907 NOUS42 KRAH 100015 PNSRAH NCZ007>011-021>028-038>043-073>078-083>086-088-089-101215- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 715 PM EST Sat Jan 9 2021 ...SNOWFALL REPORTS... Location Amount Time/Date Provider ...North Carolina... ...Alamance County... Elon College 0.5 in 0735 PM 01/08 Public 2 WNW Burlington 0.4 in 0715 PM 01/08 Trained Spotter ...Davidson County... Lexington 1.0 in 0820 PM 01/08 Public 4 W Lexington 0.5 in 0615 PM 01/08 Public 2 ESE Lexington 0.5 in 0635 PM 01/08 Public ...Durham County... Durham 5.2 NW 0.1 in 0646 AM 01/08 COCORAHS ...Forsyth County... 5 NW High Point 0.5 in 0745 PM 01/08 Public ...Granville County... Creedmoor 4.3 E 0.1 in 0800 PM 01/08 COCORAHS ...Guilford County... Browns Summit 3.2 NW 1.6 in 0630 PM 01/08 COCORAHS 4 NNE Colfax 1.0 in 0600 PM 01/08 Public 2 SW Monticello 0.8 in 0800 PM 01/08 Public 2 S High Point 0.8 in 0700 PM 01/08 Broadcast Media Summerfield 2.8 NW 0.5 in 0630 PM 01/08 COCORAHS Greensboro 5.3 NNE 0.5 in 0700 PM 01/08 COCORAHS 2 N Monticello 0.5 in 0807 PM 01/08 Public 2 WNW Monticello 0.5 in 1005 PM 01/08 Broadcast Media 4 ENE Greensboro 0.4 in 0735 PM 01/08 Broadcast Media 5 ESE Colfax 0.3 in 0700 PM 01/08 ASOS ...Moore County... 1 NW Pinehurst 0.3 in 0915 PM 01/08 Broadcast Media ...Orange County... Efland 4.0 NNW 0.5 in 0740 PM 01/08 COCORAHS ...Person County... 3 SW Bushy Fork 0.8 in 0808 PM 01/08 Trained Spotter 1 SW Roxboro 0.3 in 0640 PM 01/08 Public 2 W Roxboro 0.3 in 0600 PM 01/08 Trained Spotter 2 SSW Concord 0.1 in 0630 PM 01/08 Trained Spotter ...Wake County... 3.2 E Apex 0.3 in 0915 PM 01/08 COOP 4 S Lake Wheeler 0.2 in 1010 PM 01/08 NWS Employee Holly Springs 3.6 SSE 0.1 in 0915 PM 01/08 COCORAHS ...Warren County... Norlina 5.0 N 2.0 in 0800 PM 01/08 COCORAHS && **METADATA** :1/08/2021,1915 PM, NC, Alamance, 2 WNW Burlington, , , 36.0932, -79.4749, SNOW_24, 0.4, Inch, Trained Spotter, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1935 PM, NC, Alamance, Elon College, , , 36.0986, -79.5067, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1815 PM, NC, Davidson, 4 W Lexington, , , 35.8167, -80.3201, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1835 PM, NC, Davidson, 2 ESE Lexington, , , 35.7946, -80.2226, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2020 PM, NC, Davidson, Lexington, , , 35.8125, -80.2559, SNOW_24, 1, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,0646 AM, NC, Durham, Durham 5.2 NW, , , 36.0347, -78.9806, SNOW_24, 0.1, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1945 PM, NC, Forsyth, 5 NW High Point, , , 36.0327, -80.0614, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2000 PM, NC, Granville, Creedmoor 4.3 E, , , 36.1177, -78.6099, SNOW_24, 0.1, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1900 PM, NC, Guilford, 5 ESE Colfax, , , 36.1041, -79.9411, SNOW_24, 0.3, Inch, ASOS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1935 PM, NC, Guilford, 4 ENE Greensboro, , , 36.1004, -79.7625, SNOW_24, 0.4, Inch, Broadcast Media, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1830 PM, NC, Guilford, Summerfield 2.8 NW, , , 36.2337, -79.9268, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1900 PM, NC, Guilford, Greensboro 5.3 NNE, , , 36.1515, -79.7968, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2007 PM, NC, Guilford, 2 N Monticello, , , 36.2311, -79.6748, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2205 PM, NC, Guilford, 2 WNW Monticello, , , 36.2133, -79.713, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, Broadcast Media, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1900 PM, NC, Guilford, 2 S High Point, , , 35.9524, -79.9982, SNOW_24, 0.75, Inch, Broadcast Media, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2000 PM, NC, Guilford, 2 SW Monticello, , , 36.1736, -79.7023, SNOW_24, 0.8, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1800 PM, NC, Guilford, 4 NNE Colfax, , , 36.1746, -79.9859, SNOW_24, 1, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1830 PM, NC, Guilford, Browns Summit 3.2 NW, , , 36.2455, -79.7543, SNOW_24, 1.6, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2115 PM, NC, Moore, 1 NW Pinehurst, , , 35.1891, -79.4741, SNOW_24, 0.25, Inch, Broadcast Media, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1940 PM, NC, Orange, Efland 4.0 NNW, , , 36.1383, -79.1806, SNOW_24, 0.5, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1830 PM, NC, Person, 2 SSW Concord, , , 36.4438, -79.0761, SNOW_24, 0.1, Inch, Trained Spotter, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1800 PM, NC, Person, 2 W Roxboro, , , 36.4017, -79.0162, SNOW_24, 0.25, Inch, Trained Spotter, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,1840 PM, NC, Person, 1 SW Roxboro, , , 36.3926, -78.9883, SNOW_24, 0.3, Inch, Public, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2008 PM, NC, Person, 3 SW Bushy Fork, , , 36.2809, -79.1273, SNOW_24, 0.8, Inch, Trained Spotter, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2115 PM, NC, Wake, Holly Springs 3.6 SSE, , , 35.6042, -78.8189, SNOW_24, 0.1, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2210 PM, NC, Wake, 4 S Lake Wheeler, , , 35.6435, -78.7301, SNOW_24, .2, Inch, NWS Employee, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2115 PM, NC, Wake, 3.2 E Apex, , , 35.7192, -78.7878, SNOW_24, 0.3, Inch, COOP, 24 hour snowfall, :1/08/2021,2000 PM, NC, Warren, Norlina 5.0 N, , , 36.5174, -78.1921, SNOW_24, 2, Inch, COCORAHS, 24 hour snowfall, Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  610 NOUS46 KLOX 100124 PNSLOX CAZ034>041-044>046-051>054-059-087-088-547>550-101324- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 524 PM PST Sat Jan 9 2021 ...HIGHEST WIND REPORTS SINCE 11AM SATURDAY... Location Speed Time/Date Elevation (ft.) ...Ventura County Interior Valleys... Balcom Cyn (SCE) 38 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 345 ...Ventura County Coastal Valleys... Boney Mountain 55 MPH 1115 AM 01/09 1714 Miller Ranch 51 MPH 1109 AM 01/09 836 Wiley Ridge RAWS 51 MPH 1049 AM 01/09 1645 Happy Camp Rd (SCE) 47 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 1216 Cheseboro 46 MPH 1038 AM 01/09 1707 Deer Creek Canyon 46 MPH 1148 AM 01/09 1235 Thousand Oaks (SCE) 46 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 1384 Moorpark College (SCE) 42 MPH 1130 AM 01/09 644 E Simi Vly Cochran (SCE) 42 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 1144 Sandstone Peak ALERT 41 MPH 1245 PM 01/09 3109 Tapo Cyn (SCE) 41 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 1515 Sce S Mountain Lookout Rd 40 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 701 Las Posas Hills 2 (SCE) 39 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 802 Big Sycamore Cyn (SCE) 39 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 277 Roca Ave (SCE) 39 MPH 0440 PM 01/09 1733 Wendy Dr/Academy Dr (SCE) 38 MPH 1230 PM 01/09 882 Long Cyn (SCE) 37 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 852 Barnes St (SCE) 35 MPH 1100 AM 01/09 914 Hwy 118/Arroyo Simi 35 MPH 1100 AM 01/09 535 ...Ventura County Coast... Camarillo Airport 38 MPH 1055 AM 01/09 63 Point Mugu NAS 37 MPH 1152 AM 01/09 12 PCH/Pt Mugu (SCE) 35 MPH 1240 PM 01/09 3 ...Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area... Malibu Hills RAWS 49 MPH 1056 AM 01/09 1575 Saddle Peak (SCE) 47 MPH 0230 PM 01/09 2750 Corral Canyon Park (SCE) 47 MPH 1100 AM 01/09 903 Topanga RAWS 45 MPH 0257 PM 01/09 1600 Saddle Peak 39 MPH 0442 PM 01/09 2385 Green Peak 37 MPH 1136 AM 01/09 1759 Henry Ridge (SCE) 37 MPH 0220 PM 01/09 1634 Sce Corral Canyon Rd 37 MPH 1140 AM 01/09 1830 ...Santa Clarita Valley... Solemint Motorway (SCE) 52 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 1749 Saugus 51 MPH 1057 AM 01/09 1450 Sce Magic Mountain 43 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 601 Newhall Pass RAWS 42 MPH 1056 AM 01/09 2134 Wolcott Way (SCE) 41 MPH 1210 PM 01/09 967 Hesperia (SCE881) 37 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 1527 Oak Spring Cyn (SCE) 36 MPH 1130 AM 01/09 1575 Boquet Cyn (SCE) 35 MPH 1140 AM 01/09 1658 Golden Valley (SCE) 35 MPH 0250 PM 01/09 1875 ...Santa Barbara County Central Coast... Lompoc Hill 35 MPH 0430 PM 01/09 670 Purisima Hills 35 MPH 0244 PM 01/09 1169 ...San Luis Obispo County Mountains... Mt. Lowe 51 MPH 0430 PM 01/09 2627 ...San Luis Obispo County Central Coast... Whale Rock Rsvr (PGE) 44 MPH 1100 AM 01/09 634 Toro Creek (PGE) 42 MPH 0420 PM 01/09 1203 Gold Tree Sub 40 MPH 1230 PM 01/09 458 Orcutt Road 38 MPH 0450 PM 01/09 321 Arroyo Grande RAWS 37 MPH 1054 AM 01/09 310 TV Towers (PGE) 37 MPH 0340 PM 01/09 3579 High School Hill 37 MPH 0450 PM 01/09 1570 ...Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley... Porter Ranch RAWS 45 MPH 1048 AM 01/09 1979 Browns Cyn (SCE) 42 MPH 0130 PM 01/09 1590 Veterans Memorial Park (SCE) 39 MPH 0450 PM 01/09 1688 Porter Rnch-Horse Flats 37 MPH 0415 PM 01/09 1633 2nd Terrace (SCE) 36 MPH 1130 AM 01/09 1550 Sce Santa Susana Pass Rd 36 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 424 Sce Mountain Park 35 MPH 0150 PM 01/09 1453 Van Nuys Apt. 35 MPH 0251 PM 01/09 793 ...Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range... Magic Mtn Truck Trl (SCE) 58 MPH 1100 AM 01/09 4482 Warm Springs RAWS 53 MPH 1053 AM 01/09 4930 Camp Nine RAWS 52 MPH 1055 AM 01/09 4000 Chilao RAWS 51 MPH 1053 AM 01/09 5450 Mill Creek RAWS 50 MPH 1153 AM 01/09 5020 Letteau Motorway (SCE) 50 MPH 1250 PM 01/09 3245 Oat Mountain (SCE) 48 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 3450 Newhall Pass (SCE) 42 MPH 0210 PM 01/09 2088 Sce Mesa Grande Rd 39 MPH 1250 PM 01/09 771 Rattle Snake Rd (SCE) 39 MPH 1240 PM 01/09 2438 Acton Canyon (SCE) 38 MPH 1250 PM 01/09 3515 Pacoima Dam (SCE) 37 MPH 0130 PM 01/09 1473 Sandberg 35 MPH 1053 AM 01/09 4154 ...Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles... Escondido Cyn (SCE) 51 MPH 1130 AM 01/09 549 Ramirez Cyn (SCE) 42 MPH 1120 AM 01/09 384 Pt. Dume-Wandermere (SCE) 42 MPH 1110 AM 01/09 209 Leo Carrillo RAWS 38 MPH 1055 AM 01/09 49 Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  898 NOUS45 KBOU 100145 PNSBOU COZ030>051-102300- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Denver/Boulder CO 645 PM MST SAT JAN 9 2021 ...This week in metro Denver weather history... 7-10 In 1962...a major winter storm dumped 13.5 inches of snow on metro Denver. A foot of the snow fell on the 8th when northeast winds gusted to 30 mph. The storm was followed by an intense blast of very cold Arctic air. Minimum temperature readings of 24 degrees below zero occurred on both the 9th and 10th. The temperature never reached above zero on the 9th when a maximum reading of 1 degree below zero was recorded. Temperatures were below zero for 37 consecutive hours. 