392 WWMM30 KNGU 080000 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA RMKS/1. This warning is valid for 080000Z Sep 2020. 2. Warnings are for over water areas only but may overlap some land and sheltered areas and have been simplified to ease plotting. 3. High wind warnings based on 024 hrs forecast. *** No high wind warning within MDBS area ***. 4. High seas warnings based on 024 hrs forecast. *** No high seas warning within MDBS area ***. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwbq30.png 12Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwbq31.png B. SIPR: 00Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwbq30.png 12Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwbq31.png 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 081200Z.// BT  221 WWNT30 KNGU 080000 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR THE NORTH ATLANTIC RMKS/1. This warning is valid for 080000Z Sep 2020. 2. Warnings are for over water areas only but may overlap some land and sheltered areas and have been simplified to ease plotting. 3. High wind warnings based on 024 hrs forecast. a. Gale Warning: Area of 35 kt gale and greater over water bounded by: 67.3N6 005.4W9, 67.5N8 010.1W2, 68.2N6 012.1W4, 69.2N7 012.1W4, 70.8N5 011.6W8, 72.1N0 010.1W2, 72.8N7 011.1W3, 73.2N2 012.8W1, 73.2N2 015.1W7, 72.6N5 016.6W3, 71.2N0 018.2W1, 69.4N9 018.0W9, 67.8N1 015.8W4, 66.2N4 014.0W5, 64.8N8 009.2W1, 65.0N1 005.3W8, 65.9N0 003.0W3, 66.9N1 001.7W8, 67.4N7 003.2W5, 67.3N6 005.4W9, Max gale 36kt near 72.0N9 013.9W3. 4. High seas warnings based on 024 hrs forecast. a. Seas 12 ft or greater bounded by: 73.5N5 014.4W9, 73.0N0 017.2W0, 72.1N0 019.0W0, 70.5N2 019.9W9, 69.3N8 020.8W0, 68.1N5 021.5W8, 66.9N1 021.1W4, 67.1N4 017.3W1, 66.7N9 014.6W1, 65.9N0 013.2W6, 64.4N4 012.4W7, 62.6N4 015.6W2, 61.7N4 020.2W4, 61.7N4 025.7W4, 61.1N8 029.6W7, 60.0N6 037.9W9, 59.6N0 041.5W0, 59.4N8 045.3W2, 58.7N0 046.5W5, 57.1N3 043.6W3, 56.7N8 039.4W6, 57.2N4 029.9W0, 59.0N4 019.6W6, 59.1N5 007.6W3, 61.1N8 001.2E3, 63.2N1 006.3E9, 65.8N9 011.9E1, 68.8N2 013.2E6, 71.4N2 011.4E6, 71.8N6 007.2E9, 71.2N0 004.5E9, 69.0N5 004.3E7, 67.9N2 003.5E8, 67.1N4 001.2E3, 67.9N2 000.6W6, 69.4N9 003.4W7, 69.8N3 005.7W2, 69.4N9 007.6W3, 68.5N9 008.1W9, 67.9N2 009.9W8, 68.4N8 011.6W8, 69.6N1 011.5W7, 70.7N4 010.4W5, 71.5N3 008.3W1, 72.0N9 004.9W3, 72.8N7 001.8W9, 73.1N1 002.1W3, 73.3N3 004.0W4, 73.5N5 008.8W6, 73.5N5 014.4W9, Max seas 20ft near 66.4N6 008.1W9. Max seas 17ft near 63.2N1 003.8W1. b. Seas 18 ft or greater bounded by: 67.4N7 011.1W3, 68.5N9 012.6W9, 69.6N1 012.6W9, 70.7N4 012.9W2, 70.9N6 013.6W0, 70.8N5 015.0W6, 70.0N7 016.0W7, 68.6N0 015.9W5, 67.3N6 014.5W0, 66.3N5 013.1W5, 65.3N4 011.4W6, 64.7N7 010.1W2, 64.9N9 007.0W7, 65.9N0 004.0W4, 67.3N6 003.5W8, 67.8N1 005.2W7, 67.3N6 008.4W2, 67.4N7 011.1W3, Max seas 20ft near 66.4N6 008.1W9. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwst30.png 12Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwst31.png B. SIPR: 00Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwst30.png 12Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwst31.png 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 081200Z.// BT  933 WWAA02 SAWB 080000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 00:00 UTC 08, SEPTEMBER 2020. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 NO WARNINGS PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC CFNT AT 68S 85W 70S 100W MOV S LOW 976HPA 65S 90W MOV SW DPN EXTENDS CFNT AT 60S 80W 65S 90W MOV S EXP 66S 70W 69S 80W 69S 80W 70S 90W BY 09/0000 LOW 978HPA 59S 75W MOV SW DPN EXP 68S 80W BY 09/0000 EXTENDS CFNT AT 53S 70W 58S 75W MOV S EXP 62S 65W 68S 80W 68S 80W BY 09/0000 RIDGE 60S 63W 71S 69W MOV E INTSF EXP 60S 40W 72S 40W BY 09/0000 LOW 995HPA 60S 45W MOV NE WKN EXTENDS OFNT AT 60S 50W 62S 45W 60S 39W MOV NE CFNT AT 66S 58W 72S 45W MOV E EXP 64S 27W 71S 20W BY 09/0000 AT 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 5534S 02000W 5451S 02357W 5315S 02937W 5530S 03312W 5625S 03808W 5650S 04118W 5747S 04433W 5751S 05119W 5713S 05404W 5932S 05953W 5916S 06147W 6117S 06700W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A68A 5922S 04944W 86X28NM A68C 5656S 03255W 9X5NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 5652S 05031W 2X1NM ICEBERG2 5313S 04102W 5X2NM ICEBERG3 5243S 04721W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 5900S 05800W 6000S 05800W 6000S 04700W 5100S 04700W B. 6000S 04700W 6000S 03700W 5100S 03700W 5100S 04700W C. 5800S 03700W 5700S 02000W 5300S 02000W 5300S 03700W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2020-09-9 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT W OF 60W: SECTOR N 3/4 VEER SECTOR E 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 8/0600 BACK SECTOR N 5/4 WITH GUSTS BY 8/2100 PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 8/1200 PRECIPITATIONS STARTING EARLY MORNING FOG MIST VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N BY 8/0900 VEER SECTOR E 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 8/1500 PRECIPITATIONS STARTING EVENING FOG VIS VERY POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : VRB 3 VEER NE 4/5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR E 6/7 WITH GUSTS BY 8/1500 PRECIPITATIONS STARTING EARLY MORNING FOG MIST VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO VERY POOR MARGARITA BAY : SECTOR E 3 TEMPO VEER SECTOR S BACK SECTOR N 4/5 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 8/2100 PRECIPITATIONS STARTING EVENING MIST FOG PATCHES VIS MODERATE OCNL VERY POOR EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : SECTOR W 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 8/1200 INCR 6/7 WITH GUSTS BY 8/1800 MIST FOG PATCHES VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (60-66S 70-90W): NE 7/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR N 5/4 WITH GUSTS BY 8/1800 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (66-73S 70-90W): SECTOR E 4/5 WITH GUSTS INCR 6/7 WITH GUSTS BY 8/0300 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA W OF 40W: VRB 3 VEER SECTOR W BY 8/0600 VEER SECTOR N BY 8/2100 ISOL SNOW FALL MIST FOG PATCHES VIS MODERATE OCNL VERY POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 4 ISOL SNOW FALL MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA W OF 40W: SECTOR W 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 8/1500 SNOW FALL DURING THE MORNING IMPR MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR TO MODERATE SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 3/4 WITH GUSTS BACK SW SNOW FALL MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR -----------------------------------------------------------------  562 WWUS76 KOTX 080000 NPWOTX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 500 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 WAZ044-080100- /O.CAN.KOTX.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CAN.KOTX.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Waterville Plateau- Including the cities of Waterville and Mansfield 500 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Winds will decrease significantly between 5 PM and 7 PM. There may continue to be significant visibility reductions due to smoke near active wildfires, but the threat of blowing dust on the Waterville Plateau will be decreasing. $$ WAZ043-080100- /O.CAN.KOTX.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Okanogan Valley- Including the cities of Omak, Okanogan, Brewster, Bridgeport, Oroville, and Nespelem 500 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... Winds will decrease significantly between 5 PM and 7 PM in the Okanogan Valley. $$ WAZ033-080300- /O.EXP.KOTX.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T0000Z/ /O.CON.KOTX.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Washington Palouse- Including the cities of Pullman, Colfax, Rosalia, La Crosse, Oakesdale, Tekoa, and Uniontown 500 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Visibility between one quarter mile and one mile in blowing dust. * WHERE...Washington Palouse. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not drive into an area of blowing dust. Remember, Pull Aside, Stay Alive. && $$ IDZ001-002-WAZ036-037-080100- /O.EXP.KOTX.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T0000Z/ Northern Panhandle-Coeur d'Alene Area-Spokane Area- Northeast Mountains- Including the cities of Sandpoint, Rathdrum, Bonners Ferry, Priest River, Eastport, Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls, Hayden, Worley, Spokane, Cheney, Davenport, Rockford, Colville, Deer Park, Chewelah, Newport, and Kettle Falls 500 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... Winds will decrease significantly between 5 PM and 7 PM in the northern Idaho Panhandle, the Coeur d'Alene area, the Spokane area, and the mountains of Northeast Washington. $$ WAZ034-035-080300- /O.CON.KOTX.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KOTX.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Moses Lake Area-Upper Columbia Basin- Including the cities of Moses Lake, Ephrata, Othello, Quincy, Ritzville, Grand Coulee, Odessa, Wilbur, and Coulee City 500 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the remainder of the afternoon into the evening, northeast winds of 20 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph. Blowing dust and smoke will reduce the visibility to one quarter mile or less. * WHERE...Moses Lake Area, Upper Columbia Basin and Waterville Plateau. * WHEN...Until 8 pm this evening. * IMPACTS...Travel is discouraged. Numerous roads, highways, and portion of Interstate 90 in central Washington are closed due to poor visibility and collisions caused by blowing dust and smoke. Difficulty driving high profile vehicles along east west roads is expected. Travel is discouraged. Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not drive into an area of blowing dust. Remember, Pull Aside, Stay Alive. People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$  125 WGUS81 KCLE 080000 FLSCLE Flood Advisory National Weather Service Cleveland OH 800 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC005-139-080010- /O.EXP.KCLE.FA.Y.0056.000000T0000Z-200908T0000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Ashland OH-Richland OH- 800 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED FOR ASHLAND AND RICHLAND COUNTIES... Flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4093 8272 4097 8221 4077 8213 4067 8213 4067 8223 4057 8223 4056 8262 4071 8263 4071 8272 $$ Clark  363 WWUS51 KILN 080000 SVSILN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 800 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC177-OHC037-135-080030- /O.CON.KILN.SV.W.0220.000000T0000Z-200908T0030Z/ Wayne IN-Preble OH-Darke OH- 800 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM EDT FOR NORTHERN WAYNE...NORTHWESTERN PREBLE AND SOUTHWESTERN DARKE COUNTIES... At 800 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fountain City, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Centerville, Hagerstown, New Paris, New Madison, Fountain City, Eldorado, Greens Fork, Spring Grove, Bethel, Hollansburg, Palestine, Economy, Whitewater, Middleboro and Williamsburg. This includes the following Interstates... I-70 in Indiana between mile markers 144 and 156. I-70 in Ohio between mile markers 0 and 6. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4000 8481 4006 8481 4006 8473 3990 8465 3980 8471 3989 8520 4000 8513 TIME...MOT...LOC 0000Z 277DEG 23KT 3994 8500 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Hatzos  376 WHUS41 KBUF 080001 CFWBUF Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Buffalo NY 801 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NYZ007-010-085-080115- /O.EXP.KBUF.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T0000Z/ Jefferson-Northern Erie-Southern Erie- 801 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT HAS EXPIRED... Winds and waves will continue to subside overnight. $$ Hitchcock  302 WHUS71 KBUF 080002 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 802 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LEZ020-040-041-LOZ030-045-SLZ022-024-080115- /O.EXP.KBUF.SC.Y.0083.000000T0000Z-200908T0000Z/ Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Ripley to Dunkirk- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Dunkirk to Buffalo- Lower Niagara River- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- Saint Lawrence River from Cape Vincent to Ogdensburg- Saint Lawrence River from Ogdensburg to Saint Regis- 802 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Winds and waves will continue to subside overnight. $$ Hitchcock  306 WAIY31 LIIB 080007 LIMM AIRMET 1 VALID 080030/080430 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4448 E00906 - N4350 E00723 - N4317 E00915 - N4448 E00906 SFC/FL050 STNR NC=  672 WWST02 SABM 080000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2020-09-8, 00:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 NO WARNINGS PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS REPORT 071400 UTC 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 5534S 02000W 5451S 02357W 5315S 02937W 5530S 03312W 5625S 03808W 5650S 04118W 5747S 04433W 5751S 05119W 5713S 05404W 5932S 05953W 5916S 06147W 6117S 06700W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A68A 5922S 04944W 86X28NM A68C 5656S 03255W 9X5NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 5652S 05031W 2X1NM ICEBERG2 5313S 04102W 5X2NM ICEBERG3 5243S 04721W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 5900S 05800W 6000S 05800W 6000S 04700W 5100S 04700W B. 6000S 04700W 6000S 03700W 5100S 03700W 5100S 04700W C. 5800S 03700W 5700S 02000W 5300S 02000W 5300S 03700W HIGH 1027HPA 37S 46W MOV E EXTENDS RIDGE AT 37S 46W 50S 55W 60S 63W MOV E LOW 995HPA 60S 45W MOV E EXTENDS CFNT AT 60S 42W 50S 40W 41S 46W MOV E TROUGH 50S 70W 43S 67W 38S 70W MOV E LOW 972HPA 60S 87W EXTENDS CFNT AT 60S 87W 56S 74W 50S 70W MOV E ASOCIATED WITH WFNT AT 60S 87W 58S 69W 52S 58W LOW 969HPA 55S 97W EXTENDS CFNT AT 55S 97W 53S 84W 45S 78W 35S 82W MOV E PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2020-09-9 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36š17S - 38š30S): NE 4/5 WITH GUSTS BACK N PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD WORSENING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38š30S - 41šS): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL RAIN STORMS TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS VEER SW 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST WORSENING WITH LOW PROB OFISOL RAIN STORMS TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST DISSIPATING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL SH TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BACK NW AFTERWARDS SW 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST DISSIPATING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL SH TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR N 4/3 TEMPO BACK SECTOR W PROB OF FOG MIST LOW PROB OFISOL PRECIPITATIONS VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG MIST WORSENING WITH PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 35W: SW 4 INCR SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL SH NXT PROB OFISOL RAIN STORMS MIST VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR W OF 45W: VRB 3 BACK NE INCR 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG MIST LOW PROB OFISOL DRIZZLE VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR REST OF THE AREA: SW 3/4 AFTERWARDS VRB PROB OF ISOL RAIN SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER PROB OF MIST VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 5 TEMPO VEER NW AFTERWARDS SW 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF SH OF RAIN SH OF HAIL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SW 7 WITH GUSTS VEER NW 5 LOW PROB OF ISOL RAIN IMPR VIS MODERATE TO GOOD REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 5/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG MIST WORSENING WITH PROB OF SH RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W): SECTOR N 4 VEER SW 5 WITH GUSTS AFTERWARDS SECTOR W PROB OF ISOL SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SW 5 VEER SECTOR W 4 AFTERWARDS SECTOR N 5 PROB OF ISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR NEXT ISOL MIST DRIZZLE TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD OCNL POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 4 BACK SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS INCR 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST WORSENING WITH PROB OF DRIZZLE RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): NE 5 WITH GUSTS DECR SECTOR N 4 TEMPO BACK SECTOR W PROB OF FOG MIST PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  673 WWST03 SABM 080000 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - SEPTEMBER 08, 00:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: TROUGH 50S 70W 43S 67W 38S 70W MOV E LOW 972HPA 60S 87W EXTENDS CFNT AT 60S 87W 56S 74W 50S 70W MOV E ASOCIATED WITH WFNT AT 60S 87W 58S 69W 52S 58W LOW 969HPA 55S 97W EXTENDS CFNT AT 55S 97W 53S 84W 45S 78W 35S 82W MOV E FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2020-09-9 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE WITH GUSTS PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL POOR BAHIA BLANCA: SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL RAIN STORMS TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR. MAR DEL PLATA: NE 4/5 WITH GUSTS BACK N PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES STARTING EARLY MORNING TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD WORSENING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST DISSIPATING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL SH TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. RIO GALLEGOS: SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BACK NW AFTERWARDS SW 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF MIST DISSIPATING WORSENING WITH PROB OFISOL SH TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. USHUAIA: SECTOR N 4/3 TEMPO BACK SECTOR W PROB OF FOG MIST LOW PROB OFISOL PRECIPITATIONS VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  867 WWST01 SABM 080000 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 8-09-2020, 00:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE NO HAY AVISOS 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 21:00UTC INFORME DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS 071400 UTC 1.LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 5534S 02000W 5451S 02357W 5315S 02937W 5530S 03312W 5625S 03808W 5650S 04118W 5747S 04433W 5751S 05119W 5713S 05404W 5932S 05953W 5916S 06147W 6117S 06716W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10MN A68A 5922S 04944W 86X28MN A68C 5656S 03255W 9X5MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 5652S 05031W 2X1MN TEMPANO2 5313S 04102W 5X2MN TEMPANO3 5243S 04721W 2X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 5900S 05800W 6000S 05800W 6000S 04700W 5100S 04700W B. 6000S 04700W 6000S 03700W 5100S 03700W 5100S 04700W C. 5800S 03700W 5700S 02000W 5300S 02000W 5300S 03700W ANTICICLON 1027HPA 37S 46W MOV E EXTIENDE EJE DE CUŅA EN 37S 46W 50S 55W 60S 63W MOV E DEPRESION 995HPA 60S 45W MOV E EXTIENDE CFNT EN 60S 42W 50S 40W 41S 46W MOV E EJE DE VAGUADA 50S 70W 43S 67W 38S 70W MOV E DEPRESION 972HPA 60S 87W EXTIENDE CFNT EN 60S 87W 56S 74W 50S 70W MOV E ASOCIADO CON WFNT LINEA 60S 87W 58S 69W 52S 58W DEPRESION 969HPA 55S 97W EXTIENDE CFNT EN 55S 97W 53S 84W 45S 78W 35S 82W MOV E 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 00:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 00:00 UTC DEL DIA 9-09-2020 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE CON RAFAGAS PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MALA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE CON RAFAGAS PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SECTOR E 4/5 BACK NE CON RAFAGAS PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36š17S - 38š30S): NE 4/5 CON RAFAGAS BACK N PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO DESMEJORANDO VIS BUENA A REGULAR RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38š30S - 41šS): SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A MALA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS VEER SW 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS DESMEJORANDO CON BAJA PROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A MALA GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS DISIPANDOSE DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE SH AISLADOS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR N 4/5 CON RAFAGAS BACK NW LUEGO SW 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS DISIPANDOSE DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE SH AISLADOS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR N 4/3 TEMPO BACK SECTOR W PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS BAJA PROB DE PRECIPITACIONES AISLADAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 35W: SW 4 INCR SECTOR W 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH AISLADOS LUEGOPROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS NEBLINAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA W DE 45W: VRB 3 BACK NE INCR 5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS BAJA PROB DE LLOVIZNAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 3/4 LUEGO VRB PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS PROB DE NEBLINAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 5 TEMPO VEER NW LUEGO SW 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 PROB DE SH DE LLUVIA SH DE GRANIZO MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SW 7 CON RAFAGAS VEER NW 5 BAJA PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORANDO VIS REGULAR A BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 5/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE SH LLUVIAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A MALA AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W): SECTOR N 4 VEER SW 5 CON RAFAGAS LUEGO SECTOR W PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SW 5 VEER SECTOR W 4 LUEGO SECTOR N 5 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS MEJORANDO LUEGO NEBLINAS LLOVIZNAS AISLADAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A BUENA OCNL MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 4 BACK SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS INCR 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE NEBLINAS DESMEJORANDO CON PROB DE LLOVIZNAS LLUVIAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): NE 5 CON RAFAGAS DECR SECTOR N 4 TEMPO BACK SECTOR W PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  507 WWUS81 KILN 080003 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 803 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHZ042-051-080030- Darke OH-Miami OH- 803 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN DARKE AND NORTHWESTERN MIAMI COUNTIES UNTIL 830 PM EDT... At 803 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Greenville, moving east at 25 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 50 mph... One half inch diameter hail... Locations impacted include... Greenville, Covington, Arcanum, Bradford, Pleasant Hill, Wayne Lakes, Gettysburg, Laura, Pitsburg, Potsdam, Hollansburg, Palestine, Union Corners, Bloomer, Sharpeye, Abbottsville, Circle Hill, Sharps Crossing, Horatio and Pikeville. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 3999 8479 4016 8479 4019 8440 4009 8430 3995 8439 TIME...MOT...LOC 0003Z 277DEG 22KT 4005 8467 $$ Hatzos  594 WAIY31 LIIB 080009 LIMM AIRMET 2 VALID 080020/080420 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4413 E00733 - N4431 E00848 - N4401 E01108 - N4350 E01233 - N4458 E00921 - N4413 E00733 STNR NC=  579 WWUS51 KILN 080005 SVSILN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 805 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC057-113-080015- /O.CAN.KILN.SV.W.0221.000000T0000Z-200908T0030Z/ Greene OH-Montgomery OH- 805 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN GREENE AND NORTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. Please report previous wind damage or hail to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 3986 8429 3984 8400 3983 8394 3983 8389 3971 8386 3963 8394 3974 8434 TIME...MOT...LOC 0004Z 279DEG 28KT 3977 8402 $$ Hatzos  284 WAIY31 LIIB 080010 LIMM AIRMET 3 VALID 080020/080420 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4549 E00650 - N4415 E00655 - N4543 E00751 - N4535 E01045 - N4635 E01334 - N4704 E01203 - N4626 E00827 - N4549 E00650 STNR INTSF=  339 WAIY31 LIIB 080011 LIMM AIRMET 4 VALID 080030/080430 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4622 E01324 - N4603 E01245 - N4516 E01245 - N4537 E01356 - N4622 E01324 SFC/FL050 STNR NC=  775 WSMX31 MMMX 080006 MMEX SIGMET H2 VALID 080002/080402 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0002Z WI N2908 W10844-N2604 W10602-N2312 W10557-N2644 W10936-CB TOP ABV FL430 MOV STNRY INTSF. =  001 WWST02 SBBR 080020 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 1125/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 05/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 071200 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 090000 UTC. WARNING NR 1126/2020 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 05/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA E OF 052W STARTING AT 071200 UTC. WAVES FROM S/SE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 081200 UTC. WARNING NR 1128/2020 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 05/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO S OF 25S STARTING AT 071200 UTC. WAVES FROM S/SE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 081200 UTC. WARNING NR 1131/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SUN - 06/SEP/2020 AREA CHARLIE S OF 26S STARTING AT 080000 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 081500 UTC. WARNING NR 1134/2020 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SUN - 06/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO S OF 25S STARTING AT 081200 UTC. WAVES FROM SE/E 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 091200 UTC. WARNING NR 1135/2020 VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SUN - 06/SEP/2020 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND E OF 030W STARTING AT 080000 UTC. WAVES FROM SW 4.0/4.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 081200 UTC. WARNING NR 1137/2020 HIGH SURF WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 HIGH SURF BETWEEN MOSTARDAS (RS) AND FLORIANÓPOLIS (SC). WAVES FROM S/SE 2.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 090000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1127/2020. WARNING NR 1138/2020 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA E OF 052W STARTING AT 081200 UTC. WAVES FROM E/NE 3.0/3.5 METERS BECOMING NE/N 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 110000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1133/2020. WARNING NR 1139/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S. WIND SE/E FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 090000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 1129/2020. WARNING NR 1140/2020 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 25S AND 30S W OF 30W STARTING AT 080900 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 101200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1132/2020. WARNING NR 1141/2020 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 090000 UTC. WIND E/NE FORCE 7/8 BACK NE/NW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 101200 UTC. WARNING NR 1142/2020 GALE/STORM WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 100000 UTC. WIND NE/N FORCE 8/10. VALID UNTIL 111200 UTC. NNNN  978 WAIY31 LIIB 080012 LIMM AIRMET 5 VALID 080030/080430 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL CB OBS WI N4537 E01027 - N4604 E00843 - N4452 E00901 - N4359 E01157 - N4537 E01027 TOP FL200 STNR WKN=  100 WHUS42 KMHX 080008 CFWMHX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 808 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NCZ203-205-081215- /O.EXT.KMHX.BH.S.0040.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Northern Outer Banks-Hatteras Island- 808 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY EVENING NORTH OF CAPE HATTERAS... * WHAT...Dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...The beaches north of Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...Through Tuesday evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The most likely time for strong rip currents to occur is a couple hours either side of low tide, which will occur around 6:30 PM Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current remain calm. Don't fight the current. Swim in a direction following the shoreline. When out of the current, swim back to shore. If tired, float or tread water until out of the rip current. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  225 WSGL31 BGSF 080007 BGGL SIGMET U01 VALID 080040/080440 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB OBS AT 0040Z WI N6634 W03723 - N6237 W04123 - N6244 W04359 - N6557 W04052 - N6634 W03723 SFC/FL110 STNR NC=  465 WWUS81 KILN 080008 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 808 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INZ050-058-059-080045- Fayette IN-Union IN-Wayne IN- 808 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN WAYNE...NORTHERN UNION AND NORTHERN FAYETTE COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL INDIANA UNTIL 845 PM EDT... At 808 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Dublin, moving east at 30 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 45 mph... One half inch diameter hail... Locations impacted include... Richmond, Connersville, Centerville, Cambridge City, Liberty, Dublin, Salem, Waterloo, Abington, Brownsville, East Germantown, Boston, Mount Auburn, Richmond Municipal Airport, Whitewater State Park, Goodwins Corner, Mettel Field, Cottage Grove, Bentonville and Springersville. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 3979 8530 3979 8522 3985 8522 3984 8483 3958 8482 3967 8530 TIME...MOT...LOC 0008Z 278DEG 28KT 3975 8522 $$ Hatzos  149 WVID21 WAAA 080009 WAAZ SIGMET 01 VALID 080010/080600 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0000Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0139 E12706 - N0208 E12711 - N0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV W 10KT NC=  753 WSNT11 KKCI 080010 SIGA0K KZWY SIGMET KILO 1 VALID 080010/080410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0010Z WI N3045 W06600 - N2615 W06400 - N2530 W06530 - N2815 W06830 - N3045 W06600. TOP FL470. STNR. INTSF.  017 WVID21 WAAA 080009 WAAZ SIGMET 02 VALID 080010/080540 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD OBS AT 2340Z WI S0807 E11257 - S0816 E11248 - S0807 E11243 - S0804 E11255 - S0807 E11257 SFC/FL140 MOV SW 10KT INTSF=  769 WSJD20 OJAM 080000 NIL  565 WWUS75 KPIH 080011 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 611 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IDZ051-055-080815- /O.UPG.KPIH.WI.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ /O.EXA.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds-Eastern Magic Valley- Including the cities of Shoshone, Richfield, Carey, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley 611 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MDT THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures expected. For the High Wind Warning, northwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Shoshone, Richfield, Carey, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 11 PM MDT this evening. For the Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ056>058-080500- /O.UPG.KPIH.WI.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ /O.EXA.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Marsh and Arbon Highlands- Including the cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, and Lava Hot Springs 611 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, and Lava Hot Springs * WHEN...Until 11 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ IDZ052>054-080815- /O.CON.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain- Lower Snake River Plain- Including the cities of Mud Lake, INL, Craters of the Moon NM, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, St. Anthony, Pocatello, Blackfoot, American Falls, Shelley, and Fort Hall 611 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MDT THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 55 mph expected. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Mud Lake, Idaho National Labs, Idaho Falls, Ammon, Rexburg, Rigby, St. Anthony. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 11 PM MDT this evening. For the Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines and can cause damage to structures. Widespread power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles, RVs and trucks with trailers. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ067-080500- /O.CON.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Beaverhead - Lemhi Highlands- Including the cities of Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small 611 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts exceeding 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Dubois and Spencer. * WHEN...Until 11 PM MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines and can cause damage to structures. Widespread power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles, RVs and trucks with trailers. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ IDZ059>066-068>071-074-075-080500- /O.CON.KPIH.WI.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Franklin/Eastern Oneida Region-Bear River Range-Bear Lake Valley- Blackfoot Mountains-Caribou Range-Big Hole Mountains-Teton Valley- Centennial Mountains - Island Park-Lost River Valley- Lost River Range-Challis/Pahsimeroi Valleys- Frank Church Wilderness-Big Lost Highlands/Copper Basin- Wood River Foothills- Including the cities of Malad, Preston, Thatcher, Emigration Summit, St. Charles, Montpelier, Georgetown, Grace, Soda Springs, Henry, Bone, Wayan, Swan Valley, Victor, Ashton, Tetonia, Driggs, Island Park, Kilgore, Howe, Arco, Mackay, Chilly, Borah Peak, Challis, Clayton, Copper Basin, Hailey, Bellevue, and Picabo 611 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Malad, Preston, Thatcher, Emigration Summit, St. Charles, Montpelier, Georgetown, Grace, Soda Springs, Henry, Bone, Wayan, Swan Valley, Victor, Ashton, Tetonia, Driggs, Island Park, Kilgore, Howe, Arco, Mackay, Chilly, Borah Peak, Challis, Clayton, Copper Basin, Hailey, Bellevue, and Picabo. * WHEN...Until 11 PM MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/pocatello  977 WABZ23 SBGL 080011 SBCW AIRMET 1 VALID 080015/080415 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 4000M RA BR FCST WI S2841 W05600 - S3245 W04919 - S2642 W04346 - S2400 W05225 - S2547 W05343 - S2705 W05343 - S2841 W05600 STNR NC=  985 WWUS51 KILN 080011 SVSILN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 811 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC177-OHC037-135-080030- /O.CON.KILN.SV.W.0220.000000T0000Z-200908T0030Z/ Wayne IN-Preble OH-Darke OH- 811 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM EDT FOR NORTHEASTERN WAYNE...NORTHWESTERN PREBLE AND SOUTHWESTERN DARKE COUNTIES... At 811 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Fountain City, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Centerville, New Paris, New Madison, Fountain City, Eldorado, Greens Fork, Spring Grove, Bethel, Hollansburg, Palestine, Whitewater, Middleboro, Interstate 70 at Exit 145 and Williamsburg. This includes the following Interstates... I-70 in Indiana between mile markers 143 and 156. I-70 in Ohio between mile markers 0 and 6. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4000 8481 4006 8481 4006 8473 3990 8465 3980 8471 3987 8512 4000 8500 TIME...MOT...LOC 0011Z 284DEG 23KT 3991 8495 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Hatzos  557 WSIY31 LIIB 080018 LIMM SIGMET 1 VALID 080030/080430 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4627 E00925 - N4621 E00826 - N4548 E00641 - N4422 E00650 - N4307 E00941 - N4540 E01326 - N4627 E00925 FL270/400 STNR NC=  018 WSCI35 ZGGG 080010 ZGZU SIGMET 1 VALID 080040/080440 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2540 E11509 - N2425 E10909 - N2146 E10653 - N2030 E10804 - N2030 E11131 - N2318 E11752 - N2540 E11509 TOP FL460 MOV N 20KMH NC=  257 WSCI38 ZYTX 080012 ZYSH SIGMET 1 VALID 080010/080130 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR CNL SIGMET 13 072130/080130 =  286 WWUS83 KIND 080014 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 814 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INZ048-056-057-080100- Rush IN-Shelby IN-Hancock IN- 814 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN SHELBY... SOUTHEASTERN HANCOCK AND CENTRAL RUSH COUNTIES UNTIL 900 PM EDT... At 813 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles southeast of Greenfield, or 11 miles northeast of Shelbyville, moving east at 20 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Rushville, Morristown, Carthage, Glenwood, Mays and Arlington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3966 8576 3978 8574 3974 8530 3953 8530 TIME...MOT...LOC 0013Z 286DEG 16KT 3968 8569 $$ Ryan  454 WSNT12 KKCI 080015 SIGA0L KZWY SIGMET LIMA 1 VALID 080015/080415 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0015Z WI N3115 W06000 - N3100 W05615 - N2645 W05330 - N2430 W05630 - N2615 W05930 - N3115 W06000. TOP FL450. STNR. INTSF.  971 WVAG31 SABE 080015 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 080015/080615 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR VA ERUPTION MT COPAHUE PSN S3750 W07110 VA CLD OBS AT 2330Z WI S3745 W07111 - S3822 W07017 - S3834 W07032 - S3745 W07111 SFC/FL120 MOV SE 30KT KT VA CLD FCST AT 0430Z WI S3746 W07111 - S3826 W07014 - S3837 W07028 - S3746 W07111 SFC/FL120=  596 ACUS11 KWNS 080015 SWOMCD SPC MCD 080014 ILZ000-IAZ000-MOZ000-080215- Mesoscale Discussion 1684 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0714 PM CDT Mon Sep 07 2020 Areas affected...Northern Missouri...Southern Iowa...Central IL Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 080014Z - 080215Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...Thunderstorms are expected to develop and spread east across northern Missouri/southern Iowa into central Illinois over the next few hours. Hail may be noted in the strongest cores. DISCUSSION...Weak mid-level height falls are spreading across the central Plains this evening ahead of a deeper trough that is digging south across the Rockies. While any appreciable mid-level disturbance is not forecast to eject across the mid MS Valley tonight, LLJ will increase across KS into northeast MO over the next few hours. Latest surface analysis suggests a well-defined surface front remains draped across central IL/northern MO and this boundary should move little through the night. However, sustained low-level warm advection will become increasingly favorable for elevated convection north of the wind shift. Forecast RAP soundings suggest LFCs will be between 750-800mb with ample buoyancy for robust updrafts. Latest satellite/radar imagery suggest scattered showers are now deepening along the MO/IA border and lightning will increase with this activity soon. Hail is the primary risk, some of which could exceed one inch. However, confidence is not high that hail sizes will warrant a severe thunderstorm watch. Will continue to monitor this region. ..Darrow/Edwards.. 09/08/2020 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...ILX...LSX...DVN...DMX...EAX... LAT...LON 41209382 41179068 40289003 40239392 41209382  984 WVAG31 SABE 080015 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 080015/080615 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR VA ERUPTION MT COPAHUE PSN S3750 W07110 VA CLD OBS AT 2330Z WI S3745 W07111 - S3822 W07017 - S3834 W07032 - S3745 W07111 SFC/FL120 MOV SE 30KT KT VA CLD FCST AT 0430Z WI S3746 W07111 - S3826 W07014 - S3837 W07028 - S3746 W07111 SFC/FL120=  641 WSAU21 AMRF 080019 YMMM SIGMET O10 VALID 080100/080500 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3800 E14310 - S3620 E14820 - S3700 E14900 - S3740 E14810 - S4110 E14940 - S4320 E14820 SFC/7000FT STNR WKN=  249 WSMX31 MMMX 080020 MMEX SIGMET I2 VALID 080018/080418 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0018Z WI N1620 W09025-N1427 W09240-N1609 W09538-N1755 W09435-N1727 W09019 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  436 WWUS76 KLOX 080021 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 CAZ053-054-080300- /O.CON.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditions with temperatures up to 106. For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts to 55 mph expected. Isolated gusts to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains. * WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 8 PM PDT this evening. For the Wind Advisory, from noon Tuesday to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. Strongest winds late Tuesday evening through early Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ059-080300- /O.CON.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T0200Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TO 7 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditions with temperatures up to 110. For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 8 PM PDT this evening. For the Wind Advisory, from noon to 7 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and reduced visibility from blowing dust will make driving difficult. Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. && $$ CAZ036>038-051-052-080300- /O.CON.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Santa Ynez Valley-San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys- Cuyama Valley-San Luis Obispo County Mountains- Santa Barbara County Mountains- Including the cities of Solvang, Santa Ynez, Paso Robles, Atascadero, Cuyama, Black Mountain, San Marcos Pass, San Rafael Wilderness Area, and Dick Smith Wilderness Area 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions. * WHERE...Portions of southwest California. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Extreme heat will significantly increase the risk for heat related illnesses, and could become deadly, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities, as well as the elderly. Also, there will be an increased threat of large fires and power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. && $$ CAZ034-035-080300- /O.CON.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- Including the cities of San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Cambria, San Simeon, Santa Maria, Lompoc, and Vandenberg 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions. Highest temperatures across the interior coastal plain and foothills. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Central Coast, Santa Barbara County Central Coast. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Extreme heat will significantly increase the risk for heat related illnesses, and could become deadly, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities, as well as the elderly. Also, there will be an increased threat of large fires and power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. && $$ CAZ044>046-088-547-548-080300- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area-Santa Clarita Valley- Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- Including the cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ojai, Piru, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Santa Clarita, Newhall, Valencia, Woodland Hills, Northridge, Burbank, Universal City, Pasadena, San Gabriel, and Pomona 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected, strongest in the Santa Clarita and Ventura County valleys. Isolated gusts to 55 mph in the hills. * WHERE...Ventura County Interior Valleys, Ventura County Coastal Valleys, Santa Monica Mountains, Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. The strongest winds will be Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ040-041-080300- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200909T1000Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Coast- Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- Including the cities of Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Malibu, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and Long Beach 521 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VENTURA COAST AND MALIBU TO HOLLYWOOD HILLS... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...Ventura County Coast and Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Gomberg/MW  493 WGUS81 KILN 080021 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 821 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC041-161-177-OHC037-135-080315- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.Y.0127.200908T0021Z-200908T0315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Wayne IN-Union IN-Fayette IN-Preble OH-Darke OH- 821 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Wayne County in east central Indiana... Northwestern Union County in east central Indiana... Northern Fayette County in east central Indiana... Northwestern Preble County in west central Ohio... Southwestern Darke County in west central Ohio... * Until 1115 PM EDT. * At 820 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms with heavy rain producing up to two inches per hour rainfall rates. * Minor flooding of low-lying and poorly drained streets, highways and underpasses will occur. In addition, farmland near creeks, streams and drainage ditches will experience minor flooding. Some locations that will experience minor flooding include... Richmond, Connersville, Centerville, Cambridge City, Hagerstown, New Paris, New Madison, Fountain City, Dublin, Franklin, Waterloo, Abington, Eldorado, Greens Fork, East Germantown, Spring Grove, Bethel, Hollansburg, Palestine and Economy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3979 8530 3979 8522 3987 8522 3987 8520 4001 8520 4000 8481 4007 8481 4007 8469 3991 8466 3972 8497 3964 8506 3968 8530 $$ ch  085 WSBZ01 SBBR 080000 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 072100/080100 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0504 W07244 - S0526 W07104 - S0723 W06955 - S0910 W06955 - S0725 W06552 - S0756 W06425 - S1050 W06438 - S1110 W06249 - S1221 W06228 - S1241 W06315 - S1226 W06421 - S1126 W06517 - S0945 W06518 - S0954 W06629 - S1107 W06832 - S1059 W07030 - S1059 W07036 - S0950 W07036 - S0926 W07031 - S0959 W07116 - S0929 W07221 - S0925 W07309 - S0901 W07255 - S0822 W07333 - S0732 W07357 - S0504 W07244 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  086 WSBZ01 SBBR 080000 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 072100/080100 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0122 W06430 - N0212 W06322 - N0226 W06322 - N0230 W06403 - N0333 W06409 - N0417 W06445 - N0341 W06249 - N0400 W06243 - N0448 W06037 - N0510 W06040 - N0516 W06010 - N0508 W05959 - N0433 W06004 - N0425 W05941 - N0356 W05932 - N0249 W05957 - N0143 W05934 - N0115 W05850 - N0200 W05707 - N0152 W05557 - N0218 W05606 - N0235 W05555 - N0226 W05526 - N0237 W05501 - N0207 W05403 - N0220 W05344 - N0146 W05313 - S0143 W05611 - S0319 W05407 - S0541 W05254 - S0600 W05856 - S0717 W05916 - S0636 W06049 - S0447 W06046 - S0414 W06205 - N0122 W06430 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  087 WSBZ01 SBBR 080000 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 072100/080100 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0040 W05152 - N0015 W04946 - S0100 W04601 - S0214 W04657 - S0205 W04831 - S0040 W05152 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  088 WSBZ01 SBBR 080000 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 072100/080100 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2550 W05345 - S2537 W04814 - S2739 W04427 - S3036 W04704 - S2758 W05512 - S2658 W05326 - S2550 W05345 TOP FL420 MOV NE 05KT NC=  089 WSBZ01 SBBR 080000 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 072100/080100 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0237 W05118 - S0319 W05017 - S0422 W05051 - S0334 W05213 - S0244 W05200 - S0237 W05118 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  090 WSBZ01 SBBR 080000 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 072100/080100 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3409 W05012 - S3542 W02747 - S3414 W01129 - S2916 W01044 - S2606 W04246 - S3409 W05012 FL180/320 MOV NE NC=  841 WSMX31 MMMX 080024 MMEX SIGMET H2 VALID 080022/080422 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0022Z WI N1918 W09742-N1543 W09747-N1912 W10618-N2225 W10511-N2342 W10338-N2311 W10224-N2111 W10303 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV W 05KT . =  791 WWUS81 KILN 080025 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 825 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INZ050-OHZ042-060-080100- Wayne IN-Darke OH-Preble OH- 825 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EASTERN WAYNE...NORTHERN PREBLE AND SOUTHWESTERN DARKE COUNTIES UNTIL 900 PM EDT... At 824 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near New Paris, moving east at 25 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 45 mph... One half inch diameter hail... Locations impacted include... Richmond, Eaton, Arcanum, Lewisburg, New Paris, West Alexandria, New Madison, Fountain City, Eldorado, Verona, West Manchester, Spring Grove, Bethel, Gordon, Ithaca, Castine, Whitewater, Oklahoma, Middleboro and Interstate 70 at US Route 127. This includes the following Interstates... I-70 in Indiana between mile markers 148 and 156. I-70 in Ohio between mile markers 0 and 17. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 3999 8495 3998 8449 3970 8448 3978 8496 TIME...MOT...LOC 0024Z 280DEG 24KT 3989 8485 $$ Hatzos  551 WSPR31 SPJC 080025 SPIM SIGMET B1 VALID 080030/080040 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B8 VALID 072140/080040=  317 WSBZ31 SBGL 080025 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0515 W07256 - S0639 W07307 - S0732 W07357 - S1003 W07206 - S0924 W07031 - S1055 W07034 - S1100 W06843 - S0950 W06639 - S0937 W06531 - S1105 W06526 - S1026 W06414 - S0808 W06647 - S0819 W06833 - S0515 W07256 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  690 WSBZ31 SBGL 080025 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0222 W06319 - N0224 W06356 - N0420 W06441 - N0336 W06245 - N0508 W06028 - N0405 W05930 - N0259 W05956 - N0140 W05938 - N0108 W05845 - N0201 W05710 - N0153 W05553 - N0230 W05601 - N0232 W05445 - N0203 W05403 - S0111 W05633 - S0036 W06036 - N0222 W06319 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  552 WSPR31 SPJC 080026 CCA SPIM SIGMET B1 VALID 080030/080040 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B3 VALID 072140/080040=  903 WWUS51 KILN 080028 SVSILN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 828 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC177-OHC037-135-080036- /O.EXP.KILN.SV.W.0220.000000T0000Z-200908T0030Z/ Wayne IN-Preble OH-Darke OH- 828 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN WAYNE... NORTHWESTERN PREBLE AND SOUTHWESTERN DARKE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 830 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. Please report previous wind damage or hail to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 4000 8481 4006 8481 4006 8473 3990 8465 3980 8471 3987 8512 4000 8500 TIME...MOT...LOC 0026Z 279DEG 28KT 3989 8482 $$ Hatzos  913 WHZS40 NSTU 080030 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 130 PM SST Mon Sep 7 2020 ASZ001-002-081230- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua- 130 PM SST Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A High Surf Advisory is in effect... * SURF...Surf heights of 13 to 15 feet will impact east and south shorelines due to a large southerly swell. * TIMING...Through Tuesday. * IMPACTS...High surfs and strong rip currents PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 129 AOAULI ASO GAFUA SETEMA 7 2020 ...Ua iai nei le fautuaga mo Galu maualuluga... * GALU...O galu maualuluga e 13 i le 15 futu o le a aafia ai talafatai i saute i sasa'e o le atunuu. * TAIMI...e oo atu i le Aso Lua * NOFOAGA AAFIA...e maualuluga galu ma e malolosi aave o le sami FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga, ma o le a malolosi aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga ona o le maualuluga o galu ua iai nei. $$  541 WSVN31 SVMI 080030 SVZM SIGMET 01 VALID 080030/080430 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS AT 0030Z ENTIRE CTA TOP FL240 MOV W WKN=  498 WABZ23 SBGL 080030 SBRE AIRMET 1 VALID 080031/080431 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 2000M RA FCST WI S1219 W04135 - S1022 W03629 - S1217 W03752 - S1303 W04131 - S1219 W04135 STNR NC=  499 WABZ23 SBGL 080030 SBRE AIRMET 2 VALID 080031/080431 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 500/1000FT FCST WI S1219 W04135 - S1022 W03629 - S1217 W03752 - S1303 W04131 - S1219 W04135 STNR NC=  220 WAIY32 LIIB 080040 LIRR AIRMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3954 E00757 - N4025 E01129 - N3840 E01219 - N3728 E01128 - N3858 E00758 - N3954 E00757 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  396 WSSG31 GOOY 080034 GOOO SIGMET A1 VALID 080040/080400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0030Z WI N1447 W00733 - N1334 W00652 - N1311 W01039 TOP FL450 MOV W 20KT WKN AND FCST E OF LINE N1221 W00442 - N1346 W00415 - N1508 W00358 TOP FL450 MOV W 20KT WKN=  262 WSPH31 RPLL 080035 RPHI SIGMET A01 VALID 080035/080435 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0826 E12206 - N0528 E11857 - N0703 E11749 - N0901 E11915 - N0915 E12133 - N0826 E12206 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  506 WWUS86 KHNX 080042 RFWHNX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 542 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 11 PM TUESDAY FOR THE SIERRA NEVADA, FOOTHILLS, AND TEHACHAPI MOUNTAINS... .Breezy northwest winds will continue through this evening especially across the Kern County Mountains and desert areas and will likely bring critical fire weather conditions to these areas. On Tuesday, a trough of low pressure will bring easterly winds through the Tehachapi Mountains and northeasterly winds through the Serra Nevada. Some gusts in the Sierra Nevada could approach 30-40 mph Tuesday morning and afternoon. Critically dry fuels in these areas will result in a greater threat of fire ignitions as well as rapid fire growth and dangerous fire behavior. CAZ590>597-081245- /O.CON.KHNX.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Central Sierra Foothills-Southern Sierra Foothills-Central Sierra- North Kings River-Sequoia Kings-Lake Isabella-Tehachapi Area- Fort Tejon- 542 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT TUESDAY FOR LOW HUMIDITIES AND BREEZY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, AND 597... * AFFECTED AREA...Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Lake Isabella area. Sierra Nevada foothills from Mariposa to Tulare Counties. Tehachapi Mountains and Ft Tejon area in Kern County. * WIND...Northwest to North winds 15 to 25 mph with local gusts up to 40 mph possible. * HUMIDITY...10 to 15 percent. * TEMPERATURES...Maximum temperatures 95 to 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Fires that develop will likely spread rapidly and could exhibit dangerous fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ BSO  630 WSPS21 NZKL 080042 NZZO SIGMET 1 VALID 080042/080111 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 33 072111/080111=  452 WSCI38 ZYTX 080042 ZYSH SIGMET 2 VALID 080040/080420 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR CNL SIGMET 14 072220/080420 =  183 WWUS75 KMSO 080043 NPWMSO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ003-081500- /O.CAN.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Flathead/Mission Valleys- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Flathead Lake, Flathead Valley, Mission Valley, and Polson. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ005-081500- /O.CAN.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ004-043-081500- /O.CAN.KMSO.WI.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Lower Clark Fork Region-Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Evaro Hill, Highway 200 Thompson Falls to Plains, Highway 200 Trout Creek to Heron, I-90 Lookout Pass to Haugan, Highway 200 Bonner to Greenough, Highway 83 Seeley Lake to Condon, and I-90 East Missoula to Bearmouth. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ007-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 19 expected. * WHERE...Butte, Georgetown Lake, Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Homestake Pass, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ010-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Eastern Lemhi County- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 21 expected. * WHERE...Bannock Pass, Highway 28 Tendoy to Lone Pine, Highway 93 Lost Trail Pass to Gibbonsville, Lemhi Pass, and Salmon. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ001-002-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Kootenai/Cabinet Region-West Glacier Region- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Highway 2 Kalispell to Libby, Highway 37 Eureka to Libby, Highway 56 Bull Lake Road, Highway 93 Eureka to Whitefish, Bad Rock Canyon, Essex, Highway 83 Bigfork to Swan Lake, Marias Pass, and Polebridge. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ006-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ009-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Western Lemhi County- 643 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Western Lemhi County. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ005>008-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FR.Y.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Northern Clearwater Mountains-Southern Clearwater Mountains- Orofino/Grangeville Region-Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 543 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 27 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region, Orofino/Grangeville Region, Southern Clearwater Mountains and Northern Clearwater Mountains. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 8 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  290 WAIY32 LIIB 080050 LIRR AIRMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3631 E01245 - N3629 E01634 - N3753 E01700 - N3749 E01533 - N3631 E01245 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  881 ACUS01 KWNS 080048 SWODY1 SPC AC 080046 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0746 PM CDT Mon Sep 07 2020 Valid 080100Z - 081200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS PARTS OF THE LOWER MISSOURI...MID MISSISSIPPI AND OHIO VALLEYS... ...SUMMARY... Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible this evening across parts of the Ohio Valley and tonight across parts of the mid Mississippi and lower Missouri Valleys. ...Ohio Valley/Mid Mississippi Valley/Lower Missouri Valley... Radar imagery currently shows scattered thunderstorms from far eastern Indiana across much of Ohio. This activity is located on the eastern end of a corridor of instability where surface dewpoints are generally in the mid to upper 60s F. The instability is mainly weak owing to cloud cover and precipitation. However, 0-6 km shear is in the 30 to 40 kt range across much of Ohio and Indiana according to the RAP. This will create conditions that support marginally severe thunderstorms early this evening. Strong wind gusts and hail will be possible. Further to the west across the lower Missouri and mid Mississippi Valleys, low-level flow will steadily increase this evening along corridor of moderate instability in north-central Missouri and central Illinois. In response, thunderstorms will develop along the instability axis and move east-northeastward to the northern edge of the stronger instability. RAP forecast soundings along the instability gradient from Kansas City, Missouri eastward to Lincoln, Illinois have effective shear in the 40 to 50 kt range suggesting that marginally severe storms will be possible. A few strong wind gusts would be possible in the vicinity of the instability axis this evening. Hail will also be possible with this threat extending a bit further north to the northern edge of the instability corridor where thunderstorms will more likely be elevated...reference MCD 1684. ..Broyles.. 09/08/2020 $$  882 WUUS01 KWNS 080048 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0746 PM CDT MON SEP 07 2020 VALID TIME 080100Z - 081200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... 0.05 39198921 39029273 39089418 39339496 39829530 40479522 40919494 41489393 41799277 41969179 41768912 41378769 41168673 40998561 40818254 40788182 40708094 40398037 40108034 39808074 39588156 39528285 39348521 39218706 39198921 && ... WIND ... 0.05 39218880 39029285 39069413 39219451 39339499 39859538 40219525 40429507 40549488 40659396 40729073 40878660 40788200 40718098 40398040 40108034 39828070 39598157 39488302 39228687 39218880 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 39208851 39029294 39069410 39339498 39829529 40509522 40889498 41499394 41969183 41758913 41398783 41178679 40988543 40828257 40798184 40678094 40378038 40108034 39808072 39588159 39498284 39218702 39208851 TSTM 29628744 30638610 31938279 32698012 34327773 35567675 36377573 36967517 99999999 43717786 43037796 41457837 40327907 39717982 39308110 39068259 38948384 38648695 38549114 38439391 38699575 39129898 39750156 40260306 40860470 41390523 41980481 42330377 42400266 42559751 42909191 43198702 43748179 TSTM 29900498 30580423 30590342 30390274 29880214 29690201 TSTM 42010938 41901173 42201326 42711403 43261430 43871375 43921220 43760917 43380845 42400839 42010938 TSTM 25839796 27259812 30139728 31039634 30869512 30439456 29179451 28629447 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 SW MTO 40 ENE SZL 25 E MKC FLV 20 W STJ 20 SSE SDA 25 ENE SDA 15 W DSM 10 NW CID 30 S RFD 45 W VPZ 20 SSE VPZ 15 W FWA MFD 25 WSW CAK 30 SE CAK 10 SW PIT 15 ESE HLG 25 S HLG 20 NNW PKB 35 S CMH 20 W BMG 20 SW MTO. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 60 SSW PNS 25 ESE CEW 30 SW VDI 15 SSW CHS 10 ENE ILM 40 NNE EWN 25 ENE ECG 55 E ORF ...CONT... 40 NNW ROC 15 WSW ROC 25 SSE BFD 20 E LBE MGW 20 E PKB 20 WSW UNI 35 ESE LUK 40 SSW BMG 45 WSW STL 30 SW SZL 25 SSW TOP 20 NNW RSL 30 NNE GLD 10 ENE AKO 20 SSE CYS 25 ENE LAR 35 W TOR 25 NE TOR 25 NNE AIA 25 SSW YKN 35 NE ALO 40 W MKG 60 E BAX. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 65 WSW MRF 20 NW MRF 35 SW FST 40 SSE FST 10 SSE 6R6 25 SSE 6R6. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NNW RKS 35 ESE MLD 35 SE BYI 15 NW BYI 15 S SUN 40 NE SUN 30 NNW IDA 55 S COD 20 N RIW 35 SSE LND 30 NNW RKS. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SE MFE 35 S ALI 30 ESE AUS 30 N CLL 25 ENE UTS 45 NW BPT 20 SE GLS 50 SSE GLS.  464 WAKO31 RKSI 080055 RKRR AIRMET F02 VALID 080100/080500 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC WIND 240/30KT OBS WI N3817 E12750 - N3837 E12819 - N3837 E13336 - N3728 E13258 - N3656 E13211 - N3704 E12835 - N3817 E12750 STNR NC=  465 WAKO31 RKSI 080050 RKRR AIRMET E01 VALID 080100/080500 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M FG BR OBS WI N3507 E12946 - N3454 E12930 - N3439 E12908 - N3258 E12750 - N3237 E12400 - N3345 E12400 - N3628 E12621 - N3507 E12946 STNR NC=  705 WWUS83 KDVN 080049 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 749 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IAC087-111-177-MOC045-199-080130- Henry-Van Buren-Lee-Scotland-Clark- 749 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN HENRY... SOUTHERN VAN BUREN...NORTHWESTERN LEE...NORTHEASTERN SCOTLAND AND NORTHWESTERN CLARK COUNTIES UNTIL 830 PM CDT... At 749 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Milton to near South Gorin. Movement was east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Keosauqua, Milton, Bonaparte, Cantril, Luray, Granger, Bentonsport/Vernon, Croton, Farmington, Houghton, Revere, Arbela, Mount Sterling, Chambersburg, Heath Memorial Conservation Area, Indian Lake Park, Prospect Grove, Peaksville, Primrose and Lake Sugema Campground. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4084 9163 4051 9154 4038 9209 4067 9218 TIME...MOT...LOC 0049Z 251DEG 28KT 4067 9213 4042 9204 $$ Uttech  009 WWUS83 KEAX 080050 SPSEAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 750 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MOZ007-016-017-080115- Putnam MO-Adair MO-Sullivan MO- 750 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ADAIR...SOUTHEASTERN PUTNAM AND NORTHERN SULLIVAN COUNTIES UNTIL 815 PM CDT... At 750 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Green City, or 7 miles northeast of Milan, moving east at 30 mph. Half inch hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Milan, Green City, Greencastle, Pollock, Lemons and Green Castle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4021 9331 4038 9331 4044 9275 4019 9275 TIME...MOT...LOC 0050Z 264DEG 24KT 4029 9304 $$ CDB  801 WSMS31 WMKK 080051 WBFC SIGMET A01 VALID 080100/080400 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0730 E11730 - N0533 E11853 - N0531 E11853 - N0521 E11731 - N0803 E11602 - N0825 E11630 - N0730 E11730 TOP FL530 MOV W NC=  257 WSVS31 VVGL 080050 VVNB SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1736 E10551 - N2034 E10529 - N2141 E10753 - N2104 E10826 - N1907 E10710 - N1756 E10800 - N1736 E10551 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  905 WSMS31 WMKK 080052 WBFC SIGMET B01 VALID 080100/080400 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0610 E11615 - N0239 E11124 - N0358 E11044 - N0719 E11505 - N0610 E11615 TOP FL530 MOV W NC=  979 WSUS31 KKCI 080055 SIGE MKCE WST 080055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1E VALID UNTIL 0255Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW MIA-50SSE RSW-40NE EYW DMSHG LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 08005KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2E VALID UNTIL 0255Z WV OH IN FROM 30NW EWC-20S AIR-40WNW HNN-40ESE IND-40WNW FWA-30NW EWC AREA TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080255-080655 AREA 1...FROM 130SSE ILM-200E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-50SE CEW-SAV-130SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40E MSS-50NE SLT-30E PSB-HNN-30SE TTH-30SW GIJ-30W ERI-30WSW BUF-YYZ-40NW SYR-30W MSS-40E MSS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-130SSE ILM-60SSE ILM-110E ILM-60S ECG-40E ECG-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  518 WSUS32 KKCI 080055 SIGC MKCC WST 080055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1C VALID UNTIL 0255Z IL MO IA FROM 20SSW DSM-50W BVT-50NW AXC-20WSW IRK-40SSE OVR-20SSW DSM DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080255-080655 FROM 50S DLL-BDF-30SW GIJ-30SE TTH-30SW UIN-60SE OVR-30S PWE-30NE HLC-30E MCK-30W OVR-60NW OVR-FOD-50S DLL WST ISSUANCES EXPD LT IN PD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  786 WSUS33 KKCI 080055 SIGW MKCW WST 080055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1W VALID UNTIL 0255Z WY ID FROM 20SE DBS-40W BOY-60NE OCS-20SSW PIH-70NNE TWF-20SE DBS AREA TS MOV FROM 28035KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 080255-080655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  984 WWUS85 KCYS 080054 RFWCYS URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 654 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...ALL RED FLAG WARNINGS HAVE EXPIRED... WYZ303>309-080200- /O.EXP.KCYS.FW.W.0037.000000T0000Z-200908T0100Z/ Central and Northern Carbon/Ferris-Seminoe-Shirley Mountains- Southwest Carbon County-Sierra Madre Range/Medicine Bow NF- Upper North Platte River Basin-Snowy Range/Medicine Bow NF- Laramie Valley/Shirley Basin-South Laramie Range/Medicine Bow NF- 654 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITIES FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, AND 309... A strong cold front has plummeted south over the course of the afternoon, increasing relative humidities across the region. Only the far southwestern portion of Carbon County is noting low humidities at this point. Expect these humidities to rise in the next 30 mins to hour. $$ Braun  865 WGUS82 KTBW 080054 FLSTBW Flood Statement National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL 854 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Peace River At Bartow affecting Polk County. For the Peace...including Bartow, Zolfo Springs at SR 17, Arcadia at SR 70...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued Tuesday morning at 900 AM EDT. && FLC105-081300- /O.CON.KTBW.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BARF1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.200908T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 854 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Peace River At Bartow. * Until further notice. * At 8:15 PM EDT Monday the stage was 8.2 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring is forecast to continue. * Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:15 PM EDT Monday was 8.2 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to remain steady above flood stage at 8.2 feet. * Impact...At 8.0 feet, Private roads downstream flood. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 8.2 feet on 09/29/1948. && Fld Observed Forecasts (8 pm EDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Peace River Bartow 8.0 8.2 Mon 8 pm 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.1 && LAT...LON 2791 8178 2762 8176 2762 8184 2791 8186 $$ TBW  737 WSBZ31 SBGL 080054 SBAO SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3130 W04722 - S2602 W04242 - S2909 W01032 - S3259 W01120 - S3356 W02937 - S3130 W04722 FL180/320 MOV NE NC=  872 WARH31 LDZM 080024 LDZO AIRMET 1 VALID 080100/080300 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4511 E01547 - N4358 E01632 - N4419 E01513 - N4459 E01446 - N4511 E01547 ABV 3000FT STNR WKN=  253 WSBZ31 SBGL 080055 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2754 W05511 - S2655 W05328 - S2551 W05342 - S2540 W04929 - S2802 W04449 - S3028 W04659 - S2754 W05511 TOP FL420 MOV NE 05KT NC=  254 WSAL31 DAAA 080055 DAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080300 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3821 E00606 - N3526 E00623 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  040 WARH31 LDZM 080027 LDZO AIRMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4532 E01323 - N4536 E01431 - N4406 E01621 - N4338 E01538 - N4521 E01304 - N4532 E01323 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  295 WSCO31 SKBO 080050 SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080400 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0038Z WI N1119 W07506 - N1145 W07240 - N1050 W07235 - N1023 W07501 - N1119 W07506 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= NNNN  698 WGUS84 KFWD 080059 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 759 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Texas... Navasota River near Easterly affecting Robertson and Leon Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA All Hazards Radio for the latest forecasts. TXC289-395-081900- /O.EXT.KFWD.FL.W.0122.000000T0000Z-200909T0430Z/ /EAST2.1.ER.200905T1157Z.200907T0745Z.200908T1630Z.NO/ 759 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until late tomorrow evening... The Flood Warning continues for the Navasota River Near Easterly. * Until Tuesday evening. * At 7:00 PM CDT Monday the stage was 20.9 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning and continue falling to 7.6 feet Saturday evening. * Impact...At 19.0 feet, minor lowland flooding will occur from below Easterly to below Highway 21. Cattle in the flood plain could be affected. && LAT...LON 3132 9626 3105 9619 3102 9631 3132 9638 $$ Godwin  610 WWCN02 CYQQ 080100 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR ESQUIMALT HARBOUR PREPARED BY MSC METOC ESQUIMALT AT 6.02 PM PDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: ESQUIMALT HARBOUR (WPF) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: NORTHEAST SURFACE WINDS 20 GUSTING TO 30 KNOTS. VALID: 07/1600Z TO 08/0700Z (07/0900 TO 08/0000 PDT) COMMENTS: STRONG NORTHEAST WINDS GUSTING TO 30 KNOTS WILL DIMINISH THIS EVENING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION PLEASE CONTACT METOC ESQUIMALT DUTY FORECASTER AT 250-363-1891 / CSN 333-1891 NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 08/0700Z (08/0000 PDT) END/METOC-ESQUIMALT  862 WSCI38 ZYTX 080101 ZYSH SIGMET 3 VALID 080120/080520 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE N5116 E12652 - N3938 E11943 AND NE OF LINE N3911 E11953 - N3817 E12113 AND NE OF LINE N3817 E12228 - N3903 E12404 FL100/200 STNR NC =  241 WTCA43 TJSJ 080104 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Intermedia Numero 3A SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL132020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 1100 PM CVT lunes 7 de septiembre de 2020 ...TORMENTA TROPICAL RENE MOVIENDOSE SOBRE LA ISLA BOA VISTA... ...SE ESPERA QUE TRAIGA VIENTOS DE FUERZA DE TORMENTA TROPICAL Y LLUVIAS FUERTES A LAS ISLAS CABO VERDE ESTA NOCHE Y TEMPANO EL MARTES... RESUMEN DE LAS 1100 PM CVT...0000 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.2 NORTE 22.8 OESTE CERCA DE 0 MI...0 KM AL ESTE DE BOA VISTA ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE NOROESTE O 295 GRADOS A 12 MPH...19 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso, en este caso dentro de las proximas 12 a 24 horas. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 1100 PM CVT (0000 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.2 norte, longitud 22.8 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste noroeste a cerca de 12 mph (19 km/h) y se espera que este movimiento con algo de aumento en la velocidad de traslacion continue durante los proximos dias. En el pronostico de Trayectoria, el centro del ciclon tropical pasara cerca o sobre las Islas Cabo Verde esta noche y temprano el martes. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica fortalecimiento gradual y Rene pudiera convertirse en huracan en dos o tres dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 2 a 5 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hasta el martes. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical ocurriendo sobre sectores del este de las Islas Cabo Verde se extenderan hacia el oeste sobre el restante de las islas esta noche hasta temprano el martes. RESACA: Se esperan que las marejadas generadas por Rene se desplacen hacia el oeste a traves de las Islas Cabo Verde esta noche y temprano el martes. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a la 200 AM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Stewart Traduccion Lojero  199 WSCO31 SKBO 080107 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080400 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0038Z WI N1119 W07506 - N1145 W07240 - N1050 W07235 - N1023 W07501 - N1119 W07506 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  944 WGUS82 KMHX 080109 FLSMHX Flood Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 909 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Neuse River At Kinston affecting Lenoir County. For the Neuse River...including Kinston...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps. NCC107-081615- /O.CON.KMHX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /KINN7.1.ER.200907T1800Z.200910T0000Z.200911T0600Z.OO/ 909 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Neuse River At Kinston. * Until further notice. * At 8:16 PM EDT Monday the stage was 14.5 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 15.2 feet Wednesday evening. It will then fall below flood stage early Friday morning. * Impact...At 14.0 feet, Water overflows into lowlands adjacent to the river. Water access docks are also affected. && LAT...LON 3528 7763 3536 7748 3533 7743 3522 7750 3521 7761 3520 7784 3526 7783 $$ Simms  460 WSCH31 SCTE 080107 SCTZ SIGMET 01 VALID 080107/080507 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S4130 W07220 - S4700 W07260 FL040/100 STNR NC=  951 WWUS81 KILN 080115 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 915 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHZ042-051-060-061-080145- Montgomery OH-Darke OH-Preble OH-Miami OH- 915 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN PREBLE... SOUTHEASTERN DARKE...NORTHERN MONTGOMERY AND SOUTHWESTERN MIAMI COUNTIES UNTIL 945 PM EDT... At 914 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Lewisburg, moving east at 25 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 40 mph... Locations impacted include... Dayton, Huber Heights, Trotwood, Vandalia, Englewood, Tipp City, Moraine, West Milton, Arcanum, Lewisburg, Clayton, Union, Brookville, Shiloh, Phillipsburg, Verona, West Manchester, Laura, Pitsburg and Potsdam. This includes the following Interstates... I-70 in Ohio between mile markers 9 and 36. I-75 in Ohio between mile markers 51 and 70. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 3981 8466 3999 8463 3999 8416 3986 8414 3972 8420 TIME...MOT...LOC 0114Z 277DEG 23KT 3990 8455 $$ ch  714 WWUS83 KEAX 080115 SPSEAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 815 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MOZ007-008-016-017-080145- Schuyler MO-Putnam MO-Adair MO-Sullivan MO- 815 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN ADAIR...SOUTHEASTERN PUTNAM...NORTHEASTERN SULLIVAN AND SOUTHWESTERN SCHUYLER COUNTIES UNTIL 845 PM CDT... At 815 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Greencastle, or 14 miles northwest of Kirksville, moving east at 30 mph. Half inch hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Kirksville, Green City, Novinger, Greencastle, Worthington and Green Castle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4024 9306 4038 9308 4043 9259 4023 9258 TIME...MOT...LOC 0115Z 264DEG 24KT 4031 9282 $$ CDB  803 WSNO32 ENMI 080115 ENSV SIGMET B01 VALID 080200/080600 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6115 E00000 - N6300 E00000 - N6300 E00400 - N6200 E00500 - N6200 E00730 - N6015 E00730 - N6115 E00000 FL240/370 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  914 WOPS01 NFFN 080000 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  296 WSNP31 VNKT 080110 VNSM SIGMET 01 VALID 080110/080510 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0100Z E OF E08058 MOV N INTSF=  850 WOCN20 CWVR 080116 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AT 6:16 P.M. PDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: ARROW LAKES - SLOCAN LAKE WEST KOOTENAY KOOTENAY LAKE EAST KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SMOKY SKIES BULLETIN - SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 THE REGIONS OF BC HIGHLIGHTED ON THE MAP ARE BEING IMPACTED OR ARE LIKELY TO BE IMPACTED BY WILDFIRE SMOKE OVER THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS. A PASSING COLD FRONT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO INCREASE THE GROUND-LEVEL SMOKE CONCENTRATIONS. LOCALIZED IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED FROM THE DOCTOR CREEK AND TALBOTT CREEK WILDFIRES, WITH POSSIBLE TRANSPORT OF SMOKE FROM THESE FIRES ACROSS THE SOUTHERN KOOTENAYS. THE NEXT BULLETIN UPDATE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2020. THE BULLETIN CAN BE ACCESSED ONLINE AT: HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR/AIR-QUALITY/AIR-ADVISORIES DURING A WILDFIRE, SMOKE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE QUICKLY OVER SHORT DISTANCES AND CAN VARY CONSIDERABLY HOUR-BY-HOUR. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A NATURAL PART OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE MINDFUL THAT EXPOSURE TO SMOKE MAY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS, RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, OLDER ADULTS, PREGNANT WOMEN AND INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE HEALTH EFFECTS FROM SMOKE EXPOSURE. IF YOU OR THOSE IN YOUR CARE ARE EXPOSED TO WILDFIRE SMOKE, CONSIDER TAKING EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TO REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A CONSTANTLY-CHANGING MIXTURE OF PARTICLES AND GASSES WHICH INCLUDES MANY CHEMICALS THAT CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONSULT WWW.CANADA.CA/EN/ENVIRONMENT-CLIMATE-CHANGE/SERVICES/AIR-QUALITY-HEALTH-INDEX/WILDFIRE-SMOKE.HTML. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  211 WGUS84 KLZK 080116 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 816 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Cache River Near Patterson affecting Woodruff and Jackson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. && ARC067-147-081330- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0151.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.2.ER.200829T0046Z.200907T0900Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 816 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Cache River Near Patterson. * Until further notice. * At 7:00 PM CDT Monday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain around 11.0 feet through the upcoming weekend. * Impact...At 11.0 feet, Water near homes on Pine Street in Patterson. Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775. Water around camps along State Highways 14 and 18 in Jackson County. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timberland flooded in Craighead, Jackson, and Woodruff counties. && Fld Observed Forecast 7 PM Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Cache River Patterson 9.0 11.1 Mon 7 PM 11.0 11.0 10.9 STEADY && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$ 46  461 WUUS53 KDMX 080117 SVRDMX IAC039-053-159-175-080200- /O.NEW.KDMX.SV.W.0166.200908T0117Z-200908T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Des Moines IA 817 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Decatur County in south central Iowa... Southeastern Union County in south central Iowa... Ringgold County in south central Iowa... Southwestern Clarke County in south central Iowa... * Until 900 PM CDT. * At 817 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Mount Ayr, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mount Ayr, Sun Valley Lake, Diagonal, Kellerton, Grand River, Decatur City, Tingley, Redding, Ellston, Benton, Maloy, Delphos, Beaconsfield and Mt Ayr Municipal Airport. This includes Interstate 35 between mile markers 13 and 17. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4057 9435 4072 9447 4075 9447 4101 9401 4076 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 0117Z 243DEG 30KT 4073 9428 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ Martin  321 WSAU21 AMMC 080119 YMMM SIGMET Q07 VALID 080130/080530 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5000 E15830 - S5000 E15230 - S3630 E14100 - S3600 E14330 9000FT/FL190 MOV ESE 30KT NC=  322 WSAU21 AMMC 080119 YBBB SIGMET B01 VALID 080130/080530 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5000 E15830 - S5000 E15230 - S3630 E14100 - S3600 E14330 9000FT/FL190 MOV ESE 30KT NC=  817 WGUS84 KLZK 080120 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 820 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. && ARC145-147-081330- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0150.000000T0000Z-200913T0000Z/ /AUGA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.200904T2315Z.200911T1800Z.NO/ 820 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until Saturday evening... The Flood Warning continues for the White River At Augusta. * Until Saturday evening. * At 7:00 PM CDT Monday the stage was 28.0 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below 27.0 feet Tuesday night, and below flood stage on Friday. * Impact...At 26.0 feet, Farm ground along the river in White and Woodruff counties begin to flood. Seasonal agricultural impacts. * Impact...At 28.0 feet, Roads in Henry Gray Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management area flooded. Thousands of acres of cultivated land flooded in White and Woodruff counties. && Fld Observed Forecast 7 PM Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date White River Augusta 26.0 28.0 Mon 7 PM 27.3 26.8 26.3 FALLING && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ 46  502 WWNZ40 NZKL 080114 GALE WARNING 117 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 080000UTC LOW 984HPA NEAR 46S 128W MOVING EAST 30KT. WITHIN 420 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM WEST THROUGH NORTH TO NORTHEAST: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 111.  503 WWNZ40 NZKL 080117 GALE WARNING 120 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 080000UTC OVER WATERS EAST OF WESTERN BOUNDARY. IN A BELT 300 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 59S 160E 59S 170E 60S 180: WESTERLY 40KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 5KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 113.  504 WWNZ40 NZKL 080118 GALE WARNING 121 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: FORTIES AT 080000UTC IN A BELT 180 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 46S 165E 50S 169E 50S 176E: NORTHWEST 35KT. GALE AREA SLOW MOVING. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 115.  505 WWNZ40 NZKL 080115 GALE WARNING 118 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 080000UTC LOW 985HPA NEAR 49S 154W MOVING NORTHEAST 15KT. WITHIN 240 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM SOUTHWEST THROUGH NORTHWEST TO NORTH: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 112.  506 WWNZ40 NZKL 080116 GALE WARNING 119 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: FORTIES AT 080000UTC IN A BELT 180 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 53S 166E 53S 173E 53S 178W: WESTERLY 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE AREA THEN MOVING EAST 25KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 114.  990 WVPR31 SPJC 080108 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 080130/080730 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 0010Z WI S1540 W07150 - S1543 W07125 - S1549 W07124 - S1558 W07126 - S1554 W07151 - S1549 W07155 - S1540 W07150 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 0600Z VA CLD WI S1535 W07153 - S1538 W07137 - S1555 W07128 - S1607 W07141 - S1548 W07202 - S1541 W07158 - S1535 W07153 SFC/FL240=  098 WSBZ01 SBBR 080100 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0515 W07256 - S0639 W07307 - S0732 W07357 - S1003 W07206 - S0924 W07031 - S1055 W07034 - S1100 W06843 - S0950 W06639 - S0937 W06531 - S1105 W06526 - S1026 W06414 - S0808 W06647 - S0819 W06833 - S0515 W07256 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  099 WSBZ01 SBBR 080100 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0222 W06319 - N0224 W06356 - N0420 W06441 - N0336 W06245 - N0508 W06028 - N0405 W05930 - N0259 W05956 - N0140 W05938 - N0108 W05845 - N0201 W05710 - N0153 W05553 - N0230 W05601 - N0232 W05445 - N0203 W05403 - S0111 W05633 - S0036 W06036 - N0222 W06319 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  536 WGUS84 KLZK 080125 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 825 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley, Union and Calhoun Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. && ARC011-013-139-081330- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0157.000000T0000Z-200911T1200Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.200906T1000Z.200908T0600Z.200910T0600Z.NO/ 825 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until Friday morning... The Flood Warning continues for the Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * Until Friday morning. * At 7:30 PM CDT Monday the stage was 79.3 feet. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will remain steady around 79.3 feet through Tuesday before slowly falling below flood stage Thursday morning. * Impact...At 79.0 feet, Property in low lying areas needs to be removed. Access roads to oil and gas rigs may be flooded. Levee gates should be closed before the river reaches 80 feet. There is minor flooding at this level. && Fld Observed Forecast 7 PM Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Crest Time Date Ouachita River Thatcher L&D 79.0 79.3 Mon 7 PM 79.2 79.1 78.8 CRESTING && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$ 46  763 WSFJ01 NFFN 080000 NFFF SIGMET 01 VALID 080215/080615 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1018 W17336 - S1248 W17430 - S1248 W17724 - S0906 W17506 - S1018 W17336 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  629 WSZA21 FAOR 080126 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3334 W00325 - S3903 E00920 - S4328 E00854 - S4108 E00330 - S3750 W00505 - S3407 W00624 TOP FL280=  836 WSPR31 SPJC 080127 SPIM SIGMET C1 VALID 080128/080130 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET C1 VALID 072230/080130=  842 WSSR20 WSSS 080130 WSJC SIGMET 1 VALID 080140/080430 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0502 E11207 - N0724 E11207 - N0822 E11303 - N0739 E11529 - N0502 E11207 TOP FL530 MOV W 10KT NC=  915 WSSR20 WSSS 080130 WSJC SIGMET 1 VALID 080140/080430 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0502 E11207 - N0724 E11207 - N0822 E11303 - N0739 E11529 - N0502 E11207 TOP FL530 MOV W 10KT NC=  043 WSZA21 FAOR 080127 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4409 E00448 - S4441 E00725 - S4624 E00922 - S4826 E00907 - S4855 E00212 - S4456 W00114 TOP FL280=  044 WSZA21 FAOR 080128 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4407 E02832 - S4434 E03150 - S4827 E03251 - S4909 E02905 - S4801 E02509 - S4440 E02553 TOP FL280=  045 WSZA21 FAOR 080129 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3834 E04113 - S3935 E04346 - S4255 E04352 - S4251 E04103 - S4106 E03932 - S3854 E03957 TOP FL280=  290 WWUS45 KRIW 080131 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ....Early Significant Snow and Wind East of the Divide and the South... .An unseasonably strong storm system for September will impact the Cowboy State through Tuesday. Rain and snow with this system this evening is expected to be mainly snow by midnight tonight. A few thunderstorms could also occur over central and southern areas. Significant snowfall is expected for the mountains east of the Continental Divide and across the lower elevations of central Wyoming. The snow ends from north to south late tonight into Tuesday morning. Light snow will linger across the south through Tuesday afternoon. Very strong northerly to northeasterly wind will also accompany the cold front. WYZ002-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Absaroka Mountains- 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches mainly over the eastern portions of the Absaroka Mountains. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Absaroka Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible, especially over Chief Joseph Pass. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as 5 below to 5 above zero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ008-009-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Bighorn Mountains West-Bighorn Mountains Southeast- 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches on the east slopes and 4 to 8 inches on the west slopes. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bighorn Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over Granite and Powder River passes. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will be as low as 10 below zero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ007-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains- 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches. Winds gusting 40 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow in the Wind River Canyon. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will be as low as the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ020-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Natrona County Lower Elevations- Including the city of Casper 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph, gradually decreasing late tonight. * WHERE...Natrona County Lower Elevations. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ022-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Casper Mountain- 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Casper Mountain. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult to impossible. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ015-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains East- 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 24 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains East. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ018-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lander Foothills- Including the city of Lander 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches. Winds gusting 25 to 35 mph. * WHERE...Lander Foothills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ019-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range- Including the city of Jeffrey City 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Locally higher amounts of 6 to 12 inches near Beaver Rim. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ030-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.200908T0300Z-200909T0000Z/ East Sweetwater County- Including the city of Wamsutter 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches with locally higher amounts up to 8 inches over far eastern portions. Wind gusts of 50 to 65 mph. * WHERE...East Sweetwater County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel, including along Interstate 80, will become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, low visibility in falling snow as well as high winds. This will result in control issues especially for light and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ010-011-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County- Including the cities of Buffalo and Kaycee 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with the locally higher amounts along and west of the Interstate 25. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Johnson County. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ003-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Cody Foothills- Including the cities of Clark, Cody, and Meeteetse 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Cody Foothills. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult, especially along Highway 120, due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ005-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Southwest Big Horn Basin- Including the city of Thermopolis 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Southwest Big Horn Basin including Thermopolis. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ017-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Wind River Basin- Including the cities of Riverton and Shoshoni 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Basin. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ016-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Upper Wind River Basin- Including the city of Dubois 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Temperatures falling into the middle 20s Monday night. * WHERE...Upper Wind River Basin. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ028-029-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.200908T0300Z-200908T1800Z/ Rock Springs and Green River-Flaming Gorge- Including the cities of Rock Springs and Green River 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Winds gusting 50 to 60 mph, with stronger gusts possible. * WHERE...Flaming Gorge and Rock Springs and Green River. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ024-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.200908T0300Z-200908T1500Z/ Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Salt River and Wyoming Ranges. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS... Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills as low as the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ027-081315- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.200908T0600Z-200908T1500Z/ South Lincoln County- Including the cities of Kemmerer and Cokeville 731 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with lesser amounts near Cokeville. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...South Lincoln County. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Team Riverton/21  745 WSCO31 SKBO 080133 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 080130/080430 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N0325 W07303 - N0553 W07141 - N0608 W07246 - N0413 W07426 - N0325 W07303 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  729 WSSR20 WSSS 080133 WSJC SIGMET 2 VALID 080140/080230 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR CNL SIGMET 3 072330/080230=  918 WUUS53 KIWX 080133 SVRIWX INC009-053-075-179-080200- /O.NEW.KIWX.SV.W.0102.200908T0133Z-200908T0200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 933 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Grant County in central Indiana... Northern Blackford County in east central Indiana... Southern Wells County in northeastern Indiana... Northwestern Jay County in east central Indiana... * Until 1000 PM EDT. * At 933 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Van Buren, or 7 miles north of Upland, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Gas City, Montpelier, Van Buren, Pennville, Nottingham, Poneto, Mcnatts, Landess, Wellsburg, Reiffsburg, Mount Zion, Dillman, Petroleum, Hanfield, Keystone, Fiat, Balbec, Roll, Lake Wood and Arcana. This includes Interstate 69 in Indiana between mile markers 261 and 270. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4050 8562 4062 8563 4065 8540 4065 8534 4066 8534 4069 8510 4049 8508 TIME...MOT...LOC 0133Z 264DEG 35KT 4057 8551 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ RTC  683 WSZA21 FAOR 080132 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4016 E00918 - S4036 E01055 - S4224 E01629 - S4757 E02430 - S4920 E02112 - S4554 E01307 - S4307 E00912 FL140/180=  689 WWUS85 KRIW 080135 RFWRIW URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 735 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 WYZ277>279-080245- /O.EXP.KRIW.FW.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ Lincoln and Uinta Counties/Lower Elevations- Upper Green River Basin/Rock Springs BLM- Sweetwater County/Rock Springs BLM/Flaming Gorge NRA- 735 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MDT THIS EVENING... With cooler air moving in and humidity rising, the Red Flag warning has been allowed to expire. $$ http://weather.gov/riverton  434 WSSR20 WSSS 080135 WSJC SIGMET 3 VALID 080145/080430 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0005 E10515 - N0124 E10546 - N0158 E10734 - S0021 E10714 - S0050 E10602 - S0005 E10515 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT NC=  435 WSSR20 WSSS 080135 WSJC SIGMET 3 VALID 080145/080430 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0005 E10515 - N0124 E10546 - N0158 E10734 - S0021 E10714 - S0050 E10602 - S0005 E10515 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT NC=  750 WSSS20 VHHH 080135 VHHK SIGMET 1 VALID 080140/080540 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1841 E11214 - N1930 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2337 E11635 - N2135 E11637 - N1841 E11214 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  210 WWUS53 KDMX 080138 SVSDMX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 838 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IAC039-053-159-175-080148- /O.CAN.KDMX.SV.W.0166.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ Decatur IA-Union IA-Ringgold IA-Clarke IA- 838 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN DECATUR... SOUTHEASTERN UNION...RINGGOLD AND SOUTHWESTERN CLARKE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4057 9435 4072 9447 4075 9447 4101 9401 4076 9378 TIME...MOT...LOC 0134Z 243DEG 30KT 4081 9407 $$ Martin  535 WHUS41 KAKQ 080138 CFWAKQ Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Wakefield VA 938 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NCZ102-VAZ098-080945- /O.CON.KAKQ.BH.S.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Eastern Currituck-Virginia Beach- 938 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH TUESDAY EVENING... * WHAT...STRONG RIP CURRENTS. * WHERE...In Virginia, Virginia Beach. In North Carolina, Eastern Currituck County. * WHEN...Through Tuesday evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The most likely time for strong rip currents to occur is a couple of hours either side of low tide. Low tide will occur around 6 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$ Butner  060 WGUS84 KLCH 080139 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles LA Issued by National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 839 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Calcasieu River Near Glenmora Mermentau River Near Mermentau LAC079-090145- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ /GLML1.1.ER.200828T1313Z.200903T0100Z.200909T1800Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until Wednesday evening... The Flood Warning continues for the Calcasieu River Near Glenmora. * Until Wednesday evening. * At 7:45 PM CDT Monday the stage was 12.4 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 7:45 PM CDT Monday was 12.9 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early Wednesday afternoon and continue falling to 10.7 feet Saturday evening. * Impact...At 12.0 feet, when the river is falling and the gauge reading is forecast to be near 12 feet, flooding of forested areas near the river will occur. && Fld Observed Forecasts (7 pm CDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Calcasieu River Glenmora 12.0 12.4 Mon 7 pm CDT 12.2 11.9 11.6 && LAT...LON 3115 9275 3105 9265 3090 9262 3090 9269 3113 9279 $$ LAC001-053-113-090145- /O.CON.KLCH.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ /MRML1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.200902T1300Z.200909T0000Z.NO/ 839 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Mermentau River Near Mermentau. * Until Wednesday morning. * At 8:15 PM CDT Monday the stage was 4.2 feet. * Flood stage is 4.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:15 PM CDT Monday was 4.2 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage tomorrow evening and continue falling to 3.6 feet Saturday evening. * Impact...At 4.0 feet, minor lowland flooding near the river will occur. && Fld Observed Forecasts (7 pm CDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Mermentau River Mermentau 4.0 4.2 Mon 8 pm CDT 4.0 3.8 3.7 && LAT...LON 3024 9255 3019 9254 3004 9260 3004 9276 3025 9266 $$ Maldonado  832 WSZA21 FAOR 080137 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3328 E03318 - S3848 E03949 - S4239 E04000 - S4257 E04409 - S4629 E04559 - S5003 E04656 - S5250 E03806 - S5010 E03518 - S4704 E04108 - S4155 E03720 - S3443 E03121 FL300/400=  833 WSZA21 FAOR 080138 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2927 E03127 - S2954 E03216 - S3100 E03153 - S3059 E03044 - S2954 E03040 FL300/340=  918 WGUS81 KILN 080140 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 940 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC011-065-091-107-149-159-080430- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.Y.0128.200908T0140Z-200908T0430Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Auglaize OH-Hardin OH-Union OH-Mercer OH- 940 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Shelby County in west central Ohio... Logan County in west central Ohio... Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Hardin County in west central Ohio... Northwestern Union County in central Ohio... Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 1230 AM EDT. * At 937 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms with heavy rain moving east across west central into central Ohio. The rain is occurring in areas previously affected by heavy rain earlier this afternoon and evening. * Minor flooding of low-lying and poorly drained streets, highways and underpasses will occur. In addition, farmland near creeks, streams and drainage ditches will experience minor flooding. Some locations that will experience minor flooding include... Sidney, Bellefontaine, Celina, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Kenton, Ada, Coldwater, New Bremen, Minster, St. Henry, Newport, Cridersville, West Liberty, Anna, Fort Loramie, Jackson Center, Forest, Fort Recovery and Russells Point. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4082 8350 4070 8350 4069 8342 4022 8343 4026 8379 4028 8443 4036 8444 4035 8480 4073 8480 4073 8446 4068 8445 4069 8422 4066 8422 4064 8391 4065 8388 4082 8388 $$ ch  893 WGUS83 KIWX 080142 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 942 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC003-161-080445- /O.NEW.KIWX.FA.Y.0032.200908T0142Z-200908T0445Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Van Wert OH-Allen OH- 942 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Van Wert County in west central Ohio... Allen County in west central Ohio... * Until 1245 AM EDT. * At 941 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lima, Van Wert, Delphos, Fort Shawnee, Spencerville, Elida, Convoy, Ohio City, Spencerville In Allen County, Middlebury, Middle Point, Cairo, Harrod, Willshire, Beaverdam, Wren, Venedocia, Elgin, Yoder and Westminster. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4064 8411 4066 8411 4066 8422 4069 8422 4068 8446 4073 8446 4073 8480 4091 8480 4096 8442 4096 8440 4090 8440 4090 8434 4086 8434 4086 8411 4090 8411 4085 8388 4065 8388 $$ RTC  397 WSPS21 NZKL 080140 NZZO SIGMET 2 VALID 080142/080542 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0740 W17210 - S1010 W16810 - S1220 W16810 - S1400 W17040 - S1330 W17450 - S0740 W17210 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  528 WSPS21 NZKL 080141 NZZO SIGMET 3 VALID 080142/080210 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 35 072210/080210=  060 WSZA21 FAOR 080141 FAJO SIGMET G01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3508 E02951 - S3616 E03023 - S3742 E02832 - S3729 E01945 - S3700 E01940 - S3700 E02800 SFC/FL030=  061 WSZA21 FAOR 080140 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 080200/080600 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3355 E02719 - S3448 E02941 - S3508 E02951 - S3700 E02800 - S3700 E01940 - S3612 E01931 - S3445 E02107 - S3422 E02301 - S3406 E02607 SFC/FL030=  915 WWUS85 KSLC 080146 AWWSLC UTC035-080345- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 745 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 Airport Weather Warning for winds gusting to greater than 30 mph/26 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 745 PM MDT to 945 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  657 WHUS73 KMQT 080146 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 946 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LSZ249>251-080700- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0094.000000T0000Z-200908T0700Z/ Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- 946 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Waves 3 to 6 feet occurring. * WHERE...Marquette to Munising MI, Munising to Grand Marais MI and Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI. * WHEN...Until 3 AM EDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  295 WWUS83 KEAX 080148 SPSEAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 848 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MOZ008-017-080230- Schuyler MO-Adair MO- 848 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN ADAIR AND SOUTHERN SCHUYLER COUNTIES UNTIL 930 PM CDT... At 848 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Greentop, or 7 miles north of Kirksville, moving east at 25 mph. Half inch hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Kirksville and Greentop. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4020 9267 4038 9269 4043 9235 4019 9235 TIME...MOT...LOC 0148Z 264DEG 23KT 4030 9258 $$ CDB  692 WGUS81 KCLE 080148 FLSCLE Flood Advisory National Weather Service Cleveland OH 948 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC101-117-080745- /O.NEW.KCLE.FA.Y.0058.200908T0148Z-200908T0745Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marion OH-Morrow OH- 948 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Cleveland has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Marion County in north central Ohio... Morrow County in north central Ohio... * Until 345 AM EDT. * At 948 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Up to 2 inches of rain have fallen in Marion County and will expand into Morrow County. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marion, Mount Gilead, Cardington, Prospect, La Rue, Morral, Waldo, Chesterville, Sparta, Caledonia, New Bloomington, Edison, Green Camp, Marengo, Fulton, Iberia and Shauck. Additional rainfall of 1 to 2 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4071 8286 4070 8263 4067 8263 4066 8264 4064 8264 4064 8263 4035 8265 4036 8292 4041 8292 4044 8325 4051 8325 4051 8342 4069 8341 $$ Clark  932 WSNT07 KKCI 080148 SIGA0G KZWY SIGMET GOLF 4 VALID 080148/080310 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET GOLF 3 072310/080310.  043 WSNT10 KKCI 080148 SIGA0J KZWY SIGMET JULIETT 3 VALID 080148/080310 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET JULIETT 2 072310/080310.  183 WSNT11 KKCI 080149 SIGA0K KZWY SIGMET KILO 2 VALID 080149/080410 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET KILO 1 080010/080410.  481 WWUS53 KIWX 080151 SVSIWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 951 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC009-053-075-179-080200- /O.CON.KIWX.SV.W.0102.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ Grant IN-Blackford IN-Wells IN-Jay IN- 951 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 PM EDT FOR EAST CENTRAL GRANT...NORTHERN BLACKFORD...SOUTHERN WELLS AND NORTHWESTERN JAY COUNTIES... At 951 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Montpelier, or near Hartford City, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Gas City, Montpelier, Pennville, Nottingham, Keystone, Domestic, Fiat, Balbec, Roll, Dillman, Arcana and Petroleum. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4050 8562 4062 8541 4064 8509 4049 8508 TIME...MOT...LOC 0151Z 274DEG 31KT 4053 8532 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ RTC  020 WSCO31 SKBO 080152 SIGMET SKED SIGMET W1 VALID 080150/080450 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N0618 W07458 - N0807 W07211 - N0953 W07255 - N0928 W07354 - N0817 W07314 - N0658 W07520 - N0618 W07458 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  170 WHUS73 KDTX 080153 MWWDTX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 953 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LHZ421-422-441>443-081400- /O.CON.KDTX.SC.Y.0053.200908T0900Z-200909T0900Z/ Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay-Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI- Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI-Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI- Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI- 953 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TUESDAY TO 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 21 knots from the northeast with gusts up to 27 knots. The largest significant waves will be 4 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 5 feet. * WHERE...Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay, Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI, Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI, Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI and Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 7 PM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 12 PM EDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  165 WWCN03 CYTR 080154 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:54 PM CDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: WINDS HAVE DIMINISHED. END/JMC  078 WWUS85 KBOU 080154 RFWBOU URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver/Boulder CO 754 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 COZ211>213-215-217-218-080300- /O.CAN.KBOU.FW.W.0024.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ Jackson County Below 9000 Feet- South and Southeast Grand/West Central and Southwest Boulder/ Gilpin/Clear Creek/Summit/North and West Park Counties Above 9000 Feet-Grand and Summit Counties Below 9000 Feet- Larimer and Boulder Counties Between 6000 and 9000 Feet- West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet- South and East Jackson/Larimer/North and Northeast Grand/ Northwest Boulder Counties Above 9000 Feet- 754 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MDT FOR THE THE MOUNTAINS, HIGH MOUNTAIN VALLEYS, AND NORTHERN FRONT RANGE FOOTHILLS... The National Weather Service in Denver has allowed the Red Flag Warning to expire this evening. A significant weather change is expected over all of north central and northeastern Colorado with significantly colder air and a significant snowfall for the next couple of days. The fire danger will hopefully ease considerably. $$  961 WSID20 WIII 080155 WIIZ SIGMET 01 VALID 080200/080500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0148 E10722 - S0300 E11023 - S0355 E11023 - S0302 E10646 - S0050 E10600 - S0028 E10653 - S0148 E10722 TOP FL480 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  145 WSUS32 KKCI 080155 SIGC MKCC WST 080155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2C VALID UNTIL 0355Z IL MO IA FROM 50ESE DSM-40WNW BVT-30NNW AXC-20WSW IRK-50ESE DSM AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3C VALID UNTIL 0355Z MO IA NE FROM 30ENE OVR-50ESE DSM-30NW IRK-50SE OVR-50NW PWE-30ENE OVR DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4C VALID UNTIL 0355Z WI IL IA FROM 20SW MCW-50NW DBQ-50ENE DBQ DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 080355-080755 FROM 50S DLL-BDF-30SW GIJ-30SE TTH-30SW UIN-60SE OVR-30S PWE-30NE HLC-30E MCK-30W OVR-60NW OVR-FOD-50S DLL WST ISSUANCES EXPD LT IN PD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  801 WOMU40 VMMC 080147 THUNDERSTORM WARNING SIGNAL WAS CANCELLED AT 202009080150 UTC  268 WSUS31 KKCI 080155 SIGE MKCE WST 080155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 0355Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 110ESE ILM-140SSE ILM-70NE OMN-90SE SAV-60ESE CHS-110ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 08005KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 0355Z PA WV OH IN IL FROM 60S DXO-30S EWC-40NNE HNN-30N AXC-40S GIJ-60S DXO AREA TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080355-080755 AREA 1...FROM 130SSE ILM-200E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-50SE CEW-SAV-130SSE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 40E MSS-50NE SLT-30E PSB-HNN-30SE TTH-30SW GIJ-30W ERI-30WSW BUF-YYZ-40NW SYR-30W MSS-40E MSS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-130SSE ILM-60SSE ILM-110E ILM-60S ECG-40E ECG-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  269 WSUS33 KKCI 080155 SIGW MKCW WST 080155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2W VALID UNTIL 0355Z WY ID FROM 20NW JAC-20S BOY-40N OCS-20NW MLD-30N TWF-20NW JAC AREA TS MOV FROM 28035KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 080355-080755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  572 WHUS73 KLOT 080156 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 856 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LMZ743>745-081000- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 856 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 7 feet. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LMZ740>742-081000- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 856 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...building to 10 ft late tonight and on Tuesday. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...building to 14 ft Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Borchardt  183 WWUS85 KPUB 080156 RFWPUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 756 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Red Flag Warning for Fire Zones 220...222...223...224 and 225 will expire at 8 pm mdt... COZ220-222>225-080300- /O.EXP.KPUB.FW.W.0049.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ Upper Arkansas River Valley Including Lake County and Chaffee County-Fremont County Including Canon City/Howard/Texas Creek- Eastern San Juan Mountains and La Garita Mountains Including Wolf Creek Pass and Creede- San Luis Valley Including Alamosa/Del Norte/Fort Garland/Saguache- Southern Front Range Including Sangre De Cristo Mountains/Wet Mountains/La Veta Pass- 756 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 220...222...223... 224 AND 225... Winds have decreased across the area, and relative humidity will slowly recover to above 15 percent through the evening. $$  340 WHUS43 KLOT 080157 CFWLOT Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Chicago IL 857 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILZ006-103-081000- /O.CON.KLOT.LS.Y.0017.200908T0900Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IL-Northern Cook- 857 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TUESDAY TO 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * LOCATION...Northern Cook County and Lake County Illinois shores. * HIGH WAVE ACTION...LAKE SHORE FLOODING AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...building to 6 to 10 feet tonight and Tuesday. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. * TIMING...Tonight through Tuesday night. * IMPACTS...The large waves combined with record high lake levels could exacerbate already significant beach and shoreline erosion sustained over the past several months. Typical flood prone locations will likely experience flooding. Onlookers may be swept into the lake by the large waves. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. For information on swim advisories or bans at Chicago beaches visit: www.cpdbeaches.com. A Lakeshore Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds will generate flooding of low areas along the lakeshore. && $$ INZ001-002-081000- /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IN-Porter- 857 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Northwest Indiana beaches. * HIGH WAVE ACTION AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...building to 4 to 7 feet tonight and early Tuesday morning. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. && $$ ILZ104-081000- /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Central Cook- 857 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Cook County beaches. * HIGH WAVE ACTION AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...building to 5 to 8 feet tonight and Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...A high risk for rip currents may continue through Thursday. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. For information on swim advisories or bans at Chicago beaches visit: www.cpdbeaches.com. && $$ Borchardt  693 WSAU21 AMMC 080158 YBBB SIGMET C01 VALID 080230/080630 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3100 E15800 - S3800 E15500 - S3800 E14530 - S2300 E15630 FL300/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  694 WSID20 WIII 080157 WIIZ SIGMET 02 VALID 080200/080500 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0047 E09733 - S0323 E09743 - S0249 E09543 - S0044 E09706 - S0047 E09733 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT NC=  070 WSAU21 AMMC 080158 YMMM SIGMET S05 VALID 080230/080630 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3100 E15800 - S3800 E15500 - S3800 E14530 - S2300 E15630 FL300/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  589 WSSP32 LEMM 080156 LECB SIGMET 1 VALID 080200/080530 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3941 E00018 - N3819 E00054 - N3731 E00146 - N3856 E00441 - N4040 E00352 - N3941 E00018 TOP FL340 MOV ENE 15KT INTSF=  674 WWUS53 KIWX 080159 SVSIWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 959 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC009-053-075-179-080208- /O.EXP.KIWX.SV.W.0102.000000T0000Z-200908T0200Z/ Grant IN-Blackford IN-Wells IN-Jay IN- 959 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL GRANT...NORTHERN BLACKFORD...SOUTHERN WELLS AND NORTHWESTERN JAY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1000 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4050 8562 4062 8541 4064 8509 4049 8508 TIME...MOT...LOC 0158Z 264DEG 35KT 4054 8524 $$ RTC  464 WSHO31 MHTG 080210 MHTG SIGMET 1 VALID 080210/080610 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0200Z WI N1549 W08324 -N0911 W08359 -N0936 W08732 -N1549 W08542 TOP FL480 MOV W 05-10KT NC=  504 WWUS75 KMSO 080159 NPWMSO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ007-081500- /O.CAN.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region- 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 19 expected. * WHERE...Butte, Georgetown Lake, Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Homestake Pass, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ010-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Eastern Lemhi County- 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 21 expected. * WHERE...Bannock Pass, Highway 28 Tendoy to Lone Pine, Highway 93 Lost Trail Pass to Gibbonsville, Lemhi Pass, and Salmon. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ001>003-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Kootenai/Cabinet Region-West Glacier Region- Flathead/Mission Valleys- 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Flathead/Mission Valleys, West Glacier Region and Kootenai/Cabinet Region. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ004-005-043-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Lower Clark Fork Region-Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys- Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Evaro Hill, Highway 200 Thompson Falls to Plains, Highway 200 Trout Creek to Heron, I-90 Lookout Pass to Haugan, Bitterroot Valley, Missoula, Highway 200 Bonner to Greenough, Highway 83 Seeley Lake to Condon, and I-90 East Missoula to Bearmouth. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ006-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains- 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ009-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Western Lemhi County- 759 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Western Lemhi County. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ005>008-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FR.Y.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Northern Clearwater Mountains-Southern Clearwater Mountains- Orofino/Grangeville Region-Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 659 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 27 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region, Orofino/Grangeville Region, Southern Clearwater Mountains and Northern Clearwater Mountains. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 8 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  804 WSCA31 MHTG 080210 MHTG SIGMET 1 VALID 080210/080610 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0200Z WI N1549 W08324 -N0911 W08359 -N0936 W08732 -N1549 W08542 TOP FL480 MOV W 05-10KT NC=  023 WWUS83 KDVN 080201 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 901 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILC067-IAC111-MOC045-080245- Hancock-Lee-Clark- 901 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT CENTRAL HANCOCK...SOUTH CENTRAL LEE AND SOUTHEASTERN CLARK COUNTIES UNTIL 945 PM CDT... At 900 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Keokuk, moving east at 30 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Keokuk, Carthage, Nauvoo, Hamilton, Warsaw, La Harpe, Montrose, Alexandria, Ferris, Colusa, Adrian, Burnside, St. Francisville, Fountain Green, Elvaston, Keokuk Airport, Nauvoo State Park, Bluff Park, Galland and Sandusky. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4054 9158 4063 9090 4037 9091 4032 9157 TIME...MOT...LOC 0200Z 265DEG 27KT 4046 9143 $$ Uttech  195 WWUS81 KILN 080201 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1001 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHZ034-035-043-044-080230- Auglaize OH-Logan OH-Shelby OH-Mercer OH- 1001 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN SHELBY...NORTHWESTERN LOGAN...AUGLAIZE AND SOUTHEASTERN MERCER COUNTIES UNTIL 1030 PM EDT... At 1000 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Coldwater, moving east at 25 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 50 mph... Nickel size hail... Very heavy rain... Locations impacted include... Celina, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Coldwater, New Bremen, Minster, St. Henry, Anna, Jackson Center, Botkins, Lakeview, New Knoxville, Waynesfield, Moulton, Chickasaw, Uniopolis, Kettlersville, Montezuma, Fryburg and Montra. This includes I-75 in Ohio between mile markers 97 and 113. Water will pond on roads and may quickly fill roadside ditches and small streams. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 4038 8466 4056 8466 4061 8393 4033 8394 TIME...MOT...LOC 0200Z 271DEG 23KT 4048 8456 $$ ch  148 WSFG20 TFFF 080201 SOOO SIGMET 1 VALID 080200/080500 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0930 W05315 - N1000 W04800 - N1245 W04000 - N1100 W04015 - N0845 W04630 - N0815 W05245 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  250 WWUS83 KDVN 080203 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 903 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MOC199-080245- Scotland- 903 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SCOTLAND COUNTY UNTIL 945 PM CDT... At 903 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 miles east of Greentop, or 13 miles northeast of Kirksville, moving east at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Memphis, Rutledge, South Gorin, Granger, Greensburg, Crawford, Arbela, Etna, Sand Hill, Memphis Memorial Airport, Spillman Mound, Bible Grove and Scotland County Fairgrounds. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4046 9235 4051 9194 4030 9195 4030 9235 TIME...MOT...LOC 0203Z 257DEG 28KT 4034 9241 $$ Uttech  854 WSUS05 KKCI 080203 WS5Q SLCQ WS 080203 SIGMET QUEBEC 3 VALID UNTIL 080603 ID MT WY NV UT CO OR FROM HLN TO CHE TO DTA TO 20NW BAM TO BKE TO HLN OCNL SEV TURB BLW FL180. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. CONDS ENDG 0603Z. ....  666 WWUS83 KIWX 080204 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1004 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INZ032>034-080245- Jay-Blackford-Grant- 1004 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN GRANT... BLACKFORD AND JAY COUNTIES... At 1003 PM EDT, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Hartford City, moving east at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Portland, Hartford City, Gas City, Upland, Dunkirk, Montpelier, Redkey, Pennville, Matthews, Westchester, Center, Fowlerton, Bryant, Shamrock Lakes, Salamonia, Trinity, Brice, Mill Grove, Como and Bellfountain. This includes Interstate 69 in Indiana between mile markers 252 and 265. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4038 8522 4038 8559 4057 8557 4055 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 TIME...MOT...LOC 0203Z 274DEG 35KT 4047 8535 $$ HAIL...0.50IN WIND...40MPH RTC  765 WSMX31 MMMX 080204 MMEX SIGMET K2 VALID 080201/080601 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0201Z WI N2408 W10149-N2236 W10538-N2720 W10608-N2720 W10249 CB TOP ABV FL390 MOV SE 05KT . =  313 WSUS06 KKCI 080203 WS6Q SFOQ WS 080203 SIGMET QUEBEC 3 VALID UNTIL 080603 OR ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM HLN TO CHE TO DTA TO 20NW BAM TO BKE TO HLN OCNL SEV TURB BLW FL180. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. CONDS ENDG 0603Z. ....  082 WCIN31 VIDP 080200 NIL  297 WSAU21 AMMC 080206 YBBB SIGMET D01 VALID 080245/080645 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3700 E14430 - S5000 E15700 - S5000 E15000 - S4330 E14400 FL110/280 MOV E 30KT NC=  972 WSAU21 AMMC 080206 YMMM SIGMET I18 VALID 080245/080645 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3700 E14430 - S5000 E15700 - S5000 E15000 - S4330 E14400 FL110/280 MOV E 30KT NC=  084 WSPS21 NZKL 080205 NZZO SIGMET 4 VALID 080207/080607 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6400 W15730 - S6100 W15010 - S5230 W15050 - S4600 W16050 - S5730 W15400 - S6400 W15730 FL200/390 MOV E 40KT NC=  283 WGUS61 KILN 080207 FFAILN URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1007 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHZ026-034-035-042>046-081000- /O.NEW.KILN.FF.A.0011.200908T0207Z-200908T1000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union OH-Delaware- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, Marysville, and Delaware 1007 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flash Flood Watch for portions of Central Ohio and West Central Ohio, including the following areas, in Central Ohio, Delaware and Union OH. In West Central Ohio, Auglaize, Darke, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, and Shelby. * Until 6 AM EDT Tuesday * Showers and thunderstorms will track east across the region through the early morning hours. One to three inches of rain can be expected with locally higher amounts possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People in the watch area should keep an eye on the weather and be prepared for immediate action should heavy rains and flooding occur or a Flash Flood Warning be issued. Avoid low-lying areas, and be careful when approaching highway dips and underpasses. && $$  338 WSPS21 NZKL 080206 NZZO SIGMET 5 VALID 080207/080251 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 37 072251/080251=  282 WSHO31 MHTG 080215 MHTG SIGMET A1 VALID 080215/080415 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET A1 072215/080215=  750 WSCA31 MHTG 080215 MHTG SIGMET A1 VALID 080215/080415 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET A1 072215/080215=  917 WVEQ31 SEQU 080210 SEFG SIGMET 1 VALID 080210/080810 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 0110Z WI S0150 W07905 - S0159 W07819 - S0201 W07819 - S0204 W07905 - S0150 W07905 SFC/FL210 MOV W 25KT FCST AT 0700Z WI S0147 W07914 - S0159 W07819 - S0201 W07819 - S0205 W07914 - S0147 W07914=  359 WGUS51 KILN 080212 FFWILN OHC011-065-091-107-149-080515- /O.NEW.KILN.FF.W.0036.200908T0212Z-200908T0515Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1012 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Shelby County in west central Ohio... Northern Logan County in west central Ohio... Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Southern Hardin County in west central Ohio... Central Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 115 AM EDT. * At 1011 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Two to four inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Celina, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Kenton, Coldwater, Fort Shawnee, New Bremen, Cridersville, Russells Point, Botkins, Lakeview, New Knoxville, Waynesfield, Belle Center, Chippewa Park, Northwood, Moulton, Wabash, Roundhead and Mount Victory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. To report flash flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4069 8342 4051 8342 4050 8352 4048 8352 4043 8480 4064 8480 4066 8422 4066 8411 4064 8411 4064 8391 4065 8388 4067 8388 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ ch  179 WSPS21 NZKL 080000 NZZO SIGMET 2 VALID 080001/080401 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1900 W17110 - S2610 W17020 - S2610 W16030 - S2140 W16000 - S1900 W17110 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  641 WSKO31 RKSI 080215 RKRR SIGMET W01 VALID 080220/080600 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3552 E12650 - N3618 E12904 - N3525 E12903 - N3456 E12646 - N3552 E12650 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 20KT NC=  662 WGUS83 KIND 080215 FLSIND Flood Advisory National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1015 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC023-067-159-080515- /O.NEW.KIND.FA.Y.0045.200908T0215Z-200908T0515Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clinton IN-Howard IN-Tipton IN- 1015 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Northeastern Clinton County in central Indiana... Southern Howard County in central Indiana... Tipton County in central Indiana... * Until 115 AM EDT. * At 1015 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Kokomo, Elwood, Tipton, Windfall, Greentown, Russiaville, Sharpsville, Kempton and Indian Heights. Additional rainfall of 1 inch is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 4044 8635 4051 8586 4027 8586 4024 8630 $$ Ryan  826 WSPR31 SPJC 080210 SPIM SIGMET A1 VALID 080210/080510 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0150Z E OF LINE S0619 W07511 - S0835 W07634 - S1022 W07525 - S0959 W07335 TOP FL452 MOV SW NC=  220 WGUS81 KILN 080219 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1019 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC041-161-177-OHC037-135-080229- /O.CAN.KILN.FA.Y.0127.000000T0000Z-200908T0315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Wayne IN-Union IN-Fayette IN-Preble OH-Darke OH- 1019 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR WAYNE...NORTHWESTERN UNION AND NORTHERN FAYETTE COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL INDIANA...NORTHWESTERN PREBLE AND SOUTHWESTERN DARKE COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL OHIO HAS BEEN CANCELLED... The heavy rain has ended and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please report previous flooding to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 3979 8530 3979 8522 3987 8522 3987 8520 4001 8520 4000 8481 4007 8481 4007 8469 3991 8466 3972 8497 3964 8506 3968 8530 $$ Hatzos  511 WWUS83 KIND 080220 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1020 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INZ038>040-080300- Tipton IN-Madison IN-Hamilton IN- 1020 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN MADISON...NORTHERN HAMILTON AND SOUTHERN TIPTON COUNTIES UNTIL 1100 PM EDT... At 1020 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Tipton, or 17 miles south of Kokomo, moving east at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Anderson, Elwood, Tipton, Cicero, Edgewood, Frankton, Arcadia, Atlanta, Orestes and River Forest. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4018 8620 4032 8615 4030 8571 4008 8573 TIME...MOT...LOC 0220Z 277DEG 18KT 4022 8610 $$ Ryan  064 WWUS45 KTFX 080220 WSWTFX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 820 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ012-014-050-051-054-080330- /O.CAN.KTFX.WW.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Cascade-Central and Southern Lewis and Clark-Judith Basin-Fergus- Meagher- 820 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Precipitation is rapidly tapering off across the advisory area. As a result, the Winter Weather Advisory is cancelled. $$ MTZ015-052-053-055-080330- /O.CAN.KTFX.WW.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Madison-Jefferson-Broadwater-Gallatin- 820 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Precipitation is rapidly tapering off across the advisory area. As a result, the Winter Weather Advisory is cancelled. $$ http://www.weather.gov/greatfalls  774 WSPR31 SPJC 080220 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 080220/080230 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 8 VALID 072330/080230=  506 WSBZ01 SBBR 080200 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0222 W06319 - N0224 W06356 - N0420 W06441 - N0336 W06245 - N0508 W06028 - N0405 W05930 - N0259 W05956 - N0140 W05938 - N0108 W05845 - N0201 W05710 - N0153 W05553 - N0230 W05601 - N0232 W05445 - N0203 W05403 - S0111 W05633 - S0036 W06036 - N0222 W06319 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  507 WSBZ01 SBBR 080200 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0515 W07256 - S0639 W07307 - S0732 W07357 - S1003 W07206 - S0924 W07031 - S1055 W07034 - S1100 W06843 - S0950 W06639 - S0937 W06531 - S1105 W06526 - S1026 W06414 - S0808 W06647 - S0819 W06833 - S0515 W07256 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  077 WSTH31 VTBS 080220 VTBB SIGMET 01 VALID 080225/080625 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1034 E10024 - N1232 E10008 - N1249 E10208 - N1113 E10139 - N1034 E10024 TOP FL520 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  652 WHUS43 KDTX 080223 CFWDTX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 1023 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MIZ048-049-054-055-063-081030- /O.CON.KDTX.LS.Y.0033.200908T0900Z-200909T0900Z/ Bay-Huron-Tuscola-Sanilac-St. Clair- 1023 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TUESDAY TO 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Increased lakeshore flooding expected due to moderate northeast wind and higher waves. * WHERE...Bay, Huron, Tuscola, Sanilac and St. Clair Counties. * WHEN...From 5 AM Tuesday to 5 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Added flooding and erosion of prone areas along the lakeshore. Some water on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Northeast wind continues increasing during the night and lasts into early Wednesday. Sustained speed around 20 mph includes gusts near 30 mph by Tuesday afternoon. The wind pattern builds waves and increases water level above recent undisturbed conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$  413 WGUS51 KCLE 080224 FFWCLE OHC101-080830- /O.NEW.KCLE.FF.W.0020.200908T0224Z-200908T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1024 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Cleveland has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Marion County in north central Ohio... * Until 430 AM EDT Tuesday. * At 1024 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Flash flooding is already occurring. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Doppler radar. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Marion, Prospect, La Rue, Waldo, Caledonia, New Bloomington and Green Camp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4066 8340 4064 8296 4049 8296 4049 8302 4043 8303 4044 8325 4051 8325 4051 8342 4065 8340 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED EXPECTED RAINFALL...1-2 INCHES IN 2 HOURS $$ Clark  324 WHUS43 KGRB 080225 CFWGRB Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Green Bay WI 925 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 WIZ039-074-081030- /O.CON.KGRB.LS.Y.0010.200908T0500Z-200910T0500Z/ Brown-Southern Oconto County- 925 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Shoreline erosion and minor lakeshore flooding are possible along the shoreline areas of the Bay of Green Bay due to persistent and gusty northeast winds. * WHERE...Brown and Southern Oconto County Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to midnight CDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Possible shoreline erosion and minor flooding on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$ WIZ022-040-050-081030- /O.CON.KGRB.BH.S.0010.200908T1100Z-200909T2100Z/ Door-Kewaunee-Manitowoc- 925 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM CDT TUESDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Large waves along Lake Michigan beaches will result in hazardous swimming conditions and possible rip currents. * WHERE...Door, Kewaunee and Manitowoc Counties. * WHEN...From Tuesday morning through Wednesday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Large waves will create strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$  113 WSCU31 MUHA 080225 MUFH SIGMET 1 VALID 080225/080625 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0215Z WI N2400 W08600 N2400 W07800 N2200 W07510 N2000 W07318 N1900 W07600 N2000 W08200 TO N2400 W08600 CB TOP FL450 MOV N08KT NC=  509 WWJP25 RJTD 080000 WARNING AND SUMMARY 080000. WARNING VALID 090000. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 990 HPA AT 44N 128E MANCHURIA MOVING NORTH SLOWLY. WARM FRONT FROM 44N 128E TO 45N 132E 45N 137E 45N 142E 45N 146E. COLD FRONT FROM 44N 128E TO 40N 131E 36N 128E. WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1010 HPA AT 44N 164E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 20 KNOTS. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 400 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 18 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1004 HPA AT 55N 162E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING EAST 10 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 55N 162E TO 54N 165E 50N 168E. COLD FRONT FROM 55N 162E TO 52N 158E 50N 153E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 18 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. SUMMARY. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 51N 144E ESE 10 KT. HIGH 1022 HPA AT 34N 151E WEST SLOWLY. HIGH 1022 HPA AT 34N 171E SE 20 KT. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  655 WWJP27 RJTD 080000 WARNING AND SUMMARY 080000. WARNING VALID 090000. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 990 HPA AT 44N 128E MANCHURIA MOVING NORTH SLOWLY. WARM FRONT FROM 44N 128E TO 45N 132E 45N 137E 45N 142E 45N 146E. COLD FRONT FROM 44N 128E TO 40N 131E 36N 128E. WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1010 HPA AT 44N 164E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING ESE 20 KNOTS. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 400 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 18 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1004 HPA AT 55N 162E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING EAST 10 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 55N 162E TO 54N 165E 50N 168E. COLD FRONT FROM 55N 162E TO 52N 158E 50N 153E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 18 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. SUMMARY. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 51N 144E ESE 10 KT. HIGH 1022 HPA AT 34N 151E WEST SLOWLY. HIGH 1022 HPA AT 34N 171E SE 20 KT. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  183 WTNT22 KNHC 080230 TCMAT2 TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 5 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL172020 0300 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 17.8N 42.5W AT 08/0300Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 30 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE NORTH-NORTHWEST OR 330 DEGREES AT 4 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1004 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 40 KT WITH GUSTS TO 50 KT. 34 KT....... 70NE 0SE 0SW 50NW. 12 FT SEAS..150NE 0SE 0SW 150NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 17.8N 42.5W AT 08/0300Z AT 08/0000Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 17.6N 42.4W FORECAST VALID 08/1200Z 18.4N 42.9W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT...100NE 70SE 0SW 70NW. FORECAST VALID 09/0000Z 19.2N 44.1W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT...120NE 90SE 30SW 90NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1200Z 19.9N 45.9W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...150NE 90SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0000Z 20.5N 47.9W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 60NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...150NE 90SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1200Z 20.9N 49.9W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 60NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...130NE 70SE 30SW 100NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0000Z 21.3N 51.8W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...120NE 60SE 30SW 90NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/0000Z 22.5N 55.0W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/0000Z 25.0N 58.0W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 17.8N 42.5W NEXT ADVISORY AT 08/0900Z $$ FORECASTER BLAKE  310 WTNT32 KNHC 080231 TCPAT2 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Paulette Advisory Number 5 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 1100 PM AST Mon Sep 07 2020 ...A SLIGHTLY STRONGER PAULETTE DRIFTING NORTH-NORTHWESTWARD... SUMMARY OF 1100 PM AST...0300 UTC...INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- LOCATION...17.8N 42.5W ABOUT 1230 MI...1975 KM W OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS ABOUT 1350 MI...2175 KM E OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...45 MPH...75 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...NNW OR 330 DEGREES AT 5 MPH...7 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1004 MB...29.65 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 1100 PM AST (0300 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Paulette was located near latitude 17.8 North, longitude 42.5 West. Paulette is moving toward the north-northwest near 5 mph (7 km/h). The storm is forecast to turn toward the northwest and move faster on Tuesday, and move west-northwestward or westward on Wednesday and Thursday. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 45 mph (75 km/h) with higher gusts. Some strengthening is forecast during the day or two, with little change in strength expected afterward through Thursday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 80 miles (130 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1004 mb (29.65 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 500 AM AST. $$ Forecaster Blake  311 WTNT23 KNHC 080231 TCMAT3 TROPICAL STORM RENE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 4 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL182020 0300 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 CHANGES IN WATCHES AND WARNINGS WITH THIS ADVISORY... NONE. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT... A TROPICAL STORM WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR... * CABO VERDE ISLANDS A TROPICAL STORM WARNING MEANS THAT TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE WARNING AREA...IN THIS CASE WITHIN THE NEXT 12 HOURS. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.2N 23.5W AT 08/0300Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 20 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE WEST OR 280 DEGREES AT 12 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1001 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 35 KT WITH GUSTS TO 45 KT. 34 KT....... 40NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 12 FT SEAS.. 40NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.2N 23.5W AT 08/0300Z AT 08/0000Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.1N 22.9W FORECAST VALID 08/1200Z 16.5N 25.5W MAX WIND 35 KT...GUSTS 45 KT. 34 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 09/0000Z 16.8N 28.2W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT... 50NE 20SE 0SW 50NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1200Z 17.3N 30.9W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 0SE 0SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 30SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0000Z 18.2N 33.6W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 0SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 40SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1200Z 19.1N 36.1W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 30SE 30SW 50NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0000Z 20.2N 38.3W MAX WIND 70 KT...GUSTS 85 KT. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 20SW 30NW. 34 KT... 70NE 60SE 40SW 60NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/0000Z 23.1N 41.9W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/0000Z 27.6N 44.1W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 16.2N 23.5W INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC ADVISORY...WTNT33 KNHC/MIATCPAT3...AT 08/0600Z NEXT ADVISORY AT 08/0900Z $$ FORECASTER STEWART  021 WAUS42 KKCI 080245 WA2Z MIAZ WA 080245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 080900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 145-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 170SE LEV-150ESE LEV-150SSW TLH-130W PIE 160 ALG 100WSW RSW-50SW EYW ....  022 WAUS41 KKCI 080245 WA1Z BOSZ WA 080245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 080900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 125-150 ACRS AREA ....  023 WAUS45 KKCI 080245 WA5Z SLCZ WA 080245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET ICE...ID WY UT CO FROM 40NW PIH TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 50ESE SNY TO 50SE CYS TO 50ENE DBL TO 30NW MTU TO 30NW SLC TO 30W MLD TO 40NW PIH MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY FROM LWT TO 80SW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO 40NW PIH TO 30ENE DNJ TO 70NNE DNJ TO 70SE MLP TO 40WNW HLN TO LWT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE ID MT WY UT CO BOUNDED BY 100SE MLS-70SW RAP-BFF-60SE SNY-50ESE DBL-50ESE MTU-40N HVE-30WNW DTA-30WSW PIH-20SW DBS-70SW BIL-100SE MLS MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 090-150 BOUNDED BY 50ESE YDC-20NE PDT-60SE REO- 40ESE ELY-60SW ELY-80SW REO-50E DSD-30NE BTG-60SE HUH- 30ENE HUH-50ESE YDC MULT FRZLVL 070-140 BOUNDED BY 30SW DBS-50SW DDY-70SW RAP-BFF- GLD-50WSW GLD-50SE DEN-50ESE HBU-30SE CHE-30WNW MTU-40S TWF-30SW DBS SFC BOUNDED BY HLN-60SSW LWT-60S BIL-30ENE BOY-50WSW DDY- 50NNE OCS-BPI-30ESE DBS-50SE LKT-LKT-60N LKT-60W HLN-HLN 080 ALG 50SW DNJ-50WSW TWF-60S TWF-60SSW BPI-40W LAR-40SW SNY- 20SE SNY 120 ALG 30S REO-20NNW BAM-40NW ELY-50W DTA-30SW CHE-50S AKO- 20NNW GLD 160 ALG 40SE LKV-80SE LKV-70WSW BAM-50NNE PGS-30WSW TBC-40E TBE-60W LBL ....  024 WAUS44 KKCI 080245 WA4Z DFWZ WA 080245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 080900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 145-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 60W LBL-30W LBL-40SE CDS-40W SJT-30WSW DLF 160 ALG 30WNW LRD-50SE LRD-20W BRO ....  025 WAUS43 KKCI 080245 WA3Z CHIZ WA 080245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE MN IA WI FROM 40ESE BRD TO 40SSE EAU TO 40NW DBQ TO 60W FOD TO 20NNW OBH TO 50ESE SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK TO 70SE BIS TO 70SSE FAR TO 50SW BRD TO 40ESE BRD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL250. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET ICE...MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN FROM 80NNE SAW TO SSM TO 70NW YVV TO 60SW YVV TO 20ENE MBS TO 40SW MBS TO 30SSE GIJ TO 40S JOT TO 20NW BDF TO 40NW DBQ TO 40SSE EAU TO 40ESE BRD TO 70WNW SAW TO 80NNE SAW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL 060-140. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...ICE ND SD NE MN IA WI LS BOUNDED BY 40NNE BRD-20E DLH-20NNW RHI-50SSE RHI-20SE DLL-30ENE DBQ-60SSW ODI-40NNW OVR-60ESE LBF-60SE SNY-BFF-70SW RAP-100SE MLS-70W ABR-40NNE BRD MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 030-160 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 070-140 BOUNDED BY 20WSW EAU-60SSW RHI-20NW DLL- 40NNW FOD-30ENE OBH-20E MCK-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-50SSE PIR- 20WSW EAU 040 ALG 40NNW ISN-30SSW MOT-40WNW FAR-60ESE INL-40WNW YQT 080 ALG 20SE SNY-20S MSP-20SE SSM 120 ALG 20NNW GLD-50W FOD-MCW-30SSW YVV ....  026 WAUS46 KKCI 080245 WA6Z SFOZ WA 080245 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 080900 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-185 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 090-150 BOUNDED BY 50ESE YDC-20NE PDT-60SE REO- 40ESE ELY-60SW ELY-80SW REO-50E DSD-30NE BTG-60SE HUH- 30ENE HUH-50ESE YDC 080 ALG 70WSW YXC-30WNW GEG-50SE EPH-50SW DNJ 120 ALG 30WSW YDC-50ESE SEA-30S REO 160 ALG 40NW TOU-30SE TOU-40SE LKV ....  857 WTNT33 KNHC 080231 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Advisory Number 4 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 200 AM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...RENE MOVING ACROSS THE EASTERN CABO VERDE ISLANDS... ...EXPECTED TO PRODUCE TROPICAL-STORM-FORCE WINDS AND HEAVY RAINFALL ACROSS THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS TODAY... SUMMARY OF 200 AM CVT...0300 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.2N 23.5W ABOUT 45 MI...75 KM W OF BOA VISTA CABO VERDE ISLANDS ABOUT 125 MI...200 KM ESE OF SANTO ANTAO CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 14 MPH...22 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for... * Cabo Verde Islands A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area, in this case within the next 12 hours. For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 200 AM CVT (0300 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.2 North, longitude 23.5 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 14 mph (22 km/h), and a motion toward the west to west-northwest is expected over the next few days. On the forecast track, the center of Rene will pass over the central Cabo Verde Islands this morning and over the western Cabo Verde Islands this afternoon. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected today, followed by gradual strengthening tonight into Thursday, with Rene forecast to become a hurricane in two or three days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- Key messages for Tropical Storm Rene can be found in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT3, WMO header WTNT43 KNHC, and on the web at www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml RAINFALL: Rene is expected to produce 2 to 5 inches of rain across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands through Tuesday. WIND: Tropical storm conditions occurring over the eastern portions of the Cabo Verde Islands will spread westward across the remainder of the Cabo Verde Islands this morning through this afternoon. SURF: Swells generated by Rene are expected to spread westward across the Cabo Verde Islands today. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next intermediate advisory at 500 AM CVT. Next complete advisory at 800 AM CVT. $$ Forecaster Stewart  858 WTNT43 KNHC 080231 TCDAT3 Tropical Storm Rene Discussion Number 4 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 200 AM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 Convection has noticeably waned during the past few hours as Rene's center moved directly over Boa Vista island between 07/2200 UTC and 08/0000 UTC. The highest observed wind speed thus far has been a 10-minute average wind of 25 kt at Sal/GVAC. Satellite intensity estimates range from 35 kt from TAFB to 30 kt from SAB. A 07/2323 UTC ASCAT-B overpass indicated peak winds of 27 kt, but land obscuration likely has resulted in some missed higher wind speeds. For now, the intensity will remain at 35 kt. The initial motion is 280/12 kt. A westward motion is expected today, followed by a west-northwestward motion through Thursday as Rene rounds the southwestern periphery of a deep-layer subtropical ridge. On days 4 ad 5, the cyclone is forecast to move more slowly northwestward to north-northwestward through a weakness in the aforementioned ridge. The track guidance appears to have stabilized on the latest set of model runs and, thus, the new NHC forecast track is very similar to the previous advisory track, and lies close to a blend of the TVCA and NOAA-HCCA consensus track models. The intensity forecast was held steady for the next 12 h or so until Rene clears the negative influence of the mountainous Cabo Verde Islands. It's possible that Rene could even weaken by the time it passes the western Cabo Verde Islands. Thereafter, however, environmental conditions appear conducive for the cyclone to gradually strengthen, becoming a hurricane on day 3. By days 4 and 5, an increase in southwesterly vertical wind shear is expected to induce a weakening trend. The new NHC intensity forecast is similar to a blend of the IVCN and the HCCA intensity consensus models, and the GFS model. Key Messages: 1. Rene is expected to produce tropical storm conditions across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands this morning and afternoon. A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for those islands. 2. Rene will bring locally heavy rainfall to portions of the Cabo Verde Islands through this afternoon. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/0300Z 16.2N 23.5W 35 KT 40 MPH 12H 08/1200Z 16.5N 25.5W 35 KT 40 MPH 24H 09/0000Z 16.8N 28.2W 45 KT 50 MPH 36H 09/1200Z 17.3N 30.9W 50 KT 60 MPH 48H 10/0000Z 18.2N 33.6W 60 KT 70 MPH 60H 10/1200Z 19.1N 36.1W 65 KT 75 MPH 72H 11/0000Z 20.2N 38.3W 70 KT 80 MPH 96H 12/0000Z 23.1N 41.9W 65 KT 75 MPH 120H 13/0000Z 27.6N 44.1W 55 KT 65 MPH $$ Forecaster Stewart  245 WCPS21 NZKL 080232 NZZO SIGMET 3 VALID 080232/080558 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 3 072358/080558=  269 WTNT42 KNHC 080232 TCDAT2 Tropical Storm Paulette Discussion Number 5 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 1100 PM AST Mon Sep 07 2020 Satellite images show that Paulette continues to become better organized, with a more symmetric presentation and very deep convection near or just north of the center. The initial wind speed is increased to 40 kt, a little higher than recent subjective Dvorak estimates, but close to the objective estimates and the UW-CIMSS satellite consensus. Further strengthening is expected during the next day or so while the storm remains in a warm SST and low-to-moderate shear environment. By midweek, some weakening is forecast due to an increase in shear from an enhanced mid-oceanic upper-level trough. There's a fair amount of uncertainty on how quickly the tropical cyclone moves across the trough axis, which would then allow Paulette to find an area of lighter shear, plus very warm water, by the end of the forecast period. The intensity forecast is slightly higher in the short-term, and lower in the day-4 period just before the environment is forecast to improve. Paulette appears to be moving slowly north-northwestward this evening. A mid-level ridge is likely to build over the western and central North Atlantic in a day or two, and this pattern should cause Paulette to move faster toward the northwest tomorrow, and west-northwestward or westward through late week. A turn back toward the west-northwest or northwest is possible over the weekend as the cyclone reaches the western periphery of the ridge. This is not a particularly certain forecast because the track models aren't in good agreement, perhaps linked to the strength of Paulette, and there is significant spread in the various ensemble guidance. With no clear trends to rely on, and since the new model consensus came in very close to the previous NHC forecast, the new NHC track prediction is basically unchanged from the previous one. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/0300Z 17.8N 42.5W 40 KT 45 MPH 12H 08/1200Z 18.4N 42.9W 45 KT 50 MPH 24H 09/0000Z 19.2N 44.1W 50 KT 60 MPH 36H 09/1200Z 19.9N 45.9W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 10/0000Z 20.5N 47.9W 55 KT 65 MPH 60H 10/1200Z 20.9N 49.9W 50 KT 60 MPH 72H 11/0000Z 21.3N 51.8W 50 KT 60 MPH 96H 12/0000Z 22.5N 55.0W 45 KT 50 MPH 120H 13/0000Z 25.0N 58.0W 50 KT 60 MPH $$ Forecaster Blake  629 WCPS21 NZKL 080233 NZZO SIGMET 4 VALID 080232/080600 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 1 080000/080600=  452 WVEQ31 SEQU 080230 SEFG SIGMET A1 VALID 080230/080830 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0130Z WI N0014 W07755 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07740 - N0002 W07803 - N0014 W07755 SFC/FL140 MOV NW 5-10KT FCST AT 0730Z WI N0015 W07755 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07738 - N0003 W07805 - N0015 W07755=  573 WHUS73 KGRB 080233 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LMZ542-543-081045- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.200908T1100Z-200909T2100Z/ Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TUESDAY TO 4 PM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 3 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Sturgeon Bay to Sheboygan WI. * WHEN...From 6 AM Tuesday to 4 PM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ541-081045- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.200908T1500Z-200909T1500Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TUESDAY TO 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI. * WHEN...From 10 AM Tuesday to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ521-522-081045- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.200908T1500Z-200909T0900Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TUESDAY TO 4 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Bay of Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...From 10 AM Tuesday to 4 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Bersch  799 WAUS46 KKCI 080245 WA6S SFOS WA 080245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 080900 . ...SEE SIGMET ROMEO SERIES... . AIRMET IFR...WA OR FROM 70SSW YDC TO 60SSW GEG TO 20NE PDT TO 50SSW PDT TO 50NNE LKV TO 50NE OED TO 50SW BTG TO 40NNW BTG TO 70SSW YDC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 110SW ONP TO 80WNW OED TO 50SW OED TO 30ENE FOT TO 50S FOT TO 40SSW ENI TO 120WSW SNS TO 150WSW FOT TO 160SW ONP TO 110SW ONP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WNW RZS TO 20NW RZS TO 40WSW TRM TO 30ESE MZB TO 50SSW MZB TO 130SSW RZS TO 160WSW RZS TO 80WNW RZS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM YDC TO 20NNE YKM TO 50SSE BTG TO 20S ONP TO 40S HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA FROM 50SSE BTG TO 40E DSD TO 30N LKV TO 50SE OED TO 80W OED TO 20S ONP TO 50SSE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 40N FOT TO 30N RBL TO 20SSW SAC TO 30SSW EHF TO 30N TRM TO 60SSE TRM TO 20S MZB TO LAX TO 50W RZS TO 30S ENI TO 20SW FOT TO 40N FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 30N RBL TO 40NNW FMG TO 50SW BVL TO 30W DTA TO 20SW DBL TO 20NE CIM TO 30ESE TBE TO 40S FTI TO 30W TCS TO 50ENE INW TO 50WNW PHX TO 30N TRM TO 30S EHF TO 40N EHF TO 30NE MOD TO 30N RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN OR CA BOUNDED BY 70WNW OED-40N RBL-20SSW SAC-20WSW EHF-30N TRM-50SSE TRM-20SE MZB-40E LAX-40W RZS-30SSW FOT-70WNW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  800 WAUS42 KKCI 080245 WA2S MIAS WA 080245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...NC NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW ETX TO 20SE JFK TO 20ENE ORF TO 80S ECG TO 20S ILM TO 30NNE FLO TO 20E LYH TO DCA TO 40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FROM 40SSE PSK TO 20WSW ODF TO 40SW VXV TO HMV TO 40SSE PSK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE ATL TO 40S IRQ TO 30SE AMG TO 30NW OMN TO CTY TO 60ESE CEW TO 40SE MGM TO 40SE ATL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...FL FROM 30W OMN TO MIA TO 50SW MIA TO SRQ TO 20SSE CTY TO 30W OMN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR NC SC NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NW ETX-20SSW SAX-20S JFK-20NE ECG-70SSE ECG-40SSW ILM-30SW FLO-50S LYH-20N CSN-40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  801 WAUS45 KKCI 080245 WA5S SLCS WA 080245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO NM FROM 40ESE GTF TO 50ESE BIL TO 100SE MLS TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 60S GLD TO 40SE ALS TO 60N CHE TO 50SE SLC TO 50ENE MLD TO 30NE DBS TO 80S LKT TO 60SE DNJ TO 40ESE GTF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV UT CO AZ NM CA FROM 30N RBL TO 40NNW FMG TO 50SW BVL TO 30W DTA TO 20SW DBL TO 20NE CIM TO 30ESE TBE TO 40S FTI TO 30W TCS TO 50ENE INW TO 50WNW PHX TO 30N TRM TO 30S EHF TO 40N EHF TO 30NE MOD TO 30N RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO NM FROM 60ESE YXC TO 30NNW HVR TO 40SW HVR TO 30NE LWT TO BIL TO SHR TO 20WNW LAA TO 30ESE TBE TO 20NE CIM TO 20WSW DBL TO 30W DTA TO 70SE REO TO 20N TWF TO 20ENE DNJ TO 60ESE YXC MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 60S YXH-BIL-SHR-CYS-30ESE TBE-60S FTI-20WNW ALS-40ESE JNC-50WSW BCE-50SE BAM-70SE REO-JAC-50SE DNJ-60NNE DNJ-50SE YXC- 60S YXH MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  802 WAUS43 KKCI 080245 WA3S CHIS WA 080245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE KS IA MO FROM 60WNW DPR TO DPR TO 60SSE PIR TO 30S OBH TO 20SE DSM TO 50SW IRK TO 30E SLN TO 20E HLC TO 60S GLD TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 100SE MLS TO 60WNW DPR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...IA MO LM MI IL IN FROM 30ENE GRR TO 20S DXO TO FWA TO 20W ROD TO 20N IND TO 50E UIN TO 50SW IRK TO 20SE DSM TO 20SSE JOT TO 30ENE GRR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...IFR SD NE KS MN IA MO OK TX BOUNDED BY 60WNW DPR-60SSE PIR-40WSW MSP-30NNW MCW-40NNE DSM- 50SSW IRK-30E BUM-50E LBL-30NW AMA-60NNE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL- GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-100SE MLS-60WNW DPR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...IFR MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 50ESE ASP-30SE ECK-FWA-40S FWA-40SE UIN-50SSW IRK- 40NNW MCW-50SSE ODI-50SSW TVC-50ESE ASP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 3...IFR KY BOUNDED BY HNN-30NNE HMV-50E LOZ-60ESE CVG-HNN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 09Z. CONDS ENDG 12- 15Z. ....  803 WAUS44 KKCI 080245 WA4S DFWS WA 080245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 20ENE JCT TO 40W CWK TO 30SW SAT TO 30SE DLF TO 50SW JCT TO 20ENE JCT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...IFR OK TX SD NE KS MN IA MO BOUNDED BY 60WNW DPR-60SSE PIR-40WSW MSP-30NNW MCW-40NNE DSM- 50SSW IRK-30E BUM-50E LBL-30NW AMA-60NNE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL- GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-100SE MLS-60WNW DPR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...IFR AL BOUNDED BY 20SW ATL-50SW PZD-20NW CEW-30WSW MGM-20SW ATL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 09Z. CONDS ENDG 12- 15Z. ....  804 WAUS41 KKCI 080245 WA1S BOSS WA 080245 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW ETX TO 20SE JFK TO 20ENE ORF TO 80S ECG TO 20S ILM TO 30NNE FLO TO 20E LYH TO DCA TO 40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...NY LO PA OH LE WV FROM 30ESE MSS TO 50WSW MPV TO 40E EWC TO 20E APE TO 20W ROD TO FWA TO 20S DXO TO 20NW SYR TO 30ESE MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...OH WV MD VA FROM 20S AIR TO 40NNW CSN TO 20E PSK TO 30NNE HMV TO 20SW HNN TO 20S AIR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60SE YQB TO HUL TO 50WSW YSJ TO 20SSE ENE TO 20S ACK TO 20SSW JFK TO 60WSW YSC TO YSC TO 60SE YQB CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME MA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 180S ACK TO 20SSE JFK TO 20S ACK TO 20SSE ENE TO 50WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 40NNE ENE TO CON TO HAR TO 20ENE PSB TO 30WSW PSB TO 20NNE EWC TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...IFR VT NY LO PA OH LE WV BOUNDED BY MSS-40W MPV-30NW JST-20E APE-50S FWA-FWA-30SSW DXO- 60WNW SYR-MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. . AREA 2...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY HUL-50WSW YSJ-20SSE ENE-20SSE ACK-JFK-60WSW YSC-YSC- 70SE YQB-HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AREA 3...IFR NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA NC SC AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NW ETX-20SSW SAX-20S JFK-20NE ECG-70SSE ECG-40SSW ILM-30SW FLO-50S LYH-20N CSN-40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AREA 4...MTN OBSCN WV VA BOUNDED BY 30SSW AIR-50WNW CSN-30NE PSK-40N HMV-HNN-30SSW AIR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  896 WHUS43 KMKX 080233 CFWMKX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 WIZ066-071-072-081045- /O.CON.KMKX.LS.Y.0010.200908T0900Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.BH.S.0011.200908T0300Z-200910T0600Z/ Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TUESDAY TO 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, minor lakeshore flooding expected. For the Beach Hazards Statement, Life threatening waves and currents are expected. Waves will build to 5 to 9 feet during this period. * WHERE...Beaches along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha counties. * WHEN...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, from 4 AM Tuesday to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. For the Beach Hazards Statement, from 10 PM CDT this evening through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...High waves and onshore winds will result in an increased risk of lakeshore flooding and shoreline erosion along the Lake Michigan shore. High lake water may affect parking lots and roads along Lake Michigan. Low lying areas may become flooded. In addition, river flooding will be possible near rivers that have an outlet into Lake Michigan, including the Sheboygan, Black, Milwaukee, Root, and Pike Rivers. Dangerous swimming conditions are expected due to high waves and onshore winds. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Several beaches that will be most susceptible to the dangerous swimming conditions include Mckinley Beach in Milwaukee... Wind Point Lighthouse Beach in Racine... Simmons Island Beach in Kenosha... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People on or near Lake Michigan shore should be prepared for possible lakeshore flooding and minor erosion and take the appropriate action. Do not drive through flooded roadways. Stay out of the water and away from dangerous areas like piers and breakwalls. Strong structural and longshore currents are expected. Rip currents are possible. && $$ WIZ052-060-081045- /O.CON.KMKX.LS.Y.0010.200908T1800Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.BH.S.0011.200908T0800Z-200910T0000Z/ Sheboygan-Ozaukee- 933 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM CDT TUESDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY EVENING... ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TUESDAY TO 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, minor lakeshore flooding expected. For the Beach Hazards Statement, Life threatening waves and currents are expected. Waves will build to 5 to 9 feet during this period. * WHERE...Beaches along Lake Michigan in Sheboygan and Ozaukee counties. * WHEN...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, from 1 PM Tuesday to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. For the Beach Hazards Statement, from late tonight through Wednesday evening. * IMPACTS...High waves and onshore winds will result in an increased risk of lakeshore flooding and shoreline erosion along the Lake Michigan shore. High lake water may affect parking lots and roads along Lake Michigan. Low lying areas may become flooded. In addition, river flooding will be possible near rivers that have an outlet into Lake Michigan, including the Sheboygan, Black, Milwaukee, Root, and Pike Rivers. Dangerous swimming conditions are expected due to high waves and onshore winds. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Several beaches that will be most susceptible to the dangerous swimming conditions include Blue Harbor Beach in Sheboygan... North Beach in Port Washington... Harrington State Park Beaches... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People on or near Lake Michigan shore should be prepared for possible lakeshore flooding and minor erosion and take the appropriate action. Do not drive through flooded roadways. Stay out of the water and away from dangerous areas like piers and breakwalls. Strong structural and longshore currents are expected. Rip currents are possible. && $$ DDV  368 WSPS21 NZKL 080234 NZZO SIGMET 5 VALID 080233/080401 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 2 080001/080401=  625 WSNO34 ENMI 080235 ENBD SIGMET C01 VALID 080300/080700 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6200 E01000 - N6200 E00500 FL240/370 MOV NNE 20KT INTSF=  272 WWUS75 KGGW 080236 NPWGGW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 836 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ016-017-021>023-080345- /O.CAN.KGGW.LW.Y.0031.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Central and Southern Valley- Petroleum-Garfield-McCone- 836 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Wind across the area has slackened. Therefore, the Lake Wind Advisory was cancelled an hour early. $$  202 WSAU21 AMRF 080236 YMMM SIGMET U02 VALID 080300/080501 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV MTW FCST WI VALDU - S3520 E14900 - S3530 E15020 - S3740 E14950 - S3800 E14910 ABV 4000FT STNR NC=  224 WAIS31 LLBD 080235 LLLL AIRMET 1 VALID 080300/080600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR BKN CLD 600/1500FT FCST WI N3045 E03500 - N3045 E03430 - N3120 E03415 - N3125 E03500 - N3113 E03520 - N3045 E03500 STNR WKN=  082 WWUS75 KVEF 080238 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 738 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 AZZ002-036-CAZ527-NVZ021-081330- /O.EXP.KVEF.EH.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KVEF.HW.W.0005.200908T1300Z-200909T0600Z/ Lake Havasu and Fort Mohave-Lake Mead National Recreation Area- San Bernardino County-Upper Colorado River Valley- Including Lake Havasu City, Desert Hills, Topock, Bullhead City, Oatman, Mohave Valley, Needles, Hoover Dam, and Laughlin 738 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 /738 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020/ ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ TO 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ TUESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT /8 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...In Arizona, Lake Havasu and Fort Mohave and Lake Mead National Recreation Area. In California, San Bernardino County- Upper Colorado River Valley. In Nevada, Lake Mead National Recreation Area. * WHEN...From 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ to 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire on schedule this evening. The High Wind Warning remains in effect for Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ AZZ001-003-CAZ522-524-526-NVZ015>017-020-022-081330- /O.EXP.KVEF.EH.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.200908T1300Z-200909T0600Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Deserts-Death Valley National Park- Eastern Mojave Desert-Cadiz Basin-Lincoln County- Northeast Clark County-Western Clark and Southern Nye County- Las Vegas Valley-Southern Clark County- Including Colorado City, Pipe Spring National Monument, Tuweep, Mt Trumbull, Western Grand Canyon, Kingman, Golden Valley, Dolan Springs, Valentine, Wikieup, Yucca, Furnace Creek, Stovepipe Wells, Shoshone, Baker, Mountain Pass, Mitchell Caverns, Vidal Junction, Caliente, Pioche, Panaca, Hiko, Alamo, Rachel, Mesquite, Overton, Moapa, Pahrump, Indian Springs, Desert Rock, Amargosa Valley, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Primm, Searchlight, and Cal-Nev-Ari 738 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 /738 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ TO 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ TUESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT /8 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Arizona, southeast California and south central and southern Nevada. * WHEN...From 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ to 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire on schedule this evening. The Wind Advisory remains in effect for Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ520-523-525-080345- /O.EXP.KVEF.EH.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Owens Valley-Western Mojave Desert-Morongo Basin- Including Bishop, Independence, Lone Pine, Olancha, Barstow, Daggett, Fort Irwin, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, and Twentynine Palms 738 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Temperatures will cool significantly behind a cold front Tuesday. The Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire on schedule. $$ NVZ014-018-019-081330- /O.EXP.KVEF.HT.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.200908T1300Z-200909T0600Z/ Esmeralda and Central Nye County-Sheep Range-Spring Mountains- Red Rock Canyon- Including Beatty, Goldfield, Silver Peak, Dyer, Hayford Pk, The Town Of Mt Charleston, and Red Rock Canyon 738 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TO 11 PM PDT TUESDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon, Sheep Range and Esmeralda and Central Nye County. * WHEN...From 6 AM to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The Heat Advisory will be allowed to expire on schedule this evening. The Wind Advisory remains in effect for Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Morgan For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/lasvegas  999 WAIS31 LLBD 080237 LLLL AIRMET 2 VALID 080300/080600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3039 E03506 - N3010 E03440 - N3043 E03426 - N3048 E03446 - N3039 E03506 STNR WKN=  525 WHUS73 KMKX 080239 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 939 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LMZ645-646-081045- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0073.200908T0300Z-200910T0600Z/ North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 939 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 knots, with gusts up to 30 knots, and waves 5 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from North Point Lighthouse to Winthrop Harbor Illinois. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 1 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ643-644-081045- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0073.200908T0800Z-200910T0000Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- 939 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TUESDAY TO 7 PM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 knots, with gusts up to 30 knots, and waves 5 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to North Point Lighthouse. * WHEN...From 3 AM Tuesday to 7 PM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ DDV  375 WWUS83 KDVN 080240 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 940 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IAC087-115-139-183-080315- Henry-Louisa-Washington-Muscatine- 940 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN HENRY... WESTERN LOUISA...SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON AND SOUTHWESTERN MUSCATINE COUNTIES UNTIL 1015 PM CDT... At 940 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Brighton to near Winfield. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Penny size hail is possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Muscatine, Washington, Columbus Junction, Winfield, Fruitland, Ainsworth, Grandview, Conesville, Columbus City, Letts, Crawfordsville, Cotter, Wyman, Fredonia, Cranston, Washington Airport, Haskins, Virginia Grove Recreation Area, Washington County Fairgrounds and Gladwin. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4122 9191 4147 9161 4144 9149 4142 9148 4142 9144 4135 9107 4134 9107 4110 9135 TIME...MOT...LOC 0240Z 230DEG 31KT 4125 9181 4116 9138 $$ Uttech  887 WWUS85 KTFX 080241 SPSTFX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Great Falls MT 841 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ015-080400- Madison- 841 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...AN AREA OF HEAVY SNOW WILL AFFECT CENTRAL AND EAST CENTRAL MADISON COUNTY... At 840 PM MDT, an area of heavy snow was located from Virginia City into the Madison Valley near Ennis. Wind gusts in excess of 30 mph and visibility to a half mile or less are possible with this area of heavy snow. Locations impacted include... Virginia City, Ennis, Jeffers, Cameron and Mcallister. This includes Highway 287 between mile markers 23 and 63. Conditions can deteriorate rapidly in winter weather situations. Be prepared for snow or slush covered roads. Slow down and allow extra time when traveling. LAT...LON 4499 11155 4499 11170 4518 11198 4544 11198 4554 11174 4553 11152 TIME...MOT...LOC 0238Z 208DEG 38KT 4524 11184 $$ Kredensor  674 WGUS51 KILN 080241 FFWILN OHC011-065-091-107-149-080615- /O.EXT.KILN.FF.W.0036.000000T0000Z-200908T0615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1041 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Shelby County in west central Ohio... Northern Logan County in west central Ohio... Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Southern Hardin County in west central Ohio... Central Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 215 AM EDT. * At 1040 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Two to four inches of rain have already fallen. Heavy rain continues to fall with another two to three inches possible in the next hour. Flash flooding is already occurring. HAZARD...Life threatening flash flooding. Heavy rain producing flash flooding. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Life threatening flash flooding of creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Celina, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Kenton, Coldwater, Fort Shawnee, New Bremen, Cridersville, Russells Point, Botkins, Lakeview, New Knoxville, Waynesfield, Belle Center, Chippewa Park, Northwood, Moulton, Wabash, Roundhead and Mount Victory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flash flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4069 8342 4051 8342 4050 8352 4048 8352 4043 8480 4064 8480 4066 8422 4066 8411 4064 8411 4064 8391 4065 8388 4067 8388 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED FLASH FLOOD DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE EXPECTED RAINFALL...2-3 INCHES IN 1 HOUR $$ ch  736 WWUS75 KCYS 080241 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 841 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NEZ021-055-081045- /O.CON.KCYS.FZ.W.0001.200909T0400Z-200909T1500Z/ Morrill-Cheyenne- Including the cities of Angora, Bridgeport, Bayard, Redington, Brownson, and Sidney 841 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM TUESDAY TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Morrill and Cheyenne Counties. * WHEN...From 10 PM Tuesday to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Below freezing temperatures will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Rain will gradually change to snow with periods of snow through Wednesday morning. Snow accumulations are expected to be between 1 to 3 inches. However, locally higher amounts are possible if the heavier snow bands set up east of the Wyoming border. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ WYZ110-116-117-080600- /O.NEW.KCYS.FG.Y.0009.200908T0241Z-200908T0600Z/ North Snowy Range Foothills-South Laramie Range- South Laramie Range Foothills- Including the cities of Arlington, Elk Mountain, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, and Horse Creek 841 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Patchy dense fog with visibility around a quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...North Snowy Range Foothills, South Laramie Range and South Laramie Range Foothills Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility will remain low throughout the night with a Winter Storm Warning in place for these locations covering lowered visibilities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  987 WGUS81 KCLE 080243 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1043 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Cuyahoga River At Independence affecting Cuyahoga County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. OHC035-081245- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-200908T2109Z/ /INDO1.2.ER.200907T1646Z.200907T2130Z.200908T1509Z.NO/ 1043 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until tomorrow afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for the Cuyahoga River At Independence. * Until Tuesday afternoon. * At 9:30 PM EDT Monday the stage was 20.2 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning and continue falling to 5.6 feet Saturday evening. * Impact...At 19.5 feet, Homes and businesses flooded in Valley View. Numerous road closures. && LAT...LON 4145 8170 4146 8166 4128 8152 4128 8161 $$ Clark  158 WAIS31 LLBD 080239 LLLL AIRMET 3 VALID 080300/080600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR SFC VIS 4500M BR FCST WI N3045 E03500 - N3045 E03430 - N3120 E03415 - N3125 E03500 - N3113 E03520 - N3045 E03500 WKN=  399 WAUS44 KKCI 080245 WA4T DFWT WA 080245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET TURB...OK TX SD NE KS FROM 80NW RAP TO OBH TO 50WSW SLN TO CDS TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80NW RAP MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. ....  400 WAUS42 KKCI 080245 WA2T MIAT WA 080245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 080900 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  401 WAUS43 KKCI 080245 WA3T CHIT WA 080245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD MN WI LM LS MI LH FROM 60N ISN TO 30ENE INL TO YQT TO YVV TO ASP TO 20SE EAU TO 20WNW FSD TO 70SSW RAP TO 60N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...SD NE KS OK TX FROM 80NW RAP TO OBH TO 50WSW SLN TO CDS TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80NW RAP MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...TURB ND SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL BOUNDED BY 70ENE INL-YQT-20ENE YVV-DSM-40SSE FSD-40ESE CYS-70SW RAP-50NNW ISN-70ENE INL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  402 WAUS41 KKCI 080245 WA1T BOST WA 080245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET TURB...ME NH VT AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70NW PQI TO 20ENE PQI TO 70ESE BGR TO 20SSE ENE TO 30NNE MPV TO 70NW PQI MOD TURB BLW 080. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ME NH VT NY AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NE PQI-60SW YSJ-SYR-MSS-YSC-60WNW PQI-40NE PQI LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. ....  934 WAUS46 KKCI 080245 WA6T SFOT WA 080245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 080900 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 60N ISN TO 60SSW RAP TO 20NNW BFF TO DEN TO RSK TO DRK TO CZQ TO 20S ONP TO 50ESE YDC TO 60N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SSE OAL TO 20ESE EED TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO LAX TO 70W RZS TO 50SSE OAL MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 170WSW HQM TO 50SE REO TO 40SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 50SSE OAL TO 70ESE CZQ TO 30SSE SAC TO 50ESE FOT TO 120WNW FOT TO 170WSW HQM MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YXC TO 50SE REO TO 170WSW HQM TO 160W TOU TO TOU TO 20SE HUH TO 50WSW YXC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20WNW HQM TO 40SSW YKM TO 50S DSD TO 80SW EUG TO 50WSW ONP TO 20WNW HQM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...OR ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM DNJ TO 70SSW BIL TO LAR TO MTU TO 80W BAM TO REO TO DNJ SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50WSW HUH-20WNW SEA-PDT-DSD-40SSE DSD-80WSW OED-70WNW ONP-30W TOU-50WSW HUH LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...TURB WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-40ESE CYS-AKO-ALS-40NNW SSO-EED- 40W LAS-20SE FMG-70SW YXC-50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CA NV AZ BOUNDED BY BTY-40N PGS-20SE EED-20SE TRM-60E EHF-BTY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  935 WAUS45 KKCI 080245 WA5T SLCT WA 080245 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 080900 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM WA OR CA FROM 60N ISN TO 60SSW RAP TO 20NNW BFF TO DEN TO RSK TO DRK TO CZQ TO 20S ONP TO 50ESE YDC TO 60N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...WY CO NM FROM 70SW RAP TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 70SW RAP MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 50WSW YXC TO 50SE YQL TO 70NW RAP TO 60NNW BFF TO 30E TBE TO INK TO DMN TO 60SSE SSO TO 20SE EED TO 40SSW FMG TO 40SE LKV TO 50SE REO TO 50WSW YXC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...ID MT WY NV UT CO OR FROM DNJ TO 70SSW BIL TO LAR TO MTU TO 80W BAM TO REO TO DNJ SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID MT WY UT CO BOUNDED BY BIL-DDY-LAR-30SSE SLC-TWF-DNJ-40NNW LKT-BIL LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...TURB ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM WA OR CA BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-40ESE CYS-AKO-ALS-40NNW SSO-EED- 40W LAS-20SE FMG-70SW YXC-50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS NV AZ CA BOUNDED BY BTY-40N PGS-20SE EED-20SE TRM-60E EHF-BTY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 3...STG SFC WNDS ID MT WY NV UT CO NM BOUNDED BY LKT-70SSW BIL-30NNW LAR-SNY-20SE TCC-60SSW FTI-HBU- ELY-50E BAM-LKT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  767 WWUS83 KDVN 080244 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 944 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILC067-109-080330- Hancock-McDonough- 944 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL HANCOCK AND MCDONOUGH COUNTIES UNTIL 1030 PM CDT... At 944 PM CDT, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Colmar to Adair. Movement was northeast at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Macomb, Bushnell, Colchester, Blandinsville, Industry, Good Hope, Bardolph, Tennessee, Sciota, Western Illinois University, Adair, Fandon, New Philadelphia, Colmar, Pennington Point, Macomb Municipal Airport, Scottsburg, Spring Lake, McDonough County 4-H Grounds and Argyle Lake State Park. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4058 9086 4059 9045 4033 9045 4031 9100 TIME...MOT...LOC 0244Z 212DEG 20KT 4038 9090 4041 9051 $$ Uttech  092 WGUS83 KIND 080244 FLSIND Flood Advisory National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1044 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC035-095-080545- /O.NEW.KIND.FA.Y.0046.200908T0244Z-200908T0545Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Delaware IN-Madison IN- 1044 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Northern Madison County in central Indiana... Northern Delaware County in east central Indiana... * Until 145 AM EDT. * At 1044 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 3 inches of rain have fallen since late Monday afternoon. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Elwood, Eaton, Summitville and Gaston. Additional rainfall of 1 to 1.5 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4038 8522 4032 8522 4027 8586 4038 8586 $$ Ryan  320 WSMX31 MMMX 080246 MMEX SIGMET V1 VALID 080245/080645 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0245Z 110NM WID LINE N1326 W11959 - N1354 W11702 CB TOP ABV F500 MOV W 05KT NC. =  559 WSMX31 MMMX 080247 CCA MMID SIGMET V1 VALID 080245/080645 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0245Z 110NM WID LINE N1326 W11959 - N1354 W11702 CB TOP ABV F500 MOV W 05KT NC. =  497 WHUS43 KIWX 080249 CFWIWX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1049 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INZ003-MIZ077-080900- /O.CON.KIWX.BH.S.0020.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ La Porte-Berrien- 1049 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 /949 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020/ ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EDT /4 AM CDT/ TUESDAY... * HIGH WAVE ACTION AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED... * STRONG RIP CURRENTS EXPECTED... * STRONG STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED... * OVERVIEW/POTENTIAL IMPACTS...Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Waves of subsiding to 2 to 4 feet overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Life threatening waves and currents are expected at the beaches. People visiting the beaches should stay out of the water. Rip currents are powerful channels of water flowing quickly away from the shore...which occur most often at low spots or breaks in sandbars. Rip currents can sweep you into deeper water. Structural currents form along piers where longshore currents and wave action flow into the structure. Structural currents can sweep you out into deeper water along the pier structure. && $$  375 WSAU21 AMRF 080249 YMMM SIGMET R06 VALID 080258/080300 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET R05 080000/080300=  242 WSNO31 ENMI 080250 ENOS SIGMET A01 VALID 080300/080700 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6030 E00730 - N6200 E00730 - N6200 E01000 - N6100 E01245 - N5945 E01230 - N6030 E00730 FL240/370 MOV ENE 25KT INTSF=  942 WSNT12 KKCI 080250 SIGA0L KZWY SIGMET LIMA 2 VALID 080250/080650 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0250Z WI N3245 W05930 - N3115 W05615 - N2530 W05500 - N2315 W05830 - N3245 W05930. TOP FL480. STNR. NC.  298 WWUS85 KBOI 080251 RFWBOI URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 851 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING EXPIRING AT 9 PM MDT / 8 PM PDT /... IDZ420-423-424-426-080400- /O.EXP.KBOI.FW.W.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Treasure Valley BLM-Owyhee Mountains-Western Twin Falls BLM- Southern Highlands- 851 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITIES FOR TREASURE VALLEY BLM... OWYHEE MOUNTAINS...WESTERN TWIN FALLS BLM AND SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS...WHICH ARE FIRE WEATHER ZONES 420...423...424 AND 426... Gusty winds continue across the area, but relative humidity values continue to rise as temperatures fall. Therefore, the Red Flag Warning will be allowed to expire on schedule at 9 pm MDT. $$ ORZ636-637-080400- /O.EXP.KBOI.FW.W.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Burns BLM-Vale BLM- 851 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 /751 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM MDT /8 PM PDT/ THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITIES FOR BURNS BLM AND VALE BLM...WHICH ARE FIRE WEATHER ZONES 636 AND 637... Gusty winds continue across the area, but relative humidity values continue to rise as temperatures fall. Therefore, the Red Flag Warning will be allowed to expire on schedule at 9 pm MDT / 8 pm PDT. $$ W  466 WWCN13 CWTO 080251 RAINFALL WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:51 P.M. EDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: ATTAWAPISKAT PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  075 WWUS76 KSGX 080251 NPWSGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service SAN DIEGO CA 751 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 CAZ048-050-057-060>062-065-554-080400- /O.EXP.KSGX.EH.