N3625 E12937 - N3340 E12616 - N3431 E12421 - N3739 E12636 STNR NC=  831 WWUS84 KSJT 301424 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ078-169-301515- Kimble TX-Sutton TX- 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL KIMBLE AND SOUTHEASTERN SUTTON COUNTIES UNTIL 1015 AM CDT... At 923 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles northwest of Roosevelt, or 23 miles west of Junction, moving southwest at 20 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Kimble and southeastern Sutton Counties, including the following locations... I-10 Near The Sutton-Kimble County Line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3050 10050 3070 10013 3056 9999 3029 10021 3029 10030 TIME...MOT...LOC 1423Z 046DEG 16KT 3057 10016 $$  962 WSSC31 FSIA 301420 FSSS SIGMET 04 VALID 301455/301855 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0241 E05627 - S0713 E05921 - S0857 E05616 - S0343 E05337 - S0241 E05627 TOP ABV FL390 WKN=  691 WGUS83 KEAX 301424 FLSEAX Flood Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Missouri...Kansas... Grand River near Brunswick affecting Carroll and Chariton Counties. Missouri River at Atchison affecting Atchison...Buchanan and Platte Counties. Missouri River at Parkville affecting Leavenworth...Wyandotte and Platte Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kansas... Missouri... Missouri River at St Joseph affecting Doniphan...Andrew and Buchanan Counties. Missouri River at Sibley affecting Clay...Jackson and Ray Counties. Missouri River at Napoleon affecting Jackson...Lafayette and Ray Counties. Missouri River at Waverly affecting Carroll...Lafayette and Saline Counties. Missouri River At Miami affecting Carroll...Chariton and Saline Counties. Missouri River at Glasgow affecting Chariton...Howard and Saline Counties. Missouri River at Boonville affecting Cooper and Howard Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away.This product along with additional weather and stream information is available at www.weather.gov/kc/. && MOC033-041-011423- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0146.000000T0000Z-190705T1000Z/ /BRNM7.2.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.190704T1000Z.UU/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Grand River near Brunswick. * until late Thursday night. * At 5:19 AM Sunday the stage was 24.4 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday morning. * At 22.0 feet...Low-lying areas along the east bank of the Grand River near the U.S. Highway 24 bridge begin to flood. * At 19.0 feet...Flooding of low-lying areas occurs along the west bank of the Grand River near the U.S. Highway 24 bridge about 1 mile west of Brunswick. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Grand River Brunswick 19 24.4 Sun 05 AM 23.8 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3951 9330 3953 9321 3938 9307 3938 9313 3945 9327 $$ KSC043-MOC003-021-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SJSM7.3.ER.190313T1124Z.190323T0100Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at St Joseph. * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 21.2 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 21.1 feet by Monday morning. * At 21.0 feet...Riverfront Park in St. Joseph begins to flood. * At 19.0 feet...Backwater from the Missouri River floods property along the Nodaway river at Nodaway, Missouri. * At 17.0 feet...Lowland flooding upstream and downstream from St. Joseph occurs. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River St Joseph 17 21.2 Sun 08 AM 21.2 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3991 9501 3990 9489 3975 9483 3964 9488 3970 9505 $$ KSC005-MOC021-165-011423- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0152.000000T0000Z-190705T0600Z/ /ATCK1.2.ER.190519T1717Z.190531T1300Z.190704T0600Z.NO/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Atchison. * until late Thursday night. * At 9:01 AM Sunday the stage was 23.0 feet. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.0 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage early Thursday morning. * At 22.0 feet...Low-lying areas on the Missouri side of the river begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Atchison 22 23.0 Sun 09 AM 23.0 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3970 9505 3964 9488 3942 9493 3942 9508 3958 9516 $$ KSC103-209-MOC165-011423- /O.EXT.KEAX.FL.W.0191.000000T0000Z-190703T0000Z/ /PKVM7.2.ER.190521T1318Z.190602T0800Z.190702T0000Z.UU/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Parkville. * until Tuesday evening. * At 8:45 AM Sunday the stage was 25.7 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * At 24.0 feet...Backwater floods a low-water bridge along White Branch at McAfee Street in Parkville. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Parkville 25 25.7 Sun 09 AM 25.7 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3931 9477 3918 9460 3912 9461 3916 9481 3924 9490 $$ MOC047-095-177-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0121.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SBEM7.3.ER.000000T0000Z.190603T1217Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Sibley. * until further notice. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 26.4 feet this afternoon. * At 22.0 feet...Low-lying rural areas along the river and outside of levee protection flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Sibley 22 26.4 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3925 9431 3922 9417 3916 9415 3918 9420 3918 9432 $$ MOC095-107-177-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0053.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NAPM7.2.ER.190314T0055Z.190602T1545Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Napoleon. * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 23.9 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 23.5 feet by Monday morning. * At 17.0 feet...Low-lying areas unprotected by levees begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Napoleon 17 23.9 Sun 09 AM 23.8 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3916 9415 3922 9417 3925 9386 3918 9384 3911 9405 $$ MOC033-107-195-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WVYM7.3.ER.190314T0639Z.190601T1500Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Waverly. * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 27.2 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 26.9 feet by Monday morning. * At 23.5 feet...Rural areas along the river which are not protected by levees flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Waverly 20 27.2 Sun 08 AM 27.1 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3925 9386 3933 9331 3928 9327 3922 9330 3918 9384 $$ MOC033-041-195-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MIAM7.3.ER.000000T0000Z.190606T0037Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Miami. * until further notice. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 27.0 feet this afternoon. * At 28.0 feet...Agricultural levees may be overtopped. Flooding of farmland, homes, and secondary roads behind levees is possible. * At 18.0 feet...Low-lying rural areas outside of levees begin to flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Miami 18 27.0 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3933 9331 3943 9319 3938 9307 3928 9327 $$ MOC041-089-195-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0155.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GLZM7.3.ER.190519T1705Z.190606T0915Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Glasgow. * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 32.3 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 32.4 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. * At 32.0 feet...Highways and gravel roads in low-lying areas near Glasgow are under water, including State Highway 240 west of Glasgow. The city park in Glasgow also begins to flood. * At 27.0 feet...Many agricultural levees are overtopped. Widespread flooding of rural areas occurs. Secondary roads and homes behind levees may be inundated. * At 25.0 feet...Farmland along the river floods. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Glasgow 25 32.3 Sun 08 AM 32.4 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3935 9314 3939 9305 3924 9279 3906 9287 3907 9296 $$ MOC053-089-011423- /O.CON.KEAX.FL.W.0156.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BOZM7.2.ER.190519T2042Z.190531T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 924 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River at Boonville. * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 30.4 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 29.3 feet by Monday morning. * At 30.0 feet...The Missouri-Pacific railroad tracks on the south side of the river flood. * At 25.0 feet...Numerous farm levees are overtopped. Flooding of agricultural land and secondary roads occurs. * At 21.0 feet...Low-lying rural areas along the river flood. && Latest Location FS Stage Day/Time Forecast Missouri River Boonville 21 30.4 Sun 08 AM 30.2 this afternoon && LAT...LON 3908 9297 3902 9255 3894 9259 3896 9286 3903 9298 $$  345 WWUS53 KDLH 301425 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 925 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-301435- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T1445Z/ Aitkin MN- 925 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN AITKIN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4703 9321 4703 9319 4688 9314 4674 9320 4684 9376 4688 9378 4696 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1423Z 271DEG 33KT 4689 9334 $$ Wolfe  949 WSBZ01 SBBR 301400 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0056 W06211 - N0238 W06055 - N0112 W05852 - N0041 W06005 - N0056 W06211 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  950 WSBZ01 SBBR 301400 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 301330/301630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2500 W05435 - S2935 W04612 - S3355 W05027 - S3238 W05307 - S2913 W05643 - S2714 W05406 - S2539 W05358 - S2541 W05441 - S2500 W05435 TOP FL410 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  951 WSBZ01 SBBR 301400 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 301115/301515 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0038 W06355 - S0016 W05952 -S0144 W06036 - S0116 W06409 - N0038 W06355 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  952 WSBZ01 SBBR 301400 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 301230/301630 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0104 W06924 - S0150 W06718 - S0454 W06804 - S0408 W07003 - S0104 W06924 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  558 WWUS81 KRNK 301426 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 1026 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ011-WVZ042>044-301515- Giles-Mercer-Summers-Monroe- 1026 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT Bluestone Lake... Until 1115 AM EDT. At 1025 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Shady Spring, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hinton... Athens... Peterstown... Pipestem... and Camp Creek. If you are on or near Bluestone Lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3770 8090 3767 8090 3768 8088 3770 8089 3752 8062 3732 8088 3753 8121 3758 8119 3760 8114 3759 8109 3761 8106 3763 8107 3764 8107 3769 8098 3772 8097 3772 8095 TIME...MOT...LOC 1425Z 314DEG 19KT 3770 8108 $$ AS  608 WSPM31 MPTO 301430 MPZL SIGMET 04 VALID 301430/301830 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1400Z WI IRUKA-IRATA-BUSMO-BUXOS-PAPIN-IRUKA TOP FL500 MOV W WKN=  314 WGUS84 KFWD 301427 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 927 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... South Sulphur River Near Cooper Affecting Delta and Hopkins Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC119-223-010227- /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0168.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /COPT2.2.ER.190621T2050Z.190624T1430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 927 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The South Sulphur River Near Cooper. * At 915 AM Sunday the stage was 17.72 feet. * Flood stage is 16 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain near 18 feet for the next few days. && LAT...LON 3337 9567 3341 9556 3341 9549 3330 9548 3329 9557 $$  523 WOUS20 KWNS 301427 WWASPC SPC WW-A 301430 MNZ000-WIZ000-LSZ000-301540- STATUS REPORT ON WW 465 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SW VOK TO 15 NNW LSE TO 45 ESE EAU. ..SPC..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...MPX...ARX...DLH... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 465 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS WIC053-063-081-123-301540- WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE VERNON $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  023 WSBM31 VYYY 301428 VYYF SIGMET 3 VALID 301425/301825 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1622 E09731 - N1529 E09629 - N1548 E09402 - N1617 E09346 - N1631 E09358 - N1638 E09722 - N1622 E09731 TOP FL520 MOV S 5KT NC=  657 WSPH31 RPLL 301430 RPHI SIGMET B09 VALID 301435/301835 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1047 E12215 - N0949 E12206 - N0736 E11723 - N0925 E11516 - N1308 E11422 - N1340 E11549 - N1047 E12215 TOP FL530 MOV S 10KT NC=  915 WGUS83 KFSD 301431 FLSFSD Flood Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in South Dakota...Iowa...Nebraska Missouri River Near Greenwood Missouri River Near Verdel Missouri River At Niobrara Missouri River At Springfield James River At Huron James River Near Forestburg James River At Mitchell Big Sioux River Near Bruce Big Sioux River near Richland Big Sioux River above Hawarden Big Sioux River At Akron Vermillion River Near Wakonda .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Do not drive cars through flooded areas. the water depth and road condition may be unsafe. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. The next scheduled statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && NEC015-SDC023-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0216.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRWS2.2.ER.190601T2130Z.190620T0945Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River Near Greenwood. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 30.83 feet. * Flood stage is 30.00 feet. * At stages near 30.0 feet...Flooding begins to affect significant amounts of agricultural land. && LAT...LON 4304 9859 4309 9854 4296 9844 4291 9830 4286 9831 4293 9849 $$ NEC107-SDC009-023-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0205.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MRVN1.2.ER.190529T1037Z.190620T1215Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River Near Verdel. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 24.23 feet. * Flood stage is 24.00 feet. * At stages near 24.0 feet...Some recreational homes between Verdel and Niobrara are impacted by flooding. && LAT...LON 4286 9831 4291 9830 4284 9810 4279 9811 4282 9816 4285 9825 $$ NEC107-SDC009-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0109.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MRNN1.3.RS.190329T0300Z.190620T1631Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Niobrara. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 24.73 feet. * Flood stage is 21.00 feet. * At stages near 24.0 feet...Highway 12 east and west of Niobrara will be flooded, and the sewage lagoons in Niobrara will be flooded. Homes and cabins in Running Water will also be threatened by high water. && LAT...LON 4279 9811 4284 9810 4279 9801 4282 9795 4278 9790 4274 9801 $$ NEC107-SDC009-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0141.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SPGS2.2.ER.190411T1410Z.190531T0315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Missouri River At Springfield. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 11.27 feet. * Flood stage is 10.00 feet. * At stages near 11.0 feet...The boat landing near Santee is flooded, and the access road to some of the recreational homes east of the boat landing is flooded. && LAT...LON 4278 9790 4282 9795 4287 9791 4288 9784 4283 9783 4281 9788 $$ SDC011-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0223.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BRCS2.1.ER.190628T0400Z.190629T0730Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River Near Bruce. * until further notice. * At 09AM Sunday the stage was 8.05 feet. * Flood stage is 8.00 feet. * At stages near 8.0 feet...The lower banks on the left side of the river overflow. && LAT...LON 4451 9690 4451 9683 4441 9688 4433 9686 4433 9692 4443 9696 4448 9690 $$ IAC149-167-SDC127-011830- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0219.000000T0000Z-190702T1030Z/ /HWDI4.1.ER.190627T1708Z.190629T0202Z.190701T1030Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River above Hawarden. * until late Monday night. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 21.49 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 20.50 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday July 01. * At stages near 20.5 feet...Agricultural flooding begins on the South Dakota side of the river. && LAT...LON 4308 9654 4308 9641 4302 9646 4291 9649 4291 9658 $$ IAC149-SDC127-011830- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0220.000000T0000Z-190703T1500Z/ /AKRI4.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190629T0215Z.190702T1500Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River At Akron. * until Wednesday morning. * At 09AM Sunday the stage was 17.68 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday July 02. * At stages near 17.0 feet...About 6500 acres of farm land are flooded. && LAT...LON 4291 9658 4291 9649 4281 9654 4277 9659 4278 9665 $$ IAC149-SDC127-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0224.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BSRS2.2.ER.190628T0755Z.190629T1300Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sioux River near Richland. * until further notice. * At 09AM Sunday the stage was 1119.07 feet. * Flood stage is 1117.00 feet. * At stages near 1119 feet...Widespread flooding of crop and pasture land begins. && LAT...LON 4278 9665 4277 9659 4273 9660 4268 9655 4264 9661 4270 9666 $$ SDC005-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HURS2.3.RS.190321T0837Z.190425T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River At Huron. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 11.40 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 11.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 11.5 feet by Monday July 01 then begin falling. * At stages near 11.0 feet...Significant amounts of rural areas will experience flooding. && LAT...LON 4463 9833 4463 9821 4449 9810 4420 9810 4420 9822 4447 9824 $$ SDC111-011830- /O.EXT.KFSD.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FORS2.3.RS.190320T0550Z.190425T1400Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River Near Forestburg. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 12.35 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 12.5 feet by Friday July 05 then begin falling. * At stages near 12.0 feet...Flooding begins over the left bank and a few county or township roads begin to flood. && LAT...LON 4420 9822 4420 9810 4402 9802 4393 9798 4393 9812 4409 9816 $$ SDC035-061-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0052.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JRMS2.3.RS.190314T0905Z.190524T1646Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The James River At Mitchell. * until further notice. * At 08AM Sunday the stage was 17.96 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 17.00 feet. * Forecast...The river will crest near 18.0 feet by Sunday June 30 then begin falling. * At stages near 17.0 feet...The lower banks overflow. && LAT...LON 4393 9812 4393 9798 4370 9789 4340 9763 4338 9777 4351 9797 $$ SDC027-011830- /O.CON.KFSD.FL.W.0227.000000T0000Z-190701T2100Z/ /WKAS2.1.ER.190629T1648Z.190630T0000Z.190630T2100Z.NO/ 931 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Vermillion River Near Wakonda. * until Monday afternoon. * At 07AM Sunday the stage was 14.50 (Estimated) feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.00 feet. * Recent activity...The river rose above flood stage on Saturday June 29. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by late Sunday June 30. * At stages near 14.0 feet...Minor flooding of low lying areas begins in non-leveed areas and some agricultural land will flood if the levees fail. && LAT...LON 4310 9703 4310 9694 4291 9690 4291 9701 4295 9700 4300 9704 $$ && Location Flood Latest Observed Maximum Forecast Recent Observed Stage Stage Time Stage Time Crest Time MISSOURI RIVER GRWS2 30.0 30.83 Sun 8 AM 31.9 Thu Jun 20 MRVN1 24.0 24.23 Sun 8 AM 25.1 Thu Jun 20 MRNN1 21.0 24.73 Sun 8 AM 25.4 Thu Jun 20 SPGS2 10.0 11.27 Sun 8 AM BIG SIOUX RIVER BRCS2 8.0 8.05 Sun 9 AM 8.5 Sat Jun 29 HWDI4 20.5 21.49 Sun 8 AM 23.9 Fri Jun 28 AKRI4 16.0 17.68 Sun 9 AM 18.6 Fri Jun 28 BSRS2 1117.0 1119.07 Sun 9 AM 1119.4 Sat Jun 29 JAMES RIVER HURS2 11.0 11.40 Sun 8 AM 11.5 Sun 7 PM FORS2 12.0 12.35 Sun 8 AM 12.8 Mon Jun 24 JRMS2 17.0 17.96 Sun 9 AM 18.4 Thu Jun 20 VERMILLION RIVER WKAS2 14.0 E14.50 Sun 7 AM 14.6 Sat Jun 29 BA  257 WSAY31 UDYZ 301430 UDDD SIGMET 3 VALID 301430/301830 UDYZ- UDDD YEREVAN FIR EMBD TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL340 STNR NC=  616 WSCH31 SCTE 301428 SCTZ SIGMET 01 VALID 301428/301828 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3830 W07530 - S3887 W07143 - S4149 W07170 - S3930 W07530 FL200/300 MOV N WKN=  617 WSPH31 RPLL 301432 RPHI SIGMET E10 VALID 301432/301832 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1617 E11630 - N1526 E11646 - N1352 E11400 - N1624 E11400 - N1617 E11630 TOP FL530 MOV SW 5KT NC=  856 WGUS83 KLSX 301432 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 932 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Missouri.. Cuivre River at Old Monroe River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC113-011431- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0079.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OMNM7.3.ER.190319T1215Z.190605T0130Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 932 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Cuivre River at Old Monroe * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 26.3 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 25.8 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Cuivre River Old Monroe 24.0 26.29 25.8 25.2 24.7 24.2 24.0 && LAT...LON 3892 9081 3894 9070 3892 9070 3890 9080 $$  974 WOUS64 KWNS 301433 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 933 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MNC039-045-047-049-055-079-099-109-131-147-157-161-169-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ MN . MINNESOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE DODGE FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA $$ WIC011-019-053-063-081-099-119-121-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUFFALO CLARK JACKSON LA CROSSE MONROE PRICE TAYLOR TREMPEALEAU VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...MPX...DLH...  623 WWUS83 KGRB 301433 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 933 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ035-036-045-301515- Wood WI-Waushara WI-Portage WI- 933 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...CLUSTER OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS TO AFFECT SOUTHERN WOOD... SOUTHERN PORTAGE AND WESTERN WAUSHARA COUNTIES UNTIL 1015 AM CDT... At 931 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorms near Wisconsin Rapids, moving southeast at 45 mph. Nickel size hail, torrential rainfall and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Wisconsin Rapids, Wautoma, Plainfield, Babcock, Lake Wazeecha, Nekoosa, Port Edwards, Dakota, Mount Morris and Biron. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized urban flooding and ponding on area roads. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Green Bay. && LAT...LON 4454 8989 4420 8911 4398 8930 4398 8960 4425 8960 4425 9032 4428 9032 TIME...MOT...LOC 1431Z 306DEG 39KT 4435 8984 $$ Kieckbusch  973 WAUS45 KKCI 301445 WA5S SLCS WA 301445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 20S MLS TO 100SE MLS TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20SSE DDY TO 50ESE BIL TO 20S MLS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...MT WY FROM 30S MLS TO 70ESE DDY TO 20SE DDY TO SHR TO BIL TO 30S MLS MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...MTN OBSCN MT WY BOUNDED BY 30NNW LWT-SHR-BOY-50ESE DLN-30W HLN-30NNW LWT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  974 WAUS44 KKCI 301445 WA4S DFWS WA 301445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET IFR...TX LA FROM 50WNW GGG TO 30SSW EIC TO 20SW AEX TO LCH TO 20E IAH TO 60W LFK TO 30NE ACT TO 50WNW GGG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  975 WAUS43 KKCI 301445 WA3S CHIS WA 301445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE FROM 100SE MLS TO 20NE RAP TO 60SSE PIR TO ANW TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 100SE MLS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  976 WAUS46 KKCI 301445 WA6S SFOS WA 301445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE OAK TO 20SE RZS TO 70SW RZS TO 60SSW OAK TO 30SE OAK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30W OED TO 50WSW RBL TO 80SSW FOT TO 90W OED TO 30W OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM TOU TO 20E HQM TO 50SSE HQM TO 70SSW HQM TO 50W TOU TO TOU CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  977 WAUS42 KKCI 301445 WA2S MIAS WA 301445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET IFR...GA FL FROM 40SW MCN TO 30SSW AMG TO 40NNW CTY TO 30WSW TLH TO 50WNW PZD TO 40SW MCN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  978 WAUS41 KKCI 301445 WA1S BOSS WA 301445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET IFR...ME NH AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60NE PQI TO 150ENE ACK TO 40ENE ENE TO 50WNW BGR TO PQI TO 60NE PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO ALB TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  187 WSCH31 SCTE 301432 SCTZ SIGMET A1 VALID 301432/301832 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3930 W07380 - S3890 W07147 - S4211 W07175 - S3996 W07358 FL350/400 MOV N WKN=  691 WAUS42 KKCI 301445 WA2Z MIAZ WA 301445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 302100 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-155 ACRS AREA ....  692 WAUS45 KKCI 301445 WA5Z SLCZ WA 301445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70S YYN TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 40WSW TBE TO 50S SJN TO 30NW PHX TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 90SW MZB TO 50WSW BTY TO 70SSE BAM TO 20W JAC TO 60N TWF TO 50NNW DNJ TO 60SW LWT TO 70S YYN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 120-160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-BFF-50SE SNY-30SW LAA-60NNW CME-40NW DMN-30NNE DRK-20NNW EED-ILC-40SW JAC-50SE BOI-50NNW DNJ-50NNW LKT-80SE MLP-30SSW FCA-60SE HVR-30NE MLS-50NNW ISN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 120-160. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 105-165 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 70NNW DNJ-60S MLP-50SW HVR-50NNE GGW 160 ALG 40ESE LAA-20NE TBE-20NE CIM-20SW FTI-50WSW TCC-20E ELP 160 ALG 50SSE TUS-40ENE TUS-70SW ABQ-60NNE SJN-50WSW HBU-20SE CHE-30NNW BFF ....  693 WAUS43 KKCI 301445 WA3Z CHIZ WA 301445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE FROM 70NE MOT TO 50N PIR TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 70NE MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 120-160. CONDS DVLPG AFT 15Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...ICE ND SD NE BOUNDED BY 70NE MOT-50N PIR-40ENE PIR-20SSW ANW-50SE SNY-BFF-70SW RAP-50NNW ISN-70NE MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 120-160. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...ICE ND SD MN BOUNDED BY 70NE MOT-50S YWG-40ESE INL-RWF-40NW FSD-40ENE PIR-50N PIR-70NE MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 130-150. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 125-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 30NNW BFF-60NE BFF-30SSE ANW-30S OBH-20SE SLN-40SSW ICT ....  694 WAUS41 KKCI 301445 WA1Z BOSZ WA 301445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 60NE PQI TO 140E ACK TO 60SW ACK TO 30W HTO TO 40NW ALB TO 20ENE MSS TO 30ESE YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 090-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50NE PQI-200SE ACK-190SSE ACK-130SSE HTO-20SSE ALB-50E MSS-20ESE YSC-60E YQB-50NE PQI MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 100-130. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 095-155 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 100WSW YOW-40SSW SYR-20NNW SAX-80SE HTO-90S ACK- 140ESE ACK ....  695 WAUS46 KKCI 301445 WA6Z SFOZ WA 301445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET ICE...OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70S YYN TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 40WSW TBE TO 50S SJN TO 30NW PHX TO BZA TO 20S MZB TO 90SW MZB TO 50WSW BTY TO 70SSE BAM TO 20W JAC TO 60N TWF TO 50NNW DNJ TO 60SW LWT TO 70S YYN MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 120-160. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 095-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 150SW FOT-120W ENI-70NNW DNJ ....  696 WAUS44 KKCI 301445 WA4Z DFWZ WA 301445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET ICE...AR TN MS AL FROM 20N GQO TO 20S LGC TO 40NNE MLU TO 40NE ELD TO 20ENE LIT TO 20N GQO MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 140-150. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 40SSW ICT-30ENE MMB-20NW MMB-LBL ....  868 WSRA31 RUKR 301433 UNKL SIGMET 7 VALID 301500/301800 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N6600 E08310 - N6700 E10655 TOP FL380 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  601 WSFJ01 NFFN 301200 NFFF SIGMET 04 VALID 301510/301910 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1254 E17742 - S1548 W17548 - S2500 E17954 - S2500 E17130 - S1854 W17924 - S1630 W17930 - S1442 E17654 - S1254 E17742 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  726 WWUS83 KMPX 301435 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 935 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ042-043-301500- Morrison-Todd- 935 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL TODD AND WEST CENTRAL MORRISON COUNTIES... At 935 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Browerville, or 21 miles west of Little Falls, moving east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Long Prairie, Browerville, Randall, Swanville and Burtrum. This includes the following highways... U.S. Highway 10 in Minnesota between mile markers 133 and 135. U.S. Highway 71 between mile markers 188 and 194. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4603 9494 4614 9479 4611 9446 4587 9468 TIME...MOT...LOC 1435Z 286DEG 25KT 4607 9480 $$ CTG  753 WSIN31 VECC 301430 VECF SIGMET 4 VALID 301500/301800 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2550 E08000 - N2430 E08700 - N1920 E08420 - N2000 E08130 - N2550 E08000 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  039 WGUS84 KLZK 301436 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 936 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following river in Arkansas... Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence...Jackson and Lawrence Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC063-067-075-301506- /O.CAN.KLZK.FL.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190703T0000Z/ /BKRA4.1.ER.190628T1443Z.190629T0600Z.190630T0800Z.NO/ 936 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Black River At Black Rock. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 13.5 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 3:00 AM Sunday. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 12.3 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Black River Black Rock 14 13.5 Sun 09 AM 12.3 11.5 11.2 Falling && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$ 67  035 WSIN90 VECC 301430 VECF SIGMET 4 VALID 301500/301800 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2550 E08000 - N2430 E08700 - N1920 E08420 - N2000 E08130 - N2550 E08000 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  329 WSNZ21 NZKL 301431 NZZC SIGMET 1 VALID 301436/301836 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4540 E16700 - S4430 E16830 - S4310 E17110 - S4500 E16930 - S4600 E16720 - S4540 E16700 SFC/10000FT STNR NC=  579 WWUS83 KMPX 301437 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 937 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ041-048-301500- Pope-Douglas- 937 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN DOUGLAS AND POPE COUNTIES... At 937 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Lowry, or 15 miles southwest of Alexandria, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and dime size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Glenwood, Starbuck, Lowry, Holmes City, Villard, Forada, Westport, Farwell, Glenwood Airport, Long Beach and Lake Minnewaska. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4577 9514 4576 9513 4542 9543 4564 9576 4569 9576 4586 9559 TIME...MOT...LOC 1437Z 282DEG 31KT 4571 9554 $$ CTG  889 WGUS84 KLZK 301437 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 937 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...the Flood Warning continues for the following river in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC145-147-010537- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0090.000000T0000Z-190706T0000Z/ /AUGA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190627T1000Z.190704T1800Z.NO/ 937 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Friday evening...The Flood Warning continues for The White River At Augusta. * until Friday evening...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 27.2 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday early afternoon. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower White River Augusta 26 27.2 Sun 09 AM 26.7 26.3 26.1 Falling && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ 67  678 WWUS83 KARX 301439 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 939 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ096-WIZ041>044-053-055-301545- Houston-Juneau-Richland-Vernon-La Crosse-Adams-Monroe- 939 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN HOUSTON...LA CROSSE...JUNEAU...VERNON...RICHLAND...ADAMS AND MONROE COUNTIES... At 938 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles west of Plainfield to near Tomah to French Island. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms. These storms will be near... Elroy and Coon Valley around 1000 AM CDT. Westby and Wonewoc around 1010 AM CDT. Viroqua around 1015 AM CDT. La Farge around 1025 AM CDT. Richland Center around 1045 AM CDT. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4364 9031 4356 9031 4355 9019 4335 9019 4330 9062 4334 9067 4342 9067 4343 9079 4385 9138 4385 9128 4389 9132 4397 9059 4425 8971 4425 8960 4364 8960 TIME...MOT...LOC 1438Z 310DEG 40KT 4423 8960 4393 9053 4385 9127 $$ JSB  719 WSAG31 SARE 301444 SARR SIGMET 1 VALID 301444/301844 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1444Z WI S2801 W05855 - S2901 W05643 - S2757 W05522 - S2727 W05549 - S2722 W05609 - S2737 W05622 - S2715 W05835 - S2801 W05855 TOP FL390 MOV ESE 05KT INTSF=  630 WSAG31 SARE 301444 SARR SIGMET 1 VALID 301444/301844 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1444Z WI S2801 W05855 - S2901 W05643 - S2757 W05522 - S2727 W05549 - S2722 W05609 - S2737 W05622 - S2715 W05835 - S2801 W05855 TOP FL390 MOV ESE 05KT INTSF=  774 WGUS83 KPAH 301439 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 939 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Big Muddy River near Murphysboro .Water levels are now in minor flood on the Big Muddy River at Murphysboro. The river is forecast to slowly fall, but will remain above flood stage until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC077-011838- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MURI2.2.ER.190315T1915Z.190626T0430Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 939 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 27.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 22.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall. && LAT...LON 3777 8946 3784 8915 3778 8915 3773 8935 3760 8941 3760 8947 $$  370 WWUS83 KMKX 301439 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 939 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ046-047-056>058-301530- Dodge-Columbia-Green Lake-Marquette-Sauk- 939 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT GREEN LAKE... COLUMBIA...MARQUETTE...SAUK AND NORTHWESTERN DODGE COUNTIES... At 937 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles south of Hartman Creek State Park to near Bangor. Movement was southeast at 50 mph. Winds in excess of 40 to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Baraboo, Reedsburg, Wisconsin Dells, Berlin, Poynette, Pardeeville, Randolph, Montello, Markesan, Westfield, Princeton, Rio, Green Lake, Cambria, Lawrence and Fox Lake. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4363 8889 4363 8883 4352 8882 4321 9019 4355 9019 4356 9031 4364 9031 4364 8960 4398 8960 4398 8889 TIME...MOT...LOC 1437Z 334DEG 43KT 4423 8918 4383 9103 $$ MRC  823 WVMX31 MMMX 301440 MMEX SIGMET 7 VALID 301437/302037 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 301420Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL200 FT INTO N1919 W09836 - N1901 W09818 - N1859 W09836 - N1901 W09837 - N1919 W09836 MOV NE 5KT . OUTLK 30/2030Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL200 N1922 W09835 - N1902 W09817 - N1901 W09836 - N1901 W09837 - N1922 W09835 AREA =  491 WGUS83 KIWX 301440 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1040 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning has been extended for the following rivers... North Branch Elkhart River at Cosperville affecting Noble County .Water levels will slowly recede as dry weather persists. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never drive vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or local media for further statements and updated forecasts. Detailed river forecasts and more information can be found on the internet at www.weather.gov/iwx under Rivers and Lakes. All times are in Eastern Time. This statement will be updated in about 24 hours or sooner if necessary. && INC113-011200- /O.EXT.KIWX.FL.W.0085.000000T0000Z-190701T1200Z/ /CPEI3.1.ER.190627T0900Z.190629T1530Z.190701T0600Z.UU/ 1040 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning has been extended for The North Branch Elkhart River at Cosperville * until Monday morning. * At 10 AM Sunday the stage was 6.1 feet and steady. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will fall below the 6.0 foot flood stage around 2 AM Monday July 1. * At 6.0 feet...Water approaches some houses around Skinner Lake, especially along State Road 8. && LAT...LON 4150 8570 4152 8568 4149 8559 4150 8544 4149 8543 4144 8555 $$  333 WSFR34 LFPW 301441 LFMM SIGMET 1 VALID 301430/301630 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR FRQ TS OBS WI N4345 E00545 - N4400 E00500 - N4515 E00600 - N4515 E00630 - N4430 E00630 - N4430 E00600 - N4345 E00545 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  462 WHUS71 KLWX 301441 MWWLWX URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1041 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ533-534-537-540>543-010400- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.000000T0000Z-190701T1600Z/ Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 1041 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ531-010400- /O.EXT.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- 1041 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ532-539-010400- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.000000T0000Z-190701T1000Z/ Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chester River to Queenstown MD- 1041 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ530-535-536-538-010400- /O.CON.KLWX.SC.Y.0126.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- 1041 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT TONIGHT... * WINDS...18 to 33 knots within the Small Craft Advisory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means winds of 18 to 33 knots are imminent or occurring. Boaters operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  795 WTPZ22 KNHC 301442 TCMEP2 TROPICAL STORM BARBARA FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 1 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL EP022019 1500 UTC SUN JUN 30 2019 THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 10.6N 110.4W AT 30/1500Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 40 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE WEST-NORTHWEST OR 285 DEGREES AT 14 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1006 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 35 KT WITH GUSTS TO 45 KT. 34 KT....... 70NE 70SE 0SW 0NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 10.6N 110.4W AT 30/1500Z AT 30/1200Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 10.4N 109.5W FORECAST VALID 01/0000Z 11.1N 112.7W MAX WIND 40 KT...GUSTS 50 KT. 34 KT... 80NE 80SE 0SW 0NW. FORECAST VALID 01/1200Z 11.6N 115.9W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT... 80NE 70SE 30SW 60NW. FORECAST VALID 02/0000Z 12.0N 118.7W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT... 90NE 90SE 50SW 70NW. FORECAST VALID 02/1200Z 12.4N 121.0W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 64 KT... 15NE 15SE 0SW 0NW. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT... 90NE 90SE 40SW 70NW. FORECAST VALID 03/1200Z 13.5N 125.2W MAX WIND 85 KT...GUSTS 105 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 50SE 30SW 40NW. 34 KT...100NE 100SE 70SW 80NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 100 NM ON DAY 4 AND 150 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 04/1200Z 15.0N 128.5W MAX WIND 90 KT...GUSTS 110 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 05/1200Z 16.0N 131.5W MAX WIND 85 KT...GUSTS 105 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 10.6N 110.4W NEXT ADVISORY AT 30/2100Z $$ FORECASTER LATTO/BEVEN  974 WGUS83 KLSX 301442 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Missouri River... ...at Jefferson City ...at Chamois ...at Gasconade ...at Hermann ...at Washington ...at St. Charles ...and for the Osage River near Mari-Osa Campground River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC019-027-051-135-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0138.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /JFFM7.3.ER.190520T1907Z.190605T1830Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at Jefferson City * until further notice. * At 8:45 AM Sunday the stage was 30.6 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Major flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 29.9 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact: At 30.5 feet...The Renz levee upstream of Jefferson City and north of the Missouri River and the Capitol View levee protecting the airport are overtopped near this height. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Missouri River Jefferson City 23.0 30.62 29.9 28.5 26.7 25.5 24.6 && LAT...LON 3864 9198 3855 9192 3853 9222 3890 9260 3899 9255 $$ MOC027-151-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0102.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CMSM7.2.ER.190430T2215Z.190608T0128Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River near Chamois * until further notice. * At 7:38 AM Saturday the stage was 26.5 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue rising to near 26.7 feet by this afternoon. * Impact: At 26.5 feet...The Steedman levee northwest of Chamois is overtopped near this level. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Missouri River Chamois 17.0 26.50 26.2 25.1 23.4 21.9 20.8 && LAT...LON 3871 9185 3873 9164 3868 9164 3855 9192 3864 9198 $$ MOC073-139-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0103.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GSCM7.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190607T1900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at Gasconade * until further notice. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 33.1 feet this afternoon. * Impact: At 33.0 feet...The Diermann levee about 4 miles upstream of Gasconade will overtop near this height. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Missouri River Gasconade 22.0 32.7 31.7 30.1 28.4 27.1 && LAT...LON 3872 9150 3869 9150 3866 9156 3868 9164 3873 9164 $$ MOC073-139-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0104.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HRNM7.3.ER.190501T0742Z.190608T0915Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at Hermann * until further notice. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 30.8 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to begin falling this afternoon to near 30 feet by noon Monday. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Missouri River Hermann 21.0 30.77 30.3 29.1 27.4 25.8 24.7 && LAT...LON 3875 9136 3866 9119 3861 9123 3869 9150 3872 9150 $$ MOC071-219-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0139.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /WHGM7.2.ER.190521T1116Z.190608T1530Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at Washington * until further notice. * At 8:45 AM Sunday the stage was 26.8 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 26.9 feet by this afternoon. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Missouri River Washington 20.0 26.82 26.6 25.6 24.1 22.5 21.3 && LAT...LON 3865 9078 3859 9072 3851 9089 3861 9123 3866 9119 $$ MOC183-189-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0106.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /SCLM7.2.ER.190501T1648Z.190609T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Missouri River at St. Charles * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 32.5 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to crest near 32.7 feet by after midnight tonight. * Impact: At 32.5 feet...The west end of Greens Bottom Road floods. This road connects Pittman Hill Road and Jungs Station Road south of 94. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Missouri River St. Charles 25.0 32.52 32.7 32.2 31.0 29.3 28.1 && LAT...LON 3891 9033 3886 9018 3881 9017 3859 9072 3865 9078 $$ MOC051-151-011442- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0140.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MOAM7.3.ER.000000T0000Z.190607T1500Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 942 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Osage River near Mari-Osa Campground * until further notice. * At 6:30 AM Sunday the stage was 27.4 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Major flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 27.0 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Osage River Mari-Osa Campg 19.0 27.40 27.0 25.5 24.3 23.3 22.8 && LAT...LON 3849 9199 3849 9202 3847 9202 3853 9204 3853 9202 $$  944 WTPZ32 KNHC 301442 TCPEP2 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Barbara Advisory Number 1 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL EP022019 900 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...TROPICAL STORM BARBARA FORMS OVER THE EASTERN PACIFIC... SUMMARY OF 900 AM MDT...1500 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...10.6N 110.4W ABOUT 850 MI...1370 KM S OF THE SOUTHERN TIP OF BAJA CALIFORNIA MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...WNW OR 285 DEGREES AT 16 MPH...26 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1006 MB...29.71 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 900 AM MDT (1500 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Barbara was located near latitude 10.6 North, longitude 110.4 West. Barbara is moving toward the west-northwest near 16 mph (26 km/h) and this general motion is expected to continue over the next several days with a gradual decrease in forward speed. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Steady strengthening is forecast and Barbara is expected to become a hurricane by Tuesday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 80 miles (130 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1006 mb (29.71 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 300 PM MDT. $$ Forecaster Latto/Beven  006 WSRS31 RUMA 301443 UUWV SIGMET 8 VALID 301500/301700 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST NE OF LINE N5835 E03549 - N5324 E03608 - N5334 E04031 - N5847 E04300 TOP FL270 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  475 WTPZ42 KNHC 301443 TCDEP2 Tropical Storm Barbara Discussion Number 1 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL EP022019 900 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Satellite imagery indicates that the area of low pressure and associated convection located several hundred miles southwest of southern Mexico has become better organized, with the center embedded in the northern side of a large area of deep convection. In addition, earlier scatterometer data revealed that 35-kt winds existed in the eastern semicircle of the developing cyclone. This intensity is in agreement with the latest subjective satellite estimate from TAFB and thus advisories are started on Tropical Storm Barbara, the second named storm of the Eastern Pacific hurricane season. Barbara's initial motion is 285/14 kt. A mid-level ridge to the north of the cyclone will steer it to the west-northwest for the next several days. Later on in the forecast period, Barbara will approach the southwestern periphery of the ridge which should induce some slowing of the forward motion. The NHC track forecast lies in the middle of a suite of guidance that is tightly clustered through 96 hours and begins to diverge slightly beyond that time frame. The overall satellite presentation of Barbara suggests that there is some shear affecting the convection over the northern part of the cyclone. Statistical guidance concurs with this and indicates 10-15 kt of northwesterly shear currently over the circulation. This shear is forecast by the guidance to begin to abate in about 24 hours. Otherwise, Barbara is expected to be in a favorable environment for intensification and over warm waters for the next 4 to 5 days. The official forecast takes into account this initial shear during the early inner-core development stages of Barbara, and calls for a slow and steady strengthening through 24 hours. Thereafter, the lower-shear environment and likely consolidating inner-core should allow for a faster rate of intensification. The official forecast intensity is close to the dynamical guidance through 72 hours, and is near the upper edge of the guidance beyond 72 hours, bringing Barbara to category 2 intensity by 72 hours. After 96 hours, Barbara will be approaching a tight gradient in SSTs to its north. Also, both dynamical and statistical guidance indicate that the cyclone will be approaching a region with increasing southwesterly shear. Both of these factors should contribute to a gradual weakening after 96 hours. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 30/1500Z 10.6N 110.4W 35 KT 40 MPH 12H 01/0000Z 11.1N 112.7W 40 KT 45 MPH 24H 01/1200Z 11.6N 115.9W 45 KT 50 MPH 36H 02/0000Z 12.0N 118.7W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 02/1200Z 12.4N 121.0W 65 KT 75 MPH 72H 03/1200Z 13.5N 125.2W 85 KT 100 MPH 96H 04/1200Z 15.0N 128.5W 90 KT 105 MPH 120H 05/1200Z 16.0N 131.5W 85 KT 100 MPH $$ Forecaster Latto  219 WWUS63 KMPX 301444 WCNMPX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 944 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC047-049-079-131-147-161-301545- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA FREEBORN LE SUEUR RICE STEELE WASECA IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA GOODHUE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBERT LEA, FARIBAULT, LE SUEUR, OWATONNA, RED WING, AND WASECA. $$  290 WGUS83 KPAH 301444 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 944 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Little Wabash River at Carmi .Minor flooding continues on the Little Wabash River at Carmi Illinois. Water levels continue to slowly rise and are forecast to crest at 30.5 feet this afternoon. It will go below flood stage on Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-191-193-011844- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0097.000000T0000Z-190705T1630Z/ /CARI2.1.ER.190623T1615Z.190630T1800Z.190705T1030Z.NO/ 944 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Little Wabash River at Carmi. * until Friday morning. * At 8:30 AM Sunday the stage was 30.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 27.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 30.5 feet by this afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage Friday morning. * Impact...At 32.0 Feet...Flood waters flow up McHenry slough and areas near Route 1 and 14 in Carmi begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3826 8816 3825 8802 3804 8813 3793 8808 3791 8812 3801 8828 $$  933 WWUS63 KARX 301445 WCNARX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LA CROSSE WI 945 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 MNC039-045-055-099-109-157-169-WIC011-019-063-119-121-301545- /O.CAN.KARX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN MINNESOTA THIS CANCELS 7 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA DODGE FILLMORE HOUSTON MOWER OLMSTED WABASHA WINONA IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 5 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL WISCONSIN CLARK IN NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN TAYLOR IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN BUFFALO LA CROSSE TREMPEALEAU THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALMA, ARCADIA, AUSTIN, CALEDONIA, DODGE CENTER, LA CROSSE, MEDFORD, NEILLSVILLE, PRESTON, ROCHESTER, WABASHA, WHITEHALL, AND WINONA. $$ WIC053-081-123-301800- /O.CON.KARX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 1 PM CDT THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN VERNON IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN JACKSON MONROE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLACK RIVER FALLS, SPARTA, TOMAH, AND VIROQUA. $$ 04  256 WUUS53 KDLH 301445 SVRDLH MNC001-017-115-301515- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0032.190630T1445Z-190630T1515Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 945 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Aitkin County in east central Minnesota... Northwestern Pine County in east central Minnesota... Western Carlton County in northeastern Minnesota... * Until 1015 AM CDT. * At 945 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Palisade, to near McGregor, to 14 miles southwest of Tamarack, to near Malmo, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Big Sandy Lake, Mahtowa, Barnum, Willow River, McGregor, Cromwell, Rutledge, Kettle River, Palisade, Tamarack, McGrath, Libby, Sturgeon Lake, Finlayson, Automba, Wright, Balsam, Denham, Arthyde, and Sheshebee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4627 9355 4648 9339 4665 9337 4681 9366 4682 9306 4677 9306 4677 9289 4661 9261 4644 9264 4616 9285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1445Z 274DEG 38KT 4677 9348 4665 9327 4648 9330 4633 9341 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  007 WSMS31 WMKK 301446 WBFC SIGMET A03 VALID 301500/301700 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF N0710 TOP FL520 MOV SSW 05KT INTSF=  545 WWUS81 KOKX 301446 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1046 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ005-006-NYZ067-068-070-301530- Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Putnam-Northern Westchester-Orange- 1046 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL FAIRFIELD... NORTHWESTERN NEW HAVEN...NORTHERN WESTCHESTER...NORTHEASTERN ORANGE AND PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 1045 AM EDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Myers Corner, or 7 miles southeast of Poughkeepsie, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Stamford, Waterbury, Danbury, Shelton, Naugatuck, Newburgh, Peekskill, Southbury, New Canaan, Wolcott, Mount Kisco, Mahopac, Lake Carmel, Sherman and Brewster. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4165 7349 4150 7344 4151 7339 4147 7331 4151 7332 4151 7316 4156 7317 4163 7300 4141 7285 4119 7347 4121 7349 4108 7376 4155 7416 4159 7395 4153 7400 4144 7398 4149 7393 4153 7353 4167 7352 TIME...MOT...LOC 1445Z 316DEG 21KT 4160 7384 $$ CB  703 WSMS31 WMKK 301447 WBFC SIGMET B02 VALID 301500/301700 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0545 E11845 - N0420 E11700 - N0350 E11520 - N0515 E11520 - N0650 E11800 - N0545 E11845 TOP FL490 MOV WSW 05KT NC=  251 WSRA31 RUHB 301447 UHHH SIGMET 4 VALID 301450/301850 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR EMBD TS OBS SW OF LINE N4926 E12929 - N4825 E13430 TOP FL360 STNR INTSF=  839 WSPM31 MPTO 301448 MPZL SIGMET A2 VALID 301448/301448 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR CNL SIGMET A1 301048/301448=  083 WWUS83 KMPX 301448 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 948 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ047-048-055-301515- Stevens-Pope-Swift- 948 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN POPE...SOUTHEASTERN STEVENS AND NORTH CENTRAL SWIFT COUNTIES... At 947 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Hancock, or near Morris, moving east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hancock, Cyrus, Lake Hassel, Clontarf and Lake Emily. This includes U.S. Highway 59 between mile markers 157 and 163. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4550 9599 4565 9577 4542 9543 4535 9574 TIME...MOT...LOC 1447Z 283DEG 28KT 4556 9579 $$ CTG  500 WAUS45 KKCI 301445 WA5T SLCT WA 301445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET TURB...NV UT AZ CA FROM 40S ELY TO 70SW BCE TO 20SSE EED TO 40NW BZA TO 20ENE MZB TO 40S ELY MOD TURB BTN 050 AND 100. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 70SW YYN TO 50NW LKT TO 30ESE FMG TO 20W SAC TO 50SSW OAK TO 120WSW ENI TO 30NNW OED TO 50SW EUG TO 90W ONP TO 60WNW TOU TO YDC MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT AZ FROM 50N ISN TO 50WSW RAP TO 20W OCS TO 50S PGS TO 70W OAL TO 20NE DLN TO 50SW LWT TO 20NNW GGW TO 50N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB ID MT WY NV UT BOUNDED BY 60SSW YYN-50NNW ISN-60WNW RAP-20W OCS-30NNE BCE-40SW ELY-40SSW TWF-20N LKT-60S YXH-60SSW YYN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  501 WAUS46 KKCI 301445 WA6T SFOT WA 301445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET TURB...CA NV UT AZ FROM 40S ELY TO 70SW BCE TO 20SSE EED TO 40NW BZA TO 20ENE MZB TO 40S ELY MOD TURB BTN 050 AND 100. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT NV AND CSTL WTRS FROM YDC TO 50WSW YXC TO 70SW YYN TO 50NW LKT TO 30ESE FMG TO 20W SAC TO 50SSW OAK TO 120WSW ENI TO 30NNW OED TO 50SW EUG TO 90W ONP TO 60WNW TOU TO YDC MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  147 WGUS83 KLOT 301449 FLSLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 949 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Illinois... Illinois River at La Salle affecting Bureau...La Salle and Putnam Counties The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation as well as forecast precipitation 24-48 hours into the future. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && ILC011-099-155-010449- /O.CON.KLOT.FL.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190701T1200Z/ /LSLI2.1.ER.190620T1345Z.190622T0630Z.190701T0600Z.NO/ 949 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at La Salle, or from Starved Rock Lock and Dam downstream to confluence with Big Bureau Creek. * until Monday morning. * At 845 AM Sunday the stage was 20.2 feet. * Flood stage is 20.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early Monday. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Agricultural areas in La Salle, Spring Valley, and Peru lowlands are flooded. && LAT...LON 4131 8940 4135 8933 4137 8898 4128 8899 4128 8929 $$  734 WAUS44 KKCI 301445 WA4T DFWT WA 301445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302100 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  735 WAUS43 KKCI 301445 WA3T CHIT WA 301445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LS MI IL FROM 30N INL TO YQT TO 20NW SAW TO 40SW BDF TO 40ENE IRK TO 40ENE MCI TO 30WSW LBF TO RAP TO 50WSW RAP TO 50N ISN TO 30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN FROM YQT TO 50NW SSM TO SSM TO 60NW YVV TO 30ESE ECK TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO 40NE PXV TO 40ENE IRK TO 40SW BDF TO 20NW SAW TO YQT MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL400. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI IL BOUNDED BY 30N INL-YQT-80ESE YQT-40WNW SSM-30WNW MKG-30SW BDF- 40N UIN-50SW IRK-20SSE PWE-50WNW SLN-60S OBH-40ESE LBF-40SE DPR- 60WNW RAP-50NNW ISN-30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  736 WAUS41 KKCI 301445 WA1T BOST WA 301445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET TURB...NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40S YSC TO 20NE BOS TO 60E ACK TO 120SSE ACK TO 140ESE SIE TO 50S SBY TO 40SW CSN TO EKN TO 50SW CLE TO 30N CLE TO 30ESE YYZ TO 20SW MSS TO 40S YSC MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ENE YOW TO YSC TO 20N ENE TO 170ENE ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 150ESE ILM TO 60NNE ILM TO 20SE HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30ESE ECK TO 40NW SYR TO 30ENE YOW MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY PQI-40E HUL-50WSW YSJ-70ESE BGR-30ESE BOS-60E ACK- 70SSE ACK-120ESE SIE-50S SBY-50WSW CSN-50SW JST-20N EWC-30N BUF- MSS-YSC-40SSE YQB-PQI MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-20NNE PQI-80SSW YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 190ESE ECG-170SE ECG-40WSW GSO-20E HMV-40SW BKW-30WSW AIR-30WSW YYZ-50NW SYR-40ENE YOW-YSC-70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  737 WAUS42 KKCI 301445 WA2T MIAT WA 301445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302100 . AIRMET TURB...NC ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ENE YOW TO YSC TO 20N ENE TO 170ENE ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 150ESE ILM TO 60NNE ILM TO 20SE HMV TO HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30ESE ECK TO 40NW SYR TO 30ENE YOW MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB NC ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 70NW PQI-20NNE PQI-80SSW YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 190ESE ECG-170SE ECG-40WSW GSO-20E HMV-40SW BKW-30WSW AIR-30WSW YYZ-50NW SYR-40ENE YOW-YSC-70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  961 WSHO31 MHTG 301452 MHTG SIGMET E2 VALID 301441/301841 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS 0OBS AT 1430Z WI N1743 W08734 - N1725 W08718 - N1639 W08617 - N1620 W08520 - N1629 W08445 - N1727 W08441 - N1926 W08434 N2004 W08545 - N1814 W08725 TOP FL520 MOV N 05KT NC=  852 WSCA31 MHTG 301452 MHTG SIGMET E2 VALID 301441/301841 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1430Z WI N1743 W08734 - N1725 W08718 - N1639 W08617 - N1620 W08520 - N1629 W08445 - N1727 W08441 - N1926 W08434 N2004 W08545 - N1814 W08725 TOP FL520 MOV N 05KT NC=  923 WGUS83 KARX 301451 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 951 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 .The Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls has fallen below flood stage. The flood warning has been cancelled. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && MNC157-301521- /O.CAN.KARX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-190701T0456Z/ /ZUMM5.3.ER.190629T0311Z.190629T1530Z.190630T1015Z.NO/ 951 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 16.5 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at 5:15 AM Sunday. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to 12.0 feet by Monday morning. $$ LL  037 WGUS83 KPAH 301452 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 952 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois...Indiana... Wabash River at New Harmony .Minor flooding continues on the Wabash River at New Harmony. Water levels continue to fall and are forecast to go below flood stage Tuesday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC059-185-193-INC051-129-011852- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0092.000000T0000Z-190703T1115Z/ /NHRI3.1.ER.190619T0630Z.190627T1345Z.190703T0515Z.NO/ 952 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Wabash River at New Harmony. * until Wednesday morning. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 18.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday night. * Impact...At 19.0 Feet...Harmonie State Park is closed. Surrounding bottomland is flooded. && LAT...LON 3816 8799 3815 8790 3797 8799 3781 8801 3780 8809 3789 8810 $$  975 WSCH31 SCFA 301451 SCFZ SIGMET 04 VALID 301451/301515 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR CNL SIGMET 03 301115/301515=  637 WOUS64 KWNS 301453 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 953 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS WIC053-081-099-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE JACKSON MONROE PRICE VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DLH...  357 WSNT03 KKCI 301515 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 6 VALID 301515/301915 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1515Z WI N4145 W05915 - N3645 W06330 - N3630 W06930 - N4130 W06345 - N4145 W05915. TOP FL410. MOV ESE 25KT. NC.  062 WSUS31 KKCI 301455 SIGE MKCE WST 301455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 82E VALID UNTIL 1655Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NW CTY-20SE CTY-10N PIE-40WSW PIE-60WSW CTY-20NW CTY DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 24005KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 83E VALID UNTIL 1655Z VA WV KY FROM 40NNE BKW-40SSE EKN-30W LYH-50ENE LOZ-70SW HNN-40NNE BKW DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 30020KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 84E VALID UNTIL 1655Z FL AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50W SJI-40ESE CEW-100SW TLH-120S CEW-60ESE LEV-50W SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 22010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 85E VALID UNTIL 1655Z ME NH VT FROM 50ENE YSC-50WNW BGR-60NNE ENE-30NNE CON-30SE MPV-30WSW MPV-50NW MPV-30SSE YSC-50ENE YSC DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 34015KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 86E VALID UNTIL 1655Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30W PBI-40ESE PBI-50SE MIA-50SW MIA-30SE RSW-30W PBI DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 20010KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 301655-302055 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 110SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-30WNW LCH-50WSW AMG-110SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  002 WSUS32 KKCI 301455 SIGC MKCC WST 301455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 60C VALID UNTIL 1655Z WI MN FROM 30ENE EAU-20WNW GRB-40SW DLL-40SW EAU-30ENE EAU AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 33030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 61C VALID UNTIL 1655Z TX FROM 20SW SJT-30NE JCT-20WNW SAT-20ENE DLF-20SW SJT AREA TS MOV FROM 02015KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 62C VALID UNTIL 1655Z LA TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW LCH-30S LCH-110S LCH-140ESE PSX-90SE IAH-50WSW LCH AREA TS MOV FROM 25015KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 63C VALID UNTIL 1655Z MN SD FROM 40WNW DLH-30S DLH-70WNW RWF-60S FAR-40WNW DLH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 27025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 301655-302055 AREA 1...FROM 30SSW YQT-40WNW ORD-MCW-70S FAR-70NNE DLH-30SSW YQT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40NE ACT-30SSE LCH-110SSW LCH-90SSE PSX-40SE DLF-30NE SJT-40NE ACT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  567 WSUS33 KKCI 301455 SIGW MKCW WST 301455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22W VALID UNTIL 1655Z MT FROM 30E GGW-60NNE MLS-60NNE BIL-50NE LWT-30E GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 301655-302055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  727 WBCN07 CWVR 301400 PAM ROCKS WIND 34018 LANGARA; OVC 15 S03 RPLD LO W 1430 CLD EST 3 BKN 6 OVC 11/10 GREEN; OVC 10 N03E RPLD 1430 CLD EST 5 BKN 20 OVC 14/13 TRIPLE; OVC 15 CLM RPLD LO W 1430 CLD EST 4 FEW 18 BKN OVC ABV 25 14/13 BONILLA; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO S 1430 CLD EST 20 BKN 13/13 BOAT BLUFF; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD 1430 CLD EST 8 FEW 12 FEW BKN ABV 25 12/11 MCINNES; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO SW F BNK DSNT NW-N 1430 CLD EST 10 FEW SCT ABV 25 15/14 IVORY; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO SW 1430 CLD EST 6 FEW 20 SCT BKN ABV 25 15/13 DRYAD; OVC 15 CLM RPLD 1430 CLD EST 6 FEW 16 OVC 14/13 ADDENBROKE; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD 1430 CLD EST 10 SCT 18 SCT BKN ABV 25 15/13 EGG ISLAND; OVC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO W 1440 CLD EST 8 BKN 18 OVC 15/15 PINE ISLAND; OVC 15 NW02E RPLD LO W 1440 CLD EST 5 SCT 10 BKN OVC ABV 25 13/13 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW 1440 CLD EST 10 FEW 16 OVC 13/12 QUATSINO; CLDY 15 N04E RPLD LO SW 1440 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 14/12 NOOTKA; PC 15 N05E 1FT CHP LO SW 1440 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 15/13 ESTEVAN; PC 15 SE05 1FT CHP LO SW 1022.0S LENNARD; PC 10 CLM RPLD LO SW VIS S AND W 4F AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NW04 RPLD LO SW F BNK DSNT SW PACHENA; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; CLR 15 CLM RPLD LO SW SCARLETT; OVC 15 NW02E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; OVC 15 CLM SMTH CHATHAM; PC 15 NW10E 1FT CHP 1440 CLD EST 20 SCT SCT ABV 25 14/11 CHROME; PC 15 W04E RPLD MERRY; PC 15 N02E RPLD 1440 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 16/13 ENTRANCE; PC 15 NW12 2FT CHP FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; UNKN TRIAL IS.; PC 15 CLM RPLD Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 210/16/12/MMMM/M/ 3008 42MM= WLP SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 219/13/12/2608/M/ 6003 57MM= WEB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 216/12/11/0612/M/ 1009 64MM= WQC SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 224/10/10/0000/M/ 1007 45MM= WRU SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 218/12/11/3413/M/ PK WND 3417 1318Z 3001 40MM= WFG SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 222/12/12/21MM/M/ 6002 77MM= WVF SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/16/12/0504/M/ M 02MM= WQS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 227/11/11/3104/M/ 6006 42MM= WRO SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 227/12/12/3504/M/ 7002 21MM= WEK SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 224/14/13/MMMM/M/ 8004 68MM= WWL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 225/13/12/3203/M/ 8002 95MM= WME SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/14/13/1101/M/ M 47MM= WAS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 098/15/11/3418/M/ PK WND 3422 1347Z 1011 33MM= WSB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 207/15/12/1102/M/ 1007 55MM= WGT SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 215/17/13/2909/M/ 2007 79MM= WGB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 213/16/13/2710/M/ 3006 41MM= WEL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 214/17/13/3412/M/ 3007 22MM= WDR SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 204/16/13/1801/M/ 3006 72MM= WZO SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3507/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0801/M/ M MMMM=  692 WWUS83 KARX 301455 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 955 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ008>011-018-019-MNZ094>096-301545- Floyd-Winneshiek-Chickasaw-Howard-Allamakee-Mitchell-Fillmore-Mower- Houston- 955 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG WINDS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA AND NORTHEAST IOWA... At 950 AM CDT, radar indicated a thunderstorm outflow boundary extending from near Austin to near Stoddard. Movement was south at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this boundary. These winds will be near... Lyle around 1000 AM CDT. New Albin around 1005 AM CDT. Lansing and St. Ansgar around 1015 AM CDT. Harpers Ferry around 1030 AM CDT. Rudd around 1035 AM CDT. Rockford around 1045 AM CDT. LAT...LON 4371 9305 4374 9125 4361 9127 4358 9123 4337 9122 4332 9112 4320 9111 4313 9118 4308 9118 4308 9208 4291 9208 4291 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 1450Z 002DEG 38KT 4362 9303 4364 9125 $$ JSB  724 WGUS83 KPAH 301455 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 955 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Indiana... Patoka River near Princeton .Moderate flooding continues on the Patoka River near Princeton. The river will continue to fall and is forecast to go from moderate into minor flooding Monday morning. It will drop below flood stage Tuesday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC051-011854- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0091.000000T0000Z-190703T1000Z/ /PNTI3.2.ER.190620T1725Z.190624T2345Z.190703T0400Z.NO/ 955 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Patoka River near Princeton. * until late Tuesday night. * At 8:45 AM Sunday the stage was 20.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday night. * Impact...At 22.0 Feet...Flooding affects mainly farmland. Seasonal camping trailers closest to the river become inundated. && LAT...LON 3842 8770 3843 8747 3839 8741 3836 8741 3837 8747 3839 8771 $$  741 WWUS83 KMPX 301455 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 955 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ043-301530- Morrison- 955 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN MORRISON COUNTY... At 955 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Lastrup, or 13 miles northeast of Little Falls, moving east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Pierz, Lastrup, Buckman, Harding, Genola and Hillman. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4608 9380 4602 9380 4583 9408 4607 9427 4615 9413 TIME...MOT...LOC 1455Z 291DEG 28KT 4607 9411 $$ CTG  956 WWJP75 RJTD 301200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 301200UTC ISSUED AT 301500UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 38N 148E MOV ENE 30 KT LOW 998HPA AT 40N 138E MOV NNE 10 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 122E 32N 128E 32N 131E 34N 135E 35N 140E 36N 142E 37N 146E 38N 148E 39N 154E 39N 159E WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 302100UTC =  957 WWJP74 RJTD 301200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 301200UTC ISSUED AT 301500UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 38N 148E MOV ENE 30 KT LOW 1000HPA AT 44N 130E ALMOST STNR WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 302100UTC =  958 WWJP83 RJTD 301200 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 301200UTC ISSUED AT 301500UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 38N 148E MOV ENE 30 KT LOW 998HPA AT 40N 138E MOV NNE 10 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 122E 32N 128E 32N 131E 34N 135E 35N 140E 36N 142E 37N 146E 38N 148E 39N 154E 39N 159E GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 302100UTC =  959 WWJP72 RJTD 301200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 301200UTC ISSUED AT 301500UTC LOW 998HPA AT 40N 138E MOV NNE 10 KT LOW 1000HPA AT 39N 129E MOV EAST SLWY STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 122E 32N 128E 32N 131E 34N 135E 35N 140E 36N 142E 37N 146E 38N 148E 39N 154E 39N 159E WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 302100UTC =  960 WWJP71 RJTD 301200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 301200UTC ISSUED AT 301500UTC STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 122E 32N 128E 32N 131E 34N 135E 35N 140E 36N 142E 37N 146E 38N 148E 39N 154E 39N 159E WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 302100UTC =  513 WGUS83 KILX 301458 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 958 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois... Illinois River at Peoria affecting Peoria...Tazewell and Woodford Counties Illinois River near Havana affecting Cass...Fulton and Mason Counties Illinois River at Beardstown affecting Brown...Cass...Morgan and Schuyler Counties .The following forecasts are based on observed precipitation, soil moisture conditions, and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. Additional river and weather information is available at www.weather.gov/ilx. && ILC143-179-203-010458- /O.EXT.KILX.FL.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190705T2100Z/ /PIAI2.3.ER.190501T1900Z.190507T0745Z.190705T1500Z.NR/ 958 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Peoria. * Until Friday afternoon. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 19.3 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday morning. * Impact...At 18.0 feet...Some flooding begins to bottomland not protected by levees. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Peoria 18 19.3 Sun 10 AM 19.2 19.0 18.8 && LAT...LON 4093 8952 4093 8941 4062 8957 4047 8980 4053 8988 4068 8965 $$ ILC017-057-125-010458- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAVI2.3.ER.190206T1406Z.190603T2000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 958 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River near Havana. * Until further notice. * At 945 AM Sunday the stage was 20.4 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 20.3 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...At 19.5 feet...Access road to Anderson Lake north campground closed. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Havana 14 20.4 Sun 10 AM 20.3 20.1 19.8 && LAT...LON 4053 8988 4047 8980 4034 9002 4012 9017 4018 9023 4039 9010 $$ ILC009-017-137-169-010458- /O.CON.KILX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BEAI2.3.ER.190205T1657Z.190604T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 958 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Illinois River at Beardstown. * Until further notice. * At 845 AM Sunday the stage was 23.1 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 22.8 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Illinois River Beardstown 14 23.1 Sun 9 AM 22.8 22.5 22.1 && LAT...LON 4018 9023 4012 9017 4008 9037 3999 9046 3999 9058 4015 9043 $$ EJL  500 WWUS53 KDLH 301459 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 959 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-017-115-301515- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190630T1515Z/ Aitkin MN-Pine MN-Carlton MN- 959 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN AITKIN...NORTHWESTERN PINE AND WESTERN CARLTON COUNTIES... At 958 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Big Sandy Lake, to Tamarack, to 11 miles west of Kettle River, to near McGrath, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Big Sandy Lake, Mahtowa, Barnum, Willow River, McGregor, Cromwell, Rutledge, Kettle River, Palisade, Tamarack, McGrath, Libby, Sturgeon Lake, Finlayson, Automba, Wright, Balsam, Denham, Arthyde, and Sheshebee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4627 9355 4648 9339 4665 9337 4681 9366 4682 9306 4677 9306 4677 9289 4661 9261 4644 9264 4616 9285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1458Z 274DEG 38KT 4676 9330 4664 9309 4647 9312 4632 9323 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  517 WWUS83 KMPX 301500 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1000 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ044-045-301545- Mille Lacs-Kanabec- 1000 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN KANABEC AND NORTHERN MILLE LACS COUNTIES... At 1000 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Vineland, or 7 miles southeast of Mille Lacs Lake, moving southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mille Lacs Lake, Onamia, Isle, Wahkon, Vineland, Knife Lake, Warman, Lake Mille Lacs and Bayview. This includes U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 202 and 229. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4615 9343 4616 9327 4601 9305 4599 9306 4588 9374 4598 9377 4607 9381 4624 9381 4625 9344 TIME...MOT...LOC 1500Z 305DEG 37KT 4621 9363 $$ CTG  686 WWUS84 KSJT 301500 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 1000 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ078-301530- Sutton TX- 1000 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL SUTTON COUNTY UNTIL 1030 AM CDT... At 1000 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 20 miles southeast of Sonora, moving southwest at 20 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central Sutton County, including the following locations... Us- 277 Near The Sutton-Edwards County Line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3043 10046 3030 10032 3029 10033 3029 10076 TIME...MOT...LOC 1500Z 046DEG 16KT 3032 10046 $$  879 WSMX31 MMMX 301500 MMEX SIGMET E2 VALID 301500/302100 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR CNL SIGMET E1 301313/301713=  098 WWUS53 KDLH 301501 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1001 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-017-115-301515- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190630T1515Z/ Aitkin MN-Pine MN-Carlton MN- 1001 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN AITKIN...NORTHWESTERN PINE AND WESTERN CARLTON COUNTIES... At 1000 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Big Sandy Lake, to near Tamarack, to 11 miles west of Kettle River, to near McGrath, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Big Sandy Lake, Mahtowa, Barnum, Willow River, McGregor, Cromwell, Rutledge, Kettle River, Tamarack, McGrath, Sturgeon Lake, Finlayson, Automba, Wright, Denham, Arthyde, Moose Lake State Park, Sheshebee, Lawler, and Dads Corner. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4627 9355 4639 9335 4654 9325 4675 9342 4675 9285 4661 9261 4644 9264 4616 9285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1500Z 274DEG 38KT 4676 9329 4664 9308 4647 9311 4632 9322 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  008 WTPZ42 KNHC 301502 TCDEP2 Tropical Storm Barbara Discussion Number 1 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL EP022019 900 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Satellite imagery indicates that the area of low pressure and associated convection located several hundred miles southwest of southern Mexico has become better organized, with the center embedded in the northern side of a large area of deep convection. In addition, earlier scatterometer data revealed that 35-kt winds existed in the eastern semicircle of the developing cyclone. This intensity is in agreement with the latest subjective satellite estimate from TAFB and thus advisories are started on Tropical Storm Barbara, the second named storm of the Eastern Pacific hurricane season. Barbara's initial motion is 285/14 kt. A mid-level ridge to the north of the cyclone will steer it to the west-northwest for the next several days. Later on in the forecast period, Barbara will approach the southwestern periphery of the ridge which should induce some slowing of the forward motion. The NHC track forecast lies in the middle of a suite of guidance that is tightly clustered through 96 hours and begins to diverge slightly beyond that time frame. The overall satellite presentation of Barbara suggests that there is some shear affecting the convection over the northern part of the cyclone. Statistical guidance concurs with this and indicates 10-15 kt of northwesterly shear currently over the circulation. This shear is forecast by the guidance to begin to abate in about 24 hours. Otherwise, Barbara is expected to be in a favorable environment for intensification and over warm waters for the next 4 to 5 days. The official forecast takes into account this initial shear during the early inner-core development stages of Barbara, and calls for a slow and steady strengthening through 24 hours. Thereafter, the lower-shear environment and likely consolidating inner-core should allow for a faster rate of intensification. The official forecast intensity is close to the dynamical guidance through 72 hours, and is near the upper edge of the guidance beyond 72 hours, bringing Barbara to category 2 intensity by 72 hours. After 96 hours, Barbara will be approaching a tight gradient in SSTs to its north. Also, both dynamical and statistical guidance indicate that the cyclone will be approaching a region with increasing southwesterly shear. Both of these factors should contribute to a gradual weakening after 96 hours. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 30/1500Z 10.6N 110.4W 35 KT 40 MPH 12H 01/0000Z 11.1N 112.7W 40 KT 45 MPH 24H 01/1200Z 11.6N 115.9W 45 KT 50 MPH 36H 02/0000Z 12.0N 118.7W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 02/1200Z 12.4N 121.0W 65 KT 75 MPH 72H 03/1200Z 13.5N 125.2W 85 KT 100 MPH 96H 04/1200Z 15.0N 128.5W 90 KT 105 MPH 120H 05/1200Z 16.0N 131.5W 85 KT 100 MPH $$ Forecaster Latto/Beven  206 WWUS73 KMPX 301502 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1002 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060>063-068>070-302315- /O.CAN.KMPX.EH.W.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ /O.EXA.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington-Carver-Scott-Dakota- Including the cities of Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Chaska, Shakopee, and Hastings 1002 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Twin Cities/Chanhassen has issued a Heat Advisory, which is in effect until 9 PM CDT this evening. The Excessive Heat Warning has been cancelled. * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices around 95 degrees are possible this afternoon. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. && $$ MNZ051>053-059-066-067-073>078-082>085-091>093-302315- /O.CON.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Sherburne-Isanti-Chisago-Wright-McLeod-Sibley-Redwood-Brown- Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue-Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele- Martin-Faribault-Freeborn- Including the cities of Elk River, Cambridge, Center City, Monticello, Hutchinson, Gaylord, Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St Peter, Le Sueur, Faribault, Red Wing, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 1002 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 95 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$  701 WSBW20 VGHS 301500 VGFR SIGMET 05 VALID 301600/302000 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ENE NC=  284 WWUS84 KEWX 301504 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 1004 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ183-184-301545- Val Verde TX-Edwards TX- 1004 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN EDWARDS AND NORTHEASTERN VAL VERDE COUNTIES UNTIL 1045 AM CDT... At 1003 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 20 miles southeast of Sonora, moving southwest at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Us-277 Near The Sutton-Edwards County Line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3029 10037 3028 10036 3001 10064 3025 10087 3029 10076 TIME...MOT...LOC 1503Z 062DEG 19KT 3031 10048 $$ YURA  123 WWUS83 KGRB 301506 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1006 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ045-301530- Waushara WI- 1006 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN WAUSHARA COUNTY UNTIL 1030 AM CDT... At 1005 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms 7 miles west of Wautoma, moving southeast at 45 mph. Pea size hail, torrential rainfall and wind gusts to 40 to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Wautoma, Plainfield, Silver Lake, Dakota, Richford, Spring Lake, Coloma, Hancock and Lohrville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized urban flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Green Bay. && LAT...LON 4398 8960 4424 8960 4424 8939 4398 8903 TIME...MOT...LOC 1505Z 313DEG 40KT 4406 8942 $$ Kieckbusch  585 WUUS53 KMPX 301507 SVRMPX MNC095-097-301530- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.W.0065.190630T1507Z-190630T1530Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Mille Lacs County in east central Minnesota... Southeastern Morrison County in central Minnesota... * Until 1030 AM CDT. * At 1006 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lastrup, or 17 miles east of Little Falls, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mille Lacs Lake, Pierz, Onamia, Isle, Wahkon, Lastrup, Vineland, Morrill, Buckman, Harding, Genola and Hillman. This includes U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 205 and 228. This includes Grand Casino Mille Lacs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4625 9344 4604 9343 4582 9397 4582 9409 4602 9422 4614 9402 4616 9395 4616 9381 4622 9380 4623 9376 TIME...MOT...LOC 1506Z 295DEG 28KT 4602 9400 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CTG  659 WWUS53 KDLH 301507 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-017-115-301515- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190630T1515Z/ Aitkin MN-Pine MN-Carlton MN- 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN AITKIN...NORTHWESTERN PINE AND SOUTHWESTERN CARLTON COUNTIES... At 1006 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Big Sandy Lake, to near Tamarack, to 7 miles west of Kettle River, to 8 miles northeast of McGrath, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Willow River, Rutledge, Kettle River, McGrath, Sturgeon Lake, Finlayson, Denham, Arthyde, Moose Lake State Park, Ronald, Dads Corner, and Banning State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4627 9355 4635 9333 4648 9298 4653 9278 4644 9264 4616 9285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1506Z 274DEG 38KT 4676 9321 4664 9300 4647 9303 4632 9314 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  053 WSBZ31 SBRE 301500 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 301515/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04 759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  810 WGUS83 KLSX 301507 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Illinois River... ...at La Grange Lock and Dam ...at Meredosia ...at Valley City ...at Hardin River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC009-011507- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0109.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NLGI2.3.ER.190501T1535Z.190604T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at La Grange Lock and Dam * until further notice. * At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.6 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Illinois River La Grange LD 23.0 28.05 27.6 27.2 26.8 26.4 25.9 && LAT...LON 3999 9058 3999 9046 3988 9051 3988 9063 $$ ILC137-149-011507- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0110.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MROI2.3.ER.190501T0940Z.190604T2130Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Meredosia * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 22.5 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 22.2 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Illinois River Meredosia 17.0 22.55 22.2 21.9 21.5 21.0 20.5 && LAT...LON 3988 9063 3988 9051 3977 9053 3977 9067 $$ ILC149-171-011507- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /VALI2.3.ER.190310T0440Z.190604T2130Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Valley City * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 21.1 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 20.7 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Illinois River Valley City 14.0 21.11 20.7 20.3 19.8 19.3 18.7 && LAT...LON 3977 9067 3977 9053 3952 9052 3952 9064 $$ ILC013-061-083-011507- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HARI2.3.ER.190310T1007Z.190607T2300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1007 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Illinois River at Hardin * until further notice. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 33.3 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Major flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 33.0 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Illinois River Hardin 25.0 33.30 33.0 32.7 32.3 31.9 31.5 && LAT...LON 3952 9064 3952 9052 3898 9048 3891 9054 3903 9062 $$  570 WWUS81 KBTV 301508 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1108 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ034-035-VTZ009-011-301600- Western Essex-Eastern Essex-Western Rutland-Western Addison- 1108 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ESSEX... SOUTHWESTERN ADDISON AND NORTHWESTERN RUTLAND COUNTIES... At 1105 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Shoreham, moving south at 10 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Dangerous cloud to ground lightning and brief heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rutland, Middlebury, Crown Point, Castleton, Cornwall, Sudbury, Orwell, Benson, Fair Haven, Whiting, West Castleton, Hubbardton, Shoreham, Crown Point Center, Proctor, Brandon, Leicester, Pittsford, West Haven and West Rutland. LAT...LON 4364 7343 4365 7342 4369 7341 4373 7337 4377 7335 4381 7338 4380 7348 4395 7352 4397 7315 4363 7297 4359 7329 4363 7331 4363 7337 4358 7339 4358 7341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1505Z 352DEG 10KT 4389 7338 $$ Banacos  581 WWUS83 KARX 301509 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1009 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ041>044-053>055-301600- Juneau-Richland-Vernon-La Crosse-Adams-Crawford-Monroe- 1009 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN LA CROSSE...SOUTHERN JUNEAU...VERNON...RICHLAND...CRAWFORD...ADAMS AND SOUTHERN MONROE COUNTIES... At 1007 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wautoma to near Elroy to near Stoddard. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 55 mph are possible with these storms. The strongest winds will be found in Adams County where there a few trees may be blown down. These storms will be near... Wonewoc around 1010 AM CDT. Viroqua around 1025 AM CDT. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. Persons in campgrounds should consider seeking sturdy shelter until these storms pass. LAT...LON 4364 9031 4355 9031 4355 9019 4323 9019 4320 9041 4321 9055 4316 9070 4311 9103 4378 9125 4387 9044 4414 8960 4364 8960 TIME...MOT...LOC 1507Z 310DEG 40KT 4402 8927 4372 9019 4363 9116 $$ JSB  677 WHUS73 KDLH 301509 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 1009 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG NORTHEAST WINDS OVER WESTERN LAKE SUPERIOR... .A period of strong northeast winds in the wake of thunderstorms has produced hazardous conditions for small craft. We expect the winds and waves to diminish by noon today. LSZ144-145-301700- /O.EXP.KDLH.SC.Y.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.SC.Y.0041.190630T1509Z-190630T1700Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 1009 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CDT TODAY... The National Weather Service in Duluth has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until noon CDT today. * Sustained Winds...Northeast 10 to 15 knots. * Waves...4 to 6 feet. * Wind Gusts...Up to 20 knots. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 22 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  352 WWUS83 KMPX 301510 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1010 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ041-042-048-049-055-057-301600- Stearns-Kandiyohi-Pope-Swift-Douglas-Todd- 1010 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN DOUGLAS...POPE... SOUTHWESTERN TODD...NORTHWESTERN STEARNS...EASTERN SWIFT AND NORTHWESTERN KANDIYOHI COUNTIES... At 1010 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Glenwood, or 21 miles south of Alexandria, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Sauk Centre, Melrose, Glenwood, Starbuck, Kerkhoven, Brooten, Belgrade, Freeport, Lake Hassel, New Munich, Norway Lake and Grove Lake. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Minnesota between mile markers 113 and 144. U.S. Highway 12 between mile markers 58 and 66. U.S. Highway 71 between mile markers 137 and 172. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4567 9458 4512 9523 4514 9525 4515 9525 4515 9527 4549 9576 4555 9574 4586 9515 TIME...MOT...LOC 1510Z 295DEG 27KT 4560 9527 $$ CTG  213 WSCH31 SCFA 301510 SCFZ SIGMET A4 VALID 301510/301910 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1900 W09000 - S2500 W08500 - S2800 W07300 - S2800 W07100 - S2500 W07500 FL190/320 STNR NC=  540 WWUS81 KGYX 301511 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1111 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ002-003-301545- Northern Grafton-Southern Coos- 1111 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN COOS AND NORTHEASTERN GRAFTON COUNTIES... At 1111 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Gilman, or near Littleton, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Littleton, Lancaster, Bethlehem, Franconia, Lunenburg, Concord, Carroll, Lisbon, Dalton, South Lunenburg, Whitefield, Sugar Hill and Landaff. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 113 and 129. LAT...LON 4436 7181 4438 7182 4440 7179 4441 7176 4440 7174 4443 7169 4443 7168 4444 7166 4446 7165 4446 7164 4447 7165 4448 7164 4421 7148 4418 7185 4434 7187 TIME...MOT...LOC 1511Z 356DEG 19KT 4439 7175 $$  728 WSNT04 KKCI 301530 SIGA0D KZWY SIGMET DELTA 3 VALID 301530/301930 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1530Z WI N3000 W05030 - N2930 W04915 - N2730 W05215 - N2600 W05900 - N2815 W05815 - N3000 W05030. TOP FL450. MOV ESE 5KT. WKN.  167 WGUS44 KSHV 301512 FLWSHV BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1012 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC403-405-011511- /O.NEW.KSHV.FL.W.0167.190630T1705Z-190701T2200Z/ /AYIT2.1.ER.190630T1705Z.190701T0000Z.190701T0400Z.NO/ 1012 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a * FLOOD WARNING FOR the Ayish Bayou Near San Augustine. * until Monday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * AT 9:15 AM Sunday The stage was 11.7 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 12.2 feet by this evening. The river will fall below flood stage by tonight. && LAT...LON 3156 9415 3155 9409 3139 9414 3130 9412 3130 9416 $$  393 WUUS53 KMKX 301512 SVRMKX WIC021-047-077-111-301615- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.W.0023.190630T1512Z-190630T1615Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1012 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Green Lake County in south central Wisconsin... Northwestern Columbia County in south central Wisconsin... Marquette County in south central Wisconsin... Northeastern Sauk County in south central Wisconsin... * Until 1115 AM CDT. * At 1011 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles north of Redgranite to 7 miles northwest of Wisconsin Dells, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Baraboo, Portage, Wisconsin Dells, Lake Wisconsin, Berlin, Lake Delton, Pardeeville, Randolph, Montello, Markesan, West Baraboo, Westfield, Princeton, Green Lake, Cambria, Lawrence, Packwaukee, Manchester, Wyocena and North Freedom. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4363 8889 4363 8900 4357 8901 4330 8978 4364 8996 4364 8960 4398 8960 4398 8889 TIME...MOT...LOC 1511Z 325DEG 26KT 4416 8915 4372 8987 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  015 WWUS53 KDLH 301514 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1014 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC001-017-115-301523- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0032.000000T0000Z-190630T1515Z/ Aitkin MN-Pine MN-Carlton MN- 1014 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AITKIN... NORTHWESTERN PINE AND SOUTHWESTERN CARLTON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1015 AM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4627 9355 4635 9333 4648 9298 4653 9278 4644 9264 4616 9285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1513Z 274DEG 38KT 4675 9310 4663 9289 4646 9292 4631 9303 $$ Wolfe  733 WSSP31 LEMM 301513 LECM SIGMET 1 VALID 301512/301700 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1512Z WI N4238 W00938 - N4236 W00831 - N4447 W00840 - N4447 W01002 - N4238 W00938 TOP FL340 MOV N 20KT NC=  908 WGUS83 KDVN 301514 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1014 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && ILC067-MOC045-010713- /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190701T2100Z/ /GGYM7.3.ER.190311T0045Z.190602T1830Z.190701T0300Z.NR/ 1014 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until this evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until this evening. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 15.1 feet and nearly steady. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Slight rise to 15.2 feet today. Fall below flood stage this evening. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$ IAC111-MOC045-010713- /O.EXT.KDVN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190707T1800Z/ /SFLM7.3.ER.190525T2125Z.190529T1515Z.190707T0000Z.NO/ 1014 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning now in effect until Saturday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Des Moines River at St Francisville. * Until Saturday evening. * At 9:15 AM Sunday the stage was 19.3 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage Saturday evening. * Impact, At 18.0 feet, Flooding occurs over the lower river banks. && LAT...LON 4061 9172 4069 9172 4040 9139 4035 9147 4061 9185 $$ 15  929 WUUS53 KMPX 301514 SVRMPX MNC065-301545- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.W.0066.190630T1514Z-190630T1545Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1014 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Kanabec County in east central Minnesota... * Until 1045 AM CDT. * At 1014 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Isle, or 20 miles southeast of Mille Lacs Lake, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Quamba, Knife Lake and Warman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4598 9306 4598 9314 4588 9314 4586 9315 4603 9343 4615 9343 4616 9306 TIME...MOT...LOC 1514Z 311DEG 35KT 4610 9340 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CTG  059 WHUS76 KSEW 301515 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 815 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ131-132-302315- /O.NEW.KSEW.SC.Y.0132.190701T0100Z-190701T0900Z/ /O.NEW.KSEW.GL.A.0039.190702T0000Z-190702T0900Z/ Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 815 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 AM PDT MONDAY... ...GALE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH LATE MONDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Small Craft Advisory...which is in effect from 6 PM this evening to 2 AM PDT Monday. A Gale Watch has also been issued. This Gale Watch is in effect from Monday afternoon through late Monday night. * WIND AND WAVES...West winds 15 to 25 knots this evening and 25 to 35 knots Monday night. Wind waves 2 to 4 feet this evening and 4 to 7 feet Monday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Gale Watch is issued when the risk of gale force winds of 34 to 47 knots has significantly increased, but the specific timing and/or location is still uncertain. It is intended to provide additional lead time for mariners who may wish to consider altering their plans. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  157 WSNO34 ENMI 301515 ENBD SIGMET C02 VALID 301520/301720 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N6225 E00830 - N6250 E00800 - N6330 E01025 - N6300 E01100 - N6225 E00830 TOP FL380 MOV NE 25KT NC=  379 ACUS11 KWNS 301516 SWOMCD SPC MCD 301516 WIZ000-301715- Mesoscale Discussion 1313 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1016 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...WI Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 301516Z - 301715Z Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent SUMMARY...Strong convection should spread across central WI into south-central WI over the next few hours. Gusty winds may accompany this activity. New ww is not warranted at this time. DISCUSSION...Decaying MCS is progressing southeast across WI at roughly 35kt. Over the last few hours this complex of storms has gradually weakened with fewer updrafts along the western flank and outflow surging in advance of the precip along the MN/IA border. Farther east, precip-driven cold pool should allow strong storms to propagate into south-central WI with some attendant threat for gusty winds. However, measured wind gusts are generally less than 30kt along the leading edge and thermal warming aloft over the next few hours lends considerable uncertainty whether this activity can be maintained, or perhaps regenerate with boundary-layer warming. For these reasons a new ww is not currently anticipated. ..Darrow/Grams.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...GRB...MKX...ARX... LAT...LON 44238833 43348832 42708904 42789018 43549073 44018967 44568905 44238833  741 WWUS83 KDLH 301516 SPSDLH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1016 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ036-038-WIZ001-006-301530- Pine-South Aitkin-Douglas-Burnett- 1016 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN AITKIN... PINE...SOUTHWESTERN DOUGLAS AND NORTHERN BURNETT COUNTIES... At 1016 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 6 miles northeast of Bruno, to Wahkon, and moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, half inch hail, and frequent cloud-to-ground lightning can be expected with these storms. These storms will be near... Bruno around 1020 AM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Cozy Corner, Grindstone Lake Pine County, Finlayson, Greely, Duquette, Denham, Chengwatana State Forest, Banning State Park, Kingsdale and Markville. Seek shelter inside a sturdy building and away from windows until these storms pass. Get off area lakes and seek shelter on shore in a sturdy shelter or a hard-topped vehicle. LAT...LON 4573 9314 4598 9314 4598 9305 4616 9306 4615 9343 4623 9343 4642 9277 4642 9260 4616 9202 4616 9205 4612 9205 4573 9286 TIME...MOT...LOC 1516Z 332DEG 24KT 4636 9258 4611 9350 $$ Wolfe  744 WSKY31 UCFO 301515 UCFO SIGMET 4 VALID 301515/301915 UCFO- UCFO OSH FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4038 E07244 - N4112 E07210 - N4009 E07318 - N4206 E07329 - N4056 E07258 TOP FL390 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  815 WTPH20 RPMM 301200 TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING 05 TROPICAL DEPRESSION ANALYSIS 301200UTC PSTN 17.5N 125.9E MOVE NW 20KT PRES 1004HPA MXWD 030KT 30KT 080NM NE 080NM SE 050NM SW 050NM NW FORECAST 24H 011200UTC PSTN 20.4N 121.6E CATE LOW PRESSURE AREA NEXT WARNING 301800 UTC PHILIPPINE ATMOSPHERIC GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION=  020 WAIY31 LIIB 301518 LIMM AIRMET 5 VALID 301520/301720 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR OCNL TS OBS WI N4536 E00655 - N4550 E00809 - N4504 E00745 - N4417 E00824 - N4344 E00728 - N4423 E00637 - N4502 E00631 - N4536 E00655 TOP FL390 STNR NC=  169 WGUS83 KPAH 301519 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1019 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following river in Illinois...Missouri...Kentucky... Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau...Thebes and New Madrid .Along the Mississippi River, major flooding continues at Cape Girardeau, moderate flooding continues at Thebes, and minor flooding continues at New Madrid. Water levels are slowly falling at all three locations, with Cape Girardeau forecast to fall to moderate flooding Tuesday evening. Flooding will continue at all three locations until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && ILC003-077-181-MOC031-157-201-011919- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0054.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CPGM7.3.ER.190313T1210Z.190611T0530Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1019 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 42.3 feet. * Flood Stage is 32.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall. && LAT...LON 3769 8959 3769 8935 3744 8934 3725 8941 3723 8959 3732 8963 $$ ILC003-MOC201-011919- /O.CON.KPAH.FL.W.0055.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /THBI2.3.ER.190313T2207Z.190611T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1019 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Thebes * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 40.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall. && LAT...LON 3723 8959 3725 8941 3713 8929 3709 8946 $$ KYC075-MOC133-143-011919- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0090.000000T0000Z-190707T1900Z/ /NMDM7.1.ER.190603T0815Z.190628T1500Z.190707T1300Z.NO/ 1019 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at New Madrid. * until Sunday July 07. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 39.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 34.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall. && LAT...LON 3662 8962 3669 8927 3651 8918 3650 8935 3648 8935 3648 8964 $$  787 WWIN40 DEMS 301200 IWB (EVENING) DATED 30-06-2019. NORTHERN LIMIT OF MONSOON (NLM) CONTINUES TO PASS THROUGH LAT. 22ON/LONG. 60O E, LAT. 22ON/LONG. 65OE,DWARKA, AHMEDABAD, BHOPAL, JABALPUR, PENDRA, SULTANPUR, LAKHIMPUR KHERI, MUKTESHWAR AND LAT. 31ON/LONG. 80OE (.) THE LOW PRESSURE AREA OVER NORTHEAST BAY OF BENGAL & NEIGHBOURHOOD NOW LIES OVER NORTH BAY OF BENGAL & ADJOINING AREAS OF NORTH ODISHA, WEST BENGAL AND BANGLADESH COASTS. ASSOCIATED CYCLONIC CIRCULATION EXTENDING UPTO 7.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL TILTING SOUTHWESTWARDS WITH HEIGHT PERSISTS (.) IT IS LIKELY TO BECOME MORE MARKED AND CONCENTRATE INTO A DEPRESSION DURING NEXT 48 HOURS (.) IN ASSOCIATION WITH THIS, CONDITIONS ARE VERY LIKELY TO BECOME FAVOURABLE FOR FURTHER ADVANCE OF SOUTHWEST MONSOON INTO REMAINING PARTS OF CENTRAL INDIA, SOME MORE PARTS OF WEST INDIA AND SOME PARTS OF EAST RAJASTHAN DURING 1ST-3RD JULY. CONDITIONS ARE ALSO VERY LIKELY TO BECOME FAVOURABLE FOR ADVANCE OF SOUTHWEST MONSOON INTO REMAINING PARTS OF EAST UTTAR PRADESH & UTTRAKHAND, MANY PARTS OF WEST UTTAR PRADESH AND SOME PARTS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH DURING 2ND TO 4TH JULY (.) THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER CENTRAL PAKISTAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD EXTENDING UPTO 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS (.) THE TROUGH AT MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM NORTHERN PARTS OF PUNJAB TO CENTRE OF THE LOW PRESSURE AREA OVER NORTHEAST BAY OF BENGAL & NEIGHBOURHOOD ACROSS HARYANA, UTTAR PRADESH, BIHAR, JHARKHAND AND GANGETIC WEST BENGAL PERSISTS (.) THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER CENTRAL PARTS OF UTTAR PRADESH EXTENDING UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS (.) THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER SOUTH CHHATTISGARH & NEIGHBOURHOOD BETWEEN 3.1 & 7.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL TILTING SOUTHWESTWARDS WITH HEIGHT PERSISTS (.) THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER SOUTH GUJARAT & NEIGHBOURHOOD BETWEEN 3.1 & 3.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS (.) THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE, AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION BETWEEN 3.1 & 3.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL OVER NORTH PAKISTAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD (.) FORECAST:- RAIN/THUNDERSHOWERS VERY LIKELY AT MOST PLACES OVER VIDARBHA, GANGETIC WEST BENGAL, ODISHA, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHAWADA, COASTAL KARNATAKA AND KONKAN & GOA; AT MANY PLACES OVER CHHATTISGARH, SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, JHARKHAND, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, TELANGANA, NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA AND KERALA & MAHE; AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, MADHYA PRADESH, GUJARAT STATE, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM AND SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA; AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER UTTARAKHAND, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, PUNJAB, JAMMU & KASHMIR, HIMACHAL PRADESH, RAJASTHAN, RAYALASEEMA, BIHAR, TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY AND LAKSHADWEEP (.) WARNING:- 30 JUN (DAY 1): HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL WITH EXTREMELY HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER ODISHA; HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL AT A FEW PLACES OVER KONKAN & GOA AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER WEST MADHYA PRADESH AND VIDARBHA; HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, COASTAL KARNATAKA, NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, TELANGANA, GUJARAT REGION, CHHATTISGARH, EAST RAJASTHAN, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR AND GANGETIC WEST BENGAL (.) THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER BIHAR (.) HEAT WAVE CONDITIONS IN SOME PARTS VERY LIKELY OVER EAST UTTAR PRADESH AND IN ISOLATED POCKETS OVER PUNJAB, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, BIHAR AND WEST UTTAR PRADESH (.) ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEA CONDITIONS (WITH WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) ARE LIKELY TO PREVAIL OVER WESTCENTRAL & ADJOINING SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, SOUTH & ADJOINING CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL; NORTH BAY OF BENGAL AND ALONG & OFF SOUTH GUJARAT-MAHARASHTRA-GOA COASTS (.) FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS (.) 01 JUL (DAY 2): HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL AT A FEW PLACES WITH EXTREMELY HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES VERY LIKELY OVER ODISHA, VIDARBHA AND CHHATTISGARH; HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER KONKAN & GOA AND TELANGANA; HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER KERALA & MAHE, COASTAL KARNATAKA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, GUJARAT REGION, EAST RAJASTHAN AND JHARKHAND (.) THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER BIHAR (.) HEAT WAVE CONDITIONS IN SOME PARTS VERY LIKELY OVER EAST UTTAR PRADESH AND IN ISOLATED POCKETS OVER PUNJAB, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI AND WEST UTTAR PRADESH (.) ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEA CONDITIONS (WITH WIND SPEED REACHING 40-50 KMPH) ARE LIKELY TO PREVAIL OVER WESTCENTRAL & ADJOINING SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA SOUTH & ADJOINING CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL AND NORTH BAY OF BENGAL (.) FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS (.)=  048 WCMX31 MMMX 301520 MMEX SIGMET 1 VALID 301515/302115 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR TC BARBARA OBS N1036 W11024 AT 1515Z OCNL TS TOP FL520 WI 190NM OF CENTRE MOV WNW 14KT INTSF. FCST TC CENTRE 302100Z N1124 W11154= R.I. ADDRESS OUT OF FORMAT UNK ADD MMMXYMYEB  049 WCMX31 MMMX 301520 MMEX SIGMET 1 VALID 301515/302115 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR TC BARBARA OBS N1036 W11024 AT 1515Z OCNL TS TOP FL520 WI 190NM OF CENTRE MOV WNW 14KT INTSF. FCST TC CENTRE 302100Z N1124 W11154=  829 WWUS81 KGYX 301521 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1121 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ007-301545- Sullivan- 1121 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL SULLIVAN COUNTY... At 1121 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 miles east of Windsor, or 7 miles northeast of Claremont, moving southeast at 10 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Claremont, Newport, Grantham, Cornish, Croydon, Sunapee, Plainfield and Unity. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4350 7237 4354 7224 4341 7208 4331 7230 TIME...MOT...LOC 1521Z 329DEG 10KT 4347 7227 $$  558 WSNT05 KKCI 301530 SIGA0E KZWY KZMA SIGMET ECHO 1 VALID 301530/301930 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1530Z WI N3200 W07415 - N3115 W07045 - N2815 W07315 - N2745 W07545 - N3200 W07415. TOP FL530. MOV ESE 10KT. NC.  931 WTPH21 RPMM 301200 TTT WARNING 05 TD TIME 1200 UTC 00 17.5N 125.9E 1004HPA 30KT P06HR MOVE NW 20KT P+24 20.4N 121.6E PAGASA=  574 WWUS83 KARX 301522 CCA SPSARX Special Weather Statement...corrected National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1022 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ041>044-053>055-301600- Juneau-Richland-Vernon-La Crosse-Adams-Crawford-Monroe- 1022 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN LA CROSSE...SOUTHERN JUNEAU...VERNON...RICHLAND...CRAWFORD...ADAMS AND SOUTHERN MONROE COUNTIES... At 1007 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wautoma to near Elroy to near Stoddard. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. Wind gusts up to 55 mph are possible with these storms. The strongest winds will be found in Adams County where a few trees may be blown down. These storms will be near... Wonewoc around 1010 AM CDT. Viroqua around 1025 AM CDT. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. Persons in campgrounds should consider seeking sturdy shelter until these storms pass. LAT...LON 4364 9031 4355 9031 4355 9019 4323 9019 4320 9041 4321 9055 4316 9070 4311 9103 4378 9125 4387 9044 4414 8960 4364 8960 TIME...MOT...LOC 1507Z 310DEG 40KT 4402 8927 4372 9019 4363 9116 $$ JSB  152 WOUS64 KWNS 301523 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1023 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS WIC053-081-099-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE JACKSON MONROE PRICE VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DLH...  732 WUUS53 KMPX 301523 SVRMPX MNC009-059-065-095-097-301600- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.W.0067.190630T1523Z-190630T1600Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1023 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Kanabec County in east central Minnesota... Southern Mille Lacs County in east central Minnesota... Northwestern Isanti County in east central Minnesota... Northeastern Benton County in central Minnesota... Southeastern Morrison County in central Minnesota... * Until 1100 AM CDT. * At 1023 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Onamia, or 23 miles south of Mille Lacs Lake, moving south at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mora, Milaca, Brunswick, Foreston, Ogilvie, Grasston, Bock, Dalbo, Granite Ledge, Pease, Mora Airport and Lewis Lake. This includes U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 183 and 204. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4585 9390 4604 9344 4585 9314 4572 9314 4561 9376 TIME...MOT...LOC 1523Z 342DEG 50KT 4598 9361 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CTG  234 WSTU31 LTAC 301520 LTAA SIGMET 4 VALID 301500/301800 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SQL TS OBS AT 1450Z N40 E044 FCST MOV NE 12KT NC=  461 WASP40 LEMM 301524 LECM AIRMET 1 VALID 301522/301900 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/1 SFC VIS 2000M BR OBS AT 1522Z WI N4148 W00907 - N4314 W00913 - N4344 W00733 - N42 W00747 - N4148 W00907 STNR NC=  159 WSBZ01 SBBR 301500 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 301230/301630 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0104 W06924 - S0150 W06718 - S0454 W06804 - S0408 W07003 - S0104 W06924 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  160 WSBZ01 SBBR 301500 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 301515/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WIN0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 -N0458W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  161 WSBZ01 SBBR 301500 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 301330/301630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2500 W05435 - S2935 W04612 - S3355 W05027 - S3238 W05307 - S2913 W05643 - S2714 W05406 - S2539 W05358 - S2541 W05441 - S2500 W05435 TOP FL410 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  917 WHUS76 KEKA 301526 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 826 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ475-302330- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.000000T0000Z-190702T2200Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 826 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 20 knots, with gusts to 25 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...North 5 to 7 feet at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ455-302330- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.190701T1200Z-190702T2200Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 826 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM MONDAY TO 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...North 5 to 10 kt increasing to 15 to 20 knots with gusts 30 kt on Monday. Strongest near Cape Mendocino. * WAVES/SEAS...North building to 6 to 7 feet at 6 seconds on Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  496 WGUS43 KTOP 301528 FLWTOP BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Topeka KS 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KSC087-010445- /O.EXT.KTOP.FA.W.0086.000000T0000Z-190701T0445Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jefferson- 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Topeka has extended the * Flood Warning for... Northwestern Jefferson County in northeastern Kansas... * Until 1145 PM CDT Sunday. * Emergency Management indicates flooding along the Delaware river due to backwater from Lake Perry continues to inundate parts of the city of Valley Falls. Specifically, areas around Sycamore and Maple Road including the park and ball fields are inundated. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Valley Falls. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Keep children away from storm drains, culverts, creeks and streams. Water levels can rise rapidly and sweep children away. && LAT...LON 3932 9540 3932 9551 3942 9555 3942 9544 $$  206 WGUS83 KPAH 301528 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky...Illinois...Missouri... Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam...Shawneetown...Paducah...Cairo .Minor to moderate flooding continues along portions of the lower Ohio River due to recent heavy rain. Flooding is forecast to end within the next couple of days at all locations except for Cairo, which will remain above flood stage until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC129-KYC225-011400- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0095.000000T0000Z-190701T1400Z/ /UNWK2.1.ER.190622T0607Z.190627T1145Z.190701T0800Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam. * until Monday morning. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 38.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early tomorrow. * Impact...At 37.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-011927- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190702T0900Z/ /SHNI2.1.ER.190621T0348Z.190627T1345Z.190702T0300Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown. * until late Monday night. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 37.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late evening. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-011927- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190702T1500Z/ /PAHK2.1.ER.190624T0830Z.190630T1345Z.190702T0900Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah. * until Tuesday morning. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 39.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 39.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-011927- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190709T1648Z/ /CIRI2.3.ER.190122T0830Z.190301T2000Z.190709T1048Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo. * until Tuesday July 09. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 51.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall, dropping to minor flooding Friday afternoon. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$ MOC181-011927- /O.ROU.KPAH.HY.S.0000.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DNZM7.N.UU.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Forecast information for Current River near Doniphan. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 1.2 feet. * Flood Stage is 13.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 1.2 feet this afternoon. && LAT...LON 3682 9098 3682 9088 3650 9074 3650 9084 $$  815 WSJP31 RJTD 301530 RJJJ SIGMET K01 VALID 301530/301730 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB OBS AT 1513Z N4049E13647 FL300 MOV E 20KT NC=  664 WWUS53 KMKX 301529 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1029 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC021-047-077-111-301615- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1615Z/ Green Lake WI-Columbia WI-Marquette WI-Sauk WI- 1029 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 AM CDT FOR GREEN LAKE...NORTHWESTERN COLUMBIA...MARQUETTE AND NORTHEASTERN SAUK COUNTIES... At 1027 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Berlin to near West Baraboo, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. There was also a report from law enforcement of winds up to 60 mph with large tree branches down near Endeavor. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Baraboo, Portage, Wisconsin Dells, Lake Wisconsin, Berlin, Lake Delton, Pardeeville, Randolph, Montello, Markesan, West Baraboo, Westfield, Princeton, Green Lake, Cambria, Lawrence, Packwaukee, Manchester, Wyocena and North Freedom. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4363 8889 4363 8900 4357 8901 4330 8978 4364 8996 4364 8960 4398 8960 4398 8889 TIME...MOT...LOC 1527Z 333DEG 37KT 4395 8905 4351 8977 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  235 WGUS83 KLSX 301530 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Mississippi River along the Missouri-Illinois border... ...at Canton ...at Quincy ...at Hannibal ...at Saverton ...at Louisiana ...at Clarksville ...at Winfield ...at Grafton ...at Mel Price Locks and Dam ...at St. Louis ...at Chester River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && ILC001-MOC111-011529- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0066.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CANM7.3.RS.190314T1402Z.190602T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Canton * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 15.0 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 14.6 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Canton 14.0 14.97 14.6 14.3 14.0 14.0 14.0 && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4022 9142 4008 9140 4008 9153 $$ ILC001-MOC127-011529- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190703T0600Z/ /UINI2.3.RS.190315T1300Z.190602T0145Z.190702T0600Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Quincy * until late Tuesday night. * At 9:15 AM Sunday the stage was 17.5 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by early Tuesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Quincy 17.0 17.53 17.3 16.9 16.5 16.5 16.5 && LAT...LON 3999 9152 3999 9140 3991 9140 3991 9152 $$ ILC149-MOC127-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0069.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HNNM7.3.RS.190314T1237Z.190602T0415Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Hannibal * until further notice. * At 9:15 AM Sunday the stage was 18.2 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 17.9 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Hannibal 16.0 18.20 17.9 17.5 17.1 16.7 16.7 && LAT...LON 3983 9148 3983 9135 3974 9121 3967 9135 $$ ILC149-MOC173-011529- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-190704T0600Z/ /SVRM7.3.RS.190315T1316Z.190602T1100Z.190703T0600Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Saverton * until late Wednesday night. * At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 17.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by early Wednesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Saverton 16.0 17.11 16.7 16.3 15.9 15.5 15.2 && LAT...LON 3967 9135 3974 9121 3970 9114 3952 9097 3945 9111 $$ ILC149-MOC163-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0060.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUSM7.3.RS.190314T1642Z.190602T1300Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Louisiana * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 17.5 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 17.2 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Louisiana 15.0 17.52 17.2 16.8 16.4 16.0 16.0 && LAT...LON 3945 9111 3952 9097 3945 9089 3939 9097 $$ ILC013-MOC163-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLKM7.3.RS.190314T1500Z.190602T1350Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Clarksville * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 27.4 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Clarksville 25.0 27.98 27.4 26.9 26.5 26.2 26.2 && LAT...LON 3939 9097 3945 9089 3938 9077 3923 9071 3922 9081 $$ ILC013-MOC113-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0071.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CAGM7.3.RS.190315T1130Z.190602T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Winfield * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 30.7 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river will continue to fall to a stage of 30.2 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Winfield 26.0 30.72 30.2 29.6 29.1 28.6 28.4 && LAT...LON 3922 9081 3923 9071 3888 9057 3881 9057 3887 9074 $$ ILC083-MOC183-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0056.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRFI2.3.RS.190313T0345Z.190608T0200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Grafton * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 27.4 feet. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 26.8 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Grafton 18.0 27.36 26.8 26.1 25.4 24.7 24.2 && LAT...LON 3881 9057 3888 9057 3899 9046 3895 9028 3882 9048 $$ ILC119-MOC183-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ALNI2.3.RS.190314T1220Z.190609T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Mel Price Locks and Dam * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 31.3 feet. * Flood stage is 21.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to near 30 feet by Tuesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Mel Price LD 21.0 31.27 31.2 30.7 29.8 28.5 26.9 && LAT...LON 3891 9033 3895 9028 3883 9003 3881 9017 3886 9017 $$ ILC163-MOC189-510-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0078.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /EADM7.3.ER.190317T0007Z.190609T0215Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at St. Louis * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 38.4 feet. * Flood stage is 30.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to near 37.1 feet by Tuesday evening. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River St. Louis 30.0 38.39 38.2 37.6 36.5 35.0 33.0 && LAT...LON 3881 9017 3883 9004 3826 9030 3826 9043 3873 9024 $$ ILC077-157-MOC157-186-011529- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CHSI2.3.RS.190313T2045Z.190610T2030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1030 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Chester * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 39.7 feet. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to near 39.0 feet by Wednesday morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Mississippi River Chester 27.0 39.70 39.7 39.5 39.1 38.4 37.2 && LAT...LON 3826 9043 3826 9030 3769 8935 3769 8959 3787 9003 $$  224 WANO35 ENMI 301530 ENBD AIRMET D01 VALID 301530/301930 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E00605 - N6730 E01000 - N6640 E01600 - N6500 E01430 - N6500 E00605 FL070/210 MOV NE 20KT NC=  049 WWUS85 KGGW 301530 SPSGGW Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Glasgow MT 930 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ022-301630- Garfield MT- 930 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL GARFIELD COUNTY UNTIL 1030 AM MDT... At 930 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Brusett, or 19 miles west of Jordan, moving east at 25 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Jordan and Steve Fork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4719 10746 4737 10750 4746 10682 4721 10677 TIME...MOT...LOC 1530Z 266DEG 20KT 4729 10732 $$ Castro  160 WWUS81 KOKX 301531 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1131 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ005-006-009-010-NYZ068-070-301615- Northern Fairfield-Southern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Southern New Haven-Putnam-Northern Westchester- 1131 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT FAIRFIELD... SOUTHWESTERN NEW HAVEN...NORTHERN WESTCHESTER AND EASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 1130 AM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Shelton to Redding to near Mahopac. Movement was southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Bridgeport, Stamford, Norwalk, Danbury, Milford, Shelton, New Canaan, Mahopac, Newtown, Fairfield, Stratford, Trumbull, Westport, Ridgefield and Darien. LAT...LON 4137 7346 4139 7309 4125 7294 4120 7301 4120 7305 4119 7307 4117 7310 4115 7310 4114 7313 4115 7319 4111 7326 4112 7329 4110 7334 4108 7335 4105 7338 4104 7342 4105 7345 4103 7347 4103 7350 4141 7382 TIME...MOT...LOC 1530Z 322DEG 36KT 4134 7314 4132 7342 4135 7368 $$ CB  086 WAHW31 PHFO 301531 WA0HI HNLS WA 301600 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 302200 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 301600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 302200 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 301600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 302200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...149.  035 WAIY32 LIIB 301532 LIRR AIRMET 6 VALID 301540/301800 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TCU FCST WI N4039 E00829 - N3857 E00836 - N3923 E00929 - N4113 E00933 - N4039 E00829 TOP FL120 STNR WKN=  036 WSBZ31 SBAZ 301531 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 301530/301930 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI N0003 W06742 - N0051 W06522 - N0211 W06311 - N0407 W06048 - N0156 W05959 - N0024 W06251 - S0150 W06558 - N0003 W06742 TOP FL420 STNR N C=  614 WTPN31 PHNC 301600 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// REF/A/MSG/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/290151ZJUN2019// AMPN/REF A IS A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT.// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBRA) WARNING NR 001 01 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN EASTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 301200Z --- NEAR 10.4N 109.5W MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 280 DEGREES AT 13 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 035 KT, GUSTS 045 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 10.4N 109.5W --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 010000Z --- 11.1N 112.7W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 16 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 011200Z --- 11.6N 115.9W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 045 KT, GUSTS 055 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 14 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 020000Z --- 12.0N 118.7W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 11 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 021200Z --- 12.4N 121.0W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 015 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 015 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 285 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 031200Z --- 13.5N 125.2W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 295 DEG/ 09 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 041200Z --- 15.0N 128.5W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 090 KT, GUSTS 110 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 290 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 051200Z --- 16.0N 131.5W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- REMARKS: 301600Z POSITION NEAR 10.6N 110.6W. TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBRA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1402 NM SOUTH- SOUTHEAST OF SAN DIEGO, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 13 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 301200Z IS 20 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 302200Z, 010400Z, 011000Z AND 011600Z. REFER TO TROPICAL STORM 01E (ALVIN) WARNINGS (WTPN31 PGTW) FOR SIX-HOURLY UPDATES. 2. THIS CANCELS AND SUPERSEDES REF A (WTPN21 PGTW 290200).// NNNN  550 WGUS83 KPAH 301532 CCA FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah Kentucky 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... Kentucky...Illinois...Missouri... Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam...Shawneetown...Paducah...Cairo .Minor to moderate flooding continues along portions of the lower Ohio River due to recent heavy rain. Flooding is forecast to end within the next couple of days at all locations except for Cairo, which will remain above flood stage until further notice. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... SAFETY MESSAGE... Never drive cars...trucks or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow safe passage. Never allow children to play in or near flood waters. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your local media for further statements and possible updated forecasts. Additional information is available at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=pah /lower case/ && INC129-KYC225-011400- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0095.000000T0000Z-190701T1400Z/ /UNWK2.1.ER.190622T0607Z.190627T1145Z.190701T0800Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at J.T. Myers Dam. * until Monday morning. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 38.6 feet. * Flood Stage is 37.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by early tomorrow. * Impact...At 37.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3792 8796 3780 8784 3773 8800 $$ ILC059-069-KYC055-225-011927- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190702T0900Z/ /SHNI2.1.ER.190621T0348Z.190627T1345Z.190702T0300Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Shawneetown. * until late Monday night. * At 9:30 AM Sunday the stage was 37.1 feet. * Flood Stage is 33.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by tomorrow late evening. && LAT...LON 3778 8811 3773 8800 3757 8800 3753 8818 3771 8821 $$ ILC127-151-KYC139-145-011927- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190702T1500Z/ /PAHK2.1.ER.190624T0830Z.190630T1345Z.190702T0900Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Paducah. * until Tuesday morning. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 39.5 feet. * Flood Stage is 39.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 39.0 Feet...Minor flooding occurs affecting mainly bottomland and surrounding low lying areas. && LAT...LON 3715 8861 3715 8852 3707 8837 3697 8854 3709 8872 $$ ILC003-153-KYC007-039-075-105-MOC133-011927- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190709T1648Z/ /CIRI2.3.ER.190122T0830Z.190301T2000Z.190709T1048Z.NO/ 1028 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Ohio River at Cairo. * until Tuesday July 09. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 51.4 feet. * Flood Stage is 40.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to slowly fall, dropping to minor flooding Friday afternoon. * Impact...At 50.0 Feet...The first gate is closed at Cairo. && LAT...LON 3709 8946 3717 8916 3709 8907 3680 8900 3651 8918 $$  336 WGUS81 KLWX 301533 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1133 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301543- /O.CAN.KLWX.FA.W.0046.000000T0000Z-190630T1830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 1133 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR NORTHWESTERN GRANT COUNTY... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded, no longer posing a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3920 7947 3922 7943 3927 7939 3927 7936 3930 7934 3930 7929 3932 7928 3933 7927 3932 7922 3927 7925 3922 7933 3921 7938 3919 7940 3919 7944 3918 7947 3919 7949 3921 7949 $$ RCM  399 WWUS83 KMPX 301533 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1033 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ042-043-049-050-301630- Benton-Morrison-Stearns-Todd- 1033 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN BENTON... SOUTHEASTERN TODD...NORTHEASTERN STEARNS AND SOUTHERN MORRISON COUNTIES... At 1033 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered near Upsala, or 12 miles southwest of Little Falls, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... St. Cloud, Little Falls, Sauk Rapids, St. Joseph, Collegeville, Albany, Avon, Pierz, Royalton, Holdingford, Freeport and Upsala. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Minnesota between mile markers 141 and 160. U.S. Highway 10 in Minnesota between mile markers 147 and 175. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4575 9488 4596 9448 4598 9400 4571 9382 4552 9442 TIME...MOT...LOC 1533Z 291DEG 30KT 4583 9450 $$ CTG  485 WGUS81 KLWX 301533 RRA FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1133 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC071-301543- /O.CAN.KLWX.FA.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 1133 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR NORTHWESTERN PENDLETON COUNTY... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded, no longer posing a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3892 7946 3893 7945 3892 7938 3895 7935 3890 7927 3870 7940 3876 7953 3880 7951 3882 7953 3883 7952 3884 7954 $$ RCM  324 WGUS81 KLWX 301534 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1134 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-071-301544- /O.CAN.KLWX.FA.W.0045.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV-Grant WV- 1134 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR NORTHERN PENDLETON AND SOUTH CENTRAL GRANT COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded, no longer posing a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3896 7935 3897 7935 3899 7933 3900 7933 3900 7932 3903 7931 3903 7917 3898 7917 3890 7927 3895 7936 $$ RCM  094 WGUS81 KLWX 301534 RRA FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1134 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVC023-301544- /O.CAN.KLWX.FA.W.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV- 1134 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded, no longer posing a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3919 7924 3903 7925 3903 7931 3907 7930 3907 7932 3909 7936 3913 7933 3915 7933 3919 7929 3921 7931 3922 7933 3925 7927 $$ RCM  831 WSBZ31 SBRE 301534 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 301535/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  390 WWCN03 CYTR 301534 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR M50 LAC CASTOR PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 11:34 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: M50 LAC CASTOR (WMB) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 5 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/2100Z (UNTIL 30/1700 EDT) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/2100 EDT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED LIGHTNING STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TODAY. STRIKES WITHIN 5 NM ARE EXPECTED UNTIL LATE THIS AFTERNOON, AND STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE POSSIBLE UNTIL THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/2100Z (30/1700 EDT) END/JMC  373 WGUS81 KLWX 301535 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1135 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Maryland...West Virginia... North Branch Potomac River at Kitzmiller affecting Garrett and Mineral Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Never attempt to drive through a flooded roadway...this is how most flood deaths result. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio... television or radio stations...or visit our website at weather.gov. You can also find us on Facebook by searching U.S. National Weather Service Baltimore Washington. && MDC023-WVC057-301605- /O.CAN.KLWX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ /KITM2.1.ER.190630T0853Z.190630T1145Z.190630T1358Z.NO/ 1135 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The North Branch Potomac River at Kitzmiller. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 8.2 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * No flooding is currently forecast. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Water begins to overflow the banks near Kitzmiller. && River Flood Observed 2PM 8PM 2AM 8AM Crest Location Stage Stg Day Time Sun Sun Mon Mon Stg Day Time North Branch Potomac River Kitzmiller 9.0 8.2 Sun 11 AM 6.8 5.5 4.9 4.4 && LAT...LON 3933 7930 3937 7928 3941 7922 3941 7916 3938 7914 3933 7921 3932 7924 $$  061 WSAJ31 UBBB 301536 UBBB SIGMET 4 VALID 301600/302000 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL360 MOV NE 40KT NC=  506 WSSS20 VHHH 301535 VHHK SIGMET 6 VALID 301540/301940 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1747 E11453 - N1642 E11400 - N1930 E11130 - N1932 E11319 - N1747 E11453 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  651 WGUS84 KJAN 301535 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1035 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Louisiana... Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity affecting Franklin Parish PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && LAC041-012134- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0127.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NECL1.2.ER.181231T2100Z.190524T1600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1035 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Boeuf River Near Fort Necessity * until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 51.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 50.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue falling. * Impact...At 50.0 feet...Widespread flooding of farm and agricultural land is occurring along and near the river. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Boeuf River Fort Necessity 50 51.6 Sun 09 AM 51.3 51.0 50.8 Falling && LAT...LON 3186 9180 3196 9192 3205 9201 3212 9202 3218 9184 3195 9179 $$  002 WHUS76 KMTR 301537 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ560-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM MONDAY TO 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WINDS TONIGHT...Southwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...Southwest 15 to 25 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ Monterey Bay- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WINDS TONIGHT...West 5 to 15 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...West 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...3 to 5 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2200Z-190702T1000Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS TONIGHT...Northwest 10 to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT...Northwest 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...7 to 10 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-302345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 837 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  227 WGUS84 KLIX 301537 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mississippi River At Red River Landing affecting East Baton Rouge...Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes Mississippi River At Baton Rouge affecting East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes Mississippi River At Donaldsonville affecting Ascension Parish Mississippi River At Reserve affecting St. Charles...St. James and St. John The Baptist Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with anticipated rain for the next 24 hours. Adjustments to the forecasts will be made if additional heavy rainfall occurs. Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Remember, two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including pickups. Turn around and don't drown! A followup product will be issued later. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, local tv and radio stations...or your cable provider, for the latest information. The latest graphical hydrologic information can also be found at Weather.Gov. && LAC033-077-125-012137- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /RRLL1.2.ER.181215T2215Z.190317T1000Z.000000T0000Z.NR/ 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Red River Landing. * Until further notice. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 59.3 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady near 59.4 feet for at least the next 7 days. * Impact...At 59.0 feet...The east bank levee will be topped and the prison farm land between the two levees will be inundated. Angola Landing will be under water closing the ferry there. All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will remain inundated with recreational camps and river bottom farm land under water. * Impact...At 58.0 feet...Angola farmland on the left bank becomes inundated. * Impact...At 54.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom land will be under water. Water approaches Angola farm land. * Impact...At 51.0 feet...All river islands along the reach from Red River Landing to Baton Rouge will be inundated. Recreational camps and river bottom farm land will be under water. * Impact...At 48.0 feet...Access roads will be inundated and evacuation of all river islands must be complete. Protection of people and property in the river bottom land on the river side of the levees must be complete. * Impact...At 46.0 feet...River traffic will become dangerous. A levee crevasse would flood adjacent farm land. Significant flooding of Raccourci Island will continue and evacuation of the island is recommended. * Impact...At 45.0 feet...Between the 40 and 45 foot stage flooding of Raccourci Island becomes significant. At the 45 foot stage evacuation of the island is recommended. && LAT...LON 3074 9137 3071 9159 3102 9170 3103 9153 $$ LAC033-121-012137- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BTRL1.3.ER.190106T1052Z.190617T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Baton Rouge. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 42.0 feet. * Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 35.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady near 41.9 feet for at least the next 7 days. * Impact...At 40.0 feet...The grounds of the older part of Louisiana State University's campus become soggy. This includes the area around the Veterinary Medicine building, the Veterinary Medicine Annex, the stadium and ball fields. The city of Baton Rouge and the main LSU campus are protected by levees at this level. * Impact...At 38.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 36.0 feet...River traffic and industrial activity on the river side of the levees will be greatly affected. Navigational safety regulations will be strictly enforced. * Impact...At 35.0 feet...River islands from Red River Landing downstream to Baton Rouge will be inundated. && LAT...LON 3035 9113 3032 9130 3071 9159 3074 9130 $$ LAC005-012137- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0018.000000T0000Z-190725T0600Z/ /DONL1.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190617T2000Z.190725T0000Z.NO/ 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Donaldsonville. * Until Thursday July 25. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 29.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 27.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady near 29.8 feet for at least the next 7 days. * Impact...At 27.0 feet...Navigation becomes difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3009 9079 3001 9087 3032 9130 3035 9113 $$ LAC089-093-095-012137- /O.CON.KLIX.FL.W.0020.000000T0000Z-190720T0000Z/ /RRVL1.2.ER.190226T1200Z.190319T2000Z.190719T1800Z.NR/ 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Reserve. * Until Friday July 19. * At 9:00 AM Sunday the stage was 22.4 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 22.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady near 22.4 feet for at least the next 7 days. * Impact...At 22.0 feet...Marine and industrial interests along the river, upstream barge operators, and facilities are impacted. Navigation will become difficult for smaller river craft. Safety precautions for river traffic are urged. && LAT...LON 3007 9046 2999 9048 3001 9087 3009 9079 $$  396 WWCN03 CYTR 301537 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BAGOTVILLE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 11:37 AM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB BAGOTVILLE (CYBG) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/2100 EDT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED LIGHTNING STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TODAY. STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE POSSIBLE UNTIL THIS EVENING. STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TO MOSTLY REMAIN OVER THE HIGHER TERRAIN TO THE NORTH AND SOUTH OF BAGOTVILLE. HOWEVER, THERE IS A SMALL CHANCE OF STRIKES WITHIN 5 NM THIS AFTERNOON. A WARNING WILL BE ISSUED IF REQUIRED. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0100Z (30/2100 EDT) END/JMC  694 WWUS73 KDMX 301537 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot And Humid Conditions Persist Today... .Heat and humidity will continue and expand across across all of Iowa this afternoon. Little recovery from the heat has occurred overnight, with temperatures only falling into the 75 to 80 degree range early this morning before rising back into the 90s today. IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-057>062-070>075- 081>086-092>097-302345- /O.CON.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1600Z-190701T0200Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Polk-Jasper- Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion-Mahaska-Adams-Union- Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 1037 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the low to mid 90s, with peak heat index values around 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  787 WUUS53 KDLH 301538 SVRDLH MNC115-WIC013-031-129-301630- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0033.190630T1538Z-190630T1630Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 1038 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Pine County in east central Minnesota... Southwestern Douglas County in northwestern Wisconsin... Northwestern Washburn County in northwestern Wisconsin... Central Burnett County in northwestern Wisconsin... * Until 1130 AM CDT. * At 1037 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles north of Cloverton, to 8 miles west of Duxbury, to 6 miles northwest of Hinckley, moving southeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Pine City, Hinckley, Sandstone, Rock Creek, Webster, Webb Lake Wisconsin, Dairyland, Brook Park, Henriette, Cloverton, Duxbury, Danbury, Oakland, Cozy Corner, Minong Flowage, Moose Junction, Kingsdale, West Rock, Beroun, and Friesland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4598 9314 4598 9305 4612 9306 4613 9273 4637 9230 4614 9181 4586 9231 4573 9314 TIME...MOT...LOC 1537Z 313DEG 47KT 4629 9233 4609 9267 4608 9304 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  791 WSMC31 GMMC 301530 GMMM SIGMET 02 VALID 301600/302000 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS FCST NE OF LINE N3431 W00204 - N3152 W0 0601 - N3300 W00143 TOP FL300 MOV E WKN=  571 WWUS53 KMPX 301540 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1040 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC009-059-065-095-097-301600- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190630T1600Z/ Kanabec MN-Mille Lacs MN-Isanti MN-Benton MN-Morrison MN- 1040 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN KANABEC...SOUTHERN MILLE LACS...NORTHWESTERN ISANTI... NORTHEASTERN BENTON AND SOUTHEASTERN MORRISON COUNTIES... At 1038 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bock, or 20 miles northwest of Cambridge, moving south at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Mora, Milaca, Brunswick, Foreston, Ogilvie, Grasston, Bock, Dalbo, Granite Ledge, Pease, Mora Airport and Lewis Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4585 9390 4604 9344 4585 9314 4572 9314 4561 9376 TIME...MOT...LOC 1538Z 342DEG 50KT 4577 9351 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CTG  495 WGUS83 KLSX 301540 FLSLSX Flood Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 1040 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood warning continues for the Meramec River in Missouri... ...at Valley Park ...at Fenton ...at Arnold River forecasts are based on observed precipitation and forecast precipitation for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall heavier than forecast could cause river levels to rise even higher than predicted. The National Weather Service will monitor this developing situation and issue follow up statements as conditions or forecasts change. Safety message: Never drive cars, trucks, or sport utility vehicles through flooded areas. The water may be too deep to allow for safe passage. This product, along with additional weather and stream information, is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lsx. && MOC099-189-011539- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190704T0000Z/ /VLLM7.2.ER.190523T0735Z.190609T1500Z.190703T0000Z.NO/ 1040 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec River at Valley Park * until Wednesday evening. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 16.6 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by Tuesday evening. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Meramec River Valley Park 16.0 16.62 16.5 16.2 15.6 14.5 13.1 && LAT...LON 3853 9056 3855 9056 3857 9043 3854 9043 $$ MOC099-189-011538- /O.EXT.KLSX.FL.W.0149.000000T0000Z-190701T1800Z/ /FNNM7.3.ER.190523T1830Z.190609T2046Z.190630T1800Z.NO/ 1040 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec In Fenton * until Monday afternoon. * At 10:16 AM Sunday the stage was 25.0 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * The river is forecast to continue falling to below flood stage by this afternoon. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Meramec River Fenton 25.0 25.05 24.8 24.5 23.7 22.6 21.2 && LAT...LON 3854 9045 3854 9042 3848 9039 3848 9045 $$ MOC099-189-011538- /O.CON.KLSX.FL.W.0065.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ARNM7.3.ER.190314T0703Z.190609T1545Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1040 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Meramec River near Arnold * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 34.9 feet. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * The river is forecast to continue falling to a stage of 34.6 feet by tomorrow morning. && Fld Latest 7 a.m. Forecast LOCATION Stg Obs Stg 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/04 07/05 Meramec River Arnold 24.0 34.90 34.6 34.3 33.5 32.4 30.8 && LAT...LON 3848 9043 3848 9039 3846 9032 3841 9034 3845 9043 $$  129 WWUS83 KGRB 301541 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1041 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ031-037>040-045-048>050-301700- Calumet WI-Waupaca WI-Shawano WI-Kewaunee WI-Winnebago WI- Outagamie WI-Manitowoc WI-Waushara WI-Brown WI- 1041 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS HEADED FOR THE FOX VALLEY... At 1039 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a line of thunderstorms along a line extending from near Embarrass to near Berlin. Movement was east at 35 mph. Winds gusts to 30 mph, brief heavy rainfall and lightning will accompany these storms. Locations impacted include... Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh, Menasha, Kaukauna, Little Chute, New London, Kimberly, Berlin and Clintonville. People at Ford Festival Park, and Norbert Hill Center should consider seeking safe shelter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 4390 8889 4398 8889 4398 8908 4470 8870 4455 8768 4389 8803 4389 8816 4394 8816 4394 8840 4389 8840 TIME...MOT...LOC 1539Z 287DEG 32KT 4462 8864 4391 8901 $$ Kieckbusch  786 WGUS84 KLCH 301542 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles La 1042 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana...Texas.. Atchafalaya River At Morgan City Sabine River Near Deweyville LAC099-101-010542- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MCGL1.2.ER.190112T1424Z.190617T1900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1042 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Atchafalaya River At Morgan City. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 7.8 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 6.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 7.8 feet. * Impact...At stages near 7.0 feet...Buildings at the foot of Ann Street on the river side of the flood wall will flood as water overtops the Rio Oil Company dock. Buildings on the river side of the Berwick floodwall will flood. River traffic restrictions will be strictly enforced. In addition, backwater flooding could potentially impact portions areas around Lake Palourde and Stephensville. && LAT...LON 2997 9124 2980 9110 2939 9113 2951 9154 2986 9139 2995 9147 $$ LAC011-019-TXC351-361-010542- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0121.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DWYT2.1.ER.190622T2330Z.190628T0015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1042 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Sabine River Near Deweyville. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:45 AM Sunday the stage was 24.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 24.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain near 24.1 feet. * Impact...At stages near 24.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding will occur. && LAT...LON 3057 9363 3011 9364 3011 9378 3031 9381 3062 9378 $$  646 WGUS84 KJAN 301543 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1043 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas...Mississippi...Louisiana... Mississippi River Near Arkansas City affecting Chicot...Desha... Bolivar and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Natchez affecting Concordia...Adams and Wilkinson Counties/Parishes Mississippi River Near Greenville affecting Chicot...East Carroll...Issaquena and Washington Counties Mississippi River At Vicksburg affecting Madison...Tensas... Claiborne...Jefferson and Warren Counties/Parishes PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Mississippi River forecasts are based on rainfall that has occurred and that which is forecast to occur over the next 48 hours. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && ARC017-041-MSC011-151-012143- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190715T0900Z/ /ARSA4.2.ER.190416T1530Z.190611T1900Z.190714T2100Z.NO/ 1043 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Monday July 15... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Arkansas City * until Monday July 15. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 41.7 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 42.0 feet Tuesday July 02. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Arkansas City 37 41.7 Sun 10 AM 41.9 42.0 42.0 42.0 07 AM 07/02 && LAT...LON 3340 9128 3357 9128 3413 9108 3412 9066 3358 9106 3340 9105 $$ ARC017-LAC035-MSC055-151-012143- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190716T2100Z/ /GEEM6.2.ER.190216T1227Z.190312T1315Z.190716T0900Z.NO/ 1043 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River Near Greenville * until Tuesday July 16. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 53.2 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 53.5 feet Tuesday July 02. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Greenville 48 53.2 Sun 10 AM 53.3 53.4 53.5 53.5 07 PM 07/02 && LAT...LON 3277 9123 3340 9128 3340 9105 3283 9101 3277 9101 3278 9111 $$ LAC065-107-MSC021-063-149-012143- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190720T1500Z/ /VCKM6.3.ER.190217T0934Z.190614T0000Z.190720T0300Z.NO/ 1043 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Vicksburg * until Saturday July 20. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 49.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 43.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 49.2 feet Sunday July 07. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Vicksburg 43 49.1 Sun 10 AM 49.1 49.2 49.2 49.2 07 AM 07/07 && LAT...LON 3193 9129 3227 9105 3277 9123 3278 9101 3226 9086 3187 9114 $$ LAC029-MSC001-157-012143- /O.EXT.KJAN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190728T1200Z/ /NTZM6.3.ER.190104T1524Z.190615T1100Z.190728T0000Z.NO/ 1043 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River At Natchez * until Sunday July 28. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 56.1 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 48.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Mississippi River Natchez 48 56.1 Sun 10 AM 56.1 56.1 56.1 && LAT...LON 3101 9170 3130 9167 3193 9129 3187 9114 3130 9147 3100 9154 $$  851 WWUS81 KGYX 301544 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1144 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ003-301615- Northern Grafton- 1144 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN GRAFTON COUNTY... At 1144 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Franconia, or 7 miles south of Bethlehem, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bethlehem, Lincoln, Franconia, Woodstock, Benton, Easton, Ellsworth, Livermore, Sugar Hill, Waterville Valley, Landaff and Thornton. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 94 and 116. This also includes... Franconia Notch, Cannon Mountain, Franconia Ridge, Mount Lafayette, and Mount Garfield. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4420 7184 4427 7163 4401 7139 4391 7182 TIME...MOT...LOC 1544Z 335DEG 13KT 4417 7170 $$  163 WGUS84 KJAN 301546 FLSJAN FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON, MS 1046 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi.. Yazoo River At Yazoo City affecting Yazoo County Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla affecting Sharkey County PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive or walk through areas where water covers roadway! The water may be deeper than it appears. Remember...Turn around, don't drown! Please note that forecast crests are based upon rainfall that has occurred along with forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. River forecasts in the Tombigbee River Basin have an additional 48 hours of rainfall added. Rainfall amounts greater than forecast may take the rivers higher. Additional information is available at: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=JAN The next regularly scheduled update is expected tonight between 8 and 10 PM. && MSC163-012145- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /YZOM6.1.ER.190103T1005Z.190612T1900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1046 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Yazoo River At Yazoo City * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 32.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 29.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will remain steady. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Lower Yazoo River Yazoo City 29 32.0 Sun 10 AM 32.0 32.0 32.0 && LAT...LON 3262 9073 3285 9055 3302 9051 3301 9033 3283 9042 3259 9062 $$ MSC125-012145- /O.CON.KJAN.FL.W.0046.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /ANGM6.2.ER.190221T1500Z.190521T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1046 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Big Sunflower River Near Anguilla * until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Sunday the stage was 47.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 45.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will slowly fall. && Flood Observed Forecast 7 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Big Sunflower River Anguilla 45 47.3 Sun 10 AM 47.2 47.2 47.1 && LAT...LON 3255 9079 3294 9084 3324 9081 3324 9064 3293 9067 3262 9073 $$  312 WWUS83 KMPX 301546 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1046 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ045-301615- Kanabec- 1046 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN KANABEC COUNTY... At 1045 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Brook Park, or 9 miles west of Hinckley, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Quamba, Knife Lake and Warman. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4613 9305 4598 9306 4598 9314 4586 9314 4603 9344 4604 9343 4614 9307 TIME...MOT...LOC 1545Z 315DEG 29KT 4600 9314 $$ CTG  017 WWUS83 KMPX 301548 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1048 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ048-049-057-058-301645- Stearns-Kandiyohi-Meeker-Pope- 1048 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN POPE... NORTHWESTERN MEEKER...WESTERN STEARNS AND NORTHEASTERN KANDIYOHI COUNTIES... At 1048 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered near Freeport, or 26 miles west of St. Cloud, moving southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Melrose, Paynesville, Richmond, New London, Spicer, Brooten, Belgrade, Green Lake, Farming, New Munich, Greenwald and Elrosa. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Minnesota between mile markers 129 and 140. U.S. Highway 8 in Minnesota near mile marker 6. U.S. Highway 71 between mile markers 135 and 165. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4547 9530 4575 9488 4552 9442 4515 9482 TIME...MOT...LOC 1548Z 310DEG 23KT 4558 9473 $$ CTG  236 WWUS73 KOAX 301548 NPWOAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 1048 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ043-055-056-069-079-080-090-091-NEZ011-012-015>018-030>034- 042>045-050>053-065>068-078-088>093-010200- /O.CON.KOAX.HT.Y.0002.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Fremont- Page-Knox-Cedar-Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Boone-Madison- Stanton-Cuming-Burt-Platte-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler- Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward-Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline- Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Albion, St. Edward, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, Decatur, Columbus, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, David City, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 1048 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...mainly in the 100 to 109 degree range for most of the area in the afternoon and early evening. This is due to temperatures reaching into the 90s, with dewpoints mainly in the lower or mid 70s. * TIMING...this afternoon and evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$  499 WUUS53 KMKX 301548 SVRMKX WIC021-025-027-301645- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.W.0024.190630T1548Z-190630T1645Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1048 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Columbia County in south central Wisconsin... Dane County in south central Wisconsin... Dodge County in southeastern Wisconsin... * Until 1145 AM CDT. * At 1047 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Oshkosh to near Cross Plains, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. There have been reports of tree damage and power outages upstream. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Madison, Sun Prairie, Fitchburg, Watertown, Middleton, Beaver Dam, Stoughton, Waunakee, Waupun, Verona, Oregon, McFarland, Monona, Mount Horeb, Windsor, Mayville, Columbus, Marshall, Horicon and Sauk City. People attending The Columbus Baseball Tournament should seek safe shelter immediately! PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4344 8840 4320 8870 4320 8901 4294 8901 4290 8984 4321 8984 4326 8974 4337 8960 4357 8902 4363 8899 4363 8840 TIME...MOT...LOC 1547Z 283DEG 38KT 4400 8863 4317 8964 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  665 WWUS81 KALY 301549 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1149 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ050-053-054-301630- Western Rensselaer-Eastern Rensselaer-Southern Saratoga- 1149 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL RENSSELAER COUNTY... At 1148 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Mechanicville, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mechanicville, Grafton, Berlin, Averill Park, Center Brunswick, Brunswick, Sand Lake, Pittstown, Poestenkill, Schaghticoke, Valley Falls, Schaghticoke Hill, Melrose, East Poestenkill, Quackenkill, Babcock Lake, Taborton, Barberville, Center Berlin and Pleasantdale. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4270 7328 4258 7353 4289 7373 4294 7356 4272 7327 TIME...MOT...LOC 1548Z 326DEG 16KT 4287 7360 $$ DBT  644 WSCI35 ZJHK 301548 ZJSA SIGMET 6 VALID 301555/301955 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1436 E11153 - N1718 E11008 - N1843 E11211 - N1640 E11400 - N1430 E11400 - N1430 E11200 - N1436 E11153 TOP FL450 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  710 WGUS83 KARX 301549 FLSARX Flood Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1049 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 .Flood warning continues for the Trempealeau River at Dodge. River forecasts take into account both observed and forecast precipitation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars into flooded areas. Remember, it only takes two feet of water to float most automobiles, including sport utility vehicles. Turn Around, Don't Drown! Additional river and weather information is available at... http://www.weather.gov/lacrosse . && WIC011-121-010648- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0062.190701T0900Z-190703T0900Z/ /DDGW3.1.ER.190701T0900Z.190701T1800Z.190702T1500Z.NO/ 1049 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trempealeau River at Dodge. * from late tonight to late Tuesday night...Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 9:45 AM Sunday the stage was 9.3 feet. * Flood stage is 10.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Monday morning and continue to rise to near 10.7 feet by Monday afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet...The entrance road to the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge is flooded. && LAT...LON 4404 9158 4420 9163 4423 9158 4422 9158 4402 9149 $$ LL  549 WANO36 ENMI 301550 ENOB AIRMET E03 VALID 301600/302000 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7220 E00000 - N7533 E00000 - N7830 E03000 - N7430 E03000 - N7220 E00000 1000FT/FL180 MOV NNW 15KT NC=  755 WWUS83 KGRB 301550 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1050 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ005-010-011-018-019-301715- Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Lincoln-Langlade- 1050 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A BRIEF PERIOD OF GUSTY EAST WINDS EXPECTED ACROSS NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN THROUGH MIDDAY... Gusty east winds were developing over north central Wisconsin, in the wake of a diminishing area of light rain. The east winds will increase quickly as the rain ends, with gusts to 30 to 40 mph anticipated. The strong winds will only last 15 to 30 minutes, then rapidly subside. Boater, fishermen and other outdoor enthusiasts should be prepared for a brief period of gusty east winds through midday. $$ Kieckbusch  214 WWUS73 KDVN 301551 NPWDVN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 1051 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid Today... .Hot and humid conditions will again be seen across the area today as a very warm and moist atmosphere remains in place over the Midwest. Thunderstorms are possible this afternoon, especially east of the Mississippi River which would help cool the temperatures at times. IAZ040>042-051>054-063>068-076>078-087>089-098-099-ILZ001-002-007- 009-015>018-024>026-034-035-MOZ009-010-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Benton-Linn-Jones-Jackson-Iowa-Johnson- Cedar-Clinton-Muscatine-Scott-Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson- Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren-Lee-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Henderson- Warren-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Dubuque, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Maquoketa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Clinton, Muscatine, Davenport, Bettendorf, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, Fort Madison, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, Oquawka, Monmouth, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 1051 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Heat Index Values...100 to 105 with locally higher readings possible due to temperatures in the upper 80s to mid 90s...and oppressively high dewpoints in the mid to upper 70s. * Timing...now through sunset. * Impacts...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures and high humidity is expected. This combination will lead to possible heat illnesses. Limit time outdoors and in the sun, drink plenty of fluids, take breaks in an air-conditioned room, and check on relatives and neighbors, especially the elderly. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ 12  442 WGUS84 KLZK 301551 FLSLZK FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LITTLE ROCK AR 1051 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...From the National Weather Service in Little Rock...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following river in Arkansas... Fourche Lafave River Near Houston affecting Perry County River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...Remember to Turn Around...Don't Drown Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Everyone with property or other interest along streams and rivers should remain alert to changing weather forecasts. Should conditions change...Look for river forecasts or Flood Warnings for use in making informed decisions to protect life and property. && ARC105-301621- /O.CAN.KLZK.FL.W.0092.000000T0000Z-190702T0000Z/ /HUSA4.1.ER.190624T2030Z.190627T2315Z.190630T1800Z.NO/ 1051 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The Fourche Lafave River Near Houston. * At 10:30 AM Sunday the stage was 24.9 feet. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 AM Crest Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Crest Time Date Fourche Lafave River Houston 25 24.9 Sun 10 AM 24.4 24.0 23.7 Falling && LAT...LON 3494 9262 3495 9270 3492 9284 3501 9288 3503 9274 3505 9259 $$ 67  526 WSRS31 RURD 301551 URRV SIGMET 12 VALID 301600/301800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4527 E03953 - N4545 E04329 - N4320 E04351 - N4527 E03953 TOP FL330 MOV ESE 20KMH NC=  183 WSBZ01 SBBR 301500 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 301530/301930 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0003 W06742 - N0051 W06522 - N0211 W06311 - N0407 W06048 - N0156 W05959 - N0024 W06251 - S0150 W06558 - N0003 W06742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  350 WSUS32 KKCI 301555 SIGC MKCC WST 301555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 64C VALID UNTIL 1755Z WI LM FROM 60SSW RHI-10NE GRB-50SSE DLL-20SE ODI-60SSW RHI AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 33030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 65C VALID UNTIL 1755Z TX FROM 50SSW SJT-10SW JCT-50S JCT-10ENE DLF-50SSW SJT DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 04015KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 66C VALID UNTIL 1755Z LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE LCH-140S LCH-140SE PSX-90SE IAH-60SW LCH-30SSE LCH AREA TS MOV FROM 26015KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 67C VALID UNTIL 1755Z WI MN FROM 10S DLH-60SSE DLH-30NNW RWF-60SSE FAR-10S DLH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 301755-302155 AREA 1...FROM 70NE DLH-SAW-40WSW GIJ-FOD-70S FAR-70NE DLH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S TTT-30SSE LCH-140S LCH-110ESE CRP-40SE DLF-30WNW SJT-30S TTT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  352 WSUS31 KKCI 301555 SIGE MKCE WST 301555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 87E VALID UNTIL 1755Z FL AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WNW SJI-40ESE CEW-90SSE CEW-120S CEW-60ESE LEV-50WNW SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 88E VALID UNTIL 1755Z ME MA NH VT CT NY AND ME CT CSTL WTRS FROM 50ESE YSC-10NNW BGR-40SSW BGR-30NE JFK-40SSE SYR-40S YSC-50ESE YSC AREA TS MOV FROM 32020KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 89E VALID UNTIL 1755Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30W PBI-20E PBI-30SSE MIA-30SW MIA-30SE RSW-30W PBI AREA TS MOV FROM 20005KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 90E VALID UNTIL 1755Z WV KY FROM 30WNW BKW-50NNW HMV-10NNW LOZ-40NNW LOZ-30WNW BKW DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 29015KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 301755-302155 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 110SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-40ESE LFK-PZD-110SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  428 WWUS53 KMKX 301553 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1053 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC021-047-077-111-301615- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1615Z/ Green Lake WI-Columbia WI-Marquette WI-Sauk WI- 1053 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN GREEN LAKE...NORTHWESTERN COLUMBIA...SOUTHERN MARQUETTE AND NORTHEASTERN SAUK COUNTIES... At 1051 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Green Lake to near Lake Wisconsin, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage, power outages, and deadly lightning. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Baraboo, Portage, Wisconsin Dells, Lake Wisconsin, Lake Delton, Pardeeville, Randolph, Markesan, West Baraboo, Green Lake, Cambria, Manchester, Wyocena, North Freedom, Endeavor, Merrimac, Friesland, Kingston, Marquette and Glen Oak. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4363 8889 4363 8900 4357 8901 4330 8978 4364 8996 4364 8960 4371 8960 4380 8925 4386 8889 TIME...MOT...LOC 1551Z 325DEG 26KT 4381 8891 4337 8963 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  703 WOUS64 KWNS 301553 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1053 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS WIC053-081-099-123-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE JACKSON MONROE PRICE VERNON $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DLH...  664 WSUS33 KKCI 301555 SIGW MKCW WST 301555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23W VALID UNTIL 1755Z MT FROM 30ENE GGW-70WSW ISN-70WNW MLS-50NE LWT-30ENE GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 301755-302155 FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  167 WSRS31 RURD 301554 URRV SIGMET 13 VALID 301600/301800 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST SW OF LINE N4458 E03636 - N4457 E03750 - N4329 E04003 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  979 WWUS83 KMPX 301555 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1055 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ043>045-050>053-WIZ014-301645- Isanti-Benton-Morrison-Sherburne-Mille Lacs-Kanabec-Chisago-Polk- 1055 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN KANABEC... CHISAGO...SOUTHERN MILLE LACS...ISANTI...NORTHEASTERN BENTON... NORTHEASTERN SHERBURNE...SOUTHEASTERN MORRISON AND NORTHWESTERN POLK COUNTIES... At 1054 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Brunswick, or 14 miles west of Pine City, moving southeast at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cambridge, North Branch, Isanti, Zimmerman, Chisago City, Princeton, Lindstrom, Mora, Rush City, Milaca, Brunswick and Foreston. This includes the following highways... Interstate 35 between mile markers 142 and 163. U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 171 and 203. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4587 9313 4573 9314 4573 9286 4565 9289 4564 9282 4541 9273 4542 9351 4556 9375 4585 9391 4600 9339 TIME...MOT...LOC 1554Z 317DEG 42KT 4575 9326 $$ CTG  200 WHUS51 KOKX 301556 SMWOKX ANZ330-335-301645- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0046.190630T1556Z-190630T1645Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 1156 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Central Long Island Sound... * Until 1245 PM EDT. * At 1155 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Penfield Reef, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will be near... Stratford Shoal around 1210 PM EDT. Smithtown Bay around 1215 PM EDT. Port Jefferson Harbor around 1220 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4095 7286 4095 7301 4094 7303 4094 7305 4093 7307 4093 7312 4091 7314 4091 7317 4090 7318 4087 7317 4087 7319 4089 7325 4090 7325 4093 7333 4109 7341 4117 7297 TIME...MOT...LOC 1555Z 329DEG 30KT 4113 7322 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ DS  925 WSSD20 OEJD 301555 OEJD SIGMET 03 VALID 301600/302000 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N23 W OF E45 MOV S NC=  402 WSSG31 GOOY 301600 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 301600/302000 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1550Z WI N1220 W01230 - N1420 W01130 - N1450 W00830 - N1300 W00740 - N1200 W01000 TOP FL400 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  875 WSSD20 OEJD 301555 OEJD SIGMET 03 VALID 301600/302000 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR DS OBS S OF N23 W OF E45 MOV S NC=  998 WGUS41 KPBZ 301557 FLWPBZ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1157 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-093-302200- /O.NEW.KPBZ.FA.W.0023.190630T1557Z-190630T2200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Tucker WV-Preston WV- 1157 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a * Flood Warning for... Southwestern Garrett County in western Maryland... Tucker County in northeastern West Virginia... Central Preston County in northeastern West Virginia... * Until 600 PM EDT Sunday. * At 1154 AM EDT, rain had ended across the area and water levels are dropping on area streams and rivers. However, several road closures continue across the region and will likely continue through the afternoon. This warning replaces the previous Flash Flood Warning. FLOODING... Occurring. ESTIMATED RAINFALL... 2 to 5 inches. ADDITIONAL RAINFALL...None. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Kingwood... Mountain Lake Park... Oakland... Parsons... Terra Alta... Davis... Thomas... Rowlesburg... Bayard... Loch Lynn Heights... Hendricks... Hambleton... Please report flooding by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPITTSBURGH. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown. Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams and rivers. Campers and hikers should avoid streams. && LAT...LON 3904 7978 3925 7973 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3897 7935 3898 7947 3897 7950 $$ CL  129 WWUS53 KMPX 301558 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1058 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC009-059-065-095-097-301607- /O.EXP.KMPX.SV.W.0067.000000T0000Z-190630T1600Z/ Kanabec MN-Mille Lacs MN-Isanti MN-Benton MN-Morrison MN- 1058 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN KANABEC...SOUTHERN MILLE LACS...NORTHWESTERN ISANTI...NORTHEASTERN BENTON AND SOUTHEASTERN MORRISON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1100 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4585 9390 4604 9344 4585 9314 4572 9314 4561 9376 TIME...MOT...LOC 1557Z 342DEG 50KT 4553 9340 $$ CTG  393 WWUS83 KMKX 301558 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1058 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ051-301645- Fond Du Lac- 1058 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT FOND DU LAC COUNTY... At 1058 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles north of Rosendale to near Beaver Dam. Movement was southeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Fond Du Lac, Waupun, Ripon, North Fond Du Lac, Campbellsport, Oakfield, Rosendale, Brandon, Southern Lake Winnebago, Taycheedah, Ashford, Lamartine, Byron, Alto, Eden, Mount Calvary, St. Cloud, Fairwater, Lagoda and Waucousta. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. If you are on or near a lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4354 8816 4354 8840 4363 8841 4363 8888 4390 8889 4389 8841 4394 8840 4394 8817 TIME...MOT...LOC 1558Z 295DEG 40KT 4392 8866 4353 8886 $$ MRC  294 WTNT82 EGRR 301558 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 1200UTC 30.06.2019 TROPICAL STORM 94E ANALYSED POSITION : 10.2N 110.3W ATCF IDENTIFIER : EP942019 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 30.06.2019 0 10.2N 110.3W 1003 28 0000UTC 01.07.2019 12 11.1N 113.5W 1001 39 1200UTC 01.07.2019 24 11.1N 116.8W 999 41 0000UTC 02.07.2019 36 11.4N 119.6W 991 53 1200UTC 02.07.2019 48 12.2N 122.3W 982 61 0000UTC 03.07.2019 60 12.8N 125.0W 974 60 1200UTC 03.07.2019 72 13.3N 127.1W 972 61 0000UTC 04.07.2019 84 14.2N 128.9W 974 60 1200UTC 04.07.2019 96 15.4N 130.2W 972 64 0000UTC 05.07.2019 108 16.6N 131.7W 983 57 1200UTC 05.07.2019 120 17.5N 133.3W 996 42 0000UTC 06.07.2019 132 17.8N 135.3W 1003 34 1200UTC 06.07.2019 144 17.8N 137.6W 1007 28 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 132 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+132 : 7.7N 94.4W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 06.07.2019 132 7.7N 94.4W 1007 29 1200UTC 06.07.2019 144 7.8N 96.8W 1003 35 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 132 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+132 : 11.0N 118.0W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 06.07.2019 132 11.0N 118.0W 1005 25 1200UTC 06.07.2019 144 11.2N 119.5W 1006 28 THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 301558  295 WTNT80 EGRR 301558 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 12UTC 30.06.2019 TROPICAL STORM 94E ANALYSED POSITION : 10.2N 110.3W ATCF IDENTIFIER : EP942019 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 30.06.2019 10.2N 110.3W WEAK 00UTC 01.07.2019 11.1N 113.5W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 01.07.2019 11.1N 116.8W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 02.07.2019 11.4N 119.6W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 02.07.2019 12.2N 122.3W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 03.07.2019 12.8N 125.0W STRONG INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 03.07.2019 13.3N 127.1W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 04.07.2019 14.2N 128.9W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 04.07.2019 15.4N 130.2W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 05.07.2019 16.6N 131.7W MODERATE WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 05.07.2019 17.5N 133.3W MODERATE WEAKENING RAPIDLY 00UTC 06.07.2019 17.8N 135.3W WEAK WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 06.07.2019 17.8N 137.6W WEAK WEAKENING SLIGHTLY NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 132 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+132 : 7.7N 94.4W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 06.07.2019 7.7N 94.4W WEAK 12UTC 06.07.2019 7.8N 96.8W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 132 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+132 : 11.0N 118.0W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 06.07.2019 11.0N 118.0W WEAK 12UTC 06.07.2019 11.2N 119.5W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 301558  445 WWUS53 KDLH 301559 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1059 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC031-301608- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190630T1630Z/ Douglas WI- 1059 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN DOUGLAS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4598 9314 4598 9305 4616 9229 4616 9188 4614 9181 4586 9231 4573 9314 TIME...MOT...LOC 1558Z 313DEG 47KT 4611 9206 4591 9240 4590 9277 $$ MNC115-WIC013-129-301630- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190630T1630Z/ Pine MN-Washburn WI-Burnett WI- 1059 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN PINE...NORTHWESTERN WASHBURN AND CENTRAL BURNETT COUNTIES... At 1058 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles northeast of Webb Lake Wisconsin, to near Webster, to 9 miles northwest of Grantsburg, moving southeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Pine City, Hinckley, Rock Creek, Webster, Webb Lake Wisconsin, Brook Park, Henriette, Danbury, Oakland, Greely, Minong Flowage, Phantom Lake, Chengwatana State Forest, Markville, Saint Croix State Park, West Rock, Cloverdale, Beroun, Riverside, and Yellow Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4598 9314 4598 9305 4616 9229 4616 9188 4614 9181 4586 9231 4573 9314 TIME...MOT...LOC 1558Z 313DEG 47KT 4611 9206 4591 9240 4590 9277 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  359 WGUS84 KHGX 301600 FLSHGX FLOOD STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HOUSTON/GALVESTON, TX 1100 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 A river flood warning remains in effect for the Trinity River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay away from the river until water levels recede. Motorists should avoid any water covered roads and find an alternate route. Livestock and equipment should remain out of the flood plain for the next few days. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or other news sources for further updates. && TXC373-407-455-471-011600- /O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-190705T0000Z/ /RVRT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190626T2345Z.190704T1200Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Thursday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Riverside * until Thursday evening or until the warning is canceled. * At 1030 AM Sunday the stage was 134.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 133.5 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday morning. * At 134.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues with the boat ramp in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision in Walker County inundated. Backwater flooding up Thomas Lake in Walker County floods the boat ramp in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision in Walker County. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Trinity River Riverside 133.5 134.1 Sun 10 AM 133.8 133.7 133.6 133.5 && LAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584 $$ TXC291-011600- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0076.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LBYT2.2.ER.190624T1100Z.190703T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River at Liberty * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 1015 AM Sunday the stage was 27.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 27.1 feet by early Wednesday morning then begin falling. * At 27.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins as roads into several outlying communities above Liberty are closed with residents in 5 or 6 subdivisions cut off if not evacuated. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Trinity River Liberty 26.0 27.0 Sun 10 AM 27.0 27.0 27.1 27.1 && LAT...LON 3027 9475 2996 9470 2996 9487 3027 9489 $$ TXC071-291-011600- /O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0025.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MBFT2.1.ER.000000T0000Z.190606T0315Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1100 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River near Moss Bluff * until further notice or until the warning is canceled. * At 1030 AM Sunday the stage was 13.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.2 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.6 feet by Thursday early afternoon then begin falling. && Flood Observed Forecast 6 AM Location Stage Stage Day Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Trinity River Moss Bluff 12.2 13.5 Sun 10 AM 13.4 13.5 13.5 13.5 && LAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487 $$  858 WGUS71 KPBZ 301601 FFSPBZ Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1201 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-093-301609- /O.CAN.KPBZ.FF.W.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T1615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Tucker WV-Preston WV- 1201 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN GARRETT...TUCKER AND CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The heavy rain has ended. The Flash Flood Warning has been replaced with an Areal Flood Warning due to lingering road flooding. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3898 7947 3897 7950 3904 7978 3925 7973 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3897 7935 $$ CL  084 WWUS81 KGYX 301603 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1203 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ012-018-019-301645- Southern Oxford-Interior York-Interior Cumberland- 1203 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL YORK...SOUTH CENTRAL OXFORD AND NORTHWESTERN CUMBERLAND COUNTIES... At 1203 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Naples, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bridgton, Naples, Gray, Hiram, Raymond, Standish, Casco, Limington, Harrison, Denmark, Frye Island, Sebago, Baldwin, Windham and Otisfield. This also includes... Sebago Lake and Douglas Mountain. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4396 7084 4405 7056 4384 7036 4372 7073 TIME...MOT...LOC 1603Z 335DEG 12KT 4396 7070 $$  001 WSIN31 VABB 301530 RRA VABF SIGMET 02 VALID 301600/302000 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 301530Z WI AREA N2400 E07235 - N2230 E07515 - N2115 E07300 - N2350 E07270 - N2400 E07235 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  405 WWUS53 KMKX 301606 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1106 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC021-047-077-111-301616- /O.EXP.KMKX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1615Z/ Green Lake WI-Columbia WI-Marquette WI-Sauk WI- 1106 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN GREEN LAKE... NORTHWESTERN COLUMBIA...SOUTHERN MARQUETTE AND NORTHEASTERN SAUK COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1115 AM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened and moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4363 8889 4363 8900 4357 8901 4330 8978 4364 8996 4364 8960 4371 8960 4380 8925 4386 8889 TIME...MOT...LOC 1606Z 325DEG 26KT 4373 8883 4329 8955 $$ MRC  091 WSIN31 VABB 301530 VABF SIGMET 02 VALID 301600/302000 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 301530Z WI AREA N2400 E07235 - N2230 E07515 - N2115 E07300 - N2350 E07270 - N2400 E07235 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  503 WWUS63 KARX 301607 WCNARX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LA CROSSE WI 1107 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WIC053-081-123-301715- /O.CAN.KARX.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN VERNON IN WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN JACKSON MONROE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLACK RIVER FALLS, SPARTA, TOMAH, AND VIROQUA. $$ 04  813 WSPS21 NZKL 301602 NZZO SIGMET 12 VALID 301607/302007 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2650 E17900 - S2810 W17110 - S3130 W17100 - S3230 W17850 - S3040 E17600 - S2650 E17900 FL320/400 MOV E 15KT NC=  514 WGUS84 KMEG 301608 FLSMEG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Memphis TN 1108 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River... Tennessee River at Perryville affecting Decatur and Perry Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... The next River Statement will be issued tomorrow afternoon or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && TNC039-135-011608- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190703T2125Z/ /PRVT1.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1108 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for the Tennessee River at Perryville * until Wednesday July 03. * At 10 AM Sunday the stage was 362.6 feet. * Flood stage is 365.0 feet. * At 362.5 feet...In Decatur County, water begins to inundate the boat launch area on Woodlawn Shores Road in Cherokee Heights. && LAT...LON 3588 8822 3588 8785 3548 8787 3548 8824 $$  853 WSBZ31 SBCW 301608 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 301630/301930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2455 W05435 - S2856 W04544 - S3244 W04912 - S2902 W05644 - S2805 W05549 - S2704 W05355 - S2544 W05358 - S2543 W05449 - S2455 W05435 T OP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  930 WSPH31 RPLL 301610 RPHI SIGMET C11 VALID 301611/302011 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1507 E12634 - N1352 E12342 - N1627 E12210 - N1534 E12017 - N1711 E11850 - N1942 E12222 - N1507 E12634 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 5KT NC=  047 WWUS83 KMPX 301610 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1110 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ049>051-058-059-066-301700- Benton-Sherburne-McLeod-Stearns-Meeker-Wright- 1110 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WESTERN WRIGHT... MEEKER...NORTH CENTRAL MCLEOD...SOUTHEASTERN BENTON...SHERBURNE AND SOUTHEASTERN STEARNS COUNTIES... At 1109 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Rockville, or 11 miles southwest of St. Cloud, moving southeast at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... St. Cloud, Buffalo, Hutchinson, Elk River, Sauk Rapids, Monticello, Big Lake, Litchfield, Waite Park, St. Joseph, Zimmerman and Becker. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Minnesota between mile markers 161 and 196. U.S. Highway 10 in Minnesota between mile markers 176 and 207. U.S. Highway 12 between mile markers 88 and 123. U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 166 and 170. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4556 9376 4542 9351 4490 9435 4512 9476 4521 9476 4552 9442 4571 9383 TIME...MOT...LOC 1609Z 308DEG 41KT 4546 9437 $$ CTG  345 WHUS76 KLOX 301610 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 910 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ670-673-010015- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 910 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-010015- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 910 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  959 WWUS53 KMKX 301610 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1110 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC021-025-027-301645- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ Columbia WI-Dane WI-Dodge WI- 1110 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM CDT FOR SOUTHERN COLUMBIA...DANE AND DODGE COUNTIES... At 1110 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Oakfield to near Verona, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Madison, Sun Prairie, Fitchburg, Watertown, Middleton, Beaver Dam, Stoughton, Waunakee, Waupun, Verona, Oregon, McFarland, Monona, Mount Horeb, Windsor, Mayville, Columbus, Marshall, Horicon and Sauk City. People attending The Columbus Baseball Tournament should seek safe shelter immediately! PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4344 8840 4320 8870 4320 8901 4294 8901 4290 8984 4321 8984 4326 8974 4337 8960 4357 8902 4363 8899 4363 8840 TIME...MOT...LOC 1610Z 283DEG 37KT 4361 8856 4297 8962 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  291 WWAK81 PAFC 301611 SPSAER SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service ANCHORAGE AK 811 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 AKZ101-111-121-125-141-145-012000- Anchorage-Matanuska Valley-Western Kenai Peninsula- Western Prince William Sound-Copper River Basin-Susitna Valley- Including the cities of Anchorage, Eagle River, Indian, Eklutna, Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton, Chickaloon, Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, Cooper Landing, Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, Moose Pass, Glennallen, Eureka, McCarthy, Paxson, Slana, Talkeetna, Willow, and Cantwell 811 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 High river conditions are expected along the Matanuska, Skwentna, Klutina, Eagle, Sixmile, Talkeetna, Kenai at Cooper Landing, Kenai Keys, and Kenai below Skilak Lake. Water levels are expected to continue and/or rise into Action Stage and Bankfull conditions until Monday Jul 5. No significant impacts are expected along these rivers. A Flood Warning has been issued for the Yentna River at Fish Creek. $$  331 WSPH31 RPLL 301611 RPHI SIGMET D12 VALID 301611/301640 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR CNL SIGMET D08 301240/301640=  198 WSSP31 LEMM 301610 LECM SIGMET 2 VALID 301608/301700 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1608Z WI N4436 W00625 - N4302 W00636 - N4257 W00528 - N4431 W00523 - N4436 W00625 TOP FL340 MOV N 20KT NC=  107 WWUS81 KOKX 301612 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1212 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ009-NYZ078>081-177-179-301700- Southern Fairfield-Southwest Suffolk-Northwest Suffolk-Southeast Suffolk-Northern Nassau-Northeast Suffolk-Southern Nassau- 1212 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN FAIRFIELD... SUFFOLK AND NORTHEASTERN NASSAU COUNTIES... At 1211 PM EDT, radar indicated a line of showers and thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Clinton to 11 miles south of Branford to 7 miles north of Port Jefferson to 7 miles northeast of Northport to near Greenwich. Movement was south at 35 mph. Winds up to 45 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Outflow ahead of the showers and storms may also produce gusty winds. Locations impacted include... Islip, Stamford, Norwalk, Brentwood, Levittown, Commack, Riverhead, Huntington Station, Centereach, Deer Park, Plainview, Medford, Hauppauge, Ronkonkoma and Syosset. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4072 7354 4099 7361 4092 7358 4090 7349 4095 7349 4102 7354 4101 7359 4099 7363 4110 7366 4108 7336 4101 7352 4091 7342 4096 7340 4091 7322 4098 7312 4097 7277 4106 7249 4090 7242 4073 7318 TIME...MOT...LOC 1611Z 350DEG 19KT 4119 7259 4112 7278 4105 7305 4100 7327 4110 7364 $$ DS  994 WOUS64 KWNS 301613 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1113 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS WIC099-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE PRICE $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...  612 WWUS85 KSLC 301613 AWWSLC UTC035-301800- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 1012 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Airport Weather Warning for winds gusting to greater than 30 mph/26 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 1012 AM MDT to 1200 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  862 WTPN31 PHNC 301600 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// REF/A/MSG/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/290151ZJUN2019// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBARA) WARNING NR 001 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN EASTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 301200Z --- NEAR 10.4N 109.5W MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 280 DEGREES AT 13 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 035 KT, GUSTS 045 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 10.4N 109.5W --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 010000Z --- 11.1N 112.7W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 16 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 011200Z --- 11.6N 115.9W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 045 KT, GUSTS 055 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 14 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 020000Z --- 12.0N 118.7W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 11 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 021200Z --- 12.4N 121.0W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 015 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 015 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 285 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 031200Z --- 13.5N 125.2W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 295 DEG/ 09 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 041200Z --- 15.0N 128.5W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 090 KT, GUSTS 110 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 290 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 051200Z --- 16.0N 131.5W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- REMARKS: 301600Z POSITION NEAR 10.6N 110.6W. TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBARA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1402 NM SOUTH-SOUTHEAST OF SAN DIEGO, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 13 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 301200Z IS 20 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 302200Z, 010400Z, 011000Z AND 011600Z. REFER TO TROPICAL STORM 01E (ALVIN) WARNINGS (WTPN31 PGTW) FOR SIX-HOURLY UPDATES. 2. THIS CANCELS AND SUPERSEDES REF A (WTPN21 PGTW 290200).// NNNN  615 WWUS81 KGYX 301615 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1215 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ003-005-006-009-301700- Northern Grafton-Belknap-Southern Carroll-Southern Grafton- 1215 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN GRAFTON...NORTH CENTRAL BELKNAP AND WEST CENTRAL CARROLL COUNTIES... At 1215 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Woodstock, or over Lincoln, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lincoln, Plymouth, Moultonborough, Holderness, Ashland, Groton, Woodstock, Sandwich, Center Harber, Hebron, Easton, Ellsworth, Campton, Thornton, Waterville Valley, Rumney, Livermore and New Hampton. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 75 and 104. This also includes... Squam Lake, Stinson Mountain, Elbow Pond Recreation Area, Mount Osceola, and Mount Tecumseh. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4408 7179 4411 7153 4376 7137 4368 7158 4371 7180 TIME...MOT...LOC 1615Z 358DEG 14KT 4401 7167 $$ MLE  451 WWUS83 KMKX 301616 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1116 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ062-301645- Iowa- 1116 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT IOWA COUNTY... At 1114 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Mount Horeb to near Muscoda. Movement was south at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms. Lone Rock reported a wind gust of 50 mph with the leading edge of these storms. Locations impacted include... Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Blanchardville, Barneveld, Highland, Arena, Ridgeway, Avoca, Orion, Linden, Cobb, Rewey, Hollandale, Governor Dodge St Park, Edmund, Blue Mound St Park, Blackhawk Lake Rec Area and London. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. If you are on or near a lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4320 9043 4321 9029 4316 9018 4316 9009 4315 9006 4320 8999 4319 8990 4320 8984 4281 8984 4281 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 1614Z 351DEG 45KT 4303 8976 4314 9048 $$ MRC  427 WUUS53 KDLH 301616 SVRDLH WIC013-301645- /O.NEW.KDLH.SV.W.0034.190630T1616Z-190630T1645Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Duluth MN 1116 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Duluth MN has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Burnett County in northwestern Wisconsin... * Until 1145 AM CDT. * At 1116 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Grantsburg, or 11 miles east of Pine City, moving southeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Grantsburg, Trade Lake, Siren, Branstad, Falun, Four Corners, Alpha, and Phantom Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4575 9280 4577 9278 4579 9278 4580 9276 4583 9276 4585 9274 4588 9273 4592 9266 4573 9224 4573 9253 4565 9253 4564 9262 4564 9264 TIME...MOT...LOC 1616Z 312DEG 49KT 4584 9273 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  519 WSCI38 ZYTX 301614 ZYSH SIGMET 3 VALID 301620/302020 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST N OF N39 S OF N42 TOP FL300 MOV E 30KMH INTSF =  006 WSMS31 WMKK 301618 WMFC SIGMET B01 VALID 301618/301920 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0400 E10012 - N0459 E10013 - N0550 E10224 - N0444 E10241 - N0400 E10012 TOP FL450 MOV W NC=  321 WWUS81 KGYX 301617 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1217 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ013-014-020-021-301700- Androscoggin-Southern Franklin-Southern Somerset-Kennebec- 1217 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN KENNEBEC...NORTHEASTERN ANDROSCOGGIN AND SOUTH CENTRAL SOMERSET COUNTIES... At 1217 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Oakland, moving southwest at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Augusta, Waterville, Fairfield, Oakland, Turner, Litchfield, Belgrade, Livermore Falls, Farmingdale, Manchester, Hallowell, Winthrop, Norridgewock, Leeds, Livermore, Chesterville, Fayette, Smithfield, Rome and Mount Vernon. This includes Interstate 95 between mile markers 100 and 102, and between mile markers 106 and 118, and near mile marker 125. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4469 6988 4461 6966 4418 6984 4435 7025 TIME...MOT...LOC 1617Z 027DEG 24KT 4459 6982 $$  766 WSPF21 NTAA 301617 NTTT SIGMET A5 VALID 301618/302018 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2540 W15700 - S2300 W14000 - S2340 W13000 - S2630 W13100 - S2530 W13700 - S2830 W14500 - S2900 W15700 FL420/460 STNR NC=  244 WUUS51 KOKX 301619 SVROKX NYC103-301700- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0024.190630T1619Z-190630T1700Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 1219 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Suffolk County in southeastern New York... * Until 100 PM EDT. * At 1219 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Mount Sinai, or near Port Jefferson, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Rocky Point around 1225 PM EDT. Medford and Middle Island around 1230 PM EDT. Wading River and Yaphank around 1235 PM EDT. Shirley and Manorville around 1240 PM EDT. Center Moriches around 1245 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4097 7311 4098 7307 4097 7305 4097 7284 4082 7270 4075 7297 TIME...MOT...LOC 1619Z 307DEG 30KT 4096 7300 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  490 WGUS84 KMEG 301620 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A followup Flood Statement will be issued this evening or sooner if conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information...please go to www.weather.gov and click near Memphis on the map, then select Rivers and Lakes. Do not drive through flooded areas...turn around don't drown. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news media for the latest river information. && MOC143-155-TNC095-011620- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0149.000000T0000Z-190708T0824Z/ /TPTT1.1.ER.190605T1000Z.190628T1000Z.190707T0824Z.NO/ 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tiptonville * until Sunday July 07. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 40.7 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 40.7 feet on Sunday June 30. * Flood stage is 37.0 feet. * At 40.0 feet...In Tennessee, long sections of Tiptonville Ferry Road are flooded. && LAT...LON 3650 8957 3650 8938 3623 8948 3623 8977 $$ ARC093-MOC155-TNC045-095-097-011620- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190710T2230Z/ /CRTM7.1.ER.190211T0248Z.190629T0900Z.190709T2230Z.NO/ 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Caruthersville * until Tuesday July 09. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 38.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 32.0 feet. * At 39.0 feet...Floodwater has reached the foot of the floodwall protecting Caruthersville, Missouri. In Tennessee, grain terminal south of the Interstate 155 bridge is flooding. Highway 88 is flooded at places in the north bottom of Lauderdale County. Roads to and from Chisholm Lake are flooding. && LAT...LON 3623 8977 3623 8948 3606 8950 3595 8948 3582 8956 3582 8985 $$ ARC093-TNC097-167-011620- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190712T0600Z/ /OSGA4.3.ER.190602T1315Z.190701T0600Z.190711T0600Z.NO/ 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Osceola * until Thursday July 11. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 34.9 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring AND Major flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 35.0 feet on Monday July 01. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 35.0 feet by Monday July 01. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday July 11. * At 35.0 feet...In Tennessee, Highway 19 West is flooded at many places betweem Ashport and Goldust halting evcuations southwest of Ashport. Home sites on Henderson Shop Road are being covered. T. Rossinger Road is beginning to flood. Home sites between Crawford Road and Cold Creek are flooding. In Arkansas, terminal elevator on Sans Souci Road is being flooded. && LAT...LON 3582 8996 3582 8956 3560 8979 3539 8995 3539 9025 $$ ARC035-MSC033-TNC157-011620- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0153.000000T0000Z-190708T1200Z/ /MEMT1.1.ER.190626T1830Z.190701T1200Z.190707T1200Z.NO/ 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Memphis * until Sunday July 07. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 35.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring AND Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 35.5 feet on Monday July 01. * Flood stage is 34.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 35.5 feet by Monday July 01. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday July 07. * At 36.0 feet...In Tennessee, water is edging onto Fullen Dock Area. Roads on the north side of the Loosahatchie River near its mouth are beginning to flood. Riverside Park Marina begins to flood. && LAT...LON 3539 9025 3539 8995 3533 9005 3513 9004 3491 9008 3491 9041 $$ ARC077-MSC143-011620- /O.CON.KMEG.FL.W.0150.000000T0000Z-190713T0400Z/ /TRPM6.2.ER.190605T1640Z.190702T1200Z.190712T0400Z.NO/ 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Tunica Riverpark * until Thursday July 11. * At 10 AM Sunday the stage was 47.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring AND Moderate flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 47.3 feet on Tuesday July 02. * Flood stage is 41.0 feet. * The river will continue rising to near 47.3 feet by Tuesday July 02. The river will fall below flood stage Thursday July 11. * At 47.0 feet...In Mississippi, water is going over Charlie Lane. Smokey Lane is being covered. Lots on east end of Deer Crossing are flooding. Water is over north end of Sauger Lane. && LAT...LON 3491 9062 3491 9022 3480 9034 3450 9051 3455 9059 3476 9074 $$ ARC077-107-MSC027-143-011620- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0155.190701T0000Z-190707T1800Z/ /HEEA4.1.ER.190701T0000Z.190702T1200Z.190706T1800Z.NO/ 1120 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for the Mississippi River at Helena * from Sunday June 30 until Saturday July 06. * At 11 AM Sunday the stage was 43.8 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Maximum forecast stage of 44.3 feet on Tuesday July 02. * Flood stage is 44.0 feet. * Forecast to continue to rise to near 44.3 feet by Tuesday July 02. The river will fall below flood stage by Saturday July 06. * At 44.0 feet...In Arkansas, road to landing east of downtown Helena is flooded. In Mississippi, cabin areas east of Desoto Lake are flooding. Industries north of Friars Point, Mississippi are flooding. && LAT...LON 3455 9070 3455 9059 3450 9051 3412 9066 3413 9107 $$  963 WWUS83 KGRB 301621 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1121 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ038-039-048>050-301715- Calumet WI-Winnebago WI-Outagamie WI-Manitowoc WI-Brown WI- 1121 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THUNDERSTORMS MOVING THROUGH THE FOX VALLEY... At 1119 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Kaukauna to near Rosendale. Movement was southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts to 30 to 40 mph and brief heavy rainfall will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Appleton, Oshkosh, Manitowoc, Menasha, Kaukauna, Little Chute, Kimberly, Chilton, Brillion and Cleveland. People at Ford Festival Park should consider seeking safe shelter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 4390 8862 4444 8831 4410 8755 4406 8760 4390 8769 4389 8816 4394 8816 4394 8840 4389 8840 TIME...MOT...LOC 1619Z 307DEG 32KT 4434 8828 4381 8858 $$ Kieckbusch  412 WWUS53 KDLH 301621 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1121 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC115-WIC013-129-301631- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190630T1630Z/ Pine MN-Washburn WI-Burnett WI- 1121 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN PINE...NORTHWESTERN WASHBURN AND CENTRAL BURNETT COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1130 AM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4598 9314 4598 9305 4616 9229 4616 9188 4614 9181 4586 9231 4573 9314 TIME...MOT...LOC 1621Z 313DEG 47KT 4592 9176 4572 9210 4571 9247 $$ Wolfe  393 WUUS53 KUNR 301623 SVRUNR WYC005-301715- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0087.190630T1623Z-190630T1715Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1023 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Campbell County in northeastern Wyoming... * Until 1115 AM MDT. * At 1023 AM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles northeast of Reno Junction, or 14 miles northeast of Wright, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Campbell County, north of Wright. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4413 10538 4402 10508 4393 10508 4373 10522 4379 10560 TIME...MOT...LOC 1623Z 221DEG 16KT 4392 10535 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  193 WSJP31 RJTD 301630 RJJJ SIGMET L01 VALID 301630/302030 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N3021 E12537 - N3203 E12636 - N3310 E13300 - N3120 E13300 - N3021 E12537 TOP FL490 MOV E 20KT INTSF=  351 WUUS01 KWNS 301625 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1124 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 301630Z - 011200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 43439838 42830139 41910297 41220399 41170450 42160502 43470574 44220614 44610732 45280929 45451067 45811087 46321038 46400862 45640674 44930486 44490355 44760110 45059874 44989683 45079498 45259380 45209251 44919174 44649128 43709099 43069139 43059241 43819444 43609686 43439838 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 42049998 40860203 40420353 40420471 40860574 43070654 44200757 44940972 45041132 45631227 46681190 47170996 45170169 45439942 45979574 46259312 46079176 45719078 44508919 43958852 43248786 41128732 39578706 38778808 38778929 39049004 40169137 41459264 42269369 42899662 42049998 0.15 42200510 43280532 44750701 45050838 45210892 45531032 45631076 45981082 46180999 46220923 46190842 45990700 45130444 44490299 44600138 44939919 45169759 45299613 45369539 45399460 45459306 45119222 44279219 44019338 43829446 43049812 42160225 41430316 41190421 41380478 42200510 && ... WIND ... 0.05 45429943 45719588 45869404 45869294 45749201 44769050 44018914 44378858 44258817 43888756 39268582 37708348 37288121 37338007 37647928 37897843 37807732 37597652 36767588 36237552 35497566 35237860 35768316 36378612 36968819 37909047 38259092 39109181 41489269 42359376 42899675 42049999 40920188 40400362 40450471 40890572 43080655 44220758 44910971 45231114 45841154 46221162 46631072 46830909 46350607 45180172 45429943 0.05 39907172 40717378 41637467 42007437 42307384 42377226 42826995 0.15 39419028 40979127 42929259 43809447 43129780 42779963 42370143 42090238 41450314 41410392 42550392 43290363 44150238 44710096 44999894 45279494 45329347 45379263 44789139 43788966 43498934 43498875 42958796 42358747 40408693 39348732 38748812 38778938 39419028 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 46220923 46190842 45990700 45130444 44490299 44600138 44630117 44710096 44999894 45039852 45169759 45299613 45369539 45399460 45459306 45369284 45379263 44789139 43788966 43498934 43498875 42958796 42358747 40408693 39348732 38748812 38778938 39419028 40979127 42929259 43809447 43419647 43049812 42290168 42100231 41430316 41190421 41380478 42200510 43280532 44750701 45050838 45210892 45531032 45631076 45981082 46180999 46220923 MRGL 40377292 40717378 41637467 42007438 42307384 42377226 42817005 MRGL 45940442 45180172 45340030 45439942 45979574 46259312 46079176 45719078 44508919 44218883 44378858 44258817 43888756 39268582 37708348 37288121 37338007 37647928 37897843 37807732 37597652 36767588 36237552 35497566 35237860 35768316 36378612 36968819 37909047 38259092 39109181 41489269 41659290 42269369 42779603 42889667 42049998 41860030 40920188 40890199 40860203 40420353 40420358 40400362 40420398 40420471 40860574 42540634 43080655 43680708 44200757 44500841 44910971 44940985 45041132 45631227 46681190 47170996 45940442 TSTM 48118663 45868607 43458578 41548564 40278483 39678386 39138152 38967859 38577598 38287458 38197395 99999999 39787306 41047506 41957630 42727659 43937585 45457575 99999999 29410218 29440222 30150233 30920253 31910182 33509955 34369717 35519570 36519387 36809338 36749215 36929149 37589119 38419135 39119214 39569302 40089388 41039424 42299548 42569676 41859900 40590084 39240207 36820282 35250428 34080625 31140825 99999999 31151207 36091230 39311217 41141150 42291114 42971153 43451217 43611434 44011543 44601587 44831637 43981840 43562020 42802084 41792149 40872221 40602311 41002364 41902390 43902299 46042216 47052177 49252168 99999999 49521627 48531720 48201805 47601952 46272019 45172061 44922023 45241957 47141546 47691403 48150913 48310703 48370578 48680353 48370250 47720364 47390448 47150410 46850322 46700138 47069866 47909633 49509430 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 ESE 3HT 30 N BIL 60 WSW MLS 50 ESE 4BQ 30 N RAP 40 NNE PHP 45 NNE PHP 40 NW PIR 40 SW ABR 30 S ABR 25 NW ATY 15 E VVV 35 S AXN 30 WSW STC 40 NNE MSP 40 NNE MSP 45 NE MSP 10 SE EAU 30 ESE VOK 25 N MSN 35 SSW OSH MKE 35 SSE RAC LAF 10 S HUF 45 E SLO 25 WNW SLO 35 NNW ALN 15 NNW BRL 25 NNW ALO 10 NNW FRM 15 SE FSD 40 WNW YKN 35 WNW MHN 25 E AIA 25 NNW SNY 30 E CYS 15 N CYS 40 SSE DGW 35 N DGW SHR 50 NE COD 45 SSW BIL 15 SSE LVM 15 WSW LVM 20 NE BZN 20 SSW 3HT 30 ESE 3HT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSE ISP JFK 10 SE MSV 30 NE MSV 30 WSW PSF 20 WNW ORH 45 ESE PSM. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSW BHK 55 SSE Y22 15 SSE MBG 50 W ABR 20 WNW AXN 50 ESE BRD 50 SW ASX 60 S ASX 30 SE CWA 20 NW OSH 25 WSW GRB 15 S GRB 20 SSE MTW 40 SE IND 10 NNW JKL BLF ROA 20 NNW LYH 15 S CHO 20 N RIC 45 E RIC 20 ESE ORF 35 E ECG 20 N HSE 25 NE FAY 20 WSW HSS 35 ENE BNA 35 ESE PAH 10 NNW FAM 45 NW FAM 30 NE COU 25 ENE OXV 25 NNE OXV 35 SE FOD 30 NE SUX 35 E YKN 35 S ANW 40 ESE MHN 30 NNW IML 30 NW IML 30 NW IML 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 45 WNW AKO 15 E FCL 30 S LAR 25 SSE CPR 15 NNW CPR 50 ESE WRL 25 NE WRL 30 E COD 45 NW COD 50 NW COD 25 NNW WEY 25 SSE BTM 10 NE HLN 25 WNW LWT 30 SSW BHK. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 110 NE CMX 50 ENE ESC 30 NE MKG 35 ESE SBN 30 E MIE 25 SE DAY 15 SSW PKB 45 SW MRB 30 WNW SBY 50 E SBY 85 ENE WAL ...CONT... 70 ESE NEL 35 NE ABE 25 SW BGM 20 NNW ITH 10 ESE ART 55 NW MSS ...CONT... 45 S 6R6 40 S 6R6 10 NW 6R6 25 E FST 25 E MAF 70 WSW SPS 10 WNW ADM 20 WSW MKO 25 S UMN 30 S SGF 15 W UNO 25 ENE UNO 45 WSW FAM 30 NE VIH 20 NNE COU 35 ESE CDJ 25 NW CDJ 35 NNW LWD 20 NNW DNS 20 WNW SUX 10 ENE BUB 30 NNW MCK 10 E ITR 30 NE CAO 40 W TCC 35 W 4CR 85 ESE DUG ...CONT... 95 SW TUS 15 NW GCN 20 ESE U24 25 WSW EVW 55 WSW BPI 45 SE IDA IDA 10 NNW SUN 50 NE BOI 20 SSE MYL 15 WSW MYL 40 NE BNO 65 W BNO 50 NNW LKV 30 SSE LMT 30 S MHS 55 ESE EKA 25 E ACV 20 ENE CEC 20 SE EUG 40 NNE PDX 35 SE SEA 50 NE BLI ...CONT... 125 NW GPI 65 NNE GEG 45 NNW GEG 20 N EPH 25 SE YKM 40 SE DLS 65 NE RDM 50 SW PDT 30 S 3TH 45 SSE GPI 40 SE HVR 20 WNW GGW 20 NNW OLF 35 N ISN 55 ENE ISN 25 E SDY 25 NE GDV 35 E GDV 20 W DIK 30 W BIS 10 N JMS 15 SSW TVF 60 NE RRT.  352 ACUS01 KWNS 301625 SWODY1 SPC AC 301624 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1124 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 301630Z - 011200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS NORTHERN/CENTRAL HIGH PLAINS TO THE UPPER MS VALLEY... ...SUMMARY... Strong to severe storms are possible today from the Upper Mississippi Valley into eastern Wyoming and southern Montana, with damaging wind and hail the main threats. ...Upper Mississippi Valley... Two MCSs are ongoing. The lead one has largely been decaying, but is maintaining a near-term threat for strong gusts and small hail in its core across far south-central WI. There is potential for intensification this afternoon as the downstream air mass continues to become strongly unstable. However, weak warm advection at the base of the elevated mixed layer and perhaps more importantly weak deep-layer shear ahead of the MCS may preclude a more organized MCS. Nevertheless, will maintain Slight Risk for a predominant threat of strong wind gusts across most of IL. An upstream MCS has developed across central MN into far northwest WI with low-level warm advection atop the surface-based cold dome. Rather steep mid-level lapse rates near 8.5 C/km as sampled by 12Z BIS/ABR/MPX soundings along with moderate speed shear through the cloud-bearing layer may support a severe hail risk. Although linear convective mode should temper hail magnitudes. There is potential for this MCS to continue south-southeast, but would likely remain elevated given that outflow continues to surge south and west (currently into far northeast IA to southwest MN) from the lead MCS. This renders uncertainty over the degree of damaging wind potential, especially in the near-term. However, cloud decay is occurring in the wake of the lead MCS and erosion of the surface cold dome is underway. Will maintain Slight Risk for wind given some potential for this MCS to intensify. ...Northern/central High Plains to SD... East-northeasterly post-frontal upslope flow will aid in late afternoon scattered thunderstorm development. More pervasive cloud coverage in association with an MCV over central WY shifting towards the Black Hills should confine stronger boundary-layer heating to its south across southeast WY/NE Panhandle. Effective shear will be greater with northwest extent as mid-level flow weakens with southeast extent. Potential will exist for several supercells with a risk of mainly large hail and isolated severe wind gusts. Multiple clusters may develop this evening across SD as a southerly low-level jet intensifies atop the quasi-stationary surface front. Activity would likely impinge on a more buoyant air mass with eastern extent, yielding a persistent risk for severe wind/hail into tonight perhaps as far east as southwest MN. ...Southeast NY to southern New England... Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms have begun developing ahead of a mid-level vorticity lobe rotating through the base of a shortwave trough. While boundary-layer temperatures are relatively cool and northwest surface flow dominates, cold mid-level temperatures should permit small hail growth. Locally strong wind gusts might accompany a few cells over the next few hours. ...VA/NC to KY/TN... Robust boundary-layer heating is occurring ahead of a weak southward-sagging front. This boundary should be the focus for scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. Activity with western extent should be predominantly pulse. The fringe of modest mid-level west-northwesterlies east of the Appalachians could foster a few multicell clusters with locally damaging winds as the primary hazard. ..Grams/Karstens.. 06/30/2019 $$  439 WUUS53 KMPX 301625 SVRMPX MNC093-145-171-301700- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.W.0068.190630T1625Z-190630T1700Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1125 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Wright County in central Minnesota... Northeastern Meeker County in central Minnesota... Southeastern Stearns County in central Minnesota... * Until noon CDT. * At 1125 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Kimball, or 16 miles south of St. Cloud, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... St. Cloud, Monticello, Waite Park, St. Joseph, Cold Spring, Annandale, Cokato, Rockville, Maple Lake, Clearwater, Dassel and Watkins. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Minnesota between mile markers 161 and 195. U.S. Highway 12 between mile markers 108 and 117. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4546 9409 4545 9410 4543 9405 4539 9401 4540 9399 4538 9396 4538 9394 4529 9376 4500 9437 4548 9450 4557 9430 TIME...MOT...LOC 1625Z 320DEG 38KT 4534 9422 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CTG  296 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 301530/301930 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0003 W06742 - N0051 W06522 - N0211 W06311 - N0407 W06048 - N0156 W05959 - N0024 W06251 - S0150 W06558 - N0003 W06742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  297 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 301515/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WIN0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 -N0458W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  298 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 301630/301930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2455 W05435 - S2856 W04544 - S3244 W04912 - S2902 W05644 - S2805 W05549 - S2704 W05355 - S2544 W05358 - S2543 W05449 - S2455 W05435 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  299 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 301230/301630 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0104 W06924 - S0150 W06718 - S0454 W06804 - S0408 W07003 - S0104 W06924 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  300 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 301330/301630 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2500 W05435 - S2935 W04612 - S3355 W05027 - S3238 W05307 - S2913 W05643 - S2714 W05406 - S2539 W05358 - S2541 W05441 - S2500 W05435 TOP FL410 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  121 WUUS53 KMKX 301626 SVRMKX WIC027-055-133-301715- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.W.0025.190630T1626Z-190630T1715Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1126 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Waukesha County in southeastern Wisconsin... Jefferson County in southeastern Wisconsin... Southeastern Dodge County in southeastern Wisconsin... * Until 1215 PM CDT. * At 1126 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Campbellsport to near Lake Mills, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Watertown, Whitewater, Hartford, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Delafield, Lake Mills, Waterloo, Wales, Okauchee Lake, Oconomowoc, Johnson Creek, Dousman, North Prairie, Palmyra, Lac La Belle, Lake Ripley, Lake Koshkonong, Ixonia and Rome. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4285 8901 4320 8901 4320 8870 4344 8841 4324 8842 4319 8842 4319 8840 4284 8839 TIME...MOT...LOC 1626Z 307DEG 36KT 4357 8826 4309 8897 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  304 WSPK31 OPLA 301630 COR OPLA SIGMET 004 VALID 301730/302130 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS OBS BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  371 WWUS73 KARX 301627 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1127 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid into this Evening... .Temperatures will climb in the lower to mid 90s this afternoon. These temperatures combined with high humidity levels, will produce dangerous heat indices in the 100 to 105 range into this evening. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ061-010030- /O.CON.KARX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Wabasha, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, and Platteville 1127 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the 90 to 95 degree range with peak heat indices of 100 to 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible, especially for those involved in outdoor activities, in homes without air conditioning, or individuals that are susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. && $$ Boyne  653 WSFR34 LFPW 301628 LFMM SIGMET 2 VALID 301630/301800 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR FRQ TS OBS WI N4345 E00615 - N4500 E00530 - N4515 E00615 - N4400 E00700 - N4345 E00615 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  672 WWUS53 KMKX 301629 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1129 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC021-025-027-301645- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ Columbia WI-Dane WI-Dodge WI- 1129 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN COLUMBIA...DANE AND DODGE COUNTIES... At 1128 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Campbellsport to Oregon, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Madison, Sun Prairie, Fitchburg, Watertown, Middleton, Beaver Dam, Stoughton, Waunakee, Verona, Oregon, McFarland, Monona, Mount Horeb, Windsor, Mayville, Columbus, Marshall, Horicon, Sauk City and Juneau. People attending The Columbus Baseball Tournament should seek safe shelter immediately! PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4344 8840 4320 8870 4320 8901 4294 8901 4290 8984 4321 8984 4326 8974 4327 8973 4330 8967 4345 8894 4363 8840 TIME...MOT...LOC 1628Z 283DEG 38KT 4357 8833 4293 8940 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  966 WWCN13 CWVR 301629 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR INTERIOR AND NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:29 A.M. PDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= B.C. NORTH PEACE RIVER =NEW= FORT NELSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIDESPREAD THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED TODAY AND THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR SOME OF THESE STORMS TO BECOME SEVERE WITH STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  137 WWCN19 CWVR 301629 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:29 A.M. PDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= DEASE LAKE =NEW= CASSIAR MOUNTAINS =NEW= WATSON LAKE =NEW= MUNCHO LAKE PARK - STONE MOUNTAIN PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIDESPREAD THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED TODAY AND THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR SOME OF THESE STORMS TO BECOME SEVERE WITH STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  146 WWUS83 KMPX 301629 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1129 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ053-WIZ014>016-301715- Chisago-Polk-Barron-Rusk- 1129 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL CHISAGO...WEST CENTRAL RUSK...NORTHERN BARRON AND NORTHERN POLK COUNTIES... At 1129 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Trade Lake, or 22 miles southeast of Pine City, moving southeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rice Lake, Cumberland, St. Croix Falls, Cameron, Frederic, Luck, Balsam Lake, Taylors Falls, Centuria, Milltown, Almena and Haugen. This includes U.S. Highway 53 between mile markers 138 and 152. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4541 9273 4564 9281 4565 9253 4573 9252 4572 9216 4564 9215 4564 9151 4542 9150 TIME...MOT...LOC 1629Z 320DEG 38KT 4570 9254 $$ CTG  497 WHUS53 KMKX 301631 SMWMKX LMZ643>646-669-671-673-675-301830- /O.NEW.KMKX.MA.W.0012.190630T1631Z-190630T1830Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SPECIAL MARINE WARNING NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN WI 1131 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN HAS ISSUED A * SPECIAL MARINE WARNING FOR... LAKE MICHIGAN NEARSHORE AND OPEN WATERS TO MID LAKE FROM SHEBOYGAN WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL... * UNTIL 130 PM CDT. * AT 1127 AM CDT...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WERE LOCATED ALONG A LINE EXTENDING FROM 12 NM SOUTHWEST OF GREEN BAY, TO 32 NM WEST OF BAYSIDE, TO 72 NM WEST OF OAK CREEK, MOVING SOUTHEAST AT 45 KNOTS. HAZARD...WIND GUSTS 34 KNOTS OR GREATER. SOURCE...RADAR. IMPACT...SMALL CRAFT COULD BE DAMAGED IN BRIEFLY HIGHER WINDS AND SUDDENLY HIGHER WAVES. * LOCATIONS IMPACTED INCLUDE... SHEBOYGAN BY 1230 PM CDT. PORT WASHINGTON BY 1230 PM CDT. NORTH POINT LIGHTHOUSE BY 1240 PM CDT. WIND POINT BY 1245 PM CDT. WINTHROP HARBOR ILLINOIS BY 100 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... MARINERS CAN EXPECT STRONG WINDS GREATER THAN 34 KNOTS, LOCALLY HIGHER WAVES, AND LIGHTNING STRIKES. BOATERS SHOULD SEEK SAFE HARBOR IMMEDIATELY UNTIL THIS LINE OF STORMS PASSES. && LAT...LON 4383 8709 4370 8712 4339 8715 4246 8702 4249 8780 4261 8782 4278 8775 4286 8784 4307 8786 4326 8791 4339 8787 4349 8779 4358 8778 4368 8770 4375 8771 4375 8772 4376 8770 4382 8773 4390 8773 4390 8759 TIME...MOT...LOC 1627Z 328DEG 44KT 4434 8816 4324 8864 4287 8954 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ WOOD  328 WSPK31 OPLA 301630 COR OPLA SIGMET 04 VALID 301730/302130 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS OBS BTN 30N TO 35N AND 70E TO 75E MOV E NC=  401 WSRA31 RUKR 301629 UNKL SIGMET 8 VALID 301800/302200 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N6600 E08310 - N6700 E10655 TOP FL380 MOV NW 20KMH NC=  876 WWCN79 CWVR 301629 VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE EMISE PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 09H29 HAP LE DIMANCHE 30 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR: =NOUVEAU= DEASE LAKE =NOUVEAU= CHAINE DES CASSIARS =NOUVEAU= WATSON LAKE =NOUVEAU= MUNCHO LAKE PARK ET STONE MOUNTAIN PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON PREVOIT DES ORAGES GENERALISES AUJOURD'HUI, ET CERTAINS DE CES ORAGES POURRAIENT DEVENIR VIOLENTS ET S'ACCOMPAGNER DE FORTES RAFALES, DE GROSSE GRELE ET DE PLUIE FORTE. LA FOUDRE TUE ET BLESSE DES CANADIENS CHAQUE ANNEE. N'OUBLIEZ PAS : QUAND LE TONNERRE GRONDE, RENTREZ VITE A L'INTERIEUR(POINT D'EXCLAMATION) UNE VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS EST EMISE LORSQUE LES CONDITIONS ATMOSPHERIQUES SONT PROPICES A LA FORMATION D'ORAGES QUI POURRAIENT S'ACCOMPAGNER D'AU MOINS UN DES ELEMENTS SUIVANTS : GROSSE GRELE, VENTS DESTRUCTEURS OU PLUIES TORRENTIELLES. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  877 WWCN73 CWVR 301629 VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR L'INTERIEUR ET LE NORD-EST DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE EMISE PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 09H29 HAP LE DIMANCHE 30 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR: =NOUVEAU= RIVIERE DE LA PAIX NORD C.-B. =NOUVEAU= FORT NELSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON PREVOIT DES ORAGES GENERALISES AUJOURD'HUI, ET CERTAINS DE CES ORAGES POURRAIENT DEVENIR VIOLENTS ET S'ACCOMPAGNER DE FORTES RAFALES, DE GROSSE GRELE ET DE PLUIE FORTE. LA FOUDRE TUE ET BLESSE DES CANADIENS CHAQUE ANNEE. N'OUBLIEZ PAS : QUAND LE TONNERRE GRONDE, RENTREZ VITE A L'INTERIEUR(POINT D'EXCLAMATION) UNE VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS EST EMISE LORSQUE LES CONDITIONS ATMOSPHERIQUES SONT PROPICES A LA FORMATION D'ORAGES QUI POURRAIENT S'ACCOMPAGNER D'AU MOINS UN DES ELEMENTS SUIVANTS : GROSSE GRELE, VENTS DESTRUCTEURS OU PLUIES TORRENTIELLES. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  333 WWUS51 KOKX 301633 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1233 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301700- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1700Z/ Suffolk NY- 1233 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 1233 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Brookhaven National Laboratory, or near Middle Island, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Manorville and Mastic around 1240 PM EDT. Center Moriches around 1245 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4097 7305 4097 7284 4082 7270 4076 7293 TIME...MOT...LOC 1633Z 307DEG 30KT 4089 7288 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  294 WWUS53 KDLH 301633 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1133 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC013-301645- /O.CON.KDLH.SV.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ Burnett WI- 1133 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN BURNETT COUNTY... At 1133 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Frederic, or 25 miles southeast of Pine City, moving southeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Grantsburg, Trade Lake, Siren, Branstad, Falun, Four Corners, and Alpha. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4578 9278 4580 9276 4579 9237 4573 9224 4573 9253 4565 9253 4564 9262 4564 9264 4575 9280 4577 9278 TIME...MOT...LOC 1633Z 312DEG 49KT 4568 9248 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wolfe  087 WWUS83 KJKL 301634 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 1234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ112>118-301700- Clay-Breathitt-Perry-Knott-Owsley-Letcher-Leslie- 1234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL LETCHER... SOUTHEASTERN OWSLEY...LESLIE...PERRY...SOUTHWESTERN KNOTT... SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT AND NORTHEASTERN CLAY COUNTIES... At 1233 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Beech, or 12 miles south of Jackson, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hazard, Hyden, Vicco, Buckhorn, Blackey, Elic, Cody, Big Fork, Hoskinston, Shoal, Viper, Daley, Carr Creek, Isom, Emmalena, Redfox, Beech, Thousandsticks, Bulan and Stinnett. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 3733 8362 3749 8327 3719 8289 3695 8335 TIME...MOT...LOC 1633Z 321DEG 24KT 3738 8342 $$ SHALLENBERGER  313 WWUS81 KBOX 301634 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 1234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ004-005-026-301715- Northwest Middlesex County MA-Central Middlesex County MA- Northern Worcester MA- 1234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS DEVELOPING IN NORTHEAST WORCESTER AND NORTHWEST MIDDLESEX COUNTIES... At 1232 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Ashby, or near Fitchburg, moving east at 35 mph. Other scattered strong storms were developing in northern Worcester County. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will accompany these storms. Locations impacted include... Lowell, Leominster, Fitchburg, Chelmsford, Dracut, Westford, Acton, Gardner, Concord, Sudbury, Pepperell, Tyngsborough, Groton, Maynard, Lunenburg, Townsend, Littleton, Lancaster, Hollis and Ayer. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4271 7162 4266 7130 4240 7143 4261 7198 4271 7189 TIME...MOT...LOC 1632Z 291DEG 32KT 4267 7187 $$ Field  936 WWUS81 KGYX 301634 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ005-007-008-301715- Merrimack-Southern Grafton-Sullivan- 1234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL SULLIVAN AND WEST CENTRAL MERRIMACK COUNTIES... At 1234 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Newport, or 9 miles northeast of Claremont, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Claremont, New London, Enfield, Newport, Grantham, Cornish, Lempster, Acworth, Goshen, Croydon, Newbury, Sunapee, Unity, Springfield, Sulton and Plainfield. This includes Interstate 89 between mile markers 33 and 45. This also includes... Mount Sunapee. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4350 7230 4354 7209 4330 7194 4322 7231 TIME...MOT...LOC 1634Z 346DEG 13KT 4345 7219 $$  684 WVID21 WAAA 301630 WAAZ SIGMET 05 VALID 301630/302230 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1630Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0226 E12751 - N0209 E12716 - N0139 E12752 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT INTSF=  224 WVID21 WAAA 301630 WAAZ SIGMET 05 VALID 301630/302230 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1630Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0226 E12751 - N0209 E12716 - N0139 E12752 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT INTSF=  395 WWUS81 KALY 301636 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1236 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ064>066-301715- Eastern Dutchess-Western Dutchess-Eastern Ulster- 1236 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL ULSTER AND NORTHERN DUTCHESS COUNTIES... At 1235 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Lake Katrine, or near Kingston, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Kingston, Saugerties, Rhinebeck, Hurley, Amenia, Pine Plains, Red Hook, Millbrook, Stanfordville, Saugerties South, Port Ewen, Lake Katrine, Staatsburg, Wingdale, Dover Plains, Bethel, Veteran, Milan, Smithfield and Tivoli. This includes Interstate 87 between exits 19 and 20. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4195 7411 4211 7399 4209 7393 4208 7393 4208 7391 4192 7350 4169 7352 4164 7356 TIME...MOT...LOC 1635Z 301DEG 28KT 4199 7397 $$ DBT  460 WWUS53 KMKX 301637 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1137 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC027-055-133-301715- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ Waukesha WI-Jefferson WI-Dodge WI- 1137 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 PM CDT FOR WESTERN WAUKESHA...JEFFERSON AND SOUTHEASTERN DODGE COUNTIES... At 1136 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Hartford to near Edgerton, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree and power line damage at the leading edge of these storms. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Watertown, Whitewater, Hartford, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Delafield, Lake Mills, Waterloo, Wales, Okauchee Lake, Oconomowoc, Johnson Creek, Dousman, North Prairie, Palmyra, Lac La Belle, Lake Ripley, Lake Koshkonong, Ixonia and Rome. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4285 8901 4320 8901 4320 8870 4344 8841 4324 8842 4319 8842 4319 8840 4284 8839 TIME...MOT...LOC 1636Z 358DEG 28KT 4336 8842 4288 8913 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  503 WWUS83 KILX 301638 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1138 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ027>031-036>038-040>057-061>063-066>068-071>073-010000- Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Schuyler-Mason-Logan-De Witt-Piatt-Champaign-Vermilion-Cass- Menard-Scott-Morgan-Sangamon-Christian-Macon-Moultrie-Douglas- Coles-Edgar-Shelby-Cumberland-Clark-Effingham-Jasper-Crawford- Clay-Richland-Lawrence- Including the cities of Galesburg, Toulon, Peoria, Lacon, Eureka, Canton, Pekin, Bloomington, Normal, Rushville, Havana, Lincoln, Clinton, Monticello, Champaign, Urbana, Danville, Beardstown, Petersburg, Winchester, Jacksonville, Springfield, Taylorville, Decatur, Sullivan, Tuscola, Charleston, Mattoon, Paris, Shelbyville, Greenup, Marshall, Effingham, Newton, Robinson, Flora, Olney, and Lawrenceville 1138 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ..Hot and Humid Conditions Again This Afternoon... Temperatures warming into the lower 90s across central and southeast Illinois this afternoon, combined with dewpoints in the low to mid 70s will produce heat indices ranging from 97 to 103 degrees this afternoon before thunderstorms move into parts of the area during mid afternoon into early evening. Exercise caution if you will be outdoors this afternoon. Be sure to apply sunscreen regularly. Drink plenty of water, dress in lightweight and light-color clothing, and take breaks in the shade. Check on relatives and neighbors, especially the elderly. Never leave pets, children or the elderly unattended in parked vehicles. $$ 07  827 WWUS81 KALY 301638 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1238 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ047-051-058>060-064-301730- Eastern Greene-Western Columbia-Western Greene-Schoharie-Western Albany-Eastern Ulster- 1238 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN ULSTER...WEST CENTRAL COLUMBIA...SOUTHWESTERN ALBANY...CENTRAL GREENE AND SOUTHEASTERN SCHOHARIE COUNTIES... At 1238 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Preston Hollow, or 18 miles north of Hunter, moving southeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hudson, Catskill, Saugerties, Windham, Athens, Saugerties South, North-South Lake Campground, Livingstonville, Preston-Potter Hollow, Preston Hollow, Cairo, Veteran, Durham, Germantown, Rensselaerville, Centerville, Tannersville, Shoefelt Corners, Manorville and Katsbaan. This includes Interstate 87 between exits 20 and 21. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4200 7406 4205 7409 4210 7408 4210 7412 4250 7436 4258 7415 4247 7403 4244 7403 4244 7399 4217 7370 4208 7390 4208 7393 4206 7393 TIME...MOT...LOC 1638Z 331DEG 30KT 4248 7421 $$ DBT  868 WWUS73 KFSD 301638 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 1138 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ072-080-081-089-090-097-098- NEZ013-014-SDZ050-056-060>071-010045- /O.CON.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.190630T1800Z-190701T0200Z/ Lyon-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson- Pipestone-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Gregory-Moody-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha- Charles Mix-Douglas-Hutchinson-Turner-Lincoln-Bon Homme-Yankton- Union- 1138 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Up to 104 due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the mid 70s. * TIMING...This afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$  518 WWUS85 KGGW 301639 SPSGGW Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Glasgow MT 1039 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ022-023-301745- Garfield MT-McCone MT- 1039 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL GARFIELD AND SOUTHERN MCCONE COUNTIES UNTIL 1145 AM MDT... At 1039 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Flowing Wells Rest Area, or 26 miles west of Circle, moving east at 40 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Circle, Brockway, Flowing Wells Rest Area and Watkins. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4722 10635 4751 10636 4755 10544 4721 10542 TIME...MOT...LOC 1639Z 263DEG 37KT 4737 10617 $$ Castro  633 WWUS53 KDLH 301639 SVSDLH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Duluth MN 1139 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC013-301649- /O.EXP.KDLH.SV.W.0034.000000T0000Z-190630T1645Z/ Burnett WI- 1139 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN BURNETT COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 1145 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4578 9278 4580 9276 4579 9237 4573 9224 4573 9253 4565 9253 4564 9262 4564 9264 4575 9280 4577 9278 TIME...MOT...LOC 1639Z 312DEG 49KT 4563 9240 $$ Wolfe  713 WWUS53 KUNR 301640 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1040 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC005-301715- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0087.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ Campbell WY- 1040 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 AM MDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN CAMPBELL COUNTY... At 1039 AM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 18 miles northeast of Reno Junction, or 20 miles northeast of Wright, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Campbell County, northeast of Wright. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4413 10538 4402 10508 4393 10508 4373 10522 4376 10541 4398 10548 TIME...MOT...LOC 1639Z 233DEG 16KT 4397 10524 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  890 WWUS53 KMPX 301640 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1140 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC093-301649- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190630T1700Z/ Meeker MN- 1140 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN MEEKER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4546 9409 4545 9410 4543 9405 4539 9401 4540 9399 4538 9396 4538 9394 4529 9376 4512 9412 4542 9426 4548 9412 TIME...MOT...LOC 1639Z 320DEG 38KT 4522 9408 $$ MNC145-171-301700- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190630T1700Z/ Wright MN-Stearns MN- 1140 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN WRIGHT AND SOUTHEASTERN STEARNS COUNTIES... At 1139 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Annandale, or 10 miles west of Buffalo, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... St. Cloud, Monticello, Annandale, Maple Lake, Clearwater, Silver Creek, Enfield, Fairhaven, St Augusta and Hasty. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4546 9409 4545 9410 4543 9405 4539 9401 4540 9399 4538 9396 4538 9394 4529 9376 4512 9412 4542 9426 4548 9412 TIME...MOT...LOC 1639Z 320DEG 38KT 4522 9408 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CTG  650 WSRA31 RUYK 301639 UEEE SIGMET 9 VALID 301700/302100 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N71 AND W OF E137 AND E OF E120 FL240/340 STNR NC=  225 WHUS51 KOKX 301641 SMWOKX ANZ330-340-301730- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0047.190630T1641Z-190630T1730Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 1241 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT / Port Jefferson NY... Peconic and Gardiners Bays... * Until 130 PM EDT. * At 1241 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Shelter Island Sound, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will be near... Gardiners Bay around 1245 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4110 7186 4106 7187 4106 7189 4105 7189 4104 7193 4103 7199 4100 7202 4098 7210 4100 7214 4104 7216 4098 7218 4101 7222 4098 7225 4099 7230 4098 7234 4094 7239 4094 7243 4090 7244 4103 7258 4120 7220 TIME...MOT...LOC 1641Z 317DEG 32KT 4103 7237 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ DS  768 WWUS30 KWNS 301641 SAW6 SPC AWW 301641 WW 466 SEVERE TSTM IL WI LM 301645Z - 302300Z AXIS..60 STATUTE MILES EAST AND WEST OF LINE.. 5N JVL/JANESVILLE WI/ - 20ESE BMI/BLOOMINGTON IL/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 50NM E/W /42SW BAE - 39NNE AXC/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1 INCH. WIND GUSTS..55 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 500. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 34025. LAT...LON 42688784 40348743 40348970 42689020 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU6.  411 WSRA31 RUYK 301640 UEEE SIGMET 10 VALID 301700/302100 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF LINE N7228 E11239 - N7201 E13021 - N6637 E13325 - N6050 E13954 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  003 WWUS20 KWNS 301641 SEL6 SPC WW 301641 ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-302300- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 466 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1145 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Northern and central Illinois Far southern Wisconsin Lake Michigan * Effective this Sunday morning and evening from 1145 AM until 600 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging wind gusts to 65 mph possible SUMMARY...Cluster of strong thunderstorms over southern Wisconsin may continue to progress south across northern into central Illinois, with some intensification possible. Damaging winds will be the main hazard. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 60 statute miles east and west of a line from 5 miles north of Janesville WI to 20 miles east southeast of Bloomington IL. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU6). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 465... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1 inch. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 55 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 500. Mean storm motion vector 34025. ...Grams  028 WOUS64 KWNS 301641 WOU6 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1145 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0466.190630T1645Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MARSHALL MCHENRY MCLEAN OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302300- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0466.190630T1645Z-190630T2300Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE GREEN KENOSHA LAFAYETTE RACINE ROCK WALWORTH $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-302300- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0466.190630T1645Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...MKX...ILX...DVN...  029 WWUS40 KWNS 301641 WWP6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1140 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0466 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : <05% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : <02% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 10% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 10% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 60% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.0 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 55 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 500 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 34025 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU6. $$  116 WWUS83 KMKX 301642 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1142 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ058-301715- Dodge- 1142 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN DODGE COUNTY... At 1141 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located south of Juneau, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph may continue for the next half hour with this storm. Locations impacted include... Watertown, Hartford, Hustisford, Iron Ridge, Ashippun, Rubicon, Lebanon, Woodland, Reeseville, Neosho, Richwood, Clyman, Lowell and Danville. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4337 8842 4320 8842 4320 8901 4331 8901 4344 8840 4337 8840 TIME...MOT...LOC 1641Z 327DEG 23KT 4328 8874 $$ MRC  295 WWUS63 KILX 301643 WCNILX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LINCOLN IL 1143 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC019-039-113-123-143-147-175-179-183-203-302300- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.A.0466.190630T1643Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS DE WITT MARSHALL MCLEAN PEORIA STARK TAZEWELL WOODFORD IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLOOMINGTON, CHAMPAIGN, CLINTON, DANVILLE, EUREKA, LACON, MONTICELLO, NORMAL, PEKIN, PEORIA, TOULON, AND URBANA. $$  558 WOUS64 KWNS 301643 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1143 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS WIC099-301800- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE PRICE $$ ATTN...WFO...DLH...  502 WWUS63 KLOT 301643 WCNLOT WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHICAGO IL 1143 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC007-031-037-043-053-063-075-089-091-093-097-099-103-105-111- 141-197-201-302300- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.A.0466.190630T1643Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 18 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS LIVINGSTON IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS FORD IROQUOIS IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BOONE DE KALB LA SALLE LEE OGLE WINNEBAGO IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS COOK DUPAGE GRUNDY KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE MCHENRY WILL THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADDISON, ALGONQUIN, AURORA, BELVIDERE, BOLINGBROOK, BOULDER HILL, BOURBONNAIS, BRADLEY, BUFFALO GROVE, BYRON, CAROL STREAM, CARY, CHICAGO, COAL CITY, CRYSTAL LAKE, DEKALB, DIXON, DOWNERS GROVE, DWIGHT, ELGIN, ELMHURST, FAIRBURY, GIBSON CITY, GILMAN, GURNEE, HIGHLAND PARK, HUMBOLDT PARK, HYDE PARK, JOLIET, KANKAKEE, LA SALLE, LAKE IN THE HILLS, LAKEVIEW, LINCOLN PARK, LOGAN SQUARE, LOMBARD, MARSEILLES, MCHENRY, MENDOTA, MINOOKA, MORRIS, MOUNT MORRIS, MUNDELEIN, NAPERVILLE, NAVY PIER, NORTH CHICAGO, ONARGA, OREGON, OSWEGO, OTTAWA, PAXTON, PERU, PLANO, POLO, PONTIAC, ROCHELLE, ROCKFORD, ROUND LAKE BEACH, STREATOR, SYCAMORE, WATSEKA, WAUKEGAN, WHEATON, WOODSTOCK, AND YORKVILLE. $$ LMZ740>742-302300- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.A.0466.190630T1643Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ RODRIGUEZ  141 WWUS81 KOKX 301643 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1243 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ079-081-301730- Southeast Suffolk-Northeast Suffolk- 1243 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 1242 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located from Riverhead northeast along the North Fork of Long Island, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Riverhead, Southold, Mattituck, Southampton, Westhampton, Sag Harbor, Bridgehampton, Gardiners Island, Calverton, Noyack, Montauk Point, Shelter Island, Greenport, Shinnecock Hills and East Hampton. LAT...LON 4107 7186 4087 7235 4078 7268 4097 7283 4099 7259 4116 7228 4116 7223 4109 7238 4108 7228 4100 7230 4102 7225 4105 7224 4101 7219 4106 7217 4106 7213 4103 7211 4106 7210 4112 7213 4110 7208 4100 7210 TIME...MOT...LOC 1642Z 317DEG 32KT 4093 7260 $$ DS  173 WWUS63 KMKX 301643 WCNMKX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN WI 1143 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 LMZ646-WIZ067>072-302300- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.A.0466.190630T1643Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL LAFAYETTE GREEN ROCK WALWORTH RACINE KENOSHA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ARGYLE, BELMONT, BELOIT, BENTON, BLANCHARDVILLE, BRODHEAD, DARLINGTON, DELAVAN, EAST TROY, ELKHORN, JANESVILLE, KENOSHA, LAKE GENEVA, MONROE, RACINE, SHULLSBURG, AND WHITEWATER. $$  624 WWUS63 KDVN 301644 WCNDVN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE QUAD CITIES IA IL 1144 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC011-015-073-085-155-177-195-302300- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.A.0466.190630T1644Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BUREAU PUTNAM IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS CARROLL HENRY IL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON WHITESIDE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF FREEPORT, GALENA, GENESEO, HENNEPIN, MOUNT CARROLL, PRINCETON, AND STERLING. $$ 12  887 WWUS51 KOKX 301644 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1244 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301654- /O.CAN.KOKX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1700Z/ Suffolk NY- 1244 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4097 7305 4097 7284 4082 7270 4076 7293 TIME...MOT...LOC 1643Z 307DEG 30KT 4083 7278 $$ DS  670 WSRS31 RUMA 301644 UUWV SIGMET 9 VALID 301700/301900 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST NE OF LINE N5840 E03800 - N5251 E03622 - N5247 E04100 - N5846 E04500 TOP FL270 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  443 WSMS31 WMKK 301646 WBFC SIGMET A04 VALID 301700/301900 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF N0650 TOP FL500 MOV SSW 05KT NC=  555 WWUS83 KMKX 301647 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1147 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ062-063-067>070-301800- Green-Walworth-Lafayette-Iowa-Rock-Dane- 1147 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT LAFAYETTE...GREEN... WALWORTH...SOUTHERN IOWA...ROCK AND SOUTHERN DANE COUNTIES... At 1147 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from North Prairie to 6 miles northwest of Platteville. Movement was south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Monroe, Elkhorn, Delavan, Lake Geneva, Milton, Edgerton, Evansville, East Troy, Brodhead, Williams Bay, Mineral Point, Darlington, Genoa City, Walworth, Belleville, New Glarus and Clinton. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. If you are on or near lakes, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4251 9042 4288 9043 4289 8901 4285 8901 4284 8835 4271 8831 4250 8831 TIME...MOT...LOC 1647Z 341DEG 20KT 4295 8837 4282 9054 $$ MRC  962 WWUS83 KMPX 301647 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1147 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ044-051>053-061-WIZ014-301730- Anoka-Isanti-Sherburne-Mille Lacs-Chisago-Polk- 1147 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CHISAGO...SOUTHWESTERN MILLE LACS...NORTHEASTERN ANOKA...ISANTI...NORTHEASTERN SHERBURNE AND NORTHWESTERN POLK COUNTIES... At 1147 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Cambridge, moving southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cambridge, East Bethel, North Branch, St. Francis, Isanti, Zimmerman, Chisago City, Princeton, Lindstrom, Stacy, Center City and Oak Grove. This includes the following highways... Interstate 35 between mile markers 137 and 157. U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 171 and 186. U.S. Highway 8 in Minnesota between mile markers 7 and 17. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4568 9328 4564 9281 4535 9271 4534 9337 4556 9376 4568 9376 4569 9375 TIME...MOT...LOC 1647Z 300DEG 35KT 4557 9324 $$ CTG  024 WSCH31 SCEL 301647 SCEZ SIGMET 01 VALID 301650/302050 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3331 W07855 - S3411 W07931 - S3808 W07329 - S3830 W07052 - S3700 W07108 FL200/300 MOV N 10KT NC=  389 WSMC31 GMMC 301640 GMMM SIGMET 03 VALID 301645/302000 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR CNL SIGMET 02 301600/302000=  854 WSBZ31 SBAZ 301648 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 301650/302050 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI S0430 W07135 - S0414 W07039 - S0418 W06957 - S0305 W06943 - S0130 W06927 - S0314 W06712 - S0459 W06834 - S0505 W07053 - S0430 W07135 T OP FL500 STNR NC=  491 WWUS81 KGYX 301649 AWWMHT Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 1246 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ012-013-301945- Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 1246 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AT Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. * Until 345 PM EDT. * For the following hazards... Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. Fast moving pop up showers and thunderstorms will move southward to near MHT on occasion this afternoon with the threat for lightning strikes, heavy downpours, and small hail. $$  955 WSRS34 RUAA 301649 ULWW SIGMET 3 VALID 301700/302100 ULWW- ULWW VOLOGDA FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL270/360 STNR NC=  222 WWUS81 KGYX 301650 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ008-012-013-015-301730- Merrimack-Western And Central Hillsborough-Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 1250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL HILLSBOROUGH AND SOUTH CENTRAL MERRIMACK COUNTIES... At 1250 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Hopkinton, or near Concord, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Manchester, Concord, Henniker, Bedford, Hooksett, Amherst, Hopkinton, New Boston, Mont Vernon, Lyndeborough, Goffstown, Mount Vernon, Weare, Londonderry, Bow, Dunbarton and Pembroke. This includes the following highways... Interstate 293 between mile markers 1 and 11. Interstate 89 between mile markers 0 and 10. Interstate 93 between mile markers 17 and 39. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4319 7176 4323 7152 4293 7136 4288 7174 TIME...MOT...LOC 1650Z 342DEG 16KT 4314 7162 $$  093 WWUS63 KDLH 301650 WCNDLH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 465 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DULUTH MN 1150 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WIC099-301800- /O.CAN.KDLH.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN PRICE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF PHILLIPS. $$  230 WWUS53 KMPX 301650 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1150 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC145-171-301700- /O.EXP.KMPX.SV.W.0068.000000T0000Z-190630T1700Z/ Wright MN-Stearns MN- 1150 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN WRIGHT AND SOUTHEASTERN STEARNS COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT NOON CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4546 9409 4545 9410 4543 9405 4539 9401 4540 9399 4538 9396 4538 9394 4529 9376 4512 9412 4542 9426 4548 9412 TIME...MOT...LOC 1650Z 320DEG 38KT 4514 9399 $$ CTG  632 WSMC31 GMMC 301643 GMMM SIGMET 04 VALID 301645/302030 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS NE OF LINE N3431 W00204 - N3152 W00 601 - N3248 W00139 TOP FL340 MOV E WKN=  743 WWUS83 KMKX 301651 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1151 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ051-052-058>060-065-066-071-072-301800- Dodge-Waukesha-Sheboygan-Milwaukee-Racine-Ozaukee-Washington-Fond Du Lac-Kenosha- 1151 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT OZAUKEE...EASTERN FOND DU LAC...MILWAUKEE...RACINE...WAUKESHA...WASHINGTON...SHEBOYGAN AND KENOSHA COUNTIES... At 1150 AM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near St Anna to near Palmyra. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Milwaukee, Kenosha, Racine, Waukesha, West Allis, Sheboygan, Wauwatosa, Fond Du Lac, New Berlin, Brookfield, Greenfield, Menomonee Falls, Oak Creek, West Bend, Mount Pleasant, Muskego, Mequon, South Milwaukee, Pleasant Prairie and Cudahy. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. If you are on or near lakes, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4284 8831 4284 8848 4394 8836 4394 8817 4389 8816 4389 8774 4368 8770 4357 8779 4349 8779 4338 8787 4326 8791 4312 8790 4307 8787 4302 8790 4296 8785 4285 8783 4278 8775 4261 8782 4249 8780 4249 8830 TIME...MOT...LOC 1650Z 301DEG 27KT 4396 8812 4284 8864 $$ MRC  420 WOUS64 KWNS 301652 WOU5 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1152 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 465 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. MNZ000-WIZ000-LSZ000-301800- /O.CAN.KWNS.SV.A.0465.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. NO MARINE ZONES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...MPX...DLH...ARX...  693 WWUS30 KWNS 301652 SAW5 SPC AWW 301652 WW 465 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CANCELLED  694 WWUS20 KWNS 301652 SEL5 SPC WW 301652 MNZ000-WIZ000-LSZ000-301800- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - NUMBER 465 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1152 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH NUMBER 465 ISSUED AT 510 AM CDT FOR PORTIONS OF MINNESOTA WISCONSIN LAKE SUPERIOR  552 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 301650/302050 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0430 W07135 - S0414 W07039 - S0418 W06957 - S0305 W06943 - S0130 W06927 - S0314 W06712 - S0459 W06834 - S0505 W07053 - S0430 W07135 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  553 WSBZ01 SBBR 301600 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 301535/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  884 WGUS85 KREV 301653 FLSREV Flood Advisory National Weather Service Reno NV 953 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NVC027-061830- /O.EXT.KREV.FA.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-190706T1830Z/ /00000.N.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pershing NV- 953 AM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Reno has extended the * Flood Advisory for... Snowmelt in... North central Pershing County in west central Nevada... * Until 1130 AM PDT Saturday. * At 945 AM PDT Sunday, June 30, minor flooding was occurring along the Humboldt River above Rye Patch Reservoir. * Forecast...Minor flooding will continue through much of the upcoming week, with the river falling very slowly. Minor flooding may continue into the second week of July. * Impact...Water over Tungsten Road south of the river between the river and the Pit Taylor Canal. Some minor low land flooding near the river from the Humboldt County line to Rye Patch Reservoir. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Runoff from snowmelt will cause minor flooding of country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 4085 11806 4085 11797 4066 11806 4067 11825 4070 11825 $$  203 WOUS64 KWNS 301653 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1153 AM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX...  038 WWUS53 KUNR 301653 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1053 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC005-301715- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0087.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ Campbell WY- 1053 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 AM MDT FOR EAST CENTRAL CAMPBELL COUNTY... At 1052 AM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 19 miles south of Rozet, or 24 miles southeast of Gillette, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of east central Campbell County, northeast of Wright. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4402 10508 4393 10508 4380 10517 4389 10540 4409 10527 TIME...MOT...LOC 1652Z 224DEG 17KT 4401 10515 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  279 WSUS32 KKCI 301655 SIGC MKCC WST 301655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 68C VALID UNTIL 1855Z WI FROM 50NNE DLL-30SE GRB-30SSW BAE-40NNW DBQ-50NNE DLL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 33030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 69C VALID UNTIL 1855Z LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 40SSE LCH-150S LCH-130SSE PSX-90SSW LCH-40SSW LCH-40SSE LCH AREA TS MOV FROM 26010KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 70C VALID UNTIL 1855Z WI MN FROM 30SSE DLH-40NE EAU-20NNW RWF-70SW BRD-30SSE DLH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 31030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 71C VALID UNTIL 1855Z WY 50E CZI DVLPG ISOL SEV TS D10 MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 301855-302255 AREA 1...FROM 70NE DLH-SAW-40WSW GIJ-FOD-70S FAR-70NE DLH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REF WW 466. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S TTT-30SSE LCH-140S LCH-110ESE CRP-40SE DLF-30WNW SJT-30S TTT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  280 WSUS33 KKCI 301655 SIGW MKCW WST 301655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24W VALID UNTIL 1855Z MT FROM 30E GGW-70SW ISN-50WNW MLS-60NE LWT-30E GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 301855-302255 FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  281 WSUS31 KKCI 301655 SIGE MKCE WST 301655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 91E VALID UNTIL 1855Z FL AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NW SJI-40ESE CEW-90SSE CEW-120S CEW-60ESE LEV-50NW SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 92E VALID UNTIL 1855Z ME MA NH RI VT CT NY AND ME MA NH NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 10NNW BGR-40SSW BGR-20SSW HTO-10NW HNK-60ESE YSC-10NNW BGR AREA TS MOV FROM 32020KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 93E VALID UNTIL 1855Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30W PBI-10ESE PBI-20SSE MIA-30SW MIA-30SE RSW-30W PBI AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 94E VALID UNTIL 1855Z VA WV KY FROM 20NNW BKW-40ENE HMV-10S LOZ-30NNW LOZ-20NNW BKW AREA TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 301855-302255 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 110SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-40ESE LFK-PZD-110SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  142 WWUS84 KLIX 301655 SPSLIX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New Orleans LA 1155 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MSZ082-301730- Jackson- 1155 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON COUNTY... At 1155 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 miles south of Moss Point, moving northeast at 10 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Moss Point and Helena. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3036 8845 3033 8845 3032 8850 3034 8851 3033 8852 3034 8857 3037 8859 3036 8861 3038 8860 3054 8844 3050 8840 3039 8840 3038 8841 3035 8839 TIME...MOT...LOC 1655Z 230DEG 10KT 3032 8851 $$ 32  638 WWST01 SBBR 301210 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 625/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO NORTE DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 626/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 627/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO/MUITO GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A PARTIR DE 301200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 629/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NE/NW FOR?A 7 RONDANDO PARA W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 630/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 25S A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. VENTO W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 635/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S E 25 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 020000 HMG. AVISO NR 636/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A 50 MIN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. AVISO NR 637/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 27S E LESTE DE 047W A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. AVISO NR 638/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA GOLF AO SUL DO EQUADOR JUNTO ? COSTA. VENTO SE/E FOR?A 7 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 623/2019. AVISO NR 639/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 291500 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 618/2019. AVISO NR 640/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 631/2019. AVISO NR 641/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 633/2019. AVISO NR 642/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 302100 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 031200 HMG. NNNN  500 WWST02 SBBR 301210 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 625/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 626/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 627/2019 ROUGH/VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 301200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 629/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7 BACK W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 630/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA CHARLIE S OF 25S STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WIND W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 635/2019 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S AND 25 NM OFFSHORE. STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 020000 UTC. WARNING NR 636/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. WARNING NR 637/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 27S AND E OF 047W STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. WARNING NR 638/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA GOLF S OF EQUATOR NEAR THE COAST. WIND SE/E FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 623/2019. WARNING NR 639/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 291500 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 618/2019. WARNING NR 640/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OS 035W STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 631/2019. WARNING NR 641/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 633/2019. WARNING NR 642/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 302100 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 031200 UTC. NNNN  770 WSMX31 MMMX 301657 MMID SIGMET Q2 VALID 301652/302052 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1652Z WI N1833 W08850-N1819 W08800-N1810 W0880-N1809 W08745-N2000 W08600-N2010 W08517-N2245 W08609-N2235 W08822 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  831 WWUS83 KMPX 301657 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1157 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ051-059>061-068-301730- Anoka-Hennepin-Sherburne-Carver-Wright- 1157 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN WRIGHT... NORTHWESTERN HENNEPIN...NORTHWESTERN ANOKA...SOUTHEASTERN SHERBURNE AND NORTHWESTERN CARVER COUNTIES... At 1157 AM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Buffalo, moving southeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Buffalo, Maple Grove, Coon Rapids, Andover, Ramsey, Champlin, Elk River, Anoka, St. Michael, Ham Lake, Otsego and Rogers. This includes the following highways... Interstate 94 in Minnesota between mile markers 197 and 205. U.S. Highway 10 in Minnesota between mile markers 208 and 217. U.S. Highway 12 between mile markers 125 and 140. U.S. Highway 169 between mile markers 159 and 165. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4527 9325 4484 9390 4507 9408 4542 9351 4541 9350 TIME...MOT...LOC 1657Z 319DEG 37KT 4517 9383 $$ CTG  329 WSKO31 RKSI 301700 RKRR SIGMET J01 VALID 301700/302100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3611 E12400 - N3619 E12502 - N3538 E12527 - N3439 E12358 - N3611 E12400 TOP FL320 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  556 WUUS53 KMKX 301659 SVRMKX WIC055-059-101-105-127-133-301815- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.W.0026.190630T1659Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1159 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Walworth County in southeastern Wisconsin... Eastern Rock County in south central Wisconsin... Racine County in southeastern Wisconsin... Waukesha County in southeastern Wisconsin... Southern Jefferson County in southeastern Wisconsin... Kenosha County in southeastern Wisconsin... * Until 115 PM CDT. * At 1157 AM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wales to Milton, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Kenosha, Waukesha, Janesville, New Berlin, Brookfield, Muskego, Pleasant Prairie, Whitewater, Pewaukee, Fort Atkinson, Sussex, Elkhorn, Hartland, Delavan, Lake Geneva, Mukwonago, Delafield, Twin Lakes, Milton and Union Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4250 8893 4285 8902 4319 8832 4319 8823 4289 8807 4284 8807 4284 8804 4249 8786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1657Z 336DEG 31KT 4300 8832 4279 8893 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  399 WWST02 SBBR 301525 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 625/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 626/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 627/2019 ROUGH/VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 301200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 629/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7 BACK W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 630/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA CHARLIE S OF 25S STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WIND W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 635/2019 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S AND 25 NM OFFSHORE. STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 020000 UTC. WARNING NR 638/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA GOLF S OF EQUATOR NEAR THE COAST. WIND SE/E FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 623/2019. WARNING NR 640/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OS 035W STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 631/2019. WARNING NR 641/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 633/2019. WARNING NR 642/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 302100 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 031200 UTC. WARNING NR 645/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/5.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 636/2019. WARNING NR 646/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 27S AND E OF 047W STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM S/SW 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 637/2019. WARNING NR 647/2019 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021800 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 639/2019. NNNN  609 WWUS81 KGYX 301659 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 1259 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ012-018-019-NHZ005-006-008>010-301745- Southern Oxford-Interior York-Interior Cumberland-Merrimack-Belknap-Strafford-Southern Carroll-Southern Grafton- 1259 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN YORK... SOUTHERN OXFORD...SOUTHWESTERN CUMBERLAND...NORTHWESTERN STRAFFORD... SOUTHEASTERN GRAFTON...CENTRAL BELKNAP AND SOUTHERN CARROLL COUNTIES... At 1259 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Standish to Tamworth. Movement was southwest at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Laconia, Alfred, Sanford, Moultonborough, Ossipee, Meredith, Gorham, Buxton, Lebanon, Alton, Hollis, Gilmanton, Holderness, Ashland, Hiram, Effingham, Cornish, Standish, Wolfeboro and Tamworth. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 63 and 73. This also includes... Lake Winnipesaukee and Squam Lake. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4342 7065 4355 7181 4389 7134 4379 7041 TIME...MOT...LOC 1659Z 031DEG 14KT 4378 7061 4384 7128 $$ MLE  618 WWUS81 KALY 301659 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 1259 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ065-066-301800- Eastern Dutchess-Western Dutchess- 1259 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL DUTCHESS COUNTY... At 1259 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Pleasant Valley, or 8 miles southeast of Rhinebeck, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Pawling, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Millbrook, Hopewell Junction, Stanfordville, Staatsburg, Wingdale, New York--Newark, Red Oaks Mill, East Fishkill, Beekman, Stormville, Salt Point, Norrie Heights, Baker Corner, South Dover, Hoxie Corner, Clove Valley and Haviland. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4181 7395 4185 7395 4192 7376 4164 7352 4153 7353 4153 7358 4151 7370 4150 7378 TIME...MOT...LOC 1659Z 332DEG 27KT 4182 7382 $$ DBT  825 WWST01 SBBR 301525 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 625/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO NORTE DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 626/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 627/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO/MUITO GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A PARTIR DE 301200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 629/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NE/NW FOR?A 7 RONDANDO PARA W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 630/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 25S A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. VENTO W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 635/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S E 25 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 020000 HMG. AVISO NR 638/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA GOLF AO SUL DO EQUADOR JUNTO ? COSTA. VENTO SE/E FOR?A 7 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 623/2019. AVISO NR 640/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 631/2019. AVISO NR 641/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 633/2019. AVISO NR 642/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 302100 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 031200 HMG. AVISO NR 645/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A 50 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/5.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 636/2019. AVISO NR 646/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 27S E LESTE DE 046W A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE S/SW 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 637/2019. AVISO NR 647/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021800 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 639/2019. NNNN  460 WWUS53 KUNR 301659 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1059 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC005-301709- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0087.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ Campbell WY- 1059 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CAMPBELL COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4402 10508 4393 10508 4380 10517 4389 10540 4409 10527 TIME...MOT...LOC 1658Z 221DEG 16KT 4404 10512 $$ JC  735 WGUS85 KGJT 301700 FLSGJT Flood Statement National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1100 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The flood advisory continues for the Gore Creek... Gore Creek at Vail affecting Eagle County .Warm temperatures continue to accelerate high elevation runoff from the snowpack. This runoff will cause Gore Creek to run at bankfull into early next week. Minor lowland flooding is possible along Gore Creek. A slow decrease in the river level is anticipated by the mid week period. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety Message...Caution is urged when walking near waterways. Avoid flooded areas and unstable riverbanks. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio or your local TV or radio stations. Additional information can also be found on the NWS Grand Junction homepage at weather.gov/gjt && COC037-012300- /O.CON.KGJT.FL.Y.0021.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GRVC2.N.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 1100 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Gore Creek at Vail * until further notice. * At 10 AM Sunday the stage was 9.1 feet. * Bankfull stage is 9.2 feet. * Flood stage is 10.2 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 9.8 feet by this evening. && Fld Observed Forecast 6 a.m. Location Stg Stg Day Time Mon Tue Wed Gore Creek Vail 10.2 9.1 Sun 11 AM 9.2 8.8 8.8 && LAT...LON 3956 10622 3955 10624 3963 10633 3961 10643 3962 10645 3967 10636 3965 10628 $$  736 WHUS51 KOKX 301700 SMWOKX ANZ345-350-353-301800- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0048.190630T1700Z-190630T1800Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 100 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Fire Island Inlet to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 NM... Moriches Inlet to Montauk Point NY out 20 NM... Long Island South Shore Bays... * Until 200 PM EDT. * At 1259 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm and associated gust front was located near Westhampton Beach, moving southeast at 40 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will move over mainly open waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4043 7268 4075 7303 4076 7295 4078 7287 4077 7287 4080 7286 4084 7271 4083 7264 4090 7247 4089 7237 4100 7208 4106 7185 4077 7162 TIME...MOT...LOC 1659Z 301DEG 47KT 4074 7257 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ DS  610 WSSP31 LEMM 301659 LECM SIGMET 3 VALID 301658/301900 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1658Z WI N4242 W00433 - N4135 W00429 - N4135 W00350 - N4240 W00343 - N4242 W00433 TOP FL340 MOV N 35KT NC=  104 WSNO34 ENMI 301700 ENBD SIGMET C03 VALID 301700/302000 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N6305 E00935 - N6450 E01300 - N6415 E01410 - N6345 E01230 - N6245 E01135 - N6305 E00935 TOP FL380 MOV NE 30KT WKN=  543 WAKO31 RKSI 301705 RKRR AIRMET J06 VALID 301730/302130 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3643 E12453 - N3816 E12705 - N3629 E13000 - N3439 E12832 - N3333 E12420 - N3643 E12453 STNR INTSF=  078 WWUS53 KMKX 301701 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1201 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC027-301710- /O.CAN.KMKX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ Dodge WI- 1201 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN DODGE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for southeastern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4285 8901 4320 8901 4320 8842 4319 8840 4284 8839 TIME...MOT...LOC 1700Z 307DEG 36KT 4322 8817 4274 8888 $$ WIC055-133-301715- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T1715Z/ Waukesha WI-Jefferson WI- 1201 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 PM CDT FOR WESTERN WAUKESHA AND JEFFERSON COUNTIES... At 1200 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Lannon to near Milton, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Watertown, Whitewater, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Delafield, Lake Mills, Waterloo, Wales, Okauchee Lake, Oconomowoc, Johnson Creek, Dousman, North Prairie, Palmyra, Lac La Belle, Lake Ripley, Lake Koshkonong, Ixonia, Rome and Eagle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4285 8901 4320 8901 4320 8842 4319 8840 4284 8839 TIME...MOT...LOC 1700Z 307DEG 36KT 4322 8817 4274 8888 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  289 WSSP31 LEMM 301701 LECM SIGMET 4 VALID 301700/301900 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1700Z WI N4305 W00302 - N4206 W00306 - N4204 W00201 - N4256 W00203 - N4305 W00302 TOP FL380 MOV N 15KT NC=  868 WWUS83 KUNR 301702 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1102 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ058-301730- Weston WY- 1102 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM OVER NORTHWESTERN WESTON COUNTY... At 1102 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 20 miles southwest of Upton, or 29 miles northeast of Wright, moving northeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Weston County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4407 10508 4413 10503 4399 10473 4382 10504 4389 10508 TIME...MOT...LOC 1702Z 220DEG 16KT 4397 10500 $$ JC  184 WWUS83 KJKL 301704 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 104 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ115>118-301745- Clay-Perry-Letcher-Leslie- 104 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL LETCHER...LESLIE... CENTRAL PERRY AND EAST CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES... At 103 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Mosley Bend, or 7 miles north of Hyden, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hazard, Hyden, Big Fork, Leatherwood, Hoskinston, Shoal, Viper, Daley, Thousandsticks, Stinnett, Avawam, Yeaddiss, Saul, Warbranch, Toulouse, Causey, Daisy, Wooton, Panco and Wendover. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 3691 8346 3727 8359 3728 8356 3726 8356 3727 8355 3726 8353 3727 8352 3728 8354 3734 8332 3712 8297 TIME...MOT...LOC 1703Z 330DEG 14KT 3727 8336 $$ SHALLENBERGER  217 WUUS51 KALY 301705 SVRALY NYC021-027-039-111-301745- /O.NEW.KALY.SV.W.0031.190630T1705Z-190630T1745Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Albany NY 105 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Albany has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Ulster County in east central New York... Northwestern Dutchess County in east central New York... Southwestern Columbia County in east central New York... Southeastern Greene County in east central New York... * Until 145 PM EDT. * At 104 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hunter, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... North-South Lake Campground around 110 PM EDT. Lanesville around 115 PM EDT. Saugerties and Woodstock around 125 PM EDT. West Hurley, Kenneth L Wilson Campground and Saugerties South around 130 PM EDT. Lake Katrine around 135 PM EDT. Kingston and Hurley around 140 PM EDT. Rhinebeck, Port Ewen, Tillson, Staatsburg and High Falls around 145 PM EDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Rolling Meadows, Salt Point, Norrie Heights, Kerleys Corners, Maple Hill, Glenford, Atwood, Manorville, Katsbaan and Shultis Corners. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report hail size...damaging winds and reports of trees down to the National Weather Service by email at Alb.Stormreport@noaa.gov... On Facebook at www.facebook.com/nwsalbany or twitter @nwsalbany && LAT...LON 4170 7433 4230 7431 4232 7393 4178 7369 TIME...MOT...LOC 1704Z 342DEG 32KT 4224 7416 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DBT  345 WWUS81 KGYX 301705 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 105 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ007-011-301745- Cheshire-Sullivan- 105 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN SULLIVAN AND NORTHWESTERN CHESHIRE COUNTIES... At 104 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Bellows Falls, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Keene, Charlestown, Walpole, Gilsum, Alstead, Westmoreland, Surry, Chesterfield, Acworth, Langdon and Westminster Station. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4296 7251 4297 7248 4298 7246 4300 7246 4300 7244 4305 7247 4308 7244 4310 7244 4312 7243 4315 7246 4322 7244 4320 7233 4294 7224 4290 7253 4295 7253 TIME...MOT...LOC 1704Z 351DEG 17KT 4312 7244 $$  393 WSCI35 ZGGG 301700 ZGZU SIGMET 7 VALID 301730/302130 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2417 E10952 - N2326 E10654 - N2059 E10827 - N2109 E11112 - N2417 E10952 TOP FL490 MOV W 25KMH NC=  548 WSPS21 NZKL 301702 NZZO SIGMET 13 VALID 301705/302105 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1020 W16300 - S1110 W15700 - S1540 W15700 - S1450 W16330 - S1020 W16300 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  861 WSVS31 VVGL 301705 VVTS SIGMET 1 VALID 301705/302105 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1316 E11107 - N1507 E10936 - N1623 E10948 - N1430 E11206 - N1432 E11400 - N1313 E11400 - N1316 E11107 TOP FL510 MOV SW 10KT NC=  951 WSPS21 NZKL 301703 NZZO SIGMET 14 VALID 301705/301729 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 10 301329/301729=  577 WHUS73 KDLH 301705 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 1205 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LSZ144-145-301815- /O.EXP.KDLH.SC.Y.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T1700Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 1205 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Winds and waves have diminished over western Lake Superior, so the Small Craft Advisory has been allowed to expire. $$  101 WSNO34 ENMI 301705 ENBD SIGMET C04 VALID 301705/301720 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR CNL SIGMET C02 301520/301720=  135 WWUS63 KMKX 301706 WCNMKX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN WI 1206 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302300- /O.EXA.KMKX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS EXTENDED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AREAS UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN GREEN LAFAYETTE ROCK IN SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN KENOSHA RACINE WALWORTH THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ARGYLE, BELMONT, BELOIT, BENTON, BLANCHARDVILLE, BRODHEAD, DARLINGTON, DELAVAN, EAST TROY, ELKHORN, JANESVILLE, KENOSHA, LAKE GENEVA, MONROE, RACINE, SHULLSBURG, AND WHITEWATER. $$ LMZ646-302300- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL $$  046 WHUS53 KLOT 301707 SMWLOT LMZ740-741-777-779-302000- /O.NEW.KLOT.MA.W.0031.190630T1707Z-190630T2000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 1207 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Lake Michigan from Wilmette Harbor to Michigan City in 5NM offshore to Mid Lake... Lake Michigan from Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake... Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL... Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL... NEARSHORE WATERS FROM WINTHROP HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND... OPEN WATERS FROM WINTHROP HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY OUT TO MID LAKE... * Until 300 PM CDT. * At 1206 PM CDT, a line of strong thunderstorms were located across south central Wisconsin, moving southeast at 30 to 35 knots. These storms have a history of 30 to 45 knot winds over land. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Montrose Harbor and Winthrop Harbor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... && LAT...LON 4246 8702 4213 8696 4187 8697 4189 8746 4189 8762 4190 8761 4190 8762 4208 8768 4212 8774 4227 8783 4248 8780 TIME...MOT...LOC 1706Z 306DEG 37KT 4288 8864 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Donofrio  787 WAIY31 LIIB 301708 LIMM AIRMET 6 VALID 301725/301925 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL TS OBS WI N4536 E00651 - N4550 E00703 - N4626 E00817 - N4708 E01226 - N4631 E01323 - N4611 E01328 - N4553 E01016 - N4531 E00656 - N4536 E00651 TOP FL380 STNR WKN=  854 WAIY31 LIIB 301709 LIMM AIRMET 7 VALID 301720/301920 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR OCNL TS OBS WI N4536 E00655 - N4550 E00809 - N4504 E00745 - N4417 E00824 - N4344 E00728 - N4423 E00637 - N4502 E00631 - N4536 E00655 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  672 WGUS85 KGJT 301708 FLSGJT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1108 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC067-041915- /O.CON.KGJT.FA.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-190704T1915Z/ /00000.N.SM.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ La Plata CO- 1108 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR SNOWMELT AND RESERVOIR RELEASES REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM MDT THURSDAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN LA PLATA COUNTY... Elevated flows along the Los Pinos River in eastern La Plata County can be expected until further notice. Runoff above the dam is occurring as warm temperatures have accelerated the melting of the high elevation snowpack. Elevated releases below Vallecito Dam are necessary to mitigate this incoming water. These warm temperatures and possible rainfall will keep runoff high into next week. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from snow melt will cause creeks, streams and rivers to rise. Minor flooding along the banks and in low lying areas will be possible. && LAT...LON 3736 10755 3734 10759 3727 10759 3716 10757 3715 10759 3713 10761 3711 10761 3700 10758 3700 10762 3709 10764 3714 10763 3718 10760 3725 10762 3731 10762 3735 10763 3740 10757 $$ 15  345 WSRS31 RUAA 301708 ULAA SIGMET 4 VALID 301900/302300 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF E03507 AND W OF E04124 FL240/350 MOV E 30KMH NC=  192 WWCN03 CYTR 301710 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BAGOTVILLE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:10 PM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB BAGOTVILLE (CYBG) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 5 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/2100Z (UNTIL 30/1700 EDT) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/2100 EDT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED LIGHTNING STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TODAY. STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE POSSIBLE UNTIL THIS EVENING. STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TO MOSTLY REMAIN OVER THE HIGHER TERRAIN TO THE NORTH AND SOUTH OF BAGOTVILLE. STRIKES AT 5 NM HAVE JUST BEEN REPORTED. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/2100Z (30/1700 EDT) END/JMC  267 WWUS81 KALY 301710 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 110 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VTZ015-301745- Eastern Windham- 110 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN WINDHAM COUNTY... At 110 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Westminster, or near Bellows Falls, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bellows Falls, Putney, Saxtons River, Westminster, Rockingham, North Westminster, East Putney, Brockways Mills, East Putney Station, Hadley Field, Putney Station, Bartonsville and Westminster Station. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4311 7244 4308 7244 4305 7247 4304 7246 4302 7246 4300 7244 4300 7246 4298 7246 4297 7247 4296 7252 4323 7255 4324 7255 4323 7243 4315 7246 4312 7243 TIME...MOT...LOC 1710Z 351DEG 19KT 4307 7243 $$ DBT  634 WWUS81 KBOX 301710 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 110 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ004-005-012-026-301800- Northwest Middlesex County MA-Southern Worcester MA- Central Middlesex County MA-Northern Worcester MA- 110 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SCATTERED STRONG THUNDERSTORMS IN WORCESTER AND WESTERN MIDDLESEX COUNTIES... At 108 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking scattered strong thunderstorms from near Leominster to Phillipston. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. A wind gust to 29 mph was reported at Fitchburg. Pea size hail and wind gusts to 30 mph will accompany these storms. Locations impacted include... Worcester, Framingham, Leominster, Fitchburg, Marlborough, Shrewsbury, Acton, Gardner, Hudson, Westborough, Grafton, Sudbury, Holden, Ashland, Hopkinton, Northborough, Clinton, Holliston, Millbury and Spencer. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when these storms approach. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4220 7140 4225 7205 4257 7219 4254 7150 TIME...MOT...LOC 1708Z 340DEG 20KT 4251 7173 4255 7211 $$ Field  297 WOUS64 KWNS 301711 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1211 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE GREEN KENOSHA LAFAYETTE RACINE ROCK WALWORTH $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX...  396 WAEG31 HECA 301700 HECC AIRMET 02 VALID 301800/302100 HECA- HECC CAIRO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3400 E02409 - N3345 E02416 - N3351 E02435 - N3400 E02451 FL280/380 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  363 WUUS53 KJKL 301712 SVRJKL KYC131-193-301800- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0066.190630T1712Z-190630T1800Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 112 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... South central Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 200 PM EDT. * At 112 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Thousandsticks, or over Hyden, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hyden, Yeaddiss, Big Fork, Hosea, Leatherwood, Hoskinston, Essie, Cinda, Dryhill, Smilax, Mozelle and Daley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3718 8351 3725 8335 3706 8310 3692 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1712Z 330DEG 14KT 3718 8340 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SHALLENBERGER  102 WWUS81 KGYX 301714 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 114 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ026-027-301800- Lincoln-Knox- 114 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL KNOX AND CENTRAL LINCOLN COUNTIES... At 114 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Bremen, or near Damariscotta, moving south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Damariscotta, Bristol, Bremen, Boothbay, Jefferson, Edgecomb, Friendship, Nobleboro, Waldoboro, South Bristol and Newcastle. This also includes... Pemaquid Beach. Friendship Long Island, Cranberry Island, and Otter Island. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4378 6935 4389 6970 4415 6952 4410 6929 TIME...MOT...LOC 1714Z 017DEG 20KT 4406 6944 $$  904 WANO34 ENMI 301715 ENBD AIRMET C04 VALID 301715/302115 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E00605 - N6500 E01415 - N6400 E01410 - N6200 E01215 - N6200 E01050 - N6500 E00605 FL070/210 MOV NE 30KT WKN=  467 WWCN01 CYZX 301715 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB GREENWOOD PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 2:15 PM ADT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB GREENWOOD (CYZX) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/2100Z (UNTIL 30/1800 ADT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED TO THE SOUTH OF GREENWOOD WITHIN 30 NM. AT THIS TIME THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED TO REMAIN SOUTH OF THE STATION BUT THERE IS POTENTIAL FOR ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS TO DEVELOP OVER THE BASE THROUGHOUT THIS AFTERNOON. CONDITIONS WILL CONTINUE TO BE MONITORED CLOSELY. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/2100Z (30/1800 ADT) END/METOC-HFX  298 WVID21 WAAA 301630 WAAZ SIGMET 05 VALID 301630/302230 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1630Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0226 E12751 - N0209 E12716 - N0139 E12752 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT INTSF=  666 WWCN12 CWWG 301716 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:16 P.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= ISLAND LAKE - OXFORD HOUSE - GODS LAKE =NEW= GILLAM =NEW= SHAMATTAWA =NEW= CHURCHILL =NEW= YORK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS ARE DEVELOPING OVER NORTHEASTERN MANITOBA THIS AFTERNOON AS A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM CROSSES THE AREA. SOME OF THESE THUNDERSTORMS COULD BECOME SEVERE. THUNDERSTORM ACTIVITY WILL MOVE EAST INTO ONTARIO OR HUDSON BAY THIS EVENING. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  762 WSZA21 FAOR 301716 FAJA SIGMET E01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2730 E01500 - S2730 E01707 - S3030 E01817 - S3030 E01500 TOP FL320=  763 WSZA21 FAOR 301717 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2730 E01427 - S2730 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E02351 - S3817 E02556 - S4030 E02429 - S3706 E01450 - S3414 E01359 TOP FL320=  764 WSZA21 FAOR 301715 FACA SIGMET E01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3030 E01500 - S3030 E01817 - S3430 E01951 - S3700 E02351 - S3700 E01500 TOP FL320=  236 WUUS51 KALY 301718 SVRALY NYC027-301745- /O.NEW.KALY.SV.W.0032.190630T1718Z-190630T1745Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Albany NY 118 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Albany has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Dutchess County in east central New York... * Until 145 PM EDT. * At 118 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Wingdale, or near Pawling, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Pawling, Wingdale, Dover Plains, Beekman, Baker Corner, Oniontown, South Dover, Green Haven, Clove Valley, Poughquag, Billings, Pecksville, Pleasant Ridge, Clove, West Pawling, Dover Furnace, Woodinville, Crouses Store, Hurd Corners and Sylvan Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Please report hail size...damaging winds and reports of trees down to the National Weather Service by email at Alb.Stormreport@noaa.gov... On Facebook at www.facebook.com/nwsalbany or twitter @nwsalbany && LAT...LON 4167 7379 4174 7357 4166 7352 4153 7353 4153 7360 4151 7371 TIME...MOT...LOC 1718Z 336DEG 35KT 4164 7365 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DBT  506 WWUS81 KBOX 301719 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 119 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ002>004-010-011-301800- Western Franklin MA-Eastern Hampden MA-Northern Worcester MA- Eastern Franklin MA-Eastern Hampshire MA- 119 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS DEVELOPING... At 118 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Sunderland, or 7 miles north of Amherst, moving southeast at 25 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Springfield, Amherst, Deerfield, Ludlow, South Hadley, Belchertown, Wilbraham, Palmer, Ware, Monson, Montague, Granby, Hadley, Hampden, Warren, West Brookfield, Sunderland, Brimfield, Brookfield and Hatfield. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4248 7268 4257 7246 4218 7212 4206 7244 TIME...MOT...LOC 1718Z 332DEG 23KT 4247 7253 $$ Field  432 WWUS53 KMKX 301719 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1219 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC055-059-101-105-127-133-301815- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Walworth WI-Rock WI-Racine WI-Waukesha WI-Jefferson WI-Kenosha WI- 1219 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM CDT FOR WALWORTH...EASTERN ROCK...RACINE...WAUKESHA...SOUTHERN JEFFERSON AND KENOSHA COUNTIES... At 1218 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Waterford North to near Clinton, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Kenosha, Waukesha, Janesville, New Berlin, Brookfield, Muskego, Pleasant Prairie, Whitewater, Pewaukee, Sussex, Elkhorn, Hartland, Delavan, Lake Geneva, Mukwonago, Delafield, Twin Lakes, Milton, Union Grove and East Troy. People attending Hometown Celebration in Hartland should seek safe shelter immediately! PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. If on or near Lake Geneva, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 4250 8893 4285 8902 4297 8855 4319 8823 4289 8807 4284 8807 4284 8804 4249 8786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1718Z 336DEG 31KT 4283 8822 4262 8883 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  785 WWUS81 KOKX 301719 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 119 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ005-006-NYZ068-070-301800- Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Putnam-Northern Westchester- 119 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL FAIRFIELD...WESTERN NEW HAVEN...NORTHERN WESTCHESTER AND EASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 119 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Wingdale, or near Pawling, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Danbury, Southbury, Lake Carmel, Sherman, Brewster, Newtown, Ridgefield, Bethel, Brookfield, New Fairfield, Redding, Carmel, Oxford, Patterson and Putnam Lake. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4166 7349 4165 7349 4164 7350 4149 7344 4151 7339 4149 7337 4147 7331 4149 7333 4151 7332 4151 7325 4144 7315 4130 7335 4130 7362 4150 7378 4153 7360 4153 7353 4167 7352 TIME...MOT...LOC 1719Z 327DEG 32KT 4162 7361 $$ DS  571 WSZA21 FAOR 301722 FAJO SIGMET O01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4435 E04729 - S4525 E05138 - S4948 E03751 - S4911 E02942 - S4559 E02600 - S4746 E03616 FL250/320=  572 WSZA21 FAOR 301718 FACA SIGMET F01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3144 E02354 - S3700 E02703 - S3700 E02352 - S3523 E02117 - S3201 E02045 - S3144 E02354 TOP FL280=  573 WSZA21 FAOR 301721 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4224 E02335 - S4238 E02603 - S4635 E02247 - S4624 E02013 FL220/260=  574 WSZA21 FAOR 301720 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4218 W00557 - S4250 W00124 - S4614 E00127 - S4614 W00237 TOP FL300=  575 WSZA21 FAOR 301719 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3700 E02352 - S3700 E02703 - S3724 E02718 - S3816 E02556 TOP FL280=  518 WUUS53 KLOT 301721 SVRLOT ILC007-097-111-301815- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0071.190630T1721Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 1221 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Lake County in northeastern Illinois... McHenry County in northeastern Illinois... Boone County in north central Illinois... * Until 115 PM CDT. * At 1220 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Big Bend to near East Troy to near Como to Darien to near Clinton, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Waukegan, North Chicago, Gurnee, Mundelein, Algonquin, McHenry, Belvidere, Vernon Hills, Woodstock, Zion, Loves Park, Grayslake, Libertyville, Lake Zurich, Round Lake, Antioch, Beach Park, Wauconda, Fox Lake and Barrington. Including the following interstates... I-90 between mile markers 38 and 60. I-94 between mile markers 1 and 16. I-294 between mile markers 1 and 16. This includes... Boone County Fairgrounds, Chain O Lakes State Park, College of Lake County, IL Beach State Park, Lake County IL Fairgrounds, Mchenry County College, Mchenry County Fairgrounds, Moraine Hills State Park, and Six Flags Great America. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms are producing widespread damage across south central Wisconsin. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! && LAT...LON 4249 8780 4238 8781 4233 8783 4215 8811 4215 8894 4250 8894 TIME...MOT...LOC 1720Z 334DEG 40KT 4292 8822 4274 8837 4262 8854 4258 8870 4255 8891 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  406 WSIN31 VABB 301700 RRA VABF SIGMET A1 VALID 301730/302130 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 301700Z WI AREA N OF N2020 E OF E07745 TOP FL390 STNR NC=  413 WUCN10 CWUL 301722 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:22 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= FALARDEAU - MONT-VALIN AREA =NEW= VILLE DE SAGUENAY AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 3:21 P.M. EDT. AT 1:22 P.M. EDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  716 WUUS53 KUNR 301722 SVRUNR WYC045-301815- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0088.190630T1722Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1122 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Weston County in northeastern Wyoming... * Until 1215 PM MDT. * At 1122 AM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 16 miles northwest of Clareton, or 32 miles west of Newcastle, moving northeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Weston County, southwest of Upton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4418 10487 4418 10479 4388 10430 4379 10489 4396 10504 TIME...MOT...LOC 1722Z 221DEG 15KT 4390 10486 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  577 WSZA21 FAOR 301724 FAJO SIGMET Q01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2730 E01428 - S3419 E01359 - S3619 E01214 - S2951 E01110 - S2730 E01225 TOP FL280=  578 WSZA21 FAOR 301723 FAJO SIGMET P01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3419 E01400 - S3706 E01449 - S3750 E01655 - S4125 E01818 - S4251 E01631 - S3619 E01214 FL250/340=  926 WWUS81 KALY 301724 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 124 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ064>066-301800- Eastern Dutchess-Western Dutchess-Eastern Ulster- 124 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ULSTER AND SOUTHWESTERN DUTCHESS COUNTIES... At 123 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Marlboro, or near Poughkeepsie, moving southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Plattekill, Wappingers Falls, Highland, Fishkill, Modena, Fairview, Hopewell Junction, Marlboro, Red Oaks Mill, Myers Corner, East Fishkill, Lloyd, Gardiner, Tuckers Corner, Stormville, Forest Glen, Knapps Corner and New Hamburg. This includes Interstate 87 near exit 18. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4150 7400 4154 7399 4157 7396 4159 7395 4158 7405 4160 7407 4160 7409 4161 7411 4170 7420 4177 7395 4152 7361 4149 7393 4146 7396 TIME...MOT...LOC 1723Z 318DEG 35KT 4166 7398 $$ DBT  424 ACUS11 KWNS 301724 SWOMCD SPC MCD 301723 SDZ000-NEZ000-WYZ000-301900- Mesoscale Discussion 1314 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1223 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...Northeast Wyoming...Southern/Southwest South Dakota...and Northwest Nebraska Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 301723Z - 301900Z Probability of Watch Issuance...60 percent SUMMARY...Isolated convective development may grow upscale into an MCS this afternoon. Watch possible. DISCUSSION...Regional radar shows an isolated severe storm developed in Campbell county Wyoming, with additional convective development occurring in Weston/Crook counties. The latest mesoanalysis shows low-level northeasterly upslope flow occurring in proximity to this activity, from southwest South Dakota/Nebraska Panhandle into northeast Wyoming, with low/mid 60s F dew point temperatures now present across the region. With some modest insolation this morning, the airmass is continuing to destabilize, with MLCAPE of 1500-2000 J/kg analyzed at 17z. Meanwhile, marginally enhanced southwesterly mid-level flow is yielding near 40 kt of effective bulk shear. The convective evolution over the region in the next few hours remains somewhat uncertain at this time. A few members of the 12z HREF convection-allowing guidance were able to depict initiation in this region and subsequently grow the convection upscale into a forward-propagating MCS capable of a severe wind/hail threat, tracking mainly through southern South Dakota during the afternoon. Given the aforementioned kinematic/thermodynamic indices, this scenario seems plausible, particularly along the analyzed instability axis where additional heating and greater low-level downstream moisture should yield MLCAPE of 3000+ J/kg this afternoon amidst a broad region of 45-50 kt effective bulk shear. Given the potential for this scenario to unfold, a watch may be needed for parts of the region this afternoon and convective trends will continue to be monitored. ..Karstens/Grams.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...FSD...ABR...LBF...UNR...CYS... LAT...LON 42650221 42560418 42860548 44220534 44620409 44750216 44800065 44689984 43809918 43199967 42890067 42650221  821 WWUS83 KDVN 301724 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1224 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-177-301800- Jo Daviess-Stephenson- 1224 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHERN JO DAVIESS AND STEPHENSON COUNTIES UNTIL 100 PM CDT... At 1223 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles east of Monroe to near Belmont. Movement was south at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms and slightly ahead of them as thunderstorm outflow winds spreads southward. Locations impacted include... Freeport, Galena, Lena, Stockton, Warren, Cedarville, Davis, Woodbine, Dakota, Scales Mound, Apple River, Winslow, Rock City, Ridott, Council Hill, Nora, Schapville, Buena Vista, Rock Grove and Oneco. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4250 8940 4224 8940 4235 9044 4239 9050 4251 9049 TIME...MOT...LOC 1723Z 353DEG 24KT 4259 8952 4269 9037 $$ Cousins  266 WSBZ01 SBBR 301700 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 301630/301930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2455 W05435 - S2856 W04544 - S3244 W04912 - S2902 W05644 - S2805 W05549 - S2704 W05355 - S2544 W05358 - S2543 W05449 - S2455 W05435 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  485 WSBZ01 SBBR 301700 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 301530/301930 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0003 W06742 - N0051 W06522 - N0211 W06311 - N0407 W06048 - N0156 W05959 - N0024 W06251 - S0150 W06558 - N0003 W06742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  486 WSBZ01 SBBR 301700 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 301515/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WIN0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 -N0458W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  487 WSBZ01 SBBR 301700 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 301535/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  488 WSBZ01 SBBR 301700 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 301650/302050 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0430 W07135 - S0414 W07039 - S0418 W06957 - S0305 W06943 - S0130 W06927 - S0314 W06712 - S0459 W06834 - S0505 W07053 - S0430 W07135 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  992 WOCN11 CWHX 301718 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NOVA SCOTIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:18 P.M. ADT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= NOVA SCOTIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== LOCALLY SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL AMOUNTS POSSIBLE... AN AREA OF LOW PRESSURE WILL SLOWLY CROSS NOVA SCOTIA TONIGHT AND MONDAY. SHOWERS, HEAVY AT TIMES HAVE BEEN OBSERVED IN SOME AREAS TODAY. RADAR INDICATES 2 PRIMARY AREAS OF CONCERN: THE FIRST IS OVER THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE PROVINCE, WHERE A VERY SLOW MOVING BAND OF MODERATE TO HEAVY PRECIPITATION COULD BRING IN EXCESS OF 50 MM OF RAINFALL BY TONIGHT. THE SECOND AREA OF CONCERN IS OVER GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY AND PORTIONS OF CAPE BRETON ISLAND. TOTAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS FOR SOME OF THESE REGIONS MAY EXCEED 50 MM BY MONDAY AFTERNOON. DUE TO THE HIGH DEGREE OF UNCERTAINTY IN FORECAST GUIDANCE, AND THE MOVEMENT OF SOME OF THE HEAVIEST BANDS OF RAIN, THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE ENTIRE PROVINCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  522 WHCN13 CWUL 301728 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:28 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= SAGUENAY TO TADOUSSAC. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 3:24 P.M. EDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 40 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  781 WUUS51 KGYX 301728 SVRGYX MEC015-301815- /O.NEW.KGYX.SV.W.0013.190630T1728Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 128 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Lincoln County in south central Maine... * Until 215 PM EDT. * At 128 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bristol, or near Damariscotta, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Damariscotta, Bristol, Bremen, Boothbay, South Bristol and Southport. This also includes... Pemaquid Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4373 6945 4379 6966 4402 6949 4399 6938 TIME...MOT...LOC 1728Z 013DEG 18KT 4397 6946 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Ekster  481 WWUS83 KLOT 301729 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 1229 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ003-301830- Winnebago IL- 1229 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WINNEBAGO COUNTY UNTIL 130 PM CDT... At 1228 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Orfordville, or 7 miles southeast of Brodhead, moving south at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rockford, Loves Park, Machesney Park, South Beloit, Rockton, Rockford Airport, Roscoe, Cherry Valley, Winnebago, Pecatonica, Durand, Lake Summerset, Davis Junction and New Millford. Including the following interstates... I-39 between mile markers 115 and 123. I-90 between mile markers 1 and 2, and between mile markers 61 and 76. This includes... Rock Cut State Park, Rock Valley College, Rockford Aviators Baseball, Rockford Speedway, and Winnebago County Fairgrounds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for north central Illinois. LAT...LON 4249 8894 4215 8894 4215 8917 4221 8917 4220 8940 4250 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 1728Z 344DEG 25KT 4255 8926 $$ Donofrio  863 WSZA21 FAOR 301728 FAJA SIGMET G01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2647 E03220 - S2648 E03224 - S2923 E03059 - S3039 E03017 - S3129 E02916 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01818 - S2730 E01708 - S2730 E02006 - S2959 E02320 - S3003 E02642 - S2820 E02852 - S2707 E03022=  864 WSZA21 FAOR 301729 FACA SIGMET G02 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET G01 301800/302200=  865 WSZA21 FAOR 301725 FACA SIGMET G01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01818 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3129 E02916 - S3213 E02822 - S3353 E02510 - S3144 E02355 - S3201 E02045 - S3524 E02116 - S3430 E01951=  866 WSZA21 FAOR 301726 FAJA SIGMET F01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2730 E01708 - S2730 E02006 - S2959 E02320 - S3003 E02642 - S2820 E02852 - S2923 E03059 - S3039 E03017 - S3129 E02916 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01818=  867 WSZA21 FAOR 301727 FACA SIGMET H01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01818 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3129 E02916 - S3213 E02822 - S3353 E02510 - S3144 E02355 - S3201 E02045 - S3524 E02116 - S3430 E01951=  868 WSZA21 FAOR 301730 FAJA SIGMET F02 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET F01 301800/302200=  398 WWUS83 KMPX 301729 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1229 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060>062-301800- Anoka-Hennepin-Ramsey- 1229 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL HENNEPIN... SOUTHEASTERN ANOKA AND NORTHERN RAMSEY COUNTIES... At 1229 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Maple Grove, or 11 miles northwest of Minneapolis, moving northeast at 55 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Minneapolis, St. Paul, Brooklyn Park, Plymouth, Maple Grove, Coon Rapids, Eden Prairie, Blaine, Minnetonka, Edina, St. Louis Park and Maplewood. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4527 9325 4503 9304 4487 9351 4489 9352 4489 9363 4499 9368 TIME...MOT...LOC 1729Z 241DEG 46KT 4508 9343 $$ CTG  016 WWUS53 KJKL 301729 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 129 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC193-301739- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ Perry KY- 129 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL PERRY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened and moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3716 8341 3719 8333 3706 8319 3696 8335 TIME...MOT...LOC 1729Z 330DEG 14KT 3712 8336 $$ KYC131-301800- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ Leslie KY- 129 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 200 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL LESLIE COUNTY... At 129 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wendover, or over Hyden, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hyden, Yeaddiss, Big Fork, Causey, Chappell, Cinda, Smilax, Cutshin and Wendover. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3716 8341 3719 8333 3706 8319 3696 8335 TIME...MOT...LOC 1729Z 330DEG 14KT 3712 8336 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SHALLENBERGER  557 WWUS51 KALY 301730 SVSALY Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 130 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC021-039-301739- /O.CAN.KALY.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T1745Z/ Columbia NY-Greene NY- 130 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN COLUMBIA AND SOUTHEASTERN GREENE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4172 7418 4211 7427 4210 7408 4217 7404 4216 7401 4217 7400 4218 7400 4213 7391 4211 7392 4208 7393 4208 7391 4204 7381 4178 7369 TIME...MOT...LOC 1729Z 342DEG 32KT 4202 7406 $$ NYC027-111-301745- /O.CON.KALY.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T1745Z/ Ulster NY-Dutchess NY- 130 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN ULSTER AND NORTHWESTERN DUTCHESS COUNTIES... At 129 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over West Hurley, or 7 miles southwest of Saugerties, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Lake Katrine around 135 PM EDT. Kingston, Rhinebeck and Hurley around 140 PM EDT. Port Ewen, Tillson, Staatsburg and High Falls around 145 PM EDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Rolling Meadows, Salt Point, Norrie Heights, Kerleys Corners, Maple Hill, Glenford, Atwood, Manorville, Katsbaan and Shultis Corners. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4172 7418 4211 7427 4210 7408 4217 7404 4216 7401 4217 7400 4218 7400 4213 7391 4211 7392 4208 7393 4208 7391 4204 7381 4178 7369 TIME...MOT...LOC 1729Z 342DEG 32KT 4202 7406 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ DBT  770 WWUS73 KMPX 301730 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ051>053-059>063-066>070-075>078-301830- /O.CAN.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Sherburne-Isanti-Chisago-Wright-Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington- McLeod-Sibley-Carver-Scott-Dakota-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue- Including the cities of Elk River, Cambridge, Center City, Monticello, Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Hutchinson, Gaylord, Chaska, Shakopee, Hastings, St Peter, Le Sueur, Faribault, and Red Wing 1230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Twin Cities/Chanhassen has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Multiple thunderstorm outflows have cooled the atmosphere and therefore excessive heat is no longer expected today. $$ MNZ073-074-082>085-091>093-010130- /O.CON.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Redwood-Brown-Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault- Freeborn- Including the cities of Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 1230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Heat indices this afternoon are expected to range from 95 to 103 degrees. * IMPACTS...These heat indices during the day will lead to increased risk for heat related illnesses for those active outdoors or with limited access to air conditioned spaces. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$ Borghoff  074 WHUS51 KGYX 301730 SMWGYX ANZ152-301815- /O.NEW.KGYX.MA.W.0006.190630T1730Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 130 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM... * Until 215 PM EDT. * At 130 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 16 nm southwest of Rockland, moving south at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Boothbay. LAT...LON 4371 6933 4377 6970 4403 6950 4398 6933 TIME...MOT...LOC 1730Z 013DEG 17KT 4398 6944 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Ekster  479 WSRS32 RUAA 301730 UUYY SIGMET 3 VALID 301800/302200 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL280/400 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  108 ACUS02 KWNS 301731 SWODY2 SPC AC 301730 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 011200Z - 021200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM A PORTION OF UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY AND SOUTHERN GREAT LAKES TO THE CENTRAL PLAINS... ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms with large hail and damaging wind are possible Monday over a portion of the central and northern Plains to the upper Mississippi Valley. Isolated severe storms will be possible in parts of the central and northern High Plains and the southern Great Lakes region. ...Upper Mississippi Valley and southern Great Lakes region... Amplifying northern stream trough over southern Canada will continue to suppress northern periphery of upper ridge situated over the northern Plains and upper MS Valley resulting in a belt of stronger winds aloft. A cold front should extend from the upper Great Lakes through northern WI, south central MN, southeast SD to western NE. This boundary will move very slowly southeast during the day. A warm front will advance eastward through the upper Great Lakes region including lower MI. Storms will likely be ongoing within two regimes including a possible MCS over eastern SD to the north of the cold front as well as farther east within the warm advection regime near the warm front across WI. These storms will serve to reinforce the synoptic fronts. The warm sector south of these boundaries will likely once again become strongly unstable with 2000-3000 J/kg MLCAPE likely. Potential will exist for storms to redevelop along the convectively reinforced boundaries from southeast SD through southern MN and into WI by late afternoon into the evening, with storm coverage likely modulated by progressive MCVs. While vertical shear will remain somewhat marginal 25-35 kt, this region will reside along southern periphery of belt of stronger winds aloft. Mostly multicell storm modes are likely with primary threats being isolated damaging wind and hail. Additional storms may develop farther southwest into northeast NE along pre-frontal trough within weaker winds aloft, but within a thermodynamic environment that will support a threat for downburst winds and hail. ...Central through northern High Plains region... Have expanded the marginal risk category farther north into the northern High Plains where at least isolated storms may develop over the higher terrain and spread east into the High Plains region of MT. Low-level moisture and instability will remain modest, but wind profiles in this region with 40-50 kt effective bulk shear will support supercells. Farther south, moderate instability may develop across the central High Plains but with weaker shear. Storms spreading east off the higher terrain may produce isolated instances of downburst winds and hail. ...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: 2% - Marginal Wind: 15% - Slight Hail: 15% - Slight ..Dial.. 06/30/2019 $$  109 WUUS02 KWNS 301731 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1230 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 011200Z - 021200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... ANY SEVERE ... 0.05 41098295 40678404 40598567 40768707 41188833 41818947 42639135 42669357 42149567 41099754 40009932 38850113 38620239 38870321 40140447 42020567 43470656 44090695 45950827 47160937 48110953 48720903 49040810 49020718 48510601 47720493 46370400 45160313 44270272 43400178 43120111 43429993 44059879 44699751 45129605 45409469 45559288 45509121 45258963 44858826 44618686 44458553 44218418 43898307 43508257 42918219 42288222 41558250 41098295 0.15 43888970 43639030 43569108 43279302 42919473 42229659 41319804 41529872 42079895 42629856 43249792 44019636 44479476 44789291 44849092 44698994 44338962 43888970 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 42999446 42209661 41329806 41539874 42039891 42549863 43359777 43969650 44419516 44829288 44889094 44718994 44328957 43868970 43609025 43379231 42999446 MRGL 41888959 42629140 42679368 42229548 41199739 39939933 38860114 38600238 38820323 40100444 41960571 44000687 45750818 47150938 48010955 48670901 48970827 49000710 48470591 47620487 45940367 44190267 43300174 43110106 43459998 44049885 44589776 45079630 45389471 45549301 45539126 45208956 44858828 44588692 44448569 44208416 43868303 43258235 42688225 41808239 41148274 40668397 40628571 40788714 41178843 41888959 TSTM 49739973 48949909 48239825 47839689 47499462 47609263 47459009 46538534 46248367 99999999 46546643 45296802 44587050 44607238 44127459 42827665 41227773 39607923 38658066 37768191 36418254 35098248 34248185 33488084 32867951 32437818 99999999 27870122 29580122 31620062 33549943 35319835 36569748 38059602 38629457 38689284 38069062 38618936 39318891 40418904 41609052 42119206 42169367 41819516 40909691 39889840 38300028 35860206 33940297 32610372 30740501 29110568 99999999 31401159 32721101 36501026 38201047 40291080 42331143 43771299 44221530 44101698 43571865 42352049 41572137 41282209 41312271 41812326 43062340 44872308 47742228 49192172 99999999 50311779 48361913 46991939 46251883 46231565 47151338 48181165 49911015 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 NNW FOD 20 SW SUX 30 NNE GRI 25 SE BUB 20 NE BUB ONL 30 SSE MHE 30 SE BKX 10 SSW RWF 15 ESE MSP 25 E EAU 15 WSW CWA 30 S CWA 30 E VOK 25 S VOK 40 SSE RST 35 NNW FOD. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SW RFD 40 WNW DBQ 30 ENE FOD 15 NNW DNS 20 S OLU 45 NE HLC 45 SE GLD 40 NNE LAA 40 SE LIC 30 NE DEN 45 N LAR 55 S SHR 15 E BIL 10 NNE LWT 40 SSE HVR 35 ENE HVR 75 ENE HVR 60 NNW GGW 30 NNW OLF 30 W SDY 25 NNW 2WX 20 ENE RAP 55 S PHP 30 NW VTN 40 WSW 9V9 30 NE 9V9 25 ENE HON 15 SSE VVV 35 WSW STC 45 NNE MSP 45 NNE EAU 20 N AUW 25 NNW GRB 40 WNW MBL 20 SSW TVC 25 ESE HTL BAX 50 SE BAX 30 E MTC 40 NW CLE 25 NNW MFD 30 SSW FDY 30 NNW MIE 25 NNW LAF 20 SE MMO 35 SW RFD. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 115 NNW DVL 55 N DVL 30 ENE DVL 15 ESE GFK 15 E BJI 20 NNE HIB 25 SSE GNA 45 W ANJ 35 ESE ANJ ...CONT... 70 ENE HUL 50 NE BGR 35 E BML 20 SSW EFK 25 SW SLK 25 NNW ITH 25 NNE UNV 35 E MGW 45 WSW EKN 45 W BKW 10 WSW TRI 20 NW GSP 45 WNW CAE OGB 30 E CHS 95 SSE CRE ...CONT... 105 S DRT 25 NW DRT 20 NNW SJT 60 WSW SPS 25 NW CHK 25 WSW PNC 20 SSE EMP 20 SSE OJC 35 WSW COU 20 NNW FAM 20 W SLO 35 WSW MTO 10 SW BMI 10 N MLI 25 NW CID 40 SE FOD 15 SE DNS 10 WNW LNK 45 WNW CNK 35 NE GCK 30 ESE DHT 35 SSE CVS 30 W HOB 65 WNW MRF 130 SW MRF ...CONT... 60 SW TUS 40 N TUS 70 ESE PGA 20 SE 4HV 45 N PUC 45 ENE MLD 50 WNW IDA 60 SE MYL 55 NW BOI 15 E BNO 15 NNW LKV 40 W AAT 10 ESE MHS 20 W MHS 45 SSW MFR 50 ESE OTH SLE 20 N SEA 45 NE BLI ...CONT... 150 NNE OMK 20 ESE OMK 25 SSE EPH 30 WNW ALW P69 35 NNW 3DU 45 SE CTB 95 N HVR.  054 WWUS83 KUNR 301731 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1131 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ057-301800- Wyoming Black Hills WY- 1131 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM OVER NORTHEASTERN WESTON AND SOUTHEASTERN CROOK COUNTIES... At 1131 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 5 miles east of Inyan Kara Mountain, or 15 miles southeast of Sundance, moving northeast at 15 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Moskee, Buckhorn and Inyan Kara Mountain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4418 10441 4435 10426 4422 10405 4413 10406 4406 10427 TIME...MOT...LOC 1731Z 222DEG 15KT 4420 10423 $$ JC  534 WWUS53 KMKX 301731 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1231 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC055-301740- /O.CAN.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Jefferson WI- 1231 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN JEFFERSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for south central and southeastern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4250 8893 4285 8902 4284 8855 4287 8854 4299 8820 4289 8807 4284 8807 4284 8804 4249 8786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1730Z 336DEG 31KT 4274 8816 4253 8877 $$ WIC059-101-105-127-133-301815- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Walworth WI-Rock WI-Racine WI-Waukesha WI-Kenosha WI- 1231 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM CDT FOR WALWORTH...EASTERN ROCK...RACINE...SOUTHERN WAUKESHA AND KENOSHA COUNTIES... At 1230 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Eagle Lake to near Sharon, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Kenosha, Waukesha, Janesville, New Berlin, Muskego, Pleasant Prairie, Whitewater, Elkhorn, Delavan, Lake Geneva, Mukwonago, Twin Lakes, Milton, Union Grove, East Troy, Paddock Lake, Williams Bay, Camp Lake, Wind Lake and Rochester. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. If on or near Lake Geneva, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 4250 8893 4285 8902 4284 8855 4287 8854 4299 8820 4289 8807 4284 8807 4284 8804 4249 8786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1730Z 336DEG 31KT 4274 8816 4253 8877 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  657 WSAU21 AMHF 301731 YMMM SIGMET V04 VALID 301800/302200 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4030 E14900 - S4300 E14830 - S4400 E14800 - YMSY - LRP - YSAC - S4030 E14430 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  014 WWUS81 KGYX 301732 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 132 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ012-015-301800- Western And Central Hillsborough-Eastern Hillsborough- 132 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY... At 132 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Hollis, or near Nashua, moving south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and nickel size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Nashua, Merrimack, Milford, Amherst, Litchfield, Hollis and Brookline. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4271 7171 4284 7170 4285 7147 4270 7145 TIME...MOT...LOC 1732Z 358DEG 37KT 4278 7159 $$  076 WSZA21 FAOR 301731 FACA SIGMET G01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01818 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3046 E02801 - S3129 E02916 - S3213 E02822 - S3353 E02510 - S3144 E02355 - S3201 E02045 - S3524 E02116 - S3430 E01951 SFC/FL065=  077 WSZA21 FAOR 301734 FAJA SIGMET H01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2805 E02051 - S2959 E02321 - S3002 E02641 - S3051 E02719 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01941 - S2808 E01936 SFC/FL100=  078 WSZA21 FAOR 301732 FAJA SIGMET F01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2501 E03202 - S2600 E03205 - S2647 E03209 - S2648 E03224 - S2923 E03059 - S3039 E03017 - S3129 E02916 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3119 E02345 - S3030 E02116 - S3030 E01818 - S2730 E01708 - S2730 E02100 - S2649 E02101 - S2650 E02140 - S2639 E02145 - S2637 E02159 - S2515 E02259 - S2515 E02328 - S2533 E02355 - S2535 E02415 - S2815 E02500 - S2855 E02627 SFC/FL065=  079 WSZA21 FAOR 301733 FACA SIGMET I01 VALID 301800/302200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E01941 - S3030 E02116 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02619 - S3051 E02719 - S3213 E02822 - S3353 E02510 - S3144 E02355 - S3201 E02045 - S3524 E02116 - S3430 E01951 SFC/FL100=  931 WUUS51 KALY 301732 SVRALY NYC027-111-301815- /O.NEW.KALY.SV.W.0033.190630T1732Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Albany NY 132 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Albany has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Ulster County in east central New York... Southwestern Dutchess County in east central New York... * Until 215 PM EDT. * At 132 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wappingers Falls, or near Poughkeepsie, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Beacon and Myers Corner around 140 PM EDT. Fishkill and Hopewell Junction around 145 PM EDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Tuckers Corner, Stormville, Knapps Corner, New Hamburg, Glenham, Stoneco, Chelsea, Wiccopee, Colonial Heights and Groveville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Please report hail size...damaging winds and reports of trees down to the National Weather Service by email at Alb.Stormreport@noaa.gov... On Facebook at www.facebook.com/nwsalbany or twitter @nwsalbany && LAT...LON 4145 7400 4152 7400 4154 7399 4157 7396 4159 7395 4158 7405 4160 7407 4160 7408 4173 7413 4175 7382 4151 7371 4149 7394 4144 7398 TIME...MOT...LOC 1732Z 327DEG 25KT 4163 7393 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DBT  177 WWUS81 KGYX 301733 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 133 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ008-012-013-301815- Merrimack-Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 133 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN ROCKINGHAM... SOUTHEASTERN HILLSBOROUGH AND SOUTHEASTERN MERRIMACK COUNTIES... At 133 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Raymond, or 8 miles northeast of Auburn, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Haverhill, Derry, Salem, Hooksett, Epping, Brentwood, Raymond, Pelham, Hudson, Londonderry, Hampstead, Atkinson, Kingston, Chester, Danville, Allenstown, Fremont, Deerfield, Candia and East Kingston. This includes Interstate 93 between mile markers 1 and 16. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4315 7139 4316 7115 4287 7100 4286 7103 4285 7105 4281 7107 4282 7113 4281 7116 4279 7119 4274 7118 4275 7122 4274 7125 4274 7137 TIME...MOT...LOC 1733Z 352DEG 14KT 4311 7127 $$  714 WUUS51 KOKX 301733 SVROKX CTC001-NYC079-119-301815- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0025.190630T1733Z-190630T1815Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 133 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Fairfield County in southern Connecticut... North central Westchester County in southeastern New York... Eastern Putnam County in southeastern New York... * Until 215 PM EDT. * At 133 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lake Carmel, moving south at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... New Fairfield around 140 PM EDT. Carmel around 150 PM EDT. Brewster around 155 PM EDT. Ridgefield around 215 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4153 7345 4150 7344 4149 7344 4151 7340 4140 7333 4131 7348 4131 7367 4151 7374 4153 7360 4153 7353 4161 7352 4163 7349 TIME...MOT...LOC 1733Z 341DEG 18KT 4151 7364 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  784 WOUS64 KWNS 301733 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1233 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE GREEN KENOSHA LAFAYETTE RACINE ROCK WALWORTH $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX...  807 WWUS81 KRNK 301734 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 134 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ011-WVZ042>044-301830- Giles-Mercer-Summers-Monroe- 134 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT northern Mercer County... Until 230 PM EDT. At 133 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Flat Top, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Princeton... Athens... Peterstown... Pipestem... and Camp Creek. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. If you are on or near Bluestone Lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3751 8124 3751 8121 3754 8120 3757 8120 3758 8119 3760 8114 3759 8109 3761 8106 3763 8107 3742 8066 3729 8101 3728 8109 3750 8126 TIME...MOT...LOC 1733Z 312DEG 23KT 3756 8116 $$ AS  916 WWUS51 KALY 301736 SVSALY Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 136 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC027-111-301745- /O.EXP.KALY.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T1745Z/ Ulster NY-Dutchess NY- 136 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN ULSTER AND NORTHWESTERN DUTCHESS COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 145 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for southern Dutchess and southwestern Ulster County until 215 pm. LAT...LON 4172 7418 4211 7427 4210 7408 4217 7404 4216 7401 4217 7400 4218 7400 4213 7391 4211 7392 4208 7393 4208 7391 4204 7381 4178 7369 TIME...MOT...LOC 1735Z 342DEG 32KT 4198 7404 $$ DBT  667 WSBW20 VGHS 301730 VGFR SIGMET 06 VALID 302000/302400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ENE NC=  191 WWUS53 KUNR 301736 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1136 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC045-301815- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0088.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Weston WY- 1136 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 PM MDT FOR NORTHWESTERN WESTON COUNTY... At 1135 AM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southwest of Upton, or 28 miles west of Newcastle, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Weston County, crossing state highway 16 south of Upton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4418 10487 4418 10479 4396 10444 4389 10481 4402 10497 TIME...MOT...LOC 1735Z 221DEG 18KT 4399 10475 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  085 WSSP31 LEMM 301736 LECM SIGMET 5 VALID 301735/301900 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1735Z WI N4154 W00347 - N4203 W00306 - N4307 W00253 - N4311 W00339 - N4154 W00347 TOP FL350 MOV N 35KT NC=  731 WWCN13 CWTO 301737 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:37 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= BIG TROUT LAKE - SACHIGO LAKE =NEW= FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED IN THE AREA AND ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THIS EVENING. SOME OF THESE THUNDERSTORMS COULD BECOME SEVERE. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  804 WUUS51 KGYX 301738 SVRGYX NHC011-301800- /O.NEW.KGYX.SV.W.0014.190630T1738Z-190630T1800Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 138 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Hillsborough County in southern New Hampshire... * Until 200 PM EDT. * At 138 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hollis, or near Nashua, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Nashua, Merrimack, Milford, Amherst, Litchfield, Hollis, Hudson, Brookline and Pelham. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4271 7165 4283 7169 4285 7147 4270 7135 TIME...MOT...LOC 1738Z 346DEG 27KT 4275 7156 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MLE  482 WWUS53 KLOT 301739 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 1239 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC007-097-111-301815- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Lake IL-McHenry IL-Boone IL- 1239 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM CDT FOR LAKE...MCHENRY AND BOONE COUNTIES... At 1238 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wind Lake to Bohners Lake to Hebron to Harvard to Poplar Grove, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Waukegan, North Chicago, Gurnee, Mundelein, Algonquin, McHenry, Belvidere, Vernon Hills, Woodstock, Zion, Loves Park, Grayslake, Libertyville, Lake Zurich, Round Lake, Antioch, Beach Park, Wauconda, Fox Lake and Barrington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms are producing wind damage across southeast Wisconsin. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall and frequent lightning are occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4249 8780 4238 8781 4233 8783 4215 8811 4215 8894 4250 8894 TIME...MOT...LOC 1738Z 330DEG 37KT 4279 8812 4261 8827 4245 8842 4241 8858 4238 8879 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  577 WWUS53 KJKL 301739 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 139 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC131-301749- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0066.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ Leslie KY- 139 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL LESLIE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3716 8341 3719 8333 3706 8319 3696 8335 TIME...MOT...LOC 1736Z 330DEG 14KT 3709 8334 $$ SHALLENBERGER  451 WWUS53 KMKX 301740 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1240 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC133-301748- /O.CAN.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Waukesha WI- 1240 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WAUKESHA COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for south central and southeastern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4250 8893 4285 8902 4284 8804 4249 8786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1738Z 327DEG 29KT 4282 8805 4246 8848 $$ WIC059-101-105-127-301815- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Walworth WI-Rock WI-Racine WI-Kenosha WI- 1240 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM CDT FOR WALWORTH...EASTERN ROCK...RACINE AND KENOSHA COUNTIES... At 1238 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wind Lake to near Hebron, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There have been numerous reports of tree damage and power outages. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Kenosha, Janesville, Pleasant Prairie, Whitewater, Elkhorn, Delavan, Lake Geneva, Twin Lakes, Milton, Union Grove, East Troy, Paddock Lake, Williams Bay, Camp Lake, Wind Lake, Rochester, Genoa City, Walworth, Silver Lake and Clinton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. If on or near Lake Geneva, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 4250 8893 4285 8902 4284 8804 4249 8786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1738Z 327DEG 29KT 4282 8805 4246 8848 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  810 WSNT05 KKCI 301740 SIGA0E KZWY KZMA SIGMET ECHO 2 VALID 301740/301930 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET ECHO 1 301530/301930.  104 WSNT04 KKCI 301740 SIGA0D KZWY SIGMET DELTA 4 VALID 301740/301930 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET DELTA 3 301530/301930.  932 WGUS84 KSHV 301741 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1241 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && LAC015-119-301811- /O.CAN.KSHV.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-190630T1741Z/ /LBBL1.1.ER.190413T2308Z.190520T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1241 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning is cancelled for the Bodcau Bayou At Bayou Bodcau Lake. * Flood stage is 172.0 feet. * The river has fallen below flood stage and will continue to slowly fall. * Impact...at 172.0 feet...Expect bankfull conditions on Red Chute Bayou. && LAT...LON 3282 9351 3289 9344 3272 9346 3270 9351 3277 9351 $$  651 ACPN50 PHFO 301742 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 800 AM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster TS  131 WGUS84 KSHV 301742 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1242 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && ARC003-139-011742- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0147.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /FELA4.2.ER.181214T0537Z.190521T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1242 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ouachita River At Felsenthal Lock and Dam. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:00 AM Sunday The stage was 71.8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 70.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 71.9 feet by this afternoon. Additional rises remain possible thereafter. * Impact...at 73.0 feet...Expect minor flooding to continue in the Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge for at least another week. && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3322 9212 3315 9210 3300 9206 3300 9210 $$  640 WWUS81 KALY 301742 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 142 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ040-047>049-051>053-301830- Eastern Albany-Western Rensselaer-Eastern Schenectady-Schoharie-Western Schenectady-Montgomery-Western Albany- 142 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN SCHENECTADY... CENTRAL ALBANY...NORTHEASTERN SCHOHARIE...SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY AND SOUTHWESTERN RENSSELAER COUNTIES... At 142 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles northwest of Delanson to near Rotterdam. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Albany, Schenectady, Rotterdam, Delmar, Guilderland, Duanesburg, Berne, Voorheesville, Altamont, Castleton-On-Hudson, Delanson, Feura Bush, Selkirk, New Scotland, Knox, Glen, Princetown, Charleston, Clarksville and Esperance. This includes the following highways... Interstate 88 between exits 24 and 25. Interstate 90 between exits 1W and 25a. Interstate 890 between exits 7 and 9. Interstate 87 between exits 21A and 24. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4261 7423 4248 7365 4278 7390 4291 7439 TIME...MOT...LOC 1742Z 320DEG 21KT 4284 7425 4273 7395 $$ DBT  985 WUUS51 KBOX 301743 SVRBOX MAC017-021-027-301830- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0021.190630T1743Z-190630T1830Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 143 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Worcester County in central Massachusetts... West central Norfolk County in eastern Massachusetts... South central Middlesex County in northeastern Massachusetts... * Until 230 PM EDT. * At 143 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Shrewsbury, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Shrewsbury, Franklin, Milford, Westborough, Grafton, Bellingham, Northbridge, Hopkinton, Northborough, Holliston, Uxbridge, Medway, Blackstone, Millis, Upton, Hopedale, Mendon and Millville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4229 7175 4235 7165 4214 7137 4203 7162 TIME...MOT...LOC 1743Z 326DEG 21KT 4228 7169 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Field  336 WGUS84 KSHV 301743 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1243 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC001-073-225-011744- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0154.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NCST2.1.ER.190617T1122Z.190626T1815Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1243 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Neches. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:30 AM Sunday The stage was 13.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.5 feet by this afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...at 14.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground away from the river. && LAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544 3188 9548 $$ TXC001-073-225-455-011744- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0165.000000T0000Z-190706T1200Z/ /ATOT2.1.ER.190624T1205Z.190626T1245Z.190705T0000Z.NO/ 1243 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Alto. * until Saturday morning...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Sunday The stage was 16.9 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Impact...at 16.0 feet...Boat ramps and picnic areas near the river will begin to flood. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment near the river to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3167 9524 3152 9504 3138 9492 3133 9500 3166 9537 $$ TXC005-225-373-455-457-011744- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0156.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /DIBT2.1.ER.190617T0900Z.190618T1445Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1243 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Neches River Near Diboll. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Sunday The stage was 12.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 12.6 feet by Tuesday early afternoon then begin falling. * Impact...at 12.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect flooded boat ramps and trails. && LAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485 3136 9500 $$  874 WGUS84 KSHV 301744 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC423-499-011744- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0158.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.190619T1930Z.190628T0700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Mineola. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Sunday The stage was 17.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 17.1 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...at 18.0 feet...Expect severe flooding with some barns facing flooding. Preparations should be completed for moderate flooding. && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ TXC423-459-499-011744- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0162.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /HAKT2.1.ER.190624T0742Z.190628T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Hawkins. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 11:45 AM Sunday The stage was 26.6 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 23.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 26.3 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...at 25.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding of pastures and boatramps. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3263 9535 3257 9509 3253 9508 3254 9521 3257 9535 $$ TXC183-423-459-499-011744- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0163.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /GDWT2.1.ER.190625T0825Z.190630T1700Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River Near Gladewater. * until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Sunday The stage was 32.3 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 32.3 feet by tomorrow morning. * Impact...at 32.0 feet...Lowland flooding will continue to slowly decrease over the next several days. && LAT...LON 3257 9509 3251 9490 3245 9491 3251 9501 3253 9508 $$ TXC183-401-011744- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0166.190630T1744Z-000000T0000Z/ /LONT2.1.ER.190630T1415Z.190704T1200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Sabine River At Longview. * from this afternoon until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:00 PM Sunday The stage was 25.1 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 25.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 26.7 feet by Thursday morning then begin falling. * Impact...at 28.0 feet...Lowland flooding will continue for several days. Oil field operations will be curtailed and timber resources will suffer severe flooding. Fisherman should use caution as currents are swift. && LAT...LON 3251 9490 3246 9471 3241 9458 3238 9458 3244 9490 $$  279 WSZA21 FAOR 301743 FAJA SIGMET D02 VALID 301746/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET D01 301400/301800=  280 WSZA21 FAOR 301807 FACA SIGMET A02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET A01 301400/301800=  281 WSZA21 FAOR 301815 FAJO SIGMET I02 VALID 301748/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET I01 301400/301800=  282 WSZA21 FAOR 301753 FAJO SIGMET L02 VALID 301746/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET L01 301400/301800=  283 WSZA21 FAOR 301754 FAJO SIGMET N02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET N01 301400/301800=  284 WSZA21 FAOR 301809 FACA SIGMET C02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET C01 301400/301800=  285 WSZA21 FAOR 301744 FAJO SIGMET D02 VALID 301746/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET D01 301400/301800=  286 WSZA21 FAOR 301758 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET B01 301400/301800=  287 WSZA21 FAOR 301808 FAJA SIGMET A02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET A01 301400/301800=  288 WSZA21 FAOR 301742 FACA SIGMET D02 VALID 301746/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET D01 301400/301800=  289 WSZA21 FAOR 301741 FAJO SIGMET E02 VALID 301746/301800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET E01 301400/301800=  290 WSZA21 FAOR 301757 FACA SIGMET B02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR CNL SIGMET B01 301400/301800=  291 WSZA21 FAOR 301810 FAJA SIGMET C02 VALID 301747/301800 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR CNL SIGMET C01 301400/301800=  539 WGUS84 KSHV 301745 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive vehicles through flooded waterways. Use caution when walking near flooded riverbanks. Do not try to wade or swim in flooded rivers and bayous. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=shv && TXC403-405-011743- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0167.000000T0000Z-190701T2200Z/ /AYIT2.1.ER.190630T1743Z.190701T0000Z.190701T0400Z.NO/ 1244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The flood warning continues for the Ayish Bayou Near San Augustine. * until Monday afternoon...or until the warning is cancelled. * At 12:15 PM Sunday The stage was 11.8 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 12.2 feet BY this evening. The river will fall below flood stage by tonight. * Impact...at 12.0 feet...Lowland flooding of the heavily wooded floodplain will continue for the next several days. && LAT...LON 3156 9415 3155 9409 3139 9414 3130 9412 3130 9416 $$  161 WWUS83 KUNR 301745 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1145 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ058-301800- Weston WY- 1145 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM OVER EAST CENTRAL WESTON COUNTY... At 1145 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Osage, or 11 miles west of Newcastle, moving northeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Newcastle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4377 10440 4384 10452 4395 10444 4385 10424 TIME...MOT...LOC 1745Z 221DEG 17KT 4385 10442 $$ JC  411 WWUS81 KBOX 301745 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 145 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ005-026-301830- Northwest Middlesex County MA-Central Middlesex County MA- 145 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 144 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hollis, or over Nashua, moving southeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Lowell, Chelmsford, Westford, Pepperell, Tyngsborough, Groton, Littleton, Ayer and Dunstable. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded roads or underpasses. Avoid low lying areas near small streams. && LAT...LON 4270 7140 4259 7130 4255 7152 4270 7162 TIME...MOT...LOC 1744Z 327DEG 15KT 4276 7155 $$ Frank  978 WWUS51 KALY 301746 SVSALY Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 146 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC111-301756- /O.CAN.KALY.SV.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Ulster NY- 146 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN ULSTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4144 7399 4145 7400 4152 7400 4159 7395 4166 7395 4170 7380 4151 7371 4149 7394 TIME...MOT...LOC 1746Z 327DEG 25KT 4155 7386 $$ NYC027-301815- /O.CON.KALY.SV.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Dutchess NY- 146 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 215 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN DUTCHESS COUNTY... At 146 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Fishkill, or near Beacon, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Dutchess County, including the following locations... Stormville, Knapps Corner, Freedom Plains, Swartoutville, Brockway, Titusville, New Hamburg, Glenham, Crown Heights and Beacon Hills. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4144 7399 4145 7400 4152 7400 4159 7395 4166 7395 4170 7380 4151 7371 4149 7394 TIME...MOT...LOC 1746Z 327DEG 25KT 4155 7386 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DBT  845 WWUS83 KDVN 301747 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1247 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC015-085-177-IAC045-097-301815- Jo Daviess-Carroll-Stephenson-Jackson-Clinton- 1247 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT JO DAVIESS...CARROLL... STEPHENSON...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 115 PM CDT... At 1247 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Elizabeth to Ridott. Movement was south at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Freeport, Mount Carroll, Savanna, Lena, Stockton, Lanark, Warren, Hanover, Pearl City, Elizabeth, Shannon, Cedarville, Davis, Woodbine, Sabula, Chadwick, Dakota, German Valley, Scales Mound and Winslow. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4238 8940 4220 8940 4220 8969 4199 8969 4200 9023 4249 9042 4250 8942 TIME...MOT...LOC 1747Z 004DEG 22KT 4236 9027 4232 8949 $$ Cousins  177 WWUS53 KLOT 301748 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 1248 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC007-097-111-301815- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0071.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Lake IL-McHenry IL-Boone IL- 1248 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM CDT FOR LAKE...MCHENRY AND BOONE COUNTIES... At 1247 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Eagle Lake to Powers Lake to Greenwood to near Woodstock to near Timberlane, moving southeast at 40 mph. These storms have produced 60 mph winds and trees down in Pell Lake Wisconsin in southern Walworth county on the border with Illinois. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Waukegan, North Chicago, Gurnee, Mundelein, Algonquin, McHenry, Belvidere, Vernon Hills, Woodstock, Zion, Loves Park, Grayslake, Libertyville, Lake Zurich, Round Lake, Antioch, Beach Park, Wauconda, Fox Lake and Barrington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4249 8780 4238 8781 4233 8783 4215 8811 4215 8894 4250 8894 TIME...MOT...LOC 1747Z 332DEG 33KT 4275 8810 4254 8828 4239 8840 4233 8853 4232 8891 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  188 WWUS81 KOKX 301748 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 148 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ068-070-301830- Putnam-Northern Westchester- 148 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL WESTCHESTER AND CENTRAL PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 148 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Fahnestock State Park, or near Lake Carmel, moving southeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mahopac, Carmel, Yorktown Heights, Fahnestock State Park, Jefferson Valley, Putnam Valley and Golden's Bridge. LAT...LON 4129 7361 4121 7386 4146 7391 4148 7387 4151 7374 TIME...MOT...LOC 1748Z 313DEG 39KT 4147 7377 $$ DS  769 WSFR34 LFPW 301749 LFMM SIGMET 3 VALID 301750/301900 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4600 E00300 - N4615 E00300 - N4630 E00415 - N4445 E00445 - N4430 E00330 - N4600 E00300 TOP FL400 MOV SE 10KT NC=  962 WSIN31 VECC 301730 VECF SIGMET 5 VALID 301800/302200 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2610 E08800 - N2435 E08748 - N2106 E08900 - N1440 E09125 - N2000 E08120 - N2600 E08000 - N2610 E08800 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  636 WWUS83 KMPX 301750 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1250 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060-068>070-301815- Dakota-Hennepin-Carver-Scott- 1250 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN HENNEPIN...WEST CENTRAL DAKOTA...NORTHEASTERN SCOTT AND EAST CENTRAL CARVER COUNTIES... At 1249 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Chanhassen, or 16 miles southwest of Minneapolis, moving east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Minneapolis, Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Burnsville, Lakeville, Minnetonka, Edina, St. Louis Park, Shakopee, Richfield, Savage and Chaska. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. LAT...LON 4473 9369 4489 9363 4489 9346 4497 9321 4469 9330 TIME...MOT...LOC 1749Z 280DEG 27KT 4482 9355 $$ CTG  294 WWUS81 KBOX 301751 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 151 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ003-004-010>012-301830- Southern Worcester MA-Eastern Hampden MA-Northern Worcester MA- Eastern Franklin MA-Eastern Hampshire MA- 151 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM IN EASTERN HAMPSHIRE COUNTY HEADING SOUTHEAST... At 149 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Ware, or 11 miles east of Amherst, moving southeast at 25 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will accompany this storm. Dime size hail was reported in Amherst with this storm. Locations impacted include... Belchertown, Charlton, Palmer, Spencer, Ware, Sturbridge, Monson, Warren, North Brookfield, West Brookfield, Brimfield, Brookfield, Hardwick, Holland, East Brookfield, Wales, Petersham, New Braintree and New Salem. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4229 7245 4240 7223 4219 7196 4205 7224 TIME...MOT...LOC 1749Z 327DEG 20KT 4230 7230 $$ Field  934 WWUS53 KMKX 301751 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1251 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC059-101-105-127-301815- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Walworth WI-Rock WI-Racine WI-Kenosha WI- 1251 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM CDT FOR WALWORTH...SOUTHEASTERN ROCK...WESTERN RACINE AND KENOSHA COUNTIES... At 1248 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Union Grove to near Greenwood, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There were numerous reports of tree damage with these storms when then tracked through Jefferson and Waukesha Counties. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Public reported large tree limbs down near Pell Lake at 12:40 pm. Locations impacted include... Kenosha, Janesville, Pleasant Prairie, Elkhorn, Delavan, Lake Geneva, Twin Lakes, Union Grove, East Troy, Paddock Lake, Williams Bay, Camp Lake, Wind Lake, Rochester, Genoa City, Walworth, Silver Lake, Clinton, Fontana-On-Geneva Lake and Sharon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. If on or near Lake Geneva, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 4270 8898 4284 8804 4249 8786 4250 8893 TIME...MOT...LOC 1748Z 336DEG 31KT 4275 8801 4239 8844 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  885 WWUS81 KGYX 301752 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 152 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ018-023-NHZ006-008>010-013-301830- Interior York-Coastal York-Merrimack-Belknap-Strafford-Southern Carroll-Interior Rockingham- 152 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN YORK... STRAFFORD...SOUTHEASTERN BELKNAP AND EAST CENTRAL MERRIMACK COUNTIES... At 151 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Alton to Alfred. Movement was south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Rochester, Alfred, Sanford, Northwood, Dover, Somersworth, Kennebunk, Barrington, Berwick, Farmington, Lebanon, Alton, Barnstead, Epsom, Gilmanton, South Berwick, Wells, York, Lyman and Arundel. This includes Interstate 95 between mile markers 15 and 22. This also includes... Ogunquit Beach. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4325 7135 4319 7090 4327 7057 4352 7060 4353 7125 TIME...MOT...LOC 1751Z 347DEG 20KT 4350 7123 4348 7068 $$  334 WWUS40 KWNS 301751 WWP7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1250 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0467 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : 05% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 20% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 30% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 70% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 2.0 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 500 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 26030 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU7. $$  335 WOUS64 KWNS 301751 WOU7 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1255 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0467.190630T1755Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC011-027-045-010000- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0467.190630T1755Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CROOK NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  359 WWUS30 KWNS 301751 SAW7 SPC AWW 301751 WW 467 SEVERE TSTM SD WY 301755Z - 010000Z AXIS..65 STATUTE MILES NORTH AND SOUTH OF LINE.. 100WSW RAP/RAPID CITY SD/ - 40NNE PHP/PHILIP SD/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 55NM N/S /65ENE DDY - 35SSE DPR/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..2 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 500. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 26030. LAT...LON 44410488 45520129 43630129 42540488 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU7.  360 WWUS20 KWNS 301751 SEL7 SPC WW 301751 SDZ000-WYZ000-010000- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 467 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1255 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Western South Dakota Northeast Wyoming * Effective this Sunday afternoon and evening from 1255 PM until 700 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered large hail and isolated very large hail events to 2 inches in diameter possible Scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible A tornado or two possible SUMMARY...Scattered storms are developing in northeast Wyoming and may consolidate into an eastward-moving cluster as they spread across western South Dakota this afternoon. A mix of severe hail and wind should be the primary threat. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 65 statute miles north and south of a line from 100 miles west southwest of Rapid City SD to 40 miles north northeast of Philip SD. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU7). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 466... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 2 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 500. Mean storm motion vector 26030. ...Grams  361 WSIN90 VECC 301730 VECF SIGMET 5 VALID 301800/302200 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2610 E08800 - N2435 E08748 - N2106 E08900 - N1440 E09125 - N2000 E08120 - N2600 E08000 - N2610 E08800 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  213 WWUS81 KGYX 301753 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 153 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ011-301830- Cheshire- 153 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN CHESHIRE COUNTY... At 153 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Putney to near Fitzwilliam. Movement was south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Jaffrey, Winchendon, Swanzey, Rindge, Winchester, Royalston, Richmond, Hinsdale, Fitzwilliam, Troy, Chesterfield and Westmoreland. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4292 7252 4295 7253 4296 7252 4280 7203 4271 7201 4273 7246 4277 7249 4277 7252 4278 7251 4281 7254 4287 7256 TIME...MOT...LOC 1753Z 002DEG 21KT 4293 7257 4279 7212 $$  528 WSUS32 KKCI 301755 SIGC MKCC WST 301755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 72C VALID UNTIL 1955Z WI IL IA LM FROM 50SE GRB-ORD-20S DBQ-30ENE DLL-50SE GRB AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 33030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 73C VALID UNTIL 1955Z LA AND LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 10NW LCH-40ESE LCH-160S LCH-100ESE CRP-100SSW LCH-10NW LCH DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 26010KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 74C VALID UNTIL 1955Z WI MN FROM 60N EAU-50E EAU-RWF-60N RWF-60N EAU AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 75C VALID UNTIL 1955Z SD WY FROM 60NNW RAP-30SW RAP-50E DDY-20ESE CZI-70ENE CZI-60NNW RAP DVLPG AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 301955-302355 AREA 1...FROM 70NE DLH-SAW-40WSW GIJ-FOD-70S FAR-70NE DLH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REF WW 466. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S TTT-30SSE LCH-140S LCH-110ESE CRP-40SE DLF-30WNW SJT-30S TTT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  529 WSUS31 KKCI 301755 SIGE MKCE WST 301755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 95E VALID UNTIL 1955Z FL AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60NW SJI-40WNW TLH-70SW TLH-120S CEW-60ESE LEV-60NW SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 96E VALID UNTIL 1955Z ME MA NH RI VT CT NY AND ME MA NH RI NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 50SE YSC-20SE BGR-20ENE BOS-30SSE HTO-20SE HNK-50SE YSC AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32020KT. TOPS TO FL380. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 97E VALID UNTIL 1955Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 10NW PBI-20S PBI-20S MIA-40SW MIA-30SE RSW-10NW PBI AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 98E VALID UNTIL 1955Z VA WV KY FROM 20ENE BKW-30SW PSK-20SSE LOZ-20NNW LOZ-20ENE BKW AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 99E VALID UNTIL 1955Z VA FROM 50SW CSN-30NNE RIC-30SSE RIC-20ESE LYH-50SW CSN DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 01E VALID UNTIL 1955Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE TLH-40ENE CTY-40WSW OMN-50ENE SRQ-10NNE SRQ-40SW CTY-40SE TLH DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 27010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 02E VALID UNTIL 1955Z GA AL MS LA AR FROM 10S MEM-40ESE GQO-40NNW MCN-30SSW SQS-20NW MLU-30N ELD-10S MEM DVLPG AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 301955-302355 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-160ENE ACK-160ESE ACK-70S ACK-30SSE BOS-40NNE JFK-SYR-MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-40ESE LFK-40SW MEM-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  530 WSUS33 KKCI 301755 SIGW MKCW WST 301755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25W VALID UNTIL 1955Z MT FROM 40ENE GGW-30WSW ISN-30WSW MLS-60NE LWT-40ENE GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 301955-302355 FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  806 WWUS65 KCYS 301754 WCNCYS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 467 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHEYENNE WY 1154 AM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WYC027-010000- /O.NEW.KCYS.SV.A.0467.190630T1754Z-190701T0000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WYOMING THIS WATCH INCLUDES 1 COUNTY IN EAST CENTRAL WYOMING NIOBRARA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF LUSK AND REDBIRD. $$  189 WWUS51 KGYX 301755 SVSGYX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 155 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEC015-301805- /O.CAN.KGYX.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Lincoln ME- 155 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN LINCOLN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4373 6945 4379 6966 4402 6949 4399 6938 TIME...MOT...LOC 1754Z 013DEG 18KT 4384 6950 $$  209 WSRS31 RURD 301754 URRV SIGMET 14 VALID 301800/302000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4243 E03641 - N4432 E03840 - N4328 E04005 TOP FL330 STNR NC=  970 WWUS53 KUNR 301755 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1155 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC045-301805- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0088.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Weston WY- 1155 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN WESTON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for northeastern Wyoming. LAT...LON 4418 10487 4418 10479 4396 10444 4389 10481 4402 10497 TIME...MOT...LOC 1753Z 221DEG 15KT 4405 10467 $$ JC  982 WBCN07 CWVR 301700 PAM ROCKS WIND 406 LANGARA; OVC 15 SW04 RPLD LO W 1730 CLD EST 6 BKN 10 OVC 12/11 GREEN; OVC 15 CLM RPLD 1730 CLD EST 6 SCT 20 OVC 15/13 TRIPLE; OVC 15 CLM RPLD LO W 1730 CLD EST 12 BKN OVC ABV 25 14/13 BONILLA; OVC 15 CLM RPLD LO S F BNK DSNT S 1730 CLD EST 8 FEW 18 OVC 14/14 BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 SE04 RPLD 1730 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 15/13 MCINNES; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO SW 1730 CLD EST 22 FEW BKN ABV 25 15/14 IVORY; CLDY 15 W03 RPLD LO SW 1730 CLD EST 18 SCT 23 BKN BKN ABV 25 17/13 DRYAD; OVC 15 CLM RPLD 1730 CLD EST 17 BKN OVC ABV 25 16/14 ADDENBROKE; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD 1730 CLD EST 25 FEW BKN ABV 25 15/13 EGG ISLAND; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO W 1740 CLD EST 18 FEW SCT ABV 25 17/15 PINE ISLAND; CLDY 15 CLM RPLD LO W 1740 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 14/14 CAPE SCOTT; OVC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST 8 BKN OVC ABV 25 14/12 QUATSINO; CLDY 15 W10E 1FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST 3 FEW BKN ABV 25 16/13 NOOTKA; PC 15 SW05E 1FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 17/14 ESTEVAN; PC 15 SW06 1FT CHP LO SW 1022.4S LENNARD; PC 10 CLM RPLD LO SW F BNK DSNT S-NW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 12 SW04 RPLD LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 SW05E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 SE04E RPLD LO SW SCARLETT; CLDY 15 SE4E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; OVC 15 W02E RPLD CHATHAM; PC 15 NW05E RPLD 1740 CLD EST 20 FEW SCT ABV 25 16/12 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 213/19/12/MMMM/M/ 0003 71MM= WLP SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 225/16/13/2503/M/ 1006 90MM= WEB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 221/14/12/1904/M/ 3005 24MM= WQC SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 219/18/11/0000/M/ 8005 38MM= WRU SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 223/14/10/3512/M/ 1005 87MM= WFG SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 224/12/12/17MM/M/ 2002 44MM= WVF SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/16/13/3205/M/ M 52MM= WQS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 228/12/12/3306/M/ 3001 86MM= WRO SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 232/13/13/3503/M/ 3005 10MM= WEK SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 228/14/13/MMMM/M/ 3004 43MM= WWL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 230/13/12/0000/M/ 3005 58MM= WME SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/16/13/1904/M/ M 76MM= WAS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 088/17/12/0406/M/ 8010 09MM= WSB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 208/17/11/2302/M/ 0001 90MM= WGT SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 219/17/12/2806/M/ 0004 25MM= WGB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 215/17/14/2709/M/ 0002 06MM= WEL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 217/17/14/0109/M/ 0003 36MM= WDR SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 200/16/12/3608/M/ 5004 87MM= WZO SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0405/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2804/M/ M MMMM=  057 WWUS51 KALY 301755 SVSALY Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 155 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC027-301805- /O.CAN.KALY.SV.W.0033.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Dutchess NY- 155 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN DUTCHESS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4144 7399 4145 7400 4152 7400 4159 7395 4166 7395 4170 7380 4151 7371 4149 7394 TIME...MOT...LOC 1752Z 327DEG 25KT 4149 7381 $$ DBT  012 WWUS83 KUNR 301756 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1156 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ056>058-301830- Weston WY-Wyoming Black Hills WY-Western Crook WY- 1156 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM OVER NORTH CENTRAL WESTON AND SOUTH CENTRAL CROOK COUNTIES... At 1156 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Upton, or 25 miles southwest of Sundance, moving northeast at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Upton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for northeastern Wyoming. LAT...LON 4401 10455 4411 10474 4425 10462 4411 10434 TIME...MOT...LOC 1756Z 222DEG 20KT 4408 10463 $$ JC  014 WSCG31 FCBB 301756 FCCC SIGMET H2 VALID 301800/302200 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1745Z N OF LINE N0007 E01745 - N0259 E00638 E OF LINE N0338 E01821 - N0758 E01835 TOP FL490 MOV W 10KT NC=  464 WWUS63 KUNR 301757 WCNUNR WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 467 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RAPID CITY SD 1157 AM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-WYC011-045-010000- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.A.0467.190630T1757Z-190701T0000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA BUTTE IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA CUSTER FALL RIVER JACKSON OGLALA LAKOTA IN WEST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA HAAKON LAWRENCE MEADE PENNINGTON ZIEBACH IN WYOMING THIS WATCH INCLUDES 2 COUNTIES IN NORTHEAST WYOMING CROOK WESTON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BILLSBURG, BUCKHORN, CLARETON, CUSTER, DEADWOOD, DOWNTOWN BELLE FOURCHE, DOWNTOWN NEWCASTLE, DUPREE, EDGEMONT, FAITH, FOUR CORNERS, HERMOSA, HILL CITY, HOT SPRINGS, KADOKA, KIRLEY, KYLE, LEAD, MILESVILLE, MOORCROFT, MORRISEY, OGLALA, PHILIP, PINE RIDGE, RAPID CITY, ROCHELLE, SPEARFISH, STURGIS, SUNDANCE, UNION CENTER, UPTON, AND WALL. $$  029 WUUS51 KOKX 301758 SVROKX CTC001-NYC119-301845- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0026.190630T1758Z-190630T1845Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 158 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Fairfield County in southern Connecticut... Northern Westchester County in southeastern New York... * Until 245 PM EDT. * At 157 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Bethel, or near Danbury, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... New Canaan and Wilton around 205 PM EDT. Weston around 210 PM EDT. Norwalk and Westport around 215 PM EDT. Bridgeport and Fairfield around 220 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4142 7330 4121 7311 4120 7311 4118 7312 4109 7337 4105 7358 4131 7366 4131 7348 TIME...MOT...LOC 1757Z 319DEG 32KT 4134 7346 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  367 WSCN23 CWAO 301757 CZWG SIGMET P1 VALID 301755/302155 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5433 W09031/45 NW CYTL - /N5657 W08908/75 NW CYER TOP FL350 MOV ENE 35KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  368 WSCN03 CWAO 301757 CZWG SIGMET P1 VALID 301755/302155 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5433 W09031 - N5657 W08908 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 35KT INTSFYG=  389 WWUS85 KSLC 301758 AWWSLC UTC035-302100- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 1158 AM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Airport Weather Warning for outflow winds gusting to greater than 30 mph/26 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 1158 AM MDT to 300 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  277 WSFR34 LFPW 301800 LFMM SIGMET 4 VALID 301800/302000 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00700 - N4400 E00700 - N4345 E00515 - N4445 E00500 - N4630 E00700 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  728 WWUS51 KBOX 301800 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 200 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC017-021-027-301830- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0021.000000T0000Z-190630T1830Z/ Worcester MA-Norfolk MA-Middlesex MA- 200 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 230 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WORCESTER...WEST CENTRAL NORFOLK AND SOUTH CENTRAL MIDDLESEX COUNTIES... At 157 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Upton, or near Milford, moving southeast at 25 mph. Dime size hail was reported in Shrewsbury. This storm has weakened but still has some potential to produce large hail and wind gusts to 30 to 40 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Some Damage to crops or vehicles is possible. Locations impacted include... Franklin, Milford, Westborough, Grafton, Bellingham, Northbridge, Hopkinton, Holliston, Uxbridge, Medway, Blackstone, Millis, Upton, Hopedale, Mendon and Millville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4222 7171 4227 7160 4214 7137 4203 7162 TIME...MOT...LOC 1757Z 326DEG 21KT 4221 7163 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Field  154 WWUS51 KGYX 301800 SVSGYX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 200 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHC011-301810- /O.EXP.KGYX.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-190630T1800Z/ Hillsborough NH- 200 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4271 7165 4283 7169 4285 7147 4270 7135 TIME...MOT...LOC 1800Z 346DEG 27KT 4263 7152 $$  151 WUUS53 KLOT 301802 SVRLOT ILC031-043-089-097-111-301915- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0072.190630T1802Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 102 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Lake County in northeastern Illinois... Eastern Kane County in northeastern Illinois... Central McHenry County in northeastern Illinois... DuPage County in northeastern Illinois... Northern Cook County in northeastern Illinois... * Until 215 PM CDT. * At 101 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Union Grove to Lake Catherine to near Bull Valley to near Lakewood to near Belvidere, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Chicago, Aurora, Naperville, Elgin, Waukegan, Cicero, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Schaumburg, Bolingbrook, Palatine, Skokie, Des Plaines, Berwyn, Mount Prospect, Wheaton, Hoffman Estates, Oak Park, Downers Grove and Glenview. Including the following interstates... I-55 between mile markers 270 and 278. I-88 between mile markers 118 and 140. I-90 between mile markers 22 and 40. I-94 between mile markers 1 and 50. I-290 between mile markers 1 and 28. I-294 between mile markers 1 and 50. I-355 between mile markers 15 and 30. This includes... Brookfield Zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo, Loyola University, Oakton Community College, Schaumburg Boomers Baseball, Triton College, Benedictine University, Chain O Lakes State Park, College of DuPage, College of Lake County, DuPage County Fairgrounds, Elgin Community College, Fermilab, Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Harper College, Hawthorne Park, IL Beach State Park, Kane County Cougars Ballpark, Lake County IL Fairgrounds, Lake Forest College, Mchenry County College, Mchenry County Fairgrounds, Moraine Hills State Park, Morton Arboretum, Northeastern Illinois University, Northwestern University, Ravinia Music Festival, Six Flags Great America, Wheaton College, Wrigley Field, and North Central College. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across south central Wisconsin. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! A severe thunderstorm watch is in effect until 600 PM CDT. && LAT...LON 4249 8780 4238 8781 4236 8783 4227 8783 4219 8779 4211 8773 4206 8767 4191 8762 4173 8793 4170 8803 4173 8803 4173 8826 4231 8869 4232 8852 4238 8839 4250 8826 TIME...MOT...LOC 1801Z 331DEG 33KT 4264 8803 4249 8813 4228 8832 4222 8845 4221 8884 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  495 WSCN23 CWAO 301802 CZWG SIGMET O1 VALID 301800/302200 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE /N5630 W09413/20 NE CYGX - /N5440 W09443/45 N CYIV TOP FL400 MOV NE 25KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32=  496 WSCN03 CWAO 301802 CZWG SIGMET O1 VALID 301800/302200 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE N5630 W09413 - N5440 W09443 TOP FL400 MOV NE 25KT INTSFYG=  275 WOUS64 KWNS 301803 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 103 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE GREEN KENOSHA LAFAYETTE RACINE ROCK WALWORTH $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX...  089 WSFG20 TFFF 301803 SOOO SIGMET 9 VALID 301800/302000 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0315 W05415 - N0500 W05430 - N0530 W05400 - N0330 W05200 - N0215 W05245 - N0215 W05300 - N0315 W05330 TOP FL450 MOV W 15KT NC=  071 WWUS81 KBOX 301804 AWWBED Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 204 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ005-014-301900- Central Middlesex County-Southeast Middlesex- 204 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued an * Airport Weather Warning for Ground Operations at: Hanscom Field * Until 300 PM EDT. * The Following Weather Hazards Are Expected: Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. * At 203 PM EDT, A thunderstorm was reported over Tyngsborough, or near Chelmsford, moving southeast at 25 mph. $$ Sipprell  146 WWUS51 KOKX 301804 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 204 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTC001-NYC079-119-301815- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Fairfield CT-Westchester NY-Putnam NY- 204 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 215 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL FAIRFIELD...NORTH CENTRAL WESTCHESTER AND EASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 204 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Brewster, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Ridgefield around 215 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4144 7349 4145 7337 4140 7333 4131 7348 4131 7367 4136 7368 4141 7370 TIME...MOT...LOC 1804Z 341DEG 18KT 4136 7357 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  843 WOAU41 AMMC 301804 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1804UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front [1] weakening near 48S077E 54S087E 57S089E. Cold front [2] 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC. Forecast near 41S078E 44S085E 54S100E at 010000UTC, 39S078E 44S090E 52S102E at 010600UTC and 38S081E 48S102E 52S107E at 011200UTC and 35S080E 50S108E at 011800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S080E 35S085E 47S109E 52S109E 48S100E 56S096E 56S091E 54S080E 37S080E FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 540nm east of front [1]. From 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  844 WOAU01 AMMC 301804 IDY21000 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1804UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front [1] weakening near 48S077E 54S087E 57S089E. Cold front [2] 42S074E 54S097E at 301800UTC. Forecast near 41S078E 44S085E 54S100E at 010000UTC, 39S078E 44S090E 52S102E at 010600UTC and 38S081E 48S102E 52S107E at 011200UTC and 35S080E 50S108E at 011800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S080E 35S085E 47S109E 52S109E 48S100E 56S096E 56S091E 54S080E 37S080E FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 540nm east of front [1]. From 010000UTC: Northwest quarter winds 30/40 knots within 360nm east of front [2]. Rough to very rough seas. Heavy swell.  897 WWUS83 KMPX 301804 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 104 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ060>063-070-301830- Anoka-Washington-Dakota-Hennepin-Ramsey- 104 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL HENNEPIN...NORTH CENTRAL DAKOTA...SOUTHEASTERN ANOKA...SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON AND RAMSEY COUNTIES... At 104 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Roseville, or near St. Paul, moving east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Minneapolis, St. Paul, Bloomington, Eagan, Woodbury, Coon Rapids, Blaine, Maplewood, Cottage Grove, Inver Grove Heights, Roseville and Oakdale. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4497 9321 4494 9330 4515 9327 4515 9292 4485 9292 4485 9325 TIME...MOT...LOC 1804Z 280DEG 27KT 4501 9316 $$ CTG  747 WWUS81 KBOX 301805 AWWBOS Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 204 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ015-301930- Suffolk- 204 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued an * Airport Weather Warning for Ground Operations at: Boston Logan Airport * Until 330 PM EDT. * The Following Weather Hazards Are Expected: Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. * At 203 PM EDT, A thunderstorm was reported over Tyngsborough, or near Chelmsford, moving southeast at 25 mph. $$ Sipprell  995 WSCH31 SCIP 301804 SCIZ SIGMET 07 VALID 301804/301830 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR CNL SIGMET 06 301430/301830=  400 WWUS82 KMFL 301806 SPSMFL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Miami FL 206 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ073-173-174-301845- Far South Miami-Dade County FL-Inland Miami-Dade County FL- Coastal Miami Dade County FL- 206 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY UNTIL 245 PM EDT... * At 206 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm over Florida City, or over Homestead. This storm was nearly stationary. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and funnel clouds possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Homestead, Homestead Miami Speedway, Homestead General Airport, The Redland, Black Point, Florida City, Homestead Base, Naranja, Princeton, Leisure City, Goulds, Homestead Bayfront Park and Cutler Bay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. This activity was also developing in an environment favorable for the formation of funnel clouds. Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio and local media for additional updates and possible warnings. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Miami on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2537 8056 2555 8055 2558 8031 2531 8033 TIME...MOT...LOC 1806Z 273DEG 4KT 2546 8048 $$ RAG  486 WSAG31 SABE 301811 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 301811/302211 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1811Z WI S3834 W07048 - S4043 W06810 - S3943 W06418 - S3658 W06703 - S3834 W07048 FL200/380 STNR NC=  482 WSAG31 SABE 301811 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 301811/302211 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1811Z WI S3834 W07048 - S4043 W06810 - S3943 W06418 - S3658 W06703 - S3834 W07048 FL200/380 STNR NC=  706 WWUS81 KBOX 301808 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 208 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ006-007-301845- Eastern Essex MA-Western Essex MA- 208 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 207 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Haverhill, moving southeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Heavy rain may result in brief street flooding. Locations impacted include... Lawrence, Haverhill, Methuen, Andover, North Andover, Salem, North Reading, Ipswich, Middleton, Georgetown, Boxford, Hamilton, Newbury, Groveland, Topsfield, Rowley, West Newbury and Plaistow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4265 7082 4260 7106 4261 7109 4274 7124 4275 7122 4274 7119 4278 7118 4281 7109 4281 7107 4283 7105 TIME...MOT...LOC 1807Z 327DEG 15KT 4274 7108 $$ Frank  827 WXFJ01 NFFN 301800 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY-TWO FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 06.00AM ON MONDAY 01ST JUNE 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: A HEAVY RAIN WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LAU GROUP, VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN REMAINS SLOW MOVING OVER THE NORTHERN AND EASTERN PARTS OF FIJI. IT IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE GROUP TILL LATER TODAY. FORECAST FOR LAU GROUP, VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS: OCCASIONAL RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND SQUALLY THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN EXPECTED TO EASE FROM LATER TODAY. LOCALISED HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLASH FLOODING OF LOW LYING AREAS. THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AT 09.00AM TODAY OR EARLIER.  989 WHUS51 KOKX 301809 SMWOKX ANZ330-335-301900- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0049.190630T1809Z-190630T1900Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 209 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Long Island Sound... * Until 300 PM EDT. * At 209 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 nm north of Bridgeport to near Norwalk Islands to near Captain Harbor, moving southeast at 45 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * strong thunderstorms will be near... Penfield Reef, Mouth of the Housatonic River and Bridgeport around 220 PM EDT. Huntington Bay, Stratford Shoal and New Haven Harbor around 225 PM EDT. Port Jefferson Harbor around 230 PM EDT. Smithtown Bay around 235 PM EDT. Central Long Island Sound and Herod Point around 245 PM EDT. Mattituck Inlet around 255 PM EDT. Horton Point around 300 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4108 7240 4102 7253 4098 7253 4093 7312 4090 7318 4085 7320 4090 7325 4091 7333 4087 7337 4103 7366 4109 7344 4113 7342 4113 7333 4119 7318 4117 7313 4123 7307 4122 7302 4128 7296 4129 7297 TIME...MOT...LOC 1809Z 301DEG 45KT 4131 7324 4112 7339 4109 7364 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$  541 WUUS53 KUNR 301810 SVRUNR SDC081-103-WYC011-045-301915- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0089.190630T1810Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1210 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Lawrence County in west central South Dakota... West central Pennington County in west central South Dakota... Northeastern Weston County in northeastern Wyoming... Southeastern Crook County in northeastern Wyoming... * Until 115 PM MDT. * At 1209 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles east of Osage, or 9 miles northwest of Newcastle, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Osage, Flag Mountain, Four Corners, Buckhorn, Deerfield, Moskee, Crooks Tower, Mallo Camp, O'Neil Pass and Redbank Spring Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4395 10449 4436 10423 4406 10372 4386 10433 TIME...MOT...LOC 1809Z 217DEG 21KT 4398 10431 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  670 WWUS81 KOKX 301810 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 210 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ009-NYZ070-071-301900- Southern Fairfield-Southern Westchester-Northern Westchester- 210 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN FAIRFIELD AND CENTRAL WESTCHESTER COUNTIES... At 210 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Mount Kisco, moving south at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Stamford, Mount Kisco, Greenwich, Hawthorne, Bedford, Pleasantville, Armonk and Thornwood. LAT...LON 4127 7365 4105 7357 4102 7380 4121 7386 TIME...MOT...LOC 1810Z 340DEG 17KT 4125 7373 $$ DS  192 WSCH31 SCIP 301810 SCIZ SIGMET A1 VALID 301810/302210 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3000 W12300 - S3000 W13100 - S3800 W13100 - S5500 W12000 - S6000 W11800 - S6500 W10000 - S5500 W10000 - S5200 W11400 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  831 WOAU43 AMMC 301810 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1810UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous southeasterly flow developing. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 60S133E 64S140E 64S148E 63S149E 60S139E 60S133E. FORECAST Southeast quarter winds 30/40 knots developing by 010000UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  544 WWUS53 KMKX 301811 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 111 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC059-101-105-127-301820- /O.EXP.KMKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Walworth WI-Rock WI-Racine WI-Kenosha WI- 111 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WALWORTH...SOUTHEASTERN ROCK...WESTERN RACINE AND KENOSHA COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 115 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for south central and southeastern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4270 8898 4284 8804 4249 8786 4250 8893 TIME...MOT...LOC 1810Z 336DEG 31KT 4258 8791 4222 8834 $$ WOOD  562 WWUS81 KBOX 301811 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 211 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ005>007-014-301900- Eastern Essex MA-Central Middlesex County MA-Western Essex MA- Southeast Middlesex MA- 211 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 211 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Billerica, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Lowell, Methuen, Billerica, Woburn, Chelmsford, Andover, Lexington, Dracut, Tewksbury, Wakefield, Reading, Burlington, Wilmington, Westford, Stoneham, Concord, North Reading, Bedford, Lynnfield and Tyngsborough. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded roads or underpasses. Avoid low lying areas near small streams. && LAT...LON 4251 7102 4244 7128 4270 7147 4270 7129 4271 7128 4271 7127 TIME...MOT...LOC 1811Z 327DEG 15KT 4256 7122 $$ Frank  034 WUUS53 KLOT 301813 SVRLOT ILC007-037-089-093-103-111-141-201-301900- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0073.190630T1813Z-190630T1900Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 113 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Kendall County in northeastern Illinois... Ogle County in north central Illinois... Northern Lee County in north central Illinois... De Kalb County in north central Illinois... Southern Winnebago County in north central Illinois... Southwestern Kane County in northeastern Illinois... Southwestern McHenry County in northeastern Illinois... Southern Boone County in north central Illinois... * Until 200 PM CDT. * At 112 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Hampshire to near Byron, moving south at 45 mph. A gust front out ahead of the line of storms may produce damagaing wind gusts ahead of the complex of storms. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Aurora, Rockford, St. Charles, Oswego, Batavia, Belvidere, Sycamore, Yorkville, Dixon, Little Rock, Rochelle, Genoa, Oregon, Mount Morris, Shabbona, Rockford Airport, DeKalb, Montgomery, North Aurora and Sugar Grove. Including the following interstates... I-39 between mile markers 84 and 123. I-88 between mile markers 45 and 118. I-90 between mile markers 41 and 63. This includes... Northern Illinois University, Aurora University, Boone County Fairgrounds, Castle Rock State Park, IL Math and Science Academy, Lee County Fairgrounds, Lowden State Park, Ogle County Fairgrounds, Sauk Valley College, Waubonsee Community College, and White Pines State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4220 8969 4220 8940 4224 8940 4231 8869 4175 8826 4167 8826 4174 8963 4193 8963 4193 8969 TIME...MOT...LOC 1812Z 011DEG 41KT 4216 8860 4216 8935 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  366 WWUS83 KDVN 301813 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 113 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC015-085-177-195-IAC045-097-301845- Whiteside-Jo Daviess-Carroll-Stephenson-Jackson-Clinton- 113 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHERN WHITESIDE... SOUTHEASTERN JO DAVIESS...CARROLL...SOUTHERN STEPHENSON... SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 145 PM CDT... At 113 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Green Island to near Shannon. Movement was south at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Freeport, Sterling, Rock Falls, Morrison, Mount Carroll, Fulton, Savanna, Lena, Stockton, Lanark, Garden Plain, Milledgeville, Fairhaven, Albany, Hanover, Pearl City, Elizabeth, Shannon and Woodbine. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 32 and 44. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois. LAT...LON 4220 8940 4220 8969 4193 8969 4193 8963 4173 8963 4178 9023 4239 9031 4236 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 1813Z 359DEG 19KT 4217 9029 4210 8972 $$ DC  271 WWUS51 KOKX 301814 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 214 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTC001-NYC079-119-301824- /O.EXP.KOKX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T1815Z/ Fairfield CT-Westchester NY-Putnam NY- 214 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL FAIRFIELD...NORTH CENTRAL WESTCHESTER AND EASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 215 PM EDT... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4144 7349 4145 7337 4140 7333 4131 7348 4131 7367 4136 7368 4141 7370 TIME...MOT...LOC 1814Z 341DEG 18KT 4131 7355 $$ DS  130 WVEQ31 SEGU 301810 SEFG SIGMET 1 VALID 301810/010010 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1641Z FL115/140 MOV W=  413 WWUS51 KOKX 301818 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 218 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC119-301828- /O.CAN.KOKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1845Z/ Westchester NY- 218 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN WESTCHESTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4121 7311 4118 7312 4109 7337 4105 7358 4116 7361 4121 7348 4124 7350 4134 7324 TIME...MOT...LOC 1818Z 319DEG 32KT 4119 7329 $$ CTC001-301845- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1845Z/ Fairfield CT- 218 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN FAIRFIELD COUNTY... At 218 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fairfield, or near Bridgeport, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Bridgeport around 225 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4121 7311 4118 7312 4109 7337 4105 7358 4116 7361 4121 7348 4124 7350 4134 7324 TIME...MOT...LOC 1818Z 319DEG 32KT 4119 7329 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  378 WWUS81 KOKX 301821 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 221 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NJZ002-004-103>105-301900- Western Bergen-Western Passaic-Western Essex-Eastern Bergen-Eastern Passaic- 221 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT PASSAIC...BERGEN AND NORTH CENTRAL ESSEX COUNTIES... At 220 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Ringwood, moving southeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Paterson, Passaic, Wayne, Hackensack, Paramus, West Milford, Ridgewood, Rutherford, Ramsey, Ringwood, Pompton Lakes, Hawthorne, Oradell, Bloomingdale and Fairfield. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4118 7439 4119 7433 4103 7397 4080 7409 4081 7414 4082 7413 4085 7418 4082 7418 4087 7433 4091 7433 4089 7428 4090 7427 4093 7429 4097 7428 4098 7430 4100 7430 4101 7439 4103 7442 4112 7446 TIME...MOT...LOC 1820Z 320DEG 36KT 4109 7430 $$ DS  427 WSAL31 DAAA 301820 DAAA SIGMET 2 VALID 301800/302200 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3548 E00249 - N3236 E00521 - N3242 W00110 - N3351 W00129 - N3548 E00249 TOP FL350 STNR NC=  469 WWUS73 KGID 301820 NPWGID URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hastings NE 120 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 A HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 9 PM THIS EVENING... KSZ005>007-017>019-NEZ039>041-046>049-060>064-072>077-082>087- 010200- /O.CON.KGID.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Phillips-Smith-Jewell-Rooks-Osborne-Mitchell-Valley-Greeley-Nance- Sherman-Howard-Merrick-Polk-Dawson-Buffalo-Hall-Hamilton-York- Gosper-Phelps-Kearney-Adams-Clay-Fillmore-Furnas-Harlan-Franklin- Webster-Nuckolls-Thayer- Including the cities of Phillipsburg, Bellaire, Smith Center, Kensington, Mankato, Jewell, Ionia, Burr Oak, Codell, Plainville, Stockton, Osborne, Downs, Beloit, Ord, Greeley, Spalding, Scotia, Wolbach, Fullerton, Genoa, Loup City, Sherman Reservoir, Litchfield, St. Libory, Central City, Stromsburg, Osceola, Shelby, Polk, Lexington, Cozad, Willow Island, Gothenburg, Kearney, Grand Island, Aurora, York, Elwood, Johnson Lake, Holdrege, Minden, Hastings, Sutton, Harvard, Clay Center, Edgar, Fairfield, Geneva, Exeter, Fairmont, Cambridge, Arapahoe, Oxford, Beaver City, Hollinger, Alma, Orleans, Franklin, Campbell, Hildreth, Inavale, Red Cloud, Blue Hill, Rosemont, Bladen, Bostwick, Superior, Nelson, Hebron, and Deshler 120 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX...100 to 105 degrees. * TIMING...This afternoon and evening with the highest heat index values through 7 pm. * Impacts...Heat exhaustion and heat stroke will be more likely for those that do not take appropriate precautions. Pets and livestock will also be impacted by the heat. Measures should be taken for animal safety and comfort. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  538 WUUS53 KUNR 301821 SVRUNR WYC045-301915- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0090.190630T1821Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1221 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Weston County in northeastern Wyoming... * Until 115 PM MDT. * At 1221 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles north of Rochelle, or 29 miles east of Wright, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Rochelle and Clareton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4351 10495 4367 10505 4394 10472 4361 10438 TIME...MOT...LOC 1821Z 233DEG 18KT 4366 10493 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  556 WWCN03 CYTR 301821 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:21 PM CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: 30/2200Z TO 01/0200Z (30/1700 CDT TO 30/2100 CDT) COMMENTS: A TIGHT PRESSURE GRADIENT DUE TO A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM PASSING THROUGH NORTHERN MANITOBA WILL BRING WESTERLY WIND GUSTS OF 25-30 KNOTS TO WINNIPEG BEGINNING LATE THIS AFTERNOON. WINDS WILL DIMINISH LATER THIS EVENING ONCE THE SYSTEM MOVES OUT OF MANITOBA. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0200Z (30/2100 CDT) END/JMC  753 WABZ23 SBRE 301821 AIRMET 4 VALID 301822/302022 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 400/1000FT OBS AT 1800Z WI S0542 W03527 - S0542 W03517 - S0549 W03517 - S0549 W 03527 - S0542 W03527 STNR NC=  680 WWUS53 KLOT 301823 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 123 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC031-043-089-097-111-301915- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Lake IL-Kane IL-McHenry IL-DuPage IL-Cook IL- 123 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 215 PM CDT FOR LAKE...EASTERN KANE...CENTRAL MCHENRY...DUPAGE AND NORTHERN COOK COUNTIES... At 121 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wadsworth to Grayslake to near East Dundee to near Sleepy Hollow to near Genoa, and extending back to the northwest across McHenry county, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Chicago, Aurora, Naperville, Elgin, Waukegan, Cicero, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Schaumburg, Bolingbrook, Palatine, Skokie, Des Plaines, Berwyn, Mount Prospect, Wheaton, Hoffman Estates, Oak Park, Downers Grove and Glenview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms have a history of strong winds and wind damage across south central Wisconsin and portions of northern Illinois. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4249 8780 4238 8781 4236 8783 4227 8783 4219 8779 4211 8773 4206 8767 4191 8762 4173 8793 4170 8803 4173 8803 4173 8826 4231 8869 4232 8852 4238 8839 4250 8826 TIME...MOT...LOC 1821Z 331DEG 33KT 4248 8791 4233 8801 4212 8820 4206 8833 4205 8872 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH OEMC zones...SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING. 1...2...3...4...5...and 6. $$ Donofrio  153 WWUS51 KOKX 301823 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 223 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTC001-301845- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1845Z/ Fairfield CT- 223 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN FAIRFIELD COUNTY... At 223 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Fairfield, or near Bridgeport, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southern Fairfield County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4121 7311 4118 7312 4109 7337 4105 7358 4111 7359 4117 7345 4127 7318 TIME...MOT...LOC 1823Z 319DEG 32KT 4115 7325 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  635 WOUS64 KWNS 301823 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 123 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC011-027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CROOK NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  124 WWUS81 KGYX 301824 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 224 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ018-023-NHZ010-013-014-301915- Interior York-Coastal York-Strafford-Coastal Rockingham-Interior Rockingham- 224 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN YORK...NORTHEASTERN ROCKINGHAM AND SOUTHEASTERN STRAFFORD COUNTIES... At 224 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Somersworth, or near Rochester, moving south at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rochester, Portsmouth, Durham, Exeter, Dover, Somersworth, Barrington, Berwick, Epping, Brentwood, Greenland, South Berwick, Newington, Stratham, Newmarket, Rye, Eliot, Lee, Fremont and Madbury. This includes Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 9 and 14. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4331 7105 4331 7081 4300 7077 4300 7109 TIME...MOT...LOC 1824Z 359DEG 19KT 4324 7094 $$  856 WHZS40 NSTU 301824 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 724 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ASZ001>003-010630- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 724 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...High Surf Warning Cancelled... The National Weather Service in Pago Pago has downgraded the High Surf Warning to a High Surf Advisory. && Ua faamutaina lapataiga mo galu matua maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 724 TAEAO ASO SA IUNI 30 2019 ...UA FAAMUTAINA LAPATAIGA MO GALU MAUALULUGA... Ua faamutaina lapataiga mo galu maualuluga e le ofisa o le tau. $$  570 WWNZ40 NZKL 301822 GALE WARNING 520 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES AND SOUTHERN AT 301800UTC OVER WATERS EAST OF WESTERN BOUNDARY. IN A BELT 360 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 46S 162E 50S 163E 55S 164E: NORTHWEST 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING SOUTHSOUTHEAST 30KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 516.  571 WWNZ40 NZKL 301820 GALE WARNING 518 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 301800UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. FRONT 60S 144W 65S 139W 71S 134W MOVING SOUTHEAST 55KT. 1. WITHIN 240 NAUTICAL MILES WEST OF FRONT: SOUTHWEST 40KT EASING NEXT 6 HOURS. 2. WITHIN 240 NAUTICAL MILES EAST OF FRONT: NORTHWEST 40KT EASING NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE AREAS MOVING WITH FRONT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 514.  572 WWNZ40 NZKL 301821 GALE WARNING 519 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN AT 301800UTC IN A BELT 420 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 56S 157W 49S 153W 45S 147W: SOUTHWEST 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 20KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 515.  358 WSBZ01 SBBR 301800 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 301630/301930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2455 W05435 - S2856 W04544 - S3244 W04912 - S2902 W05644 - S2805 W05549 - S2704 W05355 - S2544 W05358 - S2543 W05449 - S2455 W05435 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  359 WSBZ01 SBBR 301800 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 301535/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  360 WSBZ01 SBBR 301800 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 301650/302050 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0430 W07135 - S0414 W07039 - S0418 W06957 - S0305 W06943 - S0130 W06927 - S0314 W06712 - S0459 W06834 - S0505 W07053 - S0430 W07135 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  361 WSBZ01 SBBR 301800 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 301515/301915 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WIN0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 -N0458W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  362 WSBZ01 SBBR 301800 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 301530/301930 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0003 W06742 - N0051 W06522 - N0211 W06311 - N0407 W06048 - N0156 W05959 - N0024 W06251 - S0150 W06558 - N0003 W06742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  748 WHUS51 KBOX 301826 SMWBOX ANZ250-251-301930- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0039.190630T1826Z-190630T1930Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 226 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary... Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay... * Until 330 PM EDT. * At 226 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Essex, or over Essex Bay, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Eastern Point Ma, Beverly Harbor, Mass Bay Buoy 44029, Essex Bay, Plum Island and Ipswich Bay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4250 7042 4238 7073 4256 7086 4260 7071 4261 7069 4263 7074 4261 7078 4267 7081 4266 7086 4271 7085 4276 7089 4278 7077 TIME...MOT...LOC 1826Z 327DEG 14KT 4264 7076 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Frank  037 WWUS81 KBOX 301827 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 227 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ003-004-301915- Northern Worcester MA-Eastern Franklin MA- 227 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM IN NORTHWEST WORCESTER COUNTY... At 226 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Phillipston, or 8 miles southeast of Orange, moving southeast at 25 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Orange, Gardner, Holden, Athol, Winchendon, Templeton, Rutland, Sterling, West Boylston, Westminster, Barre, North Brookfield, Hubbardston, Princeton, Hardwick, Oakham, Phillipston, Petersham, New Braintree and New Salem. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4255 7232 4265 7208 4240 7178 4229 7210 TIME...MOT...LOC 1826Z 330DEG 22KT 4255 7214 $$ Field  338 WSFJ01 NFFN 301800 NFFF SIGMET 05 VALID 301910/302310 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1254 E17742 - S1548 W17548 - S2500 E17954 - S2500 E17130 - S1924 W17748 - S1630 W17930 - S1442 E17654 - S1254 E17742 TOP FL450 STNR WKN=  029 WWUS81 KALY 301828 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 228 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ052-053-059>061-301915- Eastern Albany-Eastern Columbia-Western Rensselaer-Eastern Greene-Western Columbia- 228 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL COLUMBIA... SOUTHEASTERN ALBANY...NORTHEASTERN GREENE AND SOUTHWESTERN RENSSELAER COUNTIES... At 227 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Castleton-On-Hudson, or near East Greenbush, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... East Greenbush, Chatham, Nassau, New Baltimore, Ravena, Coxsackie, Valatie, Castleton-On-Hudson, Kinderhook, Selkirk, Coeymans, Ghent, Stockport, Stuyvesant, Brookview, Van Hoesen Station, Beckers Corners, Rossman, Otter Hook and South Schodack. This includes the following highways... Interstate 90 near exit 10. Interstate 87 between exits 21A and 22. LAT...LON 4232 7350 4229 7381 4260 7384 4263 7363 TIME...MOT...LOC 1827Z 348DEG 17KT 4255 7373 $$ DBT  147 WOAU12 AMMC 301828 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1828UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 38S127E 47S143E 50S146E 54S140E. Forecast near 40S134E 48S146E 53S151E 56S148E at 010000UTC, 40S140E 50S151E 52S152E 56S148E at 010600UTC, 40S141E 54S160E at 011200UTC and 41S146E 54S160E at 011800UTC. Trough forecast developing near 40S125E 50S142E 54S141E at 010000UTC, 40S134E 47S140E 57S142E at 010600UTC, 46S147E 50S147E 55S143E at 011200UTC and 46S150E 51S151E 54S150E at 011800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 41S151E 47S160E 60S160E 56S132E 51S132E 56S107E 42S105E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots east of front and trough. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots west of front and trough. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell, mainly heavy west of trough and front. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 116E by 010000UTC, west of 120E by 010600UTC, west of 126E by 011200UTC and west of 132E by 011800UTC.  148 WOAU02 AMMC 301828 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1828UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 38S127E 47S143E 50S146E 54S140E. Forecast near 40S134E 48S146E 53S151E 56S148E at 010000UTC, 40S140E 50S151E 52S152E 56S148E at 010600UTC, 40S141E 54S160E at 011200UTC and 41S146E 54S160E at 011800UTC. Trough forecast developing near 40S125E 50S142E 54S141E at 010000UTC, 40S134E 47S140E 57S142E at 010600UTC, 46S147E 50S147E 55S143E at 011200UTC and 46S150E 51S151E 54S150E at 011800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 41S151E 47S160E 60S160E 56S132E 51S132E 56S107E 42S105E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots east of front and trough. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots west of front and trough. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell, mainly heavy west of trough and front. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 116E by 010000UTC, west of 120E by 010600UTC, west of 126E by 011200UTC and west of 132E by 011800UTC.  149 WOAU42 AMMC 301828 IDY21010 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1828UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow with embedded fronts and troughs. Cold front near 38S127E 47S143E 50S146E 54S140E. Forecast near 40S134E 48S146E 53S151E 56S148E at 010000UTC, 40S140E 50S151E 52S152E 56S148E at 010600UTC, 40S141E 54S160E at 011200UTC and 41S146E 54S160E at 011800UTC. Trough forecast developing near 40S125E 50S142E 54S141E at 010000UTC, 40S134E 47S140E 57S142E at 010600UTC, 46S147E 50S147E 55S143E at 011200UTC and 46S150E 51S151E 54S150E at 011800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 39S119E 40S144E 41S151E 47S160E 60S160E 56S132E 51S132E 56S107E 42S105E 39S119E. FORECAST Northwest quarter winds 34/45 knots east of front and trough. Westerly quarter winds 34/47 knots west of front and trough. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell, mainly heavy west of trough and front. Winds easing below 34 knots west of 116E by 010000UTC, west of 120E by 010600UTC, west of 126E by 011200UTC and west of 132E by 011800UTC.  608 WOAU16 AMMC 301828 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1828UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E. Forecast near 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S160E 59S160E 56S149E 52S148E 46S160E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 34/47 knots north of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high north of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 02.  609 WOAU46 AMMC 301828 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S125E35045:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1828UTC 30 June 2019 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front near 50S165E 53S160E 56S149E. Forecast near 57S165E 58S156E at 010000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S160E 59S160E 56S149E 52S148E 46S160E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 34/47 knots north of front. Rough to very rough seas, rising to very rough to high north of front in south. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 02.  317 WSPM31 MPTO 301830 MPZL SIGMET 05 VALID 301830/301830 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR CNL SIGMET 04 301430/301830=  408 WWUS81 KBOX 301829 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 229 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ005>007-014>016-301915- Eastern Essex MA-Suffolk MA-Central Middlesex County MA- Eastern Norfolk MA-Western Essex MA-Southeast Middlesex MA- 229 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 228 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Burlington, or over Woburn, moving southeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Lynn, Newton, Somerville, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Revere, Arlington, Everett, Billerica, Woburn, Chelsea, Chelmsford, Andover, Watertown and Lexington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded roads or underpasses. Avoid low lying areas near small streams. && LAT...LON 4241 7089 4241 7090 4242 7095 4235 7093 4235 7086 4234 7087 4226 7113 4256 7138 4263 7115 TIME...MOT...LOC 1828Z 327DEG 14KT 4249 7118 $$ Frank  986 WHZS40 NSTU 301829 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 729 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ASZ001>003-010630- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 729 AM SST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A High Surf Advisory has replaced a High Surf Warning... * SURF...Surfs have diminished to below warning levels to 10 to 13 feet. However, these large surfs will continue to impact south and east facing shores for all islands of American Samoa. * TIMING...until Tuesday. * IMPACTS...High Surfs and Strong Rip Currents. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 729 TAEAO ASO SA IUNI 30 2019 ...Ua suia nei le lapataiga mo Galu Maualuluga i Fautuaga mo Galu Maualuluga... * GALU...O galu maualuluga ua faaitiitia i le 10 i le 13 futu ma o le a aafia ai pea talafatai i saute ma sasa'e o Amerika Samoa. * TAIMI...seia oo i le Aso Lua. * AAFIAGA...O Galu Maualuluga ma aave o le sami. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga, ma o le a malolosi aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga ona o le maualuluga o galu ua iai nei. $$  799 WWUS81 KBOX 301830 AWWPVD Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 229 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 RIZ004-302000- Eastern Kent- 229 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued an * Airport Weather Warning for Ground Operations at: The following Rhode Island State Airports: T.F. Green State Airport in Warwick * Until 400 PM EDT. * The Following Weather Hazards Are Expected: Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. * At 226 PM EDT, A thunderstorm was reported over Uxbridge, or 8 miles west of Woonsocket, moving southeast at 25 mph. $$ Sipprell  641 WUUS51 KOKX 301830 SVROKX NYC103-301915- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0027.190630T1830Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 230 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Suffolk County in southeastern New York... * Until 315 PM EDT. * At 230 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Stony Brook, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Smithtown around 245 PM EDT. Hauppauge and Stony Brook around 250 PM EDT. Centereach around 255 PM EDT. Ronkonkoma and Coram around 300 PM EDT. Middle Island and Holbrook around 305 PM EDT. Medford and Sayville around 310 PM EDT. Shirley and Patchogue around 315 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4065 7334 4065 7321 4067 7321 4070 7300 4075 7289 4094 7350 4095 7350 4094 7343 4091 7341 4096 7339 4091 7322 4093 7316 4098 7312 4098 7281 4080 7259 4065 7311 4061 7331 TIME...MOT...LOC 1830Z 320DEG 23KT 4099 7322 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  030 WABZ23 SBAZ 301830 SBAZ AIRMET 9 VALID 301830/302030 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 02 00 +TSRA OBS AT 1825Z WI S0006 W0670 - S0004 W06656 - S0012 W06654 - S0 014 W06702 - S0006 W06704 STNR NC=  031 WSAU21 AMMC 301832 YBBB SIGMET D08 VALID 301832/301835 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET D07 301435/301835=  334 WWUS83 KLMK 301833 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 233 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ035-036-301900- Scott-Franklin- 233 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL SCOTT AND NORTHEASTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 232 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 miles northeast of Frankfort, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Georgetown, Stamping Ground, Longlick, Skinnersburg, Duval, Woodlake, Switzer, Elmville, Minorsville and Shiff. LAT...LON 3824 8455 3819 8478 3835 8482 3835 8481 3834 8479 3835 8475 3837 8471 3839 8468 TIME...MOT...LOC 1832Z 337DEG 16KT 3833 8473 $$ SSC  176 WSAU21 AMMC 301832 YMMM SIGMET S08 VALID 301832/301835 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET S07 301435/301835=  365 WOUS64 KWNS 301833 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 133 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE GREEN KENOSHA LAFAYETTE RACINE ROCK WALWORTH $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX...  768 WUUS51 KBOX 301833 SVRBOX MAC027-301930- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0022.190630T1833Z-190630T1930Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 233 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Worcester County in central Massachusetts... * Until 330 PM EDT. * At 233 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Phillipston, or 10 miles southeast of Orange, moving southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts to 40 mph are also possible. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is possible. * Locations impacted include... Worcester, Holden, Spencer, Leicester, Templeton, Rutland, West Boylston, Barre, Paxton, North Brookfield, Hubbardston, Princeton, Oakham, Phillipston, Petersham and New Braintree. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4253 7219 4258 7210 4232 7177 4221 7201 TIME...MOT...LOC 1833Z 330DEG 21KT 4253 7212 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Field  522 WSNZ21 NZKL 301834 NZZC SIGMET 2 VALID 301834/301836 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 1 301436/301836=  458 WSCH31 SCTE 301833 SCTZ SIGMET 02 VALID 301828/302228 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3832 W07516 - S3894 W07147 - S3982 W07178 - S3887 W07340 FL200/250 MOV N WKN=  931 WUUS51 KOKX 301834 SVROKX NYC103-301915- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0028.190630T1834Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 234 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Suffolk County in southeastern New York... * Until 315 PM EDT. * At 234 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Northport, moving southeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Brentwood and Deer Park around 245 PM EDT. Islip and Ronkonkoma around 250 PM EDT. Patchogue and Sayville around 255 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4065 7334 4093 7347 4075 7290 4073 7296 4074 7302 4072 7303 4071 7310 4072 7312 4069 7314 4069 7317 4070 7323 4068 7327 4067 7327 4068 7328 4068 7330 4066 7329 4067 7332 4065 7333 TIME...MOT...LOC 1834Z 321DEG 46KT 4089 7334 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  938 WWUS53 KUNR 301834 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1234 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC081-103-WYC011-045-301915- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0089.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Lawrence SD-Pennington SD-Weston WY-Crook WY- 1234 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM MDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN LAWRENCE...WEST CENTRAL PENNINGTON...NORTHEASTERN WESTON AND SOUTHEASTERN CROOK COUNTIES... At 1234 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles northeast of Osage, or 14 miles northwest of Newcastle, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Osage, Flag Mountain, Four Corners, Buckhorn, Deerfield, Moskee, Crooks Tower, Mallo Camp, O'Neil Pass and Redbank Spring Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4395 10449 4436 10423 4406 10372 4386 10433 TIME...MOT...LOC 1834Z 219DEG 16KT 4403 10435 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  227 WSCH31 SCTE 301834 SCTZ SIGMET A2 VALID 301834/301834 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR CNL SIGMET A1 301432/301832=  683 WWUS51 KOKX 301835 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 235 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTC001-301845- /O.EXP.KOKX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T1845Z/ Fairfield CT- 235 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN FAIRFIELD COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 245 PM EDT... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4121 7311 4118 7312 4109 7337 4105 7358 4111 7359 4117 7345 4127 7318 TIME...MOT...LOC 1835Z 319DEG 32KT 4108 7317 $$ DS  684 WUUS51 KBOX 301835 SVRBOX MAC009-301915- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0023.190630T1835Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 235 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Essex County in northeastern Massachusetts... * Until 315 PM EDT. * At 234 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Topsfield, or near Danvers, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Lynn, Lawrence, Revere, Peabody, Salem, Beverly, Andover, Gloucester, North Andover, Saugus, Danvers, Marblehead, North Reading, Swampscott, Ipswich, Lynnfield, Middleton, Georgetown, Boxford and Hamilton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. If on or near a lake, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 4257 7065 4255 7076 4247 7082 4244 7091 4235 7088 4234 7086 4233 7089 4241 7091 4242 7096 4257 7107 4257 7103 4258 7103 4261 7106 4260 7109 4268 7115 4277 7086 TIME...MOT...LOC 1834Z 327DEG 14KT 4266 7091 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  272 WUUS51 KBOX 301837 SVRBOX MAC009-017-021-023-025-301930- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0024.190630T1837Z-190630T1930Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 237 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Norfolk County in eastern Massachusetts... Suffolk County in eastern Massachusetts... Southwestern Essex County in northeastern Massachusetts... Northeastern Middlesex County in northeastern Massachusetts... North central Plymouth County in southeastern Massachusetts... * Until 330 PM EDT. * At 237 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Winchester, or over Woburn, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Lynn, Newton, Somerville, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Weymouth, Revere, Arlington, Everett, Billerica, Woburn, Braintree, Chelsea, Chelmsford and Andover. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4263 7118 4241 7092 4242 7096 4240 7097 4235 7094 4235 7086 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4216 7108 4257 7135 TIME...MOT...LOC 1837Z 327DEG 14KT 4246 7115 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  953 ACUS11 KWNS 301838 SWOMCD SPC MCD 301838 INZ000-ILZ000-WIZ000-302045- Mesoscale Discussion 1315 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0138 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...IL Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 466... Valid 301838Z - 302045Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 466 continues. SUMMARY...Severe threat will spread south across ww466 over the next several hours. Damaging winds remain the primary threat. DISCUSSION...Long-lived MCS that developed over northern MN/WI has progressed into northern IL where boundary-layer heating appears to be aiding renewed updraft development along/ahead of the leading squall line. 18z ILX sounding exhibited significant warming at 700mb with notable CINH still present early this afternoon. However, satellite imagery suggests an expanding boundary-layer cu field with deepening thermals along a boundary that is draped from south-central IN into north-central IL ahead of the MCS. This corridor of cumulus is the most likely path of propagation for the MCS as it spreads southeast. Additionally, winds have recently gusted to 55kt at KRFD and this is further evidence that the MCS has likely matured to the point it will continue well into the late afternoon. ..Darrow.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...IND...LOT...ILX...MKX...DVN... LAT...LON 42699021 42698786 40348742 40348970 42699021  750 WSPH31 RPLL 301839 RPHI SIGMET B13 VALID 301839/302239 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1054 E12319 - N0821 E12040 - N0958 E11443 - N1419 E11405 - N1546 E11614 - N1237 E11805 - N1054 E12319 TOP FL530 MOV S 10KT NC=  852 WWUS53 KLOT 301839 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 139 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC201-301848- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190630T1900Z/ Winnebago IL- 139 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN WINNEBAGO COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for north central and northeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 4209 8968 4215 8927 4215 8894 4220 8894 4230 8869 4175 8826 4167 8826 4174 8963 4193 8963 4193 8969 TIME...MOT...LOC 1838Z 002DEG 14KT 4192 8843 4202 8968 $$ ILC007-037-089-093-103-111-141-301900- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0073.000000T0000Z-190630T1900Z/ Kendall IL-Ogle IL-Lee IL-De Kalb IL-Kane IL-McHenry IL-Boone IL- 139 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 200 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN KENDALL...OGLE...NORTHERN LEE...DE KALB...SOUTHWESTERN KANE...SOUTHWESTERN MCHENRY AND SOUTHERN BOONE COUNTIES... At 138 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Lily Lake to near Polo, moving south at 15 to 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Aurora, St. Charles, Oswego, Batavia, Belvidere, Sycamore, Yorkville, Dixon, Little Rock, Rochelle, Genoa, Oregon, Mount Morris, Shabbona, DeKalb, Montgomery, North Aurora, Sugar Grove, Elburn and Hampshire. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across much of northern Illnois. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4209 8968 4215 8927 4215 8894 4220 8894 4230 8869 4175 8826 4167 8826 4174 8963 4193 8963 4193 8969 TIME...MOT...LOC 1838Z 002DEG 14KT 4192 8843 4202 8968 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  298 WHUS51 KBOX 301839 SMWBOX ANZ230-251-301945- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0040.190630T1839Z-190630T1945Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 239 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Boston Harbor... Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay... * Until 345 PM EDT. * At 238 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 nm west of Revere, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Boston Harbor, Broad Sound, Quincy Harbor, Boston Light, Minot Light and Marblehead Neck. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. && LAT...LON 4256 7086 4228 7067 4222 7078 4224 7082 4224 7090 4221 7092 4221 7097 4231 7107 4239 7109 4240 7100 4243 7100 4248 7090 4256 7093 TIME...MOT...LOC 1838Z 327DEG 14KT 4244 7115 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Frank  549 WWUS81 KGYX 301839 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 239 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ023-NHZ010-013-014-301930- Coastal York-Strafford-Coastal Rockingham-Interior Rockingham- 239 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL YORK... EAST CENTRAL ROCKINGHAM AND SOUTHEASTERN STRAFFORD COUNTIES... At 239 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wells to near Newington. Movement was south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Portsmouth, Hampton, Durham, Exeter, Kittery, Dover, Salisbury, Greenland, York, Newington, Stratham, Seabrook, Rye, Wells, Newmarket, South Berwick, Eliot, Hampton Falls, Kensington and Madbury. This includes the following highways... Interstate 95 between mile markers 1 and 16. Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 0 and 16. This also includes... Hampton Beach, York Beach, and Ogunquit Beach. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4287 7082 4286 7085 4289 7090 4288 7094 4316 7089 4334 7048 4321 7038 4310 7042 4292 7058 4288 7061 4284 7082 TIME...MOT...LOC 1839Z 339DEG 17KT 4325 7054 4315 7078 $$  153 WSAG SAVC 301840 SAVF SIGMET 2 VALID 301845/302245 SAVC COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 W05800-S5000 W06700-S4200 W07200-S4100 W07000-S4000 W06500-S5000 W05800 BTN FL310/410 STNR NC=  395 WOUS20 KWNS 301840 WWASPC SPC WW-A 301840 ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-301940- STATUS REPORT ON WW 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 ESE DBQ TO 5 SSE RFD TO 30 E RFD TO 40 SW RAC TO 15 WSW RAC. ..SPC..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-089-091-093-097- 099-103-105-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-179-183-195-197-203- 301940- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WOODFORD $$ WIC059-301940- WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE KENOSHA $$ LMZ646-740-741-742-301940- CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  123 WHUS51 KOKX 301841 SMWOKX ANZ345-350-353-370-373-302015- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0050.190630T1841Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 241 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point NY out 40 NM... Long Island South Shore Bays... * Until 415 PM EDT. * At 241 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Stratford Shoal to near Port Jefferson Harbor to near Cold Spring Harbor, moving southeast at 40 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * strong thunderstorms will be near... Fire Island Inlet around 255 PM EDT. Great South Bay and Moriches Inlet around 305 PM EDT. Moriches Bay around 310 PM EDT. Westhampton Beach around 315 PM EDT. Shinnecock Inlet around 320 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4054 7326 4062 7326 4063 7334 4068 7338 4074 7323 4073 7318 4076 7315 4074 7310 4078 7302 4076 7295 4080 7287 4080 7286 4077 7287 4082 7284 4084 7273 4083 7264 4089 7252 4043 7180 4029 7189 4002 7281 TIME...MOT...LOC 1841Z 313DEG 40KT 4107 7297 4087 7310 4082 7338 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$  230 WSSC31 FSIA 301835 FSSS SIGMET 05 VALID 301855/302255 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0334 E05208 - S0234 E05852 - S0918 E05943 - S0906 E05339 - S0334 E05208 TOP ABV FL390 WKN=  858 WHUS51 KGYX 301841 SMWGYX ANZ154-301945- /O.NEW.KGYX.MA.W.0007.190630T1841Z-190630T1945Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 241 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM... * Until 345 PM EDT. * At 241 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wells to near Portsmouth, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Portsmouth, Hampton, York and The Mouth Of The Merrimack River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4312 7088 4333 7049 4292 7011 4285 7025 4280 7080 4280 7081 4281 7082 4280 7082 4280 7085 4282 7087 4283 7083 4282 7081 4287 7082 4286 7085 4288 7087 TIME...MOT...LOC 1841Z 337DEG 16KT 4323 7053 4304 7087 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...40KTS $$ Ekster  070 WWUS51 KBOX 301842 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 242 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-017-021-023-025-301930- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Essex MA-Middlesex MA-Plymouth MA- 242 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NORFOLK...SUFFOLK...SOUTH CENTRAL ESSEX...EAST CENTRAL MIDDLESEX AND NORTH CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 241 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Winchester, or over Medford, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Lynn, Newton, Somerville, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Weymouth, Revere, Arlington, Everett, Woburn, Braintree, Chelsea, Randolph, Watertown and Lexington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4242 7093 4242 7096 4240 7097 4235 7094 4235 7086 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4216 7108 4247 7129 4257 7110 TIME...MOT...LOC 1841Z 327DEG 14KT 4244 7114 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  122 WSSS20 VHHH 301842 VHHK SIGMET 7 VALID 301845/302245 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2152 E11223 - N2317 E11546 - N2159 E11542 - N2152 E11223 TOP FL420 MOV W 15KT NC=  253 WWUS81 KOKX 301842 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 242 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NJZ006-104-NYZ072-073-075-176-178-301930- Hudson-Eastern Bergen-Northern Queens-Southern Queens-Bronx-New York (Manhattan)-Kings (Brooklyn)- 242 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT HUDSON...SOUTHEASTERN BERGEN... QUEENS...BRONX...KINGS AND NEW YORK (MANHATTAN) COUNTIES... At 242 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Bergenfield, moving southeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. This storm will be near... Englewood around 245 PM EDT. Secaucus and Ridgefield around 250 PM EDT. Mott Haven and East Tremont around 255 PM EDT. Laguardia Airport and RFK Bridge around 300 PM EDT. Flushing and Crown Heights around 305 PM EDT. Jamaica and Ozone Park around 310 PM EDT. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4080 7409 4102 7398 4095 7391 4092 7392 4090 7386 4091 7385 4084 7377 4083 7379 4084 7380 4083 7380 4078 7376 4079 7375 4075 7370 4063 7397 TIME...MOT...LOC 1842Z 318DEG 32KT 4090 7401 $$ DS  991 WWUS51 KBOX 301843 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 243 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-301915- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Essex MA- 243 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN ESSEX COUNTY... At 243 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hamilton, or near Danvers, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Lynn, Revere, Peabody, Salem, Beverly, Andover, Gloucester, North Andover, Saugus, Danvers, Marblehead, Swampscott, Ipswich, Lynnfield, Middleton, Boxford, Hamilton, Topsfield, Manchester and Wenham. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4257 7065 4255 7076 4247 7082 4244 7091 4235 7088 4234 7086 4233 7089 4241 7091 4242 7096 4256 7106 4257 7103 4258 7103 4261 7106 4260 7109 4263 7111 4272 7082 TIME...MOT...LOC 1843Z 327DEG 14KT 4263 7088 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  306 WHUS51 KBOX 301844 SMWBOX ANZ235-236-302015- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0041.190630T1844Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 244 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Narragansett Bay... Rhode Island Sound... * Until 415 PM EDT. * At 243 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 nm northwest of Providence to 28 nm northwest of Cranston, moving southeast at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Quonset Point, Greenwich Bay, Melville, Popasquash Point, Warwick Light, Bristol Harbor, Mount Hope Bay, Plum Beach Light and Conimicut Light. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4164 7142 4164 7147 4170 7147 4171 7139 4183 7143 4188 7139 4178 7135 4174 7124 4175 7120 4167 7115 4154 7118 4157 7112 4150 7106 4150 7113 4154 7114 4150 7126 4161 7125 4150 7131 4150 7144 4159 7148 TIME...MOT...LOC 1843Z 336DEG 20KT 4198 7156 4199 7206 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Field  964 WUUS51 KGYX 301844 SVRGYX MEC031-NHC015-301915- /O.NEW.KGYX.SV.W.0015.190630T1844Z-190630T1915Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 244 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central York County in southwestern Maine... East central Rockingham County in southern New Hampshire... * Until 315 PM EDT. * At 244 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wells to near South Berwick to near Newmarket, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Portsmouth, Kittery, Greenland, York, Newington, Rye, Stratham, Wells, Newmarket, South Berwick, Eliot, North Hampton, Ogunquit, New Castle and Newfields. This includes the following highways... Interstate 95 between mile markers 1 and 15. Interstate 95 in New Hampshire between mile markers 8 and 16. This also includes... York Beach and Ogunquit Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4304 7093 4308 7089 4308 7088 4309 7086 4311 7086 4312 7085 4312 7082 4314 7083 4321 7076 4332 7053 4322 7048 4295 7080 TIME...MOT...LOC 1844Z 340DEG 11KT 4325 7060 4318 7074 4307 7089 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MLE  334 WWUS53 KUNR 301844 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1244 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC045-301915- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0090.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Weston WY- 1244 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM MDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WESTON COUNTY... At 1244 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 4 miles west of Clareton, or 30 miles west of Newcastle, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Clareton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4354 10483 4370 10495 4394 10472 4361 10438 TIME...MOT...LOC 1844Z 238DEG 18KT 4370 10477 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  144 WSCA31 MHTG 301845 MHTG SIGMET E3 VALID 301841/302041 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET E2 301441/301841=  787 WSHO31 MHTG 301845 MHTG SIGMET E3 VALID 301841/302041 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET E2 301441/301841=  220 WUUS53 KLOT 301846 SVRLOT ILC063-091-197-301930- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0074.190630T1846Z-190630T1930Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 146 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Will County in northeastern Illinois... Grundy County in northeastern Illinois... West central Kankakee County in northeastern Illinois... * Until 230 PM CDT. * At 145 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Coal City, or near Morris, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Morris, Channahon, Minooka, Dwight, Seneca, Wilmington, Braidwood, Coal City, Diamond, Gardner, Mazon, Braceville, Lakewood Shores, Essex, South Wilmington, Godley, Carbon Hill, Verona, East Brooklyn and Kinsman. Including the following interstates... I-55 between mile markers 219 and 248. I-80 between mile markers 104 and 119. This includes... Channahon State Park, Gebhard Woods State Park, Grundy County Speedway and Fairgrounds, and William G Stratton State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with this storm may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4145 8859 4146 8828 4147 8817 4129 8809 4111 8824 4111 8858 TIME...MOT...LOC 1845Z 259DEG 17KT 4131 8834 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  048 WSAY31 UDYZ 301845 UDDD SIGMET 4 VALID 301845/302245 UDYZ- UDDD YEREVAN FIR OBSC TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL340 STNR NC=  377 WWUS81 KGYX 301848 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 248 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ012-018-019-301930- Southern Oxford-Interior York-Interior Cumberland- 248 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN YORK...SOUTH CENTRAL OXFORD AND NORTHWESTERN CUMBERLAND COUNTIES... At 248 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Hiram, or 7 miles west of Naples, moving south at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bridgton, Fryeburg, Naples, Hiram, Cornish, Standish, Limington, Limerick, Harrison, Brownfield, Denmark, Parsonsfield, Sebago, Baldwin and Porter. This also includes... Pleasant Mountain, Long Lake, Douglas Mountain, and Mount Cutler. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4405 7088 4404 7061 4371 7059 4371 7094 TIME...MOT...LOC 1848Z 002DEG 26KT 4395 7076 $$  668 WWUS81 KOKX 301848 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 248 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ008-012-301930- Southern New London-Northern New London- 248 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EASTERN NEW LONDON COUNTY... At 247 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Chaplin, or near Windham, moving southeast at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Jewett City, Norwich, Groton, Mystic, Ledyard, Griswold, Lebanon, Preston, Lisbon, Sprague, Bozrah, Voluntown, Ledyard Center, Montville and North Stonington. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4142 7180 4142 7182 4141 7184 4135 7183 4132 7184 4132 7188 4133 7189 4132 7190 4132 7195 4170 7226 4171 7224 4166 7216 4166 7212 4163 7196 4164 7186 4164 7179 TIME...MOT...LOC 1847Z 319DEG 45KT 4175 7214 $$ JE  809 WWUS81 KAKQ 301849 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 249 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ060-061-067-068-080-513-301915- Nottoway-Western Chesterfield-Dinwiddie-Amelia-Cumberland-Prince Edward- 249 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN CHESTERFIELD...SOUTH CENTRAL CUMBERLAND...EAST CENTRAL PRINCE EDWARD...NOTTOWAY...AMELIA AND NORTHWESTERN DINWIDDIE COUNTIES... At 248 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Scotts Fork to near Jetersville to near Rice. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Blackstone, Crewe, Mannboro, Amelia Courthouse, Nottoway, Burkeville, Jetersville, Wilsons, Morven, Scotts Fork, Rice, Chula, Spainville, North Wellville, Angola, Earls, Ammon, Winterham, Maplewood and Wellville. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3734 7837 3744 7818 3745 7813 3744 7810 3746 7809 3745 7806 3746 7806 3748 7798 3727 7764 3726 7765 3727 7763 3722 7756 3711 7789 3705 7812 TIME...MOT...LOC 1848Z 324DEG 27KT 3733 7786 3735 7810 3728 7823 $$ 05  972 WSRS31 RUMA 301848 UUWV SIGMET 10 VALID 301900/302030 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST NE OF LINE N5840 E03800 - N5206 E03640 - N5140 E04110 - N5846 E04500 TOP FL250 MOV SE 30KMH NC=  290 WWUS53 KLOT 301849 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 149 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC031-043-089-097-111-301915- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Lake IL-Kane IL-McHenry IL-DuPage IL-Cook IL- 149 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 215 PM CDT FOR LAKE...EASTERN KANE...EASTERN MCHENRY...DUPAGE AND NORTHERN COOK COUNTIES... At 148 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles east of North Chicago to Highland Park to Itasca to Carol Stream to near Maple Park, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. 67 mph winds were reported in Roselle in Du Page county, IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Power outages possible. Locations impacted include... Chicago, Aurora, Naperville, Elgin, Waukegan, Cicero, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Schaumburg, Bolingbrook, Palatine, Skokie, Des Plaines, Berwyn, Mount Prospect, Wheaton, Hoffman Estates, Oak Park, Downers Grove and Glenview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms are producing widespread wind damage across much of northern Illinois. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4249 8780 4238 8781 4236 8783 4227 8783 4219 8779 4211 8773 4206 8767 4191 8762 4173 8793 4170 8803 4173 8803 4173 8826 4212 8849 4238 8839 4250 8826 TIME...MOT...LOC 1848Z 270DEG 33KT 4233 8773 4218 8783 4197 8802 4191 8815 4190 8854 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH OEMC zones...SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING. 1...2...3...4...5...and 6. $$ Donofrio  035 WHUS72 KMHX 301850 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...GUSTY SOUTHWEST WINDS AND HAZARDOUS SEAS THROUGH EVENING... .Winds and seas are expected to peak this evening ahead of an approaching cold front. Wind gusts of 25-30 knots are expected across the coastal waters south of Oregon Inlet and the Pamlico Sound. Seas will build to around 6 feet this evening across the coastal waters, subsiding overnight. AMZ152-154-156-158-010600- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0600Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...5 to 6 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ AMZ135-010300- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0060.190630T2000Z-190701T0300Z/ Pamlico Sound- 250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WAVES...2 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots and/or seas of 6 feet or greater are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  724 WWUS51 KBOX 301850 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC027-301930- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Worcester MA- 250 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL WORCESTER COUNTY... At 248 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Barre, or 15 miles west of Leominster, moving southeast at 25 mph. Dime size hail was reported in Phillipston with this storm. The storm still has potential to produce quarter size hail. Wind gusts to 30 to 40 mph will accompany this storm. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is possible. Locations impacted include... Worcester, Holden, Spencer, Leicester, Rutland, West Boylston, Barre, Paxton, North Brookfield, Hubbardston, Princeton, Oakham and New Braintree. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4246 7213 4250 7204 4232 7177 4221 7201 TIME...MOT...LOC 1848Z 330DEG 21KT 4245 7206 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Field  609 WSNT03 KKCI 301915 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 7 VALID 301915/302315 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1915Z WI N3945 W06445 - N3900 W06230 - N3600 W06430 - N3715 W07000 - N3945 W06445. TOP FL470. MOV ESE 25KT. INTSF.  820 WWUS63 KMKX 301852 WCNMKX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN WI 152 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WIC045-059-065-101-105-127-302000- /O.CAN.KMKX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN GREEN LAFAYETTE ROCK IN SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN KENOSHA RACINE WALWORTH THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ARGYLE, BELMONT, BELOIT, BENTON, BLANCHARDVILLE, BRODHEAD, DARLINGTON, DELAVAN, EAST TROY, ELKHORN, JANESVILLE, KENOSHA, LAKE GENEVA, MONROE, RACINE, SHULLSBURG, AND WHITEWATER. $$ LMZ646-302000- /O.CAN.KMKX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS CANCELS THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WIND POINT WI TO WINTHROP HARBOR IL $$  951 WWUS51 KBOX 301853 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 253 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-301915- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Essex MA- 253 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ESSEX COUNTY... At 252 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wenham, or over Beverly, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Lynn, Revere, Peabody, Salem, Beverly, Gloucester, Saugus, Danvers, Marblehead, Swampscott, Ipswich, Lynnfield, Middleton, Hamilton, Topsfield, Manchester, Wenham, Essex and Nahant. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4257 7065 4255 7076 4247 7082 4244 7091 4235 7088 4234 7086 4233 7089 4241 7091 4242 7096 4244 7096 4244 7098 4256 7106 4257 7103 4262 7098 4267 7076 TIME...MOT...LOC 1852Z 327DEG 14KT 4260 7085 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  211 WWUS53 KUNR 301853 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1253 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC045-301903- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0090.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Weston WY- 1253 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN WESTON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for northeastern Wyoming. LAT...LON 4354 10483 4370 10495 4394 10472 4361 10438 TIME...MOT...LOC 1850Z 233DEG 18KT 4373 10472 $$ JC  458 WGUS84 KFWD 301853 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 153 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following areas in Texas... Elm Fork Trinity River Near Carrollton Affecting Dallas County Trinity River At Trinidad Affecting Henderson and Navarro Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest river forecasts. && TXC113-010652- /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0162.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CART2.1.ER.190621T0015Z.190624T1045Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 153 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Elm Fork Trinity River Near Carrollton. * At 0115 PM Sunday the stage was 8.20 feet. * Flood stage is 8 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain near 8 feet for the next few days. * At 8 feet, minor flooding will occur upstream from the gage, near the city golf course. && LAT...LON 3300 9688 3287 9687 3287 9699 3300 9700 $$ TXC213-349-010652- /O.CON.KFWD.FL.W.0174.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TDDT2.1.ER.190625T1818Z.190628T1130Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 153 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Trinity River At Trinidad. * At 0100 PM Sunday the stage was 33.76 feet. * Flood stage is 33 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage near 34 feet by Monday morning. * At 33 feet, minor flooding will occur along the right bank of river. Low woodlands for one mile along right bank will begin to flood. && LAT...LON 3223 9613 3207 9600 3206 9613 3219 9626 $$  031 WGUS83 KIND 301853 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 253 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning is no longer in effect for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... White River... .The White River at Petersburg has fallen below flood stage. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Be alert to flood debris on previously flooded roads. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. ILC185-INC027-051-083-125-301923- /O.CAN.KIND.FL.W.0291.000000T0000Z-190701T0520Z/ /PTRI3.2.ER.190617T0648Z.190624T1915Z.190630T1810Z.NO/ 253 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning is cancelled for The White River at Petersburg. * At 2:30 PM Sunday the stage was 16.0 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Fell below flood stage at Sun 02:10 PM. * Forecast...It will continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3852 8722 3850 8729 3851 8744 3854 8744 3855 8736 3853 8729 3856 8723 $$  082 WSUS31 KKCI 301855 SIGE MKCE WST 301855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 03E VALID UNTIL 2055Z FL AL MS LA AND FL AL MS CSTL WTRS FROM 40ENE MCB-40WNW TLH-70SW TLH-120S CEW-70E LEV-40ENE MCB AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 04E VALID UNTIL 2055Z ME MA NH RI VT CT NY AND ME MA NH RI NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 60SE YSC-50S BGR-40E BOS-40SSW HTO-40NNW SAX-60SE YSC AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32020KT. TOPS TO FL400. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 05E VALID UNTIL 2055Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM TRV-20SSE PBI-30S MIA-50NE EYW-20NW RSW-TRV AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 06E VALID UNTIL 2055Z VA WV KY FROM 40ENE IIU-30NE PSK-30SSW PSK-20SSE LOZ-40ENE IIU AREA TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 07E VALID UNTIL 2055Z VA FROM 50NE LYH-30ENE RIC-30W ORF-20SE LYH-50NE LYH AREA TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 08E VALID UNTIL 2055Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ESE TLH-40ENE CTY-40WSW OMN-50E SRQ-20SE SRQ-30SW CTY-30ESE TLH AREA TS MOV FROM 26010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 09E VALID UNTIL 2055Z GA AL MS LA AR FROM 10SSW MEM-30W ODF-30NNW MCN-20NNW MHZ-60NW AEX-40NE TXK-10SSW MEM AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 302055-010055 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-130ENE ACK-70S ACK-30NNE CYN-HNK-30SE MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-40ESE LFK-40SW MEM-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM IND-HNN-40SW SBY-ORF-50S ECG-40NNW SPA-30WNW BNA-IND WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  195 WSUS32 KKCI 301855 SIGC MKCC WST 301855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 76C VALID UNTIL 2055Z IN WI IL LM FROM 40ESE BAE-20WSW BVT-40W BDF-50ENE DBQ-40ESE BAE AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 33030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 77C VALID UNTIL 2055Z WI MN FROM 40NNE EAU-60ESE EAU-50N MCW-RWF-50NNW RWF-40NNE EAU AREA TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 78C VALID UNTIL 2055Z SD WY FROM 70NNW RAP-10WNW RAP-60E DDY-40E CZI-70NNW RAP AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 302055-010055 AREA 1...FROM 50SE DLH-40WNW TVC-IND-40NNE IRK-60NW RWF-50SE DLH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REF WW 466 467. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S TTT-30SSE LCH-140S LCH-110ESE CRP-40SE DLF-30WNW SJT-30S TTT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  267 WOUS64 KWNS 301853 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 153 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC011-027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CROOK NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  873 WSUS33 KKCI 301855 SIGW MKCW WST 301855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26W VALID UNTIL 2055Z MT FROM 40ENE GGW-40SSW ISN-20WSW MLS-70ENE LWT-40ENE GGW AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27W VALID UNTIL 2055Z CO FROM 20S CYS-40NW PUB-20W ALS-40ENE DVC-40SSW LAR-20S CYS DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28W VALID UNTIL 2055Z NM AZ FROM 70ENE TBC-20ESE RSK-50WSW TCS-50NW SSO-50ENE PHX-70ENE TBC DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 22015KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 302055-010055 FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  790 WWUS81 KILN 301854 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 254 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ094-301930- Owen KY- 254 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN OWEN COUNTY UNTIL 330 PM EDT... At 253 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Owenton, moving southeast at 20 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 45 mph... Pea size hail... Locations impacted include... Owenton, Monterey, Squiresville, Elk Lake, Beechwood, New Columbus, Harmony, Elmer Davis Lake, Long Ridge and Natlee. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 3835 8481 3835 8482 3854 8496 3863 8484 3845 8461 3843 8463 3842 8465 3837 8471 3835 8475 3834 8479 TIME...MOT...LOC 1853Z 316DEG 19KT 3850 8481 $$ Hatzos  953 WWUS51 KOKX 301854 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 254 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301915- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Suffolk NY- 254 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR WESTERN SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 254 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Centereach, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Coram and Farmingville around 300 PM EDT. Middle Island around 305 PM EDT. Medford and Yaphank around 310 PM EDT. Shirley and Mastic around 315 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4065 7334 4065 7321 4067 7321 4067 7318 4065 7316 4070 7300 4075 7289 4091 7340 4088 7328 4091 7322 4093 7316 4098 7312 4097 7292 4098 7281 4080 7259 4065 7311 4061 7331 TIME...MOT...LOC 1854Z 320DEG 23KT 4087 7309 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  639 WWUS51 KBOX 301854 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 254 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-017-021-023-025-301930- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Essex MA-Middlesex MA-Plymouth MA- 254 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NORFOLK...SUFFOLK...SOUTH CENTRAL ESSEX...EAST CENTRAL MIDDLESEX AND NORTH CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 254 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Somerville, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Lynn, Newton, Somerville, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Weymouth, Revere, Arlington, Everett, Braintree, Chelsea, Randolph, Watertown, Milton and Melrose. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4242 7093 4242 7096 4240 7097 4235 7094 4235 7086 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4216 7108 4240 7121 4251 7104 TIME...MOT...LOC 1854Z 327DEG 14KT 4240 7110 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  396 WSSP31 LEMM 301851 LECM SIGMET 6 VALID 301900/302100 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1851Z WI N4337 W00413 - N4139 W00440 - N4150 W00146 - N4314 W00132 - N4337 W00413 TOP FL420 MOV NNE 25KT NC=  638 WWUS51 KOKX 301855 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 255 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301915- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Suffolk NY- 255 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR WESTERN SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 254 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Sayville, or near Islip, moving southeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of western Suffolk County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4065 7334 4079 7340 4087 7329 4075 7290 4075 7292 4073 7295 4074 7302 4072 7303 4071 7307 4071 7310 4072 7312 4069 7314 4070 7323 4068 7327 4067 7332 4065 7333 TIME...MOT...LOC 1854Z 321DEG 46KT 4068 7312 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  926 WWUS51 KOKX 301855 RRA SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 255 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301915- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Suffolk NY- 255 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR WESTERN SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 255 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Centereach, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Coram and Farmingville around 300 PM EDT. Middle Island around 305 PM EDT. Medford and Yaphank around 310 PM EDT. Shirley and Mastic around 315 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4065 7334 4065 7322 4064 7322 4066 7321 4067 7321 4067 7318 4065 7316 4069 7302 4075 7289 4088 7328 4093 7316 4098 7312 4097 7291 4098 7280 4080 7259 4065 7311 4061 7329 4061 7331 TIME...MOT...LOC 1855Z 320DEG 23KT 4086 7308 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  463 WWUS53 KUNR 301856 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1256 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC081-103-WYC011-045-301906- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0089.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Lawrence SD-Pennington SD-Weston WY-Crook WY- 1256 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN LAWRENCE...WEST CENTRAL PENNINGTON...NORTHEASTERN WESTON AND SOUTHEASTERN CROOK COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for west central South Dakota...and northeastern Wyoming. LAT...LON 4395 10449 4436 10423 4406 10372 4386 10433 TIME...MOT...LOC 1855Z 217DEG 21KT 4413 10424 $$ JC  525 WASP40 LEMM 301855 LECM AIRMET 2 VALID 301900/302100 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/1 SFC VIS 2000M BR OBS AT 1855Z WI N4148 W00907 - N4314 W00913 - N4344 W00733 - N42 W00747 - N4148 W00907 STNR NC=  194 WSRA32 RUOM 301856 USTR SIGMET 1 VALID 301900/302200 USTR- USTR TYUMEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6840 E08000 - N6724 E08140 - N6633 E08247 - N6327 E08448 - N6435 E07302 - N6840 E08000 FL280/390 STNR NC=  452 WGUS84 KTSA 301856 FLSTSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Tulsa OK 156 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oklahoma... Arkansas River near Muskogee affecting Muskogee County. OKC101-010256- /O.EXT.KTSA.FL.W.0072.000000T0000Z-190704T0000Z/ /MKGO2.2.ER.190617T0951Z.190625T0300Z.190703T1800Z.NO/ 156 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning extended until Wednesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Arkansas River near Muskogee. * until Wednesday evening, or until the warning is cancelled. * At 1:00 PM Sunday, the stage was 28.01 feet. * Flood stage is 28.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The Arkansas River near Muskogee will fluctuate near flood stage thru Wednesday. The river will then slowly fall below flood stage Wednesday night and will hover near 27 feet by Friday. * Impact...At 28.0 feet, minor lowland flooding occurs. && LAT...LON 3583 9520 3552 9507 3547 9515 3559 9532 3583 9537 $$ Lacy  306 WWUS83 KUNR 301857 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1257 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDZ024-301930- Northern Black Hills SD- 1257 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 1257 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 5 miles south of Cheyenne Crossing, or 10 miles southwest of Lead, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lead, Deadwood, Central City, Cheyenne Crossing, Terry Peak and southeastern Spearfish Canyon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Very heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for west central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4417 10395 4444 10387 4438 10366 4436 10365 4415 10384 TIME...MOT...LOC 1857Z 206DEG 27KT 4423 10387 $$ JC  899 WUCN10 CWUL 301858 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:58 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: FALARDEAU - MONT-VALIN AREA VILLE DE SAGUENAY AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 4:56 P.M. EDT. AT 2:58 P.M. EDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  765 WHCN13 CWUL 301858 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:58 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING FOR: SAGUENAY TO TADOUSSAC. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 4:58 P.M. EDT. SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 40 KNOTS, FREQUENT LIGHTNING, HAIL OF 1 TO 2 CENTIMETRES AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN SHOWERS HEAVY AT TIMES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  615 WGUS83 KIND 301858 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 258 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A Flood Warning continues for portions of the following waterways in Indiana... Wabash River...White River... .Flooding continues in southwestern Indiana from the rainy weather during a large portion of June. Minor flooding continues on the White River at Hazleton and on the Wabash at Mount Carmel. Flooding is expected to conclude by July 2. Little to no rainfall is expected through July 3, thus rivers will continue to recede. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions... Motorists should never drive into flood water. Turn around and go another way. Keep children away from flooded areas. Recreational and agricultural interests should remain alert to changing river conditions. For detailed flood information go to weather.gov/ind on the web and click on rivers and lakes. ILC185-INC051-083-011858- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0292.000000T0000Z-190702T0027Z/ /HAZI3.2.ER.000000T0000Z.190625T1015Z.190701T1227Z.NO/ 158 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Hazleton. * until Monday evening. * There have been no observations in the last 24 hours. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It is forecast to crest at 18.9 feet this evening and will fall below flood stage by Monday morning. * At 19.0 feet...Flood waters cover the Hazleton softball field. Pottsville Road is underwater and impassable. && LAT...LON 3851 8744 3844 8760 3841 8773 3843 8773 3852 8755 3854 8744 $$ ILC047-059-185-193-INC051-083-129-011858- /O.EXT.KIND.FL.W.0299.000000T0000Z-190702T1530Z/ /MCRI2.2.ER.190618T2130Z.190626T1745Z.190702T0330Z.NO/ 158 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Warning continues for The Wabash River at Mount Carmel. * until Tuesday morning. * At 12:45 PM Sunday the stage was 22.9 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...It will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday evening. * At 22.9 feet...Water begins to flow over River Road just north of Fifth Street in the Mount Carmel area. && LAT...LON 3846 8765 3828 8781 3822 8794 3822 8800 3827 8800 3847 8777 $$  769 WSFR31 LFPW 301858 LFFF SIGMET 1 VALID 301900/302100 LFPW- LFFF PARIS FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00430 - N4630 E00315 - N4645 E00400 - N4630 E00430 TOP FL400 MOV NE 20KT NC=  770 WSFR34 LFPW 301858 LFMM SIGMET 5 VALID 301900/302100 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00315 - N4630 E00430 - N4615 E00430 - N4545 E00315 - N4600 E00300 - N4615 E00300 - N4630 E00315 TOP FL400 MOV NE 20KT NC=  771 WSFR32 LFPW 301858 LFBB SIGMET 1 VALID 301900/302100 LFPW- LFBB BORDEAUX FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4615 E00300 - N4600 E00300 - N4615 E00230 - N4615 E00300 TOP FL400 MOV NE 20KT NC=  422 WGUS53 KUNR 301859 FFWUNR WYC011-045-010100- /O.NEW.KUNR.FF.W.0005.190630T1859Z-190701T0100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1259 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Weston County in northeastern Wyoming... South central Crook County in northeastern Wyoming... * Until 700 PM MDT Sunday. * At 1257 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen in northern portions of the warned area. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Newcastle, Osage, Four Corners and Inyan Kara Mountain. Additional rainfall amounts of one to two inches are possible in the warned area. This includes the following streams and drainages...Skull Creek and Oil Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 4426 10416 4405 10407 4369 10424 4387 10444 4407 10457 4429 10440 $$ Sherburn  531 WGUS84 KTSA 301900 FLSTSA Flood Advisory National Weather Service Tulsa OK 200 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam affecting Franklin...Johnson and Logan Counties ARC047-071-083-010259- /O.CON.KTSA.FL.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /OZGA4.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 200 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The Flood Advisory continues for The Arkansas River at Ozark Lock and Dam * until further notice, or until the advisory is cancelled. * At 1:00 PM Sunday, the stage was 356.6 feet. * Action stage is 355.5 feet. * Flood stage is 357.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will continue to fluctuate near 356.5 feet thru Wednesday, then begin to slowly fall to near 356 feet by Thursday night or Friday. * Impact...At 357.0 feet, flooding affects agricultural use lands along the river downstream of the lock and dam in Franklin County. Gas fields are also subject to flooding downstream. Equipment and livestock should be moved to higher ground. North 5th Street in Logan County near the Six Mile Levee begins to flood and may cut off access to a nearby residence. * Impact...At 355.5 feet, the river remains in its banks, but access to Okane Island may be cut off. && LAT...LON 3546 9405 3550 9382 3542 9347 3536 9349 3531 9371 3540 9385 $$ Lacy  907 WSMX31 MMMX 301900 MMID SIGMET R1 VALID 301858/302258 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1858Z WI N1840 W08855-N1823 W09029-N2231 W09000-N2258 W08826 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  545 WSCU31 MUHA 301900 MUFH SIGMET 3 VALID 301900/302300 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1850Z WI N2330 W08130 N2230 W07900 N2000 W08200 N2042 W08518 N2200 W08600 N2300 W08500 TO N2330 W08130 CB TOP FL430 MOV WNW08KT INTSF=  493 WWUS51 KBOX 301902 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 302 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-017-021-023-025-301930- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Essex MA-Middlesex MA-Plymouth MA- 302 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NORFOLK...SUFFOLK...SOUTHERN ESSEX...SOUTHEASTERN MIDDLESEX AND NORTH CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 301 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Somerville, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Somerville, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Weymouth, Revere, Everett, Braintree, Chelsea, Randolph, Milton, Melrose, Saugus, Hingham, Winthrop, Hull and Cohasset. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4242 7093 4242 7096 4240 7097 4235 7094 4235 7086 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4218 7104 4238 7114 4247 7101 TIME...MOT...LOC 1901Z 327DEG 14KT 4237 7108 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  508 WUUS53 KLOT 301902 SVRLOT ILC037-063-089-093-099-103-197-301945- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0075.190630T1902Z-190630T1945Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 202 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Kendall County in northeastern Illinois... La Salle County in north central Illinois... West central Will County in northeastern Illinois... Southern Lee County in north central Illinois... Southern De Kalb County in north central Illinois... Northern Grundy County in northeastern Illinois... Southwestern Kane County in northeastern Illinois... * Until 245 PM CDT. * At 201 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Plainfield to 7 miles northeast of Walnut, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Aurora, Joliet, Plainfield, St. Charles, Oswego, Batavia, Geneva, Ottawa, Yorkville, Streator, Little Rock, Channahon, Minooka, Plano, Peru, Sandwich, Mendota, Marseilles, Oglesby and Seneca. Including the following interstates... I-39 between mile markers 41 and 92. I-55 between mile markers 248 and 253. I-80 between mile markers 73 and 103, and between mile markers 119 and 128. I-88 between mile markers 98 and 117. This includes... Sandwich Fairgrounds, Aurora University, Buffalo Rock State Park, IL Math and Science Academy, Illini State Park, Illinois Valley Community College, Joliet Junior College, Lee County Fairgrounds, Matthiessen State Park, Starved Rock State Park, Tri-County Fairgrounds, and Waubonsee Community College. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4175 8950 4195 8839 4145 8814 4144 8859 4112 8859 4111 8874 4111 8893 4109 8893 4108 8905 4110 8905 4110 8916 4158 8917 4159 8946 TIME...MOT...LOC 1901Z 321DEG 20KT 4158 8819 4160 8947 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  305 WOPS01 NFFN 301800 GALE WARNING 002 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Jun 301902 UTC. IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY 23S 176E 23S 179E 25S 180 25S 176E 23S 176E, EXPECT EASTERLY WINDS UPTO 35 KNOTS OVER WATERS ONLY. AREA OF GALES SLOW MOVING. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 001.  545 WWUS53 KLOT 301903 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 203 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC063-091-197-301930- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0074.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Will IL-Grundy IL-Kankakee IL- 203 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 230 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WILL...GRUNDY AND WEST CENTRAL KANKAKEE COUNTIES... At 201 PM CDT, a cluster of severe thunderstorms was located over Diamond, or near Wilmington, and other areas of northern Grundy County, generally moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Morris, Channahon, Minooka, Dwight, Seneca, Wilmington, Braidwood, Coal City, Diamond, Gardner, Mazon, Braceville, Lakewood Shores, Essex, South Wilmington, Godley, Carbon Hill, Verona, East Brooklyn and Kinsman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with this storm may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4145 8859 4146 8828 4147 8817 4129 8809 4111 8824 4111 8858 TIME...MOT...LOC 1901Z 274DEG 22KT 4131 8826 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  445 WWUS51 KOKX 301903 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 303 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301915- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Suffolk NY- 303 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 303 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Farmingville, or over Medford, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Yaphank around 310 PM EDT. Shirley and Mastic around 315 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Upton NY. && LAT...LON 4065 7334 4065 7322 4064 7322 4065 7321 4067 7321 4067 7318 4065 7316 4069 7302 4074 7291 4075 7289 4082 7309 4085 7303 4090 7286 4092 7274 4080 7259 4065 7311 4061 7327 4061 7331 TIME...MOT...LOC 1903Z 320DEG 23KT 4082 7304 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ DS  684 WHUS71 KPHI 301903 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 303 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ430-431-454-010000- /O.EXB.KPHI.SC.Y.0064.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Delaware Bay waters north of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- Delaware Bay waters south of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- 303 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 8 PM EDT this evening. * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 1 to 3 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ450>453-010815- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0064.000000T0000Z-190701T0900Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- 303 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. The highest wind gusts should remain along the coast this afternoon, then spread across more of the waters tonight before diminishing toward Monday morning. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  778 WOUS64 KWNS 301903 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 203 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ LMZ740-741-742-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...  832 WSPS21 NZKL 301852 NZZO SIGMET 15 VALID 301903/302303 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2750 W17310 - S2640 W17650 - S1940 W17530 - S2030 W17300 - S2750 W17310 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  826 WWUS81 KOKX 301904 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 304 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ007-008-011-012-301945- Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Northern New London-Northern Middlesex- 304 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NEW LONDON AND MIDDLESEX COUNTIES... At 303 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Hartford to Andover to Hampton. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Jewett City, Middletown, Norwich, New London, Colchester, East Hampton, Groton, Old Saybrook, Salem, Chester, Mystic, Waterford, East Lyme, Ledyard and Cromwell. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4142 7180 4141 7184 4134 7183 4130 7200 4131 7208 4129 7213 4131 7219 4128 7220 4125 7234 4164 7265 4165 7250 4158 7247 4159 7239 4161 7233 4164 7233 4167 7227 4171 7224 4166 7216 4163 7196 4164 7179 TIME...MOT...LOC 1903Z 318DEG 15KT 4177 7271 4173 7236 4178 7209 $$ JE  180 WWUS51 KBOX 301905 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 305 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-301915- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Essex MA- 305 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN ESSEX COUNTY... At 304 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Beverly, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Lynn, Revere, Salem, Beverly, Gloucester, Marblehead, Swampscott, Manchester, Wenham, Essex and Nahant. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4257 7065 4255 7076 4247 7082 4245 7088 4245 7089 4244 7091 4240 7090 4234 7086 4233 7089 4241 7091 4242 7095 4244 7096 4244 7098 4256 7089 4261 7073 TIME...MOT...LOC 1904Z 327DEG 14KT 4256 7081 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  358 WWUS51 KBOX 301905 RRA SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 305 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC027-301914- /O.CAN.KBOX.SV.W.0022.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Worcester MA- 305 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL WORCESTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4246 7213 4250 7204 4232 7177 4221 7201 TIME...MOT...LOC 1903Z 330DEG 21KT 4237 7199 $$ Field  060 WWUS83 KILX 301905 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 205 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ046-301945- Vermilion- 205 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY UNTIL 245 PM CDT... At 205 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hoopeston, or 11 miles southwest of Talbot, moving south at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Danville, Hoopeston, Rossville, Bismarck, Henning, Alvin and Vermilion County Airport. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4012 8770 4047 8780 4049 8770 4049 8755 4044 8752 4017 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 1905Z 342DEG 14KT 4043 8766 $$ HJS  104 WWUS51 KGYX 301907 SVSGYX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 307 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEC031-NHC015-301917- /O.EXP.KGYX.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ York ME-Rockingham NH- 307 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL YORK AND EAST CENTRAL ROCKINGHAM COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 315 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4304 7093 4308 7089 4308 7088 4309 7086 4311 7086 4312 7085 4312 7082 4314 7083 4321 7076 4332 7053 4322 7048 4295 7080 TIME...MOT...LOC 1907Z 340DEG 11KT 4320 7058 4313 7072 4302 7087 $$  523 WWCN01 CWHF 301907 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 4:07 PM ADT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES (CWHF) LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) LOCATION: FMF CAPE SCOTT CORE PROPERTIES (AHD) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: LIGHTNING STRIKES EXPECTED WITHIN 25 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/2200Z (UNTIL 30/1900 ADT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED THUNDERSTORM HAVE DEVELOPED OVER SOUTHERN NOVA SCOTIA ASSOCIATED WITH A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM OFF THE SOUTHERN COAST. ISOLATED LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 25 NM OF THE PROPERTIES CAN BE EXPECTED UNTIL LATER THIS AFTERNOON. THERE REMAINS POTENTIAL FOR THUNDERSTORMS WITHIN 5 NM OF THE BASE THROUGHOUT THIS ADVISORY PERIOD. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/2200Z (30/1900 ADT) END/METOC-HFX  091 WWUS82 KTAE 301908 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 308 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ013-026-302000- Liberty FL-Calhoun FL- 308 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE PANHANDLE OF FLORIDA AND NORTHWESTERN LIBERTY COUNTIES IN BIG BEND OF FLORIDA UNTIL 400 PM EDT/300 PM CDT/... At 307 PM EDT/207 PM CDT/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Blountstown. This storm was nearly stationary. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Blountstown, Bristol, Altha, Rock Bluff, Clarksville, Selman, Abe Springs, Chipola, Henderson Mill, Scotts Ferry, Kennys Mill, Estiffanulga, Blountstown Airport, Hugh Creek, Red Oak, Sharpstown, Chason, Marysville, Willis and Nettle Ridge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3031 8528 3057 8520 3057 8518 3058 8517 3057 8488 3054 8488 3053 8487 3025 8498 TIME...MOT...LOC 1907Z 287DEG 4KT 3045 8510 $$  128 WWUS81 KAKQ 301909 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 309 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ067-068-080-513-302000- Nottoway-Western Chesterfield-Dinwiddie-Amelia- 309 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT EASTERN NOTTOWAY...SOUTHEASTERN AMELIA AND CENTRAL DINWIDDIE COUNTIES... At 308 PM EDT, thunderstorms with heavy rain were located along a line extending from near Mannboro to 9 miles southeast of Scotts Fork. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Petersburg, Mannboro, Wilsons, Spainville, Sutherland, North Wellville, Addison, Earls, Ammon, Darvills, Church Road, Wellville, Fergusonville, Hebron, Blackstone Airport, Denaro, Burgess, Petersburg Airport, Center Star and Five Forks. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3735 7780 3728 7763 3726 7765 3727 7761 3722 7756 3723 7754 3722 7752 3722 7750 3720 7745 3719 7745 3718 7742 3716 7742 3717 7740 3716 7740 3699 7782 3700 7784 3699 7787 3699 7789 3722 7809 TIME...MOT...LOC 1908Z 312DEG 21KT 3727 7789 3725 7774 $$ 05  281 WWUS83 KLMK 301909 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 309 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ079-KYZ032-301945- Jefferson-Trimble- 309 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN JEFFERSON AND NORTH CENTRAL TRIMBLE COUNTIES... At 309 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 miles north of Madison, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Madison, Milton, Dupont, Middlefork, Canaan, North Madison, Ringwald, Manville, China and Belleview. LAT...LON 3885 8520 3881 8520 3874 8532 3874 8533 3873 8533 3869 8540 3891 8553 3891 8529 TIME...MOT...LOC 1909Z 323DEG 24KT 3890 8542 $$ SSC  916 WWUS81 KALY 301910 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 310 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ042-043-083-084-302000- Northern Washington-Southern Washington-Southeast Warren-Northern Warren- 310 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN WARREN AND CENTRAL WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 309 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Huletts Landing, or near Whitehall, moving south at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hudson Falls, Whitehall, Salem, Fort Edward, Hartford, Comstock, Huletts Landing, Kingsbury, Mount Hope, Fort Ann, Argyle, Cossayuna, Dunham Basin, Smiths Basin, Goose Island, Adamsville, South Bay Village, Snody Dock, East Hebron and Grays Corner. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. If you are on or near Lake George, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Gusty winds and lightning will be hazardous to those on the water. LAT...LON 4364 7343 4362 7342 4359 7343 4357 7339 4361 7338 4322 7326 4315 7326 4311 7357 4313 7359 4322 7358 4324 7360 4326 7359 4327 7360 4330 7359 4331 7362 4365 7364 4367 7341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1909Z 352DEG 29KT 4358 7351 $$ DBT  706 WWUS51 KBOX 301910 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 310 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-301919- /O.CAN.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Essex MA- 310 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ESSEX COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4242 7094 4242 7096 4240 7097 4235 7094 4235 7086 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4219 7100 4230 7111 4236 7113 4243 7100 TIME...MOT...LOC 1909Z 327DEG 14KT 4234 7106 $$ MAC017-021-023-025-301930- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Middlesex MA-Plymouth MA- 310 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NORFOLK...CENTRAL SUFFOLK...SOUTHEASTERN MIDDLESEX AND NORTH CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 309 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Boston, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Somerville, Brookline, Weymouth, Revere, Everett, Braintree, Chelsea, Milton, Hingham, Winthrop, Hull and Cohasset. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4242 7094 4242 7096 4240 7097 4235 7094 4235 7086 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4219 7100 4230 7111 4236 7113 4243 7100 TIME...MOT...LOC 1909Z 327DEG 14KT 4234 7106 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  765 WSBZ31 SBRE 301909 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  766 WSBZ31 SBRE 301909 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  911 WACN03 CWAO 301910 CZWG AIRMET D1 VALID 301910/302310 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE N5746 W09240 - N5656 W09155 TOP FL360 MOV NE 25KT INTSFYG=  912 WACN23 CWAO 301910 CZWG AIRMET D1 VALID 301910/302310 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR ISOLD TS OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE /N5746 W09240/75 SE CYYQ - /N5656 W09155/60 N CZTM TOP FL360 MOV NE 25KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN32=  337 WWUS51 KBOX 301911 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 311 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC009-301920- /O.EXP.KBOX.SV.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Essex MA- 311 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN ESSEX COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 315 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4257 7065 4255 7076 4247 7082 4245 7088 4245 7089 4244 7091 4240 7090 4234 7086 4233 7089 4241 7091 4242 7095 4244 7096 4244 7098 4256 7089 4261 7073 TIME...MOT...LOC 1910Z 327DEG 14KT 4255 7080 $$ Frank  495 WWUS51 KOKX 301911 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 311 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301920- /O.EXP.KOKX.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Suffolk NY- 311 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WESTERN SUFFOLK COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 315 PM EDT... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4065 7334 4079 7340 4087 7329 4075 7290 4075 7292 4073 7295 4074 7302 4072 7303 4071 7307 4071 7310 4072 7312 4069 7314 4070 7323 4068 7327 4067 7332 4065 7333 TIME...MOT...LOC 1910Z 321DEG 46KT 4054 7297 $$ DS  449 WSCN23 CWAO 301911 CZWG SIGMET O2 VALID 301910/302200 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET O1 301800/302200 RMK GFACN32=  450 WWCN03 CYTR 301911 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:11 PM CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 01/0200Z (UNTIL 30/2100 CDT) COMMENTS: AN UPDATED START TIME HAS BEEN ISSUED DUE TO WIND GUSTS STARTING EARLIER THAN PREVIOUSLY EXPECTED. THE TIGHT PRESSURE GRADIENT DUE TO THE LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM PASSING THROUGH NORTHERN MANITOBA WILL CONTINUE TO BRING WESTERLY WIND GUSTS OF 25-30 KNOTS TO WINNIPEG THROUGHOUT THE REMAINDER OF THE AFTERNOON. WINDS WILL DIMINISH LATER THIS EVENING ONCE THE SYSTEM MOVES OUT OF MANITOBA. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0200Z (30/2100 CDT) END/JMC  451 WSCN03 CWAO 301911 CZWG SIGMET O2 VALID 301910/302200 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET O1 301800/302200=  487 WWUS51 KOKX 301911 RRA SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 311 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-301921- /O.EXP.KOKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T1915Z/ Suffolk NY- 311 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 315 PM EDT... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4065 7334 4065 7322 4064 7322 4065 7321 4067 7321 4067 7318 4065 7316 4069 7302 4074 7291 4075 7289 4082 7309 4085 7303 4090 7286 4092 7274 4080 7259 4065 7311 4061 7327 4061 7331 TIME...MOT...LOC 1911Z 320DEG 23KT 4078 7300 $$ DS  346 WWUS83 KMPX 301911 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 211 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ084-085-301945- Steele-Waseca- 211 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT STEELE AND SOUTHERN WASECA COUNTIES... At 211 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near New Richland, or 15 miles southwest of Owatonna, moving east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and nickel size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Owatonna, Blooming Prairie, New Richland, Ellendale, Waldorf, Otisco, Lemond, Hope, Steele Center and Bixby. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4388 9377 4389 9377 4405 9349 4410 9305 4385 9305 4384 9324 TIME...MOT...LOC 1911Z 275DEG 32KT 4397 9349 $$ BORGHOFF  011 WWUS73 KTOP 301912 NPWTOP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 212 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KSZ008>011-020-021-010100- /O.CON.KTOP.HT.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190701T0100Z/ Republic-Washington-Marshall-Nemaha-Cloud-Clay- Including the cities of Belleville, Washington, Hanover, Clifton, Linn, Greenleaf, Marysville, Blue Rapids, Frankfort, Sabetha, Seneca, Concordia, and Clay Center 212 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...High temperatures this afternoon will reach the lower and middle 90s with heat index values climbing from 100 to 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Heat-related illnesses are possible for those spending a prolonged amount of time outdoors or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot weather is expected, during which heat illnesses are possible. Limit your outdoor activities during this time, stay in an air-conditioned building, and check up on relatives and neighbors. While outside, drink plenty of water, wear light and loose fitting clothing, and reduce strenuous activities. && $$  722 WUUS53 KLOT 301913 SVRLOT ILC031-043-091-197-INC089-302030- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0076.190630T1913Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 213 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Will County in northeastern Illinois... Kankakee County in northeastern Illinois... DuPage County in northeastern Illinois... Cook County in northeastern Illinois... Northwestern Lake County in northwestern Indiana... * Until 330 PM CDT. * At 211 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 miles northeast of Highland Park to near Shorewood, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Chicago, Aurora, Joliet, Naperville, Elgin, Cicero, Hammond, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Schaumburg, Bolingbrook, Palatine, Skokie, Des Plaines, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Lawn, Berwyn, Mount Prospect and Wheaton. Including the following interstates... I-55 between mile markers 236 and 294. I-57 between mile markers 303 and 358. I-80 between mile markers 125 and 155. I-88 between mile markers 122 and 140. I-90 near mile marker 22. I-94 between mile markers 31 and 74. I-290 between mile markers 1 and 29. I-294 between mile markers 31 and 74. I-355 between mile markers 1 and 30. Indiana I-90 between mile markers 1 and 2. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across northern Illnois. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Wind damage with these storms will occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. && LAT...LON 4214 8775 4206 8767 4203 8767 4196 8763 4190 8761 4190 8760 4188 8762 4185 8761 4176 8756 4175 8753 4171 8752 4103 8753 4100 8824 4159 8822 4195 8826 4207 8826 4207 8824 4215 8824 TIME...MOT...LOC 1911Z 326DEG 19KT 4227 8762 4151 8825 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Donofrio  937 WWUS82 KMFL 301913 SPSMFL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Miami FL 313 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ066-070-301945- Hendry FL-Inland Collier County FL- 313 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN COLLIER COUNTY UNTIL 345 PM EDT... * At 313 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles north of Copeland, or 17 miles southeast of Ave Maria, moving northeast at 10 mph. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and funnel clouds possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Big Cypress National Preserve, Deep Lake and Miles City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Miami on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2590 8121 2611 8142 2632 8130 2609 8100 TIME...MOT...LOC 1913Z 219DEG 7KT 2612 8130 $$ RAG  969 WSCI35 ZJHK 301913 ZJSA SIGMET 7 VALID 301920/302320 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1609 E11400 - N1505 E11120 - N1544 E11036 - N1751 E10852 - N1942 E11121 - N1649 E11400 - N1609 E11400 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  197 WWUS81 KGYX 301914 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 314 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MEZ012-018-019-023-NHZ006-010-302000- Southern Oxford-Interior York-Interior Cumberland-Coastal York-Strafford-Southern Carroll- 314 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN YORK...WEST CENTRAL CUMBERLAND AND NORTH CENTRAL STRAFFORD COUNTIES... At 314 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Cornish, or 17 miles east of Ossipee, moving south at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Biddeford, Alfred, Sanford, Kennebunk, Buxton, Lebanon, Hollis, Hiram, Cornish, Waterboro, Standish, Lyman, Arundel, Limington, Limerick, Acton, Parsonsfield, Newfield, Shapleigh and Dayton. This includes Interstate 95 between mile markers 26 and 29. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4381 7092 4381 7064 4340 7051 4342 7104 TIME...MOT...LOC 1914Z 004DEG 32KT 4375 7077 $$  616 WUUS51 KOKX 301915 SVROKX CTC007-009-011-302015- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0029.190630T1915Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 315 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern New London County in southern Connecticut... East central New Haven County in southern Connecticut... Southern Middlesex County in southern Connecticut... * Until 415 PM EDT. * At 314 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Durham, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Guilford and Killingworth around 320 PM EDT. North Madison around 330 PM EDT. Chester around 335 PM EDT. Clinton around 340 PM EDT. Westbrook around 345 PM EDT. Old Saybrook around 355 PM EDT. Old Lyme around 400 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4157 7261 4128 7219 4127 7232 4125 7234 4125 7239 4127 7241 4127 7245 4126 7245 4125 7247 4125 7248 4126 7249 4125 7251 4125 7253 4124 7254 4124 7255 4126 7258 4126 7259 4145 7278 TIME...MOT...LOC 1914Z 317DEG 17KT 4146 7263 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JE  165 WWUS51 KBOX 301915 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 315 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC017-301925- /O.CAN.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Middlesex MA- 315 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN MIDDLESEX COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4219 7100 4226 7101 4232 7104 4232 7100 4234 7097 4234 7094 4235 7094 4235 7086 TIME...MOT...LOC 1915Z 321DEG 18KT 4222 7094 $$ MAC021-023-025-301930- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Plymouth MA- 315 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN NORFOLK...EAST CENTRAL SUFFOLK AND NORTH CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 315 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Weymouth, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Boston, Quincy, Weymouth, Braintree, Hingham, Hull and Cohasset. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4219 7100 4226 7101 4232 7104 4232 7100 4234 7097 4234 7094 4235 7094 4235 7086 TIME...MOT...LOC 1915Z 321DEG 18KT 4222 7094 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  374 WWUS81 KRNK 301916 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 316 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ013-014-016-017-302000- Pulaski-Floyd-Montgomery-Carroll- 316 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN PULASKI, SOUTHWEST MONTGOMERY, NORTHEASTERN CARROLL, AND FLOYD COUNTIES... Until 400 PM EDT. At 315 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Copper Valley, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Christiansburg... Radford... Floyd... Indian Valley... and Pilot. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3700 8080 3716 8047 3694 8018 3692 8019 3692 8020 3691 8020 3684 8033 3682 8035 3669 8059 TIME...MOT...LOC 1915Z 325DEG 24KT 3697 8057 $$ PW  663 WWUS81 KBOX 301917 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 317 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ004-MAZ020-RIZ001>007-302015- Windham CT-Southern Bristol MA-Northwest Providence RI-Bristol RI- Washington RI-Eastern Kent RI-Western Kent RI-Newport RI- Southeast Providence RI- 317 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS MOVING SOUTHWARD ACROSS RHODE ISLAND AND EASTERN CONNECTICUT... At 316 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Killingly Connecticut to near Cranston Rhode Island. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Pea to nickel size hail and wind gust to 30 mph will accompany these storms. Locations impacted include... Providence, Warwick, Cranston, East Providence, Coventry, South Kingstown, West Warwick, Johnston, North Kingstown, Newport, Bristol, Plainfield, Portsmouth, Killingly, Barrington, Middletown, Narragansett, Tiverton, Westport and East Greenwich. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when these storms approach. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. Frequent lightning was occurring. Lightning can strike far away from the storm. Go inside a building or vehicle. Wait at least 30 minutes until after the storm has passed to resume outdoor activities. && LAT...LON 4141 7177 4146 7180 4164 7179 4165 7184 4164 7192 4180 7202 4181 7139 4140 7095 4147 7104 4149 7108 4144 7120 4149 7122 4146 7123 4147 7127 4144 7131 4144 7141 4140 7144 TIME...MOT...LOC 1916Z 327DEG 28KT 4179 7145 4179 7188 $$ Field  391 WUUS53 KMPX 301918 SVRMPX MNC147-161-302015- /O.NEW.KMPX.SV.W.0069.190630T1918Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 218 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Steele County in south central Minnesota... Southern Waseca County in south central Minnesota... * Until 315 PM CDT. * At 217 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near New Richland, or 17 miles southwest of Owatonna, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Blooming Prairie, New Richland, Ellendale, Waldorf, Otisco, Lemond, Hope, Steele Center and Bixby. This includes the following highways... Interstate 35 between mile markers 25 and 39. U.S. Highway 14 between mile markers 179 and 182. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4387 9377 4399 9366 4407 9305 4385 9305 4384 9308 4385 9377 TIME...MOT...LOC 1917Z 285DEG 16KT 4396 9351 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ BORGHOFF  450 WGUS83 KLOT 301918 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 218 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC093-302315- /O.NEW.KLOT.FA.Y.0042.190630T1918Z-190630T2315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kendall IL- 218 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Northwestern Kendall County in northeastern Illinois... * Until 615 PM CDT. * At 216 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Oswego, Yorkville, Little Rock, Plano, Sandwich, Montgomery and Millington. The heaviest rainfall has occurred in the lower Little Rock Creek, Big Rock Creek, and lower Blackberry Creek watersheds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4172 8836 4164 8842 4156 8844 4156 8860 4172 8860 $$ WSL  902 WHUS51 KBOX 301918 SMWBOX ANZ255-256-272-273-301945- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0042.190630T1918Z-190630T1945Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 318 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket... Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island... Ocean Waters from Marthas Vineyard to Nantucket from 25 to 45 NM offshore... Ocean Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard from 25 to 40 NM offshore... * Until 345 PM EDT. * At 317 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 nm southwest of The Coastal Waters South Of Marthas Vineyard, moving southeast at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... The Coastal Waters South Of Marthas Vineyard. LAT...LON 4096 7104 4122 7063 4115 7013 4071 7064 TIME...MOT...LOC 1917Z 294DEG 20KT 4109 7074 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Sipprell  269 WWCN11 CWTO 301918 HEAT WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:18 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAT WARNING FOR: =NEW= WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PROLONGED HEAT EVENT WILL BEGIN ON MONDAY JULY 1. A HOT AND HUMID AIRMASS IS FORECAST TO RETURN TO THE WINDSOR AND CHATHAM AREA THIS WEEK. MAXIMUM DAYTIME TEMPERATURES OF 31 DEGREES ARE POSSIBLE WITH OVERNIGHT MINIMUM TEMPERATURES LIKELY REMAINING NEAR 21 DEGREES PROVIDING LITTLE RELIEF FROM THE HEAT. SCATTERED SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS ARE POSSIBLE EACH DAY WHICH COULD PREVENT MAXIMUM DAYTIME HIGHS REACHING 31 DEGREES. HOWEVER, MAXIMUM HUMIDEX VALUES ARE STILL EXPECTED TO BE NEAR 40. THE HOT AND HUMID CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO REMAIN IN THE AREA UNTIL THE WEEKEND. A COLD FRONT IS EXPECTED TO MOVE THROUGH ON SATURDAY AND BRING COOLER CONDITIONS TO THE AREA. EXTREME HEAT AFFECTS EVERYONE. THE RISKS ARE GREATER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, PREGNANT WOMEN, OLDER ADULTS, PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES AND PEOPLE WORKING OR EXERCISING OUTDOORS. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER EVEN BEFORE YOU FEEL THIRSTY AND STAY IN A COOL PLACE. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. MAKE SURE THEY ARE COOL AND DRINKING WATER NEVER LEAVE PEOPLE OR PETS INSIDE A PARKED VEHICLE. HEAT WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY HIGH TEMPERATURE OR HUMIDITY CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO POSE AN ELEVATED RISK OF HEAT ILLNESSES, SUCH AS HEAT STROKE OR HEAT EXHAUSTION. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  121 WSCN23 CWAO 301919 CZWG SIGMET P2 VALID 301915/302315 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5516 W08840/60 SW CYER - /N5805 W08758/120 N CYER TOP FL350 MOV NE 45KT INTSFYG RMK GFACN33 GFACN36=  122 WSCN03 CWAO 301919 CZWG SIGMET P2 VALID 301915/302315 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5516 W08840 - N5805 W08758 TOP FL350 MOV NE 45KT INTSFYG=  415 WWUS83 KJKL 301919 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 319 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ060-106-108-109-112-302015- Menifee-Breathitt-Magoffin-Morgan-Wolfe- 319 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN MORGAN... SOUTHEASTERN MENIFEE...NORTH CENTRAL BREATHITT...WEST CENTRAL MAGOFFIN AND CENTRAL WOLFE COUNTIES... At 318 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Maytown, or 8 miles northeast of Campton, moving southeast at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 35 mph and pea size to half inch diameter hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Simpson, Wellington, Burkhart, Lexie, Rexville, Pekin, Sellars, Rock Lick, Vancleve, Moct, Mariba, Pomeroyton, Wilhurst, Ezel, Gosneyville, Sewell, Taulbee, Malaga, Lizzielane and Demund. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3790 8362 3797 8351 3774 8315 3757 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1918Z 319DEG 17KT 3784 8348 $$ JP  243 WANO35 ENMI 301920 ENBD AIRMET D02 VALID 301930/302330 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6500 E00605 - N6730 E01000 - N6745 E01700 - N6500 E01430 - N6500 E00605 FL070/200 MOV NE 20KT NC=  408 WSAG31 SAME 301925 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 301925/302325 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1925Z WI S2828 W06948 - S3010 W06954 - S3120 W07038 - S3323 W06945 - S3503 W07029 - S3601 W07024 - S3652 W07110 - S3824 W07055 - S3646 W06713 - S3503 W06857 - S2928 W06836 - S2828 W06948 FL200/380 STNR NC=  595 WSAG31 SAME 301925 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 301925/302325 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1925Z WI S2828 W06948 - S3010 W06954 - S3120 W07038 - S3323 W06945 - S3503 W07029 - S3601 W07024 - S3652 W07110 - S3824 W07055 - S3646 W06713 - S3503 W06857 - S2928 W06836 - S2828 W06948 FL200/380 STNR NC=  203 WWUS84 KSHV 301921 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 221 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LAZ001-002-302000- Bossier LA-Caddo LA- 221 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL CADDO AND SOUTHERN BOSSIER PARISHES UNTIL 300 PM CDT... At 220 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Benton to 10 miles north of Coushatta. Movement was northwest at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Shreveport, Bossier City, Vivian, Blanchard, Benton, Oil City, Mooringsport, Belcher, Fosters, Eastwood, Ferguson, Bodcau, Koran, Cavett, Ninock, Mc Dade, Dixie, Caspiana, Taylortown and Elm Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3226 9362 3227 9362 3232 9366 3233 9374 3235 9377 3234 9379 3288 9404 3293 9404 3266 9365 3235 9341 3231 9343 3228 9341 3224 9342 3224 9360 TIME...MOT...LOC 1920Z 126DEG 15KT 3264 9366 3216 9329 $$ 50  526 WUUS51 KBOX 301922 SVRBOX RIC003-005-007-009-302000- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0025.190630T1922Z-190630T2000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 322 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Washington County in Rhode Island... Southwestern Newport County in Rhode Island... Eastern Kent County in Rhode Island... South central Providence County in Rhode Island... * Until 400 PM EDT. * At 321 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Cranston, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is possible. * Locations impacted include... Warwick, Cranston, Coventry, South Kingstown, West Warwick, North Kingstown, Newport, Portsmouth, Middletown, Narragansett, East Greenwich, Scituate, Jamestown, Little Compton and Prudence Island. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4142 7143 4174 7158 4179 7147 4152 7118 4144 7138 4144 7141 TIME...MOT...LOC 1921Z 327DEG 28KT 4173 7149 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Field  797 WSBZ31 SBCW 301921 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 301930/302230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2758 W04442 - S2649 W04830 - S2708 W05353 - S2737 W05452 - S2852 W05621 - S3135 W04758 - S2758 W04442 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  002 WUCN10 CWUL 301922 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:22 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= LAC-AUX-SABLES AREA FALARDEAU - MONT-VALIN AREA VILLE DE SAGUENAY AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 4:56 P.M. EDT. AT 3:22 P.M. EDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  162 WOUS64 KWNS 301923 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 223 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC011-027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CROOK NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  496 WSCN03 CWAO 301923 CZWG SIGMET Z1 VALID 301920/302320 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE N5750 W09230 - N5700 W09143 TOP FL360 MOV NE 25KT NC=  497 WSCN23 CWAO 301923 CZWG SIGMET Z1 VALID 301920/302320 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE /N5750 W09230/75 SE CYYQ - /N5700 W09143/75 N CZTM TOP FL360 MOV NE 25KT NC RMK GFACN32=  086 WWUS84 KLZK 301924 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 224 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ053-054-062-301945- Hot Spring AR-Clark AR-Dallas AR- 224 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL CLARK...NORTHWESTERN DALLAS AND SOUTHEASTERN HOT SPRING COUNTIES UNTIL 245 PM CDT... At 223 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles west of Leola, or 16 miles south of Malvern, moving northwest at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Donaldson... Friendship... Lono... Joan... Willow... Midway in Hot Spring County... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3417 9306 3437 9284 3418 9268 3415 9268 3415 9265 3414 9264 3403 9275 TIME...MOT...LOC 1923Z 132DEG 17KT 3413 9277 $$ 67  854 WACN23 CWAO 301924 CZWG AIRMET D2 VALID 301920/302310 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL AIRMET D1 301910/302310 RMK GFACN32=  855 WACN03 CWAO 301924 CZWG AIRMET D2 VALID 301920/302310 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL AIRMET D1 301910/302310=  974 WWUS84 KSJT 301924 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 224 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ064-301945- Sterling TX- 224 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR FAR SOUTHWESTERN STERLING COUNTY UNTIL 245 PM CDT... At 223 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 17 miles east of Saint Lawrence, or 22 miles southeast of Garden City, moving southwest at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Sterling County. LAT...LON 3162 10116 3155 10122 3156 10126 3156 10127 3167 10127 TIME...MOT...LOC 1923Z 028DEG 8KT 3161 10126 $$  041 WWPK20 OPKC 301839 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 1900 UTC DATED 30-06-2019 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : HIGH SEA & STRONG WIND WARNING. PART –II : NIL. PART -III : FORECAST: SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND SW/W'LY 12-18KT GUSTING 33KT NORTH OF 24N. SW'LY 15-20KT GUSTING 30KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF DRIZZLE IN EASTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN DRIZZLE. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH OCCASIONALLY VERY ROUGH IN NORTHEASTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/S'LY BECMG SW/W'LY 07-12KT GUSTING 20KT NORTH OF 24N. SW'LY 15-20KT GUSTING 30KT SOUTH OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH IN SOUTHERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12šN/55šE, 12šN/63šE, 20°N/58°E, 20šN/67šE) WIND SW/W'LY 15-20KT GUSTING 25KT NORTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 65E. SW'LY 20-25KT GUSTING 30KT NORTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 65E. SW/W'LY 17-21KT GUSTING 27KT SOUTH OF 18N AND EAST OF 63E. SW'LY 22-27KT GUSTING 38KT SOUTH OF 18N AND WEST OF 63E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF THUNDERSTORM/RAIN IN EASTERN SECTOR. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH OCCASIONALLY HIGH IN SOUTHWESTERN SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND SW'LY 12-17KT GUSTING 35KT WEST OF 50E. SW/S'LY 22-27KT GUSTING 40KT EAST OF 50E. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY WITH HAZY MORNING. VISIBILITY MODERATE MAY BE POOR IN HAZE. STATE OF SEA MODERATE TO ROUGH OCCASIONALLY VERY ROUGH TO HIGH. SUB AREA NO. 5 ARABIAN GULF (PREPARED BY QATAR METEOROLOGY DEPARTMENT ) PART -1 : NIL. PART -II : LOW PRESSURE OVER THE GULF SEA. PART -III : FORECASTS. SUB AREA NO. I NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND NW/SW'LY 05-22 KT. WEATHER SLIGHT DUST. VISIBILITY GOOD/MODERATE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO.II SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND MAINLY NW/SW'LY 03-20 KT. WEATHER SLIGHT DUST. VISIBILITY GOOD-MODERATE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT-MODERATE.  860 WWUS51 KBOX 301925 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 325 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC021-023-025-301935- /O.EXP.KBOX.SV.W.0024.000000T0000Z-190630T1930Z/ Norfolk MA-Suffolk MA-Plymouth MA- 325 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN NORFOLK...EAST CENTRAL SUFFOLK AND NORTH CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 330 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4228 7084 4228 7082 4226 7080 4219 7100 4226 7101 4232 7104 4232 7100 4234 7097 4234 7094 4235 7094 4235 7086 TIME...MOT...LOC 1925Z 327DEG 14KT 4220 7092 $$ Frank  144 WHUS53 KLOT 301925 SMWLOT LMZ741>745-777-779-302130- /O.NEW.KLOT.MA.W.0032.190630T1925Z-190630T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 225 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN... Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN... Gary to Burns Harbor IN... Lake Michigan from Wilmette Harbor to Michigan City in 5NM offshore to Mid Lake... Lake Michigan from Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake... Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL... Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL... NEARSHORE WATERS FROM WILMETTE HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY... OPEN WATERS FROM WINTHROP HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY OUT TO MID LAKE... * Until 430 PM CDT. * At 224 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 28 nm northwest of Michigan City to 9 nm south of Montrose Harbor, moving east at 40 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts in excess of 50 knots and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated and confirmed by spotters and observations. IMPACT...Boats could suffer significant structural damage in high winds. Small craft could capsize in suddenly higher waves. * Severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly open waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... && LAT...LON 4172 8691 4166 8709 4165 8714 4163 8716 4161 8732 4164 8742 4168 8742 4167 8747 4171 8753 4175 8753 4178 8758 4179 8758 4187 8762 4189 8760 4194 8763 4235 8756 4231 8699 4213 8696 4179 8697 4179 8696 TIME...MOT...LOC 1924Z 282DEG 39KT 4201 8736 4181 8760 4168 8786 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...50KTS $$ Carlaw  375 WWCN10 CWUL 301925 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:25 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= LANAUDIERE =NEW= MAURICIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  851 WANO36 ENMI 301925 ENOB AIRMET E04 VALID 302000/010000 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7220 E00000 - N7535 E00000 - N7900 E02745 - N7430 E03000 - N7220 E00000 1000FT/FL180 MOV NNW 15KT NC=  626 WSBZ01 SBBR 301900 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 301530/301930 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0003 W06742 - N0051 W06522 - N0211 W06311 - N0407 W06048 - N0156 W05959 - N0024 W06251 - S0150 W06558 - N0003 W06742 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  627 WSBZ01 SBBR 301900 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 301930/302230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2758 W04442 - S2649 W04830 - S2708 W05353 - S2737 W05452 - S2852 W05621 - S3135 W04758 - S2758 W04442 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  628 WSBZ01 SBBR 301900 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 301650/302050 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0430 W07135 - S0414 W07039 - S0418 W06957 - S0305 W06943 - S0130 W06927 - S0314 W06712 - S0459 W06834 - S0505 W07053 - S0430 W07135 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  629 WSBZ01 SBBR 301900 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 301630/301930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2455 W05435 - S2856 W04544 - S3244 W04912 - S2902 W05644 - S2805 W05549 - S2704 W05355 - S2544 W05358 - S2543 W05449 - S2455 W05435 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  873 WWUS83 KARX 301926 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 226 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ079-086>088-WIZ029-032>034-302000- Wabasha-Olmsted-Dodge-Winona-Buffalo-Jackson-Trempealeau-Clark- 226 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WINONA...OLMSTED... WABASHA...DODGE...BUFFALO...SOUTHERN CLARK...JACKSON AND TREMPEALEAU COUNTIES... Through 330 PM, scattered strong thunderstorms will be found north of Interstate 90. These storms will produce very heavy rain, wind gusts to 30 mph, and small hail. Locations impacted include... Rochester, Winona, Black River Falls, Arcadia, Mondovi, Dodge Center, Wabasha, Neillsville, Whitehall, Mantorville, Alma, Buffalo, Kasson, Byron, Goodview, Plainview, Eyota, Osseo, Blair and Hayfield. Torrential rainfall may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4420 9305 4419 9255 4437 9255 4437 9243 4445 9243 4445 9224 4441 9208 4456 9204 4460 9092 4464 9092 4468 9032 4434 9032 4385 9292 4385 9305 TIME...MOT...LOC 1922Z 325DEG 29KT 4397 9294 $$ JSB  121 WWUS84 KHUN 301926 SPSHUN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Huntsville AL 226 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ALZ006-008-302015- Marshall AL-Madison AL- 226 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN MARSHALL AND SOUTHEASTERN MADISON COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 225 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Grant, or 13 miles north of Guntersville, moving southwest at 10 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 35 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Guntersville, Owens Cross Roads, Grant, Columbus City and Lake Guntersville St Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike several miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3445 8657 3466 8639 3465 8636 3463 8636 3461 8633 3460 8632 3460 8620 3459 8616 3436 8623 TIME...MOT...LOC 1925Z 027DEG 7KT 3456 8634 $$ 30  847 WWUS83 KJKL 301926 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 326 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ058>060-069-108-111-112-114-302015- Jackson-Menifee-Lee-Breathitt-Estill-Owsley-Wolfe-Powell- 326 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT POWELL...NORTHERN OWSLEY...ESTILL...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON...SOUTH CENTRAL MENIFEE... NORTHWESTERN BREATHITT...LEE AND WESTERN WOLFE COUNTIES... At 325 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms located along a line extending from Pine Ridge to Greeley to Pitts to Fox. Movement was south at 15 mph. Wind gusts of 30 to 40 mph and pea to penny sized hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Irvine, Jackson, Beattyville, Campton, Booneville, Clay City, Fincastle, Ravenna, Pilot, Turin, White Ash, Leeco, Kimbrell, Fillmore, Earnestville, Pine Ridge, Noctor, Wiseman Crossing Station, Winston and Patsey. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3782 8383 3788 8360 3756 8329 3746 8341 3745 8365 3754 8406 3766 8411 3767 8409 3774 8408 3778 8411 3781 8408 3781 8412 3784 8410 3784 8408 3782 8407 3785 8406 3783 8400 3787 8403 3786 8401 3789 8399 TIME...MOT...LOC 1925Z 000DEG 13KT 3775 8361 3770 8375 3770 8390 3776 8408 $$ JP  291 WVMX31 MMMX 301926 CCA MMEX SIGMET 7 VALID 301437/302037 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 301920Z VA CLD BTN SFC/FL200 FT INTO N1922 W09835 - N1902 W09817 - N1901 W09836 - N1901 W09837 - N1922 W09835 AREA MOV NE 5KT . OUTLK 010120Z NO ASH EXP =  478 WHUS71 KOKX 301927 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 327 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ335-338-345-010300- /O.CON.KOKX.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-190701T0300Z/ Long Island Sound West of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY- New York Harbor- South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay- 327 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 1 to 2 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained wind speeds or frequent gusts of 25 to 33 kt and/or seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ ANZ353-355-010330- /O.CON.KOKX.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-190701T0900Z/ Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 327 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained wind speeds or frequent gusts of 25 to 33 kt and/or seas of 5 ft or higher are expected or occurring, and hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  793 WHCN13 CWUL 301926 SQUALL WATCH FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:26 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH FOR: =NEW= MONTREAL TO TROIS-RIVIERES =NEW= TROIS-RIVIERES TO DONNACONA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SQUALLS WITH WIND GUSTS UP TO 40 KNOTS, FREQUENT LIGHTNING, HAIL AND POOR TO VERY POOR VISIBILITY IN SHOWERS HEAVY AT TIMES. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  594 WUUS51 KAKQ 301927 SVRAKQ VAC007-053-302000- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SV.W.0148.190630T1927Z-190630T2000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wakefield VA 327 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Amelia County in central Virginia... Northern Dinwiddie County in south central Virginia... * Until 400 PM EDT. * At 327 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles west of Sutherland, or 8 miles southeast of Mannboro, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. * Locations impacted include... Dinwiddie, Dewitt, Sutherland, Burgess, Ammon, Church Road, Petersburg Airport, Center Star, Five Forks, Walkers, Rocky Run, Ford and Butterworth. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Please report severe weather by calling 757-899-2415, posting to the NWS Wakefield Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSWAKEFIELDVA. && LAT...LON 3729 7767 3726 7765 3727 7763 3713 7740 3699 7765 3718 7781 3719 7780 3720 7781 3720 7782 TIME...MOT...LOC 1927Z 313DEG 23KT 3718 7769 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 05  619 WWUS84 KHUN 301927 SPSHUN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Huntsville AL 227 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ALZ010-302015- DeKalb AL- 227 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN DEKALB COUNTY UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 227 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Little River Canyon National Preserve, moving south at 15 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Adamsburg, Little River Canyon NP, Dog Town and Desoto State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike several miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3441 8561 3437 8563 3436 8566 3435 8568 3434 8568 3426 8577 3430 8581 3446 8567 3442 8560 TIME...MOT...LOC 1927Z 009DEG 12KT 3434 8569 $$ 30  952 WWUS81 KBOX 301928 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 328 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ016-018-019-302015- Eastern Plymouth MA-Eastern Norfolk MA-Western Plymouth MA- 328 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 328 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hanover, or near Weymouth, moving southeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Weymouth, Marshfield, Hingham, Scituate, Pembroke, Rockland, Duxbury, Hanover, Kingston, Norwell, Hanson, Cohasset, Halifax and Plympton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive through flooded roads or underpasses. Avoid low lying areas near small streams. && LAT...LON 4198 7061 4198 7063 4196 7059 4191 7072 4214 7094 4215 7094 4219 7098 4226 7082 4218 7070 4218 7071 4201 7058 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 326DEG 13KT 4216 7087 $$ Frank  703 WUUS53 KLOT 301928 SVRLOT ILC063-099-105-302030- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0077.190630T1928Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 228 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Livingston County in central Illinois... Central La Salle County in north central Illinois... Grundy County in northeastern Illinois... * Until 330 PM CDT. * At 228 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Granville to near Streator to 6 miles west of Herscher, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Ottawa, Streator, Morris, Channahon, Minooka, Peru, Marseilles, Dwight, Oglesby, Seneca, La Salle, Coal City, Diamond, Utica, Gardner, North Utica, Wenona, Odell, Mazon and Braceville. Including the following interstates... I-39 between mile markers 41 and 59. I-55 between mile markers 206 and 232. I-80 between mile markers 75 and 76, and between mile markers 78 and 118. This includes... Buffalo Rock State Park, Gebhard Woods State Park, Grundy County Speedway and Fairgrounds, Illini State Park, Illinois Valley Community College, Matthiessen State Park, Starved Rock State Park, and William G Stratton State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4145 8860 4145 8825 4099 8825 4092 8893 4093 8905 4110 8905 4110 8916 4136 8916 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 004DEG 38KT 4124 8915 4109 8874 4103 8822 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  875 WWUS81 KILN 301928 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 328 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ094-302000- Owen KY- 328 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT OWEN COUNTY UNTIL 400 PM EDT... At 328 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm 7 miles southeast of Owenton, moving southeast at 15 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 40 mph... Frequent cloud-to-ground lightning... Very heavy rain... Locations impacted include... Owenton, Monterey, Squiresville, Elk Lake, Beechwood, New Columbus, Harmony, Elmer Davis Lake, Long Ridge and Natlee. Do not stay in the open or seek shelter under trees when lightning threatens. Move indoors when a thunderstorm approaches. Water will pond on roads and may quickly fill roadside ditches and small streams. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 3836 8485 3841 8488 3842 8488 3842 8489 3857 8499 3863 8482 3851 8465 3848 8462 3848 8460 3847 8458 3837 8471 3835 8475 3834 8479 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 313DEG 13KT 3844 8477 $$ Coniglio  842 WSJP31 RJTD 301930 RJJJ SIGMET L02 VALID 301930/302330 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N3031 E12543 - N3224 E12647 - N3310 E13320 - N3110 E13320 - N3031 E12543 TOP FL490 MOV E 20KT NC=  075 WWUS85 KPUB 301929 SPSPUB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 129 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COZ065-066-069-302015- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Ft CO- Saguache County East of Continental Divide below 10000 Ft CO- Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Ft CO- 129 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL SAGUACHE COUNTY UNTIL 215 PM MDT... At 129 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 15 miles south of North Pass, or 44 miles southeast of Gunnison, moving northeast at 5 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central Saguache County. LAT...LON 3787 10654 3803 10663 3820 10639 3796 10622 TIME...MOT...LOC 1929Z 238DEG 6KT 3799 10650 $$ ep  774 WHUS51 KOKX 301929 SMWOKX ANZ330-340-302030- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0051.190630T1929Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 329 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT / Port Jefferson NY... Peconic and Gardiners Bays... * Until 430 PM EDT. * At 328 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Essex Village, moving southeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will be near... Westbrook Center around 340 PM EDT. Mouth of the Connecticut River and Long Sand Shoal around 350 PM EDT. Niantic Bay around 400 PM EDT. Orient Point and Dering Harbor around 405 PM EDT. Plum Island around 410 PM EDT. The Race, Gardiners Bay and Fishers Island around 415 PM EDT. Gardiners Island around 425 PM EDT. Napeague Bay, Western Block Island Sound and Montauk Point around 430 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4140 7234 4130 7229 4133 7221 4138 7221 4131 7213 4133 7211 4121 7186 4107 7186 4106 7187 4098 7210 4104 7216 4098 7218 4101 7222 4098 7227 4130 7254 4131 7237 4137 7239 4139 7244 4143 7245 4144 7244 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 311DEG 26KT 4139 7246 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ JE  960 WWUS53 KLOT 301930 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC037-089-103-301938- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0075.000000T0000Z-190630T1945Z/ Lee IL-De Kalb IL-Kane IL- 230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN LEE...SOUTHERN DE KALB AND SOUTHWESTERN KANE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central, north central and northeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 4160 8917 4163 8887 4163 8860 4167 8860 4172 8827 4145 8814 4144 8859 4112 8859 4111 8893 4109 8893 4108 8905 4110 8905 4110 8916 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 321DEG 20KT 4146 8807 4149 8935 $$ ILC063-093-099-197-301945- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0075.000000T0000Z-190630T1945Z/ Kendall IL-La Salle IL-Will IL-Grundy IL- 230 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM CDT FOR KENDALL...LA SALLE...WEST CENTRAL WILL AND NORTHERN GRUNDY COUNTIES... At 228 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Rockdale to near La Moille, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Joliet, Plainfield, Oswego, Ottawa, Yorkville, Streator, Channahon, Minooka, Plano, Peru, Sandwich, Mendota, Marseilles, Oglesby, Seneca, Serena, La Salle, Shorewood, Sheridan and Utica. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms are producing wind damage across northern Illinois along with frequent lightning. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4160 8917 4163 8887 4163 8860 4167 8860 4172 8827 4145 8814 4144 8859 4112 8859 4111 8893 4109 8893 4108 8905 4110 8905 4110 8916 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 321DEG 20KT 4146 8807 4149 8935 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  355 WWAK81 PAFG 301930 SPSNSB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 1130 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 AKZ203-206-012000- Central Beaufort Sea Coast-Northeastern Brooks Range- Including Nuiqsut, Prudhoe Bay, Alpine, Deadhorse, Kuparuk, Anaktuvuk Pass, Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, and Franklin Bluffs 1130 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...High Water Levels on the Sag River... Heavy rain is expected through Monday with a front pushing over the Eastern Brooks Range. Up to one inch of rain is expected to fall through Monday. The rainfall is expected to produce additional rises on rivers draining the Eastern Brooks Range through the middle of next week. Water levels are expected to remain within banks, however those with interests along or near rivers draining the Brooks Range should exercise caution. $$  850 WWUS85 KPUB 301931 SPSPUB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 131 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COZ060>062-064-065-069-072-302015- Central Chaffee County Below 9000 Ft CO- Saguache County East of Continental Divide below 10000 Ft CO- Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Ft CO- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Ft CO- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Ft CO- Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Ft CO- Eastern Sawatch Mountains above 11000 Ft CO- 131 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL CHAFFEE AND NORTH CENTRAL SAGUACHE COUNTIES UNTIL 215 PM MDT... At 131 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Poncha Pass, or 21 miles west of Hayden Pass Burn Scar, moving northeast at 5 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bonanza and Poncha Pass. LAT...LON 3842 10628 3842 10625 3844 10625 3845 10626 3855 10613 3832 10598 3825 10619 3839 10631 TIME...MOT...LOC 1931Z 242DEG 5KT 3838 10615 $$ ep  648 WGUS83 KLOT 301931 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 231 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC063-197-302330- /O.NEW.KLOT.FA.Y.0043.190630T1931Z-190630T2330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Will IL-Grundy IL- 231 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southwestern Will County in northeastern Illinois... Northern Grundy County in northeastern Illinois... * Until 630 PM CDT. * At 227 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Rainfall of up to one inch has been estimated near Morris, with rainfall rates greater than one inch per hour continuing. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Morris, Channahon, Minooka, Seneca, Wilmington, Braidwood, Coal City, Diamond, Mazon, Lakewood Shores and Carbon Hill. The heaviest rainfall has occurred in the lower Aux Sable Creek, Waupecan Creek, and Mazon River watersheds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. LAT...LON 4147 8815 4128 8814 4122 8859 4143 8860 $$ WSL  663 WWUS63 KLOT 301932 WCNLOT WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHICAGO IL 232 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.EXA.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS EXTENDED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AREAS UNTIL 6 PM CDT /7 PM EDT/ THIS EVENING IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BOSWELL, BROOK, CHESTERTON, DEMOTTE, EAST CHICAGO, FOWLER, GARY, GOODLAND, HAMMOND, KENTLAND, MERRILLVILLE, MOROCCO, OTTERBEIN, OXFORD, PORTAGE, RENSSELAER, ROSELAWN, AND VALPARAISO. $$ LMZ743>745-302300- /O.EXA.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS EXTENDED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AREAS UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ ILC007-031-037-043-053-063-075-089-091-093-097-099-103-105-111- 141-197-201-302300- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 18 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS LIVINGSTON IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS FORD IROQUOIS IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BOONE DE KALB LA SALLE LEE OGLE WINNEBAGO IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS COOK DUPAGE GRUNDY KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE MCHENRY WILL THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADDISON, ALGONQUIN, AURORA, BELVIDERE, BOLINGBROOK, BOULDER HILL, BOURBONNAIS, BRADLEY, BUFFALO GROVE, BYRON, CAROL STREAM, CARY, CHICAGO, COAL CITY, CRYSTAL LAKE, DEKALB, DIXON, DOWNERS GROVE, DWIGHT, ELGIN, ELMHURST, FAIRBURY, GIBSON CITY, GILMAN, GURNEE, HIGHLAND PARK, HUMBOLDT PARK, HYDE PARK, JOLIET, KANKAKEE, LA SALLE, LAKE IN THE HILLS, LAKEVIEW, LINCOLN PARK, LOGAN SQUARE, LOMBARD, MARSEILLES, MCHENRY, MENDOTA, MINOOKA, MORRIS, MOUNT MORRIS, MUNDELEIN, NAPERVILLE, NAVY PIER, NORTH CHICAGO, ONARGA, OREGON, OSWEGO, OTTAWA, PAXTON, PERU, PLANO, POLO, PONTIAC, ROCHELLE, ROCKFORD, ROUND LAKE BEACH, STREATOR, SYCAMORE, WATSEKA, WAUKEGAN, WHEATON, WOODSTOCK, AND YORKVILLE. $$ LMZ740>742-302300- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL $$ RODRIGUEZ  807 WWUS53 KMPX 301932 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 232 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC147-161-302015- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Steele MN-Waseca MN- 232 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN STEELE AND SOUTHEASTERN WASECA COUNTIES... At 232 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near New Richland, or 15 miles southwest of Owatonna, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Blooming Prairie, New Richland, Ellendale, Otisco, Lemond, Hope, Steele Center and Bixby. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. && LAT...LON 4399 9354 4407 9305 4385 9305 4384 9308 4385 9377 TIME...MOT...LOC 1932Z 296DEG 17KT 4392 9342 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ BORGHOFF  433 WWUS51 KBOX 301932 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 332 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 RIC003-005-007-009-302000- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2000Z/ Washington RI-Newport RI-Kent RI-Providence RI- 332 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON...SOUTHWESTERN NEWPORT...EASTERN KENT AND SOUTH CENTRAL PROVIDENCE COUNTIES... At 331 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Warwick, moving southeast at 30 mph. At 327 PM, quarter size hail was reported in Warwick. Wind gusts to 50 mph also are possible with this storm. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is possible. Locations impacted include... Warwick, Cranston, Coventry, South Kingstown, West Warwick, North Kingstown, Newport, Portsmouth, Middletown, Narragansett, East Greenwich, Jamestown, Little Compton and Prudence Island. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4142 7143 4171 7156 4176 7143 4152 7118 4144 7138 4144 7141 TIME...MOT...LOC 1931Z 327DEG 28KT 4166 7143 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Field  386 WHUS51 KBOX 301933 SMWBOX ANZ231-250-251-254-302030- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0043.190630T1933Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 333 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Cape Cod Bay... Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary... Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm... Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay... * Until 430 PM EDT. * At 333 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hingham, or near Scituate Harbor, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Boston Buoy 44013, Race Point, Plymouth Light, Duxbury Pier Light, Scituate Harbor, Cape Cod Bay, Minot Light, Green Harbor, Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock, Manomet Point and Gurnet Point. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4198 7000 4197 7003 4200 7005 4196 7006 4182 7056 4192 7056 4193 7063 4200 7073 4202 7069 4211 7068 4215 7075 4221 7074 4224 7082 4221 7098 4226 7092 4225 7088 4230 7088 4227 7083 4233 7085 4253 7062 TIME...MOT...LOC 1933Z 326DEG 13KT 4215 7083 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Frank  297 WOUS64 KWNS 301933 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 233 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-015-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-085-089-091- 093-097-099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-177-179-183- 195-197-201-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CARROLL CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS JO DAVIESS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK STEPHENSON TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ LMZ740-741-742-743-744-745-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...  655 WOUS20 KWNS 301934 WWASPC SPC WW-A 301935 ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-302040- STATUS REPORT ON WW 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 NE MLI TO 25 NW MMO TO 15 N MMO TO 30 NE MMO TO 50 S RAC. ..SPC..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC011-019-031-039-043-053-063-073-075-091-093-099-103-105-113- 123-143-147-155-175-179-183-195-197-203-302040- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU CHAMPAIGN COOK DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS KANKAKEE KENDALL LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302040- IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ LMZ741-742-743-744-745-302040- CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  483 WOUS20 KWNS 301935 WWASPC SPC WW-A 301935 SDZ000-WYZ000-302040- STATUS REPORT ON WW 467 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SE GCC TO 50 ESE GCC TO 60 SSW 2WX. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1314 ..KARSTENS..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 467 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-302040- SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC027-045-302040- WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  195 WGUS83 KLOT 301936 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 236 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC093-302315- /O.CON.KLOT.FA.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kendall IL- 236 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN KENDALL COUNTY... At 233 PM CDT, Doppler radar estimated up to two inches of rainfall near Plano. The heaviest rain had moved out of the area, but light rainfall is expected to continue. Some locations that may continue to experience flooding include... Oswego, Yorkville, Little Rock, Plano, Sandwich, Montgomery and Millington. This advisory includes Big Rock Creek in Plano. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4172 8836 4164 8842 4156 8844 4156 8860 4172 8860 $$ WSL  290 WUUS51 KBOX 301936 SVRBOX MAC023-302030- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0026.190630T1936Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 336 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Plymouth County in southeastern Massachusetts... * Until 430 PM EDT. * At 336 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hanover, or 7 miles west of Marshfield, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Brockton, Plymouth, Bridgewater, Marshfield, Middleborough, Hingham, Wareham, Scituate, Pembroke, Rockland, Abington, Duxbury, Whitman, Hanover, East Bridgewater, Kingston, Carver, Norwell, Hanson and Cohasset. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4178 7079 4208 7102 4223 7080 4208 7063 4201 7058 4198 7062 4197 7061 4194 7053 4193 7052 4190 7052 TIME...MOT...LOC 1936Z 326DEG 13KT 4212 7085 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  956 WSSS20 VHHH 301837 VHHK SIGMET 8 VALID 301940/302340 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1646 E11356 - N1930 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2152 E11223 - N1936 E11329 - N1646 E11356 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  188 WHUS51 KBOX 301937 SMWBOX ANZ255-256-272-273-302015- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0044.190630T1937Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 337 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket... Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island... Ocean Waters from Marthas Vineyard to Nantucket from 25 to 45 NM offshore... Ocean Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard from 25 to 40 NM offshore... * Until 415 PM EDT. * At 336 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 nm south of The Coastal Waters South Of Marthas Vineyard, moving southeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * The severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly open waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Boaters should seek safe harbor immediately until this storm passes. Wind gusts to 40 knots, large hail, high waves, dangerous lightning, and heavy rain are possible with this storm. && LAT...LON 4061 7042 4061 7052 4071 7065 4097 7075 4110 7058 4099 6991 4059 7030 TIME...MOT...LOC 1936Z 298DEG 23KT 4099 7056 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...40KTS $$ Sipprell  543 WAIY31 LIIB 301938 LIMM AIRMET 8 VALID 301940/302140 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR OCNL TS OBS WI N4600 E00746 - N4554 E00626 - N4524 E00659 - N4455 E00631 - N4513 E00734 - N4600 E00746 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  342 WSMX31 MMMX 301938 MMID SIGMET A1 VALID 301935/302335 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1935Z WI N1215 W10725 - N1343 W10538 - N1408 W10344 - N1129 W10001 - N0918 W10647 CB TOP ABV FL510 MOV W 5 KT INTSF. =  372 WWUS83 KUNR 301938 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 138 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDZ024-025-028-029-072-302000- Northern Black Hills SD-Central Black Hills SD- Northern Foot Hills SD-Southern Black Hills SD- Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills SD- 138 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 137 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 2 miles southwest of Galena to 2 miles east of Flag Mountain to 3 miles north of Jewel Cave National Monument. Movement was northeast at 30 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Lead, Deadwood, Rochford, Flag Mountain, Mystic, Brownsville, Galena, Deerfield, Deerfield Reservoir, Roubaix Lake, Medicine Mountain, Bear Mountain Lookout and Black Fox Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Very heavy rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for southwestern and west central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4437 10350 4412 10358 4382 10366 4370 10395 4405 10389 4436 10381 TIME...MOT...LOC 1937Z 244DEG 26KT 4431 10367 4406 10378 4378 10385 $$ JC  586 WWCN02 CYTR 301938 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COLD LAKE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:38 PM MDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB COLD LAKE (CYOD) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/1900 MDT) COMMENTS: OCCASIONAL LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE EXPECTED UNTIL LATER THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0100Z (30/1900 MDT) END/JMC  119 WHUS51 KBOX 301938 SMWBOX ANZ250-251-302045- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0045.190630T1938Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 338 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary... Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay... * Until 445 PM EDT. * At 338 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 nm northeast of Thatcher Island, moving southeast at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Thatcher Island, The Coastal Waters East Of Cape Ann and Sandy Bay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4260 7001 4238 7036 4264 7063 4264 7062 4267 7064 4266 7066 4274 7074 4284 7045 4284 7040 TIME...MOT...LOC 1938Z 323DEG 22KT 4274 7045 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Frank  602 WWCN02 CYTR 301938 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR M01 PRIMROSE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:38 PM MDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: M01 PRIMROSE (CWIQ) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/1900 MDT) COMMENTS: OCCASIONAL LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE EXPECTED UNTIL LATER THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0100Z (30/1900 MDT) END/JMC  650 WSMC31 GMMC 301931 GMMM SIGMET 05 VALID 302030/302330 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3428 W00155 - N3321 W004 25 - N3318 W00140 TOP FL310 MOV NE WKN=  576 WSIN31 VABB 301930 RRA VABF SIGMET 03 VALID 302000/302400 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 301930Z WI AREA N2400 E07100 - N2405 E07340 - N2000 E07290 - N2150 E07050 - N2400 E07100 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  700 WWUS83 KILX 301939 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 239 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ046-057-302030- Vermilion-Edgar- 239 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN EDGAR AND SOUTH CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTIES UNTIL 330 PM CDT... At 238 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Sidell to 6 miles northwest of Clinton Indiana. Movement was south at 25 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Paris, Chrisman, Sidell, Vermilion, Edgar, Metcalf, Scottland and Edgar County Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3948 8762 3962 8782 3995 8784 3976 8753 3948 8754 TIME...MOT...LOC 1938Z 347DEG 20KT 3990 8780 3971 8752 $$ 37  370 WWUS84 KJAN 301940 SPSJAN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS 240 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ074-302015- Ashley AR- 240 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN ASHLEY COUNTY UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 239 PM CDT, Meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm near Old Milo, or 9 miles north of North Crossett, moving west at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Ashley County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... High winds can bring down trees and large limbs resulting in serious injury or property damage. Exercise extreme caution when outdoors during such strong winds...and be especially aware of older trees. && LAT...LON 3326 9205 3327 9204 3328 9204 3328 9200 3330 9200 3331 9198 3333 9198 3335 9199 3335 9197 3338 9196 3340 9199 3340 9180 3339 9179 3318 9183 3324 9208 TIME...MOT...LOC 1939Z 091DEG 8KT 3331 9194 $$ 10  590 WWAK87 PAJK 301940 SPSAJK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Juneau AK 1140 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 AKZ018-019-011500- Taiya Inlet and Klondike Highway-Haines Borough and Lynn Canal- Including the cities of Skagway and Haines 1140 AM AKDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...BANKFULL CONDITIONS LIKELY ON SOME AREA RIVERS... Due to the recent warm weather, water levels on the Taiya and Chilkat rivers have risen somewhat. Both rivers will likely reach bankfull levels tonight before lowering some Monday, then rise back to bankfull levels Monday night. Flooding is not expected at this time. Anyone on or along these rivers should monitor water levels closely. $$  287 WWUS51 KAKQ 301940 SVSAKQ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 340 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAC007-301950- /O.CAN.KAKQ.SV.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190630T2000Z/ Amelia VA- 340 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN AMELIA COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3720 7779 3719 7775 3722 7772 3722 7769 3723 7769 3724 7766 3726 7765 3727 7763 3713 7740 3699 7765 3718 7781 TIME...MOT...LOC 1940Z 313DEG 20KT 3713 7763 $$ VAC053-302000- /O.CON.KAKQ.SV.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190630T2000Z/ Dinwiddie VA- 340 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM EDT FOR NORTHERN DINWIDDIE COUNTY... At 340 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Dinwiddie, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and powerlines. Locations impacted include... Dinwiddie, Dewitt, Sutherland, Church Road, Petersburg Airport, Center Star, Five Forks, Burgess, Walkers, Rocky Run, Ford and Butterworth. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3720 7779 3719 7775 3722 7772 3722 7769 3723 7769 3724 7766 3726 7765 3727 7763 3713 7740 3699 7765 3718 7781 TIME...MOT...LOC 1940Z 313DEG 20KT 3713 7763 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 05  284 WFUS53 KMPX 301941 TORMPX MNC047-161-302015- /O.NEW.KMPX.TO.W.0011.190630T1941Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 241 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Freeborn County in south central Minnesota... South central Waseca County in south central Minnesota... * Until 315 PM CDT. * At 241 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Freeborn, or 16 miles northwest of Albert Lea, moving east at 15 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Freeborn around 250 PM CDT. Hartland around 305 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Manchester and Matawan. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4379 9365 4385 9365 4388 9363 4386 9341 4385 9340 4384 9330 4369 9345 TIME...MOT...LOC 1941Z 288DEG 13KT 4384 9358 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ BORGHOFF  979 WWUS83 KLMK 301941 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 341 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ079-KYZ032-302015- Jefferson-Trimble- 341 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL JEFFERSON AND NORTHWESTERN TRIMBLE COUNTIES... At 341 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Madison, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Madison, Hanover, Smyrna, Milton, Middlefork, North Madison, Ringwald, Hanover Beach, Belleview and Wirt. LAT...LON 3874 8529 3874 8533 3873 8533 3868 8528 3867 8532 3865 8551 3886 8550 3888 8539 TIME...MOT...LOC 1941Z 350DEG 17KT 3878 8541 $$ SSC  985 WWUS53 KLOT 301942 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 242 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC031-043-091-197-INC089-302030- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Will IL-Kankakee IL-DuPage IL-Cook IL-Lake IN- 242 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR WILL...KANKAKEE...SOUTHEASTERN DUPAGE...SOUTHEASTERN COOK AND NORTHWESTERN LAKE COUNTIES... At 240 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 miles east of Kenilworth to near Herscher, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... South side of Chicago, Joliet, Naperville, Cicero, Hammond, Bolingbrook, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Lawn, Berwyn, Oak Park, Romeoville, Plainfield, Calumet City, Chicago Heights, Lansing, Kankakee, Lockport, New Lenox and Homer Glen. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms are producing wind damage and power outages across northeast Illinois along with dangerous lightning. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Wind damage with these storms will occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4191 8761 4189 8762 4190 8761 4190 8760 4188 8762 4185 8761 4176 8756 4175 8753 4171 8752 4103 8753 4100 8824 4159 8822 4168 8820 4169 8801 4187 8781 4195 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 1940Z 332DEG 29KT 4215 8751 4105 8801 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH OEMC zones...SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING. 3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...and 12. $$ Donofrio  974 WWUS85 KFGZ 301942 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 1242 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 AZZ013-302015- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County- 1242 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NAVAJO COUNTY UNTIL 115 PM MST... At 1241 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles southeast of Winslow, moving northeast at 15 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will cross I-40 near mile markers 260 and 270. LAT...LON 3483 11050 3492 11069 3508 11059 3499 11035 TIME...MOT...LOC 1941Z 214DEG 12KT 3492 11058 $$ ET  030 WWUS81 KRNK 301942 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 342 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ017-032-043-302030- Henry-Patrick-Floyd- 342 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN FLOYD, WESTERN HENRY, AND PATRICK COUNTIES... Until 430 PM EDT. At 342 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Rocky Knob Summit, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Stuart... Spencer... Woolwine... Bassett... and Critz. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3655 8033 3678 8044 3689 8024 3688 8022 3687 8023 3684 8008 3654 7978 TIME...MOT...LOC 1942Z 322DEG 26KT 3684 8033 $$ PW  631 WSCI38 ZYTX 301941 ZYSH SIGMET 4 VALID 301950/302350 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST N OF N45 TOP FL340 MOV E 30KMH INTSF =  651 WHUS51 KBOX 301943 SMWBOX ANZ233>237-255-256-302115- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0046.190630T1943Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 343 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Block Island Sound... Buzzards Bay... Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket... Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island... Narragansett Bay... Rhode Island Sound... Vineyard Sound... * Until 515 PM EDT. * At 340 PM EDT, strong to severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Bristol, Rhode Island to 14 nm north of Stonington, Connecticut moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots and hail ranging from pea to quarter size. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Watch Hill, Charlestown Breachway, Dutch Harbor Light, The Coastal Waters West Of Block Island, Block Island Sound, Sakonnet Point Light, Point Judith Light, Castle Hill Light, Cuttyhunk Island, Gay Head Light, Narragansett Bay, Quonset Point, Horseneck Beach, Melville, Rhode Island Sound, Buzzards Bay Entrance Tower, Plum Beach Light, Sachuest Point and The Coastal Waters Between Block Island And Marthas Vineyard. LAT...LON 4132 7187 4138 7150 4150 7144 4159 7147 4165 7118 4148 7118 4148 7117 4151 7112 4155 7114 4156 7109 4163 7107 4163 7106 4159 7103 4153 7104 4152 7102 4153 7100 4157 7102 4116 7066 4095 7174 4131 7188 TIME...MOT...LOC 1940Z 334DEG 28KT 4167 7133 4158 7191 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...40KTS $$ Field  986 WUUS53 KLOT 301943 SVRLOT ILC053-105-302045- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0078.190630T1943Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 243 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Livingston County in central Illinois... Northwestern Ford County in east central Illinois... * Until 345 PM CDT. * At 243 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Flanagan to near Chebanse, moving south at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Pontiac, Fairbury, Piper City, Gridley, Forrest, Chatsworth, Flanagan, Cullom, Saunemin, Roberts, Cabery, Kempton, Emington and Strawn. Including the following interstate... I-55 between mile markers 188 and 206. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4062 8857 4076 8858 4075 8893 4093 8893 4100 8825 4100 8814 4061 8812 TIME...MOT...LOC 1943Z 341DEG 44KT 4095 8891 4102 8786 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  793 WGUS83 KLOT 301944 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC063-197-302330- /O.CON.KLOT.FA.Y.0043.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Will IL-Grundy IL- 244 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WILL AND NORTHERN GRUNDY COUNTIES... At 241 PM CDT, minor flooding was reported by the public near Braidwood. Doppler radar continued to indicate heavy rain with rainfall rates approaching two inches per hour across the area. Urban and small stream flooding is expected to continue. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Morris, Channahon, Minooka, Seneca, Wilmington, Braidwood, Coal City, Diamond, Mazon, Lakewood Shores and Carbon Hill. This includes... Channahon State Park, Gebhard Woods State Park, Grundy County Speedway and Fairgrounds, and William G Stratton State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4147 8815 4128 8814 4122 8859 4143 8860 $$ WSL  026 WVPR31 SPIM 301944 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 302000/010200 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1900Z WI S1546 W07150 - S1709 W07116 - S1713 W07126 - S1646 W07143 - S1547 W07152 - S1546 W07150 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 0100Z VA CLD WI S1546 W07153 - S1549 W07149 - S1709 W07123 - S1707 W07143 - S1546 W07153=  405 WAIY31 LIIB 301946 LIMM AIRMET 9 VALID 301950/302150 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL TS OBS WI N4536 E00651 - N4550 E00703 - N4626 E00817 - N4708 E01226 - N4631 E01323 - N4611 E01328 - N4553 E01016 - N4531 E00656 - N4536 E00651 TOP FL380 STNR WKN=  082 WUUS51 KOKX 301945 SVROKX CTC007-009-011-302030- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0030.190630T1945Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 345 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern New London County in southern Connecticut... Eastern New Haven County in southern Connecticut... Middlesex County in southern Connecticut... * Until 430 PM EDT. * At 345 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Middlefield to near East Haddam, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect wind damage to trees and power lines. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... East Haddam and Haddam around 350 PM EDT. Wallingford around 355 PM EDT. Durham and Chester around 400 PM EDT. North Lyme around 405 PM EDT. Guilford and Killingworth around 410 PM EDT. North Branford around 415 PM EDT. Old Saybrook and North Haven around 420 PM EDT. Clinton and Branford around 430 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4155 7233 4128 7227 4125 7238 4127 7241 4127 7245 4125 7247 4126 7249 4124 7254 4126 7258 4126 7262 4124 7269 4125 7273 4123 7276 4126 7278 4124 7281 4124 7288 4156 7282 4157 7280 4158 7275 4161 7271 TIME...MOT...LOC 1945Z 358DEG 19KT 4157 7272 4151 7243 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JE  628 WWUS53 KLOT 301945 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 245 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC063-093-099-197-301955- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0075.000000T0000Z-190630T1945Z/ Kendall IL-La Salle IL-Will IL-Grundy IL- 245 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR KENDALL...LA SALLE...WEST CENTRAL WILL AND NORTHERN GRUNDY COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds to 40 to 50 mph are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central, north central and northeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 4160 8917 4163 8887 4163 8860 4167 8860 4172 8827 4145 8814 4144 8859 4112 8859 4111 8893 4109 8893 4108 8905 4110 8905 4110 8916 TIME...MOT...LOC 1945Z 321DEG 20KT 4139 8800 4142 8928 $$ Donofrio  850 WWUS83 KILX 301946 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 246 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ045-046-302015- Vermilion-Champaign- 246 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN VERMILION AND NORTHEASTERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 246 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Rankin, or 9 miles east of Paxton, moving east at 10 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Potomac and Rankin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4026 8774 4037 8800 4040 8799 4040 8793 4049 8793 4049 8772 4048 8772 TIME...MOT...LOC 1946Z 287DEG 10KT 4044 8792 $$ 37  410 WWUS53 KLOT 301946 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 246 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC063-099-105-302030- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0077.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Livingston IL-La Salle IL-Grundy IL- 246 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN LIVINGSTON...CENTRAL LA SALLE AND GRUNDY COUNTIES... At 246 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Oglesby to 9 miles east of Streator to near Coal City, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Ottawa, Streator, Morris, Channahon, Minooka, Peru, Marseilles, Dwight, Oglesby, Seneca, La Salle, Coal City, Diamond, Utica, Gardner, North Utica, Wenona, Odell, Mazon and Braceville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4145 8860 4145 8825 4099 8825 4092 8893 4093 8905 4110 8905 4110 8916 4136 8916 TIME...MOT...LOC 1946Z 337DEG 24KT 4130 8905 4114 8865 4129 8832 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  105 WSAJ31 UBBB 301948 UBBB SIGMET 5 VALID 302000/302400 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS OBS ENTIRE FIR TOP FL360 MOV NE 40KT NC=  776 WWUS53 KMPX 301948 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 248 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC147-161-302015- /O.CON.KMPX.SV.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Steele MN-Waseca MN- 248 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN STEELE AND SOUTHEASTERN WASECA COUNTIES... At 248 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Blooming Prairie to New Richland, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Blooming Prairie, New Richland, Ellendale, Steele Center and Bixby. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in The Twin Cities. && LAT...LON 4394 9347 4399 9305 4385 9305 4384 9308 4385 9359 TIME...MOT...LOC 1948Z 295DEG 21KT 4390 9308 4387 9349 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ BORGHOFF  583 WWUS51 KAKQ 301948 SVSAKQ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 348 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAC053-301957- /O.CAN.KAKQ.SV.W.0148.000000T0000Z-190630T2000Z/ Dinwiddie VA- 348 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN DINWIDDIE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Wakefield. LAT...LON 3720 7779 3719 7775 3722 7772 3722 7769 3723 7769 3724 7766 3726 7765 3727 7763 3713 7740 3699 7765 3718 7781 TIME...MOT...LOC 1945Z 313DEG 23KT 3710 7758 $$ 05  899 WWUS51 KBOX 301948 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 348 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC023-302030- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Plymouth MA- 348 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTY... At 348 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Pembroke, or near Marshfield, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Marshfield, Middleborough, Wareham, Scituate, Pembroke, Duxbury, Hanover, Kingston, Carver, Norwell, Hanson, Halifax, Rochester and Plympton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4178 7079 4195 7092 4221 7080 4208 7063 4201 7058 4198 7062 4197 7061 4193 7052 4190 7052 TIME...MOT...LOC 1948Z 326DEG 13KT 4208 7082 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  363 WHUS43 KDTX 301949 CFWDTX URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 349 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY EXTENDED INTO THIS EVENING... MIZ048-010200- /O.EXT.KDTX.LS.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Bay- 349 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * Lake Shore Flooding...Northeast wind of 10-20 mph has led to the water level at Essexville peaking at 60 inches above low water datum this morning and hovering near 57 inches this afternoon. Winds will gradually weaken and turn easterly this evening but are expected to hold Saginaw Bay water levels greater than 55 inches above low water datum until later this evening. Minor fluctuations in water levels will be possible during this period. * Impacts...Lakeshore flooding consistent with the water level rising to near 57 inches above low water datum can be expected during this time. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Lakeshore Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds will generate flooding of low areas along the lakeshore. * Prepare, plan and stay informed. Visit www.weather.gov/safety To learn more about dangerous waves and currents please visit dangerouscurrents.org && $$  171 WWUS82 KTAE 301949 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 349 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 GAZ121>123-142-302015- Randolph GA-Calhoun GA-Clay GA-Early GA- 349 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 349 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles north of Edison, or 7 miles south of Cuthbert, moving southeast at 10 mph. Winds gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Morgan, Cuthbert, Edison, Bellville, Bluffton, Harrisons Mill, Parksville, Zetto, Carnegie, Moye, Cordrays Mill, Randolph Co A/p, Colomokee, Fountain Bridge, Goffs Mill, Turman, Shivers Mill, Ferrell Crossroads, Aycock Mill and Early Co A/p. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3163 8454 3162 8454 3162 8453 3159 8447 3138 8489 3167 8497 3177 8478 TIME...MOT...LOC 1949Z 324DEG 7KT 3166 8476 $$  510 WWCN02 CYTR 301949 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:49 PM MDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/1900 MDT) COMMENTS: OCCASIONAL LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE EXPECTED UNTIL LATER THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0100Z (30/1900 MDT) END/JMC  783 WWUS53 KMPX 301950 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 250 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC161-301959- /O.CAN.KMPX.TO.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Waseca MN- 250 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL WASECA COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4379 9365 4382 9359 4380 9334 4369 9345 TIME...MOT...LOC 1949Z 312DEG 15KT 4378 9357 $$ MNC047-302015- /O.CON.KMPX.TO.W.0011.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Freeborn MN- 250 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN FREEBORN COUNTY... At 249 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Freeborn, or 13 miles northwest of Albert Lea, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Hartland around 255 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Manchester. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4379 9365 4382 9359 4380 9334 4369 9345 TIME...MOT...LOC 1949Z 312DEG 15KT 4378 9357 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ BORGHOFF  572 WWUS63 KDVN 301950 WCNDVN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE QUAD CITIES IA IL 250 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC015-085-177-302100- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 3 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF FREEPORT, GALENA, AND MOUNT CARROLL. $$ ILC011-073-155-195-302300- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BUREAU PUTNAM IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS HENRY IL WHITESIDE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF GENESEO, HENNEPIN, PRINCETON, AND STERLING. $$ 12  923 WSRS31 RURD 301950 URRV SIGMET 15 VALID 302000/302200 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4243 E03641 - N4432 E03840 - N4328 E04005 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  568 WWUS83 KILX 301951 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 251 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ029-030-302015- Marshall-Peoria- 251 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR MARSHALL AND NORTHEASTERN PEORIA COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 250 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Varna to near Sparland. Movement was south at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Lacon, Henry, Toluca, Sparland, Varna, Hopewell, La Rose, Lake Wildwood, Marshall-Putnam County Fairgrounds and Marshall County Airport. This includes Interstate 39 between mile markers 29 and 36, and between mile markers 38 and 39. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central Illinois. LAT...LON 4112 8934 4111 8936 4110 8907 4095 8904 4093 8905 4097 8956 4113 8954 4113 8933 TIME...MOT...LOC 1950Z 350DEG 13KT 4108 8916 4110 8948 $$ 37  205 WWCN13 CWTO 301951 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:51 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: BIG TROUT LAKE - SACHIGO LAKE FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THIS EVENING. SOME OF THESE THUNDERSTORMS COULD BECOME SEVERE. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  312 WUUS53 KLMK 301951 SVRLMK INC077-143-KYC223-302015- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0151.190630T1951Z-190630T2015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 351 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Jefferson County in south central Indiana... Eastern Scott County in south central Indiana... Northwestern Trimble County in central Kentucky... * Until 415 PM EDT. * At 351 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Madison, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Madison, Hanover, Smyrna, Milton, Kent, Volga, North Madison, Five Points, Hanover Beach and Swanville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3885 8553 3883 8540 3866 8537 3866 8561 TIME...MOT...LOC 1951Z 002DEG 16KT 3879 8549 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  874 WUUS51 KRNK 301951 SVRRNK VAC063-089-141-302045- /O.NEW.KRNK.SV.W.0123.190630T1951Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 351 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in BLACKSBURG has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Floyd County in southwestern Virginia... Southwestern Henry County in south central Virginia... Patrick County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 445 PM EDT * At 351 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Charity, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Stuart... Spencer... Woolwine... Bassett... and Critz. This includes The following Location Martinsville Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for damaging winds, as well as deadly cloud to ground lightning. For your safety, move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Stay away from windows. If on or near Philpott Lake, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of hail of any size, as well as reports of any wind damage, including downed trees or large limbs, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3679 8041 3689 8024 3688 8022 3687 8023 3684 8007 3682 8007 3679 8004 3678 8002 3679 8003 3679 8001 3654 7976 3654 8029 TIME...MOT...LOC 1951Z 322DEG 27KT 3682 8024 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ PW  032 WWCN03 CYTR 301951 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR M50 LAC CASTOR PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:51 PM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: M50 LAC CASTOR (WMB) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/2100 EDT) COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS WITHIN 5 NM HAVE ENDED. ISOLATED LIGHTNING STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TODAY. STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE POSSIBLE UNTIL THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0100Z (30/2100 EDT) END/JMC  886 WUUS53 KFSD 301952 SVRFSD MNC063-105-302030- /O.NEW.KFSD.SV.W.0025.190630T1952Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 252 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Jackson County in southwestern Minnesota... East central Nobles County in southwestern Minnesota... * Until 330 PM CDT. * At 251 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Brewster, or 12 miles northeast of Worthington, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Heron Lake around 255 PM CDT. Lakefield around 315 PM CDT. Kilen Woods State Park around 325 PM CDT. Jackson In Jackson County around 330 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Alpha and Okabena. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4361 9552 4381 9543 4378 9485 4350 9486 TIME...MOT...LOC 1951Z 281DEG 26KT 4372 9539 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Weisser  849 WWCN03 CYTR 301952 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BAGOTVILLE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:52 PM EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB BAGOTVILLE (CYBG) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 01/0100Z (UNTIL 30/2100 EDT) COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED. ISOLATED LIGHTNING STRIKES ARE EXPECTED TODAY. STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM ARE POSSIBLE UNTIL THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, SMALL HAIL AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 01/0100Z (30/2100 EDT) END/JMC  953 WSUS33 KKCI 301955 SIGW MKCW WST 301955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29W VALID UNTIL 2155Z MT FROM 60ENE GGW-40SSW ISN-40SSW MLS-50ENE LWT-60ENE GGW DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS TO FL300. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30W VALID UNTIL 2155Z CO FROM 20S CYS-40N CIM-20W ALS-40ESE DVC-40SSW LAR-20S CYS AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31W VALID UNTIL 2155Z NM AZ FROM 70ENE TBC-30ESE RSK-50S SSO-40SSW TUS-60NE PHX-70ENE TBC AREA TS MOV FROM 22015KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 302155-010155 FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  954 WSUS31 KKCI 301955 SIGE MKCE WST 301955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10E VALID UNTIL 2155Z FL GA AL MS AND FL AL MS CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW MCN-30ENE TLH-50SSW SJI-50SW MEI-30SSW MCN AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11E VALID UNTIL 2155Z ME MA NH RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60WSW BGR-50S BGR-30SE ACK-50S HTO-10SW JFK-60WSW BGR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32020KT. TOPS TO FL370. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12E VALID UNTIL 2155Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSE OMN-30SE TRV-20SSW MIA-40NE EYW-10N SRQ-20SSE OMN AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13E VALID UNTIL 2155Z VA NC WV OH TN KY IN IL FROM 10N IND-30ENE PSK-30S PSK-20SSE LOZ-30WNW TTH-10N IND AREA TS MOV FROM 30020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14E VALID UNTIL 2155Z VA FROM 40ENE LYH-30NW ORF-20SSW ORF-40SSE LYH-40ENE LYH AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15E VALID UNTIL 2155Z GA AL MS LA AR FROM 40ESE FSM-10WSW MEM-10WSW ODF-40ENE MCN-10NW MHZ-60S EIC-40ESE FSM AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302155-010155 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-130ENE ACK-70S ACK-30NNE CYN-HNK-30SE MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-40ESE LFK-40SW MEM-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM IND-HNN-40SW SBY-ORF-50S ECG-40NNW SPA-30WNW BNA-IND WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  955 WSUS32 KKCI 301955 SIGC MKCC WST 301955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 79C VALID UNTIL 2155Z IN IL IA LM FROM 20SW DBQ-30E ORD-10NNW IND-20SSE AXC-20SW DBQ AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 33030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 80C VALID UNTIL 2155Z WI MN FROM 30ENE EAU-20E DLL-30NNW MCW-40NNW RWF-30ENE EAU AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 81C VALID UNTIL 2155Z SD WY FROM 70W DPR-20ENE RAP-60WSW RAP-50ENE CZI-70W DPR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 82C VALID UNTIL 2155Z TX FROM 30ENE MAF-30SSW ABI-30SE SJT-60E FST-30ENE MAF DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 03010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302155-010155 AREA 1...FROM 50SE DLH-40WNW TVC-IND-40NNE IRK-60NW RWF-50SE DLH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REF WW 466 467. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S TTT-30SSE LCH-140S LCH-110ESE CRP-40SE DLF-30WNW SJT-30S TTT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  119 ACUS11 KWNS 301952 SWOMCD SPC MCD 301952 INZ000-ILZ000-302145- Mesoscale Discussion 1316 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0252 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...IL...IN Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 466... Valid 301952Z - 302145Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 466 continues. SUMMARY...Severe threat is expected to spread into east-central IL and west-central IN over the next few hours. Damaging winds remain the primary risks. New ww may be warranted downstream. DISCUSSION...Rejuvenated MCS appears to be maturing over northern IL. Several measured wind gusts have been noted in excess of 50kt, most recently 52kt at both KLOT/KORD. Satellite imagery likely clues the projected movement of this complex over the next several hours. A narrow band of isolated thunderstorms currently extends along a boundary from east-central IL into south-central IN and there is increasing concern that a new watch may be warranted downstream to account for this threat. ..Darrow.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...ILN...LMK...IWX...IND...LOT...ILX... LAT...LON 41098777 40078643 39168543 38598674 39418817 40608896 41098777  121 WOUS64 KWNS 301952 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 252 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC007-011-019-031-037-039-043-053-063-073-075-089-091-093-097- 099-103-105-111-113-123-141-143-147-155-175-179-183-195-197-201- 203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BOONE BUREAU CHAMPAIGN COOK DE KALB DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS KANE KANKAKEE KENDALL LAKE LA SALLE LEE LIVINGSTON MCHENRY MCLEAN MARSHALL OGLE PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WINNEBAGO WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ LMZ740-741-742-743-744-745-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...  256 WUUS53 KARX 301952 SVRARX MNC039-045-099-109-302030- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0035.190630T1952Z-190630T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 252 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Olmsted County in southeastern Minnesota... Northeastern Mower County in southeastern Minnesota... Southeastern Dodge County in southeastern Minnesota... Southwestern Fillmore County in southeastern Minnesota... * Until 330 PM CDT. * At 252 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles southeast of Hayfield, or 16 miles northeast of Austin, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Grand Meadow around 305 PM CDT. Spring Valley around 315 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Forestville State Park, Oslo, Etna, Sargeant, York, County Roads 1 And 7 and Cherry Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4393 9270 4351 9193 4350 9194 4350 9244 4380 9288 TIME...MOT...LOC 1952Z 309DEG 43KT 4381 9271 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  209 WSBZ01 SBBR 301900 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  321 WWUS83 KJKL 301953 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 353 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ106-108-109-111>115-302045- Lee-Breathitt-Perry-Knott-Owsley-Magoffin-Morgan-Wolfe- 353 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL MORGAN... NORTHEASTERN OWSLEY...NORTHWESTERN PERRY...NORTHWESTERN KNOTT... BREATHITT...SOUTHWESTERN MAGOFFIN...EASTERN LEE AND SOUTHERN WOLFE COUNTIES... At 352 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Cannel City to Belknap to Simpson to Pence to Airedale. Movement was southeast at 20 mph. Wind gusts as high as 30 to 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Jackson, Simpson, Lewis, Fincastle, Buck, Burkhart, Lexie, Fillmore, Noctor, Kernie, West Royalton Station, Lerose, War Creek, Elkatawa, Tallega, Evanston, Lane, Sewell, Haddix and Arnett. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3766 8298 3747 8303 3741 8310 3739 8321 3736 8358 3768 8369 3773 8348 3774 8339 3775 8337 3785 8328 TIME...MOT...LOC 1952Z 323DEG 18KT 3780 8328 3771 8330 3767 8336 3763 8345 3760 8364 $$ JP  696 WWUS53 KLOT 301953 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 253 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC043-302002- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ DuPage IL- 253 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN DUPAGE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for northeastern Illinois...and northwestern Indiana. LAT...LON 4161 8753 4175 8753 4171 8752 4103 8753 4100 8824 4148 8822 4151 8814 4157 8790 TIME...MOT...LOC 1952Z 355DEG 94KT 4148 8756 4092 8792 $$ ILC031-091-197-INC089-302030- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Will IL-Kankakee IL-Cook IL-Lake IN- 253 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR WILL...KANKAKEE...SOUTHEASTERN COOK AND NORTHWESTERN LAKE COUNTIES... At 252 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Sauk Village to Clifton, moving south at 110 mph. These are very dangerous storms. HAZARD...80 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters reported 74 mph winds in Manteno. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged. Expect considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles. Extensive tree damage and power outages are likely. Locations impacted include... Joliet, Hammond, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Calumet City, Chicago Heights, Lansing, Kankakee, New Lenox, Munster, Park Forest, Matteson, Mokena, Bourbonnais, Frankfort, Bradley, Channahon, Steger, Flossmoor and Manteno. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Wind damage with these storms will occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4161 8753 4175 8753 4171 8752 4103 8753 4100 8824 4148 8822 4151 8814 4157 8790 TIME...MOT...LOC 1952Z 355DEG 94KT 4148 8756 4092 8792 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...<.75IN WIND...80MPH OEMC zones...SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING. 10 and 12. $$ Donofrio  947 WOUS64 KWNS 301953 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 253 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC011-027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CROOK NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  799 WSSP31 LEMM 301953 LECM SIGMET 7 VALID 301952/302100 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1952Z WI N4338 W00408 - N4421 W00404 - N4335 W00151 - N4316 W00136 - N4338 W00408 TOP FL420 MOV NNE 25 NC=  800 WSSG31 GOOY 301953 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 302000/302400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1955Z WI N1215 W00922 - N1131 W01441 - N1551 W01117 - N1540 W00909 WI N1127 W00840 - N1201 W00747 - N1001 W00652 - N0701 W00758 - N0732 W00827 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  450 WGUS83 KLOT 301954 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 254 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC091-197-302245- /O.NEW.KLOT.FA.Y.0044.190630T1954Z-190630T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Will IL-Kankakee IL- 254 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southwestern Will County in northeastern Illinois... Northwestern Kankakee County in northeastern Illinois... This includes the city of Joliet. * Until 545 PM CDT. * At 252 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Heaviest rainfall has occurred from Joliet to Wilmington. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Joliet, New Lenox, Mokena, Bourbonnais, Frankfort, Channahon, Minooka, Wilmington, Ingalls Park, Shorewood, Manhattan, Braidwood, Diamond, Elwood, Rockdale, Lakewood Shores, Essex, Godley, Bonfield and Symerton. This includes the Hickory Creek, Jackson Creek, Prairie Creek and Forked Creek watersheds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall may cause flooding of small creeks and streams as well as streets, underpasses, and low spots in urban areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4155 8790 4115 8787 4112 8808 4120 8824 4153 8825 $$ WSL  839 WSSG31 GOOY 301953 CCA GOOO SIGMET D1 VALID 302000/302400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1955Z WI N1215 W00922 - N1131 W01441 - N1551 W01117 - N1540 W00909 WI N1127 W00840 - N1201 W00747 - N1001 W00652 - N0701 W00758 - N0732 W00827 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  577 WWUS53 KMPX 301955 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 255 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC147-161-302005- /O.CAN.KMPX.SV.W.0069.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Steele MN-Waseca MN- 255 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN STEELE AND SOUTHEASTERN WASECA COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4394 9347 4399 9305 4385 9305 4384 9308 4385 9359 TIME...MOT...LOC 1954Z 285DEG 16KT 4389 9304 4386 9345 $$ BORGHOFF  523 WSFR34 LFPW 301955 LFMM SIGMET 6 VALID 302000/302130 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00700 - N4515 E00700 - N4415 E00500 - N4500 E00500 - N4630 E00700 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  747 WWUS63 KLOT 301956 WCNLOT WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHICAGO IL 256 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC007-037-089-097-103-111-141-201-302100- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 8 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BOONE DE KALB LEE OGLE WINNEBAGO IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS KANE LAKE MCHENRY THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALGONQUIN, AURORA, BELVIDERE, BUFFALO GROVE, BYRON, CARY, CRYSTAL LAKE, DEKALB, DIXON, ELGIN, GURNEE, HIGHLAND PARK, LAKE IN THE HILLS, MCHENRY, MOUNT MORRIS, MUNDELEIN, NORTH CHICAGO, OREGON, POLO, ROCHELLE, ROCKFORD, ROUND LAKE BEACH, SYCAMORE, WAUKEGAN, AND WOODSTOCK. $$ LMZ740-302100- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS CANCELS THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WINTHROP HARBOR TO WILMETTE HARBOR IL $$ ILC031-043-053-063-075-091-093-099-105-197-INC007-073-089-111-127- 302300- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT /7 PM EDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS LIVINGSTON IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS FORD IROQUOIS IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS LA SALLE IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS COOK DUPAGE GRUNDY KANKAKEE KENDALL WILL IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADDISON, BOLINGBROOK, BOSWELL, BOULDER HILL, BOURBONNAIS, BRADLEY, BROOK, CAROL STREAM, CHESTERTON, CHICAGO, COAL CITY, DEMOTTE, DOWNERS GROVE, DWIGHT, EAST CHICAGO, ELMHURST, FAIRBURY, FOWLER, GARY, GIBSON CITY, GILMAN, GOODLAND, HAMMOND, HUMBOLDT PARK, HYDE PARK, JOLIET, KANKAKEE, KENTLAND, LA SALLE, LAKEVIEW, LINCOLN PARK, LOGAN SQUARE, LOMBARD, MARSEILLES, MENDOTA, MERRILLVILLE, MINOOKA, MOROCCO, MORRIS, NAPERVILLE, NAVY PIER, ONARGA, OSWEGO, OTTAWA, OTTERBEIN, OXFORD, PAXTON, PERU, PLANO, PONTIAC, PORTAGE, RENSSELAER, ROSELAWN, STREATOR, VALPARAISO, WATSEKA, WHEATON, AND YORKVILLE. $$ LMZ741>745-302300- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS WATCH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ RODRIGUEZ  784 WWUS51 KBOX 301956 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 356 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 RIC003-005-007-009-302006- /O.EXP.KBOX.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2000Z/ Washington RI-Newport RI-Kent RI-Providence RI- 356 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON... SOUTHWESTERN NEWPORT...EASTERN KENT AND SOUTH CENTRAL PROVIDENCE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 400 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4142 7143 4171 7156 4176 7143 4152 7118 4144 7138 4144 7141 TIME...MOT...LOC 1956Z 327DEG 28KT 4151 7130 $$ Field  255 WWUS85 KFGZ 301957 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 1257 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 AZZ014-017-302030- Little Colorado River Valley in Apache County-White Mountains- 1257 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR APACHE COUNTY UNTIL 130 PM MST... At 1256 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Greer, or 15 miles southwest of Springerville, moving northeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Crescent Lake, Greer, Winn Campground, Benny Creek Campground, Rolfe C. Hoyer Campground and Sunrise Lake. LAT...LON 3386 10945 3396 10964 3413 10952 3405 10930 TIME...MOT...LOC 1956Z 209DEG 14KT 3399 10950 $$ ET  941 WUUS51 KBOX 301958 SVRBOX MAC001-023-302100- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0027.190630T1958Z-190630T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 358 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Barnstable County in southeastern Massachusetts... Southern Plymouth County in southeastern Massachusetts... * Until 500 PM EDT. * At 358 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Middleborough, or 11 miles southeast of Bridgewater, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Barnstable, Falmouth, Marion, Yarmouth, Middleborough, Wareham, Sandwich, Bourne, Dennis, Mashpee, Kingston, Carver, Lakeville, Rochester and Hyannis. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4173 7018 4161 7026 4159 7042 4154 7047 4140 7044 4142 7046 4153 7047 4154 7060 4159 7066 4171 7068 4172 7070 4166 7070 4165 7073 4187 7098 4198 7063 4193 7052 4182 7052 4177 7046 4173 7028 4175 7021 TIME...MOT...LOC 1958Z 326DEG 13KT 4186 7083 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  355 WUUS53 KILX 301959 SVRILX ILC019-183-302045- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0123.190630T1959Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 259 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Vermilion County in east central Illinois... Northeastern Champaign County in east central Illinois... * Until 345 PM CDT. * At 258 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rankin, or 11 miles east of Paxton, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Danville, Ogden, Potomac, Rankin, Royal, Henning, Middle Fork Wildlife Area, Armstrong, Collison and Penfield. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 197 and 200. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4011 8796 4040 8800 4040 8793 4045 8793 4048 8783 4018 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 1958Z 343DEG 13KT 4040 8790 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  174 WWUS51 KRNK 301959 SVSRNK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 359 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAC063-302008- /O.CAN.KRNK.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Floyd VA- 359 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL FLOYD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of hail of any size, as well as reports of any wind damage, including downed trees or large limbs, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. LAT...LON 3679 8038 3687 8025 3684 8007 3682 8007 3679 8004 3678 8002 3679 8003 3679 8001 3654 7976 3654 8029 TIME...MOT...LOC 1958Z 324DEG 23KT 3679 8023 $$ VAC089-141-302045- /O.CON.KRNK.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Henry VA-Patrick VA- 359 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN HENRY AND PATRICK COUNTIES... At 358 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Charity, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Stuart... Spencer... Woolwine... Bassett... and Critz. This includes The following Location Martinsville Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for DAMAGING WINDS, as well as deadly cloud to ground lightning. For your safety, move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Stay away from windows. If on or near Philpott Lake, get away from the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. remember, lightning can strike out to 15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of hail of any size, as well as reports of any wind damage, including downed trees or large limbs, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3679 8038 3687 8025 3684 8007 3682 8007 3679 8004 3678 8002 3679 8003 3679 8001 3654 7976 3654 8029 TIME...MOT...LOC 1958Z 324DEG 23KT 3679 8023 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ PW  379 WWUS53 KARX 301959 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 259 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC039-045-099-109-302030- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Olmsted MN-Mower MN-Dodge MN-Fillmore MN- 259 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN OLMSTED...NORTHEASTERN MOWER...SOUTHEASTERN DODGE AND SOUTHWESTERN FILLMORE COUNTIES... At 259 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Grand Meadow, or 18 miles east of Austin, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Spring Valley around 310 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Forestville State Park, Oslo, Etna, Sargeant, York, County Roads 1 And 7 and Cherry Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4393 9270 4351 9193 4350 9194 4350 9244 4380 9288 TIME...MOT...LOC 1959Z 309DEG 43KT 4375 9262 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  722 WWUS81 KAKQ 302000 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 400 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ079>081-087-088-302030- Prince George-Dinwiddie-Sussex-Brunswick-Greensville- 400 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL GREENSVILLE...SOUTHWESTERN PRINCE GEORGE...SUSSEX...SOUTHERN DINWIDDIE AND NORTHEASTERN BRUNSWICK COUNTIES... At 400 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Homeville to 7 miles southeast of Dewitt to near Alberta. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 40 mph and rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Dinwiddie, Waverly, Lawrenceville, Wakefield, McKenney, Purdy, Sussex, Jarratt, Alberta, Stony Creek, Homeville, Radium, Dewitt, Carson, Cochran, Bufford Crossroads, Booker, Dolphin, Yale and Pleasant Shade. Strong wind gusts are possible with these storms. These wind gusts are capable of knocking down tree limbs, small or weakened trees, and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture, and other light outdoor objects. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3699 7800 3699 7789 3702 7789 3716 7734 3701 7697 3695 7695 3676 7733 3670 7782 TIME...MOT...LOC 1959Z 294DEG 22KT 3699 7720 3694 7758 3695 7787 $$ 05  455 WONT54 EGRR 301959 SECURITE NO STORMS=  248 WUUS53 KLOT 302001 SVRLOT ILC053-075-091-302045- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0079.190630T2001Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 301 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Kankakee County in northeastern Illinois... Central Ford County in east central Illinois... Northern Iroquois County in east central Illinois... * Until 345 PM CDT. * At 300 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Momence to St. Anne to near Clifton to 7 miles west of Ashkum, moving southeast at 40 mph. These are very dangerous storms. HAZARD...80 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged. Expect considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles. Extensive tree damage and power outages are likely. * Locations impacted include... Kankakee, Watseka, Gilman, Clifton, Onarga, St. Anne, Chebanse, Ashkum, Aroma Park, Hopkins Park, Crescent City, Danforth, Martinton, Beaverville, Donovan, Thawville, Papineau, Iroquois and Irwin. Including the following interstate... I-57 between mile markers 275 and 309. This includes... Kankakee County Fairgrounds and Speedway. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across Kankakee County. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. && LAT...LON 4060 8814 4101 8814 4117 8753 4085 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2000Z 312DEG 35KT 4118 8767 4105 8773 4095 8787 4091 8808 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...80MPH $$ LENNING  140 WUUS01 KWNS 302001 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0300 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 VALID TIME 302000Z - 011200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 43439838 42830139 41910297 41220399 41260467 42110510 43120527 44850699 45070794 45280929 45451067 45811087 46321038 46300841 45770613 45000432 44500325 44650137 45019914 45329748 45139594 44839460 44089313 44249176 43879096 43349114 42999143 42669265 43429518 43609686 43439838 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 42049998 40860203 40420353 40420471 40860574 43070654 44200757 44940972 45041132 45631227 46681190 47170996 45170169 45489934 45939595 45939332 45849164 45459001 44958906 44328828 43518759 42548693 40078703 38428807 38258943 38519113 39179184 41569274 42269369 42899662 42049998 0.15 42200510 43280532 44750701 45050838 45210892 45531032 45631076 45981082 46180999 46220923 46190842 45990700 45130444 44490299 44600138 45019946 45269759 45419633 45369539 45349418 44969335 43619237 42889289 43359450 43379616 43109879 42160225 41430316 41190421 41380478 42200510 && ... WIND ... 0.05 45330025 45709828 45869651 45949426 45869294 45759150 45469005 44618862 43338745 41708658 38998445 37838350 37288121 37288021 37297892 37347730 37227645 36767588 36237552 35497566 35237860 35768316 36378612 36968819 37909047 38259092 39109181 41489269 42319377 42899675 42049999 40920188 40400362 40450471 40890572 43080655 44220758 44910971 45231114 45841154 46221162 46631072 46830909 46350607 45180172 45330025 0.05 40037281 40797370 41527350 42027310 42367252 42547133 42826995 0.15 39419028 40979127 42919295 43329450 43349610 43169840 42370143 42090238 41450314 41410392 42550392 43290363 44150238 44710096 45319730 45419596 45339426 44739277 44379183 44399012 43958980 43628964 42778965 41698990 41288858 41658703 39918558 39178603 38668670 38698888 39419028 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 46220923 46190842 45990700 45130444 44490299 44620139 45289748 45429587 45349423 44709271 44449193 44379103 44409016 43948980 43468972 42798968 41678986 41268844 41688705 39858557 39218596 38658669 38718887 39389027 40979127 42859292 43329448 43349620 43179836 42380126 42100231 41430316 41190421 41380478 42200510 43280532 44750701 45050838 45210892 45531032 45631076 45981082 46180999 46220923 MRGL 40147298 40717371 41237364 41647339 42017305 42377238 42577131 42817005 MRGL 45940442 45180172 45340030 45689827 45879657 45929399 45789161 45479011 44998915 44508844 43968794 43388747 41588652 39818514 37848347 37318120 37267998 37297911 37317818 37357737 37267651 36767588 36237552 35497566 35237860 35768316 36378612 36968819 37909047 38259092 39109181 41489269 41659290 42269369 42779603 42889667 42049998 41860030 40920188 40890199 40860203 40420353 40420358 40400362 40420398 40420471 40860574 42540634 43080655 43680708 44200757 44500841 44910971 44940985 45041132 45631227 46681190 47170996 45940442 TSTM 49521627 48531720 48201805 47601952 46272019 45172061 44922023 45241957 47141546 47691403 48150913 48310703 48370578 48680353 48370250 47720364 47390448 47150410 46850322 46700138 47069866 47909633 49509430 99999999 48118663 45868607 43458578 41548564 40278483 39678386 39138152 38967859 38577598 38287458 38197395 99999999 39787306 41047506 42087561 42977547 44437470 45657455 99999999 29410218 29440222 30150233 30920253 31910182 33509955 34369717 35519570 36519387 36809338 36749215 36929149 37589119 38419135 39119214 39569302 40089388 41039424 42299548 42569676 41859900 40590084 39240207 36820282 35250428 34080625 31140825 99999999 31151207 36091230 39311217 41141150 42291114 42971153 43451217 43611434 44011543 44601587 44831637 43981840 43562020 42802084 41792149 40872221 40602311 41002364 41902390 43902299 46042216 47052177 49252168 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 ESE 3HT 30 N BIL 60 WSW MLS 50 ESE 4BQ 30 N RAP 40 NNE PHP 30 NNW ATY 30 ENE VVV 15 SSW STC 30 ESE MSP 35 SW EAU 35 NNE LSE 35 N VOK 25 E VOK 30 NE LNR 30 SW MSN 35 ENE MLI 15 ESE MMO 15 N VPZ 30 SSW MIE 35 E BMG 35 S BMG SLO 35 NNW ALN 15 NNW BRL 30 SE MCW 25 S FRM 30 ESE FSD 45 SSW MHE 25 NNW MHN 25 E AIA 25 NNW SNY 30 E CYS 15 N CYS 40 SSE DGW 35 N DGW SHR 50 NE COD 45 SSW BIL 15 SSE LVM 15 WSW LVM 20 NE BZN 20 SSW 3HT 30 ESE 3HT. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 S ISP JFK 25 W BDR 25 E POU 20 WSW BAF 25 NE BAF 20 NW BOS 45 ESE PSM. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSW BHK 55 SSE Y22 15 SSE MBG 15 NNE ABR 40 N VVV 25 N STC 60 SSW ASX 35 WSW RHI 25 ENE AUW 15 W GRB 15 SW MTW 35 NE MKE 15 SW SBN 35 SSE MIE 20 NNW JKL BLF ROA LYH 45 N AVC 10 SSW RIC 30 NW ORF 20 ESE ORF 35 E ECG 20 N HSE 25 NE FAY 20 WSW HSS 35 ENE BNA 35 ESE PAH 10 NNW FAM 45 NW FAM 30 NE COU 25 ENE OXV 25 NNE OXV 35 SE FOD 30 NE SUX 35 E YKN 35 S ANW 40 ESE MHN 30 NNW IML 30 NW IML 30 NW IML 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 25 NW AKO 45 WNW AKO 15 E FCL 30 S LAR 25 SSE CPR 15 NNW CPR 50 ESE WRL 25 NE WRL 30 E COD 45 NW COD 50 NW COD 25 NNW WEY 25 SSE BTM 10 NE HLN 25 WNW LWT 30 SSW BHK. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 125 NW GPI 65 NNE GEG 45 NNW GEG 20 N EPH 25 SE YKM 40 SE DLS 65 NE RDM 50 SW PDT 30 S 3TH 45 SSE GPI 40 SE HVR 20 WNW GGW 20 NNW OLF 35 N ISN 55 ENE ISN 25 E SDY 25 NE GDV 35 E GDV 20 W DIK 30 W BIS 10 N JMS 15 SSW TVF 60 NE RRT ...CONT... 110 NE CMX 50 ENE ESC 30 NE MKG 35 ESE SBN 30 E MIE 25 SE DAY 15 SSW PKB 45 SW MRB 30 WNW SBY 50 E SBY 85 ENE WAL ...CONT... 70 ESE NEL 35 NE ABE 20 ESE BGM 15 SSW UCA 25 W SLK 50 NNE MSS ...CONT... 45 S 6R6 40 S 6R6 10 NW 6R6 25 E FST 25 E MAF 70 WSW SPS 10 WNW ADM 20 WSW MKO 25 S UMN 30 S SGF 15 W UNO 25 ENE UNO 45 WSW FAM 30 NE VIH 20 NNE COU 35 ESE CDJ 25 NW CDJ 35 NNW LWD 20 NNW DNS 20 WNW SUX 10 ENE BUB 30 NNW MCK 10 E ITR 30 NE CAO 40 W TCC 35 W 4CR 85 ESE DUG ...CONT... 95 SW TUS 15 NW GCN 20 ESE U24 25 WSW EVW 55 WSW BPI 45 SE IDA IDA 10 NNW SUN 50 NE BOI 20 SSE MYL 15 WSW MYL 40 NE BNO 65 W BNO 50 NNW LKV 30 SSE LMT 30 S MHS 55 ESE EKA 25 E ACV 20 ENE CEC 20 SE EUG 40 NNE PDX 35 SE SEA 50 NE BLI.  141 ACUS01 KWNS 302001 SWODY1 SPC AC 302000 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0300 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Valid 302000Z - 011200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM A PORTION OF THE MIDDLE TO UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY INTO THE CENTRAL AND NORTHERN HIGH PLAINS... ...SUMMARY... Strong to severe storms will persist into the early evening from southern Minnesota through central Illinois and Indiana. Other severe storms remain possible over a portion of the central through northern Plains this evening and tonight. Damaging wind and hail are the primary threats. ...Discussion... Have made modest adjustments to SLGT risk area over the Midwest region based on latest convective and mesoscale trends, including expansion of the SLGT southeast into west central IN ahead of a strong to severe MCS that is expected to continue developing southeast into early evening with a risk for damaging wind. Western extension of an upstream MCS will also pose a severe risk from southeast MN into eastern IA. Otherwise previous forecast appears generally on track with additional storms expected to develop over the higher terrain of the central and northern Rockies and spread east through northern NE and SD tonight. ..Dial.. 06/30/2019 .PREV DISCUSSION... /ISSUED 1124 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019/ ...Upper Mississippi Valley... Two MCSs are ongoing. The lead one has largely been decaying, but is maintaining a near-term threat for strong gusts and small hail in its core across far south-central WI. There is potential for intensification this afternoon as the downstream air mass continues to become strongly unstable. However, weak warm advection at the base of the elevated mixed layer and perhaps more importantly weak deep-layer shear ahead of the MCS may preclude a more organized MCS. Nevertheless, will maintain Slight Risk for a predominant threat of strong wind gusts across most of IL. An upstream MCS has developed across central MN into far northwest WI with low-level warm advection atop the surface-based cold dome. Rather steep mid-level lapse rates near 8.5 C/km as sampled by 12Z BIS/ABR/MPX soundings along with moderate speed shear through the cloud-bearing layer may support a severe hail risk. Although linear convective mode should temper hail magnitudes. There is potential for this MCS to continue south-southeast, but would likely remain elevated given that outflow continues to surge south and west (currently into far northeast IA to southwest MN) from the lead MCS. This renders uncertainty over the degree of damaging wind potential, especially in the near-term. However, cloud decay is occurring in the wake of the lead MCS and erosion of the surface cold dome is underway. Will maintain Slight Risk for wind given some potential for this MCS to intensify. ...Northern/central High Plains to SD... East-northeasterly post-frontal upslope flow will aid in late afternoon scattered thunderstorm development. More pervasive cloud coverage in association with an MCV over central WY shifting towards the Black Hills should confine stronger boundary-layer heating to its south across southeast WY/NE Panhandle. Effective shear will be greater with northwest extent as mid-level flow weakens with southeast extent. Potential will exist for several supercells with a risk of mainly large hail and isolated severe wind gusts. Multiple clusters may develop this evening across SD as a southerly low-level jet intensifies atop the quasi-stationary surface front. Activity would likely impinge on a more buoyant air mass with eastern extent, yielding a persistent risk for severe wind/hail into tonight perhaps as far east as southwest MN. ...Southeast NY to southern New England... Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms have begun developing ahead of a mid-level vorticity lobe rotating through the base of a shortwave trough. While boundary-layer temperatures are relatively cool and northwest surface flow dominates, cold mid-level temperatures should permit small hail growth. Locally strong wind gusts might accompany a few cells over the next few hours. ...VA/NC to KY/TN... Robust boundary-layer heating is occurring ahead of a weak southward-sagging front. This boundary should be the focus for scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. Activity with western extent should be predominantly pulse. The fringe of modest mid-level west-northwesterlies east of the Appalachians could foster a few multicell clusters with locally damaging winds as the primary hazard. $$  409 WWUS53 KLMK 302002 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 402 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC077-143-KYC223-302015- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0151.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Jefferson IN-Scott IN-Trimble KY- 402 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL JEFFERSON...EASTERN SCOTT AND NORTHWESTERN TRIMBLE COUNTIES... At 402 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Madison, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Madison, Hanover, Smyrna, Milton, Kent, Volga, North Madison, Hanover Beach, Swanville and Wirt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3882 8552 3881 8540 3866 8537 3866 8561 TIME...MOT...LOC 2002Z 002DEG 16KT 3874 8549 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  710 WGUS83 KLOT 302002 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 302 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC091-197-302245- /O.CON.KLOT.FA.Y.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Will IL-Kankakee IL- 302 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WILL AND NORTHWESTERN KANKAKEE COUNTIES... At 250 PM CDT, the public reported two inches of rain in about 30 minutes near Joliet. Doppler radar continued to indicate heavy rain due to thunderstorms across the area. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Joliet, New Lenox, Mokena, Bourbonnais, Frankfort, Channahon, Minooka, Wilmington, Ingalls Park, Shorewood, Manhattan, Braidwood, Diamond, Elwood, Rockdale, Lakewood Shores, Essex, Godley, Bonfield and Symerton. This includes... University of St. Francis, Channahon State Park, Chicagoland Speedway...Route 66 Raceway, Joliet Junior College, Joliet Slammers Baseball, Kankakee River State Park, and Olivet Nazarine University. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4155 8790 4115 8787 4112 8808 4120 8824 4153 8825 $$ WSL  106 WWUS81 KOKX 302003 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 403 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTZ007-008-012-302100- Southern New London-Northern New London-Northern Middlesex- 403 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN NEW LONDON AND NORTHERN MIDDLESEX COUNTIES... At 402 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Marlborough, or near East Hampton, moving south at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Norwich, New London, Colchester, East Hampton, Groton, Salem, Waterford, East Lyme, Ledyard, Cromwell, Portland, East Haddam, Old Lyme, Lebanon and Bozrah. LAT...LON 4157 7211 4131 7205 4131 7208 4129 7214 4130 7217 4131 7219 4129 7219 4127 7229 4154 7234 4161 7271 4163 7270 4165 7250 4158 7247 4160 7241 4159 7239 4160 7238 4161 7233 4164 7233 4167 7227 4169 7227 TIME...MOT...LOC 2002Z 347DEG 29KT 4165 7243 $$ JE  146 WOUS64 KWNS 302003 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 303 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC011-019-031-039-043-053-063-073-075-091-093-099-105-113-123- 143-147-155-175-179-183-195-197-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU CHAMPAIGN COOK DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS KANKAKEE KENDALL LA SALLE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ LMZ741-742-743-744-745-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...ILX...LOT...  260 WSPS21 NZKL 302001 NZZO SIGMET 16 VALID 302003/010003 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2610 E17630 - S2840 W16800 - S3140 W16920 - S3230 W17850 - S3040 E17600 - S2610 E17630 FL320/400 MOV E 15KT NC=  736 WSPS21 NZKL 302002 NZZO SIGMET 17 VALID 302003/302007 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 12 301607/302007=  858 WSFR35 LFPW 302004 LFRR SIGMET 5 VALID 302000/302200 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N4415 AND W OF W00145 TOP FL400 MOV N 30KT NC=  035 WUUS53 KLOT 302004 SVRLOT INC073-089-111-302115- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0080.190630T2004Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 304 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Newton County in northwestern Indiana... Southern Lake County in northwestern Indiana... Jasper County in northwestern Indiana... * Until 415 PM CDT. * At 303 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Beecher to near Grant Park to near Hopkins Park to Clifton, moving southeast at 40 mph. These are very dangerous storms. HAZARD...80 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. Winds to 75 mph were reported in Manteno Illinois with these storms. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged. Expect considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles. Extensive tree damage and power outages are likely. * Locations impacted include... Lowell, Rensselaer, De Motte, Kentland, Morocco, Hanging Grove, Percy Junction, Thayer, Roselawn, Gifford, Enos, Pembroke, Fair Oaks, Pleasant Ridge, Conrad, Perkins, Sumava Resorts, McCoysburg, Beaver City and Moody. Including the following interstate... Indiana I-65 between mile markers 200 and 239. This includes... US 41 Dragway. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across Kankakee County and winds to 80 mph. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! && LAT...LON 4091 8693 4091 8699 4084 8699 4084 8710 4074 8710 4074 8752 4128 8753 4129 8722 4124 8722 4127 8719 4129 8712 4127 8706 4122 8697 4124 8693 TIME...MOT...LOC 2003Z 312DEG 35KT 4130 8760 4129 8759 4109 8769 4095 8791 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...80MPH $$ Donofrio  980 WWUS73 KEAX 302004 NPWEAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 304 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid Conditions Continue through Sunday Evening... MOZ001>008-010200- /O.CON.KEAX.HT.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Atchison MO-Nodaway-Worth-Gentry-Harrison-Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler- Including the cities of Tarkio, Rockport, Fairfax, Maryville, Grant City, Albany, Stanberry, King City, Bethany, Princeton, Mercer, Unionville, Lancaster, Queen City, Greentop, Downing, and Glenwood 304 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Afternoon temperatures will climb into the low to middle 90s with humidity leading to heat index values of 100 and 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illness is possible for those spending prolonged time outside or those who are more susceptible to heat, such as young children and elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  870 WWUS81 KGYX 302005 SPSGYX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Gray ME 405 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NHZ011-302045- Cheshire- 405 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN CHESHIRE COUNTY... At 405 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Roxbury, or near Keene, moving south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Keene, Jaffrey, Winchendon, Swanzey, Rindge, Winchester, Dublin, Royalston, Richmond, Harrisville, Warwick, Nelson, Marlborough, Roxbury, Fitzwilliam, Troy, Sullivan, Surry and Gilsum. This also includes... Mount Monadnock. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4272 7235 4299 7236 4301 7211 4271 7201 TIME...MOT...LOC 2005Z 352DEG 20KT 4293 7223 $$  524 WUUS53 KILX 302006 SVRILX ILC123-175-302045- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0124.190630T2006Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 306 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Marshall County in central Illinois... Stark County in north central Illinois... * Until 345 PM CDT. * At 306 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Osceola to near Varna to Wenona, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lacon, Wyoming, Toluca, Toulon, Wenona, Osceola, Bradford, Sparland, Varna, Elmira, Castleton, Camp Grove, Hopewell, Duncan, La Rose, Pattonsburg and Marshall County Airport. This includes Interstate 39 between mile markers 29 and 40. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4119 8964 4115 8964 4115 8952 4106 8931 4110 8905 4093 8905 4094 8944 4098 8943 4098 8991 4116 8987 4123 8986 4124 8971 TIME...MOT...LOC 2006Z 357DEG 11KT 4118 8976 4100 8931 4104 8908 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  716 ACUS11 KWNS 302006 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302006 WIZ000-IAZ000-MNZ000-302130- Mesoscale Discussion 1317 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0306 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...Southern MN...Southwest WI...Northeast IA Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 302006Z - 302130Z Probability of Watch Issuance...60 percent SUMMARY...Strong/severe thunderstorms are expected to spread from southern MN, southeast along the WI/IA border over the next few hours. DISCUSSION...Sustained low-level warm advection appears partly responsible for renewed post-MCS development across southern MN. Over the last hour or so updrafts have intensified along a reinforced boundary draped along the MN/IA border. Intense surface heating across northern IA has allowed surface temperatures to warm into the mid 90s and low-level trajectories across this air mass should fee the southwestern flank of upward evolving complex extending across southern MN into southwest WI. There is some concern this activity will grow upscale and propagate southeast along western periphery of early-day MCS cold pool. Wind/hail are the primary risks. ..Darrow/Grams.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...MKX...DVN...ARX...MPX...DMX... LAT...LON 43619340 43869130 43389033 42679035 42399129 42699249 43179347 43619340  890 WWUS81 KAKQ 302006 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 406 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ089-092-093-302030- Isle of Wight-Surry-Southampton- 406 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT ISLE OF WIGHT... NORTHEASTERN SOUTHAMPTON AND SOUTHEASTERN SURRY COUNTIES... At 406 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Dendron, or 9 miles east of Wakefield, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Smithfield, Windsor, Suffolk, Isle Of Wight, Ivor, Dendron, Elberon, Zuni, Booth Fork, Pons, Carrollton, Longview, Benns Church, Bethel Church, Ellis Fork, Runnymede, Wills Corner, Delk Crossroads, Indika and Central Hill. LAT...LON 3686 7684 3688 7688 3694 7694 3698 7696 3704 7697 3704 7696 3705 7697 3711 7682 3692 7650 3691 7652 3691 7653 3692 7653 3690 7654 3676 7674 TIME...MOT...LOC 2006Z 310DEG 30KT 3699 7682 $$ 05  605 WSSW31 LSSW 302006 LSAS SIGMET 1 VALID 302007/302107 LSZH- LSAS SWITZERLAND FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4622 E00655 - N4554 E00720 - N4547 E00701 - N4614 E00642 - N4622 E00655 TOP FL380 STNR WKN=  357 WUUS53 KARX 302007 SVRARX MNC099-302045- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0036.190630T2007Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 307 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Mower County in southeastern Minnesota... * Until 345 PM CDT. * At 306 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Rose Creek, or 7 miles southeast of Austin, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Adams around 315 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include County Roads 56 And 5, County Roads 4 And 8, I 90 Exit 187, Elkton, I 90 Exit 189, I 90 Exit 183 and Lake Louise State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4366 9305 4373 9275 4352 9245 4350 9245 4350 9305 TIME...MOT...LOC 2006Z 323DEG 29KT 4360 9285 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  697 WWUS53 KLOT 302007 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 307 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC063-302017- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0077.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Grundy IL- 307 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR GRUNDY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central, north central and northeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 4104 8904 4110 8843 4111 8840 4111 8825 4099 8825 4092 8893 4093 8893 4093 8903 TIME...MOT...LOC 2007Z 005DEG 28KT 4101 8920 4099 8871 4101 8863 4111 8822 $$ ILC099-105-302030- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0077.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Livingston IL-La Salle IL- 307 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN LIVINGSTON AND SOUTH CENTRAL LA SALLE COUNTIES... At 307 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Varna to 8 miles northwest of Pontiac to near Odell to 7 miles southeast of Gardner, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Dwight, Odell, Cornell, Long Point, Campus, Reddick and Dana. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4104 8904 4110 8843 4111 8840 4111 8825 4099 8825 4092 8893 4093 8893 4093 8903 TIME...MOT...LOC 2007Z 005DEG 28KT 4101 8920 4099 8871 4101 8863 4111 8822 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  677 WWUS53 KFSD 302009 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 309 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC105-302019- /O.CAN.KFSD.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Nobles MN- 309 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL NOBLES COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4360 9545 4380 9538 4378 9485 4350 9486 TIME...MOT...LOC 2009Z 279DEG 16KT 4371 9528 $$ MNC063-302030- /O.CON.KFSD.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Jackson MN- 309 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR JACKSON COUNTY... At 309 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lakefield, or 13 miles southwest of Windom, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Lakefield and Kilen Woods State Park around 330 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Alpha and Okabena. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4360 9545 4380 9538 4378 9485 4350 9486 TIME...MOT...LOC 2009Z 279DEG 16KT 4371 9528 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Weisser  689 WHUS51 KOKX 302009 SMWOKX ANZ330-340-345-302115- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0052.190630T2009Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 409 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT / Port Jefferson NY... Peconic and Gardiners Bays... Long Island South Shore Bays... * Until 515 PM EDT. * At 409 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Madison Reef, moving south at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will be near... Six Mile Reef around 415 PM EDT. Central Long Island Sound around 420 PM EDT. Horton Point, Dering Harbor and Shelter Island around 430 PM EDT. Mattituck Inlet and Shelter Island Sound around 435 PM EDT. Little Peconic Bay around 440 PM EDT. Great Peconic Bay around 445 PM EDT. Shinnecock Bay around 455 PM EDT. Westhampton Beach around 500 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4106 7187 4098 7210 4104 7216 4098 7218 4101 7222 4098 7234 4089 7246 4087 7239 4086 7242 4077 7274 4083 7276 4083 7264 4089 7252 4091 7265 4099 7257 4095 7278 4126 7284 4131 7212 4132 7211 4135 7203 TIME...MOT...LOC 2009Z 347DEG 29KT 4123 7257 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ JE  061 WHCN13 CWUL 302009 SQUALL WARNING FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:09 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: SAGUENAY TO TADOUSSAC. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  290 WWUS83 KLMK 302009 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 409 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ057-302045- Madison- 409 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...GUSTY THUNDERSTORMS NEAR RICHMOND... At 408 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms from near Harris Ferry to near Richmond. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Berea, Silver Creek, Caleast, Duluth, Peytontown, Moberly, Bighill, Panola and Kingston. If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3774 8410 3772 8410 3769 8409 3768 8410 3767 8409 3764 8413 3757 8409 3756 8416 3752 8420 3752 8430 3764 8442 3783 8421 3779 8409 3778 8411 3777 8408 3776 8409 3774 8408 TIME...MOT...LOC 2008Z 309DEG 22KT 3779 8420 3767 8431 $$ 13  768 WFUS53 KMPX 302010 TORMPX MNC047-302045- /O.NEW.KMPX.TO.W.0012.190630T2010Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 310 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in The Twin Cities has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Southwestern Freeborn County in south central Minnesota... * Until 345 PM CDT. * At 310 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Alden, or near Albert Lea, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Albert Lea around 320 PM CDT. Twin Lakes around 335 PM CDT. This includes the following highways... Interstate 35 between mile markers 4 and 11. Interstate 90 between mile markers 148 and 155. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4368 9355 4372 9348 4363 9322 4351 9342 TIME...MOT...LOC 2010Z 315DEG 17KT 4368 9348 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ BORGHOFF  351 WWUS84 KSJT 302010 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 310 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ071-072-302100- Irion TX-Tom Green TX- 310 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL TOM GREEN AND EASTERN IRION COUNTIES UNTIL 400 PM CDT... At 308 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Arden, or 15 miles north of Mertzon, moving south at 25 mph. Pea size hail and wind gusts 45 to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locally heavy rainfall could cause ponding of water on roads. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Sherwood around 335 PM CDT. Mertzon around 340 PM CDT. LAT...LON 3155 10099 3157 10076 3110 10071 3110 10108 TIME...MOT...LOC 2008Z 007DEG 24KT 3147 10088 $$  811 WSCH31 SCFA 302010 SCFZ SIGMET A5 VALID 302010/302310 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1900 W09000 - S2500 W08500 - S2800 W07300 - S2800 W07100 - S2500 W07500 FL190/320 STNR NC=  602 WWUS53 KARX 302012 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 312 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC039-109-302021- /O.CAN.KARX.SV.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Olmsted MN-Dodge MN- 312 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN OLMSTED AND SOUTHEASTERN DODGE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4384 9258 4383 9253 4351 9193 4350 9195 4350 9244 4373 9277 TIME...MOT...LOC 2011Z 309DEG 43KT 4366 9246 $$ MNC045-099-302030- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0035.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Mower MN-Fillmore MN- 312 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN MOWER AND SOUTHWESTERN FILLMORE COUNTIES... At 311 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Spring Valley, or 18 miles west of Preston, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northeastern Mower and southwestern Fillmore Counties, including the following locations... Forestville State Park, Etna, York, Cherry Grove, Ostrander, Greenleafton and County Roads 4 And 8. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4384 9258 4383 9253 4351 9193 4350 9195 4350 9244 4373 9277 TIME...MOT...LOC 2011Z 309DEG 43KT 4366 9246 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  438 WWUS53 KARX 302012 RRA SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 312 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC099-302045- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Mower MN- 312 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN MOWER COUNTY... At 312 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rose Creek, or 11 miles southeast of Austin, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southern Mower County, including the following locations... County Roads 56 And 5, County Roads 4 And 8, I 90 Exit 187, Elkton, I 90 Exit 189, I 90 Exit 183 and Lake Louise State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4366 9305 4373 9275 4352 9245 4350 9245 4350 9305 TIME...MOT...LOC 2012Z 323DEG 29KT 4356 9281 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  650 WUUS53 KLMK 302012 SVRLMK INC077-143-KYC223-302045- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0152.190630T2012Z-190630T2045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 412 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Jefferson County in south central Indiana... Southeastern Scott County in south central Indiana... Northwestern Trimble County in central Kentucky... * Until 445 PM EDT. * At 412 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles west of Madison, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hanover, Saluda, Kent, Paynesville, Hanover Beach, Chelsea and Swanville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3871 8541 3859 8543 3860 8550 3861 8550 3861 8564 3876 8555 TIME...MOT...LOC 2012Z 002DEG 16KT 3871 8551 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  162 WWUS84 KHUN 302013 AWWHUN ALZ006-302115- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Huntsville AL 312 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Huntsville Alabama has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Huntsville International Airport /HSV/. * Until 415 PM CDT. The following weather hazard(s) is expected: * Cloud to ground lightning within 5 nm of the airport. $$ RSB  669 WWUS53 KFSD 302013 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 313 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC063-302030- /O.CON.KFSD.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Jackson MN- 313 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR JACKSON COUNTY... At 312 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lakefield, or 12 miles southwest of Windom, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Lakefield around 320 PM CDT. Jackson In Jackson County and Kilen Woods State Park around 330 PM CDT. At 305 pm CDT...A storm spotter reported half dollar sized hail 3 miles west of Okabena. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Alpha and Okabena. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4360 9545 4380 9538 4378 9485 4350 9486 TIME...MOT...LOC 2012Z 281DEG 26KT 4370 9524 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Weisser  705 WWUS81 KRNK 302016 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 416 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ004-005-302115- Stokes-Rockingham- 416 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EASTERN STOKES AND WESTERN ROCKINGHAM COUNTIES... Until 515 PM EDT. At 415 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Critz, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Eden... Reidsville... Wentworth... Mayodan... and Madison. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of hail of any size, as well as reports of any wind damage, including downed trees or large limbs, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. LAT...LON 3626 8024 3654 8030 3654 7976 3624 7953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2015Z 330DEG 27KT 3666 8014 $$ PW  801 WHUS51 KBOX 302016 SMWBOX ANZ231>236-254>256-271-302115- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0047.190630T2016Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 416 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Buzzards Bay... Cape Cod Bay... Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket... Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island... Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm... Nantucket Sound... Narragansett Bay... Ocean Waters from Provincetown to Nantucket from 20 to 35 NM offshore... Rhode Island Sound... Vineyard Sound... * Until 515 PM EDT. * At 412 PM EDT, scattered strong thunderstorms were located over southeast Massachusetts just north of the Cape Cod Canal, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Squibnocket Bight, Menemsha Bight, Wasque Point, Mount Hope Bay, Nauset Light, Gay Head Light, Rocky Point, Teaticket, Stage Harbor Light, Vineyard Sound, Wellfleet Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Cape Poge Light, Monomoy Point, Edgartown Harbor, Point Gammon, Hyannisport, Nantucket Sound, Great Point Light On Nantucket and West Island In Buzzards Bay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. Potentially damaging wind gusts, frequent lightning, heavy downpours, and small hail can be expected. && LAT...LON 4155 6934 4116 7066 4170 7125 4175 7110 4168 7116 4152 7102 4175 7076 4176 7058 4155 7062 4166 7041 4170 6997 4184 6997 4169 7026 4175 7050 4181 7056 4191 7056 4220 6959 TIME...MOT...LOC 2012Z 326DEG 28KT 4181 7042 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...40KTS $$ Field  158 WUUS53 KILX 302016 SVRILX ILC183-302100- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0125.190630T2016Z-190630T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 316 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 400 PM CDT. * At 316 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hoopeston, or 9 miles west of Talbot, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hoopeston, Rossville, Bismarck, Henning and Alvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4020 8765 4047 8777 4049 8773 4049 8753 4025 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2016Z 333DEG 9KT 4046 8763 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  656 WWUS51 KOKX 302017 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 417 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CTC007-009-011-302027- /O.CAN.KOKX.SV.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ New London CT-New Haven CT-Middlesex CT- 417 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN NEW LONDON... EASTERN NEW HAVEN AND MIDDLESEX COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4155 7233 4128 7227 4125 7238 4127 7241 4127 7245 4125 7247 4126 7249 4124 7254 4126 7258 4126 7262 4124 7269 4125 7273 4123 7276 4126 7278 4124 7281 4124 7288 4156 7282 4157 7280 4158 7275 4161 7271 TIME...MOT...LOC 2012Z 358DEG 19KT 4143 7271 4137 7242 $$ JE  776 WWUS53 KLMK 302017 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 417 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC077-143-KYC223-302026- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0151.000000T0000Z-190630T2015Z/ Jefferson IN-Scott IN-Trimble KY- 417 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL JEFFERSON...EASTERN SCOTT AND NORTHWESTERN TRIMBLE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. A new Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for southern Jefferson county and portions of Scott and Trimble counties. Gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3882 8552 3881 8540 3866 8537 3866 8561 TIME...MOT...LOC 2016Z 002DEG 16KT 3869 8549 $$ SCHOETTMER  216 WWUS30 KWNS 302017 SAW8 SPC AWW 302017 WW 468 SEVERE TSTM IA WI 302020Z - 010200Z AXIS..50 STATUTE MILES NORTH AND SOUTH OF LINE.. 20SW MCW/MASON CITY IA/ - 15ENE DBQ/DUBUQUE IA/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 45NM N/S /15SW MCW - 13ENE DBQ/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1.5 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..65 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 550. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 31030. LAT...LON 43669361 43209044 41759044 42229361 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU8.  484 WWUS51 KRNK 302018 SVSRNK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 418 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAC089-141-302045- /O.CON.KRNK.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Henry VA-Patrick VA- 418 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN HENRY AND SOUTHEASTERN PATRICK COUNTIES... At 417 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Critz, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Stuart... Spencer... Bassett... Sanville... and Penns Store. This includes The following Location Martinsville Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for DAMAGING WINDS, as well as deadly cloud to ground lightning. For your safety, move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Stay away from windows. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of hail of any size, as well as reports of any wind damage, including downed trees or large limbs, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3668 8031 3679 8004 3654 7976 3654 8029 TIME...MOT...LOC 2017Z 322DEG 27KT 3667 8012 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ PW  566 WWJP25 RJTD 301800 WARNING AND SUMMARY 301800. WARNING VALID 011800. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1000 HPA AT 39N 152E SEA EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EAST 30 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 42N 141E 46N 150E 55N 163E 60N 164E 60N 180E 28N 180E 30N 170E 35N 170E 30N 155E 30N 139E 35N 140E 42N 141E. SUMMARY. LOW 1000 HPA AT 39N 130E EAST SLOWLY. LOW 1000 HPA AT 42N 137E NE 10 KT. LOW 1004 HPA AT 45N 167E EAST 10 KT. TROPICAL DEPRESSION 1006 HPA AT 17N 125E NW 10 KT. LOW PRESSURE AREA 1002 HPA NEAR 19N 114E ALMOST STATIONARY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 25N 108E TO 29N 120E 32N 130E 34N 135E 35N 140E 37N 145E 39N 152E 39N 159E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  791 WWUS81 KAKQ 302018 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 418 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ087-092-093-096-302100- Isle of Wight-Southampton-Suffolk-Greensville- 418 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN GREENSVILLE...SOUTHWESTERN ISLE OF WIGHT...AND SOUTHAMPTON COUNTIES...THE CITY OF FRANKLIN...THE CITY OF EMPORIA AND THE CITY OF SUFFOLK... At 417 PM EDT, a cluster of thunderstorms with heavy rain were located along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Wakefield to 6 miles south of Sussex to near Radium. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Franklin, Emporia, Courtland, Boykins, Dahlia, Holland, Suffolk, Ivor, Newsoms, Hunterdale, Carrsville, Green Plain, Whaleyville, Sedley, Claresville, Capron, Branchville, Vicksville, Dory and Lees Mill. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3655 7763 3665 7770 3672 7765 3674 7748 3672 7749 3671 7743 3695 7695 3656 7649 3655 7649 TIME...MOT...LOC 2017Z 306DEG 27KT 3688 7704 3683 7731 3677 7772 $$ 05  948 WUUS53 KIND 302018 SVRIND INC005-071-079-302115- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0127.190630T2018Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 418 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Bartholomew County in central Indiana... Eastern Jackson County in south central Indiana... Western Jennings County in southeastern Indiana... * Until 515 PM EDT. * At 418 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Seymour, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Columbus, Seymour, North Vernon, Crothersville, Elizabethtown, Jonesville, Hayden, Azalia, Paris Crossing, Country Squire Lakes and Grammer. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 37 and 61. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3873 8589 3875 8590 3875 8592 3876 8592 3914 8595 3917 8573 3888 8557 3885 8557 3885 8561 3883 8561 3882 8563 3883 8565 3882 8570 3883 8572 3881 8579 3878 8580 3874 8584 3873 8587 TIME...MOT...LOC 2018Z 348DEG 10KT 3904 8583 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  453 WAAK48 PAWU 302018 WA8O ANCS WA 302015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB VCY CHUGACH/KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB KENAI/CHUGACH/TALKEETNA MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MONTAGUE-PACV SE LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD KENAI MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . KODIAK IS AE ALEUTIAN MTS SW KODIAK IS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 22Z PAJZ-PAIG LN NE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. IMPR FM W. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAKO OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL CIGS BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -DZ BR. NC. . =ANCT WA 302015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 02Z PAAK NW OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 02Z AMCHITKA TO PASY OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 302015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . BH JUN 2019 AAWU  454 WWUS20 KWNS 302017 SEL8 SPC WW 302017 IAZ000-WIZ000-010200- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 468 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 320 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Northeast Iowa Far southwest Wisconsin * Effective this Sunday afternoon and evening from 320 PM until 900 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging winds and isolated significant gusts to 75 mph possible Isolated large hail events to 1.5 inches in diameter possible SUMMARY...Cluster of strong to severe thunderstorms have quickly erupted across southeast Minnesota and should spread southeast across mainly northeast Iowa into early evening. Damaging winds are the primary hazard. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 50 statute miles north and south of a line from 20 miles southwest of Mason City IA to 15 miles east northeast of Dubuque IA. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU8). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 466...WW 467... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 65 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 550. Mean storm motion vector 31030. ...Grams  558 WOUS64 KWNS 302017 WOU8 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 320 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0468.190630T2020Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0468.190630T2020Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DMX...DVN...  559 WWUS40 KWNS 302017 WWP8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0316 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0468 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : 05% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 50% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 30% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 20% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 70% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.5 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 65 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 550 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 31030 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU8. $$  192 WUCN10 CWUL 302019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:19 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= PORTNEUF AREA LAC-AUX-SABLES AREA. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: FALARDEAU - MONT-VALIN AREA VILLE DE SAGUENAY AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 4:56 P.M. EDT. AT 4:19 P.M. EDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  351 WWUS53 KLOT 302019 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 319 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC099-105-302029- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0077.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Livingston IL-La Salle IL- 319 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN LIVINGSTON AND SOUTH CENTRAL LA SALLE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central, north central and northeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 4104 8904 4110 8843 4111 8840 4111 8825 4099 8825 4092 8893 4093 8893 4093 8903 TIME...MOT...LOC 2018Z 004DEG 38KT 4089 8921 4087 8872 4089 8864 4099 8823 $$ Donofrio  546 WWUS63 KDVN 302020 WCNDVN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 466/468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE QUAD CITIES IA IL 320 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 IAC011-019-055-061-097-105-113-010200- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.A.0468.190630T2020Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL IOWA BENTON JACKSON JONES LINN IN NORTHEAST IOWA BUCHANAN DELAWARE DUBUQUE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANAMOSA, CEDAR RAPIDS, DUBUQUE, INDEPENDENCE, MANCHESTER, MAQUOKETA, AND VINTON. $$ ILC011-073-155-195-302300- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BUREAU PUTNAM IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS HENRY IL WHITESIDE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF GENESEO, HENNEPIN, PRINCETON, AND STERLING. $$  562 WWUS51 KBOX 302020 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 420 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC023-302030- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Plymouth MA- 420 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM EDT FOR EAST CENTRAL PLYMOUTH COUNTY... At 420 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Carver, or near Plymouth, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Middleborough, Wareham, Carver and Rochester. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4178 7079 4186 7085 4194 7068 4198 7063 4193 7052 4190 7052 TIME...MOT...LOC 2020Z 323DEG 11KT 4184 7070 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  588 WUCN10 CWUL 302020 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:20 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= SAINTE-ANNE-DE-LA-PERADE AREA LAC-AUX-SABLES AREA PORTNEUF AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 4:56 P.M. EDT. AT 4:20 P.M. EDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  703 WWUS53 KILX 302020 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 320 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-183-302045- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Vermilion-Champaign- 320 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN VERMILION AND NORTHEASTERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES... At 320 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Potomac, or 14 miles southeast of Paxton, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Danville, Ogden, Potomac, Rankin, Royal, Henning, Middle Fork Wildlife Area, Armstrong, Collison and Penfield. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 197 and 200. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4011 8796 4040 8800 4040 8793 4045 8793 4048 8783 4018 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 2020Z 334DEG 9KT 4035 8787 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  562 WAAK49 PAWU 302020 WA9O FAIS WA 302015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . UPR YKN VLY FB SRN S-SE PFYU MTS OCNL OBSC BY FU. IMPR FM W. . TANANA VLY FC MTS PAFA E OCNL OBSC BY FU. IMPR FM W. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE BROOKS RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . LWR YKN VLY FF NULATO HILL OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG OFSHR W PAQT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. SPRDG E. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG TIL 00Z ALG CST E PABR OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS W PAKP OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ATIGUN PASS BY 04Z. IMPR FM W. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI W PAVL-PASH LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI MTS PAOT N OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 302015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAKP-PAIM LN W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. SPRDG W TO ALL SXNS BY 02Z. IMPR FM W. . LWR YKN VLY FF PAGA-PANV LN W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN FM S. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG W PABR OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. SPRDG E TO PASC BY 05Z. SPRDG E. WKN FM W. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W SURVEY PASS OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. SPRDG E TO ATIGUN PASS BY 04Z. WKN FM W. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ NORTON SOUND AND ONSHR PAGL E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN FM N. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 23Z SE PASA-PATE LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . =FAIZ WA 302015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE NW PAHL-PAKP LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 100-150. FZLVL 060. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG PABR W OCNL MOD ICEIC 100-150. FZLVL 060 W TO 100 E. SPRDG E. WKN FM W. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W PAKP OCNL MOD ICEIC 100-150. FZLVL 070 W TO 100 E. WKN FM W. . NS JUN 2019 AAWU  563 WWUS63 KARX 302020 WCNARX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LA CROSSE WI 320 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 IAC005-037-043-065-067-089-131-191-WIC023-043-010200- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.A.0468.190630T2020Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 8 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL IOWA FLOYD MITCHELL IN NORTHEAST IOWA ALLAMAKEE CHICKASAW CLAYTON FAYETTE HOWARD WINNESHIEK IN WISCONSIN THIS WATCH INCLUDES 2 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN CRAWFORD GRANT THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLES CITY, CRESCO, DECORAH, ELKADER, NEW HAMPTON, OELWEIN, OSAGE, PLATTEVILLE, PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, AND WAUKON. $$ 04  614 WWUS83 KUNR 302020 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 220 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDZ028-029-302045- Central Black Hills SD-Southern Black Hills SD- 220 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM OVER NORTH CENTRAL CUSTER AND SOUTHWESTERN PENNINGTON COUNTIES... At 220 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Crazy Horse Memorial, or 5 miles southwest of Hill City, moving east at 15 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Black Elk Peak, Crazy Horse Memorial, Sylvan Lake, Palmer Gulch Resort, Horse Thief Lake, Mount Rushmore National Memorial and northwestern Custer State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Very heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for southwestern and west central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4381 10367 4389 10369 4395 10350 4382 10343 TIME...MOT...LOC 2020Z 257DEG 15KT 4387 10362 $$ JC  337 WUUS53 KLOT 302021 SVRLOT ILC053-075-302115- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0081.190630T2021Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 321 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Ford County in east central Illinois... Southern Iroquois County in east central Illinois... * Until 415 PM CDT. * At 320 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Morocco to near Onarga to 7 miles north of Gibson, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Watseka, Paxton, Gibson City, Stockland, Claytonville, Milford, Sheldon, Cissna Park, Buckley, Gibson, Melvin, Loda, Roberts, Woodland, Elliott, Sibley, Wellington and Iroquois. Including the following interstate... I-57 between mile markers 258 and 275. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4062 8846 4062 8812 4086 8753 4049 8753 4049 8794 4040 8793 4040 8846 TIME...MOT...LOC 2020Z 320DEG 38KT 4094 8752 4072 8790 4058 8841 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ LENNING  111 WWUS53 KMPX 302021 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 321 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC047-302045- /O.CON.KMPX.TO.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Freeborn MN- 321 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL FREEBORN COUNTY... At 321 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Albert Lea, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. A wall cloud has been observed with this storm. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Albert Lea around 325 PM CDT. Twin Lakes around 330 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4365 9349 4369 9340 4363 9322 4351 9341 TIME...MOT...LOC 2021Z 305DEG 19KT 4364 9341 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ BORGHOFF  564 WWUS63 KDMX 302022 WCNDMX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DES MOINES IA 322 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 IAC013-017-023-033-069-075-081-083-171-189-195-010200- /O.NEW.KDMX.SV.A.0468.190630T2022Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 11 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL IOWA GRUNDY HARDIN TAMA IN NORTH CENTRAL IOWA BUTLER CERRO GORDO FRANKLIN HANCOCK WINNEBAGO WORTH IN NORTHEAST IOWA BLACK HAWK BREMER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ACKLEY, ALLISON, APLINGTON, BRITT, CEDAR FALLS, CLARKSVILLE, CLEAR LAKE, CONRAD, DIKE, DUMONT, DYSART, ELDORA, FOREST CITY, GARNER, GLADBROOK, GREENE, GRUNDY CENTER, HAMPTON, IOWA FALLS, KANAWHA, LAKE MILLS, MANLY, MASON CITY, NORTHWOOD, PARKERSBURG, REINBECK, SHELL ROCK, TAMA, TOLEDO, TRAER, WATERLOO, WAVERLY, AND WELLSBURG. * PRIMARY THREATS INCLUDE... SCATTERED DAMAGING WINDS AND ISOLATED SIGNIFICANT GUSTS TO 75 MPH POSSIBLE. ISOLATED LARGE HAIL EVENTS TO 1.5 INCHES IN DIAMETER POSSIBLE. PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : 05% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 50% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 75 MPH : 30% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 20% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 70% MEAN STORM MOTION /MPH/ : SE 35 $$  628 WWUS83 KJKL 302022 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 422 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ058-059-068-069-080-111-302115- Jackson-Lee-Estill-Rockcastle-Powell-Laurel- 422 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT POWELL...NORTHWESTERN LAUREL...ESTILL...JACKSON...EASTERN ROCKCASTLE AND WESTERN LEE COUNTIES... At 422 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Virden to Knowlton to near Cottage Furnace to near Fox to near Blackburn to near Shirley to Snider. Movement was southeast at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Stanton, Irvine, Mount Vernon, Beattyville, McKee, Boone, Clay City, Ravenna, Pilot, Donaro, Bummer, White Ash, Bowen, Robinet, Kimbrell, Shop Branch, Horse Lick, Wiseman Crossing Station, Climax and Virden. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3754 8435 3751 8426 3757 8409 3764 8413 3767 8409 3781 8410 3781 8412 3782 8409 3783 8400 3787 8403 3792 8398 3792 8389 3781 8369 3772 8371 3758 8365 3752 8372 3752 8388 3741 8390 3719 8426 3747 8438 TIME...MOT...LOC 2022Z 322DEG 18KT 3791 8390 3780 8386 3774 8394 3774 8410 3764 8417 3760 8418 3750 8434 $$ JP  730 WWUS83 KUNR 302022 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 222 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDZ024-026-028-072-302045- Northern Black Hills SD-Central Black Hills SD- Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills SD-Rapid City SD- 222 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 222 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 3 miles north of Pactola Reservoir, or 13 miles north of Hill City, moving east at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rapid City, Summerset, Black Hawk, Johnson Siding, Nemo, Piedmont, Silver City, Hisega and Pactola Reservoir. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 44 and 56. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Very heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for west central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4401 10354 4415 10363 4427 10338 4406 10322 TIME...MOT...LOC 2022Z 249DEG 21KT 4412 10351 $$ JC  891 WAAK47 PAWU 302022 WA7O JNUS WA 302015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB PAGS W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE COAST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =JNUT WA 302015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 302015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . BH JUN 2019 AAWU  030 WWUS53 KLOT 302022 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 322 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC031-INC089-302032- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Cook IL-Lake IN- 322 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN COOK AND NORTHWESTERN LAKE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for northeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 4142 8754 4103 8753 4100 8824 4112 8800 4126 8786 4143 8770 TIME...MOT...LOC 2022Z 326DEG 19KT 4135 8744 4079 8780 $$ ILC091-197-302030- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Will IL-Kankakee IL- 322 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 330 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WILL AND KANKAKEE COUNTIES... At 322 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Cedar Lake to near Watseka, and extending back toward the east side of Kankakee, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Kankakee, Bourbonnais, Bradley, Manteno, University Park, Peotone, Momence, Crete, Beecher, Herscher, Grant Park, St. Anne, Aroma Park, Hopkins Park, Sun River Terrace and Irwin. LAT...LON 4142 8754 4103 8753 4100 8824 4112 8800 4126 8786 4143 8770 TIME...MOT...LOC 2022Z 326DEG 19KT 4135 8744 4079 8780 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  604 WWUS53 KILX 302023 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 323 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC123-175-302045- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0124.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Marshall-Stark- 323 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR MARSHALL AND STARK COUNTIES... At 322 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Castleton to near Washburn to near Toluca, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lacon, Wyoming, Toluca, Toulon, Wenona, Osceola, Bradford, Sparland, Varna, Elmira, Castleton, Camp Grove, Hopewell, Duncan, La Rose, Pattonsburg and Marshall County Airport. This includes Interstate 39 between mile markers 29 and 40. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4119 8964 4115 8964 4115 8952 4106 8931 4110 8905 4093 8905 4094 8944 4098 8943 4098 8991 4116 8987 4123 8986 4124 8971 TIME...MOT...LOC 2022Z 357DEG 11KT 4113 8976 4095 8931 4099 8908 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  130 WOUS64 KWNS 302023 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 323 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC011-027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CROOK NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  350 WWUS53 KFSD 302023 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 323 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC063-302033- /O.EXP.KFSD.SV.W.0025.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Jackson MN- 323 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR JACKSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 330 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4360 9545 4380 9538 4378 9485 4350 9486 TIME...MOT...LOC 2023Z 281DEG 26KT 4369 9514 $$ Weisser  433 WWUS53 KILX 302024 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 324 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC183-302100- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0125.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Vermilion- 324 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY... At 324 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hoopeston, or 9 miles southwest of Talbot, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hoopeston, Rossville, Bismarck, Henning and Alvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4020 8765 4047 8777 4049 8773 4049 8753 4025 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2024Z 333DEG 9KT 4044 8762 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  076 WUUS53 KARX 302025 SVRARX IAC089-131-MNC045-302130- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0037.190630T2025Z-190630T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 325 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Mitchell County in north central Iowa... Howard County in northeastern Iowa... Fillmore County in southeastern Minnesota... * Until 430 PM CDT. * At 325 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Spring Valley to near Le Roy to 6 miles east of Northwood, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Spring Valley and Wykoff around 330 PM CDT. Preston around 345 PM CDT. Lime Springs around 355 PM CDT. Osage around 400 PM CDT. Harmony around 405 PM CDT. Canton around 410 PM CDT. Cresco around 415 PM CDT. Protivin around 430 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Vernon Springs County Park, Forestville State Park, Toeterville, Rock Creek, Vernon Springs, Otranto and County Roads V 58 And A 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4350 9303 4350 9245 4376 9245 4385 9236 4385 9226 4350 9175 4350 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2025Z 319DEG 26KT 4373 9234 4356 9255 4345 9309 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  073 WWUS53 KMPX 302025 SVSMPX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 325 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC047-302034- /O.CAN.KMPX.TO.W.0012.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Freeborn MN- 325 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL FREEBORN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4365 9349 4369 9340 4363 9322 4351 9341 TIME...MOT...LOC 2023Z 315DEG 17KT 4363 9339 $$ BORGHOFF  532 WSBZ01 SBBR 302000 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 301930/302230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2758 W04442 - S2649 W04830 - S2708 W05353 - S2737 W05452 - S2852 W05621 - S3135 W04758 - S2758 W04442 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  533 WSBZ01 SBBR 302000 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  534 WSBZ01 SBBR 302000 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 301650/302050 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0430 W07135 - S0414 W07039 - S0418 W06957 - S0305 W06943 - S0130 W06927 - S0314 W06712 - S0459 W06834 - S0505 W07053 - S0430 W07135 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  353 WWUS81 KBOX 302026 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 426 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ023-302115- Dukes MA- 426 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 426 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Oak Bluffs, moving southeast at 10 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Oak Bluffs, Edgartown, Tisbury and West Tisbury. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4145 7070 4149 7061 4149 7058 4147 7055 4142 7053 4142 7043 4136 7044 4134 7034 4135 7031 4135 7030 4134 7030 4133 7032 4135 7040 4134 7045 4133 7058 TIME...MOT...LOC 2026Z 321DEG 10KT 4143 7060 $$ Frank  391 WSPF21 NTAA 302026 NTTT SIGMET A6 VALID 302025/302400 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2700 W15000 - S2500 W14100 - S2500 W13500 - S2400 W13500 - S2400 W14000 - S2400 W14500 - S2500 W15000 FL160/200 STNR NC=  463 WWUS82 KMFL 302026 SPSMFL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Miami FL 426 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ063-066-067-070-302115- Hendry FL-Inland Collier County FL-Inland Palm Beach County FL- Glades FL- 426 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL COLLIER...HENDRY AND GLADES COUNTIES UNTIL 515 PM EDT... * At 426 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Palmdale to near Montura to 7 miles southeast of Felda. Movement was east at 10 mph. * Small hail and winds in excess of 45 mph possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Clewiston, Labelle, Moore Haven, Lakeport, Montura, Immokalee, Palmdale, Felda, Port La Belle, Devils Garden, Ortona, Lake Hicpochee, Harlem, Keri and Lake Trafford. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Miami on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2703 8092 2698 8091 2695 8100 2689 8100 2688 8091 2685 8088 2666 8084 2634 8113 2643 8156 2663 8157 2701 8143 2703 8139 2703 8127 2708 8127 TIME...MOT...LOC 2026Z 275DEG 7KT 2696 8133 2666 8113 2648 8133 $$ ALM  795 WSCN03 CWAO 302026 CZWG SIGMET P3 VALID 302025/010025 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5429 W08805 - N5750 W08634 TOP FL350 MOV NE 45KT NC=  796 WSCN23 CWAO 302026 CZWG SIGMET P3 VALID 302025/010025 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5429 W08805/75 NE CYTL - /N5750 W08634/120 N CYER TOP FL350 MOV NE 45KT NC RMK GFACN33 GFACN36=  208 WUUS53 KILX 302027 SVRILX ILC045-183-302115- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0126.190630T2027Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 327 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Edgar County in east central Illinois... South central Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 415 PM CDT. * At 327 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Sidell, or 16 miles north of Paris, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Chrisman, Sidell, Hume, Brocton, Edgar, Isabel, Metcalf, Palermo, Edgar County Airport and Borton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3990 8792 3992 8769 3967 8761 3965 8795 TIME...MOT...LOC 2027Z 355DEG 7KT 3984 8780 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  734 WSMS31 WMKK 302027 WBFC SIGMET A05 VALID 302035/302335 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0702 E11754 - N0525 E11540 - N0607 E11332 - N0822 E11627 - N0702 E11754 TOP FL500 MOV SSW 05KT INTSF=  359 WWUS51 KBOX 302028 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 428 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC001-023-302100- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Barnstable MA-Plymouth MA- 428 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN BARNSTABLE AND SOUTHEASTERN PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 428 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wareham, or over Marion, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Plymouth, Barnstable, Falmouth, Marion, Yarmouth, Wareham, Sandwich, Bourne, Dennis, Mashpee, Rochester and Hyannis. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4173 7018 4161 7026 4159 7042 4154 7047 4141 7045 4153 7047 4154 7060 4159 7066 4171 7068 4172 7070 4166 7070 4165 7073 4173 7082 4189 7053 4182 7052 4177 7046 4173 7028 4175 7021 TIME...MOT...LOC 2028Z 326DEG 16KT 4174 7072 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  650 WWUS83 KLMK 302029 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 429 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ040-041-048-302100- Woodford-Fayette-Jessamine- 429 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...GUSTY STORM MOVING INTO NORTHWEST LEXINGTON METRO... At 427 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located north of Versailles, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 45 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lexington, Versailles, Blue Grass Field, Cardinal Hill, Meadowthorpe, Chevy Chase, Midway, Viley, and Firmantown. If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3791 8468 3810 8480 3815 8470 3813 8465 3812 8464 3812 8465 3811 8465 3811 8463 3812 8462 3804 8445 TIME...MOT...LOC 2027Z 318DEG 15KT 3810 8471 $$ 13  988 WWUS53 KLOT 302029 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 329 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-105-302045- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Livingston IL-Ford IL- 329 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN LIVINGSTON AND NORTHWESTERN FORD COUNTIES... At 329 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Colfax to near Piper City, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Fairbury, Piper City, Forrest, Chatsworth, Cullom, Roberts, Cabery, Kempton and Strawn. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4062 8857 4076 8858 4100 8825 4100 8814 4061 8812 TIME...MOT...LOC 2029Z 346DEG 13KT 4062 8854 4075 8815 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  251 WWUS53 KLOT 302030 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 330 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC091-197-302038- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0076.000000T0000Z-190630T2030Z/ Will IL-Kankakee IL- 330 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WILL AND KANKAKEE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 330 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for northeastern Illinois. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for in southern Kankakee county until 345 PM CDT. LAT...LON 4142 8754 4103 8753 4100 8824 4112 8800 4126 8786 4143 8770 TIME...MOT...LOC 2028Z 326DEG 19KT 4133 8742 4077 8778 $$ Donofrio  354 WAUS42 KKCI 302045 WA2Z MIAZ WA 302045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 140-160 ACRS AREA ....  355 WAUS41 KKCI 302045 WA1Z BOSZ WA 302045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET ICE...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50ENE PQI TO 200SE ACK TO 170S ACK TO 40SSW PVD TO 40SW BDL TO 50E MSS TO 20ESE YSC TO 60E YQB TO 50ENE PQI MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL220. FRZLVL 100-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 06-09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 100-155 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 20WSW YOW-30ESE HNK-20ESE JFK-190SSE ACK ....  356 WAUS41 KKCI 302045 WA1S BOSS WA 302045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO 20SE HUL TO 30SW ENE TO 20S ALB TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR ME NH VT MA NY AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY MSS-BGR-50SE BGR-20NW BOS-20S ALB-60S MSS-MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...IFR WV VA BOUNDED BY 40SSE EKN-40NE PSK-40SSE PSK-HMV-40S HNN-40SSE EKN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  357 WAUS43 KKCI 302045 WA3Z CHIZ WA 302045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE MN FROM 60NE MOT TO 30NE BJI TO 70SSE FAR TO 50SW DPR TO 20NNW BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 60NE MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 130-160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...ICE ND SD NE MN WI LS BOUNDED BY 50N MOT-50WNW GFK-40WNW INL-50ESE INL-30SW YQT-50NE MSP-30SSE BFF-70SW RAP-50SSW ISN-50N MOT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 130-160. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 125-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG SNY-70WSW ANW-40WNW OVR-40SSE OVR-30NNW MCI-60SE ICT ....  358 WAUS42 KKCI 302045 WA2S MIAS WA 302045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  359 WAUS43 KKCI 302045 WA3S CHIS WA 302045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR ND SD NE BOUNDED BY 80SW DIK-DPR-20NW ANW-SNY-BFF-70SW RAP-80SW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...IFR MN WI LM LS MI BOUNDED BY YQT-70SE SAW-40WNW PMM-40SW BAE-EAU-MSP-DLH-YQT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 3...IFR IN KY BOUNDED BY 30ESE IND-CVG-40S HNN-HMV-40WSW LOZ-40W IIU-30ESE IND CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG AFT 06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  360 WAUS44 KKCI 302045 WA4S DFWS WA 302045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR TX LA BOUNDED BY 20SSE SPS-AEX-30NE PSX-20ENE CRP-30NW BRO-90W BRO-DLF- 60SE ABI-40N ABI-20SSE SPS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  502 WAUS45 KKCI 302045 WA5S SLCS WA 302045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT IFR EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...MT WY FROM 30NW LWT TO SHR TO 20SSE DDY TO 50ESE DLN TO 20WSW HLN TO 30NW LWT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR MT WY CO BOUNDED BY MLS-80SW DIK-70SW RAP-BFF-SNY-CYS-20SSE BOY-80SW BIL- 20S DLN-60SW LWT-MLS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 30SSE DBL-50SW PUB-CIM-50N ABQ-DVC-30SSE DBL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  503 WAUS44 KKCI 302045 WA4Z DFWZ WA 302045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 140-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 60SE ICT-70SE ICT-20SW OKC-30NNW SPS-CDS-40E TCC-30SE TCC ....  504 WAUS45 KKCI 302045 WA5Z SLCZ WA 302045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 50NNW GGW TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 20NNW BFF TO 30SSE HBU TO 20NW DMN TO 50SSE SSO TO 50S TUS TO 90SSW PHX TO 30NE BZA TO EED TO 60W ILC TO 40WNW PIH TO 50SE LWT TO 50NNW GGW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL280. FRZLVL 130-160. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT OR FROM 50SE HVR TO 50SE LWT TO 60ESE DLN TO 50SE BOI TO 50SE REO TO 40SSW REO TO 50S BKE TO 30E BKE TO 40N DNJ TO 60SE MLP TO 50SE HVR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL260. FRZLVL 130-140. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 110-165 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 80SSE GEG-60SW MLP-30ESE FCA-20WNW HVR-50NNE GGW 160 ALG 30SE TCC-20ENE CME-50E ELP 160 ALG 50ESE BZA-40ESE DRK-30E TBC-40WSW RSK-40W DEN-SNY ....  505 WAUS46 KKCI 302045 WA6Z SFOZ WA 302045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET ICE...OR ID MT FROM 50SE HVR TO 50SE LWT TO 60ESE DLN TO 50SE BOI TO 50SE REO TO 40SSW REO TO 50S BKE TO 30E BKE TO 40N DNJ TO 60SE MLP TO 50SE HVR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL260. FRZLVL 130-140. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 095-160 ACRS AREA 120 ALG 150SW FOT-40SSW FOT-40S PDT-80SSE GEG ....  506 WAUS46 KKCI 302045 WA6S SFOS WA 302045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40WSW OED TO 30SW ENI TO 100SW FOT TO 80NNW FOT TO 40WSW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY ONP-50WSW OED-20W ENI-20SSE OAK-20NNE SNS-70SE SNS- 50W TRM-20S MZB-110SW MZB-80S SNS-90SW FOT-100W OED-ONP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN OR CA BOUNDED BY 20NE ONP-60SE EUG-OED-20SSW FOT-20NE ONP MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  660 WWCN10 CWUL 302030 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:30 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= SAINT-JEROME AREA =NEW= SAINTE-ADELE - SAINT-SAUVEUR AREA =NEW= BECANCOUR - VILLEROY AREA LANAUDIERE MAURICIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  026 WWUS81 KOKX 302031 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 431 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ079-081-302115- Southeast Suffolk-Northeast Suffolk- 431 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EASTERN SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 431 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Greenport, or near Southold, moving south at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Southold, Southampton, Sag Harbor, Bridgehampton, Noyack, Shelter Island, Greenport, Shinnecock Hills, East Hampton, Peconic, Springs, North Sea, Cutchogue, Water Mill and North Haven. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 4083 7249 4090 7250 4095 7245 4098 7248 4098 7251 4105 7251 4109 7245 4110 7241 4115 7236 4117 7225 4115 7223 4113 7225 4111 7231 4113 7231 4111 7233 4108 7227 4105 7226 4104 7220 4107 7216 4097 7208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2031Z 341DEG 34KT 4114 7239 $$ JE  268 WWUS73 KOAX 302031 NPWOAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 331 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ043-055-056-069-079-080-090-091-NEZ011-012-015>018-030>034- 042>045-050>053-065>068-078-088>093-010200- /O.CON.KOAX.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Monona-Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Fremont- Page-Knox-Cedar-Thurston-Antelope-Pierce-Wayne-Boone-Madison- Stanton-Cuming-Burt-Platte-Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler- Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward-Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline- Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee-Richardson- Including the cities of Onawa, Mapleton, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Logan, Dunlap, Harlan, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Sidney, Hamburg, Tabor, Farragut, Clarinda, Shenandoah, Creighton, Bloomfield, Crofton, Wausa, Verdigre, Niobrara, Hartington, Laurel, Randolph, Coleridge, Pender, Macy, Walthill, Winnebago, Neligh, Elgin, Pierce, Plainview, Osmond, Wayne, Albion, St. Edward, Norfolk, Stanton, West Point, Wisner, Tekamah, Oakland, Lyons, Decatur, Columbus, Schuyler, Fremont, Blair, David City, Wahoo, Ashland, Yutan, Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Seward, Milford, Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, Crete, Wilber, Fairbury, Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sterling, Auburn, Pawnee City, Table Rock, and Falls City 331 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...Mainly in the 100 to 109 degree range for most of the area the rest of this afternoon and early evening hours. This is due to temperatures reaching into the 90s, with dewpoints mainly in the lower or mid 70s. * TIMING...late afternoon and early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. && $$  284 WWUS81 KAKQ 302032 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 432 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ093-096>098-302115- Isle of Wight-Suffolk-Chesapeake-Virginia Beach- 432 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT CENTRAL ISLE OF WIGHT ...THE CITY OF CHESAPEAKE...THE EASTERN CITY OF SUFFOLK AND THE SOUTH CENTRAL CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH... At 431 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Driver, or near Downtown Suffolk, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm.. In addition...Rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Smithfield, Windsor, Downtown Suffolk, Deep Creek, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Isle Of Wight, Driver, Bowers Hill, Northwest, Kings Fork, Zuni, Longview, Benns Church, Suffolk Airport, Chuckatuck, Wilroy, Kilby and Hickory. LAT...LON 3655 7601 3655 7649 3685 7684 3687 7684 3696 7662 TIME...MOT...LOC 2031Z 307DEG 32KT 3682 7657 $$ 05  359 WWUS53 KLMK 302032 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 432 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC077-143-KYC223-302045- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0152.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Jefferson IN-Scott IN-Trimble KY- 432 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JEFFERSON...EAST CENTRAL SCOTT AND WEST CENTRAL TRIMBLE COUNTIES... At 432 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southwest of Madison, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hanover, Saluda, Kent, Chelsea, Swanville and Paynesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3866 8542 3859 8543 3860 8550 3861 8550 3861 8561 3876 8555 3874 8549 TIME...MOT...LOC 2032Z 002DEG 16KT 3862 8551 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  837 WWUS53 KLOT 302032 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 332 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC073-089-111-302115- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0080.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Newton IN-Lake IN-Jasper IN- 332 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR NEWTON...SOUTHERN LAKE AND JASPER COUNTIES... At 331 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Cedar Lake to west of Morocco to near Watseka, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lowell, Rensselaer, De Motte, Kentland, Morocco, Hanging Grove, Percy Junction, Thayer, Roselawn, Gifford, Enos, Pembroke, Fair Oaks, Pleasant Ridge, Conrad, Perkins, Sumava Resorts, McCoysburg, Beaver City and Moody. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Wind damage with these storms may occur before any rain or lightning. Do not wait for the sound of thunder before taking cover. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4091 8693 4091 8699 4084 8699 4084 8710 4074 8710 4074 8752 4128 8753 4129 8722 4124 8722 4127 8719 4129 8712 4127 8706 4122 8697 4124 8693 TIME...MOT...LOC 2031Z 308DEG 26KT 4135 8752 4134 8751 4094 8752 4078 8766 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  954 WSCH31 SCEL 302032 SCEZ SIGMET A1 VALID 302033/010033 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3327 W06949 - S2830 W07847 - S2830 W08427 - S3515 W07033 - S3419 W06957 FL200/320 STNR NC=  791 WWUS84 KLZK 302033 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 333 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ066-067-302100- Calhoun AR-Ouachita AR- 333 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN CALHOUN AND SOUTHEASTERN OUACHITA COUNTIES UNTIL 400 PM CDT... At 333 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles southwest of Hampton Municipal Airport, or 7 miles southwest of Hampton, moving west at 10 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hampton... Louann... Delhi... Standard Umpstead... Millers Bluff... Frenchport... Cross Roads in Ouachita County... Locust Bayou... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3337 9269 3337 9271 3338 9273 3339 9276 3337 9279 3357 9280 3354 9248 3337 9248 3336 9255 3337 9259 3336 9261 3337 9265 3336 9266 3336 9267 TIME...MOT...LOC 2033Z 091DEG 11KT 3346 9257 $$ 62  093 WHUS52 KMHX 302033 SMWMHX AMZ150-230-231-302115- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0070.190630T2033Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 433 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Albemarle Sound... Croatan and Roanoke Sounds... S of Currituck Beach Light NC to Oregon Inlet NC out to 20 nm... * Until 515 PM EDT. * At 433 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near The Center Of The Albemarle Sound, or 9 nm north of The Mouth Of The Alligator River, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots and small hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... The Center Of Roanoke Sound, The Center Of Croatan Sound, Nags Head, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills and The Vicinity Of Mashoes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 3614 7587 3611 7585 3607 7580 3609 7574 3614 7574 3605 7550 3580 7572 3587 7581 3591 7581 3588 7583 3593 7590 3592 7581 3594 7585 3594 7587 3597 7585 3594 7591 3609 7612 3614 7608 3615 7600 3618 7600 TIME...MOT...LOC 2033Z 304DEG 17KT 3612 7598 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...40KTS $$ 26  753 WOUS64 KWNS 302033 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 333 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC011-019-031-039-043-053-063-073-075-091-093-099-105-113-123- 143-147-155-175-179-183-195-197-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU CHAMPAIGN COOK DE WITT DUPAGE FORD GRUNDY HENRY IROQUOIS KANKAKEE KENDALL LA SALLE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WILL WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ LMZ741-742-743-744-745-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...ILX...LOT...  001 WWUS53 KARX 302033 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 333 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC089-131-MNC045-302130- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Mitchell IA-Howard IA-Fillmore MN- 333 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR MITCHELL...HOWARD AND FILLMORE COUNTIES... At 333 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Wykoff to 6 miles southeast of Le Roy to near St. Ansgar, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Preston and Lime Springs around 340 PM CDT. Harmony around 355 PM CDT. Cresco and Canton around 400 PM CDT. Protivin around 405 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Vernon Springs County Park, Forestville State Park, Toeterville, Rock Creek, Vernon Springs, Otranto and County Roads V 58 And A 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4350 9303 4350 9245 4376 9245 4385 9236 4385 9226 4350 9175 4350 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2033Z 318DEG 39KT 4369 9228 4345 9242 4340 9297 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  060 WWUS73 KDMX 302033 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 333 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot And Humid Conditions Persist Today... .Heat and humidity will continue into the evening all of Iowa. IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033>039-044>050-057>062-070>075- 081>086-092>097-010200- /O.CON.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac-Calhoun- Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene- Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Polk-Jasper- Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion-Mahaska-Adams-Union- Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur-Wayne- Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 333 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Temperatures will remain in the lower 90s through the early evening with heat index values slowly falling into the upper 90s. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  196 WWCN12 CWWG 302033 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:33 P.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: SHAMATTAWA YORK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: ISLAND LAKE - OXFORD HOUSE - GODS LAKE GILLAM CHURCHILL. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DEVELOPED OVER NORTHEASTERN MANITOBA THIS AFTERNOON AS A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM CROSSES THE AREA. SOME OF THESE THUNDERSTORMS MAY BECOME SEVERE. THUNDERSTORM ACTIVITY WILL MOVE EAST OVER ONTARIO OR HUDSON BAY THIS EVENING. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  017 WHUS46 KLOX 302034 CFWLOX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 134 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 CAZ040-010445- /O.NEW.KLOX.BH.S.0014.190702T1700Z-190705T1000Z/ Ventura County Coast- 134 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY MORNING THROUGH LATE THURSDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a Beach Hazards Statement for elevated surf and minor tidal overflow, which is in effect from Tuesday morning through late Thursday night. * HAZARDS...Dangerous rip currents and breaking waves are expected due to elevated surf of 3 to 6 feet. * TIDES...Pooling of sea water is possible around high tide at beach and harbor areas that is uncommon with normal tidal ranges. Enhanced beach erosion is also expected. No significant damage is expected. Minor tidal overflow is expected around the time of evening high tide due to the height of the tide combining with a south swell from Tuesday through Thursday between the hours of 8 and 10 pm. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Beach Hazards Statement is issued when threats such as rip currents...longshore currents...sneaker waves and other hazards create life-threatening conditions in the surf zone. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ CAZ041-087-010445- /O.NEW.KLOX.BH.S.0014.190702T1700Z-190705T1000Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- Catalina and Santa Barbara Islands- 134 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY MORNING THROUGH LATE THURSDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a Beach Hazards Statement for elevated surf and minor tidal overflow, which is in effect from Tuesday morning through late Thursday night. * HAZARDS...Dangerous rip currents and breaking waves are expected due to elevated surf of 3 to 6 feet. * TIDES...Pooling of sea water is possible around high tide at beach and harbor areas that is uncommon with normal tidal ranges. Enhanced beach erosion is also expected. No significant damage is expected. Minor tidal overflow is expected around the time of evening high tide due to the height of the tide combining with a south swell from Tuesday through Thursday between the hours of 8 and 10 pm. * IMPACTS...There is an increased risk for ocean drowning. Rip currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can wash people off beaches and rocks...and capsize small boats near shore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Beach Hazards Statement is issued when threats such as rip currents...longshore currents...sneaker waves and other hazards create life-threatening conditions in the surf zone. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Sweet  019 WWUS30 KWNS 302033 SAW9 SPC AWW 302033 WW 469 SEVERE TSTM IL IN 302035Z - 010200Z AXIS..65 STATUTE MILES EAST AND WEST OF LINE.. 20NW DNV/DANVILLE IL/ - 50SW BMG/BLOOMINGTON IN/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 55NM E/W /38WSW BVT - 48NNE PXV/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1.5 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 600. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 34025. LAT...LON 40408662 38638606 38638848 40408909 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU9.  361 WTPZ22 KNHC 302034 TCMEP2 TROPICAL STORM BARBARA FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 2 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL EP022019 2100 UTC SUN JUN 30 2019 THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 10.9N 112.2W AT 30/2100Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 40 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE WEST OR 280 DEGREES AT 16 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1003 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 40 KT WITH GUSTS TO 50 KT. 34 KT....... 70NE 80SE 80SW 50NW. 12 FT SEAS.. 75NE 90SE 0SW 0NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 10.9N 112.2W AT 30/2100Z AT 30/1800Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 10.7N 111.4W FORECAST VALID 01/0600Z 11.4N 114.7W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT... 80NE 80SE 60SW 60NW. FORECAST VALID 01/1800Z 11.9N 117.6W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT... 90NE 90SE 50SW 70NW. FORECAST VALID 02/0600Z 12.2N 120.1W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 64 KT... 15NE 15SE 0SW 0NW. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 20SW 30NW. 34 KT... 90NE 90SE 50SW 70NW. FORECAST VALID 02/1800Z 12.6N 122.2W MAX WIND 75 KT...GUSTS 90 KT. 64 KT... 25NE 20SE 15SW 20NW. 50 KT... 50NE 50SE 30SW 40NW. 34 KT...100NE 100SE 60SW 80NW. FORECAST VALID 03/1800Z 14.0N 126.0W MAX WIND 95 KT...GUSTS 115 KT. 50 KT... 60NE 50SE 40SW 50NW. 34 KT...110NE 100SE 80SW 100NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 100 NM ON DAY 4 AND 150 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 04/1800Z 15.5N 129.0W MAX WIND 90 KT...GUSTS 110 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 05/1800Z 16.5N 133.0W MAX WIND 80 KT...GUSTS 100 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 10.9N 112.2W NEXT ADVISORY AT 01/0300Z $$ FORECASTER BEVEN  470 WWUS20 KWNS 302033 SEL9 SPC WW 302033 ILZ000-INZ000-010200- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 469 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 335 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of East-central to southeast Illinois West-central to southern Indiana * Effective this Sunday afternoon and evening from 335 PM until 900 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible Isolated large hail events to 1.5 inches in diameter possible SUMMARY...A thunderstorm cluster producing strong to isolated severe wind gusts over northeast Illinois will spread south-southeast towards southeast Illinois and western to southern Indiana. Additional storms ahead of this cluster may pose a risk for localized severe wind and hail as well. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 65 statute miles east and west of a line from 20 miles northwest of Danville IL to 50 miles southwest of Bloomington IN. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU9). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 466...WW 467...WW 468... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 600. Mean storm motion vector 34025. ...Grams  510 WOUS64 KWNS 302033 WOU9 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 335 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 010200- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0469.190630T2035Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0469.190630T2035Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  511 WWUS40 KWNS 302033 WWP9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0331 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0469 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : 05% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 20% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 20% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 60% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.5 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 600 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 34025 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU9. $$  714 WWUS82 KTAE 302034 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 434 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ034-302100- Inland Dixie FL- 434 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 434 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles east of Cross City, moving east at 15 mph. Winds gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cross City, Fletcher, Old Town, Guaranto Springs and Fanning Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2956 8295 2955 8296 2962 8310 2979 8303 2978 8294 2976 8295 2975 8294 2973 8295 2972 8294 2972 8296 2970 8294 2970 8296 2964 8296 2963 8297 2959 8296 2959 8294 TIME...MOT...LOC 2034Z 288DEG 12KT 2967 8297 $$  720 WTPZ32 KNHC 302035 TCPEP2 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Barbara Advisory Number 2 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL EP022019 300 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...BARBARA MOVING WESTWARD AND STRENGTHENING... SUMMARY OF 300 PM MDT...2100 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...10.9N 112.2W ABOUT 840 MI...1355 KM S OF THE SOUTHERN TIP OF BAJA CALIFORNIA MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...45 MPH...75 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 18 MPH...30 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1003 MB...29.62 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 300 PM MDT (2100 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Barbara was located near latitude 10.9 North, longitude 112.2 West. Barbara is moving toward the west near 18 mph (30 km/h), and this general motion is expected to continue with some decrease in forward speed during the next couple of days. Recent satellite wind data indicate that maximum sustained winds have increased to near 45 mph (75 km/h) with higher gusts. Additional strengthening is forecast during the next 48 hours, and Barbara is forecast to become a hurricane by Tuesday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 90 miles (150 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1003 mb (29.62 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 900 PM MDT. $$ Forecaster Beven  721 WWUS53 KILX 302035 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 335 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-183-302045- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Vermilion-Champaign- 335 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN VERMILION AND NORTHEASTERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES... At 335 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Potomac, or 10 miles northwest of Danville, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Danville, Ogden, Potomac, Rankin, Royal, Henning, Middle Fork Wildlife Area, Armstrong, Collison and Penfield. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 197 and 200. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4011 8796 4040 8800 4040 8793 4045 8793 4048 8783 4018 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 335DEG 16KT 4026 8775 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  196 WGUS83 KLOT 302035 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 335 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC091-197-302245- /O.CON.KLOT.FA.Y.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Will IL-Kankakee IL- 335 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN WILL AND NORTHWESTERN KANKAKEE COUNTIES... At 325 PM CDT, the public reported two to three inches of rainfall had fallen over the last one to two hours across the area. Heavy rainfall has moved to the southeast, but light rainfall is expected to continue. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Joliet, New Lenox, Mokena, Bourbonnais, Frankfort, Channahon, Minooka, Wilmington, Ingalls Park, Shorewood, Manhattan, Braidwood, Diamond, Elwood, Rockdale, Lakewood Shores, Essex, Godley, Bonfield and Symerton. This includes... University of St. Francis, Channahon State Park, Chicagoland Speedway...Route 66 Raceway, Joliet Junior College, Joliet Slammers Baseball, Kankakee River State Park, and Olivet Nazarine University. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4155 8790 4115 8787 4112 8808 4120 8824 4153 8825 $$ WSL  313 WTPZ42 KNHC 302035 TCDEP2 Tropical Storm Barbara Discussion Number 2 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL EP022019 300 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The cloud pattern of Barbara is slowly becoming better organized, with a curved convective band now forming in the southeastern semicircle. A recent ASCAT overpass indicates that maximum sustained winds have increased to near 40 kt, and that a large area of tropical-storm force winds now wraps more than halfway around the center. However, the wind data also show a significant trough extending southwestward from the center into the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The initial motion is now 280/16. A mid-level ridge to the north of the cyclone should steer it westward to west-northwestward for the next 48 h or so with a gradual decrease in forward speed. After that, a weakness in the ridge should allow a west- northwesterly motion for the rest of the forecast period. The track guidance remains fairly tightly clustered between the HWRF on the north side of the envelope and the ECMWF on the south side. The new forecast, which is similar to the previous forecast, lies near both the center of the guidance envelope and the various consensus models. Some northwesterly vertical wind shear continues to affect Barbara, and this should persist for another 12 h or so. After that, the cyclone should be in an environment of light shear and over warm sea surface temperatures through 72 h. The intensity forecast thus calls for slow development through 12 h and a faster rate of development thereafter. The various rapid intensification indices suggest a 40-50 percent chance of rapid intensification from 12-72 h, and if this occurs Barbara could become a major hurricane. Beyond 72 h, the forecast track takes the center over decreasing water temperatures and into renewed shear, which should cause some weakening. How much weakening, though, is going to be tied to how far over the colder water the cyclone moves, with a more northerly track resulting in a weaker storm then currently forecast. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 30/2100Z 10.9N 112.2W 40 KT 45 MPH 12H 01/0600Z 11.4N 114.7W 45 KT 50 MPH 24H 01/1800Z 11.9N 117.6W 55 KT 65 MPH 36H 02/0600Z 12.2N 120.1W 65 KT 75 MPH 48H 02/1800Z 12.6N 122.2W 75 KT 85 MPH 72H 03/1800Z 14.0N 126.0W 95 KT 110 MPH 96H 04/1800Z 15.5N 129.0W 90 KT 105 MPH 120H 05/1800Z 16.5N 133.0W 80 KT 90 MPH $$ Forecaster Beven  948 WWUS81 KBOX 302036 AWWBED Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 435 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ005-014-302130- Central Middlesex County-Southeast Middlesex- 435 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued an * Airport Weather Warning for Ground Operations at: Hanscom Field * Until 530 PM EDT. * The Following Weather Hazards Are Expected: Cloud to ground lightning within 10 miles of the airport. * At 431 PM EDT, A thunderstorm was reported over Billerica, moving south at 15 mph. $$ Sipprell  020 WUUS54 KSJT 302036 SVRSJT TXC235-431-451-302115- /O.NEW.KSJT.SV.W.0287.190630T2036Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service San Angelo TX 336 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Extreme southern Sterling County in west central Texas... Extreme northwestern Tom Green County in west central Texas... Northwestern Irion County in west central Texas... * Until 415 PM CDT. * At 334 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 16 miles northwest of Arden, or 20 miles south of Sterling City, moving southwest at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of far southern Sterling, the panhandle of Tom Green, and northwestern Irion Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3131 10127 3135 10127 3161 10104 3157 10093 3121 10101 TIME...MOT...LOC 2034Z 034DEG 16KT 3154 10102 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$  158 WWUS63 KILX 302035 WCNILX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 466/469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LINCOLN IL 335 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173-010200- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.A.0469.190630T2035Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS MACON SHELBY IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CLARK COLES CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR MOULTRIE IN SOUTHEAST ILLINOIS CLAY CRAWFORD EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE RICHLAND THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLESTON, DECATUR, EFFINGHAM, FLORA, GREENUP, LAWRENCEVILLE, MARSHALL, MATTOON, NEWTON, OLNEY, PARIS, ROBINSON, SHELBYVILLE, SULLIVAN, AND TUSCOLA. $$ ILC019-039-113-123-143-147-175-179-183-203-302300- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS DE WITT MARSHALL MCLEAN PEORIA STARK TAZEWELL WOODFORD IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLOOMINGTON, CHAMPAIGN, CLINTON, DANVILLE, EUREKA, LACON, MONTICELLO, NORMAL, PEKIN, PEORIA, TOULON, AND URBANA. $$  560 WWUS82 KMHX 302036 SPSMHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 436 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ047-203-302130- Mainland Dare-Northern Outer Banks- 436 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN DARE COUNTY... At 434 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 9 miles south of Old Trap, or 10 miles southwest of Grandy, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and frequent lightning are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Kill Devil Hills, Southern Shores, Nags Head, Manns Harbor, Mashoes, Manteo, Colington, Jockeys Ridge State Park, Roanoke Island Festival Park, Wright Brothers National Monument, Nags Head Fishing Pier and Avalon Pier. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. Seek Shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Strong winds are capable of knocking down small trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. LAT...LON 3580 7572 3587 7581 3591 7581 3588 7583 3593 7590 3592 7582 3594 7585 3594 7587 3597 7585 3594 7591 3609 7612 3610 7599 3617 7598 3614 7587 3611 7585 3607 7580 3609 7574 3614 7574 3605 7550 TIME...MOT...LOC 2034Z 304DEG 17KT 3612 7597 $$ 26  797 ACUS11 KWNS 302036 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302035 SDZ000-NEZ000-WYZ000-302200- Mesoscale Discussion 1318 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0335 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...Southwest South Dakota...Northeast Wyoming...and far Northwest Nebraska Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 467... Valid 302035Z - 302200Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 467 continues. SUMMARY...Potential for storm reorganization/reintensification as storm cluster moves east across WW 467. DISCUSSION...Regional radar trends over the past hour shows storms that were once isolated/severe, including reports of 1 inch hail in Weston county, WY, have consolidated into a small sub-severe cluster and entered the Black Hills in far western South Dakota. This lackluster convective evolution appears to be attributable 1) limited instability/lack of destabilization across northern parts of the watch area, and 2) a residual low-level cloud deck straddling the South Dakota/Nebraska border that has limited surface heating, leading to poor low-level lapse rates, limited boundary layer mixing, and shunting of stronger low-level southerly flow (currently juxtaposed over west-central Nebraska). While convective trends in the short-term remain unclear, it seems possible that the current activity will continue moving east and remain sub-severe initially before undergoing potential reintensification as the storms emerge from the Black Hills region. The thermodynamic environment farther east is more conducive to sustain severe convection, where richer boundary-layer moisture resides (i.e., dew point temperatures in the mid/upper 60s F yielding MLCAPE of 2000+ J/kg), and potential exists for the cluster to align with warm/moist southerly 850 mb flow. ..Karstens.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...ABR...UNR...CYS... LAT...LON 42540487 44410488 45520128 43640127 42540487  867 WWUS83 KARX 302036 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 336 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ011-MNZ096-WIZ041-042-053>055-302145- Allamakee-Houston-Richland-Vernon-La Crosse-Crawford-Monroe- 336 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT PORTIONS OF SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA...NORTHEAST IOWA...AND SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN... At 334 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Wonewoc to near Spring Grove. Movement was southeast at 50 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and penny size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... La Crosse, Sparta, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, La Crescent, Viroqua, Waukon, Caledonia, Lansing, Onalaska, West Salem, Boscobel, Westby, Bangor, Hillsboro, Spring Grove, Cashton, Stoddard, Coon Valley and La Farge. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4321 9029 4320 9044 4321 9055 4317 9069 4312 9074 4306 9094 4299 9106 4300 9113 4299 9116 4308 9118 4308 9130 4337 9161 4350 9161 4357 9172 4370 9173 4397 9091 4370 9031 4356 9031 4355 9019 4317 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 2034Z 297DEG 45KT 4366 9024 4348 9166 $$ CA  051 WWUS53 KARX 302036 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 336 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC099-302045- /O.EXP.KARX.SV.W.0036.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Mower MN- 336 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MOWER COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 345 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4366 9305 4373 9275 4352 9245 4350 9245 4350 9305 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 323DEG 29KT 4341 9266 $$ JSB  370 WSSW31 LSSW 302036 LSAS SIGMET 2 VALID 302036/302200 LSZH- LSAS SWITZERLAND FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS SW OF LINE N4558 E00732 - N4641 E00614 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  550 WUUS51 KOKX 302036 SVROKX NYC103-302100- /O.NEW.KOKX.SV.W.0031.190630T2036Z-190630T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service New York NY 436 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Suffolk County in southeastern New York... * Until 500 PM EDT. * At 435 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Shelter Island, or near Sag Harbor, moving south at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Bridgehampton around 455 PM EDT. Southampton and East Hampton around 500 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4085 7245 4096 7243 4096 7241 4100 7238 4102 7239 4103 7243 4099 7243 4107 7247 4113 7237 4116 7226 4113 7225 4111 7230 4113 7231 4113 7232 4111 7233 4108 7227 4105 7226 4104 7215 4097 7208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 340DEG 72KT 4105 7234 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JE  660 WUUS53 KUNR 302036 SVRUNR SDC093-103-302115- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0091.190630T2036Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 236 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Meade County in west central South Dakota... Central Pennington County in west central South Dakota... * Until 315 PM MDT. * At 236 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Black Hawk, or 7 miles northwest of Rapid City, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Northern Rapid City, Ellsworth Air Force Base, Box Elder, Black Hawk, Summerset and Piedmont. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 45 and 58. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm is producing large quantities of hail. Driving through deep hail is like driving on slushy roads. Slow down and do not brake suddenly. && LAT...LON 4416 10346 4422 10345 4423 10345 4436 10311 4416 10293 4407 10338 TIME...MOT...LOC 2036Z 249DEG 23KT 4415 10336 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  141 WSCH31 SCEL 302034 SCEZ SIGMET 02 VALID 302050/010050 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3305 W07845 - S3354 W07910 - S3700 W07113 - S3627 W07058 - S3607 W07025 - S3509 W07025 FL200/320 MOV N 05KT WKN=  142 WWUS83 KJKL 302036 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 436 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ088-109-110-112>118-302130- Clay-Breathitt-Perry-Floyd-Knott-Owsley-Harlan-Magoffin-Letcher- Leslie- 436 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN HARLAN... NORTHWESTERN LETCHER...SOUTHEASTERN OWSLEY...LESLIE...PERRY... KNOTT...SOUTHWESTERN FLOYD...BREATHITT...SOUTHERN MAGOFFIN AND NORTHEASTERN CLAY COUNTIES... At 436 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Sublett to near Evanston to near Buck to Dice to Altro to Panco. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Hazard, Whitesburg, Salyersville, Hindman, Hyden, Letcher, Mason, Estill, Bath, Wheelwright, Fleming-Neon, Pippa Passes, Wayland, Vicco, Buckhorn, Blackey, Elic, Cody, Big Fork and Buck. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3687 8335 3737 8366 3753 8343 3752 8334 3756 8324 3765 8318 3778 8315 3758 8280 3735 8265 3731 8267 3731 8269 3727 8273 3725 8270 3719 8272 3707 8288 3708 8306 TIME...MOT...LOC 2036Z 318DEG 25KT 3769 8306 3757 8303 3747 8308 3738 8325 3738 8338 3726 8354 $$ JP  533 WWUS63 KIND 302036 WCNIND WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS IN 436 PM EDT SUN JUN 30 2019 INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.A.0469.190630T2036Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 23 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL INDIANA BARTHOLOMEW HENDRICKS JOHNSON MORGAN IN SOUTH CENTRAL INDIANA BROWN JACKSON LAWRENCE MONROE IN SOUTHWEST INDIANA DAVIESS GREENE KNOX MARTIN SULLIVAN IN WEST CENTRAL INDIANA CLAY FOUNTAIN MONTGOMERY OWEN PARKE PUTNAM TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ATTICA, BEDFORD, BLOOMFIELD, BLOOMINGTON, BRAZIL, BROWNSBURG, BROWNSTOWN, CLAY CITY, CLINTON, COLUMBUS, COVINGTON, CRAWFORDSVILLE, DANVILLE, FRANKLIN, GREENCASTLE, GREENWOOD, LAFAYETTE, LINTON, LOOGOOTEE, MARTINSVILLE, MITCHELL, MOORESVILLE, NASHVILLE, NEWPORT, PLAINFIELD, ROCKVILLE, SEYMOUR, SHOALS, SPENCER, SULLIVAN, TERRE HAUTE, VEEDERSBURG, VINCENNES, WASHINGTON, WEST LAFAYETTE, WEST LEBANON, AND WILLIAMSPORT. $$  634 WHUS51 KOKX 302037 SMWOKX ANZ350-370-302130- /O.NEW.KOKX.MA.W.0053.190630T2037Z-190630T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service New York NY 437 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Upton NY has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Moriches Inlet to Montauk Point NY out 40 NM... * Until 530 PM EDT. * At 436 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Dering Harbor, moving southeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will be near... Buoy 44017 around 530 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 4075 7166 4058 7209 4090 7235 4100 7207 4101 7206 4100 7206 4100 7204 4101 7204 4102 7202 TIME...MOT...LOC 2036Z 321DEG 27KT 4112 7236 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$  313 WSSW31 LSSW 302038 LSAS SIGMET 3 VALID 302038/302107 LSZH- LSAS SWITZERLAND FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 1 302007/302107=  769 WWUS63 KUNR 302037 WCNUNR WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 467 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RAPID CITY SD 237 PM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WYC011-302145- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WYOMING THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN NORTHEAST WYOMING CROOK THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF MOORCROFT AND SUNDANCE. $$ SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-WYC045-010000- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA BUTTE IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA CUSTER FALL RIVER JACKSON OGLALA LAKOTA IN WEST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA HAAKON LAWRENCE MEADE PENNINGTON ZIEBACH IN WYOMING THIS WATCH INCLUDES 1 COUNTY IN NORTHEAST WYOMING WESTON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BILLSBURG, BUCKHORN, CLARETON, CUSTER, DEADWOOD, DOWNTOWN BELLE FOURCHE, DOWNTOWN NEWCASTLE, DUPREE, EDGEMONT, FAITH, FOUR CORNERS, HERMOSA, HILL CITY, HOT SPRINGS, KADOKA, KIRLEY, KYLE, LEAD, MILESVILLE, MORRISEY, OGLALA, PHILIP, PINE RIDGE, RAPID CITY, ROCHELLE, SPEARFISH, STURGIS, UNION CENTER, UPTON, AND WALL. $$  964 WWUS51 KRNK 302037 SVSRNK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 437 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAC089-141-302047- /O.EXP.KRNK.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Henry VA-Patrick VA- 437 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN HENRY AND SOUTHEASTERN PATRICK COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 445 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of hail of any size, as well as reports of any wind damage, including downed trees or large limbs, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. LAT...LON 3668 8031 3679 8004 3654 7976 3654 8029 TIME...MOT...LOC 2037Z 322DEG 27KT 3655 8001 $$ PW  619 WWUS53 KLOT 302038 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 338 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-302045- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0079.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Ford IL- 338 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL FORD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... A newer warning remains in effect for Ford County. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for northeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4100 8813 4117 8753 4085 8753 4061 8812 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 349DEG 12KT 4107 8763 4070 8808 $$ ILC075-091-302045- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0079.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Kankakee IL-Iroquois IL- 338 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN KANKAKEE AND NORTHERN IROQUOIS COUNTIES... At 335 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Hopkins Park to near Onarga, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Kankakee, Watseka, Gilman, Clifton, Onarga, St. Anne, Chebanse, Ashkum, Aroma Park, Hopkins Park, Crescent City, Danforth, Martinton, Beaverville, Donovan, Thawville, Papineau and Iroquois. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across Kankakee and Iroquois county. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4100 8813 4117 8753 4085 8753 4061 8812 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 349DEG 12KT 4107 8763 4070 8808 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ LENNING  282 WAAK49 PAWU 302038 CCA WA9O FAIS WA 302035 COR AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . UPR YKN VLY FB SRN S-SE PFYU MTS OCNL OBSC BY FU. IMPR FM W. . TANANA VLY FC MTS PAFA E OCNL OBSC BY FU. IMPR FM W. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE UPDT BROOKS RANGE OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF NULATO HILL OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG OFSHR W PAQT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. SPRDG E. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG TIL 00Z ALG CST E PABR OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS W PAKP OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ATIGUN PASS BY 04Z. IMPR FM W. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI W PAVL-PASH LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI MTS PAOT N OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 302035 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE UPDT PAKP-PAIM LN W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. SPRDG W TO ALL SXNS BY 02Z. IMPR FM W. . LWR YKN VLY FF PAGA-PANV LN W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN FM S. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG W PABR OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. SPRDG E TO PASC BY 05Z. SPRDG E. WKN FM W. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W SURVEY PASS OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. SPRDG E TO ATIGUN PASS BY 04Z. WKN FM W. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ NORTON SOUND AND ONSHR PAGL E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN FM N. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 23Z SE PASA-PATE LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . =FAIZ WA 302035 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE UPDT NW PAHL-PAKP LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 100-150. FZLVL 060. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG PABR W OCNL MOD ICEIC 100-150. FZLVL 060 W TO 100 E. SPRDG E. WKN FM W. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH W PAKP OCNL MOD ICEIC 100-150. FZLVL 070 W TO 100 E. WKN FM W. . NS JUN 2019 AAWU  343 WWUS51 KBOX 302038 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 438 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC001-023-302100- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Barnstable MA-Plymouth MA- 438 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN BARNSTABLE AND SOUTHEASTERN PLYMOUTH COUNTIES... At 438 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Marion, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Barnstable, Falmouth, Marion, Wareham, Sandwich, Bourne and Mashpee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4161 7030 4159 7042 4154 7047 4154 7058 4159 7066 4171 7068 4172 7070 4166 7070 4165 7072 4169 7076 4170 7076 4176 7065 4166 7051 4163 7033 4161 7026 TIME...MOT...LOC 2038Z 326DEG 13KT 4171 7069 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  844 WSCN03 CWAO 302039 CZWG SIGMET Z2 VALID 302035/010035 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5749 W09046 - N5637 W09253 TOP FL380 MOV NE 25KT NC=  076 WSCN23 CWAO 302039 CZWG SIGMET Z2 VALID 302035/010035 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5749 W09046/120 SE CYYQ - /N5637 W09253/60 NW CZTM TOP FL380 MOV NE 25KT NC RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  294 WWUS53 KIND 302039 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 439 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC005-071-079-302115- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Bartholomew IN-Jackson IN-Jennings IN- 439 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN BARTHOLOMEW...EASTERN JACKSON AND WESTERN JENNINGS COUNTIES... At 439 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Seymour, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Columbus, Seymour, North Vernon, Crothersville, Elizabethtown, Jonesville, Hayden, Azalia, Paris Crossing, Country Squire Lakes and Grammer. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 37 and 61. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3873 8589 3875 8590 3875 8592 3876 8592 3914 8595 3917 8573 3888 8557 3885 8557 3885 8561 3883 8561 3882 8563 3883 8565 3882 8570 3883 8572 3881 8579 3878 8580 3874 8584 3873 8587 TIME...MOT...LOC 2039Z 356DEG 8KT 3900 8583 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  534 WSIN31 VABB 302100 RRA VABF SIGMET A2 VALID 302130/010130 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 302100Z WI AREA S OF N2430 - N OF N1900 - E OF E07700 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  053 WSMX31 MMMX 302040 MMEX SIGMET Q3 VALID 302038/010038 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2038Z WI N2254 W08806 - N2259 W08612 - N2011 W08519 - N1958 W08558 - N1822 W08736 - N1835 W08849 CB TOP ABV FL400 MOV W 5 KT NC. =  859 WUUS53 KLMK 302041 SVRLMK INC019-077-302115- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0153.190630T2041Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 441 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Jefferson County in south central Indiana... Northeastern Clark County in south central Indiana... * Until 515 PM EDT. * At 440 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles southwest of Madison, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Otto, New Washington and Paynesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. This storm has a history of producing damage across Jefferson county Indiana. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3862 8544 3858 8543 3852 8545 3851 8546 3855 8562 3861 8559 3861 8557 3864 8557 TIME...MOT...LOC 2040Z 008DEG 14KT 3867 8551 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  709 WWUS53 KILX 302041 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 341 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC183-302100- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0125.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Vermilion- 341 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY... At 341 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hoopeston, or 8 miles southwest of Talbot, moving southeast at 5 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hoopeston, Rossville, Bismarck, Henning and Alvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4020 8765 4047 8777 4049 8773 4049 8753 4025 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2041Z 321DEG 5KT 4044 8759 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  353 WWUS85 KRIW 302042 SPSRIW Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Riverton WY 242 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ003-005-302115- Cody Foothills-Southwest Big Horn Basin- 242 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL HOT SPRINGS AND SOUTHEASTERN PARK COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM MDT... At 241 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Meeteetse, moving northeast at 15 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Meeteetse around 255 PM MDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Sunshine Reservoir. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Occasional cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4427 10871 4425 10870 4415 10868 4414 10866 4416 10863 4406 10857 4399 10897 4400 10897 4400 10899 4398 10903 4408 10911 4428 10878 4427 10878 TIME...MOT...LOC 2041Z 244DEG 12KT 4411 10889 $$ Hulme  550 WAUS46 KKCI 302045 WA6T SFOT WA 302045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR ID MT AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NE HUH TO 30SSE YXC TO 110WSW ONP TO 130W HQM TO 20NE HUH MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL360. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT NV AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE YXC TO 40NE HVR TO 30WSW DLN TO 80SW TWF TO 60SW BAM TO 40SW FMG TO 50E ENI TO 20E RBL TO 120W FOT TO 110WSW ONP TO 30SSE YXC MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB WA OR CA ID MT WY NV AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60ESE YXC-30SSE YQL-70S YYN-50ESE BIL-30WSW PIH-50SW TWF-50ESE RBL-120W FOT-120WNW ONP-70ENE PDT-60ESE YXC MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  551 WAUS45 KKCI 302045 WA5T SLCT WA 302045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NE HUH TO 30SSE YXC TO 110WSW ONP TO 130W HQM TO 20NE HUH MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL360. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSE YXC TO 40NE HVR TO 30WSW DLN TO 80SW TWF TO 60SW BAM TO 40SW FMG TO 50E ENI TO 20E RBL TO 120W FOT TO 110WSW ONP TO 30SSE YXC MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY FROM 50NNW ISN TO 50W RAP TO 60ENE DDY TO 20W CZI TO 20ESE MLD TO 30WSW DLN TO 30NE HVR TO 50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB ID MT WY NV WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 60ESE YXC-30SSE YQL-70S YYN-50ESE BIL-30WSW PIH-50SW TWF-50ESE RBL-120W FOT-120WNW ONP-70ENE PDT-60ESE YXC MOD TURB BTN FL270 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  572 WWUS53 KILX 302042 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 342 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC123-175-302052- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0124.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Marshall-Stark- 342 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR MARSHALL AND STARK COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 345 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central and north central Illinois. LAT...LON 4119 8964 4115 8964 4115 8952 4106 8931 4110 8905 4093 8905 4094 8944 4098 8943 4098 8991 4116 8987 4123 8986 4124 8971 TIME...MOT...LOC 2042Z 357DEG 11KT 4107 8976 4089 8931 4093 8908 $$ 37  160 WAUS41 KKCI 302045 WA1T BOST WA 302045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA OH LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 40N PQI TO BOS TO 170ENE ACK TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 20NE ECG TO 30ENE RDU TO 40E BKW TO 30E HNN TO 30NW ERI TO 30E YYZ TO 30N MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...PA OH LE WV FROM 30SE ECK TO 30NW ERI TO 30E HNN TO CVG TO FWA TO 30SE ECK MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40ESE HUL TO 170ENE ACK TO 60E ACK TO 80SSE ACK TO 120ESE SIE TO 50S SBY TO 50WSW CSN TO 50SW JST TO 20NNE EWC TO 30S SYR TO 30S MSS TO 40S YSC TO 30WNW MLT TO 40ESE HUL MOD TURB BLW 100. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA LE WV MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 80NW PQI-40ENE PQI-80SSW YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-40SW ECG-30W RIC-30SSE JST-20NW JHW-20ESE YYZ-50NNW SYR-20SSE YOW-20E YSC-80NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  161 WAUS43 KKCI 302045 WA3T CHIT WA 302045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 90ESE YWG TO 30N INL TO YQT TO 20NW SSM TO 60SSW YVV TO 30SE ECK TO FWA TO CVG TO HNN TO HMV TO 50S PXV TO 60ESE FAM TO 30WNW MCI TO 60SSE OBH TO 50E DPR TO 30SE ABR TO 90ESE YWG MOD TURB BTN FL280 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD MN FROM 90ESE YWG TO 30SE ABR TO 40E DPR TO 50WSW DPR TO 50W RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 90ESE YWG MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY BOUNDED BY 40ESE YQT-SSM-20NE YVV-30SE ECK-FWA-CVG-HNN-HMV-50WSW LOZ-60SW PXV-50ESE MCI-20W MCI-60SSE OBH-50NW FOD-50SSW MSP- 40ESE YQT MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL400. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...TURB ND SD MN IA WI LS MI BOUNDED BY 30N INL-40ESE YQT-50SSW MSP-50W FSD-50NW RAP-50NNW ISN-30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL240 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  162 WAUS42 KKCI 302045 WA2T MIAT WA 302045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010300 . AIRMET TURB...NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 160SE SIE TO 190ESE ECG TO 150ESE ILM TO 30ENE RDU TO 20NE ECG TO 160SE SIE MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...TURB NC ME NH VT MA RI CT NY LO NJ PA LE WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 80NW PQI-40ENE PQI-80SSW YSJ-200SE ACK-160SE SIE- 190ESE ECG-150ESE ILM-40SW ECG-30W RIC-30SSE JST-20NW JHW-20ESE YYZ-50NNW SYR-20SSE YOW-20E YSC-80NW PQI MOD TURB BTN 160 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  321 WAUS44 KKCI 302045 WA4T DFWT WA 302045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010300 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  032 WWUS53 KLOT 302043 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 343 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-105-302052- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0078.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Livingston IL-Ford IL- 343 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN LIVINGSTON AND NORTHWESTERN FORD COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 345 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and have exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central, northeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4062 8857 4076 8858 4100 8825 4100 8814 4061 8812 TIME...MOT...LOC 2042Z 341DEG 44KT 4048 8848 4061 8809 $$ Donofrio  724 WUUS53 KLOT 302043 SVRLOT ILC075-302115- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0082.190630T2043Z-190630T2115Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 343 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Iroquois County in east central Illinois... * Until 415 PM CDT. * At 342 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles west of Morocco to near Watseka, moving southeast at 20 mph. This is in an area previously warned where storms are remaining very strong. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Watseka, Martinton, Beaverville, Donovan, Papineau and Iroquois. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4094 8783 4101 8753 4084 8753 4075 8776 TIME...MOT...LOC 2042Z 323DEG 19KT 4097 8759 4086 8773 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  747 WOUS64 KWNS 302043 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 343 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  748 WOUS64 KWNS 302043 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 343 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC019-033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUTTE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  791 WWUS73 KARX 302043 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 343 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid into this Evening... .Heat indices will remain in the 100 to 105 range across northeast Iowa and far southwest Wisconsin until a line of thunderstorms moves through the area. MNZ079-086>088-094>096-302145- /O.CAN.KARX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston- Including the cities of Wabasha, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, and Caledonia 343 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in La Crosse has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Temperatures have cooled in the 60s and 70s behind a line of thunderstorms that has moved across southeast Minnesota. $$ IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-WIZ061-010200- /O.CON.KARX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, and Platteville 343 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Highs in the 90 to 95 degree range with peak heat indices of 100 to 105. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible, especially for those involved in outdoor activities, in homes without air conditioning, or individuals that are susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. && $$ 04  141 WOUS20 KWNS 302044 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302045 SDZ000-WYZ000-302140- STATUS REPORT ON WW 467 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 SSE GCC TO 55 W RAP TO 35 NNW RAP TO 45 SE 2WX. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1318 ..KARSTENS..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 467 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS SDC033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-302140- SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC027-045-302140- WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  886 WWUS53 KARX 302044 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 344 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC089-131-MNC045-302130- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Mitchell IA-Howard IA-Fillmore MN- 344 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR MITCHELL...HOWARD AND SOUTHWESTERN FILLMORE COUNTIES... At 344 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wykoff to near Lime Springs to near St. Ansgar, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Preston and Lime Springs around 350 PM CDT. Harmony around 405 PM CDT. Canton and Protivin around 415 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Vernon Springs County Park, Forestville State Park, Toeterville, Rock Creek, Vernon Springs, Otranto and County Roads V 58 And A 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4350 9303 4350 9245 4380 9225 4350 9175 4350 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2044Z 319DEG 31KT 4370 9221 4340 9236 4339 9299 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  510 WSMX31 MMMX 302043 MMEX SIGMET B1 VALID 302041/010041 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2041Z WI 80NM WIDE LINE N2454 W10706 - N2230 W10531 - N2056 W10351 CB TOP ABV FL380 MOV WSW 5KT INTSF. =  892 WWUS53 KILX 302044 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 344 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-183-302054- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0123.000000T0000Z-190630T2045Z/ Vermilion-Champaign- 344 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN VERMILION AND NORTHEASTERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 345 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4011 8796 4040 8800 4040 8793 4045 8793 4048 8783 4018 8763 TIME...MOT...LOC 2044Z 343DEG 13KT 4025 8774 $$ 37  517 WUCN13 CWTO 302044 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:44 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= SACHIGO LAKE - BEARSKIN LAKE =NEW= FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 5:43 P.M. CDT. AT 3:44 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM LOCATED 150 KM SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN IS MOVING 70 KM/H EASTWARD. THIS THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H ALONG WITH SMALL HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  593 WWUS63 KLOT 302045 WCNLOT WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHICAGO IL 345 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC031-043-063-093-099-197-302145- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 6 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS LA SALLE IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS COOK DUPAGE GRUNDY KENDALL WILL THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ADDISON, BOLINGBROOK, BOULDER HILL, CAROL STREAM, CHICAGO, COAL CITY, DOWNERS GROVE, ELMHURST, HUMBOLDT PARK, HYDE PARK, JOLIET, LA SALLE, LAKEVIEW, LINCOLN PARK, LOGAN SQUARE, LOMBARD, MARSEILLES, MENDOTA, MINOOKA, MORRIS, NAPERVILLE, NAVY PIER, OSWEGO, OTTAWA, PERU, PLANO, STREATOR, WHEATON, AND YORKVILLE. $$ LMZ741>745-302145- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS THIS CANCELS THE FOLLOWING ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS WILMETTE HARBOR TO NORTHERLY ISLAND IL NORTHERLY ISLAND TO CALUMET HARBOR IL CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ ILC053-075-091-105-INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT /7 PM EDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS LIVINGSTON IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS FORD IROQUOIS IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS KANKAKEE IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BOSWELL, BOURBONNAIS, BRADLEY, BROOK, CHESTERTON, DEMOTTE, DWIGHT, EAST CHICAGO, FAIRBURY, FOWLER, GARY, GIBSON CITY, GILMAN, GOODLAND, HAMMOND, KANKAKEE, KENTLAND, MERRILLVILLE, MOROCCO, ONARGA, OTTERBEIN, OXFORD, PAXTON, PONTIAC, PORTAGE, RENSSELAER, ROSELAWN, VALPARAISO, AND WATSEKA. $$ RODRIGUEZ  701 WWUS84 KMAF 302046 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 346 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ070-302115- Reagan- 346 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN REAGAN COUNTY... At 345 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 21 miles north of Reagan County Airport, or 22 miles north of Big Lake, moving southwest at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and nickel size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Stiles. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3159 10153 3145 10144 3123 10176 3150 10175 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 063DEG 12KT 3150 10157 $$ 27  427 WWUS83 KARX 302046 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 346 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ010-011-302145- Winneshiek-Allamakee- 346 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN ALLAMAKEE AND WINNESHIEK COUNTIES... At 346 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles southeast of Mabel to near Cresco. Movement was south at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and penny size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Decorah, Waukon, Postville, Calmar, Ossian, Spillville, Fort Atkinson, Ridgeway, Hardin, Castalia, Jackson Junction, and Volney. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4308 9208 4350 9208 4350 9160 4337 9160 4308 9129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 353DEG 23KT 4341 9163 4336 9206 $$ CA  251 WUUS53 KIND 302046 SVRIND INC121-165-302130- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0128.190630T2046Z-190630T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 446 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Parke County in west central Indiana... Vermillion County in west central Indiana... * Until 530 PM EDT. * At 446 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Newport, or 15 miles south of Danville, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Clinton, Rockville, Newport, Fairview Park, Cayuga, Montezuma, Rosedale, Dana, Universal, Mecca, Bloomingdale, Blanford, Lodi and Bridgeton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4001 8753 4002 8744 3998 8743 3996 8744 3995 8734 3961 8707 3961 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 356DEG 12KT 3994 8751 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  395 WSRA31 RUYK 302045 UEEE SIGMET 10 VALID 302100/010300 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N71 AND W OF E137 AND E OF E120 FL300/350 STNR NC=  177 WWUS53 KILX 302047 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 347 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC045-183-302115- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Edgar-Vermilion- 347 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN EDGAR AND SOUTH CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTIES... At 346 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hume, or 13 miles northwest of Paris, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Chrisman, Sidell, Hume, Brocton, Edgar, Isabel, Metcalf, Palermo, Edgar County Airport and Borton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3990 8792 3992 8769 3967 8761 3965 8795 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 355DEG 7KT 3980 8780 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  592 WOUS20 KWNS 302047 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302050 ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-302140- STATUS REPORT ON WW 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 ESE MLI TO 35 SW MMO TO 30 ENE BMI TO 45 SE MMO TO 30 W VPZ. ..SPC..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC019-039-053-075-091-105-113-123-143-147-175-179-183-203- 302140- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN DE WITT FORD IROQUOIS KANKAKEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302140- IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ LMZ743-744-745-302140- CW . ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE CALUMET HARBOR IL TO GARY IN GARY TO BURNS HARBOR IN BURNS HARBOR TO MICHIGAN CITY IN $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  167 WWUS83 KLMK 302047 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 447 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ031-302115- Oldham- 447 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL OLDHAM COUNTY... At 447 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near La Grange, moving south at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... La Grange, Crestwood, Westport, Oldham, Greenhaven, Demplytown, Buckner, Russell Corner, Ballardsville and Brownsboro. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 3851 8537 3832 8531 3832 8532 3835 8555 3851 8547 TIME...MOT...LOC 2047Z 002DEG 18KT 3848 8542 $$ SCHOETTMER  693 WSUS31 KKCI 302055 SIGE MKCE WST 302055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16E VALID UNTIL 2255Z FL GA TN AL MS LA AND FL CSTL WTRS FROM 40NE MSL-40SSE MCN-40SSW CEW-30SE MCB-40NE MSL AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17E VALID UNTIL 2255Z ME MA NH RI VT CT NY AND ME MA NH RI NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 40N CON-80NNE ACK-50SSE ACK-90S HTO-30E ALB-40N CON AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32030KT. TOPS TO FL370. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18E VALID UNTIL 2255Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW ORL-20S MIA-40ENE EYW-10SSE PIE-30SSW ORL AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19E VALID UNTIL 2255Z VA NC WV OH TN KY IN FROM 20E IND-30WSW LYH-30WNW RDU-40SSW HMV-10SW TTH-20E IND AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30020KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20E VALID UNTIL 2255Z VA NC FROM 20NW ORF-20SE ECG-20E RDU-40ESE LYH-20NW ORF AREA TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302255-010255 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-130ENE ACK-70S ACK-30NNE CYN-HNK-30SE MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-90WSW LEV-40ESE LFK-40SW MEM-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM IND-HNN-40SW SBY-ORF-50S ECG-40NNW SPA-30WNW BNA-IND WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  694 WSUS32 KKCI 302055 SIGC MKCC WST 302055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 83C VALID UNTIL 2255Z IN IL LM FROM 50NE ORD-10NNE IND-30SW TTH-40WNW BDF-50NE ORD AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 34035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 84C VALID UNTIL 2255Z WI IL MN IA LM FROM 60ESE EAU-20SE BAE-60NW IOW-40WSW RWF-60ESE EAU AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 85C VALID UNTIL 2255Z SD WY FROM 50NW DPR-30W PIR-50SSE RAP-70WSW RAP-50NW DPR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 86C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX FROM 20SE MAF-30NE SJT-30WNW JCT-50E FST-20SE MAF AREA TS MOV FROM 03010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 87C VALID UNTIL 2255Z MS LA AR TX FROM 60ESE RZC-50SE MEM-50ENE AEX-30SSW GGG-60ESE RZC AREA TS MOV FROM 08020KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302255-010255 AREA 1...FROM 50SE DLH-40WNW TVC-IND-40NNE IRK-60NW RWF-50SE DLH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REF WW 466 467. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S TTT-30SSE LCH-140S LCH-110ESE CRP-40SE DLF-30WNW SJT-30S TTT WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  695 WSUS33 KKCI 302055 SIGW MKCW WST 302055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32W VALID UNTIL 2255Z MT WY FROM 60W BIL-40NNW SHR-50NNE OCS-40SW BPI-60W BIL AREA TS MOV FROM 25020KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33W VALID UNTIL 2255Z CO NM FROM 20SE CYS-20NE CIM-40NNE RSK-40ENE CHE-20SE CYS AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34W VALID UNTIL 2255Z NM AZ FROM 70SW DVC-40ESE RSK-60S SSO-50SSW TUS-20SSW INW-70SW DVC AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302255-010255 FROM 50WNW ISN-50N DPR-ALS-40NE TCS-40E EED-MTU-50ESE HVR-50WNW ISN WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  417 WWUS73 KLBF 302048 NPWLBF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service North Platte NE 348 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY FOR MUCH OF WESTERN AND NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA... NEZ007-009-010-026>029-037-038-059-071-010100- /O.CON.KLBF.HT.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190701T0100Z/ Boyd-Rock-Holt-Blaine-Loup-Garfield-Wheeler-Logan-Custer-Lincoln- Frontier- Including the cities of Spencer, Butte, Lynch, Bassett, Rose, Oneill, Atkinson, Dunning, Purdum, Brewster, Taylor, Burwell, Bartlett, Ericson, Stapleton, Broken Bow, North Platte, Curtis, Eustis, and Maywood 348 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Heat Index Values...Up to 100 due to temperatures in the 90s...and dewpoints in the mid to upper 60s. * Timing...Peak heat index readings are expected between 3 and 6 PM. * Impacts...Prolonged exposure to this heat can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. && $$ Taylor  510 WWUS73 KDVN 302048 NPWDVN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 348 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot and Humid This Evening... .Hot and humid conditions will again be seen across the area through the evening as a very warm and moist atmosphere remains in place over the Midwest. Scattered thunderstorms and their outflow winds will help cool the temperatures at times, but the widespread threat for oppressive heat continues. IAZ040>042-051>054-063>068-076>078-087>089-098-099-ILZ001-002-007- 009-015>018-024>026-034-035-MOZ009-010-010200- /O.CON.KDVN.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Benton-Linn-Jones-Jackson-Iowa-Johnson- Cedar-Clinton-Muscatine-Scott-Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson- Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren-Lee-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Henderson- Warren-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Dubuque, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Maquoketa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Clinton, Muscatine, Davenport, Bettendorf, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, Fort Madison, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, Oquawka, Monmouth, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 348 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * Heat Index Values...100 to 105 with locally higher readings possible due to temperatures in the upper 80s to mid 90s...and oppressively high dewpoints in the mid to upper 70s. * Timing...now through sunset. * Impacts...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures and high humidity is expected. This combination will lead to possible heat illnesses. Limit time outdoors and in the sun, drink plenty of fluids, take breaks in an air-conditioned room, and check on relatives and neighbors, especially the elderly. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$ 12  054 WUUS53 KLOT 302049 SVRLOT INC007-302145- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0083.190630T2049Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 449 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Benton County in northwestern Indiana... * Until 545 PM EDT. * At 447 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Brook to near Milford, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained spotters indicated. Widespread wind damage has been reported in Manteno and Momence Illinois. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Fowler, Otterbein, Dunnington, Atkinson, Wadena, Talbot, Lochiel, Templeton, Barce, Raub, Freeland Park, Foresman, Oxford, Boswell, Earl Park and Ambia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms are producing widespread wind damage across Kankakee and parts of Iroquois Counties. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4074 8753 4074 8710 4048 8709 4048 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2047Z 328DEG 29KT 4082 8738 4065 8772 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  055 WWUS53 KLOT 302049 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 349 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-075-302115- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Ford IL-Iroquois IL- 349 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR FORD AND SOUTHERN IROQUOIS COUNTIES... At 348 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles northeast of Sheldon to near Buckley to Gibson, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Watseka, Paxton, Gibson City, Stockland, Claytonville, Milford, Sheldon, Cissna Park, Buckley, Gibson, Melvin, Loda, Roberts, Woodland, Elliott, Sibley, Wellington and Iroquois. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Chicago. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4062 8846 4062 8812 4086 8753 4049 8753 4049 8794 4040 8793 4040 8846 TIME...MOT...LOC 2048Z 338DEG 26KT 4085 8751 4057 8798 4049 8840 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ LENNING  969 WWUS51 KOKX 302050 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 450 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-302100- /O.CON.KOKX.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Suffolk NY- 450 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM EDT FOR EAST CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY... At 449 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Sag Harbor, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. This severe storm will be near... Bridgehampton and East Hampton around 500 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4092 7224 4087 7237 4097 7240 4100 7238 4102 7239 4103 7242 4106 7243 4110 7231 4108 7227 4107 7227 4105 7226 4105 7221 4104 7220 4104 7215 4098 7208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2049Z 335DEG 20KT 4104 7230 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JE  352 WWUS81 KAKQ 302051 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 451 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ012>014-302130- Hertford-Northampton-Gates- 451 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT NORTHAMPTON... HERTFORD AND GATES COUNTIES... At 451 PM EDT, thunderstorms with heavy rain were located along a line extending from near Dahlia to near Franklin. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Ahoskie, Murfreesboro, Rich Square, Gatesville, Sunbury, Chowan University, Gates, Conway, Woodland, Winton, Seaboard, Cofield, Roxobel, Harrellsville, Como, Roduco, Hobbsville, Corapeake, Union and Jackson. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3655 7751 3655 7654 3651 7649 3647 7649 3638 7645 3636 7656 3632 7660 3633 7664 3630 7670 3629 7673 3624 7706 3625 7721 3621 7723 3619 7735 TIME...MOT...LOC 2051Z 320DEG 25KT 3653 7749 3666 7689 $$ 05  063 WSAU21 AMMC 302052 YMMM SIGMET W01 VALID 302052/010052 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2510 E08700 - S2510 E09220 - S2910 E10920 - S3010 E10030 - S3010 E08820 - S2630 E08620 FL250/320 MOV E 25KT NC=  653 WUUS54 KMAF 302052 SVRMAF TXC383-461-302145- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0375.190630T2052Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 352 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Reagan County in western Texas... East central Upton County in western Texas... * Until 445 PM CDT. * At 352 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 22 miles north of Reagan County Airport, or 23 miles north of Big Lake, moving west at 10 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Stiles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3158 10153 3144 10148 3128 10180 3153 10181 TIME...MOT...LOC 2052Z 074DEG 11KT 3151 10160 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  263 WWUS54 KSJT 302052 SVSSJT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 352 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC431-451-302101- /O.CAN.KSJT.SV.W.0287.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Sterling TX-Tom Green TX- 352 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL STERLING AND WEST CENTRAL TOM GREEN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3131 10127 3135 10127 3152 10110 3152 10095 3121 10101 TIME...MOT...LOC 2051Z 028DEG 20KT 3144 10108 $$ TXC235-302115- /O.CON.KSJT.SV.W.0287.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Irion TX- 352 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN IRION COUNTY... At 351 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 18 miles west of Arden, or 19 miles northwest of Mertzon, moving southwest at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Irion County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3131 10127 3135 10127 3152 10110 3152 10095 3121 10101 TIME...MOT...LOC 2051Z 028DEG 20KT 3144 10108 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$  379 WWUS63 KDVN 302052 WCNDVN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 466/468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE QUAD CITIES IA IL 352 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC011-073-155-195-302200- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BUREAU PUTNAM IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS HENRY IL WHITESIDE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF GENESEO, HENNEPIN, PRINCETON, AND STERLING. $$ IAC011-019-055-061-097-105-113-010200- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL IOWA BENTON JACKSON JONES LINN IN NORTHEAST IOWA BUCHANAN DELAWARE DUBUQUE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANAMOSA, CEDAR RAPIDS, DUBUQUE, INDEPENDENCE, MANCHESTER, MAQUOKETA, AND VINTON. $$  890 WSPS21 NZKL 302050 NZZO SIGMET 18 VALID 302053/010053 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0610 W16030 - S1110 W15700 - S1830 W15700 - S1550 W16400 - S0610 W16030 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  834 WSPS21 NZKL 302051 NZZO SIGMET 19 VALID 302053/302105 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 13 301705/302105=  230 WWUS53 KUNR 302053 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 253 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC093-103-302103- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0091.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Meade SD-Pennington SD- 253 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN MEADE AND CENTRAL PENNINGTON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for west central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4416 10346 4422 10345 4423 10345 4436 10311 4416 10293 4407 10338 TIME...MOT...LOC 2051Z 249DEG 23KT 4419 10322 $$ JC  823 WOUS64 KWNS 302053 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 353 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC011-019-039-053-073-075-091-105-113-123-143-147-155-175-179- 183-195-203-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU CHAMPAIGN DE WITT FORD HENRY IROQUOIS KANKAKEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT PUTNAM STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WHITESIDE WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...ILX...LOT...  223 WAIS31 LLBD 302051 LLLL AIRMET 2 VALID 302200/010200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR BKN CLD 1000/1500FT FCST WI N3045 E03500 - N3045 E03430 - N3120 E03415 - N3125 E03500 - N3113 E03520 MOV ESE 5KT INTSF=  441 WWUS83 KILX 302054 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 354 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ027-029-036>038-041>045-048-051-053-055-302130- Sangamon-Mason-Macon-McLean-Logan-Tazewell-Peoria-Douglas-Knox-Piatt- Menard-De Witt-Champaign-Fulton- 354 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN MENARD... SOUTHEASTERN KNOX...TAZEWELL...NORTHERN DOUGLAS...SOUTHWESTERN PEORIA...NORTHERN MACON...LOGAN...NORTHEASTERN FULTON...NORTHEASTERN SANGAMON...PIATT...DE WITT...SOUTHERN MCLEAN...CHAMPAIGN AND NORTHEASTERN MASON COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM CDT... At 350 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking an outflow wind gust along a line extending from Williamsfield to near Stanford to near Rantoul. Movement was south at 30 mph. This wind gust is from thunderstorms north of the area. Wind gusts in excess of 50 mph will be possible. Locations impacted include... Peoria, Champaign, Decatur, Pekin, Canton, Lincoln, Rantoul, Clinton, Monticello, Mason City, Urbana, East Peoria, Morton, Savoy, Mahomet, Bartonville, Creve Coeur, West Peoria, St. Joseph and Le Roy. This includes the following highways... Interstate 155 between mile markers 0 and 31. Interstate 474 between mile markers 0 and 14. Interstate 55 between mile markers 117 and 155. Interstate 57 between mile markers 214 and 255. Interstate 72 between mile markers 138 and 182. Interstate 74 between mile markers 60 and 88, between mile markers 90 and 103, and between mile markers 138 and 195. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central and east central Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for central and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4052 9027 3990 8925 3980 8799 4036 8798 4044 8915 4102 9009 TIME...MOT...LOC 2050Z 008DEG 28KT 4092 9004 4039 8916 4031 8809 $$ 37  053 WUUS53 KIND 302054 SVRIND INC045-165-171-302145- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0129.190630T2054Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 454 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Fountain County in west central Indiana... Warren County in west central Indiana... Northwestern Vermillion County in west central Indiana... * Until 545 PM EDT. * At 454 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles east of Rossville, or 11 miles south of Talbot, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Covington, Veedersburg, Williamsport, Attica, West Lebanon, Hillsboro, Perrysville, Newtown, Pine Village, Mellott, Pence, Foster, Tab, Gessie and Rainsville. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 1 and 23. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4048 8752 4047 8710 4006 8709 4001 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2054Z 340DEG 17KT 4034 8749 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  412 WWUS53 KARX 302054 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 354 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC089-131-MNC045-302130- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Mitchell IA-Howard IA-Fillmore MN- 354 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR MITCHELL...HOWARD AND SOUTHERN FILLMORE COUNTIES... At 353 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Preston to 7 miles south of Lime Springs to near St. Ansgar, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. At 348 PM, trees and large branches were blown down 2 miles north of Osage. SOURCE...Law enforcement. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Harmony around 410 PM CDT. Canton and Protivin around 415 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Vernon Springs County Park, Forestville State Park, Toeterville, Rock Creek, Vernon Springs, Otranto and County Roads V 58 And A 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4350 9303 4350 9245 4374 9217 4350 9175 4350 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2053Z 319DEG 31KT 4365 9215 4335 9230 4334 9292 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  537 WBCN07 CWVR 302000 PAM ROCKS WIND 14010 LANGARA; OVC 15 NW02 RPLD LO W SWT 11.1 2030 CLD EST 8 SCT 10 OVC 12/11 GREEN; OVC 15 N02E RPLD 2030 CLD EST 12 FEW 20 FEW OVC ABV 25 17/14 TRIPLE; OVC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO W 2030 CLD EST 4 FEW 18 SCT OVC ABV 25 15/13 BONILLA; OVC 15 NW06E 1FT CHP LO S SWT 10.0 2030 CLD EST 22 SCT OVC ABV 25 15/14 BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 SE08 1FT CHP 2030 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 18/14 MCINNES; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO SW SWT 13.4 2030 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 19/11 IVORY; PC 15 W10 2FT CHP LO SW 2030 CLD EST 22 FEW FEW ABV 25 18/13 DRYAD; PC 15 NW05 1FT CHP 2030 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/15 ADDENBROKE; PC 15 N04E RPLD 2030 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 18/13 EGG ISLAND; CLDY 15 SE03E RPLD LO W SWT 15.4 2040 CLD EST 18 FEW BKN ABV 25 19/17 PINE ISLAND; CLDY 15 W08E RPLD LO W 2040 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 16/13 CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLD EST 20 FEW BKN ABV 25 17/14 QUATSINO; CLDY 15 W18E 2FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLD EST 03 FEW BKN ABV 25 17/14 NOOTKA; PC 15 SW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 18/16 ESTEVAN; PC 15 NW10 2FT CHP LO SW 1022.6R LENNARD; PC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 W05 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 W05E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 W04E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; CLDY 15 E02E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; PC 15 W02E RPLD CHATHAM; PC 15 NW05E RPLD 2040 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 18/13 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 204/21/14/MMMM/M/ 7008 85MM= WLP SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 222/15/12/3202/M/ 6003 27MM= WEB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 222/16/12/3006/M/ 1001 90MM= WQC SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 204/24/10/3102/M/ 6015 60MM= WRU SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 227/14/10/3012/M/ 3004 71MM= WFG SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 226/14/14/17MM/M/ 3002 65MM= WVF SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/17/16/3005/M/ M 48MM= WQS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 229/13/12/3105/M/ 3001 33MM= WRO SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 232/14/14/3404/M/ 5000 50MM= WEK SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 228/16/14/MMMM/M/ 5000 87MM= WWL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 230/14/12/3005/M/ 5000 10MM= WME SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/18/13/2107/M/ M 96MM= WAS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 065/19/14/1410/M/ 6022 38MM= WSB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 200/18/14/2709/M/0002 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 7009 73MM= WGT SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 211/18/14/3206/M/ 8008 25MM= WGB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 208/19/14/2808/M/ 7007 53MM= WEL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 209/19/15/3506/M/ 7008 00MM= WDR SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 190/18/14/3607/M/ 8010 85MM= WZO SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0306/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2806/M/ M MMMM=  153 WSBZ31 SBAZ 302056 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 302100/010100 SBAZ- SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0006 W06648 - N0011 W06225 - S0109 W06040 - S0246 W06317 - S0338 W06823 - S0141 W06852 - N0006 W06648 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  358 WSFR33 LFPW 302056 LFEE SIGMET 1 VALID 302100/302200 LFPW- LFEE REIMS FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00500 - N4630 E00445 - N4645 E00445 - N4700 E00500 - N4630 E00515 - N4630 E00500 TOP FL400 MOV NE 20KT NC=  506 WSSP31 LEMM 302055 LECM SIGMET 8 VALID 302100/302230 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2054Z N OF LINE N4254 W00438 - N4233 W00221 TOP FL390 MOV NNE 25 NC=  646 WWCN01 CYZX 302056 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB GREENWOOD PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 5:56 PM ADT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB GREENWOOD (CYZX) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE DISSIPATED AND ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM OF THE BASE AT THIS TIME. END/METOC-HFX  800 WSNT06 KKCI 302100 SIGA0F KZWY SIGMET FOXTROT 1 VALID 302100/010100 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2100Z WI N3335 W06430 - N2925 W06450 - N3040 W06940 - N3230 W06800 - N3335 W06430. TOP FL450. MOV ESE 20KT. INTSF.  863 WWJP73 RJTD 301800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 301800UTC ISSUED AT 302100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 39N 152E MOV EAST 30 KT LOW 1000HPA AT 39N 130E MOV EAST SLWY STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 120E 32N 130E 34N 135E 35N 140E 37N 145E 39N 152E 39N 159E WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 010300UTC =  864 WWJP71 RJTD 301800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 301800UTC ISSUED AT 302100UTC STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 120E 32N 130E 34N 135E 35N 140E 37N 145E 39N 152E 39N 159E WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 010300UTC =  865 WWJP74 RJTD 301800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 301800UTC ISSUED AT 302100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 39N 152E MOV EAST 30 KT LOW 1000HPA AT 42N 137E MOV NE 10 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 010300UTC =  866 WWJP75 RJTD 301800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 301800UTC ISSUED AT 302100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 39N 152E MOV EAST 30 KT LOW 1000HPA AT 42N 137E MOV NE 10 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 120E 32N 130E 34N 135E 35N 140E 37N 145E 39N 152E 39N 159E WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 010300UTC =  867 WWJP72 RJTD 301800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 301800UTC ISSUED AT 302100UTC LOW 1000HPA AT 39N 130E MOV EAST SLWY LOW 1000HPA AT 42N 137E MOV NE 10 KT STNR FRONT FM 25N 108E TO 29N 120E 32N 130E 34N 135E 35N 140E 37N 145E 39N 152E 39N 159E WARNING(NEAR GALE) NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 010300UTC =  729 WWUS84 KHUN 302058 AWWHUN ALZ006-302115- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Huntsville AL 356 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Huntsville Alabama has cancelled the Airport Weather Warning for... Huntsville International Airport /HSV/. Cells in the vicinity of the terminal appear unlikely to produce additional lightning. $$ RSB  209 WWUS53 KLOT 302058 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC089-302105- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.W.0080.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Lake IN- 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN LAKE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for northeastern Illinois...and northwestern Indiana. LAT...LON 4091 8699 4084 8699 4084 8710 4074 8710 4074 8752 4117 8753 4117 8745 4116 8742 4116 8739 4118 8737 4119 8732 4120 8731 4121 8721 4120 8705 4117 8695 4112 8694 4091 8693 TIME...MOT...LOC 2055Z 316DEG 32KT 4120 8735 4119 8734 4079 8735 4063 8749 $$ INC073-111-302115- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0080.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Newton IN-Jasper IN- 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR NEWTON AND JASPER COUNTIES... At 355 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Kentland to Morocco to Perkins to Lake Village, moving southeast at 30 to 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Rensselaer, De Motte, Kentland, Morocco, Hanging Grove, Percy Junction, Thayer, Roselawn, Gifford, Enos, Pembroke, Fair Oaks, Pleasant Ridge, Conrad, Perkins, Sumava Resorts, McCoysburg, Beaver City, Moody and Forest City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms are producing widespread wind damage across portions of east central Illnois. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4091 8699 4084 8699 4084 8710 4074 8710 4074 8752 4117 8753 4117 8745 4116 8742 4116 8739 4118 8737 4119 8732 4120 8731 4121 8721 4120 8705 4117 8695 4112 8694 4091 8693 TIME...MOT...LOC 2055Z 316DEG 32KT 4120 8735 4119 8734 4079 8735 4063 8749 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  293 WWUS84 KLZK 302058 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ062-063-066>068-302130- Bradley AR-Cleveland AR-Calhoun AR-Dallas AR-Ouachita AR- 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN BRADLEY... SOUTHWESTERN CLEVELAND...CALHOUN...SOUTHEASTERN DALLAS AND EASTERN OUACHITA COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM CDT... At 358 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Weeks to near Hampton to 8 miles west of Hampton Municipal Airport. Movement was northwest at 10 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Camden... Fordyce... Hampton... Bearden... Kingsland... Thornton... Cullendale... Ellisville... Harlow... Hampton Municipal Airport... Hebron... Highland Industrial Park... Weeks... Tipton... Marks Mill State Park... East Camden... Tinsman... Amy... Delhi... Harmony Grove... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3392 9227 3375 9287 3355 9293 3343 9268 3357 9235 3364 9213 TIME...MOT...LOC 2058Z 146DEG 9KT 3368 9228 3356 9251 3350 9261 $$ 62  941 WAAK47 PAWU 302058 AAA WA7O JNUS WA 302056 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB UPDT PAGS W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC UPDT SW PASI-PAPG LN MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. IMPR. . SRN SE AK JD UPDT SE PAWG-PAHY LN MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE COAST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =JNUT WA 302056 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 302056 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . BH JUN 2019 AAWU  659 WUUS53 KLMK 302058 SVRLMK INC143-302130- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0154.190630T2058Z-190630T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 458 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Scott County in south central Indiana... * Until 530 PM EDT. * At 458 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Scottsburg, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Scottsburg, Vienna, Austin and New Frankfort. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3878 8568 3874 8568 3874 8567 3873 8566 3872 8566 3861 8562 3861 8577 3860 8585 3878 8581 3878 8580 3879 8581 TIME...MOT...LOC 2058Z 004DEG 16KT 3876 8572 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  921 WWUS84 KSHV 302058 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ112-126-138-302145- Harrison TX-Cass TX-Marion TX- 358 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL CASS...MARION AND NORTHEASTERN HARRISON COUNTIES UNTIL 445 PM CDT... At 358 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Smithland, or 20 miles northeast of Marshall, moving northwest at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Jefferson, Smithland, Karnack, Berea, Lodi, Kildare, Gray, Fairview, Uncertain and Pruett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. If on or near Caddo Lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3300 9440 3284 9404 3269 9404 3264 9407 3275 9452 TIME...MOT...LOC 2058Z 112DEG 18KT 3276 9411 $$ 50  791 WWUS51 KOKX 302059 SVSOKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 459 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYC103-302108- /O.EXP.KOKX.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Suffolk NY- 459 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL SUFFOLK COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 500 PM EDT... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4092 7224 4087 7237 4097 7240 4100 7238 4102 7239 4103 7242 4106 7243 4110 7231 4108 7227 4107 7227 4105 7226 4105 7221 4104 7220 4104 7215 4098 7208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2058Z 340DEG 72KT 4095 7225 $$ JE  821 WUUS51 KBOX 302059 SVRBOX MAC007-019-302200- /O.NEW.KBOX.SV.W.0028.190630T2059Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 459 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... West central Nantucket County in southeastern Massachusetts... Dukes County in southeastern Massachusetts... * Until 600 PM EDT. * At 459 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Edgartown, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Nantucket, Oak Bluffs, Edgartown, Tisbury, West Tisbury and Chilmark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4133 7033 4133 7068 4145 7070 4148 7064 4149 7058 4148 7055 4142 7053 4142 7043 4134 7044 4134 7033 4135 7031 4131 7025 4130 7029 TIME...MOT...LOC 2059Z 337DEG 6KT 4139 7046 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  908 WSRS32 RUAA 302057 UUYY SIGMET 4 VALID 302200/010200 UUYY- UUYY SYKTYVKAR FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR FL280/400 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  909 WSPH31 RPLL 302059 RPHI SIGMET C14 VALID 302059/010059 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2005 E12157 - N1726 E12447 - N1608 E12941 - N1233 E12716 - N1613 E12108 - N1810 E11940 - N2005 E12157 TOP FL530 MOV S 5KT INTSF=  207 WUUS53 KILX 302059 SVRILX ILC045-183-302145- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0127.190630T2059Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 359 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Edgar County in east central Illinois... Southeastern Vermilion County in east central Illinois... * Until 445 PM CDT. * At 359 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Ridge Farm, or 15 miles south of Danville, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Georgetown, Chrisman, Ridge Farm, Edgar and Scottland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3973 8776 4000 8765 3998 8753 3971 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2059Z 008DEG 9KT 3992 8755 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  608 WWUS83 KLMK 302100 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 500 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ040-047-048-056-302130- Mercer-Woodford-Jessamine-Garrard- 500 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STORMS WITH GUSTY WINDS AND HEAVY RAIN BETWEEN VERSAILLES AND NICHOLASVILLE... At 458 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms from near Versailles to Nicholasville. Movement was south at 15 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Nicholasville, Wilmore, Shakertown, Jessamine, Stone, Mortonsville, Little Hickman, Troy, Pinckard, and Buckeye. If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3780 8477 3806 8479 3792 8455 3780 8449 3778 8450 3778 8452 3777 8452 3775 8450 3773 8450 3773 8449 3771 8448 3770 8445 3768 8447 3767 8445 3768 8444 3766 8444 TIME...MOT...LOC 2058Z 340DEG 12KT 3803 8476 3790 8457 $$ 13  126 WWUS53 KIND 302100 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 500 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC005-071-079-302115- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Bartholomew IN-Jackson IN-Jennings IN- 500 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN BARTHOLOMEW...EASTERN JACKSON AND WESTERN JENNINGS COUNTIES... At 500 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Seymour, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Columbus, Seymour, North Vernon, Crothersville, Elizabethtown, Jonesville, Hayden, Azalia, Paris Crossing, Country Squire Lakes and Grammer. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 37 and 61. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3873 8589 3875 8590 3875 8592 3876 8592 3914 8595 3917 8573 3888 8557 3885 8557 3885 8561 3883 8561 3882 8563 3883 8565 3882 8570 3883 8572 3881 8579 3878 8580 3874 8584 3873 8587 TIME...MOT...LOC 2100Z 351DEG 12KT 3889 8582 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  951 WUUS53 KUNR 302101 SVRUNR SDC033-302145- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0092.190630T2101Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 301 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Custer County in southwestern South Dakota... * Until 345 PM MDT. * At 300 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 3 miles north of Pringle, or 7 miles south of Custer, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Pringle, Wind Cave National Park, Blue Bell, Custer State Park, Mount Coolidge, Legion Lake, Buffalo Corrals and State Game Lodge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4356 10367 4370 10372 4382 10332 4359 10321 TIME...MOT...LOC 2100Z 253DEG 22KT 4366 10360 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  277 WWUS53 KILX 302101 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 401 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC183-302111- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0125.000000T0000Z-190630T2100Z/ Vermilion- 401 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4020 8765 4047 8777 4049 8773 4049 8753 4025 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2101Z 333DEG 9KT 4040 8756 $$ 37  680 WWUS53 KIND 302101 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 501 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC121-165-302130- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Parke IN-Vermillion IN- 501 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EDT FOR WESTERN PARKE AND VERMILLION COUNTIES... At 501 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Newport, or 19 miles northeast of Paris, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Rockville, Newport, Fairview Park, Cayuga, Montezuma, Rosedale, Dana, Universal, Mecca, Bloomingdale, Blanford, Lodi and Bridgeton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4001 8753 4002 8744 3998 8743 3996 8744 3995 8734 3961 8707 3961 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2101Z 356DEG 13KT 3987 8751 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  865 WXFJ01 NFFN 302100 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY- THREE FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 09.00AM ON MONDAY 01ST JUNE 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: THE HEAVY RAIN WARNING PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR LAU GROUP, VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS IS NOW CANCELLED SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN LIES OVER EASTERN PART OF FIJI AND CONTINUES TO MOVE EASTWARDS AWAY FROM THE COUNTRY. FORECAST FOR FIJI: SOME SHOWERS OVER LAU GROUP AND PARTLY CLOUDY WITH BRIEF SHOWERS OVER THE EASTERN PARTS AND INTERIOR OF THE LARGER ISLANDS. MAINLY FINE ELSEWHERE. THIS WILL BE THE LAST SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR HEAVY RAIN.  060 WWUS83 KLMK 302102 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 502 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ091-092-KYZ030-031-302130- Floyd-Clark-Jefferson-Oldham- 502 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL CLARK...EAST CENTRAL FLOYD...WESTERN OLDHAM AND NORTH CENTRAL JEFFERSON COUNTIES... At 502 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Prospect, moving south at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Jeffersonville, New Albany, Lyndon, Prospect, Graymoor-Devondale, Windy Hills, Barbourmeade, Northfield, Rolling Hills and Langdon Place. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. LAT...LON 3855 8562 3851 8547 3827 8558 3830 8583 TIME...MOT...LOC 2102Z 019DEG 20KT 3843 8558 $$ SCHOETTMER  706 WWUS81 KAKQ 302103 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 503 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ084-090-523>525-302145- Hampton/Poquoson-Newport News-York-James City-Gloucester- 503 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN GLOUCESTER...YORK AND SOUTHEASTERN JAMES CITY COUNTIES...THE CITY OF POQUOSON...THE CITY OF HAMPTON AND THE NORTHERN CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS... At 503 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Wicomico, or near Gloucester Point, moving southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg, Langley AFB, Queens Lake, Patrick Henry Field, Virginia Institute For Marine Sciences, Seaford, Gloucester Point, Busch Gardens, Wicomico, Achilles, York Terrace, Lee Hall, Carver Gardens, Tabb, Grove, Lackey, Glass and Naxera. If you see lightning or hear thunder, you are at risk! Take shelter indoors immediately. If you cannot find shelter in a building a vehicle provides safety from lightning. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3727 7627 3727 7629 3730 7631 3727 7634 3725 7634 3724 7635 3721 7635 3720 7632 3717 7629 3705 7639 3724 7670 3739 7659 3728 7624 TIME...MOT...LOC 2103Z 301DEG 22KT 3728 7657 $$ GINGRICH  393 WOUS64 KWNS 302103 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 403 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC019-039-053-075-091-105-113-123-143-147-175-179-183-203- 302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN DE WITT FORD IROQUOIS KANKAKEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...LOT...  394 WOUS64 KWNS 302103 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 403 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  596 WWUS53 KLOT 302103 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 403 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC075-302115- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Iroquois IL- 403 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN IROQUOIS COUNTY... At 403 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Morocco to Watseka, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Watseka, Martinton, Beaverville, Donovan and Iroquois. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4091 8778 4101 8753 4084 8753 4075 8776 TIME...MOT...LOC 2103Z 341DEG 13KT 4092 8755 4078 8773 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ LENNING  136 WWUS73 KMPX 302103 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 403 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ073-074-082>085-091>093-302215- /O.CAN.KMPX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Redwood-Brown-Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault- Freeborn- Including the cities of Redwood Falls, New Ulm, St James, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Fairmont, Blue Earth, and Albert Lea 403 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Twin Cities/Chanhassen has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Heat indices have fallen below Advisory criteria. $$  527 WWUS53 KLMK 302104 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 504 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC019-077-302115- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0153.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Jefferson IN-Clark IN- 504 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JEFFERSON AND NORTHEASTERN CLARK COUNTIES... At 504 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 11 miles west of Bedford, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Otto, New Washington and Paynesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3862 8544 3858 8543 3852 8545 3851 8546 3855 8562 3861 8559 3861 8557 3864 8557 TIME...MOT...LOC 2104Z 008DEG 14KT 3858 8553 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  058 WWUS85 KPUB 302105 SPSPUB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 305 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COZ065-067>070-302145- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Ft CO- Saguache County East of Continental Divide below 10000 Ft CO- Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Ft CO- Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Ft CO- Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Ft CO- 305 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL RIO GRANDE COUNTY UNTIL 345 PM MDT... At 304 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles west of Del Norte, or 35 miles west of Alamosa, moving east at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monte Vista and Del Norte. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3756 10658 3773 10655 3774 10612 3747 10616 TIME...MOT...LOC 2104Z 277DEG 13KT 3764 10648 $$ ep  144 WWUS53 KLOT 302105 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 405 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-075-302115- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Ford IL-Iroquois IL- 405 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM CDT FOR FORD AND SOUTHERN IROQUOIS COUNTIES... At 405 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Sheldon to near Buckley to near Gibson, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Watseka, Paxton, Gibson City, Stockland, Claytonville, Milford, Sheldon, Cissna Park, Buckley, Gibson, Melvin, Loda, Roberts, Woodland, Elliott, Sibley, Wellington and Iroquois. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Chicago. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4062 8846 4062 8812 4086 8753 4049 8753 4049 8794 4040 8793 4040 8846 TIME...MOT...LOC 2105Z 344DEG 19KT 4080 8755 4052 8802 4044 8844 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ LENNING  333 WHUS76 KMTR 302105 MWWMTR URGENT - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ560-010515- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos To 10 nm- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * SEAS...4 to 7 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ570-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190702T1600Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ571-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.000000T0000Z-190702T1600Z/ Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ575-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190701T0400Z-190702T1600Z/ Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS TONIGHT...Northwest 10 to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT...Northwest 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...6 to 8 feet at 8 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ576-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190702T1600Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas 10 To 60 nm Offshore- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ540-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0110.000000T0000Z-190702T1600Z/ Point Arena To Point Reyes To 10 nm- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ545-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190701T0400Z-190702T1600Z/ Point Reyes To Pigeon Point To 10 nm- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * SEAS...5 to 8 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ565-010515- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0108.000000T0000Z-190702T1600Z/ Point Pinos To Point Piedras Blancas To 10 nm- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * SEAS...6 to 9 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ530-010515- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0115.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ San Pablo Bay Suisun Bay The West Delta and San Francisco Bay North of the Bay Bridge- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...Southwest 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WINDS TONIGHT...Southwest 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...Southwest 15 to 25 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ535-010515- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0114.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ Monterey Bay- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WINDS TONIGHT...West 5 to 15 kt. * WINDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING...West 15 to 25 kt. * SEAS...3 to 5 feet at 7 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ531-010515- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0117.190701T1600Z-190702T0400Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 205 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT MONDAY... * WINDS...West 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or steep waves are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  948 WWUS82 KTAE 302105 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 505 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 GAZ124-126>128-302145- Worth GA-Lee GA-Terrell GA-Turner GA- 505 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN TURNER...LEE...CENTRAL TERRELL AND NORTHWESTERN WORTH COUNTIES UNTIL 545 PM EDT... At 505 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Plains to 6 miles west of Smithville to near De Soto to near Arabi. Movement was southeast at 10 mph. Wind gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Dawson, Leesburg, Ashburn, Albany, Smithville, Worth, Sycamore, Warwick, Sasser, Bronwood, Parrott, Chokee, Stocks, Dawson Municipal A/P, Hobby, Turner Co Airport, Chambliss, Olivers Mill, Neyami and Bridges Crossroad. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3187 8434 3192 8434 3191 8392 3184 8394 3184 8386 3180 8380 3180 8368 3164 8352 3165 8431 3188 8460 3192 8460 3192 8445 3195 8444 TIME...MOT...LOC 2105Z 315DEG 10KT 3198 8449 3188 8436 3188 8406 3183 8379 $$  216 WWUS54 KSJT 302105 SVSSJT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 405 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC235-302114- /O.CAN.KSJT.SV.W.0287.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Irion TX- 405 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN IRION COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened and is no longer expected to be severe. Dangerous lightning and brief heavy rain will accompany the storm, and wind gusts to 35 mph are possible. LAT...LON 3131 10127 3135 10127 3152 10110 3152 10095 3121 10101 TIME...MOT...LOC 2103Z 034DEG 16KT 3139 10112 $$  894 WSAG31 SACO 302111 SACF SIGMET 3 VALID 302111/010111 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2111Z WI S2827 W06946 - S2706 W06854 - S2701 W06817 - S2633 W06834 - S2513 W06836 - S2512 W06825 - S2448 W06836 - S2431 W06827 - S2404 W06722 - S2252 W06710 - S2149 W06612 - S2203 W06550 - S2251 W06521 - S2941 W06833 - S2827 W06946 FL100/230 STNR NC=  543 WSAG31 SACO 302111 SACF SIGMET 3 VALID 302111/010111 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2111Z WI S2827 W06946 - S2706 W06854 - S2701 W06817 - S2633 W06834 - S2513 W06836 - S2512 W06825 - S2448 W06836 - S2431 W06827 - S2404 W06722 - S2252 W06710 - S2149 W06612 - S2203 W06550 - S2251 W06521 - S2941 W06833 - S2827 W06946 FL100/230 STNR NC=  253 WHUS51 KBOX 302106 SMWBOX ANZ232-233-235-255-256-272-273-302200- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0048.190630T2106Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 506 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket... Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island... Nantucket Sound... Ocean Waters from Marthas Vineyard to Nantucket from 25 to 45 NM offshore... Ocean Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard from 25 to 40 NM offshore... Rhode Island Sound... Vineyard Sound... * Until 600 PM EDT. * At 506 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Edgartown, moving southeast at 20 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... Squibnocket Bight, The Coastal Waters South Of Nantucket, Nantucket Sound, Menemsha Bight, Wasque Point, Brant Point Light, Lamberts Cove, Gay Head Light, Nantucket Shoals Buoy, Madaket Harbor, Surfside On Nantucket, The Coastal Waters South Of Marthas Vineyard, Muskeget Channel, Vineyard Sound, Vineyard Haven Harbor, Long Point On Marthas Vineyard, Cape Poge Light and Edgartown Harbor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4131 7113 4164 7036 4089 6960 4073 7096 TIME...MOT...LOC 2106Z 326DEG 19KT 4134 7052 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Frank  311 WUCN13 CWTO 302106 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:06 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: SACHIGO LAKE - BEARSKIN LAKE FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 5:43 P.M. CDT. AT 4:06 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM LOCATED 135 KM SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN IS MOVING 70 KM/H EASTWARD. THIS THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H ALONG WITH LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  464 WSVS31 VVGL 302105 VVTS SIGMET 2 VALID 302105/010005 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1204 E11132 - N1431 E11205 - N1432 E11401 - N1148 E11400 - N1204 E11132 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  041 WUUS53 KILX 302106 SVRILX ILC019-302145- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0128.190630T2106Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 406 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Champaign County in east central Illinois... * Until 445 PM CDT. * At 406 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Thomasboro, or near Rantoul, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Champaign, Rantoul, Urbana, Savoy, St. Joseph, Philo, Sidney, Thomasboro, Ogden and Flatville. This includes the following highways... Interstate 57 between mile markers 236 and 252. Interstate 74 between mile markers 176 and 197. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3996 8818 4022 8836 4034 8817 4015 8794 4010 8794 TIME...MOT...LOC 2106Z 324DEG 10KT 4023 8822 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  858 WWUS81 KAKQ 302107 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 507 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ015>017-VAZ097-098-302145- Pasquotank-Camden-Western Currituck-Chesapeake-Virginia Beach- 507 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN CAMDEN...NORTHWESTERN PASQUOTANK...AND NORTHWESTERN CURRITUCK COUNTIES...THE SOUTHERN CITY OF CHESAPEAKE AND THE SOUTH CENTRAL CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH... At 506 PM EDT, thunderstorms with heavy rain were located along a line extending from near Northwest to near Downtown Suffolk. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Currituck, South Mills, Chesapeake, Northwest, Morgans Corner, Moyock, Burnt Mills, Horseshoe, Lynchs Corner, Snowden, Pierceville, Tar Corner, Sharon, Sligo, Lilly and Johnsons Corner. LAT...LON 3636 7644 3657 7649 3664 7615 3648 7588 3648 7589 3647 7589 3647 7590 3646 7590 TIME...MOT...LOC 2106Z 312DEG 20KT 3662 7626 3666 7660 $$ 05  958 WUUS53 KIND 302107 SVRIND INC013-071-105-302145- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0130.190630T2107Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 507 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Eastern Monroe County in south central Indiana... Brown County in south central Indiana... Northwestern Jackson County in south central Indiana... * Until 545 PM EDT. * At 507 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Nashville, or 15 miles east of Bloomington, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Bloomington, Nashville, Indiana University, Smithville, Helmsburg, Lake Lemon, Gnaw Bone, Harrodsburg, Yellowwood Lake, Spurgeons Corner, Monroe Reservoir, Fairfax State Recreation Area, Woodville Hills, Elkinsville, Charles Deam Wilderness, Stone Head, Unionville and Story. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3899 8657 3929 8652 3928 8615 3914 8608 3904 8608 3904 8603 3899 8600 TIME...MOT...LOC 2107Z 353DEG 8KT 3920 8624 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  595 WWUS83 KIWX 302107 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 507 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ013-020-302200- White-Pulaski- 507 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WHITE AND SOUTHWESTERN PULASKI COUNTIES... At 507 PM EDT/407 PM CDT/, a strong thunderstorm was located near Collegeville, or near Rensselaer, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monticello, Monon, Brookston, Wolcott, Francesville, Medaryville, Reynolds, Chalmers, Burnettsville, Badger Grove, Smithson, Lakeside In Pulaski County, Headlee, Lee, Golden Hill, Indiana Beach, Norway, Idaville, Sitka and Cedar Point. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 185 and 198. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4084 8699 4091 8699 4091 8693 4111 8693 4112 8685 4085 8658 4074 8658 4074 8675 4073 8676 4068 8676 4068 8674 4066 8678 4056 8677 4056 8709 4084 8710 TIME...MOT...LOC 2107Z 300DEG 26KT 4086 8718 $$ HAIL...0.75IN WIND...55MPH CR  666 WWUS82 KRAH 302108 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 508 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ021>023-302215- Guilford NC-Alamance NC-Forsyth NC- 508 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT ALAMANCE...NORTHEASTERN FORSYTH AND GUILFORD COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM EDT... At 508 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a line of strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Monroeton to 6 miles southeast of Pine Hall. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Heavy rain and deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Greensboro, High Point, Burlington, Graham, Kernersville, Mebane, McLeansville, Elon College, Summerfield and Gibsonville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3624 7957 3625 7950 3621 7936 3613 7926 3592 7926 3590 7935 3591 7988 3626 8021 TIME...MOT...LOC 2108Z 308DEG 21KT 3626 7970 3623 8002 $$ 77  875 WAAK48 PAWU 302108 AAA WA8O ANCS WA 302105 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT VCY CHUGACH/KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT KENAI/CHUGACH/TALKEETNA MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT MONTAGUE-PACV SE LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT KENAI MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . KODIAK IS AE UPDT ALEUTIAN MTS SW KODIAK IS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 22Z PAJZ-PAIG LN NE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. IMPR FM W. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAKO OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-RA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL OCNL CIGS BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -DZ BR. NC. . =ANCT WA 302105 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT AFT 03Z OFSHR W PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 02Z PAAK NW OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 02Z AMCHITKA TO PASY OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 302105 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . BH JUN 2019 AAWU  490 WSAU21 AMHF 302108 YMMM SIGMET V05 VALID 302200/010200 YMHF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4050 E14910 - S4400 E14800 - S4330 E14530 - S4020 E14420 SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  532 WUUS53 KILX 302108 SVRILX ILC019-045-183-302200- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0129.190630T2108Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 408 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Edgar County in east central Illinois... Southern Vermilion County in east central Illinois... East central Champaign County in east central Illinois... * Until 500 PM CDT. * At 408 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Fairmount, or 14 miles southwest of Danville, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Georgetown, Catlin, Oakwood, Homer, Ridge Farm, Fairmount, Sidell, Fithian, Muncie, Indianola, Jamaica and Palermo. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 200 and 206. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4006 8802 4017 8783 3995 8756 3980 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 2108Z 324DEG 10KT 4006 8787 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  950 WUUS53 KARX 302109 SVRARX IAC005-037-043-065-067-191-302200- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0038.190630T2109Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 409 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Clayton County in northeastern Iowa... Northern Fayette County in northeastern Iowa... Southern Allamakee County in northeastern Iowa... Floyd County in north central Iowa... Southern Winneshiek County in northeastern Iowa... Chickasaw County in northeastern Iowa... * Until 500 PM CDT. * At 408 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Nora Springs to near Waukon to near Lansing, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Postville and Harpers Ferry around 420 PM CDT. Monona around 425 PM CDT. Rockford around 430 PM CDT. Prairie Du Chien and Marquette around 435 PM CDT. McGregor, Marble Rock and Farmersburg around 440 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Volney, Bradford, Nordness, Chickasaw, Giard, County Roads V 56 And B 33 and Waucoma Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4321 9302 4321 9208 4327 9208 4326 9143 4334 9117 4326 9106 4313 9118 4290 9113 4291 9303 TIME...MOT...LOC 2108Z 356DEG 30KT 4322 9299 4321 9143 4329 9122 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  127 WSCN03 CWAO 302109 CZWG SIGMET P4 VALID 302105/010105 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5401 W08758 - N5745 W08601 TOP FL350 MOV NE 45KT NC=  128 WSCN23 CWAO 302109 CZWG SIGMET P4 VALID 302105/010105 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5401 W08758/75 E CYTL - /N5745 W08601/120 NE CYER TOP FL350 MOV NE 45KT NC RMK GFACN33=  481 WTPH20 RPMM 301800 TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING 06 TROPICAL DEPRESSION ANALYSIS 301800UTC PSTN 18.6N 123.8E MOVE NW 25KT PRES 1004HPA MXWD 025KT FORECAST 24H 011800UTC PSTN 21.4N 120.4E CATE LOW PRESSURE AREA NEXT WARNING 010000 UTC PHILIPPINE ATMOSPHERIC GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION=  329 WWUS53 KIND 302110 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 510 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC045-165-171-302145- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0129.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Fountain IN-Warren IN-Vermillion IN- 510 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM EDT FOR FOUNTAIN...WARREN AND NORTHWESTERN VERMILLION COUNTIES... At 510 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Covington, or 11 miles northeast of Danville, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Covington, Veedersburg, Williamsport, Attica, West Lebanon, Hillsboro, Perrysville, Newtown, Pine Village, Mellott, Pence, Foster, Tab, Gessie and Rainsville. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 1 and 23. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4048 8752 4047 8710 4006 8709 4001 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2110Z 340DEG 18KT 4024 8745 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  260 WWUS53 KUNR 302111 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 311 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC033-302145- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0092.