8-10 In 1983...winds of 70 to 90 mph howled through Boulder. A wind gust to 100 mph was recorded on Fritz Peak near Rollinsville. A tree blown down by the wind damaged a house in eastern Boulder County. The strong winds developed behind a cold front late on the 8th and continued through the 10th. At Stapleton International Airport...west to northwest winds gusted to 49 mph on the 8th...to 45 mph on the 9th...and to 48 mph on the 10th. 9-10 In 1962...the low temperature plunged to 24 degrees below zero on both days. In 1972...a west wind gust to 60 mph was recorded at Stapleton International Airport...while in Boulder a wind gust to 86 mph was recorded at the National Bureau of Standards. The roof of a house was blown off...and trees were blown down in Boulder. The high winds contributed to the damage from a building fire in Boulder. In 2000...heavy snow and strong winds in the mountains spilled into the Front Range foothills. Ward...northwest of Boulder...received 9 inches of new snow. Wind gusts to 91 mph were measured in Golden Gate Canyon...with gusts to 77 mph at Loveland Ski area and to 73 mph along State Highway 93 north of Golden. West winds gusted to 44 mph at Denver International Airport on the 9th. In 2011...a winter storm brought moderate to heavy snowfall to areas in and near the Front Range Foothills and Palmer Divide. Storm totals included: 13 inches...3 miles south of Golden; 11.5 inches near Eldorado Springs...10.5 inches... 2 miles southwest of Boulder; 10 inches...3 miles southwest of Roxbourough State Park; 9 inches at Genessee...8.5 inches in Arvada...4 miles south-southeast of Bennett and Greenwood Village...8 inches...8 miles south of Elizabeth; 7 inches at Commerce City and 6.5 inches near Louisville and at Denver International Airport. Gusty winds produced snow drifts up to 2 feet deep over the Palmer Divide. 10 In 1893...strong west winds in Boulder and the adjacent foothills caused only minor damage. In Denver...northwest winds were sustained to 48 mph with gusts as high as 60 mph. The chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 64 degrees and a low of only 40 degrees...which was a record high minimum for the date. In 1911...southwest chinook winds sustained to 44 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 60 degrees. In 1932...the first thunderstorm ever officially recorded in Denver during January occurred in the early morning. The Assistant Observer heard two prolonged peals of thunder between 4:20 AM and 4:25 AM. Another off-duty observer was awakened by the thunder. Other people reported both thunder and lightning. Light snow was falling at the time. Pellets of graupel or hail were reported from some parts of the city. Snowfall totaled only 1.8 inches. Northwest winds gusted to 30 mph. In 1962...as the temperature dipped to a frigid 24 degrees below zero...setting a new record minimum for the date... the pressure adjusted to sea level reached the highest ever recorded in Denver...31.24 inches (1057.8 mb). The altimeter setting reached 30.70 inches...and the actual station pressure recorded was 25.260 inches. In 1988...strong winds occurred throughout the day in and near the foothills. Peak gusts to 85 mph were recorded at Rollinsville...84 mph at Echo Lake...and 64 mph in Boulder. In 1990...a third consecutive day of 50 to 85 mph wind gusts occurred in and along the eastern foothills. A 5 mile portion of the Denver-Boulder Turnpike was closed after clouds of blowing dust and gravel caused several multicar accidents near Broomfield. One 59-year-old woman was killed and two others injured. A wind gust to 81 mph was recorded at the nearby Jefferson County Airport. In Boulder...wind gusts to 85 mph were blamed for ripping off a portion of a roof on a house...as well as blowing out the large picture window. West winds gusted to 41 mph at Stapleton International Airport. The warm chinook winds set a record high temperature of 71 degrees in Denver for the date. In 1996...strong northwest winds developed behind a Pacific cold front that moved rapidly across northeast Colorado. A peak wind gust to 64 mph was recorded at the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Facility in Jefferson County. North- northeast winds gusted to 38 mph at Denver International Airport. 10-11 In 1948...strong winds were reported in Boulder and Lakewood. Winds of 50 to 60 mph were reported at Valmont...just east of Boulder. Only minor damage was reported. In 1980...strong winds of 60 to 95 mph howled across metro Denver...causing some brief power outages and some broken windows. A wind gust to 111 mph was recorded at Wondervu. Northwest winds gusted to 40 mph at Stapleton International Airport on the 10th. In 1999...high winds gusting to 100 mph blasted the foothills. Peak wind gusts included: 100 mph at Central City...98 mph at Wondervu...82 mph at Aspen Springs and Golden Gate Canyon... 81 mph at the NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder and near Nederland... 78 mph atop Blue Mountain near Coal Creek Canyon...and 72 mph at the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Facility. West winds gusted to 38 mph and warmed the temperature to a high of 63 degrees at Denver International Airport on the 11th. 10-12 In 1997...heavy snow fell over the Front Range foothills. A foot of new snow was measured at Blackhawk with 7 inches recorded in Coal Creek Canyon. Only 3.3 inches of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. East-northeast winds gusted to 18 mph at Denver International Airport on the 11th. 10-13 In 1963...a Arctic cold wave plunged temperatures well below zero across metro Denver. Temperatures were below zero for a total of 64 consecutive hours. Low temperatures reached 25 degrees below zero on both the 11th and 12th. The high temperature of 9 degrees below zero on the 11th was the coldest ever recorded at Stapleton Airport and equaled the record low maximum for the month first set on January 19...1883...in downtown Denver. The high temperature on the 12th reached only 1 degree below zero. On the 12th...an 18-year-old youth died of exposure from the extreme cold in Denver. There were many losses and damage to property from frozen water systems...stalled cars...and over-burdened heating systems. Light snow accompanied the Arctic blast. At Stapleton Airport...2.3 inches of snow fell on the 10th and 11th. 11 In 1887...northwest winds were sustained to 40 mph in the city. In 1893...northwest winds to 48 mph were recorded in the city. In 1901...northwest winds were sustained to 45 mph with an extreme velocity of 47 mph. In 1988...strong chinook winds blew throughout the day along the eastern foothills. Winds peaked to 75 mph in Boulder... breaking at least one window. West winds gusted to 49 mph at Stapleton International Airport. In 1989...2 to 3 inches of snow fell across metro Denver causing near gridlock conditions during the morning rush hour and two-hour delays at Stapleton International Airport. Two to 6 inches of snow whitened Boulder where many traffic accidents were reported. Snowfall measured 2.9 inches at Stapleton International Airport where northeast winds gusted to 21 mph. In 1995...high winds developed in the foothills. A gust to 67 mph was recorded at Rocky Flats in northern Jefferson County. West winds gusted to only 32 mph at Stapleton International Airport. In 1996...very strong winds were reported in the Front Range foothills for a brief time. Wind gusts to 85 mph were recorded at Golden Gate Canyon...with 95 mph at Wondervu. 11-12 In 1972...high winds howled along the Front Range foothills. A wind gust to 144 mph was recorded at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder. A wind gust to 105 mph was recorded at the Rocky Flats plant south of Boulder. Wind gusts to 90 mph were recorded in downtown Boulder. The greatest damage from the windstorm occurred in Boulder where 25 or more mobile homes were destroyed either by wind or the fires which resulted when they were overturned. Car windows were blown out; many buildings damaged; utility poles...power lines...trees...and traffic lights blown down. As many as 75 families were evacuated from a recently completed apartment building because of severe structural damage. Government and private office buildings and industrial plants were evacuated because of danger from flying glass and debris. Twelve people were treated at the hospital...mostly for cuts from flying glass. At least 15 small planes were seriously damaged and hangar doors were blown off at the Jefferson County airport in Broomfield. Wind damage in Boulder alone totaled 2 million dollars. At Stapleton International Airport...west winds gusted to 53 mph on the 11th and to 47 mph on the 12th. The strong chinook winds warmed temperatures into the mid 50's on both days. 11-14 In 1997...cold Arctic air plunged temperatures below zero across metro Denver. The temperature was below zero for 60 consecutive hours from the afternoon on the 11th to around daybreak on the 14th. The high temperature of only 1 degree below zero on the 12th equaled the record low maximum for the date last set in 1963. The low temperature dipped to 14 degrees below zero on the 12th. 12 In 1888...gale force winds toppled the weather instrument shelter in downtown Denver. The strong winds in the foothills blew a train off the track at Georgetown. Northwest winds were sustained to 60 mph in the city. The strong winds warmed the temperature to a high of 50 degrees. In 1980...strong winds in Boulder peaked to 95 mph at Table Mesa. Northwest winds gusted to only 29 mph at Stapleton International Airport. In 1992...a strong Pacific storm system dumped heavy snow across portions of metro Denver. Conifer...in the foothills southwest of Denver...received 17.5 inches of snow. Eleven inches fell at Lake Eldora west of Boulder...with 7 inches recorded at Morrison and 6 inches at Castle Rock. At Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 31 mph...the snowfall totaled only 4.4 inches. Strong winds forced the closure of some highways. In 1998...very strong winds and heavy snow caused blizzard conditions in the mountains to spread over portions of the Front Range foothills. Just east of the Continental Divide...sustained winds from 80 to 85 mph with gusts to 100 mph were recorded at Silver Spruce Ranch near Ward... resulting in whiteout conditions. Only a trace of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. North winds gusted to only 28 mph at Denver International Airport. In 2009...a fast moving storm system brought heavy snow to the foothills of Boulder and Jefferson Counties...as well as the western and southern Denver suburbs. Storm totals generally ranged from 4 to 9 inches. The snowfall measurement at Denver International Airport was 3.0 inches. 