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys-The Inland Empire- San Diego County Valleys-Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills- Apple and Lucerne Valleys-Coachella Valley- San Diego County Deserts-San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning- Orange County Inland Areas- Including the cities of Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Escondido, El Cajon, San Marcos, La Mesa, Santee, Poway, Victorville, Hesperia, Apple Valley, Indio, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Palm Desert Country, La Quinta, Coachella, Borrego Springs, Banning, Desert Hot Springs, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Orange, Fullerton, and Mission Viejo 751 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... The record heat wave has subsided, therefore the Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire at 8 PM. $$ CAZ055-056-058-080400- /O.EXP.KSGX.EH.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ San Bernardino County Mountains-Riverside County Mountains- San Diego County Mountains- Including the cities of Crestline, Julian, and Pine Valley 751 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... The record heat wave has subsided, therefore the Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire at 8 PM. $$ Connolly For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/sandiego  517 WGUS83 KIWX 080251 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1051 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC001-009-053-069-075-169-179-OHC161-080600- /O.NEW.KIWX.FA.Y.0033.200908T0251Z-200908T0600Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Blackford IN-Grant IN-Huntington IN-Jay IN-Wabash IN-Wells IN-Van Wert OH- 1051 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Grant County in central Indiana... Blackford County in east central Indiana... Jay County in east central Indiana... Southeastern Wabash County in north central Indiana... Adams County in northeastern Indiana... Southern Huntington County in northeastern Indiana... Wells County in northeastern Indiana... West Central Van Wert County in west central Ohio... * Until 200 AM EDT. * At 1050 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 0.5 and 1 inch of rain has fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marion, Bluffton, Decatur, Portland, Hartford City, Gas City, Berne, Upland, Ossian, Fairmount, Dunkirk, Albany, Montpelier, Jonesboro, Redkey, Geneva, Sweetser, Swayzee, La Fontaine and Van Buren. Additional rainfall of 0.5 to 1 inch is expected over the area, with some locations receiving higher amounts. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 4063 8586 4072 8572 4079 8541 4090 8506 4091 8479 4073 8478 4073 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 4038 8522 4038 8586 $$ RC  686 WHUS73 KIWX 080251 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1051 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 LMZ043-046-080900- /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0061.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 1051 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EDT TUESDAY... * WINDS...Northeast 10 to 15 knots. * WAVES...Subsiding to 2 to 4 feet overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that sustained winds or frequent gusts of 22 to 33 knots are likely...and/or waves greater than 4 feet are expected. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  691 WSCI35 ZJHK 080252 ZJSA SIGMET 1 VALID 080300/080700 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N1840 TOP FL500 MOV NE 10KMH NC=  872 WOCN12 CWTO 080250 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:50 P.M. EDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT ENDED FOR: FRASERDALE - PLEDGER LAKE LITTLE ABITIBI - KESAGAMI LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS HAVE WEAKENED AND ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  466 WWUS75 KFGZ 080252 NPWFGZ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 752 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020 AZZ018-037-080400- /O.EXP.KFGZ.EH.W.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Northern Gila County-Yavapai County Valleys and Basins- Including the cities of Payson, Strawberry, Young, Cottonwood, Camp Verde, Cordes Junction, and Bagdad 752 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING FOR YAVAPAI AND GILA COUNTIES BELOW 4000 FEET WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MST THIS EVENING... Hot daytime temperatures have decreased this evening. This product will be allowed to expire at 8 PM MST tonight. A strong Canadian low pressure system is moving southward over the northern Rocky Mountains tonight and will usher in much cooler temperatures to central and northern Arizona by Tuesday. Many daily high temperature records were set with this Labor Day weekend heat wave, especially for locations within the Verde Valley. Tuzigoot National Monument, located near Cottonwood, Arizona, recorded a new monthly maximum temperature for the month of September of 113 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday, September 5th, 2020. $$ AZZ006-080400- /O.EXP.KFGZ.EH.W.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Grand Canyon Country- Including the cities of Grand Canyon Village, Supai, and North Rim 752 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING FOR THE GRAND CANYON BELOW 4000 FEET WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MST THIS EVENING... Temperatures have decreased this evening within the Grand Canyon and are now below threshold levels. This product will be allowed to expire at 8 PM MST tonight. A strong Canadian low pressure system is moving southward over the northern Rocky Mountains tonight and will usher in much cooler temperatures to all of Grand Canyon National Park beginning Tuesday. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/flagstaff  677 WWUS76 KPDT 080252 NPWPDT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 752 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ORZ044-WAZ026>028-080400- /O.EXP.KPDT.DU.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.EXP.KPDT.WI.Y.0024.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon-Kittitas Valley-Yakima Valley- Lower Columbia Basin of Washington- Including the cities of Boardman, Hermiston, Ione, Ellensburg, Thorp, Naches, Sunnyside, Toppenish, Yakima, Connell, Prosser, and Tri-Cities 752 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds across the region have decreased below advisory criteria, and blowing dust is no longer expected. However, winds will remain elevated through the rest of the evening hours, and the wind coupled with smoke from nearby wildfires may cause visibilities to be reduced over the area. $$ ORZ507-508-510-WAZ029-080400- /O.EXP.KPDT.DU.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon- North Central Oregon- Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington- Including the cities of Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Heppner, Condon, Fossil, Dufur, Maupin, Moro, Dayton, Waitsburg, and Walla Walla 752 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds across the region have decreased below advisory criteria, and blowing dust is no longer expected. However, winds will remain elevated through the rest of the evening hours, and the wind coupled with smoke from nearby wildfires may cause visibilities to be reduced over the area. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/Pendleton  322 WSUR31 UKBW 080250 UKBV SIGMET 3 VALID 080300/080600 UKBW- UKBV KYIV FIR/UIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4944 E02752 - N5202 E03101 - N5223 E03351 - N5114 E03425 - N4856 E03318 - N4802 E03051 - N4811 E02952 - N4750 E02916 - N4825 E02749 - N4944 E02752 TOP FL340 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  686 WSUR31 UKBW 080250 UKBV SIGMET 3 VALID 080300/080600 UKBW- UKBV KYIV FIR/UIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4944 E02752 - N5202 E03101 - N5223 E03351 - N5114 E03425 - N4856 E03318 - N4802 E03051 - N4811 E02952 - N4750 E02916 - N4825 E02749 - N4944 E02752 TOP FL340 MOV NE 30KMH NC= DUPE  386 WWJP71 RJTD 080000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 080000UTC ISSUED AT 080300UTC WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF OKINAWA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 080900UTC =  802 WWJP73 RJTD 080000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 080000UTC ISSUED AT 080300UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 44N 128E MOV NORTH SLWY WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 080900UTC =  803 WWJP82 RJTD 080000 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 080000UTC ISSUED AT 080300UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 44N 128E MOV NORTH SLWY C-FRONT FM 44N 128E TO 40N 131E 36N 128E GALE WARNING SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SEA OFF NOTO WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SETONAIKAI, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 080900UTC =  804 WBCN07 CWVR 080200 PAM ROCKS WIND 2204 LANGARA; PC 35 NW05 RPLD LO W 0230 CLD EST 15 FEW 15/14 GREEN; PC 15 NW15E 3FT MDT 0230 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 17/10 TRIPLE; PC 15 NW15E 3FT MDT LO W 0230 CLD EST FEW ABV 15 15/13 BONILLA; PC 15 N18E 3FT MT LO NW SWT 13.5 0230 CLD EST SCAT ABV 25 15/12 BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 CLM RPLD 0230 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 20/07 MCINNES; PC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW SWT 14.0 0230 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/11 IVORY; CLDY 15 N06E 1FT CHP LO SW 0230 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 24/05 DRYAD; CLDY 15 N06E RPLD 0230 CLD EST BKN ABV 25/22/10 ADDENBROKE; CLDY 15 NW10E 3FT MDT 0230 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 20/09 EGG ISLAND; CLDY 115 CLM 1FT CHP LO W 0240 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 16/15 PINE ISLAND; CLDY 15 NW05E RPLD LO W 0240 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 16/16 CAPE SCOTT; CLDY 15 NE05E 2FT CHP LO SW 0240 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 15/13 QUATSINO; CLDY 15 NE12E 2FT CHP LO SW SMK ALOFT NE-E 0240 CLD EST BKN ABV 25 21/12 NOOTKA; PC 15 NE03E RPLD LO SW 0240 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/17 ESTEVAN; PC 15 N07 1FT CHP LO SW 1024.5S LENNARD; PC 15 N04E 1FT CHP LO W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; CLDY 15 NE16G23 3FT MDT LO W PACHENA; PC 15 SE06E 1FT CHP LO W CARMANAH; CLDY 15 E06E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; CLDY 15 NW2E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; CLDY 15 W02E RPLD 0240 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 20/10 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 257/16/15/2811/M/M M 51MM= WEB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 237/19/13/3507/M/M 6003 34MM= WQC SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 244/26/03/3604/M/ 3003 08MM= WRU SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 244/24/09/0311/M/ 1002 09MM= WFG SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 256/16/11/3628/M/ PK WND 0734 0100Z 6008 83MM= WVF SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/21/13/3308/M/ M 96MM= WQS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 315/17/14/3509/M/ 6008 94MM= WRO SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 323/15/14/3007/M/M 6010 80MM= WEK SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 313/16/10/3115/M/ PK WND 3017 0126Z 6010 57MM= WWL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 303/14/12/3516/M/0002 PK WND 3519 0149Z 6013 15MM= WME SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/22/06/0912+17/M/ PK WND 0619 0120Z M 34MM= WAS SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 249/21/12/2204/M/ 2006 23MM= WSB SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 236/25/08/3003/M/M 3001 07MM= WGT SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 242/22/09/3214/M/ PK WND 3220 0100Z 5001 87MM= WEL SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 246/25/09/3304/M/ 0000 79MM= WDR SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 208/22/05/3514/M/ PK WND 0221 0120Z 3008 84MM= WZO SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0519/M/ PK WND 0528 0103Z M MMMM= WKA SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3206/M/ PK WND 3117 0112Z M MMMM= XFA SA 0200 AUTO8 M M M 260/14/11/2908/M/ 5000 94MM=  395 WWJP84 RJTD 080000 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 080000UTC ISSUED AT 080300UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 44N 128E MOV NORTH SLWY W-FRONT FM 44N 128E TO 45N 132E 45N 137E 45N 142E 45N 146E GALE WARNING SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF AKITA WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 080900UTC =  396 WWJP75 RJTD 080000 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 080000UTC ISSUED AT 080300UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 44N 128E MOV NORTH SLWY W-FRONT FM 44N 128E TO 45N 132E 45N 137E 45N 142E 45N 146E DEVELOPING LOW 1004HPA AT 55N 162E MOV EAST 10 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 080900UTC =  451 WOIN20 VEPT 080120 FROM: FORECAST PATNA TO: FLOOD FORECASTING WARNING CENTRE, DHAKA FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 378 M.C.PATNA DATED: 08.09.2020(MORNING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT SAHIBGANJ ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 28.070 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO SEVEN ZERO 2100 TWENTY ONE 07.09.2020 28.070 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO SEVEN ZERO 2400 TWENTY FOUR 07.09.2020 28.060 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO SIX ZERO 0300 THREE 08.09.2020 28.060 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO SIX ZERO 0600 SIX 08.09.2020 FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 379 M.C.PATNA DATED: 08.09.2020 (MORNING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT FARAKKA ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 22.390 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE NINE ZERO 2100 TWENTY ONE 07.09.2020 22.390 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE NINE ZERO 2400 TWENTY FOUR 07.09.2020 22.390 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE NINE ZERO 0300 THREE 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 0600 SIX 08.09.2020=  788 WSUS32 KKCI 080255 SIGC MKCC WST 080255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5C VALID UNTIL 0455Z IN IL MO IA FROM 50NW BDF-30NNE BVT-40SW BVT-UIN-IRK-50NW BDF AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6C VALID UNTIL 0455Z WI IL MO IA FROM 40ENE DBQ-20SE IOW-10W IRK-40SSE OVR-50NE OVR-40ENE DBQ AREA TS MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080455-080855 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30S IRK-40W COU-50SW MCI-50SE OVR-40N GLD-50SE DEN-30SW DEN-40NE BFF-40NE ANW-30E FOD-30S ODI-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  581 WWUS75 KTWC 080256 NPWTWC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tucson AZ 756 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020 AZZ501-502-504>506-509-080400- /O.EXP.KTWC.EH.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Western Pima County-Tohono O'odham Nation-Tucson Metro Area- South Central Pinal County-Southeast Pinal County- Upper Gila River Valley- Including the cities of Ajo, Organ Pipe Cactus N.M., Sells, Tucson, Green Valley, Marana, Vail, Picacho Peak State Park, Mammoth, and Safford 756 PM MST Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MST THIS EVENING... Hot daytime temperatures have cooled below dangerous levels this evening. Therefore, the Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire at 8 PM MST. $$ Visit us on Facebook...Twitter...YouTube...and at weather.gov/Tucson  299 WSUS31 KKCI 080255 SIGE MKCE WST 080255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 0455Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 90ESE ILM-120SE ILM-60NE OMN-70SE SAV-60ESE CHS-90ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 08005KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6E VALID UNTIL 0455Z OH IN FROM 10S CLE-40W AIR-30SW APE-30S BVT-40SSW GIJ-10S CLE AREA TS MOV FROM 28030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080455-080855 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-30WSW MIA-30N PBI-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-30E ECK-30SE DXO-40NW EWC-AIR-30N HNN-40SE IND-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150ESE SBY-190ESE ECG-100ESE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150ESE SBY WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  300 WSUS33 KKCI 080255 SIGW MKCW WST 080255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3W VALID UNTIL 0455Z ID FROM 40WSW JAC-20SW PIH-50NE TWF LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 28035KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4W VALID UNTIL 0455Z WY FROM 50W BOY-10SE BPI LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 28035KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 080455-080855 FROM 50SSW SHR-50ESE OCS-MTU-SLC-50SSW BPI-40WSW MLD-30WSW PIH-30NW JAC-50SSW SHR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  539 WWCN13 CWTO 080256 WIND WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:56 P.M. EDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: MOOSONEE - FORT ALBANY ATTAWAPISKAT PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. STRONG WINDS DIMINISHING TONIGHT. OCCASIONAL WIND GUSTS UP TO 90 KILOMETRES PER HOUR ARE POSSIBLE BEFORE DIMINISHING SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  984 WWUS86 KMTR 080256 RFWMTR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 756 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 .A Red Flag Warning remains in effect for the North Bay Mountains and East Bay Hills from 10 PM Monday to 8 AM Wednesday. In addition, a Red Flag Warning is in effect for the Santa Cruz Mountains from 10 AM Tuesday to 8 AM Wednesday. After low pressure drops over the Intermountain West beginning late Monday, winds will shift to the north-northeast and becoming gusty in the North and East Bay Hills by Monday evening and in the Santa Cruz Mountains by Tuesday morning. Locally gusty offshore winds will then continue at times in the North and East Bay Hills and Santa Cruz Mountains through Wednesday morning. In conjunction with these locally gusty offshore winds, poor overnight humidity recoveries are expected with the absence of a marine layer. Humidities will drop into the teens during the daytime hours. CAZ507-511-081200- /O.CON.KMTR.FW.W.0004.200908T0500Z-200909T1500Z/ North Bay Mountains-East Bay Hills and the Diablo Range- 756 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG WIND GUSTS AND DRY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 507 AND 511... * WIND...Sustained north to northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts 30 to 45 mph above 1000 feet. Local gusts at isolated peaks and ridgetops may approach 65 mph in the North Bay. Strongest winds expected late Monday night and Tuesday morning. * HUMIDITY...Poor overnight recoveries 20 to 35 percent. Daytime humidity values 10 to 20, locally lower values possible on Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Follow all burn bans currently in effect. * HIGHEST THREAT...Interior higher terrain of the North Bay Mountains and the East Bay Hills. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ CAZ512-081200- /O.CON.KMTR.FW.W.0004.200908T1700Z-200909T1500Z/ Santa Cruz Mountains- 756 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TUESDAY TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR LOCALLY GUSTY WINDS AND DRY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 512... * AFFECTED AREA...Santa Cruz Mountains above 1000 feet. Fire weather zone 512. * WIND...Sustained north to northeast winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts 25 to 35 mph above 1000 feet. Strongest winds expected on Tuesday. * HUMIDITY...Poor overnight recoveries 20 to 35 percent. Daytime humidity values 10 to 20, locally lower values possible. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Follow all burn bans currently in effect. * HIGHEST THREAT...Highest peaks, especially along the Santa Cruz/Santa Clara county line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  838 WWUS85 KGJT 080257 RFWGJT URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 857 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 COZ200>202-UTZ485>487-080400- /O.EXP.KGJT.FW.W.0051.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Little Snake Forecast Area-Routt Forecast Area- White River Forecast Area-Eastern Ashley National Forest- Eastern Uinta Basin-Book Cliffs- 857 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS, LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DRY FUELS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 200, 201, 202, 485, 486, AND 487... The Red Flag Warning will be allowed to expire at 9PM. Relative humidity values will continue to rise behind the approaching strong cold front as precipitation begins. However, gusty winds may continue through the night. $$ COZ203-205-UTZ490-080400- /O.EXP.KGJT.FW.W.0050.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Lower Colorado River-Colorado River Headwaters- Colorado River Basin- 857 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS, LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DRY FUELS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 203, 205, AND 490... The Red Flag Warning will be allowed to expire at 9PM. Relative humidity values will continue to rise behind the approaching strong cold front as precipitation begins. However, gusty winds may continue through the night. $$  567 WWUS76 KLOX 080257 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 CAZ053-054-081100- /O.EXP.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts to 55 mph expected. Isolated gusts to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. Strongest winds late Tuesday evening through early Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ059-081100- /O.EXP.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T0200Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TO 7 PM PDT TUESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...From noon to 7 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and reduced visibility from blowing dust will make driving difficult. Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ036>038-051-052-080400- /O.EXP.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Santa Ynez Valley-San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys- Cuyama Valley-San Luis Obispo County Mountains- Santa Barbara County Mountains- Including the cities of Solvang, Santa Ynez, Paso Robles, Atascadero, Cuyama, Black Mountain, San Marcos Pass, San Rafael Wilderness Area, and Dick Smith Wilderness Area 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... A cooling trend is expected on Tuesday, allowing for the excessive heat warnings to expire. $$ CAZ034-035-080400- /O.EXP.KLOX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ San Luis Obispo County Central Coast- Santa Barbara County Central Coast- Including the cities of San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Cambria, San Simeon, Santa Maria, Lompoc, and Vandenberg 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... A cooling trend is expected on Tuesday, allowing for the excessive heat warnings to expire. $$ CAZ044>046-088-547-548-081100- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area-Santa Clarita Valley- Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- Including the cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ojai, Piru, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Santa Clarita, Newhall, Valencia, Woodland Hills, Northridge, Burbank, Universal City, Pasadena, San Gabriel, and Pomona 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected, strongest in the Santa Clarita and Ventura County valleys. Isolated gusts to 55 mph in the hills. * WHERE...Ventura County Interior Valleys, Ventura County Coastal Valleys, Santa Monica Mountains, Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. The strongest winds will be Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ040-041-081100- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200909T1000Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Coast- Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- Including the cities of Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Malibu, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and Long Beach 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...Ventura County Coast and Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Gomberg  771 WWUS76 KOTX 080257 NPWOTX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 WAZ034-035-080400- /O.EXP.KOTX.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.EXP.KOTX.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Moses Lake Area-Upper Columbia Basin- Including the cities of Moses Lake, Ephrata, Othello, Quincy, Ritzville, Grand Coulee, Odessa, Wilbur, and Coulee City 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds have fallen below warning thresholds and speeds will continue to decrease through the remainder of this evening and overnight. This will also decrease the threat of blowing dust. Thus the High Wind Warning and Blowing Dust Advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ WAZ033-080400- /O.EXP.KOTX.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Washington Palouse- Including the cities of Pullman, Colfax, Rosalia, La Crosse, Oakesdale, Tekoa, and Uniontown 757 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds will continue to decrease this evening and overnight and the threat of blowing dust has diminished. Thus the Blowing Dust Advisory will be allowed to expire. $$  522 WSAL31 DAAA 080256 DAAA SIGMET 2 VALID 080300/080500 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3748 E00625 - N3518 E00556 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  927 WGUS51 KILN 080258 FFWILN OHC011-037-091-107-149-159-080600- /O.NEW.KILN.FF.W.0037.200908T0258Z-200908T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1058 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Shelby County in west central Ohio... Logan County in west central Ohio... Northern Darke County in west central Ohio... Southwestern Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Union County in central Ohio... Southern Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 200 AM EDT. * At 1057 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Two to four inches of rain have already fallen in some areas. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Marysville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, New Bremen, Minster, St. Henry, Richwood, Newport, West Liberty, Anna, Fort Loramie, Jackson Center, Fort Recovery, Russells Point, De Graff, Botkins, West Mansfield, Hardin, Quincy and Rushsylvania. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flash flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4050 8325 4025 8325 4025 8379 4026 8384 4027 8401 4025 8402 4024 8480 4043 8480 4048 8352 4051 8351 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ ch  977 WWUS83 KILX 080258 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 958 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILZ038-043-080400- De Witt-McLean- 958 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN DE WITT AND SOUTHERN MCLEAN COUNTIES UNTIL 1100 PM CDT... At 958 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over McLean, or 14 miles southwest of Bloomington, moving east at 20 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Le Roy, Heyworth, Downs, McLean, Stanford, Shirley and Moraine View State Park. This includes the following highways... Interstate 55 between mile markers 144 and 156. Interstate 74 between mile markers 135 and 156. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4031 8926 4045 8922 4041 8853 4023 8870 TIME...MOT...LOC 0258Z 282DEG 19KT 4034 8918 $$ Shimon  430 WTCA42 TJSJ 080258 TCPSP2 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Paulette Advertencia Numero 5 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL172020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 1100 PM AST lunes 7 de septiembre de 2020 ...PAULETTE UN POCO MAS FUERTE SE MUEVE HACIA EL NORTE-NOROESTE... RESUMEN DE LAS 1100 PM AST...0300 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...17.8N 42.5O CERCA DE 1230 MI...1975 KM O DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE CERCA DE 1350 MI...2175 KM E DE LAS ISLAS DE SOTAVENTO DEL NORTE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...45 MPH...75 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...NOROESTE O 330 GRADOS A 5 MPH...7 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1004 MB...29.65 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- No hay vigilancias o avisos costeros en efecto. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ---------------------- A las 1100 PM AST (0300 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Paulette estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 17.8 Norte, longitud 42.5 oeste. Paulette se esta moviendo hacia el noroeste a cerca de 5 mph (7 km/h). Se pronostica que la tormenta gire hacia el noroeste y se mueva mas rapido para el martes, y se mueva al oeste- noroeste u oeste para el miercoles y jueves. Vientos maximos sostenidos estan a cerca de 45 mph (75 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se espera algo de fortalecimiento adicional durante el proximo dia o dos, esperando poco cambio luego hasta el jueves. Vientos de fuerza tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 80 millas (130 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1004 mb (29.65 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA --------------------- Ninguno. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 500 AM AST. $$ Pronosticador Blake Traduccion Ramos-Garces  071 WSMX31 MMMX 080259 MMID SIGMET W1 VALID 080257/080657 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0257Z 100NM WID LINE N1255 W11410 - N1303 W11143 CB TOP ABV F500 MOV W 05KT NC. =  359 WALJ31 LJLJ 080300 LJLA AIRMET U1 VALID 080300/080700 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N46 E01357 - N4531 E01436 - N4523 E01401 - N4525 E01340 - N4555 E01330 - N46 E01357 SFC/4000FT STNR NC=  266 WWPK31 OPPS 080300 OPPS AD WRNG 01 VALID 080300/080500 WX.WNG FOR POOR VISIBILITY OVER PESHAWAR AIRFIELD UPTO 080500 UTC=  791 WCCA31 TTPP 080301 TTZP SIGMET 2 VALID 080300/080900 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR TC PAULETTE OBS AT 0900Z N1812 W04230 CB TOP ABV FL480 MOV NNW 04KT INCR FCST 080900Z TC CENTRE N1812 W04248 OTLK TC CENTRE 081500Z N1842 W04330 =  105 WOCN12 CWTO 080301 FROST ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:01 P.M. EDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF THUNDER BAY KENORA - NESTOR FALLS DRYDEN - IGNACE FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE ATIKOKAN - UPSALA - QUETICO SUPERIOR WEST NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH WAWA - WHITE RIVER - PUKASKWA AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS CHAPLEAU - GOGAMA KIRKLAND LAKE - ENGLEHART. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FROST MAY DAMAGE SOME CROPS IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. LOW TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO BE NEAR OR JUST BELOW ZERO DEGREES CELSIUS TONIGHT AND INTO THE EARLY MORNING. FROST WILL BE POSSIBLE ONCE AGAIN FOR PORTIONS OF NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO TUESDAY NIGHT. COVER UP PLANTS, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. TAKE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT FROST-SENSITIVE PLANTS AND TREES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  383 WSUS06 KKCI 080304 WS6R SFOR WS 080304 CANCEL SIGMET ROMEO 2. CONDS HV ENDED. MOSTLY FU. ....  515 WAUS46 KKCI 080304 AAA WA6S SFOS WA 080304 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...WA OR FROM 70SSW YDC TO 60SSW GEG TO 20NE PDT TO 50SSW PDT TO 50NNE LKV TO 50NE OED TO 50SW BTG TO 40NNW BTG TO 70SSW YDC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS ENDG 06-09Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 110SW ONP TO 80WNW OED TO 50SW OED TO 30ENE FOT TO 50S FOT TO 40SSW ENI TO 120WSW SNS TO 150WSW FOT TO 160SW ONP TO 110SW ONP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WNW RZS TO 20NW RZS TO 40WSW TRM TO 30ESE MZB TO 50SSW MZB TO 130SSW RZS TO 160WSW RZS TO 80WNW RZS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM YDC TO 20NNE YKM TO 50SSE BTG TO 20S ONP TO 40S HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA FROM 50SSE BTG TO 40E DSD TO 30N LKV TO 50SE OED TO 80W OED TO 20S ONP TO 50SSE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 40N FOT TO 30N RBL TO 20SSW SAC TO 30SSW EHF TO 30N TRM TO 60SSE TRM TO 20S MZB TO LAX TO 50W RZS TO 30S ENI TO 20SW FOT TO 40N FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 30N RBL TO 40NNW FMG TO 50SW BVL TO 30W DTA TO 20SW DBL TO 20NE CIM TO 30ESE TBE TO 40S FTI TO 30W TCS TO 50ENE INW TO 50WNW PHX TO 30N TRM TO 30S EHF TO 40N EHF TO 30NE MOD TO 30N RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN OR CA BOUNDED BY 70WNW OED-40N RBL-20SSW SAC-20WSW EHF-30N TRM-50SSE TRM-20SE MZB-40E LAX-40W RZS-30SSW FOT-70WNW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  753 WWUS75 KRIW 080305 NPWRIW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 905 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...VERY STRONG WINDS EXPECTED FOR THE JACKSON VALLEY AND UPPER GREEN RIVER BASIN FOOTHILLS TONIGHT... .A very strong cold front will bring high wind across Jackson Hole and the Upper Green River Basin Foothills tonight. WYZ013-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.HW.W.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Jackson Hole- Including the city of Jackson 905 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 40 to 50 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Jackson Hole. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could cause tree damage. Power outages could also occur. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Please keep two hands on your steering wheel in case of a sudden, strong wind gust. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution if traveling. In a parking lot, park into the wind to minimize the possibility of you car door hitting another vehicle. && $$ WYZ025-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.HW.W.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Upper Green River Basin Foothills- Including the city of Pinedale 905 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Upper Green River Basin Foothills. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could cause tree damage. Power outages could also occur. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Please keep two hands on your steering wheel in case of a sudden, strong wind gust. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution if traveling. In a parking lot, park into the wind to minimize the possibility of you car door hitting another vehicle. && $$ Team Riverton/21  818 WGUS43 KILX 080306 FLWILX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1006 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILC113-080600- /O.NEW.KILX.FA.W.0013.200908T0306Z-200908T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ McLean- 1006 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flood Warning for... Southern McLean County in central Illinois... * Until 100 AM CDT. * At 1005 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain which will cause flooding. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen. Ponding of water was reported on streets of Bloomington. Another inch of rain could occur through midnight. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bloomington, Normal, Danvers, Downs, Saybrook, Stanford, Cooksville, Arrowsmith, Ellsworth, Holder, Moraine View State Park, Bloomington Airport and Shirley. This includes the following highways... Interstate 55 between mile markers 148 and 163. Interstate 74 between mile markers 128 and 146. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4055 8847 4038 8847 4034 8925 4053 8925 $$ Shimon  595 WWCN10 CWUL 080306 WIND WARNING FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:06 P.M. EDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: SAINTE-ANNE-DES-MONTS - GRANDE-VALLEE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  665 WWNT31 KNGU 081200 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR THE NORTH ATLANTIC RMKS/1. THIS WARNING IS VALID FOR 081200Z SEP 2020. 2. WARNINGS ARE FOR OVER WATER AREAS ONLY BUT MAY OVERLAP SOME LAND AND SHELTERED AREAS AND HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED TO EASE PLOTTING. 3. HIGH WIND WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 64.7N7 000.7E7, 65.2N3 006.9W5, 66.9N1 012.4W7, 67.9N2 014.5W0, 69.0N5 018.4W3, 72.5N4 016.0W7, 74.2N3 015.5W1, 75.4N6 011.9W1, 75.8N0 005.6W1, 75.1N3 002.9W1, 73.1N1 006.2W8, 71.3N1 009.2W1, 68.5N9 011.4W6, 67.2N5 009.1W0, 67.0N3 002.6W8, 67.9N2 001.9E0, 67.3N6 005.4E9, 65.4N5 007.1E8, 64.7N7 000.7E7, MAX GALE 40KT NEAR 73.2N2 012.4W7. B. GALE WARNING: AREA OF 35 KT GALE AND GREATER OVER WATER BOUNDED BY: 57.1N3 040.4W8, 56.9N0 037.4W4, 58.0N3 034.8W5, 59.0N4 036.9W8, 59.8N2 039.9W1, 59.9N3 043.1W8, 59.3N7 044.4W2, 58.0N3 043.1W8, 57.1N3 040.4W8, 4. HIGH SEAS WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. A. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 56.7N8 022.8W2, 59.1N5 016.7W4, 59.7N1 009.9W8, 59.6N0 006.4W0, 60.1N7 003.6W9, 60.6N2 001.4E5, 60.8N4 003.7E0, 62.5N3 004.6E0, 63.9N8 007.2E9, 65.3N4 010.4E5, 67.1N4 011.2E4, 68.6N0 009.9E8, 69.7N2 006.1E7, 70.6N3 003.2E5, 70.5N2 000.6E6, 69.4N9 001.9W0, 67.9N2 004.9W3, 68.3N7 009.4W3, 69.8N3 009.9W8, 71.0N8 007.9W6, 72.4N3 003.1W4, 73.5N5 001.8W9, 73.9N9 000.7E7, 73.3N3 004.6E0, 72.5N4 007.1E8, 72.7N6 010.4E5, 73.7N7 010.9E0, 74.8N9 008.7E5, 75.3N5 004.6E0, 75.9N1 001.9W0, 75.5N7 009.4W3, 74.2N3 017.0W8, 72.5N4 020.0W2, 70.6N3 020.4W6, 68.5N9 022.3W7, 67.0N3 020.9W1, 67.0N3 016.4W1, 66.3N5 013.1W5, 64.7N7 012.2W5, 62.0N8 012.7W0, 61.3N0 016.5W2, 61.2N9 022.2W6, 62.0N8 029.8W9, 61.4N1 034.3W0, 60.5N1 036.9W8, 59.6N0 042.1W7, 58.6N9 044.4W2, 55.5N5 041.9W4, 54.4N3 034.4W1, 55.3N3 027.3W2, 56.7N8 022.8W2, MAX SEAS 22FT NEAR 66.3N5 000.3W3. MAX SEAS 19FT NEAR 70.3N0 014.2W7. B. SEAS 18 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 71.3N1 009.9W8, 72.1N0 008.7W5, 72.7N6 010.1W2, 72.4N3 012.9W2, 71.2N0 015.4W0, 70.2N9 017.2W0, 69.2N7 017.9W7, 68.5N9 016.4W1, 68.1N5 014.2W7, 68.6N0 012.9W2, 70.4N1 011.4W6, 71.3N1 009.9W8, MAX SEAS 19FT NEAR 70.3N0 014.2W7. C. SEAS 18 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 65.6N7 006.2E8, 67.3N6 006.4E0, 68.4N8 004.6E0, 68.5N9 001.7E8, 68.0N4 000.8W8, 66.9N1 003.8W1, 66.5N7 007.2W9, 66.4N6 009.4W3, 65.7N8 009.6W5, 64.9N9 006.7W3, 64.0N0 001.3W4, 64.2N2 001.9E0, 64.9N9 004.9E3, 65.6N7 006.2E8, MAX SEAS 22FT NEAR 66.3N5 000.3W3. D. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 21.4N7 039.3W5, 22.5N9 042.6W2, 21.1N4 045.8W7, 19.7N7 045.9W8, 18.0N9 044.3W1, 17.1N9 041.6W1, 18.2N1 038.8W9, 21.4N7 039.3W5, MAX SEAS 14FT NEAR 19.7N7 042.3W9. E. SEAS 12 FT OR GREATER BOUNDED BY: 19.4N4 023.2W7, 20.4N6 026.1W9, 18.5N4 028.5W5, 16.1N8 028.3W3, 15.1N7 026.1W9, 15.9N5 023.0W5, 18.0N9 021.9W2, 19.4N4 023.2W7, MAX SEAS 13FT NEAR 17.9N7 025.3W0. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwnt30.png 12Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwnt31.png B. SIPR: 00Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwnt30.png 12Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwnt31.png 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 090000Z.// BT  677 WCCA31 TTPP 080309 CCA TTZP SIGMET 1 VALID 080300/080900 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR TC PAULETTE OBS AT 0300Z N1748 W04230 CB TOP ABV FL480 WI 90NM OF CENTRE MOV NNW 04KT INCR FCST 081500Z TC CENTRE N1842 W04330 OTLK TC CENTRE 082100Z N1855 W04345 =  905 WWMM31 KNGU 081200 MSGID/GENADMIN/FLEWEACEN// SUBJ/HIGH WIND AND SEAS WARNING FOR MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA RMKS/1. THIS WARNING IS VALID FOR 081200Z SEP 2020. 2. WARNINGS ARE FOR OVER WATER AREAS ONLY BUT MAY OVERLAP SOME LAND AND SHELTERED AREAS AND HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED TO EASE PLOTTING. 3. HIGH WIND WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. *** NO HIGH WIND WARNING WITHIN MDBS AREA ***. 4. HIGH SEAS WARNINGS BASED ON 024 HRS FORECAST. *** NO HIGH SEAS WARNING WITHIN MDBS AREA ***. 5. A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS WARNING CAN BE FOUND AT A. NIPR: 00Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwmm30.png 12Z https://pki.weather.navy.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwmm31.png B. SIPR: 00Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwmm30.png 12Z http://www.weather.navy.smil.mil/center/winds_and_seas/warnings/wwmm31.png 6. NEXT SCHEDULED WARNING WILL BE 090000Z.// BT  831 WWCN10 CWUL 080307 WIND WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:07 P.M. EDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: JAMES BAY AND LA GRANDE RIVER LG QUATRE - LAFORGE AND FONTANGES SCHEFFERVILLE. WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: WASKAGANISH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGH WESTERLY WINDS WILL REACH UP TO 90 KILOMETRES PER HOUR. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  118 WONT50 LFPW 080309 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 369, TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 0305 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, TUESDAY 8 AT 00 UTC. TROPICAL STORM RENE 1001 16.2N 23.5W AT 08/0300 UTC, MOVING W AT 12 KT. EXPECTED 16.5N 25.5W AT 08/12 UTC, THEN 16.8N 28.2W AT 09/00 UTC THEN 17.3N 30.9W AT 09/12 UTC. GALE 8 WITHIN 40 NM OF CENTER, INCREASING SEVERE GALE. SOUTH OF CAPE VERDE. CONTINUING TO 09/06 UTC AT LEAST. CYCLONIC 8, INCREASING 8 OR 9 SOON. SEVERE GUSTS. BT *  443 WTCA43 TJSJ 080310 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Numero 4 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 200 AM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...RENE MOVIENDOSE A TRAVES DEL ESTE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE... ...SE ESPERA QUE TRAIGA VIENTOS DE FUERZA DE TORMENTA TROPICAL Y LLUVIAS FUERTES A LAS ISLAS CABO VERDE HOY... RESUMEN DE LAS 200 AM CVT...0300 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.2 NORTE 22.8 OESTE CERCA DE 45 MI...75 KM AL OESTE DE BOA VISTA ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 14 MPH...22 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso, en este caso dentro de las proximas 12horas. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 200 AM CVT (0300 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.2 norte, longitud 23.5 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste noroeste a cerca de 14 mph (22 km/h) y se espera que este movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue por los proximos dias. En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Rene pasara sobre el area central de las Islas Cabo Verde esta manana y sobre el oeste de las Islas Cabo Verde esta tarde. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica fortalecimiento gradual y Rene pudiera convertirse en huracan en dos o tres dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 2 a 5 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hasta el martes. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical ocurriendo sobre sectores del este de las Islas Cabo Verde se extenderan hacia el oeste sobre el restante de las islas esta noche hasta temprano el martes. RESACA: Se esperan que las marejadas generadas por Rene se desplacen hacia el oeste a traves de las Islas Cabo Verde esta noche y temprano el martes. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia intermedia a las 500 AM CVT. Proxima advertencia completa a las 200 AM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Stewart Traduccion Ramos-Garces  802 WSCO31 SKBO 080120 SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 080130/080430 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N0325 W07303 - N0553 W07141 - N0608 W07246 - N0413 W07426 - N0325 W07303 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= NNNN  793 WSID21 WAAA 080310 WAAZ SIGMET 03 VALID 080310/080610 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0344 E12230 - S0315 E12443 - S0347 E12642 - S0505 E12419 - S0521 E12248 - S0503 E12154 - S0344 E12230 TOP FL520 MOV W 20KT NC=  261 WSNZ21 NZKL 080311 NZZC SIGMET 1 VALID 080316/080716 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4700 E16830 - S4730 E16810 - S4710 E16730 - S4640 E16750 - S4700 E16830 SFC/3000FT STNR NC=  310 WWUS76 KMFR 080318 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ORZ024-081130- /O.CAN.KMFR.EH.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.200908T0600Z-200909T0600Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Daytime temperatures up to 102 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 70. * WHERE...Eastern Curry County and Josephine County. * WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, very hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. Drink plenty of fluids, take breaks in the shade, don't forget who or what's in your back seat, wear sunscreen, and take precautions if venturing into cold water or rushing waters by wearing a life jacket. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ ORZ026-081130- /O.CAN.KMFR.EH.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.EXB.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.200908T1200Z-200909T2100Z/ Jackson County- Including the city of Ashland 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TUESDAY TO 2 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Jackson County, including Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, and the surrounding mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM Tuesday to 2 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...These downsloping winds will be warm and very dry, with relative humidities dropping into the single digits. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ080-081-080430- /O.CAN.KMFR.EH.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Western Siskiyou County-Central Siskiyou County- 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have cooled this evening and are no longer considered excessively hot. $$ CAZ085-ORZ030-031-081130- /O.CON.KMFR.DU.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.200908T0400Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ Modoc County- Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Adin, Alturas, Canby, Day, Likely, Lookout, Beatty, Bly, Chemult, Crescent, Gilchrist, Sprague River, Adel, Lakeview, and Valley Falls 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. Visibility between one quarter mile and one mile in blowing dust expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...In California, Modoc County. In Oregon, Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County and Central and Eastern Lake County. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 1 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Wind Advisory, from 9 PM this evening to 11 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility. Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not drive into an area of blowing dust. Remember, Pull Aside, Stay Alive. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ ORZ029-081130- /O.CON.KMFR.DU.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ Klamath Basin- Including the cities of Altamont and Klamath Falls 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, visibility between one quarter mile and one mile in blowing dust expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 34 possible. * WHERE...Klamath Basin. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 1 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility. Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not drive into an area of blowing dust. Remember, Pull Aside, Stay Alive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ CAZ084-080800- /O.CON.KMFR.DU.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties- Including the cities of Dorris, Newell, Macdoel, and Tulelake 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Visibility between one quarter mile and one mile in blowing dust expected. * WHERE...Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not drive into an area of blowing dust. Remember, Pull Aside, Stay Alive. && $$ ORZ021-023-081130- /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.200908T0600Z-200909T0600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast-Central Douglas County- Including the cities of Reedsport, Coquille, Drain, Elkton, Roseburg, Sutherlin, and Green 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures up to 100 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 65. * WHERE...South Central Oregon Coast and Central Douglas County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ ORZ022-081130- /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Curry County Coast- 818 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures up to 101 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 70. * WHERE...Portions of the Curry County Coast, generally a mile or more inland, except for the Brookings area where hot temperatures could go to the coast. * WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  655 WWUS75 KSLC 080322 NPWSLC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 UTZ019-081200- /O.EXP.KSLC.EH.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.200908T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park- Including the city of St George 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING HAS EXPIRED... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 80 mph expected. * WHERE...Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park, mainly through the gaps and canyons of Washington County outside of St George. * WHEN...The High Wind Warning is in effect from midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ011-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.200908T0900Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Western Uinta Basin- Including the cities of Duchesne and Roosevelt 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT MDT TUESDAY NIGHT... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected. For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Western Uinta Basin. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, from 3 AM Tuesday to midnight MDT Tuesday night. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight Tuesday night to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or is occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 mph or gusts of 58 mph or more can lead to property damage. Vehicles, especially high profile vehicles, can be difficult to control at times in high winds. Motorists should take extra caution, especially while crossing bridges, overpasses, and unsheltered areas. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ001-006-014-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Cache Valley/Utah Portion-Wasatch Mountain Valleys- Sanpete/Sevier Valleys- Including the cities of Logan, Park City, Heber City, Manti, and Richfield 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Cache Valley/Utah Portion, Wasatch Mountain Valleys and Sanpete/Sevier Valleys. * WHEN...From midnight Tuesday night to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ002-003-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.200908T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Northern Wasatch Front-Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys- Including the cities of Ogden, Bountiful, and Salt Lake City 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph are expected. Some locations may see gusts in excess of 85 mph near Farmington, Centerville and the mouth of Weber Canyon. * WHERE...Northern Wasatch Front and Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys, primarily Weber, Davis and eastern Salt Lake Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. The most impacted travel routes are expected to be along the I-15 corridor between Salt Lake City and Layton, the Legacy Parkway, the US 89 corridor in Davis and Weber Counties, and Foothill Drive. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or is occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 mph or gusts of 58 mph or more can lead to property damage. Vehicles, especially high profile vehicles, can be difficult to control at times in high winds. Motorists should take extra caution, especially while crossing bridges, overpasses, and unsheltered areas. && $$ UTZ005-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains- Including the city of Wendover 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North to northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph. * WHERE...Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Strong cross winds are expected to along the Interstate 80 corridor. Travel difficulties are expected from these crosswinds, especially for high profile vehicles. Blowing salt and dust may reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or is occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 mph or gusts of 58 mph or more can lead to property damage. Vehicles, especially high profile vehicles, can be difficult to control at times in high winds. Motorists should take extra caution, especially while crossing bridges, overpasses, and unsheltered areas. && $$ UTZ012-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.200908T0900Z-200909T0600Z/ Castle Country- Including the city of Price 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT MDT TUESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Castle Country, mainly the Carbon County portion. * WHEN...From 3 AM Tuesday to midnight MDT Tuesday night. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult along Highway 6, especially for high profile vehicles. Blowing dust may reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or is occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 mph or gusts of 58 mph or more can lead to property damage. Vehicles, especially high profile vehicles, can be difficult to control at times in high winds. Motorists should take extra caution, especially while crossing bridges, overpasses, and unsheltered areas. && $$ UTZ015-016-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ West Central Utah-Southwest Utah- Including the cities of Delta, Fillmore, and Cedar City 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northerly winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts near 50 mph are expected. * WHERE...West Central Utah and Southwest Utah. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 9 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty crosswinds are expected along east-west oriented roadways, including but not limited to the US 6 corridor, SR-21, and SR-56. Travel difficulties are expected from these crosswinds, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of at least 31 mph or gusts of 45 mph are expected. Motorists in the advisory area should be prepared for sudden gusty cross winds which can make driving difficult. && $$ UTZ013-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.200908T0900Z-200909T0600Z/ San Rafael Swell- Including the city of Green River 922 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT MDT TUESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Northerly winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts near 50 mph are expected. * WHERE...San Rafael Swell. * WHEN...From 3 AM Tuesday to midnight MDT Tuesday night. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty crosswinds are expected along north- south oriented roads. Blowing dust may reduce visibilities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of at least 31 mph or gusts of 45 mph are expected. Motorists in the advisory area should be prepared for sudden gusty cross winds which can make driving difficult. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  665 WWUS86 KOTX 080322 RFWOTX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 822 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IDZ101-WAZ673-674-676-677-684-686-687-080430- /O.EXP.KOTX.FW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200908T0300Z/ Northern and Central Idaho Panhandle (Zone 101)- East Washington Northern Columbia Basin (Zone 673)- East Washington Palouse and Spokane Area (Zone 674)- East Washington South Central Cascade Valleys (Zone 676)- East Washington Central Cascade Valleys (Zone 677)- East Washington Okanogan/Methow Valleys (Zone 684)- East Washington Northeast (Zone 686)- East Washington Okanogan Highlands (Zone 687)- 822 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING HAS EXPIRED FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FOR OKANOGAN VALLEY INTO THE WATERVILLE PLATEAU...COLUMBIA BASIN... CASCADE VALLEYS...SPOKANE AND PALOUSE AREAS...NORTHEAST WASHINGTON AND THE OKANOGAN HIGHLANDS...AND THE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL IDAHO PANHANDLE... The Red Flag Warning has been allowed to expire for the above locations as winds gradually decline below critical thresholds and relative humidity slowly rises above critical thresholds. However conditions still remain gusty and dry and caution should still be used. $$  209 WSBZ01 SBBR 080300 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0222 W06319 - N0224 W06356 - N0420 W06441 - N0336 W06245 - N0508 W06028 - N0405 W05930 - N0259 W05956 - N0140 W05938 - N0108 W05845 - N0201 W05710 - N0153 W05553 - N0230 W05601 - N0232 W05445 - N0203 W05403 - S0111 W05633 - S0036 W06036 - N0222 W06319 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  210 WSBZ01 SBBR 080300 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0515 W07256 - S0639 W07307 - S0732 W07357 - S1003 W07206 - S0924 W07031 - S1055 W07034 - S1100 W06843 - S0950 W06639 - S0937 W06531 - S1105 W06526 - S1026 W06414 - S0808 W06647 - S0819 W06833 - S0515 W07256 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  776 WWUS81 KILN 080323 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1123 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHZ034-035-042-043-051-080400- Auglaize OH-Darke OH-Shelby OH-Mercer OH-Miami OH- 1123 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN SHELBY...NORTHERN DARKE...SOUTHWESTERN AUGLAIZE...SOUTHEASTERN MERCER AND NORTHERN MIAMI COUNTIES UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT... At 1123 PM EDT, radar indicated a strong thunderstorm near Newport, moving east at 45 mph. STORM HAZARDS INCLUDE... Winds to 50 mph... Locations impacted include... Sidney, Piqua, Greenville, Minster, Versailles, Covington, Newport, Bradford, Union City, Fort Loramie, Ansonia, Hardin, Webster, Russia, Gettysburg, Fletcher, Port Jefferson, Osgood, Burkettsville and North Star. This includes I-75 in Ohio between mile markers 79 and 97. To report hazardous weather conditions, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. LAT...LON 4035 8409 4011 8412 4009 8471 4025 8481 4035 8480 4041 8450 TIME...MOT...LOC 0323Z 287DEG 41KT 4031 8443 $$ Hatzos  247 WSNZ21 NZKL 080321 NZZC SIGMET 2 VALID 080323/080723 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4510 E16800 - S4620 E16710 - S4600 E16620 - S4500 E16720 - S4510 E16800 SFC/6000FT STNR INTSF=  319 WWUS86 KMFR 080323 RFWMFR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 823 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIDESPREAD CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER PATTERN WILL PERSIST INTO WEDNESDAY... CAZ284-285-ORZ624-625-081530- /O.CAN.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.EXT.KMFR.FW.W.0022.200908T0323Z-200909T0700Z/ Siskiyou County from the Cascade Mountains East and South to Mt Shasta-Modoc County Except for the Surprise Valley- Klamath Basin and the Fremont-Winema National Forest- South Central Oregon Desert including the BLM Land in Eastern Lake and Western Harney Counties- 823 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TUESDAY NIGHT FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 284... 285...624 AND 625... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA, all of Fire Zones 284 and 285. In South Central OR, all of Fire Zones 624 and 625. * Wind: Northeast 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 7 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ280-ORZ621-623-081530- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Western Klamath National Forest-Siskiyou Mountains- Southern Oregon Cascades- 823 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 280...621 AND 623... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA, all of Fire Zone 280. In Southwest OR, all of Fire Zones 621 and 623. * Wind: East 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * Humidity: As low as 5 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ ORZ616>620-622-081530- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.200908T0600Z-200910T0000Z/ Umpqua Basin-Umpqua National Forest-Southern Oregon Coast- Western Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest- Western Rogue Basin including the Illinois Valley- Eastern Rogue Valley- 823 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 616...617...618...619...620 AND 622... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Southwest OR, Fire Zones 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, and 622. * Wind: East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ282-081530- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Siskiyou County- 823 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 282... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA, all of Fire Weather Zone 282. * Wind: Northeast 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * Humidity: As low as 7 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ281-ORZ615-081530- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County Including Shasta Valley- South Central Oregon Coast- 823 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TUESDAY TO 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 281 AND 615... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA, all of Fire Zone 281. In Southwest OR, all of Fire Zone 615. * Wind: East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ Visit us at www.weather.gov/Medford  258 WHUS76 KEKA 080324 MWWEKA URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 824 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 PZZ470-080430- /O.CAN.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 824 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ PZZ475-080430- /O.CAN.KEKA.SC.Y.0072.000000T0000Z-200908T1900Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 824 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$  849 WSNO35 ENMI 080325 ENBD SIGMET D01 VALID 080330/080730 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N7050 E02040 - N7120 E02500 - N6930 E02305 - N6920 E02100 - N6845 E01925 - N7050 E02040 SFC/FL080 STNR NC=  889 WABZ23 SBGL 080326 SBCW AIRMET 2 VALID 080415/080815 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 4000M RA BR FCST WI S2841 W05600 - S3245 W04919 - S2642 W04346 - S2400 W05225 - S2547 W05343 - S2705 W05343 - S2841 W05600 STNR NC=  890 WABZ23 SBGL 080326 SBCW AIRMET 3 VALID 080330/080715 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 500/1000FT FCST WI S2503 W04850 - S2314 W04722 - S2303 W04609 - S2343 W04516 - S2557 W04619 - S2503 W04850 STNR NC=  716 WWUS85 KPIH 080327 RFWPIH URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 927 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IDZ410-413-425-427-080430- /O.CAN.KPIH.FW.W.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Upper Snake River Valley/Idaho Falls BLM-Caribou Range/Caribou NF- Middle Snake River Valley/Twin Falls BLM north of the Snake River- Goose Creek and Raft River Valley/Southern Sawtooth NF/Twin Falls BLM south of the Snake River- 927 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING IS CANCELLED FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 410, 413, 425 AND 427... The National Weather Service in Pocatello has cancelled the Red Flag Warning. $$  572 WSMS31 WMKK 080329 WMFC SIGMET A01 VALID 080329/080630 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0601 E09731 - N0602 E09425 - N0721 E09426 - N0718 E09757 - N0555 E10033 - N0429 E09907 - N0601 E09731 TOP FL470 MOV W INTSF=  658 WAHW31 PHFO 080328 WA0HI HNLS WA 080400 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081000 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 080400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 081000 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 080400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 081000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...167-169.  037 WGUS51 KILN 080329 FFWILN OHC041-080630- /O.NEW.KILN.FF.W.0038.200908T0329Z-200908T0630Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1129 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Delaware County in central Ohio... * Until 230 AM EDT. * At 1128 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Two to four inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Dublin, Westerville, Delaware, Powell, Sunbury, Ashley, Polaris, Radnor, Shawnee Hills, Galena, Ostrander, Interstate 71 at US Route 36/State Route 37, Alum Creek State Park, Delaware State Park, Olive Green, Stratford, Bellepoint, Warrensburg, Center Village and Leonardsburg. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flash flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4043 8302 4042 8301 4041 8292 4036 8292 4035 8275 4013 8276 4014 8317 4024 8317 4024 8325 4044 8325 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ ch  218 WWUS83 KDVN 080330 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1030 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILC067-109-080415- Hancock-McDonough- 1030 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HEAVY RAIN FROM A LINE OF THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT SOUTHEASTERN HANCOCK AND SOUTHERN MCDONOUGH COUNTIES UNTIL 1115 PM CDT... At 1028 PM CDT, radar indicated heavy rain from thunderstorms was falling along a line extending from near Colmar to Industry. Movement was northeast at 25 mph. Torrential rainfall is occurring and winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with these thunderstorm. Locations impacted include... Macomb, Colchester, Industry, Tennessee, Western Illinois University, Adair, Fandon, Colmar, Plymouth, Denver, Pennington Point, Doddsville, McDonough County 4-H Grounds and Argyle Lake State Park. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4027 9112 4049 9089 4048 9045 4028 9045 4028 9091 4026 9091 TIME...MOT...LOC 0328Z 228DEG 20KT 4033 9099 4031 9060 $$ Uttech  439 WWUS45 KRIW 080330 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ....Early Significant Snow and Wind East of the Divide and the South... .An unseasonably strong storm system for September will impact the Cowboy State through Tuesday. Significant snowfall is expected for the mountains east of the Continental Divide and across the lower elevations of central Wyoming. The snow ends from north to south late tonight into Tuesday morning. Light snow will linger across the south through Tuesday afternoon. Very strong northerly to northeasterly wind will also accompany the cold front. WYZ002-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Absaroka Mountains- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches mainly over the eastern portions of the Absaroka Mountains. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Absaroka Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible, especially over Chief Joseph Pass. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as 5 below to 5 above zero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ008-009-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Bighorn Mountains West-Bighorn Mountains Southeast- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches on the east slopes and 4 to 8 inches on the west slopes. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bighorn Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over Granite and Powder River passes. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will be as low as 10 below zero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ007-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches. Winds gusting 40 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow in the Wind River Canyon. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will be as low as the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ020-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Natrona County Lower Elevations- Including the city of Casper 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph, gradually decreasing late tonight. * WHERE...Natrona County Lower Elevations. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ022-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Casper Mountain- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Casper Mountain. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult to impossible. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ015-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains East- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 24 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains East. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ018-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lander Foothills- Including the city of Lander 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches. Winds gusting 25 to 35 mph. * WHERE...Lander Foothills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ019-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range- Including the city of Jeffrey City 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Locally higher amounts of 6 to 12 inches near Beaver Rim. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ030-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ East Sweetwater County- Including the city of Wamsutter 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches with locally higher amounts up to 8 inches over far eastern portions. Wind gusts of 50 to 65 mph. * WHERE...East Sweetwater County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel, including along Interstate 80, will become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, low visibility in falling snow as well as high winds. This will result in control issues especially for light and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ014-081300- /O.EXA.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains West- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and strong northeast wind. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 65 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains West. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ010-011-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County- Including the cities of Buffalo and Kaycee 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with the locally higher amounts along and west of the Interstate 25. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Johnson County. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ003-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Cody Foothills- Including the cities of Clark, Cody, and Meeteetse 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Cody Foothills. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult, especially along Highway 120, due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ005-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Southwest Big Horn Basin- Including the city of Thermopolis 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Southwest Big Horn Basin including Thermopolis. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ017-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Wind River Basin- Including the cities of Riverton and Shoshoni 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Basin. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ016-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Upper Wind River Basin- Including the city of Dubois 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Temperatures falling into the middle 20s Monday night. * WHERE...Upper Wind River Basin. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ028-029-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Rock Springs and Green River-Flaming Gorge- Including the cities of Rock Springs and Green River 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Winds gusting 50 to 60 mph, with stronger gusts possible. * WHERE...Flaming Gorge and Rock Springs and Green River. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ024-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Salt River and Wyoming Ranges. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS... Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills as low as the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ027-081300- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.200908T0600Z-200908T1500Z/ South Lincoln County- Including the cities of Kemmerer and Cokeville 930 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with lesser amounts near Cokeville. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...South Lincoln County. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  588 WHUS76 KSEW 080331 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 PZZ170-173-176-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Flattery to Cape Shoalwater 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ132-133-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...East Entrance U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ134-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Admiralty Inlet. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Puget Sound and Hood Canal. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ130-131-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...West Entrance U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Central U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ153-081145- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- 831 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/seattle  873 WUUS51 KILN 080331 SVRILN OHC109-149-080400- /O.NEW.KILN.SV.W.0222.200908T0331Z-200908T0400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1131 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Shelby County in west central Ohio... Northern Miami County in west central Ohio... * Until midnight EDT. * At 1131 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Newport, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. * Locations impacted include... Troy, Sidney, Piqua, Covington, Newport, Bradford, Fort Loramie, Pleasant Hill, Hardin, Russia, Fletcher, Port Jefferson, Casstown, Lockington, Polo, Newbern, Bloomer, Ballou, Plattsville and Farrington. This includes I-75 in Ohio between mile markers 74 and 97. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4001 8404 4004 8433 4013 8443 4036 8443 4037 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 0331Z 291DEG 37KT 4024 8427 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Hatzos  652 WSBW20 VGHS 080330 VGFR SIGMET 02 VALID 080400/080800 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV NNE NC=  255 WWUS43 KUNR 080335 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 935 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Heavy snow continues over the Black Hills and parts of northeastern Wyoming through early Tuesday... .Widespread precipitation will continue over northeast Wyoming and western South Dakota through early Tuesday before tapering off from north to south. Across higher elevations of the Black Hills and southern Campbell County in northeast Wyoming, most of this precipitation will fall as snow. Although much of the snow will melt on contact, accumulations of several inches are still expected, with highest accumulations over the Black Hills. SDZ024-028-029-WYZ057-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern Black Hills-Central Black Hills-Southern Black Hills- Wyoming Black Hills- Including Lead, Brownsville, Cheyenne Crossing, Galena, Nemo, Hill City, Mt Rushmore, Deerfield, Mystic, Rochford, Custer, Jewel Cave, Custer State Park, Sundance, and Four Corners 935 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected, with the highest amounts above 5000 feet. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches. * WHERE...In Wyoming, the Wyoming Black Hills. In South Dakota, the Northern Black Hills, the Central Black Hills and the Southern Black Hills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be hazardous due to slushy or snow- covered roads. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Since the leaves are still on the trees, heavy snow accumulations may lead to breaking and falling tree branches and limbs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$ WYZ055-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southern Campbell- Including Wright 935 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches with the highest amounts in the higher terrain southwest of Wright. * WHERE...Southern Campbell County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Since the leaves are still on the trees, heavy snow accumulation may lead to breaking and falling tree branches and limbs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$  452 WWUS85 KSLC 080335 AWWSLC UTC035-080800- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 931 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 Airport Weather Warning for winds gusting to greater than 30 to 35 mph/26 to 30 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 931 PM MDT to 200 AM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  381 WGUS83 KIWX 080335 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1135 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC001-009-053-069-075-169-179-OHC161-080345- /O.CAN.KIWX.FA.Y.0033.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Blackford IN-Grant IN-Huntington IN-Jay IN-Wabash IN-Wells IN-Van Wert OH- 1135 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY FOR GRANT, BLACKFORD, JAY, SOUTHEASTERN WABASH, ADAMS, SOUTHERN HUNTINGTON, WELLS AND WEST CENTRAL VAN WERT COUNTIES HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD WARNING... Given the additional rainfall expected over the next several hours and reports of ongoing flooding, the advisory has been replaced with a Flood Warning. LAT...LON 4063 8586 4072 8572 4079 8541 4090 8506 4091 8479 4073 8478 4073 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 4038 8522 4038 8586 $$ CM  382 WGUS43 KIWX 080335 FLWIWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1135 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 INC001-009-053-069-075-169-179-OHC161-080700- /O.NEW.KIWX.FA.W.0006.200908T0335Z-200908T0700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Blackford IN-Grant IN-Huntington IN-Jay IN-Wabash IN-Wells IN-Van Wert OH- 1135 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Flood Warning for... Grant County in central Indiana... Blackford County in east central Indiana... Jay County in east central Indiana... Southeastern Wabash County in north central Indiana... Adams County in northeastern Indiana... Southern Huntington County in northeastern Indiana... Wells County in northeastern Indiana... West Central Van Wert County in west central Ohio... * Until 300 AM EDT. * At 1130 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. A spotter reported standing water at several locations along State Route 1 between Redkey and Bluffton. Between 1 and 3 inches of rain have fallen across the warned area. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marion, Bluffton, Decatur, Portland, Hartford City, Gas City, Berne, Upland, Ossian, Fairmount, Dunkirk, Albany, Montpelier, Jonesboro, Redkey, Geneva, Sweetser, Swayzee, La Fontaine and Van Buren. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible in the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4063 8586 4072 8572 4079 8541 4090 8506 4091 8479 4073 8478 4073 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 4038 8522 4038 8586 $$ CM  155 WABZ23 SBGL 080336 SBAZ AIRMET 1 VALID 080340/080740 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 2000M FU FCST WI S1442 W05634 - S1516 W05506 - S1625 W05536 - S1554 W05705 - S1442 W05634 STNR NC=  522 WWUS45 KBOU 080338 WSWBOU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 938 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...COLD AIR IS ARRIVING AND SNOW WILL BE COMING SOON... .Temperatures will fall behind a cold front overnight with rain showers changing to snow shortly after midnight over the higher mountains and foothills. Snow levels are expected to drop through Tuesday morning, with accumulating snow expected along the Front Range, I-25 corridor, and adjacent plains Tuesday and Tuesday night. Snow falling on trees that are still in full leaf may cause branches and limbs to break, resulting in scattered power outages. Roadways could become slippery and slushy in the mountains and foothills. The weather system is expected to weaken Wednesday with snowfall coming to an end and conditions improving through the day. COZ033>037-041-081200- /O.CON.KBOU.WS.W.0006.200908T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ South and East Jackson/Larimer/North and Northeast Grand/ Northwest Boulder Counties Above 9000 Feet- South and Southeast Grand/West Central and Southwest Boulder/ Gilpin/Clear Creek/Summit/North and West Park Counties Above 9000 Feet-Larimer and Boulder Counties Between 6000 and 9000 Feet- Jefferson and West Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet/Gilpin/Clear Creek/Northeast Park Counties Below 9000 Feet- Central and Southeast Park County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Including Cameron Pass, Laramie and Medicine Bow Mountains, Rabbit Ears Range, Rocky Mountain National Park, Willow Creek Pass, Berthoud Pass, Breckenridge, East Slopes Mosquito Range, East Slopes Southern Gore Range, Eisenhower Tunnel, Indian Peaks, Kenosha Mountains, Mount Evans, Williams Fork Mountains, Winter Park, Estes Park, Glendevey, Nederland, Red Feather Lakes, Bailey, Central City, Evergreen, Georgetown, Idaho Springs, Westcreek, Fairplay, Hartsel, Lake George, South Park, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, and Larkspur 938 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 9 to 17 inches in the foothills, 6 to 10 inches over the Palmer Divide and Park County, and 2-6 inches in the valleys west of the Front Range. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and northeast Colorado. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes Tuesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Accumulating snow will impact area vegetation causing damage to trees and possible power outages. Roads could be slippery and slushy. Overnight low temperatures Tuesday night will drop into the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ038>040-042-043-045-046-081200- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.200908T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County-Northeast Weld County- Central and South Weld County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, and Matheson 938 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 7 inches. Winds gusting up to 50 mph this evening, then decreasing to 15 to 30 mph late tonight. * WHERE...Portions of east central, north central and northeast Colorado. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Snow accumulating on trees which are still in full leaf may break tree limbs and result in scattered power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Accumulating snow will impact area vegetation causing damage to trees and possible power outages. Roads will mostly be wet, but could become slushy during periods of heavier snow. Overnight low temperatures Tuesday night will drop into the 20s. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ031-081200- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.200908T0600Z-200909T1200Z/ West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet- Including Mt Zirkel 938 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 7 to 14 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph tonight and Tuesday morning, decreasing Tuesday evening. * WHERE...East Slopes Park and Northern Gore Ranges, Gore Pass, Rabbit Ears Pass. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Accumulating snow will impact area vegetation causing damage to trees and possible power outages. Roads could be slippery and slushy. Overnight low temperatures Tuesday night will drop into the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Gimmestad  222 WSRA31 RUHB 080339 UHHH SIGMET 1 VALID 080340/080730 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N45 AND W OF E136 SFC/FL200 STNR NC=  223 WSRS31 RUMA 080336 UUWV SIGMET 1 VALID 080345/080700 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N56 AND W OF E036 TOP FL350 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  060 WWUS83 KGLD 080339 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1039 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ001>003-080400- Rawlins KS-Decatur KS-Cheyenne KS- 1039 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN CHEYENNE...NORTHERN RAWLINS AND CENTRAL DECATUR COUNTIES IN NORTHWESTERN KANSAS UNTIL 1100 PM CDT... At 1039 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 3 miles east of Bird City to 7 miles north of Atwood to near Oberlin to 3 miles north of Jennings. Movement was northeast at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Oberlin, Atwood, McDonald, Herndon, Jennings, Ludell and Blakeman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3989 10145 4000 10100 3995 10050 3984 10020 3963 10027 3975 10062 3982 10115 3965 10155 TIME...MOT...LOC 0339Z 214DEG 21KT 3975 10147 3991 10107 3981 10057 3972 10031 $$ AW  743 WWUS51 KILN 080340 SVSILN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1140 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC109-149-080400- /O.CON.KILN.SV.W.0222.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ Shelby OH-Miami OH- 1140 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN SHELBY AND NORTHERN MIAMI COUNTIES... At 1140 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Sidney, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to trees and power lines. Locations impacted include... Troy, Sidney, Piqua, Covington, Bradford, Pleasant Hill, Hardin, Fletcher, Port Jefferson, Casstown, Lockington, Polo, Newbern, Ballou, Plattsville, Farrington, Swanders, Pemberton and Houston. This includes I-75 in Ohio between mile markers 74 and 97. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4001 8404 4004 8433 4013 8443 4017 8436 4036 8431 4037 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 0340Z 287DEG 27KT 4023 8422 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Hatzos  366 WWUS75 KABQ 080341 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NMZ230-231-081200- /O.EXT.KABQ.HW.W.0008.200908T0800Z-200909T1200Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.A.0002.200909T0800Z-200909T1500Z/ Union County-Harding County- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TUESDAY TO 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub- freezing temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees possible. * WHERE...Union County and Harding County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, from 2 AM Tuesday to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ234-235-081200- /O.EXT.KABQ.HW.W.0008.200908T0800Z-200909T1200Z/ Quay County-Curry County- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TUESDAY TO 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Quay County and Curry County. * WHEN...From 2 AM Tuesday to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ218-219-221-081200- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.200908T1800Z-200909T1200Z/ Santa Fe Metro Area- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- Sandia/Manzano Mountains Including Edgewood- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East to southeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Santa Fe Metro Area, Middle Rio Grande Valley including the Albuquerque Metro Area, Sandia and Manzano Mountains including Edgewood. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Strong and potentially dangerous crosswinds are expected along Interstate 25 between Los Lunas, Albuquerque, Bernalillo and Santa Fe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ228-081200- /O.NEW.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.200908T0800Z-200909T1200Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.A.0002.200909T0800Z-200909T1500Z/ Far Northeast Highlands- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TUESDAY TO 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...Far Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...For the Wind Advisory, from 2 AM Tuesday to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will be strongest early Tuesday morning, before a lull occurs during the afternoon. Winds will quickly ramp back up Tuesday evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ227-081200- /O.NEW.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.200908T0800Z-200909T0000Z/ Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 6 PM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 6 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ232-233-081200- /O.NEW.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.200908T0800Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TUESDAY TO 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern San Miguel County and Guadalupe County. * WHEN...From 2 AM Tuesday to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ222-223-229-081200- /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.A.0002.200909T0800Z-200909T1500Z/ Estancia Valley-Central Highlands-Northeast Highlands- 941 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees possible. * WHERE...Estancia Valley, Central Highlands, Far Northeast Highlands and Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...From late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ 34  865 WGUS43 KIWX 080341 FLWIWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1141 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC003-161-080645- /O.NEW.KIWX.FA.W.0007.200908T0341Z-200908T0645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Allen OH-Van Wert OH- 1141 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Flood Warning for... Allen County in west central Ohio... Van Wert County in west central Ohio... * Until 245 AM EDT. * At 1137 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warning area. Between 1 and 4 inches of rain have fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lima, Van Wert, Delphos, Fort Shawnee, Spencerville, Elida, Convoy, Ohio City, Spencerville In Allen County, Middlebury, Middle Point, Cairo, Harrod, Willshire, Beaverdam, Wren, Venedocia, Elgin, Yoder and Westminster. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible in the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4073 8446 4073 8480 4091 8480 4096 8440 4090 8440 4090 8434 4086 8434 4086 8411 4090 8411 4085 8388 4065 8388 4064 8411 4066 8411 4066 8422 4069 8422 4068 8446 $$ CM  866 WGUS83 KIWX 080341 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1141 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC003-161-080351- /O.CAN.KIWX.FA.Y.0032.000000T0000Z-200908T0445Z/ Allen OH-Van Wert OH- 1141 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY FOR ALLEN AND VAN WERT COUNTIES HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD WARNING... Given the additional rainfall expected over the next several hours and reports of 2 to 4 inches of storm total rainfall across the advised area, the advisory has been replaced with a Flood Warning. LAT...LON 4064 8411 4066 8411 4066 8422 4069 8422 4068 8446 4073 8446 4073 8480 4091 8480 4096 8442 4096 8440 4090 8440 4090 8434 4086 8434 4086 8411 4090 8411 4085 8388 4065 8388 $$ CM  749 WWUS85 KSLC 080342 RFWSLC URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 942 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 UTZ495-497-498-081200- /O.CON.KSLC.FW.W.0034.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Color Country West Desert-Mojave Desert-Grand Staircase- 942 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT TUESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 495... 497 AND 498... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 495 Color Country West Desert...Fire Weather Zone 497 Mojave Desert and Fire Weather Zone 498 Grand Staircase. * WINDS...North 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. A strong cold front will move through the area tonight increasing winds substantially. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 6 percent. * IMPACTS...Critical fire weather conditions are expected. Any fire starts may spread rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or are imminent. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  058 WWUS45 KBYZ 080342 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 942 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ068-172-080445- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WW.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Crazy Mountains-Melville Foothills- 942 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Only some light sporadic snow showers are expected the remainder of the night. Motorists are urged to use caution overnight as roads in the area may be slushy and slick. $$ MTZ067-171-WYZ198-081800- /O.CON.KBYZ.WS.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains-Pryor/Northern Bighorn Mountains- Northeast Bighorn Mountains- Including the locations of Cooke City, Burgess Jct, and Story 942 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 9 to 15 inches with the greatest amounts on the northeast facing slopes. * WHERE...In Wyoming, Northeast Bighorn Mountains. In Montana, Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains and Pryor/Northern Bighorn Mountains. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Snow will make travel difficult. Expect reduced visibility at times. Outdoor recreation will be impacted by winter conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for winter driving conditions in the backcountry. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings && $$ MTZ056-066-081800- /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Red Lodge Foothills-Beartooth Foothills- Including the locations of Red Lodge, Roberts, Roscoe, Fishtail, McLeod, and Nye 942 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow will continue this evening, diminishing after midnight. Total snow accumulations of 4-7 inches are expected. * WHERE...Red Lodge Foothills and Beartooth Foothills. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Expect reduced visibility at times and slick or slushy roads. Outdoor recreationists should expect winter conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings && $$  924 WGUS61 KILN 080344 FFAILN URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1144 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHZ051>056-081000- /O.EXA.KILN.FF.A.0011.000000T0000Z-200908T1000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Miami-Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin OH-Licking- Including the cities of Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, and Newark 1144 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... The National Weather Service in Wilmington has expanded the * Flash Flood Watch to include portions of Central Ohio and West Central Ohio, including the following areas, in Central Ohio, Franklin OH, Licking, and Madison. In West Central Ohio, Champaign, Clark, and Miami. * Until 6 AM EDT Tuesday * Showers and thunderstorms will track east across the region through the early morning hours. Two to four inches of rain can be expected with locally higher amounts possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People in the watch area should keep an eye on the weather and be prepared for immediate action should heavy rains and flooding occur or a Flash Flood Warning be issued. Avoid low-lying areas, and be careful when approaching highway dips and underpasses. && $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>046-081000- /O.CON.KILN.FF.A.0011.000000T0000Z-200908T1000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union OH-Delaware- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, Marysville, and Delaware 1144 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT TUESDAY... The Flash Flood Watch continues for * Portions of Central Ohio and West Central Ohio, including the following areas, in Central Ohio, Delaware and Union OH. In West Central Ohio, Auglaize, Darke, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, and Shelby. * Until 6 AM EDT Tuesday * Showers and thunderstorms will track east across the region through the early morning hours. Two to four inches of rain can be expected with locally higher amounts possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People in the watch area should keep an eye on the weather and be prepared for immediate action should heavy rains and flooding occur or a Flash Flood Warning be issued. Avoid low-lying areas, and be careful when approaching highway dips and underpasses. && $$  648 WSCG31 FCBB 080345 FCCC SIGMET L1 VALID 080350/080750 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR TS OBS AT 0330Z W OF LINE N0757 E01920 - N0253 E01524 E OF LINE N0351 E01735 - N0228 E01712 TOP FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  691 WUUS53 KGLD 080346 SVRGLD KSC023-153-080430- /O.NEW.KGLD.SV.W.0247.200908T0346Z-200908T0430Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Goodland KS 1046 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Goodland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Cheyenne County in northwestern Kansas... Northwestern Rawlins County in northwestern Kansas... * Until 1130 PM CDT. * At 1046 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over McDonald, or 19 miles west of Atwood, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Atwood, McDonald, Blakeman and Beardsley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3984 10099 3969 10145 3977 10152 4000 10124 4000 10122 TIME...MOT...LOC 0346Z 230DEG 24KT 3977 10140 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  954 WGUS53 KILX 080347 FFWILX ILC113-080745- /O.NEW.KILX.FF.W.0033.200908T0347Z-200908T0745Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1047 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southern McLean County in central Illinois... * Until 245 AM CDT. * At 1046 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bloomington, Normal, Le Roy, Heyworth, Danvers, Downs, Saybrook, Stanford, Cooksville, Bellflower, Arrowsmith, Ellsworth, Holder, Moraine View State Park, Bloomington Airport and Shirley. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are possible in the warned area. This includes the following highways... Interstate 39 between mile markers 0 and 1. Interstate 55 between mile markers 146 and 169. Interstate 74 between mile markers 123 and 151. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4054 8846 4031 8847 4033 8926 4056 8926 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ Shimon  829 WSGL31 BGSF 080337 BGGL SIGMET U02 VALID 080440/080840 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB OBS AT 0440Z WI N6626 W03821 - N6533 W03811 - N6253 W04102 - N6234 W04340 - N6532 W04121 - N6626 W03821 SFC/FL110 STNR NC=  349 WWUS51 KILN 080349 SVSILN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1149 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 OHC109-149-080359- /O.CAN.KILN.SV.W.0222.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ Shelby OH-Miami OH- 1149 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN SHELBY AND NORTHERN MIAMI COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. Please report previous wind damage or hail to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 4001 8404 4004 8433 4013 8443 4017 8436 4036 8431 4037 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 0348Z 291DEG 37KT 4020 8411 $$ Hatzos  099 WWUS83 KDVN 080349 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 1049 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILC073-161-IAC163-080415- Rock Island-Henry-Scott- 1049 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL ROCK ISLAND... NORTHWESTERN HENRY AND SOUTHEASTERN SCOTT COUNTIES UNTIL 1115 PM CDT... At 1049 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Bettendorf, moving east at 35 mph. Half inch hail is possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, East Moline, Silvis, Eldridge, Le Claire, Hampton, Port Byron, Rapids City, Princeton, Cordova, Riverdale, Cleveland, Osborn, Carbon Cliff, Hillsdale, Panorama Park and Silvis Heights. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 292 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 6. Interstate 74 in Illinois near mile marker 1. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 12. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4159 9018 4159 9019 4158 9018 4149 9019 4150 9064 4165 9065 4168 9023 4165 9017 TIME...MOT...LOC 0349Z 267DEG 32KT 4157 9054 $$ Uttech  736 WSBO31 SLLP 080345 SLLF SIGMET 01 VALID 080348/080648 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0340Z WI S1030 W06752 - S1158 W06455 - S1234 W06455 - S1349 W06610 - S1453 W06708 - S1445 W06836 - S1349 W06912 - S1249 W06857 - S1226 W06848 - S1122 W06953 - S1106 W06857 - S1025 W06757 - TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  278 WGUS51 KILN 080350 FFWILN OHC011-037-091-107-149-159-080700- /O.EXT.KILN.FF.W.0037.000000T0000Z-200908T0700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1150 PM EDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Shelby County in west central Ohio... Logan County in west central Ohio... Northern Darke County in west central Ohio... Southwestern Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Union County in central Ohio... Southern Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 300 AM EDT. * At 1149 PM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Three to five inches of rain have already fallen. Heavy rain continues to fall with another two to three inches possible in the next hour. Flash flooding is already occurring. HAZARD...Life threatening flash flooding. Heavy rain producing flash flooding. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Life threatening flash flooding of creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Marysville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, New Bremen, Minster, St. Henry, Richwood, Newport, West Liberty, Anna, Fort Loramie, Jackson Center, Fort Recovery, Russells Point, De Graff, Botkins, West Mansfield, Hardin, Quincy and Rushsylvania. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flash flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4050 8325 4025 8325 4025 8379 4026 8384 4027 8401 4025 8402 4024 8480 4043 8480 4048 8352 4051 8351 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED FLASH FLOOD DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE EXPECTED RAINFALL...2-3 INCHES IN 1 HOUR $$ ch  526 WSUS32 KKCI 080355 SIGC MKCC WST 080355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7C VALID UNTIL 0555Z IN IL MO IA FROM 40NNW BDF-30S GIJ-20S BVT-UIN-30ENE IRK-40NNW BDF AREA TS MOV FROM 26020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8C VALID UNTIL 0555Z WI IL MO IA NE FROM 20NE DBQ-50SW BAE-30ENE IRK-60W IRK-50WNW OVR-20NE DBQ AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9C VALID UNTIL 0555Z NE CO FROM 30WSW SNY-20SSW DEN DVLPG LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10C VALID UNTIL 0555Z KS NE FROM 30N GLD-30NNE HLC DVLPG LINE SEV TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 080555-080955 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30S IRK-40W COU-50SW MCI-50SE OVR-50NE HLC-40N GLD-60SE DEN-30SW DEN-60NE BFF-40W FOD-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  587 WSUS33 KKCI 080355 SIGW MKCW WST 080355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5W VALID UNTIL 0555Z ID 30NE TWF ISOL TS D35 MOV FROM 33015KT. TOPS TO FL300. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6W VALID UNTIL 0555Z WY 30NE BPI DMSHG ISOL TS D35 MOV FROM 25030KT. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 080555-080955 FROM 40SSW SHR-50ESE OCS-MTU-SLC-50SSW BPI-50SE TWF-30E TWF-30NW JAC-40SSW SHR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  588 WSUS31 KKCI 080355 SIGE MKCE WST 080355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7E VALID UNTIL 0555Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 90SE ILM-80ENE CRG LINE TS 50 NM WIDE MOV FROM 08005KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8E VALID UNTIL 0555Z OH IN LE FROM 10NW CLE-30ESE CLE-30SE APE-30SSE BVT-30SSE GIJ-10NW CLE AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 28025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 080555-080955 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-40W MIA-TRV-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-40SE ERI-30N HNN-40SE IND-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  045 WWUS76 KHNX 080353 NPWHNX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 853 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 CAZ198-199-080500- /O.EXP.KHNX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ Indian Wells Valley-Kern County Desert- Including the cities of Inyokern, Ridgecrest, Rosamond, California City, Randsburg, Edwards AFB, and Mojave 853 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... $$ CAZ179>191-195>197-080500- /O.EXP.KHNX.EH.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ West Side Hills-San Joaquin Confluence-Merced and Madera- Western San Joaquin Valley-Foggy Bottom-Fresno-Tulare County- Southern Kings County-Western San Joaquin Valley in Kern County- Eastern San Joaquin Valley in Kern County-Bakersfield- Central Sierra Foothills-Southern Sierra Foothills-Lake Isabella- Tehachapi Area-Fort Tejon- Including the cities of Avenal, Coalinga, San Luis Reservoir, Los Banos, Mendota, Merced, Madera, Atwater, Lemoore Station, Five Points, Kettleman City, Hanford, Lemoore, Corcoran, Fresno, Goshen, Visalia, Tulare, Porterville, Alpaugh, Wasco, Shafter, Delano, Bakersfield, Coarsegold, Oakhurst, Squaw Valley, Auberry, North Fork, Mariposa, Springville, Three Rivers, Lake Isabella, Kernville, Tehachapi, Frazier Park, Grapevine, and Lebec 853 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Temperatures have fallen below warning criteria tonight, and daytime highs are no longer expected to be as hot, so the Excessive Heat Warning will be allowed to expire. $$  321 WSBZ31 SBGL 080349 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0028 W06230 - N0135 W05800 - N0121 W05641 - S0020 W05645 - S0140 W06130 - S0030 W06242 - N0028 W06230 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  711 WSBZ31 SBGL 080349 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0256 W07007 - S0255 W06629 - S0418 W06519 - S0654 W06508 - S0724 W06601 - S0428 W07024 - S0408 W06959 - S0256 W07007 TOP FL452 STNR NC=  712 WSBZ31 SBGL 080349 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0525 W07257 - S0955 W06657 - S1100 W06845 - S1052 W07035 - S0922 W07031 - S1000 W07202 - S0732 W07401 - S0641 W07308 - S0525 W07257 TOP FL451 STNR NC=  130 WSBZ31 SBGL 080349 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2629 W05221 - S2818 W05303 - S3040 W04708 - S2739 W04430 - S2518 W04907 - S2629 W05057 - S2629 W05221 TOP FL421 MOV NE 05KT NC=  696 WSBZ31 SBGL 080349 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3130 W04722 - S2602 W04242 - S2909 W01032 - S3259 W01120 - S3356 W02937 - S3130 W04722 FL180/321 MOV NE NC=  243 WSMS31 WMKK 080356 WBFC SIGMET A02 VALID 080405/080705 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0730 E11730 - N0459 E11918 - N0410 E11819 - N0444 E11707 - N0749 E11710 - N0730 E11730 TOP FL520 MOV W NC=  263 WSMS31 WMKK 080357 WBFC SIGMET B02 VALID 080405/080705 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0623 E11544 - N0511 E11441 - N0337 E11132 - N0415 E11105 - N0725 E11512 - N0623 E11544 TOP FL490 MOV W NC=  418 WAIY31 LIIB 080403 LIMM AIRMET 6 VALID 080430/080830 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4448 E00906 - N4350 E00723 - N4317 E00915 - N4448 E00906 SFC/FL050 STNR NC=  373 WAIY31 LIIB 080404 LIMM AIRMET 7 VALID 080420/080820 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4413 E00733 - N4431 E00848 - N4401 E01107 - N4336 E01209 - N4332 E01311 - N4458 E00921 - N4413 E00733 STNR NC=  351 WTNT80 EGRR 080359 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 00UTC 08.09.2020 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 94L ANALYSED POSITION : 29.4N 67.5W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL942020 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 08.09.2020 29.4N 67.5W WEAK 12UTC 08.09.2020 BELOW TROPICAL STORM STRENGTH TROPICAL STORM RENE ANALYSED POSITION : 16.2N 23.2W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL182020 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 08.09.2020 16.2N 23.2W WEAK 12UTC 08.09.2020 16.6N 25.4W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 09.09.2020 17.2N 28.1W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 09.09.2020 18.0N 31.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 10.09.2020 18.6N 34.0W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 10.09.2020 19.4N 35.9W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 11.09.2020 20.9N 37.3W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 11.09.2020 23.1N 38.6W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 12.09.2020 25.8N 39.4W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 12.09.2020 28.1N 40.3W MODERATE WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 13.09.2020 29.8N 40.5W WEAK WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 13.09.2020 31.4N 40.1W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 14.09.2020 32.2N 39.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE ANALYSED POSITION : 17.1N 42.2W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL172020 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 00UTC 08.09.2020 17.1N 42.2W WEAK 12UTC 08.09.2020 17.9N 43.1W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 09.09.2020 18.7N 43.9W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 09.09.2020 19.4N 45.5W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 10.09.2020 19.7N 47.3W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 10.09.2020 19.9N 48.8W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 11.09.2020 19.7N 49.7W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 11.09.2020 20.0N 49.5W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 12.09.2020 20.2N 49.5W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 12.09.2020 22.0N 49.4W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 13.09.2020 23.6N 49.0W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 13.09.2020 25.6N 49.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 14.09.2020 26.4N 49.9W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 60 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+ 60 : 12.0N 16.7W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 10.09.2020 12.0N 16.7W WEAK 00UTC 11.09.2020 12.2N 19.7W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 11.09.2020 12.4N 22.7W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 12.09.2020 13.1N 25.5W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 12.09.2020 13.8N 28.8W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 13.09.2020 14.7N 31.8W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 13.09.2020 15.7N 34.7W STRONG INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 14.09.2020 17.0N 37.3W STRONG LITTLE CHANGE NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 126 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+126 : 18.5N 121.7W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 13.09.2020 18.8N 122.8W WEAK WEAKENING RAPIDLY 00UTC 14.09.2020 19.7N 124.0W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 080359  984 WTNT82 EGRR 080359 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 0000UTC 08.09.2020 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 94L ANALYSED POSITION : 29.4N 67.5W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL942020 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 08.09.2020 0 29.4N 67.5W 1010 20 1200UTC 08.09.2020 12 CEASED TRACKING TROPICAL STORM RENE ANALYSED POSITION : 16.2N 23.2W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL182020 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 08.09.2020 0 16.2N 23.2W 1004 26 1200UTC 08.09.2020 12 16.6N 25.4W 1003 30 0000UTC 09.09.2020 24 17.2N 28.1W 1004 28 1200UTC 09.09.2020 36 18.0N 31.2W 1005 30 0000UTC 10.09.2020 48 18.6N 34.0W 1004 33 1200UTC 10.09.2020 60 19.4N 35.9W 999 39 0000UTC 11.09.2020 72 20.9N 37.3W 997 42 1200UTC 11.09.2020 84 23.1N 38.6W 994 46 0000UTC 12.09.2020 96 25.8N 39.4W 995 51 1200UTC 12.09.2020 108 28.1N 40.3W 999 43 0000UTC 13.09.2020 120 29.8N 40.5W 1004 36 1200UTC 13.09.2020 132 31.4N 40.1W 1005 36 0000UTC 14.09.2020 144 32.2N 39.2W 1005 43 TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE ANALYSED POSITION : 17.1N 42.2W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL172020 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 0000UTC 08.09.2020 0 17.1N 42.2W 1002 29 1200UTC 08.09.2020 12 17.9N 43.1W 1002 32 0000UTC 09.09.2020 24 18.7N 43.9W 1002 36 1200UTC 09.09.2020 36 19.4N 45.5W 1003 41 0000UTC 10.09.2020 48 19.7N 47.3W 1004 40 1200UTC 10.09.2020 60 19.9N 48.8W 1004 41 0000UTC 11.09.2020 72 19.7N 49.7W 1003 36 1200UTC 11.09.2020 84 20.0N 49.5W 1002 30 0000UTC 12.09.2020 96 20.2N 49.5W 1002 26 1200UTC 12.09.2020 108 22.0N 49.4W 1003 25 0000UTC 13.09.2020 120 23.6N 49.0W 1006 23 1200UTC 13.09.2020 132 25.6N 49.2W 1008 22 0000UTC 14.09.2020 144 26.4N 49.9W 1010 24 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 60 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+ 60 : 12.0N 16.7W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 10.09.2020 60 12.0N 16.7W 1003 33 0000UTC 11.09.2020 72 12.2N 19.7W 993 40 1200UTC 11.09.2020 84 12.4N 22.7W 983 52 0000UTC 12.09.2020 96 13.1N 25.5W 981 50 1200UTC 12.09.2020 108 13.8N 28.8W 979 50 0000UTC 13.09.2020 120 14.7N 31.8W 976 54 1200UTC 13.09.2020 132 15.7N 34.7W 972 63 0000UTC 14.09.2020 144 17.0N 37.3W 969 67 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 126 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+126 : 18.5N 121.7W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 13.09.2020 132 18.8N 122.8W 1002 27 0000UTC 14.09.2020 144 19.7N 124.0W 1002 27 THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 080359  184 WHUS76 KLOX 080401 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 901 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 PZZ676-080515- /O.CAN.KLOX.SC.Y.0105.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 901 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Winds have diminished over the area and only local gusts to 25 kt are expected northwest of San Nicolas Island. $$ PZZ645-080515- /O.EXP.KLOX.SC.Y.0107.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 901 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds have diminished and the Small Craft Advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ PZZ670-081215- /O.EXT.KLOX.SC.Y.0105.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 901 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous sea conditions. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ673-081215- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0105.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 901 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous sea conditions. * WHERE...Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. * WHEN...Until 3 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Hall  571 WWCN02 CYQQ 080401 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR ESQUIMALT HARBOUR PREPARED BY MSC METOC ESQUIMALT AT 9.01 PM PDT MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: ESQUIMALT HARBOUR (WPF) TYPE: WIND WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: NORTHEAST WINDS GUSTING OVER 25 KNOTS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION PLEASE CONTACT METOC ESQUIMALT DUTY FORECASTER AT 250-363-1891 / CSN 333-1891 END/METOC-ESQUIMALT  829 WAIY31 LIIB 080406 LIMM AIRMET 8 VALID 080420/080820 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4544 E01057 - N4634 E01334 - N4704 E01203 - N4600 E00856 - N4544 E01057 STNR WKN=  563 WEAK53 PAAQ 080402 TIBAK1 Tsunami Information Statement Number 1 NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 802 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THIS IS A TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT FOR ALASKA AND THE CANADIAN ARCTIC REGION... EVALUATION ---------- * There is NO tsunami danger from this earthquake. PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * The following parameters are based on a rapid preliminary assessment of the earthquake and changes may occur. * Magnitude 4.2 * Origin Time 1957 AKDT Sep 07 2020 2057 PDT Sep 07 2020 0357 UTC Sep 08 2020 * Coordinates 71.7 North 127.1 West * Depth 1 miles * Location in the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NEXT UPDATE -------------------------------------- * Further information will be issued by the United States Geological Survey (earthquake.usgs.gov) or the appropriate regional seismic network. * This will be the only U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center message issued for this event unless additional information becomes available. $$  712 WEAK63 PAAQ 080402 TIBSPN Boletin Informativo de Tsunami Numero 1 NWS Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunami Palmer AK 802 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...ESTE ES UN MENSAJE INFORMATIVO DE TSUNAMI PARA LA REGION ARTICA DE ALASKA Y CANADA... EVALUACION ---------- * Ha ocurrido un terremoto; no hay peligro de tsunami. PARAMETROS PRELIMINARES DEL TERREMOTO ------------------------------------- * LOS SIGUIENTES PARAMETROS ESTAN BASADOS EN UNA EVALUACION PRELIMINAR RAPIDA Y PUEDEN VARIAR. * Magnitud 4.2 * Tiempo de Origen 1957 AKDT Sep 07 2020 2057 PDT Sep 07 2020 0357 UTC Sep 08 2020 * Coordenadas 71.7 Norte 127.1 Oeste * Profundidad 1 millas * Localizacion en el Mar de Beaufort, norte de Alaska INFORMACION ADICIONAL Y PROXIMA ACTUALIZACION --------------------------------------------- * Los parametros del terremoto estan basados en informacion preliminar. * Informacion adicional sera emitida por el Servicio Geologico de Los Estados Unidos (earthquake.usgs.gov) o la correspondiente red sismica regional. * Este sera el unico mensaje proveniente del Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunami de Los Estados Unidos para este evento a menos que se disponga de informacion adicional. $$  273 WWUS76 KMTR 080403 NPWMTR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 903 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Gusty offshore winds will develop Monday Night and Tuesday and be strongest over the North Bay Mountains... ...Prolonged period of excessive heat coming to a gradual end... CAZ507-081200- /O.EXP.KMTR.EH.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.WI.Y.0006.200908T1200Z-200909T0600Z/ North Bay Mountains- Including the cities of Angwin, Lagunitas-Forest Knolls, and Woodacre 903 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 11 PM PDT TUESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING EXPIRED AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts 35 to 45 mph expected. Gusts of 45 to 65 mph possible at the higher elevations of northern Napa and northeast Sonoma Counties. * WHERE...North Bay Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ506-508-510>513-516>518-528-529-080515- /O.EXP.KMTR.EH.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ North Bay Interior Valleys-San Francisco Bay Shoreline- East Bay Interior Valleys-East Bay Hills and the Diablo Range- Santa Cruz Mountains-Santa Clara Valley Including San Jose- Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio- Santa Lucia Mountains and Los Padres National Forest- Mountains Of San Benito County And Interior Monterey County Including Pinnacles National Park- Northern Salinas Valley/Hollister Valley and Carmel Valley- Northern Monterey Bay- Including the cities of Santa Rosa, South Santa Rosa, Napa, San Rafael, Petaluma, Novato, Rohnert Park, Oakland, Fremont, Hayward, Daly City, Berkeley, Concord, Antioch, Livermore, Walnut Creek, Pleasanton, Pittsburg, San Ramon, Blackhawk, Scotts Valley, Boulder Creek, Day Valley, San Jose, Greenfield, King City, Salinas, Santa Cruz, Watsonville, and Live Oak 903 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING EXPIRED AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... A gradual cooling trend is forecast through Thursday. Tuesday will still be a very warm to hot day across the interior, but Heat Risk is expected to diminish. $$ CAZ006-505-509-530-080515- /O.EXP.KMTR.HT.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ San Francisco- Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore- San Francisco Peninsula Coast- Southern Monterey Bay and Big Sur Coast- Including the cities of San Francisco, Tamalpais-Homestead, Sausalito, Pacifica, Seaside, Monterey, and Marina 903 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY EXPIRED AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Onshore flow began to increase on Monday afternoon, bringing some relief from the heat. Continued cooling is expected through midweek. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/mtr  968 WWUS53 KGLD 080403 SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1103 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSC023-080411- /O.CAN.KGLD.SV.W.0247.000000T0000Z-200908T0430Z/ Cheyenne KS- 1103 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CHEYENNE COUNTY IN NORTHWESTERN KANSAS IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3984 10099 3972 10141 3986 10141 4000 10124 4000 10122 TIME...MOT...LOC 0401Z 230DEG 24KT 3984 10130 $$ KSC153-080430- /O.CON.KGLD.SV.W.0247.000000T0000Z-200908T0430Z/ Rawlins KS- 1103 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN RAWLINS COUNTY... At 1101 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles northeast of McDonald, or 13 miles west of Atwood, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Atwood, McDonald, Blakeman and Beardsley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3984 10099 3972 10141 3986 10141 4000 10124 4000 10122 TIME...MOT...LOC 0401Z 230DEG 24KT 3984 10130 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  985 WAIY31 LIIB 080409 LIMM AIRMET 9 VALID 080430/080530 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR ISOL TCU OBS WI N4444 E01034 - N4505 E00905 - N4445 E00856 - N4418 E01118 - N4444 E01034 TOP FL150 STNR WKN=  936 WWUS83 KGLD 080408 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1108 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ002-003-NEZ080-080430- Rawlins KS-Decatur KS-Hitchcock NE- 1108 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN RAWLINS... NORTHWESTERN DECATUR AND SOUTHEASTERN HITCHCOCK COUNTIES UNTIL 1130 PM CDT... At 1107 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Ludell, or 6 miles northeast of Atwood, moving northeast at 40 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Herndon and Ludell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4001 10076 4000 10076 4000 10075 3995 10066 3979 10091 3989 10108 4008 10087 TIME...MOT...LOC 0407Z 225DEG 33KT 3987 10094 $$ AW  358 WSBM31 VYYY 080409 VYYF SIGMET 01 VALID 080409/080809 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1648 E09553 - N1600 E09712 - N1337 E09739 - N1249 E09633 - N1416 E09233 - N1811 E09217 - N1648 E09553 TOP FL530 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  473 WSIY31 LIIB 080416 LIMM SIGMET 2 VALID 080430/080830 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4633 E01345 - N4648 E01223 - N4422 E00649 - N4307 E00940 - N4540 E01325 - N4633 E01345 FL250/400 STNR NC=  329 WAIY32 LIIB 080416 LIRR AIRMET 3 VALID 080500/080700 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3954 E00757 - N4002 E01053 - N3746 E01056 - N3858 E00758 - N3954 E00757 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  993 WAAK47 PAWU 080412 WA7O JNUS WA 080415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 081215 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB S PAHN OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC W CHATHAM STRAIT OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD NW PAKT MTS OBSC IN CLDS. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS AFT 10Z. DTRT. . ERN GLF CST JE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF NW PAAP OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 080415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 081215 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB AFT 10Z N PAGY OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. INTSF. . ERN GLF CST JE SPRDG E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . =JNUZ WA 080415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 081215 . NONE . JAM SEP 2020 AAWU  642 WWUS53 KGLD 080413 SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1113 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSC153-080430- /O.CON.KGLD.SV.W.0247.000000T0000Z-200908T0430Z/ Rawlins KS- 1113 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 PM CDT FOR NORTHWESTERN RAWLINS COUNTY... At 1112 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles northeast of McDonald, or 11 miles northwest of Atwood, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Blakeman and Beardsley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3984 10099 3978 10124 3988 10139 4000 10124 4000 10122 TIME...MOT...LOC 0412Z 230DEG 24KT 3989 10122 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  633 WHUS76 KMTR 080413 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 PZZ560-081215- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0178.200908T1600Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm- 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM PDT TUESDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 9 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ576-080515- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10-60 NM- 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds will fall below advisory criteria. $$ PZZ531-080515- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T0400Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... Winds will fall below advisory criteria. $$ PZZ540-081215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.200908T0500Z-200908T1600Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 nm- 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-081215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm- 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ530-081215- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.200908T1000Z-200908T2200Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 913 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 3 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 3 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  052 WAIY32 LIIB 080418 LIRR AIRMET 4 VALID 080500/080700 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3631 E01317 - N3628 E01634 - N3739 E01652 - N3801 E01418 - N3631 E01317 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  158 WSCI35 ZGGG 080411 ZGZU SIGMET 2 VALID 080440/080840 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2316 E11755 - N2029 E11134 - N2030 E10800 - N2434 E10549 - N2634 E11400 - N2316 E11755 TOP FL400 MOV N 20KMH NC=  001 WWCN02 CYZX 080416 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 WING GOOSE BAY PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:16 AM ADT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: 5 WING GOOSE BAY (CYYR) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 09/1500Z (UNTIL 09/1200 ADT) TYPE: GUST SPREAD WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER VALID: UNTIL 09/0900Z (UNTIL 09/0600 ADT) COMMENTS: A STRONG LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM OVER NORTHERN QUEBEC IS BRINGING STRONG AND GUSTY SOUTHERLY WINDS TO GOOSE BAY. A GUST SPREAD NEAR 15 KNOTS IN ADDITION TO GUSTS BETWEEN 30 AND 35 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE NIGHT AND INTO TUESDAY MORNING, AHEAD OF THE ASSOCIATED COLD FRONT. IT IS LIKELY THAT THE WINDS WILL DIMINISH SLIGHTLY BELOW WARNING CRITERIA TUESDAY MIDDAY DURING THE PASSAGE OF THE COLD FRONT. HOWEVER, WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO INCREASE AGAIN LATE TUESDAY AFTERNOON WITH GUSTS IN EXCESS OF 30 KNOTS, AND SWITCH TO A WESTERLY DIRECTION. WINDS WILL FINALLY DIMINISH BELOW WARNING CRITERIA WEDNESDAY MORNING AS THE LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM EXITS TOWARD LABRADOR SEA. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 08/1630Z (08/1330 ADT) END/JMC  599 WAAK48 PAWU 080418 WA8O ANCS WA 080415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 081215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB N PATK OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR/BR. IMPR. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD SE MONTAGUE ISLAND OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KODIAK IS AE SRN EXPOSURES MTS OBSC IN CLDS. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH VCY AHKLUN MTS OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC CLDS/ISOL PCPN. IMPR. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA W OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. SPRDG TO ALL SXNS AMCHITKA W AFT 12Z. DTRT. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA W MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG E TO ALL SXNS AMCHITKA W AFT 12Z. DTRT. . =ANCT WA 080415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 081215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 13Z PANC S ALG ERN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 090. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC WRANGELL MTS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC SW PAGK MOD TURB FL230-FL380. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC WRANGELL MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 120. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD PAWD-PACV LN NW MOD TURB FL230-FL380 PER PIREP. NC. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 13Z E PASL OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAFS-PASV LN W AREAS LLWS. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG PABE SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH TIL 07Z ALG CST/OFSHR PADL W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 13Z SE PADU OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 10Z PASY W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . =ANCZ WA 080415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 081215 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB N PANC OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-130. FZLVL 060. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC NW PAGK OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-130. FZLVL 070. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-130. FZLVL 050. NC. . NS/JAM SEP 2020 AAWU  750 WWUS83 KGLD 080419 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1019 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ001-002-NEZ079-080445- Rawlins KS-Cheyenne KS-Dundy NE- 1019 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 1019 PM MDT/1119 PM CDT/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles northwest of Bird City, or 11 miles northeast of St. Francis, moving northeast at 25 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Benkelman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3985 10149 3994 10167 4010 10155 3997 10128 TIME...MOT...LOC 0419Z 220DEG 22KT 3985 10162 $$ AW  954 WSMX31 MMMX 080419 MMEX SIGMET W2 VALID 080419/080819 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0419Z WI N1502 W9605 N1856 W9523 N1817 W9321 N1921 W9009 N1751 W8857 N1426 W9240 CB TOP ABV FL500 MOV W 10 KT INTSF. =  181 WSSR20 WSSS 080420 WSJC SIGMET 4 VALID 080430/080730 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0353 E11038 - N0607 E11022 - N0745 E11239 - N0629 E11400 - N0353 E11038 TOP FL500 MOV W 15KT NC=  762 WSSR20 WSSS 080420 WSJC SIGMET 4 VALID 080430/080730 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0353 E11038 - N0607 E11022 - N0745 E11239 - N0629 E11400 - N0353 E11038 TOP FL500 MOV W 15KT NC=  430 WSSR20 WSSS 080420 WSJC SIGMET 5 VALID 080430/080730 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0002 E10509 - N0103 E10517 - N0115 E10626 - S0005 E10745 - S0050 E10602 - N0002 E10509 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT WKN=  431 WSSR20 WSSS 080420 WSJC SIGMET 5 VALID 080430/080730 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0002 E10509 - N0103 E10517 - N0115 E10626 - S0005 E10745 - S0050 E10602 - N0002 E10509 TOP FL480 MOV W 10KT WKN=  672 WWUS85 KLKN 080420 SPSLKN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Elko NV 920 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NVZ030-031-036-038-081500- Humboldt County-Northern Elko County- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwest Elko County- Including the cities of Golconda, Winnemucca, Valmy, Dufferena, Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, Tuscarora, Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, Palisade, Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, and Spring Creek 920 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Blowing Dust This Evening and Overnight... Blowing dust is expected across much of northern NV this evening, and through the overnight hours, which may reduce visibilities down to 1-3 miles at times. Motorist in Humboldt County and along portions of I80 from Winnemucca to Elko have the best chances of encountering the reduced visibilities. Drivers across northern NV are urged to use caution. Strong northwesterly winds are blowing dust from southeastern Oregon, southeast across Humboldt County, into western Elko County and over portions of northern Lander and Eureka Counties. Winds are expected to shift to a more northeasterly direction on Tuesday. The wind shift should end the blowing dust in all areas expect possibly Humboldt County. Visit www.weather.gov/elko for the latest weather information. $$  049 WWUS43 KUNR 080421 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1021 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Heavy snow continues over the Black Hills and parts of northeastern Wyoming through early Tuesday... .Widespread precipitation will continue through early Tuesday before tapering off from north to south. Across higher elevations of the Black Hills and southern Campbell County in northeast Wyoming, most of the remaining precipitation will fall as snow. Although some of the snow will melt on contact, several inches of accumulation are expected, with highest accumulations above 4500 feet across the Black Hills. SDZ024-028-029-WYZ057-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern Black Hills-Central Black Hills-Southern Black Hills- Wyoming Black Hills- Including Lead, Deadwood, Brownsville, Cheyenne Crossing, Galena, Nemo, Hill City, Mt Rushmore, Deerfield, Mystic, Pactola Reservoir, Rochford, Custer, Jewel Cave, Pringle, Custer State Park, Sundance, and Four Corners 1021 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY ABOVE 4500 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected, with the highest amounts above 4500 feet. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches. * WHERE...In Wyoming, the Wyoming Black Hills. In South Dakota, the Northern Black Hills, the Central Black Hills and the Southern Black Hills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be hazardous due to slushy or snow- covered roads. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Since the leaves are still on the trees, heavy snow accumulations may lead to breaking and falling tree branches and limbs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$ WYZ055-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southern Campbell- Including Wright 1021 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches with the highest amounts in the higher terrain southwest of Wright. * WHERE...Southern Campbell County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Since the leaves are still on the trees, heavy snow accumulation may lead to breaking and falling tree branches and limbs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$  847 WWGM80 PGUM 080422 AWWGUM GUZ001-080830- AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GUAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TIYAN GU 222 PM ChST Tue Sep 8 2020 A THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IS IN EFFECT FOR GUAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT UNTIL 630 PM THIS EVENING. THUNDERSTORMS ARE POSSIBLE OR OCCURING WITHIN 20 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE AIRPORT. BE ALERT AND TAKE PRECAUTIONS AS REQUIRED. $$ ZIOBRO  938 WSBZ01 SBBR 080400 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0515 W07256 - S0639 W07307 - S0732 W07357 - S1003 W07206 - S0924 W07031 - S1055 W07034 - S1100 W06843 - S0950 W06639 - S0937 W06531 - S1105 W06526 - S1026 W06414 - S0808 W06647 - S0819 W06833 - S0515 W07256 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  939 WSBZ01 SBBR 080400 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 080100/080500 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0222 W06319 - N0224 W06356 - N0420 W06441 - N0336 W06245 - N0508 W06028 - N0405 W05930 - N0259 W05956 - N0140 W05938 - N0108 W05845 - N0201 W05710 - N0153 W05553 - N0230 W05601 - N0232 W05445 - N0203 W05403 - S0111 W05633 - S0036 W06036 - N0222 W06319 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  950 WAUS41 KKCI 080422 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 080422 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW ETX TO 20SE JFK TO 20ENE ORF TO 80S ECG TO 20S ILM TO 30NNE FLO TO 20E LYH TO DCA TO 40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...NY LO PA OH LE WV FROM 30ESE MSS TO 50WSW MPV TO 40E EWC TO 20E APE TO 20W ROD TO FWA TO 20S DXO TO 20NW SYR TO 30ESE MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...OH WV MD VA FROM 20S AIR TO 40NNW CSN TO 20E PSK TO 30NNE HMV TO 20SW HNN TO 20S AIR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME MA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 180S ACK TO 20SSE JFK TO 20S ACK TO 20SSE ENE TO 50WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 60SE YQB TO HUL TO 50WSW YSJ TO 20SSE ENE TO 20S ACK TO 20S JFK TO 60WSW YSC TO 20ESE YSC TO 60SE YQB CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 40NNE ENE TO CON TO HAR TO 20ENE PSB TO 30WSW PSB TO 20NNE EWC TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...IFR VT NY LO PA OH LE WV BOUNDED BY MSS-40W MPV-30NW JST-20E APE-50S FWA-FWA-30SSW DXO- 60WNW SYR-MSS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS ENDG BY 15Z. . AREA 2...IFR NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA NC SC AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NW ETX-20SSW SAX-20S JFK-20NE ECG-70SSE ECG-40SSW ILM-30SW FLO-50S LYH-20N CSN-40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN WV VA BOUNDED BY 30SSW AIR-50WNW CSN-30NE PSK-40N HMV-HNN-30SSW AIR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  588 WWUS75 KPIH 080423 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 1023 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IDZ060-061-063>066-068>071-074-075-080530- /O.CAN.KPIH.WI.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Bear River Range-Bear Lake Valley-Caribou Range- Big Hole Mountains-Teton Valley-Centennial Mountains - Island Park-Lost River Valley-Lost River Range- Challis/Pahsimeroi Valleys-Frank Church Wilderness- Big Lost Highlands/Copper Basin-Wood River Foothills- Including the cities of Emigration Summit, St. Charles, Montpelier, Georgetown, Wayan, Swan Valley, Victor, Ashton, Tetonia, Driggs, Island Park, Kilgore, Howe, Arco, Mackay, Chilly, Borah Peak, Challis, Clayton, Copper Basin, Hailey, Bellevue, and Picabo 1023 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ IDZ051>055-081200- /O.EXT.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds-Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain- Lower Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley- Including the cities of Shoshone, Richfield, Carey, Mud Lake, INL, Craters of the Moon NM, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, St. Anthony, Pocatello, Blackfoot, American Falls, Shelley, Fort Hall, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley 1023 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 55 mph expected. For the Freeze Warning, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Mud Lake, Idaho National Labs, Idaho Falls, Ammon, Rexburg, Rigby, St. Anthony, Pocatello, Blackfoot, American Falls, Burley and Heyburn. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines and can cause damage to structures. Widespread power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles, RVs and trucks with trailers. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ056>058-067-081200- /O.EXT.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Marsh and Arbon Highlands-Beaverhead - Lemhi Highlands- Including the cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small 1023 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, and Lava Hot Springs. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ IDZ059-062-081200- /O.EXT.KPIH.WI.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Franklin/Eastern Oneida Region-Blackfoot Mountains- Including the cities of Malad, Preston, Thatcher, Grace, Soda Springs, Henry, and Bone 1023 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Malad, Preston, Thatcher, Emigration Summit, St. Charles, Montpelier, Georgetown, Grace, Soda Springs, Henry, Bone, Wayan, Swan Valley, Victor, Ashton, Tetonia, Driggs, Island Park, Kilgore, Howe, Arco, Mackay, Chilly, Borah Peak, Challis, Clayton, Copper Basin, Hailey, Bellevue, and Picabo. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust may reduce driving visibility during period of strongest winds. Drive with extra caution in these conditions. Very choppy waves are expected on area waterways; boaters should also exercise caution or get off the water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/pocatello  245 WAAK49 PAWU 080424 WA9O FAIS WA 080415 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 081215 . UPR YKN VLY FB NW PATA-PFYU LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . UPR YKN VLY FB NW PATA-PFYU LN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . TANANA VLY FC AK RANGE W MENTASTA PASS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG ALG NRN MTS AFT 08Z. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAFM-PABT LN N OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF W PAGA-PASL LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH SURVEY PASS W OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI W PADE AND PAOT E MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAGL E OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAGL E MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =FAIT WA 080415 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 081215 . UPR YKN VLY FB PATA-PFYU LN SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . UPR YKN VLY FB ALG SRN MTS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . UPR YKN VLY FB PFYU SW AREAS OF LLWS. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC ALG AK RANGE SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . TANANA VLY FC OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . TANANA VLY FC N AK RANGE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. NC. . TANANA VLY FC VCY AK RANGE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 120. NC. . TANANA VLY FC NW PAFA-PAIN LN AREAS OF LLWS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE TIL 10Z SE PAHL-PABT LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE SE PABT-PAHL LN AREAS LLWS. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF PARY-PAHC LN SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF TIL 10Z PAGA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 060. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF AREAS OF LLWS. NC. . =FAIZ WA 080415 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 081215 . UPR YKN VLY FB TIL 07Z PACR SE OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-130. FZLVL 060. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC SW PAMH-PAFA LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-130. MOVG TO ALL SXNS SW PANN-PABI LN BY 07Z. FZLVL 060 EXC 080 E. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF TIL 13Z SE PAGA-PAHC LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 080-130. FZLVL 060. WKN. . NS SEP 2020 AAWU  910 WUUS53 KGLD 080427 SVRGLD KSC153-NEC087-080515- /O.NEW.KGLD.SV.W.0248.200908T0427Z-200908T0515Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Goodland KS 1127 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Goodland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Rawlins County in northwestern Kansas... Southeastern Hitchcock County in southwestern Nebraska... * Until 1215 AM CDT. * At 1126 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles northwest of Atwood, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Trenton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3984 10113 3996 10129 4021 10103 4006 10076 TIME...MOT...LOC 0426Z 223DEG 23KT 3995 10113 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  062 WSMX31 MMMX 080428 MMEX SIGMET X1 VALID 080427/080827 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0427Z WI N1918 W10755 N2317 W10549 N2019 W9659 N1634 W10013 CB TOP ABV FL500 MOV W 10 KT WKN. =  143 WWUS86 KSTO 080428 AWWRDD CAC089-082230 Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Sacramento CA 924 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Airport Weather Warning... The National Weather Service in Sacramento has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Redding Municipal Airport The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts greater than 35 knots. Expect north wind gusts between 0800 and 1500 hours on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. $$ EH  602 WSCH31 SCTE 080429 SCTZ SIGMET 02 VALID 080507/080907 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S4130 W07220 - S4500 W07260 FL060/140 STNR INTSF=  162 WWUS83 KGLD 080432 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1132 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ002-003-NEZ080-081-080445- Rawlins KS-Decatur KS-Red Willow NE-Hitchcock NE- 1132 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN RAWLINS... NORTHWESTERN DECATUR...SOUTHERN RED WILLOW AND SOUTHEASTERN HITCHCOCK COUNTIES UNTIL 1145 PM CDT... At 1132 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 8 miles north of Herndon to 10 miles south of McCook to 5 miles southeast of Danbury. Movement was north at 20 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Herndon, Danbury, Lebanon, Traer and Cedar Bluffs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4009 10076 4017 10054 4004 10021 3989 10035 3985 10092 TIME...MOT...LOC 0432Z 197DEG 17KT 4002 10081 4006 10058 3997 10035 $$ AW  892 WWUS86 KSGX 080432 RFWSGX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 932 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 CAZ248-250-255>258-260-265-554-081245- /O.CON.KSGX.FW.W.0002.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys - The Inland Empire- San Diego County Inland Valleys-San Bernardino County Mountains- Including The Mountain Top And Front Country Ranger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest-Riverside County Mountains- Including The San Jacinto Ranger District Of The San Bernardino National Forest-Santa Ana Mountains- Including The Trabuco Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest-San Diego County Mountains- Including The Palomar And Descanso Ranger Districts of the Cleveland National Forest-Victor Valley-Apple Valley- Lucerne Valley-Johnson Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning- Orange County Inland Areas- 932 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR THE MOUNTAINS...HIGH DESERT...INLAND VALLEYS AND INLAND ORANGE COUNTY... * WIND...Areas of east to northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph, gusts up to 55 mph possible in the windiest locations. * HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 5 to 10 percent with poor recovery Tuesday night. * TIMING...Noon Tuesday through 8 PM Wednesday. Strong northeast to east winds will begin earlier in Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange counties, and about 3 hours later in San Diego County. * OUTLOOK...Winds will weaken for Thursday into the weekend with higher coastal humidity spreading gradually inland for Thursday into the weekend. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of wind...low relative humidity...and heat can contribute to extreme fire behavior. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ Connolly  753 WSVS31 VVGL 080440 VVTS SIGMET 1 VALID 080440/080740 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0850 E10745 - N1020 E10705 - N1150 E10935 - N0950 E11015 - N0850 E10745 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  072 WGUS43 KIND 080436 FLWIND BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1236 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC023-067-159-080815- /O.NEW.KIND.FA.W.0023.200908T0436Z-200908T0815Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clinton IN-Howard IN-Tipton IN- 1236 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northeastern Clinton County in central Indiana... Southern Howard County in central Indiana... Tipton County in central Indiana... * Until 415 AM EDT. * At 1236 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported heavy rain in the warned area due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing. Between 4 and 5.5 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Kokomo, Elwood, Tipton, Windfall, Greentown, Russiaville, Sharpsville, Kempton and Indian Heights. Rainfall has come to an end, but standing water will continue for several more hours. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 4044 8635 4051 8586 4027 8586 4024 8630 $$ AW  073 WGUS83 KIND 080436 FLSIND Flood Advisory National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1236 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC023-067-159-080446- /O.CAN.KIND.FA.Y.0045.000000T0000Z-200908T0515Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clinton IN-Howard IN-Tipton IN- 1236 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN CLINTON, SOUTHERN HOWARD AND TIPTON COUNTIES HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD WARNING... LAT...LON 4044 8635 4051 8586 4027 8586 4024 8630 $$ AW  066 WSAU21 AMRF 080436 YMMM SIGMET P08 VALID 080436/080442 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET P07 080042/080442=  633 WUUS53 KGLD 080436 SVRGLD NEC057-087-080515- /O.NEW.KGLD.SV.W.0249.200908T0436Z-200908T0515Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Goodland KS 1036 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Goodland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Hitchcock County in southwestern Nebraska... Southeastern Dundy County in southwestern Nebraska... * Until 1115 PM MDT/1215 AM CDT/. * At 1036 PM MDT/1136 PM CDT/, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 3 miles northwest of Benkelman to 20 miles north of McDonald to 9 miles southwest of Stratton, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Benkelman, Palisade, Stratton and Max. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4029 10095 4000 10125 4001 10154 4005 10168 4035 10132 4035 10104 TIME...MOT...LOC 0436Z 230DEG 32KT 4008 10159 4007 10146 4004 10133 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  485 WSAU21 AMRF 080438 YMMM SIGMET V01 VALID 080500/080900 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4340 E14810 - S4340 E14600 - S4240 E14610 - S4220 E14710 - S4110 E14720 - S4100 E14830 SFC/7000FT STNR NC=  004 WSVS31 VVGL 080450 VVNB SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080800 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1815 E10535 - N2050 E10510 - N2215 E10630 - N2115 E10805 - N2000 E10755 - N1905 E10715 - N1815 E10535 TOP FL480 STNR WKN=  725 WGUS81 KILN 080441 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1241 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC021-037-109-149-080730- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.Y.0129.200908T0441Z-200908T0730Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Champaign OH-Darke OH-Miami OH- 1241 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Southern Shelby County in west central Ohio... Western Champaign County in west central Ohio... Darke County in west central Ohio... Miami County in west central Ohio... * Until 330 AM EDT. * At 1237 AM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms with heavy rain have moved into the advisory area. Rainfall rates of one to two inches per hour are possible. * Minor flooding of low-lying and poorly drained streets, highways and underpasses will occur. In addition, farmland near creeks, streams and drainage ditches will experience minor flooding. Some locations that will experience minor flooding include... Troy, Piqua, Greenville, Tipp City, West Milton, Versailles, Covington, Arcanum, St. Paris, Bradford, Union City, Pleasant Hill, Ansonia, New Madison, Webster, Wayne Lakes, Russia, Christiansburg, Gettysburg and Laura. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4024 8480 4025 8402 4027 8401 4026 8380 4003 8382 4004 8403 3996 8405 3996 8481 $$ ch  522 WWUS83 KILX 080442 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1142 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ILZ029-031-036-037-080545- Tazewell-Peoria-Woodford-Fulton- 1142 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL WOODFORD...EAST CENTRAL FULTON...CENTRAL TAZEWELL...NORTHERN MASON AND SOUTHERN PEORIA COUNTIES UNTIL 1245 AM CDT... At 1142 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over St. David, or near Canton, moving northeast at 25 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Peoria, Pekin, Canton, East Peoria, Morton, Washington, Bartonville, Creve Coeur, West Peoria, Germantown Hills, Marquette Heights, Tremont, Bellevue, Mackinaw, South Pekin, Glasford, Peoria Heights, North Pekin, Groveland and Norwood. This includes the following highways... Interstate 155 between mile markers 24 and 31. Interstate 474 between mile markers 2 and 14. Interstate 74 between mile markers 88 and 105. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4081 8949 4052 8936 4043 8988 4044 8993 4042 8995 4041 9002 4056 9004 TIME...MOT...LOC 0442Z 246DEG 23KT 4050 9000 $$ Shimon  769 WSAU21 AMRF 080441 YMMM SIGMET O11 VALID 080500/080700 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3920 E14610 - YMNG - S3750 E14800 SFC/7000FT STNR WKN=  305 WSCO31 SKBO 080442 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 2 VALID 080415/080815 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0354Z WI N1147 W07519 - N1025 W07505 - N1052 W07302 - N1203 W07305 - N1147 W07519 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  769 WWUS75 KBOU 080443 NPWBOU URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 1043 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 COZ038>051-081245- /O.CON.KBOU.FZ.W.0001.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Northeast Weld County-Central and South Weld County-Morgan County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Southeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/South Lincoln County- Logan County-Washington County-Sedgwick County-Phillips County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, Larkspur, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Brush, Fort Morgan, Goodrich, Wiggins, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, Matheson, Forder, Karval, Kutch, Punkin Center, Crook, Merino, Sterling, Peetz, Akron, Cope, Last Chance, Otis, Julesburg, Ovid, Sedgwick, Amherst, Haxtun, and Holyoke 1043 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Plains of northeast Colorado. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  588 WWUS83 KGLD 080445 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1145 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ002-003-NEZ080-081-080500- Rawlins KS-Decatur KS-Red Willow NE-Hitchcock NE- 1145 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN RAWLINS... NORTHWESTERN DECATUR...SOUTHWESTERN RED WILLOW AND SOUTHEASTERN HITCHCOCK COUNTIES UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT... At 1144 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles northeast of Herndon, or 14 miles northwest of Oberlin, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Cedar Bluffs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3991 10074 4001 10084 4013 10066 3997 10049 TIME...MOT...LOC 0444Z 233DEG 22KT 3998 10070 $$ AW  123 WSCO31 SKBO 080447 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET A1 VALID 080450/080750 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0402Z WI N0747 W07512 - N0959 W07353 - N0946 W07252 - N0811 W07344 - N0735 W07441 - N0747 W07512 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  408 WSUS32 KKCI 080455 SIGC MKCC WST 080455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11C VALID UNTIL 0655Z IN IL MO IA FROM 30NNW JOT-40SW GIJ-20S BVT-UIN-30ENE IRK-30NNW JOT AREA TS MOV FROM 26020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12C VALID UNTIL 0655Z WI IL MO IA NE LM FROM 10WNW BAE-40NNE ORD-30E IRK-40NW PWE-40ESE OBH-10WNW BAE AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13C VALID UNTIL 0655Z NE CO FROM 30SE BFF-40SW LBF-30SE DEN-DEN-30SE BFF AREA TS MOV FROM 24025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14C VALID UNTIL 0655Z KS NE FROM 50W MCK-50NE HLC LINE SEV TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 080655-081055 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30S IRK-40W COU-50SW MCI-PWE-50NE HLC-40N GLD-60SE DEN-30SW DEN-60NE BFF-40W FOD-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  784 WWUS83 KGLD 080448 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1148 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ004-080500- Norton KS- 1148 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN NORTON COUNTY UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT... At 1148 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Wilsonville, or 14 miles northwest of Norton, moving northeast at 40 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Norton County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3988 10006 3995 10018 3999 10018 4000 10017 4000 9989 TIME...MOT...LOC 0448Z 215DEG 35KT 3997 10009 $$ AW  570 WSUS31 KKCI 080455 SIGE MKCE WST 080455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9E VALID UNTIL 0655Z NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 90SE ECG-100SE ILM-70SE CHS LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 08005KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10E VALID UNTIL 0655Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSW EYW-40ENE EYW-110SSE MIA LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 16010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11E VALID UNTIL 0655Z OH IN FROM 40SW GIJ-20ESE CLE-30NNW AIR-50SE APE-20S BVT-40SW GIJ AREA TS MOV FROM 28025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080655-081055 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-40W MIA-TRV-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  571 WSUS33 KKCI 080455 SIGW MKCW WST 080455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7W VALID UNTIL 0655Z WY UT 60ENE SLC ISOL TS D25 MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 080655-081055 FROM 40SSW SHR-50ESE OCS-MTU-SLC-50SSW BPI-50SE TWF-30E TWF-30NW JAC-40SSW SHR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  133 WWUS83 KGID 080450 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 1150 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NEZ082-083-080530- Harlan NE-Furnas NE- 1150 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL FURNAS AND WEST CENTRAL HARLAN COUNTIES UNTIL 1230 AM CDT... At 1150 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Wilsonville, or 13 miles northwest of Norton, moving northeast at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Oxford, Beaver City, Stamford, Edison, Hendley and Hollinger. LAT...LON 4035 9971 4035 9969 4016 9952 4000 9981 4000 10019 TIME...MOT...LOC 0450Z 231DEG 36KT 3998 10006 $$ JCB  873 WWUS73 KGLD 080452 NPWGLD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Goodland KS 1052 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 COZ090>092-081300- /O.CON.KGLD.FZ.W.0001.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Yuma County-Kit Carson County-Cheyenne County- Including the cities of Yuma, Wray, Burlington, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne Wells 1052 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Yuma County, Kit Carson County and Cheyenne County Counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  633 WSCI38 ZYTX 080452 ZYSH SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080900 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE N5116 E12652 - N3938 E11943 AND NE OF LINE N3911 E11953 - N3817 E12113 AND NE OF LINE N3817 E12228 - N3903 E12404 FL100/200 STNR NC =  323 WWUS53 KGLD 080454 SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1154 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSC153-080504- /O.CAN.KGLD.SV.W.0248.000000T0000Z-200908T0515Z/ Rawlins KS- 1154 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL RAWLINS COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4000 10086 4004 10121 4021 10103 4006 10076 TIME...MOT...LOC 0454Z 223DEG 23KT 4008 10097 $$ NEC087-080515- /O.CON.KGLD.SV.W.0248.000000T0000Z-200908T0515Z/ Hitchcock NE- 1154 PM CDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 AM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN HITCHCOCK COUNTY... At 1154 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles south of Trenton, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Trenton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4000 10086 4004 10121 4021 10103 4006 10076 TIME...MOT...LOC 0454Z 223DEG 23KT 4008 10097 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  898 WWUS53 KGLD 080456 SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1056 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NEC057-087-080515- /O.CON.KGLD.SV.W.0249.000000T0000Z-200908T0515Z/ Hitchcock NE-Dundy NE- 1056 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM MDT/1215 AM CDT/ FOR WESTERN HITCHCOCK AND EAST CENTRAL DUNDY COUNTIES... At 1056 PM MDT/1156 PM CDT/, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 10 miles northeast of Benkelman to near Stratton, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Palisade and Stratton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4029 10095 4008 10117 4013 10139 4035 10132 4035 10104 TIME...MOT...LOC 0456Z 230DEG 32KT 4018 10144 4017 10131 4014 10118 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AW  906 WSCO31 SKBO 080456 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080800 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0411Z WI N0602 W07627 - N0515 W07625 - N0446 W07453 - N0616 W07410 - N0602 W07627 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  907 WSRO31 LROM 080456 LRBB SIGMET T01 VALID 080456/080656 LROM- LRBB BUCURESTI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4635 E02305 - N4705 E02455 - N4645 E02505 - N4615 E02320 - N4635 E02305 TOP FL320 MOV ESE 15KT NC=  085 WARH31 LDZM 080433 LDZO AIRMET 3 VALID 080500/080700 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4526 E01339 - N4536 E01431 - N4406 E01621 - N4343 E01546 - N4526 E01339 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  601 WSID21 WAAA 080457 WAAZ SIGMET 04 VALID 080457/080757 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0048 E12310 - N0037 E12417 - S0011 E12438 - S0119 E12427 - S0124 E12327 - N0024 E12242 - N0048 E12310 TOP FL480 MOV W 20KT NC=  799 WWUS53 KGLD 080502 SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1102 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NEC057-087-080511- /O.CAN.KGLD.SV.W.0249.000000T0000Z-200908T0515Z/ Hitchcock NE-Dundy NE- 1102 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WESTERN HITCHCOCK AND EAST CENTRAL DUNDY COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 4029 10095 4008 10117 4013 10139 4035 10132 4035 10104 TIME...MOT...LOC 0500Z 230DEG 32KT 4020 10140 4019 10127 4016 10114 $$ JN  596 WWUS53 KGLD 080502 RRA SVSGLD Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1202 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEC087-080512- /O.CAN.KGLD.SV.W.0248.000000T0000Z-200908T0515Z/ Hitchcock NE- 1202 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN HITCHCOCK COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4000 10086 4004 10121 4021 10103 4006 10076 TIME...MOT...LOC 0500Z 223DEG 23KT 4012 10092 $$ JN  139 WWUS83 KGLD 080504 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1104 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 KSZ003-004-NEZ079>081-080545- Norton KS-Decatur KS-Red Willow NE-Hitchcock NE-Dundy NE- 1104 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN NORTON...NORTHERN DECATUR...RED WILLOW...HITCHCOCK AND NORTHEASTERN DUNDY COUNTIES UNTIL 1145 PM MDT/1245 AM CDT/... At 1104 PM MDT/1204 AM CDT/, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 9 miles west of Stratton to 3 miles northwest of Norcatur. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... McCook, Trenton, Culbertson, Indianola, Palisade, Bartley and Norcatur. LAT...LON 4000 10019 4000 9996 3982 10018 4024 10146 4035 10140 4035 10020 TIME...MOT...LOC 0504Z 216DEG 31KT 4020 10141 3987 10023 $$ JN  927 WSPR31 SPJC 080504 SPIM SIGMET A2 VALID 080510/080810 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0440Z WI S1040 W07506 - S0931 W07411 - S0752 W07540 - S0719 W07722 - S0840 W07715 - S1040 W07506 TOP FL450 MOV NW NC=  427 WSFG20 TFFF 080505 SOOO SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0715 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N1000 W04800 - N1245 W03930 - N1115 W03915 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  810 WSAU21 AMMC 080506 YBBB SIGMET B02 VALID 080530/080930 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5000 E16100 - S5000 E15530 - S3800 E14600 - S3730 E14830 10000FT/FL190 MOV ESE 30KT NC=  811 WSAU21 AMMC 080506 YMMM SIGMET Q08 VALID 080530/080930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5000 E16100 - S5000 E15530 - S3800 E14600 - S3730 E14830 10000FT/FL190 MOV ESE 30KT NC=  669 WWUS86 KLOX 080509 RFWLOX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY... ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM WEDNESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY.. .The Red Flag Warnings due to northerly winds for the mountains and Santa Barbara south coast have been allowed to expire as of 10 pm, as these winds will continue to slowly weaken overnight. Gusty Santa Ana winds with very low humidities will bring widespread critical fire weather conditions to Ventura and Los Angeles counties Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday. The strongest Santa Ana winds are expected Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Fuels after this historic heat wave will be at critical levels as we enter into the Santa Ana wind event. CAZ253-254-081730- /O.EXP.KLOX.FW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Mountains / Los Padres National Forest- Los Angeles County Mountains / Angeles National Forest- 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTY MOUNTAINS DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...For Tuesday and Wednesday, north to northeast winds 20 to 40 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Isolated gusts around 60 mph possible. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Temperatures...Temperatures of 80 to 90 degrees are expected on Wednesday. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. In addition to the threat of a wind driven fire, there is a significant threat of large plume dominated fires with extreme fire behavior in areas where winds are lighter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ239-252-080615- /O.EXP.KLOX.FW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Santa Barbara County South Coast-Santa Barbara County Mountains- 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING HAS EXPIRED FOR THE SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MOUNTAINS AND SOUTH COAST DUE TO GUSTY SUNDOWNER WINDS, LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY, AND VERY HOT TEMPERATURES... Locally breezy sundowner winds are expected to continue, slowly diminishing overnight. Widespread Red Flag conditions are no longer expected. $$ CAZ246-081730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area- 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...North to northeast winds developing Tuesday afternoon and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with gusts between 50 and 60 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ244-245-288-547-548-081730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Clarita Valley-Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VALLEYS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...North to northeast winds expected to develop Tuesday afternoon and continue through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with peak gusts between 40 and 55 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ240-081730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200909T1000Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Coast- 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR COASTAL AREAS OF VENTURA COUNTY DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...Northeast winds are expected to develop late Tuesday afternoon or evening and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with peak gusts around 40 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ241-081730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200909T1000Z-200910T0300Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- 1009 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY FROM MALIBU TO THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS DUE TO SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR ... * Winds...North to northeast winds developing late Tuesday afternoon or evening from Malibu to the Hollywood Hills and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with gusts up to 40 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ Gomberg/RAT  907 WWUS75 KPUB 080510 NPWPUB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 1110 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 COZ086-089-093-081315- /O.CON.KPUB.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet-Crowley County- La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- 1110 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Pueblo, Crowley and Otero Counties. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 7 AM MDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight Tuesday night to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages could occur. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ084-081315- /O.CON.KPUB.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 1110 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 7 AM MDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Warning, from noon Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages could occur. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ085-081315- /O.CON.KPUB.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0300Z-200909T1800Z/ Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- 1110 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Southern El Paso County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 7 AM MDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Warning, from 9 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages could occur. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ069>071-087-088-094-081315- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0300Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- Eastern Las Animas County- 1110 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 24 expected. * WHERE...The San Luis Valley, eastern Huerfano and Las Animas Counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ083-081315- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- 1110 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Eastern Fremont County, including Canon City. * WHEN...From midnight Tuesday night to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  074 WABZ23 SBGL 080510 SBRE AIRMET 3 VALID 080510/080910 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 300/0700FT FCST WI S1152 W03931 - S1148 W03829 - S1244 W03829 - S1248 W03930 - S1152 W03931 STNR NC=  112 WWUS76 KSTO 080516 NPWSTO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 1016 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Gusty north to east winds develop across the region tonight and continue Tuesday... .Strong high pressure will build into the Great Basin resulting in cooler temperatures and strong northerly winds over northern California late tonight and Tuesday. CAZ013-015>019-063-066>069-090100- /O.EXP.KSTO.EH.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ /O.CON.KSTO.WI.Y.0012.200908T0700Z-200909T0100Z/ Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County- Northern Sacramento Valley-Central Sacramento Valley- Southern Sacramento Valley-Carquinez Strait and Delta- Northern San Joaquin Valley- Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County- Northeast Foothills/Sacramento Valley-Motherlode- Western Plumas County/Lassen Park- West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- Including the cities of Shasta Dam, Redding, Red Bluff, Chico, Oroville, Marysville/Yuba City, Sacramento, Fairfield/Suisun, Stockton, Modesto, Alder Springs, Paradise, Grass Valley, Jackson, Chester, Quincy, and Blue Canyon 1016 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PDT TUESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING HAS EXPIRED... * WHAT...North to east winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 35 to 40 mph in the Valley, and up to 55 mph through favored mountain canyons and passes. * WHERE...Sacramento Valley and surrounding foothills and mountain terrain. * WHEN...Until 6 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ014-080630- /O.EXP.KSTO.EH.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0500Z/ Burney Basin / Eastern Shasta County- Including the city of Burney 1016 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Cooler temperatures expected tonight and Tuesday. $$  844 WAIY31 LIIB 080522 LIMM AIRMET 10 VALID 080522/080530 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR CNL AIRMET 9 080430/080530=  901 WWUS45 KPUB 080517 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 COZ058>063-076-081-082-084-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1200Z-200909T1800Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Leadville Vicinity/Lake County Below 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Central Chaffee County Below 9000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 16 inches mountains, 4 to 8 inches northern El Paso County. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Chaffee and Lake Counties, northwest Fremont County, Teller County and Pikes Peak, northern El Paso County. * WHEN...From 6 AM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ067-068-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1800Z-200910T1200Z/ Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet-Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 6 AM MDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 20 inches. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to 6 AM MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow amounts, especially across the lower elevations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ069>071-087-088-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 8 inches, with the highest amounts near the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...The San Luis Valley, eastern Huerfano and western Las Animas Counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ072>075-077>080-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1800Z-200910T0600Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO MIDNIGHT MDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Sangre de Cristo and Wet Mountains and Wet Mountain Valley. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to midnight MDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow amounts, particularly across the lower elevations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ064>066-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...La Garita Mountains. * WHEN...From noon Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt on contact during the beginning of the storm, creating highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ085-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200908T1500Z-200909T1800Z/ Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Southern El Paso County, including Colorado Springs. * WHEN...From 9 AM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions at times, especially during the heavier snow when roads could become slushy. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease, resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083-086-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches near the mountains, with up to an inch on grassy surfaces at times across central and eastern Pueblo County. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Pueblo and eastern Fremont Counties near the mountains. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ094-081330- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Eastern Las Animas County- 1117 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM TUESDAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Las Animas County. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  005 WAIY31 LIIB 080523 LIMM AIRMET 11 VALID 080523/080530 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR CNL AIRMET 9 080430/080530=  903 WABZ23 SBGL 080517 SBCW AIRMET 4 VALID 080518/080918 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 700/1000FT FCST WI S2041 W05720 - S2018 W05609 - S2118 W05541 - S2137 W05709 - S2041 W05720 STNR NC=  620 WSKO31 RKSI 080525 RKRR SIGMET X02 VALID 080530/080930 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3454 E12400 - N3549 E12400 - N3621 E12619 - N3523 E12627 - N3454 E12400 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  909 WGUS71 KCLE 080520 FFSCLE Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 120 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC101-080830- /O.CON.KCLE.FF.W.0020.000000T0000Z-200908T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marion OH- 120 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 AM EDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR MARION COUNTY... At 120 AM EDT, local law enforcement reported widespread flooding with water resuces ongoing in Marion. Between 3 and 5 inches of rain have fallen. Flash flooding is already occurring. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Law enforcement. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Marion, Prospect, La Rue, Waldo, Caledonia, New Bloomington and Green Camp. Rainfall rates have decreased but additional rainfall of a half inch to an inch is expected through 4 AM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4066 8340 4064 8296 4049 8296 4049 8302 4043 8303 4044 8325 4051 8325 4051 8342 4065 8340 FLASH FLOOD...OBSERVED EXPECTED RAINFALL...0.5-1 INCH IN 2 HOURS $$ Clark  237 WGUS43 KIWX 080521 FLWIWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 121 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC003-161-080745- /O.EXT.KIWX.FA.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0745Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Allen OH-Van Wert OH- 121 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has extended the * Flood Warning for... Allen County in west central Ohio... Van Wert County in west central Ohio... * Until 345 AM EDT. * At 121 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warning area. Between 2 and 4.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4073 8446 4073 8480 4091 8480 4096 8440 4090 8440 4090 8434 4086 8434 4086 8411 4090 8411 4085 8388 4065 8388 4064 8411 4066 8411 4066 8422 4069 8422 4068 8446 $$ CM  149 WGUS83 KIWX 080522 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 122 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC001-009-053-069-075-169-179-OHC161-080700- /O.CON.KIWX.FA.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T0700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Blackford IN-Grant IN-Huntington IN-Jay IN-Wabash IN-Wells IN-Van Wert OH- 122 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM EDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR GRANT, BLACKFORD, JAY, SOUTHEASTERN WABASH, ADAMS, SOUTHERN HUNTINGTON, WELLS AND WEST CENTRAL VAN WERT COUNTIES... At 122 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated slow moving thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall across the warned area. Between 1 and 3.5 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marion, Bluffton, Decatur, Portland, Hartford City, Gas City, Berne, Upland, Ossian, Fairmount, Dunkirk, Albany, Montpelier, Jonesboro, Redkey, Geneva, Sweetser, Swayzee, La Fontaine and Van Buren. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4063 8586 4072 8572 4079 8541 4090 8506 4091 8479 4073 8478 4073 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 4038 8522 4038 8586 $$ CM  889 WSBZ01 SBBR 080500 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0525 W07257 - S0955 W06657 - S1100 W06845 - S1052 W07035 - S0922 W07031 - S1000 W07202 - S0732 W07401 - S0641 W07308 - S0525 W07257 TOP FL451 STNR NC=  053 WSBZ01 SBBR 080500 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0256 W07007 - S0255 W06629 - S0418 W06519 - S0654 W06508 - S0724 W06601 - S0428 W07024 - S0408 W06959 - S0256 W07007 TOP FL452 STNR NC=  054 WSBZ01 SBBR 080500 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0028 W06230 - N0135 W05800 - N0121 W05641 - S0020 W05645 - S0140 W06130 - S0030 W06242 - N0028 W06230 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  055 WSBZ01 SBBR 080500 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3130 W04722 - S2602 W04242 - S2909 W01032 - S3259 W01120 - S3356 W02937 - S3130 W04722 FL180/321 MOV NE NC=  221 WUUS02 KWNS 080524 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1222 AM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 091200Z - 101200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 31201195 32731034 33280945 33160866 32410847 31030855 99999999 28950395 32140212 36109939 38199661 39369424 39129302 38439278 36069429 34239477 32989496 31269464 30649368 30459199 30718993 31408759 33188420 34348356 35148358 36208218 39187841 40247567 39957237 99999999 43278169 42248436 40989027 41249084 41769080 43238574 44868212 99999999 36820738 37970830 38800777 38480665 37460621 36880650 36820738 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 85 SW TUS 40 WSW SAD 30 NNE SAD 45 NW SVC 25 SW SVC 70 ESE DUG ...CONT... 100 S MRF 15 NNE MAF 55 NNW CSM 25 WSW EMP 25 NE MKC 40 NE SZL 35 WSW JEF 10 WNW FYV 25 WNW DEQ 45 NNW GGG LFK 40 SW POE 15 N LFT 25 NNW ASD 30 W GZH 35 SSE ATL 30 NNW AHN 55 SSE TYS 20 SSE TRI 25 WSW MRB 30 SSW ABE 70 SSE ISP ...CONT... 75 NE MTC JXN 35 SSE MLI 25 SW MLI 25 NW MLI 25 E MKG 70 ENE OSC ...CONT... 30 SE DRO 45 SSW MTJ 20 NNE MTJ 15 ESE GUC 20 W ALS 50 SW ALS 30 SE DRO.  226 ACUS02 KWNS 080524 SWODY2 SPC AC 080522 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1222 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 091200Z - 101200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Organized severe thunderstorms are not currently forecast across the contiguous United States on Wednesday. ...Synopsis... A stationary mid-level low will be located over the Four Corners Wednesday and Wednesday night. A surface front will extend from the St. Lawrence Valley southwestward through the southern Great Lakes, lower MO Valley, and into OK/TX. A pronounced surface ridge will be located from the north-central Great Plains southward into the southern High Plains. Model guidance continues to show weak lapse rates across the southern Great Plains with modest deep-layer shear---limiting storm intensity. Showers and isolated to widely scattered general thunderstorms are forecast from TX north-northeastward to parts of OK/KS/MO near the frontal zone. ..Smith.. 09/08/2020 $$  126 WAIY31 LIIB 080524 LIMM AIRMET 13 VALID 080525/080725 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 2000M BR OBS WI N4451 E00905 - N4403 E01159 - N4435 E01150 - N4509 E00904 - N4451 E00905 STNR WKN=  535 ACPN50 PHFO 080525 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 800 PM HST Mon Sep 7 2020 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster Houston  577 WWUS83 KGID 080531 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 1231 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEZ082-083-080615- Harlan NE-Furnas NE- 1231 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN FURNAS AND HARLAN COUNTIES UNTIL 115 AM CDT... At 1230 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Stamford, or 24 miles northeast of Norton, moving northeast at 40 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Alma, Orleans, Stamford, Huntley, Ragan and Hollinger. LAT...LON 4035 9935 4035 9927 4020 9918 4013 9918 4000 9962 4000 9967 4015 9978 TIME...MOT...LOC 0530Z 239DEG 34KT 4012 9963 $$ JCB  422 WGUS81 KCLE 080531 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 131 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Ohio... Chagrin River At Willoughby affecting Lake County. OHC085-080645- /O.CAN.KCLE.FL.W.0049.000000T0000Z-200908T0531Z/ /WBYO1.1.ER.700125T2031Z.700125T2031Z.700125T2031Z.NO/ 131 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning for the Chagrin River At Willoughby has been cancelled... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Chagrin River At Willoughby. * At 1:15 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 10.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Forecast...Water levels are expected to continue to recede overnight. && LAT...LON 4166 8144 4167 8141 4163 8138 4157 8139 4157 8144 4163 8142 $$ Clark  884 WWUS83 KLOT 080532 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville 1232 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ013-103-104-080615- DuPage IL-Northern Cook IL-Central Cook IL- 1232 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN DUPAGE AND NORTHERN COOK COUNTIES UNTIL 115 AM CDT... At 1232 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Addison, moving northeast at 30 mph. Nickel size hail will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Chicago, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Schaumburg, Skokie, Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, Glenview, Elmhurst, Lombard, Ohare Airport, Hanover Park, Wheeling, Park Ridge, Addison, Glendale Heights, Northbrook, Elk Grove Village, Niles and West Ridge. Including the following interstates... I-90 between mile markers 70 and 84. I-94 between mile markers 28 and 43. I-290 between mile markers 2 and 13. I-294 between mile markers 28 and 43. I-355 between mile markers 27 and 30. This includes... Loyola University, Oakton Community College, Northeastern Illinois University, and Northwestern University. LAT...LON 4215 8776 4210 8772 4208 8768 4206 8767 4203 8767 4200 8765 4199 8765 4188 8803 4197 8814 4215 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 0532Z 236DEG 27KT 4195 8800 $$ Carlaw  199 WSPS21 NZKL 080526 NZZO SIGMET 6 VALID 080533/080933 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1340 W17450 - S1430 W17020 - S1340 W16810 - S1010 W16810 - S0740 W17210 - S1340 W17450 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  822 WSPS21 NZKL 080527 NZZO SIGMET 7 VALID 080533/080542 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 2 080142/080542=  789 WWUS75 KLKN 080534 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 NVZ030-081200- /O.UPG.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ /O.NEW.KLKN.HW.W.0005.200908T0534Z-200908T1200Z/ Humboldt County- Including the cities of Golconda, Winnemucca, Valmy, and Dufferena 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Humboldt County. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NVZ031-081200- /O.EXT.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0003.200908T0800Z-200908T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northern Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, and Tuscarora 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM TUESDAY TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 expected. For the Wind Advisory, northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Northern Elko County. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, until 8 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM Tuesday to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ039-081200- /O.EXT.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.200908T0800Z-200908T1500Z/ South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Ruby Lake and Oasis 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM TUESDAY TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 32 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...South Central Elko County. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM Tuesday to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ038-081200- /O.EXT.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.200908T0800Z-200908T1500Z/ Southwest Elko County- Including the cities of Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, and Spring Creek 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM TUESDAY TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. For the Wind Advisory, northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 34 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Southwest Elko County. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 11 PM Tuesday to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ035-037-081200- /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.200908T0800Z-200908T1500Z/ White Pine County- Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, McGill, Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, and Garden Pass 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM TUESDAY TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 34 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...White Pine County and Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, from 1 AM to 8 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM Tuesday to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-081200- /O.EXT.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.200908T0800Z-200908T1500Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, and Palisade 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. For the Wind Advisory, northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County and Southwest Elko County. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ NVZ033-081200- /O.EXT.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Southeastern Elko County- Including the city of West Wendover 1034 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Northern Elko County and Southeastern Elko County. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  057 WWUS73 KBIS 080535 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1235 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-025-031>037-040>047-050-081345- /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.W.0001.200908T0800Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Foster-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux-Emmons-Logan- McIntosh- Including the cities of Crosby, Bowbells, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Portal, Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Williston, New Town, Stanley, Parshall, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, Solen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Wishek, and Ashley 1235 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /1135 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020/ ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as the mid 20s. * WHERE...Western and Central North Dakota. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM CDT /2 AM MDT/ to 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could damage or kill crops and other vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps to protect your garden. Cover outdoor potted plants or bring them out of the cold. && $$ NDZ048-051-081345- /O.CON.KBIS.FR.Y.0001.200908T0800Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ La Moure-Dickey- Including the cities of Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Oakes, and Ellendale 1235 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 possible. * WHERE...LaMoure and Dickey Counties. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, from 3 AM to 9 AM CDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could damage or kill crops and other vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps to protect your garden. Cover outdoor potted plants or bring them out of the cold. && $$ EDWARDS  036 WOXX30 KWNP 080535 ALTEF3 Space Weather Message Code: ALTEF3 Serial Number: 3050 Issue Time: 2020 Sep 08 0533 UTC CONTINUED ALERT: Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu Continuation of Serial Number: 3049 Begin Time: 2020 Aug 30 1325 UTC Yesterday Maximum 2MeV Flux: 10220 pfu www.swpc.noaa.gov/noaa-scales-explanation Potential Impacts: Satellite systems may experience significant charging resulting in increased risk to satellite systems. # Issued by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Recent messages, data, and help at http://swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/ # Send questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov  827 WSSS20 VHHH 080535 VHHK SIGMET 2 VALID 080540/080940 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1923 E11137 - N1930 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2400 E11730 - N2209 E11730 - N1841 E11216 - N1923 E11137 TOP FL500 STNR NC =  759 WSZA21 FAOR 080535 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 080600/081000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3433 E00437 - S3548 E00928 - S4313 E00842 - S4241 E00549 - S3759 E00116 - S3541 E00222 TOP FL280 WKN=  025 WSZA21 FAOR 080537 FAJO SIGMET E02 VALID 080600/081000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4036 E01055 - S4224 E01629 - S4627 E02158 - S4920 E02112 - S4554 E01307 - S4359 E01043 - S4053 E01038 FL140/180=  325 WGUS83 KIND 080540 FLSIND Flood Advisory National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 140 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC035-095-080550- /O.EXP.KIND.FA.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200908T0545Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Delaware IN-Madison IN- 140 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 145 AM EDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR NORTHERN MADISON AND NORTHERN DELAWARE COUNTIES... Flood waters have receded and the heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4038 8522 4032 8522 4027 8586 4038 8586 $$ AW  400 WSFJ01 NFFN 080300 NFFF SIGMET 02 VALID 080615/081015 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0930 W17300 - S1248 W17430 - S1224 W17736 - S0912 W17548 - S0930 W17300 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  533 WVCH31 SCEL 080541 SCEZ SIGMET 02 VALID 080541/080600 SCEL- SCEZ SANTIAGO FIR CNL SIGMET 01 080000/080600=  223 WWUS75 KMSO 080542 NPWMSO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 1142 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IDZ010-081500- /O.EXP.KMSO.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Eastern Lemhi County- 1142 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 21 expected. * WHERE...Bannock Pass, Highway 28 Tendoy to Lone Pine, Highway 93 Lost Trail Pass to Gibbonsville, Lemhi Pass, and Salmon. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ001>003-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Kootenai/Cabinet Region-West Glacier Region- Flathead/Mission Valleys- 1142 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Flathead/Mission Valleys, West Glacier Region and Kootenai/Cabinet Region. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ004-005-043-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Lower Clark Fork Region-Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys- Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 1142 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Evaro Hill, Highway 200 Thompson Falls to Plains, Highway 200 Trout Creek to Heron, I-90 Lookout Pass to Haugan, Bitterroot Valley, Missoula, Highway 200 Bonner to Greenough, Highway 83 Seeley Lake to Condon, and I-90 East Missoula to Bearmouth. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MTZ006-007-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains-Butte/Blackfoot Region- 1142 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 21 expected. * WHERE...Highway 93 Sula to Lost Trail Pass, Lolo Pass, Butte, Georgetown Lake, Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Homestake Pass, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ009-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Western Lemhi County- 1142 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Western Lemhi County. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ005>008-081500- /O.CON.KMSO.FR.Y.0001.200908T0900Z-200908T1500Z/ Northern Clearwater Mountains-Southern Clearwater Mountains- Orofino/Grangeville Region-Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 1042 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 8 AM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 27 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region, Orofino/Grangeville Region, Southern Clearwater Mountains and Northern Clearwater Mountains. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 8 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  481 WWUS45 KMSO 080544 WSWMSO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 1144 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 MTZ006-007-043-080645- /O.EXP.KMSO.WW.Y.0047.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains-Butte/Blackfoot Region- Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 1144 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT ABOVE 6000 FEET... Aside from a few widely scattered showers, the snowfall impacts have largely ended across the area. $$ IDZ009-010-080645- /O.EXP.KMSO.WW.Y.0047.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Western Lemhi County-Eastern Lemhi County- 1144 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT ABOVE 6000 FEET... Aside from a few widely scattered showers, the snowfall impacts have largely ended across the area. $$  078 WWUS83 KGID 080544 SPSGID Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 1244 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEZ082-083-080630- Harlan NE-Furnas NE- 1244 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN FURNAS AND WEST CENTRAL HARLAN COUNTIES UNTIL 130 AM CDT... At 1244 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Hendley, or 18 miles north of Norton, moving northeast at 35 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Oxford, Beaver City, Stamford, Edison, Hendley and Hollinger. LAT...LON 4035 9965 4013 9951 4000 9986 4001 9997 4011 10006 TIME...MOT...LOC 0544Z 239DEG 30KT 4010 9992 $$ JCB  343 WSNO32 ENMI 080545 ENSV SIGMET B02 VALID 080600/081000 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00000 - N6300 E00000 - N6300 E00400 - N6200 E00500 - N6200 E00730 - N6100 E00730 - N6200 E00000 FL240/370 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  499 WSPS21 NZKL 080534 NZZO SIGMET 8 VALID 080545/080945 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6230 W15310 - S5710 W14850 - S4450 W16010 - S5130 W14850 - S5750 W14530 - S6320 W15100 - S6230 W15310 FL200/410 MOV E 40KT WKN=  904 WSPS21 NZKL 080535 NZZO SIGMET 9 VALID 080545/080607 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 4 080207/080607=  269 WGUS41 KILN 080545 FLWILN BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 145 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC011-065-091-107-149-081345- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.W.0018.200908T0545Z-200908T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Auglaize OH-Hardin OH-Mercer OH- 145 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Warning for... Northeastern Shelby County in west central Ohio... Northern Logan County in west central Ohio... Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Southern Hardin County in west central Ohio... Central Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 945 AM EDT Tuesday. * At 142 AM EDT, radar and automated rain gauges indicated that heavy rain had fallen across the warned area. Rainfall amounts of 3 to 6 inches have already occurred, and some additional rain will continue overnight. Runoff from this excessive rainfall will cause flooding to occur. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Coldwater, Celina, Montezuma, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Jumbo, Kenton, Fort Shawnee, New Bremen, Cridersville, Russells Point, Botkins, Lakeview, New Knoxville, Waynesfield, Chippewa Park, Northwood, Moulton, Wabash, Roundhead and Mount Victory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4069 8342 4051 8342 4050 8352 4048 8352 4043 8480 4064 8480 4066 8422 4066 8411 4064 8411 4064 8391 4065 8388 4067 8388 $$ Hatzos  347 WSZA21 FAOR 080543 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 080600/081000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3314 E03145 - S3346 E03113 - S3321 E03054 FL320/400=  348 WSZA21 FAOR 080544 FAJO SIGMET F02 VALID 080600/081000 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3220 E03755 - S3659 E04027 - S4012 E04329 - S4133 E04538 - S4844 E05445 - S5012 E05126 - S5214 E04544 - S4909 E04324 - S4544 E04023 - S4034 E03643 - S3346 E03113 - S3314 E03145 FL320/400=  513 WSUS32 KKCI 080555 SIGC MKCC WST 080555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15C VALID UNTIL 0755Z IN WI IL MO IA NE LM FROM 60SE GRB-20SSW BVT-40WNW AXC-40SE OVR-60SSW OBH-60SE GRB AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16C VALID UNTIL 0755Z NE CO FROM 60NE BFF-20SW LBF-50SSW AKO-20NNE DEN-60NE BFF AREA TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17C VALID UNTIL 0755Z KS NE FROM 40WNW MCK-80E MCK LINE SEV TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 080755-081155 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30S IRK-40W COU-50SW MCI-PWE-50NE HLC-40N GLD-60SE DEN-30SW DEN-60NE BFF-40W FOD-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  342 WGUS71 KILN 080546 FFSILN Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 146 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC011-065-091-107-149-080556- /O.CAN.KILN.FF.W.0036.000000T0000Z-200908T0615Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Auglaize OH-Hardin OH-Mercer OH- 146 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN SHELBY...NORTHERN LOGAN...AUGLAIZE...SOUTHERN HARDIN AND CENTRAL MERCER COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... This Flash Flood Warning has been replaced with a Flood Warning, which is in effect until 945 AM EDT. LAT...LON 4069 8342 4051 8342 4050 8352 4048 8352 4043 8480 4064 8480 4066 8422 4066 8411 4064 8411 4064 8391 4065 8388 4067 8388 $$ Hatzos  535 WSAU21 AMMC 080546 YMMM SIGMET S06 VALID 080630/081030 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E15830 - S3800 E15530 - S3800 E14600 - S2200 E15800 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  536 WSAU21 AMMC 080546 YBBB SIGMET C02 VALID 080630/081030 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3030 E15830 - S3800 E15530 - S3800 E14600 - S2200 E15800 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  847 WSUS31 KKCI 080555 SIGE MKCE WST 080555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12E VALID UNTIL 0755Z NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 90ESE ECG-90SE ILM-70SE CHS LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 08005KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13E VALID UNTIL 0755Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 80ESE PBI-80SE MIA-100SSE MIA LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 13010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14E VALID UNTIL 0755Z OH MI IN LE LM FROM 30SE GRR-40WSW EWC-50SE APE-10SSW BVT-40ENE ORD-30SE GRR AREA TS MOV FROM 28025KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 080755-081155 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-40W MIA-TRV-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  848 WSUS33 KKCI 080555 SIGW MKCW WST 080555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8W VALID UNTIL 0755Z WY UT FROM 10NW OCS-50ENE SLC-20WNW SLC LINE TS 20 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 080755-081155 FROM 40SSW SHR-50ESE OCS-MTU-SLC-50SSW BPI-50SE TWF-30E TWF-30NW JAC-40SSW SHR WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  938 WSPR31 SPJC 080544 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 080545/080845 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0520Z WI S0525 W07631 - S0534 W07719 - S0631 W07719 - S0708 W07630 - S0613 W07554 - S0525 W07631 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  654 WOAU06 AMMC 080547 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0547UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous southwesterly flow developing in the wake of a cold front forecast near 54S079E 58S080E 60S080E at 081800UTC, near 52S086E 59S086E 61S084E at 090000UTC, and near 50S091E 57S091E 61S088E at 090600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 55S080E 50S089E 50S091E 55S091E 59S082E 59S080E 55S080E. FORECAST Southwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 240nm west of cold front from 081800UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  862 WOAU46 AMMC 080547 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0547UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous southwesterly flow developing in the wake of a cold front forecast near 54S079E 58S080E 60S080E at 081800UTC, near 52S086E 59S086E 61S084E at 090000UTC, and near 50S091E 57S091E 61S088E at 090600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 55S080E 50S089E 50S091E 55S091E 59S082E 59S080E 55S080E. FORECAST Southwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 240nm west of cold front from 081800UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  203 WOAU15 AMMC 080547 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0547UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 32S090E 36S095E 40S099E 50S105E to low [1] 961hPa near 50S102E to 47S097E to low [2] 967hPa near 45S096E, forecast 32S096E 41S105E 47S109E 52S110E to low [1] 961hPa near 52S106E to 50S103E to low [2] 970hPa near 46S102E at 081200UTC, 34S104E 50S114E 56S114E to low [1] 957hPa near 55S109E to low [2] 970hPa near 51S107E at 081800UTC, 36S108E 50S117E 59S117E to low [1] 955hPa near 58S113E to low [2] 951hPa near 56S111E at 090000UTC, and 45S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S117E to low [1] 946hPa near 61S114E to low [2] 948hPa near 57S114E at 090600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S080E 53S088E 59S125E 55S128E 49S127E 34S102E 33S086E 36S080E 47S080E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  204 WOAU45 AMMC 080547 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0547UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 32S090E 36S095E 40S099E 50S105E to low [1] 961hPa near 50S102E to 47S097E to low [2] 967hPa near 45S096E, forecast 32S096E 41S105E 47S109E 52S110E to low [1] 961hPa near 52S106E to 50S103E to low [2] 970hPa near 46S102E at 081200UTC, 34S104E 50S114E 56S114E to low [1] 957hPa near 55S109E to low [2] 970hPa near 51S107E at 081800UTC, 36S108E 50S117E 59S117E to low [1] 955hPa near 58S113E to low [2] 951hPa near 56S111E at 090000UTC, and 45S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S117E to low [1] 946hPa near 61S114E to low [2] 948hPa near 57S114E at 090600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S080E 53S088E 59S125E 55S128E 49S127E 34S102E 33S086E 36S080E 47S080E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  205 WOAU05 AMMC 080547 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 0547UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 32S090E 36S095E 40S099E 50S105E to low [1] 961hPa near 50S102E to 47S097E to low [2] 967hPa near 45S096E, forecast 32S096E 41S105E 47S109E 52S110E to low [1] 961hPa near 52S106E to 50S103E to low [2] 970hPa near 46S102E at 081200UTC, 34S104E 50S114E 56S114E to low [1] 957hPa near 55S109E to low [2] 970hPa near 51S107E at 081800UTC, 36S108E 50S117E 59S117E to low [1] 955hPa near 58S113E to low [2] 951hPa near 56S111E at 090000UTC, and 45S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S117E to low [1] 946hPa near 61S114E to low [2] 948hPa near 57S114E at 090600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 47S080E 53S088E 59S125E 55S128E 49S127E 34S102E 33S086E 36S080E 47S080E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  530 WWUS83 KGLD 080547 SPSGLD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 1247 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEZ081-080600- Red Willow NE- 1247 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN RED WILLOW COUNTY UNTIL 100 AM CDT... At 1247 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Indianola, or 9 miles east of McCook, moving northeast at 35 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... McCook, Indianola, Bartley and Lebanon. LAT...LON 4004 10019 4000 10022 4000 10025 4021 10067 4035 10049 4035 10020 TIME...MOT...LOC 0547Z 235DEG 31KT 4021 10044 $$ JN  591 WUUS01 KWNS 080547 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1246 AM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 081200Z - 091200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 45137238 43417499 42787651 41857902 41048297 39808826 37749217 36319423 35079538 34229581 32299531 30779203 31038891 31758417 33268295 34718221 35688163 36298039 36497973 36767869 36777756 36947522 99999999 31481285 33031243 33871305 34621330 35991244 37391141 37921060 38200947 38500835 38510732 38210647 37910587 37590535 37470493 37550413 38120339 38850288 39530233 40400127 41549970 43819461 43969220 44268924 44628674 45288346 45498203 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 NNW EFK 25 NE UCA 20 N ITH 20 W BFD 30 WNW MFD 15 S CMI TBN 20 N FYV 25 ENE MLC 40 ENE DUA TYR 40 N LFT 40 SE PIB 15 N ABY 50 SSE AHN 15 S GSP 15 W HKY 30 WNW GSO 25 WSW DAN 35 W AVC 25 NNE RZZ 55 E ORF ...CONT... 100 S GBN 15 ENE GBN 65 SW PRC 50 W PRC 15 W GCN 35 N PGA 25 NNE U17 40 SSE CNY 25 W MTJ 20 W GUC 35 SE GUC 35 N ALS 30 ENE ALS 35 WNW TAD 20 NNE TAD 10 NE LHX 40 SW ITR 20 N ITR 20 ESE IML 10 NNW BBW 15 NW FRM 15 ENE RST 40 WNW OSH 35 NW MBL 15 NNE APN 80 ENE APN.  593 ACUS01 KWNS 080547 SWODY1 SPC AC 080546 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1246 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 081200Z - 091200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... The risk for severe thunderstorms will be negligible across the U.S. today and tonight. ...DISCUSSION... An upper-level low will move slowly across the Four Corners region today as southwest mid-level flow remains in place across the southern and central Plains. At the surface, a cold front from the southern High Plains to the lower Missouri Valley will advance quickly southward. Weak to moderate instability is forecast to develop ahead of the front today. As surface temperatures warm and low-level convergence increases, thunderstorm development is expected from parts of the southern Plains northeastward to the southern Great Lakes. Most of the thunderstorm development should take place behind the front in the less unstable airmass. A few storms could develop ahead of the front but deep-layer shear is forecast to be relatively weak across most of the instability corridor. For this reason, a severe threat is not anticipated across the CONUS today and tonight. ..Broyles/Cook.. 09/08/2020 $$  613 WOUS46 KMTR 080547 CEMMTR CAC097-080700- CIVIL EMERGENCY MESSAGE CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA RELAYED BY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SAN FRANCISCO CA 1047 PM PDT MON SEP 7 2020 THIS IS A SONOMA COUNTY EMERGENCY MESSAGE. THE SONOMA COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE IS ISSUING AN EVACTUATION ORDER FOR RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES WITHIN THE FOLLOWING ZONE: 2 E 4 DUE TO A FLARE UP OF THE WALBRIDGE FIRE. IF YOU ARE IN THIS AREA LEAVE NOW. REPEATING AN EVACUATION ORDER IS BEING ISSUED FOR SONOMA COUNTY ZONE 2 E 4. IF YOU ARE IN THIS AREA LEAVE NOW. A TEMPORARY EVACUATION POINT IS BEING ESTABLISHED AT THE PETALUMA VETERANS BUILDING. STAY TUNED LOCAL MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND SHERIFF NIXLE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. DO NOT CALL 9 1 1 UNLESS YOU HAVE LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY. MORE INFORMATION SONIXLE.ORG $$  142 WWUS86 KPDT 080547 RFWPDT URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 1047 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...VERY DRY AND Breezy to windy CONDITIONS On Tuesday... .Poor RH recovery is expected tonight with winds remaining east to northeast over Cascades and areas just eastward. Critical conditions are then expected to continue on Tuesday over and near the east slopes of the Cascades and around the Columbia Gorge. ORZ640>642-WAZ641-675-080700- /O.EXP.KPDT.FW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Central Mountains of Oregon-Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon- Southern Blue and Strawberry Mountains- Lower Columbia Basin of Washington- Eastern Washington Southern Columbia Basin- 1047 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 640, 641, 641, 642, AND 675... Conditions remain very dry and many fires developed across the area today. However, winds have decreased this evening and will continue to do so overnight, so the red flag warning will be allowed to expire. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to be careful with smoking materials and anything else that could accidentally spark a fire. $$ ORZ610-611-639-WAZ639-681-081700- /O.CON.KPDT.FW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ East Slopes of Central Oregon Cascades-Deschutes National Forest - minus Sisters Ranger District- East Slopes of the Northern Oregon Cascades- East Slopes of the Southern Washington Cascades- Yakama Alpine District- 1047 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT TUESDAY FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 610, 611, 639, 639, AND 681... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire weather Zone 610 East slopes of Central Oregon Cascades, Fire weather zone 611 Deschutes National Forest- minus Sisters Ranger District, Fire weather zone 639 East Slopes of the Northern Oregon Cascades Fire Weather Zone 639 East Slopes of the Southern Washington Cascades, and Fire Weather Zone 681 Yakama Alpine District. * TIMING...Through Tuesday evening. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...10 to 15 percent minimums Tuesday. Poor humidity recovery expected tonight with maximum humidity 30 to 40 percent. * WIND...Easterly 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph on Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Any ongoing fires or new fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  005 WAIY31 LIIB 080547 LIMM AIRMET 14 VALID 080550/080820 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4658 E01118 - N4547 E01140 - N4603 E01226 - N4703 E01208 - N4658 E01118 STNR WKN=  006 WAIY31 LIIB 080553 LIMM AIRMET 15 VALID 080550/080820 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR CNL AIRMET 8 080420/080820=  171 WSAL31 DAAA 080539 DAAA SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080800 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3724 E00436 - N3623 E00430 - N3617 E00234 - N3724 E00245 - N3724 E00436 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  172 WSAL31 DAAA 080536 DAAA SIGMET 3 VALID 080500/080800 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3518 E00605 - N3804 E00516 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  381 WGUS81 KCLE 080549 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 149 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Ohio... Cuyahoga River At Independence affecting Cuyahoga County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. OHC035-081600- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-200908T1554Z/ /INDO1.1.ER.200907T1646Z.200907T2130Z.200908T0954Z.NO/ 149 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until late this morning... The Flood Warning continues for the Cuyahoga River At Independence. * Until this morning. * At 1:30 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 18.4 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early this morning and continue falling to 5.6 feet Saturday evening. * Impact...At 18.5 feet, Water backs up on Murray and Fosdick Roads in Valley View. Portions of Exchange Road, Wall Street, and Cloverleaf Road inundated. && LAT...LON 4145 8170 4146 8166 4128 8152 4128 8161 $$ Clark  758 WSCI34 ZSSS 080549 ZSHA SIGMET 1 VALID 080600/081000 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N32 TOP FL340 MOV E 20KMH NC=  048 WSMX31 MMMX 080550 MMEX SIGMET X2 VALID 080549/080949 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0549Z WI N2322 W10219 N2726 W10617 N2904 W10331 N2439 W9955 CB TOP ABV FL500 MOV E 5KT WKN. =  187 WTNT33 KNHC 080550 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Intermediate Advisory Number 4A NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 500 AM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...RENE MOVING ACROSS THE EASTERN CABO VERDE ISLANDS... ...EXPECTED TO PRODUCE TROPICAL-STORM-FORCE WINDS AND HEAVY RAINFALL ACROSS THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS TODAY... SUMMARY OF 500 AM CVT...0600 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.2N 24.0W ABOUT 30 MI...50 KM SSE OF SAO NICOLAU CABO VERDE ISLANDS ABOUT 95 MI...155 KM SE OF SANTO ANTAO CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 14 MPH...22 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for... * Cabo Verde Islands A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area, in this case within the next 12 hours. For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 500 AM CVT (0600 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.2 North, longitude 24.0 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 14 mph (22 km/h), and a motion toward the west to west-northwest is expected over the next few days. On the forecast track, the center of Rene will pass over the central Cabo Verde Islands this morning and over the western Cabo Verde Islands this afternoon. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected today, followed by gradual strengthening tonight into Thursday, with Rene forecast to become a hurricane in two or three days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. Sal, Cabo Verde Islands, recently reported sustained winds of 32 mph (52 km/h). The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- Key messages for Tropical Storm Rene can be found in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT3, WMO header WTNT43 KNHC, and on the web at www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml RAINFALL: Rene is expected to produce 2 to 5 inches of rain across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands through Tuesday. WIND: Tropical storm conditions occurring over the eastern portions of the Cabo Verde Islands will spread westward across the remainder of the Cabo Verde Islands this morning through this afternoon. SURF: Swells generated by Rene are expected to spread westward across the Cabo Verde Islands today. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 800 AM CVT. $$ Forecaster Beven  770 WWAK73 PAFG 080551 NPWAFG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 951 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 AKZ224-080900- /O.CON.PAFG.HW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country- Including the cities of Tok, Tanacross, Eagle, Tetlin, Northway, Alcan, Chicken, and Boundary 951 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * WHERE...Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country. * WHEN...Until 1 AM AKDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ AKZ226-080900- /O.CON.PAFG.HW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ Eastern Alaska Range- Including the cities of Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 951 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM AKDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 70 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Alaska Range. * WHEN...Until 1 AM AKDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$  889 WAIY31 LIIB 080520 LIMM AIRMET 16 VALID 080550/080820 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4555 E00813 - N4413 E00733 - N4431 E00848 - N4401 E01107 - N4336 E01209 - N4331 E01310 - N4533 E01011 - N4607 E01009 - N4610 E00856 - N4555 E00813 STNR NC=  890 WAIY31 LIIB 080557 LIMM AIRMET 17 VALID 080550/080820 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR CNL AIRMET 7 080420/080820=  260 WSCU31 MUHA 080550 MUFH SIGMET 2 VALID 080550/080625 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR CNL SIGMET 1 VALID 080225/080625 MUHA- =  414 WGUS81 KILN 080552 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 152 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC021-037-109-149-080730- /O.CON.KILN.FA.Y.0129.000000T0000Z-200908T0730Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Champaign OH-Darke OH-Miami OH- 152 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SHELBY...WESTERN CHAMPAIGN...DARKE AND MIAMI COUNTIES REMAINS IN EFFECT Until 330 AM EDT.... At 149 AM EDT, radar indicated thunderstorms had produced 2 to 4 inches of rain in the advisory area. Some additional rainfall is expected overnight. Minor flooding of low-lying and poorly drained streets, highways and underpasses will occur. In addition, farmland near creeks, streams and drainage ditches will experience minor flooding. Some locations that will experience minor flooding include... Troy, Piqua, Greenville, Lockington, Versailles, Pikeville, Horatio, Webster, Covington, St. Paris, Bradford, Union City, Pleasant Hill, Ansonia, New Madison, Russia and Gettysburg. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4024 8480 4025 8402 4027 8401 4026 8380 4003 8382 4004 8403 3996 8405 3996 8481 $$ Hatzos  670 WSAU21 AMMC 080554 YBBB SIGMET D02 VALID 080645/081045 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3900 E14930 - S5000 E15830 - S5000 E15130 - S4230 E14630 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  671 WSAU21 AMMC 080554 YMMM SIGMET I19 VALID 080645/081045 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3900 E14930 - S5000 E15830 - S5000 E15130 - S4230 E14630 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  785 WWAK73 PAFG 080555 NPWAFG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 955 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 AKZ224-226-080700- /O.CAN.PAFG.HW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ Upper Tanana Valley and the Fortymile Country- Eastern Alaska Range- Including the cities of Tok, Tanacross, Eagle, Tetlin, Northway, Alcan, Chicken, Boundary, Mentasta Lake, Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims DOT Camp, Eagle Trail, and Mineral Lake 955 PM AKDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... Winds have dropped below warning levels, but will continue to gust into the 45 MPH range through tomorrow. $$  137 WBCN07 CWVR 080500 PAM ROCKS WIND 29010 LANGARA; PC 35 W04 1FT CHP LO W GREEN; PC 15 NW10E 2FT CHP TRIPLE; PC 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO W BONILLA; PC 15 N18E 3FT MDT LO NW BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 NW04 RPLD MCINNES; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO SW IVORY; PC 15 N05E RPLD LO SW DRYAD; PC 15 CLM RPLD ADDENBROKE; PC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP EGG ISLAND; PC 15 E14 2FT CHP LO W PINE ISLAND; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO W CAPE SCOTT; PC 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO SW QUATSINO; PC 15 NE12E 2FT CHP LO SW NOOTKA; PC 15 N12E 2FT CHP LO SW ESTEVAN; PC 15 NE08 2FT CHP LO SW 1024.6S LENNARD; PC 12 N03E 1FT CHP LO W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NE08 2FT CHP LO W PACHENA; PC 15 E06E 1FT CHP LO W CARMANAH; PC 15 SE04E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; PC 15 S02E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; PC 15 NW05E RPLD CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 261/15/11/2907/M/ 3004 72MM= WEB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 243/16/14/0511/M/M 3006 97MM= WQC SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 257/14/09/3502/M/ 2012 80MM= WRU SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 252/26/06/0403/M/ 3008 13MM= WFG SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 256/16/11/3625/M/ PK WND 0029 0403Z 5000 82MM= WVF SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/21/11/0407/M/ PK WND 0221 0400Z M 09MM= WQS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 313/17/14/1402/M/ 6002 19MM= WRO SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 318/14/14/2609/M/M 6005 65MM= WEK SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 313/15/08/3208/M/ 5000 13MM= WWL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 303/13/12/3519/M/0002 PK WND 3521 0429Z 5000 47MM= WME SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/19/08/0709/M/ M 47MM= WAS SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 260/21/07/2910+15/M/ 1011 03MM= WSB SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 242/24/00/3103/M/M 0006 23MM= WGT SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 256/20/11/3306/M/ 3014 30MM= WEL SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 258/22/10/2504/M/ PK WND 0517 0421Z 3012 01MM= WDR SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 226/20/07/3415+20/M/ PK WND 0023 0411Z 3018 13MM= WZO SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0214/M/ PK WND 0419 0420Z M MMMM= WKA SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0602/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 0500 AUTO8 M M M 268/13/12/2901/M/ 3008 90MM=  898 WWUS75 KBOI 080555 NPWBOI URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 1155 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 IDZ014>016-030-080700- /O.EXP.KBOI.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Upper Treasure Valley-Southwest Highlands-Western Magic Valley- Southern Twin Falls County- 1155 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... Winds across the area have weakened to below critical thresholds. Periods of gusty to breezy conditions will continue into the overnight. $$ IDZ012-013-028-029-ORZ062>064-080700- /O.EXP.KBOI.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ Lower Treasure Valley ID-Boise Mountains-Camas Prairie- Owyhee Mountains-Baker County-Malheur County- Oregon Lower Treasure Valley- 1155 PM MDT Mon Sep 7 2020 /1055 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT MDT /11 PM PDT/ TONIGHT... Winds across the area have weakened to below critical thresholds. Periods of gusty conditions will continue into the overnight. $$  504 WSPS21 NZKL 080546 NZZO SIGMET 10 VALID 080556/080956 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3500 W16400 - S4900 W15310 - S4500 W15940 - S3730 W16430 - S3550 W17600 - S3320 W17620 - S3500 W16400 FL210/360 MOV E 40KT NC=  631 WSCI31 RCTP 080556 RCAA SIGMET 1 VALID 080600/080900 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2500 E11730 - N2100 E11730 - N2100 E11930 - N2500 E12000 TOP FL450 MOV NE 10KT NC=  854 WSUS06 KKCI 080600 WS6Q SFOQ WS 080600 CANCEL SIGMET QUEBEC 3. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  373 WAUS46 KKCI 080600 AAA WA6T SFOT WA 080600 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 60N ISN TO 60SSW RAP TO 20NNW BFF TO DEN TO RSK TO DRK TO CZQ TO 20S ONP TO 50ESE YDC TO 60N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SSE OAL TO 20ESE EED TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO LAX TO 70W RZS TO 50SSE OAL MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 170WSW HQM TO 50SE REO TO 40SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 50SSE OAL TO 70ESE CZQ TO 30SSE SAC TO 50ESE FOT TO 120WNW FOT TO 170WSW HQM MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW YXC TO 50SE REO TO 170WSW HQM TO 160W TOU TO TOU TO 20SE HUH TO 50WSW YXC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20WNW HQM TO 40SSW YKM TO 50S DSD TO 80SW EUG TO 50WSW ONP TO 20WNW HQM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...OR ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM DNJ TO 70SSW BIL TO LAR TO MTU TO 80W BAM TO REO TO DNJ SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 50WSW HUH-20WNW SEA-PDT-DSD-40SSE DSD-80WSW OED-70WNW ONP-30W TOU-50WSW HUH LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...TURB WA OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-40ESE CYS-AKO-ALS-40NNW SSO-EED- 40W LAS-20SE FMG-70SW YXC-50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CA NV AZ BOUNDED BY BTY-40N PGS-20SE EED-20SE TRM-60E EHF-BTY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 12-15Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  478 WSUS05 KKCI 080602 WS5Q SLCQ WS 080602 SIGMET QUEBEC 4 VALID UNTIL 081002 ID WY NV UT CO FROM 60N JAC TO 30ENE CHE TO 30NNW HVE TO 40W ILC TO 30SE BOI TO 60N JAC OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. CONDS CONTG BYD 1002Z. ....  057 WSZA21 FAOR 080557 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 080600/081000 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01745 - S3030 E01841 - S3056 E01937 - S3116 E01954 - S3216 E02035 - S3237 E02255 - S3238 E02312 - S3328 E02334 - S3359 E02104 - S3338 E01922 - S3314 E01837 - S3150 E01825 - S3127 E01826=  058 WSZA21 FAOR 080558 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 080600/081000 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3016 E01812 - S3030 E01841 - S3030 E01745 - S3028 E01744=  856 WGUS83 KILX 080604 FLSILX Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 104 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC113-080613- /O.EXP.KILX.FA.W.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T0600Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ McLean- 104 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLOOD WARNING HAS EXPIRED FOR SOUTHERN MCLEAN COUNTY... Flood waters have receded, and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. LAT...LON 4055 8847 4038 8847 4034 8925 4053 8925 $$ Shimon  799 WGUS73 KILX 080604 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 104 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC113-080614- /O.CAN.KILX.FF.W.0033.000000T0000Z-200908T0745Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ McLean- 104 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MCLEAN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... Flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4054 8846 4031 8847 4033 8926 4056 8926 $$ Shimon  482 WVID21 WAAA 080600 WAAZ SIGMET 06 VALID 080600/081200 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 0600Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0142 E12706 - N0210 E12712 - N0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV W 10KT NC=  833 WVID21 WAAA 080520 WAAZ SIGMET 05 VALID 080520/081100 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD OBS AT 0500Z WI S0804 E11255 - S0807 E11257 - S0829 E11237 - S0810 E11228 - S0804 E11255 SFC/FL140 MOV SW 10KT WKN=  751 WWUS86 KEKA 080606 RFWEKA Urgent - Fire Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 1106 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...Critical fire weather conditions expected late this evening through Wednesday morning... .The prolonged period of hot and dry conditions in recent days will be followed by a period of strong north to northeast winds on area ridges from this evening through Wednesday morning. These winds will impact Lake, Trinity, northeast Mendocino, interior Humboldt , and interior Del Norte Counties from late this evening into Wednesday morning. Strong winds combined with very low relative humidity values and poor overnight recoveries will result in critical fire weather conditions. CAZ203-204-211-212-264-277-283-081300- /O.CON.KEKA.FW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Upper Smith-Lower Middle Klamath-Hoopa-Van Duzen/Mad River- Lake County Portion of Lake/Napa/Sonoma RU- W Mendocino NF/E Mendocino Unit-Trinity- 1106 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * AFFECTED AREA...Interior Del Norte County, Interior Humboldt County. * WIND...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts as high as 45 mph on exposed ridgetops. Strongest gusts expected late tonight through Tuesday morning. * HUMIDITY...Minimum relative humidity values 5 to 15 percent on Tuesday afternoon with poor overnight recoveries in the 25 to 35 percent range. * IMPACTS...Any new fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. $$ http://weather.gov/eureka  722 WSPS21 NZKL 080557 NZZO SIGMET 11 VALID 080606/081006 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3040 E17400 - S2650 E16920 - S2600 E17010 - S2930 E17520 - S3140 W17320 - S3240 W17230 - S3040 E17400 FL230/370 STNR NC=  814 WWUS76 KEKA 080606 NPWEKA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 1106 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 CAZ102-104>108-110>115-081300- /O.CON.KEKA.EH.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ Del Norte Interior-Southwestern Humboldt- Northern Humboldt Interior-Southern Humboldt Interior- Northern Trinity-Southern Trinity-Northwestern Mendocino Interior- Northeastern Mendocino Interior-Southwestern Mendocino Interior- Southeastern Mendocino Interior-Northern Lake County- Southern Lake County- 1106 PM PDT Mon Sep 7 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PDT TUESDAY... * WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with high temperatures from 100 to 110 degrees. * WHERE...Trinity and Lake counties along with the interior of Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$  210 WGUS41 KILN 080607 FLWILN BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 207 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC041-081400- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.W.0019.200908T0607Z-200908T1400Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Delaware OH- 207 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Warning for... Delaware County in central Ohio... * Until 1000 AM EDT Tuesday. * At 204 AM EDT, radar and automated rain gauges indicated that heavy rain had fallen across the warned area. Rainfall amounts of 3 to 5 inches have impacted parts of Delaware County, and additional rain of up to an inch will be possible overnight. Runoff from this excessive rainfall will cause flooding to occur. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Radnor, Ashley, Delaware State Park, Leonardsburg, Delaware, Ostrander, Kilbourne, Olive Green, Lewis Center, Sunbury, Galena, Powell, Polaris and Shawnee Hills. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4043 8302 4042 8301 4041 8292 4036 8292 4035 8275 4013 8276 4014 8317 4024 8317 4024 8325 4044 8325 $$ Hatzos  395 WGUS71 KILN 080608 FFSILN Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 208 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC041-080617- /O.CAN.KILN.FF.W.0038.000000T0000Z-200908T0630Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Delaware OH- 208 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR DELAWARE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... This Flash Flood Warning has been replaced with a Flood Warning, which is in effect until 1000 AM EDT. LAT...LON 4043 8302 4042 8301 4041 8292 4036 8292 4035 8275 4013 8276 4014 8317 4024 8317 4024 8325 4044 8325 $$ Hatzos  486 WGUS51 KILN 080616 FFWILN OHC011-037-091-107-149-159-081030- /O.EXT.KILN.FF.W.0037.000000T0000Z-200908T1030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 216 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Shelby County in west central Ohio... Logan County in west central Ohio... Northern Darke County in west central Ohio... Southwestern Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Union County in central Ohio... Southern Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 630 AM EDT. * At 213 AM EDT, law enforcement reported flash flooding in Logan County, with cars stranded and roads damaged. Thunderstorms have produced 3 to 6 inches of rain in the warned area, and additional rainfall is expected overnight. Flash flooding is thus expected to continue. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Law enforcement and radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that may experience flooding include... Huntsville, Bloom Center, Lewistown, Sidney, Bellefontaine, New Bremen, Minster, St. Henry, Richwood, Newport, West Liberty, Anna, Fort Loramie, Jackson Center, Fort Recovery, Russells Point, De Graff, Botkins, West Mansfield, Quincy and Rushsylvania. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. To report flash flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4050 8325 4025 8325 4025 8379 4026 8384 4027 8401 4025 8402 4024 8480 4043 8480 4048 8352 4051 8351 FLASH FLOOD...OBSERVED $$ Hatzos  723 WSCA31 MHTG 080610 MHTG SIGMET 2 VALID 080610/081010 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0600Z WI N1536 W08719 -N1303 W08529 -N1052 W08716 -N1305 W08941 -N1519 W08850 TOP FL480 MOV W 05-10KT WKN=  438 WSSR20 WSSS 080620 WSJC SIGMET 6 VALID 080630/080730 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR CNL SIGMET 5 080430/080730=  815 WWCN13 CWTO 080622 WIND WARNING FOR FAR NORTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:22 A.M. EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: MOOSONEE - FORT ALBANY ATTAWAPISKAT PEAWANUCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  187 WSBZ01 SBBR 080600 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3130 W04722 - S2602 W04242 - S2909 W01032 - S3259 W01120 - S3356 W02937 - S3130 W04722 FL180/321 MOV NE NC=  188 WSBZ01 SBBR 080600 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0256 W07007 - S0255 W06629 - S0418 W06519 - S0654 W06508 - S0724 W06601 - S0428 W07024 - S0408 W06959 - S0256 W07007 TOP FL452 STNR NC=  189 WSBZ01 SBBR 080600 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0028 W06230 - N0135 W05800 - N0121 W05641 - S0020 W05645 - S0140 W06130 - S0030 W06242 - N0028 W06230 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  190 WSBZ01 SBBR 080600 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0525 W07257 - S0955 W06657 - S1100 W06845 - S1052 W07035 - S0922 W07031 - S1000 W07202 - S0732 W07401 - S0641 W07308 - S0525 W07257 TOP FL451 STNR NC=  113 WSMS31 WMKK 080624 WMFC SIGMET A02 VALID 080630/080930 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0601 E09728 - N0601 E09424 - N0720 E09424 - N0718 E09757 - N0620 E09951 - N0509 E09826 - N0601 E09728 TOP FL530 MOV W NC=  501 WSHO31 MHTG 080610 MHTG SIGMET 2 VALID 080610/081010 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0600Z WI N1536 W08719 -N1303 W08529 -N1052 W08716 -N1305 W08941 -N1519 W08850 TOP FL480 MOV W 05-10KT WKN=  684 WAUS42 KKCI 080626 AAA WA2S MIAS WA 080626 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...NC NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW ETX TO 20SE JFK TO 20ENE ORF TO 80S ECG TO 20S ILM TO 30NNE FLO TO 20E LYH TO DCA TO 40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE ATL TO 40S IRQ TO 30SE AMG TO 30NW OMN TO CTY TO 60ESE CEW TO 40SE MGM TO 40SE ATL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...FL FROM 30W OMN TO MIA TO 50SW MIA TO SRQ TO 20SSE CTY TO 30W OMN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA...UPDT FROM 40NNW HMV TO 40SSE PSK TO 20WSW ODF TO 40WSW VXV TO HMV TO 40NNW HMV CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...IFR NC SC NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40NW ETX-20SSW SAX-20S JFK-20NE ECG-70SSE ECG-40SSW ILM-30SW FLO-50S LYH-20N CSN-40NW ETX CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  098 WAUS44 KKCI 080626 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 080626 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 20ENE JCT TO 40W CWK TO 30SW SAT TO 30SE DLF TO 50SW JCT TO 20ENE JCT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG 06-09Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TN...UPDT FROM 40NNW HMV TO HMV TO 40WSW VXV TO 20E LOZ TO 40NNW HMV CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG BY 12Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z AREA 1...IFR OK TX SD NE KS MN IA MO BOUNDED BY 60WNW DPR-60SSE PIR-40WSW MSP-30NNW MCW-40NNE DSM- 50SSW IRK-30E BUM-50E LBL-30NW AMA-60NNE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL- GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-100SE MLS-60WNW DPR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. . AREA 2...IFR AL BOUNDED BY 20SW ATL-50SW PZD-20NW CEW-30WSW MGM-20SW ATL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 09Z. CONDS ENDG 12- 15Z. ....  031 WAUS46 KKCI 080628 AAB WA6S SFOS WA 080628 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 080900 . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 110SW ONP TO 80WNW OED TO 50SW OED TO 30ENE FOT TO 50S FOT TO 40SSW ENI TO 120WSW SNS TO 150WSW FOT TO 160SW ONP TO 110SW ONP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80WNW RZS TO 20NW RZS TO 40WSW TRM TO 30ESE MZB TO 50SSW MZB TO 130SSW RZS TO 160WSW RZS TO 80WNW RZS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 80S YDC TO 60S GEG TO 50SSW PDT TO 50NE LKV TO 60SW EUG TO 30N ONP TO 50SE HQM TO 80S YDC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS ENDG BY 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR FROM YDC TO 20NNE YKM TO 50SSE BTG TO 20S ONP TO 40S HQM TO TOU TO YDC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA FROM 50SSE BTG TO 40E DSD TO 30N LKV TO 50SE OED TO 80W OED TO 20S ONP TO 50SSE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z ENDG 09-12Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 40N FOT TO 30N RBL TO 20SSW SAC TO 30SSW EHF TO 30N TRM TO 60SSE TRM TO 20S MZB TO LAX TO 50W RZS TO 30S ENI TO 20SW FOT TO 40N FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 30N RBL TO 40NNW FMG TO 50SW BVL TO 30W DTA TO 20SW DBL TO 20NE CIM TO 30ESE TBE TO 40S FTI TO 30W TCS TO 50ENE INW TO 50WNW PHX TO 30N TRM TO 30S EHF TO 40N EHF TO 30NE MOD TO 30N RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 09Z THRU 15Z. . OTLK VALID 0900-1500Z...MTN OBSCN OR CA BOUNDED BY 70WNW OED-40N RBL-20SSW SAC-20WSW EHF-30N TRM-50SSE TRM-20SE MZB-40E LAX-40W RZS-30SSW FOT-70WNW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG THRU 15Z. ....  025 WGUS41 KCLE 080630 FLWCLE BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Cleveland OH 230 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The National Weather Service in Cleveland OH has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Ohio... Black River At Elyria affecting Lorain County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. OHC093-081630- /O.NEW.KCLE.FL.W.0050.200908T0709Z-200908T1727Z/ /ELRO1.1.ER.200908T0709Z.200908T0840Z.200908T1126Z.NO/ 230 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Cleveland has issued a * Flood Warning for the Black River At Elyria. * Until this afternoon. * At 2:15 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 9.4 feet. * Flood stage is 9.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage early this morning to a crest of 9.6 feet early this morning. It will then fall below flood stage this morning. * Impact...At 9.5 feet, Flooding begins south of Elyria in Carlisle Township along Woodside Drive. && LAT...LON 4146 8219 4148 8212 4139 8207 4127 8215 4128 8220 4140 8212 $$  491 WSSN31 ESWI 080629 ESAA SIGMET U01 VALID 080635/080900 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6111 E01215 - N6111 E01532 - N6002 E01617 - N5945 E01230 - N6100 E01245 - N6111 E01215 FL240/370 MOV E 25KT NC=  292 WSSP32 LEMM 080633 LECB SIGMET 2 VALID 080640/080940 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4043 E00438 - N3901 E00437 - N3822 E00356 - N3728 E00126 - N4001 E00046 - N4101 E00328 - N4043 E00438 TOP FL340 STNR NC=  740 WSNT12 KKCI 080645 SIGA0L KZWY SIGMET LIMA 3 VALID 080645/081045 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0645Z WI N3245 W06100 - N3100 W05645 - N2545 W05600 - N2245 W06000 - N2815 W05930 - N3245 W06100. TOP FL480. MOV W 20KT. NC.  387 WABZ23 SBGL 080637 SBCW AIRMET 6 VALID 080638/080918 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0600M FG FCST WI S2413 W05457 - S2548 W05339 - S2623 W05525 - S2457 W05557 - S2413 W05457 STNR NC=  388 WABZ23 SBGL 080637 SBCW AIRMET 5 VALID 080638/080918 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 200/1000FT FCST WI S2413 W05511 - S2435 W04827 - S2554 W04905 - S2551 W05539 - S2413 W05511 STNR NC=  905 WSNO34 ENMI 080640 ENBD SIGMET C02 VALID 080700/081000 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6310 E00410 - N6300 E00710 - N6200 E01210 - N6200 E00500 FL240/370 MOV NNE 15KT NC=  247 WSKO31 RKSI 080645 RKRR SIGMET Y03 VALID 080650/080930 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3436 E12401 - N3555 E12800 - N3523 E12827 - N3349 E12402 - N3436 E12401 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  628 WSCI36 ZUUU 080639 ZPKM SIGMET 1 VALID 080645/081045 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3133 E09848-N3243 E10136-N3042 E10459-N2845 E10325-N2851 E08917-N3240 E09144-N3133 E09848 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  430 WSCI45 ZHHH 080639 ZHWH SIGMET 1 VALID 080650/081050 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N28 TOP FL350 STNR NC=  635 WSCI35 ZJHK 080643 ZJSA SIGMET 2 VALID 080650/081050 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1830 E11222 - N1737 E10809 - N1904 E10702 - N2030 E10802 - N2030 E11130 - N1930 E11130 - N1830 E11222 TOP FL480 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  490 WAIY32 LIIB 080650 LIRR AIRMET 5 VALID 080700/081000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3954 E00757 - N4002 E01053 - N3746 E01056 - N3858 E00758 - N3954 E00757 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  426 WSRS31 RUMA 080643 UUWV SIGMET 2 VALID 080700/081000 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N57 AND W OF E040 TOP FL350 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  375 WSAU21 AMRF 080645 YMMM SIGMET O12 VALID 080645/080700 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET O11 080500/080700=  979 WSUS31 KKCI 080655 SIGE MKCE WST 080655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15E VALID UNTIL 0855Z NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 100ESE ECG-90E ILM LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16E VALID UNTIL 0855Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 60ESE ILM-210SE CHS-100ENE OMN-50E CHS-60ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 11010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17E VALID UNTIL 0855Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 60ESE MIA-90ESE MIA-130SE MIA-80ESE EYW-60ESE MIA AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18E VALID UNTIL 0855Z OH MI IN LE LM FROM 60NW MKG-60SE GRR-30W EWC-30N HNN-30N BVT-60NW MKG AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 080855-081255 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-40W MIA-TRV-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  151 WAIY32 LIIB 080651 LIRR AIRMET 6 VALID 080700/081000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3628 E01416 - N3628 E01634 - N3845 E01648 - N3747 E01434 - N3628 E01416 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  607 WSUS32 KKCI 080655 SIGC MKCC WST 080655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18C VALID UNTIL 0855Z IN WI IL MO IA LM FROM 60SE GRB-40WSW GIJ-20NW AXC-30SE OVR-20N OVR-60SE GRB AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19C VALID UNTIL 0855Z KS NE CO FROM 20NNW SNY-OBH-60W PWE-40NE HLC-20SSW AKO-20NNW SNY AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080855-081255 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30S IRK-30NNE PWE-70ENE HLC-50W GLD-30E DEN-BFF-70NW OVR-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  387 WOPS01 NFFN 080600 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  642 WSUS33 KKCI 080655 SIGW MKCW WST 080655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 080855-081255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  117 WGUS83 KIWX 080647 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 247 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC001-009-053-069-075-169-179-OHC161-080700- /O.CON.KIWX.FA.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T0700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Blackford IN-Grant IN-Huntington IN-Jay IN-Wabash IN-Wells IN-Van Wert OH- 247 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM EDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR GRANT, BLACKFORD, JAY, SOUTHEASTERN WABASH, ADAMS, SOUTHERN HUNTINGTON, WELLS AND WEST CENTRAL VAN WERT COUNTIES... At 244 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated slow moving thunderstorms with moderate rainfall leaving the warned area. This will allow for any ongoing flooding to slowly recede. Between 1 and 3.5 inches of rain fell across the warned area. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Marion, Bluffton, Decatur, Portland, Hartford City, Gas City, Berne, Upland, Ossian, Fairmount, Dunkirk, Albany, Montpelier, Jonesboro, Redkey, Geneva, Sweetser, Swayzee, La Fontaine and Van Buren. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4063 8586 4072 8572 4079 8541 4090 8506 4091 8479 4073 8478 4073 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 4038 8522 4038 8586 $$ CM  453 WWUS83 KILX 080648 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 148 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ029>031-037-080730- Tazewell-Marshall-Peoria-Woodford- 148 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL MARSHALL...CENTRAL WOODFORD...NORTHEASTERN TAZEWELL AND SOUTHEASTERN PEORIA COUNTIES UNTIL 230 AM CDT... At 148 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Creve Coeur, or near Pekin, moving northeast at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Peoria, Pekin, Eureka, East Peoria, Morton, Washington, Bartonville, Creve Coeur, West Peoria, Metamora, Germantown Hills, Marquette Heights, Roanoke, Bellevue, Washburn, Bay View Gardens, Secor, Peoria Heights, Cazenovia and North Pekin. This includes the following highways... Interstate 474 between mile markers 3 and 14. Interstate 74 between mile markers 89 and 99. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4057 8969 4067 8976 4098 8923 4076 8907 TIME...MOT...LOC 0648Z 236DEG 34KT 4065 8961 $$ Shimon  961 WAIY32 LIIB 080653 LIRR AIRMET 7 VALID 080700/081000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4256 E01304 - N4225 E01238 - N4127 E01301 - N3938 E01546 - N3848 E01608 - N3820 E01526 - N3759 E01342 - N3714 E01338 - N3640 E01509 - N3753 E01521 - N3751 E01557 - N3854 E01653 - N3859 E01633 - N3911 E01614 - N4109 E01508 - N4127 E01422 - N4256 E01304 STNR NC=  641 ACUS03 KWNS 080649 SWODY3 SPC AC 080648 Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0148 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 101200Z - 111200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Organized severe thunderstorms are not currently forecast for Thursday or Thursday night. ...Synopsis... A mid-level low over the Four Corners will gradually weaken as it moves northeast into eastern WY by early Friday morning. A residual frontal zone draped from parts of TX northward into the lower MO Valley will serve as a focus for showers and isolated thunderstorms. Model guidance indicates both lapse rates and low to mid tropospheric flow will be weak. As a result, thunderstorm intensity will be subdued and only general thunderstorms are currently forecast for parts of the Plains states and the East. ..Smith.. 09/08/2020 $$  642 WUUS03 KWNS 080649 PTSDY3 DAY 3 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0148 AM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 101200Z - 111200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... ANY SEVERE ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 37910745 39200732 40140671 39870542 37930574 37290636 37350720 37910745 99999999 28880388 30230384 31060269 31380106 31209867 31859810 37849721 40169639 41219472 41619311 40849242 39019311 37019339 33119391 31369373 30369261 30229122 30659046 33518896 35148553 37688276 39048008 40847809 41577471 42777114 43156909 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 SSE MTJ 25 W ASE 35 NNE EGE 30 WNW DEN 35 NNE ALS 30 WSW ALS 35 ENE DRO 45 SSE MTJ ...CONT... 105 S MRF 15 SE MRF 15 NE FST 35 W SJT 45 SSE BWD 25 S SEP 20 NE ICT 20 ESE BIE 50 NE SDA 20 N OXV 20 S OTM 30 NE SZL 15 S SGF 25 SSE TXK 40 NW POE 40 WNW LFT 45 E LFT 35 S MCB 30 WSW CBM 20 WNW CHA 35 ENE JKL 15 NW EKN 10 W UNV 10 SSE MSV 25 SW PSM 70 ESE PWM.  245 WSNO31 ENMI 080650 ENOS SIGMET A02 VALID 080700/081000 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6030 E00730 - N6200 E00730 - N6200 E01240 - N6000 E01240 - N6030 E00730 FL240/370 MOV ENE 25KT INTSF=  952 WGUS43 KIWX 080651 FLWIWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 251 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC003-161-080900- /O.EXT.KIWX.FA.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Allen OH-Van Wert OH- 251 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has extended the * Flood Warning for... Allen County in west central Ohio... Van Wert County in west central Ohio... * Until 500 AM EDT. * At 248 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated slow moving thunderstorms containing heavy rainfall over the warned area. Between 2 and 4.5 inches of rain have fallen. These storms are expected to slowly lift north-northeast over the next few hours. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4073 8446 4073 8480 4091 8480 4096 8440 4090 8440 4090 8434 4086 8434 4086 8411 4090 8411 4085 8388 4065 8388 4064 8411 4066 8411 4066 8422 4069 8422 4068 8446 $$ CM  668 WSNZ21 NZKL 080649 NZZC SIGMET 3 VALID 080651/081051 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4640 E16750 - S4710 E16730 - S4730 E16800 - S4700 E16820 - S4640 E16750 SFC/3000FT STNR NC=  669 WSNZ21 NZKL 080650 NZZC SIGMET 4 VALID 080651/080716 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 1 080316/080716=  457 WAIY33 LIIB 080656 LIBB AIRMET 1 VALID 080700/081000 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4255 E01304 - N4252 E01342 - N3925 E01704 - N3854 E01652 - N3858 E01633 - N3910 E01613 - N4109 E01507 - N4127 E01422 - N4255 E01304 STNR NC=  554 WSMS31 WMKK 080653 WMFC SIGMET B01 VALID 080653/080930 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0745 E09454 - N0959 E09453 - N0959 E09630 - N0806 E09732 - N0745 E09454 TOP FL520 MOV WSW NC=  655 WALJ31 LJLJ 080655 LJLA AIRMET U2 VALID 080700/081000 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N46 E01357 - N4531 E01436 - N4523 E01401 - N4525 E01340 - N4555 E01330 - N46 E01357 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  232 WSMS31 WMKK 080656 WBFC SIGMET C01 VALID 080650/080900 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0141 E10944 - N0526 E11502 - N0444 E11525 - N0323 E11406 - N0124 E11422 - N0057 E11019 - N0141 E10944 TOP FL490 MOV W INTSF=  220 WARH31 LDZM 080652 LDZO AIRMET 4 VALID 080700/080900 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4454 E01403 - N4537 E01427 - N4413 E01619 - N4345 E01547 - N4409 E01508 - N4454 E01403 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  722 WSNZ21 NZKL 080657 NZZC SIGMET 5 VALID 080659/081059 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4450 E16730 - S4600 E16620 - S4620 E16710 - S4510 E16820 - S4450 E16730 SFC/9000FT STNR INTSF=  196 WSNZ21 NZKL 080658 NZZC SIGMET 6 VALID 080659/080723 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 2 080323/080723=  504 WSBW20 VGHS 080700 VGFR SIGMET 03 VALID 080800/081200 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV NNE NC=  141 WSPS21 NZKL 080655 NZZO SIGMET 12 VALID 080701/081101 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5620 W16010 - S5830 W15820 - S6210 W16320 - S6120 W16500 - S5820 W16110 - S5700 W16210 - S5620 W16010 1000FT/FL130 MOV E 35KT NC=  995 WWNZ40 NZKL 080658 GALE WARNING 125 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES AND PACIFIC AT 080600UTC IN A BELT 300 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 52S 165E 52S 173E 52S 178W: WESTERLY 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 30KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 119.  996 WWNZ40 NZKL 080657 GALE WARNING 124 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 080600UTC LOW 985HPA NEAR 48S 152W MOVING NORTHEAST 15KT. WITHIN 240 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM SOUTHWEST THROUGH NORTHWEST TO NORTH: CLOCKWISE 35KT EASING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREA MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 118.  997 WWNZ40 NZKL 080700 GALE WARNING 127 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: FORTIES AT 080600UTC IN A BELT 180 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 46S 165E 50S 169E 50S 176E: NORTHWEST 35KT. GALE AREA SLOW MOVING. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 121.  998 WWNZ40 NZKL 080701 CANCEL WARNING 122  999 WWNZ40 NZKL 080656 GALE WARNING 123 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 080600UTC LOW 981HPA NEAR 46S 124W MOVING EAST 35KT. WITHIN 480 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM WEST THROUGH NORTH TO NORTHEAST: CLOCKWISE 35KT. GALE AREA MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 117.  000 WWNZ40 NZKL 080659 GALE WARNING 126 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 080600UTC IN A BELT 180 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 59S 166E 59S 174E 60S 179W: WESTERLY 40KT EASING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 5KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 120.  148 WGUS83 KIWX 080702 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 302 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC001-009-053-069-075-169-179-OHC161-080712- /O.EXP.KIWX.FA.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T0700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Blackford IN-Grant IN-Huntington IN-Jay IN-Wabash IN-Wells IN-Van Wert OH- 302 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD WARNING HAS EXPIRED FOR GRANT, BLACKFORD, JAY, SOUTHEASTERN WABASH, ADAMS, SOUTHERN HUNTINGTON, WELLS AND WEST CENTRAL VAN WERT COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended. Any ongoing flooding should recede over the next few hours. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4063 8586 4072 8572 4079 8541 4090 8506 4091 8479 4073 8478 4073 8480 4031 8480 4031 8522 4038 8522 4038 8586 $$ CM  076 WVPR31 SPJC 080705 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 080730/081330 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 0600Z WI S1535 W07135 - S1541 W07126 - S1553 W07125 - S1601 W07135 - S1555 W07144 - S1548 W07156 - S1537 W07151 - S1535 W07135 SFC/FL250 FCST AT 1200Z VA CLD WI S1534 W07141 - S1538 W07113 - S1550 W07112 - S1601 W07116 - S1555 W07135 - S1547 W07154 - S1537 W07154 - S1534 W07141 SFC/FL250=  960 WSRA31 RUHB 080706 UHHH SIGMET 2 VALID 080730/081130 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N46 AND W OF E136 SFC/FL200 STNR NC=  341 WWPK20 OPKC 080708 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 0700 UTC DATED 08-09-2020 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : NO STROM WARNING. PART –II : NIL PART -III : FORECAST. SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND W/SW'LY 10-15KT GUST 20KT N OF 24N. SW/W'LY 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY. VISIBILITY 2-4NM. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/E’LY 07-12KT GUST 17KT N OF 24N. SW/SE'LY 10-15KT GUST 25KT S OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY. VISIBILITY 3-5NM. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE TO ROUGH IN S SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12N/55E, 12N/63E, 20N/58E, 20N/67E) WIND NW/W'LY 10-15KT GUST 20KT N OF 18N AND E OF 65E. SW'LY 12-18KT GUST 25KT N OF 18N AND W OF 65E. NW'LY 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 18N AND E OF 65E. SW/W'LY 12-18KT GUST 25KT S OF 18N AND W OF 63E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF TSRA IN SE SECTOR. VISIBILITY 3-5NM WITH 1-2NM IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE TO ROUGH IN SW SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND NE/SW'LY BECMG SE/NE'LY 07-12KT GUST 25KT W OF 50E. SE/SW'LY 17-21KT GUST 30KT E OF 50E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF RAIN/THUNDERSTORM IN W SECTOR. VISIBILITY 3-5NM WITH 1-2NM IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA MODERATE/ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH. SUB AREA NO. 5 ARABIAN GULF (PREPARED BY QATAR METEOROLOGY DEPARTMENT ) PART I : NIL. PART II : LOW PRESSURE OVER THE GULF SEA. PART III : FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND VARIABLE TO MAINLY NW-SW'LY 05-15KT. WEATHER HAZY AT SOME PLACES AT TIMES. VISIBILITY GOOD/MODERATE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO.2 SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND MAINLY NW/W’LY 05-15KT GUSTING TO 18KT AT SOME PLACES. WEATHER FINE. VISIBILITY GOOD. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE.  342 WTIN20 DEMS 080708 DEMS-RSMC TROPICAL CYCLONES NEW DELHI DATED 08.09.2020 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (THE BAY OF BENGAL AND ARABIAN SEA) VALID FOR NEXT 120 HOURS ISSUED AT 0600 UTC OF 08.09.2020 BASED ON 0300 UTC OF 08.09.2020 . BAY OF BENGAL: SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER SOUTHWEST ADJOINING WEST-CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL, NORTH ANDAMAN SEA ADJOINING EAST-CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL AND GULF OF MARTABAN. SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED MODERATE TO INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER SOUTHEAST BAY OF BENGAL AND SOUTH ANDAMAN SEA. A LOW PRESSURE AREA IS LIKELY TO FORM OVER WEST-CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL OFF ANDHRA PRADESH COAST AROUND 13TH SEPTEMBER. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL ARABIAN SEA: YESTERDAY\U2019S, LOW PRESSURE AREA PERSISTS OVER EAST-CENTRAL ARABIAN SEA OFF KARNATAKA COAST AT 0300 UTC OF TODAY, THE 08TH SEPTEMBER. SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER EAST-CENTRAL AND SOUTH-EAST ARABIAN SEA. SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED ISOLATED WEAK TO MODERATE CONVECTION LAY OVER SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS : 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL=  229 WABZ23 SBGL 080711 SBAZ AIRMET 2 VALID 080740/081140 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 2000M FU FCST WI S1442 W05634 - S1516 W05506 - S1625 W05536 - S1554 W05705 - S1442 W05634 STNR NC=  986 WWUS83 KDVN 080712 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 212 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC071-IAC057-080745- Henderson-Des Moines- 212 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN HENDERSON AND NORTHEASTERN DES MOINES COUNTIES UNTIL 245 AM CDT... At 212 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Mediapolis, or 8 miles north of Burlington, moving east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Burlington, Oquawka, West Burlington, Mediapolis, Biggsville, Gladstone, Rozetta, Gulf Port, Bald Bluff, Lone Tree, Kingston, Big River State Forest, Starr's Cave Park and Preserve, Sperry, Big Hollow Recreation Area, Dodgeville, Beaverdale, Des Moines County Fairgrounds and Delabar State Park. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4099 9127 4104 9099 4105 9092 4106 9086 4086 9079 4080 9121 TIME...MOT...LOC 0712Z 254DEG 22KT 4092 9116 $$ McClure  472 WGUS81 KILN 080715 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 315 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC021-037-109-149-080724- /O.CAN.KILN.FA.Y.0129.000000T0000Z-200908T0730Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Champaign OH-Darke OH-Miami OH- 315 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLOOD ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SHELBY...WESTERN CHAMPAIGN...DARKE AND MIAMI COUNTIES HAS BEEN CANCELLED... The heavy rain has ended and flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please report previous flooding to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 4024 8480 4025 8402 4027 8401 4026 8380 4003 8382 4004 8403 3996 8405 3996 8481 $$ AR  165 WWUS81 KCLE 080716 SPSCLE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 316 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHZ009-010-019-020-029>031-080845- Huron-Erie-Richland-Medina-Lorain-Ashland-Wayne- 316 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...GUSTY WINDS FROM DISSIPATING THUNDERSTORMS... At 312 AM EDT, radar indicated an area of gusty winds moving northward from an area of dissipating thunderstorms. These southerly winds are expected to move toward the central lakeshore area from the the higher terrain of Richland and Ashland counties. Wind gusts up to 45 mph are possible. LAT...LON 4077 8247 4086 8273 4100 8273 4101 8283 4144 8285 4147 8282 4144 8276 4146 8270 4138 8248 4143 8232 4143 8227 4150 8208 4152 8201 4150 8197 4127 8197 4073 8205 TIME...MOT...LOC 0712Z 176DEG 12KT 4095 8275 4085 8248 4081 8216 $$  087 WWUS71 KBOX 080716 NPWBOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 316 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MAZ013-017-020-RIZ001>007-081200- /O.NEW.KBOX.FG.Y.0015.200908T0716Z-200908T1200Z/ Western Norfolk MA-Northern Bristol MA-Southern Bristol MA- Northwest Providence RI-Southeast Providence RI-Western Kent RI- Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI-Newport RI- Including the cities of Foxborough, Norwood, Taunton, Fall River, New Bedford, Foster, Smithfield, Providence, Coventry, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, Bristol, Narragansett, Westerly, and Newport 316 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...In Massachusetts, Western Norfolk MA, Northern Bristol MA and Southern Bristol MA Counties. In Rhode Island, Northwest Providence RI, Southeast Providence RI, Western Kent RI, Eastern Kent RI, Bristol RI, Washington RI and Newport RI Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ BL For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/box  746 WUUS53 KDVN 080716 SVRDVN ILC071-187-IAC057-080800- /O.NEW.KDVN.SV.W.0188.200908T0716Z-200908T0800Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 216 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Henderson County in west central Illinois... West central Warren County in west central Illinois... Northeastern Des Moines County in southeastern Iowa... * Until 300 AM CDT. * At 216 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Mediapolis, or 7 miles north of Burlington, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Burlington, Oquawka, West Burlington, Mediapolis, Kirkwood, Biggsville, Gladstone, Rozetta, Gulf Port, Kossuth, Bald Bluff, Lone Tree, Kingston, Big River State Forest, Starr's Cave Park and Preserve, Sperry, Dodgeville and Delabar State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4080 9116 4101 9123 4105 9100 4107 9086 4107 9079 4086 9070 TIME...MOT...LOC 0716Z 254DEG 22KT 4092 9111 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  159 WABZ23 SBGL 080718 SBCW AIRMET 7 VALID 080720/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 600/1000FT FCST WI S2331 W04651 - S2323 W04616 - S2348 W04608 - S2401 W04646 - S2331 W04651 STNR NC=  353 WGUS53 KILX 080719 FFWILX ILC143-179-081015- /O.NEW.KILX.FF.W.0034.200908T0719Z-200908T1015Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 219 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Tazewell County in central Illinois... Southeastern Peoria County in central Illinois... * Until 515 AM CDT. * At 218 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Peoria, Pekin, East Peoria, Morton, Washington, Bartonville, Creve Coeur, Marquette Heights, Goodfield, Deer Creek, North Pekin and Groveland. This includes the following highways... Interstate 155 between mile markers 27 and 31. Interstate 474 between mile markers 7 and 14. Interstate 74 between mile markers 94 and 109. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4062 8933 4062 8927 4057 8927 4053 8956 4064 8968 4075 8948 4075 8933 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ 37  082 WSCG31 FCBB 080721 FCCC SIGMET L2 VALID 080750/081150 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0700Z N OF LINE N0249 E00640 - N0249 E01517 E OF LINE S0048 E01649 - N0117 E01634 E OF LINE N0433 E01809 - N0335 E01815 N OF LINE N0743 E01740 - N0743 E01954 TOP FL400 MOV W 10KT NC=  342 WWUS53 KDVN 080722 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 222 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC071-187-IAC057-080800- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0188.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Henderson IL-Warren IL-Des Moines IA- 222 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 300 AM CDT FOR NORTHERN HENDERSON...WEST CENTRAL WARREN AND NORTHEASTERN DES MOINES COUNTIES... At 222 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Oquawka, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Burlington, Oquawka, West Burlington, Mediapolis, Kirkwood, Biggsville, Gladstone, Rozetta, Gulf Port, Kossuth, Bald Bluff, Lone Tree, Kingston, Big River State Forest, Starr's Cave Park and Preserve, Sperry, Dodgeville and Delabar State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4080 9116 4101 9123 4105 9100 4107 9086 4107 9079 4086 9070 TIME...MOT...LOC 0722Z 254DEG 22KT 4093 9106 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  472 WSBZ01 SBBR 080700 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0525 W07257 - S0955 W06657 - S1100 W06845 - S1052 W07035 - S0922 W07031 - S1000 W07202 - S0732 W07401 - S0641 W07308 - S0525 W07257 TOP FL451 STNR NC=  473 WSBZ01 SBBR 080700 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3130 W04722 - S2602 W04242 - S2909 W01032 - S3259 W01120 - S3356 W02937 - S3130 W04722 FL180/321 MOV NE NC=  474 WSBZ01 SBBR 080700 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0256 W07007 - S0255 W06629 - S0418 W06519 - S0654 W06508 - S0724 W06601 - S0428 W07024 - S0408 W06959 - S0256 W07007 TOP FL452 STNR NC=  475 WSBZ01 SBBR 080700 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0028 W06230 - N0135 W05800 - N0121 W05641 - S0020 W05645 - S0140 W06130 - S0030 W06242 - N0028 W06230 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  790 WGUS41 KCLE 080727 FLWCLE BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Cleveland OH 327 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The National Weather Service in Cleveland OH has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Ohio... Eagle Creek At Phalanx Station affecting Trumbull County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. OHC155-081730- /O.NEW.KCLE.FL.W.0051.200908T0825Z-200909T0110Z/ /PHAO1.1.ER.200908T0825Z.200908T1300Z.200908T1909Z.UU/ 327 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Cleveland has issued a * Flood Warning for the Eagle Creek At Phalanx Station. * Until this evening. * At 3:00 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 9.5 feet. * Flood stage is 9.5 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage early this morning to a crest of 9.7 feet late this morning. It will then fall below flood stage late this afternoon. * Impact...At 9.5 feet, Barclay Messerly Road south of the Warren Airport in Braceville floods. Knowlton Road will be threatened. && LAT...LON 4133 8100 4129 8093 4128 8087 4124 8092 4124 8095 4125 8100 $$  973 WWUS53 KDVN 080727 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 227 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC071-187-IAC057-080800- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0188.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Henderson IL-Warren IL-Des Moines IA- 227 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 300 AM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN HENDERSON...WEST CENTRAL WARREN AND NORTHEASTERN DES MOINES COUNTIES... At 226 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Oquawka, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Oquawka, Rozetta, Bald Bluff, Kingston, Big River State Forest and Delabar State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in the Quad Cities. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4085 9110 4102 9112 4104 9100 4107 9079 4091 9072 TIME...MOT...LOC 0726Z 252DEG 30KT 4095 9100 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  161 WSPH31 RPLL 080728 RPHI SIGMET B02 VALID 080728/081128 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1236 E12225 - N1238 E12523 - N0939 E12352 - N0901 E12148 - N1128 E12136 - N1236 E12225 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  574 WGUS83 KIWX 080729 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 329 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC001-003-179-080930- /O.NEW.KIWX.FA.Y.0034.200908T0729Z-200908T0930Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Allen IN-Wells IN- 329 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Northern Adams County in northeastern Indiana... Southern Allen County in northeastern Indiana... Northeastern Wells County in northeastern Indiana... * Until 530 AM EDT. * At 329 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 0.5 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Fort Wayne, New Haven, Woodburn, Monroeville, Middletown, Zanesville, Hessen Cassel, Maples, Hoagland, Poe, Tillman, Zulu, Monmouth, Townley, Yoder, Nine Mile and Wallen. Additional rainfall of 0.5 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4106 8526 4118 8517 4113 8482 4103 8481 4092 8481 4084 8481 4084 8483 4091 8528 $$ CM  043 WSNO35 ENMI 080730 ENBD SIGMET D02 VALID 080730/081130 ENVN- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N7050 E02040 - N7120 E02500 - N6930 E02305 - N6855 E02045 - N6845 E01925 - N7050 E02040 SFC/FL200 STNR WKN=  497 ACCA62 TJSJ 080730 TWOSPN Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo Tropical Emitido por El Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami, FL Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 200 AM EDT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 Para el Atlantico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de Mexico: El Centro Nacional de Huracanes esta emitiendo advertencias sobre la Tormenta Tropical Paulette, localizada sobre el centro del Atlantico tropical y sobre la Tormenta Tropical Rene, localizada sobre el centro de las Islas Cabo Verde. Una area de baja presion localizada mas de 250 millas al oeste- suroeste de Bermuda esta produciendo aguaceros y tronadas desorganizados. Algun desarrollo gradual de este sistema es posible durante los proximos dias mientras la baja presion se mueva lentamente hacia el oeste a oeste-noroeste. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...20 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...mediana...40 por ciento. Se pronostica que una onda tropical salga de la costa occidental de Africa tarde el miercoles o jueves. Se anticipa desarrollo gradual cuando el sistema se mueve sobre agua y una depression tropical podria formarse tarde este semana o durante el fin de semana mientras el sistema se mueva generalmente hacia el oeste a traves el este del Atlantico tropical. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...0 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...mediana...60 por ciento. && Advertencias publicas para la Tormenta Tropical Paulette son emitidas bajo WMO encabezado WTNT32 KNHC y bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCPAT2. Pronosticos y Advertencias de la Tormenta Tropical Paulette son emitidas bajo WMO encabezado WTNT22 KNHC y bajo el AWIPS encabezado MIATCMAT2. Advertencias publicas para la Tormenta Tropical Rene son emitidas bajo WMO encabezado WTNT33 KNHC y bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCPAT3. Pronosticos y Advertencias de la Tormenta Tropical Rene son emitidas bajo WMO encabezado WTNT23 KNHC y bajo el AWIPS encabezado MIATCMAT3. $$ Pronosticador Beven Traduccion Ramos-Garces  316 WHUS43 KDTX 080731 CFWDTX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 331 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MIZ048-049-054-055-063-082015- /O.EXT.KDTX.LS.Y.0033.200908T0900Z-200910T0000Z/ Bay-Huron-Tuscola-Sanilac-St. Clair- 331 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Increased lakeshore flooding expected due to moderate northeast wind and higher waves. * WHERE...Bay, Huron, Tuscola, Sanilac and St. Clair Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Added flooding and erosion of prone areas along the lakeshore. Some water on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Northeast winds, gusting up to 25 MPH at times, will persist well into the day Wednesday. Northeast wind gusts are likely to be a little higher across Saginaw Bay. The prolonged period of northeast winds will also build large waves on the lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$  274 WSGL31 BGSF 080734 BGGL SIGMET U03 VALID 080830/081230 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB OBS AT 0830Z WI N6627 W03818 - N6532 W03810 - N6311 W04040 - N6205 W04235 - N6250 W04426 - N6627 W03818 SFC/FL110 WKN FCST AT 1230Z WI N6535 W03803 - N6324 W04047 - N6339 W04239 - N6510 W04119 - N6605 W03839 - N6535 W03803=  629 WWUS53 KDVN 080733 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 233 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC071-187-IAC057-080800- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0188.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Henderson IL-Warren IL-Des Moines IA- 233 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 300 AM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN HENDERSON...WEST CENTRAL WARREN AND EAST CENTRAL DES MOINES COUNTIES... At 233 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Oquawka, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Oquawka, Rozetta, Bald Bluff, Big River State Forest and Delabar State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in the Quad Cities. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4087 9100 4104 9099 4105 9091 4107 9079 4091 9072 TIME...MOT...LOC 0733Z 253DEG 25KT 4097 9091 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  814 WWUS76 KMFR 080734 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 1234 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ085-ORZ030-031-081545- /O.EXP.KMFR.DU.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ Modoc County- Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Adin, Alturas, Canby, Day, Likely, Lookout, Beatty, Bly, Chemult, Crescent, Gilchrist, Sprague River, Adel, Lakeview, and Valley Falls 1234 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 possible. * WHERE...In California, Modoc County. In Oregon, Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County and Central and Eastern Lake County. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 1 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Wind Advisory, from 9 PM this evening to 11 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ ORZ029-081545- /O.EXP.KMFR.DU.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ Klamath Basin- Including the cities of Altamont and Klamath Falls 1234 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...Klamath Basin. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 1 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ CAZ084-080845- /O.EXP.KMFR.DU.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties- Including the cities of Dorris, Newell, Macdoel, and Tulelake 1234 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... Winds have lowered some overnight and blowing dust has reduced northeast Siskiyou County. $$ ORZ021>024-081545- /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast-Curry County Coast- Central Douglas County-Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the cities of Reedsport, Coquille, Drain, Elkton, Roseburg, Sutherlin, and Green 1234 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Temperatures up to 100 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 65. * WHERE...South Central Oregon Coast and Central Douglas County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ ORZ026-081545- /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.200908T1200Z-200909T2100Z/ Jackson County- Including the city of Ashland 1234 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM EARLY THIS MORNING TO 2 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Jackson County, including Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, and the surrounding mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM Tuesday to 2 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...These downsloping winds will be warm and very dry, with relative humidities dropping into the single digits. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  515 WSPF21 NTAA 080735 NTTT SIGMET A1 VALID 080735/081130 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR EMBD TS WI S2130 W14240 - S2600 W13700 - S2600 W14000 - S2130 W14320 CB TOP FL360 STNR NC=  931 WSMS31 WMKK 080738 WMFC SIGMET C01 VALID 080738/080930 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0113 E10327 - N0140 E10210 - N0217 E10128 - N0318 E10322 - N0123 E10421 - N0113 E10327 TOP FL500 MOV W NC=  621 WSID21 WAAA 080735 WAAZ SIGMET 07 VALID 080735/081035 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0330 E13300 - N0330 E13618 - N0233 E13606 - N0310 E13235 - N0340 E13250 - N0330 E13300 TOP FL530 MOV WNW 15KT INTSF=  080 WSRA31 RUNW 080740 UNNT SIGMET 1 VALID 080740/081140 UNNT- UNNT NOVOSIBIRSK FIR EMBD TSGR OBS ENTIRE FIR TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  433 WSUS32 KKCI 080755 SIGC MKCC WST 080755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20C VALID UNTIL 0955Z MI IN WI IL MO IA LM FROM 50WNW MBS-40E GRR-30NW AXC-30E OVR-20SSE MCW-50WNW MBS AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21C VALID UNTIL 0955Z KS NE CO FROM 60NE SNY-40ENE OBH-50W PWE-30SW AKO-30WSW SNY-60NE SNY AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 080955-081355 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30WSW UIN-BUM-70ENE HLC-50W GLD-30E DEN-BFF-70NW OVR-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  843 WSUS33 KKCI 080755 SIGW MKCW WST 080755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 080955-081355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  844 WSUS31 KKCI 080755 SIGE MKCE WST 080755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19E VALID UNTIL 0955Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 100ESE ECG-100SSE ECG LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20E VALID UNTIL 0955Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 60ESE ILM-220SE CHS-70ENE OMN-60ENE CHS-60ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 11010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21E VALID UNTIL 0955Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 40E MIA-80E MIA-130SE MIA-90ESE EYW-40E MIA AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22E VALID UNTIL 0955Z OH MI IN LE FROM 30SE GRR-40SSE CLE-30S APE-30SW FWA-30ENE GIJ-30SE GRR AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 080955-081355 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-40W MIA-TRV-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  144 WWUS53 KDVN 080742 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 242 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 IAC057-080752- /O.CAN.KDVN.SV.W.0188.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Des Moines IA- 242 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL DES MOINES COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4088 9092 4104 9094 4105 9091 4107 9079 4091 9072 TIME...MOT...LOC 0742Z 254DEG 27KT 4099 9082 $$ ILC071-187-080800- /O.CON.KDVN.SV.W.0188.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Henderson IL-Warren IL- 242 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 300 AM CDT FOR NORTHEASTERN HENDERSON AND WEST CENTRAL WARREN COUNTIES... At 242 AM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Rozetta, or 7 miles northeast of Oquawka, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Rozetta, Bald Bluff and Big River State Forest. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Prepare immediately for large hail and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Seek shelter inside a well-built structure. Stay away from windows. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in the Quad Cities. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4088 9092 4104 9094 4105 9091 4107 9079 4091 9072 TIME...MOT...LOC 0742Z 254DEG 27KT 4099 9082 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...<50MPH $$ McClure  876 WWUS83 KILX 080742 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 242 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ031-038-080815- Woodford-McLean- 242 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EASTERN WOODFORD AND NORTHWESTERN MCLEAN COUNTIES UNTIL 315 AM CDT... At 242 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Secor, or 8 miles east of Eureka, moving east at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Eureka, El Paso, Roanoke, Hudson, Goodfield, Carlock, Secor, Congerville, Benson, Kappa, Panola, Evergreen Lake and Lake Bloomington. This includes the following highways... Interstate 39 between mile markers 5 and 25. Interstate 74 between mile markers 114 and 122. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4061 8892 4053 8923 4079 8930 4093 8893 TIME...MOT...LOC 0742Z 249DEG 29KT 4073 8911 $$ 37  399 WHUS73 KAPX 080744 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 344 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LHZ349-081545- /O.NEW.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.200908T1200Z-200909T1500Z/ Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 344 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 11 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 25 kt and highest waves around 6 feet expected. * WHERE...Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...From 8 AM this morning to 11 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ323-342-344>346-081545- /O.NEW.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.200908T2200Z-200909T0900Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 344 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 30 kt and highest waves around 4 feet expected. * WHERE...Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI, Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay, Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI, Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI and Manistee to Point Betsie MI. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 5 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  599 WHUS73 KDTX 080744 MWWDTX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 344 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LHZ421-422-441>443-081945- /O.EXT.KDTX.SC.Y.0053.200908T0900Z-200910T1500Z/ Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay-Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI- Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI-Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI- Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI- 344 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 21 knots from the northeast with gusts up to 27 knots. The largest significant waves will be 4 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 5 feet. * WHERE...Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay, Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI, Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI, Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI and Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 9 PM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 10 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  311 WSPR31 SPJC 080744 SPIM SIGMET A3 VALID 080745/080810 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A2 VALID 080510/080810=  247 WWUS53 KDVN 080751 SVSDVN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 251 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC071-187-080801- /O.EXP.KDVN.SV.W.0188.000000T0000Z-200908T0800Z/ Henderson IL-Warren IL- 251 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HENDERSON AND WEST CENTRAL WARREN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 300 AM CDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4088 9092 4104 9094 4105 9091 4107 9079 4091 9072 TIME...MOT...LOC 0751Z 254DEG 22KT 4100 9077 $$ McClure  603 WUUS48 KWNS 080752 PTSD48 DAY 4-8 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0251 AM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 111200Z - 161200Z SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 4 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 5 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 6 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 7 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 8 ... ANY SEVERE ... &&  609 ACUS48 KWNS 080752 SWOD48 SPC AC 080751 Day 4-8 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0251 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 111200Z - 161200Z ...DISCUSSION... Medium-range models show an eastward-migrating closed low evolving into an open trough during the Friday to Saturday timeframe from the north-central U.S. into the western Great Lakes. By Sunday, models are beginning to show a signal for the development of a surface low with the mid-level trough. A moist airmass ahead of the mid-level trough would at least favor the potential for thunderstorms across the Northeast. Medium-range model spread is sufficiently large by this period to warrant a predictability-too-low highlight. By early next week, a progressive/low-amplitude flow regime is expected with the belt of stronger flow relegated to the northern tier of states. ..Smith.. 09/08/2020  505 WWUS83 KDVN 080754 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 254 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC131-187-080830- Warren-Mercer- 254 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN WARREN AND SOUTHEASTERN MERCER COUNTIES UNTIL 330 AM CDT... At 254 AM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Little York, or near Monmouth, moving northeast at 40 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monmouth, Little York, North Henderson, Alexis, Coldbrook, Gerlaw, Eleanor and Monmouth Municipal Airport. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. LAT...LON 4089 9076 4107 9076 4114 9044 4096 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0754Z 251DEG 36KT 4099 9067 $$ McClure  417 WSTH31 VTBS 080755 VTBB SIGMET 02 VALID 080755/081130 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1757 E10013 - N1734 E10131 - N1646 E10202 - N1617 E10010 - N1757 E10013 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  878 WWUS85 KSLC 080759 AWWSLC UTC035-081300- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 156 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 Airport Weather Warning for northwest trending to northwest winds gusting to greater than 46 mph/40 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 156 AM MDT to 700 AM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  036 WSCI35 ZGGG 080757 ZGZU SIGMET 3 VALID 080840/081240 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N2635 TOP FL400 MOV N 20KMH NC=  117 WONT54 EGRR 080800 SECURITE STORM WARNING NORTHWESTERLY WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO REACH STORM FORCE 10 AT TIMES IN ASSOCIATION WITH PITERAQ IN THE FAR NORTHWEST OF WEST NORTHERN SECTION AND FAR SOUTHWEST OF DENMARK STRAIT UNTIL 081500UTC  277 WWUS83 KILX 080801 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 301 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ027-080845- Knox- 301 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 301 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near North Henderson, or 10 miles northeast of Monmouth, moving east at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Galesburg, Wataga, Oneida, Altona, Victoria, Rio and Henderson. This includes Interstate 74 between mile markers 34 and 46. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 4115 9013 4101 9009 4096 9044 4115 9044 TIME...MOT...LOC 0801Z 253DEG 33KT 4104 9054 $$ 37  979 WHUS43 KLOT 080804 CFWLOT Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Chicago IL 304 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ104-081615- /O.EXB.KLOT.LS.Y.0017.200908T0804Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Central Cook- 304 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a Lakeshore Flood Advisory...which is in effect until 10 AM CDT Wednesday. A Beach Hazards statement remains in effect through late Wednesday night. * LOCATION...Central Cook County shore. * HIGH WAVE ACTION...LAKE SHORE FLOODING AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...8 to 11 feet. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. * TIMING...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory: through Wednesday morning. For the Beach Hazards Statement: through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...The large waves combined with record high lake levels could exacerbate already significant beach and shoreline erosion sustained over the past several months. Typical flood prone locations will likely experience flooding, including portions of the Chicago Bike Path. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. For information on swim advisories or bans at Chicago beaches visit: www.cpdbeaches.com. && $$ ILZ006-103-081615- /O.EXT.KLOT.LS.Y.0017.200908T0804Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IL-Northern Cook- 304 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Northern Cook County and Lake County Illinois shores. * HIGH WAVE ACTION...LAKE SHORE FLOODING AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...8 to 11 feet. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. * TIMING...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory: through Wednesday morning. For the Beach Hazards Statement: through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...The large waves combined with record high lake levels could exacerbate already significant beach and shoreline erosion sustained over the past several months. Typical flood prone locations will likely experience flooding. Onlookers may be swept into the lake by the large waves. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. For information on swim advisories or bans at Chicago beaches visit: www.cpdbeaches.com. A Lakeshore Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds will generate flooding of low areas along the lakeshore. && $$ INZ001-002-081615- /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IN-Porter- 304 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Northwest Indiana beaches. * HIGH WAVE ACTION AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...building to 5 to 8 feet this afternoon. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. && $$ Carlaw  243 WSUS33 KKCI 080805 SIGW MKCW WST 080805 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9W VALID UNTIL 0955Z CO WY UT FROM 20SSE OCS-30NW MTU LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 080955-081355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  063 WSPK31 OPLA 080800 OPLR SIGMET 01 VALID 080800/081200 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS OBS BTN 31N TO 34N AND 72E TO 74E MOV E INTSF=  333 WSRS31 RUAA 080805 ULAA SIGMET 1 VALID 080900/081300 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E04747 FL240/390 MOV ENE 30KMH NC=  951 WWUS73 KFGF 080807 NPWFGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 307 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ006-007-014-015-024-091400- /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy- Including the cities of Cando, Langdon, Fort Totten, Maddock, Leeds, Minnewaukan, Devils Lake, and New Rockford 307 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...Towner, Cavalier, Benson, Ramsey and Eddy Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM to 9 AM CDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>016-022-023-091400- /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk- North Clearwater-Mahnomen-South Clearwater- Including the cities of Roseau, Warroad, Greenbush, Newfolden, Middle River, Grygla, Thief River Falls, Red Lake Falls, Fosston, Fertile, McIntosh, Erskine, Bagley, Clearbrook, Mahnomen, Naytahwaush, Waubun, Alida, Ebro, Lake Itasca, Long Lost Lake, Lower Rice Lake, Roy Lake, and Upper Rice Lake 307 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 possible. * WHERE...Roseau, East Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake, East Polk, North Clearwater, Mahnomen and South Clearwater Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM to 9 AM CDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ001-002-004-006-007-009-017-024-NDZ008-016-026>030-038-054- 091400- /O.CON.KFGF.FR.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ West Polk-Norman-Kittson-Lake Of The Woods-West Marshall- North Beltrami-South Beltrami-Hubbard-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Nelson-Grand Forks-Griggs-Steele-Traill-Barnes-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Crookston, East Grand Forks, Ada, Twin Valley, Halstad, Hallock, Karlstad, Lancaster, Baudette, Warren, Stephen, Argyle, Red Lake, Redby, Ponemah, Bemidji, Park Rapids, Cavalier, Walhalla, Drayton, Pembina, Neche, St. Thomas, Grafton, Park River, Lakota, Mcville, Aneta, Tolna, Grand Forks, Cooperstown, Finley, Hope, Mayville, Hillsboro, Hatton, Portland, Valley City, Edinburg, Adams, and Lankin 307 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 34 will result in frost formation. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, from 3 AM to 9 AM CDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ003-027>032-040-NDZ039-049-052-053-091400- /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Clay-West Becker-East Becker-Wilkin-West Otter Tail- East Otter Tail-Wadena-Grant-Cass-Ransom-Sargent-Richland- Including the cities of Moorhead, Detroit Lakes, Wolf Lake, Breckenridge, Fergus Falls, Perham, New York Mills, Parkers Prairie, Henning, Battle Lake, Wadena, Menahga, Elbow Lake, Hoffman, Ashby, Herman, Barrett, Fargo, Lisbon, Enderlin, Gwinner, Milnor, Forman, Rutland, and Wahpeton 307 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, northwest and west central Minnesota and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...From late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  431 WHUS73 KLOT 080812 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 312 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ743>745-081615- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 312 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 8 feet. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LMZ740>742-081615- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 312 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 30 kt. A few gale force gusts possible through daybreak this morning and again this evening. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 11 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 14 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ Carlaw  640 WABZ23 SBGL 080812 SBCW AIRMET 8 VALID 080815/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 700/1000FT FCST WI S2951 W05113 - S3004 W05115 - S3005 W05106 - S2951 W05104 - S2951 W05113 STNR NC=  991 WABZ23 SBGL 080812 SBCW AIRMET 9 VALID 080815/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR FCST WI S2951 W05113 - S3004 W05115 - S3005 W05106 - S2951 W05104 - S2951 W05113 STNR NC=  261 WGUS53 KILX 080814 FFWILX ILC203-081115- /O.NEW.KILX.FF.W.0035.200908T0814Z-200908T1115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Lincoln IL 314 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Lincoln has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Woodford County in central Illinois... * Until 615 AM CDT. * At 314 AM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Up to three inches of rain have already fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Eureka, Minonk, Roanoke, Secor and Benson. This includes Interstate 39 between mile markers 19 and 27. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4083 8893 4066 8933 4076 8933 4093 8902 4092 8893 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ 37  017 WGUS83 KIND 080815 FLSIND Flood Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 415 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC023-067-159-080825- /O.EXP.KIND.FA.W.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T0815Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clinton IN-Howard IN-Tipton IN- 415 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD WARNING HAS EXPIRED FOR NORTHEASTERN CLINTON, SOUTHERN HOWARD AND TIPTON COUNTIES... Flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4044 8635 4051 8586 4027 8586 4024 8630 $$ AW  755 WSIY31 LIIB 080821 LIMM SIGMET 3 VALID 080830/081230 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4633 E01345 - N4648 E01223 - N4422 E00649 - N4307 E00940 - N4540 E01325 - N4633 E01345 FL250/400 STNR WKN=  383 WTCA43 TJSJ 080817 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Numero 4A SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 500 AM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...RENE MOVIENDOSE A TRAVES DEL ESTE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE... ...SE ESPERA QUE TRAIGA VIENTOS DE FUERZA DE TORMENTA TROPICAL Y LLUVIAS FUERTES A LAS ISLAS CABO VERDE HOY... RESUMEN DE LAS 500 AM CVT...0600 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.2 NORTE 24.0 OESTE CERCA DE 30 MI...50 KM AL SUR SURESTE DE NICOLAU ISLAS DE CABO VERDE CERCA DE 95 MI...155 KM AL SURESTE DE SANTO ANTAO ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 14 MPH...22 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso, en este caso dentro de las proximas 12horas. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 500 AM CVT (0600 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.2 norte, longitud 24.0 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste noroeste a cerca de 14 mph (22 km/h) y se espera que este movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue por los proximos dias. En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Rene pasara sobre el area central de las Islas Cabo Verde esta manana y sobre el oeste de las Islas Cabo Verde esta tarde. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica poco cambio fortalecimiento gradual y Rene pudiera convertirse en huracan en dos o tres dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. Sal, Islas de Cabo Verde reporto recientemente un viento sostenido de 32 mph (52 km/h). La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 2 a 5 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hasta el martes. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical ocurriendo sobre sectores del este de las Islas Cabo Verde se extenderan hacia el oeste sobre el restante de las islas esta noche hasta temprano el martes. RESACA: Se esperan que las marejadas generadas por Rene se desplacen hacia el oeste a traves de las Islas Cabo Verde esta noche y temprano el martes. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 800 AM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Beven Traduccion Ramos-Garces  011 WGUS41 KCLE 080819 FLWCLE BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Cleveland OH 419 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC101-117-081415- /O.NEW.KCLE.FA.W.0016.200908T0819Z-200908T1415Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marion OH-Morrow OH- 419 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Cleveland has issued a * Flood Warning for... Marion County in north central Ohio... Western Morrow County in north central Ohio... * Until 1015 AM EDT. * At 419 AM EDT, Flooding continues but water levels are beginning to decrease in some neighborhoods. The main concerns are now near any of the creeks and low lying areas where the water is flowing. Any additional rainfall will be light. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marion, Prospect, La Rue, Waldo, Caledonia, New Bloomington and Green Camp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 4066 8340 4064 8296 4049 8296 4049 8302 4043 8303 4044 8325 4051 8325 4051 8342 $$  012 WGUS71 KCLE 080819 FFSCLE Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 419 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC101-080829- /O.CAN.KCLE.FF.W.0020.000000T0000Z-200908T0830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marion OH- 419 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR MARION COUNTY HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD WARNING... LAT...LON 4066 8340 4064 8296 4049 8296 4049 8302 4043 8303 4044 8325 4051 8325 4051 8342 4065 8340 $$  332 WAIY31 LIIB 080816 LIMM AIRMET 18 VALID 080820/081220 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4555 E00813 - N4413 E00733 - N4431 E00848 - N4401 E01107 - N4336 E01209 - N4331 E01310 - N4533 E01011 - N4607 E01009 - N4610 E00856 - N4555 E00813 STNR WKN=  749 WAIY31 LIIB 080818 LIMM AIRMET 19 VALID 080820/081220 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N4658 E01118 - N4547 E01140 - N4603 E01226 - N4703 E01208 - N4658 E01118 STNR WKN=  981 WAIY31 LIIB 080824 LIMM AIRMET 20 VALID 080830/081230 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4448 E00906 - N4350 E00723 - N4317 E00915 - N4448 E00906 SFC/FL050 STNR NC=  780 WSMS31 WMKK 080822 WMFC SIGMET D01 VALID 080822/081100 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0245 E10112 - N0430 E09947 - N0637 E10016 - N0547 E10155 - N0624 E10221 - N0412 E10337 - N0245 E10112 TOP FL500 MOV W INTSF=  836 WSBZ01 SBBR 080800 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 080500/080900 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3130 W04722 - S2602 W04242 - S2909 W01032 - S3259 W01120 - S3356 W02937 - S3130 W04722 FL180/321 MOV NE NC=  837 WSBZ01 SBBR 080800 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0256 W07007 - S0255 W06629 - S0418 W06519 - S0654 W06508 - S0724 W06601 - S0428 W07024 - S0408 W06959 - S0256 W07007 TOP FL452 STNR NC=  838 WSBZ01 SBBR 080800 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0028 W06230 - N0135 W05800 - N0121 W05641 - S0020 W05645 - S0140 W06130 - S0030 W06242 - N0028 W06230 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  839 WSBZ01 SBBR 080800 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 080500/080900 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0525 W07257 - S0955 W06657 - S1100 W06845 - S1052 W07035 - S0922 W07031 - S1000 W07202 - S0732 W07401 - S0641 W07308 - S0525 W07257 TOP FL451 STNR NC=  593 WWJP25 RJTD 080600 WARNING AND SUMMARY 080600. WARNING VALID 090600. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 990 HPA AT 45N 128E MANCHURIA ALMOST STATIONARY. WARM FRONT FROM 45N 128E TO 47N 133E 45N 137E 45N 143E 44N 146E. COLD FRONT FROM 45N 128E TO 44N 131E 41N 130E 39N 131E 37N 130E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1002 HPA AT 56N 164E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING EASTNORTHEAST 10 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 56N 164E TO 53N 169E 50N 171E. COLD FRONT FROM 56N 164E TO 53N 161E 50N 158E 49N 155E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 18 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1008 HPA AT 43N 165E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 20 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 43N 165E TO 40N 168E 35N 167E. COLD FRONT FROM 43N 165E TO 42N 160E 42N 155E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW FOR NEXT 12 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. SUMMARY. HIGH 1016 HPA AT 51N 147E ESE 15 KT. HIGH 1020 HPA AT 34N 151E WEST SLOWLY. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  685 WWJP27 RJTD 080600 WARNING AND SUMMARY 080600. WARNING VALID 090600. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 990 HPA AT 45N 128E MANCHURIA ALMOST STATIONARY. WARM FRONT FROM 45N 128E TO 47N 133E 45N 137E 45N 143E 44N 146E. COLD FRONT FROM 45N 128E TO 44N 131E 41N 130E 39N 131E 37N 130E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 600 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1002 HPA AT 56N 164E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING ENE 10 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 56N 164E TO 53N 169E 50N 171E. COLD FRONT FROM 56N 164E TO 53N 161E 50N 158E 49N 155E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 18 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1008 HPA AT 43N 165E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING ESE 20 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 43N 165E TO 40N 168E 35N 167E. COLD FRONT FROM 43N 165E TO 42N 160E 42N 155E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW WITHIN NEXT 12 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. SUMMARY. HIGH 1016 HPA AT 51N 147E ESE 15 KT. HIGH 1020 HPA AT 34N 151E WEST SLOWLY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  217 WHUS73 KMKX 080827 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 327 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ643-644-081630- /O.EXT.KMKX.SC.Y.0073.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- 327 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 5 to 8 feet. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to North Point Lighthouse. * WHEN...Until 1 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ645-646-081630- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0073.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 327 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 6 to 9 feet. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from North Point Lighthouse to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until 1 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Halbach  269 WACN22 CWAO 080827 CZEG AIRMET B1 VALID 080825/081225 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 3/8SM FZFG OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE /N5054 W11421/20 SW CYYC - /N5119 W11448/30 E CYBA QS NC RMK GFACN32=  270 WACN02 CWAO 080827 CZEG AIRMET B1 VALID 080825/081225 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 3/8SM FZFG OBS WTN 10 NM OF LINE N5054 W11421 - N5119 W11448 QS NC=  966 WABZ23 SBGL 080828 SBAZ AIRMET 3 VALID 080830/081140 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 4000M FU FCST WI S0813 W06351 - S0921 W06425 - S0947 W06311 - S0840 W06242 - S0813 W06351 STNR NC=  713 WWUS83 KDVN 080831 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 331 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC161-IAC031-045-139-163-080900- Rock Island-Cedar-Scott-Muscatine-Clinton- 331 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAVY RAIN FROM THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN ROCK ISLAND...SOUTHEASTERN CEDAR...SCOTT...NORTHEASTERN MUSCATINE AND SOUTHERN CLINTON COUNTIES UNTIL 400 AM CDT... At 330 AM CDT, radar indicated heavy rain from thunderstorms falling near Walcott, or near Davenport, moving northeast at 35 mph. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these thunderstorms. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Clinton, East Moline, Durant, Silvis, Eldridge, DeWitt, Camanche, Le Claire, Hampton, Port Byron, Walcott, Blue Grass, Buffalo, Rapids City, Princeton and Long Grove. This includes the following highways... Interstate 74 in Iowa between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 80 in Iowa between mile markers 277 and 306. Interstate 80 in Illinois between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 74 in Illinois near mile marker 1. Interstate 88 between mile markers 1 and 8. Interstate 280 between mile markers 1 and 9. Minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas is possible. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 4154 9020 4154 9021 4152 9024 4146 9089 4175 9095 4186 9028 4172 9024 4170 9024 4170 9023 4168 9023 4167 9022 4155 9019 TIME...MOT...LOC 0830Z 246DEG 31KT 4160 9071 $$ McClure  607 WHUS43 KMKX 080833 CFWMKX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 333 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WIZ052-060-082045- /O.EXT.KMKX.LS.Y.0010.200908T0900Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.EXT.KMKX.BH.S.0011.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Sheboygan-Ozaukee- 333 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, minor lakeshore flooding expected. For the Beach Hazards Statement, Life threatening waves and currents are expected. Waves will build to 5 to 9 feet during this period. * WHERE...Beaches along Lake Michigan in Sheboygan and Ozaukee counties. * WHEN...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, from 1 PM Tuesday to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. For the Beach Hazards Statement, from late tonight through Wednesday evening. * IMPACTS...High waves and onshore winds will result in an increased risk of lakeshore flooding and shoreline erosion along the Lake Michigan shore. High lake water may affect parking lots and roads along Lake Michigan. Low lying areas may become flooded. In addition, river flooding will be possible near rivers that have an outlet into Lake Michigan, including the Sheboygan, Black, Milwaukee, Root, and Pike Rivers. Dangerous swimming conditions are expected due to high waves and onshore winds. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Several beaches that will be most susceptible to the dangerous swimming conditions include Blue Harbor Beach in Sheboygan... North Beach in Port Washington... Harrington State Park Beaches... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People on or near Lake Michigan shore should be prepared for possible lakeshore flooding and minor erosion and take the appropriate action. Do not drive through flooded roadways. Stay out of the water and away from dangerous areas like piers and breakwalls. Strong structural and longshore currents are expected. Rip currents are possible. && $$ WIZ066-071-072-082045- /O.CON.KMKX.LS.Y.0010.200908T0900Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.BH.S.0011.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- 333 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, minor lakeshore flooding expected. For the Beach Hazards Statement, Life threatening waves and currents are expected. Waves will build to 5 to 9 feet during this period. * WHERE...Beaches along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha counties. * WHEN...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, from 4 AM Tuesday to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. For the Beach Hazards Statement, from 10 PM CDT this evening through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...High waves and onshore winds will result in an increased risk of lakeshore flooding and shoreline erosion along the Lake Michigan shore. High lake water may affect parking lots and roads along Lake Michigan. Low lying areas may become flooded. In addition, river flooding will be possible near rivers that have an outlet into Lake Michigan, including the Sheboygan, Black, Milwaukee, Root, and Pike Rivers. Dangerous swimming conditions are expected due to high waves and onshore winds. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Several beaches that will be most susceptible to the dangerous swimming conditions include Mckinley Beach in Milwaukee... Wind Point Lighthouse Beach in Racine... Simmons Island Beach in Kenosha... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People on or near Lake Michigan shore should be prepared for possible lakeshore flooding and minor erosion and take the appropriate action. Do not drive through flooded roadways. Stay out of the water and away from dangerous areas like piers and breakwalls. Strong structural and longshore currents are expected. Rip currents are possible. && $$ weather.gov/MKX  852 WTNT22 KNHC 080834 TCMAT2 TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 6 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL172020 0900 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 18.1N 42.8W AT 08/0900Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 30 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE NORTHWEST OR 325 DEGREES AT 5 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1000 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 45 KT WITH GUSTS TO 55 KT. 34 KT....... 90NE 70SE 0SW 70NW. 12 FT SEAS..150NE 0SE 0SW 150NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 18.1N 42.8W AT 08/0900Z AT 08/0600Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 17.9N 42.6W FORECAST VALID 08/1800Z 18.6N 43.6W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT...120NE 90SE 30SW 90NW. FORECAST VALID 09/0600Z 19.5N 45.0W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...120NE 90SE 30SW 90NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1800Z 20.2N 46.9W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 60NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...150NE 90SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0600Z 20.5N 48.9W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 60NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...150NE 90SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1800Z 20.8N 50.4W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...130NE 70SE 30SW 100NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0600Z 21.3N 51.9W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...130NE 70SE 30SW 100NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/0600Z 22.9N 54.9W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/0600Z 25.4N 57.8W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 18.1N 42.8W NEXT ADVISORY AT 08/1500Z $$ FORECASTER ROBERTS  853 WTNT32 KNHC 080834 TCPAT2 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Paulette Advisory Number 6 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 500 AM AST Tue Sep 08 2020 ...PAULETTE STRENGTHENS A LITTLE MORE OVER THE OPEN CENTRAL TROPICAL ATLANTIC... SUMMARY OF 500 AM AST...0900 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...18.1N 42.8W ABOUT 1250 MI...2010 KM W OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS ABOUT 1330 MI...2140 KM E OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...50 MPH...85 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...NW OR 325 DEGREES AT 6 MPH...9 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1000 MB...29.53 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 500 AM AST (0900 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Paulette was located near latitude 18.1 North, longitude 42.8 West. Paulette is moving toward the northwest near 6 mph (9 km/h) and should continue in this general motion with a faster forward speed later today, then move west-northwestward Wednesday through Friday. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 50 mph (85 km/h) with higher gusts. Further strengthening is forecast during the next day or so, with little change in strength expected afterward through Thursday. Some weakening is expected Thursday evening and Friday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 105 miles (165 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1000 mb (29.53 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 1100 AM AST. $$ Forecaster Roberts  966 ACUS11 KWNS 080835 SWOMCD SPC MCD 080834 SDZ000-NEZ000-WYZ000-081230- Mesoscale Discussion 1685 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0334 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Areas affected...Southern WY...Far Southwest SD...Far Northwest NE Panhandle Concerning...Heavy snow Valid 080834Z - 081230Z SUMMARY...Snowfall rates around 1"/hr are possible across lower elevations over the next few hours. Rates of 2-3"/hr are possible over higher elevations. DISCUSSION...A strong shortwave trough continues to dig south-southeastward through the eastern Great Basin toward the central Rockies. Evolution of this shortwave is contributing to strong forcing for ascent near and behind a vigorous cold front pushing through the central Plains/central High Plains. Banded precipitation has resulted from the central High Plains into the central Plains over the past few hours, with moderate to heavy snow occasionally reported in those areas where profiles are cold enough. Based on recent observations and RAP forecast soundings, the area from southwest WY northeastward into far southwest SD/far northwest NE Panhandle is expected to be cold enough for snow over the next few hours. Snowfall rates in these areas could approach 1"/hr across the lower elevations and 2"-3"/hr over the higher terrain. This is evidenced by recent storm reports indicating 6" to 8" of snow has already fallen in Lawrence County SD (in the Black Hills). Additionally, blizzard conditions were recently reported at RKS and EMM in southwest WY. ..Mosier.. 09/08/2020 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...UNR...CYS...RIW...SLC... LAT...LON 41971066 43010852 43560522 44310373 43890278 42180430 41190743 41031045 41971066  345 WTNT42 KNHC 080835 TCDAT2 Tropical Storm Paulette Discussion Number 6 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 500 AM AST Tue Sep 08 2020 GOES-16 Proxy-VIS and enhanced BD-curve infrared imagery reveals that Paulette's cloud pattern has continued to improve during the past several hours. Specifically, the developing inner core is much more symmetric with new bursts of deep convection (-76C cloud tops) near the surface circulation center. Subsequently, subjective and objective satellite intensity estimates support an initial intensity of 45 kt. The global models and the statistical-dynamical intensity guidance indicate increasing southwesterly shear commencing later today. So, only modest strengthening is shown in the NHC foreast during next 24 hours. On Friday, the shear stiffens and becomes less diffluent as the cyclone approaches the high amplitude mid-Atlantic TUTT. Therefore, Gradual weakening is expected to occur at that time. Beyond day 3, there are some mixed signals, specifically in the GFS/FV3 and ECMWF SHIPS output. The GFS/FV3 continues to indicate strong southwesterly shear through day 5 further weakening Paulette to a depression around day 4. The ECMWF SHIPS, however, shows a more southerly and diffluent upper wind pattern supporting reintensification after day 4. The intensity forecast sides with that latter solution and also agrees with the HCCA intensity multi-model indicating the same intensity trend. The initial motion is estimated to be northwestward, or 325/5 kt. The rather weak synoptic steering pattern consists of a large mid- to upper-level low just west of the Canary Islands and ridging to the northwest of the cyclone. During the next couple of days, the large-scale models show the upper low filling and lifting northeastward, allowing the subtropical ridge to build in behind the departing upper low from the western Atlantic. This change in the pattern should cause Paulette to turn west-northwestward on Wednesday and continue moving in this general motion through early Saturday. Through the remaining portion of the period, the global models indicate a major shortwave trough moving off of the northeast coast of the U.S. and breaking down the western extent of the subtropical ridge/Bermuda high. This growing weakness in the ridge should cause Paulette to turn toward the northwest early Sunday. The official track forecast is a little bit slower and to the right of the previous forecast after day 3, and is close to the various consensus aids. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/0900Z 18.1N 42.8W 45 KT 50 MPH 12H 08/1800Z 18.6N 43.6W 50 KT 60 MPH 24H 09/0600Z 19.5N 45.0W 55 KT 65 MPH 36H 09/1800Z 20.2N 46.9W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 10/0600Z 20.5N 48.9W 55 KT 65 MPH 60H 10/1800Z 20.8N 50.4W 50 KT 60 MPH 72H 11/0600Z 21.3N 51.9W 50 KT 60 MPH 96H 12/0600Z 22.9N 54.9W 45 KT 50 MPH 120H 13/0600Z 25.4N 57.8W 50 KT 60 MPH $$ Forecaster Roberts  783 WAUS45 KKCI 080845 WA5Z SLCZ WA 080845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM 80SW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20S GLD TO 30SE HBU TO DVC TO HVE TO 30SE ILC TO 40NE ELY TO 60SSW BOI TO BOI TO 80SW DIK MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 080-160 BOUNDED BY YDC-40SW YXC-MLP-70ENE PDT-40S PDT-40NE BTG-70SE HUH-YDC MULT FRZLVL 070-150 BOUNDED BY 60S BKE-50SE REO-40NNE BAM-ELY- 60SSW ILC-30ENE OAL-60NE FMG-30SE LKV-30NNE LKV-70NE LKV- 60S BKE MULT FRZLVL 070-150 BOUNDED BY OCS-CYS-SNY-GLD-30SSE LAA-CIM- 50SE HBU-50WNW PUB-CHE-MTU-OCS SFC BOUNDED BY 40NW HLN-30SSE GTF-30NW BIL-50SE BIL-60SE DDY- 50W BFF-CYS-30S CYS-30W DEN-30NE DBL-60WSW OCS-20N PIH-70E BOI-50SE DNJ-30NE DNJ-70NW LKT-70SE MLP-40NW HLN 040 ALG 50NNE GGW-50ESE GGW-70SSW ISN 080 ALG 40WNW BOI-40NE BAM-20SSE ELY-30S DTA-40ESE MTU-30S CHE 080 ALG 60SSW DEN-20ESE PUB-LAA-40S GLD 120 ALG 50SW REO-60NE OAL-40S BCE-30WSW HBU-20NE CIM-50SE TBE- 50W LBL 160 ALG 60N FMG-20WSW OAL-20ENE LAS-40E EED-60ENE BZA-30ESE BZA 160 ALG 50SE TUS-50N SSO-20SW ABQ-50SSW FTI-30SSW TXO ....  162 WEME40 LTAA 080833 TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST MESSAGE NUMBER 001 NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) ISSUED AT 0833Z 08 SEP 2020 ... TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST ... THIS TEST APPLIES TO ERCC (EC) ... NIOF (EGYPT) ... CENALT (FRANCE) ... BSH (GERMANY) ... DWD (GERMANY) ... NOA (GREECE) ... PMO (ISRAEL) ... INGV (ITALY) ... NCGR (LEBANON) ... IPMA (PORTUGAL) ... NIEP (ROMANIA) ... TYPHOON (RUSSIA FEDERATION) ... CENEM (SPAIN) ... IGN (SPAIN) ... IOC (UNESCO) ... CCS (UNITED KINGDOM) FROM - NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) TO - OTHER (C)TSPS AND TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINTS OF THE SUBSCRIBERS OF NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) SUBJECT - NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST THIS IS A TEST TO VERIFY COMMUNICATION LINKS AND DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE DISSEMINATION OF OPERATIONAL TSUNAMI MESSAGES FROM NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) TO OTHER (C)TSPS AND THE TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINTS OF THE SUBSCRIBERS OF NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY), AS LISTED ABOVE. SUBSCRIBERS LISTED ABOVE ARE REQUESTED TO PLEASE RESPOND BACK TO THE NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) BY FILLING IN THE ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE PROVIDED AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: HTTP://WWW.KOERI.BOUN.EDU.TR/TSUNAMI/FORM THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS REGULAR COMMUNICATION TEST CONDUCTED ON TUESDAYS OF THE FIRST FULL WEEK OF EACH MONTH. THIS WILL BE THE FINAL MESSAGE ISSUED NEAM TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER KOERI (TURKEY) EMAIL - TWFP_TR@BOUN.EDU.TR FAX - +90 216 308 30 61 TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST MESSAGE NUMBER 001 =  177 WWUS73 KDLH 080835 NPWDLH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 335 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MNZ010>012-018-019-025-026-035-082045- /O.CON.KDLH.FR.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.FZ.A.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ Koochiching-North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-North Itasca- Central St. Louis-North Cass-South Itasca-Northern Aitkin- Including the cities of International Falls, Ely, Isabella, Bigfork, Hibbing, Walker, Grand Rapids, and Hill City 335 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 possible. * WHERE...North Itasca, Central St. Louis, Northern Cook and Lake, Northern Aitkin, Koochiching, North St. Louis, South Itasca and North Cass Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Mille Lacs Band, Big Sandy Lake area and the Bois Forte Band, Deer Creek, Nett Lake and, Lake Vermillion areas. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM CDT this morning. For the Freeze Watch, from late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MNZ020-021-036-037-081300- /O.CON.KDLH.FR.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ Southern Lake-Southern Cook-South Aitkin- Carlton and South St. Louis- Including the cities of Two Harbors, Silver Bay, Grand Marais, Aitkin, and Duluth 335 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 34 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...South Aitkin, Southern Cook, Southern Lake and Carlton and South St. Louis Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Mille Lacs Band, East Lake area, the Fond du Lac Band and the Grand Portage Reservation. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ033-034-082045- /O.CON.KDLH.FZ.A.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ South Cass-Crow Wing- Including the cities of Pine River and Brainerd 335 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 possible. * WHERE...Crow Wing and South Cass Counties. * WHEN...From late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  508 WAUS46 KKCI 080845 WA6Z SFOZ WA 080845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 070-185 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 080-160 BOUNDED BY YDC-40SW YXC-MLP-70ENE PDT-40S PDT-40NE BTG-70SE HUH-YDC MULT FRZLVL 070-150 BOUNDED BY 60S BKE-50SE REO-40NNE BAM-ELY- 60SSW ILC-30ENE OAL-60NE FMG-30SE LKV-30NNE LKV-70NE LKV- 60S BKE 080 ALG 60WSW YXC-70WSW YXC-20W GEG-60SSW GEG-40WNW BOI 120 ALG YDC-50W EPH-20S YKM-60NW REO-50SW REO 160 ALG 30NNE TOU-20SSE BTG-20SE DSD-90S LKV-60N FMG 160 ALG 110SW MZB-140SW MZB-180SSW RZS ....  509 WAUS41 KKCI 080845 WA1Z BOSZ WA 080845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 120-155 ACRS AREA ....  510 WAUS43 KKCI 080845 WA3Z CHIZ WA 080845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LS FROM 20E DLH TO RHI TO 40W DBQ TO HLC TO 20S GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK TO 40ESE BIS TO FAR TO 20E DLH MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL240. FRZLVL SFC-120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET ICE...LM MI LH FROM SSM TO 20NNW YVV TO 30SE ECK TO 40SW ASP TO 50SSW TVC TO 50WNW TVC TO SSM MOD ICE BTN 120 AND FL180. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...ICE ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH BOUNDED BY 70NNE SAW-SSM-70NW YVV-20NNW ASP-30SSE DLL-40WSW DBQ-40WNW PWE-20E GCK-50ESE LAA-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-70NW RAP-FAR-30ENE DLH-70NNE SAW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-155 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 070-150 BOUNDED BY 20S RHI-50SSW GRB-30SSE LAA- GLD-SNY-20N FSD-20S RHI SFC ALG 50NNE ISN-40ENE ISN-20ESE MOT-60NE MOT 040 ALG 70SSW ISN-40ENE PIR-50S ABR-60ESE ABR-40W BRD-YQT 080 ALG 40S GLD-30ESE OBH-50SW RHI-20SE SSM 120 ALG 50W LBL-50NW SLN-20WSW DLL-40WSW ASP-20NW YVV ....  511 WAUS42 KKCI 080845 WA2Z MIAZ WA 080845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 145-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 90WSW PIE-150SSW TLH-90SSW TLH-50WSW CTY-50NW PIE- 40NNW EYW-40SW EYW ....  512 WAUS44 KKCI 080845 WA4Z DFWZ WA 080845 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 1 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 115-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 30SSW TXO-50WSW LBB-30W INK-50SSE ELP ....  200 WWUS83 KDTX 080836 SPSDTX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 436 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MIZ068-075-080915- Livingston-Washtenaw- 436 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN LIVINGSTON AND NORTHWESTERN WASHTENAW COUNTIES... At 435 AM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Stockbridge, or 9 miles west of Pinckney, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail is possible with this storm. This storm will be near... Gregory around 440 AM EDT. Pinckney around 450 AM EDT. Howell around 500 AM EDT. Brighton around 510 AM EDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Parkers Corners, Lakeland, Lyndon Township, Plainfield, Chilson, Unadilla, Pinckney State Recreation Area, Hell and Island Lake State Recreation Area. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 4267 8395 4253 8367 4251 8367 4234 8413 4256 8414 TIME...MOT...LOC 0835Z 234DEG 30KT 4245 8414 $$ SC  338 WHUS43 KGRB 080837 CFWGRB Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Green Bay WI 337 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WIZ039-074-082000- /O.CON.KGRB.LS.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-200910T0500Z/ Brown-Southern Oconto County- 337 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Shoreline erosion and minor lakeshore flooding are possible along the shoreline areas of the Bay of Green Bay due to persistent and gusty northeast winds. * WHERE...Brown and Southern Oconto County Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Possible shoreline erosion and minor flooding on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$ WIZ022-040-050-082000- /O.CON.KGRB.BH.S.0010.200908T1100Z-200909T2100Z/ Door-Kewaunee-Manitowoc- 337 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Large waves along Lake Michigan beaches will result in hazardous swimming conditions and possible rip currents. * WHERE...Door, Manitowoc and Kewaunee Counties. * WHEN...Through Wednesday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Large waves will create strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$  003 WTNT23 KNHC 080837 TCMAT3 TROPICAL STORM RENE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 5 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL182020 0900 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 CHANGES IN WATCHES AND WARNINGS WITH THIS ADVISORY... NONE. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT... A TROPICAL STORM WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR... * CABO VERDE ISLANDS A TROPICAL STORM WARNING MEANS THAT TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE WARNING AREA...IN THIS CASE WITHIN THE NEXT 12 HOURS. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.4N 24.9W AT 08/0900Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 20 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE WEST OR 280 DEGREES AT 13 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1001 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 35 KT WITH GUSTS TO 45 KT. 34 KT....... 40NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 12 FT SEAS.. 40NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.4N 24.9W AT 08/0900Z AT 08/0600Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.3N 24.2W FORECAST VALID 08/1800Z 16.7N 26.9W MAX WIND 35 KT...GUSTS 45 KT. 34 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 09/0600Z 17.1N 29.5W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT... 50NE 20SE 0SW 50NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1800Z 17.9N 32.1W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 10SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 30SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0600Z 18.8N 34.7W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 64 KT... 10NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 0SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 40SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1800Z 19.8N 37.1W MAX WIND 70 KT...GUSTS 85 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 60NE 50SE 30SW 50NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0600Z 21.0N 39.0W MAX WIND 70 KT...GUSTS 85 KT. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 20SW 30NW. 34 KT... 70NE 60SE 40SW 60NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/0600Z 24.5N 42.0W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/0600Z 28.6N 42.9W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 16.4N 24.9W INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC ADVISORY...WTNT33 KNHC/MIATCPAT3...AT 08/1200Z NEXT ADVISORY AT 08/1500Z $$ FORECASTER BEVEN  004 WTNT33 KNHC 080837 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Advisory Number 5 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 800 AM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...RENE MOVING ACROSS THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN CABO VERDE ISLANDS... ...EXPECTED TO PRODUCE TROPICAL-STORM-FORCE WINDS AND HEAVY RAINFALL ACROSS THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS TODAY... SUMMARY OF 800 AM CVT...0900 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.4N 24.9W ABOUT 40 MI...65 KM SSE OF SANTO ANTAO CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 15 MPH...24 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for... * Cabo Verde Islands A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area, in this case within the next 12 hours. For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 800 AM CVT (0900 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.4 North, longitude 24.9 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 15 mph (24 km/h), and a motion toward the west to west-northwest is expected over the next few days. On the forecast track, the center of Rene will pass over the central and western Cabo Verde Islands today, and then move away from the islands tonight. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected today, followed by gradual strengthening tonight into Thursday, with Rene forecast to become a hurricane in a couple of days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- Key messages for Tropical Storm Rene can be found in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT3, WMO header WTNT43 KNHC, and on the web at www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml RAINFALL: Rene is expected to produce 2 to 5 inches of rain across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands through Tuesday. WIND: Tropical storm conditions occurring over the central portions of the Cabo Verde Islands will spread westward across the western portions of the Cabo Verde Islands today. SURF: Swells generated by Rene are expected to spread westward across the Cabo Verde Islands today. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next intermediate advisory at 1100 AM CVT. Next complete advisory at 200 PM CVT. $$ Forecaster Beven  491 WTNT43 KNHC 080838 TCDAT3 Tropical Storm Rene Discussion Number 5 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 800 AM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 While Rene continues to have a well-defined circulation, satellite imagery indicates that the associated convection remains poorly organized. Various subjective and objective satellite intensity estimates are in the 30-35 kt range. Based on these, along with a 28 kt observation from Sal/GVAC, the initial intensity remains a possible generous 35 kt. The initial motion is westward or 280/13 kt. There is no change in the track forecast philosophy, as a westward motion is expected today, followed by a west-northwestward motion through Thursday as Rene rounds the southwestern periphery of a deep-layer subtropical ridge. On days 4 and 5, the cyclone is forecast to move more slowly northwestward to north-northwestward through a weakness in the aforementioned ridge. The track guidance has shifted a little eastward after 72 h, and the new track forecast is also nudged eastward during that time. Other than that, the new forecast track is similar to the previous track. It is unclear why the convection is currently so poorly organized, although land interaction with the Cabo Verde Islands is a possibility. Conditions generally appear favorable for strengthening during the next three days or so, and much of the intensity guidance forecasts Rene to become a hurricane in 2-3 days time even though the water temperatures gradually decrease along the forecast track. After 72 h, Rene is expected to reach both warmer water and strong westerly shear, with the latter expected to cause the storm to weaken. The new intensity forecast has only minor tweaks from the previous forecast and follows the trend of the intensity guidance. Key Messages: 1. Rene is expected to produce tropical storm conditions across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands today. A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for those islands. 2. Rene will bring locally heavy rainfall to portions of the Cabo Verde Islands today. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/0900Z 16.4N 24.9W 35 KT 40 MPH 12H 08/1800Z 16.7N 26.9W 35 KT 40 MPH 24H 09/0600Z 17.1N 29.5W 45 KT 50 MPH 36H 09/1800Z 17.9N 32.1W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 10/0600Z 18.8N 34.7W 65 KT 75 MPH 60H 10/1800Z 19.8N 37.1W 70 KT 80 MPH 72H 11/0600Z 21.0N 39.0W 70 KT 80 MPH 96H 12/0600Z 24.5N 42.0W 65 KT 75 MPH 120H 13/0600Z 28.6N 42.9W 55 KT 65 MPH $$ Forecaster Beven  498 WSPR31 SPJC 080838 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 080845/081215 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0820Z WI S0407 W07741 - S0545 W07501 - S0822 W07544 - S0822 W07655 - S0540 W07807 - S0407 W07741 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  191 WSCI38 ZYTX 080837 ZYSH SIGMET 5 VALID 080840/081240 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE N5116 E12652 - N3938 E11943 AND NE OF LINE N3911 E11953 - N3817 E12113 AND NE OF LINE N3817 E12228 - N3903 E12404 FL100/200 STNR NC =  738 WAUS42 KKCI 080845 WA2T MIAT WA 080845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  739 WAUS41 KKCI 080845 WA1T BOST WA 080845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  740 WAUS44 KKCI 080845 WA4T DFWT WA 080845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 081500 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . LLWS POTENTIAL...OK TX KS BOUNDED BY 50ESE LAA-20E ICT-20S OKC-30WNW ABI-30SSW TXO-50ESE LAA LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  741 WAUS43 KKCI 080845 WA3T CHIT WA 080845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET TURB...ND SD MN WI LS MI FROM 30N INL TO YQT TO 60N SAW TO 30WSW BRD TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...IA WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 70SE SSM TO 20S ECK TO 30ESE GIJ TO 50SSW BDF TO 50SSW IOW TO 40E ODI TO 70SE SSM MOD TURB BTN 060 AND FL180. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 50ESE LAA-20E ICT-20S OKC-30WNW ABI-30SSW TXO-50ESE LAA LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB ND SD NE MN WI LS MI BOUNDED BY 30N INL-YQT-50NNW SAW-60SW RAP-50NNW ISN-30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  425 WAUS45 KKCI 080845 WA5T SLCT WA 080845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 1 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 081500 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO FROM 30NNW HVR TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 20SSE JNC TO BCE TO 20ENE BTY TO 80SW BAM TO BOI TO 30NNW HVR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ FROM 60S BIL TO 50WSW DEN TO 30SE DVC TO 40S LAS TO 20SSE OAL TO 70WSW TWF TO 30SE DNJ TO 60S BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...ID WY NV UT CO FROM 70SSW LKT TO 20SSE BOY TO 30NW DBL TO 40S ILC TO 30WNW ELY TO 70SSW LKT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID WY UT CO BOUNDED BY 20NE TWF-60SSE BOY-30ESE CHE-20N HBU-50E ILC-20NE TWF LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...TURB ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 40NNW ISN-70SW RAP-BFF-70SW RAP-40SE HBU-40NW ABQ- 40SSE LAS-20SE BTY-50E BOI-40NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL380. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...TURB ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA BOUNDED BY 50SW DDY-40NNE ALS-20NNE ABQ-50WNW PHX-BZA-60S TRM- 60SW OAL-20NW OAL-50WSW TWF-50SW DDY MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  427 WAUS46 KKCI 080845 WA6T SFOT WA 080845 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM TOU TO 70SE HUH TO YKM TO 40SSW FMG TO 40SSW OAL TO 30SE OAK TO FOT TO TOU MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WA OR AND CSTL WTRS FROM 80W HQM TO 50SE SEA TO 50SE EUG TO 130W OED TO 80W HQM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40SE SEA-20ENE MOD-50W SNS-60SW FOT-70W HQM-40SE SEA LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...TURB CA ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 50SW DDY-40NNE ALS-20NNE ABQ-50WNW PHX-BZA-60S TRM- 60SW OAL-20NW OAL-50WSW TWF-50SW DDY MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  940 WSMX31 MMMX 080838 MMEX SIGMET W3 VALID 080829/081229 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 0829Z WI N1922 W09232-N1836 W09028-N1728 W09021W-N1718 W09202-N1810 W09257 MOV MOV W 10KT NC. =  321 WWIN40 DEMS 080300 THE MONSOON TROUGH AT MEAN SEA LEVEL NOW PASSES THROUGH GANGANAGAR, HISSAR, BAREILLY, AZAMGARH, SUPAUL AND THENCE EASTWARDS TO NAGALAND ACROSS SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL AND ASSAM.\U2666 AN OFF-SHORE TROUGH AT MEAN SEA LEVEL RUNS FROM NORTH MAHARASHTRA COAST TO LAKSHADWEEP AREA.\U2666 THE LOW PRESSURE AREA OVER EASTCENTRAL ARABIAN SEA OFF KARNATAKA COAST HAS MERGED WITH THE ABOVE OFF-SHORE TROUGH. HOWEVER, THE ASSOCIATED CYCLONIC CIRCULATION PERSISTS OVER THE SAME AREA AND NOW SEEN BETWEEN 1.5 KM AND 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL.\U2666 A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION LIES OVER WEST ASSAM & ADJOINING SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL.\U2666 A TROUGH EXTENDING UPTO 3.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL RUNS FROM NORTHWEST UTTAR PRADESH TO CENTRAL PARTS OF EAST RAJASTHAN.\U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTHEAST RAJASTHAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD AND THE OTHER CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTHWEST UTTAR PRADESH & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAVE MERGED WITH THE ABOVE TROUGH.\U2666 THE EAST-WEST SHEAR ZONE ROUGHLY ALONG 13ON ACROSS THE PENINSULAR INDIA PERSISTS AND NOW SEEN BETWEEN 3.1 KM AND 4.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL.\U2666 THE TROUGH IN MID TROPOSPHERIC WESTERLIES WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 69OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 30ON PERSISTS.\U2666 A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION LIES OVER WESTCENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL OFF ANDHRA PRADESH COAST AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL.\U2666 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER EAST ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. FORECAST: RAIN/THUNDERSHOWER AT MOST PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, -HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, KONKAN & GOA, COASTAL & SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAH AND LAKSHADWEEP AND AT MANY PLACES OVER JHARKHAND,ODISHA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA AND MADHYA MAHARASHTRA; AT A FEW PLACES OVER EAST UTTER PRADESH, EAST RAJASTHAN, WEST MADHYA PRADESH, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, BIHAR, GANGRTIC WEST BENGAL, MARATHWADA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, TELANGANA, RAYALSEEMA AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER UTTRAKHAND, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, WEST UTTARPRADESH, WEST RAJASTHAN, EAST MADHYA PRADESH, GUJRAT REGION, SAURASTRA & KUTCH. WARNING:- 08 SEPTEMBER (DAY 1): HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIIKIM, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL AND HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER EAST RAJASTHAN, BIHAR, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, KONKAN & GOA, RAYALASEEMA, COASTAL & SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND LAKSHADWEEP. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER UTTARAKHAND, UTTAR PRADESH, EAST RAJASTHAN, WEST MADHYA PRADESH, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, BIHAR, JHARKHAND, WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHWADA, KONKAN & GOA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, TELANGANA, RAYALASEEMA, KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL. STRONG WIND (SPEED REACHING 45-55 KMPH) VERY LIKELY OVER SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, KERALA-KARNATAKA COASTS AND LAKSHADWEEP AREA. FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS. 09 SEPTEMBER (DAY 2): HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHWADA, KONKAN & GOA, COASTAL & SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER EAST UTTAR PRADESH, MADHYA PRADESH, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, BIHAR, JHARKHAND, WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHWADA, KONKAN & GOA, TELANGANA, RAYALASEEMA, KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL. STRONG WIND (SPEED REACHING 45-55 KMPH) VERY LIKELY OVER SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, KERALA-KARNATAKA COASTS, LAKSHADWEEP AREA, GULF OF MANNAR AND COMORIN AREA. FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS.=  171 WWUS43 KUNR 080842 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 242 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Snow will taper off this morning... .A late summer storm will continue to produce precipitation this morning. Heavy snow will taper off this morning with the best chances for substantial additional accumulations above 4500 feet over the Black Hills and southwest of Wright, Wyoming. SDZ024-028-029-WYZ057-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WS.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern Black Hills-Central Black Hills-Southern Black Hills- Wyoming Black Hills- Including Lead, Deadwood, Brownsville, Cheyenne Crossing, Galena, Nemo, Hill City, Mt Rushmore, Deerfield, Mystic, Pactola Reservoir, Rochford, Custer, Jewel Cave, Pringle, Custer State Park, Sundance, and Four Corners 242 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY ABOVE 4500 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow above 4500 feet. Storm total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches, but amounts will vary greatly based on elevation and location. * WHERE...In South Dakota, the Southern Black Hills, the Central Black Hills and the Northern Black Hills. In Wyoming, the Wyoming Black Hills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Since the leaves are still on the trees, wet heavy snow accumulations may lead to breaking and falling tree branches and limbs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected. This will create dangerous conditions. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$ WYZ055-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southern Campbell- Including Wright 242 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Southern Campbell County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Since the leaves are still on the trees, heavy snow accumulation may lead to breaking and falling tree branches and limbs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$  139 WTCA42 TJSJ 080842 TCPSP2 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Paulette Advertencia Numero 6 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL172020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 500 AM AST martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...PAULETTE SE FORTALECE UN POCO MAS SOBRE EL ABIERTO ATLANTICO TROPICAL... RESUMEN DE LAS 500 AM AST...0900 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...18.1N 42.8O CERCA DE 1250 MI...2010 KM O DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE CERCA DE 1330 MI...2140 KM E DE LAS ISLAS DE SOTAVENTO DEL NORTE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...50 MPH...85 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...NOROESTE O 325 GRADOS A 6 MPH...9 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1000 MB...29.53 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- No hay vigilancias o avisos costeros en efecto. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ---------------------- A las 500 PM AST (0900 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Paulette estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 18.1 Norte, longitud 42.8 oeste. Paulette se esta moviendo hacia el noroeste a cerca de 6 mph (9 km/h) Y debe continuar este movimiento general con una velocidad de traslacion mas rapida para mas tarde hoy, y luego moverse hacia el oeste noroeste el miercoles hata el viernes. Vientos maximos sostenidos han aumentado a cerca de 50 mph (85 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se espera algo de fortalecimiento adicional durante el proximo dia o dos, esperando poco cambio luego hasta el jueves. Algun debilitamiento se espera para la noche del jueves y viernes. Vientos de fuerza tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 105 millas (165 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1000 mb (29.53 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA --------------------- Ninguno. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 1100 AM AST. $$ Pronosticador Roberts Traduccion Ramos-Garces  205 WGUS81 KCLE 080843 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 443 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Ohio... Cuyahoga River At Independence affecting Cuyahoga County. OHC035-080945- /O.CAN.KCLE.FL.W.0048.000000T0000Z-200908T0843Z/ /INDO1.1.ER.700119T1218Z.700119T1218Z.700119T1219Z.NO/ 443 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning for the Cuyahoga River At Independence has been cancelled... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Cuyahoga River At Independence. * At 4:30 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 16.8 feet. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 5.6 feet Saturday evening. && LAT...LON 4145 8170 4146 8166 4128 8152 4128 8161 $$ Kahn  387 WABZ23 SBGL 080843 SBRE AIRMET 4 VALID 080910/081220 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 500/1000FT FCST WI S1152 W03931 - S1148 W03829 - S1244 W03829 - S1248 W03930 - S1152 W03931 STNR NC=  335 WSID20 WIII 080843 WIIZ SIGMET 02 VALID 080845/081145 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0302 E09717 - S0322 E09907 - S0346 E09900 - S0419 E09758 - S0402 E09629 - S0341 E09548 - S0302 E09717 TOP FL510 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  565 WSSN31 ESWI 080842 ESAA SIGMET U02 VALID 080900/081200 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E01240 - N6124 E01548 - N6037 E01636 - N6005 E01511 - N6000 E01240 - N6200 E01240 FL240/370 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  211 WWUS73 KBIS 080846 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 346 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-025-031>037-040>047-050-081700- /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Foster-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux-Emmons-Logan- McIntosh- Including the cities of Crosby, Bowbells, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Portal, Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Williston, New Town, Stanley, Parshall, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, Solen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Wishek, and Ashley 346 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /246 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as the mid 20s. * WHERE...Western and Central North Dakota. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 3 AM CDT /2 AM MDT/ to 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could damage or kill crops and other vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps to protect your garden. Cover outdoor potted plants or bring them out of the cold. && $$ NDZ048-051-081700- /O.CON.KBIS.FR.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ La Moure-Dickey- Including the cities of Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Oakes, and Ellendale 346 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 possible. * WHERE...LaMoure and Dickey Counties. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, from 3 AM to 9 AM CDT Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could damage or kill crops and other vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps to protect your garden. Cover outdoor potted plants or bring them out of the cold. && $$ EDWARDS  908 WAUS43 KKCI 080845 WA3S CHIS WA 080845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...KY FROM 30ENE LOZ TO 50SW BKW TO HMV TO 40SW VXV TO 20SW LOZ TO 30ENE LOZ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...KY FROM 60SSE ROD TO HNN TO 30SW BKW TO 50ENE LOZ TO 80SE CVG TO 60SSE ROD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN OK TX FROM 80SW DIK TO 50SW FOD TO 20NNW BAE TO 40NE ECK TO 20NE DXO TO FWA TO 40WSW ROD TO 40ESE BUM TO 40NNE AMA TO 50NNE TCC TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  454 WAUS42 KKCI 080845 WA2S MIAS WA 080845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC MD VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SSE CSN TO 150SE SIE TO 170E ECG TO 90ESE ECG TO 70ESE ILM TO 50S ILM TO 40SSE FLO TO 20NW FLO TO 40SSE GSO TO 40NE RDU TO 40WSW RIC TO 40SSE CSN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FROM 50SW BKW TO 20SW PSK TO 40SSE GSO TO 20WSW SPA TO 40SSW ODF TO 40SW VXV TO HMV TO 50SW BKW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  455 WAUS45 KKCI 080845 WA5S SLCS WA 080845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 1 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50SE FCA TO 30ESE LWT TO 40WNW BIL TO 60E DLN TO 30WNW DLN TO 80WSW HLN TO 50SE FCA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT FROM 40WNW BIL TO 80SW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO 30NNE DTA TO 30SSE DBS TO 60E DLN TO 40WNW BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WY UT CO NM FROM 70SW RAP TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 50NNE TCC TO 20ESE CIM TO 20W JNC TO 30ESE BCE TO 20W BCE TO 40ENE ILC TO 30NNE DTA TO 70SW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40SSW YQL TO 50SSE HVR TO SHR TO 20SE CYS TO 20NE TBE TO 50ESE CIM TO 30SW DBL TO 40SSE BCE TO 70SSE ILC TO 80WSW ELY TO 50ESE REO TO 50WSW DBS TO 70SSE FCA TO 40SSW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV UT CO AZ NM CA FROM RBL TO 50SSE OAL TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 50ESE CIM TO CME TO 50S TUS TO PHX TO 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 40NE LWT-SHR-CYS-TBE-CME-40ENE ABQ-40E INW-70SW BCE- 70WSW ELY-30SSE BAM-70SW TWF-40SW JAC-60SW LWT-40NE LWT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  456 WSUS32 KKCI 080855 SIGC MKCC WST 080855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22C VALID UNTIL 1055Z IN WI IL IA LM FROM 50ESE BAE-30NNW BVT-10N AXC-40ESE DSM-60ESE MCW-50ESE BAE AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23C VALID UNTIL 1055Z KS NE CO FROM 80S FSD-30N PWE-20NNE HLC-50ENE AKO-60WSW ANW-80S FSD AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24C VALID UNTIL 1055Z TX OK KS FROM 40N GCK-40NNW AMA DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 081055-081455 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30WSW STL-40WSW BUM-40WNW AMA-40S LAA-GLD-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  457 WSUS33 KKCI 080855 SIGW MKCW WST 080855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10W VALID UNTIL 1055Z CO WY UT FROM 20S OCS-20SW MTU LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11W VALID UNTIL 1055Z CO WY FROM 50N CHE-30NW CHE LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 081055-081455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  458 WAUS41 KKCI 080845 WA1S BOSS WA 080845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...OH LE FROM 20ENE DXO TO 30NE APE TO 20WSW APE TO 50SW ROD TO FWA TO 20ENE DXO CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...VT NY LO FROM 30ESE YOW TO 50WSW YSC TO 50NW ALB TO 50NW SYR TO 30ESE YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...NY PA OH WV FROM 20SE BUF TO 30ENE SLT TO 20E PSB TO 20SW EWC TO 30E CLE TO 20SE BUF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SSE PQI TO 50SE HUL TO 200SE ACK TO 170S ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 50SSE ACK TO 30ESE ETX TO 50SSW HNK TO 40SE ALB TO 20S MPV TO 20ESE YSC TO 20SSE PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...PA OH WV MD VA FROM 50SW JST TO 20SW EMI TO 30SE CSN TO 20SSE LYH TO 30SW BKW TO HNN TO 60SSE ROD TO 50SSW AIR TO 50SW JST CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MD VA NC SC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SSE CSN TO 150SE SIE TO 170E ECG TO 90ESE ECG TO 70ESE ILM TO 50S ILM TO 40SSE FLO TO 20NW FLO TO 40SSE GSO TO 40NE RDU TO 40WSW RIC TO 40SSE CSN CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO 40SSW ALB TO 30ESE SLT TO 20NNE EWC TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  459 WAUS46 KKCI 080845 WA6S SFOS WA 080845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...OR CA FROM 70SSW YKM TO 50WSW LKV TO 40SSW OED TO 50NW OED TO 50SW BTG TO 70SSW YKM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSE SNS TO 20ENE RZS TO 40N LAX TO 60SW HEC TO 30WSW TRM TO 40ESE MZB TO 180SW MZB TO 70SSE SNS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70WSW OED TO 60SSE FOT TO PYE TO 40SSE OAK TO 110W RZS TO 150WSW RZS TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W FOT TO 70WSW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO GEG TO 30NE EPH TO 40W EPH TO 40SE YDC TO 80WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30WSW GEG TO 50WSW YKM TO 50SSW LKV TO 50SSW OED TO 70WNW OED TO ONP TO HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 80WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM FOT TO RBL TO 30SW SAC TO 40W EHF TO 30SSE EHF TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO PYE TO FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA NV UT CO AZ NM FROM RBL TO 50SSE OAL TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 50ESE CIM TO CME TO 50S TUS TO PHX TO 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  460 WAUS44 KKCI 080845 WA4S DFWS WA 080845 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 50SE MAF TO 30WNW CWK TO 30SW SAT TO 50SSE DLF TO DLF TO 50SSE FST TO 50SE MAF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG 09-12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX LA FROM 40NE TTT TO 40NNW GGG TO 40W AEX TO 50WSW LCH TO 20SSW IAH TO 40NNW IAH TO 30ESE ACT TO 20SSE TTT TO 40NE TTT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 80SW DIK TO 50SW FOD TO 20NNW BAE TO 40NE ECK TO 20NE DXO TO FWA TO 40WSW ROD TO 40ESE BUM TO 40NNE AMA TO 50NNE TCC TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  461 WSUS31 KKCI 080855 SIGE MKCE WST 080855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23E VALID UNTIL 1055Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 80ESE ECG-130ESE ILM-120SE ILM LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24E VALID UNTIL 1055Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 60ESE ILM-220ENE TRV-80NE OMN-80SSE CHS-60ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 11010KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25E VALID UNTIL 1055Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE PBI-100ESE PBI-120SE MIA-100SSE MIA-40SE PBI AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26E VALID UNTIL 1055Z OH MI IN LE LM FROM 50WNW MBS-10ESE DXO-30W APE-30N BVT-50WNW PMM-50WNW MBS AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL430. OUTLOOK VALID 081055-081455 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-30NW RSW-40W MIA-TRV-50S AMG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-30N TTH-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  362 WSCA31 TTPP 080849 CCB TTZP SIGMET 2 VALID 080900/081500 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR TC PAULETTE OBS AT 080900Z N1812 W04248 CB TOP ABV FL480 WI 90NM OF CENTRE MOV NNW 04KT INCR FCST 081500Z TC CENTRE N1842 W04330 OTLK TC CENTRE 082100Z N1855 W04345=  172 WTCA43 TJSJ 080851 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Numero 5 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 800 AM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...RENE MOVIENDOSE A TRAVES DEL CENTRO Y OESTE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE... ...SE ESPERA QUE PRODUZCA VIENTOS DE FUERZA DE TORMENTA TROPICAL Y LLUVIAS FUERTES A LAS ISLAS CABO VERDE HOY... RESUMEN DE LAS 800 AM CVT...0900 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.4 NORTE 24.9 OESTE CERCA DE 40 MI...65 KM AL SURESTE DE SANTO ANTAO ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 15 MPH...24 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso, en este caso dentro de las proximas 12horas. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 800 AM CVT (0900 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.4 norte, longitud 24.9 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste noroeste a cerca de 15 mph (24 km/h) y se espera que este movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue por los proximos dias. En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Rene pasara sobre el area central y este de las Islas Cabo Verde y luego se retirara de las islas esta noche. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica poco cambio fortalecimiento hoy, seguido por un fortalecimiento gradual esta noche y el jueves, pronosticando que Rene se convertira en huracanen los proximos dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 2 a 5 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hasta el martes. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical ocurriendo sobre sectores del este de las Islas Cabo Verde se extenderan hacia el oeste sobre el restante de las islas hoy. RESACA: Se esperan que las marejadas generadas por Rene se desplacen hacia el oeste a traves de las Islas Cabo Verde hoy. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia intermedia a las 1100 AM CVT. Proxima advertencia completa a las 200 PM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Beven Traduccion Ramos-Garces  648 WSMX31 MMMX 080851 MMEX SIGMET A1 VALID 080849/081249 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0849Z WI N2222 W10755 - N2342 W10601 - N2320 W10417 - N2053 W10407 - N2018 W10322 - N1800 W10415 - N2107 W10733 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV NE 5KT WKN. =  534 WSCH31 SCTE 080852 SCTZ SIGMET 03 VALID 080907/081307 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV TURB FCST E OF LINE S4130 W07220 - S4700 W07260 FL100/180 STNR NC=  764 WWJP71 RJTD 080600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 080600UTC ISSUED AT 080900UTC WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 081500UTC =  001 WWJP82 RJTD 080600 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 080600UTC ISSUED AT 080900UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 45N 128E ALMOST STNR C-FRONT FM 45N 128E TO 44N 131E 41N 130E 39N 131E 37N 130E GALE WARNING NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA WITH MAX WINDS 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 081500UTC =  002 WWJP74 RJTD 080600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 080600UTC ISSUED AT 080900UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 45N 128E ALMOST STNR W-FRONT FM 45N 128E TO 47N 133E 45N 137E 45N 143E 44N 146E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 081500UTC =  003 WWJP73 RJTD 080600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 080600UTC ISSUED AT 080900UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 45N 128E ALMOST STNR WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 081500UTC =  214 WGUS83 KIWX 080855 FLSIWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 455 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC003-161-080905- /O.EXP.KIWX.FA.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T0900Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Allen OH-Van Wert OH- 455 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 5 AM EDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR ALLEN AND VAN WERT COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4073 8446 4073 8480 4091 8480 4096 8440 4090 8440 4090 8434 4086 8434 4086 8411 4090 8411 4085 8388 4065 8388 4064 8411 4066 8411 4066 8422 4069 8422 4068 8446 $$ CM  219 WSFG20 TFFF 080855 SOOO SIGMET 3 VALID 080900/081200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0930 W05315 - N1000 W04800 - N1230 W04030 - N1100 W03945 - N0845 W04700 - N0815 W05315 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  220 WWJP75 RJTD 080600 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 080600UTC ISSUED AT 080900UTC DEVELOPED LOW 990HPA AT 45N 128E ALMOST STNR W-FRONT FM 45N 128E TO 47N 133E 45N 137E 45N 143E 44N 146E DEVELOPING LOW 1002HPA AT 56N 164E MOV ENE 10 KT WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 081500UTC =  221 WBCN07 CWVR 080800 PAM ROCKS WIND 34025 LANGARA; N/A GREEN; N/A TRIPLE; N/A BONILLA; N/A BOAT BLUFF; N/A MCINNES; N/A IVORY; N/A DRYAD; N/A ADDENBROKE; N/A EGG ISLAND; N/A PINE ISLAND; N/A CAPE SCOTT; N/A QUATSINO; N/A NOOTKA; N/A ESTEVAN; N/A LENNARD; N/A AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; N/A PACHENA; N/A CARMANAH; N/A SCARLETT; N/A PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; N/A CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 265/12/M/1410/M/ 1004 4MMM= WEB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 244/17/09/0508/M/M 3001 96MM= WQC SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 265/11/09/3302/M/ 3008 89MM= WRU SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 255/25/04/0601/M/ 3003 95MM= WFG SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 260/15/12/3622/M/ PK WND 0025 0750Z 0004 73MM= WVF SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/19/12/3204/M/ M 52MM= WQS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 313/16/12/3302/M/ 0000 27MM= WRO SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 313/14/14/2710/M/M 8004 55MM= WEK SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 312/13/11/0208/M/ 6001 61MM= WWL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 299/14/12/3418/M/ PK WND 3422 0741Z 6004 67MM= WME SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/18/09/0715+21/M/ PK WND 0522 0713Z M 79MM= WAS SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 262/19/07/3425+31/M/ PK WND 3432 0700Z 3002 20MM= WSB SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 258/20/03/0803/M/M 3016 42MM= WGT SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 266/18/12/2703/M/ 3010 37MM= WEL SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 264/18/13/3107/M/ 3006 39MM= WDR SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 247/15/08/1006/M/ 3021 62MM= WZO SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1411/M/ PK WND 0620 0709Z M MMMM= WKA SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3101/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 0800 AUTO8 M M M 277/12/11/1601/M/ 1008 58MM=  643 WSBZ31 SBGL 080854 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 080900/081200 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  106 WGUS83 KIWX 080856 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 456 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC001-003-179-080906- /O.CAN.KIWX.FA.Y.0034.000000T0000Z-200908T0930Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adams IN-Allen IN-Wells IN- 456 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR NORTHERN ADAMS, SOUTHERN ALLEN AND NORTHEASTERN WELLS COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4106 8526 4118 8517 4113 8482 4103 8481 4092 8481 4084 8481 4084 8483 4091 8528 $$ CM  670 WSSD20 OEJD 080856 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 080900/081300 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR TS FCST S OF N22 W OF E44 E OF E40 MOV W INTSF=  410 WSRS31 RURD 080857 URRV SIGMET 1 VALID 080900/081030 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4505 E03644 - N4644 E03745 - N4632 E03845 - N4411 E03813 - N4505 E03644 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  541 WSAU21 AMMC 080858 YMMM SIGMET Q09 VALID 080930/081330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S4030 E15300 - S4100 E15130 - S3730 E14700 - S3630 E14900 10000FT/FL190 MOV NE 20KT NC=  542 WSAU21 AMMC 080858 YBBB SIGMET B03 VALID 080930/081330 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S4030 E15300 - S4100 E15130 - S3730 E14700 - S3630 E14900 10000FT/FL190 MOV NE 20KT NC=  755 WSFG20 TFFF 080858 SOOO SIGMET 4 VALID 080900/081200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE OBS WI N0845 W04700 - N1030 W04145 - N0800 W04315 - N0515 W04930 - N0815 W05100 FL165/195 STNR NC=  373 WSAU21 AMRF 080859 YMMM SIGMET V02 VALID 080900/081300 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4340 E14810 - S4340 E14600 - S4240 E14610 - S4220 E14710 - S4110 E14720 - S4100 E14830 SFC/7000FT STNR NC=  725 WHUS73 KGRB 080900 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 400 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ542-543-081700- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.200908T1100Z-200909T2100Z/ Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 400 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 3 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Sturgeon Bay to Sheboygan WI. * WHEN...Until 4 PM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ541-081700- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.200908T1500Z-200909T1500Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- 400 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ521-522-081700- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.200908T1500Z-200909T0900Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 400 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Bay of Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  677 WGZS80 NSTU 080900 FLSPPG Flood Advisory National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 1000 PM SST Mon Sep 7 2020 ASZ001>003-081100- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 1000 PM SST Mon Sep 7 2020 The National Weather Service in Pago Pago has issued a * Small stream flood advisory for... Tutuila Aunuu Manua Swains * Until 1 AM SST * Latest satellite imagery show thunderstorms moving in the area. Several reports and observations indicated heavy showers throughout the territory. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall and runoffs may cause small streams to overflow, resulting in flooding of low lying areas and roadways. Mud and landslides are also possible along steep slopes and mountainous areas as grounds become saturated. The public is advised to take necessary precautions when driving due to hazardous driving conditions and flooded roadways. && FAUTUAGA MO TAFEGA MA LOLOGA MO ALA-VAI OFISA O LE TAU PAGO PAGO AS 955 PO ASO GAFUA SETEMA 7 2020 UA IAI NEI SE * FAUTUAGO MO TAFEGA MA LOLOGA MO ALA-VAI MO Tutuila Aunuu Manua Swains * SE IA OO I LE 1 I LE VAVEAO... * MAFUAAGA MO LE LAPATAIGA...O loo faaalia mai o ata satelite faititili o loo aga'i i luga o le atunu'u. O loo ripotia fo'i le puna o vaitafe i nu'u mai sasa'e ma sisifo aua o timuga mamafa. FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O TIMUGA MAMAFA MA TAFEGA MALOLOSI E MAFAI ONA FAATUPULAIA AI LOLOGA I ALA-VAI MA NOFOAGA MAUALALO. IA FAAETEETE I TAIMI E FEMALAGA'I AI I LUGA O ALA-TELE. E ONO TULA'I MAI SOLOGA O PALAPALA MA MAUGA ONA O LE SUSU O LE ELEELE UA IAI NEI. FAMOLEMOLE FAAUTAGIA MAI LENEI FAUTUAGA. $$  308 WWUS45 KCYS 080900 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIDESPREAD ACCUMULATING SNOW EXPECTED ACROSS MUCH OF THE AREA THROUGH EARLY WEDNESDAY... ...AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE OCCURRING THIS MORNING ALONG THE INTERSTATE 80 CORRIDOR BETWEEN LARAMIE AND CHEYENNE... NEZ095-WYZ101-102-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations-Niobrara County- Including the cities of Harrison, Bill, Douglas, Deer Creek, Glenrock, Lusk, and Redbird 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches over lower elevations, with 6 to 12 inches possible along the Pine Ridge. Winds gusting as high as 35 MPH. * WHERE...Converse and Niobrara Counties in southeast Wyoming, Northern Sioux County in the northern Nebraska Panhandle. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ106-107-116>118-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- East Platte County-South Laramie Range- South Laramie Range Foothills-Central Laramie County- Including the cities of Bordeaux, Wheatland, Guernsey, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, Horse Creek, and Cheyenne 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy freezing drizzle early this morning. Heavy snow and blowing snow expected after sunrise. Ice accumulation up to one quarter of an inch. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches expected, with locally higher amounts possible over the Interstate 80 Summit. Wind gusts 35 to 45 MPH. * WHERE...Interstate 80 Summit and Foothills between Laramie and Cheyenne, Interstate 25 between the Colorado State Line and Glendo. Cities or communities impacted include but are not limited to Cheyenne, Chugwater, Wheatland and Glendo. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ103-114-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Laramie Range-Snowy Range- Including the cities of Garrett, Centennial, and Albany 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 18 inches expected, with locally higher amounts possible. Wind gusts up to 50 MPH. * WHERE...Snowy and Northern Laramie Mountain Ranges. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Extremely dangerous or impossible mountain travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation will be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ104-109>111-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains-Central Carbon County- North Snowy Range Foothills-Southwest Carbon County- Including the cities of Seminoe Dam, Rawlins, Arlington, Elk Mountain, and Baggs 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches, with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Much of Carbon County including Rawlins, Elk Mountain, and Baggs. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ105-112-113-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Shirley Basin-Sierra Madre Range-Upper North Platte River Basin- Including the cities of Medicine Bow, Shirley Basin, Saratoga, and Encampment 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Shirley Basin. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ002-003-019-020-054-096-WYZ108-119-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Dawes-Box Butte-Scotts Bluff County-Banner County-Kimball County- South Sioux-Goshen County-East Laramie County- Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance, Scottsbluff, Gering, Harrisburg, Kimball, Agate, Torrington, and Pine Bluffs 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Wyoming, Goshen and eastern Laramie Counties including Pine Bluffs and Torrington. In Nebraska, Kimball, Banner, Scotts Bluff, Southern Sioux, Box Butte and Dawes counties including Kimball, Scottsbluff, Alliance and Chadron. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ115-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Laramie Valley- Including the cities of Bosler and Laramie 300 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with locally higher amounts possible near the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Laramie Valley. Lowest totals for the city of Laramie, with higher amounts outside of town. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. Be prepared for rapidly worsening conditions as you travel in any direction from the city. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CLH  329 WSSD20 OEJD 080856 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 080900/081300 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR TS FCST S OF N22 W OF E44 E OF E40 MOV W INTSF=  330 WSCI38 ZYTX 080859 ZYSH SIGMET 6 VALID 080900/081300 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR EMBD TS FCST SW OF LINE N4246 E11909 - N4133 E12218 AND NW OF LINE N4133 E12218 - N3933 E11947 AND SE OF LINE N4107 E11846 - N4246 E11909 TOP FL300 MOV ENE 20KMH INTSF =  913 WSBZ31 SBGL 080901 SBAO SIGMET 3 VALID 080900/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL180/320 MOV NE NC=  088 WGUS41 KILN 080903 FLWILN BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington OH 503 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC011-037-091-107-149-159-081400- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.W.0020.200908T0903Z-200908T1400Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Darke OH-Auglaize OH-Union OH-Mercer OH- 503 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Flood Warning for... Shelby County in west central Ohio... Logan County in west central Ohio... Northern Darke County in west central Ohio... Southwestern Auglaize County in west central Ohio... Union County in central Ohio... Southern Mercer County in west central Ohio... * Until 1000 AM EDT. * At 500 AM EDT, radar and automated rain gauges indicated that heavy rain had fallen across the warned area overnight. Rainfall amounts of 3 to 6 inches have been reported. Although the heavy rain has ended, residual water and runoff from this excessive rainfall will cause flooding to occur. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marysville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, New Bremen, Minster, St. Henry, Richwood, Newport, West Liberty, Anna, Fort Loramie, Jackson Center, Fort Recovery, Russells Point, De Graff, Botkins, West Mansfield, Hardin, Quincy and Rushsylvania. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4050 8325 4025 8325 4025 8378 4027 8401 4025 8402 4024 8480 4043 8480 4048 8352 4051 8351 $$ AR  432 WWUS74 KMAF 080904 NPWMAF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 404 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ271-082115- /O.CON.KMAF.HW.W.0036.200909T0000Z-200910T1500Z/ Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains- Including the cities of Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pine Springs 304 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM MDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 40 to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Guadalupe Pass. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to 9 AM MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/maf  827 WGUS71 KILN 080904 FFSILN Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 504 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC011-037-091-107-149-159-080914- /O.CAN.KILN.FF.W.0037.000000T0000Z-200908T1030Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Darke OH-Auglaize OH-Union OH-Mercer OH- 504 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR SHELBY...LOGAN...NORTHERN DARKE AND SOUTHWESTERN AUGLAIZE COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL OHIO...UNION COUNTY IN CENTRAL OHIO AND SOUTHERN MERCER COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL OHIO IS CANCELLED... This Flash Flood Warning has been replaced with a Flood Warning, which is in effect until 1000 AM EDT. LAT...LON 4050 8325 4025 8325 4025 8379 4026 8384 4027 8401 4025 8402 4024 8480 4043 8480 4048 8352 4051 8351 $$ AR  053 WSBZ31 SBGL 080907 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 3 080900/081200=  428 WSBZ31 SBGL 080907 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  480 WWUS75 KPSR 080910 NPWPSR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 210 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ530>533-536-CAZ560-561-564-565-568>570-082230- /O.CON.KPSR.WI.Y.0025.200908T1800Z-200909T0500Z/ Parker Valley-Kofa-Yuma-Central La Paz-Gila River Valley- Joshua Tree NP West-Joshua Tree NP East-Chuckwalla Mountains- Imperial County Southeast-Chiriaco Summit-Palo Verde Valley- Chuckwalla Valley- Including the cities of Parker, Ehrenberg, Palm Canyon, Yuma, Fortuna Foothills, Brenda, Harcuvar, Quartzsite, Vicksburg, Vicksburg Junction, Salome, Ligurta, Cottonwood Visitor, Lost Horse-Keys Village, Imperial Hot Mineral Springs, Winterhaven, Chiriaco Summit, Martinez Lake, Blythe, Palo Verde, Ripley, and Midland 210 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /210 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM MST /11 AM PDT/ THIS MORNING TO 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...In Arizona, Parker Valley. In California, Western portion of Joshua Tree National Park, Eastern portion of Joshua Tree National Park, Chuckwalla Mountains, Southeastern Imperial County, Chiriaco Summit, Palo Verde Valley and Chuckwalla Valley. * WHEN...From 11 AM MST /11 AM PDT/ to 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Difficult driving conditions, especially for larger vehicles traveling along roads with crosswinds on Interstates 8 and 10. Light, unsecured objects may become airborne. Minor tree damage possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of between 30 and 40 mph are expected, or wind gusts of between 40 and 58 mph. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. In addition, strong winds over desert areas could result in briefly lowered visibilities to well under a mile at times in blowing dust or blowing sand. Use extra caution. Continue to monitor NWS forecasts, broadcast outlets, and local government for updates. && $$  668 WWUS83 KDVN 080911 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 411 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 IAZ067-068-ILZ009-015-081100- Muscatine-Scott-Whiteside-Rock Island- Including the cities of Muscatine, Davenport, Bettendorf, Sterling, Moline, and Rock Island 411 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Heavy Rain For the Early Morning Commute... At 410 AM CDT, radar indicated heavy rain from thunderstorms falling from around Sterling through the Quad Cities to Muscatine. The storms were producing torrential downpours, while moving northeast. The combination of the rainfall rate and repeated activity will likely result in some areas seeing over 1 to possibly near 2 inches of rain in a relatively short period of time. This may lead to minor flooding of low lying areas, creeks, streams and urban areas. In addition, periods of low visibility can be expected in the heavy rain. If you encounter water over a roadway, do not drive through it. $$  280 WSBZ31 SBGL 080908 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0256 W06247 - N0052 W06417 - N0047 W05945 - N0251 W05953 - N0256 W06247 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  642 WSBZ31 SBGL 080908 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0309 W05805 - S0515 W05858 - S0550 W05707 - S0343 W05617 - S0309 W05805 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  986 WONT50 LFPW 080911 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 370, TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 0910 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, TUESDAY 8 AT 00 UTC. TROPICAL STORM RENE 1001 16.2N 23.5W AT 08/0300 UTC, MOVING W AT 12 KT. EXPECTED 16.5N 25.5W AT 08/12 UTC, THEN 16.8N 28.2W AT 09/00 UTC THEN 17.3N 30.9W AT 09/12 UTC. GALE 8 WITHIN 40 NM OF CENTER, INCREASING SEVERE GALE. SOUTH OF CAPE VERDE. CONTINUING TO 09/12 UTC AT LEAST. CYCLONIC 8 OR 9, INCREASING AT TIMES 10 AT END. SEVERE GUSTS. BT *  755 WSRS31 RURD 080913 URRV SIGMET 2 VALID 080915/081030 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4510 E04051 - N4711 E04011 - N4720 E04213 - N4525 E04222 - N4510 E04051 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 20KMH INTSF=  692 WANO36 ENMI 080915 ENOB AIRMET E01 VALID 080900/081300 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N8015 E01810 - N8000 E02950 - N7610 E03010 - N7630 E01640 - N8015 E01810 2000FT/FL060 STNR NC=  260 WSVS31 VVGL 080915 VVTS SIGMET 2 VALID 080915/081215 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1025 E10645 - N1110 E10555 - N1220 E10735 - N1440 E10735 - N1520 E10830 - N1145 E10845 - N1025 E10645 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  725 WSPS21 NZKL 080911 NZZO SIGMET 13 VALID 080917/081317 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0830 W17230 - S0950 W16920 - S1340 W16810 - S1440 W17100 - S1220 W17420 - S0830 W17230 TOP FL490 STNR NC=  225 WSPS21 NZKL 080912 NZZO SIGMET 14 VALID 080917/080933 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 6 080533/080933=  201 WSID21 WAAA 080915 WAAZ SIGMET 08 VALID 080915/081215 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0200 E11346 - S0234 E11434 - S 0347 E11352 - S0332 E11023 - S0300 E11023 - S0151 E11116 - S0200 E113 46 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT NC=  528 WWUS85 KPSR 080918 RFWPSR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 218 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ131-132-CAZ230>232-082230- /O.CON.KPSR.FW.W.0003.200908T1800Z-200909T0700Z/ Yuma/Martinez Lake and Vicinity/Lower Colorado River Valley AZ- Central Deserts-Joshua Tree National Park- Lower Colorado River Valley CA- Imperial County And Eastern Riverside County- 218 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /218 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM MST /11 AM PDT/ THIS MORNING TO MIDNIGHT MST /MIDNIGHT PDT/ TONIGHT FOR STRONG WINDS, LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND VERY HIGH FIRE DANGER FOR SOUTHWEST AND SOUTH-CENTRAL ARIZONA, THE LOWER COLORADO RIVER VALLEY, AND SOUTHEAST CALIFORNIA... * AFFECTED AREA...Yuma/Martinez Lake and Vicinity/Lower Colorado River Valley AZ, Central Deserts, Joshua Tree National Park, Lower Colorado River Valley CA and Imperial County And Eastern Riverside County. * TIMING...From 11 AM to 10 PM Tuesday. * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 7 percent. * IMPACTS...Fuels are very dry and fire danger is very high. These conditions combined with low relative humidity and strong winds will lead to widespread hazardous fire weather conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please advise the appropriate officials and fire crews in the field of this red flag warning. && $$ National Weather Service Phoenix is on the internet at weather.gov/phoenix  546 WSBM31 VYYY 080920 VYYF SIGMET 02 VALID 080920/081320 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2241 E09622 - N2055 E09726 - N2031 E09729 - N2012 E09550 - N2041 E09446 - N2302 E09448 - N2241 E09622 TOP FL540 MOV W 15KT NC=  053 WSTH31 VTBS 080920 VTBB SIGMET 03 VALID 080920/081300 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1405 E10010 - N1419 E10112 - N1343 E10146 - N1254 E10050 - N1247 E09957 - N1405 E10010 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 20KT INTSF=  054 WSUY31 SUMU 080918 SUEO SIGMET 1 VALID 080930/081230 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3005 W05650 - S3203 W05346 - S3246 W05314 - S3226 W05437 - S3007 W05739 - S3005 W05650 FL300/400 MOV E 10KT NC=  954 WWUS75 KABQ 080921 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ230-231-081800- /O.UPG.KABQ.FZ.A.0002.200909T0800Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Union County-Harding County- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 29 and 32 degrees expected. * WHERE...Union County and Harding County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will be strongest this morning, before a lull occurs during the afternoon. However, winds will quickly ramp back up Tuesday evening. Wind chills in the 30s are likely much of the day. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ228-081800- /O.UPG.KABQ.FZ.A.0002.200909T0800Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Far Northeast Highlands- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 29 and 32 degrees expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Far Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills may fall into the 30s by late this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ222-223-229-081800- /O.UPG.KABQ.FZ.A.0002.200909T0800Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Estancia Valley-Central Highlands-Northeast Highlands- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Estancia Valley, Central Highlands and Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ234-235-081800- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Quay County-Curry County- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. * WHERE...Quay County and Curry County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles, including along Intestate 40. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ218-219-221-081800- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.200908T1800Z-200909T1200Z/ Santa Fe Metro Area- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- Sandia/Manzano Mountains Including Edgewood- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East to southeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Santa Fe Metro Area, Middle Rio Grande Valley including the Albuquerque Metro Area, Sandia and Manzano Mountains including Edgewood. * WHEN...From noon today to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Strong and potentially dangerous crosswinds are expected along Interstate 25 between Los Lunas, Albuquerque, Bernalillo and Santa Fe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ227-081800- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Difficult driving conditions are possible for high profile vehicles on east to west oriented roadways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ232-233-081800- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County- 321 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern San Miguel County and Guadalupe County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ 34  789 WSBM31 VYYY 080921 VYYF SIGMET 03 VALID 080921/081321 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2112 E09230 - N2021 E09355 - N1755 E09538 - N1705 E09505 - N1658 E09434 - N1905 E09236 - N2112 E09230 TOP FL530 MOV W 20KT NC=  489 WABZ23 SBGL 080921 SBCW AIRMET 11 VALID 080920/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0400M FG FCST WI S2203 W05505 - S2403 W05417 - S2537 W05432 - S2551 W04824 - S2521 W04807 - S2203 W05505 STNR NC=  491 WABZ23 SBGL 080921 SBCW AIRMET 10 VALID 080920/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 100/1000FT FCST WI S2203 W05505 - S2403 W05417 - S2537 W05432 - S2551 W04824 - S2521 W04807 - S2203 W05505 STNR NC=  379 WSCI36 ZUUU 080920 ZPKM SIGMET 2 VALID 081045/081445 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3107 E09848-N3240 E10146-N3050 E10458-N2848 E10332-N2939 E08650-N3237 E09147-N3107 E09848 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  610 WSPS21 NZKL 080918 NZZO SIGMET 15 VALID 080922/081322 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5350 W14300 - S4300 W15730 - S4450 W16010 - S5510 W14550 - S5350 W14300 FL200/410 MOV E 40KT WKN=  926 WSPS21 NZKL 080919 NZZO SIGMET 16 VALID 080922/080945 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 8 080545/080945=  125 WSBZ01 SBBR 080900 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 080900/081200 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  126 WSBZ01 SBBR 080900 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  127 WSBZ01 SBBR 080900 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0309 W05805 - S0515 W05858 - S0550 W05707 - S0343 W05617 - S0309 W05805 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  128 WSBZ01 SBBR 080900 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 3 080900/081200=  129 WSBZ01 SBBR 080900 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0256 W06247 - N0052 W06417 - N0047 W05945 - N0251 W05953 - N0256 W06247 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  169 WSKO31 RKSI 080922 RKRR SIGMET Y04 VALID 080930/081330 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3605 E12739 - N3635 E12858 - N3548 E12900 - N3526 E12740 - N3605 E12739 TOP FL350 MOV NE 25KT NC=  039 WWUS75 KSLC 080923 NPWSLC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ001-082200- /O.EXA.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Cache Valley/Utah Portion- Including the city of Logan 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected. For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Cache Valley/Utah Portion. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning...through noon today. For the Hard Freeze Warning...Midnight Tuesday night through 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Gusty winds are expected to continue this afternoon and into tonight, but speeds are expected to decrease below High Wind Criteria. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ011-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Western Uinta Basin- Including the cities of Duchesne and Roosevelt 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected. For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Western Uinta Basin. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, through midnight MDT Tuesday night. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight Tuesday night to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ006-014-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Wasatch Mountain Valleys-Sanpete/Sevier Valleys- Including the cities of Park City, Heber City, Manti, and Richfield 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Wasatch Mountain Valleys and Sanpete/Sevier Valleys. * WHEN...From midnight Tuesday night to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ002-003-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Northern Wasatch Front-Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys- Including the cities of Ogden, Bountiful, and Salt Lake City 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph are expected. Some locations may see gusts in excess of 85 mph near Farmington, Centerville and the mouth of Weber Canyon. * WHERE...Northern Wasatch Front and Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys, primarily Weber, Davis and eastern Salt Lake Counties. * WHEN...Through 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. The most impacted travel routes are expected to be along the I-15 corridor between Salt Lake City and Layton, the Legacy Parkway, the US 89 corridor in Davis and Weber Counties, and Foothill Drive. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ005-081800- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains- Including the city of Wendover 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...North to northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph. * WHERE...Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains. * WHEN...Through noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...Strong cross winds are expected to along the Interstate 80 corridor. Travel difficulties are expected from these crosswinds, especially for high profile vehicles. Blowing salt and dust may reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ012-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Castle Country- Including the city of Price 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Castle Country, mainly the Carbon County portion. * WHEN...Through midnight MDT Tuesday night. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult along Highway 6, especially for high profile vehicles. Blowing dust may reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ019-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park- Including the city of St George 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected, strongest near the canyon mouths. Winds speeds are expected to be significantly less in the St George area. * WHERE...Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park, mainly through the gaps and canyons of Washington County outside of St George. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ015-016-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ West Central Utah-Southwest Utah- Including the cities of Delta, Fillmore, and Cedar City 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northerly winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts near 50 mph are expected. * WHERE...West Central Utah and Southwest Utah. * WHEN...Through 9 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty crosswinds are expected along east-west oriented roadways, including but not limited to the US 6 corridor, SR-21, and SR-56. Travel difficulties are expected from these crosswinds, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ UTZ013-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ San Rafael Swell- Including the city of Green River 323 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northerly winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts near 50 mph are expected. * WHERE...San Rafael Swell. * WHEN...Through midnight MDT Tuesday night. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty crosswinds are expected along north- south oriented roads. Blowing dust may reduce visibilities. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  065 WOCN12 CWWG 080924 FROST ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:24 A.M. CDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY ENDED FOR: THE PAS - WANLESS - WESTRAY - CLEARWATER LAKE PROV. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  066 WOCN11 CWWG 080924 FROST ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:24 A.M. CDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY ENDED FOR: CITY OF WINNIPEG STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS BISSETT - VICTORIA BEACH - NOPIMING PROV. PARK - PINE FALLS WHITESHELL - LAC DU BONNET - PINAWA SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  715 WOCN12 CWTO 080925 FROST ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:25 A.M. EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF THUNDER BAY KENORA - NESTOR FALLS DRYDEN - IGNACE FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE ATIKOKAN - UPSALA - QUETICO SUPERIOR WEST NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH WAWA - WHITE RIVER - PUKASKWA AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS CHAPLEAU - GOGAMA KIRKLAND LAKE - ENGLEHART. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== PATCHY FROST LIKELY EARLY THIS MORNING. LOW TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO BE NEAR OR JUST BELOW ZERO DEGREES CELSIUS EARLY THIS MORNING. FROST WILL BE POSSIBLE ONCE AGAIN FOR PORTIONS OF NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO TONIGHT. COVER UP PLANTS, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. TAKE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT FROST-SENSITIVE PLANTS AND TREES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  928 WSKO31 RKSI 080925 RKRR SIGMET X05 VALID 080930/081330 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3454 E12400 - N3549 E12400 - N3621 E12619 - N3523 E12627 - N3454 E12400 TOP FL350 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  605 WAUS45 KKCI 080926 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 080926 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50SE FCA TO 30ESE LWT TO 40WNW BIL TO 60E DLN TO 30WNW DLN TO 80WSW HLN TO 50SE FCA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT FROM 40WNW BIL TO 80SW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO 30NNE DTA TO 30SSE DBS TO 60E DLN TO 40WNW BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WY UT CO NM FROM 70SW RAP TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 50NNE TCC TO 20ESE CIM TO 20W JNC TO 30ESE BCE TO 20W BCE TO 40ENE ILC TO 30NNE DTA TO 70SW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...NV CA...UPDT FROM 60NNE FMG TO 20SW BAM TO 70NE OAL TO 20WNW BTY TO 70WSW BTY TO 50E CZQ TO 20S FMG TO 60NNE FMG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40SSW YQL TO 50SSE HVR TO SHR TO 20SE CYS TO 20NE TBE TO 50ESE CIM TO 30SW DBL TO 40SSE BCE TO 70SSE ILC TO 80WSW ELY TO 50ESE REO TO 50WSW DBS TO 70SSE FCA TO 40SSW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV UT CO AZ NM CA FROM RBL TO 50SSE OAL TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 50ESE CIM TO CME TO 50S TUS TO PHX TO 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 40NE LWT-SHR-CYS-TBE-CME-40ENE ABQ-40E INW-70SW BCE- 70WSW ELY-30SSE BAM-70SW TWF-40SW JAC-60SW LWT-40NE LWT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  606 WAUS46 KKCI 080926 AAA WA6S SFOS WA 080926 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSE SNS TO 20ENE RZS TO 40N LAX TO 60SW HEC TO 30WSW TRM TO 40ESE MZB TO 180SW MZB TO 70SSE SNS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70WSW OED TO 60SSE FOT TO PYE TO 40SSE OAK TO 110W RZS TO 150WSW RZS TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W FOT TO 70WSW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO GEG TO 30NE EPH TO 40W EPH TO 40SE YDC TO 80WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70SSW YKM TO 30E DSD TO 40WSW LKV TO 60S OED TO 40W OED TO 50S ONP TO 30NNE ONP TO 20SSW BTG TO 70SSW YKM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA NV...UPDT FROM 60NNE FMG TO 20SW BAM TO 70NE OAL TO 20WNW BTY TO 70WSW BTY TO 50E CZQ TO 20S FMG TO 60NNE FMG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30WSW GEG TO 50WSW YKM TO 50SSW LKV TO 50SSW OED TO 70WNW OED TO ONP TO HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 80WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM FOT TO RBL TO 30SW SAC TO 40W EHF TO 30SSE EHF TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO PYE TO FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA NV UT CO AZ NM FROM RBL TO 50SSE OAL TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 50ESE CIM TO CME TO 50S TUS TO PHX TO 30S HEC TO 60SSE TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  692 WABZ23 SBGL 080928 SBBS AIRMET 1 VALID 080930/081130 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 1200M BR FCST WI S2157 W04723 - S2158 W04712 - S2205 W04712 - S2204 W04723 - S2157 W04723 STNR NC=  903 WWUS75 KBOU 080928 NPWBOU URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 328 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ038>051-082200- /O.CON.KBOU.FZ.W.0001.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Northeast Weld County-Central and South Weld County-Morgan County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Southeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/South Lincoln County- Logan County-Washington County-Sedgwick County-Phillips County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, Larkspur, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Brush, Fort Morgan, Goodrich, Wiggins, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, Matheson, Forder, Karval, Kutch, Punkin Center, Crook, Merino, Sterling, Peetz, Akron, Cope, Last Chance, Otis, Julesburg, Ovid, Sedgwick, Amherst, Haxtun, and Holyoke 328 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Plains of northeast Colorado. * WHEN...From 6 PM Tuesday to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  435 WSFJ01 NFFN 080900 NFFF SIGMET 03 VALID 081015/081415 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0930 W17300 - S1248 W17430 - S1224 W17736 - S0924 W17430 - S0930 W17300 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  386 WWUS76 KSTO 080930 NPWSTO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 230 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Gusty north to east winds continue today... .Strong high pressure will build into the Great Basin resulting in cooler temperatures and strong north to east winds today. CAZ013-015>019-063-066>069-090100- /O.CON.KSTO.WI.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County- Northern Sacramento Valley-Central Sacramento Valley- Southern Sacramento Valley-Carquinez Strait and Delta- Northern San Joaquin Valley- Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County- Northeast Foothills/Sacramento Valley-Motherlode- Western Plumas County/Lassen Park- West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- Including the cities of Shasta Dam, Redding, Red Bluff, Chico, Oroville, Marysville/Yuba City, Sacramento, Fairfield/Suisun, Stockton, Modesto, Alder Springs, Paradise, Grass Valley, Jackson, Chester, Quincy, and Blue Canyon 230 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North to east winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts 35 to 45 mph in the Valley, and up to 55 mph through favored mountain canyons and passes. * WHERE...Sacramento Valley, northern San Joaquin Valley, and surrounding foothill and mountain terrain. * WHEN...Until 6 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  030 WGUS61 KILN 080932 FFAILN Flood Watch National Weather Service Wilmington OH 532 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-081045- /O.CAN.KILN.FF.A.0011.000000T0000Z-200908T1000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union OH-Delaware-Miami- Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin OH-Licking- Including the cities of Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, Greenville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Columbus, and Newark 532 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLASH FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED... The Flash Flood Watch for portions of Central Ohio and West Central Ohio has been cancelled. Heavy rain has ended and therefore the flash flood threat has ended. Although the flash flood threat has ended, high water may continue until the water recedes. $$  616 WSPS21 NZKL 080924 NZZO SIGMET 17 VALID 080932/081332 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3320 W17150 - S3430 W16530 - S3800 W16100 - S4300 W15730 - S4220 W15540 - S3710 W16000 - S3330 W16520 - S3320 W17150 FL210/360 MOV E 40KT NC=  053 WSPS21 NZKL 080925 NZZO SIGMET 18 VALID 080932/080956 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 10 080556/080956=  033 WSVS31 VVGL 080935 VVTS SIGMET 3 VALID 080935/081215 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1445 E10740 - N1600 E10720 - N1645 E10635 - N1700 E10740 - N1615 E10815 - N1515 E10830 - N1445 E10740 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  612 WSNO32 ENMI 080935 ENSV SIGMET B03 VALID 081000/081300 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00000 - N6300 E00000 - N6300 E00400 - N6200 E00500 - N6200 E00730 - N6100 E00730 - N6200 E00000 FL240/370 STNR WKN=  001 WSSS20 VHHH 080935 VHHK SIGMET 3 VALID 080940/081340 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2100 E11730 - N1858 E11551 - N1829 E11313 - N2037 E11153 - N2247 E11435 - N2400 E11730 - N2100 E11730 TOP FL440 MOV NE 10KT WKN=  233 WSMS31 WMKK 080937 WMFC SIGMET C02 VALID 080937/081315 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0138 E10212 - N0243 E10103 - N0337 E10239 - N0151 E10404 - N0113 E10329 - N0138 E10212 TOP FL510 MOV W NC=  944 WSZA21 FAOR 080937 FAJO SIGMET F03 VALID 081000/081400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3015 E03338 - S3040 E03728 - S3440 E04128 - S3751 E04427 - S3911 E04632 - S4621 E05520 - S5129 E05610 - S5313 E05113 - S4649 E04429 - S4325 E04132 - S3840 E03612 - S3201 E03234 - S3025 E03332 FL320/400=  945 WSZA21 FAOR 080936 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 081000/081400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3003 E03154 - S3014 E03335 - S3200 E03234 - S3109 E03206 FL320/400=  265 WSCO31 SKBO 080921 SKEC SIGMET 3 VALID 080930/081230 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0911Z WI N0815 W07538 - N0852 W07414 - N1038 W07527 - N0952 W07635 - N0815 W07538 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= NNNN  462 WSSP32 LEMM 080933 LECB SIGMET 3 VALID 080940/081240 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4003 E00042 - N3732 E00122 - N3828 E00354 - N3901 E00441 - N4058 E00425 - N4003 E00042 TOP FL340 MOV SW 10KT NC=  786 WSCI34 ZSSS 080938 ZSHA SIGMET 2 VALID 081000/081400 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N29 TOP FL340 MOV E 20KMH NC=  339 WSMS31 WMKK 080940 WMFC SIGMET B02 VALID 080940/081315 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0500 E09834 - N0602 E09728 - N0602 E09425 - N0650 E09426 - N0735 E09723 - N0620 E09945 - N0500 E09834 TOP FL490 MOV W NC=  412 WAUS46 KKCI 080939 AAB WA6S SFOS WA 080939 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSE SNS TO 20ENE RZS TO 40N LAX TO 60SW HEC TO 30WSW TRM TO 40ESE MZB TO 180SW MZB TO 70SSE SNS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70WSW OED TO 60SSE FOT TO PYE TO 40SSE OAK TO 110W RZS TO 150WSW RZS TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W FOT TO 70WSW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO GEG TO 30NE EPH TO 40W EPH TO 40SE YDC TO 80WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 70SSW YKM TO 30E DSD TO 40WSW LKV TO 60S OED TO 40W OED TO 50S ONP TO 30NNE ONP TO 20SSW BTG TO 70SSW YKM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA NV...UPDT FROM 60NNE FMG TO 20SW BAM TO 70NE OAL TO 20WNW BTY TO 70WSW BTY TO 50E CZQ TO 20S FMG TO 60NNE FMG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM FOT TO RBL TO 30SW SAC TO 40W EHF TO 30SSE EHF TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO PYE TO FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA...UPDT FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30WSW GEG TO 40W YKM TO 40SE LKV TO 60WSW OED TO 70WNW OED TO 20ENE HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 80WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA NV UT CO AZ NM...UPDT FROM 60WSW OED TO 40SE LKV TO 30ESE FMG TO 30NW BTY TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 60ESE CIM TO CME TO 30SSW TUS TO BZA TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL TO FOT TO 60WSW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...MTN OBSCN CA NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY RBL-50SE BTY-70SW BCE-40E INW-40ENE ABQ-CME-50SSE SSO- 50S TUS-PHX-40E HEC-60SSE TRM-MZB-LAX-30SSE EHF-RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  413 WAUS45 KKCI 080939 AAB WA5S SLCS WA 080939 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...MT WY FROM 50SE FCA TO 30ESE LWT TO 40WNW BIL TO 60E DLN TO 30WNW DLN TO 80WSW HLN TO 50SE FCA CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT FROM 40WNW BIL TO 80SW DIK TO 70SW RAP TO 30NNE DTA TO 30SSE DBS TO 60E DLN TO 40WNW BIL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WY UT CO NM FROM 70SW RAP TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 50NNE TCC TO 20ESE CIM TO 20W JNC TO 30ESE BCE TO 20W BCE TO 40ENE ILC TO 30NNE DTA TO 70SW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...NV CA...UPDT FROM 60NNE FMG TO 20SW BAM TO 70NE OAL TO 20WNW BTY TO 70WSW BTY TO 50E CZQ TO 20S FMG TO 60NNE FMG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40SSW YQL TO 50SSE HVR TO SHR TO 20SE CYS TO 20NE TBE TO 50ESE CIM TO 30SW DBL TO 40SSE BCE TO 70SSE ILC TO 80WSW ELY TO 50ESE REO TO 50WSW DBS TO 70SSE FCA TO 40SSW YQL MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA...UPDT FROM 60WSW OED TO 40SE LKV TO 30ESE FMG TO 30NW BTY TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 60ESE CIM TO CME TO 30SSW TUS TO BZA TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL TO FOT TO 60WSW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...MTN OBSCN ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 40NE LWT-SHR-CYS-TBE-CME-40ENE ABQ-40E INW-70SW BCE- 70WSW ELY-30SSE BAM-70SW TWF-40SW JAC-60SW LWT-40NE LWT MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NV UT CO AZ NM CA BOUNDED BY RBL-50SE BTY-70SW BCE-40E INW-40ENE ABQ-CME-50SSE SSO- 50S TUS-PHX-40E HEC-60SSE TRM-MZB-LAX-30SSE EHF-RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  980 WSPS21 NZKL 080934 NZZO SIGMET 19 VALID 080940/081340 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3300 W16920 - S3220 W16630 - S3120 W17850 - S2830 E17210 - S3150 E17840 - S3300 W16920 FL230/370 STNR NC=  041 WSPS21 NZKL 080935 NZZO SIGMET 20 VALID 080940/081006 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 11 080606/081006=  603 WSNO34 ENMI 080940 ENBD SIGMET C03 VALID 081000/081400 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6325 E00425 - N6250 E01220 - N6200 E01220 - N6200 E00500 FL240/370 MOV NNE 10KT WKN=  642 WSNO31 ENMI 080940 ENOS SIGMET A03 VALID 081000/081400 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6030 E00730 - N6200 E00730 - N6200 E01220 - N6110 E01255 - N6000 E01240 - N6030 E00730 FL240/370 STNR WKN=  267 WAHW31 PHFO 080941 WA0HI HNLS WA 081000 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081600 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 081000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 081600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 081000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 081600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...167-169.  311 WWUS75 KVEF 080941 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 241 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ002-036-CAZ527-NVZ021-082300- /O.EXB.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.200909T0600Z-200910T0100Z/ /O.CON.KVEF.HW.W.0005.200908T1300Z-200909T0600Z/ Lake Havasu and Fort Mohave-Lake Mead National Recreation Area- San Bernardino County-Upper Colorado River Valley- Including Lake Havasu City, Desert Hills, Topock, Bullhead City, Oatman, Mohave Valley, Needles, Hoover Dam, and Laughlin 241 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /241 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ THIS MORNING TO 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING TO 6 PM PDT /6 PM MST/ WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...In Arizona, Lake Havasu and Fort Mohave and Lake Mead National Recreation Area. In California, San Bernardino County- Upper Colorado River Valley. In Nevada, Lake Mead National Recreation Area. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, from 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ this morning to 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ this evening. For the Wind Advisory, from 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ this evening to 6 PM PDT /6 PM MST/ Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Boating conditions will be hazardous. Wave heights 2 to 4 feet could capsize small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The Wind Advisory will begin when the High Wind Warning ends to indicate lesser but persistent elevated wind speeds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Boaters on area lakes should use extra caution since strong winds and rough waves can overturn small craft. && $$ CAZ520-523-525-082300- /O.EXA.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.200908T1300Z-200909T0600Z/ Owens Valley-Western Mojave Desert-Morongo Basin- Including Bishop, Independence, Lone Pine, Olancha, Barstow, Daggett, Fort Irwin, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, and Twentynine Palms 241 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Owens Valley, Western Mojave Desert and Morongo Basin. * WHEN...From 6 AM this morning to 11 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ AZZ001-003-CAZ522-524-526-NVZ014>020-022-082300- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.200908T1300Z-200909T0600Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Deserts-Death Valley National Park- Eastern Mojave Desert-Cadiz Basin- Esmeralda and Central Nye County-Lincoln County- Northeast Clark County-Western Clark and Southern Nye County- Sheep Range-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon-Las Vegas Valley- Southern Clark County- Including Colorado City, Pipe Spring National Monument, Tuweep, Mt Trumbull, Western Grand Canyon, Kingman, Golden Valley, Dolan Springs, Valentine, Wikieup, Yucca, Furnace Creek, Stovepipe Wells, Shoshone, Baker, Mountain Pass, Mitchell Caverns, Vidal Junction, Beatty, Goldfield, Silver Peak, Dyer, Caliente, Pioche, Panaca, Hiko, Alamo, Rachel, Mesquite, Overton, Moapa, Pahrump, Indian Springs, Desert Rock, Amargosa Valley, Hayford Pk, The Town Of Mt Charleston, Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Primm, Searchlight, and Cal-Nev-Ari 241 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /241 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ THIS MORNING TO 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Arizona, southeast California and south central and southern Nevada. * WHEN...From 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ this morning to 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/lasvegas  809 WSUS32 KKCI 080955 SIGC MKCC WST 080955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25C VALID UNTIL 1155Z MI IN WI IL IA LM FROM 10WSW GRR-30SSW GIJ-30NNW AXC-40SW IOW-20WNW DBQ-10WSW GRR AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26C VALID UNTIL 1155Z IA NE SD FROM 20NE ONL-30WSW FOD-20ESE OVR-70SSW OBH-20WNW LBF-20NE ONL AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27C VALID UNTIL 1155Z TX OK KS FROM 20NNW LBL-50N AMA LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 081155-081555 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30WSW STL-40WSW BUM-40WNW AMA-40S LAA-GLD-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  994 WSUS31 KKCI 080955 SIGE MKCE WST 080955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27E VALID UNTIL 1155Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 110SE ECG-150ESE ILM LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28E VALID UNTIL 1155Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 140SE ILM-240ENE TRV-60ENE CRG-40SSE CHS-140SE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 11010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29E VALID UNTIL 1155Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 30ESE PBI-120ESE PBI-140SE MIA-100SSE MIA-30ESE PBI AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30E VALID UNTIL 1155Z OH MI IN LE FROM 20W ECK-20ESE DXO-30W APE-20NNE BVT-20NNW GRR-20W ECK AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31E VALID UNTIL 1155Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 50NE OMN-130E OMN-100ENE TRV-40SE OMN-50NE OMN AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 081155-081555 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-210W PIE-170S CEW-40SSW CEW-40W CRG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-BVT-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  995 WSUS33 KKCI 080955 SIGW MKCW WST 080955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12W VALID UNTIL 1155Z CO WY UT FROM 10ENE OCS-40ENE MTU LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 081155-081555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  993 WAIY32 LIIB 080950 LIRR AIRMET 9 VALID 081000/081300 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TCU FCST WI N3628 E01416 - N3628 E01634 - N3845 E01648 - N3747 E01434 - N3628 E01416 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  778 WSRS31 RUMA 080943 UUWV SIGMET 3 VALID 081000/081300 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N57 AND W OF E040 TOP FL350 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  692 WWUS45 KABQ 080946 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 346 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW WILL BE LIKELY OVER THE SANGRE DE CRISTO AND TUSAS MOUNTAINS AS WELL AS RATON PASS TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY... NMZ210-213-227-081800- /O.UPG.KABQ.WS.A.0006.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.WS.W.0007.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Tusas Mountains Including Chama- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 346 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected and it could be heavy at times. Total snow accumulations of up to 6 inches, except 6 to 12 inches above 7500 feet. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. Much of the snow will initially accumulate on grassy areas. * WHERE...Tusas Mountains Including Chama, Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and power lines and create blowing and drifting snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Motorists should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and take precautions if travel is necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$ NMZ214-215-081800- /O.UPG.KABQ.WS.A.0006.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.WW.Y.0014.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- 346 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting to around 30 mph. * WHERE...Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains and East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$ NMZ211-216-081800- /O.NEW.KABQ.WW.Y.0014.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Jemez Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley- 346 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 inches in the valley and 3 to 6 inches in the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Jemez Mountains and Upper Rio Grande Valley. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$ 40  044 WSZA21 FAOR 080945 FACA SIGMET C02 VALID 081000/081400 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3030 E01745 - S3030 E01841 - S3056 E01937 - S3116 E01954 - S3216 E02035 - S3209 E02525 - S3321 E02515 - S3328 E02334 - S3346 E02140 - S3338 E01922 - S3314 E01837 - S3150 E01825 - S3127 E01826=  148 WAIY32 LIIB 080948 LIRR AIRMET 8 VALID 081000/081300 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3954 E00757 - N4002 E01053 - N3746 E01056 - N3858 E00758 - N3954 E00757 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  460 WHUS76 KPQR 080947 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ270-275-082300- /O.CON.KPQR.SC.Y.0140.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM-Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet at 13 seconds. * WHERE...Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM and Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ250-255-082300- /O.CON.KPQR.SC.Y.0141.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM-Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM- 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 3 to 6 feet at 14 seconds. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM and Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/portland  712 WWUS85 KVEF 080947 RFWVEF URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 .Strong northerly winds will increase and become more widespread today as a cold front sweeps south through the region. Red Flag Warning has been extended down the Colorado River Valley through Wednesday afternoon. AZZ101-CAZ229-NVZ466-082300- /O.EXT.KVEF.FW.W.0027.200908T1500Z-200910T0100Z/ Lake Mead NRA/Colorado River-AZ side-Lower Colorado River Valley- Lake Mead NRA/Colorado River-NV side- 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /247 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM PDT /8 AM MST/ THIS MORNING TO 6 PM PDT /6 PM MST/ WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * TIMING...A cold front will enhance north winds today with the strongest winds expected this morning into the early afternoon. Winds will remain elevated through Wednesday afternoon. * WIND...Widespread north winds at 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 35 to 45 mph along with localized wind gusts of 50 to 60 mph. * HUMIDITY...6 to 12 percent * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ NVZ460>462-082300- /O.CON.KVEF.FW.W.0027.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Esmeralda and Nye County Deserts/CNC Dispatch- Lincoln County/Ely Dispatch-Nye County Deserts/Las Vegas Dispatch- 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * TIMING...A cold front will enhance north winds today with the strongest winds expected this morning into the early afternoon. * WIND...Widespread north winds at 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 35 to 45 mph along with localized wind gusts of 50 mph. * HUMIDITY...6 to 12 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ AZZ102-CAZ226>228-NVZ463>465-082300- /O.CON.KVEF.FW.W.0027.200908T1500Z-200909T0600Z/ Northwest Deserts/Northwest Plateau- Owens Valley/Southern Inyo Forest-Death Valley National Park- Mojave Desert Including Morongo Valley/Yucca Valley-Sheep Range- Spring Mountains- Clark and SW Lincoln County Deserts/Las Vegas Dispatch- 247 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /247 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM PDT /8 AM MST/ THIS MORNING TO 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * TIMING...A cold front will enhance north winds today with the strongest winds expected this morning into the early afternoon. * WIND...Widespread north winds at 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 35 to 45 mph along with localized wind gusts of 50 mph. * HUMIDITY...6 to 12 percent * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ weather.gov/lasvegas  000 WSZA21 FAOR 080946 FAJA SIGMET B02 VALID 081000/081400 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3016 E01812 - S3030 E01841 - S3030 E01745 - S3028 E01744=  114 WSID21 WAAA 080945 WAAZ SIGMET 09 VALID 080945/081245 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0000 E13210 - S0100 E13226 - S 0136 E13226 - S0140 E13113 - S0050 E13018 - S0003 E13108 - N0000 E132 10 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  345 WWUS75 KGJT 080949 NPWGJT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 349 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ005-082200- /O.UPG.KGJT.FZ.A.0008.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.NEW.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KGJT.FZ.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T1600Z/ /O.CON.KGJT.WI.Y.0009.200908T1200Z-200909T1200Z/ Upper Yampa River Basin- Including the city of Steamboat Springs 349 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM MDT THIS MORNING... ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the first Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26. For the second Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 18 expected. For the Wind Advisory, east winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Upper Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...For the first Freeze Warning, until 10 AM MDT this morning. For the second Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. People, especially those with respiratory illnesses, heart disease, the elderly, and children are recommended to stay indoors and avoid prolonged outdoor exercise or heavy exertion due to wind-blown dust. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ001-002-008-082200- /O.UPG.KGJT.FZ.A.0008.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.NEW.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Lower Yampa River Basin-Central Yampa River Basin- Central Colorado River Basin- Including the cities of Rangely, Dinosaur, Craig, Hayden, Meeker, Eagle, Edwards, Glenwood Springs, and Carbondale 349 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures 20 to 30 expected. * WHERE...Lower Yampa River Basin, Central Yampa River Basin and Central Colorado River Basin. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ024-082200- /O.NEW.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KGJT.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Eastern Uinta Basin- Including the cities of Vernal and Ballard 349 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 50 mph with gusts in excess of 65 mph expected. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Eastern Uinta Basin. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds may blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. People, especially those with respiratory illnesses, heart disease, the elderly, and children are recommended to stay indoors and avoid prolonged outdoor exercise or heavy exertion due to wind-blown dust. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ007-082200- /O.NEW.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Debeque to Silt Corridor- Including the cities of De Beque, New Castle, Mesa, Parachute, Rifle, and Silt 349 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Debeque to Silt Corridor. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/gjt  487 WSZA21 FAOR 080947 FAJO SIGMET E03 VALID 081000/081400 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4036 E01055 - S4224 E01629 - S4627 E02158 - S4920 E02112 - S4554 E01307 - S4351 E00920 - S4053 E01038 FL140/180=  425 WHUS76 KMFR 080950 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 250 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ350-356-082300- /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0080.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- 250 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North to northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts to 25 kt today. Steep, wind driven, choppy seas of 5 to 7 ft are expected through Tuesday evening. * WHERE...All areas, except steepest seas will be beyond 3 NM from shore and near capes. * WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and steep seas could capsize or damage vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ370-082300- /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0080.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm- 250 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North to northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts to 30 kt and steep seas of 6 to 9 ft. * WHERE...All of the area. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and steep seas could capsize or damage vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Recreational boaters should remain in port. Commercial vessels should prepare for very steep seas and consider remaining in port until conditions improve. && $$ PZZ376-082300- /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0081.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 250 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North to northeast winds 15 to 25 kt and steep seas of 6 to 9 ft. * WHERE...All of the area. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and steep seas could capsize or damage vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Recreational boaters should remain in port. Commercial vessels should prepare for very steep seas and consider remaining in port until conditions improve. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  899 WWUS83 KIWX 080951 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 551 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INZ003-004-012-014-MIZ077-081030- La Porte-St. Joseph-Marshall-Starke-Berrien- 551 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A LINE OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WESTERN ST. JOSEPH... STARKE...NORTHWESTERN MARSHALL...LA PORTE AND SOUTH CENTRAL BERRIEN COUNTIES... At 550 AM EDT/450 AM CDT/, radar indicated strong thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Westville to Wanatah to Dunns Bridge. Movement was east at 45 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... South Bend, La Porte, Westville, Buchanan, Knox, Walkerton, North Liberty, New Carlisle, North Judson, Kingsford Heights, Wanatah, Hamlet, La Crosse, Koontz Lake, Dayton, Oak Grove, Hanna, La Paz, Galien and Kingsbury. This includes the following highways... Interstate 80 in Indiana between mile markers 38 and 73. Interstate 94 in Indiana near mile marker 36. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They can relay your report to the National Weather Service office in Northern Indiana. && LAT...LON 4164 8693 4185 8635 4157 8627 4124 8641 4117 8693 TIME...MOT...LOC 0950Z 252DEG 39KT 4157 8694 4143 8689 4123 8697 $$ HAIL...0.25 WIND...40MPH CM  716 WAIY32 LIIB 080957 LIRR AIRMET 10 VALID 081000/081300 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3756 E01251 - N3809 E01530 - N3701 E01435 - N3756 E01251 STNR NC=  843 WSMX31 MMMX 080952 MMEX SIGMET B1 VALID 080950/081350 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0950Z WI N1935 W10155 - N1939 W10108 - N1903 W10013 - N1802 W10009 - N1735 W10101 - N1731 W10234 - N1749 W10244 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 5KT WKN. =  261 WSCO31 SKBO 080953 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 3 VALID 080930/081230 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0911Z WI N0815 W07538 - N0852 W07414 - N1038 W07527 - N0952 W07635 - N0815 W07538 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  574 WALJ31 LJLJ 080955 LJLA AIRMET U3 VALID 081000/081400 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N46 E01357 - N4531 E01436 - N4523 E01401 - N4525 E01340 - N4555 E01330 - N46 E01357 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  462 WSCO31 SKBO 080956 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 080955/081255 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0920Z WI N0342 W07549 - N0337 W07450 - N0414 W07430 - N0448 W07503 - N0436 W07605 - N0342 W07549 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  825 WSMX31 MMMX 080956 MMEX SIGMET C1 VALID 080954/081354 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0954Z WI N1834 W09529 - N1858 W09452 - N1853 W09413 - N1802 W09415 - N1710 W09450 - N1725 W09522 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 5KT WKN. =  149 WWUS45 KBOU 080956 WSWBOU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 356 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...COLD AIR IS HERE WITH RAIN AND SNOW... .Temperatures will continue to fall behind last evenings cold front with a mix of rain and snow expected this morning across lower elevations and all snow over the higher mountains and foothills. Snow levels are expected to drop through this morning. with the best chance of accumulating snow today over higher elevations, and tonight across the adjacent plains. Snow falling on trees that are still in full leaf may cause branches and limbs to break, resulting in scattered power outages. Roadways could become slippery and slushy in the mountains and foothills. The weather system is expected to weaken Wednesday with snowfall coming to an end and conditions improving through the day. COZ033>037-041-082100- /O.CON.KBOU.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ South and East Jackson/Larimer/North and Northeast Grand/ Northwest Boulder Counties Above 9000 Feet- South and Southeast Grand/West Central and Southwest Boulder/ Gilpin/Clear Creek/Summit/North and West Park Counties Above 9000 Feet-Larimer and Boulder Counties Between 6000 and 9000 Feet- Jefferson and West Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet/Gilpin/Clear Creek/Northeast Park Counties Below 9000 Feet- Central and Southeast Park County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Including Cameron Pass, Laramie and Medicine Bow Mountains, Rabbit Ears Range, Rocky Mountain National Park, Willow Creek Pass, Berthoud Pass, Breckenridge, East Slopes Mosquito Range, East Slopes Southern Gore Range, Eisenhower Tunnel, Indian Peaks, Kenosha Mountains, Mount Evans, Williams Fork Mountains, Winter Park, Estes Park, Glendevey, Nederland, Red Feather Lakes, Bailey, Central City, Evergreen, Georgetown, Idaho Springs, Westcreek, Fairplay, Hartsel, Lake George, South Park, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, and Larkspur 356 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 9 to 17 inches in the foothills, 6 to 10 inches over the Palmer Divide and Park County, and 2-6 inches in the valleys west of the Front Range. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and Palmer Divide. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes today and Wednesday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ038>040-042-043-045-046-082100- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County-Northeast Weld County- Central and South Weld County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, and Matheson 356 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Rain and snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 7 inches, with best chance of accumulating snow tonight. Highest amounts at the base of the foothills. Winds gusting up to 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Colorado. * WHEN...Through noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Snow accumulating on trees which are still in full leaf may break tree limbs and result in scattered power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ031-082100- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet- Including Mt Zirkel 356 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 7 to 14 inches. Winds gusting as high as 30 mph this morning, decreasing this evening. * WHERE...East Slopes Park and Northern Gore Ranges, Gore Pass, Rabbit Ears Pass. * WHEN...Through 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  723 WWCN10 CWUL 080954 WIND WARNING FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:54 A.M. EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: LG QUATRE - LAFORGE AND FONTANGES SCHEFFERVILLE. WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: JAMES BAY AND LA GRANDE RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HIGH WESTERLY WINDS WILL REACH UP TO 90 KILOMETRES PER HOUR. WINDS WILL ABATE LATE IN THE DAY. HIGH WINDS MAY TOSS LOOSE OBJECTS OR CAUSE TREE BRANCHES TO BREAK. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  415 WCCA31 TTPP 080958 CCA TTZP SIGMET 2 VALID 080900/081500 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR TC PAULETTE OBS AT 080900Z N1812 W04248 CB TOP ABV FL480 WI 90NM OF CENTRE MOV NNW 04KT INCR FCST 081500Z TC CENTRE N1842 W04330 OTLK TC CENTRE 082100Z N1855 W04345=  416 WSCA31 TTPP 080958 CCA TTZP SIGMET A1 VALID 081000/081400 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 0930Z WI N1335 W05230-N1358 W04445-N1800 W04045-N1810 W03832-N1410 W04125- N1230 W05138-N1335 W05230 TOP FL450 MOV STNR INCR=  578 WHUS76 KSEW 080958 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ130-131-081800- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...West Entrance U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Central U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca. * WHEN...Until 5 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-081800- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm. * WHEN...Until 5 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ170-173-176-081200- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm- Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To 60 Nm- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Flattery to Cape Shoalwater 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT early this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ132-133-081200- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ East Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...East Entrance U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Northern Inland Waters Including The San Juan Islands. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT early this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ134-081200- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Admiralty Inlet- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Southeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Admiralty Inlet. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT early this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ135-081200- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Puget Sound and Hood Canal- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Puget Sound and Hood Canal. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT early this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ153-081200- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm- 258 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT early this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/seattle  335 WWUS76 KSEW 080959 NPWSEW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 259 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WAZ555-081800- /O.CON.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ East Puget Sound Lowlands- Including the cities of Covington-Sawyer-w, Maple Valley, Monroe, Prairie Ridge, Enumclaw, Bonney Lake, and Woodinville 259 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...East winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...East Puget Sound Lowlands. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  619 WWUS86 KSTO 081000 RFWSTO URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 300 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Critical Fire Weather Conditions Today through Wednesday Morning Due to Gusty Wind and Low Humidity... .Gusty north to east wind combined with low humidity will continue critical fire weather conditions today through Wednesday morning. These conditions could impact current wildfires, and extreme caution should be taken to prevent starting additional fires. CAZ213>221-263-266>269-279-090000- /O.EXT.KSTO.FW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T1900Z/ Eastern Portion of Shasta/Trinity NF- Burney Basin and Northeast Plateau in Shasta County Including Northwest Lassen NF north of Lassen NP- Northern Sacramento Valley to Southern Tehama County Line Below 1000 Ft- Central Sacramento Valley in Glenn, Colusa, Yuba, Northern Sutter, and Butte County Below 1000 Ft- Southern Sacramento Valley in Yolo- Sacramento Far Western Placer, southern Sutter and Solano County Below 1000 Ft-Carquinez Strait and Delta- Northern San Joaquin Valley in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties Below 1000 ft- Southern Motherlode From 1000 to 3000 Ft. Includes portions of Calaveras-Tuolumne Unit-Stanislaus NF West of the Sierra Crest- Southeast Edge Shasta-Trinity NF and Western Portions of Tehama- Glenn Unit- Northern Sierra Foothills from 1000 to 3000 Ft. Includes portions of Shasta-Trinity and Butte Units- Northern Motherlode From 1000 to 3000 Ft. Includes portions of Nevada-Yuba-Placer-Amador and ElDorado Units- Northern Sierra Including Lassen NP and Plumas and Lassen NF/S West of the Sierra Crest (West of Evans Peak-Grizzly Peak- Beckworth Peak)- Northern Sierra Including the Tahoe and ElDorado NF/S West of the Sierra Crest-Eastern Mendocino NF- 300 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PDT WEDNESDAY FOR GUSTY WIND AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, AND 279... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire weather zones 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, and 279. * WIND...North to northeast wind 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph in the Central Valley. North to east wind 20 to 35 mph in the mountains and foothills with gusts up to 55 mph. Stronger gusts may be possible in wind prone areas. * HUMIDITY...Minimum daytime humidity of 5 to 15 percent expected with maximum overnight recoveries mostly between 15 and 45 percent. * IMPACTS...Numerous wild fires are already occurring. Extreme fire safety precautions should be exercised to prevent any additional fires. Outdoor burning should be avoided. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong wind, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && Interact with us via social media www.facebook.com/nws.sacramento www.twitter.com/nwssacramento $$  664 WSMX31 MMMX 081000 MMEX SIGMET D1 VALID 080958/081358 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0958Z WI N1614 W09604 - N1544 W09445 - N1359 W09426 - N1313 W09507 - N1231 W09701 - N1321 W09755 - N1505 W09740 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV WNW 5KT NC. =  147 WSUS05 KKCI 081000 WS5Q SLCQ WS 081000 SIGMET QUEBEC 5 VALID UNTIL 081400 ID WY NV UT CO FROM 30SW DBS TO 40SW BOY TO 40SSW CHE TO 50E ILC TO 70NE BAM TO 30SW DBS OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. CONDS CONTG BYD 1400Z. ....  226 WSNT13 KKCI 081015 SIGA0M KZWY SIGMET MIKE 1 VALID 081015/081415 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1015Z WI N3330 W07500 - N2930 W07515 - N2930 W07700 - N3215 W07700 - N3330 W07500. TOP FL450. MOV NNE 20KT. INTSF.  270 WSCA31 TTPP 081002 CCA TTZP SIGMET A1 VALID 081000/081400 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 0930Z WI N1335 W05230 N1358 W04445 N1800 W04045 N1810 W03832 N1410 W04125 N1230 W05138 N1335 W05230 TOP FL450 MOV STNR INCR=  262 WHUS76 KLOX 081003 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 303 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ670-673-081815- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0105.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 303 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Hazardous sea conditions. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM and Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. * WHEN...Until 3 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  587 WSMS31 WMKK 081004 WBFC SIGMET C02 VALID 081010/081230 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0214 E10948 - N0303 E11153 - N0314 E11353 - N0216 E11452 - N0124 E11422 - N0058 E11153 - N0214 E10948 TOP FL420 MOV W NC=  503 WSNT01 KKCI 081015 SIGA0A KZWY SIGMET ALFA 1 VALID 081015/081415 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1015Z WI N3030 W06800 - N2545 W06445 - N2530 W06700 - N2915 W06915 - N3030 W06800. TOP FL480. STNR. INTSF.  225 WSMX31 MMMX 081005 MMEX SIGMET E1 VALID 081002/081402 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1002Z WI N1508 W12000 - N1910 W11715 - N1818 W11554 - N1315 W11632 - N1550 W11020 - N1443 W10919 - N1237 W11343 - N1122 W12000 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 5KT WKN. =  905 WSVN31 SVMI 081000 SVZM SIGMET 02 VALID 081000/081400 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS AT 0955Z ENTIRE CTA TOP FL240 MOV W WKN=  256 WWUS85 KSLC 081006 RFWSLC URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 406 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ495-497-498-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.FW.W.0034.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Color Country West Desert-Mojave Desert-Grand Staircase- 406 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 495... 497 AND 498... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 495 Color Country West Desert...Fire Weather Zone 497 Mojave Desert and Fire Weather Zone 498 Grand Staircase. * WINDS...North 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Localized gusts in excess of 60 mph in the canyons north of St George. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 6 percent. * IMPACTS...Critical fire weather conditions are expected. Any fire starts may spread rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or are imminent. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  326 WSAU21 AMRF 081007 YMMM SIGMET V03 VALID 081100/081300 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET V02 080900/081300=  947 WGUS73 KILX 081007 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 507 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC143-179-081017- /O.EXP.KILX.FF.W.0034.000000T0000Z-200908T1015Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Tazewell-Peoria- 507 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN TAZEWELL AND SOUTHEASTERN PEORIA COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 515 AM CDT... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4062 8933 4062 8927 4057 8927 4053 8956 4064 8968 4075 8948 4075 8933 $$ 37  809 WWUS45 KGJT 081009 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ023-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern Uinta Mountains- Including the cities of Manila and Dutch John 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches below 8000 feet and 6 to 12 inches above 8000 feet. Winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Eastern Uinta Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ012-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ West Elk and Sawatch Mountains- Including the cities of Crested Butte, Taylor Park, and Marble 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 30 to 40 mph. * WHERE...West Elk and Sawatch Mountains. * WHEN...From noon today to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ001-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.200908T1200Z-200909T1800Z/ Lower Yampa River Basin- Including the cities of Rangely and Dinosaur 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions are possible. * WHERE...Lower Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility, especially in open areas. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ018-019-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.200908T1800Z-200910T0000Z/ Northwest San Juan Mountains-Southwest San Juan Mountains- Including the cities of Telluride, Ouray, Lake City, Silverton, Rico, and Hesperus 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches expected, mainly above 9000 feet. Locally higher amounts possible. Winds will gust up to 40 mph. * WHERE...Southwest San Juan Mountains and Northwest San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...From noon today to 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ003-013-UTZ025-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.200908T1200Z-200909T1800Z/ Roan and Tavaputs Plateaus-Flat Tops-Tavaputs Plateau- Including the cities of Rio Blanco, Buford, and Trappers Lake 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions are possible. * WHERE...In Utah, Tavaputs Plateau. In Colorado, Flat Tops and Roan and Tavaputs Plateaus. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ002-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.200908T1200Z-200909T1800Z/ Central Yampa River Basin- Including the cities of Craig, Hayden, and Meeker 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions possible. * WHERE...Central Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Strong winds could cause tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ004-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Elkhead and Park Mountains- Including the cities of Columbine, Hahns Peak, and Toponas 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches with higher amounts heading up to Rabbit Ears Pass. Easterly winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Elkhead and Park Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Strong winds could cause tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ010-081815- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Gore and Elk Mountains/Central Mountain Valleys- Including the cities of Aspen, Vail, and Snowmass 409 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Gore and Elk Mountains/Central Mountain Valleys. * WHEN...From noon today to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/gjt  487 WABZ23 SBGL 081015 SBBS AIRMET 2 VALID 081015/081315 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR FCST WI S2129 W04738 - S2128 W04658 - S2226 W04700 - S2224 W04737 - S2129 W04738 STNR NC=  497 WSNT02 KKCI 081030 SIGA0B KZWY SIGMET BRAVO 1 VALID 081030/081430 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1030Z WI N3915 W06615 - N3830 W06345 - N3515 W07000 - N3745 W06900 - N3915 W06615. TOP FL400. STNR. INTSF.  359 WWUS45 KSLC 081017 WSWSLC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 417 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ009-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.WS.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Western Uinta Mountains- Including the city of Mirror Lake Highway 417 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Western Uinta Mountains. * WHEN...Through 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. Strong winds may reduce visibility to zero at times. Campers, hikers and others in this area should be prepared for very cold temperatures, wind chills in the teens to single digits, and accumulating snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including Official NWS Forecast, High End Amount, and Low End Amount, visit weather.gov/slc/winter. For winter road conditions from the Utah Department of Transportation, visit http://www.udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx or dial 511. && $$ UTZ010-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Wasatch Plateau/Book Cliffs- Including the city of Scofield 417 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations 2 to 6 inches. Winds gusting in excess of 50 mph. * WHERE...Wasatch Plateau/Book Cliffs. * WHEN...Through 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Expect winter conditions due to snow, blowing snow, and reduced visibilities. Campers, hikers and others in this area should be prepared for very cold temperatures, bitterly cold wind chills, and accumulating snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including Official NWS Forecast, High End Amount, and Low End Amount, visit weather.gov/slc/winter. For winter road conditions from the Utah Department of Transportation, visit http://www.udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx or dial 511. && $$ WYZ021-082200- /O.CON.KSLC.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Southwest Wyoming- Including the city of Evanston 417 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations 1 to 4 inches. The greatest accumulations are expected along the north slopes of the Uinta Mountains, and Divide areas along Interstate 80. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Southwest Wyoming. * WHEN...Through 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Expect winter conditions due to snow, blowing snow, and reduced visibilities. Travelers along the Interstate 80 corridor should anticipate winter weather driving conditions, especially east of Evanston over the Divide areas. Campers, hikers and others in this area should be prepared for very cold temperatures, wind chills in the 20s, and accumulating snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including Official NWS Forecast, High End Amount, and Low End Amount, visit weather.gov/slc/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit http://www.wyoroad.info or dial 511. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  140 WSBZ31 SBGL 081018 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 081015/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0108 W06237 - S0120 W06016 - S0452 W06017 - S0432 W06337 - S0108 W06237 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  160 WSID20 WIII 081018 WIIZ SIGMET 03 VALID 081020/081320 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0139 E10210 - N0019 E10141 - N0048 E10112 - N0203 E10145 - N0139 E10210 TOP FL490 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  999 WSNT12 KKCI 081019 SIGA0L KZWY SIGMET LIMA 4 VALID 081019/081045 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET LIMA 3 080645/081045.  713 WSID20 WIII 081019 WIIZ SIGMET 04 VALID 081020/081320 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0246 E09441 - S0316 E09353 - S0210 E09215 - S0200 E09331 - S0246 E09441 TOP FL520 MOV WSW 20KT NC=  021 WSCO31 SKBO 080050 CCA SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080400 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0038Z WI N1119 W07506 - N1145 W07240 - N1050 W07235 - N1023 W07501 - N1119 W07506 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= NNNN  124 WWUS45 KRIW 081020 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ....Early Significant Snow and Wind East of the Divide and the South... .An unseasonably strong storm system for September will continue to impact the Cowboy State this morning. Significant snowfall and gusty winds impacted much of the area Monday night, with strong winds continuing over southern portions. The snow will end from north to south through the day today. Light snow will linger across the south through Tuesday afternoon. Winds will subside from north to south through the day as well, remaining strong across the south tonight. WYZ002-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Absaroka Mountains- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches mainly over the eastern portions of the Absaroka Mountains. * WHERE...Absaroka Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible, especially over Chief Joseph Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as 5 below to 5 above zero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ008-009-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Bighorn Mountains West-Bighorn Mountains Southeast- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 16 inches on the east slopes and 4 to 8 inches on the west slopes. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bighorn Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over Granite and Powder River passes. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will be as low as 10 below zero. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ007-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches. Winds gusting 40 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow in the Wind River Canyon. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will be as low as the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ020-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Natrona County Lower Elevations- Including the city of Casper 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph, gradually decreasing this afternoon. * WHERE...Natrona County Lower Elevations. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ022-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Casper Mountain- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Casper Mountain. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult to impossible. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ015-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains East- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 24 inches. Winds gusting as high as 30 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains East. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ018-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lander Foothills- Including the city of Lander 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches. Winds gusting to 25 mph. * WHERE...Lander Foothills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ019-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range- Including the city of Jeffrey City 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Locally higher amounts of 6 to 12 inches near Beaver Rim. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ030-081830- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ East Sweetwater County- Including the city of Wamsutter 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches with locally higher amounts up to 8 inches over far eastern portions. Wind gusts of 55 to 70 mph. * WHERE...East Sweetwater County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel, including along Interstate 80, will become very difficult due to slick and slushy roads, low visibility in falling snow as well as high winds. This will result in control issues, especially for light and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ010-011-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County- Including the cities of Buffalo and Kaycee 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with the locally higher amounts along and west of the Interstate 25. Winds gusting as high as 25 mph. * WHERE...Johnson County. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The snow and gusty wind will result in low visibility and control issues, especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ003-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Cody Foothills- Including the cities of Clark, Cody, and Meeteetse 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 25 mph. * WHERE...Cody Foothills. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult, especially along Highway 120, due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ005-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Southwest Big Horn Basin- Including the city of Thermopolis 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 30 mph. * WHERE...Southwest Big Horn Basin including Thermopolis. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ017-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Wind River Basin- Including the cities of Riverton and Shoshoni 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Basin. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ016-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Upper Wind River Basin- Including the city of Dubois 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. * WHERE...Upper Wind River Basin. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ028-029-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Rock Springs and Green River-Flaming Gorge- Including the cities of Rock Springs and Green River 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches. Winds gusting 50 to 60 mph, with stronger gusts possible. * WHERE...Flaming Gorge and Rock Springs and Green River. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ024-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Salt River and Wyoming Ranges. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS... Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills as low as the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ027-081500- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ South Lincoln County- Including the cities of Kemmerer and Cokeville 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with lesser amounts near Cokeville. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. * WHERE...South Lincoln County. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ014-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains West- 420 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Snow and strong northeast wind. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 65 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains West. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  368 WSCO31 SKBO 080107 CCA SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080400 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0038Z WI N1119 W07506 - N1145 W07240 - N1050 W07235 - N1023 W07501 - N1119 W07506 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  822 WSCO31 SKBO 080120 CCA SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 080130/080430 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N0325 W07303 - N0553 W07141 - N0608 W07246 - N0413 W07426 - N0325 W07303 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= NNNN  754 WSCO31 SKBO 080133 CCA SIGMET SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 080130/080430 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N0325 W07303 - N0553 W07141 - N0608 W07246 - N0413 W07426 - N0325 W07303 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  978 WSCO31 SKBO 080152 CCA SIGMET SKED SIGMET W1 VALID 080150/080450 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z WI N0618 W07458 - N0807 W07211 - N0953 W07255 - N0928 W07354 - N0817 W07314 - N0658 W07520 - N0618 W07458 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  338 WSCO31 SKBO 080442 CCA SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 2 VALID 080415/080815 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0354Z WI N1147 W07519 - N1025 W07505 - N1052 W07302 - N1203 W07305 - N1147 W07519 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  039 WSCO31 SKBO 080921 CCA SKEC SIGMET 3 VALID 080930/081230 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0911Z WI N0815 W07538 - N0852 W07414 - N1038 W07527 - N0952 W07635 - N0815 W07538 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= NNNN  040 WTIN20 DEMS 081000 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (THE BAY OF BENGAL AND ARABIAN SEA) VALID FOR NEXT 120 HOURS ISSUED AT 1000 UTC OF 08.09.2020 BASED ON 0300 UTC OF 08.09.2020(MODIFIED) . BAY OF BENGAL: SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER SOUTHWEST ADJOINING WEST-CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL, NORTH ANDAMAN SEA ADJOINING EAST-CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL AND GULF OF MARTABAN. SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED MODERATE TO INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER SOUTHEAST BAY OF BENGAL AND SOUTH ANDAMAN SEA. A LOW PRESSURE AREA IS LIKELY TO FORM OVER WEST-CENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL OFF ANDHRA PRADESH COAST AROUND 13TH SEPTEMBER. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL ARABIAN SEA: YESTERDAY\u2019S, LOW PRESSURE AREA OVER EAST-CENTRAL ARABIAN SEA OFF KARNATAKA COAST BECOMES LESS MARKED TODAY MORNING, THE 08TH SEPTEMBER. SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED INTENSE TO VERY INTENSE CONVECTION LAY OVER EAST-CENTRAL AND SOUTH-EAST ARABIAN SEA. SCATTERED LOW AND MEDIUM CLOUDS WITH EMBEDDED ISOLATED WEAK TO MODERATE CONVECTION LAY OVER SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA. PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS DURING NEXT 120 HRS : 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL  888 WSBZ01 SBBR 081000 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0256 W06247 - N0052 W06417 - N0047 W05945 - N0251 W05953 - N0256 W06247 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  889 WSBZ01 SBBR 081000 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0309 W05805 - S0515 W05858 - S0550 W05707 - S0343 W05617 - S0309 W05805 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  890 WSBZ01 SBBR 081000 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 080900/081200 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  891 WSBZ01 SBBR 081000 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 3 080900/081200=  892 WSBZ01 SBBR 081000 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  893 WSBZ01 SBBR 081000 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 081015/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0108 W06237 - S0120 W06016 - S0452 W06017 - S0432 W06337 - S0108 W06237 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  160 WSCO31 SKBO 080956 CCA SIGMET SKED SIGMET 3 VALID 080955/081255 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0920Z WI N0342 W07549 - N0337 W07450 - N0414 W07430 - N0448 W07503 - N0436 W07605 - N0342 W07549 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  699 WWUS85 KREV 081023 RFWREV URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ270-278-NVZ420-423-429-458-090300- /O.EXT.KREV.FW.W.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Surprise Valley California-Eastern Lassen County- Northern Sierra Front including Carson City, Douglas, Storey, Southern Washoe, Western Lyon, and Far Southern Lassen Counties- West Humboldt Basin in Pershing County- Lahontan Basin including Churchill and Eastern Mineral Counties- Northern Washoe County- 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR WESTERN NEVADA AND NORTHEAST CALIFORNIA... * CHANGES...Breezy and dry conditions continue today. * Affected Area...Fire Zone 270 Surprise Valley California, Fire Zone 278 Eastern Lassen County, Fire Zone 420 Northern Sierra Front including Carson City, Douglas, Storey, Southern Washoe, Western Lyon, and Far Southern Lassen Counties, Fire Zone 423 West Humboldt Basin in Pershing County, Fire Zone 429 Lahontan Basin including Churchill and Eastern Mineral Counties and Fire Zone 458 Northern Washoe County. * Winds...Northeast to east winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts of 30 to 35 mph to continue today. * Humidity...5 to 15% during the afternoon hours with humidity recovery only to 20 to 30% tonight. * Impacts...The combination of recent hot temperatures, gusty winds, and low humidity can cause fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity before first responders can contain them. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid outdoor activities that can cause a spark near dry vegetation, such as yard work, target shooting, or campfires. Follow local fire restrictions. Check weather.gov/reno for updates and livingwithfire.info for preparedness tips. && $$ CAZ274-NVZ421-090300- /O.CON.KREV.FW.W.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Southern Mono County- Southern Sierra Front including Alpine, Northern Mono, Southern Lyon, and Western Mineral Counties- 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR WESTERN NEVADA AND THE EASTERN SIERRA... * CHANGES...None. * Affected Area...Fire Zone 274 Southern Mono County, Fire Zone 421 Southern Sierra Front including Alpine, Northern Mono, Southern Lyon and and Western Mineral Counties. * Winds...North to northeast winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts 30 to 35 mph. Ridge gusts over 40 mph are possible. * Humidity...5 to 15% during the afternoon hours with humidity recovery only to 20 to 30% tonight. * Impacts...The combination of recent hot temperatures, gusty winds, and low humidity can cause fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity before first responders can contain them. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid outdoor activities that can cause a spark near dry vegetation, such as yard work, target shooting, or campfires. Follow local fire restrictions. Check weather.gov/reno for updates and livingwithfire.info for preparedness tips. && $$ CAZ271-272-090300- /O.CON.KREV.FW.W.0023.200908T1200Z-200909T0300Z/ Western Lassen, Eastern Plumas, Eastern Sierra, and Eastern Nevada Counties-Greater Lake Tahoe Area- 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR WESTERN LASSEN, EASTERN PLUMAS, EASTERN SIERRA, EASTERN NEVADA COUNTIES, AND LAKE TAHOE BASIN... * Changes...None. * Affected Area...Fire Zone 271 Western Lassen, Eastern Plumas, Eastern Sierra, and Eastern Nevada Counties and Fire Zone 272 Greater Lake Tahoe Area. * Winds...East to northeast 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 35 mph. Sierra ridge gusts over 40 mph possible. * Humidity...10 to 15% during the afternoon with little if any humidity recovery tonight on mid and upper slopes. * Impacts...The combination of recent hot temperatures, gusty winds, and low humidity can cause fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity before first responders can contain them. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Avoid outdoor activities that can cause a spark near dry vegetation, such as yard work, target shooting, or campfires. Follow local fire restrictions. Check weather.gov/reno for updates and livingwithfire.info for preparedness tips. && $$ http://weather.gov/reno  697 WSCO31 SKBO 080953 CCA SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 3 VALID 080930/081230 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0911Z WI N0815 W07538 - N0852 W07414 - N1038 W07527 - N0952 W07635 - N0815 W07538 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  908 WWUS76 KMFR 081023 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ORZ030-081830- /O.UPG.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FZ.W.0009.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Including the cities of Beatty, Chemult, Crescent, Gilchrist, and Sprague River 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph through this morning. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures in the lower to mid 30s and light winds will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Advisory level winds will affect extreme southeast Klamath and southwest Lake Counties. Freeze conditions will affect valley locations in northern and northeast Klamath as well as far northeast Lake Counties, including north of Chiloquin to south of Crescent. Frost will affect most other valley locations in northern and northeast Klamath and far eastern Lake Counties, including Sprague River and Crescent. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning and Frost Advisory, from 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds through this morning could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ ORZ029-081830- /O.UPG.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FZ.W.0009.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Klamath Basin- 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures in the lower to mid 30s and light winds will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Northern Klamath Basin. For the freeze warning, this includes areas north of Chiloquin. For the frost advisory, this includes Chiloquin. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ CAZ085-ORZ031-081830- /O.UPG.KMFR.FZ.A.0006.200909T1200Z-200909T1700Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Modoc County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Alturas, Adel, Lakeview, and Valley Falls 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph through this morning. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures in the lower to mid 30s and light winds will result in frost formation early Wednesday. * WHERE...In California, Modoc County. In Oregon, Central and Eastern Lake County. Strongest winds are expected in Lake County and northern and eastern Modoc County. Frost advisory conditions will affect areas near Alturas, north of Davis Creek to Lakeview, Silver Lake and Fort Rock. * WHEN...For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. For the Frost Advisory, from 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ ORZ021>024-081830- /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast-Curry County Coast- Central Douglas County-Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the cities of Reedsport, Coquille, Drain, Elkton, Roseburg, Sutherlin, and Green 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Temperatures in the mid 90s to 100 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 65. * WHERE...South Central Oregon Coast and Central Douglas County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ ORZ026-081830- /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.200908T1200Z-200909T2100Z/ Jackson County- Including the city of Ashland 323 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Jackson County, including Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, and the surrounding mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM Tuesday to 2 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...These downsloping winds will be warm and very dry, with relative humidities dropping into the single digits. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  336 WSID20 WIII 081024 WIIZ SIGMET 05 VALID 081025/081320 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0051 E11202 - S0054 E10831 - S0022 E10814 - N0011 E10927 - N0104 E11330 - S0051 E11202 TOP FL530 MOV W 20KT NC=  741 WSHO31 MHTG 081010 MHTG SIGMET 3 VALID 081010/081210 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET 2 080610/081010=  962 WVEQ31 SEQU 080210 CCA SEFG SIGMET 1 VALID 080210/080810 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 0110Z WI S0150 W07905 - S0159 W07819 - S0201 W07819 - S0204 W07905 - S0150 W07905 SFC/FL210 MOV W 25KT FCST AT 0700Z WI S0147 W07914 - S0159 W07819 - S0201 W07819 - S0205 W07914 - S0147 W07914=  225 WVEQ31 SEQU 080230 CCA SEFG SIGMET A1 VALID 080230/080830 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0130Z WI N0014 W07755 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07740 - N0002 W07803 - N0014 W07755 SFC/FL140 MOV NW 5-10KT FCST AT 0730Z WI N0015 W07755 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07738 - N0003 W07805 - N0015 W07755=  494 WSCA31 MHTG 081010 MHTG SIGMET 3 VALID 081010/081210 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET 2 080610/081010=  475 WSCO31 SKBO 081026 SIGMET SKEC SIGMET 1 VALID 080100/080400 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0038Z WI N1119 W07506 - N1145 W07240 - N1050 W07235 - N1023 W07501 - N1119 W07506 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF= THIS HAS BEEN DISCARDED BY THE SADIS GATEWAY OPERATOR DUE TO BEING OUT OF DATE PLEASE ENSURE ALL FUTURE SIGMETS CONFORM TO THE FORMAT SPECIFIED IN ICAO ANNEX 3 CHAPTER 7 AND APPENDIX 6. REGARDS SADIS GATEWAY OPERATOR  503 WHUS76 KMTR 081026 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 326 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ540-081600- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T1600Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 nm- 326 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ560-081830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0178.200908T1600Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm- 326 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 9 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-081830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm- 326 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ530-081830- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 326 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 3 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  670 WWCN02 CYTR 081026 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 6:26 AM EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 08/1500Z (UNTIL 08/1100 EDT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS TO THE SOUTHWEST ARE APPROACHING CFB BORDEN. THESE STORMS ARE EXPECTED TO PRODUCE LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM OF THE BASE SHORTLY. THUNDERSTORM ACTIVITY IS EXPECTED TO WEAKEN LATER THIS MORNING.THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 08/1500Z (08/1100 EDT) END/JMC  100 WSAU21 AMMC 081027 YBBB SIGMET C03 VALID 081030/081430 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3005 E15932 - S3737 E15638 - S3741 E14710 - S2135 E15857 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  358 WSAU21 AMMC 081027 YMMM SIGMET S07 VALID 081030/081430 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3005 E15932 - S3737 E15638 - S3741 E14710 - S2135 E15857 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  058 WOCN13 CWWG 081028 FROST ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:28 A.M. CST TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY ENDED FOR: SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  215 WSRS31 RURD 081028 URRV SIGMET 3 VALID 081030/081230 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4632 E03727 - N4730 E04206 - N4431 E04320 - N4404 E03654 - N4632 E03727 TOP FL370 MOV ENE 20KMH INTSF=  989 WSFR34 LFPW 081030 LFMM SIGMET 1 VALID 081030/081200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4115 E00530 - N4115 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4130 E00545 - N4115 E00530 TOP FL350 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  923 WWUS75 KRIW 081031 NPWRIW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 431 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WYZ013-025-081145- /O.CAN.KRIW.HW.W.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Jackson Hole-Upper Green River Basin Foothills- Including the cities of Jackson and Pinedale 431 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... Gusty winds of 25 to 35 mph will remain possible for a few hours this morning. Otherwise, the high wind threat has subsided. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  548 WAHW31 PHFO 081031 WA0HI HNLS WA 081024 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...KAUAI OAHU...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 EXP DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO VOLCANO...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 015 EXP DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. =HNLT WA 081000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 081600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 081000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 081600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...167-169.  322 WOCN15 CWWG 081032 FROST ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:32 A.M. MDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY ENDED FOR: CITY OF CALGARY OKOTOKS - HIGH RIVER - CLARESHOLM AIRDRIE - COCHRANE - OLDS - SUNDRE DRUMHELLER - THREE HILLS BROOKS - STRATHMORE - VULCAN ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE - CAROLINE RED DEER - PONOKA - INNISFAIL - STETTLER HANNA - CORONATION - OYEN MEDICINE HAT - BOW ISLAND - SUFFIELD CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK - FOREMOST LETHBRIDGE - TABER - MILK RIVER CARDSTON - FORT MACLEOD - MAGRATH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIDESPREAD FROST IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  323 WOCN16 CWWG 081032 FROST ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN ALBERTA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:32 A.M. MDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY ENDED FOR: FORT SASKATCHEWAN - VEGREVILLE - REDWATER - SMOKY LAKE DRAYTON VALLEY - DEVON - RIMBEY - PIGEON LAKE LEDUC - CAMROSE - WETASKIWIN - TOFIELD LLOYDMINSTER - WAINWRIGHT - VERMILION - PROVOST BONNYVILLE - ST. PAUL - COLD LAKE - LAC LA BICHE WHITECOURT - EDSON - FOX CREEK - SWAN HILLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIDESPREAD FROST IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  524 WVEQ31 SEQU 081025 SEFG SIGMET 2 VALID 081025/081625 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 0716Z WI SFC/FL210 S0141 W07916 - S0159 W07820 - S0158 W07919 - S0141 W07916 SFC/FL210 MOV W 15KT FCST AT 1330Z WI S0140 W07916 - S0159 W07819 - S0158 W07920 - S0140 W07916=  058 WWUS76 KEKA 081033 NPWEKA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 333 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ102-104>106-110-112-113-090100- /O.CAN.KEKA.EH.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KEKA.HT.Y.0007.200908T1033Z-200909T0100Z/ Del Norte Interior-Southwestern Humboldt- Northern Humboldt Interior-Southern Humboldt Interior- Northwestern Mendocino Interior-Southwestern Mendocino Interior- Southeastern Mendocino Interior- 333 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM THIS EVENING... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Hot temperatures in the mid 90s to lower 100s. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior, Southwestern Humboldt, Northern Humboldt Interior, Southern Humboldt Interior, Northwestern Mendocino Interior, Southwestern Mendocino Interior, and Southeastern Mendocino Interior. * WHEN...Until 6 PM this evening. * IMPACTS...Hot temperatures may cause heat illnesses to occur. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, schedule frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. $$ CAZ107-108-111-114-115-081145- /O.CAN.KEKA.EH.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ Northern Trinity-Southern Trinity-Northeastern Mendocino Interior- Northern Lake County-Southern Lake County- 333 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IS CANCELLED... High temperatures will rise into the 90s this afternoon with a few locations reaching 100 degrees. However, these temperatures aren't uncommon enough for the time of year to warrant warnings or advisories. $$  504 WABZ23 SBGL 081000 SBCW AIRMET 12 VALID 081030/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1500M BR OBS AT 1000Z WI S2737 W05346 - S2933 W05212 - S3158 W05328 - S3044 W05516 - S2815 W05527 - S2737 W05346 STNR NC=  505 WABZ23 SBGL 081000 SBCW AIRMET 13 VALID 081030/081120 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 400/1000FT OBS AT 1000Z WI S2737 W05346 - S2933 W05212 - S3158 W05328 - S3044 W05516 - S2815 W05527 - S2737 W05346 STNR NC=  504 WWUS76 KLOX 081034 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 334 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ053-054-082030- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 334 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts to 55 mph expected. Isolated gusts to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains. * WHEN...From noon today to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ059-082030- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T0200Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 334 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...From noon today to 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and reduced visibility from blowing dust will make driving difficult. Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ044>046-088-547-548-082030- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200908T1900Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area-Santa Clarita Valley- Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- Including the cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ojai, Piru, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Santa Clarita, Newhall, Valencia, Woodland Hills, Northridge, Burbank, Universal City, Pasadena, San Gabriel, and Pomona 334 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected, strongest in the Santa Clarita and Ventura County valleys. Isolated gusts to 55 mph in the hills. * WHERE...Ventura County Interior Valleys, Ventura County Coastal Valleys, Santa Monica Mountains, Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. * WHEN...From noon today to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ040-041-082030- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200909T1000Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Coast- Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- Including the cities of Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Malibu, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and Long Beach 334 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...Ventura County Coast and Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ ASR  618 WWIN81 VOMD 081040 VOMD 081030Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 081100/081500 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 220 DEG FCST NC=  970 WWUS86 KEKA 081037 RFWEKA Urgent - Fire Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 337 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Critical fire weather conditions expected through Wednesday morning... .The prolonged period of hot and dry conditions in recent days will be followed by a period of strong northeast winds on area ridges through Wednesday morning. These winds will impact Lake, Trinity, northeast Mendocino, interior Humboldt, and interior Del Norte counties into Wednesday morning. Strong winds, combined with very low relative humidity values and poor overnight recoveries, will result in critical fire weather conditions. CAZ203-204-211-212-264-277-283-082300- /O.EXT.KEKA.FW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T1900Z/ Upper Smith-Lower Middle Klamath-Hoopa-Van Duzen/Mad River- Lake County Portion of Lake/Napa/Sonoma RU- W Mendocino NF/E Mendocino Unit-Trinity- 337 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON WEDNESDAY ABOVE 1500 FEET... * AFFECTED AREA...Interior Del Norte County, Interior Humboldt County. * WIND...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts as high as 45 mph on the highest exposed ridgetops. Strongest gusts expected this morning morning. * HUMIDITY...Minimum relative humidity values 5 to 15 percent this afternoon with poor overnight recoveries in the 25 to 35 percent range. * IMPACTS...Any new fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. $$ http://weather.gov/eureka  572 WSNZ21 NZKL 081034 NZZC SIGMET 7 VALID 081037/081437 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4450 E16920 - S4620 E16710 - S4600 E16620 - S4410 E16830 - S4450 E16920 SFC/FL120 STNR INTSF=  312 WSNZ21 NZKL 081035 NZZC SIGMET 8 VALID 081037/081059 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 5 080659/081059=  000 WVEQ31 SEQU 081025 CCA SEFG SIGMET 2 VALID 081025/081625 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 0716Z WI S0141 W07916 - S0159 W07820 - S0158 W07919 - S0141 W07916 SFC/FL210 MOV W 15KT FCST AT 1330Z WI S0140 W07916 - S0159 W07819 - S0158 W07920 - S0140 W07916=  917 WVEQ31 SEQU 081030 SEFG SIGMET A2 VALID 081030/081630 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0800Z WI N0011 W07759 - S0004 W07740 - S0000 W07805 - N0011 W07759 SFC/FL140 MOV NW 5-10KT FCST AT 1400Z WI N0011 W07759 - S0004 W07740 - S0000 W07806 - N0011 W07759=  999 WGUS83 KIWX 081039 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 639 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC039-141-081230- /O.NEW.KIWX.FA.Y.0035.200908T1039Z-200908T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elkhart IN-St. Joseph IN- 639 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Northwestern Elkhart County in north central Indiana... Central St. Joseph County in north central Indiana... * Until 830 AM EDT. * At 638 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 0.5 and 1 inch of rain has fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... South Bend, Elkhart, Mishawaka, Georgetown, Gulivoire Park, Granger, Dunlap, Osceola, North Liberty, Lakeville, Roseland, Indian Village, Woodland, Jimtown and Crumstown. Additional rainfall of 0.5 to 1 inch is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 4161 8606 4154 8621 4151 8632 4149 8641 4156 8649 4169 8634 4176 8613 4176 8611 4176 8606 4176 8605 4167 8591 $$ CM  190 WWUS81 KOKX 081039 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 639 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CTZ005>008-081300- Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex- Northern New London- 639 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 Patchy dense fog has developed over most of interior southern Connecticut early this morning, with visibility 1/4 mile or less in spots. If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of following distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. $$  651 WSNZ21 NZKL 081038 NZZC SIGMET 9 VALID 081039/081439 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4700 E16820 - S4730 E16800 - S4710 E16730 - S4640 E16750 - S4700 E16820 SFC/3000FT STNR NC=  726 WSAU21 AMMC 081039 YMMM SIGMET I20 VALID 081045/081445 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4230 E15420 - S5000 E16010 - S5000 E15430 - S4240 E15000 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  946 WSNZ21 NZKL 081039 NZZC SIGMET 10 VALID 081039/081051 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 3 080651/081051=  947 WSAU21 AMMC 081039 YBBB SIGMET D03 VALID 081045/081445 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4230 E15420 - S5000 E16010 - S5000 E15430 - S4240 E15000 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  471 WSKO31 RKSI 081040 RKRR SIGMET Y06 VALID 081040/081330 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR CNL SIGMET Y04 080930/081330=  170 WWUS75 KREV 081045 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ073-081800- /O.CAN.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.EXB.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Mono County- Including the cities of Bridgeport, Coleville, Lee Vining, and Mammoth Lakes 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...Added Mono County. * WHAT...Visibility between 1 and 5 miles in blowing dust. Dust is causing unhealthy air quality in many areas of Mono County. * WHERE...Mono County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ NVZ001-081800- /O.CAN.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.EXT.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties- Including the cities of Hawthorne, Yerington, Smith Valley, Mina, and Schurz 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...Extended the blowing dust advisory. * WHAT...Visibility between three-quarters of a mile and 2 miles in blowing dust. Dust is causing unhealthy air quality. * WHERE...Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ NVZ003-081800- /O.CAN.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.EXT.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area- Including the cities of Sparks, Verdi, Gardnerville, and Virginia City 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...Extended the blowing dust advisory. * WHAT...Visibility varying between 1 and 5 miles in blowing dust. Dust is causing unhealthy air quality for many areas. * WHERE...Greater Reno, Carson City, and Minden area. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ CAZ071-081800- /O.EXB.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties- Including the cities of Portola, Susanville, Westwood, Sierraville, and Loyalton 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...Added area to blowing dust advisory. * WHAT...Visibility between 1 and 5 miles in blowing dust. Dust is causing unhealthy air quality for many areas. * WHERE...Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ NVZ004-081800- /O.EXT.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Including the cities of Fernley, Fallon, Lovelock, Silver Springs, Nixon, and Imlay 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR PYRAMID LAKE... * CHANGES...Extended the blowing dust advisory. * WHAT...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, visibility between one half mile and 2 miles in blowing dust, mainly south of Lovelock. For the Lake Wind Advisory, north winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph on Pyramid Lake. Waves 1 to 2 feet. * WHERE...Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake. * WHEN...For the blowing dust advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. For the Lake Wind Advisory, until 5 AM PDT this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust is causing poor air quality south of Lovelock. * IMPACTS...Degraded air quality. For Pyramid Lake, small boats, kayaks and paddle boards will be prone to capsizing and should remain off lake waters until conditions improve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. Check lake conditions before heading out and be prepared for a sudden increase in winds and wave heights. Consider postponing boating activities on the lake until a day with less wind. && $$ NVZ005-081800- /O.EXT.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern Washoe County- Including the cities of Empire and Gerlach 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...Extended the blowing dust advisory. * WHAT...Visibility between 1 and 5 miles in blowing dust. Dust is causing unhealthy air quality. * WHERE...Northern Washoe County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-090300- /O.CON.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of South Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Truckee, Markleeville, Stateline, Glenbrook, and Incline Village 345 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR LAKE TAHOE... * CHANGES...None. * WHAT...Northeast to east 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph expected. * WHERE...Lake Tahoe. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT. * IMPACTS...Small boats, kayaks and paddle boards will be prone to capsizing and should remain off lake waters until conditions improve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check lake conditions before heading out and be prepared for a sudden increase in winds and wave heights. Consider postponing boating activities on the lake until a day with less wind. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/rev  562 WSAG31 SAME 081055 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 081055/081455 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1055Z WI S2901 W06903 - S2948 W06902 - S3004 W06927 - S3130 W06949 - S3155 W06959 - S3233 W06944 - S3302 W06936 - S3313 W06959 - S3152 W07021 - S3104 W07034 - S3003 W06952 - S2907 W06957 - S2825 W06947 - S2901 W06903 FL380/450 MOV SE 05KT INTSF=  807 WSAG31 SAME 081055 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 081055/081455 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1055Z WI S2901 W06903 - S2948 W06902 - S3004 W06927 - S3130 W06949 - S3155 W06959 - S3233 W06944 - S3302 W06936 - S3313 W06959 - S3152 W07021 - S3104 W07034 - S3003 W06952 - S2907 W06957 - S2825 W06947 - S2901 W06903 FL380/450 MOV SE 05KT INTSF=  808 WSPS21 NZKL 080943 NZZO SIGMET 21 VALID 081047/081447 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S5720 W15530 - S5910 W15550 - S5940 W15400 - S5920 W15310 - S5720 W15240 - S5720 W15530 1000/9000FT MOV E 35KT WKN=  809 WSPS21 NZKL 080944 NZZO SIGMET 22 VALID 081048/081101 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 12 080701/081101=  403 WSUS32 KKCI 081055 SIGC MKCC WST 081055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28C VALID UNTIL 1255Z IA KS NE SD FROM 20NNW FOD-30NW DSM-40NNE HLC-50ENE MCK-40ENE ONL-20NNW FOD AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29C VALID UNTIL 1255Z IN WI IL IA LM FROM 50WNW PMM-30N BVT-40W BVT-40SW IOW-30E DBQ-50WNW PMM AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30C VALID UNTIL 1255Z MO IA FROM 20NNE IRK-30N MCI LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31C VALID UNTIL 1255Z TX AND LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 40WSW IAH-100S LCH-100ENE BRO-40SE CRP-40WSW IAH AREA TS MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 081255-081655 FROM 60NW MKG-30N TTH-30WSW STL-40WSW BUM-40WNW AMA-40S LAA-GLD-60NW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  808 WSPR31 SPJC 081045 SPIM SIGMET A4 VALID 081045/081300 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1030Z WI S1216 W07019 - S1403 W06931 - S1415 W07047 - S1204 W07204 - S1216 W07019 TOP FL430 STNR INTSF=  491 WWUS86 KSGX 081048 RFWSGX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 348 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ248-250-255>258-260-265-554-082245- /O.CON.KSGX.FW.W.0002.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys - The Inland Empire- San Diego County Inland Valleys-San Bernardino County Mountains- Including The Mountain Top And Front Country Ranger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest-Riverside County Mountains- Including The San Jacinto Ranger District Of The San Bernardino National Forest-Santa Ana Mountains- Including The Trabuco Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest-San Diego County Mountains- Including The Palomar And Descanso Ranger Districts of the Cleveland National Forest-Victor Valley-Apple Valley- Lucerne Valley-Johnson Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning- Orange County Inland Areas- 348 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR MOUNTAINS...VALLEYS...INLAND ORANGE COUNTY...AND THE APPLE AND LUCERNE VALLEYS... * WIND...Areas of east to northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph, gusts up to 55 mph possible in the windiest locations. The winds for the Apple and Lucerne Valleys will mostly be an issue for this afternoon with the stronger gusts to around 40 mph. * HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 5 to 10 percent with poor recovery tonight. * TIMING...Noon today through 8 PM Wednesday. Strong north to northeast winds will begin first in San Bernardino and Orange counties, then spread southward this afternoon and into San Diego County late this afternoon and tonight. * OUTLOOK...Winds will weaken for Thursday into the weekend with higher coastal humidity spreading gradually inland for Thursday into the weekend. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of wind...low relative humidity...and heat can contribute to extreme fire behavior. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ 17  547 WSUS33 KKCI 081055 SIGW MKCW WST 081055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081255-081655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  548 WSUS31 KKCI 081055 SIGE MKCE WST 081055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSE ECG-180SE ECG-160ESE ILM-100ESE ILM-100SSE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NC FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 80SE ILM-130SSE ILM-230ENE OMN-130ENE OMN-60SSE CHS-80SE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 11010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34E VALID UNTIL 1255Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 30ESE PBI-100ESE PBI-150ESE MIA-110SSE MIA-30ESE PBI AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35E VALID UNTIL 1255Z OH MI IN LE LH LM FROM 30NE ECK-30SE DXO-20N BVT-40NE ORD-30NE ECK AREA TS MOV FROM 27030KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36E VALID UNTIL 1255Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 80NE OMN-130ENE TRV-90ENE TRV-20SE OMN-80NE OMN AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL380. OUTLOOK VALID 081255-081655 AREA 1...FROM 70SE ILM-220E PBI-80E PBI-160SE MIA-80WSW EYW-90SW SRQ-210W PIE-170S CEW-40SSW CEW-40W CRG-30SW SAV-70SE ILM WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30NW MBS-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-BUF-30E AIR-HNN-BVT-60NW MKG-30NW MBS WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150SE SIE-190ESE ECG-150SSE ILM-70SE ILM-80S ECG-80SE ECG-70E ORF-150SE SIE WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  938 WSMS31 WMKK 081052 WMFC SIGMET D02 VALID 081100/081315 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0241 E10104 - N0444 E09851 - N0639 E10013 - N0547 E10156 - N0625 E10225 - N0408 E10332 - N0241 E10104 TOP FL520 MOV W NC=  088 WSCI38 ZYTX 081051 ZYSH SIGMET 7 VALID 081100/081500 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4123 E12056 - N4021 E12347 - N3834 E12204 - N3846 E12012 - N4013 E11945 - N4123 E12056 TOP FL300 MOV E 25KMH INTSF =  023 WWUS81 KGYX 081057 AWWMHT Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 656 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NHZ012-013-081200- Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 656 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AT Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. * Until 800 AM EDT. * For the following hazards... Visibility of 1/4 mile or less. Locally dense fog will lift by 815 am. $$  609 WWUS73 KBIS 081057 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 557 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-025-031>037-040>047-050-081900- /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Foster-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux-Emmons-Logan- McIntosh- Including the cities of Crosby, Bowbells, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Portal, Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Williston, New Town, Stanley, Parshall, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, Solen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Wishek, and Ashley 557 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /457 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as the mid 20s. * WHERE...Western and Central North Dakota. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, until 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ this morning. For the Freeze Watch, from late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could damage or kill crops and other vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps to protect your garden. Cover outdoor potted plants or bring them out of the cold. && $$ NDZ048-051-081900- /O.CON.KBIS.FR.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ La Moure-Dickey- Including the cities of Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Oakes, and Ellendale 557 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 possible. * WHERE...LaMoure and Dickey Counties. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, until 9 AM CDT this morning. For the Freeze Watch, from late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could damage or kill crops and other vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps to protect your garden. Cover outdoor potted plants or bring them out of the cold. && $$ EDWARDS  648 WSCI35 ZJHK 081059 ZJSA SIGMET 3 VALID 081105/081505 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1533 E11400 - N2030 E10950 - N2030 E11130 - N1930 E11130 - N1640 E11400 - N1533 E11400 TOP FL400 MOV N 10KMH WKN=  670 WHUS41 KAKQ 081100 CFWAKQ Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Wakefield VA 700 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NCZ102-VAZ098-081900- /O.CON.KAKQ.BH.S.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Eastern Currituck-Virginia Beach- 700 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING... * WHAT...STRONG RIP CURRENTS. * WHERE...In Virginia, Virginia Beach. In North Carolina, Eastern Currituck County. * WHEN...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$  000 WSBW20 VGHS 081100 VGFR SIGMET 04 VALID 081200/081600 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV NNE NC=  251 WSID21 WAAA 081055 WAAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081055/081355 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0330 E13300 - N0330 E13725 - N 0148 E13754 - N0127 E13155 - N0400 E13118 - N0400 E13232 - N0330 E133 00 TOP FL530 MOV W 15KT NC=  087 WVID21 WAAA 081100 WAAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 081100/081700 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD EST AT 1100Z SFC/FL140 MOV SW 15KT NC=  607 WSMX31 MMMX 081101 MMEX SIGMET F1 VALID 081100/081500 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1100Z WI N1137 W09936 - N1045 W10216 - N1210 W10324 - N1233 W10130 - N1414 W10043 - N1405 W09940 - N1247 W09835 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 5KT WKN. =  450 WVEQ31 SEQU 081025 CCA SEFG SIGMET 2 VALID 081025/081625 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 0716Z WI SFC/FL210 S0141 W07916 - S0159 W07820 - S0158 W07919 - S0141 W07916 SFC/FL210 MOV W 15KT FCST AT 1330Z WI S0140 W07916 - S0159 W07819 - S0158 W07920 - S0140 W07916=  446 WVEQ31 SEQU 081030 CCA SEFG SIGMET A2 VALID 081030/081630 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0800Z WI N0011 W07759 - S0004 W07740 - S0000 W07805 - N0011 W07759 SFC/FL140 MOV NW 5-10KT FCST AT 1400Z WI N0011 W07759 - S0004 W07740 - S0000 W07806 - N0011 W07759=  204 WWCN02 CYTR 081105 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 7:05 AM EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 5 NM VALID: UNTIL 08/1330Z (UNTIL 08/0930 EDT) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 08/1500Z (UNTIL 08/1100 EDT) COMMENTS: ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS TO THE WEST ARE NOW EXPECTED TO MOVE WITHIN 5 NM OF CFB BORDEN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL LEAVE THE BASE LATER THIS MORNING. LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM OF THE BASE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL NEAR NOON AS THUNDERSTORM ACTIVITY WEAKENS. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 08/1330Z (08/0930 EDT) END/JMC  661 WSSG31 GOOY 081110 GOOO SIGMET B1 VALID 081110/081510 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1100Z WI N0741 W00635 - N1507 W00937 - N1725 W00347 - N1007 W00539 - N0952 W00247 TOP FL450 MOV W/SW 20KT INTSF=  593 WAKO31 RKSI 081105 RKRR AIRMET G03 VALID 081110/081510 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M RA BR OBS WI N3654 E12439 - N3658 E12706 - N3513 E12917 - N3302 E12726 - N3252 E12445 - N3654 E12439 STNR INTSF=  423 WWUS84 KAMA 081109 AWWAMA Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Amarillo TX 609 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ012-017-081230- Potter-Randall- 609 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Amarillo has issued an Airport Weather Warning for Rick Husband International Airport and Tradewind Airport for the following hazards... * WHAT...Cloud to ground lightning within 5 miles of KAMA. * WHEN...Through 730 AM CDT. $$  331 WSGG31 UGTB 081111 UGGG SIGMET 1 VALID 081110/081500 UGTB- UGGG TBILISI FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF N4140 AND E OF E04230 TOP FL300 MOV NE 10KMH NC=  118 WSRA31 RUNW 081111 UNNT SIGMET 2 VALID 081140/081500 UNNT- UNNT NOVOSIBIRSK FIR EMBD TSGR FCST ENTIRE FIR TOP FL400 STNR NC=  152 WGUS73 KILX 081112 FFSILX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 612 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC203-081121- /O.EXP.KILX.FF.W.0035.000000T0000Z-200908T1115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Woodford- 612 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR CENTRAL WOODFORD COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 615 AM CDT... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4083 8893 4066 8933 4076 8933 4093 8902 4092 8893 $$ 37  713 WWUS75 KPUB 081113 NPWPUB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 513 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ086-089-093-081915- /O.CAN.KPUB.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet-Crowley County- La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- 513 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Pueblo, Otero, and Crowley Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ084-081915- /O.CAN.KPUB.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 513 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County. * WHEN...From noon today to noon MDT Wednesday. Temperatures falling below freezing this afternoon, with the coldest temperatures expected tonight. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ085-081915- /O.CAN.KPUB.HW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0300Z-200909T1800Z/ Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- 513 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Southern El Paso County. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ069>071-087-088-094-081915- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0300Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- Eastern Las Animas County- 513 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 24 expected. * WHERE...The San Luis Valley, eastern Huerfano and Las Animas Counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ083-081915- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- 513 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Eastern Fremont County. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  380 WWAA02 SAWB 081200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 12:00 UTC 08, SEPTEMBER 2020. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 GALE WARNING: 711/2020 STRONG BARIC GRADIENT ON INTENSIFYING WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 FROM NE WITH GUST IN 66S-73S 70W-80W FROM 08/1800 PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 972HPA 62S 78W MOV SW DPN EXP 71S 85W BY 09/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 61S 68W 62S 78W MOV SW EXP 66S 70W 71S 85W 71S 85W BY 09/1200 LOW 55S 80W MOV SE DPN EXP 65S 75W BY 09/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 50S 72W 55S 75W 55S 80W MOV SE EXP 61S 62W 65S 75W 65S 75W BY 09/1200 CFNT AT 67S 82W 70S 90W MOV SW LOW 990HPA 49S 70W MOV SE DPN EXP 63S 57W BY 09/1200 LOW 996HPA 63S 45W MOV NE WKN EXTENDS OFNT AT 62S 48W 64S 45W 61S 35W MOV NE RIDGE 60S 53W 72S 51W MOV E INTSF EXP 60S 30W 72S 23W BY 09/1200 AT 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 5534S 02000W 5451S 02357W 5315S 02937W 5530S 03312W 5625S 03808W 5650S 04118W 5747S 04433W 5751S 05119W 5713S 05404W 5932S 05953W 5916S 06147W 6117S 06700W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A68A 5922S 04944W 86X28NM A68C 5656S 03255W 9X5NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 5652S 05031W 2X1NM ICEBERG2 5313S 04102W 5X2NM ICEBERG3 5243S 04721W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 5900S 05800W 6000S 05800W 6000S 04700W 5100S 04700W B. 6000S 04700W 6000S 03700W 5100S 03700W 5100S 04700W C. 5800S 03700W 5700S 02000W 5300S 02000W 5300S 03700W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2020-09-9 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT W OF 60W: NE 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR N 5/4 BY 08/2100 BACK SECTOR W BY 9/0900 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 4 VEER NE 5/7 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1800 BACK NW 6/5 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0900 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS : SECTOR E 3/4 INCR 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 08/1800 DECR 5/4 BY 08/0900 PRECIPITATIONS SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER FOG VIS VERY POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : NE 4/5 WITH GUSTS INCR 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 08/1800 DECR 5/4 BY 9/0600 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR MARGARITA BAY : SECTOR E 3 TEMPO VEER SECTOR S MIST FOG PATCHES ISOL PRECIPITATIONS STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL VERY POOR EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS TEMPO BACK 7 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1800 DECR 6/5 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0900 MIST FOG PATCHES FOG SNOW FALL STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA W OF 80W: SECTOR W 4 VEER SECTOR N INCR 5/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 9/0300 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA REST OF THE AREA: NE 7/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR N 6/5 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1800 DECR 4 BY 9/0000 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA W OF 80W: SECTOR E 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY DECR 5/4 WITH GUSTS BY 08/2100 BACK SECTOR N BY 9/0300 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG BLIZZARD VIS VERY POOR SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA REST OF THE AREA: NE 6/7 WITH GUSTS INCR 8 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1800 BACK SECTOR N 7/5 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0300 INTERMITTENT PRECIPITATIONS FOG VIS VERY POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA W OF 40W: VRB 3 BACK SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0300 INCR 6/7 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0900 ISOL SNOW FALL MIST FOG PATCHES BLIZZARD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR TO VERY POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 3 VEER SECTOR N ISOL SNOW FALL MIST FOG PATCHES VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA W OF 40W: SECTOR W 3 VEER SECTOR N 4/5 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1800 TEMPO VEER 6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY MIST FOG PATCHES PRECIPITATIONS TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 4 WITH GUSTS ISOL SNOW FALL MIST FOG PATCHES VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR -----------------------------------------------------------------  599 WSCG31 FCBB 081116 FCCC SIGMET L3 VALID 081150/081550 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1100Z E OF LINE S0147 E01612 - N0417 E01601 E OF LINE N0448 E01754 - N0800 E01803 N OF LINE N0228 E00641 - N0228 E01607 TOP FL390 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  616 WSPK31 OPLA 081100 OPLR SIGMET 02 VALID 081200/081600 OPLA- OPLR LAHORE FIR ISOL TS FCST BTN 31N TO 34N AND 71E TO 74E MOV E NC=  594 WSSP32 LEMM 081116 LECB SIGMET 4 VALID 081125/081425 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1114Z WI N4224 E00307 - N4158 E00437 - N4101 E00438 - N4022 E00151 - N4220 E00136 - N4224 E00307 TOP FL380 MOV N 10KT NC=  527 WSMA31 FIMP 081045 FIMM SIGMET 01 VALID 081030/081430 FIMP- FIMM MURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1030Z WI S0600 E06000 - S0600 E06700- S1000 E06500 - S1000 E06000 - S0600 E06000 TOP FL410 MOV W 10KT NC=  532 ACCA62 TJSJ 081121 TWOSPN Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo Tropical Emitido por El Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami, FL Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 800 AM EDT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 Para el Atlantico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de Mexico: El Centro Nacional de Huracanes esta emitiendo advertencias sobre la Tormenta Tropical Paulette, localizada sobre el centro del Atlantico tropical y sobre la Tormenta Tropical Rene, localizada sobre al oeste de las Islas Cabo Verde. Una area de baja presion localizada mas de 300 millas al oeste- suroeste de Bermuda esta produciendo aguaceros y tronadas asociados a una baja presion que aumento desde la pasada noche, pero que aun permanece un poco desorganizada. Algun desarrollo gradual de este sistema es posible durante los proximos dos o tres dias y pudiera convertirse en un depresion tropical mientras se mueva lentamente hacia el oeste a oeste-noroeste. Intereses a lo largo de la costa del sureste de los Estados Unidos deben monitorear el progreso de este disturbio. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...30 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...mediana...40 por ciento. Se pronostica que una onda tropical salga de la costa occidental de Africa el jueves. Se anticipa desarrollo gradual cuando el sistema se mueve sobre agua y una depression tropical podria formarse tarde este semana o durante el fin de semana mientras el sistema se mueva generalmente hacia el oeste a traves el este del Atlantico tropical. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...0 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...alta...70 por ciento. $$ Pronosticador Zelinsky Traduccion Ingles  821 WAIY32 LIIB 081127 LIRR AIRMET 11 VALID 081131/081300 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3628 E01416 - N3628 E01634 - N3845 E01648 - N3747 E01434 - N3628 E01416 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  141 WAIY32 LIIB 081128 LIRR AIRMET 12 VALID 081128/081300 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR CNL AIRMET 9 081000/081300=  747 WSBZ01 SBBR 081100 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0256 W06247 - N0052 W06417 - N0047 W05945 - N0251 W05953 - N0256 W06247 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  748 WSBZ01 SBBR 081100 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 080900/081200 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  749 WSBZ01 SBBR 081100 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 080920/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0309 W05805 - S0515 W05858 - S0550 W05707 - S0343 W05617 - S0309 W05805 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  750 WSBZ01 SBBR 081100 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  751 WSBZ01 SBBR 081100 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 080910/081200 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 3 080900/081200=  752 WSBZ01 SBBR 081100 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 081015/081220 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0108 W06237 - S0120 W06016 - S0452 W06017 - S0432 W06337 - S0108 W06237 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  456 WSAJ31 UBBB 081123 UBBB SIGMET 1 VALID 081200/081600 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR EMBD TS FCST W OF E049 TOP FL340 MOV E 30KT INTSF=  089 WSPH31 RPLL 081125 RPHI SIGMET B03 VALID 081128/081528 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1152 E12051 - N1053 E12330 - N0936 E12301 - N0849 E12105 - N1041 E11953 - N1152 E12051 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  533 WWUS45 KPUB 081126 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ058>063-076-081-082-084-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1200Z-200909T1800Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Leadville Vicinity/Lake County Below 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Central Chaffee County Below 9000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 16 inches mountains, 4 to 8 inches northern El Paso County. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Chaffee and Lake Counties, northwest Fremont County, Teller County and Pikes Peak, northern El Paso County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ067-068-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1800Z-200910T1200Z/ Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet-Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 AM MDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 2 feet. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...From noon today to 6 AM MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ069>071-087-088-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 8 inches, with the highest amounts near the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...The San Luis Valley, eastern Huerfano and western Las Animas Counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ072>075-077>080-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1800Z-200910T0600Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT MDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 2 feet over the mountains and 10 to 12 inches over the valley. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Sangre de Cristo and Wet Mountains and Wet Mountain Valley. * WHEN...From noon today to midnight MDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow amounts, particularly across the lower elevations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ064>066-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...La Garita Mountains. * WHEN...From noon today to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt on contact during the beginning of the storm, creating highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ085-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200908T1500Z-200909T1800Z/ Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 7 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Southern El Paso County, including Colorado Springs. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions at times, especially during the heavier snow when roads could become slushy. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease, resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083-086-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Pueblo and eastern Fremont Counties near the mountains. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ094-081930- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Eastern Las Animas County- 526 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Las Animas County. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  868 WWUS76 KMTR 081127 NPWMTR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 427 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Gusty offshore winds will impact the North Bay Mountains... ...Prolonged period of excessive heat coming to a gradual end... CAZ507-082200- /O.CON.KMTR.WI.Y.0006.200908T1200Z-200909T0600Z/ North Bay Mountains- Including the cities of Angwin, Lagunitas-Forest Knolls, and Woodacre 427 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts 35 to 45 mph expected. Gusts of 45 to 65 mph possible at the higher elevations of northern Napa and northeast Sonoma Counties. * WHERE...North Bay Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/mtr  109 WABZ23 SBGL 081128 SBCW AIRMET 14 VALID 081130/081530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1500M BR FCST WI S2222 W05443 - S2410 W04825 - S2731 W04942 - S2611 W05348 - S2528 W05402 - S2531 W05436 - S2404 W05416 - S2222 W05443 STNR NC=  632 WABZ23 SBGL 081128 SBCW AIRMET 15 VALID 081130/081530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 400/1000FT FCST WI S2222 W05443 - S2410 W04825 - S2731 W04942 - S2611 W05348 - S2528 W05402 - S2531 W05436 - S2404 W05416 - S2222 W05443 STNR NC=  705 WABZ23 SBGL 081128 SBCW AIRMET 17 VALID 081130/081530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 400/1000FT FCST WI S2721 W05402 - S2939 W05035 - S3147 W05349 - S2958 W05644 - S2721 W05402 STNR NC=  706 WABZ23 SBGL 081128 SBCW AIRMET 16 VALID 081130/081530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1500M BR FCST WI S2721 W05402 - S2939 W05035 - S3147 W05349 - S2958 W05644 - S2721 W05402 STNR NC=  674 ACPN50 PHFO 081129 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 200 AM HST Tue Sep 8 2020 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster Houston  137 WWUS73 KGLD 081129 NPWGLD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Goodland KS 529 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ090>092-082200- /O.CON.KGLD.FZ.W.0001.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Yuma County-Kit Carson County-Cheyenne County- Including the cities of Yuma, Wray, Burlington, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne Wells 529 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Kit Carson County, Yuma County and Cheyenne County Counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Stress to young livestock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  132 WWUS86 KMTR 081132 RFWMTR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 432 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 .A Red Flag Warning remains in effect for the North Bay Mountains and East Bay Hills until 8 AM Wednesday. In addition, a Red Flag Warning is in effect for the Santa Cruz Mountains from 10 AM Tuesday to 8 AM Wednesday. North-northeast gusty winds in the North and East Bay Hills and in the Santa Cruz Mountains by Tuesday morning. Locally gusty offshore winds will then continue at times in the North and East Bay Hills and Santa Cruz Mountains through Wednesday morning. In conjunction with these locally gusty offshore winds, poor overnight humidity recoveries are expected with the absence of a marine layer. Humidities will drop into the teens during the daytime hours. CAZ507-511-082200- /O.CON.KMTR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ North Bay Mountains-East Bay Hills and the Diablo Range- 432 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG WIND GUSTS AND DRY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 507 AND 511... * WIND...Sustained north to northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts 30 to 45 mph above 1000 feet. Local gusts at isolated peaks and ridgetops may approach 65 mph in the North Bay. Strongest winds expected late Monday night and Tuesday morning. * HUMIDITY...Poor overnight recoveries 20 to 35 percent. Daytime humidity values 10 to 20, locally lower values possible on Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Follow all burn bans currently in effect. * HIGHEST THREAT...Interior higher terrain of the North Bay Mountains and the East Bay Hills. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ CAZ512-082200- /O.CON.KMTR.FW.W.0004.200908T1700Z-200909T1500Z/ Santa Cruz Mountains- 432 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR LOCALLY GUSTY WINDS AND DRY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 512... * AFFECTED AREA...Santa Cruz Mountains above 1000 feet. Fire weather zone 512. * WIND...Sustained north to northeast winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts 25 to 35 mph above 1000 feet. Strongest winds expected on Tuesday. * HUMIDITY...Poor overnight recoveries 20 to 35 percent. Daytime humidity values 10 to 20, locally lower values possible. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Follow all burn bans currently in effect. * HIGHEST THREAT...Highest peaks, especially along the Santa Cruz/Santa Clara county line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  178 WWUS75 KCYS 081134 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 534 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEZ021-055-090000- /O.CON.KCYS.FZ.W.0001.200909T0400Z-200909T1500Z/ Morrill-Cheyenne- Including the cities of Angora, Bridgeport, Bayard, Redington, Brownson, and Sidney 534 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 degrees expected. * WHERE...Morrill and Cheyenne Counties. * WHEN...From 10 PM Tuesday to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Below freezing temperatures will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  365 WTNT33 KNHC 081134 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Intermediate Advisory Number 5A NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 1100 AM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...RENE MOVING ACROSS THE WESTERN CABO VERDE ISLANDS... ...EXPECTED TO PRODUCE TROPICAL-STORM-FORCE WINDS AND HEAVY RAINFALL THERE FOR A FEW MORE HOURS... SUMMARY OF 1100 AM CVT...1200 UTC...INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.5N 25.7W ABOUT 55 MI...90 KM SW OF SANTO ANTAO CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 15 MPH...24 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for... * Cabo Verde Islands A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area. For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 1100 AM CVT (1200 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.5 North, longitude 25.7 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 15 mph (24 km/h), and a motion toward the west to west-northwest is expected over the next few days. On the forecast track, the center of Rene will move away from the Cabo Verde Islands later tonight. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected today, followed by gradual strengthening tonight and Thursday. Rene is forecast to become a hurricane in a couple of days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- Key messages for Tropical Storm Rene can be found in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT3, WMO header WTNT43 KNHC, and on the web at www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml RAINFALL: Rene is expected to produce 2 to 5 inches of rain across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands through Tuesday. WIND: Tropical storm conditions are occurring over the western portion of the Cabo Verde Islands will continue for a few more hours. SURF: Swells generated by Rene are affecting portions of the Cabo Verde Islands. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 200 PM CVT. $$ Forecaster Cangialosi  763 WSPS21 NZKL 081136 NZZO SIGMET 23 VALID 081136/081447 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 21 081047/081447=  172 WSRS31 RURD 081136 URRV SIGMET 4 VALID 081140/081230 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4911 E04007 - N4939 E04116 - N4743 E04136 - N4730 E04016 - N4911 E04007 TOP FL370 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  909 WSID20 WIII 081139 WIIZ SIGMET 06 VALID 081140/081440 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0119 E09912 - N0005 E09941 - S0019 E09931 - S0024 E09819 - N0131 E09810 - N0119 E09912 TOP FL510 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  901 WWST01 SABM 081200 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 08-09-2020, 12:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE NO HAY AVISOS 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 09:00UTC ANTICICLON 1030HPA 36S 45W MOV E NC EXP 36S 38W EL 09/1200 DEPRESION 1000HPA 52S 32W MOV NE DPN EXP 48S 20W EL 09/0300 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 52S 32W 45S 30W 43S 35W MOV NE 071400 UTC 1.LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 5534S 02000W 5451S 02357W 5315S 02937W 5530S 03312W 5625S 03808W 5650S 04118W 5747S 04433W 5751S 05119W 5713S 05404W 5932S 05953W 5916S 06147W 6117S 06716W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10MN A68A 5922S 04944W 86X28MN A68C 5656S 03255W 9X5MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 5652S 05031W 2X1MN TEMPANO2 5313S 04102W 5X2MN TEMPANO3 5243S 04721W 2X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A. 5900S 05800W 6000S 05800W 6000S 04700W 5100S 04700W B. 6000S 04700W 6000S 03700W 5100S 03700W 5100S 04700W C. 5800S 03700W 5700S 02000W 5300S 02000W 5300S 03700W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 12:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 12:00 UTC DEL DIA 9-09-2020 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: NE 4 VIS BUENA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: NE 5 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: NE 5 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36š17S - 38š30S): NE 5/6 CON RAFAGAS VIS REGULAR OCNL BUENA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38š30S - 41šS): SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 4 CON RAFAGAS EL 9/1200 PROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 9/0000 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 08/1200 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 4 CON RAFAGAS EL 08/1500 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS A PARTIR DEL MEDIODIA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 08/1500 VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS EL 9/0300 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 40W: SECTOR W 5 BACK SECTOR S CON RAFAGAS EL 9/0600 PROB DE LLUVIAS TORMENTAS AISLADAS A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA A REGULAR AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) E DE 30W: SECTOR W 6/7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH TORMENTAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA MEJORANDO VIS MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR S 8 EL 9/0000 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS VIS MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SECTOR W 5 VEER SECTOR N 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 08/2100 VIS BUENA A REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 PROB DE SH LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50W: SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 08/1800 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR A MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): SECTOR N 5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR W EL 9/0300 PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA VIS REGULAR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  050 WWST03 SABM 081200 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - SEPTEMBER 08, 12:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. NO WARNINGS GENERAL SINOPSIS: NO SIGNIFICATIVE WEATHERFORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2020-09-9 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: NE 4 VIS GOOD BAHIA BLANCA: SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 4 WITH GUSTS BY 9/1200 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STORMS STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. MAR DEL PLATA: NE 5/6 WITH GUSTS VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1200 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. RIO GALLEGOS: SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 4 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1500 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STARTING NOON VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. USHUAIA: SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1500 VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  051 WWST02 SABM 081200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2020-09-08, 12:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 NO WARNINGS PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC HIGH 1030HPA 36S 45W MOV E NC EXP 36S 38W BY 09/1200 LOW 1000HPA 52S 32W MOV NE DPN EXP 48S 20W BY 09/0300 EXTENDS CFNT AT 52S 32W 45S 30W 43S 35W MOV NE 071400 UTC 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 5534S 02000W 5451S 02357W 5315S 02937W 5530S 03312W 5625S 03808W 5650S 04118W 5747S 04433W 5751S 05119W 5713S 05404W 5932S 05953W 5916S 06147W 6117S 06700W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10 NM A68A 5922S 04944W 86X28NM A68C 5656S 03255W 9X5NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 5652S 05031W 2X1NM ICEBERG2 5313S 04102W 5X2NM ICEBERG3 5243S 04721W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A. 5900S 05800W 6000S 05800W 6000S 04700W 5100S 04700W B. 6000S 04700W 6000S 03700W 5100S 03700W 5100S 04700W C. 5800S 03700W 5700S 02000W 5300S 02000W 5300S 03700W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2020-09-9 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: NE 4 VIS GOOD OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: NE 5 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: NE 5 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36š17S - 38š30S): NE 5/6 WITH GUSTS VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38š30S - 41šS): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 4 WITH GUSTS BY 9/1200 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STORMS STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0000 PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1200 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 4 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1500 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STARTING NOON VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54šS - 55šS): SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS BY 08/1500 VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS BY 9/0300 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 40W: SECTOR W 5 BACK SECTOR S WITH GUSTS BY 9/0600 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STORMS STARTING NIGTH VIS GOOD TO POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD TO MODERATE CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) E OF 30W: SECTOR W 6/7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH STORMS STARTING EARLY MORNING IMPR VIS POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR S 8 BY 9/0000 PROB OF SH RAIN VIS POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SECTOR W 5 VEER SECTOR N 6 WITH GUSTS BY 08/2100 VIS GOOD TO MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF SH RAIN STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W): SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50W: SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 08/1800 PROB OF ISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE STARTING NIGTH VIS POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): SECTOR N 5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W BY 9/0300 PROB OF RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE VIS MODERATE ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  353 WSID20 WIII 081140 WIIZ SIGMET 07 VALID 081145/081440 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0253 E09638 - S0326 E09755 - S0422 E09705 - S0407 E09526 - S0343 E09519 - S0253 E09638 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT NC=  685 WWUS86 KMFR 081141 RFWMFR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 441 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIDESPREAD CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER PATTERN WILL PERSIST INTO WEDNESDAY... ORZ618-621-622-090000- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Southern Oregon Coast-Siskiyou Mountains-Eastern Rogue Valley- 441 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 618...621 AND 622... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Southwest OR... All of Fire Weather Zones 618...621 and 622. * Wind: East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ284-285-090000- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0022.000000T0000Z-200909T0700Z/ Siskiyou County from the Cascade Mountains East and South to Mt Shasta-Modoc County Except for the Surprise Valley- 441 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TONIGHT FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 284 AND 285... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA...All of Fire Weather Zones 284 and 285. * Wind: Northeast 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 7 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ ORZ624-625-090000- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0022.000000T0000Z-200909T0700Z/ Klamath Basin and the Fremont-Winema National Forest- South Central Oregon Desert including the BLM Land in Eastern Lake and Western Harney Counties- 441 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TONIGHT FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 284...285...624 AND 625... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In South Central OR...All of Fire Weather Zones 624 and 625. * Wind: Northeast 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 7 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ280-282-ORZ616-617-619-620-623-090000- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Western Klamath National Forest-Shasta- Trinity National Forest in Siskiyou County-Umpqua Basin- Umpqua National Forest-Western Rogue River- Siskiyou National Forest- Western Rogue Basin including the Illinois Valley- Southern Oregon Cascades- 441 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 280...282..616...617...619...620...AND 623... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger along with poor RH recoveries will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA All of Fire Zones...280...282. In Southwest OR All of Fire Zones...616...617...619...620...623. * Wind: In Fire Weather Zones 280 and 623: East 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. In Fire Weather Zones 616, 617, 619, 620 and 282: East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ281-ORZ615-090000- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.200908T1800Z-200909T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County Including Shasta Valley- South Central Oregon Coast- 441 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 281 AND 615... * Impacts: Strong, gusty wind with low relative humidity and high fire danger will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA All of Fire Zone....281. In Southwest OR All of Fire Zone....615. * Wind: East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ Visit us at www.weather.gov/Medford  950 WWUS45 KBYZ 081141 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 541 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MTZ067-171-WYZ198-081245- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WS.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains-Pryor/Northern Bighorn Mountains- Northeast Bighorn Mountains- 541 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Only some light sporadic snow showers are expected over the next couple hours. Motorists are urged to use caution. $$ MTZ056-066-081245- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WW.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Red Lodge Foothills-Beartooth Foothills- 541 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Only some light sporadic snow showers are expected over the next couple hours. Motorists are urged to use caution for morning commute as roads in the area may be slushy and slick. $$  256 WAUS41 KKCI 081142 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 081142 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...OH LE FROM 20ENE DXO TO 30NE APE TO 20WSW APE TO 50SW ROD TO FWA TO 20ENE DXO CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...VT NY LO FROM 30ESE YOW TO 50WSW YSC TO 50NW ALB TO 50NW SYR TO 30ESE YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...NY PA OH WV FROM 20SE BUF TO 30ENE SLT TO 20E PSB TO 20SW EWC TO 30E CLE TO 20SE BUF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...MD VA NC AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 30NNE RIC TO 150SE SIE TO 170E ECG TO 110E ILM TO 50ESE ILM TO 40W ILM TO 30SE GSO TO 60SSW CSN TO 30NNE RIC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OH WV MD DC VA...UPDT FROM 40S JST TO 20WSW EMI TO 30SE DCA TO 30N RIC TO LYH TO 30SE PSK TO HMV TO HNN TO 40NW HNN TO 40S JST CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 20SSE PQI TO 50SE HUL TO 200SE ACK TO 190S ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 140ESE SIE TO 80ENE ACK TO 40NNW SBY TO 20S HAR TO 40S ALB TO 20SSE YSC TO 20SSE PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY PA FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO 40SSW ALB TO 30ESE SLT TO 20NNE EWC TO JHW TO SYR TO MSS TO YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. ....  257 WAUS42 KKCI 081142 AAA WA2S MIAS WA 081142 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...FL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 30S CTY TO 30WNW ORL TO 40E SRQ TO 20SSW PIE TO 30S CTY CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG AFT 09Z. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ...NEW AIRMET... . AIRMET IFR...NC MD VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 30NNE RIC TO 150SE SIE TO 170E ECG TO 110E ILM TO 50ESE ILM TO 40W ILM TO 30SE GSO TO 60SSW CSN TO 30NNE RIC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA...UPDT FROM 30S PSK TO 40SSE GSO TO 20SSE ODF TO 40S GQO TO GQO TO HMV TO 30S PSK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  716 WAUS43 KKCI 081142 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 081142 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN OK TX FROM 80SW DIK TO 50SW FOD TO 20NNW BAE TO 40NE ECK TO 20NE DXO TO FWA TO 40WSW ROD TO 40ESE BUM TO 40NNE AMA TO 50NNE TCC TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...KY TN AL...UPDT FROM 20ENE LOZ TO HMV TO GQO TO 40S GQO TO 30NW MSL TO 20ENE LOZ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  717 WAUS44 KKCI 081142 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 081142 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 80SW DIK TO 50SW FOD TO 20NNW BAE TO 40NE ECK TO 20NE DXO TO FWA TO 40WSW ROD TO 40ESE BUM TO 40NNE AMA TO 50NNE TCC TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX...UPDT FROM 30NNW CWK TO 40SSW CWK TO 40S SAT TO 70SW SAT TO 20SSE DLF TO 40NNW DLF TO 30W JCT TO 30NNW CWK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG BY 12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX LA...UPDT FROM 40SE GGG TO 40WSW AEX TO 50WSW LCH TO 30SSW IAH TO 50WSW LFK TO 40SE GGG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TN AL KY...UPDT FROM 20ENE LOZ TO HMV TO GQO TO 40S GQO TO 30NW MSL TO 20ENE LOZ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  427 WWUS74 KAMA 081143 NPWAMA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 643 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ001-006-011-016-081945- /O.NEW.KAMA.WI.Y.0010.200908T1143Z-200909T1200Z/ Dallam-Hartley-Oldham-Deaf Smith- Including the cities of Dalhart, Hartley, Channing, Vega, and Hereford 643 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 35 to 39 mph. * WHERE...Dallam, Hartley, Oldham and Deaf Smith Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Ferguson  326 WACN02 CWAO 081144 CZEG AIRMET B2 VALID 081140/081225 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET B1 080825/081225=  327 WACN22 CWAO 081144 CZEG AIRMET B2 VALID 081140/081225 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET B1 080825/081225 RMK GFACN32=  984 WGUS83 KIWX 081144 FLSIWX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Northern Indiana 744 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC039-141-081154- /O.CAN.KIWX.FA.Y.0035.000000T0000Z-200908T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elkhart IN-St. Joseph IN- 744 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE URBAN AND SMALL STREAM FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR NORTHWESTERN ELKHART AND CENTRAL ST. JOSEPH COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 4161 8606 4154 8621 4151 8632 4149 8641 4156 8649 4169 8634 4176 8613 4176 8611 4176 8606 4176 8605 4167 8591 $$ CM  701 WWUS75 KPIH 081145 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 545 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 IDZ052>055-081800- /O.CAN.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.200908T1145Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain- Lower Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley- Including the cities of Mud Lake, INL, Craters of the Moon NM, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, St. Anthony, Pocatello, Blackfoot, American Falls, Shelley, Fort Hall, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley 545 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * WHERE...The Arco Desert including the Mud Lake area and the INL, the Upper and Lower Snake River Plain including the regions from American Falls to St. Anthony, and the Eastern Magic Valley including Oakley, Burley and Rupert. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ051-081800- /O.CAN.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds- Including the cities of Shoshone, Richfield, and Carey 545 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. * WHERE...The Shoshone/Lava Beds region including Shoshone, Richfield and Carey. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ056>058-067-081800- /O.CAN.KPIH.HW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.200908T1145Z-200908T1800Z/ Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Marsh and Arbon Highlands-Beaverhead - Lemhi Highlands- Including the cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small 545 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE....The cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small * WHEN...Until noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ IDZ059-062-081245- /O.CAN.KPIH.WI.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Franklin/Eastern Oneida Region-Blackfoot Mountains- Including the cities of Malad, Preston, Thatcher, Grace, Soda Springs, Henry, and Bone 545 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Winds have decreased across the region. Therefore the Wind Advisory has been cancelled. Locally breezy winds will continue early today. Drivers are urged to remain cautious especially this morning. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/pocatello  075 WWUS86 KSEW 081145 RFWSEW URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 445 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WAZ651-655>659-661-090000- /O.CON.KSEW.FW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200911T0600Z/ Central Coastal Lowlands- Black Hills and Southwest Interior Lowlands- Northeast Puget Sound Lowlands Generally Below 1500 Feet- Southeast Puget Sound Lowlands Generally Below 1500 Feet- West Slopes of the North Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet- West Slopes of the Central Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet- East Portion of the Olympic Mountains- 445 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THURSDAY FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY, AS WELL AS HOT, DRY, AND UNSTABLE CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 651, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, AND 661... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 651, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659 and 661. * WINDS...East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 17 percent. * HAINES...Mid-level Haines index values of 5 with isolated areas of 6 will be possible Wednesday and Thursday. * IMPACTS...A combination of moderate breezes, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to rapid rates of spread and down-wind spotting on existing fires. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either imminent or occurring now. Any fires that develop will likely spread quickly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  431 WSCA31 MHTG 081130 MHTG SIGMET B1 VALID 081130/081530 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1120Z WI -N1125 W09934 -N0752 W09921 -N0947 W10343 TOP FL450 MOV W 05-10KT INTSF=  749 WSHO31 MHTG 081130 MHTG SIGMET B1 VALID 081130/081530 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1120Z WI -N1125 W09934 -N0752 W09921 -N0947 W10343 TOP FL450 MOV W 05-10KT INTSF=  081 WSPM31 MPTO 081147 MPZL SIGMET 01 VALID 081147/081547 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1130Z WI TOKUT-BUSMO-BOMAK-RODAX TOP FL520 MOV W INTSF=  873 WSUS32 KKCI 081155 SIGC MKCC WST 081155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32C VALID UNTIL 1355Z MN IA NE SD FROM 60WNW MCW-50NE DSM-50NE OVR-70E MCK-40W OBH-60WNW MCW DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 23050KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33C VALID UNTIL 1355Z IN IL IA LM FROM 30ENE ORD-30N BVT-40W BVT-40S IOW-10NNW IOW-30ENE ORD AREA TS MOV FROM 22040KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34C VALID UNTIL 1355Z MO IA FROM 10SW IOW-40S IOW-50E MCI-60N MCI-10SW DSM-10SW IOW AREA TS MOV FROM 22035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35C VALID UNTIL 1355Z TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30WNW IAH-120SSW LCH-90ENE BRO-40SE CRP-30WNW IAH AREA TS MOV FROM 13010KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 081355-081755 AREA 1...FROM 50WNW MKG-TTH-FAM-60NNW GGG-40WNW AMA-GLD-60ESE LBF-50WNW MKG WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM IAH-30SSW LCH-110SSW LCH-110SSW LCH-80ENE BRO-40WSW CRP-IAH WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  904 WSUS33 KKCI 081155 SIGW MKCW WST 081155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081355-081755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  905 WAUS46 KKCI 081148 AAC WA6S SFOS WA 081148 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSE SNS TO 20ENE RZS TO 40N LAX TO 60SW HEC TO 30WSW TRM TO 40ESE MZB TO 180SW MZB TO 70SSE SNS CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO GEG TO 30NE EPH TO 40W EPH TO 40SE YDC TO 80WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSW YKM TO 30E DSD TO 40WSW LKV TO 60S OED TO 40W OED TO 50S ONP TO 30NNE ONP TO 20SSW BTG TO 70SSW YKM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...CA NV FROM 60NNE FMG TO 20SW BAM TO 70NE OAL TO 20WNW BTY TO 70WSW BTY TO 50E CZQ TO 20S FMG TO 60NNE FMG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 60WSW OED TO 20NE FOT TO 20NW ENI TO SNS TO 100W RZS TO 150WSW RZS TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W FOT TO 60WSW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM FOT TO RBL TO 30SW SAC TO 40W EHF TO 30SSE EHF TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO PYE TO FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM 80WSW YXC TO 30WSW GEG TO 40W YKM TO 40SE LKV TO 60WSW OED TO 70WNW OED TO 20ENE HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 80WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...OR CA NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 60WSW OED TO 40SE LKV TO 30ESE FMG TO 30NW BTY TO 40SSE BCE TO 30SW DBL TO 60ESE CIM TO CME TO 30SSW TUS TO BZA TO MZB TO LAX TO 30SSE EHF TO RBL TO FOT TO 60WSW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z...MTN OBSCN CA NV UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY RBL-50SE BTY-70SW BCE-40E INW-40ENE ABQ-CME-50SSE SSO- 50S TUS-PHX-40E HEC-60SSE TRM-MZB-LAX-30SSE EHF-RBL MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  906 WSUS31 KKCI 081155 SIGE MKCE WST 081155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37E VALID UNTIL 1355Z OH MI IN LE LH LM FROM 40NE ECK-30SSE DXO-20N BVT-40NE ORD-40NE ECK AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38E VALID UNTIL 1355Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 100SSE ECG-170SE ECG-130SSE ILM-80S ILM-100SSE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 10010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39E VALID UNTIL 1355Z GA AND FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSW ILM-130SSE ILM-220ENE OMN-30NE CRG-40N CRG-70SSW ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 11010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40E VALID UNTIL 1355Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 80ENE OMN-140ENE TRV-100E TRV-30SSE TRV-20E OMN-80ENE OMN AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL340. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41E VALID UNTIL 1355Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 60ESE PBI-140ESE MIA-160SE MIA-50SE MIA-60ESE PBI DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 081355-081755 AREA 1...FROM 40S ASP-40NE ECK-30SE DXO-ERI-40ENE APE-50NNW CVG-TTH-50W MKG-40S ASP WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 30S CEW-TLH-30W MIA-80ESE EYW-80WSW EYW-90W SRQ-200SE LEV-60SE LEV-30ENE HRV-30S CEW WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 3...FROM 150ESE SBY-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-170E PBI-80ENE PBI-130SSE MIA-80ESE EYW-40WSW PBI-40WNW CRG-30E CHS-150ESE SBY WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  647 WSRS31 RURD 081148 URRV SIGMET 5 VALID 081150/081230 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4314 E04115 - N4354 E04107 - N4353 E04443 - N4242 E04506 TOP FL370 MOV NE 20KMH INTSF=  813 WSCA31 MHTG 081140 MHTG SIGMET C1 VALID 081140/081540 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1130Z WI -N1330 W09125 -N0732 W08950 -N0710 W09117 -N1143 W09712 -N1334 W09336 TOP FL450 MOV W 05-10KT INTSF=  770 WSHO31 MHTG 081140 MHTG SIGMET C1 VALID 081140/081540 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1130Z WI -N1330 W09125 -N0732 W08950 -N0710 W09117 -N1143 W09712 -N1334 W09336 TOP FL450 MOV W 05-10KT INTSF=  425 WSFR34 LFPW 081154 LFMM SIGMET 2 VALID 081200/081400 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4045 E00615 - N4100 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4215 E00330 - N4215 E00415 - N4200 E00530 - N4045 E00615 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  395 WSTH31 VTBS 081155 VTBB SIGMET 04 VALID 081155/081530 VTBS- VTBB BANGKOK FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1849 E09835 - N1820 E10043 - N1539 E10024 - N1607 E09911 - N1824 E09740 - N1849 E09835 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  620 WWUS75 KREV 081154 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 454 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ004-081800- /O.EXP.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Including the cities of Fernley, Fallon, Lovelock, Silver Springs, Nixon, and Imlay 454 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...Lake wind advisory for Pyramid Lake expired. * WHAT...Visibility between one half mile and 2 miles in blowing dust south of Lovelock. * WHERE...Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake. * WHEN...until 11 AM PDT this morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blowing dust is causing poor air quality south of Lovelock. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ CAZ071-073-NVZ001-003-005-081800- /O.CON.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties-Mono County- Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties-Greater Reno-Carson City- Minden Area-Northern Washoe County- Including the cities of Portola, Susanville, Westwood, Sierraville, Loyalton, Bridgeport, Coleville, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes, Hawthorne, Yerington, Smith Valley, Mina, Schurz, Sparks, Verdi, Gardnerville, Virginia City, Empire, and Gerlach 454 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * CHANGES...None. * WHAT...Visibility between 1 and 5 miles in blowing dust. Dust is causing unhealthy to even hazardous air quality for many areas. * WHERE...Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Poor air quality and reduced visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for sudden decreases in visibility. Avoid strenuous activity, especially if you are sensitive to poor air quality, such as the elderly, children and anyone with chronic illness or respiratory problems. Consider postponing outdoor activities. Check airnow.gov for the latest air quality information. && $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-081800- /O.CON.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of South Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Truckee, Markleeville, Stateline, Glenbrook, and Incline Village 454 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR LAKE TAHOE... * CHANGES...None. * WHAT...Northeast to east 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph expected. * WHERE...Lake Tahoe. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT. * IMPACTS...Small boats, kayaks and paddle boards will be prone to capsizing and should remain off lake waters until conditions improve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check lake conditions before heading out and be prepared for a sudden increase in winds and wave heights. Consider postponing boating activities on the lake until a day with less wind. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/rev  098 WBCN07 CWVR 081100 PAM ROCKS WIND 36022 LANGARA; X 1/8L-F SW06 1FT CHP LO W GREEN; PC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP TRIPLE; PC 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO W BONILLA; PC 15 N15E 3FT MDT LO NW BOAT BLUFF; PC 15 CLM RPLD MCINNES; CLR 15 SW05E RPLD LO SW IVORY; CLR 15 CLM RPLD LO SW DRYAD; CLR 15 CLM SMTH ADDENBROKE; PC 15 NE05E RPLD EGG ISLAND; PT CLDY 15 NE11 2 FT CHP LO W PINE ISLAND; PT CLDY 15 CLM 1 FT CHP LO W CAPE SCOTT; PT CLDY 15 NE10E 2 FT CHP LO SW QUATSINO; PT CLDY 15 E6E 1 FT CHP LO SW NOOTKA; PC 15 NE10E 1FT CHP LO SW ESTEVAN; PC 15 E06 1FT CHP LO SW 1026.2R LENNARD; PC 15 NE05E 1FT CHP LO W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 NE08 2FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 SE10E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 15 E05E 1FT CHP LO SW SCARLETT; PT CLDY 15 CLM 1 FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; N/A CHATHAM; CLR 15 SW3E RPLD CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 268/12/M/1006/M/ 0004 1MMM= WEB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 257/15/10/0905/M/M 1013 60MM= WQC SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 274/08/07/1301/M/ 1009 22MM= WRU SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 261/22/04/1902/M/ 3006 44MM= WFG SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 261/14/12/0218/M/ PK WND 0221 1011Z 1001 00MM= WVF SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/19/08/0000/M/ M 83MM= WQS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 309/16/13/0503/M/ 7004 60MM= WRO SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 314/14/14/2508/M/M 1001 99MM= WEK SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 307/12/11/3306/M/ 8005 67MM= WWL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 296/13/12/3515/M/ PK WND 3422 1000Z 8003 29MM= WME SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/16/09/0614+21/M/ PK WND 0524 1010Z M 93MM= WAS SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 270/18/06/3622/M/ PK WND 3534 1016Z 1008 27MM= WSB SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 267/18/02/0000/M/M 1009 41MM= WGT SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 271/16/13/2605/M/ 1005 06MM= WEL SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 275/18/11/0102/M/ 2011 52MM= WDR SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 254/16/05/1112/M/ 0006 01MM= WZO SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1105/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3301/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 1100 AUTO8 M M M 279/12/10/1004/M/ 2002 72MM=  243 WSSN31 ESWI 081157 ESAA SIGMET U03 VALID 081200/081400 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6250 E01220 - N6238 E01507 - N6202 E01648 - N6106 E01645 - N6000 E01240 - N6110 E01255 - N6200 E01220 - N6250 E01220 MOV NE 10KT WKN=  324 WSVS31 VVGL 081200 VVNB SIGMET 3 VALID 081200/081500 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1705 E10630 - N1915 E10410 - N2100 E10430 - N2025 E10535 - N1710 E10710 - N1705 E10630 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  655 WTSR20 WSSS 080600 NO STORM WARNING=  499 WAAK49 PAWU 081202 WA9O FAIS WA 081215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 082015 . UPR YKN VLY FB NW PATA-PFYU LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . UPR YKN VLY FB NW PATA-PFYU LN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . TANANA VLY FC AK RANGE W MENTASTA PASS MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . TANANA VLY FC OVR WHITE MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. IMPR. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF W PAKV-PASL LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/ ISOL VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-SHRA BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAOT-PADE LN E OCNL CIG BLW 010/ VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAOT-PADE LN E MTS CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ ALG SRN SEWARD PEN PAGL E OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAGL-PAMK LN NE MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =FAIT WA 081215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 082015 . UPR YKN VLY FB SE PFYU OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . UPR YKN VLY FB TIL 17Z PFYU S-SW AREAS OF LLWS. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC VLYS E PAFA OCNL MOD TURB FL230-FL380. NC. . TANANA VLY FC TIL 18Z SW PANN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC TIL 18Z NW PAFA-PAIN LN AREAS OF LLWS. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 18Z SE PAHC OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . LWR YKN VLY FF SE PARY-PAHC LN AREAS OF LLWS. NC. . =FAIZ WA 081215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 082015 . UPR YKN VLY FB TIL 21Z N PFYU OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 060. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC 18Z TO 21Z VCY PAML OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 050 W TO 070 E. WKN. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE TIL 18Z BROOKS RANGE OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 060. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG INLAND E PATQ OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL BLW 010. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH TIL 18Z HOWARD PASS E OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 050 EXC BLW 010 W. WKN. . HOLTZIE SEP 20U  654 WSFG20 TFFF 081203 SOOO SIGMET 5 VALID 081200/081600 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0915 W05400 - N1000 W04800 - N1300 W03900 - N1115 W03945 - N0745 W05045 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  906 WSBZ31 SBGL 081204 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  375 WSBZ31 SBGL 081204 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 081220/081620 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0022 W06257 - S0443 W05429 - S0707 W05953 - S0415 W06706 - S0142 W06625 - S0022 W06257 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  960 WSFG20 TFFF 081205 SOOO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0530 W05115 - N0800 W05200 - N1030 W04030 - N0730 W04330 FL165/195 STNR NC=  289 WOAU45 AMMC 081206 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1206UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 33S099E 43S105E 52S109E 52S106E to low [1] 960hPa near 50S103E to low [2] 969hPa near 46S102E, forecast 36S105E 40S108E 50S112E 54S112E to low [1] 961hPa near 54S110E to 52S107E to low [2] 960hPa near 50S106E at 081800UTC, 40S111E 50S117E 59S117E 58S114E to low [1] 956hPa near 56S112E to low [2] 959hPa near 52S110E at 090000UTC, 44S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S116E to low [1] 948hPa near 60S115E to low [2] 956hPa near 55S115E at 090600UTC, and 47S122E 53S127E 60S127E 63S120E 63S114E to low [1] 939hPa near 61.5S114.5E at 091200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S083E 51S087E 51S107E 62S122E 60S131E 51S131E 34S102E 34S087E 38S083E 46S083E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of cold front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  290 WOAU05 AMMC 081206 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1206UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 33S099E 43S105E 52S109E 52S106E to low [1] 960hPa near 50S103E to low [2] 969hPa near 46S102E, forecast 36S105E 40S108E 50S112E 54S112E to low [1] 961hPa near 54S110E to 52S107E to low [2] 960hPa near 50S106E at 081800UTC, 40S111E 50S117E 59S117E 58S114E to low [1] 956hPa near 56S112E to low [2] 959hPa near 52S110E at 090000UTC, 44S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S116E to low [1] 948hPa near 60S115E to low [2] 956hPa near 55S115E at 090600UTC, and 47S122E 53S127E 60S127E 63S120E 63S114E to low [1] 939hPa near 61.5S114.5E at 091200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 46S083E 51S087E 51S107E 62S122E 60S131E 51S131E 34S102E 34S087E 38S083E 46S083E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of cold front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  373 WOAU46 AMMC 081206 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1206UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous southwesterly flow developing in the wake of a cold front forecast near 54S080E 58S081E 60S080E at 081800UTC, near 52S087E 59S086E 61S085E at 090000UTC, near 52S092E 56S092E 61S089E at 090600UTC, and near 52S097E 61S092E at 091200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 55S080E 52S086E 52S095E 54S096E 55S095E 59S080E 55S080E. FORECAST Southwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 240nm west of cold front from 081800UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  569 WSFG20 TFFF 081206 SOOO SIGMET 7 VALID 081200/081500 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0515 W05415 - N0530 W05400 - N0645 W05400 - N0630 W05300 - N0500 W05315 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  570 WSGL31 BGSF 081210 BGGL SIGMET U04 VALID 081230/081530 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1230Z WI N6537 W03958 - N6517 W03908 - N6338 W04023 - N6353 W04158 - N6434 W04148 - N6516 W04101 - N6537 W03958 SFC/FL100 STNR WKN=  417 WOAU47 AMMC 081207 IDY21060 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1207UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous westerly quarter flow developing. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 50S155E 51S157E 52S157E 54S149E 53S148E 52S148E 50S155E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing initially, west of 151E by 090000UTC, extending to throughout by 090600UTC . Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  504 WSBZ31 SBGL 081206 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  233 WSBZ31 SBGL 081206 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 - S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  238 WVID21 WAAA 081200 WAAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081200/081800 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG VIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1200Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0148 E12705 - N0214 E12718 - N 0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  819 WVID21 WAAA 081200 WAAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081200/081800 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG V FIR IR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1200Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0148 E12705 - N0214 E12718 - N 0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  055 WVID21 WAAA 081200 WAAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081200/081800 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG VIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1200Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0148 E12705 - N0214 E12718 - N0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  938 WSPR31 SPJC 081210 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 081215/081400 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1150Z WI S0331 W07805 - S0507 W07847 - S0616 W07645 - S0436 W07527 - S0331 W07805 TOP FL410 STNR WKN=  227 WVID21 WAAA 081200 WAAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081200/081800 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG V FIR IR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1200Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0148 E12705 - N0214 E12718 - N0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  980 WWUS75 KLKN 081212 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ030-081315- /O.EXP.KLKN.HW.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ Humboldt County- Including the cities of Golconda, Winnemucca, Valmy, and Dufferena 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Winds have decreased across Humboldt County. $$ NVZ031-090000- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.200908T1212Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northern Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, and Tuscarora 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29. For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 20 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Northern Elko County. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, until 8 AM PDT this morning. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ039-090000- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.200908T1212Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Ruby Lake and Oasis 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 32 will result in frost formation. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...South Central Elko County. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT this morning. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-090000- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.EXA.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, and Palisade 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 25 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 35 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range and Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ038-090000- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Southwest Elko County- Including the cities of Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, and Spring Creek 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Southwest Elko County. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 11 PM Tuesday to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ033-081800- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.200908T1212Z-200908T1800Z/ Southeastern Elko County- Including the city of West Wendover 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Southeastern Elko County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ040-041-090000- /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.200908T1212Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.EXA.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northwestern Nye County-Northeastern Nye County- Including the cities of Manhattan, Round Mountain, Tonopah, Blue Eagle Ranch, and Duckwater 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Northwestern Nye County and Northeastern Nye County. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ035-090000- /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.200908T1212Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ White Pine County- Including the cities of Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, and McGill 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 20 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...White Pine County. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT this morning. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ037-090000- /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, and Garden Pass 512 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 20 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 34 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...White Pine County and Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County. * WHEN...For the Frost Advisory, from 1 AM to 8 AM PDT Tuesday. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM Tuesday to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  329 WHZS40 NSTU 081212 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 112 AM SST Tue Sep 8 2020 ASZ001>003-090015- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua-Swains- 112 AM SST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A High Surf Advisory remains in effect... * SURF...Surf heights of 11 to 13 feet will impact east and south shorelines due to a large southerly swell. * TIMING...through Tuesday * IMPACTS...high surfs and strong rip currents PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A high surf advisory indicates large breaking waves will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing dangerous rip currents and localized beach erosion. Also, it is extremely dangerous to fish or observe waves from rocks during high surf conditions. Unwary beach walkers can be caught off guard as waves suddenly race farther up the beach than normal. && Fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 112 VAVEAO ASO LUA SETEMA 8 2020 ...O loo faaauau le Fautuaga mo Galu maualuluga... * GALU...O galu maualuluga e 11 i le 13 futu o le a aafia ai talafatai i saute i sasa'e o le atunuu. * TAIMI...seia oo i le Aso Lua * AAFIAGA...e maualuluga galu ma e malolosi aave o le sami FAUTUAGA/TAPENAGA... O fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e faailoa mai ai le malolosi ma le tetele o galu o le a aafia ai gataifale ma matafaga, ma o le a malolosi aave o le sami e ono solo ai nisi o vaega o le matafaga. Ona o le siisii o peau o le sami, e fautuaina ai le mamalu lautele ma le au fai faiva ina ia faautagia mai lenei fautuaga ona o le maualuluga o galu ua iai nei. $$  517 WSUY31 SUMU 081220 SUEO SIGMET 2 VALID 081230/081230 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR CNL SIGMET 1 VALID 080930/081230=  089 WAIY31 LIIB 081220 LIMM AIRMET 21 VALID 080830/081230 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4448 E00906 - N4350 E00723 - N4317 E00915 - N4448 E00906 SFC/FL050 STNR NC=  090 WSIY31 LIIB 081220 LIMM SIGMET 4 VALID 081230/081630 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4633 E01345 - N4707 E01206 - N4656 E01112 - N4422 E00649 - N4350 E00725 - N4310 E00940 - N4338 E01026 - N4342 E01134 - N4436 E01318 - N4518 E01257 - N4540 E01325 - N4633 E01345 FL250/420 STNR WKN=  912 WAAK48 PAWU 081216 WA8O ANCS WA 081215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 082015 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB N PAPT-PAAQ LN MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC WRANGEL MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MONTAGUE ISLAND E OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI MTS OBSC CLDS/ISOL PCPN. IMPR. . ADAK TO ATTU AK W KISKA OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK W KISKA MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 081215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 082015 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 15Z N PAUO OCNL MOD TURB BLW 080. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC NE PAGK OCNL MOD TURB FL230-FL380. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC PAGK S OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KODIAK IS AE NE PADQ OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF E PASV-PAMC LN OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAMC NE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 18Z PAFS-PASV LN W AREAS LLWS. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 18Z NE PABE-PASM LN OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. INTSF. . BRISTOL BAY AH NE PANW OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ TIL 13Z SE PADU OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AMCHITKA W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK W KISKA OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . =ANCZ WA 081215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 082015 . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 15Z OFSHR E PAMD OCNL MOD ICEIC 150-FL210. FZLVL 100 EXC 070 N. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 15Z VCY PAMC OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 050. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG AFT 15Z CST/OFSHR N PAOO OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 045. INTSF. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 18Z ATTU W OCNL MOD ICEIC 120-FL180. FZLVL 090 EXC 040 E. INTSF. . BH SEP 2020 AAWU  162 WTCA43 TJSJ 081217 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Intermedia Numero 5A SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 1100 AM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...RENE MOVIENDOSE A TRAVES DEL OESTE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE... ...SE ESPERA QUE PRODUZCA VIENTOS DE FUERZA DE TORMENTA TROPICAL Y LLUVIAS FUERTES A LAS ISLAS CABO VERDE HOY... RESUMEN DE LAS 1100 AM CVT...1200 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.5 NORTE 25.7 OESTE CERCA DE 55 MI...90 KM AL SUROESTE DE SANTO ANTAO ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 15 MPH...24 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso, en este caso dentro de las proximas 12horas. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 1100 AM CVT (1200 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.5 norte, longitud 25.7 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste noroeste a cerca de 15 mph (24 km/h) y se espera que este movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue por los proximos dias. En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Rene pasara sobre las Islas Cabo Verde y luego se retirara de las islas esta noche. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica poco cambio fortalecimiento hoy, seguido por un fortalecimiento gradual esta noche y el jueves, pronosticando que Rene se convertira en huracan en los proximos dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 2 a 5 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hasta el martes. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical ocurriendo sobre sectores del este de las Islas Cabo Verde se extenderan hacia el oeste sobre el restante de las islas hoy. RESACA: Se esperan que las marejadas generadas por Rene se desplacen hacia el oeste a traves de las Islas Cabo Verde hoy. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 200 PM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Beven Traduccion Ingles-Serrano  421 WSCI35 ZGGG 081210 ZGZU SIGMET 4 VALID 081240/081640 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N2246 AND S OF N2651 AND W OF E11212 AND E OF E10856 TOP FL400 MOV N 20KMH WKN=  106 WSCH31 SCTE 081212 SCTZ SIGMET 04 VALID 081205/081207 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR CNL SIGMET 03 VALID 080907/081307  727 WWUS43 KUNR 081219 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 619 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 .A late summer storm will continue to wind down this morning as snow tapers off. SDZ024-028-029-WYZ057-081330- /O.CAN.KUNR.WS.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern Black Hills-Central Black Hills-Southern Black Hills- Wyoming Black Hills- 619 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Light snow will taper off this morning with minor additional accumulations. $$ WYZ055-081800- /O.CON.KUNR.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southern Campbell- Including Wright 619 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations 1 to 2 inches. * WHERE...Southern Campbell County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Road conditions are available on your smartphone from the 5 1 1 app for your state. && $$  181 WSCI35 ZGGG 081215 ZGZU SIGMET 5 VALID 081230/081630 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N2456 AND S OF N2615 AND W OF E11525 AND E OF E11225 TOP FL430 MOV SE 25KMH WKN=  241 WAAK47 PAWU 081220 WA7O JNUS WA 081215 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 082015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB S PAHN OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC W CHATHAM STRAIT OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD NW PAKT MTS OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF NW PAAP OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 081215 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 082015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB LYNN CANAL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE PAYA W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF 18Z TO 21Z ALG CST N CAPE SPENCER OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 081215 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 082015 . ERN GLF CST JE 15Z TO 21Z PAYA W OCNL MOD ICEIC 150-FL210. FZLVL 120. WKN. . BH SEP 2020 AAWU  494 WACN03 CWAO 081220 CZWG AIRMET D1 VALID 081220/081620 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 21/2SM BR - BKN CLD 700/4000FT OBS WTN 90 NM OF LINE N5037 W09418 - N5034 W08811 QS WKNG=  495 WACN23 CWAO 081220 CZWG AIRMET D1 VALID 081220/081620 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 21/2SM BR - BKN CLD 700/4000FT OBS WTN 90 NM OF LINE /N5037 W09418/30 SW CYRL - /N5034 W08811/30 NE CYYW QS WKNG RMK GFACN33=  468 WWIN80 VOBL 081225 VOBL 081215 AD WRNG 1 VALID 081230/081630 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 210 DEG FCST NC= VOBG 081215 AD WRNG 1 VALID 081230/081630 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 210 DEG FCST NC= VOMY 081215 AD WRNG 1 VALID 081230/081630 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 210 DEG FCST NC=  440 WSSP32 LEMM 081219 LECB SIGMET 5 VALID 081240/081425 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4021 E00149 - N4050 E00348 - N3928 E00221 - N3757 E00120 - N3852 E00046 - N4021 E00149 TOP FL360 MOV W 5KT NC=  799 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 -S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  800 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 081220/081620 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0022 W06257 - S0443 W05429 - S0707 W05953 - S0415 W06706 - S0142 W06625 - S0022 W06257 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  801 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  802 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 -S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  300 WSRS31 RURD 081223 URRV SIGMET 6 VALID 081230/081430 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4310 E04139 - N4909 E04004 - N5011 E04226 - N4231 E04543 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH INTSF=  961 WSAG31 SABE 081228 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 081228/081628 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 1228Z WI S3845 W07048 - S4102 W06936 - S4142 W07126 - S3845 W07048 FL050/110 STNR NC=  215 WSAG31 SABE 081228 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 081228/081628 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 1228Z WI S3845 W07048 - S4102 W06936 - S4142 W07126 - S3845 W07048 FL050/110 STNR NC=  409 WSAG31 SABE 081230 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 081230/081628 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR CNL SIGMET 2 081228/081628=  310 WSMS31 WMKK 081226 WBFC SIGMET C03 VALID 081230/081530 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0224 E10943 - N0312 E11135 - N0148 E11250 - N0105 E11209 - N0058 E11038 - N0224 E10943 TOP FL530 MOV W NC=  268 WSNT03 KKCI 081230 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 1 VALID 081230/081630 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1230Z WI N2315 W04245 - N2215 W04000 - N1815 W04500 - N2115 W04500 - N2315 W04245. TOP FL520. MOV NW 5KT. INTSF.  684 WSPR31 SPJC 081224 SPIM SIGMET A5 VALID 081225/081300 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A4 VALID 081045/081300=  011 WSAG31 SABE 081236 SAEF SIGMET 4 VALID 081236/081636 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 1236Z WI S3853 W07058 - S4108 W06949 - S4122 W07031 - S4140 W07126 - S4055 W07157 - S4001 W07138 - S3853 W07058 FL050/110 STNR NC=  291 WSAG31 SABE 081236 SAEF SIGMET 4 VALID 081236/081636 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 1236Z WI S3853 W07058 - S4108 W06949 - S4122 W07031 - S4140 W07126 - S4055 W07157 - S4001 W07138 - S3853 W07058 FL050/110 STNR NC=  516 WAIY32 LIIB 081233 LIRR AIRMET 13 VALID 081300/081600 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3954 E00757 - N4002 E01053 - N3746 E01056 - N3858 E00758 - N3954 E00757 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  517 WSRS31 RURD 081227 URRV SIGMET 7 VALID 081230/081430 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI N4510 E03643 - N4646 E03808 - N4516 E03959 - N4407 E03809 - N4510 E03643 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH INTSF=  692 WSCI38 ZYTX 081229 ZYSH SIGMET 8 VALID 081230/081630 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST SE OF LINE N5039 E12713 - N4450 E12048 AND NE OF LINE N4450 E12048 - N4138 E12630 FL050/150 MOV NE 25KMH WKN =  785 WSCO31 SKBO 080447 CCA SIGMET SKEC SIGMET A1 VALID 080450/080750 SKBO- SKEC BARRANQUILLA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0402Z WI N0747 W07512 - N0959 W07353 - N0946 W07252 - N0811 W07344 - N0735 W07441 - N0747 W07512 TOP FL480 MOV W 06KT INTSF=  754 WAIY32 LIIB 081238 LIRR AIRMET 14 VALID 081300/081600 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3739 E01358 - N3629 E01253 - N3629 E01634 - N3853 E01651 - N3739 E01358 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  954 WSCI31 RCTP 081231 RCAA SIGMET 2 VALID 081300/081700 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2500 E11830 - N2500 E12200 - N2630 E12400 - N2830 E12400 - N2700 E12000 TOP ABV FL400 MOV E 05KT NC=  527 WWUS86 KHNX 081234 RFWHNX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 534 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 11 PM TUESDAY FOR THE SIERRA NEVADA, FOOTHILLS, AND TEHACHAPI MOUNTAINS... .A low pressure trough will bring easterly winds through the Tehachapi Mountains and northeasterly winds through the Serra Nevada through this evening. Some gusts in the Sierra Nevada could approach 30-40 mph. Critically dry fuels in these areas will result in a greater threat of fire ignitions as well as rapid fire growth and dangerous fire behavior. CAZ590>597-082030- /O.CON.KHNX.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Central Sierra Foothills-Southern Sierra Foothills-Central Sierra- North Kings River-Sequoia Kings-Lake Isabella-Tehachapi Area- Fort Tejon- 534 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR LOW HUMIDITIES AND BREEZY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, AND 597... * AFFECTED AREA...Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Lake Isabella area. Sierra Nevada foothills from Mariposa to Tulare Counties. Tehachapi Mountains and Ft Tejon area in Kern County. * WIND...Northwest to North winds 15 to 25 mph with local gusts up to 40 mph possible. * HUMIDITY...10 to 15 percent. * TEMPERATURES...Maximum temperatures 95 to 105 degrees. * IMPACTS...Fires that develop will likely spread rapidly and could exhibit dangerous fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ DS  646 WAIY32 LIIB 081239 LIRR AIRMET 15 VALID 081300/081600 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3755 E01251 - N3809 E01530 - N3911 E01618 - N3857 E01637 - N3854 E01708 - N3750 E01559 - N3701 E01434 - N3755 E01251 STNR NC=  675 WAIY33 LIIB 081240 LIBB AIRMET 2 VALID 081300/081600 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4010 E01644 - N4111 E01507 - N3910 E01618 - N3857 E01637 - N3854 E01707 - N4010 E01644 STNR NC=  151 WABZ23 SBGL 081235 SBAZ AIRMET 4 VALID 081230/081630 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 3000M FU FCST WI S0705 W06029 - S0437 W05639 - S1036 W05245 - S1350 W05535 - S0705 W06029 STNR NC=  678 WSID21 WAAA 081233 WAAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 081233/081633 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0141 E11324 - S0224 E11355 - S 0231 E11214 - S0205 E11105 - S0055 E11158 - S0141 E11324 TOP FL530 MO V W 20KT NC=  479 WABZ23 SBGL 081236 SBCW AIRMET 19 VALID 081236/081635 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0050M FG WI S2433 W05401 - S2426 W05301 - S2531 W05317 - S2526 W05401 - S2433 W05401 STNR NC=  480 WABZ23 SBGL 081236 SBCW AIRMET 18 VALID 081236/081635 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 000/1000FT OBS AT 1200Z WI S2433 W05401 - S2426 W05301 - S2531 W05317 - S2526 W05401 - S2433 W05401 STNR NC=  017 WAIY31 LIIB 081230 LIMM AIRMET 22 VALID 081230/081630 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4448 E00906 - N4350 E00723 - N4317 E00915 - N4448 E00906 SFC/FL050 STNR WKN=  548 WABZ23 SBGL 081239 SBCW AIRMET 20 VALID 081239/081635 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL AIRMET 19 081236/081635=  879 WABZ23 SBGL 081239 SBCW AIRMET 21 VALID 081239/081635 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0050M FG OBS AT 1200Z WI S2433 W05401 - S2426 W05301 - S2531 W05317 - S2526 W05401 - S2433 W05401 STNR NC=  230 WSSN31 ESWI 081241 ESAA SIGMET U04 VALID 081241/081400 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6250 E01220 - N6238 E01507 - N6202 E01648 - N6106 E01645 - N6000 E01240 - N6110 E01255 - N6200 E01220 - N6250 E01220 FL240/370 MOV NE 10KT WKN=  605 WSSN31 ESWI 081243 ESAA SIGMET U05 VALID 081243/081400 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR CNL SIGMET U03 081200/081400=  976 ACUS01 KWNS 081247 SWODY1 SPC AC 081245 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0745 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 081300Z - 091200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS PARTS OF MISSOURI/ILLINOIS AND SOUTHEAST NEW MEXICO/WEST TEXAS... ...SUMMARY... A few strong to locally severe thunderstorms could occur this afternoon and early evening across parts of Missouri/Illinois and/or southeast New Mexico and West Texas. ...Missouri/Illinois... Mid-level height rises are generally expected over the region, and the front across central portions of Missouri and Illinois will not be overly southeastward-progressive through the afternoon/early evening. Strong heating south of the front and sufficient convergence near it should allow for widely scattered thunderstorm development along the front this afternoon, although much of the convection will otherwise be focused on the cool side of the boundary. While low/mid-tropospheric winds and deep-layer shear will be weak (30 kt or less), a few strong/briefly severe thunderstorms could occur, primarily with any convective development that originates on the warm/moderately unstable side of the boundary this afternoon. ...Eastern New Mexico/west Texas... A strong cold front will continue to make a steady southeastward progression across the region through this afternoon and evening. Although vertical shear near/ahead of the front will be weak, moderate instability may allow for a few strong or locally severe thunderstorms with expected near-frontal development during mid/late afternoon through early evening. Steepening mid-level lapse rates and strengthening effective shear in the post-frontal environment could also support some elevated thunderstorms with hail potential. ..Guyer/Mosier.. 09/08/2020 $$  981 WUUS01 KWNS 081247 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0745 AM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 081300Z - 091200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... 0.05 33470423 33780248 34430069 34490018 33980009 33190019 32560093 31990265 32020459 32870480 33470423 && ... WIND ... 0.05 38979209 39329079 39428998 39078977 38638993 37689169 37239333 37399429 38019433 38429308 38979209 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 39078977 38638993 37689169 37239333 37399429 38019433 38429308 38979209 39329079 39428998 39078977 MRGL 33980009 33190019 32560093 31990265 32020459 32870480 33470423 33780248 34430069 34490018 33980009 TSTM 45137238 43417499 42787651 41697930 40968311 39528789 36929226 34449416 33559466 32399416 31169153 31129037 31008896 31458669 31758417 33268295 34718221 35688163 36458047 36867977 37297859 37437747 36947522 99999999 31481285 33031243 33871305 34621330 35991244 37391141 38021058 38670874 39060657 38730581 38370524 38470395 39140277 39530233 40400127 41549970 43819461 43969220 44268924 44628674 45288346 45498203 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 NE ALN 10 NW BLV 25 ESE TBN SGF 20 NE JLN 60 N JLN 35 SE SZL 15 NNE COU 45 NNW STL 35 SSW SPI 20 NE ALN. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SSE CDS 60 NNW ABI 40 NE BGS 25 W MAF 20 NE GDP 35 SSW ROW 20 NE ROW 40 WNW LBB 25 W CDS CDS 35 SSE CDS. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 20 NNW EFK 25 NE UCA 20 N ITH 30 S JHW 30 E FDY 20 E MTO 25 WNW UNO 30 NNE DEQ 40 SSW DEQ 20 WSW SHV 35 SSW HEZ MCB 40 SE PIB 20 E GZH 15 N ABY 50 SSE AHN 15 S GSP 15 W HKY 40 NW GSO 30 NW DAN 35 E LYH 10 WSW RIC 55 E ORF ...CONT... 100 S GBN 15 ENE GBN 65 SW PRC 50 W PRC 15 W GCN 35 N PGA 30 SSE 4HV 30 SSW GJT 20 SE ASE 60 W COS 40 W PUB 35 ENE PUB 25 WSW ITR 20 N ITR 20 ESE IML 10 NNW BBW 15 NW FRM 15 ENE RST 40 WNW OSH 35 NW MBL 15 NNE APN 80 ENE APN.  275 WWCN02 CYTR 081249 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:49 AM EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM WARNING ENDED TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: THUNDERSTORMS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING ARE EXPECTED WITHIN 30 NM VALID: UNTIL 08/1500Z (UNTIL 08/1100 EDT) COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS WITHIN 5 NM OF THE BASE ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. THUNDERSTORM ACTIVITY HAS BEGUN TO DIMINISH HOWEVER THERE IS STILL A POSSIBILITY THAT THERE ARE LIGHTNING STRIKES WITHIN 30 NM OF CFB BORDEN. THESE THUNDERSTORMS WILL DISSIPATE LATER THIS MORNING. THESE THUNDERSTORMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO PRODUCE HEAVY DOWNPOURS, AND STRONG WIND GUSTS TO 30 KNOTS. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 08/1500Z (08/1100 EDT) END/JMC  171 WABZ23 SBGL 081249 SBCW AIRMET 22 VALID 081249/081430 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0600M DZ OBS AT 1200Z WI S2326 W04716 - S2317 W04530 - S2417 W04554 - S2358 W04752 - S2326 W04716 STNR NC=  172 WABZ23 SBGL 081249 SBCW AIRMET 23 VALID 081249/081430 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 500/1000FT OBS AT 1200Z WI S2326 W04716 - S2317 W04530 - S2417 W04554 - S2358 W04752 - S2326 W04716 STNR NC=  253 WWUS73 KDLH 081251 NPWDLH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 751 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MNZ010>012-018-019-025-026-035-090100- /O.EXP.KDLH.FR.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.FZ.A.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ Koochiching-North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-North Itasca- Central St. Louis-North Cass-South Itasca-Northern Aitkin- Including the cities of International Falls, Ely, Isabella, Bigfork, Hibbing, Walker, Grand Rapids, and Hill City 751 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM CDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...North Itasca, Central St. Louis, Northern Cook and Lake, Northern Aitkin, Koochiching, North St. Louis, South Itasca and North Cass Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Mille Lacs Band, Big Sandy Lake area and the Bois Forte Band, Deer Creek, Nett Lake and, Lake Vermillion areas. * WHEN...From late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MNZ020-021-036-037-081400- /O.EXP.KDLH.FR.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-200908T1300Z/ Southern Lake-Southern Cook-South Aitkin- Carlton and South St. Louis- Including the cities of Two Harbors, Silver Bay, Grand Marais, Aitkin, and Duluth 751 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM CDT THIS MORNING... $$ MNZ033-034-090100- /O.CON.KDLH.FZ.A.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ South Cass-Crow Wing- Including the cities of Pine River and Brainerd 751 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 34 possible. * WHERE...Crow Wing and South Cass Counties. * WHEN...From late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  570 WSUS32 KKCI 081255 SIGC MKCC WST 081255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36C VALID UNTIL 1455Z IA NE FROM 70NNW OVR-10NNW OVR-40E MCK-30SE ONL-70NNW OVR DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37C VALID UNTIL 1455Z IA FROM 40SSW ODI-40WNW DBQ-50SSE MCW-10NE MCW-40SSW ODI AREA TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38C VALID UNTIL 1455Z MI IN IL MO IA NE LM FROM 10W DBQ-30NNW GIJ-20WSW FWA-60E MCI-30ENE PWE-10W DBQ AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39C VALID UNTIL 1455Z LA TX AND TX CSTL WTRS FROM 50NW IAH-30W LCH-130ESE PSX-40SSW PSX-50NW IAH AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 081455-081855 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-TTT-GGG-LCH-CRP-DLF-TXO-GLD-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  786 WOCN12 CWTO 081252 FROST ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:52 A.M. EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF THUNDER BAY KENORA - NESTOR FALLS DRYDEN - IGNACE FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE ATIKOKAN - UPSALA - QUETICO SUPERIOR WEST NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH. FROST ADVISORY ENDED FOR: WAWA - WHITE RIVER - PUKASKWA AGAWA - LAKE SUPERIOR PARK TIMMINS - COCHRANE - IROQUOIS FALLS CHAPLEAU - GOGAMA KIRKLAND LAKE - ENGLEHART. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== PATCHY FROST LIKELY TONIGHT. LOW TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO BE NEAR OR JUST BELOW ZERO DEGREES CELSIUS TONIGHT. COVER UP PLANTS, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. TAKE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT FROST-SENSITIVE PLANTS AND TREES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  945 WSPS21 NZKL 081247 NZZO SIGMET 24 VALID 081252/081652 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1350 W17450 - S1500 W17150 - S1440 W17000 - S1250 W16930 - S1050 W17000 - S0950 W17310 - S1350 W17450 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  538 WSPS21 NZKL 081248 NZZO SIGMET 25 VALID 081252/081317 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 13 080917/081317=  784 WSUS31 KKCI 081255 SIGE MKCE WST 081255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42E VALID UNTIL 1455Z OH MI LE LH FROM 20SE ECK-30SSE DXO-40NE FWA-40SW FNT-20SE ECK AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 43E VALID UNTIL 1455Z NC GA AND NC SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 70SSE ECG-160SE ECG-150SSE ILM-40NNW CRG-70SSE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 10010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. OUTLOOK VALID 081455-081855 AREA 1...FROM ECK-DXO-CLE-APE-TTH-BAE-ECK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  785 WSUS33 KKCI 081255 SIGW MKCW WST 081255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081455-081855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  528 WWST02 SBBR 081300 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 1125/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SAT - 05/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA N OF 32S STARTING AT 071200 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 090000 UTC. WARNING NR 1131/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SUN - 06/SEP/2020 AREA CHARLIE S OF 26S STARTING AT 080000 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 081500 UTC. WARNING NR 1134/2020 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1400 UTC - SUN - 06/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO S OF 25S STARTING AT 081200 UTC. WAVES FROM SE/E 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 091200 UTC. WARNING NR 1137/2020 HIGH SURF WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 HIGH SURF BETWEEN MOSTARDAS (RS) AND FLORIANÓPOLIS (SC). WAVES FROM S/SE 2.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 090000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1127/2020. WARNING NR 1139/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO S OF 26S. WIND SE/E FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 090000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 1129/2020. WARNING NR 1140/2020 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 25S AND 30S W OF 30W STARTING AT 080900 UTC. WIND SE/NE FORCE 8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 101200 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1132/2020. WARNING NR 1142/2020 GALE/STORM WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - MON - 07/SEP/2020 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 035W STARTING AT 100000 UTC. WIND NE/N FORCE 8/10. VALID UNTIL 111200 UTC. WARNING NR 1143/2020 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - TUE - 08/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA E OF 052W STARTING AT 091200 UTC. WAVES FROM E/NE 3.0/4.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 110000 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1138/2020. WARNING NR 1144/2020 NEAR GALE/SEVERE GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - TUE - 08/SEP/2020 AREA ALFA STARTING AT 090000 UTC. WIND E/NE FORCE 7/8 BACK NE/NW FORCE 7/9 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 102100 UTC. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING 1141/2020. WARNING NR 1145/2020 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - TUE - 08/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO S OF 27S STARTING AT 091200 UTC. WIND E/NE FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 102100 UTC. WARNING NR 1146/2020 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC - TUE - 08/SEP/2020 AREA BRAVO N OF 24S AND AREA DELTA W OF 040W STARTING AT 101200 UTC. WIND E/NE FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 120000 UTC. WARNING NR 1147/2020 VERY ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1300 UTC – TUE - 08/SEP/2020 SOUTH OCEANIC AREA S OF 30S AND W OF 045W STARTING AT 101200 UTC. WAVES FROM E/NE 4.0/5.0 METERS. VALID UNTIL 110000 UTC. NNNN  125 WAUS43 KKCI 081254 AAA WA3T CHIT WA 081254 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET TURB...IA WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 70SE SSM TO 20S ECK TO 30ESE GIJ TO 50SSW BDF TO 50SSW IOW TO 40E ODI TO 70SE SSM MOD TURB BTN 060 AND FL180. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL...UPDT FROM 30N INL TO YQT TO SSM TO 50WNW YVV TO 20ENE ECK TO 20SW DXO TO 50SSE RWF TO 50S DPR TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 30N INL MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS OK TX BOUNDED BY 50ESE LAA-20E ICT-20S OKC-30WNW ABI-30SSW TXO-50ESE LAA LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  326 WANO36 ENMI 081255 ENOB AIRMET E02 VALID 081300/081700 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N8015 E01810 - N8000 E02950 - N7610 E03010 - N7630 E01640 - N8015 E01810 2000FT/FL060 STNR NC=  802 WAUS45 KKCI 081254 AAA WA5T SLCT WA 081254 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 081500 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ FROM 60S BIL TO 50WSW DEN TO 30SE DVC TO 40S LAS TO 20SSE OAL TO 70WSW TWF TO 30SE DNJ TO 60S BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO...UPDT FROM 80SE YYN TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO 20WNW LAR TO 20SSE JNC TO BCE TO 20ENE BTY TO 30ESE OAL TO 20ESE BOI TO 80SE YYN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...ID WY NV UT CO FROM 70SSW LKT TO 20SSE BOY TO 30NW DBL TO 40S ILC TO 30WNW ELY TO 70SSW LKT SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID WY UT CO BOUNDED BY 20NE TWF-60SSE BOY-30ESE CHE-20N HBU-50E ILC-20NE TWF LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 18-21Z. . OTLK VALID 1500-2100Z AREA 1...TURB ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA BOUNDED BY 50SW DDY-40NNE ALS-20NNE ABQ-50WNW PHX-BZA-60S TRM- 60SW OAL-20NW OAL-50WSW TWF-50SW DDY MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. . AREA 2...TURB ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM...UPDT BOUNDED BY 50NNW ISN-70SW RAP-40NNW BFF-40NW ABQ-40SW TBC-30S LAS-20SE BTY-50E BOI-50NNW ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG THRU 21Z. ....  357 WWUS85 KSLC 081256 AWWSLC UTC035-081800- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 654 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 Airport Weather Warning for erratic northerly winds gusting to greater than 40 mph/35 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 654 AM MDT to noon MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  824 WOPS01 NFFN 081200 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  429 WSPS21 NZKL 081253 NZZO SIGMET 26 VALID 081257/081657 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5200 W14440 - S5020 W14920 - S4830 W14540 - S5200 W14130 - S5200 W14440 FL200/320 MOV E 20KT WKN=  846 WSPS21 NZKL 081254 NZZO SIGMET 27 VALID 081257/081322 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 15 080922/081322=  476 WSSD20 OEJD 081300 OEJD SIGMET 02 VALID 081300/081700 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR TS OBS S OF N25 W OF E43 MOV W INTSF =  584 WSSD20 OEJD 081300 OEJD SIGMET 02 VALID 081300/081700 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR TS OBS S OF N25 W OF E43 MOV W INTSF =  904 WSAU21 AMMC 081258 YBBB SIGMET B04 VALID 081258/081330 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET B03 080930/081330=  905 WSAU21 AMMC 081258 YMMM SIGMET Q10 VALID 081258/081330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET Q09 080930/081330=  895 WVPR31 SPJC 081258 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 081330/081930 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1230Z WI S1547 W07150 - S1605 W07132 - S1616 W07147 - S1605 W07202 - S1547 W07150 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 1830Z VA CLD WI S1541 W07133 - S1558 W07119 - S1619 W07122 - S1610 W07147 - S1547 W07150 - S1541 W07133 SFC/FL240=  195 WVEQ31 SEQU 081250 SEFG SIGMET 3 VALID 081250/081850 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 1220Z WI S0155 W07847 - S0158 W07820 - S0202 W07819 - S0202 W07848 - S0155 W07847 SFC/FL210 MOV W 25KT FCST AT 1830Z WI S0156 W07849 - S0158 W07819 - S0202 W07819 - S0203 W07848 - S0156 W07849=  727 WSEO31 EETN 081303 EETT SIGMET U01 VALID 081305/081700 EEMH- EETT TALLINN FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E02300 FL220/350 MOV NE 10KT NC=  942 WSPS21 NZKL 081257 NZZO SIGMET 28 VALID 081304/081704 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3750 W15440 - S4400 W14900 - S4450 W15110 - S3610 W16000 - S3750 W15440 FL200/280 MOV E 20KT NC=  456 WSPS21 NZKL 081258 NZZO SIGMET 29 VALID 081305/081332 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 17 080932/081332=  916 WSRS31 RURD 081308 URRV SIGMET 8 VALID 081310/081430 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4327 E04010 - N4913 E04011 - N5021 E04240 - N4237 E04523 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  567 WGUS82 KTBW 081309 FLSTBW Flood Statement National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL 909 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Peace River At Bartow affecting Polk County. .The Peace River at Bartow remains in flood stage after recent heavy rainfall. Water levels are expected to remain fairly steady through midweek with some additional rainfall expected. For the Peace...including Bartow...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. All interested parties should take necessary precautions immediately. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued this evening. && FLC105-090300- /O.CON.KTBW.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /BARF1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.200908T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 909 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Peace River At Bartow. * Until further notice. * At 8:15 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 8.2 feet. * Flood stage is 8.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:15 AM EDT Tuesday was 8.2 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 8.2 feet this afternoon. * Impact...At 8.0 feet, Private roads downstream flood. * Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 8.2 feet on 09/29/1948. && Fld Observed Forecasts (8 am EDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Peace River Bartow 8.0 8.2 Tue 8 am 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.0 8.0 && LAT...LON 2791 8178 2762 8176 2762 8184 2791 8186 $$ TBW  004 WSRS31 RURD 081309 URRV SIGMET 9 VALID 081310/081430 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR CNL SIGMET 6 081230/081430=  238 WSPS21 NZKL 081305 NZZO SIGMET 30 VALID 081310/081710 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3250 W17840 - S2640 E17120 - S2640 E17440 - S3010 W17830 - S3200 W16410 - S3400 W16410 - S3250 W17840 FL230/370 STNR NC=  626 WSPS21 NZKL 081306 NZZO SIGMET 31 VALID 081310/081340 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 19 080940/081340=  166 WWUS85 KLKN 081311 RFWLKN URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 611 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ426-427-090300- /O.CAN.KLKN.FW.W.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KLKN.FW.W.0024.200908T1900Z-200909T0300Z/ Northern Nye County-Mojave-Central Nevada-Toiyabe- 611 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 426 AND 427... The National Weather Service in Elko has issued a Red Flag Warning for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from noon today to 8 PM PDT this evening. * Affected Area...Fire Weather Zone 426 Northern Nye County- Mojave and Fire Weather Zone 427 Central Nevada-Toiyabe. * Winds...North 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. * Impacts...The combination of gusty winds and low humidity will create critical fire weather conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ NVZ424-437-438-469-470-090300- /O.NEW.KLKN.FW.W.0024.200908T1900Z-200909T0300Z/ Southeastern Humboldt County and northern Lander County- Humboldt County-Quinn- W Elko County, N Eureka and Lander Counties N of I80- Central Elko County-Eastern Elko County- 611 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 424...437...438...469 AND 470... The National Weather Service in Elko has issued a Red Flag Warning for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from noon today to 8 PM PDT this evening. * Affected Area...Fire Weather Zone 424 Southeastern Humboldt County and northern Lander County...Fire Weather Zone 437 Humboldt County-Quinn...Fire Weather Zone 438 W Elko County, N Eureka and Lander Counties N of I80...Fire Weather Zone 469 Central Elko County and Fire Weather Zone 470 Eastern Elko County. * Winds...Northeast 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 8 percent. * Impacts...The combination of gusty winds and low humidity will create critical fire weather conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  618 WWUS86 KPDT 081312 RFWPDT URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 612 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...DRY AND BREEZY CONDITIONS CONTINUE THROUGH TONIGHT... .Poor RH recovery Mon night/Tue morn will give way to another day of critically low min humidity with breezy to gusty winds remaining east to northeast over Cascades and areas just eastward. Overnight RH recovery tonight will remain poor but surface gradients and winds are expected to weaken overnight tonight. ORZ610-611-639-WAZ639-681-090600- /O.CON.KPDT.FW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ East Slopes of Central Oregon Cascades-Deschutes National Forest - minus Sisters Ranger District- East Slopes of the Northern Oregon Cascades- East Slopes of the Southern Washington Cascades- Yakama Alpine District- 612 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES OR610, OR611, OR639, WA639, AND WA681... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire weather Zone 610 East slopes of Central Oregon Cascades, Fire weather zone 611 Deschutes National Forest- minus Sisters Ranger District, Fire weather zone 639 East Slopes of the Northern Oregon Cascades Fire Weather Zone 639 East Slopes of the Southern Washington Cascades, and Fire Weather Zone 681 Yakama Alpine District. * TIMING...Until late evening today, Tuesday. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...10 to 15 percent minimums Tuesday. Poor humidity recovery expected again tonight with maximum humidity 30 to 40 percent. * WIND...Easterly 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph on Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Any ongoing fires or new fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  619 WWUS74 KLUB 081312 NPWLUB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lubbock TX 812 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ021-022-027-082100- /O.NEW.KLUB.WI.Y.0014.200908T1312Z-200909T1200Z/ Parmer-Castro-Bailey- Including the cities of Friona, Bovina, Farwell, Dimmitt, Hart, and Muleshoe 812 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Parmer, Castro and Bailey Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  002 WSFJ01 NFFN 081200 NFFF SIGMET 04 VALID 081415/081815 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1154 E17612 - S1230 W17512 - S1436 W17618 - S1454 E17636 - S1154 E17612 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  424 WSKO31 RKSI 081320 RKRR SIGMET X07 VALID 081330/081700 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3739 E12359 - N3758 E12827 - N3512 E12833 - N3340 E12359 - N3739 E12359 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  222 WSMS31 WMKK 081313 WMFC SIGMET D03 VALID 081315/081615 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0537 E10106 - N0607 E10152 - N0314 E10251 - N0250 E10144 - N0427 E09959 - N0639 E10033 - N0537 E10106 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  062 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 CCA SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  493 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 CCA SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  036 WSBZ01 SBBR 081200 CCA SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 081220/081620 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0022 W06257 - S0443 W05429 - S0707 W05953 - S0415 W06706 - S0142 W06625 - S0022 W06257 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  480 WABZ23 SBGL 081320 SBCW AIRMET 24 VALID 081320/081720 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1000M BR OBS AT 1300Z WI S2226 W05549 - S2217 W05536 - S2239 W05533 - S2242 W05548 - S2226 W05549 STNR NC=  963 WABZ23 SBGL 081320 SBCW AIRMET 25 VALID 081320/081720 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 100/1000FT OBS AT 1300Z WI S2226 W05549 - S2217 W05536 - S2239 W05533 - S2242 W05548 - S2226 W05549 STNR NC=  904 WWIN80 VOHS 081325 VOHS 081330Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 081400/081800 TSRA SFC WSPD 18KT MAX 25KT FROM 270 DEG FCST NC=  626 WSBZ01 SBBR 081300 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 081220/081620 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0022 W06257 - S0443 W05429 - S0707 W05953 - S0415 W06706 - S0142 W06625 - S0022 W06257 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  627 WSBZ01 SBBR 081300 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 -S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  628 WSBZ01 SBBR 081300 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 -S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  629 WSBZ01 SBBR 081300 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  819 WOCN20 CWVR 081322 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AT 6:22 A.M. PDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: ARROW LAKES - SLOCAN LAKE WEST KOOTENAY KOOTENAY LAKE EAST KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SMOKY SKIES BULLETIN - SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 THE REGIONS OF BC HIGHLIGHTED ON THE MAP ARE BEING IMPACTED OR ARE LIKELY TO BE IMPACTED BY WILDFIRE SMOKE OVER THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS. A PASSING COLD FRONT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO INCREASE THE GROUND-LEVEL SMOKE CONCENTRATIONS. LOCALIZED IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED FROM THE DOCTOR CREEK AND TALBOTT CREEK WILDFIRES, WITH POSSIBLE TRANSPORT OF SMOKE FROM THESE FIRES ACROSS THE SOUTHERN KOOTENAYS. THE NEXT BULLETIN UPDATE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2020. THE BULLETIN CAN BE ACCESSED ONLINE AT: HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR/AIR-QUALITY/AIR-ADVISORIES DURING A WILDFIRE, SMOKE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE QUICKLY OVER SHORT DISTANCES AND CAN VARY CONSIDERABLY HOUR-BY-HOUR. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A NATURAL PART OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE MINDFUL THAT EXPOSURE TO SMOKE MAY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS, RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, OLDER ADULTS, PREGNANT WOMEN AND INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE HEALTH EFFECTS FROM SMOKE EXPOSURE. IF YOU OR THOSE IN YOUR CARE ARE EXPOSED TO WILDFIRE SMOKE, CONSIDER TAKING EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TO REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A CONSTANTLY-CHANGING MIXTURE OF PARTICLES AND GASSES WHICH INCLUDES MANY CHEMICALS THAT CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONSULT WWW.CANADA.CA/EN/ENVIRONMENT-CLIMATE-CHANGE/SERVICES/AIR-QUALITY-HEALTH-INDEX/WILDFIRE-SMOKE.HTML. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  181 WGUS81 KILN 081327 FLSILN Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 927 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC011-065-091-107-149-081337- /O.CAN.KILN.FA.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200908T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Auglaize OH-Hardin OH-Mercer OH- 927 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN SHELBY...NORTHERN LOGAN... AUGLAIZE...SOUTHERN HARDIN AND CENTRAL MERCER COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... Flood waters have receded and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. Please report previous flooding to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 4069 8342 4051 8342 4050 8352 4048 8352 4043 8480 4064 8480 4066 8422 4066 8411 4064 8411 4064 8391 4065 8388 4067 8388 $$ Sites  210 WWUS75 KVEF 081327 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 627 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ002-036-CAZ527-NVZ021-090600- /O.CON.KVEF.HW.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.200909T0600Z-200910T0100Z/ Lake Havasu and Fort Mohave-Lake Mead National Recreation Area- San Bernardino County-Upper Colorado River Valley- Including Lake Havasu City, Desert Hills, Topock, Bullhead City, Oatman, Mohave Valley, Needles, Hoover Dam, and Laughlin 627 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /627 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING TO 6 PM PDT /6 PM MST/ WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...In Arizona, Lake Havasu and Fort Mohave and Lake Mead National Recreation Area. In California, San Bernardino County- Upper Colorado River Valley. In Nevada, Lake Mead National Recreation Area. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, from 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ this morning to 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ this evening. For the Wind Advisory, from 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ this evening to 6 PM PDT /6 PM MST/ Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Boating conditions will be hazardous. Wave heights 2 to 4 feet could capsize small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The Wind Advisory will begin when the High Wind Warning ends to indicate lesser but persistent elevated wind speeds. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. Boaters on area lakes should use extra caution since strong winds and rough waves can overturn small craft. && $$ AZZ001-003-CAZ520-522>526-NVZ014>020-022-090600- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Northwest Plateau-Northwest Deserts-Owens Valley- Death Valley National Park-Western Mojave Desert- Eastern Mojave Desert-Morongo Basin-Cadiz Basin- Esmeralda and Central Nye County-Lincoln County- Northeast Clark County-Western Clark and Southern Nye County- Sheep Range-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon-Las Vegas Valley- Southern Clark County- Including Colorado City, Pipe Spring National Monument, Tuweep, Mt Trumbull, Western Grand Canyon, Kingman, Golden Valley, Dolan Springs, Valentine, Wikieup, Yucca, Bishop, Independence, Lone Pine, Olancha, Furnace Creek, Stovepipe Wells, Shoshone, Barstow, Daggett, Fort Irwin, Baker, Mountain Pass, Mitchell Caverns, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, Twentynine Palms, Vidal Junction, Beatty, Goldfield, Silver Peak, Dyer, Caliente, Pioche, Panaca, Hiko, Alamo, Rachel, Mesquite, Overton, Moapa, Pahrump, Indian Springs, Desert Rock, Amargosa Valley, Hayford Pk, The Town Of Mt Charleston, Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Primm, Searchlight, and Cal-Nev-Ari 627 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /627 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Arizona, southeast California and south central and southern Nevada. * WHEN...From 6 AM PDT /6 AM MST/ this morning to 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/lasvegas  646 WGUS81 KILN 081328 FLSILN Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 928 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC041-081338- /O.CAN.KILN.FA.W.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Delaware OH- 928 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR DELAWARE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... Flood waters have receded and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. Please report previous flooding to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 4043 8302 4042 8301 4041 8292 4036 8292 4035 8275 4013 8276 4014 8317 4024 8317 4024 8325 4044 8325 $$ Sites  522 WGUS81 KILN 081329 FLSILN Flood Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 929 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHC011-037-091-107-149-159-081338- /O.CAN.KILN.FA.W.0020.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shelby OH-Logan OH-Darke OH-Auglaize OH-Union OH-Mercer OH- 929 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE FLOOD WARNING FOR SHELBY...LOGAN...NORTHERN DARKE AND SOUTHWESTERN AUGLAIZE COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL OHIO...UNION COUNTY IN CENTRAL OHIO AND SOUTHERN MERCER COUNTIES IN WEST CENTRAL OHIO IS CANCELLED... Flood waters have receded and are no longer expected to pose a threat to life or property. Please continue to heed any road closures. Please report previous flooding to the National Weather Service by going to our website at weather.gov/iln and submitting your report via social media. LAT...LON 4050 8325 4025 8325 4025 8378 4027 8401 4025 8402 4024 8480 4043 8480 4048 8352 4051 8351 $$ Sites  655 WSNO34 ENMI 081330 ENBD SIGMET C04 VALID 081400/081800 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6325 E00425 - N6250 E01220 - N6200 E01220 - N6200 E00500 FL240/400 STNR NC=  407 WSCI34 ZSSS 081332 ZSHA SIGMET 3 VALID 081400/081800 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N27 TOP FL330 MOV E 20KMH WKN=  250 WWIN81 VOTV 081336 VOTV 081330Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 081400/081800 TSRA FCST NC=  431 WAUS44 KKCI 081331 AAB WA4S DFWS WA 081331 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 081500 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 80SW DIK TO 50SW FOD TO 20NNW BAE TO 40NE ECK TO 20NE DXO TO FWA TO 40WSW ROD TO 40ESE BUM TO 40NNE AMA TO 50NNE TCC TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 80SW DIK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z THRU 21Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 30NNW CWK TO 40SSW CWK TO 40S SAT TO 70SW SAT TO 20SSE DLF TO 40NNW DLF TO 30W JCT TO 30NNW CWK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS DVLPG BY 12Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 15Z ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX LA FROM 40SE GGG TO 40WSW AEX TO 50WSW LCH TO 30SSW IAH TO 50WSW LFK TO 40SE GGG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. . AIRMET IFR...TN AL KY FROM 20ENE LOZ TO HMV TO GQO TO 40S GQO TO 30NW MSL TO 20ENE LOZ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 12-15Z. ....  212 WSIR31 OIII 081330 OIIX SIGMET 1 VALID 081330/081430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3115 E05006 - N3009 E05106 - N3042 E05209 - N3145 E05025 TOP ABV FL330 MOV E NC=  024 WOIN20 VEPT 081245 FROM: FORECAST PATNA TO: FLOOD FORECASTING WARNING CENTRE, DHAKA (E-MAIL ID:FFWC05@YAHOO.COM & FFWCBWDB@GMAIL.COM) MEMBER, JRC (E-MAIL ID: JRCB@QUBEEMAIL.COM.BD) COMMISSIONER (GANGA) MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, NEW DELHI (E-MAIL ID: MOWR@NIC.IN) SENIOR JOINT COMMISSIONER-I (GANGA) MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, NEW DELHI (E-MAIL ID: MOWR@NIC.IN) DIRECTOR, METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, PATNA (E-MAIL ID: PATNAMC@GMAIL.COM) FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 380 M.C.PATNA DATED: 08.09.2020 (EVENING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT SAHIBGANJ ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 28.060 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO SIX ZERO 0900 NINE 08.09.2020 28.050 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO FIVE ZERO 1200 TWELVE 08.09.2020 28.050 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO FIVE ZERO 1500 FIFTEEN 08.09.2020 28.040 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO FOUR ZERO 1800 EIGHTEEN 08.09.2020 FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 381 M.C.PATNA DATED: 08.09.2020 (EVENING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT FARAKKA ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 0900 NINE 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 1200 TWELVE 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 1500 FIFTEEN 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 1800 EIGHTEEN 08.09.2020=  560 WSSP32 LEMM 081335 LECB SIGMET 6 VALID 081334/081425 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4011 E00310 - N3928 E00356 - N3832 E00313 - N3906 E00209 - N3929 E00226 - N4011 E00310 TOP FL360 MOV W 5KT NC=  396 WAKO31 RKSI 081340 RKRR AIRMET H04 VALID 081340/081730 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC WIND 260/30KT OBS WI N3814 E12742 - N3707 E12828 - N3735 E12911 - N3837 E12819 - N3814 E12742 STNR NC=  420 WSMS31 WMKK 081314 WMFC SIGMET D03 VALID 081315/081615 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0537 E10106 - N0607 E10152 - N0314 E10251 - N0250 E10144 - N0427 E09959 - N0639 E10033 - N0537 E10106 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  535 WSMX31 MMMX 081343 MMEX SIGMET A1 VALID 081341/081741 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1341Z 110NM WID LINE N2411 W10435 N2214 W10518 N2015 W10634 N1902 W10657 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV SW AT 5KT INTSF. =  824 WWUS85 KABQ 081343 AWWABQ Airport Weather Warning for the Albuquerque International Sunport National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 743 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...VERY STRONG EAST CANYON WIND FROM 0900L THIS MORNING THROUGH 0900L WEDNESDAY... A powerful back door cold front will plunge through Tijeras Canyon with east canyon wind gusts exceeding 35 kt at the Sunport from 0900L this morning through approximately 0900L Wednesday. Winds should peak in strength with sustained winds over 35 kt and gusts near or over 50 kt from 1600L this afternoon until 0700L Wednesday. Models agree on a brief lull of sustained winds under 35 kt from 20-22L this evening, but gusts will still be over 35 kt during this period. $$ 44  899 WGUS83 KLMK 081343 FLSLMK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Louisville KY 843 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Advisory is cancelled for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Rochester affecting Butler, Ohio and Muhlenberg Counties. KYC031-177-183-081445- /O.CAN.KLMK.FL.Y.0029.000000T0000Z-200908T1343Z/ /RCHK2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 843 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Advisory for the Green River at Rochester has been cancelled... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for the Green River at Rochester. * At 6:00 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 14.8 feet and falling. * Flood stage is 17.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to continue to fall. && LAT...LON 3728 8680 3718 8690 3727 8697 3739 8678 $$ BTN  477 WHUS73 KMKX 081344 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 844 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ643>646-082145- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0073.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 844 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 6 to 9 feet. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from North Point Lighthouse to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until 1 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  384 WSMX31 MMMX 081346 MMEX SIGMET C1 VALID 081344/081744 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1344Z 100NM WID LINE N1934 W09550 N1839 W09354 N1915 W09037 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  601 WSZA21 FAOR 081346 FAJO SIGMET F04 VALID 081400/081800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3440 E04128 - S3747 E04541 - S4157 E05648 - S4604 E05643 - S4235 E04139 - S3840 E03612 - S3456 E03328 FL320/400=  602 WSZA21 FAOR 081344 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 081400/081800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3251 E02841 - S3320 E02936 - S3454 E02908 - S3533 E02701 - S3518 E02526 - S3418 E02609 SFC/FL030=  480 WSMX31 MMMX 081350 MMEX SIGMET F2 VALID 081350/081950 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR CNL SIGMET F1 081100/081500=  236 WSZA21 FAOR 081347 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 081400/081800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2948 W00250 - S3109 E00255 - S3359 E00845 - S3457 E00635 - S3531 E00416 - S3830 E00620 - S3348 W00433 FL320/400=  628 WSMX31 MMMX 081353 MMEX SIGMET D2 VALID 081350/081750 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 1350Z WI N1526 W10521 N1500 W10500 N1131 W10000 N1301 W09501 N1388 W09430 N1522 W09323 N1559 W09510 N1606 W09644 N1541 W09835 N1645 W10005 N1439 W10114 N1617 W10439 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  984 WSZA21 FAOR 081350 FAJO SIGMET E04 VALID 081400/081800 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4535 E01323 - S4720 E01716 - S4959 E02233 - S5111 E01949 - S4912 E01437 - S4803 E01144 FL140/180=  985 WSZA21 FAOR 081351 FACA SIGMET C03 VALID 081400/081800 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3106 E02001 - S3239 E02116 - S3249 E02541 - S3401 E02531 - S3427 E02155 - S3415 E01907 - S3207 E01839 - S3109 E01757=  320 WSUS32 KKCI 081355 SIGC MKCC WST 081355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40C VALID UNTIL 1555Z IA NE FROM 70SSE FSD-40NE OVR-80NNW SLN-50WSW OBH-70SSE FSD AREA TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41C VALID UNTIL 1555Z MO KS FROM 30WNW MCI-20ENE BUM-40NW OSW-50S PWE-30WNW MCI AREA TS MOV FROM 23025KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42C VALID UNTIL 1555Z MI IN WI IL MO IA LM FROM 20NNW DBQ-40ENE GIJ-40W FWA-20S IRK-50SW DSM-20NNW DBQ AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 43C VALID UNTIL 1555Z TX AND LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 60W LFK-70SSW LCH-60NNE BRO-20N CRP-60W LFK AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 081555-081955 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-TTT-GGG-LCH-CRP-DLF-TXO-GLD-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  034 WWCN02 CYTR 081354 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:54 AM EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: THUNDERSTORM ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: THUNDERSTORMS HAVE ENDED. END/JMC  989 WSUS33 KKCI 081355 SIGW MKCW WST 081355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13W VALID UNTIL 1555Z UT FROM 50ENE HVE-50SSE HVE LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22030KT. TOPS TO FL370. OUTLOOK VALID 081555-081955 FROM DBL-CIM-TCS-PHX-DRK-INW-DVC-DBL WST ISSUANCES POSS LT IN PD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  990 WSUS31 KKCI 081355 SIGE MKCE WST 081355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 44E VALID UNTIL 1555Z MI LE FROM 20SW ECK-30SSE ECK-20SE DXO-10SW DXO-20SW ECK AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45E VALID UNTIL 1555Z NC SC FL GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20ESE ILM-140ESE ILM-110SE CHS-30SW CRG-30SE AMG-20ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 10010KT. TOPS TO FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. OUTLOOK VALID 081555-081955 AREA 1...FROM ECK-DXO-CLE-APE-TTH-BAE-ECK WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  080 WACN22 CWAO 081355 CZEG AIRMET E1 VALID 081355/081755 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR MDT TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF /N6002 W11159/CYSM SFC/FL005 QS WKNG RMK GFACN32 GFACN35=  081 WACN02 CWAO 081355 CZEG AIRMET E1 VALID 081355/081755 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR MDT TURB FCST WTN 30 NM OF N6002 W11159 SFC/FL005 QS WKNG=  573 WWUS73 KFGF 081356 NPWFGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 856 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ006-007-014-015-024-091400- /O.EXP.KFGF.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy- Including the cities of Cando, Langdon, Fort Totten, Maddock, Leeds, Minnewaukan, Devils Lake, and New Rockford 856 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 possible. * WHERE...Towner, Cavalier, Benson, Ramsey and Eddy Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>016-022-023-091400- /O.EXP.KFGF.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk- North Clearwater-Mahnomen-South Clearwater- Including the cities of Roseau, Warroad, Greenbush, Newfolden, Middle River, Grygla, Thief River Falls, Red Lake Falls, Fosston, Fertile, McIntosh, Erskine, Bagley, Clearbrook, Mahnomen, Naytahwaush, Waubun, Alida, Ebro, Lake Itasca, Long Lost Lake, Lower Rice Lake, Roy Lake, and Upper Rice Lake 856 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...Roseau, East Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake, East Polk, North Clearwater, Mahnomen and South Clearwater Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ001-002-004-006-007-009-017-024-NDZ008-016-026>030-038-054- 091400- /O.EXP.KFGF.FR.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ West Polk-Norman-Kittson-Lake Of The Woods-West Marshall- North Beltrami-South Beltrami-Hubbard-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Nelson-Grand Forks-Griggs-Steele-Traill-Barnes-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Crookston, East Grand Forks, Ada, Twin Valley, Halstad, Hallock, Karlstad, Lancaster, Baudette, Warren, Stephen, Argyle, Red Lake, Redby, Ponemah, Bemidji, Park Rapids, Cavalier, Walhalla, Drayton, Pembina, Neche, St. Thomas, Grafton, Park River, Lakota, Mcville, Aneta, Tolna, Grand Forks, Cooperstown, Finley, Hope, Mayville, Hillsboro, Hatton, Portland, Valley City, Edinburg, Adams, and Lankin 856 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...For the Freeze Watch, from late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MNZ003-027>032-040-NDZ039-049-052-053-091400- /O.CON.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Clay-West Becker-East Becker-Wilkin-West Otter Tail- East Otter Tail-Wadena-Grant-Cass-Ransom-Sargent-Richland- Including the cities of Moorhead, Detroit Lakes, Wolf Lake, Breckenridge, Fergus Falls, Perham, New York Mills, Parkers Prairie, Henning, Battle Lake, Wadena, Menahga, Elbow Lake, Hoffman, Ashby, Herman, Barrett, Fargo, Lisbon, Enderlin, Gwinner, Milnor, Forman, Rutland, and Wahpeton 856 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, northwest and west central Minnesota and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...From late Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  343 WSUS05 KKCI 081357 WS5Q SLCQ WS 081357 SIGMET QUEBEC 6 VALID UNTIL 081757 ID WY NV UT CO AZ FROM 40SW DDY TO 30SE CHE TO 30SW LAS TO 80SW TWF TO 40SW DDY OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS. RPTD BY ACFT. CONDS CONTG BYD 1757Z. ....  447 WWUS73 KBIS 081357 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 857 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-025-031>037-040>047-050-082200- /O.EXP.KBIS.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Foster-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux-Emmons-Logan- McIntosh- Including the cities of Crosby, Bowbells, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Portal, Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Williston, New Town, Stanley, Parshall, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, Solen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Wishek, and Ashley 857 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /757 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northwest, south central, southeast and southwest North Dakota. * WHEN...From late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NDZ048-051-082200- /O.EXP.KBIS.FR.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1400Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ La Moure-Dickey- Including the cities of Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Oakes, and Ellendale 857 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 possible. * WHERE...La Moure and Dickey Counties. * WHEN...From late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  768 WSAG31 SAME 081405 SAMF SIGMET A1 VALID 081405/081805 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1405Z WI S3445 W07016 - S3504 W06905 - S3727 W06831 - S3824 W07056 - S3604 W07106 - S3608 W07026 - S3508 W07026 - S3508 W07026 - S3508 W07026 - S3445 W07016 FLSFC/140 MOV SE 05KT INTSF=  013 WSAG31 SAME 081405 SAMF SIGMET A1 VALID 081405/081805 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1405Z WI S3445 W07016 - S3504 W06905 - S3727 W06831 - S3824 W07056 - S3604 W07106 - S3608 W07026 - S3508 W07026 - S3508 W07026 - S3508 W07026 - S3445 W07016 FLSFC/140 MOV SE 05KT INTSF=  440 WSMX31 MMMX 081358 MMID SIGMET G1 VALID 081356/081756 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1356Z WI N1237 W10410 N1056 W10249 N1116 W10204 N1131 W10002 N1336 W10258 N1241 W10402 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  441 WSRS31 RUAA 081357 ULAA SIGMET 2 VALID 081300/081700 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF E05304 FL240/390 MOV ENE 30KMH NC=  463 WSFR34 LFPW 081359 LFMM SIGMET 3 VALID 081400/081600 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4045 E00545 - N4115 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4215 E00245 - N4230 E00415 - N4130 E00600 - N4045 E00545 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  976 WHUS43 KMKX 081400 CFWMKX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 900 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WIZ052-060-066-071-072-082200- /O.CON.KMKX.LS.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.BH.S.0011.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Sheboygan-Ozaukee-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- 900 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, minor lakeshore flooding expected. For the Beach Hazards Statement, Life threatening waves and currents are expected. Waves will build to 5 to 9 feet during this period. * WHERE...Beaches along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha counties. * WHEN...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, through 10 AM CDT Wednesday. For the Beach Hazards Statement, through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...High waves and onshore winds will result in an increased risk of lakeshore flooding and shoreline erosion along the Lake Michigan shore. High lake water may affect parking lots and roads along Lake Michigan. Low lying areas may become flooded. In addition, river flooding will be possible near rivers that have an outlet into Lake Michigan, including the Sheboygan, Black, Milwaukee, Root, and Pike Rivers. Dangerous swimming conditions are expected due to high waves and onshore winds. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Several beaches that will be most susceptible to the dangerous swimming conditions include Blue Harbor Beach in Sheboygan... North Beach in Port Washington... Harrington State Park Beaches... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People on or near Lake Michigan shore should be prepared for possible lakeshore flooding and minor erosion and take the appropriate action. Do not drive through flooded roadways. Stay out of the water and away from dangerous areas like piers and breakwalls. Strong structural and longshore currents are expected. Rip currents are possible. && $$  060 WSRS31 RUMA 081359 UUWV SIGMET 4 VALID 081415/081600 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N54 AND E OF E036 TOP FL350 MOV NE 20KMH INTSF=  043 WSVN31 SVMI 081400 SVZM SIGMET 03 VALID 081400/081800 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS AT 1355Z ENTIRE CTA TOP FL240 MOV W INTSF=  937 WSPR31 SPJC 081355 SPIM SIGMET 5 VALID 081355/081400 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 4 VALID 081215/081400=  040 WSNT01 KKCI 081406 SIGA0A KZWY SIGMET ALFA 2 VALID 081406/081415 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET ALFA 1 081015/081415.  018 WSNT13 KKCI 081415 SIGA0M KZWY SIGMET MIKE 2 VALID 081415/081815 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1415Z WI N3415 W07400 - N3145 W07345 - N2945 W07445 - N2930 W07700 - N3215 W07700 - N3415 W07400. TOP FL500. MOV NNE 15KT. NC.  178 WWUS73 KDLH 081409 NPWDLH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 909 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MNZ010>012-018-019-025-026-035-090215- /O.UPG.KDLH.FZ.A.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.FZ.W.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ Koochiching-North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-North Itasca- Central St. Louis-North Cass-South Itasca-Northern Aitkin- Including the cities of International Falls, Ely, Isabella, Bigfork, Hibbing, Walker, Grand Rapids, and Hill City 909 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures in the upper 20s and low 30s expected. * WHERE...Koochiching, North St. Louis, Northern Cook and Lake, North Itasca, Central St. Louis, North Cass, South Itasca and Northern Aitkin Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Mille Lacs Band, Big Sandy Lake area and the Bois Forte Band, Deer Creek, Nett Lake and, Lake Vermillion areas. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MNZ033-034-090215- /O.UPG.KDLH.FZ.A.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.FR.Y.0006.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ South Cass-Crow Wing- Including the cities of Pine River and Brainerd 909 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 34 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...South Cass and Crow Wing Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ020-021-036>038-WIZ001>004-006>009-090215- /O.NEW.KDLH.FR.Y.0006.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ Southern Lake-Southern Cook-South Aitkin- Carlton and South St. Louis-Pine-Douglas-Bayfield-Ashland-Iron- Burnett-Washburn-Sawyer-Price- Including the cities of Two Harbors, Silver Bay, Grand Marais, Aitkin, Duluth, Pine City, Hinckley, Superior, Washburn, Bayfield, Ashland, Hurley, Grantsburg, Spooner, Hayward, and Phillips 909 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 32 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Wisconsin and east central and northeast Minnesota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  895 WWUS43 KUNR 081409 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 809 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WYZ055-081515- /O.CAN.KUNR.WW.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southern Campbell- 809 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat for significant snowfall has ended, therefore the winter weather advisory has been cancelled. $$  211 WSNZ21 NZKL 081407 NZZC SIGMET 11 VALID 081410/081810 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4410 E16830 - S4600 E16620 - S4720 E16730 - S4700 E16840 - S4450 E16920 - S4410 E16830 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  696 WSNZ21 NZKL 081408 NZZC SIGMET 12 VALID 081410/081437 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 7 081037/081437=  925 WAIY33 LIIB 081415 LIBB AIRMET 3 VALID 081419/081600 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3853 E01705 - N4012 E01624 - N4009 E01546 - N3912 E01615 - N3859 E01636 - N3853 E01705 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  329 WSNZ21 NZKL 081410 NZZC SIGMET 13 VALID 081411/081439 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 9 081039/081439=  208 WSBM31 VYYY 081412 VYYF SIGMET 04 VALID 081412/081812 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2202 E09722 - N2255 E09748 - N2326 E09900 - N2217 E09846 - N2110 E09802 - N2126 E09717 - N2202 E09722 TOP FL540 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  455 WSCA31 TTPP 081413 TTZP SIGMET A2 VALID 081400/081800 TTPP- TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 1350Z WI N1825 W04112 N1825 W03837 N1409 W04014 N1141 W04318 N1047 W05000 N1314 W05200 N1409 W04437 N1825 W04112 TOPS TO FL420 STNR NC=  919 WSAU21 AMMC 081413 YBBB SIGMET C04 VALID 081430/081830 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2942 E16030 - S3910 E15550 - S3800 E14930 - S2130 E16030 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  920 WSAU21 AMMC 081413 YMMM SIGMET S08 VALID 081430/081830 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2942 E16030 - S3910 E15550 - S3800 E14930 - S2130 E16030 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  335 WSBM31 VYYY 081413 VYYF SIGMET 05 VALID 081413/081813 VYYY- VYYF YANGON FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2136 E09317 - N2107 E09522 - N2043 E09514 - N1749 E09442 - N1926 E09204 - N2124 E09234 - N2136 E09317 TOP FL530 MOV W 15KT NC=  841 WWIN80 VOBM 081418 VOBM 081400 AD WRNG 1 VALID 081415/081815 TS WITH SFC WSPD 25KT FROM 240 DEG FCST NC=  153 WWIN80 VOCI 081422 VOCI 081413Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 081430/081730 UTC -TSRA FCST NC=  592 WSSP32 LEMM 081410 LECB SIGMET 7 VALID 081425/081630 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N4159 E00115 - N4030 E00444 TOP FL380 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  404 WSSP32 LEMM 081417 LECB SIGMET 8 VALID 081425/081630 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4107 E00229 - N4050 E00412 - N3823 E00319 - N3855 E00126 - N3934 E00040 - N4107 E00229 TOP FL380 MOV W 5KT NC=  648 ACUS11 KWNS 081421 SWOMCD SPC MCD 081421 NEZ000-SDZ000-COZ000-WYZ000-081815- Mesoscale Discussion 1686 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0921 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Areas affected...Northern Colorado...southeast Wyoming...and western Nebraska Concerning...Heavy snow Valid 081421Z - 081815Z SUMMARY...Moderate, to at times heavy, snow rates will continue through the mid to late morning hours before conditions gradually improve across northern Colorado, southeastern Wyoming, and western Nebraska. DISCUSSION...Mid-morning regional radar loops continue to show a broad region of banded precipitation across the central Rockies. Sub-freezing temperatures continue to advect southward along the lee of the Rockies, and wet-bulb cooling within the Rockies has allowed for several locations to fall below freezing. The 12 UTC RIW sounding shows a saturated, sub-freezing profile that supports snowfall, and the DNR sounding revealed a similar thermodynamic profile above ~2 kft. As a result, snowfall continues for northern CO into southeast WY and western NE, with a few locations briefly reporting heavy snow and visibility down to one-half mile. These conditions are expected to continue over the next couple of hours as lift ahead of the main synoptic low continues to be augmented by frontogenetical lift in proximity to a strong baroclinic zone between 850-700 mb. Heavy precipitation should shift into western CO over the next few hours as main zone of ascent translates southwestward with the upper-level low. Although profiles will continue to evaporatively cool across western CO, the snowfall potential is uncertain below higher elevations due to warm near-surface temperatures. The baroclinic zone is expected to undergo some degree of frontolysis during the early to mid afternoon hours, and the main low should begin to stall near the Four Corners region. This should lead to a gradual reduction in lift and in the potential for precipitation banding and heavy snow rates. There are some indications in morning guidance that a small region of mid-level frontogenesis may develop across southern CO/northern NM and support moderate to heavy precipitation, but surface wet-bulb temperatures in the upper 30s and low 40s across this region cast uncertainty into the snowfall potential. Trends will be monitored heading into the afternoon hours. ..Moore/Thompson.. 09/08/2020 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...UNR...BOU...CYS...GJT... LAT...LON 39810725 40040758 40530736 41140696 42000568 42630446 43030346 42800300 42260301 41220406 40420498 39930552 39520614 39620663 39810725  185 WSBZ01 SBBR 081400 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 -S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  186 WSBZ01 SBBR 081400 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 -S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  187 WSBZ01 SBBR 081400 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  188 WSBZ01 SBBR 081400 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 081220/081620 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0022 W06257 - S0443 W05429 - S0707 W05953 - S0415 W06706 - S0142 W06625 - S0022 W06257 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  555 WHUS52 KILM 081423 SMWILM AMZ250-252-270-081500- /O.NEW.KILM.MA.W.0094.200908T1423Z-200908T1500Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Wilmington NC 1023 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wilmington has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... Coastal waters from Cape Fear NC to Little River Inlet SC out 20 nm... Coastal waters from Surf City to Cape Fear NC out 20 nm... Waters from Surf City to Cape Fear NC from 20 to 40 nm... * Until 1100 AM EDT. * At 1022 AM EDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located near School House Reef, moving west at 20 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts 34 knots or greater. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... School House Reef. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. && LAT...LON 3367 7787 3393 7794 3394 7787 3396 7755 3378 7751 TIME...MOT...LOC 1422Z 077DEG 18KT 3386 7762 WATERSPOUT...POSSIBLE HAIL...0.00IN WIND...>34KTS $$ SHK  345 WGUS82 KMHX 081423 FLSMHX Flood Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 1023 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Carolina... Neuse River At Kinston affecting Lenoir County. For the Neuse River...including Kinston...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at water.weather.gov/ahps. NCC107-090530- /O.CON.KMHX.FL.W.0070.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /KINN7.1.ER.200907T1800Z.200910T0000Z.200911T0600Z.OO/ 1023 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Neuse River At Kinston. * Until further notice. * At 9:46 AM EDT Tuesday the stage was 14.9 feet. * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 15.4 feet tomorrow evening. It will then fall below flood stage early Friday morning. * Impact...At 14.0 feet, Water overflows into lowlands adjacent to the river. Water access docks are also affected. && LAT...LON 3528 7763 3536 7748 3533 7743 3522 7750 3521 7761 3520 7784 3526 7783 $$ TS  410 WSNT02 KKCI 081424 SIGA0B KZWY SIGMET BRAVO 2 VALID 081424/081430 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET BRAVO 1 081030/081430.  658 WVEQ31 SEQU 081415 SEFG SIGMET A3 VALID 081400/082000 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1330Z WI N0004 W07755 - S0003 W07740 - S0006 W07740 - S0001 W07756 - N0004 W07755 SFC/FL150 MOV W 20KT FCST AT 1930Z WI N0006 W07756 - S0003 W07739 - S0005 W07741 - N0001 W07801 - N0006 W07756=  970 WWJP25 RJTD 081200 WARNING AND SUMMARY 081200. WARNING VALID 091200. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1000 HPA AT 56N 165E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING NORTHEAST 10 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 56N 165E TO 53N 171E 50N 174E. COLD FRONT FROM 56N 165E TO 53N 164E 52N 161E 50N 160E 48N 157E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 12 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1008 HPA AT 42N 167E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING SOUTHEAST 20 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 42N 167E TO 39N 171E 36N 170E. COLD FRONT FROM 42N 167E TO 40N 163E 41N 156E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW FOR NEXT 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 42N 143E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. SUMMARY. LOW 992 HPA AT 46N 127E SW SLOWLY. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 51N 148E ESE 10 KT. HIGH 1020 HPA AT 34N 150E WEST SLOWLY. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 46N 127E TO 47N 131E 47N 136E. WARM FRONT FROM 47N 136E TO 45N 142E 43N 147E. COLD FRONT FROM 47N 136E TO 44N 136E 40N 132E 37N 131E 34N 129E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  241 WWJP27 RJTD 081200 WARNING AND SUMMARY 081200. WARNING VALID 091200. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1000 HPA AT 56N 165E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING NE 10 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 56N 165E TO 53N 171E 50N 174E. COLD FRONT FROM 56N 165E TO 53N 164E 52N 161E 50N 160E 48N 157E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 12 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1008 HPA AT 42N 167E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING SE 20 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 42N 167E TO 39N 171E 36N 170E. COLD FRONT FROM 42N 167E TO 40N 163E 41N 156E. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW WITHIN NEXT 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 42N 143E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. SUMMARY. LOW 992 HPA AT 46N 127E SW SLOWLY. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 51N 148E ESE 10 KT. HIGH 1020 HPA AT 34N 150E WEST SLOWLY. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 46N 127E TO 47N 131E 47N 136E. WARM FRONT FROM 47N 136E TO 45N 142E 43N 147E. COLD FRONT FROM 47N 136E TO 44N 136E 40N 132E 37N 131E 34N 129E. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  949 WSRS31 RURD 081426 URRV SIGMET 10 VALID 081430/081630 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4324 E04029 - N4506 E03641 - N4752 E04328 - N4130 E04659 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  189 WSMX31 MMMX 081427 MMID SIGMET B1 VALID 081426/081826 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 1426Z WI N1634 W12000 N1936 W11723 N1747 W11524 N1611 W11651 N1414 W11602 N1111 W12000 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  488 WACN02 CWAO 081428 CZEG AIRMET F1 VALID 081425/081825 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/2-3SM FG - BKN CLD 100-500/1000FT OBS WTN 20 NM OF N6012 W12849 QS NC=  489 WACN22 CWAO 081428 CZEG AIRMET F1 VALID 081425/081825 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/2-3SM FG - BKN CLD 100-500/1000FT OBS WTN 20 NM OF /N6012 W12849/5 N CYQH QS NC RMK GFACN31 GFACN35=  691 WSPH31 RPLL 081428 RPHI SIGMET C04 VALID 081430/081830 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1236 E11844 - N1415 E12146 - N1242 E12312 - N1205 E12238 - N1201 E12055 - N1049 E12000 - N1236 E11844 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 15KT INTSF=  960 WSIR31 OIII 081428 OIIX SIGMET 2 VALID 081430/081630 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3046 E05016 - N2925 E05142 - N3203 E05145 - N3219 E05003 TOP ABV FL330 MOV E NC=  160 WANO32 ENMI 081430 ENSV AIRMET B01 VALID 081430/081830 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N5835 E00535 - N6005 E00450 - N6000 E00730 - N5845 E00730 - N5835 E00535 FL080/200 MOV N 15KT NC=  253 WTNT22 KNHC 081431 TCMAT2 TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 7 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL172020 1500 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 18.4N 43.3W AT 08/1500Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 45 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE NORTHWEST OR 310 DEGREES AT 5 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 995 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 55 KT WITH GUSTS TO 65 KT. 50 KT....... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT....... 90NE 70SE 20SW 70NW. 12 FT SEAS..150NE 0SE 0SW 150NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 18.4N 43.3W AT 08/1500Z AT 08/1200Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 18.2N 43.0W FORECAST VALID 09/0000Z 19.0N 44.2W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT...130NE 100SE 30SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1200Z 19.8N 45.8W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...140NE 90SE 30SW 100NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0000Z 20.3N 47.8W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...150NE 90SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1200Z 20.6N 49.7W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...150NE 80SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0000Z 20.7N 51.2W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...130NE 70SE 30SW 90NW. FORECAST VALID 11/1200Z 21.2N 52.6W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT...120NE 70SE 30SW 90NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/1200Z 23.1N 55.4W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/1200Z 26.0N 58.5W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 18.4N 43.3W NEXT ADVISORY AT 08/2100Z $$ FORECASTER ZELINSKY  254 WTNT23 KNHC 081431 TCMAT3 TROPICAL STORM RENE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 6 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL182020 1500 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 CHANGES IN WATCHES AND WARNINGS WITH THIS ADVISORY... NONE. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT... A TROPICAL STORM WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR... * CABO VERDE ISLANDS A TROPICAL STORM WARNING MEANS THAT TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE WARNING AREA. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.5N 26.5W AT 08/1500Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 20 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE WEST OR 280 DEGREES AT 14 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1001 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 35 KT WITH GUSTS TO 45 KT. 34 KT....... 40NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 12 FT SEAS.. 45NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.5N 26.5W AT 08/1500Z AT 08/1200Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.4N 25.8W FORECAST VALID 09/0000Z 16.8N 28.5W MAX WIND 35 KT...GUSTS 45 KT. 34 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1200Z 17.4N 31.1W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT... 50NE 20SE 0SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0000Z 18.3N 33.7W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 10SE 0SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 30SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1200Z 19.3N 36.2W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 64 KT... 10NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 40SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0000Z 20.5N 38.2W MAX WIND 70 KT...GUSTS 85 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 60NE 50SE 30SW 50NW. FORECAST VALID 11/1200Z 22.1N 39.8W MAX WIND 70 KT...GUSTS 85 KT. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 20SW 30NW. 34 KT... 70NE 60SE 40SW 60NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/1200Z 26.5N 42.2W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/1200Z 29.7N 42.0W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 16.5N 26.5W INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC ADVISORY...WTNT33 KNHC/MIATCPAT3...AT 08/1800Z NEXT ADVISORY AT 08/2100Z $$ FORECASTER CANGIALOSI  702 WTNT33 KNHC 081431 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Advisory Number 6 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 200 PM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...RENE STILL BRINGING TROPICAL-STORM-FORCE WINDS AND HEAVY RAINS TO THE WESTERN CABO VERDE ISLANDS... SUMMARY OF 200 PM CVT...1500 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.5N 26.5W ABOUT 100 MI...160 KM WNW OF SANTO ANTAO CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 16 MPH...26 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for... * Cabo Verde Islands A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area. For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 200 PM CVT (1500 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.5 North, longitude 26.5 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 16 mph (26 km/h), and a motion toward the west to west-northwest is expected over the next two or three days. On the forecast track, the center of Rene will move away from the Cabo Verde Islands later today. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected today, followed by gradual strengthening on Thursday and Friday. Rene is forecast to become a hurricane in a couple of days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- Key messages for Tropical Storm Rene can be found in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT3, WMO header WTNT43 KNHC, and on the web at www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml RAINFALL: Rene is expected to produce 1 to 3 inches of rain across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands today. WIND: Tropical storm conditions are still occurring over the western portion of the Cabo Verde Islands. These winds will subside later today. SURF: Swells generated by Rene are affecting portions of the Cabo Verde Islands. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next intermediate advisory at 500 PM CVT. Next complete advisory at 800 PM CVT. $$ Forecaster Cangialosi  703 WTNT32 KNHC 081431 TCPAT2 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Paulette Advisory Number 7 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 1100 AM AST Tue Sep 08 2020 ...PAULETTE CONTINUES TO GAIN STRENGTH OVER THE CENTRAL TROPICAL ATLANTIC... SUMMARY OF 1100 AM AST...1500 UTC...INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- LOCATION...18.4N 43.3W ABOUT 1285 MI...2065 KM W OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS ABOUT 1295 MI...2090 KM E OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...65 MPH...100 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...NW OR 310 DEGREES AT 6 MPH...9 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...995 MB...29.39 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 1100 AM AST (1500 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Paulette was located near latitude 18.4 North, longitude 43.3 West. Paulette is moving toward the northwest near 6 mph (9 km/h). A turn toward the west-northwest or west with a slight increase in forward speed is expected during the next couple of days. Maximum sustained winds are near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher gusts. Moderate additional strengthening is possible today and Paulette could be near hurricane strength by tonight. Gradual weakening is expected by late Wednesday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 105 miles (165 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 995 mb (29.39 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 500 PM AST. $$ Forecaster Zelinsky  976 WTNT43 KNHC 081431 TCDAT3 Tropical Storm Rene Discussion Number 6 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 200 PM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 Rene is starting to pull away from the Cabo Verde Islands, though some of the outer rainbands are affecting the far northwestern islands. Although the tropical storm has a well-defined circulation, the convective banding features have not become any better organized since yesterday. The satellite classifications are largely unchanged and range from 25 to 37 kt, and a recent ASCAT-B pass showed maximum winds in the 30-35 kt range. Based on all of this data, the initial intensity is again held at 35 kt. The tropical storm is moving westward at a faster pace of 14 kt. A mid-level ridge to the north of Rene is expected to build westward, which should cause the cyclone to move westward to west-northwestward at about the same forward speed during the next couple of days. After that time, the storm is expected to slow down and turn northwestward and then northward as it moves into a pronounced weakness in the ridge. Although the models agree on the overall scenario, there are notable differences in where and how sharply Rene will recurve with the GFS on the right side of the guidance and the ECMWF on the left. The NHC track forecast is adjusted a little to the right of the previous one, but still lies closer to the left side of the guidance envelope between the HCCA and TVCA consensus aids. Although Rene has not strengthened since yesterday, the models continue to suggest that the storm will steadily strengthen during the next few days while it moves over relatively warm 26-27 C waters and remains in environment of low wind shear and high moisture. Beyond that time, increasing southwesterly wind shear and drier air should end the strengthening trend and induce gradual weakening. The NHC intensity forecast is largely an update of the previous one and lies near the HCCA and IVCN models. Key Messages: 1. Rene is expected to produce tropical storm conditions across portions of the western Cabo Verde Islands for a few more hours. A Tropical Storm Warning remains in effect for those islands. 2. Rene will continue to bring locally heavy rainfall to portions of the western Cabo Verde Islands today. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/1500Z 16.5N 26.5W 35 KT 40 MPH 12H 09/0000Z 16.8N 28.5W 35 KT 40 MPH 24H 09/1200Z 17.4N 31.1W 45 KT 50 MPH 36H 10/0000Z 18.3N 33.7W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 10/1200Z 19.3N 36.2W 65 KT 75 MPH 60H 11/0000Z 20.5N 38.2W 70 KT 80 MPH 72H 11/1200Z 22.1N 39.8W 70 KT 80 MPH 96H 12/1200Z 26.5N 42.2W 60 KT 70 MPH 120H 13/1200Z 29.7N 42.0W 50 KT 60 MPH $$ Forecaster Cangialosi  574 WAUS42 KKCI 081445 WA2Z MIAZ WA 081445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 145-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 210S CEW-90S CEW-90SSE CEW-70SW CTY-40SW RSW-30S EYW ....  575 WAUS41 KKCI 081445 WA1Z BOSZ WA 081445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 120-155 ACRS AREA ....  576 WAUS44 KKCI 081445 WA4Z DFWZ WA 081445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET ICE...TX FROM 40ESE ACT TO 60WSW LFK TO 50NNW PSX TO 60SSE SAT TO 60NW LRD TO 20W DLF TO 30SSE JCT TO 60NE JCT TO 40ESE ACT MOD ICE BTN 140 AND FL280. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE OK TX ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL BOUNDED BY 60ESE YQT-60ESE SSM-30W ASP-40SW FOD-40SSW LBL-40NE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-80NW RAP-60ESE YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 040-160 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 040-140 BOUNDED BY 40WNW SSM-80ESE SSM-30SE GRB- 20ENE OVR-40NNE SLN-40E TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30SSE SNY-40WNW SSM 120 ALG 30NE TCC-60S LBL-60SE GCK ....  577 WAUS45 KKCI 081445 WA5Z SLCZ WA 081445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY UT CO NM FROM 70NW RAP TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 30WNW LBL TO 40SSW ALS TO 50NW BCE TO 20SW SLC TO 50SW PIH TO 70NW RAP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE WY UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 80NW RAP-70SW RAP-BFF-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-40NE TCC-20W TCC-40NNE SJN-40SSW DTA-20WSW SLC-20WSW BOY-80NW RAP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-165 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 080-130 BOUNDED BY 90E YDC-40SW YQL-20S FCA-30NW LKT-DNJ-30SSW GEG-90E YDC MULT FRZLVL 080-160 BOUNDED BY 50SSE BKE-60SSE BAM-40SSW ELY- 50NNE LAS-30W LAS-30NNE OAL-40SE LKV-50SSE BKE MULT FRZLVL 040-140 BOUNDED BY 30SSE SNY-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-40E TCC-20W FTI-30S HBU-20ENE DBL-30SSE SNY SFC BOUNDED BY 30W HLN-40ESE HLN-60SSW LWT-30SW BIL-40ESE DDY- 50W BFF-20SSE CYS-50SSW DEN-50ESE DBL-30SE DBL-50SW OCS- 50SW JAC-40SSE LKT-30NNW LKT-50N LKT-60WSW HLN-30W HLN 040 ALG 50N GGW-40NNE MLS-80SW DIK 080 ALG 20SSE YXC-60ESE REO-40E BAM-20NNE ELY-30SSW DTA-40NE JNC 080 ALG 60W PUB-30S TBE-40SE TBE 120 ALG 40SSW REO-70NNE OAL-60NNE LAS-50W TBC-50ENE RSK-30NE TCC 160 ALG 90SSE LKV-60SSE FMG-50SSE BTY 160 ALG 20S EED-70SW PHX-70ESE BZA 160 ALG 20W ELP-50N ELP-40WSW CME-40S CME-70S CME-60E ELP ....  578 WAUS43 KKCI 081445 WA3Z CHIZ WA 081445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET ICE...ND MN FROM 80SW YWG TO 60WNW INL TO 40E INL TO 70S INL TO 30ENE GFK TO 80SW YWG MOD ICE BTN 030 AND 080. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH FROM 70WNW SSM TO 60SE SSM TO 30W ASP TO 50SSW GRB TO 40NW PWE TO 30WNW LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP TO 40W ABR TO 70WNW SSM MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL OK TX BOUNDED BY 60ESE YQT-60ESE SSM-30W ASP-40SW FOD-40SSW LBL-40NE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-80NW RAP-60ESE YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 025-150 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 040-140 BOUNDED BY 40WNW SSM-80ESE SSM-30SE GRB- 20ENE OVR-40NNE SLN-40E TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30SSE SNY-40WNW SSM 040 ALG 80SW DIK-20SW DPR-50WSW PIR-30N LBF-50ENE LBF-20E BRD- 20WNW YQT 080 ALG 50W LBL-60ESE HLC-40WNW OVR-50SSE RHI-30SW SSM-SSM 120 ALG 60SE GCK-30S OVR-30ESE DLL-60NW YVV ....  684 WAUS46 KKCI 081445 WA6Z SFOZ WA 081445 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 2 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 080-185 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 080-130 BOUNDED BY 90E YDC-40SW YQL-20S FCA-30NW LKT-DNJ-30SSW GEG-90E YDC MULT FRZLVL 080-160 BOUNDED BY 50SSE BKE-60SSE BAM-40SSW ELY- 50NNE LAS-30W LAS-30NNE OAL-40SE LKV-50SSE BKE 120 ALG 70E YDC-20N BKE-40SSW REO 160 ALG 40NNE TOU-30NW SEA-70SSW YKM-40ESE DSD-20SE LKV-90SSE LKV 160 ALG 50SSE BTY-20S EED 160 ALG 130SW MZB-200SSW RZS ....  185 WTNT42 KNHC 081433 TCDAT2 Tropical Storm Paulette Discussion Number 7 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 1100 AM AST Tue Sep 08 2020 Paulette's organization has noticeably improved since last night. The tropical storm is still sheared, with its outflow restricted to the southwest, however overnight AMSU imagery indicated that convection was beginning to wrap around the western portion of its circulation. The intensity estimate has been increased to 55 kt based on Dvorak estimates from TAFB and SAB. Paulette has manged to strengthen despite the shear, and some additional short-term strengthening is certainly possible. It is not out of the question that Paulette could become a hurricane, at least briefly. The global models indicate that the shear will increase on Wednesday, which should cause Paulette's intensity to level off, and more likely, decrease. The NHC intensity forecast is just above the intensity consensus for the first 3 days, out of respect for Paulette's recent intensification above most of the guidance. By the weekend, Paulette's strength will heavily depend on its exact orientation relative to an upper-level low that is expected to be located west or southwest of the tropical storm. Some restrengthening could occur then, but the NHC forecast just shows a steady intensity, near the middle of the guidance suite. Paulette is forecast to turn generally west-northwestward or westward tonight and Wednesday as a mid-level ridge builds to its north. The guidance then indicates that late this week Paulette will turn northwestward when the ridge weakens. Differences in Paulette's forward speed on Wednesday and Thursday could result in a very different track late in the period since it affects the point at which the tropical storm will turn northwestward. The NHC forecast is very close to the multi-model consensus throughout the 5-day period, but confidence in the forecast beyond 72 h is lower than normal due to high spread in the track guidance. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/1500Z 18.4N 43.3W 55 KT 65 MPH 12H 09/0000Z 19.0N 44.2W 60 KT 70 MPH 24H 09/1200Z 19.8N 45.8W 60 KT 70 MPH 36H 10/0000Z 20.3N 47.8W 60 KT 70 MPH 48H 10/1200Z 20.6N 49.7W 55 KT 65 MPH 60H 11/0000Z 20.7N 51.2W 55 KT 65 MPH 72H 11/1200Z 21.2N 52.6W 50 KT 60 MPH 96H 12/1200Z 23.1N 55.4W 50 KT 60 MPH 120H 13/1200Z 26.0N 58.5W 50 KT 60 MPH $$ Forecaster Zelinsky  136 WSAU21 AMMC 081433 YMMM SIGMET I21 VALID 081445/081845 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4110 E15640 - S5000 E16250 - S5000 E15950 - S4200 E15220 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  137 WSAU21 AMMC 081434 YBBB SIGMET D04 VALID 081445/081845 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4110 E15640 - S5000 E16250 - S5000 E15950 - S4200 E15220 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  959 WAAK47 PAWU 081434 AAA WA7O JNUS WA 081432 AMD AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 082015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB UPDT OCNL CIGS BLW 010. IMPR. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB UPDT MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC UPDT OCNL CIGS BLW 010. IMPR. . CNTRL SE AK JC UPDT MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD NW PAKT MTS OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF NW PAAP OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 081432 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 082015 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB UPDT LYNN CANAL OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE PAYA W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF 18Z TO 21Z ALG CST N CAPE SPENCER OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 081432 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 082015 . ERN GLF CST JE 15Z TO 21Z PAYA W OCNL MOD ICEIC 150-FL210. FZLVL 120. WKN. . BH SEP 2020 AAWU  017 WSRS31 RUSM 081433 UWWW SIGMET 1 VALID 081435/081800 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR EMBD TS FCST W OF LINE N5357 E04302 - N5339 E045 - N5111 E04501 TOP FL370 MOV NE 40KMH NC=  654 WAUS44 KKCI 081445 WA4T DFWT WA 081445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 082100 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB OK TX NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY 20W SSM-50WNW YVV-30NE ECK-30ENE DXO-20WSW DXO-50SSE JOT-50WSW IRK-20WSW TXO-30ESE TBE-60SSE LAA-30S GLD-40SSW MCK- MCK-20NE OBH-60W FOD-20N FOD-20NW GRB-20W SSM MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS OK TX BOUNDED BY 40SE TBE-40SSW LBL-20NE AMA-40E TCC-20WSW TXO-40SE TBE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  655 WAUS43 KKCI 081445 WA3T CHIT WA 081445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET TURB...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 30SE YQT TO SSM TO 60WNW YVV TO 30SE ECK TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO 60SE CVG TO 20ESE IIU TO 40WNW IIU TO 30WSW GIJ TO 60ESE DBQ TO IOW TO 50WNW OVR TO 30N ONL TO 30SE YQT MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE MN LS FROM 50N ISN TO 30NW INL TO 30SE YQT TO 30N ONL TO 20NNE SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 20ENE TVC TO 50W YVV TO 20ESE ECK TO 20SSW DXO TO 20WNW BVT TO 30S BDF TO 30W IRK TO 50NNE MMB TO LBL TO 40SSE GLD TO MCK TO 60ESE ONL TO 50SE EAU TO 20ENE TVC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS MO BOUNDED BY 20SSE MCI-30NE OSW-50SSE ICT-20SW ICT-30ESE SLN-20SSE MCI LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN OK TX BOUNDED BY 20W SSM-50WNW YVV-30NE ECK-30ENE DXO-20WSW DXO-50SSE JOT-50WSW IRK-20WSW TXO-30ESE TBE-60SSE LAA-30S GLD-40SSW MCK- MCK-20NE OBH-60W FOD-20N FOD-20NW GRB-20W SSM MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  656 WAUS41 KKCI 081445 WA1T BOST WA 081445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET TURB...OH LE FROM DXO TO 60SE CVG TO CVG TO FWA TO DXO MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET TURB...NY PA OH LE WV FROM 60SW MPV TO 20SSE ALB TO 20NNW ETX TO 20ESE ROD TO 20SSE DXO TO BUF TO 60SW MPV MOD TURB BTN FL300 AND FL430. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  657 WAUS42 KKCI 081445 WA2T MIAT WA 081445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 082100 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. ....  658 WAUS46 KKCI 081445 WA6T SFOT WA 081445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET TURB...OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40NW HVR TO 50N ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20NNE SNY TO 30W LAA TO 40WSW CME TO DMN TO 40NE SSO TO 50ESE BZA TO 50ESE HEC TO 50N HEC TO 20SSE FMG TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 40NW HVR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NW EPH TO 40SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 30SSW OAL TO 30SW CZQ TO 20NW SNS TO 20WSW OAK TO 30WSW ENI TO 60S FOT TO 80SSW ONP TO 30WNW HQM TO 50NW EPH MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...OR CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60SW BIL TO 40E DDY TO 30NNE CYS TO 20SSE CIM TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 40N MZB TO 20ESE RZS TO 30SW CZQ TO 30SSW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 40S REO TO 40SSW LKT TO 60SW BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WA OR FROM 40SW YKM TO 40NNE DSD TO 60SSE BTG TO 30WSW BTG TO 20NE BTG TO 40SW YKM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...CA NV AZ FROM 70S ILC TO 30SW PGS TO 70WSW PHX TO 20ESE BZA TO 30WSW BZA TO 30SE TRM TO 40ENE HEC TO 30NW HEC TO 40S BTY TO 70S ILC SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...OR CA FROM 20NW DSD TO 50ENE OED TO 80SSE OED TO 30SSW OED TO 30NNE OED TO 30SE EUG TO 20NW DSD SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WA OR CSTL WTRS FROM 70W HQM TO 60WNW ONP TO 160NW FOT TO 110W ONP TO 140WSW HQM TO 70W HQM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 40S SEA-30WSW YKM-40NNW DSD-20E MOD-60SSW OAK-60SW FOT-70WSW HQM-40S SEA LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 18-21Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB CA ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ENE JAC-40E DDY-40SSW TBE-60E ELP-ELP-50S TUS-BZA- 50WSW BZA-40WSW RZS-40WSW EHF-30NNW CZQ-60WSW OAL-60NNE BAM- 40WSW JAC-20ENE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  659 WAUS45 KKCI 081445 WA5T SLCT WA 081445 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA FROM 40NW HVR TO 50N ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20NNE SNY TO 30W LAA TO 40WSW CME TO DMN TO 40NE SSO TO 50ESE BZA TO 50ESE HEC TO 50N HEC TO 20SSE FMG TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 40NW HVR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60SW BIL TO 40E DDY TO 30NNE CYS TO 20SSE CIM TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 40N MZB TO 20ESE RZS TO 30SW CZQ TO 30SSW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 40S REO TO 40SSW LKT TO 60SW BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 40WNW FTI TO 40SSW FTI TO 60S ABQ TO 60SW ABQ TO 50NNW ABQ TO 40WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NNW BCE TO 40SSE BCE TO 60NE LAS TO 40S ILC TO 20NNW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV AZ CA FROM 70S ILC TO 30SW PGS TO 70WSW PHX TO 20ESE BZA TO 30WSW BZA TO 30SE TRM TO 40ENE HEC TO 30NW HEC TO 40S BTY TO 70S ILC SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 40S BOY TO 40NE LAR TO 20SW CYS TO 30SE CHE TO 50SE MTU TO 70S HVE TO 40W MTU TO 20ENE DTA TO 40S DTA TO 20E ILC TO 30SSE TWF TO 20S MLD TO 40SSW BPI TO 30ENE BPI TO 40S BOY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID WY UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 60SE DDY-40S LAR-40NW PUB-40NNW TCC-30NE ABQ-HBU- 60SSW DTA-50SE TWF-60SE DDY LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ENE JAC-40E DDY-40SSW TBE-60E ELP-ELP-50S TUS-BZA- 50WSW BZA-40WSW RZS-40WSW EHF-30NNW CZQ-60WSW OAL-60NNE BAM- 40WSW JAC-20ENE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CO NM BOUNDED BY 20E ALS-40SE TBE-20WSW TXO-50WSW TCC-40E FTI-20E ALS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  511 WABZ23 SBGL 081435 SBAZ AIRMET 5 VALID 081430/081630 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 500/1000FT FCST WI S0301 W06542 - S0224 W06346 - S0340 W06238 - S0635 W06432 - S0443 W06709 - S0301 W06542 MOV SW 05KT NC=  568 WWUS84 KHGX 081438 SPSHGX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 938 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ213-214-313-081500- Chambers TX-Coastal Harris TX-Inland Harris TX- 938 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM CURRENTLY LOCATED NEAR THE HOUSTON SHIP CHANNEL WILL PRODUCE GUSTY WINDS AND LOCALLY HEAVY DOWNPOURS... At 937 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Morgan's Point, or near La Porte, moving north at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Southeastern Pasadena, Baytown, La Porte, Seabrook, Beach City, Highlands, Barrett, Channelview, Mont Belvieu, Taylor Lake Village, El Lago, Shoreacres, Old River-Winfree, Cove, Morgan's Point, San Jacinto State Park and northeastern Houston Ship Channel. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2955 9488 2956 9507 2988 9510 2986 9473 TIME...MOT...LOC 1437Z 192DEG 16KT 2965 9496 $$  769 WSRS31 RURD 081439 URRV SIGMET 11 VALID 081440/081630 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST NW OF LINE N4932 E04029 - N4732 E04046 - N4801 E04217 - N5043 E04258 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  308 WSCI38 ZYTX 081438 ZYSH SIGMET 9 VALID 081430/081500 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR CNL SIGMET 7 081100/081500 =  116 WSCI45 ZHHH 081438 ZHWH SIGMET 2 VALID 081450/081850 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N29 FL250/300 STNR NC=  280 WOIN20 VEPT 081245 FROM: FORECAST PATNA TO: FLOOD FORECASTING WARNING CENTRE, DHAKA FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 380 M.C.PATNA DATED: 08.09.2020 (EVENING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT SAHIBGANJ ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 28.060 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO SIX ZERO 0900 NINE 08.09.2020 28.050 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO FIVE ZERO 1200 TWELVE 08.09.2020 28.050 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO FIVE ZERO 1500 FIFTEEN 08.09.2020 28.040 TWENTY EIGHT POINT ZERO FOUR ZERO 1800 EIGHTEEN 08.09.2020 FLOOD MESSAGE NO: 381 M.C.PATNA DATED: 08.09.2020 (EVENING) WATER LEVELS OF RIVER GANGA AT FARAKKA ARE AS FOLLOWS (TIMINGS ARE IN I.S.T.) LEVELS (M) LEVEL IN WORDS TIME IN HRS TIME IN WORDS DATE 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 0900 NINE 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 1200 TWELVE 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 1500 FIFTEEN 08.09.2020 22.380 TWENTY TWO POINT THREE EIGHT ZERO 1800 EIGHTEEN 08.09.2020=  777 WHUS73 KDTX 081442 MWWDTX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 1042 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LHZ421-422-441>443-090215- /O.CON.KDTX.SC.Y.0053.000000T0000Z-200910T1500Z/ Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay-Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI- Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI-Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI- Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI- 1042 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 26 knots from the northeast with gusts up to 31 knots. The largest significant waves will be 6 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 8 feet. * WHERE...Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay, Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI, Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI, Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI and Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 9 PM EDT Tuesday with the largest waves expected around 10 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  048 WAKO31 RKSI 081440 RKRR AIRMET G05 VALID 081510/081730 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M RA FG BR OBS WI N3759 E12359 - N3251 E12356 - N3304 E12619 - N3558 E13012 - N3837 E12817 - N3759 E12359 STNR NC=  082 WACN22 CWAO 081443 CZEG AIRMET G1 VALID 081440/081840 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR MDT ICG OBS WTN 30 NM OF LINE /N5458 W11118/30 NE CYLB - /N5106 W11437/25 W CYYC FL120/160 MOV SE 10KT NC RMK GFACN32=  083 WACN02 CWAO 081443 CZEG AIRMET G1 VALID 081440/081840 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR MDT ICG OBS WTN 30 NM OF LINE N5458 W11118 - N5106 W11437 FL120/160 MOV SE 10KT NC=  778 WSID20 WIII 081445 WIIZ SIGMET 08 VALID 081445/081845 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF S0234 AND E OF E10733 TOP FL530 MOV W 20KT NC=  403 WSUS32 KKCI 081455 SIGC MKCC WST 081455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 44C VALID UNTIL 1655Z IA NE SD FROM 10NNE FOD-50NE OVR-70S OBH-40E ONL-10NNE FOD AREA TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45C VALID UNTIL 1655Z TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40ESE ACT-50E IAH-110ESE PSX-20SSE CRP-40ESE ACT AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46C VALID UNTIL 1655Z WI IL MO IA LM FROM 30SSW DLL-10E ORD-20NW UIN-20WSW DSM-30SSW DLL AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 081655-082055 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-TTT-GGG-LCH-BRO-LRD-30NW DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  877 WSUS33 KKCI 081455 SIGW MKCW WST 081455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081655-082055 FROM HBU-TBE-ELP-PHX-DRK-INW-DVC-HBU WST ISSUANCES POSS LT IN PD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  878 WSUS31 KKCI 081455 SIGE MKCE WST 081455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46E VALID UNTIL 1655Z NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ENE ILM-100SE ILM-140S ILM-30ESE AMG-30ENE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 09010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47E VALID UNTIL 1655Z NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 90E ECG-120SE ECG-70E ILM-20SW ECG-90E ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 09010KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 081655-082055 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  856 WWUS73 KGLD 081448 NPWGLD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Goodland KS 848 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ090>092-091800- /O.CON.KGLD.FZ.W.0001.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Yuma County-Kit Carson County-Cheyenne County- Including the cities of Yuma, Wray, Burlington, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne Wells 848 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Kit Carson County, Yuma County and Cheyenne County Counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Stress to young livestock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  566 WTCA43 TJSJ 081449 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Numero 6 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 200 PM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...RENE CONTINUA RESULTANDO EN VIENTOS CON FUERZA DE TORMENTA TROPICAL Y FUERTES LLUVIA A TRAVES DEL OESTE DE LAS ISLAS CABO VERDE... RESUMEN DE LAS 200 pPM CVT...1500 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.5 NORTE 26.5 OESTE CERCA DE 100 MI...160 KM AL OESTE NOROESTE DE SANTO ANTAO ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 16 MPH...26 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso, en este caso dentro de las proximas 12horas. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 200 PM CVT (1500 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.5 norte, longitud 26.5 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste noroeste a cerca de 16 mph (26 km/h) y se espera que este movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue por los proximos dos o tres dias. En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Rene pasara sobre las Islas Cabo Verde y luego se retirara de las islas mas tarde el dia de hoy. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica poco cambio fortalecimiento hoy, seguido por un fortalecimiento gradual el jueves y el viernes, pronosticando que Rene se convertira en huracan en los proximos dias. Se pronostica que Rene se convierta en Huracan en los proximos dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 1 a 3 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hasta el dia de hoy. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical ocurriendo sobre sectores del oeste de las Islas Cabo. Estos vientos disminuiran mas tarde el dia de hoy. RESACA: Marejadas generadas por Rene estan afectando sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia intermedia a las 500 PM CVT. Proxima advertencia completa a las 800 PM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Cangialosi Traduccion Ingles-Serrano  885 WSMA31 FIMP 081435 FIMM SIGMET 02 VALID 081430/081830 FIMP- FIMM MURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1415Z WI S0700 E06015 - S0700 E06600 - S1030 E06640 - S1000 E06100 - S0700 E06015 TOP FL410 MOV W 10KT NC=  558 WWUS75 KLKN 081452 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ031-090600- /O.EXP.KLKN.FZ.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northern Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, and Tuscarora 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Temperatures this morning are beginning to warm and as a result, the freeze warning is being allowed to expire. However, very cold temperatures are expected again tonight. * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 25 to 29 expected by Wednesday morning. For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Northern Elko County. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ035-039-090600- /O.EXP.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ White Pine County-South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, McGill, Ruby Lake, and Oasis 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Temperatures this morning are beginning to warm and as a result, the frost advisory is being allowed to expire. However, very cold temperatures are expected again tonight. * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected for Wednesday morning. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...White Pine County and South Central Elko County. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ037-090600- /O.EXP.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, and Garden Pass 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Temperatures this morning are beginning to warm and as a result, the frost advisory is being allowed to expire. However, very cold temperatures are expected again tonight. * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected for Wednesday morning. * WHERE...Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-038-090600- /O.EXP.KLKN.FR.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwest Elko County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, Palisade, Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, and Spring Creek 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Temperatures this morning are beginning to warm and as a result, the frost advisory is being allowed to expire. However, cold temperatures are expected again tonight. * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 expected for Wednesday morning. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County and Southwest Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ040-041-090600- /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Northwestern Nye County-Northeastern Nye County- Including the cities of Manhattan, Round Mountain, Tonopah, Blue Eagle Ranch, and Duckwater 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 33 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Northwestern Nye County and Northeastern Nye County. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ033-081800- /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southeastern Elko County- Including the city of West Wendover 752 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Southeastern Elko County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  967 WSMC31 GMMC 081453 GMMM SIMET 01 VALID 081500/081700 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3221 W00616 - N3205 W00416 - N3044 W00443 - N3113 W00645 - N3221 W00616 TOP FL360 STNR INTSF=  599 WWJP71 RJTD 081200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 081200UTC ISSUED AT 081500UTC WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 082100UTC =  834 WWJP72 RJTD 081200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 081200UTC ISSUED AT 081500UTC C-FRONT FM 47N 136E TO 44N 136E 40N 132E 37N 131E 34N 129E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 082100UTC =  835 WWJP73 RJTD 081200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 081200UTC ISSUED AT 081500UTC C-FRONT FM 47N 136E TO 44N 136E 40N 132E 37N 131E 34N 129E WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 082100UTC =  411 WWJP74 RJTD 081200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 081200UTC ISSUED AT 081500UTC O-FRONT FM 46N 127E TO 47N 131E 47N 136E W-FRONT FM 47N 136E TO 45N 142E 43N 147E C-FRONT FM 47N 136E TO 44N 136E 40N 132E 37N 131E 34N 129E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF SADO WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 082100UTC =  412 WWJP75 RJTD 081200 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 081200UTC ISSUED AT 081500UTC DEVELOPING LOW 1000HPA AT 56N 165E MOV NE 10 KT O-FRONT FM 46N 127E TO 47N 131E 47N 136E W-FRONT FM 47N 136E TO 45N 142E 43N 147E C-FRONT FM 47N 136E TO 44N 136E 40N 132E 37N 131E 34N 129E WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 082100UTC =  524 WBCN07 CWVR 081400 PAM ROCKS WIND 35019 LANGARA; X 1/4L-F W04 1FT CHP LO W SWT 12.7 1430 CLD EST 14/14 GREEN; PC 15 N05E 1FT CHP 1430 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 12/11 TRIPLE; PC 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO W 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 13/13 BONILLA; PC 15 N15E 3FT MDT LO NW 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 13/12 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 1430 CLD EST CLR 12/10 MCINNES; PC 15 CLM RPLD LO SW 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 15/14 IVORY; CLR 15 CLM RPLD LO SW 1430 CLD EST CLR 14/13 DRYAD; CLR 15 NW05E RPLD 1430 CLD EST CLR 14/11 ADDENBROKE; PC 15 CLM RPLD 1430 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 13/11 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 NE8 2FT CHP LO W 1440 CLD EST CLR 13/12 PINE ISLAND; PC 15 SE5E 1FT CHP LO W 1440 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 12/11 CAPE SCOTT; CLR 15 NE10E 1FT CHP LO SW 1440 CLD EST CLR 12/10 QUATSINO; PC 15 NE8E 2FT CHP LO SW 1440 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 16/10 NOOTKA; PC 15 N10E 1FT CHP LO SW 1440 CLD EST SCT ABV 25 16/12 ESTEVAN; CLDY 15 N05 1FT CHP LO SW 1026.9R LENNARD; PC 15 SE03E RPLD LO W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 E08 1FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; PC 15 SE8E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; PC 08 E04E 1FT CHP LO SW K ALQDS SCARLETT; CLR 15 SE5E 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; CLR 15 E2E RPLD CHATHAM; CLR 15 W3E RPLD 1440 CLD EST CLR 11/09 CHROME; CLR 15 W10E 1FT CHP MERRY; CLR 15 N7E RPLD SMK ALQDS 1440 CLD EST CLR 16/11 ENTRANCE; PC 15 SW5E RPLD SMK ALQDS FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; X- 5K CLM RPLD TRIAL IS.; X 02K E18 3FT MDT Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 270/12/M/1113/M/ 3002 1MMM= WEB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 263/15/07/3506/M/M 2006 69MM= WQC SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 279/07/06/3002/M/ 3005 52MM= WRU SA 1300 AUTO8 M M M 263/22/03/1406/M/ 2004 04MM= WFG SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 263/14/12/0116/M/ PK WND 0119 1359Z 2002 59MM= WVF SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/18/03/0505/M/ M 24MM= WQS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 301/15/14/3509/M/ 6008 27MM= WRO SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 307/14/14/2910/M/M 6007 66MM= WEK SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 300/12/10/3505/M/ 6007 05MM= WWL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 290/13/12/3414/M/ PK WND 3417 1357Z 8006 20MM= WME SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/15/09/0421+26/M/ PK WND 0529 1307Z M 49MM= WAS SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 275/17/04/3519+27/M/ PK WND 3527 1354Z 1005 42MM= WSB SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 267/16/08/0802/M/M 3001 92MM= WGT SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 277/16/13/2801/M/ 3006 60MM= WEL SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 275/16/11/3104/M/ 3001 10MM= WDR SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 258/17/03/1013/M/ 2004 56MM= WZO SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/1412/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0702/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 1400 AUTO8 M M M 282/11/09/0902/M/ 3004 42MM=  661 WAUS41 KKCI 081445 WA1S BOSS WA 081445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NY OH LE FROM 30SW BUF TO 20W CLE TO 40NNE ROD TO 40SSE FWA TO FWA TO 30SW DXO TO 30SW BUF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE PQI TO 40WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 80SE ILM TO 90ENE CRG TO 30NE CRG TO SAV TO 40WNW ILM TO 30SSW RDU TO 20SSW SIE TO EMI TO 20NNE HAR TO CON TO 30SE PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 50SW CON TO 40NE SYR TO MSS TO 30SE YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...IFR VT NY LO PA OH LE BOUNDED BY 30ESE YOW-30SSW MPV-30N ALB-50SSW SYR-20ESE ERI-50NE ROD-40SSE FWA-FWA-30SSE ECK-30ESE YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 30SSW HAR-40SW GSO-30W PSK-60SSW JST-30SSW HAR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  662 WAUS45 KKCI 081445 WA5S SLCS WA 081445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NV AZ OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SW DSD TO LKV TO 60E FMG TO 40NE OAL TO 50NNE BTY TO 20ESE PGS TO 20SSW DRK TO 20WSW BZA TO 20SSE EHF TO 30WSW SAC TO 50ESE FOT TO 50SW EUG TO 50SW DSD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID WY UT CO AZ NM FROM SHR TO 70NW RAP TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 70SSW TXO TO 60WNW CME TO 30S ALS TO 60N ABQ TO 30N RSK TO 60NNE TBC TO 40NNW BCE TO 50ESE MLD TO 60NE JAC TO SHR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM HVR TO CYS TO TBE TO CME TO 50NE RSK TO 60NNE TBC TO 70SSE ILC TO 50WSW ELY TO 30S BAM TO 20N TWF TO 20NNE JAC TO 40W DBS TO 20SE LKT TO 30WNW GTF TO HVR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM WA OR CA FROM 40NNE BTG TO 20WNW LKV TO 60N LAS TO 60NNE TBC TO 50NE RSK TO 20S CME TO 60SSE SSO TO 50S TUS TO 20ENE PHX TO 40E HEC TO 50SE EHF TO 20NE RBL TO 20NNW FOT TO 40SSE HQM TO 40NNE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...IFR WY UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 50ENE JAC-30SSE BOY-30NE DDY-70SW RAP-BFF-GLD-50W LBL- 30ESE TBE-INK-20S ELP-60E TCS-60S ABQ-60SW ABQ-50S SJN-40S INW- 40S DVC-40SSE HVE-20ESE SLC-40SSE BPI-50ENE JAC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN ID WY UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY SHR-CYS-TBE-20NW TCC-30SE CME-INK-20ESE ELP-20SSE TCS- 60SSW SJN-60SSW INW-40NNW BCE-40SW SLC-30ESE MLD-30WNW BPI-JAC- 90SSW BIL-SHR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  663 WAUS42 KKCI 081445 WA2S MIAS WA 081445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SE PQI TO 40WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 80SE ILM TO 90ENE CRG TO 30NE CRG TO SAV TO 40WNW ILM TO 30SSW RDU TO 20SSW SIE TO EMI TO 20NNE HAR TO CON TO 30SE PQI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. ....  664 WAUS46 KKCI 081445 WA6S SFOS WA 081445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 7 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO 20N GEG TO 40SSW GEG TO 50SSE EPH TO 40SE SEA TO 50NE SEA TO 30SSW YDC TO 80WSW YXC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50SW DSD TO LKV TO 60E FMG TO 40NE OAL TO 50NNE BTY TO 20ESE PGS TO 20SSW DRK TO 20WSW BZA TO 20SSE EHF TO 30WSW SAC TO 50ESE FOT TO 50SW EUG TO 50SW DSD CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60WNW OED TO 50NNE FOT TO 20SE FOT TO 20SSE ENI TO 30E SNS TO 50NW RZS TO 40NE LAX TO 30WNW TRM TO 40ESE MZB TO 80SW MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW FOT TO 80WNW FOT TO 60WNW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM FOT TO 20NE RBL TO 50SE EHF TO 40W RZS TO PYE TO FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO 50SE EPH TO 50SSE SEA TO 40S HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 80WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40NNE BTG TO 20WNW LKV TO 60N LAS TO 60NNE TBC TO 50NE RSK TO 20S CME TO 60SSE SSO TO 50S TUS TO 20ENE PHX TO 40E HEC TO 50SE EHF TO 20NE RBL TO 20NNW FOT TO 40SSE HQM TO 40NNE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 60SE EHF TO 50SSW HEC TO 50S TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO 60SE EHF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR/FU/HZ. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  665 WAUS44 KKCI 081445 WA4S DFWS WA 081445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 70ESE ACT TO 20WNW IAH TO 40SSE CWK TO 50S SAT TO 30SSE DLF TO 50SSE FST TO 40WSW SJT TO 30ENE JCT TO 70ESE ACT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR LA FROM 60SSE MLC TO 30ENE TXK TO 40SE EIC TO 20NNW LFK TO 60ESE ACT TO 30SSW TTT TO 40SSE ADM TO 60SSE MLC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX FROM OSW TO 20E END TO 30E CDS TO 50SSE AMA TO 70SSW TXO TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO OSW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...MTN OBSCN TX BOUNDED BY INK-70SE FST-30WSW MRF-20ESE ELP-INK MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  867 WAUS43 KKCI 081445 WA3S CHIS WA 081445 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 50W SSM TO 60SSW SSM TO 60SE GRB TO 50WSW YVV TO 30ESE ECK TO FWA TO 40SSE FWA TO 30NW SGF TO OSW TO 50SSW MSP TO 20E MSP TO 50W SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...ND MN LS FROM 70SW YWG TO 60WNW INL TO 40E INL TO 40ENE DLH TO 60SE FAR TO 40WSW GFK TO 70SW YWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . AIRMET IFR...SD NE KS MN IA MO FROM 70NW RAP TO 20ESE RAP TO 60N ONL TO 50SSW MSP TO OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY SSM-60WNW YVV-30ESE ECK-FWA-40SSE FWA-40ENE SGF-40SSE OSW-OSW-50W LBL-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-50W RAP-50SSW PIR-20NNW ANW-30N ONL-50SSW MSP-30SSE RHI-20S SAW-60W SSM-SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  744 WWUS75 KMSO 081457 NPWMSO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 857 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MTZ001>003-081600- /O.EXP.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Kootenai/Cabinet Region-West Glacier Region- Flathead/Mission Valleys- 857 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... A few spots remain below freezing but will rise above freezing by around 10 am. $$ MTZ004-005-043-081600- /O.EXP.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Lower Clark Fork Region-Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys- Potomac/Seeley Lake Region- 857 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... A few spots remain below freezing but will rise above freezing by around 10 am. $$ MTZ006-007-081600- /O.EXP.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains-Butte/Blackfoot Region- 857 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... A few spots remain below freezing but will rise above freezing by around 10 am. $$ IDZ009-010-081600- /O.EXP.KMSO.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Western Lemhi County-Eastern Lemhi County- 857 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... A few spots remain below freezing but will rise above freezing by around 10 am. $$ IDZ005>008-081600- /O.EXP.KMSO.FR.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Northern Clearwater Mountains-Southern Clearwater Mountains- Orofino/Grangeville Region-Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 757 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... A few spots remain below freezing but will rise above freezing by around 9 am. $$  669 WSCA31 TTPP 081458 TTZP SIGMET 3 VALID 081500/082100 TTPP- TTZP PIARCO FIR TC PAULETTE OBS AT 1500Z N1824 W04318 CB TOP ABV FL480 WI 90NM OF CENTRE MOV NW 05KT INCR FCST 082100Z TC CENTRE N1848 W04354 OTLK TC CENTRE 090300Z N1912 W04430=  039 WHUS73 KLOT 081502 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 1002 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ743>745-082315- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 1002 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 8 feet. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 10 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LMZ740>742-082315- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 1002 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 30 kt. A few gale force gusts possible through daybreak this morning and again this evening. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 9 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 11 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ KMD  115 WWAK81 PAFG 081502 SPSNSB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 702 AM AKDT Tue Sep 8 2020 AKZ205-206-090200- Northwestern Brooks Range-Northeastern Brooks Range- Including Singiluk, Umiat, Anaktuvuk Pass, Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, and Franklin Bluffs 702 AM AKDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Snow In the Brooks Range This Week... Snow levels today are 3000 to 4000 ft over the Brooks Range and will remain that high through Wednesday. Snow levels in the Brooks Rang will drop below 2000 feet Wednesday night and Thursday. This is expected to cause 4 to 6 inches of snow in the Brooks range above 3000 feet through Thursday, with several inches of snow at 2000 feet from Wednesday night into Thu. Since the ground is still warm most of the snow will melt soon after hitting the ground, and only areas above 3000 feet are expected to have snow accumulate on them. More snow is expected in the Brooks Range Thursday night and Friday. $$ JB  050 WSCH31 SCCI 081502 SCCZ SIGMET 01 VALID 081500/081900 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4700 W07400 - S5100 W07400 - S5500 W06900 - S5300 W07800 - S4700 W07600 TOP FL250 STNR NC=  982 WWUS73 KBIS 081503 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1003 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-025-031>037-040>048-050-051-082315- /O.CON.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Foster-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux-Emmons-Logan- La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Crosby, Bowbells, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Portal, Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Williston, New Town, Stanley, Parshall, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, Solen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Wishek, Ashley, Oakes, and Ellendale 1003 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /903 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 possible. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northwest, south central, southeast and southwest North Dakota. * WHEN...From late tonight through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  821 WSGG31 UGTB 081504 UGGG SIGMET 2 VALID 081505/081900 UGTB- UGGG TBILISI FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF E04230 TOP FL360 MOV E 10KMH NC=  203 WSAL31 DAAA 081502 DAAA SIGMET 5 VALID 081500/081700 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3724 E00501 - N3542 E00547 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  469 WHUS43 KLOT 081505 CFWLOT Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Chicago IL 1005 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ006-103-104-082315- /O.CON.KLOT.LS.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IL-Northern Cook-Central Cook- 1005 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Northern Cook County and Lake County Illinois shores. * HIGH WAVE ACTION...LAKE SHORE FLOODING AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...8 to 10 feet. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. * TIMING...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory: through Wednesday morning. For the Beach Hazards Statement: through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...The large waves combined with record high lake levels could exacerbate already significant beach and shoreline erosion sustained over the past several months. Typical flood prone locations will likely experience flooding. Onlookers may be swept into the lake by the large waves. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. For information on swim advisories or bans at Chicago beaches visit: www.cpdbeaches.com. A Lakeshore Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds will generate flooding of low areas along the lakeshore. && $$ INZ001-002-082315- /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IN-Porter- 1005 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Northwest Indiana beaches. * HIGH WAVE ACTION AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...building to 5 to 8 feet this afternoon. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. && $$ KMD  919 WSAG31 SAME 081514 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 081514/081914 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1514Z WI S2857 W06910 - S3013 W06902 - S3116 W06835 - S3201 W06840 - S3227 W06848 - S3301 W06919 - S3335 W06952 - S3310 W06955 - S3128 W07029 - S3057 W07021 - S3017 W07007 - S3003 W06947 - S2900 W07001 - S2845 W06944 - S2825 W06951 - S2825 W06939 - S2857 W06910 FL320/450 MOV SE 05KT INTSF=  483 WSAG31 SAME 081514 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 081514/081914 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1514Z WI S2857 W06910 - S3013 W06902 - S3116 W06835 - S3201 W06840 - S3227 W06848 - S3301 W06919 - S3335 W06952 - S3310 W06955 - S3128 W07029 - S3057 W07021 - S3017 W07007 - S3003 W06947 - S2900 W07001 - S2845 W06944 - S2825 W06951 - S2825 W06939 - S2857 W06910 FL320/450 MOV SE 05KT INTSF=  759 WSVS31 VVGL 081500 VVNB SIGMET 4 VALID 081500/081900 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1710 E10620 - N1915 E10400 - N2100 E10430 - N2000 E10615 - N1810 E10750 - N1710 E10620 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  156 WACN03 CWAO 081507 CZWG AIRMET D2 VALID 081505/081620 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL AIRMET D1 081220/081620=  157 WACN23 CWAO 081507 CZWG AIRMET D2 VALID 081505/081620 CWUL- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNCL AIRMET D1 081220/081620 RMK GFACN33=  089 WHUS42 KMHX 081508 CFWMHX Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 1108 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NCZ203-205-090000- /O.CON.KMHX.BH.S.0040.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Northern Outer Banks-Hatteras Island- 1108 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...The beaches north of Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The most likely time for strong rip currents to occur is a couple hours either side of low tide, which will occur around 6:30 PM today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current remain calm. Don't fight the current. Swim in a direction following the shoreline. When out of the current, swim back to shore. If tired, float or tread water until out of the rip current. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$  796 WWUS86 KPQR 081508 RFWPQR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...EXTREMELY DRY CONDITIONS LIKELY THROUGH WEDNESDAY... ...DRY AND UNSTABLE CONDITIONS POSSIBLE THURSDAY... ORZ601-612-WAZ664-082315- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ North Oregon Coast-Central Oregon Coast- South Washington Coast and West Willapa Hills- 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 601... 612 AND 664... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 601 North Oregon Coast, and - Fire Weather Zone 612 Central Oregon Coast. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 664 South Washington Coast and West Willapa Hills. * Winds...East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. Strongest winds along exposed ridges and capes. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 25 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ602-603-WAZ665-082315- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ North Oregon Coast Range- East Slopes of the Central Oregon Coast Range-East Willapa Hills- 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 602... 603 AND 665... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 602 North Oregon Coast Range, and - Fire Weather Zone 603 East Slopes of the Central Oregon Coast Range. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 665 East Willapa Hills. * Winds...Northeast 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. Strongest wind along exposed ridges. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 25 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ604-WAZ667-082315- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Willamette Valley-Clark County Lowlands- 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 604 AND 667... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 604 Willamette Valley. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 667 Clark County Lowlands. * Winds...Northeast to east 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Strongest winds towards the north across the West Hills and areas east of I-205. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 25 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ605-606-082315- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ North Oregon Cascade Foothills-Central Oregon Cascade Foothills- 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 605 AND 606... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 605 North Oregon Cascade Foothills, and - Fire Weather Zone 606 Central Oregon Cascade Foothills. * Winds...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Strongest across exposed terrain. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 30 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ607-608-WAZ663-082315- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Mt. Hood National Forest West of Cascade Crest- Willamette National Forest- Eastern Gifford Pinchot National Forest Mt Adams Ranger District- 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 607... 608 AND 663... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 607 Mt. Hood National Forest West of Cascade Crest, and - Fire Weather Zone 608 Willamette National Forest. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 663 Eastern Gifford Pinchot National Forest Mt Adams Ranger District. * Winds...East 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Strongest winds along exposed ridges. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 30 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 5 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ WAZ660-082315- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Extreme South Washington Cascades and Foothills- 808 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 660... * Affected Area... In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 660 Extreme South Washington Cascades and Foothills. * Winds...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Strongest winds along exposed ridges. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 30 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ For more information visit: http://weather.gov/portland  481 WSID20 WIII 081510 WIIZ SIGMET 09 VALID 081510/081910 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0225 E09937 - S0151 E10229 - S0605 E09807 - S0200 E09200 - S0158 E09200 - N0323 E09736 - N0225 E09937 TOP FL530 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  802 WSSG31 GOOY 081510 GOOO SIGMET B2 VALID 081510/081910 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1500Z WI N1613 W01050 - N1611 W00744 - N1027 W00537 - N0917 W00239 - N0511 W00724 - N1240 W01121 TOP FL470 MOV W 20KT INTSF=  091 WWIN81 VOCL 081514 VOCL 081500Z AD WRNG 01 VALID 081515/081915 TS/TSRA FCST NC=  583 WWUS75 KSLC 081511 NPWSLC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ001-082315- /O.CAN.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Cache Valley/Utah Portion- Including the city of Logan 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Cache Valley/Utah Portion. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...High winds have diminished across the Cache valley. However, numerous downed trees and powerlines remain, so use extra caution if out today. Treat all downed power lines as if they are live! PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ011-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Western Uinta Basin- Including the cities of Duchesne and Roosevelt 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 70 mph. For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Western Uinta Basin. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ006-082315- /O.EXA.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Wasatch Mountain Valleys- Including the cities of Park City and Heber City 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Wasatch Mountain Valleys. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 9 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ014-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Sanpete/Sevier Valleys- Including the cities of Manti and Richfield 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Sanpete/Sevier Valleys. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ002-003-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Northern Wasatch Front-Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys- Including the cities of Ogden, Bountiful, and Salt Lake City 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...THIS IS A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION.... * WHAT...East winds 30 to 45 mph with gusts in excess of 70 mph are expected. Wind gusts as high as 98 mph near Farmington, Centerville and the mouth of Weber Canyon have been reported this morning. This is a particularly dangerous situation. * WHERE...Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys and Northern Wasatch Front. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. The most impacted travel routes are expected to be along the I-15 corridor between Salt Lake City and Layton, the Legacy Parkway, the US 89 corridor in Davis and Weber Counties, and Foothill Drive. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Stay inside! Flying debris and numerous falling trees may be deadly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ005-081800- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains- Including the city of Wendover 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. * WHERE...Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains. * WHEN...Until noon MDT today. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ012-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Castle Country- Including the city of Price 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Castle Country. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ019-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park- Including the city of St George 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected, strongest near the canyon mouths. Winds speeds are expected to be significantly less in the St George area. * WHERE...Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park, mainly through the gaps and canyons of Washington County outside of St George. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ015-016-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ West Central Utah-Southwest Utah- Including the cities of Delta, Fillmore, and Cedar City 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northerly winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts near 50 mph are expected. * WHERE...West Central Utah and Southwest Utah. * WHEN...Until 9 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty crosswinds are expected along east-west oriented roadways, including but not limited to the US 6 corridor, SR-21, and SR-56. Travel difficulties are expected from these crosswinds, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ UTZ013-082315- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ San Rafael Swell- Including the city of Green River 911 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...San Rafael Swell. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  208 WSUS05 KKCI 081515 WS5U SLCU WS 081515 SIGMET UNIFORM 1 VALID UNTIL 081915 MT WY UT CO FROM 60W DIK TO 50W RAP TO 30SSW MTU TO JAC TO 60W DIK OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL300 AND FL390. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY C560. CONDS CONTG BYD 1915Z. ....  797 WAUS45 KKCI 081515 AAA WA5T SLCT WA 081515 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA FROM 40NW HVR TO 50N ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20NNE SNY TO 30W LAA TO 40WSW CME TO DMN TO 40NE SSO TO 50ESE BZA TO 50ESE HEC TO 50N HEC TO 20SSE FMG TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 40NW HVR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60SW BIL TO 40E DDY TO 30NNE CYS TO 20SSE CIM TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 40N MZB TO 20ESE RZS TO 30SW CZQ TO 30SSW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 40S REO TO 40SSW LKT TO 60SW BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 40WNW FTI TO 40SSW FTI TO 60S ABQ TO 60SW ABQ TO 50NNW ABQ TO 40WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NNW BCE TO 40SSE BCE TO 60NE LAS TO 40S ILC TO 20NNW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV AZ CA FROM 70S ILC TO 30SW PGS TO 70WSW PHX TO 20ESE BZA TO 30WSW BZA TO 30SE TRM TO 40ENE HEC TO 30NW HEC TO 40S BTY TO 70S ILC SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 40S BOY TO 40NE LAR TO 20SW CYS TO 30SE CHE TO 50SE MTU TO 70S HVE TO 40W MTU TO 20ENE DTA TO 40S DTA TO 20E ILC TO 30SSE TWF TO 20S MLD TO 40SSW BPI TO 30ENE BPI TO 40S BOY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID WY UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 60SE DDY-40S LAR-40NW PUB-40NNW TCC-30NE ABQ-HBU- 60SSW DTA-50SE TWF-60SE DDY LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ENE JAC-40E DDY-40SSW TBE-60E ELP-ELP-50S TUS-BZA- 50WSW BZA-40WSW RZS-40WSW EHF-30NNW CZQ-60WSW OAL-60NNE BAM- 40WSW JAC-20ENE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CO NM BOUNDED BY 20E ALS-40SE TBE-20WSW TXO-50WSW TCC-40E FTI-20E ALS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  215 WSPR31 SPJC 081515 SPIM SIGMET 6 VALID 081515/081715 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1450Z WI S0929 W07310 - S0937 W07225 - S1054 W07306 - S1240 W07230 - S1308 W07316 - S1044 W07406 - S0929 W07310 TOP FL400 MOV W INTSF=  482 WHUS73 KGRB 081517 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1017 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ542-543-082330- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.000000T0000Z-200909T2100Z/ Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 1017 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 3 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Sturgeon Bay to Sheboygan WI. * WHEN...Until 4 PM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ541-082330- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- 1017 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ521-522-082330- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.000000T0000Z-200909T0900Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 1017 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Bay of Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  022 WHUS43 KGRB 081519 CFWGRB Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1019 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WIZ039-074-082330- /O.CON.KGRB.LS.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-200910T0500Z/ Brown-Southern Oconto County- 1019 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Shoreline erosion and minor lakeshore flooding are possible along the shoreline areas of the Bay of Green Bay due to persistent and gusty northeast winds. * WHERE...Brown and Southern Oconto County Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Possible shoreline erosion and minor flooding on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$ WIZ022-040-050-082330- /O.CON.KGRB.BH.S.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T2100Z/ Door-Kewaunee-Manitowoc- 1019 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Large waves along Lake Michigan beaches will result in hazardous swimming conditions and possible rip currents. * WHERE...Door, Manitowoc and Kewaunee Counties. * WHEN...Through Wednesday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Large waves will create strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$  280 WSSR20 WSSS 081520 WSJC SIGMET 7 VALID 081530/081830 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N01 AND E OF E10733 TOP FL500 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  408 WGUS84 KLCH 081521 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles LA Issued by National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 1021 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Louisiana... Mermentau River Near Mermentau ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Calcasieu River Near Glenmora LAC001-053-113-091530- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0061.000000T0000Z-200912T0000Z/ /MRML1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.200902T1300Z.200911T1200Z.NO/ 1021 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until Friday evening... The Flood Warning continues for the Mermentau River Near Mermentau. * Until Friday evening. * At 9:15 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 4.1 feet. * Flood stage is 4.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:15 AM CDT Tuesday was 4.2 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage Friday morning and continue falling to 3.8 feet Sunday morning. * Impact...At 4.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding near the river will occur. && Fld Observed Forecasts (1 pm CDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Mermentau River Mermentau 4.0 4.1 Tue 9 am CDT 4.1 4.0 3.9 && LAT...LON 3024 9255 3019 9254 3004 9260 3004 9276 3025 9266 $$ LAC079-090000- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0057.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ /GLML1.1.ER.200828T1313Z.200903T0100Z.200908T1800Z.NO/ 1021 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until this evening... The Flood Warning continues for the Calcasieu River Near Glenmora. * Until this evening. * At 9:45 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 12.0 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:45 AM CDT Tuesday was 12.7 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage this afternoon and continue falling to 9.6 feet Sunday morning. * Impact...At 12.0 feet, When the river is falling and the gauge reading is forecast to be near 12 feet, flooding of forested areas near the river will occur. && Fld Observed Forecasts (1 pm CDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Calcasieu River Glenmora 12.0 12.0 Tue 9 am CDT 11.6 11.1 10.4 && LAT...LON 3115 9275 3105 9265 3090 9262 3090 9269 3113 9279 $$ Kp  791 WSSR20 WSSS 081520 WSJC SIGMET 7 VALID 081530/081830 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS S OF N01 AND E OF E10733 TOP FL500 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  127 WWIN40 DEMS 081200 IWB (EVENING) DATED 08-09-2020 THE MONSOON TROUGH AT MEAN SEA LEVEL NOW PASSES THROUGH BIKANER, GWALIOR, SIDHI, PATNA, BURDWAN AND THENCE EASTWARDS TO NAGALAND ACROSS ASSAM. THE OFF-SHORE TROUGH AT MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM NORTH MAHARASHTRA COAST TO LAKSHADWEEP AREA PERSISTS.THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER EASTCENTRAL ARABIAN SEA OFF KARNATAKA COAST BETWEEN 1.5 KM AND 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS. THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER WEST ASSAM & ADJOINING SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM AT 0.9 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS. THE TROUGH EXTENDING UPTO 3.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL FROM NORTHWEST UTTAR PRADESH TO CENTRAL PARTS OF EAST RAJASTHAN PERSISTS. THE EAST-WEST SHEAR ZONE ROUGHLY ALONG 13ON ACROSS THE PENINSULAR INDIA BETWEEN 3.1 KM AND 4.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS. THE TROUGH IN MID TROPOSPHERIC WESTERLIES WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 69OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 30ON PERSISTS. THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER WESTCENTRAL BAY OF BENGAL OFF ANDHRA PRADESH COAST AT 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS. FORECAST: RAIN/THUNDERSHOWER AT MOST PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, -HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, KONKAN & GOA, COASTAL & SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAH AND LAKSHADWEEP AND AT MANY PLACES OVER JHARKHAND,ODISHA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, NORTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA AND MADHYA MAHARASHTRA; AT A FEW PLACES OVER EAST UTTER PRADESH, EAST RAJASTHAN, WEST MADHYA PRADESH, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, BIHAR, GANGRTIC WEST BENGAL, MARATHWADA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, TELANGANA, RAYALSEEMA AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL AND AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER UTTRAKHAND, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH & DELHI, WEST UTTARPRADESH, WEST RAJASTHAN, EAST MADHYA PRADESH, GUJRAT REGION, SAURASTRA & KUTCH. WARNING:- 08 SEPTEMBER (DAY 1): HEAVY TO VERY HEAVY RAINFALL VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIIKIM, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL AND HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER EAST RAJASTHAN, BIHAR, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, KONKAN & GOA, RAYALASEEMA, COASTAL & SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND LAKSHADWEEP. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER UTTARAKHAND, UTTAR PRADESH, EAST RAJASTHAN, WEST MADHYA PRADESH, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, BIHAR, JHARKHAND, WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHWADA, KONKAN & GOA, COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESH & YANAM, TELANGANA, RAYALASEEMA, KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL. STRONG WIND (SPEED REACHING 45-55 KMPH) VERY LIKELY OVER SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, KERALA-KARNATAKA COASTS AND LAKSHADWEEP AREA. FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS. 09 SEPTEMBER (DAY 2): HEAVY RAINFALL AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHWADA, KONKAN & GOA, COASTAL & SOUTH INTERIOR KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER EAST UTTAR PRADESH, MADHYA PRADESH, VIDARBHA, CHHATTISGARH, BIHAR, JHARKHAND, WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ODISHA, MADHYA MAHARASHTRA, MARATHWADA, KONKAN & GOA, TELANGANA, RAYALASEEMA, KARNATAKA, KERALA & MAHE AND TAMILNADU, PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL. STRONG WIND (SPEED REACHING 45-55 KMPH) VERY LIKELY OVER SOUTHWEST ARABIAN SEA, KERALA-KARNATAKA COASTS, LAKSHADWEEP AREA, GULF OF MANNAR AND COMORIN AREA. FISHERMEN ARE ADVISED NOT TO VENTURE INTO THESE AREAS.=  733 WSBZ01 SBBR 081500 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 081200/081600 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  734 WSBZ01 SBBR 081500 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 081220/081620 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0022 W06257 - S0443 W05429 - S0707 W05953 - S0415 W06706 - S0142 W06625 - S0022 W06257 TOP FL440 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  735 WSBZ01 SBBR 081500 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 -S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  736 WSBZ01 SBBR 081500 SBCW SIGMET 5 VALID 081208/081600 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 -S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  676 WWUS45 KRIW 081524 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ....Early Season Significant Snow and Wind Continues Across South-Central Wyoming... .An unseasonably strong storm system for September continues to impact the Cowboy State this morning. Significant snowfall and gusty winds has impacted much of the area Monday night and Tuesday morning, with very strong winds continuing over southern portions. The snow will continue end from north to south through the day today. Light snow will linger across the south through late Tuesday afternoon. Winds will subside from north to south through the day as well, remaining strong across the south into the evening hours. WYZ002-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Absaroka Mountains- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved south of the northern mountains today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ008-009-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Bighorn Mountains West-Bighorn Mountains Southeast- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved south of the north-central WY mountains today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ007-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved south of the Bighorn Basin today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Cold temperatures will make travel through the Wind River Canyon hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ010-011-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County- Including the cities of Buffalo and Kaycee 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Johnson County observers have reported between one to four inches across the lower elevations of Johnson County, with higher amounts near the mountains. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ003-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Cody Foothills- Including the cities of Clark, Cody, and Meeteetse 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Park County observers have reported between one to three inches across the lower elevations, with some higher amounts over eight inches south of Meeteetse. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ005-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Southwest Big Horn Basin- Including the city of Thermopolis 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Hot Springs County observers have reported between one to six inches across the lower elevations. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ017-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Wind River Basin- Including the cities of Riverton and Shoshoni 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Fremont County observers have reported between one to four inches across the lower elevations. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ016-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Upper Wind River Basin- Including the city of Dubois 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Northwest Fremont County observers have reported around four inches around Dubois. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ024-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into south-central Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Cold temperatures will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ027-081630- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1500Z/ South Lincoln County- Including the cities of Kemmerer and Cokeville 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM MDT THIS MORNING... The early strong storm has moved into south-central Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Southern Lincoln County observers have reported between two to four inches across the lower elevations. Cold temperatures and gusty east wind will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ020-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Natrona County Lower Elevations- Including the city of Casper 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Moderate snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph, gradually decreasing this afternoon. * WHERE...Natrona County Lower Elevations. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ022-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Casper Mountain- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Moderate snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Casper Mountain. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult to impossible. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ015-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains East- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Moderate snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 30 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains East. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ018-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lander Foothills- Including the city of Lander 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Light to moderate snow. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches. Winds gusting to 20 mph. * WHERE...Lander Foothills. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel may become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be as low as the teens. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ019-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range- Including the city of Jeffrey City 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Moderate snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Locally higher amounts of 6 to 12 inches near Beaver Rim. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will become difficult due to slick and slushy roads, and low visibility in falling snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ030-081830- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ East Sweetwater County- Including the city of Wamsutter 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Moderate Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches with locally higher amounts up to 8 inches over far eastern portions. Wind gusts of 40 to 60 mph. * WHERE...East Sweetwater County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel, including along Interstate 80, has become very difficult due to slick and slushy roads, low visibility in falling snow as well as high winds. This will result in control issues, especially for light and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ028-029-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Rock Springs and Green River-Flaming Gorge- Including the cities of Rock Springs and Green River 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Moderate Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting 50 to 60 mph, with stronger gusts possible. * WHERE...Flaming Gorge and Rock Springs and Green River. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ014-081800- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains West- 924 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT TODAY... * WHAT...Snow and strong northeast wind. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains West, especially near South Pass. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  742 WSGL31 BGSF 081529 BGGL SIGMET U05 VALID 081530/081930 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1530Z WI N6542 W04002 - N6514 W03937 - N6344 W04033 - N6403 W04142 - N6520 W04054 - N6542 W04002 SFC/FL090 STNR WKN=  611 WHUS73 KAPX 081526 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1126 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LHZ349-090300- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 1126 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 25 kt and highest waves around 6 feet expected. * WHERE...Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...From 8 AM this morning to 11 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ323-342-344>346-090300- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.200908T2200Z-200909T0900Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 1126 AM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 30 kt and highest waves around 4 feet expected. * WHERE...Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI, Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay, Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI, Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI and Manistee to Point Betsie MI. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 5 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  771 WSMS31 WMKK 081526 WBFC SIGMET C04 VALID 081530/081830 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0058 E11021 - N0159 E10929 - N0232 E11046 - N0109 E11210 - N0058 E11021 TOP FL480 MOV W NC=  281 WWUS45 KCYS 081527 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIDESPREAD ACCUMULATING SNOW EXPECTED ACROSS MUCH OF THE AREA THROUGH EARLY WEDNESDAY... NEZ096-WYZ108-082330- /O.UPG.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ /O.EXA.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ South Sioux-Goshen County- Including the cities of Agate and Torrington 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Total snow accumulations 4 to 8 inches. * WHERE...Goshen County in southeast Wyoming and South Sioux County in the Nebraska Panhandle. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ095-WYZ101-102-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations-Niobrara County- Including the cities of Harrison, Bill, Douglas, Deer Creek, Glenrock, Lusk, and Redbird 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches over lower elevations, with 6 to 12 inches possible along the Pine Ridge. Winds gusting as high as 35 MPH. * WHERE...Converse and Niobrara Counties in southeast Wyoming, North Sioux County in the northern Nebraska Panhandle. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ106-107-116>118-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- East Platte County-South Laramie Range- South Laramie Range Foothills-Central Laramie County- Including the cities of Bordeaux, Wheatland, Guernsey, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, Horse Creek, and Cheyenne 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy freezing drizzle early this morning. Heavy snow and blowing snow expected after sunrise. Ice accumulation up to one quarter of an inch. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches expected, with locally higher amounts possible over the Interstate 80 Summit. Wind gusts 35 to 45 MPH. * WHERE...Interstate 80 Summit and Foothills between Laramie and Cheyenne, Interstate 25 between the Colorado State Line and Glendo. Cities or communities impacted include but are not limited to Cheyenne, Chugwater, Wheatland and Glendo. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ103-114-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Laramie Range-Snowy Range- Including the cities of Garrett, Centennial, and Albany 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 18 inches expected, with locally higher amounts possible. Wind gusts up to 50 MPH. * WHERE...Snowy and Northern Laramie Mountain Ranges. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Extremely dangerous or impossible mountain travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation will be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ104-109>111-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains-Central Carbon County- North Snowy Range Foothills-Southwest Carbon County- Including the cities of Seminoe Dam, Rawlins, Arlington, Elk Mountain, and Baggs 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches, with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Much of Carbon County including Rawlins, Elk Mountain, and Baggs. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ105-112-113-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Shirley Basin-Sierra Madre Range-Upper North Platte River Basin- Including the cities of Medicine Bow, Shirley Basin, Saratoga, and Encampment 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Shirley Basin. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ002-003-019-020-054-WYZ119-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Dawes-Box Butte-Scotts Bluff County-Banner County-Kimball County- East Laramie County- Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance, Scottsbluff, Gering, Harrisburg, Kimball, and Pine Bluffs 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Wyoming, Goshen and eastern Laramie Counties including Pine Bluffs and Torrington. In Nebraska, Kimball, Banner, Scotts Bluff, Southern Sioux, Box Butte and Dawes counties including Kimball, Scottsbluff, Alliance and Chadron. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ115-082330- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Laramie Valley- Including the cities of Bosler and Laramie 927 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches, with locally higher amounts possible near the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Laramie Valley. Lowest totals for the city of Laramie, with higher amounts outside of town. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. Be prepared for rapidly worsening conditions as you travel in any direction from the city. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  058 WSCA31 MHTG 081528 MHTG SIGMET B2 VALID 081530/081730 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET B1 081130/081530=  938 WSHO31 MHTG 081528 MHTG SIGMET B2 VALID 081530/081730 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET B1 081130/081530=  354 WSFR34 LFPW 081529 LFMM SIGMET 4 VALID 081530/081700 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4015 E00600 - N4015 E00430 - N4100 E00430 - N4100 E00600 - N4015 E00600 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  391 WGUS84 KFWD 081529 FLSFWD Flood Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 1029 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Texas... Navasota River Near Easterly affecting Robertson and Leon Counties. TXC289-395-081630- /O.CAN.KFWD.FL.W.0122.000000T0000Z-200908T1529Z/ /EAST2.1.ER.700119T1215Z.700119T1217Z.700119T1219Z.NO/ 1029 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning for the Navasota River Near Easterly has been cancelled... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Navasota River Near Easterly. * At 10:00 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 18.7 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 4.2 feet Sunday morning. && LAT...LON 3132 9626 3105 9619 3102 9631 3132 9638 $$ Barnes  555 WAHW31 PHFO 081530 WA0HI HNLS WA 081600 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082200 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 081600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 082200 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 081600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 082200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...169.  617 WSBZ31 SBGL 081509 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  921 WSBZ31 SBGL 081509 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 - S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  423 WSMC31 GMMC 081453 GMMM SIGMET 01 VALID 081500/081700 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3221 W00616 - N3205 W00416 - N3044 W00443 - N3113 W00645 - N3221 W00616 TOP FL360 STNR INTSF=  708 WAIY32 LIIB 081541 LIRR AIRMET 16 VALID 081600/082000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3954 E00757 - N4002 E01053 - N3746 E01056 - N3858 E00758 - N3954 E00757 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  381 WAIY32 LIIB 081542 LIRR AIRMET 17 VALID 081600/082000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3859 E01628 - N3910 E01618 - N3804 E01512 - N3800 E01231 - N3710 E01337 - N3630 E01526 - N3852 E01651 - N3859 E01628 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  143 WAIY33 LIIB 081542 LIBB AIRMET 4 VALID 081600/082000 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3853 E01705 - N4012 E01624 - N4009 E01546 - N3912 E01615 - N3859 E01636 - N3853 E01705 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  715 WAIY33 LIIB 081543 LIBB AIRMET 5 VALID 081600/082000 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4010 E01644 - N4111 E01507 - N3910 E01618 - N3857 E01637 - N3854 E01707 - N4010 E01644 STNR NC=  011 WAIY32 LIIB 081543 LIRR AIRMET 18 VALID 081600/082000 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3755 E01251 - N3809 E01530 - N3911 E01618 - N3857 E01637 - N3854 E01708 - N3750 E01559 - N3701 E01434 - N3755 E01251 STNR NC=  300 WSCG31 FCBB 081538 FCCC SIGMET L4 VALID 081550/081950 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1515Z E OF LINE S0235 E01410 - N0800 E01410 N OF LINE N0202 E01410 - N0202 E00637 TOP FL425 MOV W 10KT INTSF=  758 WWUS55 KVEF 081542 DSWVEF BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Dust Storm Warning National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 837 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVC017-081730- /O.NEW.KVEF.DS.W.0004.200908T1537Z-200908T1730Z/ Lincoln NV- 837 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a * Dust Storm Warning for... Southeastern Lincoln County in south central Nevada... * Until 1030 AM PDT. * At 837 AM PDT, a dust plume coming from a dry lake bed was observed on satellite along Highway 93 between Caliente and Crystal Springs. Wind gusts over 60 mph are possible as well. HAZARD...Less than a quarter mile visibility with damaging wind in excess of 60 mph. SOURCE...Doppler radar. IMPACT...Rapid reduction in driving visibility along Highway 93 between Crystal Springs and Caliente. Strong north winds could also present a risk to high-profile vehicles of being blown over. This dust channel will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Lincoln County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dust storms lead to dangerous driving conditions with visibility reduced to near zero. If driving, avoid dust storms if possible. If caught in one, pull off the road, turn off your lights and keep your foot off the brake. Motorists should not drive into a dust storm. PULL ASIDE STAY ALIVE! && LAT...LON 3776 11480 3776 11475 3747 11464 3749 11486 TIME...MOT...LOC 1537Z 008DEG 0KT 3775 11477 $$ TB3  519 WSCA31 MHTG 081542 MHTG SIGMET C2 VALID 081540/081940 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1530Z WI N1330 W09409 -N1303 W09500 -N1241 W09603 -N1114 W09620 -N1127 W09526 -N1207 W09454 TOP FL480 MOV W 05-10KT NC=  733 WSHO31 MHTG 081542 MHTG SIGMET C2 VALID 081540/081940 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1530Z WI N1330 W09409 -N1303 W09500 -N1241 W09603 -N1114 W09620 -N1127 W09526 -N1207 W09454 TOP FL480 MOV W 05-10KT NC=  370 WGUS84 KLZK 081543 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 1043 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Cache River Near Patterson affecting Woodruff and Jackson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. && ARC067-147-090345- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0151.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.2.ER.000000T0000Z.200908T1100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1043 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning remains in effect... The Flood Warning continues for the Cache River Near Patterson. * Until further notice. * At 10:00 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 11.0 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 10.9 feet Sunday morning. * Impact...At 11.0 feet, Water near homes on Pine Street in Patterson. Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775. Water around camps along State Highways 14 and 18 in Jackson County. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timberland flooded in Craighead, Jackson, and Woodruff counties. && Fld Observed Forecast 1 PM Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Crest Time Date Cache River Patterson 9.0 11.0 Tue 10 AM 11.0 11.0 11.0 *** Nearly Steady && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$ 55  572 WGUS84 KLZK 081544 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 1044 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. && ARC145-147-090345- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0150.000000T0000Z-200910T1800Z/ /AUGA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.200904T2315Z.200909T1200Z.NO/ 1044 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until early Thursday afternoon... The Flood Warning continues for the White River At Augusta. * Until Thursday afternoon. * At 10:00 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 27.2 feet. * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage tomorrow morning and continue falling to 23.8 feet Friday, September 18. * Impact...At 28.0 feet, Roads in Henry Gray Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management area flooded. Thousands of acres of cultivated land flooded in White and Woodruff counties. && Fld Observed Forecast 1 PM Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Crest Time Date White River Augusta 26.0 27.2 Tue 10 AM 25.6 24.6 24.1 *** Crested *** && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ 55  047 WGUS84 KLZK 081545 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 1045 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Bradley, Union and Calhoun Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. && ARC011-013-139-090345- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0157.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.200906T1000Z.200907T1900Z.200909T0000Z.NO/ 1045 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until early Thursday morning... The Flood Warning continues for the Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D. * Until late Wednesday night. * At 9:30 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 79.1 feet. * Flood stage is 79.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage this evening and continue falling to 77.2 feet Sunday morning. && Fld Observed Forecast 1 PM Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Crest Time Date Ouachita River Thatcher L&D 79.0 79.1 Tue 9 AM 78.7 78.2 77.6 *** Crested *** && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$ 55  763 WWUS84 KHGX 081546 SPSHGX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 1046 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ210-226-235-236-335-336-081645- Coastal Matagorda TX-Inland Matagorda TX-Wharton TX-Colorado TX- Coastal Jackson TX-Inland Jackson TX- 1046 AM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 1046 AM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 7 miles southeast of Bay City to near Blessing to near La Ward. Movement was northwest at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Southwestern Bay City, Edna, Palacios, South Texas Nuclear Plant, Ganado, La Ward, Lolita, Blessing, Markham, Cordele, Vanderbilt, Louise, Midfield, Wadsworth, Morales, Lake Texana Dam and Danevang. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 2927 9665 2906 9609 2883 9576 2867 9606 2871 9641 2884 9671 2885 9670 2889 9673 2892 9679 2899 9682 2903 9684 TIME...MOT...LOC 1546Z 123DEG 19KT 2888 9591 2891 9621 2880 9643 $$  876 WSPM31 MPTO 081547 MPZL SIGMET 02 VALID 081547/081947 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1530Z WI BUSMO-DABEL-BIXIL-PAPIN-TILSO-BUSMO TOP FL520 MOV W NC=  240 WSRS31 RUMA 081546 UUWV SIGMET 5 VALID 081600/081800 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR EMBD TS FCST S OF N54 AND E OF E039 TOP FL350 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  296 WSFG20 TFFF 081551 SOOO SIGMET 8 VALID 081600/081900 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0545 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N0945 W05115 - N0815 W05045 - N0515 W05315 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  765 WSCA31 MHTG 081552 MHTG SIGMET D1 VALID 081550/081950 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1540Z WI N1309 W08955 -N1156 W08940 -N1137 W08824 -N1131 W08729 -N1053 W08629 -N1139 W08614 -N1204 W08715 -N1231 W08853 -N1319 W08926 TOP FL460 MOV W 05-10KT INTSF=  194 WSHO31 MHTG 081552 MHTG SIGMET D1 VALID 081550/081950 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1540Z WI N1309 W08955 -N1156 W08940 -N1137 W08824 -N1131 W08729 -N1053 W08629 -N1139 W08614 -N1204 W08715 -N1231 W08853 -N1319 W08926 TOP FL460 MOV W 05-10KT INTSF=  988 WSUS32 KKCI 081555 SIGC MKCC WST 081555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47C VALID UNTIL 1755Z IA KS NE SD FROM 10NNW MCW-40S MCW-40NNW SLN-30SSE ONL-10NNW MCW AREA TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 48C VALID UNTIL 1755Z LA TX AND TX CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW LFK-40W LCH-120SSW LCH-20SSE CRP-60SSE CWK-30SSW LFK AREA TS MOV FROM 19015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 49C VALID UNTIL 1755Z WI IL IA LM FROM 30NW DLL-30WNW PMM-30ENE UIN-30NE DSM-10E DBQ-30NW DLL AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 50C VALID UNTIL 1755Z KS FROM 20SSW MCI-20W BUM LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22025KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 51C VALID UNTIL 1755Z TX 50ESE ACT ISOL TS D30 MOV FROM 19015KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 081755-082155 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-TTT-GGG-LCH-BRO-LRD-30NW DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  721 WSFG20 TFFF 081552 SOOO SIGMET 9 VALID 081600/081900 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1000 W04815 - N1000 W04800 - N1315 W03815 - N1200 W03815 - N0915 W04530 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  722 WSUS33 KKCI 081555 SIGW MKCW WST 081555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081755-082155 FROM HBU-30S TBE-ELP-PHX-DRK-INW-DVC-HBU WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  789 WSUS31 KKCI 081555 SIGE MKCE WST 081555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 48E VALID UNTIL 1755Z NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NE ILM-80E ILM-130SE ILM-50S SAV-10S SAV-40NE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 09010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 49E VALID UNTIL 1755Z NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 100E ECG-120SE ECG-50ENE ILM-20SW ECG-100E ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 09010KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 50E VALID UNTIL 1755Z FL AND CSTL WTRS 40E EYW DVLPG ISOL TS D30 MOV FROM 16005KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 51E VALID UNTIL 1755Z FL CSTL WTRS FROM 130SE MIA-60ESE EYW LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 16005KT. TOPS TO FL420. OUTLOOK VALID 081755-082155 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  991 WHUS76 KSEW 081555 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 855 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ130-131-090000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 855 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...West Entrance U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Central U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca. * WHEN...Until 5 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-090000- /O.CON.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- 855 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm. * WHEN...Until 5 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/seattle  468 WSFG20 TFFF 081554 SOOO SIGMET 10 VALID 081600/081900 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0615 W05045 - N0730 W05130 - N1000 W04130 - N0730 W04500 FL160/195 STNR NC=  102 WSBZ31 SBGL 081555 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 081600/082000 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2611 W04256 - S2651 W04351 - S2938 W04608 - S3403 W03824 - S3416 W02950 - S3157 W02240 - S2822 W02245 - S2611 W04256 FL240/340 STNR NC=  074 WTNT80 EGRR 081558 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 12UTC 08.09.2020 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 94L ANALYSED POSITION : 29.7N 69.6W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL942020 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 08.09.2020 29.7N 69.6W WEAK 00UTC 09.09.2020 BELOW TROPICAL STORM STRENGTH TROPICAL STORM RENE ANALYSED POSITION : 16.6N 25.8W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL182020 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 08.09.2020 16.6N 25.8W WEAK 00UTC 09.09.2020 16.9N 28.3W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 09.09.2020 17.5N 31.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 10.09.2020 18.6N 33.8W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 10.09.2020 19.5N 36.3W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 11.09.2020 20.7N 38.0W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 11.09.2020 22.4N 39.4W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 12.09.2020 24.4N 40.5W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 12.09.2020 26.5N 41.9W WEAK WEAKENING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 13.09.2020 28.7N 42.7W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 13.09.2020 30.3N 43.1W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 14.09.2020 31.1N 42.6W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 14.09.2020 31.5N 41.7W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE ANALYSED POSITION : 18.1N 43.4W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL172020 VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 08.09.2020 18.1N 43.4W WEAK 00UTC 09.09.2020 18.6N 44.7W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 09.09.2020 19.5N 46.1W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 10.09.2020 20.2N 47.6W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 10.09.2020 20.6N 49.4W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 11.09.2020 20.9N 50.4W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 11.09.2020 21.2N 51.3W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 12.09.2020 21.7N 51.6W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 12.09.2020 23.1N 52.5W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 13.09.2020 25.1N 53.1W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 13.09.2020 26.6N 53.8W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 14.09.2020 27.9N 54.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 14.09.2020 28.4N 56.2W WEAK LITTLE CHANGE NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 48 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+ 48 : 12.7N 17.5W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 10.09.2020 12.7N 17.5W WEAK 00UTC 11.09.2020 12.6N 20.1W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 12UTC 11.09.2020 12.7N 23.3W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY 00UTC 12.09.2020 13.0N 26.2W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 12.09.2020 13.5N 29.2W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 13.09.2020 14.2N 32.1W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 13.09.2020 15.0N 35.0W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 00UTC 14.09.2020 15.8N 37.9W MODERATE LITTLE CHANGE 12UTC 14.09.2020 17.2N 41.0W MODERATE INTENSIFYING SLIGHTLY NEW TROPICAL STORM FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 144 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+144 : 19.2N 122.8W VERIFYING TIME POSITION STRENGTH TENDENCY -------------- -------- -------- -------- 12UTC 14.09.2020 19.2N 122.8W WEAK THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 081558  667 WSVS31 VVGL 081600 VVNB SIGMET 5 VALID 081600/081900 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N2050 E10340 - N2220 E10210 - N2320 E10520 - N2225 E10620 - N2120 E10515 - N2050 E10340 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  568 WTNT82 EGRR 081558 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 1200UTC 08.09.2020 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 94L ANALYSED POSITION : 29.7N 69.6W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL942020 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 08.09.2020 0 29.7N 69.6W 1011 21 0000UTC 09.09.2020 12 CEASED TRACKING TROPICAL STORM RENE ANALYSED POSITION : 16.6N 25.8W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL182020 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 08.09.2020 0 16.6N 25.8W 1004 29 0000UTC 09.09.2020 12 16.9N 28.3W 1005 26 1200UTC 09.09.2020 24 17.5N 31.2W 1006 28 0000UTC 10.09.2020 36 18.6N 33.8W 1006 32 1200UTC 10.09.2020 48 19.5N 36.3W 1002 36 0000UTC 11.09.2020 60 20.7N 38.0W 999 40 1200UTC 11.09.2020 72 22.4N 39.4W 996 44 0000UTC 12.09.2020 84 24.4N 40.5W 998 47 1200UTC 12.09.2020 96 26.5N 41.9W 1003 40 0000UTC 13.09.2020 108 28.7N 42.7W 1006 38 1200UTC 13.09.2020 120 30.3N 43.1W 1007 37 0000UTC 14.09.2020 132 31.1N 42.6W 1007 40 1200UTC 14.09.2020 144 31.5N 41.7W 1007 39 TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE ANALYSED POSITION : 18.1N 43.4W ATCF IDENTIFIER : AL172020 LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 08.09.2020 0 18.1N 43.4W 1001 33 0000UTC 09.09.2020 12 18.6N 44.7W 1001 36 1200UTC 09.09.2020 24 19.5N 46.1W 1003 39 0000UTC 10.09.2020 36 20.2N 47.6W 1004 42 1200UTC 10.09.2020 48 20.6N 49.4W 1004 42 0000UTC 11.09.2020 60 20.9N 50.4W 1002 39 1200UTC 11.09.2020 72 21.2N 51.3W 1001 34 0000UTC 12.09.2020 84 21.7N 51.6W 1001 30 1200UTC 12.09.2020 96 23.1N 52.5W 1003 27 0000UTC 13.09.2020 108 25.1N 53.1W 1005 26 1200UTC 13.09.2020 120 26.6N 53.8W 1007 25 0000UTC 14.09.2020 132 27.9N 54.2W 1009 28 1200UTC 14.09.2020 144 28.4N 56.2W 1010 27 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 48 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+ 48 : 12.7N 17.5W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 10.09.2020 48 12.7N 17.5W 1005 38 0000UTC 11.09.2020 60 12.6N 20.1W 1000 34 1200UTC 11.09.2020 72 12.7N 23.3W 994 41 0000UTC 12.09.2020 84 13.0N 26.2W 992 43 1200UTC 12.09.2020 96 13.5N 29.2W 992 43 0000UTC 13.09.2020 108 14.2N 32.1W 991 42 1200UTC 13.09.2020 120 15.0N 35.0W 988 45 0000UTC 14.09.2020 132 15.8N 37.9W 984 52 1200UTC 14.09.2020 144 17.2N 41.0W 980 55 NEW TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST TO DEVELOP AFTER 144 HOURS FORECAST POSITION AT T+144 : 19.2N 122.8W LEAD CENTRAL MAXIMUM WIND VERIFYING TIME TIME POSITION PRESSURE (MB) SPEED (KNOTS) -------------- ---- -------- ------------- ------------- 1200UTC 14.09.2020 144 19.2N 122.8W 1005 25 THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 081558  288 WHUS76 KMTR 081600 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 900 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ540-081700- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T1600Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 nm- 900 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM PDT THIS MORNING... $$ PZZ560-090000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0178.000000T0000Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm- 900 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-090000- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm- 900 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ530-082200- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 900 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...Until 3 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  056 WOBZ23 SBRF 081602 SBNT/SBSG/SNHS/SBFZ/SBFN AD WRNG 1 VALID 081610/082010 SFC WSPD 15KT MAX 30 FCST NC=  247 WSCI35 ZGGG 081600 ZGZU SIGMET 6 VALID 081630/082030 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2131 E11001 - N2317 E11121 - N2330 E11257 - N2145 E11259 - N2045 E11030 - N2131 E11001 TOP FL300 MOV NE 20KMH WKN=  870 WSIY31 LIIB 081609 LIMM SIGMET 5 VALID 081630/082030 LIIP- LIMM MILANO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4633 E01345 - N4707 E01206 - N4656 E01112 - N4422 E00649 - N4350 E00725 - N4310 E00940 - N4338 E01026 - N4342 E01134 - N4436 E01318 - N4518 E01257 - N4540 E01325 - N4633 E01345 FL250/420 STNR WKN=  974 WHUS76 KLOX 081605 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 905 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ670-673-082200- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0105.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 905 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Hazardous sea conditions. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM and Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. * WHEN...Until 3 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  068 WSCA31 TTPP 081605 TTZP SIGMET B1 VALID 081600/082000 TTPP- TTZP PIARCI FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 1600Z WI N1722 W06300 N1800 W06200 N1651 W05920 N1502 W06110 N1722 W06300 TOPS TO FL450 STNR NC=  788 WSBW20 VGHS 081530 VGFR SIGMET 05 VALID 081600/082000 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV NNE NC=  336 WSCI38 ZYTX 081605 ZYSH SIGMET 10 VALID 081630/082030 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N4936 E12539 - N4531 E12220 - N4237 E12547 - N4602 E13050 - N4936 E12539 FL130/180 MOV E 20KMH WKN =  159 WEXX20 PAAQ 081603 TSUAT1 TEST...Tsunami Message Number 1...TEST NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 1203 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 GMZ130-150-155-230-235-250-255-330-335-350-355-450-452-455- 532-534-536-538-550-552-555-630>635-650-655-730-750-755-765- 830-836-850-853-856-656-657-031-032-034-035-042>044-052>055- AMZ630-650-651-550-552-555-450-452-454-330-350-352-354-250- 252-254-256-130-135-150-152-154-156-158-ANZ631>638-656-658- 650-652-654-430-431-450>455-330-335-338-340-345-350-353-355- 230>237-250-254-255-256-150-050>052-TXZ251-256-257-242>247- 213-214-236>238-215-216-LAZ052>054-073-074-040-062-064-066>070- MSZ080>082-ALZ263>266-FLZ202-204-206-008-012-014-015-018-027- 028-034-139-142-148-149-050-151-155-160-162-165-069-070-075- 076>078-174-168-172-173-047-054-059-064-141-147-124-125-033- 038-GAZ154-166-117-119-139-141-SCZ048>052-054-056-NCZ106-108- 110-045>047-080-081-094-095-098-103-104-015>017-030>032-102- VAZ084-086-091-094-095-098-099-100-MDZ025-DEZ002>004-NJZ006- 012>014-021-023>026-106-108-NYZ071>075-078>081-176>179-CTZ009>012- RIZ002-004>008-MAZ007-016-019>024-NHZ014-MEZ022>028-029-030- NBZ570-550-660-641-NSZ210-230-260-250-110-120-130-170-160- 150-140-270-280-320-410-450-440-430-QCZ670-680-NLZ340-220- 230-210-120-132-140-241-242-110-131-540-530-570-520-510-560- 610-720-710-730-740-750-760-770-081703- /T.NEW.PAAQ.TS.W.9018.200908T1603Z-200908T1703Z/ The U.S. east coast, Gulf of Mexico coasts, and Eastern Canadian coastal areas ...THIS_MESSAGE_IS_FOR_TEST_PURPOSES_ONLY... ...THIS IS A TEST TO DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE DISSEMINATION OF TSUNAMI INFORMATION... ...ESTO ES UNA PRUEBA PARA DETERMINAR LOS TIEMPOS DE TRANSMISION ENVUELTOS EN LA DISEMINACION DE INFORMACION SOBRE TSUNAMIS... RESPONSES ARE REQUIRED FROM --------------------------- * All Coastal Weather Forecast Offices in the Eastern and Southern Regions - respond using tsunami message acknowledgment (TMA) procedures. Emergency alert systems and NOAA Weather Radio are NOT to be activated. * State and Territorial Warning Points in ME, NH, MA, CT - RI, NY, NJ, DE, MD, PA, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL - MS, LA, and TX. * Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Hawaii * Atlantic Storm Prediction Center NS, Government of Canada Operations Center, and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. RESPONSES SHOULD INCLUDE ------------------------ * Time-of-receipt * Agency name * Email address * Phone number Weather Service Offices should respond in accordance with local directives. All others should reply by one of the available methods below. SEND RESPONSE BY ---------------- * Web - ntwc.arh.noaa.gov/commtest/index.html * Email address - ntwc@noaa.gov * AFTN address - PAAQYQYX * AWIPS - TMA * Fax - 907-745-6071 ...THIS_MESSAGE_IS_FOR_TEST_PURPOSES_ONLY... ...THIS IS A TEST TO DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE DISSEMINATION OF TSUNAMI INFORMATION... $$  435 WEXX30 PAAQ 081603 TSUATE TEST...Public Tsunami Message Number 1...TEST NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 1203 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THIS_MESSAGE_IS_FOR_TEST_PURPOSES_ONLY... ...THIS IS A TEST TO DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE DISSEMINATION OF TSUNAMI INFORMATION... ...ESTO ES UNA PRUEBA PARA DETERMINAR LOS TIEMPOS DE TRANSMISION ENVUELTOS EN LA DISEMINACION DE INFORMACION SOBRE TSUNAMIS... RESPONSES ARE REQUIRED FROM --------------------------- * All Coastal Weather Forecast Offices in the Eastern and Southern Regions - respond using tsunami message acknowledgment (TMA) procedures. Emergency alert systems and NOAA Weather Radio are NOT to be activated. * State and Territorial Warning Points in ME, NH, MA, CT - RI, NY, NJ, DE, MD, PA, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL - MS, LA, and TX. * Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Hawaii * Atlantic Storm Prediction Center NS, Government of Canada Operations Center, and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. RESPONSES SHOULD INCLUDE ------------------------ * Time-of-receipt * Agency name * Email address * Phone number Weather Service Offices should respond in accordance with local directives. All others should reply by one of the available methods below. SEND RESPONSE BY ---------------- * Web - ntwc.arh.noaa.gov/commtest/index.html * Email address - ntwc@noaa.gov * AFTN address - PAAQYQYX * AWIPS - TMA * Fax - 907-745-6071 $$  580 WEXX20 PAAQ 081603 TSUAT1 TEST...Tsunami Message Number 1...TEST NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 1203 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 GMZ130-150-155-230-235-250-255-330-335-350-355-450-452-455- 532-534-536-538-550-552-555-630>635-650-655-730-750-755-765- 830-836-850-853-856-656-657-031-032-034-035-042>044-052>055- AMZ630-650-651-550-552-555-450-452-454-330-350-352-354-250- 252-254-256-130-135-150-152-154-156-158-ANZ631>638-656-658- 650-652-654-430-431-450>455-330-335-338-340-345-350-353-355- 230>237-250-254-255-256-150-050>052-TXZ251-256-257-242>247- 213-214-236>238-215-216-LAZ052>054-073-074-040-062-064-066>070- MSZ080>082-ALZ263>266-FLZ202-204-206-008-012-014-015-018-027- 028-034-139-142-148-149-050-151-155-160-162-165-069-070-075- 076>078-174-168-172-173-047-054-059-064-141-147-124-125-033- 038-GAZ154-166-117-119-139-141-SCZ048>052-054-056-NCZ106-108- 110-045>047-080-081-094-095-098-103-104-015>017-030>032-102- VAZ084-086-091-094-095-098-099-100-MDZ025-DEZ002>004-NJZ006- 012>014-021-023>026-106-108-NYZ071>075-078>081-176>179-CTZ009>012- RIZ002-004>008-MAZ007-016-019>024-NHZ014-MEZ022>028-029-030- NBZ570-550-660-641-NSZ210-230-260-250-110-120-130-170-160- 150-140-270-280-320-410-450-440-430-QCZ670-680-NLZ340-220- 230-210-120-132-140-241-242-110-131-540-530-570-520-510-560- 610-720-710-730-740-750-760-770-081703- /T.NEW.PAAQ.TS.W.9018.200908T1603Z-200908T1703Z/ The U.S. east coast, Gulf of Mexico coasts, and Eastern Canadian coastal areas ...THIS_MESSAGE_IS_FOR_TEST_PURPOSES_ONLY... ...THIS IS A TEST TO DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE  581 WEXX20 PAAQ 081603 DISSEMINATION OF TSUNAMI INFORMATION... ...ESTO ES UNA PRUEBA PARA DETERMINAR LOS TIEMPOS DE TRANSMISION ENVUELTOS EN LA DISEMINACION DE INFORMACION SOBRE TSUNAMIS... RESPONSES ARE REQUIRED FROM --------------------------- * All Coastal Weather Forecast Offices in the Eastern and Southern Regions - respond using tsunami message acknowledgment (TMA) procedures. Emergency alert systems and NOAA Weather Radio are NOT to be activated. * State and Territorial Warning Points in ME, NH, MA, CT - RI, NY, NJ, DE, MD, PA, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL - MS, LA, and TX. * Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Hawaii * Atlantic Storm Prediction Center NS, Government of Canada Operations Center, and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. RESPONSES SHOULD INCLUDE ------------------------ * Time-of-receipt * Agency name * Email address * Phone number Weather Service Offices should respond in accordance with local directives. All others should reply by one of the available methods below. SEND RESPONSE BY ---------------- * Web - ntwc.arh.noaa.gov/commtest/index.html * Email address - ntwc@noaa.gov * AFTN address - PAAQYQYX * AWIPS - TMA * Fax - 907-745-6071 ...THIS_MESSAGE_IS_FOR_TEST_PURPOSES_ONLY... ...THIS IS A TEST TO DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE DISSEMINATION OF TSUNAMI INFORMATION... $$  487 WSBZ31 SBGL 081611 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081620/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0458 W06540 - N0026 W06641 - N0042 W06127 - S0221 W06112 - S0218 W05911 - S0504 W05914 - S0531 W06327 - S0458 W06540 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  927 WSMS31 WMKK 081607 WMFC SIGMET D04 VALID 081615/082015 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0629 E10038 - N0333 E10212 - N0254 E10051 - N0406 E09930 - N0636 E09903 - N0629 E10038 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  024 WWCN02 CYZX 081613 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 WING GOOSE BAY PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:13 PM ADT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. LOCATION: 5 WING GOOSE BAY (CYYR) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 09/1500Z (UNTIL 09/1200 ADT) TYPE: GUST SPREAD WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER VALID: UNTIL 09/0900Z (UNTIL 09/0600 ADT) COMMENTS: A STRONG LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM OVER NORTHERN QUEBEC IS BRINGING STRONG AND GUSTY SOUTHERLY WINDS TO GOOSE BAY. THE WIND SHOULD SHIFT TO A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION SHORTLY. A GUST SPREAD NEAR 15 KNOTS IN ADDITION TO GUSTS BETWEEN 30 AND 35 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED THIS AFTERNOON AND OVERNIGHT. WIND GUSTS WILL TAPER DOWN BELOW 30 KNOTS WEDNESDAY MORNING AS THE LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVES OUT INTO THE LABRADOR SEA. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 09/0415Z (09/0115 ADT) END/JMC  220 WSIR31 OIII 081612 OIIX SIGMET 3 VALID 081620/081830 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3239 E04945 - N3001 E05040 - N2955 E05307 - N3248 E05207 TOP ABV FL330 MOV E NC=  193 WSCI35 ZGGG 081611 ZGZU SIGMET 7 VALID 081640/082040 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2659 E10947 - N2657 E11149 - N2512 E11253 - N2459 E11101 - N2624 E10936 - N2659 E10947 TOP FL300 MOV N 25KMH WKN=  588 WWUS86 KHNX 081615 RFWHNX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 915 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 8 PM WEDNESDAY FOR THE SIERRA NEVADA, FOOTHILLS, AND TEHACHAPI MOUNTAINS... .A low pressure trough will continue to bring easterly winds through the Tehachapi Mountains and northeasterly winds through the Serra Nevada overnight and into early Wednesday. Some gusts during to overnight period could approach 30-40 mph. Critically dry fuels in these areas will result in a greater threat of fire ignitions as well as rapid fire growth and dangerous fire behavior. CAZ590>597-090015- /O.EXT.KHNX.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Central Sierra Foothills-Southern Sierra Foothills-Central Sierra- North Kings River-Sequoia Kings-Lake Isabella-Tehachapi Area- Fort Tejon- 915 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR LOW HUMIDITIES AND BREEZY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, AND 597... * AFFECTED AREA...Sierra Nevada from Yosemite to Lake Isabella area. Sierra Nevada foothills from Mariposa to Tulare Counties. Tehachapi Mountains and Ft Tejon area in Kern County. * WIND...Northeast to East winds 10 to 20 mph with local gusts up to 40 mph possible. * HUMIDITY...10 to 15 percent. * TEMPERATURES...Maximum temperatures 85 to 95 degrees. * IMPACTS...Fires that develop will likely spread rapidly and could exhibit dangerous fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ Molina  087 ACUS72 KCHS 081619 AAC PSHCHS POST TROPICAL CYCLONE REPORT...HURRICANE ISAIAS...UPDATED NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHARLESTON SC 1220 PM EDT TUE SEP 8 2020 NOTE: THE DATA SHOWN HERE ARE PRELIMINARY....AND SUBJECT TO UPDATES AND CORRECTIONS AS APPROPRIATE. THIS REPORT INCLUDES EVENTS OCCURRING WHEN WATCHES AND/OR WARNINGS WERE IN EFFECT...OR WHEN SIGNIFICANT FLOODING ASSOCIATED WITH ISAIAS OR ITS REMNANTS WAS AFFECTING THE AREA. COUNTIES INCLUDED...ALLENDALE...BEAUFORT...BERKELEY...BRYAN... BULLOCH...CANDLER...CHARLESTON...CHATHAM...COLLETON...DORCHESTER... EFFINGHAM...EVANS...HAMPTON...JASPER...JENKINS...LIBERTY...LONG... MCINTOSH...SCREVEN...TATTNALL AUG 11...UPDATED FOR...SECTIONS A AND E AUG 28...UPDATED FOR...WEATHERFLOW OBSERVATIONS IN SECTIONS A AND B SEP 8...UPDATED FOR...SECTION B A. LOWEST SEA LEVEL PRESSURE/MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS AND PEAK GUSTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- METAR OBSERVATIONS... NOTE: ANEMOMETER HEIGHT IS 10 METERS AND WIND AVERAGING IS 2 MINUTES --------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION ID MIN DATE/ MAX DATE/ PEAK DATE/ LAT LON PRES TIME SUST TIME GUST TIME DEG DECIMAL (MB) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------------- KCHS-CHARLESTON INTL AIRPORT SC 32.90 -80.04 1005.2 03/2256 070/022 03/2040 090/037 03/1941 KJZI-CHARLESTON EXECUTIVE AIRPORT SC 32.70 -80.01 1003.7 03/2235 030/022 03/2055 020/035 03/2155 REMARKS: NON-METAR OBSERVATIONS... NOTE: ANEMOMETER HEIGHT IN METERS AND WIND AVERAGING PERIOD IN MINUTES INDICATED UNDER MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WIND IF KNOWN --------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION ID MIN DATE/ MAX DATE/ PEAK DATE/ LAT LON PRES TIME SUST TIME GUST TIME DEG DECIMAL (MB) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------------- XFOL-FOLLY BEACH PIER-WX FLOW SC 32.65 -79.94 1001.9 03/2229 065/041 03/2306 036/049 04/0139 11/01 XSUL-SULLIVANS ISLAND-WX FLOW SC 32.77 -79.82 999.4 04/0254 105/027 03/2236 037/038 04/0208 13/01 XIOP-ISLE OF PALMS-WX FLOW SC 32.78 -79.79 1000.4 04/0253 048/031 04/0210 054/039 04/0154 08/01 KCXM-DOWNTOWN CHARLESTON-NWS SC 32.78 -79.93 997.6 03/2240 040/028 03/2110 040/034 03/2110 10/10 XTYB-TYBEE ISLAND NORTH-WX FLOW GA 32.02 -80.84 067/033 03/1724 073/036 03/1724 10/01 XTYE-TYBEE ISLAND SOUTH-WX FLOW GA 31.99 -80.85 065/031 03/1727 064/037 03/1713 09/01 XBUF-BEAUFORT-WX FLOW SC 32.34 -80.59 095/022 03/1759 090/029 03/1759 10/01 XCHA-CHARLESTON/BATTERY POINT-WX FLOW SC 32.76 -79.95 049/027 04/0146 303/033 04/0340 10/01 REMARKS: GUSTS AT WEATHERFLOW SITES ARE 3 SECOND AVERAGES. B. MARINE OBSERVATIONS... NOTE: ANEMOMETER HEIGHT IN METERS AND WIND AVERAGING PERIOD IN MINUTES INDICATED UNDER MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WIND IF KNOWN --------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION ID MIN DATE/ MAX DATE/ PEAK DATE/ LAT LON PRES TIME SUST TIME GUST TIME DEG DECIMAL (MB) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------------- FBIS1-NDBC FOLLY ISLAND, SC C-MAN 32.69 -79.89 1003.8 03/2300 030/036 03/2110 040/045 03/2202 10/10 41004-NDBC EDISTO BUOY 32.50 -79.10 988.8 03/2240 ---/058 03/2349 290/068 03/2350 04/01 41008-NDBC GRAYS REEF BUOY 31.40 -80.87 1008.0 03/1650 020/031 03/1658 050/037 03/1300 05/01 41033-CARO COOPS FRIPP NEARSHORE BUOY-FRP2 32.28 -80.41 1006.3 03/2123 060/029 03/1953 020/041 03/2108 03/ 41029-CARO COOPS CAPERS NEARSHORE BUOY-CAP2 32.81 -79.63 1000.9 03/2308 060/034 03/2353 040/051 03/2238 03/08 FPKG1-NOS FORT PULASKI, GA 32.04 -80.90 1008.8 03/2054 080/027 03/1336 080/035 03/1330 07/ CHTS1-NOS CHARLESTON, SC 32.78 -79.92 1003.1 03/2236 030/030 03/2100 030/037 03/2100 09/ XSUM-WXFLOW FORT SUMTER, SC 32.75 -79.87 998.7 03/2244 066/034 04/0209 066/043 04/0209 12/01 XSHF-WXFLOW SHUTES FOLLY, SC 32.77 -79.91 1001.3 03/2232 056/033 04/0152 057/039 04/0152 13/01 XCLB-WXFLOW CALIBOGUE SOUND, SC 32.11 -80.84 019/023 03/2046 063/030 03/1726 06/05 REMARKS: C. STORM TOTAL RAINFALL FROM 1200 UTC AUG 02 UNTIL 1200 UTC AUG 04 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY/TOWN COUNTY ID RAINFALL LAT LON (IN) DEG DECIMAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 NE MCCLELLANVILLE CRN CHARLESTON SRES1 7.01 33.15 -79.36 1 ESE MCCLELLANVILLE CHARLESTON SC-CR-33 4.51 33.08 -79.46 ISLE OF PALMS CHARLESTON SC-CR-166 3.32 32.80 -79.76 6 ENE MOUNT PLEASANT CHARLESTON SC-CR-119 2.74 32.85 -79.77 8 NE MOUNT PLEASANT CHARLESTON SC-CR-146 2.72 32.90 -79.75 WAMBAW RAWS CHARLESTON WMBS1 2.37 32.97 -79.67 5 SSE CHARLESTON CHARLESTON SC-CR-60 2.33 32.72 -79.95 8 NE MOUNT PLEASANT CHARLESTON SC-CR-192 2.20 32.89 -79.77 7 NE MOUNT PLEASANT CHARLESTON SC-CR-112 2.07 32.90 -79.79 D. INLAND FLOODING... --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- E. MAXIMUM OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (WL)... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ID CITY/TOWN COUNTY STATE WL DATUM DATE/ SOURCE OR LOCATION (FT) TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHTS1 CHARLESTON CHARLESTON SC 1.72 MHHW 03/0012 NOS 32.7808 -79.9236 FPKG1 FORT PULASKI CHATHAM GA 1.72 MHHW 04/0142 NOS 32.0367 -80.9017 REMARKS: THE MAXIMUM OBSERVED WATER LEVEL OF 1.72 FT MHHW AT FPKG1 ALSO OCCURRED AT 04/0148 UTC. THE PEAK SURGE AT CHTS1 WAS 2.07 FT AT 03/1606 UTC, 03/1612 UTC AND 03/1624 UTC. THE PEAK SURGE AT FPKG1 WAS 3.19 FT AT 03/1706 UTC. F. TORNADOES... --------------------------------------------------------------------- (DIST)CITY/TOWN COUNTY DATE/ EF SCALE LAT LON (DEG DECIMAL) TIME(UTC) (IF KNOWN) DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------- G. STORM IMPACTS BY COUNTY... --------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY DEATHS INJURIES EVACUATIONS DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARLESTON 0 0 0 A COMBINATION OF ELEVATED TIDES AND HEAVY RAIN PRODUCED STREET FLOODING IN PARTS OF DOWNTOWN CHARLESTON. A FALLING TREE PRODUCED SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE TO AN APARTMENT COMPLEX IN WEST ASHLEY. ANOTHER TREE FELL ONTO U.S. HIGHWAY 17 NEAR MCCLELLANVILLE. RIP CURRENTS AND HIGH SURF UP TO 6 FEET OCCURRED IN KIAWAH BEACHWALKER PARK AND IN ISLE OF PALMS COUNTY PARK. $$ LEGEND: I-INCOMPLETE DATA E-ESTIMATED NWS CHARLESTON  988 WSPS21 NZKL 081617 NZZO SIGMET 32 VALID 081621/082021 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1110 W17220 - S1100 W17030 - S1150 W16950 - S1310 W17020 - S1320 W17240 - S1110 W17220 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  567 WWUS75 KGJT 081621 NPWGJT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1021 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ005-090600- /O.EXP.KGJT.FZ.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T1600Z/ /O.CON.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ /O.CON.KGJT.WI.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Upper Yampa River Basin- Including the city of Steamboat Springs 1021 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 18 expected. For the Wind Advisory, east winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. * WHERE...Upper Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...For the Wind Advisory, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. People, especially those with respiratory illnesses, heart disease, the elderly, and children are recommended to stay indoors and avoid prolonged outdoor exercise or heavy exertion due to wind-blown dust. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ024-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.HW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Eastern Uinta Basin- Including the cities of Vernal and Ballard 1021 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 50 mph with gusts in excess of 65 mph expected. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Eastern Uinta Basin. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds may blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. People, especially those with respiratory illnesses, heart disease, the elderly, and children are recommended to stay indoors and avoid prolonged outdoor exercise or heavy exertion due to wind-blown dust. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ001-002-007-008-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.FZ.W.0009.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Lower Yampa River Basin-Central Yampa River Basin- Debeque to Silt Corridor-Central Colorado River Basin- Including the cities of Rangely, Dinosaur, Craig, Hayden, Meeker, De Beque, New Castle, Mesa, Parachute, Rifle, Silt, Eagle, Edwards, Glenwood Springs, and Carbondale 1021 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures 20 to 30 expected. * WHERE...Lower Yampa River Basin, Central Yampa River Basin and Central Colorado River Basin. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/gjt  664 WSPS21 NZKL 081618 NZZO SIGMET 33 VALID 081622/081652 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 24 081252/081652=  097 WSSP32 LEMM 081619 LECB SIGMET 9 VALID 081630/081900 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4156 E00319 - N4033 E00020 - N3938 E00033 - N3906 E00205 - N4006 E00321 - N4009 E00442 - N4203 E00444 - N4156 E00319 TOP FL370 MOV W 5KT NC=  014 WSBZ01 SBBR 081600 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 - S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  015 WSBZ01 SBBR 081600 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  016 WSBZ01 SBBR 081600 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081620/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0458 W06540 - N0026 W06641 - N0042 W06127 - S0221 W06112 - S0218 W05911 - S0504 W05914 - S0531 W06327 - S0458 W06540 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  921 WSNT03 KKCI 081630 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 2 VALID 081630/082030 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1630Z WI N2615 W04000 - N2215 W04000 - N1815 W04500 - N2145 W04630 - N2615 W04000. TOP FL520. MOV NW 5KT. INTSF.  011 WSPS21 NZKL 081623 NZZO SIGMET 34 VALID 081625/082025 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1350 W17300 - S1600 W16930 - S1550 W17400 - S1410 W17440 - S1350 W17300 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  146 WAUS43 KKCI 081627 AAA WA3Z CHIZ WA 081627 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET ICE...ND MN FROM 80SW YWG TO 60WNW INL TO 40E INL TO 70S INL TO 30ENE GFK TO 80SW YWG MOD ICE BTN 030 AND 080. CONDS DVLPG 15-18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET ICE...ND SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH...UPDT FROM 70WNW SSM TO 60SE SSM TO 30W ASP TO 50SSW GRB TO 60NNW SLN TO 30WNW LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP TO 70WNW SSM MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE ND SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL OK TX BOUNDED BY 60ESE YQT-SSM-60ESE SSM-30W ASP-50E GCK-40SSW LBL-40NE TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-80NW RAP-60ESE YQT MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 025-150 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 040-140 BOUNDED BY 40WNW SSM-80ESE SSM-30SE GRB- 20ENE OVR-40NNE SLN-40E TCC-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30SSE SNY-40WNW SSM 040 ALG 80SW DIK-20SW DPR-50WSW PIR-30N LBF-50ENE LBF-20E BRD- 20WNW YQT 080 ALG 50W LBL-60ESE HLC-40WNW OVR-50SSE RHI-30SW SSM-SSM 120 ALG 60SE GCK-30S OVR-30ESE DLL-60NW YVV ....  694 WAUS45 KKCI 081627 AAA WA5Z SLCZ WA 081627 AMD AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET ICE...ID MT WY UT CO NM...UPDT FROM 70NW RAP TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 30WNW LBL TO 40SSW ALS TO 60SSW DTA TO 20SW SLC TO 50SW PIH TO 70NW RAP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...ICE WY UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 80NW RAP-70SW RAP-BFF-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-40NE TCC-20W TCC-40NNE SJN-40SSW DTA-20WSW SLC-20WSW BOY-80NW RAP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-165 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 080-130 BOUNDED BY 90E YDC-40SW YQL-20S FCA-30NW LKT-DNJ-30SSW GEG-90E YDC MULT FRZLVL 080-160 BOUNDED BY 50SSE BKE-60SSE BAM-40SSW ELY- 50NNE LAS-30W LAS-30NNE OAL-40SE LKV-50SSE BKE MULT FRZLVL 040-140 BOUNDED BY 30SSE SNY-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-40E TCC-20W FTI-30S HBU-20ENE DBL-30SSE SNY SFC BOUNDED BY 30W HLN-40ESE HLN-60SSW LWT-30SW BIL-40ESE DDY- 50W BFF-20SSE CYS-50SSW DEN-50ESE DBL-30SE DBL-50SW OCS- 50SW JAC-40SSE LKT-30NNW LKT-50N LKT-60WSW HLN-30W HLN 040 ALG 50N GGW-40NNE MLS-80SW DIK 080 ALG 20SSE YXC-60ESE REO-40E BAM-20NNE ELY-30SSW DTA-40NE JNC 080 ALG 60W PUB-30S TBE-40SE TBE 120 ALG 40SSW REO-70NNE OAL-60NNE LAS-50W TBC-50ENE RSK-30NE TCC 160 ALG 90SSE LKV-60SSE FMG-50SSE BTY 160 ALG 20S EED-70SW PHX-70ESE BZA 160 ALG 20W ELP-50N ELP-40WSW CME-40S CME-70S CME-60E ELP ....  536 WGUS81 KCLE 081628 FLSCLE Flood Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1228 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Ohio... Black River At Elyria affecting Lorain County. OHC093-081730- /O.CAN.KCLE.FL.W.0050.000000T0000Z-200908T1628Z/ /ELRO1.1.ER.700119T1219Z.700125T2031Z.700119T1219Z.NO/ 1228 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning for the Black River At Elyria has been cancelled... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Black River At Elyria. * At 12:15 PM EDT Tuesday the stage was 9.3 feet. * Flood stage is 9.5 feet. * Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 5.3 feet tomorrow evening. && LAT...LON 4146 8219 4148 8212 4139 8207 4127 8215 4128 8220 4140 8212 $$ Maines  052 ACUS01 KWNS 081629 SWODY1 SPC AC 081628 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1128 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 081630Z - 091200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THIS AFTERNOON/EVENING ACROSS WEST TX...AND FROM NORTHEASTERN OK TO CENTRAL IL... ...SUMMARY... A few strong to locally severe thunderstorms could occur this afternoon and early evening across parts of west Texas, and from northeastern Oklahoma to central Illinois. ...Southern Plains the mid MS Valley this afternoon/evening... A midlevel trough is beginning to evolve into a closed low over UT, with only slow southward movement expected through early Wednesday. East of the midlevel low, a cold air damming scenario is underway across the southern High Plains, while the cold front is moving more slowly to the south from southeastern KS into MO/IL. Boundary-layer dewpoints in the mid 60s to lower 70s are present south of the front from west TX to MO, which will combine with afternoon temperatures of 85-90 F to result in moderate buoyancy (MLCAPE of 1500-2500 J/kg) and little convective inhibition. Scattered thunderstorm development is expected along and to the cool side of the front by mid-late afternoon. Faster movement of the front across west TX and more southerly flow aloft both suggest that any frontal convection will quickly become elevated to the cool side of the boundary across west TX, aside from convection forming this afternoon over the higher terrain in southwest TX. Slower frontal movement and weaker flow support convection remaining closer to the surface boundary from MO northeastward, with a transition area across OK. Vertical shear in the warm sector will be relatively weak, which in combination with steep low-level lapse rates and DCAPE greater than 1000 J/kg will primarily favor multicell clusters capable of producing isolated downbursts from about 20-01z. ..Thompson/Moore.. 09/08/2020 $$  054 WUUS01 KWNS 081629 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1128 AM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 081630Z - 091200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... 0.05 33140414 33730249 34370048 34360017 33780003 33330032 32740128 31780287 31590352 31600423 32020459 32630472 33140414 && ... WIND ... 0.05 37529284 36949466 36179657 36369694 37059679 38219341 39778994 39908829 39458814 39088860 37529284 0.05 32000457 32470307 34330061 34780006 34939961 34829916 34429893 34029891 33140011 31970170 30910292 30910374 32000457 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 33999895 31940173 30930289 30940377 32010455 32600471 33120416 34340060 34790002 34939960 34849917 34409891 33999895 MRGL 39048864 37539277 36939465 36169653 36359695 37049680 38209342 39788993 39908828 39448813 39048864 TSTM 31481285 33031243 33871305 34621330 35991244 37391141 38211036 38990878 39180706 38790587 38410516 38470395 39140277 39950194 40680103 41549970 43819461 44389189 44828905 45178658 45288346 45558157 99999999 45137238 43417499 42787651 41697930 40968311 38988759 36749211 34799360 33469414 32069300 31399146 31078991 31088832 31288582 31758417 33098247 34618177 35968158 36658085 37307992 37567862 37437747 36947522 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 W SPS 25 SW BGS FST 40 NNE MRF 20 NE GDP 30 NW CNM 25 ESE ROW 20 WSW CDS 30 NNE CDS 25 NW LTS 15 NNE LTS 25 SE LTS 25 W SPS. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NNE SLO 40 WSW TBN 15 SSW JLN 35 NNE CQB 25 SSE PNC 25 NE PNC 35 S SZL 15 WSW SPI 10 S CMI 10 ESE MTO 30 NNE SLO. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 100 S GBN 15 ENE GBN 65 SW PRC 50 W PRC 15 W GCN 35 N PGA 25 SE 4HV 15 WSW GJT 10 WSW ASE 60 ENE GUC 35 SW COS 35 ENE PUB 25 WSW ITR 45 NNW GLD 35 ENE IML 10 NNW BBW 15 NW FRM 40 SSW EAU 30 ESE AUW 45 SE ESC 15 NNE APN 100 ENE APN ...CONT... 20 NNW EFK 25 NE UCA 20 N ITH 30 S JHW 30 E FDY 35 SSW HUF 15 W UNO 35 NW HOT 10 W TXK 25 NNE IER 20 SSW HEZ 35 ESE MCB 30 N MOB 20 W DHN 15 N ABY 35 WSW AGS 25 SSE SPA 20 NW HKY 35 SSW PSK ROA 35 ENE LYH 10 WSW RIC 55 E ORF.  092 WANO36 ENMI 081630 ENOB AIRMET E03 VALID 081700/082100 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N8100 E01745 - N8045 E03000 - N7610 E03000 - N7630 E01640 - N8100 E01745 1000FT/FL060 STNR NC=  403 WSRS31 RURD 081630 URRV SIGMET 12 VALID 081630/081830 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4325 E04020 - N4505 E03646 - N4821 E04134 - N4453 E04930 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  153 WSCI31 RCTP 081631 RCAA SIGMET 3 VALID 081700/082100 RCTP- RCAA TAIPEI FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2800 E12400 - N2700 E12000 - N2500 E11830 - N2400 E12100 - N2600 E12400 TOP ABV FL450 MOV E 05KT NC=  876 WSKO31 RKSI 081645 RKRR SIGMET X08 VALID 081700/082100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3736 E12515 - N3624 E12400 - N3341 E12400 - N3507 E12943 - N3837 E12927 - N3839 E12819 - N3736 E12515 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  402 WSPS21 NZKL 081634 NZZO SIGMET 35 VALID 081639/082039 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3500 W15920 - S4640 W14830 - S4330 W14730 - S3800 W15250 - S3500 W15920 FL200/280 MOV E 20KT NC=  053 WSPS21 NZKL 081635 NZZO SIGMET 36 VALID 081639/081704 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 28 081304/081704=  478 WABZ23 SBGL 081641 SBCW AIRMET 26 VALID 081642/082040 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1500M BR FCST WI S2326 W04716 - S2317 W04530 - S2417 W04554 - S2358 W04752 - S2326 W04716 STNR NC=  859 WSPS21 NZKL 081640 NZZO SIGMET 37 VALID 081645/082045 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3320 W16420 - S3130 W16140 - S3020 W17650 - S2500 E17230 - S2720 E17130 - S3240 W17820 - S3320 W16420 FL210/370 STNR NC=  306 WSPS21 NZKL 081641 NZZO SIGMET 38 VALID 081645/081710 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 30 081310/081710=  912 WGUS41 KCLE 081650 FLWCLE BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1250 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Ohio... Eagle Creek At Phalanx Station affecting Trumbull County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. OHC155-090300- /O.EXT.KCLE.FL.W.0051.000000T0000Z-200909T0436Z/ /PHAO1.1.ER.200908T0717Z.200908T1700Z.200908T2236Z.UU/ 1250 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...The Flood Warning is now in effect until just after midnight tonight... The Flood Warning continues for the Eagle Creek At Phalanx Station. * Until late tonight. * At 12:00 PM EDT Tuesday the stage was 11.7 feet. * Flood stage is 9.5 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river is expected to crest at 11.7 feet this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage this evening. * Impact...At 9.5 feet, Barclay Messerly Road south of the Warren Airport in Braceville floods. Knowlton Road will be threatened. * Impact...At 11.0 feet, Barclay Messerly Road, McConnell East, and Knowlton Roads will be flooded and impassable. && LAT...LON 4133 8100 4129 8093 4128 8087 4124 8092 4124 8095 4125 8100 $$ Maines  857 WSUS33 KKCI 081655 SIGW MKCW WST 081655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081855-082255 FROM HBU-30S TBE-ELP-PHX-DRK-INW-DVC-HBU WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  858 WSUS32 KKCI 081655 SIGC MKCC WST 081655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 52C VALID UNTIL 1855Z IA KS NE FROM 40E MCW-40NW OVR-30WSW OVR-50W PWE-60NW SLN LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 53C VALID UNTIL 1855Z TX AND LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 40ENE ACT-10SW LFK-100S LCH-40SE CRP-50NNW CRP-40ENE ACT AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 54C VALID UNTIL 1855Z WI IL IA LM FROM 10SW MKG-60WNW AXC-30NNW IOW-10NE DBQ-10SW MKG AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 55C VALID UNTIL 1855Z MO OK KS FROM 20NNW BUM-20SW OSW LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21020KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 56C VALID UNTIL 1855Z FL AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20ENE HRV-50SSW CEW LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 13010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 57C VALID UNTIL 1855Z MO FROM 20W STL-20ESE COU DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL370. OUTLOOK VALID 081855-082255 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-TTT-GGG-LCH-BRO-LRD-30NW DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  859 WSUS31 KKCI 081655 SIGE MKCE WST 081655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 52E VALID UNTIL 1855Z NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NE ILM-50E ILM-130SE ILM-50S SAV-10S SAV-40NE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 10010KT. TOPS TO FL440. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 53E VALID UNTIL 1855Z NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 100E ECG-120SE ECG-40NNE ILM-40WSW ECG-100E ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 09010KT. TOPS TO FL430. OUTLOOK VALID 081855-082255 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  928 WSMC31 GMMC 081652 GMMM SIMET 02 VALID 081700/082000 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS SE OF LINE N3055 W00616 - N3210 W00606 - N3344 W00147 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  249 WSMC31 GMMC 081653 GMMM SIMET 02 VALID 081700/082000 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS SE OF LINE N3055 W00616 - N3210 W00606 - N3344 W00147 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  687 WSCU31 MUHA 081648 MUFH SIGMET 3 VALID 081650/082050 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1640Z WI N2400 W08600 N2400 W08000 N2100 W08200 N2200 W08600 TO N2400 W08600 CB TOP FL420 MOV NW5KT INTSF=  309 WSPS21 NZKL 081655 NZZO SIGMET 39 VALID 081655/081657 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 26 081257/081657=  110 WSFR34 LFPW 081700 LFMM SIGMET 5 VALID 081700/081900 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4045 E00615 - N4045 E00430 - N4130 E00430 - N4130 E00615 - N4045 E00615 TOP FL360 MOV N 10KT NC=  999 WACN22 CWAO 081701 CZEG AIRMET F2 VALID 081700/081825 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET F1 081425/081825 RMK GFACN31 GFACN35=  000 WACN02 CWAO 081701 CZEG AIRMET F2 VALID 081700/081825 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET F1 081425/081825=  199 WSSD20 OEJD 081702 OEJD SIGMET 03 VALID 081700/082100 OEJD OEJD JEDDAH FIR TS OBS S OF N23 W OF E43 MOV W WKN =  485 WSSD20 OEJD 081702 OEJD SIGMET 03 VALID 081700/082100 OEJD- OEJD JEDDAH FIR TS OBS S OF N23 W OF E43 MOV W WKN =  791 WSEO31 EETN 081702 EETT SIGMET U02 VALID 081700/082100 EEMH- EETT TALLINN FIR SEV TURB FCST NE OF LINE N5934 E02325 - N5748 E02735 FL260/350 MOV NW 25KT WKN=  926 ACPN50 PHFO 081702 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 800 AM HST Tue Sep 8 2020 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster Blood  228 WWUS55 KVEF 081703 DSWVEF Dust Storm Warning National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1000 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVC017-081730- /O.CON.KVEF.DS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T1730Z/ Lincoln NV- 1000 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A DUST STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1030 AM PDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN LINCOLN COUNTY... At 1000 AM PDT, a plume of dust continued to be observed on satellite that was blowing over the Highway 93 corridor between Caliente and Crystal Springs. This plume was originating from a dry lake bed in the Dry Lake Valley. HAZARD...Less than one quarter mile visibility with damaging wind in excess of 60 mph. SOURCE...Satellite Observations. IMPACT...Rapid reduction in driving visibility along Highway 93 between Crystal Springs and Caliente. Strong north winds could also present a risk to high-profile vehicles of being blown over. Locations impacted include... Highway 93 between Caliente and Crystal Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dust storms lead to dangerous driving conditions with visibility reduced to near zero. If driving, avoid dust storms if possible. If caught in one, then pull off the road, turn off your lights and keep your foot off the brake. Motorists should not drive into a dust storm. PULL ASIDE STAY ALIVE! && LAT...LON 3776 11480 3776 11475 3747 11464 3749 11486 TIME...MOT...LOC 1700Z 008DEG 0KT 3775 11477 $$ TB3  269 WSTS31 DTTA 081700 DTTC SIGMET 01 VALID 081700/082100 DTTA DTTC TUNIS FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3701 E00826 - N3605 E00816 - N3535 E00845 - N3620 E01010 - N3700 E00959 - N3716 E00901- N3701 E00826 TOP BLW FL360 MOV NE NC=  879 WSTS40 DTTA 081700 DTTC SIGMET 01 VALID 081700/082100 DTTA DTTC TUNIS FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3701 E00826 - N3605 E00816 - N3535 E00845 - N3620 E01010 - N3700 E00959 - N3716 E00901- N3701 E00826 TOP BLW FL360 MOV NE NC=  939 WSCI38 ZYTX 081704 ZYSH SIGMET 11 VALID 081720/082120 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N4936 E12539 - N4531 E12220 - N4237 E12547 - N4602 E13050 - N4936 E12539 FL130/180 MOV E 20KMH WKN =  335 WSMC31 GMMC 081652 GMMM SIGMET 02 VALID 081700/082000 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS SE OF LINE N3055 W00616 - N3210 W00606 - N3344 W00147 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  336 WSMC31 GMMC 081653 GMMM SIGMET 02 VALID 081700/082000 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS SE OF LINE N3055 W00616 - N3210 W00606 - N3344 W00147 TOP FL530 STNR NC=  130 WAKO31 RKSI 081715 RKRR AIRMET G06 VALID 081730/082100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M RA FG BR OBS WI N3800 E12356 - N3336 E12537 - N3535 E13016 - N3726 E13217 - N3835 E12821 - N3800 E12356 STNR NC=  986 WSPR31 SPJC 081710 SPIM SIGMET 7 VALID 081715/082015 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1650Z WI S1038 W07509 - S0947 W07247 - S1209 W07125 - S1337 W07226 - S1212 W07350 - S1038 W07509 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  401 WAHW31 PHFO 081713 WA0HI HNLS WA 081713 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082200 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND...UPDATE UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO APUA POINT. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 020 EXP DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND ENDING AFT 2100Z. =HNLT WA 081600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 082200 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 081600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 082200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...169.  000 WAKO31 RKSI 081720 RKRR AIRMET H07 VALID 081730/082100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC WIND 260/30KT OBS WI N3749 E12610 - N3627 E12359 - N3403 E12359 - N3448 E12813 - N3701 E12927 - N3837 E12820 - N3749 E12610 STNR NC=  902 WWCA82 TJSJ 081717 SPSSJU Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Juan PR 117 PM AST Tue Sep 8 2020 PRZ005-006-008-009-081800- Northwest-North Central-Central Interior-Western Interior- 117 PM AST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT VEGA BAJA...FLORIDA... BARCELONETA...MOROVIS...ARECIBO...JAYUYA...CIALES...OROCOVIS... HATILLO...COROZAL...UTUADO AND MANATI MUNICIPALITIES... At 116 PM AST, strong thunderstorms were clustered over Florida, and moving northwest. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with this storm. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 1823 6664 1847 6682 1846 6647 1829 6636 TIME...MOT...LOC 1716Z 240DEG 0KT 1836 6657 $$ MB  365 WWUS75 KPIH 081717 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 1117 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 IDZ052>055-082330- /O.EXT.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T2300Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain- Lower Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley- Including the cities of Mud Lake, INL, Craters of the Moon NM, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, St. Anthony, Pocatello, Blackfoot, American Falls, Shelley, Fort Hall, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley 1117 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MDT THIS AFTERNOON... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Wind Advisory, north winds at 20 to 35 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees. Hard Freeze Conditions are likely in St. Anthony and Rexburg with temperatures around 23 degrees. * WHERE...The Arco Desert including the Mud Lake area and the INL, the Upper and Lower Snake River Plain including the regions from American Falls to St. Anthony and the Eastern Magic Valley. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 5 PM MDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ051-082330- /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds- Including the cities of Shoshone, Richfield, and Carey 1117 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 30 and 32 degrees are expected. * WHERE...The Shoshone/Lava Beds region including Shoshone, Richfield and Carey. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions can kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ056>058-067-082300- /O.EXT.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T2300Z/ Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Marsh and Arbon Highlands-Beaverhead - Lemhi Highlands- Including the cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small 1117 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM MDT THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...The cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small. * WHEN...Until 5 PM MDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/pocatello  864 WACN22 CWAO 081718 CZEG AIRMET E2 VALID 081715/081755 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET E1 081355/081755 RMK GFACN32 GFACN35=  865 WACN02 CWAO 081718 CZEG AIRMET E2 VALID 081715/081755 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET E1 081355/081755=  292 WSFJ01 NFFN 081500 NFFF SIGMET 05 VALID 081815/082215 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1154 E17612 - S1230 W17512 - S1436 W17618 - S1630 E17754 - S1154 E17612 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  164 ACUS02 KWNS 081719 SWODY2 SPC AC 081718 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1218 PM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 091200Z - 101200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... The risk for severe thunderstorms appears negligible across the U.S. Wednesday through Wednesday night. ...Discussion... Models indicate that blocking will remain prominent within the mid/upper flow across the eastern Pacific into the western U.S. through this period, although some weakening of the mid-level high centered to the west of the Pacific Northwest coast may commence. Little movement of flanking closed lows is forecast, including the one centered to the northwest of the Four Corners. To the north of this regime, broad ridging within the mid-latitude westerlies will persist from the Gulf of Alaska vicinity into the Canadian Prairies. The base of broadening downstream troughing may shift from the north central Canadian/U.S. border vicinity to the north/northeast of the Great Lakes region. Meanwhile, the western flank of a prominent mid-level ridge, centered over the mid-latitude/subtropical western Atlantic, likely will maintain considerable influence over much of the southeastern quarter of the nation. In lower levels, a weak easterly wave may gradually migrate into and across southern and mid Atlantic coastal areas. This will be accompanied by continued lower/mid tropospheric moistening and areas of convection. However, due to weak mid-level lapse rates, thermodynamic profiles supportive of activity capable of producing lightning may be generally confined to the coastal plain, where there appears the best chance for substantive boundary-layer warming and destabilization. Otherwise, low/mid-level moisture and instability above the stalling surface frontal zone, associated the ongoing cold intrusion to the lee of the Rockies, appears to provide the primary focus for scattered, generally weak thunderstorm development Wednesday through Wednesday night. Moderately large mixed-layer CAPE may develop by late afternoon along/ahead of the frontal zone across parts of Texas (roughly along the I-35 corridor into the Hill Country), near the eastern periphery of broadly cyclonic mid-level flow associated with the upstream mid-level closed low. While an isolated strong to severe storm or two in this environment may not be completely out of the question, it still appears a low enough risk at this time to maintain less than 5 percent severe probabilities. ..Kerr.. 09/08/2020 $$  165 WUUS02 KWNS 081719 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1218 PM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 091200Z - 101200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 42238217 41838541 39579230 37999393 35329499 32749482 31199404 30529324 30179232 30628971 30638767 30688568 30828440 31868332 32768224 36177892 38217568 38667423 99999999 46196705 45077074 43857408 42577745 42498049 99999999 36820738 37970830 38800777 38480665 37460621 36880650 36820738 99999999 31381238 32931083 33410998 33170782 32540531 32790395 34330178 40459865 43209535 44649044 45748199 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 SE MTC 30 SSE AZO 40 SSE IRK 55 SSW SZL 30 NW RKR 25 NNW GGG 40 E LFK 25 N LCH 20 W LFT 20 NNE ASD 30 WNW PNS 30 WSW MAI 30 N TLH 55 ENE ABY 40 N VDI 25 NNW RDU 15 SW SBY 60 SSE ACY ...CONT... 35 E HUL 35 NE BML 35 S SLK 40 NW ELM 30 NNW ERI ...CONT... 30 SE DRO 45 SSW MTJ 20 NNE MTJ 15 ESE GUC 20 W ALS 50 SW ALS 30 SE DRO ...CONT... 100 WSW TUS 55 N TUS 45 NNW SAD 30 W TCS 50 ESE ALM 35 NNE CNM 10 NNW PVW 15 SW HSI 10 WNW SPW 40 WSW CWA 90 ENE APN.  574 WAUS41 KKCI 081722 AAA WA1S BOSS WA 081722 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NY OH LE FROM 30SW BUF TO 20W CLE TO 40NNE ROD TO 40SSE FWA TO FWA TO 30SW DXO TO 30SW BUF CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ MD DE VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 60WSW YSJ TO 170SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 110SE ECG TO 90ENE CRG TO 30NE CRG TO SAV TO 40WNW ILM TO 30SE RDU TO 20SSW SBY TO JFK TO 20NNE ACK TO 20ENE BOS TO 40NE ENE TO 60WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 50SW CON TO 40NE SYR TO MSS TO 30SE YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...IFR VT NY LO PA OH LE BOUNDED BY 30ESE YOW-30SSW MPV-30N ALB-50SSW SYR-20ESE ERI-50NE ROD-40SSE FWA-FWA-30SSE ECK-30ESE YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...IFR ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30W HUL-40W YSJ-200SE ACK-160SSE ACK-140SE SIE-90S ECG-80SE ILM-80SSE CHS-70SSE SAV-40S CLT-20E GSO-40ENE RDU-30S RIC-40E DCA-20SW SAX-20W BDL-30NE BDL-50NNW ENE-30SE YSC-30W HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 30SSW HAR-40SW GSO-30W PSK-60SSW JST-30SSW HAR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  575 WAUS42 KKCI 081722 AAA WA2S MIAS WA 081722 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 60WSW YSJ TO 170SE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 110SE ECG TO 90ENE CRG TO 30NE CRG TO SAV TO 40WNW ILM TO 30SE RDU TO 20SSW SBY TO JFK TO 20NNE ACK TO 20ENE BOS TO 40NE ENE TO 60WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR NC SC GA ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30W HUL-40W YSJ-200SE ACK-160SSE ACK-140SE SIE-90S ECG-80SE ILM-80SSE CHS-70SSE SAV-40S CLT-20E GSO-40ENE RDU-30S RIC-40E DCA-20SW SAX-20W BDL-30NE BDL-50NNW ENE-30SE YSC-30W HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  858 WSBZ01 SBBR 081700 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 - S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  859 WSBZ01 SBBR 081700 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  860 WSBZ01 SBBR 081700 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081620/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0458 W06540 - N0026 W06641 - N0042 W06127 - S0221 W06112 - S0218 W05911 - S0504 W05914 - S0531 W06327 - S0458 W06540 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  260 WWCA82 TJSJ 081725 SPSSPN Comunicado Especial de las Condiciones del Tiempo Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan PR 117 PM AST martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...UNA AREA DE TRONADAS FUERTES AFECTARA LOS MUNICIPIOS DE VEGA BAJA...FLORIDA... BARCELONETA...MOROVIS...ARECIBO...CIALES...JAYUYA ...OROCOVIS... HATILLO...COROZAL...UTUADO Y MANATI... A las 116 PM AST, una tronadas fuertes estaban localizadas sobre Florida, y se estan moviendo hacia el noroeste. Vientos en exceso de 30 mph son posibles con esta tronada. Lluvias torrenciales tambien estan ocurriendo con esta tormenta, y pudieran causar inundaciones localizadas. No maneje su vehiculo a traves de las carreteras inundadas. Rayos frecuentes de nube a suelo estan ocurriendo con esta tormenta. Los rayos pueden alcanzar hasta 10 millas de distancia de la tronada. Busque refugio dentro de un edificio o vehiculo. $$ MB/LIS  349 WWUS86 KLOX 081725 RFWLOX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 1025 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY... ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM WEDNESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY.. .Gusty Santa Ana winds with very low humidities will bring widespread critical fire weather conditions to Ventura and Los Angeles counties Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday. The strongest Santa Ana winds are expected Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Fuels after this historic heat wave will be at critical levels as we enter into the Santa Ana wind event. CAZ246-253-254-090130- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area- Ventura County Mountains / Los Padres National Forest- Los Angeles County Mountains / Angeles National Forest- 1025 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTY MOUNTAINS INCLUDING THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...North to northeast winds developing this afternoon and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected tonight and Wednesday morning with gusts between 50 and 60 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ244-245-288-547-548-090130- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200908T1900Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Clarita Valley-Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- 1025 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VALLEYS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...North to northeast winds expected to develop this afternoon and continue through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected tonight and Wednesday morning with peak gusts between 40 and 55 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ240-090130- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200909T1000Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Coast- 1025 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR COASTAL AREAS OF VENTURA COUNTY DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...Northeast winds are expected to develop late this afternoon or evening and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected tonight and Wednesday morning with peak gusts around 40 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ241-090130- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200909T1000Z-200910T0300Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- 1025 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY FROM MALIBU TO THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS DUE TO SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR ... * Winds...North to northeast winds developing late this afternoon or evening from Malibu to the Hollywood Hills and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected tonight and Wednesday morning with gusts up to 40 mph. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$  902 WSCU31 MUHA 081722 MUFH SIGMET A1 VALID 081722/082122 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1715Z WI N2100 W07900 N2100 W07800 N2000 W07500 N1830 W07500 N2000 W07818 N2000 W07900 TO N2000 W07900 CB TOP FL450 MOV STNRY INTSF=  971 WWUS55 KVEF 081726 DSWVEF BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Dust Storm Warning National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1024 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVC017-081830- /O.NEW.KVEF.DS.W.0005.200908T1724Z-200908T1830Z/ Lincoln NV- 1024 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a * Dust Storm Warning for... Southeastern Lincoln County in south central Nevada... * Until 1130 AM PDT. * At 1024 AM PDT, a dust plume coming from a dry lake bed continued to be observed on satellite along Highway 93 between Caliente and Crystal Springs. Wind gusts of 50-60 mph are possible as well. HAZARD...Less than a quarter mile visibility with damaging wind up to 60 mph. SOURCE...Satellite observations. IMPACT...Rapid reduction in driving visibility along Highway 93 between Crystal Springs and Caliente. Strong north winds could also present a risk to high-profile vehicles of being blown over. This dust channel will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Lincoln County but impact Highway 93 between Caliente and Crystal Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dust storms lead to dangerous driving conditions with visibility reduced to near zero. If driving, avoid dust storms if possible. If caught in one, pull off the road, turn off your lights and keep your foot off the brake. Motorists should not drive into a dust storm. PULL ASIDE STAY ALIVE! && LAT...LON 3776 11480 3776 11475 3747 11464 3749 11486 TIME...MOT...LOC 1724Z 008DEG 0KT 3775 11477 $$ TB3  626 WSAL31 DAAA 081726 DAAA SIGMET 6 VALID 081715/081915 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3739 E00603 - N3604 E00553 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  956 WWUS45 KBOU 081728 WSWBOU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 1128 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER SNOW AND RECORD COLD IS HERE... .A mix of rain and snow across the plains will turn to all snow late this afternoon and evening and become heavier. The Front Range Mountains and Foothills will also see heavier snow become more widespread. Snow falling on trees that are still in full leaf may cause branches and limbs to break tonight, resulting in scattered power outages. Variable road conditions in the mountains and foothills will become more snow covered and slushy through this evening as the heavier snow moves in. The weather system is expected to weaken Wednesday with lingering light snowfall ending and conditions improving through the day. COZ033>037-041-090130- /O.CON.KBOU.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ South and East Jackson/Larimer/North and Northeast Grand/ Northwest Boulder Counties Above 9000 Feet- South and Southeast Grand/West Central and Southwest Boulder/ Gilpin/Clear Creek/Summit/North and West Park Counties Above 9000 Feet-Larimer and Boulder Counties Between 6000 and 9000 Feet- Jefferson and West Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet/Gilpin/Clear Creek/Northeast Park Counties Below 9000 Feet- Central and Southeast Park County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Including Cameron Pass, Laramie and Medicine Bow Mountains, Rabbit Ears Range, Rocky Mountain National Park, Willow Creek Pass, Berthoud Pass, Breckenridge, East Slopes Mosquito Range, East Slopes Southern Gore Range, Eisenhower Tunnel, Indian Peaks, Kenosha Mountains, Mount Evans, Williams Fork Mountains, Winter Park, Estes Park, Glendevey, Nederland, Red Feather Lakes, Bailey, Central City, Evergreen, Georgetown, Idaho Springs, Westcreek, Fairplay, Hartsel, Lake George, South Park, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, and Larkspur 1128 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches, 5 to 10 inches over the Palmer Divide and Park County, and 1 to 4 inches in the valleys west of the Front Range. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...The Front Range Mountains and Foothills, Park County, and the Palmer Divide. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ038>040-042-043-045-046-090130- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County-Northeast Weld County- Central and South Weld County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, and Matheson 1128 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Mixed rain and snow changing to all snow late this afternoon and early evening. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches, heaviest near the foothills. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The Front Range I-25 Corridor, and adjacent plains east to Greeley and Limon. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Snow accumulating on trees which are still in full leaf may break tree limbs and result in scattered power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Roads should remain mostly wet, but a little slush is possible during periods of heavier snowfall tonight. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ031-090130- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet- Including Mt Zirkel 1128 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...East Slopes Park and Northern Gore Ranges, Gore Pass, Rabbit Ears Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds in combination with the snow could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  609 WSPR31 SPJC 081727 SPIM SIGMET A6 VALID 081730/082030 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1710Z N OF LINE S0331 W07214 - S0419 W07055 - S0316 W07113 TOP FL440 MOV E WKN=  735 WANO32 ENMI 081730 ENSV AIRMET B02 VALID 081830/082230 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N5835 E00535 - N6025 E00450 - N6025 E00705 - N5845 E00705 - N5835 E00535 FL080/200 STNR NC=  305 WSPR31 SPJC 081734 SPIM SIGMET B2 VALID 081740/082040 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1710Z SE OF LINE S1638 W07113 - S1458 W07400 - S1447 W07127 - S1337 W07110 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  979 WACN02 CWAO 081736 CZEG AIRMET G2 VALID 081735/081840 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET G1 081440/081840=  093 WACN22 CWAO 081736 CZEG AIRMET G2 VALID 081735/081840 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNCL AIRMET G1 081440/081840 RMK GFACN32=  197 WSMS31 WMKK 081736 WBFC SIGMET D01 VALID 081745/081945 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0318 E11219 - N0249 E11043 - N0335 E11047 - N0336 E11219 - N0318 E11219 TOP FL490 MOV W NC=  835 WWUS75 KREV 081736 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 1036 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ071-073-NVZ003-005-081845- /O.EXP.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties-Mono County- Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area-Northern Washoe County- Including the cities of Portola, Susanville, Westwood, Sierraville, Loyalton, Bridgeport, Coleville, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes, Sparks, Verdi, Gardnerville, Virginia City, Empire, and Gerlach 1036 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... While it will remain hazy across much of the region today, the thickness of dust should diminish with time. Elevated levels of particulate matter could still result in degraded air quality today. Monitor airnow.gov for the latest information. $$ NVZ001-004-090100- /O.EXT.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties- Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Including the cities of Hawthorne, Yerington, Smith Valley, Mina, Schurz, Fernley, Fallon, Lovelock, Silver Springs, Nixon, and Imlay 1036 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * CHANGES...Extended advisory until 6 PM today. * WHAT...Visibility of 1 to 3 miles in blowing dust. * WHERE...Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties and Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake. Thickest dust around Fallon and other areas south and southwest of the Carson Sink. * WHEN...Until 6 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Degraded air quality due to dust. Monitor airnow.gov for additional information. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... && $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-090300- /O.CON.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of South Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Truckee, Markleeville, Stateline, Glenbrook, and Incline Village 1036 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR LAKE TAHOE... * CHANGES...None. * WHAT...East winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. Waves 2 to 3 feet with the highest on the west shores. * WHERE...Greater Lake Tahoe Area. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Small boats, kayaks and paddle boards will be prone to capsizing and should remain off lake waters until conditions improve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check lake conditions before heading out and be prepared for a sudden increase in winds and wave heights. Consider postponing boating activities on the lake until a day with less wind. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/rev  510 WSAG31 SABE 081741 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 081741/081941 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1741Z WI S4246 W06910 - S4903 W06445 - S5243 W06050 - S5318 W06257 - S4324 W07112 - S4246 W06910 FL100/200 MOV E 20KT WKN=  129 WSAG31 SABE 081741 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 081741/081941 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1741Z WI S4246 W06910 - S4903 W06445 - S5243 W06050 - S5318 W06257 - S4324 W07112 - S4246 W06910 FL100/200 MOV E 20KT WKN=  356 WWUS76 KMFR 081738 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 1038 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ORZ030-091200- /O.EXP.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.W.0009.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Including the cities of Beatty, Chemult, Crescent, Gilchrist, and Sprague River 1038 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 32 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Advisory level winds will affect extreme southeast Klamath and southwest Lake Counties. Freeze conditions will affect valley locations in northern and northeast Klamath as well as far northeast Lake Counties, including north of Chiloquin to south of Crescent. Frost will affect most other valley locations in northern and northeast Klamath and far eastern Lake Counties, including Sprague River and Crescent. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning and Frost Advisory, from 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ CAZ085-ORZ031-091200- /O.EXP.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Modoc County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Alturas, Adel, Lakeview, and Valley Falls 1038 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 30 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In California, Modoc County. In Oregon, Central and Eastern Lake County. Strongest winds are expected in Lake County and northern and eastern Modoc County. Frost advisory conditions will affect areas near Alturas, north of Davis Creek to Lakeview, Silver Lake and Fort Rock. * WHEN...For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. For the Frost Advisory, from 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ ORZ029-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.W.0009.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Klamath Basin- 1038 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures in the lower to mid 30s and light winds will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Northern Klamath Basin. For the freeze warning, this includes areas north of Chiloquin. For the frost advisory, this includes Chiloquin. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ ORZ021>024-090600- /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast-Curry County Coast- Central Douglas County-Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the cities of Reedsport, Coquille, Drain, Elkton, Roseburg, Sutherlin, and Green 1038 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Temperatures in the mid 90s to 100 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 65. * WHERE...South Central Oregon Coast and Central Douglas County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ ORZ026-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200909T2100Z/ Jackson County- Including the city of Ashland 1038 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East to southeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Jackson County, including Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, and the surrounding mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM Tuesday to 2 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...These downsloping winds will be warm and very dry, with relative humidities dropping into the single digits. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  023 WWUS85 KSLC 081739 AWWSLC UTC035-082100- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 1135 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 Airport Weather Warning for erratic north to northeast winds gusting to greater than 52 mph/45 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 1135 AM MDT to 300 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  719 WSMX31 MMMX 081742 MMEX SIGMET D3 VALID 081750/082150 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1750Z WI N1526 W10521 N1500 W10500 N1131 W10000 N1301 W09501 N1388 W09430 N1522 W09323 N1559 W09510 N1606 W09644 N1541 W09835 N1645 W10005 N1439 W10114 N1617 W10439 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  600 ACCA62 TJSJ 081743 TWOSPN Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo Tropical Emitido por El Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami, FL Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 200 PM EDT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 Para el Atlantico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de Mexico: El Centro Nacional de Huracanes esta emitiendo advertencias sobre la Tormenta Tropical Paulette, localizada sobre el centro del Atlantico tropical y sobre la Tormenta Tropical Rene, localizada justo al oeste de las Islas Cabo Verde. Una area de baja presion localizada mas de 350 millas al oeste- suroeste de Bermuda. Actividad de aguaceros y tronadas asociados a esta baja presion han disminuido desde esta manana, pero podrian aumetar una vez mas esta noche. Algun desarrollo gradual de este sistema es posible durante los proximos dos o tres dias y pudiera convertirse en un depresion tropical mientras se mueva lentamente hacia el oeste a oeste-noroeste. Intereses a lo largo de la costa del sureste de los Estados Unidos deben monitorear el progreso de este disturbio. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...30 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...mediana...40 por ciento. Se pronostica que una onda tropical salga de la costa occidental de Africa el jueves. Se anticipa desarrollo gradual cuando el sistema se mueve sobre agua y una depression tropical podria formarse tarde este semana o durante el fin de semana mientras el sistema se mueva generalmente hacia el oeste a traves el este del Atlantico tropical. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...10 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...alta...70 por ciento. $$ Pronosticador Zelinsky Traduccion Ingles  615 WSNZ21 NZKL 081742 NZZC SIGMET 14 VALID 081744/082144 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4420 E16940 - S4640 E16910 - S4720 E16740 - S4600 E16620 - S4410 E16830 - S4420 E16940 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  933 WSNZ21 NZKL 081743 NZZC SIGMET 15 VALID 081744/081810 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 11 081410/081810=  531 WTNT33 KNHC 081744 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Intermediate Advisory Number 6A NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 500 PM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...OUTER BANDS OF RENE STILL AFFECTING THE NORTHWESTERN CABO VERDE ISLANDS... SUMMARY OF 500 PM CVT...1800 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.6N 27.2W ABOUT 140 MI...230 KM WSW OF SANTO ANTAO CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 16 MPH...26 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for... * Cabo Verde Islands A Tropical Storm Warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area. For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 500 PM CVT (1800 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.6 North, longitude 27.2 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 16 mph (26 km/h), and a motion toward the west or west-northwest is expected over the next two or three days. On the forecast track, the center of Rene will continue to move away from the Cabo Verde Islands later today. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected through tonight, but gradual strengthening is forecast on Thursday and Friday. Rene is forecast to become a hurricane in a couple of days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- Key messages for Tropical Storm Rene can be found in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT3, WMO header WTNT43 KNHC, and on the web at www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml RAINFALL: Rene is expected to produce 1 to 3 inches of rain across portions of the Cabo Verde Islands today. WIND: Tropical storm conditions are still occurring over the western portion of the Cabo Verde Islands. These winds will subside by tonight. SURF: Swells generated by Rene are affecting portions of the Cabo Verde Islands. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 800 PM CVT. $$ Forecaster Cangialosi  945 WSPH31 RPLL 081745 RPHI SIGMET D05 VALID 081745/082145 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0937 E11736 - N0829 E11621 - N0927 E11514 - N1023 E11637 - N0937 E11736 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  671 WSNO34 ENMI 081745 ENBD SIGMET C05 VALID 081800/082200 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6325 E00425 - N6250 E01220 - N6200 E01220 - N6200 E00500 FL240/400 STNR NC=  922 WSMX31 MMMX 081745 MMID SIGMET G2 VALID 081756/082156 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 1756Z WI N1029 W10312 N1135 W10005 N1501 W10502 N1635 W10623 N1206 W10607 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  486 WWUS75 KABQ 081746 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ230-231-090215- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Union County-Harding County- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts of 50 to 60 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 29 and 32 degrees expected. * WHERE...Union County and Harding County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Somewhat of a lull in wind speeds may occur through the afternoon. However, winds will quickly ramp back up this evening. Wind chills in the 30s are likely much of the day. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ228-090215- /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Far Northeast Highlands- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 29 and 32 degrees expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Far Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills may fall into the 30s by late this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ222-223-229-090215- /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Estancia Valley-Central Highlands-Northeast Highlands- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Central Highlands, Northeast Highlands and Estancia Valley. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ234-235-090215- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Quay County-Curry County- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts between 50 to 60 mph. * WHERE...Quay County and Curry County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles, including along Intestate 40. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ218-219-221-090215- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.200908T1800Z-200909T1200Z/ Santa Fe Metro Area- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- Sandia/Manzano Mountains Including Edgewood- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East to southeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Sandia and Manzano Mountains including Edgewood, Santa Fe Metro Area and Middle Rio Grande Valley including the Albuquerque Metro Area. * WHEN...From noon today to 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Strong and potentially dangerous crosswinds are expected along Interstate 25 between Los Lunas, Albuquerque, Bernalillo and Santa Fe. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will strengthen through the late afternoon and will be especially strong this evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ227-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Difficult driving conditions are possible for high profile vehicles on east to west oriented roadways. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will remain strong and gusty beyond, 6 PM MDT, and wintry precipitation will also be developing. Therefore, a Winter Storm Warning will go into effect at that time. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ232-233-090215- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County- 1146 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern San Miguel County and Guadalupe County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  186 WSNZ21 NZKL 081745 NZZC SIGMET 16 VALID 081746/082146 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4030 E17550 - S4030 E17640 - S4120 E17600 - S4110 E17510 - S4030 E17550 SFC/6000FT STNR NC=  805 WSLV31 EVRA 081747 EVRR SIGMET T01 VALID 081747/081950 EVRA- EVRR RIGA FIR OBSC TS FCST AT 1755Z WI N5752 E02420 - N5708 E02610 - N5716 E02750 - N5736 E02656 - N5734 E02620 - N5803 E02516 - N5752 E02420 TOP FL250 STNR NC=  080 WSMX31 MMMX 081747 MMID SIGMET B2 VALID 081826/082226 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 1826Z WI N1634 W12000 N1936 W11723 N1747 W11524 N1611 W11651 N1414 W11602 N1111 W12000 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  312 WOCN20 CWVR 081748 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AT 10:48 A.M. PDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: ARROW LAKES - SLOCAN LAKE WEST KOOTENAY KOOTENAY LAKE EAST KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SMOKY SKIES BULLETIN - SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 A PASSING COLD FRONT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO INCREASE THE GROUND-LEVEL SMOKE CONCENTRATIONS. LOCALIZED IMPACTS ARE EXPECTED FROM THE DOCTOR CREEK AND TALBOTT CREEK WILDFIRES, WITH POSSIBLE TRANSPORT OF SMOKE FROM THESE FIRES ACROSS THE SOUTHERN KOOTENAYS. THE NEXT BULLETIN UPDATE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2020. THE BULLETIN CAN BE ACCESSED ONLINE AT: HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR/AIR-QUALITY/AIR-ADVISORIES DURING A WILDFIRE, SMOKE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE QUICKLY OVER SHORT DISTANCES AND CAN VARY CONSIDERABLY HOUR-BY-HOUR. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A NATURAL PART OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE MINDFUL THAT EXPOSURE TO SMOKE MAY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS, RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, OLDER ADULTS, PREGNANT WOMEN AND INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE HEALTH EFFECTS FROM SMOKE EXPOSURE. IF YOU OR THOSE IN YOUR CARE ARE EXPOSED TO WILDFIRE SMOKE, CONSIDER TAKING EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TO REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A CONSTANTLY-CHANGING MIXTURE OF PARTICLES AND GASSES WHICH INCLUDES MANY CHEMICALS THAT CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONSULT WWW.CANADA.CA/EN/ENVIRONMENT-CLIMATE-CHANGE/SERVICES/AIR-QUALITY-HEALTH-INDEX/WILDFIRE-SMOKE.HTML. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  264 WWUS85 KGJT 081749 SPSGJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1149 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ019-022-023-081830- Animas River Basin CO-Southwest San Juan Mountains CO- San Juan River Basin CO- 1149 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN ARCHULETA AND SOUTHEASTERN LA PLATA COUNTIES UNTIL 1230 PM MDT... At 1148 AM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of thunderstorms near Ignacio, or 16 miles north of Navajo Dam, moving east at 50 mph. Frequent cloud to ground lightning, pea size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Bayfield, Ignacio, Tiffany, Falfa, Pagosa Junction, Allison, Arboles and Oxford. This includes the following highways... U.S. Highway 160 in Colorado between mile markers 92 and 108, and between mile markers 115 and 125. Colorado 151 between mile markers 1 and 33. Colorado 172 between mile markers 1 and 24. LAT...LON 3735 10776 3718 10717 3700 10720 3700 10786 TIME...MOT...LOC 1748Z 286DEG 42KT 3704 10766 $$ MS  327 WSMX31 MMMX 081749 MMEX SIGMET A1 VALID 081748/082148 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1748Z WI N1909 W09436 N1715 W09536 N1653 W09415 N1850 W09254 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  194 WONT50 LFPW 081748 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 371, TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 1740 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, TUESDAY 8 AT 15 UTC. TROPICAL STORM RENE 1001 16.5N 26.5W AT 08/15 UTC, MOVING W AT 14 KT. EXPECTED 16.8N 28.5W AT 09/00 UTC, EXPECTED 17.4N 31.1W AT 09/12UTC, THEN 18.3N 33.7W AT 10/00 UTC. GALE OR SEVERE GALE WITHIN 40NM OF CENTER, BECOMING STORM LATER. SOUTH OF CAPE VERDE. CONTINUING TO 10/00 UTC AT LEAST. CYCLONIC 8 OR 9, INCREASING AT TIMES 10 LATER. SEVERE GUSTS. BT *  717 WSUS05 KKCI 081749 WS5Q SLCQ WS 081749 SIGMET QUEBEC 7 VALID UNTIL 082149 WY NV UT AZ FROM 40N OCS TO 40ESE MTU TO EED TO BTY TO 50NNE BVL TO 40N OCS OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY B738 AND E175. CONDS CONTG BYD 2149Z. ....  600 WSBZ31 SBGL 081749 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 081745/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0334 W06250 - N0342 W06240 - N0357 W06245 - N0400 W06243 - N0402 W06236 - N0400 W06234 - N0402 W06231 - N0407 W06230 - N0408 W06226 - N0410 W06225 - N0409 W06221 - N0404 W06207 - N0409 W06159 - N0405 W06155 - N0407 W06152 - N0409 W06148 - N0413 W06145 - N0415 W06139 - N0414 W06133 - N0418 W06128 - N0422 W06129 - N0426 W06126 - N0425 W06119 - N0427 W06115 - N0432 W06117 - N0430 W06107 - N0431 W06105 - N0432 W06057 - N0436 W06054 - N0439 W06055 - N0440 W06054 - N0442 W06053 - N0446 W06042 - N0457 W06034 - N0507 W06040 - N0513 W06011 - N0501 W05958 - N0436 W06005 - N0436 W06007 - N0434 W06009 - N0430 W06009 - N0429 W06004 - N0428 W05958 - N0430 W05957 - N0429 W05955 - N0428 W05954 - N0428 W05952 - N0427 W05951 - N0421 W05940 - N0417 W05943 - N0409 W05943 - N0354 W05933 - N0334 W05952 - N0214 W06005 - N0123 W06412 - N0210 W06318 - N0228 W06319 - N0230 W06358 - N0342 W06409 - N0357 W06433 - N0405 W06434 - N0334 W06250 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  485 WWCA82 TJSJ 081750 SPSSJU Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Juan PR 150 PM AST Tue Sep 8 2020 PRZ005-008>010-081830- Northwest-North Central-Mayaguez and Vicinity-Western Interior- 150 PM AST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...AN AREA OF STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT LAS MARIAS...LARES... SAN SEBASTIAN...ARECIBO...ISABELA...MOCA...QUEBRADILLAS...ANASCO... CAMUY...HATILLO...UTUADO...AGUADA AND AGUADILLA MUNICIPALITIES... At 149 PM AST, strong thunderstorms were clustered over northwest Puerto Rico, and moving northwestward. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 1848 6676 1833 6669 1822 6687 1827 6717 1850 6715 TIME...MOT...LOC 1749Z 240DEG 0KT 1842 6704 $$ MB  497 WSZA21 FAOR 081748 FAJO SIGMET F05 VALID 081800/082200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3440 E04128 - S3747 E04541 - S4157 E05648 - S4604 E05643 - S4235 E04139 - S3840 E03612 - S3456 E03328 FL320/400=  274 WSMX31 MMMX 081750 MMEX SIGMET C1 VALID 081749/082149 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1749Z 100NM WID LINE N2005 W10620 N2219 W10554 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  576 WSID20 WIII 081750 WIIZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081750/082015 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0239 E10106 - N0210 E10035 - N0303 E09834 - N0430 E09547 - N0541 E09750 - N0239 E10106 TOP FL540 MOV W 15KT NC=  774 WSUS05 KKCI 081750 CCA WS5Q SLCQ WS 081750 COR SIGMET QUEBEC 7 VALID UNTIL 082149 WY NV UT AZ FROM 40N OCS TO 40ESE MTU TO EED TO BTY TO 50NNE BVL TO 40N OCS OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS. RPTD BY B738 AND E175. CONDS CONTG BYD 2149Z. ...CORRECTED CAUSE OF TURB... ....  278 WSZA21 FAOR 081750 FACA SIGMET A02 VALID 081800/082200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3251 E02841 - S3320 E02936 - S3454 E02920 - S3601 E02638 - S3518 E02526 - S3418 E02609 SFC/FL030=  279 WSZA21 FAOR 081752 FAJO SIGMET E05 VALID 081800/082200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4535 E01323 - S4720 E01716 - S4959 E02233 - S5111 E01949 - S4912 E01437 - S4803 E01144 FL140/180=  280 WSZA21 FAOR 081751 FACA SIGMET C04 VALID 081800/082200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3106 E02001 - S3239 E02116 - S3249 E02541 - S3401 E02531 - S3427 E02155 - S3415 E01907 - S3207 E01839 - S3109 E01757=  281 WSZA21 FAOR 081749 FAJO SIGMET A02 VALID 081800/082200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3006 W00227 - S3126 E00320 - S3415 E00912 - S3846 E00647 - S3406 W00409 FL320/400=  416 WSUS31 KKCI 081755 SIGE MKCE WST 081755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 54E VALID UNTIL 1955Z NC AND NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 50ENE ILM-130SE ILM-140SSE ILM-100S ILM-20SW ILM-50ENE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 10010KT. TOPS TO FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 55E VALID UNTIL 1955Z VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50WSW ORF-140E ECG-160ESE ILM-80SSE ECG-20NNW ILM-50WSW ORF AREA TS MOV FROM 09010KT. TOPS TO FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 56E VALID UNTIL 1955Z SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW CHS-50SSW SAV LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 05010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 57E VALID UNTIL 1955Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NE PBI-20SE MIA-50S RSW-10W RSW-40NE PBI DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 19005KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 081955-082355 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  417 WSUS33 KKCI 081755 SIGW MKCW WST 081755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 081955-082355 FROM HBU-30S TBE-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-INW-DVC-HBU WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  182 WSUS32 KKCI 081755 SIGC MKCC WST 081755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 58C VALID UNTIL 1955Z WI MN IA KS NE FROM 40SSE ODI-30NNW OVR-20SW OVR-60NW SLN LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 59C VALID UNTIL 1955Z LA TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20SE TTT-40SSW GGG-100S LCH-60E CRP-40SSE CWK-20SE TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 60C VALID UNTIL 1955Z MI WI IL IA LM FROM 50E BAE-20W GRR-40S BDF-50SSE DBQ-40E DBQ-50E BAE AREA TS MOV FROM 24035KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 61C VALID UNTIL 1955Z MO OK KS FROM 30S MCI-20ESE BUM-60ENE END INTSF LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 62C VALID UNTIL 1955Z AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NE SJI-60SSE SJI-20NW HRV LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 13005KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 63C VALID UNTIL 1955Z IL MO AR FROM 30NE STL-20SW COU-SGF-20E RZC INTSF LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 64C VALID UNTIL 1955Z CO NM FROM 40ENE DVC-30S HBU-40E RSK-40WNW RSK-40ENE DVC DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 22040KT. TOPS TO FL440. OUTLOOK VALID 081955-082355 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-MCB-LEV-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  594 WWUS45 KABQ 081754 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 1154 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW WILL BE LIKELY OVER THE SANGRE DE CRISTO AND TUSAS MOUNTAINS AS WELL AS RATON PASS TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY... NMZ210-213-227-090230- /O.CON.KABQ.WS.W.0007.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Tusas Mountains Including Chama- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 1154 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected and it could be heavy at times. Total snow accumulations of up to 6 inches, except 6 to 12 inches above 9000 feet. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. Much of the snow will initially accumulate on grassy areas. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Tusas Mountains Including Chama, and Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Strong winds and heavy wet snow could cause extensive damage to trees and power lines. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Motorists should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and take precautions if travel is necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$ NMZ211-214>216-090230- /O.CON.KABQ.WW.Y.0014.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Jemez Mountains-Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley- 1154 AM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 inches in the upper Rio Grande valley and 3 to 6 inches in the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Jemez Mountains, Upper Rio Grande Valley, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains and East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Motorists should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and take precautions if travel is necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$  916 WBCN07 CWVR 081700 PAM ROCKS WIND 34016 LANGARA; X 1/4F W05E 1FT CHP LO W 1730 X 14/14 GREEN; PC 15 N05E 1FT CHP 1730 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 14/12 TRIPLE; PC 15 NW03E 1FT CHP LO W*** 1730 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 16/14 BONILLA; PC 15 NW16E 3FT MDT LO SW VSBY W-NW 02F 1730 CLD EST 03 FEW FEW ABV 25 15/13 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 1730 CLR 16/10 MCINNES; CLR 15 E05E RPLD LO SW 1730 CLR 17/12 IVORY; CLR 15 SE03E RPLD LO SW 1730 CLR 18/11 DRYAD; CLR 15 N04E RPLD 1730 CLR 17/14 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 1730 CLR 15/12 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 CLM 1FT CHP LO W 1740 CLD EST CLR 16/14 PINE ISLAND; CLR 15 SE03E 1FT CHP LO W 1740 CLD EST CLR 15/11 CAPE SCOTT; CLR 15 NE10E 2FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST CLR 14/10 QUATSINO; CLR 15 NE06E 1FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST CLR 20/13 NOOTKA; PC 15 NE10E 1FT CHP LO SW 1740 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 18/13 ESTEVAN; CLR 15 S6 1FT CHP LO SW 1027.2R LENNARD; PC 12 N3E RPLD LO W AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 E5 1FT CHP LO SW SMOKE ALQDS PACHENA; PC 12 SE10E 1FT CHP LO SW SMOKE ALQDS CARMANAH; CLR 8 E4E RPLD LO SW SMOKE ALQDS SCARLETT; CLR 15 SE05E 2FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; CLR 15 E02E RPLD CHATHAM; CLR 15 W02E RPLD 1740 CLD EST CLR ABV 25 16/12 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 270/13/M/1307/M/ 0000 4MMM= WEB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 263/16/10/2004/M/M 0000 57MM= WQC SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 271/18/09/0000/M/ 8008 32MM= WRU SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 265/22/04/1306/M/M M 87MM= WFG SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 263/15/12/0114/M/ 0000 25MM= WVF SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/19/11/1402/M/ M 48MM= WQS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 298/16/15/3507/M/ 7003 66MM= WRO SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 302/14/14/2810/M/M 6005 33MM= WEK SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 296/14/12/3507/M/ 8004 82MM= WWL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 289/13/12/3513/M/ PK WND 0019 1621Z 8001 53MM= WME SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/16/08/0517+23/M/ PK WND 0426 1607Z M 41MM= WAS SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 267/19/05/3416/M/M PK WND 3424 1625Z M 92MM= WSB SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 260/17/07/1102/M/M 8007 04MM= WGT SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 272/18/11/2904/M/ 8005 54MM= WEL SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 271/18/13/3104/M/ 8004 58MM= WDR SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 253/17/02/3606/M/ 8005 90MM= WZO SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0107/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2401/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 1700 AUTO8 M M M 276/14/10/1102/M/ 8007 65MM=  628 WWUS76 KSEW 081756 NPWSEW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 1056 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WAZ555-081900- /O.EXP.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ East Puget Sound Lowlands- Including the cities of Covington-Sawyer-w, Maple Valley, Monroe, Prairie Ridge, Enumclaw, Bonney Lake, and Woodinville 1056 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Easterly winds of 20 to 30 mph with occasional gusts to 40 mph will be possible through early afternoon across these areas. Winds will gradually decrease through this evening. $$  640 WWUS75 KLKN 081757 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 1057 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ031-035-039-090900- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northern Elko County-White Pine County-South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, Tuscarora, Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, McGill, Ruby Lake, and Oasis 1057 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased over the area, though locally strong and gusty winds will be possible. Northerly winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 to 40 mph will be possible. With winds diminishing slightly during the late morning and afternoon, the wind advisory is being allowed to expire. * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Northern Elko County, White Pine County and South Central Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ040-041-090900- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northwestern Nye County-Northeastern Nye County- Including the cities of Manhattan, Round Mountain, Tonopah, Blue Eagle Ranch, and Duckwater 1057 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased over the area, though locally strong and gusty winds will be possible. Northerly winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 to 40 mph will be possible. With winds diminishing slightly during the late morning and afternoon, the wind advisory is being allowed to expire. * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 33 expected. * WHERE...Northwestern Nye County and Northeastern Nye County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ033-081900- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southeastern Elko County- Including the city of West Wendover 1057 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased over the area, though locally strong and gusty winds will be possible. Northerly winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 to 40 mph will be possible. With winds diminishing slightly during the late morning and afternoon, the wind advisory is being allowed to expire. $$ NVZ037-090900- /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, and Garden Pass 1057 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-038-090900- /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwest Elko County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, Palisade, Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, and Spring Creek 1057 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 expected. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County and Southwest Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  639 WWUS84 KMOB 081758 SPSMOB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Mobile AL 1258 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ALZ263-265-081900- Mobile Coastal AL-Mobile Central AL- 1258 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES... SOUTHWESTERN MOBILE COUNTY UNTIL 200 PM CDT... At 1255 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms near Tillmans Corner are moving northwest at 10 mph. Wind gusts up to 40 mph are possible with these storms and outflow boundaries. Locations impacted include... Midtown Mobile, Downtown Mobile, Prichard, Tillmans Corner, Theodore, Chickasaw, Grand Bay, Bayou La Batre, Semmes, Tanner Williams, I65 And I165, Mobile Regional Airport and I10 And I65. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3039 8829 3037 8831 3040 8832 3041 8835 3039 8840 3079 8840 3079 8800 3072 8802 3074 8803 3075 8804 3074 8805 3066 8803 3066 8806 3057 8809 3062 8811 3061 8812 3037 8811 TIME...MOT...LOC 1755Z 118DEG 11KT 3058 8819 $$  460 WSBW20 VGHS 081800 VGFR SIGMET 06 VALID 082000/082400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV NNE NC=  549 WWCA82 TJSJ 081800 SPSSPN Comunicado Especial de las Condiciones del Tiempo Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan PR 150 PM AST martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...UNA AREA DE TRONADAS FUERTES AFECTARA LOS MUNICIPIOS DE LAS MARIAS... LARES...SAN SEBASTIAN...ARECIBO...ISABELA...MOCA...QUEBRADILLAS...ANASCO... CAMUY...HATILLO...UTUADO...AGUADA Y AGUADILLA... A las 149 PM AST, una tronadas fuertes estaban localizadas sobre el noroeste, y se estan moviendo hacia el noroeste. Lluvias torrenciales tambien estan ocurriendo con esta tormenta, y pudieran causar inundaciones localizadas. No maneje su vehiculo a traves de las carreteras inundadas. Rayos frecuentes de nube a suelo estan ocurriendo con esta tormenta. Los rayos pueden alcanzar hasta 10 millas de distancia de la tronada. Busque refugio dentro de un edificio o vehiculo. $$ MB/LIS  907 WACA31 MKJP 081800 MKJK AIRMET 1 VALID 081800/082200 MKJP- MKJK KINGSTON FIR SFC VIS 4000M SHRA OBS AT 1800Z AT MKJP=  224 WWUS82 KMHX 081803 SPSMHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 203 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NCZ044-079-090>092-081830- Greene-Jones-Lenoir-Duplin-Pitt- 203 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL JONES...GREENE... LENOIR...SOUTHWESTERN PITT AND NORTHEASTERN DUPLIN COUNTIES... At 202 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Dawson, or 7 miles north of Kinston, moving west at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Kinston, Farmville, La Grange, Grifton, Snow Hill, Bell Arthur and Deep Run. LAT...LON 3518 7783 3534 7782 3538 7780 3540 7780 3543 7783 3557 7782 3564 7772 3568 7747 3524 7746 3523 7747 3522 7746 3511 7746 3506 7785 3517 7785 TIME...MOT...LOC 1802Z 103DEG 28KT 3538 7764 $$ 27  420 WAUS42 KKCI 081802 AAB WA2S MIAS WA 081802 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA FL ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 40WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 150SE SIE TO 110SE ECG TO 100SE SAV TO 30NE CRG TO SAV TO 30SW FLO TO 40E FLO TO 30SE RDU TO 20S JFK TO 40SE BOS TO 40NNE ENE TO 40WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR NC SC GA ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30W HUL-40W YSJ-200SE ACK-160SSE ACK-140SE SIE-90S ECG-80SE ILM-80SSE CHS-70SSE SAV-40S CLT-20E GSO-40ENE RDU-30S RIC-40E DCA-20SW SAX-20W BDL-30NE BDL-50NNW ENE-30SE YSC-30W HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  421 WAUS43 KKCI 081802 AAA WA3S CHIS WA 081802 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...ND MN LS FROM 70SW YWG TO 50WNW INL TO 40E INL TO 40ENE DLH TO 50SSE FAR TO 40WSW GFK TO 70SW YWG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET IFR...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM LS MI LH IL IN...UPDT FROM 60W SSM TO 60SW SSM TO 50NW MKG TO 40E ASP TO 30E ECK TO FWA TO 40SSE FWA TO 20ENE OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO 70SW RAP TO 70NW RAP TO 20ESE RAP TO 50NNE ONL TO 60SSW RHI TO 60W SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...IFR SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY SSM-YVV-30SE ECK-FWA-40SSE FWA-40ENE SGF-40SSE OSW- OSW-50W LBL-GLD-BFF-70SW RAP-50W RAP-50SSW PIR-20NNW ANW-30N ONL- 50SSW MSP-30SSE RHI-20S SAW-60W SSM-SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  422 WAUS44 KKCI 081802 AAA WA4S DFWS WA 081802 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX AR LA FROM 60SSE MLC TO 30ENE TXK TO 40SE EIC TO 20NNW LFK TO 60ESE ACT TO 30SSW TTT TO 40SSE ADM TO 60SSE MLC CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. CONDS ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET IFR...TX FROM 70ESE ACT TO 20WNW IAH TO 40SSE CWK TO 50S SAT TO 30SSE DLF TO 50SSE FST TO 40WSW SJT TO 30ENE JCT TO 70ESE ACT CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS ENDG BY 18Z. . AIRMET IFR...OK TX...UPDT FROM 20ENE OSW TO 20ENE END TO 30E CDS TO 70ESE CME TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL TO 20ENE OSW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...MTN OBSCN TX BOUNDED BY INK-70SE FST-30WSW MRF-20ESE ELP-INK MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  423 WAUS41 KKCI 081802 AAB WA1S BOSS WA 081802 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NY OH LE...UPDT FROM 40E ECK TO 30E DXO TO 30SW BUF TO 20W CLE TO 60S DXO TO 40SSE FWA TO FWA TO 40E ECK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA NC SC GA FL AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 40WSW YSJ TO 200SE ACK TO 150SE SIE TO 110SE ECG TO 100SE SAV TO 30NE CRG TO SAV TO 30SW FLO TO 40E FLO TO 30SE RDU TO 20S JFK TO 40SE BOS TO 40NNE ENE TO 40WSW YSJ CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 70NW PQI TO MLT TO 50SW CON TO 40NE SYR TO MSS TO 30SE YSC TO 70NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...IFR ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30W HUL-40W YSJ-200SE ACK-160SSE ACK-140SE SIE-90S ECG-80SE ILM-80SSE CHS-70SSE SAV-40S CLT-20E GSO-40ENE RDU-30S RIC-40E DCA-20SW SAX-20W BDL-30NE BDL-50NNW ENE-30SE YSC-30W HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...IFR VT NY LO PA OH LE BOUNDED BY 20N YOW-30SSW MPV-30N ALB-50SSW SYR-20ESE ERI-CLE- 50NE ROD-40SSE FWA-FWA-30SE ECK-20N YOW CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 30SSW HAR-40SW GSO-30W PSK-60SSW JST-30SSW HAR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  424 WAUS46 KKCI 081802 AAA WA6S SFOS WA 081802 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 8 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 60WNW OED TO 20SSW ENI TO 30W RZS TO 50WNW TRM TO 30SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 140WSW FOT TO 60WNW OED CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA OR CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 120W HQM TO 60SSE SEA TO 40NNW DSD TO 40SW DSD TO 40ESE OAL TO 20ESE PGS TO 20WSW DRK TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 50WNW TRM TO 30W RZS TO 20SSW ENI TO 60WNW OED TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W HQM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA...UPDT FROM 30SW YDC TO 80WSW YXC TO 40SSW GEG TO 40SE SEA TO 70SE HUH TO 30SW YDC CANCEL AIRMET. CONDS HV ENDED. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM FOT TO 20NE RBL TO 50SE EHF TO 40W RZS TO PYE TO FOT MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA FROM 80WSW YXC TO 50SE EPH TO 50SSE SEA TO 40S HQM TO TOU TO HUH TO 80WSW YXC MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 40NNE BTG TO 20WNW LKV TO 60N LAS TO 60NNE TBC TO 50NE RSK TO 20S CME TO 60SSE SSO TO 50S TUS TO 20ENE PHX TO 40E HEC TO 50SE EHF TO 20NE RBL TO 20NNW FOT TO 40SSE HQM TO 40NNE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...CA FROM 60SE EHF TO 50SSW HEC TO 50S TRM TO MZB TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO 60SE EHF MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR/FU/HZ. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. ....  592 WAUS45 KKCI 081802 AAA WA5S SLCS WA 081802 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 082100 . AIRMET IFR...NV AZ WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS...UPDT FROM 120W HQM TO 60SSE SEA TO 40NNW DSD TO 40SW DSD TO 40ESE OAL TO 20ESE PGS TO 20WSW DRK TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 50WNW TRM TO 30W RZS TO 20SSW ENI TO 60WNW OED TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W HQM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID MT WY UT CO AZ NM...UPDT FROM SHR TO 70NW RAP TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO 70ESE CME TO 50WNW CME TO 40WNW FTI TO 60NNE TBC TO 20SSE DTA TO 40NNE SLC TO 60NE JAC TO SHR CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM HVR TO CYS TO TBE TO CME TO 50NE RSK TO 60NNE TBC TO 70SSE ILC TO 50WSW ELY TO 30S BAM TO 20N TWF TO 20NNE JAC TO 40W DBS TO 20SE LKT TO 30WNW GTF TO HVR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM WA OR CA FROM 40NNE BTG TO 20WNW LKV TO 60N LAS TO 60NNE TBC TO 50NE RSK TO 20S CME TO 60SSE SSO TO 50S TUS TO 20ENE PHX TO 40E HEC TO 50SE EHF TO 20NE RBL TO 20NNW FOT TO 40SSE HQM TO 40NNE BTG MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...MTN OBSCN ID WY UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY SHR-CYS-TBE-20NW TCC-30SE CME-INK-20ESE ELP-20SSE TCS- 60SSW SJN-60SSW INW-40NNW BCE-40SW SLC-30ESE MLD-30WNW BPI-JAC- 90SSW BIL-SHR MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  529 WWUS45 KGJT 081803 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ023-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern Uinta Mountains- Including the cities of Manila and Dutch John 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches below 8000 feet and 6 to 12 inches above 8000 feet. Winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Eastern Uinta Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ012-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ West Elk and Sawatch Mountains- Including the cities of Crested Butte, Taylor Park, and Marble 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 30 to 40 mph. * WHERE...West Elk and Sawatch Mountains. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ001-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Lower Yampa River Basin- Including the cities of Rangely and Dinosaur 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions are possible. * WHERE...Lower Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility, especially in open areas. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ018-019-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Northwest San Juan Mountains-Southwest San Juan Mountains- Including the cities of Telluride, Ouray, Lake City, Silverton, Rico, and Hesperus 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches expected, mainly above 9000 feet. Locally higher amounts possible. Winds will gust up to 40 mph. * WHERE...Southwest San Juan Mountains and Northwest San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ003-013-UTZ025-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Roan and Tavaputs Plateaus-Flat Tops-Tavaputs Plateau- Including the cities of Rio Blanco, Buford, and Trappers Lake 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions are possible. * WHERE...In Utah, Tavaputs Plateau. In Colorado, Flat Tops and Roan and Tavaputs Plateaus. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ002-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Central Yampa River Basin- Including the cities of Craig, Hayden, and Meeker 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions possible. * WHERE...Central Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Strong winds could cause tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ010-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Gore and Elk Mountains/Central Mountain Valleys- Including the cities of Aspen, Vail, and Snowmass 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Gore and Elk Mountains/Central Mountain Valleys. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ004-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Elkhead and Park Mountains- Including the cities of Columbine, Hahns Peak, and Toponas 1203 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches with higher amounts heading up to Rabbit Ears Pass. Easterly winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Elkhead and Park Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Strong winds could cause tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/gjt  143 WWUS45 KRIW 081804 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ....Early Season Significant Snow and Wind Continues Across Southern and Central Wyoming... .An unseasonably strong storm system for September continues to impact the Cowboy State today. Significant snowfall and gusty winds have impacted much of the area, with very strong winds continuing over the southern parts of the state. The snow will slowly move south through the afternoon into far southern Wyoming. Light snow will linger across Sweetwater through Tuesday evening. Winds will subside from north to south through the day as well, remaining strong across the south into the evening hours. WYZ020-081915- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Natrona County Lower Elevations- Including the city of Casper 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON MDT TODAY... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Spotters across Natrona County have reported six to eight inches of snow along with gusty northeast wind. Cold temperatures and gusty winds will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ022-081915- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Casper Mountain- 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON MDT TODAY... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Spotters on Casper Mountains have reported over 15 inches of snow along with gusty northeast wind. Cold temperatures and gusty winds will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ018-081915- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Lander Foothills- Including the city of Lander 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON MDT TODAY... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Spotters around Lander have reported four to ten inches of snow along with gusty northeast wind. Conditions on South Pass will remain poor through the afternoon. Cold temperatures and gusty winds will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ019-081915- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range- Including the city of Jeffrey City 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON MDT TODAY... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Cold temperatures and gusty winds will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ014-081915- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Wind River Mountains West- 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON MDT TODAY... The early strong storm has moved into southern Wyoming and northern Colorado today, diminishing snowfall so that only light accumulations are possible through the rest of the day. Strong northeast winds over 50 mph will continue through the afternoon around South Pass through. Cold temperatures and gusty winds will make travel on some roadways hazardous through early Wednesday. $$ WYZ015-090000- /O.EXT.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Wind River Mountains East- 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light to Moderate snow. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains East, particularly the southern half of the range and South Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible over South Pass. Mountain recreation could be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits late tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ030-090000- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ East Sweetwater County- Including the city of Wamsutter 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Moderate Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches with locally higher amounts up to 8 inches over far eastern portions. Wind gusts of 40 to 60 mph. * WHERE...East Sweetwater County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Travel, including along Interstate 80, has become very difficult due to slick and slushy roads, low visibility in falling snow as well as high winds. This will result in control issues, especially for light and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ028-029-090000- /O.EXT.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Rock Springs and Green River-Flaming Gorge- Including the cities of Rock Springs and Green River 1204 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light to Moderate Snow. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting 50 to 60 mph, with stronger gusts possible. * WHERE...Flaming Gorge and Rock Springs and Green River. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. The snow and very strong wind will result in low visibility and control issues especially for lightweight and high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills are expected to be in the single digits late tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  571 WHZS40 NSTU 081804 CFWPPG URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Pago Pago AS 704 AM SST Tue Sep 8 2020 ASZ001-002-090615- Tutuila-Aunuu-Manua- 704 AM SST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...High Surf Advisory Cancelled... THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN PAGO PAGO HAS CANCELLED THE HIGH SURF ADVISORY. Surf heights have dropped below advisory levels. && Ua faamutaina fautuaga mo galu maualuluga Ofisa o le tau Pago Pago AS 704 TAEAO ASO LUA SETEMA 8 2020 ...UA FAAMUTAINA FAUTUAGA MO GALU MAUALULUGA... Ua faamutaina fautuaga mo galu maualuluga e le ofisa o le tau. Ua faaitiitia galu maualuluga i lalo ifo ma le 8 futu. $$  040 WSAU21 AMMC 081806 YBBB SIGMET C05 VALID 081830/082230 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2920 E16126 - S3740 E15540 - S3500 E15110 - S2220 E16100 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  041 WSAU21 AMMC 081806 YMMM SIGMET S09 VALID 081830/082230 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2920 E16126 - S3740 E15540 - S3500 E15110 - S2220 E16100 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  314 WWUS83 KMQT 081806 SPSMQT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 206 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MIZ002-004-005-009>011-084-090230- Ontonagon-Baraga-Marquette-Gogebic-Iron-Dickinson- Southern Houghton- Including the cities of Ontonagon, L'Anse, Gwinn, Marquette, Ironwood, Iron River, Iron Mountain, Kenton, and Sidnaw 206 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /106 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FROST POSSIBLE TONIGHT ACROSS INTERIOR WEST AND FROST LIKELY WEDNESDAY NIGHT... Temperatures across the interior west are forecast to fall into the low 30s tonight, with patchy frost possible. If clouds are able to clear tonight, temperatures will fall near or below freezing, leading to more widespread frost development. High pressure will move in Wednesday night, allowing winds to calm and skies to clear. Temperatures are expected to fall below freezing, as low as 27 degrees for areas away from the Great Lakes for the west half of Upper Michigan. $$ JAW  854 WSCA31 TTPP 081809 TTZP SIGMET A3 VALID 081800/082200 TTPP ? TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 1750Z WI N1825 W04112 N1825 W03837 N1304 W03913 N1141 W04318 N1047 W05000 N1314 W05200 N1409 W04437 N1825 W04112 TOPS TO FL420 STNR NC=  180 WVID21 WAAA 081800 WAAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 081800/090000 WAAA- WAAZ UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT DUKONO PSN N0141 E12753 VA CLD OBS AT 1800Z WI N0139 E12754 - N0139 E12706 - N0155 E12656 - N 0211 E12714 - N0143 E12755 - N0139 E12754 SFC/FL070 MOV NW 10KT NC=  094 WSNT13 KKCI 081815 SIGA0M KZWY SIGMET MIKE 3 VALID 081815/082215 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1815Z WI N3415 W07400 - N3230 W07300 - N3045 W07500 - N3030 W07700 - N3215 W07700 - N3415 W07400. TOP FL500. MOV N 15KT. NC.  609 WSRS31 RURD 081814 URRV SIGMET 13 VALID 081830/082030 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4242 E03655 - N4514 E03814 - N4722 E04404 - N4453 E04930 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  533 WOAU05 AMMC 081815 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1815UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 36S105E 40S108E 50S112E 54S112E to low [1] 961hPa near 54S110E to 52S107E to low [2] 960hPa near 50S106E at 081800UTC, 40S111E 50S117E 59S117E 58S114E to low [1] 956hPa near 56S112E to low [2] 959hPa near 52S110E at 090000UTC, 44S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S116E to low [1] 948hPa near 60S115E to low [2] 956hPa near 55S115E at 090600UTC, and 47S122E 53S127E 60S127E 63S120E 63S114E to low [1] 939hPa near 61.5S114.5E at 091200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 51S087E 51S107E 62S106E 62S131E 51S131E 34S102E 34S087E 51S087E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of cold front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  593 WOAU45 AMMC 081816 IDY21040 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1815UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with a cold front 36S105E 40S108E 50S112E 54S112E to low [1] 961hPa near 54S110E to 52S107E to low [2] 960hPa near 50S106E at 081800UTC, 40S111E 50S117E 59S117E 58S114E to low [1] 956hPa near 56S112E to low [2] 959hPa near 52S110E at 090000UTC, 44S117E 51S121E 62S119E 62S116E to low [1] 948hPa near 60S115E to low [2] 956hPa near 55S115E at 090600UTC, and 47S122E 53S127E 60S127E 63S120E 63S114E to low [1] 939hPa near 61.5S114.5E at 091200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 51S087E 51S107E 62S106E 62S131E 51S131E 34S102E 34S087E 51S087E. FORECAST Northerly quarter winds 34/45 knots within 360nm east of cold front, shifting southwesterly quarter winds 34/45 knots west of cold front, and turning clockwise winds 34/47 knots within 300nm of lows. Very rough to high seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  736 WOAU46 AMMC 081818 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1818UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous southwesterly flow developing in the wake of a cold front forecast near 54S080E 58S081E 60S080E at 081800UTC, near 52S087E 59S086E 61S085E at 090000UTC, near 52S092E 56S092E 61S089E at 090600UTC, and near 52S097E 61S092E at 091200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 51S079E 51S095E 55S095E 59S080E 51S079E. FORECAST Southwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 240nm west of cold front from 081800UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  153 WSSR20 WSSS 081819 WSJC SIGMET 8 VALID 081830/082130 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0928 E11514 - N0829 E11621 - N0719 E11436 - N0902 E11310 - N0928 E11514 TOP FL520 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  412 WSSR20 WSSS 081819 WSJC SIGMET 8 VALID 081830/082130 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0928 E11514 - N0829 E11621 - N0719 E11436 - N0902 E11310 - N0928 E11514 TOP FL520 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  681 WOAU47 AMMC 081820 IDY21060 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, BNOC At 1820UTC 8 September 2020 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous westerly quarter flow developing. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 50S155E 50S160E 54S159E 55S149E 52S148E 50S155E. FORECAST Westerly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing initially, west of 151E by 090000UTC, extending to throughout by 090600UTC . Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell.  820 WWUS76 KPQR 081821 AAA NPWPQR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Portland OR 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ORZ001-090200- /O.CAN.KPQR.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T2000Z/ /O.NEW.KPQR.WI.Y.0003.200908T1821Z-200909T0200Z/ /O.CAN.KPQR.HT.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ North Oregon Coast- Including the cities of Astoria, Cannon Beach, Tillamook, Netarts, and Pacific City 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts from 35 to 40 mph. * WHERE...North Oregon Coast. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Some small tree limbs could be blown down and additional power outages are possible. Some roads may be impassable through the afternoon due to trees or power lines across roads from stronger winds overnight and earlier today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures are no longer expected to reach into the 90s this afternoon, and the heat advisory has been canceled. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ ORZ003-006-WAZ039-090200- /O.CAN.KPQR.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200908T2000Z/ /O.NEW.KPQR.WI.Y.0003.200908T1821Z-200909T0200Z/ Coast Range of Northwest Oregon-Greater Portland Metro Area- Greater Vancouver Area- Including the cities of Vernonia, Jewell, Sunset Summit, Lees Camp, Trask, Hillsboro, Portland, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Gresham, Troutdale, Vancouver, Battle Ground, Ridgefield, Washougal, Yacolt, and Amboy 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 30 mph with some gusts up to 45 mph. * WHERE...Northwest Oregon Coast range, the northern Willamette Valley, and the greater Portland-Vancouver Metro Area. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Some small tree limbs could be blown down and additional power outages are possible. Some roads may be impassable through the afternoon due to trees or power lines across roads from stronger winds overnight and earlier today. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ ORZ002-004-090200- /O.CAN.KPQR.HT.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KPQR.WI.Y.0003.200908T1821Z-200909T0200Z/ Central Oregon Coast-Central Coast Range of Western Oregon- Including the cities of Lincoln City, Newport, Cape Foulweather, Yachats, Florence, Grande Ronde, Burnt Woods, Tidewater, Swisshome, and Veneta 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...East to Northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. * WHERE...Central Oregon Coast and Central Coast Range of Western Oregon. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Some small tree limbs could be blown down and additional power outages are possible. Some roads may be impassable through the afternoon due to trees or power lines across roads from stronger winds overnight and earlier today. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures are no longer expected to reach into the 90s this afternoon due to dense smoke, and the heat advisory has been canceled. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ ORZ010-WAZ040-090200- /O.EXT.KPQR.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T0200Z/ Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills- South Washington Cascade Foothills- Including the cities of Sandy, Estacada, Silver Falls State Park, Sweet Home, Toutle, Ariel, Lake Merwin, Yale Lake, and Cougar 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...East winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. Locally stronger wind gusts are possible across ridge tops. * WHERE...In Washington, South Washington Cascade Foothills. In Oregon, Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Tree limbs or even whole trees could be blown down. Be prepared for power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Some roads could be impassable due to downed trees and power lines. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Slow down and exercise extreme caution if you must drive. && $$ ORZ011-WAZ019-090200- /O.EXT.KPQR.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T0200Z/ Northern Oregon Cascades-South Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Government Camp, Detroit, Santiam Pass, Coldwater Ridge Visitors Center, Mount St. Helens, and Wind River Valley 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING ABOVE 2000 FEET... * WHAT...East winds 25 to 40 mph with some gusts up to 60 mph. Winds will gradually decrease late this afternoon and evening. * WHERE...South Washington Cascades and Northern Oregon Cascades. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Tree limbs and even whole trees will be susceptible to being blown down. Be prepared for power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Widespread blowing dust is likely around Mount Saint Helens and Mt Hood. * IMPACTS...Tree limbs or even whole trees could be blown down. Be prepared for power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Some roads could be impassable due to downed trees and power lines. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Slow down and exercise extreme caution if you must drive. && $$ ORZ007-008-090200- /O.NEW.KPQR.WI.Y.0003.200908T1821Z-200909T0200Z/ Central Willamette Valley-South Willamette Valley- Including the cities of Salem, McMinnville, Woodburn, Stayton, Dallas, Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Albany, and Lebanon 1121 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. * WHERE...Central Willamette Valley and South Willamette Valley. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Anyone driving should be alert to the possibility of tree limbs or power lines downed across roadways and low visibility due to smoke. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could be reduced to less than a mile in many locations due to dense smoke. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down, and use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Miller For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/portland  403 WSBZ01 SBBR 081800 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081620/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0458 W06540 - N0026 W06641 - N0042 W06127 - S0221 W06112 - S0218 W05911 - S0504 W05914 - S0531 W06327 - S0458 W06540 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  404 WSBZ01 SBBR 081800 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  405 WSBZ01 SBBR 081800 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 - S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  406 WSBZ01 SBBR 081800 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 081745/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0334 W06250 - N0342 W06240 - N0357 W06245 - N0400 W06243 - N0402 W06236 - N0400 W06234 - N0402 W06231 - N0407 W06230 - N0408 W06226 - N0410 W06225 - N0409 W06221 - N0404 W06207 - N0409 W06159 - N0405 W06155 - N0407 W06152 - N0409 W06148 - N0413 W06145 - N0415 W06139 - N0414 W06133 - N0418 W06128 - N0422 W06129 - N0426 W06126 - N0425 W06119 - N0427 W06115 - N0432 W06117 - N0430 W06107 - N0431 W06105 - N0432 W06057 - N0436 W06054 - N0439 W06055 - N0440 W06054 - N0442 W06053 - N0446 W06042 - N0457 W06034 - N0507 W06040 - N0513 W06011 - N0501 W05958 - N0436 W06005 - N0436 W06007 - N0434 W06009 - N0430 W06009 - N0429 W06004 - N0428 W05958 - N0430 W05957 - N0429 W05955 - N0428 W05954 - N0428 W05952 - N0427 W05951 - N0421 W05940 - N0417 W05943 - N0409 W05943 - N0354 W05933 - N0334 W05952 - N0214 W06005 - N0123 W06412 - N0210 W06318 - N0228 W06319 - N0230 W06358 - N0342 W06409 - N0357 W06433 - N0405 W06434 - N0334 W06250 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  407 WSAU21 AMMC 081822 YBBB SIGMET D05 VALID 081845/082245 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E16300 - S5000 E16150 - S4240 E15430 - S4200 E15810 - S4814 E16300 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  980 WSAU21 AMMC 081822 YMMM SIGMET I22 VALID 081845/082245 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E16300 - S5000 E16150 - S4240 E15430 - S4200 E15810 - S4814 E16300 FL110/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  308 WSPH31 RPLL 081823 RPHI SIGMET C06 VALID 081823/082223 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1314 E11921 - N1233 E12207 - N1124 E12128 - N1019 E11757 - N1320 E11731 - N1314 E11921 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  554 WSPH31 RPLL 081823 RPHI SIGMET C06 VALID 081823/082223 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1314 E11921 - N1233 E12207 - N1124 E1 2128 - N1019 E11757 - N1320 E11731 - N1314 E11921 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 1 0KT NC=  251 WSPH31 RPLL 081823 RPHI SIGMET C06 VALID 081823/082223 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1314 E11921 - N1233 E12207 - N1124 E12128 - N1019 E11757 - N1320 E11731 - N1314 E11921 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  336 WWUS75 KLKN 081823 CCA NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE...CORRECTED National Weather Service Elko NV 1123 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ031-035-039-090900- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northern Elko County-White Pine County-South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, Tuscarora, Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, McGill, Ruby Lake, and Oasis 1123 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased over the area, though locally strong and gusty winds will be possible. Northerly winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 to 40 mph will be possible. With winds diminishing slightly during the late morning and afternoon, the wind advisory is being allowed to expire. * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Northern Elko County, White Pine County and South Central Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ040-041-090900- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ /O.COR.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northwestern Nye County-Northeastern Nye County- Including the cities of Manhattan, Round Mountain, Tonopah, Blue Eagle Ranch, and Duckwater 1123 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased over the area, though locally strong and gusty winds will be possible. Northerly winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 to 40 mph will be possible. With winds diminishing slightly during the late morning and afternoon, the wind advisory is being allowed to expire. * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Northwestern Nye County and Northeastern Nye County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ033-081900- /O.EXP.KLKN.WI.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200908T1800Z/ Southeastern Elko County- Including the city of West Wendover 1123 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM PDT THIS MORNING... Winds have decreased over the area, though locally strong and gusty winds will be possible. Northerly winds of 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 to 40 mph will be possible. With winds diminishing slightly during the late morning and afternoon, the wind advisory is being allowed to expire. $$ NVZ037-090900- /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- Including the cities of Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, and Garden Pass 1123 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-038-090900- /O.COR.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwest Elko County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, Palisade, Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, and Spring Creek 1123 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County and Southwest Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  605 WSPR31 SPJC 081820 SPIM SIGMET 8 VALID 081820/082015 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 7 VALID 081715/082015=  358 WSAG31 SAME 081834 SAMF SIGMET A2 VALID 081834/082234 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1834Z WI S2840 W06939 - S2840 W06939 - S2918 W06954 - S3009 W06947 - S3115 W07031 - S3319 W06944 - S3410 W06949 - S3506 W07024 - S3543 W07016 - S3621 W07041 - S3706 W07111 - S3821 W07058 - S3717 W06818 - S3502 W06835 - S3224 W06825 - S3027 W06740 - S3027 W06740 - S2840 W06939 FLSFC/160 STNR INTSF=  984 WSAG31 SAME 081834 SAMF SIGMET A2 VALID 081834/082234 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1834Z WI S2840 W06939 - S2840 W06939 - S2918 W06954 - S3009 W06947 - S3115 W07031 - S3319 W06944 - S3410 W06949 - S3506 W07024 - S3543 W07016 - S3621 W07041 - S3706 W07111 - S3821 W07058 - S3717 W06818 - S3502 W06835 - S3224 W06825 - S3027 W06740 - S3027 W06740 - S2840 W06939 FLSFC/160 STNR INTSF=  551 WWUS55 KVEF 081829 DSWVEF BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Dust Storm Warning National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1127 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVC017-082030- /O.NEW.KVEF.DS.W.0006.200908T1827Z-200908T2030Z/ Lincoln NV- 1127 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a * Dust Storm Warning for... Southeastern Lincoln County in south central Nevada... * Until 130 PM PDT. * At 1127 AM PDT, a dust plume coming from a dry lake bed continued to be observed on satellite along Highway 93 between Caliente and Crystal Springs. Wind gusts of 50-60 mph are possible as well. HAZARD...Less than a quarter mile visibility with damaging wind in excess of 60 mph. SOURCE...Satellite observations. IMPACT...Rapid reduction in driving visibility along Highway 93 between Crystal Springs and Caliente. Strong north winds could also present a risk to high-profile vehicles of being blown over. This dust channel will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Lincoln County and impact Highway 93 between Caliente and Crystal Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dust storms lead to dangerous driving conditions with visibility reduced to near zero. If driving, avoid dust storms if possible. If caught in one, pull off the road, turn off your lights and keep your foot off the brake. Motorists should not drive into a dust storm. PULL ASIDE STAY ALIVE! && LAT...LON 3776 11480 3776 11475 3747 11464 3749 11486 TIME...MOT...LOC 1827Z 008DEG 0KT 3775 11477 $$ TB3  951 WSBZ31 SBGL 081831 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081825/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0520 W06129 - S0609 W06123 - S0615 W06541 - S0457 W06727 - S0238 W06806 - N0145 W06806 - N0145 W06712 - N0104 W06700 - N0044 W06616 - N0058 W06544 - N0038 W06524 - N0103 W06414 - N0100 W06214 - N0040 W06214 - N0025 W06639 - S0457 W06545 - S0530 W06326 - S0520 W06129 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  253 WSBZ31 SBGL 081831 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 081825/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0002 W05045 - N0014 W04726 - S0031 W04458 - S0326 W04517 - S0320 W05058 - S0002 W05045 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  756 WSMA31 FIMP 081825 FIMM SIGMET 03 VALID 081820/082220 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1745Z WI S0700 E06000 - S0700 E06900 - S1030 E06900 - S1045 E06030 - S0700 E06000 TOP FL410 MOV W 10KT NC=  583 WSSP32 LEMM 081832 LECB SIGMET 10 VALID 081900/082100 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4049 E00029 - N3948 E00007 - N3902 E00143 - N4017 E00336 - N3945 E00441 - N4154 E00440 - N4202 E00420 - N4049 E00029 TOP FL370 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  501 WOCN20 CWVR 081835 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AT 11:35 A.M. PDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= GREATER VICTORIA =NEW= HOWE SOUND =NEW= WHISTLER =NEW= SUNSHINE COAST - GIBSONS TO EARLS COVE =NEW= SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS =NEW= EAST VANCOUVER ISLAND - DUNCAN TO NANAIMO =NEW= EAST VANCOUVER ISLAND - NANOOSE BAY TO FANNY BAY =NEW= WEST VANCOUVER ISLAND =NEW= INLAND VANCOUVER ISLAND =NEW= OKANAGAN VALLEY =NEW= SIMILKAMEEN =NEW= BOUNDARY ARROW LAKES - SLOCAN LAKE WEST KOOTENAY KOOTENAY LAKE EAST KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SMOKY SKIES BULLETIN - SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 LONG-RANGE TRANSPORT OF WILDFIRE SMOKE FROM THE UNITED STATES HAS IMPACTED AIR QUALITY LEVELS THROUGHOUT MUCH OF SOUTHERN BC INCLUDING THE ISLAND, COASTAL MAINLAND, THE OKANAGAN, AS WELL AS THE KOOTENAYS AND BOUNDARY. LOCALIZED IMPACTS IN THE EAST AND WEST KOOTENAYS ARE EXPECTED FROM THE DOCTOR CREEK AND TALBOTT CREEK WILDFIRES. THE NEXT BULLETIN UPDATE WILL BE AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 09, 2020. THE BULLETIN CAN BE ACCESSED ONLINE AT: HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR/AIR-QUALITY/AIR-ADVISORIES DURING A WILDFIRE, SMOKE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE QUICKLY OVER SHORT DISTANCES AND CAN VARY CONSIDERABLY HOUR-BY-HOUR. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A NATURAL PART OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE MINDFUL THAT EXPOSURE TO SMOKE MAY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS, RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, OLDER ADULTS, PREGNANT WOMEN AND INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE HEALTH EFFECTS FROM SMOKE EXPOSURE. IF YOU OR THOSE IN YOUR CARE ARE EXPOSED TO WILDFIRE SMOKE, CONSIDER TAKING EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TO REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A CONSTANTLY-CHANGING MIXTURE OF PARTICLES AND GASSES WHICH INCLUDES MANY CHEMICALS THAT CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONSULT WWW.CANADA.CA/EN/ENVIRONMENT-CLIMATE-CHANGE/SERVICES/AIR-QUALITY-HEALTH-INDEX/WILDFIRE-SMOKE.HTML. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  841 WGUS82 KMFL 081835 FLSMFL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Miami FL 235 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 FLC021-082145- /O.NEW.KMFL.FA.Y.0113.200908T1835Z-200908T2145Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Collier FL- 235 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Miami has issued a * Flood Advisory for Poor Drainage Areas for... West Central Collier County in southwestern Florida... * Until 545 PM EDT. * At 235 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Overflowing poor drainage areas will cause minor flooding in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Naples, Golden Gate Estates, Golden Gate, Vineyards, East Naples, West Toll Gate On Alligator Alley, Naples Manor, Lely Resort, North Naples, Naples Park, Lely and Pelican Bay. Additional rainfall of 1 to 2 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. && LAT...LON 2628 8184 2628 8166 2621 8165 2619 8158 2607 8160 2609 8183 $$ Weinman  966 WWUS45 KGJT 081839 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ023-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern Uinta Mountains- Including the cities of Manila and Dutch John 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches below 8000 feet and 6 to 12 inches above 8000 feet. Winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Eastern Uinta Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ012-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ West Elk and Sawatch Mountains- Including the cities of Crested Butte, Taylor Park, and Marble 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 30 to 40 mph. * WHERE...West Elk and Sawatch Mountains. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ001-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Lower Yampa River Basin- Including the cities of Rangely and Dinosaur 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions are possible. * WHERE...Lower Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility, especially in open areas. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ018-019-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Northwest San Juan Mountains-Southwest San Juan Mountains- Including the cities of Telluride, Ouray, Lake City, Silverton, Rico, and Hesperus 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches expected, mainly above 9000 feet. Locally higher amounts possible. Winds will gust up to 40 mph. * WHERE...Southwest San Juan Mountains and Northwest San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ009-090600- /O.EXA.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Grand and Battlement Mesas- 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches with locally higher amounts possible. Winds will gust up to 40 mph. * WHERE...Grand and Battlement Mesas. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ003-013-UTZ025-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Roan and Tavaputs Plateaus-Flat Tops-Tavaputs Plateau- Including the cities of Rio Blanco, Buford, and Trappers Lake 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions are possible. * WHERE...In Utah, Tavaputs Plateau. In Colorado, Flat Tops and Roan and Tavaputs Plateaus. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ002-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Central Yampa River Basin- Including the cities of Craig, Hayden, and Meeker 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. Occasional whiteout conditions possible. * WHERE...Central Yampa River Basin. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Strong winds could cause tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ010-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Gore and Elk Mountains/Central Mountain Valleys- Including the cities of Aspen, Vail, and Snowmass 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Gore and Elk Mountains/Central Mountain Valleys. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ004-090600- /O.CON.KGJT.WW.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Elkhead and Park Mountains- Including the cities of Columbine, Hahns Peak, and Toponas 1239 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches with higher amounts heading up to Rabbit Ears Pass. Easterly winds gusting in excess of 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Elkhead and Park Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Strong winds could cause tree damage. A detailed map of the snowfall can be found at: www.weather.gov/gjt/winter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/gjt  747 WAIS31 LLBD 081839 LLLL AIRMET 4 VALID 081900/082300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3010 E03440 - N3043 E03426 - N3320 E03525 STNR INTSF=  929 WSCA31 MHTG 081838 MHTG SIGMET B3 VALID 081837/082237 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1830Z WI N0857 W10149 - N1020 W10141 - N1103 W10128 - N1115 W10052 - N0920 W09836 - N0825 W10043 TOP FL500 MOS W 05KT INTSF=  978 WWUS75 KLKN 081842 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 1142 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ031-035-037-039-090945- /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northern Elko County-White Pine County- Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, Tuscarora, Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, McGill, Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, Garden Pass, Ruby Lake, and Oasis 1142 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Northern Elko County, White Pine County, Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County and South Central Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-038-040-041-090945- /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwest Elko County-Northwestern Nye County- Northeastern Nye County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, Palisade, Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, Spring Creek, Manhattan, Round Mountain, Tonopah, Blue Eagle Ranch, and Duckwater 1142 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County, Southwest Elko County, Northwestern Nye County and Northeastern Nye County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  290 WSHO31 MHTG 081838 MHTG SIGMET B3 VALID 081837/082237 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1830Z WI N0857 W10149 - N1020 W10141 - N1103 W10128 - N1115 W10052 - N0920 W09836 - N0825 W10043 TOP FL500 MOS W 05KT INTSF=  543 WSCO31 SKBO 081844 SIGMET SKED SIGMET 4 VALID 081836/082221 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1816Z WI N0234 W07038 - N0013 W07048 - N0025 W07248 - N0313 W07248 - N0234 W07038 TOP FL490 MOV W 12KT INTSF=  537 WSSS20 VHHH 081845 VHHK SIGMET 4 VALID 081850/082250 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1936 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2207 E11259 - N2007 E11301 - N1936 E11130 TOP FL500 MOV E 10KT NC=  165 WVEQ31 SEQU 081835 SEFG SIGMET 4 VALID 081830/090030 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 1810Z WI S0153 W07849 - S0158 W07819 - S0202 W07819 - S0209 W07850 - S0153 W07849 SFC/FL210 MOV W 25KT FCST AT 0000Z WI S0149 W07903 - S0158 W07819 - S0204 W07819 - S0213 W07904 - S0149 W07903 =  297 WSAU21 AMMC 081847 YMMM SIGMET W01 VALID 081905/082305 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3500 E09720 - S3320 E10000 - S3800 E10500 - S4820 E10810 - S4830 E10500 - S4000 E10120 FL120/240 MOV E 25KT NC=  984 WSBZ01 SBBR 081800 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 081825/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0002 W05045 - N0014 W04726 - S0031 W04458 - S0326 W04517 - S0320 W05058 - S0002 W05045 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  985 WSBZ01 SBBR 081800 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081825/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0520 W06129 - S0609 W06123 - S0615 W06541 - S0457 W06727 - S0238 W06806 - N0145 W06806 - N0145 W06712 - N0104 W06700 - N0044 W06616 - N0058 W06544 - N0038 W06524 - N0103 W06414 - N0100 W06214 - N0040 W06214 - N0025 W06639 - S0457 W06545 - S0530 W06326 - S0520 W06129 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  056 WSUS05 KKCI 081849 WS5U SLCU WS 081849 SIGMET UNIFORM 2 VALID UNTIL 082249 ID WY NV UT CO FROM CZI TO DBL TO 40E ELY TO 30SSE TWF TO CZI OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL260 AND FL390. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY B738. CONDS CONTG BYD 2249Z. ....  155 WSCH31 SCCI 081849 SCCZ SIGMET 02 VALID 081900/082300 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S4700 W07400 - S5100 W07400 - S5300 W07300 - S5200 W07500 - S4700 W07600 TOP FL250 MOV N WKN=  859 WWUS85 KABQ 081850 SPSABQ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 1250 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ203-081915- Far Northwest Highlands- 1250 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN RIO ARRIBA COUNTY UNTIL 115 PM MDT... At 1250 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles southwest of Dulce, moving northeast at 40 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Dulce and Lumberton. This includes Highway 64 between Mile Markers 93 and 140. && LAT...LON 3700 10687 3698 10687 3655 10719 3669 10754 3700 10728 TIME...MOT...LOC 1850Z 212DEG 40KT 3687 10718 $$ 15  362 WWUS85 KGJT 081853 SPSGJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1253 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ014-018-019-081945- Upper Gunnison River Valley CO-Southwest San Juan Mountains CO- Northwestern San Juan Mountains CO- 1253 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN OURAY...NORTHWESTERN HINSDALE...NORTHEASTERN SAN JUAN AND SOUTH CENTRAL GUNNISON COUNTIES UNTIL 145 PM MDT... At 1252 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles east of Ouray, or 38 miles southeast of Montrose, moving northeast at 55 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lake City, Iola and Powderhorn. This includes the following highways... U.S. Highway 550 in Colorado between mile markers 85 and 89. U.S. Highway 50 in Colorado between mile markers 138 and 144. Colorado 149 between mile markers 68 and 113. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3782 10753 3794 10770 3852 10720 3841 10700 3817 10700 TIME...MOT...LOC 1852Z 219DEG 55KT 3799 10752 $$ MDA  833 WSUS31 KKCI 081855 SIGE MKCE WST 081855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 58E VALID UNTIL 2055Z NC AND NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM ILM-90E ILM-130SE ILM-140ESE CHS-90S ILM-ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 1210KT. TOPS TO FL440. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 59E VALID UNTIL 2055Z VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 170SE SIE-160ESE ILM-70S ECG-50NW ILM-40WSW ORF-170SE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 12015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 60E VALID UNTIL 2055Z SC GA AND FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 20NW SAV-110SE CHS-110NE OMN-20ESE AMG-20NW SAV AREA TS MOV FROM 06010KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 61E VALID UNTIL 2055Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NNE PBI-60ESE EYW-70SW RSW-20NW RSW-50NNE PBI AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 082055-090055 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-CEW-CHS-RDU-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  834 WSUS32 KKCI 081855 SIGC MKCC WST 081855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 65C VALID UNTIL 2055Z WI MO MN IA KS NE FROM 50W GRB-30S GRB-20NNW SLN-20NW HLC-60NNW OVR-50W GRB AREA TS MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 66C VALID UNTIL 2055Z LA TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30W LCH-100S LCH-90SE PSX-20S PSX-30W LCH AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 67C VALID UNTIL 2055Z TX OK FROM 30NW END-20E END-40SSE SPS-40W ABI-20SW CDS-30NW END DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 68C VALID UNTIL 2055Z IL MO OK KS FROM 30NNW AXC-40ESE STL-20SE SGF-60NW TUL-60E ICT-30NNW AXC AREA TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 69C VALID UNTIL 2055Z FL AL MS LA AND AL MS LA CSTL WTRS FROM 20S MCB-40ENE SJI-50E LEV-40SW LEV-20S MCB AREA TS MOV FROM 13005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 70C VALID UNTIL 2055Z TX FROM 20NE TTT-30ENE LFK-60WSW IAH-10SSW CWK-20NE TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 71C VALID UNTIL 2055Z CO NM FROM 40WNW HBU-50ESE HBU-60ESE RSK-50W RSK-40WNW HBU AREA TS MOV FROM 22045KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 72C VALID UNTIL 2055Z MO IA 60SSW DSM ISOL TS D25 MOV FROM 23025KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 082055-090055 FROM BAE-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-MCB-LEV-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-LBF-BAE WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  770 WSUS33 KKCI 081855 SIGW MKCW WST 081855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 082055-090055 FROM ALS-TCC-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-ALS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  637 WSVS31 VVGL 081900 VVNB SIGMET 6 VALID 081900/082200 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1715 E10640 - N2215 E10215 - N2310 E10510 - N2110 E10810 - N1915 E10705 - N1805 E10745 - N1715 E10640 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  256 WSGG31 UGTB 081857 UGGG SIGMET 3 VALID 081900/082300 UGTB- UGGG TBILISI FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF N4130 AND S OF N4250 FL300 MOV SE 10KMH NC=  118 WWUS75 KPSR 081858 NPWPSR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 1158 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ530-533-CAZ569-570-090500- /O.NEW.KPSR.DU.Y.0003.200908T1858Z-200908T2300Z/ /O.CON.KPSR.WI.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-200909T0500Z/ Parker Valley-Central La Paz-Palo Verde Valley-Chuckwalla Valley- Including the cities of Parker, Ehrenberg, Brenda, Harcuvar, Quartzsite, Vicksburg, Vicksburg Junction, Salome, Martinez Lake, Blythe, Palo Verde, Ripley, and Midland 1158 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /1158 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM MST /4 PM PDT/ THIS AFTERNOON... ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, visibility between one quarter mile and one mile in blowing dust. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...In Arizona, Parker Valley and Central La Paz County. In California, Palo Verde Valley and Chuckwalla Valley. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 4 PM MST /4 PM PDT/ this afternoon. For the Wind Advisory, until 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ this evening. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility. Difficult driving conditions, especially for larger vehicles traveling along roads with crosswinds. Light, unsecured objects may become airborne. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be ready for a sudden drop in visibility. If you encounter blowing dust or blowing sand on the roadway or see it approaching, pull off the road as far as possible and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights all the way off and keep your foot off the brake pedal. Remember, pull aside, stay alive. A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of between 30 and 40 mph are expected, or wind gusts of between 40 and 58 mph. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. In addition, strong winds over desert areas could result in briefly lowered visibilities to well under a mile at times in blowing dust or blowing sand. Use extra caution. && $$ AZZ531-532-536-CAZ560-561-564-565-568-090500- /O.CON.KPSR.WI.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-200909T0500Z/ Kofa-Yuma-Gila River Valley-Joshua Tree NP West- Joshua Tree NP East-Chuckwalla Mountains- Imperial County Southeast-Chiriaco Summit- Including the cities of Palm Canyon, Yuma, Fortuna Foothills, Ligurta, Cottonwood Visitor, Lost Horse-Keys Village, Imperial Hot Mineral Springs, Winterhaven, and Chiriaco Summit 1158 AM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /1158 AM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...In Arizona, Parker Valley. In California, Western portion of Joshua Tree National Park, Eastern portion of Joshua Tree National Park, Chuckwalla Mountains, Southeastern Imperial County, Chiriaco Summit, Palo Verde Valley and Chuckwalla Valley. * WHEN...From 11 AM MST /11 AM PDT/ to 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Difficult driving conditions, especially for larger vehicles traveling along roads with crosswinds on Interstates 8 and 10. Light, unsecured objects may become airborne. Minor tree damage possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of between 30 and 40 mph are expected, or wind gusts of between 40 and 58 mph. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. In addition, strong winds over desert areas could result in briefly lowered visibilities to well under a mile at times in blowing dust or blowing sand. Use extra caution. Continue to monitor NWS forecasts, broadcast outlets, and local government for updates. && $$  976 WSFR34 LFPW 081859 LFMM SIGMET 5 VALID 081900/082100 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3915 E00600 - N3930 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4200 E00545 - N3915 E00600 TOP FL370 STNR NC=  021 WSFR34 LFPW 081900 LFMM SIGMET 6 VALID 081900/082100 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3915 E00600 - N3930 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4200 E00545 - N3915 E00600 TOP FL370 MOV NNW 15KT NC=  022 WHUS41 KAKQ 081900 CFWAKQ Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Wakefield VA 300 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NCZ102-VAZ098-090000- /O.CON.KAKQ.BH.S.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Eastern Currituck-Virginia Beach- 300 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...STRONG RIP CURRENTS. * WHERE...In Virginia, Virginia Beach. In North Carolina, Eastern Currituck County. * WHEN...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$ TG  666 WSFR34 LFPW 081903 LFMM SIGMET 6 VALID 081902/082200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3915 E00600 - N3930 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4200 E00545 - N3915 E00600 TOP FL370 MOV NNW 15KT NC=  938 WSFR34 LFPW 081903 LFMM SIGMET 7 VALID 081903/082100 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 6 081900/082100=  004 WWUS82 KRAH 081905 SPSRAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 305 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NCZ028-043-078-082000- Edgecombe NC-Wayne NC-Wilson NC- 305 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A LINE OF SHOWERS AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS WILL AFFECT WILSON... ROCKY MOUNT... TARBORO... GOLDSBORO... SMITHFIELD... and CLINTON THROUGH 430 PM... At 301 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a line of showers and isolated thunderstorms extending from Tarboro and Wilson to Goldsboro and Hobbton... moving southwest at 40 mph. This line will be moving into Johnston... Sampson... Wilson... and Wayne Counties through 430 PM. Wind gusts up to 35 to 40 mph will be possible with this line of storms. Heavy rain and minor flooding will also be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Tarboro, Wilson, Fremont, Princeville, Pinetops, Lucama, Stantonsburg, Black Creek, Macclesfield and Saratoga. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Seek shelter in a nearby building or vehicle. Wind gusts as high as 40 mph are capable of knocking down tree limbs and blowing around trash cans, potted plants, lawn furniture and other light outdoor objects. && LAT...LON 3582 7735 3583 7739 3582 7741 3581 7742 3580 7747 3576 7752 3558 7781 3552 7800 3568 7809 3599 7740 3590 7734 TIME...MOT...LOC 1901Z 245DEG 33KT 3563 7796 $$ PWB  148 WSFR34 LFPW 081905 LFMM SIGMET 7 VALID 081905/082200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3915 E00600 - N3930 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4200 E00545 - N3915 E00600 TOP FL370 MOV NNW 15KT NC=  417 WSFR34 LFPW 081905 LFMM SIGMET 8 VALID 081905/082200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 7 081905/082200=  780 WSFR34 LFPW 081905 LFMM SIGMET 9 VALID 081905/082100 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET 5 081900/082100=  108 WSFG20 TFFF 081906 SOOO SIGMET 11 VALID 081900/082300 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0415 W05430 - N0500 W05430 - N0530 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N0945 W05045 - N0915 W04945 - N0445 W05200 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  109 WSSG31 GOOY 081910 GOOO SIGMET B3 VALID 081910/082310 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1900Z WI N1528 W00401 - N1006 W00627 - N1238 W01407 - N1857 W00955 TOP FL500 MOV W 20KT INTSF=  968 WOPS01 NFFN 081800 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  743 WSCO31 SKBO 081826 SKED SIGMET 4 VALID 081836/082221 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1816Z WI N0234 W07038 - N0013 W07048 - N0025 W07248 - N0313 W07248 - N0234 W07038 TOP FL490 MOV W 12KT INTSF=  322 WSFG20 TFFF 081908 SOOO SIGMET 12 VALID 081900/082300 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1015 W04700 - N1330 W03730 - N1245 W03715 - N0945 W04315 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  425 WTCA43 TJSJ 081909 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Intermedia Numero 6A SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 500 PM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...BANDAS EXTERIORES DE RENE TODAVIA AFECTANDO EL NOROESTE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE... RESUMEN DE LAS 500 PM CVT...1800 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.6 NORTE 27.2 OESTE CERCA DE 140 MI...230 KM AL OESTE SUROESTE DE SANTO ANTAO ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 16 MPH...26 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... Ninguno. RESUMEN DE VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS EN EFECTO... Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical esta en efecto para... * Islas Cabo Verde Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones de tormenta tropical en alguna parte dentro del area bajo aviso. Para informacion especifica en su area acerca de esta tormenta, favor de monitorear los productos emitidos por su Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 500 PM CVT (1800 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.6 norte, longitud 27.2 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste a cerca de 16 mph (26 km/h) y se espera que un movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue por los proximos dos o tres dias. En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Rene continuara retirandose de las Islas de Cabo Verde mas tarde hoy. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica poco cambio en intensidad hasta esta noche, pero se pronostica fortalecimiento gradual el jueves y el viernes. Se pronostica que Rene se convierta en Huracan en los proximos dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Los mensajes claves para la Tormenta Tropical Rene pueden ser encontrados en la Discusion de Ciclon Tropical bajo AWIPS encabezado MIATCDAT3 y WMO encabezado WTNT43 KNHC o en la pagina de internet www.hurricanes.gov/text/MIATCDAT3.shtml LLUVIA: Se espera que Rene produzca entre 1 a 3 pulgadas de lluvia a traves de sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde hoy. VIENTOS: Condiciones de tormenta Tropical continua ocurriendo sobre sectores del oeste de las Islas Cabo. Estos vientos disminuiran esta noche. RESACA: Marejadas generadas por Rene estan afectando sectores de las Islas Cabo Verde. Es probable que estas marejadas causen resacas y corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida. Favor de consultar los productos de su oficina local de meteorologia. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 800 PM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Cangialosi Traduccion Lojero  434 WWUS76 KMFR 081910 NPWMFR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ORZ029-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.W.0009.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Klamath Basin- 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures in the lower to mid 30s and light winds will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Northern Klamath Basin. For the freeze warning, this includes areas north of Chiloquin. For the frost advisory, this includes Chiloquin. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ ORZ030-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FZ.W.0009.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Including the cities of Beatty, Chemult, Crescent, Gilchrist, and Sprague River 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23 expected. For the Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 32 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Advisory level winds will affect extreme southeast Klamath and southwest Lake Counties. Freeze conditions will affect valley locations in northern and northeast Klamath as well as far northeast Lake Counties, including north of Chiloquin to south of Crescent. Frost will affect most other valley locations in northern and northeast Klamath and far eastern Lake Counties, including Sprague River and Crescent. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning and Frost Advisory, from 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ ORZ024-090600- /O.EXB.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the city of Grants Pass 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...East to southeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern Curry County and Josephine County. * WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...These downsloping winds will be warm and very dry, with relative humidities dropping into the single digits. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ ORZ021>023-090600- /O.CON.KMFR.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ South Central Oregon Coast-Curry County Coast- Central Douglas County- Including the cities of Reedsport, Coquille, Drain, Elkton, Roseburg, Sutherlin, and Green 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Temperatures in the mid 90s to 100 expected, with overnight lows as warm as 65. * WHERE...South Central Oregon Coast and Central Douglas County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM PDT Tuesday. * IMPACTS...The combination of warm overnight temperatures, hot daytime temperatures, and dry conditions will make it difficult to stay hydrated and cool. The potential for heat related illnesses will be significantly higher, especially for those working outside and for those who lack access to adequate cooling resources. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. && $$ CAZ085-ORZ031-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FR.Y.0021.200909T1100Z-200909T1500Z/ Modoc County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the city of Alturas 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 30 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In California, Modoc County. In Oregon, Central and Eastern Lake County. Strongest winds are expected in Lake County and northern and eastern Modoc County. Frost advisory conditions will affect areas near Alturas, north of Davis Creek to Lakeview, Silver Lake and Fort Rock. * WHEN...For the Wind Advisory, until 11 AM PDT this morning. For the Frost Advisory, from 4 AM to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ ORZ026-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200909T2100Z/ Jackson County- Including the cities of Medford and Ashland 1210 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East to southeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Southeastern Jackson County, including Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, and the surrounding mountains. * WHEN...From 5 AM Tuesday to 2 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Drought-stressed trees and tree limbs could fall and power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...These downsloping winds will be warm and very dry, with relative humidities dropping into the single digits. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  788 WSFG20 TFFF 081909 SOOO SIGMET 13 VALID 081900/082300 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0945 W04930 - N1000 W04800 - N1030 W04645 - N0945 W04230 - N0645 W04700 - N0645 W05215 FL160/200 STNR NC=  153 WWCN10 CWUL 081910 WIND WARNING FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:10 P.M. EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING ENDED FOR: LG QUATRE - LAFORGE AND FONTANGES SCHEFFERVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIND SPEEDS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  663 WSCA31 MKJP 081915 MKJK SIGMET 1 VALID 081915/082315 MKJP- MKJK KINGSTON FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1915Z WI N2000 W07911 - N2000 W07820 - N1830 W07500 - N1720 W07500 - N1720 W07911 TOP ABV FL400 MOV W INTSFY=  248 WWNZ40 NZKL 081910 GALE WARNING 133 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREAS: FORTIES AND PACIFIC AT 081800UTC FRONT 47S 163E 52S 172E 54S 173W 54S 164W MOVING EAST 30KT. WITHIN 240 NAUTICAL MILES NORTHEAST OF FRONT: NORTHWEST 45KT EASING TO 35KT NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREA MOVING WITH FRONT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 130.  249 WWNZ40 NZKL 081909 GALE WARNING 132 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 081800UTC IN AN AREA BOUNDED BY 39S 120W 45S 120W 45S 123W 39S 120W: SOUTHWEST 40KT. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 35KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 128.  250 WWNZ40 NZKL 081911 GALE WARNING 134 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SOUTHERN AT 081800UTC OVER WATERS NORTH OF ICE EDGE. IN A BELT 240 NAUTICAL MILES WIDE CENTRED ON A LINE 59S 178E 58S 179W 58S 173W: WESTERLY 35KT AT TIMES. GALE AREA MOVING EAST 40KT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 131.  251 WWNZ40 NZKL 081913 CANCEL WARNING 129  050 WUUS53 KLSX 081916 SVRLSX ILC013-083-MOC183-081945- /O.NEW.KLSX.SV.W.0142.200908T1916Z-200908T1945Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service St Louis MO 216 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in St Louis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Calhoun County in southwestern Illinois... Southwestern Jersey County in southwestern Illinois... Northeastern St. Charles County in east central Missouri... * Until 245 PM CDT. * At 216 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Grafton, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Grafton, Elsah, Portage Des Sioux, Brussels, Otterville and Deer Plain. This also includes Pere Marquette State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3889 9054 3898 9061 3909 9042 3893 9033 TIME...MOT...LOC 1916Z 241DEG 16KT 3894 9053 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRM  386 WWPK20 OPKC 081900 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING FROM 1900 UTC DATED 08-09-2020 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART –I : NO STROM WARNING. PART –II : NIL PART -III : FORECAST. SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND W/SW'LY 10-15KT GUST 20KT N OF 24N. SW/NW'LY 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY. VISIBILITY 2-4NM. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/NW’LY 07-12KT GUST 17KT N OF 24N. SW'LY BECMG SW/SE'LY 10-15KT GUST 21KT S OF 24N. WEATHER FAIR/PARTLY CLOUDY. VISIBILITY 3-5NM. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO. 3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12N/55E, 12N/63E, 20N/58E, 20N/67E) WIND NW'LY 07-12KT GUST 17KT N OF 18N AND E OF 65E. SW/S'LY 12-18KT GUST 25KT N OF 18N AND W OF 65E. NW'LY 10-15KT GUST 27KT S OF 18N AND E OF 65E. SW/W'LY 12-18KT GUST 27KT S OF 18N AND W OF 63E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF TSRA IN SE SECTOR. VISIBILITY 3-5NM WITH 1-2NM IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE TO ROUGH IN S SECTOR. SUB AREA NO. 4 GULF OF ADEN WIND NE/SE'LY 07-12KT GUST 25KT W OF 50E. SE/SW'LY 17-21KT GUST 27KT E OF 50E. WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY WITH CHANCES OF LIGHT RAIN IN W SECTOR. VISIBILITY 3-5NM WITH 1-2NM IN RAIN. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT MODERATE OCCASIONALLY ROUGH. SUB AREA NO. 5 ARABIAN GULF (PREPARED BY QATAR METEOROLOGY DEPARTMENT ) PART I : NIL. PART II : LOW PRESSURE OVER THE GULF SEA. PART III : FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND VARIABLE TO MAINLY NW-SW'LY 05-15KT. WEATHER HAZY AT SOME PLACES AT TIMES. VISIBILITY GOOD/MODERATE. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE. SUB AREA NO.2 SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND MAINLY NW/W’LY 05-15KT GUSTING TO 18KT AT SOME PLACES. WEATHER FINE. VISIBILITY GOOD. STATE OF SEA SLIGHT/MODERATE=  079 WSSG31 GOOY 081925 GOOO SIGMET C1 VALID 081925/082325 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1915Z WI N2027 W01138 - N1927 W01309 - N2059 W01359 - N2126 W01233 TOP FL440 MOV W 15KT WKN=  657 WSAG31 SAME 081927 SAMF SIGMET 3 VALID 081927/082327 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1927Z WI S2842 W06942 - S2912 W06959 - S3006 W06954 - S3115 W07034 - S3407 W06947 - S3440 W07018 - S3444 W06830 - S3022 W06743 - S2803 W06937 - S2842 W06942 ABV FL320 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  967 WSAG31 SAME 081927 SAMF SIGMET 3 VALID 081927/082327 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1927Z WI S2842 W06942 - S2912 W06959 - S3006 W06954 - S3115 W07034 - S3407 W06947 - S3440 W07018 - S3444 W06830 - S3022 W06743 - S2803 W06937 - S2842 W06942 ABV FL320 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  467 WHUS72 KMHX 081921 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 321 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 AMZ152-154-090900- /O.NEW.KMHX.SC.Y.0074.200909T1500Z-200910T2000Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 321 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM WEDNESDAY TO 4 PM EDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...East winds 10 to 20 knots and seas 4 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Ocracoke Inlet. * WHEN...From 11 AM Wednesday to 4 PM EDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ156-090900- /O.NEW.KMHX.SC.Y.0074.200909T2200Z-200910T1500Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- 321 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM WEDNESDAY TO 11 AM EDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...East winds 10 to 20 knots and seas 4 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout. * WHEN...From 6 PM Wednesday to 11 AM EDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  797 WVPR31 SPJC 081920 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 081930/090130 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1830Z WI S1544 W07132 - S1608 W07132 - S1613 W07207 - S1553 W07216 - S1547 W07150 - S1544 W07132 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 0030Z VA CLD WI S1536 W07146 - S1551 W07129 - S1608 W07136 - S1608 W07205 - S1545 W07210 - S1536 W07146=  819 WWUS84 KOUN 081921 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 221 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ007-012-081945- Garfield OK-Grant OK- 221 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northern Garfield and southern Grant Counties Until 245 PM CDT... AT 218 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Kremlin, moving east at 20 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... Locations impacted include... Pond Creek, Kremlin and Hunter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3647 9796 3669 9800 3674 9758 3647 9753 TIME...MOT...LOC 1918Z 261DEG 18KT 3658 9785 $$ 03  757 WSCG31 FCBB 081922 FCCC SIGMET L5 VALID 081950/082350 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1900Z NW OF LINE S0258 E01459 - N0325 E01834 W OF LINE N0325 E01834 - N0458 E01841 W OF LINE N0458 E01655 - N0800 E01655 E OF LINE N0800 E01730 - N0508 E01815 TOP FL420 MOV W 10KT NC=  169 WSBZ01 SBBR 081900 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 081745/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0334 W06250 - N0342 W06240 - N0357 W06245 - N0400 W06243 - N0402 W06236 - N0400 W06234 - N0402 W06231 - N0407 W06230 - N0408 W06226 - N0410 W06225 - N0409 W06221 - N0404 W06207 - N0409 W06159 - N0405 W06155 - N0407 W06152 - N0409 W06148 - N0413 W06145 - N0415 W06139 - N0414 W06133 - N0418 W06128 - N0422 W06129 - N0426 W06126 - N0425 W06119 - N0427 W06115 - N0432 W06117 - N0430 W06107 - N0431 W06105 - N0432 W06057 - N0436 W06054 - N0439 W06055 - N0440 W06054 - N0442 W06053 - N0446 W06042 - N0457 W06034 - N0507 W06040 - N0513 W06011 - N0501 W05958 - N0436 W06005 - N0436 W06007 - N0434 W06009 - N0430 W06009 - N0429 W06004 - N0428 W05958 - N0430 W05957 - N0429 W05955 - N0428 W05954 - N0428 W05952 - N0427 W05951 - N0421 W05940 - N0417 W05943 - N0409 W05943 - N0354 W05933 - N0334 W05952 - N0214 W06005 - N0123 W06412 - N0210 W06318 - N0228 W06319 - N0230 W06358 - N0342 W06409 - N0357 W06433 - N0405 W06434 - N0334 W06250 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  170 WSBZ01 SBBR 081900 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 081620/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0458 W06540 - N0026 W06641 - N0042 W06127 - S0221 W06112 - S0218 W05911 - S0504 W05914 - S0531 W06327 - S0458 W06540 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  250 WSBZ01 SBBR 081900 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 081825/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0002 W05045 - N0014 W04726 - S0031 W04458 - S0326 W04517 - S0320 W05058 - S0002 W05045 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  251 WSBZ01 SBBR 081900 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 081825/082020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0520 W06129 - S0609 W06123 - S0615 W06541 - S0457 W06727 - S0238 W06806 - N0145 W06806 - N0145 W06712 - N0104 W06700 - N0044 W06616 - N0058 W06544 - N0038 W06524 - N0103 W06414 - N0100 W06214 - N0040 W06214 - N0025 W06639 - S0457 W06545 - S0530 W06326 - S0520 W06129 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  439 WSBZ01 SBBR 081900 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S3004 W05423 - S2748 W05252 - S2959 W04636 - S3204 W04833 - S3004 W05423 FL110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  440 WSBZ01 SBBR 081900 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 081600/082000 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2446 W05118 - S2726 W05241 - S2937 W04609 - S2644 W04348 - S2446 W05118 TOP FL400 MOV NE 05KT NC=  997 WVPR31 SPJC 081920 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 081930/090130 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR VA ERUPTION MT SABANCAYA PSN S1547 W07150 VA CLD OBS AT 1830Z WI S1544 W07132 - S1608 W07132 - S1613 W07207 - S1553 W07216 - S1547 W07150 - S1544 W07132 SFC/FL240 FCST AT 0030Z VA CLD WI S1536 W07146 - S1551 W07129 - S1608 W07136 - S1608 W07205 - S1545 W07210 - S1536 W07146=  679 WHUS73 KAPX 081925 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 325 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LHZ347-348-090415- /O.EXA.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary- 325 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 25 kt and highest waves around 5 feet. * WHERE...5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island and Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ349-090415- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 325 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 25 kt and highest waves around 6 feet. * WHERE...Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ323-342-344>346-090415- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0082.200908T2200Z-200909T0900Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 325 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 30 kt and highest waves around 4 feet expected. * WHERE...Manistee to Point Betsie MI, Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI, Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI, Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay and Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  873 WSNT04 KKCI 081930 SIGA0D KZWY KZMA SIGMET DELTA 1 VALID 081930/082330 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1930Z WI N2800 W07445 - N2330 W07715 - N2500 W07900 - N2715 W07830 - N2800 W07445. TOP FL500. STNR. NC.  385 WWUS84 KSHV 081929 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 229 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ136-149-082015- Cherokee TX-Smith TX- 229 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SMITH AND NORTHWESTERN CHEROKEE COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 228 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Jacksonville, moving north at 25 mph. Pea size hail and strong winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Tyler, Jacksonville, Whitehouse, Bullard, Troup, Arp, Mount Selman, Mixon, Reese, New Summerfield, Noonday, New Chapel Hill, Gallatin, Cuney and Teaselville. LAT...LON 3225 9547 3230 9545 3232 9545 3233 9499 3187 9515 3190 9543 3193 9542 3196 9545 3199 9545 3201 9543 3204 9544 3205 9542 3207 9544 3208 9542 3215 9548 3218 9546 3223 9549 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 186DEG 22KT 3198 9525 $$ 15  782 WSID20 WIII 081930 WIIZ SIGMET 11 VALID 081930/082330 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0234 E10104 - S0418 E10001 - S0509 E09644 - S0231 E09247 - S0224 E09247 - N0109 E09808 - S0234 E10104 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  190 WSBZ31 SBGL 081930 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 082000/082400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2441 W05119 - S2644 W04342 - S3149 W04816 - S2955 W05424 - S2441 W05119 FL 110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  878 WWUS73 KBIS 081932 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 232 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-025-031>037-040>048-050-051-090500- /O.UPG.KBIS.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ /O.NEW.KBIS.FZ.W.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Foster-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux-Emmons-Logan- La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Crosby, Bowbells, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Portal, Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Williston, New Town, Stanley, Parshall, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Watford City, Killdeer, Halliday, Beulah, Hazen, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Beach, Medora, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Marmarth, Mott, New England, Elgin, Carson, New Leipzig, Bowman, Hettinger, Fort Yates, Selfridge, Solen, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Wishek, Ashley, Oakes, and Ellendale 232 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /132 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM CDT /1 AM MDT/ TO 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northwest, south central, southeast and southwest North Dakota. * WHEN...From 2 AM CDT /1 AM MDT/ to 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  733 WWUS53 KLSX 081932 SVSLSX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 232 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC013-083-MOC183-081945- /O.CON.KLSX.SV.W.0142.000000T0000Z-200908T1945Z/ Calhoun IL-Jersey IL-St. Charles MO- 232 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN CALHOUN...SOUTHWESTERN JERSEY AND NORTHEASTERN ST. CHARLES COUNTIES... At 232 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Grafton, moving northeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Grafton, Elsah, Portage Des Sioux and Otterville. This also includes Pere Marquette State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3890 9051 3899 9055 3909 9042 3893 9033 TIME...MOT...LOC 1932Z 241DEG 16KT 3898 9045 HAIL...0.88IN WIND...60MPH $$ MRM  893 WWUS75 KPUB 081935 NPWPUB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 135 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ084-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 135 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 23. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ069>071-085-087-088-094-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0300Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- Eastern Las Animas County- 135 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 24 expected. * WHERE...The San Luis Valley, southern El Paso county including Colorado Springs, Eastern Huerfano and Las Animas counties. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ083-086-089-093-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet-Crowley County- La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- 135 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE...Eastern Fremont, Pueblo, Crowley and Otero counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  619 WSNO32 ENMI 081935 ENSV SIGMET B04 VALID 082300/090300 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5750 E00345 - N6000 E00000 - N6110 E00000 - N6200 E00500 - N6200 E00730 - N5840 E00730 - N5750 E00345 FL260/390 MOV NE 25KT NC=  900 WWUS83 KSGF 081935 SPSSGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 235 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 KSZ073-097-082015- Bourbon KS-Crawford KS- 235 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR BOURBON AND NORTHWESTERN CRAWFORD COUNTIES UNTIL 315 PM CDT... At 235 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Walnut, or 11 miles northeast of St. Paul, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Fort Scott... Marmaton... Bronson... Uniontown... Walnut... Redfield... Hepler... Greenbush... Pawnee Station... Hiattville... Petersburg... Farlington... Hammond... Brazilton... Devon... Garland... Porterville... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3774 9509 3794 9507 3795 9462 3768 9462 3743 9509 TIME...MOT...LOC 1935Z 213DEG 20KT 3764 9503 $$ Hatch  910 WHUS43 KGRB 081939 CFWGRB Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Green Bay WI 239 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WIZ039-074-090400- /O.CON.KGRB.LS.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-200910T0500Z/ Brown-Southern Oconto County- 239 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Shoreline erosion and minor lakeshore flooding are possible along the shoreline areas of the Bay of Green Bay due to persistent and gusty northeast winds. * WHERE...Brown and Southern Oconto County Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Possible shoreline erosion and minor flooding on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$ WIZ022-040-050-090400- /O.CON.KGRB.BH.S.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T2100Z/ Door-Kewaunee-Manitowoc- 239 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Large waves along Lake Michigan beaches will result in hazardous swimming conditions and possible rip currents. * WHERE...Door, Manitowoc and Kewaunee Counties. * WHEN...Through Wednesday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Large waves will create strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$ Kurimski  338 WSFR34 LFPW 081939 LFMM SIGMET 8 VALID 081937/082200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N3930 E00615 - N3930 E00430 - N4145 E00430 - N4145 E00615 - N3930 E00615 TOP FL370 MOV NNW 15KT NC=  284 WWUS84 KSJT 081940 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 240 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ049-054-064>066-071>073-076>078-098-099-113-114-127-128-139- 140-154-155-168>170-091230- Fisher-Nolan-Sterling-Coke-Runnels-Irion-Tom Green-Concho- Crockett-Schleicher-Sutton-Haskell-Throckmorton-Jones-Shackelford- Taylor-Callahan-Coleman-Brown-McCulloch-San Saba-Menard-Kimble- Mason- Including the cities of ROTAN, ROBY, SWEETWATER, STERLING CITY, ROBERT LEE, BRONTE, BALLINGER, WINTERS, MERTZON, SAN ANGELO, EDEN, OZONA, ELDORADO, SONORA, HASKELL, THROCKMORTON, WOODSON, STAMFORD, ANSON, HAMLIN, ALBANY, ABILENE, CLYDE, BAIRD, CROSS PLAINS, COLEMAN, BROWNWOOD, BRADY, SAN SABA, MENARD, JUNCTION, and MASON 240 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Abrupt Change in the Weather with Colder and Wet conditions Tonight through Thursday... An early season Canadian Cold Front will move through West Central Texas Tonight into Wednesday, shifting the winds to the north at 15 to 30 mph and bringing heavy rain and thunderstorms to the region. The highest chances for widespread moderate to heavy rain and thunderstorms will be very early Wednesday morning through Wednesday night. Heavy showers and thunderstorms could continue through the day Thursday as well. Total rainfall amounts look to be around 2 to 4 inches, with local amounts of 6 inches. The heavy rain could lead to increased flooding concerns for urban areas and small streams. Rises along area rivers are likely, and there is the potential for minor to possible moderate flooding along the Upper Brazos, Upper Colorado and Rio Grande tributaries. The combination of gusty winds, colder temperatures and rainfall will make it feel unusually cool for this time of year, dropping wind chill temperatures into the low 50s Wednesday and Thursday mornings. This may impact livestock, especially newly shorn sheep in West Central Texas. $$ SJH  800 WUUS01 KWNS 081940 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0238 PM CDT TUE SEP 08 2020 VALID TIME 082000Z - 091200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... 0.05 32970413 32920344 33650177 34180056 34360017 33780003 33330032 32740128 31780287 31590352 31600423 32020459 32630472 32970413 && ... WIND ... 0.05 37529284 36949466 36179657 36369694 37059679 38219341 39778994 39908829 39458814 39088860 37529284 0.05 32050449 32450420 32620309 34150056 34780006 34939961 34829916 34429893 34029891 33140011 31970170 30910292 30900374 32050449 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 33999895 31940173 30930289 30940377 32010455 32600471 32990426 32940353 33660175 34180061 34790002 34939960 34849917 34409891 33999895 MRGL 39048864 37539277 36939465 36169653 36359695 37049680 38209342 39788993 39908828 39448813 39048864 TSTM 44057748 43037834 42148044 40968311 38988759 36749211 34799360 33469414 32069300 31399146 30948977 30858694 31068589 30988440 31598252 32698148 33918073 34888021 35937924 36977822 38207658 38357462 99999999 31481285 33031243 33871305 34361317 34741247 35181165 35641031 36220954 37460884 37880840 38700727 38860637 38170509 38470395 39140277 39950194 40680103 41549970 43819461 44389189 44828905 45178658 45288346 45558157 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 25 W SPS 25 SW BGS FST 40 NNE MRF 20 NE GDP 30 NW CNM 25 SE ROW 25 NW HOB LBB 25 SW CDS 30 NNE CDS 25 NW LTS 15 NNE LTS 25 SE LTS 25 W SPS. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NNE SLO 40 WSW TBN 15 SSW JLN 35 NNE CQB 25 SSE PNC 25 NE PNC 35 S SZL 15 WSW SPI 10 S CMI 10 ESE MTO 30 NNE SLO. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 65 N ROC 20 ENE BUF 15 WNW ERI 30 E FDY 35 SSW HUF 15 W UNO 35 NW HOT 10 W TXK 25 NNE IER 20 SSW HEZ 40 N ASD 25 WNW CEW 30 SW DHN 35 W MGR 25 NNW AYS 40 NNW SAV 20 E CAE 50 ESE CLT 25 W RDU 20 NNW AVC 10 WSW NHK 45 E SBY ...CONT... 100 S GBN 15 ENE GBN 65 SW PRC 45 WSW PRC PRC FLG 50 NNE INW 65 NW GUP 15 NW CEZ 45 NNE CEZ 20 WNW GUC 35 SE ASE 35 WSW PUB 35 ENE PUB 25 WSW ITR 45 NNW GLD 35 ENE IML 10 NNW BBW 15 NW FRM 40 SSW EAU 30 ESE AUW 45 SE ESC 15 NNE APN 100 ENE APN.  804 ACUS01 KWNS 081940 SWODY1 SPC AC 081938 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0238 PM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Valid 082000Z - 091200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS LATE THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING ACROSS PARTS OF WEST TEXAS...AND ALONG A CORRIDOR FROM NORTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA THROUGH SOUTH CENTRAL MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS... ...SUMMARY... A few strong to locally severe thunderstorms could occur this afternoon and early evening across parts of west Texas, and from northeastern Oklahoma to central Illinois. ...20Z Outlook Update... Some mostly minor changes to categorical and probabilistic lines have been made, generally to account for the progression of synoptic and sub-synoptic features, and ongoing trends concerning destabilization. Across the south Atlantic Seaboard, the western periphery of a broad plume of seasonably high precipitable water is in the process of gradually advecting across and inland of coastal areas. However, dry air associated with surface ridging extending along an axis to the east of the Appalachians is maintaining generally stable boundary-layer conditions across the Piedmont into the higher terrain. Although forcing for ascent along westward advancing convective outflow has maintained a narrow line of weak thunderstorm activity across the North Carolina coastal plain, it seems probable that this activity will weaken as it encounters more stable air west of the Raleigh and Fayetteville NC areas. Across the Southwest, the categorical thunderstorm line has been adjust southeastward across parts of northern and central Arizona, ahead of the leading edge of the stronger mid-level cooling associated with the digging upstream closed low. ..Kerr.. 09/08/2020 .PREV DISCUSSION... /ISSUED 1128 AM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020/ ...Southern Plains the mid MS Valley this afternoon/evening... A midlevel trough is beginning to evolve into a closed low over UT, with only slow southward movement expected through early Wednesday. East of the midlevel low, a cold air damming scenario is underway across the southern High Plains, while the cold front is moving more slowly to the south from southeastern KS into MO/IL. Boundary-layer dewpoints in the mid 60s to lower 70s are present south of the front from west TX to MO, which will combine with afternoon temperatures of 85-90 F to result in moderate buoyancy (MLCAPE of 1500-2500 J/kg) and little convective inhibition. Scattered thunderstorm development is expected along and to the cool side of the front by mid-late afternoon. Faster movement of the front across west TX and more southerly flow aloft both suggest that any frontal convection will quickly become elevated to the cool side of the boundary across west TX, aside from convection forming this afternoon over the higher terrain in southwest TX. Slower frontal movement and weaker flow support convection remaining closer to the surface boundary from MO northeastward, with a transition area across OK. Vertical shear in the warm sector will be relatively weak, which in combination with steep low-level lapse rates and DCAPE greater than 1000 J/kg will primarily favor multicell clusters capable of producing isolated downbursts from about 20-01z. $$  408 WSCA31 MHTG 081940 MHTG SIGMET C3 VALID 081940/082140 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET C2 081540/081940=  831 WSHO31 MHTG 081940 MHTG SIGMET C3 VALID 081940/082140 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR CNL SIGMET C2 081540/081940=  424 WSUS03 KKCI 081942 WS3V CHIV WS 081942 SIGMET VICTOR 1 VALID UNTIL 082342 ND SD MN MT WY FROM 40N GFK TO INL TO FAR TO 50WNW RAP TO 50NE SHR TO 40N GFK OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL240 AND FL360. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY C25A. CONDS CONTG BYD 2342Z. ....  765 WSUS05 KKCI 081942 WS5V SLCV WS 081942 SIGMET VICTOR 1 VALID UNTIL 082342 MT WY ND SD MN FROM 40N GFK TO INL TO FAR TO 50WNW RAP TO 50NE SHR TO 40N GFK OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL240 AND FL360. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY C25A. CONDS CONTG BYD 2342Z. ....  084 WAUS43 KKCI 081942 AAA WA3T CHIT WA 081942 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET TURB...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IL IN KY FROM 30SE YQT TO SSM TO 60WNW YVV TO 30SE ECK TO DXO TO FWA TO CVG TO 60SE CVG TO 20ESE IIU TO 40WNW IIU TO 30WSW GIJ TO 60ESE DBQ TO IOW TO 50WNW OVR TO 30N ONL TO 30SE YQT MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE MN LS FROM 50N ISN TO 30NW INL TO 30SE YQT TO 30N ONL TO 20NNE SNY TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50N ISN MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 20ENE TVC TO 50W YVV TO 20ESE ECK TO 20SSW DXO TO 20WNW BVT TO 30S BDF TO 30W IRK TO 50NNE MMB TO LBL TO 40SSE GLD TO MCK TO 60ESE ONL TO 50SE EAU TO 20ENE TVC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...KS MO BOUNDED BY 20SSE MCI-30NE OSW-50SSE ICT-20SW ICT-30ESE SLN-20SSE MCI LLWS EXP. CONDS ENDG 15-18Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z...TURB NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN OK TX BOUNDED BY 20W SSM-50WNW YVV-30NE ECK-30ENE DXO-20WSW DXO-50SSE JOT-50WSW IRK-20WSW TXO-30ESE TBE-60SSE LAA-30S GLD-40SSW MCK- MCK-20NE OBH-60W FOD-20N FOD-20NW GRB-20W SSM MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  085 WAUS45 KKCI 081942 AAB WA5T SLCT WA 081942 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 5 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA FROM 40NW HVR TO 50N ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20NNE SNY TO 30W LAA TO 40WSW CME TO DMN TO 40NE SSO TO 50ESE BZA TO 50ESE HEC TO 50N HEC TO 20SSE FMG TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 40NW HVR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60SW BIL TO 40E DDY TO 30NNE CYS TO 20SSE CIM TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 40N MZB TO 20ESE RZS TO 30SW CZQ TO 30SSW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 40S REO TO 40SSW LKT TO 60SW BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 40WNW FTI TO 40SSW FTI TO 60S ABQ TO 60SW ABQ TO 50NNW ABQ TO 40WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NNW BCE TO 40SSE BCE TO 60NE LAS TO 40S ILC TO 20NNW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV AZ CA FROM 70S ILC TO 30SW PGS TO 70WSW PHX TO 20ESE BZA TO 30WSW BZA TO 30SE TRM TO 40ENE HEC TO 30NW HEC TO 40S BTY TO 70S ILC SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 40S BOY TO 40NE LAR TO 20SW CYS TO 30SE CHE TO 50SE MTU TO 70S HVE TO 40W MTU TO 20ENE DTA TO 40S DTA TO 20E ILC TO 30SSE TWF TO 20S MLD TO 40SSW BPI TO 30ENE BPI TO 40S BOY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID WY UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 60SE DDY-40S LAR-40NW PUB-40NNW TCC-30NE ABQ-HBU- 60SSW DTA-50SE TWF-60SE DDY LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ENE JAC-40E DDY-40SSW TBE-60E ELP-ELP-50S TUS-BZA- 50WSW BZA-40WSW RZS-40WSW EHF-30NNW CZQ-60WSW OAL-60NNE BAM- 40WSW JAC-20ENE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CO NM BOUNDED BY 20E ALS-40SE TBE-20WSW TXO-50WSW TCC-40E FTI-20E ALS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  711 WSCA31 TTPP 081945 RRA TTZP SIGMET B2 VALID 081950/082000 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR CNL SIGMET B1 VALID 081600/082000=  884 WWUS45 KPUB 081945 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ058>063-076-081-082-084-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Leadville Vicinity/Lake County Below 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Central Chaffee County Below 9000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 5 to 16 inches mountains with 4 to 8 inches northern El Paso county. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Chaffee and Lake Counties, northern Fremont County, Pikes Peak, Teller County and the Rampart Range and northern El Paso county. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ067-068-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200910T1200Z/ Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet-Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 feet. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ069>071-087-088-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 8 inches with the heaviest amounts near the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...the San Luis Valley, Huerfano County, and Western Las Animas County including Trinidad. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS....This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ072>075-077>080-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 8 to 20 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...The Sangre De Cristo and Wet Mountains, the Wet mountain valley and central Fremont county. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow amounts, particularly across the lower elevations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ064>066-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...the La Garita Mountains. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt on contact during the beginning of the storm, creating highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ085-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Southern El Paso County including Colorado Springs. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions at times, especially during the heavier snow when roads could become slushy. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease, resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083-086-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Pueblo and eastern Fremont counties. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be slick at times where roads become slushy. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS....This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ094-090345- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Eastern Las Animas County- 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Las Animas County. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions at times as heavy snow may cause slush to accumulate on road surfaces. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  145 WWUS74 KMAF 081945 NPWMAF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 245 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ271-092100- /O.EXT.KMAF.HW.W.0036.200909T0300Z-200910T1300Z/ Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains- Including the cities of Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pine Springs 145 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM MDT THURSDAY FOR GAP WINDS THROUGH GUADALUPE PASS... * WHAT...Northeast winds 35 to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Guadalupe Pass. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 7 AM MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ TXZ272-273-092100- /O.NEW.KMAF.WI.Y.0016.200909T0300Z-200910T1300Z/ Van Horn and Highway 54 Corridor-Eastern Culberson County- Including the city of Van Horn 245 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 8 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Van Horn and Highway 54 Corridor, and Eastern Culberson County. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 8 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/maf  010 WWUS83 KSGF 081946 SPSSGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 246 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOZ056-057-069-082030- Camden MO-Miller MO-Morgan MO- 246 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR MILLER...CENTRAL CAMDEN AND SOUTHEASTERN MORGAN COUNTIES UNTIL 330 PM CDT... At 245 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Camdenton, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lake of The Ozarks... Lake of The Ozarks State Park... Ha Ha Tonka State Park... Eldon... Osage Beach... Camdenton... Versailles... Village of Four Seasons... Lake Ozark... Laurie... Sunrise Beach... Linn Creek... Tuscumbia... Barnett... Gravois Mills... Olean... Bagnell... Brumley... Etterville... Freedom... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3843 9262 3843 9241 3834 9240 3834 9229 3832 9226 3817 9232 3792 9277 3804 9299 3843 9287 3853 9275 TIME...MOT...LOC 1945Z 228DEG 20KT 3805 9284 $$ Hatch  956 WWUS53 KLSX 081946 SVSLSX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service St Louis MO 246 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILC013-083-MOC183-081955- /O.EXP.KLSX.SV.W.0142.000000T0000Z-200908T1945Z/ Calhoun IL-Jersey IL-St. Charles MO- 246 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN CALHOUN... SOUTHWESTERN JERSEY AND NORTHEASTERN ST. CHARLES COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. LAT...LON 3890 9051 3899 9055 3909 9042 3893 9033 TIME...MOT...LOC 1945Z 241DEG 16KT 3901 9038 $$ MRM  144 WSGL31 BGSF 081950 BGGL SIGMET U06 VALID 082030/090000 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2030Z WI N6047 W04823 - N6102 W04727 - N6126 W04815 - N6114 W04902 - N6047 W04823 SFC/FL090 INTSF FCST AT 0000Z WI N6234 W05053 - N6250 W04950 - N6114 W04740 - N6101 W04836 - N6234 W05053=  498 WSPM31 MPTO 081947 MPZL SIGMET 03 VALID 081947/082347 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1930Z WI ASEPI-BUSMO-DABEL-BIXIL-PAPIN-ASEPI TOP FL520 MOV W WKN=  359 WHUS41 KCLE 081948 CFWCLE Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Cleveland OH 348 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHZ012-089-PAZ001-090400- /O.NEW.KCLE.BH.S.0017.200908T2200Z-200909T0400Z/ Lake-Ashtabula Lakeshore-Northern Erie- 348 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...High risk of rip currents expected. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Northern Erie County. In Ohio, Lake and Ashtabula Lakeshore Counties. * WHEN...6 PM EDT this evening until midnight EDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Wind and wave action will cause currents on the lakeshore. Swimmers should not enter the water. Currents can carry swimmers away from shore through a sand bar and along structures extending out into the lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. && $$  147 WWUS86 KMFR 081949 AWWMFR ORZ026-082245- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Medford OR 1248 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Rogue Valley Medford International Airport /MFR/. The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts 35 knots or higher from the southeast until 345 PM PDT. $$ SK  586 WWUS85 KFGZ 081950 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 1250 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ012-016-082030- Little Colorado River Valley in Coconino County-Eastern Mogollon Rim- 1250 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY BETWEEN HAPPY JACK AND CLINTS WELL IN COCONINO COUNTY UNTIL 130 PM MST... At 1249 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles northwest of Clints Well, or 25 miles east of Camp Verde, moving east at 35 mph. Wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Clints Well, Starlight Pines, Clints Well Campground, Chevelon Canyon Dam, Blue Ridge Campground, Rock Crossing Campground, Chevelon Butte and Chevelon Canyon Lake Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3449 11150 3469 11152 3481 11085 3441 11080 TIME...MOT...LOC 1949Z 262DEG 32KT 3462 11141 $$  191 WWUS73 KUNR 081951 NPWUNR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 151 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 SDZ001-002-012>014-025>027-030>032-041>043-072>074-WYZ054>058-071- 091400- /O.NEW.KUNR.FZ.W.0001.200909T0600Z-200909T1400Z/ Harding-Perkins-Butte-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach- Northern Foot Hills-Rapid City-Southern Foot Hills- Custer Co Plains-Pennington Co Plains-Haakon-Fall River- Oglala Lakota-Jackson-Sturgis/Piedmont Foot Hills- Southern Meade Co Plains-Hermosa Foot Hills-Northern Campbell- Southern Campbell-Western Crook-Wyoming Black Hills-Weston- Northeastern Crook- Including the cities of Buffalo, Lemmon, Bison, Belle Fourche, Faith, Dupree, Spearfish, Whitewood, Rapid City, Edgemont, Hot Springs, Folsom, Box Elder, Caputa, Wall, Philip, Ardmore, Oelrichs, Pine Ridge, Oglala, Kyle, Kadoka, Sturgis, Piedmont, Summerset, Ellsworth AFB, Union Center, Hermosa, Buffalo Gap, Fairburn, Gillette, Wright, Moorcroft, Hulett, Sundance, Aladdin, Beulah, Four Corners, Newcastle, Upton, and Colony 151 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 28 expected. * WHERE...Northeastern Wyoming and much of western South Dakota * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should cover above-ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/unr  391 WSMC31 GMMC 081951 GMMM SIMET 03 VALID 082000/082400 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3004 W00549 - N3212 W0045 7 - N3303 W00339 - N3317 W00146 TOP FL360 MOV E WKN=  758 WWUS75 KPIH 081952 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 152 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 IDZ054-090230- /O.CAN.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T2300Z/ /O.NEW.KPIH.LW.Y.0022.200908T2000Z-200909T0200Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Lower Snake River Plain- Including the cities of Pocatello, Blackfoot, American Falls, Shelley, and Fort Hall 152 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM MDT THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees are expected. For the Lake Wind Advisory, northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph expected. * WHERE...American Falls Reservoir. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Lake Wind Advisory, until 8 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and rough waves on area lakes will create hazardous conditions for small craft. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Boaters on area lakes should use extra caution since strong winds and rough waves can overturn small craft. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ052-053-055-090230- /O.CAN.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T2300Z/ /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley- Including the cities of Mud Lake, INL, Craters of the Moon NM, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, St. Anthony, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley 152 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees. A small area of Hard Freeze Conditions are likely in St. Anthony and Rexburg with temperatures around 23 degrees. * WHERE...Mud Lake, INL, Craters of the Moon NM, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, St. Anthony, Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, and Oakley * WHEN...From 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ IDZ056>058-067-082100- /O.CAN.KPIH.WI.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200908T2300Z/ Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Marsh and Arbon Highlands-Beaverhead - Lemhi Highlands- Including the cities of Albion, Almo, Malta, Rockland, Holbrook, Inkom, McCammon, Downey, Lava Hot Springs, Dubois, Spencer, Edie School, and Small 152 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Wind gusts have generally dropped below wind advisory criteria. There remains areas of strong winds and isolated areas of 35 to 40 mph gusts are possible this afternoon. $$ IDZ051-090230- /O.CON.KPIH.FZ.W.0004.200909T0700Z-200909T1500Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds- Including the cities of Shoshone, Richfield, and Carey 152 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures between 30 and 32 degrees are expected. * WHERE...The Shoshone/Lava Beds region including Shoshone, Richfield and Carey. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions can kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/pocatello  929 WSPS21 NZKL 081952 NZZO SIGMET 40 VALID 081952/082021 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 32 081621/082021=  116 WHUS71 KCLE 081952 MWWCLE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 352 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LEZ147>149-090400- /O.NEW.KCLE.SC.Y.0068.200908T2200Z-200909T0400Z/ Lake Erie nearshore waters from Willowick to Geneva-on- the Lake OH-Lake Erie nearshore waters from Geneva-on-the- Lake to Conneaut OH- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Conneaut OH to Ripley NY- 352 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts up to 25 knots and waves 2 to 5 feet expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Willowick OH to Ripley NY. * WHEN...Until midnight EDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  857 WWUS84 KMAF 081952 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 252 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ028-TXZ271-273-082045- Eddy County Plains NM-Eastern Culberson County TX- Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains TX- 252 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL EDDY AND NORTH CENTRAL CULBERSON COUNTIES UNTIL 345 PM CDT/245 PM MDT/... At 252 PM CDT/152 PM MDT/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles east of McKittrick Canyon, or 12 miles northeast of Pine Springs, moving southeast at 10 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... McKittrick Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3200 10474 3200 10473 3202 10473 3203 10470 3205 10469 3205 10468 3208 10465 3210 10459 3197 10427 3167 10461 3194 10479 3196 10478 3195 10479 3196 10480 TIME...MOT...LOC 1952Z 320DEG 10KT 3198 10462 $$ 84  118 WGUS43 KICT 081953 FLWICT BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Wichita KS 253 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 KSC133-090100- /O.NEW.KICT.FA.W.0052.200908T1953Z-200909T0100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Neosho KS- 253 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Flood Warning for... Neosho County in southeastern Kansas... * Until 800 PM CDT. * At 253 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms, especially over eastern Neosho county. Between 1 and 3 inches of rain have fallen, with another 1 to 2 inches possible through the afternoon. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall may cause flooding of small creeks and streams, city streets, underpasses, country roads, poor drainage areas, as well as other low-lying spots. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Parsons, Chanute, Erie, St. Paul, Thayer, Galesburg, Stark, Earlton, Lake Parsons, South Mound and Chanute Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive into flooded areas or go around barricades. Nearly two feet of water will carry most vehicles away. Turn around, don't drown. && LAT...LON 3738 9552 3773 9552 3773 9509 3738 9509 $$ Kleinsasser  653 WWUS74 KLUB 081953 NPWLUB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lubbock TX 253 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ021-022-027-090500- /O.CON.KLUB.WI.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Parmer-Castro-Bailey- Including the cities of Friona, Bovina, Farwell, Dimmitt, Hart, and Muleshoe 253 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Castro, Parmer and Bailey Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  771 WSUS31 KKCI 081955 SIGE MKCE WST 081955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 62E VALID UNTIL 2155Z NC AND NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM ILM-90E ILM-130SE ILM-140ESE CHS-90S ILM-ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 12010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 63E VALID UNTIL 2155Z VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 170SE SIE-140ESE ILM-60S ECG-30W ILM-60NE RDU-170SE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 12015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. REF INTL SIGMET MIKE SERIES. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 64E VALID UNTIL 2155Z FL SC GA CSTL WTRS FROM 50SE CHS-120SE CHS-110NE OMN-40NNE CRG-50SE CHS AREA TS MOV FROM 06010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 65E VALID UNTIL 2155Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNW ORL-20NE PBI-70ESE EYW-10SSW EYW-20NNW ORL AREA TS MOV FROM 18005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 082155-090155 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-60SSW TLH-LEV-MHZ-AMG-GSO-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  772 WSUS32 KKCI 081955 SIGC MKCC WST 081955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 73C VALID UNTIL 2155Z WI MO IA KS NE FROM 30NNW DBQ-20WSW PWE-20NE HLC-60ENE MCK-30SW MCW-30NNW DBQ AREA TS MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 74C VALID UNTIL 2155Z LA TX AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40W LCH-100S LCH-90SE PSX-30S IAH-40W LCH AREA TS MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 75C VALID UNTIL 2155Z TX OK KS FROM 40SW ICT-50ENE END-50SE SPS-20SW ABI-60SE LBB-40SW ICT AREA TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 76C VALID UNTIL 2155Z IN IL MO OK KS FROM 20NNW BVT-30N TTH-20SSE SGF-60SE ICT-60NNW OSW-20NNW BVT AREA TS MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 77C VALID UNTIL 2155Z AL MS LA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30ENE SJI-80SSE SJI-30WSW LEV-30SW MCB-30ENE SJI AREA TS MOV FROM 13005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 78C VALID UNTIL 2155Z TX FROM 50ENE TTT-30SE GGG-50ESE CWK-30NW CWK-50ENE TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 79C VALID UNTIL 2155Z CO NM AZ FROM 20SW DBL-30NNE ALS-60N ABQ-80NE INW-20SW DBL AREA TS MOV FROM 22045KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 80C VALID UNTIL 2155Z IL IA FROM 40SE DBQ-IOW LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 81C VALID UNTIL 2155Z TX NM FROM 40NE ELP-40W INK DVLPG LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 82C VALID UNTIL 2155Z TX FROM 40S SAT-30WSW PSX LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 082155-090155 FROM FSD-DLL-JOT-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-AEX-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-FSD WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  109 WSPS21 NZKL 081953 NZZO SIGMET 41 VALID 081953/082025 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 34 081625/082025=  103 WSUS33 KKCI 081955 SIGW MKCW WST 081955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14W VALID UNTIL 2155Z AZ FROM 20ENE INW-40SE DRK DVLPG LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 27025KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 082155-090155 FROM ALS-30NNW TCC-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-ALS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  860 WWUS73 KFGF 081954 NPWFGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 254 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MNZ001>009-013>017-022>024-027-028-NDZ006>008-014>016-024-026>030- 038-039-049-054-091400- /O.UPG.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ /O.NEW.KFGF.FZ.W.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-Roseau-Lake Of The Woods- West Marshall-East Marshall-North Beltrami-Pennington-Red Lake- East Polk-North Clearwater-South Beltrami-Mahnomen- South Clearwater-Hubbard-West Becker-East Becker-Towner-Cavalier- Pembina-Benson-Ramsey-Eastern Walsh-Eddy-Nelson-Grand Forks- Griggs-Steele-Traill-Barnes-Cass-Ransom-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Crookston, East Grand Forks, Ada, Twin Valley, Halstad, Moorhead, Hallock, Karlstad, Lancaster, Roseau, Warroad, Greenbush, Baudette, Warren, Stephen, Argyle, Newfolden, Middle River, Grygla, Red Lake, Redby, Ponemah, Thief River Falls, Red Lake Falls, Fosston, Fertile, McIntosh, Erskine, Bagley, Clearbrook, Bemidji, Mahnomen, Naytahwaush, Waubun, Alida, Ebro, Lake Itasca, Long Lost Lake, Lower Rice Lake, Roy Lake, Upper Rice Lake, Park Rapids, Detroit Lakes, Wolf Lake, Cando, Langdon, Cavalier, Walhalla, Drayton, Pembina, Neche, St. Thomas, Fort Totten, Maddock, Leeds, Minnewaukan, Devils Lake, Grafton, Park River, New Rockford, Lakota, Mcville, Aneta, Tolna, Grand Forks, Cooperstown, Finley, Hope, Mayville, Hillsboro, Hatton, Portland, Valley City, Fargo, Lisbon, Enderlin, Edinburg, Adams, and Lankin 254 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 9 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 32 expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 9 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ MNZ029>032-040-NDZ052-053-091400- /O.UPG.KFGF.FZ.A.0002.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ /O.NEW.KFGF.FR.Y.0003.200909T0700Z-200909T1400Z/ Wilkin-West Otter Tail-East Otter Tail-Wadena-Grant-Sargent- Richland- Including the cities of Breckenridge, Fergus Falls, Perham, New York Mills, Parkers Prairie, Henning, Battle Lake, Wadena, Menahga, Elbow Lake, Hoffman, Ashby, Herman, Barrett, Gwinner, Milnor, Forman, Rutland, and Wahpeton 254 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 9 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In Minnesota, Wilkin, West Otter Tail, East Otter Tail, Wadena and Grant Counties. In North Dakota, Sargent and Richland Counties. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 9 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  060 WSBZ31 SBGL 081954 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0346 W06947 - S0557 W06515 - S1034 W07021 - S0924 W07026 - S0958 W07151 - S0734 W07341 - S0454 W07214 - S0428 W07000 - S0346 W06947 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  790 WSBZ31 SBGL 081954 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0301 W06936 - N0142 W06851 - N0148 W06714 - N0111 W06706 - N0047 W06613 - N0047 W06526 - N0209 W06314 - N0328 W06351 - N0457 W06025 - N0354 W05945 - N0248 W06001 - N0121 W06213 - S0034 W06134 - S0100 W05847 - S0652 W05959 - S0526 W06557 - S0301 W06936 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  421 WSCA31 MHTG 081954 MHTG SIGMET D2 VALID 081950/082350 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1940Z WI N1313 W08745 -N1246 W08608 -N1223 W08602 -N1134 W08718 -N1128 W08923 -N1143 W09022 -N1328 W09100 -N1419 W09005 -N1357 W08922 -N1303 W09001 -N1227 W08917 -N1227 W08813 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  422 WSBZ31 SBGL 081954 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0014 W05518 - N0119 W05522 - N0230 W05004 - N0019 W04940 - S0105 W04511 - S0346 W04739 - N0005 W05224 - N0014 W05518 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  423 WSBZ31 SBGL 081954 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0320 W05710 - S0026 W05702 - S0015 W05347 - S0418 W05442 - S0320 W05710 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  728 WSHO31 MHTG 081954 MHTG SIGMET D2 VALID 081950/082350 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1940Z WI N1313 W08745 -N1246 W08608 -N1223 W08602 -N1134 W08718 -N1128 W08923 -N1143 W09022 -N1328 W09100 -N1419 W09005 -N1357 W08922 -N1303 W09001 -N1227 W08917 -N1227 W08813 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  515 WSUS05 KKCI 081956 WS5W SLCW WS 081956 SIGMET WHISKEY 1 VALID UNTIL 082356 UT CO AZ NM FROM DVC TO ALS TO 60ESE SJN TO 20SE DRK TO DVC OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL310 AND FL430. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY C68A. CONDS CONTG BYD 2356Z. ....  166 WAUS45 KKCI 081956 AAC WA5T SLCT WA 081956 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 6 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 082100 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET WHISKEY SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA FROM 40NW HVR TO 50N ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 20NNE SNY TO 30W LAA TO 40WSW CME TO DMN TO 40NE SSO TO 50ESE BZA TO 50ESE HEC TO 50N HEC TO 20SSE FMG TO 40SSW BOI TO 50SW DNJ TO 40NW HVR MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL410. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 60SW BIL TO 40E DDY TO 30NNE CYS TO 20SSE CIM TO 60SSW DMN TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 40N MZB TO 20ESE RZS TO 30SW CZQ TO 30SSW OAL TO 40SSW FMG TO 40S REO TO 40SSW LKT TO 60SW BIL MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 40WNW FTI TO 40SSW FTI TO 60S ABQ TO 60SW ABQ TO 50NNW ABQ TO 40WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 18Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NNW BCE TO 40SSE BCE TO 60NE LAS TO 40S ILC TO 20NNW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV AZ CA FROM 70S ILC TO 30SW PGS TO 70WSW PHX TO 20ESE BZA TO 30WSW BZA TO 30SE TRM TO 40ENE HEC TO 30NW HEC TO 40S BTY TO 70S ILC SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG 21-00Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 40S BOY TO 40NE LAR TO 20SW CYS TO 30SE CHE TO 50SE MTU TO 70S HVE TO 40W MTU TO 20ENE DTA TO 40S DTA TO 20E ILC TO 30SSE TWF TO 20S MLD TO 40SSW BPI TO 30ENE BPI TO 40S BOY SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z ENDG BY 03Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...ID WY UT CO NM BOUNDED BY 60SE DDY-40S LAR-40NW PUB-40NNW TCC-30NE ABQ-HBU- 60SSW DTA-50SE TWF-60SE DDY LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 21Z THRU 03Z. . OTLK VALID 2100-0300Z AREA 1...TURB ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20ENE JAC-40E DDY-40SSW TBE-60E ELP-ELP-50S TUS-BZA- 50WSW BZA-40WSW RZS-40WSW EHF-30NNW CZQ-60WSW OAL-60NNE BAM- 40WSW JAC-20ENE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CO NM BOUNDED BY 20E ALS-40SE TBE-20WSW TXO-50WSW TCC-40E FTI-20E ALS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 03Z. ....  098 WWUS75 KBOU 081957 NPWBOU URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 157 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ038>051-090400- /O.CON.KBOU.FZ.W.0001.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Northeast Weld County-Central and South Weld County-Morgan County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Southeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/South Lincoln County- Logan County-Washington County-Sedgwick County-Phillips County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, Larkspur, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Brush, Fort Morgan, Goodrich, Wiggins, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, Matheson, Forder, Karval, Kutch, Punkin Center, Crook, Merino, Sterling, Peetz, Akron, Cope, Last Chance, Otis, Julesburg, Ovid, Sedgwick, Amherst, Haxtun, and Holyoke 157 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures of 28 to 30 expected, with readings in the mid 20s over the Palmer Divide area. * WHERE...The I-25 Urban Corridor and eastern plains. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  413 WHUS43 KDTX 081959 CFWDTX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 359 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MIZ048-049-054-055-063-090815- /O.CON.KDTX.LS.Y.0033.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Bay-Huron-Tuscola-Sanilac-St. Clair- 359 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Increased lakeshore flooding expected due to moderate northeast wind and higher waves. * WHERE...Bay, Huron, Sanilac, Tuscola and St. Clair Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Additional flooding and erosion of prone areas along the lakeshore. Some water on low lying roads and property along the lakeshore. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Northeast winds, gusting to 25 mph at times, will persist tonight and through much of the day Wednesday. Northeast wind gusts are likely to be a little higher across Saginaw Bay. The prolonged period of onshore winds will also build large waves on the lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Residents on or near the shore should take appropriate action to protect property from rising water levels. && $$  101 WONT54 EGRR 082000 SECURITE NO STORMS=  530 WSVN31 SVMI 082000 SVZM SIGMET 04 VALID 082000/090000 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS AT 1955Z ENTIRE CTA TOP FL240 MOV W INTSF=  909 ACUS11 KWNS 082001 SWOMCD SPC MCD 082001 ILZ000-MOZ000-KSZ000-OKZ000-082200- Mesoscale Discussion 1687 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0301 PM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Areas affected...Southeast Kansas...central Missouri...and into west central Illinois Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 082001Z - 082200Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...Thunderstorm coverage will likely increase along a cold front in the coming hours, and a strong storm or two may pose a brief wind/hail threat. DISCUSSION...Thunderstorm activity has been ongoing along a cold front draped from western OK into southeast KS, central MO, and into IL over the past couple of hours. However, recent radar trends and IR satellite imagery have shown a few cells intensifying over the past 20-30 minutes. While instability across the region is supportive of convection (around 2000 J/kg MLCAPE), weak effective bulk shear on the order of only 15-20 knots will largely limit storm organization and favor storm clusters, especially as storm coverage increases along the front and outflow boundaries. Storm motions along and onto the cool side of the boundary will further limit storm longevity and the severe potential. However, the noted radar and satellite trends suggest that periodic storm intensification is possible and may support a very brief hail threat. Steep low-level lapse rates around 8-9 C/km on the warm side of the boundary will continue to support the potential for an isolated severe wind gust. Given the low probability of sustained convection a watch is not expected. ..Moore/Thompson.. 09/08/2020 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...ILX...LSX...SGF...EAX...TSA...ICT... LAT...LON 37329650 37899506 38379337 38959191 39529041 39808960 39668890 39458869 39228875 38868959 38459047 37949181 37489301 37099444 36829570 36759628 36739664 37109672 37329650  265 WWUS84 KOUN 082001 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 301 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ016-082030- Custer OK- 301 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR eastern Custer County Until 330 PM CDT... AT 258 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 6 miles east of Arapaho, moving northeast at 15 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... Frequent cloud to ground lightning... Locations impacted include... Weatherford, Thomas, Arapaho and Custer City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3581 9881 3581 9864 3557 9863 3549 9878 3556 9897 TIME...MOT...LOC 1958Z 216DEG 14KT 3557 9884 $$ 03  877 WAAK48 PAWU 082002 WA8O ANCS WA 082015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 090415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB N RAINY PASS-PAAQ LN MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC WRANGELL MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MONTAGUE ISLAND E OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. IMPR. . CNTRL GLF CST AD MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 03Z N PARS-PAOO LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/ ISOL VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. IMPR. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK W KISKA OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK W KISKA MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =ANCT WA 082015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 090415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC PAGK E OCNL MOD TURB FL230-FL380. NC. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC W PAGK OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . CNTRL GLF CST AD OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KODIAK IS AE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PASL E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 02Z PABE SE OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. WKN. . BRISTOL BAY AH OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . AK PEN AI PACD E OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AMCHITKA W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AMCHITKA TO PASY OCNL MOD TURB BLW 040. NC. . =ANCZ WA 082015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 090415 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 02Z N PANC OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 060. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC AFT 23Z PAGK W OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 060. INTSF. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TIL 02Z S PAGK OCNL MOD ICEIC 140-FL220. FZLVL 060. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 23Z PAMD-PACV LN SE OCNL MOD ICEIC 140-FL220. FZLVL 080 N AND INLAND TO 100 E AND SE. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF 02Z TO 05Z VCY PANI OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 050. WKN. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 05Z OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 040. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 23Z PASY W OCNL MOD ICEIC 120-FL180. FZLVL 090 EXC 060 E. INTSF. . JO SEP 2020 AAWU  691 WHUS73 KGRB 082003 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 303 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ542-543-090415- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.000000T0000Z-200909T2100Z/ Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 303 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Waves 4 to 7 ft. North to northeast winds of 15 to 25 kts. * WHERE...Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI and Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI. * WHEN...Until 4 PM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ541-090415- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- 303 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Waves 2 to 5 ft. North to northeast winds of 10 to 20 kts with gusts to around 25 kts. * WHERE...Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ521-522-090415- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0065.000000T0000Z-200909T0900Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 303 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Waves 2 to 4 ft. North to northeast winds of 10 to 20 kts with gusts around 25 kts. * WHERE...Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI and Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI. * WHEN...Until 4 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Eckberg  630 WVEQ31 SEQU 081950 SEFG SIGMET A4 VALID 081930/090130 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1910Z WI N0001 W07755 - S0003 W07740 - S0006 W07739 - S0008 W07755 - N0001 W07755 SFC/FL140 MOV W 15KT FCST AT 0100Z WI N0008 W07751 - S0004 W07738 - S0007 W07739 - S0001 W07759 - N0008 W07751=  704 WWUS84 KOUN 082003 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 303 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ015>017-082030- Dewey OK-Custer OK-Blaine OK- 303 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southeastern Dewey...northeastern Custer and west central Blaine Counties Until 330 PM CDT... AT 302 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 5 miles south of Fay, moving north at 15 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... Frequent cloud to ground lightning... Locations impacted include... Watonga, Oakwood and Fay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3566 9857 3572 9873 3594 9873 3585 9842 TIME...MOT...LOC 2002Z 198DEG 13KT 3574 9864 $$ 03  032 WSNT13 KKCI 082004 SIGA0M KZWY SIGMET MIKE 4 VALID 082004/082215 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET MIKE 3 081815/082215.  139 WAAK47 PAWU 082004 WA7O JNUS WA 082015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 090415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB OCNL CIGS BLW 010. IMPR. . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . CNTRL SE AK JC OCNL CIGS BLW 010. IMPR. . CNTRL SE AK JC MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SE AK JD NW PAKT MTS OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ERN GLF CST JE MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF NW PAAP OCNL CIGS BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . SE AK CSTL WTRS JF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =JNUT WA 082015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 090415 . LYNN CANAL AND GLACIER BAY JB TIL 05Z N PAGY OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. WKN. . ERN GLF CST JE PAYA W OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . =JNUZ WA 082015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 090415 . ERN GLF CST JE ALG CST OCNL MOD ICEIC 140-FL220. FZLVL 120. NC. . JO SEP 2020 AAWU  793 WSCI35 ZGGG 082001 ZGZU SIGMET 8 VALID 082030/090030 ZGGG- ZGZU GUANGZHOU FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N2426 E11204 - N2334 E11341 - N2045 E11137 - N2046 E10957 - N2426 E11204 TOP FL360 MOV NE 15KMH NC=  458 WUUS54 KMAF 082005 SVRMAF NMC015-TXC109-082100- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0201.200908T2005Z-200908T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 305 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico... North central Culberson County in southwestern Texas... * Until 400 PM CDT/300 PM MDT/. * At 305 PM CDT/205 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles east of McKittrick Canyon, or 12 miles east of Pine Springs, moving southeast at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Eddy and north central Culberson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3196 10476 3206 10459 3189 10427 3165 10461 TIME...MOT...LOC 2005Z 319DEG 11KT 3194 10461 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  144 WWUS83 KILX 082006 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 306 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ044-053-082045- Macon-Piatt- 306 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN PIATT AND EAST CENTRAL MACON COUNTIES UNTIL 345 PM CDT... At 306 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Cerro Gordo, or 10 miles southwest of Monticello, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monticello, Bement, Cerro Gordo, White Heath and Milmine. This includes Interstate 72 between mile markers 162 and 173. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3982 8875 3993 8878 4017 8847 3986 8847 TIME...MOT...LOC 2006Z 233DEG 20KT 3992 8871 $$ SB  025 WOCN12 CWTO 082007 FROST ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:07 P.M. EDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF THUNDER BAY KENORA - NESTOR FALLS DRYDEN - IGNACE FORT FRANCES - RAINY LAKE ATIKOKAN - UPSALA - QUETICO SUPERIOR WEST NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== PATCHY FROST LIKELY TONIGHT. LOW TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO BE NEAR ZERO DEGREES CELSIUS TONIGHT. COVER UP PLANTS, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. TAKE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT FROST-SENSITIVE PLANTS AND TREES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  026 WSMS31 WMKK 082007 WBFC SIGMET E01 VALID 082015/082315 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0523 E11528 - N0159 E11033 - N0224 E10908 - N0526 E11248 - N0523 E11528 TOP FL510 MOV W 10KT NC=  539 WHUS73 KMKX 082007 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 307 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ643>646-090415- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0073.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 307 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 6 to 9 feet. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until 1 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  736 WSCA31 MDSD 082010 MDCS AIRMET A 1 VALID 082010/02310 MDSD- MDCS SANTO DOMINGO FIR: ISOL TSRA OBS AT 2000Z WI 1779 W07059 ? N1965 W07044 - N1942 W06925 ? N1782 W06946 ? N1779 W07059 CB TOP FL240 MOV SW INTSF=  737 WWUS84 KEPZ 082008 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 208 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ417-TXZ420-421-082045- Otero Mesa NM-Salt Basin TX- Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains TX- 208 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN OTERO AND NORTHEASTERN HUDSPETH COUNTIES UNTIL 245 PM MDT... At 206 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms over the area, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Dell City, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Lincoln National Forest, Crow Flats, Cornudas Mountains, Brokeoff Mountains, The Otero Mesa, Far Western Portions of Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Gypsum Dunes at Guadalupe National Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3200 10486 3200 10492 3185 10492 3182 10493 3183 10575 3233 10587 3229 10485 3203 10485 TIME...MOT...LOC 2006Z 240DEG 49KT 3219 10551 $$ ROGASH  439 WSCA31 MDSD 082010 MDCS AIRMET A 1 VALID 082010/02310 MDSD- MDCS SANTO DOMINGO FIR: ISOL TSRA OBS AT 2000Z WI 1779 W07059 - N1965 W07044 - N1942 W06925 - N1782 W06946 - N1779 W07059 CB TOP FL240 MOV SW INTSF=  001 WHUS73 KLOT 082010 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 310 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LMZ743>745-090415- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 310 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 25 kt. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 7 feet. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 9 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ LMZ740>742-090415- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0070.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 310 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WINDS...Northeast to 30 kt. A few gale force gusts possible this evening. * SIGNIFICANT WAVES...to 9 ft. * OCCASIONAL WAVES...to 11 ft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners...especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$  778 WUUS55 KFGZ 082010 SVRFGZ AZC005-082100- /O.NEW.KFGZ.SV.W.0049.200908T2010Z-200908T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 110 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Flagstaff has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Coconino County in north central Arizona... * Until 200 PM MST. * At 110 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Clints Well, or 21 miles north of Payson, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Clints Well, Starlight Pines, Knoll Lake Campground, Clints Well Campground, Chevelon Canyon Dam, Blue Ridge Campground, Rock Crossing Campground, Chevelon Crossing Campground and Chevelon Canyon Lake Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3444 11124 3445 11125 3444 11126 3444 11128 3446 11149 3464 11148 3464 11075 3439 11075 TIME...MOT...LOC 2010Z 272DEG 50KT 3455 11139 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  162 WHUS43 KMKX 082011 CFWMKX Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 311 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WIZ052-060-066-071-072-090415- /O.CON.KMKX.LS.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.BH.S.0011.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Sheboygan-Ozaukee-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- 311 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, minor lakeshore flooding. For the Beach Hazards Statement, Life threatening waves and currents are expected. * WHERE...Beaches along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Ozaukee, and Kenosha counties. * WHEN...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, until 10 AM CDT Wednesday. For the Beach Hazards Statement, through late Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...High waves and onshore winds will result in an increased risk of lakeshore flooding and shoreline erosion along the Lake Michigan shore. High lake water may affect parking lots and roads along Lake Michigan. Low lying areas may become flooded. In addition, river flooding will be possible near rivers that have an outlet into Lake Michigan, including the Sheboygan, Black, Milwaukee, Root, and Pike Rivers. Dangerous swimming conditions are expected due to high waves and onshore winds. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Several beaches that will be most susceptible to the dangerous swimming conditions include Blue Harbor Beach in Sheboygan... North Beach in Port Washington... Harrington State Park Beaches... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People on or near Lake Michigan shore should be prepared for possible lakeshore flooding and minor erosion and take the appropriate action. Do not drive through flooded roadways. Stay out of the water and away from dangerous areas like piers and breakwalls. Strong structural and longshore currents are expected. Rip currents are possible. && $$  588 ACUS74 KSHV 082011 RRA PSHSHV ACUS74 KSHV 0513 RRA PSHSHV POST TROPICAL CYCLONE REPORT...HURRICANE LAURA NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SHREVEPORT 0311 PM CDT TUE SEP 8 2020 NOTE: THE DATA SHOWN HERE ARE PRELIMINARY....AND SUBJECT TO UPDATES AND CORRECTIONS AS APPROPRIATE. THIS REPORT INCLUDES EVENTS OCCURRING WHEN WATCHES AND/OR WARNINGS WERE IN EFFECT...OR WHEN SIGNIFICANT FLOODING ASSOCIATED WITH LAURA OR ITS REMNANTS WAS AFFECTING THE AREA. EAST TEXAS COUNTIES INCLUDED: ANGELINA...BOWIE...CASS...CHEROKEE...GREGG...HARRISON... MARION...NACOGDOCHES...PANOLA...RUSK...SABINE...SAN AUGUSTINE...SHELBY... SMITH... NORTH LOUISIANA PARISHES INCLUDED: COUNTIES INCLUDED...BIENVILLE...BOSSIER...CADDO...CALDWELL...CLAIBORNE...DESOTO... GRANT...JACKSON...LA SALLE...LINCOLN...NATCHITOCHES...OUACHITA... RED RIVER...SABINE...WEBSTER...WINN...UNION... SOUTHWEST ARKANSAS COUNTIES INCLUDED: COLUMBIA...HEMPSTEAD...HOWARD...LAFAYETTE...LITTLE RIVER...MILLER... NEVADA...SEVIER...UNION... A. LOWEST SEA LEVEL PRESSURE/MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS AND PEAK GUSTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICIAL OBSERVATIONS... NOTE: ANEMOMETER HEIGHT IS 10 METERS AND WIND AVERAGING IS 2 MINUTES --------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION ID MIN DATE/ MAX DATE/ PEAK DATE/ LAT LON PRES TIME SUST TIME GUST TIME DEG DECIMAL (MB) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------------- KSHV-SHREVEPORT REGIONAL AIRPORT LA 32.45 -93.83 988.2 27/1545 330/046 27/1511 330/057 27/1511 KMLU-MONROE REGIONAL AIRPORT LA 32.52 -92.03 994.9 27/1653 190/038 27/1653 190/054 27/1653 I K3F3 C E RUSTY WILLIAMS AIRPORT MANSFIELD LA 32.07 -93.76 996.3 27/1410 310/031 27/1255 310/051 27/1255 KDTN-SHREVEPORT DOWNTOWN AIRPORT LA 32.53 -93.75 991.2 27/1536 360/032 27/1536 360/050 27/1536 KELD-SOUTH ARKANSAS REGIONAL AIRPORT AR 33.22 -92.82 981.4 27/1853 060/038 27/1740 060/049 27/1740 KBAD-BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE LA 32.50 -93.67 989.8 27/1626 330/034 27/1406 330/048 27/1406 KASL-MARSHALL AIPORT TX 32.52 -94.31 1003.4 27/1635 360/025 27/1635 330/042 27/1635 KRSN-RUSTON REGIONAL AIRPORT LA 32.52 -92.51 996.9 27/1455 090/021 27/1315 090/038 27/1315 I KTXK-TEXARKANA REGIONAL AIRPORT AR 33.45 -93.98 987.8 27/0953 010/024 27/1725 360/036 27/1725 K4F2 PANOLA COUNTY AIRPORT SHARPE FIELD TX 32.18 -94.30 1002.1 27/1555 360/026 27/1535 360/037 27/1455 KGGG-GREGG COUNTY AIRPORT TX 32.38 -94.72 991.5* 27/1700 330/022 27/1700 040/035 27/1700 KIER-NATCHITOCHES REGIONAL AIRPORT LA 31.74 -93.09 977.5 27/1335 070/035 27/1255 070/057 27/1315 I KTYR-TYLER POUNDS FIELD TX 32.35 -95.40 997.8 27/2053 360/019 27/1653 360/026 27/1653 K4O4-IDABEL MCCURTAIN COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT OK 33.91 -94.86 1004.3 27/2035 330/018 27/2015 340/025 27/1915 KLFK-LUFKIN ANGELINA COUNTY AIRPORT TX 31.23 -94.75 991.2* 27/1053 140/017 27/1053 130/020 27/1053 KDEQ-DEQUEEN HELMS SEVIER COUNTY FIELD AR 34.05 -94.40 991.2 27/1953 360/011 27/1853 360/017 27/1853 NON-METAR OBSERVATIONS... NOTE: ANEMOMETER HEIGHT IN METERS AND WIND AVERAGING PERIOD IN MINUTES INDICATED UNDER MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WIND IF KNOWN --------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION ID MIN DATE/ MAX DATE/ PEAK DATE/ LAT LON PRES TIME SUST TIME GUST TIME DEG DECIMAL (MB) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------------- GUML1-GUM SPRINGS RAWS LA 31.90 -92.78 N/A N/A 134/028 27/1442 159/061 27/1442 OUACHITA CHRISTIAN (WEATHERSTEM) 32.59 -92.07 997.5 27/1630 150/035 27/1710 150/054 27/1710 KD5MWL-2-MONROE LA (CWOP) 32.54 -92.00 997.6 27/1630 N/A N/A 174/053 27/1812 LSU09-RED RIVER LA (LSU-AGNET) 32.42 -93.64 987.1 27/1547 335/038 27/1539 339/050 27/1518 BENL1-CATAHOULA RAWS LA 31.50 -92.46 N/A N/A 151/022 27/1343 193/049 27/1543 ULM-HANNAROOF-MONROE LA 32.53 -92.07 N/A N/A N/A N/A 200/048 27/1840 UR386-SHREVEPORT LA (UPR) 32.37 -93.66 N/A N/A 360/039 27/1510 360/045 27/1510 TWB64-CARTHAGE TX (TWDB) 32.13 -94.35 993.9 27/1605 013/025 27/1450 360/041 27/1500 SSRT2-SABINE SOUTH RAWS TX 31.28 -93.84 N/A N/A 360/012 27/1307 043/038 27/1207 FW2832-HOPE AR (CWOP) 33.51 -93.59 976.0 27/1958 325/017 27/1539 360/036 27/1758 BLRA4-BLUFF CITY RAWS TX 33.69 -93.16 N/A N/A 251/017 28/0110 331/034 27/1710 AS283-MANSFIELD LA (CWOP) 31.93 -93.89 989.2 27/1259 350/027 27/1158 350/033 27/1158 LRRA4-FELSENTHAL RAWS AR 33.16 -92.19 N/A N/A 156/012 27/1923 194/032 27/1823 TWB66-LAKE STRIKER TX (TWDB) 31.93 -94.97 995.6 27/0940 285/018 27/1650 285/032 27/1650 EW6614-SAN AUGUSTINE TX (CWOP) 31.61 -94.18 988.1 27/1300 016/016 27/1400 348/031 27/1300 TWB63-LAKE MURVAUL TX (TWDB) 32.03 -94.41 993.2 27/1545 315/014 27/1730 315/030 27/1730 LRWT2-LUFKIN RAWS TX 31.31 -94.83 998.7 27/1103 044/011 27/0803 028/029 27/1003 LMJT2-LUMBERJACK RAWS TX 31.76 -94.66 N/A N/A 039/017 27/1146 042/029 27/1246 DRKT2-SABINE NORTH RAWS TX 31.80 -94.00 N/A N/A 272/010 27/1900 306/029 27/1400 TEXT2-TEXARKANA RAWS TX 33.37 -94.05 999.5 27/1904 006/012 27/1604 328/029 27/1904 NATL1-NATCHITOCHES RAWS LA 31.49 -93.19 N/A N/A 014/009 27/1042 056/027 27/1142 HDRT2-HENDERSON RAWS TX 31.80 -94.00 1001.5 27/1406 349/014 27/1706 326/026 27/1706 CADT2-CADDO LAKE RAWS TX 31.80 -94.00 N/A N/A 331/009 27/1611 354/026 27/1711 CANL1-CANEY RAWS LA 32.80 -93.07 N/A N/A 282/007 27/2058 081/024 27/1658 DENT2-LINDEN RAWS TX 33.01 -94.36 1008.4 27/1805 356/009 27/1805 004/024 27/1605 GLMT2-GILMER RAWS TX 32.70 -94.94 N/A N/A 338/010 27/1806 334/023 27/1606 CKST2-CLARKSVILLE RAWS TX 33.62 -95.09 1002.5 27/2107 319/012 27/2107 325/023 27/2007 BRKO2-BROKEN BOW RAWS OK 34.05 -94.74 N/A N/A 313/009 27/2002 319/017 27/2002 B. MARINE OBSERVATIONS... NOTE: ANEMOMETER HEIGHT IN METERS AND WIND AVERAGING PERIOD IN MINUTES INDICATED UNDER MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WIND IF KNOWN --------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION ID MIN DATE/ MAX DATE/ PEAK DATE/ LAT LON PRES TIME SUST TIME GUST TIME DEG DECIMAL (MB) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) (KT) (UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------------- C. STORM TOTAL RAINFALL FROM 1200 UTC AUG 27 UNTIL 1200 UTC AUG 28 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY/TOWN COUNTY ID RAINFALL LAT LON (IN) DEG DECIMAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCADIA LA COOP BIENVILLE 5.25 32.55 -92.92 ASHDOWN AR COOP LITTLE RIVER 3.55 33.62 -94.10 AVERY AR COOP RED RIVER 6.86 33.62 -94.81 BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE LA BOSSIER KBAD 0.73 32.50 -93.67 BATTIEST OK COOP MCCURTAIN 3.27 34.39 -94.90 BIENVILLE LA COOP BIENVILLE 7.20 32.37 -92.94 DEQUEEN AR COOP SEVIER 4.70 34.05 -94.35 DEQUEEN HELMS SEVIER COUNTY FIELD AR SEVIER KDEQ 5.87 34.05 -94.40 DIERKS AR COOP HOWARD 4.50 34.13 -94.02 FELSENTHAL AR COOP UNION 4.48 33.06 -92.16 GREGG COUNTY AIRPORT TX GREGG KGGG 1.22 32.38 -94.72 HANNA LA COOP RED RIVER 4.95 31.93 -93.30 HOMER LA COOP WEBSTER 3.92 32.81 -93.06 HOPE AR COOP HEMPSTEAD 2.52 33.71 -93.56 JAMESTOWN LA COOP BIENVILLE 4.85 32.35 -93.20 KEITHVILLE LA COOP CADDO 3.38 32.36 -93.86 KORAN LA COOP BOSSIER 3.80 32.41 -93.47 LEWISVILLE AR COOP LAFAYETTE 1.85 33.36 -93.57 LOGANSPORT LA COOP DESOTO 8.13 31.97 -94.00 LUFKIN ANGELINA COUNTY AIRPORT TX ANGELINA KLFK 0.51 31.23 -94.75 MINDEN LA COOP WEBSTER 4.35 32.60 -93.29 MONROE REGIONAL AIRPORT LA OUACHITA KMLU 2.54 32.52 -92.03 NATCHITOCHES #2 COOP NATCHITOCHES 5.49 31.81 -93.09 SHREVEPORT DOWNTOWN AIRPORT LA CADDO KDTN 1.81 32.53 -93.75 SHREVEPORT REGIONAL AIRPORT LA CADDO KSHV 2.04 32.45 -93.83 SOUTH ARKANSAS REGIONAL AIRPORT AR UNION KELD 3.76 33.22 -92.82 TEXARKANA REGIONAL AIRPORT AR MILLER KTXK 2.63 33.45 -93.98 TYLER POUNDS FIELD TX SMITH KTYR 0.06 32.35 -95.40 D. INLAND FLOODING... --------------------------------------------------------------------- CADDO LA...FLASH FLOODING REPORTED ON THE SHOULDER OF I-20 AT EXIT 5 IN GREENWOOD. NATCHITOCHES LA...WIDESPREAD FLOODING ACROSS MUCH OF THE PARISH. E. MAXIMUM OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (WL)... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ID CITY/TOWN COUNTY STATE WL DATUM DATE/ SOURCE OR LOCATION (FT) TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------- F. TORNADOES... --------------------------------------------------------------------- (DIST)CITY/TOWN COUNTY DATE/ EF SCALE LAT LON (DEG DECIMAL) TIME(UTC) (IF KNOWN) DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------- G. STORM IMPACTS BY COUNTY/PARISH... --------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY/PARISH DEATHS INJURIES EVACUATIONS DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGELINA TX 0 0 0 SCATTERED TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. SAN AUGUSTINE TX 0 0 0 SCATTERED TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. SABINE TX 1 0 0 SCATTERED TREE DAMAGE ACROSS THE EASTERN HALF OF THE COUNTY WITH MORE SPORADIC DAMAGE ACROSS THE WESTERN HALF OF THE COUNTY. THE ROOF OF A FURNITURE STORE COLLAPSED IN HEMPHILL. DAMAGE OTHERWISE WAS MOSTLY UPROOTED TREES AND LARGE BROKEN BRANCHES. A PINE TREE FELL INTO A SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME AND KILLED A MAN IN THE PENDLETON HARBOR SUBDIVISION NEAR TOLEDO BEND RESEVOIR. TREE FALL WAS GENERALLY TO THE SOUTH-SOUTHWEST TO SOUTH-SOUTHEAST. SHELBY TX 0 0 0 SCATTERED TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. PANOLA TX 0 0 0 SPORADIC TREES DOWN IN CARTHAGE AND SW OF DEBERRY. RUSK TX 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. HARRISON TX 0 0 0 A TREE WAS BLOWN DOWN ON A HOUSE IN WASKOM. HEMPSTEAD AR 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. MILLER AR 0 0 0 SPORADIC TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN ACROSS THE COUNTY. LAFAYETTE AR 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. COLUMBIA AR 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN COUNTYWIDE. UNION AR 0 0 0 SEVERAL TREES DOWN ACROSS THE COUNTY. ONE LARGE TREE FELL ONTO A HOME ON WEST COOK ST IN EL DORADO. CADDO LA 0 1 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. HOMES SPORADICALLY DAMAGED ACROSS THE PARISH FROM FALLEN TREES. A LARGE TREE FELL ON A HOME CAUSING EXTENSIVE STRUCTURAL DAMAGE AND INJURING ONE PERSON. BOSSIER LA 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. HOMES SPORADICALLY DAMAGED ACROSS THE PARISH FROM FALLEN TREES. WEBSTER LA 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. OVER 220 REPORTS OF INCIDENTS FROM TREES DOWN ACROSS THE PARISH. CLAIBORNE LA 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. UNION LA 0 2 0 TWO PEOPLE WERE INJURED WHEN A TREE REPORTEDLY FELL ON THEM ON SCOTT'S HIDEAWAY ROAD JUST WEST OF FARMERVILLE. BIENVILLE LA 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. RED RIVER LA 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. JACKSON LA 1 0 0 SCATTERED DAMAGE IN THE PARISH, PARTICULARLY ACROSS THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE PARISH AND TO EXPOSED AREAS ALONG CANEY CREEK RESERVOIR IN JIMMIE DAVIS STATE PARK. TREE DAMAGE IN WINNFIELD WAS SIGNIFICANT WITH MOSTLY UPROOTS AND SOME SNAPS. ONE TREE FELL INTO A SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME AND KILLED A 51 YEAR OLD MALE ON AYRES LOOP IN JONESBORO. SUSTAINED WINDS BENT TREES AND BRIEF STRONGER GUSTS HELPED CONTRIBUTE TO SNAPS OFF OF CANEY CREEK RESERVOIR. MINOR SHINGLE DAMAGE WAS ALSO OBSERVED IN JIMMIE DAVIS STATE PARK. TREE FALL GENERALLY RANGED FROM SOUTHWEST TO WEST-SOUTHWEST. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. DESOTO LA 0 0 0 NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. LINCOLN LA 0 0 0 SCATTERED DAMAGE ACROSS MOST OF THE PARISH WITH MORE SPORADIC DAMAGE ACROSS WESTERN PORTIONS OF THE PARISH. THE CENTER OF HURRICANE LAURA MOVED INTO THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE PARISH AND THE SYSTEM WEAKENED INTO A TROPICAL STORM AS IT MOVED INTO THE NORTHERN PART OF THE PARISH. TREE DAMAGE MOSTLY OCCURRED FROM UPROOTED TREES. WITH A FEW TREE TRUNKS SNAPPED. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. SABINE LA 0 0 0 SCATTERED TREE DAMAGE ACROSS THE PARISH WITH MORE WIDESPREAD DAMAGE ACROSS THE SOUTHEASTERN CORNER OF THE PARISH AND EXPOSED AREAS TO THE OPEN WATERS OF TOLEDO BEND RESERVOIR IN THE FAR SOUTHWESTERN PORTION OF THE PARISH. DAMAGE INCLUDED SNAPPED TREES, ROOF DAMAGE TO AN APARTMENT COMPLEX, AND CLUSTERS OF UPROOTED TREES. TREE FALL IN THE PARISH RANGED FROM SOUTH TO SOUTH-SOUTHEAST. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. NATCHITOCHES LA 0 0 0 SCATTERED TO WIDESPREAD TREE DAMAGE IN THE PARISH, PARTICULARLY ACROSS THE SOUTHERN AND EASTERN PORTIONS OF THE PARISH (WHICH WERE IMPACTED BY THE NORTHERN EDGE AND EASTERN EDGE OF LAURA’S CENTER OF CIRCULATION). THE MOST CONCENTRATED DAMAGE OBSERVED WAS IN THE CLOUTIERVILLE AND NATCHEZ AND LOCATIONS BETWEEN THESE COMMUNITIES ALONG THE CANE RIVER. IN CLOUTIERVILLE, HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD TREES WERE SNAPPED AND UPROOTED AROUND MANY HOMES. IN NATCHEZ, WHILE SOME TREES WERE SNAPPED, MOST WERE UPROOTED. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. WINN LA 0 0 0 SCATTERED TO WIDESPREAD TREE DAMAGE IN THE PARISH, PARTICULARLY ACROSS THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN PORTIONS OF THE PARISH (WHICH WERE IMPACTED BY THE EASTERN EDGE OF LAURA’S CENTER OF CIRCULATION). TREE DAMAGE IN WINNFIELD WAS SIGNIFICANT WITH MOSTLY UPROOTS AND SOME SNAPS. ALSO OBSERVED A FEW INCIDENTS OF STRUCTURAL ROOF DAMAGE NOT CAUSED BY DOWNED TREES. TREE FALL GENERALLY RANGED FROM THE NORTHWEST TO THE SOUTHWEST. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. GRANT LA 0 0 0 SCATTERED TO WIDESPREAD TREE DAMAGE IN THE PARISH, PARTICULARLY ACROSS THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN PORTIONS OF THE PARISH (WHICH WERE IMPACTED BY THE EASTERN EDGE OF LAURA’S CENTER OF CIRCULATION). ALSO OBSERVED A FEW INCIDENTS OF STRUCTURAL DAMAGE NOT CAUSED BY DOWNED TREES, PARTICULARLY AROUND DRY PRONG WHERE A CLUSTER OF METAL BUILDINGS SYSTEMS LOST A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF ROOF PANELS. THE MOST CONCENTRATED TREE DAMAGE (AND RELATED HOME AND ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DAMAGE RELATED TO TREE FALL) OCCURRED BETWEEN DRY PRONG AND THE BENTLEY COMMUNITY ALONG ROB WALLACE ROAD. TREE FALL GENERALLY RANGED FROM THE WEST THROUGH NORTHEAST, SUGGESTING WIND DAMAGE WAS OCCURRING BOTH PRECEDING AND IN THE WAKE OF LAURA’S CENTER OF CIRCULATION. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. LA SALLE LA SPORADIC TO SCATTERED TREE DAMAGE IN THE PARISH. ALSO SURVEYED A FEW INCIDENTS OF STRUCTURAL DAMAGE NOT CAUSED BY DOWNED TREES IN THE TOWN OF JENA. THE JENA HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM LOST A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF ITS ROOFING MATERIAL AND THERE WAS SOME DAMAGE TO SIGNS IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. THE AWNING COVERING A PORTION OF THE PARKING LOT OF A LOCAL JENA BUSINESS WAS DESTROYED. TREE FALL GENERALLY RANGED FROM THE NORTHWEST TO NORTHEAST AS THE CENTER OF CIRCULATION PASSED A LITTLE TO THE WEST OF THE PARISH. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 100 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. OUACHITA LA NUMEROUS TREES AND POWER LINES DOWN PARISHWIDE. POWER OUTAGES TO NEARLY 80 PERCENT OF PARISH RESIDENTS. DAMAGE LED TO THE CANCELLATION OF UL-MONROE CLASSES FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK. $$ LEGEND: I-INCOMPLETE DATA E-ESTIMATED WOODRUM/MAYEAUX/HANSFORD  589 WSMC31 GMMC 081951 GMMM SIGMET 03 VALID 082000/082400 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3004 W00549 - N3212 W0045 7 - N3303 W00339 - N3317 W00146 TOP FL360 MOV E WKN=  475 WSRS31 RUAA 082000 ULAA SIGMET 3 VALID 082100/090100 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N6446 AND E OF E03914 FL160/340 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  682 WGUS53 KSGF 082013 FFWSGF KSC011-037-090015- /O.NEW.KSGF.FF.W.0058.200908T2013Z-200909T0015Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Springfield MO 313 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Springfield has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southern Bourbon County in southeastern Kansas... Northern Crawford County in southeastern Kansas... * Until 715 PM CDT. * At 313 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Doppler radar. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Fort Scott, Girard, Arma, Mulberry, Arcadia, Uniontown, Walnut, Redfield, Hepler, Marmaton, Franklin, Hiattville, Farlington, Pawnee Station, Brazilton, Petersburg, Englevale, Polk, Greenbush and Ringo. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flash Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. If you are in the warned area move to higher ground immediately. Residents living along streams and creeks should take immediate precautions to protect life and property. && LAT...LON 3789 9507 3782 9462 3754 9463 3740 9508 3756 9509 3757 9509 3759 9509 3760 9509 3762 9508 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ EW  170 WWUS85 KREV 082013 SPSREV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service RENO NV 113 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ070>073-NVZ001>005-091200- Surprise Valley California-Lassen-Eastern Plumas- Eastern Sierra Counties-Greater Lake Tahoe Area-Mono County- Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties-Greater Reno-Carson City- Minden Area-Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Northern Washoe County- Including the cities of Cedarville, Eagleville, Fort Bidwell, Portola, Susanville, Westwood, Sierraville, Loyalton, South Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Truckee, Markleeville, Bridgeport, Coleville, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes, Hawthorne, Yerington, Smith Valley, Mina, Schurz, Stateline, Glenbrook, Incline Village, Sparks, Verdi, Gardnerville, Virginia City, Fernley, Fallon, Lovelock, Silver Springs, Nixon, Imlay, Empire, and Gerlach 113 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Noticeably Cooler Next Two Mornings... ...Smoke May Return Starting Late Thursday... * The cold front that ushered in breezy northeast winds and dense blowing dust will also result in a dramatic drop in morning temperatures the next two days. Freezes are likely for mountain valleys, while frosts cannot be ruled out for rural and suburban valleys in western Nevada and eastern California. If you live in one of these areas, take time today to protect sensitive vegetation, gardens, and irrigation systems. Also break out those fall jackets and sweaters that you've forgotten about after this long hot summer. * With light northeast winds through most of Thursday, smoke should be a minimal problem for areas east of the Sierra crest and across western Nevada. Late afternoon Thursday light westerly winds could being smoke back into parts of the Sierra and Tahoe east of the crest. Friday and Saturday will see westerly winds each afternoon that could bring smoke and haze into more of the region but certainty remains low on the extent and severity. Smoke models are reliable only about 24-30 hours into the future. -Chris $$ http://weather.gov/reno  293 WSPS21 NZKL 082009 NZZO SIGMET 42 VALID 082014/090014 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4100 W14450 - S5020 W14140 - S4240 W15130 - S3430 W15600 - S4100 W14450 FL180/340 MOV E 20KT NC=  520 WSPS21 NZKL 082010 NZZO SIGMET 43 VALID 082014/082039 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 35 081639/082039=  091 WSMS31 WMKK 082011 WMFC SIGMET D05 VALID 082015/090015 WMKK- WMFC KUALA LUMPUR FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0259 E10045 - N0601 E09731 - N0701 E09826 - N0631 E09929 - N0259 E10045 TOP FL530 MOV W NC=  300 WAAK49 PAWU 082014 WA9O FAIS WA 082015 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 090415 . UPR YKN VLY FB N PATA-PFYU LN MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . TANANA VLY FC AK RANGE W MENTASTA PASS MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/ PCPN. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE N PAHL OCNL CIG BLW 010/ VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE N PAHL MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/-SHRA/ -SHSN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ MTS OCNL OBSC CLDS/PCPN. NC. . =FAIT WA 082015 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 090415 . UPR YKN VLY FB PACR SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . TANANA VLY FC VCY AK RANGE ISABEL PASS E OCNL MOD TURB FL230-FL380. NC. . TANANA VLY FC VLYS PANN-PAMH LN SE OCNL MOD TURB FL300-FL380. NC. . =FAIZ WA 082015 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 090415 . TANANA VLY FC VCY AK RANGE ISABEL PASS W OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 050 EXC 070 E. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH AFT 23Z NRN PLAINS NW PAKP OCNL MOD ICEIC 090-160. FZLVL 010 W TO 050 E. INTSF. . AB SEP 2020 AAWU  395 WWUS84 KSHV 082015 SPSSHV Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 315 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ124-136-082115- Smith TX-Wood TX- 315 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SMITH AND WOOD COUNTIES UNTIL 415 PM CDT... At 315 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Edom to 6 miles south of Lindale to Whitehouse. Movement was north at 15 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. A 47 mph wind gust was measured at Tyler Pounds Field at 308 PM with these storms. Locations impacted include... Tyler, Whitehouse, Mineola, Lindale, Quitman, Hawkins, Hoard, Hainesville, Golden, Forest Hill, Noonday, New Chapel Hill, Winona, Alba, Red Springs and Carroll. LAT...LON 3290 9531 3279 9515 3214 9517 3222 9542 3225 9547 3230 9545 3236 9545 3248 9559 3269 9559 3272 9564 3290 9566 TIME...MOT...LOC 2014Z 187DEG 15KT 3243 9556 3241 9539 3225 9522 $$ 15  941 WANO36 ENMI 082015 ENOB AIRMET E04 VALID 082100/090100 ENVN- ENOB BODO OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N8100 E01745 - N8115 E03000 - N7610 E03000 - N7630 E01640 - N8100 E01745 1000FT/FL070 STNR NC=  324 WSCA31 MDSD 082010 CCA MDCS AIRMET A 1 VALID 082010/082310 MDSD- MDCS SANTO DOMINGO FIR: ISOL TSRA OBS AT 2000Z WI 1779 W07059 ? N1965 W07044 - N1942 W06925 ? N1782 W06946 ? N1779 W07059 CB TOP FL240 MOV SW INTSF=  011 WWUS54 KMAF 082015 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 315 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC015-TXC109-082100- /O.CON.KMAF.SV.W.0201.000000T0000Z-200908T2100Z/ Eddy NM-Culberson TX- 315 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 400 PM CDT/300 PM MDT/ FOR SOUTHWESTERN EDDY AND NORTH CENTRAL CULBERSON COUNTIES... At 315 PM CDT/215 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles southeast of McKittrick Canyon, or 13 miles east of Pine Springs, moving southeast at 15 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Eddy and north central Culberson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3191 10474 3204 10455 3189 10427 3165 10461 TIME...MOT...LOC 2015Z 319DEG 11KT 3192 10459 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  983 WWUS74 KAMA 082016 NPWAMA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 316 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ001-006-011-016-090500- /O.CON.KAMA.WI.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Dallam-Hartley-Oldham-Deaf Smith- Including the cities of Dalhart, Hartley, Channing, Vega, and Hereford 316 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 35 to 39 mph. * WHERE...Dallam, Hartley, Oldham and Deaf Smith Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  105 WWUS84 KLIX 082017 SPSLIX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New Orleans LA 317 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LAZ061-082045- Upper Jefferson- 317 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM IS AFFECTING NORTHERN JEFFERSON PARISH... At 315 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm producing heavy rain and frequent lightning was located over Metairie. The storm is nearly stationary. Locations impacted include... Metairie, Avondale, Marrero, Jefferson, Harahan, Westwego, Elmwood, Waggaman, Bridge City, River Ridge, Ama and New Orleans Armstrong Airport. Heavy rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may cause localized street flooding and ponding in other low lying and poor drainage areas. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Heavy rainfall will also lead to reduced visibility along area roadways including Interstate 10. Motorists should be prepared for sudden changes in visibility. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is also occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. LAT...LON 2994 9028 3005 9028 3005 9026 3002 9018 3002 9012 2997 9012 2995 9014 2991 9013 2989 9013 2989 9024 TIME...MOT...LOC 2015Z 158DEG 2KT 3003 9021 $$ 95/DM  804 WSAU21 AMMC 082017 YMMM SIGMET X01 VALID 082035/090035 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0510 E09640 - S0620 E09050 - S0450 E08920 - S0320 E09350 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  123 WHUS71 KBUF 082018 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 418 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LOZ043-044-090430- /O.NEW.KBUF.SC.Y.0084.200908T2100Z-200909T0600Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- 418 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 20 knots and waves 3 to 5 feet expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Ontario from Hamlin Beach to Mexico Bay. * WHEN...Until 2 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  522 WHUS41 KBUF 082018 CFWBUF Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Buffalo NY 418 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NYZ003-004-090430- /O.NEW.KBUF.BH.S.0019.200908T2100Z-200909T0600Z/ Monroe-Wayne- 418 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions expected. * WHERE...Beaches of Monroe and Wayne counties. * WHEN...Until 2 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Strong currents and dangerous swimming conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions. && $$  911 WSPS21 NZKL 082014 NZZO SIGMET 44 VALID 082018/090018 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3100 E17620 - S2930 E17940 - S3120 W17220 - S2950 W16420 - S3140 W15830 - S3450 W17100 - S3100 E17620 FL210/370 STNR NC=  169 WSPS21 NZKL 082015 NZZO SIGMET 45 VALID 082018/082045 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 37 081645/082045=  320 WWUS85 KPSR 082020 RFWPSR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 120 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ131-132-CAZ230>232-090700- /O.CON.KPSR.FW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200909T0700Z/ Yuma/Martinez Lake and Vicinity/Lower Colorado River Valley AZ- Central Deserts-Joshua Tree National Park- Lower Colorado River Valley CA- Imperial County And Eastern Riverside County- 120 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /120 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MST /MIDNIGHT PDT/ TONIGHT FOR STRONG WINDS, LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND VERY HIGH FIRE DANGER FOR SOUTHWEST AND SOUTH-CENTRAL ARIZONA, THE LOWER COLORADO RIVER VALLEY, AND SOUTHEAST CALIFORNIA... * AFFECTED AREA...Yuma/Martinez Lake and Vicinity/Lower Colorado River Valley AZ, Central Deserts, Joshua Tree National Park, Lower Colorado River Valley CA and Imperial County And Eastern Riverside County. * TIMING...From 11 AM to 12 AM Tuesday. * WINDS...Northwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 8 percent. * IMPACTS...Fuels are very dry and fire danger is very high. These conditions combined with low relative humidity and strong winds will lead to widespread hazardous fire weather conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please advise the appropriate officials and fire crews in the field of this red flag warning. && $$ National Weather Service Phoenix is on the internet at weather.gov/phoenix  535 WSID20 WIII 082020 WIIZ SIGMET 12 VALID 082020/090015 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0227 E10119 - N0135 E10100 - N0228 E09752 - N0446 E09557 - N0600 E09729 - N0600 E09730 - N0227 E10119 TOP FL540 MOV W 15KT NC=  666 WWUS75 KBOI 082020 NPWBOI URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 220 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 IDZ016-091500- /O.NEW.KBOI.FR.Y.0003.200909T0900Z-200909T1500Z/ Western Magic Valley- 220 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Low temperatures from 33 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Portions of the Western Magic Valley. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  049 WSAL31 DAAA 082018 DAAA SIGMET 7 VALID 082015/082215 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3821 E00711 - N3632 E00659 TOP FL360 MOV NE WKN=  751 WWUS84 KOUN 082021 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 321 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ084-082045- Foard TX- 321 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northwestern Foard County Until 345 PM CDT... AT 318 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 11 miles southeast of Swearingen. This storm was nearly stationary. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to the size of nickels... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Foard County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3418 9992 3415 9987 3409 9985 3402 9999 3411 10000 TIME...MOT...LOC 2018Z 232DEG 1KT 3408 9996 $$ Mahale  236 WSNT03 KKCI 082021 SIGA0C KZWY SIGMET CHARLIE 3 VALID 082021/082030 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET CHARLIE 2 081630/082030.  445 WWUS75 KPSR 082022 NPWPSR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 122 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ530-533-CAZ569-570-090500- /O.CON.KPSR.DU.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-200908T2300Z/ /O.CON.KPSR.WI.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-200909T0500Z/ Parker Valley-Central La Paz-Palo Verde Valley-Chuckwalla Valley- Including the cities of Parker, Ehrenberg, Brenda, Harcuvar, Quartzsite, Vicksburg, Vicksburg Junction, Salome, Martinez Lake, Blythe, Palo Verde, Ripley, and Midland 122 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /122 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM MST /4 PM PDT/ THIS AFTERNOON... ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, visibility between one quarter mile and one mile in blowing dust. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...In Arizona, Parker Valley and Central La Paz County. In California, Palo Verde Valley and Chuckwalla Valley. * WHEN...For the Blowing Dust Advisory, until 4 PM MST /4 PM PDT/ this afternoon. For the Wind Advisory, until 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ this evening. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility. Difficult driving conditions, especially for larger vehicles traveling along roads with crosswinds. Light, unsecured objects may become airborne. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be ready for a sudden drop in visibility. If you encounter blowing dust or blowing sand on the roadway or see it approaching, pull off the road as far as possible and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights all the way off and keep your foot off the brake pedal. Remember, pull aside, stay alive. A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of between 30 and 40 mph are expected, or wind gusts of between 40 and 58 mph. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. In addition, strong winds over desert areas could result in briefly lowered visibilities to well under a mile at times in blowing dust or blowing sand. Use extra caution. && $$ AZZ531-532-536-CAZ560-561-564-565-568-090500- /O.CON.KPSR.WI.Y.0025.000000T0000Z-200909T0500Z/ Kofa-Yuma-Gila River Valley-Joshua Tree NP West- Joshua Tree NP East-Chuckwalla Mountains- Imperial County Southeast-Chiriaco Summit- Including the cities of Palm Canyon, Yuma, Fortuna Foothills, Ligurta, Cottonwood Visitor, Lost Horse-Keys Village, Imperial Hot Mineral Springs, Winterhaven, and Chiriaco Summit 122 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 /122 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...In Arizona, Parker Valley. In California, Western portion of Joshua Tree National Park, Eastern portion of Joshua Tree National Park, Chuckwalla Mountains, Southeastern Imperial County, Chiriaco Summit, Palo Verde Valley and Chuckwalla Valley. * WHEN...From 11 AM MST /11 AM PDT/ to 10 PM MST /10 PM PDT/ Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Difficult driving conditions, especially for larger vehicles traveling along roads with crosswinds on Interstates 8 and 10. Light, unsecured objects may become airborne. Minor tree damage possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Wind Advisory means that sustained wind speeds of between 30 and 40 mph are expected, or wind gusts of between 40 and 58 mph. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. In addition, strong winds over desert areas could result in briefly lowered visibilities to well under a mile at times in blowing dust or blowing sand. Use extra caution. Continue to monitor NWS forecasts, broadcast outlets, and local government for updates. && $$  974 WSBZ01 SBBR 082000 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0346 W06947 - S0557 W06515 - S1034 W07021 - S0924 W07026 - S0958 W07151 - S0734 W07341 - S0454 W07214 - S0428 W07000 - S0346 W06947 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  975 WSBZ01 SBBR 082000 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0301 W06936 - N0142 W06851 - N0148 W06714 - N0111 W06706 - N0047 W06613 - N0047 W06526 - N0209 W06314 - N0328 W06351 - N0457 W06025 - N0354 W05945 - N0248 W06001 - N0121 W06213 - S0034 W06134 - S0100 W05847 - S0652 W05959 - S0526 W06557 - S0301 W06936 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  976 WSBZ01 SBBR 082000 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0014 W05518 - N0119 W05522 - N0230 W05004 - N0019 W04940 - S0105 W04511 - S0346 W04739 - N0005 W05224 - N0014 W05518 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  977 WSBZ01 SBBR 082000 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 082000/082400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2441 W05119 - S2644 W04342 - S3149 W04816 - S2955 W05424 - S2441 W05119 FL 110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  978 WSBZ01 SBBR 082000 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0320 W05710 - S0026 W05702 - S0015 W05347 - S0418 W05442 - S0320 W05710 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  166 WSRS31 RURD 082022 URRV SIGMET 14 VALID 082030/082230 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST S OF LINE N4242 E03655 - N4441 E03704 - N4752 E04504 - N4453 E04930 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH NC=  499 WSAL31 DAAA 082021 DAAA SIGMET 8 VALID 082015/082215 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS FCST W OF LINE N3349 E00127 - N3023 W00146 TOP FL360 MOV NE NC=  842 WSCA31 MHTG 082023 MHTG SIGMET E1 VALID 082020/090020 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2010Z WI N1541 W08740 -N1551 W08618 -N1534 W08548 -N1438 W08550 -N1408 W08617 -N1350 W08714 -N1355 W08748 -N1433 W08841 TOP FL480 MOV STNR INTSF=  715 WSHO31 MHTG 082023 MHTG SIGMET E1 VALID 082020/090020 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2010Z WI N1541 W08740 -N1551 W08618 -N1534 W08548 -N1438 W08550 -N1408 W08617 -N1350 W08714 -N1355 W08748 -N1433 W08841 TOP FL480 MOV STNR INTSF=  520 WWUS45 KCYS 082026 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...PERIODS OF MIXED WINTRY PRECIPITATION EXPECTED ACROSS MUCH OF THE AREA THROUGH EARLY WEDNESDAY... NEZ095-WYZ101-102-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations-Niobrara County- Including the cities of Harrison, Bill, Douglas, Deer Creek, Glenrock, Lusk, and Redbird 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. * WHERE...Converse County, Niobrara County and North Sioux County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ106-107-116>118-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- East Platte County-South Laramie Range- South Laramie Range Foothills-Central Laramie County- Including the cities of Bordeaux, Wheatland, Guernsey, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, Horse Creek, and Cheyenne 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Interstate 80 Summit and Foothills between Laramie and Cheyenne, Interstate 25 between the Colorado State Line and Glendo. Cities or communities impacted include but are not limited to Cheyenne, Chugwater, Wheatland and Glendo. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ103-114-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Laramie Range-Snowy Range- Including the cities of Garrett, Centennial, and Albany 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...North Laramie Range and Snowy Range. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous or impossible mountain travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation will be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ104-109>111-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains-Central Carbon County- North Snowy Range Foothills-Southwest Carbon County- Including the cities of Seminoe Dam, Rawlins, Arlington, Elk Mountain, and Baggs 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Much of Carbon County including Rawlins, Elk Mountain, and Baggs. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ096-WYZ108-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ South Sioux-Goshen County- Including the cities of Agate and Torrington 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Goshen County in southeast Wyoming and South Sioux County in the Nebraska Panhandle. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ105-112-113-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Shirley Basin-Sierra Madre Range-Upper North Platte River Basin- Including the cities of Medicine Bow, Shirley Basin, Saratoga, and Encampment 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Shirley Basin, Sierra Madre Range and Upper North Platte River Basin. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ002-003-019-020-054-WYZ119-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Dawes-Box Butte-Scotts Bluff County-Banner County-Kimball County- East Laramie County- Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance, Scottsbluff, Gering, Harrisburg, Kimball, and Pine Bluffs 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Wyoming, eastern Laramie County including Pine Bluffs. In Nebraska, Kimball, Banner, Scotts Bluff, Box Butte and Dawes counties including Kimball, Scottsbluff, Alliance and Chadron. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ115-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Laramie Valley- Including the cities of Bosler and Laramie 226 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Laramie Valley including Laramie. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. Be prepared for rapidly worsening conditions as you travel in any direction from the city. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  755 WWUS75 KRIW 082027 NPWRIW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 227 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Freeze Warning Tonight for the Bighorn Basin... .A clearing sky coupled with a cold airmass will lead to overnight low temperatures well below freezing. WYZ003>006-091500- /O.NEW.KRIW.FZ.W.0005.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Cody Foothills-North Big Horn Basin-Southwest Big Horn Basin- Southeast Big Horn Basin- Including the cities of Clark, Cody, Meeteetse, Basin, Greybull, Lovell, Powell, Shell, Thermopolis, Ten Sleep, and Worland 227 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures ranging from 22 to 27 degrees. * WHERE...Cody Foothills, North Big Horn Basin, Southwest Big Horn Basin and Southeast Big Horn Basin. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will damage sensitive vegetation and possibly unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The coldest temperatures will occur in areas with snow cover, mainly in and near Thermopolis and along Wyoming Highway 120 around Meeteetse. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect sensitive plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  848 WWJP27 RJTD 081800 WARNING AND SUMMARY 081800. WARNING VALID 091800. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 996 HPA AT 56N 166E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING NNE SLOWLY. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 56N 166E TO 55N 169E 54N 170E. WARM FRONT FROM 54N 170E TO 52N 173E 49N 174E. COLD FRONT FROM 54N 170E TO 52N 168E 50N 165E 47N 161E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1004 HPA AT 38N 170E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING SE 15 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 38N 170E TO 35N 172E 33N 175E. COLD FRONT FROM 38N 170E TO 36N 166E 38N 162E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW FOR NEXT 6 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 26N 128E 27N 129E 27N 137E 21N 137E 21N 133E 26N 128E. SUMMARY. HIGH 1016 HPA AT 50N 149E ESE 10 KT. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 33N 150E WEST SLOWLY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 27N 124E TO 28N 127E 30N 130E 31N 133E 34N 137E 35N 139E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 34N 129E TO 37N 131E 40N 132E 43N 135E 46N 139E 43N 147E. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  849 WWUS55 KFGZ 082027 SVSFGZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 127 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZC005-082100- /O.CON.KFGZ.SV.W.0049.000000T0000Z-200908T2100Z/ Coconino- 127 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 200 PM MST FOR COCONINO COUNTY... At 127 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Starlight Pines, or 23 miles northeast of Payson, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Clints Well, Starlight Pines, Knoll Lake Campground, Clints Well Campground, Chevelon Canyon Dam, Blue Ridge Campground, Rock Crossing Campground, Chevelon Crossing Campground and Chevelon Canyon Lake Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3444 11124 3445 11125 3444 11126 3444 11128 3446 11149 3454 11149 3458 11129 3464 11124 3464 11075 3439 11075 TIME...MOT...LOC 2027Z 268DEG 41KT 3455 11114 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$  239 WWUS75 KCYS 082027 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 227 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEZ021-055-091500- /O.CON.KCYS.FZ.W.0001.200909T0400Z-200909T1500Z/ Morrill-Cheyenne- Including the cities of Angora, Bridgeport, Bayard, Redington, Brownson, and Sidney 227 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 degrees. * WHERE...Morrill and Cheyenne Counties. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  287 WWJP25 RJTD 081800 WARNING AND SUMMARY 081800. WARNING VALID 091800. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 996 HPA AT 56N 166E SEA EAST OF KAMCHATKA MOVING NORTHNORTHEAST SLOWLY. OCCLUDED FRONT FROM 56N 166E TO 55N 169E 54N 170E. WARM FRONT FROM 54N 170E TO 52N 173E 49N 174E. COLD FRONT FROM 54N 170E TO 52N 168E 50N 165E 47N 161E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 500 MILES OF LOW SOUTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 1004 HPA AT 38N 170E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING SOUTHEAST 15 KNOTS. WARM FRONT FROM 38N 170E TO 35N 172E 33N 175E. COLD FRONT FROM 38N 170E TO 36N 166E 38N 162E. WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF LOW. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER SEA OF OKHOTSK SEA OF JAPAN YELLOW SEA EAST CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 38N 141E 40N 142E 42N 141E 47N 152E 55N 162E 60N 163E 60N 180E 38N 180E 35N 165E 38N 150E 38N 141E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 26N 128E 27N 129E 27N 137E 21N 137E 21N 133E 26N 128E. SUMMARY. HIGH 1016 HPA AT 50N 149E ESE 10 KT. HIGH 1018 HPA AT 33N 150E WEST SLOWLY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 27N 124E TO 28N 127E 30N 130E 31N 133E 34N 137E 35N 139E. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 34N 129E TO 37N 131E 40N 132E 43N 135E 46N 139E 43N 147E. REMARKS. JMA WILL DISCONTINUE ITS PROVISION OF WWJP25 AND WWJP26 BY THE YEAR 2020 IN FAVOR OF WWJP27 AND WWJP28, WHICH ARE IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, RESPECTIVELY. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  138 WWUS83 KSGF 082028 SPSSGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 328 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOZ067-078-082100- Cedar MO-St. Clair MO- 328 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN CEDAR AND SOUTHERN ST. CLAIR COUNTIES UNTIL 400 PM CDT... At 327 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles east of El Dorado Springs, moving northeast at 25 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... El Dorado Springs... Osceola... Collins... Roscoe... Vista... Gerster... Caplinger Mills... Filley... Cedar Springs... Monegaw Springs... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3805 9357 3784 9357 3783 9361 3783 9362 3782 9363 3771 9389 3777 9399 3789 9401 3810 9376 TIME...MOT...LOC 2027Z 223DEG 24KT 3784 9389 $$ Hatch  859 WOCN11 CWWG 082028 FROST ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:28 P.M. CDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= CITY OF WINNIPEG =NEW= STEINBACH - ST. ADOLPHE - EMERSON - VITA - RICHER =NEW= SELKIRK - GIMLI - STONEWALL - WOODLANDS =NEW= DUGALD - BEAUSEJOUR - GRAND BEACH =NEW= PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - HEADINGLEY - BRUNKILD - CARMAN =NEW= MORDEN - WINKLER - ALTONA - MORRIS =NEW= SPRAGUE - NORTHWEST ANGLE PROVINCIAL FOREST =NEW= BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE =NEW= KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU =NEW= MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK =NEW= VIRDEN - SOURIS =NEW= MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SOME PLANTS MAY BE DAMAGED OR EVEN DESTROYED BY FROST. A RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE WILL GIVE RISE TO CLEAR SKIES AND LIGHT WINDS WHICH WILL LEAD TO ANOTHER NIGHT OF PATCHY FROST ACROSS SOUTHERN MANITOBA. WARMER, MORE SEASONABLE TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO PUSH INTO THE EASTERN PRAIRIES BY MID WEEK AND PERSIST INTO THE WEEKEND WHICH WILL BRING AN END TO THE SUB ZERO OVERNIGHT LOWS FOR THE TIME BEING. COVER UP PLANTS, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. TAKE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT FROST-SENSITIVE PLANTS AND TREES. FROST ADVISORIES ARE ISSUED WHEN TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO REACH THE FREEZING MARK DURING THE GROWING SEASON, LEADING TO POTENTIAL DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION TO PLANTS AND CROPS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  882 WCNT05 KKCI 082100 WSTA0E KZWY SIGMET ECHO 1 VALID 082100/090300 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR TC PAULETTE OBS AT 2100Z NR N1842 W04418. MOV NW 5KT. INTSF. FRQ TS TOP FL500 WI N2330 W04115 - N2215 W04000 - N1800 W04500 - N2045 W04700 - N2330 W04115. FCST 0300Z TC CENTER N1900 W04500.  254 WTNT22 KNHC 082029 TCMAT2 TROPICAL STORM PAULETTE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 8 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL172020 2100 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 18.7N 44.3W AT 08/2100Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 45 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE NORTHWEST OR 305 DEGREES AT 7 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 995 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 55 KT WITH GUSTS TO 65 KT. 50 KT....... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT....... 90NE 70SE 20SW 70NW. 12 FT SEAS..180NE 30SE 30SW 180NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 18.7N 44.3W AT 08/2100Z AT 08/1800Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 18.5N 44.0W FORECAST VALID 09/0600Z 19.2N 45.4W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT...130NE 80SE 40SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1800Z 19.9N 47.2W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...140NE 90SE 30SW 100NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0600Z 20.3N 49.0W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. 50 KT... 50NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...140NE 90SE 50SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1800Z 20.5N 50.6W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. 34 KT...130NE 80SE 40SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0600Z 20.7N 52.1W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 30NW. 34 KT...120NE 70SE 30SW 110NW. FORECAST VALID 11/1800Z 21.4N 53.2W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. 34 KT...120NE 70SE 30SW 110NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/1800Z 23.5N 55.5W MAX WIND 45 KT...GUSTS 55 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/1800Z 26.5N 59.0W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 18.7N 44.3W NEXT ADVISORY AT 09/0300Z $$ FORECASTER ZELINSKY  571 WWUS73 KABR 082029 NPWABR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 329 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 SDZ003>005-009-010-015-016-090430- /O.NEW.KABR.FZ.W.0001.200909T0800Z-200909T1400Z/ Corson-Campbell-McPherson-Walworth-Edmunds-Dewey-Potter- Including the cities of McIntosh, Herreid, Eureka, Mobridge, Ipswich, Isabel, and Gettysburg 329 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /229 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM CDT /2 AM MDT/ TO 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Corson, Campbell, McPherson, Walworth, Edmunds, Dewey and Potter Counties. * WHEN...From 3 AM CDT /2 AM MDT/ to 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. && $$ MNZ039-046-SDZ006>008-011-017-033>036-045-090430- /O.NEW.KABR.FR.Y.0001.200909T0800Z-200909T1400Z/ Traverse-Big Stone-Brown-Marshall-Roberts-Day-Faulk-Stanley-Sully- Hughes-Hyde-Jones- Including the cities of Wheaton, Ortonville, Aberdeen, Britton, Sisseton, Webster, Faulkton, Fort Pierre, Onida, Pierre, Highmore, and Murdo 329 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /229 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM CDT /2 AM MDT/ TO 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 33 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and northeast South Dakota and west central Minnesota. * WHEN...From 3 AM CDT /2 AM MDT/ to 9 AM CDT /8 AM MDT/ Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ Mohr  802 WTNT32 KNHC 082030 TCPAT2 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Paulette Advisory Number 8 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 500 PM AST Tue Sep 08 2020 ...PAULETTE SLOWLY MOVING ACROSS THE CENTRAL ATLANTIC... SUMMARY OF 500 PM AST...2100 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...18.7N 44.3W ABOUT 1350 MI...2175 KM W OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS ABOUT 1230 MI...1980 KM E OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...65 MPH...100 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...NW OR 305 DEGREES AT 8 MPH...13 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...995 MB...29.39 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 500 PM AST (2100 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Paulette was located near latitude 18.7 North, longitude 44.3 West. Paulette is moving toward the northwest near 8 mph (13 km/h). A slightly faster motion toward the west-northwest or northwest is expected for the next couple of days. Maximum sustained winds are near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher gusts. Some slight strengthening is possible tonight. Gradual weakening is expected to begin on Wednesday and should continue for a couple days thereafter. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 105 miles (165 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 995 mb (29.39 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 1100 PM AST. $$ Forecaster Zelinsky  962 WSCA31 MHTG 082030 MHTG SIGMET F1 VALID 082030/090030 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2020Z WI N1532 W08409 -N1456 W08450 -N1407 W08444 -N1338 W08414 -N1340 W08341 -N1423 W08328 -N1521 W08339 TOP FL500 MOV MOV W 05KT INTSF=  648 WWUS84 KOUN 082030 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 330 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ016-017-022-023-082100- Washita OK-Caddo OK-Custer OK-Blaine OK- 330 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northeastern Washita... northwestern Caddo...southeastern Custer and southwestern Blaine Counties Until 400 PM CDT... AT 326 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Colony, moving north at 30 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... LAT...LON 3517 9859 3519 9880 3525 9893 3562 9868 3556 9845 TIME...MOT...LOC 2026Z 198DEG 26KT 3539 9865 $$ JT  867 WSHO31 MHTG 082030 MHTG SIGMET F1 VALID 082030/090030 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2020Z WI N1532 W08409 -N1456 W08450 -N1407 W08444 -N1338 W08414 -N1340 W08341 -N1423 W08328 -N1521 W08339 TOP FL500 MOV MOV W 05KT INTSF=  321 WTNT42 KNHC 082030 TCDAT2 Tropical Storm Paulette Discussion Number 8 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL172020 500 PM AST Tue Sep 08 2020 Shear has started to take a toll on Paulette's structure. Convection is again primarily limited to the northeast quadrant with little signs of banding. It is certainly possible that convection will expand again tonight when Paulette is farther removed from the diurnal convective minimum, but for the moment it does not look like further intensification is imminent. Dvorak classifications from TAFB and SAB are still T-3.5/55 kt, and that is the basis for the intensity estimate. If convection does increase tonight, Paulette will have a brief window for further strengthening before an expected increase in southerly shear on Wednesday. At a minimum, Paulette's intensity should then level off, and it will probably begin to weaken. Later this week or over the weekend Paulette will have an opportunity to restrengthen, depending on its interaction with an upper-level low expected to be just west of the cyclone. The spread in the guidance at that point is very high ranging from near dissipation to a category 2 hurricane. The NHC intensity forecast is mostly unchanged for now, but Paulette could certainly be much stronger or weaker over the weekend than currently forecast. There has been no change to the track forecast reasoning, and therefore little change to the track forecast itself. Paulette should gradually turn westward by late Wednesday and then back toward the northwest later this week as a ridge to its north builds and weakens over the next several days. The model spread is high, since there is still quite a bit of uncertainty in exactly how far west Paulette will make it before it turns northwestward. Confidence in the forecast beyond 72 h remains low. The NHC forecast track is based heavily on the HFIP Corrected Consensus (HCCA). FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/2100Z 18.7N 44.3W 55 KT 65 MPH 12H 09/0600Z 19.2N 45.4W 60 KT 70 MPH 24H 09/1800Z 19.9N 47.2W 55 KT 65 MPH 36H 10/0600Z 20.3N 49.0W 55 KT 65 MPH 48H 10/1800Z 20.5N 50.6W 50 KT 60 MPH 60H 11/0600Z 20.7N 52.1W 50 KT 60 MPH 72H 11/1800Z 21.4N 53.2W 45 KT 50 MPH 96H 12/1800Z 23.5N 55.5W 45 KT 50 MPH 120H 13/1800Z 26.5N 59.0W 50 KT 60 MPH $$ Forecaster Zelinsky  736 WGUS82 KMLB 082030 FLSMLB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Melbourne FL 430 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 FLC095-117-082230- /O.NEW.KMLB.FA.Y.0089.200908T2030Z-200908T2230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Orange FL-Seminole FL- 430 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Melbourne has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Western Orange County in east central Florida... Southwestern Seminole County in east central Florida... * Until 630 PM EDT. * At 430 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Orlando, Apopka, Altamonte Springs, Ocoee, Winter Garden, Winter Park, Casselberry, Maitland, Windermere, Bay Lake, Pine Hills, Lockhart, Oak Ridge, College Park, Conway, Zellwood, Azalea Park, Belle Isle and Oakland. An additional 1 to 2 inches can be expected in some areas in the Flood Advisory area through 6 pm. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 2852 8131 2847 8137 2843 8147 2836 8161 2836 8166 2837 8166 2838 8166 2841 8166 2842 8166 2857 8165 2858 8165 2859 8165 2870 8165 2874 8147 2867 8137 2864 8131 $$  544 WGUS82 KMFL 082031 FLSMFL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Miami FL 431 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 FLC021-082041- /O.CAN.KMFL.FA.Y.0113.000000T0000Z-200908T2145Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Collier FL- 431 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR WEST CENTRAL COLLIER COUNTY... The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 2628 8184 2628 8166 2621 8165 2619 8158 2607 8160 2609 8183 $$ Weinman  004 WSUS05 KKCI 082031 WS5W SLCW WS 082031 SIGMET WHISKEY 2 VALID UNTIL 090031 UT CO AZ NM FROM 30N ALS TO 60ESE SJN TO EED TO 40SSE BCE TO 30N ALS OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL310 AND FL430. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY A320. CONDS CONTG BYD 0031Z. ....  619 WHUS43 KLOT 082031 CFWLOT Lakeshore Hazard Message National Weather Service Chicago IL 331 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ006-103-104-090445- /O.EXT.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200911T0000Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.LS.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Lake IL-Northern Cook-Central Cook- 331 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH THURSDAY EVENING... ...LAKESHORE FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * LOCATION...Northern Cook County and Lake County Illinois shores. * HIGH WAVE ACTION...LAKE SHORE FLOODING AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...8 to 10 feet. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. * TIMING...For the Lakeshore Flood Advisory, through Wednesday morning. For the Beach Hazards Statement, through Thursday evening. * IMPACTS...The large waves combined with record high lake levels could exacerbate already significant beach and shoreline erosion sustained over the past several months. Typical flood prone locations will likely experience flooding. Onlookers may be swept into the lake by the large waves. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. For information on swim advisories or bans at Chicago beaches visit: www.cpdbeaches.com. A Lakeshore Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds will generate flooding of low areas along the lakeshore. && $$ INZ001-002-090445- /O.CON.KLOT.BH.S.0018.000000T0000Z-200910T0800Z/ Lake IN-Porter- 331 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * LOCATION...Northwest Indiana beaches. * HIGH WAVE ACTION AND DANGEROUS SWIMMING CONDITIONS EXPECTED. * FORECAST WAVE HEIGHTS...5 to 8 feet. * STRONG RIP CURRENTS AND STRUCTURAL CURRENTS EXPECTED. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain out of the water to avoid dangerous swimming conditions and do not venture out onto piers, jetties, breakwalls, or other shoreline structures. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures. && $$ Borchardt  792 WWUS76 KLOX 082032 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 132 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ053-054-090500- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.000000T0000Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Mountains- Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Acton, Mount Wilson, and Sandberg 132 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts to 55 mph expected. Isolated gusts to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...Ventura County Mountains and Los Angeles County Mountains. * WHEN...From noon today to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. Strongest winds late this evening through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ059-090200- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.000000T0000Z-200909T0200Z/ Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale 132 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Antelope Valley. * WHEN...From noon today to 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and reduced visibility from blowing dust will make driving difficult. Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ044>046-088-547-548-090500- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.000000T0000Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area-Santa Clarita Valley- Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- Including the cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ojai, Piru, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Santa Clarita, Newhall, Valencia, Woodland Hills, Northridge, Burbank, Universal City, Pasadena, San Gabriel, and Pomona 132 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected, strongest in the Santa Clarita and Ventura County valleys. Isolated gusts to 55 mph in the hills. * WHERE...Ventura County Interior Valleys, Ventura County Coastal Valleys, Santa Monica Mountains, Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. * WHEN...From noon today to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. Strongest winds late this evening through Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ CAZ040-041-090500- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0058.200909T1000Z-200909T2200Z/ Ventura County Coast- Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- Including the cities of Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Malibu, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and Long Beach 132 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 3 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VENTURA COAST AND MALIBU TO HOLLYWOOD HILLS... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...Ventura County Coast and Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 3 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Gomberg  535 WAUS41 KKCI 082045 WA1T BOST WA 082045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET TURB...OH LE FROM 50ENE ECK TO 60E CVG TO CVG TO FWA TO 50ENE ECK MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL390. CONDS ENDG BY 00Z. . AIRMET TURB...MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW BOS TO 120SSE HTO TO 30N LYH TO 40SW LYH TO 30E CLT TO 30SSW IRQ TO 20ENE MCN TO 40SSW VXV TO HMV TO HNN TO 40S JHW TO 20WNW SAX TO 30SSW BOS MOD TURB BTN FL310 AND FL400. CONDS ENDG 00-03Z. ....  536 WAUS43 KKCI 082045 WA3T CHIT WA 082045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 5 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 090300 . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IN FROM 70NNE SAW TO SSM TO 40NW YVV TO 50ENE ECK TO FWA TO 20W PMM TO 40E BAE TO 30S MCW TO 80S FSD TO 50N FSD TO 70NNE SAW MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE MN WI LS MI FROM 60N MOT TO 50S MOT TO 100WSW YWG TO 30N INL TO YQT TO 70NNE SAW TO 50N FSD TO 70W FSD TO 40ENE AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 60N MOT MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL430. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  537 WAUS42 KKCI 082045 WA2T MIAT WA 082045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET TURB...NC SC GA MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30SSW BOS TO 120SSE HTO TO 30N LYH TO 40SW LYH TO 30E CLT TO 30SSW IRQ TO 20ENE MCN TO 40SSW VXV TO HMV TO HNN TO 40S JHW TO 20WNW SAX TO 30SSW BOS MOD TURB BTN FL310 AND FL400. CONDS ENDG 00-03Z. ....  538 WAUS44 KKCI 082045 WA4T DFWT WA 082045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 3 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 090300 . NO SGFNT TURB EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...OK TX FROM 50SSE TBE TO 50SW LBL TO 20WNW AMA TO 30SSW TXO TO 50SSE TBE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. ....  617 WTNT23 KNHC 082033 TCMAT3 TROPICAL STORM RENE FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 7 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL182020 2100 UTC TUE SEP 08 2020 CHANGES IN WATCHES AND WARNINGS WITH THIS ADVISORY... THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS HAS DISCONTINUED THE TROPICAL STORM WARNING FOR ALL OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS. THERE ARE NO COASTAL WATCHES OR WARNINGS IN EFFECT. TROPICAL STORM CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.8N 27.9W AT 08/2100Z POSITION ACCURATE WITHIN 20 NM PRESENT MOVEMENT TOWARD THE WEST OR 280 DEGREES AT 14 KT ESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 1001 MB MAX SUSTAINED WINDS 35 KT WITH GUSTS TO 45 KT. 34 KT....... 40NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 12 FT SEAS.. 60NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. WINDS AND SEAS VARY GREATLY IN EACH QUADRANT. RADII IN NAUTICAL MILES ARE THE LARGEST RADII EXPECTED ANYWHERE IN THAT QUADRANT. REPEAT...CENTER LOCATED NEAR 16.8N 27.9W AT 08/2100Z AT 08/1800Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 16.7N 27.2W FORECAST VALID 09/0600Z 17.2N 29.6W MAX WIND 40 KT...GUSTS 50 KT. 34 KT... 40NE 0SE 0SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 09/1800Z 18.0N 32.2W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 34 KT... 50NE 20SE 0SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/0600Z 18.9N 34.8W MAX WIND 60 KT...GUSTS 75 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 10SE 0SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 30SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 10/1800Z 19.9N 37.0W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 64 KT... 10NE 0SE 0SW 0NW. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 50NE 40SE 20SW 40NW. FORECAST VALID 11/0600Z 21.3N 38.8W MAX WIND 70 KT...GUSTS 85 KT. 50 KT... 20NE 20SE 10SW 20NW. 34 KT... 60NE 50SE 30SW 50NW. FORECAST VALID 11/1800Z 23.2N 40.3W MAX WIND 65 KT...GUSTS 80 KT. 50 KT... 30NE 30SE 20SW 30NW. 34 KT... 70NE 60SE 40SW 60NW. EXTENDED OUTLOOK. NOTE...ERRORS FOR TRACK HAVE AVERAGED NEAR 150 NM ON DAY 4 AND 175 NM ON DAY 5...AND FOR INTENSITY NEAR 15 KT EACH DAY OUTLOOK VALID 12/1800Z 27.7N 42.2W MAX WIND 55 KT...GUSTS 65 KT. OUTLOOK VALID 13/1800Z 30.5N 40.5W MAX WIND 50 KT...GUSTS 60 KT. REQUEST FOR 3 HOURLY SHIP REPORTS WITHIN 300 MILES OF 16.8N 27.9W NEXT ADVISORY AT 09/0300Z $$ FORECASTER CANGIALOSI  618 WTNT33 KNHC 082033 TCPAT3 BULLETIN Tropical Storm Rene Advisory Number 7 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 800 PM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 ...RENE PULLING AWAY FROM THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS.. SUMMARY OF 800 PM CVT...2100 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...16.8N 27.9W ABOUT 265 MI...425 KM WNW OF THE CABO VERDE ISLANDS MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...40 MPH...65 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...W OR 280 DEGREES AT 16 MPH...26 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1001 MB...29.56 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: The Government of the Cabo Verde Islands has discontinued the Tropical Storm Warning for all of the Cabo Verde Islands. There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 800 PM CVT (2100 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Rene was located near latitude 16.8 North, longitude 27.9 West. Rene is moving toward the west near 16 mph (26 km/h), and a motion toward the west or west-northwest is expected over the next couple of days, followed by a turn to the northwest. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Gradual strengthening is forecast, and Rene is expected to become a hurricane in a couple of days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1001 mb (29.56 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- None. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- Next complete advisory at 200 AM CVT. $$ Forecaster Cangialosi  037 WAUS46 KKCI 082045 WA6T SFOT WA 082045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 4 FOR TURB AND STG SFC WNDS VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET TURB...CA ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM FROM 50S YXH TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 40NNW LAA TO 20SE TCC TO 30WSW ELP TO 50S TUS TO 30SSW BZA TO 40E TRM TO HEC TO 30E OAL TO 30SSE BOI TO 20SW DLN TO 50S YXH MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL430. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...CA ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE JAC TO 40E DDY TO TBE TO 60E ELP TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 60S TRM TO 40WSW RZS TO 40SW EHF TO 20S CZQ TO 30W OAL TO 80SW TWF TO 40SE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW EPH TO 50ESE DSD TO 40SE LKV TO 40SSW FMG TO 30W OAL TO 20S CZQ TO 80S SNS TO 50SSW FOT TO 30SW HQM TO 20S SEA TO 40NW EPH MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...OR CSTL WTRS FROM 120WSW HQM TO 90SW HQM TO 50SW ONP TO 120WSW ONP TO 120WSW HQM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS ENDG 21-00Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...TURB WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 30SSE HUH-50NW EPH-30NNE DSD-40SSE LKV-40SSW FMG-40SW OAL-90S SNS-50SW FOT-60WSW ONP-50SSW TOU-30SSE HUH MOD TURB BLW 120. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...STG SFC WNDS CA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20SSE EHF-60SW HEC-40SSE RZS-20SSE EHF SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG 03-06Z. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  187 WAUS45 KKCI 082045 WA5T SLCT WA 082045 AIRMET TANGO UPDT 7 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 090300 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET WHISKEY SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA FROM 50S YXH TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 40NNW LAA TO 20SE TCC TO 30WSW ELP TO 50S TUS TO 30SSW BZA TO 40E TRM TO HEC TO 30E OAL TO 30SSE BOI TO 20SW DLN TO 50S YXH MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL430. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE JAC TO 40E DDY TO TBE TO 60E ELP TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 60S TRM TO 40WSW RZS TO 40SW EHF TO 20S CZQ TO 30W OAL TO 80SW TWF TO 40SE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NW BCE TO 30SSW BCE TO 20N LAS TO 60WSW ILC TO 20NW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 50WNW FTI TO 40SSE FTI TO 60SSE ABQ TO 40SSW ABQ TO 20N ABQ TO 50WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 50NE OCS TO 60WNW LAR TO 60SSW LAR TO 40N JNC TO 40NE HVE TO 50S HVE TO 50SE BCE TO 50E DTA TO 40SSW DTA TO 30NE ILC TO 40SSE BVL TO 30NNW SLC TO 70WSW OCS TO 30SSE BPI TO 50NE OCS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS ENDG BY 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 50SSE TBE TO 30SSW TXO TO 50NNE CME TO 30SSW TCC TO 20NE TCC TO 50SSE TBE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WY CO NM BOUNDED BY 20NW LAR-20WSW PUB-20NNW TCC-40N CME-30SSW CME-40WSW TCS-60SW ABQ-50SSW HBU-40NNE JNC-40SE OCS-20NW LAR LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  851 WTNT43 KNHC 082034 TCDAT3 Tropical Storm Rene Discussion Number 7 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL182020 800 PM CVT Tue Sep 08 2020 Rene has not changed much throughout the day. The storm is producing deep convection that is loosely organized in bands around the center. The satellite intensity estimates are unchanged from earlier and range from 25 kt to 40 kt. Based on these data and the earlier ASCAT pass, the initial intensity is again held at 35 kt. The eastern-most bands of Rene are now pulling west of the Cabo Verde Islands, and the Tropical Storm Warning for those islands has been discontinued. Although Rene has struggled to maintain its intensity during the past 24 hours, the models insist that the cyclone will begin to take advantage of the generally conducive conditions of low wind shear, high moisture, and relatively warm waters. Therefore, the NHC intensity forecast continues to show Rene strengthening to a hurricane in a couple of days. Beyond that time, however, Rene will likely be moving into an environment of strong westerly wind shear, which should cause the storm to weaken in the 3-5 day time period. This forecast is largely an update of the previous one and closely follows the IVCN model. The tropical storm continues to move westward at 14 kt. There has been no significant change to the track forecast reasoning. A mid-level ridge should continue to steer Rene westward to west-northwestward for the next couple of days. After that time, the storm should slow down and gradually turn to the north and then to the northeast as it moves into a weakness in the ridge. There is a little less spread in the guidance this cycle, but there remain differences in the models concerning where and how sharply Rene recurves. The NHC track forecast is similar to the previous one and lies close to the TVCA and TVCX consensus models. FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDS INIT 08/2100Z 16.8N 27.9W 35 KT 40 MPH 12H 09/0600Z 17.2N 29.6W 40 KT 45 MPH 24H 09/1800Z 18.0N 32.2W 50 KT 60 MPH 36H 10/0600Z 18.9N 34.8W 60 KT 70 MPH 48H 10/1800Z 19.9N 37.0W 65 KT 75 MPH 60H 11/0600Z 21.3N 38.8W 70 KT 80 MPH 72H 11/1800Z 23.2N 40.3W 65 KT 75 MPH 96H 12/1800Z 27.7N 42.2W 55 KT 65 MPH 120H 13/1800Z 30.5N 40.5W 50 KT 60 MPH $$ Forecaster Cangialosi  087 WGUS84 KLIX 082034 FLSLIX Flood Advisory National Weather Service New Orleans LA 334 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LAC051-082130- /O.NEW.KLIX.FA.Y.0093.200908T2034Z-200908T2130Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jefferson LA- 334 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for Poor Drainage Areas for... Northern Jefferson Parish in southeastern Louisiana... * Until 430 PM CDT. * At 333 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban flooding mainly of streets and other poor drainage areas. Overflowing poor drainage areas will result in minor flooding in the advisory area. Over two inches of rain has already fallen. * Some locations that will experience flooding include... Metairie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3000 9026 3005 9027 3002 9014 2999 9014 $$ 95/DM  572 WWUS85 KRIW 082036 SPSRIW Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Riverton WY 236 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WYZ010-011-016>020-028>030-090800- Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County- Upper Wind River Basin-Wind River Basin-Lander Foothills- Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range- Natrona County Lower Elevations-Rock Springs and Green River- Flaming Gorge-East Sweetwater County- Including the cities of Buffalo, Kaycee, Dubois, Riverton, Shoshoni, Lander, Jeffrey City, Casper, Rock Springs, Green River, and Wamsutter 236 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Below Freezing Temperatures Expected Tonight and Early Wednesday Morning... This is a special weather statement from the National Weather Service Office in Riverton. * WHAT...Temperatures will drop below freezing, and possibly into the mid 20s early Wednesday morning, to bring a hard freeze. * WHERE...Across areas that have recently seen light to moderate snow, from Johnson to Natrona, into Fremont and Sweetwater Counties. * WHEN...Late Tuesday Night into early Wednesday morning, from 10 PM Tuesday to 9 AM Wednesday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most areas are expected to see a hard freeze, which means that all outdoor plants and vegetables will be severely impacted. Efforts should be made today and tonight to salvage any remaining produce in gardens. $$ McDonald  691 WWUS84 KEPZ 082036 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 236 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ414-417-TXZ420-421-082130- Otero Mesa NM-West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- Salt Basin TX-Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains TX- 236 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN OTERO AND NORTHEASTERN HUDSPETH COUNTIES UNTIL 330 PM MDT... At 234 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms over the area including near Dell City, moving northeast at 30 mph. Dime size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Dell City, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Crow Flats, Cornudas Mountains, Brokeoff Mountains, The Otero Mesa, Far Western Portions of Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Gypsum Dunes at Guadalupe National Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3200 10486 3200 10492 3197 10492 3182 10518 3225 10584 3253 10535 3252 10535 3252 10531 3217 10485 3201 10485 TIME...MOT...LOC 2034Z 239DEG 49KT 3220 10534 $$ ROGASH  837 WOBZ23 SBRF 082036 SBPB/SBFZ/SBTE AD WRNG 2 VALID 082040/090010 SFC WSPD 15KT MAX 25 FCST NC=  647 WAKO31 RKSI 082040 RKRR AIRMET G08 VALID 082100/090100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M RA FG BR OBS WI N3759 E12427 - N3403 E12619 - N3505 E12926 - N3719 E12908 - N3817 E12713 - N3759 E12427 STNR NC=  737 WWUS83 KIWX 082037 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 437 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INZ025-082115- Huntington- 437 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN HUNTINGTON COUNTY... At 437 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Huntington, moving east at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and penny size hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Huntington, Markle, Roanoke, Mahon and Bowerstown. This includes Interstate 69 in Indiana between mile markers 286 and 291. && LAT...LON 4085 8554 4093 8556 4097 8534 4082 8534 TIME...MOT...LOC 2037Z 268DEG 17KT 4090 8549 $$ HAIL...0.75IN WIND...40MPH FISHER  271 WUUS54 KMAF 082039 SVRMAF NMC015-TXC109-082145- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0202.200908T2039Z-200908T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 339 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico... Northeastern Culberson County in southwestern Texas... * Until 445 PM CDT/345 PM MDT/. * At 338 PM CDT/238 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles southeast of Whites City, or 22 miles south of Carlsbad, moving east at 10 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central Eddy and northeastern Culberson Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3199 10438 3217 10433 3217 10398 3186 10408 TIME...MOT...LOC 2038Z 282DEG 8KT 3207 10427 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  290 WAUS42 KKCI 082045 WA2S MIAS WA 082045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 7 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET IFR...NC SC GA ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE HUL TO 150ESE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 80ESE ILM TO 110ESE CHS TO 40E CHS TO 40SE CLT TO 50E RDU TO 20ENE RIC TO 40S SAX TO 20SSW BDL TO 30E BOS TO 40NNW ENE TO 40SE HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR NC SC GA ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA WV MD DC DE VA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20NE HUL-50WSW YSJ-160ESE ACK-90E ORF-70E CHS-50SSW SAV-20NNE IRQ-20NNE HMV-20SSW JST-70SSW SYR-50NNW ALB-30ENE YSC- 20NE HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...MTN OBSCN NC SC GA ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA BOUNDED BY 80NW PQI-MLT-20SW CON-HAR-CLT-40SW SPA-30S VXV-20NW EKN-20ENE JHW-SYR-MSS-20S YSC-80NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  291 WAUS45 KKCI 082045 WA5S SLCS WA 082045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 6 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET IFR...NV AZ WA OR CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 120W HQM TO 40W YKM TO 60NNE RBL TO 60ENE MOD TO 40SW LAS TO 40SE DRK TO 20ESE BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 20ESE LAX TO 20W RZS TO 30WSW PYE TO 120WSW PYE TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W HQM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...ID WY UT CO AZ NM FROM 50WNW RAP TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO GLD TO 50W LBL TO 30ESE TBE TO INK TO 40NE ELP TO 50NE TCS TO 40W FTI TO 50WSW SJN TO 30WNW RSK TO 30SE DTA TO 20NNW SLC TO 30E JAC TO 50WNW RAP CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ID WY UT CO AZ NM FROM 20N CZI TO CYS TO TBE TO CME TO 60W INK TO ELP TO 30S TCS TO 50NE PHX TO 60E TBC TO 20SW DVC TO 40E BCE TO 40N BCE TO 60ESE MLD TO 30ESE BPI TO 20NE JAC TO 60NW BOY TO 20N CZI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR WY UT CO AZ NM BOUNDED BY 30ESE CZI-60WSW RAP-BFF-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE-INK- 40SE DMN-40ENE SSO-20WSW INW-20NNW RSK-40SE HVE-50E SLC-50SW BOY- 30ESE CZI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  292 WAUS44 KKCI 082045 WA4S DFWS WA 082045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 7 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET IFR...OK TX FROM 50W LBL TO 20SE OSW TO 40S OKC TO 40S SPS TO 30NW ABI TO 20N FST TO 70W INK TO INK TO 30ESE TBE TO 50W LBL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...TX FROM 50W INK TO 60SSE FST TO 30W MRF TO ELP TO 50W INK MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR OK TX AR SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN BOUNDED BY SSM-60WNW YVV-30SSE ECK-FWA-40S FWA-20ESE TUL-20ESE TTT-40W IAH-50ESE DLF-50WSW MRF-30WSW ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL- GLD-BFF-60WSW RAP-30NW ONL-70SE SAW-SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  293 WAUS43 KKCI 082045 WA3S CHIS WA 082045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET IFR...SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 60W SSM TO 70SE SSM TO 30SW TVC TO 50SW YVV TO 30SSE ECK TO 20S FWA TO 20SE OSW TO 50W LBL TO GLD TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50WNW RAP TO 70ESE RAP TO 60WSW FSD TO 60W SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z...IFR SD NE KS MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN OK TX AR BOUNDED BY SSM-60WNW YVV-30SSE ECK-FWA-40S FWA-20ESE TUL-20ESE TTT-40W IAH-50ESE DLF-50WSW MRF-30WSW ELP-INK-30ESE TBE-50W LBL- GLD-BFF-60WSW RAP-30NW ONL-70SE SAW-SSM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  294 WAUS41 KKCI 082045 WA1S BOSS WA 082045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 7 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET IFR...OH LE FROM 30SE ECK TO 50WSW CLE TO 20S FWA TO 30SE ECK CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...ME NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE HUL TO 150ESE ACK TO 160SE SIE TO 80ESE ILM TO 110ESE CHS TO 40E CHS TO 40SE CLT TO 50E RDU TO 20ENE RIC TO 40S SAX TO 20SSW BDL TO 30E BOS TO 40NNW ENE TO 40SE HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WV MD VA FROM 20WNW EMI TO 40SW GSO TO 20ENE BKW TO 30NE EKN TO 20WNW EMI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 00-03Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...ME NH VT MA NY FROM 40SW PQI TO MLT TO CON TO 50ESE HNK TO 30NNE ALB TO 30NNE SYR TO 20ENE MSS TO 20SSW YSC TO 50SSE YQB TO 40SW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS DVLPG 21-00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . OTLK VALID 0300-0900Z AREA 1...IFR OH LE BOUNDED BY 40WNW ERI-CLE-40S FWA-FWA-20SSW DXO-40WNW ERI CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM PCPN/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 2...IFR ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA WV MD DC DE VA NC SC GA AND CSTL WTRS BOUNDED BY 20NE HUL-50WSW YSJ-160ESE ACK-90E ORF-70E CHS-50SSW SAV-20NNE IRQ-20NNE HMV-20SSW JST-70SSW SYR-50NNW ALB-30ENE YSC- 20NE HUL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. . AREA 3...MTN OBSCN ME NH VT MA NY PA WV MD VA NC SC GA BOUNDED BY 80NW PQI-MLT-20SW CON-HAR-CLT-40SW SPA-30S VXV-20NW EKN-20ENE JHW-SYR-MSS-20S YSC-80NW PQI MTNS OBSC BY CLDS/BR. CONDS CONTG THRU 09Z. ....  545 WAUS46 KKCI 082045 WA6S SFOS WA 082045 AIRMET SIERRA UPDT 9 FOR IFR AND MTN OBSCN VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET IFR...CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30WSW PYE TO 20W RZS TO 20ESE LAX TO 30SE MZB TO 220SW MZB TO 120WSW PYE TO 30WSW PYE CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FG. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET IFR...WA OR CA NV AZ AND CSTL WTRS FROM 120W HQM TO 40W YKM TO 60NNE RBL TO 60ENE MOD TO 40SW LAS TO 40SE DRK TO 20ESE BZA TO 30SE MZB TO 20ESE LAX TO 20W RZS TO 30WSW PYE TO 120WSW PYE TO 140WSW FOT TO 120W HQM CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM HZ/FU. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM 80WNW OED TO 30N EHF TO 30SW HEC TO 40E MZB TO 20S MZB TO LAX TO 40W RZS TO 20S PYE TO FOT TO 80WNW OED MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSCN...WA OR CA FROM 20S HQM TO 60SSE SEA TO 20NW DSD TO 50SW DSD TO 20SE OED TO 50W FMG TO 40NE MOD TO 20NNW HEC TO 50W BZA TO 40E MZB TO 30SW HEC TO 30N EHF TO 80WNW OED TO 20S HQM MTNS OBSC BY FU/HZ. CONDS ENDG 00-03Z. ....  627 WWUS84 KOUN 082039 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 339 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ011-012-017-018-082115- Major OK-Garfield OK-Kingfisher OK-Blaine OK- 339 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southeastern Major...southwestern Garfield...northwestern Kingfisher and northeastern Blaine Counties Until 415 PM CDT... AT 338 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 miles southeast of Ames, moving northeast at 25 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... Frequent cloud to ground lightning... LAT...LON 3601 9808 3612 9826 3640 9805 3625 9777 TIME...MOT...LOC 2038Z 219DEG 21KT 3616 9808 $$ JT  050 WTCA42 TJSJ 082040 TCPSP2 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Paulette Advertencia Numero 8 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL172020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 500 PM AST martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...PAULETTE CONTINUA MOVIENDOSE LENTAMENTE A TRAVES DEL CENTRO DEL ATLANTICO... RESUMEN DE LAS 500 PM AST...2100 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...18.7N 44.3O CERCA DE 1350 MI...2175 KM O DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE CERCA DE 1230 MI...1980 KM E DE LAS ISLAS DE SOTAVENTO DEL NORTE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...65 MPH...100 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...NOROESTE O 305 GRADOS A 8 MPH...13 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...995 MB...29.39 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- No hay vigilancias o avisos costeros en efecto. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ---------------------- A las 500 PM AST (2100 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Paulette estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 18.7 Norte, longitud 44.3 oeste. Paulette se esta moviendo hacia el noroeste a cerca de 8 mph (13 km/h). Se espera un movimiento hacia el oeste- noroeste o noroeste con una velocidad de traslacion poca mas rapida durante los proximos dias. Vientos maximos sostenidos estan a cerca de 65 mph (100 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se espera algo de fortalecimiento esta noche. Se espera debilitamiento gradual comenzando el miercoles y debera continuar durante los proximas dias despues. Vientos de fuerza tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 105 millas (165 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 995 mb (29.39 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA --------------------- Ninguno. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 1100 PM AST. $$ Pronosticador Zelinsky Traduccion Lojero  026 WWUS84 KEPZ 082041 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 241 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ409-412>414-082145- Southern Tularosa Basin NM-Central Tularosa Basin NM- Sierra County Lakes NM- West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- 241 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN OTERO...NORTHEASTERN SIERRA AND NORTHEASTERN DONA ANA COUNTIES UNTIL 345 PM MDT... At 239 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorms over the area, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Northrup Landing, Tularosa, White Sands National Monument, Three Rivers, Alamogordo, La Luz, Holloman Air Force Base, Salinas Peak, Boles Acres, Oliver Lee State Park and Lake Lucero. This includes the following highways... Highway 70 in New Mexico between mile markers 189 and 212. Highway 54 in New Mexico between mile markers 51 and 100. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3339 10637 3339 10606 3269 10589 3263 10643 3348 10666 3348 10638 TIME...MOT...LOC 2039Z 239DEG 49KT 3307 10638 $$ ROGASH  122 WSPR31 SPJC 082026 SPIM SIGMET A7 VALID 082030/082230 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0240 W07320 - S0230 W07110 - S0430 W07110 - S0420 W07320 TOP FL460 STNR INTSF=  332 WSKO31 RKSI 082042 RKRR SIGMET X09 VALID 082100/090100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3610 E12358 - N3335 E12356 - N3333 E12656 - N3318 E12806 - N3443 E12909 - N3526 E13009 - N3621 E12735 - N3610 E12358 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  251 WUUS53 KIWX 082042 SVRIWX INC003-069-179-082130- /O.NEW.KIWX.SV.W.0103.200908T2042Z-200908T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 442 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Allen County in northeastern Indiana... Northeastern Huntington County in northeastern Indiana... North central Wells County in northeastern Indiana... * Until 530 PM EDT. * At 441 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Huntington, moving east at 20 mph. At 435 pm EDT hail to the size of dimes was was reported. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Huntington, Zanesville, Uniondale and Bowerstown. This includes the following highways... Interstate 469 between mile markers 0 and 4, and near mile marker 7. Interstate 69 in Indiana between mile markers 288 and 296. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4086 8551 4091 8551 4098 8518 4081 8518 TIME...MOT...LOC 2041Z 268DEG 17KT 4090 8546 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ FISHER  652 WWUS75 KSLC 082042 NPWSLC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ016-090445- /O.EXA.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Southwest Utah- Including the city of Cedar City 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Southwest Utah. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 9 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty crosswinds are expected along east-west oriented roadways, including but not limited to the US 6 corridor, SR-21, and SR-56. Travel difficulties are expected from these crosswinds, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ011-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Western Uinta Basin- Including the cities of Duchesne and Roosevelt 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Western Uinta Basin. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until midnight MDT tonight. For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ006-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Wasatch Mountain Valleys- Including the cities of Park City and Heber City 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING... ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the Hard Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 22 expected. For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Wasatch Mountain Valleys. * WHEN...For the Hard Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Wind Advisory, until 9 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ001-014-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.HZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Cache Valley/Utah Portion-Sanpete/Sevier Valleys- Including the cities of Logan, Manti, and Richfield 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected. * WHERE...Sanpete/Sevier Valleys and Cache Valley/Utah Portion. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ UTZ002-003-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Northern Wasatch Front-Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys- Including the cities of Ogden, Bountiful, and Salt Lake City 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...A relative lull in winds this afternoon through early evening, with northwest winds 20 to 40 mph, gusts 40 to 65 mph. Wind increasing after 9PM, to 30 to 45 mph with gusts 50 to 70 mph. Strongest winds expected Farmington, Centerville and the mouth of Weber Canyon with gusts over 75 mph expected. * WHERE...Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys and Northern Wasatch Front. Strongest wind tonight through Wednesday morning will focus along the east benches and near canyons. * WHEN...Until 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ012-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Castle Country- Including the city of Price 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. * WHERE...Castle Country. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ019-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.HW.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park- Including the city of St George 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts in excess of 60 mph expected, strongest near the canyon mouths. Winds speeds are expected to be significantly less in the St George area. * WHERE...Utahs Dixie and Zion National Park. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ015-090300- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ West Central Utah- Including the cities of Delta and Fillmore 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...West Central Utah. * WHEN...Until 9 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ UTZ013-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ San Rafael Swell- Including the city of Green River 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * WHERE...San Rafael Swell. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  098 WWUS85 KSLC 082042 RFWSLC URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ495-497-498-090300- /O.CON.KSLC.FW.W.0034.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Color Country West Desert-Mojave Desert-Grand Staircase- 242 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM MDT THIS EVENING FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 495... 497 AND 498... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 495 Color Country West Desert...Fire Weather Zone 497 Mojave Desert and Fire Weather Zone 498 Grand Staircase. * WINDS...North 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Localized gusts in excess of 60 mph in the canyons north of St George. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 6 percent. * IMPACTS...Critical fire weather conditions are expected. Any fire starts may spread rapidly. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or are imminent. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  570 WSSP32 LEMM 082041 LECB SIGMET 11 VALID 082100/082300 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4217 E00348 - N4006 E00003 - N3918 E00114 - N4015 E00313 - N3958 E00441 - N4159 E00444 - N4217 E00348 TOP FL370 MOV W 15KT NC=  231 WWUS55 KFGZ 082044 SVSFGZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 144 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZC005-082053- /O.CAN.KFGZ.SV.W.0049.000000T0000Z-200908T2100Z/ Coconino- 144 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR COCONINO COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, wind gusts from 45 to 55 mph will continue to be possible through 2 pm. LAT...LON 3444 11124 3445 11125 3444 11126 3444 11128 3446 11149 3454 11149 3458 11129 3464 11124 3464 11075 3439 11075 TIME...MOT...LOC 2040Z 272DEG 50KT 3454 11086 $$  915 WWUS54 KMAF 082044 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 344 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC015-TXC109-082054- /O.CAN.KMAF.SV.W.0201.000000T0000Z-200908T2100Z/ Eddy NM-Culberson TX- 344 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN EDDY AND NORTH CENTRAL CULBERSON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3191 10474 3204 10455 3189 10427 3165 10461 TIME...MOT...LOC 2042Z 319DEG 11KT 3185 10452 $$ 84  047 WWUS45 KSLC 082045 WSWSLC URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 245 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 UTZ009-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.WS.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Western Uinta Mountains- Including the city of Mirror Lake Highway 245 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 9 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph causing near blizzard conditions at times. * WHERE...Western Uinta Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. Strong winds may reduce visibility to zero at times. Campers, hikers and others in this area should be prepared for very cold temperatures, wind chills in the teens to single digits, and accumulating snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including Official NWS Forecast, High End Amount, and Low End Amount, visit weather.gov/slc/winter. For winter road conditions from the Utah Department of Transportation, visit http://www.udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx or dial 511. && $$ UTZ010-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Wasatch Plateau/Book Cliffs- Including the city of Scofield 245 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of up to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph may cause significant blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Wasatch Plateau/Book Cliffs. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Expect winter conditions due to snow, blowing snow, and reduced visibilities. Campers, hikers and others in this area should be prepared for very cold temperatures, bitterly cold wind chills, and accumulating snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including Official NWS Forecast, High End Amount, and Low End Amount, visit weather.gov/slc/winter. For winter road conditions from the Utah Department of Transportation, visit http://www.udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx or dial 511. && $$ WYZ021-090445- /O.CON.KSLC.WW.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Southwest Wyoming- Including the city of Evanston 245 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph may cause significant blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Southwest Wyoming. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Expect winter conditions due to snow, blowing snow, and reduced visibilities. Travelers along the Interstate 80 corridor should anticipate winter weather driving conditions, especially east of Evanston over the Divide areas. Campers, hikers and others in this area should be prepared for very cold temperatures, wind chills in the 20s, and accumulating snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including Official NWS Forecast, High End Amount, and Low End Amount, visit weather.gov/slc/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit http://www.wyoroad.info or dial 511. && $$ For more information from NOAA/National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity For information on potential travel impacts visit... http://udottraffic.utah.gov/roadweatherforecast.aspx  160 WWUS83 KIND 082046 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 446 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INZ029-082115- Tippecanoe IN- 446 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THUNDERSTORM WITH HAIL... At 445 PM EDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles southwest of Lafayette, moving northeast at 20 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Lafayette, West Lafayette, Shadeland, Dayton, Battle Ground and Purdue University. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 4051 8685 4034 8670 4027 8705 4039 8709 4041 8709 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 245DEG 19KT 4034 8701 $$ 50  205 WTCA43 TJSJ 082046 RRA TCPSP3 BOLETIN Tormenta Tropical Rene Advertencia Numero 7 SNM Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami FL AL182020 Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 800 PM CVT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 ...RENE ALEJANDOSE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE... RESUMEN DE LAS 800 PM CVT...2100 UTC...INFORMACION ----------------------------------------------- LOCALIZACION...16.8 NORTE 27.9 OESTE CERCA DE 265 MI...425 KM AL OESTE NOROESTE DE LAS ISLAS DE CABO VERDE VIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...40 MPH...65 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...OESTE O 280 GRADOS A 16 MPH...26 KM/H PRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...1001 MB...29.56 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS -------------------- CAMBIOS CON ESTA ADVERTENCIA... El gobierno de las Islas de Cabo Verde ha descontinuado el Aviso de Tormenta Tropical para todas las Islas de Cabo Verde. No hay vigilancias o avisos costeros en efecto. DISCUSION Y PERSPECTIVA ----------------------- A las 800 PM CVT (2100 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta Tropical Rene estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 16.8 norte, longitud 27.9 oeste. Rene se esta moviendo hacia el oeste a cerca de 16 mph (26 km/h) y se espera que un movimiento hacia el oeste a oeste noreste continue durante los proximos dias, seguido por un giro hacia el noroeste. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 40 mph (65 km/h) con rafagas mas altas. Se pronostica fortalecimiento gradual y se espera que Rene se convierta en Huracan en los proximos dias. Los vientos de fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 45 millas (75 km) del centro. La presion central minima estimada es de 1001 mb (29.56 pulgadas). PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA ------------------------- Ninguno. PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA ------------------- Proxima advertencia completa a las 200 AM CVT. $$ Pronosticador Cangialosi Traduccion Lojero  563 WUUS54 KEPZ 082046 SVREPZ NMC035-082130- /O.NEW.KEPZ.SV.W.0043.200908T2046Z-200908T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service El Paso TX 246 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in El Paso has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Otero County in south central New Mexico... * Until 330 PM MDT. * At 245 PM MDT, severe thunderstorms were located around 30 miles northwest of Dell City, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lincoln National Forest, Crow Flats, Cornudas Mountains, Brokeoff Mountains and The Otero Mesa. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3201 10539 3225 10582 3253 10535 3252 10510 3219 10484 3211 10485 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 239DEG 49KT 3224 10541 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ ROGASH  374 WWUS75 KPUB 082047 NPWPUB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 247 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ095-096-090500- /O.EXA.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Western Kiowa County-Eastern Kiowa County- 247 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 31 expected. * WHERE...Kiowa County. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ084-090500- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 247 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 24. * WHERE...Northern El Paso County. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ069>071-085-087-088-094-090500- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0300Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- Eastern Las Animas County- 247 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 25 expected. * WHERE...Huerfano County, Southern El Paso County, Las Animas County, and the San Luis Valley. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ COZ083-086-089-093-090500- /O.CON.KPUB.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet-Crowley County- La Junta Vicinity/Otero County- 247 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected. * WHERE... Pueblo County, eastern Fremont County, Crowley and Otero Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  534 WWUS86 KSGX 082047 RFWSGX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Diego CA 147 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ248-250-255>258-260-265-554-090500- /O.CON.KSGX.FW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys - The Inland Empire- San Diego County Inland Valleys-San Bernardino County Mountains- Including The Mountain Top And Front Country Ranger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest-Riverside County Mountains- Including The San Jacinto Ranger District Of The San Bernardino National Forest-Santa Ana Mountains- Including The Trabuco Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest-San Diego County Mountains- Including The Palomar And Descanso Ranger Districts of the Cleveland National Forest-Victor Valley-Apple Valley- Lucerne Valley-Johnson Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning- Orange County Inland Areas- 147 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR MOUNTAINS...VALLEYS... INLAND ORANGE COUNTY...AND THE APPLE AND LUCERNE VALLEYS... * WIND...Areas of east to northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. Gusts up to 55 mph will be possible in the windiest locations. The winds for the Apple and Lucerne Valleys will mostly be an issue for this afternoon with the stronger gusts to around 40 mph. * HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 5 to 10 percent with poor recovery tonight. * TIMING...Through 8 PM Wednesday. Strong north to northeast winds will begin first in San Bernardino and Orange counties, then spread southward this afternoon and into San Diego County late this afternoon and tonight. * OUTLOOK...Winds will weaken for Thursday into the weekend with higher coastal humidity spreading gradually inland for Thursday into the weekend. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of wind...low relative humidity...and heat can contribute to extreme fire behavior. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  579 ACUS11 KWNS 082049 SWOMCD SPC MCD 082048 COZ000-NMZ000-090045- Mesoscale Discussion 1688 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0348 PM CDT Tue Sep 08 2020 Areas affected...Central to Southern Colorado Concerning...Heavy snow Valid 082048Z - 090045Z SUMMARY...The potential for heavy snow will increase heading into the late afternoon and evening hours across southern Colorado. Snowfall rates between 1-2 inches/hour appear likely, and heavier rates are possible at higher elevations. DISCUSSION...Afternoon water vapor imagery continues to show the gradual southward progression of an upper-level low along the CO/UT border. An embedded impulse can be identified propagating around the southern periphery of the low into the Four Corners region. Stronger mid and upper-level flow associated with this impulse (as noted in regional VADs) is increasing convergence along a frontogenetical baroclinic zone between 850-700 mb. The slowing of the upper-level low has decreased broad lift ahead of the wave somewhat, but strong mesoscale lift along the baroclinic zone is compensating for this weakness and will continue to favor widespread precipitation. Elevated instability has allowed for several lightning strikes and areas of heavier precipitation over the past hour, and RAP forecast soundings suggest that 50-100 J/kg MUCAPE may remain in place across the region through 00 UTC. As thermodynamic profiles continue to cool via evaporative cooling and low-level cold advection, this combination of mesoscale ascent and instability should be sufficient for heavy snowfall rates between 1-2 inches/hour with heavier rates possible at higher elevations by the late afternoon/early evening hours. ..Moore.. 09/08/2020 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...PUB...BOU...ABQ...GJT... LAT...LON 37480390 37100406 36850474 36740514 36800569 37010626 37290656 37610673 38270689 38690692 39090686 39300664 39510574 39400471 39150418 38440399 37480390  829 WWUS84 KOUN 082049 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 349 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ022-034-035-082115- Kiowa OK-Washita OK-Greer OK- 349 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northwestern Kiowa...southwestern Washita and east central Greer Counties Until 415 PM CDT... AT 345 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Lone Wolf, moving north at 30 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... Frequent cloud to ground lightning... LAT...LON 3525 9928 3518 9900 3486 9917 3486 9919 3485 9919 3484 9920 3487 9935 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 194DEG 26KT 3499 9922 $$ JT  870 WSCU31 MUHA 082050 MUFH SIGMET 4 VALID 082050/090050 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2040Z WI N2400 W08300 N2400 W07800 N2300 W07700 N2100 W07900 N2200 W08500 TO N2400 W08300 CB TOP FL420 MOV NW5KT NC=  247 WWUS83 KILX 082051 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 351 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ044-045-055-082130- Douglas-Piatt-Champaign- 351 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL PIATT...SOUTHWESTERN CHAMPAIGN AND NORTHWESTERN DOUGLAS COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM CDT... At 351 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Bement, or 10 miles southeast of Monticello, moving east at 20 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Savoy, Tolono, Villa Grove, Philo, Pesotum, Sadorus, Ivesdale and Willard Airport. This includes Interstate 57 between mile markers 217 and 229. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3985 8847 3999 8847 4009 8814 3986 8812 TIME...MOT...LOC 2051Z 259DEG 18KT 3991 8845 $$ Auten  606 WSCA31 TTPP 082053 CCB TTZP SIGMET 4 VALID 082050/082100 TTPP? TTZP PIARCO FIR CNL SIGMET 3 VALID 081500/082100=  753 WWUS84 KLIX 082054 SPSLIX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New Orleans LA 354 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 LAZ039-082130- Washington- 354 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON PARISH... At 353 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Varnado, or near Bogalusa, moving northwest at 10 mph. Wind gusts 40 to 50 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bogalusa, Varnado and Angie. If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 3095 8975 3094 8976 3092 8975 3091 8976 3089 8976 3090 8978 3082 8978 3082 8980 3079 8982 3075 8983 3095 9009 3100 9002 3100 8979 TIME...MOT...LOC 2053Z 136DEG 9KT 3087 8981 $$ 95/DM  041 WWJP72 RJTD 081800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 081800UTC ISSUED AT 082100UTC STNR FRONT FM 27N 124E TO 28N 127E 30N 130E 31N 133E 34N 137E 35N 139E STNR FRONT FM 34N 129E TO 37N 131E 40N 132E 43N 135E 46N 139E 43N 147E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 090300UTC =  042 WWJP71 RJTD 081800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 081800UTC ISSUED AT 082100UTC STNR FRONT FM 27N 124E TO 28N 127E 30N 130E 31N 133E 34N 137E 35N 139E WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA EAST OF OKINAWA POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 090300UTC =  310 WWJP74 RJTD 081800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 081800UTC ISSUED AT 082100UTC STNR FRONT FM 34N 129E TO 37N 131E 40N 132E 43N 135E 46N 139E 43N 147E WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 090300UTC =  311 WWJP75 RJTD 081800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 081800UTC ISSUED AT 082100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 996HPA AT 56N 166E MOV NNE SLWY STNR FRONT FM 34N 129E TO 37N 131E 40N 132E 43N 135E 46N 139E 43N 147E WARNING(DENSE FOG) SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SEA OFF ABASHIRI, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, TSUGARU KAIKYO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 090300UTC =  312 WWJP73 RJTD 081800 IMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 081800UTC ISSUED AT 082100UTC STNR FRONT FM 27N 124E TO 28N 127E 30N 130E 31N 133E 34N 137E 35N 139E STNR FRONT FM 34N 129E TO 37N 131E 40N 132E 43N 135E 46N 139E 43N 147E WARNING(DENSE FOG) EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU POOR VIS 0.3 MILES OR LESS IN PLACES NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 090300UTC =  545 WBCN07 CWVR 082000 PAM ROCKS WIND 1106 LANGARA; X 1/4F SW05 1FT CHP LO W 2030 CLD EST 15/15 GREEN; PC 15 NW15E 3FT MDT 2030 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 18/14 TRIPLE; PC 15 NW18E 3FT MDT 2030 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 17/14 BONILLA; CLDY 10 N20E 4FT MDT LO NW VIS N 4 MILES IN FOG 2030 CLD EST 3 BKN 14/14 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 SE03 RPLD 2030 CLR 16/10 MCINNES; PC 15 W05E 1FT CHP LO SW 2030 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 18/13 IVORY; CLR 15 NW05E 1FT CHP LO SW 2030 CLR 20/09 DRYAD; CLR 15 NW06E RPLD 2030 CLR 21/14 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 N05E 1FT CHP 2030 CLR 18/11 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 CLM 1 FT CHP LO W 2040 CLR 18/17 PINE ISLAND; CLR 15 SE05E RPLD LO W 2040 CLR 18/11 CAPE SCOTT; CLR 15 NE05E 2 FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLR 20/12 QUATSINO; CLR 15 NW08E 1 FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLR 22/12 NOOTKA; CLR 15 S05E 1FT CHP LO SW 2040 CLD EST CLR 22/16 ESTEVAN; CLR 15 NW09 2FT CHP LO SW 1025.9F LENNARD; PC 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 W09 2FT CHP LO SW PACHENA; CLR 8K SE08E 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; CLR 6K SE18E 3FT MDT LO SW SCARLETT; CLR 15 SE03E RPLD LO NW PULTENEY; CLR 15 W02E RPLD CHATHAM; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 2040 CLR 20/08 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 254/16/09/1405/M/ 8016 84MM= WEB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 248/21/08/3311/M/M 8015 27MM= WQC SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 244/27/04/0703/M/ 8026 84MM= WRU SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 257/18/07/1706/M/ 8008 48MM= WFG SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 255/15/12/0110/M/ 8008 82MM= WVF SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/18/14/3006/M/ M 68MM= WQS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 291/17/16/3412/M/ PK WND 3417 1903Z 8007 66MM= WRO SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 299/16/16/2810/M/M 8003 55MM= WEK SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 285/16/13/3113/M/ 8011 43MM= WWL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 281/13/12/3418/M/ PK WND 3424 1922Z 8008 04MM= WME SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/18/09/0611/M/ M 90MM= WAS SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 252/20/10/1106/M/ 8015 77MM= WSB SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 245/18/14/3104/M/M 7016 87MM= WGT SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 255/19/14/3204/M/ 8017 57MM= WEL SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 255/19/15/3604/M/ 6016 10MM= WDR SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 231/19/-01/0303/M/ 7022 26MM= WZO SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3602/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/2908/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 2000 AUTO8 M M M 254/17/08/1302/M/ 8022 92MM=  674 WSUS32 KKCI 082055 SIGC MKCC WST 082055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 83C VALID UNTIL 2255Z MO IA NE FROM 40SE MCW-70SE OVR-60E MCK-10NE OBH-40SE MCW AREA TS MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL440. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 84C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX AND LA TX CSTL WTRS FROM 50W LCH-50ESE IAH-70S LCH LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 21010KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 85C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX OK KS FROM 40SSE ICT-40SE SPS-30WSW JCT-50ESE LBB-30W END-40SSE ICT AREA TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 86C VALID UNTIL 2255Z MO KS FROM 40WSW UIN-40SW STL-30E SGF-10WSW OSW-70W BUM-40WSW UIN AREA TS MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 87C VALID UNTIL 2255Z AL MS LA AND MS LA CSTL WTRS FROM MCB-30NNE SJI-20SSE HRV-30SSE LSU-MCB DVLPG AREA TS MOV FROM 13005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 88C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX FROM 60NE TTT-20SE GGG-40NW IAH-40NNW CWK-60NE TTT AREA TS MOV FROM 20020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 89C VALID UNTIL 2255Z CO NM AZ FROM 30S DBL-40WSW PUB-10SE ALS-60N ABQ-50ENE INW-30S DBL AREA TS MOV FROM 22045KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 90C VALID UNTIL 2255Z IN IL MO FROM 10E BVT-40W STL LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 91C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX NM FROM 20ENE TCS-50ENE ELP-60WNW INK-20NNE MRF DVLPG LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 92C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX FROM 10ENE SAT-10WNW PSX-30WNW CRP-10ENE SAT AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 93C VALID UNTIL 2255Z TX NM FROM 40E LBB-50NNE INK DVLPG LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 30015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CELL MOV FROM 20010KT. OUTLOOK VALID 082255-090255 FROM FSD-DLL-JOT-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-AEX-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-FSD WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  675 WSUS31 KKCI 082055 SIGE MKCE WST 082055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 66E VALID UNTIL 2255Z OH MI IN LE FROM 40WNW CLE-50NE FWA-40SW FWA LINE SEV TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 26025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 67E VALID UNTIL 2255Z NC AND MD NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 110SE SIE-170E ILM-30S ILM-40WNW ILM-110SE SIE AREA TS MOV FROM 12015KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 68E VALID UNTIL 2255Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NNW TRV-20NE PBI-30S MIA-50WSW MIA-RSW-20NNW TRV AREA TS MOV FROM 06010KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 69E VALID UNTIL 2255Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 50NNW CTY-20SW CRG-20E ORL-50ENE SRQ-30SW CTY-50NNW CTY AREA TS MOV FROM 18005KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 70E VALID UNTIL 2255Z VA NC FROM 60SSW RIC-20SSW RDU LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 12025KT. TOPS TO FL360. OUTLOOK VALID 082255-090255 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-60SSW TLH-LEV-MHZ-AMG-GSO-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  693 WOMU40 VMMC 082047 THUNDERSTORM WARNING SIGNAL WAS ISSUED AT 202009082050 UTC  573 WSUS33 KKCI 082055 SIGW MKCW WST 082055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15W VALID UNTIL 2255Z AZ FROM 30SE INW-30SSE DRK LINE SEV TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 27025KT. TOPS TO FL360. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 082255-090255 FROM ALS-30NNW TCC-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-ALS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  637 WWUS84 KOUN 082058 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 358 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ035-038-082130- Kiowa OK-Comanche OK- 358 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR central Kiowa and northwestern Comanche Counties Until 430 PM CDT... AT 356 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Tom Steed Reservoir, moving north at 20 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to one-half inch diameter... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... LAT...LON 3465 9883 3471 9908 3498 9901 3491 9876 TIME...MOT...LOC 2056Z 191DEG 16KT 3477 9894 $$ JT  713 WAUS44 KKCI 082045 WA4Z DFWZ WA 082045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 090300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 040-165 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 040-150 BOUNDED BY 30WNW SSM-50SE SSM-40ENE TVC- 60NNW SLN-30NE AMA-20NW TXO-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30E SNY- 60WSW ANW-30WNW SSM 080 ALG 40NE TCC-60SW LBL-20WNW LBL 120 ALG 20W TXO-TXO-20ENE AMA-60SE GCK 160 ALG 20WSW LRD-60SE CRP-130ENE BRO 160 ALG 20WNW CEW-20S MGM-40E MGM-40NW PZD ....  714 WAUS45 KKCI 082045 WA5Z SLCZ WA 082045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET ICE...ID WY UT CO FROM 30S BOY TO 50SW LAR TO 40ESE DBL TO 30ESE DVC TO 30S HVE TO 50SSW DTA TO 20N DTA TO 60ESE MLD TO 20W BPI TO 30S BOY MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...WY CO NM FROM 40W RAP TO 30W LAA TO 60W LBL TO 30WNW FTI TO 30NNE SJN TO 30ESE DVC TO 40ESE DBL TO 40E CHE TO 30S BOY TO 40W RAP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL SFC-110. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...CO FROM 40W RAP TO GLD TO 60W LBL TO 30W LAA TO 30WSW SNY TO 40W RAP MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL 050-060. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM SFC-175 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 040-150 BOUNDED BY 30E SNY-GLD-50W LBL-30ESE TBE- 20NW TXO-40N CME-30ESE ABQ-40W CIM-30NNW ALS-30E SNY MULT FRZLVL 100-160 BOUNDED BY 60S REO-70NE BAM-50SW ELY- 40SSE ILC-40ENE LAS-30W LAS-30NNE OAL-70SW BAM-60S REO SFC BOUNDED BY 60NE JAC-30NNW BOY-40SE BOY-30S DDY-50W BFF- 30E CYS-40SW AKO-20E PUB-50W TBE-30WNW CIM-40SW ALS-50SSW HBU-20NE MTU-50S BPI-30SSE JAC-20NE JAC-60NE JAC 080 ALG 30NNW HVR-50ESE HLN-60N JAC 080 ALG 30SW CIM-40E FTI-40NE TCC 080 ALG 50ESE MLD-50SSW SLC-40SE DTA-20S HVE-40E DVC 120 ALG 30SE YXC-30SSE BAM-60SW ILC-30NW INW-ABQ-70S FTI-20W TXO 160 ALG 60SW REO-50ENE FMG-40WNW BTY-20W BTY 160 ALG 20S EED-70SW DRK-40WSW TUS-50SW TUS ....  715 WAUS46 KKCI 082045 WA6Z SFOZ WA 082045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 090300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 135-185 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 20N HUH-30WNW PDT-60WSW BKE-60SW REO 160 ALG 20W BTY-20S EED ....  082 WAUS41 KKCI 082045 WA1Z BOSZ WA 082045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 090300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 130-155 ACRS AREA ....  083 WAUS43 KKCI 082045 WA3Z CHIZ WA 082045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 4 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET ICE...SD NE KS MN IA WI LM LS MI LH FROM 70NNE SAW TO 20E SSM TO 50WNW YVV TO 20ESE MCW TO 40WNW OVR TO 50NW PWE TO 80SSW OBH TO 60SE FSD TO 70S FAR TO 70NNE SAW MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL260. FRZLVL 050-100. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...NE MN IA MO WI LM MI LH IL IN FROM 50WNW YVV TO 30ENE ECK TO 30W FWA TO 40SSE UIN TO 40NW PWE TO 40WNW OVR TO 20SE MCW TO 30S GRB TO 50WNW YVV MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL260. FRZLVL 100-140. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET ICE...SD NE KS MN IA FROM 70S FAR TO 60SE FSD TO 30NNE GCK TO 60W LBL TO GLD TO 30E BFF TO 60SSW RAP TO 40W RAP TO 70S FAR MOD ICE BTN FRZLVL AND FL230. FRZLVL 050-060. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 040-155 ACRS AREA MULT FRZLVL 040-150 BOUNDED BY 30WNW SSM-50SE SSM-40ENE TVC- 60NNW SLN-30NE AMA-20NW TXO-30ESE TBE-50W LBL-GLD-30E SNY- 60WSW ANW-30WNW SSM 080 ALG 20WNW LBL-30S GCK-70SSW OBH-30SSW EAU-50N TVC-20SE SSM 120 ALG 60SE GCK-30WNW PWE-40SE FOD-20SW DLL-30S TVC-40NW YVV ....  084 WAUS42 KKCI 082045 WA2Z MIAZ WA 082045 AIRMET ZULU UPDT 3 FOR ICE AND FRZLVL VALID UNTIL 090300 . NO SGFNT ICE EXP OUTSIDE OF CNVTV ACT. . FRZLVL...RANGING FROM 140-165 ACRS AREA 160 ALG 170SE LEV-20WNW CEW 160 ALG 40NW PZD-PZD-40WNW CTY-20E PIE-20NW RSW-70WSW EYW ....  170 WOCN20 CWVR 082058 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA, THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND METRO VANCOUVER AT 1:58 P.M. PDT TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= METRO VANCOUVER - NW =NEW= METRO VANCOUVER - SW =NEW= METRO VANCOUVER - NE =NEW= METRO VANCOUVER - SE =NEW= FRASER VALLEY GREATER VICTORIA HOWE SOUND WHISTLER SUNSHINE COAST - GIBSONS TO EARLS COVE SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS EAST VANCOUVER ISLAND - DUNCAN TO NANAIMO EAST VANCOUVER ISLAND - NANOOSE BAY TO FANNY BAY WEST VANCOUVER ISLAND INLAND VANCOUVER ISLAND OKANAGAN VALLEY SIMILKAMEEN BOUNDARY ARROW LAKES - SLOCAN LAKE WEST KOOTENAY KOOTENAY LAKE EAST KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SMOKY SKIES BULLETIN - SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 LONG-RANGE TRANSPORT OF WILDFIRE SMOKE FROM THE UNITED STATES HAS IMPACTED AIR QUALITY LEVELS THROUGHOUT MUCH OF SOUTHERN BC INCLUDING THE ISLAND, COASTAL MAINLAND, THE OKANAGAN, AS WELL AS THE KOOTENAYS AND BOUNDARY. LOCALIZED IMPACTS IN THE EAST AND WEST KOOTENAYS ARE EXPECTED FROM THE DOCTOR CREEK AND TALBOTT CREEK WILDFIRES. THE NEXT BULLETIN UPDATE WILL BE AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 09, 2020. THE BULLETIN CAN BE ACCESSED ONLINE AT: HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR/AIR-QUALITY/AIR-ADVISORIES DURING A WILDFIRE, SMOKE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE QUICKLY OVER SHORT DISTANCES AND CAN VARY CONSIDERABLY HOUR-BY-HOUR. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A NATURAL PART OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE MINDFUL THAT EXPOSURE TO SMOKE MAY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS, RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, OLDER ADULTS, PREGNANT WOMEN AND INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE HEALTH EFFECTS FROM SMOKE EXPOSURE. IF YOU OR THOSE IN YOUR CARE ARE EXPOSED TO WILDFIRE SMOKE, CONSIDER TAKING EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TO REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE. WILDFIRE SMOKE IS A CONSTANTLY-CHANGING MIXTURE OF PARTICLES AND GASSES WHICH INCLUDES MANY CHEMICALS THAT CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONSULT WWW.CANADA.CA/EN/ENVIRONMENT-CLIMATE-CHANGE/SERVICES/AIR-QUALITY-HEALTH-INDEX/WILDFIRE-SMOKE.HTML. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  578 WSPR31 SPIM 082040 SPIM SIGMET B3 VALID 082040/082240 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1340 W07530 - S1440 W07240 - S1520 W07350 - S1430 W07450 TOP FL460 STNR INTSF=  657 WWUS75 KLKN 082100 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 200 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ031-035-037-039-091200- /O.CON.KLKN.HZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Northern Elko County-White Pine County- Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County- South Central Elko County- Including the cities of Midas, Gibbs Ranch, Charleston, Jarbidge, Mountain City, Owyhee, Tuscarora, Ely, Ely Airport, Lund, Preston, Ruth, Cherry Creek, McGill, Eureka, Pinto Summit, Grass Valley, Hickison Summit, Diamond Valley, Eureka Airport, Garden Pass, Ruby Lake, and Oasis 200 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. * WHERE...Northern Elko County, White Pine County, Southern Lander County and Southern Eureka County and South Central Elko County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ034-036-038-040-041-091200- /O.CON.KLKN.FZ.W.0004.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range- Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County- Southwest Elko County-Northwestern Nye County- Northeastern Nye County- Including the cities of Argenta, Battle Mountain, Crescent Valley, Beowawe, Dunphy, Emigrant Pass, Palisade, Elko, Ryndon, Jiggs, Lamoille, Lee, South Fork, Spring Creek, Manhattan, Round Mountain, Tonopah, Blue Eagle Ranch, and Duckwater 200 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. * WHERE...Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range, Northern Lander County and Northern Eureka County, Southwest Elko County, Northwestern Nye County and Northeastern Nye County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NVZ030-091200- /O.NEW.KLKN.FR.Y.0010.200909T0600Z-200909T1600Z/ Humboldt County- Including the cities of Golconda, Winnemucca, Valmy, and Dufferena 200 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 33 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Humboldt County. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lkn  727 WSCI38 ZYTX 082100 ZYSH SIGMET 12 VALID 082110/090110 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N4936 E12539 - N4531 E12220 - N4237 E12547 - N4602 E13050 - N4936 E12539 FL130/180 MOV E 20KMH WKN =  477 WUUS53 KIND 082102 SVRIND INC157-082130- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0125.200908T2102Z-200908T2130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 502 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Tippecanoe County in west central Indiana... * Until 530 PM EDT. * At 502 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lafayette, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lafayette, West Lafayette, Shadeland, Dayton and Purdue University. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 164 and 176. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4033 8670 4024 8697 4038 8706 4054 8669 TIME...MOT...LOC 2102Z 247DEG 24KT 4034 8690 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 50  857 WWUS73 KDLH 082102 NPWDLH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 402 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MNZ010>012-018-019-025-026-035-090915- /O.CON.KDLH.FZ.W.0001.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ Koochiching-North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-North Itasca- Central St. Louis-North Cass-South Itasca-Northern Aitkin- Including the cities of International Falls, Ely, Isabella, Bigfork, Hibbing, Walker, Grand Rapids, and Hill City 402 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures in the upper 20s and low 30s expected. * WHERE...Koochiching, North St. Louis, Northern Cook and Lake, North Itasca, Central St. Louis, North Cass, South Itasca and Northern Aitkin Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Mille Lacs Band, Big Sandy Lake area and the Bois Forte Band, Deer Creek, Nett Lake and, Lake Vermillion areas. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ MNZ020-021-033-034-036>038-WIZ001>004-006>009-090915- /O.CON.KDLH.FR.Y.0006.200909T0500Z-200909T1300Z/ Southern Lake-Southern Cook-South Cass-Crow Wing-South Aitkin- Carlton and South St. Louis-Pine-Douglas-Bayfield-Ashland-Iron- Burnett-Washburn-Sawyer-Price- Including the cities of Two Harbors, Silver Bay, Grand Marais, Pine River, Brainerd, Aitkin, Duluth, Pine City, Hinckley, Superior, Washburn, Bayfield, Ashland, Hurley, Grantsburg, Spooner, Hayward, and Phillips 402 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM CDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures as low as 32 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Wisconsin and east central and northeast Minnesota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM CDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. && $$  240 WSCI35 ZJHK 082102 ZJSA SIGMET 4 VALID 082110/090110 ZJHK- ZJSA SANYA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1756 E11252 - N1655 E11227 - N1809 E10746 - N1912 E10705 - N1945 E10743 - N1904 E11152 - N1756 E11252 TOP FL500 MOV N 10KMH NC=  583 WWUS84 KOUN 082105 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 405 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ035>037-082130- Kiowa OK-Tillman OK-Jackson OK- 405 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR south central Kiowa... northwestern Tillman and northeastern Jackson Counties Until 430 PM CDT... AT 403 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Humphreys, moving northeast at 15 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 40 to 50 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... LAT...LON 3447 9921 3448 9929 3453 9935 3476 9929 3467 9899 TIME...MOT...LOC 2103Z 207DEG 15KT 3457 9923 $$ JT  628 WUUS54 KMAF 082106 SVRMAF NMC015-082145- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0203.200908T2106Z-200908T2145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 306 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico... * Until 345 PM MDT. * At 305 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Malaga, or 14 miles south of Carlsbad, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Loving and Malaga. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3205 10413 3219 10429 3245 10409 3226 10379 TIME...MOT...LOC 2105Z 224DEG 20KT 3219 10415 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  351 WWUS53 KIWX 082106 SVSIWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 506 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC069-082115- /O.CAN.KIWX.SV.W.0103.000000T0000Z-200908T2130Z/ Huntington IN- 506 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HUNTINGTON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4084 8534 4094 8533 4098 8518 4081 8518 TIME...MOT...LOC 2105Z 268DEG 17KT 4090 8531 $$ INC003-179-082130- /O.CON.KIWX.SV.W.0103.000000T0000Z-200908T2130Z/ Allen IN-Wells IN- 506 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EDT FOR SOUTHWESTERN ALLEN AND NORTH CENTRAL WELLS COUNTIES... At 505 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Markle, or 7 miles west of Ossian, moving east at 20 mph. Several trees and tree limbs were reported down by Huntington County Emergency Management on the northeast side of Huntington. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Emergency management. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Zanesville and Uniondale. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4084 8534 4094 8533 4098 8518 4081 8518 TIME...MOT...LOC 2105Z 268DEG 17KT 4090 8531 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ FISHER  040 WWUS84 KSJT 082106 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 406 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ098-082145- Haskell TX- 406 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WESTERN HASKELL COUNTY UNTIL 445 PM CDT... At 406 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Rochester, or near Haskell, moving north at 15 mph. Pea size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. This strong thunderstorm will be near... Rochester around 420 PM CDT. Weinert around 435 PM CDT. O'brien around 440 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this storm include Jud, Us- 277 Near The Haskell-Knox County Line and Us-380 Near The Haskell- Stonewall County Line. LAT...LON 3305 9966 3308 9999 3340 9999 3340 9957 TIME...MOT...LOC 2106Z 194DEG 14KT 3324 9979 $$  720 WWUS54 KMAF 082107 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 407 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC015-TXC109-082117- /O.CAN.KMAF.SV.W.0202.000000T0000Z-200908T2145Z/ Eddy NM-Culberson TX- 407 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL EDDY AND NORTHEASTERN CULBERSON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 3199 10438 3217 10433 3217 10398 3186 10408 TIME...MOT...LOC 2102Z 282DEG 8KT 3206 10420 $$ 84  244 WWUS85 KSLC 082107 AWWSLC UTC035-090000- Airport Weather Warning for the Salt Lake City International Airport National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 305 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 Airport Weather Warning for erratic north to northeast winds gusting to greater than 52 mph/45 kts for the Salt Lake City International Airport. Valid 305 PM MDT to 600 PM MDT $$ For more information from NOAA/s National Weather Service visit... http://weather.gov/saltlakecity  192 WGUS84 KEPZ 082108 FLSEPZ Flood Advisory National Weather Service El Paso Tx/Santa Teresa NM 308 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC013-035-051-082300- /O.NEW.KEPZ.FA.Y.0073.200908T2108Z-200908T2300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dona Ana NM-Otero NM-Sierra NM- 308 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in El Paso Tx/Santa Teresa has issued a * Arroyo and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Northeastern Dona Ana County in south central New Mexico... West Central Otero County in south central New Mexico... East Central Sierra County in south central New Mexico... * Until 500 PM MDT. * At 308 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause arroyo and small stream flooding. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... White Sands National Monument, Northrup Landing, Alamogordo, Holloman Air Force Base and Boles Acres. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3300 10647 3304 10647 3307 10627 3307 10626 3301 10607 3283 10595 3273 10594 3267 10613 3267 10628 3277 10638 3281 10642 3293 10646 $$ JR  053 WWUS84 KTSA 082108 SPSTSA Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tulsa OK 408 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ054-082200- Osage OK- 408 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHEASTERN OSAGE COUNTY UNTIL 500 PM CDT... At 408 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 6 miles west of Bigheart, moving northeast at 30 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations in or near the path include... Elgin... Bigheart... Pearsonia... Hulah... Sunset Lake... Wah Sha She State Park... LAT...LON 3700 9600 3696 9600 3668 9631 3680 9650 3700 9636 TIME...MOT...LOC 2108Z 215DEG 26KT 3683 9633 $$  611 WWUS84 KOUN 082111 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 411 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ084-082145- Foard TX- 411 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southeastern Foard County Until 445 PM CDT... AT 410 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 6 miles southeast of Crowell, moving northeast at 10 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Small hail... This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Foard County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3400 9966 3389 9947 3384 9969 3391 9976 TIME...MOT...LOC 2110Z 213DEG 8KT 3390 9965 $$ Mahale  717 WWUS84 KMAF 082111 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 411 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ273-274-082200- Eastern Culberson County TX-Reeves County Plains TX- 411 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN REEVES... NORTHEASTERN CULBERSON AND WESTERN LOVING COUNTIES UNTIL 500 PM CDT... At 411 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 12 miles west of Orla, or 31 miles west of Mentone, moving northeast at 15 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Red Bluff Reservoir, Orla and Red Bluff. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3200 10408 3200 10400 3196 10394 3195 10394 3193 10391 3192 10392 3191 10392 3189 10388 3187 10388 3188 10385 3184 10381 3168 10412 3182 10426 TIME...MOT...LOC 2111Z 231DEG 14KT 3180 10413 $$ 84  779 WGUS84 KMAF 082113 FLSMAF Flood Advisory National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 313 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC015-TXC109-301-389-090015- /O.NEW.KMAF.FA.Y.0051.200908T2113Z-200909T0015Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Eddy NM-Culberson TX-Loving TX-Reeves TX- 313 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /413 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ The National Weather Service in Midland/Odessa has issued a * Arroyo and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... South Central Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico... Northeastern Culberson County in southwestern Texas... Northwestern Reeves County in southwestern Texas... Northwestern Loving County in western Texas... * Until 615 PM MDT /715 PM CDT/. * At 313 PM MDT /413 PM CDT/, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This may cause arroyo and small stream flooding. Up to 1 inch of rain has fallen with more expected. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Loving, Red Bluff Reservoir, Orla, Malaga and Red Bluff. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 3229 10432 3229 10404 3229 10403 3188 10386 3187 10385 3160 10406 3146 10417 3162 10437 $$ Doug Cain  795 WOCN13 CWWG 082113 FROST ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:13 P.M. CST TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FROST ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON =NEW= ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE =NEW= ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH =NEW= SHAUNAVON - MAPLE CREEK - VAL MARIE - CYPRESS HILLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SOME PLANTS MAY BE DAMAGED OR EVEN DESTROYED BY FROST. A RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE WILL GIVE RISE TO CLEAR SKIES AND LIGHT WINDS WHICH WILL LEAD TO ANOTHER NIGHT OF PATCHY FROST ACROSS EXTREME SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN. WARMER, MORE SEASONABLE TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO PUSH INTO THE EASTERN PRAIRIES BY MID WEEK AND PERSIST INTO THE WEEKEND WHICH WILL BRING AN END TO THE SUB ZERO OVERNIGHT LOWS FOR THE TIME BEING. COVER UP PLANTS, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN FROST-PRONE AREAS. TAKE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT FROST-SENSITIVE PLANTS AND TREES. FROST ADVISORIES ARE ISSUED WHEN TEMPERATURES ARE EXPECTED TO REACH THE FREEZING MARK DURING THE GROWING SEASON, LEADING TO POTENTIAL DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION TO PLANTS AND CROPS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)CANADA.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  708 WWUS45 KPUB 082115 WSWPUB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 COZ067-068-090515- /O.EXT.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200910T1800Z/ Upper Rio Grande Valley/Eastern San Juan Mountains Below 10000 Feet-Eastern San Juan Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 12 to 24 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Eastern San Juan Mountains. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces may occur across the lower elevations, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. The higher elevations could see rounds of intense snowfall with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ058>063-076-081-082-084-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Western Mosquito Range/East Lake County Above 11000 Feet- Leadville Vicinity/Lake County Below 11000 Feet- Eastern Sawatch Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western Chaffee County Between 9000 and 11000 Feet- Central Chaffee County Below 9000 Feet- Western Mosquito Range/East Chaffee County Above 9000 Feet- Northwestern Fremont County Above 8500 Feet- Teller County/Rampart Range Above 7500 Feet/Pikes Peak Between 7500 And 11000 Feet-Pikes Peak Above 11000 Feet- Northern El Paso County/Monument Ridge/Rampart Range Below 7500 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 14 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Chaffee and Lake counties, Northern Fremont county, Teller county and northern El Paso county. . * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected across the lower elevations, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. The higher elevations could see rounds of intense snowfall with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ069>071-087-088-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Del Norte Vicinity/Northern San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Alamosa Vicinity/Central San Luis Valley Below 8500 Feet- Southern San Luis Valley- Walsenburg Vicinity/Upper Huerfano River Basin Below 7500 Feet- Trinidad Vicinity/Western Las Animas County Below 7500 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 9 inches with the heaviest falling near the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...the San Luis Valley, Huerfano and western Las Animas Counties including Walsenburg and Trinidad. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult at times with roads becoming slushy during the heavier snowfall. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease. This will result in highly variable snow amounts. East wind gusting to around 50 mph or higher will continue to blow through the passes and gaps into the central and eastern portions of the San Luis Valley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ072>075-077>080-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200910T0600Z/ Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 8500 And 11000 Feet- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Between 7500 and 11000 Feet- Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains Above 11000 Feet- Western/Central Fremont County Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountain Valley Below 8500 Feet- Wet Mountains between 6300 and 10000 Feet- Wet Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT WEDNESDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 19 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...the Sangre De Cristo and Wet Mountains, the Wet Mountains and Central Fremont county. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT Wednesday night. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces is expected, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow amounts, particularly across the lower elevations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ064>066-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Saguache County West of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- Saguache County East of Continental Divide Below 10000 Feet- La Garita Mountains Above 10000 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 5 to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...the La Garita mountains. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so some melting of the snow on warm surfaces may occur across the lower elevations, especially during the early portions of the storm. This will result in highly variable snow accumulations. The higher elevations could see rounds of intense snowfall with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ085-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Colorado Springs Vicinity/Southern El Paso County/Rampart Range Below 7400 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 8 inches with the heavier amounts to the west and north of Colorado Springs. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Southern El Paso County including Colorado Springs. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions at times, especially during the heavier snow when roads could become slushy. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease, resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ083-086-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Canon City Vicinity/Eastern Fremont County- Pueblo Vicinity/Pueblo County Below 6300 Feet- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 7 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Pueblo and Eastern Fremont County. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be slick at times where roads become slushy. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow accumulations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ094-090515- /O.CON.KPUB.WW.Y.0026.200909T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Eastern Las Animas County- 315 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Las Animas County. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions at times as heavy snow may cause slush to accumulate on road surfaces. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...This is an early season snow event, so snow is expected to melt during the beginning of the storm and when snowfall rates decrease resulting in highly variable snow amounts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  436 WWUS53 KIND 082115 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 515 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC157-082130- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0125.000000T0000Z-200908T2130Z/ Tippecanoe IN- 515 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EDT FOR EASTERN TIPPECANOE COUNTY... At 515 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lafayette, moving northeast at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lafayette, West Lafayette, Shadeland and Dayton. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 164 and 175. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4033 8670 4027 8688 4040 8695 4054 8669 TIME...MOT...LOC 2115Z 247DEG 24KT 4037 8679 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ 50  034 WWUS85 KFGZ 082116 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 216 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ018-082200- Northern Gila County- 216 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FROM THE PAYSON AREA TO KOHLS RANCH IN GILA COUNTY UNTIL 300 PM MST... At 215 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Whispering Pines to near East Verde Estates to 7 miles southeast of Childs Power Plant. Movement was east at 35 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Payson, Star Valley, Haigler Creek, Mesa Del Caballo, Tonto Village, Geronimo Estates, Freedom Acres, East Verde Estates, Whispering Pines, Oxbow Estates, Round Valley, Flowing Springs, Christopher Creek, Kohls Ranch, Hunter Creek, Washington Park, Mead Ranch, Bear Flat, Upper Tonto Creek Campground and Ponderosa Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3422 11171 3426 11169 3430 11149 3444 11125 3437 11114 3440 11109 3438 11105 3435 11106 3434 11103 3437 11102 3431 11096 3430 11090 3427 11086 3427 11083 3431 11084 3430 11079 3431 11078 3426 11075 3421 11075 3411 11117 TIME...MOT...LOC 2115Z 280DEG 32KT 3439 11124 3429 11141 3425 11164 $$  832 WOUS45 KTFX 082118 ADRMT MTC001-003-005-007-009-011-013-015-017-019-021-023-025-027-029- 031-033-035-037-039-041-043-045-047-049-051-053-055-057-059-061- 063-065-067-069-071-073-075-077-079-081-083-085-087-089-091-093- 095-097-099-101-103-105-107-109-111-092130- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RELAYED BY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GREAT FALLS MT 318 PM MDT TUE SEP 8 2020 THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST OF THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. MISSOULA POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS REQUESTED A MISSING AND ENDANGERED PERSON ADVISORY FOR RICHARD REID, 61-YEAR-OLD, WHITE MALE, 6 FOOT 2, 220 POUNDS, GRAY HAIR, HAZEL EYES, USUALLY WEARS WESTERN SHIRT AND BOOTS. RICHARD WAS LAST SEEN JULY 21ST AT DECKER TRUCK STOP. HE LEFT ON FOOT AFTER QUITTING HIS JOB UNEXPECTEDLY. HE SENT A "GOODBYE" MESSAGE TO HIS FAMILY. IT IS BELIEVED RICHARD IS SUICIDAL AND MAY CAUSE HARM TO HIMSELF. IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ON RICHARD REID PLEASE CONTACT THE MISSOULA POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 406 552-6300 OR CALL 911. THANK YOU. $$  861 WSMX31 MMMX 082118 MMEX SIGMET E1 VALID 082108/090108 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2108Z WI N2327 W10603 N2140 W10429 N2237 W10147 N2544 W10003 N2636 W10155 N2345 W10606 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV E AT 5KT INTSF. =  867 WWUS84 KOUN 082119 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 419 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ016-022-035-082145- Kiowa OK-Washita OK-Custer OK- 419 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR north central Kiowa...western Washita and southwestern Custer Counties Until 445 PM CDT... AT 414 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Dill City, moving north at 35 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 40 MPH... Small hail... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... LAT...LON 3505 9912 3507 9919 3513 9927 3550 9914 3544 9887 TIME...MOT...LOC 2114Z 201DEG 30KT 3526 9910 $$ JT  376 WWUS86 KEKA 082119 RFWEKA Urgent - Fire Weather Message National Weather Service Eureka CA 219 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Critical fire weather conditions expected through Wednesday morning... .The prolonged period of hot and dry conditions in recent days will be followed by a period of strong northeast winds on area ridges through Wednesday morning. These winds will impact Lake, Trinity, northeast Mendocino, interior Humboldt, and interior Del Norte counties into Wednesday morning. Strong winds, combined with very low relative humidity values and poor overnight recoveries, will result in critical fire weather conditions. CAZ203-204-211-212-264-277-283-091200- /O.CON.KEKA.FW.W.0010.000000T0000Z-200909T1900Z/ Upper Smith-Lower Middle Klamath-Hoopa-Van Duzen/Mad River- Lake County Portion of Lake/Napa/Sonoma RU- W Mendocino NF/E Mendocino Unit-Trinity- 219 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PDT WEDNESDAY FOR GUSTY EAST WINDS AND VERY LOW RH AT ELEVATIONS ABOVE 1500 FT ... * AFFECTED AREAS...Interior Del Norte County, Interior Humboldt County, Interior Mendocino and Interior Trinity County. * WIND...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts as high as 45 mph on the highest exposed ridgetops. Strongest gusts expected early Wednesday morning. * HUMIDITY...Minimum relative humidity values 10 to 15 percent through the remainder of this afternoon with poor overnight recoveries in the 25 to 35 percent range...and locally lower to near 10% along elevated ridges. * IMPACTS...Any new fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. $$ http://weather.gov/eureka  679 WSPR31 SPJC 082110 SPIM SIGMET C2 VALID 082110/082310 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0130 W07500 - S0250 W07430 - S0400 W07610 - S0230 W07340 - S0130 W07500 TOP FL480 STNR INTSF=  338 WGUS84 KSJT 082119 FLSSJT Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Angelo TX 419 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC207-090030- /O.NEW.KSJT.FA.Y.0063.200908T2119Z-200909T0030Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Haskell TX- 419 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Haskell County in west central Texas... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 419 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms near Haskell. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Additional heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small streams, low water crossings and street flooding. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Haskell, Stamford, Rule, Rochester, Weinert, O'brien, Paint Creek, Irby, Sagerton, Us-277 Near The Haskell-Knox County Line, Jud and Us-380 Near The Haskell-Stonewall County Line. This includes the following Low Water Crossings... County Road 274 crossing Brushy Creek, crossings along County Road 247 and County Road 279 crossing North Paint Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3312 9947 3304 9966 3296 9994 3296 9999 3339 9999 3340 9997 3340 9951 3339 9948 $$ 21  908 WGUS84 KOUN 082120 FLSOUN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Norman OK 420 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC155-275-090030- /O.NEW.KOUN.FA.Y.0138.200908T2120Z-200909T0030Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Foard TX-Knox TX- 420 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Southern Foard County in northern Texas... Northwestern Knox County in northern Texas... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 420 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... mainly rural areas of Southern Foard and Northwestern Knox Counties Additional rainfall of 1 to 2 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3394 9976 3398 9960 3392 9956 3381 9975 3368 9999 3376 10000 3377 10000 3379 10000 3382 10000 3383 10000 $$ Mahale  909 WSSR20 WSSS 082120 WSJC SIGMET 9 VALID 082130/090030 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0950 E11448 - N0829 E11621 - N0719 E11436 - N0902 E11310 - N0950 E11448 TOP FL520 MOV WSW 10KT INTSF=  059 WWUS83 KSGF 082120 SPSSGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 420 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOZ069-070-081-082200- Camden MO-Laclede MO-Pulaski MO- 420 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR LACLEDE...WESTERN PULASKI AND SOUTHEASTERN CAMDEN COUNTIES UNTIL 500 PM CDT... At 420 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 15 miles west of Richland to near Lebanon to 9 miles east of Conway. Movement was east at 25 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Lebanon... Richland... Morgan... Stoutland... Twin Bridges... Competition... Eldridge... Lynchburg... Sleeper... Falcon... Laquey... Swedeborg... Ozark Springs... Dry Knob... This includes Interstate 44 between mile markers 124 and 153. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3776 9226 3764 9225 3748 9225 3748 9273 3772 9265 3785 9277 3796 9232 TIME...MOT...LOC 2120Z 254DEG 17KT 3779 9266 3773 9259 3754 9266 $$ Wise  808 WUUS54 KEPZ 082120 SVREPZ NMC013-035-082215- /O.NEW.KEPZ.SV.W.0044.200908T2120Z-200908T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service El Paso TX 320 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in El Paso has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Otero County in south central New Mexico... Northeastern Dona Ana County in south central New Mexico... * Until 415 PM MDT. * At 319 PM MDT, severe thunderstorms were moving toward the Alamogordo area and surrounding locations. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... White Sands National Monument, Tularosa, Alamogordo, Sunspot, Bent, Burro Flats, High Rolls, La Luz, Holloman Air Force Base, Mountain Park, Boles Acres, Karr Canyon and Oliver Lee State Park. This includes the following highways... Highway 70 in New Mexico between mile markers 192 and 212. Highway 54 in New Mexico between mile markers 52 and 88. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3267 10632 3303 10636 3330 10591 3272 10576 TIME...MOT...LOC 2119Z 239DEG 48KT 3298 10614 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ ROGASH  567 WHUS76 KLOX 082121 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ670-673-082230- /O.CAN.KLOX.SC.Y.0105.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Local gusts to 25 kt are possible this afternoon. $$ Sweet  990 WHUS76 KPQR 082121 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ270-091030- /O.EXT.KPQR.SC.Y.0140.000000T0000Z-200910T0400Z/ Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM- 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet at 13 seconds. * WHERE...Waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ250-091030- /O.EXT.KPQR.SC.Y.0141.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM- 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 7 feet at 14 seconds. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater WA to Cascade Head OR out 10 NM. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ275-091030- /O.EXT.KPQR.SC.Y.0140.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 feet at 14 seconds. * WHERE...Waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ255-091030- /O.CON.KPQR.SC.Y.0141.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM- 221 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 6 feet at 13 seconds. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Cascade Head to Florence OR out 10 NM. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/portland  705 WSFJ01 NFFN 082100 NFFF SIGMET 06 VALID 082215/090215 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1254 E17836 - S1142 W17718 - S1224 W17412 - S1554 W17548 - S1536 E17842 - S1254 E17836 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  247 WAHW31 PHFO 082122 WA0HI HNLS WA 082200 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 090400 . NO SIGNIFICANT IFR EXP. =HNLT WA 082200 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 090400 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 082200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 090400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...169 PHLI SLOPING TO 134 PHTO.  695 WSBZ01 SBBR 082100 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0320 W05710 - S0026 W05702 - S0015 W05347 - S0418 W05442 - S0320 W05710 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  696 WSBZ01 SBBR 082100 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0014 W05518 - N0119 W05522 - N0230 W05004 - N0019 W04940 - S0105 W04511 - S0346 W04739 - N0005 W05224 - N0014 W05518 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  697 WSBZ01 SBBR 082100 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0301 W06936 - N0142 W06851 - N0148 W06714 - N0111 W06706 - N0047 W06613 - N0047 W06526 - N0209 W06314 - N0328 W06351 - N0457 W06025 - N0354 W05945 - N0248 W06001 - N0121 W06213 - S0034 W06134 - S0100 W05847 - S0652 W05959 - S0526 W06557 - S0301 W06936 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  698 WSBZ01 SBBR 082100 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 082000/082400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2441 W05119 - S2644 W04342 - S3149 W04816 - S2955 W05424 - S2441 W05119 FL 110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  699 WSBZ01 SBBR 082100 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0346 W06947 - S0557 W06515 - S1034 W07021 - S0924 W07026 - S0958 W07151 - S0734 W07341 - S0454 W07214 - S0428 W07000 - S0346 W06947 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  929 WWUS83 KIWX 082123 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 523 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHZ002-082200- Fulton- 523 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EASTERN FULTON COUNTY... At 522 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Delta, or near Wauseon, moving east at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Wauseon, Swanton, Delta, Brailey, Winameg, Ottokee and Assumption. This includes Interstate 80 in Ohio between mile markers 36 and 48. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 4149 8412 4166 8415 4171 8388 4149 8388 TIME...MOT...LOC 2122Z 262DEG 23KT 4159 8404 $$ HAIL...0.50IN WIND...40MPH RTC  057 WSCU31 MUHA 082122 MUFH SIGMET A2 VALID 082122/090122 MUHA- MUFH HABANA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2112Z WI N2200 W07800 N2100 W07500 N1830 W07500 N2000 W07818 N2000 W08000 N2100 W08000 TO N2200 W07800 CB TOP FL420 MOV STNRY NC=  513 WSNZ21 NZKL 082117 NZZC SIGMET 17 VALID 082123/090123 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4320 E17010 - S4600 E16620 - S4720 E16740 - S4640 E16910 - S4350 E17040 - S4320 E17010 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  906 WSNZ21 NZKL 082118 NZZC SIGMET 18 VALID 082123/082144 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 14 081744/082144=  054 WSAZ31 LPMG 082124 LPPO SIGMET 1 VALID 082130/090030 LPPT- LPPO SANTA MARIA OCEANIC FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N3820 W02900 - N3820 W02730 - N3630 W02730 - N3630 W02900 - N3820 W02900 TOP FL350 STNR NC=  539 WUUS53 KIWX 082124 SVRIWX INC001-003-179-082215- /O.NEW.KIWX.SV.W.0104.200908T2124Z-200908T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Northern Indiana 524 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Northern Indiana has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Allen County in northeastern Indiana... Northeastern Wells County in northeastern Indiana... Northwestern Adams County in northeastern Indiana... * Until 615 PM EDT. * At 524 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Ossian, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Ossian, Middletown, Preble, Magley, Yoder, Tocsin, Hoagland, Poe and Peterson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4085 8526 4092 8526 4097 8497 4079 8497 TIME...MOT...LOC 2124Z 268DEG 16KT 4089 8519 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ FISHER  619 WWUS84 KOUN 082124 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 424 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ035-082200- Kiowa OK- 424 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR central Kiowa County Until 500 PM CDT... AT 423 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Roosevelt, moving north at 20 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 40 MPH... Small hail... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... LAT...LON 3504 9915 3497 9888 3474 9903 3479 9915 3485 9915 3485 9917 3486 9918 TIME...MOT...LOC 2123Z 200DEG 17KT 3485 9907 $$ JT  318 WSMX31 MMMX 082120 MMEX SIGMET D4 VALID 082150/090150 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 2150Z WI N1526 W10521 N1500 W10500 N1131 W10000 N1301 W09501 N1388 W09430 N1522 W09323 N1559 W09510 N1606 W09644 N1541 W09835 N1645 W10005 N1439 W10114 N1617 W10439 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  957 WUUS53 KIND 082127 SVRIND INC015-023-157-082215- /O.NEW.KIND.SV.W.0126.200908T2127Z-200908T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 527 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Indianapolis has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Carroll County in north central Indiana... Southeastern Tippecanoe County in west central Indiana... Northwestern Clinton County in central Indiana... * Until 615 PM EDT. * At 527 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles southeast of Lafayette, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lafayette, Rossville, Dayton and Mulberry. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 159 and 170. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4032 8645 4024 8681 4037 8690 4049 8654 TIME...MOT...LOC 2127Z 248DEG 17KT 4032 8677 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 50  014 WSNZ21 NZKL 082124 NZZC SIGMET 19 VALID 082128/090128 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4120 E17500 - S4130 E17550 - S4010 E17700 - S4000 E17610 - S4120 E17500 SFC/6000FT STNR NC=  241 WSNZ21 NZKL 082125 NZZC SIGMET 20 VALID 082128/082146 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 16 081746/082146=  973 WWUS76 KEKA 082128 NPWEKA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 228 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 CAZ102-104>106-110-112-113-082230- /O.CAN.KEKA.HT.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ Del Norte Interior-Southwestern Humboldt- Northern Humboldt Interior-Southern Humboldt Interior- Northwestern Mendocino Interior-Southwestern Mendocino Interior- Southeastern Mendocino Interior- 228 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HEAT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Abundant smoke from ongoing wildfires has obscurred the sun across much of NW California. This has greatly moderated afternoon temperatures while additional subtle cooling is expected tomorrow. $$  361 WWUS54 KMAF 082128 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 328 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC015-082145- /O.CON.KMAF.SV.W.0203.000000T0000Z-200908T2145Z/ Eddy NM- 328 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM MDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN EDDY COUNTY... At 328 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Loving, or 13 miles southeast of Carlsbad, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Loving, Malaga and Otis. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3210 10405 3226 10424 3245 10409 3226 10379 TIME...MOT...LOC 2128Z 224DEG 20KT 3228 10404 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  631 WWUS75 KREV 082129 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 229 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ001-004-082230- /O.CAN.KREV.DU.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-200909T0100Z/ Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties- Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Including the cities of Hawthorne, Yerington, Smith Valley, Mina, Schurz, Fernley, Fallon, Lovelock, Silver Springs, Nixon, and Imlay 229 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...BLOWING DUST ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Areas of dust will continue in western Nevada through early evening, however concentrations are expected to remain below advisory levels. Visibilities between 3 and 6 miles are possible between Fallon, Yerington, and Hawthorne. $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-090300- /O.CON.KREV.LW.Y.0046.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of South Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Truckee, Markleeville, Stateline, Glenbrook, and Incline Village 229 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR LAKE TAHOE... * CHANGES...No changes. Still breezy. * WHAT...East winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Waves 2 to 3 feet especially along and near the west shore. * WHERE...Greater Lake Tahoe Area. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Small boats, kayaks and paddle boards will be prone to capsizing and should remain off lake waters until conditions improve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check lake conditions before heading out and be prepared for a sudden increase in winds and wave heights. Consider postponing boating activities on the lake until a day with less wind. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/rev  562 WWUS83 KICT 082130 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 430 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 KSZ098-099-082300- Montgomery KS-Chautauqua KS- 430 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Southwestern Montgomery County in southeastern Kansas... Eastern Chautauqua County in southeastern Kansas... * Until 600 PM CDT. * At 427 PM CDT...National Weather Service Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm with locally heavy rainfall near Elgin, or 14 miles south of Sedan...moving northeast at 20 mph. hail up to the size of dimes...and wind gusts up to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Caney, Sedan, Peru, Chautauqua, Havana, Elgin, Bolton, Niotaze, Hale and Independence Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3730 9613 3730 9599 3718 9573 3700 9592 3700 9635 TIME...MOT...LOC 2129Z 212DEG 18KT 3693 9627 $$ Martin  985 WGUS84 KOUN 082130 FLSOUN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Norman OK 430 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKC011-082330- /O.NEW.KOUN.FA.Y.0139.200908T2130Z-200908T2330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Blaine OK- 430 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Central Blaine County in northwestern Oklahoma... * Until 630 PM CDT. * At 430 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Watonga. Additional rainfall up to 1 inch is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3595 9840 3584 9847 3581 9839 3593 9832 $$ JT  067 WSMX31 MMMX 082130 MMID SIGMET G3 VALID 082156/090156 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 2156Z WI N1029 W10312 N1135 W10005 N1501 W10502 N1635 W10623 N1206 W10607 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  374 WSPR31 SPJC 082125 SPIM SIGMET D1 VALID 082125/082325 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0530 W07350 - S0530 W07300 - S0720 W07400 - S0710 W07440 - S0530 W07350 TOP FL480 STNR INTSF=  928 WWUS86 KSTO 082131 RFWSTO URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 231 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Critical Fire Weather Conditions Today through Wednesday Afternoon Due to Gusty Wind and Low Humidity... .Gusty north to east wind combined with low humidity will continue critical fire weather conditions today through Wednesday afternoon. The majority of the gusty winds will diminish during the morning Wednesday but humidity falling into the single digits and teens will keep critical fire weather conditions in place for parts of the area Wednesday afternoon. These conditions will impact current wildfires, and extreme caution should be taken to prevent starting additional fires. CAZ213>217-263-266-268-279-091300- /O.EXT.KSTO.FW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Eastern Portion of Shasta/Trinity NF- Burney Basin and Northeast Plateau in Shasta County Including Northwest Lassen NF north of Lassen NP- Northern Sacramento Valley to Southern Tehama County Line Below 1000 Ft- Central Sacramento Valley in Glenn, Colusa, Yuba, Northern Sutter, and Butte County Below 1000 Ft- Southern Sacramento Valley in Yolo- Sacramento Far Western Placer, southern Sutter and Solano County Below 1000 Ft-Southeast Edge Shasta- Trinity NF and Western Portions of Tehama-Glenn Unit- Northern Sierra Foothills from 1000 to 3000 Ft. Includes portions of Shasta-Trinity and Butte Units- Northern Sierra Including Lassen NP and Plumas and Lassen NF/S West of the Sierra Crest (West of Evans Peak-Grizzly Peak- Beckworth Peak)-Eastern Mendocino NF- 231 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR GUSTY WIND AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 263, 266, 268, AND 279... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire weather zone 213.Fire weather zone 214.Fire weather zone 215.Fire weather zone 216.Fire weather zone 217.Fire weather zone 263.Fire weather zone 266.Fire weather zone 268.Fire weather zone 279. * WIND...North to northeast wind 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 mph in the Central Valley. North to east wind 15 to 30 mph in the mountains and foothills with gusts up to 50 mph. Stronger gusts may be possible in wind prone areas. Strongest wind expected now into the mid part of the overnight. * HUMIDITY...Minimum daytime humidity of 5 to 15 percent expected with maximum overnight recoveries mostly between 15 and 45 percent. * IMPACTS...Numerous wild fires are already occurring. Extreme fire safety precautions should be exercised to prevent any additional fires. Outdoor burning should be avoided. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong wind, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && Interact with us via social media www.facebook.com/nws.sacramento www.twitter.com/nwssacramento $$ CAZ218>221-267-269-091300- /O.CON.KSTO.FW.W.0007.000000T0000Z-200909T1900Z/ Carquinez Strait and Delta- Northern San Joaquin Valley in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties Below 1000 ft- Southern Motherlode From 1000 to 3000 Ft. Includes portions of Calaveras-Tuolumne Unit-Stanislaus NF West of the Sierra Crest- Northern Motherlode From 1000 to 3000 Ft. Includes portions of Nevada-Yuba-Placer-Amador and ElDorado Units- Northern Sierra Including the Tahoe and ElDorado NF/S West of the Sierra Crest- 231 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PDT WEDNESDAY FOR GUSTY WIND AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 218, 219, 220, 221, 267, AND 269... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire weather zone 218.Fire weather zone 219.Fire weather zone 220.Fire weather zone 221.Fire weather zone 267.Fire weather zone 269. * WIND...North to northeast wind 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 mph in the Central Valley. North to east wind 15 to 30 mph in the mountains and foothills with gusts up to 50 mph. Stronger gusts may be possible in wind prone areas. * HUMIDITY...Minimum daytime humidity of 5 to 15 percent expected with maximum overnight recoveries mostly between 15 and 45 percent. * IMPACTS...Numerous wild fires are already occurring. Extreme fire safety precautions should be exercised to prevent any additional fires. Outdoor burning should be avoided. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong wind, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && Interact with us via social media www.facebook.com/nws.sacramento www.twitter.com/nwssacramento $$  252 WWUS86 KMFR 082133 RFWMFR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 233 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIDESPREAD CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER PATTERN WILL PERSIST INTO WEDNESDAY... CAZ280-ORZ616>623-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Western Klamath National Forest-Umpqua Basin- Umpqua National Forest-Southern Oregon Coast-Western Rogue River- Siskiyou National Forest- Western Rogue Basin including the Illinois Valley- Siskiyou Mountains-Eastern Rogue Valley-Southern Oregon Cascades- 233 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 280...616...617...619...620...621...622...AND 623... * Impacts: Strong gusty east winds, low relative humidities, poor overnight recoveries, and high fire danger will contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA Fire Zone....280. In Southwest OR Fire Zones...616...617...618...619...620...621... 622...623. * Wind: In Fire Weather Zones 280 and 623, east winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. In Fire Weather Zones 616, 617, 619, 620, 621, 622 and 282, east winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent, with recoveries in the teens to low 20s. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ284-285-ORZ624-090700- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0022.000000T0000Z-200909T0700Z/ Siskiyou County from the Cascade Mountains East and South to Mt Shasta-Modoc County Except for the Surprise Valley- Klamath Basin and the Fremont-Winema National Forest- 233 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TONIGHT FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 284...285...AND 624... * Impacts: Strong gusty east winds coupled with low relative humidities, and high fire danger will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA Fire Zones...284...285. In South Central OR Fire Zone....624. * Wind: East 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * Humidity: As low as 7 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ281-ORZ615-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County Including Shasta Valley- South Central Oregon Coast- 233 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 281 AND 615... * Impacts: Strong gusty east winds, low relative humidities, poor overnight recoveries, and high fire danger will contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA Fire Zone....281. In Southwest OR Fire Zone....615. * Wind: East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * Humidity: As low as 4 percent, with recoveries in the teens for FWZ 281 and 20s to low 30s for FWZ 615. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ ORZ625-090700- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0022.000000T0000Z-200909T0700Z/ South Central Oregon Desert including the BLM Land in Eastern Lake and Western Harney Counties- 233 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TONIGHT FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 625... * Impacts: Strong gusty east winds coupled with low relative humidities, and high fire danger will likely contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In South Central OR...Fire Weather Zone 625. * Wind: East 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * Humidity: As low as 5 percent. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ CAZ282-091200- /O.CON.KMFR.FW.W.0021.000000T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Siskiyou County- 233 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG GUSTY WIND WITH LOW RH AND POOR RH RECOVERY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 282... * Impacts: Strong gusty east winds, low relative humidities, poor overnight recoveries, and high fire danger will contribute to a significant spread of new and existing fires. * Affected area: In Northern CA...Fire Weather Zone 282. * Wind: In Fire Weather Zone 282...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * Humidity: As low as 8 percent, with recoveries in the teens to low 20s. * One less spark, one less wildfire. * View the hazard area in detail at: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD $$ Visit us at www.weather.gov/Medford  488 WWUS84 KOUN 082133 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 433 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ084-082200- Foard TX- 433 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southeastern Foard County Until 500 PM CDT... AT 430 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 10 miles northeast of Gilliland, moving north at 25 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Small hail... Locations impacted include... Thalia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3404 9948 3376 9948 3377 9951 3377 9952 3378 9953 3378 9954 3380 9954 3379 9957 3380 9958 3378 9958 3380 9963 3382 9964 3381 9966 3398 9968 TIME...MOT...LOC 2130Z 177DEG 21KT 3384 9957 $$ Mahale  168 WHUS76 KMTR 082135 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 235 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ530-082245- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200908T2200Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 235 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON... $$ PZZ565-090545- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0177.000000T0000Z-200909T1000Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm- 235 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ560-090400- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0178.000000T0000Z-200909T0400Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm- 235 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 nm. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  863 WWUS85 KVEF 082136 RFWVEF URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 236 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 .Strong northerly winds will increase and become more widespread today as a cold front sweeps south through the region. Red Flag Warning has been extended down the Colorado River Valley through Wednesday afternoon. AZZ102-CAZ226>228-NVZ460>465-090600- /O.CON.KVEF.FW.W.0027.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Northwest Deserts/Northwest Plateau- Owens Valley/Southern Inyo Forest-Death Valley National Park- Mojave Desert Including Morongo Valley/Yucca Valley- Esmeralda and Nye County Deserts/CNC Dispatch- Lincoln County/Ely Dispatch-Nye County Deserts/Las Vegas Dispatch- Sheep Range-Spring Mountains- Clark and SW Lincoln County Deserts/Las Vegas Dispatch- 236 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /236 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT /11 PM MST/ THIS EVENING FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * TIMING...Gusty winds will continue through the evening before decreasing. * WIND...Widespread north winds at 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 35 to 45 mph along with localized gusts of 50 mph. * HUMIDITY...6 to 12 percent * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ AZZ101-CAZ229-NVZ466-091200- /O.CON.KVEF.FW.W.0027.000000T0000Z-200910T0100Z/ Lake Mead NRA/Colorado River-AZ side-Lower Colorado River Valley- Lake Mead NRA/Colorado River-NV side- 236 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /236 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020/ ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM PDT /6 PM MST/ WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * TIMING...Winds will remain elevated through Wednesday afternoon. * WIND...North winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts 35 to 45 mph through the evening then 15 to 25 mph with gusts around 40 mph. * HUMIDITY...6 to 12 percent. Overnight recovery 20 to 25 percent. 6-12 percent Wednesday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ weather.gov/lasvegas  445 WUUS54 KOUN 082137 SVROUN TXC155-082200- /O.NEW.KOUN.SV.W.0719.200908T2137Z-200908T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Norman OK 437 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Foard County in northern Texas... * Until 500 PM CDT. * At 436 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles south of Thalia, moving north at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Thalia and Rayland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3404 9965 3407 9958 3406 9955 3408 9952 3407 9948 3379 9948 3379 9953 3380 9953 3379 9956 3380 9957 3379 9957 3380 9958 3379 9959 3380 9962 3382 9963 3382 9966 TIME...MOT...LOC 2136Z 178DEG 24KT 3387 9957 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Mahale  039 WGUS84 KLUB 082137 FLSLUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Lubbock TX 437 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC125-269-090045- /O.NEW.KLUB.FA.Y.0038.200908T2137Z-200909T0045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickens TX-King TX- 437 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Lubbock has issued a * Flood Advisory for Poor Drainage Areas for... Southeastern Dickens County in northwestern Texas... King County in northwestern Texas... * Until 745 PM CDT. * At 437 PM CDT, Doubler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Overflowing poor drainage areas will cause minor flooding initially north of Texas Highway 114 and east of US Highway 83. This is expected to spread southwest into southwestern King County and adjacent portions of Dickens county. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Guthrie. Additional rainfall of 1 to 3 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, ranchland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3340 10052 3349 10064 3382 10027 3383 10000 3363 9999 3340 10030 $$ 26  607 WHUS76 KMFR 082138 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 238 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ370-091045- /O.EXT.KMFR.SC.Y.0080.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm- 238 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North to northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts to 30 kt and steep seas of 6 to 9 ft. * WHERE...All of the area. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and steep seas could capsize or damage vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Recreational boaters should remain in port. Commercial vessels should prepare for very steep seas and consider remaining in port until conditions improve. && $$ PZZ376-091045- /O.EXT.KMFR.SC.Y.0081.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 238 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...North to northeast winds 15 to 25 kt and steep seas of 6 to 9 ft. * WHERE...All of the area. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds and steep seas could capsize or damage vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Recreational boaters should remain in port. Commercial vessels should prepare for very steep seas and consider remaining in port until conditions improve. && $$ PZZ350-356-090600- /O.CON.KMFR.SC.Y.0080.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- 238 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Steep, choppy seas of 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...All areas, except steepest seas will be beyond 3 NM from shore and near capes. * WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Steep seas could capsize or damage vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/HAZARD PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  163 WWUS85 KLKN 082139 RFWLKN URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 239 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NVZ424-426-427-437-438-469-470-090300- /O.CON.KLKN.FW.W.0024.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Southeastern Humboldt County and northern Lander County- Northern Nye County-Mojave-Central Nevada-Toiyabe-Humboldt County- Quinn-W Elko County, N Eureka and Lander Counties N of I80- Central Elko County-Eastern Elko County- 239 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 424...426...427...437...438...469 AND 470... * Affected Area...Fire Weather Zone 424 Southeastern Humboldt County and northern Lander County...Fire Weather Zone 426 Northern Nye County-Mojave...Fire Weather Zone 427 Central Nevada-Toiyabe...Fire Weather Zone 437 Humboldt County-Quinn... Fire Weather Zone 438 W Elko County, N Eureka and Lander Counties N of I80...Fire Weather Zone 469 Central Elko County and Fire Weather Zone 470 Eastern Elko County. * Winds...Northeast 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. * Impacts...The combination of gusty winds and low humidity will create critical fire weather conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  564 WWUS84 KMAF 082139 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 439 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ274-082230- Reeves County Plains TX- 439 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR WEST CENTRAL REEVES COUNTY UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 439 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Toyah, moving northeast at 15 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Toyah. This includes Interstate 20 between mile markers 12 and 35. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3116 10385 3128 10405 3156 10390 3141 10357 TIME...MOT...LOC 2139Z 215DEG 14KT 3128 10389 $$ 84  639 WWUS84 KEPZ 082140 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 340 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ413-417-082230- Southern Tularosa Basin NM-Otero Mesa NM- 340 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTH CENTRAL OTERO COUNTY UNTIL 430 PM MDT... At 339 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 18 miles southeast of Orogrande, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... The Otero Mesa and McGregor Range Camp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3207 10599 3224 10611 3237 10568 3223 10560 TIME...MOT...LOC 2139Z 245DEG 51KT 3222 10582 $$ Brown/Rogash  112 WGUS84 KLUB 082141 CCA FLSLUB Flood Advisory...CORRECTED National Weather Service Lubbock TX 441 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC125-269-090045- /O.COR.KLUB.FA.Y.0038.200908T2137Z-200909T0045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickens TX-King TX- 441 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Lubbock has issued a * Flood Advisory for Poor Drainage Areas for... Southeastern Dickens County in northwestern Texas... King County in northwestern Texas... * Until 745 PM CDT. * At 437 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Overflowing poor drainage areas will cause minor flooding initially north of Texas Highway 114 and east of US Highway 83. This is expected to spread southwest into southwestern King County and adjacent portions of Dickens county. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Guthrie. Additional rainfall of 1 to 3 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, ranchland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3340 10052 3349 10064 3382 10027 3383 10000 3363 9999 3340 10030 $$ 26  816 WWUS85 KFGZ 082141 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 241 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ013-016-082230- Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County-Eastern Mogollon Rim- 241 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR THE HEBER-OVERGAARD AREA IN NAVAJO AND COCONINO COUNTIES UNTIL 330 PM MST... At 240 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles north of Forest Lakes, moving east at 35 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Clay Springs, Aripine, Heber-overgaard, Chevelon Canyon Lake Campground and Chevelon Canyon Dam. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3436 11085 3454 11084 3461 11027 3427 11026 TIME...MOT...LOC 2140Z 271DEG 32KT 3445 11075 $$  723 WWUS53 KIND 082141 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 541 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC015-023-157-082215- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-200908T2215Z/ Carroll IN-Tippecanoe IN-Clinton IN- 541 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM EDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL CARROLL...EAST CENTRAL TIPPECANOE AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 541 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles northwest of Frankfort, moving east at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Rossville, Dayton and Mulberry. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 159 and 164, and between mile markers 169 and 170. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4026 8671 4040 8680 4049 8654 4032 8645 TIME...MOT...LOC 2141Z 248DEG 17KT 4035 8669 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 50  546 WSUS05 KKCI 082142 WS5Q SLCQ WS 082142 SIGMET QUEBEC 8 VALID UNTIL 090142 WY NV UT CO AZ FROM 60S BOY TO 30W CHE TO 20NE EED TO BTY TO 40NNE BVL TO 60S BOY OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS. CONDS CONTG BYD 0142Z. ....  021 WSPH31 RPLL 082143 RPHI SIGMET D07 VALID 082143/090143 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1121 E11831 - N0911 E11720 - N0833 E1 1617 - N0950 E11446 - N1111 E11638 - N1314 E11712 - N1121 E11831 TOP FL530 MOV W 10KT NC=  022 WSPH31 RPLL 082143 RPHI SIGMET D07 VALID 082143/090143 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1121 E11831 - N0911 E11720 - N0833 E11617 - N0950 E11446 - N1111 E11638 - N1314 E11712 - N1121 E11831 TOP FL530 MOV W 10KT NC=  870 WSPH31 RPLL 082143 RPHI SIGMET D07 VALID 082143/090143 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1121 E11831 - N0911 E11720 - N0833 E11617 - N0950 E11446 - N1111 E11638 - N1314 E11712 - N1121 E11831 TOP FL530 MOV W 10KT NC=  637 WSZA21 FAOR 082143 FAJO SIGMET C01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3250 W00922 - S3401 E00230 - S3743 E00356 - S3701 W00819 FL260/300=  638 WSZA21 FAOR 082141 FAJO SIGMET A01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S4355 E04756 - S5234 E06443 - S6448 E03643 - S6104 E02728 - S5513 E04254 - S4840 E02259 FL020/100=  639 WSZA21 FAOR 082144 FAJO SIGMET D01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4500 E06550 - S4500 E07131 - S5357 E07142 - S5432 E06609 - S4505 E06455 FL330/370=  640 WSZA21 FAOR 082142 FAJO SIGMET B01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4901 E06803 - S5151 E07253 - S5702 E05707 - S5426 E05121 - S5137 E05406 FL210/260=  375 WWUS84 KEWX 082145 AWWSAT TXC029-082345- Airport Weather Warning for San Antonio International Airport National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 445 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Airport Weather Warning for Lightning Within 5 Miles... .Onset/End Times... Now through 6:45 PM CDT .Lightning Rates Expected... FEW .Other Threats/Remarks... Lightning expected primarily from 4:45 PM to 5:30 PM. && FEW....Few=Less than 4 strikes per hour OCNL...Occasional=4-15 strikes per hour FRQ....Frequent=16 to 60 strikes per hour CONS...Continuous=More than 60 strikes per hour $$  858 WWUS81 KCLE 082145 SPSCLE Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Cleveland OH 545 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OHZ003-006-082215- Wood-Lucas- 545 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTH CENTRAL WOOD AND NORTHWESTERN LUCAS COUNTIES... At 544 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Swanton, moving east at 20 mph. Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Toledo, Swanton, Perrysburg, Sylvania, Waterville, Whitehouse, Holland, Maumee, Ottawa Hills, Haskins and Neapolis. LAT...LON 4168 8388 4173 8363 4173 8359 4146 8360 4149 8388 TIME...MOT...LOC 2144Z 271DEG 18KT 4157 8391 $$ Saunders  477 WWUS74 KMAF 082146 NPWMAF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 446 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ271-091130- /O.EXT.KMAF.HW.W.0036.200908T2146Z-200910T1300Z/ Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains- Including the cities of Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pine Springs 346 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM MDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 40 to 50 mph with gusts to 70 mph expected. * WHERE...Guadalupe Pass. * WHEN...Until 7 AM MDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ TXZ272-273-091130- /O.EXT.KMAF.WI.Y.0016.200908T2146Z-200910T1300Z/ Van Horn and Highway 54 Corridor-Eastern Culberson County- Including the city of Van Horn 446 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Van Horn and Highway 54 Corridor, and Eastern Culberson County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/maf  173 WWAK71 PAFC 082146 NPWAER URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Anchorage AK 146 PM AKDT Tue Sep 8 2020 AKZ101-091400- /O.NEW.PAFC.FZ.A.0001.200910T1400Z-200911T1800Z/ Anchorage- Including the cities of Anchorage, Eagle River, Indian, and Eklutna 146 PM AKDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees with the coldest temperatures expected early Friday morning. * WHERE...Anchorage. * WHEN...Thursday morning and Friday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Northerly flow will usher in cooler air beginning Thursday morning. Early morning low temperatures on Thursday could potentially drop into the mid 30s with typically colder spots dropping to or slightly below freezing. Mostly clear skies and light winds overnight Thursday could allow low temperatures Friday morning to drop to near freezing with colder spots dropping into the mid to upper 20s. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A freeze watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ AKZ111-091400- /O.NEW.PAFC.FZ.A.0001.200910T1400Z-200911T1800Z/ Matanuska Valley- Including the cities of Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton, and Chickaloon 146 PM AKDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees with the coldest temperatures expected early Friday morning. * WHERE...Matanuska Valley. * WHEN...Thursday morning and Friday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Northerly flow will usher in cooler air beginning Thursday morning. Early morning low temperatures on Thursday could potentially drop into the mid 30s with typically colder spots dropping to or slightly below freezing. Mostly clear skies and light winds overnight Thursday could allow low temperatures Friday morning to drop to near freezing with colder spots dropping into the mid to upper 20s. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A freeze watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/afc  974 WSZA21 FAOR 082145 FAJO SIGMET E01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3125 E00705 - S3434 E01426 - S3836 E01355 - S3427 E00549 FL390/450=  975 WSZA21 FAOR 082148 FAJA SIGMET A01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3008 E03059 - S3029 E03200 - S3233 E03200 - S3245 E03153 - S3252 E03145 - S3029 E03200 - S3050 E03302 - S3233 E03200 - S3029 E03200 - S3252 E03145 - S3142 E02941 SFC/FL030=  976 WSZA21 FAOR 082147 FACA SIGMET A01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3142 E02941 - S3252 E03145 - S3549 E02843 - S3251 E02843 - S3142 E02941 SFC/FL030=  977 WSZA21 FAOR 082150 FACA SIGMET B01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3043 E01839 - S3433 E02221 - S3652 E02352 - S3638 E01513 - S3208 E01510 FL030/065=  978 WSZA21 FAOR 082151 FACA SIGMET C01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3057 E02238 - S3119 E02345 - S3109 E02455 - S3141 E02311 FL030/065=  979 WSZA21 FAOR 082146 FAJO SIGMET F01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJO JOHANNESBURG OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3339 E04028 - S3742 E05239 - S4326 E04856 - S3720 E03631 FL390/450=  968 WWUS84 KEPZ 082147 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 347 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ412-414-415-082230- Central Tularosa Basin NM- West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet NM- 347 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN OTERO...EAST CENTRAL SIERRA AND NORTHEASTERN DONA ANA COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM MDT... At 345 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms approaching the Three Rivers area, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Three Rivers, Sierra Blanca Peak and Three Rivers Petroglyph Site. This includes Highway 54 in New Mexico between mile markers 90 and 100. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3342 10637 3339 10637 3339 10574 3300 10646 3342 10639 TIME...MOT...LOC 2145Z 238DEG 48KT 3321 10621 $$ ROGASH  411 WSZA21 FAOR 082152 FAJA SIGMET C01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2831 E02305 - S3104 E02511 - S3109 E02455 - S3119 E02345 - S3057 E02238 - S2905 E02114 FL030/065=  412 WSZA21 FAOR 082153 FACA SIGMET D01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FACA CAPE TOWN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI S3148 E02328 - S3416 E02453 - S3435 E01853 - S3154 E01843=  413 WSZA21 FAOR 082149 FAJA SIGMET B01 VALID 082200/090200 FAOR- FAJA JOHANNESBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2328 E02722 - S2404 E02802 - S2536 E02641 - S2450 E02559 - S2446 E02601 - S2440 E02610 - S2438 E02623 - S2418 E02650 - S2338 E02700 SFC/FL065=  748 WWUS86 KMTR 082149 RFWMTR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 249 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 .A Red Flag Warning remains in effect for the North Bay Mountains, East Bay Hills, and the Santa Cruz Mountains until 8 AM Wednesday for strong and gusty north-northeast winds and dry conditions. Locally gusty offshore winds will continue across the North and East Bay Hills and Santa Cruz Mountains through Wednesday morning. In conjunction with these locally gusty offshore winds, poor overnight humidity recoveries are expected with the absence of a marine layer. Humidities will drop into the teens during the daytime hours. CAZ507-511-091500- /O.CON.KMTR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ North Bay Mountains-East Bay Hills and the Diablo Range- 249 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR STRONG WIND GUSTS AND DRY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 507 AND 511... * WIND...Sustained north to northeast winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts 30 to 45 mph above 1000 feet. Local gusts at isolated peaks and ridgetops may approach 65 mph in the North Bay. Strongest winds expected late tonight and early Wednesday morning. * HUMIDITY...Poor overnight recoveries 20 to 35 percent. Daytime humidity values 10 to 20. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Follow all burn bans currently in effect. * HIGHEST THREAT...Interior higher terrain of the North Bay Mountains and the East Bay Hills. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ CAZ512-091500- /O.CON.KMTR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T1500Z/ Santa Cruz Mountains- 249 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR LOCALLY GUSTY WINDS AND DRY CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 512... * AFFECTED AREA...Santa Cruz Mountains above 1000 feet. Fire weather zone 512. * WIND...Sustained north to northeast winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts 25 to 35 mph above 1000 feet. Strongest winds expected this evening. * HUMIDITY...Poor overnight recoveries 20 to 35 percent. Daytime humidity values 10 to 20, locally lower values possible. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Follow all burn bans currently in effect. * HIGHEST THREAT...Highest peaks, especially along the Santa Cruz/Santa Clara county line. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  695 WSNO34 ENMI 082150 ENBD SIGMET C06 VALID 082200/090200 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6200 E00500 - N6300 E00400 - N6405 E01315 - N6200 E01220 - N6200 E00500 FL240/400 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  840 WWUS84 KMAF 082150 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 350 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ028-082230- Eddy County Plains NM- 350 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN EDDY AND SOUTHWESTERN LEA COUNTIES UNTIL 430 PM MDT... At 350 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Loving, or 13 miles southeast of Carlsbad, moving northeast at 15 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Loving and Malaga. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3256 10395 3238 10372 3233 10372 3217 10403 3230 10418 TIME...MOT...LOC 2150Z 225DEG 12KT 3229 10405 $$ 84  015 WWUS86 KPQR 082150 RFWPQR URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...EXTREMELY DRY CONDITIONS CONTINUE THROUGH WEDNESDAY... ...DRY AND UNSTABLE CONDITIONS POSSIBLE THURSDAY... ORZ601-612-WAZ664-091400- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ North Oregon Coast-Central Oregon Coast- South Washington Coast and West Willapa Hills- 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 601... 612 AND 664... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 601 North Oregon Coast, and - Fire Weather Zone 612 Central Oregon Coast. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 664 South Washington Coast and West Willapa Hills. * Winds...East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. Strongest winds along exposed ridges and capes. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 25 mph remain likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ602-603-WAZ665-091400- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ North Oregon Coast Range- East Slopes of the Central Oregon Coast Range-East Willapa Hills- 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 602... 603 AND 665... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 602 North Oregon Coast Range, and - Fire Weather Zone 603 East Slopes of the Central Oregon Coast Range. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 665 East Willapa Hills. * Winds...Northeast 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. Strongest wind along exposed ridges. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 25 mph remain likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ604-WAZ667-091400- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Willamette Valley-Clark County Lowlands- 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 604 AND 667... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 604 Willamette Valley. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 667 Clark County Lowlands. * Winds...Northeast to east 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. Strongest winds towards the north across the West Hills and areas east of I-205. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 25 mph remain likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ605-606-091400- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ North Oregon Cascade Foothills-Central Oregon Cascade Foothills- 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 605 AND 606... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 605 North Oregon Cascade Foothills, and - Fire Weather Zone 606 Central Oregon Cascade Foothills. * Winds...East 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. Strongest across exposed terrain. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 30 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 5 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ ORZ607-608-WAZ663-091400- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Mt. Hood National Forest West of Cascade Crest- Willamette National Forest- Eastern Gifford Pinchot National Forest Mt Adams Ranger District- 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 607... 608 AND 663... * Affected Area... In Oregon... - Fire Weather Zone 607 Mt. Hood National Forest West of Cascade Crest, and - Fire Weather Zone 608 Willamette National Forest. In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 663 Eastern Gifford Pinchot National Forest Mt Adams Ranger District. * Winds...East 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Strongest winds along exposed ridges. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 30 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 5 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ WAZ660-091400- /O.CON.KPQR.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Extreme South Washington Cascades and Foothills- 250 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONE 660... * Affected Area... In Washington... - Fire Weather Zone 660 Extreme South Washington Cascades and Foothills. * Winds...East 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Strongest winds along exposed ridges. Winds will begin to subside this evening, but gusts up to 30 mph are likely. * Relative Humidity...As low as 10 percent. Poor overnight humidity recoveries. * Impacts...Conditions may be favorable for rapid fire spread which may threaten life and property. Use extra caution with potential ignition sources, especially in grassy areas. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of the above conditions can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$ For more information visit: http://weather.gov/portland  960 WUUS53 KSGF 082152 SVRSGF MOC105-169-082245- /O.NEW.KSGF.SV.W.0253.200908T2152Z-200908T2245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Springfield MO 452 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Springfield has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Laclede County in southwestern Missouri... Pulaski County in central Missouri... * Until 545 PM CDT. * At 451 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 7 miles southwest of Richland to 13 miles west of Fort Leonard Wood to 8 miles southeast of Lebanon, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Fort Leonard Wood... Waynesville... St. Robert... Richland... Stoutland... Laquey... Devil's Elbow... Ozark Springs... Dry Knob... Falcon... This includes Interstate 44 between mile markers 138 and 167. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3761 9203 3758 9263 3771 9251 3780 9256 3783 9250 3782 9246 3787 9241 3800 9203 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 265DEG 16KT 3777 9247 3771 9241 3760 9254 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Wise  788 WWUS53 KIWX 082152 SVSIWX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 552 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC001-003-179-082202- /O.CAN.KIWX.SV.W.0104.000000T0000Z-200908T2215Z/ Allen IN-Wells IN-Adams IN- 552 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ALLEN... NORTHEASTERN WELLS AND NORTHWESTERN ADAMS COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However small hail, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. Please relay any reports to local law enforcement or emergency management officials. LAT...LON 4085 8526 4092 8526 4097 8497 4079 8497 TIME...MOT...LOC 2151Z 268DEG 16KT 4089 8502 $$ FISHER  467 WWUS53 KIND 082153 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 553 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC157-082203- /O.CAN.KIND.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-200908T2215Z/ Tippecanoe IN- 553 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL TIPPECANOE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 4032 8645 4026 8669 4044 8669 4049 8654 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 258DEG 14KT 4035 8663 $$ INC015-023-082215- /O.CON.KIND.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-200908T2215Z/ Carroll IN-Clinton IN- 553 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM EDT FOR SOUTH CENTRAL CARROLL AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES... At 553 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northwest of Frankfort, moving east at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Rossville and Mulberry. This includes Interstate 65 between mile markers 159 and 160. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 4032 8645 4026 8669 4044 8669 4049 8654 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 258DEG 14KT 4035 8663 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ 50  785 WSFR34 LFPW 082153 LFMM SIGMET 9 VALID 082200/090200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4015 E00700 - N4015 E00430 - N4200 E00430 - N4200 E00415 - N4215 E00415 - N4215 E00515 - N4015 E00700 TOP FL370 MOV N 05KT NC=  036 WWUS83 KIWX 082154 SPSIWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Northern Indiana 554 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INZ027-082230- Adams- 554 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT NORTHERN ADAMS COUNTY... At 553 PM EDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 4 miles northwest of Decatur, moving east at 20 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph and half inch hail are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Monmouth. && LAT...LON 4087 8505 4092 8503 4092 8484 4085 8485 TIME...MOT...LOC 2153Z 267DEG 16KT 4089 8502 $$ HAIL...0.50IN WIND...40MPH FISHER  251 WSVS31 VVGL 082155 VVNB SIGMET 7 VALID 082200/090100 VVGL- VVNB HANOI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1715 E10640 - N2215 E10215 - N2310 E10510 - N2110 E10810 - N1915 E10705 - N1805 E10745 - N1715 E10640 TOP FL510 STNR NC=  770 WWUS84 KMAF 082155 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 455 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ271>273-082245- Van Horn and Highway 54 Corridor TX-Eastern Culberson County TX- Guadalupe and Delaware Mountains TX- 455 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHWESTERN CULBERSON COUNTY UNTIL 545 PM CDT... At 455 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 23 miles southeast of Salt Flat, or 26 miles south of Pine Springs, moving northeast at 10 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Culberson County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3140 10482 3157 10488 3172 10462 3144 10448 TIME...MOT...LOC 2155Z 247DEG 9KT 3151 10479 $$ 84  784 WSUS32 KKCI 082155 SIGC MKCC WST 082155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 94C VALID UNTIL 2355Z IA FROM 40S FOD-50SSW DSM LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 95C VALID UNTIL 2355Z LA TX FROM 30SSW GGG-50WSW AEX-20ENE LCH-50SE IAH-30SSW GGG AREA TS MOV FROM 16015KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 96C VALID UNTIL 2355Z TX OK KS FROM 40SW ICT-30ENE END-40ENE SJT-SJT-40SE LBB-40SW ICT AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 97C VALID UNTIL 2355Z MO OK KS FROM 20WSW UIN-30SSW STL-30SE SGF-40ENE END-30NW BUM-20WSW UIN AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 98C VALID UNTIL 2355Z IA NE FROM 10NNE OBH-30NE OVR-50WNW PWE-40ENE MCK-10NNE OBH AREA TS MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 99C VALID UNTIL 2355Z TX FROM 40S ADM-60ENE TTT-20WSW GGG LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 17020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 01C VALID UNTIL 2355Z CO NM AZ FROM 30SSE DBL-20WSW PUB-30N ABQ-80ENE INW-30SSE DBL AREA TS MOV FROM 22050KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 02C VALID UNTIL 2355Z IN IL FROM 40E BVT-20NE STL LINE SEV TS 50 NM WIDE MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS TO FL360. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 03C VALID UNTIL 2355Z TX NM FROM 60ESE CME-20WSW FST-20NW MRF-30N ELP-60ESE CME AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 04C VALID UNTIL 2355Z TX FROM 40S CWK-10WSW PSX-30NW CRP-10SW SAT-40S CWK DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 19010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 05C VALID UNTIL 2355Z TX NM FROM 40SE LBB-30N INK LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 30015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CELL MOV FROM 20010KT. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 06C VALID UNTIL 2355Z NM FROM 20SE ABQ-40WSW CME-30N ELP-10NW TCS-50SSW ABQ-20SE ABQ AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. NRN PTN DMSHG. OUTLOOK VALID 082355-090355 FROM FSD-DLL-JOT-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-AEX-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-FSD WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  785 WSUS31 KKCI 082155 SIGE MKCE WST 082155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 71E VALID UNTIL 2355Z OH MI IN LE FROM 20S DXO-20SW FWA LINE SEV TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25025KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 72E VALID UNTIL 2355Z NC AND NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 50E ORF-120ESE ECG-170ESE ILM-30S ILM-30N ILM-50E ORF DMSHG AREA TS MOV FROM 14015KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 73E VALID UNTIL 2355Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 20NW TRV-30N PBI-10SSE MIA-50WSW MIA-30WNW RSW-20NW TRV AREA TS MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 74E VALID UNTIL 2355Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW CTY-40SSW CRG-20E ORL-30ENE SRQ-20WSW PIE-40NW CTY AREA TS MOV FROM 06010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 082355-090355 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-60SSW TLH-LEV-MHZ-AMG-GSO-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  983 WSUS33 KKCI 082155 SIGW MKCW WST 082155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16W VALID UNTIL 2355Z NM AZ FROM 80N SJN-60NE SJN-30E SJN-50NE PHX-30SE DRK-80N SJN AREA TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 082355-090355 FROM ALS-30NNW TCC-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-ALS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  614 WWUS84 KTSA 082157 SPSTSA Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Tulsa OK 457 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ055-056-082230- Nowata OK-Washington OK- 457 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTHERN WASHINGTON AND NORTHWESTERN NOWATA COUNTIES UNTIL 530 PM CDT... At 456 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 3 miles northeast of Hulah, moving east at 20 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations in or near the path include... Copan... Wann... LAT...LON 3693 9565 3687 9600 3700 9600 3700 9568 TIME...MOT...LOC 2156Z 251DEG 18KT 3697 9599 $$  050 WSAU21 AMMC 082157 YBBB SIGMET C06 VALID 082230/090230 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2710 E16230 - S3610 E15630 - S3340 E15250 - S2100 E16220 FL320/420 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  358 WWUS84 KCRP 082158 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 458 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ231-232-082245- Live Oak-Bee- 458 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL LIVE OAK AND NORTHWESTERN BEE COUNTIES... At 458 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located over Karon, or 13 miles west of Beeville, moving north at 10 mph. Locations impacted include... Mineral, Pawnee, Nell and Karon. LAT...LON 2869 9801 2869 9800 2872 9792 2869 9788 2868 9785 2841 9783 2837 9803 2872 9811 2872 9804 TIME...MOT...LOC 2158Z 169DEG 10KT 2847 9796 $$ PH  201 WSMX31 MMMX 082201 MMEX SIGMET F1 VALID 082159/090159 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2159Z WI N1632 W09503 N1548 W09303 N1432 W09214 N1449 W09055 N1719 W09128 N1809 W09527 N1918 W09519 N1859 W09610 N1629 W09519 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  225 WGUS84 KOUN 082201 FLSOUN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Norman OK 501 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC155-197-487-090115- /O.NEW.KOUN.FA.Y.0140.200908T2201Z-200909T0115Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Foard TX-Hardeman TX-Wilbarger TX- 501 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Southeastern Foard County in northern Texas... Southeastern Hardeman County in northern Texas... Southwestern Wilbarger County in northern Texas... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 501 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Thalia and Rayland. Additional rainfall of 1 to 2 inches is expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, farmland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3382 9965 3403 9963 3415 9947 3401 9939 3393 9944 3383 9947 3383 9948 3381 9948 3379 9948 3381 9963 3382 9964 $$ Mahale  231 WWUS83 KILX 082202 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 502 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ILZ052>054-061-082245- Macon-Christian-Moultrie-Shelby- 502 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL CHRISTIAN...NORTHERN MOULTRIE...NORTHWESTERN SHELBY AND SOUTHEASTERN MACON COUNTIES UNTIL 545 PM CDT... At 502 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Assumption, or 12 miles northwest of Shelbyville, moving northeast at 35 mph. Penny size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Bethany, Lovington, Dalton City, Cadwell and Lake City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3943 8896 3959 8906 3979 8870 3978 8851 3970 8848 TIME...MOT...LOC 2202Z 231DEG 29KT 3955 8894 $$ Shimon  014 WWUS84 KCRP 082202 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 502 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ231-232-082245- Live Oak-Bee- 502 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL AFFECT EAST CENTRAL LIVE OAK AND NORTHWESTERN BEE COUNTIES... At 501 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Karon, or 12 miles west of Beeville, moving north at 10 mph. Winds in excess of 40 mph are possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mineral, Karon and Pawnee. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. LAT...LON 2869 9788 2868 9784 2841 9783 2838 9803 2866 9814 2870 9789 TIME...MOT...LOC 2201Z 166DEG 7KT 2847 9795 $$ PH  117 WWUS85 KFGZ 082203 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 303 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ018-082245- Northern Gila County- 303 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR THE PAYSON AREA IN GILA COUNTY UNTIL 345 PM MST... At 303 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Star Valley to Payson to 6 miles west of Oxbow Estates. Movement was east at 40 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Payson, Star Valley, Oxbow Estates, Round Valley, Haigler Creek, Mesa Del Caballo, Young, Bear Flat, Alderwood Campground, Ponderosa Campground, Houston Mesa Campground and Haigler Canyon Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3420 11160 3428 11140 3432 11119 3423 11075 3412 11075 3410 11093 TIME...MOT...LOC 2203Z 278DEG 35KT 3423 11121 3423 11132 3421 11145 $$  100 WHUS76 KSEW 082204 MWWSEW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 304 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 PZZ130-131-090300- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- Central U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca- 304 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...West Entrance U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Central U. S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ PZZ150-090300- /O.EXT.KSEW.SC.Y.0193.000000T0000Z-200909T0300Z/ Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm- 304 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm. * WHEN...Until 8 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Small Craft Advisory means that wind speeds of 21 to 33 knots and/or seas 10 feet or higher are expected to produce hazardous wave conditions to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels should avoid navigating in these conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/seattle  358 WSCO31 SKBO 082150 SKED SIGMET B1 VALID 082200/090030 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2140Z WI N0345 W07036 - N0155 W07036 - N0144 W06958 - N0149 W06835 - N0333 W06826 - N0345 W07036 TOP FL490 MOV W 8KT INTSF=  710 WSVS31 VVGL 082205 VVTS SIGMET 4 VALID 082205/090205 VVGL- VVTS HO CHI MINH FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0700 E10455 - N1030 E10645 - N1245 E11215 - N0900 E11125 - N0700 E10800 - N0700 E10455 TOP FL470 MOV W 07KT NC=  167 WANO32 ENMI 082205 ENSV AIRMET B03 VALID 082230/090230 ENVV- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N5905 E00435 - N6110 E00445 - N6110 E00730 - N5830 E00730 - N5835 E00535 - N5905 E00435 FL070/200 STNR NC=  705 WUUS54 KOUN 082207 SVROUN OKC075-082230- /O.NEW.KOUN.SV.W.0720.200908T2207Z-200908T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Norman OK 507 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Kiowa County in southwestern Oklahoma... * Until 530 PM CDT. * At 507 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Tom Steed Reservoir, moving north at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mountain Park, Roosevelt and Tom Steed Reservoir. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3488 9910 3488 9896 3481 9883 3466 9898 3468 9905 3469 9904 3470 9905 3469 9910 3470 9912 TIME...MOT...LOC 2207Z 200DEG 12KT 3474 9903 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JT  229 WWUS84 KLCH 082207 SPSLCH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles LA Issued by National Weather Service Brownsville TX 507 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ259-260-082245- Northern Newton TX-Northern Jasper TX- 507 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 501 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a few strong thunderstorms NEAR Bon Weir, Newton and Jasper moving northwest at 20 mph. The cluster of storms are propagating north spreading across much of northern portions of Jasper and Newton Counties Winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Heavy rainfall is also occurring with these storms with rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches and possible isolated amounts near 3 inches. Localized flooding of low-lying areas is possible. Locations impacted include... Newton, Bon Weir, Burkeville, Browndell, Jamestown, Farrsville, Harrisburg, Mayflower, Stringtown and Wiergate. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Occasional cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3082 9356 3080 9358 3077 9359 3076 9361 3072 9361 3070 9362 3064 9368 3110 9412 3116 9390 3117 9370 TIME...MOT...LOC 2201Z 155DEG 23KT 3081 9368 $$ 59  940 WSMS31 WMKK 082209 WBFC SIGMET E02 VALID 082215/090115 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0625 E11625 - N0307 E11247 - N0130 E10830 - N0215 E10830 - N0635 E11407 - N0625 E11625 TOP FL530 MOV W 10KT NC=  061 WWUS83 KICT 082210 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 510 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 KSZ098-099-082345- Montgomery KS-Chautauqua KS- 510 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Montgomery County in southeastern Kansas... Eastern Chautauqua County in southeastern Kansas... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 507 PM CDT...National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking a strong thunderstorm over Caney...moving northeast at 20 mph. wind gusts up to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. * Locations impacted include... Coffeyville, Independence, Cherryvale, Caney, Dearing, Elk City, Tyro, Peru, Liberty, Havana, Bolton, Sycamore, Niotaze, Elk City Lake, Elk City State Park, Hale, Independence Airport and Coffeyville Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared to take shelter in the event the storms intensify and become severe...or a warning is issued by the National Weather Service. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3703 9616 3730 9601 3730 9596 3739 9596 3739 9568 3734 9552 3713 9552 3700 9561 3700 9609 TIME...MOT...LOC 2209Z 212DEG 18KT 3702 9593 $$ Martin  019 WSMS31 WMKK 082210 WBFC SIGMET E03 VALID 082215/082315 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR CNL SIGMET E01 082015/082315=  176 WWUS53 KIND 082210 SVSIND Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 610 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 INC015-023-082220- /O.EXP.KIND.SV.W.0126.000000T0000Z-200908T2215Z/ Carroll IN-Clinton IN- 610 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL CARROLL AND NORTHWESTERN CLINTON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 615 PM EDT... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. LAT...LON 4032 8645 4026 8669 4044 8669 4049 8654 TIME...MOT...LOC 2210Z 248DEG 17KT 4038 8654 $$ 50  011 WSCO31 SKBO 082211 SIGMET SKED SIGMET B1 VALID 082200/090030 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2140Z WI N0345 W07036 - N0155 W07036 - N0144 W06958 - N0149 W06835 - N0333 W06826 - N0345 W07036 TOP FL490 MOV W 8KT INTSF=  554 WUUS54 KEPZ 082211 SVREPZ NMC035-082300- /O.NEW.KEPZ.SV.W.0045.200908T2211Z-200908T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service El Paso TX 411 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in El Paso has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Otero County in south central New Mexico... * Until 500 PM MDT. * At 409 PM MDT, severe thunderstorms were moving into the area between Alamogordo and Orogrande, moving northeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * Locations impacted include... Timberon, Sacramento, Orogrande, Cloudcroft, Alamogordo, Sunspot, Mayhill, Silver Lake, Burro Flats, High Rolls, La Luz, Mountain Park, Holloman Air Force Base, Sixteen Springs, Benson Ridge, Hay Canyon, Cox Canyon, Boles Acres, Karr Canyon and Dry Canyon. This includes the following highways... Highway 70 in New Mexico between mile markers 207 and 212. Highway 54 in New Mexico between mile markers 24 and 74. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3230 10623 3269 10609 3301 10605 3305 10548 3228 10562 TIME...MOT...LOC 2209Z 238DEG 48KT 3312 10583 HAIL...1.75IN WIND...70MPH $$ ROGASH  281 WABZ23 SBGL 082211 SBBS AIRMET 3 VALID 082215/090215 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 3000M FU FCST WI S1547 W05659 - S1501 W05644 - S1528 W05440 - S1635 W05500 - S1547 W05659 STNR NC=  082 WWUS84 KEWX 082212 SPSEWX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 512 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ189-205-206-082300- Comal TX-Bexar TX-Kendall TX- 512 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN KENDALL...NORTHWESTERN BEXAR AND WESTERN COMAL COUNTIES UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 512 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hollywood Park, or over San Antonio Int Airport, moving north at 25 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... San Antonio, Live Oak, Boerne, San Antonio Int Airport, Canyon Lake, Leon Valley, Helotes, Fair Oaks Ranch, Kirby, Alamo Heights, Windcrest, Terrell Hills, Bulverde, Shavano Park, Hollywood Park, Cross Mountain, Olmos Park, Walnut Grove, Guadalupe River State Park and The Dominion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 2948 9833 2943 9869 2989 9883 2995 9842 2994 9841 2995 9840 2995 9839 TIME...MOT...LOC 2212Z 170DEG 21KT 2957 9848 $$ MO  799 WGUS84 KSHV 082213 FLSSHV Flood Advisory National Weather Service Shreveport LA 513 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC005-073-347-090115- /O.NEW.KSHV.FA.Y.0056.200908T2213Z-200909T0115Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Angelina TX-Cherokee TX-Nacogdoches TX- 513 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Shreveport has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Central Angelina County in eastern Texas... Southwestern Nacogdoches County in eastern Texas... Southeastern Cherokee County in northeastern Texas... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 513 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Up to 1 inch of rain has fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Hudson, Huntington, Wells, Pollok, Douglass, Redland, Clawson, Central, Homer, Shawnee, Linwood and Lilbert. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets, and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3126 9439 3109 9458 3128 9478 3145 9496 3148 9499 3178 9508 3173 9485 3156 9467 $$ 05  476 WGUS84 KSJT 082217 FLSSJT Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Angelo TX 517 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC151-090115- /O.NEW.KSJT.FA.Y.0064.200908T2217Z-200909T0115Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Fisher TX- 517 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Northeastern Fisher County in west central Texas... * Until 815 PM CDT. * At 517 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms across northeast Fisher County. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Additional heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small streams and low water crossings. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Hamlin, Roby, Mccaulley, Sylvester and Hitson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3265 10015 3269 10032 3272 10037 3283 10041 3296 10026 3296 10014 $$ 21  622 WWUS84 KOUN 082219 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 519 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ085-088-082245- Wilbarger TX-Baylor TX- 519 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southwestern Wilbarger and northwestern Baylor Counties Until 545 PM CDT... AT 516 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 6 miles southeast of Chillicothe to 10 miles northwest of Lake Kemp to 4 miles northeast of Bomarton, moving northeast at 15 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Locations impacted include... Vernon, Seymour, Red Springs, Lockett, Lake Kemp and Bomarton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3349 9947 3423 9948 3429 9932 3401 9919 3361 9923 TIME...MOT...LOC 2216Z 228DEG 15KT 3419 9944 3388 9932 3355 9938 $$ Mahale  557 WABZ23 SBGL 082219 SBBS AIRMET 3 VALID 082220/090200 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SFC VIS 3000M FU OBS AT 2200Z WI S2142 W04747 - S2141 W04659 - S2218 W04655 - S2220 W04741 - S2142 W04747 STNR NC=  853 WWUS54 KOUN 082219 SVSOUN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 519 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKC075-082230- /O.CON.KOUN.SV.W.0720.000000T0000Z-200908T2230Z/ Kiowa OK- 519 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM CDT FOR CENTRAL KIOWA COUNTY... At 519 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Tom Steed Reservoir, moving north at 15 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Roosevelt and Tom Steed Reservoir. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3488 9910 3488 9896 3481 9883 3472 9903 3475 9908 TIME...MOT...LOC 2219Z 200DEG 12KT 3478 9901 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ JT  542 WWUS83 KEAX 082223 SPSEAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 523 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOZ039-045-082300- Saline MO-Pettis MO- 523 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR NORTH CENTRAL PETTIS AND SOUTHERN SALINE COUNTIES UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 522 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Sweet Springs, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Marshall, Sweet Springs, Malta Bend, Blackburn and Mount Leonard. This includes Interstate 70 in Missouri between mile markers 67 and 80. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3887 9328 3904 9349 3911 9349 3928 9329 3910 9295 TIME...MOT...LOC 2222Z 217DEG 28KT 3901 9332 $$ Grana  260 WSBZ01 SBBR 082200 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0301 W06936 - N0142 W06851 - N0148 W06714 - N0111 W06706 - N0047 W06613 - N0047 W06526 - N0209 W06314 - N0328 W06351 - N0457 W06025 - N0354 W05945 - N0248 W06001 - N0121 W06213 - S0034 W06134 - S0100 W05847 - S0652 W05959 - S0526 W06557 - S0301 W06936 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  261 WSBZ01 SBBR 082200 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0320 W05710 - S0026 W05702 - S0015 W05347 - S0418 W05442 - S0320 W05710 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  262 WSBZ01 SBBR 082200 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 082000/082400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2441 W05119 - S2644 W04342 - S3149 W04816 - S2955 W05424 - S2441 W05119 FL 110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  263 WSBZ01 SBBR 082200 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0346 W06947 - S0557 W06515 - S1034 W07021 - S0924 W07026 - S0958 W07151 - S0734 W07341 - S0454 W07214 - S0428 W07000 - S0346 W06947 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  264 WSBZ01 SBBR 082200 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0014 W05518 - N0119 W05522 - N0230 W05004 - N0019 W04940 - S0105 W04511 - S0346 W04739 - N0005 W05224 - N0014 W05518 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  331 WWUS84 KMAF 082224 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 524 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ047-082300- Borden TX- 524 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL BORDEN COUNTY UNTIL 600 PM CDT... At 524 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Gail, moving southeast at 5 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Gail. LAT...LON 3272 10167 3287 10154 3276 10129 3255 10148 TIME...MOT...LOC 2224Z 307DEG 5KT 3276 10155 $$ 87  499 WSNO31 ENMI 082225 ENOS SIGMET A01 VALID 090001/090400 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5840 E00730 - N6200 E00730 - N6200 E01212 - N6000 E01225 - N5840 E00730 FL260/390 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  396 WWUS76 KPQR 082226 AAA NPWPQR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Portland OR 326 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ORZ010-WAZ040-090200- /O.CON.KPQR.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T0200Z/ Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills- South Washington Cascade Foothills- Including the cities of Sandy, Estacada, Silver Falls State Park, Sweet Home, Toutle, Ariel, Lake Merwin, Yale Lake, and Cougar 326 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...East winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. Locally stronger wind gusts are possible across ridge tops. * WHERE...In Washington, South Washington Cascade Foothills. In Oregon, Northern Oregon Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. Winds should decrease during the evening hours * IMPACTS...Tree limbs or even whole trees could be blown down. Be prepared for power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Some roads could be impassable due to downed trees and power lines. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ ORZ011-WAZ019-090200- /O.CON.KPQR.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200909T0200Z/ Northern Oregon Cascades-South Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Government Camp, Detroit, Santiam Pass, Coldwater Ridge Visitors Center, Mount St. Helens, and Wind River Valley 326 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING ABOVE 2000 FEET... * WHAT...East winds 25 to 40 mph with some gusts 50 to 55 mph. Winds will gradually decrease late this afternoon and evening. * WHERE...South Washington Cascades and Northern Oregon Cascades. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Tree limbs and even whole trees will be susceptible to being blown down. Be prepared for power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Widespread blowing dust is likely around Mount Saint Helens and Mt Hood. Some roads could be impassable due to downed trees and power lines. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ ORZ001>004-006>008-WAZ039-090200- /O.CON.KPQR.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-200909T0200Z/ North Oregon Coast-Central Oregon Coast- Coast Range of Northwest Oregon- Central Coast Range of Western Oregon-Greater Portland Metro Area- Central Willamette Valley-South Willamette Valley- Greater Vancouver Area- Including the cities of Astoria, Cannon Beach, Tillamook, Netarts, Pacific City, Lincoln City, Newport, Cape Foulweather, Yachats, Florence, Vernonia, Jewell, Sunset Summit, Lees Camp, Trask, Grande Ronde, Burnt Woods, Tidewater, Swisshome, Veneta, Hillsboro, Portland, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Gresham, Troutdale, Salem, McMinnville, Woodburn, Stayton, Dallas, Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Albany, Lebanon, Vancouver, Battle Ground, Ridgefield, Washougal, Yacolt, and Amboy 326 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 30 mph with some gusts up to 45 mph. * WHERE...Northwest Oregon Coast range, the northern Willamette Valley, and the greater Portland-Vancouver Metro Area. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Some small tree limbs could be blown down and additional power outages are possible. Some roads may be impassable through the afternoon due to trees or power lines across roads from stronger winds overnight and earlier today. * FIRE CONCERNS...Conditions remain favorable for rapid fire spread. Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/portland  432 WGUS84 KLUB 082226 FLSLUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Lubbock TX 526 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC125-082236- /O.CAN.KLUB.FA.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-200909T0045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickens TX- 526 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR SOUTHEASTERN DICKENS COUNTY... Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. LAT...LON 3357 10028 3365 10035 3379 10022 3383 10000 3373 10000 3366 9999 3364 9999 3363 9999 3352 10019 $$ TXC269-090045- /O.CON.KLUB.FA.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-200909T0045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ King TX- 526 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR NORTHEASTERN KING COUNTY... At 526 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms has diminished. Overflowing poor drainage areas will cause minor flooding east of Guthrie. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Guthrie. Additional rainfall of up to one half inch is expected over the area. This additional rain will prolong in minor flooding. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, country roads, ranchland, and other low lying spots. && LAT...LON 3357 10028 3365 10035 3379 10022 3383 10000 3373 10000 3366 9999 3364 9999 3363 9999 3352 10019 $$ 26  469 WHUS52 KMHX 082228 SMWMHX AMZ158-082330- /O.NEW.KMHX.MA.W.0138.200908T2228Z-200908T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Special Marine Warning National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 628 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Newport has issued a * Special Marine Warning for... S of Cape Lookout NC to Surf City NC out to 20 nm... * Until 730 PM EDT. * At 627 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing waterspouts was located near Ar345, or 7 nm southeast of Bogue Inlet, moving west at 15 knots. HAZARD...Waterspouts and wind gusts to 40 knots. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and suddenly higher waves. * Locations impacted include... Ar342. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Thunderstorms can produce sudden waterspouts. Waterspouts can easily overturn boats and create locally hazardous seas. Seek safe harbor immediately. && LAT...LON 3461 7703 3448 7698 3436 7728 3458 7735 TIME...MOT...LOC 2227Z 075DEG 13KT 3452 7706 WATERSPOUT...POSSIBLE HAIL...0.00IN WIND...40KTS $$ SGK  108 WWUS53 KSGF 082228 SVSSGF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 528 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOC105-169-082237- /O.CAN.KSGF.SV.W.0253.000000T0000Z-200908T2245Z/ Laclede MO-Pulaski MO- 528 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LACLEDE AND PULASKI COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. LAT...LON 3761 9203 3758 9263 3771 9251 3780 9256 3783 9250 3782 9246 3787 9241 3800 9203 TIME...MOT...LOC 2225Z 265DEG 16KT 3778 9228 3772 9222 3761 9235 $$ Wise  056 WWUS84 KOUN 082229 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 529 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ022-023-035-082300- Kiowa OK-Washita OK-Caddo OK- 529 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northeastern Kiowa...southeastern Washita and southwestern Caddo Counties Until 600 PM CDT... AT 526 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 8 miles south of Carnegie, moving northeast at 20 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 40 MPH... Heavy rain can lead to reduced visibility... LAT...LON 3486 9858 3497 9876 3525 9860 3508 9832 TIME...MOT...LOC 2226Z 214DEG 16KT 3498 9863 $$ JT  976 WUUS54 KOUN 082230 SVROUN TXC023-487-082315- /O.NEW.KOUN.SV.W.0721.200908T2230Z-200908T2315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Norman OK 530 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Norman has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Wilbarger County in northern Texas... Northern Baylor County in northern Texas... * Until 615 PM CDT. * At 530 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 12 miles southwest of Grayback to 3 miles west of Lake Kemp to 3 miles northwest of Seymour, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lake Kemp, Harrold, Grayback and Lake Diversion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3359 9935 3370 9936 3385 9942 3411 9905 3403 9895 3378 9895 TIME...MOT...LOC 2230Z 223DEG 23KT 3385 9933 3376 9929 3363 9931 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Mahale  171 WSRS31 RURD 082230 URRV SIGMET 15 VALID 082230/090230 URRR- URRV ROSTOV FIR EMBD TSGR FCST SE OF LINE N5020 E04724 - N4423 E03651 - N4243 E03622 TOP FL380 MOV ENE 20KMH INTSF=  647 WSRA31 RUYK 082231 UEEE SIGMET 1 VALID 082300/090300 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6433 E12123 - N6415 E13217 - N5911 E13248 - N5601 E12851 - N5737 E12046 - N6433 E12123 FL180/370 STNR NC=  922 WABZ23 SBGL 082231 SBBS AIRMET 4 VALID 082232/090215 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL AIRMET 3 082215/090215=  021 WWUS83 KSGF 082233 SPSSGF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 533 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOZ058-071-082315- Maries MO-Phelps MO- 533 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR MARIES AND NORTHERN PHELPS COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM CDT... At 533 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Dixon, or 16 miles northwest of Rolla, moving northeast at 40 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... St. James... Belle... Vienna... Brinktown... Vichy... Rosati... This includes Interstate 44 between mile markers 196 and 200. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3827 9164 3816 9164 3815 9153 3801 9153 3799 9202 3801 9203 3802 9217 3806 9219 3815 9218 3829 9190 3829 9165 TIME...MOT...LOC 2233Z 245DEG 33KT 3805 9205 $$ Wise  244 WWUS84 KEPZ 082234 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 434 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ421-422-082315- Southern Hudspeth Highlands TX-Salt Basin TX- 434 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR EAST CENTRAL HUDSPETH COUNTY UNTIL 515 PM MDT... At 432 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms over eastern Hudspeth County, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Sunset Ranches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with thewe storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3119 10527 3148 10526 3153 10491 3112 10491 TIME...MOT...LOC 2232Z 239DEG 48KT 3148 10543 $$ ROGASH  926 WSAU21 AMMC 082234 YMMM SIGMET I23 VALID 082245/090245 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4210 E15640 - S4020 E15850 - S4520 E16300 - S4900 E16300 FL160/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  927 WSAU21 AMMC 082234 YBBB SIGMET D06 VALID 082245/090245 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4210 E15640 - S4020 E15850 - S4520 E16300 - S4900 E16300 FL160/280 MOV E 35KT NC=  353 WSSP32 LEMM 082232 LECB SIGMET 12 VALID 082300/090205 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N4221 E00233 - N4225 E00315 - N42 E00445 - N4012 E00442 - N3925 E00111 - N3958 E00007 - N4221 E00233 TOP FL370 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  299 WSJP31 RJTD 082240 RJJJ SIGMET R01 VALID 082240/090240 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR FRQ TS FCST WI N2420 E14550 - N2540 E15000 - N2100 E15346 - N2100 E14925 - N2420 E14550 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 10KT INTSF=  014 WAIS31 LLBD 082233 LLLL AIRMET 5 VALID 082300/090300 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3320 E03525 - N3253 E03558 - N3010 E03440 - N3043 E03426 - N3320 E03525 STNR INTSF=  210 WWUS81 KRNK 082240 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 640 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 VAZ058-059-082345- Halifax-Charlotte- 640 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A LINE OF BRIEF HEAVY RAIN SHOWERS AND GUSTY WINDS WILL MOVE INTO THE EASTERN PARTS OF CHARLOTTE AND HALIFAX COUNTIES THROUGH 745 PM EDT... At 637 PM EDT, radar indicated showers were located along a line extending from near Wylliesburg to Alton. Movement was west at 25 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph are possible with these showers along with brief heavy rainfall. Locations impacted include... South Boston... Redoak... Clover... Scottsburg... Hitesburg... Cluster Springs... and Staunton River State Park. LAT...LON 3689 7849 3670 7865 3663 7855 3669 7865 3669 7868 3668 7870 3654 7873 3654 7902 3672 7891 3701 7852 3699 7847 TIME...MOT...LOC 2237Z 069DEG 24KT 3673 7809 3620 7895 $$ RAB  163 WWUS45 KBOU 082241 WSWBOU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 441 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER SNOW AND RECORD COLD IS HERE... .A mix of rain and snow across the plains will turn to all snow early this evening and become heavier. The Front Range Mountains and Foothills will also see heavier snow become more widespread. Snow falling on trees that are still in full leaf may cause branches and limbs to break tonight, resulting in scattered power outages. Variable road conditions in the mountains and foothills will become more snow covered and slushy through this evening as the heavier snow moves in. The weather system is expected to weaken Wednesday with lingering light snowfall ending and conditions improving through the day. COZ033>037-041-090645- /O.CON.KBOU.WS.W.0006.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ South and East Jackson/Larimer/North and Northeast Grand/ Northwest Boulder Counties Above 9000 Feet- South and Southeast Grand/West Central and Southwest Boulder/ Gilpin/Clear Creek/Summit/North and West Park Counties Above 9000 Feet-Larimer and Boulder Counties Between 6000 and 9000 Feet- Jefferson and West Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet/Gilpin/Clear Creek/Northeast Park Counties Below 9000 Feet- Central and Southeast Park County- Elbert/Central and East Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet- Including Cameron Pass, Laramie and Medicine Bow Mountains, Rabbit Ears Range, Rocky Mountain National Park, Willow Creek Pass, Berthoud Pass, Breckenridge, East Slopes Mosquito Range, East Slopes Southern Gore Range, Eisenhower Tunnel, Indian Peaks, Kenosha Mountains, Mount Evans, Williams Fork Mountains, Winter Park, Estes Park, Glendevey, Nederland, Red Feather Lakes, Bailey, Central City, Evergreen, Georgetown, Idaho Springs, Westcreek, Fairplay, Hartsel, Lake George, South Park, Castle Rock, Elbert, Fondis, Kiowa, and Larkspur 441 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 14 inches, 5 to 10 inches over the Palmer Divide and Park County, and 1 to 4 inches in the valleys west of the Front Range. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...The Front Range Mountains and Foothills, Park County, and the Palmer Divide. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ038>040-042-043-045-046-090645- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T1800Z/ Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County- Boulder And Jefferson Counties Below 6000 Feet/West Broomfield County- North Douglas County Below 6000 Feet/Denver/West Adams and Arapahoe Counties/East Broomfield County-Northeast Weld County- Central and South Weld County- Central and East Adams and Arapahoe Counties- North and Northeast Elbert County Below 6000 Feet/North Lincoln County- Including Fort Collins, Hereford, Loveland, Nunn, Arvada, Boulder, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, Aurora, Brighton, City of Denver, Denver International Airport, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Parker, Briggsdale, Grover, Pawnee Buttes, Raymer, Stoneham, Eaton, Fort Lupton, Greeley, Roggen, Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail, Leader, Agate, Hugo, Limon, and Matheson 441 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Mixed rain and snow changing to all snow early this evening. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches, heaviest near the foothills. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The Front Range I-25 Corridor, and adjacent plains east to Greeley and Limon. * WHEN...Until noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Snow accumulating on trees which are still in full leaf may break tree limbs and result in scattered power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ COZ031-090645- /O.CON.KBOU.WW.Y.0023.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet- Including Mt Zirkel 441 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...East Slopes Park and Northern Gore Ranges, Gore Pass, Rabbit Ears Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could become difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds in combination with the snow could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  184 WWUS84 KMAF 082243 SPSMAF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 543 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ034-TXZ059-060-067-274-082330- Southern Lea County NM-Loving TX-Ward TX-Reeves County Plains TX- Winkler TX- 543 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN LEA...CENTRAL REEVES... NORTHWESTERN WARD...WESTERN WINKLER AND LOVING COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM CDT/530 PM MDT/... At 542 PM CDT/442 PM MDT/, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 25 miles southwest of Eunice Airport to 12 miles northeast of Mentone to 8 miles northwest of Pecos. Movement was east at 15 mph. Penny size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Jal, Wink, Mentone, Barstow, Jal Airport, Eunice Airport, Bennett, Slash Ranch and Winkler County Airport. This includes Interstate 20 between mile markers 51 and 63. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3201 10308 3143 10318 3151 10372 3180 10363 3235 10371 3250 10325 3250 10319 TIME...MOT...LOC 2242Z 252DEG 14KT 3227 10361 3184 10347 3151 10360 $$ 84  237 WWUS75 KABQ 082243 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ228-090000- /O.CAN.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ /O.EXT.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Far Northeast Highlands- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Far Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Freezing temperatures are still forecast tonight through early Wednesday morning. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills may fall into the 30s by late this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ230-231-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Union County-Harding County- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 degrees expected. * WHERE...Union County and Harding County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...After somewhat of a lull in wind speeds this afternoon, winds will quickly increase this evening. Wind chills in the teens and low 20's are likely tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ222-223-229-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Estancia Valley-Central Highlands-Northeast Highlands- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 degrees expected. * WHERE...Central Highlands, Northeast Highlands and Estancia Valley. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ234-235-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Quay County-Curry County- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Quay County and Curry County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles, including along Intestate 40. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...After somewhat of a lull in wind speeds this afternoon, winds will quickly increase this evening. Wind chills in the 30s are likely tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ218-219-221-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Santa Fe Metro Area- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- Sandia/Manzano Mountains Including Edgewood- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Sandia and Manzano Mountains including Edgewood, Santa Fe Metro Area and Middle Rio Grande Valley including the Albuquerque Metro Area. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Strong and potentially dangerous crosswinds are expected along Interstate 25 between Los Lunas, Albuquerque, Bernalillo and Santa Fe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ227-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * WHERE...Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. A few power outages are possible. Difficult driving conditions are possible for high profile vehicles on east to west oriented roadways. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will remain strong and gusty beyond, 6 PM MDT, and wintry precipitation will also be developing. Therefore, a Winter Storm Warning will go into effect at that time. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ232-233-090000- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County- 443 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Eastern San Miguel County and Guadalupe County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects and create strong cross winds on some roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  415 WSUS05 KKCI 082242 WS5U SLCU WS 082242 SIGMET UNIFORM 3 VALID UNTIL 090242 ID WY NV UT AZ FROM 40WSW BOY TO 40W DRK TO 40WNW LAS TO 30NE TWF TO 40WSW BOY OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL280 AND FL410. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY GLF. CONDS CONTG BYD 0242Z. ....  737 WSPR31 SPJC 082230 SPIM SIGMET A8 VALID 082230/090130 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0210 W07300 - S0210 W07100 - S0420 W07110 - S0420 W07320 - S0210 W07300 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  593 WSSS20 VHHH 082245 VHHK SIGMET 5 VALID 082250/090250 VHHH- VHHK HONG KONG FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N1939 E11130 - N2130 E11130 - N2223 E11338 - N1911 E11328 - N1939 E11130 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  219 WSCH31 SCCI 082245 SCCZ SIGMET 03 VALID 082245/082300 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR CNL SIGMET 02 081900/082300=  830 WWUS85 KFGZ 082246 SPSFGZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 346 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ018-082330- Northern Gila County- 346 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR THE RYE AREA IN GILA COUNTY UNTIL 430 PM MST... At 345 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Rye, or 11 miles northeast of Sycamore Creek, moving east at 35 mph. Nickel size hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Young, Jakes Corner, Gisela, Rye, Deer Creek and Alderwood Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3397 11140 3397 11141 3401 11143 3401 11148 3404 11148 3405 11147 3407 11146 3410 11149 3411 11147 3413 11149 3415 11148 3416 11149 3422 11086 3395 11085 TIME...MOT...LOC 2245Z 268DEG 28KT 3407 11139 $$  457 WSAU21 AMMC 082246 YMMM SIGMET W02 VALID 082305/090305 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4210 E10610 - S3350 E09750 - S3230 E10030 - S4050 E10910 - S5000 E11320 - S5000 E10940 FL160/240 MOV E 25KT NC=  535 WWUS45 KABQ 082246 WSWABQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 446 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...ACCUMULATING SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW WILL BE LIKELY OVER THE SANGRE DE CRISTO AND TUSAS MOUNTAINS AS WELL AS RATON PASS TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY... NMZ210-213-227-090500- /O.CON.KABQ.WS.W.0007.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Tusas Mountains Including Chama- Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains- Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 446 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 6 inches, except 6 to 12 inches above 9000 feet. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Tusas Mountains Including Chama and Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Strong winds could cause tree damage. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Motorists should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and take precautions if travel is necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$ NMZ228-090500- /O.EXB.KABQ.WW.Y.0014.200909T0600Z-200909T1800Z/ Far Northeast Highlands- 446 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Far Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Gusty winds and wet, heavy snow could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Motorists should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and take precautions if travel is necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$ NMZ211-214>216-090500- /O.CON.KABQ.WW.Y.0014.200909T0000Z-200910T0000Z/ Jemez Mountains-Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains- East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley- 446 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 3 inches in the upper Rio Grande valley and up to 6 inches in the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Upper Rio Grande Valley, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Jemez Mountains. * WHEN...Until 6 PM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Motorists should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and take precautions if travel is necessary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for New Mexico can be obtained by calling 5 1 1, 1-800-432-4269, or visiting nmroads.com. && $$  297 WABZ23 SBGL 082247 SBCW AIRMET 27 VALID 082248/090248 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0200M FG OBS AT 2236Z WI S2528 W04920 - S2519 W04916 - S2526 W04853 - S2546 W04901 - S2537 W04924 - S2528 W04920 STNR NC=  525 WSRS31 RUAA 082248 ULAA SIGMET 4 VALID 090100/090500 ULAA- ULAA ARKHANGELSK FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N6515 AND E OF E04124 FL300/400 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  819 WWUS54 KOUN 082250 SVSOUN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 550 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC023-487-082315- /O.CON.KOUN.SV.W.0721.000000T0000Z-200908T2315Z/ Wilbarger TX-Baylor TX- 550 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 615 PM CDT FOR SOUTHEASTERN WILBARGER AND NORTHEASTERN BAYLOR COUNTIES... At 550 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 5 miles southwest of Grayback to 7 miles northeast of Lake Kemp to 4 miles north of Seymour, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lake Kemp, Harrold, Grayback and Lake Diversion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3359 9935 3378 9935 3391 9934 3411 9905 3403 9895 3378 9895 TIME...MOT...LOC 2250Z 267DEG 24KT 3394 9925 3386 9917 3365 9929 HAIL...<.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ Mahale  673 WSPR31 SPJC 082240 SPIM SIGMET B4 VALID 082238/082240 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B3 VALID 082040/082240=  667 WWUS84 KEPZ 082253 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 453 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ412>417-082330- Southern Tularosa Basin NM-Central Tularosa Basin NM-Otero Mesa NM- East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet NM- Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet NM- 453 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR CENTRAL OTERO COUNTY UNTIL 530 PM MDT... At 451 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking numerous thunderstorms over central and northern Otero County New Mexico, moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with a few of these storms. Locations impacted include... Timberon, Alamogordo, Sacramento, Cloudcroft, Sunspot, White Sands National Monument, Mayhill, Silver Lake, Burro Flats, Weed, Elk Silver, High Rolls, Mountain Park, La Luz, Holloman Air Force Base, Sixteen Springs, Benson Ridge, Cox Canyon, Boles Acres and Dry Canyon. This includes the following highways... Highway 70 in New Mexico between mile markers 186 and 196, and between mile markers 203 and 212. Highway 54 in New Mexico between mile markers 38 and 64. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with some of these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3308 10532 3296 10532 3296 10535 3281 10535 3244 10589 3262 10634 3331 10556 3331 10555 TIME...MOT...LOC 2251Z 238DEG 49KT 3276 10600 $$ ROGASH  632 WWUS84 KSJT 082254 SPSSJT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 554 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ098-113-082345- Haskell TX-Jones TX- 554 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN HASKELL AND NORTHWESTERN JONES COUNTIES UNTIL 645 PM CDT... At 553 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Anson, moving north at 20 mph. Pea size hail and wind gusts of 50 to 55 mph will be possible with this storm. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of southwestern Haskell and northwestern Jones Counties, including the following locations... Funston, Tuxedo and Truby. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3300 9981 3269 9974 3263 9996 3286 10015 3293 10014 TIME...MOT...LOC 2253Z 159DEG 16KT 3274 9990 $$  236 WWUS83 KEAX 082256 SPSEAX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 556 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MOZ031-032-039-040-082330- Carroll MO-Saline MO-Chariton MO-Howard MO- 556 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN CHARITON...EAST CENTRAL CARROLL...NORTHWESTERN HOWARD AND CENTRAL SALINE COUNTIES UNTIL 630 PM CDT... At 556 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles northeast of Malta Bend to near Slater to 11 miles east of Marshall. Movement was northeast at 30 mph. Pea size hail will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... Marshall, Slater, Glasgow, Brunswick, Gilliam and Miami. LAT...LON 3947 9314 3938 9297 3925 9279 3906 9300 3914 9320 3923 9334 TIME...MOT...LOC 2256Z 216DEG 27KT 3927 9331 3920 9315 3909 9300 $$ Grana  992 WSPR31 SPJC 082250 SPIM SIGMET D2 VALID 082250/082325 SPIM- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET D1 VALID 082125/082325=  056 WSUS32 KKCI 082255 SIGC MKCC WST 082255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 07C VALID UNTIL 0055Z MO IA FROM 60NW IOW-40SE OVR LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 08C VALID UNTIL 0055Z LA TX FROM 30SSW GGG-10ESE LCH LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 16015KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 09C VALID UNTIL 0055Z TX OK FROM 30WSW END-OKC-50SE ABI-10WSW SJT-50S LBB-30WSW END AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10C VALID UNTIL 0055Z IL MO IA FROM 40NNW IRK-40N UIN-STL-60E SGF-50E MCI-40NNW IRK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11C VALID UNTIL 0055Z NE FROM 20WNW OVR-10E OBH-50SW OBH LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12C VALID UNTIL 0055Z TX OK FROM 20NE ADM-60SSE MLC-30NW GGG-30NW TTT-20NE ADM AREA TS MOV FROM 17020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13C VALID UNTIL 0055Z CO NM AZ FROM 20SE HBU-30E ALS-10SSW ABQ-60N SJN-20SE HBU AREA TS MOV FROM 22050KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14C VALID UNTIL 0055Z IL FROM 50ESE BDF-40WSW BVT-40SE AXC-50E STL-50W AXC-50ESE BDF AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15C VALID UNTIL 0055Z TX NM FROM 30ESE CME-50NNW MAF-20WSW FST-60WNW MRF-40SE ELP-30ESE CME AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16C VALID UNTIL 0055Z MO OK KS FROM 20WSW BUM-40ENE OSW-40ESE END-60ENE ICT-20WSW BUM AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17C VALID UNTIL 0055Z TX NM FROM 80WNW CME-10WNW CME-30E ELP-50ENE DMN-80WNW CME AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 090055-090455 FROM FSD-DLL-JOT-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-AEX-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-FSD WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  057 WSUS31 KKCI 082255 SIGE MKCE WST 082255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 75E VALID UNTIL 0055Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 30WSW PBI-60SW RSW-50ESE EYW LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 76E VALID UNTIL 0055Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE TLH-20WSW OMN-30WSW TRV-30NW RSW-50SW CTY-40SE TLH AREA TS MOV FROM 06010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 090055-090455 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-60SSW TLH-LEV-MHZ-AMG-GSO-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  520 WSCA31 TTPP 082214 RRA TTZP SIGMET A4 VALID 082200/090200 TTPP- TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 2145Z WI N1000 W04840 - N1450 W04840 - N1600 W04250 - N1800 W04500 - N2220 W04000 - N1310 W03830 - N1000 W04840 TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  961 WSCA31 TTPP 082233 TTZP SIGMET A4 VALID 082200/090200 TTPP- TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 2145Z WI N1000 W04840 - N1450 W04840 - N1600 W04250 - N1800 W04500 - N2220 W04000 - N1310 W03830 - N1000 W04840 TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  673 WSUS33 KKCI 082255 SIGW MKCW WST 082255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17W VALID UNTIL 0055Z NM AZ FROM 50N SJN-50SE INW-40NNE PHX LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 090055-090455 FROM ALS-30NNW TCC-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-ALS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  725 WSCA31 TTPP 082245 RRB TTZP SIGMET A4 VALID 082200/090200 TTPP- TTZP PIARCO FIR OBS EMBD TS AT 2145Z WI N1000 W04840 - N1450 W04840 - N1600 W04250 - N1800 W04500 - N2220 W04000 - N1310 W03830 - N1000 W04840 TOP ABV FL450 MOV W 10KT NC=  505 WWUS45 KCYS 082257 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...PERIODS OF MIXED WINTRY PRECIPITATION EXPECTED ACROSS MUCH OF THE AREA THROUGH EARLY WEDNESDAY... NEZ095-WYZ101>104-090000- /O.CAN.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ North Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations-Niobrara County- North Laramie Range-Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains- Including the cities of Harrison, Bill, Douglas, Deer Creek, Glenrock, Lusk, Redbird, Garrett, and Seminoe Dam 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has cancelled the Winter Storm Warning. Heaviest snow has ended across the area with light flurries or patchy freezing drizzle expected for the rest of tonight. Additional accumulations will be minimal. However, some slick spots are expected as temperatures lower below freezing late this evening. $$ NEZ002-003-WYZ105-090000- /O.CAN.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Dawes-Box Butte-Shirley Basin- Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance, Medicine Bow, and Shirley Basin 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service in Cheyenne has cancelled the Winter Weather Advisory. High elevation snowfall has mostly ended this evening with only some light flurries expected. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled. A Freeze Warning will be issued shortly through early Wednesday morning. $$ WYZ106-107-116>118-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- East Platte County-South Laramie Range- South Laramie Range Foothills-Central Laramie County- Including the cities of Bordeaux, Wheatland, Guernsey, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal, Horse Creek, and Cheyenne 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Interstate 80 Summit and Foothills between Laramie and Cheyenne, Interstate 25 between the Colorado State Line and Glendo. Cities or communities impacted include but are not limited to Cheyenne, Chugwater, Wheatland and Glendo. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ114-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Snowy Range- Including the cities of Centennial and Albany 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...North Laramie Range and Snowy Range. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous or impossible mountain travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. Mountain recreation will be life threatening to those caught unprepared for severe winter conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ109>111-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Central Carbon County-North Snowy Range Foothills- Southwest Carbon County- Including the cities of Rawlins, Arlington, Elk Mountain, and Baggs 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Much of Carbon County including Rawlins, Elk Mountain, and Baggs. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous travel conditions due to icy, snow covered roads and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. Damage may occur to trees and power lines, possibly leading to power outages. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ096-WYZ108-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WS.W.0018.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ South Sioux-Goshen County- Including the cities of Agate and Torrington 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to 2 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze, mainly over 4500 feet. * WHERE...Goshen County in southeast Wyoming and South Sioux County in the Nebraska Panhandle. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ112-113-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Sierra Madre Range-Upper North Platte River Basin- Including the cities of Saratoga and Encampment 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Shirley Basin, Sierra Madre Range and Upper North Platte River Basin. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NEZ019-020-054-WYZ119-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Scotts Bluff County-Banner County-Kimball County- East Laramie County- Including the cities of Scottsbluff, Gering, Harrisburg, Kimball, and Pine Bluffs 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...In Wyoming, eastern Laramie County including Pine Bluffs. In Nebraska, Kimball, Banner, Scotts Bluff, Box Butte and Dawes counties including Kimball, Scottsbluff, Alliance and Chadron. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WYZ115-091200- /O.CON.KCYS.WW.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Laramie Valley- Including the cities of Bosler and Laramie 457 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Periods of mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to 2 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Laramie Valley including Laramie. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous travel possible due to icy roadways and low visibilities in falling and blowing snow. The worst conditions will occur during the morning commute on Tuesday. Be prepared for rapidly worsening conditions as you travel in any direction from the city. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  196 WSKO31 RKSI 082259 RKRR SIGMET Z10 VALID 082300/090100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR EMBD TS OBS N3800 E12358 - N3712 E12356 - N3742 E12722 - N3820 E12739 - N3800 E12358 TOP FL400 MOV E 20KT NC=  502 WUUS55 KFGZ 082258 SVRFGZ AZC007-017-082345- /O.NEW.KFGZ.SV.W.0050.200908T2258Z-200908T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 358 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Flagstaff has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Gila County in east central Arizona... Navajo County in north central Arizona... * Until 445 PM MST. * At 358 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Gisela, or 11 miles south of Payson, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Young, Jakes Corner, Gisela, Rye, Deer Creek and Alderwood Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3398 11137 3417 11138 3424 11075 3390 11075 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 268DEG 34KT 3409 11126 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$  151 WWUS84 KEPZ 082259 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 459 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ411-082345- Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley NM- 459 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN DONA ANA COUNTY UNTIL 545 PM MDT... At 458 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 23 miles southwest of Afton, moving east-northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mount Riley and Kilbourne Hole. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3182 10727 3203 10694 3183 10681 3178 10694 3178 10726 TIME...MOT...LOC 2258Z 249DEG 26KT 3179 10718 $$ Brown/Rogash  410 WWUS83 KICT 082300 SPSICT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 600 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 KSZ100-090030- Labette KS- 600 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Wichita has issued a * Significant Weather Advisory for... Labette County in southeastern Kansas... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 557 PM CDT...National Weather Service meteorologists were tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Liberty to South Coffeyville to near Lenapah...and moving east at 20 mph. wind gusts up to 55 mph will be possible with these storms. * Locations impacted include... Oswego, Chetopa, Altamont, Edna, Mound Valley, Bartlett, Labette and Angola. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3700 9552 3723 9552 3724 9507 3700 9508 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 272DEG 18KT 3716 9560 3699 9562 3685 9572 $$ Martin  673 WWUS75 KCYS 082300 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 500 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NEZ002-003-095-WYZ101-102-091500- /O.EXA.KCYS.FZ.W.0001.200909T0400Z-200909T1500Z/ Dawes-Box Butte-North Sioux-Converse County Lower Elevations- Niobrara County- Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance, Harrison, Bill, Douglas, Deer Creek, Glenrock, Lusk, and Redbird 500 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures between 22 and 30 degrees. * WHERE...In Wyoming, Converse County and Niobrara County Counties. In Nebraska, Dawes, Box Butte and North Sioux Counties. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation, and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NEZ021-055-091500- /O.CON.KCYS.FZ.W.0001.200909T0400Z-200909T1500Z/ Morrill-Cheyenne- Including the cities of Angora, Bridgeport, Bayard, Redington, Brownson, and Sidney 500 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 degrees. * WHERE...Morrill and Cheyenne Counties. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation, and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$  916 WUUS54 KMAF 082301 SVRMAF NMC025-TXC003-301-495-090000- /O.NEW.KMAF.SV.W.0204.200908T2301Z-200909T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 601 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Lea County in southeastern New Mexico... Southwestern Andrews County in western Texas... Northwestern Winkler County in western Texas... Northeastern Loving County in western Texas... * Until 700 PM CDT/600 PM MDT/. * At 601 PM CDT/501 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 13 miles west of Jal, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Jal, Jal Airport and Bennett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Large hail and damaging winds and continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3187 10351 3223 10354 3236 10299 3188 10294 TIME...MOT...LOC 2301Z 264DEG 21KT 3205 10340 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  076 WSUS05 KKCI 082302 WS5X SLCX WS 082302 SIGMET XRAY 1 VALID UNTIL 090302 WY UT CO FROM BOY TO 40WNW BFF TO 30NE ALS TO 70NNE TBC TO BOY OCNL SEV TURB BTN FL250 AND FL410. DUE TO WNDSHR ASSOCD WITH JTST. RPTD BY GLF5. CONDS CONTG BYD 0302Z. ....  749 WAUS45 KKCI 082302 AAA WA5T SLCT WA 082302 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 8 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 090300 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET VICTOR SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET WHISKEY SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET XRAY SERIES...UPDT . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA FROM 50S YXH TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 40NNW LAA TO 20SE TCC TO 30WSW ELP TO 50S TUS TO 30SSW BZA TO 40E TRM TO HEC TO 30E OAL TO 30SSE BOI TO 20SW DLN TO 50S YXH MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL430. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE JAC TO 40E DDY TO TBE TO 60E ELP TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 60S TRM TO 40WSW RZS TO 40SW EHF TO 20S CZQ TO 30W OAL TO 80SW TWF TO 40SE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NW BCE TO 30SSW BCE TO 20N LAS TO 60WSW ILC TO 20NW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 50WNW FTI TO 40SSE FTI TO 60SSE ABQ TO 40SSW ABQ TO 20N ABQ TO 50WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 50NE OCS TO 60WNW LAR TO 60SSW LAR TO 40N JNC TO 40NE HVE TO 50S HVE TO 50SE BCE TO 50E DTA TO 40SSW DTA TO 30NE ILC TO 40SSE BVL TO 30NNW SLC TO 70WSW OCS TO 30SSE BPI TO 50NE OCS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS ENDG BY 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 50SSE TBE TO 30SSW TXO TO 50NNE CME TO 30SSW TCC TO 20NE TCC TO 50SSE TBE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WY CO NM BOUNDED BY 20NW LAR-20WSW PUB-20NNW TCC-40N CME-30SSW CME-40WSW TCS-60SW ABQ-50SSW HBU-40NNE JNC-40SE OCS-20NW LAR LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  705 WSFG20 TFFF 082302 SOOO SIGMET 14 VALID 082300/090100 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0900 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N1000 W04800 - N1230 W04015 - N1200 W04030 - N0700 W05100 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  796 WGUS84 KMAF 082305 FLSMAF Flood Advisory National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 505 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC025-TXC301-495-090100- /O.NEW.KMAF.FA.Y.0052.200908T2305Z-200909T0100Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lea NM-Loving TX-Winkler TX- 505 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 /605 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020/ The National Weather Service in Midland/Odessa has issued a * Flood Advisory for... South Central Lea County in southeastern New Mexico... Eastern Loving County in western Texas... Western Winkler County in western Texas... * Until 700 PM MDT /800 PM CDT/. * At 505 PM MDT /605 PM CDT/, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is possible in the advisory area. Up to 1 inch of rain has fallen. Some locations that may experience flooding include... Kermit, Jal, Wink, Mentone, Jal Airport, Bennett, Winkler County Airport and Slash Ranch. LAT...LON 3229 10360 3232 10324 3200 10309 3176 10298 3165 10357 3165 10360 3165 10361 3165 10362 3166 10362 3172 10362 3207 10359 3208 10358 $$  069 WWUS84 KOUN 082305 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 605 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ047-048-051-052-082330- Atoka OK-Johnston OK-Marshall OK-Bryan OK- 605 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southwestern Atoka...southern Johnston...northern Marshall and northwestern Bryan Counties Until 630 PM CDT... AT 604 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Madill to near Durant, moving northwest at 30 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... LAT...LON 3404 9690 3411 9693 3417 9694 3418 9694 3429 9693 3425 9636 3395 9624 TIME...MOT...LOC 2304Z 155DEG 27KT 3409 9674 3403 9623 $$ JT  206 WWUS84 KLCH 082307 SPSLCH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles LA Issued by National Weather Service Brownsville TX 607 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ180-259-082345- Northern Jasper TX-Tyler TX- 607 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT... At 605 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 9 miles northwest of Town Bluff to NEAR Magnolia Springs. Movement was northeast at 35 mph. Winds in excess of 30 mph will be possible with these storms. Heavy rainfall will also occur with these storms producing rain amounts of 1 to 2 inches in a short amounts of time. Localized flooding is possible. Locations impacted include... Jasper, Town Bluff, Ebenezer, Roganville, Magnolia Springs, Mt. Union and Sam Rayburn Dam. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Very heavy rainfall is also occurring with these storms, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Occasional cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3111 9410 3112 9404 3113 9404 3114 9402 3092 9386 3082 9387 3063 9409 3086 9437 TIME...MOT...LOC 2305Z 205DEG 31KT 3091 9425 3073 9397 $$ 59  692 WSBW20 VGHS 082330 VGFR SIGMET 06 VALID 090000/090400 VGHS- VGFR DHAKA FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N21 AND E OF E88 TOP FL380 MOV NNE NC=  222 WWUS55 KFGZ 082308 SVSFGZ Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 408 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZC007-017-082345- /O.CON.KFGZ.SV.W.0050.000000T0000Z-200908T2345Z/ Gila-Navajo- 408 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 PM MST FOR GILA AND NAVAJO COUNTIES... At 408 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Gisela, or 14 miles southeast of Payson, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Young. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. && LAT...LON 3415 11127 3424 11075 3390 11075 3398 11124 TIME...MOT...LOC 2308Z 273DEG 30KT 3407 11118 HAIL...1.50IN WIND...60MPH $$  597 WSMA31 FIMP 082250 FIMM SIGMET 04 VALID 082250/090250 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2215Z WI S0700 E06000 - S0600 E06930 - S1000 E07130 - S1000 E06000 - S0700 E06000 TOP FL410 STNRNC=  921 WSNT04 KKCI 082308 SIGA0D KZWY KZMA SIGMET DELTA 2 VALID 082308/082330 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR MIAMI OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET DELTA 1 081930/082330.  517 WSPR31 SPJC 082250 SPIM SIGMET C3 VALID 082310/090150 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0220 W07600 - S0220 W07400 - S0300 W07400 - S0310 W07620 - S0220 W07600 TOP FL480 STNR NC=  241 WWUS84 KOUN 082309 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 609 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ035-038-082345- Kiowa OK-Comanche OK- 609 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northeastern Kiowa and northwestern Comanche Counties Until 645 PM CDT... AT 606 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Cooperton, moving northeast at 25 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to the size of nickels... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... LAT...LON 3478 9881 3484 9895 3506 9886 3497 9862 TIME...MOT...LOC 2306Z 205DEG 20KT 3486 9885 $$ JT  648 WSCA31 MHTG 082309 MHTG SIGMET G1 VALID 082305/090305 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2250Z WI N0737 W08254 -N0850 W08251 -N0902 W08336 -N1004 W08324 -N1035 W08507 -N1124 W08520 -N1107 W08616 -N1010 W08631 -N1003 W08532 -N0853 W08453 -N0806 W08408 TOP FL460 MOV MOV W 05KT INTSF=  272 WSHO31 MHTG 082309 MHTG SIGMET G1 VALID 082305/090305 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2250Z WI N0737 W08254 -N0850 W08251 -N0902 W08336 -N1004 W08324 -N1035 W08507 -N1124 W08520 -N1107 W08616 -N1010 W08631 -N1003 W08532 -N0853 W08453 -N0806 W08408 TOP FL460 MOV MOV W 05KT INTSF=  962 WWUS71 KBOX 082310 NPWBOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 710 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 MAZ022>024-RIZ008-090715- /O.NEW.KBOX.FG.Y.0016.200908T2310Z-200909T1200Z/ Barnstable MA-Dukes MA-Nantucket MA-Block Island RI- Including the cities of Chatham, Falmouth, Provincetown, Vineyard Haven, Nantucket, and New Shoreham 710 PM EDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Cape Cod and the Islands. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Frank For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/box  979 WWUS84 KEPZ 082311 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 511 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXZ420>424-090015- Southern Hudspeth Highlands TX- Rio Grande Valley of Eastern El Paso/Western Hudspeth Counties TX- Salt Basin TX-Rio Grande Valley of Eastern Hudspeth County TX- Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains TX- 511 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN HUDSPETH COUNTY UNTIL 615 PM MDT... At 509 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms across southern Hudspeth County moving northeast at 30 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with a few of these these storms. Locations impacted include... Sierra Blanca, Allamoore, Indian Hot Springs, Fort Quitman, Esperanza, Frenchman Canyon, Finlay, McNary, Quitman Canyon, Sunset Ranches, Round Top Mountain, Big Box and Little Box. This includes Interstate 10 in Texas between mile markers 78 and 134. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring over some locations, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3079 10522 3080 10521 3079 10526 3083 10529 3081 10532 3084 10534 3085 10540 3089 10540 3094 10549 3097 10550 3100 10556 3109 10561 3113 10571 3116 10574 3116 10577 3120 10578 3124 10583 3164 10491 3103 10491 TIME...MOT...LOC 2309Z 238DEG 48KT 3095 10605 $$ ROGASH  256 WVEQ31 SEQU 082300 SEFG SIGMET A5 VALID 082230/090430 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 2200Z WI N0005 W07748 - S0004 W07738 - S0006 W07741 - N0001 W07758 - N0005 W07748 SFC/FL150 MOV NW 15KT FCST AT 0400Z WI N0011 W07750 - S0005 W07737 - S0006 W07740 - N0003 W07806 - N0011 W07750=  674 WUUS54 KSJT 082311 SVRSJT TXC253-082345- /O.NEW.KSJT.SV.W.0203.200908T2311Z-200908T2345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service San Angelo TX 611 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Jones County in west central Texas... * Until 645 PM CDT. * At 610 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Anson, moving north at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Anson around 620 PM CDT. Avoca around 645 PM CDT. Other locations impacted by this severe thunderstorm include Funston, Truby, The Intersection Of Us-180 And Farm Road 600 and Tuxedo. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3286 9961 3281 9961 3259 9978 3264 10001 3294 9997 TIME...MOT...LOC 2310Z 198DEG 16KT 3271 9988 HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$  659 WABZ23 SBGL 082312 SBCW AIRMET 28 VALID 082315/090315 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR OVC CLD 200/1000FT OBS AT 2300Z WI S2625 W04900 - S2608 W04857 - S2612 W04824 - S2636 W04829 - S2632 W04902 - S2625 W04900 STNR NC=  294 WWUS54 KOUN 082312 SVSOUN Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 612 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC023-487-082322- /O.EXP.KOUN.SV.W.0721.000000T0000Z-200908T2315Z/ Wilbarger TX-Baylor TX- 612 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WILBARGER AND NORTHEASTERN BAYLOR COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 615 PM CDT... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, therefore the warning will be allowed to expire. However gusty winds are still possible with these thunderstorms. LAT...LON 3359 9935 3378 9935 3391 9934 3411 9905 3403 9895 3378 9895 TIME...MOT...LOC 2312Z 223DEG 23KT 3403 9914 3395 9906 3374 9919 $$ Mahale  094 WFUS54 KMAF 082313 TORMAF NMC025-TXC003-495-082345- /O.NEW.KMAF.TO.W.0008.200908T2313Z-200908T2345Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 613 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Southeastern Lea County in southeastern New Mexico... Southwestern Andrews County in western Texas... Northern Winkler County in western Texas... * Until 645 PM CDT/545 PM MDT/. * At 612 PM CDT/512 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Jal, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Jal Airport around 520 PM MDT. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Bennett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3201 10325 3214 10327 3223 10301 3203 10296 TIME...MOT...LOC 2312Z 257DEG 24KT 3208 10319 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ 84  367 WWUS86 KMFR 082313 AWWMFR ORZ026-090015- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Medford OR 411 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Rogue Valley Medford International Airport /MFR/. The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts 35 knots or higher until 8pm. $$ CZS  772 WSCA31 MDSD 082310 MDCS AIRMET A 2 VALID 082010/082310 MDSD- MDCS SANTO DOMINGO FIR: AIRMET A2 CNL AIRMET A1 VALID 082010/082310  597 ACCA62 TJSJ 082318 TWOSPN Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo Tropical Emitido por El Centro Nacional de Huracanes Miami, FL Traducido por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia San Juan, PR 800 PM EDT martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 Para el Atlantico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de Mexico: El Centro Nacional de Huracanes esta emitiendo advertencias sobre la Tormenta Tropical Paulette, localizada sobre el centro del Atlantico tropical y sobre la Tormenta Tropical Rene, localizada justo al oeste de las Islas Cabo Verde. Un area pequena de baja presion esta localizada alrededor de 450 millas al sureste de Cape Hatteras, Carolina del Norte, con actividad minima de aguaceros y tronadas. Desarrollo gradual de esta baja presion es posible durante los proximos dos o tres dias y pudiera convertirse en un depresion tropical mientras continua moviendose lentamente hacia el oeste-noroeste hacia las costas de Carolina del Sur y Norte. Intereses en esas areas deben monitorear el progreso de este disturbio. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...30 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...mediana...40 por ciento. Se pronostica que una onda tropical salga de la costa occidental de Africa el jueves. Se anticipa desarrollo gradual cuando el sistema se mueva sobre agua y es probable que una depression tropical se forme tarde esta semana o durante el fin de semana mientras el sistema se mueve generalmente hacia el oeste a traves del este del Atlantico tropical. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 48 horas...baja...20 por ciento. * Probabilidad de formacion hasta 5 dias...alta...80 por ciento. $$ Pronosticador Blake Traduccion Lojero  039 WWUS84 KOUN 082318 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 618 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ037-TXZ085-086-090000- Tillman OK-Wichita TX-Wilbarger TX- 618 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR southern Tillman...northwestern Wichita and central Wilbarger Counties Until 700 PM CDT... AT 616 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from near Fargo to 3 miles northeast of Harrold to 5 miles north of Lake Diversion, moving northeast at 30 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Locations impacted include... Vernon, Frederick, Electra, Grandfield, Davidson, Hollister, Loveland, Fargo, Oklaunion, Harrold, Grayback and Haynesville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3405 9921 3420 9948 3437 9925 3434 9923 3434 9920 3437 9920 3437 9922 3439 9921 3449 9905 3425 9863 3399 9867 3383 9911 TIME...MOT...LOC 2316Z 241DEG 24KT 3429 9925 3410 9898 3388 9900 $$ Mahale  599 WGUS84 KSJT 082319 FLSSJT Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Angelo TX 619 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC207-253-090215- /O.NEW.KSJT.FA.Y.0065.200908T2319Z-200909T0215Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Haskell TX-Jones TX- 619 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for... Southwestern Haskell County in west central Texas... Jones County in west central Texas... * Until 915 PM CDT. * At 619 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms across Jones County, around Anson. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Additional heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small streams, low water crossings and street flooding. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Stamford, Anson, Hamlin, Lueders, Avoca, Neinda, Lake Stamford Marina, Funston, Tuxedo, The Intersection Of Us-180 And Farm Road 600, Truby and The Intersection Of Us-180 And Ranch Road 126. This includes the following Low Water Crossings... County Road. 212 crossing California Creek, County Road 245 crossing California Creek, County Road 242 crossing Flag Branch, crossings along County Road 141, County Road 260 crossing Harmony Creek, County Road 261 crossing Cottonwood Creek and County Road 209 crossing Post Oak Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3298 9999 3306 9959 3296 9960 3296 9961 3273 9963 3261 9987 3264 10008 3289 10014 3295 10014 3296 9999 $$ 21  343 ACPN50 PHFO 082319 TWOCP Tropical Weather Outlook NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI 200 PM HST Tue Sep 8 2020 For the central North Pacific...between 140W and 180W: No tropical cyclones are expected during the next 5 days. $$ Forecaster Blood  597 WWUS84 KFWD 082319 AWWDFW TXZ118-119-090030- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 619 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR DFW THROUGH 730 PM... ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR LIGHTNING WITHIN 10 MILES... .ONSET/END TIMES... 630 PM / 730 PM .RATES EXPECTED... OCNL .RAINFALL RATES (>= 1/2 INCH PER HOUR) AT THE AIRFIELD... No && Ocnl...Occasional=Less than 1 flash per minute Frq....Frequent=1 to 5 flashes per minute Cons...Continuous=More than 5 flashes per minute $$  599 WSPM31 MPTO 082320 MPZL SIGMET 04 VALID 082320/082347 MPTO- MPZL PANAMA FIR CNL SIGMET 03 081947/082347=  072 WSSG31 GOOY 082310 GOOO SIGMET B4 VALID 082310/090310 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2300Z WI N1553 W01448 - N1831 W01011 - N1544 W00518 - N1016 W00644 - N1219 W00915 TOP FL500 MOV W 20KT INTSF=  382 WSSG31 GOOY 082310 CCA GOOO SIGMET B4 VALID 082310/090310 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR TERRESTRE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2300Z WI N1553 W01448 - N1831 W01011 - N1544 W00518 - N1016 W00644 - N1219 W00915 - N1105 W01519 TOP FL500 MOV W 20KT INTSF=  752 WSBZ01 SBBR 082300 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0301 W06936 - N0142 W06851 - N0148 W06714 - N0111 W06706 - N0047 W06613 - N0047 W06526 - N0209 W06314 - N0328 W06351 - N0457 W06025 - N0354 W05945 - N0248 W06001 - N0121 W06213 - S0034 W06134 - S0100 W05847 - S0652 W05959 - S0526 W06557 - S0301 W06936 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  753 WSBZ01 SBBR 082300 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0320 W05710 - S0026 W05702 - S0015 W05347 - S0418 W05442 - S0320 W05710 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  754 WSBZ01 SBBR 082300 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0346 W06947 - S0557 W06515 - S1034 W07021 - S0924 W07026 - S0958 W07151 - S0734 W07341 - S0454 W07214 - S0428 W07000 - S0346 W06947 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  755 WSBZ01 SBBR 082300 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 082020/090020 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0014 W05518 - N0119 W05522 - N0230 W05004 - N0019 W04940 - S0105 W04511 - S0346 W04739 - N0005 W05224 - N0014 W05518 TOP FL440 MOV W 05KT NC=  756 WSBZ01 SBBR 082300 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 082000/082400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2441 W05119 - S2644 W04342 - S3149 W04816 - S2955 W05424 - S2441 W05119 FL 110/200 MOV NE 05KT NC=  042 WANO31 ENMI 082325 ENOS AIRMET A01 VALID 090200/090600 ENMI- ENOR NORWAY FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N5830 E00730 - N6110 E00730 - N6145 E01210 - N5905 E01145 - N5830 E00730 FL080/200 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  134 WWUS84 KEPZ 082325 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 525 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ411-413-TXZ418-419-090015- Southern Tularosa Basin NM- Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley NM- Eastern/Central El Paso County TX-Western El Paso County TX- 525 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHEASTERN DONA ANA AND NORTHWESTERN EL PASO COUNTIES UNTIL 615 PM MDT... At 523 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorms developing around El Paso and Santa Teresa. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with these storm. Locations impacted include... West El Paso, Northeast El Paso, Central El Paso, Chaparral, Anthony, Santa Teresa, Sunland Park, Anthony Gap, Canutillo, Berino, Westway, Fort Bliss, Vinton, High Valley, Biggs Field and Franklin Mountains State Park. This includes the following highways... Interstate 10 in New Mexico between mile markers 158 and 164. Interstate 10 in Texas between mile markers 1 and 16. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3179 10638 3179 10665 3221 10662 3218 10638 TIME...MOT...LOC 2323Z 238DEG 48KT 3198 10642 $$ ROGASH  582 WSCG31 FCBB 082325 FCCC SIGMET L6 VALID 082350/090350 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2300Z W OF LINE S0243 E01425 - N0458 E01735 W OF LINE N0458 E02038 - N0800 E02038 E OF LINE N0611 E02445 - N0729 E02451 TOP FL415 MOV W 10KT NC=  937 WSPS21 NZKL 082326 NZZO SIGMET 46 VALID 082326/090014 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 42 082014/090014=  639 WWUS85 KPSR 082326 SPSPSR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 426 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ547-556-557-090000- Tonto Basin AZ-Mazatzal Mountains AZ-Rio Verde/Salt River AZ- 426 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR GILA AND MARICOPA COUNTIES UNTIL 500 PM MST... At 425 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Sunflower, moving east at 25 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Round Valley, Sunflower, Punkin Center and Tonto Basin. This includes the following highways... AZ Route 87 between mile markers 212 and 223. AZ Route 188 between mile markers 257 and 266. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3393 11133 3391 11128 3382 11118 3378 11151 3391 11158 3395 11136 TIME...MOT...LOC 2325Z 266DEG 22KT 3386 11140 $$ AJ  443 WSPS21 NZKL 082327 NZZO SIGMET 47 VALID 082328/090328 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3510 W17040 - S3130 W15740 - S2910 W16020 - S3150 W17300 - S2830 E17550 - S3210 E17830 - S3510 W17040 FL210/370 STNR NC=  736 WSMX31 MMMX 082328 MMEX SIGMET A1 VALID 082327/090327 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2327Z 110NM WID LINE N2003 W10053 N1926 W09738 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  968 WSPS21 NZKL 082328 NZZO SIGMET 48 VALID 082328/090018 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 44 082018/090018=  460 WWUS84 KOUN 082329 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 629 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ041-046-047-051-090000- Carter OK-Johnston OK-Marshall OK-Murray OK- 629 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR east central Carter...Johnston... northwestern Marshall and southeastern Murray Counties Until 700 PM CDT... AT 626 PM CDT, strong thunderstorms were along a line extending from 3 miles south of Fillmore to 3 miles northeast of Dickson, moving north at 20 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 40 MPH... LAT...LON 3416 9645 3415 9646 3414 9651 3414 9699 3417 9703 3448 9714 3448 9651 3442 9651 3442 9649 3416 9642 TIME...MOT...LOC 2326Z 169DEG 19KT 3422 9648 3424 9696 $$ JT  619 WWUS54 KMAF 082330 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 630 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC025-TXC003-495-082345- /O.CON.KMAF.TO.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T2345Z/ Lea NM-Andrews TX-Winkler TX- 630 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM CDT/545 PM MDT/ FOR SOUTHEASTERN LEA...SOUTHWESTERN ANDREWS AND NORTHERN WINKLER COUNTIES... At 630 PM CDT/530 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Jal Airport, or near Jal, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of southeastern Lea, southwestern Andrews and northern Winkler Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3202 10314 3217 10318 3223 10301 3203 10296 TIME...MOT...LOC 2330Z 256DEG 23KT 3210 10307 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED HAIL...<.75IN $$ 84  079 WSMX31 MMMX 082330 MMEX SIGMET H1 VALID 082329/090329 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2329Z WI N2158 W10514 N2126 W10324 N1905 W10343 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  036 WWUS84 KOUN 082331 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 631 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ035-038-090015- Kiowa OK-Comanche OK- 631 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northeastern Kiowa and northwestern Comanche Counties Until 715 PM CDT... AT 630 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located 5 miles east of Cooperton, moving north at 15 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Minor flooding in areas of poor drainage... Locations impacted include... Cooperton and northwestern Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3507 9880 3505 9862 3488 9862 3473 9873 3486 9888 TIME...MOT...LOC 2330Z 200DEG 11KT 3485 9878 $$ Mahale  078 WWUS54 KMAF 082331 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 631 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC025-TXC003-301-495-090000- /O.CON.KMAF.SV.W.0204.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Lea NM-Andrews TX-Winkler TX-Loving TX- 631 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 700 PM CDT/600 PM MDT/ FOR SOUTHEASTERN LEA...SOUTHWESTERN ANDREWS... NORTHWESTERN WINKLER AND NORTHEASTERN LOVING COUNTIES... At 631 PM CDT/531 PM MDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located near Jal, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Jal, Jal Airport and Bennett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Continuous cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is one of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3187 10336 3226 10341 3236 10299 3188 10294 TIME...MOT...LOC 2331Z 264DEG 21KT 3207 10319 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL...0.75IN WIND...60MPH $$ 84  816 WSMX31 MMMX 082331 MMEX SIGMET I1 VALID 082331/090331 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2331Z 100NM WID LINE N1912 W09105 N1843 W08740 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  843 WSMX31 MMMX 082332 CCA MMEX SIGMET H1 VALID 082329/090329 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2329Z WI N2158 W10514 N2126 W10324 N1905 W10343 N1914 W10555 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  621 WOMU40 VMMC 082328 THUNDERSTORM WARNING SIGNAL WAS CANCELLED AT 202009082330 UTC  807 WUUS55 KPSR 082333 SVRPSR AZC007-013-090000- /O.NEW.KPSR.SV.W.0041.200908T2333Z-200909T0000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 433 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Phoenix has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Gila County in east central Arizona... Maricopa County in south central Arizona... * Until 500 PM MST. * At 433 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Punkin Center, or 8 miles east of Sunflower, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Punkin Center and Tonto Basin. * This includes AZ Route 188 between mile markers 252 and 267. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3391 11128 3380 11115 3377 11102 3375 11101 3374 11142 3392 11143 3394 11134 TIME...MOT...LOC 2333Z 265DEG 28KT 3384 11133 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AJ  943 WWUS75 KABQ 082334 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ227-090045- /O.EXP.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Johnson and Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... This wind advisory will be replaced with a Winter Storm Warning. In addition to the onset of moderate snowfall, strong winds will persist through much of tonight, slowly relaxing through the day Wednesday. $$ NMZ230-231-091100- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Union County-Harding County- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 degrees expected. * WHERE...Union County and Harding County. * WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...After somewhat of a lull in wind speeds this afternoon, winds will quickly increase this evening. Wind chills in the teens and low 20's are likely tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ222-223-229-091100- /O.CON.KABQ.FZ.W.0002.200909T0600Z-200909T1500Z/ Estancia Valley-Central Highlands-Northeast Highlands- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 9 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 degrees expected. * WHERE...Central Highlands, Northeast Highlands and Estancia Valley. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 9 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. && $$ NMZ234-235-091100- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Quay County-Curry County- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Quay County and Curry County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles, including along Intestate 40. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...After somewhat of a lull in wind speeds this afternoon, winds will quickly increase this evening. Wind chills in the 30s are likely tonight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ218-219-221-091100- /O.CON.KABQ.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Santa Fe Metro Area- Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area- Sandia/Manzano Mountains Including Edgewood- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...East winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Sandia and Manzano Mountains including Edgewood, Santa Fe Metro Area and Middle Rio Grande Valley including the Albuquerque Metro Area. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel will be difficult especially for high profile vehicles. Strong and potentially dangerous crosswinds are expected along Interstate 25 between Los Lunas, Albuquerque, Bernalillo and Santa Fe. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ NMZ232-233-091100- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T1200Z/ Eastern San Miguel County-Guadalupe County- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM MDT WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Eastern San Miguel County and Guadalupe County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM MDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects and create strong cross winds on some roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NMZ228-090600- /O.CON.KABQ.WI.Y.0028.000000T0000Z-200909T0600Z/ Far Northeast Highlands- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Far Northeast Highlands. * WHEN...Until midnight MDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Freezing temperatures are still forecast tonight through early Wednesday morning. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills may fall into the 30s by late this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$  109 WWUS45 KRIW 082334 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WYZ015-090045- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Wind River Mountains East- 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... The snow has ended, but there could still be some blowing snow along South Pass. $$ WYZ030-090045- /O.EXP.KRIW.WS.W.0009.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ East Sweetwater County- Including the city of Wamsutter 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... Any additional snowfall will be light tonight, and the winter storm warning will be allowed to expire at 6 PM MDT. $$ WYZ028-029-090045- /O.EXP.KRIW.WW.Y.0026.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Rock Springs and Green River-Flaming Gorge- Including the cities of Rock Springs and Green River 534 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MDT THIS EVENING... Any additional snowfall will be light tonight, and the winter storm warning will be allowed to expire at 6 PM MDT. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/riw  708 WWUS86 KSEW 082335 RFWSEW URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 435 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 WAZ651-655>659-661-091215- /O.CON.KSEW.FW.W.0003.000000T0000Z-200911T0600Z/ Central Coastal Lowlands- Black Hills and Southwest Interior Lowlands- Northeast Puget Sound Lowlands Generally Below 1500 Feet- Southeast Puget Sound Lowlands Generally Below 1500 Feet- West Slopes of the North Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet- West Slopes of the Central Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet- East Portion of the Olympic Mountains- 435 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THURSDAY FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY, AS WELL AS HOT, DRY, AND UNSTABLE CONDITIONS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 651, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, AND 661... * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 651, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659 and 661. * WINDS...East 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 25 percent. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 19 percent. * HAINES...Mid-level Haines index values of 5 with isolated areas of 6 will be possible Wednesday and Thursday. * IMPACTS...A combination of moderate breezes, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to rapid rates of spread and down-wind spotting on existing fires. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either imminent or occurring now. Any fires that develop will likely spread quickly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. && $$ www.weather.gov/seattle  613 WSNP31 VNKT 082333 VNSM SIGMET 01 VALID 082333/090333 VNKT- VNSM KATHMANDU FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2300Z STNR INTSF=  614 WSMX31 MMMX 082335 MMEX SIGMET J1 VALID 082334/090334 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2334Z 90NM WID LINE N1912 W10206 N1755 W10114 N1735 W09938 N1637 W09755 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  566 WSGG31 UGTB 082335 UGGG SIGMET 4 VALID 082335/090300 UGTB- UGGG TBILISI FIR EMBD TS FCST W OF E04330 TOP FL320 MOV NE 10KMH WKN=  689 WSAL31 DAAA 082334 DAAA SIGMET 9 VALID 082330/090100 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR EMBD TS OBS W OF LINE N3402 E00218 - N3157 E00146 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  632 WSUS03 KKCI 082336 WS3V CHIV WS 082336 CANCEL SIGMET VICTOR 1. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  184 WSUS05 KKCI 082336 WS5V SLCV WS 082336 CANCEL SIGMET VICTOR 1. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  185 WAUS43 KKCI 082337 AAA WA3T CHIT WA 082337 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 6 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 090300 . AIRMET TURB...SD NE MN IA WI LM LS MI LH IN FROM 70NNE SAW TO SSM TO 40NW YVV TO 50ENE ECK TO FWA TO 20W PMM TO 40E BAE TO 30S MCW TO 80S FSD TO 50N FSD TO 70NNE SAW MOD TURB BTN FL200 AND FL390. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG 03-06Z. . AIRMET TURB...ND SD NE MN WI LS MI FROM 60N MOT TO 50S MOT TO 100WSW YWG TO 30N INL TO YQT TO 70NNE SAW TO 50N FSD TO 70W FSD TO 40ENE AKO TO BFF TO 70SW RAP TO 50NNW ISN TO 60N MOT MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL430. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  217 WGUS84 KEPZ 082337 FLSEPZ Flood Advisory National Weather Service El Paso Tx/Santa Teresa NM 537 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC229-090130- /O.NEW.KEPZ.FA.Y.0074.200908T2337Z-200909T0130Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Hudspeth TX- 537 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in El Paso Tx/Santa Teresa has issued a * Flood Advisory for... Central Hudspeth County in western Texas... * Until 730 PM MDT. * At 537 PM MDT, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Some locations that will experience flooding include... Sierra Blanca, Fort Quitman, Fort Hancock, Esperanza, Finlay, McNary and Quitman Canyon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3129 10587 3145 10573 3139 10551 3123 10522 3099 10555 3102 10558 3106 10559 3108 10560 3110 10564 3111 10565 3114 10571 3116 10574 3117 10577 3120 10578 $$ JR  468 WAUS45 KKCI 082337 AAB WA5T SLCT WA 082337 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDT 9 FOR TURB STG WNDS AND LLWS VALID UNTIL 090300 . ...SEE SIGMET QUEBEC SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET UNIFORM SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET WHISKEY SERIES... . ...SEE SIGMET XRAY SERIES... . AIRMET TURB...ID MT WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA FROM 50S YXH TO 50NNW ISN TO 70SW RAP TO BFF TO 40ENE AKO TO 40NNW LAA TO 20SE TCC TO 30WSW ELP TO 50S TUS TO 30SSW BZA TO 40E TRM TO HEC TO 30E OAL TO 30SSE BOI TO 20SW DLN TO 50S YXH MOD TURB BTN FL180 AND FL430. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET TURB...ID WY NV UT CO AZ NM CA AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE JAC TO 40E DDY TO TBE TO 60E ELP TO ELP TO 50S TUS TO BZA TO 60S TRM TO 40WSW RZS TO 40SW EHF TO 20S CZQ TO 30W OAL TO 80SW TWF TO 40SE JAC MOD TURB BLW FL180. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NV UT AZ FROM 20NW BCE TO 30SSW BCE TO 20N LAS TO 60WSW ILC TO 20NW BCE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 50WNW FTI TO 40SSE FTI TO 60SSE ABQ TO 40SSW ABQ TO 20N ABQ TO 50WNW FTI SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 21Z. CONDS ENDG 00-03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...WY UT CO FROM 50NE OCS TO 60WNW LAR TO 60SSW LAR TO 40N JNC TO 40NE HVE TO 50S HVE TO 50SE BCE TO 50E DTA TO 40SSW DTA TO 30NE ILC TO 40SSE BVL TO 30NNW SLC TO 70WSW OCS TO 30SSE BPI TO 50NE OCS SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS ENDG BY 03Z. . AIRMET STG SFC WNDS...NM FROM 50SSE TBE TO 30SSW TXO TO 50NNE CME TO 30SSW TCC TO 20NE TCC TO 50SSE TBE SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS GTR THAN 30KT EXP. CONDS DVLPG AFT 00Z. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z ENDG BY 06Z. . LLWS POTENTIAL...WY CO NM BOUNDED BY 20NW LAR-20WSW PUB-20NNW TCC-40N CME-30SSW CME-40WSW TCS-60SW ABQ-50SSW HBU-40NNE JNC-40SE OCS-20NW LAR LLWS EXP. CONDS CONTG BYD 03Z THRU 09Z. ....  973 WSID20 WIII 082340 WIIZ SIGMET 13 VALID 082340/090340 WIII- WIIZ JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0400 E10214 - S0529 E09714 - S0237 E09255 - S0051 E09519 - N0011 E09926 - S0400 E10214 TOP FL530 MOV WSW 15KT NC=  755 WSMX31 MMMX 082340 MMID SIGMET B3 VALID 082339/090339 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 2339Z WI N1048 W12000 N1453 W11510N1936 W11646 N1828 W12000 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  749 WWUS54 KMAF 082342 DSWMAF Dust Advisory National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 642 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC003-103-135-173-227-317-329-335-371-389-461-475-495-090030- /O.NEW.KMAF.DS.Y.0002.200908T2342Z-200909T0030Z/ Glasscock TX-Andrews TX-Ward TX-Midland TX-Crane TX-Pecos TX- Ector TX-Mitchell TX-Reeves TX-Winkler TX-Howard TX-Martin TX- Upton TX- 642 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Midland has issued a * Dust Advisory for... Glasscock County in western Texas... Southeastern Andrews County in western Texas... Eastern Ward County in western Texas... Midland County in western Texas... Northern Crane County in western Texas... Northwestern Pecos County in southwestern Texas... Ector County in western Texas... Mitchell County in western Texas... Eastern Reeves County in southwestern Texas... Southeastern Winkler County in western Texas... Howard County in western Texas... Southern Martin County in western Texas... Northwestern Upton County in western Texas... * Until 730 PM CDT. * At 642 PM CDT, a wall of dust was located along a line extending from near Colorado City to near Stanton to 10 miles north of Midland International Air and Space Port to near Goldsmith to near Kermit, moving southeast at 20 mph. HAZARD...Less than one mile visibility with strong wind in excess of 50 mph. SOURCE...Doppler radar. IMPACT...Hazardous travel. * This includes Interstate 20 between mile markers 69 and 228. Locations impacted include... Midland, Odessa, Big Spring, Monahans, Colorado City, Greenwood, Garden City, Stanton, Coahoma, Loraine, Thorntonville, Goldsmith, Forsan, Sand Springs, Lomax, Lenorah, Lake Colorado City, Lake Colorado City State Park, Midland International Air and Space Port and West Odessa. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Blowing dust brings reduced visibility, leading to dangerous driving conditions. If driving, avoid blowing dust if possible. If caught in dense blowing dust, pull off the road, turn off your lights and keep your foot off the brake. Motorists should not drive into an area of blowing dust. PULL ASIDE STAY ALIVE! && LAT...LON 3209 10126 3181 10127 3168 10178 3145 10280 3126 10307 3181 10309 3210 10272 3224 10224 3233 10180 3246 10066 3209 10067 TIME...MOT...LOC 2342Z 334DEG 19KT 3234 10082 3219 10175 3209 10225 3197 10266 3182 10303 $$ 24  021 WWUS54 KMAF 082343 SVSMAF Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 643 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMC025-TXC003-495-082352- /O.EXP.KMAF.TO.W.0008.000000T0000Z-200908T2345Z/ Lea NM-Andrews TX-Winkler TX- 643 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN LEA...SOUTHWESTERN ANDREWS AND NORTHERN WINKLER COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM CDT/545 PM MDT/... The tornado threat has diminished and the Tornado Warning has been cancelled. However, large hail and damaging winds remain likely and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for the area. However gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for southeastern Lea, southwestern Andrews, northwestern Winkler, and northeastern Loving counties until 700 PM CDT/600 PM MDT. LAT...LON 3202 10314 3217 10318 3223 10301 3203 10296 TIME...MOT...LOC 2342Z 257DEG 24KT 3211 10301 $$ 84  632 WSMX31 MMMX 082343 MMEX SIGMET K1 VALID 082342/090342 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2342Z WI N3145 W10745 N2754 W10814 N2818 W10529 N3046 W10511 N3152 W10656 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  711 WSFR34 LFPW 082345 LFMM SIGMET 10 VALID 082345/090200 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI N4200 E00515 - N4200 E00430 - N4215 E00315 - N4230 E00315 - N4230 E00515 - N4200 E00515 TOP FL370 MOV NW 10KT NC=  033 WSMX31 MMMX 082345 MMEX SIGMET L1 VALID 082344/090344 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2344Z 70NM WID LINE N2852 W10147 N2621 W10124 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV NE AT 5KT INTSF. =  210 WUUS55 KFGZ 082346 SVRFGZ AZC007-017-090030- /O.NEW.KFGZ.SV.W.0051.200908T2346Z-200909T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 446 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Flagstaff has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Gila County in east central Arizona... Navajo County in north central Arizona... * Until 530 PM MST. * At 445 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Young, or 17 miles southwest of Forest Lakes, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Young and Alderwood Campground. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3403 11111 3421 11110 3424 11058 3382 11069 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 270DEG 34KT 3412 11095 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ KD  795 WSCA31 MHTG 082345 MHTG SIGMET B4 VALID 082340/080340 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2330Z WI N1112 W10128 -N0844 W09946 -N0729 W10045 -N1012 W10357 TOP FL45 MOS W 05KT WKN=  187 WSHO31 MHTG 082345 MHTG SIGMET B4 VALID 082340/080340 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2330Z WI N1112 W10128 -N0844 W09946 -N0729 W10045 -N1012 W10357 TOP FL45 MOS W 05KT WKN=  384 WSMX31 MMMX 082347 MMEX SIGMET M1 VALID 082346/090346 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2346Z 70NM WID LINE N2110 W08850 N2054 W08648 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  802 WWUS86 KLOX 082347 RFWLOX URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 447 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY... ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM WEDNESDAY TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY.. .The Santa Ana winds have been confined to the mountains and deserts this afternoon but are expected to become more widespread and strengthen tonight into Wednesday morning when critical fire weather conditions are expected across many portions of Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Fuels after this historic heat wave will be at critical levels as we enter into the Santa Ana wind event. CAZ246-253-254-091730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area- Ventura County Mountains / Los Padres National Forest- Los Angeles County Mountains / Angeles National Forest- 447 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTY MOUNTAINS INCLUDING THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...North to northeast winds developing this afternoon and continuing through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected late this evening through Wednesday morning when northeast winds of 25 to 40 mph with gusts to 55 mph can be expected. Isolated gusts around 60 mph are likely across favored ridgetops. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...warm temperatures...and critically dry fuels can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ244-245-288-547-548-091730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Interior Valleys-Ventura County Coastal Valleys- Santa Clarita Valley-Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley- Los Angeles County San Gabriel Valley- 447 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE VALLEYS OF VENTURA AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...North to northeast winds expected to develop late this afternoon or evening and continue through Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected late this evening through Wednesday morning when northeast winds of 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 50 mph can be expected. Isolated gusts to 55 mph in the foothills of eastern Ventura County valleys and Santa Clarita Valley. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...warm temperatures...and critically dry fuels can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ240-091730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200909T1000Z-200910T0300Z/ Ventura County Coast- 447 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR COASTAL AREAS OF VENTURA COUNTY DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY... * Winds...Northeast winds are expected to develop late tonight into Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected on Wednesday morning when northeast winds of 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph are expected. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...warm temperatures...and critically dry fuels can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ CAZ241-091730- /O.CON.KLOX.FW.W.0004.200909T1000Z-200910T0300Z/ Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles- 447 PM PDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 8 PM PDT WEDNESDAY FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY FROM MALIBU TO THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS DUE TO GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR ... * Winds...North to northeast winds are expected to develop late tonight into Wednesday. The strongest winds are expected Wednesday morning when northeast winds of 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph are expected from Malibu to the Hollywood Hills. * Relative Humidity...Minimum humidity 5 to 15 percent with poor overnight recovery. * Impacts...If fire ignition occurs, conditions will be favorable for rapid fire spread, long range spotting, and extreme fire behavior which would threaten life and property. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...warm temperatures...and critically dry fuels can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Use extreme caution with potential fire ignition sources. && $$ Gomberg  783 WGUS54 KSJT 082348 FFWSJT TXC253-090245- /O.NEW.KSJT.FF.W.0007.200908T2348Z-200909T0245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service San Angelo TX 648 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northeastern Jones County in west central Texas... * Until 945 PM CDT. * At 647 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen around Anson. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Doppler radar. IMPACT...Flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage and low lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Stamford, Anson, Avoca and Funston. This includes the following Low Water Crossings... County Road. 212 crossing California Creek, County Road 245 crossing California Creek, County Road 242 crossing Flag Branch, County Road 260 crossing Harmony Creek and County Road 261 crossing Cottonwood Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. A Flash Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. If you are in the warned area move to higher ground immediately. Residents living along streams and creeks should take immediate precautions to protect life and property. && LAT...LON 3296 9964 3264 9976 3267 10002 3296 9988 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$  041 WWUS84 KOUN 082349 SPSOUN SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Norman OK 649 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 OKZ041-042-047-090015- Johnston OK-Pontotoc OK-Murray OK- 649 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR northwestern Johnston... southwestern Pontotoc and southeastern Murray Counties Until 715 PM CDT... AT 644 PM CDT, a strong thunderstorm was located near Mill Creek, moving northwest at 30 MPH. HAZARDS INCLUDE... Hail up to the size of nickels... Wind gusts to 50 MPH... Locations impacted include... Sulphur, Roff, Ravia, Mill Creek, Fitzhugh, Hickory, Scullin and Reagan. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the weather situation closely and be alert for threatening weather conditions. && LAT...LON 3429 9660 3423 9679 3451 9702 3469 9673 TIME...MOT...LOC 2344Z 152DEG 26KT 3440 9678 $$ Mahale  483 WSMX31 MMMX 082350 MMID SIGMET N1 VALID 082349/090349 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 2349Z WI N1722 W11246 N1421 W11315 N1213 W10610 N1624 W10625 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV W AT 5KT INTSF. =  900 WWUS85 KPSR 082351 SPSPSR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 451 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZZ548-550-551-553-555-090015- South Mountain/Ahwatukee AZ-Northwest Pinal County AZ- Southeast Valley/Queen Creek AZ-Apache Junction/Gold Canyon AZ- East Valley AZ- 451 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR MARICOPA AND PINAL COUNTIES UNTIL 515 PM MST... At 448 PM MST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms over the East Valley, including Chandler, moving southeast at 55 mph. Pea size hail and winds in excess of 40 mph will be possible with this storm. Locations impacted include... Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe, Coolidge, Sun Lakes, Queen Creek, Bapchule, Olberg. This includes the following highways... AZ Interstate 10 between mile markers 164 and 182. US Highway 60 between mile markers 209 and 209. AZ Route 87 between mile markers 133 and 169. LAT...LON 3310 11200 3336 11194 3329 11137 3296 11149 TIME...MOT...LOC 2348Z 288DEG 47KT 3316 11186 $$ AJ  174 WSMC31 GMMC 082351 GMMM SIMET 04 VALID 090000/090200 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3058 W00416 - N3253 W0031 3 - N3325 W00149 TOP FL320 MOV E WKN=  458 WSBZ31 SBGL 082336 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 090020/090420 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0143 W05433 - N0239 W05118 - S0305 W04420 - S0539 W04649 - N0143 W05433 TOP FL440 STNR WKN=  459 WSBZ31 SBGL 082336 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 090020/090420 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0033 W05741 - N0012 W05501 - S0400 W05641 - S0323 W05853 - N0033 W05741 TOP FL440 STNR WKN=  217 WSBZ31 SBGL 082336 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 090020/090420 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0145 W06906 - N0157 W06740 - N0105 W06700 - N0049 W06548 - S0057 W05919 - S0819 W06227 - S0632 W07017 - N0145 W06906 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  218 WSBZ31 SBGL 082336 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 090020/090420 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0728 W07353 - S0641 W07307 - S0921 W07040 - S0947 W07157 - S0728 W07353 TOP FL440 STNR WKN=  169 WSCA31 MHTG 082352 MHTG SIGMET D3 VALID 082350/090350 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2340Z WI N1427 W09225 -N1333 W09043 -N1450 W09009 -N1611 W09207 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  595 WSHO31 MHTG 082352 MHTG SIGMET D3 VALID 082350/090350 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2340Z WI N1427 W09225 -N1333 W09043 -N1450 W09009 -N1611 W09207 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT NC=  166 WWUS85 KPSR 082352 AWWIWA AZZ551-090100- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 452 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...Airport Weather Warning for Mesa Gateway Airport until 600 PM MST for lightning.... Lightning has been observed within 10 miles of the airport. $$ CB  754 WSCA31 MHTG 082353 CCA MHTG SIGMET B4 VALID 082340/090340 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2330Z WI N1112 W10128 -N0844 W09946 -N0729 W10045 -N1012 W10357 TOP FL45 MOS W 05KT WKN=  090 WSHO31 MHTG 082353 CCA MHTG SIGMET B4 VALID 082340/090340 MHTG- MHTG CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2330Z WI N1112 W10128 -N0844 W09946 -N0729 W10045 -N1012 W10357 TOP FL45 MOS W 05KT WKN=  168 WBCN07 CWVR 082300 PAM ROCKS WIND 1205 LANGARA; X 1/4F W7 1FT CHP LO W 2330 CLD EST 14/14 GREEN; PC 15 NW20E 4FF MOD 2330 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 19/13 TRIPLE; PC 15 NW15E 3FT MOD LO W F BNK DNST S-W 2330 CLD EST 9 FEW 15 FEW 17/15 BONILLA; OVC 1 N20E 4FT MOD LO NW VIS S 10 2330 CLD EST 2 OVC 16/14 BOAT BLUFF; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 2330 CLR 23/12 MCINNES; PC 15 NW10E 2FT CHP LO SW 2330 CLD EST FEW ABV 25 20/15 IVORY; PC 15 W6E 1FT CHP LO SW 2330 CLD EST FW ABV 25 20/13 DRYAD; CLR 15 NW8E 2FT CHP 2330 CLR 22/15 ADDENBROKE; CLR 15 NW10E 2FT CHP 2330 CLR 21/10 EGG ISLAND; CLR 15 NW13 3FT MOD LO W 2340 CLD EST CLR 19/17 PINE ISLAND; CLR 15 NW05E RPLD LO W 2340 CLD EST CLR 16/11 CAPE SCOTT; CLR 15 NE10E 2FT CHP LO SW 2340 CLD EST CLR 19/11 QUATSINO; CLR 15 NW07E 1FT CHP LO SW 2340 CLD EST CLR 23/10 NOOTKA; CLR 15 W15E 3FT MDT LO SW 2340 CLD EST CLR 26/13 ESTEVAN; CLR 15 NW17 3FT MDT LO SW 1023.2F F BNK DSNT SW LENNARD; CLR 15 NW15E 3FT MDT LO SW AMPHITRITE; N/A CAPE BEALE; PC 15 SE06 1FT CHP LO SW VSBY SE-S 6K K ALQDS PACHENA; CLR 3F SE05 1FT CHP LO SW CARMANAH; CLR 8 SE22E 4FT MDT LO SW K ALQDS SCARLETT; CLR 15 NW08E 1FT CHP LO NW PULTENEY; CLR 15 W02 RPLD CHATHAM; CLR 15 CLM RPLD 2340 CLD EST CLR 20/08 CHROME; N/A MERRY; N/A ENTRANCE; N/A FIRST NARROWS; N/A JERICHO; N/A TSAWWASSEN; N/A TRIAL IS.; N/A Latest Automatic Weather Reports WLP SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 236/16/11/3011/M/ 8017 24MM= WEB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 222/20/09/3314/M/M PK WND 3218 2248Z 8026 64MM= WQC SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 218/29/02/1503/M/ 8027 64MM= WRU SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 235/18/10/3610/M/M M 56MM= WFG SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 242/16/13/3416/M/ PK WND 3419 2256Z 8013 53MM= WVF SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/19/13/3206/M/ M 74MM= WQS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 277/17/16/3416/M/ PK WND 3321 2221Z 6014 87MM= WRO SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 284/15/15/2917/M/M PK WND 2920 2252Z 7015 86MM= WEK SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 268/18/14/3016/M/ PK WND 3120 2201Z 6017 25MM= WWL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 267/14/13/3416+21/M/ PK WND 3421 2251Z 7014 97MM= WME SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/22/11/2501/M/ M 78MM= WAS SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 225/22/08/1205/M/ 8027 96MM= WSB SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 214/22/04/3008/M/M 8031 43MM= WGT SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 229/21/07/3603/M/ 8026 94MM= WEL SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 227/21/16/3404/M/ 8027 95MM= WDR SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 198/21/-04/3506/M/ 8033 77MM= WZO SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/0206/M/ M MMMM= WKA SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M M/M/M/3005/M/ M MMMM= XFA SA 2300 AUTO8 M M M 228/15/09/2603/M/ 6026 24MM=  301 WSNZ21 NZKL 082352 NZZC SIGMET 21 VALID 082355/090355 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S4620 E16940 - S4640 E16910 - S4600 E16800 - S4600 E16930 - S4620 E16940 5500FT/FL120 MOV NE 20KT NC=  426 WSUS31 KKCI 082355 SIGE MKCE WST 082355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 77E VALID UNTIL 0155Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 10WSW MIA-40SSW RSW-50SE EYW LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV LTL. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 78E VALID UNTIL 0155Z FL AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40NW ORL-30WSW TRV-30WNW RSW-70SW CTY-40NW ORL AREA TS MOV FROM 06010KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 79E VALID UNTIL 0155Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 100E ECG-160ESE ILM DVLPG LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 090155-090555 AREA 1...FROM MSS-MPV-ALB-PSB-TTH-BAE-ECK-DXO-CLE-BUF-MSS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM RIC-180ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-210ENE PBI-40E PBI-140SE MIA-EYW-60SSW TLH-LEV-MHZ-AMG-GSO-RIC WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  427 WSUS32 KKCI 082355 SIGC MKCC WST 082355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18C VALID UNTIL 0155Z IA FROM 50W DBQ-10SW DSM LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24040KT. TOPS TO FL390. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19C VALID UNTIL 0155Z LA TX FROM 30SSW GGG-50NW LCH LINE TS 40 NM WIDE MOV FROM 16015KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX OK FROM 40WSW END-10ENE OKC-40ENE SJT-50SE MAF-30SSE LBB-40WSW END AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21C VALID UNTIL 0155Z IL MO IA FROM 50N IRK-50NNE UIN-30E STL-70E SGF-50NE MCI-50N IRK AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 23020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22C VALID UNTIL 0155Z NE FROM 60ENE OBH-30SSW OBH LINE TS 30 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24045KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX OK FROM 60SSE MLC-30ENE ADM-20W TTT LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 17020KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24C VALID UNTIL 0155Z CO NM FROM 50N ALS-40SSW PUB-20S ABQ-60N SJN-RSK-50N ALS AREA TS MOV FROM 22050KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25C VALID UNTIL 0155Z IL FROM 10E BDF-40WNW BVT-20WSW TTH-30S AXC-10E BDF AREA TS MOV FROM 23035KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26C VALID UNTIL 0155Z TX NM FROM 40E CME-40N MAF-20SSW FST-60WNW MRF-40SE ELP-40E CME AREA TS MOV FROM 23015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27C VALID UNTIL 0155Z MO KS FROM 40ENE SGF-40W SGF-30N OSW LINE SEV TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 20015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28C VALID UNTIL 0155Z MO OK KS FROM 70ENE ICT-BUM-50S BUM-30W TUL-50ENE END-70ENE ICT LINE TS 35 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24015KT. TOPS ABV FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 090155-090555 FROM FSD-DLL-JOT-TTH-FAM-MLC-GGG-AEX-PSX-BRO-BRO-LRD-DLF-80SSE MRF-ELP-FSD WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  599 WWUS55 KPSR 082356 SVSPSR Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 456 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 AZC007-013-090006- /O.EXP.KPSR.SV.W.0041.000000T0000Z-200909T0000Z/ Gila AZ-Maricopa AZ- 456 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR GILA AND MARICOPA COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 500 PM MST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. LAT...LON 3391 11128 3380 11115 3377 11102 3375 11101 3374 11142 3392 11143 3394 11134 TIME...MOT...LOC 2356Z 265DEG 28KT 3385 11112 $$ AJ  988 WSUS33 KKCI 082355 SIGW MKCW WST 082355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18W VALID UNTIL 0155Z NM AZ FROM 50N SJN-40W SJN-30SW PHX LINE SEV TS 45 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL450. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 090155-090555 FROM ALS-30NNW TCC-ELP-40S TUS-DRK-ALS WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  600 WSMX31 MMMX 082357 MMEX SIGMET O1 VALID 082356/090356 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 2356Z WI N2211 W10310 N2104 W10114 N2128 W10010 N2433 W10047 N2241 W10153 CB TOP ABV FL450 MOV NE AT 5KT INTSF. =  392 WUUS55 KPSR 082358 SVRPSR AZC013-021-090030- /O.NEW.KPSR.SV.W.0042.200908T2358Z-200909T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Phoenix AZ 458 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Phoenix has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Maricopa County in south central Arizona... Pinal County in southeastern Arizona... * Until 530 PM MST. * At 458 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport, or near Gilbert, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Apache Junction, Gold Canyon, Queen Creek, Chandler Heights, Gold Camp, Gilbert City Hall, San Tan Village Mall, Seville, Freestone Park, Florence Junction, Kings Ranch and Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport. * This includes the following highways... US Highway 60 between mile markers 189 and 214. AZ Route 202 between mile markers 31 and 46. AZ Route 79 between mile markers 145 and 150. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3320 11182 3336 11183 3345 11132 3318 11129 TIME...MOT...LOC 2358Z 264DEG 28KT 3330 11170 HAIL...1.00IN WIND...60MPH $$ AJ  419 WWUS84 KEPZ 082358 SPSEPZ Special Weather Statement National Weather Service El Paso TX 558 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 NMZ413-417-TXZ419-420-423-090045- Southern Tularosa Basin NM-Otero Mesa NM- Eastern/Central El Paso County TX- Rio Grande Valley of Eastern El Paso/Western Hudspeth Counties TX- Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains TX- 558 PM MDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...SIGNIFICANT WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHWESTERN OTERO...EASTERN DONA ANA AND NORTHEASTERN EL PASO COUNTIES UNTIL 645 PM MDT... At 557 PM MDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms over the area, moving northeast at 35 mph. Half inch hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph will be possible with these storms. Locations impacted include... East El Paso, Northeast El Paso, Central El Paso, Far East El Paso, Mission Valley, Clint, Horizon City, Chaparral, Hueco Tanks, San Elizario, Fort Bliss, Socorro, McGregor Range Base, Sparks, Homestead Meadows, Butterfield, Hueco Mountain Estates, Agua Dulce, Biggs Field and Fort Bliss Northeast. This includes the following highways... Interstate 10 in Texas between mile markers 24 and 43. Highway 54 in New Mexico between mile markers 1 and 15. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3162 10630 3166 10633 3169 10635 3171 10637 3173 10638 3174 10639 3176 10643 3219 10638 3220 10602 3161 10604 3158 10629 TIME...MOT...LOC 2357Z 237DEG 49KT 3203 10614 $$ ROGASH  224 WUUS55 KFGZ 082359 SVRFGZ AZC007-090045- /O.NEW.KFGZ.SV.W.0052.200908T2359Z-200909T0045Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ 459 PM MST Tue Sep 8 2020 The National Weather Service in Flagstaff has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Gila County in east central Arizona... * Until 545 PM MST. * At 458 PM MST, a severe thunderstorm was located 16 miles southwest of Carrizo, or 33 miles southeast of Forest Lakes, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Fort Apache Reservation. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3383 11033 3382 11042 3383 11051 3385 11057 3382 11062 3385 11072 3399 11067 3398 11020 3376 11024 TIME...MOT...LOC 2358Z 287DEG 34KT 3390 11055 HAIL...1.25IN WIND...60MPH $$ KD  287 WGUS84 KLUB 082359 FLSLUB Flood Advisory National Weather Service Lubbock TX 659 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 TXC269-090045- /O.CON.KLUB.FA.Y.0038.000000T0000Z-200909T0045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ King TX- 659 PM CDT Tue Sep 8 2020 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR NORTHEASTERN KING COUNTY... At 659 PM CDT, Doppler radar indicates that rainfall has ended over the advisory area. While no imminent heavy rainfall threat exists, residual runoff will be possible through late evening in areas which received the highest rainfall totals east of Guthrie. Some locations that will experience flooding include... rural eastern King county. This will be the last statement for this event. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Flood Advisory means river or stream flows are elevated, or ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. && LAT...LON 3357 10028 3365 10035 3379 10022 3383 10000 3373 10000 3366 9999 3364 9999 3363 9999 3352 10019 $$ 26  069 WVEQ31 SEQU 082350 SEFG SIGMET 5 VALID 082330/090530 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT SANGAY PSN S0200 W07820 VA CLD OBS AT 2300Z WI S0153 W07837 - S0157 W07820 - S0203 W07819 - S0207 W07837 - S0153 W07837 SFC/FL210 MOV W 30KT FCST AT 0500Z WI S0149 W07848 - S0157 W07820 - S0203 W07819 - S0211 W07847 - S0149 W07848 =  648 WTSR20 WSSS 081800 NO STORM WARNING=