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Custer SD- 311 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM MDT FOR CENTRAL CUSTER COUNTY... At 311 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Blue Bell, or 7 miles southeast of Custer, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Northern Wind Cave National Park, Blue Bell, Custer State Park, Mount Coolidge, Legion Lake, Buffalo Corrals and State Game Lodge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm is producing large hail. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4359 10355 4372 10362 4382 10332 4359 10321 TIME...MOT...LOC 2111Z 251DEG 22KT 4368 10352 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ JC  461 WWUS53 KARX 302111 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 411 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNC045-302120- /O.CAN.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Fillmore MN- 411 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN FILLMORE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for north central and northeastern Iowa. LAT...LON 4350 9303 4350 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2110Z 298DEG 28KT 4322 9147 4326 9219 4325 9281 $$ IAC089-131-302130- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Mitchell IA-Howard IA- 411 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR MITCHELL AND HOWARD COUNTIES... At 410 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Waukon to 6 miles northwest of Protivin to near Osage, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. These storms have a history of blowing down trees. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Protivin around 420 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Vernon Springs County Park, County Roads A 39 And S 70, Meyer, Toeterville, Rock Creek, Vernon Springs and Otranto. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4350 9303 4350 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2110Z 298DEG 28KT 4322 9147 4326 9219 4325 9281 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  725 WWUS53 KLOT 302111 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 411 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC075-302121- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0082.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Iroquois IL- 411 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN IROQUOIS COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 415 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4091 8778 4101 8753 4084 8753 4075 8776 TIME...MOT...LOC 2111Z 323DEG 19KT 4089 8752 4075 8770 $$ LENNING  629 WWUS82 KMFL 302111 SPSMFL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Miami FL 511 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ063-066-070-302215- Hendry FL-Inland Collier County FL-Glades FL- 511 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL COLLIER...NORTHERN HENDRY AND GLADES COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM EDT... * At 511 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Venus to 7 miles southwest of Moore Haven to Felda. Movement was east at 10 mph. * Small hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Clewiston, Labelle, Moore Haven, Lakeport, Buckhead Ridge, Montura, Palmdale, Felda, Port La Belle, Brighton Seminole Reservation, Devils Garden, Ortona, Muse, Indian Prairie Canal Mouth, Lake Hicpochee, Harlem, Keri and Okee Tantie Recreation Area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Miami on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2714 8087 2718 8085 2716 8082 2700 8087 2695 8100 2689 8100 2688 8091 2685 8088 2670 8091 2652 8108 2647 8151 2653 8156 2703 8156 2703 8127 2712 8127 2712 8117 2721 8117 2721 8094 TIME...MOT...LOC 2111Z 287DEG 7KT 2712 8140 2676 8118 2653 8141 $$ ALM  380 WWUS63 KUNR 302111 WCNUNR WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 467 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RAPID CITY SD 311 PM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SDC019-302215- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN NORTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA BUTTE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF DOWNTOWN BELLE FOURCHE. $$ SDC033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-WYC045-010000- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA CUSTER FALL RIVER JACKSON OGLALA LAKOTA IN WEST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA HAAKON LAWRENCE MEADE PENNINGTON ZIEBACH IN WYOMING THIS WATCH INCLUDES 1 COUNTY IN NORTHEAST WYOMING WESTON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BILLSBURG, BUCKHORN, CLARETON, CUSTER, DEADWOOD, DOWNTOWN NEWCASTLE, DUPREE, EDGEMONT, FAITH, FOUR CORNERS, HERMOSA, HILL CITY, HOT SPRINGS, KADOKA, KIRLEY, KYLE, LEAD, MILESVILLE, MORRISEY, OGLALA, PHILIP, PINE RIDGE, RAPID CITY, ROCHELLE, SPEARFISH, STURGIS, UNION CENTER, UPTON, AND WALL. $$  664 WWUS53 KLOT 302112 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 412 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-075-302122- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0081.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Ford IL-Iroquois IL- 412 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FORD AND SOUTHERN IROQUOIS COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 415 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4062 8846 4062 8812 4086 8753 4049 8753 4049 8794 4040 8793 4040 8846 TIME...MOT...LOC 2112Z 320DEG 38KT 4076 8751 4048 8798 4040 8840 $$ LENNING  510 WWUS53 KIND 302112 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 512 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC005-071-079-302122- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Bartholomew IN-Jackson IN-Jennings IN- 512 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN BARTHOLOMEW... EASTERN JACKSON AND WESTERN JENNINGS COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 515 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for central and south central Indiana. LAT...LON 3873 8589 3875 8590 3875 8592 3876 8592 3914 8595 3917 8573 3888 8557 3885 8557 3885 8561 3883 8561 3882 8563 3883 8565 3882 8570 3883 8572 3881 8579 3878 8580 3874 8584 3873 8587 TIME...MOT...LOC 2112Z 348DEG 10KT 3886 8581 $$ TDUD  031 WUUS53 KLOT 302112 SVRLOT INC073-111-302145- /O.NEW.KLOT.SV.W.0084.190630T2112Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 412 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Newton County in northwestern Indiana... Southern Jasper County in northwestern Indiana... * Until 445 PM CDT. * At 412 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Foresman, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Rensselaer, Kentland, Morocco, Percy Junction, Perkins, McCoysburg, Beaver City, Pleasant Ridge, Surrey, Remington, Goodland, Brook, Collegeville and Mount Ayr. Including the following interstate... Indiana I-65 between mile markers 200 and 221. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4091 8699 4084 8699 4084 8710 4074 8710 4074 8753 4093 8753 4108 8714 4091 8697 TIME...MOT...LOC 2112Z 324DEG 29KT 4093 8729 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  454 WWUS73 KFSD 302113 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 413 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MNZ072-081-090-302215- /O.CAN.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Lyon-Cottonwood-Jackson- 413 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Cooler air has pushed into areas east of the Buffalo Ridge from the east, allowing heat indices to ease back into the upper 80s to lower 90s. Therefore, the heat advisory has been cancelled. $$ IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ080-089-097-098-NEZ013-014- SDZ050-056-060>071-010200- /O.CON.KFSD.HT.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Lyon-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Murray-Nobles-Pipestone-Rock-Dixon- Dakota-Gregory-Moody-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Charles Mix-Douglas- Hutchinson-Turner-Lincoln-Bon Homme-Yankton-Union- 413 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...100 to 105, locally higher, due to temperatures in the mid 90s, and dewpoints in the mid 70s. * TIMING...Through early evening. * IMPACTS...The heat and humidity may cause heat stress during outdoor exertion or extended exposure. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned room...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions...if you work or spend time outside. When possible...reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work...the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency...call 9 1 1. && $$  136 WWUS53 KLMK 302113 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 513 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC143-302130- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Scott IN- 513 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL SCOTT COUNTY... At 513 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Scottsburg, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Scottsburg, Vienna, Austin and New Frankfort. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3875 8568 3874 8568 3874 8567 3873 8566 3872 8566 3861 8562 3861 8577 3860 8585 3875 8582 TIME...MOT...LOC 2113Z 004DEG 16KT 3869 8573 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  391 WOUS64 KWNS 302113 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 413 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  392 WOUS64 KWNS 302113 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 413 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  070 WTPH21 RPMM 301800 TTT WARNING 06 TD TIME 1800 UTC 00 18.6N 123.8E 1004HPA 25KT P06HR MOVE NW 25KT P+24 21.4N 120.4E PAGASA=  277 WGUS53 KILX 302114 FFWILX ILC019-041-045-183-010315- /O.NEW.KILX.FF.W.0031.190630T2114Z-190701T0315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 414 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Edgar County in east central Illinois... Vermilion County in east central Illinois... Eastern Champaign County in east central Illinois... Eastern Douglas County in east central Illinois... * Until 1015 PM CDT Sunday. * At 413 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen in portions of the warning area, and radar trends show numerous thunderstorms will continue. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Champaign, Danville, Rantoul, Paris, Urbana, Hoopeston, St. Joseph, Georgetown, Westville, Tilton, Catlin, Oakwood, Philo, Chrisman, Rossville, Sidney, Homer, Thomasboro, Gifford and Ridge Farm. Additional rainfall amounts of 2 to 3 inches are possible in parts of the warned area. This includes the following highways... Interstate 57 between mile markers 241 and 257. Interstate 74 between mile markers 183 and 220. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3948 8759 3958 8797 3968 8797 3968 8805 4040 8832 4040 8794 4049 8793 4049 8753 3948 8753 $$ 37  282 WWUS54 KMAF 302115 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 415 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC383-461-302145- /O.CON.KMAF.SV.W.0375.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Reagan TX-Upton TX- 415 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN REAGAN AND EAST CENTRAL UPTON COUNTIES... At 414 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 22 miles northeast of Rankin, moving west at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Reagan and east central Upton Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3156 10164 3138 10160 3128 10180 3153 10181 TIME...MOT...LOC 2114Z 076DEG 16KT 3148 10171 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  474 WUUS53 KARX 302115 SVRARX WIC023-043-103-302215- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0039.190630T2115Z-190630T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 415 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Grant County in southwestern Wisconsin... Southwestern Richland County in southwestern Wisconsin... Crawford County in southwestern Wisconsin... * Until 515 PM CDT. * At 414 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 13 miles west of Richland Center to 7 miles east of Harpers Ferry, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Muscoda around 440 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Eastman, Highway 61 And County T, Horrigan Ridge, Eagle Corners, County Roads K And T, Bridgeport and Fairview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4291 9114 4296 9114 4307 9118 4313 9118 4315 9115 4320 9112 4326 9106 4331 9111 4334 9117 4336 9117 4343 9079 4342 9067 4320 9038 4320 9043 4308 9043 4290 9112 TIME...MOT...LOC 2114Z 325DEG 31KT 4335 9065 4323 9101 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  985 WWUS51 KBOX 302115 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 515 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC007-019-302200- /O.CON.KBOX.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Nantucket MA-Dukes MA- 515 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM EDT FOR WEST CENTRAL NANTUCKET AND EAST CENTRAL DUKES COUNTIES... At 514 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Edgartown, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Nantucket, Oak Bluffs, Edgartown, West Tisbury and Chilmark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4133 7033 4133 7068 4137 7065 4142 7059 4141 7056 4142 7053 4142 7043 4134 7044 4134 7033 4135 7031 4131 7025 4130 7029 TIME...MOT...LOC 2114Z 337DEG 13KT 4136 7044 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Frank  254 WWUS83 KJKL 302116 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 516 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ086>088-116-117-302200- Clay-Knox-Bell-Harlan-Leslie- 516 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL HARLAN... NORTHEASTERN BELL...NORTHEASTERN KNOX...SOUTHWESTERN LESLIE AND CLAY COUNTIES... At 516 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Tanksley to Marcum to Hosea. Movement was south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Manchester, Loyall, Sandy Fork, Bledsoe, Brightshade, Barnyard, Treadway, Salt Gum, Beverly, Goose Rock, Barcreek, Saylor, Erose, Jonsee, Herron, Ice Cliff, Park Valley, Cottongin and Warbranch. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3697 8385 3682 8359 3684 8332 3719 8346 3727 8363 3730 8379 TIME...MOT...LOC 2116Z 355DEG 15KT 3719 8371 3712 8359 3712 8347 $$ JP  660 WUCN13 CWTO 302116 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:16 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 6:15 P.M. CDT. AT 4:16 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  696 WWUS84 KMOB 302116 SPSMOB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Mobile AL 416 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ALZ060-302200- Covington AL- 416 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES... SOUTHEASTERN COVINGTON COUNTY UNTIL 500 PM CDT... At 416 PM CDT, the strong thunderstorm was located 5 miles north of Laurel Hill, or 7 miles northwest of Florala, moving east at 15 mph. Wind gusts of 40 to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Florala and Lockhart. LAT...LON 3099 8651 3110 8655 3127 8620 3125 8619 3100 8619 TIME...MOT...LOC 2116Z 248DEG 14KT 3105 8644 $$  982 WUUS53 KLMK 302116 SVRLMK INC019-143-175-KYC185-302145- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0155.190630T2116Z-190630T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 516 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Clark County in south central Indiana... Southern Scott County in south central Indiana... East central Washington County in south central Indiana... Western Oldham County in central Kentucky... * Until 545 PM EDT. * At 516 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Scottsburg to 12 miles north of Prospect to 8 miles northwest of La Grange, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Charlestown, Owen, Goshen, River Bluff, Henryville, Underwood, Clark Siding, Harmony Village, Skylight and New Liberty. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3848 8591 3839 8566 3834 8554 3851 8547 3856 8562 3859 8559 3861 8561 3861 8585 TIME...MOT...LOC 2116Z 007DEG 15KT 3866 8580 3853 8566 3849 8550 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  257 WHUS51 KAKQ 302117 SMWAKQ ANZ632-636-302200- /O.NEW.KAKQ.MA.W.0128.190630T2117Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Wakefield VA 517 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA... York River... * Until 600 PM EDT. * At 516 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Coleman Bridge, moving southeast at 35 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and small hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * The strong thunderstorm will be near... Poquoson and Tue Marshes Light around 530 PM EDT. York Spit Reef around 535 PM EDT. The Hump around 545 PM EDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 3725 7662 3730 7666 3739 7663 3736 7653 3729 7647 3731 7644 3733 7646 3720 7607 3704 7624 3708 7632 3710 7633 3712 7636 3712 7639 3715 7645 3718 7647 3724 7659 3724 7662 3722 7660 3725 7666 3726 7667 TIME...MOT...LOC 2116Z 298DEG 34KT 3725 7651 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Poche  318 WWUS53 KIND 302117 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 517 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC121-165-302130- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Parke IN-Vermillion IN- 517 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EDT FOR WESTERN PARKE AND VERMILLION COUNTIES... At 517 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Newport, or 17 miles northeast of Paris, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Rockville, Newport, Fairview Park, Montezuma, Rosedale, Dana, Universal, Mecca, Bloomingdale, Blanford and Bridgeton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3994 8752 3994 8750 3993 8744 3993 8739 3990 8730 3961 8707 3961 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2117Z 352DEG 12KT 3981 8748 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  271 WWUS53 KILX 302118 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 418 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC045-183-302126- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-190630T2115Z/ Edgar-Vermilion- 418 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN EDGAR AND SOUTH CENTRAL VERMILION COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened, however additional severe thunderstorms continue nearby. Hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible in the vicinity. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3990 8792 3992 8769 3967 8761 3965 8795 TIME...MOT...LOC 2116Z 355DEG 7KT 3975 8779 $$ 37  783 WUCN10 CWUL 302117 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:17 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: LAC-AUX-SABLES AREA SAINTE-ANNE-DE-LA-PERADE AREA PORTNEUF AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  701 WAAK48 PAWU 302118 AAB WA8O ANCS WA 302117 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT VCY CHUGACH/KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB UPDT KENAI/CHUGACH/TALKEETNA MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT MONTAGUE-PACV SE LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT KENAI MTS OCNL VIS BLW 3SM FU. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT KENAI MTS OBSC IN FU. NC. . KODIAK IS AE UPDT ALEUTIAN MTS SW KODIAK IS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 22Z PAJZ-PAIG LN NE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. IMPR FM W. . AK PEN AI MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ UPDT W PAKO OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/ISOL PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL UPDT AFT 03Z PRIBILOFS W OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. DTRT. . =ANCT WA 302117 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . CNTRL GLF CST AD UPDT AFT 03Z OFSHR W PAMD SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ UPDT PAAK W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ UPDT AFT 02Z PAAK NW OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT E KISKA SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK UPDT AFT 02Z AMCHITKA TO PASY OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 302117 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . BH JUN 2019 AAWU  365 WWUS83 KLMK 302119 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 519 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ030-031-034-302145- Jefferson-Oldham-Shelby- 519 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT OLDHAM...NORTHWESTERN SHELBY AND EASTERN JEFFERSON COUNTIES... At 518 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near La Grange, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 45 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lyndon, La Grange, Anchorage, Worthington Hills, Coldstream, Meadow Vale, Moorland, Creekside, Meadowbrook Farm, and Hickory Hill. If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3848 8533 3846 8535 3844 8533 3840 8533 3837 8529 3836 8528 3835 8528 3824 8523 3827 8558 3845 8550 3849 8533 TIME...MOT...LOC 2118Z 327DEG 21KT 3838 8538 $$ 13  528 WWUS83 KLMK 302119 RRA SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 519 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ035-302145- Franklin- 519 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN FRANKLIN COUNTY... At 519 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 miles north of Frankfort, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Frankfort, Bryant, Swallowfield, Polsgrove, Elsinore, Harvieland, Ottusville and Flag Fork. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3836 8490 3835 8489 3836 8488 3835 8483 3821 8479 3823 8500 3832 8497 3833 8496 3835 8496 3837 8493 TIME...MOT...LOC 2119Z 007DEG 15KT 3832 8490 $$ SCHOETTMER  733 WWUS82 KRAH 302120 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 520 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ041-042-302200- Johnston NC-Wake NC- 520 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL WAKE AND NORTHWESTERN JOHNSTON COUNTIES UNTIL 600 PM EDT... At 519 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Raleigh, moving southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Heavy rain and deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Raleigh, Smithfield, Garner, Clayton, Knightdale, Wendell, Emit, Flowers and Lake Benson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3579 7878 3593 7864 3570 7821 3549 7841 TIME...MOT...LOC 2119Z 308DEG 20KT 3582 7865 $$ 77  982 WHUS76 KLOX 302121 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service LOS ANGELES/OXNARD CA 221 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ645-010400- /O.EXB.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 221 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 9 PM PDT this evening. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ650-010400- /O.EXB.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.190630T2200Z-190701T0400Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 221 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a Small Craft Advisory, which is in effect until 9 PM PDT this evening. SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ670-673-010530- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 221 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ676-010530- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0084.000000T0000Z-190702T1000Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 221 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT TUESDAY... SEE THE COASTAL WATERS FORECAST (CWFLOX) FOR MORE DETAILS. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that hazardous wind and sea conditions will exist for small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM NOAA/S NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE VISIT... HTTP://WEATHER.GOV/LOSANGELES  125 WWUS81 KRLX 302121 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 521 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVZ024-033-034-302145- Wyoming-McDowell-Mingo- 521 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A CLUSTER OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS AFFECTING CENTRAL MCDOWELL... SOUTHEASTERN MINGO AND SOUTHWESTERN WYOMING COUNTIES... At 519 PM EDT, radar indicated a cluster of strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending roughly from near Welch to near Gilbert Creek. Movement was south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Welch, Gary, War, Hanover, R.d. Bailey Lake, Gilbert Creek, Gilbert, Davy, Bradshaw, Iaeger, Panther, Hampden, Elbert, Coalwood, Avondale and Cucumber. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3744 8195 3750 8195 3751 8193 3753 8195 3767 8195 3768 8193 3766 8190 3767 8188 3746 8157 3725 8149 3725 8150 3723 8151 3721 8156 3720 8159 TIME...MOT...LOC 2119Z 350DEG 14KT 3744 8163 3760 8187 $$ 12  137 WWUS53 KILX 302121 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 421 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC045-183-302131- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Edgar-Vermilion- 421 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN EDGAR AND SOUTHEASTERN VERMILION COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3973 8776 4000 8765 3998 8753 3971 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2116Z 008DEG 9KT 3987 8756 $$ 37  340 WWCN13 CWTO 302121 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:21 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= WEBEQUIE =NEW= PEAWANUCK BIG TROUT LAKE - SACHIGO LAKE FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS IN THE REGION ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THIS EVENING. SOME OF THESE THUNDERSTORMS COULD BECOME SEVERE. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  164 WWUS53 KLOT 302122 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 522 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC007-302145- /O.CON.KLOT.SV.W.0083.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Benton IN- 522 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM EDT FOR BENTON COUNTY... At 519 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Mount Ayr to Kentland to Freeland Park, moving southeast at 35 mph. Spotters reported winds to 60 mph in Brook, Newton County Indiana. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Trees and power line may come down. Locations impacted include... Fowler, Otterbein, Dunnington, Atkinson, Wadena, Talbot, Lochiel, Templeton, Barce, Raub, Freeland Park, Foresman, Oxford, Boswell, Earl Park and Ambia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms have produced widespread wind damage across northeast Illinois, including trees and power lines down. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4074 8753 4074 8710 4048 8709 4048 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2119Z 328DEG 29KT 4061 8721 4044 8755 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Donofrio  256 WCMX31 MMMD 302122 MMID SIGMET 2 VALID 302109/010309 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR TC BARBARA OBS N1054 W11212 AT 2109Z OCNLS TS TOP FL520 WI 190NM OF CENTRE MOV W AT 16KT INTSF. FCST 010300Z N1113 W 11348=  257 WCMX31 MMMD 302122 MMID SIGMET 2 VALID 302109/010309 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR TC BARBARA OBS N1054 W11212 AT 2109Z OCNLS TS TOP FL520 WI 190NM OF CENTRE MOV W AT 16KT INTSF. FCST 010300Z N1113 W 11348= R.I. ADDRESS OUT OF FORMAT UNK ADD MMMXYMYEB  121 WWCN10 CWUL 302120 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:20 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: =NEW= SAINT-MICHEL-DES-SAINTS AREA =NEW= LOTBINIERE AREA LANAUDIERE SAINT-JEROME AREA SAINTE-ADELE - SAINT-SAUVEUR AREA BECANCOUR - VILLEROY AREA MAURICIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UNTIL 7:00 PM EDT THIS EVENING CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  346 WWUS82 KGSP 302122 SPSGSP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 522 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ033-050-501-503-505-302200- McDowell Mountains NC-Caldwell Mountains NC-Burke Mountains NC- Mitchell NC-Avery NC- 522 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A CLUSTER OF THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT NORTH CENTRAL MCDOWELL... EASTERN MITCHELL...NORTHWESTERN CALDWELL...AVERY AND NORTHWESTERN BURKE COUNTIES UNTIL 600 PM EDT... At 522 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated the leading edge of a cluster of thunderstorms along a line extending from 5 miles south of Foscoe to 8 miles west of Newland, and moving southeast at 20 mph. Locations to be impacted include... Spruce Pine, Newland, Banner Elk, Crossnore, Sugar Mountain, Seven Devils, Grandfather Mountain State Park, Linville Falls, B.R. Parkway-Linville Falls To Grandfather and Edgemont. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail will be possible in these areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio and tv stations, as well as local cable tv outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3611 8181 3611 8177 3595 8164 3585 8208 3610 8210 3610 8208 3613 8205 3612 8203 3614 8202 3617 8183 TIME...MOT...LOC 2122Z 324DEG 19KT 3609 8177 3607 8208 $$ SGL  793 WWUS53 KIND 302123 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 523 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC045-165-171-302145- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0129.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Fountain IN-Warren IN-Vermillion IN- 523 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM EDT FOR FOUNTAIN...SOUTHERN WARREN AND NORTHWESTERN VERMILLION COUNTIES... At 522 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Covington, or 14 miles east of Danville, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Covington, Veedersburg, Williamsport, Attica, West Lebanon, Hillsboro, Perrysville, Newtown, Mellott, Foster and Gessie. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 1 and 23. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4031 8752 4038 8710 4006 8709 4001 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2122Z 330DEG 17KT 4021 8735 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  200 WUUS52 KRAH 302123 SVRRAH NCC101-183-302215- /O.NEW.KRAH.SV.W.0112.190630T2123Z-190630T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Raleigh NC 523 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Raleigh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Wake County in central North Carolina... Northwestern Johnston County in central North Carolina... * Until 615 PM EDT * At 523 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Raleigh, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Raleigh, Garner, Clayton, Knightdale, Wendell, Emit, Flowers and Lake Benson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3576 7871 3589 7858 3573 7826 3552 7847 TIME...MOT...LOC 2123Z 309DEG 21KT 3580 7862 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  291 WFUS53 KFSD 302123 TORFSD SDC053-302200- /O.NEW.KFSD.TO.W.0005.190630T2123Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 423 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Gregory County in south central South Dakota... * Until 500 PM CDT. * At 423 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 7 miles northeast of Burke, or 33 miles east of Winner, moving east at 10 mph. Another rotating storm was located just east of Gregory. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4333 9939 4340 9914 4321 9897 4321 9941 TIME...MOT...LOC 2123Z 268DEG 8KT 4328 9921 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ Weisser  201 WSKO31 RKSI 302120 RKRR SIGMET K02 VALID 302120/010100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3525 E12359 - N3602 E12648 - N3509 E12642 - N3434 E12358 - N3525 E12359 TOP FL350 MOV E 15KT NC=  632 WWUS53 KARX 302124 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 424 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC089-131-302130- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Mitchell IA-Howard IA- 424 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN MITCHELL AND SOUTHERN HOWARD COUNTIES... At 423 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Waucoma to near New Hampton to near Rudd, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4337 9303 4336 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2123Z 341DEG 38KT 4301 9202 4298 9231 4311 9295 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  164 WWUS53 KILX 302124 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 424 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-045-183-302200- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0129.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Edgar-Vermilion-Champaign- 424 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM CDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL EDGAR...SOUTHERN VERMILION AND EAST CENTRAL CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES... At 424 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Fairmount, or 14 miles southwest of Danville, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Georgetown, Catlin, Oakwood, Homer, Ridge Farm, Fairmount, Sidell, Fithian, Muncie, Indianola, Jamaica and Palermo. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 200 and 206. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4006 8802 4017 8783 3995 8756 3980 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 2124Z 324DEG 10KT 4002 8784 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  468 WGUS83 KLOT 302124 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 424 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC053-075-010015- /O.NEW.KLOT.FA.Y.0045.190630T2124Z-190701T0015Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Ford IL-Iroquois IL- 424 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southeastern Ford County in east central Illinois... Southern Iroquois County in east central Illinois... * Until 715 PM CDT. * At 421 PM CDT, Doppler radar estimates indicate up to two inches of rainfall had occurred across the area with the heaviest rainfall near Wellington and Clarence. Although heavy rainfall has moved out of the area, light rainfall is expected to continue. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Paxton, Claytonville, Milford, Cissna Park, Buckley, Loda and Wellington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall may cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4062 8806 4066 8762 4049 8753 4049 8793 4040 8793 4040 8810 $$ WSL  661 WOUS20 KWNS 302124 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302125 ILZ000-INZ000-302240- STATUS REPORT ON WW 469 THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES ACROSS THE ENTIRE WATCH AREA. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1316 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 469 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 302240- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-302240- IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  102 WSCG31 FCBB 302124 FCCC SIGMET H3 VALID 302200/010200 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2115Z E OF LINE S0010 E01345 - S0147 E01351 W OF LINE S0151 E01501 - S0009 E01459 E OF LINE N0325 E01654 - N0800 E01544 W OF LINE N0732 E01450 - N0218 E01541 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  175 WFUS53 KFSD 302125 TORFSD SDC023-043-302200- /O.NEW.KFSD.TO.W.0006.190630T2125Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 425 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Charles Mix County in south central South Dakota... Northwestern Douglas County in south central South Dakota... * Until 500 PM CDT. * At 424 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Platte, or 20 miles northwest of Lake Andes, moving east at 10 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... New Holland around 455 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4338 9879 4348 9882 4350 9857 4337 9854 TIME...MOT...LOC 2124Z 271DEG 11KT 4342 9874 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ Hanko  337 WSIN31 VECC 302120 VECF SIGMET 6 VALID 302200/010100 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2310 E08700 - N1530 E09200 - N1550 E08600 - N2230 E08430 - N2310 E08700 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  073 WWUS53 KARX 302125 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 425 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC005-037-043-065-067-191-302200- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Clayton IA-Fayette IA-Allamakee IA-Floyd IA-Winneshiek IA- Chickasaw IA- 425 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CLAYTON...NORTHERN FAYETTE...SOUTHERN ALLAMAKEE... FLOYD...SOUTHERN WINNESHIEK AND CHICKASAW COUNTIES... At 425 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Rockford to Monona to near Harpers Ferry, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Monona around 430 PM CDT. Prairie Du Chien around 435 PM CDT. McGregor, Marquette, Marble Rock and Farmersburg around 440 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Volney, Bradford, Nordness, Chickasaw, Giard, County Roads V 56 And B 33 and Waucoma Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4321 9302 4321 9208 4327 9208 4326 9143 4334 9117 4326 9106 4313 9118 4290 9113 4291 9303 TIME...MOT...LOC 2125Z 356DEG 30KT 4308 9298 4307 9142 4315 9121 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  284 WSPH31 RPLL 302125 RPHI SIGMET F15 VALID 302125/010025 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1117 E12934 - N0948 E12809 - N0731 E12749 - N0853 E12554 - N1047 E12557 - N1220 E12822 - N1117 E12934 TOP FL520 MOV SSW 5KT INTSF=  026 WSBZ01 SBBR 302100 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 301930/302230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2758 W04442 - S2649 W04830 - S2708 W05353 - S2737 W05452 - S2852 W05621 - S3135 W04758 - S2758 W04442 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  027 WSBZ01 SBBR 302100 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  028 WSBZ01 SBBR 302100 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  676 WHUS76 KSEW 302126 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 226 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ131-132-010530- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0132.190701T0100Z-190701T0900Z/ /O.CON.KSEW.GL.A.0039.190702T0000Z-190702T0900Z/ Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 226 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 2 AM PDT MONDAY... ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH LATE MONDAY NIGHT... * WIND AND WAVES...West winds 15 to 25 knots this evening and 25 to 35 knots Monday night. Wind waves 2 to 4 feet this evening and 4 to 7 feet Monday night. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. A Gale Watch is issued when the risk of gale force winds of 34 to 47 knots has significantly increased, but the specific timing and/or location is still uncertain. It is intended to provide additional lead time for mariners who may wish to consider altering their plans. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  717 WOUS20 KWNS 302126 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302130 ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-302240- STATUS REPORT ON WW 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 15 WNW PIA TO 15 ENE BMI TO 40 NW DNV TO 35 NNW DNV TO 45 SW VPZ TO 20 W VPZ. ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...LOT...DVN...ILX...MKX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 466 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC019-039-053-075-113-147-179-183-302240- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN DE WITT FORD IROQUOIS MCLEAN PIATT TAZEWELL VERMILION $$ INC007-073-111-127-302240- IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER NEWTON PORTER $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  718 WUUS53 KLMK 302126 SVRLMK KYC073-302200- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0156.190630T2126Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 526 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Franklin County in central Kentucky... * Until 600 PM EDT. * At 526 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles north of Frankfort, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Frankfort, Elsinore, Harvieland and Ottusville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3834 8492 3835 8486 3821 8476 3821 8495 TIME...MOT...LOC 2126Z 347DEG 14KT 3832 8489 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  752 WUCN13 CWTO 302126 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:26 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 6:15 P.M. CDT. AT 4:26 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM LOCATED NEAR 54.35 N AND 88.25 W IS MOVING 70 KM/H EASTWARD TOWARDS THE WINISK RIVER. THIS THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H ALONG WITH LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  495 WVMX31 MMMX 302126 MMEX SIGMET 8 VALID 302122/010322 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 301951Z VA BTN SFC/FL260 INTO N1940 W09809 - N1917 W09755 - N1858 W09834 - N1858 W09834 - N1902 W09835 - N1940 W09809 MOV NE 20-25 KT NC. OUTLK 010200Z VA BTN SFC/FL260 INTO N1954 W09801 - N1921 W09737 - N1901 W09832 - N1902 W09838 - N1954 W09801 =  597 WWUS51 KBOX 302126 SVSBOX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 526 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAC007-019-302136- /O.CAN.KBOX.SV.W.0028.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Nantucket MA-Dukes MA- 526 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL NANTUCKET AND EAST CENTRAL DUKES COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4133 7033 4133 7068 4137 7065 4142 7059 4141 7056 4142 7053 4142 7043 4134 7044 4134 7033 4135 7031 4131 7025 4130 7029 TIME...MOT...LOC 2125Z 337DEG 6KT 4134 7043 $$ Frank  753 WWUS83 KLMK 302126 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 526 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ040-047-048-055>057-302200- Boyle-Mercer-Woodford-Jessamine-Madison-Garrard- 526 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG STORMS WITH GUSTY WINDS SOUTH OF LEXINGTON... At 525 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms from 9 miles south of Versailles to near Nicholasville to near Lancaster to near Richmond. Movement was south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 45 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Nicholasville, Danville, Lancaster, Mccreary, Berea, Wilmore, Burgin, Peytontown, and Marksbury. If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3750 8440 3751 8450 3758 8460 3760 8462 3761 8465 3762 8465 3762 8464 3764 8465 3763 8465 3762 8467 3762 8469 3761 8469 3766 8477 3778 8482 3796 8475 3788 8459 3785 8449 3783 8432 3766 8420 TIME...MOT...LOC 2125Z 353DEG 13KT 3792 8473 3781 8459 3769 8461 3766 8444 3774 8435 $$ 13  780 WAKO31 RKSI 302125 RKRR AIRMET J07 VALID 302130/010100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3820 E12706 - N3618 E12359 - N3328 E12359 - N3513 E12951 - N3650 E12909 - N3820 E12706 STNR NC=  062 WUUS53 KDMX 302127 SVRDMX IAC013-017-023-302215- /O.NEW.KDMX.SV.W.0127.190630T2127Z-190630T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Des Moines IA 427 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Black Hawk County in northeastern Iowa... Bremer County in northeastern Iowa... Butler County in north central Iowa... * Until 515 PM CDT. * At 426 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fredericksburg, or 12 miles south of New Hampton, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Public. Home weather station just west of Fredericksburg reported a wind gust 65 mph. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Waverly, Allison, Sumner, Parkersburg, Denver, Clarksville, Tripoli, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Waterloo Municipal Airport, Janesville, Dunkerton, Readlyn, Dumont, New Hartford, Plainfield and Frederika. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4256 9302 4291 9303 4291 9208 4255 9208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2126Z 352DEG 31KT 4289 9224 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Podrazik  502 WUUS53 KIND 302127 SVRIND INC021-109-119-121-133-302215- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0131.190630T2127Z-190630T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 527 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Morgan County in central Indiana... Clay County in west central Indiana... Parke County in west central Indiana... Northern Owen County in west central Indiana... Putnam County in west central Indiana... * Until 615 PM EDT. * At 526 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rockville, or 19 miles southwest of Crawfordsville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Greencastle, Brazil, Rockville, Cloverdale, Knightsville, Bainbridge, Harmony, Staunton, Fillmore, Carbon, Russellville, Bloomingdale, Marshall, Center Point, Quincy, Bridgeton, Reelsville, Saline City, Eminence and Cagles Mill Lake. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 20 and 53. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3995 8715 3995 8709 3987 8709 3987 8696 3967 8668 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8660 3950 8646 3922 8708 3952 8721 3952 8720 3961 8720 3961 8725 3984 8735 TIME...MOT...LOC 2126Z 335DEG 20KT 3986 8717 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  949 WSIN90 VECC 302120 VECF SIGMET 6 VALID 302200/010100 VECC- VECF KOLKATA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2310 E08700 - N1530 E09200 - N1550 E08600 - N2230 E08430 - N2310 E08700 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  488 WGUS85 KPUB 302127 FLSPUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pueblo CO 327 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC055-302315- /O.NEW.KPUB.FA.Y.0022.190630T2127Z-190630T2315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Huerfano CO- 327 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Advisory for... South central Huerfano County in southeastern Colorado... * Until 515 PM MDT. * At 321 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to slow moving thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Rainfall amounts of between a half inch and an inch will be possible, especially along Highway 12 north of Cuchara. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Indian Creek on the southeastern Spring Brun Scar and southern Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Huerfano county. This includes the following areas, Sulpher Springs on Indian Creek and County Road 421 near Indian Creek. LAT...LON 3754 10506 3749 10502 3742 10504 3739 10512 3747 10515 $$ ep  995 WWUS82 KRAH 302127 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 527 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ027-028-043-302230- Edgecombe NC-Nash NC-Wilson NC- 527 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL NASH...SOUTHWESTERN EDGECOMBE AND NORTHEASTERN WILSON COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM EDT... At 527 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Nashville, moving southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Heavy rain and deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rocky Mount, Nashville, Wilson, Elm City, Dortches, Sharpsburg, Pinetops, Spring Hope, Macclesfield and Saratoga. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3581 7746 3562 7774 3594 7818 3609 7807 TIME...MOT...LOC 2127Z 307DEG 21KT 3595 7803 $$ 77  356 WWUS53 KUNR 302127 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 327 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC033-302137- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0092.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Custer SD- 327 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL CUSTER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for southwestern South Dakota. LAT...LON 4359 10355 4372 10362 4382 10332 4359 10321 TIME...MOT...LOC 2126Z 253DEG 22KT 4371 10339 $$ JC  209 WWUS53 KILX 302128 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 428 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-302145- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Champaign- 428 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL CHAMPAIGN COUNTY... At 427 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Urbana, or near Champaign, moving southeast at 15 mph. Wind gusts to 64 mph have been measured with this storm. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, St. Joseph, Philo, Sidney and Ogden. This includes the following highways... Interstate 57 between mile markers 236 and 244. Interstate 74 between mile markers 176 and 197. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3996 8818 4022 8836 4023 8804 4015 8794 4010 8794 TIME...MOT...LOC 2127Z 329DEG 13KT 4013 8816 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  774 WOUS20 KWNS 302128 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302130 IAZ000-WIZ000-302240- STATUS REPORT ON WW 468 THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES ACROSS THE ENTIRE WATCH AREA. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1317 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 468 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-302240- IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ WIC023-043-302240- WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  595 WFUS53 KFSD 302128 TORFSD SDC023-302200- /O.NEW.KFSD.TO.W.0007.190630T2128Z-190630T2200Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 428 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Charles Mix County in south central South Dakota... * Until 500 PM CDT. * At 428 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 9 miles west of Platte, or 23 miles south of Kimball, moving east at 10 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Platte around 500 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4350 9882 4334 9880 4331 9906 4332 9907 4345 9916 TIME...MOT...LOC 2128Z 265DEG 7KT 4341 9904 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ Hanko  924 WWUS84 KBMX 302128 SPSBMX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Birmingham AL 428 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ALZ035-041-302200- Chilton AL-Autauga AL- 428 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN AUTAUGA AND SOUTH CENTRAL CHILTON COUNTIES UNTIL 500 PM CDT... At 428 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Billingsley, or 14 miles southwest of Clanton. This storm was nearly stationary. Pea size hail and wind gusts around 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Billingsley, Plecher, Vida Junction, Pooles Crossroads and Dawson Mill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3253 8664 3253 8678 3258 8689 3271 8687 3278 8684 3280 8672 3274 8657 3261 8659 TIME...MOT...LOC 2128Z 194DEG 2KT 3265 8674 $$ 89^GSatterwhite  334 WWUS53 KIND 302130 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 530 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC013-071-105-302145- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Monroe IN-Brown IN-Jackson IN- 530 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM EDT FOR EASTERN MONROE...BROWN AND NORTHWESTERN JACKSON COUNTIES... At 529 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Nashville, or 14 miles east of Bloomington, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bloomington, Nashville, Indiana University, Smithville, Helmsburg, Lake Lemon, Gnaw Bone, Harrodsburg, Yellowwood Lake, Spurgeons Corner, Monroe Reservoir, Fairfax State Recreation Area, Woodville Hills, Elkinsville, Charles Deam Wilderness, Stone Head, Unionville and Story. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3899 8657 3929 8652 3928 8615 3914 8608 3904 8608 3904 8603 3899 8600 TIME...MOT...LOC 2129Z 347DEG 10KT 3915 8625 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  008 WWUS83 KUNR 302130 SPSUNR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 330 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDZ031-042-302200- Pennington Co Plains SD-Oglala Lakota SD- 330 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 329 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over northwestern Badlands National Park, or 41 miles southeast of Rapid City, moving northeast at 25 mph. Half inch hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Scenic, northern Badlands National Park and Sheep Mountain Table. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Very heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM MDT for southwestern and west central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4376 10275 4394 10255 4374 10224 4365 10255 TIME...MOT...LOC 2129Z 223DEG 20KT 4374 10255 $$ JC  009 WWUS82 KFFC 302130 SPSFFC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 530 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 GAZ061-073-074-302200- Washington GA-Baldwin GA-Hancock GA- 530 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN WASHINGTON...NORTHEASTERN BALDWIN AND SOUTHERN HANCOCK COUNTIES UNTIL 600 PM EDT... At 530 PM EDT...a strong thunderstorm was near Linton, or 11 miles east of Milledgeville. This storm was nearly stationary. HAZARD...Up to 40 mph wind...frequent cloud to ground lightning and heavy rain. IMPACT...Expect minor damage to tree limbs and blowing around of light...unsecured objects. Heavy rain may cause temporary street flooding especially in poor drainage areas. Some locations in the path of this storm include Deepstep, Linton, Beulah and Underwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People outdoors should seek shelter immediately. If you can hear thunder...you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Motorists should slow down and be prepared for possible loss of control due to hydroplaning. LAT...LON 3301 8292 3295 8308 3316 8320 3318 8297 TIME...MOT...LOC 2130Z 076DEG 1KT 3308 8304 WIND...40MPH $$  744 WWUS53 KLMK 302130 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 530 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC143-302140- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0154.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Scott IN- 530 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL SCOTT COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. Report severe weather to local law enforcement, post your report to the National Weather Service Louisville Facebook page, or tweet your report using hashtag L, M, K, spotter. LAT...LON 3875 8568 3874 8568 3874 8567 3873 8566 3872 8566 3861 8562 3861 8577 3860 8585 3875 8582 TIME...MOT...LOC 2130Z 004DEG 16KT 3862 8574 $$ SCHOETTMER  745 WWUS83 KDMX 302130 SPSDMX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 430 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAZ007-017-302215- Cerro Gordo IA-Worth IA- 430 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Gusty Winds and Heavy Rain in Northern Iowa... At 430 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles west of Manly, or 12 miles southwest of Northwood, moving east at 35 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mason City, Manly, Plymouth, Fertile, Kensett, Grafton, Hanlontown, Rock Falls and Bolan. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for north central Iowa. LAT...LON 4318 9303 4318 9350 4334 9350 4339 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2130Z 285DEG 30KT 4330 9337 $$ Podrazik  772 WGUS83 KLOT 302130 FLSLOT Flood Advisory National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 430 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC093-302315- /O.CON.KLOT.FA.Y.0042.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kendall IL- 430 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN KENDALL COUNTY... At 428 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated that light rain was ongoing across the area, but was not heavy enough to worsen flooding. Any flooding should recede over the next few hours. Some locations that may continue to experience flooding include... Oswego, Yorkville, Little Rock, Plano, Sandwich, Montgomery and Millington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4172 8836 4164 8842 4156 8844 4156 8860 4172 8860 $$ WSL  421 WWUS53 KFSD 302131 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 431 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC023-302200- /O.CON.KFSD.TO.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Charles Mix SD- 431 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CHARLES MIX COUNTY... At 430 PM CDT, a confirmed tornado was located 9 miles west of Platte, or 23 miles south of Kimball, moving east at 10 mph. HAZARD...Damaging tornado. SOURCE...Law enforcement confirmed tornado. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornado will be near... Platte around 500 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To repeat, a tornado is on the ground. TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4350 9882 4334 9880 4331 9906 4332 9907 4345 9916 TIME...MOT...LOC 2130Z 265DEG 7KT 4341 9903 TORNADO...OBSERVED HAIL...<.75IN $$ Hanko  454 WWUS85 KPUB 302131 SPSPUB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 331 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COZ076-077-079-083-302215- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000Ft CO- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Ft CO- Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County CO- Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500Ft CO- 331 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL FREMONT COUNTY UNTIL 415 PM MDT... At 330 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Royal Gorge, or 21 miles northeast of Hayden Pass Burn Scar, moving north at 20 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Royal Gorge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3835 10529 3833 10545 3869 10564 3869 10532 TIME...MOT...LOC 2130Z 167DEG 16KT 3843 10540 $$ kam  499 WAIY31 LIIB 302131 LIMM AIRMET 10 VALID 302150/302350 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL TS OBS WI N4550 E00912 - N4529 E00737 - N4553 E00711 - N4625 E00807 - N4704 E01215 - N4648 E01222 - N4632 E01338 - N4617 E01341 - N4550 E00912 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  505 WUUS53 KARX 302131 SVRARX IAC043-065-302215- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0040.190630T2131Z-190630T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 431 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Clayton County in northeastern Iowa... Fayette County in northeastern Iowa... * Until 515 PM CDT. * At 431 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from McGregor to near Sumner, moving south at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Garnavillo around 440 PM CDT. Oelwein and Guttenberg around 450 PM CDT. Fairbank around 455 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Mederville, Randalia, Highways 3 And 187, Turkey River, Bixby State Park, Highway 13 And County C 24 and Fairview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4264 9208 4296 9208 4298 9116 4291 9114 4288 9110 4275 9107 4269 9097 4268 9090 4265 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2131Z 351DEG 46KT 4301 9116 4293 9208 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  990 WWUS84 KSHV 302132 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 432 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LAZ003-004-302215- Claiborne LA-Webster LA- 432 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN WEBSTER AND NORTHWESTERN CLAIBORNE PARISHES UNTIL 515 PM CDT... At 431 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles northwest of Homer, moving west at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cullen, Cotton Valley, Sarepta, Shongaloo, Evergreen, Leton and Couchwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3267 9345 3276 9345 3276 9347 3278 9347 3282 9346 3285 9347 3287 9345 3287 9346 3289 9348 3290 9348 3290 9347 3292 9347 3293 9348 3292 9350 3298 9353 3294 9312 3276 9308 TIME...MOT...LOC 2131Z 080DEG 15KT 3284 9319 $$ 19  052 WSFR34 LFPW 302131 LFMM SIGMET 7 VALID 302130/302230 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00630 - N4630 E00700 - N4600 E00700 - N4515 E00600 - N4545 E00530 - N4600 E00600 - N4630 E00600 - N4630 E00630 TOP FL420 STNR WKN=  587 WSAU21 AMRF 302132 YMMM SIGMET X01 VALID 302200/010200 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3800 E14200 - YSWL - S3700 E14800 - S3820 E14600 - S3750 E14500 - YCTY SFC/8000FT STNR NC=  392 WOUS64 KWNS 302133 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 433 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC019-039-053-075-091-105-113-123-143-147-175-179-183-203- 302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN DE WITT FORD IROQUOIS KANKAKEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN MARSHALL PEORIA PIATT STARK TAZEWELL VERMILION WOODFORD $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...LOT...  948 WOUS64 KWNS 302133 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 433 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  033 WWUS84 KSHV 302133 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 433 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ073-302215- Union AR- 433 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL UNION COUNTY UNTIL 515 PM CDT... At 433 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Urbana, or 13 miles southeast of El Dorado, moving west at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... El Dorado, Urbana, Lawson, Aurelle, Hillsboro and Catesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3323 9239 3304 9237 3302 9271 3323 9272 TIME...MOT...LOC 2133Z 085DEG 10KT 3312 9245 $$ 19  735 WWUS85 KABQ 302134 SPSABQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 334 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NMZ506-302200- West Central Mountains- 334 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL CIBOLA COUNTY UNTIL 400 PM MDT... At 333 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles southeast of El Morro, or 25 miles southwest of Grants, moving north at 25 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... El Morro. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Accumulations of small hail on roads can create very slick and hazardous driving conditions. && LAT...LON 3488 10813 3486 10832 3509 10841 3516 10811 TIME...MOT...LOC 2133Z 173DEG 22KT 3496 10822 $$ CA  934 WWUS53 KARX 302134 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 434 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC089-131-302143- /O.EXP.KARX.SV.W.0037.000000T0000Z-190630T2130Z/ Mitchell IA-Howard IA- 434 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MITCHELL AND SOUTHERN HOWARD COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for north central and northeastern Iowa. LAT...LON 4337 9303 4336 9208 4321 9208 4321 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2133Z 319DEG 26KT 4296 9196 4293 9225 4306 9289 $$ JSB  908 WWUS84 KMAF 302134 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 434 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ062-063-302215- Midland TX-Glasscock TX- 434 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN GLASSCOCK AND EAST CENTRAL MIDLAND COUNTIES UNTIL 515 PM CDT... At 434 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Garden City, moving southwest at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Glasscock and east central Midland Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3166 10174 3188 10194 3194 10154 3181 10145 TIME...MOT...LOC 2134Z 061DEG 13KT 3187 10157 $$ 49  909 WUUS54 KMAF 302134 SVRMAF TXC461-302230- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0376.190630T2134Z-190630T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 434 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Upton County in western Texas... * Until 530 PM CDT. * At 434 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 17 miles northeast of Rankin, moving southwest at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Midkiff. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3164 10178 3130 10178 3119 10212 3149 10229 3165 10225 TIME...MOT...LOC 2134Z 065DEG 15KT 3145 10182 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  431 WWUS83 KJKL 302134 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 534 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ088-115-117-118-302215- Perry-Harlan-Letcher-Leslie- 534 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT HARLAN...SOUTHWESTERN LETCHER...CENTRAL LESLIE AND SOUTHEASTERN PERRY COUNTIES... At 533 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Elko to near Slemp to Asher. Movement was southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Letcher, Cumberland, Loyall, Evarts, Lynch, Benham, Blackey, Big Fork, Bobs Creek, Leatherwood, Hoskinston, Bledsoe, Dizney, Louellen, Premium, Gilley, Clutts, Napier and Shields. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3713 8346 3715 8325 3723 8310 3703 8275 3701 8279 3701 8283 3698 8287 3693 8286 3688 8289 3685 8301 3685 8307 3678 8313 3674 8314 3674 8320 3671 8330 TIME...MOT...LOC 2133Z 317DEG 29KT 3713 8300 3708 8315 3705 8341 $$ JP  675 WWUS63 KIND 302135 WCNIND WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS IN 535 PM EDT SUN JUN 30 2019 INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KIND.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 10 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 23 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL INDIANA BARTHOLOMEW HENDRICKS JOHNSON MORGAN IN SOUTH CENTRAL INDIANA BROWN JACKSON LAWRENCE MONROE IN SOUTHWEST INDIANA DAVIESS GREENE KNOX MARTIN SULLIVAN IN WEST CENTRAL INDIANA CLAY FOUNTAIN MONTGOMERY OWEN PARKE PUTNAM TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ATTICA, BEDFORD, BLOOMFIELD, BLOOMINGTON, BRAZIL, BROWNSBURG, BROWNSTOWN, CLAY CITY, CLINTON, COLUMBUS, COVINGTON, CRAWFORDSVILLE, DANVILLE, FRANKLIN, GREENCASTLE, GREENWOOD, LAFAYETTE, LINTON, LOOGOOTEE, MARTINSVILLE, MITCHELL, MOORESVILLE, NASHVILLE, NEWPORT, PLAINFIELD, ROCKVILLE, SEYMOUR, SHOALS, SPENCER, SULLIVAN, TERRE HAUTE, VEEDERSBURG, VINCENNES, WASHINGTON, WEST LAFAYETTE, WEST LEBANON, AND WILLIAMSPORT. $$  472 WWUS52 KRAH 302135 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 535 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC101-183-302215- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0112.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Wake NC-Johnston NC- 535 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL WAKE AND NORTHWESTERN JOHNSTON COUNTIES... At 534 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Garner, or near Raleigh, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Raleigh, Garner, Clayton, Knightdale, Flowers and Lake Benson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3577 7863 3584 7855 3570 7829 3552 7847 3570 7865 TIME...MOT...LOC 2134Z 325DEG 20KT 3575 7858 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  954 WWUS83 KLMK 302135 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 535 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ029-038-302200- Bullitt-Spencer- 535 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN SPENCER AND NORTHEASTERN BULLITT COUNTIES... At 535 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 miles east of Pioneer Village, moving east at 15 mph. Winds up to 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mount Washington, Crenshaw, Waterford, Smithville and Whitfield. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3811 8542 3797 8544 3797 8547 3799 8549 3798 8551 3798 8557 3806 8559 TIME...MOT...LOC 2135Z 260DEG 13KT 3805 8553 $$ SCHOETTMER  260 WWUS84 KMRX 302135 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 535 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TNZ040>043-302215- Cocke Smoky Mountains TN-Northwest Greene TN-Northwest Cocke TN- Southeast Greene TN- 535 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN COCKE AND SOUTHWESTERN GREENE COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM EDT... At 535 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Parrottsville, or 12 miles southwest of Greeneville, moving south at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Parrottsville, Round Mountain, Caney Branch, Del Rio, Cedar Creek and Max Patch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. Persons in campgrounds should consider seeking sturdy shelter until this storm passes. && LAT...LON 3579 8307 3610 8317 3616 8292 3597 8278 3593 8280 3592 8282 3595 8287 3595 8290 3593 8291 3593 8292 3589 8290 3588 8291 3588 8290 3587 8292 3584 8292 3577 8299 TIME...MOT...LOC 2135Z 343DEG 17KT 3607 8301 $$ DGS  570 WWUS83 KILX 302135 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 435 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ042>045-051>057-061>063-066>068-302230- Sangamon-Macon-Effingham-Clark-Christian-Cumberland-Crawford-Edgar- Logan-Douglas-Coles-Jasper-Piatt-De Witt-Moultrie-Shelby-Champaign- 435 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR COLES...CRAWFORD...SOUTHWESTERN EDGAR...MOULTRIE...CLARK...CUMBERLAND...DOUGLAS...NORTHERN EFFINGHAM...MACON...SOUTHEASTERN LOGAN...CHRISTIAN...NORTHEASTERN SANGAMON...NORTHERN JASPER...SHELBY...SOUTHERN PIATT...SOUTHWESTERN DE WITT AND SOUTHWESTERN CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 434 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking an outflow wind gust along a line extending from near Mount Pulaski to near Redmon. Movement was south at 40 mph. Wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible. Additional strong to severe thunderstorm development will also be possible in this area, and could result in higher wind gusts and large hail. Locations impacted include... Decatur, Charleston, Mattoon, Effingham, Taylorville, Robinson, Shelbyville, Tuscola, Sullivan, Toledo, Pana, Mount Zion, Forsyth, Arcola, Casey, Arthur, Moweaqua, Neoga, Mount Pulaski and Teutopolis. This includes the following highways... Interstate 57 between mile markers 159 and 214. Interstate 70 between mile markers 92 and 144. Interstate 72 between mile markers 114 and 150. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central and east central Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for south central, central, southeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3888 8764 3916 8881 3922 8881 3924 8914 3935 8914 3935 8945 4011 8940 3971 8776 TIME...MOT...LOC 2134Z 357DEG 37KT 4005 8931 3970 8785 $$ 37  633 WWUS53 KFSD 302136 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 436 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC023-043-302200- /O.CON.KFSD.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Charles Mix SD-Douglas SD- 436 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CHARLES MIX AND NORTHWESTERN DOUGLAS COUNTIES... At 435 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near New Holland, or 20 miles northwest of Lake Andes, moving east at 10 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... New Holland around 500 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4338 9877 4348 9877 4350 9857 4337 9854 TIME...MOT...LOC 2135Z 255DEG 9KT 4342 9871 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ Hanko  860 WSRA31 RUKR 302134 UNKL SIGMET 9 VALID 302200/010000 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N6600 E08310 - N6700 E10655 - N6200 E10700 - N6233 E09725 - N6327 E08448 - N6600 E08310 TOP FL380 MOV SE 20KMH NC=  193 WWUS81 KAKQ 302137 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 537 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ098-302200- Virginia Beach- 537 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT THE CENTRAL CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH... At 536 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located over Princess Anne, or 8 miles southwest of Virginia Beach, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 40 mph and rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Virginia Beach, Back Bay, Princess Anne, Rudee Heights, Princess Anne Plaza, Sigma, Sandbridge Beach, Oceana NAS, Macons Corner, Pungo, Oceana, Dam Neck and London Bridge. Strong wind gusts are possible with this storm. These wind gusts are capable of knocking down tree limbs, small or weakened trees, and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture, and other light outdoor objects. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3652 7582 3654 7587 3655 7587 3655 7589 3666 7612 3668 7607 3671 7608 3672 7610 3675 7614 3686 7608 3682 7592 3672 7589 3662 7584 TIME...MOT...LOC 2136Z 294DEG 24KT 3675 7605 $$ 05  965 WWUS53 KLMK 302137 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 537 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC019-143-175-KYC185-302145- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0155.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Clark IN-Scott IN-Washington IN-Oldham KY- 537 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM EDT FOR NORTHERN CLARK...SOUTHERN SCOTT...EAST CENTRAL WASHINGTON AND WESTERN OLDHAM COUNTIES... At 537 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles south of Scottsburg to 10 miles north of Green Spring to 7 miles northeast of Prospect, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Charlestown, Owen, Goshen, River Bluff, Henryville, Underwood, Clark Siding, Harmony Village, Skylight and New Liberty. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3848 8591 3839 8566 3834 8554 3851 8547 3856 8562 3859 8559 3861 8561 3861 8585 TIME...MOT...LOC 2137Z 007DEG 15KT 3859 8581 3846 8567 3842 8551 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  087 WWCN02 CYTR 302137 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:37 PM MDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED.  617 WWUS85 KBYZ 302138 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 338 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ035-302245- Yellowstone MT- 338 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 338 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles northwest of Worden, or 24 miles northeast of Billings, moving east at 10 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Worden, Ballantine and Pompeys Pillar. This advisory does not include the city of Billings. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4590 10789 4590 10802 4600 10837 4618 10837 4630 10785 TIME...MOT...LOC 2138Z 271DEG 9KT 4609 10827 $$ Arthur  665 WUUS53 KARX 302139 SVRARX WIC043-302315- /O.NEW.KARX.SV.W.0041.190630T2139Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service La Crosse WI 439 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Grant County in southwestern Wisconsin... * Until 615 PM CDT. * At 437 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles east of Boscobel to near McGregor, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. At 411 PM CDT, a tree was reported blown down near Mount Sterling. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Severe thunderstorms will be near... Fennimore and Bloomington around 455 PM CDT. Cassville around 515 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Arthur, Montfort, Beetown, Nelson Dewey State Park, Lancaster Municipal Airport, Georgetown and Bagley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4269 9095 4272 9102 4274 9104 4274 9105 4275 9107 4276 9106 4283 9108 4283 9110 4288 9110 4291 9114 4310 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2137Z 330DEG 24KT 4312 9057 4295 9111 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  747 WWUS84 KSHV 302139 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 439 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LAZ005-006-013-014-302230- Lincoln LA-Ouachita LA-Union LA-Jackson LA- 439 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN JACKSON...SOUTH CENTRAL UNION...SOUTHWESTERN OUACHITA AND EASTERN LINCOLN PARISHES UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 438 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorm 12 miles southeast of Ruston, moving north at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Ruston, Grambling, Farmerville, Dubach, Choudrant, Chatham, Vienna, Eros, Downsville, D Arbonne, Calhoun, Mount Zion, Folksville, Cheniere, Bayou D Arbonne Lake, Mineral Springs, Caderville, Unionville, Eureka and Lapine. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3234 9221 3224 9254 3268 9275 3279 9237 TIME...MOT...LOC 2138Z 161DEG 13KT 3245 9244 $$ 19  324 WWUS63 KILX 302139 WCNILX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 466/469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LINCOLN IL 439 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC123-143-175-179-203-302245- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 5 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS MARSHALL PEORIA STARK TAZEWELL WOODFORD THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF EUREKA, LACON, PEKIN, PEORIA, AND TOULON. $$ ILC019-039-113-147-183-302300- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS DE WITT MCLEAN IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLOOMINGTON, CHAMPAIGN, CLINTON, DANVILLE, MONTICELLO, NORMAL, AND URBANA. $$ ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173-010200- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS MACON SHELBY IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CLARK COLES CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR MOULTRIE IN SOUTHEAST ILLINOIS CLAY CRAWFORD EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE RICHLAND THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLESTON, DECATUR, EFFINGHAM, FLORA, GREENUP, LAWRENCEVILLE, MARSHALL, MATTOON, NEWTON, OLNEY, PARIS, ROBINSON, SHELBYVILLE, SULLIVAN, AND TUSCOLA. $$  699 WWCN01 CWHF 302139 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 6:39 PM ADT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES (CWHF) LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) LOCATION: FMF CAPE SCOTT CORE PROPERTIES (AHD) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: LIGHTNING STRIKES EXPECTED WITHIN 25 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/2400Z (UNTIL 30/2100 ADT) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: LIGHTNING STRIKES EXPECTED WITHIN 10 NM VALID: UNTIL 30/2330Z (UNTIL 30/2030 ADT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS CONTINUE TO TRACK EAST ALONG THE SOUTH SHORE AND CAN BE EXPECTED WITHIN 10 NM OF THE BASE UNTIL LATER THIS EVENING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 30/2330Z (30/2030 ADT) END/METOC-HFX  894 WUUS53 KLMK 302140 SVRLMK KYC079-302215- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0157.190630T2140Z-190630T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 540 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Garrard County in central Kentucky... * Until 615 PM EDT. * At 539 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lancaster, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lancaster, Mccreary, Hyattsville, Buckeye, Marcellus, Bourne, Teatersville, Marksbury, Bryantsville, and Stone. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3756 8455 3761 8465 3762 8464 3764 8465 3764 8467 3765 8466 3764 8468 3764 8469 3766 8468 3766 8471 3768 8468 3769 8469 3777 8462 3776 8460 3775 8461 3775 8459 3773 8458 3773 8457 3774 8456 3770 8446 TIME...MOT...LOC 2139Z 356DEG 6KT 3770 8461 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ 13  195 WAHW31 PHFO 302140 WA0HI HNLS WA 302200 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 010400 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 302200 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 010400 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 302200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 010400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...150.  607 WWUS53 KARX 302140 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 440 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC023-043-103-302215- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Grant WI-Richland WI-Crawford WI- 440 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN GRANT...SOUTHWESTERN RICHLAND AND CRAWFORD COUNTIES... At 440 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Muscoda to 7 miles northwest of Bloomington, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. At 411 PM CDT, a tree was reported blown down near Mount Sterling. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly rural areas of northern Grant, southwestern Richland and Crawford Counties, including the following locations... Eastman, Highway 61 And County T, Horrigan Ridge, Eagle Corners, County Roads K And T, Bridgeport and Highway 171 And County U. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4291 9114 4296 9114 4307 9118 4313 9118 4315 9115 4320 9112 4326 9106 4340 9065 4320 9038 4320 9043 4308 9043 4290 9112 TIME...MOT...LOC 2140Z 330DEG 35KT 4316 9044 4296 9104 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  703 WUUS53 KUNR 302141 SVRUNR SDC071-102-103-302245- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0093.190630T2141Z-190630T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 341 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Oglala Lakota County in southwestern South Dakota... Southwestern Jackson County in southwestern South Dakota... Southeastern Pennington County in west central South Dakota... * Until 445 PM MDT. * At 341 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 4 miles southeast of Badlands National Park, or 44 miles southwest of Philip, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Potato Creek, Scenic, Badlands National Park, Sheep Mountain Table, Delta 9 Missile Silo and Pinnacles Ranger Station. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 114 and 119. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4354 10271 4380 10267 4400 10214 4348 10196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2141Z 246DEG 18KT 4371 10243 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  927 WHUS76 KEKA 302141 MWWEKA Urgent - Marine Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 241 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 PZZ475-010545- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.000000T0000Z-190704T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 241 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...North 15 to 20 knots, with gusts to 25 knots. * WAVES/SEAS...North 6 to 7 feet at 6 seconds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ455-010545- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.190701T1200Z-190704T1000Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 241 PM PDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM MONDAY TO 3 AM PDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...North 5 to 10 kt increasing to 15 to 20 knots with gusts 30 kt on Monday. Strongest near Cape Mendocino. * WAVES/SEAS...North building to 6 to 7 feet at 6 seconds on Monday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  914 WWUS53 KILX 302141 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 441 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-302151- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Champaign- 441 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL CHAMPAIGN COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 445 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A flash flood warning remains in effect in the area. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3996 8818 4022 8836 4023 8804 4015 8794 4010 8794 TIME...MOT...LOC 2141Z 324DEG 10KT 4010 8813 $$ 37  840 WWUS53 KFSD 302142 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 442 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302200- /O.CON.KFSD.TO.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Gregory SD- 442 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GREGORY COUNTY... At 438 PM CDT, a confirmed tornado was located near Gregory, or 27 miles east of Winner, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...Damaging tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Weather spotters confirmed tornado. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. At 428 pm CDT...a tornado was reported 2.5 miles west of Lucas by local law enforcement. This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To repeat, a tornado is on the ground. TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4333 9939 4340 9914 4321 9897 4321 9941 TIME...MOT...LOC 2138Z 266DEG 4KT 4326 9934 TORNADO...OBSERVED HAIL...1.00IN $$ Weisser  154 WVMX31 MMMX 302142 CCA MMEX SIGMET 8 VALID 302122/010322 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR VA POPOCATEPETL PSN N1901 W09837 OBS AT 301951Z VA BTN SFC/FL260 N1940 W09809 - N1917 W09755 - N1858 W09834 - N1858 W09834 - N1902 W09835 - N1940 W09809 MOV NE 20-25 KT NC. OUTLK 010200Z VA BTN SFC/FL260 N1954 W09801 - N1921 W09737 - N1901 W09832 - N1902 W09838 - N1954 W09801 =  921 WWUS53 KLOT 302143 SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 443 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC073-111-302152- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0084.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Newton IN-Jasper IN- 443 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN NEWTON AND SOUTHERN JASPER COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 445 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds to 55 mph are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois...and northwestern Indiana. LAT...LON 4091 8699 4084 8699 4084 8710 4074 8710 4074 8753 4093 8753 4108 8714 4091 8697 TIME...MOT...LOC 2142Z 324DEG 29KT 4075 8712 $$ LENNING  161 WWUS53 KLOT 302143 RRA SVSLOT Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 543 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC007-302152- /O.EXP.KLOT.SV.W.0083.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Benton IN- 543 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR BENTON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 545 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds to 55 mph are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 700 PM EDT for east central Illinois...and northwestern Indiana. LAT...LON 4074 8753 4074 8710 4048 8709 4048 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2142Z 328DEG 29KT 4047 8709 4030 8743 $$ Donofrio  466 WWUS53 KILX 302143 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 443 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC019-045-183-302152- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.W.0129.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Edgar-Vermilion-Champaign- 443 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL EDGAR...SOUTHERN VERMILION AND EAST CENTRAL CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. A flash flood warning remains in effect in the area. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for east central Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 4006 8802 4017 8783 3995 8756 3980 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 2140Z 324DEG 10KT 3998 8780 $$ 37  395 WOUS64 KWNS 302143 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 443 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  396 WOUS64 KWNS 302143 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 443 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC019-039-053-075-091-105-113-147-183-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN DE WITT FORD IROQUOIS KANKAKEE LIVINGSTON MCLEAN PIATT VERMILION $$ INC007-073-089-111-127-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...LOT...  397 WOUS64 KWNS 302143 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 443 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  040 WUUS53 KIND 302144 SVRIND INC045-107-302230- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0132.190630T2144Z-190630T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 544 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Fountain County in west central Indiana... Montgomery County in west central Indiana... * Until 630 PM EDT. * At 543 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles southeast of Veedersburg, or 10 miles west of Crawfordsville, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Crawfordsville, Ladoga, Waynetown, Darlington, Linden, New Market, Hillsboro, Waveland, New Ross, New Richmond, Wingate, Mellott, Wallace, Alamo and Shades State Park. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 19 and 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4022 8709 4022 8692 4018 8670 3987 8670 3987 8709 3995 8709 3996 8720 4005 8726 TIME...MOT...LOC 2143Z 323DEG 9KT 4004 8710 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  630 WHUS51 KAKQ 302144 SMWAKQ ANZ656-658-676-678-302300- /O.NEW.KAKQ.MA.W.0129.190630T2144Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Wakefield VA 544 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to the VA/NC Border out 40 NM... Coastal Waters from the NC/VA Border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 40 NM... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 543 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Sandbridge, moving east at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Fish Hook, Hot Dog Area Off Virginia Beach, Horseshoe, Buoy 4a Drydocks and 10 Nm East Of Virginia Beach Oceanfront. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. Frequent lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3652 7586 3693 7599 3681 7526 3660 7520 3656 7518 3652 7517 3643 7513 3639 7510 TIME...MOT...LOC 2143Z 285DEG 28KT 3676 7590 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ 05  231 WWCN12 CWWG 302144 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:44 P.M. CDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: SHAMATTAWA YORK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  274 WWUS81 KRLX 302144 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 544 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WVZ033-302215- McDowell- 544 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM AFFECTING SOUTHEASTERN MCDOWELL COUNTY... At 543 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near War, or 8 miles south of Welch, moving south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Gary, War, Elbert and Cucumber. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3721 8168 3724 8173 3735 8176 3741 8154 3727 8146 3725 8148 3725 8150 3726 8150 3725 8151 3723 8151 3722 8154 3721 8156 3720 8168 TIME...MOT...LOC 2143Z 341DEG 21KT 3731 8162 $$ 12  498 WAAK47 PAWU 302144 AAB WA7O JNUS WA 302143 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 010415 . CNTRL SE AK JC UPDT SW PASI-PAPG LN MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. IMPR. . SRN SE AK JD SE PAWG-PAHY LN MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE UPDT ALG CST/OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF UPDT OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF UPDT MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =JNUT WA 302143 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 302143 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 010415 . NONE . BH JUN 2019 AAWU  708 WWUS53 KLMK 302144 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 544 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC019-143-175-KYC185-302154- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0155.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Clark IN-Scott IN-Washington IN-Oldham KY- 544 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN CLARK...SOUTHERN SCOTT...EAST CENTRAL WASHINGTON AND WESTERN OLDHAM COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 545 PM EDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still expected with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 3848 8591 3839 8566 3834 8554 3851 8547 3856 8562 3859 8559 3861 8561 3861 8585 TIME...MOT...LOC 2144Z 007DEG 15KT 3857 8581 3844 8567 3840 8551 $$ 13  202 WTPN31 PHNC 302200 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBARA) WARNING NR 002// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBARA) WARNING NR 002 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN EASTPAC MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 301800Z --- NEAR 10.7N 111.4W MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 280 DEGREES AT 16 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 040 KT, GUSTS 050 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 10.7N 111.4W --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 010600Z --- 11.4N 114.7W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 045 KT, GUSTS 055 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 14 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 011800Z --- 11.9N 117.6W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 275 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 020600Z --- 12.2N 120.1W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 015 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 015 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 000 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 10 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 021800Z --- 12.6N 122.2W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 025 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 015 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 100 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 290 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 031800Z --- 14.0N 126.0W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 095 KT, GUSTS 115 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 100 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 300 DEG/ 08 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 041800Z --- 15.5N 129.0W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 090 KT, GUSTS 110 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 285 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 051800Z --- 16.5N 133.0W MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- REMARKS: 302200Z POSITION NEAR 10.9N 112.5W. TROPICAL STORM 02E (BARBARA), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1357 NM SOUTH-SOUTHEAST OF SAN DIEGO, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 16 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 301800Z IS 17 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 010400Z, 011000Z, 011600Z AND 012200Z. REFER TO TROPICAL STORM 01E (ALVIN) WARNINGS (WTPN31 PGTW) FOR SIX-HOURLY UPDATES.// NNNN  831 WWUS83 KLMK 302145 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 545 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ029-038-045-302215- Bullitt-Spencer-Nelson- 545 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN SPENCER...NORTH CENTRAL NELSON AND EAST CENTRAL BULLITT COUNTIES... At 545 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 10 miles north of Bardstown, moving southeast at 10 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Highgrove, Solitude, Coxs Creek, Lenore and Smithville. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3795 8558 3802 8555 3799 8536 3791 8539 3786 8546 TIME...MOT...LOC 2145Z 304DEG 10KT 3795 8551 $$ SCHOETTMER  880 WUUS53 KILX 302146 SVRILX ILC023-045-302230- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0130.190630T2146Z-190630T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 446 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Edgar County in east central Illinois... Central Clark County in east central Illinois... * Until 530 PM CDT. * At 446 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Marshall, moving southwest at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Marshall, Martinsville, West Union, Oliver, Dennison, York, Darwin and Lincoln Trail State Park. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 138 and 154. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3935 8754 3934 8758 3931 8760 3931 8762 3930 8760 3928 8761 3925 8759 3925 8758 3924 8758 3917 8762 3917 8764 3928 8793 3951 8771 3944 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2146Z 026DEG 9KT 3941 8766 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  910 WWUS81 KBOX 302146 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 546 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ013-017-018-302230- Northern Bristol MA-Western Norfolk MA-Western Plymouth MA- 546 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 545 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Foxborough, or near Norwood, moving southeast at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Taunton, North Attleborough, Bridgewater, Attleboro, Walpole, Mansfield, Easton, Norton, Sharon, Foxborough, Seekonk, Raynham, Rehoboth, Norfolk, Wrentham, Plainville and West Bridgewater. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4211 7132 4213 7121 4193 7098 4186 7132 TIME...MOT...LOC 2145Z 337DEG 19KT 4210 7125 $$ Frank  988 WWUS84 KMAF 302147 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 447 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ060-061-302230- Ector TX-Winkler TX- 447 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN ECTOR AND NORTHEASTERN WINKLER COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 446 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Goldsmith, or 22 miles west of Odessa, moving southwest at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Goldsmith, West Odessa and Notrees. This includes Interstate 20 between mile markers 94 and 97. LAT...LON 3208 10285 3208 10237 3166 10268 3187 10304 TIME...MOT...LOC 2146Z 023DEG 10KT 3197 10272 $$ 49  514 WWUS83 KLBF 302147 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 347 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ023-302230- Grant NE- 347 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL GRANT COUNTY UNTIL 430 PM MDT... At 346 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles southwest of Hyannis, or 26 miles north of Arthur, moving northeast at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hyannis, Swede Lake and Duluth. This includes the following highways... Highway 2 between mile markers 138 and 154. Highway 61 between mile markers 152 and 165. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4176 10194 4187 10205 4209 10186 4209 10153 TIME...MOT...LOC 2146Z 216DEG 12KT 4194 10187 $$ CDC  160 WWUS53 KLMK 302147 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 547 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC073-302200- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0156.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Franklin KY- 547 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL FRANKLIN COUNTY... At 546 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Frankfort, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Frankfort, Harvieland, and Elsinore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Dangerous lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. && LAT...LON 3829 8491 3830 8483 3821 8476 3821 8495 TIME...MOT...LOC 2146Z 343DEG 11KT 3826 8487 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 13  528 WSCN03 CWAO 302147 CZWG SIGMET Z3 VALID 302145/010145 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5746 W09123 - N5629 W08949 - N5458 W08844 TOP FL380 MOV NE 30KT NC=  613 WSCN23 CWAO 302147 CZWG SIGMET Z3 VALID 302145/010145 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5746 W09123/90 SE CYYQ - /N5629 W08949/75 W CYER - /N5458 W08844/75 SW CYER TOP FL380 MOV NE 30KT NC RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  976 WUUS53 KILX 302149 SVRILX ILC115-139-147-302230- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0131.190630T2149Z-190630T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 449 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Moultrie County in central Illinois... Southern Piatt County in central Illinois... East central Macon County in central Illinois... * Until 530 PM CDT. * At 449 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Cerro Gordo, or 11 miles east of Decatur, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mount Zion, Cerro Gordo, Long Creek, Lovington, Dalton City, Hammond, La Place and Lake City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3979 8888 3992 8873 3983 8846 3959 8866 TIME...MOT...LOC 2149Z 309DEG 8KT 3981 8873 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  229 WSUS33 KKCI 302155 SIGW MKCW WST 302155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35W VALID UNTIL 2355Z MT WY ID FROM 30NNW BIL-30S MLS-50NNE OCS-50WSW BPI-30NNW BIL AREA TS MOV FROM 25020KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36W VALID UNTIL 2355Z CO NM FROM 30NE CHE-20SE CYS-30NE CIM-40N RSK-30NE CHE AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37W VALID UNTIL 2355Z CO NM AZ FROM 20N RSK-30WSW ABQ-60SE TUS-50SSW TUS-10S TBC-20N RSK AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302355-010355 FROM JAC-60N BFF-TBE-ELP-50SSW TUS-MTU-JAC WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  230 WSUS31 KKCI 302155 SIGE MKCE WST 302155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21E VALID UNTIL 2355Z FL GA AL MS FROM 50E MSL-50SSW IRQ-50SE CEW-40SW IGB-50E MSL AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22E VALID UNTIL 2355Z MA NH RI VT CT NY AND MA RI NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 40WSW CON-80NNE ACK-100SSE ACK-130SSE HTO-40WNW HTO-40WSW CON AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32035KT. TOPS TO FL370. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23E VALID UNTIL 2355Z FL FROM 20SSW ORL-20WSW PBI-40SSE RSW-10SE PIE-20SSW ORL AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24E VALID UNTIL 2355Z VA NC WV TN KY IN FROM 20SSE IND-30WSW LYH-10WNW RDU-40NW SPA-50SSE TTH-20SSE IND AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30020KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25E VALID UNTIL 2355Z VA NC FROM 20NW ORF-20SE ECG-30S RDU-40ESE LYH-20NW ORF AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 29020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 302355-010355 AREA 1...FROM 50ESE YQB-HUL-40SSE HUL-130ENE ACK-70S ACK-30NNE CYN-HNK-30SE MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-SAV-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-CEW-MSL-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM IND-HNN-40SW SBY-ORF-50S ECG-40NNW SPA-30WNW BNA-IND WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  231 WSUS32 KKCI 302155 SIGC MKCC WST 302155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 88C VALID UNTIL 2355Z IN IL LM FROM 20ESE ORD-20E IND-40NE PXV-40NW AXC-20ESE ORD AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 34035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 89C VALID UNTIL 2355Z WI IL MN IA LM FROM 50N DLL-40SE BAE-10NNE IOW-50NNW MCW-50N DLL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 90C VALID UNTIL 2355Z SD WY FROM 30NW DPR-70S ABR-50SW FSD-60WSW RAP-30NW DPR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 91C VALID UNTIL 2355Z TX FROM 40NW ACT-40N CWK-50E FST-10W MAF-40NW ACT AREA TS MOV FROM 03010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 92C VALID UNTIL 2355Z MS LA AR TX FROM 50E FSM-50SSW MEM-40NE AEX-20W GGG-50E FSM AREA TS MOV FROM 08020KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 302355-010355 AREA 1...FROM GGW-ABR-RWF-RHI-MKG-BNA-STL-ONL-BOY-GGW WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. REF WW 466 467 468 469. AREA 2...FROM RZC-MSL-CEW-BRO-DLF-INK-RZC WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  256 WGUS82 KMFL 302149 FLSMFL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Miami FL 549 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLC021-043-051-302345- /O.NEW.KMFL.FA.Y.0030.190630T2149Z-190630T2345Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Collier FL-Hendry FL-Glades FL- 549 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Miami has issued a * Flood Advisory for... North central Collier County in southwestern Florida... Northwestern Hendry County in southern Florida... South central Glades County in southern Florida... * Until 745 PM EDT. * At 548 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Labelle, Moore Haven, Montura, Port La Belle and Felda. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of canals and streams, urban areas, highways, country roads, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. && LAT...LON 2693 8116 2673 8103 2655 8116 2642 8156 2669 8157 $$ ALM  760 WWUS81 KAKQ 302149 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 549 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ013-014-031-032-302230- Hertford-Gates-Perquimans-Chowan- 549 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT PERQUIMANS... SOUTHEASTERN HERTFORD...SOUTHEASTERN GATES AND CHOWAN COUNTIES... At 549 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located over Ryland, moving southeast at 35 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hertford, Winfall, Ryland, Rockyhock, Cape Colony, Tyner, Snug Harbor, Burgess, Hobbsville, Valhalla, Belvidere, Holiday Island, Gliden, Drummond Point, Arrowhead Beach, Peach, Saint Johns, Hancock, Nicanor and Yeopim Station. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of this storm. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3601 7657 3603 7660 3606 7661 3606 7662 3604 7664 3606 7666 3622 7673 3624 7671 3624 7672 3627 7670 3629 7670 3632 7674 3640 7650 3609 7633 3608 7641 3607 7641 3602 7647 3601 7651 TIME...MOT...LOC 2149Z 335DEG 37KT 3627 7661 $$ 05  784 WWUS53 KIND 302149 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 549 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC013-071-105-302159- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T2145Z/ Monroe IN-Brown IN-Jackson IN- 549 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN MONROE...BROWN AND NORTHWESTERN JACKSON COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for central and south central Indiana. LAT...LON 3899 8657 3929 8652 3928 8615 3914 8608 3904 8608 3904 8603 3899 8600 TIME...MOT...LOC 2149Z 353DEG 8KT 3911 8624 $$ TDUD  992 WWCN10 CWUL 302150 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:50 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: LANAUDIERE SAINT-JEROME AREA SAINTE-ADELE - SAINT-SAUVEUR AREA SAINT-MICHEL-DES-SAINTS AREA BECANCOUR - VILLEROY AREA MAURICIE LOTBINIERE AREA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  681 WWUS82 KGSP 302150 SPSGSP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 550 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ056-068-069-504-302215- Cleveland NC-Lincoln NC-Greater Burke NC-Catawba NC- 550 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN CATAWBA... NORTHWESTERN LINCOLN...NORTH CENTRAL CLEVELAND AND SOUTHEASTERN BURKE COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM EDT... At 550 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles southeast of Morganton, or 5 miles southwest of Valdese, moving southeast at 15 mph. Locations to be impacted include... Valdese, South Mountains State Park, Cooksville, Propst and Pleasant Grove. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail will be possible in these areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio and tv stations, as well as local cable tv outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3569 8171 3576 8158 3559 8130 3550 8158 TIME...MOT...LOC 2150Z 322DEG 14KT 3568 8160 $$ SGL  942 WHCN13 CWUL 302150 SQUALL WATCH FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE AND SAGUENAY RIVERS ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:50 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUALL WATCH ENDED FOR: MONTREAL TO TROIS-RIVIERES TROIS-RIVIERES TO DONNACONA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SQUALLS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OVER THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  403 WWUS53 KIND 302151 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 551 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC021-109-119-121-133-302215- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Morgan IN-Clay IN-Parke IN-Owen IN-Putnam IN- 551 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN MORGAN...CLAY...PARKE...NORTHERN OWEN AND PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 551 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Greencastle, or 26 miles south of Crawfordsville, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Greencastle, Brazil, Rockville, Cloverdale, Knightsville, Bainbridge, Harmony, Staunton, Fillmore, Carbon, Russellville, Bloomingdale, Marshall, Center Point, Quincy, Bridgeton, Reelsville, Saline City, Eminence and Cagles Mill Lake. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 20 and 53. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3995 8715 3995 8709 3987 8709 3987 8696 3967 8668 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8660 3950 8646 3922 8708 3952 8721 3952 8720 3961 8720 3961 8725 3984 8735 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 323DEG 27KT 3966 8689 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  630 ACUS11 KWNS 302151 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302151 SDZ000-NEZ000-302345- Mesoscale Discussion 1319 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0451 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...Southern South Dakota...northern Nebraska Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 302151Z - 302345Z Probability of Watch Issuance...60 percent SUMMARY...Thunderstorms may continue to increase in coverage through 6-8 PM, accompanied by primarily a risk for severe wind gusts and some hail. DISCUSSION...Initiation of scattered thunderstorm development is underway near the corridor of strongest surface heating (to near 100 F), where convective terms likely have been approached or exceeded, beneath a plume of very warm and otherwise capping elevated mixed-layer air. This is also near a weak surface boundary, with sustained thunderstorm development most likely to the relatively cool/north side of the boundary, where surface dew points in the 70s are contributing to large CAPE (in excess of 4000 J/kg). This appears mostly south of a belt of 30-40 kt west-southwesterly 500 mb flow, but northeasterly near surface winds to the north of the boundary may still be contributing to marginally sufficient deep-layer shear to support continuing development of supercell structures, before activity gradually grows upscale into organizing clusters. While relatively brief/weak tornadoes might be possible, marginally severe hail and locally strong surface gusts appear the primary severe hazard into this evening. ..Kerr/Thompson.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...FSD...OAX...ABR...LBF...UNR... LAT...LON 42900182 43220094 43859931 44149801 44209711 43749654 43039703 42469958 41950133 41650238 42370267 42900182  261 WWUS83 KLMK 302152 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ092-KYZ030-031-302215- Clark-Jefferson-Oldham- 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL CLARK... SOUTHWESTERN OLDHAM AND NORTHEASTERN JEFFERSON COUNTIES... At 551 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Glenview, moving south at 25 mph. Winds between 30 to 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Louisville, Jeffersonville, Jeffersontown, St. Matthews, Lyndon, Middletown, Douglass Hills, Prospect, Hurstbourne and Graymoor-Devondale. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3835 8572 3838 8557 3820 8548 3815 8568 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 347DEG 20KT 3833 8564 $$ SCHOETTMER  609 WWUS82 KJAX 302152 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ025-032-033-125-133-302230- Coastal St. Johns FL-Inland Duval FL-Clay FL-Coastal Duval FL- Inland St. Johns FL- 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ST. JOHNS... NORTHEASTERN CLAY AND SOUTHEASTERN DUVAL COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM EDT... * At 551 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm over Mandarin, moving east at 15 mph. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and minor flooding due to heavy rainfall is possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Orange Park, Mandarin, Fruit Cove, Palm Valley, Nas Jax, Fleming Island, Nocatee, Bayard, Durbin and Switzerland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Jacksonville on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 3007 8175 3024 8170 3018 8138 2998 8142 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 284DEG 15KT 3014 8165 $$ 23  942 WWUS81 KRNK 302152 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ007-302215- Tazewell- 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EASTERN TAZEWELL COUNTY... Until 615 PM EDT. At 551 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Amonate, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Tazewell... Burkes Garden... Tiptop... Amonate... and Gratton. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3721 8156 3722 8154 3724 8151 3726 8150 3725 8148 3727 8144 3716 8132 3715 8133 3714 8133 3713 8129 3710 8126 3710 8127 3701 8155 3720 8166 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 336DEG 19KT 3722 8157 $$ WP  650 WWUS81 KAKQ 302152 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ015>017-102-302230- Eastern Currituck-Pasquotank-Camden-Western Currituck- 552 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CAMDEN...CENTRAL PASQUOTANK AND CURRITUCK COUNTIES... At 552 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Currituck to Morgans Corner. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Currituck, Elizabeth City, Camden, Elizabeth City State University, Grandy, Weeksville, South Mills, Sanderling, Point Harbor, Shiloh, Indiantown, Morgans Corner, Corolla, Old Trap, Whitehall Shores, Moyock, Knotts Island, Poplar Branch, Pierceville and Spot. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3611 7585 3614 7587 3617 7591 3618 7600 3614 7600 3615 7606 3614 7610 3613 7611 3613 7616 3648 7642 3656 7597 3638 7578 3624 7573 3622 7573 3622 7577 3620 7576 3619 7579 3609 7575 3608 7579 3607 7580 TIME...MOT...LOC 2152Z 314DEG 20KT 3638 7600 3642 7638 $$ 05  333 WWUS53 KUNR 302152 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 352 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-102-103-302245- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0093.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Oglala Lakota SD-Jackson SD-Pennington SD- 352 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM MDT FOR NORTHEASTERN OGLALA LAKOTA...SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN PENNINGTON COUNTIES... At 351 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles northeast of Rockyford, or 42 miles north of Pine Ridge, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Potato Creek, Scenic, Badlands National Park, Sheep Mountain Table, Delta 9 Missile Silo and Pinnacles Ranger Station. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 117 and 119. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4353 10257 4379 10260 4395 10212 4348 10196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 265DEG 18KT 4362 10232 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  567 WWUS85 KBYZ 302152 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 352 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ039-056-067-302230- Red Lodge Foothills MT-Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains MT- Eastern Carbon MT- 352 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 351 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles northeast of Beartooth Pass, or 11 miles south of Red Lodge, moving east at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bearcreek, Belfry and Washoe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4501 10920 4501 10941 4511 10943 4523 10898 4500 10887 4500 10904 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 265DEG 23KT 4503 10931 $$ Vertz  945 WWUS85 KFGZ 302152 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 252 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 AZZ013-014-016-017-302215- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County-Little Colorado River Valley in Apache County-White Mountains-Eastern Mogollon Rim- 252 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR APACHE AND NAVAJO COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM MST... At 252 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 10 miles southwest of Woodruff to near Shumway. Movement was east at 15 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Taylor, Shumway, Snowflake and White Mountain Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3478 10996 3428 10972 3425 11004 3470 11022 TIME...MOT...LOC 2152Z 258DEG 11KT 3470 11021 3434 11003 $$ TPS  174 WWUS53 KFSD 302153 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC023-302202- /O.EXP.KFSD.TO.W.0007.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Charles Mix SD- 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CHARLES MIX COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 500 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4350 9882 4334 9880 4331 9906 4332 9907 4345 9916 TIME...MOT...LOC 2152Z 265DEG 7KT 4341 9897 $$ Hanko  063 WWUS53 KARX 302153 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC005-037-043-065-067-191-302200- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Clayton IA-Fayette IA-Allamakee IA-Floyd IA-Winneshiek IA- Chickasaw IA- 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CLAYTON...NORTHERN FAYETTE...SOUTHERN ALLAMAKEE... FLOYD...SOUTHERN WINNESHIEK AND CHICKASAW COUNTIES... At 453 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles southwest of Rockford to near Oelwein to near Guttenberg, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Clayton, northern Fayette, southern Allamakee, Floyd, southern Winneshiek and Chickasaw Counties, including the following locations... Volney, County Roads B 60 And T 18, Festina, Idlewilde State Park, Bradford, Chickasaw and Giard. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4320 9300 4321 9254 4320 9142 4325 9107 4313 9118 4290 9113 4291 9303 4299 9303 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 354DEG 41KT 4298 9302 4269 9186 4285 9113 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  399 WSZA21 FAOR 302150 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3700 E01822 - S3700 E02712 - S3722 E02711 - S3825 E02951 - S3938 E03037 - S4056 E02938 - S4057 E02429 - S3803 E01907 TOP FL320=  568 WGUS83 KDVN 302153 FLSDVN Flood Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 .Updated flood information for area rivers including the Mississippi. River forecasts include past precipitation and forecast rainfall for the next 24 hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternate route. Turn around, don't drown. && ILC067-MOC045-011353- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190701T2100Z/ /GGYM7.3.ER.190311T0045Z.190602T1830Z.190701T0300Z.NR/ 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until this evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Mississippi River at Gregory Landing. * Until this evening. * At 4:30 PM Sunday the stage was 15.1 feet and slowly falling. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast, The river will fall below flood stage this evening. && LAT...LON 4022 9154 4039 9149 4038 9134 4029 9143 4022 9142 $$ IAC111-MOC045-011353- /O.CON.KDVN.FL.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190707T1800Z/ /SFLM7.3.ER.190525T2125Z.190529T1515Z.190707T0000Z.NO/ 453 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Flood Warning remains in effect until Saturday evening... The Flood Warning continues for The Des Moines River at St Francisville. * Until Saturday evening. * At 4:15 PM Sunday the stage was 18.9 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 18.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring. * Forecast, Fall below flood stage next Saturday evening. * Impact, At 18.0 feet, Flooding occurs over the lower river banks. && LAT...LON 4061 9172 4069 9172 4040 9139 4035 9147 4061 9185 $$ 12  570 WSZA21 FAOR 302149 FACA SIGMET E02 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3037 E01819 - S3126 E01924 - S3353 E01937 - S3616 E02235 - S3617 E02346 - S3528 E02449 - S3532 E02615 - S3614 E02714 - S3700 E02712 - S3700 E01822 - S3554 E01735 - S3339 E01510 - S3200 E01507 - S3142 E01623 - S3040 E01646 TOP FL320=  803 WUCN13 CWTO 302153 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:53 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: SACHIGO LAKE - BEARSKIN LAKE FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 5:43 P.M. CDT. AT 4:53 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM LOCATED NEAR 55.23 N AND 88.55 W AND APPROXIMATELY 105 KM SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN IS MOVING 70 KM/H EASTWARD. THIS THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H ALONG WITH LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  780 WUUS53 KDVN 302154 SVRDVN ILC085-IAC019-055-061-097-302245- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0098.190630T2154Z-190630T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 454 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Jo Daviess County in northwestern Illinois... North central Jackson County in east central Iowa... Buchanan County in northeastern Iowa... Dubuque County in northeastern Iowa... Delaware County in northeastern Iowa... * Until 545 PM CDT. * At 453 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Lancaster to 6 miles south of Elkader to near Hazleton, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Dubuque, Independence, Manchester, Galena, Asbury, Dyersville, Jesup, Epworth, East Dubuque, Farley, Peosta, Fairbank, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Earlville, Hopkinton, Quasqueton, Lamont and Delhi. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4265 9077 4263 9070 4251 9064 4251 9043 4232 9038 4231 9207 4264 9208 4265 9090 4268 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 342DEG 39KT 4289 9061 4276 9142 4261 9197 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  510 WWUS53 KFSD 302154 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 454 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC023-043-302203- /O.EXP.KFSD.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Charles Mix SD-Douglas SD- 454 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CHARLES MIX AND NORTHWESTERN DOUGLAS COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 500 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 4338 9877 4348 9877 4350 9857 4337 9854 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 271DEG 11KT 4342 9864 $$ Hanko  728 WSFR35 LFPW 302154 LFRR SIGMET 6 VALID 302200/010000 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4345 W00215 - N4400 W00415 - N4545 W00315 - N4515 W00145 - N4345 W00215 TOP FL400 MOV N 30KT NC=  518 WGUS81 KPBZ 302155 FLSPBZ Flood Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 555 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MDC023-WVC077-093-302203- /O.EXP.KPBZ.FA.W.0023.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Garrett MD-Tucker WV-Preston WV- 555 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN GARRETT...TUCKER AND CENTRAL PRESTON COUNTIES... No additional rain is expected through Monday and areas of high water will continue to recede. The Areal Flood Warning will thus be allowed to expire. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 3904 7978 3925 7973 3948 7985 3958 7957 3946 7942 3936 7925 3930 7929 3930 7933 3922 7944 3921 7949 3918 7947 3921 7934 3921 7931 3919 7929 3915 7933 3909 7935 3907 7930 3897 7935 3898 7947 3897 7950 $$  842 ACUS11 KWNS 302155 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302155 NCZ000-VAZ000-010000- Mesoscale Discussion 1320 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0455 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...portions of North Carolina and far southern Virginia Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 302155Z - 010000Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...Storms have developed ahead of a cold front in southern Virginia and northern North Carolina. Strong wind gusts are the most likely severe threat and large hail may also be possible. A watch issuance is unlikely. DISCUSSION...Storms have developed along and ahead of a cold front pushing southward across the Mid-Atlantic this afternoon. A hot, moist airmass with surface temperatures in the 90s F and dewpoints in the 60s to low 70s F have resulted in MLCAPE of 1000-1500+ J/kg across North Carolina and southern Virginia. Stronger mid-level flow is moving through the Mid-Atlantic and clipping part of this area resulting in effective bulk shear of 25-35 knots. Given the steep low-level lapse rates, strong wind gusts would be the most likely severe threat. Large hail is also possible with any stronger discrete storm, but mid-level lapse rates are marginal. These storms will diminish by/after sunset with a few of them moving offshore in the coming hours. Given the isolated, marginal severe threat, a watch issuance is unlikely. ..Nauslar/Dial.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...AKQ...MHX...RAH...RNK...GSP... LAT...LON 36927599 36847686 36727828 36647986 36208050 35798035 35528015 35367971 35267913 35237859 35287806 35307744 35387686 35487634 35547597 35667571 36017549 36187550 36537562 36927599  511 WWUS84 KSJT 302156 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 456 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ139-140-302245- Coleman TX-Brown TX- 456 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN BROWN AND EAST CENTRAL COLEMAN COUNTIES UNTIL 545 PM CDT... At 453 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a band of strong thunderstorms in parts of Brown and eastern Coleman Counties. The leading edge extended from Early to Brownwood to 5 miles northeast of Santa Anna. This band of storms was moving south at 20 mph. Wind gusts 45 to 50 mph will be possible with this band of storms, along with frequent lightning and brief heavy rainfall. This band of strong thunderstorms will be near... Bangs around 500 PM CDT. Brookesmith and Trickham around 530 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Indian Creek and Thrifty. LAT...LON 3149 9899 3158 9939 3183 9928 3186 9905 3183 9891 3153 9890 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 019DEG 17KT 3172 9905 $$  272 WSZA21 FAOR 302152 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3030 E01640 - S3030 E01858 - S3220 E01941 - S3432 E01954 - S3653 E02205 - S3651 E02327 - S3539 E02414 - S3535 E02554 - S3625 E02641 - S3700 E02639 - S3700 E01829 - S3542 E01744 - S3515 E01620 - S3346 E01506 - S3204 E01503 - S3141 E01632 TOP FL320=  273 WSZA21 FAOR 302153 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2954 E01744 - S3020 E01855 - S3030 E01858 - S3030 E01640 - S3017 E01642 TOP FL320=  274 WSZA21 FAOR 302155 FAJO SIGMET C02 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S4209 E00237 - S4449 E00501 - S4706 E00442 - S4748 E00156 - S4627 E00001 - S4458 E00115 - S4228 E00017 TOP FL320=  275 WSZA21 FAOR 302154 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S3700 E01829 - S3700 E02639 - S3736 E02637 - S3830 E02923 - S3933 E03001 - S4031 E02910 - S4026 E02404 - S3737 E01850 TOP FL320=  107 WUUS53 KDMX 302156 SVRDMX IAC033-302245- /O.NEW.KDMX.SV.W.0128.190630T2156Z-190630T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Des Moines IA 456 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Cerro Gordo County in north central Iowa... * Until 545 PM CDT. * At 456 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Mason City, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mason City, Nora Springs, Rockwell, Mason City Municipal Airport, Clear Lake, Plymouth, Swaledale, Rock Falls, Dougherty, Burchinal, Portland and Clear Lake State Park. This includes Interstate 35 between mile markers 184 and 201. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4291 9303 4300 9341 4325 9341 4325 9302 TIME...MOT...LOC 2156Z 304DEG 36KT 4319 9321 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Podrazik  482 WUCN13 CWTO 302156 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:56 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= WEBEQUIE BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 6:15 P.M. CDT (7:15 P.M. EDT). AT 4:56 P.M. CDT (5:56 P.M. EDT), ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM LOCATED NEAR 54.38 N AND 87.53 W IS MOVING 70 KM/H EASTWARD TOWARDS THE WINISK RIVER. THIS THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H ALONG WITH LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  078 WWUS53 KARX 302157 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 457 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC103-302206- /O.CAN.KARX.SV.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Richland WI- 457 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN RICHLAND COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northeastern Iowa...and southwestern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4291 9114 4296 9114 4307 9118 4313 9118 4318 9110 4319 9067 4317 9067 4317 9066 4321 9055 4320 9043 4308 9043 4290 9112 TIME...MOT...LOC 2156Z 330DEG 35KT 4304 9035 4283 9095 $$ WIC023-043-302215- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Grant WI-Crawford WI- 457 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN GRANT AND SOUTHERN CRAWFORD COUNTIES... At 456 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 miles southeast of Muscoda to near Bloomington, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. These storms have a history of producing damage to trees. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly rural areas of northern Grant and southern Crawford Counties, including the following locations... Eastman, Highway 61 And County T, Harris Ridge, Highways 60 And 61, County Roads K And T, Limery Ridge and Bridgeport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4291 9114 4296 9114 4307 9118 4313 9118 4318 9110 4319 9067 4317 9067 4317 9066 4321 9055 4320 9043 4308 9043 4290 9112 TIME...MOT...LOC 2156Z 330DEG 35KT 4304 9035 4283 9095 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  646 WWUS82 KMLB 302157 SPSMLB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 557 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ053-054-058-302300- Okeechobee FL-Osceola FL-Indian River FL- 557 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR OKEECHOBEE...WESTERN INDIAN RIVER AND SOUTHEASTERN OSCEOLA COUNTIES UNTIL 700 PM EDT... At 557 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Kissimmee Prairie Preserve, or 9 miles northwest of Basinger, moving east at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Treasure Island, Okeechobee, Basinger, Blue Cypress Lake and Fort Drum. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2716 8071 2721 8079 2720 8083 2715 8087 2722 8095 2723 8099 2730 8100 2730 8103 2733 8105 2736 8103 2738 8107 2739 8112 2745 8115 2749 8120 2755 8121 2760 8114 2766 8113 2783 8121 2782 8068 2712 8068 TIME...MOT...LOC 2157Z 271DEG 19KT 2753 8109 $$ Smith  823 WWUS53 KUNR 302158 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 358 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-102-103-302245- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0093.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Oglala Lakota SD-Jackson SD-Pennington SD- 358 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM MDT FOR NORTHEASTERN OGLALA LAKOTA...SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN PENNINGTON COUNTIES... At 357 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 13 miles northeast of Rockyford, or 41 miles west of Kadoka, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...Tennis ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Potato Creek and southern Badlands National Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a dangerous storm. Prepare immediately for large destructive hail capable of producing significant damage. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4353 10251 4369 10255 4384 10208 4348 10196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2157Z 265DEG 18KT 4362 10228 HAIL...2.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  866 WWUS53 KDVN 302158 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 458 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC019-055-061-097-302245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Buchanan IA-Dubuque IA-Delaware IA- 458 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON...BUCHANAN... DUBUQUE AND DELAWARE COUNTIES... At 457 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Lancaster to 7 miles northeast of Strawberry Point to near Hazleton, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotter measured a wind gust to 59 mph 4 miles west of Stanley. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Dubuque, Independence, Manchester, Galena, Asbury, Dyersville, Jesup, Epworth, East Dubuque, Farley, Peosta, Fairbank, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Earlville, Hopkinton, Quasqueton, Lamont and Delhi. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4265 9077 4263 9070 4251 9064 4251 9043 4232 9038 4231 9207 4264 9208 4265 9090 4268 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2157Z 270DEG 39KT 4287 9060 4274 9141 4259 9196 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  876 WWUS83 KLMK 302158 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 558 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ055-056-067-302230- Boyle-Lincoln-Garrard- 558 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WITH GUSTY WINDS IS MOVING INTO BOYLE AND LINCOLN COUNTIES... At 556 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms from near Danville to near Snider. Movement was southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 45 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Danville, Stanford, Lancaster, Junction City, Crab Orchard, Caldwell Manor, Marksbury, Gilbert, Faulconer, and Cartersville. If you are on or near Herrington Lake, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3752 8436 3750 8435 3747 8437 3748 8445 3740 8448 3759 8484 3771 8481 3772 8479 3772 8473 3773 8473 3772 8470 3755 8435 3753 8435 TIME...MOT...LOC 2156Z 318DEG 20KT 3773 8474 3752 8438 $$ 13  568 WWUS53 KLMK 302158 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 558 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC073-302208- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0156.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Franklin KY- 558 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL FRANKLIN COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. Report severe weather to local law enforcement, post your report to the National Weather Service Louisville Facebook page, or tweet your report using hashtag L, M, K, spotter. LAT...LON 3829 8491 3830 8483 3821 8476 3821 8495 TIME...MOT...LOC 2158Z 347DEG 14KT 3822 8486 $$ SCHOETTMER  259 WWUS83 KJKL 302159 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 559 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ086>088-116-117-302245- Clay-Knox-Bell-Harlan-Leslie- 559 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL HARLAN... NORTHEASTERN BELL...NORTHEASTERN KNOX...SOUTHWESTERN LESLIE AND SOUTHEASTERN CLAY COUNTIES... At 558 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Ice Cliff, or 11 miles southeast of Manchester, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Loyall, Wallins Creek, Sandy Fork, Essie, Brightshade, Coldiron, Barnyard, Salt Gum, Beverly, Stony Fork Junction, Goose Rock, Field, Creekville, Ogle, Tacky Town, Saylor, Erose, Lipps, Elcomb and Mills. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3714 8374 3708 8343 3680 8332 3683 8381 TIME...MOT...LOC 2158Z 351DEG 13KT 3703 8363 $$ JP  200 WSZA21 FAOR 302156 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S4151 E00031 - S4421 E00417 - S4559 E00448 - S4653 E00309 - S4630 E00002 - S4514 W00123 - S4358 W00041 - S4231 W00110 TOP FL320=  294 WWUS52 KRAH 302159 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 559 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC101-183-302215- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0112.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Wake NC-Johnston NC- 559 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM EDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL WAKE AND NORTHWESTERN JOHNSTON COUNTIES... At 559 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Garner, or 11 miles southeast of Raleigh, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Garner, Clayton, Flowers and Lake Benson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3572 7844 3566 7833 3552 7847 3570 7865 3573 7856 TIME...MOT...LOC 2159Z 309DEG 27KT 3567 7858 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  982 WGUS85 KPUB 302159 FLSPUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pueblo CO 359 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC055-302315- /O.CON.KPUB.FA.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Huerfano CO- 359 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM MDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL HUERFANO COUNTY... At 358 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Radar estimates between a quarter and a half inch of rain has fallen on the east edge of the Spring Burn Scar. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Indian Creek on the southeastern Spring Brun Scar and southern Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Huerfano county. This includes the following areas, Sulpher Springs on Indian Creek and County Road 421 near Indian Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move away from recently burned areas. Minor flooding of creeks, roads and normally dry arroyos is likely. The heavy rains will likely trigger rockslides, mudslides and debris flows in steep terrain, especially in and around these areas. && LAT...LON 3754 10506 3749 10502 3742 10504 3739 10512 3747 10515 $$ EP  117 WSCH31 SCIP 302159 SCIZ SIGMET A2 VALID 302210/010210 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3000 W11800 - S3000 W12700 - S3400 W12800 - S4000 W13100 - S5500 W12200 - S6500 W09000 - S5500 W09000 - S4600 W11700 TOP FL390 MOV S NC=  174 WHUS52 KMHX 302159 SMWMHX AMZ150-170-302300- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0071.190630T2159Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 559 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... S of Currituck Beach Light NC to Oregon Inlet NC out to 20 nm... Waters from Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC from 20 to 40 nm... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 557 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Currituck Sound to 9 nm south of South Tower to 15 nm northeast of Ar145, moving southeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to nearly 50 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 3599 7488 3582 7483 3591 7522 3600 7544 3617 7576 3622 7577 3623 7501 TIME...MOT...LOC 2157Z 291DEG 24KT 3625 7579 3609 7532 3603 7512 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...49KTS $$ 26  725 WWUS83 KLMK 302200 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 600 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ035-039-040-302230- Woodford-Franklin-Anderson- 600 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN WOODFORD...NORTHEASTERN ANDERSON AND CENTRAL FRANKLIN COUNTIES... At 559 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Frankfort, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Frankfort, Slickway, Capital City Airport, Harvieland, Wallace, Mckees Crossroads, Big Eddy, Jett, Duckers and Millville. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3827 8492 3828 8483 3811 8468 3807 8479 3809 8490 TIME...MOT...LOC 2159Z 343DEG 14KT 3819 8485 $$ SCHOETTMER  776 WWUS53 KDMX 302200 SVSDMX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 500 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC013-017-023-302215- /O.CON.KDMX.SV.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Black Hawk IA-Bremer IA-Butler IA- 500 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN BLACK HAWK...BREMER AND BUTLER COUNTIES... At 459 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Jesup to near Shell Rock to 8 miles northwest of Allison, moving south at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Waverly, Allison, Sumner, Parkersburg, Denver, Clarksville, Tripoli, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Waterloo Municipal Airport, Janesville, Dunkerton, Readlyn, Dumont, New Hartford, Plainfield and Frederika. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4256 9302 4291 9303 4291 9208 4255 9208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2159Z 352DEG 44KT 4255 9213 4266 9254 4281 9294 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Podrazik  083 WWUS63 KDVN 302200 WCNDVN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE QUAD CITIES IA IL 500 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.EXA.KDVN.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS EXTENDED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AREAS UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF FREEPORT, GALENA, AND MOUNT CARROLL. $$ IAC011-019-055-061-097-105-113-010200- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL IOWA BENTON JACKSON JONES LINN IN NORTHEAST IOWA BUCHANAN DELAWARE DUBUQUE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANAMOSA, CEDAR RAPIDS, DUBUQUE, INDEPENDENCE, MANCHESTER, MAQUOKETA, AND VINTON. $$ 12  198 WSSW31 LSSW 302159 LSAS SIGMET 4 VALID 302200/302300 LSZH- LSAS SWITZERLAND FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS SW OF LINE N4558 E00732 - N4704 E00625 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  624 WWUS85 KBYZ 302200 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 400 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ030>032-036-038-039-057-058-302245- Southern Rosebud MT-Custer MT-Northern Rosebud MT-Treasure MT- Powder River MT-Northern Big Horn MT-Eastern Carbon MT- Southern Big Horn MT- 400 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 357 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 7 miles northwest of Hardin to 6 miles northwest of Ashland and from near Pryor to Fort Smith to Kirby. Movement was northeast at 25 mph. Half inch hail, winds in excess of 40 mph, and heavy rainfall are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Hardin, Colstrip, Lodge Grass, Lame Deer, Busby, Fort Smith, Crow Agency, Ashland, Pryor, Birney, Wyola, Tongue River Reservoir, Birney Village, St. Xavier, Brandenberg, Kirby, Rosebud Battlefield Park, Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation and Crow Indian Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4531 10861 4546 10838 4546 10832 4549 10831 4549 10820 4552 10819 4552 10808 4567 10807 4624 10717 4577 10558 4507 10652 4505 10779 TIME...MOT...LOC 2157Z 232DEG 23KT 4583 10767 4566 10638 $$ Setzenfand  907 WWUS53 KARX 302200 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 500 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC043-302315- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Grant WI- 500 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR GRANT COUNTY... At 459 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles east of Fennimore to near Cassville, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. These storms have a history of producing damage to trees. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Platteville around 515 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Arthur, Montfort, Beetown, Nelson Dewey State Park, Lancaster Municipal Airport, Georgetown and Bagley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to water on roadways. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4269 9095 4272 9102 4274 9104 4274 9105 4275 9107 4276 9106 4283 9108 4283 9110 4288 9110 4291 9114 4310 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2159Z 335DEG 36KT 4293 9045 4276 9099 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  908 WWUS53 KARX 302200 RRA SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 500 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC043-065-302215- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Clayton IA-Fayette IA- 500 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM CDT FOR CLAYTON AND SOUTHERN FAYETTE COUNTIES... At 459 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Guttenberg to Fairbank, moving south at 45 mph. This line of storms has a history of blowing down trees and powerlines. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly rural areas of Clayton and southern Fayette Counties, including the following locations... Mederville, Randalia, Highways 3 And 187, Turkey River, Bixby State Park, Highway 13 And County C 24 and Fairview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4264 9208 4288 9207 4290 9114 4291 9114 4288 9110 4275 9107 4269 9097 4268 9090 4265 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2159Z 350DEG 41KT 4272 9110 4264 9201 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JSB  162 WHUS51 KAKQ 302201 SMWAKQ ANZ658-678-302300- /O.NEW.KAKQ.MA.W.0130.190630T2201Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Wakefield VA 601 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Wakefield has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters from the NC/VA Border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 40 NM... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 600 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Knotts Island Bay to near Duck, moving southeast at 40 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... South Tower and Currituck Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. Frequent lightning is occurring with these storms. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible, keep away from ungrounded metal objects. Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3625 7579 3652 7586 3639 7510 3623 7501 3622 7577 TIME...MOT...LOC 2200Z 297DEG 41KT 3647 7590 3616 7565 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ 05  023 WWUS53 KARX 302201 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 501 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC005-037-043-065-067-191-302211- /O.EXP.KARX.SV.W.0038.000000T0000Z-190630T2200Z/ Clayton IA-Fayette IA-Allamakee IA-Floyd IA-Winneshiek IA- Chickasaw IA- 501 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CLAYTON... NORTHERN FAYETTE...SOUTHERN ALLAMAKEE...FLOYD...SOUTHERN WINNESHIEK AND CHICKASAW COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for north central and northeastern Iowa...and southwestern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4320 9300 4321 9254 4320 9142 4325 9107 4313 9118 4290 9113 4291 9303 4299 9303 TIME...MOT...LOC 2201Z 356DEG 30KT 4292 9301 4263 9185 4279 9112 $$ JSB  381 WOUS20 KWNS 302201 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302205 SDZ000-WYZ000-302340- STATUS REPORT ON WW 467 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 50 SE GCC TO 60 NNE PHP. ..KERR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 467 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS SDC033-047-055-071-081-102-103-302340- SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON $$ WYC027-045-302340- WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  343 WFUS53 KFSD 302202 TORFSD SDC053-302230- /O.NEW.KFSD.TO.W.0008.190630T2202Z-190630T2230Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 502 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Tornado Warning for... West central Gregory County in south central South Dakota... * Until 530 PM CDT. * At 500 PM CDT, a confirmed tornado earlier was located 10 miles northeast of Burke, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...Damaging tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Weather spotters confirmed tornado. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To repeat, a tornado is on the ground. TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4322 9941 4336 9938 4339 9917 4326 9911 TIME...MOT...LOC 2200Z 272DEG 2KT 4327 9934 TORNADO...OBSERVED HAIL...1.00IN $$ Weisser  668 WWUS53 KDVN 302202 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 502 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC019-055-061-097-302245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Buchanan IA-Dubuque IA-Delaware IA- 502 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON...BUCHANAN... DUBUQUE AND DELAWARE COUNTIES... At 502 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles east of Lancaster to near Edgewood to near Jesup, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Dubuque, Independence, Manchester, Galena, Asbury, Dyersville, Jesup, Epworth, East Dubuque, Farley, Peosta, Fairbank, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Earlville, Hopkinton, Quasqueton, Lamont and Delhi. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4265 9077 4263 9070 4251 9064 4251 9043 4232 9038 4231 9207 4264 9208 4265 9090 4268 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2202Z 321DEG 36KT 4284 9056 4266 9143 4254 9206 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  798 WSZA21 FAOR 302200 FAJO SIGMET P02 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB OBS WI S3404 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E01744 - S3746 E01746 - S4127 E01957 - S4209 E01834 - S4106 E01656 - S3717 E01439 - S3545 E01423 FL260/340=  799 WSZA21 FAOR 302159 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB OBS WI S3353 E01504 - S3514 E01616 - S3541 E01740 - S3700 E01744 - S3700 E01500 - S3404 E01500 FL260/340=  651 WSNT07 KKCI 302205 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 1 VALID 302205/010205 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2205Z WI N2910 W06120 - N2755 W05825 - N2900 W05525 - N2615 W05550 - N2655 W06335 - N2910 W06120. TOP FL440. STNR. INTSF.  827 WWUS83 KLMK 302202 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 602 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ077-092-302230- Washington-Clark- 602 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHWESTERN CLARK AND SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 602 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 9 miles southeast of Salem, moving south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Blue River, New Pekin, Borden, Carwood, Martinsburg, Chestnut Hill, Wilson and Daisy Hill. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3857 8601 3856 8586 3842 8581 3842 8603 TIME...MOT...LOC 2202Z 358DEG 15KT 3854 8594 $$ SCHOETTMER  175 WSFR35 LFPW 302202 LFRR SIGMET 7 VALID 302200/010000 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4345 W00215 - N4400 W00415 - N4545 W00315 - N4530 W00145 - N4345 W00215 TOP FL400 MOV NNE 30KT NC=  057 WOUS64 KWNS 302203 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 503 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  431 WUUS53 KIND 302203 SVRIND INC011-023-063-067-109-133-302245- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0133.190630T2203Z-190630T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 603 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Morgan County in central Indiana... Clinton County in central Indiana... Southwestern Howard County in central Indiana... Hendricks County in central Indiana... Boone County in central Indiana... Northeastern Putnam County in west central Indiana... * Until 645 PM EDT. * At 603 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 11 miles southwest of Lebanon, or 16 miles southeast of Crawfordsville, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Frankfort, Plainfield, Brownsburg, Lebanon, Danville, Avon, Pittsboro, Whitestown, Rossville, Thorntown, Mulberry, Russiaville, Monrovia, Clayton, Jamestown, Roachdale, Kirklin, Colfax, Coatesville and North Salem. This includes the following highways... Interstate 65 between mile markers 129 and 160. Interstate 70 between mile markers 55 and 63. Interstate 74 between mile markers 48 and 67. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4043 8621 4040 8622 4040 8624 4031 8624 3951 8645 3987 8694 3987 8669 4043 8669 TIME...MOT...LOC 2203Z 313DEG 37KT 3993 8662 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  837 WHUS51 KBOX 302203 SMWBOX ANZ254-255-272-302300- /O.NEW.KBOX.MA.W.0049.190630T2203Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 603 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket... Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm... Ocean Waters from Marthas Vineyard to Nantucket from 25 to 45 NM offshore... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 603 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 18 nm southwest of The Coastal Waters South Of Nantucket, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater and large hail. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. Large hail could result in structural damage. * Locations impacted include... The Coastal Waters South Of Nantucket. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Report severe weather to the Coast Guard or the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4058 7020 4095 7055 4126 6995 4080 6941 4068 6953 4061 6968 4057 6992 TIME...MOT...LOC 2203Z 302DEG 37KT 4093 7029 HAIL...>.75IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Frank  798 WOUS64 KWNS 302203 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 503 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  255 WSFR35 LFPW 302204 LFRR SIGMET 8 VALID 302200/010000 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 6 302200/010000=  489 WSCN03 CWAO 302204 CZWG SIGMET P5 VALID 302200/010105 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET P4 302105/010105=  710 WSCN23 CWAO 302204 CZWG SIGMET P5 VALID 302200/010105 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET P4 302105/010105 RMK GFACN33=  663 WSRS31 RURD 302204 URRV SIGMET 16 VALID 302205/302330 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4243 E03641 - N4432 E03840 - N4328 E04005 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  954 WSZA21 FAOR 302201 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S4250 W00039 - S4255 E00105 - S4501 E00536 - S4651 E00520 - S4727 E00306 - S4533 W00023 - S4330 W00148 TOP FL320=  358 WXFJ01 NFFN 302100 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWENTY- THREE FOR HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 09.00AM ON MONDAY 01ST JUNE 2019. HEAVY RAIN WARNING: THE HEAVY RAIN WARNING PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR LAU GROUP, VANUA LEVU, TAVEUNI AND NEARBY SMALLER ISLANDS IS NOW CANCELLED SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH ASSOCIATED CLOUD AND RAIN LIES OVER THE EASTERN PART OF FIJI AND CONTINUES TO MOVE EASTWARDS AWAY FROM THE COUNTRY. FORECAST FOR FIJI: SOME SHOWERS OVER LAU GROUP AND PARTLY CLOUDY WITH BRIEF SHOWERS OVER THE EASTERN PARTS AND INTERIOR OF THE LARGER ISLANDS. MAINLY FINE ELSEWHERE. THIS WILL BE THE LAST SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN FOR HEAVY RAIN.  970 WWUS84 KSHV 302206 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 506 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ073-LAZ004-006-302300- Union AR-Union LA-Claiborne LA- 506 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN UNION COUNTY... NORTHWESTERN UNION AND NORTHEASTERN CLAIBORNE PARISHES UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 505 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorm 9 miles northeast of Cooley, or 11 miles east of Junction City, moving west at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... El Dorado, Junction City, Bernice, Wesson, Cooley, Spearsville, Lillie, Newell, Aurelle, Taylorville, Summerfield, Hillsboro, Corney Lake, Lockhart and Catesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3315 9239 3290 9239 3282 9283 3322 9283 TIME...MOT...LOC 2205Z 106DEG 9KT 3298 9254 $$ 19  458 WSVS31 VVGL 302205 VVTS SIGMET 3 VALID 302205/010005 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0844 E10725 - N0952 E10708 - N1044 E11013 - N0949 E11041 - N0844 E10725 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  056 WWUS53 KDVN 302207 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 507 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC019-055-061-097-302245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Buchanan IA-Dubuque IA-Delaware IA- 507 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON...BUCHANAN... DUBUQUE AND DELAWARE COUNTIES... At 506 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Platteville to Edgewood to near Jesup, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Dubuque, Independence, Manchester, Galena, Asbury, Dyersville, Jesup, Epworth, East Dubuque, Farley, Peosta, Fairbank, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Earlville, Hopkinton, Quasqueton, Lamont and Delhi. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4265 9077 4263 9070 4251 9064 4251 9043 4232 9038 4231 9207 4264 9208 4265 9090 4268 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2206Z 321DEG 36KT 4280 9052 4262 9139 4250 9202 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  565 WWUS54 KMAF 302207 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 507 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC461-302230- /O.CON.KMAF.SV.W.0376.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Upton TX- 507 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL AND NORTHWEST UPTON COUNTY... At 504 PM CDT, several severe thunderstorms over portions of Upton County, moving southwest at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly rural areas of central and northwest Upton County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3156 10206 3127 10187 3119 10212 3149 10229 3162 10222 TIME...MOT...LOC 2204Z 061DEG 20KT 3136 10201 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  939 WWUS53 KLMK 302207 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 607 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC079-302215- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0157.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Garrard KY- 607 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL GARRARD COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 615 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A tree was blown down just east of Lancaster with this storm. LAT...LON 3756 8455 3761 8465 3762 8464 3764 8465 3764 8467 3765 8466 3764 8468 3764 8469 3766 8468 3766 8471 3768 8468 3769 8469 3777 8462 3776 8460 3775 8461 3775 8459 3773 8458 3773 8457 3774 8456 3770 8446 TIME...MOT...LOC 2205Z 356DEG 6KT 3766 8461 $$ 13  135 WWUS53 KIND 302207 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 607 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC045-107-302230- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0132.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Fountain IN-Montgomery IN- 607 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN FOUNTAIN AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES... At 607 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Crawfordsville, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Crawfordsville, Ladoga, Waynetown, Darlington, Linden, New Market, Hillsboro, Waveland, New Ross, New Richmond, Wingate, Mellott, Wallace, Alamo and Shades State Park. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 19 and 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4022 8709 4022 8692 4018 8670 3987 8670 3987 8709 3995 8709 3996 8720 4005 8726 TIME...MOT...LOC 2207Z 304DEG 12KT 4000 8693 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  462 WWUS63 KLOT 302207 WCNLOT WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 466 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHICAGO IL 507 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC053-075-091-105-INC007-073-089-111-127-302315- /O.CAN.KLOT.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 4 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS LIVINGSTON IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS FORD IROQUOIS IN NORTHEAST ILLINOIS KANKAKEE IN INDIANA THIS CANCELS 5 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA BENTON JASPER LAKE NEWTON PORTER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BOSWELL, BOURBONNAIS, BRADLEY, BROOK, CHESTERTON, DEMOTTE, DWIGHT, EAST CHICAGO, FAIRBURY, FOWLER, GARY, GIBSON CITY, GILMAN, GOODLAND, HAMMOND, KANKAKEE, KENTLAND, MERRILLVILLE, MOROCCO, ONARGA, OTTERBEIN, OXFORD, PAXTON, PONTIAC, PORTAGE, RENSSELAER, ROSELAWN, VALPARAISO, AND WATSEKA. $$ KLUBER  479 WSZA21 FAOR 302205 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2730 E01519 - S2730 E01825 - S2910 E01936 - S3030 E01929 - S3030 E01856 - S3021 E01852 - S2956 E01747 - S3016 E01641 - S3028 E01639 - S2912 E01630 - S2730 E01519 FL100/190=  480 WSZA21 FAOR 302204 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 302200/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3030 E01856 - S3030 E01929 - S3125 E01924 FL100/190=  481 WSZA21 FAOR 302206 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 302202/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3155 E02410 - S3345 E02645 - S3606 E02821 - S3639 E02820 - S3700 E02800 - S3700 E02642 - S3621 E02644 - S3536 E02556 - S3541 E02414 - S3651 E02330 - S3416 E02155 - S3230 E02156 FL100/220=  482 WSZA21 FAOR 302207 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 302202/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3639 E02820 - S3811 E02820 - S3735 E02640 - S3700 E02642 - S3700 E02800 FL100/220=  871 WWUS83 KLBF 302208 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 408 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ022-035-302245- Arthur NE-Garden NE- 408 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ARTHUR... SOUTHWESTERN GRANT...NORTHWESTERN KEITH AND SOUTHEASTERN GARDEN COUNTIES UNTIL 445 PM MDT... At 407 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles north of Lewellen, or 10 miles east of Oshkosh, moving north at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Adams Flats, Bluewater Battlefield State Historical Park, Rackett and Bourquim Hill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && LAT...LON 4177 10226 4176 10206 4174 10206 4174 10185 4140 10197 4140 10205 4137 10206 4139 10227 TIME...MOT...LOC 2207Z 186DEG 12KT 4146 10214 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  999 WHUS52 KJAX 302208 SMWJAX AMZ452-302315- /O.NEW.KJAX.MA.W.0138.190630T2208Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 608 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Fernandina Beach to St. Augustine FL out 20 NM... * Until 715 PM EDT. * At 607 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 9 nm west of Palm Valley, or 19 nm northwest of Saint Augustine, moving east at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Palm Valley, Vilano Beach, South Ponte Vedra Beach, Guana River State Park and Saint Augustine. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 3023 8110 2991 8116 2991 8121 2993 8137 3010 8141 3022 8147 3024 8147 TIME...MOT...LOC 2207Z 282DEG 17KT 3012 8156 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 23  655 WUUS52 KRAH 302208 SVRRAH NCC057-067-302315- /O.NEW.KRAH.SV.W.0113.190630T2208Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Raleigh NC 608 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Raleigh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Forsyth County in central North Carolina... Northern Davidson County in central North Carolina... * Until 715 PM EDT * At 608 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Enon, or near East Bend, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Winston-Salem, Lexington, Thomasville, Kernersville, Clemmons, Bermuda Run, Huntsville, Lewisville, Walkertown and Pfafftown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3611 8050 3612 8046 3614 8044 3621 8045 3622 8043 3625 8045 3618 8005 3579 8006 3580 8047 3582 8047 3585 8039 3587 8039 3588 8041 3589 8037 3596 8038 3599 8042 3601 8042 3606 8046 3604 8049 3608 8052 TIME...MOT...LOC 2208Z 306DEG 18KT 3615 8050 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  783 WWUS82 KGSP 302208 SPSGSP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 608 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ035-036-056-302245- Iredell NC-Alexander NC-Catawba NC- 608 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN CATAWBA... SOUTHEASTERN ALEXANDER AND CENTRAL IREDELL COUNTIES UNTIL 645 PM EDT... At 608 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles northwest of Statesville, or near Stony Point, moving southeast at 25 mph. Locations to be impacted include... Statesville, Troutman, Stony Point, Catawba, Lookout Shoals Lake, Lake Norman State Park, Hiddenite, Scotts and Sherrills Ford. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail will be possible in these areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio and tv stations, as well as local cable tv outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3590 8116 3596 8107 3578 8074 3562 8104 TIME...MOT...LOC 2208Z 324DEG 20KT 3584 8103 $$ SGL  855 WSVS31 VVGL 302210 VVTS SIGMET 4 VALID 302210/010010 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1411 E11004 - N1604 E10816 - N1710 E10900 - N1434 E11201 - N1411 E11004 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  266 WWUS53 KARX 302209 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 509 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC023-043-302218- /O.EXP.KARX.SV.W.0039.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Grant WI-Crawford WI- 509 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN GRANT AND SOUTHERN CRAWFORD COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 515 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northeastern Iowa...and southwestern Wisconsin. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for southern Grant County until 615 PM CDT. LAT...LON 4291 9114 4296 9114 4307 9118 4313 9118 4318 9110 4319 9067 4317 9067 4317 9066 4321 9055 4320 9043 4308 9043 4290 9112 TIME...MOT...LOC 2208Z 325DEG 31KT 4297 9028 4276 9088 $$ CA  482 WWUS53 KILX 302210 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 510 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC115-139-147-302230- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Moultrie-Piatt-Macon- 510 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN MOULTRIE...SOUTHERN PIATT AND EAST CENTRAL MACON COUNTIES... At 510 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hammond, or 13 miles north of Sullivan, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Mount Zion, Cerro Gordo, Long Creek, Lovington, Dalton City, Hammond, La Place and Lake City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3979 8888 3992 8873 3983 8846 3959 8866 TIME...MOT...LOC 2210Z 309DEG 8KT 3978 8868 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  880 WWUS81 KRNK 302210 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 610 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ020-302230- Yadkin- 610 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEAST YADKIN COUNTY... Until 630 PM EDT. At 610 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Enon, moving southeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Enon... Huntsville... and Shacktown. LAT...LON 3615 8062 3621 8046 3622 8043 3621 8045 3617 8044 3614 8044 3612 8046 3611 8050 3609 8051 3606 8051 3605 8050 3605 8059 TIME...MOT...LOC 2210Z 336DEG 20KT 3613 8049 $$ WP  510 WSZA21 FAOR 302209 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 302203/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3423 E01500 - S3700 E01500 - S3700 E01742 - S3825 E01738 - S4041 E01902 - S4254 E02114 - S4343 E01947 - S4119 E01710 - S3756 E01429 - S3602 E01417 FL260/340=  638 WSZA21 FAOR 302211 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 302204/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3938 E02221 - S4025 E02411 - S4029 E02618 - S4121 E02658 - S4338 E03108 - S4436 E03030 - S4210 E02451 FL260/340=  639 WSZA21 FAOR 302210 FACA SIGMET E01 VALID 302204/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3127 E02004 - S3336 E02121 - S3653 E02240 - S3653 E02159 - S3437 E01953 - S3223 E01936 - S3130 E01920 FL260/340=  640 WSZA21 FAOR 302208 FACA SIGMET D01 VALID 302203/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3353 E01512 - S3514 E01621 - S3543 E01746 - S3700 E01742 - S3700 E01500 - S3423 E01500 FL260/340=  641 WSZA21 FAOR 302212 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 302205/010200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4244 E05348 - S4430 E05551 - S4639 E04907 - S5018 E04248 - S5042 E03317 - S4824 E03222 - S4744 E04027 - S4437 E04603 FL260/340=  224 WWUS53 KILX 302212 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 512 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC023-045-302230- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Edgar-Clark- 512 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN EDGAR AND CENTRAL CLARK COUNTIES... At 511 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Marshall, moving southwest at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Marshall, Martinsville, West Union, Oliver, Dennison, York, Darwin and Lincoln Trail State Park. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 138 and 154. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3935 8754 3934 8758 3931 8760 3931 8762 3930 8760 3928 8761 3925 8759 3925 8758 3924 8758 3917 8762 3917 8764 3928 8793 3951 8771 3944 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2211Z 026DEG 9KT 3935 8770 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  656 WSCU31 MUHA 302210 MUFH SIGMET A1 VALID 302210/010210 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2200Z WI N2230 W07900 N2000 W07400 N2000 W07800 N2130 W08000 TO N2230 W07900 CB TOP FL430 MOV S8KT INTSF=  706 WOUS64 KWNS 302213 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 513 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SDC033-047-055-071-081-093-102-103-137-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CUSTER FALL RIVER HAAKON JACKSON LAWRENCE MEADE OGLALA LAKOTA PENNINGTON ZIEBACH $$ WYC027-045-010000- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ WY . WYOMING COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE NIOBRARA WESTON $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  742 WWUS53 KDMX 302213 SVSDMX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 513 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC013-017-023-302222- /O.EXP.KDMX.SV.W.0127.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Black Hawk IA-Bremer IA-Butler IA- 513 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHERN BLACK HAWK...BREMER AND BUTLER COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 515 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for north central and northeastern Iowa. LAT...LON 4256 9302 4291 9303 4291 9208 4255 9208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2212Z 352DEG 31KT 4245 9211 4256 9252 4271 9292 $$ Podrazik  829 WUUS53 KLMK 302213 SVRLMK KYC005-239-302245- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0158.190630T2213Z-190630T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 613 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Woodford County in central Kentucky... Northeastern Anderson County in central Kentucky... * Until 645 PM EDT. * At 613 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Frankfort, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Versailles, Mckees Crossroads, Firmantown, Milner, Gaybourn, Bonita, Millville, Tyrone and Duckers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3802 8466 3799 8483 3812 8487 3812 8486 3813 8487 3817 8479 3804 8465 TIME...MOT...LOC 2213Z 337DEG 17KT 3812 8481 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  432 WWUS83 KJKL 302213 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 613 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ107-110-119-120-302300- Martin-Floyd-Pike-Johnson- 613 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN MARTIN... SOUTHEASTERN JOHNSON...NORTHEASTERN FLOYD AND NORTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES... At 612 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Endicott, or near Prestonsburg, moving southeast at 15 mph. Wind gusts of 30 to 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Prestonsburg, Coal Run Village, Meta, Odds, Gulnare, Dicks Creek, Endicott, Bammer, Justell, Harold, Heenan, Pleasant, Aluba, McCombs, Piso, Dana, Betsy Layne, Boldman, Corn Fork Hollow and Alvin. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3774 8275 3780 8264 3759 8235 3749 8268 TIME...MOT...LOC 2212Z 321DEG 13KT 3769 8263 $$ JP  601 WOUS64 KWNS 302213 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 513 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC019-039-113-147-183-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN DE WITT MCLEAN PIATT VERMILION $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...  919 WSBZ31 SBCW 302213 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 302230/010230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2747 W04434 - S2817 W04924 - S2707 W05353 - S2731 W05450 - S2812 W05547 - S2855 W05624 - S3123 W04748 - S2747 W04434 TOP FL400 MOV E 05KT NC=  132 WWUS81 KBOX 302214 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 614 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ017-020-RIZ007-302300- Northern Bristol MA-Southern Bristol MA-Newport RI- 614 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 613 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Attleboro, or near North Attleborough, moving southeast at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... New Bedford, Fall River, Taunton, Dartmouth, North Attleborough, Attleboro, Norton, Somerset, Swansea, Tiverton, Westport, Seekonk, Rehoboth, Freetown, Dighton and Berkley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4194 7136 4197 7121 4167 7094 4165 7114 TIME...MOT...LOC 2213Z 335DEG 18KT 4191 7126 $$ Frank  230 WSCH31 SCIP 302214 SCIZ SIGMET B1 VALID 302214/010214 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2300 W09000 - S2200 W09500 - S2400 W09600 - S3000 W09000 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  248 WUUS53 KIND 302214 SVRIND INC021-055-105-109-119-121-133-302300- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0134.190630T2214Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 614 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Monroe County in south central Indiana... Western Morgan County in central Indiana... Clay County in west central Indiana... Eastern Parke County in west central Indiana... Owen County in west central Indiana... Northern Greene County in southwestern Indiana... Putnam County in west central Indiana... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 614 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Greencastle, or 28 miles east of Terre Haute, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Greencastle, Brazil, Rockville, Spencer, Ellettsville, Jasonville, Cloverdale, Worthington, Knightsville, Clay City, Gosport, Bainbridge, Paragon, Harmony, Staunton, Fillmore, Carbon, Russellville, Marshall and Center Point. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 17 and 54. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3952 8723 3952 8720 3961 8720 3961 8723 3995 8722 3994 8709 3987 8709 3986 8694 3968 8669 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8658 3948 8641 3907 8666 3912 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2214Z 316DEG 26KT 3962 8689 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  932 WUUS55 KBYZ 302215 SVRBYZ MTC075-087-302315- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0044.190630T2215Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 415 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Powder River County in southeastern Montana... Southern Rosebud County in southeastern Montana... * Until 515 PM MDT. * At 413 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Ashland, or 24 miles southeast of Colstrip, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Ashland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail, damaging winds, and continuous cloud to ground lightning are occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4550 10640 4568 10641 4579 10617 4579 10563 4542 10564 TIME...MOT...LOC 2213Z 267DEG 21KT 4560 10631 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Setzenfand  243 WWUS53 KDMX 302215 SVSDMX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 515 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC033-302245- /O.CON.KDMX.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Cerro Gordo IA- 515 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR EASTERN CERRO GORDO COUNTY... At 514 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Nora Springs, or near Mason City, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Mason City, Nora Springs, Rockwell, Plymouth, Swaledale, Rock Falls, Dougherty, Burchinal and Portland. This includes Interstate 35 near mile marker 183. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4298 9334 4325 9327 4325 9302 4291 9303 TIME...MOT...LOC 2214Z 307DEG 20KT 4310 9308 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Podrazik  297 WWUS82 KRAH 302215 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 615 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ011-302230- Halifax NC- 615 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN HALIFAX COUNTY UNTIL 630 PM EDT... At 615 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Scotland Neck, or 9 miles south of Rich Square, moving southeast at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Scotland Neck. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3610 7724 3610 7727 3609 7731 3603 7738 3611 7748 3622 7739 3619 7735 3619 7733 3617 7731 3617 7729 3616 7727 3614 7726 3614 7725 3613 7725 3612 7724 3612 7725 3611 7723 TIME...MOT...LOC 2215Z 306DEG 17KT 3615 7735 $$ 77  169 WUUS53 KILX 302216 SVRILX ILC029-302300- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0132.190630T2216Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 516 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Coles County in east central Illinois... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 516 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Charleston, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Charleston, Mattoon, Oakland, Ashmore, Humboldt, Lerna, Cooks Mill, Rardin, Janesville, Coles, Paradise, Hutton, Etna, Fairgrange, Fox Ridge State Park, Bushton, Coles County Airport and Trilla. This includes Interstate 57 between mile markers 180 and 200. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3948 8796 3948 8801 3938 8801 3937 8847 3962 8847 3965 8820 3965 8806 3967 8806 3968 8797 TIME...MOT...LOC 2216Z 348DEG 14KT 3952 8825 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  903 WWUS52 KRAH 302217 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 617 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC101-183-302227- /O.EXP.KRAH.SV.W.0112.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Wake NC-Johnston NC- 617 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL WAKE AND NORTHWESTERN JOHNSTON COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3572 7844 3566 7833 3552 7847 3570 7865 3573 7856 TIME...MOT...LOC 2217Z 309DEG 21KT 3561 7848 $$ 77  214 WWUS53 KUNR 302217 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 417 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-102-103-302245- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0093.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Oglala Lakota SD-Jackson SD-Pennington SD- 417 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM MDT FOR NORTHEASTERN OGLALA LAKOTA...SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN PENNINGTON COUNTIES... At 417 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles southwest of Interior, or 29 miles southwest of Kadoka, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Potato Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4351 10228 4378 10226 4384 10208 4348 10196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2217Z 251DEG 21KT 4365 10205 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  454 WWUS53 KARX 302217 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 517 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC043-065-302227- /O.EXP.KARX.SV.W.0040.000000T0000Z-190630T2215Z/ Clayton IA-Fayette IA- 517 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CLAYTON AND SOUTHERN FAYETTE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northeastern Iowa...and southwestern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4264 9208 4288 9207 4290 9114 4291 9114 4288 9110 4275 9107 4269 9097 4268 9090 4265 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2217Z 351DEG 46KT 4247 9105 4239 9196 $$ JSB  822 WGUS73 KUNR 302217 FFSUNR Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 417 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYC011-045-302224- /O.CAN.KUNR.FF.W.0005.000000T0000Z-190701T0100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Weston WY-Crook WY- 417 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN WESTON AND SOUTH CENTRAL CROOK COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The heavy rain has ended, and flood waters are receding. Therefore, flash flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. However, multiple county roads near the Weston and Crook county line have reportedly had culverts washed out as a result of this afternoon's heavy rainfall. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4426 10416 4405 10407 4369 10424 4387 10444 4407 10457 4429 10440 $$ Sherburn  924 WWUS81 KBTV 302217 SPSBTV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 617 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NYZ035-VTZ005-008-009-017-018-302300- Eastern Essex-Eastern Chittenden-Western Chittenden-Western Addison-Washington-Eastern Addison- 617 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN ESSEX...CENTRAL ADDISON...SOUTHEASTERN CHITTENDEN AND WEST CENTRAL WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 617 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Hinesburg, moving south-southwest at 25 mph. Winds to 40 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Middlebury, Vergennes, Ferrisburg, Cornwall, Addison, Hinesburg, Weybridge, Huntington, Waltham, Salisbury, Bristol, Monkton Ridge, Monkton, Monkton Boro, Starksboro, Buels Gore, New Haven, Bridport, Lincoln and St. George. LAT...LON 4441 7309 4433 7286 4389 7308 4401 7342 TIME...MOT...LOC 2217Z 024DEG 23KT 4431 7302 $$ JMG  618 WUUS53 KFSD 302217 SVRFSD SDC015-023-053-302300- /O.NEW.KFSD.SV.W.0026.190630T2217Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 517 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Charles Mix County in south central South Dakota... Northwestern Gregory County in south central South Dakota... South central Brule County in south central South Dakota... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 517 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles northeast of Gregory, or 29 miles east of Winner, moving northeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Charles Mix, northwestern Gregory and south central Brule Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4331 9922 4338 9938 4362 9921 4354 9893 TIME...MOT...LOC 2217Z 223DEG 12KT 4337 9927 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Weisser  036 WWUS63 KILX 302217 WCNILX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 466/469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LINCOLN IL 517 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC039-113-302330- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 2 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS DE WITT MCLEAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BLOOMINGTON, CLINTON, AND NORMAL. $$ ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173-010200- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS MACON SHELBY IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CLARK COLES CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR MOULTRIE IN SOUTHEAST ILLINOIS CLAY CRAWFORD EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE RICHLAND THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLESTON, DECATUR, EFFINGHAM, FLORA, GREENUP, LAWRENCEVILLE, MARSHALL, MATTOON, NEWTON, OLNEY, PARIS, ROBINSON, SHELBYVILLE, SULLIVAN, AND TUSCOLA. $$ ILC019-147-183-302330- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 6 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHAMPAIGN, DANVILLE, MONTICELLO, AND URBANA. $$  189 WWUS83 KMKX 302218 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 518 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ062-067-068-302315- Green-Lafayette-Iowa- 518 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT LAFAYETTE AND SOUTHERN IOWA COUNTIES... At 516 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Belmont, or near Platteville, moving south at 20 mph. Winds up to 45 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Darlington, Shullsburg, Belmont, Benton, Argyle, Blanchardville, Somers, Barneveld, Wiota, Ridgeway, Linden, New Diggings, South Wayne, Cobb, Lamont, Rewey, Hollandale and Gratiot. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 4300 9043 4305 8986 4269 8983 4251 8984 4251 9042 4257 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2216Z 357DEG 19KT 4278 9035 $$ MRC  591 WWUS85 KBYZ 302218 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 418 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ035-302300- Yellowstone MT- 418 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 417 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 16 miles north of Shepherd to near Billings West End. Movement was east at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Billings, Lockwood, Shepherd, Huntley, Billings Heights, Worden, Billings West End, Ballantine, Acton and Comanche. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4618 10789 4560 10840 4576 10891 4594 10890 4614 10873 4613 10841 4622 10840 TIME...MOT...LOC 2217Z 283DEG 13KT 4613 10841 4579 10871 $$ Arthur  191 WOUS64 KWNS 302218 WOU7 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 467 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 520 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. SDZ000-WYZ000 /O.CAN.KWNS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...  450 WWUS53 KDVN 302218 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 518 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC019-055-061-097-302245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Buchanan IA-Dubuque IA-Delaware IA- 518 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON...BUCHANAN... DUBUQUE AND DELAWARE COUNTIES... At 518 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Platteville to Delaware to near Brandon, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Dubuque, Independence, Manchester, Galena, Asbury, Dyersville, Jesup, Epworth, East Dubuque, Farley, Peosta, Fairbank, Edgewood, Winthrop, Hazleton, Earlville, Hopkinton, Quasqueton, Lamont and Delhi. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4265 9077 4263 9070 4251 9064 4251 9043 4232 9038 4231 9207 4264 9208 4265 9090 4268 9090 TIME...MOT...LOC 2218Z 349DEG 41KT 4270 9048 4245 9134 4240 9197 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  582 WWST01 SBBR 302010 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 625/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO NORTE DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 626/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 627/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO/MUITO GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A PARTIR DE 301200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/4.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 011200 HMG. AVISO NR 629/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 26S A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG. VENTO NE/NW FOR?A 7 RONDANDO PARA W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 630/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1500 HMG - SEX - 28/JUN/2019 ?REA CHARLIE AO SUL DE 25S A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. VENTO W/SW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010600 HMG. AVISO NR 635/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA AO SUL DE 32S E 25 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 7/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 020000 HMG. AVISO NR 638/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA GOLF AO SUL DO EQUADOR JUNTO ? COSTA. VENTO SE/E FOR?A 7 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 010000 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 623/2019. AVISO NR 640/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 300000 HMG . VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 631/2019. AVISO NR 641/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E OESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 301800 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 633/2019. AVISO NR 642/2019 AVISO DE MAR MUITO GROSSO/ALTO EMITIDO ?S 1400 HMG - S?B - 29/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W A PARTIR DE 302100 HMG. ONDAS DE NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 031200 HMG. AVISO NR 645/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A 50 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/5.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 636/2019. AVISO NR 646/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA BRAVO AO SUL DE 27S E LESTE DE 046W A PARTIR DE 011200 HMG. ONDAS DE S/SW 3.0/3.5 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 021200 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 637/2019. AVISO NR 647/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1300 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA SUL OCE?NICA AO SUL DE 30S E LESTE DE 035W. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 021800 HMG. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 639/2019. AVISO NR 648/2019 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE/DURO EMITIDO ?S 1900 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA PARTIR DE 021800 HMG. VENTO NW/SW FOR?A 8/9 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 040000 HMG. AVISO NR 649/2019 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO ?S 1900 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA DELTA AO SUL DE 22S A PARTIR DE 030000 HMG. VENTO N/NW FOR?A 7/8 COM RAJADAS. V?LIDO AT? 040000 HMG. AVISO NR 650/2019 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO/MUITO GROSSO EMITIDO ?S 1900 HMG - DOM - 30/JUN/2019 ?REA ALFA A PARTIR DE 021200 HMG. ONDAS DE SW/S 3.0/6.0 METROS. V?LIDO AT? 040000 HMG. NNNN  899 WWUS53 KARX 302218 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 518 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC043-302315- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Grant WI- 518 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR GRANT COUNTY... At 518 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles north of Belmont to near Balltown, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. These storms have a history of producing damage to trees. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe storms will be near... Platteville around 525 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these severe thunderstorms include Arthur, Montfort, Beetown, Nelson Dewey State Park, Lancaster Municipal Airport, Georgetown and Ellenboro. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4269 9095 4272 9102 4274 9104 4274 9105 4275 9107 4276 9106 4283 9108 4283 9110 4288 9110 4305 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2218Z 330DEG 24KT 4283 9037 4266 9091 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  123 WWUS82 KRAH 302218 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 618 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ042-302315- Johnston NC- 618 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL JOHNSTON COUNTY UNTIL 715 PM EDT... At 618 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Clayton, or 10 miles northwest of Smithfield, moving southeast at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Heavy rain and deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Smithfield, Clayton, Selma, Four Oaks, Pine Level, Princeton and Coats Crossroads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3542 7816 3540 7816 3539 7814 3537 7816 3535 7815 3534 7822 3533 7822 3532 7824 3532 7827 3531 7829 3529 7830 3528 7833 3557 7860 3566 7845 3547 7813 TIME...MOT...LOC 2218Z 313DEG 16KT 3558 7850 $$ 77  656 WOUS64 KWNS 302218 WOU0 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 470 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 520 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010400- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0470.190630T2220Z-190701T0400Z/ NE . NEBRASKA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ARTHUR BOYD BROWN CHERRY GARDEN GRANT HOOKER KEYA PAHA ROCK $$ SDC003-005-007-015-017-023-035-043-049-053-055-059-065-069-071- 073-075-085-095-102-111-115-117-119-121-123-010400- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0470.190630T2220Z-190701T0400Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AURORA BEADLE BENNETT BRULE BUFFALO CHARLES MIX DAVISON DOUGLAS FAULK GREGORY HAAKON HAND HUGHES HYDE JACKSON JERAULD JONES LYMAN MELLETTE OGLALA LAKOTA SANBORN SPINK STANLEY SULLY TODD TRIPP $$ ATTN...WFO...LBF...UNR...ABR...FSD...  657 WWUS40 KWNS 302218 WWP0 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0470 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0515 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0470 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : <02% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 20% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 30% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 70% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 2.0 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 600 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 26020 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU0. $$  658 WWST02 SBBR 302010 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 625/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 626/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 627/2019 ROUGH/VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 301200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/4.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 011200 UTC. WARNING NR 629/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S STARTING AT 300000 UTC. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7 BACK W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 630/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1500 UTC - FRI - 28/JUN/2019 AREA CHARLIE S OF 25S STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WIND W/SW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010600 UTC. WARNING NR 635/2019 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA S OF 32S AND 25 NM OFFSHORE. STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 020000 UTC. WARNING NR 638/2019 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 AREA GOLF S OF EQUATOR NEAR THE COAST. WIND SE/E FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 010000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 623/2019. WARNING NR 640/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OS 035W STARTING 300000 UTC . WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 631/2019. WARNING NR 641/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 301800 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 633/2019. WARNING NR 642/2019 VERY ROUGH/HIGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 29/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W STARTING AT 302100 UTC. WAVES FM NW/SW 4.0/6.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 031200 UTC. WARNING NR 645/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA 50 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/5.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 636/2019. WARNING NR 646/2019 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA BRAVO S OF 27S AND E OF 047W STARTING AT 011200 UTC. WAVES FM S/SW 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 021200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 637/2019. WARNING NR 647/2019 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 035W. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 021800 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 639/2019. WARNING NR 648/2019 GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1900 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 021800 UTC. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 040000 UTC. WARNING NR 649/2019 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1900 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA DELTA S OF 22S STARTING AT 030000 UTC. WIND N/NW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 040000 UTC. WARNING NR 650/2019 ROUGH/ VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1900 UTC - SUN - 30/JUN/2019 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 021200 UTC. WAVES FM SW/S 3.0/6.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 040000 UTC. NNNN  714 WWUS20 KWNS 302218 SEL0 SPC WW 302218 NEZ000-SDZ000-010400- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 470 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 520 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of North central Nebraska Parts of southern and central South Dakota * Effective this Sunday afternoon and evening from 520 PM until 1100 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered large hail and isolated very large hail events to 2 inches in diameter possible Scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible A tornado or two possible SUMMARY...Multiple areas of convection should persist into this evening, with storms forming along a stalled front from southern South Dakota into northern Nebraska, and other storms/supercells likely to spread eastward from southwest South Dakota. A tornado or two will remain possible with storms forming along the surface boundary, while large hail will also be possible. Some storm mergers and upscale growth will be possible later this evening, with an attendant increase in the threat for damaging winds. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 70 statute miles north and south of a line from 75 miles west of Valentine NE to 20 miles southeast of Huron SD. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU0). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...This severe thunderstorm watch replaces severe thunderstorm watch number 467. Watch number 467 will not be in effect after 520 PM CDT. CONTINUE...WW 466...WW 468...WW 469... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 2 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 600. Mean storm motion vector 26020. ...Thompson  715 WWUS30 KWNS 302218 SAW0 SPC AWW 302218 WW 470 SEVERE TSTM NE SD 302220Z - 010400Z AXIS..70 STATUTE MILES NORTH AND SOUTH OF LINE.. 75W VTN/VALENTINE NE/ - 20SE HON/HURON SD/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 60NM N/S /81SSE RAP - 59WNW FSD/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..2 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 600. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 26020. REPLACES WW 467..SD WY LAT...LON 43840202 45189794 43159794 41830202 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU0.  456 WWUS63 KFSD 302219 WCNFSD WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 470 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SIOUX FALLS SD 519 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SDC003-005-015-023-035-043-053-073-111-010400- /O.NEW.KFSD.SV.A.0470.190630T2220Z-190701T0400Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA JERAULD IN EAST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA BEADLE SANBORN IN SOUTH CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA AURORA BRULE CHARLES MIX DOUGLAS GREGORY IN SOUTHEAST SOUTH DAKOTA DAVISON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALPENA, ARMOUR, BURKE, CHAMBERLAIN, CORSICA, DELMONT, GREGORY, HURON, KIMBALL, LAKE ANDES, MARTY, MITCHELL, PLANKINTON, PLATTE, STICKNEY, WAGNER, WESSINGTON SPRINGS, WHITE LAKE, AND WOONSOCKET. $$  511 WSKZ31 UATT 302219 UATT SIGMET 1 VALID 302300/010300 UATT- UATT AKTOBE FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N50 W OF E053 TOP FL380 MOV NE 25KMH NC=  015 WSFR33 LFPW 302220 LFEE SIGMET 2 VALID 302230/302330 LFPW- LFEE REIMS FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4700 E00645 - N4630 E00615 - N4630 E00545 - N4700 E00630 - N4700 E00645 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  016 WSFR34 LFPW 302220 LFMM SIGMET 8 VALID 302230/302330 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4630 E00545 - N4630 E00700 - N4530 E00700 - N4530 E00600 - N4615 E00500 - N4630 E00545 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  452 ACUS11 KWNS 302220 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302220 ILZ000-WIZ000-IAZ000-010015- Mesoscale Discussion 1321 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0520 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...Northeast Iowa...southwest Wisconsin...northwest Illinois Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 468... Valid 302220Z - 010015Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 468 continues. SUMMARY...The severe threat for WW468 continues with severe wind/hail as the main threats. Storms may push/develop south and east of the current watch and a local watch expansion may be necessary. DISCUSSION...A MCS continues to move south/southeast along an instability gradient across northeast Iowa into southwest Wisconsin. With 3000-4500 J/kg of MLCAPE ahead of the western portions of the MCS, storms should continue to propagate/develop south/southeastward into the evening. Given the storm mode and steep low-level lapse rates ahead of the storms, severe wind is the most likely severe threat. Large hail is also possible given relatively steep mid-level lapse rates, the aforementioned large MLCAPE, and being on the periphery of marginal effective bulk shear (30-35 knots). Eastern portions of the MCS still has good inflow from the southwest, but it will encounter a more stable airmass that was convectively overturned by the previous MCS. However, there should be corridor just outside of the current watch in northwest Illinois and possibly southwest Wisconsin where the environment could support severe storms. Additionally, given the current structure of the MCS and instability ahead of it, it may move south of the watch in the coming hours. Due to these likely scenarios, a local watch expansion or a small new watch may be necessary. ..Nauslar/Thompson.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...LOT...MKX...DVN...ARX...DMX... LAT...LON 43359355 43249265 43129217 43089172 43109138 43229090 43329024 43178964 42718949 42248945 41608971 41469012 41429074 41469197 41679275 41879312 42069336 42279345 42779358 43089356 43359355  812 WWUS83 KLBF 302221 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 421 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ023-302300- Grant NE- 421 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN GRANT COUNTY UNTIL 500 PM MDT... At 420 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles south of Hyannis, or 22 miles north of Arthur, moving northeast at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hyannis, Whitman, Carr Lake, Pratt Lake and Duluth. This includes the following highways... Highway 2 between mile markers 143 and 164. Highway 61 between mile markers 143 and 161. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for west central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4196 10192 4209 10165 4209 10143 4192 10142 4179 10180 TIME...MOT...LOC 2220Z 236DEG 11KT 4190 10178 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  542 WWUS82 KTAE 302221 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 621 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ011-GAZ155-302300- Jackson FL-Seminole GA- 621 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN JACKSON AND CENTRAL SEMINOLE COUNTIES UNTIL 700 PM EDT/600 PM CDT/... At 620 PM EDT/520 PM CDT/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Marianna, moving southeast at 15 mph. Winds gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Marianna, Grand Ridge, Greenwood, Blue Spring, Lovedale, Haynes, Drakes Still, Dellwood, Star, Two Egg, Simsville, Cypress, Fairchild, Chipola Terrace, Buena Vista and Marianna Municipal A/P. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3079 8532 3090 8525 3093 8485 3061 8500 3061 8510 TIME...MOT...LOC 2220Z 296DEG 14KT 3079 8522 $$  615 WWUS73 KARX 302221 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 521 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Temperatures Have Cooled... .Temperatures have cooled significantly across thanks to a line of showers and storms have moved across the area. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-WIZ061-302330- /O.CAN.KARX.HT.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, and Platteville 521 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in La Crosse has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Temperatures have cooled into the 60s and 70s with a line of showers and storms moving across the area. $$ 04  184 WWUS63 KABR 302221 WCNABR WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 470 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE ABERDEEN SD 521 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SDC017-049-059-065-069-075-085-115-117-119-010400- /O.NEW.KABR.SV.A.0470.190630T2221Z-190701T0400Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM CDT /10 PM MDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA BUFFALO HAND HUGHES HYDE JONES LYMAN STANLEY SULLY IN NORTH CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA FAULK IN NORTHEAST SOUTH DAKOTA SPINK THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF FAULKTON, FORT PIERRE, FORT THOMPSON, HIGHMORE, MILLER, MURDO, ONIDA, PIERRE, PRESHO, AND REDFIELD. $$  410 WWUS63 KUNR 302221 WCNUNR WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 467/470 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RAPID CITY SD 421 PM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SDC055-071-102-010400- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.A.0470.190630T2221Z-190701T0400Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 UNTIL 10 PM MDT THIS EVENING WHICH REPLACES A PORTION OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467. THE NEW WATCH IS VALID FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THE NEW WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA JACKSON OGLALA LAKOTA IN WEST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA HAAKON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BILLSBURG, KADOKA, KIRLEY, KYLE, MILESVILLE, OGLALA, PHILIP, AND PINE RIDGE. $$ SDC033-047-081-093-103-137-WYC045-302330- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA CUSTER FALL RIVER IN WEST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA LAWRENCE MEADE PENNINGTON ZIEBACH IN WYOMING THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN NORTHEAST WYOMING WESTON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BUCKHORN, CLARETON, CUSTER, DEADWOOD, DOWNTOWN NEWCASTLE, DUPREE, EDGEMONT, FAITH, FOUR CORNERS, HERMOSA, HILL CITY, HOT SPRINGS, LEAD, MORRISEY, RAPID CITY, ROCHELLE, SPEARFISH, STURGIS, UNION CENTER, UPTON, AND WALL. $$ SDC007-095-121-123-010400- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.A.0470.190630T2221Z-190701T0400Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM MDT /11 PM CDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 4 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA MELLETTE TODD TRIPP IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA BENNETT THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALLEN, CLEARFIELD, IDEAL, LACREEK WILDLIFE REFUGE, MARTIN, MISSION, ROSEBUD, SAINT FRANCIS, TUTHILL, WHITE RIVER, WINNER, AND WOOD. $$  631 WWUS82 KMLB 302221 SPSMLB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 621 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ047-054-302315- Southern Brevard County FL-Indian River FL- 621 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN INDIAN RIVER AND SOUTHEASTERN BREVARD COUNTIES UNTIL 715 PM EDT... At 621 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Palm Bay, moving southeast at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Palm Bay, Melbourne, Sebastian, Fellsmere and Indian River Shores. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2806 8080 2806 8053 2774 8038 2775 8079 TIME...MOT...LOC 2221Z 304DEG 13KT 2792 8065 $$ Smith  989 WSSP31 LEMM 302219 LECM SIGMET 9 VALID 302230/302330 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2218Z N OF LINE N4327 W00525 - N4309 W00153 TOP FL380 MOV NNE 30 NC=  261 WSKO31 RKSI 302225 RKRR SIGMET K03 VALID 302225/010100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR CNL SIGMET K02 302120/010100=  370 WUUS53 KUNR 302222 SVRUNR SDC071-103-302315- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0094.190630T2222Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 422 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Jackson County in southwestern South Dakota... Southeastern Pennington County in west central South Dakota... * Until 515 PM MDT. * At 421 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles south of Interior, or 26 miles southwest of Kadoka, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Kadoka, Potato Creek, Wanblee, Long Valley, Interior, Cedar Pass, Eagle Nest Butte and Intersection of Highway 73 and White River. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 137 and 157. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4347 10198 4378 10207 4392 10139 4342 10131 TIME...MOT...LOC 2221Z 270DEG 28KT 4364 10196 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ JC  829 WWUS63 KLBF 302222 WCNLBF WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 470 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NORTH PLATTE NE 522 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010400- /O.NEW.KLBF.SV.A.0470.190630T2222Z-190701T0400Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM CDT /10 PM MDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN NEBRASKA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA BOYD BROWN CHERRY KEYA PAHA ROCK IN PANHANDLE NEBRASKA GARDEN IN WEST CENTRAL NEBRASKA ARTHUR GRANT HOOKER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF AINSWORTH, ARTHUR, BASSETT, BUTTE, HYANNIS, LEWELLEN, LYNCH, MULLEN, OSHKOSH, ROSE, SPENCER, SPRINGVIEW, AND VALENTINE. $$  547 WWUS82 KJAX 302222 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 622 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ025-033-125-133-302315- Coastal St. Johns FL-Inland Duval FL-Coastal Duval FL- Inland St. Johns FL- 622 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN ST. JOHNS AND SOUTHEASTERN DUVAL COUNTIES UNTIL 715 PM EDT... * At 622 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm near Durbin, or near Fruit Cove, moving southeast at 15 mph. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and minor flooding due to heavy rainfall is possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Saint Augustine, Fruit Cove, World Golf Village, Palm Valley, Sawgrass, Nocatee, South Ponte Vedra, Bayard, Durbin and Vilano Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Jacksonville on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2987 8126 3002 8165 3023 8158 3019 8133 3008 8129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2222Z 296DEG 12KT 3007 8153 $$ 23  779 WUUS53 KIND 302222 SVRIND INC013-055-093-105-302300- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0135.190630T2222Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 622 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Monroe County in south central Indiana... Southern Brown County in south central Indiana... Greene County in southwestern Indiana... Northern Lawrence County in south central Indiana... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 622 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Bloomington, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Bloomington, Linton, Bloomfield, Nashville, Oolitic, Lyons, Switz City, Newberry, Smithville, Lake Lemon, Bartlettsville, Avoca, Monroe Reservoir, Woodville Hills, Elkinsville, Charles Deam Wilderness, Vicksburg, Stone Head, Unionville and Story. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3912 8724 3908 8667 3931 8652 3917 8611 3905 8620 3905 8632 3899 8632 3899 8628 3897 8628 3890 8631 3891 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2222Z 311DEG 12KT 3912 8649 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  420 WOUS64 KWNS 302223 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 523 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC019-147-183-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...  517 WGUS85 KPUB 302223 FLSPUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pueblo CO 423 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC023-055-010015- /O.NEW.KPUB.FA.Y.0023.190630T2223Z-190701T0015Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Huerfano CO-Costilla CO- 423 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Southwestern Huerfano County in southeastern Colorado... Northeastern Costilla County in south central Colorado... * Until 615 PM MDT. * At 421 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Costilla county. Most of the heaviest rain was falling in Costilla county just south of highway 160. Radar indicates between 0.3 and 0.4 inches of rain has fallen between 4:05 pm and 4:20 pm. This includes the following streams and drainages...Malo Vega Creek...West Indian Creek...South Middle Creek...Missouri Creek... Sangre de Cristo Creek...Bear Creek...South Fork West Indian Creek and Wagon Creek. LAT...LON 3757 10520 3753 10519 3748 10518 3743 10516 3742 10524 3754 10533 $$ Hodanish  705 WSCI35 ZGGG 302216 ZGZU SIGMET 8 VALID 302230/010230 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2518 E10922 - N2103 E10733 - N2030 E10804 - N2030 E11016 - N2411 E11149 - N2518 E10922 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  266 WWUS84 KLZK 302224 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 524 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ053-055-062-063-302300- Grant AR-Cleveland AR-Clark AR-Dallas AR- 524 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN CLEVELAND...EAST CENTRAL CLARK...SOUTHEASTERN GRANT AND DALLAS COUNTIES UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 524 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Rison to 11 miles north of Harlow. Movement was northwest at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Rison... Kingsland... Sparkman... Carthage... Lamont... Princeton... Tulip... Manning... Ouachita... Farindale... Bunn... Staves... Pine Grove... Grapevine... Ivan... Dalark... Griffithtown... Ramsey... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3410 9299 3416 9223 3406 9223 3406 9220 3389 9216 3382 9285 TIME...MOT...LOC 2224Z 143DEG 15KT 3394 9221 3390 9262 $$ 62  284 WHUS52 KJAX 302224 SMWJAX AMZ450-452-302330- /O.NEW.KJAX.MA.W.0139.190630T2224Z-190630T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 624 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Altamaha Sound to Fernandina Beach FL out 20 NM... Coastal waters from Fernandina Beach to St. Augustine FL out 20 NM... * Until 730 PM EDT. * At 624 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 nm northwest of Amelia City, or 26 nm south of St. Simons Island, moving southeast at 10 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Dungeness, Saint Marys Entrance Buoy 16, Amelia City, Buoy Kby and Whittakers Snapper Hole Reef. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 3077 8164 3076 8162 3079 8157 3080 8162 3086 8158 3077 8110 3043 8125 3061 8153 3066 8153 3071 8167 TIME...MOT...LOC 2224Z 296DEG 12KT 3075 8156 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 23  954 WSCH31 SCTE 302224 SCTZ SIGMET 03 VALID 302224/302228 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR CNL SIGMET 02 301828/302228=  365 WWUS82 KTAE 302225 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 625 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ017-027-127-302300- Coastal Wakulla FL-Inland Wakulla FL-Leon FL- 625 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN WAKULLA AND SOUTHEASTERN LEON COUNTIES UNTIL 700 PM EDT... At 625 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Woodville, moving east at 5 mph. Winds gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Woodville, Tallahassee, Wakulla, Springsax Park, Lake Bradford, Belair, Newport, Leon Sinks, Gaither Community Center, Lake Munson, Lutterloh, Eight Mile Pond, Vereen, Southwood, North Florida Fairgrounds and Natural Bridge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3029 8440 3042 8434 3039 8407 3033 8408 3017 8415 TIME...MOT...LOC 2225Z 291DEG 5KT 3032 8430 $$  531 WSBZ01 SBBR 302200 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 301930/302230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2758 W04442 - S2649 W04830 - S2708 W05353 - S2737 W05452 - S2852 W05621 - S3135 W04758 - S2758 W04442 TOP FL400 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  532 WSBZ01 SBBR 302200 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0745 W03459 - N0459 W03119 - N0304 W03301 - N0312 W04453 - N0500 W04759 - N0458 W04001 - N0745 W03459 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  533 WSBZ01 SBBR 302200 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 301915/302315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3007 W04626 - S3123 W03630 - S3355 W03445 - S3355 W04532 - S3245 W04906 - S3007 W04626 TOP FL390 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  423 WWUS81 KRNK 302226 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 626 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ007-009-010-012-302300- Tazewell-Bland-Wythe-Smyth- 626 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT THE MOUNTAIN EMPIRE OF SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA... Until 700 PM EDT. At 622 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Ceres, moving southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph, frequent lightning and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Tazewell... Rural Retreat... Ceres... Mount Rogers National Recreation Area... and Speedwell. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. If you are on or near Rural Retreat Lake, or camping get away from the water and move into a sturdy shelter or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on or near water in a thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3713 8163 3717 8133 3683 8105 3674 8140 TIME...MOT...LOC 2222Z 331DEG 25KT 3700 8141 $$ WP  244 WWUS53 KLMK 302227 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 627 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC005-239-302245- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0158.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Woodford KY-Anderson KY- 627 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL WOODFORD AND NORTHEASTERN ANDERSON COUNTIES... At 626 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Versailles, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Versailles, Firmantown, Milner, Gaybourn, Millville, Tyrone and Mckees Crossroads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3802 8466 3799 8483 3812 8487 3812 8486 3813 8487 3815 8483 3810 8474 3804 8465 TIME...MOT...LOC 2226Z 337DEG 17KT 3806 8478 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  394 WHUS52 KMHX 302227 SMWMHX AMZ131-230-302300- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0072.190630T2227Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 627 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Albemarle Sound... Alligator River... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 625 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over The Mouth Of The Perquimans River, moving southeast at 30 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... The Mouth Of The Perquimans River, The Center Of The Albemarle Sound, Alligator River Bridge and The Mouth Of The Alligator River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 3602 7580 3579 7597 3593 7615 3596 7616 3595 7617 3609 7634 3609 7632 3610 7630 3611 7627 3610 7622 3610 7620 3612 7617 3613 7614 TIME...MOT...LOC 2225Z 300DEG 29KT 3611 7627 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 26  066 WFUS53 KFSD 302227 TORFSD SDC053-302300- /O.NEW.KFSD.TO.W.0009.190630T2227Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 527 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Tornado Warning for... West central Gregory County in south central South Dakota... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 527 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Dallas, or 21 miles southeast of Winner, moving east at 5 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Gregory around 550 PM CDT. Burke around 600 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4320 9953 4333 9953 4337 9928 4318 9927 4318 9954 TIME...MOT...LOC 2227Z 252DEG 6KT 4324 9948 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ Hanko  154 WUUS52 KRAH 302227 SVRRAH NCC037-125-151-302330- /O.NEW.KRAH.SV.W.0114.190630T2227Z-190630T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Raleigh NC 627 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Raleigh has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Moore County in central North Carolina... Eastern Randolph County in central North Carolina... Western Chatham County in central North Carolina... * Until 730 PM EDT * At 627 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Asheboro, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Asheboro, North Carolina Zoo, Siler City, Goldston, Liberty, Ramseur, Franklinville, Robbins, Staley and Harpers Crossroads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3571 7986 3587 7962 3585 7954 3584 7954 3580 7938 3564 7917 3554 7929 3555 7928 3555 7930 3554 7932 3553 7931 3552 7935 3550 7934 3546 7939 3536 7964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2227Z 313DEG 16KT 3573 7969 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  685 WUUS53 KMKX 302227 SVRMKX WIC065-302315- /O.NEW.KMKX.SV.W.0027.190630T2227Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 527 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Lafayette County in south central Wisconsin... * Until 615 PM CDT. * At 527 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Platteville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Shullsburg, Belmont, Benton, New Diggings, Platte Mounds, Lead Mine and Leslie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4279 9043 4281 9034 4281 9027 4251 9005 4251 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2227Z 329DEG 22KT 4272 9048 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  963 WWUS53 KFSD 302228 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 528 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC015-023-053-302300- /O.CON.KFSD.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Charles Mix SD-Gregory SD-Brule SD- 528 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN CHARLES MIX...NORTHWESTERN GREGORY AND SOUTH CENTRAL BRULE COUNTIES... At 527 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles southeast of Iona, or 25 miles southwest of Kimball, moving northeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Charles Mix, northwestern Gregory and south central Brule Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4331 9922 4338 9938 4362 9921 4354 9893 TIME...MOT...LOC 2227Z 219DEG 14KT 4343 9922 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Weisser  275 WWUS83 KLMK 302228 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 628 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ077-090>092-302300- Washington-Floyd-Clark-Harrison- 628 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL HARRISON...WEST CENTRAL CLARK...NORTHWESTERN FLOYD AND SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 628 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 miles southeast of Salem, moving south at 15 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Galena, New Pekin, Borden, Greenville, Navilleton, Starlight, Martinsburg, Chestnut Hill, Daisy Hill and Scottsville. LAT...LON 3850 8606 3851 8593 3835 8585 3834 8606 TIME...MOT...LOC 2228Z 352DEG 15KT 3846 8598 $$ SCHOETTMER  419 WSRA31 RUKR 302226 UNKL SIGMET 10 VALID 010000/010400 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N6600 E08310 - N6700 E10655 - N6200 E10700 - N6233 E09725 - N6327 E08448 - N6600 E08310 TOP FL410 MOV SE 20KMH NC=  701 WWUS53 KILX 302228 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 528 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC115-139-147-302238- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0131.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Moultrie-Piatt-Macon- 528 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN MOULTRIE... SOUTHERN PIATT AND EAST CENTRAL MACON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 530 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 600 PM CDT for central Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for central and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3979 8888 3992 8873 3983 8846 3959 8866 TIME...MOT...LOC 2228Z 309DEG 8KT 3976 8864 $$ 37  956 WUUS54 KMAF 302228 SVRMAF TXC103-371-461-302330- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0377.190630T2228Z-190630T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 528 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Pecos County in southwestern Texas... Southeastern Crane County in western Texas... Western Upton County in western Texas... * Until 630 PM CDT. * At 526 PM CDT, several severe thunderstorms in western Upton County, moving west at 20 mph into Crane and Pecos counties. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Crane, McCamey, Crane County Airport, Upton County Airport, Girvin, King Mountain and Cordona Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3116 10203 3108 10230 3109 10237 3107 10235 3102 10251 3144 10258 3156 10222 3141 10208 TIME...MOT...LOC 2226Z 067DEG 19KT 3122 10216 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  317 WSCN23 CWAO 302228 CZWG SIGMET Y1 VALID 302225/010225 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE /N5407 W08912/30 NE CYTL - /N5447 W08616/30 W CYPO - /N5636 W08459/90 NE CYER TOP FL340 MOV ENE 40KT NC RMK GFACN33=  318 WSCN03 CWAO 302228 CZWG SIGMET Y1 VALID 302225/010225 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 20 NM OF LINE N5407 W08912 - N5447 W08616 - N5636 W08459 TOP FL340 MOV ENE 40KT NC=  525 WWUS82 KGSP 302228 SPSGSP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 628 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ037-302245- Davie NC- 628 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN DAVIE COUNTY UNTIL 645 PM EDT... At 628 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles east of Mocksville, moving southeast at 25 mph. Locations to be impacted include... Bermuda Run, Fork Church, Advance and Farmington. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail will be possible in these areas. LAT...LON 3589 8037 3589 8040 3588 8042 3586 8039 3584 8039 3585 8042 3583 8043 3583 8046 3599 8056 3606 8047 3601 8042 3599 8042 3596 8038 3590 8037 TIME...MOT...LOC 2228Z 333DEG 20KT 3588 8042 $$ SGL  804 WVID21 WAAA 302225 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 302230/010430 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 2230Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0224 E12749 - N0211 E12715 - N 0143 E12718 - N0139 E12753 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT NC=  642 WWUS53 KILX 302229 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 529 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC023-045-302238- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0130.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Edgar-Clark- 529 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN EDGAR AND CENTRAL CLARK COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 530 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3935 8754 3934 8758 3931 8760 3931 8762 3930 8760 3928 8761 3925 8759 3925 8758 3924 8758 3917 8762 3917 8764 3928 8793 3951 8771 3944 8753 TIME...MOT...LOC 2228Z 026DEG 9KT 3932 8772 $$ 37  645 WWUS53 KDMX 302229 SVSDMX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 529 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC033-302245- /O.CON.KDMX.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Cerro Gordo IA- 529 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN CERRO GORDO COUNTY... At 528 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rockford, or 11 miles southeast of Mason City, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Nora Springs, Rockwell and Dougherty. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4296 9322 4314 9308 4315 9302 4291 9303 4294 9314 TIME...MOT...LOC 2228Z 316DEG 22KT 4304 9303 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Podrazik  729 WWUS53 KIND 302229 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 629 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC045-107-302239- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0132.000000T0000Z-190630T2230Z/ Fountain IN-Montgomery IN- 629 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN FOUNTAIN AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 630 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for west central Indiana. LAT...LON 4022 8709 4022 8692 4018 8670 3987 8670 3987 8709 3995 8709 3996 8720 4005 8726 TIME...MOT...LOC 2229Z 323DEG 9KT 3996 8690 $$ TDUD  737 WWUS85 KSLC 302229 AWWSLC UTC035-010200- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 429 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Airport Weather Warning for winds gusting to greater than 30 mph/26 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 429 PM MDT to 800 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  034 WSFJ01 NFFN 302100 NFFF SIGMET 06 VALID 302310/010310 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1254 E17742 - S1548 W17548 - S2500 E17954 - S2500 E17130 - S1924 W17748 - S1630 W17930 - S1442 E17654 - S1254 E17742 TOP FL450 STNR WKN=  125 WVID21 WAAA 302225 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 302230/010430 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG FIR PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 2230Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0224 E12749 - N0211 E12715 - N 0143 E12718 - N0139 E12753 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT NC=  654 WVID21 WAAA 302225 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 302230/010430 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 2230Z WI N0141 E12755 - N0224 E12749 - N0211 E12715 - N 0143 E12718 - N0139 E12753 - N0141 E12755 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 5KT NC=  610 WWUS65 KCYS 302230 WCNCYS WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 467 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHEYENNE WY 430 PM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WYC027-302330- /O.CAN.KCYS.SV.A.0467.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 467 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN WYOMING THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN EAST CENTRAL WYOMING NIOBRARA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF LUSK AND REDBIRD. $$ ALLEN  722 WWUS53 KIND 302230 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 630 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC011-023-063-067-109-133-302245- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Morgan IN-Clinton IN-Howard IN-Hendricks IN-Boone IN-Putnam IN- 630 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL MORGAN...CLINTON...SOUTHWESTERN HOWARD... HENDRICKS...BOONE AND NORTHEASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 630 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Brownsburg, or 15 miles west of Indianapolis, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Frankfort, Plainfield, Brownsburg, Lebanon, Danville, Avon, Pittsboro, Whitestown, Rossville, Thorntown, Mulberry, Russiaville, Monrovia, Clayton, Jamestown, Roachdale, Kirklin, Colfax, Coatesville and North Salem. This includes the following highways... Interstate 65 between mile markers 129 and 160. Interstate 70 between mile markers 55 and 63. Interstate 74 between mile markers 48 and 67. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4043 8621 4040 8622 4040 8624 4031 8624 3951 8645 3987 8694 3987 8669 4043 8669 TIME...MOT...LOC 2230Z 310DEG 32KT 3982 8643 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  133 WSGY31 SYCJ 302226 SYGC SIGMET A1 VALID 302226/010226 SYCJ- SYCJ GEORGETOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2220Z WI N0745 W06042 - N0552 W05745 - N0445 W05819 - N0518 W06045 - N0639 W06133 - N0745 W06042 TOP FL400 MOV W-NW INTSF=  466 WSPH31 RPLL 302231 RPHI SIGMET B16 VALID 302235/010235 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0954 E12308 - N0612 E11826 - N0730 E11730 - N1030 E11400 - N1436 E11400 - N1454 E11557 - N0954 E12308 TOP FL530 MOV S 10KT NC=  724 WUUS53 KDVN 302231 SVRDVN ILC085-IAC011-031-045-055-061-097-105-113-302315- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0099.190630T2231Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 531 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Jo Daviess County in northwestern Illinois... Jackson County in east central Iowa... Northwestern Cedar County in east central Iowa... Southern Dubuque County in northeastern Iowa... Eastern Benton County in east central Iowa... Jones County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Delaware County in northeastern Iowa... Linn County in east central Iowa... Northwestern Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 615 PM CDT. * At 530 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Dickeyville to near Hopkinton to near La Porte City, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Maquoketa, Anamosa, Vinton, Galena, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Monticello, Robins, Center Point, Bellevue, Cascade, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely and East Dubuque. If you are at J and P Cycles in Anamosa you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 13 and 47. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4215 9032 4187 9117 4186 9206 4229 9207 4229 9132 4251 9064 4251 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 2230Z 349DEG 41KT 4260 9063 4232 9131 4230 9215 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  788 WGUS55 KPUB 302232 FFWPUB COC023-010030- /O.NEW.KPUB.FF.W.0009.190630T2232Z-190701T0030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Pueblo CO 432 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Costilla County in south central Colorado... * Until 630 PM MDT. * At 431 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. Radar is estimating over 0.5 inches of rain has fallen since 4:05 pm. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Costilla county. LAT...LON 3757 10521 3752 10518 3747 10519 3742 10517 3744 10526 3749 10530 3754 10527 $$ Hodanish  810 WWUS53 KILX 302232 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 532 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC029-302241- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.W.0132.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Coles- 532 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR COLES COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3948 8796 3948 8801 3938 8801 3937 8847 3962 8847 3965 8820 3965 8806 3967 8806 3968 8797 TIME...MOT...LOC 2230Z 348DEG 14KT 3946 8823 $$ 37  879 WSRA31 RUYK 302230 UEEE SIGMET 11 VALID 302300/010300 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N60 TOP FL300/350 STNR NC=  178 WWUS53 KDVN 302232 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 532 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC019-055-061-097-302245- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0098.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Buchanan IA-Dubuque IA-Delaware IA- 532 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTH CENTRAL JACKSON...SOUTHERN BUCHANAN...DUBUQUE AND DELAWARE COUNTIES... At 532 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Hazel Green to near Hopkinton to near Brandon, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Dubuque, Independence, Manchester, Galena, Asbury, Dyersville, Jesup, Epworth, East Dubuque, Farley, Peosta, Winthrop, Earlville, Hopkinton, Quasqueton, Delhi, New Vienna, Worthington, Ryan and Brandon. This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 50 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4265 9077 4263 9070 4251 9064 4251 9043 4232 9038 4231 9207 4250 9207 4256 9108 4263 9089 TIME...MOT...LOC 2232Z 341DEG 39KT 4256 9042 4231 9128 4230 9194 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  909 WUUS53 KLMK 302232 SVRLMK KYC005-113-167-239-302300- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0159.190630T2232Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 632 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Mercer County in central Kentucky... Central Woodford County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Anderson County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Jessamine County in central Kentucky... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 631 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Versailles to near Lawrenceburg, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Nicholasville, Lawrenceburg, Versailles, Wilmore, Oregon, Vanarsdell, Ebenezer, Bondville, Talmage, and Tyrone. Trees were reported down in Woodford County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3790 8458 3784 8491 3803 8490 3808 8471 3801 8466 3800 8466 3800 8465 TIME...MOT...LOC 2231Z 332DEG 18KT 3801 8476 3799 8485 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ 13  611 WWUS82 KMHX 302232 SPSMHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 632 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ203-302315- Northern Outer Banks- 632 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL DARE COUNTY... At 631 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Duck Coe Pier, or 7 miles southeast of Grandy, moving southeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Kill Devil Hills, Southern Shores, Sanderling, Colington, Duck Coe Pier, Wright Brothers National Monument, Nags Head Fishing Pier and Avalon Pier. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3622 7578 3623 7577 3622 7577 3622 7574 3597 7558 3595 7571 3608 7577 3609 7574 3618 7576 3621 7577 3621 7580 3622 7580 3622 7579 3623 7579 TIME...MOT...LOC 2231Z 310DEG 29KT 3619 7576 $$ 26  148 WWUS52 KRAH 302232 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 632 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC057-067-302315- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Forsyth NC-Davidson NC- 632 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN FORSYTH AND NORTHERN DAVIDSON COUNTIES... At 632 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Clemmons to 7 miles east of Mocksville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Winston-Salem, Lexington, Thomasville, Clemmons, Bermuda Run, Huntsville, Lewisville, Arcadia, Welcome and Sedge Garden. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3611 8050 3612 8046 3607 8005 3579 8006 3580 8047 3582 8047 3585 8039 3587 8039 3588 8041 3589 8037 3596 8038 3599 8042 3601 8042 3606 8046 3604 8049 3608 8052 TIME...MOT...LOC 2232Z 323DEG 21KT 3607 8040 3589 8043 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  589 WUCN13 CWTO 302232 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:32 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: FORT SEVERN. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: SACHIGO LAKE - BEARSKIN LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 5:43 P.M. CDT. AT 5:32 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AT 6:30 PM EDT, A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WAS LOCATED NEAR 55.43 N, 88.35 W, 75 KM SOUTH SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN IS MOVING 75 KM/H EASTWARD. THIS SEVERE THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE WIND GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H ALONG WITH LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  033 WOUS64 KWNS 302233 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 533 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  769 WOUS64 KWNS 302233 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 533 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  893 WSAU21 AMMC 302233 YMMM SIGMET Y01 VALID 302233/010233 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB OBS WI S2100 E11300 - S2100 E12000 - S2500 E12000 - S2500 E11300 FL370/420 STNR NC=  229 ACUS11 KWNS 302234 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302234 MTZ000-010000- Mesoscale Discussion 1322 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0534 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...Parts of southeastern Montana Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 302234Z - 010000Z Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent SUMMARY...A few storms may continue to pose a risk for severe hail near Billings, east-southeastward across much of southeastern Montana, through 6-9 PM MDT. It is not clear that a severe weather watch is needed, but trends will continue to be monitored. DISCUSSION...Relatively moist, northeasterly upslope low-level flow, in the presence of modestly steep lapse rates and relatively cool mid-level temperatures, appears to have contributed moderate CAPE (1500+ J/kg) near/north of Billings east-southeastward through much of southeastern Montana. In response to the boundary-layer destabilization, thunderstorm development is now well underway, perhaps aided by forcing for ascent beneath divergent upper flow in the right entrance region of a seasonably strong west-southwesterly mid/upper jet propagating across the central Canadian provinces. In the presence of strong deep layer shear, further intensification of storms appears possible through the remainder of the afternoon. This may include isolated supercells, accompanied primarily by a risk for severe hail. While deep-layer mean flow will tend to advect storms into a more stable environment northeast of the higher terrain, strongest storms deviating to east may maintain inflow of more unstable air longer. And there appears potential for renewed thunderstorm development across the higher terrain, in the wake of initial activity, to support additional strong to severe storms into early evening. ..Kerr/Thompson.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...BYZ...GGW...TFX... LAT...LON 45700815 45720817 45730819 45880891 46080949 46490960 46810935 46730847 46920693 46290477 45450455 45020524 45360654 45700815  985 WWUS83 KLMK 302234 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 634 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ029-038-045-302315- Bullitt-Spencer-Nelson- 634 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHWESTERN SPENCER...NORTH CENTRAL NELSON AND SOUTHEASTERN BULLITT COUNTIES... At 634 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 miles southeast of Pioneer Village, moving south at 15 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Samuels, Ridgetop, Highgrove, Solitude, Hobbs, Deatsville, Brownington, Lotus, Coxs Creek and Lenore. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3800 8562 3801 8543 3787 8536 3787 8564 TIME...MOT...LOC 2234Z 352DEG 14KT 3799 8556 $$ SCHOETTMER  915 WWCN13 CWTO 302234 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:34 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA WEBEQUIE FORT SEVERN PEAWANUCK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: SACHIGO LAKE - BEARSKIN LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THAT MAY BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. THUNDERSTORMS IN THE REGION ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THIS EVENING. SOME OF THESE THUNDERSTORMS COULD BECOME SEVERE. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. REMEMBER, SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CAN PRODUCE TORNADOES. HEAVY DOWNPOURS CAN CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  044 WFUS53 KDVN 302235 TORDVN ILC085-IAC061-097-302300- /O.NEW.KDVN.TO.W.0030.190630T2235Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 535 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Jo Daviess County in northwestern Illinois... Northwestern Jackson County in east central Iowa... Dubuque County in northeastern Iowa... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 534 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms capable of producing a tornado were located along a line extending from Asbury to near Cascade, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * These dangerous storms will be near... Dubuque around 540 PM CDT. East Dubuque and Bernard around 545 PM CDT. Menominee around 550 PM CDT. Zwingle around 600 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these tornadic storms include Swiss Valley Park, Lock And Dam 11, Key West, South Gary Owen, Edmore, Dubuque Regional Airport, Garry Owen, Fillmore, Rockdale and Mines of Spain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4257 9066 4254 9064 4251 9064 4251 9055 4245 9046 4219 9077 4228 9090 4230 9090 4230 9092 4244 9112 4263 9073 TIME...MOT...LOC 2234Z 322DEG 27KT 4253 9074 4235 9097 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.50IN $$ McClure  661 WWUS85 KFGZ 302235 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 335 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 AZZ012-013-302300- Little Colorado River Valley in Coconino County-Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County- 335 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NAVAJO AND COCONINO COUNTIES UNTIL 400 PM MST... At 334 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles east of Meteor Crater, or 10 miles west of Winslow, moving north at 15 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will cross Interstate 40 between mile markers 240 and 250. LAT...LON 3498 11080 3502 11095 3515 11095 3511 11072 TIME...MOT...LOC 2234Z 198DEG 13KT 3506 11089 $$ TPS  127 WWUS84 KMAF 302235 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 535 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ060-061-067-068-075-274-302315- Pecos TX-Crane TX-Ector TX-Reeves County Plains TX-Ward TX- Winkler TX- 535 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN PECOS...SOUTHWESTERN ECTOR...EASTERN REEVES...EASTERN WARD...SOUTHEASTERN WINKLER AND NORTHWESTERN CRANE COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM CDT... At 535 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Monahans, moving southwest at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monahans, Thorntonville, Grandfalls, Wickett, Royalty, Roy Hurd Memorial Airport and Monahans Sandhills State Park. This includes Interstate 20 between mile markers 69 and 92. LAT...LON 3173 10290 3168 10271 3132 10274 3136 10326 TIME...MOT...LOC 2235Z 035DEG 33KT 3167 10284 $$ 49  320 WWUS53 KARX 302235 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 535 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC043-302315- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Grant WI- 535 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN GRANT COUNTY... At 534 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Belmont to near Centralia, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. This storm has a history of producing damage to trees. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. These severe thunderstorms will remain over mainly rural areas of southern Grant County, including the following locations... Big H Campground, Arthur, Beetown, Union, Cornelia, Burton and Nelson Dewey State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4269 9095 4272 9102 4274 9104 4274 9105 4275 9107 4276 9106 4293 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2234Z 332DEG 35KT 4274 9030 4245 9077 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ CA  252 WWUS53 KUNR 302236 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 436 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-102-103-302245- /O.EXP.KUNR.SV.W.0093.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Oglala Lakota SD-Jackson SD-Pennington SD- 436 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN OGLALA LAKOTA... SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN PENNINGTON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 445 PM MDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for southwestern South Dakota. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Rapid City. LAT...LON 4351 10228 4378 10226 4384 10208 4348 10196 TIME...MOT...LOC 2235Z 246DEG 18KT 4369 10194 $$ JC  712 WWUS53 KMKX 302236 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 536 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC065-302315- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Lafayette WI- 536 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN LAFAYETTE COUNTY... At 535 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Platteville, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There was a report of tree damage in northwest Lafayette County. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Shullsburg, Belmont, Benton, New Diggings, Platte Mounds, Lead Mine and Leslie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4279 9043 4281 9034 4281 9027 4251 9005 4251 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2235Z 329DEG 22KT 4267 9044 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  650 WUUS53 KLMK 302236 SVRLMK KYC029-179-302300- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0160.190630T2236Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 636 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Nelson County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Bullitt County in central Kentucky... * Until 700 PM EDT. * At 636 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of Shepherdsville, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Bardstown, Samuels, Highgrove, Solitude, Deatsville, Withrow, Bourbon Springs, Brownington, Lotus and Coxs Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3800 8550 3797 8546 3797 8545 3787 8537 3782 8550 3784 8561 3798 8563 3803 8555 TIME...MOT...LOC 2236Z 341DEG 16KT 3797 8556 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  525 WWUS73 KDMX 302236 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 536 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot And Humid Conditions Persist Today... .Heat and humidity will continue into the evening for much of Iowa. Cool thunderstorm outflow if moving across northeast Iowa into early this evening. Areas will be removed from the advisory where this outflow passes through. IAZ006-007-017-027-028-039-302345- /O.CAN.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Winnebago-Worth-Cerro Gordo-Butler-Bremer-Black Hawk- Including the cities of Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Mason City, Clear Lake, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Waterloo, and Cedar Falls 536 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Des Moines has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Cooler temperatures have arrived therefore the advisory has been cancelled. $$ IAZ004-005-015-016-023>026-033>038-044>050-057>062-070>075- 081>086-092>097-010200- /O.CON.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright- Franklin-Sac-Calhoun-Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Crawford- Carroll-Greene-Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas- Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion-Mahaska- Adams-Union-Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold-Decatur- Wayne-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, Wellsburg, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 536 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Temperatures will remain in the lower 90s through the early evening with heat index values slowly falling into the upper 90s. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  093 WUUS55 KBYZ 302237 SVRBYZ MTC003-302315- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0045.190630T2237Z-190630T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 437 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... West central Big Horn County in south central Montana... * Until 515 PM MDT. * At 436 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Fort Smith, or 34 miles southwest of Hardin, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts, quarter size hail, and heavy rain. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Fort Smith, St. Xavier, Bighorn Lake and Crow Indian Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4524 10815 4544 10823 4560 10772 4527 10752 TIME...MOT...LOC 2236Z 256DEG 27KT 4535 10807 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Vertz  602 WWUS53 KIND 302238 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 638 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC021-055-105-109-119-121-133-302300- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Monroe IN-Morgan IN-Clay IN-Parke IN-Owen IN-Greene IN-Putnam IN- 638 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN MONROE...WESTERN MORGAN...CLAY...SOUTHEASTERN PARKE...OWEN...NORTHERN GREENE AND PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 637 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles north of Spencer, or 21 miles northwest of Bloomington, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Greencastle, Brazil, Spencer, Ellettsville, Jasonville, Cloverdale, Worthington, Knightsville, Clay City, Gosport, Bainbridge, Paragon, Harmony, Staunton, Fillmore, Carbon, Center Point, Stinesville, Quincy and Freedom. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 17 and 54. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3952 8723 3952 8720 3961 8720 3961 8723 3966 8710 3967 8708 3969 8703 3984 8691 3968 8669 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8658 3948 8641 3907 8666 3912 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2237Z 318DEG 29KT 3944 8671 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  268 WHUS52 KJAX 302238 SMWJAX AMZ452-454-302345- /O.NEW.KJAX.MA.W.0140.190630T2238Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 638 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Fernandina Beach to St. Augustine FL out 20 NM... Coastal waters from St. Augustine to Flagler Beach FL out 20 NM... * Until 745 PM EDT. * At 638 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 nm west of Guana River State Park, or 12 nm northwest of Saint Augustine, moving southeast at 15 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Nine Mile Reef, Saint Augustine, Saint Augustine Beach, Butler Beach, Vilano Beach, South Ponte Vedra Beach, Guana River State Park, Palm Valley and Crescent Beach. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 3009 8099 3008 8098 2971 8118 2982 8135 3010 8141 3019 8146 TIME...MOT...LOC 2238Z 303DEG 13KT 3002 8150 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ 23  058 WWUS84 KSHV 302238 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 538 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LAZ006-014-302330- Ouachita LA-Union LA- 538 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN UNION AND CENTRAL OUACHITA PARISHES UNTIL 630 PM CDT... At 538 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Monroe, moving west at 10 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monroe, Claiborne, West Monroe, Swartz, Brownsville-Bawcom, Brownsville-Bawcomville, Richwood, Drew, Calhoun, Millhaven, Folksville, Cheniere, Rocky Branch, Mineral Springs, Pine Grove and Eureka. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3240 9199 3247 9239 3272 9229 3257 9193 3256 9192 TIME...MOT...LOC 2238Z 108DEG 10KT 3251 9205 $$ 19  337 WGUS53 KILX 302238 FFWILX ILC023-045-010245- /O.NEW.KILX.FF.W.0032.190630T2238Z-190701T0245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 538 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southwestern Edgar County in east central Illinois... Clark County in east central Illinois... * Until 945 PM CDT. * At 537 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen in portions of the warned area. Flash flooding is expected to begin shortly. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marshall, Casey, Martinsville, Kansas, Westfield, Clarksville, Oliver, Dennison, West Union, York, Darwin, Orange, West York, Lincoln Trail State Park and Bell Ridge. Additional rainfall amounts of 2 inches is possible in the warned area. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 128 and 154. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3936 8753 3931 8762 3930 8760 3926 8761 3925 8759 3925 8757 3922 8757 3916 8765 3918 8775 3918 8801 3948 8799 3948 8796 3958 8796 3947 8753 $$ 37  724 WFUS53 KUNR 302239 TORUNR SDC123-302300- /O.NEW.KUNR.TO.W.0006.190630T2239Z-190630T2300Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 539 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Tornado Warning for... East central Tripp County in south central South Dakota... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 539 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Dallas, or 17 miles southeast of Winner, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of east central Tripp County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4318 9967 4329 9966 4333 9954 4328 9953 4318 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2239Z 297DEG 2KT 4324 9957 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.00IN $$ Sherburn  784 WWUS53 KDMX 302239 SVSDMX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 539 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC033-302246- /O.EXP.KDMX.SV.W.0128.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Cerro Gordo IA- 539 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN CERRO GORDO COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 545 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for north central Iowa. LAT...LON 4296 9322 4314 9308 4315 9302 4291 9303 4294 9314 TIME...MOT...LOC 2236Z 306DEG 18KT 4300 9304 $$ Podrazik  581 WWUS53 KDVN 302240 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 540 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC011-031-045-055-061-097-105-113-302315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Dubuque IA-Benton IA-Jones IA- Delaware IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 540 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN JO DAVIESS...JACKSON...NORTHWESTERN CEDAR...SOUTHERN DUBUQUE...EASTERN BENTON...JONES...SOUTHEASTERN DELAWARE...LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 539 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from East Dubuque to near Langworthy to Mount Auburn, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Maquoketa, Anamosa, Vinton, Galena, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Monticello, Robins, Center Point, Bellevue, Cascade, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely and East Dubuque. If you are at J and P Cycles in Anamosa you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 13 and 47. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage!. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4215 9032 4187 9117 4186 9206 4229 9207 4229 9132 4251 9064 4251 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 2239Z 346DEG 28KT 4248 9061 4220 9129 4227 9210 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  852 WWUS53 KUNR 302240 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 440 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC103-302249- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0094.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Pennington SD- 440 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN PENNINGTON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for southwestern South Dakota. LAT...LON 4347 10197 4379 10202 4392 10139 4342 10131 TIME...MOT...LOC 2239Z 272DEG 28KT 4361 10177 $$ SDC071-302315- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0094.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Jackson SD- 440 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM MDT FOR CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTY... At 439 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles northwest of Wanblee, or 19 miles southwest of Kadoka, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. This storm has a history of producing golf ball size hail and winds in excess of 70 mph. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Kadoka, Wanblee, Long Valley, Interior, Cedar Pass, Eagle Nest Butte. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 137 and 157. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4347 10197 4379 10202 4392 10139 4342 10131 TIME...MOT...LOC 2239Z 272DEG 28KT 4361 10177 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ JC  187 WWUS53 KIND 302240 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 640 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC013-055-093-105-302300- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0135.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Monroe IN-Brown IN-Greene IN-Lawrence IN- 640 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM EDT FOR MONROE...SOUTHERN BROWN...GREENE AND NORTHERN LAWRENCE COUNTIES... At 640 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles northwest of Bedford, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Bloomington, Linton, Bloomfield, Nashville, Oolitic, Lyons, Switz City, Newberry, Smithville, Lake Lemon, Bartlettsville, Avoca, Monroe Reservoir, Woodville Hills, Elkinsville, Charles Deam Wilderness, Vicksburg, Stone Head, Unionville and Story. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3912 8724 3908 8667 3931 8652 3917 8611 3905 8620 3905 8632 3899 8632 3899 8628 3897 8628 3890 8631 3891 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2240Z 352DEG 14KT 3897 8662 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  527 WWUS83 KJKL 302241 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 641 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ119-120-302330- Martin-Pike- 641 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL MARTIN AND PIKE COUNTIES... At 640 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Coleman to near Canada to Jarad. Movement was south at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Pikeville, Coal Run Village, Elkhorn City, Forest Hills, Huddy, Meta, Belfry, Fishtrap Lake, Conder, Zebulon, Garden Village, Phyllis, Ashcamp, Piso, Toonerville, Marrowbone, Raccoon, Board Tree, Jarad and Biggs. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3732 8229 3728 8233 3728 8234 3727 8235 3725 8242 3739 8260 3775 8246 3767 8237 3765 8227 3755 8215 3743 8212 TIME...MOT...LOC 2240Z 355DEG 21KT 3752 8223 3757 8236 3767 8247 $$ JP  186 WWUS53 KARX 302241 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 541 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC043-302315- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Grant WI- 541 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN GRANT COUNTY... At 539 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Belmont to near Peosta, moving southeast at 30 mph. These are very dangerous storms. HAZARD...80 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. In addition to a history of damage to trees, these storms produced a measured wind gust of 75 mph at the Platteville Airport at 535 PM. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged. Expect considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles. Extensive tree damage and power outages are likely. Locations impacted include... Platteville, Lancaster, Cuba City, Hazel Green, Dickeyville, Cassville, Georgetown, Beetown, Arthur, Potosi, Livingston, Ellenboro, Tennyson, Union, Nelson Dewey State Park, Lancaster Municipal Airport, Rockville, Big Patch, Big H Campground and Cornelia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are likely producing widespread wind damage across Grant County. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4269 9095 4272 9102 4274 9104 4274 9105 4275 9107 4276 9106 4293 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2239Z 330DEG 24KT 4271 9028 4242 9075 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...80MPH $$ CA  369 WSNT01 CWAO 302241 CZQX SIGMET W1 VALID 302240/010240 CWUL- CZQX GANDER OCEANIC FIR/CTA SEV TURB OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE N4830 W04900 - N4500 W04500 FL330/380 MOV E 25KT WKNG=  370 WSNT21 CWAO 302241 CZQX SIGMET W1 VALID 302240/010240 CWUL- CZQX GANDER OCEANIC FIR/CTA SEV TURB OBS WTN 25 NM OF LINE /N4830 W04900/ - /N4500 W04500/ FL330/380 MOV E 25KT WKNG RMK GFACN34=  550 WUCN13 CWTO 302242 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:42 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA WEBEQUIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 6:16 P.M. CDT (7:16 P.M. EDT). AT 5:42 P.M. CDT (6:42 P.M. EDT), ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A CLUSTER OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS CENTRED OVER 54.5 N, 87.4 W ARE MOVING EAST AT 90 KM/H. THESE SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H AND LARGE HAIL, ALONG WITH HEAVY DOWNPOURS. LOCATIONS IMPACTED INCLUDE: SECTIONS OF WINISK RIVER PROVINCIAL PARK BETWEEN 54.2 TO 54.8 DEGREES NORTH. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  196 WOUS64 KWNS 302243 WOU0 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 470 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 543 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ NE . NEBRASKA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ARTHUR BOYD BROWN CHERRY GARDEN GRANT HOOKER KEYA PAHA ROCK $$ SDC003-005-007-015-017-023-035-043-049-053-055-059-065-069-071- 073-075-085-095-102-111-115-117-119-121-123-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AURORA BEADLE BENNETT BRULE BUFFALO CHARLES MIX DAVISON DOUGLAS FAULK GREGORY HAAKON HAND HUGHES HYDE JACKSON JERAULD JONES LYMAN MELLETTE OGLALA LAKOTA SANBORN SPINK STANLEY SULLY TODD TRIPP $$ ATTN...WFO...LBF...FSD...UNR...ABR...  272 WSSC31 FSIA 302240 FSSS SIGMET 06 VALID 302255/010255 FSIA- FSSS SEYCHELLES FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0608 E05228 - S0253 E05733 - S0735 E06000 - S1000 E05652 - S0608 E05228 TOP ABV FL390 WKN=  211 WUUS52 KJAX 302243 SVRJAX FLC109-302330- /O.NEW.KJAX.SV.W.0087.190630T2243Z-190630T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 643 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central St. Johns County in northeastern Florida... * Until 730 PM EDT. * At 643 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over World Golf Village, or 10 miles southeast of Fruit Cove, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Saint Augustine, World Golf Village, Saint Augustine Beach, South Ponte Vedra, Saint Augustine Shores, Durbin, Butler Beach, Vilano Beach, Saint Augustine South and Guana River State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 2976 8125 2994 8160 2996 8160 2997 8161 3011 8151 3010 8145 3005 8128 2987 8122 TIME...MOT...LOC 2243Z 307DEG 11KT 3000 8150 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 23  251 WWUS55 KBYZ 302243 SVSBYZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTC087-302251- /O.CAN.KBYZ.SV.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Rosebud MT- 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ROSEBUD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4548 10621 4562 10622 4579 10617 4579 10563 4542 10564 TIME...MOT...LOC 2241Z 267DEG 21KT 4561 10607 $$ MTC075-302315- /O.CON.KBYZ.SV.W.0044.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Powder River MT- 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM MDT FOR NORTHWESTERN POWDER RIVER COUNTY... At 441 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles east of Ashland, or 32 miles southeast of Colstrip, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Powder River County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4548 10621 4562 10622 4579 10617 4579 10563 4542 10564 TIME...MOT...LOC 2241Z 267DEG 21KT 4561 10607 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Setzenfand  503 WWUS82 KRAH 302243 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 643 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ010-011-302345- Warren NC-Halifax NC- 643 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN WARREN AND NORTHWESTERN HALIFAX COUNTIES UNTIL 745 PM EDT... At 643 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Ebony, or 12 miles south of Brodnax, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Heavy rain and deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Roanoke Rapids, Halifax, Littleton, Weldon, South Weldon, Roanoke Rapids Lake, Rosemary, Tillery, Lake Gaston and Southpointe And Morningstar Marinas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3651 7790 3650 7782 3648 7776 3649 7773 3648 7765 3644 7762 3641 7755 3637 7755 3634 7759 3632 7757 3630 7754 3632 7744 3628 7741 3613 7753 3649 7809 3654 7805 3654 7790 TIME...MOT...LOC 2243Z 303DEG 24KT 3653 7796 $$ 77  747 WWUS83 KLBF 302243 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ022-056-057-302330- Deuel NE-Garden NE-Keith NE- 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN ARTHUR... NORTHWESTERN KEITH...SOUTHEASTERN GARDEN AND NORTHEASTERN DEUEL COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM MDT... At 443 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles south of Lewellen, or 10 miles northwest of Big Springs, moving northeast at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lewellen, Lemoyne, Ash Hollow State Historical Park, Eagle Gulch Campground, Ruthon, Belmar, Clear Creek State Wildlife Management Area, Otter Creek Campground, Windlass Hill and Lake View Campground. This includes Highway 92 between mile markers 115 and 136. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If on or near Lake McConaughy, get out of the water and move indoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to 10 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter now! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for the Panhandle of and west central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4147 10199 4140 10198 4140 10189 4126 10174 4110 10216 4123 10230 TIME...MOT...LOC 2243Z 233DEG 16KT 4120 10216 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  136 WWUS85 KBYZ 302243 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ030-031-057-302330- Northern Rosebud MT-Treasure MT-Northern Big Horn MT- 443 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 443 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles northeast of Hardin, moving east at 30 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Colstrip. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4568 10656 4570 10750 4593 10784 4596 10784 4596 10780 4597 10780 4603 10658 TIME...MOT...LOC 2243Z 256DEG 26KT 4582 10742 $$ Vertz  388 WWUS53 KIND 302244 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 644 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC011-023-063-067-109-133-302253- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Morgan IN-Clinton IN-Howard IN-Hendricks IN-Boone IN-Putnam IN- 644 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL MORGAN... CLINTON...SOUTHWESTERN HOWARD...HENDRICKS...BOONE AND NORTHEASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for central and west central Indiana. LAT...LON 4043 8621 4040 8622 4040 8624 4031 8624 3951 8645 3987 8694 3987 8669 4043 8669 TIME...MOT...LOC 2243Z 313DEG 37KT 3973 8630 $$ TDUD  425 WWUS81 KAKQ 302244 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 644 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ012-VAZ087-092-302330- Northampton-Southampton-Greensville- 644 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT NORTHAMPTON...SOUTHERN GREENSVILLE AND SOUTHWESTERN SOUTHAMPTON COUNTIES... At 644 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Claresville, or near Dahlia, moving southeast at 30 mph. Rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Roanoke Rapids, Garysburg, Boykins, Dahlia, Gaston, Conway, Seaboard, Barley, Claresville, Jackson, Severn, Lasker, Branchville, Milwaukee, Gum Forks, Lanes Corner, Henrico, Slates Corner, Bryants Corner and Boones Crossroads. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of this storm. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3632 7744 3630 7754 3632 7758 3635 7758 3638 7755 3641 7755 3645 7763 3648 7765 3648 7775 3651 7790 3654 7790 3654 7777 3660 7773 3670 7743 3655 7707 3654 7716 3652 7715 3652 7709 3650 7708 3626 7740 TIME...MOT...LOC 2244Z 310DEG 25KT 3656 7746 $$ 05  904 WWUS53 KUNR 302244 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 544 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC123-302300- /O.CON.KUNR.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Tripp SD- 544 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL TRIPP COUNTY... At 542 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Dallas, or 17 miles southeast of Winner, moving west at 10 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornadic thunderstorm will affect areas near and along Highway 18 from east of Colome to the Gregory County line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4318 9967 4329 9966 4333 9954 4328 9953 4318 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2242Z 112DEG 8KT 4325 9955 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.00IN $$ Sherburn  694 WSUS33 KKCI 302255 SIGW MKCW WST 302255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38W VALID UNTIL 0055Z MT WY FROM 40ESE HLN-40E MLS-20SSW CZI-50NE BPI-40ESE HLN AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25020KT. TOPS TO FL370. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39W VALID UNTIL 0055Z NE CO NM WY UT FROM 40WSW ANW-30NE CIM-50SSW DVC-50NNE CHE-40WSW ANW AREA SEV TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40W VALID UNTIL 0055Z NM AZ FROM 50ENE TBC-30NNW ABQ-30NW SSO-60SSW SSO-50SSW TUS-50ENE TBC AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 010055-010455 FROM JAC-60N BFF-TBE-ELP-50SSW TUS-MTU-JAC WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  695 WSUS32 KKCI 302255 SIGC MKCC WST 302255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 93C VALID UNTIL 0055Z KY IN IL LM FROM 20ESE ORD-50SE IND-40WSW IIU-50W AXC-20ESE ORD AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 34035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 55KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 94C VALID UNTIL 0055Z WI IL MN IA LM FROM 40NNW DLL-30NE ORD-30SSE IOW-40NW MCW-40NNW DLL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 34030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 65KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 95C VALID UNTIL 0055Z NE SD FROM 40SSW DPR-50WNW FSD-30NNE ONL-40S RAP-40SSW DPR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 96C VALID UNTIL 0055Z TX NM FROM 40NW INK-40NW ACT-40N CWK-20SW FST-40NW INK AREA TS MOV FROM 03010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 97C VALID UNTIL 0055Z LA AR TX OK FROM 40ENE FSM-20E LIT-50ENE AEX-50NW GGG-40ENE FSM AREA TS MOV FROM 08020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 98C VALID UNTIL 0055Z TX FROM 40WSW PSX-20NE LRD LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 010055-010455 AREA 1...FROM GGW-ABR-RWF-RHI-MKG-BNA-STL-ONL-BOY-GGW WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. REF WW 467 468 469 470. AREA 2...FROM RZC-MSL-CEW-BRO-DLF-INK-RZC WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  696 WSUS31 KKCI 302255 SIGE MKCE WST 302255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26E VALID UNTIL 0055Z FL GA AL MS FROM 30SSE MSL-50S IRQ-10WNW CEW-10ESE MEI-30SSE MSL AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27E VALID UNTIL 0055Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30N TRV-20S PBI-40SSE RSW-20ESE SRQ-30N TRV AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28E VALID UNTIL 0055Z MA NH RI VT CT NY AND MA RI NY CT CSTL WTRS FROM 40WSW CON-80NNE ACK-100SSE ACK-130SSE HTO-40WNW HTO-40WSW CON AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32035KT. TOPS TO FL370. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29E VALID UNTIL 0055Z VA NC WV TN KY IN FROM 30NNW IIU-20N PSK-20S RDU-30WNW SPA-40WSW IIU-30NNW IIU AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30E VALID UNTIL 0055Z VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30NE ORF-110ESE ECG-70S ECG-50SSW RIC-30NE ORF AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 010055-010455 AREA 1...FROM PQI-60WSW YSJ-150ENE ACK-190SE ACK-160SE SIE-HNK-30SE MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB-PQI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-SAV-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-CEW-MSL-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM IND-HNN-40SW SBY-ORF-50S ECG-40NNW SPA-30WNW BNA-IND WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  642 WWUS52 KRAH 302245 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 645 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC037-125-151-302330- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0114.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Moore NC-Randolph NC-Chatham NC- 645 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN MOORE...SOUTHEASTERN RANDOLPH AND SOUTHWESTERN CHATHAM COUNTIES... At 645 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northeast of North Carolina Zoo, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... North Carolina Zoo, Siler City, Goldston, Robbins, Harpers Crossroads, Highfalls, Coleridge, Hasty and Glendon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3567 7978 3574 7956 3578 7936 3564 7917 3554 7929 3555 7928 3555 7930 3554 7932 3553 7931 3552 7935 3550 7934 3546 7939 3536 7964 TIME...MOT...LOC 2245Z 313DEG 16KT 3568 7962 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  809 WSZA21 FAOR 302242 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 302240/010200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S2753 E03001 - S2822 E03100 - S3002 E03034 - S3127 E02914 - S3046 E02801 - S3057 E02619 - S3115 E02415 - S3048 E02416 - S3005 E02511 - S2925 E02715 - S2828 E02823=  810 WSZA21 FAOR 302241 FACA SIGMET F01 VALID 302240/010200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3046 E02801 - S3127 E02914 - S3200 E02844 - S3324 E02615 - S3154 E02413 - S3115 E02415 - S3057 E02619=  906 WWUS53 KMKX 302245 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 545 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC065-302315- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Lafayette WI- 545 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN LAFAYETTE COUNTY... At 543 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Benton, or 11 miles southeast of Platteville, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. At 5:35 pm, a wind gust of 75 mph was reported at the Platteville Airport. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is possible. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Shullsburg, Belmont, Benton, New Diggings, Platte Mounds, Lead Mine and Leslie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4279 9043 4281 9034 4281 9027 4251 9005 4251 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2243Z 329DEG 25KT 4259 9038 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ MRC  605 WWUS83 KLMK 302245 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 645 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ077-302315- Washington- 645 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WESTERN WASHINGTON COUNTY... At 645 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 10 miles northwest of Salem, moving south at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Salem, Campbellsburg, Hardinsburg, Livonia, Saltillo, Fredericksburg, Kossuth, Smedley, Shorts Corner and Claysville. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3876 8613 3877 8610 3878 8610 3842 8606 3842 8630 3873 8631 3874 8629 3877 8628 3877 8626 3876 8625 3878 8623 3877 8622 3878 8621 3877 8621 3878 8618 TIME...MOT...LOC 2245Z 346DEG 17KT 3871 8624 $$ SCHOETTMER  699 WUCN13 CWTO 302245 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:45 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 6:19 P.M. CDT. AT 5:45 P.M. CDT, ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. AT 6:45 PM EDT, A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WAS LOCATED NEAR 55.43 N, 88.33 W, 75 KM SOUTH SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN, MOVING EAST AT 75 KM/H. THIS SEVERE THUNDERSTORM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE WIND GUSTS UP TO 90 KM/H AND LARGE HAIL, ALONG WITH HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  438 WWUS53 KLMK 302246 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 646 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC005-239-302256- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0158.000000T0000Z-190630T2245Z/ Woodford KY-Anderson KY- 646 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL WOODFORD AND NORTHEASTERN ANDERSON COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. Report severe weather to local law enforcement, post your report to the National Weather Service Louisville Facebook page, or tweet your report using hashtag L, M, K, spotter. LAT...LON 3802 8466 3799 8483 3812 8487 3812 8486 3813 8487 3815 8483 3810 8474 3804 8465 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 337DEG 17KT 3798 8474 $$ SCHOETTMER  384 WWUS52 KRAH 302246 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 646 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC067-302256- /O.CAN.KRAH.SV.W.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Forsyth NC- 646 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN FORSYTH COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3582 8047 3585 8039 3587 8039 3588 8041 3589 8037 3590 8037 3596 8038 3597 8039 3598 8038 3592 8006 3579 8006 3580 8047 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 310DEG 24KT 3588 8029 $$ NCC057-302315- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Davidson NC- 646 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM EDT FOR NORTHERN DAVIDSON COUNTY... At 646 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lexington, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lexington, Thomasville, Welcome and Arcadia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3582 8047 3585 8039 3587 8039 3588 8041 3589 8037 3590 8037 3596 8038 3597 8039 3598 8038 3592 8006 3579 8006 3580 8047 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 310DEG 24KT 3588 8029 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  989 WWUS53 KDVN 302247 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 547 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC011-031-045-055-061-097-105-113-302315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Dubuque IA-Benton IA-Jones IA- Delaware IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 547 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN JO DAVIESS...JACKSON...NORTHWESTERN CEDAR...SOUTHERN DUBUQUE...EASTERN BENTON...JONES...SOUTHEASTERN DELAWARE...LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 546 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from St. Donatus to near Morley to near Vinton, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Maquoketa, Anamosa, Vinton, Galena, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Monticello, Robins, Center Point, Bellevue, Cascade, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely and East Dubuque. If you are at J and P Cycles in Anamosa you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 13 and 47. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage . SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. && LAT...LON 4215 9032 4187 9117 4186 9206 4229 9207 4229 9132 4251 9064 4251 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 328DEG 36KT 4236 9053 4206 9119 4211 9202 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  181 WWUS83 KLBF 302247 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 447 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ023-035-302330- Grant NE-Arthur NE- 447 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ARTHUR AND CENTRAL GRANT COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM MDT... At 446 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 14 miles south of Hyannis, or 18 miles northwest of Arthur, moving northeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hyannis, Velma, Pratt Lake, Jensen Lake, Spring Valley Lake and Duluth. This includes the following highways... Highway 2 between mile markers 142 and 157. Highway 61 between mile markers 137 and 166. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for the Panhandle of, north central and west central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4210 10176 4209 10165 4197 10145 4159 10187 4167 10199 4174 10198 4174 10205 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 216DEG 18KT 4181 10185 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  369 WWUS82 KJAX 302247 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ124-125-GAZ166-302315- Coastal Nassau FL-Coastal Duval FL-Coastal Camden GA- 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN NASSAU... NORTHEASTERN DUVAL AND SOUTHEASTERN CAMDEN COUNTIES UNTIL 715 PM EDT... * At 647 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm over St. Marys, moving southeast at 15 mph. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and minor flooding due to heavy rainfall is possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... St. Marys, Fernandina Beach, Kings Bay Base and Yulee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Jacksonville on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 3046 8142 3068 8167 3082 8155 3076 8142 3050 8138 TIME...MOT...LOC 2247Z 307DEG 11KT 3071 8155 $$ 23  680 WWUS53 KIND 302247 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC121-302256- /O.CAN.KIND.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Parke IN- 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN PARKE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for central, south central, southwestern and west central Indiana. LAT...LON 3937 8723 3940 8712 3941 8702 3943 8694 3943 8688 3948 8685 3955 8683 3960 8676 3968 8669 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8658 3948 8641 3907 8666 3912 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 332DEG 37KT 3911 8668 $$ INC021-055-105-109-119-133-302300- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Monroe IN-Morgan IN-Clay IN-Owen IN-Greene IN-Putnam IN- 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN MONROE...WESTERN MORGAN...SOUTHERN CLAY...OWEN... NORTHERN GREENE AND SOUTHEASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES... At 646 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles southwest of Bloomington, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Spencer, Ellettsville, Jasonville, Cloverdale, Worthington, Clay City, Gosport, Paragon, Stinesville, Coal City, Quincy, Bowling Green, McCormicks Creek State Park, Freedom, Belle Union, Patricksburg, Coalmont, Saline City, Solsberry and Little Point. This includes Interstate 70 between mile markers 40 and 54. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3937 8723 3940 8712 3941 8702 3943 8694 3943 8688 3948 8685 3955 8683 3960 8676 3968 8669 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8658 3948 8641 3907 8666 3912 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2246Z 332DEG 37KT 3911 8668 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  657 WWUS53 KLMK 302247 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC029-179-302300- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0160.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Nelson KY-Bullitt KY- 647 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM EDT FOR NORTHWESTERN NELSON AND SOUTHEASTERN BULLITT COUNTIES... At 647 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northwest of Bardstown, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bardstown, Ridgetop, Solitude, Deatsville, Withrow, Lotus, Samuels, Bourbon Springs, Brownington and Coxs Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3798 8550 3794 8546 3787 8537 3782 8550 3784 8561 3796 8563 3796 8561 3798 8557 3799 8553 TIME...MOT...LOC 2247Z 341DEG 16KT 3792 8554 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  055 ACUS11 KWNS 302247 SWOMCD SPC MCD 302247 KYZ000-INZ000-ILZ000-010045- Mesoscale Discussion 1323 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0547 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 Areas affected...central/southern Illinois...central/southern Indiana...northern Kentucky Concerning...Severe Thunderstorm Watch 469... Valid 302247Z - 010045Z The severe weather threat for Severe Thunderstorm Watch 469 continues. SUMMARY...The severe threat for WW469 continues with damaging wind gusts as the main threat, although large hail remains possible. Storms may expand outside the current watch and new downstream watch south of WW469 may be necessary. DISCUSSION...An MCS continues to move southward across WW469 with a history of measured severe wind gusts while storms have developed along the surface front extending southeast from the MCS across southern Indiana into northern Kentucky. The MCS should continue moving south-southwest into the evening with warm, moist, and unstable air ahead of it. Given the storm mode, damaging wind gusts remains the most likely severe threat with the MCS, although as new discrete cell development occurs, large hail may also be possible. Given the amount of convection, the MCS should continue moving south-southwest and probably move outside of the current watch, possibly necessitating a new watch. However, in the absence of stronger flow and being past peak daytime heating, the severe threat may lessen later in the evening outside of the current watch. However, convective trends will continued to be monitored for a potential new watch. ..Nauslar/Thompson.. 06/30/2019 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...LMK...IND...PAH...ILX...LSX... LAT...LON 38928942 39898961 39898925 39768841 39798760 39818748 39868697 39728665 39288623 39068609 38208567 37688548 37658588 37668626 37698708 37768799 37778858 37908920 38578935 38928942  672 WWUS53 KDVN 302248 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 548 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC061-097-302300- /O.CON.KDVN.TO.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Dubuque IA- 548 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN DUBUQUE COUNTIES... At 547 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Zwingle, or 12 miles south of Dubuque, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Jo Daviess, northwestern Jackson and southeastern Dubuque Counties, including the following locations... Swiss Valley Park, Key West, South Gary Owen, Dubuque Regional Airport, Garry Owen, Fillmore, Massey, Washington Mills, Rockdale and Mines of Spain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4251 9055 4245 9046 4219 9077 4228 9090 4230 9090 4230 9092 4231 9093 4251 9065 TIME...MOT...LOC 2247Z 315DEG 36KT 4232 9067 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.50IN $$ Uttech  098 WGUS84 KSHV 302248 FLSSHV Flood Advisory National Weather Service Shreveport LA 548 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LAC073-302345- /O.NEW.KSHV.FA.Y.0065.190630T2248Z-190630T2345Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Ouachita LA- 548 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Central Ouachita Parish in north central Louisiana... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 547 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Nearly one inch of rain has already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Monroe, Claiborne, West Monroe, Brownsville-Bawcomville, Swartz, Brownsville-Bawcom, Richwood, Drew and Pine Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 3242 9202 3249 9227 3262 9221 3266 9214 3267 9214 3268 9213 3262 9194 $$ 19  107 WWUS83 KILX 302248 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 548 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ051-052-061>063-066>068-071>073-302345- Clay-Richland-Sangamon-Jasper-Effingham-Lawrence-Clark-Christian- Shelby-Cumberland-Crawford- 548 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR LAWRENCE...SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN... CRAWFORD...SOUTH CENTRAL SANGAMON...JASPER...SOUTHWESTERN CLARK... SOUTHERN SHELBY...RICHLAND...SOUTHERN CUMBERLAND...CLAY AND EFFINGHAM COUNTIES UNTIL 645 PM CDT... At 547 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking an outflow wind gust along a line extending from near White Oak to near Stewardson to near Hutsonville. Movement was south at 40 mph. Wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible. Additional strong to severe thunderstorm development will also be possible in this area, and could result in higher wind gusts and large hail. Locations impacted include... Effingham, Taylorville, Olney, Robinson, Flora, Lawrenceville, Newton, Pana, Sumner, Altamont, Teutopolis, Greenup, Kincaid, Oblong, Palestine, Louisville, Morrisonville, Clay City, Watson and Stewardson. This includes the following highways... Interstate 57 between mile markers 143 and 172. Interstate 70 between mile markers 79 and 115, and near mile marker 120. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for south central, central, southeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3860 8816 3861 8869 3891 8870 3891 8881 3922 8880 3922 8914 3935 8914 3935 8953 3952 8953 3953 8957 3966 8949 3929 8866 3919 8762 3911 8765 3896 8751 3886 8755 3879 8750 3864 8762 3859 8761 3857 8814 TIME...MOT...LOC 2247Z 017DEG 34KT 3952 8950 3924 8869 3907 8764 $$ 37  908 WWUS63 KIND 302248 WCNIND WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS IN 648 PM EDT SUN JUN 30 2019 INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KIND.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 10 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 23 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL INDIANA BARTHOLOMEW HENDRICKS JOHNSON MORGAN IN SOUTH CENTRAL INDIANA BROWN JACKSON LAWRENCE MONROE IN SOUTHWEST INDIANA DAVIESS GREENE KNOX MARTIN SULLIVAN IN WEST CENTRAL INDIANA CLAY FOUNTAIN MONTGOMERY OWEN PARKE PUTNAM TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ATTICA, BEDFORD, BLOOMFIELD, BLOOMINGTON, BRAZIL, BROWNSBURG, BROWNSTOWN, CLAY CITY, CLINTON, COLUMBUS, COVINGTON, CRAWFORDSVILLE, DANVILLE, FRANKLIN, GREENCASTLE, GREENWOOD, LAFAYETTE, LINTON, LOOGOOTEE, MARTINSVILLE, MITCHELL, MOORESVILLE, NASHVILLE, NEWPORT, PLAINFIELD, ROCKVILLE, SEYMOUR, SHOALS, SPENCER, SULLIVAN, TERRE HAUTE, VEEDERSBURG, VINCENNES, WASHINGTON, WEST LAFAYETTE, WEST LEBANON, AND WILLIAMSPORT. $$  922 WWUS82 KTAE 302248 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 648 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ018-019-028-029-302330- Inland Taylor FL-Inland Jefferson FL-Madison FL-Lafayette FL- 648 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR LAFAYETTE...SOUTHWESTERN JEFFERSON...NORTHERN TAYLOR AND SOUTHERN MADISON COUNTIES UNTIL 730 PM EDT... At 648 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 10 miles west of Dowling Park to 12 miles north of Perry to 16 miles west of Madison to 14 miles east of Woodville. Movement was southeast at 10 mph. Winds gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mayo, Madison, Greenville, Ebb, Lamont, Buckville, Eridu, Cabbage Grove, Thomas City, Wacissa, Wacissa Springs, San Pedro Junction, Sirmans, Shady Grove, Goose Pasture, Cooks Hammock, Iddo, Moseley Hall, Chancey and Boyd. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2983 8318 3021 8365 3015 8389 3031 8408 3034 8408 3053 8345 3029 8323 3026 8324 3025 8325 3025 8324 3018 8325 3017 8323 3011 8323 3010 8318 3011 8316 3010 8313 3010 8312 3008 8307 3006 8306 3000 8298 TIME...MOT...LOC 2248Z 322DEG 8KT 3022 8341 3029 8357 3038 8367 3030 8397 $$  904 WOUS20 KWNS 302249 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302250 IAZ000-WIZ000-302340- STATUS REPORT ON WW 468 THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES ACROSS THE ENTIRE WATCH AREA. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1321 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 468 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-302340- IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ WIC023-043-302340- WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  627 WWUS53 KFSD 302250 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 550 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302300- /O.CON.KFSD.TO.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Gregory SD- 550 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR WEST CENTRAL GREGORY COUNTY... At 549 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Dallas, or 19 miles southeast of Winner, and is nearly stationary. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4320 9953 4333 9953 4337 9928 4318 9927 4318 9954 TIME...MOT...LOC 2249Z 023DEG 0KT 4321 9953 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.00IN $$ Hanko  081 WWUS52 KRAH 302250 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 650 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC037-125-151-302330- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0114.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Moore NC-Randolph NC-Chatham NC- 650 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM EDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL MOORE...SOUTHEASTERN RANDOLPH AND SOUTHWESTERN CHATHAM COUNTIES... At 650 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of North Carolina Zoo, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... North Carolina Zoo, Robbins, Harpers Crossroads, Highfalls, Coleridge, Glendon and Hasty. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3574 7956 3557 7931 3555 7930 3554 7931 3554 7932 3553 7931 3553 7932 3552 7935 3550 7934 3546 7939 3540 7960 3567 7978 TIME...MOT...LOC 2250Z 316DEG 17KT 3565 7960 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  082 WWUS83 KLMK 302250 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 650 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ028-029-045-053-302330- Bullitt-Nelson-Hardin-Larue- 650 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL NELSON... NORTH CENTRAL LARUE...NORTHEASTERN HARDIN AND SOUTHWESTERN BULLITT COUNTIES... At 650 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 miles south of Valley Station to 10 miles south of Shepherdsville to 8 miles west of Bardstown. Movement was southwest at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Elizabethtown, Radcliff, Vine Grove, Lebanon Junction, Long View, Scuffletown, Belmont, Roanoke, Pitts Point and Younger Creek. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3801 8589 3791 8566 3790 8562 3784 8561 3767 8565 3766 8586 3777 8604 TIME...MOT...LOC 2250Z 026DEG 16KT 3794 8591 3784 8575 3784 8562 $$ SCHOETTMER  441 WWUS30 KWNS 302250 SAW1 SPC AWW 302250 WW 471 SEVERE TSTM IA IL 302250Z - 010200Z AXIS..40 STATUTE MILES NORTH AND SOUTH OF LINE.. 30S CID/CEDAR RAPIDS IA/ - 30E MLI/MOLINE IL/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 35NM N/S /7SW IOW - 23NW BDF/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1.5 INCHES. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 550. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 34035. LAT...LON 42029172 42028991 40868991 40869172 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU1.  442 WWUS20 KWNS 302250 SEL1 SPC WW 302250 IAZ000-ILZ000-010200- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 471 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 550 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Southeast Iowa Northwest Illinois * Effective this Sunday afternoon and evening from 550 PM until 900 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible Isolated large hail events to 1.5 inches in diameter possible SUMMARY...A line of severe storms with a history of damaging winds should persist through this evening near the Mississippi River while moving generally to the south. Prior to the storms weakening after dark, the bowing segment will remain capable of producing additional damaging gusts and isolated large hail. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 40 statute miles north and south of a line from 30 miles south of Cedar Rapids IA to 30 miles east of Moline IL. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU1). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 466...WW 468...WW 469...WW 470... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 550. Mean storm motion vector 34035. ...Thompson  519 WOUS64 KWNS 302250 WOU1 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 471 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 550 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 471 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC031-045-057-087-103-115-139-163-183-010200- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0471.190630T2250Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CEDAR CLINTON DES MOINES HENRY JOHNSON LOUISA MUSCATINE SCOTT WASHINGTON $$ ILC011-071-073-131-161-187-195-010200- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0471.190630T2250Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU HENDERSON HENRY MERCER ROCK ISLAND WARREN WHITESIDE $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...  687 WWUS40 KWNS 302250 WWP1 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0471 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0548 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0471 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : <02% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 50% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 20% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 30% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 20% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 70% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.5 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 550 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 34035 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU1. $$  954 WGUS75 KPUB 302251 FFSPUB Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 451 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC023-010030- /O.CON.KPUB.FF.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Costilla CO- 451 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM MDT FOR NORTHEASTERN COSTILLA COUNTY... At 448 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms were still occuring over the Spring Burn Scar in Costilla county. However the rain rate has decreased with these storms. Since 4:05 pm, between 0.6 and 0.8 inches of rain has fallen over the Spring Burn Scar in Costilla county. Most of the heaviest rain has fallen just south of highway 160. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Costilla county. LAT...LON 3757 10521 3752 10518 3747 10519 3742 10517 3744 10526 3749 10530 3754 10527 $$ Hodanish  880 WOUS20 KWNS 302251 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302255 ILZ000-INZ000-302340- STATUS REPORT ON WW 469 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 10 WNW DEC TO 20 NNW MTO TO 15 NNE MTO TO 20 NE MTO TO 30 NW HUF TO 25 NNW HUF TO 25 NNE HUF TO 30 WNW IND TO 20 WNW IND TO 5 NNE IND. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1323 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 469 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC023-025-029-033-035-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173-302340- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-109-119-121- 133-153-165-167-302340- IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN VERMILLION VIGO $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  189 WWUS81 KBOX 302251 SPSBOX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 651 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MAZ005-013>016-302330- Suffolk MA-Western Norfolk MA-Central Middlesex County MA- Eastern Norfolk MA-Southeast Middlesex MA- 651 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORM... At 651 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Burlington, or over Woburn, moving south at 30 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will accompany this storm. Locations impacted include... Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Newton, Somerville, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Weymouth, Arlington, Everett, Billerica, Woburn, Braintree, Randolph, Watertown, Lexington, Needham and Norwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Get indoors when this storm approaches. Winds may be strong enough to produce minor damage, such as a few downed branches. && LAT...LON 4251 7132 4257 7116 4219 7094 4215 7125 TIME...MOT...LOC 2251Z 340DEG 27KT 4249 7120 $$ Frank  579 WWUS84 KSHV 302252 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 552 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ073-LAZ004-006-302345- Union AR-Union LA-Claiborne LA- 552 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN UNION COUNTY...UNION AND NORTHEASTERN CLAIBORNE PARISHES UNTIL 645 PM CDT... At 551 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorm 9 miles northeast of Farmerville, or 13 miles southwest of Huttig, moving northwest at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... El Dorado, Junction City, Farmerville, Bernice, Wesson, Lisbon, Cooley, Marion, Spearsville, Lillie, Newell, Oakland, Haile, Rocky Branch, Cecil, Catesville, Hew Hope, Spencer, Aurelle and Linville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3267 9218 3297 9302 3332 9281 3291 9208 3287 9208 3284 9206 TIME...MOT...LOC 2251Z 120DEG 12KT 3289 9232 $$ 19  917 WSNT03 KKCI 302255 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 8 VALID 302255/010255 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2255Z WI N4245 W06315 - N4225 W06020 - N3550 W06450 - N3705 W06810 - N4245 W06315. TOP FL430. MOV E 20KT. NC.  754 WWUS53 KARX 302252 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 552 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC043-302315- /O.CON.KARX.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Grant WI- 552 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN GRANT COUNTY... At 551 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Shullsburg to near Zwingle, moving southeast at 30 mph. These are very dangerous storms. HAZARD...80 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. This storm has a history of producing damage to trees and recently produced a measured 75 mph wind gust at the Platteville Airport. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged. Expect considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles. Extensive tree damage and power outages are likely. Locations impacted include... Platteville, Cuba City, Hazel Green, Dickeyville, Georgetown, Potosi, Tennyson, Big H Campground, Cornelia, Kieler, Lock And Dam 11, Sandy Hook, Rockville, Louisburg, Platteville Airport, Sinsinawa and Big Patch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are likely producing widespread wind damage across southern Grant County. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4280 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2251Z 330DEG 24KT 4265 9023 4236 9070 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...80MPH $$ CA  483 WOUS64 KWNS 302253 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 553 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC019-147-183-302300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...  527 WWUS84 KBMX 302253 AWWBMX ALZ025-010000- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Birmingham AL 552 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Birmingham has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Shelby County Airport /EET/ The following weather hazards are expected: Expect thunderstorms with cloud to ground lightning to move across the Shelby County Airport /EET/ and its vicinity by 600 pm and continue through 700 pm. && This product is not intended for use during in-flight operations or by the general public. It is intended for use by airport personnel, fixed-base operators, airline ground personnel, and others responsible for the safety of ground operations. $$ 75 Linhares  678 WUUS53 KLMK 302253 SVRLMK INC025-061-117-175-302330- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0161.190630T2253Z-190630T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 653 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Harrison County in south central Indiana... Northeastern Crawford County in south central Indiana... Southeastern Orange County in south central Indiana... Southwestern Washington County in south central Indiana... * Until 730 PM EDT. * At 653 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Salem, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Palmyra, Hardinsburg, Fredericksburg, Shorts Corner, Bradford, Becks Mill, Central Barren, Organ Springs, Rosebud and Hancock Chapel. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3854 8622 3854 8613 3851 8606 3833 8606 3835 8623 3840 8637 TIME...MOT...LOC 2253Z 019DEG 11KT 3854 8619 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  298 WWUS83 KLBF 302254 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 454 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ022-035-302345- Arthur NE-Garden NE- 454 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ARTHUR AND EAST CENTRAL GARDEN COUNTIES UNTIL 545 PM MDT... At 454 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 18 miles northeast of Oshkosh, moving northeast at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bourquim Hill, Velma and Jensen Lake. This includes Highway 61 between mile markers 133 and 137. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for the Panhandle of and west central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4140 10207 4155 10231 4176 10207 4174 10207 4174 10164 TIME...MOT...LOC 2254Z 228DEG 16KT 4160 10210 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  529 WUUS53 KDVN 302254 SVRDVN ILC015-085-177-IAC097-010000- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0100.190630T2254Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 554 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Jo Daviess County in northwestern Illinois... Northern Carroll County in northwestern Illinois... Stephenson County in northwestern Illinois... Northeastern Jackson County in east central Iowa... * Until 700 PM CDT. * At 553 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Argyle to St. Donatus, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Freeport, Galena, Lena, Stockton, Warren, Hanover, Pearl City, Elizabeth, Shannon, Cedarville, Davis, Woodbine, Dakota, German Valley, Scales Mound, Apple River, Winslow, Rock City, Ridott and Council Hill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4250 8940 4220 8940 4220 8969 4214 8969 4213 8972 4214 9036 4251 9051 TIME...MOT...LOC 2253Z 315DEG 39KT 4271 8982 4235 9055 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Uttech  451 WWUS63 KDVN 302254 WCNDVN WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 468/471 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE QUAD CITIES IA IL 554 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 IAC031-045-057-087-103-115-139-163-183-ILC011-071-073-131-161-187- 195-010200- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.A.0471.190630T2254Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 471 IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS BUREAU IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS HENRY IL MERCER ROCK ISLAND WHITESIDE IN WEST CENTRAL ILLINOIS HENDERSON WARREN IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL IOWA CEDAR CLINTON JOHNSON MUSCATINE SCOTT IN SOUTHEAST IOWA DES MOINES HENRY IA LOUISA WASHINGTON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALEDO, BETTENDORF, BURLINGTON, CLINTON, CREDIT ISLAND, DAVENPORT, GENESEO, IOWA CITY, MOLINE, MONMOUTH, MOUNT PLEASANT, MUSCATINE, OQUAWKA, PRINCETON, ROCK ISLAND, STERLING, TIPTON, WAPELLO, AND WASHINGTON. $$ IAC011-019-055-061-097-105-113-ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN NORTHWEST ILLINOIS CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL IOWA BENTON JACKSON JONES LINN IN NORTHEAST IOWA BUCHANAN DELAWARE DUBUQUE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANAMOSA, CEDAR RAPIDS, DUBUQUE, FREEPORT, GALENA, INDEPENDENCE, MANCHESTER, MAQUOKETA, MOUNT CARROLL, AND VINTON. $$ 12  747 WWUS53 KLMK 302255 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 655 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC005-302304- /O.CAN.KLMK.SV.W.0159.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Anderson KY- 655 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN ANDERSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3785 8486 3796 8482 3802 8469 3801 8466 3800 8466 3800 8465 3790 8458 TIME...MOT...LOC 2254Z 332DEG 18KT 3791 8470 3789 8479 $$ KYC113-167-239-302300- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0159.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Mercer KY-Woodford KY-Jessamine KY- 655 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN MERCER...SOUTHERN WOODFORD AND NORTHWESTERN JESSAMINE COUNTIES... At 654 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles west of Nicholasville to 9 miles north of Harrodsburg, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Nicholasville, Wilmore, Pinckard, Oregon, Keene, Ebenezer, Dixon Town, Nonesuch, Mortonsville and Troy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3785 8486 3796 8482 3802 8469 3801 8466 3800 8466 3800 8465 3790 8458 TIME...MOT...LOC 2254Z 332DEG 18KT 3791 8470 3789 8479 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  231 WWUS82 KJAX 302255 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 655 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ136-140-240-340-302345- Eastern Alachua FL-Central Marion FL-Western Marion FL- Eastern Marion FL- 655 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ALACHUA AND CENTRAL MARION COUNTIES UNTIL 745 PM EDT... * At 654 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles southwest of Cross Creek, or 9 miles west of Citra, moving southeast at 15 mph. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and minor flooding due to heavy rainfall is possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Fort McCoy, Citra, Lynne, Sparr, Anthony, Micanopy, Reddick, McIntosh, Flemington and Lowell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Jacksonville on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2937 8240 2949 8232 2949 8229 2951 8230 2931 8182 2913 8192 TIME...MOT...LOC 2254Z 307DEG 11KT 2940 8227 $$ 23  857 WWUS53 KDVN 302255 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 555 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC011-031-045-055-061-097-105-113-302315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Dubuque IA-Benton IA-Jones IA- Delaware IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 555 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN JO DAVIESS...JACKSON...NORTHWESTERN CEDAR...SOUTHERN DUBUQUE...EASTERN BENTON...JONES...SOUTHEASTERN DELAWARE...LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 555 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bellevue to Olin to near Shellsburg, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Maquoketa, Anamosa, Vinton, Galena, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Monticello, Robins, Center Point, Bellevue, Cascade, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely and East Dubuque. If you are at J and P Cycles in Anamosa you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 13 and 47. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. && LAT...LON 4215 9032 4187 9117 4186 9206 4229 9207 4229 9132 4251 9064 4251 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 2255Z 327DEG 34KT 4227 9050 4197 9116 4209 9196 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  150 WWUS53 KUNR 302255 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 455 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-302315- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0094.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Jackson SD- 455 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM MDT FOR CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTY... At 455 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles north of Wanblee, or 12 miles southwest of Kadoka, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Kadoka, Wanblee and Intersection of Highway 73 and White River. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 137 and 157. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4351 10187 4381 10191 4392 10139 4347 10132 TIME...MOT...LOC 2255Z 262DEG 27KT 4367 10161 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...70MPH $$ JC  417 WUUS53 KIND 302256 SVRIND INC027-083-093-101-153-302345- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0136.190630T2256Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 656 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Sullivan County in southwestern Indiana... Knox County in southwestern Indiana... Martin County in southwestern Indiana... Southwestern Lawrence County in south central Indiana... Daviess County in southwestern Indiana... * Until 745 PM EDT. * At 656 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles north of Shoals, or 15 miles west of Bedford, moving south at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Bedford, Washington, Sullivan, Shoals, Mitchell, Bicknell, Loogootee, Odon, Shelburn, Oolitic, Dugger, Hymera, Carlisle, Elnora, Oaktown, Monroe City, Wheatland, Bruceville and Plainville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 8775 3851 8765 3864 8762 3874 8750 3886 8755 3896 8751 3899 8758 3909 8762 3921 8758 3920 8724 3891 8724 3890 8645 3869 8647 3869 8668 3853 8668 3849 8695 3855 8720 3851 8730 3854 8743 3842 8774 TIME...MOT...LOC 2256Z 006DEG 9KT 3882 8677 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  418 WWUS55 KBYZ 302256 SVSBYZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 456 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTC003-302315- /O.CON.KBYZ.SV.W.0045.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Big Horn MT- 456 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 515 PM MDT FOR CENTRAL BIG HORN COUNTY... At 455 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fort Smith, or 28 miles southwest of Hardin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail, 60 mph wind gusts, and heavy rain. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Fort Smith, St. Xavier, Bighorn Lake and Crow Indian Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. This storm is producing large hail. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4528 10806 4543 10806 4558 10777 4559 10776 4527 10759 4526 10766 TIME...MOT...LOC 2255Z 255DEG 22KT 4538 10793 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Vertz  810 WWUS84 KLZK 302256 SPSLZK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 556 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ004-013-302330- Marion AR-Searcy AR- 556 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN SEARCY AND SOUTHWESTERN MARION COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM CDT... At 556 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Duff, or 7 miles northwest of Marshall, moving northwest at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Duff... Maumee... St. Joe... Pindall... Gilbert... Zach... Bruno... Silver Hill... Baker Ford... Maumee Crossing... Ralph... Morning Star... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3595 9259 3588 9275 3605 9294 3607 9294 3608 9295 3610 9294 3612 9291 3611 9289 3613 9289 3623 9270 TIME...MOT...LOC 2256Z 146DEG 13KT 3599 9271 $$ 62  954 WWUS53 KIND 302256 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 656 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC021-055-105-109-119-133-302306- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Monroe IN-Morgan IN-Clay IN-Owen IN-Greene IN-Putnam IN- 656 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN MONROE...WESTERN MORGAN...SOUTHERN CLAY...OWEN...NORTHERN GREENE AND SOUTHEASTERN PUTNAM COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 700 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for central, south central, southwestern and west central Indiana. LAT...LON 3937 8723 3940 8712 3941 8702 3943 8694 3943 8688 3948 8685 3955 8683 3960 8676 3968 8669 3963 8669 3963 8664 3960 8665 3960 8658 3948 8641 3907 8666 3912 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2256Z 316DEG 26KT 3906 8662 $$ TDUD  868 WWUS53 KMKX 302257 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 557 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC065-302315- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Lafayette WI- 557 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN LAFAYETTE COUNTY... At 556 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Council Hill, or 8 miles northeast of Galena, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There were reports of tree damage northwest of Belmont and a 75 mph wind gust was reported in Platteville. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Shullsburg, Belmont, Benton, New Diggings, Platte Mounds, Lead Mine and Leslie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4279 9043 4281 9034 4281 9027 4251 9005 4251 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2256Z 329DEG 22KT 4252 9032 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ MRC  918 WWUS53 KDVN 302257 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 557 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC061-097-ILC085-302307- /O.EXP.KDVN.TO.W.0030.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Dubuque IA- 557 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTHWESTERN JACKSON AND SOUTHEASTERN DUBUQUE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM CDT... The tornado threat has diminished and the Tornado Warning has been cancelled. However, large hail and damaging winds remain likely and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for the area. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois...and northeastern and east central Iowa. LAT...LON 4251 9055 4245 9046 4219 9077 4228 9090 4230 9090 4230 9092 4231 9093 4251 9065 TIME...MOT...LOC 2257Z 270DEG 27KT 4229 9060 $$ Uttech  689 WWUS83 KLMK 302258 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 658 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ028-045-046-053-054-302345- Marion-Washington-Nelson-Hardin-Larue- 658 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT CENTRAL NELSON...NORTH CENTRAL LARUE...NORTHWESTERN MARION...SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON AND EAST CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES... At 658 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 13 miles northeast of Elizabethtown to near Bardstown. Movement was south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Bardstown, New Haven, Loretto, Raywick, Lyons, Burkes Spring, Dant, Samuels Field Airport, Nerinx and Bellwood. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 3758 8567 3755 8532 3786 8541 3782 8549 3784 8561 3767 8565 3766 8585 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 356DEG 17KT 3779 8565 3778 8547 $$ SCHOETTMER  984 WWUS52 KJAX 302258 SVSJAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 658 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLC109-302330- /O.CON.KJAX.SV.W.0087.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ St. Johns FL- 658 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL ST. JOHNS COUNTY... At 658 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over World Golf Village, or 10 miles northwest of Saint Augustine, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Saint Augustine, World Golf Village, Saint Augustine Beach, South Ponte Vedra, Saint Augustine Shores, Butler Beach, Vilano Beach, Saint Augustine South, Anastasia and Bakersville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 2976 8125 2992 8156 2996 8155 3006 8141 3002 8128 2987 8122 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 307DEG 11KT 2997 8146 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 23  316 WUUS53 KFSD 302258 SVRFSD SDC053-302345- /O.NEW.KFSD.SV.W.0027.190630T2258Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 558 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... West central Gregory County in south central South Dakota... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 557 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Dallas, or 19 miles east of Winner, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Gregory around 610 PM CDT. Burke around 630 PM CDT. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4320 9953 4338 9953 4339 9916 4312 9917 4317 9954 TIME...MOT...LOC 2257Z 273DEG 16KT 4327 9949 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Hanko  365 WWUS82 KTAE 302258 SPSTAE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 658 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ011-013-016-GAZ155>157-302345- Gadsden FL-Calhoun FL-Jackson FL-Decatur GA-Seminole GA-Grady GA- 658 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL JACKSON AND NORTH CENTRAL CALHOUN COUNTIES IN THE PANHANDLE OF FLORIDA...NORTHWESTERN GADSDEN COUNTY IN BIG BEND OF FLORIDA...DECATUR...SOUTHWESTERN GRADY AND CENTRAL SEMINOLE COUNTIES IN SOUTHWESTERN GEORGIA UNTIL 745 PM EDT/645 PM CDT/... At 658 PM EDT/558 PM CDT/, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 8 miles southwest of West Bainbridge to 13 miles northwest of Chattahoochee to near Marianna. Movement was southeast at 10 mph. Winds gusts of 30 to 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bainbridge, Marianna, West Bainbridge, Chattahoochee, Sneads, Cottondale, Grand Ridge, Greenwood, Altha, Attapulgus, Climax, Brinson, Hanover, Ausmac, Reynoldsville, Rosedale, Blue Spring, Recovery, Union City and Decatur Co A/P. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3081 8547 3088 8513 3103 8448 3075 8430 3056 8521 3079 8544 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 301DEG 8KT 3086 8471 3080 8505 3075 8531 $$  135 WWUS83 KLBF 302259 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 559 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ005-008-302345- Brown NE-Eastern Cherry NE- 559 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 558 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles east of Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, or 24 miles south of Valentine, moving northeast at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wood Lake. This includes Highway 20 between mile markers 212 and 228. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for north central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4242 10033 4253 10052 4285 10027 4268 9998 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 218DEG 16KT 4254 10039 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  928 WWUS53 KUNR 302259 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 559 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC123-302308- /O.EXP.KUNR.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Tripp SD- 559 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL TRIPP COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, small hail, gusty winds, and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central South Dakota. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Rapid City. LAT...LON 4318 9967 4329 9966 4333 9954 4328 9953 4318 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 297DEG 2KT 4325 9954 $$ Sherburn  206 WUUS55 KBYZ 302259 SVRBYZ MTC095-097-010000- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0046.190630T2259Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 459 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Stillwater County in south central Montana... Northeastern Sweet Grass County in south central Montana... * Until 600 PM MDT. * At 458 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles north of Big Timber, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of north central Stillwater and northeastern Sweet Grass Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4610 11006 4611 10960 4605 10960 4604 10942 4612 10942 4612 10939 4575 10942 4592 11007 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 272DEG 18KT 4601 10996 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Arthur  303 WWUS83 KLSX 302259 SPSLSX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 559 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ060-064-065-069-070-010000- Marion IL-Bond IL-Montgomery IL-Clinton IL-Fayette IL- 559 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN CLINTON... NORTHEASTERN BOND...MARION...FAYETTE AND SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY COUNTIES UNTIL 700 PM CDT... At 559 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Morrisonville to Shumway. Movement was south at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Salem, Vandalia, Hillsboro, Nokomis, Centralia, St. Elmo, Sandoval, Odin, Ramsey, Witt, Kinmundy, Brownstown, Coffeen, Mulberry Grove, Schram City, Patoka, Farina, Omega, Stephen Forbes Station and Shobonier. This includes the following highways... Interstate 70 in Illinois between exits 52 and 76. Interstate 57 in Illinois between exits 109 and 135. This also includes Ramsey Lake State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in St Louis. && LAT...LON 3848 8908 3878 8923 3903 8945 3935 8948 3935 8914 3922 8914 3922 8881 3891 8881 3891 8869 3847 8870 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 350DEG 35KT 3948 8940 3916 8868 $$ TES  321 WWUS85 KBYZ 302259 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 459 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ035-302345- Yellowstone MT- 459 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 459 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 12 miles southwest of Custer, or 18 miles north of Hardin, moving north at 15 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Custer. This advisory does not include the city of Billings. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4616 10747 4613 10747 4612 10748 4611 10747 4606 10752 4604 10752 4605 10766 4604 10767 4599 10768 4599 10780 4596 10780 4596 10781 4618 10782 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 197DEG 13KT 4599 10771 $$ Vertz  465 WWUS53 KFSD 302300 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 600 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302309- /O.EXP.KFSD.TO.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Gregory SD- 600 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL GREGORY COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4320 9953 4333 9953 4337 9928 4318 9927 4318 9954 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 252DEG 6KT 4321 9951 $$ Hanko  845 WSMS31 WMKK 302259 WBFC SIGMET B03 VALID 302305/010205 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0459 E11915 - N0357 E11802 - N0422 E11717 - N0616 E11825 - N0459 E11915 TOP FL500 STNR INTSF=  460 WWUS53 KFSD 302300 RRA SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 600 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC015-023-053-302310- /O.EXP.KFSD.SV.W.0026.