12-13 In 1936...strong winds in Boulder blew roofs off homes. Wind gusts over 60 mph were recorded at the University of Colorado and a gust to 55 mph measured at Valmont. In 2002...high winds developed in the foothills on the 12th and spread over the plains on the 13th. Winds gusted to 76 mph at the National Center for Atmospheric Research on the mesa in Boulder on the 12th. Northwest winds gusted to 49 mph...the highest wind of the month...at Denver International Airport on the 13th. The strongest winds were north and northeast of metro Denver. 13 In 1875...the low temperature dipped to 20 degrees below zero... a record low for the date and climbed to a high of only 2 degrees below zero...a record low maximum for the date. In 1880...the worst wind storm ever experienced in Boulder caused some damage and personal injuries. In 1893...northwest winds were sustained to 42 mph in the city. In 1904...northwest winds were sustained to 40 mph with gusts as high as 50 mph. The chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 63 degrees. The low temperature remained above freezing...dipping to only 34 degrees. In 1919...snowfall was 1.8 inches in downtown Denver. Melted snow resulted in only 0.12 inch of precipitation. This was the only snowfall and precipitation for the month. In 1932...snowfall totaled 3.4 inches in downtown Denver. North winds gusted to 22 mph. In 1967...high winds in Boulder gusted to 70 mph downtown. Some damage occurred. Northwest winds gusting to 38 mph at Stapleton International Airport produced some blowing dust. In 1988...high winds occurred in Boulder with a wind gust to 70 mph at Table Mesa. In the foothills a wind gust to 82 mph was measured at Rollinsville. West winds gusted to 33 mph at Stapleton International Airport. 13-14 In 1960...snowfall totaled only 4.4 inches and northeast winds gusted to 28 mph at Stapleton Airport...while over southeast Colorado a near blizzard closed roads with drifts 3 to 6 feet deep. 13-16 In 1888...a cold air mass settled over the city and caused temperatures to plunge well below zero on four consecutive days...but only one temperature record was set. Minimum temperatures dipped to 4 degrees below zero on the 13th... 19 degrees below zero on the 14th...20 degrees below zero on the 15th...and 11 degrees below zero on the 16th. The maximum temperature of only 4 degrees below zero on the 14th was a record low maximum for the date. North winds were sustained to 30 mph on the 13th. 14 In 1873...winds were brisk all day. After sunset...northeast sustained winds produced a perfect gale...behind an apparent cold front. In 1875...the temperature remained below zero all day with a general northeast wind. At 9:00 PM the temperature was 1 degree above zero which was the official high for the day. The wind suddenly veered to the southwest and the temperature climbed 19 degrees in 15 minutes...7 more degrees in the next 5 minutes...and by 9:30 PM had risen to 36 degrees. By 9:35 PM the temperature had reached 40 degrees...a rise of 48 degrees in one hour and 39 degrees in half an hour. The sudden rise in temperature could be attributed to a receding Arctic air mass and downsloping surface winds. In 1906...the temperature climbed to a high of 56 degrees before an apparent cold front produced northeast winds sustained to 40 mph and a trace of snow in the afternoon. In 1921...west winds were sustained to 44 mph with gusts to 46 mph. The downslope winds warmed the temperature to a high of 49 degrees. In 1967...3.7 inches of snow fell at Stapleton International Airport with 7.7 inches measured in Boulder. In 1982...strong chinook winds buffeted Boulder...tearing the roof off a small apartment building. A gust to 88 mph was measured in Lakewood. Wind gusts of 60 to 80 mph were common along the foothills from Denver north to Fort Collins. Four people sustained minor injuries...mostly from flying glass. At least one person was knocked down by the winds. Several tractor trailer rigs were blown off I-70 near Golden...and numerous camper shells were blown off pick-up trucks. 14-15 In 1908...heavy post-frontal snowfall totaled 6.5 inches overnight. North winds were sustained to 32 mph. The temperature dropped 41 degrees in 24 hours from a reading of 48 degrees at 8:00 PM on the 14th to only 7 degrees at 8:00 PM on the 15th. In 1950...strong winds occurred in Boulder and Louisville. Winds in excess of 60 mph were recorded at Valmont. Minor damage was reported. Southwest winds gusted to 50 mph at Stapleton Airport. In 1959...a total of 5.5 inches of snow fell at Stapleton Airport. In 1992...snow spread from the mountains across metro Denver. The heaviest snow was across the northern portion of the area where 7 inches fell at Thornton. At Stapleton International Airport...only 3.4 inches of snowfall were recorded and northeast winds gusting to 37 mph caused some blowing snow on the 14th. In 1999...high winds howled across metro Denver. In Commerce City...strong winds toppled 3 utility poles resulting in a power outage to 600 homes. High wind reports included: 108 mph at Wondervu...80 mph at the Hiwan Golf Course in Evergreen...76 mph at Aspen Springs...75 mph at the Jefferson County Airport near Broomfield...74 mph in Boulder...and 70 mph at Georgetown. West to northwest winds gusted to 48 mph...the highest wind gust of the month...and warmed the temperature to a high of 60 degrees at Denver International Airport on the 15th. 14-21 In 1930...a protracted cold spell occurred when low temperatures plunged below zero on 8 consecutive days. The coldest low temperatures of 20 degrees below zero on the 17th and 19 degrees below zero on the 16th were record minimums for the dates. High temperatures during the period ranged from 18 on the 18th to zero on the 20th. Two degrees on the 15th was a record low maximum temperature for the date. 15 In 1875...the wind backed from the southwest to the northeast before noon. The temperature fell 48 degrees in one hour... from a high of 52 degrees to only 4 degrees between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM...as cold Arctic air surged back over the city. In 1888...the low temperature dipped to 20 degrees below zero. In 1906...southwest winds were sustained to 44 mph. In 1921...south winds were sustained to 44 mph with gusts to 48 mph. The winds warmed the temperature to a high of 63 degrees. The low temperature of only 47 degrees was a record high minimum for the date. In 1943...strong chinook winds struck the Front Range foothills. Wind gusts to 96 mph were recorded at Valmont in east Boulder...with 90 mph measured at Boulder Airport. Some damage occurred. In 1976...strong chinook winds with peak gusts of 70 to 80 mph were recorded along the foothills. Northwest winds gusted to 46 mph at Stapleton International Airport. In 1982...a vigorous cold front plunged temperatures 22 degrees in an hour from 39 to 17 degrees. Strong northeast winds at 30 mph with gusts to 46 mph...along with some snow flurries...reduced the visibility to 1 mile in blowing dust at Stapleton International Airport. In 1987...heavy snow hit metro Denver. Snowfall totaled 10.3 inches at Stapleton International Airport...but amounts across the area ranged from 3 inches in southeast Aurora to 18 inches in the western and southwestern suburbs. Only an inch of snow was measured at Castle Rock. A half foot to a foot of snow fell in the foothills west of Denver and Boulder. Some schools were closed due to the storm. Temperatures hovered in the teens most of the day at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 30 mph. In 1988...high winds were clocked in Boulder with a gust to 70 mph recorded at Table Mesa. In 1998...strong winds developed in and near the Front Range foothills. Winds gusted to 71 mph at Jefferson County Airport near Broomfield. South-southwest winds gusted to only 25 mph at Denver International Airport. 15-16 In 1967...a major windstorm struck Boulder. The storm was described at the time as the worst single windstorm in the history of Boulder in terms of damage. Winds reached 125 mph at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and at Boulder airport. Winds gusted to 84 mph downtown. Damage totaled a half million dollars in Boulder where some minor injuries were reported. At the Boulder Municipal Airport... 14 light airplanes were severely damaged. The second floor of a warehouse was blown down...damaging two nearby moving vans. A mobile home was blown over south of Boulder... injuring one woman. The roof of a department store was blown in. There was widespread damage to houses...autos... and power lines from wind and flying debris. Strong winds also occurred in Denver and Golden...but damage was only minor. At Stapleton International Airport...west winds gusted to 43 mph on the 15th and to 45 mph on the 16th. In 1981...heavy snow of 6 to 10 inches accumulated across metro Denver. Snowfall totaled only 1.8 inches at Stapleton International Airport where east winds gusted to 21 mph on the 15th. In 1991...a Pacific storm system moved across metro Denver. Snowfall totaled 3 to 7 inches with 3 inches in Aurora... Denver...and Castle Rock...4 inches in Arvada...and 7 inches at South Platte Station just southwest of Denver. Snowfall totaled only 2.9 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 21 mph on the 16th. In 2001...heavy snow fell across the Front Range foothills and urban corridor. The combination of careless driving and snowpacked highways resulted in 3 multi-vehicle accidents involving 30 vehicles...along I-25 in Douglas County. Eleven people were injured and one was killed. Snow amounts included: 11 inches in Evergreen; 10 inches at Eldorado Springs and Genesee; 8 inches at Broomfield... Ken Caryl Ranch...and Thornton; and 5 to 7 inches in Arvada...Bailey...Crow Hill...Gross Reservoir...Lakewood... Louisville...Westminster...and near Loveland. Snowfall totaled 2.7 inches at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. 15-23 In 1962...a protracted cold spell kept metro Denver in the deep freeze for more than a week. From the 15th thru the 23rd...low temperatures were zero or below for 9 consecutive days...but a daily record low was set only on the 22nd when the temperature dipped to 14 degrees below zero. A record low maximum for the date was also set on the 22nd when the temperature climbed to only 11 degrees. The coldest high temperature was 3 degrees above zero on the 21st...which did not break the record. The protracted cold was broken for only a few hours on the afternoon of the 20th when chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 38 degrees before another surge of cold Arctic air plunged temperatures back into the deep freeze that evening. The severe cold caused much damage to water systems. A woman was frozen to death at Morrison. There were other deaths attributable to the weather...including traffic deaths and heart attacks from overexertion. 16 In 1911...a trace of rain fell...a rare event in January. In 1935...rainfall was 0.01 inch during the afternoon...a rare event in January. In 1989...wind gusts to 80 mph were reported in southwest Boulder. Winds reached 100 mph at Rollinsville in the foothills southwest of Boulder. In Golden...the wind blew a 25-foot trailer through a fence and flipped it over. West winds gusted to 37 mph at Stapleton International Airport where the chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 49 degrees. 16-17 In 1886...a brief cold spell resulted in two temperature records. High temperatures of zero degrees on the 16th and 2 degrees below zero on the 17th were both record low maximums for the dates. Low temperatures of 8 degrees below zero on the 16th and 16 degrees below zero on the 17th were not records. In 1930...temperatures plunging well below zero resulted in two records. Low temperatures of 19 degrees below zero on the 16th and 20 degrees below zero on the 17th were record low temperatures for the dates. High temperatures were 4 degrees on the 16th and 15 degrees on the 17th. Light snowfall totaled 4.0 inches. North winds were sustained to 18 mph on the 16th. In 1964...high winds struck the eastern foothills. Gale velocity winds were recorded in Boulder with gusts to 83 mph measured at Rocky Flats. Several airplanes were damaged at the Jefferson County Airport in Broomfield. Roofs...walls...and parts of buildings were blown away at various locations. Power poles and trees were blown over. 16-18 In 1943...light snowfall totaled 3.2 inches over the 3 days. This was the only measurable snow of the month. North winds were sustained to 20 mph on the 16th. In 2011...very strong winds associated with an upper level jetstream over Colorado produced blizzard conditions in the mountains above timberline. Peak wind gusts included: 99 mph atop Loveland Pass...94 mph...2 miles southwest of Mary Jane...80 mph atop Berthoud Pass and 79 mph atop Niwot Ridge. Storm totals in the ski areas west of Denver ranged from 8 to 14 inches. $$  500 NOUS45 KABQ 100325 PNSABQ NMZ201>241-100425- PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE ALBUQUERQUE NM 825 PM MST SAT JAN 09 2021 PRELIMINARY SNOW REPORTS ACROSS NORTH AND CENTRAL NEW MEXICO FOR THE LAST 26 HOURS. ...COUNTY... STORM TOTAL TIME/DATE OF LOCATION /INCHES/ MEASUREMENT ...CATRON COUNTY... PIETOWN 15 NNE 0.2 800 PM 1/09 ...CIBOLA COUNTY... SAN FIDEL 0.5 746 PM 1/09 ...COLFAX COUNTY... BLACK LAKE 5 ESE 2.0 700 PM 1/09 RATON CREWS AIRPORT 3 NNE 1.0 741 PM 1/09 RATON 2 N 0.5 739 PM 1/09 EAGLE NEST 0.3 400 PM 1/09 ...SAN MIGUEL COUNTY... SAN PABLO 1 NNE 0.5 820 PM 1/09 ...SOCORRO COUNTY... MAGDALENA 2.0 722 PM 1/09 LEMITAR 1.3 754 PM 1/09 LAS NUTRIAS 2 S 1.0 713 PM 1/09 SAN ANTONIO 1.0 735 PM 1/09 CHAMIZAL 3 SW 0.9 729 PM 1/09 BINGHAM 2 NE 0.5 725 PM 1/09 ...UNION COUNTY... CLAYTON 1 W 0.3 643 PM 1/09 ...VALENCIA COUNTY... JARALES 4 WSW 0.5 822 PM 1/09 PRELIMINARY PEAK NON-THUNDERSTORM WIND GUST REPORTS ACROSS NORTH AND CENTRAL NEW MEXICO FOR THE LAST 26 HOURS. ...COUNTY... PEAK GUST TIME/DATE OF LOCATION /MPH/ MEASUREMENT ...BERNALILLO COUNTY... ALBUQUERQUE 5 S 49 329 PM 1/09 - KABQ ASOS. $$ JLS  295 NOUS45 KPUB 100442 PNSPUB COZ058>089-093>099-101642- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 942 PM MST Sat Jan 9 2021 ...SNOWFALL REPORTS... Location Amount Time/Date Lat/Lon 1 SSE Beulah 3.0 in 0937 PM 01/09 38.07N/104.98W 3 NE Air Force Academy 2.3 in 0630 PM 01/09 39.04N/104.84W 2 NW Colorado Springs 2.0 in 0435 PM 01/09 38.85N/104.85W 2 NNE Monument 2.0 in 0420 PM 01/09 39.12N/104.86W 2 N Black Forest 2.0 in 0331 PM 01/09 39.05N/104.70W 4 NW Peterson AFB 1.6 in 0442 PM 01/09 38.88N/104.74W 3 ENE Manitou Springs 1.5 in 0357 PM 01/09 38.87N/104.86W 3 NW Black Forest 1.3 in 0314 PM 01/09 39.04N/104.74W 1 NNE Fountain 1.0 in 0511 PM 01/09 38.70N/104.70W 6 SSW Black Forest 1.0 in 1155 AM 01/09 38.94N/104.76W Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  120 NOUS45 KSLC 100601 PNSSLC Public Information Statement National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 1048 PM MST Sat Jan 09 2021 ...Preliminary Storm Information... ***** Precip Reports ***** Time Snow Precip ...Great Salt Lake Desert and Mountains... Dugway - Apg - 4291 ft 10 PM Sat 0.14 Interstate 80 - 4125 ft 10 PM Sat 0.14 Horizontal Grid - 4261 ft 10 PM Sat 0.14 Salt Flats - 4265 ft 10 PM Sat 0.12 Wig Mountain - 4352 ft 10 PM Sat 0.12 Aragonite - 5030 ft 9 PM Sat 0.12 Romeo & Centerline - 4308 ft 10 PM Sat 0.10 V-grid - 4226 ft 10 PM Sat 0.10 Playa Station - 4280 ft 10 PM Sat 0.10 Nw Decon Pad - 4380 ft 10 PM Sat 0.09 Target S - 4349 ft 10 PM Sat 0.08 Tower Grid - 4346 ft 10 PM Sat 0.07 Ditto - 4345 ft 10 PM Sat 0.06 Baker Lab - 4294 ft 10 PM Sat 0.06 White Sage - 4363 ft 10 PM Sat 0.05 Juliet Road - 4324 ft 10 PM Sat 0.05 West Of Wildcat Mtn - 4259 ft 10 PM Sat 0.05 Simpson Springs - 4645 ft 10 PM Sat 0.05 Dugway-s - 4385 ft 10 PM Sat 0.05 Durand Road - 4538 ft 10 PM Sat 0.04 Dugway-n - 5194 ft 10 PM Sat 0.04 Camel Back Mtn - 5077 ft 10 PM Sat 0.03 Lower Cedar Mtn - 4495 ft 10 PM Sat 0.03 Dugway-w - 4348 ft 10 PM Sat 0.03 Target R - 4311 ft 10 PM Sat 0.02 Callao Gate - 4250 ft 10 PM Sat 0.02 West Granite - 4403 ft 10 PM Sat 0.02 Clifton Flat - 6384 ft 9 PM Sat 0.02 North Salt Flats - 4218 ft 10 PM Sat 0.01 Upper Cedar Mtn - 7052 ft 10 PM Sat 0.01 West Salt Flats - 4237 ft 10 PM Sat 0.01 ...Wasatch Mountains South of I-80... Silver Lake - 8740 ft 10 PM Sat 0.20 ...Western Uinta Mountains... Ef Blacks Fork Gs - 9308 ft 7 AM Sat 0.20 Redden Mine Lwr - 8500 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Lakefork #1 - 10100 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Brown Duck - 10600 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Five Points Lake - 10920 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Smith And Morehouse - 7600 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 Blacks Fork Jct - 8870 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 Spirit Lake - 10223 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 Chepeta - 10300 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 Buck Pasture - 9700 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 Rock Creek - 7900 ft 6 AM Sat 0.10 Lakefork #3 - 8464 ft 3 AM Sat 0.10 Norway - 8280 ft 9 AM Sat 0.02 ...Wasatch Plateau/Book Cliffs... Indian Canyon - 9100 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Huntington Horse - 9657 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Clear Creek #2 - 8300 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 White River #1 - 8550 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 ...Sanpete/Sevier Valleys... Scipio - 5315 ft 6 PM Sat 1.0 0.08 Richfield 11 AM Sat 1.0 ...West Central Utah... Oak City - 5135 ft 7 AM Sat 2.1 0.15 Deseret - 4590 ft 8 PM Sat 2.0 0.20 Takka Wiiya - 9168 ft 9 PM Sat 0.50 4 NE Delta Airport - 4750 ft 10 PM Sat 0.18 Tule Valley - 5135 ft 10 PM Sat 0.17 Fish Springs - 4282 ft 10 PM Sat 0.02 ...Southwest Utah... Beaver - 5980 ft 7 AM Sat 1.8 0.13 Cedar City - 6090 ft 7 AM Sat 0.4 0.03 Southwest Cedar City - 5705 ft 8 AM Sat 0.1 0.02 Milford Municipal Airport - 5034 ft 10 PM Sat 0.07 Zion Np 18 SSE Cedar City - 5100 ft 10 PM Sat 0.03 ...Central Utah Mountains... Pine Creek - 8800 ft 9 PM Sat 0.30 Buck Flat - 9800 ft 8 PM Sat 0.30 Gooseberry Rs Up - 8400 ft 8 PM Sat 0.30 Farnsworth Lake - 9600 ft 8 PM Sat 0.30 Seeley Creek - 10000 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Gooseberry Rs - 7950 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Thistle Flat - 8858 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Black Flat-u.m. Ck - 9400 ft 7 AM Sat 0.10 Horse Hollow - 6010 ft 10 PM Sat 0.02 ...Southern Utah Mountains... Orton - 6643 ft 8 AM Sat 0.5 0.08 Midway Valley - 9800 ft 9 PM Sat 0.40 Lonesome Beaver - 9700 ft 5 PM Sat 0.40 Yankee Reservoir - 9972 ft 8 AM Sat 0.40 Clayton Springs - 10000 ft 8 PM Sat 0.30 Mt Pennell - 9100 ft 8 PM Sat 0.30 Webster Flat - 9200 ft 8 PM Sat 0.30 Panguitch Lake Rs - 8350 ft 8 AM Sat 0.20 Kolob - 9250 ft 8 AM Sat 0.20 Beaver 15e - 10130 ft 10 PM Sat 0.10 Merchant Valley - 8750 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Big Flat - 10290 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Jones Corral - 9751 ft 8 AM Sat 0.10 Henry Mtn - 8294 ft 9 PM Sat 0.07 Cottonwood Mtn - 7544 ft 9 PM Sat 0.07 Bryce Canyon Airport - 7585 ft 10 PM Sat 0.01 Panguitch Municipal Airport - 6759 ft 10 PM Sat 0.01 Larb Hollow - 8490 ft 10 PM Sat 0.01 ***** Wind Reports ***** Time Windspeed ...Utah's Dixie and Zion National Park... I-15 at Milepost 29 - 3921 ft 8 AM Sat 55 MPH White Reef - 3440 ft 3 PM Sat 52 MPH ...Southern Utah Mountains... Badger Spring - 3990 ft 1 PM Sat 50 MPH $$ Church  786 NOUS45 KBOU 100959 PNSBOU COZ030>051-102300- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Denver/Boulder CO 259 AM MST SUN JAN 10 2021 ...Today in metro Denver weather history... 7-10 In 1962...a major winter storm dumped 13.5 inches of snow on metro Denver. A foot of the snow fell on the 8th when northeast winds gusted to 30 mph. The storm was followed by an intense blast of very cold Arctic air. Minimum temperature readings of 24 degrees below zero occurred on both the 9th and 10th. The temperature never reached above zero on the 9th when a maximum reading of 1 degree below zero was recorded. Temperatures were below zero for 37 consecutive hours. 8-10 In 1983...winds of 70 to 90 mph howled through Boulder. A wind gust to 100 mph was recorded on Fritz Peak near Rollinsville. A tree blown down by the wind damaged a house in eastern Boulder County. The strong winds developed behind a cold front late on the 8th and continued through the 10th. At Stapleton International Airport...west to northwest winds gusted to 49 mph on the 8th...to 45 mph on the 9th...and to 48 mph on the 10th. 9-10 In 1962...the low temperature plunged to 24 degrees below zero on both days. In 1972...a west wind gust to 60 mph was recorded at Stapleton International Airport...while in Boulder a wind gust to 86 mph was recorded at the National Bureau of Standards. The roof of a house was blown off...and trees were blown down in Boulder. The high winds contributed to the damage from a building fire in Boulder. In 2000...heavy snow and strong winds in the mountains spilled into the Front Range foothills. Ward...northwest of Boulder...received 9 inches of new snow. Wind gusts to 91 mph were measured in Golden Gate Canyon...with gusts to 77 mph at Loveland Ski area and to 73 mph along State Highway 93 north of Golden. West winds gusted to 44 mph at Denver International Airport on the 9th. In 2011...a winter storm brought moderate to heavy snowfall to areas in and near the Front Range Foothills and Palmer Divide. Storm totals included: 13 inches...3 miles south of Golden; 11.5 inches near Eldorado Springs...10.5 inches... 