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Charles Mix SD-Gregory SD-Brule SD- 600 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN CHARLES MIX... NORTHWESTERN GREGORY AND SOUTH CENTRAL BRULE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4331 9922 4338 9938 4362 9921 4354 9893 TIME...MOT...LOC 2300Z 223DEG 12KT 4351 9912 $$ Hanko  824 WUUS53 KDVN 302300 SVRDVN IAC031-045-097-103-105-113-163-302345- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0101.190630T2300Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 600 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Jackson County in east central Iowa... Cedar County in east central Iowa... Northwestern Scott County in east central Iowa... Johnson County in east central Iowa... Southern Jones County in east central Iowa... Southern Linn County in east central Iowa... Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 559 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bellevue to near Stanwood to near Newhall, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Clinton, Maquoketa, Tipton, West Branch, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Coralville, North Liberty, Hiawatha, DeWitt, Mount Vernon, Camanche, Bellevue, Lisbon, Fairfax, Solon and Tiffin. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 230 and 279. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4221 9037 4212 9017 4193 9015 4180 9019 4160 9101 4164 9183 4206 9183 4201 9115 4226 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 349DEG 41KT 4223 9049 4193 9115 4205 9195 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  881 WWUS82 KMLB 302300 SPSMLB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 700 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ047-054-010000- Southern Brevard County FL-Indian River FL- 700 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR INDIAN RIVER AND SOUTHERN BREVARD COUNTIES UNTIL 800 PM EDT... At 659 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Blue Cypress Lake, moving northeast at 20 mph. Erratic outflow boundaries may develop additional strong thunderstorms from Fellsmere to Palm Bay. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Palm Bay, Sebastian, Vero Beach, Fellsmere and Indian River Shores. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2755 8029 2756 8078 2764 8078 2764 8086 2802 8087 2802 8049 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 229DEG 18KT 2765 8072 $$ Smith  896 WWUS53 KLMK 302300 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 700 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC113-167-239-302310- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0159.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Mercer KY-Woodford KY-Jessamine KY- 700 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN MERCER...SOUTHERN WOODFORD AND NORTHWESTERN JESSAMINE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. Report severe weather to local law enforcement, post your report to the National Weather Service Louisville Facebook page, or tweet your report using hashtag L, M, K, spotter. LAT...LON 3785 8486 3796 8482 3802 8469 3801 8466 3800 8466 3800 8465 3790 8458 TIME...MOT...LOC 2300Z 332DEG 18KT 3789 8469 3787 8478 $$ SCHOETTMER  224 WSPS21 NZKL 302301 NZZO SIGMET 20 VALID 302301/302303 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 15 301903/302303=  371 WWUS54 KMAF 302301 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 601 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXC103-371-461-302330- /O.CON.KMAF.SV.W.0377.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Pecos TX-Crane TX-Upton TX- 601 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM CDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL PECOS...SOUTHEASTERN CRANE AND SOUTHWESTERN UPTON COUNTIES... At 559 PM CDT, a line of several severe thunderstorms was located over east and southeast portions of Crane County, moving southwest at 25 mph. HAZARD...65 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...the West Texas Mesonet reported a wind gust of 68 miles per hour. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Girvin and Cordona Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Midland. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3108 10230 3109 10237 3107 10235 3102 10251 3144 10258 3148 10245 3109 10225 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 062DEG 20KT 3111 10238 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  610 WUUS53 KIND 302301 SVRIND INC055-302330- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0137.190630T2301Z-190630T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 701 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Greene County in southwestern Indiana... * Until 730 PM EDT. * At 700 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles south of Bloomfield, or 27 miles west of Bedford, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Linton, Bloomfield, Lyons, Switz City, Newberry, Vicksburg and Owensburg. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3910 8724 3907 8669 3890 8668 3890 8704 3891 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2300Z 018DEG 29KT 3891 8699 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  016 WSCU31 MUHA 302300 MUFH SIGMET 4 VALID 302300/010300 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2250Z WI N2330 W08500 N2330 W07930 N2200 W08000 N2030 W08400 N2042 W08518 N2200 W08600 TO N2330 W08500 CB TOP FL430 MOV NW08KT WKN=  359 WGUS84 KSHV 302301 FLSSHV Flood Advisory National Weather Service Shreveport LA 601 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 LAC111-010100- /O.NEW.KSHV.FA.Y.0066.190630T2301Z-190701T0100Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Union LA- 601 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Union Parish in north central Louisiana... * Until 800 PM CDT. * At 601 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Farmerville, Bernice, Cooley, Marion, Junction City, Spearsville, Lillie, Oakland, Linville, Haile, Taylorville, Cecil, Shiloh and Litroe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 3276 9208 3276 9273 3280 9273 3281 9274 3282 9273 3301 9273 3301 9221 $$ 19  360 WHUS52 KMHX 302301 SMWMHX AMZ150-170-302345- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0073.190630T2301Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 701 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... S of Currituck Beach Light NC to Oregon Inlet NC out to 20 nm... Waters from Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC from 20 to 40 nm... * Until 745 PM EDT. * At 701 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 nm east of South Tower to near Ar130, moving southeast at 25 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Ar140, Ar130 and Ar145. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 3597 7487 3581 7483 3577 7551 3605 7567 3623 7515 3623 7501 TIME...MOT...LOC 2301Z 313DEG 25KT 3620 7503 3599 7559 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ 26  734 WWUS83 KLMK 302302 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 702 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYZ039-040-047-048-055-056-302345- Boyle-Mercer-Woodford-Jessamine-Garrard-Anderson- 702 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL MERCER...SOUTHERN WOODFORD...NORTHWESTERN GARRARD...SOUTHEASTERN ANDERSON...CENTRAL JESSAMINE AND NORTHEASTERN BOYLE COUNTIES... At 702 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Lawrenceburg, moving southeast at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Nicholasville, Danville, Harrodsburg, Wilmore, Burgin, Oregon, Bondville, Talmage, Faulconer and Jessamine. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3778 8451 3778 8452 3777 8452 3769 8462 3766 8482 3798 8498 3800 8470 3781 8448 TIME...MOT...LOC 2302Z 321DEG 19KT 3795 8490 $$ SCHOETTMER  378 WWUS52 KRAH 302302 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 702 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC037-125-151-302312- /O.CAN.KRAH.SV.W.0114.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Moore NC-Randolph NC-Chatham NC- 702 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL MOORE... SOUTHEASTERN RANDOLPH AND SOUTHWESTERN CHATHAM COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3574 7956 3557 7931 3555 7930 3554 7931 3554 7932 3553 7931 3553 7932 3552 7935 3550 7934 3546 7939 3540 7960 3567 7978 TIME...MOT...LOC 2301Z 313DEG 16KT 3561 7955 $$ 77  607 WOUS64 KWNS 302303 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 603 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173- 010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MACON MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  013 WWUS53 KDVN 302303 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 603 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC055-302312- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Delaware IA- 603 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN DELAWARE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois...and northeastern and east central Iowa. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for east central Iowa. LAT...LON 4215 9032 4187 9117 4186 9206 4213 9203 4214 9130 4249 9070 4251 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 2302Z 349DEG 41KT 4219 9048 4189 9114 4201 9194 $$ ILC085-IAC011-031-045-061-097-105-113-302315- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0099.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Dubuque IA-Benton IA-Jones IA- Linn IA-Clinton IA- 603 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR WESTERN JO DAVIESS...JACKSON...NORTHWESTERN CEDAR...SOUTHEASTERN DUBUQUE...SOUTHEASTERN BENTON...JONES...LINN AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 602 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Springbrook to Stanwood to Newhall, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Maquoketa, Anamosa, Galena, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Hiawatha, Mount Vernon, Robins, Bellevue, Cascade, Lisbon, Fairfax, Ely, East Dubuque, Atkins, Walford and Springville. If you are at J and P Cycles in Anamosa you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes Interstate 380 between mile markers 13 and 32. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4215 9032 4187 9117 4186 9206 4213 9203 4214 9130 4249 9070 4251 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 2302Z 349DEG 41KT 4219 9048 4189 9114 4201 9194 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  347 WOUS64 KWNS 302303 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 603 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  385 WWUS30 KWNS 302303 SAW6 SPC AWW 302303 WW 466 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CANCELLED  639 WOUS64 KWNS 302303 WOU6 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 603 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-302300- /O.EXP.KWNS.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. NO MARINE ZONES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...LOT...MKX...ILX...DVN...  682 WWUS20 KWNS 302304 SEL6 SPC WW 302303 ILZ000-WIZ000-LMZ000-302300- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - NUMBER 466 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 603 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH NUMBER 466 ISSUED AT 1145 AM CDT FOR PORTIONS OF ILLINOIS WISCONSIN LAKE MICHIGAN  692 WWUS81 KAKQ 302305 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 705 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ012-013-030-302345- Hertford-Northampton-Bertie- 705 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN BERTIE... EAST CENTRAL NORTHAMPTON AND HERTFORD COUNTIES... At 704 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Chowan University, moving southeast at 20 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and pea size hail are possible with this storm. In addition...Rainfall amounts of up to 1 inch are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Ahoskie, Murfreesboro, Aulander, Chowan University, Woodland, Cofield, Powellsville, Colerain, Union, Askewville, Goose Pond, Whites Crossroads, Earleys, Menola, Mapleton, Republican, Burden, Wakelon, George and Rosemead. LAT...LON 3601 7703 3636 7727 3650 7710 3622 7673 3619 7673 TIME...MOT...LOC 2304Z 320DEG 19KT 3637 7712 $$ 05  776 WWUS52 KRAH 302305 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 705 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC057-302315- /O.CON.KRAH.SV.W.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Davidson NC- 705 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM EDT FOR CENTRAL DAVIDSON COUNTY... At 705 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lexington, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lexington and Welcome. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Straight line winds can blow down trees, power lines, and damage mobile homes and other buildings. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure until the storm has passed. Stay away from windows as flying debris generated by damaging winds can be deadly. && LAT...LON 3582 8047 3585 8039 3587 8039 3588 8041 3589 8037 3590 8037 3588 8015 3579 8006 3580 8047 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 302DEG 20KT 3582 8024 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 77  842 WWCN19 CWVR 302305 HEAT WARNING FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF YUKON AT 4:05 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAT WARNING FOR: PELLY - CARMACKS BEAVER CREEK. HEAT WARNING ENDED FOR: MAYO DAWSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== ANOTHER HOT DAY TODAY WITH TEMPERATURES CURRENTLY PEAKING ABOVE 30 C AT CARMACKS AND BEAVER CREEK. COOLER WEATHER WILL RETURN ON MONDAY WITH HIGHS IN THE LOW TO MID TWENTIES. HEAT WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN DAYTIME HIGHS ARE FORECAST TO REACH AT LEAST 28 C FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS AND THE OVERNIGHT LOW DOESN'T FALL BELOW 13 C. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER EVEN BEFORE YOU FEEL THIRSTY AND STAY IN A COOL PLACE. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. MAKE SURE THEY ARE COOL AND DRINKING WATER REDUCE YOUR HEAT RISK. SCHEDULE OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DURING THE COOLEST PARTS OF THE DAY. SEEK A COOL PLACE SUCH AS A TREE-SHADED AREA, SWIMMING POOL, SHOWER OR BATH, OR AIR-CONDITIONED SPOT LIKE A PUBLIC BUILDING. NEVER LEAVE PEOPLE OR PETS INSIDE A PARKED VEHICLE. ASK A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL HOW MEDICATIONS OR HEALTH CONDITIONS CAN AFFECT YOUR RISK IN THE HEAT. WATCH FOR THE SYMPTOMS OF HEAT ILLNESS: DIZZINESS/FAINTING(SEMICOLON) NAUSEA/VOMITING(SEMICOLON) RAPID BREATHING AND HEARTBEAT(SEMICOLON) EXTREME THIRST(SEMICOLON) DECREASED URINATION WITH UNUSUALLY DARK URINE. WHEN IT'S HOT EAT COOL, LIGHT MEALS. KEEP YOUR HOUSE COOL. BLOCK THE SUN BY CLOSING CURTAINS OR BLINDS. OUTDOOR WORKERS SHOULD TAKE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BREAKS IN A COOL PLACE. TO GET MORE INFORMATION: - CHECK THE LOCAL NEWS FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY UPDATES. - CHECK HEALTHLINKBC ONLINE RESOURCES ABOUT HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS AND HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF AT WWW.HEALTHLINKBC.CA/HEALTHLINKBC-FILES/HEAT-RELATED-ILLNESS. - CALL HEALTHLINKBC AT 8-1-1 TO ASK ABOUT HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS. ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND LOCAL MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICERS EXPECT AN INCREASE IN HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS FROM HEAT AND ARE ADVISING THE PUBLIC TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  959 WWUS53 KLMK 302305 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 705 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 KYC029-179-302315- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0160.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ Nelson KY-Bullitt KY- 705 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN NELSON AND SOUTHEASTERN BULLITT COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. Report severe weather to local law enforcement, post your report to the National Weather Service Louisville Facebook page, or tweet your report using hashtag L, M, K, spotter. LAT...LON 3798 8550 3794 8546 3787 8537 3782 8550 3784 8561 3796 8563 3796 8561 3798 8557 3799 8553 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 341DEG 16KT 3786 8551 $$ SCHOETTMER  032 WWUS53 KARX 302305 SVSARX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 605 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC043-302315- /O.EXP.KARX.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Grant WI- 605 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN GRANT COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 615 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northeastern Iowa...and southwestern Wisconsin. LAT...LON 4254 9064 4264 9071 4267 9088 4268 9092 4280 9043 4251 9042 4251 9064 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 330DEG 24KT 4258 9018 4229 9065 $$ CA  299 WUUS53 KILX 302305 SVRILX ILC033-079-302345- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0133.190630T2305Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 605 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Crawford County in east central Illinois... Jasper County in southeastern Illinois... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 605 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Cowden to near Hutsonville, moving south at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Robinson, Newton, Oblong, Palestine, Hutsonville, Flat Rock, Ste. Marie, Willow Hill, Wheeler, Hidalgo, New Hebron, Annapolis, Hardinville, West Liberty, Eaton, Bogota, Hunt City, Merom, Stoy and Yale. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3890 8752 3889 8754 3885 8754 3885 8836 3887 8837 3917 8836 3918 8778 3917 8766 3916 8764 3914 8766 3912 8763 3911 8765 3906 8757 3899 8758 3896 8752 3895 8751 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 017DEG 23KT 3927 8894 3907 8765 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  945 WSNO36 ENMI 302305 ENOB SIGMET E01 VALID 302300/010300 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7930 E00850 - N7930 E02037 - N7632 E01715 - N7632 E01330 - N7930 E00850 SFC/FL070 STNR NC=  699 WWUS53 KMKX 302306 SVSMKX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 606 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIC065-302315- /O.CON.KMKX.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Lafayette WI- 606 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN LAFAYETTE COUNTY... At 605 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Shullsburg, or 10 miles southwest of Darlington, moving southeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Law enforcement. There were reports of trees down near Belmont. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Shullsburg, Benton, New Diggings and Lead Mine. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4262 9043 4269 9018 4251 9005 4251 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 315DEG 23KT 4255 9023 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRC  800 WWUS85 KTWC 302306 SPSTWC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tucson AZ 406 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 AZZ504-513-302345- Dragoon/Mule/Huachuca and Santa Rita Mountains including Bisbee/Canelo Hills/Madera Canyon-Tucson Metro Area including Tucson/Green Valley/Marana/Vail- 406 PM MST Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL PIMA AND NORTHERN SANTA CRUZ COUNTIES UNTIL 445 PM MST... At 405 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Green Valley. This storm was nearly stationary. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Sahuarita, Green Valley, Arivaca Junction and Madera Canyon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3187 11082 3173 11084 3173 11108 3192 11102 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 119DEG 4KT 3179 11096 $$  089 WSBW20 VGHS 302300 VGFR SIGMET 1 VALID 010000/010400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL400 MOV ENE NC=  063 WWUS84 KCRP 302307 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 607 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 TXZ230-231-240-241-010000- Live Oak-Jim Wells-McMullen-Duval- 607 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN DUVAL...SOUTHEASTERN MCMULLEN...NORTHWESTERN JIM WELLS AND SOUTHWESTERN LIVE OAK COUNTIES... At 605 PM CDT, a cluster of strong thunderstorms was located over Rancho De La Parita, or 15 miles north of San Diego. The storm is nearly stationary. Other storms stretched back to just south of Loma Alta. Wind gusts to 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Freer, Midway, Tecalote, Seven Sisters, Annarose, Rancho De La Parita and Rosita. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. LAT...LON 2812 9804 2784 9804 2768 9880 2805 9879 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 180DEG 0KT 2798 9820 $$  182 WSCI35 ZJHK 302306 ZJSA SIGMET 8 VALID 302315/010315 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST SE OF LINE N1725 E10842 - N1943 E11122 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  673 WWUS52 KJAX 302307 SVSJAX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 707 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLC109-302317- /O.CAN.KJAX.SV.W.0087.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ St. Johns FL- 707 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL ST. JOHNS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 2976 8125 2992 8156 2996 8155 3006 8141 3002 8128 2987 8122 TIME...MOT...LOC 2304Z 307DEG 11KT 2995 8143 $$ 23  011 WWUS63 KILX 302307 WCNILX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCHES 466/469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LINCOLN IL 607 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC019-147-183-010015- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.A.0466.000000T0000Z-190630T2300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ALLOWED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 466 TO EXPIRE FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS ALLOWS TO EXPIRE 3 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN PIATT VERMILION THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHAMPAIGN, DANVILLE, MONTICELLO, AND URBANA. $$ ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-115-139-159-173-010200- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS MACON SHELBY IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CLARK COLES CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR MOULTRIE IN SOUTHEAST ILLINOIS CLAY CRAWFORD EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE RICHLAND THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLESTON, DECATUR, EFFINGHAM, FLORA, GREENUP, LAWRENCEVILLE, MARSHALL, MATTOON, NEWTON, OLNEY, PARIS, ROBINSON, SHELBYVILLE, SULLIVAN, AND TUSCOLA. $$  623 WWUS53 KDVN 302307 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 607 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC031-045-097-103-105-113-163-302345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0101.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Scott IA-Johnson IA-Jones IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 607 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN JACKSON...CEDAR...NORTHWESTERN SCOTT...JOHNSON... SOUTHERN JONES...SOUTHERN LINN AND CLINTON COUNTIES... At 606 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Springbrook to near Tipton to near Atkins, moving south at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Clinton, Maquoketa, Tipton, West Branch, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Coralville, North Liberty, Hiawatha, DeWitt, Mount Vernon, Camanche, Bellevue, Lisbon, Fairfax, Solon and Tiffin. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 230 and 279. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4221 9037 4212 9017 4193 9015 4180 9019 4160 9101 4164 9183 4206 9183 4201 9115 4226 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2306Z 343DEG 45KT 4213 9041 4183 9106 4195 9185 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  388 WUCN13 CWTO 302308 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:08 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= PEAWANUCK BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA WEBEQUIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 6:40 P.M. CDT (7:40 P.M. EDT). AT 6:08 P.M. CDT (7:08 P.M. EDT), ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A NORTH TO SOUTH LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM 50 KM WEST OF WEBEQUIE TO POLAR BEAR PROVINCIAL PARK ARE MOVING EAST AT 90 KM/H. THESE STORMS ARE CAPABLE OF WIND GUSTS TO 100 KM/H. LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE ALSO POSSIBLE. LOCATIONS IMPACTED INCLUDE: WEBEQUIE, WINISK RIVER PROVINCIAL PARK, WINISK, PEAWANUCK, AND POLAR BEAR PROVINCIAL PARK. THESE STORMS WILL BE NEAR WEBEQUIE AROUND 7:30 PM EDT. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  430 WSJP31 RJTD 302310 RJJJ SIGMET L03 VALID 302310/010310 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N3040 E12549 - N3230 E12650 - N3230 E12730 - N3310 E13400 - N3110 E13320 - N3040 E12549 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  744 WWUS85 KCYS 302309 SPSCYS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 509 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ106-107-117-118-010000- East Platte County WY- Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County WY- Central Laramie County WY-South Laramie Range Foothills WY- 509 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 509 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles east of Iron Mountain, or 31 miles northwest of Cheyenne, moving northeast at 20 mph. Pea sized hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Chugwater. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 41 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4143 10498 4150 10520 4182 10508 4175 10474 TIME...MOT...LOC 2309Z 205DEG 17KT 4155 10504 $$ Lyons  368 WWUS85 KBYZ 302310 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 510 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ035-057-010000- Yellowstone MT-Northern Big Horn MT- 510 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 509 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Huntley, or 11 miles east of Billings, moving east at 35 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hardin and Huntley. This advisory does not include the city of Billings. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4576 10838 4592 10837 4594 10760 4567 10762 TIME...MOT...LOC 2309Z 273DEG 29KT 4583 10827 $$ Arthur  703 WFUS53 KFSD 302310 TORFSD SDC053-302345- /O.NEW.KFSD.TO.W.0010.190630T2310Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 610 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Gregory County in south central South Dakota... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 610 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Dallas, or 18 miles east of Winner, moving northeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and golf ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Gregory around 615 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Dixon In Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4348 9954 4350 9953 4333 9919 4318 9944 4323 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2310Z 224DEG 9KT 4329 9951 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.75IN $$ Hanko  992 WWUS83 KMKX 302310 SPSMKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 610 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WIZ067-068-010000- Green-Lafayette- 610 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN LAFAYETTE AND SOUTHERN GREEN COUNTIES... At 609 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Brodhead to near Hazel Green. Movement was southeast at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Monroe, Brodhead, Darlington, Shullsburg, Albany, Benton, Somers, Wiota, New Diggings, South Wayne, Browntown, Gratiot, Lead Mine, Juda, Jordan Center and Woodford. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4266 9043 4272 8937 4251 8936 4251 9042 TIME...MOT...LOC 2309Z 321DEG 24KT 4265 8937 4251 9040 $$ MRC  505 WSCH31 SCFA 302310 SCFZ SIGMET A6 VALID 302310/010310 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1900 W09000 - S2500 W08500 - S2800 W07300 - S2800 W07100 - S2500 W07500 FL190/320 STNR NC=  667 WSCN23 CWAO 302311 CZWG SIGMET Z4 VALID 302310/010145 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET Z3 302145/010145 RMK GFACN32 GFACN33=  668 WSCN03 CWAO 302311 CZWG SIGMET Z4 VALID 302310/010145 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL SIGMET Z3 302145/010145=  197 WWUS53 KLMK 302312 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 712 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC025-061-117-175-302330- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0161.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Harrison IN-Crawford IN-Orange IN-Washington IN- 712 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM EDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL HARRISON...NORTHEASTERN CRAWFORD...SOUTHEASTERN ORANGE AND SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 712 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southwest of Salem, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Palmyra, Hardinsburg, Fredericksburg, Shorts Corner, Bradford, Becks Mill, Central Barren, Organ Springs, Rosebud and Hancock Chapel. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3854 8622 3854 8613 3851 8606 3833 8606 3835 8623 3840 8637 TIME...MOT...LOC 2312Z 019DEG 11KT 3848 8621 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  491 WWCN79 CWVR 302305 AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA ET LE GOUVERNEMENT DU YUKON A 16H05 HAP LE DIMANCHE 30 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR POUR: PELLY - CARMACKS BEAVER CREEK. AVERTISSEMENT DE CHALEUR TERMINE POUR: MAYO DAWSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON PREVOIT UNE AUTRE JOURNEE TRES CHAUDE AUJOURD'HUI AVEC DES TEMPERATURES ATTEIGNANT ACTUELLEMENT PLUS DE 30 C A CARMACKS ET A BEAVER CREEK. ON PREVOIT UN RETOUR DU TEMPS PLUS FRAIS LUNDI AVEC UN MAXIMUM DE 20 A 25 DEGRES. DES AVERTISSEMENTS DE CHALEUR SONT EMIS LORSQUE L'ON PREVOIT QUE LES TEMPERATURES MAXIMALES DIURNES ATTEINDRONT AU MOINS 28 DEGRES CELSIUS PENDANT DEUX JOURS CONSECUTIFS ET QUE LE MINIMUM NOCTURNE NE DIMINUERA PAS DE MOINS DE 13 DEGRES CELSIUS. BUVEZ BEAUCOUP D'EAU, MEME AVANT DE RESSENTIR LA SOIF, ET RESTEZ AU FRAIS. VERIFIEZ L'ETAT DES PERSONNES AGEES DE VOTRE FAMILLE, VOS AMIS ET VOISINS. ASSUREZ-VOUS QU'ILS SONT AU FRAIS ET BOIVENT DE L'EAU. REDUISEZ VOS RISQUES LIES A LA CHALEUR. ORGANISEZ VOS ACTIVITES EXTERIEURES PENDANT LES HEURES LES PLUS FRAICHES DE LA JOURNEE. CHERCHEZ UN ENDROIT FRAIS, PAR EXEMPLE L'OMBRE DES ARBRES, LA PISCINE, LA DOUCHE OU LE BAIN ET UN ENDROIT CLIMATISE COMME UN EDIFICE PUBLIC. NE LAISSEZ JAMAIS DES PERSONNES OU DES ANIMAUX DANS UN VEHICULE STATIONNE. RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS AUPRES D'UN PROFESSIONNEL DE LA SANTE DE L'EFFET DE VOS MEDICAMENTS OU DE VOS PROBLEMES DE SANTE SUR LES RISQUES AUXQUELS LA CHALEUR VOUS EXPOSE. SURVEILLEZ LES SYMPTOMES DES MALADIES CAUSEES PAR LA CHALEUR : ETOURDISSEMENTS/EVANOUISSEMENTS(POINT-VIRGULE) NAUSEES/VOMISSEMENTS(POINT-VIRGULE) RESPIRATION ET POULS RAPIDES(POINT-VIRGULE) SOIF EXTREME(POINT-VIRGULE) DIMINUTION DE LA MICTION ET URINE ANORMALEMENT FONCEE. MANGEZ DES REPAS FROIDS ET LEGERS LORSQU'IL FAIT CHAUD. RESTEZ AU FRAIS. BLOQUEZ L'ENTREE DES RAYONS DU SOLEIL EN FERMANT LES RIDEAUX OU LES STORES. SI VOUS TRAVAILLEZ A L'EXTERIEUR, PRENEZ REGULIEREMENT DES PAUSES DANS UN ENDROIT FRAIS. POUR PLUS DE RENSEIGNEMENTS : - PRENEZ CONNAISSANCE DES NOUVELLES LOCALES POUR OBTENIR LES MISES A JOUR RELATIVES A LA SANTE ET A LA SECURITE. - CONSULTEZ LES RESSOURCES DU SITE WEB DE HEALTHLINKBC POUR CONNAITRE LES MALAISES LIES A LA CHALEUR ET LES MESURES A PRENDRE POUR SE PROTEGER A WWW.HEALTHLINKBC.CA/HEALTHLINKBC-FILES/HEAT-RELATED-ILLNESS (ANGLAIS SEULEMENT). - COMMUNIQUEZ AVEC HEALTHLINKBC (8-1-1) POUR POSER DES QUESTIONS SUR LES MALAISES LIES A LA CHALEUR. ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA ET LES AGENTS DE SOINS DE SANTE LOCAUX PREVOIENT UNE AUGMENTATION DES RISQUES POUR LA SANTE ET LA SECURITE EN RAISON DE LA CHALEUR. LE PUBLIC DEVRAIT PRENDRE LES PRECAUTIONS QUI S'IMPOSENT. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  790 WWUS53 KDVN 302312 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 612 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC015-085-177-IAC097-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Carroll IL-Stephenson IL-Jackson IA- 612 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR JO DAVIESS...NORTHERN CARROLL...STEPHENSON AND NORTHEASTERN JACKSON COUNTIES... At 610 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Monroe to near Apple River to near Green Island, moving southeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. At 605 PM a trained spotter estimated winds of 70 to 75 mph near Bellevue. These storms have a history of producing significant tree damage. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Freeport, Galena, Lena, Stockton, Warren, Hanover, Pearl City, Elizabeth, Shannon, Cedarville, Davis, Woodbine, Dakota, German Valley, Scales Mound, Apple River, Winslow, Rock City, Ridott and Council Hill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4250 8940 4220 8940 4220 8969 4214 8969 4213 8972 4214 9036 4251 9051 TIME...MOT...LOC 2310Z 319DEG 38KT 4257 8964 4242 9007 4218 9037 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Uttech  176 WSBZ31 SBRE 302312 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 302315/010315 SBAO- SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS F CST WI N0729 W03444 - N0546 W03704 - N0330 W03435 - N0515 W03155 - N0729 W03444 TOP FL430 STNR NC =  541 WOUS64 KWNS 302313 WOU0 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 470 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 613 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ NE . NEBRASKA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ARTHUR BOYD BROWN CHERRY GARDEN GRANT HOOKER KEYA PAHA ROCK $$ SDC003-005-007-015-017-023-035-043-049-053-055-059-065-069-071- 073-075-085-095-102-111-115-117-119-121-123-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AURORA BEADLE BENNETT BRULE BUFFALO CHARLES MIX DAVISON DOUGLAS FAULK GREGORY HAAKON HAND HUGHES HYDE JACKSON JERAULD JONES LYMAN MELLETTE OGLALA LAKOTA SANBORN SPINK STANLEY SULLY TODD TRIPP $$ ATTN...WFO...LBF...FSD...UNR...ABR...  774 WSKZ31 UACC 302312 UACN SIGMET 1 VALID 010000/010400 UACC- UACN NUR-SULTAN FIR EMBD TS FCST W OF E066 TOP FL360 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  668 WWUS82 KRAH 302313 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 713 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ038-039-073-074-010015- Stanly NC-Randolph NC-Davidson NC-Montgomery NC- 713 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN DAVIDSON... NORTHWESTERN MONTGOMERY...SOUTHWESTERN RANDOLPH AND STANLY COUNTIES UNTIL 815 PM EDT... At 713 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a line of strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Lexington to near Linwood to near Spencer. Movement was southeast at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Heavy rain and deadly cloud to ground lightning will also be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Lexington, Albemarle, Troy, Badin Lake, Linwood, Plyler, Norwood, Badin, Oakboro and Denton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 50 mph are capable of knocking down small or weakened trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. Cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3589 8024 3551 7993 3532 7988 3516 8023 3521 8025 3518 8031 3536 8039 3550 8030 3551 8018 3558 8021 3568 8033 3572 8033 3572 8038 3574 8046 TIME...MOT...LOC 2313Z 331DEG 24KT 3583 8022 3575 8021 3566 8044 $$ 77  226 WOUS64 KWNS 302313 WOU1 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 471 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 613 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 471 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC031-045-057-087-103-115-139-163-183-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0471.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CEDAR CLINTON DES MOINES HENRY JOHNSON LOUISA MUSCATINE SCOTT WASHINGTON $$ ILC011-071-073-131-161-187-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0471.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU HENDERSON HENRY MERCER ROCK ISLAND WARREN WHITESIDE $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...  854 WWUS52 KRAH 302314 SVSRAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 714 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCC057-302324- /O.EXP.KRAH.SV.W.0113.000000T0000Z-190630T2315Z/ Davidson NC- 714 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL DAVIDSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 715 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Raleigh. LAT...LON 3582 8047 3585 8039 3587 8039 3588 8041 3589 8037 3590 8037 3588 8015 3579 8006 3580 8047 TIME...MOT...LOC 2314Z 306DEG 18KT 3580 8020 $$ 77  094 WUUS55 KBYZ 302314 SVRBYZ MTC075-010015- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0047.190630T2314Z-190701T0015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 514 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Powder River County in southeastern Montana... * Until 615 PM MDT. * At 513 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 17 miles east of Ashland, or 25 miles west of Broadus, moving east at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Olive and Sonnette. This replaces the warning previously in effect for this area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4546 10603 4564 10600 4568 10535 4531 10548 TIME...MOT...LOC 2313Z 276DEG 13KT 4555 10591 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Setzenfand  095 WWUS53 KDVN 302314 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 614 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC031-045-097-103-105-113-163-302345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0101.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Scott IA-Johnson IA-Jones IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 614 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN JACKSON...CEDAR...NORTHWESTERN SCOTT...JOHNSON... SOUTHERN JONES...SOUTHERN LINN AND CLINTON COUNTIES... At 613 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Sabula to near Bennett to Fairfax, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Clinton, Maquoketa, Tipton, West Branch, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Marion, Coralville, North Liberty, Hiawatha, DeWitt, Mount Vernon, Camanche, Bellevue, Lisbon, Fairfax, Solon and Tiffin. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 230 and 279. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 25. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4221 9037 4212 9017 4193 9015 4180 9019 4160 9101 4164 9183 4206 9183 4201 9115 4226 9043 TIME...MOT...LOC 2313Z 337DEG 42KT 4212 9023 4177 9092 4190 9179 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  850 WUUS55 KBYZ 302314 RRA SVRBYZ MTC003-010000- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0048.190630T2314Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 514 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Big Horn County in south central Montana... * Until 600 PM MDT. * At 513 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northeast of Fort Smith, or 26 miles south of Hardin, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Two inch hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... St. Xavier. This replaces the warning previously in effect for this area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. This storm is producing large hail. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! && LAT...LON 4530 10790 4543 10792 4555 10747 4526 10740 TIME...MOT...LOC 2313Z 263DEG 20KT 4537 10781 HAIL...2.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Vertz  897 WUUS53 KUNR 302314 SVRUNR SDC071-095-010030- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0095.190630T2314Z-190701T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 514 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Mellette County in south central South Dakota... Eastern Jackson County in southwestern South Dakota... * Until 630 PM MDT/730 PM CDT/. * At 514 PM MDT/614 PM CDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles southeast of Intersection of Highway 73 and White River, or 9 miles southeast of Kadoka, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Kadoka, White River, Norris, Belvidere, Cedar Butte, Intersection of Highway 73 and White River and Intersection of Highway 83 and White River. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 148 and 174. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4346 10148 4388 10158 4399 10107 4386 10106 4385 10099 4381 10096 4383 10093 4379 10089 4376 10080 4372 10079 4374 10075 4371 10072 4373 10066 4344 10060 TIME...MOT...LOC 2314Z 263DEG 28KT 4371 10141 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...70MPH $$ JC  514 WWUS53 KIND 302314 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 714 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC055-302330- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0137.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Greene IN- 714 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN GREENE COUNTY... At 714 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 11 miles southeast of Linton, or 27 miles northeast of Vincennes, moving southwest at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Linton, Bloomfield, Lyons, Switz City, Newberry and Vicksburg. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3910 8724 3899 8673 3890 8673 3890 8704 3891 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2314Z 023DEG 26KT 3888 8707 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  727 WUUS53 KDVN 302316 SVRDVN ILC015-195-IAC045-010015- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0102.190630T2316Z-190701T0015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 616 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... Carroll County in northwestern Illinois... Northeastern Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 715 PM CDT. * At 615 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Stockton to Preston, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. These storms have a history of producing wind damage. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Clinton, Sterling, Rock Falls, Morrison, Mount Carroll, Fulton, Savanna, Lanark, Garden Plain, Milledgeville, Fairhaven, Albany, Shannon, Sabula, Chadwick, Coleta, East Clinton, Emerson, Argo Fay and Union Grove. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 33 and 36, and near mile marker 44. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. && LAT...LON 4178 9021 4185 9017 4198 9015 4203 9017 4203 9016 4206 9017 4212 9016 4213 9017 4213 9020 4215 9021 4216 8969 4193 8969 4193 8963 4175 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2315Z 312DEG 44KT 4234 8995 4203 9037 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Uttech  015 WWUS85 KTFX 302316 AWWBZN MTZ055-010045- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Great Falls MT 514 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Great Falls has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport /BZN/ The following weather hazards are expected: Cloud to ground lightning within 5 nm of the airport. Until 645 PM MDT. The storm that may bring lightning to the airport will likely not be within 5 nm of the airport until after 6 pm MDT. Erratic wind gusts to 35 mph and pea sized hail are also possible with this storm. LAT...LON 4576 11117 4579 11117 4579 11113 4576 11113 $$ SC  400 WWUS83 KLMK 302317 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 717 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ076-083-084-302345- Crawford-Orange-Dubois- 717 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT DUBOIS...NORTHWESTERN CRAWFORD AND ORANGE COUNTIES... At 717 PM EDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles northeast of Paoli to 7 miles south of Shoals to near Petersburg. Movement was south at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Jasper, Paoli, Huntingburg, Orleans, French Lick, Stampers Creek, Orangeville, West Baden Springs, Birdseye and Hillham. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3851 8707 3851 8700 3849 8695 3851 8693 3850 8688 3853 8683 3853 8668 3869 8668 3869 8631 3846 8631 3840 8637 3831 8671 3830 8707 TIME...MOT...LOC 2317Z 000DEG 16KT 3868 8634 3856 8679 3851 8722 $$ SCHOETTMER  369 WSCN01 CWAO 302317 CZVR SIGMET D1 VALID 302315/010315 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5537 W12713 - N5558 W12425 TOP FL420 MOV SSE 20KT NC=  575 WUUS53 KILX 302317 SVRILX ILC033-101-010000- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0134.190630T2317Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 617 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Lawrence County in southeastern Illinois... Southeastern Crawford County in east central Illinois... * Until 700 PM CDT. * At 617 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Birds, or near Lawrenceville, moving south at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Lawrenceville, Sumner, St. Francisville, Russellville, Chauncey, Birds, Pinkstaff, Petrolia, Lawrenceville Airport, Billett, Red Hills State Park, Helena and Mount Carmel Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3869 8752 3867 8759 3864 8762 3859 8762 3859 8764 3857 8765 3857 8791 3885 8791 3886 8792 3888 8754 3886 8755 3885 8753 3882 8753 3879 8750 3877 8751 3876 8750 3874 8750 TIME...MOT...LOC 2317Z 357DEG 34KT 3880 8773 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  651 WSCN21 CWAO 302317 CZVR SIGMET D1 VALID 302315/010315 CWEG- CZVR VANCOUVER FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5537 W12713/45 N CYYD - /N5558 W12425/20 SW CBA9 TOP FL420 MOV SSE 20KT NC RMK GFACN31=  745 WWUS63 KILX 302317 WCNILX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LINCOLN IL 617 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC115-010030- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS MACON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF DECATUR. $$ ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-139-159-173-010200- /O.CON.KILX.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 13 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS SHELBY IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS CLARK COLES CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR MOULTRIE IN SOUTHEAST ILLINOIS CLAY CRAWFORD EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE RICHLAND THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLESTON, EFFINGHAM, FLORA, GREENUP, LAWRENCEVILLE, MARSHALL, MATTOON, NEWTON, OLNEY, PARIS, ROBINSON, SHELBYVILLE, SULLIVAN, AND TUSCOLA. $$  243 WWUS53 KFSD 302318 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 618 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302345- /O.CON.KFSD.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Gregory SD- 618 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR WEST CENTRAL GREGORY COUNTY... At 617 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles north of Dallas, or 19 miles east of Winner, moving northeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4338 9953 4339 9916 4327 9916 4327 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2317Z 230DEG 8KT 4335 9948 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...1.75IN WIND...<50MPH $$ Hanko  453 WWUS53 KIND 302318 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 718 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC027-083-093-101-153-302345- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0136.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Sullivan IN-Knox IN-Martin IN-Lawrence IN-Daviess IN- 718 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM EDT FOR SULLIVAN...KNOX...MARTIN...SOUTHWESTERN LAWRENCE AND DAVIESS COUNTIES... At 717 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of Washington, or 17 miles northeast of Petersburg, moving southwest at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Bedford, Washington, Sullivan, Shoals, Mitchell, Bicknell, Loogootee, Odon, Shelburn, Oolitic, Dugger, Hymera, Carlisle, Elnora, Oaktown, Monroe City, Wheatland, Bruceville and Plainville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 8775 3851 8765 3864 8762 3874 8750 3886 8755 3896 8751 3899 8758 3909 8762 3921 8758 3920 8724 3891 8724 3890 8645 3869 8647 3869 8668 3853 8668 3849 8695 3855 8720 3851 8730 3854 8743 3842 8774 TIME...MOT...LOC 2317Z 033DEG 18KT 3864 8701 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  523 WUUS53 KABR 302318 SVRABR SDC075-010000- /O.NEW.KABR.SV.W.0031.190630T2318Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 618 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Aberdeen has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Jones County in central South Dakota... * Until 700 PM CDT. * At 618 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Belvidere, or 10 miles southeast of Kadoka, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Murdo, Okaton and Westover. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4374 10075 4372 10079 4376 10081 4376 10084 4379 10086 4378 10088 4380 10088 4379 10090 4383 10093 4381 10095 4385 10099 4385 10106 4399 10106 4406 10079 4373 10066 4371 10068 4373 10070 4371 10073 TIME...MOT...LOC 2318Z 259DEG 40KT 4375 10133 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...70MPH $$ Dorn  214 WWUS53 KFSD 302319 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 619 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302345- /O.CON.KFSD.TO.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Gregory SD- 619 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN GREGORY COUNTY... At 618 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Dallas, or 19 miles east of Winner, moving northeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and golf ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Gregory County, including the following locations... Dixon In Gregory County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 4348 9954 4350 9953 4333 9919 4325 9932 4327 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2318Z 217DEG 9KT 4332 9947 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...1.75IN $$ Hanko  615 WUCN13 CWTO 302318 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:18 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= SUMMER BEAVER - WUNNUMMIN LAKE - KINGFISHER LAKE BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA WEBEQUIE PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 7:02 P.M. CDT (8:02 P.M. EDT). AT 6:18 P.M. CDT (7:18 P.M. EDT), ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A NORTH TO SOUTH LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM 45 KM WEST OF WEBEQUIE TO POLAR BEAR PROVINCIAL PARK ARE MOVING EAST AT 90 KM/H. THESE STORMS ARE CAPABLE OF WIND GUSTS TO 100 KM/H. LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE ALSO POSSIBLE. LOCATIONS IMPACTED INCLUDE: WEBEQUIE, WINISK RIVER PROVINCIAL PARK, WINISK, PEAWANUCK, AND POLAR BEAR PROVINCIAL PARK. THESE STORMS WILL BE NEAR WEBEQUIE AROUND 7:30 PM EDT. ANOTHER AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE LOCATED 40 KM SOUTH OF FORT SEVERN TO 130 KM SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN ARE MOVING EAST AT 75 KM/H. THESE STORMS ARE CAPABLE OF WIND GUSTS TO 90 KM/H, LARGE HAIL, AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  018 WSCN02 CWAO 302319 CZEG SIGMET H1 VALID 302315/010315 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 30 NM OF LINE N5819 W12019 - N5709 W12234 TOP FL400 MOV SE 20KT NC=  139 WWCN01 CWHF 302319 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 8:19 PM ADT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. LOCATION: CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES (CWHF) LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) LOCATION: FMF CAPE SCOTT CORE PROPERTIES (AHD) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: THE RADAR AND LIGHTNING DETECTION NETWORK ARE NOT CURRENTLY SHOWING ANY THUNDERSHOWERS IN THE REGION. BANDS OF SHOWERS WILL BE MONITORED FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS OF LIGHTNING AND ADVISORIES/WARNINGS WILL BE ISSUED AS REQUIRED.  140 WSCN22 CWAO 302319 CZEG SIGMET H1 VALID 302315/010315 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N5819 W12019/30 W CYOP - /N5709 W12234/75 NE CBA9 TOP FL400 MOV SE 20KT NC RMK GFACN32 GFACN31=  848 WWUS30 KWNS 302319 SAW2 SPC AWW 302319 WW 472 SEVERE TSTM IL IN KY 302320Z - 010300Z AXIS..35 STATUTE MILES NORTH AND SOUTH OF LINE.. 65W EVV/EVANSVILLE IN/ - 65ENE OWB/OWENSBORO KY/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 30NM N/S /46W PXV - 23W IIU/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1 INCH. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 550. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 36030. LAT...LON 38528872 38588606 37568606 37528872 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU2.  849 WWUS20 KWNS 302319 SEL2 SPC WW 302319 ILZ000-INZ000-KYZ000-010300- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 472 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 620 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Southeast Illinois Southwest Indiana Extreme north central Kentucky * Effective this Sunday evening from 620 PM until 1000 PM CDT. * Primary threats include... Scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible Isolated large hail events to 1 inch in diameter possible SUMMARY...An organized line of storms across Illinois and Indiana will continue to move southward this evening. Prior to the storms weakening by 9-10pm CDT, there will continue to be a threat of damaging gusts. The severe thunderstorm watch area is approximately along and 35 statute miles north and south of a line from 65 miles west of Evansville IN to 65 miles east northeast of Owensboro KY. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU2). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Severe Thunderstorm Watch means conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. Severe thunderstorms can and occasionally do produce tornadoes. && OTHER WATCH INFORMATION...CONTINUE...WW 468...WW 469...WW 470...WW 471... AVIATION...A few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1 inch. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 550. Mean storm motion vector 36030. ...Thompson  975 WOUS64 KWNS 302319 WOU2 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 472 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 620 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 472 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC047-059-065-165-185-191-193-010300- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0472.190630T2320Z-190701T0300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE EDWARDS GALLATIN HAMILTON SALINE WABASH WAYNE WHITE $$ INC025-037-051-061-117-123-125-129-147-163-173-010300- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0472.190630T2320Z-190701T0300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD DUBOIS GIBSON HARRISON ORANGE PERRY PIKE POSEY SPENCER VANDERBURGH WARRICK $$ KYC027-059-091-101-163-225-010300- /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0472.190630T2320Z-190701T0300Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BRECKINRIDGE DAVIESS HANCOCK HENDERSON MEADE UNION $$ ATTN...WFO...PAH...LMK...  976 WWUS40 KWNS 302319 WWP2 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WS 0472 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0618 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 WS 0472 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : <05% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : <02% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 20% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 10% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 60% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.0 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 550 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 36030 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU2. $$  121 ACCA62 TJSJ 302320 TWOSPN Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo Tropical Emitido por El Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami, FL Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 800 PM EDT domingo 30 de junio de 2019 Para el Atlantico Norte...Mar Caribe y Golfo de Mexico: No se espera formacion de ciclon tropical durante los proximos 5 dias. $$ Pronosticadores Cangialosi Traduccion LIngles  694 WUUS53 KILX 302320 SVRILX ILC033-079-010000- /O.NEW.KILX.SV.W.0135.190630T2320Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 620 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Crawford County in east central Illinois... Jasper County in southeastern Illinois... * Until 700 PM CDT. * At 620 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Cowden to near Palestine, moving south at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Robinson, Newton, Oblong, Palestine, Hutsonville, Flat Rock, Ste. Marie, Willow Hill, Wheeler, Hidalgo, New Hebron, Annapolis, Hardinville, West Liberty, Eaton, Bogota, Hunt City, Merom, Stoy and Yale. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3890 8752 3889 8754 3885 8754 3885 8836 3887 8837 3917 8836 3918 8778 3917 8766 3916 8764 3914 8766 3912 8763 3911 8765 3906 8757 3899 8758 3896 8752 3895 8751 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 017DEG 23KT 3922 8896 3902 8767 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  761 WHUS52 KMHX 302320 SMWMHX AMZ135-231-302345- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0074.190630T2320Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 720 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Croatan and Roanoke Sounds... Pamlico Sound... * Until 745 PM EDT. * At 720 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near The Center Of Croatan Sound, moving southeast at 35 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge and Rodanthe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 3590 7582 3588 7583 3588 7581 3589 7581 3581 7555 3579 7553 3578 7554 3577 7553 3561 7547 3553 7548 3568 7580 3585 7585 3586 7585 3590 7583 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 293DEG 33KT 3579 7578 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ 26  092 WUUS53 KUNR 302321 SVRUNR SDC123-302345- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0096.190630T2321Z-190630T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 621 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Tripp County in south central South Dakota... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 620 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles north of Dallas, or 14 miles east of Winner, moving north at 15 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over east central Tripp County northeast of Colome. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4330 9967 4350 9962 4350 9954 4347 9953 4330 9954 4329 9954 TIME...MOT...LOC 2320Z 188DEG 14KT 4339 9956 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Sherburn  228 WWUS81 KRLX 302321 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 721 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ004-302345- Buchanan- 721 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG, HEAVY THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT BUCHANAN COUNTY... At 719 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Fedscreek, or 8 miles north of Breaks Interstate, moving southeast at 30 mph. Torrential rainfall, up to an inch and a half of rain within one half hour, may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Grundy, Paw Paw, Big Rock, Stacy, Vansant, Hurley and Roseann. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3708 8211 3723 8224 3727 8225 3731 8230 3751 8201 3749 8198 3748 8200 3746 8199 3744 8194 3742 8194 3741 8192 3738 8194 3736 8193 3733 8189 3733 8187 3728 8185 3728 8182 TIME...MOT...LOC 2319Z 317DEG 27KT 3741 8225 $$ 12  926 WWUS85 KBYZ 302321 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 521 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ031-032-010000- Custer MT-Northern Rosebud MT- 521 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 521 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 20 miles southeast of Forsyth, moving north at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hathaway. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4597 10618 4607 10646 4648 10630 4636 10589 TIME...MOT...LOC 2321Z 201DEG 20KT 4612 10630 $$ Setzenfand  467 WGUS85 KPUB 302321 FLSPUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pueblo CO 521 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC023-055-010115- /O.NEW.KPUB.FA.Y.0024.190630T2321Z-190701T0115Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Huerfano CO-Costilla CO- 521 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a * Flood Advisory for... South central Huerfano County in southeastern Colorado... Northeastern Costilla County in south central Colorado... * Until 715 PM MDT. * At 519 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated light to moderate rain was still occurring over the Spring burn scar south of highway 160 in Huerfano county. For this reason the flood advisory has been reissued for this area. High water will continue in area streams through early evening. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Indian Creek on the southeastern Spring Burn Scar and Spring Burn Scar south of Highway 160 in Huerfano county. This includes the following areas, Sulpher Springs on Indian Creek and County Road 421 near Indian Creek. LAT...LON 3746 10501 3738 10508 3739 10515 3755 10517 3753 10507 $$ Hodanish  847 WUUS53 KDVN 302322 SVRDVN ILC011-073-131-161-195-IAC031-045-103-115-139-163-183-010000- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0103.190630T2322Z-190701T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 622 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Rock Island County in northwestern Illinois... Mercer County in northwestern Illinois... Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... Henry County in northwestern Illinois... Western Bureau County in north central Illinois... Louisa County in southeastern Iowa... Southern Cedar County in east central Iowa... Scott County in east central Iowa... Southern Johnson County in east central Iowa... Washington County in southeastern Iowa... Muscatine County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Clinton County in east central Iowa... * Until 700 PM CDT. * At 622 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Charlotte to near Rochester to Amana, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Davenport, Iowa City, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Sterling, Kewanee, Rock Falls, Washington, Morrison, Aledo, Cambridge, Wapello, Columbus Junction, Durant, Silvis, Geneseo and Eldridge. If you are at Henry County Fairgrounds in Cambridge, or Davenport Airport you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 276 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 45. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 33. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 43. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4123 8970 4123 8987 4115 8987 4118 9184 4164 9181 4160 9108 4177 9044 4184 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2322Z 349DEG 41KT 4197 9043 4167 9108 4179 9188 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  462 WUCN13 CWTO 302322 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:22 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= FORT SEVERN SUMMER BEAVER - WUNNUMMIN LAKE - KINGFISHER LAKE BIG TROUT LAKE - KASABONIKA WEBEQUIE PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== UPDATED OR ENDED BY 7:06 P.M. CDT (8:06 P.M. EDT). AT 6:22 P.M. CDT (7:22 P.M. EDT), ENVIRONMENT CANADA METEOROLOGISTS ARE TRACKING A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING VERY STRONG WIND GUSTS, UP TO NICKEL SIZE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. A NORTH TO SOUTH LINE OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM POLAR BEAR PROVINCIAL PARK TO 70 KM WEST-NORTHWEST OF LANSDOWNE HOUSEARE MOVING EAST AT 90 KM/H. THESE STORMS ARE CAPABLE OF WIND GUSTS TO 100 KM/H. LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE ALSO POSSIBLE. LOCATIONS IMPACTED INCLUDE: WEBEQUIE, WINISK RIVER PROVINCIAL PARK, WINISK, PEAWANUCK, AND POLAR BEAR PROVINCIAL PARK. THESE STORMS WILL BE NEAR WEBEQUIE AROUND 7:30 PM EDT. ANOTHER AREA OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ARE LOCATED 40 KM SOUTH OF FORT SEVERN TO 130 KM SOUTHWEST OF FORT SEVERN ARE MOVING EAST AT 75 KM/H. THESE STORMS ARE CAPABLE OF WIND GUSTS TO 90 KM/H, LARGE HAIL, AND HEAVY DOWNPOURS. HEAVY DOWNPOURS ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE FLASH FLOODS AND WATER POOLING ON ROADS. LARGE HAIL CAN DAMAGE PROPERTY AND CAUSE INJURY. STRONG WIND GUSTS CAN TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS, DAMAGE WEAK BUILDINGS, BREAK BRANCHES OFF TREES AND OVERTURN LARGE VEHICLES. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN IMMINENT OR OCCURRING THUNDERSTORMS ARE LIKELY TO PRODUCE OR ARE PRODUCING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. FOR MORE INFORMATION: HTTP://WWW.EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTONTARIO.CA/ENGLISH/BEPREPARED/BEPREPARED.HTML. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  014 WWUS63 KPAH 302322 WCNPAH WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 472 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE PADUCAH KY 622 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 ILC047-059-065-165-185-191-193-INC051-125-129-147-163-173-KYC059- 101-225-010300- /O.NEW.KPAH.SV.A.0472.190630T2322Z-190701T0300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 472 IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN ILLINOIS THIS WATCH INCLUDES 7 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEAST ILLINOIS EDWARDS IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS GALLATIN HAMILTON SALINE WABASH WAYNE WHITE IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST INDIANA POSEY IN SOUTHWEST INDIANA GIBSON PIKE SPENCER VANDERBURGH WARRICK IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN WESTERN KENTUCKY DAVIESS HENDERSON UNION THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBION, BOONVILLE, CARMI, EVANSVILLE, FAIRFIELD, FORT BRANCH, GRAYVILLE, HARRISBURG, HENDERSON, MCLEANSBORO, MORGANFIELD, MOUNT CARMEL, OWENSBORO, PETERSBURG, POSEYVILLE, ROCKPORT, SHAWNEETOWN, AND WEST SALEM. $$  139 WOUS64 KWNS 302323 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 623 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-139-159-173-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC005-013-021-027-045-055-063-071-081-083-093-101-105-107-109- 119-121-133-153-157-165-167-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BARTHOLOMEW BROWN CLAY DAVIESS FOUNTAIN GREENE HENDRICKS JACKSON JOHNSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWEN PARKE PUTNAM SULLIVAN TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  338 WSMS31 WMKK 302326 WBFC SIGMET A06 VALID 302335/010135 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0736 E11721 - N0545 E11617 - N0519 E11443 - N0549 E11429 - N0753 E11550 - N0824 E11630 - N0736 E11721 TOP FL500 MOV SSW 05KT INTSF=  339 WWCN13 CWVR 302323 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR INTERIOR AND NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:23 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: B.C. NORTH PEACE RIVER FORT NELSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== THUNDERSTORMS WILL CONTINUE THIS EVENING. THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR SOME OF THESE STORMS TO BECOME SEVERE WITH STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  337 WWCN19 CWVR 302323 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR YUKON AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:23 P.M. PDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH FOR: CASSIAR MOUNTAINS WATSON LAKE MUNCHO LAKE PARK - STONE MOUNTAIN PARK. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH ENDED FOR: DEASE LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== THUNDERSTORMS WILL CONTINUE THIS EVENING. THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR SOME OF THESE STORMS TO BECOME SEVERE WITH STRONG WIND GUSTS, LARGE HAIL AND HEAVY RAIN. LIGHTNING KILLS AND INJURES CANADIANS EVERY YEAR. REMEMBER, WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS(EXCLAMATION MARK) SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THUNDERSTORMS THAT COULD PRODUCE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: LARGE HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, TORRENTIAL RAINFALL. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OR YUKON, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR YTSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM OR (HASH)YTSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  396 WWUS53 KDVN 302323 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 623 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC031-045-097-103-105-113-163-302345- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0101.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Jackson IA-Cedar IA-Scott IA-Johnson IA-Jones IA-Linn IA-Clinton IA- 623 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON...CEDAR...NORTHWESTERN SCOTT...JOHNSON... SOUTHERN JONES...SOUTHERN LINN AND CLINTON COUNTIES... At 623 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Sabula to near Durant to near Swisher, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Clinton, Maquoketa, Tipton, West Branch, Mechanicsville, Stanwood, Coralville, North Liberty, DeWitt, Mount Vernon, Camanche, Lisbon, Fairfax, Solon, Tiffin, Ely, University Heights and Preston. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 230 and 279. Interstate 380 between mile markers 1 and 21. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4215 9035 4212 9017 4193 9015 4180 9019 4160 9101 4164 9183 4201 9179 4194 9114 4214 9045 TIME...MOT...LOC 2323Z 349DEG 41KT 4203 9021 4168 9090 4181 9177 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  125 WWUS82 KMLB 302323 SPSMLB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 723 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ045-053-010030- Osceola FL-Orange FL- 723 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN ORANGE AND NORTHEASTERN OSCEOLA COUNTIES UNTIL 830 PM EDT... At 723 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles south of Wedgefield, moving northeast at 10 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wedgefield, Lone Cabbage Fish Camp and Pine Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2848 8119 2848 8088 2847 8088 2847 8090 2845 8090 2845 8089 2843 8090 2841 8088 2839 8089 2838 8088 2837 8088 2837 8087 2822 8086 2822 8120 TIME...MOT...LOC 2323Z 217DEG 8KT 2835 8106 $$ Smith  848 WWUS53 KIND 302324 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 724 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC055-302334- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0137.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Greene IN- 724 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN GREENE COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 730 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM EDT for southwestern Indiana. LAT...LON 3910 8724 3899 8673 3890 8673 3890 8704 3891 8724 TIME...MOT...LOC 2324Z 018DEG 29KT 3883 8709 $$ TDUD  336 WUUS54 KMAF 302325 SVRMAF TXC103-371-475-010030- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0378.190630T2325Z-190701T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 625 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Pecos County in southwestern Texas... Southeastern Ward County in western Texas... West central Crane County in western Texas... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 624 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southeast of Grandfalls, or 21 miles southwest of Crane, moving southwest at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Imperial Reservoir, Imperial and Coyanosa. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3136 10261 3110 10255 3094 10301 3122 10313 TIME...MOT...LOC 2324Z 059DEG 23KT 3126 10269 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 27  992 WSAG31 SAME 302330 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 302330/010330 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2330Z WI S2828 W06950 - S3006 W06952 - S3111 W07033 - S3336 W06950 - S3456 W07025 - S3552 W07024 - S3646 W07108 - S3820 W07057 - S3650 W06713 - S3529 W06834 - S3222 W06837 - S3009 W06759 - S2828 W06950 FL200/380 STNR NC=  266 WSAG31 SAME 302330 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 302330/010330 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2330Z WI S2828 W06950 - S3006 W06952 - S3111 W07033 - S3336 W06950 - S3456 W07025 - S3552 W07024 - S3646 W07108 - S3820 W07057 - S3650 W06713 - S3529 W06834 - S3222 W06837 - S3009 W06759 - S2828 W06950 FL200/380 STNR NC=  284 WGUS83 KLBF 302326 FLSLBF Flood Advisory National Weather Service North Platte NE 526 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEC005-069-075-010230- /O.NEW.KLBF.FA.Y.0040.190630T2326Z-190701T0230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Arthur NE-Grant NE-Garden NE- 526 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in North Platte has issued a * Arroyo and Small Stream Flood Advisory for Poor Drainage Areas for... Northwestern Arthur County in west central Nebraska... Central Grant County in west central Nebraska... East central Garden County in the Panhandle of Nebraska... * Until 830 PM MDT. * At 525 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause arroyo and small stream flooding. Overflowing poor drainage areas will result in minor flooding in the advisory area. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Hyannis, Swede Lake, Duluth, Bourquim Hill and Pratt Lake. Additional rainfall of one to two inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. This includes the following highways... Highway 2 between mile markers 138 and 156. Highway 61 between mile markers 140 and 163. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 4202 10151 4145 10203 4154 10229 4208 10188 $$ CDC  408 WWUS82 KGSP 302326 SPSGSP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Greenville-Spartanburg SC 726 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ036-057-069>072-010000- Rowan NC-Gaston NC-Iredell NC-Lincoln NC-Cabarrus NC-Mecklenburg NC- 726 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A CLUSTER OF THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT CABARRUS...SOUTHEASTERN IREDELL...EASTERN LINCOLN...NORTHWESTERN MECKLENBURG...ROWAN AND NORTHEASTERN GASTON COUNTIES UNTIL 800 PM EDT... At 726 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated the leading edge of a cluster of thunderstorms along a line extending from 9 miles northwest of Huntersville to 11 miles east of Salisbury, and moving southeast at 20 mph. Locations to be impacted include... Huntersville, Kannapolis, Downtown Concord, Salisbury, Uptown Charlotte, Northeast Charlotte, Northwest Charlotte, West Concord, Cornelius and Mooresville. Wind gusts up to 45 mph and pea size hail will be possible in these areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio and tv stations, as well as local cable tv outlets for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3550 8029 3536 8039 3519 8099 3554 8107 3555 8103 3555 8096 3557 8096 3572 8041 3572 8034 3571 8032 3568 8033 3563 8029 3562 8025 3558 8021 3555 8021 3551 8019 TIME...MOT...LOC 2326Z 314DEG 16KT 3547 8099 3563 8028 $$ SGL  726 WUUS53 KLMK 302327 SVRLMK INC025-037-117-175-010015- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0162.190630T2327Z-190701T0015Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 727 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Dubois County in south central Indiana... Northern Crawford County in south central Indiana... Orange County in south central Indiana... Southwestern Washington County in south central Indiana... * Until 815 PM EDT. * At 727 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 11 miles northeast of Paoli to 8 miles east of Petersburg, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Jasper, Paoli, English, Huntingburg, Ferdinand, Orleans, French Lick, Stampers Creek, Marengo and Orangeville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3851 8707 3850 8706 3851 8700 3849 8695 3851 8693 3850 8688 3853 8683 3853 8668 3869 8668 3869 8631 3870 8630 3861 8627 3842 8624 3841 8626 3839 8625 3838 8626 3836 8625 3827 8662 3820 8707 TIME...MOT...LOC 2327Z 344DEG 28KT 3868 8634 3851 8713 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  994 WWCN73 CWVR 302323 VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR L'INTERIEUR ET LE NORD-EST DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MISE A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 16H23 HAP LE DIMANCHE 30 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR: RIVIERE DE LA PAIX NORD C.-B. FORT NELSON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== LES ORAGES SE POURSUIVRONT CE SOIR. CERTAINS DE CES ORAGES POURRAIENT DEVENIR VIOLENTS ET S'ACCOMPAGNER DE FORTES RAFALES, DE GROSSE GRELE ET DE PLUIE FORTE. LA FOUDRE TUE ET BLESSE DES CANADIENS CHAQUE ANNEE. N'OUBLIEZ PAS : QUAND LE TONNERRE GRONDE, RENTREZ VITE A L'INTERIEUR(POINT D'EXCLAMATION) UNE VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS EST EMISE LORSQUE LES CONDITIONS ATMOSPHERIQUES SONT PROPICES A LA FORMATION D'ORAGES QUI POURRAIENT S'ACCOMPAGNER D'AU MOINS UN DES ELEMENTS SUIVANTS : GROSSE GRELE, VENTS DESTRUCTEURS OU PLUIES TORRENTIELLES. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  995 WWCN79 CWVR 302323 VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR LE YUKON ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MISE A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 16H23 HAP LE DIMANCHE 30 JUIN 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS POUR: CHAINE DES CASSIARS WATSON LAKE MUNCHO LAKE PARK ET STONE MOUNTAIN PARK. VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS TERMINEE POUR: DEASE LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== LES ORAGES SE POURSUIVRONT CE SOIR. CERTAINS DE CES ORAGES POURRAIENT DEVENIR VIOLENTS ET S'ACCOMPAGNER DE FORTES RAFALES, DE GROSSE GRELE ET DE PLUIE FORTE. LA FOUDRE TUE ET BLESSE DES CANADIENS CHAQUE ANNEE. N'OUBLIEZ PAS : QUAND LE TONNERRE GRONDE, RENTREZ VITE A L'INTERIEUR(POINT D'EXCLAMATION) UNE VEILLE D'ORAGES VIOLENTS EST EMISE LORSQUE LES CONDITIONS ATMOSPHERIQUES SONT PROPICES A LA FORMATION D'ORAGES QUI POURRAIENT S'ACCOMPAGNER D'AU MOINS UN DES ELEMENTS SUIVANTS : GROSSE GRELE, VENTS DESTRUCTEURS OU PLUIES TORRENTIELLES. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT EN COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE OU AU YUKON, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU A METEOYT(AROBAS)CANADA.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO OU (DIESE)YTMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  214 WWUS55 KBYZ 302327 SVSBYZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 527 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTC095-097-010000- /O.CON.KBYZ.SV.W.0046.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Stillwater MT-Sweet Grass MT- 527 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM MDT FOR NORTH CENTRAL STILLWATER AND NORTHEASTERN SWEET GRASS COUNTIES... At 526 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 15 miles northeast of Big Timber, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. Wind gusts to 60 mph and Penny size hail was reported with this storm 11 miles north of Big Timber. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of north central Stillwater and northeastern Sweet Grass Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4588 10986 4606 10975 4606 10967 4605 10960 4605 10955 4604 10940 4575 10942 4578 10954 TIME...MOT...LOC 2326Z 279DEG 21KT 4598 10972 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ Chambers  707 WWUS85 KBYZ 302328 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 528 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ031-057-010015- Northern Rosebud MT-Northern Big Horn MT- 528 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 527 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 18 miles north of Busby, or 20 miles west of Colstrip, moving east at 25 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Colstrip. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4596 10656 4568 10652 4569 10711 4589 10713 4590 10705 4587 10705 4587 10694 4591 10693 TIME...MOT...LOC 2327Z 266DEG 22KT 4580 10703 $$ Vertz  120 WWUS85 KBYZ 302328 RRA SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 528 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ035-038-057-010015- Yellowstone MT-Northern Big Horn MT-Southern Big Horn MT- 528 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 527 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 9 miles west of Hardin to 14 miles northwest of Fort Smith. Movement was northeast at 20 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Hardin and Crow Indian Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4588 10744 4549 10775 4552 10819 4584 10796 TIME...MOT...LOC 2327Z 260DEG 16KT 4574 10780 4549 10805 $$ Arthur  912 WWUS82 KJAX 302328 SPSJAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 728 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLZ037-140-010015- Putnam FL-Eastern Marion FL- 728 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL MARION AND SOUTH CENTRAL PUTNAM COUNTIES UNTIL 815 PM EDT... * At 728 PM EDT, National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm near Salt Springs. This storm was nearly stationary. * Winds in excess of 45 mph and minor flooding due to heavy rainfall is possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Salt Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These winds can down small tree limbs and branches, and blow around unsecured small objects. Seek shelter in a safe building until the storm passes. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. You can also share your report with NWS Jacksonville on Facebook and Twitter. && LAT...LON 2919 8188 2938 8179 2935 8158 2935 8160 2932 8168 2930 8167 2930 8166 2928 8164 2918 8164 TIME...MOT...LOC 2328Z 107DEG 4KT 2929 8169 $$ 23  704 WWUS53 KDVN 302329 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 629 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC011-073-131-161-195-IAC031-045-103-115-139-163-183-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0103.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Rock Island IL-Mercer IL-Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL-Louisa IA- Cedar IA-Scott IA-Johnson IA-Washington IA-Muscatine IA-Clinton IA- 629 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR ROCK ISLAND...MERCER...WHITESIDE...HENRY...WESTERN BUREAU... LOUISA...SOUTHERN CEDAR...SCOTT...SOUTHERN JOHNSON...WASHINGTON... MUSCATINE AND SOUTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 629 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Low Moor to near Wilton to near Amana, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Iowa City, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Sterling, Kewanee, Rock Falls, Washington, Morrison, Aledo, Cambridge, Wapello, Columbus Junction, Durant, Silvis, Geneseo and Eldridge. If you are at Henry County Fairgrounds in Cambridge, or Davenport Airport you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 280 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 45. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 33. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 43. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4123 8970 4123 8987 4115 8987 4118 9184 4164 9181 4159 9101 4177 9044 4184 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2329Z 348DEG 41KT 4178 9034 4161 9106 4182 9179 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  007 WWUS53 KILX 302329 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 629 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC033-079-302345- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Crawford-Jasper- 629 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN CRAWFORD AND SOUTHERN JASPER COUNTIES... At 629 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Wheeler to 7 miles north of Russellville, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Robinson, Newton, Oblong, Flat Rock, Ste. Marie, Willow Hill, New Hebron, Hardinville, Bogota, West Liberty, Stoy, Newton Lake and Latona. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3890 8752 3889 8754 3885 8754 3885 8836 3887 8837 3903 8836 3899 8758 3896 8752 3895 8751 TIME...MOT...LOC 2329Z 348DEG 26KT 3897 8836 3892 8752 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  311 WWUS82 KKEY 302329 AWWEYW FLC087-010000- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Key West FL 729 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Key West has issued a * Airport Weather Warning... Key West International Airport * Until 800 PM EDT. The following impacts are expected to occur during the warning period... Lightning possible within 5 miles of the airport $$ Jacobson  682 WUCN13 CWTO 302329 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:29 P.M. EDT SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED FOR: FORT SEVERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE WEAKENED OR MOVED OUT OF THE REGION. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  709 WWUS53 KDVN 302329 RRA SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 629 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC015-085-177-IAC097-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Carroll IL-Stephenson IL-Jackson IA- 629 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR EASTERN JO DAVIESS...NORTHERN CARROLL...STEPHENSON AND EAST CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTIES... At 629 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 6 miles northwest of Lake Summerset to near Lanark to near Andover, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Freeport, Lena, Stockton, Warren, Pearl City, Shannon, Cedarville, Davis, Woodbine, Dakota, German Valley, Winslow, Rock City, Ridott, Nora, Massbach, Green Island, Buena Vista, Loran and Rock Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4250 8940 4220 8940 4220 8969 4214 8969 4213 8972 4214 9036 4251 9001 TIME...MOT...LOC 2329Z 327DEG 43KT 4250 8950 4218 8989 4193 9022 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Uttech  193 WSKO31 RKSI 302327 RKRR SIGMET L04 VALID 302327/010100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3208 E12358 - N3248 E12743 - N3228 E12727 - N3229 E12646 - N3023 E12537 - N3009 E12356 - N3208 E12358 TOP FL400 MOV E 20KT NC=  465 WWUS53 KLMK 302330 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 730 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC025-061-117-175-302340- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0161.000000T0000Z-190630T2330Z/ Harrison IN-Crawford IN-Orange IN-Washington IN- 730 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL HARRISON... NORTHEASTERN CRAWFORD...SOUTHEASTERN ORANGE AND SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM EDT for south central Indiana. Report severe weather to local law enforcement, post your report to the National Weather Service Louisville Facebook page, or tweet your report using hashtag L, M, K, spotter. LAT...LON 3854 8622 3854 8613 3851 8606 3833 8606 3835 8623 3840 8637 TIME...MOT...LOC 2330Z 019DEG 11KT 3844 8623 $$ SCHOETTMER  636 WOUS20 KWNS 302330 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302335 NEZ000-SDZ000-010040- STATUS REPORT ON WW 470 THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES ACROSS THE ENTIRE WATCH AREA. ..KERR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...LBF...FSD...UNR...ABR... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 470 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010040- NE . NEBRASKA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ARTHUR BOYD BROWN CHERRY GARDEN GRANT HOOKER KEYA PAHA ROCK $$ SDC003-005-007-015-017-023-035-043-049-053-055-059-065-069-071- 073-075-085-095-102-111-115-117-119-121-123-010040- SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AURORA BEADLE BENNETT BRULE BUFFALO CHARLES MIX DAVISON DOUGLAS FAULK GREGORY HAAKON HAND HUGHES HYDE JACKSON JERAULD JONES LYMAN MELLETTE OGLALA LAKOTA SANBORN SPINK STANLEY SULLY TODD TRIPP $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  680 WWUS53 KDVN 302330 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 630 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC015-195-IAC045-010015- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0102.000000T0000Z-190701T0015Z/ Whiteside IL-Carroll IL-Clinton IA- 630 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN WHITESIDE...CARROLL AND NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 630 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Pearl City to near Camanche, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Clinton, Sterling, Rock Falls, Morrison, Mount Carroll, Fulton, Savanna, Lanark, Garden Plain, Milledgeville, Fairhaven, Albany, Shannon, Sabula, Chadwick, Coleta, East Clinton, Emerson, Argo Fay and Union Grove. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 33 and 36, and near mile marker 44. LAT...LON 4178 9021 4185 9017 4198 9015 4203 9017 4203 9016 4206 9017 4212 9016 4213 9017 4213 9020 4215 9021 4216 8969 4193 8969 4193 8963 4175 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2330Z 323DEG 44KT 4219 8983 4183 9028 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ Uttech  682 WWUS81 KAKQ 302330 SPSAKQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 730 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ012-013-030-031-010015- Hertford-Northampton-Bertie-Chowan- 730 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A THUNDERSTORM WITH HEAVY RAIN WILL AFFECT BERTIE...EAST CENTRAL NORTHAMPTON...SOUTHWESTERN HERTFORD AND SOUTHWESTERN CHOWAN COUNTIES... At 730 PM EDT, a thunderstorm with heavy rain was located near Aulander, moving southeast at 30 mph. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Ahoskie, Windsor, Murfreesboro, Aulander, Chowan University, Woodland, Powellsville, Union, Midway, Askewville, Eagletown, Whites Crossroads, Earleys, Menola, Republican, Mount Gould, Burden, Wakelon, George and Woodard. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of this storm. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads, and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3591 7703 3593 7703 3594 7705 3635 7728 3645 7708 3610 7669 3607 7669 3604 7666 3601 7669 3599 7668 3598 7669 3595 7673 3588 7690 3590 7692 3590 7694 3586 7700 TIME...MOT...LOC 2330Z 324DEG 27KT 3628 7712 $$ 05  020 WWUS53 KILX 302331 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 631 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC033-079-010000- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0135.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Crawford-Jasper- 631 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR SOUTHERN CRAWFORD AND SOUTHERN JASPER COUNTIES... At 631 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Bible Grove to near Russellville, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Law enforcement. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Robinson, Newton, Oblong, Flat Rock, Ste. Marie, Willow Hill, New Hebron, Hardinville, Bogota, West Liberty, Stoy, Newton Lake and Latona. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3890 8752 3889 8754 3885 8754 3885 8836 3887 8837 3902 8837 3899 8758 3896 8752 3895 8751 TIME...MOT...LOC 2331Z 350DEG 29KT 3892 8835 3887 8754 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  670 WWUS83 KLMK 302331 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 731 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ077-090-091-010015- Washington-Floyd-Harrison- 731 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN HARRISON...WESTERN FLOYD AND SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 731 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 miles south of Salem, moving south at 15 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Corydon, Palmyra, Lanesville, Crandall, Fredericksburg, Moberly, Byrneville, White Cloud, Shorts Corner and Bradford. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3853 8606 3819 8595 3818 8626 3835 8625 3850 8625 TIME...MOT...LOC 2331Z 348DEG 14KT 3845 8616 $$ SCHOETTMER  236 WSAG SAVC 302335 SAVF SIGMET 3 VALID 302335/010335 SAVC COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4000 W06000-S4500 W05800-S4500 W06100-S4400 W07000-S3900 W06300-S4000 W06000 BTN FL310/410 MOV NE 15KT NC=  597 WWUS63 KIND 302332 WCNIND WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 469 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS IN 732 PM EDT SUN JUN 30 2019 INC005-021-045-063-081-107-109-119-121-133-157-165-167-171-010045- /O.CAN.KIND.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN INDIANA THIS CANCELS 14 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL INDIANA BARTHOLOMEW HENDRICKS JOHNSON MORGAN IN WEST CENTRAL INDIANA CLAY FOUNTAIN MONTGOMERY OWEN PARKE PUTNAM TIPPECANOE VERMILLION VIGO WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ATTICA, BRAZIL, BROWNSBURG, CLAY CITY, CLINTON, COLUMBUS, COVINGTON, CRAWFORDSVILLE, DANVILLE, FRANKLIN, GREENCASTLE, GREENWOOD, LAFAYETTE, MARTINSVILLE, MOORESVILLE, NEWPORT, PLAINFIELD, ROCKVILLE, SPENCER, TERRE HAUTE, VEEDERSBURG, WEST LAFAYETTE, WEST LEBANON, AND WILLIAMSPORT. $$ INC013-027-055-071-083-093-101-105-153-010200- /O.CON.KIND.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 10 PM EDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 9 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL INDIANA BROWN JACKSON LAWRENCE MONROE IN SOUTHWEST INDIANA DAVIESS GREENE KNOX MARTIN SULLIVAN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BEDFORD, BLOOMFIELD, BLOOMINGTON, BROWNSTOWN, LINTON, LOOGOOTEE, MITCHELL, NASHVILLE, SEYMOUR, SHOALS, SULLIVAN, VINCENNES, AND WASHINGTON. $$  125 WOUS64 KWNS 302333 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 633 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC005-011-013-017-019-023-033-037-043-055-061-065-067-069-075- 081-083-089-097-105-113-131-171-189-191-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ALLAMAKEE BENTON BLACK HAWK BREMER BUCHANAN BUTLER CERRO GORDO CHICKASAW CLAYTON DELAWARE DUBUQUE FAYETTE FLOYD FRANKLIN GRUNDY HANCOCK HARDIN HOWARD JACKSON JONES LINN MITCHELL TAMA WINNEBAGO WINNESHIEK WORTH $$ ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON $$ WIC023-043-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ WI . WISCONSIN COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD GRANT $$ ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX...  713 WWUS83 KLBF 302333 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 533 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ022-023-035-010030- Grant NE-Arthur NE-Garden NE- 533 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ARTHUR... SOUTHWESTERN GRANT AND EAST CENTRAL GARDEN COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM MDT... At 533 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 14 miles east of Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge, or 21 miles northeast of Oshkosh, moving northeast at 10 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Dominick Lake, Swede Lake, Adams Flats, Jensen Lake, Rackett and Bourquim Hill. This includes Highway 61 between mile markers 136 and 142. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for the Panhandle of and west central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4153 10207 4169 10227 4199 10201 4174 10166 TIME...MOT...LOC 2333Z 233DEG 7KT 4168 10213 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  264 WOUS64 KWNS 302333 WOU9 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 469 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 633 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 469 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC023-025-029-033-035-041-045-049-079-101-139-159-173-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLARK CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND DOUGLAS EDGAR EFFINGHAM JASPER LAWRENCE MOULTRIE RICHLAND SHELBY $$ INC013-027-055-071-083-093-101-105-153-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0469.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BROWN DAVIESS GREENE JACKSON KNOX LAWRENCE MARTIN MONROE SULLIVAN $$ ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND...  936 WWUS53 KIND 302335 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 735 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC027-083-093-101-153-302345- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0136.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Sullivan IN-Knox IN-Martin IN-Lawrence IN-Daviess IN- 735 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN SULLIVAN...KNOX...MARTIN...SOUTHWESTERN LAWRENCE AND DAVIESS COUNTIES... At 735 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southeast of Washington, or 14 miles east of Petersburg, moving south at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Bedford, Washington, Shoals, Mitchell, Bicknell, Loogootee, Odon, Oolitic, Carlisle, Elnora, Oaktown, Monroe City, Wheatland, Bruceville, Plainville, Sandborn, Montgomery, Edwardsport and Decker. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 8775 3851 8765 3864 8762 3874 8750 3886 8755 3896 8751 3899 8758 3900 8749 3900 8724 3891 8724 3890 8645 3869 8647 3869 8668 3853 8668 3849 8695 3855 8720 3851 8730 3854 8743 3842 8774 TIME...MOT...LOC 2335Z 006DEG 11KT 3855 8702 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ TDUD  564 WSCI34 ZSSS 302332 ZSHA SIGMET 5 VALID 010000/010400 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N32 AND N OF N29 TOP FL340 MOV E 30KMH NC=  979 WWUS83 KLBF 302335 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 635 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ005-006-008-010030- Brown NE-Eastern Cherry NE-Keya Paha NE- 635 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 635 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles west of Johnstown, or 21 miles west of Ainsworth, moving northeast at 10 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Johnstown, Wood Lake, Smith Falls State Park, Bobcat State Wildlife Management Area, Meadville, North River Trail and Sparks. This includes the following highways... Highway 20 between mile markers 205 and 231. Highway 12 between mile markers 10 and 17, and between mile markers 25 and 28. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for north central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4247 10019 4262 10053 4299 10040 4276 9982 TIME...MOT...LOC 2335Z 217DEG 9KT 4258 10028 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  134 WWUS63 KLMK 302336 WCNLMK WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 472 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY 736 PM EDT SUN JUN 30 2019 INC025-037-061-117-123-KYC027-091-163-010300- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.A.0472.190630T2336Z-190701T0300Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 472 IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EDT /10 PM CDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN INDIANA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 5 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL INDIANA CRAWFORD DUBOIS HARRISON ORANGE PERRY IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 3 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY BRECKINRIDGE MEADE IN NORTHWEST KENTUCKY HANCOCK THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BRANDENBURG, CORYDON, ENGLISH, HARDINSBURG, HAWESVILLE, JASPER, LEWISPORT, PAOLI, AND TELL CITY. $$ 13  629 WWUS53 KUNR 302336 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 636 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC123-302345- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Tripp SD- 636 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT FOR EAST CENTRAL TRIPP COUNTY... At 635 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 11 miles northeast of Colome, or 12 miles east of Winner, moving northeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of east central Tripp County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection, move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4350 9962 4350 9954 4347 9953 4333 9954 4335 9966 TIME...MOT...LOC 2335Z 213DEG 11KT 4340 9960 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Sherburn  071 WWUS53 KABR 302337 SVSABR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC075-010000- /O.CON.KABR.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Jones SD- 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN JONES COUNTY... At 636 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles southeast of Belvidere, or 19 miles east of Kadoka, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Murdo, Okaton and Westover. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4374 10075 4372 10079 4376 10081 4376 10084 4379 10086 4378 10088 4380 10088 4379 10090 4383 10093 4381 10095 4385 10099 4385 10106 4399 10106 4406 10079 4373 10066 4371 10068 4373 10070 4371 10073 TIME...MOT...LOC 2336Z 250DEG 29KT 4377 10112 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ Dorn  550 WWUS53 KILX 302337 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC033-101-010000- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Lawrence-Crawford- 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR LAWRENCE AND SOUTHEASTERN CRAWFORD COUNTIES... At 636 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lawrenceville, moving south at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Lawrenceville, Sumner, St. Francisville, Russellville, Chauncey, Birds, Pinkstaff, Petrolia, Lawrenceville Airport, Billett, Red Hills State Park, Helena and Mount Carmel Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3869 8752 3867 8759 3864 8762 3859 8762 3859 8764 3857 8765 3857 8791 3885 8791 3886 8792 3888 8754 3886 8755 3885 8753 3882 8753 3879 8750 3877 8751 3876 8750 3874 8750 TIME...MOT...LOC 2336Z 357DEG 30KT 3871 8773 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  930 WWUS83 KLMK 302337 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 737 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INZ090-KYZ025-028-010000- Harrison-Meade-Hardin- 737 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTH CENTRAL HARRISON... SOUTHEASTERN MEADE AND NORTH CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES... At 737 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 miles southeast of Brandenburg, moving south at 10 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Radcliff, Vine Grove, Muldraugh, West Point, Ekron, Maples Corner, New Boston, Rock Haven, Grahamton and Hughes Landing. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3802 8605 3796 8591 3773 8593 3778 8610 3792 8619 TIME...MOT...LOC 2337Z 006DEG 10KT 3792 8598 $$ SCHOETTMER  542 WWUS53 KFSD 302337 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302346- /O.EXP.KFSD.TO.W.0010.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Gregory SD- 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN GREGORY COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4348 9954 4350 9953 4333 9919 4325 9932 4327 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2336Z 224DEG 9KT 4335 9943 $$ Hanko  555 WWUS53 KDVN 302337 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC011-073-131-161-195-IAC031-045-103-115-139-163-183-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0103.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Rock Island IL-Mercer IL-Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL-Louisa IA- Cedar IA-Scott IA-Johnson IA-Washington IA-Muscatine IA-Clinton IA- 637 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR ROCK ISLAND...MERCER...WHITESIDE...HENRY...WESTERN BUREAU... LOUISA...SOUTHERN CEDAR...SCOTT...SOUTHERN JOHNSON...WASHINGTON... MUSCATINE AND SOUTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 637 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Fulton to Fairport to Oxford, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Iowa City, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Sterling, Kewanee, Rock Falls, Washington, Morrison, Aledo, Cambridge, Wapello, Columbus Junction, Durant, Silvis, Geneseo and Eldridge. If you are at Henry County Fairgrounds in Cambridge, or Davenport Airport you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 280 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 45. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 33. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 43. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4123 8970 4123 8987 4115 8987 4118 9184 4164 9181 4159 9101 4177 9044 4184 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2337Z 348DEG 40KT 4190 9011 4145 9093 4175 9178 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  346 WOUS20 KWNS 302337 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302340 IAZ000-WIZ000-010040- STATUS REPORT ON WW 468 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SW ALO TO 15 NW CID TO 30 ENE CID TO 20 S DBQ TO 20 E DBQ TO 40 W JVL TO 15 WNW JVL. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1321 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...ARX...DVN...DMX... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 468 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC015-085-177-010040- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON $$ IAC011-097-105-113-171-010040- IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON JACKSON JONES LINN TAMA $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  664 WWUS53 KUNR 302337 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 537 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-095-010030- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0095.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ Mellette SD-Jackson SD- 537 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM MDT/730 PM CDT/ FOR WESTERN MELLETTE AND EASTERN JACKSON COUNTIES... At 537 PM MDT/637 PM CDT/, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 5 miles east of Belvidere to Norris, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... White River, Norris, Belvidere, Cedar Butte and Intersection of Highway 83 and White River. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 160 and 174. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 4346 10140 4390 10134 4399 10107 4386 10106 4385 10099 4381 10096 4383 10093 4379 10089 4376 10080 4372 10079 4374 10075 4371 10072 4373 10066 4344 10060 TIME...MOT...LOC 2337Z 271DEG 27KT 4382 10117 4347 10121 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...70MPH $$ JC  692 WSMX31 MMMX 302337 MMEX SIGMET R2 VALID 302336/010336 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2336Z WI N2215 W09223 - N1720 W09136 - N1734 W09010 - N1931 W08904 - N2334 W08850 CB TOP ABV FL410 MOV W 5 KT INTSF. =  479 WWUS83 KPAH 302338 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 638 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ076>078-INZ081-082-087-088-KYZ019-010045- Edwards IL-Wabash IL-Wayne IL-Warrick IN-Gibson IN-Spencer IN- Pike IN-Daviess KY- 638 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WAYNE...WABASH...EDWARDS... WARRICK...SPENCER...GIBSON...PIKE AND NORTHEASTERN DAVIESS COUNTIES UNTIL 745 PM CDT... At 638 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Edgewood to 8 miles east of Vincennes to near Winslow to 10 miles west of English. Movement was south at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Strong thunderstorms will be near... Petersburg around 705 PM CDT. Dale around 710 PM CDT. Santa Claus around 715 PM CDT. Oakland City and Winslow around 720 PM CDT. Grandview and Cisne around 735 PM CDT. Lynnville around 740 PM CDT. Fairfield, Wayne City and Folsomville around 745 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by these storms include Mount Erie, Jeffersonville, Browns, Waitman, Keensburg, Johnsonville, Keenes, Golden Gate, Spurgeon and Gentryville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM CDT for south central and southeastern Illinois...southwestern Indiana...and northwestern Kentucky. LAT...LON 3857 8765 3851 8765 3847 8775 3842 8774 3854 8743 3851 8730 3854 8711 3821 8707 3821 8679 3800 8677 3793 8698 3788 8689 3785 8691 3785 8695 3810 8747 3817 8747 3817 8768 3826 8799 3826 8870 3861 8870 TIME...MOT...LOC 2338Z 343DEG 28KT 3891 8869 3868 8735 3838 8715 3836 8665 $$ RST  010 WGUS82 KJAX 302338 FLSJAX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 738 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 FLC001-083-010145- /O.NEW.KJAX.FA.Y.0040.190630T2338Z-190701T0145Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Alachua FL-Marion FL- 738 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a * Flood Advisory for... South central Alachua County in northern Florida... Northwestern Marion County in northern Florida... * Until 945 PM EDT. * At 738 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Sparr, Anthony, Reddick, McIntosh, Flemington, Lowell and Burbank. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 2938 8241 2949 8241 2954 8240 2929 8191 2916 8194 $$ 23  040 WUUS55 KBYZ 302339 SVRBYZ MTC103-111-010030- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0049.190630T2339Z-190701T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 539 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Yellowstone County in south central Montana... West central Treasure County in southeastern Montana... * Until 630 PM MDT. * At 538 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Custer, or 23 miles southwest of Hysham, moving north at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts, half dollar size hail, and heavy rain. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Custer and Bighorn. This warning does not include the city of Billings. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4625 10735 4604 10751 4604 10752 4608 10771 4630 10769 TIME...MOT...LOC 2338Z 195DEG 13KT 4610 10764 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Vertz  547 WWUS53 KFSD 302339 SVSFSD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 639 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC053-302349- /O.EXP.KFSD.SV.W.0027.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Gregory SD- 639 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL GREGORY COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4338 9953 4339 9916 4327 9916 4327 9953 TIME...MOT...LOC 2339Z 273DEG 16KT 4334 9935 $$ Hanko  596 WWUS82 KMHX 302339 SPSMHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 739 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ205-010015- Hatteras Island- 739 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL DARE COUNTY... At 738 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 7 miles east of Stumpy Point, moving southeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Salvo, Waves, Rodanthe and Hatteras Island Fishing Pier. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. Strong winds are capable of knocking down small trees and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. LAT...LON 3552 7550 3562 7550 3576 7556 3576 7548 3561 7544 3550 7545 TIME...MOT...LOC 2338Z 293DEG 32KT 3569 7561 $$ 26  325 WOUS20 KWNS 302339 WWASPC SPC WW-A 302340 IAZ000-ILZ000-010040- STATUS REPORT ON WW 471 THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES ACROSS THE ENTIRE WATCH AREA. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1321 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...DVN... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 471 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC011-071-073-131-161-187-195-010040- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU HENDERSON HENRY MERCER ROCK ISLAND WARREN WHITESIDE $$ IAC031-045-057-087-103-115-139-163-183-010040- IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CEDAR CLINTON DES MOINES HENRY JOHNSON LOUISA MUSCATINE SCOTT WASHINGTON $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  382 WHUS52 KKEY 302340 SMWKEY GMZ035-044-010045- /O.NEW.KKEY.MA.W.0179.190630T2340Z-190701T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Key West FL 740 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Key West has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Gulf of Mexico from west end of Seven Mile Bridge to Halfmoon Shoal out to 5 fathoms... Hawk Channel from west end of Seven Mile Bridge to Halfmoon Shoal out to the reef... * Until 845 PM EDT. * At 738 PM EDT, a large waterspout was sighted by an off duty National Weather Service employee near Pine Channel. The waterspout was nearly stationary. Conditions are favorable for additional waterspouts to develop in the same general area during the next hour. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...National Weather Service Meteorologist. IMPACT...Waterspouts can capsize boats, damage vessels and create suddenly higher waves. Expect wind gusts in excess of 34 knots, suddenly higher waves, frequent lightning, and heavy downpours. * Locations in the warning include... Annette Key, Howe Key, Raccoon Key, Coupon Bight, Little Pine Key, Newfound Harbor and Little Knockemdown Key. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A waterspout is a tornado over water that can be dangerous and even deadly. Small craft can be swamped or overturned by a waterspout. Stay away from them, at all times. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. && LAT...LON 2462 8143 2478 8154 2484 8134 2468 8125 TIME...MOT...LOC 2338Z 208DEG 2KT 2474 8136 WATERSPOUT...OBSERVED HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ Jacobson  988 WWUS55 KBYZ 302340 SVSBYZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 540 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTC003-302350- /O.CAN.KBYZ.SV.W.0048.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Big Horn MT- 540 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL BIG HORN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4530 10790 4543 10792 4555 10747 4526 10740 TIME...MOT...LOC 2338Z 263DEG 20KT 4539 10760 $$ Vertz  122 WSFG20 TFFF 302339 SOOO SIGMET 10 VALID 302330/010200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0600 W05400 - N0800 W05400 - N0715 W04415 - N0500 W04415 - N0500 W04800 - N0445 W04900 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  577 WANO36 ENMI 302340 ENOB AIRMET E01 VALID 010001/010400 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7650 E01425 - N7910 E01840 - N7913 E02315 - N7625 E01642 - N7650 E01425 1000FT/FL180 STNR NC=  522 WSMX31 MMMX 302341 MMEX SIGMET A2 VALID 302339/010339 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2339Z WI N1304 W10914 - N1549 W10541 - N1213 W09857 - N10215 W10410 - N0907 W10827 CB TOP ABV FL510 MOV W 5 KT INTSF. =  298 WOUS64 KWNS 302343 WOU0 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 470 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 643 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ NE . NEBRASKA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ARTHUR BOYD BROWN CHERRY GARDEN GRANT HOOKER KEYA PAHA ROCK $$ SDC003-005-007-015-017-023-035-043-049-053-055-059-065-069-071- 073-075-085-095-102-111-115-117-119-121-123-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AURORA BEADLE BENNETT BRULE BUFFALO CHARLES MIX DAVISON DOUGLAS FAULK GREGORY HAAKON HAND HUGHES HYDE JACKSON JERAULD JONES LYMAN MELLETTE OGLALA LAKOTA SANBORN SPINK STANLEY SULLY TODD TRIPP $$ ATTN...WFO...LBF...FSD...UNR...ABR...  322 WWUS83 KABR 302343 SPSABR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 643 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDZ048-010045- Lyman SD- 643 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN LYMAN COUNTY UNTIL 745 PM CDT... At 642 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Iona, or 20 miles south of Chamberlain, moving north at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Iona and Lake Francis Case. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4373 9962 4370 9943 4368 9947 4365 9945 4366 9938 4365 9936 4361 9934 4358 9934 4353 9928 4350 9929 4350 9962 TIME...MOT...LOC 2342Z 195DEG 11KT 4352 9942 $$ Dorn  787 ACPN50 PHFO 302343 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 200 PM HST Sun Jun 30 2019 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster TS  016 WWUS55 KBYZ 302343 SVSBYZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 543 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTC075-302353- /O.CAN.KBYZ.SV.W.0047.000000T0000Z-190701T0015Z/ Powder River MT- 543 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN POWDER RIVER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4546 10603 4564 10600 4568 10535 4531 10548 TIME...MOT...LOC 2341Z 276DEG 13KT 4554 10575 $$ Setzenfand  612 WOUS64 KWNS 302343 WOU1 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 471 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 643 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 471 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC031-045-057-087-103-115-139-163-183-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0471.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CEDAR CLINTON DES MOINES HENRY JOHNSON LOUISA MUSCATINE SCOTT WASHINGTON $$ ILC011-071-073-131-161-187-195-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0471.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BUREAU HENDERSON HENRY MERCER ROCK ISLAND WARREN WHITESIDE $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...  613 WOUS64 KWNS 302343 WOU2 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 472 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 643 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 472 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ILC047-059-065-165-185-191-193-010300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0472.000000T0000Z-190701T0300Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE EDWARDS GALLATIN HAMILTON SALINE WABASH WAYNE WHITE $$ INC025-037-051-061-117-123-125-129-147-163-173-010300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0472.000000T0000Z-190701T0300Z/ IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CRAWFORD DUBOIS GIBSON HARRISON ORANGE PERRY PIKE POSEY SPENCER VANDERBURGH WARRICK $$ KYC027-059-091-101-163-225-010300- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0472.000000T0000Z-190701T0300Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BRECKINRIDGE DAVIESS HANCOCK HENDERSON MEADE UNION $$ ATTN...WFO...PAH...LMK...  041 WWUS81 KRLX 302344 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 744 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 VAZ004-WVZ033-010015- Buchanan-McDowell- 744 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN BUCHANAN AND SOUTHWESTERN MCDOWELL COUNTIES... At 743 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 12 miles southeast of Argo, or 12 miles northeast of Grundy, moving southeast at 15 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and nickel size hail are possible with this storm. Torrential rainfall, up to an inch and a half of rain within one half hour, may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Locations impacted include... War, Bradshaw, Avondale, Stacy, Jolo and Cucumber. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 3736 8204 3747 8186 3727 8159 3721 8168 3724 8172 3724 8174 3720 8176 3720 8177 3719 8179 3717 8184 3718 8185 3717 8187 3715 8188 3715 8189 TIME...MOT...LOC 2343Z 322DEG 14KT 3736 8190 $$ 12  444 WWUS53 KUNR 302344 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 644 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC123-302353- /O.EXP.KUNR.SV.W.0096.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Tripp SD- 644 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL TRIPP COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and is slowly exiting the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4350 9962 4350 9954 4347 9953 4333 9954 4335 9966 TIME...MOT...LOC 2343Z 188DEG 14KT 4341 9960 $$ Sherburn  842 WWUS63 KARX 302344 WCNARX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LA CROSSE WI 644 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 IAC005-037-043-065-067-089-131-191-WIC023-043-010045- /O.CAN.KARX.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS CANCELS 8 COUNTIES IN NORTH CENTRAL IOWA FLOYD MITCHELL IN NORTHEAST IOWA ALLAMAKEE CHICKASAW CLAYTON FAYETTE HOWARD WINNESHIEK IN WISCONSIN THIS CANCELS 2 COUNTIES IN SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN CRAWFORD GRANT THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF CHARLES CITY, CRESCO, DECORAH, ELKADER, NEW HAMPTON, OELWEIN, OSAGE, PLATTEVILLE, PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, AND WAUKON. $$  107 WHUS52 KMHX 302344 SMWMHX AMZ135-150-152-170-172-010045- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0075.190630T2344Z-190701T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 744 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Pamlico Sound... S of Currituck Beach Light NC to Oregon Inlet NC out to 20 nm... S of Oregon Inlet NC to Cape Hatteras NC out to 20 nm... Waters from Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC from 20 to 40 nm... Waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC from 20 to 40 nm... * Until 845 PM EDT. * At 743 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 22 nm southeast of South Tower to 17 nm east of Ar145 to 7 nm east of Ar160 to near Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, moving east at 35 knots. HAZARD...Wind gusts to nearly 50 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Ar160 and Rodanthe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. && LAT...LON 3541 7481 3537 7534 3571 7572 3574 7539 3585 7513 3609 7494 3598 7488 3572 7481 3561 7479 TIME...MOT...LOC 2343Z 290DEG 35KT 3606 7485 3583 7504 3569 7529 3567 7560 HAIL...0.00IN WIND...49KTS $$ 26  432 WWUS84 KJAN 302344 SPSJAN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS 644 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ARZ074-010000- Ashley AR- 644 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL ASHLEY COUNTY UNTIL 700 PM CDT... At 644 PM CDT, Meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm near West Crossett, moving northwest at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Ashley County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... High winds can bring down trees and large limbs resulting in serious injury or property damage. Exercise extreme caution when outdoors during such strong winds...and be especially aware of older trees. && LAT...LON 3312 9212 3314 9212 3315 9211 3316 9212 3316 9214 3317 9213 3318 9213 3319 9214 3320 9213 3312 9202 3303 9211 3305 9212 3307 9211 3307 9213 3310 9214 TIME...MOT...LOC 2344Z 144DEG 17KT 3313 9211 $$ TW  182 WUUS53 KIND 302345 SVRIND INC027-083-101-010030- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0138.190630T2345Z-190701T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 745 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Knox County in southwestern Indiana... Southwestern Martin County in southwestern Indiana... Daviess County in southwestern Indiana... * Until 830 PM EDT. * At 743 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Vincennes, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Washington, Bicknell, Loogootee, Odon, Elnora, Oaktown, Monroe City, Wheatland, Bruceville, Plainville, Sandborn, Montgomery, Edwardsport, Decker, Cannelburg, Alfordsville, West Boggs Lake, Freelandville and Vincennes University. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 8775 3851 8765 3855 8767 3859 8761 3864 8762 3874 8750 3886 8755 3890 8753 3890 8693 3851 8684 3849 8695 3850 8706 3854 8711 3852 8715 3855 8720 3851 8730 3854 8743 3852 8754 3845 8760 3842 8774 TIME...MOT...LOC 2343Z 017DEG 28KT 3871 8744 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  219 WWUS63 KUNR 302345 WCNUNR WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 470 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RAPID CITY SD 545 PM MDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SDC102-010045- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS CANCELS 1 COUNTY IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA OGLALA LAKOTA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF KYLE, OGLALA, AND PINE RIDGE. $$ SDC007-055-071-095-121-123-010400- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 10 PM MDT /11 PM CDT/ THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN SOUTH DAKOTA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 6 COUNTIES IN SOUTH CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA MELLETTE TODD TRIPP IN SOUTHWEST SOUTH DAKOTA BENNETT JACKSON IN WEST CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA HAAKON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALLEN, BILLSBURG, CLEARFIELD, IDEAL, KADOKA, KIRLEY, LACREEK WILDLIFE REFUGE, MARTIN, MILESVILLE, MISSION, PHILIP, ROSEBUD, SAINT FRANCIS, TUTHILL, WHITE RIVER, WINNER, AND WOOD. $$  133 WUUS53 KLMK 302345 SVRLMK INC025-061-123-KYC027-093-163-010030- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0163.190630T2345Z-190701T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 745 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Harrison County in south central Indiana... Central Crawford County in south central Indiana... Northeastern Perry County in south central Indiana... Meade County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Hardin County in central Kentucky... Northeastern Breckinridge County in central Kentucky... * Until 830 PM EDT/730 PM CDT/. * At 745 PM EDT/645 PM CDT/, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 9 miles northeast of Carefree Town to 11 miles southeast of Brandenburg, moving southwest at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Corydon, Brandenburg, Carefree Town, Radcliff, Webster, Vine Grove, Irvington, Muldraugh, Milltown and West Point. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3827 8661 3837 8622 3815 8605 3785 8587 3769 8623 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 049DEG 13KT 3837 8628 3790 8600 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ SCHOETTMER  355 WWUS53 KDVN 302345 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 645 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC085-IAC097-302355- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Jo Daviess IL-Jackson IA- 645 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN JO DAVIESS AND EAST CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois. LAT...LON 4220 8940 4220 8969 4214 8969 4213 8972 4213 8999 4250 8964 4250 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 284DEG 42KT 4248 8940 4234 8956 4214 8973 $$ ILC015-177-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Carroll IL-Stephenson IL- 645 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN CARROLL AND STEPHENSON COUNTIES... At 645 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Lake Summerset to near Dakota to Shannon, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Freeport, Pearl City, Shannon, Cedarville, Davis, Dakota, German Valley, Rock City, Ridott, Buena Vista, Rock Grove, Orangeville, Eleroy, Red Oak, Damascus, Afolkey, Scioto Mills, Winneshiek, Dakota Dornink Airport and Albertus Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 4220 8940 4220 8969 4214 8969 4213 8972 4213 8999 4250 8964 4250 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 284DEG 42KT 4248 8940 4234 8956 4214 8973 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Uttech  723 WWUS53 KDVN 302345 RRA SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 645 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC011-073-131-161-195-IAC031-045-103-115-139-163-183-010000- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0103.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Rock Island IL-Mercer IL-Whiteside IL-Henry IL-Bureau IL-Louisa IA- Cedar IA-Scott IA-Johnson IA-Washington IA-Muscatine IA-Clinton IA- 645 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR ROCK ISLAND...MERCER...WHITESIDE...HENRY...WESTERN BUREAU... LOUISA...SOUTHERN CEDAR...SCOTT...SOUTHERN JOHNSON...WASHINGTON... MUSCATINE AND SOUTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 645 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Erie to Illinois City to near Oxford, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Iowa City, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Sterling, Kewanee, Rock Falls, Washington, Morrison, Aledo, Cambridge, Wapello, Columbus Junction, Durant, Silvis, Geneseo and Eldridge. If you are at Henry County Fairgrounds in Cambridge, or Davenport Airport you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 280 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 45. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 33. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 43. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4123 8970 4123 8987 4115 8987 4118 9184 4164 9181 4159 9101 4177 9044 4184 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 349DEG 38KT 4174 9008 4139 9092 4166 9176 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ McClure  588 WHUS42 KILM 302345 CFWILM Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Wilmington NC 745 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NCZ106-108-SCZ054-056-010045- /O.EXP.KILM.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Coastal Pender-Coastal New Hanover-Coastal Horry- Coastal Georgetown- 745 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... The strong longshore currents along east-facing beaches have weakened. Therefore, the advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ 21  651 WSMX31 MMMX 302345 MMEX SIGMET B2 VALID 302345/010545 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR CNL SIGMET B1 302041/010041=  758 WWUS85 KCYS 302346 SPSCYS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 546 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 WYZ106>108-118-010030- East Platte County WY- Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County WY- Goshen County WY-Central Laramie County WY- 546 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN GOSHEN... NORTHWESTERN LARAMIE AND SOUTHEASTERN PLATTE COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM MDT... At 546 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles west of Chugwater, or 21 miles south of Wheatland, moving north at 20 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wheatland, Chugwater, Slater, Chugcreek, Bordeaux and Y-O Ranch. This includes Interstate 25 in Wyoming between mile markers 51 and 82. LAT...LON 4163 10488 4169 10511 4209 10498 4200 10464 TIME...MOT...LOC 2346Z 199DEG 19KT 4173 10497 $$ Lyons  794 WWUS83 KILX 302346 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 646 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILZ067-068-071>073-010015- Clay-Richland-Jasper-Lawrence-Crawford- 646 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN LAWRENCE...SOUTHWESTERN CRAWFORD...SOUTHERN JASPER...RICHLAND AND CLAY COUNTIES UNTIL 715 PM CDT... At 646 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Iola to near Chauncey. Movement was south at 40 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Olney, Flora, Sumner, Louisville, Clay City, Noble, Xenia, Bible Grove, Parkersburg, Claremont, Calhoun, Iola, Sailor Springs, Chauncey, Ingraham, Schnell, Dundas, West Liberty, Oskaloosa and Wakefield. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for south central, southeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3860 8816 3861 8870 3890 8869 3885 8781 3857 8781 3857 8814 TIME...MOT...LOC 2346Z 006DEG 33KT 3883 8870 3880 8791 $$ 37  078 WWUS63 KDMX 302346 WCNDMX WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 468 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DES MOINES IA 646 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 IAC013-017-023-033-069-075-081-083-189-195-010100- /O.CAN.KDMX.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS CANCELS 10 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL IOWA GRUNDY HARDIN IN NORTH CENTRAL IOWA BUTLER CERRO GORDO FRANKLIN HANCOCK WINNEBAGO WORTH IN NORTHEAST IOWA BLACK HAWK BREMER THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ACKLEY, ALLISON, APLINGTON, BRITT, CEDAR FALLS, CLARKSVILLE, CLEAR LAKE, CONRAD, DIKE, DUMONT, ELDORA, FOREST CITY, GARNER, GREENE, GRUNDY CENTER, HAMPTON, IOWA FALLS, KANAWHA, LAKE MILLS, MANLY, MASON CITY, NORTHWOOD, PARKERSBURG, REINBECK, SHELL ROCK, WATERLOO, WAVERLY, AND WELLSBURG. $$ IAC171-010200- /O.CON.KDMX.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN IOWA THIS WATCH INCLUDES 1 COUNTY IN CENTRAL IOWA TAMA THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF DYSART, GLADBROOK, TAMA, TOLEDO, AND TRAER. * PRIMARY THREATS INCLUDE... SCATTERED DAMAGING WINDS AND ISOLATED SIGNIFICANT GUSTS TO 75 MPH POSSIBLE. ISOLATED LARGE HAIL EVENTS TO 1.5 INCHES IN DIAMETER POSSIBLE. $$  265 WSUS32 KKCI 302355 SIGC MKCC WST 302355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 99C VALID UNTIL 0155Z VA TN KY IN IL FROM 20NW BVT-60SE CVG-50NE VXV-20ENE STL-20NW BVT AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 34035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 01C VALID UNTIL 0155Z WI IL MN IA LM FROM 40NW DLL-20NE ORD-30N UIN-20N MCW-40NW DLL AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 34030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 02C VALID UNTIL 0155Z NE SD FROM 40S DPR-50NW FSD-40NE ONL-70SE RAP-40S DPR AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 28025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 2 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 03C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX NM FROM 60NW INK-30NW ACT-20N CWK-30NE MRF-60NW INK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 03010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 04C VALID UNTIL 0155Z LA AR TX OK FROM 20S FSM-20ENE LIT-50ENE AEX-30WNW GGG-20S FSM AREA TS MOV FROM 08020KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 05C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX FROM 30NNE CRP-30NE LRD LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 06C VALID UNTIL 0155Z NE CO NM WY FROM 30WSW ANW-10E CIM-20WNW RSK-40NNW LAR-30WSW ANW AREA SEV TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 010155-010555 AREA 1...FROM GGW-ABR-RWF-RHI-MKG-BNA-STL-ONL-BOY-GGW WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. REF WW 467 468 469 470 471. AREA 2...FROM RZC-MSL-CEW-BRO-DLF-INK-RZC WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  266 WSUS33 KKCI 302355 SIGW MKCW WST 302355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41W VALID UNTIL 0155Z MT WY FROM 60E MLS-20SE CZI-40WSW BOY-30ESE HLN-60E MLS AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25020KT. TOPS TO FL430. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42W VALID UNTIL 0155Z NM AZ FROM 30E TBC-50N ABQ-40N SSO-60SSW SSO-50SSW TUS-30E TBC AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 010155-010555 FROM JAC-60N BFF-TBE-ELP-50SSW TUS-MTU-JAC WST ISSUANCES POSS NRN SXNS THRU PD..DVLPG AFT 19Z CNTRL/SRN SXNS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  267 WSUS31 KKCI 302355 SIGE MKCE WST 302355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31E VALID UNTIL 0155Z FL GA AL FROM 20NW VUZ-40ENE PZD-20NNE CTY-30ENE SJI-20NW VUZ AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32E VALID UNTIL 0155Z FL GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50N CRG-20SSE TRV-30ESE SRQ-20E CTY-50N CRG AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33E VALID UNTIL 0155Z MA RI NY CSTL WTRS FROM 40ESE ACK-150SSE ACK-200SSE HTO-90SSE HTO-40ESE ACK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 32035KT. TOPS TO FL340. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34E VALID UNTIL 0155Z NC SC FROM 20ENE GSO-40SSE RDU-20S SPA-40NNW SPA-20ENE GSO AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1.5 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35E VALID UNTIL 0155Z VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70E ORF-150ESE ECG-110SSE ECG-60NE RDU-70E ORF AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 30030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 010155-010555 AREA 1...FROM PQI-60WSW YSJ-150ENE ACK-190SE ACK-160SE SIE-HNK-30SE MSS-YSC-50ESE YQB-PQI WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM ODF-SAV-80ENE PBI-90SE MIA-40S EYW-60W PIE-CEW-MSL-ODF WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM IND-HNN-40SW SBY-ORF-50S ECG-40NNW SPA-30WNW BNA-IND WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. REF WW 469 471 472.  453 WWUS83 KLBF 302347 SPSLBF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 547 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 NEZ004-023-094-010030- Sheridan NE-Grant NE-Western Cherry NE- 547 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN CHERRY... NORTHWESTERN GRANT AND SOUTHEASTERN SHERIDAN COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM MDT... At 546 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Ashby, or 34 miles north of Arthur, moving northeast at 10 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Hyannis, Ashby, Whitman Road crossing the North Branch of the Middle Loup River, Bingham and Mother Lake. This includes the following highways... Highway 2 between mile markers 131 and 150. Highway 61 between mile markers 156 and 180. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service office in North Platte. && A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1000 PM MDT for north central and west central Nebraska. LAT...LON 4186 10185 4204 10210 4235 10180 4217 10149 TIME...MOT...LOC 2346Z 217DEG 9KT 4206 10184 $$ Jurgensen/CDC  693 WSAJ31 UBBB 302347 UBBB SIGMET 1 VALID 010000/010400 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL360 MOV NE 40KT NC=  823 WGUS75 KPUB 302347 FFSPUB Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 547 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 COC023-010030- /O.CON.KPUB.FF.W.0009.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Costilla CO- 547 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM MDT FOR NORTHEASTERN COSTILLA COUNTY... At 542 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated only spotty light rain over the Spring burn scar south of highway 160 in Costilla county. However, heavy rain has fallen over this area between 4 and 5 pm and high water is likely occurring in and around the Forbes Park area. Strong thunderstorms were re-developing south of the Spring Burn scar south of Fort Garland, and these storms may move over the Spring burn scar after 6:30 pm. LAT...LON 3757 10521 3752 10518 3747 10519 3742 10517 3744 10526 3749 10530 3754 10527 $$ Hodanish  007 WWUS53 KILX 302347 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 647 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC033-079-302357- /O.EXP.KILX.SV.W.0133.000000T0000Z-190630T2345Z/ Crawford-Jasper- 647 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN CRAWFORD AND SOUTHERN JASPER COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for south central, southeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3890 8752 3889 8754 3885 8754 3885 8836 3887 8837 3903 8836 3899 8758 3896 8752 3895 8751 TIME...MOT...LOC 2347Z 017DEG 23KT 3888 8840 3883 8756 $$ 37  274 WSMX31 MMMX 302347 MMEX SIGMET B3 VALID 302345/010345 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2345Z WI 90NM WIDE LINE N2938 W10947 - N2347 W10706 - N2153 W10507 - N1953 W10453 - N1922 W10134 CB TOP ABV FL400 MOV SW 5 KT INTSF. =  698 WWUS53 KILX 302347 RRA SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 647 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC033-079-302357- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.W.0135.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Crawford-Jasper- 647 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN CRAWFORD AND SOUTHERN JASPER COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for south central, southeastern and east central Illinois. LAT...LON 3890 8752 3889 8754 3885 8754 3885 8836 3887 8837 3902 8837 3899 8758 3896 8752 3895 8751 TIME...MOT...LOC 2344Z 017DEG 23KT 3884 8838 3879 8757 $$ 37  906 WHUS71 KPHI 302348 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 748 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ANZ430-431-454-010100- /O.EXP.KPHI.SC.Y.0064.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Delaware Bay waters north of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- Delaware Bay waters south of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- 748 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... Wind gusts have fallen below Small Craft Advisory criteria. Therefore, the Small Craft Advisory will expire at 8 pm. $$ ANZ450>453-010900- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0064.000000T0000Z-190701T0900Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- 748 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EDT MONDAY... * WINDS AND SEAS...North winds around 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. Seas 2 to 4 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 25 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ MPS  762 WWUS53 KILX 302349 SVSILX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 649 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC033-302358- /O.CAN.KILX.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Crawford- 649 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN CRAWFORD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for southeastern Illinois. LAT...LON 3869 8752 3867 8759 3864 8762 3859 8762 3859 8764 3857 8765 3857 8791 3878 8791 3874 8750 TIME...MOT...LOC 2348Z 003DEG 17KT 3869 8772 $$ ILC101-010000- /O.CON.KILX.SV.W.0134.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Lawrence- 649 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT FOR LAWRENCE COUNTY... At 648 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lawrenceville, moving south at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Lawrenceville, Sumner, St. Francisville, Billett, Red Hills State Park, Helena, Mount Carmel Airport and Petrolia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3869 8752 3867 8759 3864 8762 3859 8762 3859 8764 3857 8765 3857 8791 3878 8791 3874 8750 TIME...MOT...LOC 2348Z 003DEG 17KT 3869 8772 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 37  681 WWUS55 KBYZ 302350 SVSBYZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 550 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTC103-111-010000- /O.CAN.KBYZ.SV.W.0049.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ Yellowstone MT-Treasure MT- 550 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL YELLOWSTONE AND WEST CENTRAL TREASURE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4625 10735 4604 10751 4604 10752 4608 10771 4630 10769 TIME...MOT...LOC 2348Z 195DEG 13KT 4614 10762 $$ Vertz  985 WWUS73 KDMX 302350 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 650 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...Hot And Humid Conditions Persist Today... .Heat and humidity will continue into the evening for much of Iowa. Cool thunderstorm outflow if moving across northeast Iowa and into central Iowa into early this evening. Areas will be removed from the advisory where this outflow passes through. IAZ004-005-016-025-026-038-010100- /O.CAN.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Hancock-Wright-Franklin-Grundy- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Grundy Center, Reinbeck, Conrad, Dike, and Wellsburg 650 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Des Moines has cancelled the Heat Advisory. Cooler conditions have arrived to the area, therefore, the advisory has been cancelled. $$ IAZ015-023-024-033>037-044>050-057>062-070>075-081>086-092>097- 010200- /O.CON.KDMX.HT.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ Palo Alto-Pocahontas-Humboldt-Sac-Calhoun-Webster-Hamilton-Hardin- Crawford-Carroll-Greene-Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama-Audubon-Guthrie- Dallas-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison-Warren-Marion- Mahaska-Adams-Union-Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Taylor-Ringgold- Decatur-Wayne-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Emmetsburg, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, Early, Rockwell City, Manson, Lake City, Pomeroy, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Eldora, Ackley, Denison, Carroll, Jefferson, Boone, Ames, Marshalltown, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Dysart, Gladbrook, Audubon, Exira, Guthrie Center, Panora, Bayard, Casey, Perry, Waukee, Adel, Des Moines, Newton, Grinnell, Atlantic, Greenfield, Stuart, Adair, Fontanelle, Winterset, Earlham, Indianola, Norwalk, Carlisle, Pella, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Corning, Creston, Osceola, Chariton, Albia, Ottumwa, Bedford, Lenox, New Market, Mount Ayr, Lamoni, Leon, Corydon, Seymour, Allerton, Humeston, Centerville, and Bloomfield 650 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CDT THIS EVENING... * TEMPERATURE...Temperatures will remain in the lower 90s through the early evening with heat index values slowly falling into the upper 90s. * IMPACTS...Heat illnesses are possible for those active outdoors, in homes without air conditioning, or those susceptible to heat illnesses such as children and the elderly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Heat Advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Take extra precautions, if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 9 1 1. && $$  386 WSRA31 RUYK 302256 UEEE SIGMET 13 VALID 302256/010300 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR CNL SIGMET 10 302100/010300=  892 WSSG31 GOOY 302352 GOOO SIGMET A1 VALID 010000/010400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2350Z WI N1209 W01047 - N1239 W01342 - N1607 W01307 - N1608 W00912 - N1331 W01004 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT NC=  709 WWUS53 KDVN 302353 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 653 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 IAC045-010002- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0102.000000T0000Z-190701T0015Z/ Clinton IA- 653 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CLINTON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch also remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois. LAT...LON 4178 9021 4201 8992 4215 8978 4216 8969 4193 8969 4193 8963 4175 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2352Z 312DEG 44KT 4202 8957 4166 9002 $$ ILC015-195-010015- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0102.000000T0000Z-190701T0015Z/ Whiteside IL-Carroll IL- 653 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM CDT FOR NORTHERN WHITESIDE AND SOUTHEASTERN CARROLL COUNTIES... At 652 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Polo to near Erie, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Sterling, Rock Falls, Morrison, Lanark, Garden Plain, Milledgeville, Fairhaven, Shannon, Chadwick, Coleta, Emerson, Union Grove, Ustick, Round Grove, Hitt, Carroll County Fairgrounds, Penrose, Malvern, Como and White Pigeon. This includes Interstate 88 between mile markers 33 and 36, and near mile marker 44. LAT...LON 4178 9021 4201 8992 4215 8978 4216 8969 4193 8969 4193 8963 4175 8963 TIME...MOT...LOC 2352Z 312DEG 44KT 4202 8957 4166 9002 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Uttech  392 WOUS64 KWNS 302353 WOU8 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 468 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 653 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 468 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS IAC011-019-055-061-097-105-113-171-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IA . IOWA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENTON BUCHANAN DELAWARE DUBUQUE JACKSON JONES LINN TAMA $$ ILC015-085-177-010200- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0468.000000T0000Z-190701T0200Z/ IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CARROLL JO DAVIESS STEPHENSON $$ ATTN...WFO...DVN...DMX...  549 WUUS55 KBYZ 302353 SVRBYZ MTC095-010100- /O.NEW.KBYZ.SV.W.0050.190630T2353Z-190701T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Billings MT 553 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Billings has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Stillwater County in south central Montana... * Until 700 PM MDT. * At 552 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 20 miles northwest of Columbus, moving southeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. At Quarter size hail and winds gusting to 60 mph have been reported by spotters with this storm in Sweet Grass county. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Columbus, Halfbreed Lake Wildlife, Park City and Molt. This replaces the warning previously in effect for this area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4593 10890 4569 10891 4568 10889 4566 10889 4564 10884 4561 10884 4560 10891 4562 10898 4559 10905 4559 10912 4556 10913 4574 10957 4587 10955 4587 10950 4596 10951 4596 10943 4598 10942 TIME...MOT...LOC 2352Z 300DEG 24KT 4587 10951 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ Chambers  550 WWUS53 KIND 302353 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 753 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC027-083-101-010030- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0138.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ Knox IN-Martin IN-Daviess IN- 753 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM EDT FOR SOUTHERN KNOX...SOUTHWESTERN MARTIN AND SOUTHERN DAVIESS COUNTIES... At 753 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Vincennes, moving south at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Vincennes, Washington, Monroe City, Wheatland, Montgomery, Decker, Alfordsville, Vincennes University and Glendale Fishery. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3847 8775 3851 8765 3855 8767 3859 8761 3864 8762 3874 8750 3873 8743 3868 8722 3864 8687 3851 8684 3849 8695 3850 8706 3854 8711 3852 8715 3855 8720 3851 8730 3854 8743 3852 8754 3845 8760 3842 8774 TIME...MOT...LOC 2353Z 012DEG 28KT 3862 8742 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ TDUD  078 WOUS64 KWNS 302353 WOU0 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WS 470 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 653 PM CDT SUN JUN 30 2019 SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 470 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 PM CDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS NEC005-015-017-031-069-075-091-103-149-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ NE . NEBRASKA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ARTHUR BOYD BROWN CHERRY GARDEN GRANT HOOKER KEYA PAHA ROCK $$ SDC003-005-007-015-017-023-035-043-049-053-055-059-065-069-071- 073-075-085-095-111-115-117-119-121-123-010400- /O.CON.KWNS.SV.A.0470.000000T0000Z-190701T0400Z/ SD . SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE AURORA BEADLE BENNETT BRULE BUFFALO CHARLES MIX DAVISON DOUGLAS FAULK GREGORY HAAKON HAND HUGHES HYDE JACKSON JERAULD JONES LYMAN MELLETTE SANBORN SPINK STANLEY SULLY TODD TRIPP $$ ATTN...WFO...LBF...FSD...UNR...ABR...  265 WUUS53 KUNR 302354 SVRUNR SDC095-121-010100- /O.NEW.KUNR.SV.W.0097.190630T2354Z-190701T0100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Rapid City SD 654 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Todd County in south central South Dakota... Southwestern Mellette County in south central South Dakota... * Until 800 PM CDT. * At 654 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 4 miles southwest of Parmelee, or 20 miles west of Mission, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mission, Rosebud, Saint Francis, Parmelee, Spring Creek and Lakeview. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and damaging winds. People outside should move immediately to shelter inside a strong building. Stay away from windows. && LAT...LON 4307 10122 4346 10122 4346 10060 4309 10052 TIME...MOT...LOC 2354Z 253DEG 22KT 4326 10106 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ JC  618 WBCN07 CWVR 302300 PAM ROCKS WIND 1306 LANGARA; OVC 15 NW04 RPLD LO W 2330 CLD EST 14 OVC 14/11 GREEN; CLDY 15 N08E 1FT CHP 2330 CLD EST 15 FEW 20 SCT BKN ABV 25 16/13 TRIPLE; CLDY 15 W05E 1FT CHP LO W 2330 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 16/13 BONILLA; CLDY 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO S 2330 CLD EST 8 FEW 22 SCT BKN ABV 25 17/14 BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP 2330 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/14 MCINNES; CLDY 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 2330 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 20/13 IVORY; CLDY 15 W11 2FT CHP LO SW 2330 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 18/14 DRYAD; CLDY 15 NW15 2FT CHP 2330 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 20/15 ADDENBROKE; PC 15 N04E RPLD 2330 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/17 EGG ISLAND; CLDY 15 NW14E 3FT MOD LO W 2340 CLD EST 18 FEW BKN ABV 25 21/17 PINE ISLAND; PC 15 NW10E RPLD LO W 2340 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 16/14 CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 CALM 1FT CHP LO SW 2340 CLD EST 16 FEW BKN ABV 25 18/15 QUATSINO; PC 15 W14E 3FT MOD LO SW 2340 CLD EST 2 FEW SCT ABV 25 16/14 NOOTKA; PC 15 SW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 2340 CLD EST SCTR ABV 25 21/16 ESTEVAN; PC 15 NW17 3FT MDT LO SW 1022.0F LENNARD; PC 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NW05 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 W05E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 W08E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; PC 15 NW12E 2FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; PC 15 W4E RPLD CHATHAM; PC 15 CALM RPLD 2340 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/14 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WEZ SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 187/22/13/MMMM/M/ 8017 01MM= WLP SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 213/16/13/3009/M/ 7009 56MM= WEB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 216/16/12/3315/M/ PK WND 3218 2236Z 8006 35MM= WQC SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 188/25/08/1502/M/ 8016 34MM= WRU SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 221/15/09/3308/M/ 8005 18MM= WFG SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 218/14/13/18MM/M/ 6008 80MM= WVF SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/19/16/2906/M/ M 71MM= WQS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 229/14/12/0101/M/ 5000 71MM= WRO SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 225/16/14/0506/M/ 8007 86MM= WEK SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 222/16/14/MMMM/M/ 8006 15MM= WWL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 222/16/12/3004/M/ 7008 05MM= WME SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/22/13/2108/M/ M 03MM= WAS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 046/23/12/1306/M/ 8019 93MM= WSB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 181/20/13/2808/M/0008 PCPN 0.2MM PAST HR 8019 31MM= WGT SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 193/20/13/3406/M/ 8018 96MM= WGB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 190/21/15/2806/M/ 8018 07MM= WEL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 191/21/16/3405/M/ 8018 77MM= WDR SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 173/19/12/2505/M/ 8017 38MM= WZO SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2602/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2907/M/ M MMMM=  379 WWUS53 KDVN 302356 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ILC015-177-010005- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0100.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Carroll IL-Stephenson IL- 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN CARROLL AND STEPHENSON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 700 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 900 PM CDT for northwestern Illinois. LAT...LON 4220 8940 4220 8969 4214 8969 4213 8972 4213 8999 4250 8964 4250 8940 TIME...MOT...LOC 2355Z 315DEG 39KT 4242 8932 4228 8948 4208 8965 $$ Uttech  186 WUUS53 KDVN 302356 SVRDVN ILC071-073-131-161-187-195-IAC057-095-103-115-139-163-183-010045- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0104.190630T2356Z-190701T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Henderson County in west central Illinois... Rock Island County in northwestern Illinois... Mercer County in northwestern Illinois... Southwestern Whiteside County in northwestern Illinois... Northern Warren County in west central Illinois... Henry County in northwestern Illinois... Washington County in southeastern Iowa... Muscatine County in east central Iowa... Northeastern Des Moines County in southeastern Iowa... Louisa County in southeastern Iowa... Southern Scott County in east central Iowa... Southern Johnson County in east central Iowa... Southeastern Iowa County in east central Iowa... * Until 745 PM CDT. * At 654 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Erie to near Eliza to 6 miles southwest of Tiffin, moving south at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Davenport, Iowa City, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Muscatine, East Moline, Kewanee, Washington, Aledo, Cambridge, Wapello, Columbus Junction, Silvis, Geneseo, Milan, Colona, Le Claire, Coal Valley and West Liberty. If you are at Henry County Fairgrounds in Cambridge you should seek safe shelter immediately! This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 295 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 35. Interstate 74 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 33. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 15. Interstate 280 between mile markers 2 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION. These storms are producing widespread wind damage. SEEK SHELTER NOW inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows! Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4167 9184 4154 9094 4172 8985 4115 8987 4115 9044 4106 9044 4100 9084 4131 9195 4132 9195 TIME...MOT...LOC 2354Z 348DEG 41KT 4159 9003 4130 9090 4162 9174 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ McClure  309 WWUS85 KBYZ 302356 SPSBYZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Billings MT 556 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 MTZ036-058-010030- Southern Rosebud MT-Powder River MT- 556 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY... At 555 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 17 miles south of Ashland, or 37 miles west of Broadus, moving northeast at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph are possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Powder River and southern Rosebud Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4524 10610 4531 10633 4563 10624 4552 10582 TIME...MOT...LOC 2355Z 202DEG 13KT 4535 10618 $$ Setzenfand  813 WGUS83 KPAH 302356 FLSPAH Flood Advisory National Weather Service Paducah KY 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 INC125-010300- /O.NEW.KPAH.FA.Y.0076.190630T2356Z-190701T0300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pike IN- 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Pike County in southwestern Indiana... * Until 1000 PM CDT. * At 655 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Radar estimates indicate up to 1.5 inches has fallen in the past 30 minutes over northeastern Pike County. This will cause urban and small stream flooding in the advisory area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Petersburg, Winslow and Spurgeon. Additional rainfall of around 1 inch is possible over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 3852 8715 3854 8710 3851 8707 3823 8707 3823 8730 3825 8732 3838 8732 3838 8741 3844 8741 3844 8744 3847 8746 3853 8746 3854 8738 3851 8737 3854 8737 3854 8735 3851 8729 3855 8720 $$ SP  911 WWUS53 KUNR 302356 SVSUNR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Rapid City SD 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC071-010006- /O.CAN.KUNR.SV.W.0095.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ Jackson SD- 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN JACKSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for south central and southwestern South Dakota. LAT...LON 4379 10123 4384 10113 4386 10104 4384 10098 4381 10096 4383 10093 4379 10089 4376 10080 4372 10079 4374 10075 4371 10072 4373 10066 4344 10060 4346 10123 TIME...MOT...LOC 2356Z 262DEG 28KT 4384 10098 4349 10102 $$ SDC095-010030- /O.CON.KUNR.SV.W.0095.000000T0000Z-190701T0030Z/ Mellette SD- 656 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM CDT FOR WESTERN MELLETTE COUNTY... At 656 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 5 miles southwest of Okaton to 6 miles south of Cedar Butte, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... White River, Norris, Cedar Butte and Intersection of Highway 83 and White River. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4379 10123 4384 10113 4386 10104 4384 10098 4381 10096 4383 10093 4379 10089 4376 10080 4372 10079 4374 10075 4371 10072 4373 10066 4344 10060 4346 10123 TIME...MOT...LOC 2356Z 262DEG 28KT 4384 10098 4349 10102 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...70MPH $$ JC  653 WSFR35 LFPW 302358 LFRR SIGMET 9 VALID 010000/010200 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4345 W00315 - N4415 W00500 - N4630 W00215 - N4630 W00130 - N4500 W00145 - N4345 W00315 TOP FL360 MOV NNE 30KT NC=  654 WSFR32 LFPW 302358 LFBB SIGMET 2 VALID 010000/010200 LFPW- LFBB BORDEAUX FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4500 W00145 - N4630 W00130 - N4615 W00015 - N4500 W00145 TOP FL360 MOV NNE 30KT NC=  832 WWUS53 KABR 302359 SVSABR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 659 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 SDC075-010008- /O.EXP.KABR.SV.W.0031.000000T0000Z-190701T0000Z/ Jones SD- 659 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2019 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN JONES COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 700 PM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property in Jones County. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect until 1100 PM CDT for central South Dakota. LAT...LON 4374 10075 4372 10079 4376 10081 4376 10084 4379 10086 4378 10088 4380 10088 4379 10090 4383 10093 4381 10095 4385 10099 4385 10106 4399 10106 4406 10079 4373 10066 4371 10068 4373 10070 4371 10073 TIME...MOT...LOC 2358Z 259DEG 40KT 4382 10078 $$ Dorn  953 WUUS55 KBOU 302359 SVRBOU COC075-121-010030- /O.NEW.KBOU.SV.W.0103.190630T2359Z-190701T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Denver CO 559 PM MDT Sun Jun 30 2019 The National Weather Service in Denver Colorado has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Washington County in northeastern Colorado... South central Logan County in northeastern Colorado... * Until 630 PM MDT. * At 558 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles northwest of Burdett, or 17 miles southeast of Sterling, moving north at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Hail damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Burdett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4031 10309 4048 10322 4057 10302 4036 10293 TIME...MOT...LOC 2358Z 158DEG 11KT 4040 10308 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ DANKERS  233 WSCN23 CWAO 302359 CZWG SIGMET B1 VALID 302355/010355 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE /N5829 W08907/150 E CYYQ - /N5743 W08720/90 N CYER - /N5640 W08643/45 NE CYER TOP FL340 MOV NE 35KT WKNG RMK GFACN32 GFACN33 GFACN36=  234 WSCN03 CWAO 302359 CZWG SIGMET B1 VALID 302355/010355 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR FRQ TS OBS WTN 15 NM OF LINE N5829 W08907 - N5743 W08720 - N5640 W08643 TOP FL340 MOV NE 35KT WKNG=  505 WOUS20 KWNS 302359 WWASPC SPC WW-A 010000 ILZ000-INZ000-010140- STATUS REPORT ON WW 469 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 N SLO TO 35 SSW MTO TO 40 SSE MTO TO 45 S HUF TO 45 SW BMG TO 35 S BMG TO 30 S BMG TO 25 SE BMG TO 20 ESE BMG TO 30 E BMG. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 1323 ..NAUSLAR..06/30/19 ATTN...WFO...ILX...IND... && STATUS REPORT FOR WS 469 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS ILC025-049-101-159-010140- IL . ILLINOIS COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE CLAY EFFINGHAM LAWRENCE RICHLAND $$ INC071-083-010140- IN . INDIANA COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE JACKSON KNOX $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  910 WTSR20 WSSS 301800 NO STORM WARNING=  277 WSIN31 VABB 302330 RRA VABF SIGMET 01 VALID 010000/010400 VABB- VABF MUMBAI FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 302330Z WI AREA N2170 E07080 - N2080 E07340 - N1880 E07250 - N1960 E07000 - N2170 E07080 TOP FL390 STNR WKN=