2 miles southwest of Boulder; 10 inches...3 miles southwest of Roxbourough State Park; 9 inches at Genessee...8.5 inches in Arvada...4 miles south-southeast of Bennett and Greenwood Village...8 inches...8 miles south of Elizabeth; 7 inches at Commerce City and 6.5 inches near Louisville and at Denver International Airport. Gusty winds produced snow drifts up to 2 feet deep over the Palmer Divide. 10 In 1893...strong west winds in Boulder and the adjacent foothills caused only minor damage. In Denver...northwest winds were sustained to 48 mph with gusts as high as 60 mph. The chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 64 degrees and a low of only 40 degrees...which was a record high minimum for the date. In 1911...southwest chinook winds sustained to 44 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 60 degrees. In 1932...the first thunderstorm ever officially recorded in Denver during January occurred in the early morning. The Assistant Observer heard two prolonged peals of thunder between 4:20 AM and 4:25 AM. Another off-duty observer was awakened by the thunder. Other people reported both thunder and lightning. Light snow was falling at the time. Pellets of graupel or hail were reported from some parts of the city. Snowfall totaled only 1.8 inches. Northwest winds gusted to 30 mph. In 1962...as the temperature dipped to a frigid 24 degrees below zero...setting a new record minimum for the date... the pressure adjusted to sea level reached the highest ever recorded in Denver...31.24 inches (1057.8 mb). The altimeter setting reached 30.70 inches...and the actual station pressure recorded was 25.260 inches. In 1988...strong winds occurred throughout the day in and near the foothills. Peak gusts to 85 mph were recorded at Rollinsville...84 mph at Echo Lake...and 64 mph in Boulder. In 1990...a third consecutive day of 50 to 85 mph wind gusts occurred in and along the eastern foothills. A 5 mile portion of the Denver-Boulder Turnpike was closed after clouds of blowing dust and gravel caused several multicar accidents near Broomfield. One 59-year-old woman was killed and two others injured. A wind gust to 81 mph was recorded at the nearby Jefferson County Airport. In Boulder...wind gusts to 85 mph were blamed for ripping off a portion of a roof on a house...as well as blowing out the large picture window. West winds gusted to 41 mph at Stapleton International Airport. The warm chinook winds set a record high temperature of 71 degrees in Denver for the date. In 1996...strong northwest winds developed behind a Pacific cold front that moved rapidly across northeast Colorado. A peak wind gust to 64 mph was recorded at the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Facility in Jefferson County. North- northeast winds gusted to 38 mph at Denver International Airport. 10-11 In 1948...strong winds were reported in Boulder and Lakewood. Winds of 50 to 60 mph were reported at Valmont...just east of Boulder. Only minor damage was reported. In 1980...strong winds of 60 to 95 mph howled across metro Denver...causing some brief power outages and some broken windows. A wind gust to 111 mph was recorded at Wondervu. Northwest winds gusted to 40 mph at Stapleton International Airport on the 10th. In 1999...high winds gusting to 100 mph blasted the foothills. Peak wind gusts included: 100 mph at Central City...98 mph at Wondervu...82 mph at Aspen Springs and Golden Gate Canyon... 81 mph at the NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder and near Nederland... 78 mph atop Blue Mountain near Coal Creek Canyon...and 72 mph at the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Facility. West winds gusted to 38 mph and warmed the temperature to a high of 63 degrees at Denver International Airport on the 11th. 10-12 In 1997...heavy snow fell over the Front Range foothills. A foot of new snow was measured at Blackhawk with 7 inches recorded in Coal Creek Canyon. Only 3.3 inches of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. East-northeast winds gusted to 18 mph at Denver International Airport on the 11th. 10-13 In 1963...a Arctic cold wave plunged temperatures well below zero across metro Denver. Temperatures were below zero for a total of 64 consecutive hours. Low temperatures reached 25 degrees below zero on both the 11th and 12th. The high temperature of 9 degrees below zero on the 11th was the coldest ever recorded at Stapleton Airport and equaled the record low maximum for the month first set on January 19...1883...in downtown Denver. The high temperature on the 12th reached only 1 degree below zero. On the 12th...an 18-year-old youth died of exposure from the extreme cold in Denver. There were many losses and damage to property from frozen water systems...stalled cars...and over-burdened heating systems. Light snow accompanied the Arctic blast. At Stapleton Airport...2.3 inches of snow fell on the 10th and 11th. $$  852 NOUS43 KGLD 101201 PNSGLD Public Information Statement National Weather Service Goodland KS 500 AM MST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...ON THIS DATE IN WEATHER HISTORY... In 1972, a cold air mass settled over the Tri-State area. Record low temperature records were set at Burlington, Colorado, plus Tribune and Colby, Kansas. The low temperature dropped to 19 degrees below zero at Tribune. $$  337 NOUS43 KLMK 101253 PNSLMK INZ076>079-083-084-089>092-KYZ023>043-045>049-053>057-061>067- 070>078-081-082-110100- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Louisville, KY 753 AM EST Sun Jan 10 2021 /653 AM CST Sun Jan 10 2021/ ...Snow Reports for Louisville County Warning Area Climate Sites... Location Snowfall Since Total Snow Midnight on Ground Through 7 AM at 7 AM (Inches) (Inches) Lexington (Official) 0.0 0 Louisville International (Official) 0.0 T Louisville NWS Office 0.0 1 Fort Knox 0.0 0 Bowling Green (Official) 0.0 0 $$ CJP  568 NOUS46 KLOX 101259 PNSLOX CAZ034>041-044>046-051>054-059-087-088-547>550-110059- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 459 AM PST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...HIGHEST WIND REPORTS SINCE 5 PM SATURDAY... Location Speed Time/Date Elevation (ft.) ...Ventura County Coastal Valleys... Boney Mountain 54 MPH 0646 PM 01/09 1714 Happy Camp Rd (SCE) 53 MPH 0220 AM 01/10 1216 E Simi Vly Cochran (SCE) 52 MPH 0910 PM 01/09 1144 Sce S Mountain Lookout Rd 47 MPH 0100 AM 01/10 701 Miller Ranch 45 MPH 0509 PM 01/09 836 Sandstone Peak ALERT 45 MPH 0830 PM 01/09 3109 Deer Creek Canyon 44 MPH 1200 AM 01/10 1235 Wiley Ridge RAWS 43 MPH 0449 PM 01/09 1645 Cheseboro 41 MPH 0538 PM 01/09 1707 Hondo Barranca Rd (SCE) 39 MPH 0100 AM 01/10 706 Valley View (SCE) 37 MPH 0320 AM 01/10 1180 South Mtn (SCE) 37 MPH 0100 AM 01/10 1979 Thousand Oaks (SCE) 37 MPH 1220 AM 01/10 1384 Roca Ave (SCE) 37 MPH 0520 PM 01/09 1733 Bixby Rd (SCE) 36 MPH 0340 AM 01/10 870 Long Cyn (SCE) 36 MPH 1150 PM 01/09 852 Corriganville Park (SCE) 35 MPH 0310 AM 01/10 1139 Big Sycamore Cyn (SCE) 35 MPH 0130 AM 01/10 277 ...Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area... Malibu Hills RAWS 52 MPH 0756 PM 01/09 1575 Corral Canyon Park (SCE) 43 MPH 0940 PM 01/09 903 Saddle Peak 42 MPH 0858 PM 01/09 2385 Saddle Peak (SCE) 39 MPH 0500 PM 01/09 2750 Green Peak 37 MPH 0646 PM 01/09 1759 Topanga RAWS 36 MPH 0757 PM 01/09 1600 ...Santa Clarita Valley... Newhall Pass RAWS 38 MPH 0456 PM 01/09 2134 ...Santa Barbara County Mountains... Tepusquet RAWS 35 MPH 0206 AM 01/10 3200 ...Santa Barbara County Central Coast... Purisima Hills 35 MPH 0744 PM 01/09 1169 ...San Luis Obispo County Mountains... Mt. Lowe 52 MPH 0750 PM 01/09 2627 Branch Mtn RAWS 38 MPH 0635 PM 01/09 3770 ...San Luis Obispo County Central Coast... Toro Creek (PGE) 39 MPH 0400 AM 01/10 1203 Orcutt Road 38 MPH 0450 PM 01/09 321 High School Hill 37 MPH 0450 PM 01/09 1570 ...Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley... Browns Cyn (SCE) 57 MPH 0320 AM 01/10 1590 Porter Ranch RAWS 41 MPH 0948 PM 01/09 1979 Veterans Memorial Park (SCE) 39 MPH 0450 PM 01/09 1688 Sce Santa Susana Pass Rd 39 MPH 0830 PM 01/09 424 Porter Rnch-Horse Flats 36 MPH 1210 AM 01/10 1633 Pacoima (Whiteman Apt.) 35 MPH 0750 AM 01/09 942 ...Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range... Magic Mtn Truck Trl (SCE) 67 MPH 0620 PM 01/09 4482 Mill Creek RAWS 44 MPH 0953 PM 01/09 5020 Warm Springs RAWS 44 MPH 0453 PM 01/09 4930 Camp Nine RAWS 42 MPH 0255 AM 01/10 4000 Oat Mountain (SCE) 42 MPH 0410 AM 01/10 3450 Chilao RAWS 39 MPH 0653 PM 01/09 5450 Sce Mesa Grande Rd 37 MPH 0630 PM 01/09 771 Letteau Motorway (SCE) 36 MPH 0930 PM 01/09 3245 Whitaker Peak RAWS 35 MPH 0257 AM 01/10 4120 ...Los Angeles County Coast including Downtown Los Angeles... Escondido Cyn (SCE) 47 MPH 0840 PM 01/09 549 Ramirez Cyn (SCE) 42 MPH 0800 PM 01/09 384 Pt. Dume-Wandermere (SCE) 35 MPH 0800 PM 01/09 209 Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$ Kaplan  963 NOUS45 KTFX 101333 PNSTFX MTZ008>015-044>055-101600- PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GREAT FALLS MT 630 AM MST SUN JAN 10 2021 ...RECORD OR NEAR RECORD MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES FORECAST FOR JAN 13... LOCATION FORECAST HIGH RECORD HIGH Helena 52 55 Havre 53 56 $$  353 NOAK48 PAFC 101521 PNSAFC AKZ125-111500- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Anchorage AK 621 AM AKST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...Backcountry Avalanche Warning in effect until 6am Sunday for the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains... Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center Bulletin – Immediate Broadcast Requested The following message is transmitted at the request of the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center – 6:00am Sunday, January 10, 2021 The Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center in Girdwood AK has issued a Backcountry Avalanche Warning. * Timing… In effect from 6:00am today, January 10, to 6:00am tomorrow, January 11, 2021. * Affected Area… For the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains in and around Girdwood, Turnagain Pass, Summit Lake, Lost Lake and Seward. * Avalanche Danger… The Avalanche Danger is HIGH. * Reason… Recent heavy snowfall and rain combined with strong winds have created widespread areas of unstable snow. Both human triggered and natural large avalanches are likely on slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Debris from avalanches above may run into valley bottoms. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions… Backcountry travelers should stay off of...and out from underneath… slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Avalanches may run long distances. Avoid avalanche terrain. Outside of the backcountry, roof avalanches are likely, pay attention to children, people and pets under roofs shedding snow. Similar avalanche danger may exist at locations outside the coverage area of avalanche centers. Check www.avalanche.org for your nearest avalanche center and to learn more about how to identify avalanche hazards. This Avalanche Warning does not apply to ski areas or highways where avalanche reduction measures are performed. For more backcountry avalanche information visit www.cnfaic.org or call: CNFAIC staff on duty, Andrew Schauer, (847)826-4934 or Wendy Wagner (907) 229-9060. $$  039 NOAK48 PAFC 101532 CCA PNSAFC AKZ125-111500- Public Information Statement...CORRECTED National Weather Service Anchorage AK 632 AM AKST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...Backcountry Avalanche Warning in effect until 6am Monday for the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains... Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center Bulletin – Immediate Broadcast Requested The following message is transmitted at the request of the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center – 6:00am Sunday, January 10, 2021 The Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center in Girdwood AK has issued a Backcountry Avalanche Warning. * Timing… In effect from 6:00am today, January 10, to 6:00am tomorrow, January 11, 2021. * Affected Area… For the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains in and around Girdwood, Turnagain Pass, Summit Lake, Lost Lake and Seward. * Avalanche Danger… The Avalanche Danger is HIGH. * Reason… Recent heavy snowfall and rain combined with strong winds have created widespread areas of unstable snow. Both human triggered and natural large avalanches are likely on slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Debris from avalanches above may run into valley bottoms. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions… Backcountry travelers should stay off of...and out from underneath… slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Avalanches may run long distances. Avoid avalanche terrain. Outside of the backcountry, roof avalanches are likely, pay attention to children, people and pets under roofs shedding snow. Similar avalanche danger may exist at locations outside the coverage area of avalanche centers. Check www.avalanche.org for your nearest avalanche center and to learn more about how to identify avalanche hazards. This Avalanche Warning does not apply to ski areas or highways where avalanche reduction measures are performed. For more backcountry avalanche information visit www.cnfaic.org or call: CNFAIC staff on duty, Andrew Schauer, (847)826-4934 or Wendy Wagner (907) 229-9060. $$  025 NOAK48 PAFC 101630 RRA PNSAFC AKZ125-111500- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Anchorage AK 621 AM AKST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...Backcountry Avalanche Warning in effect until 6am Sunday for the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains... Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center Bulletin – Immediate Broadcast Requested The following message is transmitted at the request of the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center – 6:00am Sunday, January 10, 2021 The Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center in Girdwood AK has issued a Backcountry Avalanche Warning. * Timing… In effect from 6:00am today, January 10, to 6:00am tomorrow, January 11, 2021. * Affected Area… For the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains in and around Girdwood, Turnagain Pass, Summit Lake, Lost Lake and Seward. * Avalanche Danger… The Avalanche Danger is HIGH. * Reason… Recent heavy snowfall and rain combined with strong winds have created widespread areas of unstable snow. Both human triggered and natural large avalanches are likely on slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Debris from avalanches above may run into valley bottoms. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions… Backcountry travelers should stay off of...and out from underneath… slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Avalanches may run long distances. Avoid avalanche terrain. Outside of the backcountry, roof avalanches are likely, pay attention to children, people and pets under roofs shedding snow. Similar avalanche danger may exist at locations outside the coverage area of avalanche centers. Check www.avalanche.org for your nearest avalanche center and to learn more about how to identify avalanche hazards. This Avalanche Warning does not apply to ski areas or highways where avalanche reduction measures are performed. For more backcountry avalanche information visit www.cnfaic.org $$  936 NOAK48 PAFC 101631 RRB PNSAFC AKZ125-111500- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Anchorage AK 621 AM AKST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...Backcountry Avalanche Warning in effect until 6am Monday for the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains... Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center Bulletin – Immediate Broadcast Requested The following message is transmitted at the request of the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center – 6:00am Sunday, January 10, 2021 The Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center in Girdwood AK has issued a Backcountry Avalanche Warning. * Timing… In effect from 6:00am today, January 10, to 6:00am tomorrow, January 11, 2021. * Affected Area… For the Western Chugach and Kenai Mountains in and around Girdwood, Turnagain Pass, Summit Lake, Lost Lake and Seward. * Avalanche Danger… The Avalanche Danger is HIGH. * Reason… Recent heavy snowfall and rain combined with strong winds have created widespread areas of unstable snow. Both human triggered and natural large avalanches are likely on slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Debris from avalanches above may run into valley bottoms. Precautionary/Preparedness Actions… Backcountry travelers should stay off of...and out from underneath… slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Avalanches may run long distances. Avoid avalanche terrain. Outside of the backcountry, roof avalanches are likely, pay attention to children, people and pets under roofs shedding snow. Similar avalanche danger may exist at locations outside the coverage area of avalanche centers. Check www.avalanche.org for your nearest avalanche center and to learn more about how to identify avalanche hazards. This Avalanche Warning does not apply to ski areas or highways where avalanche reduction measures are performed. For more backcountry avalanche information visit www.cnfaic.org $$  865 NOUS43 KLMK 101801 PNSLMK INZ076>079-083-084-089>092-KYZ023>043-045>049-053>057-061>067- 070>078-081-082-110615- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Louisville, KY 101 PM EST Sun Jan 10 2021 /1201 PM CST Sun Jan 10 2021/ ...Snow Reports for Louisville County Warning Area Climate Sites... Location Snowfall Since Total Snow Midnight on Ground Through 1 PM at 1 PM (Inches) (Inches) Lexington (Official) 0.0 0 Louisville International (Official) 0.0 T Louisville NWS Office 0.0 T Fort Knox 0.0 0 Bowling Green (Official) 0.0 0 $$ CJP  846 NOUS45 KBOU 101832 PNSBOU COZ030>051-110632- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Denver CO 1132 AM MST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...SNOWFALL REPORTS... Location Amount Time/Date ...Colorado... ...Adams County... 1 NNW Federal Heights 3.0 in 0755 AM 01/10 2 NE Thornton 2.6 in 0449 AM 01/10 2 W Northglenn 2.2 in 0700 AM 01/10 Westminster 1.9 in 0507 AM 01/10 ...Arapahoe County... 3 N Foxfield 1.7 in 0700 AM 01/10 3 NNE Cherry Creek Reservoir 1.4 in 1230 AM 01/10 10 S Manila Village 1.2 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Boulder County... 1 W Boulder 5.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 NE Boulder 5.0 in 1225 AM 01/10 2 SSW Niwot 4.9 in 0800 AM 01/10 3 SW Niwot 4.5 in 1207 AM 01/10 1 ENE Boulder 4.2 in 0700 AM 01/10 2 ESE Allenspark 4.0 in 0800 AM 01/10 1 WNW Crescent Village 4.0 in 0730 AM 01/10 3 NE Pinecliffe 3.8 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 SSW Longmont 3.6 in 0819 AM 01/10 3 SSW Boulder 3.6 in 0700 AM 01/10 2 E Sunshine 3.0 in 0819 AM 01/10 1 NNE Lafayette 3.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 2 NNW Hygiene 3.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 3 NE Longmont 2.8 in 0800 AM 01/10 Longmont 2.7 in 0609 AM 01/10 1 SSW Lafayette 2.5 in 0830 AM 01/10 1 NNW Louisville 1.9 in 1248 AM 01/10 ...Clear Creek County... 2 NNW Brookvale 1.5 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Denver County... NW Denver 2.0 in 0530 AM 01/10 Denver Intl Airport 1.9 in 1200 AM 01/10 1 E Edgewater 1.5 in 1027 AM 01/10 4 SE Commerce City 1.3 in 0600 AM 01/10 ...Douglas County... 2 E Castle Rock 3.7 in 0800 AM 01/10 3 SSW Castle Pines 1.8 in 0724 AM 01/10 3 SW Highlands Ranch 1.6 in 1039 AM 01/10 2 WSW Lone Tree 1.5 in 0623 AM 01/10 3 WSW Roxborough Park 1.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Elbert County... 5 NNE Ponderosa Park 2.1 in 0700 AM 01/10 Ponderosa Park 2.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 SE Agate 1.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 10 NE Kutch 1.0 in 0630 AM 01/10 ...Gilpin County... Aspen Springs 4.5 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 SSW Rollinsville 4.1 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Jefferson County... 1 SSW Crescent Village 4.0 in 1056 AM 01/10 2 SW Wheat Ridge 2.0 in 0730 AM 01/10 4 NW Arvada 1.7 in 0830 AM 01/10 1 SW Mountain View 1.3 in 0700 AM 01/10 4 W Arvada 1.1 in 0730 AM 01/10 3 ENE White Ranch Open Space 1.0 in 0800 AM 01/10 1 NNW Cheesman Reservoir 1.0 in 0730 AM 01/10 Arvada 1.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Larimer County... 1 ENE Buckhorn Mountain 6.2 in 0530 AM 01/10 1 E Campion 4.3 in 0730 AM 01/10 3 NE Fort Collins 3.9 in 0600 AM 01/10 8 NNW Mishawaka 3.5 in 0800 AM 01/10 7 E Virginia Dale 3.1 in 0730 AM 01/10 3 E Laporte 3.0 in 0721 AM 01/10 Berthoud 3.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 SW Wellington 3.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 4 SSE Glen Haven 2.5 in 0539 AM 01/10 Estes Park 1.2 in 0630 AM 01/10 ...Lincoln County... Genoa 2.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 Hugo 1.2 in 0600 AM 01/10 1 NW Karval 1.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Morgan County... 1 ENE Gary 2.5 in 0600 AM 01/10 1 SW Fort Morgan 2.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 S Wiggins 1.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Park County... 3 WNW Fairplay 1.8 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 NNW Grant 1.5 in 0730 AM 01/10 1 ENE 11-Mile Canyon Reservo 1.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 ...Weld County... 3 NNW Firestone 3.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 1 S Greeley 2.4 in 0427 AM 01/10 2 NW Todd Creek 2.0 in 0700 AM 01/10 7 NE Nunn 1.5 in 0700 AM 01/10 Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  175 NOUS45 KPUB 101848 PNSPUB COZ058>089-093>099-110648- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Pueblo CO 1148 AM MST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...SNOWFALL REPORTS... Location Amount Time/Date ...Colorado... ...Custer County... 2 SSW Wetmore 3.5 in 0845 AM 01/10 ...El Paso County... 3 NNE Air Force Academy 3.5 in 0855 AM 01/10 2 NNE Monument 3.5 in 0801 AM 01/10 3 ENE Manitou Springs 3.5 in 1215 AM 01/10 3 NW Black Forest 3.1 in 0900 PM 01/09 5 SSW Black Forest 3.0 in 1018 AM 01/10 6 SW Black Forest 3.0 in 0600 AM 01/10 2 NW Colorado Springs 3.0 in 1005 PM 01/09 2 W Colorado Springs 2.8 in 1030 AM 01/10 2 S Peterson AFB 2.4 in 0523 AM 01/10 3 NE Air Force Academy 2.3 in 0630 PM 01/09 2 E Manitou Springs 2.3 in 0815 AM 01/10 4 NW Peterson AFB 2.3 in 1023 PM 01/09 2 NNE Fountain 2.0 in 1010 AM 01/10 2 NNE Monument 2.0 in 0420 PM 01/09 2 N Black Forest 2.0 in 0331 PM 01/09 1 NNE Fountain 1.0 in 0511 PM 01/09 6 SSW Black Forest 1.0 in 1155 AM 01/09 ...Fremont County... 2 SE Penrose 3.0 in 0732 AM 01/10 2 SE Penrose 2.0 in 1005 PM 01/09 ...Huerfano County... 5 NNE Spanish Peaks 3.5 in 0640 AM 01/10 ...Pueblo County... 1 N Avondale 4.0 in 1030 AM 01/10 2 ENE Pueblo 3.8 in 0445 AM 01/10 8 SE Boone 3.3 in 0522 AM 01/10 1 SSE Beulah 3.3 in 1140 PM 01/09 1 NNW Pueblo 3.0 in 0840 AM 01/10 4 NE Blende 2.4 in 0519 AM 01/10 ...Teller County... 4 N Florissant 1.1 in 1025 PM 01/09 Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  613 NOUS44 KBRO 101907 PNSBRO TXZ248>257-351-353-110707- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Brownsville TX 107 PM CST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...24 HOUR PRECIPITATION REPORTS... Location Amount Time/Date Provider ...Texas... ...Brooks County... Falfurrias 0.42 in 1255 PM 01/10 AWOS ...Cameron County... Brownsville 6.4 SE 1.10 in 0900 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Laguna Atascosa 1.02 in 1222 PM 01/10 RAWS Brownsville 12.6 E 0.95 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Laguna Vista 0.83 in 1258 PM 01/10 CWOP Brownsville 4.1 ENE 0.76 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Laguna Vista 1.8 NW 0.72 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 1.9 ESE 0.72 in 0900 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 2.8 N 0.72 in 1200 PM 01/10 COCORAHS Harlingen 3.8 W 0.72 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 1.7 NNE 0.71 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 1.5 WNW 0.68 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 0.66 in 1246 PM 01/10 CWOP Brownsville 4.1 E 0.65 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Los Fresnos 2.1 NNE 0.64 in 0735 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 0.1 SSE 0.61 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Lozano 1.4 S 0.60 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 2.2 W 0.60 in 0600 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Los Fresnos 0.3 NE 0.60 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 0.57 in 1253 PM 01/10 ASOS Laguna Vista 0.3 N 0.55 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS San Benito 0.9 SSE 0.54 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Rancho Viejo 0.7 E 0.53 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Harlingen 6.2 WSW 0.52 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Brownsville 6.4 WNW 0.51 in 0820 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Harlingen 0.4 N 0.51 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Harlingen 1.1 NE 0.50 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Harlingen 4.2 W 0.49 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS San Benito 6.3 ENE 0.48 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Los Fresnos 0.46 in 1256 PM 01/10 CWOP La Feria 0.42 in 1250 PM 01/10 CWOP Harlingen 0.40 in 1252 PM 01/10 ASOS 1.0 NE Harlingen 0.30 in 0700 AM 01/10 COOP Laguna Vista 0.28 in 1247 PM 01/10 CWOP La Feria 0.04 in 1255 PM 01/10 CWOP ...Hidalgo County... Mercedes 1.9 SW 0.50 in 0730 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Edinburg 0.48 in 1255 PM 01/10 CWOP McAllen 1.7 SSE 0.45 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS McAllen 0.44 in 1255 PM 01/10 CWOP Santa Ana Nwr 0.44 in 1245 PM 01/10 RAWS Mission 3.9 WSW 0.43 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Edinburg 0.40 in 0700 AM 01/10 COOP 1.8 SW Mcallen 0.40 in 0600 AM 01/10 COOP Mission 0.38 in 1255 PM 01/10 CWOP Linn-San Manuel 0.38 in 1246 PM 01/10 RAWS Mission 1.9 ENE 0.36 in 0730 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Weslaco Midvally 0.35 in 1255 PM 01/10 AWOS Mission 4.3 WSW 0.34 in 0945 AM 01/10 COCORAHS La Joya 11.1 N 0.34 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS McAllen 3.5 N 0.33 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Mcallen 0.32 in 1253 PM 01/10 ASOS Mission 0.29 in 1255 PM 01/10 CWOP Edinburg Intl 0.29 in 1255 PM 01/10 AWOS Mission 9.6 N 0.20 in 0700 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Edinburg 0.19 in 1259 PM 01/10 AWS 2 NW Mcallen 0.12 in 0100 PM 01/10 AWS McAllen 2.4 NE 0.12 in 1201 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Mission 0.05 in 1256 PM 01/10 CWOP 3.0 W Santa Rosa 0.04 in 0700 AM 01/10 COOP Mcallen 0.02 in 0100 PM 01/10 AWS 4 W Edinburg 0.01 in 0100 PM 01/10 AWS ...Jim Hogg County... 18 N La Gloria 0.40 in 1255 PM 01/10 AWS Hebbronville 0.26 in 1246 PM 01/10 RAWS Hebbronville 4.3 SSE 0.24 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Hebbronville 32.3 SSW 0.22 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS Hebbronville 0.14 in 1255 PM 01/10 AWOS ...Kenedy County... Armstrong 4 SE 0.32 in 0700 AM 01/10 COOP ...Starr County... 0.9 E Rio Grande City 0.28 in 0700 AM 01/10 HADS Falcon Lake 0.26 in 1211 PM 01/10 RAWS ...Willacy County... 0.7 NE Port Mansfield 0.84 in 0700 AM 01/10 COOP Raymondville 2.0 SSW 0.73 in 0800 AM 01/10 COCORAHS ...Zapata County... Zapata 0.22 in 1255 PM 01/10 AWOS Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  386 NOUS42 KMFL 101921 PNSMFL FLZ063-066>075-168-172>174-110719- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Miami FL 219 PM EST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...LOW TEMPERATURE REPORTS FOR SUNDAY JAN 10 2021... Location Temp ...Florida... ...Broward County... 2 SSE Sandalfoot Cove 43 F 1 WSW Coral Springs 43 F Davie 43 F 2 S Lauderhill 44 F Parkland 44 F 1 N Margate 44 F 2 S Lauderhill 44 F 1 SW Cooper City 44 F 1 E Miramar 44 F 1 NE Parkland 44 F 1 SSE Coral Springs 45 F 1 WNW Plantation 45 F 1 N Coconut Creek 45 F 3 WNW Hollywood 45 F Deerfield Beach 45 F Lighthouse Point 45 F 3 SW Fort Lauderdale 45 F 2 SSE Plantation 45 F 1 SE North Perry Airpor 45 F 14 E Miccosukee Indian 45 F Pompano Beach 45 F 3 ESE North Perry Airpor 45 F 2 WSW Lighthouse Point 45 F 2 WNW Miramar 46 F 2 WNW Southwest Ranches 46 F Tamarac 46 F Lauderdale Lakes 46 F Fort Lauderdale 46 F 1 W Coral Springs 46 F Coconut Creek 46 F Hollywood 46 F 2 SSE Pompano Beach 46 F Plantation 46 F 2 NE Cooper City 46 F 1 SW Tamarac 46 F 1 NE Wilton Manors 46 F 2 NE Davie 46 F Margate 46 F Pembroke Pines 46 F Hollywood 46 F 2 NNE North Perry Airpor 46 F Ft Lauderd Exec 46 F Pembroke Pines 46 F 2 SSE Cooper City 46 F 1 SSE Lauderhill 46 F 2 N Pompano Beach 46 F Pompano Beach 46 F 2 ESE Coconut Creek 46 F Pompano Beach 46 F Coconut Creek 46 F 1 SE Pompano Beach 46 F 2 W Parkland 46 F 1.8 SE Wilton Manors (WEATHE 47 F 0.5 W Sunrise (WEATHERSTEM) 47 F Sunrise 47 F Hollywood 47 F Fort Lauderdale 47 F 1 NNE Oakland Park 47 F Dania Beach 47 F Deerfield Beach 47 F 2 WSW Plantation 47 F Weston 47 F Davie 47 F Weston 47 F 1 SSE Fort Lauderdale 47 F Dania Beach 47 F Fort Lauderdale 47 F 1 SSE Lauderhill 47 F 3 SSE Lauderhill 47 F 1 ESE Lauderdale Lakes 47 F Davie 47 F Sunrise Florida 47 F 2 W Hallandale 47 F 2 WNW North Perry Airpor 47 F 1 WNW Hallandale 47 F Fort Lauderdale/hollywood In 47 F 1 SE Tamarac 47 F 1 SE Lauderdale Lakes 47 F 1 NNW Lauderdale Lakes 47 F 2 WSW North Perry Airpor 47 F 1 WNW North Perry Airpor 47 F 1 SSE Sunrise 47 F 1 SSW Tamarac 47 F 3 S Weston 47 F Weston 48 F Miramar 48 F 1 SSE Weston 48 F Fort Lauderdale 48 F 1 WNW Oakland Park 48 F 1 W Fort Lauderdale 48 F 1 E Sunrise 48 F Lauderhill 48 F Plantation 48 F 1 W Hallandale 48 F 2 SW North Perry Airpor 48 F 2 ESE Pembroke Pines 48 F Conservation 48 F Flamingo 48 F Port Everglades South 48 F Fort Lauderdale 49 F Port Everglades 49 F ...Collier County... 2 SSW Bunker Hill 36 F 6 WSW Felda 38 F 8 SE Lehigh Acres 38 F 4 WNW Sunniland 39 F Immokalee 39 F Naples 40 F 1 ESE Immokalee 41 F 1 NW Immokalee 41 F 1 ENE Immokalee 41 F 1 SE Bonita Shores 41 F 2 WNW Quail Creek Estate 41 F 0.8 E Immokalee (WEATHERSTEM 42 F Orange Tree 42 F Honeymoon Raws 42 F 1 NW Bunker Hill 42 F Golden Gate 42 F 1 NE Orange Tree 42 F Panther West 42 F 7 N Orange Tree 43 F Naples Municipal 43 F 1 ENE Lely 43 F 3 N Marco Island 43 F 2 SSW Quail Creek Estate 43 F 1 W East Naples 43 F Fiddlers Creek 43 F Panther East 43 F Fiddlers Creek 43 F Everglades City 44 F Naples 44 F North Naples 44 F Marco Island 44 F 1 S Marco Island 44 F North Naples 44 F 2 SSE Naples 44 F 2 N Naples 44 F Lely 44 F 1 ENE Naples 44 F Vanderbilt Beach 44 F Ochopee Raws 44 F Miles City Raws 44 F Capri 44 F Naples Zoo 44 F 2.8 SE Naples (WEATHERSTEM) 45 F 1 SSE Naples 45 F 1.1 W Ochopee 45 F 1 E Marco Island 45 F Naples 45 F Marco Island 46 F Oasis 46 F Marco Island 47 F Raccoon Point Raws 48 F 1.3 S Lely (WEATHERSTEM) 49 F ...Glades County... 1 W Brighton Seminole 37 F Brighton 37 F Okeechobee 38 F Moore Haven 38 F ...Hendry County... 6 ESE Lehigh Acres 37 F La Belle (WEATHERSTEM) 39 F Flsea_port1 40 F 2 NW Big Cypress Semino 41 F 1 S Felda 42 F ...Miami-Dade County... S. Miami 44 F 2.9 SW Redland (SCAN) 45 F Miami Shores 45 F 1 W Aventura 45 F 1 SSE Liberty City 45 F Miami 46 F North Miami 46 F 1 E Hialeah 46 F Miami Opa Locka 46 F 2 SSW Cutler Ridge 46 F 2 SW Hialeah 46 F Liberty City 46 F Homestead 47 F Coral Gables 47 F Homestead AFB 47 F 2 ESE Country Walk 47 F Opa-Locka 47 F 2 SSE Miami Shores 47 F 1 NW Miami 47 F 2 NNW Naranja 47 F 1 E Miami Internationa 47 F 1 WNW Coral Gables 47 F 1 NE Carol City 47 F Turkey Point 47 F 1.0 SW Coral Gables (WEATHER 48 F 1.6 NW Miami (WEATHERSTEM) 48 F 1.9 NW Coral Way Village (WE 48 F Miami 48 F Miami-Dade 48 F The Hammocks 48 F Pinecrest 48 F Palmetto Bay 48 F Coconut Grove 48 F Miami Tamiami 48 F 2 SE North Miami Beach 48 F 1 ESE Florida City 48 F 1 W Miami Internationa 48 F 1 SSW Miami 48 F North Miami 48 F South Miami 48 F 1.1 E South Miami (WEATHERST 49 F Miami Beach 49 F Coconut Grove 49 F Miami 49 F 1 S Miami Beach 49 F 1 SW Coral Way Village 49 F Miami Beach 49 F Urban 49 F Coral Gables 50 F Surfside 50 F Cache 50 F 2 SSE Doral 50 F Chekika 51 F Key Biscayne 52 F ...Palm Beach County... Loxahatchee 41 F West Palm Beach 41 F Loxahatchee 41 F Wellington 41 F North Palm Beach 41 F 2 N Florida Gardens 41 F Lantana 42 F Jupiter 42 F Royal Palm Beach 42 F Wellington 42 F 2 SW Florida Gardens 42 F 2 S Juno Beach 42 F 2 NNE Palm Beach Gardens 42 F 2 SE Riviera Beach 42 F Boynton Beach 43 F Lantana 43 F Ocean Ridge 43 F Boynton Beach 43 F 2 NE Delray Beach 43 F Lake Worth 43 F West Palm Beach 43 F West Palm Beach 43 F Juno Beach 43 F 1 E Boynton Beach 43 F West Palm Beach 43 F Loxahatchee 43 F 3 NE The Acreage 43 F Riviera Beach 43 F 3 WNW Haverhill 43 F 2 SSW Riviera Beach 43 F Mangonia Park 43 F Oakes Substation 43 F West Palm Beach 43 F 3 WNW Sandalfoot Cove 44 F 1 SSW Boynton Beach 44 F Boynton Beach 44 F Boca Raton 44 F 2 ESE Boca Raton Equestrian 44 F Delray Beach 44 F West Palm Beach 44 F West Palm Beach 44 F Boynton Beach 44 F Boca Raton 44 F Tequesta 44 F West Palm Beach 44 F 0.8 NE Boynton Beach (WEATHE 45 F 1 S Ocean Ridge 45 F 1 W Boca Raton 45 F 1 NE Boca West 45 F 1 WSW Boynton Beach 45 F Delray Beach 45 F 1 ENE Delray Beach 45 F Palm Beach 45 F 1 SW Lake Worth 45 F Boca Raton 45 F Palm Springs 45 F West Palm Beach 45 F 1 WNW West Palm Beach 45 F Boca Raton 45 F 1.0 N Boca Raton (WEATHERSTE 46 F 1 WNW Boca West 46 F Boca Raton 46 F 1.1 N Boca Raton (WEATHERSTE 47 F Riviera Beach 47 F 1.2 SW Boca Raton (WEATHERST 48 F Delray Beach 48 F Boynton Beach 48 F Pahokee 48 F ...Maritime Stations... Juno Beach Pier 44 F Lantana Palm Bea 45 F Lake Worth Pier, FL 45 F Boynton Beach 45 F Naples, FL 46 F Dania Pier 47 F Morningside Park 47 F 1.3 NE Miami (WEATHERSTEM) 48 F 2 NE Dania Beach 48 F Hillsboro Inlet 49 F Dodge Island 50 F Biscayne Bay Harbor Pilots 50 F Dinner Key Light 1 50 F Virginia Key, FL 51 F Biscayne Bay Light 20 52 F 7 SSE Key Biscayne 54 F Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  623 NOUS46 KLOX 101939 PNSLOX CAZ034>041-044>046-051>054-059-087-088-547>550-110733- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 1133 AM PST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...PEAK WIND GUSTS FOR THE PAST 6 HOURS... Location Speed Time/Date Elevation (ft.) ...Ventura County Coastal Valleys... E Simi Vly Cochran (SCE) 47 MPH 0620 AM 01/10 1144 Sce S Mountain Lookout Rd 43 MPH 0520 AM 01/10 701 Happy Camp Rd (SCE) 43 MPH 0710 AM 01/10 1216 Miller Ranch 38 MPH 0709 AM 01/10 836 Long Cyn (SCE) 38 MPH 0530 AM 01/10 852 Wiley Ridge RAWS 38 MPH 0649 AM 01/10 1645 Deer Creek Canyon 36 MPH 0503 AM 01/10 1235 Bixby Rd (SCE) 36 MPH 0640 AM 01/10 870 Sandstone Peak ALERT 35 MPH 0830 AM 01/10 3109 South Mtn (SCE) 35 MPH 0540 AM 01/10 1979 ...San Luis Obispo County Mountains... Mt. Lowe 37 MPH 0540 AM 01/10 2627 ...San Luis Obispo County Central Coast... Toro Creek (PGE) 36 MPH 0750 AM 01/10 1203 ...Los Angeles County San Fernando Valley... Browns Cyn (SCE) 49 MPH 0530 AM 01/10 1590 Porter Ranch RAWS 39 MPH 0648 AM 01/10 1979 Sce Santa Susana Pass Rd 36 MPH 0720 AM 01/10 424 ...Los Angeles County Mountains excluding the Santa Monica Range... Letteau Motorway (SCE) 40 MPH 0720 AM 01/10 3245 Magic Mtn Truck Trl (SCE) 37 MPH 0740 AM 01/10 4482 Warm Springs RAWS 36 MPH 0553 AM 01/10 4930 ...Santa Cruz and Anacapa Islands... Santa Cruz Island Central 38 MPH 0528 AM 01/10 75 Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$ Stewart  293 NOUS45 KRIW 102145 PNSRIW WYZ011-020-022-110000- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Riverton WY 245 PM MST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...Casper NOAA Weather Radio is back in service... Casper NOAA Weather Radio station WXM-47 operating on a frequency of 162.400 Megahertz serving Natrona County and Converse County is back on the air. We apologize for any inconvenience that the outage caused. $$  238 NOUS44 KFWD 102209 PNSFWD TXZ091>095-100>107-115>123-129>135-141>148-156>162-174-175-110947- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 347 PM CST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...Peak Snowfall Reports Received as of 4:00 PM CST... Since snow has continued falling for much of the area after these snow reports were received, totals are potentially higher in places than the values below reflect. We will likely have final storm total snowfall values tonight or tomorrow morning. Location Amount Time/Date Lat/Lon ...Texas... ...Anderson County... 1 ENE Palestine 3.0 in 0328 PM 01/10 31.76N/95.63W ...Bell County... 2 NW Temple 4.0 in 0200 PM 01/10 31.12N/97.39W 1 WSW Salado 2.8 in 0305 PM 01/10 30.94N/97.54W Belton 2.0 in 0110 PM 01/10 31.06N/97.46W 3 N Killeen 1.5 in 1230 PM 01/10 31.14N/97.72W ...Bosque County... 8 WSW Valley Mills 7.5 in 1145 AM 01/10 31.63N/97.60W 7 SE Glen Rose 4.8 in 1200 PM 01/10 32.17N/97.66W Clifton 4.0 in 1105 AM 01/10 31.79N/97.57W ...Comanche County... 1 N De Leon 6.5 in 1220 PM 01/10 32.12N/98.54W Comanche 5.0 in 1246 PM 01/10 31.90N/98.60W Gustine 3.0 in 1248 PM 01/10 31.85N/98.40W ...Coryell County... 1 WSW Gatesville 4.5 in 0130 PM 01/10 31.44N/97.74W 11 W Gatesville 2.0 in 0915 AM 01/10 31.44N/97.92W ...Eastland County... 1 NE Cisco 7.5 in 1244 PM 01/10 32.39N/98.97W Eastland 5.5 in 1036 AM 01/10 32.40N/98.81W ...Erath County... 1 E Stephenville 8.0 in 1245 PM 01/10 32.22N/98.20W 10 WSW Glen Rose 6.8 in 1100 AM 01/10 32.16N/97.91W 12 ESE Stephenville 4.8 in 1049 AM 01/10 32.16N/98.03W 6 WSW Tolar 4.5 in 1240 PM 01/10 32.36N/98.02W ...Freestone County... 1 NW Fairfield 1.0 in 0133 PM 01/10 31.73N/96.18W ...Hamilton County... 1 SSW Hamilton 7.0 in 0113 PM 01/10 31.69N/98.13W Hico 6.0 in 1247 PM 01/10 31.99N/98.03W ...Hill County... 1 NW Hillsboro 6.0 in 0320 PM 01/10 32.01N/97.13W Whitney 4.0 in 1017 AM 01/10 31.96N/97.32W ...Hood County... 1 W Granbury 7.0 in 0200 PM 01/10 32.44N/97.80W ...Johnson County... Alvarado 3.8 in 1245 PM 01/10 32.41N/97.21W 1 NW Joshua 3.5 in 1222 PM 01/10 32.47N/97.39W 1 ENE Cleburne 3.0 in 0100 PM 01/10 32.36N/97.39W ...Leon County... 2 SW Centerville 1.0 in 0135 PM 01/10 31.24N/96.00W ...Limestone County... 6 S Mexia 2.5 in 0215 PM 01/10 31.59N/96.48W ...McLennan County... 1 ESE Woodway 4.8 in 0155 PM 01/10 31.49N/97.22W 1 N Hewitt 4.0 in 0127 PM 01/10 31.47N/97.20W 4 NW Waco 3.5 in 1153 AM 01/10 31.61N/97.23W ...Mills County... 10 W Evant 3.0 in 1125 AM 01/10 31.48N/98.32W ...Navarro County... Blooming Grove 3.0 in 0247 PM 01/10 32.10N/96.72W 1 NNE Corsicana 2.0 in 0247 PM 01/10 32.09N/96.46W ...Palo Pinto County... 1 W Palo Pinto 4.0 in 1052 AM 01/10 32.77N/98.31W ...Parker County... 2 W Weatherford 2.5 in 1126 AM 01/10 32.76N/97.80W ...Somervell County... 1 SW Glen Rose 5.5 in 1213 PM 01/10 32.22N/97.78W Glen Rose 4.0 in 1220 PM 01/10 32.23N/97.75W 6 ENE Glen Rose 4.0 in 1250 PM 01/10 32.26N/97.65W ...Stephens County... Breckenridge 4.0 in 1028 AM 01/10 32.76N/98.91W ...Tarrant County... 2 ESE Crowley 3.0 in 1218 PM 01/10 32.57N/97.33W 2 SW Edgecliff 2.0 in 1158 AM 01/10 32.63N/97.37W 3 N Edgecliff 1.0 in 0130 PM 01/10 32.70N/97.34W Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$  003 NOUS44 KEWX 102249 PNSEWX TXZ171>173-183>194-202>209-217>225-228-111049- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 449 PM CST Sun Jan 10 2021 ...SNOWFALL REPORTS... Location Amount Time/Date Provider ...Texas... ...Blanco County... 3 SE Cypress Mill 1.4 in 0420 PM 01/10 Cocorahs ...Burnet County... 12 NE Tow 4.5 in 0320 PM 01/10 Public 3 E Burnet 3.0 in 0255 PM 01/10 Public Bertram 3.0 in 0155 PM 01/10 Cocorahs 6 N Burnet 2.7 in 0230 PM 01/10 Law Enforcement Marble Falls 1.0 in 0139 PM 01/10 Cocorahs ...Comal County... 2 SSW Canyon Lake 0.5 in 0341 PM 01/10 Public 5 WNW New Braunfels 0.3 in 0226 PM 01/10 NWS Employee ...Hays County... 2 SSW Buda 1.0 in 0334 PM 01/10 Public Driftwood 1.8 NNE 1.0 in 0230 PM 01/10 COCORAHS ...Kendall County... Boerne 15.2 N 1.0 in 1200 PM 01/10 COCORAHS ...Lee County... Fedor 2.2 in 0248 PM 01/10 Public ...Llano County... 5 S Llano 2.0 in 1110 AM 01/10 Public Horseshoe Bay 1.0 in 0200 PM 01/10 Emergency Mngr ...Travis County... 6 NE Austin 4.5 in 0423 PM 01/10 Public Pflugerville 4.0 in 0250 PM 01/10 Public 3 E Pflugerville 3.8 in 0435 PM 01/10 Public 1 SE Wells Branch 3.3 in 0345 PM 01/10 Public 4 NE Pflugerville 3.1 in 0153 PM 01/10 Emergency Mngr 3 SW Pflugerville 3.0 in 0410 PM 01/10 Public 3 ENE Pflugerville 2.7 in 0200 PM 01/10 Cocorahs 1 SSW Jollyville 2.5 in 0420 PM 01/10 Public 5 W Coupland 2.5 in 0104 PM 01/10 Emergency Mngr 3 SSW Jollyville 2.2 in 0200 PM 01/10 CO-OP Observer 2 S Sunset Valley 2.0 in 0420 PM 01/10 Public 2 WSW Lost Creek 2.0 in 0106 PM 01/10 Public 3 NNW Austin 1.5 in 0300 PM 01/10 Official NWS Obs Austin 2.8 N(Allandale) 1.5 in 0230 PM 01/10 COCORAHS 4 N Austin 1.5 in 0140 PM 01/10 Public ...Williamson County... 1 SSW Leander 6.0 in 0420 PM 01/10 Public Jarrell 6.0 in 0410 PM 01/10 Emergency Mngr 4 ENE Round Rock 5.3 in 0305 PM 01/10 Public Leander 4.5 in 0302 PM 01/10 Cocorahs 3 NE Round Rock 4.0 in 0252 PM 01/10 Public 3 NNW Georgetown Dam 3.6 in 0230 PM 01/10 Public Georgetown 3.5 in 0300 PM 01/10 Emergency Mngr Hutto 3.0 in 0336 PM 01/10 Public 5 ESE Liberty Hill 3.0 in 0300 PM 01/10 Public 3 N Round Rock 3.0 in 1245 PM 01/10 Trained Spotter Georgetown 6.7 NNW 2.9 in 0420 PM 01/10 COCORAHS 2 ESE Leander 2.5 in 0208 PM 01/10 Public 1 NNW Jollyville 2.0 in 0133 PM 01/10 Public 2 ESE Georgetown 2.0 in 1207 PM 01/10 Public Round Rock 1.7 in 0123 PM 01/10 Public 1 S Taylor 1.5 in 1245 PM 01/10 Emergency Mngr 1 W Jollyville 1.3 in 1250 PM 01/10 Trained Spotter Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$